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Vol. 14, No. 6, Jul, 1958

President Richard DeHeer
Vice President Edward Collier
Adjutant Austin Byrd, Jr.
Treasurer Robert Kelly
Chaplain John Loveless
     The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year, which includes subscription to CUB. All material copyrighted.
Editor John Gallagher
Photographer David Brumaghin
The CUB is printed by the Busy Beaver Print Shop, Laureldale, Pa.
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 105, Blandon, Pa.

Dues Payable
     By now you have probably received the 1958-59 dues notices which were mailed the latter part of May along with convention literature and reservation cards.
     I hope that all of you will renew your membership promptly. By doing so, you can save the Association the expense of sending out reminders and second billings.
     Let's make this year even better than last. Send in your $5.00, and get your friends to do the same. The Association depends on your support.
The amount is $5.00. The address is 502 Nottingham Rd., Baltimore 29, Md.

Presidents Message
     Writing this on Memorial Day makes me think of the men to whom this day is dedicated. We of the 106th had more than our share of casualties. In K Co. four of the men are especially in my mind. Lt. Engstrom and Lt. Kantz, Jim Hewitt and Harlan Fosse. Working, eating and sleeping with these men one gets to know them very well. We were thrown together because of a war caused by greed, petty jealousies and hate. I wonder how many of us have learned anything from this experience.
     The 106th Division Association is getting along in years now, and still doing well. We started off with a bang, fell off to a slow walk but according to last year's membership roster we are still in the running. We owe it to the men who didn't return to keep these memories alive and not make the mistakes again. If we start by keeping greed and hate out of our association we are at least keeping in line.
     You have all received your notice of the reunion in Philadelphia by now. Please try and make a special effort to be there. Every member in the metropolitan area should come as Philly is very easy to get to. A few men have to come close to 1,000 miles and don't miss many reunions.
The committee has a wonderful programs lined up and should get your whole-hearted support.
Besides Marge, Ricky and I would like to see every one of you.
     If you are sure of coming, please let the committee know, as it takes the strain off, if they can count on a certain member. See you in Philly.


Hotel Bellevue-Stratford Philadelphia
July 25, 26, 27


Philadelphia in 1958
     Golden Lions will converge on the City of Brotherly Love for their 12th Annual Reunion, 25-27 July at the Hotel Bellevue-Stratford, at Broad and Walnut Streets, in the heart of the city.
     The early birds will start to arrive on Thursday, 24 July, and will be entertained that evening by the Reunion Committee. The main body will start arriving Friday morning, the 25th, for registration.
     At 1:50 P.M. that afternoon, the busses will leave the Bellevue for a tour of historic sites in the city. These will include:


    Independence Square--The City Fathers specified in their deed of 1769, that this square was "to remain a publick greene and walke forever".
    Independence Hall--Here may be viewed the Liberty Bell and the Declaration Chamber where the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.
Congress Hall--On the west side of Independence Hall; occupied by the Federal Congress from 1790 to 1800.
Old City Hall--East of Independence Hall. Supreme Court of the United States convened here 1791-1800.
Christ Church--Built in 1727--attended by George and Martha Washington and many other historical personages.
The home of Betsy Ross--credited with having made the first American flag.
Christ Church Burial Ground--grave of Benjamin Franklin.
     Friday evening-8:30 P.M. to midnight-Get-together party in the Crystal Room of the Bellevue--good fellowship, music, refreshments, reminiscences.
     Saturday morning, 26 July--Busses leave the Bellevue for tour of Valley Forge Park. To provide historical background for this tour, it should be recalled that the American Revolution was in its third year when, on December 19, 1777, an ill-fed, ragged Continental Army of some 11,000 men went into winter quarters on the bleak hills of Valley Forge. Wrote Washington: "Through the want of shoes and stockings and the hard frozen ground, you might have tracked the army from White Marsh to Valley Forge by the blood of their feet." Earthworks were thrown up as a safe-guard against possible attack by Howe's British Army, billeted in Philadelphia, 20 miles away, well fed and comfortable for the winter. Washington pitched his tent with his men, and set the shivering army working like beavers hewing trees and building huts-900 of them in all. (You will see the replicas).
     Still historical and, by coincidence, in another December--this time in the year 1944, the 106th Infantry Division, with a strength (about 13,000) greater than Washington's Continental Army at Valley Forge, went into the defensive position assigned to it in the Ardennes. So, as the Golden Lion veterans tour the site of the winter 1777-78 bivouac of the first American army to fight for independence, let them recall with pride, that they belonged to a fighting division, that helped to sustain that dearly won independence. It might be a good time for them to recall too, what Colonel R. Ernest Dupuy, who wrote the history of the 106th Division--Lion in the Way--said in his foreword: "This is the story of an American division that found itself the hard way--on the field of battle; a division whose first taste of combat came with the tidal wave of an enemy's counterblow. It is the story of American men battling against fate; rising superior to themselves in that first thirty minutes of combat which makes or breaks the soldier."
     Following an hour's tour of Valley Forge Park, busses will proceed to Wayne, Pennsylvania, a ride of about twenty minutes. There, in the beautiful, new chapel of Valley Forge Military Academy, by permission


    of the Superintendent, Lieutenant General Milton G. Walker, a memorial service for our honored dead will be conducted by Colonel Elbridge Baker, Jr., Chaplain of the Academy, and our own, John Loveless, Chaplain of the 106th Division Association. This chapel was selected as the place for this service, because Lt. Eric Fisher Wood, Jr., 589th F.A. Bn. DSC., who was killed in action, is a graduate of the Academy and his name is inscribed in the Book of honored dead of the school, in the chapel.
     After the ceremony, the group will return by bus to the Bellevue in Philadelphia for a 1:00 P.M. luncheon. The speaker will be a fighting soldier, who as a brigadier general landed on the beaches on D-day, and fought all across France and into Germany. Later, as a Major General he commanded the 28th Infantry Division, on our right in the Ardennes, when the Germans attacked on 16 December. He is Major General Norman D. (Dutch) Cota, USA, Retired. He speaks our language.
     After the luncheon, both the Division Association and the Ladies Auxiliary will hold short business meetings and elect officers. At this time the site for the 1959 Reunion will be selected. The later afternoon is free for further browsing in downtown Philadelphia. The ladies are reminded that Philadelphia stores are closed on Saturday. If they plan any shopping it should be done on Friday.
     Saturday evening at 7 o'clock in the Burgandy Room of the Bellevue, the annual dinner will be held. At this time the new officers and the members of the Board of Directors will be presented. From 9:00 p.m. until midnight dancing will be enjoyed in the same room to the music of Wayne Barrie and his orchestra--one of Philadelphia's best.

For details on any of the above or for additional information please contact your convention committee:
General Leo T. McMahon, 8 N. Union Street, Middletown, Penna.
Alan Dunbar, 4701 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Penna.
Clayton Rarick, Box 25, Blandon, Penna.
John I. Gallagher, 4003 Frances Street, Temple, Penna.

     For those attending the convention and desire to see our far western baseball teams in action, you can do so at Connie Mack Stadium.
July 23, 24 San Francisco Night games
July 25, 26 Los Angeles Night games
July 27 Los Angeles Day game

     Anyone desiring tickets to any of Philadelphia's activities, will you please contact a member of our convention committee. We have received a request to have available tickets for TV Bandstand, a dance for young people.
As your host for your stay in Phila. it is our desire to make your visit as pleasant as possible.

     Jack Gillespie is investigating the possibilities of having next year's reunion in the Chicago area. Will discuss in detail at this year's convention. Your suggestions will be appreciated.


Convention Registration
Your convention committee is happy to report that we have received the following registrations:
General Alan W. Jones and wife
General Leo T. McMahon and wife
Austin L. Byrd, Jr. and guest
Richard Nethers and wife
Clayton Rarick, wife and guest
John Kraljic and wife
Joseph A. Dechiara
Charles Kalal and wife
Charles N. Flodin
Jim Wells
G. J. Faber, wife and child
Parents of Ernest Caporale (killed in action)
Alan Dunbar
John Gallagher and wife
Dick DeHeer, wife and son
Joseph C. Matthews, Jr., wife, child
Dr. James I. Clark
Theodore Lada and wife

The picture of the Liberty Bell courtesy of Phila. Convention Bureau. Mr. Eugene Hosmer, Manager.

New Members
R. W. Peterson - I/423; 2819 W. Keim Dr. Phoenix, Arizona
Charles Kalal, 3708 Morton Ave. Brookfield, Ill.

Personal Notes
     ARLAN DIETRICH, College Gardens, Kutztown, Pa., 81 Engr., Clerk teller with the Farmer's Bank of Kutztown. Married. Three sons and one daughter.
     MAHLON O. EARLE, JR., 23 Morgan Pl., North Arlington, N. J., Starting second year in the electrical and heating contracting lousiness. Married., Three children.
     R. W. PETERSON, 2819 W. Keim Dr., Phoenix, Arizona, I 423. Assistant Cashier of Loan Service Department at First National Bank of Arizona.
     LAWRENCE GUBOW, 20100 Braile, Detroit 19, Michigan.., Estelle and Larry plan to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary this year by returning to the site of their honeymoon in Mexico. Larry also will be in Los Angeles, Calif. for a business meeting. This along with attending the Phila. convention will most likely make them the most traveled couple in the Association.
     BERNARD F. KILLIAN, P. 0. Box 577, Marthon, Florida. Taking a vacation for a year, prior to retiring semi-permanently. Moved down to the Florida Keys where the Yankee dollar keeps us green. almost the year around. C'mon down, fellas and let's go sailfishing in the blue gulfstream. Fish bite all the time, next best thing to Acapulco, Mexico. Bernie has offered his services to the 106th to do whatever he can to keep our association intact.
     JAMES WELLS, Hephzibah, Georgia. Jim reports that his business at the present time is better than the past years. He is looking forward to seeing all his friends in Phila. Jim called from Augusta and offered to the convention committee his services to help contact the Engineers. Thanks much, Jim.


     As you know, in an earlier issue of the Cub, there was a picture of the proposed monument. The tower has been removed to reduce the cost. It will be necessary for us to make a definite decision on this matter at our convention.
     This monument could be erected and dedicated next year, to commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of the Battle of The Bulge. This could bring worldwide recognition to our association.

     It is the duty of every man in uniform to serve our country. It is also the duty of every citizen to serve by believing in this great land and taking an active part in its government. Shall we never forget there are those who desire to destroy us from within, may we never be their tool. There is much good and strength in America, let's not bypass it to look for weakness to condemn.
In time of trouble, such as our present economic condition, it is the duty of all to help.

     This past Memorial Day, there were buried in Arlington National Cemetery two servicemen who gave their all for our country.
     Who they are we know not, neither do we know how they died, or with whom they served. One of them may have been a member of our own 106 division. They represent all who since the time of the Revolution gave themselves to keep our land free.
     America viewed the ceremony with moistened eyes and in silence, for the lump in its throat would not permit the words to flow. Within our hearts we all prayed to God for having given our country brave men such as these.
The words on the tombs indicate these men are known but to God, but to us, they are the boys we once knew.

D - Day
     June 6, 1944 our troops landed in Normandy to begin the long struggle that would bring defeat to the German war machine.
     Fourteen years later in Arlington Cemetery the President of the new German Republic, Theodor Heuss, placed a wreath at the tomb of the World War 2 unknown soldier.
President Heuss was the first head of a foreign government to decorate the grave of the recently buried hero.
War is truly a strange business.

Lost Contact
     The following men have seen the V.F.W. and American Legion magazines notice of our convention and have written indicating their desire to attend:
Frank Doniloski, Co. A 81st Engr., 113 Ferguson St., Duryea, Penna.
Frank J. Smagala, Co. I, 424, 1013 N. Scott St., Wilmington, Delaware
Kyle M. Teel, Co. B, 422 Reg., 2832 Dalton St. Macon, Georgia
Anthony Dipadua, 755 Providence St. West Warwick, Rhode Island
Peter Krupa, 499 Grove St., Irvington 11, New Jersey
Doran Kyle, 209 W. Chestnut St. Santa Anna, California


Letters to the Editor
Dear Mr. Gallagher:
     Am writing you in regards to the 106th Div. convention in July. My son was with the 106th and was wounded first morning of the battle of the Bulge, was flown back to States, died March 12, 1945. Was to visit him and he told me how three of his buddies and a Lt. came back after dark and seen to it he got to a hospital. I also know this was against regulations, and while I did try ever since to find out the names of one or more of these men, have had no success to date. There is a retired officer living across the river from Harrisburg, but just did not want to bother him. If you can tell me just where the reunion will be held maybe I could come and meet some of those men, could be one of them may be there. My son was with Co. E, 424 Inf. Reg. P.F.C. Harold E. Witmer and trained with the 106th at Atterbury.
     Will always be grateful for the wonderful kindness these men did for my Son, so you can see just why I do want to get in touch with them if at all possible.
So will be very grateful if you can help me in any way.
Thanking you,
Anna E. Dulebohn
1827 N. 2nd Street
Harrisburg, Penna.

     PFC Witmer was wounded on 16 December, evacuated to a hospital and later sent back to US by air. He died in a hospital in Maryland in March, 1945.
     John Reynolds, Chairman of the Memorial Committee has searched his records, and General McMahon has talked with Mrs. Dulebohn in Harrisburg, but neither of them have been able to give her the names of the Lt. and men who brought her wounded son out. Mrs. Dulebohn will probably attend the reunion in Philadelphia. If any member of the company or regiment has any information, please communicate with Mrs. Dulebohn.
General Leo T. McMahon

My dear Mr. Gallagher:
We understand the 106th Infantry Division Association will convene in Philadelphia in July.
     The Evening and Sunday Bulletin, through you, extends an invitation to those attending, to tour our new building at 30th and Market Streets. This is one of the newest, most modern newspaper plants in the world and publishes the largest evening newspaper in this country.
     Guides are provided to take groups through the Building and explain the process, from the gathering of the news, to the distribution of the paper. These tours are conducted daily, except Sunday, from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. and take about one hour.

Editor's Notes
     Within the pages of this CUB I trust you will have found some name or item of particular interest to you. Your association has thru our magazine endeavored to keep you informed and to create and maintain interest in the 106. The success that has been accomplished can only be measured by your response to our constant call for help to keep our membership growing.
     May I remind you that if you have neglected to send your $5.00 dues to Austin Byrd that you do it NOW. Austin anxiously waits for the mailman everyday looking for you and your wife's renewal.


     While there has been no official action on creating a sustaining membership at $10.00 per year, some of our members have accepted the suggestion and have sent in $10.00 dues.
     This being the last CUB for the year 1957-58 may I thank all of you for your support. It was a pleasure to have served you. To all who have so kindly given of their time to send in articles deserve the credit of keeping this publication alive. I am looking forward to thanking each of you personally in Phila.
     The convention is discussed in other articles, may I say if you have not sent in your reservation card to the hotel and reply card to me will you do it now, Please?
     Articles for the Cub must be prepared and sent to the printer four or five weeks before you receive your copy. Therefore, to date of this writing, we have not had the opportunity to receive all replies from our Convention mailing.

     While we drive along the road we see posted signs to remind us to drive carefully. What is your reaction to these reminders? Do you heed the warning?
     In America we are killing 105 of our people every day; more people have died on the highways of our country then have died on all the battle fields from Lexington to Korea.
Will you help conserve our manpower by being a safe driver. All the slogans and posters are directed at you.

Proudly Presents
Their First Smash Hit
With the Brilliant Star
'Hailed by critics and public as the best
show in recent years'
May 9, 1958 at 3:00 a.m.

Producer Patrick J. O'Rourke
Associate Elizabeth O'Rourke
Technical Advisor Dr. Irving Cohen

Description of Star:
Weight 7 lb. 7 oz.
Height 19 ½ inches
Color Delightfully pink
Color of Hair Brown
Color of Eyes Blue
Voice High Soprano
Disposition Good (Wet or Dry)
Scheduled to run daily
3525 Decatur Avenue
Bronx 67, N. Y.
Watch for future O'Rourke productions!

When a man sings his own praises, he invariably gets the tune too high.

Yesterday is a cancelled check. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is the only cash you have--SPEND IT WISELY.

Sailor: "I can't marry you. We have nothing in common. Why, you wouldn't even know port from starboard."
Girl: "Well, I could look at the label on the bottle.


Index for: Vol. 14, No. 6, Jul, 1958

Index for This Document

100th Inf. Div., 11
106th Div., 1, 4, 5, 11
106th Inf. Div., 4, 11
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 5, 11
28th Inf. Div., 5
424th Inf., 11
589th FA BN, 5
81st Engr., 9
Ardennes, 4, 5
Baker, Col. Elbridge, 5
Brumaghin, David, 1
Byrd, Austin, 1, 12
Byrd, Austin L., 1, 7
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 1, 7
Caporale, Ernest, 7
Clark, Dr. James I., 7
Collier, Edward, 1
Cota, Maj. Gen. Norman D. (Dutch), 5
DeChiara, Joseph A., 7
DeHeer, Dick, 2, 7
DeHeer, Richard, 1
Dietrich, Arlan, 7
Dipadua, Anthony, 9
Doniloski, Frank, 9
Dulebohn, Anna E., 11
Dulebohn, Mrs., 11
Dunbar, Alan, 5, 7
Dupuy, Col. R. Ernest, 4
Earle, Mahlon O., 7
Engstrom, Lt., 1
Faber, G. J., 7
Flodin, Charles N., 7
Fosse, Harlan, 1
Gallagher, John, 1, 5, 7
Gallagher, John I., 5
Germany, 5
Gillespie, Jack, 6
Gubow, Lawrence, 7
Heuss, Pres., 9
Heuss, Theodor, 9
Hewitt, Jim, 1
Hosmer, Eugene, 7
Jones, Gen. Alan W., 7
Kalal, Charles, 7
Kantz, Lt., 1
Kelly, Robert, 1
Killian, Bernard F., 7
Korea, 13
Kraljic, John, 7
Krupa, Peter, 9
Kyle, Doran, 9
Lada, Theodore, 7
Lion In The Way, 4
Loveless, John, 1, 5
Matthews, Joseph C., 7
Matthews, Joseph C., Jr., 7
McMahon, Gen., 11
McMahon, Gen. Leo T., 5, 7, 11
Nethers, Richard, 7
Normandy, 9
O'Rourke, Catherine Mary, 13
O'Rourke, Elizabeth, 13
O'Rourke, Patrick J., 13
Peterson, R. W., 7
Rarick, Clayton, 5, 7
Reynolds, John, 11
Smagala, Frank J., 9
Teel, Kyle M., 9
Valley Forge Military Academy, 4
Walker, Lt. Gen. Milton G., 5
Wells, James, 7
Wells, Jim, 7
Witmer, P.F.C. Harold E., 11
Wood, Lt. Eric Fisher, 5