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Vol. 18, No. 5, JUN, 1962

President Ben Hagman.
Vice-President Henry Broth
Adjutant and Treasurer Richard DeHeer
Chaplain John Loveless
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is 05.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor Wayne Black
The CUB is printed by -- The Morris Printing Co., Waterloo, Iowa
All editorial matter should be addressed to: Wayne Black, 506 Williston Ave., Waterloo, Iowa
All business matters, renewals of memberships, euc., should he addressed to:
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, New Jersey
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained when available for $1.00 each. Send orders to the adjutant.

    I am the proud grandfather of a nine pound fourteen ounce boy, namely: Preston Benjamin Axel Hagman. Larry is happy and Maj is doing well.
Anyway, after this edition, we will get rid of the lousy picture above.
     We have been thinking about how lucky we of the 106th are to have an Association where we can get together annually. Members of many divisions, when they got off the boat coming home saw each other for the last time.
     Remember when Wilda McMahon went through the infiltration course at the Chicago Reunion? When Herb Perrin, Cedric Foster and Curly Williams sang Bell Bottom Trousers at the 1948 Indianapolis Reunion? When Tex Matthews did not want to dive off the ten foot board at Savannah, after crawling up there? When the Gillespies and the Butts played keep-away at the pool in Savannah? The bus tour at Philadelphia when certain commanders got lost? Remember all the beer we could drink at the brewery in Columbus?
     Gary is planning to attend the convention with us and we are all looking forward to seeing all of our good friends at Annapolis.
Sincerely, Ben Hagman

    Doug Coffey has sent word that he has obtained a copy of the sound movie made by the U. S. Army of the St. Vith Memorial Dedication ceremonies. He will have this movie with him to be shown at the Annapolis Convention. It will be shown on Friday evening after the clambake dinner prior to the showing of any movies of past conventions that may be available. WE URGE EVERY MEMBER POSSIBLE TO ATTEND THIS CONVENTION TO SEE THIS MOVIE. IT ALONE WILL BE WORTH THE TRIP TO ANNAPOLIS. Every member of the Association can be proud of the job that has been done in his behalf by Doug and the other persons who have worked on the Memorial. Now attend the convention and relive this proudest moment in the Association's history.


    Lowry B. Andrews (Sv 422) is working as a salesman for Connecticut Business Forms. He writes that he is grateful to Harrison Tissot for having sent him an application form, happy to have the opportunity to rejoin the Association, and looking forward to knowing again the doings and whereabouts of his old comrades.
    Walter M. Snyder (A 589) writes that he has finished his doctorate in education at Harvard and is now director of personnel for the Board of Education in Baltimore, Maryland. The system there has 115 schools, 95,000 students, and over 4,000 teachers. His work includes traveling thru the eastern United States each year in the recruitment of about 700 new teachers. He reports that he is still a happy bachelor.
Lester S. Smyth (Div Arty) moved his wholesale jewelry business to larger quarters in March.
     Gene L. Miller (B 592) has worked for the past eleven years for Shell Chemical Company. He would like to hear from anyone who was with him in B Battery.
     Cliff Perras (H 424) is still busy in Lansing as a delegate to the State Constitutional Convention, which he serves as a delegate from the Menominee District and as a member of the committees on Legislative Powers and Administration. We are sorry to hear that his mother passed away on February 22 and a dear friend and business associate just a few days later.
     General McMahon and his wife spent a weekend in March visiting John and June Warren and family at Red Bank, New Jersey. Also present were Lt. Col. and Mrs. Carl Wohlfeil (591, 590). It was the first meeting of the McMahons and the Wohlfeils since the war. General McMahon also writes that Tom Riggs (81) phoned recently from Pottsville, Pa. during a business trip for Textron, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat O'Rourke (K 424) announce the arrival of another girl, Kerry Ann, weight 7 pounds, 8 ounces.
     Eunice Broth, wife of Henry Broth (I 422), our vice-president, has just recovered from a long, tough siege of pneumonia. We all hope that she will be feeling on top for the July convention.

Fifteen Years Ago --
     Thus far the unit and sundry funds have kept us going. Now we are going to have to stand on our own two feet. We need 2500 members to keep going. It's up to the individual members to carry on from here. It depends on what you are willing to do to see that dues continue to flow into the Treasury.
     Word has just come in from the printer that because of the printing and paper situation, it will be impossible to get the Division History out before late fall.
Memorial Fund to date......$743.80 Membership as of
18 March, 1947 .............--...........889

Ten Years Ago --
     East Coast members get ready! Your turn has now arrived! The 1952 Convention will be held at the Lord Baltimore Hotel July 24 through July 27. After holding Midwestern conventions previously, we are now moving to the East. Convention Chairman John Loveless will give careful consideration to all suggestions.
     Pete House (A 590) writes that he is now technical director of the Little Theatre in Jacksonville, Florida. He designed and built the scenery and did the lighting for "The Jacksonville


Story," a pageant celebrating 50 years of progress in Jacksonville.
     George Jones, Jr. (Sv 423) of Loris, South Carolina was recently elected Commander of the local American Legion post.

Five Years Ago --
     President Lawrence Gubow says: "I was recently asked by a former 106er: `Why should I attend the National Convention?' My reply to him was simple -- to renew old acquaintances -- to meet their families -- to meet others who went through the same hell with you -- to relax and have a good time on a vacation planned for you -- to keep alive the name of your Division. Write, talk, call, do anything, but get the word to all your old friends."
Final report of complete roster of members for 1956-57: 254 members, just three short of last year's total.

P. P. Y. D. P. -- Please Pay Your Dues Promptly.

    Russel D. King (589), 411 Stanton Avenue, Springfield, Ohio has contacted President Ben Hagman seeking information on the whereabouts of the following former members of the 589th: Linden Thomas of Pennsylvania, Irving Main of California, and Elmer Wolford. A check through past issues fails to turn up any mention of any one of these men. Do any of our members have any information concerning them? It so, please contact Russell D. King at the above address. While contacting him, be sure to include a sales talk for the Association along with the information that you would have been unable to help him if you had not read it in the CUB.

     Annapolis, the capital of the State of Maryland, and seat of Anne Arundel County, lies 26 miles southeast of Baltimore and 27 miles northeast of Washington, D. C. by dual highways.
     Among its many attractions for tourists and other visitors are the U. S. Naval Academy, the historic State House, authentic old pre-Revolutionary Georgian homes (some open the year around), Saint John's College founded in 1696, all water sports, 5 golf courses, tennis, horseback riding, five theatres, bowling alleys, 35 beaches, play grounds, numerous dine and dance places, 3 rivers, many creeks, and Chesapeake Bay.
     The Naval Academy is open sunrise to sunset the year around. Included are the Naval Museum, the tomb of John Paul Jones, and a model room showing the accommodations enjoyed by a present day midshipman. As visitor walks around the Acad grounds, he will see one of the wor most impressive fleets of racing yawls, and just across the water is Greenbury Point, site of the world's most powerful radio transmitter, from the dozen towers of which the Navy Department sends coded messages to all its commanders at sea, wherever their fleets may lie. On the Academy grounds there is the thrilling sight of marching men, the beat of drums, the peaceful relaxing music of the Naval Academy Band, and not far away is old Tecumseh, a large wooden figurehead of the Chief of the Delaware Indians, which came off the U.S.S. Delaware, launched in 1817. When midshipmen need classroom luck or athletic success, they smear the Old Chief with gay war paint and bounce pennies off his countenance, hoping for good fortune. A stone's throw away is the Japanese bell presented to Commodore Matthew C. Perry in 1854 as a token of good will by the Regent of the Lew Ch


    Islands. The bell, cast in 1465, formerly hung in a Japanese temple. When the midshipmen defeat West Point in a major sport, the Japanese bell is rung all night, as a mark of celebration and good cheer.
     The Maryland State House, built in 1772-1780, is the oldest state capitol still in legislative use in all America. In the Old Senate Chamber George Washington appeared in 1783 to resign his commission as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army.
     Annapolis is a mecca for yachtsmen and currently, some of the summer inspection tours of the city's old homes are made aboard water craft. In early Annapolis travel by boat was the most popular and convenient method of transportation. In the summer, even today, a leisurely boat ride around the Severn river and connected creeks which surround the peninsula which is Annapolis is indeed pleasurable. The waterways are ever alive, interesting, and beautiful. In summertime Annapolis is a recreational haven with appeal for everyone loving the outdoors. Crabbing is as popular with the ladies as fishing, and there are good catches for all who try their luck.
     Much folklore and many ghost stories are associated with Annapolis' old homes. To many, the reported antics of the spooks is as intriguing as the famous architecture. Local tradition has it that a butler haunts Brice House while in search of money which his master willed him. The impatient butler was unwilling to wait and murdered his master. He appears to have grown old and tired, however. The present owners of Brice House say that the phantom hasn't once been seen by them in the famous eighteenth century mansion.
     Among the most fascinating aspects of the city's old homes are the chimneys on them. In 1664, the founding fathers passed a law which provided that from then on all houses to be built in the province must be not less than 20 feet square and two and a half stories high, with brick chimneys. Annapolis is dotted with houses with chimneys so stout in structure that the danger of fire which swept away no many of their predecessors is greatly reduced. As colonial houses grew in size, the numbers of chimneys increased accordingly. In time, they came to form a kind of informal yardstick by which a man's wealth and his standing in the community were measured. Some of the old homes have fireplaces tremendous in size. Tradition has it that a horse was concealed in one fireplace from the grasp of raiding Union soldiers in search of mounts during the Civil War.
    Annapolis is becoming more and more favored for a convention site, and it is quite fitting that the 106th Infantry Division Association should have chosen this historic, delightful city for its 1962 reunion.
     If you can think of a better place to be the last week in July than Annapolis, you probably weren't even in the 106th.
     Which company of the 106th will have the largest delegation in Annapolis? If the chaplain and the editor both make it, R Hq Co 422 will have two to start with. Which company will be able to beat this?


     This is Carvel Hall, the hospitality center of Annapolis. Blending the charm and elegance of Colonial decor with the most modern of accommodations and services, Carvel Hall is a great favorite of discriminating travelers. A wing of Carvel Hall, Paca House, was built in 1763 by William Paca, one of the four signers of the Declaration of Independence from Annapolis. Paca House has been preserved in its original Georgian elegance. The impressive new portion of Carvel Hall faces the Naval Academy. It includes a spacious and comfortable main lounge, newly decorated bedrooms with luxurious appointments, and four public rooms which will be used for various functions of the Convention.




     Having acquired a most excellent globe within recent months, I have been reviewing from time to time some of the geography learned many years ago in grade -and high school.
     Besides the great number of changes in place names, the thing that has intrigued me most is the apparent shortening of distances from place to place. Especially does this seem true of the area of Europe in which our Division operated. Yet how well I recall that under war-time conditions it took some of us five days and four nights to get from Gerolstein to Bad Orb in the box cars. And, here at home, a cross-country trip which a few years ago required days can be made in only a fraction of that time by our improved modes of transportation.
     As a result, how simple it is to enlarge our horizons, to make closer and maintain closer ties with business and personal friends. We in our Association who make it almost a habit to be at our Conventions know the truth of this.
     On our way to and from our meeting places, we have the opportunities to have made alive for us our nation's glories by standing in the very spots where our history was and is being made. Of equal importance is the privilege we have of renewing old, and forming new, friendships with those who have been our companions in arms.
     We are proud of our Division, we exult in our Association and its accomplishments. Will you not add your voice and your efforts to keep alive the prestige of our Division and the memory of those of our number who have passed from this life to life eternal?
John T. Loveless, Jr.
106 Inf. Div. Assn.
May 27, 1962


Dear Wayne:
     The last issue of the CUB certainly had a fine, or rather series of fine, descriptions of the dedication. Not least was the way the whole thing was put together. I think the whole thing will give the Association a boost. I have had a number of people, who saw reference to it in the papers ask how we were able to do it, etc. I was very glad Bill Baker was able to attend, as he had done a great deal to help Doug. We certainly have a group of fine people.
Alan W. Jones

Headquarters, U. S. Army, Europe
Office of the Commander in Chief

Dear Mr. Black:
     I have the advance copy of your dedication issue of "The CUB" which you were so thoughtful to send to me. It is an attractive publication, and the dedication ceremony for your memorial at St. Vith is well covered. I am happy to have it as a remembrance of that occasion.
     It was a privilege for me to speak at your dedication ceremony and an honor your Association bestowed upon me in asking me to participate. The Memorial itself is appropriate and in good taste. I congratulate the Association on using this means to honor the,


memory of your fallen comrades.
Thank you for your good wishes for my birthday and retirement, which General Baker passed on to me.
     Again let me say that I am glad to have had a part in dedicating your Memorial, and I appreciate your sending me this copy of your Association's magazine.
Sincerely, BRUCE C. CLARKE
General, USA, Commander in Chief

Dear Wayne:
     Your reporting, coverage, etc., of the Dedication of the Memorial was tremendous, and certainly made me feel mighty proud to belong to our organization. Doug Coffey, you, and all the others who had anything to do with it, certainly deserve a tremendous amount of praise.
     Kay, John, Eunice and myself had another meeting the other night, and everything is shaping up very nicely. Most of our plans, ideas, etc., have been finalized or will be this coming week, with many surprises awaiting all who will attend.
     Sorry I don't have any additional information to send you, but thanks a million for a fine job in publicizing the coming reunion. Best wishes and regards, and looking forward to seeing you in July.
Henry M. Broth

by A. W. J.
     Now that July had arrived almost unnoticed, Alice became more and more concerned with making arrangements to go to Annapolis. "What day of the month is it?" she asked her newfound friend, the lion cub. He considered this question for a moments and answered, "Well, it's Monday." "Two days wrong," sighed Alice, "I told you that watch was not properly made because it tells the day of the month but does not tell what o'clock it is." "Well," muttered the young lion, "Does your watch tell you what year it is?" "Of course not," Alice retorted very readily: "but that is because there is a convention every year, so that I only need to know what day of the month it is." "Well, that is just the case with my watch, too," said the nineteen year old cub. Alice felt dreadfully puzzled. Her friend's remark seemed to her to have no meaning in it, and yet it was in English. "Well then," said the dogged lion, "since we have met twice in Indianapolis, Chicago, Detroit, Atlantic City and Savannah, also once each in Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Columbus, Philadelphia, and Fort Worth, who cares what time it is?"
     "Why do you start every sentence with the word 'well'?" asked Alice. "Well, of course I have to attend all these Presidential press conferences for my magazine, since it's named after me. While most of this happened back in the fifties, it is still considered the only way you can start a sentence in Washington, and get people to


    listen to you." "I listen to you," said Alice, "Like that drink you offered me last winter, since it is not marked 'poison,' I'll try it now." So Alice ventured to taste it and found the taste was very nice indeed. It had a sort of mixed flavour of cherry-tart, custard, pineapple, roast turkey, toffee and hot buttered toast. She very soon finished it off.

     "What a curious feeling," thought Alice, "and where am I?" As her eyes gradually came into focus, she saw that there was a beautiful young lady sitting behind a table. On the table was a single red rose and a sign which read, "Register Here." Behind the table was a large plaque showing a golden face super-imposed on a blue background surrounded by a white and red border. "This must be a Very Important Person," thought Alice, "and his expression certainly makes me think he must be my friend's immediate ancestor." After registering and paying her fee in money from her collection of ancient coins, she said to the lovely Receptionist: "Please, I would like to see President Ben Hagman, Vice President Henry Broth, Adjutant General Richard DeHeer, Chaplain John Loveless, Editor Wayne Black and Ambassador Doug Coffey, in that order, and never mind saying that they are too busy, because I know that ice does not melt in just a few minutes."

     What do you want to see them about?" asked the Cutie Pie at the table. "I don't want to see them about anything," answered Alice, "I just want to see them. Isn't Ben Hagman(' worth coming this far to talk to, especially when he is the President of the soundest Corporation in business. Also there is that famous Editor, well known all over this Nation. I hear, too, that he is a bachelor, and since my only friend is a lion cub, we both might learn to like lions. As anchor man on my list, I've placed Doug Coffey, who has placed our Association on the international map. This makes public my regard for his vision and drive. Furthermore, I may interview them. Of course, they won't talk but even so it is entirely possible, in a column, to hold an interview with no one present at all."

P. P. Y. D. P. -- If you don't know what that means (and you think yo. haven't), see "Five Years Ago in the Cub."

     Our thanks to those members who responded to the appeal for current addresses of certain members in the last issue of the CUB. Your aid in responding to such an appeal makes the thankless task of the Adjutant much easier.
     Now, with the new membership year and the convention approaching, is the best time of all to contact that old buddy and talk him into joining the Association. If you don't think he would appreciate your doing so, just think how you would feel if no one had ever contacted you about it.


     Now is the time for all good 106ers to start packing their bags for the high spot of each year -- the annual convention. We look forward to these affairs each year, but this year, something tells us, will find some new way to be extra special. We know what dedicated workers for the Association both Henry Broth and John Loveless really are. Just think what good things will come out of it for all of us when these two and their charming, resourceful wives get their heads together.
When we first saw the proposed program for the convention, our first
    Thought was, "It just can't be this Wood." It really will be, though, we know that this is the way these fine folks do things. And now they are promising in addition "many surprises to all who attend." Fill in that yellow sheet that is included with this issue of the CUB right now before it gets lost. Wouldn't you rather be there than spend the rest of your life wishing you had been? Just take a look at the accommodations pictured in this CUB.
     There's only one thing missing to make 1962 a never-to-be-forgotten year for you -- putting yourself in the picture.

     This issue completes another year of the CUB and the 106th Infantry Division Association. To be sure that they both continue, be sure that you send in
    your dues to the adjutant right away. he past two years we have arrived at convention with only about fifty per cent of the membership renewed for the coming year. This situation makes very difficult the job of your Board of Directors in planning for the coming year. If we were to arrive at Annapolis this year with two hundred memberships renewed, think how eagerly every one would be looking forward to the new year! The adjutant, the Memorials chairman, the membership chairman, the chaplain, the president, even the editor, put in hours serving the Association. The only time you are asked to serve is right now, for just long enough to send in a check for five dollars. How about doing it right now? Every working member of the Association will appreciate your vote of confidence.

    It has been called to our attention that in the last CUB, we failed to list one very important item in the proposed schedule for the July Convention. On Friday, 27 July the afternoon at Annapolis Country Club will begin with a 12:30 luncheon. How the Editor, a graduate of the Stalag training course in "How to Exist Without Really Eating," could have failed to include all the meals on time is hard to understand. We mention this fact now so that there will be no temptation for anyone to start a rumor of bag lunches on the bus before we reach the Country Club.


Here Is How To Get There
    BY AIR -- Friendship International Airport, the world's largest airport, is just twenty miles north of Annapolis. It is served by the following airlines:
Taxi service is provided to and from the airport
    BY HIGHWAY -- Annapolis is located on U. S. Route 50 and 301, and Maryland State Route 2. It is 8 miles from the new Chesapeake Bay Bridge and 15 miles south of the new Baltimore Harbor Tunnel. These two new installations offer excellent connecting links between the north and south.


Index for: Vol. 18, No. 5, Jun., 1962

Index for This Document

106th Inf. Div., 7, 10, 14
106th Infantry Division Association, 7, 14
Andrews, Lowry B., 3
Bad Orb, 10
Baker, Bill, 10
Baker, Gen., 12
Black, Wayne, 1, 13
Broth, Eunice, 3
Broth, Henry, 1, 3, 13, 14
Broth, Henry M., 12
Clarke, Bruce C., 12
Coffey, Doug, 1, 12, 13
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 13
Div. Arty, 3
Division History, 3
Foster, Cedric, 1
Gerolstein, 10
Gubow, Lawrence, 5
Hagman, Ben, 1, 5, 13
House, Pete, 3
Jones, Alan W., 10
Jones, George, 5
Jones, John Paul, 5
King, Russel D., 5
Loveless, Chaplain John, 13
Loveless, John, 1, 3, 14
Loveless, John T., 10
Loveless, John T., Jr, 10
Loveless, John T., Jr., 10
Main, Irving, 5
Matthews, Tex, 1
McMahon, Gen., 3
McMahon, Wilda, 1
Memorials, 14
Miller, Gene L., 3
O'Rourke, Pat, 3
Paca, William, 8
Perras, Cliff, 3
Perrin, Herb, 1
Riggs, Tom, 3
Smyth, Lester S., 3
Snyder, Walter M., 3
St. Vith, 1, 10
Thomas, Linden, 5
Tissot, Harrison, 3
Warren, John & June, 3
Washington, George, 7
West Point, 7
Williams, Curly, 1
Wohlfeil, Lt. Col. & Mrs. Carl, 3
Wolford, Elmer, 5