Original Cub Document
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Vol. 19, No. 1, Aug., 1962
106th Infantry Division Association, Inc., 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, New Jersey
President Henry M. Broth
Vice-President Robert Pierce
Adjutant and Treasurer Richard DeHeer
Chaplain John Loveless
Historian Sherod Collins
The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB: Editor . Wayne Black The CUB is printed by The Morris Printing Co., Waterloo, Iowa
All editorial matter should be addressed to:
Wayne Black, 306 Williston Ave., Waterloo, Iowa
All business matters, renewals of memberships, etc., should be addressed to:
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, New Jersey
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained when available for $1.00 each. Send orders to the adjutant.
As I told those of you who attended the Annapolis Convention, I want to thank you for the confidence you have placed in me, in choosing me to be your President for the coming year.Having been a P. O. W. and not being aware of the formation of the Association at its inception, I felt it incumbent upon myself to become familiar with the past history of our Association. Accordingly, I borrowed from Sherod Collins, our historian, all available data. Now, having read this material, I am awe stricken at the thought that I should head an organization whose history is so full of illustrious men and memorable deeds. I can only express the thought that I hope that whatever we accomplish this coming year will add infinitely to the high standing and reputation that the 106th Infantry Division Association has attained.
John Loveless and I along with Kay and Eunice (they did all the work!) were very happy to have had such a fine turn-out at the Annapolis Convention. We hope that all those who attended had as good a time as we had arranging it for you.
With everyone's cooperation, let's increase our membership, which is the lifeblood of our Association, so that we can continue in the future as we have in the past.
P. S. Don't laugh at my picture with the tux on. It's the only one I had (picture, I mean, not tux).
Pictured on our cover at the luncheon at the Annapolis Convention are (left to right) Retiring President Ben Hagman, Chaplain John Loveless, Rita Kay Broth, New President Henry M. Broth, and Past Presidents Dick DeHeer and Jim Wells.SPACE AVAILABLE IN CUB FOR CHRISTMAS GREETINGS
Again this year, following the suggestion of Tom Bickford at the Fort Worth convention, space will be available for Christmas greetings in the December issue of the CUB, which will reach members early in December.Space rates will be $2.00 per column inch plus $3.50 for cut (any size) if desired. Desired copy plus a glossy print photo or snapshot (for cut if desired) must be in the Editor's hands by 25 October along with a check for the desired amount of space and cut if included. If a snapshot or photo is to be used, allow one inch plus vertical measurement of snapshot in calculating space required. Make checks payable to 106th Infantry Division Association.
The Convention Committee of the sixteenth annual convention at Annapolis, Maryland has forwarded a statement of receipts and disbursements to the Editor which shows that after all expenses were paid, the sum of $25.00 was paid into the Memorial Fund and the sum of $8.58 was paid into the General Fund as profit. This is the third consecutive year in which a convention has been enjoyed by all the members attending, has furnished every conceivable service, and has still turned a profit.LOST -- AT ANNAPOLIS CONVENTION
Sherod Collins reports that his wife lost a string of cultured pearls on Sunday, 29 July while preparing to leave Carvel Hall after the Annapolis Convention. If anyone who reads these pages found them and will return them to him at 1101 Church Street, Waycross, Georgia, we are sure that Cora will be most grateful.Color Guard enters during Memorial Service
In one of the highlights of the sixteenth annual convention of the 106th Infantry Division Association at Annapolis, Maryland, Douglas S. Coffey was awarded the Commander Class (Gold), Order of the Golden Lion for his work as Memorials Chairman in planning, supervising the erection of, and dedicating the Division's Memorial to its honored dead at Saint Vith, Belgium.A wiry man of medium height with grey-black hair, he is the first member of the Division to be awarded this decoration, the highest in the power of the Association to bestow.
Recalling the difficulties of building and dedicating the memorial, he said, "The memorial was actually completed two years ago, but involved problems in protocol and other matters delayed the dedication until this year." The height of the difficulty was reached when a smallpox epidemic broke out in northern Europe at the time of the dedication. The Belgian government put a ban on all public gatherings. In spite of this 1,000 persons appeared to dedicate the Memorial.
Douglas S. Coffey has been assistant comptroller of West Orange, New Jersey for the last 17 years, and is also secretary of the Zoning Board. He and his wife, Isabel, have three daughters: Jane, 16, and twins, Christine and Virginia, 14.
(A complete story of the dedication ceremony and the attendant difficulties will appear in the next issue of the CUB in Doug's own words).
What was declared by all those in attendance to be the greatest convention ever was held by the 106th Infantry Division Association in Annapolis, Maryland under the chairmanship of John Loveless and Henry Broth and their wives from the 26th to the 29th of July.Convention activities started ahead of schedule when a group of early-registering children spent Thursday afternoon at Bay Ridge Beach. The Square Dance Thursday evening was a tremendous success enjoyed by all from three to more than that. The enthusiasm was exceeded only by the supply of beer, coke, pretzels, and potato chips.
Friday morning after the board of directors meeting, the walking tour
of the State House and vicinity was conducted by Marcellus, chief of services for Carvel Hall. After lunch, which was held at Carvel Hall instead of the Country Club, the group boarded busses for an afternoon at the Club: swimming, golf, tennis, study of the laws of probability, and just plain loafing. A highlight of the afternoon was watching Ben Hagman's son, Larry, on Television in "Edge of Night." After a delicious clam bake, the group was treated by Doug Coffey to a report, recording, and movie of the dedication ceremonies for our Memorial at Saint Vith.
Saturday morning brought Memorial Services in Saint Andrew's Chapel, U. S. Naval Academy, arranged magnificently as always by John Loveless. The services included a color guard, prayers by Naval Academy Chaplain Ryan, and the introduction by Chaplain John Loveless of the principal speaker, Colonel John R. Strevig, Corps of Chaplains, U.S.A., Retired. Chaplain Strevig, who was in combat with the 1st Armored Division during World War II, gave one of the finest memorial addresses it has been our privilege to hear. Following this was a tour of the Academy led again by Marcellus. At a fine luncheon, the principal speaker was Mr. Timmerman of the F.B.I., who spoke of interesting aspects of various cases. During the afternoon, the men held the business meeting, the ladies a sherry hour, and the children a swimming party at the Annapolis Terrace. The Annual Banquet and Dance was held on Saturday evening, attended by 100 adults and teen-agers and 16 children. The highlight, immediately after dinner, was the presentation to Doug Coffey of the Order of the Golden Lion.
The convention concluded regretfully on Sunday morning with a farewell breakfast, well attended by a group vowing to meet again next July in Cleveland.
At the business meeting attended by all members of the Association who were present in Annapolis, the following were unanimously elected to serve on the Board of Directors for the coming year:Henry Broth
Wayne Black
Jim Hatch
Ben Hagman
Tom Bickford
Doug Coffey
Leo McMahon
Jim Wells
John Beals
Alan Jones
Bob Pierce
Jack Middleton
Lou Rossi
Joe Matthews
Dick DeHeer
Pete House
John Loveless
Martin Dever
Jack Bryant
Sherod Collins
Clayton Rarick
At a subsequent organizational meeting, the new Board of Directors elected Henry Broth as president and Bob Pierce as vice president. President Broth then announced the following appointments:
Adjutant & Treasurer __ Dick DeHeer
CUB Editor .............................: Wayne Black
Chaplain ................_................. John Loveless
Membership Chairman... Joe Matthews
Historian Collins
Foot-break during walking tour of Naval Academy
1961-1962 Board
Meeting opened at 10 a. m. attended by Ben Hagman, Henry Broth, Bob Pierce, Jack Middleton, Jim Wells, Lyle Mowlds, Leo McMahon, Jim Hatch, Doug Coffey, Tom Bickford, Joe Matthews, Clayton Rarick, John Beals, and Dick DeHeer.The minutes of the previous meeting at Fort Worth were accepted as read.
The treasurer's report was accepted as read. (A copy appears elsewhere in this issue of the CUB).
The adjutant's report was accepted as read. The membership for the year 1961-1962 ended up at 210 paid up members, 2 complimentary, and 40 auxiliary. This is five more paid members than the preceding year.
In the editor's absence his report was accepted as submitted by phone. President Ben Hagman suggested--no, commanded! -- that Wayne Black should be commended for his spectacular job as Editor for the past two years.
Doug Coffey stated that he would like Dr. DeLaval to be honored for his work with the Memorial Committee. This will be discussed at the general meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a. m.
Meeting opened by President Ben Hagman at 2:30 p. m., 27 July with 30 members present.President Hagman asked for a few words from our first Adjutant, Herb Livesey, this being his first convention in some time. Herb spoke of his trip to Europe. He did not find the memorial, probably due to the fact that the actual construction of it was not publicized.
Joe Matthews spoke of Doug Coffey's work with the Memorial Fund. General Jones gave a few words of greeting only after being asked to do so. The adjutant is coming to believe that he never gave any of those nasty words heard in the service.
The nominating committee headed by General McMahon read its selections for the new board of directors. They were unanimously accepted by the members. (List appears elsewhere in this issue of the CUB).
The adjutant's and treasurer's reports were accepted as read:
Lou Rossi then introduced his friend, Dannie Ferrari, who was made an honorary member. According to our by-laws he will be expected to pay dues and can participate in 106th Division events but will not be allowed to vote at meetings.
A resolutions committee of John Loveless and Henry Broth were asked to make up suitable commendations for the following:
To Wayne Black for Editor's work. To Carvel Hall Management.
To the Convention Committee.
To any others who helped make the convention a success.
Doug Coffey stated that he would like to make Dr. DeLaval an honorary member and suggested that we give him the Order of the Golden Lion. A motion to accomplish this was made, seconded, and passed unanimously. Doug then told of his trip to Saint Vith with all the trials and disappointments, and also the help that Dr. DeLaval gave.
It was decided that a ceremony each year be held to be sure our Memorial was not forgotten. Pete House suggested 15 March, the day of activation of the Division. Jim Wells suggested a wreath each December 16 to be put there by someone to be named our representative.
A motion was made and seconded to continue our Memorial Fund and empower Doug to arrange for an American Flag always to be in good order was unanimously accepted.
Clayton Rarick asked if Doug Coffey had spent his own funds to dedicate our Memorial. Doug answered, saying that the Association and men of the Association had compensated him to his satisfaction.
Leo McMahon spoke on the death of General Perrin. Our association has lost a fine leader and a member in good standing.
A motion was made by Col. Monahan to make Dr. DeLaval our representative at Saint Vith. It was seconded and overwhelmingly passed.
Herb Livesey asked about maintenance and general upkeep of our Memorial. Doug Coffey answered to the satisfaction of all concerned.
While not a motion, it was decided that any member going to Europe may act as a representative of the 106th Division. The talking was too fast for your adjutant, but as he got it, any member may place a wreath. There was talk of repayment, but I, for one, will not pay out any $50.00 wreath bills.
Jim Wells told the members his findings on a convention next year in Columbia, South Carolina.
Bob Pierce gave a report on Cleveland as a possible site, complete with "Come to Cleveland" signs. With all the enthusiasm he showed, Cleveland was selected as the site, and he as the chairman, for the 1963 convention. Messrs. Coffey and Bickford will check on the New York area for 1964 as the World's Fair is to be in progress then.
Much discussion was held on having the 20th Anniversary Reunion in Europe. No decision was made.
The Adjutant was instructed to send a registered letter to Larry Walden asking for the return of the CUB typewriter.
Letters were read from Jack Gillespie and Sergeant John Brown. Both were unable to attend the convention. Meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
1962-1963 Board
Meeting opened by President Ben Hagman at 4:00 p. m.
Twenty members present.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as read.
President Hagman started a discussion of our award, The Order of the Golden Lion. Jim Wells gave his idea on same. So much talk on this made it necessary to tell Doug Coffey he was to receive the medal for his work on the Belgian Memorial. Up until now, this had been unknown to him.
A motion by Jack Middleton to have an Awards Committee was seconded and passed. The committee appointed by President Hagman was Jack Middleton; Leo McMahon, and Tom Bickford._
As officers for the coming year, the following were selected:
Henry Broth President
Bob Pierce ........................Vice President
Richard DeHeer ........................Treasurer
The President then selected the following:
Richard DeHeer Adjutant
John Loveless Chaplain
Sherod Collins ...........................Historian
Joe Matthews......Membership Chmn.
Wayne Black ................-.....CUB Editor
Discussion was held on a committee to handle all 106th Division Association property, with Doug Coffey suggesting all property such as typewriter, addressograph, etc. should be held by the Adjutant and all records should be held by the Historian.
The Midshipmen pass in Review
A motion was made, seconded, and passed to have any profit from the sale of the book, "Lion in the Way," put in the Memorial Fund.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
16th Annual Convention
Annapolis, Maryland
26-29 July, 1962
Mr. and Mrs. Herold A. Barnett and two children (H 424)John D. and Carol Beals (A 422)
Floyd G. and Betty Besley (D 422)
Tom and Flo Bickford (Div. Hq.)
Henry M. and Eunice Broth (I 422)
Stewart Broth, Ralph and Rita Kay, Miss Mary Ann Kramer
Jack and Emily Bryant (Hq. 422)
Pat Codella (L 424)
Doug and Isabelle Coffey (C 590)
Mr. and Mrs. Sherod Collins, Jr. (Svc 423)
Dick Marj and Ricky DeHeer (K 424)
Michael and June E. DeMarca (L 424)
Martin and Dorothy Dever (Div Hq)
Tom Dorosky (Svc 592)
Mr. and Mrs. John Early (F 422)
Harris T. Fant (Hq 422)
Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferrari (Guests)
Bill and Mary Fowler (Div Hq)
Mrs. Ella Hoffman (Guest)
Bruce F. and Ruth Glen (Div Hq)
Ben and Juanita Hagman (Div Arty)
Jim and Helen Hatch (Div Hq)
Mrs. Lee Hazen (Guest)
Mr. and Mrs. Pete House (A 590)
Bill Johnson (K 424)
Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Alan W. Jones (Div Hq)
Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Jones, Jr, daughter and two sons (Hq 423)
Theodore and Lois A. Lada and children (L 424)
Mrs. Virginia Landwehr (Guest)
Herbert Livesey (Div Hq)
John T. and Kay Loveless, Kay Loveless and Althea Loveless (Hq 422)
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Manahan (806 Ord)
Joe and Anna Matthews (Hq 422) and Bruce
Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Leo T. McMahon (Divarty)
Jack A. Middleton, III (106 Sig)
W. Lyle Mowlds (106 MP)
Mrs. Katherine M. Oxx (Guest)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Paul (Guests)
Bob and Jean Pierce (81 Eng)
Bobby Pierce, Jr., Myron Pierce, Charlotte Pierce and Debbie Sue Pierce
Clayton F. Rarick (L 424)
Tom Riggs (81 Eng)
Miss Jeanne Ross (Guest)
Lou and Linda Rossi (H 424)
Louis Rossi, Jr., Maria Rossi, Billy Rossi and Steve Rossi
Phillip and Jean Schutte (F 424)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Sgrignoli (Svc 592)
Charles L. Smith
Lester and Fran Smyth (Divarty)
Walter M. Snyder (A 589)
Col. and Mrs. Robert P. Stout (Hq)
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sylvester (Div Hq)
H. J. and Luvelle Terrio (I 423, K 424)
Dr. and Mrs. H. R. W. Vial (M 423)
Jim Wells (81 Eng)
David Woerner
1. Be it resolved that the 106th Infantry Division Association in convention assembled at Annapolis, Maryland, 26 to 29 July, 1962, sorrowfully notes the passing of our dear friend and comrade, Brigadier General Herbert T. Perrin, and let it be known that a floral spray was sent to his funeral in the name of the Association.2. Be it resolved, that this Association extends its sincere appreciation to our Convention Committee, John T. Loveless, Henry M. Broth, and their wives for their untiring efforts in promoting and executing a well-planned convention.
3. Be it resolved, that the Association expresses its thanks and appreciation to the management and staff of Carvel Hall for their excellent cooperation
and courtesies in helping to make the 16th Annual Convention a success.
4. Be it resolved, that the Association convey its thanks to Chaplain Kelly and Prof. Gilley of the United States Naval Academy, Chaplain Strevig, who delivered the address, and the color guard, 639th Transportation Company, Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, for helping make our Memorial Service inspiring and beautiful.
5. Be it resolved, that this Association express deep appreciation to T. Wayne Black, for his excellent and untiring efforts in the publication of the CUB.
6. Be it resolved, that the Association extend its thanks and appreciation for the work done by the outgoing officers and directors during the year 1961-1962.
For more than a decade, we planned and worked towards achieving an enduring monument to the memory of our comrades who gave their lives in service to their country. Through these long continued efforts, a most fitting memorial has been dedicated at Saint Vith, Belgium.Authority was delegated to Douglas S. Coffey, a director and Past President of our Association, to represent us and to coordinate activities pertaining to completion and dedication of that Memorial. Our representative, in faithful performance of his duties, did exercise initiative, tact, patience, and sound judgment of a high order in solving numerous problems and in bringing the dedication ceremony to an impressive conclusion.
Now, therefore, the 106th Infantry Division Association, in convention assembled at Annapolis, Maryland, this 28th day of July, 1962, directs a unanimous and most sincere expression of official appreciation to Douglas S. Coffey upon completion of an important mission, very well done.
Dear Wayne:Next March the 106th Infantry Division will reach the 20th anniversary of its organization at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. What the Golden Lions accomplished in and out of action while active is writ large in the pages of "Lion In The Way." In August 1965 the Association, we hope, will celebrate the 20th anniversary of its founding at Camp Lucky Strike, France. This year the Association celebrated the return of Doug Coffey from Belgium, flushed with pride and pleasure after getting the Division Memorial built and dedicated at Saint Vith, a real Herculean task.
With that accomplishment, the Board was happy to report that the Association is in good healthy financial condition and living within its means. We don't have to keep up with the Joneses because we have them right with us. With President Henry Broth heading up the Board of 21, with Vice President Bob Pierce planning next year's reunion at Cleveland, with Dick DeHeer handling the finances and records, and with Wayne Black putting out his fine CUBs bimonthly, we look forward with confidence to 1962-63 and the years beyond.
Cordially, Leo T. McMahon
Editor's note - We thank General McMahon for his concise summary and for his kind words. We wish there were more subscribers as conscientious about letting the editor know of their goings on. We wish we had 200 Leo McMahons subscribing to what would then be surely "The CUB of the Mane-less Lion." For the publication schedule that the Editor is going to attempt to meet, see the article in this issue "From The Editor's Desk."
Year 1961-1962 (Volume 18)Number issued ........................ 5
Total No. of pages ............... 76
Total cost $735.76
Cost per member $ 3.60
The above cost includes 1,000 extra copies of the post-convention CUB mailed to all persons on our mailing list, whether renewed members or not. The total cost is about $80.00 above the preceding year. The additional expense is accounted for by the four additional pages and many more pictures than were published the preceding year. The page rate was the same as for the preceding year.
Doctor Maurice DeLaval, dentist, a resident of Vielsalm, Belgium, greatly aided the 106th Infantry Division Association, while acting es Liaison Aide to Memorials Chairman Douglas S. Coffey, on the occasion of the Dedication of the Memorial erected by the Association in Saint Vith, Belgium. Doctor DeLaval gave unstintingly of his own time and energy in rendering this service.He has also written a book entitled "G. I. Joe Pleads Not Guilty" in which the 106th Division is given much praise. He has given his permission for the Association to translate from French to English to make available the same to the Association.
In appreciation of his efforts, the Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association in Convention at Annapolis, Maryland, on the 28th day of July, 1962, has voted unanimously to extend recognition of our deep appreciation of Doctor DeLaval's efforts by awarding to him the Class of Officer (Silver), Order of the Golden Lion.
Because at our Annapolis Convention we were privileged to hold the Memorial Service in St. Andrew's Chapel of the Naval Academy, the Service could be enriched beyond the Prayers, the Memorial Address and the Color Guard by the addition of an organ prelude and the singing of two hymns.These two compositions, though each was written over 120 years ago, were chosen for their appropriateness for the occasion when we join to honor the memory of our deceased comrades-in-arms. As you read the words, quoted below, note how equally well they apply to us as a nation and as individuals today.
"God Bless Our Native Land"
1. God bless our native land: Finn may she ever stand Through storm and night; When the wild tempests rave, Ruler of wind and wave, Do Thou our country save By Thy great might!
2. For her our prayers shall rise To God above the skies; On Him we wait.
Thou who are ever nigh, Guiding with watchful eye, To Thee aloud we cry, God save the State!
"God The All-Merciful"
1. God the All-merciful: earth hath forsaken Thy ways of blessedness, slighted
Thy Word;
Bid not Thy wrath in its terrors awaken:
Give to us peace in our time, 0 Lord!
2. God the All-righteous One! man hath defied Thee;
Yet to eternity standeth
Thy Word;
Falsehood and wrong shall not tarry beside Thee:
Give to us peace in our time, 0 Lord!
3. God the All-wise! by the fire of Thy chastening
Earth shall to freedom and truth be restored;
Through the thick darkness Thy kingdom is hastening:
Thou wilt give peace in Thy time. 0 Lord!
4. So shall Thy children with thankful devotion
Praise Him Who saved them from peril and sword, Singing in chorus from ocean to ocean, "Peace to the nations, and praise to the Lord!"
May we ever pray that God will bless our land and save us as a State wherein we strive to serve Him and our fellowmen. May we ever pray that, despite our human frailties and defiance of the Almighty, through His grace we may praise and thank Him for His mercy unto us and that, in due time, He will -give peace to the whole world.
John T. Loveless, Jr. Chaplain
106th Inf. Div. Association
by A. W. J.
If there had never before been periodic assemblies or conventions, mankind in his vast and urgent necessity would have invented them. That is not a profound reflection by this column, but a corruption of an epigram by a celebrated philosopher about man and his relationship to Divinity. But it is altogether and entirely true. We were especially impressed with the attractiveness of our latest reunion as seen through the eyes of two rough and ready grandsons who, in the current vernacular, lived it up. It seems that our gatherings are enjoyed as much by the youngsters as by anyone. And that is as it should be. Someone suggested that our young people be organized within the Division Association. As the years hurry by and more and more of us think "Oh, to be sixty again!", it seems like an appropriate and sensible idea.Old Carvel Hall, the pleasant little town of Annapolis, swimming, golfing, sightseeing, perfect weather, our own people and the fine arrangements made by the families Loveless and Broth were certain to result in a successful weekend. The business meeting was, as is normal, a thoroughly disorganized affair which, for some reason, always gets done whatever is necessary. No one could speak too highly of the tight discipline insisted upon by the Association High Command, as witnessed by President Ben's call to vote: "All of you who are going to vote say 'aye'." Honors were given Doug, as was proper and a committee was organized to consider 'awards to others. Then Ben ordered the 86 proof break and everybody was happy. The girls also had their business meeting. Apparently it was based on a much better agenda. At least the net result was prettier.
Upon arrival at Carvel Hall we found, sure enough, on the registration table, the famous profile on a plaque which was flanked by a single red rose and presided over by not one, but two beautiful ladies. (See BAG LUNCH, June-July issue of the CUB). However we must be honest and admit that we were so preoccupied by the pulchritude around us that we missed the table arrangement the first go around and a double take was necessary.
It was a grand party as the Lion said to Alice in his quaint doggerel: The party was snappy
The guests have now gone
Our friends were made happy
Except Mister Willcoxson.
NOTE: You can never understand this unless you were at Annapolis or are a member of the F.B.I.
Include a contribution for the Memorial Fund with your dues.
We hope that every member, ex-member, and would-be member will do his share in aiding our membership campaign. We know that Joe Matthews and the many fine, dedicated members who have preceded him as Membership Chairmen have devoted many hours of serious thought and effort to their duties. Hardly a one of us is not indebted to one of them for a reminder that has enabled us to keep up the contacts that we all prize. We would urge those who have not been with us now for some time to look this issue of the CUB over very closely to see how the Association has improved as time has gone on. Is there another veteran's unit organization with such a solid record of accomplishment? To mention only a few of them, we have the erection and dedication of our Memorial at St. Vith, Belgium; the holding of sixteen consecutive annual conventions at points as far separated geographically as Philadelphia and Fort Worth, Chicago and Savannah ; the regular issuance of what we believe with sincere immodesty to be the finest of veterans' magazines; and the cooperation in the publication of "Lion In The Way," the history of the Division in World War II. Joining the Association is a privilege you should not deny yourself.After two years as editor, we believe that we have undergone a long enough period of basic training, going through the obstacle courses and infiltration courses that most of our readers can perhaps only guess at, so that we can endeavor to set up a somewhat definite schedule for the issuance of the CUB. Subject to various factors over which we sometimes have little control, we shall attempt to issue five CUB's yearly as follows: 20 September, 5 December, 20 February, 5 May, and 5 July. Of course, if some news should come along that could be better reported to our readers by varying one of these dates, we shall not hesitate to do so. How closely we are able to adhere to this schedule we will leave to you, our readers.
Don't fail to send in your dues if - you haven't already. This issue of the. CUB is the last reminder you will receive.
The Editor will welcome news of you, your family, and your old buddies. Include a picture if you have it.
Make Cleveland, in the heart of America, the heart of your vacation in 1963.
Doug and Isabel Coffey after presentation of the Order of The Golden Lion
As Doug Coffey Saw It Annapolis will go down in the annals of 106th Division Association history as one of the nicest, best planned Conventions to date.The Committee deserves the highest praise for a job well done. In my travels I don't think I heard one word of criticism.
As we approached Annapolis we were thinking of asking someone where Carvel Hall was located, when one of the children turned on the radio and the announcer said, "We are broadcasting from Carvel Hall, right here on King George Street." Then a voice came over the wireless which needed no introduction. There was old Tom Bickford explaining all about the 106th and its many activities and conventions. He has always been shy and reserved, but this time you should have heard him. He's going to be a candidate for President of the Association one of these fine days. He has turned it down before as not being able to speak but after this day he has no excuse.
Upon checking in we were greeted by the charming Eunice Broth, who with husband Henry and the Lovelesses were our host and hostess with the mostest.
There was the usual gathering of the clan in the lobby. Smiling Leo T. and his lovely Wilda. Who can remember all the names?
That night at the warm up party we put on a wing ding? buck and wing? or just what did you call it, General ? Who can forget Gary Hagman whirling his poor momma around that dance floor. Everywhere I looked someone was having a better time than someone else. No unhappy people there. Those that didn't get on the floor and make fools of themselves like I did, sat at their tables and made fools of themselves, rocking the chairs and tables to the tunes. Of course, we will have to admit, we are getting older; Jim
Wells went to bed early with most of us. There was no more singing, "I used to work in Chicago," "Roll me over, Yankee soldier." What's come over us?
You know, we should never have Conventions where they have "One Armed Bandits." I know quite a few" fellows and gals who lost an arm to these mechanical monsters. Typical of gambling, they let you win five nickels, then take fifty five nickels away.
Wasn't it nice to see Linda Rossi up and around after her siege in the Hospital? And she came with all the children too, sure took a lot of stamina for her but she like her husband Lou are tried and true 106ers. They epitomize the spirit of friendliness, mutual trust, love and affection that has grown with the years that the 106th has been joining together. How mellow General Jones and his lovely wife have become. They too came with their wonderful grandchildren and then on Saturday his son and wife came to swell our family groups.
Note that an old war horse who started this 106th of ours finally came back home, speaking of Herb Livesey, of course. Let's let bygones be bygones and re-activate the skill, stamina and wise knowledge of the past.
Who can forget Ben (Gravel Gertie) Hagman. The master showman at work, seeing to it everyone was comfortable, including the children. You would think it was his Convention in Texas all over again. Then too, young (?) Gary. What an ace in the hole this boy turned out to be. Those of you who knew him when he was a little monster with the Hamster at Columbus, could only show him the greatest love and respect. Ask the children about him. The way he took them in tow and kept them laughing and enjoying every bit of it! I'm sure he could have gone to the local Club and been a celebrity as a brother of Larry Hagman, the actor and radio announcer,
but he chose to stick by his 106th friends. We saw in action the making of a man. I think he danced with all the wee ones as well as some pretty nice looking teen-agers. We will have to watch this boy. He has a lot of talent and personality and will go places. One of the most impressive Memorial Services was held in St. Andrews Chapel at the Naval Academy. It was well attended and I am sure the 106th made its usual fine impression on the persons attending as guests and also on the persons permitting the use of the facilities.
A wonderful time was had by all visiting the Academy, with its Museum, the conditioning of the Plebes, Bancroft Hall, the sore feet and all. Good old Marcellus, our guide, waiter, maƮtre de, ancient mariner and who knows what else? He was fabulous to our group and especially the children. He could easily be the Pied Piper of Hamlin and carry off our children; such was his charm and manner. The meals that were planned and served by Carvel Hall were excellent and again the Committee is to be praised. All of it was topped off by the Banquet and dance Saturday evening.
I repeat what I said at the dinner when the Association saw fit to present me with the Golden Lion Award. I feel very humble and yet thankful to the Association for giving me the opportunity to represent them in the Dedication of our Monument in Belgium. All the time of planning, with its disappointments, the headache and heartache, that went with each change was easy to bear because I knew that I had the best wishes and prayers of the members and with God's helping hand we were able to complete a noteworthy project of which we can all be proud.
The Convention came to official close with breakfast Sunday morning, and it is amazing that so many were able to be there for breakfast. DSC
Undoubtedly the finest surprise of the convention was the splendid assistance shown in every way by Marcellus, the chief of services at Carvel Hall. He is an elderly colored gentleman who has been employed there for nearly fifty years. He added much wit and color to the convention. He was at every function as supervisor and kept all well entertained with his many stories. On the tours of the State House and Naval Academy, his comments were interesting, informative, and studded with humor.It is reported that many were playing golf at the Country Club on Friday afternoon, but there is some doubt as to the game being attempted by Henry Broth and Marty Dever.
The ladies who took the walking tour of the Naval Academy showed that they pay attention to their husband's infantry training by taking off their shoes at the first opportunity during their ten minute break.
The sherry hour held for the ladies featured two Charles of the Ritz cosmetologists demonstrating the proper method of make-up. Among the women who were so beautified were Helen Hatch, Jean Schutte, Linda Rossi, Mrs. McMahon, and Kay Loveless. They all looked like dolls.
The weather man cooperated beautifully except for a dreary,
cloudy, and rainy Sunday morning. For all the outdoor functions, the committee had ordered and received perfect weather.
Annapolis was a happy choice for the convention. The Naval Academy alone would have been a great attraction, but the city itself is quaint and historic. All the sites of interest, including the State House and the Naval Academy, were within easy walking distance. Some of the members report that their wives found out soon that the shopping district was also within easy walking distance.
There were more steps to be climbed at Carvel Hall than hills in the Tennessee Maneuver Area. The observant Frances Smyth, wife of Les (Div Arty), reports that there were 20 steps up from ground level to the lobby floor, two more flights of 12 each to the second floor, and two more flights of twelve and ten to the third floor.
Thursday evening's square dance was a real ice breaker. The floor was filled the whole evening with youth, age, and everything in between. Three-year old House from Jacksonville was a hit, and so was thirty-nine year old Leo McMahon doing an hour long Virginia Reel with Isabel Coffey. The real pros of the square dancing circuit, though, turned out to be Bill Manahan and his wife.
Carol Beals sat out the afternoon of swimming at the Country Club. She reported that because she and John flew instead of driving, she could not bring her bathing suit on account of a weight limitation on baggage. We didn't know that airline scales weighed to such a small tolerance.
Lou Rossi's friend, Dannie Ferrari, showed up wearing a brilliant scarlet sports shirt. He was adopted by the Division Artillery and voted an honorary membership.
Doug Coffey gave a fine account of what he went through in getting plans for the dedication of the Memorial approved and then in flying to Belgium and getting them carried out. The award to him of the Order of the Golden Lion, Commander Class, is a small token of our thanks to him. Only by his fortitude and doggedness was he successful in carrying it through to such a successful finale. Henceforth in these pages, he will be referred to as Douglas S. Coffey, C.O.G.L. (Commander, Order of the Golden Lion).
We were happy to see Colonel and Mrs. Bob Stout in attendance once more. Accompanying them this year was the attractive widow of Brig. Gen. Francis Oxx, West Point '20.
The Convention Committee owes a vote of thanks to our genial Division Engineer, Tom Riggs. He called in from Cambridge, Maryland to offer the use of a fiber-glass boat for a
The Official Greeters singing their welcome: Rita Kay Broth, Althea Loveless, Kay Loveless, and Ralph Broth
cruise. We were happy that he could come in for the afternoon of swimming, the clambake, and the Memorial Service.
The Convention Committee as one of the promised surprises gave each person attending the convention an attractive white china ash tray with the gold lettering, "106th, Annapolis, Maryland, July 27, 28, 29, 1962." They were such a fine souvenir that many members purchased extras.
The attractive printed program was in blue on white slick paper. On the front cover were cuts of the 106th Division Memorial at Saint Vith and the inscription on the bronze plaque reproduced from the April-May issue of the CUB. On page two was listed the program of events and page 3 the Memorial Service. On the back was a reproduction of a letter of welcome from the Honorable J. Millard Tawes, Governor of Maryland, recalling that we had met in the state once before, in 1951.
At the annual reunions of Service Battery 592d Field Artillery held at Hershey, Pennsylvania on the Sunday before Labor Day, Tom Dorosky and Leo McMahon have always been selling those present on how wonderful the Division Reunions really are. It finally paid off. This year Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Sgrignoli of Camp Hill, Pennsylvania were present. Seeing them at the square dance, everyone knew they were enjoying it. Tom was there until after the banquet on Saturday night. He left then to drive back home with his brother who had been at the XIII Corps reunion in Washington.
The Jones boys who flew to Fort Worth for last year's reunion and appeared at the Weatherford rodeo to loud applause were at Annapolis with a greatly enlarged entourage. Grandpa Alan and Grandma Alys appeared on Friday morning. Instead of leading a CUB on a chain as everyone expected after reading of her conversations with him in the last two CUBS, Alys appeared with two grandsons, who distinguished themselves at the Country Club with their diving and golfing. Colonel Alan, Jr., arrived for the Saturday night banquet with two lovely ladies, his wife Lynn and his daughter Nan.
Many other families emulated the Division Commander by turning out with 100% of their families also. It is really getting to be a family affair at these reunions, and the Committees always arrange special features for the children. So bring along your whole family and attend the next reunion in Cleveland, Ohio in July, 1963.
We crowned a lady champion in Flo Bickford several years ago. Now, since Jack Gillespie was unable to make it to Annapolis, her husband, Tom Bickford of Division Headquarters Motor Pool becomes the only Division member to have attended every one of our sixteen reunions. Our hats are off to both these fine people. We look forward to seeing them next year in Cleveland.
When some of the men showed up for the tour of Annapolis wearing shorts, we were no longer the "Hungry and Sick." We are now revealed as downright emaciated. After the charge of Knobby Knees Fant and his
cohorts, Annapolis will never be the same.
Throughout the entire time at Annapolis, a few things were consistently evident: the warm, informal hospitality of the two host couples, Kay and John Loveless and Eunice and Henry Broth, the fine accommodations and food at Carvel Hall, and the extraordinary friendliness of every member in attendance. It is dangerous to compare one convention with another, but the members never seemed to have been so aware of having so many friends at the convention as at Annapolis. What could be more important to the purposes and future of our Association than a strong feeling of friendliness among the members.
Ben Hagman did his usual fine jolt of handling the business meetings and getting the final evening off to a good-humored start. Everyone was pleased to have the honor of the presidency passed on to the hard working Henry Broth.
Rather than being an anticlimax, the Sunday morning breakfast was well attended and provided, with John Loveless's invocation and the generally subdued atmosphere after the previous evening's party, a quiet opportunity to greet each other and to say goodbye to the group.
After attending the convention, Adjutant Dick DeHeer went on to Williamsburg, Virginia. He reports that the Lodge there would be an ideal spot for a convention with a pool, golf, tennis, good rooms and good food at prices below highway motels. He completed transcribing his notes for the minutes and various reports at pool-side there.
Brigadier General Herbert T. Perrin, Assistant Divisional Commander during most of the life of the 106th Infantry Division and for a short time Division Commander, passed away at his home in Gambier, Ohio on 9 June of a stroke suffered on 6 June. General Perrin never regained consciousness after the stroke. Funeral services were held in the Kenyon College chapel on 10 June and his body shipped to Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia for burial.On 12 June his funeral was held at Arlington with full military honors. His casket was drawn from the cemetery headquarters to the grave site in Section 2 on a caisson by six gray horses with three drivers and a chief of section. The procession included a military band and a detachment of troops from the 3d Infantry (which was attached to the 106th in the Spring of 1945) followed by a soldier
bearing the general's one star flag and a trooper leading a riderless saddled horse.
The casket was taken from the caisson and carried to the grave by six military pallbearers. There, in the presence of the mourners and with the troops at attention, the burial service was read by Major General Luther D. Miller, U. S. Army, (Retired), a former Chief of Chaplains and a close friend of General Perrin. The service was followed by the firing of an 11 gun salute, three rifle volleys, and the playing of Taps. The flag covering the casket was folded by the pallbearers and given to Chaplain Miller who presented it to General Perrin's daughter, Mrs. O. C. (Susanne) Raup.
In addition to the daughter, General Perrin is survived by one son, Herbert T, Jr., of Chicago. He was preceded in death by his wife who died in an automobile accident in September 1960. She is buried at his side in Arlington. Mourners from the 106th Infantry Division included Major General Alan W. Jones, Division Commander; Brig-Gen. Leo T. McMahon, Division Artillery Commander; Lt. Col. Louis Russo, Asst. Adjutant General ; Lt. Col. Strong, Aide de Camp to General Perrin; and Bill Fowler, former Treasurer of the 106th Infantry Division Association. There was a floral tribute at the grave from the Association.
Former Tec 4 Raymond Berry, Service Co., 423d Infantry, of Lawrence, Massachusetts passed away recently at his home. Ray served with the 106th during its entire span of service and during most of that time was in charge of the 423d regimental mail room.This genial Irishman was a favorite among all who served with him. Ray loved people and was devoted to his wife and children, who survive. (SC)
Fifteen Years Ago The first convention of the 106th Infantry Division Association is now history. The Division captured Indianapolis without firing a shot.New officers elected for the coming year were David S. Price, President (re-elected) ; Kenneth Perry, vice president; Arthur McCathran, secretary-treasurer. Among the directors elected were: Dave Brumhagin, Bob de Saint Aubin, Durward Frampton, Jr., Ben Hagman, Jim Hatch, Herbert Perrin, Dave Price, Glen Schnitzlein, and Bob Stout.
Attendance at the convention included members from Portland, Me.; Portland, Ore.; Minnesota, Texas, and the Philippines! Wire after wire was received from members who could not be present.
The Order of the Golden Lion, Commander Class, was awarded to Cedric Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Durward Frampton, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. William R. Simpson.
Ten Years Ago At the glorious Baltimore convention, Jim Wells of Hepzibah, Georgia, was elected president for the coming year. Dave Brumhagin was named adjutant, and Doug Coffey CUB editor. The membership for the coming year is only 33 short of the final total for the year 1951-1952.
Five Years Ago Newly elected president Dick DeHeer says he is especially happy to have been elected the year that May-dean and Jim Wells ran an "out of this world" convention at Savannah.
Adjutant Austin Byrd reported that the 1956-1957 year ended with 254 members, just 3 short of the previous year. Treasurer Robert Kelly reports a net gain for the year (aside from the Memorial Fund) of $101.68.
106th Infantry Division Association
Financial Report
Fiscal Year 1961-1962
RECEIPTS:Dues $1,005.(X)
Auxiliary dues 78.00
Memorial fund contributions 204.50
Profit New Jersey Dec. 16 Dinner ....... 20.50
Christmas Greeting in the C:1.113 17.00
Sale of "Lion In The Way" 85.00
TOTAL $1,410.00
T. Wayne Black, Aug.-Sepu. CUB $ 199.96
Richard DeHeer, Division History ........ 83.75
John Loveless, Postage 20.00
Letter Service Co., Addressograph Plaues 86.00
Addressograph Machine & Equip. Corp., Addressograph Machine 205.35
T. Wayne Black, Oct.-Nov.-Dec. CUB .... 154.17
T. Wayne Black, Jan.-Feb. Mar. CUB .... 108 35
T. Wayne Black, April-May CUB 169.24
Robert Stoll, Golden Lion Medal 13.50
T. Wayne Black, June-July CUB 104.04
John T. Loveless, Jr., Flowers for General Perrin 13.77
Richard DeHeer, Addressograph Plates, Postage, Stationery 67.68
TOTAL ......................................$1,225.81
Bank Balance 15 July 1961 $3,119.43
Bank Balance 1 July 1962 3,506.84
The above balance includes General Fund and Memorial Fund.
Remember how grateful you were to the buddy who told you about the 106th Infantry Division Association? Give one of your buddies a chance to feel that grateful towards you. Write him a letter today.
Part of the squares at the Square Dance
(Editor's note -- We continue here Ed Prewett's letter home which we started in the June-July, 1961 issue of the CUB. We hope to be able to continue it from time to time as space permits as a reminder that our service time wasn't all KP, Tennessee maneuvers, and USO dances).Once again before we left the station we were served coffee and doughnuts. This time by little red headed Scotch lassies - Red Cross once again. They were darlings. Someday I'd like to go back to Scotland. The country just seemed to be alive with rosy cheeked healthy little children. We figured them to be the evacuated children from London, etc.
Our destination before daylight the next morning turned out to be a little town in Oxford county with quite a famous name - Banbury. I dropped a hint to Sis at the the time. There is some poem: "Something about riding a horse to Banbury Cross to see a fair maiden. She has rings on her fingers and bells on her toes and she shall have music wherever she goes (or something)." Tried to memorize it, but have had so many things to remember, it didn't stick very well. Our homes while there were some old factories, etc., which had had been fixed up with double decker chicken wire beds. These same billets (as the English call them) were used by the D-Day invasion soldiers, while they were awaiting that eventful day.
I've told you all about Banbury and its people and pubs, etc. We stayed there about a month getting our land legs back and toughening up by breaking our feet down hiking all over the English countryside on hard pavements. The hikes were long, but they wouldn't have been so hard if we wouldn't have had to stay on the roads. We had our Thanksgiving turkey
there, and I celebrated my 23rd birthday.
Around the end of the month we packed up and left. Had a few dry runs to throw any enemy off the track, then one night slipped away. Down to Southampton and onto another Limey boat. This time the "Chesire" was our home for a few days. This little English boat was manned almost entirely by Indians. The damned Limeys like to use someone else for their hazardous duties. The trip was short, but we had to land in LST's, which would run right up onto the beaches. We had to wait for the water to be very calm. So we stayed on board quite a few days. We landed at Le Havre on the 6th of December. Just 6 months after D-Day. We say we landed on D +6. We don't have to tell them that the 6 stands for 6 months. There we boarded trucks and took off. We had heard all kinds of rumors as to where and how we would spend the night. It had rained for quite a few days. So all along the way the trucks would stop and then go on again. Each time we'd make cracks about -- no, this can't be the place, the water is only 3 feet deep, etc.
Finally we arrived -- naturally after dark and it was raining cats and dogs. We picked out our spot to pitch tents by feeling out a clear spot in the dark in what had been very recently used as a cow pasture. Then the details flew thick and fast. We spent two days there. "There" this time is Yerville (or Yersville or something close to that). I doubt if it's on any map either. But that's where I got my first taste of cognac. I was on a detail, which took me to the town, so-o-o-o. There also we received our arctics
(galoshes). I lost out there because I was on detail and when I got back all that were left were size 7's. You know what good those would do a Prewitt's feet. Right there was the start of foot trouble. We also got paid there. Our first contact with the Wall Paper francs. They really came in all shapes and sizes, From there headed North and ran into our first snow. We were soaked from sleeping in the rain and everything was damp and over-crowded on the trucks. The cold really hurt. We spent one night traveling all night and the next night we landed in the Huertegen Forest, in the dark as usual. We were getting used to that by now. All in all we were on the road about two days and one night. A lot of the fellows suffered from cramps, etc. Well, our new home was covered with snow. I hadn't had much experience with it and was kind of scared of it. But we made out all right. We only stayed there a couple of days, while our officers went up on the line and found out the situation. They came back with good stories. "It's a quiet front. We send out patrols in the day time, and they send them out at night, so that they'll never meet, etc." Well, you know the story -- it's been written up enough.
(To be continued)
Some of the children around the cannon at the State House
JULY 25 TO 28, 1963
Index for: Vol. 19, No. 1, Aug, 1962
Index for This Document
106th Div., 7, 8, 233rd Inf., 24
423rd Inf., 25
806th Ord. Co., 10
Banbury, 27
Banbury Cross, 27
Barnett, Mr. & Mrs. Herold A., 10
Beals, Carol, 22
Beals, John, 6
Beals, John D. & Carol, 10
Belgium, 12, 17, 20, 22, 29
Berry, Raymond, 25
Besley, Floyd G. & Betty, 10
Bickford, Flo, 23
Bickford, Tom, 2, 6, 8, 18, 23
Bickford, Tom & Flo, 10
Black, T. Wayne, 12, 26
Black, Wayne, 1, 6, 7, 8, 12
Broth, Eunice, 18
Broth, Eunice & Henry, 24
Broth, Henry, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 21, 24
Broth, Henry M., 1, 11
Broth, Henry M. & Eunice, 10
Broth, Ralph, 22
Broth, Rita Kay, 1, 22
Broth, Stewart, 10
Brown, John, 8
Brumhagin, Dave, 25
Bryant, Jack, 6
Bryant, Jack & Emily, 10
Byrd, Austin, 26
Camp Lucky Strike, 12
Codella, Pat, 10
Coffey, Doug, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 18, 22, 25, 29
Coffey, Doug & Isabel, 17
Coffey, Doug & Isabelle, 10
Coffey, Douglas S., 3, 12, 13, 22
Coffey, Isabel, 22
Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Sherod, 10
Collins, Sherod, 1, 3, 6, 8
DeHeer, Dick, 1, 6, 12, 24, 25
DeHeer, Dick Marj & Ricky, 10
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 8, 26
DeLaval, Dr., 7, 8, 13
Delaval, Dr. Maurice, 13
Demarca, Michael & June E., 10
Dever, Martin, 6
Dever, Martin & Dorothy, 10
Dever, Marty, 21
Div. Artillery, 22, 25
Div. Arty, 10, 22
Div. Engr., 22
Div. HQ, 23
Division History, 26
Dorosky, Tom, 10, 23
Early, Mr. & Mrs. John, 10
Fant, Harris T., 10
Ferrari, Dannie, 7, 22
Ferrari, Mr. & Mrs. D., 10
Fort Jackson, 12
Fort Jackson, South Carolina, 12
Foster, Cedric, 25
Fowler, Bill, 25
Fowler, Bill & Mary, 10
Frampton, Durward, 25
Frampton, Mr. & Mrs. Durward, 25
Gillespie, Jack, 8, 23
Gilley, Prof., 12
Glen, Bruce F. & Ruth, 10
Hagman, Ben, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 24, 25
Hagman, Ben & Juanita, 10
Hagman, Ben (Gravel Gertie), 18
Hagman, Gary, 18
Hagman, Larry, 18
Hatch, Helen, 21
Hatch, Jim, 6, 25
Hatch, Jim & Helen, 10
Hazen, Mrs. Lee, 10
Hoffman, Mrs. Ella, 10
House, Mr. & Mrs. Pete, 10
House, Pete, 6, 7
Huertegen Forest, 29
Johnson, Bill, 10
Jones, Alan, 6
Jones, Gen., 7, 18
Jones, Maj. Gen. & Mrs. Alan W., 10
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan W., 25
Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Alan W., 10
Kay, Ralph & Rita, 10
Kelly, Chaplain, 12
Kelly, Robert, 26
Kramer, Miss Mary Ann, 10
Lada, Theodore & Lois A., 10
Landwehr, Mrs. Virginia, 10
LeHarve, 28
Lion In The Way, 10, 12, 17, 26
Livesey, Herb, 7, 8, 18
Livesey, Herbert, 10
Loveless, Althea, 10, 22
Loveless, Chaplain John, 1, 5
Loveless, John, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 24, 26
Loveless, John T., 11, 15, 26
Loveless, John T. & Kay, 10
Loveless, John T., Jr, 15, 26
Loveless, John T., Jr., 15, 26
Loveless, Kay, 10, 21, 22
Loveless, Kay & John, 24
Manahan, Bill, 22
Manahan, Mr. & Mrs. William T., 10
Matthews, Joe, 6, 7, 8, 17
Matthews, Joe & Anna, 10
McCathran, Arthur, 25
McMahon, Brig. Gen. & Mrs. Leo T., 10
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo T., 25
McMahon, Gen., 7, 12
McMahon, Leo, 6, 8, 12, 22, 23
McMahon, Leo T., 12
McMahon, Mrs., 21
Middleton, Jack, 6, 8
Middleton, Jack A., 10
Miller, Chaplain, 25
Miller, Maj. Gen. Luther D., 25
Monahan, Col., 8
Mowlds, Lyle, 6
Mowlds, W. Lyle, 10
Order Of The Golden Lion, 3, 5, 7, 8, 13, 22, 25
Oxford, 27
Oxx, Brig. Gen. Francis, 22
Oxx, Mrs. Katherine M., 10
Paul, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E., 10
Perrin, Brig. Gen. Herbert T., 11, 24
Perrin, Gen., 8, 24, 25, 26
Perrin, Herbert, 25
Perry, Kenneth, 25
Pierce, Bob, 6, 8, 12
Pierce, Bob & Jean, 10
Pierce, Bobby, 10
Pierce, Charlotte, 10
Pierce, Debbie Sue, 10
Pierce, Myron, 10
Pierce, Robert, 1
Prewett, Ed, 26
Price, Dave, 25
Price, David S., 25
Rarick, Clayton, 6, 8
Rarick, Clayton F., 11
Raup, Mrs. O. C. (Susanne), 25
Reunions, 23
Riggs, Tom, 11, 22
Ross, Miss Jeanne, 11
Rossi, Billy, 11
Rossi, Linda, 18, 21
Rossi, Lou, 6, 7, 22
Rossi, Lou & Linda, 11
Rossi, Louis, 11
Rossi, Maria, 11
Rossi, Steve, 11
Russo, Lt. Col. Louis, 25
Ryan, Chaplain, 5
Schnitzlein, Glen, 25
Schutte, Jean, 21
Schutte, Phillip & Jean, 11
Sgrignoli, Mr. & Mrs. Michael G., 11, 23
Simpson, Mr. & Mrs. William R., 25
Smith, Charles L., 11
Smyth, Frances, 22
Smyth, Lester & Fran, 11
Snyder, Walter M., 11
Southampton, 28
St. Vith, 5, 7, 8, 12, 17, 23, 29
St. Vith, Belgium, 3, 12, 13, 17
Stoll, Robert, 26
Stout, Bob, 25
Stout, Col. & Mrs. Bob, 22
Stout, Col. & Mrs. Robert P., 11
Strevig, Chaplain, 5, 12
Strevig, Col. John R., 5
Strong, Lt. Col., 25
Sylvester, Mr. & Mrs. Ken, 11
Tawes, J. Millard, 23
Terrio, H. J. & Luvelle, 11
Timmerman, Mr., 5
Vial, Dr. & Mrs. H. R. W., 11
Vielsalm, Belgium, 13
Walden, Larry, 8
Wells, Jim, 1, 6, 7, 8, 11, 25
Wells, May-Dean & Jim, 25
Woerner, David, 11
XIII Corps, 23
Yersville, 28
Yerville, 28