Original Cub Document
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Vol. 6, No. 1, Sep, 1949
KILLED IN ACTION (Next of Kin Is Known)
KILLED IN ACTION (Next of Kin Is Not Known)
PRESIDENT'S COLUMNThis marks the first issue in which I intend to keep you members posted on all current issues developing in the national association. As your new president, I wish to say hello to everyone, and to ask your full cooperation in all that we undertake to make ours, the 106th Infantry Division Association, the most respected and known group in the states.
Those of you who were unable to make the recent Chicago Convention are the ones to whom I will direct the following information. Our third annual meeting in Chicago gave to all attending a renewed impetus. The keen interest shown demonstrated that we have a potential greatness. The men themselves, regardless of previous rank, knitted new and closer friendships with everyone. Oh yes, the larger percentage of wives, mothers and sweethearts present gives us more encouragement for the future. The officers, members of the board and myself would appreciate you men doing your utmost on the following - immediately:
Pick out an individual you know from the Division - contact him - explain as best you know how that he is an important factor in our attaining objectives; namely, scholarships for needy children of men KIA. His active membership will eventually be many times rewarded. Ask him to become a member, give a little recent history, and obtain a picture, etc., for the
At the 1949 convention, the following were elected to serve on the Board of Directors until the next annual meeting. In addition to those named below, each chapter may appoint one or more directors to the Board.
S. S. Blandford Easton, Md., 424/0
Rev. E. C. Boyle Chicago., Ill., 424/Hq
Rev. P. W. Cavanaugh Milford, Ohio., 422/Hq
Sam F. Cimaglia, Jr Madison, N. J., 590/Hq
D. B. Frampton, Jr McArthur, Ohio., 422/Cn
Jerome L. Frankel Brooklyn, N. Y., 424/3d Bn
William A. French Detroit, Mich., 424/1,
John M. Gillespie Detroit, Mich., 422/C
Ben J. Hagman Weatherford, Tex., Divarty
Pete House Gainesville, Fla., 590/A
Russell D. Kelly Springfield, Ill., 424/3d Bn
Dr. J. E. Ketterer Springfield, Ill., 1,110
Edward L. Luzzie Chicago, Ill., 590
J. A. Middleton, III Madison, N. J., Sig. Co.
Donald A. Palmer Detroit, Mich., 423/M
David S. Price Albany, N. Y., 331/I)
Robert E. Rutt Detroit, Mich., 422/Hq
Charles N. Robasse Niles, Ill., DHQ
Robert P. Stout Pelham, N. Y., DHQ
J. Glenn Schnizlein Minneapolis, Minn., 423/F
Russell H. Villwock Chicago, Ill., Sig. Co.
Roy Wentzel Santa Ana, Cal., 422/E
At its first meeting on 31 July, the new Board elected the following officers: President, Gillespie; Vice President, Stoat; Adjutant, Rutt ; Treasurer and CUB Editor, Price; Membership Chairman, Villwock ; Memorials Chairman, Schnizlein ; Chaplain, Father Cavanaugh. Capt. E. C. Roberts, D/422 of Manhattan, Kas., was named as Post Exchange Officer. Honorary Vice Presidents remain unchanged from 1948-49.
The new Board contains 11 new members and 10 hold-overs from 1948-49. Mr. Gillespie, new President, has served as a national director in 1948-49, and has been President of the Michigan Chapter. Col. Stout continues as Vice President, and has been a director since 1947-48, and has been active in the Metropolitan Chapter.
Next CUB. If you are not a member of a chapter, start plans for some sort of a Memorial meeting on December 16th, even if there are only a few of you nearby. As a final request, .d it may seem an early one, but it "ain't," start planning to be in Detroit next summer for the fourth national convention. In closing, may I say many thanks for the honor you have given me. I will pledge myself to every effort put forth for the betterment of the Association.
About 250 persons attended the third annual convention of the 106th, at the Congress Hotel, Chicago, on 29 to 31 July 1949. This convention will be long remembered for the superb hotel arrangements, good program, and fine food. Edward L. Lucile of Chicago planned and directed the convention, with able assistance from Gene Boratyn, Bob Frische, Miss Carol Frische, Sig Johnson, Roger May, Mrs. Fran Busch, M/Sgt. Amos Wright, and Bob Woodruff. Preliminary estimates indicate that the convention showed a profit of several hundred dollars.
More than half of the delegates checked in on Friday, although the official opening wasn't scheduled until Saturday. The 1948-49 board of directors and chapter delegates held their final meeting on Friday afternoon. On Friday evening the Chicago Chapter held an open house in one of the many large parlors provided by the hotel. Refreshments were abundant.
Saturday Noon
The convention was officially opened at a dinner in the Gold Room at l:00 on Saturday, with 154 persons present. James E. Day, President, the Chicago Stock Exchange, proved to be a highly entertaining feature speaker. He gave a brief explanation of the functions and operation of a securities exchange, with illustrations of safeguards which have been adopted to prevent manipulation of the markets by insiders. His principal theme was that public understanding of the stock market is essential to continued growth of American industry, and he expressed the belief that broadening the base of ownership of corporations is a sound method of insuring prosperity. He pointed out that about 16 million persons now share direct ownership of corporations, and that the figure of stockholders is growing steadily. Other pages of this CUB discuss the Saturday afternoon business meeting of the Association and of its Auxiliary.
Banquet and Dance
At 7:00 p.m., delegates assembled in the Casino Room of the Congress Hotel for the annual banquet. The feast was accompanied by music from Jim Barclay's orchestra, and followed by dancing to the some excellent band. There were no speeches, no formal program. The dance lasted until far into the night, and arrangements were made for the purchase of set-ups and ice from the hotel, with the delegates permitted to supply their own liquid refreshments. About 250 persons attended, and the success of the dance can be judged from the fact that the party was so good that everyone stayed on until the band went home.
Memorial Service
The Memorial Service was conducted on the Congress Plaza, opposite the hotel, by Fathers Boyle and Cavanaugh. The color guard was pro- vided by the Commonwealth Edison Post of the American Legion, and a squadron of planes from O'Hare Field flew low over the ceremonies as buglers were sounding taps.
Combat Movies
Through the courtesy of General Stroh, combat motion pictures were made available for showing at the convention. By popular demand, the showing of "The Battle of the Bulge" was repeated four times, and "Appointment in Tokyo" was also shown. M/Sgt. Amos Wright acted as projectionist, and the films, "C.B. 34" and "C.B. 46", were taken by the Army Pictorial Service. The Ardennes picture showed the territory where the 106th fought, and men of our outfit were clearly recognizable. These movies are available for showing by chapters.
We don't know how they do it in Chicago, but this year the food was really tops, tastefully prepared, well-served, well planned. On Saturday noon we were served a half cantaloupe, breaded veal cutlet with escalloped potatoes, vegetables, and ice cream. Saturday night's menu included a fresh fruit cup, roast turkey with dressing and cranberry sauce, Brussel sprouts, candied sweet potatoes, and ice cream with fruit sauce. On Sunday noon we got juice, roast beef, roast potatoes, carrots and string beans, home-made pie and cheese. All meals included appetizers, salad, beverage, and rolls.
Convention Sidelights Registration was smooth and efficient, with no waiting in line. The weather was relatively cool and pleasant, for a change. One of the unusual things about this convention was the large number of attractive female guests -- the boys seem to have excellent taste in wives!
The hotel surprised us with a special ice display after the Saturday banquet, "106th" and the discharge button emblem, carved from huge cakes of ice, were set aflame and were wheeled through a darkened banquet hall-- a most impressive show. Cooperation from this hotel was right out of this world -- if you go to Chicago, stop there. At the Congress Hotel food was excellent, service was friendly, and the prices were right.
(Continued on Page 7)
KILLED IN ACTION (Next of Kin Is Known)
"The purpose of this association shall be ... to perpetuate the name and symbol of the 106th Infantry Division as an active and living monument to those brothers in arms who have died while fighting under its standards and whose every act has reflected great glory and prestige on its now remaining veterans." (From Sec. 2-a of the Association's charter). The following lists of battle casualties of the 106th have been compiled from many sources, and are as complete as possible based on the information we have in our files. We are aware that the lists are often inaccurate, particularly in the spelling of names, because in many instances our information comes from scrawled hand-written records.
The most important project of the Association in coming months will be to revise and expand this list. This can be done only through full cooperation from the members. Our records are quite complete on the 150 men listed under "name and address of next of kin is known by the Association", but we have little or no information on those under "next of kin not known by Association".
We ask every reader to check these lists carefully, and to write to us with information about KIA not listed, with corrections of spelling of names, and with information about circumstances of death, unit and serial number, and address of next of kin for the men listed under "NOK not known".
Name and Address of Next of Kin Is Known By the Association
Abrams, LeonAdam, Charles
Ambrose, Ferrell J.
Amundson, Wallace C.
Anchorstar, Gustav F.
Anderson, Lee E.
Anderson, Raymond F.
Armstrong, Thomas B.
Arndtt, Arthur
Bannister, Albert J.
Bard, Saul
Barker, John H.
Barnes, Glen E.
Bartolo, Edward J.
Baxter, Samuel F.
Behney, Donald H.
Bell, William
Benedetto, Joe D.
Betthauser, Paul
Bickerstaff, William T.
Bingle, William H.
Breun, Charles W.
Brocki, Paul P.
Brown, Claud E.
Brownell, Donald D.
Burns, Robert J.
Bydlon, Frank J.
Carlton, William W.
Carow, William H.
Carron, Paul M.
Cella, James F.
Chase, Robert F.
Chesbro, John
Clements, Lawrence
Clifton, Eugene
Cohen, Israel
Collins, Robert T.
Corcoran, John F.
D'Antonio, Joseph
De Martino, William
Di Natoli, Anthony
Dieterich, Walter
Dillman, Roger
Doane, Burt M.
Donato, John F.
Erickson, Leroy H.
Firmalino, Eddie
Ford, James
Ford, Robert D.
Frair, Charles C.
Gallo, Peter
Gerstner, Jacob A.
Hamilton, James S.
Harman, Emit I., Jr.
Hastak, Wenzel J.
Haynes, Warren E., Jr.
Herbert, Charles W.
Heymann, Chester G.
Hintzen, Leonard J.
Hjerpe, Edward B.
Holt, Charles E.
Huberty, Donald
Huddleston, Jarrett M.
Humphrey, Richard J.
Irvin, Richard F.
Jenwenski, Fred
Johnson, Robert M.
Jones, Raymond F.
Kastenbaum, Leon
Kelley, Frank
Kelly, Arland
Kent, Thomas
Kessler, Robert E.
King, Robert J.
Knowles, James F.
Kramer, Ira
Krieger, Oscar G.
Lawlor, Timothy J.
Leavitt, Ralph H.
Lenihan, Eugene
Liggett, Robert G.
Lorenzen, Robert V.
Lubke, Charles A.
Lyon, Jobe E., Jr.
Mackay, Hector D.
Mashers, Joseph
Mattsen, Mads S.
Mayberg, Samuel J.
Mayes, Hugh C.
McCollom, Harold, Jr.
McComb, William
McMillin, Donald L.
Miles, Charles
Miller, Homer W., Jr.
Miller, Robert G.
Mitchell, Berton F.
Mode, Dmytro P.
Mool, James B.
Moorman, Robert J.
Moss, Jack H.
Mueller, David S.
Muldoon, Francis P.
Mygatt, C. S.
Nelson, LaVern W.
Olson, Wayne
Paterson, Gene B.
Plaits, William, Jr.
Pringle, Edward G.
Rabinovitz, Abraham I.
Richards, Jimmie Lee
Roberts, Hall S.
Robertson, Nolen
Ronk, Glenn W.
Rosenburg, Aaron T.
Rosenburg, Sydney
Sandifer, Woodrow W.
Schmitz, Leroy
Schoemer, J. K.
Schulte, Raymond J.
Searcy, James J.
Sharp, Howard O., Jr.
Shlazas, Joseph P.
Snyder, George M.
Sprenkle, Robert L.
Stanford, James A.
Stec, Peter
Stone, Darrel I.
Summers, Robert H.
Tepper, Paul
Thomas, Patrick V.
Thompson, John W.
Topolski, Edward M.
Trotz, Walter
Truax, Donald
Tucker, Robert
Turner, Austin
Tyrrell, Wilson E.
Umstattd, William B.
Van Dyk, Louis
Weatherill, Walter H.
Weeks, Charles L.
Wencl, Ben
Wheeler, Crawford
Wheeler, Joseph
Whittemore, Lowell
Willis, Francis
Wilson, Robert H.
Wood, Eric F. Jr.
Woodson, David T., Jr.
Young, Cecil
Zaragoza, David
Send information about our battle casualties to:
727 15th Ave., S.E.
Minneapolis 14, Minn
Next of Kin Not Known By Association
Ahlberg, Thom. W. Anderson, George A.
Aylesworth, Carl A.
Ballew, Earl F.
Blacke, Clifford F.
Bobo, Clifford
Bolding, Claud V.
Borneson, Laverne E.
Boulton, Charles
Brenner, Murray
Brice, William B.
Butler, Bert E.
Cannon, William J.
Carraturo, Antonio
Christenson, Bernard M.
Clark, Charles H.
Cohen, Eli
Craig, William
Croce, Louis A.
Diamon, Richard C.
Dominque, W. F.
Engle, Norman
Franklin, Sheldon
Galardi, Leonard
Gordon, Von W.
Greenspan, Philip F.
Guilios, Charles P.
Hammond, George E.
Hanson, Harland C.
Hazelbaker, Charles
Heagney, John J.
Hear, Julius
Henry, Frank
Hirzel, George W.
Ingle, Narvel E.
Jordan, Edward J.
Kempf, William B.
Kicinski, Chester
Kinzer, Don S.
Koscak, Steve
Krol, John M.
LoSavio, Nicholas J.
Luck, Karl
Marshall, Pat
Martin, Lt.
Matson, Raymond
Melton, James F.
Miller, Joseph M.
Miranda, Chrispin L.
Morrison, Ian Alastair
Oberg, Warrell F.
Obert, Raymond L.
Olson, Clifford E.
Pandini, Anthony H.
Parker (of Co. B, 424th)
Pate, Sammy
Perkins, William H.
Pilkington, John
Pitts, John
Plantz, Jack
Porter ?
Reichenau, Douglas J.
Ritter, William
Rizzoli, Charles L.
Rogosienski, John J.
Rosen, Arthur S.
Rothman, Milton
Rowe, Donald S.
Scannapico, Sgt.
Seymour, Hayden
Sharitz, Thorold, J. B.
Snyder, Edwin A.
St. Lawrence, Joe
Thomas, George E.
Thomas, John W.
Viborka, John P.
Wannamaker, Paul
Ward, Duane P.
Washer, Harry
Weissinger, Harry H.
Welker, William N.
Wharton, John B.
Wilson, Ernest M.
Witton, William
Zguzenski, Creslow P.
Cooper, AshleyDick, Kenneth
Lanahan, John F.
Meanak, Warren, Jr.
Miller, Frederick P.
Peecichio, Carmen
Topel, Harold
Garrett, David (2d Div.)
Gill, Richard H. (79th Div.)
Haslbeck, Robert H. (4th Armd. Div.)
Jon, Arthur E. (45th Div.)
Millard, Donald L. (79th Div.)
Price, Robert E. (90th Div.)
This is a harsh, stark narrative of prison camp life. It will recall grim and bitter memories to many of the 7,000 men of the 106th who were captured. Material for the article comes largely from the organization, THE SURVIVORS OF BERGA, through Dr. Jacob Cantor and Charles Vogel. Inquiries and correspondence to Mr. Vogel or Dr. Cantor may be addressed in care of the CUB.
On 16 December 1944, the Germans launched their all-out offensive into the Ardennes. The 106th and the 28th Infantry Divisions, spread out over a territory suited for defense by five divisions, met the full force of the initial onslaught. It is history that the two American outfits held up the Nazi advance, delayed the onrush, but lost the major part of their effective strength in their stand. Here is what happened to those who were lucky enough to live through those bloody days, yet not lucky enough to effect successful withdrawal to American lines.
"The captured were marched into Germany, forced often to 'double-time' with their hands behind their heads, for the edification of the German people. Frequently, the men were targets for stones, over-ripe fruit and garbage. That American soldier unfortunate enough to stumble and fall was instantly set upon by German guards and beaten and kicked to his feet - or left for dead. No food nor water was given to them. When they reached the German railway, the P.O.W.'s were packed, 60 to the car, into cattle cars reeking of animal excreta and most inhumanly unsanitary. . . . At the beginning of the journey, each man had been given six slices of ersatz bread. During the entire trip, which took four days, not a drop of water nor any other food was given. at any time until their arrival at Stalag IXB at Bad Orb were the men permitted to get out and attend to necessary physiological needs. This caused epidemic diarrhea and infection.
At Bad Orb, 60 men were crowded into each barrack- normally adequate for no more than 40. They received none of the usual prisoner issues of clothing, blankets, or Red Cross P.O.W. packages. Their diet: for breakfast, a cup of sugarless ersatz coffee and the day's supply of six slices of ersatz bread; lunch was a liter of soup made of rutabagas and potatoes, vegetable peelings, a dash of animal margarine, and a half-pound meat portion from a Red Cross food package (divided among 22 men) ; their entire supper, another cup of sugarless ersatz coffee. Upon capture, . . . valuables, money, keepsakes, tobacco, pipes and cigarettes were confiscated." (These quotations are from a statement by Dr. Jacob Cantor, whose son died at Berga. Cantor's son managed to conceal his pipe and a package of tobacco, and shared these with his comrades unselfishly.) "No tobacco was ever given the P.O.W.'s by anyone through their entire time as prisoners.
STARVATION TOOK ITS TOLL. Shown in this Army Signal Corps photo are liberated POW's it! Berga. Every man in this photo is now it member of the Survivors organization. From the bottom of the photograph upward are Alvin Abrams, Joseph Guigno, James Watkins, Paul D. Capps, and Winfield Rosenberg.
"Two weeks later, an order was posted requiring all soldiers of 'Jewish blood' to report to Headquarters Barrack for segregation." (In a letter to the Editor, Dr. Cantor points out that all of the American prisoners got together and refused to permit the Jewish boys to obey this first order. 'Then came a second order, drastic and death-promising.) "All 'Jewish' violators, when caught, would be summarily shot and all others in the same barrack with the guilty 'culprit' would be punished by decimation (the shooting of every tenth man by lot.) . . . The Jewish soldiers met among themselves, and almost to a man, decided to obey rather than subject their comrades to the possibility of such drastic punishment." (In a marginal note, Cantor explains
that about 350 non-Jewish American prisoners reported along with the Jewish soldiers, but that they were detected and beaten back by German guards.) "In this group were about 125 enlisted men. On Feb. 8, 1945, all except the non-coms -- 100 to 105 men in all -- together with about 150 'troublesome' prisoners (those troublesome to the Germans by virtue of their independence and refusal to 'cooperate') and another 100 men selected at random, making a total batch of 350 prisoners, were again packed in freight cars and shipped to Berga-am-Elster, about 500 kilometers (310 miles) northeast of Bad Orb. Again the six slices of ersatz bread to suffice for the entire five-day trip.
"Berga-am-Elster was euphemistically labeled by the Germans as part of Stalag IX-C. Actually, it was not a P.O.W. camp, had never been certified as such to the International Red Cross, nor had it ever been visited by an I.R.C. representative. It was a slave labor camp where impressed civilians and some soldiers from Russia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Italy and France were forced to labor excavating a large underground factory out of slate mines. . . Most of the civilians there had previously been at Buchenwald, which was nearby, and because of overcrowding had been sent from there for further 'handling' at Berga."
Dr. Cantor continues to describe the living conditions -- two to a single bunk, no blankets for the winter cold, mattresses teeming with vermin and filth, sleeping in shoes lest guards steal them, no sanitary provisions save a slit trench in the open, neither soap nor scissors nor razors, no mail in or out.
"Just like the other slave laborers, the American P.O.W.'s worked ten-hour shifts in the slate mines", a four-mile hilly round-trip march. "On slightest provocation or with none at all, they were beaten by the guards and their Commandant."
The survivors of Berga have formed an organization, dedicated to the securing of justice against the infamous commanders at this camp. This phase of the story will appear as a separate installment in a later issue of the CUB.
The daily diet at Berga provided about 400 calories per man, contrasted to the "liberal" allowance of about 1,000 at Bad Orb. Dr. Cantor continues, "This was practically complete starvation. It was, therefore, no wonder that each American G.I. there lost from 70 to 100 pounds. For example, Pfc. Martin went from 198 lbs. to just below 100; Pvt. Brooks went from 168 to 90 lbs., and Pvt. Feldman from 178 to below 100. Pfc. Steckler went from 160 to 90 lbs.
"Illness, injuries and the imposed starvation began to take its toll of the American P.O.W.'s shortly after their arrival at Berga. Since the only medical care was given by their own Medical Department privates among the prisoners, who had no medicines nor supplies -- not even a single roll of bandage nor one aspirin tablet -- daily deaths were routine. By the beginning of March, they were dying at the rate of 20 per week."
(to be continued)
Starting with the December-January issue, the CUB will feature a monthly column where members who are looking for work are invited to tell what kind of job they want and what their qualifications are. Also, members who may be hiring people are invited to announce job opening, through the CUB. In this way, we hope to help some of our men to find employment. If you are in the market for a new job or if you expect to be hiring men, write to the CUB and we'll publish your notice in the magazine. This feature was suggested by Lt. Col. Tommy Riggs. Incidentally, we're looking for a name for the new job placement column, and our readers are invited to submit suggestions.
CONVENTION (Cont'd. from Page 3)
Our official convention photographer was Oscar and Associates. They took many photographs of all events, and appeared minutes after each picture was a completed print. Their pictures are for sale -- see advertisement on page 23. For the third consecutive year, the convention was relatively sober and no damage was done to the hotel. Nobody arrested for disturbing the peace, nobody had to be carried out of any of the events.
Once again, the reunion was attended by many who traveled far. Long distance prize for 1949 goes to Doran Kyle who came from southern California. Ben Briles from Wyoming, Pete House from Florida, and Ben Hagman from Texas were others who took a long trip to be with us.
The hotel provided free rooms for all of our chapters and meetings. There were plenty of non-scheduled parties in the chapter rooms.
Next month's CUB will carry a complete roster, with mailing addresses of all men who attended the 1949 national convention.
See What You Missed!
These are just a few of the lovely ladies at our Saturday night dance at the 1949 convention. (Ed. note: Our only regret is that we didn't meet them all, so we don't have all the names. But we are willing to find out. We have numbered each photo. Send us a post-card identifying as many as you can.)
By RICHARD A. HARTMAN, Battalion Survey Sergeant
This is the second and concluding installment of Dick Hartman's story of what happened to the 590th. The conclusion of the first part of his account left the 590th inside German lines, completely isolated, "The remainder of the night dragged slowly by. The guns continued firing their missions. The rest of the Battalion, still alerted, just searched and listened and waited." (This story is copyrighted by Richard A. Hartman, 1949, and may not be reproduced without his consent.)
Sunday, December 17 dawned cold and misty. The tempo of the German attack on Bleialf increased and about 0630 the town finally fell. The Battalion still waited and wondered. About 0800 communications with Divarty were resumed as suddenly and mysteriously as they' had ceased. Col. Lackey immediately reported the Bleialf breakthrough. General McMahon ordered him to displace to the alternate positions west of Schonberg at once.
The survey section was dispatched immediately to reconnoiter the route. We started toward the rear in three weapons carriers each mounted with a 50 cal. machine gun. As we drove slowly along the cut-off toward the Bleialf-Schonberg road, expecting at any minute to be blown sky-high, we came upon four or five vehicles of the 589th which had been knocked out the previous night. We became even more apprehensive but continued on without incident until we reached the paved road. A strange but welcome sight greeted us as we emerged from the woods for the second straight day. An American ambulance, apparently knocked out, sat idle in the road. Beyond it, one lone American infantryman could be seen marching a group of some twenty-odd Germans back towards Schonberg. Foolishly, without further investigation, we decided that everything was all right. Two of the carriers, with Cpl. Bill Barton in charge, were left at the intersection while Lt. Gardner and I returned to the Battalion to report what we had seen.
After making our report it was decided that the survey section would go on to the rear and survey the positions on the other side of Schonberg. The Battalion was to follow in a very short time.
We raced back to rejoin the others and were greeted with another surprise. While we were gone the group had captured two Germans, both of whom were wounded. We loaded the prisoners, one on the front right fender of each of the last two trucks, and started off toward Schonberg. The lone infantryman had long since disappeared around a 90 degree curve about a half mile down the road.
Unsuspectingly, we rounded the same curve and came face to face with the enemy. An American recon car sat directly in the center of the road blocking it, and behind it stood several Germans. To the left, in the window of a farmhouse, some 200 yards across the valley a German machine gun sat trained on the curve. Three American medics, two of them wounded, lay in a ditch on the right. One of them shouted, "They're shooting at us."
Pvt. Mac Marshall slid the lead vehicle to a stop, and the others piled up behind him. At the same instant, Pvt. Paul Bernard, also in the first vehicle, opened up with his 50 caliber. He beat the Jerries to the draw, and all three of the vehicles backed safely out of sight around the curve.
As soon as we were out of sight we left the vehicles and scattered up the side of the hill which overlooked the curve. From there we exchanged fire with the Germans for some 15 or 20 minutes. Finally, they sent up some red flares which we interpreted as a signal for artillery fire on our positions. Acting accordingly, it was decided by Lt. Gardner that further firing was futile and that it would be better to return and warn the Battalion of the situation.
The Germans peppered us with rifle fire as we withdrew up the road. Each of the vehicles was riddled with holes, but fortunately, only two of the men were wounded, and they only slightly. Pvt. Marshall was nicked in the neck, and Pvt. Maurice Sauer was hit in the palm of the hand.
The Battalion in the meantime had attempted to follow us as planned. C Battery, led by Capt. Albert W. Henderson, began the exodus but encountered concentrated artillery fire just after turning into the cut-off. It became so intense that the battery was forced to turn back.
When we returned with our two prisoners and told of our near ambush Col. Lackey abandoned all plans of withdrawal. It was clear that even then the Germans had complete control of the only two roads leading back to Schonberg. The two sides of the triangle formed by the roads connecting Auw, Bleialf and Schonberg were in the hands of the enemy. We, on the base, were completely cut-off.
(Continued on page 17)
OPENING SESSION, 1949 CONVENTION, in the Gold Room of the Congress Hotel, before the Saturday luncheon. At the speaker's table, from left to right, are Glenn Schnizlein, Father Cavanaugh, Russ Villwock, Dave Price, Charlie Robasse, Ed Laxsie, James Day - president of The Chicago Stock Exchange and feature speaker, Sig Johnson, Father Hoyle, and Gene Boratyn.
(This photograph, 16 x 10 inches, may be ordered from Oscar & Associates, . price $2.00, specify "Luncheon Group Photo.")
The meeting was called to order at 2:25 p.m. on Sunday, 31 July 1949, by Mr. Robasse, President. John M. Gillespie of Detroit was nominated for the Presidency by Father Boyle, seconded by Dr. Ketterer, and unanimously elected. Mr. Gillespie assumed the chairmanship of the meeting, and other officers were duly elected. (A list of those elected appears on page 2 of this issue.)
The newly-elected membership chairman, Mr. Villwock, reported that the following are considered as chapters in good standing for 1949-50:
Albany, N. Y. Minnesota
The Auxiliary Metropolitan
Central Illinois St. Louis dc
Chicago, Ill. Southern Illinois
Maryland Southern California
Michigan Wolverines Uniontown Diaries, Pa.
Potential or inactive chapters exist in Boston, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Western New York, and Tennessee. Volunteers have offered to start new chapters in Cincinnati and North Carolina.
The Board adopted the following tentative budget for 1949-50, and authorized the President to expend funds on behalf of the Association within the budget:
Corporate service
Office supplies
Telephone and telegraph
Promotion of membership
Other expenses
The President was authorized to appoint an auditing committee and a committee to revise the charter and by-laws. The President was instructed to prepare and submit quarterly reports of activities and finances to the Directors. The Treasurer was instructed to arrange for the printing of new stationery, and the Membership Chairman was instructed to secure from active chapters their nominees for chapter delegates to the National Board of Directors.
COMMITTEE WORKERS RELAX at the Saturday night banquet, Chicago, 1949. Starting with Ed Lussie, convention chairman, standing, and proceeding in clockwise fashion around the table are James Teason, Carol Frisch, Bob Woodruff, Bob Frische, a young lady we unfortunately didn't meet an cannot name, Roger May, and Mary and Frannie Busch. (This photograph, 644 x 81/2 inches, may be ordered from Oscar and Associates, price $1.00, specify photo "A-5, 106th Division Convention.")
by Capt. E. C. Roberts, Jr. THE REVIEWING STAND
This is the story of one of America's most colorful and least publicized figures - his successes, failures, sorrows and joys. The book is written from three sources, the General's field diaries, his "little black notebook" and his letters to his wife. The papers are written with the salty directness of a man writing for himself, with no thought of publication. Stillwell wrote things as he saw them, and most of the time in no gentle terms. His language is that of a soldier and a man.Mrs. Stilwell's introduction gives insight into the General and some of the physical problems which tormented him; during the first war, an explosion nearly blinded his left eye, and in the height of his career he was largely dependent on one eye and feared that it would give out before his mission was accomplished. She explains that although his writings were personal, publication may help the American public to better understand present day problems in China.
On Pearl Harbor Day, General Stilwell commanded III Corps at Monterey, Calif. His notes recall the first few days of utter confusion, and the rumors of Jap landings which flew about the West Coast. The reader is taken behind the headlines, and sees just how pitifully inadequate our Pacific defenses were. On 25 December the General was called to Washington to begin planning Operation Gymnast, the North African landings. But fate was not to send him there. Instead, Secretary Stimson considered General Stilwell's previous service in China and his knowledge of the Chinese language and government, and named him to command the land fighting in China. With a hastily-assembled staff, he emplaned for China in February 1942.
What he found in India was anything but bright. There was distrust and hard feeling between our British and Chinese allies. Everyone was running from the Japanese offensives. Stilwell's first attention went to Burma, which had to be held at all costs. Assuming direct command at the front, he found that his Chinese troops would not follow instructions, and were withdrawing counter to orders. The Japs tore a hole in the Chinese line, the front split wide open, and the battle turned into a rout and a withdrawal for survival. Stilwell conducted a brilliant retreat out of Burma, and said: "We took a hell of a licking. Meanwhile the vulgar old man is trying to think up a plan to kick the Japs around." Next comes a detailed study of Stilwell's relations with Chiang Kai-shek, culminating in Stilwell's recall in 1944. Chiang's promises were seldom fulfilled, and his efforts at strategy misfired. Stilwell refers to him throughout as "Peanut", and a typical comment is: "He is obstinate, pigheaded, ignorant, intolerant, arbitrary, unreasonable, illogical, ungrateful, and grasping." Chiang's famous three demands made Stilwell furious. He wanted three U. S. divisions to Burma, 500 planes, and 5,000 tons of supplies per month over the Hump - at that time, wholly impossible. The only unit in China which was accomplishing much was the Flying Tigers, operating on a shoestring. Stilwell later had much trouble with General Chennault over supplies which had to be flown in over the Hump.
General Stilwell forged ahead with plans for training a Chinese army to re-take Burma, thus gaining a land bridge to China. He worked on plans for the Ledo Road, later called the Stilwell Road. Throughout, the reader is impressed with the way Stilwell had to work with next to nothing. Chinese queer ways of doing things, face-saving, family intrigue, and graft, all made for a difficult situation.
After 32 months of nothing but grief, Stilwell was recalled, and was retired to his California home, with bitter thoughts and broken health.
This is not a pleasant book. It does not show glorious victory, but does give a rare insight into the trouble encountered in the Orient by a man who might have been one of our most brilliant field commanders. Stilwell's men called him "Uncle Joe" and "Vinegar Joe" (and several things less printable), and the great majority of them worshipped him. He was an infantryman from the word go, and that he wanted most, he never got - a ground victory over the Japs. This book is recommended reading for persons interested in China.
The renewed interest expressed at the convention brings promise of a revitalized and growing Auxiliary in the coming year. National bylaws of the two-year-old Auxiliary express its purposes as "educational, charitable and fraternal: to permit the members to continue the many friendships that have been cultivated within the Division ; to establish memorials in the form of scholarships for the children of deceased members; to contact 106th men in hospitals and to help them in whatever way we can."
Members of the Auxiliary held several meetings at Chicago, and mapped out an active program toward the achievement of the above objectives. Further information about the plans can be obtained from Mrs. Milan A. Stiles, President, 1020 West 68th St., Chicago 21, Ill. The Auxiliary decided to emphasize hospital work and membership promotion during the coming year. Auxiliary membership is open to all friends of the 106th, and dues are $2 per year for members who do not wish to receive the CUB, or $3 including a CUB subscription. Memberships should he sent to the Auxiliary Treasurer, Mrs. D. S. Price, 237 So. Manning Blvd., Albany 3, N. Y.
Starting with this issue, each CUB will feature, for the Auxiliary, a column expressly devoted to their plans, programs and accomplishments.
The Auxiliary Column
Members who live near a veteran's hospital are urged to give time to the veterans who are patients there. A really valuable contribution can he made through volunteering to feed paraplegic cases. Members not living near a hospital can help the disabled veterans realize that they have not been forgotten by making, at home, gay cigarette favors -- cigarettes are furnished free by Philip Morris, and we can send you patterns for the favors. Write to Mrs. Stiles for further details.
The Auxiliary voted to establish a Fund to provide a paraplegic veteran with a special wheel chair, costing about $150. $35 was pledged toward this objective at the convention, and we hope to present the chair to a veteran at the 1950 convention. You can help to raise money for the Fund by getting contributions or running a card party or other benefit.
The other area of Auxiliary work -- membership promotion -- is also important. There is already a Chicago Chapter of the Auxiliary. Our aim is an active Auxiliary Chapter wherever
(Continued on Page 16)
/ Mrs. Milan A. Stiles of Chicago, newly elected president of our national auxiliary, states: "It is with great pride and honor that I accept the office of President of the Auxiliary of the 160th Infantry Division Association.
"My eligibility to membership in the Auxiliary is through my son, Vincent A. Stiles, who served with the 424th Infantry from the activation of the 106th until his discharge from the service.
"I pledge my support and that of the Auxiliary to aid in carrying out the program of the 106th Infantry Division Association for the coming year."
Auxiliary Officers
Elected at Chicago for 1949-50 were: Mrs. Milan A. Stiles, president; Mrs. Amos Wright, vice president; Mrs. David S. Price, secretary-treasurer ; and Directors -- Mrs. John Beals, Mrs. Andrew Campbell, Mrs. Joseph Cannon, Mrs. D. B. Frampton, Jr., Mrs. Charles Folk, Mrs. Philip Gerlach, Mrs. Ethel Griswold, Mrs. H. II. Hatch, Mrs. John Ketterer, Mrs. B. F. Killian, , Mrs. Howard Maurer, Mrs. Herbert Meagher, Mrs. Frank Ross Jr., Mrs. Robert Sandberg, Mrs. Glenn Schnizlein, Mrs. Russell Villwock and Mrs. David Woodson.
/ Mrs. Amos Wright, president and organizer of the Chicago Chapter of our Auxiliary, was elected as 1949-50 national vice president of the Auxiliary. Mrs. Wright and her co-workers from the Chicago Auxiliary did much to make the 1949 convention the great success it was.
WHAT THEY ARE DOING NOWJACQUES W. BLOCH, an active worker in the formation of our Metropolitan Chapter, has moved to Baltimore as food production manager of Johns Hopkins Hospital. He was married on August 7, 1949.
DESMOND CALLAN 423/1st Bn. Hq., is a student at Columbia and lives at 53 West 88th St., New York 24, N.Y.
CAPT. S. P. CARIANO announces a change of station, this time to Yokohama. He is now with AG Sec., Hq. 8th Army, APO 343, San Francisco, Cal. Sam is staff postal officer for the Eighth Army.
LONNIE R. CURRY is managing the Sel-Mont Drive-In Theater at Selma, Alabama.
LT. JAMES A. DE FREEST, 422d, is at Ft. Ord, Cal., with G-4 of the 4th Inf. Div. He returned to the States in September 1948 after a 21-month stretch with the Engineers in Korea. DeFreest reports that CAPT. DAN HEWITT, formerly 2d Bn. supply officer with the 422d, is now with the Army Language School at the Presidio of Monterey, Calif.
/ HENRY F. KOKENZIE, DHQ, AG See., Capt., was graduated in '48 with a B.A. in economics from the Univ. at Denver, Phi Beta Kappa. He is business manager of athletics at his alma mate, and last fall was a candidate for the state legislature, losing out by a narrow margin.
MARTIN M. DOLITSKY, 591st F. A., is now Major in the 105th Field Artillery, N. Y. N. G. His home address is 134 No. Main St., Port Chester, N. Y.
HERBERT EIDELMAN, 18261 Prairie Ave., Detroit 21, Mich., will be graduated from Wayne University in January, with a degree in business administration.
RICHARD C. FERGUSON, 590/Hq., is a tool designer. He was a POW at IV-B, III-B and III-A, and now resides, with wife and two daughters, at Bldg. 44, Apt. 285, Success Park, Bridgeport, Conn.
WILLIAM K. FOWLER, 2830 Shipley Terrace, Apt. 101, Washington 20, D. C., is trying hard to start a District of Columbia chapter. He'll appreciate help from any volunteers down that way. He is employed as secretary to the assistant passenger traffic manager of the Southern Railway system. He reports that T/3 WARREN TRUCHSESS and T/4 E. R. TOOTLE, both of the Division Surgeon's Office, each announced the birth of a baby last May.
/ ALBERT C. OELSCHIG, JR., Hq. Co., 1st Bn., 423d Inf., .S/Sgt. and wearer of the purple heart and bronze star, has been commissioned in the national guard. He was a POW at IV-B, III-B and III-A, has two children, is a wholesale florist, and lives at 1612 Skidasvay Rd., Savannah, Ga.
J. R. GIBSON, 423/M, is still in a veteran's hospital as the result of his service as a POW at Bad Orb. Mail will reach him at his home address 218 1/2 Taylor St., Apt. 4, Amarillo, Tex.
ELLIOTT GOLDSTEIN, Major, F. A., has two young daughters, is a partner in an Atlanta law firm, and may be addressed at 1130 C & S Bank Bldg. in Atlanta, Ga.
ALBERT GOMMEL, 16 James Rd., Hatboro, Pa., will receive his B.S. in biology from Temple Univ. next June.
WALTER Curzow, former mess Sgt of DHQ, was married on 1 August to Miss Beverly Baker of Washington, Iowa. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. KETTERER of Springfield, Ill. were attendants, and the ceremony was performed at their home. We don't have the groom's address yet, but will forward mail to him if sent in care of the CUB.
THE AGONY GRAPEVINEEDWARD G. PRINGLE, Co. L, 422d Inf., died 16 Oct '48 at a Veteran's Hospital, according to information We have received from his mother, Mrs. John 'I'. Pringle, 416 Daly St., Dubois, Pa.
LEROY E. PUENING, aged 25, of 1033 Sturm Ave., Price Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio, lost his life on Memorial Day, 1949, in attempting to rescue his infant son who had fallen out of a boat. The child was saved by another man. Puening was with the 106th, and was a POW. He is survived by his widow and two young children.
JAMES J. SEARCY, Co. L, 423d Inf., wounded at Schonberg and died in prison camp. His father wants to hear from anyone who served with him or saw him after he was wounded.
If you can help us to get in touch with any of the following, please write to the CUB right away.
PFC. THOMAS BROWN, lives in or near Chicago.
PVT. RICHARD HUCK, Ca. Co., 422 Inf., from Chicago.
DICK LEARY, or any other person who can give information about the death of James S. Hamilton at Stalag IX-C on 5 April 1945.
CLIFFORD McDONALD, DHQ and Co. M, 3rd Inf.
may be ordered from
Oscar & Associates, Inc.
63 E. Adams St.
Chicago 3, Ill.
In ordering, specify the print number. Print numbers and prices appear in the CUB below each Oscar photograph which is used.
AUXILIARY (Cont'd. from Page 14)
there is a men's Chapter. We have already lined up workers to start Auxiliary Chapters in St. Louis, Columbus, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Detroit, Cincinnati, and Central Illinois. In areas where there are as yet no chapters, Auxiliary members can do much of the ground work in organizing them by contacting members of the 106th or their wives. Wouldn't you like to start a chapter? Each chapter that is formed is entitled to appoint one of its members to serve on our National Auxiliary Board of Directors. Last year we had 80 members of the Auxiliary -let's triple that number this year! For information about starting a chapter, write to our President, Mrs. Stiles, who will be glad to help you out
We will have an interesting program for the Auxiliary at next year's convention. Among the suggestions made were a style show, card party, open house for chapters, and a sight-seeing tour to Dearborn Village.
What are your ideas? We would like to have them.
590TH (Cont'd. from Page 9)
All of the batteries had pulled out of their positions when the order for withdrawal had been given. When it was abandoned, Col. Lackey ordered B and C Batteries to return to their former positions. Battery A was sent into new positions west of the Auw-Bleialf road. The time was then about 0930.
During the morning the Battalion received two visitors, both colonels and artillery battalion commanders. Lt. Col. Kelly, CO 589th F.A. Bn. appeared on foot running to us from across the fields. He was summarily put to bed. The other, the CO 333d F.A. Bn. appeared in a jeep with his driver. Both remained with us for the next two days.
About this time Lt. Col. Puett, CO 2d Bn., 423d Inf. reported to Bn. Hq. and stated that the Germans were driving his battalion south along the Auw-Bleialf road. He said he had one company holding them and that he would try to continue holding them long enough for the artillery to move out.
Various plans were discussed. It was decided that both the 2d Bn. 423d and the 590th would move forward and join the main body of the 423d on the Schnee Eifel. It was thought that the combined force of these units might possibly hold that high ground until help arrived. Liaison was sent to 423d Hq. and reconnaissance of positions was instituted. By this time all communications with Divarty had been lost once again and were never regained by the Battalion.
While the Battalion was preparing to execute this move, Nazi fighter planes appeared and B Battery's positions were strafed. They were engaged almost immediately by several P-47's which arrived on the scene as suddenly as the Germans. Two of the enemy planes were shot down and the rest driven off.
About this same time, several U.S. trucks appeared on the highway speeding toward us from Auw. One by one they were knocked out as German shells scored direct hits on them. One of the vehicles, a fully-loaded ammo truck, burst into flames and in a few seconds all hell broke loose as case after case exploded.
Shortly after 1300 Col. Lackey shepherded his tired, and for the most part, bewildered troops out onto the tortuous dirt road which led to the Schnee Eifel, and farther into Germany. It was a somewhat motley array which marched forward that day, for in addition to the battalion-less colonels, the remnant of every outfit in the immediate area seemed to have attached themselves to the 590th.
All of the personnel of the Battalion did not make this trip forward. The wounded under the care of S/Sgt. Bullard were left at the Battalion Aid Station. Also included among the wounded were several infantrymen and Germans.
The artillery which had been harassing us during the morning ceased when we moved onto the road. Terrific barrages, however, could be seen and heard on our right flank. German aircraft were sighted again but we were not strafed. So, with the 2d Bn. protecting our rear and flanks, we proceeded without incident.
Late that afternoon the long column reached the Schnee Eifel, and artillerymen suddenly found themselves front-line troops. Hurried efforts were made to dig-in everyone and everything before dark. And as night fell, a fourth of the Battalion was loaned to the infantry for outpost duty. The rest of the men were ordered to get in their holes and stay there. Few needed to be coaxed.
It was a long, cold and noisy night. It intermittently rained and snowed. The nebelwerfers or "screaming meemies" came to life with the darkness. Barrage after barrage of artillery fire pounded the right flank and rear areas, and overhead was always the ominous lumbering of the V-1's as they labored with monotonous regularity toward the rear. Despite this great activity we were almost totally ignored by the Germans. The weather, however, played havoc with us. Many men had their feet frozen during the night.
Two radio messages were received from Division by the CO 423d during the night. The first commanded that the present positions be held ; the second, received toward dawn, that we attack toward Schonberg and attempt to recapture the town.
There was a frenzy of activity from the time the message was received until 0930 when the march back began. Battle plans were drawn up. Mess was served as far as it would go. Everything that was deemed burdensome or excessive was destroyed. Orders were passed down the line. And then, at approximately 0930, our battle lines were completely reversed.
The 590th moved out of the woods and went into position facing west. The 423d, led by the 3d Bn., left the pill-boxes and the bunkers of the Siegfried Line, and advanced toward Schonberg. The artillery covered their advance. When a half mile or so had been gained, B and C Batteries pulled out, dashed up the road behind them, and pulled off into new positions. Battery A remained in its original positions and covered the entire movement. All missions were carefully selected however, as there were only 500 rounds left in the Battalion. (There had been 2000 rounds
in the Battalion the morning of the 16th and a day's supply had been received the night of the 16th).
December 18 was a dark and dreary day. A steady drizzle added to the general discomfort. We continued the leapfrog tactics all morning and afternoon, but made slow progress as the infantry was being engaged all along the line. By nightfall we were no farther than Oberlascheid, a town little more than half way between the Schnee Eifel and the Auw-Bleialf Road. Battery A was brought up at that time and the Battalion went into position just east of the town and some 800 yards behind the 3d Bn. 423d.
It was thought at first that we were going to spend the night in Oberlascheid. That proved to be merely wishful thinking, however, for shortly after 2000 the order to move on was given. The Battalion loaded up and moved out onto the road en masse. From that moment on, none of the howitzers fired another round.
Bumper to bumper the Battalion moved closely through the night toward the Auw-Bleialf road. It was nearly 2330 before it was reached. The vehicles were dispersed, and Btn. Hq. was reestablished in the original CP. The men, nearly exhausted after more than 60 hours of little or no sleep, dropped in their tracks. But their rest was short-lived, for about midnight they were alerted again.
The two roads leading back to Schonberg were in the hands of the Germans. The cut-off was impassable for the same reason. It was decided, therefore, that we would make our own road back across the fields and through a valley to the heights overlooking the town. The 590th no longer was to leapfrog behind the infantry, but was to ride as closely as possible to them, and be protected by them on the flanks.
The noisy cavalcade started south along the Auw-Bleialf road shortly after midnight. About halfway between Bn. Hq. and the cut-off, it left the road and started down across snow covered fields. Hour after hour we inched along, momentarily expecting the enemy to open fire on our column. But the only sounds heard in our sector were the whine and roar of engines straining to pull 2 ½ ton GMC's through the snow.
About an hour before dawn on December 19, the little progress the column was making ceased. The Battalion sat massed where it was until it grew light enough to see. The men remained in the vehicles sleeping as best they could.
When dawn broke we saw we were in a narrow valley. Steep, densely wooded slopes rose up on either side. There was swampy ground on our right front, and flowing directly across our path was a stream some six or eight feet wide.
The infantry, unable to get its vehicles across the stream during the night, had abandoned them completely blocking our way.
As we sat there in the valley that morning we were completely vulnerable. The infantry which had been guarding our flanks had forged on ahead during the night. Our forward observers were out, but had no means of contacting us as it had been impossible to lay wire and none of the radios would function. We had no idea where the enemy was, but felt sure that he was aware of our position.
A little after 0900 the vehicles were dispersed and the batteries went into position. A and C batteries were forward near the stream, while B Battery was about 200 yards to the rear around a curve in the wood line. The Aid Station was set up in the scrub pine along the lower edge of the far slope, and all the wounded, including those left with S/Sgt. Bullard who had been reclaimed when we returned to the original positions, were carried across the stream to it. Col. Lackey went forward with his Executive, Maj. Meadows, to confer with Col. Cavender, the CO of the 423d. Maj. Tietze was in command of the Battalion.
German Barrage
About 0930 a large detail was trying frantically to bridge the stream, the survey section was running orienting lines for the guns, the howitzer crews were readying their pieces, and most of the others in the Battalion were sitting or standing near their vehicles. Suddenly the soft two-toned whirr of 88's was heard and shells began exploding among the vehicles in the valley. Some men ran to the woods and began to dig in, others attempted to carry the wounded to safety, many were pinned where they had initially dropped by machine gun fire which began pouring down from surrounding ridges.
Generally, there was a feeling of complete frustration. The howitzers were utterly useless for no one knew where to fire them. The machine guns were useless for the same reason, and for the added reason that they were on trucks directly exposed to the shelling and the enemy machine gun fire. There wasn't a German visible from the floor of the valley and it was impossible to ascertain from where they were firing because of the terrific noise.
The shells continued to pour into the valley. The urgent cry of "Medic! Medic!" was heard after every barrage. Officers and section leaders also lent their voices to the din as they frantically tried to locate their men. It was an impossible task, however, and after more than three quarters of an hour the Battalion had accomplished little or nothing in the way of extricating itself.
By that time it was quite apparent that if any were to escape from the valley they would have to do so singly or in small groups and that all of the equipment would have to be abandoned. Consequently orders were given to destroy the howitzers and as much else that could be destroyed. It is my belief that all twelve howitzers were made useless to the Germans.
While this destruction of equipment was being carried out an officer, not of the 590th, climbed atop an ambulance and began waving a white flag and yelling "We surrender!" Maj. Tietze came running across the valley bellowing "Who surrenders? Who surrenders?"
The two men conferred. It was agreed that further resistance was futile, and could only result in further loss of life. Several minutes later Maj. Tietze issued the order to cease firing. For several minutes, the troops just crouched or lay where they were, not fully comprehending what had happened. Then most of them, as if in a daze, destroyed their carbines or pistols, and walked out of the woods with their hands in the air.
For all practical purposes the combat history of the 590th F.A. Bn. concluded at that moment ; for it was at that time, approximately 1030 December 19, 1944, that the Battalion ceased to exist as such. All members of the Battalion did not surrender at that time, however. A few, Col. Lackey, Maj. Meadows, the FO's, and others were forward with the infantry; others managed to escape from the valley; still others attempted to hide where they were in the valley. All, however, were captured eventually for the Germans by that time were far beyond Schonberg knocking at the gates of St. Vith and Bastogne.
The 590th F.A. Bn. lost its only battle. It did not fight to its last shell, as has been reported. It did, however, fight until every chance for victory had been exhausted. And it did help to upset the German timetable to such an extent that their drive was doomed from the start.
Few of the men in the Battalion realized that the end was near until the order for surrender was given. I like best to remember them as they were typified by the remark of one who had not heard the cease fire order. He continued firing his carbine, and when Maj. Tietze ran up the slope toward him angrily commanding him to stop, he yelled, "But there are Jerries up here!"
CUB readers may order additional copies of the Division History, "St. Vith: Lion in the Way," by Col. R. E. Dupuy, by sending $5.00 to the Infantry Journal, 1115 17th St. N. W., Washington, D. C.
WALTER I. HERTZLER, Spens Block, Alpena, Mich. is supervisor for three Michigan counties in the Farmer's Home Administration, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture.
ROBERT S. HUNT, 331st Med. Bn., is field secretary for the Carolina Lumber & Building Supply Association. He'd like to hear from any men of the 331st, and would like to see someone write a story about the 331st for the CUB. (Ed. Note: So would we like to see someone give the medics the kind of write-up they deserve. Volunteers will be welcome!)
Limitations of space in this issue force us cut the "What They're Doing" items when we've only gone as far as the "H" in the alphabet. Our mail has been heavy this month, and we'll have lots more items in the next CUB.
The minutes of our 1949 annual business meeting were forced out of this issue by limitations of space, but will be printed in the October-November CUB.
It is time for chapter officers to start thinking about plans for the 1949 December 16th dinners. This year, Dec. 16 will mark the fifth anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.
The CUB, official publication of The 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc., is published bimonthly from editorial offices at 237 So. Manning Blvd., Albany 3, N. Y. Subscription rate $3 per year, including membership in the Association. The Editors invite all readers to submit manuscripts and photographs for consideration for publication. All material is copyrighted, and may not be reproduced without permission from the Editors.
CONVENTION COMMITTEE at a meeting in May, working on advance planning. Front row. left to right, Villwock, Mrs. Luella Meagher, Ed Lussie, Mrs. Amos Wright, Ed Heideman, Rear row: Roger May, Jim Davis, Gene Boratyn. M/Sgt. Amos Wright, Bob Woodruff, Bob Frisch, Sig Johnson, and Father Doyle.
MINNESOTA CHAPTER PICNIC on 22 July 1949, at Minnehaha Falls Park near the Mississippi River. This informal shot shows a few of the late-stayers at about midnight.
National Headquarters of the Association for 1949-50 will he:
ROBERT E. RUTT, Adjutant
10850 Nottingham
Detroit 24, Michigan
Index for: Vol. 6, No. 1, Sep, 1949
Index for This Document
589th FA Bn., 28Abrams, Alvin, 9
Abrams, Leon, 5
Adam, Charles, 5
Ahlberg, Thom. W., 7
Ambrose, Ferrell J., 5
Amundson, Wallace C., 5
Anchorstar, Gustav F., 5
Anderson, George A., 7
Anderson, Lee E., 5
Anderson, Raymond F., 5
Appointment In Tokyo, 3
Armstrong, Thomas B., 5
Arndtt, Arthur, 5
Auw, 15, 28, 30
Axelrod, George, 24
Aylesworth, Carl A., 7
Bad Orb, 9, 11, 25
Ballew, Earl F., 7
Bannister, Albert J., 5
Bard, Saul, 5
Barker, John H., 5
Barnes, Glen E., 5
Bartolo, Edward J., 5
Barton, Cpl. Bill, 14
Bastogne, 32
Baxter, Samuel F., 5
Beals, Mrs. John, 23
Behney, Donald H., 5
Bell, William, 5
Benedetto, Joe D., 5
Berga, 9, 11
Bernard, Pvt. Paul, 14
Betthauser, Paul, 5
Bickerstaff, William T., 5
Bingle, William H., 5
Bingle, William Harvey, 26
Blacke, Clifford F., 7
Blandford, S. S., 1
Bleialf, 14, 15, 28, 30
Bloch, Jacques W., 24
Bobo, Clifford, 7
Bolding, Claud V., 7
Boratyn, Gene, 3, 16, 34
Borneson, Laverne E., 7
Boulton, Charles, 7
Boyle, Father, 18
Boyle, Rev. E. C., 1
Brenner, Murray, 7
Breun, Charles W., 5
Brice, William B., 7
Briles, Ben, 12
Brocki, Paul P., 5
Brooks, Pvt., 11
Brown, Claud E., 5
Brown, Thomas, 26
Brownell, Donald D., 5
Buchenwald, 11
Bullard, S/Sgt., 28, 30
Burma, 20, 21
Burns, Robert J., 5
Busch, Mary & Frannie, 19
Busch, Mrs. Fran, 3
Butler, Bert E., 7
Bydlon, Frank J., 5
C.B. 34, 4
C.B. 46, 4
Callan, Desmond, 24
Campbell, Mrs. Andrew, 23
Cannon, Mrs. Joseph, 23
Cannon, William J., 7
Cantor, Dr. Jacob, 9
Capps, Paul D., 10
Cariano, Capt. S. P., 24
Carlton, William W., 5
Carow, William H., 5
Carraturo, Antonio, 7
Carron, Paul M., 5
Cavanaugh, Father, 2, 16
Cavanaugh, Rev. P. W., 1
Cavender, Col., 30
Cella, James F., 5
Chase, Robert F., 5
Chesbro, John, 5
Christenson, Bernard M., 7
Cimaglia, Sam F., 1
Clark, Charles H., 7
Clements, Lawrence, 5
Clifton, Eugene, 5
Coates, Bill, 26
Cohen, Eli, 7
Cohen, Israel, 5
Collins, Robert T., 5
Cooper, Ashley, 7
Corcoran, John F., 5
Craig, William, 7
Croce, Louis A., 7
Curry, Lonnie R., 24
Curzow, Walter, 25
Czechoslovakia, 11
Dailey, Frank, 26
D'Antonio, Joseph, 5
Davis, Jim, 34
Day, James, 16
Day, James E., 3
De Martino, William, 5
Di Natoli, Anthony, 5
Diamon, Richard C., 7
Dick, Kenneth, 7
Dieterich, Walter, 5
Dillman, Roger, 5
Doane, Burt M., 5
Dolitsky, Martin M., 24
Dominque, W. F., 7
Donato, John F., 5
Doyle, Father, 34
Dupuy, Col. R. E., 32
Dyk, Louis, 6
Eidelman, Herbert, 24
Engle, Norman, 7
Erickson, Leroy H., 5
Feldman, Pvt., 11
Ferguson, Richard C., 24
Firmalino, Eddie, 5
Flying Tigers, 20
Folk, Mrs. Charles, 23
Ford, James, 5
Ford, Robert D., 5
Fowler, William K., 24
Frair, Charles C., 5
Frampton, D. B., 1
Frampton, Mrs. D. B., Jr., 23
Frankel, Jerome L., 1
Franklin, Sheldon, 7
Freest, Lt. James A. De, 24
French, William A., 1
Frisch, Bob, 34
Frisch, Carol, 19
Frische, Bob, 3, 19
Frische, Miss Carol, 3
Galardi, Leonard, 7
Gallo, Peter, 5
Gardner, Lt., 14, 15
Garrett, David, 7
Gerlach, Mrs. Philip, 23
Gerstner, Jacob A., 5
Gibson, J. R., 25
Gill, Richard H., 7
Gillespie, John M., 1, 18
Gillespie, Mr., 2, 18
Goldstein, Elliott, 25
Gommel, Albert, 25
Gordon, Von W., 7
Greenspan, Philip F., 7
Griswold, Mrs. Ethel, 23
Guigno, Joseph, 10
Guilios, Charles P., 7
Gunderson, Ralph, 26
Hagman, Ben, 12
Hagman, Ben J., 1
Hamilton, James S., 5, 26
Hammond, George E., 7
Hanson, Harland C., 7
Harman, Emit I., Jr., 5
Harper, Gilbert, 26
Hartman, Dick, 14
Hartman, Richard A., 14
Haslbeck, Robert H., 7
Hastak, Wenzel J., 5
Haynes, Warren E., Jr., 5
Hazelbaker, Charles, 7
Heagney, John J., 7
Hear, Julius, 7
Heideman, Ed, 34
Henderson, Capt. Albert W., 15
Henry, Frank, 7
Herbert, Charles W., 5
Hertzler, Walter I., 32
Hewitt, Capt. Dan, 24
Heymann, Chester G., 5
Hintzen, Leonard J., 5
Hirzel, George W., 7
Hjerpe, Edward B., 5
Holt, Charles E., 5
House, Pete, 1, 12
Hoyle, Father, 16
Huberty, Donald, 5
Huck, Richard, 26
Huddleston, Jarrett M., 5
Humphrey, Richard J., 5
Hunt, Robert S., 32
Ingle, Narvel E., 7
Irvin, Richard F., 5
Jenwenski, Fred, 5
Johnson, Robert M., 5
Johnson, Sig, 3, 16, 34
Jon, Arthur E., 7
Jones, Raymond F., 5
Jordan, Edward J., 7
Kai-Shek, Chiang, 20
Kastenbaum, Leon, 5
Kelley, Frank, 5
Kelly, Arland, 5
Kelly, Lt. Col., 28
Kelly, Russell D., 1
Kempf, William B., 7
Kent, Thomas, 5
Kessler, Robert E., 5
Ketterer, Dr., 18
Ketterer, Dr. & Mrs. J. E., 25
Ketterer, Dr. J. E., 2
Ketterer, Mrs. John, 23
Kicinski, Chester, 7
Killian, Mrs. B. F., 23
King, Robert J., 5
Kinzer, Don S., 7
Knowles, James, 5
Kokenzie, Henry F., 24
Koscak, Steve, 7
Kramer, Ira, 5
Krieger, Oscar G., 5
Krol, John M., 7
Kyle, Doran, 12
Lackey, Col., 14, 15, 28, 30, 32
Lanahan, John F., 7
Lawlor, Timothy J., 5
Lawrence, Joe, 7
Leary, Dick, 26
Leavitt, Ralph, 5
Ledo Road, 21
Lenihan, Eugene, 5
Liggett, Robert G., 5
Lion In The Way, 32
Lorenzen, Robert V., 5
LoSavio, Nicholas J., 7
Lubke, Charles A., 5
Lucile, Edward L., 3
Luck, Karl, 7
Lussie, Ed, 19, 34
Luzzie, Edward L., 2
Lyon, Jobe E., Jr., 5
Mackay, Hector D., 6
Marshall, Pat, 7
Marshall, Pvt., 15
Marshall, Pvt. Mac, 14
Martin, Lt., 7
Mashers, Joseph, 6
Matson, Raymond, 7
Mattsen, Mads S., 6
Maurer, Mrs. Howard, 23
May, Roger, 3, 19, 34
Mayberg, Samuel J., 6
Mayes, Hugh C., 6
McCollom, Harold, Jr., 6
McComb, William, 6
McDonald, Clifford, 26
McMahon, Gen., 14
McMillin, Donald L., 6
Meadows, Maj., 30, 32
Meagher, Mrs. Herbert, 23
Meagher, Mrs. Luella, 34
Meanak, Warren, Jr., 7
Melton, James F., 7
Middleton, J. A., Iii, 2
Miles, Charles, 6
Millard, Donald L., 7
Miller, Frederick P., 7
Miller, Homer W., Jr., 6
Miller, Joseph M., 7
Miller, Robert G., 6
Miranda, Chrispin L., 7
Mitchell, Berton F., 6
Mode, Dmytro P., 6
Mool, James B., 6
Moorman, Robert J., 6
Morrison, Ian Alastair, 7
Moss, Jack H., 6
Mueller, David S., 6
Muldoon, Francis P., 6
Mygatt, C. S., 6
nebelwerfers, 28
Nelson, LaVern W., 6
Oberg, Warrell F., 7
Oberlascheid, 30
Obert, Raymond L., 7
Oelschig, Albert C., Jr., 24
Olson, Clifford E., 7
Olson, Wayne, 6
Palmer, Donald A., 2
Pandini, Anthony H., 7
Pate, Sammy, 7
Paterson, Gene B., 6
Peecichio, Carmen, 7
Perkins, William H., 7
Pilkington, John, 7
Pitts, John, 7
Plaits, William, Jr., 6
Plantz, Jack, 7
Price, Dave, 16
Price, David S., 2
Price, Mrs. D. S., 22
Price, Mrs. David S., 23
Price, Robert E., 7
Pringle, Edward G., 6, 26
Pringle, Mrs. John 'I'., 26
Puening, Leroy E., 26
Puett, Lt. Col., 28
Rabinovitz, Abraham I., 6
Reichenau, Douglas J., 7
Richards, Jimmie Lee, 6
Riggs, Col. Tommy, 11
Ritter, William, 7
Rizzoli, Charles L., 7
Robasse, Charles N., 2
Robasse, Charlie, 16
Roberts, Capt. E. C., 2
Roberts, Capt. E. C., Jr., 20
Roberts, Hall S., 6
Robertson, Nolen, 6
Rogosienski, John J., 7
Ronk, Glenn W., 6
Rosen, Arthur S., 7
Rosenberg, Winfield, 10
Rosenburg, Aaron T., 6
Rosenburg, Sydney, 6
Ross, Mrs. Frank, 23
Rothman, Milton, 7
Rowe, Donald S., 7
Rutt, Robert E., 2, 34
Sandberg, Mrs. Robert, 23
Sandifer, Woodrow W., 6
Sauer, Pvt. Maurice, 15
Scannapico, Sgt., 7
Schmitz, Leroy, 6
Schnee Eifel, 28, 30
Schnizlein, Glenn, 16
Schnizlein, J. Glenn, 2, 7
Schnizlein, Mrs. Glenn, 23
Schoemer, J. K., 6
Schonberg, 14, 15, 26, 29, 30, 32
Schulte, Raymond J., 6
screaming meemies, 28
Searcy, James J., 6, 26
Seymour, Hayden, 7
Sharitz, Thorold, J. B., 7
Sharp, Howard O., Jr., 6
Shlazas, Joseph P., 6
Siegfried Line, 29
Snyder, Edwin A., 7
Snyder, George M., 6
Sprenkle, Robert L., 6
St. Vith, 32
Stalag IX-B, 9
Stalag IX-C, 11, 26
Stanford, James A., 6
Stec, Peter, 6
Steckler, Pfc., 11
Stiles, Mrs., 22, 26
Stiles, Mrs. Milan A., 22, 23
Stiles, Vincent A., 22
Stilwell, Gen. J. W., 20
Stilwell, Mrs., 20
Stimson, Secretary, 20
Stone, Darrel I., 6
Stout, Col., 2
Stout, Robert P., 2
Stroh, Gen., 3
Summers, Robert H., 6
Teason, James, 19
Tepper, Paul, 6
Thomas, George E., 7
Thomas, John W., 7
Thomas, Patrick V., 6
Thompson, John W., 6
Tietze, Maj., 30, 32
Tootle, T/4 E. R., 24
Topel, Harold, 7
Topolski, Edward M., 6
Trotz, Walter, 6
Truax, Donald, 6
Truchsess, Warren, 24
Tucker, Robert, 6
Turner, Austin, 6
Tyrrell, Wilson E., 6
Umstattd, William B., 6
Viborka, John P., 7
Villwock, Mrs. Russell, 23
Villwock, Russ, 16
Villwock, Russell H., 2
Vogel, Charles, 9
Wannamaker, Paul, 7
Ward, Duane P., 7
Washer, Harry, 7
Watkins, James, 10
Weatherill, Walter H., 6
Weeks, Charles L., 6
Weissinger, Harry H., 7
Welker, William N., 7
Wencl, Ben, 6
Wentzel, Roy, 2
Wharton, John B., 7
Wheeler, Crawford, 6
Wheeler, Joseph, 6
White, Theodore H., 20
Whittemore, Lowell, 6
Willis, Francis, 6
Wilson, Ernest M., 7
Wilson, Robert H., 6
Winterspelt, 26
Witton, William, 7
Wood, Eric F. Jr., 6
Woodruff, Bob, 3, 19, 34
Woodson, David T., Jr., 6
Woodson, Mrs. David, 23
Wright, Amos, 3, 4, 34
Wright, Mrs. Amos, 23, 34
Young, Cecil, 6
Zaragoza, David, 6
Zguzenski, Creslow P., 7