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The Cub
Vol. 54, No. 3, Apr., 1998

President's View
    It was with great sadness learned of Dan Bied's death on 25 March 1998. I took over as editor of The CUB in September 1987, after the death of Richard DeHeer who had published The CUB since 1981. I was given some old files and letters by Marjorie, his widow. Among those files was a letter from Dan Bied of West Burlington, Iowa. He had sent Dick an article about World War II that he had written for a newspaper. 1 called Dan and asked if he would consider contributing a quarterly article to The CUB. He graciously accepted and in mid-1998 his first story appeared, and has for every publication since.
    He and his stories, written in a style that reflected his Midwest exposure, shall be missed by all of us. I have published his last story in this issue on page 3. He had sent it to me a few weeks before his death. Along with that, I have reprinted the article about Dan's death that appeared in the Burlington HAWK EYE, a local newspaper. That story reflects the love of the community for our comrade Dan, a great writer, and a great friend.
    Applications for the Indianapolis Reunion appear in the "centerfold" of this issue. Please read the instructions for making reservations for the hotel - these are made directly with the hotel, and for making reservations for the 52nd Annual Reunion, through ARMED FORCES REUNIONS (AFR). They are doing a great job. I am confident that we will have a large, successful, reunion at the Adams Mark Hotel in September.
    No reservation applications will be mailed direct to you as they have in the past. The forms in this CUB will be the last ones offered for your use. Early returns on the Hotel Reservations show that this reunion will be one of the largest. Please make your reservations NOW - it will help the planning committee to prepare a great and wonderful reunion for you. The schedules are tight, and we have a lot of territory to cover during the few days we meet.
    Check the NEW MEMBER section. We have 57 new members. Thanks to Marion Ray 424/D for his special effort on the 424/D veterans bringing in 20 new ones. Read his letter on how he accomplished this and try it on your unit members.
    My Home Page is also paying off with new members, as well as 20 new prospects that called me from a one-line ad in the VFW Magazine "Reunion Section."
    As always it will be a pleasure to meet you, once again, or for the first-timers to greet you for the first time. We'll be back home in Indiana. I returned there, to Terre Haute, Indiana, after being liberated. I returned to my wife and a ten-month-old son, the first of three.

Hoosierland brings back lots of memories ....... John Kline, President/editor

John P. Kline, President/Editor
106th Infantry Div. Assoc. - 1997-98
"M" Company, 423rd Infantry Regiment
11 Harold Drive
Burnsville, MN 55337
(612) 890-3155


The CUB of the Golden Lion


    William Manchester's book, Good-bye Darkness contains memoirs of his World War II experiences. The author reveals his troublesome nightmares of the war, as well as his overpowering sense of irrevocable loss. These emotions led Manchester to return to those Pacific Islands when once he fought and where thousands of our generation lost their lives. It was Manchester's return to those scenes of battle that finally helped restore him, and ended his nightmares.
    In the late 70's Manchester went back because he felt compelled to revisit the Pacific. He said that he also went to "try to find what I had lost out there and retrieve it." He did find some sense of peace but the Lost was irretrievable,
    Perhaps what we "Child Warriors" lost can never be fully retrieve, naiveté, innocence, reverence for life, confidence in man's essential goodness. Overnight, all that changed. Overnight youngsters had to come to terms with death... their buddies' death and their own death... for death rather than life suddenly became the prospect, the outlook for each new day, That which we lost, we replaced with cocksureness, arrogance, pride and contempt that masqueraded sometimes as maturity, sometimes as bravado, sometimes indifference. But that masquerade was a superficial and deceitful masquerade of youth who had not yet even lived. Most hadn't yet experienced life... hadn't fallen in love... nor shared the subtle beauty of its intimacies; the depths of its emotions. Death betrayed our hopes for life. Our masquerade and cocksure facade eventually had to break down. Manchester's eventually did! Yours did! Mine did!
    How difficult it can be to understand ourselves and the impact of tragedies and trauma upon our lives Manchester said that his struggle finally enabled him to "introduce myself to myself."
    But it is not only wartime experiences that impact us in such a way. All through life we repeatedly face difficult situations which threaten to defeat us, or undo us, or punk us... and which we struggle and often fail to understand. Religious folks often try to explain this with simplistic, yet un-satisfying answers,
    Yet to the person of faith, God does offer help. The writer of Proverbs reminds us not to lean upon our own understanding. But Job 38:8 promises boldly: "It is the Spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that gives understanding..
    To the person of faith comes the Scripture's promise that we can he "filled to the measure of all the full-ness of God.. Who can imagine being so Spirit-filled? And would Spiritual "fullness" bring us a deeper understanding of many of life's enigmas? The Book of Job answers with a resounding -yes,-
    There is much in life's experiences that we may never fathom, but the person of faith does know that some-how God weaves together all of life's experiences. He weaves together the nice ones and the not-so-nice ones into a tapestry that ultimately reduces good for those who are faithful to their God. The Scripture says it in the words: "All things work together for good to them that love God..."
    We truly begin to understand what that means only when we add one more experience to those that have gone before... the experience in which we invite the Spirit of God to come and dwell within.

    PRAYER: Come, Spirit of God, come. Enter our lives. Free us from our yesterdays. Give us strength to carry on. Bind us close together that we may rejoice with one another's joys and weep with one another's sorrows. Help us to understand that we who have shared so much are your people into whom you long to breathe new life. Amen.

Dr. Duncan Trueman, 424/AT
29 Overhill Lane, Warwick NY 10990



Historian, jazzman Bied dies
From The Hawk Eye
Burlington, Iowa, March 26, 1998
By Chris Roberts
The Hawk Eye

Front page photo credits to Darrin Phegley/The Hawk Eye
    On those long walks that Dan Bied and Bobby Wilson used to take together every morning, they talked about the future, the past and everything in between.
    He said often, 'I've lived a full life and if I go, there isn't anything I want to do that I haven't done,'" said Wilson, who had been one of Bied's closest friends for nearly 40 years.
He had a zest for life."
    Dan Bied died Wednesday March 25, 1998 in an Iowa City hospital. He loved Burlington and Burlington loved him back. He wrote 12 books of local history and completed a series of paintings featuring local highlights.
Maybe the only things he loved more were his wife, Millie, and jazz.
    Millie came first. She'd been set up on a blind date nearly 25 years ago by a couple who thought they would be great together, even if she didn't know much about jazz.
"Dan didn't know what I looked like, so when he called, I said 'Did they tell you I weigh 300 pounds?'" she said.
    He suspected she was kidding, but just in case, he'd arranged to borrow his mother's car so he could take her down to Fort Madison for their first. and probably only, date.
"When he figured it out, he called and said. I've reserved three stools for us at Van's Lunch Box.'" she said.
That sense of humor won him friends.
    "He had this wicked sense of humor," said Lloyd Maffitt, another longtime friend and former Hawk Eye coworker. "You had to be around him. He wasn't loud about it, he didn't go out cracking jokes all the time, but he was extremely clever and extremely amusing."
He also was extremely interested in jazz.
    "His sister took him down to Keokuk to the Lake Shore, a club down there that was right on the river," said jazz musician Jim Manard repeating a story he'd heard Bied tell. "George Coleman was playing down there, and it was the first time he'd ever heard jazz piano played. He was impressed by it and it followed him the rest of his life."
Once he had heard jazz, there wasn't much else he wanted to listen to.
    "His ideals were Ike Eisenhower, who was his commander at the Battle of the Bulge where he got taken as a prisoner of war, Bennie Goodman, Duke Ellington and Stan Kenton," Wilson said.
"Every Sunday, he'd listen to Stan Kenton. Sunday was his Stan Kenton day," he said.
From a fan's start. Bied educated himself in jazz, spending nights in Gulfport. III., when it was a jazz Mecca,

PHOTO: Dan Bied "A" Co., 422nd Infantry
21 NOVEMBER 1926 - 26 MARCH 1998
108 Leffler Street, West Burlington, IA 52655
Tele: (319) 762-6708



traveling to Chicago, St. Louis, anywhere the music was being played.
    He began writing about it, eventually becoming a correspondent for jazz magazines and newsletters and writing his 12th book, The Jazz Reader.
    In 1996, he was named the first Burlington Viceroy of Jazz at the Jefferson Street Jazz Festival. He had helped start that event in I 992 in an attempt to relive the glory days of Steamboat Days back when it used to play jazz.
    "When we did the jazz fest, he was the first viceroy, which he regarded truly as one of the greatest accomplishments he had. I remember him saying he had never been recognized as jazz in his own home town, and he was thrilled about being recognized," said John Loeschen, a jazz musician who is coordinating the 1998 fest.
    "He always said he was never a musician, he just wrote about it, but he had such a musical ear. I remember one time he told Jim Manard, a pianist in the band, that as Jim was getting older he didn't play as loud. And Dan liked it that way."
That didn't bother Manard.
    "Dan was a person that had a lot of heart and was so creative in everything that he did. He had a desire to excel in everything that he did ... his painting and his writing and his interest in jazz was monumental."
    Bied began painting while a student at Burlington High School, and continued on and off throughout his life. He is probably best known for a painting of Snake Alley that was on the cover of the old Suburban Club menu, a restaurant his sister used to own out on U.S. 34.
    "He was one that started a lot of pictures, and if he wasn't in the mood to finish it, he didn't," Wilson said. His Snake Alley was printed in the Des Moines
Register and is also probably the most distributed."
    He was devoted to the Red Cross because he remembered all their assistance during his prisoner of war days. He'd been a rifleman with the 106th Infantry Division at the Battle of the Bulge, where he was captured and sent to a German coal mine.
"Have you ever seen his book ‘Hell on Earth'?' That's about it," Wilson said.
    Upon returning home after the war, he worked at KBUR and The Hawk Eye from 1955 to 1967 before leaving for 21 years at Mason and Hanger.
But at Millie's urging he kept writing, mostly books about local history.
"He'd be in here all day," said Burlington Public Library reference librarian Susie Guest.
His books, his painting, his journalism, his travels ... all were driven by his passion for life.
On another one of those morning walks, he confided in Bobby Wilson.
"He said, `I'd be satisfied if on my tombstone it just read, He Tried To Communicate.' " Wilson said.
Tuesday's Chicago Jazz Ensemble concert at the Memorial Auditorium will be dedicated to his memory.

From West Burlington, Iowa....
In memory of Dan, His Last Story, presented for the CUB just prior to his death. (editor, J Kline.)
    My wife, Millie and 1 have been to the Eisenhower Museum & Library three times and may go again if we are anywhere near Abilene, Kansas.
We noted some additions last year, including a sculpture work of a typical Battle



of the Bulge GI. He looks weary, cold and realistic enough to start griping out loud. (See GI Photo on page 31)
Other exhibits include one of Ike's staff cars and. of course, examples of the guns used in combat across the ETO.
    I bought a few soft-cover books in the gift shop, including one with perhaps the most unusual photo of a high-level World War II hero I've seen. It is a full page shot of Ike relaxing in Hawaii in 1946, certainly during his glory. days, He is in uniform in the photo, but not wearing any medals.
    The book's foreword was written by Stephen Ambrose. the author of several Eisenhower books. He mentions that Ike gave the nation eight years of peace and prosperity and that "no other president in the twentieth century could make that claim."
Eisenhower is quoted as saying "the US never lost a soldier or a foot of ground" during his presidency.
BERLIN: There is still some controversy, about whether the US or Russia should have taken Berlin in May, 1945.
    Several of Ike's generals favored a US dash to Berlin, I've read. but Eisenhower himself and Gen. Omar Bradley were opposed.
    Ike asked Bradley for an estimate of the cost (in men) of taking Berlin. "About 100,000 casualties,- Bradley replied, going on to say that would be "a pretty stiff price to pay for a prestige objective, especially when we've got to fall back and let the other fellow take over."
    Bradley was, of course, referring to the Yalta Conference agreement that called for Germany to be divided into zones of occupation after the war, and Berlin into sectors. If we had somehow beaten the USSR to Berlin we would still have had to give up half the city, to the Red army.
    Eisenhower wrote that if the Americans had tried to win the race to Berlin the Russians would have won. Our Ninth and First armies were 400 kilometers from Berlin in the Spring of 1945 while the Red forces were on the banks of the Oder River, less than 100 kilometers from the city. The Reds had 1,250,000 troops Just east of Berlin at that time.
    Ambrose has pointed out, also, that Eisenhower's goal was to win the war and end the carnage as soon as possible. Every day the war went on meant more death for slave laborers in Germany, Ambrose pointed out, for concentration camp inmates and for Allied POWs.
    SEA ROBIN: Bill Reyenga of Hope, Ark., who served with the 423rd Medics, wrote to mention that he and I were both on a merchant ship, the ‘Sea Robin', on the joyful trip from France to the US in June, 1945.
    We were also bunking in the posh Arlington Hotel at Hot Springs late that summer and, after that, were at Fort Lawton, Washington, before being discharged.
Yet we've never met.
    "I worked in the Special Services office in the gym at Fort Lawton," Bill reported. "This is where the GIs returning from the Pacific turned in their clothing and supplies."
    I was running a duplicating machine to cut orders for GIs headed home. Their paperwork, I mean, that listed names, addresses, dates, etc.
Hopefully, Bill and I will meet Indianapolis at our reunion in September.
DRAFTEE: Someone asked me a while back if I was drafted in World War II or if I enlisted.
I've been asked that before, always suspecting that the guy quizzing me might



figure an enlistee would be more heroic than a draftee.
    "I was drafted,- I said, But I went on to point out that, as I recall it, most of the enlistees around Southeast Iowa wanted slots in the Navy, Air Force or Marines. Some of them wanted no part of the Army.
    I did hope for a Signal Corps assignment after entering the Army in January, 1944, a month after I turned 18. I wound up in a radio-infantry outfit at Camp Wolters, Texas.
    Many of my radio classmates were "hams" who knew as much (or more) about radio as our instructors. I got a passing grade and could have gone to Fort Benning for advanced training.
    Instead, I opted for rifle company duty and "found a home" in the 106th, Some-where along the line, I believe, someone in the Army warned me to "never volunteer.- I was 18, though, and didn't need any advice.
Dan Bied 1925 – 1998

Shattered trunks and branches
littered the forest floor. The Pine
tree trembled, whispered "I will
rise once more."

Standing by itself, riven, and
black with smoke, "Man plays
with fire; I will rise," a promise
from the Oak.

I heard their lesser sisters in the
forest sigh, "We only know to lift
our branches to the sky."

In the shell-torn meadow, a mur-mur
from the grass, "I am Earth's
great healer; all this shall pass."

3d edition - new poems added
Book of poems from World War II memories.
61 pages - $8 ppd
    by: Dale R. Carver Poet Laureate of the 106th Infantry Division Assoc. Silver Star recipient 1945 424th Headquarters A&P Platoon Leader 742 Druid Circle Baton Rouge, LA 70808 504-767-3111


Front & Center

    My apologies for a late "May" CUB. I didn't plan it that way, it just happened. We moved out of a town home last October into a one-level residence. In doing so we acquired eleven trees, three have been taken out since. Five of them are huge Oak trees. one is 140 years old, the other Oaks not too many years behind.
    As Spring approached it was "clean up time" for the debris left from the winter. It seems that Oak trees never drop their leaves all at once. Of course regular yard work continued. Things were going nicely then we decided to paint and wallpaper all seven rooms. Just as the painters were vacating the premises, on May 15, a terrific storm hit us. This produced 21 five bushel bags of debris, a house with damaged siding and two cars with hail damage. The family car, a 1992 Cutlass Supreme, $2,600 damage and my 1989 Sundance $2,500 damage. The Sundance was declared a "Total" and I purchased it back from salvage. The dents don't bother me, it was my father's car. He died four years ago, at the age of 93, and the little Sundance was his favorite.
    Then on Saturday night, May 30 at 10:45, a straight line wind storm with winds up to 80 miles per hour, and downbursts of over 100 mph hit the Metro area. Over 500,000 people were without electricity for days. The storm hit so fast that we did not go to the basement. When we woke up Sunday morning we saw destruction all around us. Our property, including all trees, was intact. Nothing but leaves and small limbs in the yard. The neighbors across the street, all along the block, had lost nearly thirty trees, then in the next block north, it was like us - slight damage. These jet-like downbursts caused irregular damage. One block clean, the other cut to ribbons. Property damage to Burnsville, MN (a small city of 23,000 homes was estimated at nearly 11 Million

PHOTO: John Kline, 423/M, editor, The CUB
Home Page:
11 Harold Drive, Burnsville MN 55337
Telephone 612-890-3155

dollars. Over 2,500 trees damaged or uprooted. The storm traveled east into Wisconsin causing severe more damage.
All this a "part" of the excuse for a late Spring (April-May-June) Cub magazine.
    The other part of the excuse is - I have never in many years enjoyed a Spring like this one. We love our new location (a house built in 1962) and yard so much. I didn't think I missed puttering in the yard all these years, but obviously I have. It is hard to tear yourself away from the three season porch (we eat breakfast, lunch and dinner there) to go downstairs in the basement and punch computer keys. As a result, this issue does not contain the -Major" story about the 424th Infantry Regiment. The main excuse is I did not get all the text work together to do justice to the stories furnished. Sorry, but time got away....



    This 496 page, four color laminated cover, book - for you new members - 1991,een a best seller since 1991. It is crammed with information about the Division, interesting stories from CUBs published sine 1946 through mid-1991. Over 2,300 printed. There are less than 90 copies of this book left.
    It would help to conserve the history of the 106th Infantry Division if you would purchase copies of the book and place them in your local library. If you do, please paste a sticker on the inside cover to tell the people where it came from.
    Another good location for the book is in the library of your local Veteran's Assistance Medical Center. Or as a gift to that favorite counselor who meets with you in a POW peer group, or in a Combat Soldier group.
SPECIAL as long as they last
Two (2) books Post paid for $40.00
One (1) book Postpaid for $25.00
Jump on it -they're gonna sell
Send your money to:
Sherod Collins, Treasurer
448 Monroe Trace
Kennesaw, GA 30144

Mark your check as payment of "Books-Special Price."

Ed McGinty seeking 589/C Vets
Ed McGinty 589/C looking for info on two of his comrades.
Cliff Bowles
Lt. Tom Wright
Write Ed McGinty
3937 Old Columbia Pike
Ellicott City, MD 21043
Telephone: 4 I 0-465-0932

Since the JAN-FEB-MAR 1998 CUB
Cooper, Louis 6
Helmich, Lester 8
Reyenga, William T. 25
Merwin, Mina- dcsd husband Fred Merwin
Brown, Irving 10
Barnes, L. Preston 90
424/D vets ( see New Members column) 130

OLD CUBS, Memorabilia
    I receive request for copies of. old CUB's often. I appreciate those of you that have sent me your old ones. Some are from the family of deceased members, some from current members who wish to share..

    THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO SENT OLD CUBS Your offerings were very generous. I have received several boxes and packets of CUB's the last several months
Earl Parker, 423/E
Earl Scott, 589/HQ
Florence Bickford, Associate
Jacques Bloch, 422/K
George W. Strong, 423/HQ
Hayward Jenkins, 422/G
Glynn Raby, 423 /HQ 1BN
Patrick ‘Pat' Gioia, 422/G
Paul Trost, 423/H
Al Asher, 423/K
Robert M. O'Neill, 422/G
If I missed any of you, my apologies, please drop me a note and I will list your name in the next CUB
    I can members, use old CUB's for new members. Also, Carlisle Barracks Museum are missing some old issues. Their set is not complete, but, am filling them in as we go.

J. Kline, editor


Front & Center …

Eric Fisher Wood Monument
An e-mail to John Kline
by Ronald E. Tschiegg
a 1952 graduate of the Valley Forge Military Academy, Wayne, Pennsylvania.
    Stan Wojtusik one of your members, from G Company, 422" Infantry Regiment is an active member of the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge. He was instrumental, along with others, in siting the Battle of the Bulge Monument at the edge of the parade field of the Valley Forge Military Academy and College. located in Wayne. PA. It is a very imposing monument and has drawn quite a few visitors to the Academy.
    You may want to tell the 106th veterans of the Battle that they and their families and friends are always welcome at the Academy. Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge are always welcome at Valley Forge.
    On Wednesday, 25 March 1998, four people associated with the Valley Forge Military Academy and College, Eric Wood's alma mater, visited the monument east of St. Vith. located about 2.1 km north of the St. Vith-Schonberg road. We were surprised to find fresh flowers at the base of the monument indicating that the Belgian citizens of the area and perhaps the Battle of the Bulge Society in Belgium are looking after the Wood monument on a regular basis.
    On Friday, 27 March 1998, the Regimental Band from the Valley Forge Military Academy and College, along with the President, RADM Virgil L. Hill, Jr.. the Chaplain BG Alfred A. Sanelli, members of the Alumni Association, parents, friends totaling 137 visited the American Cemetery at Henri Chapelle, Belgium for a memorial retreat ceremony. Also present were Belgian and American veterans of the Battle of the Bulge. The Valley Forge group came to Henri Chapelle to honor one of their own. Lt. Eric Fisher Wood, '37, DSC. Following opening prayers and a hymn by the Band, reading were performed by contemporaries of Wood, each followed by a hymn played by the Band. RADM Hill spoke and connected Eric Wood and his accomplishments at Valley Forge, at Princeton, in the service of his country to the cadets of today. The citation for the DSC award was read to the assembled group, the Band played the Alma Mater, the Band played "To the Colors" and then "Retreat" followed by the national anthems of Belgium and the United States. The buglers played "Taps" with a haunting echo "Taps" coming from the woods far away. The flag was lowered, folded and presented to the school to bring back to Valley Forge where it will be presented to the Eric Fisher Wood Chapter of the National Honor Society at a formal ceremony in May at Homecoming. Thus endeth the service.
    The Valley Forge entourage then gathered at the grave site of Eric Fisher Wood and pictures were taken of contemporaries of Wood, then the Alumni group present, then the members of the National Honor Society and their advisors. This was a very meaningful service for the Valley Forge family and I think it really touched the cadets present who prior to this event just had heard of Eric Fisher Wood and had no idea what his story was all about. One cadet asked me how old Wood would be today had he lived. I told him about 78 years. He was shocked and disbelieving. I reminded him that the war dead were forever young.
    The beautiful Battle of the Bulge Memorial is sited at the Valley Forge Military Academy in Wayne, Pennsylvania, and all veterans and their families and friends are cordially invited to visit Valley Forge, preferably in the Spring and fall during school and on weekends when there is likely to be a brilliant Regimental Review to watch on the parade fieldjust adjacent to the memorial site.

Ronald E. Tschiegg (VFMA '52) 2293
Forest Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15235


Front & Center

MY HIROSHIMA A Personal Epic
In memory of his brother Robert J. Schoeck, 1st Lt USAF.
Lost in South Pacific March 20, 1944-- and lost comrades in The Paratroops and 106 Signal Company

92 pages - Was honored as Co-Winner of First Place 1996 Mellen Poetry Prize
$14.95 (ISBN 0-7734-2846-1) Mellen Poetry Press
Lewiston, New York
On the Web:

PHOTO: Richard J. Schoeck, 106 Signal Company
    His publications include several hundred articles, papers, addresses and a number of edited volumes. His own volumes include books on Sir Thomas More and Erasmus - with two-volume biography of Eramus published at Edinburgh in 1990-1993 - as well as two collections of poetry. A Raging ainst Chaos I(London. 1989) and The Eye of a Traveller (Mellen Poetry Press 1992)


    The focal point of the epic poem is the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, from the planning to the after effects. Schoeck backgrounds the story of the bombing against the years of building up the Army from approximately 200,000 in 1940 to the high point in 1945. He himself was Regular Army and served from 1940 to 1946, the middle part of which service was the 106th Signal Companyat Fort Jackson, Tennessee, and Camp Atterbury, Indiana. Schoeck accepts the strategic arguments for the use of the untested atom bomb on Hiroshima, but he questions the need for (and the morality of) the bombing of Nagasaki only three days later. The book concludes with "so-what" and "where-do-we-go-from-here" questions (comments by author)

    In a recent e-mail from a friend of the 106th Infantry Division. Major Jeffrey Alfier, Rainstein Air Force Base, Germany, he said " I have to quote "Shakespeare's MacBeth"
    John, after reading your War Diary and the description of your emotions on the first night "on-line" where you said, " I can personally confirm that a snow covered tree stump can move -That is if you stare at it long enough. - and if you are a young nineteen year old squad leader peering, into the darkness. toward the enemy, through the machine gun bunker slit."
    That sounds like something from MacBeth "... As I stand my watch upon the hill, I looked ... , and anon me-thought, the woods began to move....

In Old English, "anon" means **suddenly... signed Jeff


Front & Center
It's Indianapolis in 1998
with a visit to Camp Atterbury
The 52nd Annual Reunion of the Golden Lions
September 9 - 13, 1998
We're staying at the Adams Mark Hotel near the Airport
317-248-2481 or 1-800-444-2326
$78 bucks a night, available from September 6 to 14th.
See the Hotel Registration form in this CUB.
There will be no "Direct Mailing" of HOTEL or REGISTRATION FORMS.
With this CUB is a HOTEL REGISTRATION - to be sent to Hotel
(no phone registrations will be accepted by AFR)
No registration forms will be included in the August CUB
Your Reservations must be made prior to August 7, 1998.
Nomination Chairman Edward Huminski seeking nominations for Board Members.
Six board members will be replaced this fall.
Term of office will be five years.
Send nominations to:
Chairman Edward Huminski
RR2 Box 258
Rockwood, PA 15557-9223
Be sure to send a resume' of the person you nominate.


Front & Center

Standing L/R: Bill Selge; Lou Cunningham; Bob House; Ed Katouski;
Bill Tower; Art Bosi; Ken Booz; Art LaCroix; Paul Thompson;
Dale Sweet; Jerry Marina and John Uline
Seated L/R: Jim Rodgers; Dick Beltz; Lorraine Ortner; Rudy Aittema and Les Knight
y Trooper, Paul Thompson:
    Thirty-two TROOPERS, wives, children and friends gathered in the picturesque town of Frankenmuth, Michigan October 6-8 1997. Lorraine and Butch Ortner arranged a magnificent program of eating, sightseeing and pleasant camaraderie that all enjoyed greatly. Of particular interest was the visit to the Michigan Military and Space Museum whose exhibits of famous Michigan warriors, Medal of Honor recipients and Astronauts are displayed.
    An inspirational service was held at St. Lorenz's and brought to our minds our buddies who were no longer with us. Between these there were banquets at Zehnders, world famous for their chicken dinners, and at the Bavarian Inn - both served "Family Style." This is Germany as it should be experienced; a far cry from our experiences of 50 plus years ago.
Next reunion - Albuquerque. May we all remain in good health and get together again.



Front & Center

    A Special meeting of the Pittsburgh area 106th Inf Div members was held at the Highland Drive VAMC, by Rick Canavan, VSVV, VA Social Worker.
Dateline: January 29, 1998:
Comments by John Kline, Editor; Photo by Pittsburgh Highland Drive VAMC:
    On my way to visit The Fort Indiantown Gap, Reenactment of the Battle of the Bulge, I was privileged to meet with, and discuss my experiences as CUB Editor with this group.
L/R First row: Pete Yanchik, 423/A; Francis Stepnick, 422JE; Dave Peters, 422/1<;
John Kline, CUB Editor, 423/M and James Ulrich, 423/Medics
    Left/Right both back rows, with their heads so evenly spaced: Fran Langham, 423/B; Robert Weising, 423/L; John Hopbell, 422/G; George Vance, 422/AT; Ed Huminski, 424/F; Harry Koluezez, 423/HQ; Bernie Smith, 589/FA; Guy Ussia, Unit unknown; Dick Rigatti,
Past-president, 423/B; Joe Maloney, 424/HQ; Mike Honkus, 422/L; Howard Lowenberg,
423/E; Andy Zalorsky, 423/?; Frank Lapato, 422/HQ; Sam Cramer, 423/E; Al Yelochan,
422/HQ; John Pellish, 422/G; Clarence Ungerman, 589/HQ.
Count them! - 23 106ers, looking pretty good!

Jack Sulser, (423/F), Washington Liaison Officer Reports
Washington World War II Memorial...
    The Fine Arts Commission this week approved the revised design for the WWII Memorial. Four veterans organizations, including the American Legion, as well as Congresswoman Marcy Kaptor (who first introduced the bill into Congress authorizing the Memorial) testified in its favor. The prominent site on the Mall was specifically confirmed. The next hurdle in the DC Planning Commission, which will consider the new design in early June and has promised a decision in early July.


Front & Center

Presidential appointments 1997-1998
** (double asterisk means look on another committee for address)
Adjutant Pete House 5700 Clifton Ave Jacksonville. FL 32211
904-724-83 16
Adjutant-backup Gordon Pinney
60 Pinney Rd, Whitney, NE 69367 308-665-1785
Chaplain Dr. Duncan Trueman 29 Overhill Lane Warwick, NY 10990 914-986-6376
Membership Chairman Marion Ray
704 Brianvood Dr Bethalto. IL 62010 OIR 377 34114
Scholarship Committee insurance Committee 2nd Vice -John Gregory 4624 Ashton Dr, Sacramento, CA 95864 916-481-1141
Memorial Chairman Dr. John Robb
238 De Vore Drive Meadville, PA 16335 $14431-6164
Atterbury Representative O. Paul Merz
1344 Norfolk Circle Indianapolis, IN 46224 117-74,0749
Budget Committee Past Pres. Richard Rigatti 113 Woodshire Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15215 412-781-8131
Sherod Collins
Richard Brax 14 Porter Street Quaker Hill. C1' 06375 701-441-1685
Nominating Committee
Edwin Huminski RR 2 Box 258 Rockwood, PA 15557
Order of the Golden Lion And 1999 Reunion Russell H. Villwock 8560 W Foster Ave Norridge, IL 60656 708-457467R
Cub Editor John Kline 11 Harold Drive Buntsville, MN 55337 612-890-3155
Cub Editor - backup Hal Taylor 2172 Rockridge Dr Grand Junction, CO 81503 970-245-7807
Budget Committee
Sherod Collins. Treasurer 448 Monroe Trace Kennesaw, GA 30144 770-928-3207
St Vith Representative Dr. Richard Peterson Ph,D, 1285 Rubenstein Cardiff by the Se. CA 92007 fil94,1713
Mini-Reunions 1st Vice John Swett 10691 E Northern Crest Dr., Tuscon. AZ 85748 520-722-6016
Resolutions Committee Alan W. Jones. Jr.
9100 Belvoir Woods Pky #223 Ft Belvoir VA 72060
Scholar ship Committee
John Gregory
Washington Liaison and 1998 Reunion Jack Sulser
917 N Ashton St Alexandria, VA 22312 703-354-0221

    Major Steven M. Rusiecki, Heidelberg, Germany, is an email friend of your editor. He is the "speechwriter" for the Commanding General of U.S. Army, Europe. His boss is also commander of the Stabilization Force in Bosnia. Steve travels constantly to Sarajevo in his work. Here is a request from Steve..
    "I received a nice letter yesterday from Mr. William Stahl, a 106th vet and member of the association, requesting that I sign his copy of my book, "The Key to the Bulge: The Battle for Losheimergraben". Mr. Stahl isn't the first 106th veteran to inquire about my book. If you like, you can advertise the book in The Cub or on e-mail (I don't make much money from it due to my military position, so I'm not trying to ask for free advertising for ultimate profit). The book went into a second printing and is available on the Web at or from the Greenwood Publishing Group, 88 Post Road West, PO Box 5007, Westport, CT 06881-5007. Tele: 1-800-225-5800. The book is $55, and my full name as the author is Stephen M. Rusiecki.
    "I would be glad to sign anyone's book. I think the CRIBA folks just published an ad for it as well. Lots of Belgian orders - which is good to know."
Great to hear from you, John . Take care. Sieve Rusiecki


Front & Center

PHOTO: Brooklyn "Key" Chapter of New York - American EX-Prisoners of War
    Three hardy 106th Infantry Division veterans, marching in Brooklyn. New York, Memorial Day Parade. Monday. May 25, 1998.

    Carrying the Banner are Left: Leonard Parente, 423/G; Right: Michael Cunningham, 424/M and behind the banner, Chapter Commander -Salvatore Grasso, Service Company, 423rd Regiment (Salvatore furnished photo) If it looks dark - it was. He said, "We hadn't gotten that wet since 1944, it was like a cloud burst, but like true Infantrymen, we marched all the way - over 1.5 miles"

    Armed Forces ReunionsInc. (AFR), the professional veterans' convention management organization that is handling our 1998 Reunion, has solicited proposals from several hotels in a variety of locations which could serve as sites for our year 2000 54th Annual 106th Infantry Division Association Reunion.
We have so far received detailed and specific offers from:
    (a) The St. Louis (Missouri) Airport Marriott for September 7-11 @ $75-$78 per (single or double) room, depending on which night we would hold the banquet/dance.
    (b) the Houston (Texas) Sheraton Astrodome for either September 3-10 or September 24-October I @ $78 per room (or $82 with free airport shuttle service at peak hours), and
    (c) the Hilton at Cherry Hill (New Jersey) across the Cooper River from Philadelphia with a view of the Philly skyline for September 24-October 1 @ $89 per room.
    All of these offer the usual hospitality and meeting rooms at no additional cost and access to local sights and attractions. In addition, AFR has indicated that we may still expect to receive offers from the Hampton/Norfolk (Virginia) and Washington DC areas.
    The proposals will be circulated to your Board of Directors for consideration prior to the Indianapolis Reunion with a view toward making a recommendation for the membership to vote on at the Business Luncheon on September 11.
    In the meantime, members of the Board would welcome your comments on these possible sites. Jack Sulser, Reunion Coordinator 1998
Send any comments to John Kline, 11 Harold Drive, Burnsville, MN 55337-2786


106th Division
-The Golden Lions -

    Please note: The PX is a new service offered to the members and families of the 106th Infantry Division Assn. 20% of all profits are returned to your association. We ask for your support.
1. 106th Division 2'/2* Patch . S2.50 ea.
Nonly,p2,ng & handling on this item only,..,,.,..
2. 106thS6,50sion Assn 4' PatchS8,00.ea,.3,6.50 ea. w/ciutch back S8.00 ea.,,,,...,.
3. 106th Division 1, 3/S10,00atchAssn,..... $3.5w/D1v,
. 3/S10,..,,...
4. AsS1O,COll Cap w/D1v. Patch ..,,.,,..,,..,..........,ambled Eea, 5,..................... $12.00 eea,
5. Wndbreaker w/4* Patch $$3,00)e6,
S-M-L-XL (XXL & XXXL add $3.00)
6. Combat Infantry Bodge
A. Full Size Re,,...,,.,.,.,.,,,,,,,..,..,,
B. Dress MiniS7,50 ea,...........,.......ea,.7, S7.50 ea.
C. Lapel Pln . $4.50 ea$20,00
7. POea,edal
A. FuU Size Reg$8,50oea,20.00 ea.
B. Dress Miniature $8.50 ea.
C. Lapel Pin or ,ibbon $3.503/S10,00
D. Enamel Hot Pin . . S3.50 ea.
E. Bola Tle w/minl Pow Medal ..... $16.50 ea. Dress Mini,$8,50s
Regulation - call to order .$8.50 & up
6. Full size Regulat,.,,,,..,.,.,,
(fro$20,00t contractor) .............. $20.00 & up 10 Campai,....,......
MoS1,50. ready for wear ......Div,.. S1.5.,,,.,.,.,
    11. Bola Ile w/ea,th Div. Crest .......Div,$16.50 ..,,,elt Buckea,w/106th Div. Cres...,,,,.,...,.,... ,.,a$29,50tea,t .................. ... $29.50 ea.
12. Battle of the Bulge
Commemorative Meda,,,eS28,00
(Medaea, RibbonDiv,de boxed) ... S28,,,,,,.,,,
13. 106$39,50. logo Wristwatch .......... $39.50 ea.
14. Honor,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,.,.,,,...,,,,,
(Ruptured D$5,00............................. $5.00 ea.
15. Battle of the Bulge History
Book by Turner S52,50hea,
368 pages of the battle S52.50 ea.
16. ,0$10,00vea,on License
Plate Frame . $10.00 ea.
17. Ladles red/wbite/blue CrS8,50
pr,rings (pierced or clip) . ,8.50 pr.ea,
Ladles Crystal Flag Pins . *S8 50 ea.
Make check payable to: The Military Shop
Mail order to: 106Ih Div. Quartermaster
9635 W. Peoria Ave. Peoria, AZ 85345
Please allow 2 to (800) 544-9275 (for credit card orders)
4 weeks for delivery of (602) 979-0535 FAX 602-979-6711
116 = 12
Arizona Tax,dents please add
7% State Sa$25,00.Min,
Note: Credit Card
Orders - $25.00 Min.
Credit Card ir SHIPPING & HANDUNG $4.00
MC 0 AMX 0 VISA 0 Discover Expires_j_j_
    We have made available an 800 number and four credit card companies for your ordering conve-nience. Thanassociation,pporting your divQ,M.n association.
Dixon L. Poole, Q.M.


1997 December 16th Mini-Reunions...

Chicago Area - 1997
    Russell Villwock, 106th Signal, 8560 West Foster Ave, 6510, Norridge, IL, 60656 Tele: 708 -452-8628 The Chicago area members of the Golden Lion Division held their December dinner commemorating December 16th at Arvey's Restaurant in Niles, Illinois, on Saturday December 13th. A fine time was had by all, and the fellowship was great.
    Some in attendance have been coming to the dinners for over 40 years. From the northside to the south side. and to the west side. In veterans' halls, restaurants. and private homes, the attendance has been from as low as a dozen, to over 50. And each year we have gotten together to renew friendships and will continue to do so, as long as we are able.
    PHOTO: Attending this year Frank Hohenadel; Mr & Mrs Leonard Richie; Ed & Sylvia Rydzinzki; Raymond & Marie Panice: Andy & Jacky Halusak, Phillip & Orabelle Rosenthal; Lawrence Costa; Oliver & Phyllis Libman: Marshall & Mary Ann Streib; Antone Costa: Herbert & Luella Meagher; Joe & Betty Dallman; William & Lorraine Brankin; Milton & Arline Schober. Ted & Rosalie Swier; Maynard Adolphson and his daughter; and of course Russell & Jackie Villwock.


1997 December 16th Mini-Reunions...

New Jersey Area - 1997
Mrs. Carl Messina, 926 Seymour Ave, Linden, NJ 07036 - 908-486-2927
    The New Jersey area members of the Golden Lion Division held their December dinner commemorating November 16th [December 16?] at The Landmark Inn, Woodridge, NJ. As you know, Carl Mcssina passed away January 4, 1998. This report was completed by his wife, Alice. Eighty people attended.
    Attending this year: Kachadour Avedisian & Marilyn Wolfson Harry & Betsy Baird; William & Miriam Blaher, Jacques & Jean Bloch; Charles & Betty Booda; Frank Capalbo; Fred & Betty Carr; William Daly; John & Viola DiMeglio; Floyd & Marie Elston. their daughter and son-in-law Jane & Carlos Sierra; Roy & Wanda Fava; John Gallagher: Salvatore & Mary Grasso; Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Haefner; Ladonna Hoinash; Charles Kortlang; Joseph & Dorothy Krafchik; Henry Krlewski; Vincent & Antointte Locurcio; Dr. Joseph & Stella Mark; John & Anne McDevitt; William & Florence Melichar; Carl & Alice Messina: Arthur & Ruth Alice Potts; Ralph Richter; Charles Saxton and son Warner Saxton; Savatore & Grace Scalzo; Irving & Ruth Schrom; Joseph & Dorothy Scotti; Kenneth & Marion Schuetz; Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Sussman; John & Grace Starmack; Nyron & Janice Swack; Vince & Muriel Sziber, Dr. Duncan & Muriel Trueman; Mr. & Mrs. Luois Van Assen; Paul & Lucille Werkmeister: Edward & Catherine Wust; Tom Riggs & son Rory Riggs; Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Golembiewski; Leo Rossin & Mannie Cantos; Vincent Messina (Carl's son) and Kim....


1997 December 16th Mini-Reunions...

Nebraska Area - 1997
Dean & Della Sandahl, 3041 North 61st Street, Lincoln, NE 68507-2406 Telephone: 402-466-3564
    Our group met at noon on 16 December, 1997 at the Old Country Buffet, Lincoln, Nebraska for our 106th Division Mini-Reunion observing the 53rd anniversary of that fateful day, long ago!
    Attending were: Earl Kinney, 423/B, Franklin, NE (seated left in photo); Don Fletcher, 423/AT (seated right) and wife Doris Fletcher, NE; Charles Henning, 424/1 (rear left) and wife Jane Henning, Peru. NE; Harold Hawkins, 423/D (rear right) and wife Lorraine Hawkins, Omaha, NE - acting as hosts.
    Regulars that were absent were : J.B. Dresselhaus, 424/1 and wife Eileen from Lincoln, NE (J.B. W. hospitalized and we mourn his passing on 20 December I 997).; Leonard & Evelyn Tyser 423/I, Wilber. NE were ill and Sandahl's were at a family funeral.
    After a delicious meal they became so involved in reminiscing that they forgot to take a group photo. We plan to meet at the same place on 16 December 1998 and hopefully recruit more "hungry & sick" vets!
We hope to see you. John. and many of our friends in Indianapolis in September. It's great healing for us.

Bradenton, Florida Area- 1997
Lester Helmich, 2600 Belvior Blvd, Sarasota, FL 34237
    We had our Mini-Reunion in Bradenton, Florida on December 15, 1997. It was a luncheon with 23 veterans and their wives present. 13 were veterans. Everyone enjoyed the get-to-gather and the "war stories" get better every year. I think our get together may have encouraged some to give thought to attending the Indianapolis Convention in September 1998.
    Pictures follow - Lester I did not receive the photos. or they have been mis-placed. Please send another and I will put it in the next CUB

Present were (wives and guests names were not submitted):

    Richard Brokaw. 424/G; Lester Helmich. 424/I IQ: William Mangold. 331 Med/11(); Donald Keysor. 423/B Gene Saucerman. 422/D: Herbert Friedman. 590/SV: Dr. Vance Jennings. 106 Signal: John Hall. 423/SV: Gerald Meadows. 422/I Robert Eldridge. 422/G and Raymond Twardzik. 106 Signal


New Members ...

From :
704 Briarwood Drive
Bethalto, IL 62010-1168
SUBJECT: Membership Enrollments- 424/D

    An idea was passed amongst the D/424 Association Membership that it might be a good idea to bring into active membership, those known former members who were not on the active rolls. A list of the nonactive members was sent to each active member, allowing them to sponsor for membership, any non-association member, with no limit on numbers. Donors names would remain secret. Duplicate sponsorship would be credited to the current member whose letter arrived first.
    The response was overwhelming and most gratifying. Enough that we decided to include two associate memberships from the family of our Combat Commander, Capt. Robert W. Preucel, namely his widow and a son.
When it was completed, we found that the balance of donations should be put into the Association Memorial Fund
    Mr. President, the Association has 18 new members and two new Associate members. I must add that while this was going on, two of our most recent "found" former D/424 men, William G. Mize and Leonard Bruenning, mailed their applications and checks directly to me. One new member brought his wife in as an Auxiliary Member, both men contributing to the Memorial Fund.
    Mr. President, as Editor of The Cub, please list all of our new enlistments together in the CUB "New Members" column. We're proud of our new memberships and proud of the thoughtfulness of our membership. This brings the total D/424 membership count up to 40. Forty two if you count the newly acquired Associate members.
Please accept the Memorial Donations in the name of those former members who have joined The Silent Corps.

Most recently, Anthony ‘Tony' Barredo and Leon Langlois.

See you in Indianapolis! Signed Marion Ray D/424


New Members ...

COBB, ALDEN 424/D, 2701 18TH aVE FRIENDSHIP. WI 53934
ERION, VAL 424/D, RR/02, Box 161 Cass Lakc. MN 56633
Ruth is the widow of Captain Robert W. Preucel, Commanding Officer of D Company, 424th Infantry Regiment.
William is the son of Captain Robert W. Preucel, Commanding Officer of D Company, 424th Infantry Regiment.
PO BOX 145 OSBURN. ID 83849
END OF MARION RAY 424th Recruitment Display


New Members ...

ASH, RICHARD H. 424/B, 8212 GUINEVERE DR ANNANDALE. VA 22003-1378 c-mail, Rash80 6750,aol com
    I was not aware of the 106th Association until I found the 106th Web Page and corresponded with John Kline. After WWII I lost all contact with those with whom I served in Co. B. 424th.
    I was a member of the Advanced ASTP and we were attending engineering school at the University of Tennessee when more troops were needed overseas. Many of us (perhaps most of us) were transferred from U of T to the 106th at Atterbury in the Spring of 1944. I was assigned to Company B, 424th. The only other soldier that I recall accompanying me to Co. B from U of T was Ula Virgil McKibbin from Mississippi. He is now deceased. McKibbin and I were initially trained as company scouts, but before going overseas I was promoted to Sgt. of a 60 mm Mortar Squad in the Weapons Platoon.
    After crossing the Atlantic on the Aquitania our Company, perhaps Battalion? Staged at Danbury, England. Our weapons platoon was billeted above "The Angel," a pub on the town square. After crossing the channel and just prior to December 16th, Co. B was billeted at a town named Lommersweiler. We were a reserve company in a reserve battalion. On the 16th we were carted out hurriedly and rushed to the "front." My recollections of the succeeding 5 days are hazy but I recast total chaos and extreme cold. Probably because of the rush we were not property equipped or warmly dressed. As our officers perceived little tactical need for weapons platoon actions, I was pressed into duty with McKibbin as a company scout It was not long until McKibbin and I were separated from our unit and wandered in the forest seeking friendly troops. Whichever way we went we met hostile tire.
    On about December 21 or 22 we found a US Artillery Unit and we wandered into a warm tent. I took my boots off for the first time in 5 or 6 days to get my feet warm and my socks and shoes dried. It was immediately apparent that I would not be able to get my boots back on. My toes had been frozen. I was evacuated together with thousands of others through the hospital system. I was more fortunate than most, many lost toes to gangrene. I did not.
    I know there were many of us from the Univ. of Tennessee ASTP unit who came to the 106th and were assigned throughout the Division. I would particularly like to hear from any of them who were at Tennessee when I was.



BURMEISTER, ROY 589/B, 910 Riverside Drive, Holly Hill. FL 32117, 904-238-3351
    Marion Ray 424/D contacted me. I was captured 19 December 1944 and freed 30 March 1945. I was at Stalag 9-B and later at Stalag 9-A.
    I graduated Bushnell University, Lewisburg, PA. Worked as an Insurance Adjuster for 20 years, first in New York, then in Florida where I have lived since 1957. I am a LIFE members of DAV, EXPOW and now of the 106th. My closest buddy in service was ? Lubregich and Ralph Stricker (spelling on both?).


New Members ...

    I'm hazy on dates. 1 joined my unit on line just before Christmas in time for the Battle of the Bulge. Sometime later I was taken off line and went through a series of hospitals, winding up in a large General Hospital in Paris. It took me sometime to get back "home" rejoining my old outfit. We had about 75% casualties in the Bulge. I didn't know anybody and the First Sergeant wasn't really sure I belonged there. We were in the Army of Occupation and I didn't get home until February with my four battle stars and Bronze Star.
My job with Sinclair was waiting for me and so was my good wife and family. Al ls well that ends well.
    I don't know if it is important - but I got three battle stars with my old outfit and the other with the 30th Inf Div while I was working my way home from the hospital. After I got there I received a personal letter from General Eisenhower, as did every other soldier in my division, saying: Your Country owes you much." Maybe so - I was just happy to be home in one piece. (Editor's Note: Accompanying the application for Edward Cottingham was a letter from his son. It read, 'Enclosed are Life Memberships for my father, Ray Cottingham, and his old company commander, Richard Comer, whom we just located. (See Comer's new membership following this on Ray) In my e-mail conversations with John Kline, he indicated that the May edition, was late, but would contain the beginning of a series of articles on the 424th Regiment. I am sure my father and Captain Comer will be interested in these articles. All in all, this is the successful end of a 50 year search, the finding of the 106th Infantry Division Association and of the finding of Captain Comer." signed Edward Cottingham, son of Ray, 424/H.., J Kline)

    See Ray Cottingham, 424/K, above - Richard Comer was the Commanding Officer for K Company, 424th Combat Infantry Regiment, The Cottingham's have been searching for him for years, to find him living in the same state a relative few miles away, A nice story and a Happy Ending... J. Kline

    Mr. Collins, I found your name as I was browsing the Internet and found the 106th Web Site. I was in the Battalion, 424th Infantry Regiment, A&P Platoon. I am looking forward to a copy of "The CUB" and any additional information you think would be of interest to me. I have a large number of photographs of the platoon members taken at various locations, but where and when they were taken, I have no idea. Other than I know it was after The Bulge when my parents sent me a camera. I have talked with John Kline and will send photos to him for possible use in The CUB.

FRESNO. CA 93727-5336
    Born in San Francisco, I started Stanford University in February 1943, at age 17. A year later, I was inducted at the Presidio of Monterey into the Army ASTP Program just when it was disbanded, went through infantry basic training at Camp Roberts, CA and then was assigned to the 106th Division at Camp Atterbury, Ind.
As a 19-year-old private in 2nd Platoon, H Company, 2nd Battalion, 423rd


New Members ...

    Infantry, 106th Division who had only been on the front line only a few days before 5:30 a.m. on December 16, 1944. I had very little information about the overall situation. Our battalion had been in reserve in Born, Belgium before we were rushed to the front line in a blocking position on December 16, 1944.
    From out of the woods of the Schnee Eifel near Schonberg, we had reached open ground overlooking Our Valley attempting to retake Schonberg and interdict the Germans on the Auw Schonberg-Bleialf Road, but were forced back. We experienced heavy 88 shelling from both the East and west with little ammunition or food. On December 19, 1944, at 4:00 p.m. we were ordered not to shoot when the Germans came in. I thought some Germans had surrendered to us. The next command was to break our weapons and then I realized it was the other way around.
    I recently read there were so many Germans in Schonberg on December 17, 1944, that General Hasso Von Manteuffel, commander of the Fifth Panzer Army, spent the night there.
    We walked to Prum, Bitburg and to the ancient Roman town of Tier on the Moselle where we were placed in boxcars, arriving at Stalag IX B Bad Orb on Christmas, December 25, 1944. As we debarked from the 40 x 8 boxcars, I saw a German colonel with a saber scar and monocle, an archetype of a Prussian officer.
    Youthful optimism at age 19 creates unrealistic expectations about survival. On the way to Bad Orb, the line of 40 x 8 boxcars was in a rail marshaling yard in Koblenz. The rail yards were attacked by British Mosquito bombers; the lead plane dropped flares on the intended target a half mile from the line of cars. The German guards opened the boxcars, let us out, and told us to lie flat on the ground. We had eaten very little in three days, it was late at night in the winter, deep in Germany and escape was not possible. In Stephen Ambrose's book "Citizen Soldiers" a former POW is quoted as saying he did not witness a single act of kindness by the Germans. Allowing us to get out of the boxcars must be recognized because they could have kept us in the cars and let us burn if our British allies were off target.
    I was on the front line a short time, with the 18th Volksgrenadiers coming through the Losheim Gap on the left flank, and 62nd V.G. on the right, between the 106th and the 28th Division, bypassing us and coming around behind us.
    The recent CUB magazine has provided me with an insight into events of which I had only fragmentary knowledge because of the history written by the Second Battalion Commander, Col. Puett.
    Our barracks had a guard in his early to mid-50s, he was friendly in his approach and did not take action to separate the Jewish soldiers. We told him we were all Irish and Italian which seemed to satisfy him. I did not' recognize the constant danger we were in, particularly following the "kitchen" incident when a German guard was attacked and seriously injured by an American caught in an attempt to steal food. We did not know about the Malmedy massacre or that Joseph Goebbels demanded that 10,000 prisoners be killed after the Dresden Raid.
    At 9:00 a.m. on April 2, 1944, a white flag was flying on the flagpole near the main gate. At that time, an American armored vehicle broke through the gate to the cheers of the liberated "kriegies." One of our liberators wanted to taste the "kriegie" food and spit it out. I remonstrated against the disrespect for the best mush we had in months.
I was back in the U.S. on April 28,


New Members ...

    1945, and in San Francisco by VE-day. Then came the "rough" duty at the Army Ground and Service Force Redistribution Center at the Biltmore. Mar Monte and Miramar Hotels in Santa Barbara until discharged at Camp Cooke December 8, 1945. Returning to Stanford in January 1946, was idyllic.
    After law school, I married Mary Edyth Long, a graduate of U.C. Berkeley, now, in our 48th year of marriage. We raised two daughters, two sons, and have seven grandchildren. One of us always has a winner in the big game. After practicing law in San Francisco, I opened a branch office of the firm my father founded, Keith, Creede & Sedgwick in Fresno, and in 1960 started my own law practice. I am in my 26th year as a Superior Court Judge for the County of Fresno with my term ending January 2, 1999. My service with the 106th taught me never to judge a person by superficial values. You never know the extent of a person's courage until they are tested by experience we all went through.


EARLS, ERNEST 422/E, 7495 PAUL HARRIS RD, DALLAS. GA 30132, 770-4454043


    ( Editor's Note: - Daughter of Frank J. Eckert of 424/F, Nancy has taken on a great desire to learn more about the battle and war that her father fought in, She has been reading book after book on the battle. A series of e-mail letters have passed between the two of us. She writes that she joins to honor her father, a living veteran and others who fought with him, and to let others know about his war and the battle. We'll hear more from Nancy later.,,,, J Kline, editor)

    I am an e-mail buddy of John Kline. I am a twenty-four year veteran of the U.S. Air Force. I "retired" in November 1991 at the rank of Chief Master Sergeant (E-9), the highest grade in the Air Force enlisted ranks. I was stationed in Germany from 1980-1988, and being a history major in college, and just an overall history nut, I immediately became immersed in the World War II thing, even more than when I was a youngster. My dad (now deceased), was in the Army during WWII, in the 2" Infantry Division.
    I've climbed all over the hills above Schonberg, Belgium, walked almost the entire length of the road from Schonberg to St Vith (both sides), and have sat in an old foxhole on top of those hills on a dark winter night -- I had to capture some of the feeling that went through a lot of young GI's minds there, although I know doing so in peace was a lot different than it was in war. I did do my war however, in Vietnam, DaNang Air Base, August 1969-1971.
    As I have told John several times, I thanked my dad and his friends that I've met over the years for what they did in WWII, and I say that to you now. I'm proud to be associated with all of you. Thanks. Signed Ralph Hersko.


New Members ...

HALTIWANGER, DENNIE C. 424/C, 547 BRUNSWICK RD, JACKSONVILLE. FL AVE, 32216-8919, 904-724-5155
    In February 1943 I was sent from camp Blanding to Fort Jackson, SC where the 106th was being formed. I was assigned to 424/C, 2nd platoon through training. I received a promotion to Sergeant squad leader. After maneuvers I was sent to Camp Shelby, Mississippi to the 69th Infantry Division, I Company, 272nd Regiment as a Platoon Sergeant to train new men that had just been assigned to the 69th Inf. Div. In October 1944 the Division was sent to Camp Kilmer, NJ, then over on a convoy to England, landing at South Hampton. A short while later we went on to France, then to the front lines. We fought to the Rhine, crossed on a pontoon bridge, then on through small towns to Hassel. After this then on to Leipzig. After that we met the Russians at the Mu1de River.
    After the war ended I was sent to Heidelberg, then a few months shipped from Bremerhaven to New York, Fort Bragg, then discharged.
    I worked for the Jacksonville Police department for twenty-one years and then the State Attorneys office of Florida as an investigator, where I worked another twenty-one years. I retired March 1988. I have been married for forty-nine years, three children - two boys and a girl with two grandsons.
    I never knew until recently that the 106th had an Association. Congratulations to the current officers and thanks for keeping it alive.
    (Editor's Note: Dennie, you asked for a list of the current 424/C veterans that belong to the Associa-tion, These were sent to you when I sent you the WELCOME letter. Welcome back to the 106thg, we are happy to have you with us again,.

    Son of deceased 106th veteran, S/SGT THOMAS J. HIGDON 38 350 681, light machine gun section leader in "F" Company. 422nd Infantry Regiment. Would like to hear from his buddies.

    HUFFINE, PHIL C. 422/C, 254 E GREENWOOD, CROWN POINT, IN 46379, 219-662-2302 (Editoes Note: Welcome Phil, nice to see your membership come through from my website, Please send me an e-mail so I can have your e-mail address. I may have had it, but cannot find it, My e-mail address is:
Home page is at: Thanks John Kline, editor

KATH, ALBERT H. 422/AT, 2033 SOUTI1 JACKSON ST, JANESVILLE. WI 5354,3228, 608-754-3240

    LIFE MEMBERSHIP: During the Tennessee maneuvers I received the "Soldiers Medal- for helping two soldiers survive, that were caught in the flood waters. During the Bulge I was captured on 16 December, getting wounded by shrapnel on right arm and leg. I was, along with others, bombed by the R.A.F. while in boxcars in the rail yards outside Limburg/Diez on 23 December 1944. I was liberated by the Russian Army at Luchenwalde. I am now 73 years of age and have been married 52 years. We have three children, six grandchildren and six great grandchildren, I worked 53 years for General Motors in Janesville, Wisconsin, retiring at 53.5 years of age. 1 fish and have enjoyed travel, as well as my garden (I have a large lot), and do enjoy sitting on my deck.


New Members ...

1405 SOlrni RoosEvEl.T 131.(X)MINGTON. IL 61701
    I entered the service from Bloomington, Illinois May 17, 1943.1 was born and raised in Kentucky. I first went to Camp Grant, Illinois, from there to Fort Knox, Kentucky. I took Basic Training there. From Fort Knox I was shipped to Fort Jackson, South Carolina where I joined the 106 RECON TROOP of the 106th Infantry Division. I went overseas with the Division and was captured on 18 December. I walked to Koblenz, Germany. stayed the night went through a bombing raid. Later we were put in box-cars and sent to Stalag 4-B, Muhlberg, from there I was sent to Leipzig. I was liberated by the 69th Infantry Division, on the Elbe River on 25 April, 1945.1 was discharged 12/14/1945.
I am retired, my wife is Bessie and we have three daughters Tracy, Debbie and Beverly

KIRKPATRICK, DDS, A.H. 424/M, 2 OYSTER BATEAU CT, HILTON HEAD. SC 29926-2682, 803-681-5886


    My father, James O'Boyle Lyons (deceased) who served in the 423' Infantry Regiment. See membership following for my son.

    My grandfather James O. Lyons served in the 423rd Infantry Regiment. I am a student of the history of the Battle of the Bulge.


MCCOY, ANDREW J. 592/HQ, 2667 CHAPPARAL DRIVE, MELBOURNE. Fl. 32934, 407-254-8056

    The 3rd Infantry was attached to the 106th Infantry from March 16 to July 30, 1945. Myers is looking for any person that might remember him.
    Welcome John, I seem to remember your e-mail address:, but haven't located our conversation. Nice to see your application come through from my Home Page website, My e-mail address is jpk@mm,com, send me an e-mail so I can put you on my 'Bulge-List* roster,

BETHALTO. IL 62010-1342
    Welcome Calvin, I heard that Marion Ray had 'shanghled" you. Nice to see your application come through -- Welcome back to the 106th, J Kline, editor,.

PATCHEN, FRANK M. 423/HQ, PO BOX 126 BARRY. Tx 75012-0126
S/Sgt Frank Patchen, In a statement or report of Interview of Recovered Personnel wrote:
Name of POW Camp or Camps: Stalag VIII-A - Gorlitz - 4 weeks; XI-A Follingbostel - 2 weeks


New Members ...

    REMARKS: Our unit was attacked 16 December 44 at Bleialf NE of St. Vith. Regimental Hq. Company stationed 3 miles to rear was forced to evacuate the morning of 18 Dec 44. The Regiment attacked on a 2 mile front in an attempt to break the German encirclement and reach Schonberg as per orders of Divisional C.O. After progressing approximately 5 miles in that direction, our drive was stopped and we surrendered. Regimental C.O. Ordered capitulation at 1700 19 Dec 44 at this position. I was liberated by the British Army on 16 April 45 two days later we were under control of a Lt. Col. Who had apparently been attached to the British Forces. Signed S/Sgt Frank M. Patchen 312 86 626.
    In a letter to Sherod Collins, Frank wrote, Greetings: (which is an army term for "gotcha") I have already made reservations at the Mark Adams Hotel. See you in Indianapolis..
    (Editor's Note - Frank, I would like to welcome you, I tried to .11 you, but found you had an unlisted number, Would have been nice to talk, INhile we never met, I was also in Stalag VIII-A and made the 415 mile march from Gorlitz to Helmstedt to be liberated on Friday April 13, 1945. Our group split at the Duderstadt Brick Factory (Hell hole), apparently, for I know a group went from there to Foiling-bostel, J. Kline, editor).

PHARO, HOWARD J. 422/HQ 3BN, 833 BURR OAK LANE, MADISON. WI 53713, 608-256-3314
    Went to Fort Jackson Spring of 1943, vvith the same Company through all training and fighting until captured. Was sent to Stalag 9-B, Bad Orb and liberated 2 April 1945.
    My wife is Beverly and we have five children - six grandchildren. I retired from the US Postal Service after 30 years of service.

PIATTONI, ORESTE C. 424/B, 1625 N 23RD AVE, MELROSE PARK. IL 60160-1807, 708-3434162
    LIFE MEMBER: I started with the I 06th in March 1943, B Company, 424th Infantry. After Basic Training the Division was split into three groups. One group went to the Pacific, another to Europe, the third group stayed at Fort Jackson as cadre.
    I went to Europe as a replacement in the 34th Infantry Division. Great outfit. I was wounded at San Vittore, Italy. I left the service 19 February 1946. My wife's name is Jewel. We have two sons, four grandchildren and one great grandson. My wife and I just celebrated our 53' wedding anniversary. I worked as a hair dresser for 25 years. Sold sporting goods for 20 years. I am now semi-retired, occupying myself by repairing sporting goods, which I enjoy very much

    I was a member of the Division from Atterbury through the Bulge. I was held prisoner to mid-April 1945. Captain Chapnick was my CO. If there are any other members from this Battery, I'd sure like to hear from them.
    (Editor's note: Jim, I sent along a list of the mem-bers of your outfit, that currently belong to the 106th Infantry Division Association. I hoped this helped you.. J. Kline.., )

    My father Frank J. Schiro was a member of E Company. 424th Infantry Regiment, a Tech Sergeant. He was captured 19 December 1944. He was with the 112th Infantry Regiment of the 28th


New Members ...

    Infantry Division when he was captured. He was boxcar'd, forced march, Limburg, Neubrandenburg, Stalag 12-A and Staargard. He was a member of the 106th Association for years and enjoyed the CUB magazine and the National AXPOW magazines. John Kline told me that the upcoming issues of The CUB would include stories about the 424th Infantry Regiment. I have great interest in those. I've been getting The CUB from John Scalliss CM/Sgt H Company, 424th Regiment. He has been a friend of my father's since childhood and lives just a block away. They were DI's together at Fort Jackson. Our families lived near there -- off base- for a while.
    I [enclose an obituary of our father. The last thing he did was write a note on the front cover of the JAN-FEB-MAR 1997 CUB, that said, with an arrow pointed to the date, "Dues April-May-June." He passed away on 13 June 1997.
    He shared his experiences with me and my brothers, but we know we didn't hear of a lot of his experiences. I have never seen a man so happy as when my brother Bob came home after spending two tours in Vietnam, and when my son Bon was discharged from the Marines.
    Our father was a great father, husband, son and grandfather and great grandfather. He treated his Nieces, Nephews like his own 'children, his cousins like his own brothers and sisters. Gentleness in strength and strength in gentleness -- he was one tough hombre. They broke the mold on this man -- his grandchildren and great grandchildren will always remember him.

    I'm a former member of 423/G having served from Camp Atterbury through The Battle oldie Bulge, I was captured and sent to Stalag 4-B at Muhlberg, Germany, then on to a work camp.
    I have lost touch for the last 50 years but wanted to join the Association, hopefully to find some old buddies. I remember that Sgt Russell Kelly was our squad leader. Would like to hear from others__

SCHULLER, JOHN P. 590/?, 12607 CRYSTAL LAKE DRIVE, SUN CITY WEST, AZ 85375, 520-546-2376

    Jean-Louis has been very active with the 99th Infantry Division Association. He is very familiar with the area in which they fought. He and his partner were instrumental in locating the remains of several of the 99th Id Div MIA's. I've included his story in several of the CUBs over the years. During my trip back with a group of 106ers in September 1995, Jean-Louis came to our hotel and visited with us. I have been in contact with him the last couple of years by e-mail.

    I am writing this for my husband, George, who was a pilot in World War II and formerly a member of your organization. He allowed his membership to lapse some years ago during a period of illness. He wishes to reinstate his membership and hopes to attend the 52nd Annual Reunion at Indianapolis, Indiana -- hopefully to see his old friends, Earl Scott and Pete Lauman. Thank you. Signed Virginia Stafford


New Members ...

STEIN, MURRAY 423/1, 7614 CHARING CROSS LANE, DELRAY BEACH FL. 33446, 561-499-7736

    I am an ex-Royal Navy and for many years have been very interested in the 106th Infantry Division, spending many holidays on the Schnee-Eifel. I am trying to write a tourist guide, some brief history of the 422" and 423rd with Then and Now photo's and maps, etc., real life experiences of that fateful December in 1944. I have been in contact with John Kline for some years now, and I am honored to be able to join your Association as an ASSOCIATE member. John said he would "second" me.
    By the way, my father was also Royal Navy during World War II. He was a Landing Craft (LCA) crewman on one of the LCA's that landed the US 2' Ranger battalion at Pointe Du Hoc on D-Day. Thank you for allowing me to join, and the Very Best to all 106th Veteran's. signed Mike...

Membership by Ken Smith, 423/H

    PHOTO: While Dan Bied and Millie were visiting the Eisenhower Museum. recently. he was impressed by the statue representing a Battle of the Bulge Gl. above,


106th Inf. Div. "After Battle Report" ending 31 Dec '44

    EDITOR'S NOTE Since I was unable to complete the material on the article '424th Infantry in Combat' which was intended for this issue, I thought it would be appropriate to PREFACE that article - which will appear in the August CUB – with the "After Battle Report' of the 106th Infantry Division, written 6 January 1945
    The 424th article will use the 424th's "After Battle Reports' in conjunction with the written history of several of its veterans I am attempting to correlate their written reports on a day to day basis inter-acting with the 'After Battle Reports" as reported by the various officers of the 424th With that here is the 106th Infantry Division "After Battle Report.° In some cases the copy was so poor I could not determine the proper letter or word. J Kline, editor.

6 January 1945
Declassified report
7-10 December 1944:
    Division moved by motors from vicinity LIMESEY, FRANCE to vicinity ST VITH (P8587). BELGIUM. Division with attached 820th Tank Destroyer Battalion less Combat Team 423, Combat Team 424, and 106th Reconnaissance Troop) c081950A, vicinity ST VITH to 081950A. Division Command Post opened in St. Vith 081950A.
    VIII Corps A "Letter of Instructions,-, dated 7 December 1944 received ordering 106th Infantry Division to relieve 2d Infantry Division, in place, on or about 11 December 1944.
    Combat Team 423 (-) and Combat Team 424 (-) ( each minus various small detachments) closed in vicinity ST. VITH at 101830A.
Remainder of Division closed in vicinity ST VITH at 101830A. Prepared to relieve 2d Infantry Division.
589th Field Artillery Battalion relieved 15th Field Artillery Battalion (2d Infantry Division) in
592d Field Artillery Battalion relieved 12th Field Artillery Battalion (2d I101200A,Division) in place at 101200A.
    422d Infantry relieved the 9th Infantry (2d Infantry Division) in place at 101915A, with responsibility for sector passing to Commanding Officer 422d Infantry, at 102200A.

11 December 1944:
591st Field Artillery Battalion relieved the 37th Field Artillery Battalion (2d Infantry Division) at 110600A.
590th Field Artillery Battalion relieved, the 38th Field Artillery Battal 110900A, Infantry Division) at 110900A.
    423d Infantry (less 2d Battalion) relieved the 38th Infantry (2d Infantry Division) in place; with responsibility of sector passing to Commanding Officer 423d Infantry at 111720A.
2d Battalion 423d Infantry moved to vicinity BORN (P8594), as Division Reserve.
    Elements of 820th Tank Destroyer Battalion relieved corresponding elements of 612th Tank Destroyer Battalion in place during the day.
820th Tank Destroyer Battalion (-A Company and 1st and 2d Reconnaissance Platoons) attached to Division Artillery.
    424th Infantry (with 106th Reconnaissance Troop attached) prepared to relieve 23rd Infantry (2d Infantry Division) in assigned sector on 12 December 1944.
23rd Infantry continued defense of sector.
    14th Cavalry group, consisting of 18th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (less Troop B) and 32nd Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron with A Company and 1st and 2d Reconnaissance Platoons of 820th Tank Destroyer Battalion attached, maintained defense of sector formerly held by Task Force "X" (2d Infantry Division). Task Force "X" formerly commanded by Commanding Officer 18th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron. 32nd Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron was Group reserve at VIELSALM.
    Commanding General 106th Infantry Division assumed responsibility of sector held by 2d Infantry Division at 111900A.
Division with elements 2d Infantry Division in contact maintained defensive position, patrolled to front and flanks.


106th Inf Div. "After Battle Report" ending 31 Dec '44

12 December 1944:
    424th Infantry with 106th Reconnaissance Troop attached, completed movement into sector held by 23rd Infantry (2d Infantry vicinity BORN (P8594) moved vicinity Division).
    Commanding Officer, 424th SCHONBERG (P9488) and at 1700 was Infantry, assumed responsibility regimental committed down the SCHONBERG - AUW sector from 23rd Infantry at 121530A. Infantry ROAD with the mission of protecting the left regiments and 14th Cavalry Group maintained flank of 422d Infantry. In 424th Infantry sector, defensive positions in assigned sectors. Seven the enemy made slight penetrations of the front (7) infantry battalions and one (I) squadron line southeast of WINTERSPELT (P9180) cavalry (rein forced) engaged during the period, and AT A POINT ALONG BOUNDARY

13 December 1944:
    BETWEEN 424' Infantry and 112' Infantry Defensive positions maintained and improved (28th Infantry Division). 1st Battalion, 424th in all sectors, Enemy activity during period Infantry, in division reserve was committed at consisted of artillery. tin: and minor pa.I activity, 1145 with mission of holding Seven infantry battalions and one squadron cavalry WINTERSPELT.
The towns of ROTH (reinforced) engaged during period, (L0490) and KREWINKLE (L0393) in 14th

14 December 1944:
    Cavalry Group Sector, were subjected to heavy Infantry regiment. and 14th Cavalry Group artillery fire from 0530-0615, Enemy. improved defensive positions, patrolled to front' estimated reinforced infantry regiment with and flanks. Enemy activity during period consisted fifteen tanks, penetrated 14th Cavalry Group of artillery fire and minor patrol activity, Seven (7) sector at (1,0093), VERSCHNEID (L0091), infantry battalions and 1) cavalry squadron and AUW (L0090).
At 1200, 32nd Cavalry (reinforced) engaged during period, Reconnaissance Squadron was committed in
15 December 1944: direction ANDLER(P9690) AU W B (L0090).
Division continued defense of sector and 16 December 1944 (GeftVtlit
    improvement of positions. Enemy activity At 1655, 14th Cavalry Group was forced consisted of sporadic artillery fire and minor back to defense of a .w line WERETH patrol activity. Seven (7) Infantry battalions (P9395), HERRESBACH (P9492), ANDLER, and one cavalry squadron (reinforced) engaged (P9690). Combat Command " 9th Armored during period Division was attached to 106th Infantry

16 December 1944
    Division at 161120A in vicinity of Division front line elements subjected to FAMORVILLE(K865020). Liaison officer heavy artillery and mortar fire from 0530 to contacted this unit and representative of it 0615.
422d Infantry held defensive positions reported to Division Command Post at 1900A. against enemy attack.
    Regimental Command Plans were made for committing Combat Post threatened by enemy attack southwest Command "B", 9th Armored Division, in from AUW 0900.
    Company L, 422d Infantry direction SCHONBERG-AUW to relieve the moved to vicinity Regimental Command Post situation East of ST. VITH, but Commanding SCHLAUSENBACH (L0188) to reinforce General, 106th Infantry Division, received a this flank,
    The 1st and 3d Battalions, 423d telephone call from Commanding General, Infantry, and the town of BLEIALF (P9684) VIII Corps, that Combat Command 7th were subjected to heavy artillery fire, and at Armored Division would arrive at ST VITH at daybreak, enemy had succeeded in infiltrating 170700A to attack to the East towards some infantry through BLEIALF. Company B, SCHONBERG. Combat Command ", 9th 81st Engineer Battalion, was committed as Armored Division. would be clear of ST VITH


106th Inf. Div. "After Battle Report" ending 31 Dec '44

    before 0700. Plans were then changed with Combat Command ". 9th Armored Division to move south through ST VITH to secure crossing over OUR RIVER vicinity STEINEBRUCK, then attack towards WINTERSPELT and destroy enemy in that town.
    422d Infantry was ordered to withdraw the left battalion back to SCHLAUSENBACH to protect the regiments left flank, 168th Engineer Battalion was attached to 106th Infantry Division at 161700A and ordered to assemble in vicinity Northwest of ST. VITH. Nine (9) infantry battalions two cavalry reconnaissance squadrons(reinforced) engaged during period,

17 December 1944:
    Orders received from VIII Corps at 0036A, "Troops will be withdrawn from present position only if position becomes completely untenable. In no event will enemy' be allowed to penetrate West of line HOLZHEIM (P975955) B SETZ (P9I5875) B LOMMERSWEILER (P880835) B MASPELT (P870818) B LE1LER (P840705) B BOCKHOLZ (P795585) XXX which will be held at all costs.
    The enemy infiltrated into town and positions there were being overrun at 06I8A, A breakthrough developed in the Is' and 3d Battalion sectors of 423' Infantry at BLEIALF at 0630A with enemy strength moving north along road to SCHONBERG.
    Enemy also advanced on SCHONBERG from ANDLER, These two forces joined at SCHONBERG, completing the encirclement of the forces east of the BLEIALF-SCHONBERG ROAD at 0830A.
    Forces surrounded included 422d Infantry, 423d Infantry, 590th Field Artillery Battalion, 589th Field Artillery Battalion, Company B, 81st Engineer Battalion, Battery D, 634th AAA (AW) Battalion, Company C, 820 Tank Destroyer Battalion, Company B, 331" Medical Battalion. Radio communications was maintained with these units, Enemy infiltrated into WINTERSPELT during the night 16-17 December, and by 170830A, had completely occupied this town, driving 1st Battalion, 424th Infantry to northwest towards STEINEBRUCK, This cut off the 106th Reconnaissance Troop and Troop B, 18th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron in MUTZEN1CH.
    The enemy drove through WINTERSPELT and at 0800, Combat Command "B",' 9th Arrnored Division made contact with enemy infantry just south of the bridge over the OUR RIVER at STEINEBRUCK.
    Combat Command " advanced against increasing enemy pressure the North edge of WINTERSPELT. and at 1600, was ordered to withdraw to defensive position north of OUR RIVER. At 0935 Lieutenant Colonel RIGGS, Commanding Officer, 81st Engineer Battalion, was designated as Defense Commander of ST VITH, with a force composed of the I 68th Engineer Battalion, remainder of the 81st Engineer Battalion, one (1) platoon 820th Tank Destroyer Battalion and the Defense Platoon of Division Headquarters Company.
Defensive positions were established around ST VM I, With the aid of friendly air, the advance on ST VITI-1

17th December 1944: (Gotti1/41)
    from vicinity of SCHONBERG was stopped two (2) kilometers east of town at 1700, At 171520A, the Commanding General and forward reconnaissance elements of Combat Command ", 7th Armored, arrived at ST VITH, (This unit was scheduled to start arriving in this area at 0700A.)
    Commanding General, Combat Command "B," 7th Annored Division, was placed in command of defenses of ST VITH and troops already in position there were attached to Combat Command "B," 7'h Armored Division, at 171625A. Reconnaissance elements of Combat Command "B." 7th Armored Division, were committed east of ST V1TH at 1745A.
    424th Infantry was ordered at 1525A to withdraw west of OUR RIVER in its sector, Arrangements were made with VIII Corps Air Officer for supplies to be dropped to units surrounded by enemy forces.


106th Inf. Div. "After Battle Report" ending 31 Dec '44

    Plans were made to commit Combat Command "B", 7th Armored Division, at daybreak 18 December in an attack in direction ST VITH B SCHONBERG B AUW to relieve the encircled units.

18 December 1944:
    Units surrounded by enemy southeast of SCHONBERG were still maintaining perimeter defense. Radio communications was maintained with division. Those units were ordered at 0215A to move to position south of SCHONBERG-ST VITH ROAD and destroy Panzer Regimental Combat Team on that road by fire. When the mission was accomplished, units were to move to the area of ST VITH-WALLERODE-WEPPLER. At last report, the head of the 422d troops was at OBERLASCHEID. The head of the 3d Battalion, 423d Infantry was at (P960864) and the 1st and 2d Battalions were clearing enemy out of the woods south of RADSCHEID. All units were in need of ammunition, food and water. (This report was received by radio from the 423d Infantry at I81535A.) Request was made again to VIII Corps Air Officer to have supplies dropped to the surrounded units, but the weather was non-operational. The Commanding general, Combat Command "B".7th Armored Division initially committed elements of that unit piecemeal as they arrived.
    At 0930A, it had one (1) company of medium tanks and an armored infantry battalion in action east of ST VITH and (1) company of medium tanks north of ST VITH vicinity of HUNGER. To prevent enemy from breaking through to ST VITH before Combat Command "B", 7th Armored could arrive, one (1 ) company of medium tanks of Combat Command "B", 9' Armored Division was sent to North of ST VITH on road to WALLEYED, and one (I) company of tank destroyers from Combat Command "B", 9th Armored Division was sent to position just South of HUNNINGEN. These units were relieved by like units from Combat Command "B", 7th Armored Division as they arrived. Boundaries were changed effective at 181300A giving 7th Armored Division that portion of the 106' Infantry Division zone north of line HOUFFAL1ZE-ST VITH, both inclusive to 106th Infantry Division. The 14th CavalryGroup was attached to 7th Armored Division effective 181300A. 424th Infantry and Combat Command "B". 9th Armored Division withdrew to the West bank of OUR RIVER and maintained defense in within sectors. 106th Infantry Division Command Post opened in VIELSALM (P705890) at 181800A.

19 December 1944:
     422d and 423d Infantry Regiments were out of contact with Division. 424th Infantry maintained defensive positions and established contact with the112th Infantry (28th Infantry Division). 81st and 168th Engineer Battalions continued to fight as infantry, holding defensive sector approximately two (2) miles east of ST VITH. 112th Infantry was completely cut off from remainder of 28th Infantry Division and attached to 106th Infantry Division at 191600A vicinity of (P7875)

20 December 1944:
    422d and 423d Infantry Regiments and units surrounded with them were still out of contact with division. 424th Infantry maintained and improved defensive positions west of OUR RIVER. At 1220A an enemy infantry attack was driven off at (P8468I 6). A large patrol was driven off at ALSTER at1300A. Received sporadic artillery and mortar fire throughout period. An enemy tank attack consisting of approximately five (5) tanks, hit the left flank of 1' Battalion at 1730A but was repulsed with few casualties. A tank and infantry attack vicinity NEIDINGEN (P867848) at 0630A (Combat Command "B", 9th Armored Division sector) made some progress but was stopped. 112th Infantry moved from HULDANGE to vicinity BIELER. One (I) company of 112th Infantry was dispatched to HOUFFALIZE at 1200A to hit enemy force in the rear, disorganize him and


106th inf. Div. "After Battle Report" ending 31 Dec `44

thus enable the 101st Airborne Division to move north to our area.

21 December 1944:
    Fighting within the ST VITH Sector and the strength of enemy armor and infantry made the holding of the ST V1TH area questionable. Continued to repulse enemy attacks along frontage Combat Command "B". 9th Armored Division, 424 Infantry and 112th Infantry, thereby limiting exploitation's of penetrations by the enemy.

22 December 1944:
    Fall of ST VITH became imminent. All units were pulled back to form a perimeter defense system together with the 7th Armored Division on left. Units were disposed as follows: Combat Command "B", 9th Armored Division (P835850) to (P80583), joined with Combat Command "B" 7th Armored Division at (P835850), 424th Infantry (P805830) to BEHO (P7598I8) and I 12th Infantry from BEHO to (P705823) to VIELSALM where it contacted the 82nd Airborne Division.

23 December 1944:
    Division made successful withdrawal to vicinity North WERBOMONT. Combat Command "B", 9th Armored Division and 112th Infantry passed to control XVIII Corps 230600A and 232200A respectively.
Division Command Post now located vicinity ERNONHEID (K536037)

24 December 1944:
Division withdrew, prepared to reorganize and re-supply. At 240200A.
    424th Infantry was alerted by Corps for movement to south, 2d and 3d Battalions were ordered and moved into line 2416I5A and 241828A respectively. under control of 7th Armored Division, 1st Battalion was later ordered into the line under Corps control. Re-supply and reorganization for remainder of units progressed satisfactorily,

25 December 1944:
    424th Infantry remained attached to 7th Armored Division. 112th Infantry was attached to Combat Command "B". 9th Armored Division. 229th Field Artillery and 591st Field
    Artillery, 634th AAA (AW) 820th Tank Destroyer Battalions, 806th Ordnance Company, 106th Quartermaster Company and 106th Signal Company were attached to the 7th Armored Division. 592d Field artillery Battalion was attached to XVIII Corps. All other troops continued reorganization and re-supply.

26 December 1944:
    106th Military Police Platoon attached to 7th Armored Division at 1130A. Remaining units continued reorganization and re-supply.

27 - 28 December 1944:
    No change in units detached from Division. Remaining units continued reorganization and re-supply. Division Command Post now located at L'OURTHE RIVER (K443117). Units moved to concentration area west of L'OURTHE RIVER vicinity OUHAR.

29 December 1944:
    At 291030A the 106th Signal Company, 806th Ordnance Company. 106th Quartermaster Company, and 106th Military Police Platoon reverted to the control of the 106th Infantry Division and moved to new concentration arca vicinity OUHAR (K443117). All troops continued reorganization and re-supply.

30 December 1944:
    At 3006I5A, the 424th Infantry was released from control of the 7th Armored Division and reverted to control of the 106th Infantry Division, Regiment moved into position vicinity OCQUIER K337022) and began reorganization and re-supply

31 December 1944:
    Division continued reorganization and re-supply and organized mobile motorized forces with automatic weapons to be held on alert status for possible commitment against any enemy airborne threat within the division area.
Lt. Colonel. G.S,C.
AG of S, G-3


In Memoriam

Barredo, Jr., Anthony 424/D 55 High Street. Winsted. C7'06098
    Marion Ray. 4242/D announced in his Company News Letter The Bugle that Anthony. age 76, passed away January 17, 1998, In addition to his wife Margaret he is survived by a sister. Mary Pons and several nieces and nephews. I le w. predeceased by three brothers, Jack. Joseph. Avelino and a sister. Pura Vinal. Tony owned and operated Barredo Construction Co for many years and later operated and owned Tony's Coin and Antique Shop.

Bailes, Jr., Russell G. 423/K ///3 Derian Place. Nakomis. FL 31419
    Date of Death: 27 December. 1997. A Captain in K and earlier in I Company, Surviving is his wife Etta. daughter Sharon Trichler and son Russell G III and four grandchildren. Notice by Ryan Tomlinson. 423/ I 13n,

Bied, Dan 422/A 108 Leffler Street. West Burlington. Mwa 52655
    Dan as all of you know that read The CtIB was the author of a column entitled "From West Burlington, Iowa. "This issue of the CUB magazine is dedicated to his memory. Read more on the pages of in his regular column. which I received a couple of weeks before his death. Ile has been a devoted, dedicated supplier of some excellent stories, written in his easy. flowing style. since mid-1988. I will. and I know you will, miss Dan's observations that ranged from his war time experiences to his views of life itself. Dan was a holder of the Order of the Golden Lion for services rendered to the 106th Infantry Division Association.
From his Burial Service program:
    Andy Danielson ‘Dan' Bied, 72. of West Burlington. Iowa died at 2:30 pm Wednesday.25 March 1998. at University Hospitals in Iowa City. Survivors include his wife, Millie: one sister. Bette U Scott of Branden-ton. Florida; and nieces and nephews. A brother. George Hied Jr. Preceded him in death.
    Mr. Bied was a talented chronicler of his times and community, He authored twelve books and captured his experiences of growing to manhood in Burlington. serving his country in World War II and exploring the jazz music that was his abiding passion. These books recount the pleasures of a river town and the horrors of war that took him to a German coal mine where he was a prisoner for five months. Mr. Bied's writings were an important fabric in the community's life and were featured in the Burlington Hawk Eye, the Shopper's Spree and the radio station KBUR.
    Mr. Bied also worked for Mason Hanger Corporation at the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant for 26.5 years. Ile was a Life member of the 106th Infantry Division Association and a life-member of the VFW of Burlington. He was also a talented watercolor artist.

Cannon, Philip L. 422/M 313 Talbot Avenue. Cambridge. MD 21613
    From AX POW Bulletin: Philip L. Cannon passed away December 21, 1997. Captured in the winter of 1944 he spent five months as a prisoner in Stalag IX-13, Bad Orb. then later Stalag IX-A. Ziegenhain. A Life Member of the 106th Association and AXPOW. lie is survived by his wife of 55 years. Virginia Elizabeth.

Curtis, Jr., Jesse E. 592/HQ 1314 Epwonh Lane. Marblehead. OH 43440
    From Bill Wentz, 423/M. "Dr. Jesse Curtis died Thursday morning 16 April. Memorial Services were held at the First United Church. Kenton. Ohio. Jesse w. an Anillery Officer. a good friend."
    From the Kenton. Ohio -Kenton Times." Curtis practiced veterinary medicine in Hardin County for 21 years before his second career in the banking industry, which also covered 21 years, He became president and managing officer of Home Savings and Loan in Kenton in July 1975. He retired in January of 1986 and was serving as director emeritus at the time of his death."

Deck, Robert B. 'Tuck" 423/C 10333 SW 41 Terrace. Miami, FL 33165
    A Miami resident since 1951 coming from Baltimore. MD. Buck was the owner of The 13ob Deck Manufacturing. Ile, aside from belonging to the 106th Int' Di v Assoc.. was a member of the Order of Hoo-Hoo and the I3enevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Survived by his wife Barbara. daughters Ronnie Deck and Delores (Debbie) McRae. grandchildren heather. Jennifer and Douglas Mcrae: two sisters and a brother.

Fleharty, William P. 592/A 16 Frontier Drive. Palm Coast. FL 32137
    William died on 14 May 1998 at his home. Ile is survived by his wife Dharlys. two sons and two daughters. eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren,

    Hammontree, Leamon H. 422/HQ 2BN 2829 Bridal Wreath Lane. Dallas, Texas 75233 From wife Mary, "Leamon is now deceased and I will be movin,"

Hundt, Albert J. 422/11
633 12th Ave North. Onalaska. WI 54650
    Passed away' 16 February' 1998 alter 2,5 years at Bethany' St. Joseph Care Center, Ile spent many happy reunions with his buddies, Survived by his wife Eileen, Reported by Ed Wojahn,

Kopatz, Alfred E. 422/M
2628 East Lakeshore Dr,. Springfield. II. 62707
    Maynard Adolphson. comrade and friend of AI Kopatz reported his death of May. 5, 1998, Al is survived by his wife Ida L, No other information was available at this time.

LeTellier, Jr., Louis S. 8Ist ENG/C 4039 Mi-zner Court. Jacksonville. FL 32217
    E.-mail from Pete House: "Louis died 18 February' 1998, I attended his funeral, Ile attended many' reunions until physically unable to do so. He spent the last seven years in a nursing home, Ills widow Knell and son Louis III attended our last two 16 December Commemoration Parties, Ile grew up on the campus of the Citadel here his dad was Chairman of Engineering. The Engineering Building is named after his family."

Maier, Jr., Adolph J. 8Ist ENG/C 128 W. Livington Place. Mctaire. LA 70005
    From Earle Valenstein. "Adolph was Executive Officer, C Co.. 8Ist Engineers Combat Battalion, After the Battle ofthe Bulge, when the Battalion was reconstituted, he was made 13 Company Commander. Adolph was a petroleum engineer and former co-owner of Corbesco Construction Co, In Metaire, I.a. Ile is survived by his wife Barbara, two sons. Michael C. And James A.; three daughters, Margaret Fortier. Mary Graveolet; and Gretchen Avet; his mother. Marion Louise Graham, and sixteen grandchildren. "Adolph was a line officer and good friend, I le will be missed by all who knew him and served with him,"

Merwin, Frederick 8Ist ENG/C 200 Veterans Lane. Apt 721, Doylestown, Pei 18901
    Fredericks daughter wrote, "My. father was a member of the 106th Association, lie died in January 1997. My mother Miriam wants to continue membership,"

Rickard, Jr., William 422/HQ 2BN 5500 Pineland Rd. Richmond. VA 23234
    Comrade John L, Monaco. 422/1IQ 2BN reports the death of Richard, He states, "Lt William P. Rickard passed away after a bout with Leukemia on February 5. 1998, Ile is survived by his wife Margaret, two sons and one daughter, Som, I don't have more information on his family."

Rossi, Romeo J. 422/C 922 Blairmear Ct. Goss Point Wacxls, Afl 48236
Thom. Boyd sent the following. "Romeo died 2 November 1997. 82 years of age,"

Sigel, Sidney M. 422/L 9803 West Creek Road, itE.2. Palos Park. IL 60464-2643
Date of Death: 01/09/1998; Wife. Barbara. No other information available.

A quarterly publication °like
106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
A nonprofit Organization- USPO #5054
St Paul, MN - Agent: John P. Kline, Editor
Membership fees include CUB subscription.
Association membership 05/25/98 1, 639 members
President John P. Kline
Past-Pres. . .. .... .... Major Hill
1st Vice-Pres John A. Swett
2nd Vice-Pres John Gregory
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Pete House
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John P. Kline
Chaplain Rev. Duncan Trueman
Memorials Chairman ....Dr. John G. Robb
Atterbury Memorial Rep O. Paul Merz
St. Vith Mem. Rep Dr. Richard Peterson
Hon. Membership Chairman Marion Ray
Scholarship Chairrnan John Gregory
Resolutions Chairman .. Alan W. Jones, Jr.
Washington Liaison Officer... . Jack Sulser
Order of the Golden Lion ..Russell Villwock
Send editorial matter and photos to:
John P. Kline - CUB Editor
11 .old Drivearzsztrl 55337-2786
Business matters, deaths, address changes to:
Pete House - Adjutant
5700 Clifton Ave. Jacksonville. FL 32211
Memorial matters and inquiries to:
Dr John G. Robb - Memorial Chairman
238 Devote Dr,. Meadville. PA 16355
Membership dues, Memorial Fund
contributions and Historical items to:
Sherod Collins - Treasurer
448 Monroe T7rrie,412tr2e(sar, w. GA 30144
The Life Membership fee is payable one time
only, with no annual duets thereafter.
Life Membership $ 75.00
Life Auxiliary $ 15.00
Life Associate $ 75.00
For those choosing to pay Annual dues, pay
by July 1 each year. (July 1 to July 1 term)
Annual Membership $10.00
Annual Auxiliary $ 2.00
Annual Associate $10.00
Make checks payable to
106th Infantry Division Association.

Board of Directors 1997 -1998
Alphabetical by year term expires.
Edwin C. Huminski, 424/F' (.1998) RR 2 .x 258. Rodc wood, PA 15557-9223 814-926-2161
Alan W. Jones, Jr. , 423/HQ 1Bn (.1998) 9100 Belvoir Woods Pkwy 4233. Fi, Belvoir, VA 22060 703-781-3629
William E. Malone. 427J1 (.1998) 3911 Mackay Drive, Nashville, TN 37207 615-865-1271
Thomas J. Riggs, 81st Eng/HQ (.1998) 6 thi" Stre:0=710" °29°6
John A. Swett, 423/11 (Exec. Committee) ('1998) 1.91 E, Northam Dr. Tucson, AZ 85748 52.722-6016
Levene Weigel, 427A1 (.1998) 1380 Danocracy Ave,. Melbourne FL 32940 407-255-6671
Nolan L. Ashburn, 424//1 (.1999) 1212 Moo. Dr.1441=Collins. CO80525
ill3B2cle2(11.. V4Chape (19"
.9^41.11.1soltrol,. Sewell, NJ 080
John A. Gregory, 424/E (Exec. Committee) (.1999) 4624 Ashton Dr.. Sacramento. CA 95864 916-481-3353
Art Van Mooriehem, 423/11 (.1999) 206 W, Biretg...9rimes. SD 57212
Richard J. Brax, 423/K (.2000) i4 Porter st . Quaka Bill, CT 06375 203-443-1685
Walter G. Bridges, 424/D (.2000) 225 Laird Ave. liusysown„ AL 35023 205-491-3409
Sherod Collins 423/SV (.2000) 448 Monroe Tml,(872e0sr, GA 30144
John P. Kline.423/M (Exec. Committee) ('2000) I I Harold Dove. Bumsville, MN 55337-2786 612-890-3155
E. V. Creel, S90/A (.2001) 315 Fem Cliff A; i:19r71g;r3enace, FL 33617
Marion Ray US (Ret), 424/D (2001) 704 Bnarwood Drive. Bethalto, IL 62010-1168 618-377-3485
Col. Earl Valenstein US (Ret), 81st Eng/11 (.2001) 5737 . Neck Rd . Cambridge. MD 21613 410-228-0716
Zimand, Gerald P., 422/D (.2001) 101 Joseph Sired, New Hyde Parke, NY 11040
NY, 51.354-4778 FL. 561-732-3832
Joseph P. Maloney, 424/HQ (.2002) "" "1"7112:1;i= PA 13"8
Richard D. Sparks 423/11Q C2002)
3i" lorigtZ. '327"
Russell Villwock, 106 Signal (.2002) "esi F"'70v1=27rnd"."- 696"
HONORARY Board Member
Col. Joseph Mathews 422/11Q (LIFE) 4706 Wesiem9 pip:14111;4h. NC 27606

* Tear out all colored sheets *

SEPTEMBER 9 - 13, 1998.
(Address on reverse side)
1-800-444-ADAM (2326)
or 317-248-2481

Adam's Mark Indianapolis 317-248-2481 A'rport Expwy
2544 Executive Drive 317-248-1670 (FAX)
Indianapolis, IN 46241 1-800-444-ADAM
(for any Adam's Mark).
    From 465 (North or South) take Airport Expressway East to Executive Drive Exit. Located at the end of the exit. tlYfir
Check in time 3 p.m. A confirmation of your reservation
Check out time 12 noon. will be mailed to you.

The Adam's Mark Indianapolis is pleased to host 106 Infantry Division Association
    To ensure accurate reservations, please complete this reservation request and return it before 8-7-98 . Requests received after this date will be accepted based on room and rate availability. Reservation requests must be accompanied by a deposit equal to one night's room rate plus 10% occupancy tax. This deposit will be applied to the last night of the reservation.
Name: Arrival Date: Arrival Time:
Address: Departure Date:
City/State/Zip: Additional Guest(s):
    The Adam's Mark Hotel Indianapolis is located at 2544 Executive Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46241. The hotel is just eight minutes from downtown Indianapolis and four minutes east of the Indianapolis International Airport.
Directions if driving:
-From 1-465: Exit right onto Airport Expressway. The hotel will be directly across the street on Executive Drive.
-From 1-70: Exit right onto Exec.utive Drive. The hotel will on the right.
    The Adam's Mark Indianapolis has 407 guest rooms. Guest rooms feature iron/ironing board.s, remote control television, on-demand movies, express chec.kout, and bath amenities. Other features include an outdoor pool and hotel gift shop.
    Handicapped accessible and non-smoking rooms are subject to availability. Please request special accommodations when malcing your hotel reservations. There is ample free parking and spaces to accommodate RVs. Check in time is 4pm: check out is noon.
Hotel dining:
    -Appleby's, a family style restaurant, is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Hours are 6am-midnight. -The Marker, a four-star restaurant, is open for lunch 10:30am-2pm; and dinner 5:30-10pm.
-The Marlcer Lounge is open from 10:30am-midnight.
-Room service is available 6am-midnight.
SEPTEMBER 9 - 13, 1998
    10:00 Early Bird arrival and registration until 5pm. Registration times may be adjusted based on final attendance. Hospitality room schedule will be in your packet.
7:00 Registration continues until 10am.
    9:00 Board bus for a driving tour of Indianapolis, home to the American Legion since 1919 and the Amateur Sports Capital of the World. The professional guides will give you an informed narration of the past and present as you ride by the State House, the Hoosierdome, and Meridian Street, where the Governor's mansion is located. Also see the Indiana World War Memorial that pays homage to the Indiana men killed in World War I, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. A stop will be made at the Scottish Rite Cathedral, judged in its early days by the International Association of Architects to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.
    12:00 Lunch on your own and free time at Union Station, first of its kind. Opened in 1888 as the central location where all rail lines came together, today it stands in all its original splendor with Rookwood columns, wrought iron, and stained glass windows. It is now a festival marketplace with over 70 specialty shops aixl restaurants.
    1:30 Reboard bus and proceed to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame Museum with one of the world's largest and most varied collections of racing, classic, and antique passenger cars. See 32 Indy "500" winning cars on display and view the half hour film depicting the history of the track. For an extra charge of $3/person, you may board the Speedway buses for a spin around the track (weather and race schedule permitting).
3:00 Reboard bus to return to the hotel by 3:30pm.
$291Person includes bus, guide, admission, and gratuity. Lunch is not included.
2:00 Registration continues until 5pm.
5:30 Welcome Reception and Buffet until 8:30pm.
* Send to Address Below *
    Listed below are all registration, tour, and meal costs for the reunion. Please enter how many people will be participating in each event and total the amount. Send that amount payabk to ARMED FORCES REUNIONS in the form of check or money order (no credit cards or phone reservations accepted). All registration forms and payments must be received by mail on or before AUGUST 7, 1998. After that date, reservations
will be accepted on a space available basis.
Armed Forces Reunions, Inc.
P.O. Box 11327
Norfolk, VA 23517
Registration package, includes Armed Forces Reunions
registration fee ($3 per person), Thursday Reception/
Buffet, Friday Luncheons for Men and Ladies, Saturday
trip to Camp Atterbury, Saturday Banquet, and Sunday Breakfast.
Saturday Night Banquet Mark your choice(s)
Prime Rib (or) $ 105 x =
Pan Seared Atlantic Salmon $ 105 x =
Optional Tours - Not included in the above package: Thursday - City Tour.
Friday - Beef & Boards Diluter Theater.
Date Received
Check Number
Inputted in Q&A
Nametag Completed
$ 29 x
$ 60 x
NAME (for nametags)
10:00 Registration continues until 12pm. 10:00 Out-going Board Meeting..
12:00 Men's Luncheon and Business Meeting.
12:00 Ladies' Luncheon and entertainment.
3:00 Banquet seating assigned until 4:30pm. Instructions will be in your registration packet.
3:00 1n-coming Board Meeting.
5:45 Board bus for an evening of food and fun at the Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre.
    6:15 Arrive at the theatre, which was ranked among the top six dining hot spots by Destinations magazine. After a delicious buffet dinner that includes four entrees, guests will be treated to one of Broadway's best. Currently scheduled is the production of "Guys and Dolls". As Indiana's only year-round Equity theater, Beef & Boards brings together top-notch professional actors and local talent to produce all its own shows.
10:30 Re-board bus to return to the hotel by 1 lpm.
$60/Person includes bus, escon, and dinner show.
    9:00 Board bus for Camp Atterbury (included in registration fee). 10:00 Arrive at Camp Atterbury and a guided tour of the post.
    11:00 Assemble for "Welcome" by Camp Commander, followed by Memorial Service, conducted by Chaplain Trueman with color guard and bugler provided by Camp Atterbury.
12:30 Proceed to Johnson County Park for "bag lunch." 2:00 Reboard bus to return to the hotel by 3pm.
6:00 Cash Bar.
7:00 Banquet is served, followed by dancing.
7:00 Farewell Breakfast until 9am.
    The Adam's Mark offers complimentary airport transportation 5am until midnight. Call the hotel from the courtesy phone located in the baggage claim area of the airport for pickup.
    Should you need hookup services for your RV, call the Indiana State Fairgrounds at (317) 927-7500 for information, reservations, and directions.
    Wheelchairs and More, Inc. rents standard wheelchairs for $10/day. They only rent per day or monthly. Call (317) 228-2340 should you need the services of Wheelchairs and More. They require a credit card imprint, destroyed when the chair is returned. They are 25 minutes from the hotel and would charge a delivery fee.
Regular Rack Rate: Number of Guests:
Room type preference: Single Double Triple Quadruple Special Requests (subject to availability)
0 Special Group Rate $73 $78 $78 $78 0 Roll-Away Bed ($10 per night) 0 Crib (no charge)
0 Deluxe Guest Room 0 Wheelchair Accessible Room
One Bedroom Suite 0 Nonsmoking Room
0 Hospitality Suite 0 King Bed 0 Two Double Beds
    C3 I have enclosed a check in the amount °lone night's room rate pl. 10% occupancy tax. 0 Please charge one night's room rate plus 10% occupancy t. to the following credit card: MasterCard, CI Visa, 0 American Express, 0 Carte Blanche/Diners Club, 0 Discover, JCB
Card Number: Exp. Date
    I understand that I am liable for one night's room rate plus 10% occupancy tax which will be covered by my deposit in the event that I do not arrive, cancel less than 10% hours prior to arrival, or depart earlier than scheduled.
Name of Credit Card Holder Signature of Card Holder
• Check-in time after 3:00 p.m. Check-out time is 12:00 noon. Occupancy tax is subject to change.
• Cancellation or modification of reservation must be made at le.t 48 hours prior to arrival to avoid
    forfeiture of deposit. Ask for and retain cancellation number until you receive refund of deposit or credit to credit card.
• No charge for children under 18 when sharing room with parents and using existing bed space.
• All hotel accounts are subject to credit arrangements at time of registration and payable at departure.

Insignia of units that passed through Camp Atterbury.
This is Camp Atterbury Memorial Park, where the 106th Infantry Division Association
Memorial Service will be held Saturday I 2 September. during the 52nd Annual Reunion.
Note the 106th Emblem in center of wall.


Index for: Vol. 54 No. 3, APR, 1998

Index for This Document

‘Hell On Earth', 7
‘Sea Robin', 9
106th QM Co., 57
106th Rcn. Trp., 48, 49, 52
106th Sig. Co., 56, 57, 62
112th Inf., 55, 56
112th Inf. Regt., 44
14th Cav., 49, 50, 54
14th Cav. Gp., 50
168th Engr. BN, 52
18th Cav., 49
18th Cav. Rcn. Sqdn., 49, 52
18th Volksgrenadiers, 35
1st BN, 424th Inf., 52
272nd Regt., 39
28th Inf. Div., 35, 50, 54
2nd Inf. Div., 48, 49
30th Inf. Div., 33
32nd Cav. Rcn. Sqdn., 49
34th Inf. Div., 43
37th FA, 48
37th FA BN, 48
38th Inf., 48
422/M, 58, 59
422nd Inf., 48, 50, 51, 52
423rd Inf., 41, 48, 52, 54
423rd Inf. Regt., 41
424/C, 39
424/D, 30, 58, 62
424/E, 62
424/G, 28
424th Inf. Regt., 12, 49, 53, 54, 56, 57
589th FA, 48, 52
590th FA BN, 48, 52
592nd FA BN, 48
62nd V.G., 35
69th Inf. Div., 39, 41
7th Armd. Div., 52, 53, 54, 56, 57
806th Ordnance Co., 56, 57
81st Engr. BN, 51, 52
820th TD, 48, 49, 52, 56
820th TD BN, 48, 49, 52, 56
82nd Abn. Div., 56
99th Inf. Div., 45
9th Armd. Div., 50, 52, 54, 55, 56
Adolphson, Maynard, 26, 59
Aittema, Rudy, 19
Alfier, Maj. Jeffrey, 17
Ambrose, Stephen, 9, 35
American Cemetery At Henri Chapelle, Belgium, 15
Andler, 50, 52
Aquitania, 31
Armed Forces Reunions, 1, 18, 19, 23, 63, 65, 66
Ash, Richard H., 31
Ashburn, Nolan L., 62
Asher, Al, 14
Ashley, James E., 31
Auw, 50, 51, 54
Avedisian, Kachadour, 27
Bad Orb, 35, 43, 58
Bailes, Jr., Russell G., 58
Baird, Harry & Betsy, 27
Barnes, L. Preston, 13
Barredo, Anthony ‘Tony', 29
Barredo, Jr., Anthony, 58
Batten, Roger, 30
Battle of the Bulge, 5, 7, 15, 24, 41, 47
'Before The Veterans Die', 11
Beho, 56
Belgium, 15, 45
Beltz, Dick, 19
Berlin, 9
Bickford, Florence, 14
Bied, Andy Danielson ‘Dan', 58
Bied, Dan, 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 47, 58
Bitburg, 35
Blaher, William & Miriam, 27
Bleialf, 43, 51, 52
Bleialf-Schonberg Road, 52
Blinn, Felix, 30
Bloch, Jacques, 14
Bloch, Jacques & Jean, 27
Booda, Charles & Betty, 27
Booz, Ken, 19
Born, 48, 50
Born, Belgium, 35
Bosi, Art, 19
Bowles, Cliff, 13
Bradley, Gen. Omar, 9
Brankin, William & Lorraine, 26
Brax, Richard, 21
Brax, Richard J., 62
Bremerhaven, 39
Bridges, Walter G., 62
Brock, Charlie A., 57
Brocker, Paul, 31
Brokaw, Richard, 28
Brown, Irving, 13
Bruenning, Leonard, 29, 30
Brunswick, 39
Burmeister, Roy, 31
Camp Atterbury, 45, 65, 66, 67
Camp Atterbury Memorial, 68
Camp Atterbury, IN, 17, 34
Camp Grant, IL, 41
Camp Kilmer, NJ, 39
Camp Shelby, MS, 39
Camp Wolters, Texas, 11
Canavan, Rick, 20
Cannon, Philip L., 58
Cantos, Mannie, 27
Capalbo, Frank, 27
Carlisle Barracks Museum, 14
Carr, Fred & Betty, 27
Carver, Dale R., 11
Cbt. Team 423, 48
Cbt. Team 424, 48
Chapnick, Capt., 43
Chuvarsky, Andrew G., 33
Citizen Soldier, 35
Cobb, Alden, 30
Coleman, George, 5
Collins, Mr., 33
Collins, Sherod, 13, 21, 43, 61, 62
Comer, Capt., 33
Comer, Richard, 33
Cooper, Louis, 13
Costa, Antone, 26
Costa, Lawrence, 26
Cottingham, Edward, 33
Cottingham, Ray, 33
Cottingham, Ray E., 33
Cramer, Sam, 20
Creede, Frank J., 34
Creel, E. V., 62
Cunningham, Lou, 19
Cunningham, Michael, 23
Curtis, Jr., Jesse E., 58
Dallman, Joe & Betty, 26
Daly, William, 27
Danbury, England, 31
Dansereau, Ernst, 37
Deck, Robert B., 59
DeHeer, Richard, 1
Diez, 39
Dimeglio, John & Viola, 27
Div. Arty., 49
Div. HQ, 52
Dresden Raid, 35
Dresselhaus, J.B., 424/1 & Wife Eileen From Lincoln, Ne (J.B. W. Hospitalized & We Mourn His Passing, 28
Duderstadt, 43
Dux, Kenneth, 30
Earls, Ernest, 37
Earls, Gary E., 37
Eckert, Frank J., 37
Eckert, Ms. Nancy, 37
Eisenhower, Gen., 33
Eisenhower, Ike, 5
Elbe River, 41
Eldridge, Robert, 28
Ellington, Duke, 5
Ellis, Raymond, 30
Elston, Floyd & Marie, 27
Erion, Val, 30
Ernonheid, 56
Fava, Roy & Wanda, 27
Fifth Panzer Army, 35
Fleharty, William P., 59
Fletcher, Don, 28
Fletcher, Doris, 28
Fort Lawton, Washington, 9
French, William, 30
Friedman, Herbert, 28
Ft. Jackson, SC, 17, 39, 41, 43, 45
Ft. Knox, KY, 41
Gallagher, John, 27
Gioia, Patrick ‘Pat', 14
Goebbels, Joseph, 35
Golembiewski, Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester, 27
Goodman, Bennie, 5
Gorlitz, 42, 43
Grasso, Salvatore, 23
Grasso, Salvatore & Mary, 27
Gregory, John, 21, 61
Gregory, John A., 62
Guest, Susie, 7
Haefner, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson, 27
Hall, John, 28
Haltiwanger, Dennie C., 39
Halusak, Andy & Jacky, 26
Hammontree, Leamon H., 59
Hawkins, Harold, 28
Hawkins, Lorraine, 28
Hawn, Gordon, 30
Heidelberg, 39
Heidelberg, Germany, 21
Helmich, Lester, 13, 28
Helmstedt, 43
Henning, Charles, 28
Henning, Jane, 28
Herresbach, 50
Hersko, Jr., Ralph E., 37
Hersko, Ralph, 37
Higdon, Jerry T., 39
Hill, Maj., 61
Hill, Virgil L., Jr., 15
Hiroshima, 17
Hohenadel, Frank, 26
Hoinash, Ladonna, 27
Honkus, Mike, 20
Hopbell, John, 20
Houffalize, 55
House, Bob, 19
House, Pete, 21, 61
Huffine, Phil C., 39
Huldange, 55
Huminski, Ed, 20
Huminski, Edward, 18
Huminski, Edwin, 21
Huminski, Edwin C., 62
Hundt, Albert J., 59
Hunningen, 54
Jablonsky, Steve, 30
Jenkins, Hayward, 14
Jennings, Dr. Vance, 28
Jones, Alan W., Jr., 61, 62
Jones., Alan W., Jr., 21
Kaptor, Marcy, 20
Kath, Albert H., 39
Katouski, Ed, 19
Kelly, Sgt. Russell, 45
Kenton, Stan, 5
Keysor, Donald, 28
Kiper, Orville B., 41
Kirkpatrick, Dds, A.H., 41
Kline, J., 33, 43
Kline, John, 1, 12, 15, 20, 21, 23, 31, 33, 37, 39, 45, 47
Kline, John P., 1, 61, 62
Knight, Les, 19
Koblenz, 35
Koblenz, Germany, 41
Koluezez, Harry, 20
Kopatz, Alfred E., 59
Korea, 65
Kortlang, Charles, 27
Krafchik, Joseph & Dorothy, 27
Krlewski, Henry, 27
LaCroix, Art, 19
Langham, Fran, 20
Langlois, Leon, 29
Lapato, Frank, 20
Lauman, Pete, 45
Leipzig, 39, 41
Letellier, Jr., Louis S., 59
Letellier, Mell M., 41
Libman, Oliver & Phyllis, 26
Limburg, 39, 45
Limesey, France, 48
Locurcio, Vincent & Antointte, 27
Loeschen, John, 7
Lommersweiler, 31, 52
London, 17
Long, Mary Edyth, 37
Losheim Gap, 35
Lowenberg, Howard, 20
Lubregich, ?, 31
Luchenwalde, 39
Lyon, Noel, 30
Lyons, James E., 41
Lyons, James O., 41
Lyons, James O'Boyle, 41
Lyons, Jr., James E., 41
Maffitt, Lloyd, 5
Maier, Jr., Adolph J., 59
Malmedy Massacre, 35
Malone, William E., 62
Maloney, Joe, 20
Maloney, Joseph P., 62
Manard, Jim, 5, 7
Manchester, William, 3
Mangold, William, 28
Manteuffel, Gen. Hasso Von, 35
Marina, Jerry, 19
Mark, Dr. Joseph & Stella, 27
Maspelt, 52
Mathews, Col. Joseph, 62
McCoy, Andrew J., 41
McDevitt, John & Anne, 27
McGinty, Ed, 13
McKibbin, Ula Virgil, 31
Meadows, Gerald, 28
Meagher, Herbert & Luella, 26
Melichar, William & Florence, 27
Merwin, Fred, 13
Merwin, Frederick, 60
Merwin, Mina, 13
Merwin, Miriam D., 41
Merz, O. Paul, 21, 61
Messina, Carl, 27
Messina, Carl & Alice, 27
Messina, Vincent, 27
Military Police Plt., 56, 57
Mize, W.G. ‘Bill', 30
Mize, William G., 29
Monaco, 60
Morris, Paul E., 30
Moselle, 35
Muhlberg, 41
Muhlberg, Germany, 45
Myers, John P., 41
Nagasaki, 17
Neubrandenburg, 45
Neunaber, Calvin C., 41
Oberlascheid, 54
Ocquier, 57
Oder River, 9
O'Neill, Robert M., 14
Order of the Golden Lion, 58, 61
Ortner, Lorraine, 19
Ortner, Lorraine & Butch, 19
Our River, 52, 53, 54
Our Valley, 35
Ourthe River, 56
Pampus, Walter, 30
Panice, Raymond & Marie, 26
Parente, Leonard, 23
Paris, 33
Parker, Earl, 14
Patchen, Frank M., 42
Patchen, S/Sgt. Frank M., 43
Pellish, John, 20
Peters, Dave, 20
Peterson, Dr. Richard, 21, 61
Pharo, Howard J., 43
Phegley, Darrin, 5
Piattoni, Oreste C., 43
Pinney, Gordon, 21
Pointe Du Hoc, 47
Poole, Dixon L., 25
Potts, Arthur & Ruth Alice, 27
Preucel, Capt. Robert W., 29, 30
Preucel, Mrs Robert (Ruth), 30
Preucel, Robert W., 30
Preucel, William N., 30
Prum, 35
Puett, Col., 35
Raby, Glynn, 14
Radscheid, 54
Ray, Marion, 1, 21, 29, 30, 31, 42, 58, 61, 62
Reed, James W., 43
Reunions, 19, 26, 28, 63, 65, 66
Reyenga, Bill, 9
Reyenga, William T., 13
Rhine, 39
Richie, Mr & Mrs Leonard, 26
Richter, Ralph, 27
Rickard, Jr., William, 60
Rickard, William P., 60
Rigatti, Dick, 20
Rigatti, Richard, 21
Riggs, Rory, 27
Riggs, Thomas J., 62
Riggs, Tom, 27
Robb, Dr. John, 21
Robb, Dr. John G., 61
Rodgers, Jim, 19
Rosenthal, Phillip & Orabelle, 26
Rossi, Romeo J., 60
Rossin, Leo, 27
Roth, 50
Rusiecki, Maj. Steven M., 21
Russia, 9
Rydzinzki, Ed & Sylvia, 26
S/Sgt, Thomas J. Higdon, 39
Sabiston, Robert A., 30
San Vittore, Italy, 43
Sandahl, Dean & Della, 28
Sanelli, Alfred A., 15
Sarajevo, 21
Saucerman, Gene, 28
Saxton, Charles, 27
Saxton, Warner, 27
Scalzo, Savatore & Grace, 27
Schiro, Frank J., 44
Schiro, Joe M., 43
Schlausenbach, 51, 52
Schnee Eifel, 35
Schnee-Eifel, 47
Schober, Milton & Arline, 26
Schoeck, Richard J., 17
Schoeck, Robert J., 17
Scholten, Donald J., 45
Schonberg, 35, 43, 50, 51, 52, 54
Schonberg, Belgium, 37
Schonberg-Bleialf Road, 35
Schonberg-St. Vith Road, 54
Schrom, Irving & Ruth, 27
Schuetz, Kenneth & Marion, 27
Schuller, John P., 45
Scott, Earl, 14, 45
Scotti, Joseph & Dorothy, 27
Seel, Jean-Louis, 45
Selge, Bill, 19
Setz, 52
Sierra, Jane & Carlos, 27
Sigel, Sidney M., 60
Skoda, Anthony 'Tony', 30
Smith, Bernie, 20
Smith, Ken, 47
Sparks, Richard D., 62
St. Vith, 15, 37, 43, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56
St. Vith-Schonberg Road, 15
Stafford, George E., 45
Stahl, William, 21
Stalag 12-A, 45
Stalag 4-B, 41, 45
Stalag 4-B, Muhlberg, 41
Stalag 9-A, 31
Stalag 9-B, 31, 43
Stalag IX-A, 58
Stalag IX-B, 35
Stalag VIII-A, 42, 43
Starmack, John & Grace, 27
Stein, Murray, 47
Steinebruck, 52
Stepnick, Francis, 20
Streib, Marshall & Mary Ann, 26
Stricker, Ralph, 31
Strong, George W., 14
Sulser, Jack, 20, 21, 23, 61
Sussman, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin, 27
Swack, Nyron & Janice, 27
Sweet, Dale, 19
Swett, John, 21
Swett, John A., 61, 62
Swier, Ted & Rosalie, 26
Sziber, Vince & Muriel, 27
Task Force, 49
Taylor, Hal, 21
Tennessee Maneuvers, 39
Thompson, Paul, 19
Tolhurst, Michael, 47
Tomlinson, Ryan, 58
Tower, Bill, 19
Trichler, Sharon, 58
Trost, Paul, 14
Trp. B, 18th Cav., 52
Trueman, Dr. Duncan, 4, 21
Trueman, Dr. Duncan & Muriel, 27
Trueman, Rev. Duncan, 61
Tschiegg, Ronald E., 15, 16
Twardzik, Raymond, 28
Tyser, Leonard & Evelyn, 28
Uline, John, 19
Ulrich, James, 20
Ungerman, Clarence, 20
Ussia, Guy, 20
Valenstein, Col. Earl, 62
Valenstein, Earle, 59
Valley Forge Military Academy, 15
Van Assen, Mr. & Mrs. Luois, 27
Van Mooriehem, Art, 62
Vanarnam, Russell, 30
Vance, George, 20
Veterans Of The Battle Of The Bulge, 15
Vielsalm, 49, 54, 56
Vietnam, 37, 45, 65
VIII Corps, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54
Villwock, Russell, 61, 62
Villwock, Russell & Jackie, 26
Villwock, Russell H., 21
Wallerode, 54
Webb, John L., 47
Weigel, Levene, 62
Weising, Robert, 20
Werbomont, 56
Wereth, 50
Werkmeister, Paul & Lucille, 27
Wilson, Bobby, 5, 7
Winterspelt, 50, 52
Wojahn, Ed, 59
Wojtusik, Stan, 15
Wolfson, Marilyn, 27
Wood, Eric, 15
Wood, Eric Fisher, 15
Wood, Lt. Eric Fisher, 15
World War II Memorial, 20
Wright, Lt. Tom, 13
Wust, Edward & Catherine, 27
XVIII Corps, 56
Yalta Conference, 9
Yanalitis, Anthony, 30
Yanchik, Pete, 20
Yelochan, Al, 20
Zalorsky, Andy, 20
Ziegenhain, 58
Zimand, Gerald P., 62