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Vol. 13, No. 1, Oct, 1956


106th Infantry Division Association. Inc., Box 106, Blandon, Pa.
President Lawrence Gubow
Vice President Robert W. Stack
Adjutant Austin Byrd, Jr.
Treasurer Robert Kelly
Chaplain John Loveless
     The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year, which includes subscription to CUB. All Material copyrighted.
Editor John Gallagher
Staff Writer Robert Stack
Staff Photographer D. C. Brumaghin
The CUB is printed by the Busy Beaver Print Shop, Laureldale, Pa.
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 106, Blandon, Pa.
Change of Address
New address for Cub is Box 106, Blandon, Penna,

1956-57 Dues
     Have you paid your dues for 1956-57? If not will you send your $5.00 to Austin Byrd. Cub will be discontinued to all whose dues are not paid.

Your Cub
     The Cub belongs to you and I. To be of interest it must contain information which concerns us. Will you help to keep the Cub worthy of the 106th tradition, send in an article.
     Thanks to the following for their contribution to this issue: John Reynolds, General McMahon, Douglas Coffey, Larry Gubow, Jack Gillespie, Austin Byrd, James Well's, John Loveless, Richard DeHeer, Robert Kelly and Robert Stack.

Jack Gillespie, our membership chairman, urges all of us to line up at least two new or renewal memberships--NOW)

     I wish to take this opportunity to thank each of you for the privilege you have given me of serving as President of the 106th Infantry Division Association for the next year.
     It is indeed an honor to have been elected to serve as an officer in an association like ours which is dedicated to the principle of comradeship and to the memory of those members of the 106th who were not fortunate enough to return. I pledge you that I will do my utmost to faithfully serve you and our organization, to see that these principles are maintained.
     Our Memorials Chairman is already seeing that the Memorial Fund is put to work. Elsewhere in the Cub you will find an article by him setting forth our program. As in the past, membership will be one of our big problems. We hope that the Detroit Chapter will this year be able to complete the job that was started when
(Continued on Page 12)


    589th F. A. Bn.--The following named field officers promise to attend the Division reunion at Savannah, Georgia, 25-28 July 1957:
     Thomas P. Kelly III, Bn. Comdr., is a member of a law firm in Tampa, Florida. Married, has 3 children. Home address 1021 Frankland Road.
Elliott Goldstein, Bn/Exec., is a member of a law firm in Atlanta, Georgia.
     Arthur Parker, Bn. S-3 and Bn. Comdr. of reorganized Bn, operates a ranch at R. D. 1, Leeds, Alabama. Married, 2 children. He reports that Capt. Jack Cagle who commanded Service Btry, also operates a ranch nearby. Will try to get him too.
     106th Divarty Hq-- Ben Hagman, S-3, member of a law firm in Wetherford, Texas promises to attend the 1957 reunion at Savannah with his lovely wife Juanita. He didn't say whether his son Gary would bring a hamster to this reunion as he did at Columbus.

     The Division Artillery held its 4th annual family picnic at Hershey Park, Hershey, Pa., Sunday, Sept. 2nd. Attending were: Gen. and Mrs. McMahon and family, Tom Dorosky and family, Charles Laphan and family, Frank Maloney and family, Charles Walsh and wife, Thomas Fox and family, Emil Solecki and family, George Cattat and family, Douglas Coffey and family, John Reynolds, Jr., Clayton Rarick and family and John Gallagher and family.
Many thanks to Tom and the General for inviting members of the Infantry and Engineers.

     Our apologies for the lateness of this issue of our Cub. We were waiting for the official photographs of our 10th Convention ; however, they were lost in the mail somewhere between New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Thanks to Jack Gillespie and Dick DeHeer for convention pictures in this issue.

Pictures on page 10 were taken at our first convention in Indianapolis.



     MEMORIAL FUND. All requests for educational grants and help to fellow members to be investigated and results reported to Memorial Chairman for action. The desire of the Board of Directors is that the fund should be kept active through contributions to members in need; and encourages contributions to the fund. The possibility was discussed of making a gift to one of the Belgian towns its which the 106th fought during the war. Suggested was a gift of a stained glass church window or baptismal font for one of the churches which are being rebuilt. Doug Coffey was authorized to contact Belgian authorities.

     MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE. It is reported that most of the records have been transferred from Albany to Detroit. Many records were found to be obsolete. Jack Gillespie urged all members to contact all their buddies and encourage them to join the association. Membership for 1955-51 year was 257 members which is an increase of 45 over 1954-55 year.

     CONVENTIONS. 1957 convention to be held at the General Oglethorpe Hotel, Wilmington Island, Savannah, Georgia, July 25th to 28th. James Wells is Convention Chairman. Tentative site for 1958 convention, eastern Pennsylvania. Chicago site was dropped for lack of response.

     CUB. Douglas Coffey was given a rising vote of thanks for his dedicated service to the Association, as Editor of the Cub as well as President during the past year. Doug urged all members to support the Cub.

     MEMORIAL SERVICE. Our Memorial Service was held in the Methodist Church in Atlantic City. Rev. Steelman offered the opening prayer, Chaplain John Loveless gave the Memorial Message and closing prayer. John expressed thanks for the fine attendance at the service.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The following were unanimously elected to the Board of Directors:
Austin L. Byrd, Jr., 502 Nottingham Rd., Baltimore 29, Md.
Douglas S. Coffey, 18 Cornell St., West Orange, N. J.
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St.. Hillsdale, N. J.
Thomas Dorosky, Mount Airy Rd., R. D. 1 Trucksville, Pa.
William French, 20235 Lesure Detroit 21, Mich.
Gaylord W. Fridline, 217 Clairmount St., Ashland, Ohio
John I. Gallagher, 1213 Bellevue Ave. Laureldale, Pa.
John M. Gillespie, 19807 Murray Hill Detroit 35, Mich.
Lawrence Gubow, 20100 Braile, Detroit 19, Mich.
H. M. Hatch, 5609 15th Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minn.
Robert E. Kelly, 846 Lakepointe, Grosse Pointe 30, Mich.
Glenn Kennedy, 902 Columbus St., West Liberty, Iowa


John T. Loveless, Jr., 2549 Pickwick Rd. Baltimore 7, Md.
Gen. Leo T. McMahon, 8 N. Union St., Middletown, Pa.
Richard W. Nethers, 71 Island Dr., Poland, Ohio
Clifford E. Perras, Blue Front Hotel, Nadeau, Mich.
Clayton F. Rarick, Box 25, Blandon, Pa.
John J. Reynolds, Jr. 188 Hall St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Robert E. Rutt, 14447 Young Ave., Detroit 5, Mich.
Robert W. Stack, 177 4th Ave., Westwood, N. J.
James E. Wells, Hephzibah, Georgia

Officers Elected:
President: Lawrence Gubow
Vice Pres.: Robert W. Stack
Treasurer: Robert E. Kelly
Presidential Appointments
Adjutant: Austin L. Byrd, Jr.
Memorials Chm: John J. Reynolds, Jr.
Membership Chm: John M. Gillespie
Cub Editor: John I. Gallagher
Chaplain: John T. Loveless, Jr.
Convention Chm.: James E. Wells
Belgian Memorial Chm.: ROBERT K KELLY,
Douglas S. Coffey

July 1, 1955 to June 30. 1956

Balance on hand July 1, 1953 $1,491.97
Dues, Auxiliary Dues,
Misc Contributions $1,478.93
Memorial Fund Contributions 166,50
Profit, 1955 Convention 16.28
Total Receipts, 1955-56 $1,661.71

Dues Billing, 1955,56. $ 88.90
Detroit Cerebral Palsy, Auxiliary Project 100.00
Corporation Trust
1999-96 Legal Fee 50A10
1936-57 Legal Fee__ 50.00
Dues Bills 27.03
Bank Stamp 2.99
Bank Charges, 1955-56 1.60
Varsity Pre.,
July-Sops. Cub 298.39
Jan.-Feb. Cob .. 92.26
,larch-April CAA!? .... 93.84
. May-June Cub 199.76
Commercial Mailing:
1955-96 Dues Mailing 11.31
July-Sept. Cub 13.92
Jan.-Feb. Cub k Ind
s Dues Mailing. '55-56 99.09
March-April Cub.... 21.93
: May-June Cub
Dues Billing 40.55
National Savings Bank,
Albany, Men, Fund 166.50
Total Expenses, '59-96 1,277.97 .
Net Receipts, 1955-56 384.34
Balance on hand, Jane 30, 1956. .$1,876.31
Memorials Fund, as of 1015611 18, 1955-12,878.30
Interest. to July 10, 1950 100.28
Contributions, 1955.56 166.50
Memorials Fund, as of June 30, 1956.______.13,145.08
Includes Auxiliary Account of 9282.62
Respectfully submitted,'




     Veterans Administration estimate more than 150,000 children of deceased veterans are expected to be eligible for Government grants to further their education, under a new law recently signed by the President. The Veterans must have died of injuries or diseases resulting from their Military Service.
     The monthly school payments will begin October I, 1956 for children between 18 and 23 whose deceased parents served in World War I, World War II or the Korean conflict may apply for the educational program. In some instances, however, children will be permitted to begin school before their 18th birthday and to finish after their 23rd.
    Education may be taken in Colleges and Universities, as well as below-College-level schools. But regular high school training is not included in the new law, and below College-level courses must equip students for definite vocational objectives.
On the job training, on the farm training and correspondence courses are not allowed.
    Government allowances of $110 a month are paid to students if attending full time; $80 for three quarter time; and $50 for half time training. The rate for "co-op" courses --alternating schooling and actual experience on a related job--is $90 a month. Students will be allowed up to 36 months of training. The time will be reduced by any Korean GI Bill or Public Law 894 vocational rehabilitation training they might have received, as Korea veterans.
     In applying for schooling the child's par-ant or guardian files an application with his nearest VA regional office. VA will issue provisional approval if it finds the child meets the basic eligibility requirements and will arrange for educational or vocational counseling to help the parent or guardian and the child arrive at a suitable objective, and to help develop an educational program of education, the school or schools where the child plans to go, an estimate of how much the program will cost, and any other data VA might require. After this is submitted, VA may give its final approval for the training.
     The new law also provides for special restorative training for children with physical or mental disabilities which would hinder pursuit of a regular program of education. This training would be in the nature of speech and voice correction, lip reading, and braille reading and writing, one-handed typewriting, personal adjustment training and the like.
     The Government allowance for the special restorative training is $110 a month, but it may be increased if not sufficient to meet the cost of fees and tuition.
     Purpose of the program, as stated in the law, is to provide "opportunities for education to children whose education would otherwise be impeded or interrupted by reason of the death of a parent from a disease or injury incurred or aggravated in the. Armed Forces; and to aid such children in attaining the educational status which they might normally have aspired to and obtained but for the death of such parent."
     In broad outline, VA pointed out, the children's scholarship program follows the structure of the Korean Bill for Korean Veterans.

     Any men who might remember Norman R. Lawton, Co. B 123rd Infantry, while a P.O.W. in Germany, and can recall any acts of maltreatment, that might be responsible for a back injury, which makes it practically impossible for him to earn a living, please send him a notarized letter, stating the facts. This may help Norman get a higher disability rating. He is married and has three children. Write to Norman R. Lawton, Box 155, Houghton, New York.


     Our Division Association is almost unique in that it is one of a very few veterans organizations, if not the only one, that provides as a major event of its annual reunions, a Memorial Service to honor the memory of those, who having served cur country as a member of The Golden Lions, have been called to Eternal Rest. This year, in Atlantic City, we were privileged to hold the Memorial Service in a place dedicated to the worship of Almighty God. To the Reverend Mr. Steelman, Associate Pastor, and to the Official Board of the Christ Methodist Church we extend our deepest appreciation to the Pastor for giving the Invocation and the Benediction, and to the Board for lending the use of the Church.
     It is fitting that we remember those of our comrades who gave their all, even life itself, in the service of their country or who have since passed from this world. And it is proper, too, that we honor them for their deeds, be those deeds great or small.
    Men, and boys, go into battle with mixed emotions. Exhilaration, reckless abandon, thoughts of loved ones, the fact of being a part of a great company striving for victory, even fear, may each, among others, play a part. We who returned from the battle sometimes have difficulty in giving expression to our feelings; we can only guess the feelings of those of our comrades who could not return. But we pray that their paramount thoughts might have been as those of the Psalmist when he sang: "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage.
     Though we should not; yes, must not, fail to remember nor neglect to honor our fallen comrades, we have a greater obligation to meet. In his great Gettysburg Address, the immortal Lincoln pointed out to us our duty when he so forcefully told those who heard his voice and generations yet to come that while the world would remember the deeds of the men who fought there, the larger task of the living was to dedicate themselves to the completion of the work remaining to be done.
     So as we remember and honor in our Memorial Services and our 16 December gatherings those who fell while fighting by our side, let us resolve that we, in the strength of our Lord, will strive through our churches and other places of worship, our schools, our jobs, our homes, our whole lives to advance that day when wars will cease and peace, through the grace of God and the brotherhood of man, will reign throughout the world.

     As an American it is my duty to keep myself informed about my government. In this presidential election as in all local and national elections I will become familiar with the issues. Are they the principles for which I was willing to give my life, and for which my comrades made the supreme sacrifice?
I will know the candidates. Will I be willing to entrust the future of our country to the person for whom I vote?
     As a citizen, as a veteran, and as a parent, it is my duty to be informed and then to vote for the person I, feel is best, qualified for the office. -
Will you and I fulfill our duty by taking an active interest in the coming election?




     This is the first time that we in the South have been able to offer ourselves as hosts to the 106th Division Association and hope that you will accept our invitation to spend a pleasant vacation with us at the beautiful General Oglethorpe Hotel, located on Wilmington Island, near Savannah, Georgia, while you attend the convention. The hotel will be entirely air conditioned, rates reasonable, up to two or three children can be accommodated in a room with their parents if desired at no extra charge. Children's plates will be one-half price in the regular dining room. We will have a fresh water pool and salt water pool at our disposal with swimming on the ocean beach a short distance away if you desire to go. Deep sea fishing can be arranged also and in addition we have a wonderful 18-hole golf course right next to the hotel.
     For the ladies we have shopping in Savannah, tours, sightseeing; dancing, bridge, crabbing, movies, sunbathing, cycling, etc. So why not plan to spend your next year's vacation with us and take advantage of the low convention rate, at one of the finest' vacation spots in the South, while attending our convention in '57. Again- this is the first time that we have been able to offer you, a vacation for your entire family at a :very moderate rate while you enjoy the convention. So plan to spend your vacation with us' next year and enjoy some Deep South hospitality at the same time, as these special/ low rates -will be available, even if you arrive before the 25th.
P. S.--Y'all come!!!


New Members -- Welcome To Our Association
Col. T. Paine Kelly, Jr., c/o Macfarlane, Ferguson, Allison & Kelly P. 0. Box 1531, Tampa 1, Florida
Russell J. Karns, R. D. No. 3, Dillsburg, Pa.
Thomas Catannio, Seminole Ave. Dumont, N. J.
Philip Favali, 223 Lafayette St. Newark, N. J.
Theodore Leibig, R.D. No. 2, Sinking Spring, Pa.
Clayton P. Riggins, Nahunta, Georgia
Edward Collier, 9451 Sequoia Memphis, Tenn.
Dean T. Redmond, 116 Kelly St., Statesville, N.C.
Theodore J. Schultz, 260 Canal St., Ellenville, N. Y.
Harold Lippincott, 256 David Hooper Place Westwood, N. J.

     The Memorial Fund which we maintain is always happy and desirous of obtaining additional contributions, but of course, we are also eager to help our members, their families and the kin, of our departed comrades who are in-dire need. If you know any_ of the 'aforementioned, please get the particulars and contact me, the "Memorial Chairman" and I will do my utmost to help.
John J. Reynolds, Jr.
188 Hall Street, Brooklyn 5, New York

Do You Know?
Following is a portion of a letter from Dave Dennis, Co. C422 to Jack Gillespie:
     Did you by any chance know Art Tetreault of Hq. Co. 422? He and I were in the I & R platoon together and he is about the only person I have kept in regular touch with since the war. Just about one year ago he and his three children contracted polio and Art almost didn't make it. I understand his children have suffered no ill effects but Art has some stiffness in his left arm and will be undergoing treatment for another year or so. If you see anyone there from our company you might let them know and perhaps they would want to write to him.
Art's address is:
Art Tetreault, Morningside Lane, Lincoln R. F. D., Concord, Mass.

PRESIDENTS MESSAGE (Continued from Page 2)
    records were moved from Albany. However, we need help from all of you if the Association is to continue, so take a few minutes to write your old buddies--tell them about the Association, about the reunions, and get them to join.
     Now for some of your own plans. It is not too early to start planning for the December 16th reunions. Use those affairs as the kick-off for your campaign to make the next reunion at the General Oglethorpe Hotel, Wilmington Island, Savannah, Georgia, on July 25-28, 1957, the biggest yet. This is our first venture out of the east or mid-west and let's make every effort to prove Jim Wells was not wrong in bringing us down south.
     And let me not forget to express my sincerest thanks to all the members of the New Jersey group for the wonderful convention that we have just recently returned from in Atlantic City.


Index for: Vol. 13, No. 1, Oct, 1956

Index for This Document

106th Div., 14
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 2, 14
Brumaghin, D. C., 1
Byrd, Austin, 1
Byrd, Austin L., 5, 7
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 5, 7
Cagle, Jack, 3
Catannio, Thomas, 16
Cattat, George, 3
Coffey, Doug, 5
Coffey, Douglas, 1, 3, 5
Coffey, Douglas S., 5, 7
Collier, Edward, 16
DeHeer, Dick, 3
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 5
Div. Artillery, 3
Dorosky, Thomas, 5
Dorosky, Tom, 3
Favali, Philip, 16
Fox, Thomas, 3
French, William, 5
Fridline, Gaylord W., 5
Gallagher, John, 1, 3
Gallagher, John I., 5, 7
Germany, 10
Gillespie, Jack, 1, 3, 5, 16
Gillespie, John M., 5, 7
Goldstein, Elliott, 3
Gubow, Larry, 1
Gubow, Lawrence, 1, 5, 7, 16
Hagman, Ben, 3
Hatch, H. M., 5
Karns, Russell J., 16
Kelly, Robert, 1
Kelly, Robert E., 5, 7
Kelly, T. Paine, 16
Kelly, Thomas P., 3
Kennedy, Glenn, 5
Korea, 10
Laphan, Charles, 3
Lawton, Norman R., 10
Leibig, Theodore, 16
Lippincott, Harold, 16
Loveless, Chaplain John, 5
Loveless, John, 1
Loveless, John T., 7, 12
Loveless, John T., Jr, 7, 12
Loveless, John T., Jr., 7, 12
Maloney, Frank, 3
McMahon, Gen., 1
McMahon, Gen. & Mrs., 3
McMahon, Leo T., 7
Memorials, 2, 7, 8
Nethers, Richard W., 7
Parker, Arthur, 3
Perras, Clifford E., 7
Poland, 7
Rarick, Clayton, 3
Rarick, Clayton F., 7
Redmond, Dean T., 16
Reynolds, John, 1, 3
Reynolds, John J., 7, 16
Reynolds, John J., Jr., 7, 16
Riggins, Clayton P., 16
Rutt, Robert E., 7
Schultz, Theodore J., 16
Solecki, Emil, 3
Stack, Robert, 1
Stack, Robert W., 1, 7
Steelman, Reverend Mr., 12
Tetreault, Art, 16
Walsh, Charles, 3
Wells, James, 5
Well's, James, 1
Wells, James E., 7
Wells, Jim, 14, 16