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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
Uploaded: 11-Dec-2020
Vol. 62, No. 4, Jul., Aug., Sep., 2006

A quarterly publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
A nonprofit Organization • St Paul, MN - LISPO #5054
Agent: John P. Kline, Editor

Paid Membership August 20, 2006 1,511

Membership Fees include CUB magazine subscription
Life Vets/Associates ... $75 Auxiliary $15
Annual Vets/Associates... $10 Auxiliary $2

Annual Dues payable by June 30 each year
Payable to "106th Infantry Division Association"
in care of Treasurer. - See address below.

Elected Offices
President Murray Stein
Past-President (Ex-Officio). Walter Bridges
1st Vice-Pres Martin Wente
2nd Vice-Pres.

Business Matters, Deaths, Address changes
First Name = Chairman / Second Name = Backup

Adjutant: Marion Ray / Gifford Doxsee
704 Briarwood Drive, Bethalto, IL 62010-1168
Tel/Fax 618-377-3674 z9y7a1r2 @ sbcglobal . net

Treasurer: Lyle Beeth
2004 Golf Manor Blvd, Valrico, FL 33594-7288
Tel: 813-689-9621 Fax: 813-655-8952

Chaplain: Dr. Duncan Trueman / Rev Ewell Black, Jr.
29 Overbill Lane, Warwick, NY 10990
Tel/Fax 845-986-6376

Memorial Chairman: Dr. John G. Robb / Frank Trautman
238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355

CUB Editor John P. Kline / Hal Taylor
11 Harold Drive, Burnsville, MN 55337-2786
Tel/Fax 952-890-3155

Historian . . John Schaffner/William McWhorter
Atterbury Memorial Representative Philip Cox
Resolutions Chairman . . . . Jack Roberts/Marion Ray

Order of the Golden Lion . .John Swett/Joseph Massey
Committee Members Joseph Massey, Richard Rigatti

Nominating Committee Chairman Don Herndon
Committee Hal Taylor, A. Grayson Bishop

Mini-Reunions Harry F. Martin, Jr./George Call
ADA Liaison Representative Joseph Maloney
Membership Chairman John Kline

Board of Directors
Walter G. Bridges, 424/D (2006) 225 Laird Ave, Hueytown, AL 35023-2418 Tel: 205-491-3409
    Joseph A. Massey, 422/C (2006) 4820 Spunky Hollow Rd, Remlap, AL 35133-5546 Tel: 205-681-1701
Walter M. Snyder, 589/A (2006) 2901 Dunmore Rd Apt F4, Dundalk, MD 21222-5123 Tel: 410-285-2707
Robert F. Sowell, 424/E (2006) 3575 N. Moorpark Rd Apt 420 Thousand Oaks CA 91360 805-421-5450
Hal Taylor, 423/CN (2006) 2172 Rockridge Dr, Grand Junction, CO 81503-2534 Tel: 970-245-7807
    Donald F. Herndon (424/L) .. (2007) 8313 NW 102, Oklahoma City, OK 73162-4026 405-721-9164 Email:
    Bernard Mayrsohn (423/CN) (2008) 34 Brae Burn Drive, Purchase, NY 33138 Website: 914-428-8200
    Murray Stein (423/I) (Exec Comm) (2008) 7614 Charing Crossing Lane, Delray Beach, FL33446 561-499-7736
Dr. Duncan Trueman (424/AT) (2008)
29 Overbill Lane, Warwick, NY 10990 Tel/Fax 845-986-6376
Newton Weiss (423111Q 3Bn) (2008) 400 Morse Avenue, Gibbstown. NJ 08027-1066 856-423-3511 newtruth2 @ verizon. net
Geo Call (424/B) (2009) 105 Mt. Lebanon Rd, Glen Gardner, NJ 08826-3018 908-832-2961
Walter C. Greve 423/HQ 1Bn (2009) 13929 E Marina Dr #604 Aurora, CO 80014 303-751-5866
    Seymour Lichtenfeld 422/I (2009) 19450 NE 21st Ct. North Miami Beach FL 33179 Tel: 305-932-4467
Martin L. Wente 423/I (Exec Comm) . (2009) 1309 Paseo Valle Vista Covina, CA 91724 626-332-5079 chicdonna@aoLcom
    Rev. Ewell C. Black Jr. (422/A) (2010) 2000 E-W Conn - Apt 212 Austell, GA 30106 Tel: 770-819-7212
Edward Christianson (331st MEDIC . (2010) 303 Harper Hollow Lane Winchester, VA 22603 540-877-1643
    Gifford B. Doxsee (423/HQ 3 Bn) (2010) 1 Canterbury Drive Athen, OH 45701-3708 740-592-3472
Dr. Ralph Nelson (422/CN) (2010) 10437 Prestwick NE, Albuquerque NM 87111 505-275-3044

President's View
Murray Stein
106th Infantry Division Association
President 2005-2006
423rd Combat Infantry Regiment "I" Company
7614 Charing Cross Lane, Deray Beach, FL 33446

My Brothers,
As you read this message our 60th Anniversary Reunion will have been history.
Preparing for the reunion was an exciting, and at times, a somber experience.
     Our good friend, Dick Rigatti, became ill and was forced to retire from his position as our Treasurer. See his resignation letter on page three (3), with his Annual report on page 4.
     He was still in the V.A. Hospital in Pittsburgh, when he completed the Annual Financial report ending June 30, 2006.
     We owe him our sincerest respect and gratitude for his dedication. We will miss him as treasurer and wish him well.
     We're fortunate to have found a fine 106th member, to accept the responsibility of the position of Treasurer. Mr. Lyle Beeth of Valrico, Florida. We thank him! He assumed the duties as of July 1, 2006. (See Beeth's address on the front inside cover page.)
     The convention program is a vital part of the planning for a successful reunion. We are blessed with an exceptionally gifted Adjutant in Marion Ray, who has prepared the program with very little help from me.
     I have also had the good fortune, of being able to call on many of our Past Presidents, for their advice and experience. My V.P. Martin "Chic" Wente, has been my confidante all year.
I am eagerly looking forward to seeing everyone in Newark, and remember Kansas City in 2007.
     For my buddies of Co. I 423 Regiment, know that I have been in phone contact with General Collins and Colonel Wayne Moe. (We knew them as Lt. Collins and Capt. Moe.) I will expand on our conversation in the next issue of the Cub.
Our editor, John Kline was responsible for my contact with Colonel Moe.
     I have been working this past year as an Acting Service officer for the Ex-POW's at the West Palm Beach, Florida Veteran's Administration. I am also on the "Speaker's Bureau" where we address high school students and other veteran's organizations.
     We also offer insight as to the horrors of war and the tremendous sacrifice and achievements of the veterans of World War II
    With the students I try to be motivational and let them know that they can be anything they want to be - as long as they want it bad enough.
     I use many examples of our WWII veterans and their many fine accomplishments during their life. Also they knew very little, if any, about the Battle of the Bulge
One of our speakers flew with Jimmy Stewart. None of the students knew who Jimmy Stewart was.
Stay well and love each other.
Murray Stein, President - 106th Infantry Division Association


Chaplain's Message
Chaplain Dr. Duncan Trueman, 424/AT
29 Overhill Lane, Warwick NY 10990
Tel/FAX: 845-986-6376
dttrueman @yahoo. corn

     I'll call him Kevin. He returned from infantry service in Iraq. He suffers from Post Traumatic Stress and has received therapy, medication and hospitalization. He now lives at home in utter isolation, suffering greatly though quietly...except at times of acute episodes. Living at home actually means choosing to live in his barn, separated from his wife and two daughters who love him dearly, but cannot cope with or understand his problems. There seems to be no help for Kevin anywhere, not does he want any. He believes that he has lost his soul.
     The loss of one's soul is a terrible loss. It's an extreme psycho spiritual condition beyond what psychologists commonly call "dissociation." It's far more than psychic numbing. It's the loss of the center of a person's experience.
When we refer to the soul we're talking about a person's very being.... the drive to
    create and preserve life....the awareness of oneself as a discrete entity....the intellectual power that thinks, reasons and understands....that which gives us our ethical's will and individual's aesthetic sensibility....that part of us that loves and seeks intimacy....the seat of our imagination....and finally, the soul also contains what depth psychologists call "the shadow"....those aspects of us that we or our culture or our religion judge to be unacceptable.
     No wonder the Scriptures do not ask what a man will take; men have taken a few paltry dollars in exchange for their soul. The Scriptures ask what a man will give in exchange for his soul. Once lost, what would a man give to retrieve his soul again? For the soul is the essential self which can be lost through our own life decisions or through destructive, traumatic events and experiences and the experience of personal combat is the greatest violator of the soul that man has ever devised.
     Recognizing this, some cultural and spiritual traditions offer strategies for cleansing and healing after traumatic events. The Catholic Church offers Confession. Judaism offers "Ten Days of Repentance." Neither of these focuses principally on War. The Native American tradition does. It offers the purification lodge after warfare.
     Shamana tradition offers spirit journey and Buddhists embrace the Wheel of Karma. These can be focused to support war's survivor on his moral journey home.
     Nowadays, after each mission, soldiers are supposed to participate in after-mission emotional debriefing (group process) to help lessen the stress and emotional pain that they have just experienced. This program is in effect because we know that combat stress can sideline a soldier. It can also predispose him to post traumatic stress disorder.

Chaplain's Message continued next page:


Chaplain's Message Cant. + Letter from Richard Rigatti
     After discharge the VA is limited in its ability to deal with spiritual aspects of this problem. But the churches and synagogues could do so, if they were tuned in
     But brothers, we 106ers have had one great thing going for us. It has been the bond that has tied us so closely. The sharing of our stories which began long ago....the sharing of hurts and of pain, of shameful acts and sorrowful losses.....even though impromptu, have permitted us to tell our difficult stories again and again until we now look back and realize that there did come a time when we could at last tell them without tears.
     Perhaps we don't realize that just as we cared for and ministered to each other during those memorable days of battle or imprisonment, so we have continued to minister to each other through the succeeding years. Just think ... maybe it was your compassionate listening ear that helped a comrade find his soul.

Dr. Duncan Trueman

Resignation letter from Richard L. Rigatti, Treasurer 2003 - 2006
Mr. Murray Stein, President
106th Infantry Division Association
7614 Charing Cross Lane
Del Ray Beach, FL 33446

Dear Murray,
     As my daughter, Mary Beth, has informed you, due to my deteriorating health, I feel it is appropriate to retire from the position as the Treasurer of the 106th Infantry Division Association effective June 30, 2006.
     It has been a pleasure and an honor to serve in this position. My participation with the Division and association both as a soldier and as a civilian member has been a great source of pride in my life. Further, my children and grandchildren have enjoyed participating in Association events. The accomplishments of the Division and the Association are a testament to the men who serve and served this country so proudly. It is with regret that I am retiring, but my health prevents me from giving the position the attention it requires.

Thank you for the opportunity; it has been an honor to serve.

Richard L. Rigatti

Note: My annual "Treasurer's Report" for the 106th Infantry Division Association is recorded on the following page.


Treasurer's Report July 1, 2005 - 2006 -
106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
Treasurer's Report
July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006

Associate Dues 1,030.00
Auxiliary Dues 184.00
Life Dues 3,500.00
Member Dues 8,280.00
Total Dues 12,994.00

Donations 1,424.00
Interest and Dividends 846.44
Sale of Cub 640.93
Sale of Merchandise 30.00
Total Receipts 15,935.37

59th Reunion Expenses 1,310.04
Less 59' Reunion Surplus 403.94 906.10
60'h Reunion Expenses 734.56
60thReunion Deposit 3,400.00
Bank Charges 289.93
Computer Repair 330.25
Computer Supplies 590.05
Cub 11,729.30
Less Life Plus Club 6,260.00 5,469.30
Delinquents 693.04
Liability Insurance 500.00
Officer's Bond 233.89
Mailing and Messages 5,828.00
Camp Atterbury Memorial 250.00
St Via) Memorial 189.71
WWII Memorial 100.00
Anderson Foundation 100.00
Total Memorials 639.71
Office Expenses and Supplies 137.75
ADA Representative 50.00
Condolonces 78.98
Total Expenditures 19,881.56

Bank Reconciliations
Checking Account Savings Account
Beginning Balance July 1, Receipts 2005
Expenditures 5,965.17 15,088.93 19,881.56 1,172.54 59,043.91
Balance June 30, 2006 846.44
Respectfully submitted by: Richard L. Rigatti


Front & Center .
Editor, John Kline, 423/M
11 Harold Drive
Bumsville, MN 55337-2786
Tele: 952-890-3155 Fax: 952-426-1131 Web site:\userlpk Email:

Association Membership
Life Members (Vets) 694
Annual Members (Vets) 473
Total Vets 1167
Life Associate Members 204
Annual Associate Members 132
Total Associates 336
Comp Members 4

Adist, James 424/K
Agostini, Orfeo 81"ENG/A
Biancamano, Irma Associate
Bilskemper, Robert 423/L
Bouma, Willis 422/D
Brockwell, Martha
Brown, Msgt Craig Assoc
Deffenbaugh, David L. 423/D
Direnzo, Peter I. 10
Dwyer, William J. 422/K
Edeleman, Lou 423/M
Emmert, Phyllis Associate
Feinburg, Samuel 589/HQ
Gottshall, Edwin 424/HQ 3Bn
Griffiths, Robin N.
Idstein, Richard L.
Jacelon, Charles F. 589/A
Johnstone, Thomas Associate
Kegerreis Jr., Raymond D. 423/E
Leonard, James C. 423/SV
Leibowitz, Samuel
McMichael, Bryce D. 591/HQ
Ostermeyer, Bernard 423/B
Patchett, Stephen E. 422/HQ 3Bn
Pretzel, Alvin 422/H
Quattrin, Alfred 423/A
Richie, Leonard F. 422/E 2X
Rosenberg, Herbert A. 424/L
Ruddick, Donald K. 423/E
Salmon, Max E. DIV/HQ
Siedschtag, Arnold 423/AT
Starmack, John S.
Steere, Robert R.
Ungerman, Clarence 589/H
Werkmeister, Paul 422/MED
Zullig, Charles 423/F

Contributors to the Life Plus Club
(Cut-off date on this list 8/27/2006)
Note - This is a continuing process.
If you contributed and your name does not appear you will be listed in the next CUB
These LIFE PLUS all are sizeable
"Tax Deductible donations" made to benefit
the 106th Infantry Division Association.

Ayers, Paul C. 424/A
Blaher, William S. 422/I in memory of Wm. Malone 422/I Pit Leader
Bloch, Jacques W. 422/K
Busier, William B. 422/K
Closson, Raymond E. 589/HQ
Collins, John W. 423/1
Cosby, Carl H. 423/HQ
Floyd, Johnnie B. 422/AT
Halladay, Maurice A. 423/C
Hicks, Harry 590/A
Horten, Charles J. 422/HQ
Johnson, Charles J. 969 FAB
Jones, Alan W. Jr. 423/HQ lBn
Kortland, Charles E. 106 MP (18 X)
Krafchik, Joseph 331 Med/HQ
Martin, William 424/C
Mitchell, William C. 106 Recon
Pierson, Randolph C. 589/HQ
Snovel, Robert 424/H
Sowell, Robert 424/E
Stein, Murray 423/I
Streeter, William 589/A
Strunk, Luther 591/C
Sugimoto, Roy 627th FAB
Turley, Leland J. 423/H
Warkocki, Norbert 423/E
Wyss, Ralph 424/L (Identified as 424/I last CUB)

Contributions for Memories:
Potts, Arthur 424/K in memory of his twin brother William Potts 424/K
Shirley Paquette (Associate) memory of husband Wilbert Paquette - Div Arty
Swanson, Alvin P. 424/I wife passed away March 12, 2006


Front & Center
By Arthur W. Potts
(Bill's identical twin)

     In the early days of Battle of the Bulge the 106th Infantry Division lost two regiments, the 422 and 423. The remaining 424th regiment fought on. By January 25, 1945 the front was restored to the original line of December 16, 1944 and the Battle of the Bulge was over. The remnant 424th Infantry Regiment held a position at the southernmost pivot of the restored front line for the remainder of January through February and into early March 1945. According to the memoirs of Pfc. William McCrea Potts, his story of the final advance follows.
     "In early March the 3rd Battalion moved out by night to establish a new line. The next night Company K sent a strong patrol that penetrated ridges for a long way. It was near dark when I returned with a detail sent to collect the extra guns from previous positions. They intended to send me out with the patrol as machine gunner but they substituted another gunner. When I showed up they loaded me down with an 03 and scope, two bandoleers, and two canisters (240 rounds each) of machine gun ammunition. The personal gear on my pistol belt included: colt 45 and ammunition, trench knife, aid kit, canteen, and entrenching tool. Thus loaded down they sent me out alone, in the inky blackness, to catch up to the patrol. Now it was dark and icy. I slipped at every frozen stream, up a hill then down a hill and another frozen stream.
     It was not easy in the darkness with ice and snow. Each time I lost my balance the whole world knew I was coming. Finally the handle of one canister broke. I carried it under my armpit as long as I could, but 240 rounds in heavy. I had no idea what they had in mind for the 03, but with no free hands I could not protect it. -- Slung across my back.
     I got to the patrol strung up a long hill. I had worked my way half way up to find the gunner and everyone stopped and reversed direction. It was the wrong hill. We continued the rest of the night. Mines, abominable snowy conditions, darkness and some small arms fire were the only obstacles. It was just getting light when we returned. The Krauts had mostly decamped.
     That morning the 3rd Battalion moved out fast across hills for miles. I heard a GI. say "We will all get Bronze Stars for this." I did not think so. It was too easy. Then we stopped. We had been pinched out. With five of us in a bunker I had a good sleep. We stayed beyond Berk for a couple of weeks in some kind of log huts. It was good and the sun started to shine. The date was March 7, 1945.
From memoirs of Pfc. William Potts, 424/K (1925-2006)


Front & Center .. .
From the Association Historian
John R. Schaffner 589/A, Historian
Past President 2002-2003
1611 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030

     It seems like a long time between issues of The Cub (unless you talk to John Kline) so I am assuming that you have forgotten what I wrote in the last issue about the U.S. Military Cemeteries in Europe. It was about the disrespectful behavior of some civilians in those neighborhoods where our cemeteries are located. Remember now? There were reports of vandalism, skate boarding, picnics over the graves, and other activities that detracted from the tranquility of the site. Good news now, those local municipalities have stepped up their policing and surveillance at the cemeteries and conditions are improving. That's the latest word from our Dutch friend, Ron van Rijt. Also, I have had several requests for the complete speech delivered in May 2005 by our good Belgian friend, Mathilda Schmetz. One from Don Houseman, 4231D, who is passing it along to a friend of his who is a representative member of the American Battle Monuments Commission. This gentleman, (at the time of this writing) is planning a visit to Belgium to look into the matter in connection with his official duties. By the time you are reading this we hope that the matter will be well in hand.

Dear Mr. Schaffner:
     I am the American Battle Monuments Commission director of public affairs. Your column on security at Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery that appeared in The CUB of the Golden Lion was sent to us by Jim Francis, one of our commissioners. I wanted to take this opportunity to address the issues you raised. It is important that your members understand those issues and what we have done in response to them.
     The activities highlighted in Mathilde Schmetz's speech last year occurred at or near the overlook that is across the public road from the Henri-Chapelle cemetery plot area. We have absolutely no evidence that vandals or miscreants are desecrating the graves of our Honored War Dead at Henri-Chapelle or at Netherlands American Cemetery. Nor do we have motorcycles driving through the rows of headstones or other offensive behavior occurring on gravesites, as some believe.
     Many believe that Henri-Chapelle is the only American Battle Monuments Commission cemetery not secured by fencing and gates at night. That is not so. Our Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery near Verdun has a public road running through it that makes the cemetery accessible to the public 24 hours a day and our Normandy American Cemetery is accessible from Omaha Beach 24 hours a day. Walls or hedges less than four feet high that are easily crossed surround many of our other cemeteries. Yes, we experience occasional incidents of vandalism and inappropriate behavior in our cemeteries, but they are extremely rare. Our cemetery Superintendents work closely with local authorities to address those incidents immediately when they occur-which leads to another misperception many have about the land on which our cemeteries sit. That land is not sovereign U.S. soil. Host nations granted use of the cemetery lands to the U.S. in perpetuity and free of rent and taxation, but law enforcement remains the responsibility of local authorities. The key is frequent and close coordination between our cemetery staffs and those authorities. The ABMC Superintendent at Henri-Chapelle was successful in soliciting more frequent police


Front & Center …

    patrols of the public road running through the cemetery property, which dramatically reduced the presence of undesirable elements at the overlook area.
     Our experience elsewhere demonstrates that fencing is not the solution to controlling behavior at the cemetery. Those so inclined can easily scale the walls and fences that surround most of our cemeteries. Those walls and fences delineate and architecturally accent the cemetery property, but they are not vandal-proof security barriers. We absolutely do not want to create a fortress appearance. The Commission is embarked on an effort to increase visits to our cemeteries by American and foreign citizens. We want the public to feel welcome to visit, not deterred. The basis for a solution is building bridges of understanding and strong relationships between our cemeteries and the communities that surround them. The active engagement of Mr. and Mrs. Schmetz and others is evidence that such relationships exist around Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery. Partners in this bridge building effort are the local government authorities including the police. Our embassy in Brussels is also engaged in insuring the safety of our personnel who live and work on the cemetery. With their help, and with input from local authorities, we are taking all appropriate actions. We added motion sensitive lighting and we are deterring unwanted behavior through the use of signs and landscaping features. Specifically, we
     § Installed gates at both parking lot entries to keep the parking area in front of the superintendent quarters closed when visitation is low. The parking area that is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. is next to our external toilets and the point of handicap access to the cemetery and should provide sufficient parking other than on days of special events.
     § Installed barrier posts with chains across the two entrances to the overlook. Center posts are removable to allow access for tour buses or during ceremonies.
§ Installed signs to direct vehicles to authorized parking areas.
     § Installed signs at various entry points to the cemetery and at the overlook giving general information on the site, prohibited activities, and directions to the visitor building, toilets, and handicapped access.
§ Planted hedges to discourage access around the gates and barriers.
    Enclosing the cemetery with a fence-architectural or otherwise-is not warranted by the nature of the problem, which unfortunately has been unintentionally overstated by well-meaning individuals.
     I assure you that we all take as an honored trust our responsibility to care for America's War Dead buried overseas and to continue to honor their competence, courage, and sacrifice. These sites are shrines to those we honor there and to our national values. People worldwide respect our commemorative sites as being among the best-maintained facilities of their kind, and we will not allow those standards to slip. We are confident that reinforcing existing security measures combined with the increased law enforcement efforts at Henri-Chapelle reported by our Superintendent will reduce inappropriate behavior at the cemetery.
     We would greatly appreciate you printing this information in the next issue of The CUB for the benefit of your members.

Sincerely, Michael G. Conley, Director of Public Affairs


Front & Center ...

     History is something that we never seem to run out of - every day we add another page. Some days are more important than others, but when it comes to those days near the end of one's life, all of them are important. The American Legion is currently participating with The Library of Congress to record and collect documents and oral histories from those veterans willing to cooperate. This is another opportunity for you to contribute your experience as a veteran of WW II to a facility for preservation and research. The very existence today of our great country was made possible by those who faced our enemies and defended our way of life. Cooperate with your local American Legion Post to contribute to the Veteran's History Project. You do not have to be a member, just willing. Contact your local post.
     By now I would have thought that I had saturated the market for the CD sets containing the past issues of The Cub. Not quite, since I continue to receive orders. As of this date 256 sets have been distributed. Thanks to all of you that have participated in this project to preserve our history. Next on my agenda is to produce the CDs that will contain more than 150 memoirs and stories that have been contributed, and also the issues of The Cub that have come along since March 2005. When I sent out the request for memoirs I thought that just maybe we would have a dozen or so come in. Again my wildest expectations were exceeded. Those received after this cutoff date will be collected for the next production. We will be using them all. In addition to the above, the profits are going to the Association's treasury.
     "They also serve, those who are waiting at home." In this case it was two 15 year old high school students. The year was 1944, and even at that young age, and far removed from the violence of war, they had a concept of what was happening in the world. They composed this poem. One of these ladies is still a close friend and has given me permission to use it in my column in The Cub.

Christmas 1944
The birthday of Christ again draws near,
A kind of different Christmas this year. Many of our boys are now far away
They won't have much joy on Christmas day.
They're fighting for us - God bless each one,
Keep them safe until their job is done.
Their thoughts wander far from the horrors of war,
To Christmas trees lighted and wreaths on the door.
They dream a lot, though facing grave danger,
And think of the Christ child born in a manger.
They dream of the cookies that Mom used to make,
Of sweet apple cider and nut fruit cake.
Let's all try to make those dreams come true,
Dreams of those fighting for the red, white, and blue.
Make this Christmas happy for each fighting man,
Spread cheer and gladness as best you can.
Pray to God to keep them all alive,
And bring them home for Christmas, forty-five.
By Mary Lyons and Betty Hartman, 1944


Front & Center ...
106th Infantry Division Association PX
John Gilliland PX Manager
No Credit Cards - Make check payable to
John Gilliland 140 Nancy Street, Boaz, AL 35957
Tel: 256-593-6801 Email: samitc@charternet

Cap, Ball, adjustable,106th 10.00 each + $4.00 S&H
Pin, Lapel/Hat 3.00 each + s .50 S&H
Patch, Shoulder, 106th Infantry 3.00 each+ .50 S&H

Windbreaker, Blue, lined, 106th logo on left breast Med and Large $25; Extra Large $28 $5 S&H
106th Patches (Four inch) $4.00 each + .50 S&H

T-Shirts short sleeve w/106th logo - left breast
Medium - Large - XLarge - XXLarge 10.00 Shipping $5.00

106th Flag 28" in x 44" in (indoor/outdoor) one sided with loop for hanging on pole or rod (not included) -$25.00
"106" Yellow on Blue background. Bottom of flag is Red.
"Lion's Patch" in Red, White, Blue with Golden Lion Head
"The words "Infantry Division Association" below Lion's Patch is curved to follow the
contour of the scroll (It is Gold in color and did not reproduce well here)

last known address shown
if you have any information as to the current address or well-being
of the following, please contact me:
John Kline, editor

Irene Bounds, Lakeland, FL
Charles Cullinan 424/M Marblehead, OH
Marcy Ellen Overbeck Middleville, MI
John Kelly 423/C East Weymouth, MA
Robert LaTournes 422/C Wallingford, CT

Thanks for your donation
Lewis Grivetti 423/K Cub Magazine
Robert Walker 422/D Cub Magazine
Joe Cucarola 422/B Cub Magazine
Alvin Swanson for his donation in the name of his wife Dorothy who passed away March 2006 after 65 years of marriage

Annual membership fees run from July 1 to June 30
(The Association fiscal year)
For Members paying ANNUAL dues... the due date is always shown in the first line of the CUB address label.
For example: 2006 means your membership expires June 30, 2006.
LIFE means you are a life member.

LAST CHANCE For Year 2005 - 2006 Annual Members.
July 1, was the date by which your ANNUAL DUES should be PAID.
Pay now or be dropped from the Membership Roster!



Convention edition 1958
     It is noon of Monday, March 15, 1943. A limousine comes to a stop at the entrance to Outdoor Theatre #2 of Camp Jackson, South Carolina. From its radiator flies a blue flag with a white crescent in its upper flagstaff corner and a white Palmetto palm in its center. The rear door opens and the Honorable Olin D. Johnston, Governor of South Carolina, steps forth. He is greeted by the ruffles and flourishes of his rank and, to the music of a military march, escorted to the stage of the theatre. A truly notable and distinguished assemblage awaits him, for there, among others, are Major General Wm. H. Simpson, Commanding the XII Corps, with his General Staff; Brig. Gen. Royden E. Beebe, the Post Commander; Brig. Gen. Jas. C. Dozier, Adjutant General of South Carolina; the Hon. Edgar A. Brown, President Pro-Tempore of the State Senate; Major General Withers A. Burress, accompanied by Brig. Gen. Maurice E. Miller and Brig. Gen. Theodore E. Buechler, all of the 100th Infantry Division, now in the final stages of its training at Camp Jackson; and General Alan W. Jones, with his General Staff, of the Division which is soon to be brought into being.
     In the body of the theatre, and facing the stage, are formed the massed units of the embryonic Division. At this moment they consist only of the cadres furnished by the parent organization, the 80th Infantry Division- amplified by such recruits as have arrived during the past three days.
     As the Governor takes his place upon the stage the massed units are brought to "Present Arms" by the Commanding Officer of Troops and formally presented. When they return to the "Order" the Division Chaplain, Major John A. Dunn, steps to the lectern to pronounce the Invocation. He is followed by the Division Adjutant General, Lt. Col. Frank I. Agule, who reads the official birth certificate -- the War Department order for the activation of the 106th Infantry Division.
     As Col. Agule resumes his seat, an event occurs which, in its symbolism, stirs the emotions of all present. Coming to the microphone, Master Sergeant Jay G. Bower - acting as the representative of the parent 80th Infantry Division -summons from the ranks of the 422nd Infantry Regiment, Private Francis A. Younkin, one of the youngest of the new recruits. To this fledgling soldier Sgt. Bower delivers the National Colors formally entrusting their keeping to the personnel of the Division.
    When he has accepted the Colors and delivered them to the Color Guard, Private Younkin takes the seat which Sgt Bower has vacated on the stage while the sergeant goes to the private's place in the ranks.
     Presented to the troops by his Chief of Staff, General Jones introduces, in turn, Governor Johnston and General Simpson. The former extends a brief, but cordial greeting to the personnel of the Division from the citizens of South Carolina, while General Simpson officially welcomes the new Division to membership in the XII Corps. General Jones then delivers a brief message to his command concluding with the statement, "In your hands is held the opportunity to fashion an instrument which will demonstrate to the world that our way of life develops men superior to any other." With these words, followed by the Benediction, the ceremony comes to an end.


By ALAN W. JONES, Major General, USA, Retired

    The Division was activated 15 March 1943 at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Brigadier General Alan W. Jones was named Commander and promoted to Major General 18 March.
     Basic Training began 29 March, followed by unit training and regimental tactical exercises. Combined training followed 3 October 1943 to 8 January 1944.
    The Division went through Tennessee Maneuvers in the rain, sleet and snow, along with three other divisions from 20 January to 26 March 1944.
The troops moved to Camp Atterbury, Indiana 27 Mar and trained there through 8 October 1944.
     On 9 Oct a move began to Camp Myles Standish, Massachusetts and the units sailed beginning 18 Oct to England from Boston, NYC and Brooklyn aboard the Aquitania, Queen Elizabeth and the Wakefield, to land at Liverpool and Greenock, Scotland.
     Billets were in the Midlands of England from 25 Oct to 30 November. The Division sailed from England 1 Dec and landed at Le Havre and Rouen, France, moving by convoy between 2nd and 9th December to St. Vith, Belgium.
     First Army moved the troops into the front lines to replace the 2nd Division, man for man and gun for gun. On 16 December enemy troops attacked along the entire front of twenty seven miles.
     On 19 December the 423rd and the 422nd were surrendered by their commanders, having run out of food, ammo, being surrounded and having received no help from General Bruce Clarke and his 7th Armored Division, nor from the Army Air Force because of bad weather.
     23 December the survivors of the defense of St. Vith under command of Lt. Col. Thomas J. Riggs, and the 424th Infantry retired behind the lines of the 82nd Airborne Division.
     After further combat the 424th was relieved by a regiment of the 75th Inf. Div. 30 December 1944. On 13 January 1945 the abbreviated 106th went back into the fight and were pinched out by the 75th Division on 17 January 1945.
    On 3 February the 106th was alerted for its last combat assignment. On 7 February Major General Donald Stroh assumed command and on 9 February the Division was in action again. After almost continuous fighting through 7 March, the 106th was pinched out by the 69th Division and their combat role ended.
     On 14 March, the Division traveled to St. Quentin, France on its way to reorganization, rehabilitation and training, passing to 15th Army Command. The troops moved to Rennes, France on 6 April, bivouacking on the airport there. Here replacements came to reconstitute the missing units and also came two attached regiments and field artillery battalions. During this period the reconstituted 423rd and 590th were in support of the 66th Infantry Division in the Nazi pocket at St. Nazaire, France. The whole division was in tactical reserve for the 66th Division who were containing St. Nazaire on the Brittany Coast.
     Late in April the Division was tapped for a new assignment, to guard, administer, transfer and release a million German POWs up and down the Rhine River. Leaving the reconstituted units attached to the 66th, the Division including its attached two


combat teams moved to Germany closing in by 25 April. This monumental task lasted until approximately 10 July 1945.
     In the midst of all this the reconstituted units moved up from Brittany by motor following the surrender of the Nazi pockets and closed in at Nachtsheim, west of Mayen, Germany to continue their training under Division control.
     On 12 July the whole Division moved on to Karlsruhe under the command of Seventh Army for occupation duty. The troops combed the area for forbidden items such as firearms, transmitters, vehicles and other war material and black market operations.
     On 1 September the Division was alerted for overseas shipment to the United States. On 10 September the 422nd Infantry leading, the Division started the long trek home, spending time at Camp Lucky Strike near Le Havre and onto different ships to arrive between I and 2 October 1945 at Eastern United States.
Division headquarters was formally inactivated on 2 October 1945 at Camp Shanks, New York.
     The total number of men assigned to the Division was 63,000 during its history, 59,000 enlisted men and 4,000 officers.
     The 106th Infantry Division Association was formed at Camp Lucky Strike by order of the Commanding general and in May 1991 has strength of 1,506 members.
Outstanding Dates and Command Locations
12 December 1942 Division staff ordered to report for 10th New Divisions
Course Command and General Staff School, Ft. Leavenworth
4 January 1943 Division staff at Ft. Leavenworth
4 February 1943 Staff and cadre report to Ft. Jackson, South Carolina
15 March 1943 Division activated Ft. Jackson, South Carolina
29 March 1943 Basic training starts
12 July 1943 Unit training starts
3 October 1943 Combined training, Regimental and Division exercises
22 January 1944 Tennessee maneuvers
30 March 1944 Camp Atterbury for advanced training
    October 1944 to November 1944 Camp Myles Standish, Massachusetts, P.O.E. and overseas to Liverpool and Greenock, then to Batsford Park in the South Midlands
06 December 1944 LeHavre and Limesey, France
11 December 1944 St. Vith, Belgium and into position on the Schnee Eifel
1.6 December 1944 Start of the Battle of the Bulge
19 December 1944 Vielsalm
22 December 1944 General Perrin assumes command
23 December 1944 Ernonheid
25 December 1944 Awan-Aywaille and Sprimont
28 December 1944 Anthisnes (Chateau Ouhar)
10 January 1945 Spa (Chateau Havette)
12 January 1945 Moulin de Ruy
15 January 1945 Stavelot
24 January 1945 Heuchenee
07 February 1945 Hunningen -- General Stroh takes over.
15 March 1945 St. Quentin, pulled back for rest and rehabilitation


3 February 1948
    When Colonel Livesey suggested to me that I tell the story of the first two years of the Division's existence, and that I do it in fifteen minutes, three years vanished and I saw again the demon staff officer at his skillful distribution of work. Then I sat down and made a list of topic headings, only to find that it took more than fifteen minutes to read them. So, my work consists almost entirely of elimination, and I present to you the framework of the story of my time with the Division, together with an account of certain happenings and decisions that had their effect on the lives of most of us.
     Although the official date of activation of the Division was March 15, 1943, work on organization, securing of equipment and supplies, and all the many hundreds of re-training details was completed in January and February, 1943. On March 8th personnel from every state in the Union, except those of the Pacific Coast, began to arrive at our first station, Fort Jackson, Columbia, South Carolina. By March 15th we officially started on a program which was to take us through the mid-west and eastern portions of the United States, England, France, Belgium and finally into Germany.
     Of the time we spent at Fort Jackson, I shall make only a few statements. Like our own early life, it was extremely important to us at that time, but in view of later events it is difficult to recall in sharp definition. We received upon activation a grand total of 16,009 individuals, which included an over-strength of about 10% to take care of anticipated losses. Our average age at this time was about 21 years, including all the officers and the older age group of the cadre of some 1,800 from the 80th Division. The results of intelligence tests given these men showed an exceptionally high score, and our courts-martial and number of men AWOL were correspondingly low. At the time of our basic training tests, given exactly four years ago today, everything seemed to be going our way and the world looked bright and cheery. So, we started with enthusiasm and pride into the most productive of our advanced training when, in early August, the blow fell. We were ordered to send 3,000 of our trained infantry to the 28th Division and 31st Division so that they might replace their losses and go overseas. This was followed by a continuous infantry, artillery and signal, until we felt the effects of acute anemia. By late September, in spite of replacements, we were down to less than 12,000 persons.

     We completed our training of the smaller units in November and the Division went into the field for the remainder of the winter. A series of maneuvers under direction of XII Corps started on December 13th and continued until the middle of January, 1944. These were held in central South Carolina and for the first time we learned about living in deep mud and freezing rain. The short days of late January saw us moving, by motor, to the Tennessee maneuver area which comprised most of the central part of that State. Here, we participated with units of all kinds, including three other divisions, in daily maneuvers until the end of March. The weather almost duplicated that which we were to find a year later in the Ardennes. These months were extremely beneficial to us and we came out of Tennessee a trained division, with much experience and great promise. We learned how to get our trucks through mud and country roads, how to make the most of supper eaten at night in the rain without light, how to wear mosquito head-nets in a snow storm; we learned through days and nights of discomfort how best to take care of ourselves and, best of all, we learned that, as a


     fighting division, we were better than most. Looking back, I think you who were there will agree that Tennessee was probably the hardest work we experienced in the States, and that definitely it separated the men from the boys, and I do not mean on a basis of age.

Camp Atterbury
     After finishing the maneuver program, we were fortunate enough to be ordered to Camp Atterbury and Indianapolis to make our final preparations for overseas. We expected to get new equipment and be on our way at once. But the poor planning for training and forwarding replacements to other units overseas threw us for another loss. Immediately upon our arrival at Camp Atterbury in the first week of April, 1944, we commenced shipment of 2,800 infantrymen and 800 artillerymen to replacement centers. Men to replace these people were received slowly. We were placed in the first state of alert for overseas early in June, the second stage in July and were given our month's advance notice on August 15th. During these last hurrying weeks of preparation for embarkation we lost, to my amazement which lasts to this day, practically all of our infantry lieutenants, privates first class and privates, a total of 500 officers and 3,000 men. These with losses in April totaled 600 officers and 6,600 men, all out of a division strength of about 14,000. To keep the record straight, our replacements consisted of: from ASTP, 1,200; from air cadets, 1,100; from other divisions, 1,500 and from miscellaneous sources such as disbanded military police units, special training battalions and various service commands, 2,800. These people were of the highest type, mentally and physically. We could not have received better material, but-we had one foot on the gangplank. In spite of this sad story, our tour at Atterbury was an exceptionally pleasant one. Many of the people here went out of their way to be nice to us. With them, lifelong friendships have grown. There is one family I have especially in mind. You know them, the Simpsons. They had the major part in assuring the success of this reunion.

Overseas Movement
     After receiving our advance movement order, we received new equipment, turned in motor vehicles and did what training we could at odd intervals. Finally, in September we moved by rail to Camp Myles Standish at Taunton, Mass. This place was known as a staging area where life reached the maximum of not letting anyone know anything at all. As a matter of fact we existed on a monotonous routine of rumors until the day we redoubled on our tracks, returned to New York and sailed in October 1944 for various ports in England. The 423d Infantry with various attached units arrived October 21, the 422d and 424th regiments arrived October 28th with the artillery and some special units delayed until November 17th. We were deployed in one of the most interesting and certainly the most beautiful midlands. The 422d Infantry was stationed some 12 miles west and northwest of Oxford, the 424th Infantry near Banbury of Banbury Cross fame and the 423d Infantry and Division Artillery near Cheltenham and Gloucester respectively. Division headquarters and special units were located centrally in this 200 square mile area. We remained in England until the last days of November, preparing for an expected early crossing of the Channel.
     The Division embarked on the last day of November and first days of December for the long slow fifty mile trip from Southampton to Le Havre at the mouth of the


     Seine River. We disembarked at Le Havre and at Rouen, a town about one-third of the way up the Seine toward Paris, and went into bivouac in deep mud in the open fields in a cold drizzling rain, between the 1st and 8th of December. During these days liaison officers from First US Army headquarters arrived at odd intervals with conflicting and inconsistent sets of orders, so that during a 48 hour period we were assigned to three different corps in as many separate locations. Fortunately, troops and staffs were arriving in unrelated groups as the weather and the Navy allowed them ashore, so that no damage was done except to my disposition. The final messenger appeared on December 6 with instructions for us to leave for the St. Vith area, the first combat team move on the 8th followed by the others as rapidly as possible. Upon arrival we were to relieve the 2d Infantry Division, then in a defensive position, as part of the VIII Corps whose headquarters was then at Bastogne. Troops being in the throes of landing after a rough winter crossing, staffs only partly present and maps few and far between, our move to the battlefield was a rather remarkable one and highly successful in spite of its discomfort. The route carried us nearly 300 miles through Amiens, Cambrai and Maubeuge in France to Philippeville in Belgium. After an overnight bivouac in extra deep mud near the latter town, we passed through Marche and the villages of eastern Belgium to the vicinity of St. Vith, arriving during the period December 9th to 11th. The relief of the 2d Division commenced on the 11th and was completed on the 13th, responsibility for the defense of the sector passing to me on the 12th.

Schnee Eifel Positions
     Partly in Belgium and partly in Germany, with the south flank of our southern-most regiment, the 424th, at the junction of the Luxembourg-Belgium-Germany borders. We joined there with the 28th Inf Div. Our left flank lay 27 miles to the north where we were supposed to have contact with the 99th Inf Div through the 14th Cavalry Group, an organization neither trained nor equipped for defensive action. Some 20 miles to the east of St. Vith lay a fifteen mile stretch of the German West Wall or Siegfried Line on the high, heavily wooded ridge known as the Schnee Eifel, and appropriately named it was. From left to right, or north to south, on this extended salient into German-held terrain were the 422d Combat Team and the 423d Combat Team. The roadnet throughout the sector was entirely inadequate for our purposes, one two-lane hard surfaced road which would have been classified as a "farm to market" road in this country led from the rear to both the 422d and the 423d areas. The 424th was no better served. Reserves in the VIII Corps 90 mile sector consisted of one combat company of the 9th Armored Div. As was later so well demonstrated at our expense, reserves from other areas could not arrive in time to be of use to us.
     I have taken the time to fill in to a limited extent some of the lights and shadows on the picture of the St. Vith area and of our movement to it, in order to provide a background for the crystal-clear truth that the Division was in a situation which not only was tactically unsound but which left us no choice as to our own location of men and weapons -- a situation that was tactically impossible should the Germans attack with even as few as two or three good divisions. They did, with that and more, and the Commanding General, US First Army was impelled to write to the Division later "No troops in the world, disposed as your division had to be, could have withstood the impact of the German attack which had its greatest weight in your sector. Please tell


     these men for me what a grand job they did. By the delay they effected, they definitely upset von Rundstedt's time table."

The Attack
    It is not my purpose here to recount in detail the action of separate units following the attack starting at 0530 on the morning of December 16.
     Much has been written of this, and a great deal more will appear in the future. It is sufficient to recall now that the Germans sent four divisions, two infantry and two panzer, to "take us out" so that their way could be opened through Liege and Namur to Brussels and Antwerp. During the day of the 16th they penetrated deeply into the wooded hills just to the north of the Division sector and into the ground held by reconnaissance units in an attempt to swing south behind the Schnee Eifel and so into our undefended rear areas. Engineers, hastily assembled, artillery and the northern units of the 422d blocked this move by nightfall. Further south in the 423d sector a strong attack penetrated our lines but was thrown back by a counterattack made up largely of service units, clerks, cooks and head-quarters personnel. Similarly, in the 424th area, a series of counterattacks were necessary to re-store our lines to their original locations by night.
     Information reached our CP that afternoon that one combat command of the 9th Armd Div and the entire 7th Armored Div would be available in our area the next morning. Accordingly, the only division reserves, one battalion of the 423d Inf and one battalion of the 424th Inf were committed that afternoon of the 16th. Plans were drawn up for the employment of the armored divisions to block the rush of Krauts past and around our north flank and, if there were an penetrations the next day to eject or destroy them. The plans were good ones. I am sure they would have been successful. The only unfortunate development was the failure of the 7th Armored Division to arrive at the time we had been told to expect them. In fairness to them, it must be stated that their move was made extremely difficult by jammed roads and snarled traffic. Probably an early arrival was not practical and higher headquarters had been more hopeful than sure. In any event, on the 17th, penetrations around our north flank and from the southeast were made, and although they were contested with every means we had, by dark such large German forces had reached and gotten behind our lines that hope for a large scale counterattack with forces which had not even arrived looked not too good. Late on the 18th the expected armor did reach us, but by then it took their every effort to prevent the occupation of the town of St. Vith itself, which our 81st Eng Bn was engaged in holding against overwhelming German forces. On the 18th too, the 424th, on my orders, reached a position further to the west along the Our River, and the 422d and 423d were ordered to attack in the direction of Schonberg to the west, in an attempt to break out of the German encirclement.
     After a brilliantly executed move, both regiments attacked early on the morning of the 19th. But it was too late, the door of Schonberg was closed by powerful German panzer forces. Without armor, with but little artillery, ammunition fast running out and no resupply of food and water for four days, they nevertheless fought through the day, until finally in late afternoon they were forced, by sheer weight of number and artillery, to commit to capture.


     You have probably noted the lack of mention of Air Corps during this narrative. They have not been mentioned for the reason that the weather did not permit their presence.
     The 112th Inf of the 28th Inf Div, having become separated from that division was attached to us on the 20th and, with the 424th Inf and Combat Command "B" of the 9th Armd Div held, with the 7th Armd Div to our north, St. Vith and the high ground to the south and southeast, constituting an island of resistance which has been credited with the all-important delay of the Sixth SS Panzer Army.
     On the night of the 21st under heavy enemy pressure, withdrawal of all forces in this general area was made to the west for a distance of five to ten miles. St. Vith was evacuated at 11:00 P.M.
     The following night, December 22, saw the Division and other troops withdrawn by Corps orders to the west of the Salm River, and our weary men for a few short hours took their first rest after eight days of cold and wet and sudden death.
     I have tried to set down the facts as they appeared to me at the time of which I speak, and I have heard or seen nothing since to change my mind.

Official Comments
     Now, having seen our side of the picture, we shall take a look at the German side and see some of the more immediate result of the action in, and around St. Vith as written in official War Department documents. The following I have taken from the First US Army Report of Operations:
     The failure of the Sixth SS Panzer Army to live up to the high hopes of its commander, could be attributed to three factors: First, the failure of the II SS Panzer Corps to break through; secondly, the equally dismal failure of the 1st SS Panzer Division; lastly, but of at least equal importance, the failure to reduce in time the island of resistance at St. Vith, and on the high ground to the south and southeast. Without the communications center of St. Vith, focal point of five highways and three rail lines, the enemy s armored infantry and supply columns were all practically immobilized."
     The initial phase of the German winter offensive ended December 22nd . . . The elimination of the St. Vith salient was of prime importance to the (German) C in C West. Because of the delay imposed here the offensive was already three days behind schedule. In retrospect, it can be said that almost from the second day of the offensive, von Rundstedt's plans began to go wrong."
     The salient at St. Vith not only threatened the whole of Fifth Panzer Army's north flank, but continued to hold and prevent the westward movement of Sixth SS Panzer Army. This afforded First US Army sufficient time to bring up reinforcements to a new defensive line." This ends my quotations from the Operations Report of the First Army.
     The facts are consistent and incontestable; The road through St. Vith did not become an open way to the German Army until the 22nd of December, six days after the attack was launched.


New Members .

316 Medinah Circle Lake Worth, FL 33467 561-967-9209 newblud98 @
My father John Frank Bludworth, Sr. was in Company F, 422nd Combat Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division.

151 Lewis Avenue, Circleville, OH 43113-1263, 740-474-1441

40 Roberts Circle Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 908-766-7866
    I was in the 3rd Platoon - transferred to the 106th Infantry Division in early March 1945 as it was being reconstituted.

Highland Park Apts #10 Camden, Maine 04843 207-236-2827 ihmsbs @
Norman signed in his wife Mary. M. as an Auxiliary Member.

65 Woodbury Drive Mullica Hill, NJ 08062

PO Box 3605, West Palm Beach, FL 33402

418 Olive Street Staunton, IL 62008, 618-635-3983, Sorry I missed Violet on the last CUB.

66 Magall Road Waltham, MA 02453, 781-893-3094

33 Riverdale Drive Convington, LA 70433, 504-460-3339

9666 Spruce Lane Fishers, IN 46038 317-570-8807
My father, Lionel P. Terzi, a BAR , gunner, was a member of "F" Company, 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment.
He was captured with others of the 423rd Infantry on 19 December 1944

222 East Strand Kingston, NY 12401

3032 Bonnie Rock Drive Las vegas, NV 89134, 702-255-6450
    Ken Warkocki (Norbert's son - a new Associate member listed in Jan-Feb-Mar 2006 CUB) sent news clips from 1945 which mentioned that his father, Norbert 423/E, was in Stalag 4-B, Muhlberg, where many, many of our 106th soldiers were held. and later Stalag 4-D near Annaburg. Ken also wrote," I also proud to add another Life Member Plus to your rolls (a generous check was enclosed).
Ken continued,
    "My father did not talk about his war experiences, except in brief snippets, which remained etched in my memory. Recently, on his 80th birthday, he began to relate some of the stories to his grandchildren,. They heard more in ten minutes that I had heard in a lifetime. My father, who is in failing health, said he would like to become a member. "Stalag 4-D was apparently used as a repatriation center. These Stalags were mentioned in a 1945 news clipping when Norbert was interviewed right after he came home.


New Members

Apparently his group were on the road as the Russians came toward them.
    Eighteen soldiers, including Warkocki, stepped out of line and fled to a home where they were befriended by some Polish people. (The 19 year old had learned to speak the Polish language at St Valentine's Grade and Holy Trinity High School. He left school four months before graduation, but earned a diploma).
They were housed in a barn for four days before the 104th Infantry Division found them on April 20, 1945.
     This same news clip stated (in part), "Captured 19 December while in the Ardennes the Private First Class was imprisoned in Stalag 4-B and 4-D. On the day of his capture Wakocki was wounded by a piece of shrapnel which entered his right knee. The Germans removed the shrapnel, using one shot of morphine to deaden the pain.

140 Eastern Avenue Keene NH 03431, 603-352-1422
    Alvin, If you have anything you would like to see placed in The CUB, please send it - I will include it in the next issue.

735 South Miller Street Lakewood , CO 80226, 303-890-8955
    Harold Frank Zimbelman is the son of 106th veteran, Harold Zimbelman (deceased) who was in "I" Company, 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment.
    Darrell Zimbelman, son of Harold noted, "This membership is a "Father's Day" gift to my father and in memory of my Grandfather. He and I are very much interested in WWII history and my grandfather's experience in WWII.
    I would appreciate a copy of the 423/I photo that appeared in the Camp Atterbury Album. My Grandfather, Harold 423/I, died October 18, 2005 at the age of 87. I have included the obituary of my Grandfather.
    (Darrel see parts of your grandfather's obituary that I have listed in our "Memoriam Section" for the benefit of "I" Company, 423rd Infantry veterans and members of our 106th Infantry Division Association.)

Annual Membership dues are payable by the start of each fiscal year - July 1.
The expiration date appears on every CUB envelope label.
If it says "2006" that means your subscritpion expires June 30, 2006.
A self-addressed stamped envelope was sent to you
recently to return your annual fees.

PLEASE do it NOW !
Send your dues to

Lyle Beeth, Treasurer, 2004 Golf Manor Blvd, Valrico, FL 33594-7288
Telephone: 813--689-9621 FAX: 813-655-9621


World War II and Battle of the Bulge Books

ESCAPE . . . !
The True Story of a World War II P.O.W. The Germans Couldn't Hold
by John M. "Jack" Roberts, Association Past-President

     "Jack" Roberts, "C" Battery, 592nd Field Artillery Battalion, recently published a book about his experiences during the "Battle of the Bulge" in December 1944 where he was ambushed and captured by the Germans.
     The book, 237 pages, with a colorful cover, gives a detailed account of his harrowing experiences telling how he was able to escape his German captors, while behind enemy lines, before reaching a POW compound. Early chapters in the book gives the reader an overview of his youth, including his military training leading up to his capture. The book then concludes with his adjustment to civilian life with it's rewards after discharge from the Army.
     Order from and make payable to: John M. Roberts, 1059 Alter Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304. Email: Telephone: 1-248-338-2667 Price: $27.95 includes Shipping

456 pages $50.00 + $6 shipping
Author Dean F. Jewett 168th Combat Engineers, PO Box 148, Saco ME 04072
    Author made two trips to St. Vith, Rhine River, Armor School Library, Military History Institute, plus personal information from 168th Combat Veterans.
    168th Combat Engineer Battalion, was attached to the 106th Inf Division at St. Vith. Their three line companies were defending the Prumerberg. A battalion of 600 men suffered 335 casualties, 33 KIA, the others wounded, POWs or MIA. The 168th is credited with Normandy Invasion, Northern France, Rhineland, assault crossing of the Rhine River, Central Europe. Ending up near Czechoslovakia.

Author Earl S. Parker 423/E
1st Books Library, 1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200 Bloomington, IN 47403
Telephone 1-888-280-7715 www.lstbooks c om
Also available through Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and Borders at $14.95.

Any book store can order the book by Title, Author or ISBN Number
     Here is the story of a young draftee in World War II who experienced life in the Armored Force, the Army Air Force pilot training program and the reality of combat in an Infantry Division. On line with the 106th in a quiet sector of the Ardennes, these foot soldiers were in the direct path of the massive German offensive that became known as The Battle of the Bulge. Overwhelmed by the sheer might of numbers and firepower arrayed against them, they managed to upset the enemy timetable until forced to surrender on the fourth day of what has been called the greatest battle of the war in terms of men and machines. This book is about an individual and his experiences under fire and as a prisoner of war; liberation by the Russian Army and his adventures on a hike across country to rejoin the American Army. Here, an attempt has been made to create the feeling of the times in addition the problems of the moment. It is a book about real people in a tragic period of history.

Compiled, Edited and reproduced by Robert Skopek, Associate member.
     By Chaplain Fr. Paul W. Cavanaugh S.J., (Captain) 422nd Regiment. Chaplain Cavanaugh who was a POW at Stalag IX-B, Bad Orb and Oflag XIII-B, Hammelburg, Bavaria. 252 pages of Father Cavanaugh's writings and photographs.
     Many of you will remember Chaplain Father Cavanaugh, who was such a wonderful support during your service days and particularly so during the stressful times as a POW. He was of such support in the Box-Cars and during the long marches and the bombing at Limburg, Germany and the Christmas days, when you were thinking so strongly of home. He led many of you in the singing of Christmas Carols in the boxcars. He also held services in the POW Camps. He was cherished by those that knew him, and those he served. This book, "PRO DEO PATRIA" was very popular at the 58th Annual Reunion in Milwaukee. Every cent of the proceeds that were gained there was given as a gracious gift, by Skopek, to the Association. IT IS AVAILABLE FOR $20.00 WHICH INCLUDES SHIPPING, FROM:


World War II and Battle of the Bulge Books

Author Hal Taylor, 423/CN, 2172 Rockridge Dr., Grand Junction, CO 81503 970-245-7807
Available as a hard copy or electronic transfer.
    A Teen's War describes the experiences of a small town boy in the latter stages of World War II. Portions originated from letters written home about induction, training, and time overseas with the 423rd Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division and that unit's short period of combat in the Battle of the Bulge.
     The story is unique compared to most war books, for it contains none of the pedantic pretenses of most military histories, filled with strategy or the so-called 'Big Picture.' Instead, A Teen's War tells how a young, private soldier became aware of reality and the world around him despite his limited view.
     All readers who have ever heard the words, 'missing in action,' will find this book interesting. Readers who were prisoners of war themselves, particularly of the Germans, will recall those hellish times and understand that recollection enables one to live and to cope with the realities of today.

Available at and
Also available on her website
ISBN: 1-4017-9656-6 (Soft Cover) ISBN 1-407-9655-8 (Hard Cover)
     Almost as if torn from today's headlines comes the riveting story of patriotism and courage, love and comradeship, as told in The Warmth of a Song. Set against WWII's The Battle of the Bulge, this adventurous tale is inspired by actual eye-witness accounts. As Hawk Clarke fights for God and country, when the platoon he leads narrowly escapes from the German Panzer battalion that has them surrounded, he also learns the greatest freedom of all -the courage it takes to free the human spirit. Returning to Boston after a sniper's bullet penetrated his spine, Hawk mourns the loss of his once strong legs. Can he break free from the cage he feels his life has become in time to help an old woman release a miracle?
Helen von Erck:
     Helen von Erck lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her daughter, Hayley. While growing up in South County, Rhode Island, she began cultivating a lifelong fascination with history. She has turned that interest into a passion, and has conducted in-depth research into the life and times of the 1940's and World War II. She attended the University of Rhode Island and the University of Denver where she studied Business Management with a minor in Creative Writing. This is her debut novel.

     This book is available from the author for $13.00 (includes shipping cost). 6159 Brookside Lane, Apt A, Willowbrook, IL 60527. Copies are also available from for $10.95 plus S & H.
     This is a fascinating, eloquent account of a 19 year old trying to grow to manhood in the middle of a deadly world war. After briefly describing his rigorous training as an infantry soldier, including some semi-comic events while learning to drive a jeep, he and his buddies were finally off to war in Europe as well-trained, confident members of the 106th Infantry Division.
     Shortly after arriving at the battle front in December, 1944 during a bone-chilling, bitter cold winter, the majority of the Division was surrounded and finally overwhelmed in a bloody battle, by a much larger, more powerful German force during the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge. Thousands of young soldiers, including Zak, were forced to surrender. The rest of the book describes his life in three different camps as a prisoner of war. He gives a gripping account of the fear, the misery and the many dangers he often faced. As a prisoner he escaped death from bombs, machine gun fire, and a German guard's rifle bullet shot at him. He was hungry all the time, always under guard and powerless, and unsure of his ultimate fate. He mourned the death of many of his fellow soldiers during the battle, some at his side, and constantly worried whether his parents knew if he was alive or dead.
     Zak ends his book describing the arrival of the Russian army and the surprising and disappointing beginning of the Cold War with the Russians. A well-told, remarkable story.


World War ll and Battle of the Bulge Books . .

     Pre-orders of Marion Ray's "Damn Cold and Starving", a book about his "Nazi Prisoner of War experiences" in 1944-45 are now being accepted.
     The book written by Marion in conjunction with Dan Brannan, Executive Editor of the "Alton, Illinois Telegraph" will be released in November 2006. It contains detailed information about the events leading up to the "Battle of the Bulge," Ray's capture, then his incarceration from December 1944 until Spring 1945. He also writes of his return to Germany in 1999. It is a personal, gripping account of the inhumanity of the Nazi prison camps and his fight for survival during WWII. There is a collection of photos of that era, plus drawings by Alton, Illinois artist, Erin McAfoos. Ray kept a diary during the entire time of his captivity and much of the book is based on those memories.
     The book will sell normally for $19.95 but is being sold until October 31, 2006 for the discounted price of $15.95.
     Please include an additional $2.96 for tax and shipping when you order. Marion Ray, 704 Briarwood Drive, Bethalto, IL 62010-1168 Telephone: 618-377-3674

a book of poems inspired by World War II... by Dale R. Carver (deceased)
Poet Laureate - 106th Inf Div Association
HQs Co., 3Bn A&P Platoon Leader
424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division
Order from Ruth Carver
742 Druid Circle, Baton Rouge, LA 70808
$10.00 Post-paid
     Dale, died in 2001. He had written poetic memories of the War. His poems appeared in "The CUB" for several years. They all bring back memories and visions of the times.
    Dale was awarded the Silver Star for Valor. He disabled German mines, while under attack, that had been placed under a bridge.
     For that he received a battle field promotion (from 2nd to 1st Lt.) and was awarded the Silver Star for "gallantry under fire." He told me, during one reunion, that he thought it, the Silver Star, should have been for another time when he led a group of soldiers through a live mine field to safety. The soldiers had walked into the mine field and were "frozen in fear."

     Author Marilyn Estes Quigley (This was a popular book - shown and sold at the 58th Annual reunion). Marilyn, associate professor of English at Evangel University in Springfield, Missouri, teacher composition, literature and creative writing. The current Evangel campus was O'Reilly General Hospital during WWII, a medical facility for soldiers. Quigley's office, still in an original barracks, was formerly an operating room. She published fiction, a children's musical, poetry, and articles. Her husband Ed designed and painted the cover of Hell Frozen Over. Author's email:
     Buy from "Author House" 1663 Liberty Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403 Also at other major bookstores $16.95 telephone: 1-888-519-5121 or Website: $14.50 Check on shipping charges.
     Hell Frozen Over describes the personal experiences of sixteen 106th soldiers who were caught in Hitler's final grasp to strangle the continent. More than half of these men were among the 7,001 in the Division who were taken as prisoners of war. Scattered in camps throughout Germany, they willed themselves to survive as deprivation and even slave labor threatened their lives and sanity. Their comrades-in-arms who escaped capture and remained to fight in foxholes and tanks had other hells to endure, as did the civilians of every town in the area. There are nearly 30 WWII photos of 106th servicemen along with accountings their personal stories.


Index for This Document

"Pro Deo Et Patria", 33
104th Inf. Div., 30
112th Inf., 27
14th Cav. Gp., 25
168th Cbt. Engr.s, 32
1st SS Panzer Div., 27
28th Inf. Div., 22, 25, 27
2nd Div., 20
2nd Inf. Div., 25
31st Div., 22
423rd Cbt. Team, 25
424/L, 2
424th Inf. Regt., 11, 20
592nd FA BN, 32
66th Inf. Div., 20
69th Inf. Div., 20
75th Inf. Div., 20
7th Armd. Div., 20, 26, 27
80th Inf. Div., 19
81st Engr. BN, 26
82nd Abn. Div., 20
99th Inf. Div., 25
9th Armd. Div., 25, 26, 27
A Teens War, 34
Adist, James, 9
Agostini, Orfeo, 9
Agule, Col., 19
Agule, Lt. Col. Frank I., 19
American Battle Monuments Commission, 12
Amiens, 25
Annaburg, 29
Anthisnes (Chateau Ouhar), 21
Antwerp, 26
Aquitania, 20
Awan-Aywaille, 21
Ayers, Paul C., 10
Bad Orb, 33
Batsford Park, 21
Battle Of The Bulge, 3
Beebe, Brig. Gen. Royden E., 19
Beeth, Lyle, 1, 3, 30
Before the Veterans Die, 36
Biancamano, Irma, 9
Bilskemper, Robert, 9
Bishop, A. Grayson, 2
Black, Rev Ewell, Jr., 1
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 2
Blaher, William S., 10
Bloch, Jacques W., 10
Bludworth, David H., 28
Bludworth, John Frank, Sr., 28
Bouma, Willis, 9
Bounds, Irene, 17
Bower, M/Sgt. Jay G., 19
Bower, Sgt., 19
Brannan, Dan, 36
Bridges, Walter, 1
Bridges, Walter G., 2
Brockwell, Martha, 9
Brown, Hon. Edgar A., 19
Brown, Msgt Craig, 9
Brussels, 14, 26
Buechler, Brig. Gen. Theodore E., 19
Burress, Maj. Gen. Withers A., 19
Busier, William B., 10
Call, Geo, 2
Call, George, 2
Cambrai, 25
Camp Atterbury, 7, 20, 21, 24
Camp Atterbury Album, 30
Camp Atterbury, IN, 20
Camp Jackson, SC, 19
Camp Lucky Strike, 21
Camp Myles Standish, MA, 20, 21, 24
Camp Shanks, NY, 21
Carithers, Alton C., 28
Carver, Dale R., 36
Carver, Ruth, 36
Cavanaugh, Chaplain, 33
Cavanaugh, Chaplain Fr. Paul W., 33
Christianson, Edward, 2
Clarke, Gen. Bruce, 20
Closson, Raymond E., 10
Collins, Gen., 3
Collins, John W., 10
Collins, Lt., 3
Conley, Michael G., 14
Corwin, Stanley, 28
Cosby, Carl H., 10
Cote, Norman J., 28
Cox, Philip, 2
Cucarola, Joe, 17
Cullinan, Charles, 17
'Damn Cold and Starving', 36
Deffenbaugh, David L., 9
Diehl, David L., 28
Direnzo, Peter, 9
Doxsee, Gifford, 1
Doxsee, Gifford B., 2
Dozier, Brig. Gen. Jas. C., 19
Dunn, Maj. John A., 19
Dwyer, William J., 9
Edeleman, Lou, 9
Ellonbogen, Stanley K., 28
Emmert, Phyllis, 9
Ernonheid, 21
Feinburg, Samuel, 9
First U.S. Army, 25, 27
First Us Army Report Of Operations, 27
Fisher, Violet, 28
Floyd, Johnnie B., 10
Fort Jackson, Columbia, SC, 22
Francis, Jim, 12
Ft. Jackson, SC, 20, 21
Ft. Leavenworth, 21
German West Wall, 25
Gilliland, John, 17
Gottshall, Edwin, 9
Greenock, Scotland, 20
Greve, Walter C., 2
Griffiths, Robin N., 9
Grivetti, Lewis, 17
Guigno, Joseph M., 28
Halladay, Maurice A., 10
Hammelburg, Bavaria, 33
'Hell Frozen Over', 36
Henri-Chapelle, 12, 14
Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery, 12, 14
Herndon, Don, 2
Herndon, Donald F., 2
Heuchenee, 21
Hicks, Harry, 10
Hinder Forward, 32
Horten, Charles J., 10
Houseman, Don, 12
Hunningen, 21
Idstein, Richard L., 9
II SS Panzer Corps, 27
Iraq, 5
Jacelon, Charles F., 9
Jewett, Dean F., 32
Johnson, Charles J., 10
Johnston, Governor, 19
Johnston, Honorable Olin D., 19
Johnstone, Thomas, 9
Jones, Alan W. Jr., 10
Jones, Brig. Gen. Alan W., 20
Jones, Gen., 19
Jones, Gen. Alan W., 19
Kegerreis, Raymond D., 9
Kelly, John, 17
Kline, John, 2, 3, 9, 12, 17
Kline, John P., 1
Kortland, Charles E., 10
Krafchik, Joseph, 10
Latournes, Robert, 17
Leibowitz, Samuel, 9
Leonard, James C., 9
Lichtenfeld, Seymour, 2
Liege, 26
Limburg, Germany, 33
Limesey, France, 21
Livesey, Col., 22
Luxembourg-Belgium-Germany Borders, 25
Malone, Wm., 10
Maloney, Joseph, 2
Marche, 25
Martin, Harry F., Jr., 2
Martin, William, 10
Massey, Joseph, 2
Massey, Joseph A., 2
Maubeuge, 25
Mayen, Germany, 21
Mayrsohn, Bernard, 2
McAfoos, Erin, 36
McMichael, Bryce D., 9
McWhorter, William, 2
Memories Of A Tour Of Duty Wii In Europe, 32
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, 12
Miller, Brig. Gen. Maurice E., 19
Mitchell, William C., 10
Moe, Capt., 3
Moe, Col. Wayne, 3
Moulin De Ruy, 21
Nachtsheim, 21
Namur, 26
Nelson, Dr. Ralph, 3
Netherlands American Cemetery, 12
Normandy American Cemetery, 12
Oflag XIII-B, 33
Omaha Beach, 12
Order Of The Golden Lion, 2
Ostermeyer, Bernard, 9
Our River, 26
Overbeck, Marcy Ellen, 17
Paquette, Shirley, 10
Paquette, Wilbert, 10
Parker, Earl S., 32
Patchett, Stephen E., 9
Perrin, Gen., 21
Philippeville, 25
Pierson, Randolph C., 10
Potts, Arthur, 10
Potts, Arthur W., 11
Potts, Pfc. William, 11
Potts, Pfc. William Mccrea, 11
Potts, William, 10
Pretzel, Alvin, 9
Prumerberg, 32
Quattrin, Alfred, 9
Queen Elizabeth, 20
Quigley, Marilyn Estes, 36
Ray, Marion, 1, 2, 3
Rennes, France, 20
Rhine River, 20, 32
Richie, Leonard F., 9
Rigatti, Dick, 3
Rigatti, Rchard L., 6
Rigatti, Richard, 2, 6
Rigatti, Richard L., 6, 7
Riggs, Lt. Col. Thomas J., 20
Robb, Dr. John G., 1
Roberts, Jack, 2
Roberts, John M., 32
Roberts, John M. 'Jack', 32
Rosenberg, Herbert A., 9
Rouen, France, 20
Ruddick, Donald K., 9
Salm River, 27
Salmon, Max E., 9
Schaffner, John, 2
Schaffner, John R., 12
Schaffner, Mr., 12
Schmetz, Mathilda, 12
Schmetz, Mathilde, 12
Schmetz, Mrs., 14
Schnee Eifel, 21, 25, 26
Schonberg, 26
Seine River, 25
Shoughrue, William F. Jr., 28
Siegfried Line, 25
Simpson, Gen., 19
Simpson, Maj. Gen. Wm. H., 19
Sixth SS Panzer Army, 27
Skopek, Robert, 33
Snovel, Robert, 10
Snyder, Walter M., 2
Soldier Boy A Chronicle Of Life and Death And Survival During World War Ii, 34
Sowell, Robert, 10
Sowell, Robert F., 2
Spa (Chateau Havette), 21
Sprimont, 21
St. Nazaire, France, 20
St. Quentin, 20, 21
St. Quentin, France, 20
St. Vith, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 32
St. Vith, Belgium, 20, 21
Stalag IX-B, 33
Starmack, John S., 10
Start Of The Battle Of The Bulge, 21
Stavelot, 21
Steere, Robert R., 10
Stein, Murray, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10
Stewart, Jimmy, 3
Streeter, William, 10
Stroh, Gen., 21
Stroh, Maj. Gen. Donald, 20
Strunk, Luther, 10
Sugimoto, Roy, 10
Swanson, Alvin, 17
Swanson, Alvin P., 10
Swett, John, 2
Taunton, Mass, 24
Taylor, Hal, 1, 2, 34
Tennessee Maneuvers, 21
Terzi, Lionel P., 28
The Warmth Of A Song, 34
Trautman, Frank, 1
Trueman, Dr. Duncan, 1, 2, 5, 6
Trueman, Steve, 28
Turley, Leland J., 10
Ungerman, Clarence, 10
van Rijt, Ron, 12
Verdun, 12
Veteran's History Project, 16
Vielsalm, 21
VIII Corps, 25
Von Erck, Helen, 34
Von Rundstedt, 26, 27
Wakefield, 20
Walker, Robert, 17
Warkocki, Ken, 28
Warkocki, Norbert, 10, 28
Weiss, Newton, 2
Wente, Martin, 1
Wente, Martin L., 2
Werkmeister, Paul, 10
Wyss, Ralph, 10
Yeaton, Alvin, 30
Younkin, Pvt., 19
Younkin, Pvt. Francis A., 19
Zak, George K., 34
Zimbelman, Darrell, 30
Zimbelman, Harold, 30
Zimbelman, Harold Frank, 30
Zullig, Charles, 10