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VOL. 26, NO. 4, Jul., 1970

106th Infantry Division Association. Inc.
President Pete House
Vice President John I. Gallagher
Adjutant Robert L. Scranton
Treasurer Sherod Collins, Jr.
Chaplain John Loveless
Historian Sherod Collins, Jr.

    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor John Gallagher

All editorial matter should be addressed to: John I. Gallagher 4003 Frances Street, Temple, Pa. 19560

All business matters, renewal of membership, etc., should be addressed to:
Robert L. Scranton, 9441 Lee Road, Brighton, Mich. 48116
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year.

Please advise Robert L. Scranton of change of address promptly after you move.

Americanism is love of America. Americanism is a vital, active living force.
Americanism means peace, strength and courage to live as free men in a free land.
    Americanism is a way of life. Americanism is a righteous freedom, honest integrity, and abiding faith in the destiny of the United States.
    Americanism is unqualified loyalty to the ideals of government set forth in the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States.
    Americanism is an unfailing love of country, loyalty to the ideals, eagerness to defend it against all enemies, allegiance to the flag.
Yours for God and Country

Davenport, Iowa 1970
Philadelphia Area 1971

     As I write this, I am reminded of two things: one of great importance to me, personally, and the other of greater importance to all mankind. On this very day, twenty-five years ago, I arrived home from my "job" in Europe, and the enemy in Europe surrendered to the forces of the United States and its Allies. These intervening years, indeed, have wrought many changes.
     For me there was an immediate reunion with my family and, after a few months, a resumption of my business and professional life, graduate study and participation again in religious, philanthropic and civic affairs.
     For the world, momentous events have, occurred. The difficult adjustment from an almost global war to a peacetime economy, the Korean Conflict, the technological evolution, the War on Poverty at home and the relief of starvation abroad, the flights to the Moon, political and social awakenings of peoples everywhere, growing student unrest and opposition to war are a few of these.
     Regardless of our individual accomplishments or failures, we must look beyond our own horizons. We are in the world and, without doubt, today we must be of the world. It is apparent that we must concern ourselves, as we are able, with all those efforts to bring forth peace to all peoples, justice to all men and brotherhood with our fellowmen. The time is now; the responsibilities are yours and mine.
     "Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil." -- Eccl. 12:13-14
John T. Loveless, Jr.


(Memorial to Maj. Gen. Alan W. Jones)
     On Friday 8 May 1970 at 10:30 a.m. we attended the dedication of the General of the Army Omar N. Bradley Museum at the Army War College, Carlisle Barracks Pennsylvania. The dedicatory address was delivered by General William C. Westmoreland, Chief of Staff United States Army.
     The date was chosen for this ceremony because it was the twenty-fifth anniversary of V-E Day. As he sat in the balmy open air listening to the addresses the thoughts of this Golden Lion inevitably went back to that day. Our division dead were still lying in battlefield graves where they fell. Some of our severely wounded had been evacuated back stateside. Others had recovered and rejoined the division. Many of our officers and men were still held in German PW Camps. It was the irony of fate that the 106th. Infantry Division should have been selected in mid-April to take custody of the entire bag of prisoners collected on the field of battle by the US First, Third, Seventh, and Ninth Armies. On 8 May 1945, the Division reinforced was operating 20 PW Camps both east and west of the Rhine River from the vicinity of Stuttgart on the south to Wesel on the north, not far from the border of Netherlands.
     During a period of eleven weeks, the 106th stood guard over 920,000 German, Hungarian and other Axis nationalities, processed through its cages more than a million and a quarter individuals of all ranks and ages, and of both sexes. On this date the reconstituted units of the Division consisting of the Reconnaissance Troop, 422 and 423 Regiments, the 539th and 590th FA Bns., were in Brittany France following their support of the 66th Division attacking the Nazi pockets of defense at St. Nazaire until they surrendered. Then they moved by motor and closed in at Nachtsheim, 10 miles west of Mayen Germany by 27 May, to continue their training under Brig. Gen. Herbert T. Perrin, Asst. Div. Comdr and Lt. Col. Ben. Hagman of the Divarty staff. The training area was christened "Camp Alan W. Jones" in honor of the first Division Commander.
     My thoughts returned to the ceremony as General Bradley, who was present with Mrs. Bradley, rose to respond. We Golden Lions can take to heart with pride some excerpts from his address. He said that "In the museum so generously founded in my name, are recorded the deeds and sacrifices of the men and women who have fought for the freedom we hold so dear.. The memory of these valiant men and women is a national treasure; the perpetuation of that memory is a national obligation."
     In a press conference after the ceremony General Bradley took note of the rising tempo on many College campuses. He said "It is gratifying to see the keen interest and involvement of youngsters in our country today. This is their country today and tomorrow, and the same excitement and energies, if they were used to unite our country, would end the turmoil. If this museum accomplishes anything, I hope it inspires young people to do something for their country."
     Later in the afternoon, General and Mrs. Bradley left Carlisle Barracks only a short time before 2,500 college students marched past the War College gates to a rally they were holding on a Dickinson College athletic field about one half mile away. About two hundred of the marchers broke off from the main body and advanced towards the gates where a platoon of Military Police were drawn up. With the MPs was a group of Cols. and Lt. Cols. drawn from the faculty and students of the War College who were veterans of Viet Nam. The marchers made no attempt to force their way in, but agreed to break up into groups for discussions with these Viet Nam veterans. These discussions lasted for some time. One of the officers was Lt. Col. wounded in Viet Nam last year, who leaned on a cane while talking with his group. What changes twenty five years have brought to our country!!
L. T. McM.

    "When you say that you agree to a thing in principle, you mean that you have not the slightest intention of carrying it out in practice."
-- Bismark


     Lt. Col William T. Manahan, 65, Ret. of Blue Ridge Summit Pa. died Thursday morning, April 9, 1970 at Newton D. Baker Veteran's Hospital, Martinsburg, W. Va. He had been ill for the past year. Born in Sabillasville Md., he attended Thurmont High School and was graduated from John Hopkins University with a degree in engineering. He also attended. Law School at the University of Maryland for two years.
     He entered the service on 15 Aug. 1940, graduated from the Infantry School at Fort Benning Ga., and later attended the Command and General Staff School, Ft. Leavenworth Kansas. He joined the Special Staff of the 106th. Infantry Division on its activation in March 1943 at Ft. Jackson S.C. and served as Division Ordnance Officer with the 806th. Ordnance Co. under his command throughout' the war until the inactivation of the Division. He participated in the four campaigns of the Division starting with the Battle of the Ardennes. He was awarded the following medals: Bronze Star, American Defense, American Campaign, European-African-Middle East with four stars, World War II Victory Medal. He was separated from the service 8 March ill 1947. His three sons were very proud of him and report that he tried to follow any interest they had. He learned to ski at age 57, took up amateur astronomy, and got an amateur radio general class license at 63. Since his retirement from the Army he has worked as a civilian engineer at Ft. Detrick Md. in the munitions dept.
     He was a longtime member of the 106th. Division Association, and he and his wife Betty attended a number of the annual Reunions. They were also present. at the annual December 16 commemorative dinners held at Baltimore Md. Survivors include his wife Mrs. Elizabeth West Manahan Blue Ridge Summit Pa., three sons Major Richard Manahan U.S.A., Washington DC, Ronald and W. Tim Manahan of Blue Ridge Summit. He was buried on Saturday 11 April with full military honors in the church cemetery after services in the Germantown Church of God Cascade Md.

Dear John:
     Every time I receive my copy of the Cub a feeling of nostalgia runs through me. First, because I begin to feel that age is creeping up on us, secondly our casualties are mounting (age of course) and most important our membership list. For an organization such as ours, that had such a glorious history, though short-lived it was, to have such a small membership list is disheartening indeed. I am sure that we do have men in public life who, by virtue of their positions could publicize our organization for the purpose of larger membership, have they been contacted, I wonder?? I have repeatedly written the papers in this area, especially around December 16th, hoping that we could garner some publicity out of that, thus far to no avail. However be assured that I will continue to do so. In any event it is grand to be a member of such a grand organization and I only hope that we all can continue to enjoy its virtues for the many years to come.
Sincerely yours, Capt. Gilbert Marcus
Sv. Co. -- 423rd Inf


Dear Mr. Scranton: May 18, 1970
Enclosed find a check for $5.00 for membership dues in the 106th Division Association.
     After my son and I spent last summer on the trip to St. Vith and Europe, I feel I would like to remain a member of the organization. We both enjoy receiving the Cub, which my late husband always looked forward to receiving and reading about all his buddies of the 106th. With best wishes for a successful reunion in Davenport, Iowa, and hope we will be able to make it.
Sincerely, Mrs. Martin M. Dolitsky 40 Indian Road
Port Chester. N.Y. 10573

     Sorry but I forgot to write in that the 106th N.Y.-- N.J. group had a Memorial Dinner at the DeHeer's the 14th of Dec. Snow was falling as always, but all were able to ride thru the snow and make it a great evening. A contribution was sent to the memorial fund.
     Cocktails were served from 6 to 7 and dinner at 7:15 p.m. These men and their ladies that braved the snow included, Flo & Tom Bickford; Isabelle & Doug Coffey; Marge & Dick DeHeer; Regina & Mahlon Earle; John Middleton; Jeannette & Ed Plenge; Linda & Lou Rossi; Charlotte & Fred Schieferstein; Sue & George Thoma & Bob Stack.
We hope you are all well Marge DeHeer

     The Netherlands War Graves Committee, Amsterdam, has announced that a third memorial pilgrimage has been scheduled to Europe for American Servicemen next-of-kin for the 6th of September, 1970.
     Departing New York via ELM Royal Dutch Airlines, relatives of American Servicemen still buried in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg will be the guests of the Dutch people for nine days during which time visits to the graves of America's war dead will be arranged and a special memorial service conducted at Margraten. During their stay in Europe, all participants will be hosted by the Netherlands - all transportation in Europe, lodging and meals being provided without cost. Lodging generally will be in Dutch homes. A complete program of activities will also be provided during their visit to further the "people to people" approach and to acquaint everyone with the highlights of these countries.
     The entire program - all expense - including round-trip air transportation from New York to Amsterdam, lodging, transportation in Europe and all other incidentals except purely personal expenses is offered at a total cost of $220.00 per person. For relatives who cannot afford to pay this amount, a limited number will be assisted financially by the Netherlands War Graves Committee. Through this medium, the Dutch people by their hospitality hope to demonstrate in a positive way the great gratitude to those who, through the sacrifice of their lives, liberated the Netherlands from Occupation in 1945, so bringing back freedom to their country. By this means, the next-of-kin will have an opportunity to see that this sacrifice made by United States Servicemen has not been forgotten.
     Inquiries should be addressed to Mr. H. F. Ryder, U. S. Representative, Netherlands War Graves Committee, 333 North Michigan Avenue - Suite 605, Chicago, Illinois 60601.

Gerald J. Anderson (wife Mildred) 17 Eton Place, Glen Rock, New Jersey 07452 Co. M 423rd
Robert Oppenheim, 241 Seckletown Road, West Nyach, New York 10894
Roger A. May, 317-53rd Street, Western Springs, Illinois 60558 D. H. Q. (G-3)


Nathan D. Ward
2570 Wood Hill Circle
East Point, Georgia 30344
81st Engineers
     I was transferred to the Retired Reserves 10 Dec. 69. I had 28 years of active and reserve time. The retirement pay will be fine, but I'll have to wait a few years until I reach the age of 60 to receive it. This will be the first summer I have not gone to camp for two weeks. I hope to spend the two weeks at some beach this year.

Dr. Edmund C. Purdy
Route 1, Box 29
East Berne, New York 12059
Company F, 422nd Inf. Regt.
     Staff prosthodontist (dentist) with the V. A. Hospital, of Albany, N. Y., Dental Officer Major, D. C. USAR; 364th Gen. Hosp. Hobbies: Flying Cessna 150, Sky-hawks, Navion and piper Super Cub. Ham radio operator: WA2MRK and MARS-AD2MRH. Resides at home with wife, Heannetta, brother David. Summers building Camp in Nova Scotia on Bay of Fundy since 1956 for retirement home. Soon will start building the Bede IV homebuilt airplane, 4 passenger, to be powered by 150 or 180 HP Lycoming engine. When completed, "Have plane, will travel".
Anyone know the address of Sgt. Joe Alfred of the above company? Or a 1st Lt. Austin?

James W. Henning
1045 E. 8th Street
Lockport, Illinois 60441
    3rd Bn Hdq. Co. 422 Inf. Regt. Married, two children -- boy (20), girl (17). Professional photographer and Audio Visual Engineer for Argonne Laboratory.

Elman M. Miller, 3331 Morgan Street, Steger, Illinois 60475
3rd Bn Hdq. Co. 424th Inf. Regt.

George K. Zak 2214 Boeger Avenue Westchester, Illinois Co. D and M. 422

Alan W. Walker R 3 Macomb, Illinois 61455 Division Band Married, 4 girls. Lumber yard Manager, farmer.

Col. Alan W. Jones, Jr., U. S. Army Element, Hq. AFCE NT APO New York 09011

John L. Mikalauskis, 306 W. Blake Street, Benton, Illinois 62812

Gilbert Marcus, 1340 N. Astor Street, Apt. 808 Chicago, Illinois 60610

Vincent J. Mustacchio, 15 Carmer Avenue, Belleville, N. J. 07109
331st Med. Bn.

    William S. Blaher, P.O. Box 182, 53 Main Street Flemington, New Jersey 08822 I Company 422nd Regt.; Owner of retail photographic and commercial stationery store in Flemington. Still active in Explorer scouting, Lions, holds Ham radio license K2PQR, Deputy coordinator off Hunterdon County Civil Defense, active in local camera club. Marital status is single. Keenly read the Cub.

    Harold William Schlosser, Box 231, R.D. 3 Saegertown, Pennsylvania 16433 106th Medical Battalion, 424 Infantry Employed on Erie Lackawanna Railroad -- 24 years married - two sons; three step-sons; one step daughter, eight grandchildren. Live on a hundred acre farm and raise black angus for a hobby.

    Bulletin posted in a New York office building. "During the acute shortage of mini skirts, female employees are requested not to aggravate the situation. If you drop anything on the floor, forget it!"


-- by Sherod Collins
     Many of you may not have had the time or opportunity of seeing or reading about the care afforded to your "hallowed dead" in their overseas resting places. There are eight WWI and 14 WWII military cemeteries in foreign locations under perpetual care and maintenance by the American Battle Monuments Commission, an agency of the United States Government. The agency is not responsible for any domestic military cemeteries.
     In 1947 upon agreement between the Secretary of the Army and the Commission, fourteen outstanding American architects were selected, each to design one of the permanent memorials.
     No specific requirement was imposed on the architect beyond the budgeted cost except that each should have a small devotional chapel, inscription of the names and particulars of the missing in the region, and a graphic record of the services of our troops.
     The "graphic record" takes the form of maps, usually quite large murals amplified by descriptive texts in English as well as the language of the country in which located. The maps were rendered in tasteful presentation by experienced artists. In no two cases is the method-- or even the materials the same; the map may be of layered marbles, or in fresco, perhaps in bronze relief, or in ceramics. Another feature at each memorial is the two sets of Key-Maps: "The War Against Germany" and "The War Against Japan". By these Key Maps each major battle may be related to all others in time and space.
     These graves in these cemeteries number about 39 per cent of those originally buried in these regions. The other 61 per cent were returned stateside at the request of next-of-kin. Use of each site has been granted by the host government, free of cost, rent and taxes.
     With each architect, an American landscape architect, sculptor, and muralist has collaborated. Their combined talents have provided a major contribution to the beauty and dignity of the Memorials. Each grave is marked by a headstone of white marble-- a Star of David for those of Jewish faith, a Latin Cross for all others. These headstones were quarried and fabricated in the Italian Tyrol. The inscription on each includes name, rank, organization, service number, date of death and state. Headstones of unknowns bear instead a well-known inscription.
     It is of course known to many of our own Golden Lions that Doug Coffey had considerable difficulty in securing permission to proceed with erection of our own memorial at St. Vith since such is generally forbidden by Department orders, such orders looking to construction of suitable monuments and maintenance of them.
     During our European tour of 1969, our hope was to be able to visit several of the cemeteries in the areas around which we fought, including Henri-Chappelle, Belgium, and Hamm in Luxembourg. But time would not permit so we concentrated at "Ardennes", also known as Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium on our way to Amsterdam via Liege.
     Ardennes Cemetery is situated 12 miles S.W. of Liege on Highway N 35 to Dinant and Paris, and at the southeast edge of the above mentioned village of Neuville. The site was established on 8 Feb. 1945 after having been liberated on 8 Sept. 1944 by the 1st Division and used initially as a First Army Cemetery. It covers 90 ½ , acres and was dedicated in 1960. It is still open for burials.
     We found that many of our comrades of the 106th Division were buried here, the Superintendent having supplied us with a list. I myself found thereon the names of my company commander and two company warrant officers, causing an odd sensation, let me assure you. Three-fifths of the 5279 buried here are army airmen, all lost before and during the attack on Fortress Europa. The layout and the memorial building itself are most impressive, the limestone and granite structure and the graves being set within a plantation of white pine and evergreens, and surrounded by borders of shrub roses. In high relief on the south wall is carved an American eagle 17 feet high. Beside it are the figures symbolizing Justice, Liberty and Trust, balanced by 13 stars.
     The interior walls consist of large maps composed of inlaid marbles embracing a range of colors from white through cream, and gray to black. The map above the door records the Battle


    of the Bulge and the subsequent advance of Allied forces to the Rhine. The one on the West wall records military operations in Western Europe from the landings in Normandy and Southern France to the end of the war, including the great air assaults by the allies. On the East wall is portrayed the herculean efforts of the Services of Supply.
     I wish space would permit quoting the descriptive texts which in three languages, English, French, and Flemish, elaborate on each map. These inscriptions are masterpieces of concise narrative.
     At the north end of this building is the chapel. The dedicatory inscription there reads "1941-1945 In Proud Remembrance of the Achievements of Her Sons and in Humble Tribute to Their Sacrifice This Memorial Has Been Erected by the United States of America.
     A gilt angel is illuminated overhead and on each side is a U.S. flag and a bronze screen into which is cast the insignia of the major headquarters and operating forces in Northwest Europe. Just outside the stainless doors is the North end of the Memorial podium and on the North facade of the building in colored mosaic again appear the unit insignia of the major units. Beneath is the inscription "To the silent host who endured all and gave all that mankind might live in freedom and in peace". On the East and West sides of the memorial are engraved the names of the 462 Missing-- Army, Army Air Force, and Navy. On each side there is an inscription: "In proud remembrance of their valor" and "In humble tribute to their sacrifice".
     To the north of the memorial and from the base of the memorial podium, a flight of broad steps leads down to the graves area. These are set in four plots, together arranged in the form of a huge Greek cross.
    Those who sleep there came from almost every state in the Union and from eight other countries. There are 746 unknowns and eleven instances of two brothers buried side by side.
At the far north end flies the Flag and at the East end is a bronze figure symbolizing American Youth.
     All such cemeteries are open to the public each day. An American Superintendent and his assistant (both veterans) are ever willing to aid visitors in any way possible. There is always a comfortable visitor's room and snapshots are permitted. The Commission, upon request, will furnish an aerial view of a cemetery and even a photo of a specific headstone. Lastly, I should like to quote another inscription on the wall of the little chapel-- this one ascribed to Cardinal Newman-- and pray this for all of us, both here and there:
     "0 Lord, Support us all the Day Long Until the Shadows Lengthen and Our Work is Done. Then In Thy Mercy Grant us a Safe Lodging and a Holy Rest and Peace at the Last". Amen.

JULY 16-19, 1970
     All hotel reservations should be sent to the address listed below. Confirmations will be mailed directly to you. Room rates do not include meals and it will be necessary for all persons to purchase tickets for meal functions. Persons not needing housing accommodations may use this form to order meal tickets which will be delivered at the Reunion Registration desk. Registration fees must be paid by everyone attending. Please list the names of all persons attending.
Single -- $9.00-15.00 Per Delegate -- $10.00
Double -- $12.00-20.00 Wives, Children or Guests -- $5.00
Twin -- $14.00-20.00
Suites -- $25.00-40.00 Robert R. Holden, Reunion Chairman
Saturday Luncheon -- $3.50 Bettendorf, Iowa 52722
Saturday Banquet -- $10.00


Index for: Vol. 26, No. 4, Jul., 1970

Index for This Document

106th Div., 11
106th Infantry Division Association, 7
1st Div., 11
331st Med. BN, 9
422nd Inf. Regt., 9
422nd Regt., 9
423rd Inf., 6
424th Inf., 10
424th Inf. Regt., 9
590th FA BN, 3
66th Inf. Div., 3
81st Engr., 9
Alfred, Sgt. Joe, 9
American Battle Monuments Commission, 11
Amsterdam, 7, 11
Anderson, Gerald J., 8
Ardennes, 5, 11
Ardennes Cemetery, 11
Austin, 1st Lt., 9
Belgium, 7, 11
Berne, 9
Bickford, Flo & Tom, 7
Blaher, William S., 9
Born, 5
Bradley, Gen., 3
Bradley, Gen. & Mrs., 3
Bradley, Omar N., 3
Brittany, 3
Camp Alan W. Jones, 3
Coffey, Doug, 11
Coffey, Isabelle & Doug, 7
Collins, Sherod, 11
Collins, Sherod, Jr., 1
DeHeer, Marge, 7
DeHeer, Marge & Dick, 7
Dinant, 11
Div. Band, 9
Dolitsky, Mrs. Martin M., 7
Earle, Regina & Mahlon, 7
Erie, 10
First Army Cemetery, 11
Ft. Jackson, 5
Gallagher, John, 1
Gallagher, John I., 1
Germany, 3, 11
Hagman, Lt. Col. Ben., 3
Hamm, 11
Henning, James W., 9
Henri-Chappelle, 11
Holden, Robert R., 14
House, Pete, 1
Inf. School, 5
Jones, Col. Alan W., Jr., 9
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan W., 3
Liege, 11
Loveless, John, 1
Loveless, John T., Jr., 1, 2
Luxembourg, 7, 11
Manahan, Lt. Col. William T., 5
Manahan, Maj. Richard, 5
Manahan, Mrs. Elizabeth West, 5
Manahan, W. Tim, 5
Marcus, Capt. Gilbert, 6
Marcus, Gilbert, 9
Margraten, 7
May, Roger A., 8
Mayen, 3
Memorials, 11
Middleton, John, 7
Mikalauskis, John L., 9
Miller, Elman M., 9
Mustacchio, Vincent J., 9
Nachtsheim, 3
Netherlands War Graves Committee, 7
Neuville, 11
Neuville-En-Condroz, 11
Neuville-En-Condroz, Belgium, 11
Normandy, 13
Oppenheim, Robert, 8
Paris, 11
Perrin, Brig. Gen. Herbert T., 3
Plenge, Jeannette & Ed, 7
Purdy, Dr. Edmund C., 9
Reunions, 5
Rhine, 13
Rhine River, 3
Rossi, Linda & Lou, 7
Ryder, Mr. H. F., 7
Schieferstein, Charlotte & Fred, 7
Schlosser, Harold William, 10
Scranton, Robert L., 1
St. Nazaire, 3
St. Vith, 7, 11
Stack, Bob, 7
Stuttgart, 3
Thoma, Sue & George, 7
Walker, Alan W., 9
Ward, Nathan D., 9
Wesel, 3
Westmoreland, Gen. William C., 3
Zak, George K., 9