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Index for this issue of The CUB
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The Cub
Vol. 36, No. 3, Apr., 1980

President Fred B. Chase
1st Vice President Ken Bradfield
2nd Vice President Russell H. Villwock
Adjutant Robert W. Pierce, Sr.
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain Joseph C. Matthews, Jr.
Memorials Chairman Douglas S. Coffey

    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $10.00 per year (effective August 1, 1979) which includes subscription of the CUB.
    Editor John I. Gallagher All editorial matter should be addressed to: John I. Gallagher 4003 Frances Street Temple, Pennsylvania 19560
     All business matters, renewal of membership, renewal of Associate, renewal of Auxiliary dues, memorial fund contributions, etc., should be addressed to: Robert W. Pierce, Sr., Adjutant 474 Federal Street N.W. Warren, Ohio 44483

Membership Dues (8/1/79) $10.00 per year
Associate Dues (8/179) $10.00 per year
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year

1978 - 79 Yr 440
1979 - 80 Yr. (March) 390

Harley W. Easler G-422 Rt. 2 Box 308 Spartanburg, S.C. 29303
Kenneth Finlayson 0/331 Med 66 Hillview Rd. Gorham, Ma. 04038
Walter B. Morris I & R 423 14310 Delachaiese San Antonio, Texas 78232

     Current news accounts featured revolutions, brutal military aggression and blackmail of hostages. But a true story recently broadcast does not pertain to man's troubles, but to an indomitable performance by man's best friend, a dog.
     A young boy, playing with his puppy, was horrified to see the animal hit and severely injured by a car. His father examined the dog and concluded there was no hope of survival. So he removed the dog's broken body some distance, mercifully put a bullet into its head and buried it in a shallow grave.
     The boy was badly shaken by his first encounter with death and could not be consoled over the loss of his pet. A few days later a scratching was heard at the door, and the family was stunned to discover that the dog, with its hind legs and pelvis broken, had literally risen from the grave and dragged himself home. Rushed to a vet., it was determined that he would live and in time might even run again.
The mercy bullet had stunned him, but had done no permanent damage.
     Now, the events in this heart-warming story do not constitute a miracle, but they do provide lessons that may apply to humans as well. Not the least of these are the dog's infinite courage and determination to preserve the life with which his Creator had endowed him, and instinctive faith that his own home and family was the most secure refuge in his struggle to survive.
Joe Matthews


Dear fellow 106ers:
     The subject of my message for this issue of the Cub concerns the current situation in Iran and Afghanistan. As I am writing this, fifty of our fellow Americans have been held hostage in Teheran for over three months, with prospects for their early release not


    very promising. The Soviet Union has 100,000 troops on Afghanistan soil, posing a threat to Pakistan, the Persian Gulf, and the Iranian oil resources.
     Six American Embassy officials have just returned home from Teheran after having been given sanctuary at the Canadian Embassy for nearly three months, and then provided with false passports to make possible their escape. Our heartfelt "Thanks" goes out to our Canadian neighbors and their courageous Embassy officials.
     President Carter's speech on January 30th was reminiscent of speeches made by our then President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, forty years ago during a crucial period of our history. It stirred up memories shared by all of us, and showed fortitude and determination.
     It is time once again to mobilize our spirits, "Rally 'round the Flag", and support our leaders who are charged with the responsibility for our national defense. Also, once again, we apparently have to remind aggressor nations that we remember how we won our freedoms and how much we cherish those freedoms. The World has to know that we stand for human rights, civil liberties and equality for one and all. Patriotism is an American disease, and usually comes to the fore in times of crisis.
Your President,

     Time to get out more news about service btry., have to get this in the next issue of the Cub. In December we had a letter from Pee Wee Brackett and his wife Kay, both are doing fine except for Pee Wee's arthritis and bursitis, they both said to tell all the old gang "Hello".
     That same month we received a letter from Walter and Lillian Clarke, Lillian had a bad fall last July, injuring her back and was in the hospital until two days before the reunion which was why we didn't see them this summer.
     It seems that they were both under the weather this past year, hope that it is all in the past and that we will see you two at the reunion this year.
     The next letter was from Ossie and Christine Leeth down in Alabama, both are doing fine and still raising chickens, Ossie is still unable to work since he had that last bad spell.
     Next was a letter from Viola Reilly telling us that she really enjoyed the European trip, she stayed with Carol Beals and Gabrille Dobe. She writes (All in all I was glad that I went and now perhaps I won't be afraid to come along to one of the reunions.) I hope that this is true and we will be looking for you at the next reunion.
     Then came Christmas and all the cards with notes in some of them letting us know that all is well. Bob Ringer wrote that Maryjane was recovering from her surgery. Ken and June Bradfield spent Christmas in Dallas with their daughter. Howard and Kit Kriz write that they will be going to the reunion in Hot Springs this summer.
     Ken and Betty Corrigan write that they had their hands full last year. Ken's Dad had five major surgeries and Bettys mother had cancer, both are doing great now and things are getting back to normal. On his way to pick up Betty in Salem Ore. Last June Ken stopped and visited Howard Kriz. Ken and Betty plan to attend the Hot Springs reunion this summer so that is two from the far west.
     The next letter was from Kanoehe, Hawaii from George and Marion Welton, both shared in the bad news department last year in that they were both in the hospital last summer, Marion in June and George in October, both are doing fine now and write that they will be visiting the mainland this summer for a visit to George's home state of Minnesota. I will write and try to get them to visit us at Hot Springs this July.
     I didn't mention in my last letter that Bill Hutchinson had retired and was spending the winter in Florida with his brother. Last Saturday I received a


    phone call from Kenneth Pettit, he had a visitor from Florida, Bill Hutchinson and his wife had driven up from Florida to visit Ken and then they were going over to visit Ossie Leeth. This is the first they have seen each other since 1945 and Ken said he knew Bill the minute he saw him at the door.
     Bill and Barb Dahlen spent a couple of weeks in January visiting Grand Canyon National Park and their son and his family who lives there. On a stop-over in Dallas they phoned Lineberger who will be at the reunion this July. Bill and Barb didn't say if they would be there so I will have to work on them these next few months.
     Well that is all the letters and notes and from the sound of them we should have a good turn-out of Service Btry. this year. I am starting tonight sending out letters trying to get some of these people out for the reunion that have not been to one for some time, like Betty Davidson, the Samples and there are others. Kay and I are both doing fine, I finally got rid of the bug that was annoying me all last fall and as a result we had to stay close to home. We didn't get to go to the dinner in Chicago, Dec. 16 because of this bug.
     Hope this message finds all of you in good health and that we will see you at the reunion. If any of you are in need of a new address list let me know I had a new one made up. Take care and write. - Jack Schlesser

     The last issue of THE CUB commemorated the 35th Anniversary of the Ardennes Battle. The Division Association was founded 34 years ago, has done well and its membership is growing unbelievably. The adjutant tells me there are 71 new members this year. For the enlightenment of new members and the gratification of all others, here are some accomplishments over the years. Perhaps you can think of some others.
The Association has been a strong "going concern" for 33 years of civilian operations. It has:
     Erected a memorial building at St. Vith, Belgium, probably the only memorial of its kind in the ETO and continues to support it.
     Erected an Historical Roadside Marker on Jackson Boulevard at Fort Jackson, S.C., the marker being in distinguished company of several well-known divisions, including the 30th, judged by Army historians as the best Infantry division of WWII.
     Held successful reunions in each of 33 consecutive years--all well attended; each one sponsored by one or more members, and each one qualifying as a fun thing.
     Unknowingly sponsored lasting friendship. Members from widely separated parts of the country have become fast friends--and many have been warmly received in the homes of these friends. A few families have entertained foreign friends of the Division Association.
     Produced an interesting slick magazine called "THE CUB". The magazine has been printed in each of these years with volunteer editors and each copy has been avidly read by the membership. Needless to say, this publication is largely the bond that holds us in mutual friendship, comradeship, and mutual interest and concern.
     Established a special award for its members. The "Order of the Golden Lion" was early planned and established. The medal and scroll of the order has been awarded to a limited number of diligent and dedicated members. The award is highly prized and the medal is proudly worn by its recipients.
     Founded a tradition of holding December 16 commemorative meetings. This date, the beginning date of the "Bulge" or Ardennes battle, has been honored by groups in a number of cities over the nation.


     Our conventions are sought after by the hotel industry due to our reputation of reliability and good behavior at the many reunions. We have good reason to be proud of our Division and Association.
We are still growing. –
By Historian –
Sherod Collins

(Following is reprint of previous award)


Served in the 106th Infantry Division in World War 2 with Company K, 424 Infantry,
Since 1950 has been active in the New Jersey group of the Association in promoting December 16 Memorial Dinners.
For many years he and his devoted wife Marge held annual one-day summer reunions for the New Jersey group.
In 1957 he was elected President of the 106th Division Association.
In 1959 he was appointed Adjutant and performed the duties of that office in 1959-60; 1960-61; 1961-62; 1962-63.
In 1962 in addition to his office of Adjutant, he was elected Treasurer.
     In 1963 when no one could be found to take over the Editorship of the CUB he voluntarily assumed those duties in addition to the offices of Adjutant and Treasurer.
     IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION of his long and distinguished service to the Association, and particularly for his outstanding contribution in 1963-64 as Adjutant, Treasurer and Editor of the CUB, the Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association unanimously awards him the
July 25, 1964 at East Orange, N.J.
attest: Leo T. McMahon, Vice President

     IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION of her work as Assistant to her husband, Richard DeHeer, when he was President of the Association in 1957;
     Again in grateful recognition of her assistance to her husband over the years, while he has served as Adjutant, Treasurer, and Editor of the CUB.
The Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association unanimously awards her the

July 25, 1964 at East Orange, N.J.
Attest: Leo T. McMahon, Vice President

We have been informed that Dick and Marge DeHeer have moved to 86 Berkshire Lane, Palm Coast, Florida, 32037.

     Mike Serino, who has made his home at Surfside Beach for more than a year now, will be honored with a golf tournament. Mike, a PGA golf professional now retired, will have "his day" at Fort Jackson.
     The Governing Council of the Fort Jackson Golf Club expressed its desire to say "Thanks" to Serino. The folks there said that Mike was instrumental in the planning and development of the Fort Jackson golf club. He served as club professional from the day construction began in 1946, and held that position for many, many years.
     Several of Mike's close friends on the Grand Strand have been given invitations to participate in the tournament. The invitation stated, "This event will provide an opportunity for friends and associates to express appreciation for Serino's long, loyal and significant service to this club, and the game of golf."


     Following golf that afternoon, there will be a party for the participants and others who will join in the celebration. The club plans to present Serino with a memento of the occasion.

Dear John - Received your always interesting Cub. Thirty five years doesn't seem possible.
     I keep busy at 77 as witness the enclosed. The Sunset serenader is a family letter which has expanded. I started it to try to keep contact with one son, an author with part time home in Spain, one a Hollywood cameraman and a daughter running the in-flight office of Western Airlines in Hawaii. Gradually others have crept onto the mailing list and now about 22.
     We moved up here in the boondocks to a retirement home about three years ago but instead of drying up and blowing away have entered the local life with enthusiasm.
     Its great country-spend much time at West Point, games, Officers Club, Art Forum, etc., and the nearby Stewart Subpost for Dr. Dentist, lunch and likker. Also much history here of Revolutionary period. Where Washington refused the Crown, etc.
Life is good but I do miss some of my friends in the 106.
     Come to think of it, there's a VA hospital just across the River. Think I'll check and see if there are any Golden Lions there.
All my best.
Herb Livesey

The 106th Infantry Division.
March 1943 the Division was activated at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, the last Division so organized for WWII.
The Division neither existed before the War, nor after it, and it will never be activated again.
     The last Division to go overseas, in October-November 1944, it took over from the 2nd Division in a "rest area" the Ardennes of Eastern Belgium, will' two regiments occupying part of the West Wall, or Siegfried Line as the Americans called it, on December 14th, 1944.
     At four a.m., December 16th four 288 mm. shells landed near the Division C.P. in St. Vith, and the Battle of the Ardennes (the Bulge) was on. The main drive of the Germans was between the veteran 28th Division (Pennsylvania, Bucket of Blood) and the 106th.
     Standard tactics call for a division on defense to occupy a front of seven miles. On a Bradley calculated risk, the 106th occupied 28 miles.
     The two regiments in advance, the 422d and 423d received orders from Troy Middleton, VIII Corps commander to "hold at all costs" which in military parlance, hold til you die. Eight days later, with no ammunition, no food, no water, no medical supplies, they surrendered, the greatest in American military history.
     One regiment, the 424th on the right survived, fighting. Of the three regiments of the 28th, one broke and ran, one was wiped out after standing and fighting, and the third bent back and joined the 106th and fought for a week or two as a two regiment division.
     After VE Day, General Stroh asked me to take all unit funds and form a Division Association in the States. I did that, and gave it a good foundation. It exists today, and the magazine I founded, the Cub of the Golden Lion then is still growing and flourishing.
     Each year on December 16th, I have met with someone and drunk a toast to our departed comrades. Last Sunday was the 35th Anniversary and I drank the toast alone with Bob Stout's (G-2) widow and son.
     Now my communications are tenuous-by Christmas card, and this bulletin is sparked by one from Don Armington, my Jeep driver at Eupen, the R & R center there I commanded for a couple of months.


My contacts:
Mrs. Alan W. Jones, (Alys) 3532 Quebec St. N.W. Washington, D.C.
Gen. Leo McMahon, (Divarty) 8 N. Union St. Middleton, Pa. 17057
Lt. Col. Myron Belzer, (Div Surg.) Apt. 321, 4370 Brookside Ct. Edina, Minn. 55436
Lt. Col. Max Roadruck, (Div C-1) Barnes Lake Park, Tumeratin 1500 Lake Park Drive, Wash. 98502
Maj. Howard Clement, (DHQ Surg.) 34 Homestead Park, Needham Hts. Mass. 02194
Sgt. L. Preston Barnes, K-18 Avon Drive, E. Windsor, N.J. 08520
Sgt. George Iwamoto, Apt. D. 1105 Rycroft St., Honolulu, HA 96814
(staff at Eupen, Armington)
Sgt. Don Armington, 3125 John Patterson Road, Des Moines, IA 50317



    Dear John ____ As you probably know, I have been writing a weekly column on the world of the veteran ("Kit Bag - Branch 24" - Royal Canadian Legion) for almost 5 years in the Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, "Bulletin." I also do some work on assignment, and I wrote the Remembrance Day (Veterans Day in the USA) essay in the November 7th issue.
     In it, I used a poem written in part by my Chaplain's Assistant in the 424th Inf. Regt., Cpl. now Dr. Orva Lee Ice, Jr. I enclose same.
     It was marvelous being with all my fellow 106ers in Illinois! You all have faces now - up-to-date ones! My best to all the brethern! God bless! Ron Mosley I refer now to my personal experience. After hospitalization from wounds received as a padre with the 106th U.S. Infantry Division in the Battle of the Ardennes (Bulge), I went back to duty as chaplain of an army hospital in Cirencester, England. One day we received a group of patients from a hospital train, and one of them was my Chaplain's Assistant, Cpl. O. L. Ice, Jr. He had made a new friend, Werner Zimmt, originally a Jewish Berliner who fled the Nazis with his family before the war. They came to my office and presented me with a poem which they had written, entitled "Inheritance," and gave me the right to quote and publish it. To me, it is an epic of mankind's struggle against evil and for freedom. Read and study this as the "gist" of what I have been trying, rather inadequately, to write:

We, who tread these mortal highways,
Whence do we take the claim
To live a life of ease and comfort
To robe ourselves in fame?

While war and strife are all around us,
While men still bleed and die
We sit like fools, like idle jesters,
And watch them passing by.

We shackle our thoughts and feelings
And hope to fill their place
With the empty, soulless teachings
Of a forgotten race.

We see and tolerate suppression,
And claim that we are free;
Never daring to remember
That all, or none, are free.

We are slaves to our future;
Terrorized by our past.
How long, how long can we endure this;
How long can all this last?

Can a man claim to have freedom
When other men are slaves?
When hundreds, thousands, still keep rotting
'Neath the soil and 'neath the waves?

Has a man the right to freedom
Without a thought for those
Who are slaves by birth or conquest,
The millions no one knows?


If he has, there is no justice;
This is all in vain.
No nought has been
the ceaseless struggle,
The endless death and pain.

No nought the tears,
for nought the heart-aches,
No nought the hopes of peace...
But it has not been for nothing,
And the struggle shall not cease.

All our fetters shall be broken,
Our shackles fall apart;
For there is a God and justice,
And man shall find His Heart.

Hope, you slaves; you're not forgotten;
Hope, and work and fight.
For there is a God in Heaven,
And might shall not be right.

"Lest we forget. We shall remember
them!" "Selah" So, let it be.

    Dear John: - Once again a great time was had by all that could attend the dinner party on Saturday December 14th at the Milwaukee Inn on the Northwest side of Chicago to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.
     Mr. & Mrs. Scranton of Brighton, Michigan joined the regular group of well-wishers from the Chicago area in an evening of fun and fellowship. It was great having them. (A note to Bob and Mildred) Hope it was worth the trip to the windy city, a beautiful day Saturday, but a slippery ride home Sunday on the ice covered highways. Was happy to know that you made it home Okay nice driving, Bob.
Others in attendance were:
Mr. & Mrs. Henning,
Mr. & Mrs. Luscay,
Mr. & Mrs. Davis,
Mr. & Mrs. Rybzinski,
Mr. & Mrs. Holder,
Ben Carpenter,
Jackie and myself.
     Several sent their regrets that they couldn't attend because of other commitments, but are making plans to attend the reunion in Hot Springs this July. It was one of the highlights of that evening of conversation, both the past and coming reunion.
Looks like there will be a good turnout from the Chicago area if the gas supply holds.
God willing, will see you in Hot Springs, Arkansas in July.
Best Regards, - Russell Villwock

    John - I'm still traveling around the world in my spare time. Last Fall I spent a couple of weeks in London and then took a two weeks tour of Turkey before going down to Spain for a couple of weeks. When it got too cold in Spain, I headed back to the Bahamas and Florida before returning home for the Christmas holidays.
     I've been down here in Acapulco since the first of the year and will go up to Florida for awhile before returning home for Easter. Hope everything is OK with you and that I' see you at the reunion in the Summer.
Sincerely, Dick Bart, 216 Rustic Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15210

    Dear Bob: - I have learned through some research that the 106 Division has an association. I was a member when it was originally activated. I was inducted in the 106th on March 17, 1943 at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. I was with the 422nd Inf. Reg. Co. B. I left the 106th Div. on Dec. 24 1943 and went to the Army Air Force and served in Europe until my discharge on 14, June 1946. I am now employed by the Federal government as a Standardization Manager managing government specification for petroleum products. I was previously employed by the Snap-on-Tools Co. going back to my service discharge.
     I am very interested in obtaining a copy of the book "St. Vith Lion in the Way" about the 106th in World War II. - Vincent Mencarini, Jr., 3202 Aldersg Drive, Richmond, Virginia, 23223


    Sir, I was just made aware of the existence of your organization by Dr. Edmund C. Purdy. We met at a conference of the 8th Med. Brigade at the Concord Hotel in N.Y. and I spotted the Golden Lion patch.
     We reminisced and his career almost paralleled mine. I was a 2nd Lt. Platoon Leader In Co. A, 423 Reg. At that time my name was Immesberger which I later shortened. I was captured in the Battle of the Bulge and spent my time at Stalag 4B on the Elbe River as a POW. Released by the Russians I was sent back to the States to Fort McClellan, Ala. I met my future wife there who processed me as a former POW.
     Released from the service in 1946 I went to College and Dental School and graduated in 1951. I had stayed in the reserves and went back on active duty in my senior year in Dental School and after graduation was sent to Munich, Germany. While there, my wife and I toured the place where I was captured.
     Released in 1953 I went into private practice but continued in the Reserves, raised a family, 3 boys and 1 girl, and had the pleasure of going to my daughters graduation from Basic Training in 1974 at Ft. McClellan, Ala. After her ceremony I had one in which they pinned on my Eagles promoting me to Col.
     Subsequently my oldest son joined the Reserves, went to Basic and AIT and is now down in Florida with a computer outfit. My youngest son who graduates from high school next year is contemplating joining the Coast Guard.
     Apparently they must have picked up something from the father and mother. (I forgot to mention that my wife was in the WACS when I met her.)
     At the present time I'm with the 356th Station Hospital, Rocky Point, N.Y. USAR and still practicing dentistry. I'm enclosing $10.00 to join the organization and would also like to know what books have been published on the 106th. Sincerely yours, Henry Immes, D.D.S [known as Henry Immesberger]., 57 Mill Road, Westhampton Beach, N.Y. 11978

    Dear Mr. Pierce: - After all these years, it wasn't until two weeks ago that I even knew there was a 106th Inf. Div Assoc.
     I was assigned to Co. D., 331st Med. Bn. in March, 1943 and spend almost my entire career with same, until being transferred to the 28th Div.
    Enclosed please find my check for $10.00 for my membership for the current year. - Kenneth Finlayson, 66 Hillview Road, Gorham, Maine 04038

    Dear Bob: - Enclosed is my check for dues for myself and a friend, Walter B. Morris, 15310 Delachaise, San Antonio, Texas, 78232. Wally was in the I & R platoon of 1st bn. 423 Inf. He was not aware of our association. - Al Oelschig, Wholesale Florists, 1612 Skidaway Road, Savannah, Georgia 31404

    Dear Bob: - Received my Cub today 1-18-80 which I enjoy very much. The first thing I do and a must is reading it from cover to cover, and also a reminder about dues for 79-80. Checking our cancelled check stubs we found only $5.00 paid so far.
    But good old Cub helped me to check this matter so enclosed check for $5.00 and sorry I am late. - Clarence E. Warren, Co. A 81st Eng., 111 Goodrich Street, Kewane, Illinois 61443

    Dear Robert: - Enclosed is my check for dues. Sorry to be so late. Really enjoy the Cub. Put the rest in Memorial fund or whatever. - Eloise Kane

    Sorry to be so late with dues, but have been gone all summer. Am just now getting my mail all finished. - J. B. Russel, 422 inf. Ser. Co., P.O. Box 323, McDonough, Georgia 30253


    Bob: Everything fine with the Alexanders Hope to see you in Hot Springs, Enclosed check for dues and $10.00 for Memorial fund. - Bill Alexander

    Dear Bob: - I am writing this letter in response to show shown on Cable TV, Dec. 16, 1979. I do not have cable TV, my son saw the show and called my attention to the fact there was an organization somewhere and he thought it was called the "106th Inf. Association" The TV station in Indianapolis gave us the other information and your address.
     I was a member of that ill-fated division 422nd Reg., Cannon Co. Also, Bob, I have been fighting the V.A. since 1946 for service-connected disability. So far they have two strikes on me. I do receive a non-serviced pension but it is not enough to keep my wife and I. I am 100% disabled, have been for nine years. I need to locate men that were with us, before being captured, during our P.O.W. days, at Stalag 9B, Bad Orb, Germany, also Stalag 9A, Zeigeheim, Germany. I do not know about you, but in my case there does not seem to be any records on me, from the day of examination for combat duty until 7, July, 1945. - Troy H. Kimmel, Cannon Co. 422 Inf. Reg., 752 Loop St., Miamisburg, Ohio 45342

Dear Mr. Pierce: - I was a member of 106th Inf. Div 423rd Reg., Co. L.
     Charles Henderson has told me about your association and I would like to become a member. Enclosed please find check for $10.00 for membership dues. I would also like to attend the 1980 convention and would appreciate any information you can give me on it.
Costa Katimaris, 37-32 80 Street, P.O. Box 493, Jackson Hieghts, N.Y.

Dear Bob: - Enclosed is a check for $5.00 to cover the new dues for the association.
     Most interesting excerpts in last Cub were good reading, especially about Bill Shakespeare. He was with the 424th at the time we made a trip to Shakespeare's home in Stratford, along with Don Underwood and Ralph Lee.
     We signed the visitors register, and no doubt after seeing Bills correct name recorded in his own handwriting must have caused some comment about a Smart aleck disfiguring the hallowed register of Shakespeare.
     Sorry to miss these reunions, however, our Daytona Beach Municipal Band is in the midst of our summer concert season at these dates. This is the 50th anniversary of the band playing in the 4000 seat oceanside bandshell.
     The Cub is a fine magazine, Congratulations. - Carl Hulbert, HQ 424 Director, Daytona Beach Municipal Band, 2801 North Halifax Ave. #242 Daytona Beach, Florida 32018

Dear Bob: - I am enclosing the $5.00 to cover the balance due for 1979-80 dues.
Due to deaths of Mother, Bro.-in-law I was unable to make reunion.
Sorry to read of the deaths of some of our buddies. Glad to hear all had a real good time at the reunion.
Hope I will be able to make the reunion this year in Arkansas. - James Brackett, 591 SV bty.

Dear Mr. Pierce: - Just wanted to inform you of the death of one of your members -
Mr. Frank Franek MD K-424
109 West 14th Avenue
Naperville, Illinois 60540
Died on November 26, 1979 Thank you, Patricia Valenta


Photo: Olson, Serra, Cacalla

    Dear Robert: - These are some pictures that were taken Fort Jackson, South Carolina the day we moved out for Tennessee maneveurs. I hope you can contact some of these people. They are all from M. Company, 423 Inf. ? Helwig from Illinois, Lucky Logsdon from Kansas, ? Williams from W. Va., Cornelius Smith from Orange, New Jersey, Dan McGrew from Buffalo, N.Y. William Stewart from Tennessee, Dale Rhaushouser from Estherville, Iowa, ? McCartney from ?, Peter Serra from Illinois, ? Olson from Ill. and ? Cacalla from N.Y.
     I appreciate your help in trying to contact any of these men. -. - Albert A. Johnson, M. Co. 423 Inf., V.A. Hospital 5N, 1030 Jefferson, Memphis, Tenn.

    Dear Bob: - Enclosed is dues for coming year. Have retired recently after 39 years at same position. Have never attended a reunion, but now finally may have the time. Would like to hear from any of my buddies of the old 589th F.A. Bn. Would enjoy arranging to get some of us together. - Bob Flaig, HQ Co. 589th F.A.
Bn., 1652 Pinebluff Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45230

    Dear Bob: - Enclosed is my first renewal of membership in the 106th Assoc. The Cub is a great publication. I answered the letter from James Hollar in the last edition. I didn't know his father but was at Duderstadt (Brick Factory) during that time. Keep up the good work. I hope to make a reunion someday.
    There are quite a few names and addresses of 106th men published in the "X-POW" bulletin. Most of them I don't see on the roster of 106th Assoc. - Henry D. Healan M/423, 15317 Grovewood Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44110

    Dear Robert: - I was looking forward to attending the reunion in Chicago with great anticipation however, I was forced to cancel my plans due to surgery.
     During the past two years I have been quite ill. I have undergone operations for gall bladder removal; triple by-pass; double cataract removal for an implant.
Thank God all operations were successful. I am enjoying good health.
Peter Russin Co. H. 424, 412 Braybarton Blvd., Steubenville, Ohio 43952

Dear Bob: - Enclosed are my dues for the Cub, keep up the good work.
     The Cub magazine is really terrific. Would like to ask if anyone knows anything about Lt. John Tenery, M.D. served with me in Co. B. (collecting Co.) 331st Med. Bd. 423 reg.
Sorry I'm late with the dues. Best of health to all. - James Teason, 419 Huntington Lane, Elmhurst, Ill. 60126


Dear Bob: - I received the 15 extra copies of the Cub and have forwarded them to men of Co. L that I have contacted.
Hope that they will enjoy it enough to join the association. –
Charles Henderson

    Dear Bob: - This is a note written in sadness. W. E. ‘Toby' Carnes age 60, and his 13 year old grandson were killed in a private plane crash. This was the first year that Toby had been a member of our assoc. as I had only found out in talking with him at a Legion meeting last year that he had been a member of the 106th Division, 422nd Regt. We were captured at the same time at Schoenburg.
     Because of our relationship through the American Legion, V.F.W. and 106th Div., I was priviliged to assist with the funeral. Toby's loss will be keenly felt in this community. - Ewell C. Black, Jr. A/422

    Dear John: - Just finished reading the Cub for the new year. Efforts of all involved in its publication are appreciated. Congratulations for an excellent job.
     The article about the Komando at Gleina, Germany brought back many memories since I was there. A letter to Rev. Black is in the mail and I am very anxious to hear from him.
     I want to establish contact with any former division member, particularly members captured on the 19th at Schonberg and ended up at the Komando at Gleina after processing at Stalag IV-B.
     Briefly, on Dec. 16, 1944 I was with HQ 422 as an Ammo Bearer. Around ten in the morning a driver and I took off for the ammo dump in the St. Vith-Schonberg area for a load of ammo. At the dump we met a driver from the 423 who had come in contact with Germans near the road junction between Schonberg and Bleialf. He told us where to expect a possible contact on our way back. We took off immediately since we were already loaded and headed for HQ 422. Return trip was successful without incident.
     At HQ422 some of the company had been pulled to assist in responding to the activity at AUW. I spent the afternoon as a guard at HQ422.
     On the evening of the 16th the 422nd left the pillbox area to a staging area where we stayed until the morning of the 18th, when we moved out heading towards Schonberg.
     Following capture in the afternoon of the 19th I spent the night in the catholic church in Schonberg. Beginning on the 20th the group I was with walked thru Prum and on to Gerolstein by late that evening. During a bombing and strafing attack on Gerolstein we formed a large PW in the courtyard to alert American pilots of our presence. One pilot responded by tipping his wings in recognition.
     On Christmas day in the evening the group continued walking thru Mayers and Koblenz and on to Bad Ems arriving around noon on the 31st.
     We boarded a train bound for Stalag IV-B the next day and were straffed one night on the way. By mid-January I ended up at the Komando at Gleina until 14 April when liberated.
I would like to hear from anyone who may have shared these experiences.
     Enclosed is a check for $5.00 to cover the cost of five extra copies of the Jan., Feb., Mar. 1980 issues of the Cub if they are available.
If they are not available, keep the money to help cover printing costs.
Leon J. Setter, 3825 Grail, Wichita, Kansas 67218

    Dear John: - Sorry I can't make the reunion in Arkansas. I will be going to Las Vegas, Nevada for the National convention of the American Ex - Prisoners of War on July 20 -23, 1980.
In the Jan., Feb., Mar. issue of the Cub I saw the item from Ewell C. Black


about the Kommando at Gleina, Germany. I was one of those 130 Americans, I sure would like to see that picture.
     Would you please send me his address or have it in the next issue of the Cub. I was in Co. F, 423 Inf. 106 Div. at St. Vith.
Vincent M. Johnson, 751-18th Street, Carlyle, Illinois, 62231

    John - Just a short report from the Ohio Gang. We have had a very mild winter here until this week. In mid-December we, along with Bob & Jeanne Gilder, were guests of Chuck and Willie Garn at a little get together at their home in Cuyahoga Falls. Walt & Lillian Bandurak were also there and we really had a nice time, with a little chit chat and then looked at Gilder's flicks on their England trip.
     We have just received word, that Martha will be going into the hospital for a new Electrical Stimulation treatment. We sure are hoping for success in this so she can throw the cane away and get up and dance again.
Sounds as though all who went on the European Trip had a fine time.
We're looking forward to seeing everyone in Hot Springs.
Sincerely, John R. Fritz

    Dear John, - Thought it was about time to thank all the 106th members who sent me cards and letters during my recent illness. To show you how quick the members were to respond I'll tell you I entered the Reading Hospital November 29th, on the 30th two doctors performed a 41/2 hour operation. They kept me in the recovery room for over 24 hours. When they returned me to my room the first thing I saw was a letter from General McMahon and a card from Doug Coffey. Now remember this was only my 3rd day in the hospital. It sure made me feel good to think they were thinking of me.
     Alot of people wonder what happened so I'll try to explain the best I can. While at the Chicago reunion I had a sore mouth but thought it was from my lower dentures. About three weeks after the reunion I decided to go to a doctor.
     They did a biopsy and found I had a tumor under the tongue that was cancerous. They then recommended that I take radium treatments.
     I then took 37 radium treatments, when they called me in and said they could not give me any more radium. They also told me that while the tumor was smaller it was not gone and I would have to have an operation as soon as possible.
     So on November 29th I entered the Reading Hospital, and on Nov. 30th at 8 A.M. I entered the operating room for an operation to be performed by Drs. Toso and Seda. The operation lasted 41/2 hours and the two doctors told me it was a success. This is what they did as they told me. First they had to remove the tumor which was in part of the tongue and also in part of the jaw. After removing all the cancer, they repaired my tongue with meat from my neck, the jaw they repaired with parts of my shoulder.
     I was very sick and hurting for about 2 days. Then the pain slowly went away. I was fed thru a tube for about 10 days. Also I could not talk for about a week. After 2 weeks in the hospital they sent me home. I was home one week and I developed an infection in my jaw. So back in the hospital again for four days. I am now home and recuperating, which the doctors say will be quite awhile till its back to normal.
     I don't mind waiting if I'm sure they have it all out. But all I can do is hope they are right when they say they have it all out.
     Again I want to thank everybody for thinking of me at the time. Hope to see you all at Hot Springs in July. - Clayt Rarick


    Dear John: - Enclosed is a picture of the flag pole in front of our mobile home in Earp, Calif. The flag I fly was flown over the United States Capitol on January 23, 1980. I fly the flag 24 hours a day, except in inclement weather and it flies to honor all members of the 106th division of World War II. I was in B Btry 592 and would like to hear from any former B, 592 members. Although some may dispute it, I was the champion Heart player of B, 592., as Bob Leswing stated previously I think B, 592 has more association members than any of the other units. Also enclosed is a copy of the certificate certifying the flag was flown over the capitol. - Gene L. Miller, Box 652, Earp, Calif. 92242

    Photo: This is to certify that the accompanying flag was flown over the United States Capitol on January 23, 1980, at the request of the Honorable Alan Cranston, United States Senator. This flag will be displayed by Gene L. Miller to honor the 106th Infantry Division of World War II. - George M. White, FAIA, Architect of the Capitol

    John: - As many of our friends in the 106th knows, that our son, David was seriously injured in a car wreck on October 27.
We are very happy to report that David is doing real good now, he is up and about, also able to drive his car.
He suffered a broken neck, right leg and his jaws broken in three places not to count all the teeth that are gone.
     It is real amazing to know how fast the word got around the 106th about David. We want to thank all the wonderful people of the 106th for their prayers and their cards to David. Your kindness will never be forgotten.
God willing we will see you all in Hot Springs. - Russell & Bonnie Enlow

    Dear John: - As I look out my window here on Patch bks. Vainingen, Germany, it reminds me of a time, a long time ago, of the snow and cold. I arrived back in Germany on 6 Nov. 1979. This is my 4th assignment in this country. Almost 12 years of my military has been in Germany. 'my mind wanders back, and this is much different than "Bannana Boats", "40 and 8s" "V" letters, and "Garand M-15". Even the old split trail 105s are out of the military. I am looking forward to receiving my last "Ruptured Duck" in about 18 months. The only thing that remains with the past around me is my memories, the "Golden Lion" on my right shoulder, and a few ribbons above my left pocket. As the "Golden Lion" patch is not well known, I am asked quite often about it. Even the "ETO" ribbon is getting scarce. For that matter, even WWII vets are getting hard to find in the military. I can vouch for our members that say everything has changed. Yes, I have tried to follow the same route we covered in WWII. From St. Vith to Bad Ems then south thru the Rhineland area to the area south of Worms. It is very difficult to locate areas that were previously visited an remembered.


     Talk about change, I remember giving unwanted parts of my "K" ration to hungry German kids. (and chocolate for sister). Now I went to a restaurant in the Stuttgart area and paid the equivalent of $12.00 for a modest meal. Didn't even get bread and water. It's the custom to drink beer or wine with the meal. Yes, the Truman policy and the Marshall Plan put these people on their feet. Dollar conversion now is 1.72 DM. So the extravagant spending of dollars is being felt by all Americans. Now it's my turn to ask for "chocolate for sister". Haven't found any givers lately. - Sgt. Kenneth E. Smith, 578 Sig. Co. 52nd Sig. BN., APO N.Y. 09131

     American Legion cautions that again false information is being circulated regarding G.I. Insurance dividends. I have recently contacted V.A. to verify that Congress has not voted a special dividend for lapsed policies.

     Have worked with the E.G. Hensons in planning the reunion in Hot Springs, looking forward to a good number in attendance.
     If coming from the east, fly Delta to Memphis and catch the Rio Flight Service into Hot Springs. If perchance you fly to Little Rock there is limousine service into Hot Springs. If you come from the west, fly to Dallas and catch the Rio Flight to Hot Springs.
If you desire any further information on Arkansas please write and I will supply it.
W.C. Baker, 4 Haley Street, Pine Bluff, Ark. 71602

Photo: Ft. Jackson - A81 John Cliffton, B. Sandberg

     We are all members of membership committee. Perhaps you too have buddies who you could convince to join by forwarding copy of the Cub with personal note from you.
     I will be happy to mail Cubs if you send me personal message to enclose. Price $1.00 each, or will send Cubs to you for mailing, price.75 each.
The Editor


JULY 17-20, 1980



FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1980
12:00 NOON LUNCH Ballroom

7:00 P.M. DINNER Ballroom
9:00-12:00 DANCING Ballroom

SUNDAY,JULY 20, 1980


Adults 69.00
Children 45.00
Dues 10.00
Auxilliary Dues 2 00
Mail hotel registration direct to hotel.
(NOW is a good time to mail both forms)

    Why waste your vacation trudging from one area to another when you can see and do it all in Hot Springs National Park...the center of everything and lots of it. A complete one-stop vacation for the entire family. In addition you will have the beautiful fellowship of the 106 family.
Bill & Sue Baker, Glenn & Mildred Henson, Co-Hosts

Index for: Vol. 36 No. 3, Apr, 1980

Index for This Document

106th Div., 14, 20
106th Inf. Association, 17
106th Infantry Division Association, 7
28th Inf. Div., 9, 15
2nd Div., 9
331st Med. BN, 15
422nd Inf., 14, 17
422nd Reg., Cannon Co., 17
422nd Regt., 20
423rd Reg., Co. L, 17
424th Inf. Regt., 11
589th FA BN, 19
Afghanistan, 2, 3
Alexander, Bill, 17
Ardennes, 9
Ardennes Battle, 5
Armington, Don, 10
Armington, Sgt. Don, 11
Auw, 20
Bad Ems, 20, 24
Baker, Bill & Sue, 27
Baker, W.C., 25
Bandurak, Walt & Lillian, 22
Barnes, Sgt. L. Preston, 11
Bart, Dick, 14
Battle of the Ardennes, 9, 11
Battle of the Bulge, 13, 15
Beals, Carol, 3
Belgium, 9
Belzer, Lt. Col. Myron, 11
Black, Ewell C., 21
Black, Ewell C., Jr., 20
Bleialf, 20
Brackett, James, 17
Brackett, Pee Wee, 3
Bradfield, Ken, 1
Bradfield, Ken & June, 3
Cacalla, ?, 19
Carnes, W. E. ‘Toby', 20
Carpenter, Ben, 13
Carter, President, 3
Chase, Fred B., 1
Cirencester, England, 11
Clarke, Walter & Lillian, 3
Clement, Maj. Howard, 11
Cliffton, John, 25
Co. K, 424th Inf., 7
Coffey, Doug, 22
Coffey, Douglas S., 1
Collins, Sherod, 1, 7
Corrigan, Ken & Betty, 3
Cranston, Honorable Alan, 24
Dahlen, Bill & Barb, 5
Davidson, Betty, 5
Davis, Mr. & Mrs., 13
DeHeer, Dick & Marge, 7
DeHeer, Mrs. Richard (Marge), 7
DeHeer, Richard, 7
Dobe, Gabrille, 3
Duderstadt, 19
Easler, Harley W., 1
Elbe River, 15
Enlow, Russell & Bonnie, 24
Eupen, 10, 11
Finlayson, Kenneth, 1, 15
Fisher, Dr. Gerald, 26
Flaig, Bob, 19
Fort Mcclellan, Ala., 15
Franek, Frank, 17
Fritz, John R., 22
Ft. Jackson, SC, 5, 8, 9, 14, 19, 25
Ft. Mcclellan, Ala., 15
Gallagher, John I., 1
Garn, Chuck & Willie, 22
Gerolstein, 20
Gilder, Bob & Jeanne, 22
Gleina, 20
Gleina, Germany, 20, 22
Healan, Henry D., 19
Helwig, ?, 19
Henderson, Charles, 17, 20
Henning, Mr. & Mrs., 13
Henson, Glenn & Mildred, 27
Holder, Mr. & Mrs., 13
Hollar, James, 19
Hulbert, Carl, 17
Hutchinson, Bill, 4, 5
Ice, Cpl. O. L., Jr., 11
Ice, Dr. Orva Lee, Jr., 11
Immes, Henry, D.D.S, 15
Immesberger, Henry, 15
Iwamoto, Sgt. George, 11
Johnson, Albert A., 19
Johnson, Vincent M., 22
Jones, Mrs. Alan W., 11
Kane, Eloise, 15
Katimaris, Costa, 17
Kimmel, Troy H., 17
Koblenz, 20
Kommando, 22
Kriz, Howard, 3
Kriz, Howard & Kit, 3
Lee, Ralph, 17
Leeth, Ossie, 5
Leeth, Ossie & Christine, 3
Leswing, Bob, 24
Lion In the Way, 14
Livesey, Herb, 9
Logsdon, Lucky, 19
Luscay, Mr. & Mrs., 13
Matthews, Joe, 2
Matthews, Joseph C., Jr., 1
Mayers, 20
McCartney, ?, 19
McGrew, Dan, 19
McMahon, Gen., 22
McMahon, Gen. Leo, 11
McMahon, Leo T., 7
Mencarini, Vincent, Jr., 14
Middleton, Troy, 9
Miller, Gene L., 24
Morris, Walter B., 1, 15
Mosley, Ron, 11
Munich, Germany, 15
Oelschig, Al, 15
Olson, ?, 19
Order of the Golden Lion, 5, 7
Pakistan, 3
Persian Gulf, 3
Pettit, Kenneth, 5
Pierce, Robert W., Sr., 1
Prum, 20
Purdy, Dr. Edmund C., 15
Rarick, Clayt, 22
Reilly, Viola, 3
Rhaushouser, Dale, 19
Rhineland, 24
Ringer, Bob, 3
Roadruck, Lt. Col. Max, 11
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 3
Russel, J. B., 16
Russin, Peter, 19
Rybzinski, Mr. & Mrs., 13
Sandberg, B., 25
Schlesser, Jack, 5
Schoenburg, 20
Schonberg, 20
Scranton, Mr. & Mrs., 13
Serino, Mike, 8
Serra, Peter, 19
Setter, Leon J., 20
Siegfried Line, 9
Smith, Cornelius, 19
Smith, Sgt. Kenneth E., 25
St. Vith, 9, 22, 24
St. Vith, Belgium, 5
St. Vith-Schonberg, 20
Stalag 4-B, 15
Stalag 9A, ZeIgeheIm, Germany, 17
Stalag 9B, Bad Orb, Germany, 17
Stalag IV-B, 20
Stewart, William, 19
Stout, Bob, 10
Stroh, Gen., 9
Stuttgart, 25
Teason, James, 19
Tenery, Lt. John, 19
Underwood, Don, 17
Vainingen, Germany, 24
Valenta, Patricia, 18
VIII Corps, 9
Villwock, Russell, 13
Villwock, Russell H., 1
Warren, Clarence E., 15
Welton, George & Marion, 3
West Point, 9
West Wall, 9
White, George M., 24
Williams, ?, 19
Zimmt, Werner, 11