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The Cub
Vol. 48, No. 2, JAN, 1992
See you there at the 46th Annual Reunion August 27 - 30, 1992
Here's what has been happening in the Association....
Our membership on this date, January 25, 1992, stands at 1,547. The 45th Annual Reunion at Pittsburgh should be one with a record attendance.
Joseph Maloney, Chairman of our 1992 Reunion (412-335-6104), advises the dates of the reunion are August 27, 28, 29, 30, 1992. The VISTA HOTEL, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will welcome early arrivals at convention rates. By die lime you read this, the registration forms for the 1992 Reunion will be in the mail. Before getting too excited about the registration fee, look at what it covers. Previously, we have stated a registration fee with optional entertainment add-ons. This year, the fee includes almost all entertainment It is equal to what you spent in prior years for registration and add-ons. Please make your reservation promptly upon receipt of the forms. There are several commitments which the Reunion Committee Chairman must make prior to the commencement 1'= reunion. All involve substantial sums of money. The desire is to make the
Iments .accurate possible. If we over-estimate, we are forced to any for the no-shows.
Your standing committees are continuing their work on your behalf. The Nomination Committee, chaired by Edward Prewett (510-634-3082) is putting together a slate of officers to be voted on in August. Frank Trautman, Chairman of the Scholarship Committee (216-247-8416) and his committee are busy on scholarship awards. Dr. John Robb, Chairman of the Memorial Committee (814-333-6364), is in contact with the people at St. Vith regarding the memorial there. He is also abreast of the Camp Atterbury Memorial and its planned dedication on August 15. Joseph Massey, Chairman of the Resolutions Committee (205-681-1701), will provide the resolutions to be voted upon by you.
Please make such contributions as you cm towards the completion of the 106th Division Camp Atterbury Memorial. Checks payable to Camp Atterbury Veterans Memorial Association should be sent to Dr. John Robb, 238 Devore Drive, Meadville, PA 16335. See Memorial pictures and article on page 40 of this CUB.
I am looking forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh.
Michael Thome, president
106th Infantry Division Association
106th 1401,, Division Association Pr0itteht
Michael N moos - 1991102
Headquarters 4220 1100101 - I,, Battalion
As we look back across the sands of time, we see footprints.--
We were returning home from spending Christmas in Atlanta with our children, at the gas station in Augusta the man in the car ahead said "I looked at your license plate and }mow that you are in a much better place than you were forty-seven years ago." He had looked at my 106th plate and seen the "Battle of the Bulge" on it.
Oddly, this was the second time within a week that someone had reminded me of how much better off I was at Christmas 1991 than I had been forty-seven years ago. Neither of these people knew that in the Christmas Season of 1944 1 was a P.O.W. in Germany. Both were referring to the fact that in that long ago Christmas I had been involved with thousands of others fighting in the cold of Germany in what we know now as The Battle of the Bulge. As I drove away from the gas station, in Augusta, resuming our trip back to Bishopville, the words of both these people stirred my memories. Not just memories of the Christmas Season of 1944, but of the many Christmas Seasons since.
As I drove along thinking about these things, I couldn't help reflect on how much better off all en 106ers had been over the span of those forty-seven years. I know that we have all experienced some tough times over the period of years, but how fortunate all 9 us have survived the years in between.
As I looked back over my own life I was reminded of some lines from the poem Footprints. The author is looking back across the years which stretch behind, like a sandy beach. As he m she looks back it is noted that while much of the journey through life shows two sets of footprints, there are times when there is only a single set. Bothered by what is seen, the author speaks out to God thusly, "Lord, you said that you would walk with me all the way, but I notice that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why you'd leave me when I needed you most." The Lord replied, "During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."
I couldn't help but wonder how many of us looking back would see many times when there was only the one set of footprints in our lives. I venture to say that one of those times would have been during those dark days of the Christmas Season in 1944.
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;" (Psalm 23.4a)
May our God continue to wall, with each of as throughout 1992, carrying as on his shoulders now, as I am certain he did then, when the going gets too hard for us to make it without his extra special help.
Reverend Ewell C Black Jr, Chaplain
100 h Infantry Division Association
21212idps St, Bishopoille, SC 29010
From the editor's outpost....
New Mail Address -- EDITOR
John P. Kline, CUB editor
5401 U. 147th St. West
Apple Valley, MN 55124
I have closed the P.O. Box formerly listed on the inside cover of the CUB. I am still getting mail through my Post Office Box address. Please make a note of the new address. It also appears on the inside cover of each CUB.
To you gracious contributors:
All contributions of material are appreciated. Due to space, and time of year when other matters must be published, it is impossible for me to place each and every diary, story, photo in the CUB. If your article does not appear it is not because the material was poor. It is just a
net of space and time.
Some material received is many pages long. Each page of the CUB uses approximately 450-500 words. If there are pictures, then they increase the total amount of space available. You might keep that in mind when you compose a story.
You might ask - what is my priority. There are certain "standard" items that are in each CUB. The cover ischosen to fit the time of year, or the mood of a story within the CUB. The inside cover is "boilerplate"material of corporation officers and addresses. The president's and chaplain's message take the first two pages. Next in importance is the announcement of "New Members.- for that's what the CUB is about, to bring former comrades together. Then comes our regular contributors, like Dan Bied, Geo Levine, Dale Carver. If I have a "Feature Story" like photos and a story of revisiting Europe etc., then I try to fit that in.
The Mail Bag is used as a flexible scale. If I have too much material I trim it. I left 8 pages of Mail Bag out of the last issue, and hardly got any new Mail Bag material in this issue.
Many of you do not realize it, but in some years past, The CUB was down in size from four to twenty-six pages, depending on the year. The editor's of the past did a fantastic job with little material. I have not had the scourge of "not having enough material."
Thanks for your patience. If I have material that you want back, let me !mow. Better yet, write a message, with your name and address right on the material. I have missed some material because there was no ind ication on the material as to who owned it. The CUB editor always assumes that any material he receives becomes Association property. unless otherwise stated. Material of "historical value" is passed on to our Historian, Sherod Collins after it is used in the CUB.
Booklet Missing
A book containing memoribilia and experiences of the men of the 81st Combat Engineers was mis-placed in the lobby of the Huntsville Hotel at the 1991 Reunion. Please, if you have this booklet contact John Collins - #22, Friendly Acres, 2779 W. 8th St., YUMA, AZ 85364 or me John Kline, editor, my address is on the inside front cover of this magazine
Extra Copies Available
The CUB Passes in Review is still available. An additional supply of books was printed. Available at $15.00 until that supply is depleted. Buy a couple and put them in your local library. Sign them and become a local contributor to history. Several have already done so.
See Don Whitner's story, this issue.
The 106th Prepared Me for the Rest of My Life
by Dan Died, 427/A
151 Holiday Terrace
West Burlington, IA 52655
My routine, at age 66, includes an hour of walking each morning at an enclosed shopping mall near our home. I've been doing this, seven days a week, for nearly three years. I'd developed a heart problem after I retired in 1987 and my cardiologist told me to take three pills a day to control my blood pressure, and to exercise.
So far so good. My weight is 13 pounds below what it was when ! retired, there is noshortness of breath and my leg muscles give me no problem at all. Also, there has been no reoccurrence of severe knee pain I had for a while when I was loafing around during my first year of retirement. It was arthritis, according to my doctor, and regular exercise is apparently a good thing for old geezers like me. Arthritis, I learned can hurt like being hit by a shovel or a baseball bat.
Naturally, I recall a lot of things about our experiences in the 106th when I am walking in the mall. Some of the guys I walk with are former GIs. We swap war stories, of course.
I didn't do anything heroic. But I do fel" about the bombing mid a lot of us endure at Koblenz, where a huge building some of us were in felt as if it would cave in on top of us. I also like to tell about mining coal south of Berlin at a town called Sandersdorf, the 100-mile march to Limburg and the box-car ride, that was even worse than the march, from Limburg to Stalag 1V-B.
A while back another guy and I got talking about our war inedals.1 have more than I think I deserve, including a Purple Heart for frozen feet, a Bronze Star for nothing in particular, three battle stars and some others. My wife asked me why I didn't have my medals when we saw a display of them in London. My congressman told me how to go about it and after waiting several months, they came in the mail.
The medals are nice to have, though I've only shown them to a few people. Perhaps I really do deserve them. The Army sets the criteria and who am I to argue with the Pentagon?
Whenever I can I put in a good word for the 106th. Ifs not like bragging up the First Division or Iowa's National Guard outfit, the 34t1r. But I think just being there, and following orders was an ordeal. If they gave medals for taking crap off sergeants, the way I did from one of them at Camp Atterbury Ore's not a member of our association!), I'd also rate a medal for that.
We could have had better leadership at Ore top of the 106th, in my opinion. There were some excellent sergeants in our company, such as Dick McKee, Carlos Weber, Gene Schmalzried and McAdoo Williamson. Mostly, though, I feel empathy for the buck privates. But not of the point of self-pity.
I'm not really disgruntled. I'm proud to have served in an infantry division up
Omni And I'm convinced that all the walking I did with the 106th (the worst of it for me was in Indiana that torrid summer) is paying dividends now in my "Golden Years."
Everyone who served in World War II has experiences to remember.
Few of them did what we did in the 106th, however. Hardly any of them earned the tribute we got from Ike him- self, when after a visit to Camp Lucky Strike:
He wrote that we had all "undergone privation beyond the imagination of the normal human."
We, thanks to John Kline and our Association, keep in touch as time goes by. Being in the 106th hardened me, one way or another, for what was coming the rest of my life D
CUB Laughs by George Levine 424/M
" It's a book about 'THE BULGE.'
So far all he's written is 'It was a frosty day in December.'"
New Members
Baker III, William C. ASSOCIATE 305 Kent Rd Nashville, TN 37214
My father was W.C. Baker, Jr. Chief of Staff for the 106th Infantry Division. I am Lt. Col. USAR (Ret) now working as Curator of Military History at the Tennessee State Museum in Nashville, Tennessee.
(Editors Note - Colonel, we are happy to have you with us. Your father was a well respected officer. I hear nothing but praise for him and his dedication to the 106th.
Welcome Aboard... J. Kline)
Berger, Luther 423/HQ, 1361 Biafore Ave, Bethlehem, PA 18107
Sam Davis who submitted this new member says "He was my Master Sergeant in Headquarters Company Communications Platoon." Welcome back to the 106th Sergeant Berger... J. Kline
BernInghaus, Delbert W. 422/C, Rte 1, Box 69, West Bend, IA 50597
I joined the Division six weeks before we shipped out.
I am a farmer. My hobbies, raising wild life, anything is fun. I sing solo at the Lutheran Church in West Bend.
I was in the box-cars, locked in like animals, when we were strafed by American planes. I was the guy who went through a window and unlocked the box-cars so we could form a POW - USA in the snow.
I escaped from the Germans and joined with an American tank outfit. This was later towards the end when we were being marched. I told the
tank group where the marching column was. Even though the time we spent as prisoners was only a short time - it felt like it lasted five years.
Brendlinger, Robert I. 423/HQ, 1304 Noble Ct. El Corrito, CA 94530
Burns, John H. 106 SIG, 2505 W. Macon Decatur, IL 62522
Gil Helwig, I was quite surprised to see that The CUB was still being printed. I received an application from A. B. Waters of Duncan Oklahoma, which I have completed and am including a check for the LIFE MEMBERSHIP.
I belonged to the Association from '46 to '59. The last issue I received was #16 for Sept-Oct 1959. was under the impression that it w discontinued. I am copying the forms and sending them to other 106 Signal Company men.
I recently closed up an Automotive Parts business and retired. My wife and I have done a little traveling and enjoy our daughter and family who live nearby.
Robert Boland (106 Signal) and wife and my wife get together on the 16th of December for dinner and reminisce on the Bulge Anniversary.
(Editor's Note - As you now know, The CUB Is very much alive. Many of Its important and interesting stories have been reprinted in a 496 page book (four color cover 8.5 x 10 inches) entitled The Cub of the Golden Lion Passes in Review. The cost including shipping is $15.00 while the supply lasts. There were 1820 printed and less than 100 are in stock. Many members have ordered extras
New Members
tor family or have placed books in local libraries in memory of buddies or husbands who have passed away.
As you will note in this issue - there are a large number of December Commemoration get-to-gathers throughout the United Slates. Maybe you and your buddy can attend one of those next year... J. Kline)
Caracozza, Charles M. 423/M, 73 Morrissee Ave Walling., NJ 07057
Since liberated in 1945 and discharged, I have worked for Becton Dickinson for 36 years. Retired in 1984. I still keep in touch with a few M Company men, Lou Edeleman, Sal DeFelice, Paul Kotlarich, and Ed McGrew. John Kline, our editor, of the 423rd has kept me up to date during the last few years. I am a widower.
(Editors Note - Charlie, you will note that
I including you there are 3 new "M" Co., 423rd members in this column this time. That makes "M" Company 423rd Regiment, with 33 Assodation members, the second largest single unit in the Association outside of Headquarters 423rd Regiment who have 34 members. That's fantastic. There were only 7 "M" Company members when I joined in 1987. Nice to see you with us... J. Kline)
Dalton, James V. 423/G, 12205 Benson Chino, CA 91710
I entered active service 10 March 1943. I was sent direct to Fort Jackson where the 106th had recently been activated. I was among the first group assigned to Weapons Platoon, "G" Company, 423rd Regiment. I remained with "G" Company through the Battle of the Bulge after which a re-grouping took place and I was assigned to "A" Co.. 423rd. I remained with "A" Co., 423rd until we were shipped to the U.S.A. on 20 Sept 1945.
I am a member of the VFW, American Legion and have served as a member of the POST HONOR GUARD for the past 8 years. Would appreciate hearing from any member of "G" Company, 423rd or any other 106er.
Donovan, Francis D. 422/B, 148 No. Beacon St. Walertovm, MA 02172
Spent 35 years in Casualty Insurance business - presently acting as a self-employed Insurance Consultant. I am married with 9 children and 11 grandchildren. My hobbies are Youth Activities (Hockey-Baseball) and Golf.
Evans, Wilbur D. 591/SV, 1328 W. Davis St. Burlington, NC 27215
Fletcher, Billy E. 424/AT, 2650 Frink St Scranton, PA 18504
Yes, I would like to join the Association. I would also like a copy of the CUB Passes in Review. The money is enclosed.
I was with the Division from Day one, Fort Jackson, Tennessee maneuvers, Camp Atterbury then on to Camp Myles Standish. Than we went overseas on the Aquitania arriving in Scotland then to Banbury Cross where we were supplied with our equipment. We left there to cross the channel via an LST to LeHavre, France then on up to the front lines.
I was a jeep driver for the Exec
New Members
Officer, Lt. George Michner. We went on to the Siegfried Line December 2nd 1944. From that point on we somehow made it through the whole deal. A lot of good times and a lot of bad. In July of '45 the list came out and I was on it. We went to Camp Top Hat, Belgium. Left Antwerp the 1st part of August. The war in the Pacific ended when we were one day out of New York. I was home in late August and discharged from Fort Indian Town Gap November 10, 1945.
Hilliard, Marion E. 422/C
I heard about the Association through Robert Jerick of Elmira, New York.
Box 190 (Oak Island) Long Beach, NC 28465
Married to Helen Homesley in Washington, D.C. on June 6, 1943. Two children, Linda H. Yoskey of Raleigh, N.C., Jerry Edward Hilliard of Fayetteville, Arkansas.
I was employed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation from August 17, 1942 until May 8, 1979. Employed by the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts from January 1983 until January 1, 1991.
On military leave from the FBI from October 1943 until January 1, 1945.
Taken prisoner on 12-19-1944, marched to Gerolstein, a small town near Priim, where we were loaded into box-cars. On December 23-we were bombed by the British. I w lodged in a Slaughter House in Dresden, Germany. After the bombing of Dresden on February 13 and 14th, 1945 I was moved to a camp with South Africans on the Kesseldorfer Strasse leading westward out of Dresden. Near the end of the war I was moved up into the Erzhebirge Mountains on the border of Czechoslovakia. I was liberated by the Russians near a small village just over the border from Czechoslovakia. We went to an American Air Base in Plzen (Pilsen), Czechoslovakia. Traveled by C-47 to a hospital near LeHavre, France.
Harmeling, Henry 422/K, Montserrat Rd. Beverly, MA 0191
(Editor's Note - Captain Henry Harmelleg was the CO at 422/K. His application was sent to him by Hampton Dailey a 422/K mem - be, Welcome back to the 106th Captain Harmeling... J. Wine)
Hawkins, Harold W. 423/D
4935 So. 129th St Omaha, NE 68137
I was drafted into the 17th Airborne in April '43 through Jan '44 -joined the Air Cadets until April 1944 when the program was canceled. I was assigned to the 106th. Captured on December 24, 1944 and liberated April 13, 1945, discharged December 1945.
I worked at Western Electric (A.T.&T.) Lincoln and Omaha Works, Nebraska for 40 years. Retired in '87. I have been married 44 years, 3 sons, 7 grandchildren. My hobbies are outdoor activities, hunting and fishing.
Hinrichs, Don M. 81st ENG/C, 706 Grove St Alton, IL 62002
I would like to compliment those
New Members
that planned the Huntsville Reunion. It was the first I attended with the exception of the first one at Indianapolis Indiana in 1947.
My wife and I had a wonderful time, particularly since there were some of my close buddies attending. I am looking forward to future reunions.
(Editor's Note -Don, the 81st Engineers do it up big - six tables at the Saturday Night Banquet - Welcome... J. Kline)
Jagodzinski, Alexander 423/M, 39500 Warren Rd #I77
Canton, MI 48187
Was with the 106th, "M" Co., 423rd Infantry. Captured December 19, 1944. Received POW tags (#315776) at Stalag IV-B. I recall being with an Australian soldier can't remember his name); also a Idier from Johannesburg, South
ice, whose name was J. J. De-Beer, Stalag IV-B. I may have been transferred to Stalag VII-A.
After discharge returned to my former job at Ford Motor Company where I stayed for 39 and 3/4 years. I was in quality control - Retired 1/1/80.
Was married May 26, 1951 to Lenore. Have three children, two sons, Kenneth and Daniel and one daughter, Lori Anne. We have nine grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. We lived 27 years in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, now live in Canton (13.5 years).
I am a life member of VFW Romanowsk: Post 6896 and a member of B.P.O.E. No. 1780 (Plymouth, Michigan).
Enjoy gardening, fishing, camping. Play volleyball three times a week; joined Senior Softball League in summer; swim and play tennis, bicycle and walking! In my spare time, if there is any left, I get involved with the grandkids, babysitting; hockey; music and dance recitals; modeling etc. Also like to travel.
(Editors Note - Alexander, or do they still call you "Jago" - it is with a lot of pleasure that I welcome you because as you know, I was also a member of 423/M. You have lived a full fife, as per your letter. You have received from me a list of the "M" Company men the 32 that belong to the Association as well as the six who do not belong - Welcome back... J. nine)
Kline, Dale F. ASSOCIATE, One Mont auk PI. Madison, WI 53711
Thanks Dale.
(Editor's Note - Dale, number two son, is in Insurance. He has one son who just returned to Germany after a 30 day leave. It was nice to see him at Christmas. He is with the 4th CAVALRY SCOUT PLATOON. I asked him what a SCOUT did - he said, 'We seek out the enemy and tell the flyboys and the artillery where to hit them."
I am proud to announce that my three sons, Dale, Brad and Ted - the three nines appearing at this point in the column - have joined our association as Assodate members. I hope that some day I might be able to introduce them, in person, to you If you thought one nine was enough - you now have four... J. nine)
Kline, James B. ASSOCIATE, 3342 Twin Lake Rd Little Canada, MN 55110
Thanks Brad.
(Editor's Note - Brad, number Area son, is the outdoor sportsman of the Kline family. He, along with Ted, following, works for the
New Members
Cray Corporation, who build the fastest computers in the world. It was Ted and Brad who got me Involved in Personal Computers back In 1978. Little did I know then, that I would use the new found knowledge to produce The CUB magazine for my old Infantry DiWsion. Brad lives about 28 minutes north of me. Little Canada Is a suburb a few miles north of St. Paul... J. Igine)
Kline, John T. ASSOCIATE, 14115 Garden View Cr Apple Valley, MN 55124
Thanks Ted.
(Edtor's Note - Ted, number one son, was nine months old when I returned home after being released from the German Stalag system. He has three sons, Todd, Sean and Michael - in order oldest to youngest. They live about 4 miles from me in Apple Valley, Minnesota. Ted, as I mentioned above, works for the Cray Corporation. He and Brad previously worked with Urban and Uni-Sys. So there you have the Kline men - there has never been a Kline girl since my father's sister The will be 91 In March). Long live the Kline's - excuse my editorial prerogatives... J. Kline)
Kontos, Afhan G. 422/D, 17 Fort George Hill New York, NY 10040
LoCurcio, Jr, Vincent 423/M, 571 Prospect St Nutley, NJ 07110
I was in 423/M Co. from the Division's inception in March of 1943 until September of 1944. I left at that time and was assigned to the 37th Infantry Division in the Pacific Theater.
I recently attended a regional reunion of the 423rd and the 81st here in New Jersey at the urging of my good friend Roy Fava, 81st Engineers "C" Company.
Although I did not serve overseas with the 106th, I still have many friends and many fond memories of the 106th at Fort Jackson and Camp Atterbury.
(Editor's Note - Vince, as a 423/M man I welcome you along with Jagodzinski and Charlie Caracozza, new members in this column, who were also "M" 423rd men... J. thee)
Martz, Louis H. 424/UNIT?, 6148 Round Lake Rd., So. Jacksonville, FL 32211
I joined the 106th late in the war as an Infantryman. Rushed through the. Basic Infantry training in the States and then the Replacement Depot (Rep! Depot) as a rifleman.
Retired from Department of Defense as a Logistics Management Specialist. Spend a lot of time visiting eight grandchildren, includitt two sets of twins.
Matlock, William 424/M
Rte 3, Box 132 McEwen, TN 37101
I would like to join the Association. I joined the 106th in December 1944 as a replacement.
McHugh, Francis D. 422/AT
223 Seminole Dr. Boulder, CO 80303
Retire AT&T • Married - two grown children two grandchildren.
Messineo, Joseph P. 81st ENG/B, 118 Stevenson Ave, Beverly, NJ 08010
I received information about the Association from John Gallagher at the Cranford, New Jersey Reunion
on November 16th.
Unfortunately I lost touch with the Division's events since the last reunion I attended was in the 50's in Atlantic City, New Jersey. I hope to attend the Pittsburgh Reunion.
(Edtor's Note - Thanks to Gallagher we got you back. Wasn't that a nice get-together that Carl Messina sponsored in Cranford? It's getting bigger all the time... J. Kline)
Moran, John J. DIVARTY/MED
65 Franklin St Milton, MA 02186
I would appreciate receiving a roster of the members, if possible.
(Editor's Note - John, you timed it just right! Along with the Welcome Letter, that I always send each new member, I sent you a copy of the last CUB and a copy of the annual roster which usually is sent in July. Along with those Items I sent you a current list of
11111en in the Division Artillery and a sheet khowirg some Battle of the Bulge statistics and a list of known books about the battle. Again, Welcome back to the 106th... J. Kline)
Munce, John F. 424/M, 141 Daffy Dr, Mounlam Horne, AR 72653
Nardone, Louis V. 423/G, 123 Hazle SI Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
Naslund, Jack C. 423/G, 3831 Surrey Rd Toledo, OH 43615
I served in the Weapons Platoon both as a mortar gunner and also company driver. Taken prisoner December 19, 1944 and was with a work group in what is now East Ger many, the same one that Walter Adams was with. Liberated April 14, 1945 and discharged November 5, 1945 at Camp Hood, Texas.
I went back to Hobart College, graduating June of '47. Was an assistant instructor there (there is no lower title) of Physics at Hobart following graduation. The greatest benefit was free admission to all sporting events. I was with Hamilton & Clark, Inc. at Wilson, New York from 1948 through 1989, the last two years part-time. The firm operated a rather fine furniture store and a funeral home. From 1958 until retirement in 1987 I served as its president and was also the owner.
My principal hobby the past twenty years was flying, having a Commercial License with an Instrument Rating. Lost my physical a couple of years ago, so that is in the past.
My wife Mary and I enjoy traveling and have had many fine trips from coast to coast in our motor-home. This is an activity that we pursue actively.
I have two daughters and a son, and my wife, Mary, has a daughter and a son and between us, nine grandchildren.
I am looking forward to renewing friendships at the next reunion in Pittsburgh.
(Editor's Note -Jack, Thanks for they.), nice letter. It seems that is was very popular in the past to connect a furniture store and a funeral parlor. I have a close Mend who had the same combination in a small town in Wisconsin. He was also an aviator, flying a small yellow Piper CUB.
In later years when I reached 55 years of age (1980), I just tamed 67 on January 10, 1992 - this is the 11th in which I am typing
this comment- I took up flying. Earned the same ratings as you and tacked on a Single Engine Land Instructors Rating, although I never practiced in that capacity, except with friends and in the Civil Air Patrol. It's a joy to be above the clouds and I miss it tremendously. Last time I flew was in 1986. I have about 950 hours and at are time owned a Cessna RG-182. Flying got too expensive and when I moved up in the Minneapolis area In 1986 my work also kept me from it. I had a couple of 'Instrument" experiences that humbled me (the old adage is 'Just because your current, doesn't mean you are sharp'), but we can talk about that another time. Good luck to you and your wife - Travel safely and stay Happy, just like your letter reflects... J. Kline)
Orman, William M. 81st ENG/C
Rte 2 Box 86A Ashland, MS 38603
I was with the 106th from the start to the finish. My wife, Ina Faye, and I attended the Huntsville, Alabama Reunion this last September.
Pasquale, Mrs. Pauline, ASSOCIATE, PO Box 1403 Torrington, CT 06790
Post, Lawrence W. 422/H, 4510 Goldfinch Dr Madison, WI 53714
My war experiences are somewhat vague at this time, but I do remember setting our machine gun up on a hill and being hit in the right leg with shrapnel, which turned out to be two small pieces in my right thigh. After being captured I remember marching through the city of Koblenz. The bridge over the Rhine was full of holes from bombings. We were put into box-care for further transportation into Germany.
We were locked in the box-cars and during our trip we parked in a railroad yard and Allied fighter planes strafed us. I don't know how many there were but quite a few were killed and wounded. I spent most of my time as a POW in HALLE Germany. We mostly cleaned up bombed houses and buried civilians.
After being discharged I worked for Oscar Mayer Company for about eight years, then for Roberston Transportation delivering freight in the city of Madison, Wisconsin. I did this for about four years. I then went to work for the University of Wisconsin. I delivered supplies to the dormitories. I did this for 29 years and retired in March 1988.
I have been married to my wife Ginny, for 45 years. We have fle. children and two grandchildren. health is good except for a heart attack in April 1972 and open heart surgery in 1988.
(Editor's Note - Lawrence sorry I missed you when I delivered The CUB Passes in Review to your home while I was visiting my dad in Madison. My good friend, Gil Helwig, 423/M who is our Membership Chairman, was in Halle - maybe you'll get a chance to exchange some experiences with him. He lives in Niles, Michigan and will be reading These comments. I'll catch up with you another time when I am in Madison... J. Kline)
Potter, Raymond E. DIV/HQ,1852 Montclair Dr. Birmingham, AL 35210
Ryan, Joe T. 106 MP
until 1955. I then came to Indian- apolis. My hobbies are golf, hunting 55 Nephme Blvd and fishing. Was happy to receive Neptune, NY 07753 your letter and get the opportunity to join the Association
Salmon, Max E. DIV/HO, 67 E. Arrowhead Thorton, IL 60476
Scalzo, Salvatore A. 422/MED, 712 Hudson Ave Secaucus, NI 07094
Schenk Ill, Charles N. 590/C, 171 Everit St. New Haven, CT 06511
I was a Lieutenant, Forward Observer.
A partner in the Law firm of WigMins & Dana.
Married to Ann Finlag Schenk, five daughters, nine grandchildren.
A founder and Chairman for 25 years of the Long -- Theater, New Haven. A life member of the Committee of Proprietors of the New Haven ---. Past President of the New Haven Board of Education.
Sholfit, Alfred W. 423/HO, Rt. I, Box 96K Seminole, OK 74868
Sherod Collins,
I was given your name by Dick Sparks, former member of the I&R Platoon, 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment. I was also a member of that Platoon. Please sign me on as a member.
Smiley, Donald H. ASSOCIATE, 115 E. Columbia Rd Enola, PA 17025
106th Bulge - I was there. Since then, I opened an Auto and Truck Repair and Service Station - Married. We have two boys.
Smiley, Ross H. 424/HO, 115E Columbia Rd Enola, PA 17025
Swenlin, Victor H. 423/HO 1BN
Shockley, Kenneth W. 423/K 1329 West Oak Rd, Vineland, N108360
939 N. Tecumseh Pl. Indianapolis, IN 46201
I am married. We have two children, a daughter and a son. We have two granddaughters, one is 23 - our daughters child. Our son's daughter is only 18 months old.
I retired from the Postal Service - I worked in light maintenance.
When I left the service in 1945 I returned to Kentucky where I lived
Sziber, Frank V. 81st ENG/C, Bunnvale Rd R2 Box 397 Califon, NI 07830
Enclosed is a check for a LIFE MEMBERSHIP in the 106th Infantry Division Association.
Thul, Frederick W. 422/K, 340 Judge Lane Noah Plainfield, NJ 07063
I was inducted Aug 19, 1943 and sent to Camp Davis, North Carolina. The camp was a training area for Anti-Aircraft Artillery. My background as an engineering student and a machinist-toolmaker, I was placed in the instrument section of the Ordinance Support Company. The 298th Ord. AAA was placed in Portsmouth, England on the English Channel.
I landed in OMAHA BEACH in Normandy, France. Due to the lack of German aircraft the 298th was used to unload ammunition ships into ammo dumps etc. Then we operated salvage yards for German and American equipment from the beach and Normandy.
After the breakthrough at St. Lo we patrolled about 20 miles of the Red Ball Highway. We repaired on the spot or towed into our yard and the cargo was transferred to a standby 6x6 and sent on his way. We followed Patton through France, Paris, Chartre, Verdun to St. Michael, where we patrolled the highway from Southern France to the area of the Battle of the Bulge.
In March 1945 being young and single in an older man's outfit I was shipped back to the Atlantic Coast of France to the battered remains of the 106th Infantry Division. The German submarine pocket bases were captured and then we shipped by cattle train to Germany where we searched houses and did occupation duty around Karlsruhe, Germany. We received new young recruits from
the States and I trained and taught 60mm Mortar. I was a Sgt of a Mortar Squad of 422/K Co.
The. Company was shipped out to the CBI theater except for me and one 2nd Lt. I left Germany in the middle of August 1945 and arrived in New York August 31, 1945 on the QUEEN ELIZABETH. I was discharged at Fort Dix November 17, 1945.
I returned to my father's manufacturing and automotive business and retired January 1, 1991. My four sons are still running the business.
Van Eyck, Manuel F. ASSOCIATE, 12365 Cohasset St N. Hollywood, CA 91605
Dear Mr. Kline,
I received your letter with the material. I thank you very much.
am greatly honored to be accepted a an ASSOCIATE member of the 106th Inf. Div. Association.
Just a few weeks ago I returned from my search trip to Czechoslovakia where I attempted to locate graves of several American infantrymen. I strongly believe I located graves of three men.
I also attempted to find the place where two men from the 106th Infantry Division were killed during a bombing and strafing attack by six Russian aircraft.
This took place on 8 May 1945 near the town of TEPLICE where a small group of former American POW's was marching among the retreating German soldiers and civilians towards American lines near CHEB.
At approximately 1630 hour
Collective graves In Teal., Czechoslovakia. Any person who has any knowledge of the
Russian aircraft attack. please contact MANUEL van EYCK, his phone 818.764-7639
hen the small group of approx. 28 en were near the town of Teplice, six Russian aircraft attacked this section of the highway. During this attack PVT. TONG Y HOM 32654864 of Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 423 Combat Infantry Regiment, 106th Inf. Div. was killed. Pvt Tong was found in a clover field and his back and abdomen had been pierced several times and he must have died instantly.
A short time later men in the group heard someone calling and found PFC CHARLES P. HILL 38385724 who was from Monroe, Louisiana dying from wounds. He was given the best of first aid, but he died about one-half hour later.
Bodies of both American soldiers were left along with many of the Germans who had been killed there too. The remainder of the American p which included THOMAS S. YUKIE and THOMAS BELLI continued in their march and on May 10th reached the first Americans in an area of small village near CHEB, CZECHOSLOVAKIA.
THOMAS S YUKIE changed his name to THOMAS S. YUKIC died several years ago in CHICO, CALIF.
In post war search graves of both HILL and TONG were never found. During my stay in the area of TEPLICE I visited several cemeteries and checked registry books for 1945. In one cemetery I located five collective graves of Germans. I cannot confirm if they were casualties from 8 May 1945. Just as I returned from my trip I received letters from two people who were near the 1945 highway attack and saw the Russian aircraft. One is a women and the second a man. Both described in detail the great panic when the Russian aircraft attacked the retreating German
soldiers and civilians.
I was given exact location where this attack occurred and now could receive more positive answers about cemeteries where the casualties were buried. I was told all dead and wounded were hauled away. My search continues and I would greatly appreciate if you could print my letter with a request that men who were members of the: KOMMANDO B-53 in VILLAGE OF BRANDT-ERBISDORF outside FREIBURG working in the PAUL ROCH SAGERWERKE would contact me and perhaps give me more details about the location of the Russian air attack.
THOMAS BELLI was a member of the 45th DIV (Far Rockway, NY)
The roster you sent showed both both men. HILL was 423/HQ. TONG was 423/1-1Q 3BN.
I am suggestion that members of the 106th Association think about collecting funds for a small metal plaque which would be placed on a tree near the place where both men died. Perhaps something like this:
Golden Lions (badge)
To the Everlasting Memory of PVT TONG Y HOM 32654864 and PFC CHARLES P. HILL 38385724 Killed near-by on 8 May 1945.1 myself was born in 1947 and my military service was done with the 101st AIRBORNE DIVISION, 2/501st INF during the Vietnam War. I served in a position as assistant machine gunner.
I thank you very much for your kind help.
HUNTSVILLE ax. Former POW's of Slaughter House Five in Dresden
get together. L/R Julian Bumside 423/M: Gordon Zicker, 423/HO: George Bloomingburg. 423/I and Jim Mills, 423/1. Photo by Mills,
Donald R.Whitner "K" Co., 422nd Reg.
139 Walnut Street
PO Box 231
Millville, PA 17846-0214
Don has been a busy man. After the CUB Passes in Review was published he decided to donate some of then, to local schools and libraries. The donations were notated with the following words;
'Presented in Honor of Co. F, 422nd Inf., 106th Infantry Division, byDonald Whither".
What a nice gesture and how enthuiastically they were received.
BOOK #1 - To the Columbia County Traveling Library, Bloomsburg, PA.
BOOK #2 - Millville Area High School Library, Millville, PA.
A congratulatory letter was received from Miriam M. Eyer, Librarian.
BOOK #3 - Bloomsburg Area High hoot Library, Bloomsburg, Pa.
BOOK #4 - Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Harvey A. Andruss Library, Bloomsburg, PA.
He received a letter from the Office of the Dean of Library Services -
"I greatly appreciate your visit in the Harvey A. Andruss Library and my office this morning and write to thank you most heartily for the complementary copy of The Cob of the Golden Liow Passes in Review.
I have looked through a manlier of the excerpts pertaining to the 106th hiantry Division and found them engrossing. I am certain that our constituencies will find the book both useful and tremendously interesting.
Thank you again for your generous donation."
J. Daniel Vann, M
Dean of Library Services
School Library
39, Miriam Eyer, Libranan
Bloomsburg Area High School Library
Mr. Claude Barrington, Ms. Linda Steffner and Don
Bloomsburg Univ. of PA. - Harvey A. Andros Library
Mr. J. Daniel Vann, Ill and Don R. Whiner
December 16th Commemoration Parties
Chicago Area
Russell Villwock, 106 Sig, 6908 West Higgins, Chicago, IL 60656 Tele: 312-631-2027
Attending: m/m Adolphson; Ken Blumenschein; Andy Campbell; Ben Carpenter; m/m Denman;
Frank Gombc1z.: m/m Halusek; m/m Hempel; m/m Hill; Hubert Hochstetter, Mildred Holder,
Connie Preto; Mm Kapsalis; m/m Lucsay; Mn/ Meagher; Mike Mueller; Howard Niemitz; m/m Panne;
m/m Rydzinski; Frank von Schwedler; m/m Slreib; m/m Swier; Mm Villwock and m/m Zak
On December 7, the day that will live in infamy, stated by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, form members of the 106th Infantry Division, of the Chicago area, remembered not only December 7, 1941,4 also December 16,1944, the first day of the Bartle of the Bulge.
We gathered at the Park Ridge VFW Post tt3579, to commemorate those days. After cocktails, there was a buffet dinner of chicken and ham, with all the trimmings. Luscious desserts were made by Florence Lucsay, Luella Meagher and Jackie Villwock.
After dinner there was dancing in the post lounge, or just sitting around telling tales of what we are doing now, with after dinner drinks and picture taking. To top of the evening, everyone of the 41 guests received a gig, compliments of the Lucsay's, Meagher's and Villwock's.
As we departed we decided to meet again on December 5, 1992. Happy New Year to All.
Southern California Area
Milton Weiner, 6440 Knott Ave, Buena Park, CA 90621 714-521.1705
Attending: Donald & Mary Jane Bellach, 423/HQ 3B, Col. Charles C. Cavender, 423/HQ CO:
Richard & Lynn Erbes 423/HQ; Joseph & Ann Litvin, 423/D; Allen & Geraldine Lowith, 423/CN;
Joe & Delores Gross, 591/C; Bob & Mary Lou Marsh, 423/0; Marian & Mamie Mileski, DIV ARTY/HQ;
Edward & Evelyn Nelson, 590/C; Dick Peterson, 423/L; James & Pearl Rupert, 424/AT
I Ernst & Adella Simon, DI V/HQ; William & Agnes Ulim, 423/SV; Robert & Jeanette Josephs, 422/HQ
Milton Weiner, 424/M & Bella Duze; James Yamazeki, 590/Med.
Alter reading "My First Reunion" written by Dale Comm.' 424/11Q 313n, everyone introduced
themselves and told their memories, starting with Colonel C.C. Cavender (at age 94, the youngest in spirit.)
A good time was had by all. Next Year's get-to-gether is scheduled for 1:00 p.m., Sunday
December 6, 1991. If you are not on Illy mailing list, write, or ca11714- 521-1705, and you will be added.
Appreciations to Dick and Lynn Erbes for bringing Colonel Cavender
December 16th Commemoration Parties
Madison, Wisconsin Area
Chuck Reck, 422/H, 7316 Voss Heal, Middleton, WI 53562 Tele: 608-8316110 Photos by Ed Wojahn, 81st Engineers/B
Attending were: M/M Arnold Brannslrom, M/M Harold Broderick, Tom Grillo, Wendell Hoffmaster &
Nancy Oesterle, M/M Ray Kurth, MN Jerry Miller, MOM Ralph Moore, M/M Edward Nagel,
MOM Edmund Podlaski, M/M Chuck Rieck, Dr /M Eugene Rood, M/M John Scalissi,
MOM Willis Smythe, M/M James Tetzlaff, MOM Edward Wojahn, Florian Frank, MOM Roger Bell,
Walter Donaldson, M/M Delbert Rediger, MOM Frank Schiro, MOM Paul Grindund,
MOM Lawrence Post, Fred Broussard and Norman Arnold & Arlene Mack
The Wisconsin Third Annual December 16 Commemorative meeting was held at Cl's EAST in Madison, Wisconsin on 14 December 1991, We had 45 people in attendance. A video of the Battle of the Bulge was shown. By group action 1992's meet ing will be held on October 17, 1992 at the same place, Cl's EAST in Madison, Wisconsin.
Minneapolis and Minnesota Area
Russell Gunvalson, 590/A, 904 Elton Hills Drive, West, Rochester, MN 55901
A get-to-gether of 106th veterans, wives and guests of the MinneapolsiMirmesota area turned out to be a great success. A delightful dinner and joining of comrades was held at the "BLACK STALLION" several miles south of Minneapolis on Rte 52 (the road between Rochester and Minneapolis).
Present were: Harold Fruetel, Bemidji, DIV/HQS; 422nd - Lex & Anne Schoonover, Edina, Hqs Co; al Wes & Margeret Eckblod, Winona, D Co; Boyd Rutledge, Adjutant, Bloomington, D Co.;
Hampton & Shirley Dailey, Brooklyn Center, K Co,
gir 423rd - Dorayne & Betty Paulson, Luck, Wisconsin, Hqs Co.; Don & Janis Ruddick, St. Paul, E Co.; John & Margot Kline , Editor, Apple Valley, M Co.; Richard & Carol Ritchie, Plymouth, MED; 424th - Lloyd Brunner, Red Wing, A Co.; Phil & Shirley Gerlach, St. Paul, D Co.; Alvin & Dorothy
Swanson, Mineapolis, I Co.; Buck & Gladys Zahratka, Montgomery, L Co.;
106 MP- Albert & Patricia Krantz, Brainerd; 590 FAB - Host, Russell & Idelle Gunvalson, Btry A;
Associates of the 106th - Delbert & Marcy Reder, Lakeville; Howie Flen, Rochester - both of these
gentlemen are "Astute students of The Bartle of the Bulge."
Florida Area
Samuel P. Cariano, 305 Parkside PI, Indian Harbour Bch., FL 32937407-777-2876
Our Florida Chapter got together at the Ramada Oceanfront Resort in Satelitte Beach, Florida on December 14,1991. There were 36 present. A good time was had by all. Pete House showed a film on the controversial issue on how the Americans treated the German POWs.
Next year's meeting will be held in the Orlando area and will be hosted by Sam Davis, Jr. and his committee. We encourage our Florida 106th Infantry Division veterans to attend these December meeting comrnemoration the Battle of the Bulge.
Present: Sal & May Albergo; Harold & Edith Blalack, Lincoln & Dorothy Byrd; Sam & Billi Cariano; Randy & Eleanor Crockett; Sam & Myra Davis; John & Dorothy Hall; Pete & Joanne Houset Richard & Charlotte Jochems; George & Gladys Kingsley, Paul & Dottie Lamb; Irvin & Betty Minor, John & Joyce -Marlow. --L.J. & Clara Weigel could not attend b+ muse Clara was dl.
Cincinnati, Ohio Area
Hobert &June Walker's home, North Bend. Ohio 8 Dec, 1991
Front Vr -Bob Walker, 422/D; Charles Perry, 423/K; Joseph Topic, 423/E; Ken Hester, 590/C
Rear hr - Charles Kirkendall, 592/A; Louis Greven i, 423/K; Roy Bigger, 423/HQ; limn Mills. 423/I;
Frank Gaffney, 423/14Q; Paul Metz, 422/SV - Photo by Mills
December 16th Commemoration Parties
Detroit, Michigan Area
Russell Mayotte, 9628 Cavallo St, Uvonla, MI 48150 Photos by Mayotte
Men, 1st Row 11r - Russ Mayotte; John Shalhoub; Herb RideIntel-, Jack Bryant; Dean Sipson 2nd Row - Lou Passariello; Jim Fonda; Jack Gillespie; Will Hartman; Jack Roberts, Bob Run; Bob Rowe; Jim Korth
Ladies, 1st Row - Evelyn Shalhoub,; Lucille Roll; Jean Schulte; Emily Bryant; Fay Bide'man 2nd Row - Jane Fonda; Mary Lou Roberts; Marge Korth; Betty Passariello; Shirley Gillespie; Ann Frankini; Lee Rowe
December 16th Commemoration Parties
Reading, Pennsylvania Area
John J. Gallagher, 4003 Francis Si„ Temple. PA 19560
The Reading Memorial Dinner was held on 6 December at the Dutch Colony Inn. Neat year's dinner is scheduled for December 4, 1992, same location. For more information call 215-929-2887.
Men LfR, seated - Robed Prinee,422/1-1Q; John Gallagher, 81st Eng/C; Stanley Kowalski, 592/HQ; It
Standing - Frank Borbely, 424/M; Elwood Lorah, 592/C; Donald Showalter, 106 Band;
Norman Spayd, 423/H; Fred Merwin, 81st Eng/C; Walter Shirk, 422/M; Ralph Hill, Military Govt.;
Vince Sziber, 81st Eng/C; Charles Dane, 591/SV
_Ladies (below) seated LIR- Mildred Prince; Stella Gallagher; Muriel Sziber
Standing- Robbie Showalter; Sally Hill; Phyllis Borberly; Enna Kowalski; Mary Lorah;
Nfir13111Merwin; Nancy Datte
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Area
Charlie & Nancy Datte 231 Davis Ave, Clifton Heights, PA 19018 Tele 215-626-1866
Another year, another Commemorative Dinner (Dec 15, 1991). Our first dinner in 1987 had six in attendance, this year, we had SIXTEEN in our home. Touching the lives of these wonderful people has been an inspiration to Nancy and I and an incentive for us, along with our family and our grandchildren, to make plans and preparations for years to come. We are looking, now, ahead to December 13, 1992 when we will see them again. Possibly we will see some of them at the Pittsburgh Reunion this year.
*n UR, seated - Charlie Dane, 591/SV; Ray Smith, 591/SV; H. Albertson, 422/H; N. Weiss, 423/HQ Vitali, 424/B G. Southam, 423/B; Standing - C. Harvey, 424/A; F. Borberley, 424/ML Bard, 423f1;
I. Ansel, 423/AT; R. Wilson, 591/SV, R. Huff, 422/M; I. McDevitt, 81st Eng/A; H. Bradford, 424/SV;
Stan Wojt.ik, 422/G; R Ulmer, 592/SV
Ladies (below) seated L/R - Anne Bradford; Ruth Wojtusik "Jessica"; Gladys Albertson; Mary Bard
Standing - May Anjel; Margie Ulmer; Ann McDevitt; Maurice Southall; Beth Smith; loan Hoff;
Phyllis Borberly; Nacy Datte; Betty lane Harvey; Mickey Vitali
New Jersey Area
Carl Messina, 926 Seymour Ave. linden. New Jersey 07038-2942 Tele: 908-488-2927
Carl writes. We had a great reunion, while we have only 24 men in the picture, we did have 34 who attended. A professional photographer look the pictures, some of the men arrived late after the group pictures were taken. I know I am late submitting these, but we st ill do not have the photos. Ian sending the proofs. The meeting was held Nov 16, 1991. Last year we had very bad weather so we moved it op....,
In Attendance: Dr. Harty Baird; Williain Maher; Mike D'eldia; Charles Dar.; Roy Fava; Joh, Gallagher, John Gatens; Ephraim Goldberg; Sal Grasso; Win Hnash; Charles lacelon; Joseph Kratchick, Vincent LoCurcio; Harry Martin 1r.; Jack McDevitt; Win Mel ichar; Joe Messineo; Carl Messina;
1. Middleton III; Louis Pima; Joe Puzio; Albert Rehom; Colonel Torn Riggs; Nick Risoli; John Rosalie; Sal Scalzo; Fred Schiefstein; Kenneth Sauer, Myron Swack; Vic Swenlin; Howard Sziber; Paul Werkmeister; Willson
December 16th Commemoration Parties
Mt. Vernon, /llinois Area
John Mikalauskis, Box 31 306 W. Blake, Benton, IL 62812 Tele, 215-626-1866
Men, standing LIR - Eugene Ketch; George Mann ingburg; Norman Benefiel; John Hohoole
Cebert Turner; Ken Bradfield; Harold Bran., Glenn Hadlieb. Seated- Earl Todd; Vic Bre ito, Webb
Hall; Ed Gross; Poe Lawman: BA Davis Kneeling- Newton Johnson; Ken Bryan; Al Kopal4;
Vic Bauswell; Bob York; Bert Colbert; John Mikalauskis
licOn December 14th, 1991, a group of 106th men and guests attended a reunion celebrating Anniversary of the Battle oldie Bulge at the Holiday Inn in Mt. Vernon Illinois. There were 40 members, wives and guests present. An enjoyable time was had by all and it was decided that next years reunion would be held on December 12, 1992.
Women, Standing LfR - Iona Hohenstein; Dorothy Ketch; Leda Johnson; Avis Braile; June Bradfield;
Dottie Benefeil; Nadine Hartlieb; Farrol Bratton; Ida Kopatz. Seated - Mrs. Bed Colbert; Thelma York;
Velma Hall; Dorothy Lama, Rose Mary Davis. Kneeling - Marge Bryan and Dorothy Mikalauskis.
Phoenix, Arizona Area
Emor C. Pretty, 12222 Paradim Village, Phoenix, AZ 85032
Our area get-to-gether was held at Tretilich's Steak House,5020N. Black Canyon Freeway in Phoenix. Tom Burgner and I hosted the party. We had 14 members and 13 wives. Mr. Floyd Friend gave a little talk on the POW Museum in Andersonvi Ile, Georgia. Everyone seemed to enjoy the get-to-gather.
Men, Front Row, lir - Michael Guidice; Lawrence Walden; Thomas Bogner, Emor Pretty;
Pranais Anderson; John Hoag. Back Row-James Henning; Floyd Friend; Richard Behr;
John Whitehead; Henry Haden, Jack Walters, John LaPresti and Dean Childs.
Women, Front Row, lir - Bea Behr; Clara Henning; Lucille Bogner; Clara Pretty;
Barbara Hayden; Andy Hoag. Bn. k Anna ;Fiore r Friend; Anna Guidice,leenne Walden;
Ann Whitehead; ; ers I !..,Presii and Eleanor Childs
Atlanta, Georgia Area
Co-sponsored by Duke Ward and Sherod Collins
Sherod wrote, -John, "we had such a good time we forgot m take pictures."
On December 15, 1991 an interested and interesting group gathered at Dobbins Air Force Base Open Mess for a delicious prime rib dinner and an hots- and one-half of great fellowship. Duke Ward and Sherod Collins welcomed the attendees and each man introduced his guests and told what ship he traveled overseas on and any anecdotes cormected with the trip. Some mentioned the ship on which they resumed. An empecially warm feeling prevailed among the group.
Attending were, Bill & Carolyn Browning; Frankie Burkes; Sherod Collins & Martha Brocato; James
& Susie Dickerson with guests Dan & Margeret Bond; Bob & Louise Howell; Bill & Sandra Jenkins with daughter Sarah; Lyman & Ann Maples; be Matthews and granddaughter Ann Matthews with guest toe Monetat; Carroll Padgett; Joe & Ida Mae Nett; Duke & Martha Ward with guests Greg &
Pam Ward and William Michael; Bin & Maydean Wells; Jack & Shirley Williams. Attending the fellowship hour were Vice Eberhard and Morris & Sara Piha.
Guest Dave Snowden entertained with an interesting narative of his days flying C-47's, dropping parachutist, and of being shot down in Holland where he was returned after a period of time to Allied Forces by the Dutch Underground. Sandra lenkim won the door-prize donated by Jim Wells.
ersburgh, Pennsylvania Are ge Oanoe, 283 Dutch Lan, Pittsburgh, PA 15236
On December 15, 1991, a group of the 106th Infantry Division Veterans, with their wives, friends and guests, gathered at the Yorkshire Inn, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to enjoy a noon luncheon to commemorate the anniversary of The Bank of the Bulge.
The meeting began with the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States, followed by the singing of the National Anthem and "God Blew America."
A moment of silence was observed for our departed con-trades of the 106th Infantry Division_ During this time "Taps" were played.
We want to acknowledge the persons that contributed beautiful table favors,
Mrs Frances Jackson; Dr. John and Pearl Martin; Ted and Laura Straub.
Mr. Joseph P. Maloney presented a "Progress Report" of the reunion committee's pluming for the 106th Infantry Division Association's Annual Reunion to be held in Pittsburgh in August of 1992.
Mr. Francis Langhamdisplayed a beautiful "Hook Latch Wall Hanging" of the 106th insignia "The Golden Lion."
Congratulations are in order to recognize the honor bestowed of Ted J. Straub, es Brigadier General, Honorary, in the West Virginia National Guard. Mr. Straub was the guest speaker at the Veteran's Recall held in Morgantown, West Virginia on November 18, 1991.
A medley of Christmas Songs was sung by the group which added to the festive season. Good fellowship and warm feelings prevailed during the meeting. Everyone's participation Trade the get-to-gether a SUCCESSFUL EVENT. Thanks to Pete Yanchik for his expert photography.
Continued with pictures, next page...........
In attendance were thirty-six (36) members and guests:
Richard E. Bartz, DIV/HQ AG; Dr. Michael E. & Margerite Connelly 589/MED;
Raymond & Eileen Devaty, 423/MED; Leland & Elizabeth Fisher, e I st Eng.;
Edwin & Elizabeth Huminold, 424/F; Frances Jackson; James & Dolores Jones, 423/G; Francis & Jean
Langham, 423/B; Howard & Dorothy Lowenberg, 423/E; Joseph & Vivian Maloney, 424/HQ;
Dr. trim & Pearl Martin, 422/MED; Stanley & Irene Repos, 424/MED; Richard & Patricia Rigatti,
423/B; Ted & Laura Straub, 422/M; Norms & George Vance, 422/AT; Pete & Diane Yanchik, 423/A;
and Mike & Elaine Zen, 423/D.
GUESTS: John & Ann Bosmay, 34th lid Div; Frank & Grace McClelland, 28th Int Div.
Not here, but in touch: John Collins, 422/F, Joe Fazio, 423/M, Robert Flick, 81st/C;
Harty Kolvezez, 023/HQ; Frank Lana., 422/14Q; John Sh idemant le, 422/HQ, David Peters, 422/K:
George Phillips, DIV/HQ; James Ulrich, 423/MED; Robe. Weising, 423/L; Albert Yelochan, 422/HQ,
and William awe, 423/MED.
Dr. John B Mart in, 422/MED with Francis
Langham's "Hook Latch Wall Hanging."
Francis Longhorn, 423/B creator of the 106th
"Hook Latch Wall Han: ^.g."
Wife lean was nearby, but not by picture.
Dr. Michael Connelly, 589/MED;
Dr. John Martin, 422/MED and
Host George Vance, 422/AT
Ted Straub, Brigadier General, Honorary,
W. Va. National Guard with wife Laura
Northern California Area
Edward Prewett, 7831 Lone Tree Way, Brentwood, CA 94513
Dec 14th 1991,the Northern California group held their annual Commemoration event at the Riverview Lodge in beautiful Antioch, California.
ATTENDING: Robert & Barabara Brendling.er, 423/HQ (El Cerrito); Jerome & Ruth Eisenman, 423/HQ
3Bn (Daly City); Clarence & Elaine Epling (Sacramento); John & Shirley Gregory, 424/E (Sacramento);
Walter & Lucille Johannes, 423/6 (Rio Linda); Robert K. Jones, 423/HQ (Antioch):
Ed & Sue McAllister, 424/CN (Modesto); Frank & Clara Nausin, 424/HQ 2Bn (Albany);
Clarence & Helena Meltensen (San Francisco); Ed & Reddie Prewett, 424/0 (Brentwood):
Joe & Vera Salter, 423/SV (Davis); John H. Stater, 591/B (Morage);
Michael Thome, 422/HQ 1Bn (Sacramento); Neil & Jan Venni, 422/F (Los Altos); Vern Roberts, 2nd Id Div (Antioch); plus five Venni and five Prewen family members. Total 36 - my how we have grown.
by Walter Niedermayer, 99th Int Div
911 Yorkshire Rd
Colonial Heights, VA 23834
At $13.50 (Includes postage) per copy
With the 99th from May '44 to May '45 he served as a rifle and a heavy weapons platoon leader. Decorated with the Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart. In '49 with the 1st CAV- Quartermaster,battalion commander in the 3d Armored and Div Supply Chief in the Defense General Supply Center. Retired as Lt. Col.
Written from first-hand experience, it recounts the deeds of heroism and valor of units and the individual soldier.
The 99th was on the Elsenbom Ridge north of the 1411ICAV. who were the left flank of the 422nd in the Loshiem Gap. A lot of our equipment showed up in their area as the Bulge progressed.
This detailed, 170 page book is jammed with information. A considerable amount of print dedicated to the 106th.
A fine effort and a lot of research and dedication by Lt. Col Niedermayer....
the Battle or. Clole.
In. of lu nary and SS.Tereort
46th Annual Reunion - Pittsburgh - Aug 27 - 30
Joseph P. Maloney, 46th Annual Reunion Chairman
1120 Warren Ave, Arnold, PA 15068 Tele: 412-335-6104
The 106th Infantry Division Association's 46th Annual Reunion will be held August 27, 28, 29 and 30th, 1992 in Pittsburgh, PA. It will be held entirely in the VISTA International Hotel.
The three-hour reception will be aboard the Gateway Clipper Fleet's MAJESTIC on the Allegheny, the Monongahela and the Ohio Rivers. The price of the cruise is included in your registration fee. This is normally an extra tour feel. The Hotel is just a short 20 minutes from the Pittsburgh International Airport. It is within walking distance to fine dining or you take the subway to dining areas, shops and Botiques outside the Hotel complex. We will take in the HARNESS RACE at Meadows Harness Track. The horses are waiting at the gate. Easy access to Interstates 79, 70, 279 and 76 (the Pennsylvania Turnpike). We have 375 rooms reserved for your enjoyment.
There are only 750 spaces on the MAJESTIC, otherwise we will have to drag a row boat. So, sign up early, this is going to be a big reunion. Most of our Division membership came from within driving distance of Pittsburgh.
A FIRST-CLASS LETTER, with all necessary information and registration information, should be in your hands as you read this short article in this CUB magazine.
THANKS from your 96th Annual Reunion Committee.
To you loyal writers. I will try to catch up on the Mail Bag articles in the next issue.
April 1, 1992 will be the deadline for articles that are to appear in the MAY 1992 CUB... J. Kline, editor
Beningo, Russell A. 422/HO 2BN
168 N. Panic Ave Chatham, NJ 07928
John, I am sure I will be one note out of 1500 that you will receive for a job well done on The CUB Review. The publication will have an honored and cherished place in my library.
Checca, Mario L 422/F
386 Division St Amsterdam, NY 12010
Dear 106th,
I thought that this article from the Sunday Times, Scranton, New Jersey would be fitting in The CUB.
Belgian Recalls Bulge, Sends His Love to "Old Glory" The news of the Supreme Court decision declaring it O.K. to burn the United States Flag was received with concern by a native of Belgium. The letter from Andre' MEURISSE of Bullingen, Belgium speaks for itself. It was dated June 1989.
"From someone 'over there,' someone who can't believe it! I'm not American-born and DO regret not being American-born because I really feel to be someone of American fiber is an honor. That's why I believe this statement of mine cannot be considered in any way as interfering in a country's matters.
Mail Bag
"Since the tender age of seven, I have always been 103 percent pro-United States citizen of Belgium. I am a lifetime member of the 101st Airborne Division and the 2d Infantry Division Associations, two brave units amongst the bravest U.S. Armed Forces units... the simple addition of their designated unit numbers make me 103 percent pro-United States citizen of Belgium.
"I was born in Bastogne and was wounded in my right shoulder during the 89-day siege of the town by Nazi Germany forces.
"The young and not-so-young Americans at war in that bloody battle that reddened the snow all over the Ardennes region, not only saved my arm from amputation, but restored our freedom; and it is their sons, grandsons and nephews that chiefly contributed to the upholding that by their constant presence behind their flag held high on the peacetime frontline in Western Europe from 1945 to this day.
"You see, for all of us in the Ardennes who suffered from starvation, enslaving action, deportation, bodily persecution, and daily assassinations during four long years, the U.S. Flag was for everyone of us the rightful Christmas Star sending down its warming rays of hope on us poor frightened people moaning in the black and endless hostile night, and will remain for us like a spot of light at the end of a dark-as-night tunnel. Please don't let that light Mum out! "And more precisely about myself; each time when I see an American Flag waving in the wind somewhere, it is always with an immense feeling of fond respect, pride and gratefulness-
coming up as a big wave from deep inside me that I salute the flag, using this right arm that was taken care of by those brave men and one women (who was identified by VBOB as RUTH PURYEAR, a nurse with the 107th Evacuation Hospital), whose flag was the ever-cherished star-spangled banner.
"The biggest flag I have is an American Flag, because it represents the nation, that in the history of humanity, paid the biggest price in the name of freedom.
"Here in two points is what I think of the madness in interpreting the law.
1. Killing, in the name of freedom, the one and only freedom rallying flag on this earth is pure and absolute nonsense!
2. The burning of the American flag is the same as doing the enemy's job, and to pass a law legalizing it, sounds to me like a cry of victory from the enemy of my country!
"Now a multiple question:
"Who and where is this unnameable species of people that lives with the advantages included, under the freedom of the Stars and Stripes and wants at the same time to make the burning of the flag legal, regardless of all those who fought, died and endured heavy hardships, and those that still suffer today?
"Why not also burning the Constitution and blowing up the Statute of Liberty?
"What further absurdity will come of this?
"In conclusion, about making legal something that is not moral, I say this:
"USA: Freedom is Your Fame, Liberty is Your Name.
"If burning Old Glory become lel gal, the be sure that it is your FAME and NAME that will burn-out in the process!
"Finally, all I have written is my just and personal opinion. It has to be taken as a whole and means that no part of it may be considered separately."
(editors note -- This article appeared in the VBOB Bulge BUGLE. &tidal publication of the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge, reprinted in The Sunday Times. Scranton Dec 17. 1989.)
DeVito, Armando 422/K
50 Trowbridge at Belmont, MA 02175
John, I received the CUB review book. It is very interesting and well put together. You and the others should be congratulated for your good work.
When I first joined the I thought I belonged to 422/x, but when I looked in the CUB Review and saw cornea of some of the guys who were killed I realized that I actually was with 422/K Company. Do you have a list of those men in 422/K?
(editor's note -- Thanks Armando, I sent you a list in a return letter. Hope you found some men that you remembered, also there is an annual roster Included along with this CUB. As to the people who helped with the book -- there is me, three cats and one dog on my editorial staff. The dogs and can can't type, so that leaves the editor doing all the work. Some people think I have a staff, but I don't It is all done right here, in my basement, on a computer. The camera ready copy is taken to the printer and he prints the final product from the copy that I give My favorite helper is my special cat "Oliver." He was a "throw-away" that Margot bought for $9.95. I wouldn't sell him
for a million bucks. Somebody want to make an offer? Thanks Armando... J. Kline)
Grivetti, Louis G. , 423/K, 345 Shawnee Dr Harrodsburg, KY 40330
The POW license plates by states, from the May issue of the POW Bulletin needs to be checked out. There are some changes in some states. Kentucky, I know is not free You are issued a five (5) year plate for one vehicle, after a payment of twenty. five (25.00) dollars, state fee and two (2) dollars clerk fee each of the five years for service fee...
signed Louis G. Grivetti, Senior Vice Commander, Daniel Boone Chapter, American Ex-POW, department of Kentucky.
(editor's note -- Thanks Louis. I have never gotten around to a complete compile- too of the Ex-POW license situation. I think I will leave it to the American Ex-Prisoners of War Group.... For those that may not know. There is an association of ex-prisoners of war, known as The American Ex-Prisoners of War, 3201 E. Pioneer Parkway, Suite 40, Arlington, TX 76010-5396. Annual fees, Single member $15.00; Husband and wife, $20.00; Life 61 and over, $60' Spouse of Life member $20. They produce an informative Monthly Bulletin, have local and slate chapters... J. Kline)
Maw, Thomas J. 592/A
PO Box 727
Rockland, MA 02370
(editor's note -- Tom thanks for your note. I did send the After Battle Report bad, to you didn't I. I ended up with a couple of copies. I am sorry I did not get your article in time for inclusion in the CUB Review.
You mentioned sending Bill Flaherty a copy. Bill received a CUB Review just like
Mail Bag
every other paid up member as of July 10, 1991. So he does have the report as it is written in the Review. Nice seeing you at the reunion.. J. Kline)
Morra, Bernard N. 422/K
233 Apple Tree Lane Mountainside, NJ 07092
I became a member in 1990 and I have found The CUB a very interesting publication. I was in 422/K and I noticed that you were asking about the Combat Infantry Badge. I have included a copy of Colonel Descheneaux and Lt. Col. Joseph Matthews 25 September 45 letters to the men of the 422nd Regiment. There it states that the Infantry and Medical Badges were issued under Letter Order #140.
(editor's note -- Thanks Bernard. As you probably have noted, I have received that message from others also. I am pleased that you responded and sent me copies of the two letters written by the Colonel in 1945. You will note that I had reproduced that letter in the CUB Review on page 33 to 37. Order 11140 is mentioned on page 35 paragraph 6. The list I am really looking for is the list that each of the 422nd men received their individual letter from. In other words the master list of all the men. The 423rd and 424th were issued in one general order. The 422nd was in individual letters to each person. There has to be a master from which all those names came from. Again thanks... J. Kline)
Rieck, Charles F. 422/H
7316 Voss Parkway Middleton, WI 53562
Sherod, Arrived home from Huntsville Reunion safe and sound. I forgot to give you the 16 September 1945 edition of "The CUB" Camp Lucky Strike edition. It was donated
Mail Bag
by Dr. Eugene Rood, an Association member from Green Bay, Wisconsin.
I don't know if I mentioned it, but the Wisconsin Group are holding their 4th Battle of the Bulge meeting December 14th, 1991. Reminder cards are going in the mail this week (24 Sept '91).
I visited Calvin Alexander on Sunday 22, 1991 at Humana Shoals Hospital, Muscle Shoals, Alabama. He was in for surgery. He was a member of 422/H. He forgot to pay his dues this year so I am forwarding his dues for him, and I had ordered an extra copy of The CUB Passes in Review and gave him one.
(editor's note -- Chuck, if everybody were like you It would be a great world. Nice meeting you at the 45th Annual Reunion... If I get the opportunity I am going to drop in on the Wisconsin December meeting... J. Kline)
Sanders, Joseph T. 422/D
26118 Northern Cross Rd Apt A
Pod Charlotte, FL 33983-6332
(editor's note - Joe, thanks for all the old CUBs and the copy of the March 1983 American Legion magazine which contains Don Underwood's story Death Of The Golden Lion described as, "In December 1944, the 106th Infantry Division lived its short military life stretched between glory and ignominy during 15 battle-scarred days on the Siegfried Line."
I wrote the American Legion asking for permission on reprinted all or parts of the story. As I recall, in trying to trace down Don Underwood I was told that he had passed away. Did any of you 106ers know this man? If so let me know. If you have any his family's address I would appreciate it. Thanks. Joe... J. Kline)
Sauer, Maurice UNIT UNKNOWN
397 Blackhawk Vida Oregon, IL 61061
The check is for the annual dues of my husband. He was in the 106th, in the Battle of the Bulge and was a POW in Dresden. He lived through the terrible "fire bombing." I kept a diary right afterwards (while in a hospital in Paris) of his experience. We were not aware there was a 106th Association until recently.
(editor's note - Thanks Marilyn for the information. Do you have a copy of the diary. If you like, please send me a copy. We have had inquiries about Dresden and theorem, called "Slaughter House Five." As I understand it, not all the POWs were in that camp. There were probably several camps around Dresden. I have had inquiries about "Curt Vonnegut" who was a 106er and who wrote the book "Slaughter House Five." He has never answered any correspondence from our Membership Chairman, Gil Helwig. A recent article appeared about Vonnegut in a Chicago Tribune. This is all interesting and maybe your husband's diary has something that would be revealing about Dresden... J. Kline)
Solarelli, John 424/L
89 Beech Rd
Eliot, ME 03903
(editor's note - John, I have never run across that article from Harry Martin. I still have a lot of papers to look through. After I get this CUB done I will take another look. Read pages 125 and 126 of The CUB Passes in Review for information on the BELGIAN FOURRAGERE and the FRENCH CROIX DE GUERRE. The only units eligible were largely while attached to the 7th Armored Division. Those two pages will tell you. It looks as if the 424th was eligible on January 20th, so if I were you I would write the Belgian Embassy in Washington and ask. Maybe some other member
will call or write you with more information.
If so give me a copy for file... J Kline)
Youngblood, Charles E. 423/D
1572 By Tree Ln Deerfield Plt Myrtle Beach, Sc 29575
This is the year I wanted to make it to the reunion. But, alas, this is the year that I am State Department Commander of South Carolina's American Ex-Prisoners of War. I want to take this opportunity to tell you what a fine job you are doing as editor.
Most of my life, following World War II, was devoted to making a living, and it wasn't until I retired from the steel mills of Pennsylvania and moved down here to this golfer's paradise, that I became aware of the 106th Infantry Division Association and the American Ex-Prisoners of War Association. So I am a Johnny-
.come-lately and the enclosed material may have been used previously. It is Cedric Foster's January 21, 1945 radio address from Boston. I as a Corporal in 423/D and most of my training was on 81mm mortars. I was interested in your comments about Colonel Cavender. My assignment as a POW was a labor camp on the outskirts of Leipzig. There were about 90 Americans in an old beer hall called Lager 118. I've heard of a few fellows who were there with me, but it would nice to find more.
(editor's note - Congratulations are in order State Ex-POW Commander. I gave up a Jr. Vice-Commander position In the Minnesota Department, primarily because I would have been Commander for the coming year. I Just do not have the time to travel, work and do The CUB altogether. I didn't realize which direction I was heading, until one night I said to myself," Kline, what are you doing - you will not be able to do justice to the Commandership." I do maintain a roster and mail address label support with this computer for them. I also attend local get-to-gethers. They are a great group.
Colonel C.C. Cavender's address is 17050 Arnold Street; Air Force Skilled Nursing Unit; Riverside, CA 92502. His telephone number Is 714-697-2237. He is 94 years of age (Oct 2, 1991). Has a strong voice and has great love for the 423rd Regiment and his men. He has canied a big load on his shoulders all these years. He Is proud of his men and the 106th. If you ask him it he regrets the decision he made in the Ardennes, he will say, " No way Jose - we were put into an untenable position and any alternative would have cost hundreds of lives to no avail." I talk to him about every two weeks. He hasn't many relatives and his mind is sharp as a tack. He can relate vivid instances all the way back to when he was a West Point Lt. in WW ONE! He would appreciate a call from anyone, particularly from a 423rd Regiment man
Yes the Cedric Foster article has been run in The CUB. You will also find it in The CUB Passes in Review on page 242. On page 333 you will see where Cedric Foster was awarded The Order of the Golden Lion Commander Class (Gold). This honor was conferred upon him at the First Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association In Indianapolis Indiana on July 16, 1947. For over two months after his original January 21, 1945 broadcast, he mentioned the 106th in each of his broadcasts, even if there were no news. As of Sept 1947 there had been over 10.000 copies of his broadcast distributed... J. Kline)
Trost, Paul 423/H
1000 Sand Street Churdan, IA 50050
I am a new member and have enjoyed The CUB. I joined the 106th out of the Air Force. I was one of those that were
waiting for assignment when they shipped us to the 106th. I was a jeep driver for a machine-gun squad, 423/H Company. Robert Bennett was my squad leader. I was captured in the Bulge, then taken to Stalag 9-B at Bad Orb. We arrived Christmas Day and were liberated April 2nd by Patton's Tank Corp. A few days later we flew out of Frankfurt to Camp Lucky Strike.
We sailed home on a Liberty ship and I was sent to Fort Leonardwood, MO. From there to other stations waiting for reassignment, then discharged on November 27, 1945. I took advantage of the G.I. Bill and went to college - UNI, Cedar Falls and gained my BA in Physical Education. Started teaching and coaching in September of '49. Received my MA degree in PE from Iowa University a couple of years later. I taught in Iowa - High School and Junior High Schools for 37 years, retiring in May of '85.
Enclosed is an article I received from some person about Stalag 9-B.
(editor's note - Nice meeting you at Huntsville Paul. Thanks for the news and particularly or the newspaper article on Stalag 0-B. I have a file (quite large) on POW items. I have a bOw photo of the camp as It appears in the news article. I have inten. loss, 8 I can ever get my act together, to devote "one" CUB to those items I have stored away about POW experiences. It just seems that there is so much each quarter that I do not get around to it I've had enough book writing lately, but I probably have enough material for a small book... J. Kline)
Tweedel, Don R. (Lt.) ASSOCIATE
1300-11 Riverwood LN
Roswell, GA 30075 (March 23, 1991)
Thank you for your recent phone call regarding my father's status and my membership in the Association. Excuse the late reply. I have been on active duty for training with my reserve unit. I am a Lt. in the Air Form Reserve Medical Service, serving as administrator for the 936th Medical Squadron based in New Orleans (7 yrs prior enlisted service).
I joined the Association in my father's name (Merrick J. Tweedel) in recognition of his service in the 106th. My father passed away in Baton Rouge, LA of lung cancer. He was never a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association, but only because he never knew about it. My father was extremely proud of him having been a member of the 106th, one of the Golden Lions. He served as a Private First Class, Company L, 422nd Combat Infantry Regiment. Perhaps it was experiences as a PFC that caused him to push hard for his two sons to become officers. My older brother is a Lt Col in the Army Reserve and is a Vietnam Veteran as a J.A.G. officer (Ron W. Tweedel). I happened to take a while longer to reach that goal.
I am very happy to be an associate member of the 106th Association, and in a small way support the organization, and honor the veterans of the unit and their service. I won't be able to attend Huntsville, but I hope to meet you all next year.
(editor's note - Don, your letter touches
me deeply and I am sure it will the others. We 106ers are proud to have you as part of our organization. I only wish that your father would have discovered the Association and had the opportunity to partake of the camaraderie. I just discovered it in 1987. It seems that in the later years of life you awaken to the urge to look back to your youth. The 106th experience left an indelible mark on us, like I am sure any person's military experience does. It is hard to explain to those who have not experienced it, the feeling of meeting some one who you trained and fought with over 45 years ago. True, if you passed one In the street you may not recognize hint, but when you huddle together in small groups in some hotel lobby, or at a December 16th get-to-gather, you will rec. ognize him. A glint in the eye, the out of the chin, his voice etc. Stories flow and tears as well, for there are those who sleep silently that served with us, not only as service members, but Association members as well. We are the survivors and we shall not forget those with whom we served in our military life as well as In later years.
Again, I am proud that you, as a son of a 106er, stepped forward in your lather's name. It will be my privilege to some day shake your hand Lt. Tweedel... J. Kline)
(Sept 19, 1991) In another letter from Don:
I appreciate you sending me a copy of your War Diary. I've enjoyed reading it. I still think of the young soldier that was killed trying to get to a pile of sugar beets, just one month before liberation.
The reason for my delayed answer, was because of a recent career, location change. I returned to Baton Rouge, LA after accepting a position as Associate Director of Aviation for the State of Louisiana. It's great to be back in Louisiana.
I missed the food..
Tyler, Joe Bob 423/M
2609 San Simeon Dr.
Wichita Falls, TX 76308
(editor's note - Joe, I have so much material from you, that is very interesting that I must condense it into an article, rather than a Mall Bag item. The story that you wrote about My Brick Factory is something else. Carrying a turkey around in a sack In front of German guards. I assume you are talking about the BRICK FACTORY at Duderstad. Let me know. I'm glad that you have finally found all the 423/M men. They are a great bunch. You mention Paul Kotlarich, Gil Helwig, Robert Stafford, Roy Bigger and the two guys you were closest to, John Burman and Alexander Jagodzinski. I'll put it all together in another issue. When you see all that I had to deal with In this Issue, you will understand. Sand me some pictures, if you have them, of you in 1944 and now_. J. Kline)
Valenstein, Col. Earle 81st ENG/B
5737 Bar Neck Rd Cambridge, MD 21613
John, as per our telephone conversation, here is a $15.00 check for another copy of The CUB Pass. in Review.
The book truly is a marvelous achievement. I plan to send this additional copy to my son, A Major, Field Artillery, who is currently stationed in Brussels, Belgium. It should serve him well as a comprehensive guide for his frequent tours of the area. Looking forward to seeing you in Huntsville. Best Regards
(editor's note - Colonel Valenstein (USA (ret) was formerly Platoon Commander, 3rd Platoon, B Company, 81st Combat Engineers...
Thanks Colonel... J. Kline)
PHOTO: Colonel Jorg Stachel, Commander Camp Atterbury, accepting check and a copy of The CUB Passes in Review from 106th Memorial Committee members Roy Bigger! 423/HO (L) and O. Paul Merz 422/SV. (R)
O. Paul Merz,the Association representative to the Camp Atterbury Project reports that the Camp Atterbury Memorial is progressing. As of October 1991 he said that they still needed $40,000 to complete the project. The last word I heard was that the 106th Infantry Division was contributing but at a much lower rate than projected. Contracts for the limestone plaques and the fountain for the pond have been let. They will be installed this spring. Your help is needed in this worthy project.
Read the president's comments on page one of this issue.
If you have a copy of the April-May-June 1991 CUB read pages 5 and 6. Send your contributions to Dr. John Robb, whose address is on the inside cover of this CUB, our Memorial Chairman or to the Camp Atterbury Veterans Memorial Committee, Attention; Comptroller Office, Bldg 1, Hospital Rd, Edinburgh, IN 46124-1096. Make the check payable to the Camp Atterbury Veterans Memorial Association.
The following pictures were submitted by O. Paul Merz, 422/SV, our Memorial Representative at the Memorial Site.
Your help needed for Camp Atterbury Memorial
PHOTO: (upper left) The Memorial on which the Limestone plaques of each Division will be placed.
The statute of the infantryman will be placed in front of the memorial.
The other pictures show the construction sign and placement of some, but not all. of the equipment around the park
Your help needed for Camp Atterbury Memorial
Lyle K. McCullough, 429/SV
685 Roberts St., Sheffield Lake, OH, 44054
Passed away January 4, 1992. Lyle worked for B.F. Goodrich for 33 years and retired in 1989. HIs wife of 41 years, Vivian retired in October as an executive secretary with the City of Sheffield Lake. Lyle was a Life member and past-commander of Erie AMVETS Post 55 in Sheffield Lake. He is survived by Vivian, sons Keith, Kevin, Kerry and daughter Kay, two brother, two sisters and 10 grandchildren.
Clayton Gould, 424/AT,
Bangor, PO Box 1608, ME 04401
It is regret that I inform you that "Bud" passed away December 19, 1991. He was proud to be a member of the 106th and really enjoyed The CUB. I shall miss him. We would have been married 51 years on February 8, 1992.
Farewell. Dear Comrades ---- Res t in Peace
The official publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
President Michael Thome
1st Vice–Pres Jack A. Sober
2nd Vice–Pres C. L. Cooper
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Boyd A. Rutledge
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John Kline
Memorials Chairman . .. Dr. John G. Robb
Chaplain Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr.
The CUB is the official quarterly publication of the Association. Membership in the Association includes subscription to the CUB.
Send editorial matter and photos to: John P. Kline--CUB Editor 401U 147. St. W., Apple Valley 55124..6124234837
Business matters, deaths, address changes to: Boyd A. Rutledge--Adjutant 10132 Oa. Road ...me., ran SUP 612..31.5559
Memorial matters and inquiries to: Dr. John G. Robb 1,1=7/Z 16555
Send Membership dues, Memorial Fund contributions and Historical items to: Sherod Collins--Treasurer 448 Monroe Trace Kennesaw. GA 30144 40,921-3207
The NEW Life Membership fee is payable one time only, with no annual dues thereafter.
Life Membership $75.00
Life Auxiliary $15.00
Life Associate $75.00
For those choosing to pay Annual dues, pay by July I each year. (July 1 to July I tem)
Almost Membership $10.00
Annual Auxiliary $ 2.00
Annual Associate $10.00
Make checks payable to "106th Infantry Division Association."
Board of Directors 1991-1992
Roy Bigger 423/11Q 319 E. So. SI, Gas City. IN 46933 317-674.5258
Douglas Brooks 424/MED ('94) 805 Gras. Dr 142.8.4emplus, TN 38117.5031 901-763.2300
C. L. Cooper 423/11 ('94) 74 Rol. lioo.dI.mlacllo,114 38305
Charles T. Datte 591/SV e'02) 231 Davis Avei.Na4uc PA 19018.
Sam E. Davis Jr. 423/HQ ('93) ""rn r=6 '
Norwood A. Frye 81st ENG/B '94) '''"-m`10Y4VP'"'"'
Joseph Gross 591/C C94) 7782 Topaz Lake Ave. Sao Diego, CA 92119 619463-2814
John L. Hall ('94) 2562 Nix CI. Sebring, Si. 33872 813.385.2592
Harold Kuizema 589/B 1'92) "550
Joseph P. Maloney 424/HQ r93) "" W'm711.37.7931"A
Joseph Massey 422/C ('94)ai RTE1.. Box 780. Rmlap, AI. 35133 05681-1701
Herbert F. Meagher 422/M CO51/P 5837 W. 93rd St, Oaklawrs 12 60453
O. Paul Merz 422/SV fsal 1344N Cir, Indlanapo.s, IN 46224 31,243..9
Edward A. Prewett 424/B ('93) 7831 Lone Treep/07,641=occl, CA 94513
Charles F. Rieck 422/H CO 7316 Voss Parkway, Middleton. WI 53562
Richard L. Rigatti 423/B C94) 113 Woodslure Dr. Pittsburgh. PA 15215
Jack A. Sulser 423/F 02) 917 N.Asia Alexamia. VA 22312
Michael Thorne 422/11Q 1BN ('02) 1711 P 84 Apla4mr.o. CA 95814
Frank S. Trautman 422/D 0)2) is US SIVIU1111:6...1.:;%1111Flak, OH 4.22
Russell H. Villwock 106 SIG C92) 6908 Wes 1011;7 ,,7,e.aieago.
Edward E. Young 590/A C93) Rte. 1 Hoz 477. Fdt. Clam, WV 26408 .-613.5286
Col. Joseph Matthews 422/HQ Rife) 475664 Blvd. Rileigh NC 276.
Index for: Vol. 48 No. 2, JAN, 1992
Index for This Document
101st Abn. Div., 22, 40106th Div., 2
106th Sig. Co., 9
17th Abn., 12
2nd Inf. Div., 40
422/K, 12, 20, 37, 42, 43
422/M, 19, 31, 32, 37, 56
422nd Regt., 24
423rd Inf., 13
423rd Regt., 10, 47
424/A, 10, 26, 32, 53
590th FA BN, 28
7th Armd. Div., 46
81st Cbt. Engr., 4, 50
81st Engr., 13, 15, 27
Albertson, Gladys, 32
Alexander, Calvin, 45
Antwerp, 12
Aquitania, 10
Ardennes, 38, 40, 47
Bad Orb, 49
Baker, W.C., 9
Banbury, 10
Banbury Cross, 10
Bard, Mary, 32
Bartz, Richard E., 37
Battle of the Bulge, 3, 10, 17, 20, 27, 29, 45
Behr, Bea, 35
Behr, Richard, 35
Belgian Fourragere, 45
Belgium, 12, 40
Bell, Roger, 27
Benefiel, Norman, 34
Beningo, Russell A., 40
Bennett, Robert, 49
Berlin, 6
Bied, Dan, 4
Bigger, Roy, 29, 50, 52, 55
Birmingham, 18
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 55
Bloomingburg, George, 22
Blumenschein, Ken, 25
Borbely, Frank, 31
Bradfield, June, 34
Bradfield, Ken, 34
Bratton, Farrol, 34
Brendling, Robert & Barabara, 38
Brendlinger, Robert I., 9
Brocato, Martha, 36
Brooks, Douglas, 55
Broussard, Fred, 27
Brunner, Lloyd, 28
Brussels, Belgium, 50
Bryan, Ken, 34
Bryan, Marge, 34
Bryant, Emily, 30
Bryant, Jack, 30
Burkes, Frankie, 36
Burman, John, 50
Burns, John, 9
Burns, John H., 9
Camp Atterbury, 2, 6, 10, 15, 52
Camp Atterbury Memorial, 2, 52, 53
Camp Atterbury Veterans Memorial Association, 2, 52
Camp Davis, 20
Camp Hood, TX, 17
Camp Lucky Strike, 7, 44, 49
Camp Myles Standish, MA, 10
Camp Top Hat, 12
Caracozza, Charles, 10
Cariano, Samuel P., 29
Carpenter, Ben, 25
Carver, Dale, 4
Cavender, Col., 26, 47
Cavender, Col. C. C., 26, 47
Cavender, Col. Charles C., 26
Checca, Mario, 40
Childs, Dean, 35
Childs, Eleanor, 35
Collins, John, 4, 37
Collins, Sherod, 4, 19, 36, 55
Connelly, Dr. Michael, 37
Cooper, C. L., 55
Croix De Guerre, 45
Czechoslovakia, 12, 20, 21
Dalton, James V., 10
Datte, Charles T., 55
Datte, Nancy, 31, 32
Davis, Sam, 9, 29
Davis, Sam E., Jr., 56
Defelice, Sal, 10
Descheneaux, Col., 43
Devito, Armando, 42
Div. Arty, 26
Div. Arty., 17
Donaldson, Walter, 27
Donovan, Francis D., 10
Dresden, 12, 22, 45
Dresden, Germany, 12
Duderstad, 50
Edeleman, Lou, 10
Eisenman, Jerome & Ruth, 38
Elsenbom Ridge, 38
Epling, Clarence & Elaine, 38
Evans, Wilbur, 10
Evans, Wilbur D., 10
Fava, Roy, 15, 33
First Reunion, 26
Fletcher, Billy E., 10
Flick, Robert, 37
Fonda, Jim, 30
Foster, Cedric, 47
France, 10, 12, 20
Frank, Florian, 27
Frankfurt, 49
Frankini, Ann, 30
French Croix De Guerre, 45
Frye, Norwood A., 56
Ft. Jackson, SC, 10, 15
Gallagher, John, 16, 31, 33
Gallagher, John J., 31
Gallagher, Stella, 31
Gerlach, Shirley, 28
Germany, 3, 12, 13, 18, 20, 40
Gerolstein, 12
Gillespie, Jack, 30
Gillespie, Shirley, 30
Goldberg, Ephraim, 33
Gould, Clayton, 53
Gregory, John & Shirley, 38
Grillo, Tom, 27
Grivetti, Louis G., 43
Gross, Joseph, 56
Guidice, Michael, 35
Gunvalson, Russell, 28
Hall, John L., 56
Hall, Velma, 34
Halle, 18
Hartlieb, Nadine, 34
Hawkins, Harold W., 12
Helwig, Gil, 9, 18, 45, 50
Henning, James, 35
Hill, Charles P., 21, 22
Hill, George, 15
Hill, Ralph, 31
Hinrichs, Don, 12
Hinrichs, Don M., 12
Hoag, John, 35
Hochstetter, Hubert, 25
Hohenstein, 34
Holder, Mildred, 25
Holland, 36
Homesley, Helen, 12
House, Pete, 29
House, Pete & Joanne, 29
Howell, Bob & Louise, 36
Jagodzinski, Al, 13
Jagodzinski, Alexander, 13, 50
Johannes, Walter & Lucille, 38
Johnson, Leda, 34
Johnson, Newton, 34
Jones, Robert K., 38
Josephs, Jeanette, 26
Karlsruhe, 20
Karlsruhe, Germany, 20
Ketch, Dorothy, 34
Kline, J., 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18, 40, 43, 45, 47, 49, 50
Kline, John, 4, 7, 10, 15, 55
Kline, John P., 4, 55
Kline, Margot, 28
Kline, Mr., 20
Koblenz, 6, 18
Kommando, 22
Kotlarich, Paul, 10, 50
Kuizema, Harold, 56
Lager 118, 47
Langham, Francis, 36
LeHavre, 10, 12
Lehavre, France, 10, 12
Leipzig, 47
Levine, George, 7
Limburg, 6
LoCurcio, Vincent, 33
London, 6
Lorah, Elwood, 31
Loshiem Gap, 38
Lowenberg, Dorothy, 37
Lucky Strike, 7
Lucsay, Florence, 25
Maloney, Joseph, 2
Maloney, Joseph P., 36, 39, 56
Marsh, Mary Lou, 26
Martin, Harry, 33, 45
Martin, John, 37
Martin, Pearl, 36, 37
Martz, Louis H., 15
Massey, Joseph, 2, 56
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 43, 56
Maw, Thomas J., 43
Mayotte, Russ, 30
Mayotte, Russell, 30
McAllister, Ed & Sue, 38
McCullough, Lyle K., 53
McDevitt, Jack, 33
McHugh, Francis, 15
McHugh, Francis D., 15
McKee, Dick, 6
Meagher, Herbert F., 56
Meagher, Luella, 25
Meltensen, Clarence & Helena, 38
Merz, O. Paul, 52, 56
Merz, Paul, 52
Messina, Carl, 17, 33
Messineo, Joseph, 15
Messineo, Joseph P., 15
Metz, 29
Meurisse, Andre', 40
Michael, William, 36
Michner, George, 12
Middleton, 27, 33, 43, 56
Mikalauskis, John, 34
Mills, Jim, 22
Minor, Betty, 29
Moore, Ralph, 27
Moran, John J., 17
Morra, Bernard N., 43
Mueller, Mike, 25
Munce, John, 17
Munce, John F., 17
Myles Standish, 10
Nardone, Louis V., 17
Naslund, Jack C., 17
Niedermayer, Lt. Col., 38
Niedermayer, Walter, 38
Normandy, 20
Normandy, France, 20
Omaha Beach, 20
Orman, William M., 18
Padgett, Carroll, 36
Paris, 20
Peters, David, 37
Peterson, Dick, 26
Phillips, George, 37
Photos, 27, 30
Pilsen, 12
Podlaski, Edmund, 27
Post, Lawrence, 18, 27
Post, Lawrence W., 18
Potter, Raymond E., 18
Pretty, Emor, 35
Pretty, Emor C., 35
Prewett, Ed & Reddie, 38
Prewett, Edward, 2, 38
Prewett, Edward A., 56
Purple Heart, 6, 38
Puzio, Joe, 33
Queen Elizabeth, 20
Red Ball, 20
Repos, Irene, 37
Rhine, 18
Rieck, Charles F., 43, 56
Rieck, Chuck, 27
Rigatti, Patricia, 37
Rigatti, Richard L., 56
Ritchie, Carol, 28
Robb, Dr. John, 2, 52
Robb, Dr. John G., 55
Roberts, Jack, 30
Roberts, Mary Lou, 30
Roberts, Vern, 38
Rood, Eugene, 27, 45
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 25
Rowe, Bob, 30
Rutledge, Boyd, 28
Rutledge, Boyd A., 55
Ryan, Joe, 19
Salmon, Max, 19
Salmon, Max E., 19
Salter, Joe & Vera, 38
Sanders, Joseph T., 45
Sandersdorf, 6
Sauer, Maurice, 45
Scalissi, John, 27
Scalzo, Salvatore A., 19
Schiro, Frank, 27
Schmalzried, Gene, 6
Shalhoub, John, 30
Shirk, Walter, 31
Shockley, Kenneth W., 19
Siegfried Line, 12, 45
Sipson, Dean, 30
Smiley, Ross H., 19
Smythe, Willis, 27
Sober, Jack A., 55
Solarelli, John, 45
Sparks, Dick, 19
Spayd, Norman, 31
St. Vith, 2
Stachel, Col. Jorg, 52
Stafford, Robert, 50
Stalag 3B, 26
Stalag 9-B, 49
Stalag IV-B, 13
Stalag VII-A, 13
Stars and Stripes, 42
Stater, John H., 38
Straub, Ted, 37
Straub, Ted & Laura, 36, 37
Straub, Ted J., 36
Sulser, Jack A., 56
Swack, Myron, 33
Swenlin, Victor H., 19
Sziber, Frank, 19
Sziber, Frank V., 19
Sziber, Muriel, 31
Sziber, Vince, 31
Tennessee Maneuvers, 10
The Battle of the Bulge, 3
The Cub of the Golden Lion Passes In Review, 9
Thome, Michael, 2, 38, 55
Thorne, Michael, 56
Thul, Frederick, 20
Thul, Frederick W., 20
Trautman, Frank, 2
Trautman, Frank S., 56
Trost, Paul, 47
Tweedel, Don R., 49
Tyler, Joe Bob, 50
Underwood, Don, 45
Valenstein, Col. Earle, 50
Vance, George, 37
VBOB, 42
Venni, Neil & Jan, 38
Verdun, 20
Veterans Of The Battle Of The Bulge, 42
Vietnam, 22, 49
Vietnam War, 22
Villwock, Jackie, 25
Villwock, Russell, 25
Villwock, Russell H., 56
Von Schwedler, Frank, 25
Walden, Lawrence, 35
Walker, Bob, 29
Walker, June, 29
Ward, Duke, 36
Ward, Duke & Martha, 36
Waters, A. B., 9
Weber, Carlos, 6
Weiner, Milton, 26
Wells, Jim, 36
Wells, Maydean, 36
Werkmeister, Paul, 33
West Point, 47
White, John, 35
Whitner, Don, 4
Williamson, Mcadoo, 6
Wojahn, Ed, 27
Wojahn, Edward, 27
Yanchik, Pete, 36
Yelochan, Albert, 37
York, Bob, 34
York, Thelma, 34
Young, Edward E., 56
Youngblood, Charles E., 47
Yukie, Thomas S., 21
Zicker, Gordon, 22