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The Cub
Vol. 37, No. 3, Apr., 1981

President Ken Bradfield
1st Vice President Russell H. Villwock
2nd Vice President Robert Howell
Adjutant Robert W. Pierce, Sr.
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain Ron Mosley
Memorials Chairman Douglas S. Coffey

    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $10.00 per year which Includes subscription of the CUB.
Editor John I. Gallagher All editorial matter should be addressed to: John I. Gallagher 4003 Frances St.
Temple, Pennsylvania 19560

     All business matters, renewal of membership, renewal of Associate, renewal of Auxiliary dues, memorial fund contributions, etc., should be addressed to: Robert W. Pierce, Sr. Adjutant 474 Federal Street N.W. Warren, Ohio 44483
Membership Dues (8/1 /79) $10.00 per year
Associate Dues (8/1 /79) $10.00 per year
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year

     It's about that time again - our 106th Division Association reunion. I would like to extend to each of you a personal invitation to attend this year's gala event. We believe we have a program that you will enjoy. But, most important, another chance to visit with longtime friends. We have ordered comfortable weather, but regardless, you will see what I consider one of the most beautiful areas in this country. With scenery to please the eye, and visiting with old friends, the Reunion will have to be a success.
     We have received some thirty letters and phone calls from some of our friends who are not members, and have never attended a reunion. So, we should have some new faces and I hope it is someone you have been hoping to see!
     Again, I want to thank the Van Wyatt's for the excellent job they are doing putting a program together for the Reunion.
     It has been a great privilege to serve as the Association president, but the greatest pleasure is having the opportunity to work with people like Sherod Collins, John Gallagher, Russel Villwock, Robert Pierce, Sr., Ron Mosley and Doug Coffey - Your officers, all dedicated to the welfare of the Association. We all owe these people, the Board, past officers and chair people a vote of thanks for making this a successful association. See you all in Kentucky, Ken.

     We rejoice at the release of the 52 ex-hostages from Iran! Here in Canada we celebrated along with our brethren in the U.S.A. In my weekly column, "Kit Bag," (The Bulletin," Bridgewater, Nova Scotia) for Jan. 28 I wrote: "There was much talk of 'God', 'faith', 'religion' by the hostages, their families, and others. A father of a hostage stated: "It is a good time to remember the eight men who are not coming home." referring to those who died in the Iranian desert in the attempt to free the hostages. Our Canadian Government has announced that 'normal relations' with Iran will resume as soon as possible. How can there be 'normal relations' with a 'rogue' country like Iran? The United Nations, the World


    Court of Justice at The Hague, and every decent country has condemned the actions of Iran as illegal kidnapping and extortion." Well, the Canadian Government has had to back down on its "normal relations" with Iran statement when myriads of protesting letters and statements stormed the Parliament and press.
     We in the 106th know what it's like to be free and to come from darkness into light, especially the "light of freedom." Remember how it was when you, if you were a POW, were freed? Remember when the lights came on again after VE Day in 1945? The last night I spent at our reunion in the Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs, was a memorable one. The dinner was great. The speaker, George Fisher, was tremendous, and I have cherished the cartoon he drew of me so much that I carried it in my "hot little hands" all the way through five airports to my home and had it framed. The company, companionship, camaraderie, storytelling - they all filled my cup to the brim! The swim at midnight in the pool(s) was enjoyable. Back at my room I thought I had better take a bath to get any chlorine off, and in the tub, or while in same, the lights went out. It was total darkness; so total that it took me 20 minutes to feel my way back to the room and get a match. I `phoned the desk, and the circuit breaker or fuse was fixed. It blew again, and I gave up and went to bed.'
     It seemed to me that the light failure was an appropriate ending to our reunion. It was a good reminder of why we had served in the 106th in World War II: i.e., so the lights of freedom and righteousness could go on again all over the world. I'm partly a Scot by lineage and wear the kilt of the tartan of Clan Gunn with pride. The Scottish poet, Robbie Burns, speaks to us in the Scottish Dialect. He wrote:
     "Then let us pray that come it may, As come it will for a `that, That sense and worth, o'er a' the earth, May bear the gree (meaning prize) and a' that: For a' that, and a' that, It's comin' yet for a' that, That man to man, the war is o'er, Shall brothers be for a' that!"
     St. Paul in Acts 17:26 said: "And He (God) has made from one blood every nation of men to live on the face of the earth." Peace with justice, freedom, and brotherhood will come in God's good time if we continue our struggles again evil and for good. It will come "for a' that." God bless! Ron

Memorial to Major General Alan W. Jones, 1890-1969. Middletown Pa.
March 3, 1981.
     It bothers me when a longtime member and one-time President of the Association turns up missing. Jim Hatch was one of the prime organizers of a Chapter of the Division Assn. in Minneapolis, Minn. Every year Mrs. McMahon and I mailed Christmas greetings to him and his wife, Helen in Minneapolis Minn. This year our card was returned. We checked in the CUB and the address we used was correct.
     In the Jan.-Feb.-Mar. 1981 issue of the CUB, his name was back in but with a new address at Wayzata Minn. So, I mailed the returned Christmas cards to this new address and back comes a long letter from Jim, explaining that they always spent 9 months of the year at their Minneapolis home and three months of the year at their place at Wayzata on the famous Lake Minnetonka. Now they are moved permanently to Wayzata. Here is a thumb nail sketch of the family for their friends in the Association. At age 66 Jim sold his 31-year-old business and turned to temporary employment at Control Data's Corporate Hq. near Wayzata. Helen is quite well. She doesn't travel but cooks up a storm and crochets beautiful afghans. The other children


    are married and live nearby, except Kathy, the only child we know and saw her grow up at the annual Reunions. She has spent considerable time in the Middle East as a Fulbright scholar. She reads, writes and speaks Arabic. She became engaged to Charles Allegrone, a writer with the State Department of Greensboro, NC. They returned to the United States, were married in Washington and live in Alexandria.

    George Phillips, 37 Linden Place, Belmont Circle, Uniontown Pa. was the Representative of the American National Red Cross with the 106th Infantry Div. during World War II. He served overseas with the Division. He was a native of Uniontown, Pa. and returned to live there after the war. When the 106th Infantry Division Association was founded, George organized a Chapter in Uniontown and was elected its first president. He has been a continuous member of the National Association since.

    Since World War I citizens of Uniontown, Pa. have been proud of the fact that Colonel George Catlett Marshall, who became famous as a staff Officer for General Pershing in that War had been born and brought up in their town. George Phillips is also proud of the fact that some members of the Phillips family were good friends of the Marshall family. General George Catlett Marshall was appointed Chief of Staff of the United States Army in 1939. He was the Chief of Staff of the United States Army during most of the life of the 106th Infantry Division from its formal activation on 15th March 1943 to its formal inactivation 2 October. 1945.

    On January 17, 1981 a State historical Marker was unveiled at the site of the birthplace of General Marshall in Uniontown. The event was sponsored by the Penna. Historical and Museum Commission. General McMahon

     The plans for the 35th Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Asso. are almost complete and the committee, Ken and June Bradfield, Van and Bobbie Wyatt are looking forward to seeing all 106th Div. families at Kentucky Dam Village State Park. Please make your reservations now and send in your registration as soon as possible. Advance registration is not required but you will save $4.00 if registration is received by June 1, 1981. Best wishes to all. Hope to see you in June.
Sincerely, Van S. Wyatt

     While viewing the dam, you can visit the new CORPS OF ENGINEERS VISITORS CENTER, located just north-west of the dam. The center features area information and audio-visual exhibits of the Cumberland River system.
     KENTUCKY DAM, near Gilbertsville was completed in 1944, is 8,700 feet long, and holds back the waters of the Tennessee River to form Kentucky Lake. Here, you can look down upon huge barges "locking through" from the lake to the river.
     LAND BETWEEN THE LAKES always has plenty of things to see and do for the family. A visit to Empire Farm, a hike down a scenic trail, a visit to the Homeplace 1850s, a look at the buffalo herd - all are available year-round and at no cost. Be sure to see the films and displays at the new Visitors Center located at the junction of highway 68 and the Trace.
     The three STATE RESORT PARKS located in the area all have a full range of recreational facilities and programs open to the public.
While visiting Paducah, be sure to take their RED LINE TOUR. This is a 12-mile driving tour winding through


business, industrial and residential areas of the historic town.
     If you care to take a short excursion from the lakes region, there are several historic and interesting things to see and do in the surrounding area.
     The ANCIENT BURIED CITY at Wickliffe gives a view of famous Indian mound excavations. Located on a mound overlooking the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, the buried city gives a look at a culture that has been lost in the past.

    COLUMBUS-BELMONT BATTLEFIELD STATE PARK is a historic 177-acre park overlooking the Miss. River. You can see a museum with a battle diorama from the civil war, artillery used in the war, and the huge anchor and chain used to stop Union Boats. It is located on Kentucky highway 123 and U.S. highways 58 and 80.
     You can enjoy a panoramic view from atop the towering memorial to a famous Civil War leader at the JEFFERSON DAVIS MONUMENT STATE SHRINE, located at Fairview.

Dear John:
     In the January, 1981 issue of the VFW Magazine which I received in the mail today, I noticed the following NOTICE: "106th Div., 422nd Inf. Rgt., Co. I---Need to contact anyone recalling me being captured by SS near Uflingen, Luxembourg, interrogated, sent in box car to Stalag 4-B where a GI gave me his kit to dress my toes, my being beaten into semi-consciousness during forced march to Stalag VIII or those remembering my broken ribs and head injury from beating.---Kenneth K. King, Box 14, Brasher Falls, New York 13613
    Perhaps, someone in the 106th Infantry Division Association might come forward and help Mr. Kenneth K. King, who may not realize that we have had the 106th Infantry Division Association since 1945. Thank you very kindly. Walter Bandurak

     I am happy to report to you that after a total of approximately 22 years I had a very enjoyable visit with my former Battalion Surgeon, Gerald H. Cessna, M.D. He served with us in the Medical Detachment, 81st Engineer Combat Battalion, during the Battle of the Bulge and until July or August of 1945.
     He left his practice as an Obstetrician in Pittsburgh and recently became the Regional Medical Director, Penna. Department of Health, for the 12 County area of Southwestern Penna.
     His office is located on the fifth floor, State Office Building, 300 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, Penna. 15222. He was a former member of our 106th Inf. Division Association and in 1951 was the chairman of the Reunion for our Association which was held in Pittsburgh. He asked to be re- membered by all of the Medics and members of the 81st Engineers and would like to hear from any and all of his friends. Do drop him a line. Walt & Lillian Bandurak



Dear Bob,
     My unit, Battery B 591st F. A. Battalion, has a reunion each year since the war and next year I am going to attend the first one. In the process of planning, I talked to Bob Likin and he sent me a copy of the summer issue of the Cub. I have a 1949 Issue of the Cub received when I was going to UCLA. However, I did not join and was busy getting a degree in Civil Engineering. Since that time, some thirty years ago, I have been busy working as a Civil Engineer and raising a family with my wife in Northern California.
     I joined the 106th in Ft. Jackson, S.C. after getting a commission in the Artillery and was assigned to Battery B, 591 as a forward observer and went overseas with the Division in 1944. The 591st along with the 424 Infantry Regiment was fortunate in getting out of the Bulge. I was injured and that ended my active duty.
John H. Stauff, 139 Danefield Place, Moraga, CA 94556

     My wife and I are now living in an adult condominium which has a golf course, pool, club house, etc. August 1, 1980, I retired from the textile business. Since then we have travelled up and down the East Coast, visited several former members of the 106th and our five children and six grandchildren.
Charles J. Zullig, CO Co. F. 423rd, 15 Dickinson Ct, Red Bank, NJ 07701

Married: Mary Sue Anderson, Signal Mtn, Tenn, June 1, 1946
Children: Walter IV, married w/2 children: Matt & Quinn
Isaac, married w/1 child: Isaac, Jr.
David, Graduate Student University of Tenn
Rebecca, Senior, High School, Mahtomedi, MN
Occupation: Marketing Operations Manager, Technical Ceramic Products Division, 3M, St. Paul, MN 55144
Walter S. Adams (G/423)

Dear Bob,
     Since I last wrote, my company went out of the automotive business. They closed up shop and 480 were out of a job. It is rough in and around the Detroit area at this time. I finally latched onto a job after looking exactly one whole year! I shall retire next year, April of 1981 and then just take it easy up North until the good Lord calls me. I sure hope I can attend the one in Kentucky in June. Until next time - so long for a while.
Louis H. Tury, Jr., A/424th Regt. , 1481 Mill St., Lincoln Park, Mich. 48146

Dear Bob,
     I am enjoying good health, retirement and a lot of golf. I enjoy reading the Cub and the notes sent by members. I keep looking for familiar names and have found many. Thanks, and keep up the good work.
A.F Schuller,Co. C422nd, 346 Oxford Dr., Savannah, GA 3140o5

     My wife and I retired November 1, 1979. No hobbies but we are seeing a lot of the USA. If it is possible, would you print in the Cub for a medic that was with Co G. Only name known was 'Lew' or 'Lou'. I owe him my life for saving mine. He might see this and recognize it. Thanks Billy M. Tarrant, Co G 422 Reg. 106 Div., Route 1, Box 147, Greenville, Texas 75401

Dear Bob,
     I hope I am the last of your delinquents to renew my membership. In March I will have competed 32 years with the Treasury Department.
Victor C. Rauch, 37 Chateau Court, Londonville, NY 12211

    Bob: As one of your older members, I do appreciate the continuing service you perform in handling our association finances. Your wife is considerate to have you donate time and hopefully - not too often. Everyone here is fine.
Business stinks and is getting hazardous with the "depression" we have in Michigan. Oh, well!
John M. Gillespie, 1000 Decker Road, Walled Lake, Michigan 48088


     After 36 years I have found a fellow from our SV Co 422 Inf. that wants to join our 106th. We will have some more. New member name and address:
Hugh Young, SV Co 422. 6904 East 150 Hwy, Grandview, Mo 64030
Frank J. Furletti, 407 S. Wickham Rd. Baltimore, Md. 21229
     This is the way I spend my free time on Sundays trying to find just one - 106er, four calls today, not bad! Wanold Olman, SV Co 422

     The past year of 1980 was pretty good to me and my wife Julia. We did have some health problems and were unable to make the reunion in Hot Springs, but all in all everything came out pretty good. I had a light stroke in August that put me on the shelf for a while, but I made a good recovery from that and have been working steadily since October 16th. We had a very fine Xmas and enjoyed the New Year's too.
     We wish all of the good people in the 106th Association a most Happy New Year and also hope it will be a prosperous one too.
Yours truly, James T. Davis

    Hi John, We are on the Q.E. II 80 days-around the World-Aruba, P. Canal, Acapulco, Hawaii, Fiji and Australia. We're fine-now headed for Marrilo, then H. Kong-China-Peking- Singapore-India-Kenya-Africa-Egypt- Israel-Greece-England and New York. High living! Tell all hello for us--see you in June in Kentucky.
Bob Howell

Mr. Walter M. Snyder
2901 Dunmore Rd. Apt. F4
Dundalk, Maryland 21222

    Dear Walter, I was delighted to see your good letter in the October - December 1980 CUB. I note we must have been closely associated in Dec. 1944. I was in HQ Fire Direction at that time.
     Barney Alford's name jumped out at me from your note and I hope you can furnish me with his present address. I was with Barney when he made that (gallant) attempt to set up one section of A Battery on the road about 3 miles south of Schonberg just before the Kraut tanks came down the road from Bliealf on Dec. 17th at about 7A.M.
     Subsequent to that he, Del Miller, Randy Pierson and I were quartered together at a Chateau in Xhos, Belgium during the last week of Dec. 1944. I've recently been in touch with the owner of that chateau and with the family of the man who (apparently) managed the farm. They had invited the 4 of us (above) in for a memorable dinner at that time.
     I was also present when he, Miller, and Pierson received Battlefield Commissions at Stavelot in February. After that I lost track of Barney and I'd dearly love to say "hello" to him now and to offer he (and you) a copy of my "History of the 589th" in case you don't have it.... also, the correspondence I have had with the Belgians mentioned above. Francis H. Aspinwall

    Dear Bob: I am sorry that I was unable to answer your previous notes but due to a very bad accident, I was unable to do so. We were horseback riding in New Mexico when my horse stepped into a hole and I was thrown.
     The result was a very bad hip fracture and a shattered knee cap. I was in the hospital for over five months and for a period of over four months learning to walk again. All of my belongings were put in storage and I am unable to find a lot of the 106th addresses. Therefore, If Captain Hugh Lapesy, Fred Sebastenski of San Francisco and William Flynn of the 106th A.P.O. reads this, please drop me a line so that I can renew their present address.
Lt. Col. Thomas M. Roberts(ret), Apt. 720-B Stratfield Hotel, Bridgeport, Conn. 06603


Dear Bob,
    Have been very busily involved in VFW work am now Senior Vice Commander of Illinois District 14 which embraces 28 posts spread across 6 counties in Southwestern Illinois. Some of these Posts are as far as 55 miles from my home. My office also requires trips to Springfield our state HQs as well as meetings in Chicago. I must admit that I really enjoy it but wish we could get one of our comrades involved as there is so much to be done. I am sorry that the Association Reunion had to go by the boards while I fulfilled my duties in the VFW this year and am hoping that perhaps 191 will afford my wife and I the opportunity to be with some of you at the 81 Reunion. So much for now and hope that you may find room in the Cub to extend this greeting and best wishes to all its readers. I Remain Yours in Comradeship M, Milton G. Haas

Dear Bob,
    Thought sure as the devil, I had send in my dues. Looked through the check book and no signs of payment. Enclosed is check for 1980-1981 and also for 1981-1982 dues. Sorry to have missed the last convention, but wrong time of the year for our business. Air connections and time limitations didn;t permit it. Looks like the same for the 1981 Convention. I'm still Office Manager for Williams Construction Company, Inc. in Baltimore, Md. Have been transferred from Emmitsburg, Md. to Prince Frederick in Southern Maryland the beginning of this past September. This definitely will be my last assignment and in hopes of retiring at the end of this year, if everything works out o.k. Hope all is well with you and the family. Best regards, Smitty

Dear John,
    Jean and I have some good news though, our youngest daughter Debbie and husband are being moved from Moultree, Ga. to Bethel Park, that is a lot closer to home. He manages a Murphy's store. We are really excited about this. We will be able to see them more often.
    We are all looking forward to the reunion in Kentucky this year. Looks like there is going to be a great turn out. We have room reservations for us and the Zenns. We are planning on making the trip together.
Will close for this time and get this in the mail. Take care and Gods richest blessings be yours.
As ever, Robert W. Pierce, Sr. Adj.

    Dear sir, As for myself, it might interest the rest that I was in Miami V.A. Hospital from September 10, 1979 to January 25, 1980. After several operations, they had to amputate my right leg. Crutches and a wheel chair are my transportation now. Finally, I got over it and went back doing the volunteer work I was doing before the operation. My volunteer work is at the V.A. Hospital and at the Easter Seals demonstration school for handicapped children and I love it! I would like to hear from some of the 106ers in the organization from 1 946 on. Harry Zorn

Dear Friends: s
     So sorry you did not hear from me at Christmas. I am writing from my brother's in Fairfield, Co. In Nov. my sister gave us a scare - light stroke and I made numerous trips to Davenport for years and then Sis, her husband and I packed to fly to Co. Jan 19-30. I caught cold and had a bout with pneumonia. Four days in bed, I think I'll make it! We have three great nephews in Germany in service - all got together for Christmas. My brother is a semi-invalid but glad we came. I have made my reservations for Ky - June- and have a confirmation. Will ride with the Armingtons'. Carol Beals


Friend of 106
     So much has happened since the reunion last June and it seems impossible that it's almost time for Kentucky. I want each of you to know how much Bill enjoyed hosting the event in Hot Springs. It was a labor of love for him. We both considered it a great honor to be able to have you as guests of our state. Had there been a way for him to air condition Arkansas that week I know Bill would have tried.
He was very, very proud to be a part of such a great group of people and so am I.
     I find it impossible to express how much you caring meant to me at the time of Bill's death, I have received so many cards, letters and phone calls from you and I treasure each of them. True friends are a blessing from God and I believed Bill and I were greatly blessed.
     At this time I don't plan to be in Kentucky but my thoughts will certainly be with you during that week. God bless each and every one of you.
Sue Baker

Dear Robert,
     I received my membership card and two issues of the CUB. In it I found the name of Harold Kuizema, a buddy of mine in the wire section, of the 589th. I last saw him a couple of days before Christmas in 1944. He had been wounded and I taken a Prisioner, at Parkers Crossroads. I was overjoyed to know he was still alive.
     Am enclosing a check for registration fee for my wife Virginia A. and Bernard C. Strohmier, for the reunion at Kentucky Dam.
I do not have a registration form.
Hope the check and this letter will suffice.
Am looking forward to meeting all of you at the reunion.
Bernard C. Strohmier
R.D.#1- Box 1315
Loretto, Penna. 15940

     Went to New Jersey for the Thanksgiving Holiday and stopped in and spent a night with Flo and Tom Bickford. Everything is well with them and they love their new home. There was talk of a N.J. Dec. 16th dinner and we hope everything worked out O.K.
     Visited our old neighborhood and found the people that bought our home are putting on a big addition in the back from the ground floor up. You folks who attended picnics in the yard know how high that addition is going to be.
The weather was raining and cold but we managed to visit our friends and relations.
     On the way home we visited with the Esterling's and enjoyed our stay with them. Jim is busy getting ready for his tomatoe plants. Jim by the way grows the best tomatoes around the south.
Settled in at home, made cookies and wrapped the usual presents for our next trip.
     The Pete House's and the De Heer's had a small Dec. 16th dinner at the yacht club in Palm Coast. Thanks to Joanne and Pete for coming down and being so nice. We are hoping next year we can make it gigger just need time ahead to plan.
Then on to Ohio with the weather very nice, for our drive to Massillon.
     The snow came Christmas Eve along with the cold air. The skiers must have been very happy! Ryan and Steven enjoyed the festivities and we now play old maid and a few other games.
     We had hoped to go to the court house and visit with Millie Z., but Dick had a cold so we couldn't go very many places. This later turned out to be the flu, but he is feeling better now.
     New Year's Eve we had a party with the grandchildren and Dick has to make the paper hats. The boys pick the part of the paper they want their hats


made of and its usually the ads in the newspaper with the most color print.
     Cheryl's family comes over for New Year's Day. This year we let the men watch the football game, while the ladies played games received for Christmas.
We left the snow behind us in Ohio and there wasn't a drop of snow driving through W. Va. and Va.
Florida had a freeze down to 28 so we don't go walking far or out on the bike.
We hope it warm up for all the snowbirds visits.
     The Christmas mail we received was great, I didn't know the 106th had so many talented people. The poems and saying we received as an answer to our Christmas card was just wonderful and fun to read. Thanks! So many people ask where Palm Coast is, It's just above Flagler Beach on the east coast or between St. Augustine and Daytona Beach.
     By the time this gets in the Cub, I do hope Carol Beals and Lou Rossi are feeling better, we wish you all a happy healthy new year.
Love to all, Marge and Dick DeHeer

    Dear Mr. Gallagher: Somewhere out there, there is a man, possibly three, alive and well, hopefully. They could have been members of our 422nd. They witnessed something that if found and one will tell the story, could mean survival for me. I believe these men knew me. Possibly, one could have been a member of Cannon, Service or Headquarters Company, as I knew all the men from cannon and many from the other two.
     Due to an incident that happened on 19 December, 1944 near the small village of Bleialf, Germany I was marked as a Killer of Civilians by the Germans. This name was to follow me through my three and one half months of confinement and was the cause of my complete HELL the first month of being a Prisoner of War. This is a story in itself so I will only say it is covered very lightly in, St. Vith: Lion in The Way, page 147.
     Sometime in the early part of January, 1945 at Stalag 9B, Bad-Orb, Germany I had been taken out of my small cell (I was in solitary confinement) for what my guards called exercise. I was stood out in the small compound surrounding that small building that was, (I believe), to the rear of the rest of the camp. I had been stripped of all clothing, other than pants, shirt and shoes. Even underwear and socks. I was made to stand at attention, not to move. As I had already learned, a severe beating was payment for violating this rule. The shirt was not allowed to be buttoned or tucked in the pants. The pants was allowed to be buttoned by the top button, only. The shoes were not allowed to be laced or buckled. Up to this day my beatings had only been with fists or rubber hoses. The guards seemed to enjoy reopening the wound on my right hip. They picked on this area for most of their blows.
     As I stood there that day I noticed another German guard with 3 Americans heading for a pile of wood. These men were separated from me by a double Barbed Wire Fence with coiled barbed wire in between. I did something wrong, moved or muttered, I really do not know. My guard started yelling and beating me with his rubber hose. The guard with the 3 Americans stopped to watch.
     My guard suddenly stopped and took his rifle from his back. I thought I was a goner. He stormed over to me and hit me in the jaw or mouth with the butt. I was knocked to the ground by the blow and saw some teeth lying close to my head. Blood was pouring from my mouth. I put my hand to my jaw and realized the teeth were mine. This move got me kicked in the body and head. I remembered being jerked to my feet and could see the other guard swinging his arms and pushing the 3 Americans along.


     I need substantiating statements to this happening as VA says it is Fiction without proof. Ignoring their own records that show they had to replace all of my teeth in 1947, after I ask for Dental care in early 1946.
     Any one that does remember this and are not afraid to face Veterans Administration with a statement, Please contact me. It would be appreciated very much.
Troy H. Kimmel, 752 Loop Street, Miamisburg, Ohio 45342, Phone 513 -
866-6604, Former Member of 106th Infantry Division, 422nd Infantry Regiment, Cannon Company

    Dear Bob, Last Saturday I met and played golf for the first time with a remarkable man named Mike Serino. In the course of the game we became well acquainted, as we were riding the same cart. I learned that Mike had served in the same unit - the 106th Infantry Div. - as I had during WWII. Mike told me about the association, and later dropped off at my house several copies of the CUB. I read all of them from cover to cover.
     My own personal experiences were similar to several others whose accounts I read in the CUB magazine; with minor differences. I was a member of Company D, 423rd Regiment. We were heavy weapons, and my specific assignment as we reached the front lines was that of 81 mm mortar gunner.
     As I write this letter, it seems to me that it is exactly 36 years ago today that the Battle of the Bulge got under way. Of course, we didn't know it was the Battle of the Bulge then.
     I was captured on December 22nd-remember it well, because it was my 22nd birthday! After being moved mostly by foot to Stalag IV-B, I was shortly thereafter assigned to a work camp on the outskirts of Leipzig, There were about 90 of us American PWs in the small Lager, which was a former German bean garden. For the remainder of my captivity I was a part of a group of PWs assigned to repair bomb craters on the German railroads.
     About a week after Easter our German guards received word that the that the city of Leipzig would be bombarded and that all prisoners of war should be evacuated. So, once again we went on a march, this time towards the Elbe river. On the 25th April the 69th Infantry caught up with us and we were liberated! I had the rare privilege of observing the historic meeting of the American and Russian armies on a bridge which spans the Elbe River.
With many of my 106th Infantry buddies, I was taken to France and processed through Camp Lucky Strike.
     There the medical people sent me to a hospital in Rheims where I had minor surgery. Then I was transferred to a hospital in Paris where I spent all of the month of May and June. I sailed from Le Havre on the 8th of July and landed 21 days later in the good old USA at Norfolk, Virginia.
After a stint in Miami Beach, I was sent to Camp Atterbury where I received my discharge on the 8th of November.
     I needed a little more than two years of college, so I went to the University of Kentucky and studied Mechanical Engineering; graduating in August of 1947. In July of 1948 I returned to the Bethlehem Steel Corporation where I had worked prior to the war. They assigned me to their Johnstown, Pa. Plant, and I remained there until this last August, when I retired after forty years of service (they gave me credit for my service and college years).
     My wife and I built a retirement home opposite the 8th tee on the Deer Track Country Club, and we moved in on the 22nd of October. It was on the number one tee of this course where I met Mike Serino last Saturday, and that is where I started this letter.
Sincerely yours, Charles Edwin Youngblood


Quiet Sector? Not So That 106th Could Notice
    With 106th Div., Belgium, Jan. 24 (AP). It was a quiet sector, they handed the 106th Inf. Div., fresh at the front and eager for battle Dec. 11. The quiet ended in a shattering eruption of fire and steel five days later.
     In another two days two regiments and supporting artillery and armour of the Golden Lion division were put out of action.
     Only a handful came back from the 422nd and 423rd Regiments. This little group-less than 300 strong-pitched in and helped the remaining regiment, the 424th, to make gallant delaying stands before and behind St. Vith.
Up to now censorship has stopped these details.

8,663 Casualties
     Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson announced Thursday that the 106th suffered 8,663 casualties in the German offensive including 416 killed and 1,246 wounded. He said most of the division's 7,000 missing men were presumed to be prisoners.
     The story of the 106th disaster started in the foggy dawn of Dec. 16 as it occupied positions in and around Schnee Eifel, a rocky wooded ridge ten miles long and two miles wide astride the Siegfried Line. The division was spread thin along a 27 mile front.
     The attack started at 5:50 AM with a tremendous artillery barrage against the 106th line which curved northward from the center of the Schnee Eifel in the sector held by the 14th Cav. Gp., an armored outfit attached to the infantry. Then the barrage moved across to a field artillery battalion. By 6:20 AM more than 100 rounds had hit squarely among the artillerymen.
     The Germans turned their guns on the 422nd and 423rd Regts., and followed with infantry and tank assaults. By daybreak Dec. 17 Germans had thrown two divisions into this part of the front and by mid-morning the enemy columns were swarming around Schnee Eifel. They swarmed over the 422nd and 423rd Regts., and forced the 424th to withdraw.

Out of Supplies
    At 3:35 PM Dec. 18 the radio reported all units of the two regiments needed ammunition, food and water. Parachuting supplies was out of the question because of fog. The last message came at 6 PM - "We are now destroying our equipment." That was all. Presumably most of the two regiments were taken prisoner.
     Stopped temporarily by the 81st and 168th Eng. Bns., which fought heroically. They were outgunned many times over and it was mainly by sheer courage that they held the Germans off all night with three tank destroyer guns and three 57mm guns.
     Early on the morning of Dec. 18 division headquarters began moving west of St. Vith. Some units were halted by MPs who had on American uniforms and talked with Midwest accents. The MPs turned out to be Germans. One of them fired a rocket which signaled the opening of a terrific barrage against the halted vehicles.
     That was my first artillery ambush and I hope it was my last" said Maj. Matthew R. J. Giuffre of the Bronx, New York.
     The sorely exhausted and badly depleted 106th pulled back to reorganize on Dec. 23 but the next day were thrown back into the line and finally helped halt the Germans on the north side of the salient between Stavelot and Manhay.

Stars and Stripes - Jan 1945
Forwarded by Jack Bryant Do you have any questions comments for 106 - Bring to reunion.



    Dear John, Now that I am semi-retired I have the time and inclination to delve more deeply into the minutia of the Dec. 1944 action of the Division. The references I have are:
BATTLE - Toland
     The most important tool in this endeavor is, of course, maps. The Dupuy and Cole books are fairly well documented, in this respect, but are limited, in most cases, to small-scale maps of the "big picture"
     In March 1945 I was attached to DIVARTY in Hunningen and when we pulled out of the line for St. Quentin, France there was a quantity of basic, large-scale "combat" maps being thrown away and I took 3 of them (now wish I'd helped myself to more!). These maps were those we had used in FDC when I was with the 589th during the breakthru. The index for these maps I have reproduced on the attached sheet and I have the three indicated #5603, 560. 5703 and #5704. I'd sure like to have access to more of them and, without much hope of success, wonder if you know if copies are anywhere available. Also do you have any knowledge as to whether additional after-action reports are generally available without making a trip to the Defense Dept. in Washington? Washington?
     If the Association does not have the three maps (above) in their file I'd like to see that eventually they do fall into your hands. I have several others, more general in nature, which go back to the pre-1944 period.
As an example of the "minutia" I am considering:
    1. What was the actual route taken by the 589th from Vielsalm to (South of) Liege on Dec. 22 to 26. I have always thought (how I wish I had made a record) that on Dec. 22nd we traveled from Vielsalm to Grand Halleaux and on the 23rd from Grand Halleaux to bivouac somewhere around Trois Ponts. However there was an attack on the Grand Halleaux bridge on the night of Dec. 23-24 (Cole: Page 373). I was on perimeter guard that night and recall a lot of fire to the south of us but nothing close in but then perhaps our bivouac was not Grand Halleaux but another nearby hamlet. I have always thought we traveled north from Vielsalm and recall how happy we all were to see the 82nd AD deploying on the hills to our left in many places.
     On the night of 23-24 my record has us in Bivouac in the Trois Ponts area. La Glieze is about 3 miles north of Trois Ponts and on Dec. 23rd Peiper's KAMPFGUPPE WAS BEING "eliminated" there (Cole: Page 375) with Peiper and about 800 men retreating, on foot, on the night of Dec. 23-24, southward toward Trois Ponts on the west side of the Ambleve River (Cole: Page 376 and Toland: Page 265).
     I again stood perimeter security that night and well remember my buddy and I watching a mysterious light moving down a big hillside a mile or two away. I have no idea now as to whether we were looking north, south, east or west!
     On the other hand perhaps when we left Vielsalm we marched south to Salmchateau then west to Joubieval and north towards Werbomont, which would have had us perhaps in Lierneeux on the night of Dec. 22-23 and around Werbomont the following night.
     Now I'm inclined toward the belief we actually took the Salmchateau- Joubieval route, though in my "minds eye" I have us turning north out of Vielsalm. On the other hand I find it difficult to imagine HQ would have routed us north into Trois Ponts on the 22nd when that area was occupied by Peiper! But of course in the "fog of


    war" they may not have known about Peiper and if they did it was a very minor consideration considering the pressures they were operating under!
    2. Then there is the matter of Eric Wood's tragic experience as related by Dupuy (Page 150) and SATEVEPOST 12/20/47 "THE INCREDIBLE VALOR OF ERIC WOOD"....also by Dupuy. I'm enclosing copies of a couple of pages from my "journal" dealing with the events which occurred when HQ, A Battery, and B Battery were routed from their position on the German- Belgian border northward about a mile and a half into Schonberg at about 7AM Dec. 17th 1944. I wrote the account a month or two after the action and at that time had no knowledge of the circumstances surrounding Lt. Wood as they later developed after the war. Dupuy's SATEVEPOST article describes Wood's actions this way:
     "The Germans were really bursting through in force that second morning. From the north they were coming down the Our Valley into Schonberg; from the south they were coming up this road from Bliealf. But all that Eric Wood knew was that the world seemed full of Krauts. The enemy from the south washed nearer, overrunning their neighbor. The acting battalion commander-the original was cut off behind them with Battery C - ordered the outfit out, to push through Schonberg and west toward St. Vith. Wood got two pieces rolling and sent the crippled third howitzer back with them.
"I'll meet you west of Schonberg", he told the section chief, Sgt. Barney Alford," if I get there".
     For Wood's last howitzer was stuck. Once again the perversity of inanimate objects was working against him. So he stayed to get it out, with its crew. They worked at it while more Krauts began to overrun Battery B, and its howitzers were abandoned. That, of course, left four howitzers in the battalion, out of twelve. When Wood, at long last got his last piece on the road and swung over the tail gate of the truck, the last man out the main body of the 589th Field Artillery Battalion, consisting now of Wood's three other howitzers, and some truckloads of men of both batteries, was way ahead of him.
     This bedraggled outfit hit Schonberg to find the Krauts coming in from the north. The three piece "battalion" beat them to the Our River bridge by seconds, and got away. It got away to fight again, beginning on Dec. 19th. at a dreary crossroads far to the west on the hastily forming and still somewhat nebulous right flank of the U.S. First Army. How these howitzers, for four days saved the right flank of the 82nd AB Division and of the Army at "Parkers Crossroads" is another story.
     When Eric Wood and the twelve men with him in the truck now came rolling down the steep hill into s Schonberg, the howitzer bounding behind, a Kraut tank poked its nose out of the southern entrance to the village.
     Brake bands screamed as the truck pulled up in front of it. Wood and his men piled out to attack it. PFC. Campagna had a bazooka, the others their carbines. But the tank wasn't having any - God knows why! It scuttled crab-like back across the bridge and disappeared into the town with Wood and his gang in pursuit.
     They crossed the bridge and pointed west in Schonberg's one street, with snipers pecking at them. And they slowed down while Sgt. Scannapico and PFC. Campagna, still hugging his bazooka, ran ahead to see where that tank holed up. They found it tucked in an alley. Scannapico fired his carbine at it. Campagna, climbing into the truck, let fly with his bazooka as they rolled past. Again the tank wasn't having any. The truck slowed to let Scannapico catch up, but a sniper got him cold. So the section rolled on.
They gathered speed as they left


    the village and met, over a rise in the road, another Kraut tank. A medium this, with its cannon and machine guns trained directly on them. Wood's reflexes worked instantaneously. He pitched himself and his men out into the ditch an instant before the tank's artillery blasted the truck to scrap iron. That was that as far as getting the howitzer back safely was concerned. It left the battalion's score at three out of twelve …."
     A year or so ago I read my own account of this action for the first time in about 20 or 30 years. You can imagine my curiosity when I discovered I had listed Lt. Wood among the twenty or thirty men who were with me when we broke over the top of the hill above Schonberg, were fired on by automatic weapons from directly ahead down in the center of town. There were three jeeps in our party and (apparently) a medic 3/4 ton and all were abandoned precipitously and all of us legged it for the woods a hundred yards or so away. Screened from fire by the houses at the top of the hill. Apparently a couple of medics in the 3/4 ton did not immediately take off with us. I do KNOW there was no (A Battery) howitzer and prime mover in our group.

     Dupuy's account has Lt. Wood "battling it out" with the enemy in the streets of Schonberg while I have him with me in the woods at the top of the hill above the south edge of town. Of course my identification of Lt. Wood could (easily) be in error in which case he must have been ahead of me which would suggest he would have been able to get farther into town than we did before he was fired on. I suspect we all like to think of ourselves as the "last man out" but it is my feeling that the three Jeeps in my party were the last out at least my buddy Ed Brown went back to the CP for his bedroll, was left behind and never did get out was taken prisoner). Also about 15 or so minutes later I had circled around and re-crossed this same road (perhaps 1/4 mile south of Schonberg) without hearing, or sighting anyone in either direction. It is also difficult to imagine that anyone could have later followed us, barged past our abandoned vehicles, under "panic" conditions, proceeded down the hill into town and survived reinforced small arms and automatic fire from the bottom of the hill. Unless the Krauts went to sleep they would (and should) have had great anxiety as to what was coming over the top of the hill at them!...all the units who were being squeezed between Schonberg and advancing German armour!
     Dupuy wrote an excellent book but I suspect his 1947 SATEVEPOST article must have been written under conditions in which truth evaded him...perhaps because he was totally dependent on one or two "eyewitness accounts". He couldn't have had much more to go on than that! At any rate Dupuy's lead-in caption to his story of Eric read: "Told for the first time, the story of a young lieutenant who almost singlehandedly saved the right flank of an American Army in the Battle of the Bulge, "The most amazing example of heroism in World War II."

In 37 years retrospect that now seems (at least to me) a little "much"!

    3. As I delved into the minutia of Dupuy's volume I discovered the story of Capt. Bob Fossland's 106 Reconnaisance troop (on page 93). The account is that Fossland under pressure from the south moved north from Mutzenich along a secondary road parallel to the Biealf-Schonberg road and about 2/3mile to the west. (I did not even know of the existence of this road until I consulted my large scale map). It appears Fossland, sometime after 3PM Dec. 17th moved onto the main Blieaf-Schonberg road just north of the 589th position on early morning of that day. He moved north to Schonberg, stopped and sent out a reconnaissance


    detail into Schonberg under Lt. Johnson. Johnson passed "unmolested" thru Schonberg and onto the road west toward St. Vith. At this moment he overtook a stationary column of American vehicles facing west but loaded with German infantry! The account has him raking these vehicles with "cannister" whereupon the Johnson party was wiped out except for his tail jeep which turned around and proceeded back thru Schonberg to Fossland waiting at the top of the hill. Fossland then backtracked, turned west on a woods road and reached Amelscheid, a small hamlet, on the bare hillside about a mile SW (and above) Schonberg. There he abandoned his vehicles and made his way west to Brietfeld, arriving on the 19th. This is interesting to me because it is the exact route I took on the 17th.
     The interesting point to me is how Fossland was "permitted" to use any part of the Schonberg-Blieaflf road which, after all, was the main supply route and axis of advance of the Krauts who had taken Schonberg that morning. Fossland waited on this road, in broad daylight, for Johnson's ill-fated reconnaisance and for the tail jeep to get back and report! Where were all the German Schonberg security forces all this time? And is it likely that, for a couple of hours, the Krauts had no traffic on this road? By 5 o'clock they had been in possession of Schonberg for 9 hours. By 6 P.M. the Germans had established the 18th VG Division headquarters at Schonberg and shortly thereafter Field Marshal Model and General Manteuffel were wandering around Schonberg (Toland: Page 70).
     I'm truly not trying to "stir up controversy" but merely putting on paper some research and a few observations from personal experience which seems to indicate that the "fog of war", faulty memory, and perhaps human self-interest combine to be-fuddle a true account of some relatively trivial events in a massive military disaster. Finally that my memory or self-interest should not be above question! If you know of anyone who is, or might be, interested in these "historical matters" do hope you'll put him (or her) in touch with me. all my best. Francis H. Aspinwall

    Following persons have Inquired about reunion. If you know any of these former 106ers will you write and encourage them to Join up & attend the reunion.

Hubert Burger 116 Bennett Rd. Camillus, N.Y. 13013
Raymond Strife (424) 204 N. Chesterfield Leesburg, Fl. 32748
Rex Charles 522 W. Maple Nevada, Mo. 64772
Bernard C. Strohmier (589B) R.D.#1 Box 131 S Loretto, PA 15940
Arthur DiLullo 704 Beech Ave. Glenolden, PA
Ray R. Fair 80 Shallowford Rd. (424) Route #5 Kennesau Ga. 30104
Richard L. Jacob 117 Cottage St. Midland Park, N.J. 07432
Ken Brunmeier P.O. Box 181 Onida, S.D. 57564
Charles A. Bengel, Jr. (F424) 1436 Puritan Ave. Woodbury N.J. 08096
Donald R. Whitner (F422) Box 214 Millville, PA 17846
James L. Simpson Box 155 Sharon, Term. 38255


Walter S. Adams (G/423), 7545 - 99th St. Court N., White Bear Lake, Minn. 55110
Anthony Arminio, Sr. (L/423), 424 Main St., East Haven, Conn. 06512
Harold L. Axon (Sv/422), Red Bridge Prof. Bldg., 400 E. Red Bridge Rd Suite 202 Kansas City, Mo. 64131
John G. Beville (K/424), 1918 Doomar Dr., Tallahassee, Fla. 32308
William S. Blaher (I/422), R. D. 6. 13 Norton Rd., Remington, N. J. 08822
Mrs. Margaret Bullard (Assoc.), Forest Lake Rts. 4 Mebane, N. C. 27302
James V. Burrell (D/423), 1187 Southridge Dr., Salem Ohio 44460
James W. Buescher (L/423), 200 Rockingham Columbia, Mo. 65201
James T. Davis (106/Sgnl), 3656 N. Magnolia Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60613
Martin J. Dever (DHQ), 272 Ridgewood Ave., Ridgewood, N. J. 07450
George L. Descheneaux (C.O.Hq/422), 1625 Concord Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901
James R. Easterling (K/424), 112 Church St., Latta, S. C. 29565
Robert de St Aubin (Cn/424), Rt. 2 Box 88A Berlin, Wisc,.54923
Samuel Feinberg ( /589), 701 N. Mt. Pleasant Rd., Philadelphia, Pa. 19119
James M. Fitzpatrick (C/81), 25-50 49th St. Long Island City, N. Y. 11103
Richard A. Frankini (Hq 2nd Bn/424), 36124 Paddleford Rd., Farmington, Mich. 48018
Jerome L. Frankel (Hq 3rd Bn/423), 584 Junard Blvd., West Hempstead, N.Y. 11552
John M. Gillespie (C/422), 3536 Darcy Drive Birmingham, Mich. 48010
Neil M. Gossom (Med./81), 37 Hathaway Rd., Timonium, Md. 21093
Sanford M. Grossbart (F/422), 1102 Childers Rd. N. E., Atlanta, Ga. 30324
Herbert A. Heidepriem (Hq/423), Box 129 Miller, S. D. 57362
J. Francis Hesse (D/423), 220 N. Roosevelt Wichita, Kan. 67208
Leo L. Heneghan (C/422), Box 401 R.R. No. 1 Stone Ridge, N. Y. 12484
Robert R. Holden (I/423), 2902 Middle Rd., Bettendorf, Iowa 52722
Glen N. Kennedy (AT/423), 4760 E. Water St., Tuscon, Ariz. 85712
John Kucharz (G/424), 3136 Fiesta Dr., Dunedin, Ha. 33528
Carl S. Kwaczek (C/422), 122 Connellsville St., Dumbar, Pa. 15431
Harold W. Martinek (F/424), 858 N. 95th Place Mesa, Ariz. 85207
Lyle K. McCullough (Sv/422), 685 Roberts St., Sheffield Lake, Ohio 44054
Vincent Mencarini, Jr. (B/422), 3202 Aldergate Dr., Richmond, Va. 23223
Elman Miller (Hq/424), 3308 Fairview Ave., S. Chicago Heights, Ill. 60411
Col. Eric R. Mills (Hq 1st Bn/422), 5007 Dian Wood Dr. E., Jacksonville, Ha. 32210
Adolph G. Moritz (F/422), 400 -- 7th St. Apt. 2 Brookings, S.D. 57006
R. B. Morrison (G/424), 260 Oaklyn Rd., Bethel Park, Pa. 15102
Newton L. Mosley (Sv/591), 3194 Beachwood Dr., Lithia Springs, Ga. 30057
Col. Henry H. McKee (HHC/422), 414 Spaceway San Antonio, Tex. 78239
Edward C. Plenge (Hq/589), 115 E. -- 31st St., Beach Haven Gardens, N. J. 08008
Louis Praznik (A/81), 24920 Midland St., Redford, Mich 48239
Dr. Edmund C. Purdy (F/422), R.D. 1 Box 78 East Berne, N. Y. 12059
Victor C. Rauch (C/582), 37 Chateau Court Loundonville, N. Y. 12211
Dean T. Redmond (Hq/422), 611 N. Center St., Statesville, N. C. 28677
Col. Thomas J. Riggs (C.0./81), 6 Olive St., Providence, R. I. 02906
W. D. Robbins (Hq 3rd Bn/422), Box 337 Willard, N. C. 28478
Dr. Juan G. Rodriquez (C/422), 1550 Beacon Hill Rd., Lexington, Ky. 40504
Roger M. Rutland (B/424), P. 0. Box 1713 Columbia, S. C. 29202
Murray A. Schwartz (C/423), 47 Wellington Place Amityville, N. Y. 11701
John F. Shalbhoub (G/424), 28172 Ten Mile Farmington, Mich. 48024
George J. Slykhouse (C/591), 2021 Ontonagon St. S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. 49506
Charles L. Smith (D/422), P. 0. Box 324 Fort Loudon, Pa. 17224
Loren E. Souers (Hq/81), 1200 Harter Bank Bldg., Canton, Ohio 44702
John Stribrny (AT/424), 12639 Timerland Dr., Palos Park, Ill. 60464
Bernard C. Strohmier (B/589), RD. No 1, Box 131--S Loretto, Pa. 15940
Billy M. Tarrant (G/422), Rt. 1 Box 147 Greenville, Texas 75401
Louis J. Vincent (A/424), 2133 Center St., Stevens Point, Wisc. 54481
Charles S. Walsh (Sv/592), 1001 Chews Landing Rd., Ashland Terrace Voorhees, N. J. 08043
Robert T. Woodruff (DHO), 1410 D. Springfield Pike Cincinnati, Ohio 45215
Dr. David S. Wyman, M.D. (D/422), 253 Ludlow St., Portland, Me. 04102
Bernard P. Wytko (589/FA), 15 Beechurst Ave., Morgantown, W. Va. 26595
Hugh Young (Sv/422), 6904 E. 150th Hwy. Grandview, Mo. 64030
Charles J. Zullig C. 0. F/423), 15 Dickinson Court Red Bank, N. J. 07701



    Bob, Enclosed is check for dues for 1980-1981. I was not aware of the existence of the Cub until last year when Chuck Henderson sent me a copy. Sorry I did not know of it sooner.
     Have heard from Chuck on several occasions and also received Christmas cards from John Riley, my "Top Kick" and from Costa Katimarie.
     I got in the 106th as a Cadre man from the 80th Division, went overseas on the Queen Elizabeth. Retired from Prudential Insurance Co. Wife, Pauline Rothermel; Daughter, Sylvia Rothermel, and one Granddaughter, Kelly. Playing a lot of golf, cards, walking, and occasionally a few "Brown Ones"! Hope to get back to Germany in the future. Thomas R. Rothermel, L. Co. 423 Inf. Reg. 320 Baldy Street, Kutztown, PA. 19530

    Dear Bob, I received the Cub and enjoyed it very much. I got an appointment after 27 ½ years with the V.A. They finally gave me 100% disability. C. W. Goodson, S/Sgt. Co. L. 423 Inf. Rt. 1, Box 246, Bruce, Miss.

    Dear Sir: Until Wanold Olman called me. I did not know there was a group of 106th Div. men formed into an association. He said if I would send you $10.00 and the following information, I could join: Leslie E. Davis, Service Co. 422 Inf. 106th Division I was a prisoner of war from December 18, 1944 to April 13, 1945. My wife and I go to Florida for the winter, so after October 5, 1980, my address will be: Leslie E. Davis, R.R. 1 Box 195B Brooksville, FL 33512

Dear John:
     My wife and I recently vacationed in Florida. On our way home, we stopped in Milton, Florida to visit a member of our H. Co. 424th, Wilburn ‘Pappy' Grant. The last time I saw Pappy Grant was in the summer of 1945.
I am enclosing a photo of the two of us which you might be able to use in the Cub.
We are looking forward to attending the Reunion at Kentucky Lake in June.
John Mikalanskis

     At '71 the 22nd next - looks like time is running out and I may never make a meeting. Three of my buddies died before I escaped from P.O.W. column and I have learned that three others passed away in the past couple years--all of whom were at least 10 years younger than I. I was 33 when the 106th activated at Ft. Jackson in March 1943.
Leo R. Leisse, Sr., 4346 Gapsch Lane, St. Louis, MO 63125

    Dear Bob, I was not able to make last years, reunion but am hoping to be at next year's reunion. I will be heading to Europe next month for a month or two in Spain and then return for the Christmas holidays. After Christmas I plan to go to Acapulco until Easter.
Hope everything is fine with you.
Richard E. Bartz, 216 Rustic Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA


Dear Bob,
     It is my sad duty to report the passing of Fred H. Jurgensen on September 18, 1980. Fred was a member of Headquarters 'Battery, wire section, 589th FA Bn.
I would be happy to respond to any letters from my old buddies in the 589th FA Bn.
Robert Flaig 1652 Pinebluff La. Cincinnati, Ohio 45230

Photo: Carol's Birthday Cake

    Retired from Aluminum Company of America March, 1970-early retirement due to health. Finally, had to have stomach removed and then cataract removed.
     Service Co. 318 Inf. 80th Camp Forrest, In to Ft Jackson, S.C. on Cadre to Service Co 423. Transferred to F Company 423rd Inf. before going to England. Captured December 1944.
     Saw several service Co. and F. Co. men at various times on march from X11A-11B-111A-11B Lukinwalde and then to Camp Lucky Strike.
Robert H. Byerley, F. Co. 423 Inf. 119 S. Ruth St. Maryville, Tn 37801

Photo: Rocky Moyer and Ginnie
Photo : Russ -- Bob -- Doug

Index for: Vol. 37, No. 1, Oct., 1980

Index for This Document

106th Inf. Div., 5
168th Eng. BNs., 21
18th VG Div., 29
422nd Inf., 7, 11, 32
422nd Inf. Regt., 19
423rd Regt., 19, 21
424th Inf. Regt., 9
589th FA BN, 25, 33
80th Inf. Div., 32
81st Engr., 7
81st Engr. Cbt. BN, 7
82nd Abn. Div., 25
Adams, Walter S., 9, 30
Alford, Barney, 11
Alford, Sgt. Barney, 25
Ambleve River, 23
Amelscheid, 29
Anderson, Mary Sue, 9
Arminio, Anthony, Sr., 30
Aspinwall, Francis H., 11, 29
Axon, Harold L., 30
Bad-Orb, Germany, 17
Baker, Sue, 15
Bandurak, Walt & Lillian, 7
Bandurak, Walter, 7
Bartz, Richard E., 32
Battle of the Bulge, 19, 23, 27
Beals, Carol, 14, 17
Belgium, 21
Bengel, Charles A., Jr., 29
Berlin, 30
Berne, 30
Beville, John G., 30
Bickford, Flo & Tom, 15
Biealf-Schonberg Road, 27
Birmingham, 30
Blaher, William S., 30
Bleialf, Germany, 17
Blieaf-Schonberg Road, 27
Bliealf, 11, 25
Bradfield, Ken, 1
Bradfield, Ken & June, 5
Brietfeld, 29
Brown, Ed, 27
Brunmeier, Ken, 29
Bryant, Jack, 22
Buescher, James W., 30
Bullard, Mrs. Margaret, 30
Burger, Hubert, 29
Burrell, James V., 30
Byerley, Robert H., 33
Camp Atterbury, 19
Camp Lucky Strike, 19, 33
Campagna, Pfc., 25
Cessna, Gerald H., M.D, 7
Charles, Rex, 29
Coffey, Doug, 1
Coffey, Douglas S., 1
Collins, Sherod, 1
Dark December, 23
Davis, James T., 11, 30
Davis, Jefferson, 7
Davis, Leslie E., 32
de St Aubin, Robert, 30
DeHeer, Marge & Dick, 17
Descheneaux, George L., 30
Dever, Martin J., 30
Dilullo, Arthur, 29
Easterling, James R., 30
Elbe River, 19
Fair, Ray R., 29
Feinberg, Samuel, 30
First Army, 25
Fitzpatrick, James M., 30
Flaig, Robert, 33
Flynn, William, 12
Fossland, Capt. Bob, 27
France, 19
Frankel, Jerome L., 30
Frankini, Richard A., 30
Ft. Jackson, SC, 9, 32
Furletti, Frank J., 11
Gallagher, John, 1
Gallagher, John I., 1
Germany, 14, 32
Gillespie, John M., 10, 30
Giuffre, Maj. Matthew R. J., 21
Goodson, C. W., 32
Gossom, Neil M., 30
Grand Halleaux, 23
Grant, Wilburn ‘Pappy', 32
Grossbart, Sanford M., 30
Haas, Milton G., 13
Hatch, Jim, 3
Heidepriem, Herbert A., 30
Heneghan, Leo L., 30
Hesse, J. Francis, 30
Holden, Robert R., 30
House, Pete, 15
Howell, Bob, 11
Howell, Robert, 1
Hunningen, 23
Jacob, Richard L., 29
Johnson, Lt., 29
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan W., 3
Joubieval, 23, 24
Jurgensen, Fred H., 33
Katimarie, Costa, 32
Kennedy, Glen N., 30
Kimmel, Troy H., 19
King, Kenneth K., 7
Kucharz, John, 30
Kuizema, Harold, 15
Kwaczek, Carl S., 30
La Glieze, 23
Lapesy, Hugh, 12
LeHarve, 19
Leipzig, 19
Leisse, Leo R., Sr., 32
Liege, 23
Lion In the Way, 23
Manhay, 21
Manteuffel, Gen., 29
Marshall, Col. George Catlett, 5
Marshall, Gen., 5
Marshall, Gen. George Catlett, 5
Martinek, Harold W., 30
McCullough, Lyle K., 30
McKee, Col. Henry H., 30
McMahon, Mrs., 3
Mencarini, Vincent, Jr., 30
Mikalanskis, John, 32
Miller, Del, 11
Miller, Elman, 30
Mills, Col. Eric R., 30
Model, Field Marshal, 29
Moritz, Adolph G., 30
Morrison, R. B., 30
Mosley, Newton L., 30
Mosley, Ron, 1
Moyer, Rocky, 33
Mutzenich, 27
Olman, Wanold, 11, 32
Our River, 25
Our Valley, 25
Paris, 19
Parkers Crossroad, 15, 25
Pershing, Gen., 5
Phillips, George, 5
Pierce, Bob, 31
Pierce, Robert W., Sr., 1, 13
Pierce, Robert, Sr., 1
Pierson, Randy, 11
Plenge, Edward C., 30
Praznik, Louis, 30
Prisoner of War, 17
Purdy, Dr. Edmund C., 30
Queen Elizabeth, 32
Rauch, Victor C., 10, 30
Redmond, Dean T., 30
Rheims, 19
Riggs, Col. Thomas J., 30
Riley, John, 32
Robbins, W. D., 30
Roberts, Col. Thomas M., 12
Rodriquez, Dr. Juan G., 30
Rossi, Lou, 17
Rothermel, Pauline, 32
Rothermel, Sylvia, 32
Rothermel, Thomas R., 32
Rutland, Roger M., 30
Salmchateau, 23, 24
Scannapico, Sgt., 25
Schnee Eifel, 21
Schonberg, 11, 25, 27, 29
Schwartz, Murray A., 30
Sebastenski, Fred, 12
Serino, Mike, 19, 20
Shalbhoub, John F., 30
Simpson, James L., 29
Slykhouse, George J., 31
Smith, Charles L., 31
Snyder, Walter M., 11
Souers, Loren E., 31
St. Quentin, France, 23
St. Vith
Lion in The Way, 17
St. Vith, 21
St. Vith, 21
St. Vith, 25
St. Vith, 29
Stalag 4-B, 7
Stalag 9-B, 17
Stalag IV-B, 19
Stalag VIII, 7
Stars and Stripes, 21
Stauff, John H., 9
Stavelot, 11, 21
Stimson, Henry L., 21
Stribrny, John, 31
Strife, Raymond, 29
Strohmier, Bernard C., 15, 29, 31
Tarrant, Billy M., 9, 31
The Incredible Valor of Eric Wood, 25
Trois Ponts, 23, 24
Tury, Louis H., Jr., 9
Uflingen, Luxembourg, 7
Vielsalm, 23, 24
Villwock, Russel, 1
Villwock, Russell H., 1
Vincent, Louis J., 31
Walsh, Charles S., 31
Werbomont, 23
Whitner, Donald R., 29
Wood, Eric, 25
Wood, Lt., 25, 27
Woodruff, Robert T., 31
Wyatt, Van, 1
Wyatt, Van & Bobbie, 5
Wyatt, Van S., 5
Wyman, Dr. David S., 31
Wytko, Bernard P., 31
Xhos, Belgium, 11
Young, Hugh, 11, 31
Youngblood, Charles Edwin, 20
Zorn, Harry, 13
Zullig, Charles J., 9, 31