Original Cub Document
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The Cub
Vol. 35, No. 1, Oct., 1978
President Robert "Bob" Scranton 1st Vice President Fred B. Chase
2nd Vice President Ken Bradfield
Adjutant Walter Bandurak
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain Russell H. Villwock
Memorials Chairman Douglas S. Coffey
The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association Is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor John I. Gallagher All editorial matter should be addressed to: John I. Gallagher 4003 Frances Street Temple, Pennsylvania 19560
All business matters, renewal of membership, memorial fund contributions, auxiliary dues payment, etc., should be addressed to: Walter Bandurak, Adjutant 219 North Maple Avenue Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year
Associate Dues $5.00 per year
1977 - 1978
MEMBERSHIPS 1977-1978 Year Renewal Memberships 359
Reinstated Memberships 7
New Memberships 49
Associate Memberships 18
Totals 433
(1976-77 398)
(105-Approximately $756.00)Respectfully submitted,
Walter Bandurak, Adjutant
Would you like to help in saving our Association approximately $41.25? If so, please look in your wallet, pocketbook or purse and see if you are carrying a current membership card for the year July 1, 1978 to June 30, 1979.If you are not, then you are one of 275 members, as of this deadline of August 22nd, who have not paid your $5.00 dues which was due on July 1, 1978.
Please send your check or money order in the amount of $5.00, payable to the 106th Infantry Division Association, and mail it to Adjutant Walter Bandurak, 219 North Maple Avenue, Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601 as soon as possible. This will help the Association from sending out 275 reminders to pay your dues and save the Association the $41.25 (275 x 0.15 stamp = $41.25). The Association thanks you very kindly for your support and cooperation in this matter.
Armington, Donald R. 3125 John Peterson Road Des Moines, Iowa 50317 (513) 266-7609Bradfield, Ken Rte. 8, Box 140 Evansville, Indiana 47711 (812) 867-2695
Britton, Ben 36 Warren Road Auburn, Mass. 01501 (617) 832-2308
Chase, Fred B. R.D. 6, Morris Lane Clifton Park, N.Y. 12065
Clark, James I., M.D. R.R. 1, Box 197 Fennville, Michigan 49408 (616) 561-5061
Coffee, Douglas S. ?47 N.W. Arnet Street Port Charlotte, Florida 33952 (813) 629-5711
Collins, Sherod 625 Channing Drive N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 (404) 351-2985
Collins, Virgil L. 841 Canal Street Nelsonville, Ohio 45764 (614) 385-2044
Fritz, John R. 9271 Avon Belden Road North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039 (216) 327-8089
Gallagher, John I. 4003 Frances Street Temple, Penna. 19560 (215) 929-2887
Garn, Charles S. ?64 18th Street Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 (216) 923-3370
Gasses, Joseph 1420 Franklin Street Grand Haven, Michigan 49417 (616) 842-6139
Howell, Robert F. 904 East College Street Rt. 6 Griffin, Georgia 30223 (404) 227-7373
Mansfield, Horace E. 190 Northcrest Drive Athens, Georgia 30601 (404) 548-3034
Matthews, Joseph C., Jr. 4706 Western Blvd. Raleigh, N. Carolina 27606 (919) 851-4851
McMahon, Leo. T. 8 North Union Street Middletown, Penna. 17057 (717) 944-3821
Puett, Joseph F. 2748-D Shallowford Road Atlanta, Georgia 30341 (404) 451-3425
Saucerman, Eugene L. R.R. 23, Box 82 Terre Haute, Indiana 47802 (812) 299-2977
Scranton, Robert L. 9441 Lee Road Brighton, Michigan 48116 (313) 229-6716
Villwock, Russell H. 6908 West Higgins Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60656 (312) 631-2027
Walker, Robert F. 598 Terrace Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 (513) 281-0539
It is a pleasure and honor to be selected to serve this super organization as your president. I will endeavor to uphold this office in the esteem as did my predecessors.We all know that the life blood of our organization is the "Cub". Please send John the materials that will continue to maintain our association.
I would like to commend Walt for a tremendous year as adjutant. Send in your dues so that we can maintain membership.
I know that our Chicago committee is making great plans for our next convention. Make plans now to attend.
I pledge to do what I can to further the efforts of this great association.
Bob Scranton President
My first column as chaplain I find very difficult to write as this is the farthest from my position in life.It was indeed an honor to be asked to serve, but even as I declined I was voted in. So as I am to be the chaplain for the coming year, I will do my utmost to do the job as best as I can as there is no finer organization or better group of people that I could serve.
The world lost many fine people this past year--eight from our organization, namely, Clifford Geier, Larry Gubow, Ernie Heldman, James J. Kane, Vaden Lackey, Vernon Lee, John Loveless and Edward Reilly.
All of these men were from different walks of life, yet each I am sure had a goal in life. No matter how small or how large that goal was, who or what that goal included, it was their goal and we will never know if their goals had been completed.
Even as I write this article the world has lost another great person, Pope Paul VI. As we all know one of his goals in life was peace. Peace throughout the world. Let's hope that someday that goal will be completed.
I would like to end with the following thought--
where there is faith there is love
where there is love there is peace
where there is peace there is god
where there is god there is no need.
Russell Villwock
GOLDEN LIONS-32nd Annual Reunion
The members of the Association who attended this Reunion are indebted to Douglas S. Coffey COGL for a unique land, sea and air reunion.
Doug promised the ladies a sea trip and he delivered in fine style, which they and the men and children they brought along certainly enjoyed. Doug is still the masterful organizer and operator of such an undertaking. Less than a month before the scheduled opening date of the meeting, July 20, Doug received the disquieting word that the hotel he planned to use in Miami had gone bankrupt. With good old field artillery reconnaissance he located Lauderdale Surf, 12 stories, right on the ocean, at Fort Lauderdale.
For those of us flying in we had a 45 minute ride from Miami airport and a cost of $6.00 per person, but we saw a lot more of vacationland in Florida.
Very early on 20 July the McMahons loaded their bags in their car in Middletown Pa. on the east shore of the Susquehanna, and drove across to the west shore to the borough of C?? Hill to the beautiful home of Dohoney (C422) and Josie. There we loaded our bags into their car, parked ours in their garage and took off for a pleasant two hour drive to Baltimore Airport. We took off via Eastern Airlines and with lunch aloft arrived at Miami at 12:53 PM. After the 45 minute bus ride we arrived at the portal of the Lauderdale Surf.
Right at the door we were greeted by one of our favorite couples, John I. Gallaher (C-81st Engrs) and his lovely wife, Stella. The whole Association is indebted to them for their zeal and dedication in the publication of our CUB over the years. Seeing Stella reminded me of a little known fact--that she was the first lady of the Association to visit Belgium. In December 1954, six members of the Association decided to return to Belgium to participate in the ceremonies
commemorating the tenth anniversary- of the Battle of the Ardennes (Bulge), They were Richard H. Behr, St. Paul Minn; Dr. C. Delsher Fridline, 423 Inf.; John I. Gallagher, 81st. Engrs, Laureldale, Pa.,; Wm. McMurray, 81st Engrs, Canonsburg, Pa.; James Wells, 81st. Engrs, Hepzibah, Ga.; Douglas Coffey C 590th FA Bn, West Orange, N. J. Dr. Fridline was accompanied by his son and John Gallagher by his wife Stella.
The details of their participation in the ceremonies for the Tenth Anniversary of the Battle, together with King Baudouin, Belgium and Lt. General Anthony C. McAuliffe USA Comdg. Seventh Army USA who commanded 101st Airborne Div. in the Bulge at Bastogne are contained in Vol. 11, No. 3, Jan.-Feb. 1955 of the Cub of the Golden Lion. The Editor that year was Douglas C. Coffey. The President of the Association that year was our late beloved John T. Loveless, Jr.
We next met our good friend, Mrs. Carol Beals, who introduced us to Mrs. ?oy Dolitsky, widow of Lt. Col. Dolitsky, who was Capt. Dolitsky in command of Service Btry 591st FA. Bn. The last time I saw Mrs. Dolitsky was at the Officers Club in Camp Atterbury, Ind. with her husband before we went overseas in Oct. 1944.
Seated at the same table with the McMahons on the Cruise were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Flowers, Odessa Tex. Wilda was happy to learn that Mrs. Flowers mother was from Wilda's home town of Ben Franklin, Tex.
The first hours of a Reunion are a very happy time with old friends reuniting after the Year's separation. Thursday afternoon July 20 was given over to that. The Board of Managers met at 5 PM in the 106th Div. Suite No. 1002, followed by the Warm Up Party at 6:30 PM and our first dinner at 7 PM at the Top of the Surf. Friday morning July 21 at 9:30 AM there was a Men's general Meeting in the Sea Breeze Room followed by a meeting of the new Board of Directors in the 106th Div. Suite 1002.
At 11 AM our impressive and dedicated Memorial Service was held in the Sea Breeze Room in Charge of Russell Villwock (106 Sig), our newly elected Acting Chaplain. The invocation was given by John Gallagher with Sherod Collins as Song Leader. Scripture Lesson was read by Althea Loveless Zimmerman and the address by Acting Chaplain Villwock.
The first Bus was scheduled to leave the hotel at 11:30 AM to Port of Miami for embarkation aboard SS Emerald Seas, but it was late. Doug Coffey had to do some heavy talking to the Captain of the Ship to hold up the sailing until the last bus finally arrived at the Port. At 6:30 PM a Cocktail Party was held aboard, courtesy of Sea Gull Travel service. Dinner was served at 8:15 PM. The sailing was smooth most of the time. The Food at each meal was lavish and delicious with many choices. The Program provided for a late Night Buffet at 11:30 PM each night, but we did not have the appetite to try it.
SATURDAY JULY 22. SS EMERALD SEAS arrived at Nassau Bahamas at 9:00 AM. After breakfast aboard many went ashore for shopping and sightseeing, and participate in guided tours. The Captain entertained aboard at a cocktail party in the late afternoon. Dinner was served at 8:15 PM and late Night Buffet at 11:30 PM.
SUNDAY JULY 23, SS EMERALD SEAS remained docked at Nassau. Breakfast was served at 8:15 AM. The morning was free. Protestant and Catholic services were held aboard.
At 4:30 PM the SS Emerald Seas departed Nassau for Miami Florida. At 8:15 PM the Farewell Dinner was served which turned into a Lucullan feast with Souvenir Menus.
After the dinner, President Ben Britton announced the slate of new officers elected headed by our genial and hardworking Vice President Robert L. Scranton as President. Bob was not in attendance at the Reunion and Cruise.
Ben Britton also announced that by unanimous vote of the Board of Managers new President Robert L. Scranton had been awarded the Order of the Golden Lion, Officer Class (Silver Medal) In Absentia.
Since President Scranton served a long tour of duty as Adjutant of this Association it is pertinent to note that this award of the Officer Class (Silver Medal) was awarded to only one other member of the Association. He is Lt. Colonel Herbert B. Livesey, Jr. Ret. He was the Chemical Warfare Officer of the 106th Infantry Division. He was the sparkplug in the organization of the 106th Infantry Division Association and was its first Adjutant.
Leo McMahon
(Photo) The General and his lady Wilda with Isabel Coffey, our reunion hostess
106th Infantry Division Association
1977-78 Board of Director's Meeting
Lauderdale Surf Hotel
July 20, 1978 (Thursday p.m.)
The meeting was called to order by President Ben Britton at 5:10 p.m.
President Britton requested that a moment of silence be observe for our departed members: John Loveless, Edward Reilly, Vaden Lackey, Larry Gubow, James J. Kane, Ernie Heldman, Clifford Geier and Vernon Lee.
Roll call was taken and all were present except: Fred Chase, Dr. James I. Clark, Virgil Collins, and Robert Scranton.
President Britton remarked that he enjoyed being President of the Association during the past year and thanked everyone for their cooperation in assisting him during the year.
Minutes of the Director's meeting held in Elyria-Lorain, Ohio were read and approved.
Several communications from members and a hotel in Arkansas were read by the Adjutant.
Adjutant's report indicated that a total of thirteen (13) members were dropped from our membership due to non-payment of their dues. He further reported that we had 359 renewals, 7 reinstated members, 49 new members and 18 Associate members for a grand total, and a new high, of 433 members; an increase of 35 over the past year. Our auxiliary membership is at 143; an increase of 17 over the past year and that 105 members contributed approximately $756.00 to the MEMORIAL FUND during the year.
Treasurer's report showed an overall loss of $283.04 in 1977-78 and that we have $10,689.34 cash balance in all accounts at the end of the 1977-78 year. A discussion followed relative to an increase in the dues but no action was taken; citing the fact that our association's General Fund is $4,213.19.
CUB EDITOR Gallagher thanked all he membership for their cooperation in forwarding news, black & white photographs, etc. He again requested that membership supply material and photographs to him and that the CUB is the "life-line" of our association.
Memorials Chairman Doug Coffey reported that he went to Europe; visited St. Vith, Belgium and saw the new "mark-up" of the new addition to the Memorial Building. He reports that the 3 cracked blocks in our building is no problem and that it will be fixed and the entire building will then be painted.
A new bronze plaque will be added to our Memorial Building with the words, "MAJOR GENERAL ALAN JONES, COMMANDING". It will be added onto the building in a very appropriate position. He further reported that street signs and/or arrows will be placed in St. Vith, Belgium which will indicate to tourists or visitors the direction to our 106th Infantry Division Association Memorial Building. An American flag is soon will be flying on our flag pole g with the Belgian flag.
Under further business (unfinished & new), the Adjutant reported that only 15 members had written to him and had indicated they wish to purchase or order a total of 19 copies of the reprints of the Division History which was proposed by a printing Company located in Nashville, Tennessee. No final action was taken on this matter and it was tabled until the 1979 Convention to be held in Chicago, Illinois with a chance that there will be a renewed interest in this project. We need approximately a total of 125 to 150 copies ordered by our membership at a proposed cost of $15.00 per reprint to get the project off the ground.
President Britton appointed the following committees:
Nominating Committee: John Fritz, Chairman; Joseph Gasses and Robert Howell.
Resolutions Committee: Ken Bradfield, Chairman; Robert Walker & Gene Saucerman.
The meeting adjourned at 5:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Walter Bandurak, Adjutant
106th Infantry Division Association
1978 General Meeting
Lauderdale Surf Hotel
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
July 21, 1978 (Friday a.m.)
The general meeting was called to order by President Ben Britton at 9:40 a.m.
President Britton requested a moment of silence be observed for our departed members: John Loveless, Edward Reilly, Vaden Lackey, Larry Gubow, James J. Kane, Ernie Heldman, Clifford Geier and Vernon Lee.
President Britton thanked all members for their cooperation and assistance during his tenure as President of our Association.
Minutes of the 1977 general meeting held in Elyria-Lorain, Ohio were read and approved.
Two (2) members who were attending their first convention stood and were recognized; They were: Died, Dan, A/422nd Regiment, West Burlington, Iowa and Seevers, Ralph, HQ/422nd Regiment, Lucasville, Ohio.
There were no communications received to be read.
Adjutant's Report -- 13 former members were dropped due to non-payment of dues, 359 Renewals, 7 Reinstated, 49 New Members and 18 Associate Members for a grand total of 433 members for 1977-78 year; an increase of 35 members from the 1976-77 year of 398 members. Auxiliary members-143 for 1977-78 year. Memorial Fund Contributors - 105 for 1977-78 who contributed approximately $756.00.
Treasurer's Report--Net Loss for 1977-78 was $283.04.
General Fund $4,213.10
Memorial Fund 6,476.15
Total $10,689.34
CUB Editor's Report--Editor Gallagher thanked all members who had supplied material and photos to him for publication in the CUB during 1977-78.
He requested continued cooperation from our members and asked all to send him black and white phots (or very sharp colored photos) and material for inclusion into future issues of the CUB.
Memorial's Chairman Report--Doug Coffey reported that he had visited St. Vith, Belgium in June, 1978, and had made arrangements to have an American Flag fly over our Memorial Building; 106th Memorial Building street arrows will be installed in St. Vith to indicate to tourists the location of our Memorial; special plaque will be installed on our Memorial Building which will read, "General Alan W. Jones, Commanding", and the Memorial will be repaired and repainted. He also reported on the proposed 1979 Europe trip stating that, due to the devaluation of our dollar abroad, the trip may be very expensive to undertake unless the monetary situation improves in our favor. If enough interest is shown, he felt we could still spend three (3) days in and around St. Vith, Belgium and then work our way down through Southern France and spend the majority of our trip in Spain and the neighboring islands off Spain, etc.
Resolution's Committee Report-- Ken Bradfield, Chairman, gave a report from the Resolution's Committee whose members included Robert Walker & Gene Saucerman. The report was accepted and approved and will appear in this issue of the CUB.
Nominating Committee Report -- John Fritz, Chairman, gave a report from the Nominating Committee whose members included Joseph Gasses and Robert Howell. This committee recommended that all present members of the Board of Directors be nominated and that Mr. Joseph Puett and Mr. Charles ‘Chuck' Garn be elected to the Board to replace our beloved John Loveless and Edward Reilly. Unanimously elected and approved.
Unfinished Business--Adjutant reported that only 15 members indicated in writing their willingness to purchase a total of 19 copies of the reprint of our 106th Infantry Division History at a cost of $15.00 per copy. He reported that the Board of Directors decided to table action on this matter until the 1979 Chicago Reunion to give all members another chance to indicate their interest to purchase the reprint.
New Business--None.
Matters for the Good of the Association--A. Mr. Ted Stra?? suggested that our dues be increased. No action taken since our General Fund is in good shape. B. Russell Villwock stated that the 1979 Chicago Reunion will be held in July, 1979 at the Oakbrook Hyatt House. C. Adjutant Bandurak publicly thanked Robert Woods, G/424 (Bethel Park, Pa.), Robert Morrison, G/424 (Bethel Park, Pa.), Charles S. Garn, H/424 (Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio) and Willie Garn, Wife of Chuck Garn, for their cooperation and assistance in addressing two sets of envelopes in which the CUB is mailed out to our membership. He also stated that Mr. Charles "Chuck" Garn was very instrumental in repairing the old addressograph machine and ordering the necessary metal parts for the machine in order for the machine to continue to be operable; thereby saving our Association many hundreds of dollars which would have been required
to purchase a new or a used addressograph machine.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Walter Bandurak, Adjutant
106th Infantry Division Association
1978-79 Board of Director's Meeting
Lauderdale Surf Hotel
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
July 21, 1978 (Friday a.m.)
The meeting was called to order by President Ben Britton at 10:20 a.m.
President Britton welcomed new Board of Director member Joseph Puett.
Roll call was taken and all were present except: Fred Chase, Dr. James I. Clark, Virgil Collins, Robert Scranton and newly appointed Board of Director, Charles S. Garn.
Under new business, the following officers were elected by a unanimous vote:
Robert Scranton President
Fred B. Chase 1st Vice-President
Ken Bradfield 2nd Vice-President
Sherod Collins Treasurer
Adopted at the 32nd Annual Reunion
106th Infantry Division Association
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
July 21, 1978
WHEREAS during the 1977-78 year the Association has experienced a phenomenal growth and rebirth with 49 new memberships and 7 reinstated members to attain a new high of 433 members and, WHEREAS the members present at this reunion have enjoyed renewing old friendships and welcoming many new faces into an enduring organization,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the 106th Infantry Division Association in meeting at their 32nd Annual Reunion in Fort Lauderdale, Florida July 21 through July 24, 1978, that we express our thanks and gratitude to:
1. Isabel and Douglas Coffey and others for their time, efforts and gracious hospitality in arranging for and directing this 32nd Annual Reunion.
2. President Benjamin Britton and his officers for their time and efforts in successfully leading and administering the affairs of the Association this past year.
3. Seagull Travel Service, Lauderdale Surf Hotel and the S.S. Emerald Seas for providing for our human comforts and the atmosphere for expressing and participating in fellowship with our comrades, their wives and families.
Respectfully submitted:
Resolutions Committee
Ken Bradfield, Chairman
Robert Walker, Member
Eugene Saucerman, Member
The new President, Robert Scranton, in absentia and through Ben Britton appointed:
Adjutant Walter Bandurak
Historian Sherod Collins
Chaplain Russell Villwock
CUB Editor John I. Gallagher
Memorials Chairmen Douglas S. Coffey
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Walter Bandurak, Adjutant
Some thirty-five members arrived early, some as much as a week previous to the Reunion. We arrived on Wednesday and were pleased to see so many there ahead of us. Getting things organized for the next day's affairs was easy as the Hotel and its employees were so cooperative. One employee, known only as Cory, did yeoman service. Had everything set up on time with no fuss or muss, saved a special room for those of us who wanted to leave things behind so as not to be burdened with them on the ship. He even collected left articles and had them mailed on. I am sure he came close to having a hernia handling all our luggage, not only out of the Hotel but loading the bus on two occasions. A great big thanks to him.Several of the early birds managed to find fancy restaurants to eat in prior to the start of the Reunion. Some were able to eat at one of the finest Yacht Clubs in Florida where they were entertained by an orchestra before and during dinner and tripped the light fantastic before going back to the Hotel. The Association had a suite and it was here that the gang gathered to enjoy friendship and a little refreshment as we gazed out the windows into the moonlight on the ocean and from the side we could view the lights sparkling on the boats anchored in the Marina close by. What a view and what a time we had! All went smoothly the next evening with our Warm Up Party starting things off. The camaraderie seen here at the party was truly 106th love and affection. Of course, Phil Schutte, who volunteered to be a bartender tried to give a little extra shot to the affair but there was hardly a wait for drinks. No one wanted to leave to go to the dinner but we had the piece de resistance still t to come, so we closed up and went to dinner. Anyone who was there will tell you what a beautiful evening it was. We took over the Top of the Surf overlooking the ocean and a full moon. The dinner was quickly served, was hot and pleasing to all. The fine band entertained us and after a few remarks by Doug Coffey, when he presented General McMahon with the 106th license plate, many of the members took advantage of the beautiful dance floor.
Of course, at dinner, we repeated an honor we have enjoyed for many years, the birthday of Carol Beals. Joe Matthews brought the cake and champagne and his delightful granddaughter Anne. Joe and Anne came to the Reunion even though they were unable to join us on the cruise.
Next morning was orderly yet busy as we crammed in all the required meetings to comply with the instructions of our former Chaplain and legal consultant, John Loveless. It was necessary that we hold at least one meeting a year in the States.
Our Memorial Service was conducted by Russell Villwock, newly named as Acting Chaplain, with the help of John Gallagher, John Loveless's daughter Althea, and Sherod Collins. The Memorial Service was a real highlight and showed we can come back from adversity and carry on the traditions that have made our Reunions the envy of other organizations.
Now came the hour to depart the Hotel and get aboard ship. We had been told to load all baggage on the bus and let the cars take only passengers. That was fine, and everyone loaded up in cars and left 24 people and the luggage to go on the bus. But as usual we had bus trouble! The bus didn't show up! I got on the horn with the Dispatcher to find out what had happened. The bus finally
arrived 1 ½ hours late and then the scramble began. The driver was very reluctant to load all that luggage, so as usual, everyone pitched in. We loaded the storage section, loaded the passengers in the rear seats and then proceeded to load all the luggage in the seats and over and under the seats, and still had some left over. Didn't you seasoned overseas travelers remember my warning "travel light"? The bus and I arrived at the pier at the same time, and again with the help of the 106ers was unloaded with speed and dexterity.
Then the driver was cajoled to race back and pick up the remaining luggage and we were to try to keep the ship from sailing until he returned. We watched the bus come slowly down the pier as the ship's crew began to release the ship from the pier. The luggage was tossed from pier to ship in 2 minutes flat and I had to jump the slowly widening gap. I'm sure we are all glad the bus made it or we would have missed seeing some of those very pretty dresses!
The so-called finger sandwiches which were served on the Pool Deck turned out to be delicious large sandwiches with coffee and iced tea. After this we settled down to sailing on the quietest and smoothest ship we have been on--you would hardly know it was moving. By the way, there were no reports of sea-sickness during the whole trip. I'm sure you will agree that the food was wonderful, especially the broiled lobster and the Baked Alaska which was brought in the dark alight with sparklers! I was fortunate to have Martha Fritz, who passed up desserts, at my table. It was a standing joke. She would ask, "Doug, what am I having for desert?" When it arrived she would promptly pass it over to add to the one I already had.
Can anyone forget the cocktail party given by Seagull Travel, the entertainment where Florian Frank did a Belly Dance, with the resident Belly Dancer and Ben Britton had his head patted by the same gal. The gambling, the jollity of the 106ers and their friends who joined us, the Birthday celebrations, the Captain's party.
At Nassau, the women of course took off shopping. Some took tours of the town, some on glass bottom boats, others to Paradise Island for a swim in the beautiful water. The evening was Night Club and Casino time.
After the cruise and the departure goodbyes many returned to the Lauderdale Surf where we practically had another reunion. Twenty of us joined together again for hospitality and hashing over the good time we had had. By gosh, everyone met again for breakfast--it was over and fond goodbyes were said until next year in Chicago.
(Photo) Dinner - Top of Surf
Who was it who locked himself out in the hall in his undershorts? Who was the lady who had her dress zipped up a number of times by different gentlemen?
Who won all the money at the gambling tables and slot machines and lost all again within 20 minutes?
Who went to Dirty Dicks and got stuck for a beer he never heard of for $2.00 a throw?
Who was brave enough to buy his wife a dress without her seeing it? It certainly looked great on her!
Don Armington surprised us all by proving he knew his right from his left. Did he end up with a straw hat to go with his champagne? Ralph Flowers, even though he is from Texas, knew his right from his left and won a battle also.
Bob Howell must be getting old, he couldn't stay up late enough for our usual late coffee and Danish.
Enjoyed having the newlyweds, Marilyn and Wayne with us.
Carol Beals hasn't changed in 10 years. Still has more energy than a dynamo. Jimmy Carter could use her in his energy package!
Walt Bandurak, our Health Inspector from Greensburg, Pa. has been checking the Health Reports of the cruise ships for a year. The Emerald Seas must have passed all tests because Walt ate and drank everything in sight along with the rest of us.
One thing we missed was Flo Bickford's and Jack Bryant's giggle.
Sam Cariano chased Phil Schutte around waiting for him to buy him a drink and find a slot machine that gave dollars for nickels.
Mike Serino, our retired golf pro from Ft. Jackson, couldn't find a golf course to keep up with his practice.
Did anyone ever see John & Stella Gallagher as relaxed as they were on this trip?
Thank you for the many letters we received telling us how much enjoyed the trip.
We hope you all enjoyed the 1978 Reunion Cruise as much as we did.
You are a wonderfully cooperative and fun group to be with. Blow in our ear and we'll take you anywhere! Did you ever see Horace Mansfield laugh so much as he did this Reunion? He actually roared.
Did you know that one of our most attractive gals who has missed few reunions is a Clown in her spare time? Guess who??
Get E. C. White to tell you of his adventures getting to the reunion.
Did you notice Jim Wells still puts ice in his beer, I thought it was always referred to as "egg in your beer".
Did Mike Zenn and his gang enjoy the reunion? Just ask him.
Looks like Harry Zorn is out to take the job of photographer from Walt Bandurak. Hope he gets his picture; the Cub.
Newcomers, Ralph and Marge Seevers, a welcome twosome to our group, the had a ball.
John Wilson from Hialeah, Florida could only join us for part of one day but it was a day he will not forget. He met buddies he hadn't seen in years and brought pictures of interest to many.
Steve and Irene Varhola kept their promise and joined us for the warm up party even though they couldn't make the cruise.
How about that Mary Betz, niece of Bob Gilder, wasn't she a doll? Watch it fellows. And Nancy Gilder, oh to be young again.
What guest followed the Bell Captain bringing in all the liquid refreshment and found out it came to the warm up party of which he was to be a big part.
Who took the Cook's tour from Miami Airport to the Lauderdale Surf, even to being offered a drink at one of the stops to drop someone off at their home. A three hour tour instead of 45 minutes. You wouldn't believe the sorties that came out of this special service. The billboard signs say, "Next time take the train", but we say, "Next
time take the Cab."
Who drank John Kemp's beer so he could have empty beer cans for his collection of cans? John is the grandson of our former Chaplain John Loveless who came with his Aunt Althea and Grandmother Kay Loveless. He even gambled at the slot machines. He started like most gamblers with nickels and then progressed to dollars. He quit while he was still a winner which most of us forgot to do.
The following persons attended the 1978 Reunion held at the Fort Lauderdale Surf Hotel and aboard the Emerald Seas en route to the Bahamas.
A?aire, George & Barbara (Guests of Ben Britton)
Ammons, Miss Peggy (Guest of Walter Clarke)
Armington, Don & Maxine
Armour, William & Marilyn (Guests of Gene Saucerman)
Astin, Robert & Nell (Guests of L. B. Bradley)
Bandurak, Walter & Lillian
Beals, Carol
Betz, Mary (Niece of Gilders)
Bied, Daniel & Millie
Black, Wayne & Marilyn
Bradfield, Kenneth & June
Bradley, L. B. & Hazel
Britton, Ben & Avis
Butcher, Burt & Shirley (Guests of Mike Zenn)
Byrd, Austin & Myrt
Cariano, Sam & Billie
Carter, Fred & Nellie
Clarke, Walter & Lillian
Coffey, Douglas & Isabel
Collins, Sherod
Corell, Miss Michelle (Guest of Gene Saucerman)
DeHeer, Dick & Marge
Dohoney, William & Josephine
Dolitsky, Miss Libby
Donovan, Bill & Blanche
Enlow, Russ & Bonnie
Flowers, Ralph & Opal (Guests of E. C. White)
Frank, Florian & Dorothy
Fritz, John & Martha
Gallagher, John & Stella
Gasses, Joe
Gilder, Robert & Jean
Gilder, Miss Nancy (Daughter)
Howell, Robert & Louise
Holder, Harry & Mildred
Kemp, John (Grandson of John Loveless)
Kennedy, Jack & Ann (Guests of Fritz')
Lee, Robert & Anne (Guests of Joe Puett)
Loveless, Mrs. John
Mansfield, Horace & Eva
Maw, Tom & Elaine Maw, Paula (Daughter)
McDowell, Harriet (Guest of Sherod Collins)
McMahon, Leo & Wilda
Meredith, Tom & Joyce (Guests of Coffeys)
Puett, Joe & Ida
Ringer, Robert & Michael (Son)
Rinkema, George & Dorothy
Robb, John & Marilyn
Robinson, Wesley & Bernice
Sakmar, Joe & Eileen (Guests of Mike Zenn)
Saucerman, Gene & Sally
Saucerman, Sandra (Daughter)
Schlesser, Jack & Karen
Schutte, Phil & Jean
Serino, Mike & Ellen
Smith, Frank & Vera (Guest of L. B. Bradley)
Straub, Ted & Laura
Struck, Ott & Mary (Guests of Coffeys)
Villwock, Russ & Jackie
Walker, Bob & June
Ward, Duke & Martha
Wells, Jim & Maydean
White, E. C. & Zada
York, Bob & Thelma
Zenn, Mike & Elaine
Zoll, Ed & Millie
Zimmerman, Mrs. Althea (Daughter of John Loveless)
Zorn, Harry & Bea
Pulliam, James & Zuline (Guests of L. B. Bradley)
Seevers, Ralph & Marjorie
(Attended a part of Reunion but did not sail on the Emerald Seas.)
Matthews, Joe & Granddaughter Anne
Varhola, Steve & Irene
Wilson, John
128 Persons took in the Reunion and Cruise.
133 Attended all or part of the Reunion.
422 had 12 members
423 had 5 members
424 had 11 members
589 had 1 member
590 had 2 members
591 had 7 members
592 had 1 member
Divarty 1
106 Signal 2
81st Engr. 4
(Photo) Beautiful girls of the 106th in their "Mae Wests"
You missed a good time--you who were not able to join us at Fort Lauderdale and Miami and Nassau.By various means of transportation conventioneers started to gather at the Lauderdale Surf early Thursday July 20.
The setting was a fine hotel with excellent accommodations right on the ocean.
The afternoon passed with spirited greeting and getting re-acquainted. A few joined Jean Schutte in a dip in the ocean and/or pool.
The warm up party was fun and the evening meal was superb. A topflight band with singer provided dancing for our pleasure.
On Friday, the general and Board meetings went well and swiftly followed by a meaningful memorial service, led by John Gallagher who gave the invocation and benediction, Sherod Collins, who led in good singing, and Russ Villwock, who gave the address. Althea Zimmerman read the scripture.
Later that morning, those with cars loaded up all they could carry and headed for Port of Miami to board ship. A bus followed with people and baggage. Then followed the only near-mishap of the trip (we always have to have one). We waited and waited for a second bus-load of baggage but nothing happened! Finally, after the ship was scheduled to sail, the bus showed and our baggage was delivered. A lesser person than Doug Coffey would not have held forth and kept a big ship from sailing, but our host was determined to provide for us.
Life on shipboard was a round of eating, companionship, sightseeing the ship, cocktail parties, shows, eating-well, the food was as predicted--wonderful and plentiful.
The island of Nassau was pretty. Our group divided their time between sightseeing, going to the beach, going to the casino at Paradise Island where excellent show was going, some spent most of their time on ship, and at least one group went to church on Sunday.
The only complaint was that we didn't get to see enough of each other (there were 900 people on board) but we certainly tried hard enough.
When Monday morning came, the Emerald Seas docked at Miami, we went through customs, retrieved our baggage and said our goodbyes. Thus ended another great, wonderful Golden Lion reunion.
(photo) S. S. Emerald Seas
For the enlightenment of late joining members and others, and with a tip of the hat to General McMahon, who has written in this vein before, I would like to review the reasons for being of the order and to talk about individual recipients. I will attempt to quote individual citations where possible.Prior to the first annual reunion held at Indianapolis in 1947 the Board of Directors, wishing to recognize the work of outstanding endeavor, on May 25, 1947 passed a resolution establishing the Order of the Golden Lion.
The resolution read as shown here followed by orders establishing the classes of the order (as abbreviated below). All awards include framed citation scrolls, attested to by the President and the Adjutant.
The Order of the
The Board of Directors in meeting assembled the Twenty Fifth Day of May in the Year Nineteen Hundred and Forty Seven:
WHEREAS, during the brief but glorious life of the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION OF THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, it's friends were legion, and
WHEREAS, those friends contributed greatly to the health, happiness, and morale of the soldiers of the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION, and WHEREAS, during the dark, terrible days of the BATTLE OF THE ARDENNES, when the insidious propaganda of the enemy cast aspersions upon the loyalty and valor of the members of the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION when it could not protect itself because of security regulations, yet it's friends remained fiercely loyal in the face of dark despair, and
WHEREAS, after the dawn of peace, the loyalty of its friends continued and expanded and new friends were added, and
WHEREAS, many of these new friends have rendered outstanding devotion and service to the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION, and it's ASSOCIATION which was born in the citadel of the arrogant enemy who would have ruled the world for a thousand years, after having conquered the enemy by the will of God and with the thought of loved ones and hearths defended, though on shores far distant from them, and
WHEREAS, the loyalty of friends will continue so long as one wearer of the honored insigne of the GOLDEN LION shall live, and
WHEREAS, the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION, representing the Golden Lions both living, and those who have answered the last roll call, wishes to honor those fiercely faithful friends and those who have rendered outstanding service to the DIVISION in peacetime, now therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the powers vested in it by the Constitution and By-Laws, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION ordains, and does hereby ORDAIN, that there shall be established
whereby to render homage and thanks to those friends, and orders, and does hereby ORDER the establishment of the following rules and regulations thereunto appertaining.
1. The Order of the Golden Lion shall consist of three classes: Commander, Officer, and Companion.
2. The Commander Class (COGL) may be conferred by unanimous vote of The Board and is evidenced by a golden bas relief medallion of a lion's head suspended by a ribbon 1 ½ inches wide, red, white and blue--division and National colors.
3. The Officer Class (OCGL) may be conferred by three-quarters vote of the Board and is evidenced by a silver bas relief medallion of a lion's head suspended by a ribbon 1 inch wide--color infantry blue.
4. The Companion Class may be conferred by majority vote of the Board and is evidenced by a bronze bas relief medallion of a lion's head suspended by a ribbon--color artillery red.
All medallions are suitably engraved with the recipient's name, the Association name and the words "for outstanding service." Subsequently, we will attempt to quote citations while mentioning individuals. Note that there are several husband and wife teams among the awards.
For now, let us honor our latest recipient-Robert L. Scranton--who has well deserved an award for his services as Adjutant for eight years.
His citation is here quoted.
Order of the Golden Lion
ROBERT L. Scranton
He has been a member of the 106 Division Association since 1955 and attended his first reunion in Detroit in that year. He has served continuously for many years as a member of its Board of Directors and has attended every reunion except two since 1955.
He volunteered to serve and was appointed Adjutant of the Association in July 1968 and served continuously with devotion and distinction until July 1976 in this key office. The records of the Adjutant during his tenure were scrupulously recorded and maintained and are unsurpassed in their accuracy and completeness.
His attention to the demanding duties of the office and his cooperation with the other officers of the Association were a great factor in maintaining membership so necessary to survival and growth. During the early days of his service he enlisted his family to help him in a concerted and successful effort to increase membership, which had reached somewhat a low ebb at that time. His endeavor added members, and membership has continued to increase since that time.
In grateful recognition of his zealous and dedicated service to the Association, the Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association awards him the
Done at the City of Miami, Florida this twentieth day of July, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand, Nine Hundred Seventy-Eight.For the Board of Directors
Attested: Ben Britton, President
Walt Bandurak Adjutant
CHICAGO -- 1979
Plans for the 1979 reunion in Chicago are starting to move forward and shaping up into what looks like a good reunion. If you ask the Hennings and the Lucsays, the working half of the committee, they will say the best ever.To get us out of the downtown area which is very nice but always congested, we have moved to a western suburb which is about 30 minutes west of downtown Chicago.
We will be headquartered at the Oakbrook Hyatt House which is just across from a very large shopping center with such stores as Marshall Fields, Sears, Lord and Taylor and many other shops. We kept the ladies of the 106th in mind.
More information will be forthcoming just as soon as it is available.
Dates for reunion--July 19, 20, 21, 22 (Mark your calendar).
Russell Villwock
The above colored car plate, 6 inches x 12 inches in size, is now available for $2.00 each. It is white, red, blue and yellow and is a light aluminum plate. If you are interested, send your $2.00 per plate in check or money order to: Douglas S. Coffey, 947 N. W. Arnet Street, Port Charlotte, Florida 33952.Quantity is limited, first come first served.
HICKORY, S.C.--Thirty-three years after his death in a German prison camp, Tech. 5 Thurston Hollar is coming home for military burial in his hometown.The remains of the soldier, who died in the spring of 1945 at age 22, are being removed from a cemetery across the Belgian border from Ziegelei-Bernhard because of the efforts of a son he never knew and will be shipped to Hickory by the Army later this month. The son, James Hollar of Columbia S. C., enlisted the help of Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., after a visit to the gravesite near Liege, Belgium, four years ago.
"Well, I had a long talk with him," Hollar, 34, said last week while recalling his first visit to the gravesite. "It was a very emotional time for me. And it was probably one of the best things that will ever happen to me."
Hollar joined the Army at age 16 to take a burden off his widowed mother and was sent to the German front in October 1944. He was captured by the Germans in December and the Army said he died of starvation in a prison camp in Ziegelei-Bernhard three months later.
One of the last wishes of Hollars mother, Alice Hollar, before her death in 1954 was to have her son returned to Hickory for burial. His wife Verita remarried after she bore Hollar's son and now lives in Aiken, S. C.
Hollar's entire outfit, the 106th Infantry Division, was captured by the Germans in St. Vith, Belgium, James Hollar said.
The family got one telegram telling that he was missing in action and a second saying he had died as a German prisoner.
Hollar said a law passed in 1951 prohibited the return of any more bodies of World War II victims buried in Europe. But he got a waiver of the law with the help of Thurmond, and the Army is handling all transportation arrangements and will provide a military escort and color guard for the memorial service.
Reprint - Charlotte News
August 24, 1978
Ernie Heldman
Funeral services for Ernie Heldman, the personable St. Louis magician who captivated television viewers with his "Parade of Magic" show from 1947 to 1958 will be at 11 a.m. Saturday. Mr. Heldman, 62, died of heart disease at his New Orleans home Tuesday, Nov. 29, 1977. He had been ill for about two years.Born in Shrewsbury, Mr. Heldman attended school at the Lockwood and Webster Groves High Schools.
At the age of 12, he was given a book of magic tricks by an uncle which started him on what would become his lifelong career.
After serving in World War II, Mr. Heldman returned to St. Louis and in 1947 became host of the 15-minute "Parade of Magic" show on KSD-TV, believed to have been the first magic show series in the nation.
He performed frequently for crippled children's groups among others during the late '40s and early '50s.
Mr. Heldman moved to New Orleans in 1967 where he continued his magic acts and became active in a company which designed exhibits for conventions there.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Kathy Byrd and Miss Cindy Heldman of St. Louis, a son, Daniel C. Heldman of Washington and a sister, Mrs. Mary Kraus of St. Louis.
During the months of July and August, several members of the 106th Infantry Division Association (Gilder's, Garn's and Bandurak's) entertained Miss Francoise Delvaux and Mrs. Miette Destrodeur from the Village of Vien, Belgium; several kilometers distance from Anthisnes, Belgium. During a conversation with Mrs. Miette Destordeur, she had requested, from our Association, assistance in locating an American Soldier (unit unknown to her) from Ohio (town or city unknown to her) who they (her husband and herself) had entertained and became very close to during the months of September-October-November and December, 1944. She recalls that his name or nick-name was "Charlie Short". At the time she and her husband lived in the Village of "ANGLEUR" which is a suburb of Liege, Belgium. This American soldier from Ohio again revisited the Destordeur family in May, 1945. !f anyone knows the whereabouts of "Charlie Short" from Ohio, please advise him to contact the Belgian family at the listed address:Mr. # Mrs. Jacques destordeur
rue de I'Eglise, 10
telephone: 041-83.62.44
This family is very much interested in renewing acquaintances with this ex-American soldier. Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter.
Dear Walt:Enclosed is a check covering our dues plus $3.00 towards Memorial fund.
I presume you had a fine time on the trip to the Bahamas. We unfortunately could not make it this year. Our older daughter is getting married this fall and earlier this year I was laid up with "Old Men's Problems". All is well now.
Regards, Charles W. Richards
Pine-Rich Hill, 204 Crestview Drive, Hendersonville, N.C. 28739
Dear Walt:
I am enclosing $5.00 for the dues to the 106th Inf. Div. Assoc. for the year 1978-79. It is a great organization and we can be thankful to men like you for its existence.
In the recent issue of the Cub (July, Aug., Sept.) an item concerning the Bulge Reunion (and also identified as "Grand Reunion in Friendship) greatly interested me and I would like further information on the journey. An address was given for such details but it appeared as very incomplete, as you will note if you refer to the article on page 9.
May I ask help from you in making contact with David Walsh so that the details are available to me and an early reservation might be made if the trip proves attractive?
Very sincerely yours, Dean Crawford, Reg. Hq. 422nd
17 Inner Drive, Vienna, Ohio 44473
Dear Walt:
Enclosed is my check for the current year's dues. While I went overseas with Co. K, 423 Inf. Reg., my first assignment with the 106th was with Cannon Co. 423. When listing affiliation on the official roster, perhaps I should be listed with both units.
I am also interested in the Bulge Reunion scheduled for 11-18 December this year and would like to have information if it is available. The address in the Cub was quite vague.
Sincerely yours,
Joseph V. McKeever, 3615 Brownsboro Road, Louisville, Kentucky 40207
Dear Sir:
As a former member of the 106th Division, would you please forward me information on the 1978 reunion. I was in the 106th RCN Troop when the division was activated in March of 1943 and was in the Battle of the Bulge and was captured on Dec. 19, 1944.
Also do you know if there are any other members of the RCN Troop who belong to the association and if anyone has their addresses?
Thanking you for your prompt reply, I remain,
William W. Randall, 560 Pine St., Apt. 1-4 Royersford, Pa. 19468
Dear Walt:
Just received the July-Sept. issue of the CUB, best d... little magazine; containing more information of interest in 12 to 20 pages than others I get with much-ado about nothing, i.e., lots of words but little "meat"-like quotes from letters of ol' COMRADES IN ARMS plus valued pictures of buddies and "OVER THERE" where all hell broke loose and many of our comrades were killed in action and many died of starvation, exposure, gangrene, dysentery, etc.
I had some training with the 81st Engineers on maneuvers in Tennessee --when our A&P Platoon of Hdqtrs. Co., 3rd Bn., 422nd worked our tails ragged and crammed our grey matter with some mighty important information and were a lot wiser and experienced. I can well remember the G.I. Manual on felling trees, building barbed wire entanglements, tank traps, float vehicles by pontoon bridges (night problems mostly) and using a cable to take a jeep over a creek. I tried to get one of those handbooks for my
library but guess the Supt. of documents thought I might be one of those "bugs" you read about these days.
Things haven't changed much since I last wrote you 7/19/77 so there is no chance of us making the Convention and that wonderful cruise to the Bahamas. Trust you will be among those present and May God's Blessing be with you all on your trips to and from Miami, on the cruise, and with your deliberations at the Convention. The "Bulge Reunion" in December should be one to really attend and, as General Westmoreland (Retired) said "raise glasses in the spirit of friendship". I bear no ill-will against the German people even though I was one of many that was treated very badly; marching dawn to dusk almost every day and never spent one day or night in a heated barn, factory, barracks, school bldg. or airplane hangar.
I see where the late Father Cavanaugh was with Lt. Col. Jos. Matthews, Jr. and with the group that were lucky enough to get into the box cars at Gerolstein and get to Bad Orb where they remained until released. I kept a diary and logged over 800 KM or 500 miles--first to Limburg--thence by box cars to VIII-A near Gorlitz. We left there 2/14/45 and marched until 3/26/45 where we spent about ten days (near Brauschweig). The day we pulled out of there (4/10/45) I escaped.
Leo R. Leisse Hq. Co., 3rd Bn. 422 Inf. Reg.
4346 Gapsch Lane
St. Louis, Missouri 63125
Dear Walt:
After thirty-seven years we have moved.
Will you kindly change our address the following:
H. M. Jim Hatch
2830 East Road
Wayzata, Minnesota 55391
I'm anxious that this correction be included in the issue of the CUB which lists the names and addresses of our membership and usually comes out in time for Christmas mailing references.
Thank you for all that you do for the 106th.
Yours truly,
H. M. Jim Hatch Div Hqs/422 Inf.
Dear John,
We've returned from our vacation and the convention safe and sound and as usual we had a wonderful time. As a matter of fact we always have a wonderful time at 106th reunions. It's the people. A super congenial group.
We love them all! And of course a convention wouldn't be a success without a crisis. I have reference to the sudden closing of the hotel in Miami, and the lost baggage at the Port of Embarkation. We always manage to get out of trouble somehow. This time all the credit must go to our renowned tour director, Doug Coffey. He conducted things in his most efficient way and took care of the problems all by himself. Our personal thanks to him for a most wonderful cruise.
We were accompanied this time by our daughter Barbara and her husband, George Allaire. They remarked how easy it was to get acquainted with all the 106th's and they had a wonderful time, also.
Our vacation was one of many firsts for all of us. We drove to Washington, D.C. on Sunday. Monday morning we boarded the new "Metro" subway and rode to the Smithsonian Institute. A first on this conveyance. That afternoon we drove down to Lorton, Va. to board the "Auto-Train". This is quite a novel way to travel. For one price they load your car on a special closed railcar and assign you to a very comfortable seat with blanket and
pillow in an air-conditioned coach. The dining car is very pleasant and the meals are good with a choice of three entrees. Breakfast is continental. A lounge car offers drinks (these you pay for) and snacks and live entertainment.
Smokers must use these cars. They also have a special "soda-pop" car for the kiddos. Here they have clowns, magicians, coloring contests, etc. to keep the kids entertained. We arrived the next morning in Sanford, Fla. right on schedule and our car was the second one unloaded. We drove from there to my brother's home in Longwood, Fla. (about 15 miles). We stayed there before proceeding to the reunion, and after returning from the cruise. It was a first for all of us on the "Auto-Train". It was a first for Barbara and George on any train. It was a first for Barbara and George in Florida, at Disney World, at Sea World, at the Stars Hall of Fame, at the Kennedy Space Center, and many other sights between here and there. All in all, we had a very enjoyable time and we all agree that the cruise was the high point.
As to be expected we spent a lot of money, so it's back to the grindstone to recoup. George back to his job at Norton Co., Barbara will be back to her desk at school in a couple of weeks, Avis is back at her job in the Library, and yours truly back to his "34 wheeler" on the Buffalo run.
Hope everyone enjoyed their summer as much as we have and we're looking forward to seeing everybody in Chicago next year.
Regards to all,
Barbara & George Allaire
Avis & Ben Britton
Dear Friends:
Althea and John Raymond join thanking all of you for helping to the trip most enjoyable for us.
John, also, had looked forward to the Cruise. As you might imagine we missed him very much, but all of you helped to take his place and make everything pleasant for us.
Again our deepest thanks!
Very sincerely,
Kathryn G. Loveless
(Photo) Newly Weds - Wayne and Marilyn
Dear Mr. Gallagher:
I would like to share a happy reunion with all the members of the 106th.
Rowland R. Ritts and I trained at Camp Atterbury, Indiana and went through the Battle of the Bulge together. We haven't seen each other since the war ended. Although, we corresponded every year at Christmas time. Ron lives in Dallas, Pa. and I live in Detroit, Mich.
After 34 years Ron and his wife Marie came to Detroit this past June to a 25th Silver Wedding Anniversary party for Marie's sister and her husband. And what a coincidence, the party was held at my V.F.W. Post Home which is located only a few blocks away from where I live. Ron not knowing street locations in Detroit, was unaware that I
lived so close. Ron was looking at all the Past Commanders pictures on the wall and spotted mine. He was flabbergasted; he talked to the bartender on duty and asked if he knew me; which he did. So it was to my great surprise when I received a phone call that they were at the Post Hall. My wife, Florence, and I rushed right down to see them. Words just can't express the feeling of those first few minutes of our meeting. It was just great; laughter and tears of joy. It was just so wonderful getting together after all these years and reminiscing about old times.
Ron owns and operates a gas station and is kept quite busy and doesn't get away very often. He has a lovely wife, Marie--a son, Ron, and his wife, Alyce and three lovely grandchildren. I signed him up as a member of this great organization and I'm hoping he and his wife will join us in Chicago at the next convention. Although we're planning that we can get together before then.
Hoping everyone enjoyed sharing our reunion. The very best to all.
Sincerely, Edward A. Priebe, 592 FA
6443 Abington Detroit, Mich. 48228
Ron's address is: Rowland R. Ritts Box 536, Oak Hill R.D. #4 Dallas, Pa. 18612
Hi Walt:
Hope the dues are not too late. Sorry I can't make the reunion but I'm sure all will have a nice trip. I'll be there in spirit if not in body.
Had a nice week-end at John Scaliseis in Madison, Wisc. again last month, also Abner T. Harris & Harry & Millie Holder were there.
Made a fast trip to Denver, Colo. Last Dec. and again in April to visit my brother and other friends. Will plan on meeting more 106th friends next year in Chicago.
Best wishes to all,
Les Crossman, HCO 2nd Bn. 424th
Box 654 Woodstock, III. 60098
Dear Walt:
Hope you enjoyed your trip to the Bahamas. How were things? You will find enclosed a check for $10.00 half for dues; other half for memorial fund.
Thanks for your time and I may see you.
Casimir T. Prokorym, Hq. 81st Engrs.
2520 Chestnut Steubenville, Ohio 43952
Dear Bandurak:
Time again for the annual get-together of the Association. This should be a good one with the cruise to the Bahamas thrown in.
We were saddened to read of Gubow and Lackey's deaths. I enjoyed my association with Lackey as the C.O. of our combat team artillery; both of these Gentlemen were very fine officers and will be sorely missed by the 106th Div. Assn.
Gen. McMahon writes that he too is enjoying life as an octogenarian. (I will be 81 next October) and most thankful, as am I, to be able to be up and about.
With best wishes for a most successful get together, I am
Charles C. Cavender
26490 Burgess Way Sun City, Calif. 92381
Dear John:
It was wonderful to see you and your wife on the cruise to Nassau.
The emergency call that we received on the S. S. Emerald Seas Monday morning as we docked, was from Mrs. Mansfield's brother letting us know that my ninety two year old Mother, had fallen and was in St. Mary's Hospital with a broken hip. After a seven hundred forty-nine mile drive we reached the hospital in Athens, Georgia at one o'clock Tuesday morning, and found her in traction and resting very well.
Today, August 15th she came home after surgery and a twenty-two day stay in the hospital. Her surgeon says she is fine. He thinks she will be walking in two or three months.
It was truly good to have such a wonderful time on the cruise and see so many 106ers and their families.
Your friend,
Horace E. Mansfield, Jr.
190 Northcrest Drive
Athens, Ga. 30601
Dear Walt:
Enjoy reading the Cub as always. Ran across an old Cub magazine from Dec. 47, Vol. 1, No. 2 bringing back memories of days gone by.
Enclosed find a check, $5.00 for dues, $2.00 for Aux. and $5.00 for memorial fund.
Otto H. Spies, 106th Sig. CO.
420 Willow Road
Wauconda, Illinois 60084
Dear Walt:
Sorry I am late with my dues. Was with you all in spirit on the cruise.
Spent a lovely afternoon with Jack & Emily Bryant this spring while they were out here on business. Then in May, Barb Dahlen was -4=: ii for a day and night enroute to Mary from Grand Canyon where their son t 1 working, so I did have a little exposure to the 106th.
Miss you all and hope to see you July 1979 in Chicago.
I am busy most of the time, but just don't enjoy anymore.
Acceptance of one's trauma is difficult.
As always,
Sherry Schock, Assoc. Member
4620 W. Krall Street Glendale, Ariz. 85301
Dear Walt,
Enclosed are the dues for Dot & I for 1978-79 plus a small donation to the Memorial Fund. While those attending the Reunion were cruising, I was in the mountains of North Carolina attending a Missions Conference as part of my responsibilities as Chairman of Missions in our Presbytery. This was no vacation as the meetings were in progress from 9:00 a.m. to around 9:30 p.m. except for breaks for meals. Dot and I hope to find about ten days in October for a short vacation. Some of my Session members jumped on me recently because we had only been away over one Sunday in the 18 months since we came here.
Just a short update on our children. May saw our daughter-in-law leave for Germany to join our son who had been there for a year. Before she could go, she had to complete her schooling at Clemson University. David has been in the Army since January of 1977. He is a 2nd Lt. in the 16th Infantry, 1st Division, stationed at a small town just out of Stuttgart. They will be there through 1980, so Dot and I hope to be able to go over for a visit next year--probably in September or October after the season for vacationers is about over.
Our daughter is in Atlanta. She has changed from retailing and is now working as a rental agent for one of the many apartment complexes there. She likes this work better as to both hours and future. I have to be in Atlanta in mid-September to attend our Synod meeting, so Dot will probably go with me and visit her while I attend meetings.
We continue to enjoy Bishopville and all of the fine people in this congregation. Our best to all of you.
Faithfully, Ewell C. Black, Jr.
Co. A., 422nd Inf.
Dear John,
So good to see you and Stella on the cruise. Wasn't that a fantastic vacation? There were a lot of familiar faces and even some new ones. Doug and Isabel certainly did a SUPER job on all facets of accommodations and I'm sure I speak for everyone who went when I say a BIG AND GRATEFUL- THANK YOU" to them. We all arrived safely back in Ohio THANK YOU" to them. We all arrived safely back in Ohio after a wild day in Miami Beach--including a delayed flight. Walt and Lillian Bandurak met us at the Airport and stayed with us for a while, which we really appreciated. My cohort, Bob Gilder, quickly learned how to plead innocent and to not understanding Spanish when we took an illegal Cab from Miami Beach to the Airport. We're still looking over our shoulders for Fidel's men to move in on us.
Also, this is for Isabel, Joyce Meredith and Maydean. We now have one of the most expensive dust cloths in the country. Martha didn't really like the dress that Joyce modeled for me and that I bought. After viewing the native floor show, Martha caught onto the Limbo real quick and now that her cast is off, and if I can get her to move her hips a little faster, she can dust the floor, the end tables and the lamps in one quick movement. It must have been the Pina Colada's but I thought it was a good looking dress.
Congratulations to the new slate of officers for the coming year. Sure hope to see all of the gang in Chicago in July of 1979. See you.
John and Martha Fritz
Dear Walt:
Just a small donation to replace the fund dispersed to honor our wonderful Chaplain John Loveless and the others, Sgt. Reilly, etc.
I have nothing but happy memories of the Division and the day I was shipped out--while in the Tennessee Maneuvers Area--broke my heart. I could not understand why it had happened--especially and as Lt. Col. Kelly, 589th F.A. seemed to trust me.
Only later did I learn he knew nothing of it-as Second Army came in and transferred me to 292 TASCO. I ended up directing naval gunfire--ashore--in the Pacific for both the Army and Marines and, once, when an Air Force officer was severely wounded--being called by him to prepare Naval Air Strike.
Pretty good for an old has been Buck Sergeant from Headquarters battery, 589th F.A. I might mention I had-in the Battery--one of the finest Battery Commander and Officer I have ever met. No Non-Corn ever had a better C.O. His name--Captain Arthur C. Brown. All officers and non-corns and JWO's treated me so well in that battalion. And I doubt that I ever loved a group of men as I did my platoon of that Battalion.
As Archie Bunker says, they love to "Zing" me on Friday nights before Saturday inspection. One never knows how one's words come back to haunt one until those "Zingers" come sailing out of nowhere.
The night before I left, the Battery put together a little party--as best they could on maneuvers. It crushed me to leave. I had no choice.
Strange as it seems I went to a "suicide" outfit and got a scratch on the cheek and my wonderful 106th went through all the misery. When I heard about it I was in the Pacific and wishing I could join you and make things easier.
Hope you can read the afore going scribble. Please again accept my condolence for the loss of John Loveless and all the other wonderful comrades. God bless, protect and guide and guard them and bring them Home and their richly deserved reward.
Respectfully, Paul Dargon, Sr.
P. O. Box 141 Carlisle, Pa., 17013
Dear Comrade Bandurak:
I have enclosed $5.00 for membership in the 106th Infantry Division Association and believe that I qualify having been a member of the Ammunition & Pioneer Platoon of the 3rd Battalion Headquarters Company, 422nd Regiment from the day of activation in Fort Jackson, South Carolina in March 1943. I remained with the unit until April 1944, was then shipped out to Fort Meade, MD from there to Camp Shanks, N.Y. and left the States by the way of the Brooklyn Navy Yards in May. Arrived Hull, England on May 29th and entered France by the way of Utah Beach on June 14th. Was later assigned to the 9th Infantry Division Company I, 60th Regiment and soon found myself a rifle squad leader until I was evacuated on December 11th with a severe case of concussion, which is another story in itself. Was in the Army of Occupation until March 1946 and returned to the States and discharged. Soon after I enlisted in the Army Reserve then retired from it as a First Sergeant - a rank I held for almost twenty years, with a total of 28 years and 7 months creditable service. So much for that.
Soon after I returned I was able to establish contact with Leo Liesse in St. Louis but lost all contact with other members of the unit. Recently we traveled through the Southeastern U.S. while passing through Georgia I attempted to find Jim Dickerson in Thomaston and lo and behold he passed away two weeks before my arrival. We proceeded to Florida and stopped in Sanford and found Harley Slaback. We spend a very enjoyable evening in his home. From thence we made our way to Mississippi and tried to find 1st Sgt. Hade Sessums but found that he had passed away in 1964.
Was told by the Postmaster that he had a fling in politics and had served his community, Lena, as the Postmaster for the 8 years preceding his demise.
While visiting the Slaback home I was convinced that I must attempt to become a member of the Association and try to contact others of the unit who may still be with us. So I hope that I will be found acceptable and will endeavor to attend the Reunion in Chicago in 1979, the good Lord willing.
Respectfully yours,
I remain yours in comradeship
Milton G. Haas
P.S. It might be of interest that I read a very comprehensive transcript of a diary that was kept by Liesse during his captive days and feel that others may find it the same if they contact Leo.
Dear John:
The reunion aboard the SS Emerald Seas was a great experience and everyone helping plan the event is deserving of our thanks and congratulations.
It was interesting to reminisce about 1944-45 again. But most of all it was a pleasure to become acquainted with such wonderful people as Ben Britton, Walt Bandurak, John Fritz, Wesley Robinson, etc., and their wives.
This was our first reunion but hopefully it will not be our last.
You are doing a fine job with The Cub, John. Keep up the good work!
Dan and Millie Bied
West Burlington, Ia. 52655
Dear Walt:
I received my copy of the latest issue of the Cub the other day and was reminded that dues are due. I am therefore enclosing my check for my dues ($5.00), Agnes' dues ($2.00) and Memorial fund ($5.00).
I sincerely regret that Agnes and I II not be attending the reunion this year, but we have other plans. We have every intention to attend the '79 convention, however, and are looking forward to it.
We were certainly saddened upon learning of the passing of John Loveless, as I am sure all of the 106ers were. He was surely a devoted member of the Golden Lions. His spiritual guidance will be long remembered.
Please give our best wishes to the gang for a very enjoyable reunion.
I trust this letter will find you and Lillian in good health.
If the good Lord is willing, we will see you next year.
Yours for the 106th,
Fred B. Chase, D-422 Inf. Reg.
Box 44, Morris Lane
Clifton Park, N.Y. 12065
Dear Walt:
Enclosed is check for $5.00 (US) for my dues for the Association for the year 1978-79. "The Cub" is read word for word. I served under the late Col. Vaden M. Lackey, Sr., 590th Field Arty Battalion in the "D" Series in North Carolina and, partly, in the Tennessee Maneuvers. I feel his loss keenly.
I answered the letter of David E. Walsh, District Manager, Belgian World Airlines about the "Bulge Reunion." Yesterday, he phoned me from Texas in the middle of the day, stating that I was one of the few 106th chaplains, apparently, left. I explained that the "attrition" was high (many have died). I might have an assignment for the reunion, next Dec. 11/18. I hope, if I go, I can be civil to the "Jerries!" I saw the worse of them! Mr. Walsh stated that the first reservation came from Bob Hope; the 2nd, from Walter Cronkite. If I can get some writing assignments, I will probably go, as I took my B.A. degree in English/Journalism from Boston University and write a weekly column. He stated he was amazed by the number of those in the 106th. I explained that we were decimated in the Bulge, reformed, etc.
So, perhaps if I go over in December, I shall see members of the 106th Infantry Division.
May God bless us all! I am,
Sincerely, Rev. Ronald A. Mosley, D.D.
Div. Arty and 424th Inf. Reg.
Dear Comrade:
I drop you a line to leave you know I am still around, and feeling good. I am in semi-retirement; now working 2 days a week but will retire completely the 1st of October, 1978. Will not be able to make the Convention this year. Do hope everyone has a good time.
I am enclosing my dues for this year-1978-79. I really enjoyed the last
issue of "THE CUB".
Sincerely yours,
Forrest Hemming, 806th Ord.
755 Stelzer Road, Box 171
Columbus, Ohio 43219
Dear Mr. Bandurak:
I was a member of 106th Division, 422nd Inf., Co. H, from March 17, 1943 Ft. Jackson, S.C., until December 19, 1944, when I was wounded, captured and a Prisoner of War until late April 1945 in Stalag II, a German Camp.
I just found out about "The Cub 106th Division Association". I would appreciate being a member. I have enclosed $5.00 which I was told was the amount for dues.
I would appreciate having a list of members since I have a Claim pending with the V.A. I would like to contact some of the Co. H men, and have been unable to do so. If you are unable to send me a membership list, I would appreciate knowing how to get in touch with Sgt. Jerry Meadows, 1615 Oklahoma Avenue, Flint, Michigan. I think he probably has a different address, as I have not been able to contact him. Also have tried to contact Perry J. DuPrey, 2815 Conti Street, New Orleans, Louisiana and 1st Sgt. Williams of Co. H., but I don't know his first name or address. I know he was from Louisiana.
Thank you for your time and effort.
James L. Meagher
Home Phone: 742-2808 (301)
Dear Walt:
I'm guilty as hell again--late with dues, but when I go on a trip, I ne have a definite date to return.
I took a 30 day trip on Amtrak from coast to coast-with a five day stop over at Las Cruz, New Mexico to visit a nephew. Believe me it's well worth the time and money.
Enclosed find a check for dues and something for the Memorial fund.
Lots of Luck,
Col. T. M. Roberts, Ret. (Div. Hqs.)
P.O. Box 915 Bridgeport, Conn. 06601
Dear Walt:
If you will recall our conversation on Thursday at the Lauderdale Surf Hotel (with you sitting on the floor), I mentioned that I had a map of all German prison camps. You commented that it might be an interesting thing to include in the CUB as many (most?) of our guys were POWs at one time. I've been digging around in my box of wartime mementos and located the map. I am sending it to you for your examination and consideration. You would probably have to send it on to John Gallagher for reprinting and dissemination. At any rate, whenever you or whoever else is done with it, I only ask that it be returned to me. (I have put my address on the back of it.) As a bit of personal history, I was with the (Co. H) 422 Rgt. Motor Pool and was taken prisoner with about 500 (plus) other men on the morning of Dec. 21, 1944. I spent time at two of the main prison camps shown on the map as well as being out with a small (50) man working party at two different locations. I was at Stalag IV-B (Muhlberg) and near the end of the War
I was at Stalag IV-A (Hohnstein). IV-B. was a big camp laid out in regular army camp style. IV-A on the other hand was in a big old castle high up on a mountain top with a spectacular view of the surrounding countryside. We were told that IV-A had been used as a camp for political prisoners (concentration camp) before the War started and then later was used as a regular military prison camp. Several years after the end of the War, I talked with a person who came from that area of Germany and he told me that the Russians had turned the castle into a museum. How many people do you know that can say they ever lived in a castle??? Actually, life was not too bad mainly because they had a fairly good stock of Red Cross food parcels on hand there. I was at IV-A for the last few weeks of the War and we were moved out of the castle only a few days before the end. I was finally liberated by the Russians on the 9th of May.
Yes, the German army was liberated by Russians in that area on the 9th, stalling for time so everybody (civilian and military alike) could move westward in an attempt to reach the American lines. I did finally reach the American army once again on May 18th, 1945 at the city of Karlsbad in Czechoslovakia.
We were pleased to have Gene Saucerman and his family spend a few hours with us at our home on Tuesday (after the cruise), July 25th, and then take them to the airport (near us) that evening to catch their flight back to Indianapolis. Gene and I served together in Co. D, 422nd Inf. Reg., at Camp Atterbury.
That's about it for now Walt. If you and your family ever come down Florida way again, please make it a point to stop by our home and visit us.
We are just a short drive directly north of the Hialeah Race Track. We are easy to find because all the streets in Hialeah are numbered instead of having individual names.
Our best regards to you and yours,
John Wilson, H-422 331
East 59th Street Hialeah, Florida 33013
(See page 33)
Edward Withee A/81st Engrs.Box 514
Goshen, Conn. 06756
Did not realize the dues were due until I read it in the CUB. Please find the enclosed check for myself and Millie, my wife. It was good to see my old buddies' pictures in the CUB-- Fender, Horton and Sandberg. I will not make the Convention this year, but hope to see you somewhere along the line. Hope you and your family are all well as this finds us the same. I would be interested in a "106th Division History, World War II", if they are published.
Norman W. Hayden Hq. Co/81st Eng.
2 Hillcrest Court
Augusta, Maine 04330
I am so far behind in my letter writing that it isn't funny. In the first place I am so busy doing nothing that it is hard to find the time. Ha. Ha. My CUB magazine came the other day and was pleased to read the article about me. However, I left out the most important thing that I am very proud of. I have a grandson who has just completed his third year at West Point. He is the son of my oldest son who retired from the Air Force after 20 years of service. Tom, my grandson, got into West Point on a football scholarship. He got hurt the first year he played but played last year and I expect he will be on the team and playing next fall. This summer he is going to be an instructor of some sort for the first year men. He is doing very well in his studies and
has a 2.5+ average. Don't know what his plans are after he graduates, but I'm sure he will do well. Haven't really got back on my feet after my 4 trips to the hospital last fall but am doing a little more each day. I have had quite a lot of work done around the house such as having my garage moved, shower steps installed, a new shower put in and custom built cupboards installed in the kitchen, etc., etc... Was very pleased with the literature you sent me. The Article by Co. Riggs was really interesting. I believe I have it over him on marching though. I marched with groups of POW's ranging from a dozen to 325 from the 23rd of December, 1944 to the 25th of January, 1945 and then from mid-March, 1945 until Easter Sunday in 1945. We averaged from 12 to 17 miles a day. I wish I could see and talk in person with the old boys but I guess it is not written in the stars to do so. I am enclosing a check for my dues for next year. Please give my regards to any of the fellows that you see or write to.
Best wishes to all.
William W. Randall 106th Recon. Tr.
560 Pine Street
Apt., 1-4
Royersford, Pa. 19468
Thank you for your letter of June 17th. Needless to say I am sorry no Recon men belong to the Association. Enclosed please find a check for my dues. I have a mailing list (current) of about 35 men of the Recon Troop which I will send you as soon as time permits me to copy. My wife has had a recent operation on her foot and is immobile at present so I am kept very busy. Best wishes to you and yours and hope you all have a great Reunion. I am a new member of the Association.
Mr. Myles Brazill DHQ-M.P. Platoon
P.O. Box 6
Landisburg, Pa. 17040
Enclosed please find my dues. I deeply appreciate the fine job the officers, and staff of THE CUB are doing for the membership.
Mr. Orfeo E. Agostini A/81st Eng.
202 Elizabeth Street
Hinesville, Georgia 31313
Here are my dues for the coming year. Thank you for the letter from Bob Sandberg. We had a long talk on the phone and will get together at the Reunion in Chicago in 1979. Retired from the Service and now starting a new career.
Mr. John S. Crocker E/422
P.O. Box 161
Troy, Pa. 16947
Your letter in the CUB attracted my attention. In July of 1944 I reported the 106th at Camp Atterbury and assigned to command Co. E, 422nd Infantry Regiment, relieving Lt. Hilditch who had taken over command from a Capt. Stewart. I went overseas with Company E, 422nd and was captured in the Battle of the Bulge with most of the 422nd Infantry Reg. My next contact with the 106th was in 1976 when I attended a Reunion in Evansville, Indiana. Two (2) former members of Company E, 422nd were there but I knew neither one since they had both been transferred out of the Division at Fort Jackson, S.C., before I joined. You are the only other member of the Company E of whom I've heard in many years. I live in retirement in Troy, Pennsylvania, having served 10 years in the Army and 21 years in the Federal Government. Should you hear from any other members of Co. E, 422nd, I would be eager to know about them.30
William A. Wallace G/424th
? South Main
Fort Scott, Kansas 66207
It is good to read the CUB. I haven't seen any names I recognize. I do read of events that I had forgotten. I think maybe I have a few snapshots. Would you be interested in them? We joined the 106th just after the Bulge. If I remember correctly, there were about three men to the squad when I joined them somewhere in the Ardennes. The one thing I remember more vividly than anything else happened after we pulled back to a rest camp. We were camped along a little canal somewhere in France (St. Quentin or Rennes). To keep us occupied our Captain had lined up all of the BAR's and we were to take our turn firing the BAR with no ammo and empty clips. When it came my turn the Capt., was standing directly in front of me and about fifteen feet or so out. He gave us the order to aim and fire, which I did. He then gave us the order to pull the bolt back to reload. When I pulled the bolt back it ejected a rusty shell. Instead of the bolt locking open, as it should with an empty clip, it slowly went forward reloading the chamber with another old corroded shell. Someone ahead of me had inserted a full clip of live ammo. We never knew where it came from. Since the Captain was standing directly in front of me, he saw the shell eject the same time I did. He came over, picked up the shell, the firing pin had actually crimped the cap but it did not fire. I don't know who was the most shook up; the Captain or me. The last I saw of the Captain, he still had the shell hanging from his pocket chain. I often wonder if he still has it. Wish I had kept one.
Mr. Joseph Puzio Hq. Co./81st Eng.
50 Division Avenue
Garfield, N.J. 07026
Just a few words to let you know that I am sending you my dues for this year and a few extra dollars for stamps, envelopes, etc. Everything is fine here in Jersey--nothing new, nothing old. I have yet to get in touch with Oakley Utter who lives about 35 to 40 miles away. I called him and he told me that he just got back from a Canadian vacation and was unpacking. He told me he has a lot of stuff about the 106th and the 81st Engineers and would send it to me but as yet I did not get it, so soon as I can break loose, I'll take a ride to his house and get them and send them on to you. You do remember Shohan; well his father lives across the street from Utter. Well that is all for now, so take care of yourselves and the best o health to you all and your loved ones.
(Photo)Moon over Ft. Lauderdale
Louis Tury, Jr. A/424 Inf. Reg.
1481 Mill Street
Lincoln Park, Mich. 48146
Enclosed are my dues for the coming year, the difference in the money order is for the 106th Inf. Division Association Memorial Fund at St. Vith, Belgium. I did my duty for God and Country and suffered through five (5) Concentration Camps under the Germans. Our division and the 424th Inf. Reg., held at Winterspelt and Lommerweiler at the cost of many lives. I shall carry the Bulge Battle the rest of my life. My regards at all times to my fellow 106th buddies in the Association. I am proud to belong to the 106th. I pray that I can attend a meeting in the near future.
Marvin H. Rusch DHQ(G-I)
10830 W. Courtland Avenue
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53225
Enclosed are my dues for 1978-79. Hope you all have a good time at the Convention this year--and the cruise is smooth. Fran & I were in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland for two weeks in May, 1978. Visited our son, Tom, who is a student at Freiburg University. Got as far North as Koln (Cologne) but did not go to St. Vith or Bad Ems. We were in Karlsrhue. See you in Chicago in 1979.
Mr. Gene L. Miller B/592 F.A.
4335 Parkmead Drive
Seabrook, Texas 77586
Enclosed is a check for my dues. Would you please change my address as I am retiring from Shell Oil on August 1, 1978 and moving to Box 652, Earp, California 92242. Don't ask where Earp is. It has a service station and a post office and is located across the Colorado River from Parker, Arizona.
Would like to hear from any former members of B Battery, 592nd F.A. Battalion. Hope to see you at one of the Conventions in the future.
Harrison C. Tissot C/422nd Reg.
6510 Murray Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45227
Enclosed are my dues for 1978-79. Anyone who took basic training with me at Fort Jackson knows how I was able to compete with 18-19 year old boys. I was 34 years old. Had to comfort some of the boys who became lonesome. This was Co. C, 422nd Inf. Reg. I have been in good health up into 1977 when I had a cataract removed from my right eye. Then had a slight stroke. Thank God I was not paralyzed.
This year I have a cataract removed from the left eye. Now I am feeling and seeing good but have to take it easy which seems hard to do at times. I have some Tennessee Maneuver pictures. Would like to know if you could put some in the CUB. Also some Germany pictures of the 106th 422nd personnel Headquarters in Bruschel, Germany.
Thomas A. Halsey Hq.Co.,3rd Bn/424
3829 Lochmore Drive
Columbia, S.C. 29209
Retired from the U.S. Air Force after 27 years' service. Three years of which was in the U.S. Army during the World War II years. Presently working at Fort Jackson. Provide audio support for all the major ceremonies at the Fort. See our 106th Plaque on Jackson Boulevard at least twice a day. Have one daughter, Helen, 23, aspiring actress.
This summer she is in summer stock at Hope Repertory Theatre, Holland, Michigan. Will miss the 1978 Reunion.
Hope you schedule one for Columbia soon. You know there is the possibility they may close Fort Jackson in the near future. Hope not!!! All the best to you all.
Location of German Camps and ?? where American Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees Are Held (Based on information received to December 31. 1944).
Neubrandembunt B liammentrin C1.2 Lurkenwaldc II2 Plarstrnburg/Otlet C2 Altdrewier C2 Mantua RCS tuftddberg ft 2 WWdn 3 Taxan 132 Annaba.% II 2 ILutmatuardna B Osehata 112 Ludwiistbmg 4.8 VIIIIngen Al RergiscleNetutad I A2 Krefeld A.Moo/huts B3 Metstmlngets 84 Tritium D Lanudorl CS Sagan C2 dm Orb (113 Rad Sutra 82 Bretararde MAY Millbury 42 Altengrabow 2 Fallingbatel 112 Limburg 3 Wahbreltbsch S Freinthelm A 3 Hatnendbuty 83 3 Stabs XIII D Niimbery.Langwaiser 113 Stalag SeS Hoberdels B3 Stalag XVII A lialseauchshrush C4 Suing 398 Pupping B-C 4 Stalag X vim A Wolfang C4 Stalag XVIII C(317)31alkePongan BC 4 Stalag 357 Oettlie A2 Stalag XX A T6run D 2 &gag XX 8 Marienbutg D I WK 8-13AU 21 Blechlimmer D3
UM I Ranh B 1 Lull III Sagan CY Lull IV Gram/Maw C I Daft VII Rankin, C-D 2 Stabs XVII B Krema/Gneamdod CS Dttlag Lads Weular A3 1NAVAL AND MERCHANT MARINE CAMPS
Oftag IV C Coldiu 52 Olag vn n Ektuatt 53 oaks IX A/H Sioastcsbnrs 52 Wag IX A/Z Rotenburg B 24 °flag XII Nicohurg A2 Oftag XI (79) Brunswide 82 Mat 64 Altbuntund C2 LAZARETTS illosphals) MAP NEAREST TOWN SQUARE
IV A Re. Lae FIsterbont l'ustriM C3
IV G L 82
V B Rottenmuntin A 4 VIC Re 1-st LIngrn A2 VI C Res Lae Cu retheim A 2 VII A Etching II 23 IX 13 Bad Solkas/Saltnfinuo A 3 IX C Obermassfeld 112.1 IX C Mini/Igen US IX C Hlldburghausm 63 X A Rev. Las II Schleswig B I X 8 Sandbwstcl A-112 X1111) Numherg.Langwayer B 3 XVIII A/2 Spinal/0mm B-C 4 Marine Larartli Cabmen A 1 lulu/a8tm 1-auretc 4/11 Wismar B I Res. Lae H Vienna C 34 Rea Lat. Gras C4 Res. Lax Bilin WC Re Las. WolLstrin C2 Res. Las- 11 Margaret C2 R Lae Selmtukau C2 Res. Lu. Konigswartha C2 Res. Laz. Elselsbach 83CIVILIAN INTERNEE CAMPS
Hag Mara°. 114 ILg Liebman II 4
?lag VII/H Lanka B4
Sulam II A Stalag II 13 Galas III A Stain III 11 Slabs III C Stain IM D Stalag IV A Stalag le 13 $t_! C Stalag IV D Stalag IV D/Z Stan Iv IF Stalag IVSodas V A Stalag V B Sulu VIC Stabs VI Stalag VII A Stalag VII B &gag VIII B Stalag 344 Stalag VIM C Stabs IX B Stabs IX C Stabs X B Stalag X C Stalag XI A Stalag X1 R Sulay XII A Sulag xn Subs XII P Sodas XING 3 7
Prisoner of War Camps
Camps for Airmen
Officer's Camps
Civilian Internee Camps
Hospitals (Lazaretts)
Marlag and Milag
Scale 72 miles pm Inch.
Map Published by
[***NOTE*** The conversion to text was horrible! I spent so much time trying to put the skewed pieces back together (names, units, street, city/state were scattered over several paragraphs!) that I felt my time would be better spent getting just the name. You can always refer to the original CUB for the unit and address.*** Wayne]Mr. Steve T. Adamowicz, G-422, 2081/2 North Maverick, Gordon, Nebraska 69343
Mr. John Adams, Jr., D-422, 208 North 11th Street, Oakland, Maryland 21550
Mr. Fred W. Addison, Band, 65 N. Mobile Street Mobile, Alabama 36607
Mr. James N. Adkins, C-423, 5232 Commonwealth Avenue Jacksonville, Florida 32205
Mr. Orfeo E. Agostini, A-81st Engr., 202 Elizabeth Street, Hinesville, Georgia 31313
Ms. Carolyn I. Alexander, Associate, 11 tree View Drive, Apt. A, Decatur, Georgia 30030
Ms. Marilyn G. Alexander, Associate, 2805C Chlairmont Rd., Atlanta, Georgia 30329
Mr. William G. Alexander, E-423, P.O. Box 1128 Forest Park, Georgia 30050
Mr. Orval O. Allen, DHQ, 551 Forest Blvd., Indianapolis, Indiana 46240
Mr. Francis E. Anderson, 106th Sig., 8760 South Kildare Avenue, Hometown, Illinois 60456
Mr. Gerald J. Anderson, M-423, 652 Harbor Circle, Ellenton, Florida 33532
Mr. Lowry B. Andrews, HQ-422, 11 Ridgewood Road, Wilton, Connecticut 06897
Mr. Donald Armington, H-424, 3125 John Patterson Road, 11, Des Moines, Iowa 50317
Mr. Anthony Arminio, Sr., L-423, 424 Main Street, East Haven, Connecticut 06512
Mr. Harry Arvanis, K-424, 1915 158th Street, East Moline, Illinois 61244
Mr. Clifford N. Austin, C-589 125 S. Maple Street Vergennes, Vermont 05491
Mr. George Axelrod, M.D.-331-Med, Apt. 505, 2400 Presidential Way West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
Mr. W. C. Baker, L-424, 4 Haley Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71602,
Mr. Gene S. Balke, HQ-3rd Bn.-422 7759 E. Camelback Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85251
Mr. Walter Bandurak, Med. A 81 Eng., 219 N. Maple Avenue, Greensburg, Penna. 15601
Mr. Franklin S. Barlow, DHQ 150 Aurora Street, Hudson, Ohio 44236
Mr. L. Preston Barnes, DHQ, k-18 Avon Drive, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520
Mr. Herald A. Barnett, H-424, 4133 Dundee Drive Murrysville, Pennsylvania 15668
Mr. Richard Bartz, DHQ, 216 Rustic Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15210
Mrs. Carol Beals, Associate, 217 E. Davenport Street Iowa City, Iowa 52240
Mr. Richard H. Behr, SV-423, 5924 W. Meadowbrook Drive Phoenix, Arizona 85033
Mr. Roger W. Bell, HQ Btry. 589 F.A. 807 28th Avenue E. Moline, Illinois 61244
Mr. Harry J. Bendick, HQ CO-424, 489 Moull Street, Newark, Ohio 43055
Mr. John G. Beville, K-424, 1918 Doomar Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32303
Mr. Thomas Bickford, DHQ, 66 Quimby Place, West Orange, New Jersey 07052,
Mr. Dan Bied, A-422, 102 Holdiay Terrace, West Burlington, Iowa 52655
Mr. John H. Bieze, H-424, 2419 N. Newcastle Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60635
Mr. C. W. Biles, G-424, Box 57 Elrama, Pennsylvania 15038
Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr., A-422, P.O. Box 66 Bishopville, S. Carolina 29010
Mr. T. Wayne Black, HQ-422, 425 Allen Apt. 301 Waterloo, Iowa 50701
Mr. William S. Blaher, I-422, 13 Norton Drive, Flemington, New Jersey 08822
Mr. Donald Bobel, C-422, 359 Circle Drive, Amherst, Ohio 44001
Mr. Merrill E. Bookheimer HQ-591 F.A. 915 S. Coldbrook Avenue Chambersburg, Penna. 17201
Mr. Ira G. Bottoms, 592 F.A., P.O. Box 103 Norcross, Georgia 30091
Mr. William S. Boucouvalas, D-424, 10 Cutts Avenue Saco, Maine 04072
Mr. Byrne A. Bowman, DHQ, 1860 Liberty Tower, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102,
Rev. Edward T. Boyle, HQ-424 3510 Arrowhead Trail Duneland Beach, Indiana 46360
Mr. Mels Braaten, M-422, R.R. 3 Canton, South Dakota 57013
Mr. James E. Brackett, SV-591 F.A., c/o F. Desantis, 66 Barton Avenue, Staten Island, New York 10306
Mr. Kenneth W. Bradfield SV-591 F.A., 9101 Old State Road, Evansville, Indiana 47711
Mr. L. B. Bradley, SVC-422, 512 Locke Street, , Palmetto, Georgia 30268,
Mr. Myles Brazill, DHQ-MP, P.O. Box 6 Landisburg, Pennsylvania 17040
Mr. Benjamin B. Britton, E-424, 36 Warren Road, Auburn, Massachusetts 01501
Mrs. D. R. Broth, Associate, 27402 Lemon Tree Court, 35, Hayward, California 94545
Mr. Harold J. Brummer D-422, 41 Georgia Street, Cranford, New Jersey 07016
Mr. Glen J. Brutus, HQ-423 Box 37 Pine Village, Indiana 47975
Mr. James B. Bryan, 2330 Fairview Drive Macon, Georgia 31206
Mr. Jack Bryant, Reg. HQ-422, 19692 Coral Cables Southfield, Michigan 48076
Mrs. Margaret Bullard, Associate,
Mr. Robert A. Burkes, H Q-424
Mr. Fred Burnham,
Mr. James V. Burrell, D-423
Mr. C. M. Buschemeyer
Mr. Harry W. Butler
Mr. Austin L. Byrd, Jr.
Mr. George Call, B-424
Lt. Col. Samuel P. Cariano, DHQ
Mr. Ben Carpenter, HQ-424, 6809 N. Ashland, Chicago, Illinois 60626
Mr. Fred Carter, SV-591 613 N. 3rd Street Toronto, Ohio 43964
Col. Charles C. Cavender
Mr. Fred B. Chase, D-422
Mr. Chris T. Clark HQ C.O.-3rd BN /423
Dr. James I. Clark, F.A.-592 &590
Mr. Walter C. Clarke
Mr. Douglas S. Coffey
Mr. James E. Collier, Sr.
Mr. Sherod Collins
Mr. Virgil L. Collins, CN-423
Dr. Michael E. Connelly, Med.-589 F.A.
Mr. Milton M. Conner, B-592 F.A.
Mr. Louis M. Cooper
Mr. Charles K. Corrigan, SV-591
Mr. Anthony Cozzani
Mr. Mel Crank, HQ-422
Mr. Dean F. Crawford
Mr. Raymond J. Creamer
Mr. John S. Crocker, E-422
Mr. Boyd L. (Bing) Crosby, CO. L-422
Mr. Lloyd R. Crosby, CO. B-424
Mr. Lester W. Crossman, H-424
Mr. Wm. R. Crozier, A-422
Mr. Emil Curcione, L-424
Mr. Edward L. Curnow
Mr. Alan R. Dabson, B-331 Med.
Mr. Wm. S. Dahlen
Mr. Paul Dargon, Sr. HQ Batry-589 FA
Mr. Charles T. Datte, SV-591 F.A.
Mrs. Brooks Davidson, Associate
Mr. James T. Davis, 106th Signal
Mr. Louis Davis, HQ CO. 1st BN-423
Mr. Joseph A. Dechiara (unit unknown)
Mr. Richard DeHeer, K-424
Mr. Richard G. DeHeer, Associate
Dr. Delaval
Mr. Bill S. Delzell, M-424
Col. George L. Descheneaux, Jr.
Mr. Robert A. De St. Aubin, CN-424,
Mr. Martin J. Dever, DHQ
Mr. G. Edw. Dickard
Mr. Francis J. Dobe, C-422
Mr. William P. Dohoney, D.D.S., C-422
Mrs. Libby Dolitsky, Associate
Mr. Wm. J. Donovan, DHQ
Mr. Thomas Dorosky, SV-592
Mr. Mahlon O. Earle, Jr.
Mr. James R. Easterling,
Mr. Herbert Eidelman
Mr. Clinton R. Elliott, B. Btry-592
Mr. Floyd L. Elston, A-598
Mr. Russell Enlow, D-423
Mr. Wilbur D. Evans, SV-591
Mr. Kenneth W. Eyler 423-Cannon Co.
Col. Kenneth B. Facey, MP.
Mr. John J. Fisher, Jr., SV-422
Mr. Robert G. Flaig, HQ-589 F.A.
Mr. Harold A. Fleming, Jr.
Mr. John P. Fleming,
Mr. Robert F. Flick, C-81st Engr.
Mr. William J. Flynn, HDQ
Mr. Fontaine C. Forbes, B-423,
Mr. James P. Ford, HQ 1st BN-424
Mr. E. Bruce Foster, HQ-422,
Mr. Tom K. Fox
Mr. D. B. Frampton, Jr. Cannon Co.-422
Mr. Florian R. Frank, 591 F.A.
Mr. Frank Franek, Jr., Med. & K-424
Mr. Jerome L. Frankel HQ 3rd BN-423
Mr. Richard A. Frankini, 2nd BN-424
Mr. Charles W. Freed, 1-423
Mr. Henry E. Freedman
Mr. John R. Fritz
Mr. John I. Gallagher CO. C. 81st Eng.
Mr. Charles S. Garn
Mr. Joseph J. Gasses, H Q-422
Mr. Melvin Gehrig, HQ-422
Mr. Charles R. Gibson, SV-422
Mr. Robert A. Gilder, HQ-424
Mr. John M. Gillespie, C-422
Mr. Joseph C. Gilliam, C-589 F.A.
Mr. Patrick J. Gioia, G-422
Mr. David J. Gish, HQ Btry-589 F.A.
Mr. Bruce F. Glen, DHQ,
Mr. Walter S. Glenney, Exec-424
Mr. Earl A. Gollhofer, 589 F.A.
Mr. Harry Gorgus, B-424
Mr. Neil M. Gossom Med. 81st. Engr.
Mr. Emil A. Grass, F-424
Mr. W. Leo Gregory, 3rd BN-HQ-424
Mr. Mathew M. Gross
Mrs. Larry Gubow, Associate
Mr. Milton G. Haas, HQ CO.
Mrs. Ben J. Hagman, Associate
Mr. Thomas A. Halsey HQ 3rd BN-424,
Mr. Raymond T. Harm, 106th Sir.
Mr. Abner T. Harris, H-424
Mr. Edwin P. Hagen, Jr., SV-591 F.A.
Mr. William B. Harris,, SV CO-423
Mr. Bertram E. Hartzell, C-81st Engr.
Mr. H. M. Hatch, DHQ-422
Mr. Norman W. Hayden, HQ CO 81st Eng.
Mr. Byron P. Heath, MP
Mr. Arthur H. Heffernan, H-424
Mr. Edward Heimann, D-331st Med.
Mr. Arthur J. Helmbreck, Anti-Tank
Mr. Wm. G. Hemelt, H-424
Mr. Forrest W. Hemming
Mr. Leo L. Heneghan
Mr. James W. Henning
Lt. Col. E. G. Henson
Mr. Lee J. Hereth
Mr. J. Francis Hesse
Frank J. Hill
Mr. Walter F. Hiltbrand, AT-423,
Mr. John H. Hoenemeyer, M-423,
Mr. Frank A. Hohenadel, Jr.
Mr. John J. Hohenstein
Mr. Robert R. Holden, E-422 or 1-422
Mr. Harry L. Holder
Mrs. James Holloway, Associate
Mr. Pete House
Mr. Don M. Houseman
Mr. John W. Howard
Mr. Robert F. Howell
Mr. Carl M. Hulbert, HQ-424
Mr. Arthur A. Hulkonen, C-589
Mr. Boyce Huson
Mr. William Hutchinson
Mr. George Iwamoto, H-159
Mr. Montague H. Jacobs, H-422
Mr. Wm. H. Jefferies, HQ 3rd BN-422
Mr. Robert D. Jessee, M-424,
Mr. Richard B. Jochems, DHQ,
Mr. Benjamin F. Johnson, Jr. HQ 3rd,
Mr. Cecil O. Johnson
Mr. William Johnson
Mr. Alan W. Jones, Jr. HQ 1st BN-423
Mrs. Alan W. Jones, Associate
Mr. George W. Jones, Jr., SV-423
Mr. Irvin Juster, Cannon Co-422
Mrs. James Kane Associate
Mr. George H. Kauffman
Mr. Richard C. Kaufmann HQ-589 F.A.
Mr. Darrell Kellams, E-424
Mr. Edmond D. Kelly, D-423
Mr. John H. Kelly, C-423
Mr. Robert E. Kelly, SV-
Mrs. R. F. Kemp
Mr. Glen N. Kennedy
Mr. Francis T. Kennedy
Mr. Herbert D. Kephart HQ 2nd BN
Jesse Kershner
Mr. Don W. Kersteiner HQ 2nd BN-424
Mr. Joseph A. Kersten, G-423
Dr. John E. Ketterer, DHQ
Mr. Charles L. Kirk, Med. 81st Engr
Mr. James R. Klett, DHQ
Mr. Franklin R. Koehler, D-424
Joseph Krafchik, HQ-331 Med
Mr. Leo P. Kreuser Med. 81st Engr.
Mr. Howard Kriz, SV-591 F.A.
Mr. John Kucharz, G-424
Mr. Harold Kuizema
Mr. Ted Lada, L-424
Mrs. Vaden Lackey, Associate
Mr. Elmer F. Lange, H-422
Mr. Charles G. Laphan, SV-592 F.A.
Mrs. Georgia LeClere
Mr. F. H. Lee
Mr. Samuel Leibowitz
Mr. Leo R. Leisse, Sr.
Mr. Phillip R. Leswing
Mr. L. S. Letellier, Jr., C-81 Engr.
Mr. Charles R. Lewis, 806th ORD
Mr. Wm. M. Lineberger
Mr. Robert A. Likins, B-591 F.A.
Mr. Curtis L. Lindsay, 424
Mr. C. F. Little, HQ-423
Mr. Joseph Litvin
Mr. Herbert B. Livesey, Jr., DHQ
Mr. Arthur E. Loos, 1-422, 414 Spaceway
Mr. Patsy J. Lopardo, AT-424,
Mr. Hugh V. Lopez, DHQ,
Mr. Oliver A. Lothrop, Jr., B-423
Mrs. John ‘K' Loveless, Associate
Mr. Thomas M. Lowery, III, H-423
Mr. Allen L. Lowith, CN-423
Mr. William Lucsay
Mr. Edward L. Luzzie
Mr. Howard S. McCarty, 1st BN HQ
Mr. Lyle K. McCullough
Mr. John C. McGarrity, SERV-424
Mr. Henry H. McKee, HHC-422
Mr. Joseph V. McKeever, K-423
General Leo T. McMahon CO Div.,
Mr. Paul McMillan, SERV-422
Mr. Kenneth R. Maclean, HQ 3rd
Mr. Thomas G. Manager C-592 & A-590
Mrs. Elizabeth Manahan, Associate B-423
Mr. Horace E. Mansfield
Mr. Gilbert Marcus, SERV-423,
Mr. Walter W. Martin
Mr. Joseph C. Matthews, Jr.
Mr. Robert A. Mattiko
Mr. Martin Maul
Mr. Thomas J. Maw
Mr. Roger A. May, DHQ(G3)
Mr. James L. Meagher, H-422
Mr. Joseph A. Meola, A-591 F.A.
Mr. Paul Merz, SERV-422
Mr. John A. Middleton, III, 106th Sig.
Mr. John L. Mikalauskis
Mr. Elman M. Miller, HQ-424
Mr. Gene L. Miller, B-592 F.A.
Mr. Robert J. Miller, Reg. HQ-422
Mr. Eric R. Mills, HQ 1st BN-422
Mr. Jack Monroe
Mr. William P. Moon, Jr.
Mr. Adolph G. Moritz, F-422
Mr. Robert B. Morrison, G-424
Mr. Michael S. Mosher L-424 & F-423
Mr. Theodore Mosko, HQ CO-424
Mr. Newton L. Mosley, SV-591 F.A.
Dr. Ronald A. Mosley, Div. Arty
Mr. M. J. Mueller
Mr. Thomas C. Murley, E-424,
Mr. Ralph J. Murphy, L-424,
Mr. George Murray, Jr., H-424, -P--
Mr. Vincent J. Mustacchio, D331st Med.
Mr. Larry Myers, Jr.
Mr. John B. Nash
Irwin Neigus, M.D.
Mr. Alfred S. Nusbaum
Mr. Wanold D. Olman
George M. Osborne, M.D., 423 & 331st Med.
Mr. Stephen Osciak, 106th
Mr. Carroll D. Padgett, E-423
Mr. Roland Parquette, AT-423
Mr. Marvin J. Parr
Mr. F. D. Patterson
Mr. Allen L. Pearson, Med-424
Mr. Kenneth Pettit, SV-591 F.A.
Mr. William R. Pettus
Mr. Charles S. Peyser
Mr. George F. Phillips
Mr. Robert W. Pierce, Sr. C-81st Engr.
Mr. Waldo B. Pierce, F-422
Mr. Morris R. Piha
Mr. Gordon B. Pinney
Mr. Edward C. Plenge, HQ-589 F.A.
Mr. Frank Ponza, B-423
Mr. Louis Pranznik, A-81st Engr.
Mr. Edward A. Prewett
Mr. David S. Price DHQ & 331st Med.
Mr. Ed A. Priebe, B-592 F.A.
Mr. Casimir T. Prokorym HQ-81st Engr.
Mr. Joseph F. Puett, CO-423,
Edmund C. Purdy, D.D.S.
Mr. Joseph Puzio
Mr. William W. Randall, 106th Recon
Mr. Richard L. Randol, Associate
Mr. Robert L. Randol, SV-423
Mr. Clayton Rarick, L-424
Mr. Victor Rauch, C-592 F.A.
Mr. A. Ravdin, A-331st Med.
Mr. Raymond J. Reed, CN-423
Mr. Dean T. Redmond HQ 3rd BN-422
Mr. Raymond F. Reece, D-423
Mr. Donald Regier, 422
Mr. Charles B. Reid
Mrs. Viola Reilly, Associate
Mr. Charles W. Richards, SV-423
Mr. Roy Richards, HQ-423,
Mr. Thomas J. Riggs, Jr. CO-81st Eng.,
Mr. Robert C. Ringer SV-590 & 591 F.A.
Mr. George Rinkema, B-423
Mr. Elden E. Ristenpart C-331st Med.
Mr. Rowland R. Ritts, B-592 F.A.
John G. Robb, D.D.S.
Mr. Thomas M. Roberts
Mr. Wesley E. Robinson
Mr. J. G. Rodriquez, C-422
Mr. Louis P. Rossi, Jr., H-424
Mr. Nathan M. Roth
Mr. Marvin H. Rusch
Mr. D. L. Russell, SV-591 F.A.
Mr. J. B. Russell, SV-422
Mr. Peter Russin
Mr. Roger M. Rutland, B-424
Mr. Robert E. Rutt, HQ-422
Mr. Joseph T. Salerno, B-423
Mr. L. Orvis Samples, SV-591 F.A.
Mr. Robert E. Sandberg, A-81st Engr.
Mr. Eugene L. Saucerman, D-422
Mr. John J. Scalissi
Mr. Fred Schieferstein,
Mr. John P. Schlesser, SV-591 F.A.
Mrs. Sherry Schoch
Mr. N. Schroeder
Mr. Earl A. Scott
Mr. Phillip F. Schutte, F-424,
Mr. Robert L. Scranton
Mr. Thomas F. Scurry HQ 3rd BN-424
Mr. Fred A. Sebastinelli, DHQ,
Mr. Ralph Seevers, HQ-422,
Mr. Mike P. Serino, SV-591 F.A.
Mr. James E. Shirley, SV-589 F.A.
Mr. Nicholas Sinco, (Unit Unknown)
Mr. Harley W. Slaback, H Q-422
Mr. David B. Slayton, A-422
Mr. George J. Slykhouse, C-591 F.A.
Mr. Charles L. Smith, D-422
Mr. Edward J. Smith, M-423
Mr. Mervin S. Smith, A-424
Mr. Myron Smith
Mr. Lester S. Smyth
Mr. Walter M. Snyder, A-589 F.A.
Mr. Emil M. Solecki, SV-592
Mr. Loren E. Souers, 424
Mr. Robert L. Spade, H-424
Mr. Norman S. Spayd, H-423
Mr. Otto H. Spies, 106th Signal,
Mr. Robert Stack, A-81st Engr.
Mr. Donald J. Stone, C-589 F.A.
Mr. Alfred C. Stover
Mr. Peter P. Stranko
Mr. Ted J. Straub
Mr. John Stribrny, AT-424,
Mr. George F. Sutter
Mr. Lee B. Taylor, K-424, ,
Mr. James Teason, MD-423,
Mr. James E. Teel, A-424,
Mr. Howard J. Terrio, 1-423 & K-424,
Mr. Wm. T. Thorn, L-422
Mr. Harrison C. Tissot, C-422
Mr. Ed A. Tobis, B-592
Mr. Earl L. Todd, B-81st Engr.
Mr. Frank Trautman, D-422
Mr. Arthur J. Tribout, G-424
Mr. Louis W. Tury, Jr.,
Mr. Rollin L. Twinning, HQ-424
Mr. Bernard Uebel, B-422
Mr. Raymond K. Untiedt, C-423
Mr. Floyd D. Uthman, E-424
Steve G. Varhola, D-424
Mr. Harry R. Vernon, Jr., HQ-591 F.A.
Mr. Russell H. Villwock, 106 Signal
Mr. Louis J. Vincent, A-424
Mr. Robert F. Walker
Mr. William A. Wallace
Mr. Charles S. Walsh, SV-592,
Mr. Presslye Walters, Associate
Mr. N. Duke Ward, HQ-81st Engr.
Mr. Glen W. Warner, C-81st Engr.
Mr. Clarence E. Warren CO A-81st Eng.
Mr. Joseph A. Wasil, G-423
Col. Jewell K. Watt, DHQ-IG
Mr. James M. Wattam, D-422
Mr. George T. Weaver, Med-422
Mr. Frederick G. Weisser, Jr., 2nd BN
Mr. Harry J. Welsh, Sr., K-424
Mr. James E. Wells, C-81st Engr.
Mr. E. C. White, Jr., C-591
Mr. James S. White, F-423
Mr. Fred Williams, D-423
Mr. John D. Wilson, D & H-422
Mr. Edward S. Withee, A-81st Engr.
Mr. Stanley A Wojtusik, G-422
Mr. Wilbur L. Wood, SV-422
Mr. R. T. Woodruff, Div. HQ
Mr. Robert E. Woods, G-424
General F. A. Woolfley, C.G.
Mr. Van S. Wyatt, G-424
David S. Wyman, M.D., D-422 253
James N. Yamazaki, M.D. Med-590 FA
Mr. Robert York D-422
Mr. George K. Zak
Mr. Mike Zenn
Mr. Gordon B. Zicker
Mrs. Althea L. Zimmerman Associate
Mr. Edward Zoll
Mr. S. Harry Zorn
Mr. Jack Zuckerman, C-423
The above roster was furnished by the Adjutant and was obtained from the up-to-date addressograph plates in his possession as of August 7, 1978. If there are any errors, changes, etc., please so advise Adjutant Bandurak, 219 North Maple Ave Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601, in writing, immediately in order that he may make the necessary changes and make a new addressograph plate for you to reflect your correct address. Thank you very kindly.
Index for: Vol. 35 No. 1, Oct, 1978
Index for This Document
101st Abn. Div., 6106th Div., 6, 29, 34, 44
106th Inf. Div., 1, 2, 8, 9, 24, 26, 29, 40, 42
106th Inf. Div. History, 11
106th Infantry Division Association, 2, 8, 9, 13, 24, 27, 40, 44
106th Memorial, 11
106th Sig. Co., 20, 72
1st Div., 37
422nd Inf., 31, 38, 42, 44, 46
422nd Inf. Regt., 9, 40, 48
422nd Regt., 51
424th Inf., 51
424th Inf. Regt., 24, 42, 51
590th FA BN, 6, 73
591st FA BN, 6
592nd FA BN, 34
806th Ord., 44
81st Engr., 20, 29, 50, 55, 60, 61, 64, 68, 69, 71, 72
9th Inf. Div., 40
A?Aire, George & Barbara, 18
Adamowicz, Steve T., 55
Adams, John, Jr., 55
Addison, Fred W., 55
Adkins, James N., 55
Agostini, Orfeo E., 48, 55
Alexander, Carolyn I., 55
Alexander, Ms. Marilyn G., 55
Alexander, William G., 55
Allaire, Barbara & George, 33
Allen, Orval O., 55
Ammons, Miss Peggy, 18
Anderson, Francis E., 55
Anderson, Gerald J., 55
Andrews, Lowry B., 55
Anthisnes, 27
Anthisnes, Belgium, 27
Ardennes, 50
Armington, Don, 17
Armington, Don & Maxine, 18
Armington, Donald R., 2
Arminio, Anthony, Sr., 55
Armour, William & Marilyn, 18
Arvanis, Harry, 55
Astin, Robert & Nell, 18
Austin, Clifford N., 55
Austria, 51
Axelrod, George, 55
Bad Ems, 51
Bad Orb, 31
Baker, W. C., 55
Balke, Gene S., 55
Bandurak, Walt, 17, 24, 42
Bandurak, Walt & Lillian, 38
Bandurak, Walter, 1, 2, 9, 13, 14, 55
Bandurak, Walter & Lillian, 18
Barlow, Franklin S., 55
Barnes, L. Preston, 55
Barnett, Herald A., 55
Bartz, Richard, 55
Bastogne, 6
Battle Of The Ardennes, 6, 22
Battle Of The Bulge, 29, 33, 48
Baudouin, King, 6
Beals, Carol, 15, 17, 18
Beals, Mrs. Carol, 6, 56
Behr, Richard H., 6, 56
Belgium, 5, 6
Bell, Roger W., 56
Bendick, Harry J., 56
Betz, Mary, 18
Beville, John G., 56
Bickford, Flo, 17
Bickford, Thomas, 56
Bied, Dan, 56
Bied, Daniel & Millie, 18
Bied, Millie, 42
Bieze, John H., 56
Biles, C. W., 56
Black, Ewell C., Jr., 38
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 56
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 56
Black, T. Wayne, 56
Black, Wayne & Marilyn, 18
Blaher, William S., 56
Bobel, Donald, 56
Bookheimer, Merrill E., 56
Bottoms, Ira G., 56
Boucouvalas, William S., 56
Bowman, Byrne A., 56
Boyle, Rev. Edward T., 56
Braaten, Mels, 56
Brackett, James E., 56
Bradfield, Ken, 1, 2, 9, 11, 13
Bradfield, Kenneth & June, 18
Bradfield, Kenneth W., 56
Bradley, L. B., 18, 19, 20, 56
Bradley, L. B. & Hazel, 18
Brauschweig, 31
Brazill, Myles, 48, 56
Britton, Avis & Ben, 33
Britton, Ben, 2, 8, 9, 13, 16, 18, 24, 42
Britton, Ben & Avis, 18
Britton, Benjamin B., 56
Broth, Mrs. D. R., 56
Brown, Capt. Arthur C., 38
Brummer, Harold J., 57
Bruschel, Germany, 51
Brutus, Glen J., 57
Bryan, James B., 57
Bryant, Jack, 17, 57
Bryant, Jack & Emily, 36
Bullard, Mrs. Margaret, 57
Burkes, Robert A., 57
Burnham, Fred, 57
Burrell, James V., 57
Buschemeyer, C. M., 57
Butcher, Burt & Shirley, 18
Butler, Harry W., 57
Byrd, Austin & Myrt, 18
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 57
Byrd, Mrs. Kathy, 27
Call, George, 57
Camp Atterbury, 33, 46, 48
Camp Atterbury, Ind., 6
Camp Atterbury, Indiana, 33
Camp Shanks, N.Y., 40
Cariano, Lt. Col. Samuel P., 57
Cariano, Sam, 17
Cariano, Sam & Billie, 18
Carpenter, Ben, 57
Carter, Fred, 18, 57
Cavanaugh, Father, 31
Cavender, Charles C., 34
Cavender, Col. Charles C., 57
Chabala, Emil, 48
Chase, Fred, 8, 13
Chase, Fred B., 1, 2, 13, 42, 57
Clark, Chris T., 57
Clark, Dr. James I., 8, 13, 57
Clark, James I., 2
Clark, Walter C., 57
Clarke, Walter, 18
Clarke, Walter & Lillian, 18
Co. C, 422nd Inf., 51
Coffee, Douglas S., 3
Coffey, Doug, 6, 9, 11, 15, 21, 31
Coffey, Douglas, 6, 13
Coffey, Douglas & Isabel, 18
Coffey, Douglas S., 1, 4, 14, 26, 57
Coffey, Isabel, 8
Collier, James E., Sr., 57
Collins, Sherod, 1, 3, 6, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 57
Collins, Virgil, 8, 13
Collins, Virgil L., 3, 57
Cologne, 51
Connelly, Dr. Michael E., 57
Conner, Milton M., 58
Cooper, Louis M., 58
Corell, Miss Michelle, 18
Corrigan, Charles K., 58
Cozzani, Anthony, 58
Crank, Mel, 58
Crawford, Dean, 29
Crawford, Dean F., 58
Creamer, Raymond J., 58
Crocker, John S., 48, 58
Crosby, Boyd L. (Bing), 58
Crosby, Lloyd R., 58
Crossman, Les, 34
Crossman, Lester W., 58
Crozier, Wm. R., 58
Curcione, Emil, 58
Curnow, Edward L., 58
Czechoslovakia, 46
Dabson, Alan R., 58
Dahlen, Wm. S., 58
Dargon, Paul, Sr., 40, 58
Datte, Charles T., 58
Davidson, Mrs. Brooks, 58
Davis, James T., 58
Davis, Louis, 58
de St. Aubin, Robert A., 59
DeChiara, Joseph A., 58
DeHeer, Dick & Marge, 18
DeHeer, Richard, 58
DeHeer, Richard G., 58
DeLaval, Dr., 59
Delvaux, Miss Francoise, 27
Delzell, Bill S., 59
Descheneaux, Col. George L., Jr., 59
Destordeur, Mrs. Miette, 27
Destrodeur, Mrs. Miette, 27
Dever, Martin J., 59
Dickard, G. Edw., 59
Dickerson, Jim, 40
Div. HQ, 73
Division History, 9, 46
Dobe, Francis J., 59
Dohoney, William & Josephine, 18
Dohoney, William P., 59
Dolitsky, Capt., 6
Dolitsky, Libby, 59
Dolitsky, Lt. Col., 6
Dolitsky, Miss Libby, 18
Dolitsky, Mrs., 6
Donovan, Bill & Blanche, 18
Donovan, Wm. J., 59
Dorosky, Thomas, 59
DuPrey, Perry J., 44
Earle, Mahlon O., Jr., 59
Easterling, James R., 59
Eidelman, Herbert, 59
Elliott, Clinton R., 59
Elston, Floyd L., 59
Enlow, Russ & Bonnie, 18
Enlow, Russell, 59
Evans, Wilbur D., 59
Eyler, Kenneth W., 59
Facey, Col. Kenneth B., 59
Fisher, John J., 59
Flaig, Robert G., 59
Fleming, Harold A., Jr., 59
Fleming, John P., 60
Flick, Robert F., 60
Flowers, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph, 6
Flowers, Ralph & Opal, 18
Flynn, William J., 60
Forbes, Fontaine C., 60
Ford, James P., 60
Fort Jackson, 51, 52
Fort Jackson, S.C., 48
Fort Jackson, South Carolina, 40
Fort Meade, Md, 40
Foster, E. Bruce, 60
Fox, Tom K., 60
Frampton, D. B., Jr., 60
Frank,, 60, 68
Frank, Florian, 16
Frank, Florian & Dorothy, 19
Frank, Florian R., 60
Frankel, Jerome L., 60
Frankini, Richard A., 60
Freed, Charles W., 60
Freedman, Henry E., 60
Fridline, C. Delsher, 6
Fridline, Dr., 6
Fritz, John, 9, 11, 42
Fritz, John & Martha, 19, 38
Fritz, John R., 3, 60
Fritz, Martha, 16
Ft. Jackson, 17
Ft. Jackson, S.C., 44
Gallagher, John, 6, 15, 20, 45
Gallagher, John & Stella, 17, 19
Gallagher, John I., 1, 3, 6, 14, 60
Garn, Charles ‘Chuck', 11
Garn, Charles S., 3, 11, 13, 60
Garn, Chuck, 11
Garn, Willie, 11
Gasses, Joe, 19
Gasses, Joseph, 3, 9, 11
Gasses, Joseph J., 60
Gehrig, Melvin, 60
Geier, Clifford, 4, 8, 9
Germany, 36, 46, 51
Gerolstein, 31
Gibson, Charles R., 60
Gilder, Bob, 18, 38
Gilder, Miss Nancy, 19
Gilder, Nancy, 18
Gilder, Robert & Jean, 19
Gilder, Robert A., 60
Gillespie, John M., 60
Gilliam, Joseph C., 60
Gioia, Patrick J., 60
Gish, David J., 60
Glen, Bruce F., 61
Glenney, Walter S., 61
Gollhofer, Earl A., 61
Gorgus, Harry, 61
Gorlitz, 31
Gossom, Neil M., 61
Grass, Emil A., 61
Gregory, W. Leo, 61
Gross, Mathew M., 61
Gubow, Larry, 4, 8, 9, 61
Haas, Milton G., 40, 61
Hagen, Edwin P., Jr., 61
Hagman, Mrs. Ben J., 61
Halsey, Thomas A., 51, 61
Harm, Raymond T., 61
Harris, Abner T., 34, 61
Harris, William B., 61
Hartzell, Bertram E., 61
Hatch, H. M., 61
Hatch, H. M. Jim, 31
Hayden, Norman W., 46, 61
Heath, Byron P., 61
Heffernan, Arthur H., 61
Heimann, Edward, 61
Heldman, Daniel C., 27
Heldman, Ernie, 4, 8, 9, 27
Heldman, Miss Cindy, 27
Helmbreck, Arthur J., 61
Hemelt, Wm. G., 61
Hemming, Forrest, 44
Hemming, Forrest W., 62
Heneghan, Leo L., 62
Henning, James W., 62
Henson, Lt. Col. E. G., 62
Hereth, Lee J., 62
Hesse, J. Francis, 62
Hilditch, Lt., 48
Hill, Frank J., 62
Hiltbrand, Walter F., 62
Hoenemeyer, John H., 62
Hohenadel, Frank A., Jr., 62
Hohenstein, John J., 62
Holden, Robert R., 62
Holder, Harry & Mildred, 19
Holder, Harry & Millie, 34
Holder, Harry L., 62
Holland, 52
Hollar, Alice, 26
Hollar, James, 26
Hollar, Thurston, 26
Holloway, Mrs. James, 62
Hope, Bob, 42
House, Pete, 62
Houseman, Don M., 62
Howard, John W., 62
Howell, Bob, 17
Howell, Robert, 9, 11
Howell, Robert & Louise, 19
Howell, Robert F., 3, 62
Hulbert, Carl M., 62
Hulkonen, Arthur A., 62
Huson, Boyce, 62
Hutchinson, William, 62
Iwamoto, George, 62
Jacobs, Montague H., 63
Jefferies, Wm. H., 63
Jessee, Robert D., 63
Jochems, Richard B., 63
Johnson, Benjamin F., Jr., 63
Johnson, Cecil O., 63
Johnson, William, 63
Jones, Alan W., Jr., 63
Jones, Gen. Alan W., 11
Jones, George W., Jr., 63
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan, 9
Jones, Mrs. Alan W., 63
Juster, Irvin, 63
Kane, James J., 4, 8, 9
Kane, Mrs. James, 63
Karlsbad, 46
Karlsrhue, 51
Kauffman, George H., 63
Kaufmann, Richard C., 63
Kellams, Darrell, 63
Kelly, Edmond D., 63
Kelly, John H., 63
Kelly, Lt. Col., 38
Kelly, Robert E., 63
Kemp, John, 18, 19
Kemp, R. F., 63
Kennedy, Francis T., 63
Kennedy, Glen N., 63
Kennedy, Jack & Ann, 19
Kephart, Herbert D., 63
Kershner, Jesse, 64
Kersteiner, Don W., 64
Kersten, Joseph A., 64
Ketterer, Dr. John E., 64
Kirk, Charles L., 64
Klett, James R., 64
Koehler, Franklin R., 64
Krafchik, Joseph, 64
Kraus, Mrs. Mary, 27
Kreuser, Leo P., 64
Kriz, Howard, 64
Kucharz, John, 64
Kuizema, Harold, 64
Lackey, Vaden, 4, 8, 9, 64
Lackey, Vaden M., 42
Lada, Ted, 64
Lange, Elmer F., 64
Laphan, Charles G., 64
Leclere, Mrs. Georgia, 64
Lee, F. H., 64
Lee, Robert & Anne, 19
Lee, Vernon, 4, 8, 9
Leibowitz, Samuel, 64
Leisse, Leo R., 31
Leisse, Leo R., Sr., 64
Leswing, Phillip R., 64
Letellier, L. S., Jr., 64
Lewis, Charles R., 64
Liege, Belgium, 26, 27
Liesse, Leo, 40
Likins, Robert A., 65
Limburg, 31, 53
Lindsay, Curtis L., 65
Lineberger, Wm. M., 64
Little, C. F., 65
Litvin, Joseph, 65
Livesey, Col. Herbert B., Jr., 8
Livesey, Herbert B., Jr., 65
Lommerweiler, 51
Loos, Arthur E., 65
Lopardo, Patsy J., 65
Lopez, Hugh V., 65
Lothrop, Oliver A., Jr., 65
Loveless, Althea, 6
Loveless, Chaplain John, 18, 38
Loveless, John, 4, 8, 9, 11, 15, 19, 20, 40, 42
Loveless, John ‘K', 65
Loveless, John T., Jr., 6
Loveless, Kathryn G., 33
Loveless, Kay, 18
Loveless, Mrs. John, 19
Lowery, Thomas M., 65
Lowith, Allen L., 65
Lucsay, William, 65
Luzzie, Edward L., 65
MaClean, Kenneth R., 65
Manager, Thomas G., 65
Manahan, Mrs. Elizabeth, 65
Mansfield, Horace, 17
Mansfield, Horace & Eva, 19
Mansfield, Horace E., 3, 36, 66
Mansfield, Horace E., Jr., 36
Marcus, Gilbert, 66
Marlag, 54
Martin, Walter W., 66
Matthews,, 20
Matthews, Joe, 15, 20
Matthews, Joseph C., Jr., 3, 66
Matthews, Lt. Col. Jos., Jr., 31
Mattiko, Robert A., 66
Maul, Martin, 66
Maw, Thomas J., 66
Maw, Tom & Elaine Maw, Paula (Daughter), 19
May, Roger A., 66
McAuliffe, Gen. Anthony C., 6
McCarty, Howard S., 65
McCullough, Lyle K., 65
McDowell, Harriet, 19
McGarrity, John C., 65
McKee, Henry H., 65
McKeever, Joseph V., 29, 65
McMahon, Gen., 15, 21, 34
McMahon, Gen. Leo T., 65
McMahon, Leo, 8
McMahon, Leo & Wilda, 19
McMahon, Leo. T., 3
McMillan, Paul, 65
McMurray, Wm., 6
Meadows, Sgt. Jerry, 44
Meagher, James L., 44, 66
Meola, Joseph A., 66
Meredith, Tom & Joyce, 19
Merz, Paul, 66
Middleton, John A., III, 66
Mikalauskis, John L., 66
Miller, Elman M., 66
Miller, Gene L., 51, 66
Miller, Robert J., 66
Mills, Eric R., 66
Monroe, Jack, 66
Moon, William P., Jr., 66
Moritz, Adolph G., 66
Morrison, Robert, 11
Morrison, Robert B., 66
Mosher, Michael S., 66
Mosko, Theodore, 66
Mosley, Dr. Ronald A., 66
Mosley, Newton L., 66
Mosley, Rev. Ronald A., 42
Mueller, M. J., 67
Muhlberg, 45
Murley, Thomas C., 67
Murphy, Ralph J., 67
Murray, George, Jr., 67
Mustacchio, Vincent J., 67
Myers, Larry, Jr., 67
Nash, John B., 67
Nassau, 6, 7, 15, 16, 20, 21, 36
Neigus, Irwin, 67
Nusbaum, Alfred S., 67
Odessa, 6
Olman, Wanold D., 67
Order Of The Golden Lion, 8, 21, 22, 24
Osborne, George M., 67
Osciak, Stephen, 67
Padgett, Carroll D., 67
Parquette, Roland, 67
Parr, Marvin J., 67
Patterson, F. D., 67
Pearson, Allen L., 67
Pettit, Kenneth, 67
Pettus, William R., 67
Peyser, Charles S., 67
Phillips, George F., 67
Pierce, Robert W., Sr., 68
Pierce, Waldo B., 68
Piha, Morris R., 68
Pinney, Gordon B., 68
Plenge, Edward C., 68
Ponza, Frank, 68
Pranznik, Louis, 68
Prewett, Edward A., 68
Price, David S., 68
Priebe, Ed A., 68
Priebe, Edward A., 34
Prisoner Of War, 54
Prokorym, Casimir T., 34, 68
Puett, Joe & Ida, 19
Puett, Joseph, 11, 13
Puett, Joseph F., 3, 68
Purdy, Edmund C., 68
Puzio, Joseph, 50, 68
Randall, William W., 29, 48, 68
Randol, Richard L., 68
Randol, Robert L., 68
Rarick, Clayton, 68
Rauch, Victor, 68
Ravdin, A., 68
Raymond, Althea & John, 33
Redmond, Dean T., 68
Reece, Raymond F., 68
Reed, Raymond J., 68
Regier, Donald, 68
Reid, Charles B., 68
Reilly, Edward, 4, 8, 9, 11
Reilly, Viola, 69
Rennes, 50
Richards, Charles W., 27, 69
Richards, Roy, 69
Riggs, Thomas J., Jr., 69
Ringer, Robert & Michael, 19
Ringer, Robert C., 69
Rinkema, George, 69
Rinkema, George & Dorothy, 19
Ristenpart, Elden E., 69
Ritts, Rowland R., 33, 34, 69
Robb, John & Marilyn, 19
Robb, John G., 69
Roberts, Col. T. M., 44
Roberts, Thomas M., 69
Robinson, Wesley, 42
Robinson, Wesley & Bernice, 19
Robinson, Wesley E., 69
Rodriquez, J. G., 69
Rossi, Louis P., Jr., 69
Roster, 55
Roth, Nathan M., 69
Rusch, Marvin H., 51, 69
Russell, D. L., 69
Russell, J. B., 69
Russin, Peter, 69
Rutland, Roger M., 69
Rutt, Robert E., 69
Sagan, 53
Sakmar, Joe & Eileen, 19
Salerno, Joseph T., 69
Samples, L. Orvis, 69
Sandberg, Bob, 48
Sandberg, Robert E., 69
Saucerman, Eugene, 13
Saucerman, Eugene L., 3, 69
Saucerman, Gene, 9, 11, 18, 46
Saucerman, Gene & Sally, 19
Saucerman, Sandra, 19
Scaliseis, John, 34
Scalissi, John J., 69
Schieferstein, Fred, 70
Schlesser, Jack & Karen, 19
Schlesser, John P., 70
Schoch, Mrs. Sherry, 70
Schock, Sherry, 36
Schroeder, N., 70
Schutte, Jean, 20
Schutte, Phil, 15, 17
Schutte, Phil & Jean, 19
Schutte, Phillip F., 70
Scott, Earl A., 70
Scranton, Bob, 3
Scranton, Robert, 8, 13
Scranton, Robert 'Bob', 1
Scranton, Robert L., 3, 8, 24, 70
Scurry, Thomas F., 70
Sebastinelli, Fred A., 70
Seevers, Ralph, 9, 20, 70
Seevers, Ralph & Marge, 17
Serino, Mike, 17
Serino, Mike & Ellen, 19
Serino, Mike P., 70
Seventh Army, 6
Shirley, James E., 70
Sinco, Nicholas, 70
Slaback, Harley, 40
Slaback, Harley W., 70
Slayton, David B., 70
Slykhouse, George J., 70
Smith, Charles L., 70
Smith, Edward J., 70
Smith, Frank & Vera, 19
Smith, Mervin S., 70
Smith, Myron, 70
Smyth, Lester S., 70
Snyder, Walter M., 70
Solecki, Emil M., 70
Souers, Loren E., 70
Spade, Robert L., 70
Spayd, Norman S., 70
Spies, Otto H., 36, 71
St. Quentin, 50
St. Vith, 51
St. Vith, Belgium, 9, 11, 26, 51
Stack, Robert, 71
Stalag III-A, 53
Stalag IV-A, 46
Stalag IV-B, 45, 46
Stalag IX-B, 54
Stalag XVII, 53
Stewart, Capt., 48
Stone, Donald J., 71
Stover, Alfred C., 71
Stranko, Peter P., 71
Straub, Ted & Laura, 19
Straub, Ted J., 71
Stribrny, John, 71
Struck, Ott & Mary, 19
Stuttgart, 37
Sutter, George F., 71
Switzerland, 51
Taylor, Lee B., 71
Teason, James, 71
Teel, James E., 71
Tennessee Maneuvers, 38, 42
Terrio, Howard J., 71
Thorn, Wm. T., 71
Thurmond, Strom, 26
Tissot, Harrison C., 51, 71
Tobis, Ed A., 71
Todd, Earl L., 71
Trautman, Frank, 71
Tribout, Arthur J., 71
Tury, Louis W., Jr., 71
Tury, Louis, Jr., 51
Twinning, Rollin L., 71
Uebel, Bernard, 71
Untiedt, Raymond K., 71
Utah Beach, 40
Uthman, Floyd D., 71
Utter, Oakley, 50
Varhola, Steve, 20
Varhola, Steve G., 72
Vernon, Harry R., Jr., 72
Vien, 27
Vien, Belgium, 27
Villwock, Russ, 20
Villwock, Russ & Jackie, 19
Villwock, Russell, 4, 6, 11, 14, 15, 25
Villwock, Russell H., 1, 3, 72
Vincent, Louis J., 72
Walker, Bob & June, 19
Walker, Robert, 9, 11, 13
Walker, Robert F., 3, 72
Wallace, William A., 50, 72
Walsh, Charles S., 72
Walsh, David E., 42
Walters, Presslye, 72
Ward, Duke, 20, 72
Warner, Glen W., 72
Warren, Clarence E., 72
Wasil, Joseph A., 72
Watt, Col. Jewell K., 72
Wattam, James M., 72
Weaver, George T., 72
Weisser, Frederick G., Jr., 72
Wells, James, 6
Wells, James E., 72
Wells, Jim, 17, 20
Wells, Jim & Maydean, 20
Welsh, Harry J., Sr., 72
West Point, 46
Westmoreland, Gen., 31
White, E. C., 17, 18, 20
White, E. C. & Zada, 20
White, E. C., Jr., 72
White, James S., 72
Williams, 1st Sgt., 44
Williams, Fred, 72
Wilson, John, 17, 46
Wilson, John D., 72
Winterspelt, 51
Withee, Edward, 46
Withee, Edward S., 72
Wojtusik, Stanley A, 73
Wood, Wilbur L., 73
Woodruff, R. T., 73
Woods, Robert, 11
Woods, Robert E., 73
Woolfley, Gen. F. A., 73
Wyatt, Van S., 73
Wyman, David S., 73
Yamazaki, James N., 73
York, Bob, 20
York, Robert, 73
Zak, George K., 73
Zenn, Mike, 17, 18, 19, 20, 73
Zicker, Gordon B., 73
Zimmerman, Althea, 20
Zimmerman, Althea L., 73
Zoll, Ed, 20
Zoll, Ed & Millie, 20
Zoll, Edward, 73
Zorn, Harry, 17, 20
Zorn, S. Harry, 73
Zuckerman, Jack, 73