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The Cub
Vol. 42, No. 1, Aug., 1985

President Van S. Wyatt
1st Vice President Walter Bandurak
2nd Vice President Donald R. Armington
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Samuel P. Cariano
Historian Sherod Collins
Chaplain Rev. Ewell C. Black
Cub Editor Richard DeHeer
Memorials Chairman Douglas S. Coffey

     The Cub is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $10.00 per year which includes subscription of the Cub.

All editorial matter should be addressed to:
Mr. Richard DeHeer, 86 Berkshire Lane Palm Coast, Florida 32037

All business matters and inquiries should be addressed to:
Mr. Samuel P. Cariano, Adjutant
     (November 7 - May 10) 122 Skyline Boulevard Satellite Beach, Florida 32937 (May 11 - October 31) P.O. Box 938 Maggie Valley, N.C. 28751
     Dues for 1985 - 1986 are due now and should be sent to the Treasurer immediately. If dues are not paid by October 1st, this issue of the Cub will be the last issue you will receive until your dues are paid.
Sam Cariano, Adjutant

Membership Dues 85-86. $10.00 per year
Associate Dues 85-86... $10.00 per year
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year uB 4'ut.

President's Message
     To The Members of The 106th Infantry Division Association I appreciate the opportunity to serve as President of the great 106th Division Association. It goes without saying that I really am sorry I missed the reunion at Morgantown. I was reluctant to accept the office since I could not attend, but when Sherod Collins called and talked with me, I felt that I should accept if the membership was willing to be no kind as to offer me this position.
     I will try to serve the office of President but will also call on and expect help from the membership. I appreciate the officers continuing their work and all have done a One job. Many, for several years have given their time, talent and I am sure money to execute the duties of their office.
     I am looking forward to the 1986 reunion in Columbia, S.C. Most of us started our Military service at Fort Jackson and the 106th Infantry Division. Many memories come to mind about Ft. Jackson and I am looking forward to 1986.
     May we all remember the purpose of the 106th Div. Association and join together to have a joyous and happy reunion in 1986.
Best Wishes, Van S. Wyatt

    Editor's Note--Cover Picture is of a hooked rug made by Fran Langham, B423, while recuperating from foot surgery. It is the picture of the Arbiet Komando camp we were in as P.O WS. The top half shows prisoner barracks. Lower hall on right, kitchen. On left, Guard barracks. Center , the Camp Commander. It is not for sale. I asked.


Chaplain's Corner
By Ewell C. Black, Jr.
     In Psalm 133, David writes, "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!" And as I reflect on our recent reunion I am reminded of how this applies to us, even though not in the particular way in which David meant it in this Psalm.
     There is a certain unity which we as members of the 106th Division have with one another which we cannot share with those who were not a part of the experiences which we shared. As I listened at the reunion I heard experiences which carried some back to the organizing of the Division at Ft. Jackson. Others shared remembrances of Tennessee and many of us remembered things which had taken place at Camp Atterbury. In many instances the shared experiences had to do with the days in combat and/or with POW experiences.
     Even those of us who had been different companies and regiments hi) the shared experience of having been a part of the whole and subject to many similar situations. And how pleasant it is each year that we can come together and talk about these shared times. Fortunately, God in His mercy, tends to dim the hardships of these experiences and lets us magnify the good times. Almost without exception as I talk with those who have been in combat and/or POWs, they remind me of how much God did to give them strength to withstand the trials and terrors of those dark days when living was a minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour, and at best, day-to-day experience.
     How good it is that we can come together and remember old times and also remember those of our comrades who were not as blessed as were we, who survived those dark days.
     Gracious God, we thank Thee for friends both new and old and for the memory of those with whom we walked long years ago. And we do most particularly thank Thee for all of the tit. when Thou didst walk beside on when going was so rough. Be with us now give us guidance that we may serve Thee in peace as Thou didst strengthen us in war.

MEMBERSHIP 1984-1985
Renewals 470
New Members 72
Reinstated Members 13
Associate Members 13 Total Membership 568
Auxiliary Membership 195 Memorial Fund Contributions 153
Delinquent Members 1984-85 14 Membership Gains (1983-4500) 68
Auxiliary Gains /1983-4 1601 35

Arthur C. Parker (HQ 589) Date Unknown - 1983
Col. George L. Descheneaux. (C.O. 422nd) July 14, 1984
Harold C. Oswald (HQ 422nd1 August 5, 1984
Richard P. Gallagher (C/423rd) September 14, 1984
John E. Ketterer (DHQ/Dental) November 3, 1984
Carol Beals (Assoc.) November 29, 1984
James Teason 1331st Medics) lune 1985
Adrian Therriault (8-424) March 24, 1985
Olga Lemmo (Wife of Louis Lemmo, Med. Det. 424) March 6, 1985


Income and Expense
- General Fund
Members' Dues $ 7,100.00
Auxiliary Dues 568.00
Interest Earned 2,621.11
Reunion Surplus-1984 984.47
Sale-Back Cubs 5.00
CUB Expense:
Printing $ 2,320.44
Postage 868.80
Envelopes 546.06
Telephone 11.98
Travel 6.00 3,753.28
Postage 415.60
Permanent advance to 1985
Reunion Committee 1,000.00
Office Supplies & Printing 373.83
Registration Fees-4 Officers 240.00 vel 168.88
Telephone 145.24 U.P.S. 4.26 6,101.09
$ 5,177.48
Funds Activity
General Fund Recap
Brought Forward $ 16,853.47
Net Increase 5,177.49
$ 22,030.96
Memorial Fund Recap Brought Forward $ 9,325.21
Contributions 2,562.00 Sale Auto Tags 70.00
$ 11,957.21
Less: Memorial Donation 25.00
Donation-St. Vith School 500.00
$ 11,432.21
Changes In Cash Positions General Fund Memorial Fund Totals This Year $22,030.96 $11,432.21 $33,463.17
Lot Year 16,853.47 9,325.21 26,178.68
Increases $ 5,177.49 $ 2,107.00 $ 7,284.49
Bank of Deposit Checking First National Bank of Atlanta$ 2,626.35 Savings First National Bank of Atlanta 30,836.82
$ 33,463.17
     Thank you for your loyal support and your generous contributions. Thank you for your loyal support and your generous contributions. Sherod Coffins, Treasurer

     Colonel C. C. Cavender writes that he has passed his 87th birthday. He has found someone to share the remainder of his life after having lost his good wife a year ago. He was married to Lois Blum on 28 Feb.
     He has made a recent trip to Missouri for Lois' 50th high school reunion and is planning to spend Christmas in Hawaii.
He sends his regards to his friends and invites them to visit when in the vicinity of Sun City, California.

     Would like to correspond with anyone who knew Alvin B. (Bud) Grigsby; 589th FAB, Battery A; POW 12/17/44-4/28-/45; Please write or call R. Kirk Grigsby, 3333 Dayton Ave., Louisville, Kentucky 40207; 15021 897-5211.


Whereas, the 106th Infantry Division Association is enjoying their 39th Annual Reunion in Morgantown, W. Virginia.
     Whereas, each and every individual has enjoyed the hospitality and friendship in all activities at the Reunion. We desire to acknowledge the planning and efforts of all involved in promoting this Reunion. Resolved that we express our gratitude to the Manager and entire staff of Sheraton Lakeview Resort. Be it further resolved that we extend to Ted J. & Laura Straub and their committee members, Dr. John and Marilyn Robb, Robert and Jean Weber, and Walter and Lillian Bandurak for their untiring efforts in planning and promoting the largest convention in recent years.
     Be it resolved that we commend the elected and appointed officers of the 106th Infantry Division Association for their faithful and efficient execution of their officers. Be it resolved that we extend our thanks to the color guards of the 201st Field Artillery West Virginia National Guard, Capt. Hayman of Monongalia County Militia, Marine Corps League and V.F.W. Post 548 of Morgantown for their participation in our Memorial Services.
     Be it resolved that we express our gratitude to Rev. Fr. Robert Goshorn for his enlightening sermon and to Ralph W. Hill, Jr. for his research and informative message and also to the West Virginia University Percussion Ensemble under Professor Phil Faini, and directed by Dave Satterfield. Be it further resolved we extend our appreciation to Rev. Stacey Groscup for his demonstration of Indian love and crafts and his participation in our Memorial Service.
     Whereas, the association approved a life membership be granted to Mrs. John (Kay) Loveless in recognition for dedicated service. The association in addition established a $7,500. trust fund to perpetuate our Memorial in St. Vith, Belgium. It was resolved that a $200 scholarship established for a period of five years in Columbia, S.C. high school for deserving student.
     Be it further resolved that these resolutions be spread upon the Minutes of the 106th Infantry Division Association and published in the Cub and a copy sent to persons so in cited. Adopted this 20th day of July 1985 in Morgantown, West Virginia.

James Hosier
Ervin McFarland
William G. Ruediger
Jamie Cumming
Sylvester I. Knight
George B. Sparks"
Walter B. Clayton
John Gatens
Stanley Duchowski
Thomas J. Coffey
B. F. Noell
Roy E. Evans
Paul Thompson
Jesse B. Caldwell
Henry W. Baker
George L. Belveau
Walter G. Tate
Cecil Putnam
Jess Gutierrez
Joseph A. Werrowski
Melvin Yorks
Joseph Chenault
Phil Diazio
Harry Wilson
Lloyd Thor
Fred Lehman

"Your help in finding these individuals would be most helpful.


General Meeting 1985 - 1986
106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
General Meeting 1984 1985
Sheraton Lakeview Resort
July 20, 1985
     The meeting was called to order by President Ted J. Straub at 1:48 P.M. In his opening remarks the President expressed his appreciation for the large attendance making the Reunion a huge success. He also introduced the officers who served the Association during the 1985 - 1985 year, thanking them for their support. He expressed that it was a great honor to serve the Association as its President during the past year.
     Adjutant Samuel P. Cariano read the minutes of the last General Meeting held in Savannah, Georgia, July 14, 1984. A motion to accept them was made and seconded; and was carried.
     The President then asked all members o were attending a Division reunion the first time to stand, giving their names, unit of the 106th Infantry Division their city and state. Forty first-time members were in attendance. When asked by the President which member had come the farthest distance, 3 indicated they had come from California. Unit reports indicated that the 422nd Infantry had the largest number in attendance with Company B having 10 present. Communications from Mrs. Alys Jones, which included a check for $500 for the Memorial Fund, and William Cavanaugh, Malmedy, Belgium, asking to hear from members of the Division, were read by Sherod Collins.
     The Adjutant reported that the Association had 470 renewals, 72 new members, 13 reinstated members and 13 Associate memberships for a total membership of 568. This represented an increase of 58 over the previous year. He also reported the deaths of 7 members and 1 Associate member. The adjutant went on to report that there were only 14 delinquent members for the year 1984 -1985. A motion was made, seconded and carried to accept the report as read.
     Treasurer Sherod Collins gave his report revealing a net increase of $7,284.49 in combined funds. There is $22,030.96 in the General Fund and $11,432.21 in the Memorial Fund for a total of $33,463.17. Motion was made, seconded and carried to accept the report as given.
     CUB Editor Richard DeHeer in his report stated that he had really nothing to report. He requested members to send in typed articles for the CUB if at all possible. Also the persons in the photos which are sent to him should be identified on the reverse side of the photos.
     Memorial Fund Chairman Douglas S. Coffey gave a report on the latest trip to St. Vith. He informed the attendees that our memorial in St. Vith is in good shape and that it is being used by various veteran groups for their memorial services. Also, reported that there had been a change in the directorship of the St. Vith School.
     Roger Rutland, host for next years' reunion gave a preliminary report. The reunion would be held at the Marriott Hotel in Columbia, S.C., October 9 - 12, 1986. He had reserved 125 rooms at the hotel but would attempt to reserve additional rooms in view of the size of the crowd at this reunion. Reservations were to be made directly with the hotel and if any problems came up in obtaining reservations, he should be contacted and he would get reservations at other hotels or motels in the same vicinity. Price of rooms would be $58.00. People who were planning to attend were advised to make reservations early.
There was no further unfinished business to report. There was no further unfinished business to report.
     Matters for the Good of the Association. Walter Bridges offered an invitation to host a reunion in Alabama in a couple of years. He will make a presentation at the 1986 Reunion.
     Ross Gilliken gave a short talk on POW's, POW organization, their goals and actions to be taken to achieve such goals.
     There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 156 P.M. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 156 P.M.
Respectfully, Samuel P. Cariano Adjutant


Mail Bag . . .

Dear Dick,
As I write this you have just said your goodbyes and another Reunion is a matter of history.
     Helen's health has kept as from the many past gatherings and, though we wish so we could renew our many friendships in the group, frequent hospitalizations keep us from it.
     This year, as in the past we felt that we shouldn't chance traveling so far from home but a 'flare-up', as we call it, occurred early this month and apparently ran its course and we suddenly decided to make the trip. By the time I got through to Headquarters it was too late and all facilities were taken.
     We're disappointed but pleased to know that you had an overflow crowd and we assume a very successful reunion. (Helen suffers from a dormant condition caused by too much radiation in treating her cancer many years ago. It suddenly occurs a couple of times a year and, though it used to require a ten day hospitalization, can now be treated at home by doubling her regular very strong medication. We're thankful that more than a hundred days of hospitalization are behind us but we're not too brave about traveling far from home. The error -- if it was an error -- in overtreatment favored survival and we're much more thankful that she is with us today --ornery as ever -- [don't you sympathize with me having to put up with her for more than fifty-six years?[ than if the treatment had been too conservative.) Maybe next year.
H. M. Jim Hatch 2830 East Road Wayzata, MN 55391
     P.S. Our daughter and her husband will return from their two year assignment in the Middle East next month and that is our major excitement of the year.

Hello Sherod,
     I received the new Cub yesterday, with all the information about the reunion in Morgantown. Whether we get there or not depends on Flo.
     For several months she had a weakness in her left leg. In the last month she could not walk across the room without my support. Aker lots of tests, x-rays and cat scans, and spinal taps, they found a growth high up on her spinal column, between the shoulder blades. Last Saturday, the 23rd of Feb., she was under the knife for 51/2 hours. The growth was removed and found to be benign. Thank Cod!
     Monday they had her up in a chair and the same thing Tuesday. All the pain she had for months is gone and she feels wonderful. Now they have her walking a walker and the leg is coming along wonderful. Maybe by reunion time there will be a big change. May we see you in July,
Tom and Flo Bickford

P.S. Everyone missed you two and send their LOVE!

Dear Sam,
     By now most of you know, through the splendid efforts of Robert Walker and his charming wife, a great time was held in Cincinnati for as many 106th members and their wives who could attend a dinner on Dec. 15th, 84. They have started what all who attended hope will be a yearly affair.
Marcia & John H. Hoenemeyer, Co. K 424th 3039 lonietta Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45211


Dear Sherod,
     Was happy to read all the news in the Cub. I don't think I'll make the 85 reunion; for the EX POW will be held in Milwaukee, Wisc. close to the same time. I was elected Commander of our chapter this year. We are also having the state convention in La Crosse, Wisc. this fall. I feel I should spend my time close to these functions this year.
     I've been retired a year and am enjoying every minute of it. When I was in prison camp I was with a lot of 106th men in a factory outside of Dresden, a place called Rabena (misspelled). I don't know any of their names and often wonder what became of them. Keep thinking I'd find a clue of them in the Cub. Maybe someday. Hope you have a Happy Reunion!!!
Sincerely, Ed & Irene Wjahn, Co. B-81st 1553 West Young Dr., Onalaska, Wisc. 54650

    Betty Jean and William Dodge write that they are enjoying retirement and their hobbies are traveling, photography, and fishing. Enjoy!!!
William L. Dodge, Co. M 424th 4065 Wayne Ridge Rd. Zanesville, Ohio 43701

Dear Sam,
I was in Dresden during the Fire Bombing, Feb. 13 & 14, 1945.
     I was transferred to the 106th Div. in Aug. 1944 at Camp Atterbury, Ind., as a replacement, however Van Wyatt and I went into the service the same date.
Sincerely, George L. Bloomingburg Rt. 9 Box 171 r k Benton, KY 42025

Dear Dick,
     I just want you to know I will be moving to Tennessee and will let you know later about the good life in "Good Ole Tennessee."
Regards to all, Leon W. Reece 716 Cliftwood Dr. Newport, Tenn. 37821

Dear Friends,
We retired from our own drapery and carpet business in 1976.
     Been married for 43 years in May. We have 2 children, with Robert, our son in Military and will retire in 3 years. We have 4 grandchildren.
     So far we have never run into anyone from the Med Det. 422 Inf. We have made 3 conventions, but it is so far from South Dakota. We have made 3 conventions, but it is so far from South Dakota. We have enjoyed the Cub and hope someday to see a name we know, like Graham Frampton.
Thank you, Bette and Junior Andersen, 422 Med. 12 13 10th St. Apt. C21 Spearfish, S.D. 57783
P.S. Maybe you should run a reunion and bring us all out to South Dakota.

Dear Sherod:
I have been a member since the Association was formed at Camp Lucky Strike, France.
     I attended some reunions when I was younger but now I am nearing the 80 year mark (in 2 years) and I cannot walk or get around as well.
     I would like to meet my old buddies Carl Kweczhk, Carles Gibson, William Donahey, Shine Lee and Al Schuller, who I am acquainted with.


I joined the Division when it orientated and came home with the outfit when it was deactivated.
     I was injured in France and rejoined in Germany. I was Co. Clerk of Co. "C" 422nd when Carl Kwaced went to become 1st sergeant. Good luck to the Division Association and all who do the work.
Yours truly, Harrison ‘Harry' C. Tissot
P.S. Sherod, your Braves are the ones to beat this year. Reds are stronger but wait until next year.

Dear Sam,
S/Sgt. Computer technician at the PGH Press.
     I am curious as to why I never saw anyone from Co. C, 423 in the Cub magazine. I can't remember the prison camp I was in and wish there was some way I could find out. I don't even remember who they were.
So-long, Mary and Charles I. Bellay, Co. 423 14 Ehle Dr. Coraopolis, Pa. 15108

Dear Sherod,
     I would like to hear from anyone who was captured with me Dec. 19, 1944 at the Bulge. Doctors at V.A. tell me the reason I cannot remember is "Involuntary Amnesia."
     Was sent to "Bad Orb" Stalag Dec. 25, 1944 and later to a Stalag at "Ziegenheim." Would certainly appreciate a response from someone who was there.
Thanks, Tom Rothermec, E. Co. 423rd 320 Baldy St. Kutztown, Pa. 19530

Hello, Dick:
     Enclosed are two pictures. One a group shot of the 81st Engineers and the other a shot of the Engineers from A Company that were at the reunion.
     The pictures are titled and personnel named by Company on the back, per your statement at the general meeting, will be happy if you can find room for them in the Cub.
     Well Dick, like I said, God willing we will see each other in Columbia. For now I say so long and the Agostini best to all.
Sincerely, Gus Agostini

     81st Engineer Battalion, 1985 Reunion, Morgantown. Seated left to right, Gus Agostini, A Walt Bandurak, Med Det.; Carl Messina, A, Duke Ward HHC, Bob Pierce, C Ted Prokoryr, HHC. Standing, left to right Bob Sandberg, A Bob Fitzgerald, A, Joe Puzio, HNC Jack McDevitt, A Frank Sabarese HHC, Ed Zabkar, B. John Gallagher,

     A Company, 81st Engineer Battalion, Morgantown, WVA Reunion, 1985 Standing: Gus Agostini, Bob Sandberg, Jack McDevitt, Bob Fitzgerald, Seated. Carl Messina.


Good morning, Dick:
     How have you been these past years. Other than a few memos to the CUB, I have been out of touch since the Cleveland area Reunion a few years back.
     John Bryant, Oak Park, MI 106ther, started our 1984 106th Reunion last December. It has taken me a while to have a bunch of photos and enlargements made for each of the nine fellas who attended. Saved out one smaller re-print for possible use in future CUBS. The individuals are identified on the reverse side of the enclosed photo (hope color can be used). I am sure, as in the past years, I have a business related golf Invitational Tournament in July. So, may I extend our best for a successful Convention this coming summer.
Regards...especially a special to Leo T.
Jack Gillespie

    Photo: front now, left to right Bob Kelly, John Shalhoub, Jack Bryant, back row, Jack Gillespie. Bob Rows, Dean Simpson, Dick Franklin, Bob Rutt and Presley Williams. 106th Eastern Michigan dinner party.

Dear Dick:
I am enclosing an article from the Sunday, February 3, 1985 Detroit Free Press for publication in the CUB.
     In December, Emily and I had dinner with the Bob Kellys, Bob Rutts, John Shalhoubs, Jack Gillespies, Bob Rowes, Dick Frankinis, Presley Williamses and Dean Simpson. I had previously arranged a meeting with Presley Williams and Dean Simpson, as these two old army buddies from Hdqs. CO I&R Platoon 422 INF had not seen each other in forty years!
     At our December dinner, we had a surprise telephone call from Bill French who wished to be remembered to all his 106 friends. Bill now lives in Willoughby, Ohio. Emily and I are getting ready for a trip to Arizona and California -- before we get snow blind!
We hope to see you and Marge in Morgantown in July.
Sincerely, Jack Bryant

Germans were holding the bag when payday rolled around
    On Dec. 14, 1944, 1st Lt. Robert E. Rutt was given a sack of money at the headquarters for the 422d Infantry Regiment of the 106th Division in St. Vith, Belgium, and told to take it to the front lines and pay the unit's officers.
    On Dec. 16, the German Army, displaying an absolute lack of concern for Lt. Rutt's fiscal mission, counterattacked in what came to be known as the Battle of the Bulge.
A week later, Lt. Rutt, still carrying most of the money, was taken prisoner.
    On Sept. 14, 1945, the Office of the Fiscal Director, Headquarters Army Service Forces, Washington 25, D.C., sent Mr. Robert E. Rutt, Detroit civilian, a letter.
    A textbook example of the stiff but correct "TO: FROM: and SUBJECT:" military communication, it informed Rutt that a board of officers had been convened "to investigate the loss of funds in the amount of $14,936.04 intrusted (sic) to you in December,
    "If the funds are still in your possession," the letter went on, "it is requested that a certified check or money order in the amount of $14,936.04 be forwarded to this office.
    "The frightening thing about it," Rutt says today, "was that besides what was left of my mustering-out pay, I had no money in the world and the Army wanted me to send them nearly $15,000. I think I even had to borrow the stamp to answer the letter.


    " His wife, Lucille, he says, was pregnant with their second child. "She just kept saying, 'What are we going to do?' "
    Rutt, who was in law school at the University of Detroit before he went into the Army, did what any serious student of the law would have done. He answered the Army's letter with one that was a full page longer.
     Rutt, now a partner in the law firm of Plunkett, Cooney, Rutt, Watters, Stanczyk & Pedersen, explained to the Army that the vouchers for the money he had disbursed were given to other officers and were eventually lost in the confusion of battle.
     What remained of the money had been taken by the Germans, despite his protests that it rightfully belonged to the U.S. Government.
Actually, Ruff says, he doesn't really know how much money he had left when he was captured.
     "The officers I was paying were on a front of about 10 miles," Rutt says, "and it wasn't easy getting to some of them. When the Germans started their drive into the Ardennes we were hit pretty hard, and by that time getting paid wasn't as important to the officers as it had been earlier."
So when the Germans surrounded his unit, Rutt was still carrying most of the payroll.
     "It was in Belgian francs," he says, "and included a bag of coins that weighed about 10 pounds. When it got bad, I asked a private if he'd like some money and gave him the bag of coins. I took the rest of it and stuffed some of it in every pocket I had."
    He and another officer tried to break out of the encirclement but were captured by a German armored unit. "Every time I got searched," he says, "they found some of the money, but it took about a month before they got it all."
     Even as a prisoner, Rutt says, he knew that someone, someday, would want to know what happened to the money. So he did what any reasonable person who understood the military bureaucracy would do.
    "I asked the Germans for a receipt. I told them it wasn't my money, and if they were going to take it then they were going to have to give me a receipt for it."
     After their initial astonishment at the demand from a person so obviously in no position to make demands of any kind, Rutt got two receipts from the Germans for the money.
    On one of the receipts Rutt asked a German officer to specify that Rutt's personal money, some 2,060 Belgian francs, was found in his wallet, separate from the Army's funds. The German officer made the notation and listed the amounts separately.
     In his letter to Washington, Rutt pointed out that he had not, as yet, been reimbursed for 2,060 francs, although he had filed a claim in August.
    "I also told the Army that the Germans had taken the money before I had a chance to pay myself," Rutt said. "I told them the Army still owed me pay for November 1944."
    The Army sent Rutt a check and has made no further inquiries about the $14,936.04. Rutt expects to hear no more. "I think the statute's probably run out on that by now.

Dear Richard,
     John and I are back in Milwaukee after our Morgantown accident. I had surgery on my right knee about 10 days ago, with full-leg cast, so will be partially immobile for about 6 weeks. John is chief cook and nurse, and is doing a great job.
I would like to thank all of those who have visited me, sent cards or called to express their concern and caring.
     I shall never forget the beautiful feeling I had as I left the hotel and was loaded into the ambulance. All those wonderful people from the 106th -- standing around the doorway clapping, taking pictures, and showing their concern. Just couldn't help feeling better with so many friends sending me on my way with their wishes!!!! Thanks to all of you!!!!
Sincerely, Virginia Howard 920 5. 76th St. W. Allis, Wis. 53214


     On April 2, 1985, Lt. James G. Teason, of the 331st Med. Bn. died of cancer, and was laid to rest Monday, April 8, 1985. Jim was very well known by the Chicago area members, as he was a charter member of the chapter. Also a member of the 106th, since its inception. Jim was a self-employed commercial artist. He did the covers for the Chicago Chapter newsletter for as long as the chapter existed. The covers for the 1979-1982-1983, 106th Reunion programs were also drawn by Jim.
     He was an Army medical officer, in the 331st Med. Bn., attached to the 423rd Inf.. Reg.; also was a P.O.W. at Stalag IV B in Germany. Jim and Dorothy were happily married 37 years, residing in Elmhurst, Ill. They have 2 daughters, Sharon and Diane. They attended most of the Dec. 16th dinners in the Chicago area. In 1984, they were sorely missed. But all present were cheered by a phone call from Jim and Dorothy. Sorry to learn he was too ill to attend.
     About 3 years ago, Jim had a triple bypass. Two years ago, they found lung cancer, and the lung was removed. It then turned to bone cancer. The last 3 weeks of his life, I took Jim to Lakeside V.A. Hospital every day for radium treatments. During our talks at this period he asked me to be his pallbearer. An honor I shared with members of the Elmhurst Lions Club, of which Jim was past President.
     Anyone who has the photo book of the 106th return to Europe in 1974 can read Jim Teason's 1944 Christmas story in the back of the book. Jim is gone but he will long be remembered by the Chicago area members of the 106th.
Russell H. Villwock

The members of the 106th send their deepest sympathy to all his family.

     I would like to inform you that my husband, Adrien, passed away on March 24, 1985. He died suddenly of a heart attack. He had angina problems, but was doing fine, but his first and only attack was fatal.
     Adrien was very pleased with his reunions with all of you and was looking forward to attending again in the future.
Thank you
Rachel Therriault

P.S. The members of the 106th Infantry Div. extend their deepest sympathy to you and your family.

Dear Dick,
     1 should really be writing this to our Association President, Ted Straub. However, in the interest of reaching all the Association members via "The Cub", I am writing to you. So I apologize to President Straub (and save him 22 cents for not having to forward my letter to you).
     Last week, specifically on Thursday, 1 August, John and Stella Gallagher journeyed from their home in Temple, PA up here to Middletown for a visit with Wilda and me. It was an appropriate time for the visit as 1 August was Wilda's 78th birthday and the first anniversary of the surgery last year when she received an artificial left knee joint. Also, on the day before the Gallagher's visit, 31 July, I celebrated my 92nd birthday! The Gallaghers gave us a detailed report on the outstanding reunion which you had last month at the Sheraton Lakeview Resort in West Virginia. We were disappointed in not having been there but, at our ages, extended travel has become a real chore. In lune we did attend a family wedding down in Houston. One of my grand-nephews


    who is also one of my Godsons was the groom. (He is an Air Force Dental Corps Major stationed in Turkey.) So another trip so soon after the Texas visit would have been too much. However, we were with you in spirit. John and Stella showed us many photos taken at the reunion as well as some photos they acquired there which covered the memorial visit to Europe last year by Doug Coffey, Jim Wells, and other Association members. But the Gallaghers saved the best for last. They surprised us with two Association lapel pins, an Association letter opener, and a beautiful Artillery red birthday card signed by President Straub and accompanied by Sheraton Lakeview stationery with the greetings/signatures of apparently all present at the reunion! Wilda and I are most grateful for these items and will cherish them always. We wish to thank President Straub and all the Golden Lions for their thoughtful remembrances. Of course, we thank the Gallaghers for delivering them in person. Last, we wish to thank all our dear Association friends who mailed birthday greetings directly to us here in Middletown.
Wilda joins me in sending to you and Marge, President Straub, and the entire Association our very best wishes.
Warm personal regards, Leo T. McMahon BG, USA (Retired) 8 North Union St., P.O. Box 7 Middleton, PA 17057

    PHOTO: Dick DeHeer and friends with the hooked rug made by Fran Langham-B423 (white recuperating from foot surgery) of Arbiet Komando camp they were in as P.O.W.'s.

Dear Dick,
     Just to let you know Jackie and I are sure enjoying our retirement! Plan to see the Walker's in Cincinnati, Ohio in the middle of June.
     On May 11th I was moved up to Sr. Vice Commander of the Park Ridge V.F.W. Post 3579. It sure keeps Jackie and me on the go, but it's also a lot of fun. James Henning will be retiring on the 31st of May, after 30 some years of service at Argonne National Laboratories. Several of the 106th Chicago area men and their wives will be attending his retirement party.
     Talked to Ed Rydzinski of 422, and Herb Meagher of 422. Ed is retired and Herb is talking about it. We also have dinner once a month with Jim and Clare Henning and Bill and Florence Lucsay. That's about it for this time. Jackie sends her best to both you and Marge.
Best wishes to all! Russell H. Villwock
P.S. I thought I was back in N.J. when I typed Park Ridge, lived near that town.

Dear Friend (Dick),
     Thank you so much for your letter. I intended to return your call from my home. Thank you also for the copies of the "Cub". I appreciate it very much, for it brought back a lot of memories. I am interested in becoming a member and receiving the "Cub" and/or any other information.
It would be my pleasure to meet you and talk sometime in July. Let me know.
Sincerely, Roy Hilliard, Co. D 442

    While we visited our son in Ohio, Dick met with Roy, who is a minister of Westbrook Park United Methodist Church, 12th St., Canton, Ohio. It might be nice if you live near there, to stop in and say "Hello."


Dear Friends,
     In late January, Jerry was in the hospital for 4 days and expected to have an operation for a slight fracture of the right hip. The operation was called off and she was put on crutches for 6 weeks and then a cane. Some days she doesn't have to use the cane.
     In February, we went to Pompano Beach, Fla. and spent 3 days in Naples and visited with my sister in Ft. Meyers twice and ended up at our daughter, Betty's in Raleigh.
     Going down we stopped in Jacksonville. Considering Jenny's hip problem, we had good luck and although in constant pain at times, she was better away than keeping up her busy schedules of Gray Ladies, Red Cross Blood Service, etc. If Jenny doesn't want to go to Morgan Town, I will call my golf partner, Ralph Hamme and play on our golf card at the Sheraton Lakeview. I will also take in all the 106th actives.
     If any of the boys from further north want to come to Hanover, we could do it also. If any and I are going to fly to Bermuda d it will be the first time Jenny has flown. We'll take it easy and do what we feel like at the moment.
Will be in contact later.
So-long, Charles S. Peyser 212 Potomac Ave. Hanover, Pa. 17331

Dear Mr. Collins,
     I toured the Bulge area last Sept., with the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge. Our tour along with the 106th group met in St. Vith for a church service, then both groups went to the Memorial. We had a very nice service there, then we all went to a reception, given by the Mayor. I know that you know all of this, but I just felt that the tour was a highlight of my life, and that I was really impressed with our memorial.
     I was captured on "Parker's Crossroads" -- my visit there was extra special. I met with the woman that owns the restaurant - Hotel (this was the building that was on fire when we were captured - they used the same bricks to build the new one). I spent a few hours with her and she is a very nice person. She showed me many pictures of the corner before and after the battle. She has invited my wife and - I back as her guest anytime we wish to come.
    If anyone who reads this was there at the time of the battle and remembers a civilian man sitting in the house all during the time we were there, it was her father.
    I often wondered what happened to him. She told me that, after we were marched away, they took her father into the woods and tied him to a tree. He remained there for two days and two nights. This eventually led to his death.
    The 106th dedicated a Monument to the 589th (next to the hotel) the day before I was there. The Plaque tells what Major Parker and the rest of us did there. This was a very fine thing to do. However, as it really disturbs me to know that the Division never got in touch with Mrs. Parker to tell her it happened, nor did they send her a picture of the Monument. I know this to be a fact, because I sent her a picture and in her reply she told me that she never heard from anyone.
     I'm sure that at the dedication, someone took better pictures than I. It still would be nice to have our President or Chaplain send her a copy of what was said at the dedication along with a nice picture. Major Parker has passed away.
Her address is: Mrs. Arthur C. Parker, 1017 Vestavia Manor Dr., Birmingham, AL 35216.
All my very best,
John Gatens, A Btry. 589th FA Bn 2-36 Grunauer Pl. Fairlawn, N.J. 07410


Dear Mr. Collins,
     I like Doug Coffey's idea of setting up scholarships to remember those who didn't come home. I was a latecomer to the Division, joining I Co., 424th Inf. just before Christmas and staying with them until we were shipped to the Cigarrette Camps at Le Havre, France, in July '45. From there I was shipped to a PW Adm. group in Namur, Belgium.
Sincerely, Hugh Hochstetter 427 E. Courtland Mundelein, Ill. 60060

Dear Richard,
     I had planned so much to attend this reunion, but due to my wife, Alice's sickness and operation, plus my own latest sickness, we will not be able to attend. It breaks our hearts that we cannot attend due to health.
     Please remember me to all the members of the 106th, especially Co. D, 423rd. Please remember me to all the members of the 106th, especially Co. D, 423rd. I will be 75 Nov. 1, 85.
God bless you, Lee J. Brogan 87 Mt. Vernon St. Lowell, Mass. 01854

Members Attending The Morgantown Reunion
Abriel, William & Jackie HQ 3rd Bn/424 222 Maple Lane North Syracuse, NY 13212
Adams, Katherine & John Jr. D/422 208 North 11th Street Oakland, MD 21550
Adolphson, Maynard & Joan M/422 331 - 20th Street Rockford, IL 61109
Agostini, Orfeo E. A/81 202 Elizabeth Street Hinesville, GA 31313
Andrews, Richard & Louise CN/424 Boulevard Ext. Newtown, CT 06470
Anglin, Lloyd C/424 Rt. 1, Box 387, Big Bone Road Union, KY 41091
Armington, Donald & Maxine H/424 3125 John Patterson Road Des Moines, Iowa 50317
Bailey, Harold & Peggy H/424 101 East Back Street Savannah, GA 31406
Bandurak, Walt & Lillian Med/81 219 North Maple Avenue Greensburg, PA 15601
Bennett, Robert & Billie H/423 HCR-20, Box 1574
Blythe, CA 92225
Biancamano, Domenic & Irma 8/423 241 West Third Street Dover, OH 44622
Black, Ewell & Dorothy A/422 Box 66 Bishopville, SC 29010
Black, William C. & Doris C/591 72 Honeysuckle Woods River Hills Plantation Clover, SC 29710
Boggs, Burl G/422 1016 - 19th Street Parkersburg, WV 26101
Bookheimer, Merrill & Mary HQ/591 2560 Sardonyx Drive Chambersburg, PA 17201
Borbely, Frank & Phyllis M/424 2801 Stanbridge Street Timberlake Apt. A-311 Norristown, PA 19401


Bosle, Robert & Gloria 1/422 4932 McAnulty Road Pittsburgh, PA 15236
Bowles, Ralph & Elizabeth CN/422 3637 Grandview Ave. N.W. Roanoke, VA 24012
Bradley, Lynn B. SV/422 Bob Astin 512 Locke Street Palmetto, GA 30268
Bradfield, Kenneth & June SV/591 908 S. Lodge Avenue Evansville, IN 47714
Breite, Victor & Avis 1/422 829 Chain of Rock Drive St. Louis, MO 63137
Bridges, Walter & Barbara 1st Bn D/424 Nancy Bridges 225 Laird Ave. Hueytown, AL 35023
Britton, Ben & Avis E/424 36 Warren Rd. opuburn, Mass. 01501
Brummer, Harold & Jennie D/422 41 Georgia St. Cranford, N.J. 07016
Bryant, Jack & Emily Reg. HQ/422 19692 Coral Gables Southfield, MI 48076
Burkes, Robert A. HQ/424 Frankie Cochran 2227 Plantation Drive East Point, GA 30344
Cariano, Samuel & Billie DHQ P.O. Box 938 Maggie Valley, NC 28751
Carter, Fred & Penny SV/591 1121 Federal St. Toronto, OH 43964
Casey, Sanford & Jean SV/422 1957 Old Blandon Road Pearl, Miss 39208
Chase, Fred & Agnes D/422 5 Morris Lane Clifton Park, NY 12065
Clark, Felix & Lois E/422 Rt. 1, Box 409 Goodlettesville, TN 37072
Clark, James & Shirley Med/590 & 592 306 Briarwood Road A-16-A Natchez, Miss. 39120
Clarke, Walter & Lillian SV/591 318 Spring Garden Kannapolis, NC 28081
Clipper, Homer & Mary L. AT/422 Connie & Angela Clipper 14835 Zane Road Lore City, OH 43755
Coffey, Douglas & Isabel! C/590 947 N.W. Arnet St. Port Charlotte, FL 33948
Cohen, Allen & Florence E/423 6033 N. Sheriden 1 OH Chicago, IL 60660
Collier, Ambrose & Helen L/422 108 Walpole Road Groton, NY 13073
Collins, Sherod SV/423 625 Channing Drive N.W. Atlanta, GA 30318
Collins, Virgil & Martha CN/423 824 Cypress Ave. Venice, FL 33595
Cooper, C. L. & Sarah H/423 74 Robin Hood Lane Jackson, TN 38305
Corman, Joel & Edith 3rd Bn L/423 Box 1423 Ashland, KY 41105-1423
Dahlen, William & Barbara SV/591 303 Charles Road Linthicum, MD 21090
Datte, Charles & Nancy SV/591 231 Davis Ave. Clifton Heights, PA 19018
DeHeer, Richard & Marge K/424 86 Berkshire Lane Palm Coast, FL 32027
DePoyster, Fred & Rosetta K/423 107 Horse Shoe Dr. Cooper, TX 75423


Dodge, William & Betty M/424 4065 Wayne Ridge Road Zanesville, OH 43701
Dolitsky, Libby Assoc. & Guest 50 Indian Road Port Chester, NY 10573
Dorosky, Thomas & Alice 5V/592 FA 146 Mt. Airy Road Shaverstown, PA 18708
Downing, James G. M/424 Box 509 South Haven, MI 49090
Dresen, David & Ruth C/422 461 Agnes Dr. Madison, WI 53711
Duffey, Ellis & Evelyn CN/422 4739 Meryhill Rd. Sylvania, OH 43560
Edsall, Donald & Adrian D/423 4486 - 14th St. Dorr, MI 49323
Edwards, Carl E. & Elizabeth C/422 Box 484 Hinton, WV 25951
Embury, Raymond R. 806th Ord. 14575 Central Ave. Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Enlow, Russell & Bonnie D/423 Troy Mason Route I Taswell, TN 47175
Falch, Carl 3rd Bn I/422 9930 Jackson St. Camp Dennison, OH 45111
Faucher, Joseph & Irene A/424 97 Pleasant Dale Rd. Rutland, MA 01543
Fellows, John H. A/423 2011 Dunkeith Dr. N.W. Canton, OH 44708
Filkins, Clyde & Peg C/422 RR 1, Box 176 Westerle, NY 12193
Finnegan, John & Doris A/423 & A/424 1014 Jamestown Ave. Richmond, VA 23231
Fitzgerald, Gilbert M. E/421" 512 S. Linden Ave. Waynesboro, VA 22980
Frank, Florian & Dorothy 5V/591 Box 29 Avoca, Wis 53506
Frankini, Mr. & Mrs. Richard HQ 2nd Bn/424 36124 Paddleford Road Farmington, Mich. 48018
Fritz, John & Martha HQ/424 9271 Avon Beldon Road North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Gallagher, John & Stella C/81 4003 Frances St. Temple, PA 19560
Garn, Charles & Wilma H/424 1937 Highbridge Rd. Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223
Gasses, Joseph HQ/422 1420 Franklin St. Grand Haven, Mich. 49417
Gibson, Charles & Polly SV/4 524 Washington St. Lawton, Mich. 49065
Gilder, Robert & Jean HQ ist Bn/424 36303 Behm Dr. North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Gillikin, Ross E. & Jeanette 1/422 Buccaneer Estates 517 Avanti Way Blvd. Fort Myers, FL 33903
Gilliland, John & Lee /592 605 Northside Dr. Enterprise, AL 36330
Gottshall, Edwin A. & Jane HQ 3rd Bn/424 9 So. Wakefield Rd. Norristown, PA 19403
Gross, Joseph I. & Deloris C/591 FA 7782 Topaz Lake San Diego, CA 92119
Gunvalson, Russell & Idelle A/590 212 Sabin St. Spring Valley, WI 54767


Hartlieb, Glenn & Nadine SV/592 1805 Olive St. Highland, IL 62249
Hartman, Walter & Elnora K/422 8616 Cedar Run Rd. Traverse, MI 49684
Harvey, Charles A/424 2736 Bridge St. Philadelphia, PA
Hasler, Eugene F. & Elizabeth C/81 2333 Staunton Drive Holiday, FL 33590
Healan, Henry D. & Lorraine M/423 15317 Grovewood Ave. Cleveland, OH 44110
Henderson, John D. Com. Eng./168 Littleton, WV 26581
Henning, James W. & Clare HQ 3rd Bn/422 1045 East 8th St. Lockport, IL 60441
Hill, Ralph G. & Sally Assoc 2 Van Steffy Ave. omissing, PA 19610
Hoff, Russell & Ellen M/422 2895 Street Rd. Warrington, PA 18976
Houston, William & Dorothy CN/423 Rt. 3, Fawn Road Box 37 Tomahawk, WI 54487
Howard, John W. & Virginia SV/591 920 South 76th St. West Allis, WI 53214
Jensen, George & Sally M/422 Sunshine C.C. Estates Box 7144 Harlington, TX 78550
Jobe, Harvey & Jewel A/422 Jason Valdez 8839 Manda Lane St. Louis, MO 63126
Justice, Gilbert & Marilyn SV/592 Rt. 5 Ashland City, TN 37015
Ketch, Eugene B. & Dorothy I/422 4630 Skyview Drive 'Arnold, MO 63010
Kendrick, Charles L. C/589 Rt. 4, Box 636 Byhalia, MS 38611
Kersteiner, Donald & Carol HQ/424 558 N. London Rd. Hamilton, OH 45013
Kopatz, Alfred E. & Ida AN422 2628 East Lake Dr. Springfield, IL 62707
Kowalski, Stanley & Erma /592 1916 Reading Ave. West Lawn, PA 19609
Kuizema, Harold & Jessica 13/589 2151 Griggs S.E. Grand Rapids, Mich. 49506
Lainhart, Bud F/424 602 Crescent Lane Carlisle, OH 45005
Lang, William 1/422 Rt. 1 Rock Creek, OH
Larson, Gilbert & Dorothy M/422 54 Harvest Moon Rd. Easton, CT 06612
Lawrence, Edward A. & Eva M/424 50 Sachem Road North Kingstown, RI 02852
Lemmo, Louis Med/424 Soldiers Home 91 Crest Avenue Chelsea, Mass. 02150
Long, Svan HQ/423 18610 Hummingbird Dr. Penn Valley, CA 95946
Lopardo, Patsy J. & Edith HQ QT/424 15 Calli St. Torrington, Conn. 06970
Lothrop, Oliver & Lothrop B/423 316 West Wind Road Towson, MD 21204
Loveless, Mrs. Kay Assoc. 2549 Pickwick Road Baltimore, MD 21207
Lucsay, William & Florence B/423 12612 South Moody Ave. Palos Heights, ILL 60463


Malone, William & Margie 1/422 3911 Thakeray Drive Nashville, TN
Mapes, Robert & Thelma C/422 5101 Victoria Ave. Middletown, OH 45042
Maples, Mr. & Mrs. Lyman K/422 608 Wilkins St. Dalton, GA 30720
Marrali, Phillip 14th Cavalry 22380 Emery Road North Rattle, OH
Massey, Joseph & Hazel C/422 Rt. 1, Box 780 Remlap, AL 35133
Matthews, Joseph C. Jr. (Col. Ret.)
Ann & Bob Matthews 4706 Western Blvd. Raleigh, NC 17606
Merz, O. Paul & Carlin SV/422 1344 Norfolk Cr. Indianapolis, IN 46200
Messina, ? A/81 1051 East Elizabeth Ave. Linden, NJ 07036
Michalowski, Henry & Helen SV/422 6548 168th St. Flushing, NY 11365
Middleton, J.A. III 106 Signal 17 Kensington Road Madison, NJ 07940
Mosley, Newton & Yvonne SV/591 3194 Beachwood Drive Lithia Springs, GA 30057
Mueller, William & Irma M/424 27 Eve Lane Levittown, NY 11756
McCullough, Lyle K. & Vivian SV/422 685 Roberts St. Sheffield Lake, OH 44054
McDevitt, John & Ann A/81 188 Queen Lane Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Nielson, Donald & Lillian HQ/44 Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Nielson, Donald & Lillian HQ/44 4 Birch St. Carpentersville, IL
Olman, Wanold SV/422 Rt. 6, Box 6140 Arcadia, FL 33821
Ord, Charles & Lena F/423 Rt. 2, Box 300 Lelart, WV 25253
Pierce, Robert W. & Jean C/81 474 Federal St. N.W. Warren, OH 44483
Pierce, Waldo F/422 530 East St. New Britain, CT 06051
Piha, Morris & Sara 106/QM 3530 Piedmont Road 6-K Atlanta, GA 30305
Pina, George & Ella Med/590 69 Cavalcade Blvd. Warwick, RI 02889
Ponta, Frank 13/46 9 Woodland Ave. Glen Ridge, NI 07028
Prokorym, Casimir & Pauline HQ/81 2520 Chestnut St. Steubenville, OH 43952
Puett, Joseph & Ida Mae CO 2nd Bn/423 2748D Shallowford Road Atlanta, GA 30341
Puskarich, Charles H. & Ann M/424 428 S. 70th St. Milwaukee, WI 53214
Puzio, Joseph HQ/81 50 Division Ave. Garfield, NI 07026
Quirin, Paul & Stella HQ/424 RD 3, Box 508 Holidaysburg, PA 16648
Rarick, Clayton F. IJ424 Box 25 Blandon, PA 19510
Reilly, Viola Assoc. 113 Bayberry Rd., Silver Beach Lavallette, NI 08735


Reynolds, James & Agnes F/422 213-A Norton Road Otterlake, NY 13338
Rickard, William & Margaret HQ/422 5500 Pineland Road Richmond, VA 23234
Ringer, Robert SV/590 & 591 4280 Kendale Road Columbus, OH 43220
Rinkma, George & Dorothy B/423 16817 South Park Ave. South Holland, IL 60473
Risoli, Nicola & Candida B/81 2529 Hamilton Blvd. South Plainfield, NJ 07080
Robb, John & Marilyn D/422 Julie Hake 238 DeVore Drive Meadville, PA 16335
Robichard, Phillip & Dorice G/422 RFD 1 - Rock Avenue Danielson, CT 06239
Roche, Edward K/424 1 Mayfair Ave. Floral Park, NY 11001
Ross, Glenn W. & Phyllis HQ/424 2320 E. 600 North Marion, IN 46952
Rowan, William K. & Inez. K/424 213 Country Club Road Shelby, NC 2Pj50
Russell, J. B. & MarthaSV/422 P.O. Box 323 McDonought, GA 30253
Russin, Peter& Ann H/424 412 Braybarton Blvd. Steubenville, OH 43952
Rutland, Roger M. &Matte B/424 6632 Arcadia Woods Road Box 1713 Columbia, SC 29202
Rutledge, Boyd D/422 10132 Goodrich Rd. Bloomington, Minn. 55437
Sabarise, Frank & Celia HQ/81 118 E. Edsall Ave. Palisade Park, NJ
Samples, L. Orvis & Agnes SV/591 405 West 25th St. Belle, WV 25015
Sandberg, Robert E. & Patricia A/81 1786 Saunders Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 55116
Saucerman, Eugene L. & Sally D/422 RR 23, Box 82 Terre Haute, IN 47802
Schlesser, Jack & Karin SV/591 FA 11603 W. 206th Ave. Lowell, IN 46356
Schutte, Phillip F. & Jean F/424 2415 Otter Drive Warren, Mich. 48092
Scranton, Robert L. & Mildred K/424 9441 Lee Road Brighton, MI 48116
Seevers, Ralph C. & Margie HQ/422 Rt. 2, Box 316 Lucasville, OH 45648
Sexton, Maynard & Jean Reg. HQ/422 RD 6, Box 146 Tunkhannock, PA 18657
Sprignoli, Michael & Martha SV/592 125 N. 24th St. Camp Hill, PA 17011
Silvia, Manuel C. & Elizabeth G/422 18 George St. Bristol, RI 02809
Slaback, Harley W. & Arlouine HQ 3rd Bn/422 206 Temple Drive Sanford, FL 32771
Smith, Charles L. D/422
Carol Blair P.O. Box 324 Fort Loudon, PA 17224
Southam, George & Meurice 1st Bn B/423 12 Main Ave., Boxwood Wilmington, DE 19804


Spurlock, Mr. & Mrs. John W. AT/423 Rt. 1, Box 340 Ridgeway, SC
Straub, Ted J. & Laura SV/422 & M/422 John & Karol Straub
Bob & Bill Straub 948 Chestnut Ridge Road Morgantown, WV 26505
Streets, William & Julia K/423 203 W. Elm St. Sigourney, Iowa 52591
Strohmier, Bernard C. & Virginia B/589 RD 1, Box 131-S Loretto, PA 15940
Terrio, Howard J. & Luvelle 1/423 & K/424 4429 Briarwood Road Columbia, SC 29206
Therriault, Mrs. Rachel 570 Sullivan St. Apt. 2 Berlin, NH 03570
Thomas, Regina Assoc. 2827 Whisper Way Douglasville, GA
Trautman, Frank S. D/422 80 East Summit St. Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
Vance, George T. & Norma AT/422 283 Dutch Lane Pittsburgh, PA 15236
VanPelt, Robert C. & Mary 1755 Meetinghouse Road Hartsville, PA 18974
Walker, Robert R. & June D/4211 3607 Shady Lane Road North Bend, OH 45052
Walters, Presslye & Dorothy Assoc. 430 Winchester Ave. Youngstown, OH 44509
Ward, Nathan (Duke) & Martha CO HQ/81 2140 West Carlyle Court Marietta, GA 30062
Weber, Robert & Jean H/422 Box 307 Morgantown, WV 26505
Wells, James E. & Maydean CO C/81 2133 Hephzibah McKean Road Hephzibah, GA 30815
Yanchik, Pete & Diane A/423 1161 Airport Road Aliquippa, PA 15001
York, Robert & Thelma D/422 142 East Sycamore Grayville, IL 62844
Young, Edward A/5904 Rt. 1, Box 477 Mt. Clam, WV 26408
Zabkar, Edward 11/81 20 Quilla Ct., Rt. 23 Fort Myers, FL 33912
Zenn, Mike & Elaine D/423 1856 Cover Drive Poland, OH 44514
Zoll, Edward & Millie HQ/424 1016 Milford N.E. Canton, OH 44714


    Walter Bandurak, 219 N. Maple Ave., Greensburg, PA 15601, has 50 remaining 106th Division Association 3-D metal (pewter-like) letter openers for sale. Send S5.00 (cash, check or money order) to him and he will mail one to you the same day he receives your order. These letter openers were sold at the 39th Annual Reunion in Morgantown, W.Va., In July.

Index for: Vol. 42 No. 1, Aug, 1985

Index for This Document

106th Sig. Co., 30
201st FA, 7
591st FA BN, 28, 31
592nd FA BN, 28
806th Ord., 28
81st Engr., 15
Abriel, William & Jackie, 26
Adams, Katherine & John Jr., 26
Adolphson, Maynard & Joan, 26
Agostini, Gus, 15
Agostini, Orfeo E., 26
Andersen, Bette & Junior, 13
Andrews, Richard & Louise, 26
Anglin, Lloyd, 26
Ardennes, 18
Armington, Donald & Maxine, 26
Armington, Donald R., 1
Bad Orb, 15
Bailey, Harold & Peggy, 26
Baker, Henry W., 7
Bandurak, Walt, 15
Bandurak, Walt & Lillian, 26
Bandurak, Walter, 1, 33
Bandurak, Walter & Lillian, 7
Beals, Carol, 3
Bellay, Mary & Charles I., 15
Belveau, George L., 7
Bennett, Robert & Billie, 26
Berlin, 32
Biancamano, Domenic & Irma, 26
Bickford, Tom & Flo, 11
Black, Ewell & Dorothy, 26
Black, Ewell C., Jr., 3
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 1
Black, William C. & Doris, 26
Blair, Carol, 31
Bloomingburg, George L., 13
Blum, Lois, 6
Boggs, Burl, 26
Bookheimer, Merrill & Mary, 26
Borbely, Frank & Phyllis, 26
Bosle, Robert & Gloria, 27
Bowles, Ralph & Elizabeth, 27
Bradfield, Kenneth & June, 27
Bradley, Lynn B., 27
Breite, Victor & Avis, 27
Bridges, Walter, 10
Bridges, Walter & Barbara, 27
Britton, Ben & Avis, 27
Brogan, Lee J., 26
Brummer, Harold & Jennie, 27
Bryant, Jack, 16
Bryant, Jack & Emily, 27
Bryant, John, 16
Burkes, Robert A., 27
Caldwell, Jesse B., 7
Camp Atterbury, 3
Camp Atterbury, IN, 13
Camp Lucky Strike, France, 13
Cariano, Sam, 1
Cariano, Samuel & Billie, 27
Cariano, Samuel P., 1, 9, 10
Carter, Fred & Penny, 27
Casey, Sanford & Jean, 27
Cavanaugh, William, 9
Cavender, Col., 5
Cavender, Col. C. C., 6
Chase, Fred & Agnes, 27
Chenault, Joseph, 8
Clark, Felix & Lois, 27
Clark, James & Shirley, 27
Clarke, Walter & Lillian, 27
Clayton, Walter B., 7
Clipper, Homer & Mary L., 27
Coffey, Doug, 22, 26
Coffey, Douglas & Isabel, 27
Coffey, Douglas S., 1, 9
Coffey, Thomas J., 7
Cohen, Allen & Florence, 27
Collier, Ambrose & Helen, 27
Collins, Mr., 24, 26
Collins, Sherod, 1, 9, 27
Collins, Virgil & Martha, 27
Cooper, C. L. & Sarah, 27
Corman, Joel & Edith, 27
Cumming, Jamie, 7
Dahlen, William & Barbara, 27
Datte, Charles & Nancy, 27
DeHeer, Dick, 22
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 9
DeHeer, Richard & Marge, 27
DePoyster, Fred & Rosetta, 27
Descheneaux, Col. George L., 3
Diazio, Phil, 8
Dodge, Betty Jean & William, 13
Dodge, William & Betty, 28
Dodge, William L., 13
Dolitsky, Libby, 28
Donahey, William, 13
Dorosky, Thomas & Alice, 28
Downing, James G., 28
Dresden, 13
Dresen, David & Ruth, 28
Duchowski, Stanley, 7
Duffey, Ellis & Evelyn, 28
Edsall, Donald & Adrian, 28
Edwards, Carl E. & Elizabeth, 28
Embury, Raymond R., 28
Enlow, Russell & Bonnie, 28
Evans, Roy E., 7
Faini, Phil, 7
Falch, Carl, 28
Faucher, Joseph & Irene, 28
Fellows, John H., 28
Filkins, Clyde & Peg, 28
Finnegan, John & Doris, 28
Fitzgerald, Bob, 15
Fitzgerald, Gilbert M., 28
Frank, Florian & Dorothy, 28
Frankini, Dick, 16
Frankini, Mr. & Mrs. Richard, 28
Franklin, Dick, 16
French, Bill, 16
Fritz, John & Martha, 28
Ft. Jackson, SC, 1, 3
Gallagher, John, 15
Gallagher, John & Stella, 20, 28
Gallagher, Richard P., 3
Garn, Charles & Wilma, 28
Gasses, Joseph, 28
Gatens, John, 7, 24
Gibson, Carles, 13
Gibson, Charles & Polly, 28
Gilder, Robert & Jean, 28
Gillespie, Jack, 16
Gilliken, Ross, 10
Gillikin, Ross E. & Jeanette, 28
Gilliland, John & Lee, 28
Goshorn, Rev. Fr. Robert, 7
Gottshall, Edwin A. & Jane, 28
Grigsby, A. B., 7
Grigsby, Alvin B. (Bud), 6
Grigsby, R. Kirk, 6
Groscup, Rev. Stacey, 7
Gross, Joseph I. & Deloris, 28
Gunvalson, Russell & Idelle, 28
Gutierrez, Jess, 8
Hamme, Ralph, 24
Hanover, 24
Hartlieb, Glenn & Nadine, 29
Hartman, Walter & Elnora, 29
Harvey, Charles, 29
Hasler, Eugene F. & Elizabeth, 29
Hatch, H. M. Jim, 11
Healan, Henry D. & Lorraine, 29
Henderson, John D., 29
Henning, James, 22
Henning, James W. & Clare, 29
Henning, Jim & Clare, 22
Hill, Ralph G. & Sally, 29
Hilliard, Roy, 22
Hochstetter, Hugh, 26
Hoenemeyer, Marcia & John H., 11
Hoff, Russell & Ellen, 29
Holland, 31
Hosier, James, 7
Houston, William & Dorothy, 29
Howard, John W. & Virginia, 29
Howard, Virginia, 19
Jensen, George & Sally, 29
Jobe, Harvey & Jewel, 29
Jones, Mrs. Alys, 9
Kelly, Bob, 16
Kendrick, Charles L., 29
Kersteiner, Donald & Carol, 29
Ketch, Eugene B. & Dorothy, 29
Ketterer, John E., 3
Knight, Sylvester I., 7
Kopatz, Alfred E. & Ida, 29
Kowalski, Stanley & Erma, 29
Kuizema, Harold & Jessica, 29
Kwaced, Carl, 15
Kweczhk, Carl, 13
Lainhart, Bud, 29
Lang, William, 29
Langham, Fran, 2, 22
Larson, Gilbert & Dorothy, 29
Lawrence, Edward A. & Eva, 29
Le Havre, France, 26
Lee, Shine, 13
Lehman, Fred, 8
Lemmo, Louis, 4, 29
Linden, 28, 30
London, 29
Long, Svan, 29
Lopardo, Patsy J. & Edith, 29
Lothrop, Oliver & Lothrop, 29
Loveless, Mrs. Kay, 29
Lucsay, Bill & Florence, 22
Lucsay, William & Florence, 29
Malmedy, Belgium, 9
Malone, William & Margie, 30
Mapes, Robert & Thelma, 30
Maples, Mr. & Mrs. Lyman, 30
Marrali, Phillip, 30
Massey, Joseph & Hazel, 30
Matthews, Ann & Bob, 30
Matthews, Joseph C. Jr. (Col. Ret.), 30
McCullough, Lyle K. & Vivian, 30
McDevitt, Jack, 15
McDevitt, John & Ann, 30
McFarland, Ervin, 7
McMahon, Leo T., 22
Meagher, Herb, 22
Merz, O. Paul & Carlin, 30
Messina, ?, 30
Messina, Carl, 15
Michalowski, Henry & Helen, 30
Middleton, 22
Middleton, J.A. III, 30
Mosley, Newton & Yvonne, 30
Mueller, William & Irma, 30
Namur, Belgium, 26
Nielson, Donald & Lillian, 30
Noell, B. F., 7
Olman, Wanold, 30
Ord, Charles & Lena, 30
Oswald, Harold C., 3
Parker, Arthur C., 3, 24
Parker, Maj., 24
Parker, Mrs., 24
Peyser, Charles S., 24
Pierce, Bob, 15
Pierce, Robert W. & Jean, 30
Pierce, Waldo, 30
Piha, Morris & Sara, 30
Pina, George & Ella, 30
Poland, 32
Ponta, Frank, 30
Prisoners of War, 7
Prokorym, Casimir & Pauline, 30
Prokoryr, Ted, 15
Puett, Joseph & Ida Mae, 30
Puskarich, Charles H. & Ann, 30
Putnam, Cecil, 8
Puzio, Joe, 15
Puzio, Joseph, 30
Quirin, Paul & Stella, 30
Rarick, Clayton F., 30
Reece, Leon W., 13
Reilly, Viola, 30
Reynolds, James & Agnes, 31
Rickard, William & Margaret, 31
Ringer, Robert, 31
Rinkma, George & Dorothy, 31
Risoli, Nicola & Candida, 31
Robb, Dr. John & Marilyn, 7
Robb, John & Marilyn, 31
Robichard, Phillip & Dorice, 31
Roche, Edward, 31
Ross, Glenn W. & Phyllis, 31
Rothermec, Tom, 15
Rowan, William K. & Inez, 31
Rowe, Bob, 16
Rows, Bob, 16
Ruediger, William G., 7
Russell, J. B. & Martha, 31
Russin, Peter& Ann, 31
Rutland, Roger, 9
Rutland, Roger M. &Matte, 31
Rutledge, Boyd, 31
Rutt, Bob, 16
Rutt, Lt., 16
Rutt, Robert E., 16
Rydzinski, Ed, 22
Sabarese, Frank, 15
Sabarise, Frank & Celia, 31
Samples, L. Orvis & Agnes, 31
Sandberg, Bob, 15
Sandberg, Robert E. & Patricia, 31
Satterfield, Dave, 7
Saucerman, Eugene L. & Sally, 31
Schlesser, Jack & Karin, 31
Schuller, Al, 13
Schutte, Phillip F. & Jean, 31
Scranton, Robert L. & Mildred, 31
Seevers, Ralph C. & Margie, 31
Sexton, Maynard & Jean, 31
Shalhoub, John, 16
Silvia, Manuel C. & Elizabeth, 31
Simpson, Dean, 16
Skyline Boulevard, 1
Slaback, Harley W. & Arlouine, 31
Smith, Charles L., 31
Southam, George & Meurice, 31
Sparks, George B., 7
Sprignoli, Michael & Martha, 31
Spurlock, Mr. & Mrs. John W., 32
St. Vith, 5, 24
St. Vith, Belgium, 7, 16
Stalag IV-B, 20
Straub, Bob & Bill, 32
Straub, John & Karol, 32
Straub, Ted, 20, 32
Straub, Ted J., 9, 32
Straub, Ted J. & Laura, 7
Streets, William & Julia, 32
Strohmier, Bernard C. & Virginia, 32
Tate, Walter G., 7
Teason, James, 4
Teason, James G., 20
Teason, Jim, 20
Teason, Lt. James G., 20
Terrio, Howard J. & Luvelle, 32
Therriault, Adrian, 4
Therriault, Adrien, 20
Therriault, Mrs. Rachel, 32
Therriault, Rachel, 20
Thomas, Regina, 32
Thompson, Paul, 7
Thor, Lloyd, 8
Tissot, Harrison ‘Harry' C., 15
Trautman, Frank S., 32
Vance, George T. & Norma, 32
Vanpelt, Robert C. & Mary, 32
Villwock, Russell H., 20, 22
Wakefield, 28
Walker, Robert, 11
Walker, Robert R. & June, 32
Walters, Presslye & Dorothy, 32
Ward, Duke, 15
Ward, Nathan (Duke) & Martha, 32
Weber, Robert & Jean, 7, 32
Wells, James E. & Maydean, 32
Wells, Jim, 22
Werrowski, Joseph A., 8
Williams, Presley, 16
Wilson, Harry, 8
Wjahn, Ed & Irene, 13
Wyatt, Van, 13
Wyatt, Van S., 1
Yanchik, Pete & Diane, 32
York, Robert & Thelma, 32
Yorks, Melvin, 8
Young, Edward, 32
Zabkar, Ed, 15
Zabkar, Edward, 32
Zenn, Mike & Elaine, 32
Ziegenheim, 15
Zoll, Edward & Millie, 32