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106th Infantry Division Association - Index Starting With Kacprowicz, Adam Anthony

Index To Vol. 1 thru Vol. 79, No. 3 (Dec. 2023) -- Updated: 12/17/2024

Combined Index to 106th Inf. Div. 'The CUB' Magazines

Names:   1-9   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Format description: i.e. 21-2, 23-4; means Vol. 21, No. 2; Vol. 23, No. 4, etc.

Kacprowicz, Adam Anthony ---  Roster  
Kaczka, Leonard ---  Roster  
Kaczmarski, Stanley T. ---  Roster  
Kadke, Gill, Mr. & Mrs. ---  37-1  
Kadlecik, John ---  Roster  
Kaedam, Henry ---  Roster  
Kahahelis, Theodore ---  Roster  
Kahan, Abraham ---  Roster  
Kahler, Ben ---  Roster  
Kahler, John K. ---  Roster   5-4   12-3   13-2   14-2   15-2   17-2   18-4   45-4   52-1   53-1   54-1   58-2  
Kahley, John A. ---  Roster  
Kahley, Joseph A. ---  51-4  
Kahley, Joseph A., Jr. ---  Roster  
Kahley, Joseph S., Jr. ---  56-1  
Kahn, Martin S. ---  Roster  
Kahn, Reinhold W. ---  Roster  
Kahn, Richard W. ---  Roster  
Kahn, William R. ---  Roster   4-1  
Kail, Raymond Ross ---  Roster  
Kain, Robert E. ---  Roster  
Kaiser, Bernard ---  7-6  
Kaiser, Bernard Jerome ---  Roster  
Kaiser, Bob ---  11-5  
Kaiser, Bob, Mr. & Mrs. ---  16-1  
Kaiser, Gerald ---  Roster  
Kaiser, John, Mrs. ---  23-3  
Kaiser, Paul J. ---  37-1  
Kaiser, Ralph ---  47-1  
Kaiser, Robert ---  6-2  
Kaiser, Robert Warren ---  Roster  
Kaiserslauten, Germany ---  60-4  
Kaiserslautern ---  45-2   45-4   47-1  
Kai-Shek, Chiang ---  6-1  
Kakal, Charles J. ---  26-3  
Kal, John ---  Roster  
Kalal, Charles ---  14-6   17-3  
Kalal, Charles J. ---  Roster   14-4   15-2   18-2   21-4   22-4   24-3   28-3   30-1  
Kalal, Charles, Mr. & Mrs. ---  15-1  
Kalber, Norman C. ---  Roster  
Kalberg, Charles W. ---  Roster  
Kalich, Peter P. ---  Roster  
Kalin, T. K. ---  37-2  
Kalinowski, Max T., Jr. ---  Roster  
Kall River ---  60-4   63-1  
Kall River Gorge Trail ---  63-1   63-2  
Kalnes, John ---  Roster   30-3   31-2  
Kalthoff, Frederick W. ---  Roster  
Kam, Sharon ---  53-1  
Kamenz ---  3-5  
Kames, Herbert M. ---  Roster  
Kametler, William F. ---  Roster  
Kamholz, Jack Henry ---  Roster  
Kaminski, Chester A. ---  Roster  
Kaminski, James J. ---  Roster  
Kaminski, John ---  Roster  
Kaminski, Steve ---  71-1  
Kaminsky, Robert W. ---  Roster   14-1   14-2   15-2  
Kamm, Edward W. ---  Roster   6-3  
Kammerer, Bill, Col. ---  42-3  
Kammerer, Col. ---  42-3  
Kammerer, Fred R. ---  Roster   6-4  
Kammertrie, Bob ---  58-2   58-3  
Kamont, Stanley S. ---  Roster  
Kampen, Percy R. ---  Roster  
Kampfgruppe Kuhne ---  52-1  
Kampfgruppe Peiper ---  59-1   59-2   63-1   63-2   63-3   78-2  
Kampgruppe Peiper ---  52-2   57-2   59-2  
Kandarian, Harold ---  Roster  
Kane, Earl ---  37-2  
Kane, Ed ---  66-1  
Kane, Elois ---  37-2  
Kane, Eloise ---  34-1   36-3  
Kane, Eloise, Mrs. ---  43-3   53-1  
Kane, James & Eloise ---  34-1  
Kane, James J. ---  Roster   33-1   33-2   34-1   35-1   36-1  
Kane, James J., Mr. ---  34-1  
Kane, James, Mrs. ---  35-1  
Kane, Joseph A., Jr. ---  Roster  
Kane, Kenneth H. ---  Roster  
Kane, Patricia ---  65-3  
Kane, Roger ---  39-1  
Kane, Roger & Patricia ---  46-2  
Kane, Roger M. ---  Roster   36-1   37-2   40-3   43-3   65-3  
Kane, Roger M. & Patricia ---  39-1   46-1  
Kane, Roger M., Sgt. ---  3-7  
Kanjorski, Paul E. ---  42-4  
Kanners, Victor ---  Roster  
Kantecki, Joseph ---  Roster  
Kantor, David ---  Roster  
Kantor, unk ---  Roster  
Kantz, Lt. ---  14-6  
Kapalama ---  63-4  
Kapian, Casimir B. ---  Roster   51-1  
Kaplan, Abraham ---  Roster   3-7  
Kaplan, Albert ---  Roster  
Kaplan, Ben ---  Roster   17-2  
Kaplan, Sol ---  Roster  
Kaplan, unk ---  Roster  
Kaplin, Benjamin ---  Roster  
Kaplin, Doris G. ---  14-4  
Kaplin, Leonard ---  7-2   14-4  
Kapsalis, Mr. & Mrs. ---  46-2  
Kapsalis, Thomas H. ---  Roster   44-4   69-2  
Kapsalis, Thomas H. & Stella ---  46-1  
Kaptor, Marcy ---  54-3  
Karabinchak, Michael, Jr. ---  Roster  
Karagianes, George Tom ---  Roster  
Kares, Charles ---  Roster   28-1  
Karger, Lawrence S. ---  Roster  
Karhulsa, Ted ---  Roster  
Karichner, Carson R. ---  Roster  
Karl Marx Stadt ---  47-2  
Karleskint, Susan ---  74-1  
Karl-Heinz, Noel ---  56-1  
Karlis, Evangelia-Vagie ---  72-2  
Karlovac, Yugoslavia ---  31-2  
Karlsbad ---  35-1   47-1   52-4   74-3  
Karlsdorf ---  7-2  
Karlsrhue ---  13-5   35-1  
Karlsrhue, Germany ---  68-2   68-2  
Karlsruhe ---  3-4   3-7   3-8   4-1   4-2   4-3   4-4   5-3   7-4   8-1   8-3   16-1   16-3   17-3   23-4   30-3   43-3   44-4   45-3   46-3   46-4   48-2   52-1   53-3   54-2   55-2   56-4   57-2   62-2  
Karlsruhe, Germany ---  3-2   4-1   4-2   5-3   16-1   17-3   23-1   29-1   34-2   37-1   48-2   53-3   55-2   72-3  
Karman, M. L. ---  Roster  
Karmik, Richard J. ---  Roster  
Karn, Robert Jacob ---  Roster  
Karnes, Herb ---  62-3  
Karnes, Herbert M. ---  Roster   44-3   66-1  
Karnosky, Frank ---  Roster  
Karnpfgruppe Peiper ---  42-4  
Karns, Russell J. ---  Roster   13-1   13-2   14-3   44-4   45-1   53-1   56-1  
Karp, Fred ---  4-2   4-3   4-4   5-4  
Karp, Fred B., Jr. ---  Roster  
Karpiel, John J. ---  Roster  
Karpine, Thomas ---  Roster  
Karpine, Tom ---  70-2  
Karr, Earl L. ---  Roster  
Karras, Elmer A. ---  Roster  
Karshain ---  39-2  
Karter, Maj. ---  3-2  
Karter, O. D. ---  3-10  
Karter, Oswald ---  5-2  
Karter, Oswald D., Maj. ---  3-7  
Karter, Oswald Drysdale ---  Roster  
Karter, Oswald Drysdale, Mr. ---  3-2  
Karth, James ---  46-2  
Karth, James F ---  53-1  
Karth, James F. ---  Roster   43-3   47-4   56-1  
Karutis, Bob ---  9-3  
Karutis, Robert J. ---  Roster   6-3   7-3   7-4  
Kasazka, Leonard C. ---  Roster   32-4  
Kasemeier, Carl E. ---  37-1  
Kaskowitz, Al ---  Roster  
Kaslin, Leonard J. ---  Roster  
Kasper, S. ---  Roster  
Kasperowicz, Jerome B. ---  Roster   44-1  
Kassel ---  19-5   48-4   50-2   51-1   65-1  
Kassel, Germany ---  69-3  
Kassel, Robert W. ---  47-4  
Kasserine Pass ---  41-2  
Kasten, Johann Carl Fredrich, IV ---  Roster  
Kastenbaum, Leon ---  Roster   6-1   8-2  
Kastenbaum, Leon, 1st Lt. ---  3-2   5-3  
Kastenbaum, Marvin ---  Roster   5-3  
Kastenbaum, Marvin, Mr. ---  8-2  
Kaster, Charles William ---  Roster  
Kaster, Theodore ---  Roster  
Kath, Albert ---  59-3  
Kath, Albert H. ---  54-3  
Kath, Albert H., Jr. ---  67-2  
Kath, Albert Herman, Jr. ---  Roster  
Kath, Albert, III ---  67-2  
Kath, Albert, Mr. & Mrs. ---  62-3  
Kath, Val ---  62-3  
Katimarie, Costa ---  37-3  
Katimaris, Costa ---  36-3   37-1   40-3   42-3  
Katimaris, Costas ---  47-4  
Katimaris, Costas 'Gus' ---  Roster  
Katouski, Ed ---  Roster   54-3  
Katscher, Carl E. ---  Roster  
Kattman, Russell E. ---  Roster  
Katz, Emil ---  Roster  
Katz, Lois & Toby ---  23-1  
Katz, Max ---  Roster  
Katz, Reuben (Doctor) ---  Roster  
Katz, Toby ---  22-1  
Kaudman, Arthur ---  Roster  
Kauff, Martha ---  76-3  
Kauffman ---  6-2  
Kauffman, Art ---  57-4   58-1  
Kauffman, Arthur W. ---  Roster  
Kauffman, G. ---  17-2  
Kauffman, George ---  35-2  
Kauffman, George H. ---  35-1  
Kauffman, Harry J., Jr. ---  Roster  
Kauffman, Leon ---  3-10  
Kauffman, Leonard ---  Roster  
Kauffman, Verlin ---  21-4   45-2   50-3   51-1  
Kauffman, Verlin D. ---  Roster   3-5   7-3   50-3   51-1  
Kaufman, Arthur ---  Roster  
Kaufman, Bernard ---  Roster   13-5  
Kaufman, Capt. ---  25-2  
Kaufman, G. ---  17-2  
Kaufman, Geo H. ---  36-1  
Kaufman, Geo. ---  22-1  
Kaufman, Geo. H. ---  9-4   32-1  
Kaufman, Geo. H., Mr. ---  34-1  
Kaufman, George ---  12-1   18-3   19-4   21-1   26-2   26-3   27-2   29-2   33-2   36-1   38-1   44-4   45-2  
Kaufman, George H. ---  Roster   3-10   4-5   7-4   11-2   13-2   14-2   14-3   15-2   18-3   21-4   22-4   24-3   28-3   30-1   31-1   32-2   33-1   34-1   36-2   36-4   37-1   40-1   41-2   43-3   44-4   45-1  
Kaufman, Harry B. ---  Roster  
Kaufman, Jacob ---  Roster   7-4  
Kaufman, John C. ---  Roster   4-5   6-2  
Kaufman, Lt. ---  3-8  
Kaufman, Paul I. ---  Roster  
Kaufman, Philip G. ---  Roster  
Kaufman, R. C. ---  32-3  
Kaufman, Richard C. ---  24-3   28-3  
Kaufman, Teddy Alton ---  Roster  
Kaufman, unk ---  Roster  
Kaufmann, R. C. ---  36-1  
Kaufmann, R. C., Mr. ---  34-1  
Kaufmann, Richard C. ---  25-2   26-3   28-3   30-1   31-1   33-1   35-1   37-1  
Kaufmann, Richard C. (G.?) ---  Roster  
Kaufmann, Richard C., Cpl. ---  3-4  
Kaulitz, Dale ---  64-2  
Kaulitz, Ronald ---  64-2  
Kaulitz, Ronald J. ---  Roster   57-1  
Kautz, Raymond S. ---  Roster   7-2   49-3  
Kavanaugh, Clyde C. ---  Roster  
Kavanaugh, Frank D., Jr. ---  Roster  
Kawa, Edward G. ---  Roster  
Kawtoski, Edward J. ---  50-1  
Kawtoski, Edward J., Sr. ---  Roster  
Kay, Ralph ---  Roster  
Kay, Ralph & Rita ---  18-1   19-1  
Kayna ---  69-2   69-3  
Kazakova, Mrs. ---  67-3  
Kazakova, Svetlana ---  67-3  
Keahl, Edward ---  44-2   46-2   61-2  
Keahl, Edward A. ---  Roster   42-3   43-3   44-2   49-1  
Keal, Archie Thomas ---  Roster  
Kean, Richard E. ---  Roster  
Kean, W. B. ---  Roster   33-2  
Keaney, Joseph M. ---  Roster  
Kear, Lloyd R. ---  Roster  
Kearney, Bernard M. ---  Roster  
Kearney, Joe ---  13-4  
Kearney, Joseph A. ---  Roster  
Kearns, John F. ---  Roster   53-3  
Keating, James A. ---  Roster  
Keating, Walter W. ---  Roster   4-1   56-4   57-1  
Keatts, Richard E. ---  Roster  
Keazing, Walter ---  Roster  
Keck, Charles L. ---  Roster  
Keck, Harrie Stanley ---  Roster  
Keckhut, Walter H. ---  Roster  
Kedell, Albert J. ---  Roster  
Kedzior, Charles ---  Roster  
Keeber Family ---  74-3  
Keeber, Anne ---  72-3   73-3   75-3   77-2  
Keeber, Annie ---  74-3   77-3  
Keeber, Bea ---  57-2   58-2   59-3   61-3   62-3   63-3  
Keeber, Beatrice ---  64-3   67-2   68-2   68-2   70-3   73-2   74-3   76-1   76-2   76-3   77-1   77-2   77-3   78-1   78-2  
Keeber, Beatrice F. ---  69-3   70-3   71-3   72-3   73-1   73-3   74-3   75-3  
Keeber, Beatrice Fulton ---  72-3   73-1   73-2   73-3   74-1   74-2   74-3   75-1   75-3   76-1   77-2   77-3   78-1  
Keeber, Bethanie ---  72-3   73-3   75-3   77-2  
Keeber, Bill ---  56-4   61-3   63-3   64-3   77-2  
Keeber, David ---  72-3   73-3   75-3   77-2  
Keeber, Gail ---  72-3   73-3   75-3  
Keeber, John ---  72-3   73-3   75-3   77-2  
Keeber, John W. ---  66-1  
Keeber, Willard (Bill), Dr. ---  62-3  
Keeber, Willard H. ---  56-4   57-1   61-4   64-3   70-3   77-3  
Keeber, Willard H., Pfc. ---  72-3   73-1   73-2   73-3   74-1   74-2   74-3   75-1   75-3   76-1   77-2   77-3   78-1  
Keeber, Willard Herman 'Willy' ---  Roster  
Keeber, Willard 'Willy' H. ---  70-3  
Keebler, Willard ---  64-3  
Keech, Ann Marie ---  59-1   78-3   79-1   79-2   79-3  
Keech, Ann Marie Bachmurski ---  56-1  
Keech, Francesca ---  67-1  
Keech, Jason ---  57-1  
Keech, Jason & Sarah ---  67-1  
Keech, Sarah ---  57-1  
Keefe, John J. ---  36-1  
Keefer, John J. ---  Roster  
Keefer, Ned ---  46-1  
Keefer, Robert E. ---  Roster  
Keefer, Wayne E. ---  Roster  
Keehler, Alfred ---  14-3  
Keeler, Earl R., Lt. ---  3-4  
Keeler, Earl Rollins ---  Roster  
Keeler, Ray C. ---  3-5  
Keeler, Ray, Pvt. ---  64-2   64-3  
Keeler, Roy ---  Roster  
Keeling, Barry, Brig. Gen. ---  69-3  
Keeling, Harold Russell ---  Roster  
Keen, Omar ---  Roster  
Keen, William R. ---  Roster  
Keenan, Peter E. ---  3-10   36-1   37-1   43-3   45-1  
Keenan, Peter Edward ---  Roster   44-3  
Keenan, Peter, Mr. & Mrs. ---  38-2  
Keene, Clarence Estle ---  Roster  
Keener, Francis E. ---  Roster   51-3  
Keener, Kenneth Edward ---  Roster  
Keesler Afb ---  67-3  
Kegerreis, Jr, Raymond D. ---  65-2  
Kegerreis, Jr., Raymond D. ---  64-3  
Kegerreis, Lucy Chambers ---  71-1  
Kegerreis, Raymond D. ---  61-4   62-4   67-1   71-1  
Kegerreis, Raymond D. & Mary Catherine ---  71-1  
Kegerreis, Raymond D. 'Jake', Jr. ---  71-1  
Kegerreis, Raymond D., Jr. ---  Roster   71-1  
Kehler, John K. ---  Roster  
Kehler, John K., Mrs. ---  3-2  
Kehneman, Richard C. ---  Roster  
Kehoe, Robert ---  28-1   29-1  
Kehoe, Robert D. ---  Roster   13-5  
Kehr, Germany ---  76-1  
Keibler, Roy W. ---  Roster  
Keiff, Vernon L. ---  Roster  
Keihlmeier, James ---  Roster   58-1  
Keihlmeier, Jan ---  58-1  
Keihlmeier, Jim ---  58-1  
Keihlmeier, Mary Ann ---  58-1  
Keilman, Elsby ---  26-2   27-2   28-3   30-1   31-1   32-1   33-1   33-4   43-3  
Keilman, Elsby H. ---  Roster   54-1  
Keitel, Field Marshal ---  36-2  
Keith, Damon ---  34-4  
Keith, Damon J. ---  33-2  
Keith, Leslie Jay ---  Roster  
Kekm, Arnold P. ---  Roster  
Kelch, Dorothy ---  42-3  
Kelch, Eugene ---  42-3   44-2   50-2   51-1   54-2  
Kelch, Eugene & Dorothy ---  42-2  
Kelch, Eugene B. ---  43-3   44-2   51-1   53-1   56-1   57-1  
Kelch, Eugene B. & Dorothy ---  46-1  
Kelch, Eugene B. & Dorothy J. ---  47-1  
Kelch, Eugene B., Jr. ---  Roster  
Kelch, Gene ---  46-2   49-1   51-2  
Kelkel, F., Rev. ---  27-4  
Kellams, Darrell ---  26-1   26-3   28-3   30-1   31-1   32-1   32-2   33-1   35-1   36-1  
Kellams, Darrell F. 'Kelly' (Doctor) ---  Roster  
Kellams, Darrell, Mr. ---  34-1  
Kelleher, Charles ---  76-2  
Kelleher, Harry ---  78-3  
Kelleher, Harry Clement, Jr. 'Kelly' ---  Roster  
Kelleher, Jeffrey ---  78-3  
Kelleher, Lucy ---  78-3  
Kelleher, Nathaniel ---  78-3  
Kelleher, Nicholas (Adele) ---  78-3  
Kelleher, Steven ---  76-2  
Keller, Bernard S. ---  Roster  
Keller, Carl P. ---  Roster  
Keller, Harold ---  Roster  
Keller, James Harrison ---  Roster  
Keller, Raymond ---  61-4   69-3  
Keller, Raymond C. ---  61-3  
Keller, Raymond Dayle ---  Roster  
Keller, Raymond G. ---  56-4  
Keller, Thomas O’Neil ---  Roster  
Keller, Vallis W. ---  Roster  
Kellett, Paul E. ---  Roster   48-1  
Kelley, Arland Clair ---  Roster  
Kelley, Charles ---  Roster  
Kelley, Col. ---  40-3  
Kelley, Edmond D. ---  Roster   12-1  
Kelley, Francis Leland ---  Roster  
Kelley, Frank ---  6-1  
Kelley, Frank Norman ---  Roster  
Kelley, Jack Cleveland., Jr. ---  Roster  
Kelley, James L. ---  Roster  
Kelley, John H. ---  Roster   27-1   28-1  
Kelley, Mortimer D. ---  Roster   4-2  
Kelley, Robert E. ---  44-1  
Kelley, Robyn ---  63-4  
Kelley, Thomas Paine ---  Roster  
Kelley, Wendell J. ---  Roster  
Kelley, William F. ---  Roster  
Kellogg, Robert H. ---  75-1  
Kellstrom, C. W. ---  16-1  
Kellstrom, C. W., Capt. ---  7-2  
Kellstrom, Carl ---  5-4   6-3  
Kellstrom, Carl W. ---  Roster   6-3   8-2  
Kellstrom, Carl W., Capt. ---  5-2  
Kelly, ‘Cowboy’ ---  46-1  
Kelly, Arland ---  Roster   6-1  
Kelly, Bob ---  6-6   7-1   7-2   7-3   7-4   7-5   8-1   8-2   8-4   8-6   9-1   10-3   12-1   14-1   14-2   15-1   15-2   15-3   15-4   15-5   16-2   16-3   17-1   17-3   18-1   22-1   23-1   26-2   28-1   30-1   34-3   35-3   39-1   39-3   41-2   42-1   42-2   45-3   47-3   50-2   51-4  
Kelly, Bob & Libby ---  13-2   41-1   47-4  
Kelly, Bob, Mr. & Mrs. ---  6-5   16-1   17-1  
Kelly, Byron W. ---  Roster  
Kelly, C. J. ---  66-1   72-1   75-3  
Kelly, C.J. ---  65-3   66-1   66-2   66-3   67-1   67-2   67-3   68-2   68-2   69-1   69-2   69-3   70-1   70-2   70-3   71-1   71-2  
Kelly, Chaplain ---  19-1  
Kelly, Chris 'Cj' ---  72-1   75-3  
Kelly, Col. ---  40-1   52-3   53-3   53-4   55-4   56-4   79-3  
Kelly, E. ---  11-1   22-2  
Kelly, E. D. ---  29-1  
Kelly, Ed ---  26-2   44-3   47-2   48-3   52-3  
Kelly, Edmond ---  43-3  
Kelly, Edmond D. ---  Roster   3-7   4-2   6-2   7-1   14-2   14-3   14-4   15-2   16-1   17-2   18-4   19-2   21-4   22-4   24-3   26-3   30-1   31-1   31-3   32-1   33-1   35-1   36-1   37-2   42-3   47-2   47-3   47-4   48-3   52-3   53-1   56-1  
Kelly, Edmond D., Cpl. ---  3-3  
Kelly, Edmond D., Mr. ---  34-1  
Kelly, Edmund D. ---  9-2   13-2  
Kelly, Edmund F. ---  Roster   21-4  
Kelly, Elizabeth ---  7-1   11-1   47-4  
Kelly, Elizabeth, Mrs. ---  11-1  
Kelly, Geo. S. ---  32-1  
Kelly, George ---  31-1   31-3   43-1   44-2   44-4   50-1  
Kelly, George & Emily ---  40-1  
Kelly, George S. ---  Roster   31-1   32-1   33-1   33-4   43-3   44-2   46-1   48-1   50-1   52-1   53-1   56-1  
Kelly, George S. & Emily ---  46-1  
Kelly, Gerald P. ---  Roster   4-2  
Kelly, Harold C. ---  Roster  
Kelly, Helen ---  76-1  
Kelly, J. H. ---  30-1   31-1  
Kelly, J., Mr. & Mrs. ---  21-1  
Kelly, Jack C., Jr. ---  Roster  
Kelly, Jack Douglas ---  Roster  
Kelly, James J. ---  Roster  
Kelly, James J., 1st Lt. ---  45-3  
Kelly, Jean & Paine ---  22-3  
Kelly, John ---  33-2   44-2   44-3   54-1   55-1   55-4   56-1   62-4   63-1  
Kelly, John & Virginia ---  34-1   35-3   35-4   36-2   40-1   41-3   45-2   56-2  
Kelly, John A. ---  Roster  
Kelly, John H & Virginia ---  29-3  
Kelly, John H. ---  Roster   28-3   32-2   33-1   35-1   35-2   36-1   37-2   43-3   44-2   53-1   63-1   67-3  
Kelly, John H., Mr. ---  34-1  
Kelly, John H., Mr. & Mrs. ---  33-1  
Kelly, John J. ---  Roster  
Kelly, John, Mr. & Mrs. ---  28-1  
Kelly, Joseph V. ---  Roster  
Kelly, Karen & Brian ---  80-2  
Kelly, Kenneth M. ---  Roster  
Kelly, Lib ---  23-1  
Kelly, Libby ---  14-1   16-2   35-3  
Kelly, Libby & Bob ---  17-5  
Kelly, Lt. Col. ---  6-1   35-1   53-1   54-1  
Kelly, Martin T. ---  Roster  
Kelly, Miss Patty ---  14-1  
Kelly, Mortimer D. ---  Roster   5-2  
Kelly, Oliver A. ---  Roster  
Kelly, Oliver A., Pfc. ---  3-3  
Kelly, Oscar L. ---  46-1  
Kelly, Oscar Lee ---  Roster  
Kelly, Paine ---  Roster   52-3   58-2  
Kelly, Paine, Col. ---  20-3  
Kelly, Peggy ---  57-2   58-2   59-3  
Kelly, R. E. (Libby), Mrs. ---  15-3  
Kelly, R. E., Mrs. ---  7-2  
Kelly, Raphael J. ---  Roster  
Kelly, Raymond C., Jr. ---  Roster  
Kelly, Robert ---  9-3   10-1   11-1   12-1   12-2   12-3   12-4   13-1   13-2   13-3   13-4   13-5   14-1   14-2   14-3   14-4   14-6   15-1   15-2   15-3   15-4   15-5   16-1   16-2   16-3   17-1   17-2   17-3   17-4   17-5   19-1   20-2   41-1   46-2   54-4   56-2   62-2   63-1  
Kelly, Robert E. ---  Roster   6-4   6-6   7-1   7-2   7-3   7-4   7-5   7-6   8-1   8-2   8-3   8-4   8-5   8-6   9-1   11-1   11-5   12-1   13-1   13-2   14-1   14-2   14-3   15-1   15-2   15-5   16-3   17-1   17-2   18-1   18-2   24-3   26-3   28-4   30-1   31-1   31-3   32-1   33-1   35-1   36-1   37-2   39-2   41-1   43-3   44-3   46-1   47-1   56-1  
Kelly, Robert E. (Elizabeth), Mrs. ---  6-4  
Kelly, Robert E. (Libby), Mrs. ---  14-2  
Kelly, Robert E., Mr. ---  34-1  
Kelly, Robert E., Mr. & Mrs. ---  8-1  
Kelly, Robert J. ---  Roster  
Kelly, Robert, Mr. & Mrs. ---  7-3   15-1  
Kelly, Robert, Mrs. ---  7-1   11-1  
Kelly, Robt. ---  20-2   26-2  
Kelly, Robt. E. ---  10-2  
Kelly, Russ ---  4-3   5-1   5-3   6-3   6-5   7-4   8-1  
Kelly, Russell ---  5-2   5-5   6-2   6-3  
Kelly, Russell A. ---  Roster  
Kelly, Russell D. ---  Roster   3-7   3-8   4-3   5-2   5-4   6-1   6-2   6-4   6-6   7-2   7-6   8-3   17-4  
Kelly, Russell, Sgt. ---  54-3  
Kelly, Sue ---  15-1  
Kelly, T. J., Lt. Col. ---  78-2  
Kelly, T. Paine ---  13-1   52-3   79-3  
Kelly, T. Paine, Col. ---  52-3   58-2  
Kelly, T. Paine, Col. & Mrs. ---  23-3  
Kelly, T. Paine, Jr. ---  64-3  
Kelly, T. Paine, Lt. Col. ---  26-2   53-3  
Kelly, T. Payne ---  43-3  
Kelly, T. Payne, Col. ---  14-2   15-2  
Kelly, T. Payne, Jr., Col. ---  13-2  
Kelly, T. Payne, Lt. Col. ---  54-1  
Kelly, Thomas P. ---  13-1   52-3  
Kelly, Thomas P., Jr. ---  52-3  
Kelly, Thomas P., Jr., Col. ---  7-4   52-3   72-1   75-3  
Kelly, Thomas P., Lt. Col. ---  36-2  
Kelly, Thomas Paine., Jr. ---  Roster  
Kelly, Thomas, Lt. Col. ---  67-2  
Kelly, Virginia & John ---  38-1  
Kelly, Virginia I. ---  67-3  
Kelly, William F. ---  Roster  
Kelly, William J. ---  Roster  
Kelly, William T. ---  Roster  
Kelly-Todd, Ginnie ---  67-3  
Kelpszas, Daniel D. ---  Roster  
Kelsey, Harmon ---  Roster  
Kelso, Mary ---  62-3   63-3  
Kelso, Murrel E. ---  Roster   52-1   54-1   61-2  
Kelton, Robert T. ---  Roster  
Kemp, ‘K’ 2 & Raymond ---  30-3  
Kemp, Brian ---  30-1   33-2   35-2   36-2  
Kemp, John ---  25-2   30-1   33-2   35-1   35-2   36-2  
Kemp, John, Thomas & Brian ---  34-3  
Kemp, Katheryn, Mrs. ---  43-3  
Kemp, Kathryn, Mrs. ---  34-3  
Kemp, Kay ---  30-1   37-1   56-2   57-2   58-2   59-3  
Kemp, Kay & Ray ---  35-2   36-2  
Kemp, Kay & Raymond ---  23-3   25-2  
Kemp, Kay (Loveless) ---  30-2   59-3  
Kemp, Kay Ii & Raymond ---  22-3  
Kemp, Kay Ii With Husband Ray ---  31-2  
Kemp, Kenneth W. ---  Roster  
Kemp, Lester M. ---  Roster  
Kemp, R. E, Mr. & Mrs. ---  38-1  
Kemp, R. F. ---  35-1   36-1  
Kemp, R. F.(Kathryn Loveless) ---  37-1  
Kemp, R. F., Mrs. ---  34-2  
Kemp, Ray ---  22-1   23-1   26-2   28-1   29-1   30-2   31-1   37-1   53-2   55-2   56-2   58-2  
Kemp, Ray & Kay ---  23-1   29-3   33-3  
Kemp, Ray & Kay (Loveless) ---  33-2  
Kemp, Ray & Kay 2 (Loveless) ---  32-1  
Kemp, Ray F. (K2), Mrs. ---  34-3  
Kemp, Ray, Mrs. ---  27-1  
Kemp, Raymond ---  24-1   25-1   30-1   30-3  
Kemp, Raymond & John Raymond ---  23-2  
Kemp, Raymond & K ---  32-3  
Kemp, Raymond & K Loveless ---  29-2  
Kemp, Raymond & K-2 Loveless ---  26-3  
Kemp, Raymond & Kay Loveless ---  28-3  
Kemp, Raymond F. ---  28-1   29-2  
Kemp, Raymond, Mr. & Mrs. ---  24-2   27-3   28-1  
Kemp, Raymond, Mrs. ---  25-2  
Kemp, Tom ---  33-2   35-2   36-2   56-2   57-2   58-2  
Kemp, Tommy"And Brian ---  42-4  
Kemper, John A. ---  5-3   45-4  
Kemper, John Aloys, Jr. 'Jack' ---  Roster  
Kempf, William B. ---  6-1  
Kempf, William B., Pfc. ---  3-2  
Kempf, William Bernard 'Bill' ---  Roster  
Kempf, William, Pfc. ---  3-7  
Kemple, Joseph M. ---  Roster  
Kenapenski, Michael ---  Roster  
Kendall, Delmar E. ---  Roster  
Kendall, Joseph W. ---  Roster  
Kendrick, C. L. ---  41-2   42-4  
Kendrick, Charles L. ---  Roster   41-2   42-1  
Kendrick, Charles L., Sr. ---  41-2  
Kenepensky, Michael ---  Roster  
Kenepensky, Mike ---  42-3  
Kenesha, "Thomas, Cpl. ---  47-1  
Keneshea, Thomas J. ---  Roster  
Kenne, Peter, Lt. Col. ---  20-3  
Kennedy, Brown L. ---  Roster   49-3   50-1   50-2   56-1  
Kennedy, Daniel V. ---  44-1  
Kennedy, Francis T. ---  35-1  
Kennedy, Frank C. ---  Roster  
Kennedy, Glen ---  6-4   8-1   8-6   9-1   10-1   10-2   11-1   12-1   13-2   13-3   14-2   15-3   30-1   31-1   32-1   33-2   48-3   50-1   51-1   51-2   52-2   53-3   60-3  
Kennedy, Glen N. ---  Roster   4-1   13-4   15-3   28-3   33-1   35-1   35-3   36-1   37-3   48-3   49-1   50-1   51-1  
Kennedy, Glen N., Mr. ---  34-1  
Kennedy, Glen, Mrs. ---  14-2  
Kennedy, Glen, T/Sgt. ---  28-1  
Kennedy, Glenn ---  13-1   14-1   42-3   44-2   60-3  
Kennedy, Glenn N. ---  7-3  
Kennedy, Glenn, Mr. & Mrs. ---  14-1  
Kennedy, Harold D., Jr. ---  Roster   7-6  
Kennedy, Hunter ---  71-2  
Kennedy, Jack & Ann ---  35-1  
Kennedy, James R. ---  Roster  
Kennedy, Jim ---  3-10  
Kennedy, John F. ---  Roster   17-5   20-3   25-2   27-3   28-2   34-4   51-1   52-4   59-3   70-3   74-1  
Kennedy, John J. ---  Roster  
Kennedy, Lowell L. ---  Roster   4-3  
Kennedy, Lulu (Biven) ---  71-2  
Kennedy, Mary ---  34-1  
Kennedy, Mary E. (Johnson) ---  71-2  
Kennedy, Mervin 'Jack' ---  71-2  
Kennedy, Mervin R. ---  71-2  
Kennedy, Mervin Rodney 'Jack' ---  Roster  
Kennedy, Miss ---  14-1  
Kennedy, Mrs. ---  4-3   13-3   14-1  
Kennedy, Pearl ---  42-3  
Kennedy, Pvt. ---  3-4  
Kennedy, Robert ---  51-1  
Kennedy, Robert W. ---  Roster   3-10  
Kennedy, Rodney L. ---  71-2  
Kennedy, Romona Y. (Maupin) ---  71-2  
Kennedy, Victor D. ---  Roster  
Kenney, Francis T. ---  Roster   13-2   14-2   15-2   17-2   24-3   26-3   28-3   32-1   33-1   36-1   37-1   43-3   51-3  
Kenney, Francis T., Mr. ---  34-1  
Kenney, Michael A. ---  Roster  
Kenny, Francis ---  31-1   58-2  
Kenopensky, Michael A. ---  Roster   9-4  
Kent, Col. ---  34-2   36-2   45-2  
Kent, James E. ---  Roster  
Kent, Lt. Col. ---  26-2   45-2  
Kent, Ltc. Tom ---  52-1  
Kent, Raymond ---  21-2  
Kent, Thomas ---  6-1   52-2  
Kent, Thomas L. ---  Roster   45-2  
Kent, Thomas, Col. ---  80-2  
Kent, Thomas, Lt. Col. ---  3-2   80-2  
Kenton, Stan ---  54-3  
Kenworthy, Richard H. ---  Roster  
Kenyan, Brian ---  67-1  
Kenyon, Beth ---  53-1  
Kenyon, James ---  9-3   45-3   46-2  
Kenyon, James F. ---  Roster   8-1   45-3   53-1   56-1  
Kenyon, Jim ---  6-6   49-4  
Kenyon, Jim & Lois ---  13-2  
Kenyon, John Bell Garrah ---  Roster  
Kenyon, Lois M. ---  53-1  
Kenyon, Ray L. ---  Roster  
Keossy, Vito V. ---  Roster  
Keough, James F. ---  Roster  
Kepenne, Jules ---  45-1  
Kephart, H. D. ---  30-1   32-1  
Kephart, Herb ---  67-1  
Kephart, Herbert D. ---  Roster   24-3   29-2   33-1   35-1   35-2   36-1   44-2  
Kephart, Herbert D., Mr. ---  34-1  
Kepner, unk ---  Roster  
Kerenemann, Robert C. ---  Roster  
Kerenfeld, Bertram H. ---  Roster  
Keres, Charles ---  Roster  
Kergerris, Ralph ---  Roster  
Kerin, Carl J. ---  Roster   51-2  
Kerl, Louis H. ---  Roster  
Kerlee, Jack ---  Roster  
Kerleo, Lloyd S. ---  Roster  
Kerlin, Dave ---  24-1  
Kerlin, James C. ---  Roster  
Kern, Samic H. ---  Roster  
Kernaghan, Warren A. ---  Roster  
Kernitskg, Leonard ---  14-3  
Kernitsky, Leonard ---  13-2  
Kernitzky, Cindy ---  72-2  
Kernitzky, Len ---  50-1   55-1   64-3  
Kernitzky, Lennie I. ---  50-1   52-1   53-1   55-1   66-1  
Kernitzky, Leonard I. ---  72-2  
Kernitzky, Leonard I. 'Lennie' ---  Roster  
Kernitzky, Leonard 'Lennie' ---  67-2  
Kernitzky, Robin ---  72-2  
Kerns, Leon ---  53-1   55-3   58-4   65-2  
Kerns, Leon J. ---  53-1  
Kerns, Leon Jay 'Pinky' ---  Roster   69-3  
Kerns, Tom ---  69-3  
Kerr, Allen ---  43-3   62-3  
Kerr, Allen W. ---  Roster   43-3   44-1   45-2   45-3   49-1   70-3   73-1  
Kerr, David ---  63-2  
Kerr, John, Mr. & Mrs. ---  20-3  
Kerr, Kenneth M. ---  Roster  
Kerr, Otto, Lt. ---  11-3  
Kersch, Jack J. ---  Roster   4-5  
Kersey, Laverne E. ---  Roster  
Kershner, Jesse ---  29-1   32-1   35-1   36-1   45-1   45-3   50-1   53-1   61-3  
Kershner, Jesse D. ---  43-3  
Kershner, Jesse O. ---  28-1   28-3   30-1   31-1   33-1   33-2   37-1  
Kershner, Jesse Oliver, Sr. ---  Roster  
Kershner, Jesse, Mr. ---  34-1  
Kersteiner, D. ---  17-2   19-2  
Kersteiner, Don ---  15-3   15-4   15-5   22-1   24-3   26-2   27-2   43-3   44-3   45-1   45-2   45-3   47-3   50-1   68-2   68-2  
Kersteiner, Don M. ---  15-3  
Kersteiner, Don W. ---  Roster   13-3   14-2   14-3   16-2   18-2   21-4   22-4   24-3   25-2   26-3   28-3   30-1   31-1   32-1   33-1   35-1   36-1   43-3   45-1   45-2   47-3   50-1   65-2   71-1  
Kersteiner, Don W. & Carol ---  46-1  
Kersteiner, Don W., Mr. ---  34-1  
Kersteiner, Donald & Carol ---  42-1  
Kersten, J. A. ---  7-2  
Kersten, Joe ---  20-2  
Kersten, Joseph ---  27-2  
Kersten, Joseph A. ---  Roster   3-8   5-5   6-2   7-2   8-6   13-2   14-2   14-3   15-2   17-2   18-2   19-2   21-4   22-4   24-3   26-3   28-3   30-1   31-1   31-3   32-1   33-1   35-1   36-1   37-1   74-2  
Kersten, Joseph A., Mr. ---  34-1  
Kersten, Joseph R. ---  9-1   43-3  
Kersteter, Ammon W. ---  59-3  
Kersteter, Ammon Warner ---  Roster  
Kerstetter, Lester T. ---  Roster  
Kerwin, Walter T., Jr. ---  31-3  
Keslin, Leonard J. ---  Roster  
Kesselsdorfer Strasse ---  56-3  
Kessinger, Manning Lynn ---  Roster  
Kessler, David ---  4-5  
Kessler, David, Mr. ---  3-3   8-2  
Kessler, Irving ---  3-7   18-3  
Kessler, Irving M. ---  Roster   4-1  
Kessler, Irving W. ---  Roster   17-2   18-2   18-3   22-4   24-3   26-3  
Kessler, Irving, 1st Lt. ---  3-4  
Kessler, Mr. ---  4-5  
Kessler, Robert E. ---  Roster   4-5   6-1   8-2  
Kessler, Robert E., Pfc. ---  3-3  
Kessner, Oscar ---  Roster  
Kestemich ---  60-4  
Kestenbaum, Thomas ---  7-2  
Kestenbaum, Thomas E. ---  Roster   3-7   13-3   14-2  
Kester, Benjamin H. ---  Roster  
Kesterbaum, Thomas E. ---  15-3  
Ketch, Dorothy ---  46-2   48-2  
Ketch, Eugene B. ---  Roster  
Ketch, Eugene B. & Dorothy ---  42-1  
Ketcham, Gilbert E. ---  Roster  
Ketcham, Robert L. 'Bob' ---  Roster  
Ketcher, Frank ---  Roster  
Ketchpaw, Robert D. ---  Roster  
Ketterer, Clarence C. ---  Roster  
Ketterer, Connie ---  24-3  
Ketterer, Connie & Frances ---  22-3  
Ketterer, Doc ---  21-4  
Ketterer, Dr. ---  6-1   6-2   22-2  
Ketterer, J. E. ---  17-4   19-2  
Ketterer, J. E., Dr. ---  6-1   7-2   7-6  
Ketterer, J. E., Dr. & Mrs. ---  6-1   7-3  
Ketterer, J. R. (Frances), Mrs. ---  15-3  
Ketterer, John ---  7-2   7-4   22-3  
Ketterer, John E. ---  Roster   8-1   13-2   21-4   36-1   42-1  
Ketterer, John E. (Frances), Mrs. ---  14-2  
Ketterer, John E., Dr. ---  14-2   15-2   22-4   23-1   24-3   26-3   28-3   30-1   31-1   32-1   33-1   34-1   35-1   37-2  
Ketterer, John E., Dr. & Mrs. ---  23-3  
Ketterer, John E., Maj. ---  30-1  
Ketterer, John E., Mrs. ---  41-3  
Ketterer, John, Dr. ---  5-5   6-3   6-5   23-4   24-3   42-2  
Ketterer, John, Dr. & Mrs. ---  5-4   6-3  
Ketterer, John, Lt. Col. ---  26-2  
Ketterer, John, Mrs. ---  6-1   17-2  
Ketterer, Mrs. ---  23-1   23-3   41-3  
Kewis, Loyer K. ---  Roster  
Key, Earl A. ---  Roster  
Key, Francis Scott ---  31-1   53-1   67-1   67-3   69-1  
Key, Jean Norris ---  61-3  
Keyes, Bobby E. ---  Roster  
Keyo, unk ---  Roster  
Keyser, Robert Waugh ---  Roster  
Keysor, Donald ---  Roster   54-3  
Keyworth, Gordon F. ---  Roster  
Khe Sanh ---  77-1  
Kibbel, Milton L. ---  Roster  
Kibelbek, Joseph ---  Roster  
Kibelbek, Joseph J. ---  5-2  
Kibler, Kenneth E. ---  Roster  
Kicinski, Chester ---  6-1   48-4  
Kicinski, Chester S. ---  Roster  
Kicklighter, Claude M. (Mick), Lt. Gen. ---  58-1  
Kicklighter, Claude M. ‘Mick’ ---  58-1  
Kicklighter, Claude M., Lt. Gen. ---  58-1  
Kicklighter, Claude 'Mick', Lt. Gen. ---  58-1  
Kicklighter, Elizabeth ---  58-1  
Kicklighter, Lt. Gen. ---  58-1  
Kicklighter, Mick ---  58-1  
Kicks, James W. ---  Roster  
Kidd, George, Jr. ---  Roster  
Kidder, Joseph L. ---  Roster  
Kiddy, Orval F. ---  Roster  
Kieffer, Frank ---  55-3   58-4   61-1   64-1   68-2   68-2  
Kiehlmeier, James L. ---  Roster   58-1  
Kiehlmeier, Jim L. ---  58-1  
Kiel, Harry ---  Roster  
Kiel, Henry W., II ---  Roster  
Kielborn, Edward S. ---  Roster  
Kielborne, Edward S. ---  Roster  
Kielert, ? ---  65-2  
Kielly, Richard F. ---  Roster  
Kielmeyer, Capt. ---  4-5   5-1   5-2   17-3   48-1   69-2   70-1  
Kielmeyer, William P. (D.?) ---  Roster  
Kiely, Daniel J. ---  Roster  
Kiely, Daniel J., S/Sgt. ---  66-2  
Kiendel, Ted ---  51-1  
Kiendl, Jr., Theodore ---  43-3  
Kiendl, Lt. ---  65-1  
Kiendl, Ted ---  48-1   51-1   51-2   51-3   61-1  
Kiendl, Theodore ---  41-3   52-3   79-3  
Kiendl, Theodore, Jr. ---  Roster  
Kiernan, Donald L. ---  Roster  
Kiernan, Robert E. ---  Roster  
Kiernan, Thomas F. ---  Roster  
Kiersky, Joseph E. ---  Roster  
Kietel, Field Marshall ---  52-1  
Kietsman, 1st Class, Pvt. ---  67-3  
Kievit, Louis ---  56-1  
Kiffe, James L. ---  Roster  
Kigma, Marten ---  Roster  
Kilburn, Floyd ---  Roster  
Kilcullen, Joseph J. ---  Roster  
Kilgore, David Clyde ---  Roster  
Kilgus, Ervin ---  58-1  
Kilian, Achim ---  56-1  
Kilian, Marco ---  63-1   63-2  
Kilianstadten, Germany ---  26-3  
Kilkenny, 2nd Lt. ---  5-5  
Kilkenny, John P., Jr. ---  Roster   7-2  
Killgallen, Bill ---  Roster   43-3  
Killgallen, Robert ---  Roster  
Killgrove, Thomas O. ---  Roster   3-10  
Killian, B. F. ---  14-1   48-1  
Killian, B. F., Mrs. ---  6-1  
Killian, Barney ---  11-1  
Killian, Bernard F. ---  3-10   14-2   14-6   15-1   15-2   15-5   59-1  
Killian, Bernard F. 'Barney' ---  Roster  
Killian, Bernie ---  14-1  
Killian, Bernie & Sylvia ---  14-1  
Killian, Daniel ---  14-1  
Killian, Frank B., Mr. ---  26-3  
Killian, Sylvia ---  14-1  
Killin, Warren E. ---  Roster  
Killman, Henry Paul ---  Roster  
Killman, Paul, Col. ---  3-3  
Killmer, Paul, Lt. Col. ---  17-2  
Kilmer, Alfred D. ---  Roster  
Kilp, Michael ---  Roster  
Kilroy, T/Sgt. ---  34-1  
Kimball, Elmer John Parker ---  Roster  
Kimball, George Hubert, Jr. ---  Roster  
Kimball, James Roscoe, Jr. ---  Roster  
Kimble, Robert ---  5-2   63-4  
Kimble, Robert D. ---  Roster   56-1  
Kimble, Robert D., Sgt. ---  3-7  
Kime, David S., Jr. ---  Roster  
Kime, William N. ---  45-4  
Kime, William Nicholas ---  Roster  
Kimmel, Corporal ---  3-5  
Kimmel, John Joseph ---  Roster  
Kimmel, Troy H. ---  Roster   3-5   36-3   37-1   37-3  
Kimmell, John R., Jr. ---  Roster  
Kimmes, Mme. Tillie ---  53-1  
Kimmes, Ms. ---  51-1  
Kimmes, Tillie ---  53-1   55-3  
Kimmes-Hansen, Tilly ---  51-1  
Kimmle, Donna (Harry) ---  71-1  
Kimpel, Clair E. ---  Roster  
Kimsey, Mary Ruth ---  61-1   61-3   63-3  
Kimsey, Wiliam G. ---  Roster  
Kimsy, Mary Ruth ---  62-3  
Kin, Martin ---  74-3   75-1  
Kinberg, Horton D, ---  Roster  
Kinble, Robert ---  Roster  
Kincade, Jack R. ---  58-1  
Kincaid, Warren W. ---  45-4  
Kincaid, Warren Wesley ---  Roster  
Kincannon, Cliff ---  63-4  
Kincannon, Clifford ---  Roster  
Kincannon, Clifford ---  50-1   52-1   53-1   55-1   63-4  
Kincannon, Clifford E. & Sarah ---  47-1  
Kincannon, Louis B. 'Bernie' ---  Roster  
Kincanon, Louis B. ---  Roster   4-1  
Kindle, Frank ---  Roster  
Kindschi, Sylvian K. ---  Roster  
Kine, Kenneth ---  37-1  
Kiney, Paul/Fritz ---  63-4  
King George Vi ---  38-2  
King, 1st Sgt. ---  34-1  
King, Archie Louis ---  Roster  
King, Basil ---  56-1  
King, Basil R. ---  46-1   49-3   50-1  
King, Basil Robert ---  Roster  
King, Dean R. ---  Roster  
King, Donald & Cynthia ---  76-1  
King, Donald J. ---  Roster  
King, Eileen J. ---  39-2  
King, Elmer ---  Roster  
King, Frank M. ---  Roster  
King, Grady A. ---  Roster  
King, Joe E. ---  Roster  
King, John E. ---  Roster   51-2  
King, Joseph A. ---  Roster  
King, Joseph W. ---  Roster  
King, Karol K. ---  Roster  
King, Ken ---  40-1  
King, Kenneth ---  39-2   40-1   44-1  
King, Kenneth J. ---  Roster  
King, Kenneth K. ---  Roster   36-2   37-1   37-3   39-2   40-3   42-3   43-3   44-1   45-1  
King, Laurent ---  27-2  
King, Lester A. ---  Roster  
King, Mark W. ---  Roster  
King, Martin ---  68-2   68-2   69-2   71-1   71-3   72-1   73-1   73-2   73-3   74-1   74-2   74-3   75-1   75-3   76-1   76-2   76-3   77-1   77-2   77-3   78-1   78-2  
King, Milo F. ---  Roster  
King, Orville William ---  Roster  
King, Robert A. ---  Roster  
King, Robert A., Jr. ---  Roster  
King, Robert J. ---  Roster   6-1  
King, Robert J., S/Sgt. ---  3-2  
King, Robert L. ---  Roster  
King, Roy A. ---  Roster  
King, Russel D. ---  Roster   18-5  
King, Russell D., Mrs. ---  21-4  
King, Tom ---  29-1  
King, Travis J. ---  Roster  
King, Wilbur H., 1st Lt. ---  68-2   68-2  
King, Wilbur Henry ---  Roster  
King, William ---  Roster  
Kingery, Hugh ---  59-3   62-2   63-3  
Kingery, Hugh & Nina ---  62-3  
Kingery, Hugh Colbert ---  60-4  
Kingery, Hugh H. ---  47-3   48-1  
Kingery, Hugh M. ---  54-1  
Kingery, Hugh Mckee ---  Roster   67-3  
Kingery, Nina ---  63-3  
Kingery, Nina Hamilton ---  67-3  
Kingma, Martch ---  Roster  
Kingsley, Karl ---  Roster  
Kingsley, Karl W. ---  43-3  
Kingston, Donald ---  56-1  
Kingston, Harry E. ---  45-4  
Kingston, Harry E. J. ---  Roster  
Kingston, Richard K. ---  Roster  
Kinmon, John Everette 'Buck' ---  Roster  
Kinney, Earl & Louisa ---  62-3  
Kinney, Earl E. ---  Roster   53-3   58-1   65-2   71-3  
Kinney, Earl Eldon ---  71-3  
Kinney, Fritz ---  58-2   69-1  
Kinney, Lawrence M. ---  Roster   46-4   47-3   54-1   55-2   58-2  
Kinney, Loree ---  69-1  
Kinney, Louisa ---  58-1   58-2  
Kinney, Michael ---  69-1  
Kinney, Paul T. ---  Roster   58-1   65-2   69-1  
Kinney, Ray ---  Roster  
Kinney, Robert ---  69-1  
Kinoy, Ernest ---  Roster  
Kinsella, Harry F., Col. ---  23-1  
Kinsey, Charles L. ---  Roster  
Kinsey, John W. ---  Roster  
Kinsey, Mark ---  54-1  
Kinsey, Mary Ruth ---  59-3   64-3  
Kinslow, Lafayette J. Jr. ---  Roster  
Kinzer, Don S. ---  Roster   6-1   48-4  
Kinzer, Don S., Pfc. ---  3-2  
Kiper, Bessie ---  58-3   73-2  
Kiper, Orville ---  73-2  
Kiper, Orville B. ---  Roster   43-3   49-3   54-3   58-3  
Kipnis, Brian ---  71-1  
Kipnis, Kyle ---  71-1  
Kipnis, Mervyn ---  58-1  
Kipnis, Mervyn Bruce ---  Roster  
Kipnis, Mervyn Bruce, Dr. ---  71-1  
Kipnis, Ruth Ellen Gould ---  71-1  
Kirby, Gene M. ---  Roster  
Kirby, Harry ---  65-3  
Kirby, J. H. (James) ---  Roster  
Kirby, William J. ---  Roster   28-4   31-1  
Kirch, Miss C. ---  27-4  
Kirchner, Henry M. ---  Roster  
Kirchner, Leonard ---  Roster  
Kirchner, Wilbert E. 'Curly' ---  Roster  
Kirck, J. W. ---  Roster  
Kirdzik, John S. ---  Roster  
Kirk, Charles L. ---  Roster   33-2   33-3   34-2   35-1   35-2   36-1  
Kirk, Charles L., Mr. ---  34-1  
Kirk, Leonard P. S. ---  Roster  
Kirk, Thomas W. ---  Roster  
Kirkbride, Bob ---  4-3  
Kirkbride, Robert A. ---  Roster  
Kirkbride, Robert A., Sgt. ---  3-7  
Kirkham, William Deward ---  Roster  
Kirkham, William J. ---  Roster  
Kirkham, Wm. J. ---  5-5  
Kirkland, Paul E. ---  Roster  
Kirkland, Paul R. ---  Roster  
Kirkpatrick DDS, Andrew H. ---  62-2  
Kirkpatrick, A.H. ---  62-2  
Kirkpatrick, Andrew H. ---  Roster   3-3   54-2  
Kirkpatrick, Andrew H., Pfc. ---  3-4  
Kirkpatrick, Dds, A.H. ---  54-3  
Kirkpatrick, Edward ---  62-2  
Kirkpatrick, Edward J. ---  62-2  
Kirkpatrick, Edward W. ---  Roster   54-2  
Kirkpatrick, Judy ---  62-2  
Kirkpatrick, Paul ---  53-2   53-3   56-2   69-3  
Kirkpatrick, Paul E. ---  Roster  
Kirkpatrick., Paul E. ---  54-1  
Kirks, Merritt Kenneth ---  Roster  
Kirksey, Fred ---  Roster  
Kirkwood, Paul L., Jr. ---  Roster  
Kirley, Richard B. ---  Roster  
Kirman, Donald ---  Roster  
Kirsten, Paul ---  Roster   45-3  
Kirzon, Mel ---  Roster   3-7  
Kishnaugh, Calvin C. ---  Roster  
Kishner, Howard H. ---  Roster  
Kissel, Robert ---  62-2  
Kissel, Sam E. ---  39-2  
Kissel, Samuel E. ---  Roster  
Kistler, Clyde W. ---  4-4  
Kistler, Clyde Woodrow ---  Roster  
Kistler, Elmer C. ---  Roster  
Kistner, Paul L. ---  Roster  
Kitchen, Robert L. ---  Roster   45-4   71-3  
Kitchen, Victor V. ---  Roster  
Kitchen, Zigmond 'Ziggy' ---  Roster  
Kitchens, Ovey ---  Roster  
Kitts, Rowland R. ---  Roster   36-1  
Kitts, William G. ---  Roster  
Kivachek, Carl ---  Roster  
Kizers, Leroy ---  Roster  
Klaczynski, Robert J. ---  Roster  
Klaehre, Heinrich, Rev. ---  19-3  
Klaehre, Mr., Rev. ---  19-3  
Klaehre, Pastor ---  20-3  
Klages, Frederick J. ---  Roster  
Klak, Walter S. ---  Roster  
Klammer, Charles ---  Roster  
Klamorick, George H. ---  Roster  
Klascius, William Richard 'Billy' ---  Roster  
Klatter, Eugene H. ---  Roster  
Klaus, Hedwig ---  38-1  
Klaus, Hedwig, Mrs. ---  36-4  
Klaus, Peter ---  Roster   36-4  
Klauser, Klaus-Dieter ---  72-1  
Klebanoff, Stanley M. ---  Roster   3-8  
Klebart, Frank O. ---  Roster   16-3  
Kleberdanz, George D. ---  Roster  
Klebofski, Lawrence ---  Roster  
Kleckner, Robert M. ---  Roster  
Klein, Herbert ---  16-1   16-3  
Klein, James 'Buddy' J. ---  72-2  
Klein, James J. ---  45-2   45-3   46-3   46-4   66-2   72-2  
Klein, James J. 'Buddy' ---  Roster  
Klein, Jerome F. ---  Roster  
Klein, Lawrence P. ---  Roster  
Klein, Manfred ---  79-1  
Klein, Manfred, Lt. ---  61-2  
Klein, Michael ---  45-1   70-2  
Klein, Peter ---  70-2  
Klein, Ralph H. ---  Roster  
Klein, Ralph H., Sgt. ---  3-5  
Klein, Sgt. ---  7-4  
Klein, Walter ---  33-2  
Klein, William G. ---  Roster  
Kleinberg, Joshua ---  74-3  
Kleinman, Leonard ---  Roster   5-1  
Kleinschmidt, Donna ---  73-3  
Kleist, Elaine ---  80-2  
Klekamp, Frank B. ---  Roster  
Klemens, John F. ---  Roster  
Klenke, Owen E. ---  Roster  
Klensko, Lawrence J. ---  Roster  
Klepp, Knute ---  Roster  
Kleppin, Ray & Annette ---  72-2   73-2  
Kleppinger, Arthur ---  Roster   10-2  
Kleppinger, Arthur Jeremiah ---  Roster  
Klett, James ---  9-1   10-1   19-3  
Klett, James A. ---  47-1  
Klett, James B. ---  11-1  
Klett, James R. ---  Roster   3-8   8-1   10-2   11-1   11-2   11-3   11-4   11-5   13-4   14-2   15-2   17-2   18-2   19-2   21-4   22-4   24-3   26-3   28-3   29-3   30-1   31-1   32-1   33-1   35-1   36-1   37-2   43-3   44-3   46-1   46-2  
Klett, James R., Capt. ---  3-7  
Klett, James R., Mr. ---  34-1  
Klett, Jim ---  3-5   9-4  
Klett, Jimmy ---  3-7  
Klett, Karl K. ---  46-2  
Klett, Karl K., Jr. ---  46-2  
Kleven, Joe ---  51-1   67-1  
Kleven, Joseph ---  52-1  
Kleven, Joseph B. ---  Roster   47-4   52-1   54-1   55-1  
Klevin, Joe ---  Roster  
Kley, Wilmer Ten ---  Roster  
Klien, Ralph H. ---  Roster  
Kliesrath, William L. ---  Roster  
Klima, Vincent C. ---  Roster  
Klime, Robert A. ---  31-1  
Klinck, Col. ---  3-2   24-1   46-2  
Klinck, Earl F., Col. ---  3-2   24-1  
Klinck, Earl F., Lt. Col. ---  3-4   5-5   52-3  
Klinck, Earl Frederick ---  Roster  
Klinck, Lt. Col. ---  54-1  
Kline, Charles M. ---  Roster  
Kline, Dr Robert E. ---  54-1  
Kline, J. ---  45-1   45-2   45-3   45-4   46-1   46-2   46-3   46-4   47-1   47-2   47-3   47-4   48-1   48-2   48-3   48-4   49-1   49-2   49-3   49-4   50-1   50-2   50-3   50-4   51-1   51-2   51-3   51-4   52-1   52-2   52-3   52-4   53-1   53-2   53-3   53-4   54-1   54-3   54-4   55-1   55-2   55-3   56-1   56-4   57-1   57-2   57-3   57-4   58-2   59-1   61-2   61-3   61-4  
Kline, Jack Miller ---  Roster  
Kline, John ---  44-1   44-2   44-3   44-4   45-1   45-2   45-3   45-4   46-1   46-2   46-3   46-4   47-1   47-2   47-3   47-4   48-1   48-2   48-3   48-4   49-1   49-2   49-3   49-4   50-1   50-2   50-3   50-4   51-1   51-2   51-3   51-4   52-1   52-2   52-3   52-4   53-1   53-2   53-3   53-4   54-1   54-2   54-3   54-4   55-1   55-2   55-3   55-4   56-1   56-2   56-3   56-4   57-1   57-2   57-3   57-4   58-1   58-2   58-3   58-4   59-1   59-2   59-3   59-4   60-1   60-3   60-4   61-1   61-2   61-3   61-4   62-2   62-3   62-4   63-1   63-2   63-3   63-4   64-1   64-2   64-3   65-1   65-2   65-3   66-1   67-1   68-2   68-2   69-1   71-1   72-1   72-2   72-3   73-1   74-2   76-1   76-3   78-1  
Kline, John & Margot ---  52-1  
Kline, John P. ---  44-2   44-3   44-4   45-1   45-2   45-3   45-4   46-1   46-2   46-3   46-4   47-1   47-2   47-3   47-4   48-1   48-2   48-3   48-4   49-1   49-3   49-4   50-1   50-2   50-3   50-4   51-1   51-2   51-3   51-4   52-1   52-2   52-3   52-4   53-1   53-2   53-3   53-4   54-1   54-2   54-3   54-4   55-1   55-2   55-3   55-4   56-1   56-2   56-3   56-4   57-1   57-2   57-4   58-1   58-2   58-3   58-4   59-1   59-2   59-3   59-4   60-4   61-1   61-2   61-3   61-4   62-2   62-3   62-4   63-1   63-2   63-3   63-4   67-1  
Kline, John P., Sgt. ---  78-3  
Kline, John Paul 'Swede' ---  Roster  
Kline, John, Sgt. ---  47-1   49-1   55-2   55-3  
Kline, Margot ---  46-2   47-2   48-2   52-1   52-2   54-2   55-4   56-2   58-2   63-4  
Kline, Mr. ---  45-2   45-3   45-4   46-4   47-3   47-4   48-2   49-4   50-4   51-3   52-3   55-1   55-3   57-3   58-2   58-3   63-2  
Kline, Robert ---  50-4  
Kline, Robert E. ---  49-1  
Kline, Robert E., Dr. ---  48-3   50-1   52-1   53-1  
Kline, Robert Eugene 'Doc' ---  Roster  
Klingenberg, Johnny ---  Roster  
Klinger, Jerry ---  75-3  
Klink, Earl F. ---  Roster  
Klinker, Frank R. ---  Roster  
Klinkhamer, Richard J. ---  8-3  
Klinkman, Mike ---  60-1  
Klinkman, Myron F. ---  Roster  
Klismet, Mary Ann ---  60-4  
Kloberdanz, George D. ---  Roster   58-3   59-3  
Klose, Wolfgang ---  52-1  
Kloster Street ---  26-2   31-3  
Klotz, Harold S. ---  Roster  
Klotzsche ---  3-5  
Klowicki, Gene ---  Roster  
Klubnik, Edward C. ---  Roster  
Kluckowski, Stanley Anthony, Jr. ---  75-1  
Kluczkowski, John ---  Roster  
Klunck, Christ ---  Roster  
Klusas, Joseph C. ---  Roster  
Kmush, Stephen E. ---  Roster   45-4   59-1  
Knajdl, Bernis L. ---  Roster  
Knapenberger, Jill Pitts ---  77-1  
Knaphus, Dr. ---  49-1  
Knaphus, George, Dr. ---  49-1  
Knapp, Homer C. ---  Roster  
Knapp, Maj. ---  3-8  
Knapp, Robert E. ---  Roster   4-1   13-3   14-3  
Knapp, Robert E., Col. ---  7-4  
Knappenberger, Alton W. MEDAL OF HONOR ---  Roster  
Knappenberger, Jill ---  50-3   50-4   70-2  
Knappenberger, Jill P. ---  77-1  
Knappenberger, Jill Pitts ---  50-3   50-4   74-3  
Knappenberger, T. Gaillard ---  77-1  
Knatzer, Carl ---  Roster   7-2  
Knaust, Lutz ---  56-1  
Knease, Miss Tacie M. ---  21-1  
Knease, Tacie M., Mrs. ---  21-1  
Knecht, Barbara ---  23-1   25-1  
Knecht, Elliot ---  32-1  
Knecht, Marie & Elliot ---  35-2   36-2   37-1  
Knecht, Richard H. ---  Roster  
Kneckt, Elliot ---  33-2  
Kneckt, Sone ---  26-2  
Kneissl, Herr Karl ---  61-2  
Knepper, Warren O., Sr. ---  Roster  
Knickerbocker, Edward J. ---  Roster  
Knieriemen, Joe ---  Roster  
Knieriemen, Joseph ---  Roster  
Knierim, Gussie L., Jr. ---  Roster  
Knight, Clyde E. ---  Roster  
Knight, Elbert ---  Roster  
Knight, Ira ---  5-4  
Knight, Les ---  54-3  
Knight, Sylvester I. ---  Roster   42-1  
Knight, Sylvester J. ---  49-3  
Knight, Sylvester Joseph ---  Roster  
Knight, William H. ---  Roster  
Knighton, Glen ---  57-1  
Knighton, Glenn ---  40-1  
Knighton, Glenn M. ---  Roster   43-3  
Knippa, Woodrow W. ---  Roster  
Knipping, August J. ---  Roster  
Knisely, Thomas, Jr ---  7-4  
Knisley, S/Sgt. ---  45-4  
Knisley, Sgt. ---  3-5  
Knisley, Thomas S., Jr. ---  Roster   3-5  
Knisley, Thomas S., Jr., T/4 ---  3-7  
Knobloch, Warner ---  Roster   7-6  
Knoll, Ken, T/5 ---  55-3  
Knoll, Kenneth William ---  Roster  
Knoll, Robert A. ---  Roster  
Knopf, Alfred A. ---  45-1  
Knott, Robert J. ---  Roster  
Knotts, Robert C. ---  Roster  
Knowles, James ---  4-2   6-1  
Knowles, James E. or B. ---  Roster  
Knowles, Raymond E. ---  Roster  
Knowles, Una, Mrs. ---  4-2  
Knox, Alta, Mrs. ---  7-3  
Knox, Clyde H. ---  Roster  
Knox, Harold ---  6-6   7-3   7-4   8-4  
Knox, Harold C. ---  Roster   5-5   6-3  
Knox, Harold, Mr. & Mrs. ---  7-3  
Knox, Major, Sgt. ---  36-1  
Knoxn, Harold ---  6-2  
Knudsen, Richard ---  6-5   61-2  
Knudsen, Richard E. ---  Roster  
Knudsen, Richard E., Pfc. ---  3-4  
Knudsen, unk ---  Roster  
Knuth, Earl F. ---  Roster   42-3  
Knuth, Ralph W. ---  Roster  
Knutson, ? ---  65-2  
Kobalarsyck, Mike ---  Roster  
Kobalarsyck, Mike, M/Sgt. ---  7-4  
Kobel, John T. ---  Roster  
Koblentz ---  3-7  
Koblenz ---  3-5   4-4   8-1   31-2   36-3   42-4   44-3   44-4   45-1   45-3   45-4   46-1   46-4   47-2   47-3   48-2   48-3   49-2   49-4   51-3   52-1   52-4   53-1   53-2   54-3   55-4   56-4   58-2   59-1   59-2   67-1   71-2   72-3   73-3   80-1   80-2  
Koblenz, Germany ---  45-4   46-1   53-2   54-3   59-1  
Koblis, Peter S. ---  Roster  
Kobrynski, Frank ---  Roster  
Kobs, Elmer ---  46-2   47-1  
Kobs, Elmer A. ---  46-1  
Kobs, Elmer Albert ---  Roster  
Kobs, Julie ---  46-2  
Kobs, Linda ---  46-2  
Kobs, Marcella ---  46-2  
Kobscheid ---  52-3  
Kobus, Gene B. ---  Roster   61-4  
Kobylarcsyk, Michael ---  6-3  
Kobylarczyk, Michael ---  5-3   5-4   8-2  
Kobylarzyk, Avis ---  39-1  
Kobylarzyk, Michael ---  Roster   39-1  
Kobylas, Chester Walter ---  Roster  
Koch, George C. ---  22-1  
Kocher, Paul S. ---  Roster  
Kochheim, William ---  Roster  
Kochle, Frank S. ---  Roster   3-10  
Kochman, Marvin, Dr. ---  15-1  
Kochmanski, Lynne & Christopher ---  56-4  
Kochs, William R. ---  Roster  
Kockanski, Stanley B. ---  Roster  
Kocks, William ---  44-1  
Kocks, William R. ---  Roster   46-1  
Koczy, Frank J. ---  Roster  
Koechel, Eugene J., Jr. ---  Roster  
Koeher, Franklin R. ---  Roster   30-1   31-1   32-1  
Koehler, Alfred ---  15-1   15-3  
Koehler, Alfred C. ---  14-4   15-3  
Koehler, Alfred C., Jr. ---  Roster  
Koehler, Alfred, Jr. ---  8-1  
Koehler, Arnold ---  68-2   68-2  
Koehler, Arnold A. 'Mike' ---  Roster  
Koehler, Eldon A. ---  Roster   50-2  
Koehler, Frank ---  7-4   46-4   51-2   55-4   59-1   61-4  
Koehler, Frank R. ---  39-3   58-4  
Koehler, Franklin ---  27-2   28-2   29-2   46-4   61-4   76-1  
Koehler, Franklin R. ---  Roster   5-3   24-3   26-3   28-3   33-1   35-1   35-3   36-1   37-1   43-3   46-4   54-1   57-1   61-3   71-1   72-1   72-3   73-3   76-1   76-2  
Koehler, Franklin R., Mr. ---  34-1  
Koehler, Franklin/Maefred ---  63-4  
Koehler, Jinny ---  76-1  
Koehler, Kathleen ---  76-1  
Koehler, Kenneth ---  76-1  
Koehler, Larainne ---  76-1  
Koehler, Madeline ---  76-1  
Koehler, Maefred ---  76-1  
Koehler, Michael ---  68-2   68-2  
Koehler, Robert H. ---  Roster   3-4  
Koehler, Robert H., Cpl. ---  3-5  
Koenen, James J. ---  Roster  
Koenen, Jim ---  5-2  
Koenig, Fred G. ---  Roster  
Koenig, Frederick, Jr. ---  Roster  
Koepel, Miss Rachael ---  6-4  
Koerner, Father Fred ---  20-3  
Koerselman, Gary ---  Roster  
Koester, Harold Clarence ---  Roster  
Koethe, James M. ---  Roster  
Koggan, Unk ---  Roster  
Kohl, Eugene E. ---  Roster  
Kohl, Glenn E. ---  Roster  
Kohl, Orville D. ---  Roster  
Kohl, Robert Edmund 'Bob' ---  Roster  
Kohler, Foy D. ---  17-5  
Kohler, Frederick ---  45-4  
Kohler, Fredrick ---  Roster  
Kohli, Andrew L. ---  Roster  
Kohl-Welles ---  68-2   68-2  
Kohn, Camille ---  55-3   61-1   64-1   68-2   68-2   69-1  
Kohs, Joseph B. ---  14-3  
Kohs, Joseph B., Jr. ---  Roster   13-3  
Kohs, Joseph B., Jr., Sgt. ---  3-5  
Kohtz, Robert A. ---  Roster   36-1   37-1   57-3  
Koiner, Robert P. ---  Roster  
Kois, George ---  Roster  
Kojis, John W. ---  Roster  
Kojola, Raymond M. ---  Roster  
Kokenzie, Henry ---  14-1   14-3  
Kokenzie, Henry F. ---  5-1   6-1  
Kokenzie, Henry F., Sr. 'Hank' ---  Roster  
Kokenzie, Henry, Mrs. ---  14-1  
Koko The Clown ---  5-1  
Kokofsky, Helen ---  73-1  
Kolakowski, Christopher ---  65-2  
Kolanich, Mike ---  Roster  
Kolanko, John J. ---  Roster  
Kolas, Thomas M. ---  Roster   3-7  
Kolas, Thomas M., T/4 ---  3-5  
Kolasa, Andrew J. ---  Roster  
Kolasinger, Theodore J. ---  Roster  
Kolb, Earl W. ---  Roster  
Kolb, Harold N. ---  Roster  
Kolb, Harvey E. ---  Roster  
Kolb, Pamela Britton ---  73-3   79-1  
Kolbaba, Norman J. ---  Roster  
Kolbaba, Norman J. & Gloria ---  46-1  
Kolbaba, Norman J., Sgt. ---  51-2  
Kolenovsky, Bohumil F. ---  Roster  
Kolezez, Harry & Jennie ---  56-3  
Kolinski, Donald J. ---  Roster  
Kollar, Edward R. ---  Roster  
Kologe, Joseph ---  Roster  
Kolster, John J. ---  Roster  
Kolster, Sgt. ---  67-3  
Koltarich, Paul ---  46-1  
Koluezcz, Harry &Jennie Rose ---  47-1  
Koluezez, Harry ---  Roster   45-3   51-2   54-3  
Koluezez, Harry & Jennie Rose ---  45-3  
Kolverath, Germany ---  19-3  
Komfeld, Bertram ---  68-2   68-2  
Kommando ---  3-5   3-7   3-10   36-2   36-3   43-3   44-2   44-3   45-1   45-3   45-4   46-2   46-4   47-1   47-2   47-3   47-4   48-1   48-2   48-3   49-1   49-3   49-4   50-4   51-2   51-4   53-2   53-4   54-2   57-1   57-3   59-1   59-4   63-4   77-1  
Kommerschied ---  60-4  
Kondrat, John, Mr. & Mrs. ---  36-1  
Konerth, Martin, Jr. ---  Roster  
König, Hauptmann ---  72-3  
König, Hauptmann (Captain) ---  72-3  
Konigsbruck ---  3-5  
Konigs-Pfeiffer, .J., Mrs. ---  27-4  
Konigstein Fortress ---  66-2  
Konival, Michael ---  Roster   3-7  
Konopka, Eugene A. ---  Roster  
Kons Hotel ---  26-1   26-3  
Kontos, Athan G. ---  Roster  
Kontz, Robert A. ---  Roster  
Koob, C. (June), Mrs. ---  15-3  
Koob, Charles ---  14-4   15-2  
Koob, Charles W. ---  Roster  
Koob, Charles, Mr. & Mrs. ---  15-1  
Kooistra, Verle R. ---  Roster  
Kook, David ---  59-3   70-2  
Koontz, Billie J. ---  Roster   5-3  
Koontz, Orval H. ---  Roster  
Koop, Chacour ---  71-1  
Kooster, George F. ---  Roster  
Kopacz, Joseph A. ---  Roster   5-2  
Kopatz, . Alfred E. ---  53-1  
Kopatz, Alfred E. ---  Roster   43-3   44-2   51-1   52-1   54-1   54-3   56-1  
Kopatz, Alfred E. & Ida ---  42-1   47-1  
Kopatz, Alfred E. & Lda ---  46-1  
Kopatz, Ida L. ---  57-1  
Kopczynski, Thaddeus S. ---  Roster  
Kopesec, Martin R. ---  Roster  
Kopho, John, Jr., Mr. ---  28-1  
Kopinza, Joseph J. ---  Roster  
Kopko, John ---  30-1   54-4  
Kopko, John, Jr. ---  Roster   28-1   28-3  
Koplin, Capt. ---  21-4  
Koplin, Len ---  3-7  
Koplin, Leonard ---  Roster   3-7   5-4   6-2   9-4   13-2   14-2   15-2   17-2   18-4   19-2   46-4  
Koplin, Leonard & Mrs. ---  21-2  
Koplin, Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. ---  15-1  
Kopo, John, Jr. ---  Roster  
Kopp, Eric E. ---  Roster  
Kopp, Richard ---  Roster  
Koppel, Ted ---  78-1   78-3  
Koppenhaver, Charles W. ---  Roster  
Kopplin, Fred E., Jr. ---  Roster  
Koracin, Albert J. ---  Roster  
Korban, Robert C. ---  Roster  
Korbel, Al ---  Roster   46-2  
Korbel, George ---  Roster   44-3   56-1   56-2  
Korbel, Mary Ann ---  46-2   54-2  
Korbini, Frank ---  Roster  
Kordish, John ---  70-1  
Korea ---  4-3   5-1   10-2   10-3   10-4   12-1   13-1   13-2   14-6   18-2   20-1   22-1   23-1   23-3   24-1   26-2   28-1   29-3   32-3   40-1   41-1   42-4   43-2   44-1   44-2   44-3   45-1   45-2   45-4   46-1   46-2   46-3   46-4   47-1   47-2   47-3   48-1   48-3   48-4   49-1   49-2   49-3   49-4   50-2   50-4   51-1   51-2   51-3   52-2   52-4   53-3   54-2   54-3   56-1   56-2   56-3   57-1   57-2   57-3   59-1   59-2   59-3   59-4   61-2   61-4   63-4   64-2   66-1   67-1   69-2   69-3   70-1   70-2   70-3   71-1   71-2   71-3   72-1   72-2   72-3   73-1   73-2   74-3   78-3   79-1   79-2  
Korinek, Adolph F. ---  Roster   7-3   7-4  
Koritz, Rescued Lester ---  31-4  
Kornemann, Robert Charles ---  Roster  
Kornfeld, Bert ---  8-3   8-4  
Kornfeld, Bertram ---  68-2   68-2  
Kornfeld, Bertram H. ---  Roster  
Korsch, Jack J. ---  Roster  
Korsteter, Ammon W. ---  Roster  
Kortland, Charles E. ---  62-4  
Kortlang, Charles ---  3-7   50-1   51-2   54-3   55-1   57-2   59-3   61-2   61-3  
Kortlang, Charles E. ---  Roster   3-7   43-3   52-1   53-1   54-1   55-1   56-2   57-1   61-2   61-3   63-4  
Kortlang, Charles E., Sgt. ---  3-3  
Kortlang, Chas E. ---  62-2   62-3  
Kos, Joseph P. ---  Roster  
Koscak, Steve ---  6-1  
Koscak, Steve J. ---  Roster  
Koscak, Steve J., Sgt. ---  3-2  
Koscatello, Albert ---  Roster  
Kosciow, John ---  Roster  
Kosich, Wesley ---  Roster  
Kosik, Dru ---  63-2  
Kosin, Clarence W. ---  45-4  
Kosin, Clarence W. 'Bud' ---  Roster  
Koski, Carl Arthur ---  Roster   59-3   59-4  
Koski, Douglas E. ---  Roster  
Koski, Marvin ---  3-10   17-5  
Koski, Marvin V. ---  Roster  
Koski, Norman R. ---  Roster  
Kosov, A.C. ---  62-3  
Kosow, Albert C. ---  Roster   3-5   3-8   7-4   48-1   69-2  
Kossage, Charles ---  Roster  
Kost, Mike ---  Roster  
Kostula, Walter A. ---  Roster  
Kosturko, Alois J. ---  Roster  
Kot, Cossack ---  Roster  
Kot, Cossack, Pfc. ---  62-2  
Kotaniemi, Raymond ---  Roster   52-1   69-3  
Kotchman, Col. ---  62-3  
Kotchman, Donald, Col. ---  62-3  
Kotharich, Paul ---  Roster   41-3  
Kotkowski, Edward ---  Roster  
Kotlarich, Dave ---  19-3  
Kotlarich, Paul ---  19-5   20-3   21-3   45-1   46-1   47-4   48-2   48-3   50-1   54-1   56-1  
Kotlarich, Paul O. ---  Roster  
Kotlarich, Paul, S/Sgt. ---  45-1  
Kotlarz, Edwin F. ---  Roster  
Kotowich, Teddy T. ---  Roster  
Kotzebue, Leon L. ---  Roster  
Kotzebue, Leon L., Col. ---  3-10  
Kotzebue, Leon, Col. ---  5-2  
Koukol, Christopher ---  73-3  
Koukol, David J. ---  73-3  
Koukol, David L. ---  73-3  
Koukol, Elinor Lorraine (Johnson) ---  73-3  
Koukol, John ---  73-3  
Koukol, John L. ---  65-2   73-3  
Koukol, John Leonard ---  Roster   73-3  
Koukol, June E. ---  73-3  
Koukol, Patricia ---  73-3  
Koukol, Rudolph J. & Mary Ora (Leonard) ---  73-3  
Kouskie, William F. ---  Roster  
Kouskie, William F., T/4 ---  57-2  
Koutecky, Edward Leroy ---  Roster  
Koutzoukis, Anthony ---  Roster  
Kovach, Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. ---  8-1  
Kovach, Louis ---  Roster   8-2   9-1   13-2   14-2   15-3  
Kovack, Louis ---  8-1  
Koval, Platoon Sergeant ---  56-3  
Koval, Steve ---  Roster   32-2  
Koval, Steve, T/Sgt. ---  56-3  
Kovalevich, Paul ---  Roster   3-7  
Kovalik, Jack ---  53-1  
Kovalik, Jack E. ---  Roster  
Kovalik, Joseph M. ---  Roster  
Kovalik, Ken ---  79-1  
Kovaljk, Jack E. ---  53-1  
Kovats, Susan & William ---  56-4  
Kovolewitch, Peter B. ---  Roster  
Kowalicki, Norbert ---  Roster   44-2  
Kowalik, Stanley ---  Roster  
Kowalsi, Stanley J. ---  43-3  
Kowalski, Gene D. ---  Roster  
Kowalski, Stan ---  46-1  
Kowalski, Stanley & Erma ---  42-1  
Kowalski, Stanley J. ---  Roster   41-1   49-1  
Kowenski, Lisa ---  67-2  
Kowenski, Lisa K. ---  76-1  
Kowols, Elizabeth A. ---  72-2  
Kozebue, Leon L., Col. ---  46-2  
Kozeri, John H. ---  Roster  
Kozlosky, Joseph, Jr. ---  Roster  
Kozlowski, Chester J. ---  Roster  
Kozola, Edward ---  Roster  
Kracek, E., T/Sgt. ---  45-1  
Krachik, Joseph ---  62-3  
Kraemer, Fritz ---  52-1  
Kraemer, Sidney S. ---  Roster  
Krafchick, Jos & Dorothy ---  50-2  
Krafchik, J. ---  18-3  
Krafchik, Joe ---  19-2   22-2  
Krafchik, Jos ---  30-1   31-1   50-1  
Krafchik, Jos. ---  26-3   32-1  
Krafchik, Joseph ---  Roster   3-8   7-3   13-2   14-2   15-2   17-2   18-2   19-2   21-4   22-4   24-3   27-3   28-3   29-3   31-3   33-1   33-2   34-3   35-1   36-1   42-3   43-3   50-1   62-3   62-4   63-4   65-1   65-2   67-1  
Krafchik, Joseph & Dorothy ---  54-3  
Krafchik, Joseph, Mr. ---  34-1  
Krafcick, Joseph ---  37-2  
Kraft, Christian ---  49-1   50-3   55-2   55-4   56-1   59-1   59-2   60-4   61-1   64-1   73-2  
Kraft, Melvin A. ---  37-2  
Krahwinkel, Mayor Herr ---  52-1  
Krajchik, Joseph P. ---  Roster  
Krajewski, Henry ---  62-3  
Krajewski, Henry V. ---  Roster  
Krajnovich, Louis ---  Roster   4-3  
Krajnovich, Mrs. ---  4-3  
Krakjic, J. (Ann), Mrs. ---  15-3  
Krakovitz, Shelley G. ---  75-1  
Kraljic, John ---  Roster   12-1   13-2   14-2   14-6   15-2   15-5  
Kraljic, John, Mr. & Mrs. ---  15-1  
Kramer, 1st Lt. ---  70-2  
Kramer, H. F. ---  34-3  
Kramer, Ira ---  Roster   6-1  
Kramer, Ira, Pfc. ---  3-4  
Kramer, Jared ---  70-2  
Kramer, Joe ---  74-1  
Kramer, John J. ---  Roster   7-2  
Kramer, Joseph ---  43-3   45-2   47-3  
Kramer, Joseph J. ---  Roster  
Kramer, Lt. ---  56-3   70-2  
Kramer, Miss Mary Ann ---  19-1  
Kramer, Ray, Mr. ---  24-2  
Kramer, Robert D. ---  Roster  
Kramer, Seymour ---  3-4  
Kramer, Susan ---  22-1  
Kramer, William J. 'Bill' ---  Roster  
Kramer, Woodrow J. ---  Roster  
Kramer, Woodrow, 1st Lt. ---  56-3   70-2  
Kranites, August N. ---  Roster  
Krankini, Richard A. ---  Roster   24-3  
Krantz, Albert R. ---  45-4   51-1   57-1   65-2  
Krantz, Albert R., Jr. ---  Roster  
Krantz, John Joseph 'Poppy' ---  Roster  
Krantz, Pat & Al ---  47-3  
Kranz, Albert ---  46-2   50-2  
Kraske, E., S/Sgt. ---  45-1  
Kraske, Elmer E. ---  45-1  
Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star), The Russian Defense Minister’s Official Newspaper ---  67-3  
Krasner, Joe ---  Roster  
Kratish, Israel ---  Roster  
Kratish, S/Sgt. ---  56-4  
Kratsas, John A. ---  Roster  
Kratsas, John A. & Artemis ---  47-1  
Kratzer, Carl E. ---  Roster  
Kratzer, Erica ---  34-1  
Kraus, Albert G., Jr. ---  Roster  
Kraus, Mary, Mrs. ---  34-2   35-1  
Kraus, Paul Stephan ---  Roster  
Krause, Al ---  58-1  
Krause, Arthur E. ---  Roster  
Krause, Arthur, Mr. ---  16-1  
Krause, Chas., Mr. & Mrs. ---  5-4  
Krause, Joseph F. ---  Roster  
Krauss, Victor C. ---  Roster  
Kravetz, Frank & Anne ---  56-3  
Kravits, Sol F. ---  Roster   74-1  
Kravitz, Ann ---  62-3   63-3  
Kravitz, Ann & Sol ---  63-3  
Kravitz, Sol ---  3-7   58-2   59-3   62-3   63-3   67-2   67-3  
Kravitz, Sol F. ---  Roster   58-2   58-3  
Kravitz, Sol, Pfc. ---  65-2  
Krawczyk, Ray ---  Roster   15-2  
Krebbeks, Vincent B. ---  Roster  
Krebs, Jack A. ---  Roster  
Krebs, William ---  69-3  
Krebs, William G. ---  45-1  
Krebs, William Guy, Jr. ---  Roster  
Kreins, Magistrate ---  31-3  
Krembs, Charlene Rieck ---  79-3  
Kremer, Francis Andrew ---  Roster  
Krenski, Lenni ---  67-1   67-2  
Krepelka, Henry ---  Roster  
Kress, Henry ---  Roster   26-2  
Kressler, George P. ---  Roster  
Kreuder, Paul W. ---  Roster  
Kreuder, Paul W., T/5 ---  3-7  
Kreuser, Leo ---  22-1   47-2   67-1  
Kreuser, Leo P. ---  33-3   35-1   36-1   37-1   41-3   43-3  
Kreuser, Leo P., Mr. ---  34-1  
Kreuser, Leo Peter ---  Roster  
Kreuser, Leo. P. ---  35-3  
Kreusnach ---  27-3  
Kreuznach ---  17-5   44-4   65-3  
Krewinkel ---  36-2  
Krezminski, Edward S. ---  Roster   47-1   53-1   56-1   57-1   73-3  
Kribs, Mayor Erich ---  61-2  
Krick, Albert G. ---  Roster  
Krick, J. Wash ---  Roster  
Krieger, Florence K., Mrs. ---  3-10  
Krieger, Florence, Mrs. ---  3-10  
Krieger, Medford L. ---  Roster  
Krieger, Oscar G. ---  6-1   54-4  
Krieger, Oscar G., Capt. ---  3-10  
Krieger, Oscar George (Dr.) ---  Roster  
Kriegs, William L. ---  Roster   55-3  
Kriegs, William/Marg ---  61-3  
Kriegschicksale ---  27-2  
Kriegsgefangeners ---  27-2  
Kriegsschicksale ---  27-4   28-1  
Krieps, Emile ---  42-3  
Krier, Stanley R. ---  Roster  
Krings, Christian ---  65-1   68-2   68-2   69-1   70-2   71-1   74-2  
Krings, Cristian ---  64-1  
Krings, Mayor ---  69-1   70-1  
Krings, Philippe F. ---  65-1  
Krinkelt ---  47-2   52-2   58-2   58-3   69-1   78-1  
Krinkelt-Rocherath ---  67-1   78-1  
Krippene, Thomas F. ---  Roster  
Kris, Howard ---  28-2   28-4  
Kritz, Howard W., Lt. ---  3-3  
Kriz, Carmagene ---  42-3  
Kriz, H. W. ---  32-1  
Kriz, Howard ---  30-3   31-1   33-1   35-1   36-2   36-3   37-2   41-1  
Kriz, Howard & Carmagene ---  36-2  
Kriz, Howard & Kit ---  36-3  
Kriz, Howard W. ---  Roster   4-3   7-2   31-1   33-1   35-3   36-1   37-2   40-3   41-1  
Kriz, Howard W., 1st Lt. ---  3-7  
Kriz, Howard W., 2nd Lt. ---  45-3  
Kriz, Howard W., Col. ---  42-3  
Kriz, Howard W., Mr. ---  34-1  
Kriz, Howard, Mr. & Mrs. ---  38-1  
Krizminski, Edward ---  Roster  
Krlewski, Henry ---  54-3  
Kroboth, Henry J. ---  Roster  
Kroboth, Walter ---  22-1  
Krokonko, William ---  Roster  
Krol, John M. ---  6-1   7-2  
Krol, John M. J. ---  Roster  
Krol, John M., 1st Lt. ---  3-2  
Krol, John Stanley ---  Roster  
Krol, Lt. ---  26-2   40-3  
Kroll, Henry C. ---  Roster  
Kroll, John M. 'Johnny' ---  Roster  
Kroll, Joseph W. ---  Roster  
Kroll, Wally ---  56-1  
Krombach ---  51-3  
Krombach, Belgium ---  3-8  
Kronenburger, Paul John ---  Roster  
Kronmueller, Bill ---  62-3  
Kronmueller, Helen ---  66-1  
Kronmueller, William W. ---  Roster   56-4   57-1   65-1   66-1  
Kronmuller, Helen ---  62-3  
Kronst, Anita ---  73-2  
Kropf, Thomas R. ---  Roster  
Kropf, Tom ---  62-2  
Krouder, Paul W. ---  Roster  
Krueger, Charles F. ---  Roster  
Krueger, Harold O. ---  Roster  
Krueger, Le Moyne F. ---  45-1   73-2  
Krueger, Le Moyne F. 'Lee' ---  Roster  
Krueser, Led ---  63-3  
Krueser, Leo ---  Roster   44-3   56-2   58-2   59-3  
Kruezka, Val ---  34-4  
Krug, Irving ---  Roster  
Kruger, Henry J. ---  Roster  
Kruger, Lee & Jean ---  46-2  
Kruis, Hendrik Izak ---  Roster  
Krulewich, Wally ---  Roster   7-1  
Krupa, Peter ---  Roster   14-6  
Krupinski, Sylvester ---  35-4   36-1   37-1  
Krupinsky, Sylvester ---  39-3  
Krupinsky, Sylvester A. ---  Roster  
Krupka, Alexander Walter ---  Roster  
Kruppo, Adolph S. ---  Roster  
Kruppo, Adolph S., T/5 ---  3-5  
Kruse, John F. ---  Roster  
Kruse, Karl H. ---  Roster  
Kruse, Richard L. ---  Roster  
Krushas, Edward W. (William) ---  Roster  
Krushinski, Edward F. ---  Roster  
Kruta, Charles ---  Roster  
Krutchik, Sam 'Chip' ---  Roster  
Krynski, 1st Lt. ---  66-2  
Krynski, Boris ---  Roster  
Krzan, Thomas ---  Roster   4-1  
Kubasik, Steve L. ---  Roster  
Kubuak, Eugene F. ---  Roster  
Kucharz, Adele ---  33-3  
Kucharz, John ---  Roster   33-1   35-1   36-1   36-2   37-3   42-4   43-3   56-1  
Kucharz, John & Adele ---  34-1  
Kucharz, John, Mr. ---  34-1  
Kucharz, Mrs. ---  34-1  
Kuches, H. ---  27-4  
Kucholick, Stanley ---  46-1   50-1   52-1   54-1   55-1   56-1   57-1  
Kucholick, Stanley J. ---  50-1   53-1   55-1  
Kucholick, Stanley J. & Dana ---  46-1  
Kucholick, Stanley J., Sr. ---  Roster  
Kucinski, Alexander C. ---  Roster  
Kucirek, Edward L. ---  Roster  
Kuck, Emil O. ---  Roster  
Kucker, Edwin H. ---  Roster  
Kudrick, John, Jr. ---  Roster  
Kuehne, Benedict nmi ---  Roster  
Kuespert, Art ---  4-2   4-4   5-1   5-2   5-4   5-5   6-2   6-6   7-4   8-1   17-4   42-2   43-3   46-4   47-4   49-4   51-3   54-2   67-1  
Kuespert, Dody ---  67-1  
Kuespert, Tom ---  67-1   69-1  
Kuespert, W. A. ---  5-2  
Kuespert, W. Art ---  5-1   49-3  
Kuespert, W. Arthur ---  43-3  
Kuespert, Wilfred ---  46-3   46-4   55-1   56-3  
Kuespert, Wilfred A. ---  46-3   46-4   47-1   52-1   55-1  
Kuespert, Wilfred 'Art' ---  Roster   69-1  
Kuesport, Norman A. ---  71-3  
Kuesport, Wilfred Arthur 'Art' ---  Roster  
Kuester, Sean H., Col. ---  76-1  
Kuhlke, Roy ---  4-3   4-4  
Kuhlke, Roy W. ---  Roster  
Kuhlman, Clem ---  62-3  
Kuhman, Clement ---  56-3  
Kuhman, Clement A. ---  Roster   57-1   63-3  
Kuhman, Pat ---  62-3  
Kuhman, Patricia Joan ---  63-3  
Kuhn, Alonzo H. ---  Roster  
Kuhn, Eugene L. ---  Roster   51-1   52-1   54-1   55-1   64-1  
Kuhn, Gene ---  27-2   28-3   30-1   31-1  
Kuhn, Gene & Marcy ---  62-3  
Kuhn, Mary & Gene ---  63-3  
Kuhnert, William J., Mrs. ---  8-2  
Kuhuert, Clarence W. ---  Roster  
Kuizema, Harold ---  25-3   26-3   27-2   28-3   30-1   31-1   32-1   33-1   35-1   36-1   37-1   37-3   41-1   44-2   46-1   46-2   46-3   47-1   47-3   47-4   48-2   48-3   49-1   50-1   51-1   51-2   52-1   53-1   53-3   54-1   55-1   56-1   56-2   56-4   57-1   57-2   58-1   58-2   61-3   66-3   67-3   71-1   79-3  
Kuizema, Harold & Jessica ---  39-1   40-1   41-1   42-1   46-1   47-1   51-1   71-2  
Kuizema, Harold J. ---  Roster   53-3   67-3   70-3   71-1   72-3   78-1  
Kuizema, Harold J., Mr. & Mrs. ---  37-1  
Kuizema, Harold Jay ---  80-2  
Kuizema, Harold, Jessica, Joan & Carol ---  34-1  
Kuizema, Harold, Mr. ---  34-1  
Kuizema, Harold, Mr. & Mrs. ---  33-1   36-1   38-1  
Kuizema, Harold/Jessica ---  63-4  
Kuizema, Jesica ---  59-1  
Kuizema, Jessica ---  36-1   51-2   56-2   58-2   61-3   71-1  
Kuizema, Pvt. ---  67-3  
Kuizma, Harold ---  43-3  
Kujak, Albert C. ---  Roster  
Kulaga, Charles Arkadga 'Chuck' ---  Roster  
Kulesik, Bernard J. ---  Roster  
Kulesza, Joseph R. ---  Roster  
Kulhenek, Walter I. ---  Roster  
Kulke, Sgt. ---  65-2  
Kulp, Paul W. 'Shortie' ---  Roster  
Kulpa, Stephen J. ---  Roster  
Kultzow, John ---  43-3   47-1   52-1   54-1  
Kultzow, John E. ---  Roster   43-3  
Kuluezez, Harry ---  53-1  
Kulzer, Ralph ---  33-2  
Kulzer, Ralph P. ---  8-1  
Kulzer, Ralph Peter ---  Roster  
Kumburis, Theodore ---  Roster  
Kumler, Clara Louise ---  73-2  
Kumrovec ---  31-2  
Kunak, Frank Joseph ---  Roster  
Kunkel, Joseph M. ---  Roster  
Kunro, Hayward D. ---  Roster  
Kunselman, Maurice Harl ---  Roster  
Kuntz, C. Kline ---  72-3  
Kuntz, Charles Kline ---  Roster  
Kuntz, Irene ---  75-1  
Kuntz, Pauline 'Polly' ---  72-3  
Kunz, Benjamin H. ---  Roster  
Kunz, Jacob ---  Roster   62-2  
Kunz, Vernon C. ---  Roster   46-1   46-4  
Kunza, Peter P. ---  Roster  
Kupchak, Edward M. ---  Roster  
Kuplen, Alex L. ---  Roster  
Kuppelman, Fred ---  Roster  
Kupplemann, Fredrick ---  Roster  
Kups, Lenore ---  62-3  
Kups, Stan ---  62-3  
Kups, Stanislaus ---  3-10   6-5   7-2   50-1   51-1  
Kups, Stanislov (Stanley) ---  72-1  
Kups, Stanislov 'Stanley' ---  Roster  
Kups, Stanley ---  43-3   44-2   53-1   54-1   55-1   56-1   57-1   58-2   62-3   65-1   66-1   67-3  
Kups, Stanley & Lenore ---  46-1  
Kuras, Walter S. ---  Roster  
Kurcz, Jacob ---  Roster  
Kurek, Stanley ---  Roster   58-1   70-3   71-1   72-2   73-1  
Kurnalski, Joseph W. ---  Roster  
Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library ---  66-3   75-1  
Kurth, Jeanette ---  46-2  
Kurth, Ray & Jeanette ---  46-2  
Kurth, Raymond ---  24-1   31-3   48-3   54-4   57-1   57-4   59-3   61-3  
Kurth, Raymond P. ---  Roster   46-2   48-3   54-2   71-2  
Kurth, Raymond Peter ---  71-3  
Kurth, Raymond, Mr. & Mrs. ---  62-3  
Kurth, Roy ---  Roster   47-4  
Kur-Trier ---  27-4  
Kurtz, Morris E. ---  Roster  
Kurzawski, James J. ---  Roster  
Kurzeja, Michael ---  52-1  
Kurzeja, Michael & Carol ---  46-1  
Kurzeja, Michael F. ---  Roster   53-1   54-1   56-1   57-1   60-4  
Kurzeja, Mr. & Mrs. ---  46-2  
Kushel, Alexander ---  Roster  
Kushik, Kenneth ---  33-3  
Kushlis, Joe ---  24-3  
Kushlish, Joseph, Mr. ---  21-4  
Kushner, H. ---  27-3  
Kushner, Howard H. ---  Roster   50-1  
Kusick, Junior L. ---  Roster  
Kusiewska, Frank J. ---  Roster  
Kuta, Stanley ---  Roster  
Kute, Annette ---  63-2  
Kuthy, William ---  3-10  
Kuthy, William, Sr. ---  Roster  
Kutney, Andrew F. ---  Roster  
Kutrovac, Michael ---  Roster  
Kutruff, Bob ---  Roster  
Kutruff, Gary R. ---  58-4  
Kutz, Raymond A, Sr. ---  Roster  
Kutzebue, Leon L. ---  Roster  
Kutzer, Harro ---  64-3  
Kutzlow, John ---  61-3   61-4  
Kutzlow, John E. ---  Roster  
Kux, William ---  Roster   8-4  
Kuzell, Maj. ---  3-3   7-2  
Kuzell, Margaret ---  56-3  
Kuzell, Ralph ---  56-3  
Kuzell, Ralph E. ---  Roster   38-1  
Kuziema, Harold ---  Roster  
Kvarner Riviera ---  31-2  
Kvisgaard, Wesley W. ---  Roster  
Kwaced, Carl ---  42-1  
Kwaczek, Carl ---  35-4   44-3   45-3  
Kwaczek, Carl & Lillian ---  45-3   46-1  
Kwaczek, Carl S. ---  Roster   36-1   37-3   43-1   43-3   44-3   44-4   48-1   59-1  
Kwaczek, Carl S. & Lillian ---  47-1  
Kwaczek, Lillian & Carl ---  41-3  
Kwajalein ---  51-1  
Kwantes, Ken ---  80-2  
Kweczhk, Carl ---  Roster   42-1  
Kwiatkowski, George V. ---  Roster  
Kyle, Doran ---  6-1   14-6   16-3  
Kyle, Doran W. ---  Roster   4-5  
Kyle, Doran, Mr. & Mrs. ---  7-3  
Kyle, Doran, Mrs. ---  6-5  
Kyser, Thomas ---  Roster  
Kyushu Island ---  5-5,  

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