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Index for this issue of The CUB
Uploaded: 17-Jun-2024
Vol 78, No. 1 Mar 2022

Belgium Remembers 77th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge
    On Saturday, December 18, 2021, commemorations took place in Schonberg, St. Vith and Vielsalm to observe the 77th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.
For the cover story, see page 22.

A tri-annual publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
Total Membership as of January 31, 2022 -- 927 Membership includes CUB magazine subscription

Annual Dues are no longer mandatory: Donations Accepted
Payable to "106th Infantry Division Association" and mailed to the Treasurer -- See address below
Elected Offices
President Bob Pope (590/FABN)
Past-President (Ex-Officio) Wayne Dunn (Associate Member)
1st Vice-President Janet Wood (Associate Member)
2nd Vice-President Henry LeClair (Associate Member)
3rd Vice-President Open

    Adjutant: Randall M. Wood (Associate member) 810 Cramertown Loop Martinsville, IN 46151 765-346-0690
    Business Matters, Deaths, Address changes to: Membership: Jacquelyn Coy 603 Mountain Ave., Apt. BP223 New Providence, NJ 07974 973-879-9070
Donations, checks to:
Treasurer: Mike Sheaner PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214 214-823-3004
Memorial Chair: Dr. John G. Robb (422/D) 238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355 814-333-6364
Chaplain: Pastor Chris Edmonds 206 Candora Rd., Maryville, TN 37804 865-599-6636
    106th ID Assn's Belgium Liaison: Carl Wouters Waterkant 17 Bus 32, B-2840 Terhagen, Belgium carl_wouters@hotmail. corn cell: +(32) 47 924 7789
    106th Assoc. Website Webmaster: Wayne G. Dunn 85 Little Riverview Dr., Reedville, VA 22539 410-409-1141

Committee Chairs:
Atterbury Memorial Representative Jim West (imajimwest@gmail.corn)
Historian Open
Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy
Mini-Reunions Wayne Dunn
Nominating Committee Chair Brian Welke
Order of the Golden Lion: Carol Faulkner, Beth Garrison, Kathy Spinella
Public Relations Chair Wayne Dunn
Reunion Co-chairs: Randy Wood, Brian Welke

CUB Editor: Lisa M. Dunn 85 Little Riverview Dr., Reedville, VA 22539 443-604-1599

    CUB Publisher: Susan Weiss (father: 423/HQ 3Bn) 9 Cypress Point Ct., Blackwood, NJ 08012 609-820-8794

Board of Directors (all positions held through 2022)

Jacquelyn Coy, Membership (Associate member) 973-879-9070
603 Mountain Ave., Apt. BP223, New Providence, NJ 07974

Lisa M. Dunn (Associate member) (father-in-law: 424/HQ 3Bn) 443-604-1599
85 Little Riverview Drive, Reedville, VA 22539

Wayne G. Dunn (Associate member) (father: 424/HQ 3Bn) [Past President] 410-409-1141
85 Little Riverview Drive, Reedville, VA 22539

Henry LeClair (Associate member) (father: 422/G) 603-401-3723
209 Range Road, Windham, NH 03087

Bob Pope (590/FABN) 716-580-3118
6363 Transit Rd., Apt #133, East Amherst, NY 14051

Herbert "Mike" Sheaner (422/G) [Past President] 214-823-3003
PO Box 140535, Dallas, Texas 75214

    Mike Sheaner, Treasurer (Associate member) (father: 422/G) 214-823-3004; PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214 sheanerl@airmaiLnet

Kathy Spinella, (Associate member) (grandfather: 423/L) 305-562-4381
1991 Carolina Avenue NE, St. Petersburg, FL 33703

David Smith (Associate member) (father: 423/B) 225-573-8521
17922 Monitor Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70817

Susan Weiss, (Associate member) (father: 423/HQ 3Bn) 609-820-8794
9 Cypress Point Court, Blackwood, NJ 08012-5595

Brian Welke (Associate member) [Past President] 352-408-5671
1821 Morris Street, Eustis, FL 32726-6401

Janet Wood (Associate member) (father: 423/1) 205-910-0542
2704 S. Pinehurst Dr., Bloomington, Indiana 47403

    Randall M. Wood (Associate member) (father: 423/1) [Past President] 765-346-0690; 810 Cramertown Loop, Martinsville, IN 46151 woodchuck01@sbcglobaLnet

Editor's Message . . .

    As we prepare for spring, I am reminded about the miracle of new life. How everything has a season and how even in the darkest, coldest months of winter, we have the promise of warmer, brighter days ahead. It's especially this time of year when I think about other wonders that we sometimes take for granted like the smile of a loved one, the touch of a hand, the unabashed curiosity of a child, how a tree grows from a seed, or how blessed we are to have those who have lived a long life and can share their experiences with us. It is the norm in some cultures that their citizens will be revered and even celebrated as they reach old age. I believe in this country we should strive to do that more often. And especially for those who have served to ensure our country's freedoms stay intact. The ultimate sacrifice should be rewarded, honored, and never taken for granted. How fortunate we are to have these Veterans in our lives. Even if not direct family members, if you know anyone who has served, now is the time to make sure you convey how much they are appreciated. Listening to any story a Veteran wants to share is a godsend. I know this all too well from when my own dad passed away four years ago. What a gift to have those last days with him when he reminisced about his own childhood, his experiences, his life ... though I could have easily missed them if I had let daily life events take precedence. You have an opportunity now to share in the lives of our veterans by attending the upcoming reunion being held in August in our nation's capital. You'll find more information and the reservation application in this edition of The CUB. Let's demonstrate our support for those who served in more than words ... let's show them we haven't forgotten by our actions. Now that the pandemic is more controlled, I hope you will all consider joining in this special event.
Here is a poem about how we sometimes miss the small miracles that are around us.
Lisa Dunn, Editor
By Marci Han

by a million
wings of fire --
the rocket tore a tunnel
through the sky --
and everybody cheered.
Fueled only by a thought from God --
the seedling urged its way
through the thicknesses of black --
and as it pierced
the heavy ceiling of the soil --
and launched itself up into outer space --


Important Information . . .

Veterans and Family of the 106th Infantry Division's TATTOO* Requests
    The original meaning of military tattoo was a military drum performance, but subsequently it came to mean army displays, or a form of gathering more generally. For our Association, letting members know that someone would like to speak with them is why we do this!
Please send any requests to the Editor at:

Just a reminder . . .
    If you have pictures, an article, or some other form of information you would like included in a future issue of The CUB, the due dates are as follows:
April 16, 2022 -- mail date mid-June, 2022 (issue will include reunion paperwork)
October 1, 2022 -- mail date late November, 2022 (to include reunion photos and remembrances)
    January 31, 2023 -- mail date late March, 2023 (issue may include reunion paperwork) Articles and pictures can be mailed or emailed to:
CUB Editor: Lisa Dunn 85 Little Riverview Drive Reedville, VA 22539 443-604-1599
    CUB Publisher: Susan Weiss, 9 Cypress Point Court, Blackwood, NJ 08012, 609-820-8794 (please leave a message)

The CUB Delivery Options
     Approximately 90% of Association expenses are directly related to printing and shipping The CUB each year. Your choice to receive The CUB by email will help defer expenses and enable us to continue to deliver The CUB until "The Last Man Standing." Please indicate mailing preference by responding to the following:
Preferred delivery method for general correspondence:
MAIL or Email
Preferred delivery method for The CUB:
MAIL or Email
Email address:
You can let us know your preference by emailing:
    CUB Publisher: Susan Weiss, 9 Cypress Point Court, Blackwood, NJ 08012, 609-820-8794 (please leave a message)


President's View . . .

    On November 10, 2021, I turned 98. While the number itself may be reason enough to make the occasion memorable, there were other things that made my 98th birthday different and special. This birthday stood out because of the people who cared and took the time to do some exceptional things for me. In this case, a staff member where I live named Becca arranged for a television interview at our home which aired twice that night and once the next day. Two days later, Becca arranged for Jim Kelly, the Buffalo Bills Hall of Fame quarterback and local hero, to come to our home to visit me, again with television coverage. The day after that, a couple took my daughter and me to a Buffalo Sabres hockey game where I was introduced not only as a representative Veteran but as the President of the 106th Infantry Division Association and got to experience 15,000 fans standing and cheering ... for me!
    I went to a number of reunions and remember the locations, meeting new members amongst the regulars, mostly associates because the number of veterans is declining. There are only two now on the Board of Directors. What I remember most is the reunion we didn't have -- the one that was cancelled because of the pandemic. This caused the Board to meet virtually every few weeks to devise an alternate memorial service. A plan was developed thanks to the involvement of numerous members, with special effort by Carl Wouters, our Belgian liaison, whom many of us had never met. The result was a fabulous televised production that premiered on September 12, 2020, named the 2020 Virtual Memorial Service. It ran for an hour and 18 minutes with the polish and professional finish that Carl provided. It has already been seen by thousands of people in the U.S. and other countries. I believe that it has done more to remember the 106th Infantry Division and its storied past than any group of reunions. It carried a message that hopefully will be seen by thousands more people in the future. We can all help that happen by promoting it anywhere we can.
Peace and good health to all. Bob Pope, President
    Bob Pope (590/FABN) 106th Infantry Division Association President 2019-2020 6363 Transit Rd., Apt #133 East Amherst, NY 14051 716-580-3118

Watch (again!) the 74th Annual Reunion's 2020 Virtual Memorial Service
"Attend" this virtual memorial service at


Chaplain's Message . . .

... the righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1
    When the Golden Lions piled out of their muddy trucks near St. Vith, they were met by dozens of bearded, stinking infantrymen who hadn't washed in weeks and were desperate for a hot shower. The 106th had been ordered to swap places with the exhausted Second Infantry Division, man for man, across a twenty-eight-mile sector. To the rookie troops, the men of the Second Division looked almost savage, grinning knowingly at the newly arrived kids.
    "Lucky guys!" battle-wise veterans shouted as they piled into trucks to be taken away. "You're coming into a rest camp." "It's been so quiet up here," one regimental commander of the Second told the regimental commander of the 106th, "your men will learn the easy way."
Everything was indeed quiet. Almost frighteningly quiet.
    The 106th had the distinction of being the last U.S. infantry division to be mobilized in World War II. It was also the youngest -- the first division into combat with substantial numbers of eighteen-year-old draftees.
    This was precisely the reasoning behind General Omar Bradley's decision to call up the inexperienced 106th Division to the Ardennes. "New arrivals needed a chance to ease into their new assignments, make friends, feel a part of something, and learn how to survive in combat," wrote historian John C. McManus.
The first few days in the Schnee Eifel were routine. Then came ominous

Pastor Chris Edmonds 206 Candora Road Maryville, TN 37804 865-599-6636
    rumblings. The men kept hearing the distinctive noises of tanks, trucks, and other armored vehicles, but their warnings were downplayed as an overreaction of a green division that had yet to fire a shot on a battlefield. Of course, the sounds were all too real.
    On the blustery morning of December 11, 1944, Hitler traveled by armored train to Giessen then was chauffeured the short drive to Ziegenberg Castle in his black Mercedes sedan. Unknown to Allied military intelligence at the time, or even to the local townspeople, a compound was disguised behind the imposing castle with bunkers, 3-foot-thick walls, and ceilings of reinforced concrete. The name Hitler gave to his fortified compound was Adlerhorst -- Eagle's Eyrie.
continues on page 6

Chaplain's Message . . .

    Hitler's plans had been drawn up in the greatest secrecy, with him obsessively controlling every detail. Ultimately, all generals had been forced to sign an oath of secrecy, which specified a death penalty for leaks. Late that December afternoon, buses brought divisional commanders to Adlerhorst to be personally briefed by Hitler about the counteroffensive.
    At 1800 hours, the Fuhrer sat behind a table and launched into a long rambling diatribe about Frederick the Great, reminding his generals of their skepticism of his strategic genius.
    Finally, he announced the details of the predawn attack on December 16. For his last manic gamble, the Germans will use 410,000 troops, 1,400 panzers, and 2,600 artillery pieces for an opening attack to punch a hole in the thinly defended Allied lines in the Schnee Eifel. Using the element of surprise and under cover of heavy, cold fog -- which would neutralize Allied air superiority
    his divisions would race through the forest, cross the bridges of the River Meuse, and press onward until they seized the port of Antwerp.
    Hitler told the assembled generals, "I want all my soldiers to fight hard and without pity. The battle must be fought with brutality and all resistance must be broken in a wave of terror ... I expect every one of my soldiers to be courageous and again courageous. The enemy must be beaten -- now! The enemy can never reckon upon us surrendering. Never! Never!"
    At 0530 on December 16, Manteuffel's Fifth Panzer Army came down "like wolves on a sheepfold, falling on an American regiment at an unnerving ratio of ten wolves for each sheep ... on no segment of the Western Front were GIs more outnumbered, yet sharp firefights that morning imperiled the German timetable," said historian Rick Atkinson.
Standing in the way of the German blitzkrieg of terror was the 106th. Their ranks had no cowards.
    According to Major General Alan Jones, commander of the 106th ... "during the first 48 hours, the 106th Infantry Division, alone and unaided, solely by its refusal to give ground and open the way to the West, decided the fate of Hitler's last bid for Europe."
    After the war, German General Manteuffel confirmed the same, "The actions of our army around St. Vith exerted a great influence on the result of the German purpose in many ways ... a whole army corps was delayed by your defense around St. Vith, in spite of the ill-fated elements of the 106th Division. The troops in this area held up the German Corps five days longer than our time-table allowed, forcing us to detour the attacking forces so much that the [Sixth SS Panzer Army] on our right had no success. The 106th Division was outflanked, encircled, and overwhelmed by powerful German forces who were superior in numbers and arms. It is in my opinion very wrong to blame the 106th Infantry Division."


Chaplain's Message . . .

    In a documentary series on the battle, General Manteuffel described the actions of the common soldier like the 106th as follows: "It is the war of the small men, the outpost commanders, the section commanders, the company commanders; those were the decisive people here, who were responsible for success or failure, victory or defeat. We depended upon their courage; they could not afford to get confused, and had to act according to their own decisions, until the higher command was again in a position to take over ... this was the case with the American forces, who after all succeeded in upsetting the entire time schedule, not only of the attacking unit in St. Vith, but also of the 5th and 6th Panzer Armies.
That is a fact which cannot be denied."
    Heroes -- common soldiers who stood like lions in the way of wolves and helped save our world. Their heroic actions were founded on God's righteousness and the extraordinary idea that all men and women are created equal. We love and honor them because at great cost they acted on that idea.
    It is our duty to take strength from their example and resolve to live as they did -- to lay down one's life for freedom and human dignity. God says in Psalm 16:3: The Godly people in the land are my true heroes! I take pleasure in them. Gratefully, we do too.
May we long remember the heroic men of the 106th who were bold as lions.

Warm Memories of Cold Spring
by Beatrice Fulton Keeber
    A Golden Lion's war experiences forged a boy into a man. But what really defined him as the person he became was his "happily ever after" with his family and his 60-year love story. Warm Memories of Cold Spring is not a war story! It's a smile-producing tale of "what came next" that reminds other vets of their own "afters," their children and grandchildren of dad's and mom's or Grandpa's and Grandma's lives.
Pfc. Willard H. Keeber, with Co. G, 424th Infantry Regiment
    , 106th Infantry Division, was placed on-line December 11, 1944 near St. Vith, Belgium, two months past his 19th birthday, five days prior to the German Tank Assault that smashed directly through his position, launching the Battle of the Bulge.
This is the story of a veteran's legacy that left his world better than he found it.
Online at amazon. corn (simply type the title in the search bar) Print copy -- $9.99; Kindle -- $4.99

The Adjutant's Message . . .

    I am happy to announce that our reunion for year 2022 will be held at the Sheraton Pentagon City, Arlington, Virginia, August 24-28. Our hotel overlooks the Pentagon and the memorial erected for the September 11,2001 attack. It is actually a location we have been previously, several years ago. It is a good location to connect to and is central to a majority of 106th members. We will be teaming up with the Americal Division to take advantage of our combined numbers so that we can earn hotel amenities that will allow us to host an exceptional reunion. Our program will be our own. We will have meeting space for our association board meetings, our Memorial
    venue as well as the banquet space, and our hospitality room. Our only planned interaction with the Americal Division will be for tours. There may be opportunities to visit with them; however, that is not planned at this time.
    The Americal Division was formed 27 May 1942 on the island of New Caledonia as an emergency effort to ward off a Japanese attack following the attack at Pearl Harbor. At the time, it was the only division to be formed outside the United States. The Division was active 1942-1945,1954-1956, and again from 1967-1971 for Vietnam. So, there will be Vietnam Veterans as well as WWII vets at the reunion. Their first action was 13 October 1942 when the 164th Regiment deployed to Guadalcanal. It was the first U.S. Army unit offensive against the enemy in any theater.
    As I mentioned earlier, our tours will be combined. One of the tours will be new to everyone -- The National Museum of the U.S. Army. The Museum celebrates over 240 years of Army history and honors our nation's soldiers past, present and future, highlighting the regular Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard. There will also be tours to Arlington Cemetery, the War Memorials, and the city. More information can be found in this issue of The CUB (see page 18).
    This year's reunion will be similar to our past reunions in that most of our activities will be our own. The one thing that is different is the age of our veterans. Our reunions are to honor our veterans -- both living and past. I want to encourage any and all family members of the 106th veterans to plan to attend. All veterans able and willing to attend, please plan to do so.

    Randall M. Wood (Associate member) 810 Cramertown Loop Martinsville, IN 46151 765-346-0690 woodchuck01@sbcglobaLnet


The Adjutant's Message . . .

    The heart of our reunion will be our Hospitality Room where veterans can visit with each other and our families can experience the remembrances of days gone by. Our veterans used to bring us to a reunion as children, now it is our turn to bring them. Please offer to bring your veteran to the reunion. Those of us who no longer have our family member veteran alive would love to visit with those who still are. After two years of canceled reunions, we are all looking forward to seeing you, our veterans, families, and friends in person.
    The full details of the reunion are highlighted starting on page 18 in this edition of The CUB and include the registration form, the daily schedule,
    tour descriptions and hotel reservation information. We plan to arrange it so that all 106th attendees will be able to go to the U.S. Army Museum at no additional charge. August 24th will be here before you know it ... so start your planning now.
    Note: In the past, we have shared our reunion with the 104th Division, but they have decided to have their reunion out West where their Division was formed; therefore, they will not be joining us this year.
Randall M. Wood Adjutant 106th Infantry Division
Robert M. Wood 423 Co I.

The Importance of a Mini Reunion
    Our veterans will always remember December 16, 1944, when they were thrust into the chaos of war. The years may have thinned the ranks, but those who remain still have the pride of knowing they played an instrumental part in slowing -- and ultimately defeating -- the German war machine.
    As it becomes more difficult to travel, especially with Covid-19 restrictions, it is even more important we attempt to connect with our vets. Any way you can, while practicing social distancing guidelines, and even doing so virtually, would be a great way to honor, cherish, and remember all of our veterans.
Plan one in your area today!
    Contact Mini-Reunion Chair Wayne Dunn and he can assist you with members in your area.
Mark your Calendar NOW!!
for the 106th Infantry Division
Association's 75" Annual Reunion at the
Sheraton Pentagon City, Arlington, VA
August 24-28, 2022
For additional information about the reunion and to register online, visit:


Historian's Message . . .

How to Obtain the Fourragere of the Belgian Croix De Guerre 1940
By Carl Wouters, Association Belgian Liaison
    Editor's Note: As we continue our search to fill the Historian role, we are publishing articles from various people who want to share historical insights. For this edition, Carl Wouters shares the history of the Belgian Croix de Guerre, and how to obtain the Fourragere of the Belgian Croix de Guerre 1940.
    The Belgian Croix de Guerre is a military decoration that was first established during the First World War and that is individually awarded for bravery or virtue on the battlefield. At the start of the Second World War the Belgian Government in exile reestablished the award for actions taking place in the latest conflict. It became known as the Croix de Guerre 1940 and slightly differed from its 1915 counterpart in ribbon color and construction, with the inclusion of the royal monogram of King Leopold III of Belgium.
    The Croix de Guerre 1940 was also authorized to be worn as a unit award under the form of a red and green tinted braided shoulder cord or fourragere. This required that a specific unit was cited twice in the Belgian Army Order of the Day. The award itself was issued by special decree of the Belgian government.
    Do note that the award of the Fourragere does not entitle veterans of the eligible unit to wear the Belgian Croix de Guerre 1940 medal, as this is an individual award. Only a handful of members of the 106th Infantry Division were personally awarded this medal for their actions in WWII. Vice versa, the

    Above shows Cpl. Floyd R. Ragsdale of 424/G who was awarded with the Fourragdre of the Belgian Croix de Guerre 1940, displayed on his left shoulder. The award was issued to him in 2011 along with a long overdue Bronze Star Medal at the Illinois National Guard Armory in Galesburg. Floyd passed away shortly before the 70th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge in 2014.
    award of the medal to a specific individual does not constitute the right to wear the Fourragere, unless the criterion for eligibility are met.
    The unit award of the Fourragere of the Belgian Croix de Guerre 1940 was granted only to the 424th Infantry Regiment and its organic 591st Field Artillery Battalion, for its actions while


Historian's Message . . .

    attached to the 7th Armored Division in the defense of St. Vith in December 1944 and during the counteroffensive towards the Siegfried Line in January 1945.
    Decree number 7253 of 13 July 1950 issued by Prince Regent Charles of Belgium cites the 424th Regiment and 591st FA Battalion for the following actions: "During the critical period of the German offensive in the Ardennes in 1944, the U.S. 7th Armored Division, attacked by enemy forces estimated to be eight divisions, of which the 3rd SS Panzer and 2nd Panzer, held the vital crossroads of St. Vith and thwarted every advance and exploitation of this axis, and by doing so doomed the German offensive and allowed, by her sacrifice, the launch of the Allied counteroffensive." Also, "When on 20 January [1945] the 7th Armored Division commenced its attack in the sector of St. Vith, where it had fought previously, the unit drove the enemy from its positions, which she had prepared for fifteen days and drove them back for seven kilometers across the Belgian border, while inflicting heavy losses. During these nine days more than one thousand prisoners were taken."
    GIs of the 424th and 591st who participated in the two actions mentioned above, are allowed to wear the Fourragere of the Belgian Croix de Guerre and to have this foreign award mentioned on their official service records.
    The Belgian Army does not issue the Fourragere itself but provides an official attestation document to veterans of these units or their next-of-kin, that
    their unit was cited twice in the Order of the Day of the Belgian Army and granted the Fourragere of the Croix de Guerre 1940. This document can be requested by sending an email with a copy of the veteran's discharge papers to or by sending a written request to the following address:
Ministerie van Defensie
Algemene Directie Human Resources
Divisie Administratieve Expertise
Ondersectie Notariaat
Kwartier Koningin Elisabeth
Eversestraat 1
1140 Brussels (BELGIUM)
    The shoulder cord itself can be obtained through the Veteran's Administration by submitting a request for replacement medals through the local Veteran's Administration or by filling out an online form for military awards/decorations on the website of the National Archives (https://vetrecs. html).
    You will need to include a copy of your discharge papers (Form DD-214) that lists the 424th Infantry Regiment or 591st Field Artillery Battalion. This "Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty" should show active duty with the 424th Infantry Regiment or 591st Field Artillery Battalion, 106th Infantry Division during the period mentioned in the citations in the Order of the Day of the Belgian Army, proving eligibility for the Belgian Fourragere 1940.
continues on page 12


Historian's Message . . .

    Including a copy of the attestation provided by the Belgian Ministry of Defense, as explained above, can also be useful.
    In addition, the Association provides a number of documents that can be added to support your request. These can be found on our website ( and can be attached to your digital request or printed and added as annex to your written request. These support documents are the following:
    Extract of DA Pamphlet 672-1 "Unit Citation and Campaign Participation Credit Register" p.284 mentions the award of the Belgian Fourragere to the 424th Infantry Regiment (F-55).
Extract of Department of the Army, General Order #43 (DA GO 43-1950)
of 19 December 1950, pages 42 and 43 which mentions the award of the Belgian Fourragere 1940 by
decree nr. 7253 of Prince Charles of Belgium, Regent of the Kingdom, dated 19 July 1950.
    Extract of DA GO 43-1950 with both citations in the Order of the Day of the Belgian Army, for the 7th Armored Division of which the 424th Regiment was attached at the time of both actions described in the citations.
    Copy of the original Decree nr. 7253 of 13 July 1950 by Prince Charles, Regent of Belgium, which awards the Belgian Fourragere 1940 to the 424th Infantry Regiment (See article 4 on page 4).
Unofficial English translation of Belgian Decree nr. 7253 of 13 July 1950.
Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge Certificate
    The Battle of the Bulge Association®, Inc. (VBOB) is offering a special certificate for those veterans who received credit for the Ardennes campaign. The full-color certificate, pictured here, is 11" by 17" printed on parchment-like stock and outlined by World War II insignias of the major units that fought in the Battle of the Bulge. It may be ordered for any veteran who participated in, endured, and survived "the largest land battle ever fought by the U.S. Army."
    The cost of one certificate is $30, postage-paid, or two certificates for $40, postage-paid. You may find the order form here:


Email Bag . . .

    This is a recurring article for The CUB in which veterans or family members can submit brief personal stories. Whenever possible, please send your submission in an email to the Editor, Lisa Dunn, so it can easily be transferred to The CUB. Each picture you submit should include the event it represents, and where and when it was taken.

Damon F. Young
Submitted by Damon Young
    I joined the 106th Infantry Division at Camp Atterbury on 22 May 1944. I am still surviving at age 98. I was taken prisoner the morning of the 18 December 1944, after being wounded in the right leg. German 18th VG Division, POW 18 December 1944 to 3 May 1945, liberated by the 82nd Airborne at Ludwigslust, Germany. To my knowledge, all members of Co D, 423rd, are gone. I have no contact with any member of the 423rd.


Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .

Make checks payable to "106th Please report all changes
Infantry Division Association" and of address and deaths to the
mail them to the Treasurer: Association Membership Chair:

Mike Sheaner, Treasurer PO Box 140535 Dallas TX 75214 sheaner 1 214-823-3004
    Jacquelyn S. Coy, Membership 603 Mountain Ave., Apt. BP223 New Providence, NJ 07974 membership@l 973-879-9070
Treasurer's Report:
October 1, 2021 -- January 31, 2022

Beginning Balance: $23,212.32
Money In: 1,844.23
Money Out: 3,469.99
Difference: (1,625.76)
Ending Balance: $21,586.56

Association Membership As of January 31, 2022
Total Membership 927
Membership Veterans 383
Associate Membership 544
Show support for our mission by giving generously.
Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
Send your contribution, check made payable to 106th Infantry Div. Association, to:
Mike Sheaner, Treasurer
106th Infantry Division, PO Box 140535, Dallas, TX 75214

Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .

Louise Awalt Associate Member
Rick Barrow Associate Member
David J. Gilles Associate Member
Harold J. Kuizema 589/FA/B
Kathy Spinella Associate Member
Roxanne Vendegna Associate Member
Col. John M. Ward Associate Member
Randy and Patricia Wood Associate Members

In memory of John F. Bludworth, Sr., 422/F, 106th Inf. Given by David H. Bludworth

In memory of my Uncle Joe Vallely, 422/B, (also 413/L of 104th) Given by Jack Vallely

In honor of my father Charles S. Garn, Staff Sgt. 424/H Given by Jeff Garn

In memory of John P. Biborka, Co. B, 422 Rgt., 106th Inf. 1924 -- 1944 KIA 12/22/1944 Given by Charles W. Smith

Brandon Fullam, Jr. Associate Member
David J. Gilles Associate Member

Memorial, Honorary and Life+ Contributions are Essential for Keeping this Organization Going
    A suggested annual donation of $25 to help underwrite the cost to publish and mail The CUB through the "Last Man Standing" and beyond is appreciated. The Association exists on donations from its members and interested individuals. Your gifts are essential to maintaining The CUB magazine in its current format with high-quality content and tri-annual delivery. The cost of printing and mailing each edition of The CUB exceeds our current level of giving. Therefore, we encourage all readers to make an annual contribution, as you are able, to help defray the cost of printing and mailing.
    Those Members who contribute will have their names (only, no amounts will be shown) published in the next CUB. You can donate as much or as little as you can and as often as you like. By donating, you are helping perpetuate the 106th ID Association.

Planned Giving
    Whether you would like to put your donation to work today or benefit the 106th Infantry Division Association beyond your lifetime, you can find a charitable plan that works for you. Popular means of life planning gifts include Wills and Living Trusts and Beneficiary Designations. Consult your professional advisor on how to extend support for the 106th Infantry Division Association to make a lasting impact.

Front & Center . . .

106th Challenge Coin and Wooden Ornaments --Have You Gotten Yours Yet?

Front Back

$10 each plus $2 shipping per ornament
(Lower shipping costs will be applied to orders of 10 or more)

Please call or email Randy with questions.
Phone -- 765-346-0690
Email --
    For purchase of items above, please make check payable to 106th Infantry Division Association and mail to: Randall Wood, 810 Cramertown Loop, Martinsville, IN 46151
All proceeds benefit the association.

Front & Center . . .

Reunion . . .

We are proud to announce our plans for the
106th Infantry Division Association and America] Division Association
Joint 2022 Annual Reunion
August 24-28, 2022
Sheraton Pentagon City I Arlington, VA

    The members of the association board, along with Armed Forces Reunions, are moving forward with plans for the 75th Annual Association Reunion. We do this with caution and consideration of the pandemic that has swept the country. We will be in constant contact with the state of Virginia representatives and hotel management to make sure that we will be able to congregate and meet as a group as the date approaches.
    We have not supplied the full registration packet in this issue of The CUB as we usually do; however, the information for the reunion is included below and there is a copy of the registration form for you to complete and send it with your check. If you would like printed copies of the registration material mailed to you, please contact Mike Sheaner, Treasurer at If you have any questions, please contact Wayne Dunn at 410-409-1141 or
    For the most updated information about the reunion please visit or to register online visit
[All reunion information correct at time of publication but may be subject to change]

Hotel Information
Sheraton Pentagon City
900 S. Orme Street, Arlington, VA 22204
703-521-1900; 844-201-2994 Reservation Information:
Book your group rate for 106th Infantry Division Association
(click here for a direct link to the website)

    If you will not be using a computer or smartphone, please call the hotel directly at 703-521-1900, select option 1 (reservations), and ask for the 106th Infantry Division Association.
Group Name:
106th Infantry Division Association
Rate: $119 (plus 13.25% tax, currently)
    Includes complimentary breakfast for two each day; Rates are available three (3) days pre and post reunion (based on availability). Group members staying three days before or after the main event days will be given breakfast coupons to redeem at hotel restaurant.
Hotel Information continues on page 20

Reunion . . .

Schedule of Events

Self-guided tours pre- and post-reunion are being planned by the Reunion Committee. More details to come.

8:30 - 10:30 am Reunion Registration Open
4 - 7 pm Reunion Registration Open
5 - 6 pm 106th Infantry Division Association
Outgoing Board Meeting
4 - 9:30 pm Hospitality Room Open
Note: Souvenir Sales hours will be posted.

Complimentary Breakfast (included in Room Rate)
8 - 9:30 pm Hospitality Room Open
8:30 - 9:30 am Reunion Registration Open
9:15 am - 3 pm City Tour and
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
6 pm Welcome Dinner
9 am - 9:30 pm Hospitality Room Open
Complimentary Breakfast (included in Room Rate)
9:30 am - 5:00 pm National Museum of the U.S. Army and Smithsonian National Museum of American History
9 am - 9:30 pm Hospitality Room Open
Complimentary Breakfast (included in Room Rate)

9 - 10 am 106th Infantry Division Association
Memorial Service
12:30 - 3:30 pm Tour of War Memorials
3:30 - 5 pm 106th Infantry Division Association
New Board Meeting
6 - 7 pm Cash Bar Reception
7 - 11 pm Banquet Dinner and Dance
10 am - 9:30 pm Hospitality Room Open

Complimentary Breakfast (included in Room Rate)
Farewells and Departures

Reunion . . .

Reunion Dates:
Sunday -- Tuesday, August 21-23: Pre function group rate days based on hotel availability
Wednesday -- Sunday (am), August 24-28: Reunion main event days
Sunday -- Tuesday, August 28-30: Post function group rate days based on hotel availability

    Cut-off Date: Reservations by attendees must be received on or before August 2, 2022. At the Cut-Off Date the Hotel will review the reservations pick up for the Event and release the unreserved rooms for general sale. Any reservations requests received after the Cut Off Date including modifications, name changes, and additions for the group will be accepted on a space available basis at the group's rate.
    Cancellation Policy: Cancellation must be received 24 hours prior to arrival date or there will be a charge of one night's room plus tax.
Parking and Shuttle Information: Complimentary shuttle to and from Pentagon City Metro Station
Complimentary shuttle to and from Reagan National Airport
Complimentary overnight parking (savings of $32 per day)
    RV Parking available at satellite parking area (across the street): $50 + tax per day (max 6 vehicles), no hookups available.
    Wheelchair Rental: ScootAround rents both manual and power wheelchairs by the day and week. Please call 888-4417575 or visit for details and to make reservations.

Welcome 106th Infantry Division Association

106th Infantry Division Association
Tour Descriptions
    Start the day with the sites of Washington D.C. Enjoy a driving tour of Washington, D.C. Ride by the Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, WWII Memorial, the Mall, Capitol Building, Washington Monument, White House, and other notable monuments and federal buildings. At the conclusion of the city tour, head to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. The museum contains the largest natural history collection in the world. Be sure to visit the Hall of Mammals, Ocean Hall and many others. Enjoy lunch at one of the cafés on-site.

9:15 am, board bus, 4 pm back at the hotel
$58/per person includes bus and guide. Lunch on your own.


Reunion . . .

    The Museum celebrates over 240 years of Army history and honor our nation's Soldiers -- past, present, and future -- regular Army, Army Reserves, and the Army National Guard. It's a massive undertaking led by a joint effort between the U.S. Army and the non-profit organization, The Army Historical Foundation (AHF). It is a technological marvel incorporating the latest advances in museum exhibits, while providing advanced educational opportunities that will capture the attention of visitors old and young. The Museum sits on 84 acres at Fort Belvoir, VA, less than 30 minutes south of our nation's capital. The 185,00 square-foot main building displays selections from the Army Art collection, artifacts, documents, and images. The vast majority of these rare and priceless artifacts have never been seen by the American people. Enjoy lunch at the Museum Café and don't forget to stop in the Museum Store. Board the bus to head to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. The museum collects, preserves and displays the heritage of the United States in the areas of social, political, cultural, scientific and military history.
9 am board bus, 5 pm back at hotel.
Includes bus and escort. Lunch on your own. *Included with Registration Fee

TOUR OF WAR MEMORIALS Saturday, August 27, 2022
    Board the bus for a stop at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. This U.S. national memorial honors service members of the U.S. armed forces who fought in the Vietnam War. In the same area, you can also visit the Vietnam Women's memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial and the World War II Memorial.
12:30 board bus, 3:30 pm back at hotel $37/per person includes bus and escort

The Above Tours are Subject to Change based on Availability
Please be at the bus boarding area at least fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled
time. All tours require a minimum of thirty-five people.
Driver and Guide gratuities are not included in tour prices.

    NOTE: There is a limit of one hydraulically lifted scooter or wheelchair per handicap accessible bus. If you use a scooter but can climb the steps to board the bus, either you and/or a person traveling with you must be able to put the scooter in the bus's luggage compartment. Due to liability issues, drivers and tour guides cannot assist with scooters.

[All reunion information correct at time of publication but may be subject to change]


Feature Stories . . .

    On Saturday, December 18, 2021, commemorations took place in Schonberg, St. Vith and Vielsalm to observe the 77th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.

    The timing was just right, it seems. Most of the other events at Bastogne and Manhay were unfortunately cut short or cancelled due to a new coronavirus variant that made its way through Europe.
    After the cancellation of last year's public events and having only a wreath laying 'en petit comite' we decided to push forward with a traditional ceremony in December 2021, just as it took place before the pandemic. A group of about 30 gathered in the fresh Ardennes air and the beautiful sunny weather was kind to us. The contrast with the conditions experienced by the Golden Lions 77 years ago could not have been greater.
    Lieutenant Colonel Steven E. Baker, U.S. Army attaché represented the U.S. Embassy and presented flowers at the 106th Division monuments in Schonberg and St. Vith. The 52nd Fighter Wing honor guard, based at Spangdahlem, Germany did a fantastic job rendering honors during the ceremonies while a live rendition of the U.S. and Belgian national anthems and military taps resonated beautifully through the Our River valley.
    "More than a million soldiers were involved in the offensive and it was the largest land battle of the Second World War with American participation," Mayor Herbert Grommes of St. Vith recalled in his speech. "The soldiers of the 106th Infantry Division, far from home and in the bitter cold, braved the onslaught of the enemy of freedom and with their dedication, their strength, their sacrifices and their blood they fought for our lives and our freedom. For the life and freedom of all of us. We gather here each year to express our deep gratitude and silent tribute

Feature Stories . . .

    to these courageous men for paying the ultimate price of all to ensure that the flag of liberty can continue to fly high. Because of their courage and support, countless of our people are now alive who otherwise would never have seen the light of day."
Since 2012, Doug Mitchell and I have had the privilege of presenting the Flag of Friendship to a local person who
    over the course of his or her life has shown great interest and enthusiasm in the field of remembering and who has perpetuated the legacy of the Greatest Generation in this borderland area where the Battle of the Bulge played out in the winter of 1944.
    The award itself is that of a triangular folded American flag, much like the ones that were handed to the families of the 19,000 American soldiers who lost their lives in the Battle of the Bulge. Each of the thirteen folds on the flag is symbolic. It is perhaps the third fold which has the highest meaning today, as it is made in honor and remembrance of the veterans who gave a portion of their lives for the defense of their country to attain a peace throughout the world.
    As the WWII Generation is departing this world at a fast pace, it makes our mission to remember more important than ever. At St. Vith, in front of the Division Memorial, the 2021 Flag was presented to a good

    The 2021 Flag of Friendship is presented to Marcel Vaessen for his historical work and inspiring support of the veterans of the Battle of the Bulge. (Photo MJM Image/Jonathan Malemprez) friend and historical colleague.
    For many years, Marcel Vaessen has been deeply involved in the history of the units of the U.S. Army that fought in and near his hometown of Lanzerath. The town of Lanzerath was situated right on the dividing line between the 106th Division sector and that of the 99th. As a former school teacher, he knows the importance of carrying on history. He founded the monument to the I&R Platoon of the 393rd Infantry Regiment the so-called Bouck monument, named after the young lieutenant and platoon leader. Marcel graciously welcomed many American veterans and their families back to the battlefields of the Eifel-Ardennes and continues to educate many through his guided tours of the Bulge Battlefields. As coordinator and
continues on page 24


Feature Stories . . .

    president of the Belgian Army Reserve Forces Association for East Belgium, Marcel's support and input was also vital for the very successful 75th anniversary commemorations in 2019. Through his help, we were able to bring U.S., Belgian, and German soldiers together at a symbolic event, under the approving eye of no less than 23 veterans who saw combat in this area during the Battle of the Bulge.
    As dusk fell, the day of remembrance ended at Vielsalm, where Eddy Lamberty (2019 Order of the Golden Lion), President of the C-47 Club Ardennes Salm River Chapter presented a beautiful ceremony at the Rencheux bridge memorial, one of the vital escape routes for units in the St. Vith pocket.
    In all, the commemorative events were well attended and proved to be a great occasion to see old friends again after nearly two years. Everyone went home lifted by the day's events. We hope to see you all again in December!


Front & Center . . .

Order of the Golden Lion Committee
    This award is provided in three classifications depending on the qualifications of the recipient. The most prestigious is "Commander Class" issued in gold finish. This award is usually provided to someone who has served the Association faithfully over an extended period of time and is usually a veteran of the 106th Infantry Division.
    The second is "Officer Class" issued in silver finish. This award is usually provided to someone who has served the Association faithfully over an extended period of time and has assisted in the operation of the Association.
    The third is "Companion Class" issued in bronze finish. This award is usually provided to someone who has served the Association faithfully in the capacity of assistance in the operation of the Association. The specifications for making the award are intended to fit many instances where an individual is deemed worthy. The award should be determined by the recipient's contributions to the Association.
    The Co-chairs of the Order of the Golden Lion committee will poll the members of the Board of Directors for recommendations for the OGL awards. The President or Chairman may select additional members to the committee. Nominations will be submitted in a format suitable for composing a formal citation to accompany the award of the medal. This must be done in ample time prior to the next Reunion in order
    Editor's Note: The criteria used to distinguish between who qualifies for the Commander Class vs the Officer Class is being discussed by the Board. The CUB will publish specifics when more information is available.


Battle of the Bulge Tour Sept. 2022
Tour through Luxembourg and Belgium
(including Luxembourg City, Clervaux, St. Vith, Bastogne, Brussels)
(Optional Pre-Tour to Normandy)
Must Act Fast!
Deadline for reservations is March 31
Contact: Doris Davis, for more information
Information about the Guide for Main Tour
    Tour Director for the MAIN TOUR is Leo Barron. Leo works for General Dynamics as an instructor of military intelligence officers for the U.S. Army. He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in history, and has served with the 101st Airborne. Barron has seen two tours of active duty in Iraq as an infantry and intelligence officer. His articles about Bastogne and other WWII-related military topics have appeared in Infantry Magazine, Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, WWII History Magazine, and WWII Magazine. His last book, No Silent Night: The Christmas Battle for Bastogne
    received an award from the Arizona Author's Association for Best Nonfiction in 2013. He is the author of four books (available on Amazon).

The CUB of the Golden Lion [These pages are


Battle of the Bulge Tour Sept. 2022
Tour through Luxembourg and Belgium
(including Luxembourg City, Clervaux, St. Vith, Bastogne, Brussels)
(Optional Pre-Tour to Normandy)
Pre Tour to Normandy
(20-24 Sept. 2022)
Day 1- 20 Sept. (Tue.): Depart U.S. and arrive to CDG Airport by 9:30 am on Day 2
Day 2 - 21 Sept. (Wed.): Visit Field Marshal Rommel's castle HQ and visit Giverny Gardens.
Continue to Normandy. Dinner at Hotel in Bayeaux, France.
Day 3 - 22 Sept. (Thur.): Full day in Normandy, visit the Normandy American Cemetery, see Omaha Beach,
Utah Beach, Ponte du Hoc, Sainte Mere Eglise. Dinner at Hotel in Bayeaux, France.
Day 4 - Sept. 23 (Fri.): Visit the WWII Museum in Caen. Dinner in Paris.
Day 5 - Sept. 24 (Sat.): Guided Tour of Paris seeing Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower,
Latin Quarter, and the Opera District. Take train to Luxembourg.
Main Tour
(23 Sept. - 01 Oct. 2022)
Day 1 - 23 Sept. (Fri.): Depart U.S. and arrive Luxembourg Airport on Day 2.
    Day 2 - 24 Sept. (Sat.): Free time in Luxembourg. Pre-Tour participants arrive in Luxembourg and join Main Tour participants. Dinner at hotel in Luxembourg
    Day 3 - 25 Sept. (Sun.): National Museum of Military History (Diekirch), Hamm Cemetery (Gravesite of Gen. George S. Patton), Clervaux, River Our, Skyline Drive, Schnicker Crossroads,Hosingen, Heinerscheid. Dinner at hotel in Clervaux.
    Day 4 - 26 Sept. (Mon.): St. Vith, 106th Inf. Div. Memorial, Prumberg Heights, Schonberg, Bleialf. Dinner at hotel in Clervaux.
    Day 5 - 27 Sept. (Tues.): Buchholz, Lanzerath Ridge, Wereth Memorial, Losheim, Krinkelt-Rocherath, Elsenborn Ridge, Malmedy, Ligneuville, Stavelot, Trois-Ponts, King Tiger Tank, Cheneux , Lienne Bridge, Stoumont, Bastogne. Dinner at hotel in Bastogne.
    Day 6 - 28 Sept. (Wed.): McAuliffe Square, Patton Monument, Mardassan Memorial, Heinz Barracks, Longvilly, Noville, Foy, Band of Brothers Monument, Marvie, Champs, Rolle, Savy. Dinner at hotel in Bastogne.
    Day 7 - 29 Sept. (Thur.): Visit 101st Airborne museum in Bastogne, McAuliffe Square, Peace Wood, Chaumont, Assenois, Pillbox memorial, Lutremanche, Houmont, Houffalize. Dinner at hotel in Bastogne.
    Day 8 - 30 Sept. (Fri.): Return to Brussels for a free day. Walking Tour options will be offered. Farewell dinner in hotel in Brussels.
Day 9 - 01 Oct. (Sat.): Depart for the U.S. or stay and enjoy Brussels!
Included in Cost: Breakfast, dinner, local transportation.
Cost is based on double occupancy. Single supplement will apply. Airfare not included.
Cost: PRE TOUR (Normandy) $1,799 for a minimum of 15 passengers
MAIN TOUR $2,625 for a minimum of 15 passengers
Reservations Must be made by March 31, 2022
Full payment is due 90 days prior to beginning of the tour.
Payments are made to: Gatel Travel Agency. Flights can be arranged through Gatel.
Contact: Doris Davis, for more information
a Paid Advertisement]


Email Bag . . .


In Memoriam . . .

Jacquelyn Coy 603 Mountain Ave., Apt. BP223, New Providence, NJ 07974 Phone: 973-879-9070 Email: JSC164@aoLcom

Associate Member
Date of death: December 19, 2021
    John was very proud of the 106th, and his brother, Tino, who served in the 592nd FABN A and D. John was born October 15, 1935 in Vincennes, Indiana, the youngest of eight children. His parents died at a very young age and he was raised by his older siblings. He graduated from the University of Michigan with a BS in forestry and an MS in forest entomology. He met his wife, Suzanne, while at the University and they were married in 1959. He then began a career as a research entomologist for the U.S. Forestry Service. After his retirement, he joined the Peace Corp, where he provided technical expertise in agroforestry and resource planning in the south pacific island of Tonga. John loved the U.S. West and he and his wife made their permanent home there in Lewiston, Montana. Grandchildren came in those years, and he loved each and every one of them with all his heart. Working in his garden and coaxing vegetables, cherries, and flowers out of the harsh Montana climate was at the same time a source of great frustration and great joy. He loved camping, hiking, hunting, and fishing and looked forward to each season's approach. His playfulness, sense of humor, and quick wit made him an accomplished storyteller and he loved regaling visitors with the many adventures of his life.
    He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Suzanne, children Patricia, Samuel, Steven, Robert and Margaret, eight grandchildren and numerous "greats."
Reported by his wife, Suzanne

Date of death: November 8, 2011
    Victor Fuchs, age 87, died Tuesday, November 8, 2011, at the William S. Middleton Veterans Hospital in Madison. He was born in Brodhead, WI on June 8, 1924. Vic married Evelyn Hansen on April 14, 1946, in Evansville. He was a life member of the Evansville VFW Post 6905.
    Vic served in the U.S. Army during WWII. While serving in General Omar Bradley's 1st Army, 106th Division, 591st Field Artillery, he was award four Bronze Battle Stars: Normandy, France, Ardennes and European Theater. His detailed recollection of the Battle of the Bulge was fascinating for those
continues on page 30


In Memoriam . . .

interested in the events of that era.
    Vic was an avid hunter and walleye fisherman enjoying the great outdoors to its fullest. He worked as an electrician for Westphal & Company and other union electrical contractors for most of his adult life until retiring in 1987. He had a great sense of humor and loved to pull practical jokes on his friends.
    Vic was a loving and caring husband, father and grandfather and will be dearly missed. He was preceded in death by his wife, Evelyn. He is survived by five children: Ken, Gary, Linda, Daryl and Dean, 10 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.,
Submitted by Joe Schiro

Date of death: September 4, 2013
    Jerry Miller, age 92 of Fitchburg, WI, passed away peacefully on September 4, 2013. He was born on February 23, 1921, graduating from Madison East High School in 1938. He was united in marriage to Avis Volker on February 24, 1941.
    Jerry served in the U.S. Army from 1943 to 1945 in the 106th Infantry Division and was captured at the Battle of the Bulge. He was a POW in Germany for four months and kept a diary hidden in his coat so Avis would know of his perils and how much he loved her. After returning to Madison and regaining his strength, he co-founded Electric Motors Unlimited, Inc., in 1952, followed by Jet Power Tool Repair, Inc., choosing retirement in 1997. For 12 years, Jerry looked forward to Fridays, as he was a volunteer at the VA Hospital assisting patients. He loved bike riding and waterskiing well into his 80s and enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren at Crystal Lake. Jerry was a lifetime member of the Badger Chapter of American Ex-Prisoners of War, the American Legion and Disabled American Vets.
    He is survived by the love of his life and wife of 72 years, Avis, children Patricia, Fred, Jerilyn, nine grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren.
Submitted by Joe Schiro

MYERS, LAWRENCE "LARRY", JR. 424th Reg CT Date of Death January 27, 2022
    Dr. COL (retired) Lawrence "Larry" Myers, Jr. Born October 21, 1921, and raised in Hartford City, Indiana. After graduating from high school, he attended Purdue University and majored in Chemical Engineering. He soon discovered his true calling while announcing at the school's sporting events. He carried this passion into his later life when he announced for the Syracuse Nationals basketball team, later to be known as the Philadelphia 76ers. Radio broadcasting

In Memoriam . . .

    was his first love professionally. While still at Purdue, he auditioned and won the lead in a summer-stock production of "Jim Dandy." A vivacious coed from rival Indiana University, Betty Jane Mowry, won the role of leading lady. She later turned out to be his real-life leading lady and they were married on October 19, 1943. Commissioned in 1942 as a field artillery officer after graduating from Purdue's ROTC program, he joined the Army and served for the duration of World War II. He was assigned to the 590th and 591st Field Artillery Battalions for the 106th Infantry Division. Lawrence fought during the Battle of the Bulge, The Rhineland Offensive, and the Northern Apennines, Italy. Myers returned to military service in 1950, when he joined the 403rd Civil Affairs Company as a member of the reserve corps. In 1957, he was promoted to major in the division. From 1968 to 1975, Larry was commanding officer with the 425th Military Intelligence Detachment. At the time of his retirement in 1975, he was a colonel and awarded the Legion of Merit medal. He and others of "The Greatest Generation" were recognized on the Honor Flight 10 that took them to Washington, D.C. in 2017.
    After the war, Larry came to Syracuse where he focused the rest of his academic life on communications with a strong interest in the science of broadcasting, the power of words and the television medium to influence audiences. Larry received his master's degree in speech and his PhD in applied statistics from Syracuse University in 1949 and 1956 respectively. While pursuing his degrees, he was the manager of WAER (1948-1951 and 1954-1957). His teaching career began as a graduate assistant in the Television-Radio department, progressed to instructor, and eventually a full professor of broadcasting. In 1963, he became chair of the Television, Radio & Film Department, a position he held for 27 years. He also served as the interim dean of the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications from 1989 to 1990. He retired from Syracuse University in 1992 and was granted the title of professor emeritus. In 1993, he returned as an adjunct professor for the Division of International Programs Abroad (DIPA). He retired again in 2000 after teaching another ten semesters abroad. Dr. Myers took special pride in having taught such luminaries as Dick Clark, Ted Koppel, Bob Costas, Dick Stockton, Len Berman, Mary Albert, Mike Tirico, Sean McDonough, and many others renowned in their fields. In 2019, Lawrence was the first professor to be inducted into the WAER Hall of Fame. That same year, he was celebrated at the S.U. Homecoming Football game as the military "Home Town Hero." Larry had associations with many philanthropic organizations in the Syracuse area. Dr. Myers celebrated 100 years of life on October 21, 2021 with family and friends in Syracuse. Celebrations included numerous recognitions, awards from local and national organizations, and a parade. He always wished for "peace on earth" and added value to anyone who crossed his path. His smile, smarts and stories
continues on page 32


In Memoriam . . .
will be remembered and cherished. Larry passed peacefully in his sleep on January 27, 2022.
Reported by his daughter Claire Myers-Usiatynski

Date of death: January 1, 2014
    Bill Nichols was born on September 27, 1925. He enlisted in the U.S. Army at age 18 and fought in the Battle of the Bulge where he was captured and taken prisoner. He was a life member of the American Legion, the DAV, the EX-POWs and the 106th Infantry Division, in which he served. He was predeceased by his wife of 60 years, Margery, and survived by many relatives and his dog "Freddy."
Submitted by Jackie Coy

POWERS, ALVIN T. (BUD) 422/HQ Date of death: December 22, 2014
    Alvin "Bud" Powers, age 91, died peacefully on December 22, 2014. He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Dorothy, his daughter, Toni, and two grandchildren. He was a U.S. Army Veteran of WWII. Born in Billings, Montana, he graduated from Benson Polytechnic High School and entered the service in May of 1943. He received his training at Camp Wheeler in Georgia and the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa under the Army Specialized Training Program. A member of the 106th Infantry Division, he was captured at the Battle of the Bulge and held prisoner in Stalag II D until the end of the war. During his service he earned several medals, including the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. He was inducted into the Oregon Military Hall of Fame in 2009. After the war, he pursued his love of drafting and carpentry and worked in that field until his retirement. He and his wife then moved to Central Oregon, where he enjoyed his favorite hobby of fishing and spending time with his family.
Reported by Jackie Coy

Date of death: July 29, 2017
TEC5, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, POW
Reported by Jackie Coy
SCHUETZ, KENNETH N. 423/HQ Date of death: May 14, 2021
    Kenneth N. Schuetz, of Roseland, NJ passed away May 14, 2021, of natural causes at his home. He was 96. Ken was born in Newark, NJ to August and Mabel Schuetz. He grew up in East Orange and was a proud veteran of WWII. He received a BS in Accounting from Rutgers University in 1955, following nine years of night school while working days. He remained an avid Rutgers sports fan his entire life.
    Ken was a pillar of the community, most known for his longtime tenure on the Roseland Shade Tree Commission, serving as treasurer and auditor throughout most of his membership. He was also extremely active with the First Presbyterian Church in Caldwell. His


In Memoriam . . .
    years of public service and dedication to helping his community culminated in Ken being awarded Roseland's "Senior of the Year" in 2012. Ken was also an active member of the Picatinny Chapter of the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge. As expected, the war left a lasting impression on Ken, who became an avid reader of World War II history. In addition to his volunteer work, he discovered he had a passion for building model ships and joined the Ship Model Society of Northern NJ, of which he was treasurer. He became a master ship modeler, winning many awards, and was once featured on the coveted front page of "Ships in Scale" magazine.
    Ken was the loving and devoted husband of Marion, with whom he shared 64 wonderful years, before her passing in 2010. Ken is survived by his three children, Douglas, Russell and Janet, his sister Jean, and five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
    Ken's perpetual geniality will be greatly missed by his community, neighbors, and friends. He love nothing better than an interesting conversation. To his family, he was a rock, always supportive, always loving. He will be dearly missed.
Reported by his son, Russell

Date of death: June 13, 1997
    Frank was born on February 19, 1923. Before joining the Army, he married his wife, Margery in 1942 and had one of his five children before he was shipped off. He did his basic training at Ft. Jackson and Ft. Bragg, with his
    wife and child living on base. Shortly after the beginning of hostilities, he was captured and sent to Stalag XII A, remaining there until he was liberated by the Russians. His son tells the story that his dad stole a loaf of bread and bartered with a can of shoe polish for another. The first loaf was awarded to a mother with 13 hungry children. The second was split among the other POWs. Later, the mother slipped a miniature Iron Cross into his hands as a thank you. There were no Red Cross packages for these guys. The Germans kept them.
    Frank received an honorable discharge in October of 1945 and went home to his wife and produced four more children. He owned and managed a tavern and liquor store from 1945 until 1976. From 1976 until his retirement, he was the work and school coordinator at the Oak Hill Corrections Institute. He was responsible there for forming the AA (although he never drank himself) and the Veterans Club.
    In his spare time, he enjoyed fishing, running an anti-drug program for the Elks, being a member of the Italian American Club and the PFW Commanders.
Frank is survived by his five children and 27+ grands and great-grands.
Submitted by his son, Joe Schiro
Date of death: August 15, 2021
With sadness, I report the passing of another member of the Greatest Generation and the 106th Division,
continues on page 34


In Memoriam . . .

    my father, Jack Sulser who passed away on August 15, 2021. He was less than a month away from his 96th birthday on 9/11 and died peacefully of old age. He did not get Covid, although he spent the last five years in a nursing home at Goodwin House in Alexandria, Va. I am sure he has been out of touch with the Division Association for some time.
    One of the things that interested him most in retirement, besides sharing golf and opera with his wife, Helen, was serving the 106th Division Association. Jack was elected President of the Association in 1992, served 10 years on the Board of Directors, was Chairman of the WWII Commemoration Committee (appointed by the Department of Defense), and Reunions Coordinator working with the AFR to screen and recommend annual reunions. For these services Jack was awarded the Order of the Golden Lion at the 55th annual reunion in 2001.
    His experiences in the 106th led him to join the U.S. State Department after the war as a Foreign Service Officer, hoping to help avert future wars. On his first overseas assignment to London in 1950, he drove to Germany and visited the POW camps where he was confined at Bad Orb and Ziegenhaim. He saw them essentially unchanged at that time. The Bad Orb camp was converted into a Boy Scout camp when I visited it in 1972. While stationed at the American consulate in Duesseldorf, Germany in 1954, Jack was introduced to General von Manteuffel. The two men had a spirited discussion about tactics and outcomes at the Battle of the Bulge
and their respective roles as Machine Gun Squad leader and Commander of the Fifth Panzer Army.
    In 1999, Jack attended a reunion in Belgium and Germany of American and German soldiers who fought opposite each other in December 1944 during the Bulge offensive. Dad invited me to attend, along with mom. As it turned out, I got married right before the trip, and my new bride Patti accompanied me to the reunion as part of our honeymoon. The three of us followed dad through the woods on the Schnee Eifel, where we stepped into slit trenches still visible and found rusted mortar shells from the fighting. The veterans from both sides gathered around tables and pored over maps, each pointing to where they were on any given day during the battle. I met German veterans who spoke of guarding the columns of prisoners as they marched, and watching over them while they rested. Just then, a man walked up who told us he was 11 years old that day and remembered the American troops rushing off to battle. He and his young friends went into the empty schoolhouse and helped themselves to some of the abandoned personal effects. My father said he had a letter in his pocket that he had written to his parents from the schoolhouse stating he had 100 Belgian francs in his duffle that he would send home later. The Belgian fellow immediately reached into his own pocket and said, "Would you like your 100 francs back?" At the end of the reunion, dad put Patti and me on a train at Gerolstein, the same station where he was loaded onto a box

In Memoriam . . .

    car just before Christmas, 1944. Dad was good friends with John Kline, who I met at the reunion in Belgium. Dad was not able to communicate well the last few years, and we sadly lost touch with John and others.
    Jack was buried at Arlington National Cemetery on December 27, 2021. He joined Helen, who was buried there in 2006 at a lovely spot right on Patton Circle. Jack is survived by me, my sister Julie Baird, his current wife of nine years Sally Ann Greer, and six grandchildren. Submitted by his son, David

    Correction: The CUB, Vol 77, No. 3, In Memorium: Richard E. Rutz's unit was incorrectly listed as 423/HQ, it should be 590 FABN/HQ. The CUB regrets the error.

    To the widows of Golden Lions, if you would wish to continue to receive The CUB after the passing of your husband, please let Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy know. Her contact information is located on the inside cover of this CUB.

Visit the 106th Association's Website!
By Wayne Dunn
    To complement the wonderful websites that are already out on the Internet, including websites from our own members, Jim West ( and Carl Wouters (106thinfanny.webs corn), the Association has launched its own website at
    This is where you will find information on upcoming events, copies of the membership application for your family to join, the complete latest issue of The CUB in color, plus additional plus additional photos not seen in hard copy.
    Also look for our Facebook page at You will find up-to-the-minute information here and its where you can connect with friends and make plans for the next reunion.
    If you have any additional reunion photos or information that you would like to see on the website or Facebook page, please contact the Webmaster, Wayne Dunn at or 410-409-1141.
    The 106th Infantry Division Association also now has an Instagram page! You can get to it at the URL: The Instagram account name is simply 106th_infantry_division_assoc. Use that to search for it on your phone or other electronic device iPad, tablet, laptop or computer.

The idea is to preserve memories of the 106th veterans virtually forever. Enjoy.

Feature Stories . . .

Read Any Good Books Lately?
    As you may have noticed, there are a lot less advertisements for books in this edition of The CUB. Moving forward, we will only be including paid advertisements to help defray the cost of printing and mailing the magazine. But, all of the advertisements from veterans whose books were advertised in previous CUBs can be viewed on the association website at:
The books by and about the 106th Division association members advertised on our website are:
Captured at the Battle of the Bulge by Russ Lang

Captured, Frozen, Starved -- and Lucky: How One Jewish American GI Survived a Nazi Stalag by Milton Feldman

Forced March by John H. Mohn

    From Brooklyn to the Battle of the Bulge and on to Building an International Business -- The Incredible Story of Bernard (Barney) Mayrsohn by Seth H. Bramson

I Was a Prisoner by Carmel Whetzel

I Was No Hero in the Battle of the Bulge by Harry F. Martin, Jr.

My Grandfather's War by Jesse Cozean

My Nine Lives by Bob Pope

My War by Fredrick Smallwood

No Surrender by Chris Edmonds

Once Upon a Time in War by Robert E. Humphrey

Prisoner's Odyssey by Herb Sheaner

Shadows of Slaughterhouse Five by Ervin Szpek Jr.

The Sitting Duck Division: Attack from the Rear by John W. Morse, 422/C

The Letter Box by Robert "Bob" Glover

Warm Memories of Cold Spring by Beatrice Keeber

Warriors of the 106th -- The Last Infantry Division by Ken Johnson, Martin King, & Michael Collins

If you are interested in advertising in printed versions of future CUBs, please
contact Susan Weiss at or treasurer
Mike Sheaner at sheanerl for more information.

    We are all feeling the effects of the current financial upheaval, including the 106th Infantry Division Association. The Annual Dues of $10 are no longer billed or collected. We are now accepting only donations for membership, memorials and LIFE PLUS. The previously-allowed payment of $75 for Life Membership creates a financial shortfall, as our expenses exceed our income.

Or solution? Memorial Service
12:30 Tour of War Memorials
We are asking you to join the
    Those Members who contribute to the LIFE PLUS+ Club will have their names (only, no amounts will be shown) published in the next CUB.
You can donate as much or as little as you can and as often as you like.
By donating, you are helping perpetuate the 106th Infantry Division Association.
    To those Members who we haven't heard from for a long time --please take the time to join this exclusive club. Thank you!
Send your contribution, check made payable to 106th Infantry Div. Association, to:
Mike Sheaner
Treasurer, 106th Infantry Division PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214

To see a full-color version of this issue of The CUB, please visit our website at:
    The online PDF version is now interactive and all website URLs and email addresses that appear in blue italics when clicked will take you to the site or an open email window.
Pass It On
    Perpetuate the legacy of the 106th Infantry Division by giving every family member of all generations access to the rich history, news and stories of veterans found in each issue of The CUB. You can now "pass it on" to as many friends, heirs and family members as you wish at no cost!
Those you designate will be recognized as members of the association on the "CUB Level" with the following benefits:
Receive an electronic copy of The CUB delivered by email complete with color photos, graphics and interactive links
Access to the association website and Facebook pages
Receive timely notices and information regarding reunions and special announcements
    Enroll all family members -- sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, grandchildren and others -- by submitting their Name, Email, Address and relationship to a 106th veteran to sheanerl@airmaiLnet


Index for This Document

101st Abn. Div., 27, 28
104th Inf. Div., 10
164th Regt., 9
18th VG Div., 14
1st Army, 31
2nd Div., 6
2nd Inf. Div., 6
393rd Inf. Regt., 24
424/G, 11
424th Inf. Regt., 11, 12
424th Regt., 12, 13
52nd Fighter Wing, 23
591st FA BN, 11, 12
6th Panzer Army, 8
7th Armd. Div., 12, 13
82nd Abn. Div., 14
Active Duty, 12
Albert, Mary, 33
American Cemetery, 28
Antwerp, 7
Ardennes, 6, 12, 13
Ardennes Campaign, 13
Arlington National Cemetery, 37
Awalt, Louise, 16
Bad Orb, 36
Baird, Julie, 37
Baker, Lt. Col. Steven E., 23
Band of Brothers, 28
Barrow, Rick, 16
Bastogne, 27, 28
Battle of the Bulge, 11, 24, 28, 34
Belgian Croix de Guerre, 11, 12
Belgian Fourragere, 12, 13
Belgium, 12, 27, 28
Berman, Len, 33
Biborka, John P., 16
Bleialf, 28
Bludworth, David H., 16
Bludworth, John F., Sr., 16
Books, 38
Bradley, Gen. Omar, 6, 31
Bramson, Seth H., 38
Brussels, 27, 28
C-47 Club, 25
Caen, 28
'Captured At the Battle of the Bulge', 38
Captured, Frozen, Starved -- and Lucky
How One Jewish American Gi Survived A Nazi Stalag, 38
Champs Elysees, 28
Chansler, John F., 31
Charles, Prince, 13
Cheneux, 28
Clark, Dick, 33
Clervaux, 27, 28
Collins, Michael, 38
Costas, Bob, 33
Coy, Jackie, 34
Coy, Jacquelyn, 1, 2, 31, 37
Coy, Jacquelyn S., 15
Cozean, Jesse, 38
Croix De Guerre, 11, 12
Davis, Doris, 27, 29
Diekirch, 28
Dunn, Lisa, 3, 4, 14
Dunn, Lisa M., 2
Dunn, Wayne, 1, 10, 19, 37
Dunn, Wayne G., 1, 2
Edmonds, Chris, 38
Edmonds, Pastor Chris, 1, 6
Elsenborn, 28
Elsenborn Ridge, 28
Faulkner, Carol, 1
Feldman, Milton, 38
Fifth Panzer Army, 7, 36
Forced March, 38
Fort Belvoir, 22
Foy, 28
France, 28
Frederick the Great, 7
Ft. Bragg, NC, 35
Ft. Jackson, SC, 35
Fuchs, Victor, 31
Fullam, Brandon, Jr., 16
Garn, Charles S., 16
Garn, Jeff, 16
Garrison, Beth, 1
Germany, 36
Gerolstein, 36
Giessen, 6
Gilles, David J., 16
Glover, Robert 'Bob', 38
Greer, Sally Ann, 37
Grommes, Herbert, 23
Hamm, 28
Hamm Cemetery, 28
Hosingen, 28
Houffalize, 28
Humphrey, Robert E., 38
I Was A Prisoner, 38
I Was No Hero In The Battle Of The Bulge, 38
Iraq, 27
Johnson, Ken, 38
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan, 7
Keeber, Beatrice, 38
Keeber, Beatrice Fulton, 8
Keeber, Pfc. Willard H., 8
King, Martin, 38
Kline, John, 37
Koppel, Ted, 33
Krinkelt, 28
Krinkelt-Rocherath, 28
Kuizema, Harold J., 16
Lamberty, Eddy, 25
Lang, Russ, 38
Lanzerath, 24, 28
LeClair, Henry, 1, 2
Leopold, King III, 11
Ligneuville, 28
London, 36
Longvilly, 28
Losheim, 28
Ludwigslust, Germany, 14
Luxembourg, 27, 28
Luxembourg Airport, 28
Luxembourg City, 27, 28
Malemprez, Jonathan, 24
Malmedy, 28
Manhay, 23
Manteuffel, 7
Manteuffel, Gen., 7, 8
Manteuffel, Gen. Von, 36
Martin, Harry F., Jr., 38
Mayrsohn, Bernard (Barney), 38
McDonough, Sean, 33
Memorials, 22
Meuse, 7
Miller, Jerome "Jerry" P., 32
Miller, Jerry, 32
Mitchell, Doug, 24
Mohn, John H., 38
Morse, John W., 38
My Grandfather's War, 38
My Nine Lives, 38
'My War', 38
Myers, Lawrence "Larry", Jr., 32
Myers-Usiatynski, Claire, 34
National Archives, 12
National Museum Of The U.S. Army, 22
Nichols, William (Bill) J., 34
No Surrender, 38
Normandy, 27, 28, 29
Normandy American Cemetery, 28
Noville, 28
Omaha Beach, 28
Once Upon A Time In War, 38
Order of the Golden Lion, 1, 25, 26, 36
Our River Valley, 23
Paris, 28
Patton Monument, 28
Patton, Gen. George S., 28
Pearl Harbor, 9
Pope, Bob, 1, 2, 5, 38
Powers, Alvin T. (Bud), 34
Prisoner's Odyssey, 38
Purple Heart, 34
Rencheux Bridge, 25
Reunions, 1
Rittenhouse, George Dengler, Jr., 34
River Meuse, 7
River Our, 28
Robb, Dr. John G., 1
Rommel, 28
Rutz, Richard E., 37
Sainte Mere Eglise, 28
Salm River, 25
Schiro, Frank J., 35
Schiro, Joe, 32, 35
Schnee Eifel, 6, 7, 36
Schonberg, 28
Schuetz, Kenneth N., 34
Shadows Of Slaughterhouse Five, 38
Sheaner, Herb, 38
Sheaner, Herbert 'Mike', 2
Sheaner, Mike, 1, 2, 15, 19, 39, 40
Siegfried Line, 12
Sixth SS Panzer Army, 7
Skyline Drive, 28
Smallwood, Fredrick, 38
Smith, Charles W., 16
Smith, David, 2
Spangdahlem, Germany, 23
Spinella, Kathy, 1, 2, 16
St. Vith, 6, 7, 8, 12, 24, 27, 28
St. Vith, Belgium, 8
Stalag XII-A, 35
Stavelot, 28
Stockton, Dick, 33
Stoumont, 28
Sulser, Jack, 35, 36
Szpek, Ervin, Jr., 38
The Importance Of A Mini Reunion, 10
'The Last Infantry Division', 38
The Letter Box, 38
The Sitting Duck Div., 38
Tirico, Mike, 33
Trois-Ponts, 28
Utah Beach, 28
Vaessen, Marcel, 24
Vallely, Jack, 16
Vallely, Joe, 16
VBOB, 13
Vendegna, Roxanne, 16
Vietnam, 9, 22
Vietnam War, 22
Visit The 106th Association's Website!, 37
Von Manteuffel, 36
Ward, Col. John M., 16
'Warm Memories of Cold Spring', 8, 38
Warriors Of The 106th, 38
Weiss, Susan, 2, 4, 39
Welke, Brian, 1, 2
Wereth, 28
West, Jim, 1, 37
Whetzel, Carmel, 38
Wood, Janet, 1, 2
Wood, Randall, 17
Wood, Randall M., 1, 2, 9, 10
Wood, Randy, 1
Wood, Randy & Patricia, 16
Wood, Robert M., 10
World War II Memorial, 22
Wouters, Carl, 1, 5, 11, 37
Young, Damon, 14
Young, Damon F., 14
Ziegenberg Castle, 6
Ziegenhaim, 36