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VOL. 24, NO. 3, Mar., 1968

New Permanent-type Barrack and Facility in 3rd Brigade Area at Fort Jackson, S. C.

Old Barracks on "Tank Hill'


Fort Jackson and Columbia, S.C. - July 18-21
Above photos courtesy of "U.S. Army Photographers'.'


106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
President John Shalhoub
Vice-President William F. Smith
Adjutant and Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain John Loveless
Historian Sherod Collins
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor Robert Holden
All editorial matter should be addressed to:
Robert Holden, 2902 Middle Road Bettendorf, Iowa
All business matters, renewal of membership, etc., should be addressed to:
Mr. Sherod Collins, Jr., 625 Charming Drive N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30318

1967 -1968
Jack Bryant -- 19692 Coral Gables, Southfield, Mid, 48075
Phillip F. Schutte -- 2415 Otter Drive, Warren, Mich.
John T. Loveless, Jr. -- 2549 Pickwick Road, Baltimore, Md., 21207
Jam. E. Wells -- Hepzibah, Georgia
Alan W. Jones -- 3532 Quebec St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016
H. M. Hatch -- 5609 15th Ave., So., Minneapolis, Minn.
Robert L. Scranton -- 9441 Lee Road, Brighton, Mich.
Clayton F. Rarick -- Box 25, Blandon, Penn.
Louis P. Rossi, Jr. -- 1208 50th Street, North Bergen, N.J.
Leo T. McMahon -- 8 No. Union St., Middletown, Penn. 17057
Joe C. Matthews, Jr. -- 4706 Western Blvd., Raleigh, N.C. 27606
Douglas S. Coffey -- 41 Lowell Ave., West Orange, N.J.
Pete House -- 5662 Clifton Road, Jacksonville, Fla. 32211
Harry R. Shaw, Jr. -- 102 E. Woodbury Drive, Garland, Texas 75040
J. Russell Enlow -- c/c Post Office, Taswell, Indiana
John Shalhoub -- 4305 W. Maple Road, Birmingham, Mich.
Elman Miller -- 3331 Morgan St., Steger, Ill.
William F. Smith, Jr. -- 1211 Washington St., Columbia, S.C. 29201
A. W. Skardon, Jr. -- Apt. 3-C 733 Bryson St., Youngston, Ohio 44502
Robert A. Gilder -- 6857 Stoney Ridge Road, No. Ridgeville, Ohio 44035

     All veterans' organizations have come into being because there have been at sometimes men and women in recent years who have served in the armed forces of our country. Our own Association, the 106th, is one of these.
     We are proud to be numbered among those who thus have participated in one area of civic responsibility. But we cannot help but regret that nations have continued from the dawn of history to today to refuse to embrace the cause of human understanding, charity and justice for all mankind. We have seen sincere efforts of men of good-will come to naught because of selfishness, fear, distrust and lack of faith.
     Presently negotiations are being held to resolve a wasteful, and what seems almost to have become a senseless, conflict in the Far East. Despite the advance in communication, we are far away; our information is confused; it is difficult for us to know the merits of the cause. Nevertheless, we should pray for, and lend our talents towards the implementation of, a just and lasting peace and a larger sense of brotherhood among all peoples.
     "Too long have I had my dwelling among those who hate peace. I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war!" -- Psalm 120:6-7.
John T. Loveless, Jr. Chaplain
106th Infantry Division Association

Make your hotel reservation now for the Annual 106th Reunion
at the Hotel Wade Hampton Columbia, S.C.
JULY 18 - 21, 1968


Dear Bob and Shirley:
     I am sorry that I have not been in closer contact with you and sent a steady stream of material for you to use in the "Cub"; however, this has been a very busy year for me, and something seemed to have to give.
     In any event, I will attempt to give you some of the details so that everyone will have an idea what is to transpire in Columba at the reunion.

Thursday, July 18 Registration
Trip to Pine Island on beautiful Lake Murray. (Boating and swimming for adults and children.)
Bar-B-Que Supper
Friday, July 19 Registration
Morning Meetings
Luncheon and Fashion Show for the Ladies
Luncheon for the Men
    Afternoon -- Tour of Fort Jackson Facilities. Retreat Parade in honor of Major General Alan Jones and the 106th Infantry Division Association.
Evening -- Buffet Supper at the Fort Jackson Officers Open Mess.
Saturday, July 20
Morning -- Fire Power Demonstration, Fort Jackson
Combined Luncheon, Wade Hampton Hotel, in Columbia (both men and women).
General Meetings -- Report from Doug Coffee on St. Vith Reunion, 1969.
Evening -- Banquet (Entertainment and Dancing).
Sunday, July 21
Morning -- Memorial Services Adjournment

In addition, activities for the children will be planned.
     I am also enclosing a picture taken at a meeting of the Greater Columbia Chapter of the Association of the United States Army which you may be able to use in the "Cub." This will give the ladies an idea of the monument to be established at Fort Jackson. It will also give those members of the Association who do not know what I look like a preview.
I will also send to you additional material which you might be able to use, under separate cover.
Looking forward to seeing you in July, I am
Sincerely yours, Bill
W. F. Smith, Jr.

Dear Ladies:
    First of all, I would like to say that I was completely overwhelmed, if not shocked, when elected President of the Ladies Group. I am sure that many of you are more deserving of this high office; however, I am deeply honored and will certainly do the best job I can for you.

     The reason the ladies reorganized was so that they could adopt a project which would be in keeping with the purpose of the 106th Association. I have two worthwhile projects that are now in progress in Columbia that might be worth considering.
    First, the citizens and people at Fort Jackson are currently soliciting donations for the establishment of a monument at Gate No. 1 at Fort Jackson.
    This monument will include a statue of General Andrew Jackson and will be approximately seventeen (17) feet in height. The sculptor engaged for the

Continued on page 4


    project is world renowned and possibly his most noted project was the statue of the Raising of the Flag at Iwo Jima, which is in Washington, D.C. The total cost of the project is in the neighborhood of $75,000.00, over $50,000.00 of which has already been donated.
     The second project that I have in mind which may prove to be interesting to our group is known as R.S.V.P., which means Rally Support for Viet Nam Personnel. This project has gained momentum over the past several years, and with individuals, service clubs, organizations and business concerns participating throughout Columbia and South Carolina, and in other parts of the country. The project consists of sending items such as toilet articles, ditty bags, paperback books, tools, etc. There are items that the troops would not ordinarily receive through military supply. This program has been well received in Viet Nam.
We will discuss these and other projects which you ladies might have in mind at our reunion.
I am looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to seeing you all again in Columbia in July.
Sincerely, Fran
Frances Smith

     Twenty-five years ago the 106th Infantry Division was born and, therefore, it is most appropriate that this year's reunion be held at its birthplace -- Fort Jackson and Columbia, S.C.
     The dates of July 18-21 have been set for the reunion and while the Wade Hampton Hotel across from the State Capitol in Columbia will be Headquarters, functions will also be held at Fort Jackson and beautiful Lake Murray, nearby.
     No stone will be left unturned in order to make this a most memorable occasion for those who attend, and we hope to have the largest attendance ever.
     Those who are planning vacations at this time may wish to include a trip to the mountains or seashore -- just a short 100 miles in either direction from Columbia.
    Make your plans now -- bring your family. Please contact members of the 106th in your area who might not receive this communication, and send me their address.
More details, reservation forms, etc., will follow soon.
Sincerely yours, W. F. Smith, Jr., Reunion Chairman
474 Federal St. N.W. Warren, Ohio 44483 May 9, 1968

Dear Bob and Shirley:
     We have been intending to write you folks since the last reunion but just don't seem to get the time. Received your card the other day about you folks moving. Don't envy you folks one bit. We have quite a bit of news for the Cub, don't know just where to start. I guess we will start with the oldest son. He is still at The Proving Grounds at Aberdeen, Md. He is married and has one son, Robbie, 10 months old. Bob, Jr., our youngest son is overseas aboard the U.S.S. Ranger. He is to get back in the States soon. He has taken a lot of movies in Hawaii, Hong Kong, China, and Japan. Can hardly wait till he gets home.
     Jean and I celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary May 6th. It sure doesn't seem we have been married that long. Time sure does go fast.
     We both have been quite busy at work as they are in the middle of change over for 1969 model automobiles. We both work at Packard Electric Div. of G.M. They make all the wiring assemblies for G.M. cars and some Chrysler. I have 26 years with them now and received a real nice Hamilton wrist watch for service. Well so much for all of that.
     We are all looking forward to this year's reunion in Columbia, S.C. We have been back there twice since my service life there. We have always enjoyed


    ourselves there. We have an old friend who lives in Columbia. She is looking forward to us coming down and spending some time with her. So we can hardly wait for the reunion time to roll around.
     Well I guess I have run out of news for this time. Hope this finds you all well. Hope to see you all in Columbia in July.
As ever, Bob and Jean Pierce Family
P.S. We had a letter from Bill Smith Reunion Chairman.

     Membership is still going all right -- following about the same pattern as the last few years. As of now, 26 members have not renewed but 46 people have affiliated who did not do so last year. This includes a few new members, of course. As for the treasury, the out-go has been very light this year.
     Bill Smith was in Atlanta on business recently. We had lunch and talked about his plans for the reunion in Columbia. His entertainment projects sound most interesting so all of you plan to go. Make reservations at Wade Hampton Hotel for July 18-21 and bring the family. If enough of you go, that fellow who was wondering will find out what happened to all those 18 and 19-year-olds who arrived in the vicinity of sandy Tank Hill some 25 years ago.
     Please remember to be thinking about a candidate to succeed the Adjutant-Treasurer. This is absolutely my swan song. I'm far from quitting the crowd but I want to be a bystander for a time. We will need a Cub Editor too. Our present one took the job for one year only. How about some volunteers, fellows ?
Regards to all of you. See you at the reunion!

Are Your Dues Paid?

     Two and a half decades ago we came to Columbia and Fort Jackson, sixteen thousand of us, fresh troops from towns and countryside of every section of our nation. We arrived on the Ides of March and Columbia s newspaper "The State" had this to say about us, "Fort Jackson today formally became the home of a new division, the 106th, which will be trained at one of the nation's largest training centers, the National Colors presented to men of the division and speakers introduced. The principal speaker, Governor Olin D. Johnston of South Carolina, welcomed the division to Columbia and cordially invited the men to visit the city and get acquainted."
     We immediately began a busy program, which was to take us through the midwest and eastern states, then England, France, Belgium and into Germany. We did many other things also, it was only a short time later that the same paper reported, "The Fort Jackson championship boxing tournament ended amidst a flurry of flying fists and howls of delight or boos of disappointment depending on whether the judges and the crowd saw eye to eye. The 106th Division finished first with 80 points followed by the 100th Division with 60 and non-division units with 45." And later, headlines read, "106th DIVISION CLIMBS TO TOP. Held by the Century Division to one run during four innings, the 106th Division broke up a tight ball game with a barrage of five hits in the fifth inning and went on to win, 9-3."
     And the next week end readers were told, "A southern-styled barbeque was the setting yesterday at Fort Jackson's Twin Lakes for an outing in which more than 300 officers and men attended as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Winchester Smith of Williston. The party was given in honor of Private Norman Smith, their


    son, who is a member of Division Headquarters Company. The Division Orchestra 'The Jive by Five' was on hand to add its usual smooth music to the gaiety of the party."
     Our first division review got the following write-up, "Hundreds of residents of the Columbia area were on hand yesterday on the review field at the local post as the 106th Division passed in public review for the first time. With the massed Infantry and Artillery Bands biasing military music, the long columns of troops fell into formation for the march past the reviewing stand. It required more than half an hour for the foot troops alone to pass the stand. Their movements were in such perfect unison that words of praise were heard among the spectators. One of the high lights of the occasion took place when the Division Commander, in full view of the troops and the attending public, presented medals to Staff Sergeant Richard Nierman, Cumberland, Maryland and Private Robert K. Maahs, Savana, Illinois, both of the 423rd Infantry, for outstanding acts of heroism which resulted in saving the life of a fellow soldier, who, while repairing a bridge, slipped and fell into the swift current of the Wateree River. Seeing this soldier helpless and unable to swim, these two men dived into the river fully clothed and swam to his assistance."
     And just to prove that life here, 25 years ago, was not all beer and skittles, we extract the following from the local paper, "The training given at Fort Jackson embraces torturous obstacle and physical and mental conditioning courses, twenty-five mile marches, movement under actual machine gun fire and rigorous tests. In fact, this training is so tough that officers and men over forty are excused from the more difficult portions."
     It was here, too, that Copy No. 1 of Volume 1 of the CUB was printed. It consisted of eight pages in tabloid newspaper format. Featured in the first edition were pictures of Ginger Rogers and other bathing beauties whose names are lost in time. Milton Caniff's strip "Male Call' displayed the "All Soldier Show entitled Guardhouse Gayeties." There was a story about a ghost who lived in the barracks of Service Company, 422d Infantry and a list of Company and Battery barbers. Our first issue was brought to a fitting climax by someone who put at the end of the last page a Latin motto "Illegitimas non cortorindum."

Dear Doug:
     Thank you for your efforts in preparing early arrangements for the Belgium trip in '69. You will note my $10.00 advance enclosed.
     In view of our new governmental proposals on taxation override on European excursions like ours -- I have moments of question whether we'll eventually see the group in any size going over. Any-ways lets prepare and take "the wait and see position."
     Shirley and yours truly are heading to Acapulco, Mexico, this week for a much needed and welcome three week vacation. Running this new and rapidly expanding wholesale lumber distributor business certainly is a hell of a draw on one's reserve energy.
     Saw Bob Rutt recently. He and Lucille recently returned from a cruise in the Caribbean (25th wedding anniversary). They and the Kellys cross paths often. John Shalhout looks a little heavier. Well enough for now, I have many tag ends to clean up -- so take care -- say hello to all in your travels. You might send this letter down to Bob Holden, Cub News.
Jack Gillespie

Make our plans now for the 106th ANNUAL REUNION Columbia, S.C.


Middletown, Penna. 4 May 1968
To Bob and Shirley Holden, Editors of CUB:
     We wish the Editors a pleasant and happy life in Bettendorf, Iowa, when they move there from Cedar Rapids on 20 May. We hasten to send in our notes for the next edition of the CUB. It is quite a task to get out an issue in the midst of moving.
     This seems to be the season for Editors to be pulling up stakes. Before I joined the Golden Lions in December 1943, I was in the 65th Infantry Division. I also belong to their Association. Last week in an issue of the Halbert, their Association paper Joe Kushlis, the Editor informed members that he had moved from Connecticut to Cleveland, Ohio.
     Notes About Lions and Lionesses Doug Coffee, Btry C-590. One night about 10 days before Easter our energetic Memorial Chairman called us up at home. He was at a Howard Johnson restaurant out on the Turnpike, but had no time to come in to the house. He was enroute to Illinois to pick up his twin daughters and drive them home to New Jersey for their Easter vacation. He was full of the subject of the 1969 Reunion in St. Vith, Belgium, travelling aboard Icelandic Airlines Loftleidir. Sounds most attractive. Doug reported that he had signed up 72 for the trip this far. Carol Beals, widow of John Beals, 422, on the staff of University of Iowa, Iowa City. Sent a happy Easter Card, although she and other members of her family had been ill. Said she had a picture of herself wearing a Ft. Jackson T shirt which she would mail to the Editors. She plans to attend Reunion there. Father Day's mother, Mrs. Mary Day wrote me that on January 29, 1968, her second son, James T. Day, passed away, only 8 months after Father Day. She resides in St. Louis with her married daughter.

The Reunion In Columbia-Ft. Jackson, S.C.
     Wilda and I certainly plan to attend, but we have not yet heard the exact dates. They ought to be in the CUB in which these notes are printed. I am anxious to return because I recall vividly when I reported for duty there. Drove over from Camp Shelby, Mississippi, with my Aide John Warren and orderly Sgt. Andrew Cutcher. Arrived on a Friday afternoon early in December 1943. We were greeted at Divarty Hq. by Colonel. Malin Craig, whom I did not know and Major Lester Smythe whom I knew quite well. Then I went to Division Hq. to call on General Jones, whom I knew before and Brig. Gen. Perrin whom I met for the first time. There I learned that the Division would move into the field on Sunday afternoon for the "D" series of maneuvers. We did and on the very first maneuver it snowed. Getting us ready for the Ardennes a year ahead, but we did not for-see what was in the future.
     Capt. Arthur C. Brown, Commanded Btry B, 589th F.A. Bn. Dr. Mike Connelly the Battalion Surgeon sent me his address in Charlotte, N.C. He has never attended a reunion or joined the Assn. I told him this was the time, the year and the place -- close to his present home.
     AWJ or APJ Bag Lunch. We were sorry to read in the last CUB that the "holiday bugs' had chewed on our Division Commander, instead of gnawing on the vittles in the sack. But APJ (Alys to us) came through with some delicious tidbits including jewelry, no less. Will the next issue be APJ or AWJ? We can't wait to see!

Armed Forces Day 1968
     By proclamation of the President, the third Saturday of the month, May 18, 1968, was designated Armed Forces Day -- in fact the whole week May 12-18 was celebrated as Armed Forces Week. It will be long past the date when this article appears in the CUB, however, members of the Association and their


    families are interested in the Army phase and we will concentrate on that. It is a time for the Armed Forces to report to the American people on their past year's accomplishments. Personnel strength of the Active Army is now one and one-half million. What is the job of this Army?
     (1) Our land forces stationed in strategic areas outside of the United States provide a deterrent to aggression, and military assistance to our allies.
     (2) Our ready forces in the United States are maintained to permit rapid reinforcement of our own and allied forces overseas.
     (3) The Army participates in the multiservice air and missile defense of the Continental United States and in selected overseas areas.
     (4) The Army maintains a training and logistics base which supports these worldwide forces and is also capable of supporting rapid mobilization of our well-trained National Guard and Organized Reserves.
     Of the Army's present overseas deployments, the largest force is in South Vietnam. That force consists of seven divisions -- 1st Infantry, 1st Cavalry Airmobile, 4th Infantry, 9th Infantry, 25th Infantry, 101st Airborne and the Americal. Two separate Brigades the 173rd Airborne and the 199th Light Infantry, the 11th Airborne Cavalry Regt. and by elements of the 82nd Airborne Division, together with the logistic elements which support those combat troops.

What Were The Golden Lions Doing Twenty-three Years Ago?
     The Division had moved out of the battle zone on 14 March, 1945, travelling by rail and motor to St. Quentin, France, for reorganization, rehabilitation and training, passing from First to Fifteenth Army Command. From there the Division moved again -- to Rennes, ancient capital of Brittany, closing there on 6 April. To it came two new combat team partners, the 3d and 159th Infantry Regiments, and the 401st F.A. Bn and 627th F.A. Bns., just arrived at Camp Lucky Strike from the United States. Here too came individual replacements to the tune of 6,606 officers and men. The mission was to reconstitute and train new units with the same designation as those of its elements lost in the Bulge. It would also act as tactical reserve for the 66th Division in the "forgotten" war against the Nazi pockets of Lorient and St. Nazaire.
     Trained officers and men were short; so was much basic materiel. But all hands drove in with a spirit of make-do. And, on 15 April in solemn ceremony, the 422d and 423d Infantry Regiments, the 589th and 590th Field Artillery Battalions and the 106th Reconnaissance Troop were reborn; receiving their respective colors, standards and guidons. And the next day the Division was tapped for its new assignment -- Germany and the POW's. Leaving the reconstituted units attached to the 66th Division, the revamped 106th moved to the Rhine, the 159th Inf. to Remagen, Divarty to Mannheim and remainder of Division to Stromberg. During a period of 11 weeks the 106th would stand guard and pass through its cages more than one million and a quarter individuals of all ranks and ages and both sexes.
L. T. McMahon

     We've had some interesting notes from our members during the last several months. It's always good to hear from them and I've come to feel pretty close to them -- even those I've never seen. They are a great bunch! The activities of them and their talented children would fill a book. Perhaps we can tell some of it as they have told it to me.
Among some of the interesting occupations are:
     Allen Lowits, Cn. 423, of Los Angeles. After being in the metal window and glass construction business most of his life he has gone into the allied field of 1st and 2nd mortgage trust deeds.
Then there is Vance Jennings


    106 Signal, (he should have been a bandsman) who has accepted a job as Asst. Prof. of Music at Univ. of South Florida, requiring a move from Kansas to Tampa.
     Alan Walker, Div. Band, of Macomb, Ill., is farming 340 acres with help from wife and four daughters. Can they handle a tractor, Alan?
     Claude Maxwell, C Btry, 589th, of Chattanooga, for 12 years a newspaperman, now is in business for himself with a partner. It's a rope company.
     Among our faithful Chaplains is Dr. Ronald Mosley, of Freeport, Me., Divarty and 424. He began a new ministry at Easter at the United Church of Christ, organized 1789. He is now a grandfather and his son is a grad of the Air Force Academy.
     Then there is Gordon Zicker, Reg. Hq. Co. 423, of Montvale, N.J., who is V-P and Mgr. of a branch of County Trust Co,. a bank.
     Lester Smyth, Divarty, Timonium, Md., writes that his son, Chip Smyth, born at Ft. Jackson is now with the family jewelry business. Les and Fran recently enjoyed a week in Bermuda with their Johns Hopkins University class of 1932.
     Jack Zuckerman, C 423, of New York, is currently Asst. Principal of P.S. 45 in Brooklyn and is apparently headed for a principal's job. Has a couple of pupils of his own.
     Cliff Austin, C 589, of Vergennes, Vt., is Industrial Relations Mgr. at Simmonds Precision Products. Cliff recently balanced his family with another son -- two of each now. Nice going Cliff.
     Not to be outdone is Fred Schieferstein, A 424, of Clark, N.J., who also had a son in 1967. Fred is one of the prime movers of the Dec. 16 dinners for the Jersey group.
     Ray Creamer, Svc Btry 589, of Milltown, N.J., also speaks glowingly of the New Jersey meeting. We have a number of school people. Among them is Fred Burnham, Div. Band, of Naperville, Ill., who operates a school consulting service. Fred has two daughters, one in high school and a married one, born at Ft. Jackson, now a practicing pharmacist.
     George Zak, M 422, Westchester, Ill., is one of Sears Roebuck's finest and is doing well. He is staff assistant to the corporate treasurer at Chicago headquarters. George reminisced about old Camp Atterbury in 1944 and of his return there in 1966 with his buddies of the reunion to dream nostalgically of the 15,000 men who formerly inhabited the place and to wonder what became of them.
     Among our Insurance and Real Estate men are Don Kersteiner, Hq 2nd 424, of Hamilton, Ohio, who works with Ohio Casualty Co. He and Carol have two happy kids.
     Two self-employed Real Estate men are Peter Ciolino, G 422, E. Paterson, N.J. He and Betty have 3 nice boys, all very athletically inclined; and Richard B. Jochems, DHQ, Grand Rapids, Mich. He and Charlotte have a son just discharged from the Navy and a daughter whose husband teaches the blind to get about.
     Then there is news about some retired members. A nice letter from Col. Cavender, C.O. 423, talks about the contrast between present day Atlanta and the time he was here at old IV Corps Headquarters. He and the Colonel's lady are enjoying good health in Laguna Hills, Calif. He speaks also of the upcoming reunion and of the "boys from the Citadel" who are putting it on. We wish he could be present.
     Lt. Col Retired William T. Manahan, Ordnance, Blue. Ridge Summit, Penn., took his wife Betty to Hershey Park to the Artillery reunion in Sept. Their sons are well worth mentioning. Dick, a Major, is RA at office of Inter-Oceanic Canal Study, Balboa Hgts., C.Z. Ron is a teacher. Jim, born at Ft. Jackson, is an engineer and a licensed pilot.
     Joe Litvin, D 423, Torrance, Calif., is probably temporarily retired. He and Ann sold their market and are spending a six-month's vacation traveling, fishing, and puttering. Joe hopes to make his


second appearance in the East in 3 years to attend the reunion.
     Another Golden Lion who plans to go to Columbia is H. F. Moore, C 423, of Wylie, Texas, who plans to show up with our old friend and Board member Bob Shaw of Garland, Texas, along with their wives, of course.
     And speaking of trips, Harry Zorn, Signal Company, of New York, and wife spent two weeks last summer sailing on a Greek ship through the Mediterranean. Harry passed a milestone on Dec. 29 -- his 32nd wedding anniversary.
     Dr. William P. Dohoney, C 422, of Harrisburg, Pa., now a dentist is taking off this month for Europe for 30 days. Nevertheless, he wants to make our St. Vith trip next year.
     Some of our boys are dedicated to an avocation. These two are Scouters. Russ Villwock, Signal Co., of Chicago, spent a part of his last vacation at the 12th Boy Scout World Jamboree in Idaho, the first held in the States; a wonderful experience, says Russ. (14 years in Scouting.)
     Win Pulsifer, Hq 2nd 423, of Indianapolis, also enjoys tenting with the Scouts. He says the tents, though G I surplus, are a bit better than pup tents. Win has a boy at Purdue and one in high school.
     Another hobbyist is Charles Saxton, A Co. 81st Eng., of Bristol, Pa. Charlie goes bowling three nights a week and surf fishing when he can. Has a boy in the Navy and four more at home. Had a nice note from our buddy Russ Enloy, who tells briefly of the get-together his Indiana crowd had last October in Oxford, Ind. Present besides himself were Al Miller, Glenn Brutus, Bernard Herbert, Eugene Saucerman, plus all the wives and chillun.
     Carol Beals wrote following the last reunion -- which she regretted missing. She plans to be in Columbia and also St. Vith. She is very busy at the University Extension Division but would enjoy seeing any 106'ers passing thru Iowa City.
     A Lion who hasn't been able to be at the reunion because of vacation time (comes in the winter) is Thomas J. Maw, A 592nd, of Rockland, Mass. He plans to get off and go to St. Vith regardless, however. Tom is working for Greyhound Bus Co. and says God has been good to his family.
     Another bus employee is J. D. Wilson, D & H 422, of Hialeah, Fla., who wonders where the years got to since he was 19 and went overseas. John says the word is "maturing" not "aging."
     We had pleasant notes from Ex-Presidents Henry Broth of Baltimore and Lou Rossi of No. Bergen, N.J. Both will see us in July at Columbia with Eunice and Linda. Lou, Jr., is still in Viet Nam.
     Just back from Viet Nam is Tom, son of Waldo Pierce, F 422, of New Britain, Conn. Waldo has two other sons, has 28 years with Stanley Tools and is now Work Measurement Engineer. He has been American Legion Service Officer for 20 years, is life member there. Nice going Waldo.
     Illnesses have plagued some of our members or their families of late. George Phillips, our Red Cross man at DHQ, of Uniontown, Penn., writes to say mother broke her hip. George is another of our school people, being principal of a high school.
     Forrest Hemming, 806 Ord., of Columbus, Ohio, had a dozen weeks' serious illness but expected to go back to work reasonably soon. Hope so, Forrest!
     Forrest Hemming, 806 Ord., of Column Farmington, Mich., as well as wife Ginny, has had heart attacks and is not back to work. Dick has an interesting set of kids. The oldest, Dale, is completing 2 years with USAF in Japan and is Asst. Scoutmaster in the Far East Council, B.S.A. The others are all in school -- Lee, college at Kalamazoo; Julie, trying for cheer-leader in high school; Laura feeling out this new Junior High School bit; and Mary Beth, happy go lucky in the 6th grade. Dick won an award in October. At the 25th reunion of his Detroit Cooley High School class



he got the prize for having the least hair -- a can of black spray paint!
     Lyle McCullough, Svc. 422, Sheffield Lake, Ohio, lived in Jersey quite awhile. I think he up and left when they drafted him. Can't blame him. Anyhow, he's doing all right with wife and five children, ages 7 to 16.
     Others with talented children are: Bruce Glen, DHQ Co., Morrisville, Penn., who has three sons, a Senior, a Soph, and a Freshman at Norwich University, Northfield, Vt. Col. Bryne Bowman, Staff JA, DHQ, who is still practicing law with a prominent firm of which he is a partner in Oklahoma City, Okla. His daughter, Sherry Lou Bowman decided to stop flying the Orient as a Pan-Am stewardess to try the matrimonial route. Looks like she'll live in California. Good wishes to her!
     Dr. John Ketterer, who last made our scene at Indianapolis in 1966. His daughter, Connie Ketterer was a recent honor graduate at Indiana Univ. School of Speech and Hearing; is now working on her Masters there. She is an equestrienne, shows her horse, and appears regularly in the winning circle.
     Charles Swider, of Pittsburgh, Pa., who was chief clerk to our late Col. (General) Baker, has hopes of going to St .Vith with us. His three children are Greg -- studying for the Priesthood; Corrine -- studying Economics and computer programming; and Charles -- a high school student.
     Rinard G. Davis, 3rd Bn Hq, 422, of Kansas City, who says the city put in sewers last summer so most of his money went to the city, the plumber, the painter, and the lumber yard (an extra bath there). His wife Marjorie Davis has been extremely busy and the kids -- well, Tom, 8, joined the Cub Scouts; Susan, 6, is in first grade and can't sit still; Mitch, 4, can't wait for school; and Greg, 1 1/2, finally got a haircut.
     Our friend John J. Reynolds, H 424, writes with spirit from Edgewater, Fla., just 3 miles from New Smyrna Beach, where he did live. He is doing well -- has gained 26 pounds since leaving New York and is feeling good now. He says the VA is looking after him. He was able to get a Disabled Vets car tag. He is a volunteer fireman, an Elk, and a Legionnaire. It appears he is there to stay. He sent me a pass to the dog races and Jai-Alai. Wish I could get down there and use 'em. John sends good wishes to all 106'ers.
     As for your Adjutant, I'll talk a little about myself. I'm still in industrial accounting at Mead Corp. Had a moonlighting job during tax season, filling out individuals income tax returns -- great experience -- I had a ball. Cora and I went to an Alumni ramble at Univ. of Georgia last week end. While there, attended a colorful inauguration ceremony for the new President of the University, a young man of 38. Next week we're going down in So. Florida to relax for a week. See you in Columbia in July!
Sherod Collins

     I am sending you a list of those persons going so that you may make any arrangements you care to in setting up itineraries to be together. Bear in mind that any Travel Agent can arrange your itinerary to fit in after the Convention is over or my travel agent will only be too glad to handle any and all details you may desire. Keep in mind there are no fees paid to the travel agent for this service. We will be leaving New York Friday evening late on July 18, 1969. You can return on your own any time after the Convention but must leave Luxembourg no later than August 8th or you will have to pay higher rates. Don't concern yourselves about passports or vaccinations now; I will send you complete information when it is necessary to do so. This will actually be the last -info I will send until there is something important to get across to you. The main point is that we have the necessary group to make this a huge success. In my opinion the rates can only go down not up. Don't be too concerned about the President's travel proposals; Congress does not feel too keen on them. Well proceed as though nothing will stop the 106th.
Doug Coffee, 41 Lowell Ave. W., Orange, N.J. 07052
Walt Bandurak, 2191/2 Maple Ave., Greensburg, Pr. 15601
Alan Jones, 2532 Quebec St. NAV., Washington 16, D.C.
Lou Rossi, 1208 50th St., North Bergen, N.J.
Clay Rarick, Box 25, Blandon, Penna.
Mahlon Earle, 23 Morgan Pl., No. Arlington, N.J.
Don Houseman, 400 N. Akard, Dallas, Texas 75201
Lowry Andrews, 9 Deerfield Rd., Wilton, Conn. 06897
Jack Bryant, 19692 Coral Gables, Southfield, Mich. 48075
Bob Gilder, 6857 Stoney Ridge Rd., No. Ridgeville, Ohio
Russell Enlow, Taswell, Indiana 47175
Louis Van Asses, R.D. 2, Box 530, Flemington,N.J. 08822
Van Wyatt, 602 W. 8th St., Benton, Ky. 42025
Cliff Austin, 125 So. Maple St. Vergennes, Vermont
Fred Chase, RFD No. 1, Morris Lane, Rexford, N.Y. 12148
Leo T. McMahon, 8 No. Union St., Middletown, Pa. 17057
Harry Zorn, 301 E. 62nd St., N.Y. 10021
Horace Mansfield, 190 Northcrest Dr., Athens, Georgia
John Loveless, 2549 Pickwick Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21207
Sherod Collins, 625 Channing Dr. N.W., Atlanta, Ga.
Oliver Lothrup, 316 W. Wind Rd., Towson, Md. 21204
James Wells, 644 6th St., P.O. Box 89, Augusta, Ga. 30903
Bob Walker, 598 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
Joseph Gilliam, 1201 E. Emerson St., Bloomington, Ill.
John Early, 9284 Mason Creek Rd., Norfolk 3, Virginia
Al Gericke, RD 4, 3744 Granger Rd., Dedina, Ohio 44256
Jack Gillespie, 3536 Darcy Dr., Birmingham, Mich.
Ed Collier, 1737 Autumn, Memphis, Tennessee
If there are any omissions or corrections please contact me as soon as possible.

We can accommodate a few more persons if you have any friends who should have signed up but didn't.
Doug Coffee

Dear Shirley and Bob:
Hope this reaches you by the May 15th "Cub" news-letter deadline.
    Please extend from the 106th deepest sympathy to Mrs. John Shalhoub on the death of her sister, Mrs. Donald Hicks, who passed away on April 11, 1968.
     Also, Jack and I became grandparents on February 3rd. Our daughter Cheryl gave birth to a baby girl, Amy Michele Pomeroy. Cheryl and her husband, Ron, live in Richmond, Va.
     I am enclosing some snapshots taken at last summer's convention. Unfortunately, I can't find the negatives for the two bus scenes or the two shots taken at the Elmwood Casino. Please return both snaps and negatives to me please, as they are all I have.

Looking forward to seeing "you all" in South Carolina in July, and hoping for a "quiet" summer here in Detroit!
Emily Bryant

Are Your Dues Paid?


     Beginning with this issue, rather than "In The Cub Fifteen Years Ago," our column of reminiscences will begin with "In The Cub Twenty Years Ago. ' What's that you said under your breath, Granddad? Certainly no one thinks you're growing old -- just more experienced.

Twenty Years Ago
     On 26 June there will be a get together of all veterans of the 106th in the Philadelphia area at the Jolly Post Restaurant. There have been 44 acceptances almost a month ahead of time, so there should be a big turnout.
     On June 29 there will be a reunion for all veterans of the 106th in the New York City area at the 71st Regiment Armory. The reunion is free to all chapter members. There will be later reunions where the wife or sweetheart will be welcome.
     The featured speaker at the Sunday session of this year's convention in Indianapolis will be Major George Huxel, S-3 589, who will give an eye witness account of the 589th's stand at Parker's Crossroads.
John T. Loveless, Jr. (Hq 422) announces the birth of his second daughter on Christmas Eve 1947.

Ten Years Ago
     The 12th annual convention of the Association will be held July 25 to 27 at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia. Highlights will be a tour of historic Philadelphia on Friday afternoon and a tour of the Valley Forge Battlefield, climaxed by memorial services in the Valley Forge Military Academy chapel, on Saturday morning. The business meeting will include a discussion of plans for a 106th Infantry Division Memorial and the form it should take.

Five Year Ago
     On April 28 Father John B. Day celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Father Day was assistant Division Chaplain throughout World War II.
     Dr. Maurice DeLaval of Vielsalm, Belgium has been decorated with the Order of the Golden Lion by Major General William C. Baker, Chief of Staff of the 106th Division during World War II and now chief of staff of U.S. Army, Europe.
The seventeenth annual convention will be held at the Pick-Carter Hotel in Cleveland on 25 to 28 July.
Robert, the 106th is not the only Division planning on a 1969 Reunion in Europe.

The following is a write-up for the 10th Mountain Div. that appeared in the Jan. 1968 issue of the D.A.V. magazine.
Russell Enlow

    Reservations are now being made by members of the 10th Mountain Division Association and their families for another Reunion in July, 1969 in Northern Italy where the famed (Ski Troop) Division fought during the closing days of WW II.
     The 1969 trip is planned for 334 persons, with one Jet plane leaving from Denver, Colo., and another from New York City. The three weeks tour will cover areas of Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, with the major amount of time concentrated around Lake Garada and in the Hill Towns north of Florence. One plane load will then return from Rome.
     Men who were members of the Div. but are not on the mailing list may obtain complete information by writing to 1969 Reunion Committee, 10th Mountain Div. Assn, 601 Emerson St., Denver, Colorado 80218.

Make your arrangements now for the 1969 106th CONVENTION IN ST. VITH, BELGIUM.


FOR YEAR 1967 -1968
    Here is the list of the faithful for this year. Thanks to you all. And a special note of appreciation to those who contributed to the Memorial Fund. YOU are a great bunch.

Maj. Gen. Alan W. Jones, Commander, 3532 Quebec St. N.W., Washington, D.C.
Brig. Gen. F. A. Woolfley, Commander, 932 Solemn Place, New Orleans, La.
Byrne A. Bowman, 1216 Liberty Nat. Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Lt. Col. S. P. Cariano, USA Retired, 5222 Ferndale St., Springfield, Va.
Dr. John E. Ketterer, 1141 Williams Blvd., Springfield, Ill.
Herbert B. Livesey, Jr., 141 Beach Ave., Mamaroneck, New York

Richard E. Bartz., 216 Rustic Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
Thom. Bickford, 3 Sunnyside Terr., East Orange, N. J.
Arthur C. Buckley, 7 Tuckers Court, Peabody, Mass.
Robert M. Courtright, 35 Walnut St., Ashville, Ohio
Bruce F. Glen, 10 W. Ferry Rd., Morrisville, Pa.
Harry Gussman, 68-81 Bell Blvd., Bayside, N.Y.
H. M. (Jim) Hatch, 5609 15th Ave., So., Minneapolis, Minn.
Richard B. Jochems, 2940 Okemos SE., Grand Rapids, Mich.
James R. Klett, 1647 Oak St., Lebanon, Pa.
Roger A. May, 317 53rd St., Western Springs, Ill.
George F. Phillips, 37 Linden Place, Uniontown, Pa.
Marvin H. Rusch, 10830 W. Courtland, Wauwatosa, Wisc.
Fred A. Sebastinelli, 184 Avila St., San Francisco, Calif.
Charles J. Swider, 118 S. 17th St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Rollin L. Twining, 19 Lennox Dr., Binghamton, N. Y.

331st MEDICS
Dr. George Axelrod, 668 Main St., Clinton, Mass.
Mike Collins, 29545 Ravine Dr., Livonia, Mich.
Joseph Krafchik, 349 Livingston Ave., New Brunswick, N.J.
Vincent J. Mustacchio, 15 Carmer Ave., Belleville, N.J.
J. Gail Myers, 2136 Wawonaissa Tr., Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Dr. Irwin Neigus, 444 E. 19th St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
David S. Price, 3 North Lane, Loudonville, N. Y.
Elden E. Ristenpart, 331 E. 147 Place, Harvey, Ill.
Dr. Hans Wachtel, 7926 S. Chapel, Chicago, Ill.

W. Lyle Mowlds, Provost Marshall, 896 S. State St., Dover, Del.
Myles Brazil', Box 6, Landisburg, Pr.
Byron P. Heath, 2729 Montezuma Ave., Alhambra, Calif.
Thomas E. McMahon, 89 Montgomery Pa., Belleville, N.J.
Dominick A. Spina, 388 Highland Ave., Newark, N.J.

Fred W. Burnham, 209 Robin Hill Dr., Naperville, m.
Herbert L. Snyder, 2540 Eastshore pl., Reno, Nevada
Alan W. Walker, RFD 3, Macomb, Ill.

Joseph A. DeChiara, 1818 50th St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Francis J. Dobe, 264 Belmont St., Manchester, N.H.
Dale Douglas, 9952 Garfield, Detroit, Mich.
Paul Johnson, III. Centennial A.., Cranford, NJ.
John F. Mackell, 552 W. 54th St., New York, N.Y.
Harry W. Malaniak, 4393 St. Lawrence, Detroit, Mich.
Dean Sipson, 929 No. Vernon, Dearborn, Mich.
Louis G. Van Assen, RFD 2, Box 530, Flemington, N.J.
Frederick C. Weisser, Jr., 141 Park Ave., Manhasset, N.Y.
Leonard Younts, 17135 Koester, Riverview, Mich.

Mrs. Carol Beals, 217 E. Davenport St., Iowa City, Iowa
Mrs. Juanita Hagman, 305 W. Josephine, Weatherford, Texas
Alan W. Jones III, 440 36th St. No., Arlington, Va.
Milton S. Jones, 440 36th St. No., Arlington, Va.
Kurt E. vom Orde, MOG 2800, Camp Lejeune, N.C.

Thomas J. Riggs, Jr., 6 Olive St., Providence, RI.,
Commander Walter Bandurak, Medic, 2191/2 No. Maple Ave., Greensburg, Pr.
Frank Doniloski, A, 113 Ferguson St., Duryea, Pa.
John I. Gallagher, 4003 Frances St., Templa, Pa.
Louis S. LeTellier, Jr., C, 1166 Catalina Rd, E., Jacksonville, Fla.
Robert W. Pierce, 474 Federal St., N.W., Warren, Ohio
Louis Proznik, 24920 Midland, St., Detroit, Mich.
Charles Saxton, A, 3703 Brookside Ave., Bristol, Pa.
Nathan D. Ward, 2570 Woodhill Cr., East Point, Ga.
Clarence E. Warren, A, 111 Goodrich St., Kewanee, Ill.
James E. Wells, C, Hepzibah, Ga.

Forrest W. Hemming, 977 Loretta Ave., Columbus, Ohio
Charles R. Lewis, 16 Court Et., Brooklyn, N. Y.
William T. Manahan, Box 311, Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.

Henry Bruch, 6340 Monterey Dr., Affton, Mo.
Vance S. Jennings, 7807 Garrison St., Tampa, Fla.
Irving W. Kessler, 30 Knollwood Dr., Cherry Hill, N.J.
John A. Middleton III, 17 Kensington Rd., Madison, N.J.
Russell H. Villwock, 5053 N. Menard, Chicago, Ill.
S. Harry Zorn, 301 E. 62nd St., New York, N.Y.

Bernard D. Herbert, 483 So. Rochester Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Morris R. Piha, 1261 La Vista Rd., NE., Apt. C-1, Atlanta, Ga.

Clifford N. Austin, C, 125 So. Maple, Vergennes, Vt.
Roger W. Bell, Hq, 897 28th Ave., E., Moline, Ill.
Austin L. Byrd, Jr., A, 1329 Westburn Rd., Baltimore, Md.
Dr. Michael E. Connelly, Medics, Medical Arts Bldg., Sharon, Pa.


Raymond J. Creamer, Serv., 48 Leonard Rd., Milltown, N.J.
Joseph C. Gilliam, C, 1201 E. Emerson St., Bloomington, Ill.
David J. Gish, Hq, 23673 W. Grove St., So. Bend, Indiana
Arthur A. Hulkonen, Box 66, Kaleva, Mich (C)
Richard C. Kaufman, 15776 Chatham, Detroit, Mich (Hq)
Claude E. Maxwell, C, 4332 Duvall St., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Edward C. Plenge, Hq, 486 S. Prospect Ave., Bergenfield, N.J.
Earl A. Scott, 6414 Monument Ave., Richmond, Va.
Donald J. Stone, C, 1505 St. Marys Ave., Janesville, Wisc.
Walter M. Snyder, A, 2901 Dunmore Rd., Dundalk, Md.

Vaden Lackey, Commander, 508 E. Bellevue Dr., Nashville, Tenn.
Douglas S. Coffee, C, 41 Lowell Ave., West Orange, N.J.
Robert Ettinger, Apt. 50, 345 Webster Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. (C)
Harold A. Fleming( Jr., A, 99 Terrace Ave., Jersey City, N.J.
J. R. Fonda, B, 201 Mirdwood Da., Cleveland, 0.
Pete House, A, 5662 Clifton Rd., Jacksonville, Fla.
Edward L. Luzzie, 5524 S. Woodland Dr., Western Springs, Ill.
James C. Morrissey, Ha, 4802 Eldorado Lane, Madison, Wisc.
Robert C. Ringer, Serv., 4280 Kendale Rd., Columbus, Ohio.
A. W. Skardon, Jr., B, Apt. 3C, 722 Bryson St., Youngstown, Ohio

Martin M. Dolitsky, 40 Indian Rd., Port Chester, N.Y.
Florian R. Frank, Sem., Care Biglow Cheese Co., Avoca, Wisc.
John P. Schlosser, Serv., Rt. 1, Box 239, Lowell, Indiana

Ira G. Bottoms, Box 103, Norcross, Ga.
Phillip R. Leswing, B, 309 Red Barn Rd., Willow Grove, Pa.
James V. Malesky, Serv., 173 Craig Dr., Greensburg, Pa.
Thomas G. Manager, C, 309 Addison Rd., Glastonbury, Conn.
Thomas J. May, A, 436 Beech St., Rockland, Mass.
Gene L. Miller, B, 133 W. 52nd St., Apt. A, Long Beach, Calif.
Charles H. Schock, Seri, Box 121, Port Clinton, Ohio
Michael G. Sgrignoli, Serv., 125 N. 24th St., Camp Hill, Pa.
Emil M. Solecka, Serv., 98 Woodport Rd., Sparta, N.J.

Brig. Gen. Leo T. McMahon, Commander, 8 No. Union St., Middletown, Pa.
Dr. Joseph F. Dreier, Beaupland Rr., Bear Creek, Pa.
Dr. Ronald A. Mosley, Staples Point Rd., Freeport, Me.
Lester S. Smyth, 505 Chadwick Rd., Timonium, Md.

Lowry B. Andrews, 9 Deerfield Rd., Wilton, Conn.
T. Wayne Black, 306 Williston Ave., Waterloo, Iowa
Harold J. Brummer, 41 Georgia St., Cranford, N.J.
Jack Bryant, 19692 Coral Gables, Southfield, Mich.
Henry E. Freedman, 2546 Shallowford Rd. N.E., Atlanta, Ga.
Joseph J. Gasses, 1420 Franklin St., Grand Haven, Mich.
John T. Loveless, Jr., 2549 Pickwick Road, Baltimore, Md.
Col. Joe C. Matthews, Jr., USA Ret., 4706 Western Blvd, Raleigh, N.C.
Robert E. Rutt, 937 Lampwick Court, Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Sat Bn Hq
Col. Eric R. Mills, USA Ret., 922 N.W. 26th St., Gainesville, Fla.

C Company
William P. Dohoney, D.D.S., 1917 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa.
John M. Gillespie, 3536 Darcy Dr., Birmingham, Mich.
Leo L. Heneghan, 6287 Wetherole St., Rego Park, N.Y.
Harrison C. Tissot, 6510 Murray Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio
Nick Zerilli, 3459 Gray St., Detroit, Mich.

D Company
Fred B. Chase, RFD 1, Rexford, N.Y.
Milbern H. Hollingsworth, 113 Royal Gd Road, Redford Township, Detroit, Mich.
Eugene L. Saucerman, RFD 1, Dagger, Indiana
Charles L. Smith, Box 24, Fort Loudon, Pa.
Robert F. Walker, 541 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio
John D. Wilson, 2975 S.W. 16 Terr., Miami, Fla.

F Company
John W. Early, Jr., 9284 Mason Creek Rd., Norfolk, Va.
Emory Richard Hatton, 26057 Hidden Valley Dr., Farmington, Mich.
Waldo B. Pierce, 530 East St., New Britain, Conn.

G Company
Harold J. Broderick, 617 E. Grand Ave., Beloit, Wisc.
Peter N. Ciolino, 53 Memorial Pl., East Paserson, N.J.
Roscoe Wilhelm, 219 E. Carpenter, Springfield, Ill.

H Company
Elmer F. Lange, 1010 Hillcrest, Sac City, Iowa 3rd Bn Hq
Rinard G. Davis, 4805 Vermont, Kansas City, Me.
Francis T. Kenney, 55 Cedar Lane, Ossing, N.Y.
Dean T. Redmond, 611 N. Center St., Statesville, N.C.

I Company
Henry M. Broth, 2628 Rockwood Ave., Baltimore, Md.
Arthur E. Loos, Jr., 128 Highland Ave., Broad Brook, Conn.

K Company
Lester LeCompe, Jr., 7245 Wynhill Dr., N.E., Atlanta, Ga.

M Company
George K. Zak, 2601 Mayfair Ave., Westchester, Ill.

Service Company
John J. Fischer, Jr., P847 Meadowdale Cr., Cincinnati, Ohio
Lyle McCullough, 685 Roberts St., Sheffield Lake, Ohio
O. Paul Merz, 1489 Bonneville Lane, Mt. Healthy, Cincinnati, Ohio
Wanold D. Olman, 1910 Audobon Ave., Columbia, S.C.


Cannon Company
Irving Juster, 1086 Morningside Ave., Schenectady, N.Y.

Company Not Supplied
E. Bruce Foster, Box 39, Knoxville, Tenn.

423rd INFANTRY REGIMENT Hq & Hq Company
Col. Charles C. Cavender, USA Ret., Commander, 56 E. Calle Cadiz, Laguna Hills, Calif.
Alfred S. Nusbaum, 12 Beekman Place, New York, N.Y.
Gordon B. Zicker, 6 Sunrise Dr., Montvale, N.J. 1st Bn Hq
Glen J. Brutus, Pine Village, Indiana
Lt. Col. Alan W. Jones, Jr., Hq 3rd Brigade, 2d Inf Div., APO San Francisco, Calif.

B Company
Oliver A. Lothrop, Jr., 316 West Wind Rd., Towson, Md.

C Company
H. F. Moore, Box 62, Wylie, Texas
Harry R. (Bob) Shaw, Jr., 102 E. Woodbury Dr., Garland, Texas
Ervin S. Watson, 408 Tennessee Ave., Alexandria, Va.
Jack Zuckerman, 71-23 167th St., Flushing, N.Y.

D Company
J. Russell Enlow, Taswell, Indiana
Alfred J. Gericke, 3744 Granger Rd., Medina, Ohio
J. Francis Hesse, 233 No. Fountain, Wichita, Kan.
Don M. Houseman, 400 N. Akard, Dallas, Texas
Edmond D. Kelly, RFD 3, Middletown, N.W.
Joseph Litwin, 1
Fred Williams, Grand Ridge, Fla.

E Company
William G. Alexander, 3308 Old Jonesboro Rd., Hapeville, Ga.
R. F. Reece, 5550 Abington Rd., Birmingham, Mich.

F Company
James S. White, 1501 Ryan Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.

G Company
Joseph A. Kersten, 162 Duerstein St., Buffalo, N.Y.

H Company
George H. Kaufman, 13201/2 Broadway, Springfield, Ohio
William F. Smith, Jr., 1211 Washington St., Columbia, S.C.
Norman S. Spayd, 1518 Schuplkill Ave., Reading, Penn.

I Company
Robert R. Holden, 2902 Middle Road, Bettendorf, Iowa

2d Bn Hq
Herbert D. Kephart, 1063 Merry Lane, Van Wert, Ohio
William F. Pulsifer, 6364 Bryan Dr., Indianapolis, Ind.

K Company
Donald J. Woodburn, 970 Thomas Ave., St. Paul, Minn.

M Company
Gerald J. Andersen, 17 Eton Pl., Glen Rock, N.J. 3d Bn Hq
Christopher T. Clark, 518 So. Main St., Niles, Ohio
Jerome L. Frankel, 584 Junard Blvd., W. Hempstead, N.Y.

Service Company
Richard H. Behr, 960 W. Burke Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Sherod Collins, 625 Channing Dr., N.W., Atlanta, Ga.
Larry Gubow, 20100 Braile, Detroit, Mich.
George W. Jones, Jr., Loris, S.C.
Robert E. Kelly, 4388 Barchester, Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
Gilbert Marcus, 4800 Chicago Beach Dr., Apt. 3125, Chicago, Ill.
Charles W. Richards, 113 Clover Dr., Massapequa Park. N.Y.

Anti-Tank Company.
Walter F. Hiltbrand, 930 Fair Ave., Salem, Ohio
George F. Sutter, 221 Lawndale Dr., Munster, Indiana

Cannon Company
Virgil L. Collins, 841 Canal St., Nelsonville, Ohio
Allen L. Lowith, 1062 So. Mansfield Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
Raymon J. Reed, 886 Huron Rd., Franklin Lakes, N.J.

Hq & Hq Company.
Raymond W. Atwood, 173 Elmford St., Clawson, Mich.
Rev. Edward T. Boyle, 46 N. Wolf Rd., Northlake, Ill.
Robert A. Burkes, 2227 Plantation Dr., East Point, Ga.
John R. Fritz, 9271 Avon Belden Rd., Elyria, Ohio
Walter S. Glenney, 235 Carol Ann Dr., San Antonio, Texas
Samuel Leibowitz, 645 E. 5th St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
William G. Rosenkoetter, 4245 9th St., Apt. 1, Ecorse, Mich.

1st Bn Hq
Harry W. Bulter, Jr., Box 390, Winchester, Va.
Robert A. Gilder, 6857 Stoney Ridge Rd., No. Ridgeville, Ohio

A Company
H. E. Mansfield, Jr., 190 Northcrest Dr., Athens, Ga.
Fred Schieferstein, 431 Madison Hill Rd., Clark, N.J.

B Company
Charles S. Peyser, 212 Pouomac Ave., Hanover, Pa.
Edw. A. Prewett, RFD 2, Box 730, Brentwood, Calif.

D Company
Carl Burch, 7257 Navy, Detroit, Mich.
Mahlon O. Earle, Jr., 23 Morgan Pl., No. Arlington, N.J.
William A.French, 14340 Puritan Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Franklin R. Koehler, 55 Orchard Pl., Maywood, N.J.

2d Bn Hq
Richard A. Krankini, 36124 Paddleford Rd., Farmington, Mich.
Don W. Kersteiner, 650 Emerson Ave., Hamilton, Ohio

E Company
Ben Britton, 35 Warren Road, Auburn, Mass.
Carroll D. Padgett, 579 Milligan Dr., Stone Mountain, Ga.
Frank Schiro, 4219 Avon Rd., Madison, Wisc.

F Company
Frank Collins, RFD 1, Keene, N.H.
Bud F. Lainhart, 38 S. Main St., Franklin, Ohio
Phillip F. Schutte, 2415 Otter Dr., Warren, Mich.
William H. Shulman, 2051 Clark St., Detroit, Mich.
Loren E. Souers, 1200 Harter Bnk Bldg., Canton, Ohio



Van S. Wyatt, 602 W. 8th St., Benton, Ky.

G Company
John F. Shalhoub, 4305 W. Maple Road, Birmingham, Mich.
Arthur J. Tribout, 1447 No. 42nd St., East St. Louis, Ill.
Monte O. Weatherly, Box 1, Hedley, Texas

H Company
Donald R. Armington, 3125 John Patterson Rd., Des Moines, Iowa
Herald A. Barnett, 106 Arlene Dr., E. McKeesport, Pa.
James Ed Collier, 1737 Autumn, Memphis, Tenn.
Lester Crossman, 1313 Clay St., Woodstock, Ill.
Charles S. Garn, 1764 18th St., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Robert A. Gilmartin, 3320 Cortelyou Rd., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Abner T. Harris, 216 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill.
Arthur H. Heffernan, 164 Liberty, Pontiac, Mich.
John L. Mikalauskis, 501 Sylvester Ave., Christopher, Ill.
Clifford E. Perras, Blue Front Hotel, Nedeau, Mich.
John J. Reynolds, Box 694, Edgewater, Fla.
Louis P. Rossi, Jr., 1314 9th St., No. Bergen, N.J.
John J. Scalissi, 1706 Reegnt St., Madison, Wisc.

3d Bn Hq
Edwin A. Gottshall, 9 So. Wakefield Rd., Norristown, Pa.
Elman Miller, 3331 Morgan St., Steger, Ill.
Thomas F. Scurry, 1205 Elmore St., Columbus, S.C.
Howard Watt, 100 Roosevelt Ave., Ridgefield Park, N.J.

K Company
James A. Board, 6520 Fable Rd., Indianapolis, Ind.
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, N.J.
Harold V. Hardoin, 11732 Promenade, Detroit, Mich.
William Johnson, 5541 Oxon Hill Rd., Oxon Hill, Md.
Robert L. Scranton, 9441 Lee Road, Brighton, Mich.
J. B. Strickland, 3006 Milton Rd., Middletown, Ohio
Lee B. Taylor, RFD 5, Anderson, S.C.

L Company
Theodore Lada, 1015 Englewood, Royal Oak, Mich.
Clayton E. Rarick, Box 25, Blandon, Pa.

M Company
Robert D. Jessee, 2186 14th Ave., San Francisco, Calif.

Cannon Company
Robert A. de St. Aubin, 417 Traube, Clarendon Hills, Ill.
Charles J. Kalal, 299 Lancaster Dr., Crystal Lake, III.
Richard R. Robinson, 503 So. Tompkins St., Howell, Mich.

Service Company
Sterling W. Grieve, 16750 Riverside Or., Livonia, Mich.
Robert F. Howell, Jr., 904 E. College St., Griffin, Ga.
John J. Taylor, RD 2, 469, Princeton, N.J.

Company Not Supplied
William S. Boucouvalas, 10 Cutts Ave., Saco, Maine
Curtis L. Lindsey, Rt. 1, Box 319, Waco, Texas
Louie Vincent, 2133 Center St., Ctevens Point, Wisc.

Dear Robert Holden:
     In correspondence with Gen. McMahon, I had mentioned that I had a 106th Ft. Jackson T-shirt and would have a picture taken and drop it in the mail to you. My plans are to attend the Reunion July 18 - 21 at Columbia, S.C. I attended the Augusta, Ga., and the Indianapolis reunions.
     I did enjoy the last issue of the CUB and look forward to seeing friends in South Carolina in July. I have not decided whether I would drive or fly as I have a week planned with my nephew, Major R. W. Williamson at Ft. Carson, Colo., July 6 -12.
Sincerely, (Mrs.) Carol W. Beals

FORT JACKSON: 1917 -1968
     On 19 May 1917, a young major, Douglas MacArthur, speaking for the War Department, announced that, "of sixteen National Army Cantonments to be constructed, one will be at the recommended site near Columbia, South Carolina." Thus began the history of Fort Jackson.
     The purpose of the proposed cantonment, National Cantonment Number Six, was to train American officers and enlisted men for World War I service. The original site consisted of 1,192 acres, purchased by citizens of Columbia and donated to the Federal Government. Five miles east of the city, there were no roads or trails. In places the area was so thickly overgrown that a man on horseback could not proceed.
     Seventeen men reported for work on 21 June; 21 on the next day; and 50 worked the day after that. On 16 July, with 2,967 carpenters and laborers at work, the designation of National Army Cantonment Number Six was changed to Camp Jackson.
     The new camp was named in honor of Andrew Jackson, seventh President of the United States and native son of the Palmetto State. Jackson served as a major general in the Army, distinguishing himself in America's victory at the


Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812.
     Hundreds of buildings were erected, the new streets were graded, and water and sewer lines were started by 26 August when fire struck the camp. Water was scarce. The blaze was uncontrollable and raged unchecked across 85 acres. Some building supplies were lost but luck was with the builders and none of the new barracks was touched. Two days later, the all-time labor peak was reached with 10,595 men living and working on the site.
     The next day, 1,200 new officers from a training camp in Georgia arrived to await the first group of troops. The officers beat the arrival of running water by one day. When the draftees arrived, 5 September, they were fewer in number than had been expected due to the last minute postponement of ordering Negro troops to the camp.
     By September 17, Brigadier General Charles J. Baily, Commanding General 81st Division and first Post Commander, had moved his division into permanent quarters. During the month, more than 8,000 draftees arrived to fill the division's ranks.
     Early in October, the first Negro draftees arrived at Camp Jackson and the troop population reached 15,305 while over 8,000 workmen still labored to house them. The first women assigned to Camp Jackson arrived October 13th. They were nurses for the Army hospital. Construction continued at a hectic pace. One of the new officers, a lieutenant named Carraway, donated the first flagpole to the new camp. On the first of November, 1917, with an impressive ceremony, the Stars and Stripes were raised over Camp Jackson. The ceremony featured the release of a thousand tiny American flags from the top of the flagpole to flutter earthward while the standard flag was raised. A metal receptacle holding a parchment naming all officers present was buried at the base of the pole beneath a marble stone. The inscription was "Camp Jack son, dedicated to the Soldiers of America, November 1, 1917." One of the largest structures in the new camp was the remount station with accommodation for thousands of animals. On November 12th, just when all was serene, approximately 800 animals, both mules and horses, stampeded at the remount corral and destroyed much of the work in progress as well as numbers of themselves. On November 21st, the contractor turned over the first portion of the completed camp to Army authorities. Just before Christmas, December 22, Hardaway (the contractor) turned over the entire camp to the Army.
     Plumbers and carpenters had agitated strikes. Another fire in late October had caused over ten thousand dollars damage. Four laborers were killed by lightning. A measles epidemic broke out in November, followed by spinal meningitis and pneumonia. Labor forces deserted from fear of illness. Soldiers undertook construction labor in early December in freezing temperatures and snow.
     A year after construction had begun, 45,000 officers and enlisted men were training here as the 30th and 81st Divisions.
     The 81st "Wildcat" Division was organized at Camp Jackson on the 25th of August, 1917. The men of this division are credited with the establishment of a military uniform tradition while training at Camp Jackson. Training on the southeast corner of the reservation near Wildcat Creek, the men of this unit began to wear crude cloth emblems of wildcat heads on their sleeves.
     As the 81st "Wildcat' Division joined the American Expeditionary Force in France in August 1918, this patch found wide popularity and eventually these unique unit identification patches were worn throughout the Army. Members of this division saw action in the Lorraine and Meuse-Argonne campaigns.
    The 30th "Old Hickory" Division, like the camp where it received its training, is named in honor of Andrew Jackson. This division saw battle at Flanders,


    Ypres-Lys and in the Somme offensive. After the departure of the 81st Division, the installation was designated a Field Artillery Replacement Depot. Tentative pains for expansion halted with the Armistice in November 1918. After the Armistice there was a general demobilization of the Army. In May 1919, the 30th Division was deactivated at Camp Jackson. The 5th Division trained at the camp until October 1921, when it was deactivated. Shortly after, Camp Jackson was abandoned as a full-time regular Army garrison. The reservation reverted to the control of the Cantonment Lands Commission. From 1925 to 1940 it was controlled by the state as an encampment area for State National Guard Troops. The unaccustomed silence surrounding Fort Jackson was broken only by four to six weeks training exercises by the National Guard. In 1939, war swept across Europe once again, and a reorganized Sixth Division was ordered to Camp Jackson. The Sixth left the post in the spring of 1940 and was replaced by the 80th Division. The 30th was ordered to organize under the provisions of the National Guard Mobilization Act.
     In mid-August 1940, Camp Jackson reverted to Federal control. The name of the camp was officially changed to Fort Jackson in an order from the Army Chief of Staff, General George C. Marshall. In the same month, an Act of Congress designated Fort Jackson a permanent post.
     On 1 July 1940, the 8th Infantry Division was activated at Fort Jackson. Later that year, the 30th "Old Hickory" Infantry Division, moved in.
    Soon after its designation as a permanent installation, Fort Jackson became the site of one of the largest construction projects ever seen in the Southeast. Over 100 miles of surfaced and reconditioned roads were carved into National Guard training facilities. Most of these roads were named in honor of South Carolina military heroes of the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.
     As the nation prepared for war, large scale maneuvers were staged in the Carolinas in 1941. The 1st and 2nd Armored, and the 9th, 29th, 31st, 43rd and 44th Infantry Divisions were trained and molded into effective fighting units. These and other organizations were based at Fort Jackson and other Army posts in the Carolinas.
     Nine Army divisions, destined to become famous during World War II action, trained here in preparation for their roles in the conflict. Included in this group. were the 4th, 6th, 8th, 26th, 30th, 77th, 87th, 100th and 106th divisions. Troops of the I and XII Corps also trained here. Altogether more than a half a million American fighting men underwent some phase of World War II training at Fort Jackson.
     In May 1945, the Army Service Forces Personnel Replacement Depot opened here. Fort Jackson became a Replacement Training Center in November 1946. The 5th Infantry Division was reactivated here in 1947 as a training division. In June of that year the post was designated as one of four replacement training centers.
     In April 1950, Fort Jackson began to prepare for "standby" status when the 5th Infantry Division left the post. But standby status never came. With the outbreak of the Korean War, the famous 8th Infantry ("Pathfinder") Division was reactivated here in August 1950 as a training division In January 1951, the 31st Infantry Division -- the "Dixie Division" -- made up of National Guard units from Alabama and Mississippi, was ordered to join the 8th Division. The 31st was transferred from For Jackson in April 1952.
     In May 1954, Fort Jackson became the home of the 101st Airborne "Screaming Eagles" Division, defenders of Bastogne during the Battle of the Budge. The 101st remained at the fort until March 1956, when it was sent to Fort Campbell, Kentucky. At this time, Fort Jackson officially became the United States Army Twining Center, Infantry.


     This was done in accordance with a Department of Army policy aimed at providing training centers with titles more clearing defining the function of the installations. Shortly after the new designation, Fort Jackson was restored to the list of "permanent stations" of the Army.
     Fort Jackson's long history has included many training program: air corps pilots, balloonists, artillerymen, message carrying pigeons and war dogs.
     In January 1946, the command structure was reorganized from a regiment structure to a brigade structure. This transition was accomplished without interruption of regular training or administration.
     The present Training Center consist of four training brigades, with about 90,000 soldiers being trained here each year. The mission of the Center is to prepare military personnel as replacements for assignments in the United States and overseas. The U. S. Army Reception Station, also located at Fort Jackson, processes newly inducted and prior service personnel entering the Army from civilian life. Processing takes from three to five days, after which trainees are transferred to training units.
     In July 1964, actual construction began on permanent steel and concrete buildings to replace the wooden barracks that had housed the fort's troops since the early nineteen-forties.
     With over 23,000 active military personnel, Fort Jackson today exemplifies the modern Army in both its rapid growth and the new methods of carrying out its training mission. New devices and techniques are utilized in the training program to develop alert and skilled soldiers.
     Fort Jackson continues a proud tradition, begun over fifty years ago, a tradition of preparing well-trained men to serve America.

"THE CUB" 106th Infantry Division Association
Robert R. Holden, Editor 2902 Middle Road
Bettendorf, Iowa 52722

Index for: Vol. 24, No. 3, Mar., 1968

Index for This Document

101st Abn. Div., 14, 38
106th Div., 8, 10, 23, 38
106th Inf. Div., 6
106th Inf. Div. Memorial, 23
106th Infantry Division Association, 2, 3, 4, 40
106th Rcn. Trp., 14
106th Sig. Co., 16
11th Abn., 14
159th Inf., 14
159th Inf. Regt., 14
1st Cav., 14
30th Inf. Div., 38
401st F.A. BN, 14
422nd Inf., 10
423rd Inf., 10
423rd Inf. Regt., 14
589th FA BN, 12
590th FA BN, 14
627th FA BN, 14
66th Inf. Div., 14
806th Ord. Co., 18
80th Inf. Div., 38
82nd Abn. Div., 14
8th Inf. Div., 38
Alexander, William G., 31
Andersen, Gerald J., 32
Andrews, Lowry, 21
Andrews, Lowry B., 28
Ardennes, 12
Armington, Donald R., 34
Atwood, Raymond W., 32
Austin, Cliff, 16, 21
Austin, Clifford N., 27
Axelrod, Dr. George, 25
Baily, Brig. Gen. Charles J., 36
Baker, Col. (Gen.), 20
Baker, Maj. Gen. William C., 23
Bandurak, Walt, 21
Bandurak, Walter, 26
Barnett, Herald A., 34
Bartz, Richard E., 25
Bastogne, 38
Beals, Carol, 12, 18
Beals, Carol W., 35
Beals, John, 12
Beals, Mrs. Carol, 26
Behr, Richard H., 32
Belgium, 8, 10
Bell, Roger W., 27
Bickford, Thom., 25
Black, T. Wayne, 28
Board, James A., 34
Bottoms, Ira G., 28
Boucouvalas, William S., 35
Bowman, Byrne A., 25
Bowman, Col. Bryne, 20
Bowman, Sherry Lou, 20
Boyle, Rev. Edward T., 32
Brazil, Myles, 25
Brittany, 14
Britton, Ben, 33
Broderick, Harold J., 29
Broth, Henry, 18
Broth, Henry M., 29
Brown, Capt. Arthur C., 12
Bruch, Henry, 26
Brummer, Harold J., 28
Brunswick, 25
Brutus, Glen J., 31
Brutus, Glenn, 18
Bryant, Emily, 22
Bryant, Jack, 2, 21, 28
Buckley, Arthur C., 25
Bulter, Harry W., Jr., 32
Burch, Carl, 33
Burkes, Robert A., 32
Burnham, Fred, 16
Burnham, Fred W., 25
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 27
Camp Atterbury, 16
Camp Lucky Strike, 14
Cariano, Lt. Col. S. P., 25
Cavender, Col., 16
Cavender, Col. Charles C., 31
Chase, Fred, 21
Chase, Fred B., 29
Ciolino, Peter, 16
Ciolino, Peter N., 29
Clark, Christopher T., 32
Coffee, Doug, 4, 12, 21
Coffee, Douglas S., 28
Coffey, Douglas S., 2
Collier, Ed, 21, 34
Collins, Frank, 33
Collins, Mike, 25
Collins, Mr. Sherod, Jr., 2
Collins, Sherod, 2, 20, 21, 32
Collins, Virgil L., 32
Connelly, Dr. Michael E., 27
Connelly, Dr. Mike, 12
Courtright, Robert M., 25
Craig, Malin, 12
Creamer, Ray, 16
Creamer, Raymond J., 28
Crossman, Lester, 34
Cutcher, Andrew, 12
Davis, Marjorie, 20
Davis, Rinard G., 20, 29
Day, Father, 12, 23
Day, Father John B., 23
Day, James T., 12
Day, Mrs. Mary, 12
de St. Aubin, Robert A., 34
DeChiara, Joseph A., 26
DeHeer, Richard, 34
Delaval, Dr. Maurice, 23
Div. Band, 16, 25
Div. Chaplain, 23
Div. HQ, 10, 25
Dobe, Francis J., 26
Dohoney, Dr. William P., 18
Dohoney, William P., 29
Dolitsky, Martin M., 28
Doniloski, Frank, 26
Douglas, Dale, 26
Dover, 25
Dreier, Dr. Joseph F., 28
Earle, Mahlon, 21
Earle, Mahlon O., Jr., 33
Early, John, 21
Early, John W., Jr., 29
Enlow, J. Russell, 2, 31
Enlow, Russell, 21, 23
Enloy, Russ, 18
Ettinger, Robert, 28
Fifteenth Army, 14
Fischer, John J., Jr., 29
Fleming, Harold A., 28
Fonda, J. R., 28
Fort Jackson, 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 35, 38, 40
Foster, E. Bruce, 31
Frank, Florian R., 28
Frankel, Jerome L., 32
Freedman, Henry E., 29
Fritz, John R., 32
Ft. Jackson, 12, 16, 35
Gallagher, John I., 26
Garn, Charles S., 34
Gasses, Joseph J., 29
Gericke, Al, 21
Gericke, Alfred J., 31
Germany, 8, 14, 23
Gilder, Bob, 21
Gilder, Robert A., 2, 32
Gillespie, Jack, 10, 21
Gillespie, John M., 29
Gilliam, Joseph, 21
Gilliam, Joseph C., 28
Gilmartin, Robert A., 34
Gish, David J., 28
Glen, Bruce, 20
Glen, Bruce F., 25
Glenney, Walter S., 32
Gottshall, Edwin A., 34
Grieve, Sterling W., 35
Gubow, Larry, 32
Gussman, Harry, 25
Hagman, Mrs. Juanita, 26
Hanover, 32
Hardoin, Harold V., 34
Harris, Abner T., 34
Hatch, H. M., 2
Hatch, H. M. (Jim), 25
Hatton, Emory Richard, 29
Heath, Byron P., 25
Heffernan, Arthur H., 34
Hemming, Forrest, 18
Hemming, Forrest W., 26
Heneghan, Leo L., 29
Herbert, Bernard, 18
Herbert, Bernard D., 26
Hesse, J. Francis, 31
Hicks, Mrs. Donald, 21
Hiltbrand, Walter F., 32
Holden, Bob, 10
Holden, Bob & Shirley, 12
Holden, Robert, 2, 35
Holden, Robert R., 31, 40
Hollingsworth, Milbern H., 29
House, Pete, 2, 28
Houseman, Don, 21
Houseman, Don M., 31
Howell, Robert F., Jr., 35
Hulkonen, Arthur A., 28
Huxel, Maj. George, 23
Italy, 23
Iwo Jima, 6
Jennings, Vance, 15
Jennings, Vance S., 26
Jessee, Robert D., 34
Jochems, Richard B., 16, 25
Johnson, Paul, Iii, 26
Johnson, William, 34
Johnston, Governor Olin D., 8
Jones, Alan, 21
Jones, Alan W., 2, 26
Jones, Gen., 12
Jones, George W., Jr., 32
Jones, Lt. Col. Alan W., Jr., 31
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan, 4
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan W., 25
Jones, Milton S., 26
Kalal, Charles J., 34
Kaufman, George H., 31
Kaufman, Richard C., 28
Kelly, Edmond D., 31
Kelly, Robert E., 32
Kenney, Francis T., 29
Kephart, Herbert D., 32
Kersteiner, Don, 16
Kersteiner, Don W., 33
Kersten, Joseph A., 31
Kessler, Irving W., 26
Ketterer, Connie, 20
Ketterer, Dr. John, 20
Ketterer, Dr. John E., 25
Klett, James R., 25
Koehler, Franklin R., 33
Krafchik, Joseph, 25
Krankini, Richard A., 33
Kushlis, Joe, 12
Lackey, Vaden, 28
Lada, Theodore, 34
Lainhart, Bud F., 33
Lange, Elmer F., 29
Lecompe, Lester, Jr., 29
Leibowitz, Samuel, 32
Leswing, Phillip R., 28
Letellier, Louis S., Jr., 26
Lewis, Charles R., 26
Lindsey, Curtis L., 35
Litvin, Joe, 16
Litwin, Joseph, 31
Livesey, Herbert B., Jr., 25
Loos, Arthur E., Jr., 29
Lorient, 14
Lorraine, 36
Lothrop, Oliver A., Jr., 31
Lothrup, Oliver, 21
Loveless, John, 2, 21
Loveless, John T., Jr., 2, 3, 23, 29
Lowith, Allen L., 32
Lowits, Allen, 15
Luxembourg, 20
Luzzie, Edward L., 28
Maahs, Pvt. Robert K., 10
MacArthur, Douglas, 35
Mackell, John F., 26
Malaniak, Harry W., 26
Malesky, James V., 28
Manager, Thomas G., 28
Manahan, William T., 16, 26
Mannheim, 14
Mansfield, H. E., Jr., 32
Mansfield, Horace, 21
Marcus, Gilbert, 32
Marshall, George C., 38
Matthews, Col. Joe C., Jr., 29
Matthews, Joe C., Jr., 2
Maw, Thomas J., 18
Maxwell, Claude, 16
Maxwell, Claude E., 28
May, Roger A., 25
May, Thomas J., 28
McCullough, Lyle, 20, 30
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo T., 28
McMahon, Gen., 35
McMahon, L. T., 14
McMahon, Leo T., 2, 21
McMahon, Thomas E., 25
Merz, O. Paul, 30
Meuse, 36
Middleton, John A., 26
Mikalauskis, John L., 34
Military Police Plt., 25
Miller, Al, 18
Miller, Elman, 2, 34
Miller, Gene L., 28
Mills, Col. Eric R., 29
Moore, H. F., 18, 31
Morrissey, James C., 28
Mosley, Dr. Ronald, 16
Mosley, Dr. Ronald A., 28
Mowlds, W. Lyle, 25
Munster, 32
Mustacchio, Vincent J., 25
Myers, J. Gail, 25
Neigus, Dr. Irwin, 25
Nierman, S/Sgt. Richard, 10
Nusbaum, Alfred S., 31
Olman, Wanold D., 30
Order Of The Golden Lion, 23
Oxford, 18
Padgett, Carroll D., 33
Perras, Clifford E., 34
Perrin, Brig. Gen., 12
Peyser, Charles S., 32
Phillips, George, 18
Phillips, George F., 25
Pierce, Bob & Jean, 8
Pierce, Robert W., 26
Pierce, Waldo, 18
Pierce, Waldo B., 29
Piha, Morris R., 27
Plenge, Edward C., 28
Prewett, Edw. A., 33
Price, David S., 25
Proznik, Louis, 26
Pulsifer, William F., 32
Pulsifer, Win, 18
Rarick, Clay, 21
Rarick, Clayton E., 34
Rarick, Clayton F., 2
Redmond, Dean T., 29
Reece, R. F., 31
Reed, Raymon J., 32
Remagen, 14
Rennes, 14
Reynolds, John J., 20, 34
Rhine, 14
Richards, Charles W., 32
Riggs, Thomas J., Jr., 26
Ringer, Robert C., 28
Ristenpart, Elden E., 25
Robinson, Richard R., 34
Rogers, Ginger, 10
Rosenkoetter, William G., 32
Rossi, Lou, 18, 21
Rossi, Louis P., Jr., 2, 34
Roster, 25
Rusch, Marvin H., 25
Rutt, Bob, 10
Rutt, Robert E., 29
Saucerman, Eugene, 18
Saucerman, Eugene L., 29
Saxton, Charles, 18, 26
Scalissi, John J., 34
Schieferstein, Fred, 16, 32
Schiro, Frank, 33
Schlosser, John P., 28
Schock, Charles H., 28
Schutte, Phillip F., 2, 33
Scott, Earl A., 28
Scranton, Robert L., 2, 34
Scurry, Thomas F., 34
Sebastinelli, Fred A., 25
Sgrignoli, Michael G., 28
Shalhoub, John, 2
Shalhoub, John F., 34
Shalhoub, Mrs. John, 21
Shalhout, John, 10
Shaw, Bob, 18
Shaw, Harry R. (Bob), Jr., 31
Shaw, Harry R., Jr., 2
Shulman, William H., 33
Sipson, Dean, 26
Skardon, A. W., Jr., 2, 28
Smith, Bill, 8
Smith, Charles L., 29
Smith, Frances, 6
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Winchester, 9
Smith, Pvt. Norman, 9
Smith, W. F., Jr., 4, 6
Smith, William F., 2
Smith, William F., Jr., 2, 31
Smyth, Chip, 16
Smyth, Lester, 16
Smyth, Lester S., 28
Smythe, Maj. Lester, 12
Snyder, Herbert L., 26
Snyder, Walter M., 28
Solecka, Emil M., 28
Souers, Loren E., 33
Spayd, Norman S., 31
Spina, Dominick A., 25
St. Nazaire, 14
St. Quentin, France, 14
St. Vith, 4, 18
St. Vith, Belgium, 12, 20, 24
Stars and Stripes, 36
Stone, Donald J., 28
Strickland, J. B., 34
Stromberg, 14
Sutter, George F., 32
Swider, Charles, 20
Swider, Charles J., 25
Switzerland, 23
Taylor, John J., 35
Taylor, Lee B., 34
Tissot, Harrison C., 29
Tribout, Arthur J., 34
Twining, Rollin L., 25
Valley Forge Military Academy, 23
Van Assen, Louis G., 26
Van Asses, Louis, 21
Vielsalm, Belgium, 23
Vietnam, 14
Villwock, Russ, 18
Villwock, Russell H., 26
Vincent, Louie, 35
vom Orde, Kurt E., 26
Wachtel, Dr. Hans, 25
Wakefield, 34
Walker, Alan, 16
Walker, Alan W., 26
Walker, Bob, 21
Walker, Robert F., 29
Ward, Nathan D., 26
Warren, Clarence E., 26
Warren, John, 12
Wateree River, 10
Watson, Ervin S., 31
Watt, Howard, 34
Weatherly, Monte O., 34
Weisser, Frederick C., Jr., 26
Wells, Jam. E., 2
Wells, James, 21
Wells, James E., 26
White, James S., 31
Wilhelm, Roscoe, 29
Williams, Fred, 31
Williamson, Maj. R. W., 35
Wilson, J. D., 18
Wilson, John D., 29
Woodburn, Donald J., 32
Woolfley, Brig. Gen. F. A., 25
Wyatt, Van, 21
Wyatt, Van S., 34
XII Corps, 38
Younts, Leonard, 26
Ypres, 38
Zak, George, 16
Zak, George K., 29
Zerilli, Nick, 29
Zicker, Gordon, 16
Zicker, Gordon B., 31
Zorn, Harry, 18, 21
Zorn, S. Harry, 26
Zuckerman, Jack, 16, 31