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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
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The Cub
Vol. 50, No. 3, Apr., 1994

President's Message...
     The picture accompanying this issue is of me as a 23 year-old combat veteran. It was taken at the Rest Center in Eupen, Belgium , February 1945. Although I was cleaned up and glamorized you can tell by the eyes that the 24 hours of rest was needed. At least, it was a chance to soak in a hot-tub and get an undisturbed night's rest. It was not the movie version of Rest and Relaxation (R&R), but it was pure heaven. The photo was offered as part of the R&R package.
     In the last CUB, in my discussion of the ORDER of the GOLDEN LION, I failed to list Robert W. Pierce, deceased, who received the Officer Class medal (OCGL) in 1986. My apologies to Majorie (Jean) Pierce, his wife and his family for this oversight. Order of the Golden Llon Review Committee: Tom Riggs, 1st Vice-President, read between the fines and recognized that I was not pleased with the present "award procedure" and volunteered to head a committee to review the procedure wherein the Order of the Golden Lion is awarded to a deserving recipient. Boyd Rutledge, Jack Sulser, Russ Villwock and Alan Jones, Jr. have agreed to serve on this committee under Riggs. Hopefully they will have some recommendations for improvements for consideration during the Annual Meeting in South Dakota this fall.
     Backups and/or Replacements for Key Officers: Tom Riggs and I are in agreement that we need to recruit and/or identify capable persons to act as "backup or replacement" of our three key officers, namely the Adjutant, Cub Editor and Treasurer. This is, of course, a precautionary procedure in case one of them is unable to continue his duties. By having one or more willing "backups" for each office, it would ease the continuation of the important duties that these three men perform. It is these three key positions that hold the organization together.
     Since we do not know who might be a logical replacement we are asking all you members who have the talent, and would take-over any of these duties, to notify the Adjutant that you would be willing to do so. With a list in hand, we could as I stated, keep the order of business intact and continue the business of the Association.
    Rapid City, South Dakota 1994 Reunion: Gordon Pinney tells me that they are ready for as at Rapid City, South Dakota - so get that reservation off your desk and get it mailed. Ed Rama, President .
1060 Infantry Division Association President
Edward A. Prewett - 1993-1990
'B' Company. 424/11 Combat Infantry Regiment
A 1945 U.S. Signal Coon photo - see article


"Don't Fence Me In ..."
     Shortly after my liberation in April of 1945, I found myself in the second hospital. This one was in France and would be my " home- for about a month as I recovered from being a P.O.W. and the Army got me ready to face my family. Playing on the radio with much frequency was a song by Bing Crosby called "Don't Fence Me In." That sentiment expressed by the title very correctly expressed my feelings and those of the other POWs. Having just gone through an experience where we had been "fenced in" we now exalted in something which we had always taken for granted, before, freedom.
     As I look at life on a daily basis, I have come to under- Reveals:1.M C. B.* Jr.. Chaplain stand that there are more ways to be "fenced in" than that

422/A - 108th Int oar. Anoe. which the Germans exercised over us. We can fence ourselves
212 Rides St, Blano0.0. SC 29010

    in by prejudices, anger, discontent and failing to make the most of our opportunities, just to name a few. Early in the history of the Hebrews, they made a choice which fenced them in for some forty years. After Moses led them out of Egypt as God's servant, they found themselves in the area between the Red Sea and the land which God had promised to give them. In Exodus 23:20-31 Gad promises the Hebrews that His angel would go ahead of them and drive out the peoples of the area before them. Yet when Moses sent spies into the area to see what lay ahead, the reports brought back by most of them no discouraged the masses that they chose to listen to them rather than to trust God. Because of their foolishness that whole generation was aDowed b lice as:16e in the wildemess without getting the reward and life which God had promised them.
    Ten of the returning men painted such a bleak picture of the land and such a menacing picture of the people and their strength that the Hebrews forgot God's promise to them conceming the land. Instead they choose to give in to their fears as fired by the ten spies' stories and fenced themselves into a forty year stay in the inhospitable wilderness --all because they chose to follow the warnings of these " little" men instead of listening to and following God's promise for their lives and that of their children and grandchildren.
     I suspect that many of an can look back on our lives and see times when we have fenced ourselves in because we chose to follow the dictates of our own thinking or that of others instead of seeking God's direction. When we have let prejudice against another's race or religion close our minds to the good things which that person had to offer, we have fenced ourselves in. When we have let anger at a family member, friend or fellow worker cause us to turn away from them, we have fenced ourselves in. When we have let our discontent over a particular situation make us turn a deaf ear to all of the possibilities, we have fenced ourselves in.
     As we move through life it can be amazing how much we can grow through seeking to know and value those who might --at first--seem to be different from those with whom we might wish to associate. How many times have families been torn asunder by the anger of one or more members over something which oftentimes was so petty. Have you ever looked back at a chance lost because you refused to look at the possibilities of a situation. When, finally, the Hebrews entered the Promised Land, I am certain that many of them most have cursed the cincumstances which led their elders to to listen to the fears of the ten spies instead of to the promise of God.
     Gracious father, we often tend to be headstrong. We listen to ourselves rather than to you and act on our fears rather than your promises. Forgive us for our humanness and use us to exhaN Thee In all areas of our life.


Front & Center ...

Study Underway for Another Book
    All "ANNUAL" dues paying members should have their dues paid by July I, 1994. The Annual Association fees are good from July I to June 30, the next year. Thanks for the comments from all of you about the possibility of another book covering mom of the history of the 106th Division.
    It is important that you pay your dues by July 1, 1994.. If not, the next CUB will not appear in your mail-box. In particular this book would cover many of the bits of personal history that the editor has accumulated over the last few years. Much of it too voluminous for The CUB. Eg: POW experiences, some personal papers etc. It would also be an update to include those interesting articles that have appeared in The CUB, after the CUB Passes in Review was published.
    PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THIS IMPORTANT DATE. IT IS TOO COSTLY TO KEEP SENDING LETTERS ASKING FOR PAYMENT OF ANNUAL DUES. PAY BY JULY 1, 1994 Association history would also be updated to include awards, reunions and officer appointments.
    LIFE MEMBERSHIPS are still available at $75.00 per member - no hassle with ANNUAL payments.... In the CUB Passes in REVIEW, very little information was taken from the "Mail Bag" in the old publications. While it would not be possible to include all that information, some of it bears information about men and happenings of the division.
    PAY your dues to the TREASURER, Sherod Collins, 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw. GA, 30144 This matter will be presented to the Board at it's meeting in South Dakota.
    Also, look at the label on the envelope that this CUB arrived in. It tells the date that your membership expires. If there is any mistake contact the editor, who keeps the address label roster, or the Adjutant, who handles business affairs for the Association. Addresses are on the " inside front cover." If you have any ideas, material or input, please contact the editor, John Kline, who will be putting this material together.
Your help and suggestions are invited.
Some Old CUBS Still Needed
    Thanks to all that have contributed to the collection of "Old Cubs" that have been sent to the Carlisle Barracks Mu-Warn.
The following CUBS are still needed.
     If you have the talent and could backup the positions of "Editor," "Adjutant" or "Treasurer," and would like to be listed as a "Back-Up" for any of those positions, please contact the President, Ed Prewett, or the 1st Vice-President, Colonel Riggs. Address your correspondence to the Adjutant (Business Manager)- his address is on the " Inside Cover" of this CUB. We must keep these positions active
Volume 1 I no. 3 1954-55
Volume 16 no 2 1959-60
With the above our collection will be complete.
Thanks to all. John Kline, editor


Front & Center...
Rapid City Reunion Looks Like a Good Crowd
Art Van Moorlehem and Bob Cal Important!! If you have already
    hoon are reporting a good number have reserved rooms and have not sent in the made reservations at the hotels. 106th Infantry Division Association
They told me (5/1/94) they were over REGISTRATION BLANKS, please do
booked with 221 rooms already reserved so. At this point in time with 280 rooms
at the Howard Johnson, and about 60 reserved, there were only about 100 regis-
rooms at the Holiday Inn. (That equates to trations. Don't load the committee down
about 530 people). They say the facilities at If you have a badge from the Fort
are more than adequate and will accom Jackson Reunion let Bob Calhoun know
modate the 106th Association nicely. The you have it, to he won't have to go to the
Holiday Inn's telephone -(605)348-1230. expense of making a new one. We won't
The Committee are planning on pick tell anybody...--.
ing up the 106ers at the airport (No NEW TRAVEL DISCOUNTS!!!!
Charge) and plan to have some person's Don't forget to ask your travel agent
at the airport to assist incoming attenders. for the NEW DISCOUNTS air-fare.
They will also have assistance for the Some are as high as 40% and maybe an
disabled on the Mount Rushmore Tour. added 5% . If you have tickets ask for a
The committee are doing a great job!! refund for the discounted prices ^
Camp Atterbury Veteran's Memorial Committee Meeting
by 0. Paul Mere. 422/SV vance will be held on Sunday, August 7, 1994
A copy of the 106th Infantry Division flag at 2:30 p.m. They usually last about 40 min-
was presented to the Atterbury Memorial uses. A tour of Camp is included.
Committee. I understand it will be on display Above "presenting the 106th Flag." LIE;
in the entrance hall of the Headquarters build- Bemie Ostenneyer, 423/B; 0. Paul Mera,
ing. It will used in the Memorial Hall, when- 422/SV; Col hag Satchel, Past Camp Atter-
ever a "display" occasion arises. bury Commander, Col Garry Willis, Present
The next (2nd Annual) Memorial Obser- Camp Anerbury Commander ^


SEPTEMBER 3, 4, 5 & 6 1994
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 1994 (for early sign-ins)
8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m Pre -registration-Sign in-Snacks
10:00 a.m (optional Tours) Badlands-5 hours
10:00 a.m Deadwood-5 hours N-
10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m Hospitality Suites Open
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 1994 (Reunion Officially Starts)
7:30-9:00 a.m Continental Breakfast and Past President's Breakfast
8:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m Registration
9:00 a.m.-Noon (optional Tour) City Circle Tour
9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m Board Meeting
Noon-3:00 p.m Men's Luncheon & Business Meeting
Noon-3:00 p.m Women's Luncheon & Program
3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m FREE TIME (visiting, shopping, etc.)
6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m Reception ( cash bar) Buffet Supper
7:30-9:00 a.m Breakfast (sit-down)
8:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. Hospitality Rooms Open
9:00 a.m.-Noon (Optional Tour) City Circle Tour #2
Noon -1:00 p.m Lunch (On your own)
1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m (Optional Tour) Ellsworth Aircraft Museum Airbase
5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m Dinner (On your own) (Possible Chuck-wagon Supper) 6:00
p.m.-10:00 p.m. Memorial Service & Mount Rushmore Lighting
MONDAY SEPTEMBER 5,1994 (Labor Day)
7:00-8:00 a.m. Breakfast (On your own)
8:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. Hospitality Rooms Open
8:00 a.m.-Noon (Optional Tour) Southern Black Hills Tour
Noon-1:00 p.m Lunch (On your own)
1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m (Optional Tour) Northern Black Hills Tour
6:30-11:30 p.m Banquet & Dance-Cash Bar
10:00 p.m Rosh Hashana Service, Ellsworth Chapel
7:30-9:30 a.m Continental Breakfast& Farwell (TURN IN BADGESIII)
Hope you can stay after the convention to enjoy the many attractions of the
Rapid City, South Dakota area.
See Page 4 of this CUB. The Howard Johnson is SOLD
OUT. They will, however, assist you in locating another
nearby room. Call them at (605) 343-8550.
Tell them you are attending the
106th Infantry Division Association.

The CUB of the Golden Llon
Jazz Memories ...
     I kept out of mischief the past winter by dashing off a 50,000-word book, "Jazz Memories," which details my highlights as a jazz fan the past 52 years. Those of you with fond recollections of the swing era might appreciate the following excerpt:
    Glenn Miller's pre-war band wasn't a particular favorite of mine because it didn't play a whole lot of good jazz. While BG played "King Porter Stomp" and Basie played "Lester Leaps In," the Miller band was known for its dance music, such syrupy stuff as "Moonlight Cocktails."
     I gained respect for Miller in 1944, though, when his Army Air Force crew played in Europe. The band elevated morale for the GIs and, I am sure, the civilians in Britain who got to see the big, string-augmented ensemble perform.
    My outfit, the 106th Inf. Div., spent a month near Oxford prior to being shellacked in the opening round of the Battle of the Bulge. Miller's band was an the air nightly. We listened in our but on a $15 radio purchased in a village shop.
    The band played Miller's dance tunes, of course. But it also belted out some respectable jazz, with Bernie Priv in getting off some trumpet solos reminiscent of Bunny Berigan. I also enjoyed the "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" medleys. One of my favorites included "Londonderry Air," "Shoo-Shoo Baby," "The Way You Look Tonight" and "Blue Danube." Remember that?
    I got to London one weekend, hoping to see the Miller band. But they had been moved to a safer locale due to attacks from the buzz bombs and the soaring V-2 rockets. One V-2 that landed miles away shook the Piccadilly hotel on, I recall, Nov. 19, 1944.
    So we kept listening, night after night, until sailing to France, landing at Le-Havre on what someone calculated to be D-Day "plus 120 days."
    I was carrying our radio much of the time, because I loved the music so much. Along with an BAR, my full field pack, a gas mask, a trench knife and an extra bag of ammo around my neck.
    We never found a wall receptacle for the radio while up front in the Siegfried Line. When the Bulge erupted on Dec. 16, 1944, I threw the radio in a snow-filled ditch along with my gas mask, my over-
Dan Bind, .A1 Co., 422nd Combat Inf. Reg.
180 Leffler Street. West Burlington. Iowa 52855
Telephone: (319) 752-5208


coat, etc., no I could "travel light." This was the day Maj. Glenn Miller. an Iowa native. disappeared.
    I was a POW until Apr. 24, 1945. There were no radios in the prison camps, at least not in the coal mine where 25 of us worked. But I could still hear the music of Glenn Miller in my mind along with Goodman's "Henderson Stomp" and Duke Ellington's "Cottontail"
    Wingy Manone kept running through my head with "Stop that war. them cats are killin' themselves." It was, I guess, the first anti-war song of my generation.
    After our liberation, back in LeHavre and Camp Luck) Strike, I was just as anxious for the V-Discs as I was for the pancakes, hot showers and toilet paper. In 1988, I talked to drummer Ray McKinley, who was with Miller's wartime band, on a jazz cruise. He said something about the morale boosting mission of Miller's band.
    "You might wonder if your music gave as a lift," I said. "Glenn Miller's music ranked right up there with payday and mail call as far m I'm concerned." NOTE: My book, in soft-cover with about 28 photos, should be available by late summer. The price will be $12 postpaid. Dan Bied ^
Coming Up in the Next CUB
My Little Window on the Bulge;
by Earl Scot 589 FAB Headquarters.
    Earl was one of the "PIPER CUB" pilots that flew observation missions for the 589th Field Artillery. He tells of his training experiences as well as his experiences during the Bulge.

My Pen Pals in Belgium and England
by John lame, editor
    I have been corresponding with two gentlemen, one from Crowborough, England, who visits the Ardennes area every summer. He stays near our area. Sports a 106th uniform, complete with patch. He sent me a picture of him in an Ardennes fox-hole complete with uniform and carbine along with other pictures of the area the area.. One shows artillery shells dug up at the base of Linschied Hill - the hill at (423/422) SchOnberg - some look like Railroad Gun shells.
    The other gentleman: Henri HANNON, Hermee-Oupeye, Belgium. A very sincere delightful young man who has gone to great lengths to search for information and pictures for me. We have exchanged family photos and letters. Eg: I told Henri that my Company Commander, Captain Hardy, 423/M was buried in Henri Chapelle. near Leige. Henri went to the cemetery and sent back photos, including one of the grave Captain Hardy. He has made special trips to the Ardennes area to photograph the roads and area that I thought we (the 423rd) were on, the River OUR and the bridge that crosses it in Schonberg.
The Lucky Three from Company "C"
Fred Vieth, 423/C

A Personal History
by Harold Allen. 424/A
The CUB hf Ihe Golden Lion 7
From Our Belgian Friends -- C.R.I.B.A.
105mm Howitaer with crew, a black&white line an roan from
the 106th Infantry Division picture book (1944)
A 105mm Howitzer, similar to this, will be displ yed at Parker's Crossroads. Banque de Fraiturt.
All from the efforts of the men of C.R.I.B.A in Belgium.
105 Howitzer to be
on Display at
Parker's Crossroads
A letter from Andre HUBERT, President of CRIBA..
To John Kline, CUB Editor
    For the 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, the CRIBA Board wanted to do something to honor the American soldiers involved in that great battle.
    Our first idea was to put at the Parker's Crossroads (Baraque de Frailure) three 105mm Howitzers like they were on December 1944. We have been negotiating for more than two years with the American and Belgian authorities without being sure to have them.
    Very recently, the U.S. Government gave us one 105mm and we are able now to realize our plans. The town of Vielsalm agreed to be our partners for the realization of a memorial. Now the things are mooing fast. A ceremony of dedication was decided by the Vielsalm authorities for May 7, 1994. Ceremonies and wreath laying will take place along the year. Enclosed is a note explaining more about it. Should it be possible to insert this in the next issue of the "CUB?"
I also thank you for sending us the copies of "The CUB" which we receive regularly.
    We hope that you will come to the Ardennes this year. Pierre GOSSET and myself are looking forward to seeing you. Sincerely,
Andrea HUBERT, President - CRIBA
by Muse HUBERT. President - CRIBA
    Baroque de Fraiture is an important crossroads known by the historians as "The Parker's Crossroads" It is located at the crossing of the roads Bastogne-Li6ge and St.Vith-La Roche.
    On December 19, 1944, in the afternoon, a group of about 100 men of the 589th Field Artillery Battalion (106th Inf. Div.) under command of Major Arthur C. Parker established there a defensive position. On the following hours, they received reinforcements of several units:
• a few men of 87th Reconnaissance Squadron (7th Armored Division;
• a small outfit of 203rd Anti-Aircraft
Artillery AW Bn (7th A.D.);
• a few tanks of 3rd Armored Division;
• a small outfit of the 509th Parachute


From Our Belgian Friends -- C.R.I.B.A.
Infantry Battalion:
• F Company of the 325th Glider
    Infantry Regiment (82nd Airborne). From December 19 through December 23, about 300 men resisted against the German 560th Volksgrenadiere Division and later the German 2nd SS Panzer Division " Das Reich." On December 23, around 1700 hours, after a heavy artillery shelling, the 4th Grenadier Regiment overwhelmed the position and forced Americans to surrender. Most of the defenders were taken prisoners and about only 50 men could escape. In 1980, in a letter to Major Parker, General Gavin commander of the 82nd Airborne, stated
    "The stand that your defenders made at the crossroads was one of the great actions of the war. It gave us at least twenty-four hours respite. so I thank you for that, and all the brave soldiers who were under your command'.
    Fifty years later, CRIBA together with the town of Vielsalm will dedicate a memorial at Baroque de Fraiture to honor all the American soldiers who were involved in the Battle of the Bulge.
    This place has been chosen for several reasons : - The defense at the crossroads is a typical example of the courage of so many small groups which stopped the German breakthrough. - It was one of the doors the Germans needed to reach the Meuse River. - More than ten U.S. divisioniand their attached units fought on the Vielsalm territory. - This marshy and misty area is the highest point in elevation in the perimeter of the Bulge (652 meters) and, in winter, represents the best picture ofthe Ardennes the GI's of 1944 remember. The memorial will consist of a US 105mm Howitzer of 1941 donated to CRIBA by the US Government. It will be set on a concrete base in form of the American star. On one side of the gun, will stand the memorial dedicated in 1984 by
    the "Lion 's Club Haute Ardennes" to the memory of Major Parker and his men. On the other side, a memorial with the shield of the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge (VBOB) and words of gratefulness. The dedication by the Town of Vielsalm and CRIBA will take place on May 7, 1994 at 1100 hours A.M. Together with the people of Vielsalm and area, CRIBA will feel honored by the visit of the American Veterans and their families at that Memorial all along the year 1994 and for many years. Of course, all the Veterans in the area, on May 7, 1994 are heartily welcomed to the dedication ceremony.
Andre HUBERT President - CRIBA ^
    Thank you for the information on the Howitzer. I also received communications from Pierre. There will be many 106th Infantry Division men in Europe this year. I will not be there, but hopefully, I will get over there within the next two years. When I do, I will certainly contact you.
    We also want to thank you and CRIBA for the time that you and others have spent with our division men when they are in the area. It takes much personal dedication to do what you and your organization do for them. We all know the sacrifice of your own time and expense, and we all thank you from our hearts...
John Kline, CUB editor
    For other stories of Parker's Crossroads and/or the 589th FAB see pages 182 -192 in St Vith: Lion in the Way, Page 4 APR-MAY.JUN 1991 CUB, also Page 13 of the JAIV.FEB.MAR CUB and Page 427 in The CUB: PASSES in REVIEW. Return to Parker's Crossroads, by John Gatens, 589/A. and in the CUB PASSES in REVIEW - pages 81 through 95. A Historical Journal of the 589th by 589/HG member, Francis Aspinwall.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Van De Bogart, 424/A, returns to Belgium...
Jules NerDeb., CRIBS on Ott with Herman Van De Bogart leaking at e map
or the 4240 battle area. Mem., Belgium.
by Herman Van De Bogart, 424/A
NCR #2 Box 850-115
Tuscon, Arizona 85735
(602) 822-2296
    I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all those who sent information to the Cub concerning their visits to Belgium, especially D. W. Beseler. I don't want to repeat what has already been published, but would like to add a bit of my own.
    My wife, Helen, and I flew to Frankfurt, Germany on May 7, 1993 and were met there by M/Sgt. Randy Tumer from Lindsey Air Station in Wiesbaden. We had never met Randy but he is a friend of Helen's brother, Chief M/Sgt. Wayne Hall, who had previously been stationed at Lindsey. Randy and his family welcomed us into their home during our stay in Germany.
    After a few days of sight-seeing in that area we rode the train from Wiesbaden to Mainz to Cologne and then to Brussels, Belgium where we were met by Geert and Brigitte Von Rompuy who then took us to their home in Mechelen, about 15 miles from Brussels. They are friends of our daughter and son-in-law, Carol and Rick Ramar, and up to this point our only introduction to them had been through the mail.
    The following day our young hosts drove to Brussels once again to meet Carol and Rick who had flown over from Seattle, and for the next 9 days we were one big happy family! Because our hosts knew all the most interesting and beautiful places for sight seeing and wonderful dining, our time in Belgium was especially enjoyable.
    On a day that Geert and Brigitte had other commitments Carol, Rick, Helen and I rode the train to Amsterdam where we visited the Anne Frank house and took a boat tour along the canals -- a day well spent! Through our correspondence I had told Geert and Brigitte the names of some of the towns and villages we would like to visit and the names of some of the Belgian people I remembered from December 1944/January 1945. Geert used the information I gave him and was able to locate


Van De Bogart, 424/A, returns to Belgium...
    Remy. left Merman Van De Bogart middle; and Marcel These Belgian cilaeos help me locale areas and people during our May 1933 trip lo the baele areas. We are standing in front of We Si Vie, Belgium 10610 Infantry Division Memorial two of the families I mentioned. Our young hosts speak Finnish, French, German and English and their fathers, Remy and Marcel, who were in their early teens in 1944/1945 speak Flemmish, French and some English. Our four newly acquired friends took us on a tour of the Belgian area that the 424th Regiment went through, such as Malmedy, Stavelot, St. WI, Trois-Ponts, Aisomont and Winamplanche.
    At Aisomont we visited Jules Hurdebise and some of the villagers there who have put up and maintain a monument to the 424th. I was very impressed with the large map Jules has made showing all of the batik zones that Don Beseler has written about. These

0 from of the 424th MOOLIMON M Spfrwv. Begun.
LA A elec. c. Mundt Holman Van De Bogen. Jules Me...
ROM BM MOSS. Intemrelons from Mecham, Belgium

The CUB of the Golden Llon
Van De Bogart, 424/A, returns to Belgium...
Andrea Leinune om row la Me nght) and (amity. Wean
Dec 1944/January 1945
    friendly folks give an extremely warm welcome to ex-soldiers from WW II and almost made me feel I had single-handily liberated Belgium! The reception we received there was a tearful but happy occasion. In this area the local people speak only French, but thanks to our multi-lingual friends we were able to communicate easily and it made for a perfect visit. We took lot's of pictures then were invited into the home of one of the couples where we enjoyed drinks, wine, home baked goodies and lot's of reminiscing.
    From there we went to a small private museum of WW II memorabilia that Jules maintains. He appreciates any items or articles from the war, including copies of the Cub, and most of all a visit from any member of the 106th Infantry. Since our return home I have sent him a few items that I had and also four Baalum American flags. He has a particularly hard time keeping flags to fly at the 424th monument became so many of them are taken by souvenir hunters.
    At the end of our stay with the Von Rompuy's, we rented a car and continued our European holiday. Our first stop was at Winamplanche where, after 49 years and armed with some old photos, we had a joyous reunion with some folks I had met during the Bulge. She spoke only French, he spoke only a little English and Carol managed to remember a little of her high school French so, although communication was sometimes slow, we enjoyed a wonderful afternoon and evening with them.
    We drove a total of 2,100 miles through Belgium. Luxembourg, the northeast corner of France, Western and Southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Carol and Rick left from Geneva to return to Seattle then Helen and I continued on and drove through the Black Forest on our
Andrea Lleauna, Winamplencha, Belgium. May len
Herman Van De Began. 424/A. Andres speaks French


Van De Bogart, 424/A, returns to Belgium...
way back to Wiesbaden where we spent a couple more days with the Turners before departing from Frankfurt to Tucson.
    This once in a lifetime trip lasted five weeks and has provided us with some new friendships and a lot of wonderful memories. Again, many thanks to the Cub for all the information we found there to use on our travels.
    (Footnote to John Kline, editor.) John. Since we retumed from Europe our newly acquired friends from Mechelem. Belgium did locate another family that I was looking for while we were in the area. They (the people I was trying to find) wrote to me and sent a dozen pictures of themselves and some Gls, of which I could only recognize one I have four letters, all in French. which I have sent to be interpreted, as I can't find any person fluent in French here in Tucson. See you in Rapid City. Herman Van De Bogart 424/A ^
Trois Ponts, Belgium, May 1993


New Members

     I then spent 27 1/2 years as a professional in the Soil Conservation Service. Most of that time as District Conservationalist. I served at eight locations with the last 20 years here at Madison,
     I completed 21 credit hours in Real Estate and retired from SCS on October 23, 1980, and then entered the Real Estate business as an associate broker for 10 years. Besides my work as a broker I did about 500 private land appraisals and all the rural land appraisal for the County Assessor, about 3,000 units of land. There are only about half that many farms, but each parcel had to be appraised separately. That took about three years.
     This year I turned in my Real Estate Brokers and Highway Superintendents license. I decided 53 years of work was enough. Of course that includes my service and college time. Carl Fox, former Staff Sergeant
823 SICOTTIE AVE L'ANSE, MI 49946-1242
    I recently received information that the "CUB" magazine was available. I was in the 589th F.A. Bn medical Detachment. I joined the 106th at Fort Jackson in March of '43. Captured in the Bulge near Schonberg. Liberated on April 16, 1945 south of Hanover, Germany at Stalag I -B - Falling Bostel.
    (Editor's Note - Yes, Hugh, the 510 annual fee includes both The CUB and the annual membership fee. Annual membership fees are good from June 30 to July 1 of each year, when they have to be renewed. Read the renewal date on the label of the CUB that you received - that will tell you when your membership fee expires... J. Kline)
Mr. Sherod Collins 4408 Monroe Trace Kennesaw, Ga, 30144
     A few days ago I got a telephone call from Robert L. Berry, who lives here in Andalusia. He had thought for 49 years that he was the only one around Andalusia who was in the Battle of the Bulge And I had though that I was the only one around here who was there. Berry was in Company D 424th Infantry. We have been to visit each other several times.
     I went into the106 Division Artillery Headquarters Battery in the late summer of 1943 after serving in firing batteries as a telephone lineman and as a radio operator. I served 22 months with Battery B 117th FA. 31 Infantry Division. and 10
FOX, CARL E. 423/0
PO BOX 222
MADISON. NE 68748-0222
     1 was assigned to Ft. Lewis, WA after two weeks leave and two weeks R&R at Santa Barbara, CA. Discharged November 2, 1945. Worked with Mohawk Lumber Co. in 1946 dismantling the housing at Hanford, WA and Camp Shelby, MS.
     Worked four years for the Soil Conservation Service as a sub-professional, then went to University of Nebraska at Lincoln and completed my degree majoring in Agronomy and Soils for two and


New Members
months with Battery C 167th F.A. The 187th was a New York N.G. Battalion.
     My first assignment in DivArty was as a wireman in Wilbert Paquettes wire crew. About a month later I was assigned to drive for Colonel Malin Craig Jr. and to operate the colonels radios a job that I had through the Tennessee Maneuvers and until about two months after we arrived at Camp Atterbury. where I was reassigned to Paquettes wire crew. I went overseas in Paquettes crew.
     When the attack came on December 16th 1944. all telephone lines had been cut, so all wire crews worked around the clock, trying to keep the lines working. We ran lines, spliced lines and ran some more lines, although we could not get to some of our Battalions that had been cut off. By midnight on December 17th my heels were frozen and cracked open. In the early hours of December 16th DivArty left St. Vith and moved toward Vielsalm. Before we reached Poteau the convoy stopped. I was in the back of the truck trying to change my socks when we came under a mortar-attack. Where my heels had cracked open and were bleeding, my socks were stuck to them so it was really painful to pull off my socks. The first one I took my time, trying not to cause more pain. But when about the fourth shell-hit Frank J. Mooney. who was in the back of the truck with me put his hand through a hole in the canvas, torn by a piece of shrapnel, he looked out from under his little wool cap at me and said very calmly, "Grantha.m. I believe them sons of bitches are pissed off at us, we better get out of here." and Frank left.
     I yanked my other sock off and put on dry ones, jerked my shoes on and some way managed toget on a pair of overshoes. I was going over the tailgate when a shell
    hit in the motor area of the truck and I went flying through the air with the greatest of ease, I don't think I was hurt too bad but my two pair of O.D. pants had big holes busted in them.
     About 20 men and five or six officers, under the direction of a 2nd lieutenant, who with I rifleman, had escaped the encirclement of his infantry regiment, formed a combat wedge, and though we were under some rifle fire for awhile, we walked out to Vielsalm. On the night of December 18th about 16 men from DivArty were captured. Paquettes was one of the men captured so I was assigned to head the crew.
     As we were being pushed back, the wire crews continued to work day and night, to keep communication out to everywhere it was needed. We were near Man hay when our Captain, Captain Harold R, Dann took our crew into Baraque de Fraiture crossroads. he laid several O.P. lines and established a wire communication network and were told to bed down. Some time later Captain Dann got us up and told us that the road to Manhay had been cut and that several trucks bringing supplies into the crossroads had been captured, but we were going to try to get out. We started out, 2 3/4 ton trucks, with Calfee driving Captain Dann's truck in the lead. After going about a mile Calfee remembered that he had not turned on his cat eyes and in trying to turn them on, he turned off his engine. As we were going down a grade the truck continued to roll as if nothing was wrong. When we came to the bottom of the grade, Calfee pushed on the gas peddle and realized that something was wrong. When he flipped on the ignition, there was the loudest backfire that I have ever heard, where upon Captain opened up with his carbine. By a miracle


we were right by the captured trucks when this happened and we rolled by without a scratch.


    About this time, I dont remember the date, we were working with Stuart Lingle and his crew out near Train Points when we captured 13 Germans. They were all riding black heavy built bicycles and all of them had on large white coats. The security patrol that we turned them over to said the Germans were a sabotage crew and they were taken out and shot. 400 ISLAND WAY 81005 CLEARWATER. FL 34630
    After I ate dinner on Christmas day I went to the DivArty ambulance and pulled off my shoes and socks. My heels were big sores and my socks were stuck to them. The medics put medication on them and covered them with gauze. I put my socks and shoes back on and returned to duty. This was the only treatment that I had time to get for my feet. Later when went back to Rennes France, my feet were still hurting me and I went to the medics, where my feet were examined and x-rayed, but by then they had healed and they could find no visible damage. I have been told by several people that I should have the Purple Heart because my feet were frozen. 813.441-9492
    P.S.-- As we were walking back toward Vielsalm on December 16th I became aware that there was something wrong with me. Although I was in tip top condition except for my frozen heels. Snow was no problem since I had trained one winter in the Green Mountains of Vermont. I sweated and stumbled and fell down and got up and stumbled some more, And then realized that in putting on my overshoes I had put them on the wrong feet. Phew- What a relief, I was not hurt too bad after all, only shaken up a bit.

     Dear Mr. Collins - I am writing to become an Associate member so that I can receive The CUB. I heard of publication from Duncan Truernan of Warwick, New York. About four years ago I received his name from a friend of my father-in-law. This friend Carl Braaten, from Wisconsin, had been a POW from the Battle of the Bulge. He gave me the names of the men that he knew had survived, after seeing their names in the VBOB magazine. To make a long story short, I wrote all of them and found that Duncan had been a friend of my father's.
     I am the only child of Myron B. Anderson (Mike). He was a jeep driver in the 424th Anti Tank Company. He was injured on Dec 16, 1944, in the hand and arm, and was sent for treatment. No one knows what happened after that. Maybe the ambulance was hit. His official date of death is December 17, 1944. My uncles were given a telegram in mid-January 1945, but held it from my mother, who was pregnant, for about two weeks. They finally told her and I was bom one month early on February 9, 1945. A year or so passed with his Missing-in-Action status changed to KIA. His body was returned to the States in the summer of 1949. My memories of him are a flag draped coffin and memories of him shared by my family. He has always been a part of my memories and of my soul.
I trust that this relationship to a member of the 106th constitutes the requirements


    of being an Associate Member. I look forward to finding out more about the 106th and hopefully will see some of you this fall in South Dakota. I plan on going there to meet Duncan and as many more of you that I can.
    (Editor's Note - L'Myro welcome to the 106th. Your story will touch the hearts of many. You certainly have earned the honor of joining. We all know that your father will be proud that you joined. If you have not done so. I suggest that you order a copy of our book. The CUB of the Golden Lion: PASSES in REVIEW. Send $18.50 to Shared Collins and he will tell me to forward you a copy. I know you find it of interest. Hope to see you in South Dakota. Please look me up, somewhere around the hotel... J. Kline)

1302 CRETTY Cr. MS



    217-352-4415 (Editor's Note - Jill. if I may call you that, pow eight page letter (story) of your Red Cross career from 1943 as Recreation Worker is so very interesting. Space in this column is usually limited to a page at the most. Your story as a Red Cross Clubmobile operator is so interesting, and of such a different nature of most of the personal accounts we receive.
     NOTE: At this point in my writing I decided to call Jill - We had a great conversation about her experiences. She will be sending we a couple of pictures of her and her unit I received them in a couple of days. In her story she relates that she caught up with the 106th at St Vith on December 16, 1944. Her twin brother John Pitts, was a Batten/ Commander in the 106th and was killed trying to save some of his men. You can read the whole account starting on page 23 of this CUB.... J. Kline)

    84052 BEUFAYS, BELGIUM (Editor's Note - Christian is a member of CRIBA. We have had contact with him for several years. Welcome back Christian.. J. Kline)

LORD, JOHNS S. 424)0
RR III SLOAN. IA 51055 712-428-3946


MILLER, CARL L. 424/140 2BN
    ELK RIVER, MN 55310 (Editor's Note - Carl, hope to meet you one of these days. Maybe at the December 16 get-to-gather this winter. You will receive an invitation. 20-30 of the Minnesota men get-together each year to celebrate the 16th of December '44. I played in a Minnesota Public Golf Toumament last summer in Elk River -rained a solid down-pour both Saturday and Sunday during the event. See you.. J. Kline, Apple Valley, MN)

     Just recently became aware of the 106th Association. John "Chris" Johnson who lives in my neighborhood shared a copy of The CUB with me. It was only recently that Chris and I discovered we served together in the division.
I was assigned to "F" Company, 424th just prior to the division shipping over. During the Bulge I was transferred


New Members
    to the 2nd Battalion Headquarters as a member of the l&R Platoon. Served in that capacity until the end of hostilities at which time I was assigned to the 99th MP Bn at Nancy.
    My discharge from service was March 6, 1946 at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. Served in the armed forces from December 8, 1943 until discharge. Have battle ribbons from Northern France, Ardennes, Rhineland and Central Europe, as well as the Bronze Star for Meritorious Service, along with the Combat Infantry Badge. See you all in South Dakota.

1603 ABACO DR. APT C-1
     I was a POW in the City ofZeitz. I was in Camp Lucky Strike. It took two rough weeks to get to New York. Ship's Captain said it was the worst storm in fifty-years. My first job out of the Army was truck driving, then worked in a glass factory. Decided to team a trade and became a brick-mason. I did this in New Jersey. Lived in Ann Arbor for over 37 years. Retired, have three daughters, two grandsons, one great grandson, three great granddaughters. One daughter lives in California, the rest near-by. My wife and I are enjoying our retirement and getting used to year-round good weather. I still go to Michigan for hunting in November. I won't give that up until my health fails.

PO BOX 2188
    Mr. Collins: I served briefly in Co "D" 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division in the beginning of May, 1945. I became sick from an infection in my neck and was sent to the 168th General Hospital, Metz, France. After I was discharged from the 168th General Hospital on May 14, 1945, I was sent to the 215 Replacement Depot at Etampes, France. I was never sent back to my unit in the 106th Infantry Division which was then around Mainz, Germany. I would like to know if I am eligible to become a member in the 106th Infantry Division Association. I have been writing letters to the Department of the Army for many years in establishing what Company and Regiment I had been assigned to in the 106th Infantry Division. I am told that my records had been destroyed in the fire in National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis, MO. yet, I have some records to verify that I had been in the 106th Infantry Division, prior to be sent to the 168th General Hospital, Metz, France. They even had my serial number wrong on my medical records and maybe this is why I can't get the right information I have been requesting. I know Stan Wojtusik, who was a POW who had served in the 422 or 423 Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division. Stan gave me your address. I got my basic training in Camp Wheeler, Macon, Georgia in 1944-45. I left there in early March, 1945 and was then sent to the ETO. Most of the men I was with were sent to the 106th Infantry Division. Some went to the 2nd. Infantry Division in Czechoslovakia, from LeHavre, France.
     I remember a friend of mine in Camp Wheeler who came from North Carolina by the name of Charles Posey. We were sent to the 106th Infantry Division together. I always remembered his name. I called him up years ago and I believed he then lived in Fletcher, N. Carolina. Is he a member??
    (Editors Note - I think the orders you sent prove that you were with the 106th. John, I ham scanned the 423rd and 424th Regimental


    Combat Infantry Badge Orders, the 423rd was written July 31, 1945 and the 424th in January 01'95. I have no records that would indicate your name nor the name of 'Charles

    • Posey.' This is not to say that you or he were not members. It is just a fact that complete roster information is not available. 705S. AVENUE!
    • There were nearly 40.000 men who cycled through the division from its activation to deactivation. Welcome back to the 106th... J. Kline)

CLIFTON. TX 16634-2434



854 W. BATTLEMENT, 13-103

     I have never forgotten the first morning of the Bulge. I retired as a Senior Vice-President of a top ten advertising agency headquartered in New York. The firm had offices all over the country. I then became an advertising faculty member at two universities in a six year period.
I had four children (one deceased) and my hobbies are tennis and I am also a Lions Club member.
     (Editor's Note - Richard, when I first glanced at your address the words BATTLEMENT and PARACHUTE really struck me. Nice to see you join. There was also a note on your application about our book. The CUB of the Golden Lion: PASSES in REVIEW. It is available for $18.50 post-paid. 496 pages (8.5 x 10), hard four color cover. It is a compilation of the many interesting stories and facts that appeared in all of The CUB quarterlies from 1946 through 1991. You would enjoy the sto- ries about your regiment and others. Order from Shared Collins, whose address in on the front inside cover of every CUB magazine... J. Kline)

     I was in the mortar platoon of "E" Co., 424th Regiment. I was captured near Priim, Germany, put into box-cars, strafed by the Allied Air Force, let out of the box-cars, walked through Germany, then by another train to Stalag 4-B, Milhlberg, then back to Leipzig, Dresden and put to work in the lumber mills and railroads. I was liberated in May of 1945 near Yugoslavia.
     I am married, 49 years to Marion. We have four grandchildren, ages 17 to 20. Our children live in Green River, Wyoming; ML Pleasant, Texas; and Loveland, Colorado. I hope to see some of the men I knew at the Rapid City, South Dakota reunion in September.

PO BOX 7471

     It is my understanding that my records were burned in a fire at the Personnel Records Center in St. Louis in the '50's. Is there a historian than can document my assignment? I was retumed to the U.S.A. by being attached to the 28th Division. I was with the 106th at its beginning in

SMITH, RAY C. 591810

1530 NO. STATE ROAD IONIA. M148846 616-527-1162


Camp Atterbury.
    (Editors Note - Harry, first - there were some records destroyed in a fire in St. Louis. But, some of the earlier reported lost records have been reconstructed. I would inquire again. Secondly, I found your name and Service Number '15105693" on the Combat Infantry Badge orders issued by the 424th on January 4, 1945. The order number was #2. I think I sent you a copy of that order. You could use that as prove of your assignment to the 424th Regimental Headquarters. Thirdly, the division was activated at Fort Jackson in March of 1943.1 think you meant you joined at Camp Atterbury, J. Kline)

3200 Ponderosa Dr Columbus, OH 43204
     I recently received information from Joe Massey regarding the Division Association. I am enclosing fees for my LIFE MEMBERSHIP. I joined back in 1947, but somehow was dropped from the rolls.
     I served both in HQs and a rifle company squad in "I" 424th Regt with one of my last duties being a guard at the Prisoner of War Camp at Langenlonsheim, Germany. I left there bound for the CBI. The war ended while en route. I served approx. one more year in the Military Police Unit in Crestline and Clevend, OHIO. After my discharge in 1946, I attened the Ohio State University, graduating with an AB in Political Science.
     I married in 1950 and have one son and a daughter plus two granddaughters. Both of our children are graduates of Penn State. Our son is currently employed by Electronic Data Systems (EDS), and our daughter is a nurse at Robert Packer Hospital in Sayer, New York. I worked for Montgomery Ward (50-55), Westinghouse-White Consolidated-Frigidaire from 55-90. Retired as Manager of National Dishiboion and remained in Columbus.
     My hobby is "Golf' and I currently belong to the Oakhurst Country Club, with former memberships in Royal Ridge, Worthington Hills C.C. and York Temple C.C. I was president of both my college fraternity and Royal Ridge CC., plus was Club Champ.
     Enjoying retirement and welcome any of my former buddies from "I" Co.,424th Combat Infantry Regiment. Please call, or stop by if you in the area, especially "Reber' Miller, "Lee" Stewart, Carl Hart, "Tiny" Tressler, Bill Shirey, Lt. Goldfinger, Bob Ross etc. etc.

1826 Southside Rd Elizabetbion,1/4 376434112

17808 58th Rd Union Grove. W153182

1029 Huston Dr Wee Mimic. PA 15122

     I joined the division at Camp Atterbury. I was assigned to a mortar squad with 424/E. When we were in the front line we were on the Northern flank of the 28th Division. The day the Bulge started I was promoted to Squad Leader and within 45 days promoted to Section Leader. I was transferred fron the 106th to the 28th to return to the States. I was a Staff Sergeant when I was discharged in Nov '45.
     After leaving the service I worked for the Union Railroad and after 36 and one-half years retired as a Traitunaster. I have a daughter who has two girls and a boy, all in college. My son has two girls in grade


New Members

school. Most of my spare time is spent on the golf course. weather permitting.

RT I, BOX 1618
     I was in original Basic Training on Tank Hill, got separated from the outfit in England due to an operation. Went into France then Germany to SHEAF then back to Jackson for discharge. J am retired from Police Force, was Rifle & Pistol Team Instructor at Oglethorp University. I have two sons each has a boy and girl. Grandson in Air Force Security in North Dakota. Am a widower. See you in S.D.

1985 NE Collins CR Mt
Yemen Beach. F1. 34957
     I joined 424/K in late January 1945.1 shipped overseas with my twin brother after completing Heavy Weapons Training at Camp Blanding, Florida. I was a machine-gunner in 424/K.
     I obtained a degree in accounting (BBA) from Upsala College. I married Thelma Ring and we had two girls Laura and Ramona. I woked with Union Carbide in Data Processing, Systems Programming until retirement in 1983.
     (Editor's Note Bill sent along a copy of a sketch of him erode by a German POW in 1945, a couple of news articles - one about he and his NM brother (shows them after VE Day) and one about the German POWs. Excerpts from the 1945 Herald Tribune POW article follow.
    "HERALD TRIBUNE 1945 "With headquarters at Bad Ems the division and attached troops number over 40,000 and are deployed over an area of 340 miles. It is operating 16 German POW Camps which at there peak contained 910,000 prisoners, nearly 15 times the number captured by the AEF in World War I.
    "The rapid advance in April resulted in the capture of unprecednted numbers. All facilities are swamped. Prisoners being discharged at a rate of 9,000 per day."

RR2, BOX 42
     I received my draft notice in March of '43 with Basic Training at Camp Roberts, California, then was sent on to the 106th at Camp Atterbury, Indiana. After being captured I was a walking wounded and was sent to a field hospital then on to another hospital where during my recovery I came down with Diphtheria. After that I was sent to Stalag 9-B at Bad Orb.
     After discharge I married. We have a family of three girls, three boys, 19 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.
     We spent several years fanning, then health prevented me from fanning, I then went to work at the Coop-Oil Station. I grew up around the towns of Wauneta and Palisade, Nebraska. I have retired and love to hunt and fish.

34 Crescent Dr PO BOX 36
Whippany. 9107981 SOUTH LONDONBERRY, VERMONT 05155
    201-887-1853 Widow of Carlton Schelcher, 106 RE-CON. Sponsored/enrolled by Paul Thompson, 106 RECON who wrote, "Please make sure she receives a copy of the JAN-FEB-MAR 1994 CUB. Carlton


    was my bunk-mate in POW Camp. I know that the article covering the bombing of Stalag 12-A at Limburg will be of interest to her."
    (Editors Note - It's done Paul. Nice to have lunch with you and Boyd Rutledge last week. (Wed, April 27) ... J. Kline)

Wiz, Edward W. 423/AT
12375 Md., Trell 0336
Boynton Beach. FL 33436
Edward was the Commanding Officer of 423rd Anti-Tank Company...

Van Moorlehem, Dennis Associate
Rt 2. Box 78C Arlington, MN 55307
VanMorlan, Edward Associate
12987 Lake Shore Drive Olathe, KS 66061
The last two listed new members are sons of Art Van Moorlehem, 1994 Reunion Chairman.

Ferranti, Paul 331 Med/Hq
127 Boston Turnpike Shmwstnny, MA 01145
Membership by Clifford Danbury, Jr., 424th Regiment.
    On August 8, 1993, Michael (Mike) P. Serino, 591 FAB Service Company, the Father of Golf at Fort Jackson passed away. He was a Golf Pro for 25 years.

    (FROM CUB APR-JUL 1982) Mike was bom on Oct 26, 1906, in West Orange, a community which produced many outstanding golfers. He was inducted in the Slate of South Carolina's Golf Hall of Fame in September 1981. He joined such notables as Carolyn Cudone, Beth Daniel, Melvin Hemphill, Grant Bennet and others. The installation dinner was held at the Columbia Country Club, where a two-day event was included.
     Mike's wife, Ellen, was a six handicapper and a winner of many golf tides. Mike had (in 1981) nine holes-in-one to his credit. Mike, a noted trick shot artist, taught the world famous father-son shot combo of Paul Hahn, Sr and Jr.
    Mike in 1942, joined the U.S Army, and when assigned to Fort Jackson with the 106th Infantry Division, he not only got his first glimpse of South Carolina, but also uouted the Camp's woodland where he subsequently built (1947) a "dream come true 18-hole golf course" upon approval of General George Decker. Mike was head pro/supt until retiring.
     One of Mike's cherished memoirs was a portrait of the immortal Bobby Jones, painted by and presented to him, personally, by Gen. Dwight Eisenhower. Mike taught and played with many notable military/political figures.
In memory of Mike Serino 26, Oct, 1906 -- 9, Aug 1993


Red Cross Clubmobile at Your Service
Editors Preface...
    Jill Pitts Knappenberger is one of our recent Associate Members. You will find her name in this issue's "NEW MEMBER" column. She is a sister to Captain John J. Pitts, A/Battery, 590th Field Artillery, who was killed during The Battle of the Bulge. At the time he was killed, Jill was in St. Vith, having just arrived there in her American Red Cross Clubmobile. The story that follows is the story of her experiences as a Clubmobile operator. Jill, we are happy that you gave as this story. Many of our men remember that little bit of home that came by the way of a Red Cross doughnuts and coffee served by a smiling American women. Some found that bit of America in a Red Cross POW parcel with that most desired ingredient, a small bit of food for a shrunken stomach, and a couple of cigarettes to be used for barter.... J. Kline, editor
A Letter from Jill
    It is impossible to cut down to a few words about my experience with the Red Cross during World War II. But, enclosed is a thumb-nail sketch of my travels, duties and activities. I can say that it was one of the most worthwhile and exciting jobs that I ever had. I loved every minute of it, despite the hardships, and heart-aches, because we were working with, and for, the greatest people in the world - the American 0.1. There was, of course, the thrill of seeing the happiness that our girls could bring to the combat troops, the satisfaction of doing a good job when the going was rough. and the formation of wonderful, lifelong friendships, as well as seeing many new places.

Jill Pitts Knappenberger
American Red Cross Clubmobile Operator.
safer to Captain John J. Pitts Natty 590 FAB.
Captain Pitts KIA December 1944

The Story
    After personal interviews at the Midwestern area headquarters in St. Louis, innumerable references and correspondence, I entered the employ of the American National Red Cross as a recreation worker, and November first, 1943 entered their two weeks training school at the American University in Washington, D. C. The first week we learned about the history of the founding and development of Red Cross, and it's many different branches and functions. The second week was spent in absorbing some of the details concerned with the operations and procedures connected with the specific branch that we would enter. I had volunteered --for the duration and six months -- for over-seas duty as a Clubmobile operator. Clubmobile girls operated mobile kitchens and served coffee and doughnuts to the combat troops. They also carried with them State registers, that were very popu-


Red Cross Clubmobile at Your Service ...
'Voluntary Kr!'
London Green-Line buses converted to
A.R.C. Clubmobiles
for use in the United Kingdom.
    lar, home town news-papers, cigarettes, candy, chewing gum" Life-Savers, and records that were played on the built- in phonographs and amplified over the public address system. But most important of all was the fact that the crews were made up of three (on the Continent) or four to six girls (in England) that were from the States and brought a 'bit of home' to the often isolated troops that were fighting 'to keep the world safe for democracy and protect the American way of life.'
    The two weeks in Washington were very interesting and informative. We would hop into big army trucks after classes and be taken to the Pentagon for innumerable shots -- the same as the Army -- and other military clearing, including fittings for gas masks, drills, fittings for our summer and winter Red Cross uniforms, etc. While awaiting transportation to over-seas areas - at that time we did not know where we would be sent - we worked in the service men's clubs in and around Washington. All assignments were made within four hours travel distance from Washington, as we would have to clear on very brief notice. I was stationed in Washington and the middle of December left for the port of embarkation at New York City. Over 400 Red Cross workers, including Field Directors, Assistants, girls who would work in hospitals, fleet clubs, Aeon clubs, and Clubmobile operators, were sent at this time to the St. George hotel in Brooklyn, which was our port of embarkation. Here we-went through more processing, were issued bed rolls, sleeping bags, first aid kits, and mess kits and a canteen which were carried on our pistol belts (also government issue), helmets, and received the rest of our shots. Here we also packed our foot lockers for the last time we would see them until after we reached our destination. Because we were sent to this port of embarkation, we guessed that we would be sent to the European Theatre of Operations. At this time, all Atlantic crossings, except those made by the Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary which were fast ships, were made in convoy. Our convoy was scheduled to leave December 17th, but the enemy had learned about it thru their agents in the States, so it was postponed until after Christmas. It was difficult spending so many days in New York City when we could not notify any of our friends or relatives of our whereabouts, but we were kept busy working in the local service centers and checking back at our headquarters every hour to see if we were alerted for departure. We left New York City December 7th in the largest convoy that had crossed the Atlantic up to that time. Along with the many troop ships were battle-ships, three air-craft carriers, submarine chasers, etc.


Red Cross Clubmobile at Your Service ...
    It appeared to me as if it must be almost the entire Navy as them were ships of all kinds and descriptions as far as the eye could see. The ship that I was on with about fifty other Red Cross workers and over 6000 troops, was the Brazil which had been converted into a troop ship. Ow convoy took the Northern route and went up to Boston where we picked up some more ships for the convoy, then on North and East to Greenland and then South and East to Scotland. All the time we were traveling a zig-zag route to avoid submarine attacks, and of course, under very rigid black-out conditions as soon as the sun set. After ten days on the ocean, we sighted the Northern tip of Ireland and on the twelfth day landed at Grenock and Gourock (twin cities) on the Firth of Clyde in Scotland. During the crossing, we had daily life-boat drills, and constantly wore (or carried) our Mae West's, or life preservers, as the probability of a submarine attack was ever present. We ate in three shifts in the dining room for officers, and the enlisted personnel went thru chow lines. We published a daily newspaper with news from the States and accounts of the fighting in Europe and the South Pacific. The train that took us to London - Red Cross-Headquarters in the E. T. 0. at that time - was a typical British train made up of many small coaches that were divided into compartments. At night we traveled under strict black-out conditions. At Crewe, one of the main switching yards between Glasgow and London, we stopped for tea. Regular station attendants brought it to us in wagons and served us right at the train. Here we got our first experience with British currency, which we used entirely as long as we were in the British Isles. In fact, we did not use American money until we returned to the States and dollars, dimes, and even pennies looked very welcome after the months of using pounds, shillings, sixpences, thru-penny bits, francs and marks.
     We arrived in London about 2 A. M. in the middle of an air- raid -- our first, but far from our last encounter with Gerry, the German night raider. We rode in large G. I. trucks from the train to our billets which were in different Red Cross dubs throughout the city. our first impressions of this largest city in the world were many. Some of them were that there were no tall buildings - just miles and miles of buildings 3, 4, 5, 6 stories tall -, the amazing ability of people to drive and get around in the city in the complete black-out, the amount of destruction that we could see from the lights of the flares and fires from the bombs, the constant feeling that we were on the wrong side of the streets (left-hand drive in England), the calmness and efficiency of the air-raid wardens and fire fighters, and the number of large barrage balloons over the city. These were anchored in different parts of the city as a menace to the raiders. The G. I. joke that persisted for years was that the British Isles would sink if it were not for so many barrage balloons holding up the island. We had a few days in London in which to get acquainted with our new and strange home-land for many months and for clearing and assignments in the E. T. 0. My assignment took me back to Grenock and Gourock where I was one of a crew of twenty American girls who worked with as many volunteer Scots women in serving all the new troops that were brought into Scotland. After the men were taken off the ships and were on trains on their way to their new locations, we served them coffee and doughnuts - made in huge kitchens by scores of civilian workers - and sweet trays including candy, gum and cigarettes. I worked here a week, then was sent to Liverpool where I continued "Dock Operations",


    before being called back to London where I got my regular assignment which was to go to Glatton - the largest and newest B-17 base in England. It was in the midlands about 80 miles north of London. Hem I joined a crew of three other American girls - one from Youngstown, Ohio, one from Long Island, and the third from Evanston, Illinois - our British driver. Thru Lend-Lease arrangements, many of the London city buses were converted into mobile kitchens and lounges for use by the Red Cross as long as they were in England. Part of the arrangement was to have a British driver who would drive them, make any necessary repairs and maintenance, and help with the heavier work. Our driver, John Hawes from London, was a very kind and strong man and a great favorite with the G. Ls. He held checker tournaments with the boys at the-different bases. He would pick as up in the Clubmobile at our house -three miles from the base - and return us after our day's work was through. I might mention a little about our home and town. Glatton, three miles from the base, consisted of 14 houses surrounding an old Norman church over 600 years old. Our home 200 years before had been two thatched roof cottages that were eventually joined to make one L shaped house. It still had parts of the original thatch in the roof. Just outside our front door was the church which was surrounded by the burial ground. The landlord who owned most of the town-thought that electricity was too modern, so there was none in the town. We used candles and kerosene lamps, and the fireplace in the dining room, converted into a lounge, was the only heat. In winter the day-light hours were very short and we would leave for work in the pitch black of night and return after dark. Most of our week-ends were spent in London where we reveled in the luxury of electric lights and central heating. But during the summer there were just as few hours of darkness. I have a snapshot taken outsid an Inn in Scotland, where I went on leave in June,


    that was taken at 10 P. M., and it is as bright. as if it were taken at noon. Our schedule included getting to the base about 8 A. M., connecting the Clubmobile to power and starting, to make thousands of doughnuts - with a mix from the States - on the machine in the bus and then serving the hot coffee, also made on the Club-mobile, to different groups in the afternoon. on days that missions were flown from our base, we always served the returning crews as soon as they returned to the operations but before interrogation. Other days we would serve the hangar crews, bomb loading crews, parachute shops, ordnance outfits, engineers, base hospital, etc. We always knew when the missions should return and were set up in the but where they returned their parachutes, oxygen masks, and other flying gear, and served them before they were interrogated by the intelligence officers concerning their bombing runs. Thru this procedure they were more relaxed and the interrogation was more successful. of course, some days the crews were late in returning and many anxious hours and minutes would pass while we on the ground "Sweat out" their return. Once, after a bad raid over the enemy territory, and bad weather in England, none of our ships returned until twenty-four hours later. The ones that had managed to get back to England had landed at the first field they came to Southeast of London. Those that did return were pretty much shot up and dropped flares before landing. The different colors told that they either had engine or ship trouble and it would be a difficult landing and alerted the firefighting and emergency landing crews, or that they had wounded or dead aboard the ship. I have seen all colors of flares dropped from the B-17's before they landed. Three days a week we served our home base of Glatton; on Mondays we served Polebrook (also a B-17 base) which was the oldest base in England and from which the Eagle Squadron used to fly; on Thursdays we served Deanthorpe, another B-17 base about 15 miles distant; and the sixth day we served a General Hospital in the vicinity. Later this hospital was taken off our schedule and put on the schedule of another Clubmobile crew. We then served an 0. S. S. station adjoining Glatton base. This was under the most strict security and we were allowed to serve only after each one of us had been thoroughly investigated by the F. B. I. and sworn to secrecy concerning anything we saw or heard on this base. Our visits there were most welcome as the personnel was not allowed to leave the base under any conditions except as they flew material and personnel into occupied France to the Underground before D-Day.
     In the Spring of 144 we knew that terrific preparations were being made for D-Day and our schedules were fuller than ever. Each of us went to London for a ten day driving course in which we learned how to drive the GMC 21/2 ton trucks which would be our Clubmobiles on the Continent. We also learned first echelon maintenance, and how to change the 55 lb. tires. Those of as who wanted to go to the Continent volunteered to do so and were issued small patches to wear on our left shoulders of our uniforms which indicated that we would go to Zone 5 - the Continent - after D-Day. Later, I was called back to London to teach the new girls arriving how to drive the Army vehicles which included /ttons (jeeps), 7/4 ton trucks, ton and a half trucks, and the 21/2 ton trucks. I was there two weeks and it was at this time that the enemy started using the flying or buzz-bombs, or pilotless planes as they were called at first. They are the V-1 bombs that came over day and night. At first we did not pay too much attention to


    them as we figured that they either would get us or we would not be hit, but after a week of the constant nervous tension they caused - as you could see and hear them in the sky until the motor shut off one minute before they hit and exploded - everyone became jittery, and lost weight and sleep. The last of May I went to Bournemouth, South west of London on the Coast, to serve the 29th Inf. Div. along with other girls of specially selected crews to give this division - one that made the D-Day assault - extra Red Cross Clubmobiles. We lived there and worked day and night in the shifts to serve all of the men before D-Day.
     Then I returned to London, and joined 31 other girls to make up one of the first groups to go to the Continent. We shipped out of Southampton, took an L. S. T. across the Channel, and landed at Utah beach the middle of July about 3 A. M., again in complete black-out. I drove our 2!/2 ton Clubmobile - the "Cheyenne" -what seemed fifty miles instead of only five miles to reach the transit area where we spent the remainder of the night. The next day our group joined 8th Corps at Mt. Martin-Sur-Mur, a little old town in Normandy. As soon as we were on the Continent we were attached to 8th Corps and went out to the divisions that were with corps. We moved with them thru the Hedgerows of Normandy and on into Brittany. There were eight Clubmobiles with crews of three each that went out on detached service to the divisions that were in Corps. Our crew served among others, the 29th, 27th, 5th Rangers, 8th Divisions, and field hospital and replacement groups in Brittany. We were stationed at Morlaix for some time and would leave daily to serve the troops that were taking Brest. Late in September we packed our entire convoy and drove by way of Paris to Bastogne, Belgium arriving there on October first, 1944. This was a four-day 600 mile convoy across France and Belgium and our Red Cross Clubmobiles, trucks, jeeps, etc., were a part of a 135 vehicle military convoy. Each night we bivouacked around, under and in our vehicles. It mined during the entire trip!!
     Bastogne was our base until we were driven back by the Germans during the Battle of the Bulge. We served different divisions that were in Corps, until November I I th, when we began supplying doughnuts and personnel for running the 8th Corps Rest Center in Arlon. The Cinemobile with our group worked at this task along with our Clubmobiles. This work continued until the German breakthrough in December. Later we joined the 8th Inf. Div. at Wiltz and worked with them for four days when they were replaced by the 28th Inf. Div. On November 20th, we had our first meal in an indoor mess hall since reaching the Continent. Until this time - through the rainy season in October and November - we ate all meals out-of-doors with the G. L's of the 35th Special Service Company. The usual procedure was to balance the mess-kit and canteen-cup on the hood of a jeep or any other convenient spot. Then it was necessary to eat as quickly as possible before the utensils became filled with rainwater! At this time our crew had a five day leave and we went to Liege and Brussels, Belgium, and then on into Holland. December 16th our assignment took us to the 106th Inf. Div., with headquarters at St. Vith. Our crew had lunch with the officers of 8th Corps Rear Hdqs. in Bastogne and left with our packed Clubmobile about 1 P. M. We stopped in Vielsalm, Germany, to buy decorations for our Xmas tree, and presents for one of our crew members who was celebrating her birthday that day. It was at Vielsalm about


    4 P. M. that some G. Is in the store told as that we should also buy some candles as the enemy had started a terrific shelling barrage in our area that morning and had knocked out most of the generators which supplied electricity. This was our first knowledge of the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge.
    We arrived at our destination and were welcomed by officers and enlisted personnel who did not imagine that we would come. That night, and every night that we were there, we ate by candle light. It was late that afternoon that my twin brother, Jack, a Battery commander for one of the heavy field artillery battalions with the 106th was killed while trying to save some of his men. (Editor's note - This was Captain John J. Pitts, AlBity, 590th Field Artillery... J. Kline) He was buried there in Germany until after the Bulge and the Americans re-took that territory, when he was transferred to a military cemetery at Foy, Belgium. When this cemetery was closed in 1947, he was moved to the permanent cemetery at Hamm, Luxembourg. The next morning we were completely surrounded by the enemy and with no communication or roads open for the passage of supplies - which were very, very low as far as food and ammunition were concerned. We turned all of our supplies over to the Army and they used the doughnut flour to make pancakes. The coffee, too, was very welcome. We aided at a near-by hastily erected hospital by trying to cheer the wounded, passing out candy, gum, cigarettes and smiles. I remember one soldier who was brought in with 58 machine gun bullets in his body. Also of holding another soldier's good hand while a surgeon extracted shrapnel from his other arm. December 20th, our crew of three girls, decided to have our Xmas, so opened the packages from the States that we had brought with us from Bastogne.
     We sang some carols and tried to be happy. Later that night we were told to pack our musettes (small shoulder bags) and prepare to crawl thru the lines under the protection of black-out. I put an incendiary bomb in the Clubmobile as we were not leaving our equipment and personal supplies for the enemy. We were alerted this way until the 23rd of December when the 82nd Airborne Division opened up one road fora few hours. Two officers and two enlisted men from 8th Corps had been in the area interrogating the German Prisoners of War and were to lead as out. They had a jeep with a 4 ton trailer and we were to follow them in our Clubmobile. We took the bomb out of the Clubmobile and left about 10 P. M. under the protection of the black-out and a thick fog. Our road was being shelled heavily and we could hear artillery and small-arms fire all around us, so the noise was terrific. Suddenly the tail lights on the trailer on the jeep ahead of us vanished. Because of the noise, nothing was heard, but we stopped and walked up the road a few feet to find that our escorts had rammed into a 2'/2 ton GMC loaded with shells coming to the front. (These were some of the first shells that had come in since December 16th, and were badly needed). One offcer and one soldier were unconscious on the road. The other two were only shaken and shocked. The jeep was demolished, so we hurriedly pushed it into the ditch and transferred their gear and trailer and the men to the Clubmobile, and proceeded on in the darkness as we could not block the only road of escape. That night we stayed at the forward observation post of a new armored division that was being sent into the area. Enemy planes strafed us that night but there were no casualties. At 5 A. M. - still very dark outside - we were told to get out of there as fast as we could, as we had lost the only road block between us and Marchce,


    which was held by the Germans. We did not know where the 8th Corps was then as we had no communication with anyone outside our own little area, but knew that Bastogne had fallen, so we wandered around France and by asking all the American military personnel that we encountered, we finally learned that 8th Corps had retreated to Charleville- Mezieres, France. We delivered the two officers and enlisted men at 8th Corps forward Headquarters at Florenville, then went to Charleville, arriving there late in the afternoon of December 24th. Our group was billeted in an old F.F.I. barracks and we stayed there five days with no heat, no light and no windows. We did have straw mattresses! Charleville was bombed two nights in a row. Later we moved with the 35th Special Service Company of 8th Corps back across the Meuse River to Mont Laurent, France. At this time our Clubmobile operations were restricted by 8th Corps, as all roads were too full of military vehicles.
     January 7th, 1945 our entire Group F moved in convoy forward to Charleville, France. On the 9th, our crew, the "Cheyenne'', joined what was left of the 28th Inf. Div. (They, too had been caught in the Bulge). The 23rd we all moved to Neufchateau, Belgium, and the 7th of February we moved back to Bastogne, Belgium. This time staying in old Belgium Barracks which had been badly hit and leaked rainwater. The chateau just outside of Bastogne where we were billeted before the Bulge, was completely demolished, as was the major part of the town. The mud was so deep that transportation was impossible, so our crew and the "Miami" crew opened a Doughnut Dugout at 8th Corps Headquarters and served everyone who appeared. February 17th, we joined the 6th Armored Div. for detached service. We moved with this division into Germany.
     Our first billet was very elegant in the fact that it was the only house in the town that still had running water, although little in the way of a roof, windows, and of course no electricity. On March 15th we moved through the Siegfried Line fortification (the second rime our crew had crossed it as we passed through it to join the 106th Inf. Div.) to Adneau, Germany, with 8th Corps. March 22nd, we joined the 28th Inf. Div. again on detached service, which we left March 25th and went directly to the 76th Inf. Div. With this division we crossed the Moselle River then the Rhine River on the pontoon bridge, just south of Coblenz. April first, which was Easter Sunday, we were in Idstien, Germany. We went to breakfast that morning with an odd and very amusing assortment of the finest in Easter millenary that the barracks and our ingenuity could conjure. One hat was an inverted bread basket with ribbon and glass cocktail picks, another a wicker letter basket, and another a kitchen sieve with ribbons and artificial flowers. It was fun making them and everyone loved the touch of Americanism that these 'chapeaux' created.
    We visited the Nazi Concentration Camp at Ordruff the same day as the 1st and 3rd Army Generals, who could not believe the "horror report" coming from the liberating troops...
    April 10th, 1945 we moved with Corps to Eisenach, and the following day to Ordruff, where we saw the first Nazi atrocity camp taken over by the Americans. The horrors that we saw there were almost unbelievable.


    On the 13th our crew joined the 8th Corps Engineers at Bad Berka. The 18th we moved to Zeulenroda. (Within ten miles of the Czechoslavakian border).The 21st of April we again joined the 6th Armored Division. On May 8th, GERMANY UNCONDITIONALLY SURRENDERED. Our only victory celebration consisted of removing the blackout curtains and looking at the vehicle headlights - a sight many of us had not seen in about two years!
    We visited the Nazi Concentration Camp at Buchenwald about two miles from our Headquarters. Here we saw partially burned bodies in the crematorium and lamp shades made from the prisoner's skin...
     May 16th, we moved back to Weimar, Germany, with 8th Corps Headquarters. The next day we visited Buchenwald Nazi Concentration Camp, about two miles from our headquarters. The 26th, 8th Corps held a magnificent Victory Ball at the Elephant House Hotel in Weimar, Germany. (Hitler had slept there).
     About this time our crew took leave -the first since the Bottle of the Bulge and flew to Cannes and had a marvelous rest and vacation at the famous French Riviera. We also visited Nice (the enlisted men's rest center), Grass, where much of the French perfume is manufactured, St. Paul, an old Roman walled town, Monte Carlo and drove along the coast into Italy. I obtained an extended leave from my superior in Paris, so had about three weeks rest and vacation at Cannes.
     When I returned to Weimar, I packed all my belongings and went to Paris to clear for the States. I was being sent home on a home-emergency leave due to the serious illness of my Father. While awaiting transportation back to the States, I operated a Clubmobile group at Mailly-leCamp headquarters near Chalons (Mame) France. This camp was being used as a clearing area for the units retuming to the States. I was billeted with a charming French family about two miles from the camp, and drove my jeep back and forth. The mother and father and two daughters (about my age) spoke some English, so we helped each other with ow foreign languages. After six weeks here, I was called from Paris to finish clearing and proceed to Camp Philip Morris (all the camps of embarkation carried the name of a famous brand cigarette) where I boarded the John Ericson (sister ship to the Gripsholm) and came back to the United States, arriving in New York City in mid-August, 1945. The next day I left by train for Chicago and home. As I have said before, this was one of the most worth-while and exciting jobs that I have ever had, and I loved every minute of it, because we were working with and for the greatest people in the world - the American G. I.
Jill Pigs Knappenberger ^
     If you have any experiences to relate about the American Red Cross, Clubmobites you visited, stories about the Red Cross at Camp Lucky Strike, POW International Red Cross, or anything of interest along this line, I am sure Jill would be interested. Send the details to the CUB Editor, who will forward them.


Mail Bag

    CONNER, MILTON M. 592/B except snow. No Christmas, except in our hearts. I am sure you had a similar experience. Like you, those events are burned into my mind. I can't remember what I had for breakfast Iwo days ago, but I can relate 1944 experiences as if I am reading them from a book... J. Kline)
     I saw in The CUB that somebody was wanting old copies of The CUB. I have some that are like a newspaper. If anyone like them please let me know. I also have a poster that I received from Grand Halleux, Belgium that says "Remember the Ardennes." Reminds me of the slogan "Remember the Alamo." The young man that sent it to me wants a picture of me and the poster. He is the young man who sent me my "Barracks Bag" that he found in the Ardennes. Best of luck John. Your friend, Pappy Conner.
     (Editors Note - Pappy, thanks for the two letters that you sent. I am happy that you made contact with Me young man in Grand Halleux. The Belgians are always very cooperative. The copies that you we were asking for, that you refer to, were of the older CUBS. They are being sent to the Carlisle Barracks Museum in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The newspapers you refer to were The CUB, printed in newspaper form prior to the first issue that appeared as a "magazine" stateside in August of 1946. I believe the newspapers were in production at Fort Jackson and during the Tennessee maneuvers. I have a few copies of them for my historical files. Thanks for your letters... J. Kline)

2630 EAST RD
     1 just spent a few hours reviewing The CUB of the Golden Lion: PASSES in REVIEW and I again marvel at the effort and talent you invested in producing the book. I also marvel at the your loyalty in continuing to produce The CUB. You keep us in touch.
     I continue to volunteer at the hospital four times a week - 4,000 hours so far -sing with my senior chorale one morning and continue to put out my weekly neighborhood LETTER. Just in doing that insignificant effort gives me an even more appreciation of the investment of effort you contribute to the 106'ers. Anyway, my 106 (coincidence) neighbors know me and accept my efforts. Living alone is different. I never realized how Helen did for me and my family. 62 years - she was really something.
     As you know my detached service kept me from being taken prisoner, so I was not submitted to life threatening marches or hunger. Maybe my age (32) had something to do with my assignment. I have three children, four grandchildren and One great grand-children. I consider myself fortunate. I have the highest respect for the men of the 106th who performed so heroically. They made me proud of having been a part of the Division.
     (Editors Note - Jim, You in your past, as the 1960-61 president of the 106th Infantry Division Association were an inspiration to the members. In attaining that of you demon-stated loyalty and hard work. You like me, must have enjoyed giving something of yourself. I can tell you again, as I have in the past, that the last few years. since I have been

    John, as I was going through some old WWII memorabilia I found the 1943 Christmas Dinner Menu for "M" Co. 423rd. It sure brings back some memories. Thought you might get a bang out of it. We sure did eat well didn't we? My wife and Sergeant Bon's wife had dinner with us that day. It has been a long time, but seems like yesterday.
    (Editors Note - Gordon, I missed that 1943 Christmas Dinner. I did not join you until March 28, 1944. As you and I know. the next Christmas Dinner was pretty slim pickings for all of us. My War Diary says. ' 12/25/44, Christmas Day -On the march (as prisoners) from Dockweller Dries, by 6:30 a.m., marched all day and night, no water oc food,


    editor of The CUB (1987- to present) have been some of the most rewarding years of my life. I have found old comrades and made new ones. I have been given the opportunity to use what talent I have to keep the 'Lifeline' of the Association alive. I only wish that I had discovered the Association at an earlier date. But, then maybe I would not have had the ambition to get as involved. Life is strange in many ways. I feel I was guided, at the right time, to the right place to do just what I have been doing. Thank you Jim, the many people I have met that knew you, have nothing but praise to say about 'Jim Hatch' Keep up your good work, I know Helen is looking down with a smile on her face and is proud that you are devoting your life to the hospital and to the neighbors... J. Kline)

100 12111 AVE BALTIMORE, MD 21225
    301-789-1245 John, I caught your little blurb about spelling in the last issue of The CUB. In order to end this constant bickering about the spelling of "conceive" I'm enclosing a peace offering. There's en inspirational offering on the reverse side. I think you'll appreciate it
    If I had to deal with editing The CUB I would probably make a few mistakes of my own. Keep up the great work, we have an eye on you for " Regimental Headquarters." As you proceed down the rocky road of life, remember" '1' before 'E' except after 'C'."
    (Editor's Note - This is obviously an 'inside' thing that we two 'M' Company men have going. A couple of times when I printed Dale Carver's beautiful poem 'FIRST REUNION' (see page 14 of the February 1994 CUB) I had rnis-spelled the word "conceive," reversing the 'a' and the 'i.' John caught me both times and let me know it. He sent along, with the above letter, a beautiful wall piece. It is a woven bamboo mural (like a 1 foot by 3 foot tapestry) with a calendar on the back with the 'inspirational offering.' On the front is a tranquil farm scene, with a barn. a tree with fall colors and a view of the landscape.
The 'offering' entitled 'FOOTPRINTS' (no author shown) on the calendar side is as follows,
"One night a man had a dream. He dreamed
he was walking along the beach with the
Mail Bag
    LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene. he noticed Iwo sets of footprints in the sand; one belonged to him and the other to the LORD.
    'When the last scene of his life fleshed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times them were only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times of his lite.
    "This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it. 'LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, them is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me.
    The LORD replied. 'My most precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I coaled you.' Thanks, John for the nice wall piece. The message was inspirational... J. Kline)

    518-288-2714 John, I received your "Welcome" letter and went back over my 201 file and found out I was in "A", rather than "G" Company of the 423rd. Please change my record. I found an old article that my Union, Local #3 Electrical Worker's of New York, wrote about my exploits. I am enclosing it with this letter. I also wrote to Roy Bigger, thanks for finding his address. I hope to be at the South Dakota Reunion, but my travel plans are unsure at this time.
    (Editor's Note Henry, you make note of me 'finding an address: When I receive a list from Sherod Collins, our Treasurer. showing a new member I send each new member a Welcome Letter, a list of the present association members that belonged to his unit, a couple of papers - one with Battle of the Bulge statistics. the other a list of names of books that I have identified as being written about that bane. II is very heart-warming to receive back, on many occasions, letters proclaiming that the new member has made contact with several of his old comrades. I can identify with that, because in 1987 when


Mail Bag
    I joined I had not contacted a 423/M man since the war. Today I have identified 70 of those comrades with 35 having become members of the association. There were seven who belonged when I joined in 97. There is nothing, except experiencing the fact, to describe the feeling that one experiences. when after four decades you hold the hand of a comrade, or hear his voice over the phone. A wonderful, wonderful feeling. Thanks for your letter... J. Kline)

KILLIAN (S), B.F. 81st ENG/C
RTE 2 BOX 2277 SPOONER. WI 54801
    John Kline - Publisher and Personal Relations Genius; They say you cannot keep a good man down.1 recovered nicely after my surgery - and am now taking the necessary pills that the Doc ordered. Am currently building two spec homes here in McAllen, Texas, (the above address is the summer address.) finished one in 58 days and learned to cuss in Spanish to get the job done.
At age 79, golfing three times a week isn't enough for me - besides I enjoy the work and the "money."
We are going to do some traveling to enjoy the time we have left.
    I really hate to see the 106th Association dis-band, even if it is ten years down the row. Why not continue till the last man is left? We return to Potatoe Lake on May 4th. Why don't you retire and play more golf?
    (Editor's Note - I retire March 1, 1994. Working part-time, 7:00 a.m. to Noon, at an auto dealership, I can come home, eat lunch, take a nap, then go play golf - how's that for strategic planning??? Thanks for the offer an your extra bed-room at Potatoe Lake. I will bring my golf clubs, and wife ... J. Kline)

0399 SMUT AVE.
ST LOUIS. MO 63130
John, they are making plans to make the 50th Anniversary Commemoration the most memorial of the Battle of the Bulge.
I think you would be interested in the enclosed material.
    (Editor's Note - Pete. there are so many travel agencies and newly-born travel agents making book on the 50M, that I have decided to leave me travel plans to them. I could fill the CUB with all the material we receive. If every soldier returns to Europe we will have to get the old 'Barrage Balloons' out and put them up to keep the Continent from sinking. I don't enjoy large 'guided tours' That's just a personal trait. !would like to go back, maybe in 1995, the trappings will all still be there, but the hotels will not be as full. I hope that all of you who do go. take along a camera and mite some stories for the CUB... J. Kline)

    This may be old news to you, John, but the other day in a Civil Service Weekly I found the following. I have ordered one and you might want to alert the membership about it. here it is: (quoted in part... editor)
    "Various organizations are working closely with European national tourist boards to arrange for the return of Americans to location in Europe for the 50th Anniversary.
    "As part of this effort, the Belgian national tourist board recently issued a free publication for returning veterans titled Ardennes 44-45 Battle of the Bulge. The book is dedicated to 50th Anniversary and the liberation of the Belgian people. "The book includes a historical review, a plan of the German offensive, important dates of the event, discussions of the aftermath, lists of units involved, and detailed maps.
    "There are also segments on American Divisions, regiments and battalions, as well as cemeteries and monuments. The publication may be obtained free of charge from the Belgian National Tourist Office, 780 Third Ave., New York, NY 10151."


(Editors Note - Thanks Lou - I know the membership will appreciate this inform. hon... J. Kline)

3700 CAPRI CT 6500

For many years I have been thinking about the ultimate end of our wonderful association.
    I must commend the Long Range Planning Committee for the manner in which they handled this subject I for one, am highly in favor of the proposed amendment to our BY-LAWs.
     A word about the awards given to the men listed in the "President's Message," of the last CUB. A wonderful tribute and just award to a great group of dedicated men. Sincerely, Gilbert Marcus, Captain, Service Company, 423rd Infantry, 106th Division.

1627 ARBOR OR BELOIT. W153511
    I just received my first copy of the CUB, Jan-Feb-Mar, 1994.1 would like to correct my position in 423/K.1 was not a cook, I was in the 2nd Platoon, 3rd Squad all the way from 1943 to the time we reached France, then was transferred to the 3rd Platoon.
    I was a squad leader until the time of transfer. This may clear up some memories of anyone wondering who the cook was.-I enjoyed the CUB and look forward to the next issue.
    (Editor's Note - Gerald, now you got me wondering how I thought you were a cook. Must have been from your original correspondence to Sherod Coffins. Anyway, you have straightened as out on that subject. Nice to hear from you Glad you enjoy the CUB.. J. Kline)

I appreciated the article you published
Mail Bag
    about me in the last CUB. I also appreciated the article about the Limburg Bombing in December of 1944. I was one of those M a 40&8 - our box-car was blown off the track. How lucky we were to not have been killed.
    1992.93 was a busy year for me. I formed the Texas Chapter of the 9th Division Association - then was elected president for two years at the National Association meeting, plus being appointed Chairman of the 48th Reunion being held in San Antonio on Oct 7-9, 1993. Wearing three hats at one time, kept me busy. I hope to make the South Dakota Reunion. I have had a health problem, but hopefully it is under control. You do a great job writing The CUB. Best Regards, John.

PHOENIX. A265032
    I want to apologize for calling you so late that night. John, I can't remember anything written about the L.S.T. that took nine days to cross the English Channel. Hope some of the troops can fill me in. I will be in Rapid City hoping to talk to you there. We passed a couple of times at Fort Jackson, but I didn't get a chance to talk with you.
    (Editor's Note - Error, You mentioned you have not seen stories of the LST that took over 9 days to cross the Channel -- maybe some one who was acquainted with that trip will speak up and I will put it in the next CUB. I am sorry you missed talking with me. Reunions are a busy time for me. I am not complaining, I guess you could say I like it. The reason I don't bring my wife to the reunions is that I would not have enough time to spend with her. Duties of the office, I guess. If you see me you just walk up and grab my arm. 0 I'm talking to somebody, it is probably about the Bulge. Every time I re-run it, it seems that Germans were still winning. Maybe if you side-track me, we can make it so the 106th was winning. Just a joke. Emor - look me up in South Dakota. Us old Heavy Weapons men always talk too much anyhow... J. Kline)
The CUB tithe Golden Llon 35
Mail Bag

    Have been reading about the "Limburg Bombing" in the February 1994 CUB. I found that some details of that bombing have not been mentioned in the CUB or in The CUB PASSES in REVIEW. I was one of the many of our division that were there. The morning after the bombing (24th of December) the German guards came in our barracks with fixed bayonets and rushed us out to dig out a 500 pound bomb that had landed between our barracks. After we got it out of the ground a GI from Ohio volunteered to take the detonator off. The Germans took it from there. We had to police the area. We had to pick up 10 half- bricks or 5 whole bricks and pile them neatly. Christmas Eve a Chaplain had outside Mass for anyone wanting to attend. I think everyone in the camp went to that Mass.
    There was a Master Sergeant with an airborne outfit who was a prisoner at Limburg. He had printed his name on his field jacket, "Keating." I think he was from Detroit. I will never forget it. He went on the side of the Germans. He had us fall out for Roll Call and if we did not fall out fast enough for him, he would make us fall out and in several times. One morning the Germans had brought out tea. It was awful stuff, but we drank it. We did not fall out fast enough for Keating, so he kicked the tub over.
    !forgot to mention that one of the buildings that was hit in the Limburg camp was a storage building for Red Cross parcels, which many of as grabbed to keep from starving.
Thanks John, for the great job you are doing.

at SOUTH vvorrf APT D LOWELL 9446359 219896-7154
    (just got a book In the General's House by Igor Lapinski. He served in the Infantry in World War II, was captured and held prisoner in Stalag 12-B.
    The advertisement that I received had the "Lion's Head" emblem on it. I thought it was by somebody from the 106th. Let me know if you get one.
    (Editors Note Lupinski was a member of the 106th. He is not a member of the Assodation. He was not given permission to use the logo. I am not sure that he has to have permission to use a division emblem. Most govemment publications can be duplicated or quoted without permission. Maybe this applies to division emblems. It also appears that he used one of our published roster lists booklets. Probably photo-copied each of the pages and cut the address labels out. This is quite apparent as the unit is given right behind the name, same as my address book. I understand that there were no 'controversial' comments about the 106th in the book. As I said before, it probably doesn't matter. It he was a 106er, more power to him. What I don't like and what the Association frowns on is some person representing a product or a tour as being a '106th Infantry Division Tour" or a product sponsored by the Assodation, when it is not so. There were several brochures on 50th Anniversary tips that fit that description, where it appears the Association was sponsoring the lour. The Association HAS NOT sponsored any tours or special events for the 5001 Anniversary celebrations. The Board felt that there were sufficient trips being offered by other sources, which is a tact. Thanks for your info... J. Kline)

CH917046.16 50:60
I am sending a copy of the 423/H Combat Infantry Badge list. I thought maybe you did not have it.
    John, the cartoon I sent you a short while ago was by Robert E. Leaf, His cartoon name was "Mother Leaf." I don't know why he chose that name.
    I'm sitting here (10-13-93) hoping for the temperature to rise so that I can play golf. I have been fairly busy since returning from the Columbia Reunion. Substi-


    tute teaching, golfing, cleaning the garden and going to football games. Nice to have met you at Columbia. Thanks John.

PO BOX 7471
I did not include a resume' with my application, John. So here it is....
    I entered service Aug 6, 1942 and was assigned to the 95th Division at Camp Swift, Texas. While there I took the ASTP exam and was sent to Rose Tech in Terre Haute, Indiana. I then took another test and was assigned to the Air Force Navigational Training at Lockboume AFB in Columbus, Ohio. By that time somebody up there in the "Brass" decided Infantry was mom needed than Navigators so I was re-assigned to Camp Atterbury, Indiana. I joined the 106th in early Summer of 1944 and remained with the Headquarters Company until I returned to the U.S.A. with the 28th Division in July of 1945.
    After my discharge in November 1945 I enrolled at the University of North Texas where I completed my degree and began teaching classes at the Technical High School in Ft. Worth, Texas. I taught until 1975 when I took early retirement. I volunteered for Peace Corp Service and was accepted. Served in Peace Corp twice, both times in Barbados West Indies, as an agricultural Specialist.
After returning from the Peace Corp I have been an itinerant retiree.
I look forward to Rapid City and the greeting of old comrades.
    (Editor's Note - Hany, as a country High School boy living about seven miles East of Terre Haute, Indiana, in a little burg called 'Glen Ayre,' I used to play golf with one of my buddies at a Country Club right next to
    Rose Poly Technical Institute. (They let us in during he week when the membership was working.) I remember it as being a "nine-hole course.' On one of the back fairways that paralleled the railroad track, there was the Rose PolyTech foot-ball field and a cinder race track.. We used to watch them practice in the tall. I had a horrible slice back in those days and my ball used to end up in the rail tracks, once in a while. But, it was there that I learned to use a 'sand-wedge' for close in work around the greens. The techniques I learned there stIl helps.
    My High School buddy, Jim Morey, went to the Navy and participated in the Navy program, like ASTP. I think it was called V-12. He went to school for about seven years on that program and it's follow up program in civilian life. I went to the Army one week after graduation, got my basket-ball sweater (four years of varsity) after I was discharged from service two and one-half years later.
    Rose Poly was, and still is, one of the greatest schools in the "Locomotive Engine' field. I am sure there is more to it than that, but I remember that so well because my father was a "Railroad Engineer^ for the E&I Division of the New York Central Railroad. Right across the highway from Rose Poly was the large estate owned by "Tony Hulman' of the Indianapolis, Indiana 500 Mile Race Track fame. We used to sneak in and swim and fish on the large lake that was on the estate. I remember as a small boy being optimistic enough to make the long trek there, one day, with a can of kidney beans and some lard to fry the fish in. Right!, we did not catch any fish and forgot to bring along a can-opener. We were starved by the time we retumed. Also my mother, Helen, worked as a cook for the ASTP students that were attending Rose Poly. She was very popular with the students as they attended mess. She enjoyed it and got satisfaction from the fact that she was serving ASTP students them, while her only child, me, was attending ASTP at the University of Alabama. She died ten years ago. My father is salt alive at the age of 93, living in Madison, Wisconsin. He worked for the New York Central from age 16 to age 66. I asked him recently if he missed 'railroading' and he replied, 'Nope, not for one day.' He still lives, alone, in the little house that he and mother owned in Madison, Wisconsin. ... J. Kline)


106th Infantry Division Burial Sites
(A) - ARDENNES 5132nd, FAB 430.30
81.5, COMBAT ENGINEERS BAUR. Mays.1.1.6,5
ROMER. R•yrnon1 E. 50 - SB•
SECO. Flry EPk
APR. ER.. 421.1 CLEVER... RR O 4- SO
SPOESNER Pk - as (C) - EPINAL 21 la
422nd, INFANTRY Raymond a RH 4= Inf
BACON. Ems._ Pc
37 • 36 C-4-50 MB. 0.1.1.E.B. W. 6 16 13
Pp., Rpm. 422. W.
BEREBETTO.. D. Pk YENon 16.1.
27 • 6 WPM ...or SBIR.FA Enut E WM. 5010. : AIBM
4.6214 Wall of th. Mining
CARP, JoYse BARS. iert.J. PR 1E31 CM. P. IP 4.Lx.x. Rog
427-2 ORR R... 1.2. W. bp
NARRELL....L. Tyc 5 HERRON. Rotel L Pon P4436 Rod, Llukkon BEM. Sop •
433-37 Me,. Tong .0-
KELLY.John A Pk KOWER.sMJJ Sp KOP.Roler O. PR 432-11 435-46 BB -46
Cc 5
PERM Dr D.. PROPER. Dale D.Pk 25 • le ALEXARDER. art 41.
434 36
RIPPBORN, Fak J. PR emsex.ean00.0.0 t,7-17 WALL ARDERSON. Rey.. F. BARD. 4'"
BARKER h. B. 11-41
005E1. Bent.A. PERU.. Pk BERPORd... T24:411
423rd. INFANTRY BEY.L. 47-55
EmrlE Tft 374 41466
CORNAVALE....y. Pyi POSE. Rolm., ..-3B•39 BOULTON...• 46-15
3435 Hy.
CRENOCK Law P. Sp 2:5•20 2413 Cy 14 16 CS LP. CARPENTER Pico W. 413-11
PACORBIN. Oes. YE 4. 411-61 Pk CRAP... N. LL Cal OPOPIENSEH, Ll :."*-12-00
DONALOSON. Jens BPN n-tr-a CLARKSON. PmeraL it=
FRE.. Rue. A R. CO 414 le
HANSCP..o. L. PH MOUS. Gene 36 • PS CONNOLLY...". COREY... 7
LOPCONO. Joseph!. Pk 4E4 13 0.170N10...R. LAYS...651. C-1.7
LOBE.. Vinant Bk .4
MC CULLOM. 415. C-56 PPAIRLE. F741
SMOER. Camp M. Pk
STEC. Per WO. TAYLOR, Espy L. E. MC. 416-1 MAIMS. Tony Esp r".-1476
SO 49
WENBERG...0.. 426•21 EY.SCO. Geo. EYE... E.1 w
424th, INFANTRY FOSSE. .tend FAS.
ens 414111
BAYARESCO. XnnnA Pk 414 Fasten Omiild PRIREEE Nen IS
BEMS.. Man N Ea 5
CLOT.. .B.PN 00.04, WM. WEBB
ORWELL 11.1 C. PP ROBLES., Pk PROCE, Le. A 4147S
KOCHER. Rwl S. BP RAFFERTY M. E.. LI •41-55 C-12-79 HARM Pm. WINK 6..1. 41113
TOPOLSKI. PM. Plc ,•,. BRUM. BURL BERRY. Pr.. 415-33 ME=
TRACY, Ret. L 1st LL
WILSON. Ernst St .a YEW PIM 4. 41411 EAR. 4410
589th. FAB EM. CIax0. BILL.R.en
CAUDETTE Gecype E. PR SNUES. Byt MOBBLVEL 4.1C. 416-16
• • POLE.. E
580th, FAB AMPS. Slmnal 0. 41.0
WARM.. RR. X. Ea 5 .4E6 JON. mpF. B-P-57 E-1-0
MUTE Raymond S.
104.0..... S. 446B
    In Mid- 1993 William (Bill) Mueller sent me the results of his many hours of work and correspondence.The documents he presented to me were listings of the "Burial Sites" of 106th Infantry Division men that are still buried in Europe.
    The list was quite complicated so I ask for theassistance ofGil Helwig, our Membership Chairman, in putting the lists together for presentation in The CUB.
    There was information from seven cemeteries in the France, Luxembourg, Belgium area. Different amounts of information was given from each cemetery. Basically, there is the name, unit, with the plot, row and grave number given. I suggest if you visit one of these sites that you check the official roster that is available. In the description of the Grave Plot, if you see" WALL" it meansthat the soldier was declared "MISSING IN ACTION" and his name appears on the "WALL OF THE MISSING." Gil says that there are 325 names on this list. He compared this list with the KIA list published with the Jul-Aug-Sep 1992 CUB. That list had 544 names of 106th Division men who had died in Europe. In this list here, there are 97 names that should be added to the KIA CUB list of 544 names, making the total 641. It is quite apparent from the short combat life of our division that the 106th paid a dear price for its country. Mueller, Helwig and I hope that, should you be visiting the area, that this list will assist you in identifying the gravesite of your buddy...J. Kline, editor


106th Infantry Division Burial Sites
HOZ.* 0.741
LENINAN.1.9.1F. .14
LOW., P 5.1333
LORft2EN. Rat V. F431
MACRAE, Wen. 1. .7.19
MANNINO.* L. 13.35
MARTIN. N.G. 04830
MARTS., De.. .4-19
L.RONEL Claftle.
JosapPlY .1166
PACERIDE. Fre* J .-16
MCKAY. Omens. 1.1465
MITCHELL. Hs.. 6432
MOEN..nP. F-1.0
MORENO.... H-14•10
MORGAN. ft.* W. .1161
MUELLER, DOW S. 167-37
PATTON. Charles C. .746
ftleSEYEA. NAME. .1143
RAU..renva L .13.50
R... P. H.
SIGN. .13•61
5AxOrFFR W. W. .11.
SCHULTZ Dorft .1543
SCOGGINE. Rebt E. 0.7-42
SHREAD, Jahn R. 0-1.1
SftER. B. F.163
SPRY. Joh. F.646
STONES...ft 588
STONE. Oftse E E.16-65
SUMMERS, Raft H. C-1447
TAPPER... A-6-6
TAYLOR. Res. N. 13-1.2
TENPLEY... .1611
THOMAS, ftwn 0-7•111
THOMPSON. Ruft J. 11-1.
TUNERS. Eft.F. ..1244
TAXES. T.R. .1.0
VANGSKO. Mman 0.30
VISOR.. Johnls. .1.
WATSON*, 04-55
WEBB, Johnnie .1148
WHEELER. Crawford .11.
WiftON. Tam F. 0.10-62
VMSE. Lester
W.MANS. Pes12. G-1546
W000. EneF
WOODRUFF. Rey. 1.14.13
WRIGHT. F an p 0.20
LO .910 Nfteleft 554
RECHENAU. DouplftJ D1123
SCHNE1Dft. Maar G 1,133223
SEIBERT. Wan. 1_
BROWNELL. Da* 2 :113
DOMINOUE. 231125
MACHADO...Mr 14171
Aa 10
BOSE. Fermi J
COOMBS. Pornaft Ell 16
FORD. Ream D. M1325 Hap
.ES. wasece
HUTCHINSON. Rair. H. 14 25
WIMarn E. IS 1 23
1.0EIROS...ftny T. 125
1.LER. Frft
MOft15,9ft. Frs.& f;
SCHOEN, Eftft J. 07,1
SESWARD. an. E. Nn292
R., CM* W.. Roma H 1 69 BROOKS. Maftim G. M. ENG N 330 PITTS. la. 660. TUCKER. 2. W. 59311"... 7 7
Pa. CAP"
CURL. Heft 0. PPG
nom FA OIL
.14E. A MEM. G
ARP.. H. A 150
ft... W. W. 11014
589th FAB
OTOOLE. . 1'1'3°B
SING08. J. W 515.
592nd FAB
.BELL. A. J. 0218
106th RECON
TICKFER. Morns G. T/5 A • 24 • 26
GORDON, WO H Jr. 1.11. - • 22 • 15
589th FAB
MAYS. H.Bnc. Pvt- 2-24-46
590/h. AB
LOSH. Joes H. tst LL 8-49 • 19
1.4911E, k* Pk E•42.34
ANOERSON. TM 0 -18-22
BROWN. Jelml. Spy 2.15.25
.RDINI. Mang . ft 0 .21 - 24
CftRE.Harry D. Pvl
EN.E. N.. 286.
GlMORE. am H. Pv1 F1,21
LOWE. Cfterft• Plc
LUCK ft1P 1.Lt
NEUMAN. Frft J. ft
OSBORN, Leman. L C • 1,70
PETERSON. Neeam aft
• 08.5.13. 1. LL WACO... F. Spl
COCPER.Eftere G. Pk 5-21 - 44
CUU_1NA. Jen.. Plc
DAME., Ronald H. ft. LL F • 16.19
LAWLOR, Tbrealft. ft .27 -21
LEANT, ft.& Pk
LOWE, Malas. G. 10. LL
MAC DONAL13,113.51.. PH
MC N.Y. Paul W. Pia E -16. 24
MOYER. Rebell S. Ga.
01030, ROW E.}. T5 E • 13.12
GUNN... Me C • 6, 46
RUM., Jed. H. Pet E • 10 .13
SEARCY. lemel...P19
• . F. Pvl
THOMPSON... E. Pk 0 .41. 22 WEEKS. Gftes 1st 12
WILLIE, Mar. R Pk E • .• 35
EBB N516
^ 716
E1510 1ft 19
C 13a
'01f24 It 5 4 1.1414
K420 12016
^ 4 14


In Memoriam
Andrlik, Frank J. 592/HQ
    Frank J. Andrlik, Jr. of Weschester, Illinois passed away Saturday, September 25,1993 at the Hines V.A. Hospital. He was a member of Berwyn, Illinois VFW Post 2378 and a life member of the Gulf Coast Chapter of the American Ex-Prisoners of War, St. Petersburg , Honda, as well as many other military organizations. He was the recipient of a double Purple Hean.
    His is survived by his wife of 54 years, Helen E. (nee Kysilka) and two sons Allen (Andrea) and Frank J. Andrlik III (Patricia). Also a sister, Blanche. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Joseph and Robert.
Crouthamel, George 423/M
    George, age 75, died Tuesday, February I, 1994. Survived by his wife Vera; three sons; Carl. Phil and David; six grandchildren; a great grand-son and a sister, Dorothy.
    Born in Perkasie, PA, he lived in Burlington Twp many years. He was a military carter person who survived his POW experience in WW II, then joined the Air Force in 1949 and retired as a Chief Warrant Officer in 1963 witha composite service time of mom than 24 years. He worked for various regional electronics firms for 20 years, retiring in 1982. He was a member of Woodmen of America and the Sea Scouts.
    (From the editor I would be amiss if I did not put a foot-note to this notes, Staff Sergeant George Crow/moist 423A4 was Section-Leader of the Heavy Water-cooled machin-gun squad that I Had. He end I walked suffered and survived the four months of POWesperienoe. We walked over 525 miles together in that experience, living in POWCampsonlyone month-one week. Thereat& the time we weroon the med. Because of him. I survived. He and I slept together. marched together suffered together and suneled together. As part of the common "POW Buddy System' we were able to hold each other up. George, a -walking sick: tart me. a 'stretcher case: in the Evacuation Hospital outside Helmstedt. Germany. He fold me alter 'discovered him in 1988, 'Johnnie, I didn't think you would make it beck to the States"
    Thanks, George. I shag remember you until I die. then I look forward to meriting you again. down lire's road. God Bless you and your family. Vera, George loved you all no much.... John Kline 423/A11
Hoffman, Harold V. 422/B
Theodore Slaby informed us of Harold's death.
Kauffman, Verlin D. 106 SIG
Julia Kauffinan, Verlin's wife informed an that he passed away January 27. 1994.
Lucsay, William 423/B
    Russell Villwock write, "Bill passed away on February 6, 1994. He leaves his wife Florence of 51 years, a son Daniel, Daughter-in-law Betsy and a granddaughter Amber. Bill entered the service in March of 1943, was a POW and was discharged in November of 1945. He was a member of V.F.W. Post 7458,and also a memberof the American Legion. Bill had served a a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association Board of Directors. Bill and his wife attended many reunions, also helped with the Chicago area reunions. He was very supportive of the Chicago area December gett0-gethers. He will be missed as a fellow comrade and a friend."
Loveless, Kay Honorary Life Associate
Althea Loveless Zimmerman Associate
    Sherod Collins writes, "Mrs Kathryn Kemp has informed us of the death of two of her family who were also members of our 106th Association.
    "Her mother Kay Loveless passed away March 2, 1994, she was one of three honorary Life members of the organization. She was awarded the Bronze Order of the Golden Lion (COMGL) "Companion Medal" in 1966. Her sister, Althea Loveless Zimmerman passed away September 26, 1993. She was a long-time Associate member. This family has been one of our favonte and most loyal supporters, ever since the Association's founding.
"Mrs. Kemp's father, John T. Loveless, Jr., was our longest serving Chaplain, being appointed in


    July 1955 and serving until his death in February 1978. John also served as President in 1954-55 and helped plan two annual reunions. John was awarded the Gold Order of the Golden Lion (Commander's Class COGL) in 1966. Kay Loveless accompanied her husband on all of his 106th trips and reunions and she herself continued to attend the reunions with one or both daughters until physically unable to do so. These friends are being missed by all who knew them,. May God's blessing attend Kathryn (K-2) as she goes along life's way."
McMillan, Paul 422/SV
    Paul died February 19, 1994. He was a member of the Cherokee Baptist Church, VFW, DAV, EX-POW, Touchdown Club, a Mason and a Shriner. Captured in the Bulge, his awards included the Purple Heart and the other medals awarded the division. He was a good soldier and a leader attesting to the fact that the German Command put him in charge of 1,500 prisoners as their spokesman. He was a man of his word who will be greatly missed by his wife Elizabeth, his son Jerry and his many friends.
Rossini, Hello 422/I
Ann, Nello's wife writes, "1 would like to inform you of my husband's death.
    "Nello, age 68, passed away January 17,1994. A veteran of World War II, he served with the 106th. Captured in the Bulge, he was held prisoner in Stalag 17(..B, Bad Orb, Germany. He was a member of the Association and a member of the Massachussetts AX-POW Chapter. He leaves his wife Ann of 44 years, one daughter, a son-in-law and one grandchild."
Sather, Gordon 590/A
    Russ Gunvalson, 590/A, in writing to the Adjutant said "Gordie and I were tent and bunk mates from day one in Fort Jackson, until he left us in Camp Atterbury. A great person.
    "Gordie died November 18, 1992 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin where he had lived since his Army Discharge. He joined the 106th in Fort Jackson. Left them in Camp Atterbury. he joined the paratroopers. Made 18 Stateside jumps. Served in the Pacific in the Occupational forces until discharged. He rejoined the 106th (Association) at the Schaumburg Reunion. Attended the Huntsville Reunion and registered at Pittsburgh, but had to withdraw due to ill health. He will be sadly missed by his wife Lucille, and family and by his Battery buddies."
Stephens, Robert C. 423/F
    Emogene, Robert's wife write," Bob passed away January, 20,1993. He enjoyed theCUB magazine and always wanted to come to the reunions. His health wouldn't allow him to travel. His heart and kidneys failed him after a long fight with his ailments."
Stokberg, Seymour 423/M
    Seymour died on November 1993. When I first contacted him, through a telephone search in 1993, I contacted Lou Edeleman of 423/M who was living nearby (for the winter) in Florida. Lou and Stolzberg were good friends during the service. Lou and his wife, Essie, went to the Stolzbergs for a very happy reunion. The men of "M" Co., 423rd pass along their condolences to his wife and family ... John Kline, editor and former member of 423/M.
Strickland, James B. 424/K
A post-card was received giving the date of James' death as February 1994.
Warner, George H. 424/D
    Ina note to the editor, Georgian", George's wife informs us that he was killed in a skiing accident on March 2, 1994. No other details are known.
Mastro, John 424/E
    Frank Schiro, 424/E informed an of the death of one of his buddies, Sgt John Matto. He says Sgt Mastro was with the unit from beginning to end.
Friend, Florin
    Condolences to Floyd Friend in the passing of his wife Florin on March 10, 1994. They recently visited Margot and I here in Apple Valley in their motor-home. John Kline, editor


Attend the
106th Infantry Division Association's
48th Annual Reunion
September 3, 4, 5, & 6, 1994
Held at the
Howard Johnson Lodge
Rapid City, South Dakota
Bear Butte
Stale Park
Mt. Morten
Load J Gold Mine
Bridal Veil Fell. Roughlock Falls
\Spearfish Canyon
Terry Peak
Mount Rushmore
National Memorial
Harney Peak Needles Hwy.
Devil's Tower National Monument
Jewel Cave
Rapid City
The official publication
of the
106th Infantry Division
Association, Inc
1993 -1994
Membaship fm ev11656 CUB sesame.
Association membership 05AOOtti4-1,646
President Edward A. Prewett
Past-President • Jack A. Sulser
1st Vice- Pres Thomas J. Riggs
2nd Vice-Pres Richard L. Rigani
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Boyd A. Rutledge
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John Kline
Chaplain Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr.
Memorials Chairman .... Dr. John G. Robb
Atterbury Memorial Rep 0 Paul Mere
Membership Chairman Gilbert Heiwig
Scholarship Chairman ... Jerome Eisenman
• Er-Officio Board Member
Send editorial matter and photos to:
John P. Kline--CUB Editor
5401 U. 1470, 50 War2,/stey. Ms 551344637
Business matters, deaths, address changes to:
Boyd A. Rutledge--Adjutant
10132 Ca.. tvxml,.., 35437
Memorial matters and inquiries to:
Dr John G. Robb
228 Bevan Dr.. Maxlville PA 16355
Membership dues, Memorial Fund
contributions and Historical items to:
Sherod Collins--Treasurer
448 Monroe Trace, Karma, GA 30144
The Lite Membership tee is payable one time
only, with no annual dues thereafter.
Life Membership $75.00
Life Auxiliary 515.00
Life Associate $75.00
For those choosing to pay Annual dues, pry by July 1 each year. (Any t to July 1 term)
Annual Membership $10.00
Annual Auxiliary $ 2.00
Annual Associate 510.00
Make checks payable to
"106th Infantry Division Association."
Board of Directors 1993-1994
Al0babeacal by year men eviras.
Douglas Brooks 424/MED 099)
805 Crake& Dra.7316eVla TN 18117-500
Norwood A. Frye 81st ENG/B 1.99)
1069 Mancha. Rd. Glarronbury, CT 06033
John L. Hall 423/SV
2562 0111.1,, 811-383-2593
Edward 33873
Edward A. Prewett 424/B 1.94)
nui Law Tree W;r, Bp:NV. CA 91513.2109
Joseph Gross 591/C 1'93)
7782 Topes L41741,3%Diego, CA 92119
Joseph Massey 422/C ('93).R7E.1 . Box 780, Renrap. AL 35133
Herbert F. Meagher 422/M C95)
18228 Mona= CL, Od.nd Park.. 60642
0. Paul Mem 422/SV C95)
1344 Norfolk Cie 255.22 'a. 1546229
Gilbert Helwig 423/M ('96)
2006 Omar o 855, N11 49120
Jerome Eisemnan 423/HQ 3BN (•96)227 BUrna Vial Ave Doly City, CA MIS
Richard L Rigani 423/B
Woo.ire Dr. Pie.. PA 15215
William K. Rowan 424/K ('96)
213 Country Club Rd. Shelby. NC 28150
Major H. Hill 424/B C97)
36750 N. IL 60041
, 0411guleside.
Lyman C. laVes, 422/K ('97)
Dr. Richard W. Peterson, 423/I •97)
1285 Rubenagia Greiff by Or Sea CA 92007
Edwin C. Hruninski, 424/F
BR 2 Box 258, Bak wood. PA 155574221
Alan W. Jones, Jr, 423/HQ 1Bn ('98)
9100 Belvair Woods Pkwy P233, Ft. Be., VA 22060
William Malone, 423/B C96)
3911 lark, Dave Manilla TN 37207
Thomas J. Riggs, 8Ist Eng/HQ C98)
6 0166 Serst Ibovidence, 02906
John N. Swett, 423/H ('98)
1.229 Old Tee. Rase OA Break, IL 60521
Levene Weigel, 422/H ('96)
1380 De Ave. Melbourne. FL 32940
HONORARY Board Montor
Col. Joseph Matthevrd.422/94,276. (Life)
The new 106th Infantry Division Memorial
sits in front of the old, which is being dismantled.
See story inside in "President's Column"
The Veterans of the

Index for: Vol. 50 No. 3, Apr, 1994

Index for This Document

106th Div., 4, 46, 52
106th Inf. Div., 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 22, 30, 36, 38, 40, 48, 51, 52, 54, 59, 63, 64, 66
106th Inf. Div. Memorial, 66
106th Infantry Division Association, 5, 6, 22, 40, 59, 63, 64
28th Inf. Div., 25, 27, 36, 38, 49
29th Inf. Div., 36
2nd BN HQ, 22
2nd Inf. Div., 22
2nd SS Panzer Div., 10
3rd Armd., 9
3rd Armd. Div., 9
3rd Army, 38
422/K, 65
422/M, 15, 65
423rd AT Co., 30
423rd Inf., 46
424/A, 8, 11, 12, 14
424/D, 61
424/E, 20, 24, 26, 27, 47, 61, 62
424/G, 24
424th Anti Tank, 18
424th Anti Tank Co., 18
424th Cbt. Inf. Regt., 26
424th Inf. Regt., 15, 22
424th Regt., 12, 23, 24, 26, 30
424th Regt. HQ, 26
4th Grenadier Regt., 10
589th FA, 8, 9, 10, 56
589th FA BN, 8, 9, 10, 15, 56
590th FA BN, 31, 37
591st FA BN, 30
592nd FA BN, 56
592nd FAB, 56
6th Armd., 38, 39
6th Armd. Div., 38, 39
7th Armd. Div., 9
82nd Abn. Div., 10, 37
87th Rcn., 9
87th Rcn. Sqdn., 9
8th Corps, 36, 37, 38, 39
8th Div., 36
Adamson, Richard, 26
Adamson, Richard S., 26
Aisomont, Belgium, 12
Alamo, 40
Allen, Harold, 8
Amsterdam, 11
Anderson, Myron B., 18
Ardennes, 8, 9, 10, 22, 40, 45, 51, 65
Arlon, 36
Aspinwall, Francis, 11
Austria, 12
Bad Berka, 39
Bad Ems, 28
Bad Orb, 28, 61
Bad Orb, Germany, 61
Baraque De Fraiture, 17
Baroque De Fraiture, 9, 10
Bastogne, 9, 36, 37, 38
Bastogne, Belgium, 36, 38
Battle of the Bulge, 7, 9, 10, 15, 18, 31, 36, 37, 43, 44, 45
Belgium, 1, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 20, 36, 37, 38, 40, 52
Bennet, Grant, 30
Berry, Robert L., 15
Beseler, Don, 12
Bied, Dan, 8
Bigger, Roy, 43
Black Forest, 12
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 64
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 64
Born, 59
Braaten, Carl, 18
Brittany, 36
Brooks, Douglas, 64
Brown, Bernard T., 15
Brussels, 11, 36
Brussels, Belgium, 11, 36
Buchenwald, 39
C.R.I.B.A., 8, 10
Calhoun, 5
Camp Atterbury, 5, 17, 26, 27, 28, 49, 61
Camp Atterbury, IN, 28, 49
Camp Blanding, FL, 28
Camp Lucky Strike, 22, 39
Camp Roberts, CA, 28
Camp Swift, TX, 49
Carver, Dale, 42
Central Europe, 22, 65
Chalons, 39
Coblenz, 38
Collins, Mr., 18, 22
Collins, Sherod, 4, 15, 43, 59, 64
Cologne, 11
Conner, Milton M., 40
Craig, Col. Malin, 17
CRIBA, 9, 10, 20
Crosby, Bing, 2
Cudone, Carolyn, 30
Czechoslovakia, 22
Daniel, Beth, 30
Danube, 7
Div. Arty., 15
Div. Arty. HQ, 15
Dresden, 25
Edeleman, Lou, 61
Edwards, Sewell P., 28
Egypt, 2
Eisenach, 38
Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight, 30
Eisenman, Jerome, 64
Epinal, 51
Etampes, France, 22
Eupen, 1
Eupen, Belgium, 1
First Reunion, 42
Firth of Clyde, 33
Fisher, Hugh, 15
Fisher, Hugh J., 15
Fosse, 52
Fox, Carl E., 15
Foy, 37
France, 2, 7, 12, 18, 22, 28, 35, 36, 38, 39, 46, 52
Frankfurt, 11, 14
Frankfurt, Germany, 11
Frye, Norwood A., 64
Ft. Jackson, SC, 15, 26, 30, 40, 47, 61
Gatens, John, 10
Gavin, Gen., 10
Geneva, 12
Germany, 11, 12, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 37, 38, 39, 59, 61
Glasgow, 33
Gosset, Pierre, 9
Grand Halleux, 40
Grantham, Gordon, 41
Grantham, Rufus D., 15
Gross, Joseph, 64
Gunvalson, Russ, 61
Hall, John L., 64
Hamm, 37
Hamm, Luxembourg, 37
Hanover, 15
Hanover, Germany, 15
Hardy, Capt., 8
Harmon, Harold, 18
Harmon, Harold M., 18
Hatch, Jim, 42
Helmstedt, 59
Helwig, Gilbert, 65
Hemphill, Melvin, 30
Henri Chapelle, 8
Hill, Maj. H., 65
Hoffman, Harold, 59
Hoffman, Harold V., 59
Holland, 36
Hubert, Andre, 9, 10
Hughes, Howard, 20
Hughes, Howard L., 20
Humphrey, Robert, 20
Hurdebise, Jules, 12
Hurman, John, 42
Hurman, John J., 42
Immes, Henry C., 42
Italy, 39
Jones, Alan, 1
Jones, Alan W., 65
Jones, Alan, Jr., 1
Jones, Bobby, 30
Kauffman, Verlin, 59
Kauffman, Verlin D., 59
Kline, J., 15, 20, 21, 24, 26, 30, 31, 37, 40, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 52
Kline, John, 4, 9, 10, 14, 44, 59, 61, 62, 64
Kline, John P., 64
Knappenberger, Jill, 20
Knappenberger, Jill Pitts, 31
Kraft, Christian, 20
La Roche, 9
Langenlonsheim, 26
Lauman, Clarence (Pete), 44
Leaf, Robert E., 48
LeHavre, 8, 22
Lehavre, France, 22
Leige, 8
Leipzig, 25
Levy, Louis H., 44
Liege, 36
Limburg, 30, 46, 47
Limburg Bombing, 46, 47
Lion In the Way, 10
Liverpool, 33
London, 7, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
Loveless, Althea, 59, 60
Loveless, John T., 60
Loveless, John T., Jr., 60
Loveless, K, 59
Loveless, Kay, 59, 61
Lucky Strike, 22, 39
Lucsay, William, 59
Luxembourg, 12, 37, 52, 55
Magiera, Edward J., 26
Mainz, 11, 22
Mainz, Germany, 22
Malmedy, 12
Manhay, 17
Maple, Philip B., 20
Marcus, Gil, 46
Marcus, Gilbert, 46
Marts, 54
Massey, Joe, 26
Massey, Joseph, 65
Mattiko, Robert A., 26
McMillan, Paul, 61
Meagher, Herbert F., 65
Memorials, 64
Metz, 22
Metz, France, 22
Meuse, 10, 38
Meuse River, 10, 38
Miller, Col. John W., 46
Miller, Glenn, 7, 8
Moselle, 38
Moselle River, 38
'My War', 41
Netherlands, 56
Neufchateau, 38
Normandy, 36
Northern France, 22
Order of the Golden Lion, 1, 60, 61
Oxford, 7
Paquette, Wilbert, 17
Paris, 36, 39
Parker, Maj., 10
Parker, Maj. Arthur C., 9
Parker, Paul, 21
Perry, John J., 22
Peterson, Richard W., 65
Pierce, Robert W., 1
Pinney, Gordon, 1
Pitts, Capt., 31
Pitts, Jill, 31
Pitts, John, 20
Pitts, John J., 31, 37
Poteau, 17
Potts, William, 28
Potts, William M., 28
Pretty, Emor, 46
Pretty, Emor C., 46
Prewett, Ed, 4
Prewett, Edward A., 1, 63, 64
Prisoner of War, 26
Prisoner Of War Camp, 26
Purple Heart, 18, 61
Queen Elizabeth, 32
Queen Mary, 32
Ream, 55
Rennes, 18
Reunions, 47
Rhine, 38
Rhine River, 38
Rhineland, 22, 65
Richter, Ralph, 29
Richter, Ralph K., 29
Riggs, Col., 4
Riggs, Thomas J., 63, 65
Riggs, Tom, 1
Risteen, Richard N., 24
Riviera, 39
Robb, Dr. John G., 64
Rowan, William K., 65
Rutledge, Boyd, 1, 30
Rutledge, Boyd A., 64
Schiro, Frank, 47, 62
Schiro, Frank J., 47
Schlesser, John, 47
Schlesser, John P., 47
Schonberg, 8, 15
Serino, Mike, 30
Siegfried Line, 7, 38
Slaby, Theodore, 59
Smith, Ray C., 25
Southampton, 36
St. Vith, 10, 17, 20, 31, 36
Stalag 12-A, 30
Stalag 3B, 51
Stalag 4-B, 24
Stalag 9-B, 28
Stavelot, 12
Stephens, Robert C., 61
Strickland, James B., 61
Sulser, Jack, 1
Sulser, Jack A., 63
Surley, Pernie C., 24
Swisher, Ralph A., 24
Switzerland, 12
Tank Hill, 28
Tennessee Maneuvers, 17, 40
The Battle of the Bulge, 31
Thigpen, George R., 24
Thompson, Paul, 29
Trois Pont, 14
Trois Ponts, 14
Trois Ponts, Belgium, 14
Trois-Ponts, 12
Trost, Paul, 48
Tuhoski, Stanley, 24
V-2 Rocket, 7
van De Bogart, 11, 12, 14
van De Bogart, Herman, 11, 14
van Moorlehem, Art, 5, 30
Van Moorlehem, Dennis, 30
VBOB, 10, 18
Veterans Of The Battle Of The Bulge, 10
Vielsalm, 9, 10, 17, 18, 36
Villwock, Russ, 1
Villwock, Russell, 59
Warner, George H., 61
Weigel, Levene, 65
Weimar, 39
Wiesbaden, 11, 14
Wilson, Harry W., 49
Wiltz, 36
Winamplanche, 12
Wojtusik, Stan, 22
Yugoslavia, 25