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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
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Vol 61 - No. 2
JAN - FEB - MAR 2005

    In remembrance of the battle fought over Grosslangenfeld, Germany on 16 and 17 December, 1944. The 62nd Volksgrenadierdivision's 164th and 190th Regi ainst the 106th lnf Division Reconnaissance Troop. Erected/dedicated by Associate Josef Reusch, Grosslangenfeld. Note the 106th and 62nd Volksgrenadier division emblems. (See story inside Page 17)

The Veterans of the 106 INFANTRY

    A quarterly publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc. A nonprofit Organization - USPO #5054 St Paul, MN - Agent: John P Kline, Editor

Paid Membership Feb 1, 2005 1,580
    Membership Fees include CUB magazine subscription Life Vets/Associates ... $75 Auxiliary $15 Annual Vets/Associates... $10 Auxiliary $2 Annual Dues payable by June 30 each year.
Payable to ..106th, Infantry Division Association" in care of Treasurer. - See address below.

Elected Offices President Walter G Bridges Past-President (Ex-Officio) . . . John M. Roberts
1st Vice-Pres Irwin C. Smoler
2nd Vice-Pres Murray Stein
    Appointed Offices Business Matters, Deaths, Address changes Adjutant: Marion Ray 704 Briarwood Drive, Bethalto, IL 62010-1168 618-377-3674– -------- Treasurer: Richard L. Rigatti 113 Woodshire Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15215-1713 4 I 2-781-8131 Email:

Chaplain: Dr. Duncan Trueman 29 Overhill Lane, Warwick, NY 10990 Tel/Fax 845-986-6376 email:

Memorial Chairman: Dr. John Robb 238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355 814-333-6364

    Editorial Matters, Membership Chairman John P. Kline–CUB Editor 11 Harold Drive, Bumsville, MN 55337-2786 952-890-3155 -

Historian John Schaffner
Atterbury Memorial Representative Philip Cox
Resolutions Chairman Walter M. Snyder

Order of the Golden Lion Chairman .. John Swett
Committee ... Joseph Massey, Richard Rigatti
Nominating Committee Chairman . . . Don Herndon
Committee . . . . Hal Taylor, Dick Rigatti

Mini-Reunion Chairman . Harry F. Martin, Jr.
ADA Representative. Joseph Maloney
Backups for all appointed offices are available

Board of Directors
Robert R. Hanna, 422/HQ (2005)
7215 Linda Lake Drive. Charlotte. NC 28215-3617 704-567-1418

John M. Roberts, 592/ C . (2005)
1059 Alter Road. Bloomfield Hills. MI 48304-1401 248-338.2667 Email:

Waid Toy, 422/K (deceased Jan 17, 2005)
4605 Wade Street. Columbia. SC 29210 803-772-0132

Frank S. Trautman, 422/D (2005)
Meadowcrest Drive. Parkersburg. WV 26101-9395

Walter G. Bridges, 424/D (Exec Comm) (2006)
225 Laird Ave. 1 lueytown. A L 35023-2418
205491-3409 Email:
Joseph A. Massey, 422/C (2006)
4820 Spunky Hollow Rd, Remlap, AL 35133-5546 205-681-1701 Mi.17.eie,180i.COM

Walter M. Snyder, 589/A (2006)
2901.Dunmore Rd Apt F4, Dundalk, MD 21222-5123 410-285,707
    Robert F. Sowell, 424/E (2006) 3575 N. Moorpark Rd Apt 420 Thousand Oaks CA 91360 805-421-5450 Email:

Hal Taylor, 423/CN (2006)
2172 Rockridge Dr, Grand Junction. CO 81503,534 970-245-7807 Email: hal I 27101bresnan.nef

Donald F. Herndon (424/L) . . . . (2007)
8313 NW 102, Oklahoma City, OK 731624026 405-721-9164 Email: oklastamps@aolcom

    Irwin C. Smoler (424/B) (Exec Comm) (2007) 87 Spier Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583-7318 914-723-8835 Email: irwin.c.smoler()

Bernard Mayrsohn (423/CN) . . (2008)
34 Brae Burn Drive, Purchase. NY 33138 Website: 914428-8200

Saul A. Newman (422/G) .. • . . (2008)
13275 Saffron Ci, Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418
Murray Stein (423/I) (Exec Comm) 008)
7614 Charing Crossing Lane, Delray Beach, FL 33446 561-499-7736 G reg0803()adel ph

    Dr. Duncan Trueman (424/AT) .. . (2008) 29 Overhill Lane, Warwick, NY 10990 Tel/Fax 845-986-6376 dttrueman®

Newton Weiss (423/HQ 3Bn) . . . (2008)
400 Morse Avenue. Gibbstown. NJ 08027-1066 856-423-355 newtruth@worldnet.attnet

Geo Call (424/B) (2009)
105 Mt. Lebanon Rd, Glen Gardner. NJ 08826-3018 908-832-2961

Walter C. Greve 423/HQ 1Bn . . . . (2009)
13929E Marina Dr #604 Aurora, CO 80014 303-751-5866

Seymour Lichtenfeld 422/I (2009)
19450 NE 21st Ct. North Miami Beach FL 33179 305-932-4467

Martin L. Wente 423/1 (2009)
1309 Paseo Valle Vista Covina. CA 91724 626-332-5079

President's View . .
Walter G. Bridges
"D" Company, 424th Combat Infantry Regiment
President 2004-2005106th Infantry Division Association

Happy New Year to you!
    We are now four months into our 106' Infantry Division's year and eight months from the 59th Annual Reunion. Plans are going well and I hope all of you are planning to attend that Reunion in New Orleans. The phrase "The Greatest Generation" has caused me to tear up a whole tablet of paper. I am now convinced that our Generation truly is the Greatest.
Not bragging, just facts.
Let me tell you about my feeling regarding the 106th Infantry Division.
As we travel through life sometimes we miss opportunities to tell others about our
generation's accomplishments. Tom
    Brokaw, In his book "The Greatest Generation" stressed those facts. What sets us apart to be called the Greatest Generation?

    Have we missed the opportunities to tell others, including our own families about our experiences? Most of us have relied on others to tell our part in the events which brought us to where we are today physically, mentally and spiritually We have been taught to let others brag on our accomplishments and/ or failures. But, each of us needs to relate those events which shaped our lives. Each of us had mentors (people who encouraged and uplifted us) whose statements to and about us spurred us to live according to their praise and sometimes constructive criticism.
    Our editor shared his feelings about the effect a book, "Death of a Division" which caused him to go "underground" for a long time. We owe him a huge debt of gratitude for surviving the book's effects on him and telling about them. By John Kline, and others, revealing their reaction to the book has caused many of us survivors to realize we were really involved in the conclusion of our war.
    We too have the opportunity to tell others, especially to those close to us, about our experiences in life in particular our military experiences. Not only will you help all those you tell, but also make you realize that we in the 106° Infantry Division collectively played our roles which caused the allies to win the Battle of the Bulge. Then, just a few months later our Division's actions in cooperation with millions of other Allied Forces caused the German forces to unconditionally surrender.
The CUB of the Golden Lion
President's View .. .
    In the October, November, December 1970 issue of The Cub of the Golden Lion the surrender terms are set out as follows: (Only this text in English is authoritative)
    1. We the undersigned, acting by authority of the German High Command, hereby surrender unconditionally to the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and simultaneously to the Soviet High Command all forces on land, sea, and in the air who are at this date under German control.
    2. The German High Command will at once issue orders to all German military, naval and air authorities and to all forces under German control to cease active operations at 2301 hours Central European time on 8 May and to remain in the positions occupied at that time. No ship, vessel, or aircraft is to be scuttled, or any damage done to their hull, machinery or equipment.
    3. The German High Command will at onceissue to the appropriate commanders, and ensure the carrying out of any further orders issued by the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and by the Soviet High Command.
    4. This act of military surrender is without prejudice to, and will be superseded by any general instrument of surrender imposed by, or on behalf of the United Nations and applicable to GERMANY and the German armed forces as a whole. •
    5. In the event of the German High Command or any of the forces under their control failing to act in accordance with this Act of Surrender, the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and the Soviet High Command will take such punitive or other action as they deem appropriate.
Signed at Reims (France) at 0241 on the 7. day of May, 1945.
On behalf of the Soviet High Command --Jodi
In the Presence of
    On behalf of the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force--W. B. Smith On behalf of the Soviet High Command--Sousloparor
Major General F. Sevez, French Army--Witness
Reprint from "Facsimiles of the Documents"
By our 106' Infantry Division participating in the events leading up to that
surrender is just one part of our being called "The Greatest Generation" No brag, just fact.
Walter Bridges, President, 106th Infantry Division Association 2004 - 2005
Photographs and Reports of the MINI-REUNIONS will appear in the
Apr - May - Jun 2005 edition of The CUB Magazine. For those of you who have reported - Thank You
If you have a Mini-Reunion report that you want posted in next CUB get it to me
before April 15, 2005. John Kline, editor
The CUB of the Golden Lion 2
Chaplain's Message
    The kid from Iraq spent sleepless nights reliving too many bad experiences. When he did sleep, the nightmares often awakened him and left him shaking. Therapy was helping him some, a slow process. But one problem that prevailed was.... the thought of the men (enemy) for whose death he was responsible.
    Guilt! Remember it? Some of you tardy do! This is a boy who was nurtured in a strong religious environment. But all of us, believers or nonbelievers, were nurtured in Judeo-Christian culture which honors the sixth commandment, "Thou shalt not kill."
    So how do we reply to a troubled kid like this? After all, one might show up at your next VFW meeting. It's not just an emotional, but also a religious or spiritual problem, isn't it? Then let's examine the Scriptures which are
Chaplain Dr. Duncan Trueman, 424/AT the source of this young Soldier's moral
29 Overhill Lane, Warwick NY 10990 teaching. Take note that in the original Hebrew
TEUFAX: 845-986-6376 language the word "ratsach" means not just kill, but more accurately to "murder."
    Therefore the true rendering of the sixth commandment is 'THOU SHALT NOT MURDER." Both the old revered King James translation and the highly respected NIV, and many, many others translate the word in this way... "murder." And in the New Testament in Matthew 15:18 Jesus himself quotes the sixth commandment using the word murder instead of kill.
    Do you know the difference between murder and kill? If you do, then God probably does also. The English word "kill" is also misused in the story of how Cain slew Abel to get his inheritance. The original Hebrew word here is also the word for "murder."
    If you have to kill in warfare or as a policeman or in self-defense, is that murder? No! The Bible's stories of warfare mention many warriors who killed, but none who ever murdered. Not until David, the warrior king, slaughtered Uriah to get at his wife, was David ever accused of murder. Can you tell the difference between killing in tragic but lawful combat, and murdering to get someone's wife or inheritance or for'revenge or whatever? If you can, maybe God can too. Yes, young veteran (or old), the Bible uses powerful words that apply to all warriors simply because they willingly put their lives on the line day after day. It says that no one has greater love than he who is willing to lay down his life for another. All combat requires that commitment to self-sacrifice.
    So, Gen. Douglas MacArthur was right when he said "The Soldier, above all others, is required to practice the greatest religious concept ever known - Sacrifice."
    The necessities of war require that a Soldier be willing not only to defend himself, his comrades, his country and to take life, but also that he be willing to give his own life as well. It is sad and tragic that we have had wars as long as man existed. There is no glory in warfare. But day by day, in every battle, there are deeds of necessity; deeds of excess, and also deeds that Soldiers do that are close to holiness. It is the very nature of warfare that many of these deeds involve the death of self or the death of another.
    We can all help in the healing of those who return home in grief and in pain. And while we pray for a peaceful world, we can give thanks for those who offer their very lives to defend and protect us.
    "Praise be to the Lord, my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle (that) there will be no breaching of walls, no going into captivity, no cries of distress in our streets. "Psalm 144:1,14
The CUB of the Golden Lion 3
Front & Center.. .
Editor, John Kline, 423/M
    11 Harold Drive Burnsville, MN 55337-2786 Tele: 952-890-3155 Fax: 952-426-1131 Web site:\user\jpk Email:
Assoc Membership 02/03/2005
Life Members (Vets) 693
Annual Members (Vets) 580
Total Vets 1273
Life Associate Members 163
Annual Assoc Members 125
Total Associates 288
Comp Members 16
GRAND TOTAL 1,577 Donations since Oct-Nov-Dec 2004 Cub
Hanke, Arthur K. 106 MP 20
HUBERT, Andre CRIBA, Belgium 20
Jacelon, Charles 589/A 10
Mosley, Rev Ronald A. 424/HQ
Tennant, Richard W. 422/K 50
Young,Damon F 423/D
Boyd Rutledge, 422/D by Flora, Wife 600
Scalzo Salvatore, 422/MED by Grace, Wife 100 Dr. Richard Peterson 423/1
by Dr. Duncan Truemen, 424/AT 100
    The initial response from members was fantastic. My first deposit was for $1.000. As of January 30 we had 27 members contributing $1.925.00,
    or an average of $71.30 with a high of $250 dollars by two members. Please continue this and let us hear from all the members who have been LIFE Members for years. Richard Rigatti.
Ahlsen, Merle D. 592/K
Asher, Albert L. 423/K
Avedisian, Kachador 28Th INF Beeth, Lyle D. 424/AT
Bridges, Walter 424/D
Brown, Leslie L.
Direnzo, Peter 106 SIG
Fisher, Robert W. 106 RECON Fournier, Roger ASSOC
    Hass, Milton G 422/HQ 3BN Howell, R.F. 424/HQ 2BN HUBERT, Andre C.R.1.B.A. Kortlang, Charles E. 106 MP Kronmueller, Wm W. 423/E Mayrsohn, Bernard 423/CN Mess, Kenneth A. 424/F
Mitchell, Wm. C. 106 RECON Newman, Saul 422/G
Plumly, Francis 422/F
Smoler, Irwin C. 424/B
Snyder, Walter M. 589/A
Stern, Boris A. 424/HQ 2BN Stewart, John T. 81ST ENG/HQ Sulser, Jack 423/F
Taylor, Hal423/CN
Van Moorlehem, Art 423/B Wojahn, Edward C. 81ST ENG/B
FEATURE STORY in This CUB Magazine New Memorial dedicated in Grosslangenfeld, Germany
    Josef Reusch, Associate Member, a resident of Grosslangenfeld, Germany designed, purchased and dedicated a monument to the battle in and around his home village, Grosslangenfeld, Germany. Our 106th Recon Troop was in position in his village in December 1944.
The story of this dedication, with photographs, appears in this issue.
    In addition to that story is a statement and a map furnished by 106th Trooper Paul Thompson showing the 106th Recon Troop's resistance being recognized by an officer of the 62nd VG Division.
    The monument, erected in a public area near Josef Reusch's home, recognizes both sides of that battle, the German 62nd Volksgrenadierdivision and the 106th Recomiiassance Troop and for the loss of many soldiers, as well as the loss of lives and property in Grosslangengenfeld. $
The CUB of the Golden Lion 4
Front & Center...
Andre Hubert, Past-President CRIBA Belgium, wrote, with his Donation on page 4:
"December is a time to remember the bloody Winter of 1944-45.
    I think of all the brave men of the 106th who were fighting during one of the coldest Winters of the century, far away from their loved ones.
I express my gratitude to all of them. 1 wish you all the best for year 2005."
Andre HUBERT, Past-President CRIBA
Thank You Andre'
    We the 106th veterans and families, salute CRIBA and the people of Belgium for all they have done for The 106th soldiers and veterans in 44/45 and in the wonderful years afterwards. JK
    CUB MAGAZINE DONATIONS Thanks to Ewell Black, 422/A and George Peros 590/A for donating their old CUB magazines to be used by others.
I have many past issues of The CUB that were donated by members, or widows of members. J Kline, editor
    A donation of $1.50 each - to cover handling and postage - per magazine -will bring you copies of the editor's random choice.
Make check payable to "106th Inf. Div. Assoc."
Send to Richard Rigatti, Treasurer
113 Woodshire Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15215
Under 35 $360
36-50 $300
51-60 $180
61 & Over $120

 American Ex-Prisoners of War 3201 E. Pioneer Parkway, Suite 40, Arlington, TX 76010
    MF.3.1 ERSEIIP BENEFITS Disability Compensation V. A...Claim Asses:mace Medical Research Monthly Bulletin Washington Office Legislation. National Oxganization Veterans & Families
The CUB of the Golden Lion 5
Front & Center . . .
    106th Infantry Division Association, Inc. Treasurer's Report - July 1, 2003 thru June 30, 2004 Re-submitted from Oct-Nov-Dec 2004 CUB - page 16 -because of alignment problems - Richard L Rigatt, Treasurer
Associate Dues

 Auxiliary Dues

 Member Dues
 8,540.00 3.510.00


 513.502 00

 Reunion Surplus


 Interest and Dividends

 Sale of Books

 Sale of Merchandise
 118.00 350.00

 Sherod Collins Memorial Fund

 $23,743 39

 ADA Representative


 Andersonville Memorial


 Bank Charges




 Computer Repair


 Computer Software


 Computer Supplies


 CUB Magazine






 Mail Service

 Poly Plates



 0 16516 18

 Liability Insurance


 Mailing and Messages



 Sherod Collins

 Camp Atterbury

 World War II

 Various Overseas

 St Vith


 S2 204 87

 Office Expense


 Office Supplies


 Officers' Bond


 OGL Medals

 397.31 Reunion Expenses


 57th Reunion Mailing



 $28,112 73

 Need of Funds from Savings

 4, 368. 74

 Main Street Bank Edward Jones
Beginning Balance


 22.851 57

 28,112 73

 Balance June 30, 2004
 $ 3.153.45

     History of Needed Funds: (2004) 4.368.74 (2003)4 764.44 (2002)2.670 94 (2001) 3.185,68 (2000) 8,819.95 (St. Vth 4,143.24) (1999) 2.199 13
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center...
Special NOTICE 106th Infantry Division Association PX
John Gilliland PX Manager, announced that he will have several items for sale at the 59th Annual Reunion
in New Orleans next September
Choice items will be: Belt Buckles; Bolo Ties; Caps; Wind Breakers; T-Shirts; Patches and Louisiana Pins.
    No Credit Cards - Make check payable to John Gilliland 140 Nancy Street, Boaz, AL 35957 Tel: 256-593-6801 Email: samitc@charternet
Cap, ball, adjustable, 106th 10.00 each + $5.00 S&H
Pin, lapel/hat New Orleans 3.00 each plus .50 S&H
Patch, Shoulder, 106th Infantry 3.00 each plus .50 S&H
    106th Flag 28" in x 44" in (indoor/outdoor) one sided with loop for hanging on pole or rod (not included) -$25.00 each delivered. Orders must be received prior to May 1, 2005
Flag will be delivered on or about July 1, 2005
"106" Yellow on Blue background. Bottom of flag is Red.
"Lion's Patch" in Red, White, Blue with Golden Lion I-lead
    "The words "Infantry Division Association" below Lion's Patch is curved to follow the contour of the scroll (It is Gold in color and did not reproduce well here)
The CUB of the Golden Lion 7
Front & Center ...
From the ,,issociation Historian
John R. Schaffner 589/A, Historian 1611 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030 410-584-2754
    Since I am new to this job I thought that I would look in the dictionary to see how the word Historian is defined. It reads, "A writer of history; sometimes, one versed in history" Well, before someone brings it up, I will admit that I hardly fit that definition. However, let's consider me to be the "Collector of History" for the Association. As such, I will accept, organize, and preserve, all, and any material coming to me that concerns our 106th Division.
    In an earlier issue of The Cub I announced that I was working with Associate Member, Jim West, to copy all of the issues of The Cub onto CD disks. Of course you must be equipped with a computer to take advantage of this media. (Or, have a grandchild to help you.)
    That portion of the project is now completed. I hope to be able to announce the availability of these CDs in the next issue of The Cub. Every past Cub issue will be available through this media, which can be viewed on your computer or printed.
    As the old emcee used to say, "It's only the beginning folks!" This will be an ongoing project as long as The Cub is produced.
    Jim is copying all memoirs - personal diarys and narratives, that are presently in our hands, to CD disks also. These stories will be made available in the same manner. If you have written your personal history and want to see it not only preserved, but distributed, you are invited to send it along to me. I will make a record of it and pass it to Jim for the hard part of the job. The originals will be returned to me. Do it now, it's later than you think!
    Once these tasks are completed we will cintribute this material to the U. S. Army Heritage and Educational Center at Carlisle, Pa.
    If you are a computer user you will find that Jim West has a terrific website at www.indianamilitaryorg Many of these stories are already there for you to read.
    If you lind that this website gives a lot of attention to the 106th Infantry Division, it is intentional. When you access the website, look for "106th Infantry
    Division,"then click on that tab. A drop down menu will give you several subject choices. Most recent addition id POW Camps. JRS
106th Reconnaissance Troop Reunion
Our 106th Reconnaissance Troop annual Reunion is scheduled for May 31, 2005 through June 3, 2005. It is being
held at the Clearwater Holiday Inn, SunSpree Resort at
Clearwater, Florida. If you are interested contact
Robert Fisher, 1293 Lindenwood Dr, Tarpon Springs, FL 34688
or by email at RWF63023@
Thank you: R. W Fisher
The CUB of the Golden Lion 8
Front & Center .
ESCAPE . . . I I !
The True Story of a World War II P.O.W. The Germans Couldn't Hold
by John M. "Jack" Roberts, Association Past-President
    "Jack" Roberts, "C" Battery, 592nd Field Artillery Battalion, recently published a book about his experiences during the "Battle of the Bulge" in December 1944 where he was ambushed and captured by the Germans.
    The book, 237 pages, with a colorful cover, gives a detailed account of his harrowing experiences telling how he was able to escape his German captors, while behind enemy lines, before reaching a POW compound. Early chapters in the book gives the reader an overview of his youth, including his military training leading up to his capture. The book then concludes with his adjustment to civilian life with it's rewards after discharge from the Army.
    Order from and make payable to: John M. Roberts, 1059 Alter Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304. Email: Telephone: I-248-338-2667 Price: 027.95 includes Shipping
456 pages $50.00 + $6 shipping
Author Dean F. Jewett 168th Combat Engineers, PO Box 148, Saco ME 04072
    Author made two trips to St. Vith, Rhine River, Armor School Library, Military History Institute, plus personal information from 168th Combat Veterans
    168th Combat Engineer Battalion, was attached to the 106th Inf Division at St. Vith. Their three line companies were defending the Prumerberg. A battalion of 600 men suffered 335 casualties, 33 KIA, the others wounded, POWs or MIA. The 168th is credited with Normandy Invasion, Northern France, Rhineland, assault crossing of the Rhine River, Central Europe. Ending up near Czechoslovakia..
Author Earl S. Parker 423/E
1st Books Library, 1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200 Bloomington, IN 47403 Telephone 1-888-280-7715
Also available through Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and Borders at $14.95.
Any book store can order the book by Title, Author or ISBN Number
    Here is the story of a young draftee in World War II who experienced life in the Armored Force, the Army Air Force pilot training program and the reality of combat in an Infantry Division. On line with the 106th in a quiet sector of the Ardennes, these foot soldiers were in the direct path of the massive German offensive that became known as The Battle oldie Bulge. Overwhelmed by the sheer might of numbers and firepower arrayed against them, they managed to upset the enemy timetable until forced to surrender on the fourth day of what has been called the greatest battle of the war in terms of men and machines. This book is about an individual and his experiences under fire and as a prisoner of war liberation by the Russian Anny and his adventures on a hike across country to rejoin the American Army. Here, an attempt has been made to create the feeling of the times in addition the problems of the moment. It is a book about real people in a tragic period of history.
Compiled, Edited and reproduced by Robert Skopek, Associate member.
    By Chaplain Fr. Paul W. Cavanaugh S.J., (Captain) 422nd Regiment. Chaplain Cavanaugh who was a POW at Stalag IX-B, Bad Orb and Oflag Hammelburg Bavaria. 252 pages of Father Cavanaugh's writings and photographs.
    Many of you will remember Chaplain Father Cavanaugh, who was such a wonderful support during your service days and particularly so during the stressful times as a POW. He was of such support in the Box-Cars and during the long marches and the bombing at Limburg, Germany and the Christmas days, when you were thinking so strongly of home. He led many of you in the singing of Christmas Carols in the boxcars. He also held services in the POW Camps. He was cherished by those that knew him, and those he served. This book, "PRO DEO PATRIA" was very popular at the 58th Annual Reunion in Milwaukee. Every cent of the proceeds that were gained there was given as a gracious gift, by Skopek, to the Association. It IS AVAILABLE FOR $20.00 WHICH INCLUDES SHIPPING, FROM:
The CUB of the Golden Lion 9
Front & Center...
Author Hal Taylor, 423/CN, 2172 Rockridge Dr., Grand Junction, CO 81503
hal 1 970-245-7807
Available http://www.Istbooks.corn as a hard copy or electronic transfer.
    A Teen's War describes the experiences of a small town boy in the latter stages of World War II. Portions originated from letters written home about induction, training, and time overseas with the 423rd Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division and that unit's short period of combat in the Battle of the Bulge. The story is unique compared to most war books, for it contains none of the pedantic pretenses of most military histories, filled with strategy or the so-called 'Big Picture.' Instead, A Teen's War tells how a young, private soldier became aware of reality and the world around him despite his limited view.
    All readers who have ever heard the words, 'missing in action,' will find this book interesting. Readers who were prisoners of war themselves, particularly of the Germans, will recall those hellish times and understand that recollection enables one to live and to cope with the realities of today.
Available at and
Also available on her website
ISBN: 1-4017-9656-6 (Soft Cover) ISBN 1-407-9655-8 (Hard Cover)
    Almost as if tom from today's headlines comes the riveting story of patriotism and courage, love and comradeship, as told in The Warmth of a Song. Set against WWII's The Battle of the Bulge, this adventurous tale is inspired by actual eye-witness accounts. As Hawk Clarke fights for God and country, when the platoon he leads narrowly escapes from the German Panzer battalion that has them surrounded, he also learns the greatest freedom of all -the courage it takes to free the human spirit. Retuming to Boston after a sniper's bullet penetrated his spine, Hawk mourns the loss of his once strong legs. Can he break free from the cage he feels his life has become in time to help an old woman release a miracle? Helen von Erck:
    Helen von Erck lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her daughter, Hayley. While growing up in South County, Rhode Island, she began cultivating a lifelong fascination with history. She has fumed that interest into a passion, and has conducted in-depth research into the life and times of the 1940's and World War II. She attended the University of Rhode Island and the University of Denver where she studied Business Management with a minor in Creative Writing. This is her debut novel.
    This book is available from the author for $13.00 (includes shipping cost). 6159 Brookside Lane, Apt A, Willowbrook, IL 60527. Copies are also available from Ama for $10.95 plus S & H.
    This is a fascinating, eloquent account of a 19 year old trying to grow to manhood in the middle of a deadly world war. After briefly describing his rigorous training as an infantry soldier, including some semi-comic events while learning to drive a jeep, he and his buddies were finally off to war in Europe as well-trained, confident members of the 106" Infantry Division.
    Shortly after arriving at the battle front in December, 1944 during a bone-chilling, bitter cold winter, the majority of the Division was surrounded and finally overwhelmed in a bloody battle, by a much larger, more powerful German force during the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge. Thousands of young soldiers, including Zak, were forced to surrender. The rest of the book describes his life in three different camps as a prisoner of war. He gives a gripping account of the fear, the misery and the many dangers he often faced. As a prisoner he escaped death from bombs, machine gun fire, and a German guard's rifle bullet shot at him. He was hungry all the time, always under guard and powerless, and unsure of his ultimate fate. He moumed the death of many of his fellow soldiers during the battle, some at his side, and constantly worried whether his parents knew if he was alive or dead.
    Zak ends his book describing the arrival of the Russian army and the surprising and disappointing beginning of the Cold War with the Russians. A well-told, remarkable story.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 10
Front & Center .
    In two volumes - Published by TRACES, a nonprofit educational organization committed to telling the stories of Midwesterners and their WW II experiences.
    Volume 1- (270 pages) Tells the stories of 9 soldiers who were POWs in Nazi Germany during WW II. Includes documents and photos as well personal journals and diaries. Paperback. $20. Add postage, see below.
    Includes Wm Blackwell and Charles Lloyd Jones, 168th infantry, 34th Division; Carl Schneider, 133rd Infantry, 34th Division; George Rosie, 506th Paratroopers, 101st Airborne; Delbert Berninghaus, John Kline and Elmer Sorensen, 423rd Regiment, 106th Division; James Fuller, 422nd Regiment, 106th Division; and Oliver Omanson, 179th Regiment, 45th Division.
    Volume 2 - (170 pages) Companion to the above, this one includes the stories of 6 airmen who were POWs in Nazi Germany during WW II. Paperback $20. Add postage, see below. Purchase together and enjoy a special price - $35
One book $1.50 media mail or $3.95 express mail
Two books $2.00 media mail or $6.00 express mail
Send orders to: Pat Schultz 24640 305th Street, Nora Springs, IA 50458 641-696-3483
BEFORE THE VETERANS DIE By Dale Carver, Poet Laureate (deceased)
106th Inf Division Association
Order from Ruth Carver 742 Druid Circle, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 $10.00 Post-paid
     Dale, died in 2001. He had written poetic memories of the War. His poems appeared in "The CUB" for several years. They all bring back memories and visions of the times.
    Dale was awarded the Silver Star for Valor. He disabled German mines, while under attack, that had been placed under a bridge.
    For that he received a battle field promotion (from 2nd to 1st Lt.) and was awarded the Silver Star for "gallantry under fire." He told me, during one reunion, that he thought it, the Silver Star, should have been for another time when he led a group of soldiers through a live mine field to safety. The soldiers had walked into the mine field and were "frozen in fear."

(iir A

    Author Marilyn Estes Quigley (This was a popular book - shown and sold at the 58th Annual reunion). Marilyn, associate professor of English at Evangel University, in Springfield, Missouri, teacher composition, literature and creative writing. The current Evangel campus was O'Reilly General Hospital during WWII, a medical facility for soldiers. Quigley's office, still in an original barracks, was formerly an operating room. She published fiction, a children's musical, poetry, and articles. Her husband Ed designed and painted the cover of Hell Frozen Over. Author's email: edmarquig®
    Buy from "Author House" 1663 Liberty Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403 Also at other major bookstores $16.95 telephone: 1-888-519-5121 or Website: $14.50 Check on shipping charges.
    Hell Frozen Over describes the personal experiences of sixteen 106th soldiers who were caught in Hitler's final grasp to strangle the continent. More than half of these men were among the 7,001 in the Division who were taken as prisoners of war. Scattered in camps throughout Germany, they willed themselves to survive as deprivation and even slave labor threatened their lives and sanity. Their comrades-in-arms who escaped capture and remained to fight in foxholes and tanks had other hells to endure, as did the civilians of every town in the area. There are nearly 30 WWII photos of 106th servicemen along with accountings their personal stories.
a book of poems inspired by World Was II... by Dale R. Carver (deceaser0
Poet Laureate -108th !of Div Association HQs Co., 3Bn A&P Platoon Leader
424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division
The CUB of the Golden Lion 11
Front & Center.. .
    By: Dr. Beverly Peterson RN, MSN, Ph.D., and Richard Peterson Ph.D., MBA. (deceased) Dr. Beverly Peterson is a retired Navy Psychiatric Nurse.
    Dr. Richard Peterson (deceased) was a former 106th Infantry Weapons Platoon Sergeant 423/1 and was a prisoner of war.
    Dick, as you know was very active in eur Association. He had served on the Association Board, had been recognized by the French for his work in connection with research on Stalag IX-A, Ziegenhain. He attended several joint meetings with the French - after the war. It was after this research and many returns to Ziegenhain that he wrote CHILD WARRIORS, (see below) which many of you have read..
    Both Dick, before his death, and his wife, Beverly, worked with clients suffering from PTSD. This is a book written for people trying to understand what trauma has done to their lives and their families and to help the counselors who help them in alleviating their agonies. $18.00 Postpaid.
For ordering information see below - bottom of page.
    By Dr. Richard Peterson, Ph.D., (deceased) "I" Co., 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division. Order from Consultors Incorporated, See below.
    An autobiographical study of the long range effects of combat and captivity on young soldiers. December 1944 - The Ardennes Forest - Battle of the Bulge
    Healing the Child Warrior is a book to give to your children and grandchildren. It recounts what you couldn't tell them about December 1944 when two entire infantry regiments and many smaller groups of soldiers totally disappeared in the Ardennes Forest of Germany. The author was there as an infantry sergeant. He captures the furious fighting in the first days of the Battle of the Bulge, and the long lasting effects of combat on the young soldiers who fought in it.
    He recounts the suffering and despair of prisoners of war, especially in Stalag IXB and Stalag IXA. He discusses and analyzes the feelings of confusion and withdrawal after the return home.
Soft cover, illustrated with archival and current photos of camps. $15.00 Postpaid
Pay by Check or MCNisa - Address request to:
Consultors, Inc., 1285 Rubenstein Avenue Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007.
    Battle of the Bulge Books Author - Associate Member Hans Wijers Zegerijstraat 27 - NL-6971 ZN Brummen email wijers@wxs.n1 (Currently working on Book - 106th Infantry Division in the Bulge)
    Book on the 99th Infantry Divivision Sector - U.S. Troops Block Northern German Advances Price: 45.00 US Dollars (world wide shipment included!)
    Soft cover, 8.5"x11", -270 pages, black & white photographs and color photographs, maps, copies of original documents.
Book on the 2nd Inf Div Sector - U.S. V Corps stops the 1st SS Panzer Corps
Price: 45.00 US Dollars (world wide shipment included !)
    Soft cover, 8.5"x11", -250 pages, many "than and now" photographs of the old battlefield and maps, copies of original documents
Book on the I st Infantry Division Sector
U.S. V Corps stops the 1st SS Panzer Corps Author Hans J. Wijers
Price : 30.00 US Dollars (world wide shipment included!)
    Soft cover, 8.5"x11", -190 pages, many "than and now" photographs of the old battlefield and maps, copies of original documents
The CUB of the Golden Lion 12
New Members .. .
Editor's Note:
For you new members that have joined and did not send a short story of what happened to you in your life..
Please feel free to send us a short story about your history and/ or experiences. John Kline. editor
4 Park Street Pittsfield, NH 03263 603-435-7695
    My father, Robert Beauchamp was in "A" Company, 423rd Infantry Regiment. From that I have an interest in "The Battle of the Bulge. My husbands name is Tom.
5350 Cole Circle Arvada, CO 80002 303-431-5995 doeratchy@comcast net
My friend Charles Schroer (a current member) was in "F" Company, 422nd Infantry Regiment.
4318 Barbary Street Durham NC 27707 NC 919-451-4309
1719 Townline Ave Beloit, WI 53511 608-362-1354
    Peter said he took his basic outside of Paris, was sent to the 106th after the two regiments were overrun. Couldn't remember which unit.
Fasanweg 3 52372 Krenu-Obermauch Duerbaum@t-online de
    Gregor is a student of the history and writer of the "Cigarette Camps." He has assisted your editor several times with needed information. A couple years ago, there was an article in The CUB where he had furnished photographs (including an overhead view showing the "Tent City, runways etc) and other information about Camp Lucky Strike
20202 E Casa Linda Drive West Covina CA 91171
107 Monument Avenue Hatboro, PA 19040
    Russell Hoff 422/M wrote: Sign my son in as a Life Associate. My four sons and I were ten days in Belgium as guests of Willy and Adda RIKKEN.
Box 216
Ventura, IA 50482
    Listed in JUL-AUG-SEP 2004 with no story. Marolyn, my wife joins as Auxiliary. My father, Myron Johnstone passed away in 1987 pt 64 years of age. I didn't know a lot about his career. I didn't know he was wounded and captured in the Battle of the Bulge. He was 6' 2" and came out of POW camp weighing 120 pounds.
I didn't recall a guidon that my father gave me. I was too young to appreciate it but remembered it said 106 RECON.
    A few months ago my wife entered my father's name into the computer and came up with the Joseph Haines accounting of the "106 Calvary Reconnaissance troop in the Battle of the Bulge.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 13
New Members...
    Imagine my feelings when I ran across my father's name in this story and found out he was the 3rd Platoon Leader of the 106th RECON Troop. We contacted John Kline who gave us the names and phone numbers of the 106th RECON members of the 106th Infantry Division Association. I contacted several of them and some widows and have heard a lot of stories. All in all, I feel I know him better now than I ever did and I'm quit proud of him. He went ahead and made a career of the Army, serving two hitches in Korea, back to Germany, etc. He attained the rank of Major and retired in 1962.
7209 Knollwood Road Mobile, AL 36619 251-661-7535
Membership application sent by daughter, Ruth Barnes, Canton, GA.
727 Tam O'Shanter Dr Orlando, FL 32803 407-894-9384
    Editor's Note: Listen Up Orlando members: I tried to call Marsh to confirm some data. His phone number came up with a message "disconnected." Can anyone confirm a new address or telephone number?
582 Etowah Drive Marietta, GA 30060 770-424-0961
    Letter from Rev. Ronald Mosley, 424th Infantry Regiment HQ Company. Enclosed is a check for $100 for a LIFE Membership for my Grandson Jeremiah P. Mitchell. Please apply the extra $25.00 to the General Expense Fund. Jeremiah is a student of history, is a member of the Civil War reenactment unit and has expressed interest in the story of the 106th Infantry Division. He will carry on our traditions and legacy.
    I served as a chaplain with the 424th Infantry Regiment from December 1943 to January 1944 (From Fat Jackson to the Ardennes). My usual address is: RR4, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia B4V 2W3, Canada.
    May you and yours experience a Merry Christmas. I'm sure you are as grateful as I am that our personal surrounding, today, are much different that they were sixty years ago, May Grace, Mercy and Peace from God our Father be upon you and your loved ones.
Rev. Ronald A. Mosley, HQ 424th Combat Infantry Regiment
22711 Breastwood St. Grand Terrace, CA 92313-4906 909-824-2451 daiuy_19©
I am the son of Sergeant William Lloyd Monroe, 591st FAB -- Battery unknown. Unknown
2451 Steff-Ann Drive Adrian, Ml 49221
Roger was listed, without any details in the last CUB magazine Oct-Nov-Dec 2004. He wrote the following:
Re: Sergeant William Myers - 36631815
    Nearly a year ago I read "The Greatest Generation" and began to try to fully comprehend the commitment and sacrifice that men like you, members of the 106th and my father made to the world and this country. Since I had never really talked to my father about his military service, I decided to try to find out as much as I could on my own.
My goal is to assemble all the information I can and leave it as part of my father's legacy to my children.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 14
New Members .. .
    My father died when my daughter was 10 and before my son was born. I had little to go on when I started. His Infantry Division patch, a few photographs and newspaper clippings were in his personal effects. discharge papers (which seem incomplete), medals, a Combat Infantry Badge, an 89th Infantry Division patch, a 106th
    His uniform, which I have, has sergeant stripes, overseas bars and a patch commonly worn by the Engineers Special Brigade. My father was discharged as Sergeant, 69th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. The only information I have about this unit was that it formed at Ettersberg Germany July 1945 and deactivated March 1946. My father was discharged August 1946. He was unattached/unassigned at that time.
    My search discovered that my father entered the Illinois Reserve Militia in June 1942 (Company H, 4th Infantry Regiment) and was inducted into active service December 1942.
    I have traced him into theArmy Air Fare from Jefferson Barracks to Camp Kearns to Santa Maria AAF Base in May 1943. His discharge papers indicate he left the U.S. for Scotland in October 1943.1have pinpointed him at Burtonwood Base, England until early 1945.
    My interest has turned to the 106th ,, Infantry Division because I have a photo of my father in front of a building Infantry identified as the 6951 PWTE (Prisoner War Temporary Enclosure) Motor Pool.
    In addition to my father in the photo is a Lt. Woolsey, ? Kielert, ? Knutson and 2 German POWs Infantry Division identified as Georg Wippel and Karl Zander. The sign in the photo was lettered "Doomsday Green".
    I obtained declassified archives about the 6951 PWTE (Prisoner War Temporary Enclosure) and found that it was a "prisoner of war temporary enclosure" located at/near Remagen Germany from April to July 1945.
    The Daily Journal for the 6951 PWTE (Prisoner War Temporary Enclosure) mentioned Lt. Woolsey and the 2 POWs by name, and referenced Doomsday Green, Doomsday C.P., Doomsday Dispensary and Doomsday Pool!
    The Daily Journal also noted that the camp was initially assigned to the 159th Infantry Regiment and then the 106th Infantry Division.
    Research has been limited mostly to internet searches as there are no family members left to interview. I have dim memories of family stories about my father participating in blowing up a bridge, escorting a number of German POWs to a camp somewhere in France, billeting with German families and being part of liberating a German concentration camp. I have no idea where or when these events occurred. I distinctly remember him commenting about a "guard" action... which would have been at the 6951 PWTE (Prisoner War Temporary Enclosure). .
    I am hopeful that I will find something or someone connected to the 106th Infantry Division that can provide more information. I would appreciate any thoughts or direction you or the membership might have for me in my endeavor.
    My thanks and eternal appreciation to you and the thousands of other military service persopnel who gave of themselves without hesitation or expecting personal gain or glory to preserve the freedom that we so often take for granted. I am proud to be the son o a WWII veteran, and an Associate Member of the 106th Infantry Division Association.
Roger Myers
    (Editor's Note: If you can help Roger. please contact him. His name, address. telephone number and email address are at the top of this story" John Kline, editor)
The CUB of the Golden Lion 15
New Members...
5923 Snyder Rd Sodus, NY 14551 315-483-6345 pat2ss@aotcom
    I went into the Army in April 1943.1 was sent to Camp Wheeler, GA, where I was put into the first ASTP unit for three months training. On completion of
    training I was sent the University of Alabama. The ASTP program was terminated in March 1944 and I was sent, along with about 600 others, to the 106th Infantry Division, Camp Atterbury, Indiana.
We departed Camp Atterbury about 9 October 1944, heading for Boston. While on the train I became very ill.
    A doctor on the train diagnosed me with having acute appendicitis. The train stooped in Pittsburgh, PA and I was dropped off and taken to a military hospital. They removed my appendix three hours after I arrived. Because my records were not with me, they kept me almost two months.
I never saw the 106th again. I ended up as a replacement in a Combat Engineer Battalion..
    (Editor's note: Stephen, the copy of your application I received cut off most of the bottom line. I could not make out what Engineer unit you were attached to.
Sorry. J. Kline, editor) SHAFFER, EUHL 423/K
1834 N. Paul Inverness, FL 34453-0317 352-344-4678
29 Overhill Lane Warwick, NY 10990
Grace, wife of our Chaplain, Dr. Duncan Trueinan, decided to join as a FULL LIFE ASSOCIATE member.
    She wrote our Treasurer, Richard Rigatti, "Dear Dick, I thought I was a member of the Association all these years. I guess it's better late than never." Grace
    (Editor's note: Grace, you have always been an Associate member, classified as an 'AUXILIARY" member. (Wife of a Service Member).
Now you are a FULL Life Associate member Congratulations. Thanks! J Kline, editor)
3950 West Smokey Row Rd Bargersville, IN 46106 317-535-8744
Charle's wife Juanita signed on as an Auxiliary member.
WARREN, EDWARD L - ASSOCIATE 6922 Rockwood Rd Greenwood, IN 46143 317-862-2426 kismis88@aol.corn
LIFE ASSOCIATE MEMBER Son of Charles E. Warren, above.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 16
Sixty Years of Peace in Grosslangenfeld .
    Dedicating the 'Sixty Years of Peace in Grosslangenfeld: A monument dedicated to the remembrance of life, sacrifice and value of Peace. UR: Achim Dimer (German Panzer Uniform); Stefan Diedrichs; Trumpeter Alfred Rollman; Bruno Jdnen (US Tank uniform) and Joachim Henker
    Silent footprints in the falling snow betray a grim column of ghosts, bleeding west through the low southern neck of the narrow Alf valley and slowly blanketing the southwestern corner of the "Schnee Eifel." Still dark at this early December hour -- just past fifty degrees northern latitude -- German artillery punctuates the crisp morning air in Grosslangenfeld, a small farming village near the center of the Bulge saddling the ridge southwest of Bleialf. Several kilometers to the south, Josef "Jupp" Reusch, a native of the village and a seventeen-year-old conscript fresh from artillery training in Norway, is crossing into Luxembourg near Tintesmiihle with the 560th Volksgrenadier Division...
    As the mental echoes of sixty-year-old artillery fade, Josef, his daughter Anita and an American son-in-law follow the faded tracks of German 6th Panzer tanks over the Our river past Sch6nberg on the morning of December 16th.
    Navigating icy memories and clinging fog, they join a large procession of hundreds of Belgian and German officials, soldiers and Bulge veterans with their families in Btillingen, to
The CUB of the Golden Lion 17
Sixty Years of Peace in Grosslangenfeld .
    commemorate the fallen soldiers whose memory endures in numerous monuments honoring their individual and collective sacrifices. Counting several veterans of the Golden Lion - fellow survivors - as comrades today, Josef was determined to act on a long-held desire in the weeks leading up to the 60th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge: to create a monument in Grosslangenfeld offering due respect to all who perished in his village during the war.
    Intended not as a memorial to war or glory, the uncomplicated "naturstein" design bears no overt symbolism, only a simple message in German explaining 'which units engaged and the loss of life and property sustained. Ultimately, its real value to posterity is the blunt historical reminder to current and future generations of the heavy toll war exacts on all involved.
    Grosslangenfeld's location, sandwiched between one of the most famous man-made landmarks of the war -- Siegfried's "West Wall" --and the natural barrier of the "SchwarzerMann" on its eastern flank, also places the new stone within a vast historical context spanning over two thousand years.
    December 18, 2004 in Grosslangenfeld: sixty years later the "Schnee Eifel- hoes up to its name ("Snow Eifel") the moment of the monuments unveiling.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 18
Sixty Years of Peace in Grosslangenfeld
    The Eifel is a region far too familiar with war. World War II marking only the fmal phase of five centuries of steady conflict surging back-and-forth through the windy hills and verdant valleys of the ancient Rhenish slate plateau.
    Bounded on the north, east, and south by the famous Ahr, Rhine and Mosel rivers, the Eifel first appeared in recorded history when Julius Caesar arrived in 54 B.C. with four legions, confronting the distinct Celtic culture of the "Treverer." They and the Germanic "Eburonen" to the north were pacified and intense Romanization of the lands between Trier -- "Treveres" in the roman lexicon -- and Cologne began. When Franks occupied the Eifel by the middle of the 5th century most Romanized Celts
fled, and with them the remains of roman culture.
    The Eifel was the favorite hunting ground of Emperor Charlemagne in the 8th Century, whose empire was fragmented by his sons, triggering a long period of violent division as local lords also quarreled, raising over 140 fortresses by the 12th century. Such fragmented power offered easy prey to four large surrounding powers, Kurtrier (Trier), Luxembourg, Kurkoln (Cologne) and Mich, but the scale of battle had not yet impoverished the locals. Diverse agriculture still produced enough food for self-sufficiency. Mining of basalt, iron and lead permitted modest trade. When monk Sebastian Munster wrote a glowing description of the Eifel in 1541, he could not know he was capturing its last peaceful moments.
    Beginning in 1542, internecine conflict between the predators on the perimeter turned the region into a near-permanent battleground. Armies settling in for the winter meant misery for local farmers and trade in the region eventually collapsed. Ravaged by the Thirty Years War, a starving population was nonetheless expected to provide food for every invader. In one chronicler's telling description, agriculture had ceased to exist and once-prosperous livestock were wiped out. People fled or starved to death. Whole villages disappeared.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 19
Sixty Years of Peace in Grosslangenfeld .. .
    In 1688, after the Sun King's armies again failed to reach the Rhine, he set out to raze the entire Rhineland-Palatinate. Over a thousand castles, forts, villages and towns were systematically levelled. With few exceptions, the once-abundant medieval jewels of Eifel craftsmanship disappeared into antiquity.
    French revolutionary troops arrived in 1794, eliminating the old class system, granting civil rights and ending compulsory labor and onerous taxes levied by the cloisters and nobility. During the twenty-year occupation old Eifel industries found new
    markets. Quarries and mines took up large-scale production. Even today, fond memories of the French occupiers persist, as later Prussian influence was to isolate the region until well after
World War II. Under the Prussian mr?.... thumb, the area became an
    isolated borderland, its iron industry severed from traditional markets by new western bound- aries. Neglecting to connect the remote region to a growing transportation network and new markets to the east brought economic ruin. Famine emptied the land and the Eifel became known as "Prussian Siberia." World War I found the region a forgotten country; a white spot on the German map.
    Which brings us back to a cold December morning and a certain stone in Grosslangenfeld, standing among the ghosts of centuries and dedicated in spirit to the sixty years of peace following the events it tacitly describes. A peace paid for with the lives of men honored by the memorial -- and raised by a benefactor whose ancestors were no strangers to the sacrifices and struggles inherent in war.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 20
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Sixty Years of Peace in Grosslangenfeld .. .
    Originally scheduled for the afternoon of December 18th, plans for the dedication ceremony shifted abruptly after a phone call out of the blue from a representative of the US First Armored Division. Just returned to Germany from a long tour in Iraq, he bore news that five of the now-famous "Band of Brothers" were heading for Germany to take part in the Bastogne events and extending an invitation to join them.
    Unfortunately, poor organization and "security concerns" put an unceremonious end to our invitation to a coffee and breakfast welcome we offered to provide for the veterans in the local community hall on the morning of the 16th, as well as rescheduling our own dedication ceremony to suit their tight schedule. Sadder still, the invitation to join them was also rescinded later due to "budget issues" and "security concerns."
    What was at first a small contingent including the veterans had ballooned into bus loads of soldiers arriving at 0700, rumors of Tom Hanks' possible presence with the veterans being leaked to the global press and a developing Army public relations exercise that ran contrary to the spirit we'd intended for the event.
    The local fire brigade "Freiwillige Feurwehr) lead a small procession to the "denkmal" (monument), located near the center of town
The CUB of the Golden Lion 21
Sixty Years of Peace in Grosslangenfeld .. .
    Though disappointed by the outcome, all breathed a collective sigh of relief when the event reassumed more normal proportions no longer involving the early morning feeding of so many hungry young soldiers.
    December 18th arrived cold, windy and threatening snow, not unlike its counterpart in 1944. At exactly 1500, Josef's wife Mia rang the church bells to signal the start of a short procession from the community house to the monument, including local citizens and the village's volunteer fire brigade, in which Josef served for forty years.
Several reservists from ,.,, ..,,,,-
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the Bundeswehr, including, V- ..,. V
uniforms, weir positioned ?14,41;:i9:4**-5:11)-
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at the monument, led by Josef's good friend Lieutenant Manfred Klein.
The procession com
    plete, a tnimpeter struck up the German national anthem as the bells rang out and the black velvet shroud covering the memorial was lifted.
The trumpeter then
played a beautiful
rendition of "Ich hat'
einen Kameraden," a
song traditionally
played in honor of fallen comrades.
    (It is important to note that in German the word "comrade" doesn't carry the same linguistic baggage as it does in English, referring simply to another person to whom one is closely bonded by shared experience -- like a fellow soldier.)
.1ch halt" einen Kameraden... UR Stefan Dreisbach, Alfred Rollman, Torsten Diederichs
The CUB of the Golden Lion 22
Sixty Years of Peace in Grosslangenfeld . . .
    Herr Kneissl speaks during the ceremony: Don't we know that young lady on the right with the umbrella under her arm? Of course! That is Mia Reusch. Joseph's ode.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 23
1.161Patp.. -4W
    Recounting the events of December 16th & 17th 1944 in Grosslangenfeld and the surrounding area L/r Michel Schmidt, Josef Sohns, Rainer Grubert, Mar. Ruseweg, Josef Reusch (speaking) and Lieutenant Mafred Klein
Sixty Years of Peace in Grosslangenfeld .. .
    As the final haunting notes drifted away on the wind, Mayor Erich Kribs spoke, emphasizing the importance of such a memorial to the younger generation, as a reminder of history that should not be forgotten. Herr Karl Kneissl, parish dean, read from 2"d Isaiah, echoing an ancient call for peace exhorting mankind to beat swords into plowshares, before blessing the memorial. Josef then offered a sober recollection of the events of sixty years ago, even as the snow started falling again:
    "The German charge was repelled by American defensive fire. Retreating and regrouping, they opened fire again later that morning. A part of the 164th Infantry Regiment joined in the attack from Wallerich. A second assault was successfully thwarted by the Americans, with heavy losses on the German side. The attack was relaunched from various locations and at different times in the afternoon, but the American resistance was unbeatable. The Americans sent wounded towards St. Vith in an armored vehicle, with orders to bring back ammunition. They never returned..."
    Retreating from the monument to the community house for coffee and sandwiches prepared by Mia and Anita -- none of Mia's famous cakes this time -- everyone sat together talking and reflecting, Josef thanking all who had contributed their time and energy and expressing his happiness that the commemoration went off without a hitch despite the skittish weather.
    Later, as the assembled friends and neighbors dispersed, a sharp ray of sun leapt through the leaden clouds and illuminated the new monument for several lingering seconds, the unexpected burst of brilliance triggering images of frozen soldiers ranging the steep wooded hillsides of the Schnee Eifel, their searching eyes turned toward a capricious Eifel sky. # # #
Story - Photos by Doug Mitchell, Josef Reusch Son-in-Law. English Translation
by his wife, Anita Reusch (Josef 's daughter).
    Thanks to Doug for his cooperation with your editor; in converting his magnificant color presentation to our relatively simple format. JPK
The CUB of the Golden Lion 24
Sixty Years of Peace in Grosslangenfeld
,iNtirgli OF MIA' FA•1Ip' -
F Wi'T111-16U H'ITt
The CUB of the Golden Lion 25
The Attack and Defense of Grosslangenfeld
    The U.S. Army's official position is that the 106th Recon troop defending Grosslangenfeld collapsed under the first German onslaught. The fact is these troopers fought bitterly for two days and were overrun only when out of ammunition: they attempted to escape to St. Vith.
    There is now on the internet an account of this battle recounted by a Lt. Gerhard Wurm who commanded a platoon of the 3,d Co. 164 Reg. 62 Volksgrenadiers. That platoon spearheaded the attack on Grosslangenfeld.
    In this account Lt. Wurm describes the murderous defense put up by the 106th Recon Troop. You can also read it on the Internet at:
    In his words: "Just after moving through Habscheid we received heavy fire for the first time and day. Since we received heavy fire from the north by Grosslangenfeld, a reinforced company received orders to support the regiment, which was already fighting there."
    "Along the road from Eigelscheid we pushed in a northerly direction toward Grosslangenfeld and received such heavy fire from 37mm cannon, mortars, and light and heavy infantry weapons that we withdrew into the forest on the right river bed to the left. At the same time the Americans were under attack from west by parts of the Regiment 190, which stood on the tree covered Hill 508. A courier from the neighboring company sent orders to coordinate the next attack which should start at the same time in order to deny the Americans the possibility of a concentrated defense of their positions and force them to surrender. Our company should start the attack and 5 minutes later the other company should attack from Hill 508 and push into the village."
    "However the attack did not go as planned. The resistance was much stronger than we had expected and coordinated very well tactically. The defendents of the town seemed to be everywhere and defend against one wave after another. We took heavy losses and there were rumors that our two companies were facing an entire battalion."
The CUB of the Golden Lion 26
The Attack and Defense of Grosslangenfeld
    "Until the late evening it was not possible to penetrate the town and the fight continued relentlessly on until 10 o'clock, when an American armored car was hit by a Panzerfaust and began to burn." Then "quiet" fell over the village, but I did not want to leave my foxhole because every movement drew direct fire and so I hoped for a break in the fire, since I would like to take a look at
    the rest of my platoon. I crept up and down our positions and saw a high number of wounded and dead in their foxholes. my platoon had only some 8 men still fit for action and most of their ammunition had been used up. Under these circumstances we awaited the next morning in icy cold weather."
    "With the dawn the attacks resumed. The battle now took on a gruesome form, as now we could see the bodies of our comrades who were killed the day before and during the night, which were strangely frozen, preserved in their death throes, their blood turning the surrounding snow pink. A few looked like they were only sleeping, but among others, one recognized the hideousness of death immediately."
    The lieutenant was wounded in this third attack and his account of the battle stops at this point. But in the concluding paragraph of his account he says,
    "The Ardennenoffensive" did not bring the hoped-for success. Apart from me, I have only met one surviving member of the company, Josef Graf, who was captured around noon of December 171h. In conversation with other comrades of the division, 1 learned years after the war, that our company was up to 90% destroyed and was sent to break the toughest resistance and faced the hardest fighting in the battalion's area. The defenders of the town were outnumbered and already shattered by our artillery fire. Nevertheless they fought bitterly and held out beating back the attack of two full companies.
    "To these American soldiers I can only pay my fullest respect." Note: (1) the website containing Lt. Wurm's account plus pictures and a battle map is: Note (2) The armored car referred to was actually the halltrack containing the ReconTroop's store of ammunition.
Submitted by Paul Thompson, 106th Recon Troop
The CUB of the Golden Lion 27
The Attack and Defense of Grosslangenfeld
    The route of two of the 62nd Volksgrenadierdivision Regiments, the 164th and the 190th. Showing the combat units breaking off to attack the 106th RECON Troop in Grosslangenfeld, and the resulting holding actions of the Troopers shown by the points being "turned back" in early stages of the battle. With such large odds on the advantage of the 62nd Volksgrenadierdivision - those defenses were eventually broken, but at great costs to the attacking Volksgrenadier forces.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 28
Memoriam .. .
Clarke, Walter C. 591/SV
318 Spring Garden, Kannapolis, NC 28081
Date of Death: Unknown
    A letter received from a daughter Karen stating that he had died and her mother was placed in a nursing home. She wished our 106th Associationgroup well. No mailing address given.
Collier, Sr., James A. 424/H
3856 Walnut Grove RtL, Memphis, TN 38111
Date of death: September, 17, 2004
    My father, James E. Collier, LIFE Member, passed away 17 Sept 2004. He is loved and will be missed. James Collier Jr.
DeSoto, Philip 422/MED
22 Otis Street, Livermore Falls, ME 04254-1536
Date of death: November 15, 2004
    Reported by his wife Marilyn DeSoto ( Philip was taken prisoner at the Battle of the Bulge. He was in Stalag 4 B. We were married 49 years and I miss him very much and will always miss him.
Ehrhardt, Roger J. 81st ENG/C
2601 Ehrhardt Rd, Liberty, IL 62347
Date of death: May 2004 No other details known.
Goldstein, Harriet - Wife of Col. Elliott Goldstein 589/HQ
191 Peachtree NE 16th Floor, Atlanta, GA 30303-1740 Date of death: December 29, 2004.
    From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (in part) and some quotes from Col. Goldstein: "Harriet Weinberg Goldstein and I were married 62 years. She died of heart failure December 29, 2004 at the age of 85. Our initial art collection gave no clue that she would become a benefactor to the High Museum of Art for more than 40 years. "We bought art of questionable quality that we could afford," he said. "Over time she educated herself and developed a great eye for great art. As our resources improved, we were able to buy musem-quality paintings an sculpture."
    "We recently enabled the High Museum ofArt to buy pieces by Joseph Stella and Morris Louis. We were honorary chairmen of the High's Winslow Homer exhibit in 2001"
    "Her generosity was an integral part of enabling the groWth of our permanent collection to inspire future generations," said High Director Michael E. Shapiro.
    Mrs. Goldstein and the Colonel were drawn to 20th Century artists. Today their home is filled with museum quality art. "They are part of our life," he said.
    Her friend, Wicke Chambers of Atlanta said of her, "She had a merry spirit about her. She was just a tiny thing but had a big spirit. She was always very aware of what was going on."
    Other survivors include two daughters, Lily Friedlander of Atlanta and Ellen Goldstein of San Jose, Costa Rica; a sister Sonia Schwartz of Sarasota and one grandson.
(Continued next page)
The CUB of the Golden Lion 29
    Another note of interest from the obituary, "At the time her husband was in the the military service in World War II, Harriet took up the career of Army wife, traveling to posts in the United States and rooms near Army manuevers. When her husband went overseas, she joined other women in Civil Defense Volunteer Corps which monitored aircraft in the Atlanta area. After his discharge from service, she devoted her considerable energies to his legal career and her role as a mother. She encouraged and supported young artists, not only with her praise for their work but also through financial support."
Keahl, Edward 591/HQ
47849 Lake View Ct, Northville, MI 48167
Date of death: October 30, 2004
No details given. Next of kin listed as Marjory J.
Kelso, Murrel E. 422/E
6930 Treymore Ct, Sarasota, FL 34243
Date of death: December 1, 2004
    Murrel was a Life member and Mary L. Mary continues as an Auxiliary member. Murrel was born in Chattanooga, TN on May 19, 1924. He retired as supervisory import specialist for U.S. Customs and was a Life member of the 106th Infantry Division Association and the American Ex-Prisoners of War, American Legion and Disabled American Vets. Also the National Association of Federal and the American Association of Retired Persons. He attended the Presbyterian church.
    Survivors; His wife of 28 years, Mary: Two stepdaughters, a sister, a niece, a nephew, two stepgrandchildren; and a stepgreat-grandchild. Interment is to be in Arlington National Cemetery.
Litvin, Joseph 423/D
3825 W 181st St., Torrence, CA 90504
Date of death: December 2, 2004
    Born Christmas Day 1915 in Perryopolis, PA. As a WWII volunteer he saw combat and capture during the Battle of the Bulge with the 106th Infantry Division. Joe was a S/Sgt. Arriving in South Bay with his wife, Anne, (deceased 2002) in 1947. With their brothers and sisters in laws they owned and operated Midway Market from 1950 to 1978. Already a father and grandfather Joe recently enjoyed the welcoming of a great-grandson.
McMurray, William C. 424/M
70 East Beau Street, Washington, PA 15301
Date of death: August 10, 2004
Niece Marcia wrote, "My Uncle died of a stroke. He was living in Friendship
The CUB of the Golden Lion 30
Memoriam .. .
Scalzo, Salvatore 422/MED
712 Hudson Ave, Secucas, NJ 07094
    Date of death: December 9, 2004 as reported by his wife, Grace. He was also involved with the AX-POW organization. Grace as a Life Auxiliary continues her membership two more years. She sent $100 in his memory.
Toy, Waid S. 422/K
4605 Wade Street, Columbia, SC 29210
Date of death: January 17, 2005
Wade was on the 106th Infantry Division Association's Board of Directors. His term was finishing this year 2005.
    Born in Adrian, PA, he was the son of the late Curtis and Mary Hooks Toy. He was a graduate of Kittanning High School, was a 1947 graduate of Pennsylvania State University, and later attended the University of South Carolina for graduate studies. He was a life member of PENN State alumni association.
    Serving South Carolina for over 50 years, Waid Toy retired as Chief of Rural Manpower with the South Carolina Employment Security Commission. For his loyal service to the state of South Carolina, he was awarded the Order of Palmetto by Governor Carroll Campbell and presented with a Legislative Proclamation honoring his lifetime of service.
    Waid was a WWII Army veteran and former Prisoner of War, captured at the Battle of the Bulge. He was a lifetime member of the 106th Infantry Division Association and served on it's national board of directors. He was a life member of the American Ex-Prisoners of war, and a member of the Battle of the Bulge Organization. For many years, Mr. Toy and his wife served as annual mini-reunion hosts for the 106th Infantry Division Association for the states of North and South Carolina.
    He was a longtime member of Bethel Lutheran Church, Toy served in many capacities, including 26 years as church treasurer, Sunday School teacher, council member and call committee member. Waid was also honorary life member and officer of Lutheran Men in Mission and the committee of One Hundred.
    A life member and past Master and Treasurer of Boyleston Lodge #123 A.F.M. In addition, Toy was a member of the York Rite Masonic order.
    Surviving are his wife, Vannie Meetze; son Waid Douglas and his wife, Cylvia of Centerville, VA: two grandchildren, Allison Toy-Lee and,her husband L. Wayne Lee, Jr. of Gilbert and Ashley Kathryn Toy of Philadelphia, PA, stepgranddaughter, Leah Elizabeth Lemon of Centerville, VA, and two special friends, G.O. Bone and Ken Corbett. Mr. Toy was the last surviving member of his immediate family, he was predeceased by his parents, five brothers, and three sisters.
Uveges Jr., John 424/SV
2401 Oak Street #B, Santa Monica, CA 90405-5106
Date of death: March 24, 2004
Cause of death, coronary artery disease while in long term facility in Trenton, NJ. Survived by his brother George.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 31
Memoriam .. .
Vanderheyden, Donald 591/HQ
7802 Mallard Road SW, Huntsville, AL 35802
Date of death: December 2, 2004.
    Retired Army Major Donald "Van" Vander Heyden, of Huntsville died at the age of 80. He grew up in Belle Plain, Iowa with seven brothers and sisters before enlisting at age 18. He served in the U.S. Army for 20 years.
    He survived the Battle of the Bulge in WWII with the 106th Infantry Division and fought in the Korean War with the 24th Infantry Division.
    After retiring as a Major he served an additional 17 years in the civil service at Redstone Arsenal in missile intelligence.
    Van loved to fish and could be found at the lake every weekend. He was active in bowling and was a members of the Huntsville Bowling Association of Fame. He was active in local Post 237 of the American Legion and an active member in Parkway Fleming Hills Civic Association where he served as a past president.
    Van is survived by his wife Alene -of 57 years, his son, Paul D. Vander Heyden and his wife Ginger; two grandchildren, Brian Vanderlieyden and Kate Bates and her husband Andy: and four siblings, Rosalin Fowler, Ruth Ferris, Evelyn Loman and Ralph Vander Heyden and his wife Toni.
Williamson, McAdoo 422/A
4829 Sherwood Drive, Ashland KY 41101
Date of death: September 3, 2003
    Held in Stalags IV B and VII A after being captured in the Battle of the Bulge. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, one son, two grandsons and two sisters.
The notice from Emistine, whom we believe to be his wife (not on record).
Zimand, Gerald P. 422/D
    3842 Windsor Drive, Bethpage, NY 11714 Notified by John Robb 422/D who was informed by Joe Sanders 422/D. No other details given.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 32
Many CUB magazines are returned by the USPS showing no reason, except "UNDELIVERABLE."
Sometimes it's because of a death, or other times simply a change of address.
    If a 106th Veteran dies that is in your family, or that you know, please notify us so that we can notify his comrades and Association Chaplain Trueman.
If you move, notify us so that we can change your mailing address.
    The cost to the Association for a returned CUB is $2.63, plus the-already invested postage. Proper notification would prevent that.
Thank You
    Send notices of death and address changes to: Adjutant Marion Ray, 704 Briarwood Drive, Bethalto, IL 62010-1168 Telephone: 618-377-3674 email
From the financial statement on page 6 you will note that publishing, printing and mailing costs
for The CUB magazine was $16,516.18 this last year. A year in which we had 1,600 members.
Cost, including mailing was $10.32 per member. The Annual dues of $10 and Life dues of $75
(which is amortized over 7.5 years) creates an automatic financial shortfall.
See page 4 for current donors.
    Those LIFE members who contribute dues to this LIFE PLUS Club will have their names only published. No amount will be shown. See current listing in the Front & Center section of this CUB
    You can donate as much or little as you want. By donating you are helping perpetuate the 106th Infantry Division Association.
To those Life members, who I haven't heard from in a long time, please take the time
to join this exclusive club.
    Thank You Dick Rigatti, Treasurer Send your contribution to the 106th Infantry Div. Association. 113 Woodshire Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15215

Index for This Document

101st Abn. Div., 16
106th Div., 12, 16
106th Inf. Div., 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 33, 34, 35, 36
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 5, 9, 11, 19, 21, 33, 34, 36
106th Rcn. Trp., 8, 12, 13, 30, 31
159th Inf., 21
159th Inf. Regt., 21
164th Inf. Regt., 28
168th Cbt. Engr. BN, 13
168th Cbt. Engr.s, 13
1st Armd. Div., 26
1st SS Panzer, 18
2nd Inf. Div., 18
34th Div., 16
422/K, 2, 7, 34
422/M, 7, 15, 19, 32, 34
422nd Inf., 19
422nd Inf. Regt., 14, 16, 19
422nd Regt., 14, 16, 19
423rd Inf., 17, 18
423rd Inf. Regt., 17, 18
423rd Regt., 14, 16
424/A, 3, 5, 7
424/D, 2, 7
424/E, 3
424/L, 3
424th Cbt. Inf. Regt., 4, 20
424th Inf. Regt., 17, 20
560th Volksgrenadier Div., 23
591st FA BN, 20
591st FAB, 20
592nd FA BN, 13
62nd VG Div., 8
62nd Volksgrenadier, 1, 8, 32
62nd Volksgrenadier Div., 1, 8, 32
806th Ord. Co., 22
81st Eng/Hq, 7
A Teen's War, 14
'A Teen's War', 14
Ahlsen, Merle, 7
Alf Valley, 23
Andersonville, 10
Andersonville Memorial, 10
Ardennes, 1, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20
Ardennes Forest, 17, 18
Arlington National Cemetery, 33
Asher, Al, 7
Asher, Albert L., 7
Avedisian, Kachador, 7
Bad Orb, 14
Band of Brothers, 26
Bastogne, 26
Battle of the Bulge, 4, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23, 32, 34, 35
Bavaria, 14
Beeth, Lyle, 7
Beeth, Lyle D., 7
'Before The Veterans Die', 16
Belgium, 7, 8, 19
Bernardo, Peter J., 19
Berninghaus, Delbert, 16
Black, Ewell, 8
Bleialf, 23
Books, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18
Born, 34
Bridges, Walter, 5, 7
Bridges, Walter G., 4
Brown, Leslie L, 7
Brown, Leslie L., 7
Butgenbach, 18
Call, Geo, 3
Camp Atterbury, 10, 22
Camp Atterbury, IN, 22
Camp Lucky Strike, 19
Camp Wheeler, GA, 22
Carver, Dale, 16
Carver, Dale R., 17
Carver, Ruth, 16
Cavanaugh, Chaplain, 14
Cavanaugh, Chaplain Fr. Paul W., 14
Cavanaugh, Father, 14
Central Europe, 1, 5, 12, 13
Charlemagne, Emperor, 24
Clarke, Hawk, 15
Clarke, Walter, 32
Clarke, Walter C., 32
Collier, James, 32
Collier, James E., 32
Collins, Sherod, 9, 10
Cologne, 24
Cox, Philip, 2
CRIBA, 7, 8
Czechoslovakia, 13
Death of A Division, 4
Desoto, Philip, 32
Direnzo, Peter, 7
Durbaum, Gregor, 19
Ehrhardt, Roger J., 32
Eigelscheid, 30
Fisher, Robert, 7, 13
Fisher, Robert W., 7
Fournier, Roger, 7
France, 5, 13, 21
German 6th Panzer, 23
Germany, 1, 5, 8, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 26
Gilliland, John, 11
Goldstein, Elliott, 32
Graf, Josef, 31
Greve, Walter C., 3
Grosslangenfeld, 1, 7, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
Grosslangenfeld, Germany, 7
Grubert, Rainer, 28
Grumet, Alfred, 19
Habscheid, 30
Hammelburg, 14
Hanke, Arthur, 7
Hanke, Arthur K., 7
Hanks, Tom, 26
Hanna, Robert R., 2
'Healing the Child Warrior', 17
'Hell Frozen Over', 16, 17
Herndon, Don, 2
Herndon, Donald F., 3
Hill 508, 30
Hinder Forward, 13
Hoff, Russell, 19
Hubert, Andre, 7, 8
Iraq, 5, 26
Jacelon, Charles, 7
Jewett, Dean F., 13
Johnstone, Myron, 19
Johnstone, Tom S., 19
Keahl, Edward, 33
Kelso, Murrel E., 33
Klein, Lt. Manfred, 27
Kline, J., 22
Kline, John, 4, 5, 6, 16, 18, 19, 22
Kline, John P., 2
Kneissl, Herr Karl, 28
Knudsen, Richard, 20
Korea, 20
Kortlang, Charles, 7
Kortlang, Charles E., 7
Kribs, Mayor Erich, 28
Lichtenfeld, Seymour, 3
Limburg, 14
Limburg, Germany, 14
Litvin, Joseph, 33
Losheim, 18
Losheim Gap, 18
Lucky Strike, 19
Luxembourg, 23, 24
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 6
Maloney, Joseph, 2
Marsh, Alexander, 20
Marsh, Alexander M., 20
Martin, Harry F., 2
Martin, Harry F., Jr., 2
Massey, Joseph, 2
Massey, Joseph A., 3
Mayrsohn, Bernard, 3, 7
McMurray, William C., 34
Memorials, 10
'Memories of A Tour of Duty', 13
'Memories Of A Tour Of Duty Wii In Europe', 13
Mess, Kenneth A., 7
Meuse, 18
Mitchell, Doug, 29
Monroe, James W., 20
Monroe, William Lloyd, 20
Mosel River, 24
Mosley, Rev, 7
Mosley, Rev. Ronald, 20
Mosley, Rev. Ronald A., 20
Munster, 24
Myers, Roger, 20, 21
Newman, Saul A., 3
Normandy, 13
Normandy Invasion, 13
Northern France, 13
Norway, 23
Order of the Golden Lion, 2
Our River, 23
Paris, 19
Parker, Earl S., 13
Patchet, Stephen E., 22
Peros, George, 8
Peterson, Dr. Richard, 7, 17
Peterson, Richard, 17
Photos, 29
Plumly, Francis, 7
Prisoner of War, 34
Prisoners of War, 9, 34
Pro Deo Et Patria, 14
Prumerberg, 13
Quigley, Marilyn Estes, 17
Ray, Marion, 2, 36
Regt. 190, 30
Reims, 5
Remagen, 21
Reunions, 5
Reusch, Anita, 29
Reusch, Josef, 1, 7, 8, 28, 29
Reusch, Mia, 27
Rhine, 13, 24
Rhine River, 13
Rhineland, 1, 12, 13, 25
Rigatti, Dick, 2, 36
Rigatti, Richard, 2, 7, 8, 22
Rigatti, Richard L., 2
Rikken, Willy & Adda, 19
Robb, John, 35
Roberts, John M., 2, 13
Rosie, George, 16
Rutledge, Boyd, 7
Sanders, Joe, 35
Schaffner, John, 2
Schaffner, John R., 12
Schnee Eifel, 23, 24, 29
Sixty Years of Peace In Grosslangenfeld, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29
Skopek, Robert, 14
Smith, W. B., 5
Smoler, Irwin, 7
Smoler, Irwin C., 2, 3, 7
Snyder, Walt, 7
Snyder, Walter, 7
Snyder, Walter M., 2, 3, 7
Sohns, Josef, 28
'Soldier Boy', 15
'Soldier Boy A Chronicle Of Life and Death And Survival During World War II', 15
Sousloparor, 5
Sowell, Robert F., 3
St. Vith, 10, 13, 28, 30
Stalag II-E, 29
Stalag IV-B, 35
Stalag IX-A, 17, 18
Stalag IX-B, 14, 18
Stein, Murray, 2, 3
Stern, Boris, 7
Stern, Boris A., 7
Stewart, John, 7
Stewart, John T., 7
Sulser, Jack, 7
Swett, John, 2
Taylor, Hal, 2, 3, 7, 14
Tennant, Richard W., 7
The Battle of the Bulge, 15, 18
The Battle Of The Bulge, 15, 18
'The Warmth Of A Song', 14
Thompson, Paul, 8, 31
Toy, Waid, 2, 34
Toy, Waid S., 34
Transfers, 11
Trautman, Frank S., 2
Trier, 24
Trueman, Dr. Duncan, 2, 3, 5
V Corps, 18
Vanderheyden, Donald, 35
Volksgrenadier, 23, 32
Volksgrenadier Div., 23
Von Erck, Helen, 15
Wallerich, 28
Warren, Charles E., 22
Weiss, Newton, 3
West Wall, 24
West, Jim, 12
Wijers, Hans, 18
Wijers, Hans J., 18
Williamson, Mcadoo, 35
Wojahn, Ed, 7
Wojahn, Edward, 7
Wojahn, Edward C., 7
Zak, George K., 15
Ziegenhain, 17
Zimand, Gerald P., 35