Original Cub Document
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Vol. 15, No. 3, Mar, 1959
Vice President Alan Dunbar
Adjutant Richard DeHeer
Treasurer Robert Kelly
Chaplain John Loveless
The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year, which includes subscription to CUB. All material copyrighted.
Editor John Gallagher
Photographer David Brumaghin
The CUB is printed by the Busy Beaver Print Shop, Laureldale, Pa.
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 106, Blandon, Pa.
Wm. A. French, 202-35 Lesure, Detroit, Michigan.Thomas K. Fox, S. Washington St., Greencastle, Pa.
Ben R. Briles, Arvada, Wyoming.
Jack E. Blair, 1625 Earlington Rd., Havertown, Pa.
Martin J. Dever, 387 Jefferson St., Ridgewood, N. J.
Gordon R. Stryker, 1136 Scott, Reading, Pa.
This brings the total to 255.
We don't seem to be doing too well right now. Dick Nethers is sending notices to all last year's members who have not renewed.
"All Roads Point Toward Chicago-- This July 24th-26th"
Will you please keep us informed of your correct address, this will insure you of getting your Cub?Presidents Message
I wish to thank all the many members for the Christmas cards they sent to me and my family.Now that we are in the New Year its time to start thinking about the reunion in Chicago, in July. I know Jack is working hard to see that everyone who attends has a good time, but its up to all of us, every member of the Assn. to see that all the old and a lot of new faces are there, so let's all get in contact with at least one former member who never attended a reunion, or who has not attended in the last few years.
In the last issue of the Cub (Dec.-Jan.) I noticed 3 letters to the Editor, I hope John gets at least 3 letters for every Cub, because to me they proved interesting reading. Although I must admit reading about Jack and Shirley's trip sort of made me envy them, also Dave Price's letter was very interesting, and I wish him lots of luck at his new job.
Cliff Perras is still selling his business just as good as he sells the Assn. to former H. 424 members.
Doug Coffey reports he has received drawing of our memorial to be erected at St. Vith. This is the project of our association and I hope all will help with their donation to the Memorial Fund.
Our editor has informed me that the Assoc. received an offer from Pete Frampton to donate the Assoc. the remaining copies he has of the Lions Tale. May I, on behalf of the Assoc., thank Pete for his offer.
I have written to the members of the board of directors recommending we accept these books and send them to any of our members donating $5.00 or more to our Memorial Fund.
To the Chapters and groups who held Dec. 16th dinners, may I say I hope you all had a very good time.
Membership Report
Following is list of names of those who have not renewed membership. I feel certain that many of our members know some of these men, and will get in touch. I have written to each of them, although someone close would be able to do much better toward bringing them back. Most likely a number of them have just plain forgotten to mail their dues.Here are fifty names who were members this past year, and we certainly cannot let this happen year after year. According to my records; it appears that we picked up some 37 members this last year, so the least we can do is pick up the difference this year, and I know of no good reason why we should stop at that. I would like for each of us to at least bring in one new member before this coming July.
Membership Chairman
Alexander, Michael--1st Bn. 422 24500 Western Ave., Park Forest, Ill.
Bennett, Robert M.--AT. Co. 423 305 Circle Drive, Columbia, S. C.
Carpenter, Ben--Bn. Hq. 424 1230 West Ave., Chicago 26, Ill.
Cassibry, Graham H., 111 North LeFore Ave., Cleveland, Miss.
Cororan, Mrs. John F., 24 Draper St., Brockton 34, Mass.
Creamer, Raymond J.--Sv. Batt. 589 10 Bartlett St., New Brunswick, N. J.
Dagostin, F. H., 615 Edgewood Drive, Dokhan, Ala.
Day, Rev. J. B.--Div. Hq., St. Cabrini, Church, 1020 N. Milton Ave., Springfield, Ill.
Douglas, Dale, 11665 Berwyn, Detroit 39, Mich.
Dutz, Robert--H. Co. 424, 3813 W. 80th PI., Chicago, Ill.
Easterling. James R. -424, Box 101, Latta. S. C.
Edwards, Howard S.--E. C. 423 Box 177, Lexington, Tenn.
Ford, Guy H.--C. Batt. 591, 1703 Warwood Ave., Wheeling,. W. Va.
Gilmartin, Robert A.--H. Co. 424, 3320 Cortelyou Road, Brooklyn 3, N. Y.
Hanlon, Dr. George H.-592, Gouverneur, N. Y.
Iwamoto, George C.--Div. Hq., 1679 Kilauea Ave., Hawaii, T. H.
Jacobs, Maj. M. H.--H. Co. 422 Box 272. Kingstree, S. C.
James, Louis--A. Co. 422, 409 Pullman, Hot Springs, Ark.
Kennedy, Glen N.--AT. Co. 423 80 Park Ave., West Liberty, Iowa
Kersteiner, Don M.--Hq. 2nd Bn. 424 645 Emerson Ave., Hamilton, Ohio
Kesterbaum, Thomas E.--I. Co. 424 racy St., Norwalk, Conn.
Koehler, Alfred C.--AT. Co. 423 85 Grand St., Seymour, Conn.
Kovach, Louis--Sv. Co. 424, 3985 West 130th St., Cleveland 11, Ohio
Lapham, Charles--Sv. Batt. 592, 5 White Horse Pike S., Lindenwood, N. J.
Malueg, Russell J.-423, 1617 Pierce Ave., Rockford, HI.
Marsh, Mrs. Gladys L. 302 Avenue L Pittsburgh 21, Pa.
Martin, Mac, 1828 Mt. Curve Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
Mueller, William H.--M. Co. 424, 27 Eve Lane, Levittown, LI, N. Y.
McMurry, W. C., R. D. 3, Cannonsburgh, Pa.
Powell, Floyd W.--B. Co. 422, 5590 Radnor St., Detroit 24, Mich.
Riggins, Clayton P., Nahunta, Ga.
Roth, Nathan M.--B. Co. 292, 152 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y.
Rowe, Robert-423, 14400 Ilene St., Detroit 4, Mich.
Saucerman, Eugene L.--D. Co. 422 R. D. 1. Dugger, Ind.
Searcy, J. J., Jr., 153 North Hanley Road, Clayton 5, Mo.
Sileski, Frank-422, 304 79th St., Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Simmons, Arthur, 26747 Student, Detroit 39, Mich.
Spade, Robert--H. Co. 424, 509 Franklin St., Robinson, 111.
Stec, John--Sv. Co. 423, 27 High St., Danbury, Conn.
Steed, Ralph G.--AT. Co. 423rd P. 0. Box 187, Robbins, N. C.
Steward, Robert C.-592, R. D. 2, Fleetwood, Pa.
Sziber, Frank V., 57 Manur Place, Avenel, N. J.
Thompson, James L.--Engr. 81st Box 153, Ettick, Wisc.
Ulmer, Albert E., 3025 Nelson Court, Louisville 13, Ky.
Vitek, Franklin R.--Div. Hq., 17000 Maple Heights Blvd., Maple Heights, Ohio
Weber, E. E.--Div. Arty., Box 32, Hershey, Pa.
Weiser, Bernard H.-589, 10 West St., Freehold, N. J.
Williams, Bernard E.--G. Co., 423 1325 North Astor St., Chicago 10, Ill.
Letters to Editor
Dear John:Hope you and your family had a wonderful Holiday season.
Following is an account of the Balto Dec. 16th reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. John Loveless were gracious enough for us to assemble in their home. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Loveless, Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Broth and Mr. Oliver Lothrop and of course Kay 2.
We had an enjoyable evening talking and reminiscing of the past, of our conventions and the 106th div. in general and I showed movies of the past conventions.
Refreshments were served by the Loveless's and Oh Boy! that homemade root beer that John makes is really a treat.
Dear John:
A week or so ago, I received a phone call from a Mrs. Sumliner who was temporarily in Baltimore. She was seeking information about her brother, PFC Aaron William Cohen, Co. C 424th Inf. who apparently had been killed very early in The Bulge, perhaps 16 or 17 Dec. 1944, and I gather is buried either in Belgium or Germany. She did not have his serial number and was not too sure about his unit.
I looked in The Cub thru our list of members and saw only one named from Co. C, 424th. He was from Penna. I gave her the name and address. For the life of me, as I write this, I cannot recall the name.
However, I told her that I thought we could put a note in "The Cub" and she might, by chance, hear from someone.
Anyone having any information about Cohen, could write to her as follows:
Mrs. H. Sumliner
35 Waller Road
Bridgeport 6, Conn.
She thinks he had his basic training at Camp Wheeler, Georgia and went right to Atterbury, as he evidently was not in the Army very long before he was sent overseas.
Dear Jim & Maydean:
I just had to write to you and tell you about my husband.
Bill Luoma was killed June 11th, 1953 in an underground iron ore mine down at Ramsay about 3 miles from our town. We sure have had some lonely holidays without him.
My two boys often mention their dear Dad & my sweet husband and a swell dad. We both were so happy the 9 years we were together and to think of all the hard luck he had while in service he had to go the way he did.
My sons are now 12 & 8 yrs. of age. I'm staying on the same farm he & I stayed on & I have been taking care of his Dad who is 87 yrs. old and an invalid, but he is very contented with my caring for him. Bill lost his Mother six months before he was killed, she also was in bed for 5 years.
I sure can thank God for helping me to keep healthy as to take good care of my family and my Father-in-law.
Whenever you go on your vacations, drop in and visit with us, we will be happy to see you always.
Bill mentioned you people many times before he left. I do hope you have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
Ann Luoma, Wm, Jr., & Roy Luoma Rt. 1, Box 117
Wakefield, Michigan
Dear Friends:
We were sorry to miss you at the convention, but our dream of touring Europe with the Minneapolis Choralaires came true and we spent thirty days with them in England, Scotland, Wales, France, Belgium, (They sang at the Fair) Italy, Austria, the Netherlands & Germany. 3600 miles by bus. We flew to and from Scotland. Thrilling beyond words.
Best wishes,
Dear John:
Detroit group had Dec. 16th Reunion at Bill French's.
Alan Dunbar wrote me a letter earlier this month stated that he was going to Army Command School this summer and wanted to get in his request for leave time covering the period of our Chicago Reunion at the Edgewater Beach Hotel. I only wish more individuals would take this early interest in setting up their respective travel schedules.
Regards to all
Dear John:
I enjoyed reading your Issue #2, Volume 15, and I was particularly interested in the article covering General and Mrs. Perrin.
Under separate cover, I am mailing you a copy of a collection of short stories covering the 106th Infantry Division. We have a certain number of these books which were printed on the occasion of the 1953 Convention in Columbus. The work was done and the cost of the material was donated in the hopes of giving someone something tangible in return for a donation to the Memorial Fund. I do not recall exactly how much money was received, but it was neither large nor small. I think at one time we said we would give the book free of charge to each person who made a $5.00 contribution to the Memorial Fund.
The point of sending this booklet to you is to give you a copy for your files and to better enable you to figure out how you would like to bring an offer to the attention of the membership.
Sincerely yours,
Continued on page 8
"Jump Aboard 106th's' Barn Burnin' 13th Annual Reunion"
-- ' -
We are rapidly approaching the time that our division will have in St. Vith, Belgium, a memorial to honor those who fought and died to keep our country free.In this Cub, is print of memorial from Victor Schutz, architect, St. Vith, Belgium. The memorial will include a chapel area which will contain memorial plaque with inscription of our choice.
Our flag, along with the Belgian flag, will fly above the memorial.
Location of memorial will be on the college grounds which will insure us that it will be properly maintained, and will be viewed by many persons.
Perhaps some of us may be there for the dedication service, or in the years to come we may have the opportunity to visit the memorial.
Doug Coffey will keep us informed of progress of this project.
Dear John:
Have been wanting to write you since Sept. But just did not get to it, always so much to do.
Please give my best to all the grand folks I met in Phila. and do hope I can be with you all in Chicago.
My love to all
Dear John & Stella:
We had a wonderful holiday and were closed from Wednesday at noon and did not open until Monday morning and that in itself was wonderful, things are fine with us and business is going along well.
Have just a minute but thought you might like some of this correspondence we received during Christmas. You might have known about Bill Luoma, we did not. She might also need some help from the Memorial Fund.
Best wishes for 59.
I am enclosing a letter from Captain Mudd, a very fine officer with the 592 FA Bn. I am sure he would have no objection to its being published in the CUB. We need reminiscences of this kind in the paper to keep alive the memories of our battle days. Please return it to me.
In this connection you might publish the following:
I had always wondered where the Mess Orderly got all the food and coffee served that terrible night of the 16th. He is Eddie Hirtz and now runs a restaurant near Oshkosh, Wis. So I wrote and asked him. He replied: "Sorry, General, that will have to remain my military secret of the war."
"How's About Chicago in July, Fella?"
Dear General McMahon;
It has been fourteen years now since the "Battle Of The Bulge." I am sure you too have some memories of those hectic weeks that are hard to forget, especially from the 16th of Dec. and the weeks that followed.
I recall as if it were yesterday coming back with a forward party and checking in at your Headquarters in St. Vith about midnite on the 16th of Dec. The hot coffee you had prepared was certainly enjoyed. We then moved North of St Vith and went into position until driven out the next afternoon.
This day has a special meaning to me as it was on the 21st Dec. that I was captured. Of the five men who were with me, three were captured and the other two were victims of the Nazi Burp guns. Of the three that were captured, we never heard from them again. I have always hoped and told myself that perhaps they too were lucky.
It must have been on the 19th or 20th that your Aid, Lt. Martin was killed. Some of the American boys who had also been captured told me they found Lt. Martin's body alongside-a road. I also think often of Lt. Alexander, who was Ex. Officer of A Battery, 592 FA Bn. He was in Capt. Potts Battery and killed on the 16th.
I am sure the Good Lord was taking care of me, for which I have been very grateful. General, I will never forget, if I live to be a hundred, the nite of 23rd Dec., about eleven o clock, when I walked into your Headquarters. As you came forward to shake hands you said, "Mudd, I'm glad to see you." And I said, "General, you're not half as glad to see me as I am to see you." The next day I was back with the 592nd and it was a wonderful Christmas.
Each year at this time I say an extra prayer for those of us who did not come through and especially for those who were not so fortunate. Hope you have been well and that you have a Merry, Merry Christmas.
Most sincerely yours,
J. O. MUDD, Capt.
592 FA Bn., Retired
News from the Dec. 16th Dinner held in Closter, New Jersey.Mahlon O. Earle got an 8 point buck (200 lbs.) Dec. 9th. First one.
George M. Galik--obtained his 4 place private plane license Nov. 1958.
Ed Plenge--Has taken up surf fishing now that he has a place on Long Beach Island.
Fleming's have another parakeet.
Coffey's had another set of twins (Palomino ponies).
Jack Middleton--Chairman New York Division of Railroad Enthusiasts. Even though most of the Trains are Disappearing!
Jacques W. Block--looking forward to visiting St. Vith during his '59 Vacation.
Jerry Frankel--has 2 daughters now.
Harold Fleming--Commander Post 1447 VFW.
Joseph Suplicki--has a new daughter, who joins 1 sister and 4 brothers (trying hard to get up with the R. Rutt's in Detroit).
Howard Watt--is President of the Village Police Reserves in Ridgefield Park, N.J.
Martin J. Dever-387 Jefferson St., Ridgewood, N. J. was in Div. Hq. Co.
Gordon R. Stryker--now lives at 1136 Scott Street, Reading Pa. He is married, and has a daughter age 6. He tells us, he is working for an insurance underwriter with the American Casualty Company, Reading, Pa.
To the convention committee, please see that the hotel has a Hammond Organ, we may be able to get Dave Brumaghin (if he brings his own Music) to play. Or we might even get Flo Bickford to weaken, so she can prove to her family its not so hard to play one of those things.
The Jersey group sent $20.00 to Bob Kelly for Memorial Fund.
Many thanks to all who sent holiday greetings to our home. Heard from some of our 106 friends whom we haven't seen lately, including our former Memorial Chairman, John Reynolds, George Iwamoto, Hilo, Hawaii, Glen Hyland, Don Hinrich & Mort Rubinstein. Hope to get those who are not now members to sign up.Had several notes about membership cards, including one from Byron Heath of Alhambra, Calif. All membership cards have now been mailed. Please advise if you haven't received your card.
Have read that a motion picture has been made to commemorate the 14th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, titled "The Last Blitz Krieg." I have not as yet seen the picture but hope to when it comes to our town.
Our assoc. now has three projects:
1. Increase membership.
2. Promote attendance at our 13th annual reunion at Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, July 24-26.
3. Complete plans and have constructed Memorial at St. Vith by Dec. 16, 15th Anniversary of Battle of Bulge.
Good luck to Jack Gillespie and Larry Walden in their efforts to strengthen our Chicago group.
Elsewhere in this issue of "The Cub" you will see a request for word of one of the Golden Lion's who fought with us against our common enemy and gave his life on the field of battle that truth and justice might prevail.After fourteen years, there remains in the hearts and minds of those he left at home the memory of that loved one and a great desire to know how he lived and how he died when the hour for the supreme test came.
We thank our Creator for the gift of life; we thank Him for His care, His guidance, His mercy, even unto the hour of death; we thank Him for all that we are, all that we have and all that we hold in honor and reverence.
As a small expression of our gratitude, while we have life, let us each one of us keep green the memory of those with whom we served from those days at Fort Jackson to those in the Ardennes and beyond, but especially the memory of those who have fallen asleep.
The Lions Tale is a book of over 200 pages with short stories, pictures and articles of the happenings of our 106th Div. Many of the stories are the personal accounts of our members.If you have a copy, I am sure you value it, if not, you most certainly should get a copy.
These books however, are not for sale, but can be had by donating $5.00 or more to our Memorial Fund.
Thanks to Pete Frampton and the Columbus, Ohio group for making copies of the Lion's Tale available.
The books were printed by the Columbus group for the Seventh convention.
I am looking forward in the next month or so to see my activities in getting the 12th Annual Reunion promotion transferred into the Chicago area.Someone might remark that one or two men can easily do a terrific promotion job; but it ain't that way, fellas. From my experience, a good, sincere, drivin' type hard core group of men can only do what is fair to their own time and the expense those traveling into town incur.
This little ole "Clambake" for July-'59, is the real tool towards drawing you men in the Chicago back as one united front for the 106th in the Midwest. Your Sherman Hotel, December 16th Dinner was the spark. Now; how's about taking the ball and make us a show a-likin' to none before.
The most direct way towards an immediate kick-off is to channel your calls through Larry Walden (Phone CHICAGO -- FA 4-0157) . Due to Larry's traveling, suggest you limit his number for consolidation to as short a period this early part of 1959 as possible.
I would like to advise the Association's Board of Directors once you men are off to the races--that they can relieve me of my temporary duties via the Chicago Reunion.
Pick up the phone right now; call Larry. Thanks,
"The Edgewater Beach Hotel for '59"
BOB COURTRIGHT writes he is still farming. Sent along picture of their six children which is printed in this Cub. Reports production is good farming and otherwise. Plans to attend Chicago convention./
AUSTIN BYRD, our former adjutant, and his new bride are living in Tulsa, Okla. He is working at a new plant his father has acquired, Alloy Stud Bolt and Mfg. Co. Reports steak and chili are excellent. Hopes any of our members in area will call him.
LT. COL. CARL H. WOHLFEIL, ARTY, HQ. Seventh Army in Stuttgart, Germany. He was Executive Officer of the 591st FA Bn. and later commanded the reorganized 590th FA Bn. He wrote the following to Gen. McMahon: "My son and I visited St. Vith last spring--you would never recognize it. A tremendous new cathedral out of native stone, new homes, hotels broad new paved streets and very prosperous looking. You should see it."
COL and MRS. HOOVER, CO. 591 FA BN. have returned from their second tour of duty in Alaska and are now stationed at CONRAC Hq. Fortress Monroe, Virginia.
BOBB RUTT, our top producer, has joined the Law firm of Ward, Plunkett Sc Cooney, Detroit. "Best of everything, Bob.
Wedding bells rang out for Austin L. Byrd, Jr., and Miss Murtle V. Dalius, October 18, 1958 at Saint William of York Roman Catholic Church, Baltimore, Md. Miss Dalius was attended by her sister, Mrs. Al Gale. Austin's best man was his friend, Mr. Charles Gardner.A reception was held at Surrey Inn on Reisterstown Road.
The newlyweds spent two weeks in Florida and one week in Baltimore.
Following their honeymoon they left for Tulsa, Oklahoma, where they are now residing.
Our best wishes go with them for a very happy married life.
"Swimming for Both the Little and the 'Big' Kids"
Mrs. William C. Baker, Jr.
Mrs. John D. (Carol) Beals
Mrs. Thomas (Florence) Bickford
Mrs. Henry M. (Eunice) Broth
Mrs. Charles C. (Carolyn) Cavender
Mrs. Douglas S. (Isabel) Coffey
Mrs. R. M. Courtright
Mrs. Richard (Marge) DeHeer
Mrs. A. (Mary Jane) Dietrich
Mrs. T. (Alice) Dorosky
Mrs. Mahlon O. (Helena) Earle, Jr.
Mrs. R. A. Frankini
Mrs. G. D. (Florence) Fridline
Mrs. J. I. (Stella) Gallagher
Mrs. J. M. (Shirley) Gillespie
Mrs. Lawrence (Estelle) Gubow
Mrs. H. V. Hayden
Mrs. W. F. (Arlene) Hiltbrand
Mrs. Alan W. Jones, Jr.
Mrs. Alan W. (Alys) Jones, Sr.
Mrs. R. E. (Libby) Kelly
Mrs. J. R. (Frances) Ketterer
Mrs. C. (June) Koob
Mrs. J. (Ann) Krakjic
Mrs. Norman L. (Joyce) Lee
Mrs. J. R. (Catherine) Lett
Mrs. J. T. (Kay) Loveless, Jr.
Mrs. W. T. (Elizabeth) Manahan
Mrs. G. Marcus
Mrs. J. C. (Anna) Matthews, Jr.
Mrs. W. L. (Margaret) Mowlds
Mrs. L. T. (Wilda) McMahon
Mrs. Richard W. (Jenny) Nethers
Mrs. H. T. Perrin
Mrs. Robert W. (Jean) Pierce
Mrs. Clayton (Mabel) Rarick
Mrs. C. W. (Blanche) Richards
Mrs. Fred (Charlotte) Schieferstein
Mrs. J. Glenn (Rosemary) Schizlein
Mrs. Mike P. Serino
Mrs. J. E. (Maydean) Wells
There is need for additional funds to complete our obligation to erect memorial at St. Vith, Belgium.Please forward your contribution to Robert Kelly, 846 Lakepointe, Grosse Point, Michigan.
All members donating $5.00 or more will be sent a copy of "The Lion's Tale."
The Constitution for our Auxiliary states in Article III--Eligibility: Membership in the Auxiliary of the 106th Division Association shall be relatives and friends of veterans of the 106th Division.There were at least 238 members in the Men's organization last August and only about 40 members in the Auxiliary.
The dues are only $2.00 per year for members without the CUB and $3.00 with it.
We would be very happy to increase our membership. Won't you join us? The next Convention for the Association will be held in July in Chicago. If you haven't considered it before, why not join we "girls" then!
Sometime ago we learned of the death of the father of Mrs. Henry (Eunice) Broth, 3917 Duvall Ave., Baltimore 16, Md.
The members of the Auxiliary join me in extending our deepest sympathy to Eunice and her family.
KATHRYN G. LOVELESS, President, Women's Aux.
To the Ladies: Sorry but we didn't send your Auxiliary 106th cards out yet, but we will try to mail them soon.--Dick DeHeer
Edgewater Beach Hotel Chicago, Illinois
July 24, 25, 26th
After ten years we return to Chicago--
Remember 1949 at the Congress Hotel
"Line Up An Ole Friend to Get Back Into These Reunions"
Index for: Vol. 15, No. 3, Mar, 1959
Index for This Document
100th Inf. Div., 15106th Div., 15, 19
106th Inf. Div., 7
106th Infantry Division Association, 19
424th Inf, 5
424th Inf. Regt., 5
590th FA BN, 17
591st FA, 17
591st FA BN, 17
592nd FA, 11, 12, 13
592nd FA BN, 11, 12, 13
Alexander, Lt., 12
Alexander, Michael, 3
Ardennes, 15
Austria, 7
Baker, Mrs. William C., 18
Battle Of The Bulge, 11, 13
Beals, Mrs. John D. (Carol), 18
Belgium, 5, 7, 9, 18
Bennett, Robert M., 3
Bickford, Flo, 13
Bickford, Mrs. Thomas (Florence), 18
Blair, Jack E., 1
Block, Jacques W., 13
Briles, Ben R., 1
Broth, Henry M., 5
Broth, Mr. & Mrs. Henry M., 5
Broth, Mrs. Henry (Eunice), 19
Broth, Mrs. Henry M. (Eunice), 18
Brumaghin, Dave, 13
Brumaghin, David, 1
Brunswick, 3
Byrd, Austin, 17
Byrd, Austin L., 17
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 17
Carpenter, Ben, 3
Cassibry, Graham H., 3
Cavender, Mrs. Charles C. (Carolyn), 18
Co. C, 424th, 5
Co. C, 424th Inf., 5
Coffey, Doug, 2, 10
Coffey, Mrs. Douglas S. (Isabel), 18
Cohen, Pfc. Aaron William, 5
Cororan, Mrs. John F., 3
Courtright, Bob, 17
Courtright, Mrs. R. M., 18
Creamer, Ray, 3
Creamer, Raymond, 3
Creamer, Raymond J., 3
Dagostin, F. H., 3
Dalius, Miss Murtle V., 17
Day, Rev. J. B., 3
DeHeer, Dick, 19
DeHeer, Mrs. Richard (Marge), 18
DeHeer, Richard, 1
Dever, Martin J., 1, 13
Dietrich, Mrs. A. (Mary Jane), 18
Dorosky, Mrs. T. (Alice), 18
Douglas, Dale, 3
Dulebohn, Anne E., 11
Dunbar, Alan, 1, 7
Dutz, Robert, 3
Earle, Mahlon O., 13
Earle, Mrs. Mahlon O. (Helena), 18
Edwards, Howard, 3
Edwards, Howard S., 3
Fleming, Harold, 13
Ford, Guy, 3
Ford, Guy H., 3
Fort Jackson, 15
Fox, Thomas K., 1
Frampton, D. B., 8
Frampton, D. B., Jr, 8
Frampton, D. B., Jr., 8
Frampton, Pete, 2, 15
Frankel, Jerry, 13
Frankini, Mrs. R. A., 18
French, Bill, 7
French, Wm. A., 1
Fridline, Mrs. G. D. (Florence), 18
Gale, Mrs. Al, 17
Galik, George M., 13
Gallagher, John, 1
Gallagher, Mrs. J. I. (Stella), 18
Gardner, Mr. Charles, 17
Germany, 5, 7, 17
Gillespie, Jack, 7, 14, 15
Gillespie, Mrs. J. M. (Shirley), 18
Gilmartin, Robert, 3
Gilmartin, Robert A., 3
Gubow, Mrs. Lawrence (Estelle), 18
Hanlon, Dr. George H., 3
Hatch, Jim, 7
Hayden, Mrs. H. V., 18
Hiltbrand, Mrs. W. F. (Arlene), 18
Hinrich, Don, 13
Hirtz, Eddie, 11
Hoover, Col. & Mrs., 17
Hyland, Glen, 13
Italy, 7
Iwamoto, George, 3, 13
Iwamoto, George C., 3
Jacobs, Maj. M. H., 3
James, Louis, 3
Jones, Mrs. Alan W., 18
Jones, Mrs. Alan W. (Alys), 18
Kelly, Bob, 13
Kelly, Mrs. R. E. (Libby), 18
Kelly, Robert, 1, 18
Kennedy, Glen, 3
Kennedy, Glen N., 3
Kersteiner, Don, 3
Kersteiner, Don M., 3
Kesterbaum, Thomas E., 3
Ketterer, Mrs. J. R. (Frances), 18
Koehler, Alfred, 3
Koehler, Alfred C., 3
Koob, Mrs. C. (June), 18
Kovach, Louis, 3
Krakjic, Mrs. J. (Ann), 18
Lapham, Charles, 3
Lee, Mrs. Norman L. (Joyce), 18
Lett, Mrs. J. R. (Catherine), 18
Lothrop, Oliver, 5
Loveless, John, 1, 6
Loveless, John T., 15
Loveless, John T., Jr, 15
Loveless, John T., Jr., 15
Loveless, Kathryn G., 19
Loveless, Mr. & Mrs. John, 5
Loveless, Mrs. J. T. (Kay), 18
Loveless, Mrs. John, 5
Luoma, Ann, 7
Luoma, Bill, 6, 11
Luoma, Roy, 7
Malueg, Russell, 3
Malueg, Russell J., 3
Manahan, Mrs. W. T. (Elizabeth), 18
Marcus, Mrs. G., 18
Marsh, Mrs. Gladys L., 3
Martin, Lt., 11
Martin, Mac, 3
Matthews, Mrs. J. C. (Anna), 18
McMahon, Gen., 11, 17
McMahon, Leo, 11
McMahon, Mrs. L. T. (Wilda), 18
McMurry, W. C., 3
Middleton, Jack, 13
Mowlds, Mrs. W. L. (Margaret), 18
Mudd, Capt., 11
Mudd, J. O., 13
Mueller, William H., 3
Nethers, Dick, 1
Nethers, Mrs. Richard W. (Jenny), 18
Perras, Cliff, 2
Perrin, Gen. & Mrs., 7
Perrin, Mrs. H. T., 18
Pierce, Mrs. Robert W. (Jean), 18
Plenge, Ed, 13
Potts, Capt., 12
Powell, Floyd, 4
Powell, Floyd W., 4
Price, Dave, 1
Rarick, Clayton, 1, 3
Rarick, Mrs. Clayton (Mabel), 18
Reunions, 19
Reynolds, John, 13
Richards, Mrs. C. W. (Blanche), 18
Riggins, Clayton P., 4
Roth, 4
Roth, Nathan, 4
Roth, Nathan M., 4
Rowe, Robert, 5
Rubinstein, Mort, 13
Rutt, Bobb, 17
Saucerman, Eugene, 5
Saucerman, Eugene L., 5
Schieferstein, Mrs. Fred (Charlotte), 18
Schizlein, Mrs. J. Glenn (Rosemary), 18
Searcy, J. J., 5
Serino, Mrs. Mike P., 18
Seventh Army, 17
Sileski, Frank, 5
Simmons, Arthur, 5
Spade, Robert, 5
St. Vith, 2, 9, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18
St. Vith, Belgium, 9, 18
Stec, John, 5
Steed, Ralph, 5
Steed, Ralph G., 5
Steward, Robert C., 5
Stryker, Gordon R., 1, 13
Stuttgart, 17
Stuttgart, Germany, 17
Sumliner, Mrs., 5
Sumliner, Mrs. H., 5
Suplicki, Joseph, 13
Sziber, Frank V., 5
The Lion's Tale, 18
Thompson, James L., 5
Ulmer, Albert E., 5
Vitek, Franklin R., 5
Wakefield, 7
Walden, Larry, 14, 15
Watt, Howard, 13
Weber, E. E., 5
Weiser, Bernard H., 5
Wells, Jim & Maydean, 11
Wells, Mrs. J. E. (Maydean), 18
Williams, Bernard, 5
Williams, Bernard E., 5
Wohlfeil, Lt. Col. Carl H., 17