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Vol. 22, No. 4, May, 1966
22 Years Ago The Golden Lions leave Camp Atterbury for Europe.
21 Years Ago 106th Infantry Division Association organized.
20 Years Ago 1st Annual Convention held in Indianapolis.
17 Years Ago My first Convention-- Detroit.
16 Years Ago to Last Year My wife and I, and frequently our daughters, have `conventioned' throughout the East and South.
21-24 July 1966 20th Annual Convention to be held in Indianapolis.
The above recital is made solely to emphasize to those who read, the importance to me of the Association and the value of the Annual Conventions where we meet with those who served with us in World War II.
We can be, and are, proud of our Association. It has a fine reputation, built over the years by enthusiastic, willing and, in many instances, dedicated members. Its material deeds, including, among others, the scholarships given, the erection and maintenance of the Memorial at St. Vith, the regular publication of THE CUB, have been substantial. But to me, who joined the Division only at Atterbury, the greatest accomplishment of the Association has been the welding together of men of diverse talents and interests from all parts of our land into a chain of fellowship which seemingly defies destruction. May it ever remain so!
"A friend loves at all times."
-- Proverbs 17:17
John T. Loveless, Jr.
106th Inf. Div. Assoc., Inc.
President Col. Joe Matthews
Vice President Louis P. Rossi
Adjutant and Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain John Loveless
Historian Sherod Collins
The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor Richard DeHeer
All editorial matter should be addressed to: Mr. Richard DeHeer 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, New Jersey 07642
All business matters, renewal of membership, etc. should be addressed to:
Mr. Sherod Collins, Jr. 625 Channing Drive N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30318
Some of the best news lately was the Adjutant's recent report that we already have 32 more members than last year. By my lead pencil computer that is an increase of about 16 per cent, and we have prospects of going to Indianapolis this summer with the largest membership in many years. Russ Enlow and his Reunion Committee have been working hard. The program and convention information you received in May should indicate that an exciting convention is in store. For my part, the visit to Camp Atterbury will be one of the high spots. I haven't been back there since October 1944. I was troop commander for the last train out, and was literally the last member of the 106th Division to leave Camp Atterbury. As we assembled for departure, the Inspector General insisted that our handful of units go back and police up the entire division area. So-- before we went off to war, our final chore was to eliminate all cigarette butts!As we move rapidly towards our 20th annual reunion, the biggest task facing the Reunion Committee and other Association Members is not "selling" more memberships, although we do need a lot more members-- The main problem is simply communicating with the thousands of former 106th men who don't know much about our association, or about this year's reunion. We urge every member to help make these contacts and tell old acquaintances "What's Happening !"
See you all in Indianapolis!
Joe Matthews
On 25 May 1947, the Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association founded the Order of the Golden Lion to honor, render homage and thanks to fiercely faithful friends and to those who have rendered outstanding service to the DIVISION in peacetime.The ORDER consists of three classes Commander, Officer, Companion. The class of Commander is conferred only by unanimous vote of the entire Board of Directors. It is evidenced by presentation of a citation scroll enumerating the reasons whereon the award is based and the presentation of a golden bas relief of a medallion of a lion's head to be suspended from the neck by a red, white and blue ribbon.
The Class of Officer is conferred only by three quarters vote of the entire Board of Directors. It is evidenced by presentation of a citation scroll enumerating the reasons whereon the award is based and the presentation of a silver bas relief medallion of a lion's head to be suspended from the neck by a ribbon of infantry blue. The Class of Companion is conferred by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. It is evidenced by presentation of a citation scroll enumerating the reasons whereon the award is based and the presentation of a bronze bas relief medallion of a lion's head suspended from an artillery red ribbon with invisible pin.
The following memberships in the Order
You are brand new; you have no past history to live up to and no past sins to live down.
Gen. Alan W. Jones
January 1945
All of us are proud of their wonderful record, proud of them because we regard them as a Hoosier Outfit.
Sen. R. E. Willis (Ind.)
Today I am humbly prideful at the thought of the gallantry and sacrifice of the 106th Division.
Sen. B. R. Maybank (S.C.)
By Jove they stuck it out, those chaps.
Gen. Montgomery
Order of the Golden Lion have been conferred:
Commander Class (COGL)
Date of Award: July 16, 1947
CEDRIC FOSTER, Ace News Commentator Yankee Network
July 16, 1947
DURWARD BELMONT FRAMPTON, ANNETTE PAYNE FRAMPTON, Organized and ran the "Agony Grapevine" to get news of men of the 106th Division missing in action.
July 16, 1947
WILLIAM ROSE SIMPSON, FLORENCE K. SIMPSON, Organized a Service-Teen in their own home in Indianapolis for men from Camp Atterbury during war. Also for their assistance in organizing first reunion of Association.
October 1, 1948
DAVID S. PRICE, 331st Medical Bn., for invaluable services, 1946-48, as President, Adjutant, Treasurer and CUB Editor.
July 28, 1962
DOUGLAS S. COFFEY, Btry C, 590th F.A. Bn. Past President, for his services to the Association, particularly in the planning, erection and dedication of the 106th Division Memorial at St. Vith, Belgium.
July 25, 1964
RICHARD DEHEER, Co. K, 424th Inf. Past President, for his services to the Association, particularly for handling simultaneously the jobs of Adjutant, Treasurer and CUB Editor.
Officer Class (OCGL)
July 16, 1947
LT. COL. HERBERT LIVESEY, Ret. Received this award for his outstanding job as first secretary-treasurer of the Association.
July 28, 1962
DOCTOR MAURICE DELAVAL, Dentist Vielsalm, Belgium. In deep appreciation for his assistance to Memorial Chairman Douglas S. Coffey, in planning, erection and dedication of the Division Memorial at St. Vith, Belgium.
Companion Class (COMGL)
July 16, 1947
HON. RALPH F. GATES, Governor of Indiana
MAJ. GEN. ROBERT H. TYNDALL, Mayor of Indianapolis
July 25, 1964
BRIG. GEN. HOWARD MAXWELL, Adjutant General, Indiana
HON. BEN H. WATTM, Supt. Public Instruction, Indiana
MAJOR FRANK H. HENLY, Supt. of War Memorial, Indianapolis
JOE E. BROWN, Movie Star, gave a day to the reunion
MRS. MARJORIE W. RATHBONE, for her untiring services as Asst. Secretary
HONORABLE GEORGE DENNY, Mayor of Indianapolis
July 25, 1964
MRS. RICHARD (MARGE) DEHEER, for her invaluable assistance to her husband, Richard De IIeer in his duties as Adjutant, Treasurer and Editor of the CUB
Ed. Note-- The following is the second winning essay, written by the boys in the school in Belgium.
When you follow history you will find that suppressed countries were always fighting to shake off the yoke of their rulers. In the fight for realization of freedom many people suffered and died. Parts of all nations and centuries celebrated freedom as the highest early possession. Indeed the problem of human freedom is a question which occupies people currently, it is the subject of philosophical, philological and sociological consideration.In general, freedom of the human being exists in the possibility of vote, but laws of nature and general determinations have to be followed. Before one can expound this sort of freedom, one has to
put in the question, "Is a human being able to make free decisions for or against one thing, without being forced or influenced in any way?"
We have thinkers who dispute the existence of any sort of freedom and others who think that real freedom only exists if there is no law. One assertion is as wrong as the other. Feelings, impulses and passions certainly influence the decisions of the will. We certainly find people who lose control over their bad impulses and always give way to their strongest feelings. Those people failed to train their innermost balance. On the other hand, the freedom of the will is restricted also by people who are able to control their feelings. Their feelings are defined by certain influences of the character and direct actions and decisions. Besides this, there has to be room for personal freedom to make decisions, otherwise we could put human beings on the same level as animals, which are controlled by their instincts. Although a human being has the right to make his own free decisions, he cannot do what he wants. He has to obey the general moral law. This law a human being cannot transgress without having of a guilty conscience feeling, conscience the incorruptible judge of our right and wrong. If one has to make a free decision, he has to look at the law of nature first and then decide for the best way. If he has done wrong, then there is always a possibility of having to accept the punishment, free of discernment, and to suffer for the mistakes he has made.
In Schiller and "Mary Stewart" we find that Mary accepts the unjust sentence without any force, to atone for her husband. Doing this, she wins her freedom back and is a human being again. This innermost freedom of a human being is influenced by political freedom. A new time began under the sign of political freedom for the citizen. Before that only the King was the ruler who judged over his people's life and death, but now all classes of people wanted to have the right to direct the fate of their country and to oversee their government.
"Freedom, equal rights and Fraternity," was the French slogan in 1789 in their rebellion against the "Ancien Regime." Nobody obeyed the old law anymore and people made their own justice; plundered and murdered. Terrorism and arbitrary actions ruled the country and here we find that these first feelings of freedom are marked by force and disorder. From that we can see life without order is not possible and that "only the law can give us freedom" as Goethe said.
Good relations and good living for the society as well as the individual signify there is law even in limitations of personal freedom. Our duty is to accept the law as necessary and to obey without being forced. Of course this only concerns the law, which complies with human rights. Freedom of an alien kind can develop with this unavoidable law. The government has to promise to the citizens, that they will have a sphere of independence and freedom of decision in their personal life, if they obey the law in general. Freedom of the individual is guaranteed in the constitution of all truthful democratic countries. The American Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776 guarantees for the first time the freedom of the individual against the power of the government. For our time different international declarations confirmed human rights, such as the U.N. and the "Convention for Protection of Human Rights." Political freedom is a right of most importance. Everybody has the right of conscience freedom. An individual has to have the possibility, to let this innermost voice of conscience speak, which is the most powerful law that we have to obey. One must not force a human being to wrong confessions nor to obey actions which are contrary to his conviction and bring him into conscience conflict. The existence of the government must not be endangered, so therefore this freedom has to be limited.
It is absolutely right, not to permit the foundation of a party or sect, if their ideas are in strong contrast of their government. Equal to freedom of conscience is freedom of opinion. Everybody can have personal opinions about the government and with the proviso that the foundations of the government should not be questioned. Nothing makes dissension so much in communist countries as the fact that one isn't allowed to read foreign newspapers or books or to criticize openly the government or any party.
It is the government's duty to promote different things, which existed before the government such as the family unit. Everybody must have the freedom to have or to promote a family and to educate his children in the way of his beliefs, but the government has to make sure that children are not neglected or mistreated and get a good education. People must have the opportunity to attend meetings. Different organizations have only private membership but we also find organizations which are of interest for the public and represent the public, such as the Unions and political parties. These organizations can become too powerful in a Democratic Country and even try to build a dictatorial system. Therefore the government sometimes has to reserve the right of free meeting in order to protect the citizen. The law also guarantees the free choice of domicile, profession and employment. The government cannot force anybody to labor, except in case of national catastrophes or war, when it has the right to draft people for the armed forces.
It is not a healthy political freedom if the government is not willing to allow citizens to vote freely and in secret for the men whom they wish to rule the country. Nobody should refuse a country the right to self-determination like we find in eastern Europe or in East Germany.
All these determinations limit the personal freedom for the safety of the so- ciety, but at the same time it gives the individual the right of independence. In fact, freedom exists only if one can decide, without being forced, for the right and just without transgressing the law. The duty of our generation is to intercede for the freedom of the individual if it is in danger and to esteem it as the highest possession which makes a human being's life worthy.
Fifteen Years AgoTom Bickford reports his most amusing experience in the Army was the day he was assigned to drive for Gen. Jones. In the entire day, their conversation consisted of General Jones saying: "Turn left"
President Ed Luzzie surprised the Chicago membership by announcing his marriage at the December 16th reunion. Colonel Francis A. Woolfley is chief of Infantry, U. S. mission to Turkey, stationed in Ankara, Turkey.
The Memorial Committee has been having difficulty in finding deserving next of kin for grants or loans from the Memorial Fund which now stands at $1400.
Rev. Paul Cavanaugh is the new director of the Novitiate of the Sacred Heart at Milford, Ohio, which is a division of Xavier University.
Ten Years Ago
Joseph Mullican seeks to reopen his claim for disability pension. He needs to hear from anyone who remembers him from Stalag IV B. Martin E. Doriny also is looking for someone who can verify his disability claim dating from his days in IV B.
Art Jebens is still with the Department of Interior and occasionally has a word with Robert Merriam, the author of Dark December.
Our 10th Annual Convention will be held at the Ambassador Hotel, Atlantic City, the last week of July. Fees will be $20.00 for men and $15.00 for women.
Five Years Ago
Major General and Mrs. William C. Baker were given a reception at the Verdun Officers and Civilians Mess which was attended by American, Canadian, and French officials. He assumed command of Theater Army Support Command, Europe, last October.
Fort Worth is a city in Tarrant County, Texas, at the junction of the Clear and West Forks of the Trinity River. The weather in July is always sunny and salubrious. The natives are friendly and will have a very large welcome sign out for our people.
Loren E. Souers, Canton, Ohio; has a daughter, Sue, a senior at Hillsdale College in Michigan. Son, Loren, Jr., a freshman at Denison University in Ohio. "I am currently president of the Canton City Board of Education, and am still actively practicing law, with the 13 man firm of Black, McCussley, Souers and Arbough, engaged principally in a corporate practice."George F. Sutter, Munster, Ind., has a daughter, 6 years old and he is the manager, operations accounting for Inland Steel Company, Indiana Harbor Work.
Irvin Juster, Schenectady, N.Y. My wife Suzanne and I had a most wonderful time last year, visiting Capt. Bruce Foster and his charming wife Mary Evelyn. Words truly cannot describe the joy and satisfaction that can come from a visit with a true friend. I had not seen Bruce for twenty years and I found him to be the same wonderful man. We discussed getting together with Bob Rutt (Detroit), and George Matthews (Baton Rouge), in some central location, in the good ole USA; locking ourselves in a hotel room and talk, talk, talk. If Bob or George read this let us know where and when. Thanks again to Bruce and Mary Evelyn for one of the most memorable experiences of my life. (Plan to come to Indianapolis in July).
Peter Ciolino, East Paterson, N.J., is in his own Real Estate-Insurance Business at Saddle Brook, N.J. President of All-State Appraisal Co., active in sports for youth-- as a baseball manager, football and wrestling. A sports writer for town newspaper (Record).
As I write this, the last of the year's series, I am thinking back to our army days in the State of Indiana.I remember-- the rough, tough Battle of Tennessee, where we endured much but came out equally tough, and then a wonderful furlough at home; rejoining the outfit at a new camp-- Atterbury; the long, hot but not too unpleasant Summer during which we trained some more; of almost being sent out as a replacement (to Italy yet) but being saved by a transfer within the regiment; of riding the little bus to and from the little nearby town of Edinburg, where we lived among some nice Hoosiers; and finally of sadly boarding train for we knew not where and heading northeast. How many of you remember those things and many more? How many would like again to experience the friendly environs of Indiana and Indianapolis, and look for familiar faces among those who will surely congregate there in July? Make your plans and give a hard try to being present. This will be an especial occasion.
We are closing the year with a good and loyal group, 225 in all, this being 25 more than last year. Expenditures have been held at a minimum and the treasury is in good condition.
My humble endeavors have been a pleasure and I hope that my successor will receive the same degree of cooperation from everyone that it has been my lot to receive.
I'll see YOU in Indianapolis!
Sherod Collins
P.S. Bag Lunch will be provided.
106th Infantry Division Association
JULY 21 Thru JULY 24
Back Home In
Indianapolis, Indiana
410 North Meridian
Indianapolis, Indiana
1:00 p.m. -? Registration
7:00 p.m. -? Early arrivals Party
FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1966
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration
9:45 a.m. Board of Directors Meeting
10:15 a.m. Tour
12:10 p.m. Luncheon
1:30 p.m. Something for the Ladies
(to be announced)
6:45 p.m. Cocktail Hour
7:30 p.m. Dinner & Guest Speaker
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration
10:00 a.m. Memorial Service
11:00 a.m. Trip to Camp Atterbury
3:30 p.m. Men's Business Meeting
6:30 p.m. Cocktail Hour
7:30 p.m. - 12:00 p.m. Banquet & Dance
SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1966
9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Farewell Breakfast
Memorial Service
The Indiana region was first explored in 1679 by the French fur trader, La Salle, who found a land of rolling prairie, heavily timbered in the south and west, with many rivers and lakes and the entire area abounding with game. Other French trappers followed and soon trading posts were built and permanent settlers established. Parts of Indiana have been under French, Spanish and British flags during the hundred years following discovery. It was not until 1779 that it finally passed to American control, as a result of the campaigns of George Rogers Clark of Revolutionary fame. In 1816 Indiana became a state with its present boundaries and, with the coming of roads, canals and railroads, a period of rapid development followed. In the beginning, many of these settlers came from the Cumberland and Pine mountains of Kentucky where they were known in the local dialect as Hoosiers, a name later to apply to all Indianans. It was probably one of these mountain types who, when asked why he had torn down one of the two windmills on his farm, replied, "Ha'nt enough wind in these parts for two." It is interesting to note that while Indiana ranks third among the states in raising both corn and pigs, it also ranks third in the production of steel from the huge industrial area around Gary.On the admission of Indiana as a state, Congress gave to it four sections of public land as a site on which to build a state capital. This was located in 1829 in almost the exact geographical center of the state, where a small settlement had recently been made, and the town of Indianapolis was laid out in the following year. It was then in the midst of dense forests and was wholly unconnected by road with other parts of the state. In 1824, at the time the seat of government was moved there, the population totaled 600. Since those days Indianapolis has grown to a city of well over half a million, and is the state's principal industrial and trade center, with six airlines and as many railroads serving it. It also could claim the distinction of being the largest city in the U.S. not on navigable water.
In order that you may be knowledgeable about the area you visit in July, you should remember that the state flower is the Peony, that their representative among the birds is the Cardinal and their favorite tree, the Tulip. The state song very naturally is entitled: On the Banks of the Wabash, and their motto: Crossroads of America. If you find it too difficult to remember those gems of information, you may still make yourself respected by the natives if you remind them that their World War Memorial Plaza, covering five blocks in the heart of Indianapolis is the most impressive memorial to American patriots outside of Washington. The huge Memorial Hall has a ground area of over two acres and Obelisk Hall, just to the north, has an obelisk of black granite over one hundred feet tall. The Cenotaph, also black granite, commemorates the Indiana soldier.
Twenty miles to the south of Indianapolis, covering an area of about 60,000 acres, in a lush farming community, lies the war-time Camp Atterbury. It was named after Brig. Gen. William W. Atterbury and opened in March 1942. Made inactive in 1946, it was again used for 4 years during the Korean War. We were very glad to get there in March, 1944 after a cold, wet winter of maneuvers in Tennessee. It will be interesting to take a look at the remains in July. We earnestly hope that this quick look at the Indiana scene will help make up the mind of some hesitating member that there is just one solution to the vacation problem, and that is the Continental Hotel on July 21.
One only has to look into the mirror to see how swiftly the years are passing us by. Just look back 22 years ago when most of us were young men and have a look now. Then think of all the good Buddies and Friends you have in the 106th Div. How many of them have you seen since those ill-fated days in Dec. 1944? Not many at most.Take a moment. Don't the 21 years since 1945 when most of us were discharged out of the Army encompass a store of events? There are many things to recall and to tell about; remember all the names, faces and places, plus dates and details. Can you?
Remember somewhere, somehow it all seems so long ago, those days of 1944-45 when you shared the good times and bad with your buddies?
Probably many times you have longed to attend one of the Reunions but for some reason or other you thought you couldn't leave the family, couldn't leave the job.
Well this is your chance to see all your ole buddies and make new friends at the 20th Annual Reunion in our adopted home of Indianapolis, Indiana. Come bring your wife and children, all are assured of a good time.
This year we are meeting at the Continental Hotel, 410 No. Meridian just across the street from the Indiana War Memorial Plaza, where our first reunion was held.
For those arriving early we have a full program scheduled; however, for those unable to arrive until later, we are having Memorial Services, for our Buddies that couldn't come back, on Saturday morning plus the outing at Camp Atterbury, with the chicken barbecue at noon. Then let everyone visit his old barracks, take pictures, etc.
We have vowed to keep this year's cost of the Reunion as low as possible $22.50 for adults, and half price for children under 12, which will include 5 meals plus an evening of dancing plus a tour of the city. Hotel rooms are in addition to this. Room prices are $9.00 single, $12.50 double. Suites are $15.00 to $22.00. Children under 12 in room with Parents Free; also free parking with rooms.
To you old time Ass'n members I know you will be there; to you part time members, this is the year to be there, and to you new members I know you will be proud you came to join us. Again we hope to see you all in Indianapolis on July 21-24.
Regardless of how you come, drive, or by train or bus or fly, just come to the Circle and go North on Meridian 4 blocks. You can't miss it.
Your 1966 Reunion Committee Russell Enlow (D. 423)
Robert Pierce (81 Engr)
Eugene Saucerman (D. 422) Bernard Herbert (Div. QM)
Al Harding (589 Arty)
Dear Mr. Collins:
Many thanks for your sending the second half of the special grant in memory of your member John Beals. We shall use it to purchase books for our school library, as we promised to do. Be sure of our own and our students' gratitude for your kind collaboration and helpfulness.
Sincerely yours, J. Pankert
Dear Dick,
About the only news I have for you is that my youngest son Terry is married and the father of a young boy named Michial. The second oldest son, Kenny is engaged to be married on June 11; not to be outdone by his younger brothers, Ronald the oldest became engaged, but no date has been set for the wedding. Old Grandpa has been pretty busy this Spring, but I hope not too busy that I'll be able to see you at Indianapolis. Best regards to all, Clayton Rarick
Dear Dick,
I hope to attend our Twentieth Annual Reunion in Indianapolis. Our Reunion committee has done a good job with this. See you all and I do mean All in July, Bill Johnson Co K, 424
Dear Sirs:
I am a store manager of Montgomery Ward in Hanover, Pa., and happy to stay here for nine more years. Son Charles, Jr., graduated from Southern Illinois Univ., daughter Barbara is a freshman in Russell Sage College at Troy, N. Y.; Mary Elizabeth is a Junior in High School.
Charles S. Peyser, Co B, 424
Dear 106ers,
Wilda and I had written Juanita Hagman urging her to join us in Indianapolis in July. She replied that it would be the first anniversary of Ben's death, a sad month for her, and she felt she would not be able to do it this year. However, she wants to keep in touch with all their good friends in the Association, and after a little more time of living without Benny, she is sure she will be able to meet with us all again.
This winter she visited Larry Hagman in California. His show, "I Dream of Jeanie," she says is No. 19 in the national ratings (In New York it is on Sat night at 8). Garry Hagman will receive his LLB. from Texas Univ. on 4 June, will take his bar exams in July, and hopes to receive his license in September.
The appointment of Pennsylvania by the General Assembly this year puts Middletown and us in the 106th, Legislation District-- HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT !
Cordially, Leo McMahon
Dear Garry, We wish you much success and happiness in your law career.
From all of us in the 106th.
Here is the list of dues-paying members for the year. If your unit is unlisted or wrongly listed, we'd be glad to have the correction for our records.Thanks a million, and an additional thanks to those who contributed to the memorial fund.
Division Headquarters
Maj. Gen. Alan W. Jones, Commander, 3532 Quebec St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Brig. Gen. F. A. Woolfley, Commander, 932 Solomon Pl., New Orleans. La.
Maj. Gen. Wm. C. Baker, Jr., 2018 Munitions Bldg., Washington, D. C.
Byrne A. Bowman, 1216 Liberty Nat. Bk. Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Lt. Col. S. P. Cariano, 2629 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md.
Rev. J. B. Day, St. Cabrini's Church, 1020 N. Milton Ave., Springfield, Ill.
Dr. John E. Ketterer, D.D.S., 1141 Williams Blvd, Springfield, Ill.
Herbert B. Livesey, Jr., 141 Beach Ave., Mamaroneck, N. Y.
Division Headquarters Company
Richard E. Bartz, 216 Rustic Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Thomas Bickford, 3 Sunnyside Terr., East Orange, N. J.
Arthur C. Buckley, 7 Tuckers Court, Peabody, Mass.
Robert M. Courtright, 35 Walnut St., Ashville, Ohio
Bruce F. Glen, 10 W. Ferry Rd., Morrisville, Pa.
Harry Gussman, 68-81 Bell Blvd., Bayside, N. Y.
H. M. Hatch, 5609 15th Ave., So. Minneapolis, Minn.
Richard B. Jochems, 1828 Eastbrook St., S. E. Grand Rapids, Mich.
James R. Klett, 1647 Oak St., Lebanon, Pa.
Roger A. May, 317 53rd St., Western Springs, Ill.
Fred A. Sebastinelli, 184 Avila St., San Francisco, Calif.
Charles J. Swider, 118 S. 17th St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Rollin L. Twining, 19 Lennox Dr., Binghamton, N. Y.
331st Medics
Dr. George Axelrod, 668 Main St., Clinton, Mass.
Joseph Krafchik, 349 Livingston Ave., New Brunswick, N. J.
J. Gail Myers, 2136 Wawonaissa Tr., Fort Wayne, Ind.
Dr. Irwin Neigus, 444 E. 19th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
David S. Price, 3 North Lane., Loudonville, N. Y.
Dr. Hans Wachtel, 7926 S. Chappel, Chicago, Ill.
Military Police Platoon
W. Lyle Mowlds, Provost Marshall, 896 S. State St., Dover, Delaware
Myles Brazill, Box 6, Landisburg, Pa.
Lt. Col. Kenneth Facey, 2411 Sumac Dr., Augusta, Ga.
Byron P. Heath, 2729 Montezuma Ave., Alhambra, Calif.
Thomas E. McMahon, 89 Montgomery Pl., Belleville, N. J.
Dominick A. Spina, 388 Highland Avenue, Newark, N. J.
Division Band
Fred W. Burnham, 209 Robin Hill Dr., Naperville, Ill.
Herbert L. Snyder, 2540 Eastshore Pl., Reno, Nevada
Alan W. Walker, R.F.D. 3, Macomb, Ill.
Units Not Supplied
Lester Crossman, 1313 Clay St., Woodstock, Ill.
Joseph A. DeChiara, 205 Etna St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Robert R. Holden, 3810 Richmond Rd. N.E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Charles R. Lewis, 16 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
John F. Mackell, 559 W. 51st St., New York, N. Y.
Phillip F. Schutte, 2415 Otter Dr., Warren, Mich.
W. E. Thomas, 2222 Windsor Spgs. Rd., Augusta, Ga.
Tommy Tompson, 211 Jackson Ave. No., Augusta, S. C.
Attached Personnel
Alan W. Jones, III, 4400 36th St. No., Arlington, Va.
Milton S. Jones, 4400 36th St. No., Arlington, Va.
Kurt E. vom Orde, MOB D-9, Naval Amphib. Base, Norfolk, Va.
81st Engineers
Thomas J. Riggs, Jr., Commander, 25 Cushing St., Providence, R. I.
Walter Bandurak, Med., 2191/2 N. Maple Ave., Greensburg, Pa.
David C. Brumaghin, (No unit) S-115 Westveiw Ave., Paramus, N. J.
Frank Doniloski, A, 113 Ferguson St., Duryea, Pa.
Louis S. LeTellier, Jr., C., 7019 Altama Rd., Jacksonville, Fla.
Robert W. Pierce, (No unit) 474 Federal St., N. W., Warren, Ohio
Charles Saxton, A., 4703 Brookside Ave., Bristol, Pa.
Nathan D. Ward, (No unit) 2570 Woodhill Cr., East Point, Ga.
Clarence E. Warren, A, 111 Goodrich St., Kewanee, Ill.
James E. Wells, C., Hepzibah, Ga.
806th Ordinance
Forrest W. Hemming, 977 Loretua Ave., Columbus, Ohio
Walter L. Hertzler, 4605 Senaca Dr., Okemos, Mich.
William T. Manahan, Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.
John B. Nash, 247 Van Dozer St., Staten Island, N. Y.
106th Signal Company
Henry Bruch, 6340 Montery Dr., Affton, Mo.
Irving W. Kessler, 30 Knollwood Dr., Cherry Hill, N. J.
Joseph Middleberg, 2067 Pearson St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
John A. Middleton III, 17 Kensington Rd., Madison, N. J.
Russell H. Villwock, 5053 N. Menard, Chicago, Ill. ,
Seymour H. Zorn, 301 E. 62nd St., New York, N. Y.
Quartermaster Company
Bernard D. Herbert, 483 So. Rochester Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Morris R. Piha, 1427 Wedgewood, Montgomery, Ala.
589th Field Artillery
Clifford N. Austin, C, 125 So. Maple, Vergennes, Vt.
Roger W. Bell, Hq., 807 28th Ave., E. Moline, Ill.
Austin L. Byrd, Jr., A, 1329 Westburn Rd., Baltimore, Md.
Dr. Michael E. Connelly, Medics, Medical Arts Bldg., Sharon, Pa.
Raymond J. Creamer, Serv., 48 Leonard Rd., Milltown, N. J.
David J. Gish, Hq., 23673 W. Grove St., So. Bend, Ind.
Edward C. Plenge, Hq., 486 S. Prospect Ave., Bergenfield, N. J.
Earl A. Scott, (No unit) 6414 Monument Ave., Richmond, Va.
Walter M. Snyder, A, 2901 Dunmore Rd., Dundalk, Md.
590th Field Artillery Bn.
Vaden Lackey, Commander, 508 E. Bellevue Dr., Nashville, Tenn.
Joseph Aborn, C, 89 State St., Boston, Mass.
Douglas S. Coffey, C, 41 Lowell Ave., West Orange, N. J.
H. A. Fleming, Jr., A, 99 Terrace Ave., Jersey City, N. J.
J. R. Fonda, B, 1940 W. Market St., Akron, Ohio
Pete House, A, 5662 Clifton Rd., Jacksonville, Fla.
Edward L. Luzzie (No unit) 5524 S. Woodland Dr., Western Springs, El.
Thomas G. Manager, A, 309 Addison Rd., Glastonbury, Conn.
Robert C. Ringer, Serv., 4280 Kendale Rd., Columbus, Ohio
A. W. Skardon, Jr., B, Apt. 3C, 733 Bryson St., Youngstown, Ohio
591st Field Artillery Bn.
Martin M. Dolitsky (No unit), 40 Indian Rd., Port Chester, N. Y.
Florian R. Frank, Serv., c/o Biglow Cheese Co., Avoca, Wis.
Joseph M. Lukowiak, Hq., 249 Dorchester Rd., River Edge, N. J.
592nd Field Artillery Bn.
Ira G. Bottoms (No unit), 407 S. Peachtree St., Norcross, Ga.
Phillip R. Leswing, B, 309 Red Barn Rd., Willow Grove, Pa.
Gene L. Miller, B, 133 W. 52nd St., Apt. A, Long Beach, Calif.
James V. Malesky, Serv., 173 Craig Dr., Greensburg, Pa.
Thomas J. Maw, A, 436 Beech St., Rockland, Mass.
Michael G. Sgrignoli, Serv., 125 N. 24th St., Camp Hill, Pa.
Emil M. Solecki, Serv., 98 Woodport Rd., Sparta, N. J.
Brig. Gen. Leo T. McMahon, Commander, 8 No. Union St., Middletown, Pa.
Dr. Joseph F. Dreier, 250 S. River St., Wilkes Barre, Pa.
Paul L. McPherran, 16 Tilden Rd., Canton, Mass.
George X. Mechir, 1255 Croyden Rd., Lyndhurst, Ohio
Dr. Ronald A. Mosely 57 Elm St., Camden, Me.
Lester S. Smyth, 505 Chadwick Rd., Timonium, Md.
422nd Infantry Regiment
Hq. & Hq. Co.
Col. George L. Descheneaux, Jr., Commander, Monument St., Concord, Mass.
Lowry B. Andrews, 8 Elmcrest Terr., Norwalk, Conn.
T. Wayne Black, 306 Williston Ave., Waterloo, Iowa
Jack Bryant, 14011 Nadine Ave., Oak Park, Mich.
Harris T. Fant, 410 E. River St., Anderson, S. C.
Henry E. Freedman, 2241-A Lindmont Cr., NE, Atlanta, Ga.
Joseph J. Gasses, 1420 Franklin St., Grand Haven, Mich.
John I. Hungerford, 5742 Penfield Ave., Woodland Hills, Calif.
John T. Loveless, Jr., 2549 Pickwick Rd., Baltimore, Md.
Dr. J. C. Matthews, Jr., 4706 Western Blvd., Raleigh, N. C.
Robert E. Rutt, 937 Lampwick Ct., Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
1st Bn. Hq.
Arthur N. Cohn, 801 W. Park St., Temple, Tex.
Col. Eric R. Mills, 286 Bizerte Rd., Fort Lee, Va.
C Company
William P. Dohoney, D.D.S., 1917 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa.
John M. Gillespie, 3536 Darcy Dr., Birmingham, Mich.
Leo L. Heneghan, 6287 Wetherole St., Rego Park, N. Y.
Harrison C. Tissot, 6510 Murray Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio
D Company
Harold J. Brummer, 41 Georgia St., Cranford, N. J.
Fred B. Chase, RFD 1, Rexford, N. Y.
Eugene L. Saucerman, 2212% 3rd Ave., Terre Haute, Ind.
John D. Wilson, 2975 S.W. 16 Terr. #2, Miami, Fla.
F Company
John W. Early, Jr., 9284 Mason Creek Rd., Norfolk, Va.
Waldo B. Pierce, 530 East St., New Britain, Conn.
G Company
Peter N. Ciolino, 53 Memorial Pl., East Paterson, N. J.
Roscoe Wilhelm, 219 E. Carpenter, Springfield, Ill.
H Company
Elmer F. Lange, 1010 Hillcrest, Sac City, Iowa
I Company
Henry M. Broth, 2628 Rockwood Ave., Baltimore, Md.
Arthur E. Loos, 128 Highland Ave., Broad Brook, Conn.
K Company
Lester LeCompte, Jr., 241 N.W. 40th St., Pompano Beach, Fla.
3rd Bn. Hq.
Rinard G. Davis, 4805 Vermont, Kansas City, Mo.
Dean T. Redmond, 611 N. Center St., Statesville, N. C.
Service Co.
John J. Fischer, Jr., 6847 Meadowdale Cr., Cincinnati, Ohio
O. Paul Merz, 1489 Bonneville La., Cincinnati, Ohio
Wanold D. Olman, Box 131, Blue Ball, Pa. Cannon Co.
D. B. Frampton, Jr., 170 N. Roosevelt Ave., Columbus, Ohio
Irvin Juster, 1086 Morningside Ave., Schenectady, N. Y.
No Unit Listed
E. Bruce Foster, Burwell Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn.
423rd Infantry Regiment
Hq. & Hq. Co.
Col. Charles C. Cavender, Commander, 65 E. Calle Cadiz, Laguna Hills, Calif.
Christopher T. Clark, 518 So. Main St., Niles, Ohio
Alfred S. Nusbaum, 12 Beekman Pl., New York, N. Y.
Gordon B. Zicker, 18 Montvale Ave., Montvale, N. J.
1st Bn. Hq.
Anthony DiPadua, 25 Fontaine St., West Warwick, R. I.
Lt. Col. Alan W. Jones, Jr., 4400 N. 36th St., Arlington, Va.
B Company
Oliver A. Lothrop, Jr., 316 West Wind Rd., Towson, Md.
C Company
H. F. Moore, Box 62, Wylie, Tex.
Harry R. (Bob) Shaw, Jr., RFD 1, Box 398, Garland, Tex.
Jack Zuckerman, 71-23 167 St., Flushing, N. Y.
D Company
J. Russell Enlow, Taswell, Ind.
Alfred J. Gericke, Jr. 3744 Granger Rd., Medina, Ohio
Edmond D. Kelly, Orchard Hill Rt. 3, Middletown, N. Y.
Joseph Litvin, 1959 W. 185 St., Torrance, Calif.
Lonnie Roden, RFD 1, Cullman, Ala.
Fred Williams, RFD 2, Box 82, Grand Ridge, Fla.
2nd Bn. Hq.
Charles E. Paetschke, 2421 Persimmon Rd., Augusta, Ga.
E Company
William G. Alexander, Old Jonesboro Rd., Hapeville, Ga.
F Company
James S. White, 1501 Ryan Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
G Company
Joseph A. Kersten, 162 Duerstein St., Buffalo, N. Y.
H Company
George H. Kaufman, 13201/2 Broadway, Springfield, Ohio
Herman L. Philipson, Jr., 10614 Royal Springs Dr., Dallas, Tex.
William F. Smith, Jr., 1211 Washington St., Columbia, S. C.
Norman S. Spayd, 1518 Schuylkill Ave., Reading, Pa.
3rd Bn. Hq.
Jerome L. Frankel, 548 Junard Blvd., West Hempstead, N. Y.
K Company
Donald J. Woodburn, 970 Thomas Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
M Company
Gerald J. Anderson, 17 Eton Pl., Glen Rock, N. J.
Joseph Benigno, 218 Boulevard, East Paterson, N. J.
Service Company
Richard H. Behr, 960 W. Burke Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Sherod Collins, Jr., 625 Channing Dr. NW, Atlanta, Ga.
Larry Gubow, 20100 Braile, Detroit, Mich.
George W. Jones, Jr., c/o Post Office, Loris, S. C.
Gilbert Marcus, 4800 Chicago Beach Dr., Chicago, Ill.
Charles W. Richards, 113 Clover Dr., Massapequa Park, N. Y.
Cannon Company
Virgil L. Collins, 841 Canal St, Nelsonville, Ohio
Allen L. Lowith, 1062 So. Mansfield Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
Raymond J. Reed, 629 River Rd.. New Milford, N. J.
Anti-Tank Co.
Walter F. Hiltbrand, 930 Fair Ave., Salem, Ohio
George F. Sutter, 221 Lawndale Dr., Munster, Ind.
424th Infantry Regiment
Hq. & Hq. Company
Rev. Edward T. Boyle, 46 N. Wolf Rd., North-lake, Ill.
Robert A. Burkes, 2227 Plantation Dr., East Point, Ga.
Samuel Leibowitz, 645 E. 5th St, Brooklyn, N. Y.
1st Bn. Hq.
Harry W. Butler, Jr., Box 390, Winchester, Va.
A Company
H. E. Mansfield, Jr., 190 Northcrest Dr., Athens, Ga.
Fred Schieferstein, 431 Madison Hill Rd., Clark, N. J.
B Company
Charles S. Peyser, 212 Potomac Ave., Hanover, Pa.
Edw. A. Prewett, RFD 2, Box 730, Brentwood, Calif.
D Company
Mahlon O. Earle, Jr., 23 Morgan Pl., No. Arlington, N. J.
23d Bn. Hq.
Richard A. Frankini, 36124 Paddleford Rd., Farmington, Mich.
Don W. Kersteiner, 650 Emerson Ave., Hamilton, Ohio
E Company
Carroll D. Padgett, 579 Milligan Dr., Stone Mountain, Ga.
F Company
Frank Collins, RFD 1, Keene, N. H.
Bud F. Lainhart, 38 S. Main St., Franklin, Ohio
Loren E. Souers, Jr., 1200 Harter Bank Bldg., Canton, Ohio
G Company
Arthur J. Tribout, 1447 No. 42nd St., East St. Louis, Ill.
H Company
Herald A. Barnett, 106 Arlene Dr., East McKeesport, Pa.
Robert A. Gilmartin, 3320 Cortelyou Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Abner T. Harris, 216 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill.
Clifford E. Perras, Blue Front Hotel, Nadeau, Mich.
John J. Reynolds, Jr., Box 694, Edgewater, Fla.
Louis P. Rossi, 1208 50th St., No. Bergen, N. J.
John J. Scalissi, 1706 Regent St., Madison, Wis.
3rd Bn. Hq.
Howard Watt, 100 Roosevelt Ave., Ridgefield Park, N. J.
K Company
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, N. J.
Harold V. Hardoin, 11732 Promenade, Detroit, Mich.
William Johnson, 5541 Oxon Hill Rd., Oxon Hill, Md.
Patrick J. O'Rourke, 202 Walnut St., Ridgewood, N. J.
Robert L. Scranton, 9441 Lee Rd., Brighton, Mich.
J. B. Strickland, 3006 Milton Rd., Middleton, Ohio
Lee B. Taylor, Box 22, Anderson, S. C.
Elder S. Wolfe, 4011 Case Rd., Avon, Ohio
L Company
Ben Bartell, 103 Coale Ave., Staten Island, N. Y.
A. G. Bishop, 1407 Inglewood Ct., Falls Church, Va.
Charles E. Hackler, 3099 Forrest Park Rd., S.E., Atlanta, Ga.
Clayton F. Rarick, Box 25, Blandon, Pa.
M Company
Robert D. Jessee, 2186 14th Ave., San Francisco, Calif.
Robert Oppenheim, 18 Scott Dr., New City, N. Y.
Service Co.
Robert F. Howell, Jr., 904 E. College St., Griffin, Ga.
Cannon Co.
Charles J. Kalal, 260 Hampshire La., Crystal Lake,
Robert A. de St. Aubin, 417 Traube, Clarendon Hills, Ill.
Anti-Tank Co.
John Stribrny, 12639 Timberlane Dr., Palos Park, Ill.
Unlisted Units
William S. Boucouvalas, 12 High St., Saco, Me.
Curtis L. Lindsey, RFD 1, Box 319, Waco, Tex.
Carl M. Hulbert, 519 Janice Rd., Daytona Beach, Fla.
Tom Bickford's mother passed away May 12, 1966 after a long illness. We extend to Tom and all his family our deepest sympathy.Henry Wisniewski passed away March 16, 1966. Henry was not a member of the 106th, but spent time with many of the members in POW in Germany. His funeral was held in a beautiful Polish Catholic Church in Brooklyn and he was accorded a full military burial. He leaves his wife, Marge and three sons, John, 22, Bob, 19, and Richard, 11.
"Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted."
Index for: Vol. 22 No. 4, May, 1966
Index for This Document
106th Div., 2, 4, 5, 16106th Inf. Div., 1
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 2, 13
106th Sig. Co., 20
331st Med. BN, 5
422nd Inf. Regt., 22
423rd Inf. Regt., 23
424th Inf. Regt., 26
589th FA BN, 21
590th FA BN, 21
591st FA BN, 21
592nd FA BN, 22
81st Engr., 20
Aborn, Joseph, 21
Agony Grapevine, 5
Alexander, William G., 25
Anderson, Gerald J., 25
Andrews, Lowry B., 22
Atterbury, Brig. Gen. William W., 14
Austin, Clifford N., 21
Axelrod, Dr. George, 19
Baker, Maj. Gen. & Mrs. William C., 11
Baker, Maj. Gen. Wm. C., Jr., 18
Bandurak, Walter, 20
Barnett, Herald A., 26
Bartell, Ben, 28
Bartz, Richard E., 18
Beals, John, 16
Behr, Richard H., 25
Belgium, 6
Bell, Roger W., 21
Benigno, Joseph, 25
Bickford, Thomas, 18
Bickford, Tom, 9, 28
Bishop, A. G., 28
Black, T. Wayne, 22
Bottoms, Ira G., 22
Boucouvalas, William S., 28
Bowman, Byrne A., 18
Boyle, Rev. Edward T., 26
Brazill, Myles, 20
Broth, Henry M., 23
Brown, Joe E., 6
Bruch, Henry, 20
Brumaghin, David C., 20
Brummer, Harold J., 22
Brunswick, 19
Bryant, Jack, 22
Buckley, Arthur C., 18
Burkes, Robert A., 26
Burnham, Fred W., 20
Butler, Harry W., Jr., 26
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 21
Camp Atterbury, 1, 2, 5, 13, 14, 16
Cariano, Lt. Col. S. P., 18
Cavanaugh, Rev. Paul, 9
Cavender, Col. Charles C., 23
Chase, Fred B., 22
Ciolino, Peter, 11
Ciolino, Peter N., 23
Clark, Christopher T., 23
Co. K, 424th Inf., 5
Coffey, Douglas S., 5, 21
Cohn, Arthur N., 22
Collins, Frank, 26
Collins, Mr. Sherod, Jr., 2
Collins, Sherod, 2, 12
Collins, Sherod, Jr., 25
Collins, Virgil L., 25
Connelly, Dr. Michael E., 21
Courtright, Robert M., 19
Creamer, Raymond J., 21
Crossman, Lester, 20
Dark December, 9
Davis, Rinard G., 23
Day, Rev. J. B., 18
de St. Aubin, Robert A., 28
DeChiara, Joseph A., 20
DeHeer, Mr. Richard, 2
DeHeer, Mrs. Richard (Marge), 6
DeHeer, Richard, 2, 5, 28
Delaval, Dr. Maurice, 5
Denny, George, 6
Descheneaux, Col. George L., Jr., 22
DiPadua, Anthony, 23
Div. Band, 20
Div. HQ, 18
Dohoney, William P., 22
Dolitsky, Martin M., 21
Doniloski, Frank, 20
Doriny, Martin E., 9
Dover, 20
Dreier, Dr. Joseph F., 22
Earle, Mahlon O., Jr., 26
Early, John W., Jr., 23
Enlow, J. Russell, 25
Enlow, Russ, 2
Enlow, Russell, 16
Facey, Lt. Col. Kenneth, 20
Fant, Harris T., 22
Fischer, John J., Jr., 23
Fleming, H. A., Jr., 21
Fonda, J. R., 21
Foster, Capt. Bruce, 11
Foster, Cedric, 5
Foster, E. Bruce, 23
Frampton, Annette Payne, 5
Frampton, D. B., Jr., 23
Frampton, Durward Belmont, 5
Frank, Florian R., 21
Frankel, Jerome L., 25
Frankini, Richard A., 26
Freedman, Henry E., 22
Gasses, Joseph J., 22
Gates, Ralph F., 5
Gericke, Alfred J., Jr., 25
Germany, 9, 28
Gillespie, John M., 22
Gilmartin, Robert A., 26
Gish, David J., 21
Glen, Bruce F., 19
Gubow, Larry, 25
Gussman, Harry, 19
Hackler, Charles E., 28
Hagman, Garry, 18
Hagman, Juanita, 18
Hagman, Larry, 18
Hanover, 18, 26
Harding, Al, 16
Hardoin, Harold V., 28
Harris, Abner T., 26
Hatch, H. M., 19
Heath, Byron P., 20
Hemming, Forrest W., 20
Heneghan, Leo L., 22
Henly, Maj. Frank H., 6
Herbert, Bernard, 16
Herbert, Bernard D., 21
Hertzler, Walter L., 20
Hiltbrand, Walter F., 26
Holden, Robert R., 20
House, Pete, 21
Howell, Robert F., Jr., 28
Hulbert, Carl M., 28
Hungerford, John I., 22
Inspector Gen., 2
Italy, 11
Jessee, Robert D., 28
Jochems, Richard B., 19
Johnson, Bill, 18
Johnson, William, 28
Jones, Alan W., Iii, 20
Jones, Gen., 9
Jones, Gen. Alan W., 4
Jones, George W., Jr., 25
Jones, Lt. Col. Alan W., Jr., 23
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan W., 18
Jones, Milton S., 20
Juster, Irvin, 11, 23
Kalal, Charles J., 28
Kaufman, George H., 25
Kelly, Edmond D., 25
Kersteiner, Don W., 26
Kersten, Joseph A., 25
Kessler, Irving W., 20
Ketterer, Dr. John E., 18
Klett, James R., 19
Krafchik, Joseph, 19
Lackey, Vaden, 21
Lainhart, Bud F., 26
Lange, Elmer F., 23
LeCompte, Lester, Jr., 23
Leibowitz, Samuel, 26
Leswing, Phillip R., 22
Letellier, Louis S., Jr., 20
Lewis, Charles R., 20
Lindsey, Curtis L., 28
Litvin, Joseph, 25
Livesey, Herbert B., Jr., 18
Livesey, Lt. Col. Herbert, 5
Loos, Arthur E., 23
Lothrop, Oliver A., Jr., 23
Loveless, John, 2
Loveless, John T., Jr., 1, 22
Lowith, Allen L., 25
Lukowiak, Joseph M., 22
Luzzie, Ed, 9
Luzzie, Edward L., 21
Mackell, John F., 20
Malesky, James V., 22
Manager, Thomas G., 21
Manahan, William T., 20
Mansfield, H. E., Jr., 26
Marcus, Gilbert, 25
Matthews, Col. Joe, 2
Matthews, Dr. J. C., Jr., 22
Matthews, George, 11
Matthews, Joe, 2
Maw, Thomas J., 22
Maxwell, Brig. Gen. Howard, 5
May, Roger A., 19
Maybank, B. R., 4
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo T., 22
McMahon, Leo, 18
McMahon, Thomas E., 20
McPherran, Paul L., 22
Mechir, George X., 22
Merriam, Robert, 9
Merz, O. Paul, 23
Middleberg, Joseph, 20
Middleton, John A., 21
Military Police Plt., 20
Miller, Gene L., 22
Mills, Col. Eric R., 22
Montgomery, Gen., 4
Moore, H. F., 23
Mosely, Dr. Ronald A., 22
Mowlds, W. Lyle, 20
Mullican, Joseph, 9
Munster, 11, 26
Myers, J. Gail, 19
Nash, John B., 20
Neigus, Dr. Irwin, 19
Nusbaum, Alfred S., 23
Olman, Wanold D., 23
Oppenheim, Robert, 28
Order Of The Golden Lion, 2, 5
O'Rourke, Patrick J., 28
Padgett, Carroll D., 26
Paetschke, Charles E., 25
Pankert, J., 16
Perras, Clifford E., 26
Peyser, Charles S., 18, 26
Philipson, Herman L., Jr., 25
Pierce, Robert, 16
Pierce, Robert W., 20
Pierce, Waldo B., 23
Piha, Morris R., 21
Plenge, Edward C., 21
Prewett, Edw. A., 26
Price, David S., 5, 19
Rarick, Clayton, 17
Rarick, Clayton F., 28
Rathbone, Mrs. Marjorie W., 6
Redmond, Dean T., 23
Reed, Raymond J., 25
Reynolds, John J., Jr., 26
Richards, Charles W., 25
Riggs, Thomas J., Jr., 20
Ringer, Robert C., 21
Roden, Lonnie, 25
Rossi, Louis P., 2, 26
Roster, 18
Rutt, Bob, 11
Rutt, Robert E., 22
Saucerman, Eugene, 16
Saucerman, Eugene L., 22
Saxton, Charles, 20
Scalissi, John J., 26
Schieferstein, Fred, 26
Schutte, Phillip F., 20
Scott, Earl A., 21
Scranton, Robert L., 28
Sebastinelli, Fred A., 19
Sgrignoli, Michael G., 22
Shaw, Harry R. (Bob), Jr., 25
Sherwood, Brig. Gen. Elmer W., 5
Simpson, Florence K., 5
Simpson, William Rose, 5
Skardon, A. W., Jr., 21
Smith, William F., Jr., 25
Smyth, Lester S., 22
Snyder, Herbert L., 20
Snyder, Walter M., 21
Solecki, Emil M., 22
Souers, Loren E., 11
Souers, Loren E., Jr., 26
Spayd, Norman S., 25
Spina, Dominick A., 20
St. Vith, 1
St. Vith, Belgium, 5
Stalag IV B, 9
Stalag IV-B, 9
Stribrny, John, 28
Strickland, J. B., 28
Sutter, George F., 11, 26
Swider, Charles J., 19
Taylor, Lee B., 28
Thomas, W. E., 20
Tissot, Harrison C., 22
Tompson, Tommy, 20
Tribout, Arthur J., 26
Twining, Rollin L., 19
Tyndall, Maj. Gen. Robert H., 5
Verdun, 11
Vielsalm, Belgium, 5
Villwock, Russell H., 21
vom Orde, Kurt E., 20
Wachtel, Dr. Hans, 19
Walker, Alan W., 20
Ward, Nathan D., 20
Warren, Clarence E., 20
Watt, Ben H., 5
Watt, Howard, 26
Wells, James E., 20
White, James S., 25
Wilhelm, Roscoe, 23
Williams, Fred, 25
Willis, R. E., 4
Wilson, John D., 22
Wisniewski, Henry, 28
Wolfe, Elder S., 28
Woodburn, Donald J., 25
Woolfley, Brig. Gen. F. A., 18
Woolfley, Col. Francis A., 9
Zicker, Gordon B., 23
Zorn, Seymour H., 21
Zuckerman, Jack, 25