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Original Cub Document
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Vol. 14, No. 1, Sep, 1957

108th Infantry Division Assoc., Inc., Box 108, Blandon, Pa.
President Richard DeHeer
Vice President Edward Collier
Adjutant Austin Byrd, Jr.
Treasurer Robert Kelly
Chaplain John Loveless
     The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year, which includes subscription to CUB. All material copyrighted.
Editor John Gallagher
The CUB is printed by the Busy Beaver Print Shop, Laureldale, Pa.
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 106, Blandon, Pa.

Letters to Editor
Dear John:
     My prime purpose in writing is to give you a report for the Cub, concerning a picnic for 106ers that was held at Dick DeHeer's place. You know how thoughtful and generous he and his wife are. It was held on Sunday, August 18th, about 35 adults and children attending, and need I say everything was perfect.
     As a spokesman for those who attended, I would like to thank Dick (our new president) for the congenial hospitality extended us, not only this time, but all the times in the years past. We can only thank our God that we have such a kind person as our president and a member of our association. We would also like to voice our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Mrs. DeHeer, too.
Yours of the 106th,

President's Message
     My sincere thanks to all of you for the privilege of serving as President of the 106th Infantry Division Association.
I hope you good people won't expect miracles this year, as I don't profess to be a world beater.
     I am especially happy to have been elected this year-- as I can tell people I was elected the year Maydean and Jim Wells ran that "out of this world" reunion at the General Oglethorpe in Savannah.
     Of course membership should be our first thought always. With Dick Nethers on that end we haven't a thing to worry about, (except) every member is also on his committee.
     Next-- our Memorial Fund should get started. We are on the way but it seems strange that with the few restrictions we have, we can't find something constructive to do.
     I have been looking over some old association correspondence and would like to stress that the fellows should temper their criticism a little. "We're doing the best we know how." Before you mail that letter to the fellow who didn't do things your way, "sleep on it,' and see if it doesn't look rather silly in the morning.
     While on the way home from Georgia, Marge, Ricky and I spent a day with the Easterlings in Lata, S. C. Real southern hospitality; three beautiful children. Saw Jim selling tobacco, too.
     After a trip to Ft. Jackson, Smoky Mts. and Natural Bridge we stopped at the Gallaghers in their new home. Hospitality plus. They even apologize because the weather was hot.
It's getting late so don't forget Dec. 16th, but it's not too early to think of Philadelphia in 1958.


Convention Minutes
14 Directors present: Austin L. Byrd, Jr.,
Douglas S. Coffey,
Richard DeHeer,
John M. Gillespie,
Lawrence Gubow,
H. M. Hatch,
Robert E. Kelly,
Glenn Kennedy,
John T. Loveless, Jr.,
Richard W. Nethers,
Clifford E. Perras,
Clayton F. Rarick,
Robert E. Rutt,
James E. Wells...
Officers and Committee Chairmen gave their reports which were accepted as read.
Jim Hatch moved that the Association membership roster be published each year in the Cub. Passed.
     Cliff Perras recommended that a list of those attending each convention be published in the Cub issue immediately following each convention. Approved.
     The President appointed Bob Rutt (Chairman), Bob Kelly and John Loveless as a committee to investigate the legal aspects of changing the purpose of the Memorials Fund to encompass the erection of a memorial in Belgium.
     Jim Wells recommended that a complete convention report be sent each year to the Adjutant, Treasurer, Cub Editor and new Convention Chairman. Approved.

36 members present.
Bob Kelly gave the Treasurer's Report and it was unanimously accepted.
     Jack Gillespie reported for the Membership Committee, stating that he and Dick Nethers had sent membership promotion letters to over 100 men in the Ohio area, and that about 10 members were acquired. He stated that the idea of advertising for members in the V.F.W. and American Legion magazines had been found too expensive. Report accepted.
     Austin Byrd gave the Adjutant's Report, stating that the Association ended the 1956-57 year with 254 members, 3 short of the 1955-56 total. Accepted.
Clayton Rarick gave a report on the Cub for Editor John Gallagher. Accepted.
    Foreign Memorials Chairman Doug Coffey reported that he had received a letter from the college at St. Vith, Belgium, and that he was in contact with the college in regard to the Association's donation of a window for the college chapel. Accepted.
    Clayton Rarick reported that the 1958 Convention had been set up for July 25 to 27 at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia. Accepted.
     Jack Gillespie reported that he and Cliff Perras were working on a site for the 1959 Convention. Under discussion were the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago and hotels on Mackinac Island, Mich.
Bob Rutt read the report of the Resolutions Committee and the resolutions were unanimously adopted.
     Doug Coffey moved that Dave Price be extended Honorary Life Membership in the Association in recognition of the fine work he had performed for the Association. Unanimously passed.
     Abner Harris was authorized to buy 200 copies of "St. Vith: Lion in the Way" from Concord Books, Inc., Paramount Theatre Bldg., Broadway at 43rd St., New York.
Bob Rutt moved that the Association have an Official Historian. Passed.
     John Loveless was appointed to check the possibility of placing a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier each December 16.
Austin Byrd moved that a new typewriter be purchased by and for the Cub Editor. Passed.
     Jim Hatch read the recommendations of the Nominating Committee, and the 21 men recommended were unanimously elected to the Board of Directors, as follows:
Thomas Bickford, 3 Sunnyside Terrace, East Orange, N. J.


Henry M. Broth, 3917 Duvall Ave., Baltimore 16, Md.
Austin L. Byrd, Jr., 502 Nottingham Rd., Baltimore 29, Md.
James I. Clark, Fennville L Mich.
Douglas S. Coffey, 18 Cornell St., West Orange, N. J.
Edward Collier, 5282 Normandy Rd., Memphis, Tenn.
Robert H. Courtright, Box 103, Ashville, Ohio
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, N. J.
Alan Dunbar, 4701 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Gaylord D. Fridline, 217 Claremont St., Ashland, Ohio
John I. Gallagher, 4003 Frances St., Temple, Pa.
Lawrence Gubow, 20100 Braile, Detroit 19, Mich.
Abner T. Harris, 400 Carlisle Court, Rockville Center, L. I., N. Y.
Robert E. Kelly, 846 Lakepointe, Grosse Point 30, Mich.
John T. Loveless, Jr., 2549 Pickwick Rd., Baltimore 7, Md.
Gen. Leo T. McMahon, 8 N. Union St., Middletown, Pa.
Richard W. Nethers, 31 Island Dr., Poland, Ohio
Patrick J. O'Rourke, 3185 Hull Ave., New York 67, N. Y.
Clayton F. Rarick, Box 25, Blandon, l'a.
John J. Reynolds, Jr., 188 Hall St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
James E. Wells, Hephzibah, Ga.

The following men were unanimously elected to the positions indicated:
President-- Richard DeHeer
V. Pres.-- Edward Collier
Treasurer-- Robert E. Kelly
The President made the following appointments:
Adjutant-- Austin L. Byrd, Jr.
Memorials Chairman-- John J. Reynolds,
Membership Chairman-- Richard W. Nethers
Cub Editor-- John I. Gallagher
Chaplain-- John T. Loveless, Jr.
Convention Committee-- Eastern Pennsylvania Group
Belgian Memorial Chairman-- Douglas S. Coffey
Historian-- Sherod Collins, Jr. (Box 177, Statesboro, Ga.)
     It was moved that the Cub issue published immediately following each convention be sent to both current and expired members, instead of the issue immediately preceding the convention. It was further moved that a mimeographed convention bulletin be mailed to the complete roster with the first dues billing each June. Passed.
     John Loveless was appointed to investigate the possibility of dissolving the Association as a District of Columbia corporation and incorporating in the State of Maryland.
Respectfully submitted,

     l. Be it resolved that the members present have duly and sadly noted the absence of two of our stalwarts, General McMahon and Doctor Fridline. It is further resolved that each of them shall regain his health as soon as possible.
     2. Be it resolved that the 106th Infantry Division Association extend its sincere appreciation to the General Oglethorpe Hotel for its excellent accommodations and for the many courtesies granted by the management and other personnel and for making our brief stay an enjoyable one.
3. Be it resolved that John Gallagher be


    congratulated for his excellent endeavor in editing the Cub. The membership duly recognizes the many long hours necessary to prepare and to present such a fine publication and we therefore extend our sincere thanks.
     4. Be it resolved that due and proper recognition be given to our convention chairman, a very gracious host, for the many days spent in preparation, for the excellent publicity campaign conducted, and for the interesting and enjoyable program presented. We therefore extend our gratitude and appreciation to Maydean Wells. It is further resolved that the husband of Maydean Wells be granted some recognition for his assistance.
Respectfully submitted,
ROBERT E. RUTT, Chairman, Resolutions Committee

     The Association regrets the decease of Eldridge L. Marsh, 302 Avenue L, Pittsburgh 21, Pa. Eldridge, who was a member of H/423, passed away on July 12, 1955. He had been an engineer with Westinghouse Electric.

Convention Attendance
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St. Hillsdale, N. J.
Robert E. Rutt, 14447 Young, Detroit 5, Mich.
Tom Bickford, 3 Sunnyside Terrace East Orange, N. J.
Robert E. Kelly, 846 Lakepointe, Grosse Point, Mich.
Richard W. Nethers, 31 Island Drive, Poland 14, Ohio
Larry Gubow, 20100 Braille Detroit, Michigan
Robert W. Pierce, 464 Federal St., N. W. Warren, Ohio
Patrick J. O'Rourke, 3185 Hull Ave., Bronx 67, New York
Douglas S. Coffey, 18 Cornell St., West Orange, N. J.
Howard S. Edwards, Box 177, Lexington, Tenn.
Henry M. Broth, 3917 Duvall Ave. Baltimore 16, Maryland
Clayton F. Rarick, Blandon, Pa.
Glenn Kennedy, West Liberty, Iowa
Robert M. Courtright, Ashville, Ohio
Clifford E. Perras, Nadeau, Michigan
J. M. Gillespie, 19807 Murray Hill Detroit 35, Michigan
Austin L. Byrd, Jr., 502 Nottingham Road, Baltimore 29, Maryland
Robert E. Sandberg, l377 South Cleveland Ave. St. Paul 16, Minn.
H. M. Hatch, 5609 15th Ave., So. Minneapolis, Minn.
John T. Loveless, Jr., 2549 Pickwick Road Baltimore 7, Md.


Joseph C. Matthews, Jr., 4706 Western Blvd. Raleigh, N. C.
Raymond H. Fields, 826 Rennoc Road Knoxville, Tenn.
Edward Collier, 4451 Sequoia, Memphis, Tenn.
B. F. Killian, P. O. Box 577, Marathon, Florida
George Otte, (Visitor) 4493 Woodrow Way North Atlanta, Georgia
Abner T. Harris, 400 Carlisle Court, Rockville Center, L. I., N. Y.
Chas. B. Reid, Richburg, S. C.
J. A. Middleton, 3rd, 17 Kensington Road Madison, N. J.
Ralph G. Steed, P. 0. Box 187, Robbins, N. C.
Ben J. Hagman, 128 Dallas Ave., Weatherford, Texas
Sherod Collins, Jr., Box 177, Statesboro, Georgia
Pete House, l317 Hendricks Ave. Jacksonville 7, Fla.
Dr. James I. Clark, Box B, Fennville, Michigan
Louis S. LeTellier, Jr., 7019 Altama Rd. Jacksonville II, Fla.
Dean T. Redmond, 116 Kelly St., Statesville, N. C.
Brig. Gen. Herbert T. Perrin, Box 294, Gambier, Ohio
James R. Easterling, Box 101, Latta, S. C.
George Jones, Jr., Boris, S. C.
Mike Serino, Armed Forces Golf Club, Fort Jackson, S. C.
Henry Kokenzie, 19 West Charlton St. Savannah, Georgia
F. H. Dagostin, 615 Edgewood Dr. Dolthan, Alabama
Jim Wells, Hephzibah, Georgia

Convention Notes
     "H" Company of 424 again had largest turnout, but wait till next year. Ab Harris and Cliff Perras, "L" Company, is out to beat you in Philadelphia.
Let's all start rounding up our companies for our next reunion. What say?
     Missed seeing my old friends Gen. McMahon, John Reynolds, Tom Dorskey, Dave Brumaghin, and Doc Fridline. I hope to see them as well as you in Philadelphia next July.

Change of Address
    Please keep our adjutant informed of your correct address so that you receive all mail promptly. Your association pays extra postage on all return mail.
Austin Byrd, 502 Nottingham Rd. Baltimore 29, Maryland


106th Infantry Division Association
July I, 1956 to June 30, 1957
Balance on hand July 1, 1956 .$1,876.31

 Auxiliary Dues

 Memorial Fund Contributions

 Total Receipts 1956-57

Atlantic City Convention Fees, Adjutant,

 Treasurer, Cub Editor

 Printing, Membership Cards Stationery


 Bank Charges

 Express Charges, Memorial Files Postage, Adjutant

 3.60 2.20

 Express Charges, Editor

 Corporation Trust Co., 1957-58

 Auxiliary Donation to Memorial Fund, 1956-57

 Auxiliary Donation to Memorial Fund, 1955-56, in addition to Auxiliary Project

 National Savings Bank, Memorial Fund Busy Beaver Print Shop-- July-Sept. Cub
 368.50 133.40

 Nov.-Dec. Cub
Jan.-Feb. Cub

 105.87 92.68

 Mar.-Apr. Cub

 May-June Cub

 Commercial Mailing, Cub Envelopes, Tapes
July-Sept. Cub

 10.65 90.30

 Nov.-Dec. CIO, Dues Billing

 Mailing List Tape

 Mar.-April Cub

 May-June Cub

 1957-58 Dues Billing

 Total Expenditures, 1956-57 1,615.82
NET RECEIPTS, 1956-57 101.68
Balance on hand June 30, 1957 "81,977.99
*Includes Auxiliary Account of $181.62
As of July 1, 1956

 Contributions deposited, 1956-57

 Interest to July 1, 1957

 As of June 30, 1957

 Respectfully submitted,




Picture Identifications
     Cover. Front row: Isabel Coffey, Mrs. Joe Matthews, Kay Loveless, Marge DeHeer; back row: Bob Kelly, John Loveless, Sherod Collins, Eddie Collins, Austin Byrd, Dick DeHeer.
1. Left to right: Maydean Wells, Jim Wells.
     2. Glenn Kennedy, Mrs. Kennedy, Ralph Steed, Mrs. Dick Nethers, Dick Nethers, Mrs. Chas. B. Reid, Chas. B. Reid, Libby Kelly, Bob Kelly.
3. Ben Hagman, Mrs. Ben Hagman, Henry Kokenzie, Mrs. Henry Kokenzie, Pete House, Howard Edwards, Ralph Steed.
     4. Jim Wells, Sherod Collins, Maydean Wells, Louise LeTellier, Jr., Bernie Killian, Sylvia Killian, Bob Pierce, Jim Easterling.
5. Shirley Gillespie, Jack Gillespie, Phyllis Otte, George Otte, Don Pierce, Kay Loveless, Daniel Killian.
     6. Dr. James I. Clark, Bob Kelly, Libby Kelly, Patrick J. O'Rourke, Mrs. Patrick J. O'Rourke, Larry Gubow, Estelle Gubow.
     7. Mrs. George Jones, George Jones, Mrs. Richard Nethers, Richard Nethers, Mrs. Glenn Kennedy, Glenn Kennedy, Miss Kennedy.
     8. Clayton Rarick, Rarick, Jr., Mrs. Clayton Rarick, Jack Middleton, Mrs. Henry Broth, Henry Broth, Kay Loveless. John Loveless.
     9. Marge DeHeer, Dick DeHeer, Doug Coffey, Isabelle Coffey, Austin Byrd, Flo Bickford, Tom Bickford. At piano-- Larry Shields.
10. Abner Harris, Mrs. Cliff Perras, Cliff Perras, Howard Edwards, F. H. Dagstin, Raymond Fields, Eddie Collier.
11. Joe C. Matthews, Jr., Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. C. B. Reid, C. B. Reid, Mrs. Perrin, Gen Perrin.
12. Helen Hatch, Bob Sandberg, Lucile Rutt, Bob Courtright, Mrs. Courtright, Jim Hatch, Penny Sandberg, Bob Rutt.

Membership Report
     I am informed that this issue of the Cub is going out to some 1400 persons who have at one time or another been with the Association, or with the 106th Inf. Div., and as Membership Chairman for the 57-58 period I would like to remind those persons who have not paid their current 57-58 dues to not put it off.
     There are many reasons for our Association to keep going and progressing. Each year at our Annual Reunions I find that I enjoy them more and more, and meet persons who I did not know while in the service, as well as those I knew and have not seen for several years. I was with the 106th when it was activated, being carried from the 80th, and stayed with such up until the time of the Bulge. I lost contact with such up until the time of the 2nd Annual Reunion, and have missed but one reunion since such 2nd Reunion, and that being the year which I was married, which was 1954. Seems that I could not get away to Atlantic City that year as I had three weeks away from work in May, and the problem of getting started at home as well as being missed at work did not allow, and I do have a Boss.
     Jennie and I have not missed a Reunion since, and we feel very badly if for one reason or another something may stand in the way to keep us from attending.
     I feel very certain that with a small amount of effort we can all contact a number of the men who were with our company or unit and get them to become one of us as a member of the 106th Inf. Div. Assn., and enjoy getting together either at our Annual Reunions, which comes usually at the end of July, or special gatherings which can be arranged for December 16th of each year.
     Should we not be able to attend the reunions, such as I sometimes find it difficult to from year to year, we certainly enjoy


reading the Cub, which keeps us in touch with the activities, and interesting notes sent in by our buddies.
     Officers of our organization are not paid as we well know, and they go out of their way, as well as spending their own moneys, to keep our organization one of the best and active.
     Get out your Christmas card list, and check to see who you know, your own Company or Unit, and have them send in their $5.00 dues. Should some of these men be too far to give a call, please send the names and correct current addresses to me, R. W. Nethers, 31 Island Drive, Poland, Ohio, and I will get in touch with them. Try to get as many of the men from your outfit together as possible.
     The next issue of the Cub will have a complete Membership Roster, and issues to follow will keep the Roster up to date, so if your dues are not paid very shortly after you receive this issue you will not be receiving the issue to follow, so let's get our dues in. Send dues to Austin L. Byrd, Jr., 502 Nottingham Road, Baltimore 29, Maryland.
     My Membership Committee consists of each of you this year, and I would certainly like to have a drive put on by all of you in your own community. Present indications show that membership is picking up as compared to that of previous years, so let's get out and see if our buddies can spare the $5.00 and send it in to Austin. Keep your outfit together.
     Board Members will receive a list of those active members as soon as Austin has a chance to send me a complete list. You will receive a list of those men within your district, as you may contact them to get additional names and addresses, which may be forwarded to me, and I will get in touch with them providing they have not sent in their dues.
     Please send to me the correct names, current addresses, and Unit they were with in order to keep my mailing cost down.
Your Membership Chairman,
R. W. (Dick) NETHERS

Welcome to the Association
Charles W. L. Foreman, 167 Townsend Ave. Pelham Manor, N. Y. Div Arty
James L. Thompson, Box 153, Ettrick, Wisc., 81 Engr.
Byrne A. Bowman, 418 Commerce Exchange Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. DHQ
Cyrill J. Steinhauser, 220 Edna St., Poland 14, Ohio, G/424
Robert W. Kaminsky, 861 E. 6th St., Salem, Ohio, 1/424
Robert C. Steward, R. D. No. 2, Fleetwood, Pa., 592 F. A.

16 - 81 - 106 254 FREE
     As explained in the June-July issue of the Cub, each membership application is numbered when received by the Adjutant. This year, the 16th, 81st, 106th and 254th person to send in dues receives a year's free membership. Those who get a check for $5 are:
# 16-- Bartholomew E. Camino-424 148 Coeyman Ave., Nutley 10, N. J.
# 8l-- James T. Stuart-- F/424, 119 Gem Ave., Bridgeport 6, Conn.
#106-- Edward Collier, 5282 Normandy Rd., Memphis, Tenn.
    254 is still open. So send in your $5 with your name, address and unit to: Austin L. Byrd, Jr., Adjutant 502 Nottingham Rd., Baltimore 29, Md.


This and That About Savannah Convention
     Was wonderful once again to see friends that many of us are only able to see once a year, in July at the Reunions. Certainly was sorry that General and Mrs. McMahon were unable to attend, due to leg injury of General McMahon. They had reservations long before any literature was even mailed. Also missed General and Mrs. Jones. Arrangements had been made for them to dock their boat in front of the hotel. Certainly hope both are feeling much better. Of course we missed our good Cub Editor and Mrs. Gallagher, but congratulations on their new home. The barbecue under the Georgia pines brought forth the harmony that is always so evident at each reunion. With the Ben Hagmans present of course we had many renditions of "The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You." Wonder if Col. Joe Matthews knew how fascinated John Perras was with his sport shirt. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Serino drove over from Ft. Jackson just for the barbecue: Mike is in charge of the Armed Forces Golf Club there now, stop and see them some time on your way through.
     F. H. Dogostin of Dalthan, Alabama, arrived just in time for the barbecue. After some gentle prodding from Cliff Perras, Raymond Fields, Abner Harris, and Eddie Collier, did I say gentle? And how delighted and floored we were the next morning when everyone showed up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for breakfast at 7:30. Ray, you surprised us all. Then we were off for the boat trip. The fine captain of the USS VISITOR did a fine job with the assistance of Ralph Steed, Jr. Detroit was well represented with the Gillespie's, Rutt's and Kelly's and of course Miss Patty Kelly, flying down. Larry and Estelle Gubow drove down with Mona and David. Was mighty fine to see Jim Easterling and his tobacco voice is just as good as ever. We thank you, Lucile, he said you were responsible for his being there. We are looking for you too next year. Ralph Steed, it was good to have you back, too. Also two fine surprises when Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Reid and family of Richburg, S. C., and Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and family of Loris, S. C. showed up.
     Bob Pierce and nephew Don Pierce drove down from Warren, Ohio. Think it would be well for Austin Byrd to keep in mind and surprise us next year as Pat O'Rourke did this year. What a lovely bride, Pat, and congratulations from all of us and celebrate your first anniversary with us next year. Our apologies to Dick DeHeer, but instead of saying dry we meant to say high. Congratulations to Dick as our new president and his good wife Marge on being re-elected secretary of the ladies auxiliary. I hear Ricky is quite a swimmer. No reunion would be complete without Flo and Tom Bickford, and understand it was Flo's first plane trip. Dr. and Mrs. James Clark came all the way from Fennville, Michigan, with the four little Clarks, what wonderful little boys. Jim and Helen Hatch, Bob and Penny Sandberg flew down from Minnesota. All Southern airlines take notice-- they serve champagne up North-- let us mend our ways. Doug and Isabelle Coffey and the little Coffey's came in the station wagon. I'll bet if Jane Coffey and Cliff Perras, Jr. have anything to do with it they will attend all conventions hereafter.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nethers from Poland,


    Ohio seemed to be having a real fine time. If everyone put forth half the effort Dick Nethers and Jack Gillespie did about membership we could easily double the number. The John Lovelesses arrived by bus, after much difficulties. They had an accident with the new station wagon and had been promised it would be ready momentarily. However it wasn't, and they came on, bless 'em. What would we do without our Chaplain? He is an inspiration to us all. Mrs. Loveless is our new auxiliary president. Congratulations!
     I also imagine Kay Loveless and Daniel Killian will be regular attenders hereafter. I hope we started a trend in Savannah. I like the young people being there and frankly I think they enjoy themselves just as much as we do. Bernie and Sylvia Killian came up from Marathon, Florida, and if you live in that area and don't have a Better Built and Designed Home by Killian you just haven't arrived. Sylvia, did you return that tablecloth, or was that the extra one in your room? I believe had we been given a few extra days we could have converted Mr. and Mrs. Henry Broth to our easy going way of life. Henry, did you improve your golf game any? Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rarick and family were there. What a wonderful thing they did when they gave their friend the trip South. Such generosity is not evident too much these days. After seeing the collection of Cubs, Scrapbook, etc. that Sherod Collins has it makes one realize how very little that you have saved. How fortunate we are having him for our new historian. Jack Middletown came down by bus and stopped over in Columbus, S. C. and visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kennedy were there from West Liberty, Ohio with their family-- mighty fine looking young ladies.
     We had the rains to thank for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Courtright being able to be with us. Pete House of Jacksonville took time out from his Civilian Defense duties to be with us. Was certainly happy to see Dean Redmond who hadn't been seen in a long time. Henry Kokenzie took time out from his municipal court duties to be with us and we all enjoyed the speaker, Henry. However, I'll admit when he changed his topic he unnerved me for a minute, but was very informative and we all enjoyed it. General and Mrs. Perrin will never know how much we all appreciate the effort they made to be with us. Also Howard Edwards would have sure had the laugh on all of us had it been a hot sunshiny day on the boat. And how happy we all were to have George and Phyllis Otte our Honorary 106ers join us.
     Louis LeTellier from Jacksonville remarked that he wished Jim and I had been married when they were both in "C" Company, 81st Engineers, due to the fact he gave me credit for having mellowed Wells considerable and felt his disposition had improved also. Louie, he has gotten out of hand again-- he is growing a Van Dyke. With that I just want to say we certainly enjoyed having you all and really do appreciate the effort that was put forth by all of you to come the distances, etc. And we THANK YOU ALL and Y'ALL COME AGAIN.

We must have faith in God if we are to have faith in ourselves or our fellow men.



Belgian Memorial
It looks as though we finally have a little something better to go on with our Memorial Fund.
     I am enclosing a copy of a sketch of proposed Memorial to be erected in St. Vith. I would appreciate any comments, good or bad, that the members of the Association might have to make. Cub Editor to print sketch and letter which is quoted below for all members to read and think about.
     There will be many more details to worry about but we'll come to them as we proceed and it will be my policy to keep the President and the Board informed of my every move with regard to this Monument.

I quote the letter received with this sketch which reached me too late for presentation at the convention:
     "We thank you for your letter. Please, excuse our late answer, but our Director has suddenly fallen very ill so that he could not look after it himself. Besides we had to think very long how to make use of the $5,000.00 to erect a worthy Memorial for the dead American soldiers.
     We see that the proposal of our Director cannot be realized with the amount you can afford. Now an architect of St. Vith has made us a nice proposal. Herein enclosed you will find a sketch that will give you an idea of it. The Tower will be about 10 meters high, it can be seen from


    all sides and from far away. On the days of memory the American flag will be hosted on this Tower. At the foot of this Tower are two open halls, one of them is a chapel with Commemorative tablets.
     We think that this proposal might correspond to your wishes. What do you think about it? If you come to a decision we shall ask the architect to work out an exact plan and we shall send it to you."

Articles for Cub
Please mail all material for Cub direct to my home (please note change of address) :
John I. Gallagher, 4003 Frances Street, Temple, Pa.

Editor's Notes
I extend to all the officers and directors congratulations.
     This year I am sure will be a big one for the 106th. Dick DeHeer and our ever loyal Austin Byrd will give us the inspiration and leadership to make us all active workers in our association.
We will look forward to articles in the Cub from our officers and directors informing us of association activities.
     Your editor and family had a very pleasant visit from the DeHeer's and Rarick's. They were filled with praise for the fine job done by the Well's in Savannah.
    General McMahon called me on the phone and expressed his deep regrets for not getting to Savannah; I know he was with the 106th in spirit.

Hotel Bellevue-Stratford Philadelphia, Pa.
July 25, 26, 27
Plan now to bring the family to historic Philadelphia for our Annual Reunion.


Index for: Vol. 14, No. 1, Sep, 1957

Index for This Document

106th Inf. Div., 6, 9, 12
106th Infantry Division Association, 6, 9
81st Engr., 17
Annual Reunions, 12
Belgium, 3
Bickford, Flo, 12
Bickford, Flo & Tom, 16
Bickford, Thomas, 4
Bickford, Tom, 7, 12
Books, 4
Bowman, Byrne A., 14
Broth, Henry, 12
Broth, Henry M., 5, 7
Broth, Mr. & Mrs. Henry, 17
Broth, Mrs. Henry, 12
Brumaghin, Dave, 8
Byrd, Austin, 1, 3, 4, 8, 12, 16, 19
Byrd, Austin L., 3, 5, 7, 14
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 3, 5, 7, 14
Camino, Bartholomew E., 14
Clark, Dr. & Mrs. James, 16
Clark, Dr. James I., 8, 12
Clark, James I., 5
Coffey, Doug, 3, 4, 12, 19
Coffey, Doug & Isabelle, 16
Coffey, Douglas S., 3, 5, 7
Coffey, Isabel, 12
Coffey, Isabelle, 12
Coffey, Jane, 16
Collier, Eddie, 12, 16
Collier, Edward, 1, 5, 8, 14
Collins, Eddie, 12
Collins, Sherod, 5, 8, 12, 17
Courtright, Bob, 12
Courtright, Mr. & Mrs. Bob, 17
Courtright, Mrs., 12
Courtright, Robert H., 5
Courtright, Robert M., 7
Dagostin, F. H., 8
Dagstin, F. H., 12
DeHeer, Dick, 1, 12, 16, 19
DeHeer, Marge, 12
DeHeer, Mrs., 1
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 3, 5, 7
Div. Arty, 14
Dogostin, F. H., 16
Dunbar, Alan, 5
Easterling, James R., 8
Easterling, Jim, 12, 16
Edwards, Howard, 12, 17
Edwards, Howard S., 7
Fields, Raymond, 12, 16
Fields, Raymond H., 8
Foreman, Charles W. L., 14
Fort Jackson, 8
Fridline, Doc, 8
Fridline, Dr., 5
Fridline, Gaylord D., 5
Ft. Jackson, 2, 16
Gallagher, John, 1, 3, 6
Gallagher, John I., 5, 19
Gillespie, J. M., 7
Gillespie, Jack, 3, 12, 17
Gillespie, John M., 3
Gillespie, Shirley, 12
Gubow, Estelle, 12, 16
Gubow, Larry, 7, 12
Gubow, Lawrence, 3, 5
Hagman, Ben, 12, 16
Hagman, Ben J., 8
Hagman, Mrs. Ben, 12
Harris, Ab, 8
Harris, Abner, 4, 12, 16
Harris, Abner T., 5, 8
Hatch, H. M., 3, 7
Hatch, Helen, 12
Hatch, Jim, 3, 4, 12
Hatch, Jim & Helen, 16
House, Pete, 8, 12, 17
Jones, Gen. & Mrs., 16
Jones, George, 8, 12
Jones, Mr. & Mrs. George, 16
Jones, Mrs. George, 12
Kaminsky, Robert W., 14
Kelly, Bob, 3, 12
Kelly, Libby, 12
Kelly, Miss Patty, 16
Kelly, Robert, 1
Kelly, Robert E., 3, 5, 7, 9
Kennedy, Glenn, 3, 7, 12
Kennedy, Miss, 12
Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn, 17
Kennedy, Mrs., 12
Killian, B. F., 8
Killian, Bernie, 12
Killian, Bernie & Sylvia, 17
Killian, Daniel, 12, 17
Killian, Sylvia, 12
Kokenzie, Henry, 8, 12, 17
Kokenzie, Mrs. Henry, 12
LeTellier, Louis, 17
LeTellier, Louis S., 8
Letellier, Louise, 12
Lion In The Way, 4
Loveless, John, 1, 3, 4, 5, 12, 17
Loveless, John T., 3, 5, 7
Loveless, John T., Jr, 3, 5, 7
Loveless, John T., Jr., 3, 5, 7
Loveless, Kay, 12, 17
Marsh, Eldridge L., 7
Matthews, Col. Joe, 16
Matthews, Joe, 12
Matthews, Joe C., 12
Matthews, Joseph C., 8
Matthews, Joseph C., Jr., 8
Matthews, Mrs., 12
McMahon, Gen., 5, 8, 16, 19
McMahon, Gen. & Mrs., 16
McMahon, Leo T., 5
Memorials, 3, 5
Middleton, J. A., 8
Middleton, Jack, 12
Middletown, Jack, 17
Nethers, Dick, 1, 3, 12, 17
Nethers, Mr. & Mrs. Nick, 16
Nethers, Mrs. Dick, 12
Nethers, Mrs. Richard, 12
Nethers, R. W., 14
Nethers, R. W. (Dick), 14
Nethers, Richard, 12
Nethers, Richard W., 3, 5, 7
Normandy, 5, 14
O'Rourke, Mrs. Patrick J., 12
O'Rourke, Pat, 16
O'Rourke, Patrick J., 5, 7, 12
Otte, George, 8, 12
Otte, George & Phyllis, 17
Otte, Phyllis, 12
Perras, Cliff, 3, 8, 12, 16
Perras, Clifford E., 3, 7
Perras, Mrs. Cliff, 12
Perrin, Brig. Gen. Herbert T., 8
Perrin, Gen., 12
Perrin, Gen. & Mrs., 17
Perrin, Mrs., 12
Pierce, Bob, 12, 16
Pierce, Don, 12, 16
Pierce, Robert W., 7
Poland, 5, 7, 14, 16
Price, Dave, 4
Rarick, Clay, 8
Rarick, Clayton, 3, 12
Rarick, Clayton F., 3, 5, 7
Rarick, Mr. & Mrs. Clayton, 17
Rarick, Mrs. Clayton, 12
Redmond, Dean, 17
Redmond, Dean T., 8
Reid, C. B., 12
Reid, Chas. B., 8, 12
Reid, Mr. & Mrs. Chas. B., 16
Reid, Mrs. C. B., 12
Reid, Mrs. Chas. B., 12
Reynolds, John, 1, 8
Reynolds, John J., 5
Reynolds, John J., Jr., 5
Roster, 14
Rutt, Bob, 3, 4, 12
Rutt, Lucile, 12
Rutt, Robert E., 3, 7
Sandberg, Bob, 12
Sandberg, Penny, 12, 16
Sandberg, Robert E., 7
Serino, Mike, 8, 16
Shields, Larry, 12
St. Vith, 3, 4, 18
Lion In The Way, 4
St. Vith, Belgium, 3
Steed, Ralph, 12, 16
Steed, Ralph G., 8
Steinhauser, Cyrill J., 14
Steward, Robert C., 14
Stuart, James T., 14
Thompson, James L., 14
Wells, James E., 3, 5
Wells, Jim, 3, 8, 12
Wells, Maydean, 7, 12
Wells, Maydean & Jim, 1