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The Cub
Vol. 42, No. 2, Dec., 1986

President Van S. Wyatt
1st Vice President Walter Bandurak
2nd Vice President Donald R. Armington
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Samuel P. Cariano
Historian Sherod Collins
Chaplain Rev. Ewell C. Black
Cub Editor Richard DeHeer
Memorials Chairman. Douglas S. Coffey
     The Cub is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $10.00 per year which includes subscription of the Cub.
All editorial matter should be addressed to: Mr. Richard DeHeer 86 Berkshire Lane Palm Coast, Florida 32037
     All business matters and inquiries should be addressed to: Mr. Samuel P. Cariano, Adjutant (November 1 - May 101 122 Skyline Boulevard Satellite Beach, Florida 32937
(May 11 - October 311 P.O. Box 938 Maggie Valley, N.C. 28751

    Dues for 1985 - 1986 are due now and should be sent to the Treasurer immediately. If dues are not paid by October 1st, this issue of the Cub will be the last issue you will receive until your dues are paid.
Sam Cariano, Adjutant
Mr. Sherod Collins, Treasurer, 625 Channing Drive N.W. Atlanta, GA 30318
Membership Dues 85-86 $10.00 per year
Associate Dues 85-86 $10.00 per year
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year

President's Message
To The Members Of the 106th Infantry Division Association
    Once again I say thanks to the membership of the 106th Infantry Division Association for allowing me to serve as President. We appreciate letters and phone calls and pledge again to do what we can to promote the Association. appreciate the Committees, Directors and Officers for helping carry on the business and Memories of the Association. Just recently I thumbed thru some of the first issues of the CUB. This was enjoyable to a degree but I was reminded of several of our number who have since "Gone Home." We continue to remember those who contributed no much to the success of our Association. With this message I would like to ask each member to help promote the Association. First I would like to encourage everyone to make a special effort to attend the 1986 reunion at Columbia, S.C. October 9-12, 1986. Next, write a letter or make a phone call to those who have not attended a recent reunion. Then plan a get-together in December to enjoy the fellowship of your friends and neighbors in your area. Several 106th groups have been having December 16 meetings for several years and this is good spirit of the Fighting 106th.
     I am sure Roger Rutland and his committee are working hard to plan the 1986 reunion. Let as all do our part in sending in reservations and registrations as soon as possible.
     The Fall season is here and before long will be the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. We should always be thankful for the blessings we receive daily as well as the Holiday Season.


     With this message, Bobbie and I would like to send GREETINGS to all families of the 106th DIVISION ASSOCIATION. May this season and the year 1986 be the most enjoyable of all.
Best Wishes,
Van S. Wyatt

Chaplain's Corner
By Ewell C. Black, Jr.
     As we come again into the season of Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas my mind returns to the year of 1944. I remember walking the streets of Oxford with Dave Slayton in the cool, crisp November air and having the tune, "Deck the halls" run through my mind. It seemed unreal that I was in Europe where many of our ideas concerning the Holiday Season originated. Little did any of us know then what the 1944 Holiday Season held for us or the memories that it would bring with returning years.
    Although most of us celebrated Thanksgiving with all of the trimmings in England, we would be on the continent and in the front lines before either Christian or Jew could celebrate Hanukkah or Christmas. Instead of the joyful occasion which we had always associated with this season, would come the trauma of combat, bringing with it the death of friends, the wounding of many, the capturing of too many and the fear which assails us all in such situations.
    Yet in all that occurred during those days and months, there was the understanding that our God was with us and that he would see as through. As we have lived our lives in the years since, there may have been many times when we have looked back with awe at what we experienced. May we continue in this holiday season to be mindful of the God who loves as so greatly and has blessed us and seen us through so many experiences during our lives.
    Father God, we thank Thee for each and every blessing which Thou hast seen fit to bestow upon us. We would continue to pray that Thou would be with us and guide us at this season of the year and throughout the remainder of our lives and that Thou would be with our families and with all of the families represented by our division. Amen.

Board of Directors
1985 - 1985
ARMINGTON, Donald R. 1325 John Patterson Road Des Moines, Iowa 50317 (515) 266-7609
BANDURAK, Walter 219 North Maple Avenue Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601 (412) 832.8169
BRITTON, Benjamin B. 36 Warren Road Auburn, Massachusetts 01501 (617) 832-2308
    CARIANO, Samuel P. 122 Skyline Boulevard Satellite Beach, FL 32937 Summer P.O. Box 938 Maggie Valley, NC 28751 (7041 926-1090
COFFEY, Douglas S. 947 Northwest Arnet Street Pon Charlotte, Florida 33948 (813) 629-5711
COLLINS, Sherod 625 Channing Drive, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 (4041 351-2985
DeHEER, Richard 86 Berkshire Lane Palm Coast, Florida 32037 (9041 445-4316
GARN, Charles S. 1937 Highbridge Road Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 (2161 923-3370
HENNING, James W. 1045 East 8th Street Lockport, Illinois 60441 (815) 838-3947


LUCSAY, William 12612 South Moody Avenue Palos Heights, Illinois 60463 (312) 388-8989
MATTHEWS, Joseph C., Jr. 4706 Western Boulevard Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 (9191 851-4851
MAW, Thomas J. 436 Beech Street Rockland, Massachusetts 02370 (6171 878-1796
McDEVITT, John F. 188 Queen Street Rehoboth Beach, Delaware 19971 (302) 227-3911
McMILLAN, Paul 294 Albermarle Place Macon, Georgia 31204 (9121 474-1909
ROBB, John G. 238 DeVore Drive Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335 (814) 333-6364 or 333-1616
SCRANTON, Robert L. 9441 Lee Road Brighton, Michigan 48116 (313) 229-6716
STRAUB, Ted J. 948 Chestnut Ridge Road Morgantown, West Virginia 26505 (304) 599-4450
WARD, Nathan 2140 West Carlyle Court Marietta, Georgia 30061 (404) 971-8594
VILLWOCK, Russell H. 6908 West Higgins Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60656 (312) 631-2027
WHITE, E. C., Jr. Box 465 Whiteface, Texas 79379 (806) 287-1109
WYATT, Van S. Rt. 2, Box 5-A Benton, Kentucky 42025 (502) 527-1796
    HONORARY LIFE MEMBER McMAHON, Leo T. Brig. General (USA Ret) 8 North Union Street Middletown, PA 17057 (717) 944-3821

1984 - 1985
Board of Directors Meeting
July 18, 1985
     The meeting was called to order by President Ted J. Straub at 6:14 P.M. Roll call was taken by Adjutant Samuel P. Cariano. All members were present except Thomas J. Maw, Paul McMillan, E. C. White, Jr. and Van S. Wyatt.
     Opening remarks by President Ted J. Straub included statements regarding the many hours of work put on by his reunion committee and that they deserved much gratitude for their efforts. Approximately 350 persons were expected to attend the reunion. He also expressed thanks for the support of his officers.
     Adjutant Samuel P. Cariano read the minutes of the previous Board of Directors meeting held at the Ramada Inn, Savannah, Georgia, July 12, 1984. Motion was made by Douglas S. Coffey and seconded by Nathan Ward to accept the minutes as read. Motion was carried.
     The Adjutant reported that the Association had 470 renewals, 72 new members, 13 reinstated members and 13 Associate members for a total membership of 568. This represented an increase of 68 over the previous year. He also reported the death of 6 members and one Associate member. Russell Villwock asked that the report show the death of James Teason, 331st Medical Battalion in June 1985. The Adjutant went on to report that there were 14 delinquent members for the year 1984-1985. Motion was made, seconded to accept the report as read and amended and was carried.
     Treasurer Sherod Collins gave his report revealing a net increase of $7,284.49 in combined funds. There is $22,030.96 in the General Fund and $11,432.21 in the Memorial Fund for a total of $33,463.17. Motion was made by Douglas S. Coffey and seconded by Robert L. Scranton to accept the Treasurer's Report. The motion was carried.
     Cub Editor Richard DeHeer gave his report. He would attempt to get out four issues of THE CUB during the coming year. He had some delay problems with


    the printer but nothing that could not be resolved. The mailing of the CUB was by first-class mail to insure receipt by our members. The Board members gave an expression of much gratitude to Richard DeHeer for doing an excellent job as THE CUB Editor.
     Memorial Fund Chairman Douglas S. Coffey reported that everything is going smoothly with the caretaking of our memorial in St. Vith. He also stated that we should be thinking of the future of the Memorial Fund. We should possibly set up a trust fund for the upkeep of our memorial and donations to the St. Vith School. There was a new liaison to the Director in St. Vith. We could also perpetuate the name of the 106th Infantry Division by establishing scholarship awards of $200.
     Communications from Mrs. Alan Jones and William C. Cavanaugh were read by Sherod Collins. Letters from Van S. Wyatt and The Infantry Center were read by Ted J. Straub.
     Old Business - Douglas Coffee gave reports on the trips to Russia and St. Vith. Our members all had a good time and that the officials of both countries were courteous, pleasant and made the trips very memorable ones.
     New Business - Based upon this years' Reunion Committee Chairman's remarks on the numerous letters that were answered by the Committee, Colonel Joseph Puett (Retired) suggested that a form letter and brochure be printed with pertinent information and mailed out to asking individuals. These would reduce the necessity for letter writing on the part of the reunion committees. President indicated it was a good suggestion and would be taken into consideration. Colonel Pruett also suggested that the Board of Directors consider the establishment of long term rates for 5 or 10 year dues. This action would reduce paper work and lower the cost of postage. Douglas S. Coffey made a resolution that Mrs. Kay Loveless be made a Honorary Life Associate Member of the 106th Infantry Division because of her loyalty and devotion to the Association. A motion was made by Dr. John Robb and seconded by John Adams to adopt the resolution. The motion was carried. Douglas Coffey also offered a resolution:
     Whereas the 106th Infantry Division Association desires to assure the continued maintenance with dignity of its memorial in St. Vith, Belgium, now and in the future, and whereas the College Patrone agrees to maintain and make any known repairs necessary to keep the memorial in proper condition; now and therefore be it resolved that the 106th Infantry Division Association place the sum of $5,000.00 at the disposal of the said College Patrone who should invest said same in an interest bearing account, or accounts. Be it further resolved that the College be permitted to use interest funds as considered appropriate. A report on the status of the fund is to be made to the 106th Infantry Division Association on a yearly basis. A discussion on the mechanics of the fund, legality of it and history of the memorial followed. Mr. Coffey informed the members that a document would be drawn up and signed by all parties concerned. The President and Adjutant would be signing authorities for the Association. Jim Wells made a motion to increase the amount of the trust fund to $7500.00 which was seconded by William Abriel. The motion was carried. Douglas Coffey also offered another resolution:
     Whereas it is the purpose of the members of the 106th Infantry Division Association to perpetuate the memory of those comrades who gave their lives in the service of their country and whereas the 106th Infantry Division has established a memorial fund for this purpose now, therefore, be it resolved 106th Infantry Division Association establish a Golden Lion Scholarship Award to be awarded annually to a student proficient in civics or political science and be it further resolved that this fund be established in amount of $200.00 and be guaranteed for the first period of 5 years and may be increased or decreased in the future as deemed necessary. Be it further resolved that the Golden Lion Award shall be established in the area of Columbia, South Carolina, the original home of the 106th Infantry Division and be it further resolved that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Association and published in THE CUB and made a permanent record of this Association. Douglas Coffey then made a motion to have the resolution adopted and said motion was seconded by Roger Rutland.


After a discussion, the motion was carried.
    Colonel Joseph Puett made a motion that an Education Committee be appointed to supervise the implementation of the award program and report to the General Assembly of members. The motion was seconded and carried.
     Pete House was supposed to present information on the possibility of holding the next reunion in Florida but was not present. There was a lengthy discussion on the use of the Memorial Fund. John Robb stated that we should take action regarding the Fund. Walter Bandurak was in favor of a trust fund. Also, furnishing $50.00 for the purchase of flowers for deceased members and the establishing of a scholarship fund. The question of handling deaths: should flowers or sympathy cards be sent, or donations made to charities or churches, etc.?
     The President appointed the following named members to a committee to study the problem and report to the Board at its next meeting: Douglas S. Coffey. John G. Robb and Russell H. Villwock.
     Russell H. Villwock had mentioned that he had paid for flowers for James Teason upon the latter's death. Douglas Coffee made a motion that Russell Villwock should be reimbursed for the expenditure; motion was seconded by John G. Robb and carried by the Board.
     Other Business for the Good of the Association - President Straub thought a policy should be made on the distribution of rosters; also, plans should be established to assist a member's ascension to the Presidency of the Association. Revised plans should be made for the hosts of the reunions - to give them more flexibility - and should be more elaborate in details. Discussions of pros and cons of reunion committee's procedures was held. The awarding of the Order of the Golden Lion was discussed. No award has been made in 9 years. With an estimated membership of 700, there are individuals who should be rewarded for their outstanding services to the Association. The possibility of a standing committee to act on this matter was brought up.
New Business - None.
     President Ted J. Straub appointed the following board members to the Resolutions Committee: Chairman Robert L. Scranton Russell H. Villwock Douglas S. Coffey
Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:48 P.M.
Respectfully submitted, Samuel P. Cariano Adjutant

New Board of Directors Meeting
July 20, 1905
     The meeting was called to order by President Ted J. Straub at 4:10 P.M. Roll was taken by Adjutant Samuel P. Cariano. All members were present except Thomas J. Maw, Paul McMillan, E. C. White, Jr., and Van S. Wyatt.
     The Adjutant read the minutes of last years' Board meeting. A motion was made, seconded and carried to accept the minutes as made. Douglas S. Coffee gave a report on the type of gift or memorial to be given in the event of death of an Association member in Behalf of the Gift Committee. The committee recommended than an appropriate printed Sympathy Card be designed and sent by the Associate Chaplain to the appropriate survivor in the family. Sherod Collins made a motion to adopt the committee's proposal; it was seconded by Ben Brittain and carried. Richard DeHeer was to contact the printer for design and printing.
     Resolutions were read by Robert L. Scranton and were adopted and approved by the Board. Sherod Collins made a motion that Section I-b of the Association's By-Laws be amended to read: Associate or honorary members be authorized by an Executive Committee composed of the President, 1st Vice President and the Adjutant. Any candidate for such membership must have a regular member as a sponsor. Motion was seconded by Joe Matthews and carried.
An election of officers was held for the


    year 1985-1986 and the following members were elected to office: year 1985-1986 and the following members were elected to office:
Van S. Wyatt President
Walter Bandurak 1st Vice President
Donald R. Armington 2nd Vice President
Sherod Collins Treasurer
The newly elected President, Van S. Wyatt, appointed the following members to office:
Samuel P. Cariano Adjutant
Sherod Collins Historian
Rev. Ewell C. Black, It. Chaplain
Richard DeHeer CUB Editor
Douglas S. Coffey Memorial Chairman
There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 5:13 P.M.
Respectfully, Samuel P. Cariano Adjutant

Looking Ahead To The 1986 Reunion In South Carolina
     Roger Rutland, on a recent trip to California, was pressing contingency of Californians to attend the convention he is hosting.
     The group is urging correspondence and other communication with the thought that they can be part of a large delegation going from the West Coast.
     Left to right as pictured are Joseph P. Salber, Service 424, Shingle Springs, Ca. Edward A. Prewett, B/424, Brentwood, Ca.; John H. Stauff B/591, Moraga Ca. and Roger Rutland B/424, Columbia, SC.

He Received Gift Of Life For Christmas
Horace Hatch
     The very word "Christmas" denotes warmth, happiness, friendships, family and church. Most of my Christmases included all of these elements. One particular Christmas, however, is etched in memory as one which was out of the ordinary.
     In the fall of 1944 my group, the 106th Infantry Division, was sent to England, then across the channel to Belgium, where we took up a position on a "quiet line" of defense.
     On Dec. 16, 10 days after we arrived, at 5:30 a.m., the Germans launched their final effort to recover their terrible losses in what was to become known as "The Battle of the Bulge." We were the first ones hit and, in four days, our division lost 8,500 men --killed, wounded or taken prisoner.
     Had it not developed that I had been transferred from my regiment to Division Headquarters, I would surely have been listed among the casualties.
    When the skies cleared on Dec. 23, and the 82nd Airborne was able to clear an escape passage from our encirclement, we moved to a Belgian village, Vielsalm.
     On Christmas Eve our chaplain served Communion from the bar of the village tavern and led us in an expression of gratitude. That night we slept soundly in a hayloft, where our only concern was that someone might light a cigarette. As we stood in line along a snow-covered village road the next day, waiting our turn to receive our portion of the Christmas chicken dinner, our thoughts were more inclined toward the gift of life than the gift of food.
    P.S. All of the war wasn't fought on the battlefront. My family spent Christmas Day with the understanding, received by radio, that the 106th had been decimated and the few survivors were wandering lost in the snows of the Ardennes.

Horace Hatch lives in Wayzata, Minn.

Now And Then
A Column by Association Historian
     We are looking back this time at Volume 17 of the CUB for 1960-61. At the previous Savannah reunion the following officers were elected and appointed: President - Jim Hatch, Vice-President Ben Hagman, Adjutant - Dick DeHeer,


    Treasurer - Bob Kelly, Chaplain - John Loveless. Two of these stalwarts have since gone on to their reward. Wayne Black of Waterloo, Iowa was appointed Cub Editor and began to put out many good issues. The Auxiliary was still intact and Anna Matthews was reelected President and Flo Bickford was selected as secretary- treasurer.
    The first issue of that year was devoted largely to a recap of happenings and chatter about the previous convention at Savannah. At the business meetings there, Doug Coffee reported the St. Vith memorial completed and he was authorized a sum to place on the building a plaque with suitable inscription. A committee was appointed to prepare such an inscription. A full discussion was held concerning the dedication of the memorial, including unsuccessful efforts to secure government or other "free" transportation for such purpose. Ultimately, $500 was authorized to provide such transportation and Doug was selected as the person to make the trip.
     A resolution noted the passing of Doc Fridline (331 Medics), an enthusiastic and beloved member. John Loveless was authorized to transfer our incorporation from the District of Columbia to the State of Maryland.
     Highlights and surprises: Lou Rossi tried to outrun a state trooper and lost --cost -- $15.85; Madam Hale's (dubbed 1st Sergeant) very efficient herding of her charges (us) on a historical tour of Savannah; Gen. Jones was chided for writing his speech notes on tissue (some said toilet) paper. Anna Matthews reported a vote to discontinue business meetings of the Auxiliary at reunions. On the cover of issue No. 2 appeared Gen. Alan Jones in civies along with his beautiful lady Alys, with the 106th flag as a background. There was a write-up of the annual picnic of Service Battery, 592 F.A. held as usual at Hershey Park, Pa.; also a piece about a late summer picnic for the Jersey and New York group hosted by the DeHeers.
    Tom Bickford wrote that he was told when a kid that he had a short life line --that he would never see his thirty-seventh birthday. Well, on that birthday he and DHQ motor pool sailed into Rouen, France and unloaded. Enroute, they had spent the night outside LeHavre.. When the anchor was raised next morning, one of his drivers asked what the extra weight on the anchor chain was for. There clinging to the chain and suspended by one of its spikes was a 750 pound mine which required a half day to cut loose. Tom kept thinking about what his fortune-telling friend had told him twenty-five years before.
    Gen. McMahon reported about various 106'ers he ran into on a trip to Kansas as well as locally. Among them were Father John Day, Dr. John Ketterer, Div. Dental Surgeon; Col. Lester Smythe, formerly of Divarty; Lt. Col. Alan Dunbar, formerly Lt., 422 Inf.; a letter from Col. A.D. Reid, CO. 424 Inf.,: and John Warren, his former Aide. Members of the 591st mentioned included Col. Phillip Hoover, C.O.; Major Carl Wohlfeil, FA instructor at Ft. Monmouth; and Capt. (Lt. Col.) Dolitsky. now C.O. of a battalion in N.Y. National Guard.
     Ron Mosley contributed a very interesting article about his family's return to the former front line area in Belgium. Editor Wayne Black wrote a glowing article about a trip to the British Isles. Seems as if he saw most of it, including former billeting areas of the regiments. He also had an article featuring the then printer of the CUB --one Bob Sackett, owner of Morris Printing Co. of Waterloo, Ia., low bidder and former member of G Company, 422 Infantry, and a former POW.
     In the Spring, Doug Coffey announced a delay in dedication of the St. Vith Memorial due to serious economic upheavals in Belgium, at least until Veterans Day in the Fall. Pages of the CUB trumpeted the pleasure to be expected at the Ft. Worth reunion to be hosted by Ben Hagman and everyone was urged to be present. BAG LUNCH by AWJ (Jones) described the source of the title of his column as put by one Art Kuespert -- each company required 450 sandwiches, consisting of 45 loaves of bread with 4 heels each), 300 slices of meat, sandwich spread and dried-up apples. Then there was the introduction of the "choker unit," Sahara desert in a paper bag, being one cheese and one peanut butter sandwich issued on a day when no water was available. AWJ with tongue in cheek, partially compensated for this unique weapon by reminding that the District of Columbia Highway


    Department had announced plans for the removal and disposal of the remains of 75,000 bag lunches upon completion of the Inaugural Parade held in January by a group of Democrats. He also provided the not astounding fact that a survey shows that on the Eastern seaboard, gins and scotches are preferred, bourbon and rum are enjoyed in the South, and on the West Coast they drink anything. He then volunteered that at that point he was well out on the Pacific on a world cruise well beyond the power of a subpoena or other drastic rebuttals.
     A letter to Doug Coffey noted that the plaque had been ordered for the memorial building in St. Vith and that flower beds would soon be in also that the headmaster of the school (College Patronne) would be leaving soon and the replacement would be in touch (presumably this would be Herr Pankert with whom Doug has had a long and rewarding relationship). In the meantime, Doug turned over every stone to get President Kennedy to dedicate the memorial but was told it could not be. The late Larry Gubow Svdl423 was sworn in as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern half of Michigan and the Detroit 106 group arrived early and got good seats. Ed Prewett (B/424) began a series of continued articles about where and how his regiment traveled upon leaving Camp Atterbury. Retiring President Jim Hatch who had produced interesting and provocative President's messages throughout the year, inserted letters to his officers thanking them in glowing terms and outlining their accomplishments during his year in office.
    At a tangent --- We tend to think of midget subs in connection with the American Civil War but indeed there were subs with the British invasion fleet to point the way to the continent of Europe. Under the overall command of Lt. Commander Nigel Willmot each "X craft", fifty feet long and five and one-half feet in diameter, was commanded by a naval reserve lieutenant with a crew of two and each carried two of Willmot's specialized navigators and their job was to station their craft as lightships.
     The idea was a common sense one, because in the light of dawn on D Day and in the heat of battle it was expected to be difficult for the first landing craft to fix its position from observation of the shore. Mist and smoke might make the shore invisible. The X craft (X20 and X23) were meant to arrive off shore thirty-six hours before anyone else so they would have a whole day to position themselves at each end of the British invasion beaches by periscope bearings and anchor there. The fleet could then home in on them. Very early in the morning of D Day they would and did rise to the surface, send out a radio signal, an underwater signal, and a flashing light to seaward from the mast. The mission turned out to be exceedingly trying since weather was bad and the landings were postponed from June 5 to lune 6. This meant another 24 hours of lying on the bottom with no room to move around, particularly since there were two extra navigators aboard, and having the feeling of suffocation from the smell of diesel oil and the close atmosphere. The men did surface at night and blow out the submarine, a task most laborious in itself. One sub, the X23, lost the use of one pump and gyro compass which made it hard to hold at certain depths. Thus it was a relief when on the night of June 5 they heard the signal that the invasion was on.
     At dawn in the last extremity of exhaustion, they gloried in the sight of hundreds of ships bearing down on them -- ample reward for 64 hours submersion. At eight, X23's crew being too weak to raise the anchor, cut the rope and headed back to Portsmouth to explain to the base ship just why they had lost the anchor. Off Sword Beach they threaded through waves of landing craft and all that could be seen were her identifying flags whipping in the wind which caused one LCT member to "almost fall overboard" with surprise seeing two large apparently unsupported flags moving through the water -- and then wondering what a midget sub had to do with the invasion as the X23 headed out into the transport area in search of her tow ship. Operation "Gambit" was Over.
    The American Navy had rejected the idea citing the danger of the subs' being spotted and thus drawing attention to the beaches. Of course there was the risk --but their landings might have been made at the intended places (but that subject was controversial too).
S. Collins


Gardener recalls Massacre of Malmedy
By Steven Erlanger
Boston Globe
    MALMEDY, Belgium -- Louis Bodarwe is 64 now, a gardener for this pretty town of 10,000 people in the green hills and fir forests of the Ardennes. The other day, in his blue overalls, he was planting some fresh flowers around a monument in the Place du Chatelet to the Belgian dead of the Second World War.
     The Place, near the church, contains two other monuments: one containing the ashes of some of the Belgians incinerated at Dachau; the other, dedicated last year, to the U.S. and Norwegian soldiers who died in defending the town during the battle of the Bulge in December 1944.
     But Bodarwe is also one of the last living ties here to the worst atrocity suffered by U.S. forces in the European theater, the Malmedy Massacre, which occurred in a field above his mother's house and cafe. A little more than 40 years ago, he was still at war, having been conscripted into the German army that swept through the Ardennes in 1940 on its way to France. "But my mother saw it all," he said, "the whole atrocity. She told the neighbors and took some of the wounded into the cafe.
     "But the Germans must have discovered her, for later that same day they burned the house with some Americans in it and my mother disappeared. When I returned, I could find no trace of her or her body." By December 1944, the Germans had been pushed near their own borders. But before dawn on the 16th, 32 divisions of the German army came storming back, in a counteroffensive Hitler hoped would take Antwerp and divide the allies. The story of the battle for the Ardennes is well-known, six weeks of the worst fighting the Americans experienced in Europe, with 19,600 GIs killed and another 50,000 wounded. But it was here, just outside Malmedy at the Baugnez Crossroad, in a small field behind the Cafe Bodarwe, that 86 U.S. prisoners of war were massacred on the second day of the offensive.
     Adele Bastin Bodarwe, 53, was at home tending the cafe with a farmer neighbor, Henri Lejoly, when a battle group of the 1st SS Panzer division, under the command of Lt. Col. Joachim Peiper, overran 140 men of Battery B, of the U.S. 285th Field Artillery Observation Battalion.
     Peiper was racing his troops through the crossroads to seize the bridges across the Meuse river, the Americans were on their way south from Aachen, looking for enemy mortars and artillery to report to howitzer and gun battalions. They met in the early afternoon; after a brief, intense firelight, as Charles B. MacDonald describes it in his history of the battle, "A Time for Trumpets," about 130 Americans surrendered. In the bitter winter air, they were herded into a field above the Cafe Bodarwe and stripped of rings, watches, cigarettes and gloves. Then they were raked with machine-gun fire for 15 minutes.
     Astonishingly, 43 men -- a third of them -- survived. Eighty-six men died, according to McDonald, 72 of them in the field, the rest in the cafe or just outside it, shot as they tried to escape the flames. Bodarwe is a sort of local celebrity, eagerly introduced by a helpful policeman, Roger Sluse, who along with another gardener, Emile Colard, seemed happy to listen to a story they must have heard many times before.
     "Those were terrible years," Bodarwe said simply, trying to wipe his hands of the black earth that fills his pores. But in his way, too, he admits, he represents an inheritance of that time. His own cafe at the Baugnez Crossroad, built where his mother's stood, is called the Cafe du Monument, for it overlooks another memorial, a low wall of stone containing the names of the American dead in the Massacre of Malmedy.

Roy Hilliard made promise to serve his Lord
By Louise Johnson
When he was a lad living in Steubenville, Roy Hilliard put religion "on the back burner."


    But religion was very much on his mind while he was a prisoner of the Germans in World War II. "I did a lot of praying during those five months," said Hilliard, who was a machine gunner with the Army's 106th Division when captured. "I made a lot of promises to Him if He'd just get we home alive," said Hilliard, who responded by becoming a minister and is pastor of Westbrook Park United Methodist Church. The preacher's forte these days is not only feeding the souls of his congregation but also feeding them breakfast the first Tuesday of each month.
     Concerning his role as the Julia Child of Westbrook Park Church, Hillard said he's following a tradition of his pastor predecessors.
     Concerning his role as a minister, he said he didn't become a Christian until five years after he begged God for his safe return home. Hilliard said he was a 21-year-old sergeant when captured during the Battle of the Bulge in the waning days of the war in Europe.
     "We were mostly green soldiers, under fire for the first time, when the Germans broke through our lines and captured or killed almost all the 15,000 men in our division," he said. Hilliard said those who survived were marched for three days and nights without food or water to a camp where the enlisted men, the non-commissioned men and the officers were separated and sent on to separate camps deep in Germany.
     He said he and the other noncommissioned soldiers made the trip in crowded boxcars, a trip of seven days and seven nights, once again without food or water. "Along the way, we were bombed by England's Royal Air Force. The pilots didn't know we were in the boxcars, of course," Hilliard said.
     At the prison camp, Hilliard said the Americans were fed a half cup of coffee mornings and a half cup of soup made of some sort of greens and a tiny piece of bread at noon. "That was absolutely all," said the 6-foot-3 minister, who dropped from 260 pounds to 140 pounds by the time the camp was liberated by Gen. George Patton and his troops.
     "By the time we were freed, I could barely walk," said Hilliard, who had watched many fellow prisoners die of starvation. After liberation, the men in his camp were flown to an Army hospital in LeHavre, France, where they were fed all they could eat.
     "Unfortunately, some of the men died because of all the rich food after near starvation," Hilliard said. After he was discharged, Hilliard returned to Steubenville, got a job as a machinist at Weirton Steel and married. He and his wife, Shirley, have three children. They are Roy of Harrisburg, Pa.; David of Indianapolis, Ind.; and Beth Ann Hartley of Cambridge. There are four grandchildren.
     "It took me five years to become a Christian after all those promises I'd made to God," said Hilliard, who studied at Asbury College at Wilmore, Ky., and Pittsburgh United Presbyterian Seminary. His first appointment was at Mt. Pleasant Church in Steubenville. He later served congregations at Scio, Barnesville and Cambridge.
     After serving the Cambridge church, Ili Hilliard was named superintendent of the St. Clairsville District, supervising 60 pastors and 120 churches. According to church regulations, he was returned to church ministry after his six years as superintendent.
     That church is Canton's Westbrook Park, a congregation he joined three years ago this June. "This is a wonderful community and a wonderful parish," said Hilliard as he prepared a sermon and the menu for his Tuesday breakfast.
     Although his war experiences were devastating, the silver-haired minister said he is certain being a prisoner-of-war "brought him to Christ."


Dear Sherod:
     I have retired from the San Francisco City and County Employees Retiree System. I had been employed here for seventeen years and I am now making trips to Europe and Cruises and am enjoying every minute of it.
Thanks very much.
Fred A. Sebastinelli

Dear Dick:
     I do not have any record or recollection of the letter and sketches that Robert Higgins mentioned. If I had received them, I would have forwarded them onto you for possible publication in THE CUB.
     If you have not set up the headings for the next edition of the CUB, please use the following for the collection of dues: Dues for renewal of membership, Associate and Auxiliary membership and memorial fund contributions should be addressed to:
Mr. Sherod Collins
625 Channing Drive, N.W. Atlanta, GA 30318
    Dues are due. Send them to Sherod Collins. Checks should be made payable to: 106th Infantry Division Association. Sam Cariano

Dear Sam:
     Walter is now retired, has been over two years due to heart attack. He's had open heart surgery and still has a lot of health problems. His retirement is permanent now and there is very little he can do.
    Enjoy writing and hearing from other service men, especially P.O.W.'s. Enjoy writing and hearing from other service men, especially P.O.W.'s.
Hazel Brasher (Wife of S. Walter Brasher) RR #2, Box 515 Crothersville, IN 47229 Med. Det., 422nd Inf.

Dear Samuel:
     We need co-sponsors for H.R. 864 - to improve veterans' benefits for former prisoners of wars. Please contact your respective Representatives and Senators to co-sponsor the bill.
     I hope our editor will put an article in the CUB. Former Prisoners of War, have you written your Congressman on H.R. 864? Former Prisoners of War, have you written your Congressman on H.R. 864?
Yours in Comradeship, Don Stone 1505 E. Memorial Dr. Janesville, Wis. 53545 Btry C, 589th
P.S. Great Job, Dick!!

Dear Sir:
    THE CUB 106th Inf. Division of Nov. 1985 has a name of Sherod Collins as Treasurer of the 106 CUB - But I read the complete book and could find no address. So I am enclosing check for my dues to you as Adjutant. I knew Lt. James G. Teason very well as we were both in Co. B, 331st Med Bn. I joined the 106th at Ft. Jackson in 1943 and stayed with it until the war's end. I remember the morning of Dec. 16th at 0500. I had to drive my ambulance to St. Vith with badly wounded GIs. My co-driver was Sgt. Witt from Chicago, Ill. We never did get back as the Germans made their big push that morning and captured our whole company and we were taken prisoners. I am planning on making the reunion at Columbia, S.C. I used to have some good times when stationed at Ft. Jackson on Tank Hill. Hope to see you all at Columbia, S.C. in July 1986.
Yours. Truly, Harold E. Worrell Commander VFW Post 2692


Dear Friend:
     I cannot find Mr. Sherod's address in the CUB Magazine; therefore, I am enclosing $10.00, my yearly dues for July 85 to June 86.
     I was with the 424th, L Co. during the Battle of Bulge. Seems Captain Bartell of Co. L, 424, has not joined the CUB; also ? Shennondorf, Mike Divia.
With God's Blessings, Michael ‘Mickey' Mosher 147 Sunset Drive Gallatin, TN 37066

Dear Sam:
     The CUB is the only contact I have, please don't stop sending them. I have not been able to attend a reunion for many years so I depend on the CUB for news of the place where I spent three years of my life.
    I joined the 106th in Fort Jackson in March of 1943 and remained with them until the end of the war in Europe; so, you see there are many memories. I started as a medic in the 3rd Battalion of the 424th. After basic, I was attached to "I" Co. and after maneuvers, was sent to "L" Co. with whom I spent the rest of my time in the service. I am retired now so I have plenty of time to read and relax. I am retired now so I have plenty of time to read and relax. Enclosed please find my check for my 85-86 dues and I promise next year I will try to have them in on time.
Many Thanks,
Mike M.J. Mueller P.O. Box 257 Lake Villa, III. 60048

Dear Richard:
     We had a good time at the reunion and it was good to see so many turn out, hope this keeps up at all the reunions. After the reunion Kay and I went to Virginia and Washington, D.C. and then on down to Charleston, South Carolina where we picked up our youngest grandson and brought him back to Washington and - then on home to spend some time with us. We hope to see you all at the next reunion.
As Ever, Jack Schlesser

Dear Richard,
     I'm sorry that I couldn't make the reunion this year in Morgantown because of some Real Estate difficulties I had just at this time, although, we had planned on it and made reservations two months before, however, had to cancel. I know you are having a good time in Morgantown at this moment and my wife and me would wish we were there because we had such a good time in Savannah last summer. If everything goes well with health, etc., we'll be at the next reunion next summer and I hear it may be in Columbia, S.C., or Indianapolis, Ind., where we were stationed. I was with the 106th from the beginning to the end with the 592nd FA Bn.
I also, was the Editor of the Cub when I was in Waukegan, Illinois during the years 1950-1952 or thereabouts.
     I was in the funeral business in Lake Worth, Florida for twenty years before retirement to Georgia and traveled on I-95 a hundred times and have seen Palm Coast develop. Did your home get ravaged by the fire that hit that area a few months ago?
Give my hello to all.
A Comrade, Arvo Paananen

Dear Sam:
     Thank you for your fine letter of Aug. 17, 1985 enclosing my Membership Card in the 106th Infantry Division Association as a Member in good standing for the year 1 July 85 to 30 June 1986.) Will I cherish that.
You remember that you and General Jones, Div. Cmdr., and the McMahons


    were early birds at the annual reunions. Sam, you would have made a good Association President, but I believe that you made the right decision for yourself and the Association. I already note some changes in your publicity. Thank you and Billy for your warm regards and good wishes.
On July 31 I became 92 years of age and Wilda became 78. We feel quite good for those respective ages.
Wilda and I wish you and Billy Good Health and Good Cheer.
Cordially, Wilda and Leo McMahon

    Hi, Dick & Marge: It was good to see you two people once again and all of the other 106'ers. We had a very good time and hope to see you in S.C. next year.
     Till we meet again have good luck, good health & happiness. Till we meet again have good luck, good health & happiness. Jennie & Harold Brummer
PHOTO: Jennie & Harold Brummer
PHOTO: Wouldn't you know it. My "sweetie" leading the conga line. Just don't tell Marge.

Dear Richard:
     Aloha from Pahang, Malaysia! From here we go to the Philippines and back to home in Hawaii! Aloha horn Singapore! We flew by 747-B from Thailand by American built "jet." We met our friends from Hawaii in Singapore, this is a small world.
Joyce & George Iwamoto 106th Inf. "Golden Lions" Div. in Eupen, Belgium

Dear Reverend Mosley:
     It is a pleasure to notify you of your selection as the 1985 recipient of The American Legion Canadian Friendship Award. Established by The American Legion, this award recognizes outstanding service in the field of veterans' affairs and the contributions made in the area of developing comradery between The American Legion and Canadian veterans' organizations.
    Mr. Daniel E. Lambert, Department Adjutant of Maine, has been asked to contact you and make suitable arrangements for the presentation of this award.
     Your selection to be recipient of this very important award is in keeping with the highest tradition of recognizing the individual whose life best reflects the importance of continuous friendship between the wartime veterans of Canada and America.
Congratulations on this distinctive honor!
Best wishes,
Clarence M. Bacon Past National Commander

Dear Sam,
I was with the 106th from Ft. Jackson, through Tenn., Camp Atterbury, and Battle of Bulge.
Necie and James L. Hiers, Co. M 424th 307 S. Broad St. Clinton, S.C. 29325


Dear Dick:
     I wrote to Sam Cariano, Adjutant, when I rejoined the Association and advised him that I would assist any of the members in their claims with the VA. Apparently he did not let you know about this.
     Since I retired from the VA, after over 34 years of service with them, having been the Assistant Director of the VA office in Los Angeles, I volunteered my service to the Ex POW's. I am now their National Service Director. A non-paid job, but I get the satisfaction of helping my fellow POW's with their claims. If I can be of any assistance to any member of the 106th Infantry Division Association, please have them write to me. I will be more than happy to help them. Also, if any of my former associates from HQS 422nd want to bring back memories, ask them to write.
     We were sorry to have missed the Reunion in Morgantown, but my Brother had open Heart Surgery and it was touch and go for a spell. My presence was necessary in Phila., Pa. I retired to Las Vegas in 1980 and my wife and I are enjoying the nice weather, the gambling and just being able to take it all in. If any of our membership ever get out this way, have them call, we are in the phone book.
     We had a Reunion of Oflag 64, the prison camp I was in this past Oct. 1984, and we had 236 people here. We had a ball, and we got to remember again of our trials, long marches, escapes and finally liberation and home. Please pass on to all the members our best wishes, and stay in touch. Please pass on to all the members our best wishes, and stay in touch.
Sincerely yours,
Alan Dunbar
Photo: The "old" pro, Alan Dunbar last New Year's Eve with the dog
Photo: Mrs. Dunbar at the pool.

Dear Dick,
     If you have room in the CUB could you print this request and/or telephone numbers of the following members of the 589th F.A. Bn., 106th Division
1st Lt. Willard Crowley (A Btry)
Staff Sgt. Leonard McIntee (HQ)
PFC Christopher Cologne
PVT. Lewis Camiscioli
PVT. James Stewart
PVT. Luther Lawson
Even a city would be helpful if street address is not known.
Best regards,
Francis H. Aspinwall 120 Nellwood Drive Ponchatoula, La. 70454


Dear Dick:
     Emily and I have just returned from vacationing in Arizona and California. While in California, we visited John and Lura Hungerford in Woodland Hills where John is involved in the field of Education.
    John was in Headquarters Company 422 INF. I&R Platoon, and was also a P.O.W. Their address is 5742 Penfield Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA 91637.
Sincerely, Jack Bryant
     P.S. John showed us a spoon and knife that he made from bed slats while in the prison camp, and also a petrified chunk of brown bread - his daily ration.

Dear Dick:
     Just a brief note, somewhat overdue, bout the Morgantown reunion. I must compliment you in the handling of the unexpected large turnout, I am sure this took a lot of work on the part of the organizers, to arrange with the motels for accommodations and transportation.
    I enjoyed talking about the memories and experiences of imprisonment, particularly with those who were at Stalag 9B. Last year I joined American Ex-POW, as did many of the 106th Vets, and like the Cub, their monthly bulletin is a fine way to locate former Army friends. I have been to several monthly meetings of the Ct. Chapter.
     A couple of years ago I met another 106th Vet in New Britain, Frank Buchas, 589 FA Bn. HQ Btry. I showed him copies of the Cub and I am trying to convince him to join the Assn. He was at Parker's Crossroads but escaped being wounded or captured. He is now retired, has been in VA Hospital several times. I can't make any plans yet, but I hope I am able to attend the Reunion in 1986. Again, my thanks for a most enjoyable experience.
Sincerely, Waldo B. Pierce 422 F

Dear Mr. Gallagher,
     During the month of September I had the pleasure of meeting a few of your friends, all members of the Society of the First Division.
They told me you were unable to come over to Europe this time, and that you felt sorry about that.
     I am sending you today some documentation about what is being exposed in most of the towns of the Ardennes, and hope you will enjoy it. Enclosed you will find your Honorific Diploma issued by the town of Liege for every veteran of the Bulge. Your friends received theirs in the Town Hall of Liege during their stay. Here is yours! Should you ever come back to Belgium, be assured that you will always be welcome in our hotel in Liege.
My very best regards, Gisele Tilman Sales Manager

The editor and his wife wish everyone a Blessed Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Be sure to have your material in for the next CUB, by FEBRUARY 1st and especially about all your Dec. 16th dinners.

Dear Sam,
     We are retired and living in Las Vegas, serving as National Service Director, of Amer. Ex-Prisoners of War. If any of my fellow 106ers need assistance in their claims with the Veterans Administration, please write of the circumstances.
     We have three children - all grown with 2 granddaughters and one grandson. Would like to hear from all our friends in the 106th.
Liselitte and Alan Dunbar Hqs. Co. 422nd-Inf. 4675 Green Canyon Drive Las Vegas, NV 89103


Dear Dick:
     Perhaps I am too late for the next issue of the Cub - and perhaps the article is too long; but for any use you wish to make of it I am glad to attach the following. It is a condensed version of that which appears in the book I am working on, "Where All is Still and Cold and dead."
Sincerely yours, Dean Richmond

To the Editor:
     Perhaps some 106th Division personnel would like to know: In planning the Battle of the Bulge the Germans had three prerequisites to victory. One: Cloud Cover. Two: Surprise. Three: Speed. Gaining the first two, they failed to gain the third.
     They would use three attacking armies and one army already in place. The Fifteenth Army in the north, already in place, and the Seventh Army in the south, recently shifted, would form the flank support to keep the salient open, then to widen the shoulders, once the breach was made. The Seventh would then join in the attack. Two mighty Panzer armies, containing ten Armored divisions, would spearhead the attack. Some twenty divisions in all, and 250,000 troops would be used.
     The build-up for the attack was phenomenal; all through September to December the huge colossus gathered strength. In Hitler's mind this preparation rivaled that of the blitz of 1940 that drove the British from the continent and France out of the war. It was not nearly as large but would be backed up by jet Aircraft and Robots.
    Their Meteorologists correctly promised them the cloud cover; a long German submarine surfaced in the North Atlantic off Spitzbergen, Norway and radioed the final weather report. By carefully concealing their movements the Germans struck with total surprise. Their war machine was briefed and oiled and fueled for top speed. At 5:30 A.M. on December 16, 1944 these two mighty Panzer armies struck on a front of less than forty miles. The 106th Division and its attached 14th Cavalry Group held some twenty-one airline miles of this front, more than one-half the total front struck by both Panzer armies. The 106th is the only division whose front was struck by both Panzer armies and the only division whose total front was struck in the initial attack (all Regiments and all Artillery Battalions). Four American Infantry divisions, one Cavalry group, and one Armored Infantry Battalion took the all-out attack from nine Infantry and three Armored enemy divisions which were used in the initial assault.
     It would be thirty hours before any outside help reached the front (Combat Command B, 9th Armored, and the 16th Infantry of First Division). It would be another twelve hours before any sizable support was brought up (the balance of First Division and parts of the 7th Armored). After this the build-up was rapid. In spite of some slashing gains and diehard determination by the Germans there were delays; and these delays were fatal. The Americans were given time! They were given time by delays in two principal areas. In the 99th Division /2nd Division sector in front of Elsenborn the Sloth Panzer Army was shunted off course to the southward instead of their gaining the Elsenborn Ridge which was vital. In the St. Vith/Schnee Eifel salient the German 66th Army Corp. of two divisions was halted for six days, the only prolonged bottle-neck the Germans suffered in the battle. A third area was important but not vital. In front of Clerk the 110th Regiment of the 28th Division died holding long enough for the 101st Airborne and the 10th Armored divisions to start closing in toward Bastogne; their actions were heroic but Bastogne could be by-passed and was, and did not play the strategic role that St. Vith played.
     These delays eventually meant defeat for Hitler; the Battle now became, not one of surprise, but of endurance. And Germany could not match the slugging power of American First and Third Armies when they were ready to fight.
Dean Redmond

Greetings to all:
It seems that there is but a hop, skip and a jump and another year has slipped


    by. It was our privilege to visit the site at St. Vith while my wife and I traveled Europe during the first three weeks of May. We visited England, France, Switzerland. Austria, Holland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany. Our trip was a real pleasure as we had a rented car which allowed us to do pretty much what and when we wanted to. I saw Utah Beach where I made my entry on D-8, as well as the area where you of the 106 had your problems. The area of Stolberg is quite close to the St. Vith area and was where I served with the 60th Regiment of the 9th Division. I was able to see some places that brought about some nostalgia of the days I spent with Company I of the 60th. Most places were quite different from when I last saw them a little over 40 years ago. We will always remember the nicer places as there years fade some of the past that all but a pleasant experience for many of us. So much for that.
     I regret that the possibility of attending the reunion must again go by the boards as my wife is still in need of the treatment and observation of the tumors that continue to appear and most be taken care of. The month of June will find us at the hospital at least three times.
     The month of July will allow us to attend the Shriners Imperial convention in Atlanta and we have hopes of going to Canada for another Shriner function In September. During the time between these trips we are both involved in the committees of our church which is celebrating the 150th anniversary. This is a pleasant but time consuming involvement and does get a lot of our attention.
     I see that Leo Liesse still finds time to continue his correspondence and I am afraid to visit him as I have put it off so long I am sure he will dress me down hut good as he did in days gone by. But I am certainly going to try and cover the 20 miles to his home soon. In closing I find it disappointing that not more of the men who had served in the 422nd, 3rd Bn. HQ Co. do not make themselves a little more evident in your fine organization.
Wishing everyone the best of health and warm regards.
I remain yours. Comradeship, Milton G. Haas

Dear Mr. Collins:
     I had hoped to attend the reunion in Belgium, etc. last November or September but was recuperating from my operation. I'm feeling much better and hope to attend the next gathering of the 106 Assoc.
In the meantime, please send my copy of The Cub to our temporary new address, E. J. Slack
Care, United Press International 2nd Floor U. Chuliang Bldg.
968 Rama 4 Rd., Bangkok 10500 Thailand
    My wife is a journalist with UPI and the wire service handles our mail until we are assured of delivery at our new townhouse.
     I learned only a few years ago of the Division's Association and joined promptly. I was lucky to renew acquaintances by letter with several old buddies and learn of other members of the 106. Bob Howell and his wife Louise dropped by Bangkok and joined us for a pleasant lunch. I had not met Bob before but he quickly established his identity by wearing a 106 jacket, proudly, I might add.
     I've also been in correspondence with Frank Aspinwall, a fellow member of Hdq. Btry. 589th Fa. Bn. We used to call him "Luke" for some reason. Luke, a native of New York (Rome), has retired in Louisiana, and is busy with a research project involving the Battle of the Bulge and Eric Wood's disputed rule in the clash. Perhaps you already know the story.

Hello to Bob and Louise who live somewhere in Georgia. I hope they are both well.
Regards, Edward J. (Jim) Slack

     Whereas it is the custom of awarding persons for their devotion and service to the 106th Infantry Division Association and whereas Mrs. John Loveless, "K" had been a faithful member and supported her husband John while he served this association for many year, as


    Chaplain, parliamentarian, and over all judge advocate. It is therefore resolved that said Kay Loveless be made a life member of the 106th Infantry Division Assoc. Same type Resolution for Alys Jones, wife of Alan W. Jones, Commanding General of the 106th Infantry Division and one of the most supportive members of our Memorial Fund.
President and Board of Directors

Dear Sam:
     I am a principal analyst in the Revenue Requirement Dept. of Detroit Edison's. I am also treasurer of the Edison Rifle and Revolver Club. In the latest NRA pistol matches this year I ranked 68th. I am past President of Western Wayne County Chapter of the National Assoc. of Accountants. I have four grown children. I still keep in touch with some of the guys from F Co. I am looking forward to a roster so I can see if I know anyone. I was with the 106th from its birth in S.C. to its split up in Aug. '45.
Sincerely, Barbara & Russ Maytotte F Co. 424 S/Sgt. 9628 Cavell Livonia, Mi. 48150

Dear Mr. Cariano,
     I am sorry to be late with my dues, but we have been in Europe for five weeks and did not receive your communication until our return.
     I will give you a brief record of my Service history. I entered the army in April 1941 with the 122 Field artillery of the Illinois National Guard, from Chicago. I went into training at Camp Forest, Tenn., several months after which I was sent to Fort Sill, Okla. to attend Artillery Mechanic School for 3 months. I returned to Camp Forest and several months later was transferred to the Station Compliment of Camp Forest to do refrigeration work throughout the Post, since that was my trade prior to entering service. When the 106th Div. was organized in Ft. Jackson, S.C., I was transferred there with the initial cadre. Ultimately, I was promoted to Staff Sergeant, Chief of Section. Upon arriving at Port of Embarkation, some months later, I was made First Sergeant of C Battery, 591st F.A., which I remained with during the time I was overseas. While F.O. I was wounded on January 16, 1945 in the area of Huaffilize, Belgium. I was evacuated to England, remained there for about three months, came back to the States and was hospitalized in Clinton, Ohio for about six months. I was then sent to rehab- center in Ft. Custro, Mich. and discharged in December 1945.
     Upon my discharge, I returned to my former profession, refrigeration, in which I continued until my recent retirement. I moved to San Diego, Calif. from Chicago in 1958, where my wife and I have lived since then. My wife Dolores, is also retired. We have one married daughter, who has given us three grandchildren. Fortunately, they live near us in San Diego.
     I have looked for information on the 106th Division for forty years, and the II first I had heard or seen of the reunions was in the April issue of the DAV.
Sincerely, Joseph J. Cross 7782 Topaz Lake Ave. San Diego, CA 92119

To the Members of the 106th Infantry Division Assoc.:
     Your thoughtfulness meant a lot to be selected to be named a Life member of the Association. I assure you it was quite a surprise, but am very grateful for the honor.
     The Organization has meant a great deal to both John and I since about 1949. We looked forward to the Reunion every year.
     I pray the Organization will continue to grow and prosper. The Lord willing, I hope to see all of you in October 1986.
Again many thanks to everyone.
With love, "K" Loveless
P.S. It was our pleasure!!!


Dear Mr. DeHeer:
     My husband, Robert Marrison is in the Vets Hospital. He has Alzheimers Disease. He was always so enthusiastic about anything concerning the 106th, in fact his face lights up whenever I deliver one of the issues of the "Cub." I know he does not read it but it seems to comfort him somehow. I'm not certain of the amount of the dues, so I'm hoping $10.00 will cover it. (It did.) Robert was a Staff Sgt. in the 106th, G Company, when it was formed in Ft. Jackson. He was an excellent soldier.
Thank you very much, Katherine Marrison 260 Oaklyn Rd. Bethel Park. Pr 19102

     Whereas it is the custom of awarding persons for their devotion of service to the 106th Infantry Division Assoc. and whereas Mrs. Alys Jones, wife of Commanding General of the 106th Division has been a faithful and benevolent member of our Memorial fund, it is therefore resolved that Mrs. Alys Jones be made a life member of the 106th Infantry Division Assoc.
President and Board of Directors

Dear Dick,
     Things are finally coming together. We sold our home in Ohio. Bought a new one in Tenn. and will move around May 15, 1985. Please get my new address in the next Cub.
     While we were looking for a home in Tenn., my Dad passed away. While we were looking for a home in Tenn., my Dad passed away. I am still looking for a patch and Decals.
Sincerely, Leon W. Reece 716 Cliffwood Drive Newport, Tenn. 37821

Dear Mr. DeHeer,
     The 39th Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Assoc. is over but for me it was history in the making. My wife Jeanette and I had the pleasure of seeing (6) six members of I company, 422nd. For we (7) seven, it was our first meeting in 40 years.
     Dick, I can't explain how I feel, it would take too long. I want to thank you and other officers, plus the entire membership for making these "Reunions" so successful and meaningful. Again "No one every meets a stranger." The reunion at Savannah, Ga. was outstanding, Morgantown, W. Va. was equal to our expectations. Now we are looking forward to 1986, Columbus, S.C. Our 40th Reunion at Ft. Jackson, should top all reunions.
    The following names are my fellow Co. I members and their wives. All of us have agreed to work finding additional company members and others from the division. (Good luck.) Bosley, Robert and Gloria, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Breite, Victor and Avis, St. Louis, Mo.; Falch, Carl and Ellsie, Cinn„ Ohio; Kelch, Eugene and Dorothy, Arnold, Mo.; Lang, William, Parma, Ohio; Malowe, William and Margie, Nashville, Tenn.
     All of us have vowed to increase the membership before our 40th reunion date, 1986, at Columbia, S.C. After receiving the information regarding the place to stay, everyone should get their reservations and monies to the 106th Assoc. in as early as possible. Anyone wishing information about their medals and awards from the Dept. of the Army and others are most important. The members must include a copy of their Discharge or DD-214 Form. These organizations will then research for other information.
     Those seeking information to join the American Ex-Prisoners of War, Inc., I would be happy to help any way I can. We need everyone's help. Numbers is the name of the game. Especially to these people in Washington, D.C.
July 19, 1985 was National P.O.W. Day and should have been recognized,


    especially those in the 106th Inf. Div. and also the Korean Veterans. For their 54,000 who gave their lives and 8177 M.I.A.'s, should be accounted for by our government.
     Ross E. Gillikin, Commander P.O.W. Southwest El. Chapter #100 517 Avanti Way Blvd. N. Fort Myers, Fl. 33903 Tele. #813-995-2490
     P.S. To all of you and your efforts regarding the Association and the Reunions. Our thoughts are with you and "Thanks", you have our sincere appreciation and gratitude for what you have done, the accomplishments in our behalf. "THANK YOU VERY MUCH"!!!

Dear Dick:
     Eloise and I missed the reunion this year, and we were very pleased to read the reports in "The Cub." We will be there next year, God willing!
    Sam Cariano has written that he had 18 ties and 27 ascots left of the 106th Golden Lion insignia. I have a dozen or so. If anyone would like to help and deplete my supply, let them send $11.00 to me in U.S. funds and I'll send them an official tie or ascot of the 106th Infantry Division. The next issue of "The Cub" should be coming out about Christmastime. May I wish all our 106ers a blessed Christmas. Our memories are clear of the December of 1944. May peace with justice become a reality in this world. Eloise joins me in sending our best to all, God bless! Eloise joins me in sending our best to all, God bless!
Sincerely, Ron Mosley (Chaplain, 424th) *

Dear Friend,
I would like to thank you for sending me this information and letting me know about the Cub.
I am originally from Tennessee, and have been living in Fla. for the last 15 years, with my wife Edna.
Meleim W. Suttle, Co. 1 424 inf. 2595 - 63rd Terrace, N. St. Petersburg, FL 33702

A Celebration-- 40 Years Afterward
     Early in May I received a call (followed for a formal invitation from a stranger inviting me to a celebration of the victory in Europe and its liberation -- 40 years later. Actually, it was a "thank-you" dinner-dance hosted by the European community of Atlanta and promoted by their representative, Mr. Peter Bardoul, a transplanted Hollander, now in the insurance business in Atlanta. The embassies of France, Belgium, Holland and Luxemburg were involved.
     Fifty Three American veterans from various divisions were selected at random by Mr. Bardoul as invitees. Joining the writer were Col. Joe Puett and wife Ida Mae Puett and Duke and Martha Ward. Also present were Newt Mosley and wife Yvonne Mosley, Mr. Mosley being a member of the above mentioned European community.
     This reception was given at the downtown Marriot Hotel on May 11. Guests enjoyed a good meal and at 20-piece dance band. A few military and civilian local dignitaries were among the guests. In a short talk, Mr. Bardoul remembered the liberation of Holland when he was 10 years old. He distributed a nostalgia package to each veteran containing a pack of cigarettes, a bar of soap, a pair of nylons and a can of C-rations. His comment with a grin, "The soap won the mother, the cigarettes won the father, the nylons won the girl, and the C-rations reminds one how good the food was in the mess hall."

S. Collins

    PHOTO: Left to right: Newton Mosley, Sherod Collins, Duke Ward, and Col. Joe Puett are 106th veterans who were among those invited by Atlanta to celebrate the European community's 40th anniversary y victory in 4L, Europe.


1986 Reunion
Columbia, South Carolina
    The corrected dates are October 9, 10, 11, 12, 1986. Dates given at Morgantown had to be changed since an Air Force group of about 500 was scheduled for the Marriott at the same time as our original dates. They could not accommodate both groups at the same time, the way our group would like. Therefore, I selected the above mentioned dates where we would have plenty of room and less confusion.
     The Marriott will supply me with an ample amount of pre-printed postage paid reservation cards to secure overnight accommodations. You will receive a card in your next issue of "The Cub". I have 200 rooms reserved but further reservations will be accepted based on space available. The price of rooms will be $56.00 plus tax and reservations must be made by September 1, 1986.
     All rooms will be held until 6:00 p.m. unless guaranteed for late arrival by credit card or receipt of the first night's deposit. Check-in time is 3:00 p.m., check-out time is 1:00 p.m. Guests arriving before check in time will be accommodated as rooms become available.
     I have contacted the Public Affairs Officer at Fort Jackson. They will design a custom tour suited to our large group. They have more to offer than we can do in one day. I will work with them in selecting what I feel will be of interest to most of our group. Just a few "Hints". We will visit the museum, an old barracks just like we had, the new army barracks, have lunch at the new modern N.C.O. Club, memorial service at the chapel where our Division flag is mounted, command retreat parade "weather permitting" and a few more things that we can work in on Friday.
    The Marriott is located on Main at Hampton Street, three blocks from the State Capital. There are many places to shop within three blocks of the motel. Details for short tours around the city will be arranged at a later date.
     If I can be of assistance to anyone, please contact me. Roger M. Rutland 6632 Arcadia Woods Road Columbia, South Carolina 29206 Phone: 803 787-3366
Host for 1986 Reunion


The 106th And The Marriott Sounds Like The Ideal Pair, Soooo Let's Get Together And All Be There.
The Veterans of the 106th INFANTRY DIVISION

Roger Rutland Host - 1986 Reunion

COLUMBIA Marriott 1200 Hampton Street Columbia. South Carolina 29201
803-771-7000 October 9-10-11-12, 1986


Index for: Vol. 42 No. 2, Dec, 1986

Index for This Document

101st Abn. Div., 29
10th Armd., 29
110th Regt., 29
14th Cav. Gp., 29
16th Inf., 29
1st SS Panzer, 17
285th FA Observation BN, 17
28th Inf. Div., 29
2nd Div., 29
422nd Inf., 21, 27
66th Army Corp., 29
7th Armd. Div., 29
82nd Abn. Div., 11
99th Inf. Div., 29
9th Armd. Div., 29
'A Time For Trumpets', 17
Aachen, 17
Abriel, William, 7
Adams, John, 7
Antwerp, 17
Ardennes, 17
Armington, Donald R., 1, 3, 11
Aspinwall, Francis H., 26
Aspinwall, Frank, 31
Bacon, Clarence M., 25
Bandurak, Walter, 1, 3, 9, 11
Bardoul, Mr., 37
Bardoul, Peter, 37
Bartell, Capt., 23
Bastogne, 29
Battle of the Bulge, 11, 19, 29, 31
Baugnez Crossroad, 17
Belgium, 13
Bickford, Flo, 13
Bickford, Tom, 13
Black, Ewell C., Jr., 3
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 1, 11
Black, Wayne, 13
Bodarwe, Adele Bastin, 17
Bodarwe, Louis, 17
Bosley, Robert & Gloria, 35
Brasher, Hazel, 21
Brasher, S. Walter, 21
Breite, Victor & Avis, 35
Brittain, Ben, 9
Britton, Benjamin B., 3
Brummer, Jennie & Harold, 25
Bryant, Jack, 27
Buchas, Frank, 27
Cafe Bodarwe, 17
Cafe Du Monument, 17
Camiscioli, Pvt. Lewis, 26
Camp Atterbury, 15, 25
Camp Forest, Tenn., 33
Cariano, Sam, 1, 21, 26, 37
Cariano, Samuel P., 1, 3, 5, 9, 11
Cavanaugh, William C., 7
Coffee, Doug, 13
Coffee, Douglas, 7, 9
Coffee, Douglas S., 9
Coffey, Doug, 13, 15
Coffey, Douglas, 7, 8
Coffey, Douglas S., 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
Coffey, Mr., 7
Colard, Emile, 17
College Patrone, 7
College Patronne, 15
Collins, Mr., 31
Collins, S., 16
Collins, Sherod, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 21, 38
Cologne, Pfc. Christopher, 26
Cross, Joseph J., 33
Crowley, 1st Lt. Willard, 26
Dachau, 17
Day, Father John, 13
DeHeer, Dick, 12
Deheer, Richard, 3
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 5, 7, 9, 11
Divia, Mike, 23
Dolitsky, Capt. (Lt. Col.), 13
Dunbar, Alan, 26
Dunbar, Liselitte & Alan, 28
Dunbar, Lt. Col. Alan, 13
Elsenborn, 29
Elsenborn Ridge, 29
Erlanger, Steven, 17
Eupen, Belgium, 25
Falch, Carl & Ellsie, 35
Fifteenth Army, 29
First Div., 27, 29
Fort Sill, Okla., 33
France, 29
Fridline, Doc, 13
Ft. Custro, Mich., 33
Ft. Jackson, SC, 21, 23, 25, 33, 35, 39
Garn, Charles S., 3
Germany, 30
Gillikin, Ross E., 37
Gubow, Larry, 15
Haas, Milton G., 31
Hagman, Ben, 12, 13
Hartley, Beth Ann, 19
Hatch, Horace, 11, 12
Hatch, Jim, 12, 15
Henning, James W., 3
Hiers, Necie & James L., 25
Higgins, Robert, 21
Hilliard, Roy, 18
Holland, 37
Hoover, Col. Phillip, 13
House, Pete, 9
Howell, Bob, 31
Huaffilize, Belgium, 33
Hungerford, John & Lura, 27
Iwamoto, Joyce & George, 25
Johnson, Louise, 18
Jones, Alan W., 33
Jones, Alys, 33
Jones, Gen., 13, 24
Jones, Gen. Alan, 13
Jones, Mrs. Alan, 7
Jones, Mrs. Alys, 35
Kelch, Eugene & Dorothy, 35
Kelly, Bob, 13
Ketterer, Dr. John, 13
Kuespert, Art, 14
Lambert, Daniel E., 25
Lang, William, 35
Lawson, Pvt. Luther, 26
LeHavre, 13
Lehavre, France, 19
Lejoly, Henri, 17
Liege, 27
Liesse, Leo, 31
Loveless, John, 13
Loveless, Kay, 7, 33
Loveless, Mrs. John, 32
Lucsay, William, 5
MacDonald, Charles B., 17
Malmedy, 17
Malmedy Massacre, 17
Malmedy, Belgium, 17
Malowe, William & Margie, 35
Marrison, Katherine, 35
Marrison, Robert, 35
Massacre Of Malmedy, 17, 18
Matthews, Anna, 13
Matthews, Joe, 10
Matthews, Joseph C., Jr., 5
Maw, Thomas J., 5, 9
Maytotte, Barbara & Russ, 33
McDevitt, John F., 5
McIntee, S/Sgt. Leonard, 26
McMahon, Gen., 13
McMahon, Leo T., 5
McMahon, Wilda & Leo, 25
McMillan, Paul, 5, 9
Meuse River, 17
Mosher, Michael ‘Mickey', 23
Mosley, Newt, 37
Mosley, Newton, 38
Mosley, Rev., 25
Mosley, Ron, 13, 37
Mosley, Yvonne, 37
Mueller, M.J., 23
Norway, 29
Oflag 64, 26
Order of the Golden Lion, 9
Paananen, Arvo, 23
Pankert, Herr, 15
Patton, Gen. George, 19
Peiper, Lt. Col. Joachim, 17
Pierce, Waldo B., 27
Place Du Chatelet, 17
Prewett, Ed, 15
Prewett, Edward A., 11
Pruett, Col., 7
Puett, Col. Joe, 37, 38
Puett, Ida Mae, 37
Puett, Joseph, 7, 9
Redmond, Dean, 30
Reece, Leon W., 35
Reid, Col. A.D., 13
Richmond, Dean, 29
Robb, Dr. John, 7
Robb, John, 9
Robb, John G., 5, 9
Rossi, Lou, 13
Rouen, France, 13
Russia, 7
Rutland, Roger, 1, 8, 11, 40
Rutland, Roger M., 39
Sackett, Bob, 13
Salber, Joseph P., 11
Schlesser, Jack, 23
Schnee Eifel, 29
Scranton, Robert L., 5, 9
Sebastinelli, Fred A., 21
Seventh Army, 29
Shennondorf, ?, 23
Slack, E. J., 31
Slack, Edward J. (Jim), 32
Sluse, Roger, 17
Smythe, Col. Lester, 13
St. Vith, 7, 13, 15, 29
St. Vith Memorial, 13
St. Vith, Belgium, 7
Stalag 9-B, 27
Stauff, John H., 11
Stewart, Pvt. James, 26
Stolberg, 31
Stone, Don, 21
Straub, Ted J., 5, 7, 9
Suttle, Meleim W., 37
Tank Hill, 22
Teason, James, 5, 9
Teason, Lt. James G., 21
Tilman, Gisele, 27
Utah Beach, 31
Vielsalm, 11
Villwock, Russell, 5, 9
Villwock, Russell H., 5, 9
Ward, Duke, 38
Ward, Duke & Martha, 37
Ward, Nathan, 5
Warren, John, 13
Wells, Jim, 7
White, E. C., Jr., 5, 9
Willmot, Lt. Commander Nigel, 15
Witt, Sgt., 21
Wohlfeil, Maj. Carl, 13
Wood, Eric, 31
Worrell, Harold E., 22
Wyatt, Van S., 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11