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The Cub
Vol. 33, No. 1, Oct., 1976

1976 – 1977

President Robert ‘Bob' Walker
1st Vice President Charles H. Schoch
2nd Vice President Robert L. Scranton
Adjutant Walter Bandurak
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain John T. Loveless, Jr.

    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor John I. Gallagher

All editorial matter should be addressed to: John I. Gallagher 4003 Frances Street Temple, Pa. 19560
    All business matters, renewal of membership, etc., should be addressed to: Walter Bandurak, Adjutant 219 ½ North Maple Avenue Greensburg, Pa. 15601

Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year.

1976 – 1977

Armington, Donald R., 3125 John Peterson Road, Des Moines, Iowa 50317 (513) 266-7609
Bradfield, Ken, Rte. 8 - Box 140, Evansville, Indiana 47711 (812) 867-2695
Britton, Ben, 36 Warren Road, Auburn, Mass., 01501 (617) 832-2308
Chase, Fred B., R. D. 6, Morris Lane, Clifton Park, New York 12065 (518) 371-7669
Clark, James I., M.D., R. R. 1, - Box 197 Fernville, Michigan 49408 (616) 561-5061
Coffey, Douglas S., 947 N.W. Arnet Street, Port Charlotte, Florida 33952
Collins, Sherod, 625 Channing Drive N.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30318 (404) 351-2985
Collins, Virgil L., 21431 - State Route 278, Nelsonville, Ohio 45764 (614) 385-2044
Fritz, John R., 9271 Avon Belden Road – RFD, North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039 (216) 327-8089
Gallagher, John I., 4003 Frances Street, Temple, Pennsylvania 19560 (215) 929-2887
Gasses, Joe, 1420 Franklin Street, Grand Haven, Michigan 49417 (616) 842-6139
Howell, Robert F., 904 East College Street - Rt. 6, Griffin, Georgia 30223 (404) 227-7373
Loveless, John T. Jr. , 2549 Pickwick Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21207 (301) 448-0441
Mansfield, H. E., 190 Northcrest Drive, Athens, Georgia 30601 (404) 548-3034


Matthews, Joseph C., Jr., 4706 Western Blvd., Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 (919) 851-4851
McMahon, Leo T., 8 North Union Street, Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 (717) 944-3821
Saucerman, Eugene L., R.D. 23, - Box 50 Terre Haute, Indiana 47802
Schoch, Charles H., P. O. Box 236 Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449 or 2809 West Lawrence Road Phoenix, Arizona 85017
Scranton, Robert L., 9441 Lee Road, Brighton, Michigan 48116 (313) 229-6716
Villwock, Russell H., 6908 West Higgins Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60656 (312) 631-2027
Walker, Robert F., 598 Terrace Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220

     I feel deeply honored to have been elected as President for the coming year. Knowing that it is a responsible job, I will do the best I can to strengthen and enlarge the association.
     Ken Bradfield and his committee are to be congratulated for their successful convention at Evansville. Thanks again for the tremendous job they did in giving us another memorable 106th reunion.
     A bouquet should also go to John and Stella Gallagher for devoting so many years of their time and effort in the publication of news items.
     We must tip our hat to Bob Scranton for performing difficult tasks as our Adjutant for years past. I would like to thank Walt Bandurak for accepting the position of Adjutant. Let's all do our best to help him in this task.
     Although next year's convention seems like a long time from now, July 1977 will be here before we realize it. So let's start planning now to be in Elyria next year.
Robert F. Walker

     Our Nation's 200th Birthday has come and gone, though celebrations still go on. Since its birth to the present is indeed as infinitesimal period of time in the age of the universe. Yet for nations in being today, it is a long time. There are few, if any, countries now existing that had their present forms of government in effect on that Fourth of July in 1776.
As people, we have been singularly blessed.
     From a few colonies stretched some hundreds of miles along a coastal plain we have grown to many sovereign, United States spread thousands of miles across a continent of mountains, plains, valleys and deserts,


     and beyond, nurtured by peoples seeking the same freedoms and opportunities held so dear by our "Founding Fathers." And in the process we have become one truly united people.
     We have found within our borders almost everything we need for comfortable living, more than any other peoples in the earth. We can move from place to place without let or hindrance. We are held in no servitude but are free to seek our own livelihood where we live. We can express ourselves without fear of reprisal unless in so doing we bring harm to others. We can worship according to the dictates of our own conscience. Except in rare cases, we live with no civil strife. We seek peace among all men, our neighbors and the nations of the world.
     Many memories of this year of celebration will remain with us to recall with pleasure in the years ahead. Those things that we have seen, those special events in which we have participated, the messages and other expressions of good-will from nations throughout the world have given us pleasant feelings and warmed the cockles of our hearts.
     During the remaining months and days of this Bi-Centennial Year and in all the years to come, may we continue to thank our Creator for all our blessings and to pray for the strength and guidance we need to fulfill His will for each one of us and for our country which he loves.
"May the Lord give strength to his people!

(Memorial to Major Alan W. Jones,
     Mrs. McMahon and I were very happy to attend the 30th Annual Reunion at Evansville, Ind. 22-24 July, 1976 after missing the Atlanta Ga. Reunion in 1975 and the dedication of the Division Memorial at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. We were grateful to Ken Bradfield Reunion Chairman/and Chuck Schoch Association Vice Pres. for meeting us at the Airport and driving us to the Executive Inn where the Reunion was held. Col. Tom Riggs, CO 81st Engr. Bn. arrived on the same plane with us, but we did not know it until we entered the terminal building, and greeted him.
     I attended the First Reunion of the Association in Indianapolis, Ind.. in July 1947, but do not have a copy of the Cub with information of that reunion. I also attended the Second Reunion again held at Indianapolis in July 1948. The Committee in charge were: Kenneth Perry/Chairman, Lou Milanese, Charles Hackler, Earl Yarling, and Al Harding. At the business meeting that ye Vincent A. Harrold presented the financial report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1948. In summary the report showed that operating expenses were drastically reduced, while income was mounting to a level which would permit continued Association activities. In fiscal 1947-48 expenses exceeded income by more than $3,200. I attended this meeting in which many members spoke from the convention floor on the future of the Association. I can assure you that no one present was thinking in terms of 30 years. I certainly was not, because I did not expect to be around after that length of time. However the Association survived and, Thank God, so did I.
     Ken Bradfield and his Committee V. Wyatt, E. Saucerman, J. Schlesser, R. Enlow programmed and carried out an appropriate and successful 30th Annual Reunion. One of the highlights was on Friday 23, July, when we travelled by bus to historic old Vincennes wherein the early 1700's French missionaries came and established a church and Francois De. Vincennes built a fort to resist British


    pressure in 1778, during the Revolution, e British captured the fort and renamed it Fort Sackville. In 1779 George Rogers Clark, a leader among the pioneers led a force of Kentucky sharpshooters in the recapture of the Fort. We visited the George Rogers Clark memorial on the site of old Fort Sackville. From there we went to the home of William Henry Harrison, first Governor of Indiana territory and the nation's ninth President. We enjoyed lunch at Vincennes University cafeteria.
     In the afternoon the busses took us to the Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial. Abraham Lincoln's father moved his family here in 1816 when Abe was seven years old and remained until late 1829.
     At 3 PM The Annual Memorial Service for our deceased veterans was held in the Memorial Chapel. Russ Enlow of the Reunion Committee was in charge. Our National Chaplain John Loveless said the prayers and a relative of Russ Enlow's a clergyman, gave an excellent talk.

     The long bus ride back to Executive Inn in Evansville gave us an opportunity to mull over the many historical scenes we had visited in the historical Northwest Territory.

     The 1976 Convention of the 106th was held in Evansville, Indiana, as anyone knows who was there or receives the Cub. However, the pre-convention site was Taswell, Indiana at the home of Russ and Bonnie Enlow. When Isabel and I received the nice note from Russ saying that anyone coming to Evansville would have to go near Taswell and therefore Russ was going to invite us to a Turkey Bar B Que we agreed to make it. We didn't want Russ to be disappointed if no one showed up but a few neighbors. I figured the local people I knew on the way would stop in and said four couples would make a nice time. Well! When we arrived at Taswell, which incidentally is not on the map (it will be now the 106th has been there!) there were cars from all over the country. There were 53 people as I counted. Russ said turkey and all the fixins too and you should have seen the fixins. He could have taken care of Coxie's Army. There was solid as well as liquid food and all who were there had a most wonderful afternoon. Russ and Bonnie were thanked at the end of the day, at the Dinner in Evansville but I want to add another thank you and job well done from Isabel and I and all the others who I am sure echo my sentiments. Then, on to Evansville.
     I think Evansville surprised a lot of people who had never been in this part of the country. The Executive Inn was just that "Executive" They even supplied F. Lee Bailey as guest for all to glare at as he ate or walked the lobby. The usual greeting of 106ers in the Lobby with the first comers just waiting to pounce on the newcomer as he or she arrived. Dick and Marge DeHeer brought the Tom Bickfords with them but they almost didn't make it. Poor Dick had engine trouble in his new car and managed to limp into the garage. He had some ins and outs trying to get it fixed but as we were about to leave he had to rent a car to visit relatives in Arkansas and would return to Evansville while the mechanics walked to Detroit to get the parts needed to fix Dick's car. Nothing bothers Dick so he just chalked one more to experience and went on his way. I am sure a lot of us would be fuming and frothing about the mouth about the delays and inconvenience but not Dick, he is forever stoic but 0 think at one stage Marge needed a pickup or nipup I can't decide which. All's well that ends well with the 106th.
     After everyone freshened up from their trip we gathered for our usual "Warm up" party just as though the 106th needed a warm up. After warming up to one another for the past 30 years who needs warming up. We were able as usual to greet some new faces; I hope they had as much fun as the oldies. After all, we have been getting together much longer than most people in America can say they were married.
     In the morning we boarded three buses for a trip to the George Rogers Clark Memorial in Vincennes, which was the Territorial Capitol of Indiana in the olden days.
Unfortunately the air conditioning didn't


    quite come up to standard but we managed to weather the heat. The lucky bus that had Ken Bradfield aboard received a real travelogue and mountain of information during the trip. Lunch at the Vincennes University was reminiscent of our Army days but no bag lunch this trip. Plenty of food to go around not a piece of ham between two pieces of cheese. We then proceeded to the National Memorial of Lincoln's boyhood and had a very impressive ceremony. John Loveless performed as he always does in ye omen style and he was aided by Russ Enlow's cousin Cecil, a Baptist preacher gave a very heartwarming discourse. Then, as usual, the 106th supplies when it has to the organ didn't work so we needed someone to lead in the singing of the Battle Hymn of the Republic (no one with Army experience volunteers) and guess who led the singing-- our own President Sherod Collins. He is now looking for an agent to promote his new field.
     For a change none of the buses got lost and we didn't have to push any of them either. It was running late and everyone was rather bushed and hot as you know what and who drove up to save us; none other than Russ Enlow again with a trunk load of ice cold liquid refreshment. He was mobbed by all and sundry. Two jerks, Doug Coffey and Wayne Black decided as they had come to see Lincoln's cabin they were going to see it. It was a quarter mile up hill and into the woods but being stubborn 106ers they made it and were they disappointed. Instead of The original cabin they expected there was a replica which consisted of a mound of stones indicating a hearth and a row of bricks forming a rectangle to outline the cabins dimensions. For this they perspired and damned near died walking up the hill to return to the group. Russ just did have one cold one left for them. Wayne now has a photo of a bunch of rocks and Coffey lost an inch off his fat belly.
     On the way back certain persons within earshot got a revealing look at prison camp life. One certain fellow starved and the other had margarine, anywhere from two to eleven pieces of meat in soup he considered good while the other had garbage. How conditions can differ is amazing. One comment mall was that this person wasn't in prison camp he had it so good, he was akin to Tom Bickford not being in the Army, he was in Headquarters.
     The evening was free to enjoy or do your own thing. The writer and his wife and 19 others were guests of Sherod Collins while others were guests of Russ Villwock and Jim Henning. Most of the gang were partying with one another. Many gathered for midnight snacks at the coffee shop.
     The next morning we were off again, this time to the Historic New Harmony. This was a little Town where they tried a Socialist form of living but of course it failed as the person who got the job of cleaning out the -- in the barn didn't want to do this all the time and the guy who milked the cows felt he was being milked out of the easy jobs so the program failed. There are many interesting things to see and read about this settlement and it was worth the trip. Maydean Wells asked Doug Coffey to read the French on the bronze plaque that was under the roofless church and he struggled as best he could and didn't get it quite right when some smart ass read the pamphlet with a literal translation. Got any cigarettes for mama? Or Chocolate? Most interesting type of architecture and statue. There were those who found the local Pub while the gals shopped and shopped. I still want the shopping concession in Heaven cause the gals will never quit.
     Then the Dinner Dance. I am repetitive each year when it comes to this but unfortunately it happens to be true that we have the best looking and the best dressed gals going and I am always pleased to see them. It is bad news to single out any one individual because you get into trouble but I'm sure most people noticed and will not be angry with me for mentioning that Lil Bandurak absolutely sparkled. Nuff said! We had our Farewell breakfast which was fully attended but it always seems so short a time. We just get into the swing of things and it is time to part for another season.
We'll miss you all individually and collectively until we meet again. Ken


    ?adfield and his committee deserve a "Well done" for putting on such a wonderful Convention. Behind every successful man there is an unsuccessful woman--that is one that is unsuccessful in getting her husband to do all the things he contracted to do with men and then leaves the crucial details in the past. His June was all over the place and doing and worrying about the nitty gritty details that make a Convention tick and this smooth clock ticked with her outstanding performance. Wish I could get my wife to understand me.
For any omissions corrections, etc. forgive me, I mean well, but the memory is slipping in my old age.
     When the Convention is over it seems many scatter all over the country. Some went to visit relatives, some continued their vacations, and some were to go on a cruise on the Arkansas River. We seem to be at an age where we have more time to spend getting about rather than in the past to hurry back to the children.
     The Coffey's went on to Cleveland to visit one of their twins who had just recently moved there from Florida. While in Cleveland they contacted the Bickford who also go to Cleveland after each Convention to visit Tom's Uncle Ed and Aunt Eva, who, though now retired was the Superintendent of the David Ingalls Estate in Hunting Valley or Chagrin Falls depending on where you sit. Ingalls owns so much of the area I couldn't tell you where the borders are nor how many thousands of acres he owns. Tom took us on a tour of the main properties. They gave up their herds of cattle and horses some time past but the old whitewashed barns are still there with the milking apparatus and the stalls waiting to be used. Poor Mr. Ingalls is forced to maintain his own airfield complete with hangars and landing lights, etc. He only has two Jets to toot around in when he wants to go from place to place. He is about 75 but still flies his own plane but now takes a licensed pilot with him, just in case. He also has a piece of Kings Island and owns the Homestead Inn in Virginia or North Carolina (I told you my memory is bad) The main house has 38 rooms together with formal gardens, elegant swimming pool and tennis courts. There is a memory is bad) The main house has 38 ems together with formal gardens, elegant swimming pool and tennis courts. There is a screened in so you go one way for tennis and the other to the pool. If that isn't enough there is another house used for dressing when you want to use the indoor tennis courts or to ride to the hounds. Tom tells me when the Wightman Cup was being held in Cleveland and it rained the players came out here to the indoor court to practice. (I wonder what the poor people are doing). Really, you have to see this to really appreciate it. I have only hit the highlights, this property has anything you could want. Mr. Ingalls has been a very generous man had given all his employees a home to live in and when one wife said she didn't like living on the Estate and preferred to Town Mr. Ingalls said pick out a house and he bought it for them to live in. Anything to keep his Employees happy. We had a nice visit with Uncle Ed and Aunt Eva. They were born in an English town a short way from where Isabel was born and we have visited their Town. They had photos which brought back such memories of old England. We had English tea and cake, though the men preferred something a little stronger. They are lovely people and we hope that as we visit our children in the same area we can stop and visit again. We also called and had a nice chat with Frank Trautman who is from the same area. He also stops in each year to see Tom and Flo.
     On our route home we stopped to see former neighbors from Jersey and finally after many years visited with Horace and Eva Mansfield at their home and farm in Athens, Georgia. I don't know how Horace does it; he has all kinds of fruit trees, every vegetable imaginable. He insisted on loading us up with potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and even Jimmy Carter peanuts. So happy we finally made the stop. Returned home weary but with enough pleasant memories to keep us going until next year.
31st Annual Reunion
July 21-23 Holiday Inn
Elyria-Lorain, Ohio
(details in further Cubs)
reserve these dates


106th Infantry Division Association
1975-76 Board of Directors Meeting
Executive Inn
Evansville, Indiana
July 22, 1976
The meeting was called to order by President Sherod Collins.
Roll Call - Absent - John Gallagher, Dr. Jim Clark, Fred Chase, Virgil Collins
     Pres. Collins summed up the 1975-76 association year. He stated that we have had a good year and the association has grown.
Minutes of the Directors meeting in Atlanta were read and approved.
Communications from members were read by Adjutant.
Adjutant report showed that our membership was at a new high of 335 members and 111 auxiliary members.
     Treasurer's report showed that we gained $292.27 in 1975-76 and that we have $10,020.20 in all accounts. The treasurer stated that in his estimation there was no need to increase dues.
Cub Editor's report was given by Adjutant with no changes for next year.
     Our president reported for Memorials Chairman who stated that a wreath was placed at our Memorial and that there was going to be an addition to the Memorial.
     Under Unfinished Business it was stated that Bolo Ties were not available and that Tie Tacks and Pins that we received were made in Evansville.
     For good of the Association - Ken Bradfield mentioned the inquiries that he had received and stated that we should follow through to get new members.
1976 Convention Chairman, Ken Bradfield, reported that everything was set and ready for our convention.
Bob Gilder reported that the 1977 convention would be at Holiday Inn in Elyria and Lorain Ohio.
1975-76 Board of Directors Meeting – July 22, 1976
The President appointed the following committees:
Nominating Committee: Gene Saucerman, Chairman, Ben Britton Joe Gasses
Resolution Committee: Bob Howell, Chairman, Joe Matthews John Fritz
Audit Treasurer Committee: Doug Coffey Bob Walker
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Scranton, Adjutant

106th Infantry Division Association
1976-77 Board of Directors Meeting
Executive Inn
Evansville, Indiana
July 24, 1976
The meeting was called to order by President Sherod Collins.
Roll call was taken and all were present except John Gallagher, Dr. Jim Clark, and Fred Chase.
Under new businesses, the following officers were elected by a unanimous vote:
Bob Walker - President
Chuck Schoch - 1st Vice-President
Bob Scranton - 2nd Vice-President
Sherod Collins - Treasurer
The new president, Bob Walker appointed:
Walt Bandurak - Adjutant
Sherod Collins - Historian
John Loveless - Chaplain
John Gallagher - Cub Editor
Douglas Coffey - Memorials Chairman
The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Scranton, Adjutant

106th Infantry Division Association
General Meeting
Executive Inn
Evansville, Indiana
July 24, 1976
The meeting was called to order by President Sherod Collins. Remarks were made by the President.
The minutes were read and approved.
Members who were attending their first


convention stood and were recognized. They were:
George Call - B/424 - Glenn Gardner, N.J.
Pat Dohoney - C/422 - Camp Hill, Pa.
Adolph Moritz - F/422 - Brookings S.D.
Boyce Huson - M/424 - Normal, Ill.
Charles Gibson - Sv/422 - Lawton, Mich.
Ed Priebe - B/592 - Detroit, Mich.
Ed Tobis - B/592 - Detroit, Mich.
Mel Gehrig - Hq. 3rd Bn. - Lake Charles, LA.

     Communications were read by Adjutant. A letter was read from John Gallagher who asked that all contribute to the Cub.
Adjutant Report - 335 members for 1976-76.
A report on Ft. Jackson was given by Jim Wells - a Memorial placard for the Division has been dedicated.
     Chuck Schoch reported that his son took training at Ft. Jackson and Roger Rutland stated that the placard was a tribute to the Division.
Treasurer Report - Net Gain 1975-76 - $292.57
General Fund 5346.75
Memorial Fund 4673.45
Total $10,020.20

     Memorial Chairman reported that the Memorial was being enlarged for use by the College at St. Vith. He suggested that an artificial wreath be placed on December 16th instead of cut flowers. No action.
Ken Bradfield reported that 161 registered for dinner.
     Col. Pruett reported that the Memorial needs painting. Doug Coffey indicated that the College was waiting until the addition is finished.
All reports were accepted.
     Unfinished Business - Jim Wells suggested that Doug Coffey check on refurbishing the Memorial and how we can assist with the Memorial.
President stated that Bolo Ties no longer available. Tie Tacks and Pins were purchased.
Adolph Moritz questioned whether any further plans to go back to Europe. No plan at present.
Report from Resolution Committee, by Bob Howell, was approved and will appear in the Cub.
     Nominating Committee - Russell Villwock, Don Armington. Moved by McMahon and seconded by Britton. Unanimously elected.
John Fritz reported on the 1977 Convention, July 21-22.23 at Holiday Inn hi Elyria and Lorain, Ohio.
Doug Coffey reported on proposed boat trip for 1978.
     Bob Ringer moved and seconded by Mansfield that the 1978 convention be a boat trip and that Doug Coffey would be Chairman to make arrangements. Motion carried.
     Villwock moved and seconded by Britton to start convention on Thursday which means a four-day convention, one day in Miami and three aboard the Emerald Seas Ship. Doug Coffey will make arrangements to have association business in Miami. Boat will leave 3:45 on Friday. Approved.
New Business - Gen. McMahon thanked the Convention Committee for their efforts.
Meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Bob Scranton, Adjutant

(Photo) 30th Reunion



Mr. and Mrs. William (Carolyn) Alexander 423rd Inf. Reg. E Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Armington 424th Inf. Co. H
Mr. and Mrs. Walter (Lillian) Bandurak (Lillian Marie( Med. Detachment, 81st Engineer Combat Battalion
Mr. Richard E. Bartz DHQ (AG)
Mrs. Carol W. Beals
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bickford Div. Hdq. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. (Virginia) Bieze H 424
Mr. T. Wayne Black R Hq Co. 422 Inf.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Bradley (Hazel) 422 Inf. Service Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. Britton (Avis) 424th Inf. Reg. Co. E
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bradfield (June) 591 F. A. Service Battery
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryant (Emily) 422 Inf. Reg. Hq. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Byrd, Jr. (Myrtle) Btry. A, 589th F. A. Bn.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen J. Brutus (Barbara) Hq. Co. 1st Bn. 423rd Inf.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Carter (Penny) 591st F. A. Bn. Service Battery
Mr. and Mrs. George Call
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Clarke (Lillian) 591st F. A. Bn. Service Battery
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coffey (Isabel) 590th F. A. Bn. C Btry.
Mr. Sherod Collins 423 Inf. Service Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil L. Collins (Martha) 423rd Inf Cannon Co.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Crocker (Bette) 422 Inf. Co. E
Mr. and Mrs. Lester W. Crossman 424th Inf. 2nd Bn. H Co.
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Dahlen (Barb) 591 F. A. Bn. Service Battery
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Datte 591 F. A. Bn. Service Battery
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeHeer (Marj) 424 Inf. Co. K
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Dohoney (Josephine) 422nd. Inf. Co. C
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Enlow D 423rd Inf
Mr. and Mrs. Florian Frank (Dorothy) 591 F. A. Bn. Service Battery
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Fritz (Martha) 424th Inf. Hq. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Garn (Willie) 424th Inf. Co. H
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Gibson (Jamesine) 422nd Inf. Service Co.
Mr. Joseph J. Gasses 422nd Inf. Reg. Hq.


Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gehrig (Eleanor) 422nd. Inf. Hq. Co. 2nd Bn.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilder (Jean) 424th Inf.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hart 424th Inf. D Co.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Henning (Clare) 422 Inf. 3rd Bn. Hg.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Howell (Louise) 424th Inf. Hqs. 2nd Bn.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Huson (Jean) 424th M Co. and 3rd Bn. Hq. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Johnson (Marthajean) 589th F. A. Bn. Btry. B
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kelly (Virginia) 423rd Inf Co. C 11
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kuizema 389th F. A. Bn. Btry B
Mr. William M. Lineberger 591st F. A. Bn. Service Btry.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Loveless, Jr. ("K") 422nd Inf Hq. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lucsay (Florence) 423rd Inf B. Co.
Mr. Joe Matthews 422nd Inf.
BG Leo T. McMahon (and Mrs. Wilda) Division Artillery
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mansfield, Jr. A 424
Mr. and Mrs. John Milkalauskis (Dolores) 424th H Co.
Mr. Adolph G. Moritz 41422nd Inf. Co. F
Mr. R. B. Morrison 424th Inf Reg. G Co.
Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Mosley (Yvonne) 591 F. A. Bn. Service Battery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pierce (Jean) C Co. 81st Engr Bn
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Priebe (Florence) 592nd F. A. Btry B
Col. and Mrs. Joseph F. Puett (Ida May) 423rd Inf Regt Hqs. 2nd Bn.
Mr. Clayton Rarick 424th Inf Co. L 11
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reilly (Viola) 591st F. A. Service Battery
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Richards (Blanche) 423rd Inf Service Co.
Mr. Thomas J. Riggs, Jr. CO 81st Engr.
Mr. Robert C. Ringer 590-591st F. A. Service Btry.
Mr. and Mrs. George Rinkema (Dorothy) 423rd Inf 2nd Bat. Co. B
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley E. Robinson (Eula) 422nd Inf Co. C 424th Inf Co. G
Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Rutland (Mattie) 424th Inf. Co. B
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Samples (Agnes) 591 F. A. Service Battery
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Saucerman (Sally) 422 Inf. Co. D
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schlesser (Kay) 591st F. A. Bn. Service Btry.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schoch (Sherry) 592nd F. A. Bn. Serv. & 590 F.A.-C Btry.


Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Schutte (Jean) 424th Inf.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Scranton (Mildred) 424th Inf. Co. K
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Shirley (Jessie) 589th F. A. Bn. Service Btry.
Mr. Charles L. Smith 422nd Inf. Co. D
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Spade (Mary) 424th Inf. H Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Spayd (Lorena) 423 Inf. H Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Steels 424 Inf.
Mr. James Teel 424th Inf.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Tobis (Evelyn) 592nd F. A. Bn. Btry. B
Mr. Frank S. Trautman 422nd Inf. Co. D
Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Villwock (Jacqueline) Signal Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Walker 422
Mr. and Mrs. Presslye Walters (Dorothy)
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wells 81st Eng.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams 423
Mr. Robert E. Woods 424
Mr. Van S. Wyatt 424
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Zenn (Elaine) 423

There were a total of 161 people at the Evansville Reunion.
Representing the various units of the Division were the following members:
424 24
422 Infantry 17
423 Infantry 13
591 F. A 11
81st ENGRS. 5
589 F. A 4
592 F A. 3
D.H.Q. 2
590 F A. 1
Signal 1

Adopted at 30th Annual Reunion of
106th Infantry Division Association
July 24th, 1976
     WHEREAS during 1975-1976, the Association has continued to grow in size, hitting a 13 year, "high", of 335 members, and accomplishing its objectives, and WHEREAS the members present at this reunion have renewed, "old friendships," and have enjoyed welcoming many new faces into their ranks NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association assembled here this day does recognize, and express its heartfelt thanks and appreciation:
    1. To all the elected and appointed Officers and their wives for the efficient execution of their respective official duties.
    2. To convention chairman Ken Bradfield, and his wife June Bradfield, assisted by Jack and Kay Schlesser, Russ and Bonnie Enlow, Gene and Sally Saucerman, and Van Wyatt, for their singular and combined efforts in our behalf toward, "hosting", a very successful convention in Evansville, Indiana, July 22nd-25th, 1976.
    3. To Russell Enlow, assisted by his cousin Cecil Enlow, also members of the VFW Post, English, Indiana, and by our Association Chaplain, John Loveless, Jr., for an inspiring Memorial Service held at Lincoln Memorial Park Chapel, Lincoln City, Indiana, July 23rd, 1976.
    4. To Dolly May-Manager, Log Cabin Tourist Center of Vincennes, Indiana for her help, suggestions, and cooperation in making our visit to historic Vincennes University on July 23rd, 1976, a memorable occasion.
    5. To the Management of The Executive Inn, Evansville, Indiana, for their "hosting skill," and cooperation during our convention period.
Resolution Committee
Bob Howell, Chairman,
Joe Matthews, and John Fritz

(Photo) Bull Session 30th Reunion

Vets Recall
At one point in World War II, they were the youngest of America's Army divisions, with an average age of 19.
     They weren't much older when in December, 1944, they--a "green" bunch of soldiers freshly-landed in Belgium without any previous combat experience--were the target of Germany's final all-out offensive of World War II at the Battle of the Bulge.
     They are the "Golden Lion" 106th Infantry Division, holding their 30th annual reunion this week at the Executive Inn.
     More than 150 had arrived Thursday night, a hodgepodge of men who include some of World War H's final prisoners of war and others who managed to escape after being nearly encircled by three German armies in Belgium during one snowy week in 1944.
Doug Coffey, now a retired business administrator who was a 22-year-old W.
Orange, N.J. youth when he joined a field artillery unit in 1943--was among the POWs.


Comedy and tragedy
What he recalls is a mixture of Max Sennett comedy and tragedy.
     "Everything was mixed up. The Germans were as confused as we were," he says, explaining no one knew where the front lines were.
     Coffey and members of his unit had been crawling on their stomachs through the snow all morning on Dec. 20, 1944, and had just left a wooded area when they were caught by a German anti-aircraft unit.
     To show how everyone was out of position, Coffey says, "we should never have been captured by an anti-aircraft unit. They should have been at the back of the lines and instead were at the front." Without knowing it, his group had crossed into Germany and were captured near Bliealf. He remembers how other Americans were captured and how, oddly, during interrogation, many of the men were being hit with batons, while others weren't.
Began using 'Belgium'
     Finally, one of the Americans who could speak German determined the Germans were hitting those who said they were caught inside Germany. The German Propaganda at the time, Coffey said, insisted that no Americans had set foot in Germany, "so we began saying we were captured in Belgium."
Coffey says thousands were captured. He was at two different POW camps, Bad Orb near Frankfurt and Ziegenhain.
     Because the Germans were in critical shape as the war neared an end, Coffey says the camp conditions were even worse than during the early part of the war. There was little food and not enough time to go through the complex Red Cross procedures to get food packages.
     The Americans had to borrow food from French or Polish POWs already getting packages. Sometimes during air raids animals would be killed "and you learned to eat dogs, cats, anything." The men kept going by telling stories and teaching others. One guy grew up in the Hershey, Pa., orphanage and taught the men how to make Hershey chocolate; another was a Pullman conductor and taught them all about trains. Still another was one of the famous Levitt brothers and told them how housing would be revolutionized after the war. The Levitts went on to build many well-known housing complexes.
Learn of American advance
     Coffey says through the French under- ground the men learned the Americans were advancing and they would soon be freed after five months in the camps.
     But the French also told them the Germans had plans to march the POWs out of the camp and so the prisoners designed delaying tactics.
     As they were lined up, various men feigned illness and were carried back into the barracks, says Coffey, and soon the Germans, with their police dogs, would come in after them, only to have other men pretend to be sick.
     Eventually the Germans were forced to desert the camp only hours before the Americans arrived. Most of the Germans were captured. Coffey adds.
     Still other members of the 106th recall how one unit got caught behind the German lines and fell in behind a German truck convoy for five hours late one night without the Germans ever realizing it.
"When the Germans turned off, the Americans hit the floorboard," says one veteran.
Shared barn with Germans
     On another occasion, several soldiers stopped at a Belgium farm for the night, only to find three German soldiers hiding in the closet. The Germans and Americans shared a barn and some food that night and went their separate ways the next morning.
     Robert Ringer of Columbus, Ohio joined the 591st field artillery battery in 1943 and was at the Battle of Ardennes near St. Vith, Belgium, where the 106th suffered huge losses.
     Ringer says 7,000 of the division's 13,000 men were either killed, wounded or taken prisoner, one of the heaviest tolls for any division in World War II.
     At the Battle of Ardennes, two of the division's three infantry regiments and two of its four artillery battalions were wiped out, says Ringer.


     Leo T. McMahon, 80, who was commanding general of the 106th Artillery Division, was on hand Thursday evening, but doesn't like to talk about specific war losses, other than to say, "It was a very bad situation...many of our men were killed, wounded or cut off and later captured."
In 'quiet sector'
     McMahon says the 106th had been in position only four days and was stationed in what was supposed to be a "quiet sector" when attacked by the German leader Von Rundstedt in the great German surprise counteroffensive.
     "We were terribly outnumbered," he says, explaining Hitler launched the surprise attack in hopes of splitting the American and British forces and ending the war.
     After holding their position several days, with reinforcements from the 9th and 7th armored divisions and other troops and going into a semi-circle defensive position, the forces were ordered to withdraw by Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery of the British „Army, who had been put in command of the sector by General Dwight Eisenhower.
     Ken Bradfield of Evansville, who was an officer in a field artillery unit, helped arrange the Evansville visit, which has been in planning for three years.
     He said more than 150 men and their wives and children are in Evansville, representing about 25 states. The group visits Vincennes and Lincoln's Boyhood National Memorial Friday, and New Harmony Saturday.
     One of the wives says the event has turned into a family reunion over the years, with meetings in all parts of this country and Europe.
Oddly, though, she says, "Most of our sons have joined the Navy."
Reprint from July 23, 1976 "The Evansville Courier"

(Photo) Ladies - DeHeer, Loveless, Byrant

1976 TRIP
     This year Flo and Tom Bickford drove with us to Evansville with our first stop in Canton, Ohio. Cheryl and Dick DeHeer had a barbecue for us in their yard. The Travel Lodge we stayed in was great for our rooms had two baths, full kitchen, 2 bedrooms, dining living room and big closets and it was cheaper than taking two separate rooms-- couldn't believe it. Wednesday morning we stopped in Massillion to see the City's new Administration building very handy and well laid out for all the services they offer the people.
     That night we stayed in Walton Ky. and while eating dinner an electric storm caused a power failure, and there were no lights for 3 hours. This also meant they couldn't sell gas or open the cash register for we depend on electric for many things.
     The lunch at Enlow's was just great and we all enjoyed our visit with all his family Going to Evansville we did about 70 miles an hour scaring all the 106ers on Rt. 41. The car gave out just as we got to the Inn.
     Then the trouble started trying to find someone who could fix the car. We wish to thank the captain of the Red Caps and Buslar's Garage for trying to find someone to do the work. Many thanks to Rus Enlow who drove Dick to the Airport so he could rent a car.
     It didn't seem as if many of the ladies made the pool, but Jeanie and I put in our time swimming between activities. The memorial service was nice and is always one of the important parts of the reunion. Everyone enjoyed the music for dancing as the floor was always full of delightful people.


     Sunday we left in a rented car for Little Rock, Ark. where we had a delightful visit with a niece and her family. The children kept us busy playing all sorts of games. They took us on a tour of the University, the city and a resort area. You couldn't stay outside too long for the temperature was always 98°.
     Back to Evansville we went and the car was ready and we got to know Route 41 very well. All the good motels were filled up which was disappointing for our overnight stay. Lake Bloomington, Ill. was our next stop and it was a relaxing time watching the people water-ski and sail. One evening we rode around the lake in the sun set and it really was beautiful. We stayed with Cheryl and Rick for a week and had fun with our grandson. One thing that boy can do is eat, but the running around keeps him slim.
We hope you all enjoyed the rest of the summer and took it easy through all the heat.
Sincerely, Dick and Marge DeHeer

(Photo) Scranton - 2nd V.P., Shoch V.P., Walker - Pres., Collins - Bandurak - Adjutant

"106th shoulder patches are $1.50.
    106th Emblems are $2.00. Send check or money order payable to 106th Infantry Division Assoc. and mail to our new Adjutant, Walter Bandurak, 219 ½ North Maple Avenue Greensburg, Pa. 15601".

Dear John:
     The 30th reunion is now history and a very pleasant one it was. The reunion committee headed by Ken and June Bradfield performed most efficiently and accommodations were pleasant and adequate; buses were on time (did not have to be pushed) and we learned some more history from visiting Vincennes, Lincoln's Indiana home, and New Harmony town.
     A number of us arrived early to get in some golf and to vacation. Ken invited us to his home and we enjoyed a delicious fish dinner from his own pond. This group consisted largely of his Service Battery, 591st, and wives and a couple of infantrymen like Phil & Jean Schutte and myself.
     Entertainment and deliberations went smoothly intermixed with visitations among old friends and new friends, all terminating with the traditional banquet and dance on Saturday night.
     As always, we had a number of new faces to appear--having read about us either in a veterans magazine or on the hotel marquee.
I was personally pleased to have a large delegation from the Atlanta metropolitan area.
     Following the close of the reunion I have been traveling, and was treated royally everywhere I stopped.- I spent nearly a week with the Saucermans, at Terre Haute, a night with the Glen Brutus' at Pine Village, Indiana; a night with the Bandurak's at Greensburg, Pa., and had supper with the Ben Brittons at Auburn, Mass. and I am enjoying a change of scenery and pleasant weather now is Maine with my brother. I hope to see Brittons, DeHeers and Joe Matthews on the way home.
     At the reunion, special thanks were voted to the Adjutant and the Editor and I want to again thank my officers of the past year and to say that our affairs are in good hands for the coming year under President Bob Walker.
Sherod Collins



Steve T. Adamowicz G-422 208 1/2 Maverick Gordon, Nebr. 69343
Fred W. Addison 106th Band 65 N. Mobile St., Mobile, Ala. 36607
Jim Adkins C-423 5232 Commonwealth Ave. Jacksonville, Fla. 32205
Orfeo E. Agostini A/81 Engr. 9 York Place Fort Stewart, Ga. 31313
William G. Alexander E-423 P. O. Box 1128 Forest Park, Ga. 30050
Francis E. Anderson 106th Sig. 8760 S. Kildare Hometown, III. 60456
Gerald J. Anderson M-423 17 Elton Place Glen Rock, N.J. 07452
Lowry B. Andrews Hq. - 422 11 Ridgewood Rd. Wilton, Conn. 06897
Donald R. Armington H-424 3125 John Patterson Rd. Des Moines, Iowa 50317
Anthony Arminio L-423 327 Tyler St. East Haven, Conn. 06512
Clifford N. Austin C-589 125 So. Maple Vergennes, Vermont 05491
Dr. George Axelrod 331 Med. 668 Main St. Clinton, Mass: 01510
W. C. Baker L-424 #4 Haley St. Pine Bluff, Ark. 71601
Walter Bandurak Med. Det. - 81 Engr. 219'/z North Maple Ave. Greensburg, Pa. 15601
L. Preston Barnes Rte. 7 - Box 7423 Browns Mills, N.J. 08015
Harold A. Barnett H-424 106 Arlene Dr. North Versailles, Pa. 15137
Richard E. Bartz DHQ 216 Rustic Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15210
Mrs. Carol W. Beals 217 E. Davenport St. Iowa City, Iowa 52240
Richard H. Behr Serv-423 5924 W. Meadowbrook Dr. Phoenix, Ariz. 85033
Roger W. Bell Hq.-589 807 28th Ave. E. Moline, Ill. 61244
Thomas Bickford DHQ 6 Quimby Pl. W. Orange, N.J. 07052
John Bieze H-424 2419 N. Newcastle Chicago, Illinois 60635
C. W. Biles G-424 Box 57 Elrama, Pa. 15038
Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr. A-422 P. 0. Box 66 Travelers Rest, S.C. 29690
T. Wayne Black Hq-422 425 Allen Apt. 301 Waterloo, Iowa 50701


Merrill E. Bookheimer 591 Hq. 915 S. Coldbrook Ave. Chambersburg, Pa. 17201
Ira G. Bottoms 592 FA 407 S. Peachtree St. P. O. Box 103 Norcross, Ga. 30071
William S. Boucouvalas D-424 10 Cutts Ave. Sasco, Maine 04072
Col. Byrne A. Bowman DHQ-JA 1216 City Natl. Bank Tower Oklahoma City, Okla. 73102
Rev. Edward T. Boyle Hq-424 1526 E. 84th St. Chicago, Ill., 60619
Nels J. Braaten M-422 RR 3 Canton, So. Dak. 57013
James E. Brackett Sv.-591 FA 376 Vanderbilt Ave. Staten Island, N.Y. 10304
Ken Bradfield Sv.-591 FA Rte. 8 - Box 140 Evansville, Ind., 47711
L. B. Bradley Sv.-422 512 Locke St. Palmetto, Ga. 30268
Myles Brazill MP Platoon P. O. Box 6 Landisburg, Pa. 17040
Ben Britton E-424 36 Warren Road Auburn, Mass. 01501
Mrs. Dorothy Broth 27402 Lemon Tree St. Hayward, Cal. 94545
Harold J. Brummer D-422 41 Georgia St., Cranford, NJ 07016
Glen J. Brutus Hq.-423 Box 37 Rt. 1 Pine Village, Ind. 47975
Jack Bryant Hq.-422 19692 Coral Gables Southfield, Mich. 48076
Arthur C. Buckley DHQ Co. 7 Tuckers Court Peabody, Mass. 01960
Mrs. Margaret Bullard Forest Lane - Rte. 4 Mebane, N.C. 27302
Robert A. Burkes Hq.-424 2227 Plantation Drive East Point, Georgia 30344
Fred W. Burnham 106th Band 1218 Cheshire Naperville, Ill. 60540
James V. Burrell D.-423 1187 Southridge Dr. Salem, Ohio 44460
Chester Buschemeyer Serv.-591 FA 9608 E. Ave. K. Houston, Texas 77012
Harry W. Butler, Jr. Hq. 1st Bn 424 Box 390-249 Jefferson St. Winchester, Va. 22601
Austin L. Byrd, Jr. A-589 FA 1329 Westburn Rd. Baltimore, Md. 21228

George Call R.D. Box 326 Glen Gardner N.J. 08826
Lt. Col. Samuel P. Cariano DHQ 215 Bonnie Ct. Satellite, Beach, Fla. 32937
Ben C. Carpenter Hq. 1st Bn.-424 Chicago, Ill. 60626


Fred R. Carter Sv.-591 FA 613 No. 3rd St. Toronto, Ohio 43964
Robert H. Caughman, 106th Sig. 10805 Bornedale Dr. Adelphi, Md. 20783
Col. Charles C. Cavender CO, 423 26490 Burgess Way Sun City, Calif. 92381
Fred B. Chase D-422 Box 44, Morris Lane, RR 6 Clifton Park, N.Y. 12065
Christopher T. Clark Hq. Co. 3rd Bn, 423 518 So. Main St. Niles, Ohio 44446
Dr. James I. Clark 590 & 592 Med. Det. Box 197-RR 1 Fermille, Mich. 49408
Walter C. Clark SV.-591 741, Rt. 3 - Box 380 Kannapolis, N.C. 28081
Douglas S. Coffey C-590 947 N.W. Arnet St. Port Charlotte, Fla. 33952
Frank Collins F-424 RFD 1 - Box 15 Keene, N.H., 03431
James E. Collier, Sr. H-424 1635 Vance Memphis, Tenn. 38104
Sherod Collins, Jr. SVC-423 625 Channing Dr., N.W. Atlanta, Ga. 30318
Virgil L. Collins CN-423 21431 - State-Route 278 Nelsonville, Ohio 45764
Dr. Michael E. Connelly Medics, 589 Medical Arts Building 32 Jefferson Ave. "Sharon, Pa. 16146
Milton M. Conner 1605 N. Fielder Rd. Arlington, Texas 76012
Charles K. Corrigan SV-591 3366 Ken Lake Dr. Olympia, Wash 98502
Mel Crank H-422 1026 Kenilworth Lane Glenview, Ill., 60025
Raymond J. Creamer SV-589 48 Leonard Road Milltown, N.J. 08850
John S. Crocker E-422 P. 0. Box 161 Troy, Pa. 16947
Lester Crossman H-424 142 ½ Hill St. Woodstock, Ill. 60098
William R. Crozier A-422 17050 W. Chicago Blvd. Detroit, Mich., 48228
Emil Curcione 26 David Road Cedar Grove, N.J. 07009
Edward L. Curnow 423 B 190 Chateau Estates Swanton, Ohio 43558
Alan Dabson B-331 Medics 38 Upland Ave., Edgehill Dover, Del. 19901
William S. Dahlen Serv.-591 FA 303 Charles Rd. Linthicum, Ms. 21090
Paul Dargon Hq.-589 FA P. 0. Box 171 Carlisle, Pa. 17013
Chas. Datte SV-591 FA 231 Davis Ave. Clifton Hgts., Pa. 19018


James Davis 106th Sig. 3656 N. Magnolia Chicago, III. 60613
Sam E. David, Jr., Hq. - 423 155 H. North River Dr. Atlanta, Ga., 30338
Joseph A. DeChiara 1124-59th St. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11219
Richard DeHeer K-424 19 Hopkins St. Hillsdale, N.J. 07642
Dr. Maurice DeLaval 48 Rue D Vieuz Vielsalm, Marche Belgium 6690
Col. George L. Descheneaux HQ-422 1625 Concord Drive Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
Martin J. Dever DHQ 272 W. Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ. 07450
G. Edward Dickard D-422 P. O. Box 144 Clemson, S.C. 29631
Francis J. Dobe C-422 246 Belmont St. Manchester, N.H. 03103
George W. Doerner HQ Div. Arty 64 N. Schuylkill Ave. Norristown, Pa. 19401
William P. Dohoney, D.D.S. C-422 818 Mandy Lane Camp Hill, Pa. 17011
Mrs. Libby K. Dolitsky 40 Indian Rd. Port Chester, N.Y. 10573
William J. Donovan DHQ 59-25 71st Ave. Ridgewood, N.Y. 11227
Thomas Dorosky Serv.-592 FA 146 Mount Airy Road R.D. No. One Shavertown, Pa. 18708
Robert A. De St. Aubin CN-424 RR # 2 - Box 88A Berlin, Wisc. 54923
Mahlon C. Earle, Jr., D-424 23 Morgan Place No. Arlington, NJ. 07032
Mrs. John W. Early, Jr.. 9284 Mason Creek Rd. Norfolk, Va. 23503
James R. Easterling K-424 112 Church St. Latta, S.C. 29565
Herb Eidelman SERV.-424 15905 Harden Circle, Southfield, Mich. 48075
Floyd L. Elston A-589 FA 28 Park Ave Haskell, NJ. 07420
J. Russell Enlow D-423 Taswell, Ind. 47175
Kenneth Eyler 5 West 7th St. Frederick, Md. 21701
-F –
Col Kenneth B. Facey DHQ-MP 3621 Westhampton Dr. Augusta, Ga. 30907
John J. Fischer, Jr. SERV.-422 2745 Observatory Cincinnati, Ohio 45208
Harold A. Fleming, Jr., F-423 99 Terrace Ave. Jersey City, N.J. 07307
John P. Fleming HQ 2ND BN 424 Apt. 2A Bldg. 22 676 Park Ave. E. Orange, N.J. 07017


Fontaine C. Forbes 423 B 1115 Pocahontas Ave. Covington, Va. 24426
James P. Ford HQ, 1st Bn., 424 1829 S. Alden St. Philadelphia, Pa. 19143
E. Bruce Foster HQ-422 P. O. Box 39 Knoxville, Tenn. 37901
Tom Fox SERV.-592-FA 129 S. Washington St. Greencastle, Pa. 17225
D. B. Frampton, Jr. 170 N. Roosevelt Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43209
Frank Franek Med & K-424 109 W. 14th Ave. Naperville, Ill 60540
Florian R. Frank 591 FA C/O Biglow Cheese & Butter Co. Avoca, Wisc. 53506
Jerome L. Frankel HQ. 3RD BN-423 584 Junard Boulevard West Hempstead, N.Y. 11552
Richard A. Frankini 2ND BN-424 36124 Paddleford Rd. Farmington, Mich. 58024
Chas. W. Freed I-423 112 Brilliant Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15215
John R. Fritz HQ-424 9271 Avon Belden Rd. - RFD 3 No. Ridgeville, Ohio 44039


John I. Gallagher C-81 Engr. 4003 Frances St. Temple, Penna. 19560
Charles S. Garn H-424 1764-18th St. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223
Joseph J. Gasses HQ-422 1420 Franklin St. Grand Haven, Mich. 49417
Melvin Gehrig HQ, 2ND BN 422 1201 Inverness Lake Charles, La. 70601
Charles R. Gibson SV-422 524 Washington Lawton, Mich. 49065
Robert A. Gilder 424th Reg. 36303 Behm Dr. North Ridgeville, Ohio 44035
John M. Gillespie C-422 3536 Darcy Drive Birmingham, Michigan 48010
Joseph M. Gilliam C-589 FA 1201 E. Emerson St. Bloomington, Ill. 61701
David J. Gish HQ-589 FA 23673 West Grove St. South Bend, hid. 46628
Bruce F. Glen DHQ Co. 10 West Ferry Road Morrisville, Pa. 19067
Walter S. Glenney DHQ & Exec. 424 235 Carol Ann Drive San Antonio, Texas 78223
Neil M. Gossom Med. Det. 81 Engr. 37 Hathaway Road Timonium, Md. 21093
Emil A. Grass F-424 2823 Flintwood Dr. St. Louis, Mo. 63129
Herb Griffith F-424 2682 Creekview Dr. Marietta, Ga. 30060
Judge Larry Gubow SERV-423 4397 Sunningdale Dr. Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013


Edwin P. Hagen, Jr. 505 East Spruce St. Sisseton, S.D. 57262
Mrs. Benj. Hagman 305 West Josephine St. Weatherford, Texas 76086
Thomas A. Halsey Hq. 3rd Bn.-424 3829 Lochmore Dr. Columbia, S.C. 29209
Jack Handorf Rt. 5-Box 55 Palestine, Texas 75801
Harold V. Hardoin K-424 11732 Promenade Detroit, Michigan 48213
R. T. Harm 106th Signal 316 Demarest Ave. Closter, N.J. 07624
Abner T. Harris H-424 200 West Adams Chicago, Ill. 60606
John P. Hart D-424 200 Lane Parkway Shelbyville, Tenn. 37160
Bertram F. Hartzell C-81 Engrs. 410 South Street New Bethlehem, Pa. 16242
H. M. Hatch DHQ & 422 5609 - 15th Avenue So. Minneapolis, Minn. 55417
John P. Hayes F-422 2226 Erie Ave. Springfield, Ohio 45505
Byron P. Heath 106 MP 615 No. Monterey St., Apt. 9 Alhambra, Calif. 91801
Arthur H. Heffernan H-424164 Libert Street Pontiac, Mich. 48053
Edward Heiman D-331 Medics 62 Longview Drive Daly City, Calif. 94015
Mrs. William G. Hemelt 7737 Wynbrook Rd. Baltimore, Md. 21224
Forrest W. Hemming 806 ORD 755 Stelzer Rd. - Box 171 Columbus, Ohio 43219
Leo L. Heneghan C-422 6287 Wetherole St. Rego Park, N.Y. 11374
James W. Henning Hq. 3rd Bn.-422 1045 East 8th St. Lockport, Ill. 60441
Lt. Col. E. G. Henson H-424 9917 Echo Valley Ct. Little Rock, Ark. 72207
J. Francis Hesse D-423 220 No. Roosevelt Wichita, Kansas 67208
Harry Hicks B & A 590 FA Hew Haven, Kentucky 40051
Walter F. Hiltbrand AT-423 930 Fair Avenue Salem, Ohio 44460
John Hoenemeyer K-424 3039 Junietta Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Edward C. Hoffman 4193 Tuland Dearborn Hts., Mich. 48125
John J. Hohenstein 575 Virginia Ave. Decatur, Ill. 62522
Robert R. Holden 2902 Middle Rd. Bettendorf, Iowa 52722


Pete House A-590 5662 Clifton Ave. Jacksonville, Fla. 32211
John W. Howard SERV-591 FA 920 So. 76th St. West Allis, Wisc. 53214
Robert F. Howell H-424 904 East College St. - Rt. 6 Griffin, Ga. 30223
Carl M. Hulbert HQ.-424 2801 No. Halifax Ave. Apt. 242 Daytona Beach, Ha. 32018
Arthur A. Hulkonen C-589 FA Box 66 Kaleva, Mich. 49645
John I. Hungerford, PhD. Hq-422 5742 Penfield Ave. Woodland Hills, Calif. 91364
Boyce Huson 424-M & Hq. 3rd Bn. 208 Veronica Way Normal, Ill. 61761
Wm. Hutchinson SV-591 FA Rte. 2 - Bangall Rd. Parish N. Y., 13131
Montague H. Jacobs H-422 P. O. Box 272 Kingstree, S.C. 29556
Wm. H. Jefferies Hq. 3rd BN-422 155 Greene Ave. Totowa, N.J. 07512
Robert D. Jessee M-424 2510 Van Ness San Francisco, Calif. 94109
Richard B. Jochems DHQ-AG 2940 Okemos S.E. Grand Rapids, Mich. 49501
Edwin W. Johnson 589-B 3015 Hartig Avenue Evansville, Ind. 47712
Alan W. Jones, Jr., HQ-1st Bn-423 2805 Oakton Manor Ct. Oakton, Va. 22124
Mrs. Alan W. Jones 3532 Quebec St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20016
George W. Jones, Jr., SVC-423 Box 747 - 5652 E. Main St. Loris, S.C. 29569
Benj. F. Johnson, Jr. HQ-422 P. O. Box 308 Denton, Md. 21629
William Johnson K-424 321 Gibson Dr. Oxon Hill, Maryland 20021
Irvin Juster CN. Co.-422 1241 Ruffner Rd. Schenectady, N.Y. 12309
George H. Kaufman H-423 915 E. High St., Apt. 2 Springfield, Ohio 45505
Richard C. Kaufmann HQ-589 15776 Chatham Detroit, Mich. 48223
Elsby Keilman B-589 FA 1033 - 13th St. Tell City, Ind. 47586
Darrell Kellams E-424 12775 Grover Omaha, Neb. 68144
Edmond D. Kelly D-423 Lock Lomond Lane Scotswood, R.D. 6 Middletown, N.Y. 10940
George S. Kelly P. O. Box 396 Southampton, N.Y. 11968


John H. Kelly C-423 1117 Pleasant St. East Weymouth, Mass. 02189
Robert E. Kelly-SVC-423 4388 Barchester Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013
Glen N. Kennedy AT-423 713 Normandy Dr. Iowa City, Iowa 52240
Francis T. Kenney Hq.-424 RFD #1 - 4 Hampton Rd. Peekskill, N.Y. 10566
Herbert D. Kephart HQ-2nd Bn-423 1063 Merry Lane Van Wert, Ohio 45891
Jesse O. Kershner AT-423 17 Ridgewood Parkway Newport News, Va. 23602
Don W. Kersteiner HQ-2nd Bn-424 650 Emerson Ave. Hamilton, Ohio 45013
Joseph A. Kersten G-423 162 Duerstein St. Buffalo, N.Y. 14210
Dr. John E. Ketterer DHQ 1141 Williams Blvd. Springfield, Ill. 62704
James R. Klett DHQ 1647 Oak St. Lebanon, Pa. 17042
Franklin R. Koehler D-424 56 Orchard Place Maywood, N.J. 07607
Joseph Krafchik HQ-331 MED 349 Livingston Ave. New Brunswick, N.J. 08902
Howard W. Kriz SV-591 FA P. O. Box 38 Wilsonville, Oregon 97070
John Kucharz G-424 211 Green Brook Rd. Green Brook, NJ.-08812
Harold Kuizema B-589 FA 2151 Griggs S.E. Grand Rapids, Mich. 49506
James J. Kane Hq.-81 ENGR. 2835 Rexford Rd. Youngstown, Ohio 44511
Vaden Lackey C.O., 590 FA 508 E. Bellevue Dr. Nashville, Tenn. 37205
Ted Lada L-424 1044 Liberty Lincoln Park, Mich. 48146
Elmer F. Lange H-422 5940 Elkcrest Dr. Lincoln, Neb. 68516
Charles G. Laphan SV-592 FA 5 - S. White Horse Pike Lindenwood, N.J. 08021
Mrs. Georgia LeClare 1706 Fort Jesse Rd. Normal, Ill. 61761
F. H. Lee C-422 1204 Anguilla St. Waycross, Ga. 31501
Samuel Leibowitz HQ-424 645 E. 5th Street Brooklyn, N.Y. 11218
Leo R. Leisse, Sr., Hq., 3rd Bn-422 5324 Chatfield Dr. Mehlville, Missouri 63129
Phillip R. Leswing B-592 FA 389 Red Barn Rd. Willow Grove, Pa. 19090
Louis S. Letellier, Jr. C-81 ENGR. 1166 Catalina Road E. Jacksonville, Fla. 32216
Charles R. Lewis 806-ORD 16 Court Street Brooklyn, N.Y. 11241


Robert A. Likins B-591 FA 805 E. Henry Clay #301 Whitefish Bay, Wisc. 53217
Curtis L. Lindsey H-424 Route 1, Box 319 Waco, Texas 76710
Wm. M. Lineberger SV-591 FA 1014 Woodlawn Dallas, Texas 75208
C. F. Little Hq.-423 South Hill Rd. Williamstown, Vt. 05679
Joseph Litvin D-423 1959 West 185th St. Torrance, Calif. 90504
Herbert B. Livesey, Jr. DHQ-CHEM. 375 Teatown Rd. Croton-On-Hudson, N.Y. 10520
Arthur E. Loos I-422 40 Highland Ave., Broad Brook, Conn. 06016
Oliver A. Lothrop, Jr. B-423 316 West Wind Rd. Towson, Maryland 21204
Leonard L. Lovejoy 590th FA 629 North Union St. Staunton, Ill. 62088
John T. Loveless, Jr., HQ-422 2549 Pickwick Road Baltimore, Md. 21207
Allen L. Lowith CN-423 1062 So. Mansfield Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. 90019
William Luscay B-423 12612 South Moody Ave. Palos Heights, Ill. 60463
Edward L. Luzzie 590th FA 5524 S. Woodland Dr. Western Springs, Ill. 60558

Thomas G. Manager C592/A590 309 Addison Road Glastonbury, Conn. 06033
Mrs. Wm. T. Manahan Box 69 - R.D. #1 Norwood Ave. Rd. Blue Ridge Summit, Pa. 17214
H. E. Mansfield, Jr. A-424 190 Northcrest Dr. Athens, Ga. 30601
Gilbert Marcus SERV-423 1340 N. Astor St., Apt. 808 Chicago, Ill. 60610
Col. J. C. Matthews, Jr., Hq-422 4706 Western Blvd. Raleigh, N.C. 27606
Robert A. Mattiko 424 1029 Huston Dr. West Mifflin, Pa. 15122
Thomas J. Maw A-592 436 Beech St. Rockland, Mass. 02370
Roger A. May DHQ-G3 317 - 53rd Street Western Springs, Ill. 60558
John F. McCauley SV-589 FA 2317 Taylor St. Joliet, Ill. 60435
Henry H. McKee 422 414 Spaceway San Antonio, Texas 78239
Kenneth R. McLean 81 ENGRS. C.P.L. Corp. King Philip Rd. East Providence, R.I. 02914
Brig. Gen. Leo T. McMahon DIV. ARTY 8 No. Union Street Middletown, Pa., 17057


Joseph A. Meola A-591 12 Meola Rd. Congers, N.Y. 10920
O. Paul Merz SERV-422 8657 Mockingbird Lane Cincinnati, Ohio 45231
John A. Middleton HI 106 SIGN. 17 Kensington Road Madison, N.J. 07940
John L. Mikalauskis H-424 306 W. Blake St. Benton, Ill. 62812
Elman M. Miller HQ, 3rd Bn-424 3308 Fairview Ave. Chicago, Ill. 60411
Gene L. Miller B-592 FA 4335 Parkmead Dr. Seabrook, Texas 77586
Col Eric R. Mills HQ, 1st Bn-422 5007 Dian Woods Drive E. Jacksonville, Fla. 32210
Jack (Dick) Monroe A-423 Box 199 Nursery Rd. Titusville, N.J. 08560
Col. Wm. P. Moon, Jr., HQ-1st Bn-422 9135 Oakland Circle Lynchburg, Va. 24502
Adolph G. Moritz 422F 1438 LeGeros Dr. Brookings, S.D. 57006
Robert B. Morrison G-424 260 Oaklyn Rd. Bethel Park, Pa. 15102
Michael S. Mosher F423 & L-424 147 Sunset Dr. Gallatin, Term. 37066
Newton L. Mosley SERV-591 FA 3194 Beachwood Dr. Lithia Springs, Ga. 30057
Rev. Dr. Ronald A. Mosley DIV. ARTY & 424 20 Maudslea-On-Sea Box 25 Petite River, Lunenburg Co. Nova Scotia, Canada
M. J. Mueller L-424 (Medic) P. O. Box 257 Lake Villa, Ill. 60046
Thomas C. Murley 424-E Box 369 Leonard, Texas 75452
George Murray, Jr., H-424 521 9th St., Box 724 Bemidji, Minn. 56601
Ralph J. Murphy L-424 YMCA - 41 State Street Albany, N.Y. 12203
Vincent J. Mustacchio D-331 Med. 15 Canner Ave. Belleville, N.J. 07109
Dr. Larry Myers, Jr., 591 FA 151 Cambridge St. Syracuse, N.Y. 13210
John B. Nash 806 ORD 247 Van Duzer St. Staten Island, N.Y. 10304
Dr. Irwin Neigus HQ-331 MED. 1705 Caton Ave. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11226
New York C. Public Library Div. P.-Grand Central Station P. O. Box 2240 New York, N.Y.
Alfred S. Nusbaum HQ-423 5622 N. - 12th Street Phoenix, Ariz. 85014


Wanold D. Olman SVC-422 912 Cokesbury Dr. Columbia, S.C. 29203
Dr. George M. Osborne 3rd Bn-423 & 331 Med. 1042 Ovington Rd. Jacksonville, Fla. 32216
Stephen Osciak 106 Signal 21 Mountain Rd. Verona, N.J. 07044
Roland Parquette 423 Anti-Tank 410 Super Street RR 6 Mosinee, Wisc. 54455
Marvin J. Parr B-424 5500 N.W. 2nd Ave. Boca Raton, Fla. 33432
Fletcher D. Patterson I-422 Rt. 2 - Box 235 McDonough, Ga. 30253
Wm. R. Pettus Hq. - 1st Bn-424 7813 Carter Dr., Apt. 4 Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66204
Charles S. Peyser B-424 212 Potomac Ave. Hanover, Pa. 17331
George F. Phillips DHQ 37 Linden Place-Belmont Circle Uniontown, Pa. 15401
Robert W. Pierce C-81 ENGR. 474 Federal St., N.W. Warren, Ohio 44483
Waldo B. Pierce F-422 530 East Street New Britain, Conn. 06051
Gordon B. Pinney B-423 RR #1 - Box 35 Whitney, Neb. 69367
    Edward C. Plenge HQ-589 FA 115 E. 31st Street Beach Haven Gardens, N.J. 08008 Charles R. Porter 9 Pulaski Homes New Brighton, Pa. 15066
Dr. David S. Price DHQ & 331 MED. 3 North Lane Loudonville, N.Y.
Louis Praznik A-81 ENGR. 24920 Midland St. Detroit, Mich. 48239
Ed. A. Prewett B-424 RFD 2, Box 730 Brentwood, Calif. 94513
Edward A. Priebe 592A 6443 Abington Detroit, Mich. 48228
Col. Joseph F. Puett C.C., 2nd Bn-423 2748-D Shallowford Rd. Atlanta, Ga. 30341
Clayton E. Rarick L-424 Box 55 Blandon, Pa. 19510
Victor Rauch C-592 FA 37 Chateau Court Loudonville, N.Y. 12211
Alex Ravdin A-331 Medics 5308 Fitzhugh Ave. Richmond, Va. 23226
Dean T. Redmond HQ. 3rd Bn-422 611 N. Center Street Statesville, N.C. 28677
R. F. Reece E-423 2933 Chayes Park Dr. Homewood, Ill. 60430


Raymond J. Reed CN-423 461 Chestnut S . Union, N.J. 07083
Chas. B. Reid AT-423 P. 0. Box 98 Richburg, S.C. 29729
Ed. Reilly SV-591 FA 96 Irvine Terrace Bloomfield, N.J. 07003
Charles W. Richards SERV-423 204 Crestview Dr. Hendersonville, N.C. 28739
Roy Richards SERV-423 2722 Whispering Pines Dr. Decatur, Ga. 30033
Col. Thomas J. Riggs, Jr., C.O. 81 ENGR. 6 Olive Street Providence, Rhode Island 02906
Robert C. Ringer SERV-590/591 4280 Kendale Rd. Columbus, Ohio 43220
George Rinkema B 423 16817 So. Park Ave. South Holland, Ill. 60473
Eden E. Ristenpart C-331 MEDIC 331 E. 147 Place Harvey, Ill. 60426
Lt. Col. T. M. Roberts DHQ P. 0. Box 9151 Bridgeport, Conn. 06601
Wesley E. Robinson 422C-424G 2026 San Jose Ave. Shively, Ky. 40216
Dr. J. G. Rodriguez 1550 Beacon Hill Road Lexington, Ky. 40504
Louis P. Rossi H-424 1314 - 9th St. North Bergen, N.J. 07047
Nathan M. Roth B-592 FA 160 Riverside Blvd. Long Beach, N.Y. 11561
Marvin H. Rusch DHQ-(G-1) 10830 W. Courtland Wauwatosa, Wisc. 53225
D. L. Russell SERV-591 FA 211 Forman Dr. Attalla, Ala. 35954
J. B. Russell SERV-422 Box 323 McDonough, Ga. 30253
Roger M. Rutland B-424 6632 Arcadia Woods Rd. - Box 1713 Columbia, S.C. 29202
Robert E. Rutt HQ-422 937 Lampwick Court Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013
Joseph T. Salerno B-423 124 Florence Pl. South Plainfield, N.J. 07080
L. Orvis Samples SERV-591 FA 405 West 25th St. Belle, West Va. 25015
Robert E. Sandberg A-81 ENGR. 1786 Saunders Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 55116 28
Eugene L. Saucerman D-422 RR #23 - Box 82 Terre Haute, Ind. 47802
John J. Scalissi H-424 1706 Regent St. Madison, Wisconsin 53705
John P. Schlesser SERV-591 FA 11603 West 206th Ave. Lowell, Indiana 46356
Fred Schieferstein A-424 431 Madison Hill Road Clark, N.J. 07066


Charles H. Schoch SERV-592 & C-590 FA P. O. Box 236 Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449
Phillip F. Schutte F-424 2415 Otter Drive Warren, Mich. 48092
Earl A. Scott HQ, 589-HQ, DIV ARTY 6414 Monument Ave. Richmond, Va. 23226
Robert L. Scranton K-424 9441 Lee Road Brighton, Mich. 48116
Fred A. Sebastinelli DHQ 184 Avila St. San Francisco, Calif. 94123
Mrs. Mary L. Senn Assoc. 705 Merriwether Dr. North Augusta, S.C. 29841
Harley W. Slaback HQ, 3rd Bn, 422 111 206 Temple Dr. Sanford, Fla. 32771
David B. Slayton A-422 648 Terrylyn Pl. Long Beach, Calif. 90807
Charles L. Smith D-422 P. O. Box 24 Fort Loudon, Pa. 17224
Edward J. Smith M-423 R.D. # 2 R. D. #2 Parish, N.Y. 13131
Lester S. Smyth DIV. ARTY. 505 Chadwick Rd. Timonium, Maryland 21093
Walter W. Snyder A-589 FA 2901 Dunmore Road Dundalk, Maryland 21222
Emil M. Solecki SERV-592 FA 98 wood Port Rd. Sparta, N.J. 07871
Loren L. Souers 81 Engr. & 424 1200 Harter Bank Bldg. Canton, Ohio 44702
Norman S. Spayd H-423 1518 Schuylkill Ave. Reading, Pa. 19601
Robert L. Spade 424 H 509 N. Franklin St. Robinson, Ill. 62454
Dominick A. Spina 106 M.P. 388 Highland Ave. Newark, N.J. 07104
Kermit Steele 424 110 W. Sherman St. Mt. Vernon, Ind.
Donald J. Stone C-589 FA 1505 East Memorial Drive Janesville, Wisc. 53545
Peter P. Stranko A-423 3051 Davis Street Oakland, Calif. 94601
John Stribing, Jr. AT-424 12639 South Timberlane Dr. Palos Park, Ill. 60464
Lambert B. Struble I-424 135 Robinson St. Lyons, Mich. 48851
Jack Sutherland, Sr. G-424 1168 Illinois Circle Decatur, Ill. 62526
George F. Sutter AT-423 9148 Elmwood Dr. Munster, Indiana 46321
Charles J. Swider DHQ 1901 Red Coach Rd. Allison Park, Pa. 15101 29 -T-


Lee B. Taylor K-424 Box 16 Anderson, S.C. 29621
James Teason MED.-423 & 331 MED. 419 Huntington Lane Elmhurst, Ill. 60126
James E. Teel A-424 R.D. #1 Port Norris, N.J. 08349
Howard J. Terrio 1-423 & K-424 4429 Briarwood Rd. Columbia, S.C. 29206
William T. Thorn L-422 1604 No. Breiel Blvd. Middletown, Ohio 45042
Harrison C. Tissot C-422 6510 Murray Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45227
Edward A. Tobis 592 B 9854 Sterling Allen Park, Mich. 48101
Earl L. Todd 81st Engr. B 330 Camden Court Evansville, Ill. 47715
Frank S. Trautman D-422 80 E. Summit St Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022
Arthur J. Tribout G-424 1447 North 42nd St. East St. Louis, Ill. 62204
Rollin L. Twining HQ-424 19 Lennox Dr. Binghamton, N.Y. 13903
Bernard Uebel B-422nd 21 Clarissa Dr. Hicksville, N.Y. 11801
Steve G. Varhola 6650 Royal Palm Blvd., Apt. 309C Margate, Fla. 33063
Russell H. Villwock 106th SIGNAL 6908 West Higgins Avenue, Chicago, Ill., 60656
Louis Vincent A-424 2133 Center Street Stevens Point, Wisc. 54481
Dr. Hans Wachtel DHQ & 331 MED. 5000 East End Chicago, Ill. 60615
Robert F. Walker D-422 598 Terrace Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
Chas. S. Walsh SV-592 FA 1001 Chews Landing Rd. - Ashland Terrace, Voorhees, N.J. 08043
Presslye Walters ASSOC. MEMBER 430 Winchester Ave. Youngstown, Ohio 44509
Nathan D. Ward 81 ENGR. 3784 Ardsley Marietta, Ga. 30060.
Glenn W. Warner C-81 ENGR. 2519 – 15th Ave. Moline, Ill. 61265
Clarence E. Warren A-81 ENGR 111 Goodrich St. Kewanee, Ill. 61443
Joseph A. Wasik G-423 171 Fan Hill Rd. Monroe, CT
Col. Jewell K. Watt DHQ-Ig RFD 1 Tecumseh, Kansas 66542 30


James M. Wattam D-422 12518 Rosebud Drive Rockville, Maryland 20853
George T. Weaver MED.-422 P. O. Box 46 Goble, Oregon 97048
Frederick G. Weisser, Jr. Hq. 2nd Bn 422 141 Park Avenue Manhasset, N.Y. 11030
James E. Wells Co. C. - 81 ENGR. Rt. 3 - Box 511 Hephzibah, Ga. 30815
Harry J. Welsh, Jr. K-424 24 West Mt. Pleasant Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. 19119
E. C. White, Jr. C-591 FA Box 465 Whiteface, Texas 79379
James S. White F-423 -/I, 1501 Ryan Avenue Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 49783
Frederick L. Wilkerson, Sr. M-422 409 Center Street Washington Grove, Md. 20880
Fred Williams D-423 RFD 2, Box 82 Grand Ridge, Fla. 32442
John D. Wilson D/422 & H/422 331 East 59th Street Hialeah, Fla. 33012
Bob Woodruff Div. Hq. Co. 3221 Las Talmas Houston, Texas 77027
Robert E. Woods G-424 2712 Summit St. Bethel Park, Pa. 15102
Brig. Gen. F. A. Woolfley CG 932 Solomon Place New Orleans, La. 70119
Van S. Wyatt G-424 Box 51-602 West 8th St. Benton, Ky. 42025
Robert York D-422 142 East Sycamore Grayville, Illinois 62844
Leonard Younts SERV-589 FA 18621 Ray Riverview, Mich. 48192
George K. Zak D & M 422 11023 Kingston St. Westchester, Ill. 60153
Mike Zenn D-423 540 West Judson Ave. Youngstown, Ohio 44511
Gordon B. Zicker HQ-423 6 Sunrise Dr. Montvale, N.J. 07645
Ed Zoll HQ-424 1712 Virginia Pl. N.E. Canton, Ohio 44705 S.
Harry Zorn 106 SIGNAL Camelot Hall 10185 Collins Ave. Bal Harbor, Fla. 33154
Jack Zuckerman C-423 71-23 167th St. Flushing, N.Y. 11365

    "1976-77 year dues are now payable to our new Adjutant Walter Bandurak, 219 ½ North Maple Avenue, Greensburg, Penna. 15601. Greensburg, Penna. 15601.

     Why not write your check now, before you forget, and send it to Walt with a note concerning your present status, correct mailing address (include zip code) and the unit in which you served in the 106th.


1978 1978 1978
     It was unanimously accepted that the 106th would hold its 1978 Convention aboard the "Emerald Sea" enroute to Nassau in the Bahamas. We will have a Hotel to stay in the first night featuring the usual Warm up party and then be transported to the new Miami Seaport for embarkation on the "Emerald Seas". Ship will arrive back in Miami 9:00 A.M. on Monday. We will have a Farewell breakfast aboard ship. Those members attending the Convention in Evansville, interested in joining us please contact Doug Coffey, 947 N.W. Arnet St. Port Charlotte, Florida, 33952, as soon as possible to firm up prices and reservations. The lists of those going is attached and any correction of addresses or names should be reported. Those names without an address, please furnish or I will get them from the Adjutant when he gets his papers all together after the Convention headaches. More details will follow in future Cubs. As this is not an ordinary Convention we must sign up early to keep today's prices and accommodations. Anyone looking for prices and accommodations can check the "Emerald Seas" brochure at any travel agency. They are free but if you have any questions let me know.
     Following up the above after consulting the steamship line and travel agent it looks as though, barring any national catastrophe and looking into the two year future we shall be able to hold a figure of $280.00. This will include Reservation fee, Hotel room Thursday night, free Warmup party an outside stateroom for all on Rudy and Topaz decks, Port Tax of $10.00 and transportation for those who need it from Hotel to ship and from ship Airport Monday morning. If there is any reduction in fares in 1978 we shall receive an adjusted figure and a refund if it amounts to anything or use it up in a party. Sign up now so we can give a better count. Details will be forthcoming and we shall also like to know who contemplates driving their car and how many will be coming by train or plane.
* Note - Names of those going will be in the next Cub.

Dear John:
     Sorry once again I'm late getting pictures and info off to you. We missed you at the reunion. It was a hot weekend and not a bit comfortable for traveling or sightseeing. To top it off I turned my ankle and fell Thursday afternoon and had to hobble around all week-end. It now is just getting well.
     Sherry and I had a great time at the reunion renewing old friendships and we are looking forward to the Elyria and Loraine next year.
     We just received word that our home in Phoenix will be vacant on the 6th of Sept. So will be leaving Ohio on the 1st of Sept. It will feel real good to be settled once again.
Our cadet has returned to the Air Force Academy from summer activities to begin his second academic year.




Dear John:
     I've just spent a month in Britain, visiting relatives and old friends, and going over some of the area I was with in the 106th in the Cotswold Hills. I had the honor of seeing the Mayor of Banbury (2nd Bn of the 4th Inf) and the Supt. of the Manor House in-Atterbury (Hq, 424th), and the Deputy Mayor of Chipping Norton (3rd Bn, 424th). I gave a division patch to each place in honor of our time there. For those of the 3rd Bn, 424th, the old Brewery where the E M were billeted has been torn down. The old Manor House is now used by the Council. Old houses, going back to the 15th and 16th c's, have also been leveled. What a pity! The 3rd Bn, 424th, gave most of their candy to the National Crippled Children's Home in Chipping Norton, and I had a short visit there. Britain has changed a great deal, but I did spend an evening in Chipping Norton with old friends whom I had known almost 32 years ago. I stayed at a small inn, "Chequers."
     Using a Britrail Pass for a month of unlimited travel, I traveled over 2500 miles in the UK, from the south coast of England to John O'Groats-which is where the Scottish branch of my family originates. Family reunions were very frequent, and I even found some distant Gunn cousins who spoke the Gallic as a 1st language! Hospitality abounded! US veterans are very welcome (especially those whose antecedents are from the "old sod"). As I was born in Canada of British parents (my Dad is the oldest Canadian Army chaplain), they accepted me as one of their own.
     I cannot make the re-union in Evansville this year (old county to me, as I attended DePauw Univ. in Greencastle, Ind. and met my wife there). Please give my best to all.
God Bless! My very best,
R. A. Mosley, Chaplain, Div Arty and 424th Inf Regt.

Dear John:
     Just received a copy of the "CUB of the GOLDEN LION" issue for April-May-June 1976 from a Buddy I don't know but am thankful to have heard from for I really enjoyed the publication--and to show I mean it--and will look forward to seeing more of them--am enclosing check for $5.00 which I presume you will have to forward to Bob Scranton.
     I had a two-fold purpose in writing to you. I could not locate Jack Bryant's address in "The Cub" but did note yours and Bob Scranton's, and having heard from both of you in the past. In checking my file I came across your letter of July 7, 1975, requesting copy of "The Bulge: Bravery Paid Off' and my inability to do anything but suggest how might get a copy from the V.F.W. Editor and also, perhaps, permission to quote in your publication. Did you ever get a copy? If not, I'll try to get the article again and type it for you--maybe the party might be willing to part with it by now.
     For the benefit of your records--I was with Headquarters Co., 3rd Bn., 422nd Inf. S/Sgt., A&P Platoon until "all hell broke loose" and we were ordered to drop our packs and overcoats (what a dumb order) before taking off in an attempt to break through the enemy lines. Expense trip of Europe, without overcoats (or even raincoats). I'll never forget the beautiful scenery and all the time in the world to view same inasmuch as we were moving under our own power. The rules of the Geneva


Conference were carried out to the letter.
     Oh, yes, for the records, my birthdate 2/22/1910, wife's name Eleanor. Have been retired since 1/23/75 but unable to take any vacation trips yet. Say regards to all the Buddies of the Lion Division.
Leo R. Leisse, Sr. 5324 Chatfield Dr.
Mehlville, Missouri 63129

Dear John;
     I have been neglecting my letter writing to the "CUB" and that will not do as was pointed out in the meeting at the last reunion, the "CUB" is our life line and it is our job to keep writing. Most of the fellows that were at the last reunion know that I took my retirement last November and would you believe that I now have less time to write than I had before, I don't know where the time goes. Once again we had a good reunion, a wonderful time and I want to thank Ken and June Bradfield because they did all the work, also Russ Enlow for his part, sorry that I Didn't get to the turkey barbecue that Russ had, I understand that it was the greatest.
     We had some new members show up at this last reunion, Adolph Moritz of Brookings, S.D. was one and I tried to help him find some of his old gang from 422 Inf., F company so if any of you readers know of anyone from that company please let Adolph know. I was asked again at the meeting of the last reunion how I was able to find as many of my old battery as I did, it wasn't easy, it took five years and count-less letters and telephone calls. If you have any idea of the city or town the person you are looking for is from there are several ways you can go about finding him, the first is the telephone book, if there is no listing write to the Post Commanders and the Quartermasters of the V.F.W. or the Legion and ask them for their help, if you want their addresses write to the Adjutant General at the National head- quarters in Kansas City, Mo. and he will send you the list of addresses that you want. The next step if that don't work is to write to the postmaster of the town that you think your man lived in, send him a dollar and they will look back through their list for a forwarding address, another thing that I did is I have a list of the men that I am looking for and when Kay and I are on a trip I will look in the Phone book of any town and I think one of my lost men are in, that worked one time. The big job is finding them and then you have a much bigger job to get them to come to a reunion, but I kept hounding them with letters and at the last few reunions we have had a good turnout, in Evansville the dirty dozen plus one showed up and we hope to see more service battery men there next year.
     Because of my retirement I am handicapped in getting my "NEWS- LETTER" out, I can no longer get the letters copied so that I can send them out to the fifty-two men that I have been writing to. At the last reunion Barbara and Bill Dahlen offered to have copies of my letters made and will send them out for me, they live in Maryland, I live in Indiana, I thought that this was very generous of them, they too seem to think that this "NEWSLETTER" will keep us together. I will try to keep my part just as I hope to be able to keep letter° going to you.
     Next month Kay and I are going out west where we will visit with a couple of 106 men, Ken Corrigan of Olympia, Wash. and Howard Kriz of Willsonville, Oregon. I will have more about our trip in my next letter, this is it for now, keep well.
Sincerely, Jack Schlesser

(Jack many thanks to you. Editor)

Dear John & Stella,
Thanks for the reminder on the CUB deadline. It does help to keep things in the right perspective.
     Gee, we just had a great time at the reunion in Evansville. We enjoyed all the old friendships that were renewed and met a number of new people that will be good members and an asset to our association.
     Martha and I along with Jeanne and Bob Gilder had a very interesting trip getting to Evansville, as usual we always go the long way. This time we went by the way of Bloomington, Indiana, Springfield, Illinois,


    St. Louis, Missouri and Jasper, Indiana. To try and fill in all the details would take reams of paper but we sure did have a good time. As soon as some of the pictures are developed we will be sending them along.
     To get back to the Evansville Reunion, June and Ken Bradfield really should be congratulated for a real fine reunion. They and their committee must have burned the midnight candle a few times to come up with the gem they put on. I think everyone there will have to say it was a tremendous job, well done. Thanks from the Ohio crew.
     Congratulations to our new slate of officers and Board members. I'm sure we will continue on in good hands and that we will continue to grow.
     We, the Convention Committee for 1977 will have our work cut out for us in order to do the job that Evansville put on. As of now we have almost everything lined up to start at the Holiday Inn-Elyria-Lorain, on July 21, 22 and 23, 1977. Many suggestions were received and we will be sifting through and evaluating them so as to incorporate as many as possible for next year. We do expect a good turnout and will be sending more information throughout the year.
Sincerely, John Fritz

Dear John:
     We missed seeing you and Stella very much at Evansville. It was a nice reunion and Ken and his wife did a great job, as did his committee helpers.
Sherod Collins

Dear John:
     I was with 106th Signal Co. from the day the Div. was activated. In the bombing of St. Vith a group of men of the 106th was commandeered by an officer of the 28th Div. After 14 days we were returned to the 106th Div. I was with the Div. when it returned home. The last stop before going home was Bad Em's where we guarded the German Hi Command.
     After being home for a while I checked my discharge, well believe it or not I was discharged from the 28th Div., although I had never been a member of that division.
S. Harry Zorn Camelot Hall 10185 Collins Ave. Bal Harbor, Florida 33154

Dear John,
     Avis and I and Daughter Jo-Ann have just returned from the convention and our extended vacation. We spent a day at Hershey Park prior to the convention and then motored to Evansville for the reunion. Enroute we stopped at Russ Enlows for a turkey barbecue. Russ and his wonderful family put on a bodacious repast. There were many there. We arrived rather late and had to leave to make the Board of Directors meeting. Wish we could have stayed longer. The Convention was great and we enjoyed meeting with all our old friends. The accommodations were superb! Kudos to Ken Bradfield and spouse.
     After the Sunday morning - partings we motored to Denver, Colo. to visit with Avis' Brother. We enjoyed a relaxing five days there watching the Olympics on the tube and visiting around. We drove up through the Big Thompson River Canyon to Estes Park the day before it washed out with so much terrible loss of life.
     After leaving Denver we motored up to Pat and Gordon Pinney s ranch in Whitney, Nebraska. They have a 2400 acre spread there and are very happy with what they are doing. They raise wheat, oats, corn, hay and have much grazing land. They have about 50 head of cattle, some sheep, some chickens, and a fair sized truck garden. Their oldest son is coming home from the service and expects to join them on the ranch so maybe Pat and Gordon will join us at the Elyria-Lorain reunion next year.
From Nebraska we drove up to Mt. Rushmore and Custer Park; the Black Hills, and back east through the Badlands. We


    stopped in Peoria, Ill. and I took a short tour through the Caterpillar Tractor factory there. I have been working in conjunction with them in testing there experimental truck engines for the last two or three years. From there we came home just in time to greet Sherod Collins and his brother who were on their way to Maine. We enjoyed dinner with them and had much conversation. As we were unable to accommodate them for the night we found a nice motel close by. They were on their way to Maine the next day. Hope they stop on their way back.
     Perhaps I should update the family status. Avis is driving the bookmobile for the local library about three days a week. Our oldest daughter Barbara is married just one year yesterday to George Allaire. They live in town here and Barbara teaches in the elementary school where she learned her ABC's. George is a job rater at Norton Company (abrasives). Jo-Ann (Jody) commences her junior year at University of Rhode Island shortly. During vacations and summers she is a sales clerk at Cherry & Webbs a ladies apparel store. And of course yours truly is still trailer trucking back and forth between Boston and Buffalo, N.Y. six days a week.
Enough for now. See you next time around.
Sincerely, Ben Britton

Dear John:
     As a matter of information I would like, through you, to inform the members of the Division Association that I am now embarking on a new and exciting career; as you can see from above an account executive for the Bartley Commodities Corporation.
     I thought that I wanted to retire after having divested myself of my business a while back; but I guess an old warhorse has to get back into action. My new venture is exciting and a wonderful way for my clients to improve their financial situations in a investing vehicle that offers excellent opportunities.
     I trust that in the future that I will be to serve you as well as any other member the division that feels that they would avail themselves of my services. Kindest personal regards.
Gilbert Marcus, Capt. (Ret.) 423rd Inf. Reg.

Mrs. Margaret Bullard ASSOCIATE
Forest Lake - Rte. 4
Mebane, N.C., 27302
     I am enclosing a check for my dues. I wish I could be in Evansville with you all this year, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to do so. The only news from our family is that my son, Tom, and his wife are going to make me a grandmother in September. We are all looking forward to that. Hope the Convention will be a big success. I'm sure it will. I always enjoy the Cub and learning the latest news of each member.

     If you were a POW of Stalag I V B located at Zittau get in touch with C. R. Hartt, ??? Perry St., Harrisonburg, Va. and come to the reunion each May.
This past May they went to Canadensis in the Poconos at the Brentnook Guest House.
     Saturday morning we hiked through Buck Hill Forest to the Buck Hill Inn which is a beautiful place and lots of activities. For dinner the group walked a block to the Crossroads for cocktails and dinner. The American Legion Post 922 presented each man with a plaque and each lady with a corsage. A vote was taken and it was decided to go to the Brentnook Guest House with each member taking turns as host for the yearly get together.
Will you vote - please?
It is our duty and privilege.
Freedom is precious, let's protect it.


Index for: Vol. 33 No. 1, Oct, 1976

Index for This Document

106th Div., 60
106th Inf. Div., 20, 21, 27
106th Infantry Division Association, 12, 20
106th Sig. Co., 47, 53, 60
28th Inf. Div., 60
422nd Inf., 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 56, 58
423rd Inf., 16, 17, 18, 62
423rd Inf. Regt., 16, 62
424th Inf., 16
424th Inf. Regt., 16, 17, 18, 20, 56
424th Route, 44
590th FA BN, 38, 42, 44, 50
591st FA BN, 31, 32, 36, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 53
592nd FA BN, 31, 34, 42, 46, 47, 48, 50, 52
7th Armd. Div., 25
806th Ord. Co., 38, 46
81st Engr., 18, 52
81st Engr. BN, 4
81st Engr. Cbt. BN, 16
Adamowicz, Steve T., 29
Addison, Fred W., 29
Adkins, Jim, 29
Agostini, Orfeo E., 29
Alexander, Mr. & Mrs. William (Carolyn), 16
Alexander, William G., 29
Anderson, Francis E., 29
Anderson, Gerald J., 29
Andrews, Lowry B., 29
Ardennes, 24
Armington, Don, 14
Armington, Donald R., 1, 29
Armington, Mr. & Mrs. Don, 16
Arminio, Anthony, 29
Austin, Clifford N., 29
Axelrod, Dr. George, 29
Bad Orb, 23
Baker, W. C., 29
Bandurak, Lil, 9
Bandurak, Mr. & Mrs. Walter (Lillian), 16
Bandurak, Walt, 3, 13
Bandurak, Walter, 1, 27, 29, 53
Barnes, L. Preston, 29
Barnett, Harold A., 29
Bartz, Richard E., 16, 29
Battle Of The Bulge, 21
Beals, Mrs. Carol W., 16, 29
Behr, Richard H., 29
Belgium, 21, 23, 24
Bell, Roger W., 29
Berlin, 34
Bickford, Flo & Tom, 25
Bickford, Mr. & Mrs. Tom, 16
Bickford, Thomas, 29
Bickford, Tom, 6, 8
Bieze, John, 29
Bieze, Mr. & Mrs. John H. (Virginia), 16
Biles, C. W., 29
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 29
Black, T. Wayne, 16, 29
Black, Wayne, 8
Bliealf, 23
Bookheimer, Merrill E., 31
Bottoms, Ira G., 31
Boucouvalas, William S., 31
Bowman, Col. Byrne A., 31
Boyle, Rev. Edward T., 31
Braaten, Nels J., 31
Brackett, James E., 31
Bradfield, June, 21
Bradfield, Ken, 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 14, 21, 25, 31, 60
Bradfield, Ken & June, 27, 58
Bradfield, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W., 16
Bradley, L. B., 31
Bradley, Mr. & Mrs. L. B., 16
Brazill, Myles, 31
Britton, Ben, 1, 12, 27, 31, 62
Britton, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin B., 16
Broth, Dorothy, 31
Brummer, Harold J., 31
Brunswick, 42
Brutus, Glen J., 31
Brutus, Mr. & Mrs. Glen J., 16
Bryant, Jack, 31, 56
Bryant, Mr. & Mrs. Jack, 16
Buckley, Arthur C., 31
Bullard, Mrs. Margaret, 31, 62
Burkes, Robert A., 31
Burnham, Fred W., 31
Burrell, James V., 31
Buschemeyer, Chester, 31
Butler, Harry W., Jr., 31
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 31
Byrd, Mr. & Mrs. Austin, Jr., 16
Call, George, 14, 31
Call, Mr. & Mrs. George, 16
Cariano, Lt. Col. Samuel P., 31
Carpenter, Ben C., 31
Carter, Fred R., 16, 32
Caughman, Robert H., 32
Cavender, Col. Charles C., 32
Chase, Fred, 12
Chase, Fred B., 1, 32
Chipping Norton, 56
Clark, Christopher T., 32
Clark, Dr. James I., 32
Clark, Dr. Jim, 12
Clark, George Rogers, 6, 7
Clark, James I., 1
Clark, Walter C., 32
Clarke, Walter C., 16
Co. C, 424th Inf., 18
Coffey, Doug, 8, 12, 14, 15, 21, 55
Coffey, Douglas, 13
Coffey, Douglas S., 1, 32
Coffey, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas, 16
Coffey's, The, 10
Collier, James E., Sr., 32
Collins, Frank, 32
Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Virgil L., 16
Collins, Sherod, 1, 8, 12, 13, 16, 28, 60, 62
Collins, Sherod, Jr., 32
Collins, Virgil, 12
Collins, Virgil L., 1, 32
Connelly, Dr. Michael E., 32
Conner, Milton M., 32
Corrigan, Charles K., 32
Corrigan, Ken, 58
Cotswold, 56
Crank, Mel, 32
Creamer, Raymond J., 32
Crocker, John S., 32
Crocker, Mr. & Mrs. John S., 16
Crossman, Lester, 32
Crossman, Mr. & Mrs. Lester W., 16
Crozier, William R., 32
Curcione, Emil, 32
Curnow, Edward L., 32
Dabson, Alan, 32
Dahlen, Bill, 58
Dahlen, Mr. & Mrs. William S., 16
Dahlen, William S., 32
Dargon, Paul, 32
Datte, Chas., 32
Datte, Mr. & Mrs. Charles T., 16
David, Sam E., Jr., 34
Davis, James, 34
Davis, Rich, 21
de St. Aubin, Robert A., 34
DeChiara, Joseph A., 34
DeHeer, Dick, 25
DeHeer, Dick & Marge, 6, 27
DeHeer, Mr. & Mrs. Richard, 16
DeHeer, Richard, 34
Delaval, Dr. Maurice, 34
Descheneaux, Col. George L., 34
Dever, Martin J., 34
Dickard, G. Edward, 34
Div. Arty, 50, 56
Div. Arty., 18
Dobe, Francis J., 34
Doerner, George W., 34
Dohoney, Mr. & Mrs. William P., 17
Dohoney, Pat, 14
Dohoney, William P., 34
Dolitsky, Libby K., 34
Donovan, William J., 34
Dorosky, Thomas, 34
Earle, Mahlon C., Jr., 34
Early, Mrs. John W., 34
Easterling, James R., 34
Eidelman, Herb, 34
Eisenhower, Dwight, 25
Elston, Floyd L., 34
Enlow, Cecil, 21
Enlow, J. Russell, 34
Enlow, Mr. & Mrs. Russel, 17
Enlow, R., 5
Enlow, Russ, 6, 8, 58, 60
Enlow, Russ & Bonnie, 6, 21
Enlow, Russell, 21
Erie, 38
Eyler, Kenneth, 34
Facey, Col. Kenneth B., 34
First Reunion, 4
Fischer, John J., Jr., 34
Fleming, Harold A., Jr., 34
Fleming, John P., 34
Forbes, Fontaine C., 36
Ford, James P., 36
Fort Jackson, 4
Foster, E. Bruce, 36
Fox, Tom, 36
Frampton, D. B., Jr., 36
Franek, Frank, 36
Frank, Florian R., 36
Frank, Mr. & Mrs. Florian, 17
Frankel, Jerome L., 36
Frankfurt, 23
Frankini, Richard A., 36
Freed, Chas. W., 36
Fritz, John, 12, 14, 21, 60
Fritz, John R., 1, 36
Fritz, Mr. & Mrs. John R., 17
Ft. Jackson, 14
Gallagher, John, 12, 13, 14
Gallagher, John & Stella, 3
Gallagher, John I., 1, 2, 36
Garn, Charles S., 36
Garn, Mr. & Mrs. Chuck, 17
Gasses, Joe, 2, 12
Gasses, Joseph J., 17, 36
Gehrig, Mel, 14
Gehrig, Melvin, 36
Geneva, 57
Germany, 21, 23
Gibson, Charles, 14
Gibson, Charles R., 36
Gibson, Mr. & Mrs. Charles R., 17
Gilder, Bob, 12, 59
Gilder, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 18
Gilder, Robert A., 36
Gillespie, John M., 36
Gilliam, Joseph M., 36
Gish, David J., 36
Glen, Bruce F., 36
Glenney, Walter S., 36
Gossom, Neil M., 36
Grass, Emil A., 36
Griffith, Herb, 36
Gubow, Judge Larry, 37
Hackler, Charles, 4
Hagen, Edwin P., Jr., 38
Hagman, Benj., 38
Halsey, Thomas A., 38
Handorf, Jack, 38
Hanover, 47
Harding, Al, 4
Hardoin, Harold V., 38
Harm, R. T., 38
Harris, Abner T., 38
Harrison, William Henry, 6
Harrold, Vincent A., 4
Hart, John P., 38
Hart, Mr. & Mrs. John, 18
Hartt, C. R., 62
Hartzell, Bertram F., 38
Hatch, H. M., 38
Hayes, John P., 38
Heath, Byron P., 38
Heffernan, Arthur H., 38
Heiman, Edward, 38
Hemelt, Mrs. William G., 38
Hemming, Forrest W., 38
Heneghan, Leo L., 38
Henning, James W., 38
Henning, Jim, 8
Henning, Mr. & Mrs. James W., 18
Henson, Lt. Col. E. G., 38
Hesse, J. Francis, 38
Hicks, Harry, 38
Hiltbrand, Walter F., 38
Hoenemeyer, John, 38
Hoffman, Edward C., 38
Hohenstein, John J., 38
Holden, Robert R., 38
Holland, 48
House, Pete, 40
Howard, John W., 40
Howell, Bob, 12, 14, 21
Howell, Mr. & Mrs. Robert F., 18
Howell, Robert F., 2, 40
Hulbert, Carl M., 40
Hulkonen, Arthur A., 40
Hungerford, John I., 40
Huson, Boyce, 14, 40
Huson, Mr. & Mrs. Boyce, 18
Hutchinson, Wm., 40
Ingalls, David, 10
Ingalls, Mr., 10
Jacobs, Montague H., 40
Jefferies, Wm. H., 40
Jessee, Robert D., 40
Jochems, Richard B., 40
Johnson, Benj. F., Jr., 40
Johnson, Edwin W., 40
Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W., 18
Johnson, William, 40
Jones, Alan W., 4
Jones, Alan W., Jr., 40
Jones, George W., Jr., 40
Jones, Mrs. Alan W., 40
Juster, Irvin, 40
Kane, James J., 42
Kaufman, George H., 40
Kaufmann, Richard C., 40
Keilman, Elsby, 40
Kellams, Darrell, 40
Kelly, Edmond D., 40
Kelly, George S., 40
Kelly, John H., 42
Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. John H., 18
Kelly, Robert E., 42
Kennedy, Glen N., 42
Kenney, Francis T., 42
Kephart, Herbert D., 42
Kershner, Jesse O., 42
Kersteiner, Don W., 42
Kersten, Joseph A., 42
Ketterer, Dr. John E., 42
Klett, James R., 42
Koehler, Franklin R., 42
Krafchik, Joseph, 42
Kriz, Howard, 58
Kriz, Howard W., 42
Kucharz, John, 42
Kuizema, Harold, 42
Kuizema, Mr. & Mrs. Harold, 18
Lackey, Vaden, 42
Lada, Ted, 42
Lange, Elmer F., 42
Laphan, Charles G., 42
Leclare, Mrs. Georgia, 42
Lee, F. H., 42
Leibowitz, Samuel, 42
Leisse, Leo R., Sr., 42, 58
Leswing, Phillip R., 42
Letellier, Louis S., Jr., 42
Lewis, Charles R., 42
Likins, Robert A., 44
Lincoln, Abraham, 6
Linden, 47
Lindsey, Curtis L., 44
Lineberger, William M., 18
Lineberger, Wm. M., 44
Little, C. F., 44
Litvin, Joseph, 44
Livesey, Herbert B., Jr., 44
Loos, Arthur E., 44
Lothrop, Oliver A., Jr., 44
Lovejoy, Leonard L., 44
Loveless, Chaplain John, 6
Loveless, John, 8, 13
Loveless, John T., Jr., 1, 44
Loveless, John, Jr., 21
Loveless, Mr. & Mrs. John T., Jr., 18
Loveless,, John T. Jr., 2
Lowith, Allen L., 44
Lucsay, Mr. & Mrs. William, 18
Luscay, William, 44
Luzzie, Edward L., 44
Manager, Thomas G., 44
Manahan, Mrs. Wm. T., 44
Mansfield, H. E., 2
Mansfield, H. E., Jr., 44
Mansfield, Horace & Eva, 10
Mansfield, Mr. & Mrs. Horace, Jr., 18
Marcus, Gilbert, 44, 62
Matthews, Col. J. C., Jr., 44
Matthews, Joe, 12, 18, 21, 27
Matthews, Joseph C., Jr., 3
Mattiko, Robert A., 44
Maw, Thomas J., 44
May, Roger A., 44
McCauley, John F., 44
McKee, Henry H., 44
McLean, Kenneth R., 44
McMahon, BG Leo T., 18
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo T., 44
McMahon, Gen., 15
McMahon, Leo T., 3, 25
McMahon, Mrs., 4
Meola, Joseph A., 46
Merz, O. Paul, 46
Middleton, John A., 46
Mikalauskis, John L., 46
Milanese, Lou, 4
Milkalauskis, Mr. & Mrs. John, 18
Miller, Elman M., 46
Miller, Gene L., 46
Mills, Col. Eric R., 46
Monroe, Jack (Dick), 46
Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard, 25
Moon, Col. Wm. P., Jr., 46
Moritz, Adolph, 14, 58
Moritz, Adolph G., 18, 46
Morrison, R. B., 18
Morrison, Robert B., 46
Mosher, Michael S., 46
Mosley, Dr. Ronald A., 46
Mosley, Mr. & Mrs. N. L., 18
Mosley, Newton L., 46
Mosley, R. A., Chaplain, 56
Mueller, M. J., 46
Murley, Thomas C., 46
Murphy, Ralph J., 46
Murray, George, Jr., 46
Mustacchio, Vincent J., 46
Myers, Dr. Larry, Jr., 46
Nash, John B., 46
Nassau, 55
Neigus, Dr. Irwin, 46
Newport News, Va., 42
Nusbaum, Alfred S., 46
Olman, Wanold D., 47
Osborne, Dr. George M., 47
Osciak, Stephen, 47
Parquette, Roland, 47
Parr, Marvin J., 47
Patterson, Fletcher D., 47
Perry, Kenneth, 4
Pettus, Wm. R., 47
Peyser, Charles S., 47
Phillips, George F., 47
Pierce, Mr. & Mrs. Robert W., 18
Pierce, Robert W., 47
Pierce, Waldo B., 47
Pinney, Gordon B., 47
Pinney, Pat & Gordon, 61
Plenge, Edward C., 47
Porter, Charles R., 47
Praznik, Louis, 47
Prewett, Ed. A., 47
Price, Dr. David S., 47
Priebe, Ed, 14
Priebe, Edward A., 47
Priebe, Mr. & Mrs. Edward A., 18
Pruett, Col., 14
Puett, Col. & Mrs. Joseph F., 18
Puett, Col. Joseph F., 47
Rarick, Clayton, 18
Rarick, Clayton E., 47
Rauch, Victor, 47
Ravdin, Alex, 47
Redmond, Dean T., 47
Reece, R. F., 47
Reed, Raymond J., 48
Reid, Chas. B., 48
Reilly, Ed., 48
Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Edward, 18
Richards, Charles W., 48
Richards, Mr. & Mrs. Charles W., 18
Richards, Roy, 48
Riggs, Col. Thomas J., Jr., 48
Riggs, Col. Tom, 4
Riggs, Thomas J., Jr., 18
Ringer, Bob, 14
Ringer, Robert, 24
Ringer, Robert C., 18, 48
Rinkema, George, 48
Rinkema, Mr. & Mrs. George, 18
Ristenpart, Eden E., 48
Roberts, Lt. Col. T. M., 48
Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Wesley E., 18
Robinson, Wesley E., 48
Rodriguez, Dr. J. G., 48
Rossi, Louis P., 48
Roth, Nathan M., 48
Rusch, Marvin H., 48
Russell, D. L., 48
Russell, J. B., 48
Rutland, Mr. & Mrs. Roger M., 18
Rutland, Roger, 14
Rutland, Roger M., 48
Rutt, Robert E., 48
Salerno, Joseph T., 48
Samples, L. Orvis, 48
Samples, Mr. & Mrs. L. O., 19
Sandberg, Robert E., 48
Saucerman, E., 5
Saucerman, Eugene L., 3, 48
Saucerman, Gene, 12
Saucerman, Gene & Sally, 21
Saucerman, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L., 19
Scalissi, John J., 48
Schieferstein, Fred, 48
Schlesser, J., 5
Schlesser, Jack, 58
Schlesser, Jack & Kay, 21
Schlesser, John P., 48
Schlesser, Mr. & Mrs. Jack, 19
Schoch, Charles H., 1, 3, 50
Schoch, Chuck, 4, 13, 14
Schoch, Mr. & Mrs. Charles, 19
Schutte, Mr. & Mrs. Philip F., 20
Schutte, Phil & Jean, 27
Schutte, Phillip F., 50
Scott, Earl A., 50
Scranton, Bob, 3, 12, 13, 15, 56
Scranton, Mr. & Mrs. Robert L., 20
Scranton, Robert L., 1, 3, 50
Sebastinelli, Fred A., 50
Senn, Mrs. Mary L., 50
Sennett, Max, 23
Shirley, Mr. & Mrs. James E., 20
Slaback, Harley W., 50
Slayton, David B., 50
Smith, Charles L., 20, 50
Smith, Edward J., 50
Smyth, Lester S., 50
Snyder, Walter W., 50
Solecki, Emil M., 50
Souers, Loren L., 50
Southampton, 40
Spade, Mr. & Mrs. Robert L., 20
Spade, Robert L., 50
Spayd, Mr. & Mrs. Norman S., 20
Spayd, Norman S., 50
Spina, Dominick A., 50
St. Vith, 14, 60
St. Vith, Belgium, 24
Steele, Kermit, 50
Steels, Mr. & Mrs. Kermit, 20
Stone, Donald J., 50
Stranko, Peter P., 50
Stribing, John, Jr., 50
Struble, Lambert B., 50
Sutherland, Jack, Sr., 50
Sutter, George F., 50
Swider, Charles J., 50
Taylor, Lee B., 52
Teason, James, 52
Teel, James, 20
Teel, James E., 52
Terrio, Howard J., 52
Thorn, William T., 52
Tissot, Harrison C., 52
Tobis, Ed, 14
Tobis, Edward A., 52
Tobis, Mr. & Mrs. Edward A., 20
Todd, Earl L., 52
Trautman, Frank, 10
Trautman, Frank S., 20, 52
Tribout, Arthur J., 52
Twining, Rollin L., 52
Uebel, Bernard, 52
Varhola, Steve G., 52
Villwock, Mr. & Mrs. Russell H., 20
Villwock, Russ, 8
Villwock, Russell, 14
Villwock, Russell H., 3, 52
Vincent, Louis, 52
Von Rundstedt, 25
Wachtel, Dr. Hans, 52
Walker, Bob, 12, 13, 28
Walker, Mr. & Mrs. Robert F., 20
Walker, Robert 'Bob', 1
Walker, Robert F., 3, 52
Walsh, Chas. S., 52
Walters, Mr. & Mrs. Presslye, 20
Walters, Presslye, 52
Ward, Nathan D., 52
Warner, Glenn W., 52
Warren, Clarence E., 52
Wasik, Joseph A., 52
Watt, Col. Jewell K., 52
Wattam, James M., 53
Weaver, George T., 53
Weisser, Frederick G., Jr., 53
Wells, James E., 53
Wells, Jim, 14
Wells, Maydean, 8
Wells, Mr. & Mrs. James E., 20
Welsh, Harry J., Jr., 53
White, E. C., Jr., 53
White, James S., 53
Wilkerson, Frederick L., 53
Williams, Fred, 53
Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Fred, 20
Wilson, John D., 53
Woodruff, Bob, 53
Woods, Robert E., 20, 53
Woolfley, Brig. Gen. F. A., 53
Wyatt, V., 5
Wyatt, Van, 21
Wyatt, Van S., 20, 53
Yarling, Earl, 4
York, Robert, 53
Younts, Leonard, 53
Zak, George K., 53
Zenn, Mike, 53
Zenn, Mr. & Mrs. Mike, 20
Zicker, Gordon B., 53
Ziegenhain, 23
Zoll, Ed, 53
Zorn, Harry, 53
Zorn, S. Harry, 60
Zuckerman, Jack, 53