Original Cub Document
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Vol. 11, No. 5, Jun, 1955
President John Loveless
Vice President James R. Klett
Adjutant Austin Byrd, Jr
Treasurer William K. Fowler
Chaplain Rev. Paul Cavanaugh
The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year, which includes subscription to CUB. All material copyrighted.
Editor Douglas S. Coffey
Staff Writer David S. Price
Staff Photographer D. C. Brumaghin
The CUB is printed by The Varsity Press. 80 Harrison Avenue, West Orange, N. J.
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 238, Loudonville, N. Y.
Memo From Detroit
TO: All 106th Members:If there are many reasons why a trip to Detroit this July cannot become a reality --well then, if it is a sincere impossibility --there is one other request that the writer would desire from his position as a fellow member.
Would you do the Association a real favor by remitting, right now, to:
Your check or money order for $5.00, payable to the Association, to cover the 1955-56 dues and Cub subscription.
Prompt remittance by the bulk of the non-attending menders will be an expression of thanks to those men who take personal time to make these annual reunions available each year -- just in case you find it impossible to be a part of the party in Detroit.
Dwelling on this subject will be deemed rather unusual by some; but when you see better than a thousand names drifting into obscurity it makes you concerned. Let me enlarge. Our mailing service sent me a separate list of inactive names numbering about a thousand. The addresses were considered accurate up to about a year ago. To date better than 12 per cent of this special mailing has been returned by the Postal Department. One other example: Bill Rosenkoetter gave me the 424-H. Co. list to contact. Abner Harris had recently worked on the addresses which should have made it almost perfect. It is still too soon for a complete check; but 6 per cent of this individual mailing has come back.
Frankly, it is a shame to see this "Return to the Sender" envelope coming back. This means we have lost contact for good. You know the ole saying. "I'll do it tomorrow," can be applied to much of this returned mail. A year from now I venture to say at least 10 or 20 per cent of this lost group would readily forward dues just to get the CUB to read about familiar names or places. Furthermore, many of this group would be available for attending a convention, if they knew where and when it was to be held.
My last observation at this time is that we need more concentrated backing -- that is, continuous reminders to ourselves -- to act for renewed organization life and spirit. Maybe the following will be a good guide:
1. Push old friend reinstatements.
2. Maintain letter and card correspondence throughout the years.
3. Visits and phone calls planned in advance when traveling through 106er's towns.
4. Attend Division reunions when humanly possible.
5. Mail dues in the spring of each year.
6. Continually advertise the Association to your town's people.
7. Drop news memos to the CUB editor at least once a year.
8. Thank the Good Lord for the life we've maintained so far as the 106th Division Association.
9. To make sure I remember to do the above eight.
May I say once again, please try to be in Detroit this July, or at least drop us a note.
-- Jack Gillespie
106th Vacation Convention
Official Registration: Vacation Convention Headquarters Suite
Morning -- Registration
Afternoon -- Tour of world's largest suburban shopping center of J. L. Hudson
Co.: Detroit Tiger's Major League Baseball Game; Thoroughbred Horse Racing
Evening -- Moonlight Cruise to Bo-Lo Island, Canada
FRIDAY (22nd)
Morning -- Registration Afternoon -- TV Show, Greenfield Filmed Review of 1954 106th Belgian Trip Early Evening -- Cinerama
Late Evening -- Cabaret Welcome Party. English Room
Morning -- Board of Directors Meeting
Late Morning -- "Brunch" (combination breakfast and lunch). Founder's Room.
10 a.m.
Noon -- "Meeting." Founder's Room; Women's Fashion Show
Early Afternoon -- Time Off
Early Evening -- Pre-Mystery Trip Cocktail Party at the new
Veterans' Memorial Penthouse
Late Evening -- Mystery Trip to?? ?; Dining, Dancing, Internationally Famous Entertainment at one of Canada's Most Famous Night Spots
SUNDAY (24th)
Morning -- Church Services; Memorial Service Conclave:
Announcement of New Officers
Afternoon -- Departures
MONDAY (25th)
Drop Dead or Get Lost!
For those who are real golf enthusiasts:
National PGA Golf Tournament, Meadowbrook Country Club, Detroit; July 21 to 24
This is another added attraction to those men and women who will make it to the Detroit Vacation Convention
Dear Bill,
Have you ever felt that you would like to attend one of the 106th Reunions, but couldn't help being doubtful of whether or not you would see anyone you used to know? Well, let us remind you that the Reunion is set for July 21, 22, 23 and 24, 1955, in Detroit, Michigan, at the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel, and then let us really tell you something.
Last year, if you had attended the Convention in Atlantic City you would have had one of the greatest times of your life, because "H" Co. was there almost en masse -- though we missed you! That is why we are writing you. We felt sure you would like to hear and know this.
Among those present at Atlantic City were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Perms, Nadeau, Michigan. Cliff is our former motor pool sergeant. Making the trip with them were Mr. and Mrs. John Scalissi from Madison, Wisconsin. John is the former 1st Platoon Sergeant.
Fred and Jan Handloser came up from Dravosburg. Pa. They were convinced by a visit from the Perras' and Scalissi's who stopped in to see them on the way to Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenkoetter came in from Detroit, Michigan. Mrs. Rosenkoetter has since given birth to the baby they were expecting at that time.
Bill Houser, former company clerk, came up from Reading, Pa., in response to a 4 a.m. phone call placed by Ray Fields. Walden, and various and sundry other rogues. (Fields, to jolt your memory, drove for Major Taylor, the Battalion Executive Officer.) We had just settled down to a little sleep around 7:30 a.m., after having been out dancing and sipping cokes at a nearby nitery that remained open 'til dawn, when thunderous knocking was heard at the door. It was Houser threatening to break down all the doors if we didn't all get up. Crude chap, that one was! Oh, but it was good seeing him and hearing him! It's still difficult to figure how anyone could help hearing him. However, we recouped and headed for the beach via the elevator. Some thought was given to sending Bill via the window.
Ray Fields, who drove up from Tennessee, was elected Membership Chairman for the coming year. Larry Walden, 3rd platoon medic, flew in from Chicago .., and were his arms tired (Ouch!). The medic's ranks were swelled by the arrival of Johnny Manfredi who replaced Eddie Wisniewski as 2nd platoon medic. Johnny came down from Springfield, Massachusetts. He wanted to be on hand so badly that he came down Saturday night, or shall we say Sunday morning, at 2 a.m. and left that afternoon at 2 -p.m. He said on his departure that it was a great thing and that he would be back. MacArthur made it, why not Manfredi? Why not you?
Eddie Wisniewski (2nd plt. medic) was in the area for a short time, but had some difficulty shooting an azimuth. Maybe this year
Johnny Reynolds, who was badly injured in February, 1945, was also on hand and has been for each year. Matter of fact, and proudly so, Johnny was elected Vice-President of the Association. John was down from Brooklyn, which by the way, is still in the league.
We were joined later by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ciquero (Eleanor) who drove over from Philadelphia. Joe was also a serious injury in the attack on Manhay. This attack also claimed George Watrous and Les Roberts as casualties.
That some afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Sambucci came from Del Air, New Jersey, and joined us in a couple of reunion toasts. Believe me, it was quite a sight to see all those fellows and their wives in one room! It's difficult to express the thrill and excitement. You've got to be there to feel and know it.
Sgt. Perras and Sgt. Scalissi and yours truly established a company C.P. in that a suite was rented with three connecting bedrooms and a living room in between. It was some-thing a little less than sensational to be able to walk from one bedroom to the other inside of 30 seconds. Not that anyone did, but it was possible.
Much time was spent laughing and talking, reminiscing and speaking of the present.
As a body, too, we would put on our swim suits and just by going down the elevator and through an underpass we were on the beach. Some used this advantage to actually swim. Others sunned, some cat-napped, but most took the sun, fresh air and water as a rest cure. Who wanted to sleep with that crowd on hand?
This year promises to be a banner year. All those who were at Atlantic City have promised to make every attempt to be on hand this year. Some of those we also expect to see in Detroit, because they live in and around Detroit or no further away than Chicago, are Les Crossman, Bob Shields, Ray Atwood, Norm Lee, Don Armington, Bob Kaiser, Bob Dietz, Bob Spade, Harry Holder. Guy Wright lives in Gary, Indiana, and could make it. Chuck Garn and Ernie Dick are in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. It could be real eventful! Why not contact some of these fellows and see if they won't promise to meet you in Detroit?
For just that purpose we are enclosing a company roster with the home addresses of all the fellows we have been able to compile a record of. Why don't YOU come? Write a couple of your special buddies -- someone you'd like to see after all these years (it's been just about ten years now) and arrange for a real get-together. If you write and tell them that you'll be there, they'll no doubt come too! ,
I can promise that once you'll attend, you'll not want to miss another! Did you know that? Cliff and Alice Perras have attended every convention held to date. They look forward to it with a great deal of anticipation, and have said that they wouldn't miss it for the world. As a matter of fact, they utilize the time as a vacation period, and on the way to and fro, they have stopped in to see a great many of the fellows. It's worth a trip to a convention just to talk to them and get the "story" on who is where, what they are doing, etc.
If there is any doubt in your mind about whether the wife should come along and whether she might not enjoy herself, just take heed of those wives that were there last year. The women enjoyed themselves as much as anyone. Several wives admitted that beforehand they had been somewhat doubtful, but now all their fears had vanished. They wanted to come next year, too!
In 1952, when the Convention was held in Baltimore, Bill Hemelt and his wife, Georgia, had some of the gang out to their cottage on the river where they had a delicious watermelon, then engaged in a watermelon rind fight to a draw. After swimming -- in borrowed swim suits (bring yours along just in case) -- they had a feast of tantalizing steamed crab. Only had 5 dozen!
We could go on for volumes about the good time you would have upon attending one of these Reunions. But all we can say is, write. Write a few of your friends, get up a party and let's all meet at the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel in Detroit July 21, 22, 23 and 24! Let's really make it a MEMORABLE occasion! Will we see you? Let's make it a "YES"! I promised my wife that this year she would really see a lot of you fellows I've been telling her so much about, so don't disappoint your old first sergeant. Let's see those ugly pusses of yours when you fall out for reveille and hear that old familiar yell go up: "Fall In"!
(Abner T. Harris, First Sergeant)
What Does $5.00 Buy?About -- a tank of gas:
About-- a bottle of good whiskey:
About -- six highballs at some fancy night club:
About -- six gold balls sliced into the creek this summer.
GEORGE CALL, Iselin, N. J., B/424, married, with two children. Presently an accountant for the Lionel Corporation.
MARSHALL LIPKIN, Past President of South California Chapter, reports that Chapter seems to have disintegrated. What's happened, fellows? Met with Claude Webb, first president of South California Chapter. With these two and Allan Lowith and Ed Nelson, why not try to revive the Chapter? Jerry Frankel's there, too!
JERRY FRANKEL, former traffic manager, Advance Solvents Corp., has been appointed manager of their West Coast operations and will supervise new plant in Palo Alto. All those in the 106th congratulate Jerry. He was formerly president of our Metropolitan Chapter and has worked hard for the 106th. Keep it up, Jerry, and wake up South California.
RICHARD H. BEHR, Serv 423, 960 Burke Avenue. St. Paul, Minn. -- Fleet superintendent for one of the largest dairies in the Twin Cities.
HYMAN SLAVIN, 424, 24 William Street, Newburgh. N. Y. -- Clerk in the Newburgh, N. Y., Post Office. Elected First Vice President of the New York State Branch of the United National Association of Post Office Clerks for the 1954-55 year at the State Convention in Jamestown N. Y., June. 1954.
JOHN D. HUEY, E-424. 530 Idaho Street, Elko. Nevada -- Owns and operates a sporting goods and hobby craft store here. Known as Western Sportsman.
DR. JOSEPH F. DREIER, 250 South River Street, Wilkes Barre. Pa. -- Director of Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mercy Hospital, 196 Hanover Street, Wilkes Barre.
WILLIAM H. MUELLER, M-424, 27 Eve lane, Levittown. L. I., N. Y. -- Graduated New York University, B. Aero E. in 1951, and M. Aero E. in 1954. Employed as Structural Methods Engineer at Grumman Aircraft Engr. Corp., Bethpage. N. Y. Am father of two boys and a girl.
LAWRENCE H. WESTPHAL, Hq-Div. Arty., Box 72, Wycoff, Minn. -- Manager of a produce plant here.
JACK ZUCKERMAN, C-423, 161-04 Jewel Avenue, Flushing 65, N. Y. -- Teaching history at Bushwick High School, Brooklyn.
ROBERT E. McVOY, Serv-423, Poland, N. Y. -- Sales Manager for K. F. McVoy, Chrysler and Plymouth dealers in Poland. Have a son Garry, and a daughter Susan.
BRIG. GEN. WM. C. BAKER, JR., DHQ, c/o Office Chief of Engineers, Washington 25, D. C. -- Now Assistant Chief of Engineers for Military Supply, U. S. Army.
DELL COLLINS. 331 Med., 7764 Ashton, Detroit. Mich. -- Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Glenn McGregor Co. of Detroit, designers and printers of machine accounting forms.
J. GAIL MYERS, Med. Spec. Troops, 4040 Nokomis Road. Fort Wayne, Ind. --Partner in Colonial Restaurant on U. S. No. 30 and No. 24, east of Fort Wayne.
ROMEO J. ROSSI, C-422. 3813 Cadieux Road. Detroit 24. Mich. -- At present I am in the wholesale tobacco and candy business. Commercial Tobacco & Candy Co., 5353 Russell Street.
MICHAEL R. RENDER. C-423. 6929 North Caldwell Street. Chicago 13. III. --I am in the service station business. Have had my own station for five years. Have two boys, 2-1/2 and 1-1/2 year old. Previous to the service station business I spent four years in the Chicago police department.
The report of our devoted editor in our last "CUB" was most interesting and told you of the great experience we had on our journey back after ten years. It was a great privilege for my wife and I to be a part of this pilgrimage.
As always, in war or peace, the men of the 106th are true gentlemen. You can't imagine how well behaved they are; they treated my wife with such kindness she now expects me to carry on their high standards of chivalry! I shall endeavor to share with you some of our observations.
We had a wonderful opportunity to talk with the people. On the Royal Scot from Glasgow to London I had a fine chat with a Catholic priest who told me of the good work we in America have done for Britain and Europe. He feels we should continue our fight for the freedom of our people, as well as all freedom-loving people.
London, as you who were there during the war know, is a place of color and ceremony, rich in tradition. It's a wonderful city to visit to get a feeling of English history. We can visualize our own country of some 179 years ago as part of this tradition.
Wherever we went, we were recognized as Americans as quickly as we were when we had our G.I. uniforms on during the war days. We felt deeply honored by the recognition.
It was our great privilege to attend church services in Westminster Abbey and to attend a session of the House of Commons.
The train rides with their compartment-type coaches were an experience. I have a delightful remembrance of the tea Mac and I had on the Royal Scot; a real English tea, biscuits and all.
The Belgians will always be close to our hearts for their sincere kindness; they are really a grand people. The lions Cub of Liege was most gracious to have us as their dinner guests. We dined in style a bit different than in 1944.
The ceremony in Brussels was most impressive. It was a great thrill to see the flags of our 48 states and the Stars and Stripes assembled together so many miles from our shores. Here was a sincere tribute from the people of Belgium to the people of America. May our nations ever remain true friends!
Our hearts were filled with emotion as we stood with bowed heads in prayer by the graves of our comrades who gave themselves for us and the things in which we believe. Our prayer was that they may forever be remembered by a grateful nation, that we may all dedicate ourselves to carry forward the heritage they have given to us and to our children.
It was a pleasure to meet the family who cared for our hero, Lt. Wood, while he carried on his guerilla warfare at Meyerode. We were guided into the Ardennes to view the burial spot and the monument erected by the people of Belgium.
The monument erected at Malmedy for those who were massacred there was a reminder to us, as it is to all mankind, what may happen in the world again when one group is given too much power.
The visit to the areas in which we were on December 16th and the days following was a high point in our journey, particularly places like Heckhelenfeld and Vien which are familiar to our "C" Company Engineers.
My wife and I utilized the free time we had by traveling into Germany. Our visit in Germany was planned by the Y.M.C.A. through a friend from home who is International Secretary of the "Y" in Germany. The main stops were Bremen, Bremerhaven, Hamburg, and Hanover. Our visits included hospitals, refugee camps, Y.M.C.A.'s and the Lutheran Churches of Germany.
It is needless to say that my vision was looking back ten years and thinking how strange the life of men becomes. We were sitting together at dinner, German and American, discussing the fate of man through the past half century. How quickly our enemy may become our friend and our friend our enemy.
Germany today its many respects is a new, rebuilt Germany. There has been much progress since the days of Hitler and his Godless
rule. However, there is still much to be done, rebuilding, caring for the disabled, rehabilitating the refugees and combating the world's great menace--Communism. There is a need today in Germany, as in most of the world, for greater religious understanding.
As Doug wrote, Paris is the city where all things are possible; whatever you seek, Paris has it. There is beauty along the banks of the river Seine. The great cathedrals, buildings, monuments, and gardens are true works of art. My engineer friends should remember the river Seine and the days we traveled on the L.S.T to Rouen.
Holland is grand. We found great joy there during our stay. The sightseeing was an education in the art and culture of the Dutch people. As I recall I spent quite a bit of time in Holland shopping for dishes as did the other fellows. The shopping was grand, girls. You must go next time.
There is much we have to remember from our trip. It was a wonderful experience. I feel indebted to Doug for all his efforts in making the journey a success. Let's look forward to the time when many more of us may again return to those places that shall forever live in our memories.
Our association has always been a wonderful Organization, but it is only since I have returned home that I realize how much it means to be a member of the 106th Division Association. Maybe it took the people of Belgium to show us how thankful we should be. They are most grateful to our Association and the symbol of freedom it represents. May we ever continue to serve in its work in honor of those who no longer can serve.
We have made all but the 1947 awl 1953 meetings and circumstances beyond our control made attendance at those impossible, not just inconvenient. We now have four (4) children, but the desire to make the Reunions has enabled us to surmount the usual obstacles about what to do with the children. The desire to attend is two-fold. We want to see folks we knew at Fort Jackson and Camp Atterbury and we want to see a new part of the Country for a few days each year. We can all send Christmas cards to our good friends, but you can't beat the fun we have greeting each and every one personally. The fellows note with interest my ever-receding hairline and I note theirs and don't feel so bad about my lot.
During the year you can look back and recall how a group went to the Railroad Fair at the Chicago Reunion and the beautiful view you had from your room at the Congress Hotel overlooking Lake Michigan. Remember!
We have steel mills in Detroit, but it took the Pittsburgh Reunion to get me into a great rolling mill to see how such a valuable product is handled by so few hands.
Seeing the row houses with their white steps in Baltimore was a revelation. Then there were ground rents to be explained --and who will forget the trip up to Fort McHenry where we learned first-hand about the writing of the Star Spangled Banner.
Going to Atlantic City, we saw the Pennsylvania Turnpike from start to finish. No pioneer ever crossed that beautiful state in less than a day as that road enabled us to do. Unless you have lived the experience of a walk on the Boardwalk at Atlantic City, you can never get the same impression from pictures of it or description by others.
Just think! Today will never come again. Why not make the most of every opportunity to enrich your experiences? Take the time and come to the Reunion in Detroit.
423rd Infantry.
-- Convention Committee
Index for: Vol. 11, No. 5, Jun, 1955
Index for This Document
106th Div., 2, 12106th Inf. Div., 1
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 2, 12
423rd Inf., 13
Ardennes, 10
Armington, Don, 6
Atwood, Ray, 6
Baker, Gen. Wm. C., 8
Behr, Richard H., 8
Belgium, 10, 12
Bremen, 10
Bremerhaven, 11
Brumaghin, D. C., 1
Brussels, 10
Byrd, Austin, 1
Cadillac, 4, 6
Call, George, 8
Camp Atterbury, 12
Cavanaugh, Paul, 1
Ciquero, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph, 4
Coffey, Douglas S., 1
Collins, Dell, 8
Crossman, Les, 6
Dick, Ernie, 6
Dietz, Bob, 6
Dreier, Dr. Joseph F., 8
Fields, Ray, 4
Fort Jackson, 12
Fowler, William K., 1
Frankel, Jerry, 8
Garn, Chuck, 6
Germany, 10, 11, 12
Gillespie, Jack, 2
Glasgow, 10
Hamburg, 11
Handloser, Fred & Jan, 4
Hanover, 8, 11
Harris, Abner, 2
Harris, Abner T., 6
Heckhelenfeld, 10
Hemelt, Bill, 6
Holder, Harry, 6
Holland, 12
Houser, Bill, 4
Huey, John D., 8
Kaiser, Bob, 6
Kelly, Robert E., 13
Klett, James R., 1
Lee, Norm, 6
Liege, 10
Lipkin, Marshall, 8
Loveless, John, 1
Lowith, Allan, 8
Malmedy, 10
Manfredi, Johnny, 4
Manhay, 4
McVoy, Robert E., 8
Meyerode, 10
Mueller, William H., 8
Myers, J. Gail, 8
Nelson, Ed, 8
Paris, 12
Perms, Mr. & Mrs. Cliff, 4
Perras, Cliff & Alice, 6
Perras, Sgt., 5
Poland, 8
Price, David S., 1
Render, Michael R., 8
Reunions, 4, 6, 12
Reynolds, Johnny, 4
Roberts, Les, 4
Rosenkoetter, Bill, 2
Rosenkoetter, Mr. & Mrs., 4
Rossi, Romeo J., 8
Rouen, 12
Sambucci, Mr. & Mrs. Tony, 4
Scalissi, Mr. & Mrs. John, 4
Scalissi, Sgt., 5
Seine, 12
Shields, Bob, 6
Slavin, Hyman, 8
Spade, Bob, 6
Stars and Stripes, 10
Taylor, Maj., 4
Vien, 10
Walden, Larry, 4
Watrous, George, 4
Webb, Claude, 8
Westphal, Lawrence H., 8
Wisniewski, Eddie, 4
Wood, Lt., 10
Wright, Guy, 6
Zuckerman, Jack, 8