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The Cub
Vol. 51, No. 1, Oct, 1994
50th Anniversary 1944 - 1994
The Veterans of the
106th /NFANTRY
Up and Running on Sixteen Cylinders
In the 50 years since our fateful experiences in the "Battle of the Bulge," most of us have experienced the positive values of being a "survivor." My election last year to the vice-presidency of the Association renewed my interest and dedication to the organization. Rarely, in my military or business experiences have I seen such enthusiastic and voluntary activity by any membership.
We have three executives and five regular staff members in line. There are about ten special committees working in areas approved by the Board. The Scholarship Committee reports that being close together geographically provides for an easy exchange of ideas. This may be useful in the Long Range Plan considering regional meetings. Vice President, Dick Riga/a, has proposed structuring the Regional meetings so that additional leadership and recruiting is provided at the local levels.
is With the death of our Adjutant, Boyd Rutledge, the organization has lost a Srat friend and untiring contributor. John Kline, his old friend and brother Minnesotian, transferred the files and temporarily took over the responsibilities as Acting-Adjutant. Pete House, an Association Ex-President, was chosen as a highly qualified replacement. We welcome him aboard.
The 1994 Reunion in Rapid City, SD, was well attended with approximately 600 members and family. The Mount Rushmore evening service was spectacular with the lighting focused on the four presidents carved in stone at the pinnacle. The speaker, Dr. Duncan Trueman, is to be commended for the relevance of his historical references. The Reunion Committee functioned well with few glitches.
Aren't we lucky to have John Kline around? He is the sensitive editor of our principal communication vehicle, The Cub. His dedication to the 106th Infantry Division Association is definitely "above and beyond the call of duty.".
That very "Private" General, Ed Prewett has earned a very enthusiastic salute from all for delivering an organization "Operating on Sixteen Cylinders."
I know that I will enjoy this year, working with such a great group of people.
Tom Riggs, president, 1994-95 106th Infantry Division Association
106th Infantry Association President
Thomas J. Riggs, Jr., 1994-1995
CO, 81st Combat Engineers Battalion
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Thomas J. Riggs, Jr. - Association President '94 - '95
We welcome our newly elected 106th Infantry Division Association President, Thomas J. Riggs, Jr., He will serve a term of one year from September 1994 to September 1995. It is my pleasure to introduce you to parts of his biographical background.
We know of him as the Commander (CO) of the 81st Combat Engineers Battalion. He was known as a hard driving commander, run, not walk to the me. hall. He was known as a fair and just officer. While those under his command may have grumbled about the physical part at the PX, they were all proud of their physical abilities and their engineering skills. They found that their hard training bore fruit in the dark days to come. Riggs' actions during the Battle of the Bulge are well recorded and are a shining example of devotion to duty and his country. I refer you to several sources for reading Riggs' wartime accomplishments;
SE Vith: Lion in the Way, written by Army Historian Colonel T. Emst Dupuy (known as our history book), page 249: Distinguished Unit Citations; cites the 81st Engineer Combat Battalion for outstanding performance in the battle and in the defense of St. Vith. It states for instance; "All elements of the 81st Engineer Combat Battalion were from the start of the ensuing decisive action committed as infantry and successfully fought without rest or relief for 5 days to hold an enemy force of far superior number and fire power." The book is replete with stories of action of the 81st Combat Engineers, fighting as infantrymen. Yet, the rules do not allow Engineers to wear the Combat Infantry Badge. They were proud men and fought a hard battle.
In The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge, U.S. Army in World War II written by Hugh M. Cole, available from the U.S. Government Printing Office. Stock number 008-029-00069-5, (744 pages with many maps and photos, last known price S21.00), the 81st Combat Engineers are referenced on pages 151, 155, 165-66, 273, 403-05, with Lt. Riggs referenced on page 405. In A Time for Trumpets, by Charles B. MacDonald, the Engineers are referenced on pages 320 and 470.
I refer you to the July, Aug, Sep 1988 issue of The CUB where Riggs allowed us to reprint his story Ltc. Cob Tom Riggs' remarkable World War II Odyssey. Wherein he describes traveling through eight countries to rejoin the 81st Engi neers after escaping from an Officer's LaSk Poland. A trip totaling over 5,000 miles, by land, sea and air. The story gives his personal history and his views of the fighting after The Bulge broke.
If you can't find a copy of the 1988 CUB, read the same story in The CUB of the Golden Lion: PASSES in REVIEW, on pages 127-132 and another story about Riggs on pages 132-134 entitled Colonel Riggs - CO 81st Engineers - named Mini "MAN of the YEAR."
Riggs was awarded the Silver Star for his actions in the defense of St. Vith. Other decorations were the Purple Heart, Distinguished Unit Emblem, French Croix de Guerre w/ Silver Gilt Star, Belgian Croix de Guerre w/ Palm and the Mexican Merito Militar Third Class. He served the AUS from July 1941 to 17 November 1947.
In the "Business World" he is listed in Who 's Who in America. with a biographical sketch of such length that I can only touch the surface. From Marshall College '35, Duke Univ. 35-36 to U.S. Naval Academy 36-37, graduating in Metal Engineering in 1941. A graduate of the Army General Staff and Command School in 1943.
The sketch is replete with after war ass' ments of managerial and executive leade
appointments with Linde Air Products Co., ,
Bacon Davies, Inc. 47-49; F.L. Jacobs, 54-56; Gabriel Co., 56-58; Thomas J. Riggs, Jr. and Associates, 58-59; Group V.P. Textron, Inc., 59- 72; Exec V.P., Dir., Katy Industries, Inc.; I IMW Industries, 72-75; Chief exec. officer Lawson-Hemphill 75-83; Director International Paper Box Machine Inc.; Director of the Rawcliffe Corp. and Chairman of the National Advisory Committee of the Small Business Administration 83-86.
Business associations and groups; American Textile Machinery Assoc, bd of dir, exec comm. 78-83; Smaller Business Assoc, New England, bd of dir, exec comm 80-85; Natnl Assoc Corp. Directors; New York Society Military and Naval Officers of World Wars; Reserve Officers Assoc; Board of Directors 106th Inf Div Assoc and now he has added "President of the 106th Infantry Division Association. 1994-95"
Congratulations Colonel Thomas J. Riggs, Jr., on your illustrious career, as a soldier and a civilian. We are proud to have you guide us in our association with those that we trained and fought with in World War II._
"Dreams and Visions ..."
As we celebrate the Holiday Season in 1994, it be-comes a very special time for we 106th Association people. How many among us during that Holiday Season of 1944 gave thought to the fact that we might be alive to celebrate some fifty years hence? Of course many of us who experi-enced the events of December, 1944, will not celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of those events. For some the story ended at its beginning and for others the span of time has proved too great. Yet many of those teens and tvventy year-olds who made up the great bulk of the 106th Division in December of 1944 will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary as a part of this Holiday Season.
The Prophet Joel tells of a time when God says, "... I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your old men vvill dream dreams, your young men vvill see visions". (Joel 2:28) However I have the feeling that for us the sequence is probably reversed. That as young men in that long ago December, we dreamed dreams of home and loved ones but now as old men we close our eyes and see visions from fifty years in the past. At least for me that may well be the case. When I think of that time fifty years ago, I remember the cold and the long line of men walking in it. I remember that Christmas-Eve locked in a forty and eight on a rail siding and that Christmas day when we were let out because the cars had not moved from that same spot in three days.
Once more we have gathered for a Reunion and a Memorial Service has been held to
itrs who make up that part of our Association and the 106th Division which has become mber and honor those who have left our ranks to join that, ever growing, number our
invisible. And so, now, our old men dream dreams of a time when we were all younger and stronger and together.
ln Psalm 90 the psalmist asks God to, "So teach us to number our days: that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom". (vs. 12) Hopefully, those of us who have survived to celebrate this Fiftieth Anniversary of "The Battle of the Bulge" have learned to 'apply our hearts unto wisdom". The wisdom to understand how greatly God has blessed us. For we, unlike so many of our brethren, have had the opportunity to enjoy length of life, love of family, and the pleasure of careers --many of which have served our fellow-man in varied ways.
Yes, as we celebrate this Holiday Season and look back over the fifty years since December, 1944, we can find many things for which to give thanks to our God.
Father God, we thank you for life, family, friends, and the opportunity which you have given us to serve you and others. We would give thanks for this Association and the many friends which we have had and continue to have both in it and among our other acquain-tances. We would pray for this Nation and seek your continuing blessing and guiding for it AMEN.
Many thanks to The RC, Dr. Duncan Trueman, for his part in the Memorial Service at the Mt. Rushmore National Park Ampitheatre during the Rapid City, S.D. Reunion. I received many expressions of appreciation for his powerful message from those in attendance..
Reverend Ewell C. Black Jr., Chaplain
422/A -- 106th Int Div. Assoc.
212 Ridge St, Bishopville, SC 29010
The CUB ophe Golden Lion 3
Front & Center ... MEMBERSHIP CARDS
At the 1994 Reunion Board Meetings, in South Dakota, it was decided not to continue the mailing of individual membership cards for ANNUAL memberships or NEW members. LIFE Members will get a laminated membership card (one time only).This was discussed in the last CUB in this column.
It is too time consuming and costly to prepare a membership card each year for each member. Over 90% of those polled said that the annual card was not in their possesion - it was home in some drawer.
The MAILING LABEL on each CUB tells the date that your membership expires. Notices will still be posted in The CUB notifying when it is DUES PAYMENT time. A payment envelope will be inserted in the February CUB to remind you to pay your ANNUAL DUES.
I have been "snowed" with information the last few months, much which needs to be printed now.
I made eight trips (660 miles round) to be with my father who died on Oct 28th at a grand old age of 93.
Dad, rest well with Mother.
Included among the many articles is a great story with photos of the "Re-dedication of the Eric Wood Memorial" at Meyerode, furnished by Robert Lowry, California, an ASSOCIATE member and class-mate of Eric's.
My apologies to he and my Belgian pen-pal Henri-HANNON, whose material I have been trying to publish all year.
As I type this, three weeks late of my printing schedule, I have over 75 pages of information. I just had to cut some stories.
Sorry fellows, next issue. Now I know how the "Triage" system works
J. Kline
ADJUTANT REPLACED Boyd Rutledge 422/D dies ...
Boyd Rutledge, age 68, our Adjutant since September 1988, died September 5, 1994 from a heart attack. (See Memoriams, inside back page.) John Kline, acted as Adjutant until the Board Meeting at the South Dakota Reunion, when Pete House, a former Association President, and long-time active member accepted the position.
Pete will take over the reins of that office when he gets his computer system organized. If you have any business matters, deaths to report or address changes, please forward them to Pete. His address is listed on the inside front cover of this, and continuing issues of The CUB.
If you would like to listed as an alter-
"Editor," "Treasurer," or "Adjuta
nate, or "back-up" for the postion
please notify Pete House, Adjutant, of your decision. Again, his address in on the inside front cover.
Please submit a summary of your experience in connection with which office you would like to act as a "Back-Up.-
For you members who have signed on as LIFE Members in the last few months and have not received your laminated LIFE Membership card:
Please drop Pete House, Adjutant a post-card requesting the laminated card.
That includes new members who have signed on as LIFE Members, as well as ANNUAL Members who chose to renew their membership as LIFE Members.
Front & Center ...
tanks for the Old CUBs...
In looking through my stacks of paper I have probably missed someone. If I did, please excuse me.
1 want to thank: Joseph Kersten, Gordon Jolgren, Joe Cucarola, John Gallagher and all the ones that I have missed, for sending their old CUBs to me. There are many out there that would enjoy them. We have completed the set for The Carlisle Barracks Military Histoy Mu-seum archives. There are also a few "War Buffs," who have requested some of the older ones.
Again, thanks for all of the help. I think we should all make some arrange-ments as to where all of our old memorabili goes when "we go."
Camp Atterbury Memorial
By Sharon VVillis
wife of Col. Garry L. Willis Atterbury Post Commander
io I would like to recognize a couple of
at people. Ames and Helen Miller of Columbus, Indiana.
This pair of troopers show up weekly during the growing season, Spring, Sum-mer and Fall, to tend to thc flower gardens at the Veteran's Memorial at Camp Atter-bury, Indiana.
A lot Love, Heart and Physical labor, as well as time and some of their own money go into this self-appointed task.
In the Spring of "95'' with your dona-tions, Ames and Helen hope to section off the gardens and place a "Name Plaque- for those persons who donate money to the planting of perennials in the gardens.
The personnel and volunteers of the Ind iana National Guard say, "Thank You."
Send donations to: Ames Miller, 2666 C'entral Avenue, Columbus, In 47201.
Richard L. Rigatti, lst Vice Pres.
Longe Range Planning Comm. 113 Woodshire Drive Pittsburgh, Pa 15215
We want to compile a roster of chair-men of the local December Reunions (De-cember Meetings).
I realize that this request is too late for this year's activities, but we want to iden-tify and recognize what activities are go-ing on in the way of December Commemorative Parties/Meetings.
If you are, or if you have been, a sponsor or co-sponsor of a December Commemorative Meeting, please send me your name, address, telephone number and identify the area that your December Commemorative Meeting covers.
We are interesting in increasing the December Meetings, by looking forward to a time that the December Meetings will be the center activity where our members will meet. At least to promote more atten-dance for those that cannot travel to the Annual Reunions.
If you are in an area where there is no meeting held, and want to establish such a meeting group, please contact me with the information requested,
My address is listed above....
Chuck Rieck, 422/H
Informs Us..
If you want to locate a grave of a comrade buried in Europe, contact:
The American Battle Monuments 20 Massachusetts Ave, NW Washington, D.C. 20034-300
Be surc to give full name, Army serial
number (if known) and unit designation.
Front & Center ... MEMBERS DROPPED
Annual Membership fees are due by July 1, each year. We dropped over 100 members from our roster, just prior to mailing this CUB, due to non-payment of membership fees.
Notices have been given in the each of the last two CUBs, as well as a First-Class mail letter to each delinquent member.
We are still over 1,600 strong. I am sorry to see so many dropped, but it is not fair to paying members to continue to support non-paying members who have not paid- for whatever reason, by supplying CUBs and other services.
ILLINOIS: Holiday Inn Mt. Vernon, Illinois,
December 10
5:00 P.M. With Dinner at 6:00. CONTACT:
John L/ Mikalauskis
306 W. Blake Street, Box 31
Benton, II 62812 Phone: 618-439-3867
December 4 - 1:00 P.M.
Szechwan Chinese Restaurant
11010 Paramount Blvd
Downey, Ca
East side Paramount No. of Firestone (213) 923-3277
Milton Weiner 6440 Knott Ave #41
Buena Park, Ca 90621
(714) 521-1705
Des Plaines Elks Club
495 Lee Street Des Plaines, II 6:30 Cocktails 7:30 Dinner
$12.50 per person, cash bar. CONTACT:
Russell H. Villwock 8560 W. Foster #510 Norridge, II 60656 (708) 452-8628
Dobbins Air Force Base Open Mess
December 11
Same Time, Same Place CONTACT:
Sherod Collin, 423/SV
448 Monroe Trace
Kennesaw, Ga 30144
(404) 928-3207
Dec 11 - 3:30 P.M.
Datte Home 231 Dave Ave Clifton Heights (610-626-1866
Sponsored by Chuck Rieck 422/H 7316 Voss Parkway
Middleton, Wi 53562
(608) 831-6110
Held October 22, 1994 -There were 38 people in attendance at this 6th Annual Battle of the Bulge Meeting. Congratulation Chuck - photos in the next CUB along with other December meetings.
Sponsored by Carl Messina
81st Engineers, company "A"
Held Sunday, November 12. Reported that over 80 attended. Pictures and report in the next CUB
Front & Center ...
llortant 1995 Scholarship Announcement
Scholarships will again be given in 1995 to descendants of living and deceased members of the 106th Infantry Division Association.
Descendants have been defined by the Board of Directors to include the following:
Children and Grandchildren
Children are defined as the member's natural children and children acquired through marriage or adoption or as foster children AND who live in the member's household when they were minor's.
Grandchildren are defined as the children of the children defined above Nieces, Nephews,
Grandnieces and Grandnephews
Applicants must be nominated by a amp ber of the Association or his widow, Vwas a member at death. Member's letters of nomination must state their relationship to the applicant.
Scholarship Value
The Board of Directors has authorized $4,000 for scholarships. Depending on the number of successful candidates. there may be anywhere from eight scholarships of $500 to four scholarships of $1,000.
To receive an application for the scholarship please write to:
Deadline for submitting application and accompanying material is 30 May 1995.
To the members of the 106th Infantry Division Association: Thank you for honoring me with a scholarship. I am using it to help with expenses in attending the University of Minnesota where I enjoy my studies and my association with my fellow students. I am the granddaughter of Paul Thompson, 106 RECON TROOP, Minneapolis.
Signed Jessica Phillips
To the members of the 106th Infantry Division Association: On behalf of my granddaughter Wendy Bottcher. I want to thank the Scholarship Committee for the Scholarship she was awarded. Butch Boucher 423/H
Front & Center ...
The following 106th Infantry Division Association members and guests were present on the RETURN to EUROPE, 50th Anniversiary Tour.
For details of trip and events see the article and pictures that follow in this CUB, starting on page 27.
(I failed to list them in the article .... J. Kline, editor)
Richard Dill, Sr 422/HQ 2BN
Richard Dill, Jr.
John Gatens 589/A
Leo Gregory 424/HQ 3BN
Dannie Gregory
Major Hill 424/B
Evelyn Hill
Walter Johannes 423/E
Lucille Johannes
Harold Kulzema 589/A
Jessica Kulzema
Brenda Linville
Horace Mansfield 424/A
John Roberts 592/C
John Schaffner 589/A
Lillian Schaffner
Alvin Skardon 590/B
Hooper Skardon
Walter Snyder 589/A
Mary Vandermast
Hotels visited were:
Brussels Hilton, Brussels, Belgium
Sept 23-24
Hotel Pip Mardraff, St. Vith
Sept 24-28
Baudobriga Hotel, Boppard, Germany Sept 28-29
Intercity Hotel, Frankfurt. Germany
Sept 29-30
Step Forward and Identify
This will be obvius to some, particular to the persons in the above picture, but the printer of the Reunion Picture Book does not have the identification of the persons in the above picture.
Please contact REUNION SERVICES, THE DUNNING Co, Po DRAWER 759, THEODORE, Al 36582 and identify yourself. Refer to picture number 94170. The telephone is
(205) 653-7557.
Don't Ever Give Up???
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center ...
Atterbury Veteran's Memorial Park
7 August, 1994 Memorial
0. Paul Merz, 106th Infantry Division Representative to the Camp Atterbury Memorial reports on the August 7, 1994 memorial Event
Units memorialized are:
1560 Service Command Unit
June I942-June 1946
83rd Infantry Division
August 1942-June 1942
93rd Infantry Division
October 1942-May 1943
30th Infantry Divsion
Novenzber 1943-January 1944 106th Infantry Division
March 1944-October 1944
Headquarters, Sixth Army Corps
January 1951 -April 1953 31st Infantry Division
April 1952-February 1954
Indiana Army National Guard Units Company D, Rangers, 151at Infantry
.1/ac 1969-November 1969
83rd Transportation Detachment
September 1990-April 1991
15th Adjutant General Company
October 1990-April 1991 1438 Transportation Company
December 1990-June 1991 138th Finance Support Group
March 1991-July 1991
The permanent wreath was donated by
Floyd Friend, 423/M in memory of Florine,
his deceased wife, who started construction
of the wreath before her death.
Memorial Program
Posting of Color
Camp Atterbury Color Guard National Anthem
Post Chaplain
(LTC) Charles McDaniel Introduce Guest Speaker
Ames Miller
Veteran 83rd Inf Div Guest Speaker
Manlius R. Goodridge
Veteran, 83rd lnf Div Wreath Laying Ceremony Benediction
lost Chaplain
(LTC) Charles McDaniel Firing Squad
Retreat of Colors
Note the new 106th flag above our emblem
Damon Young, 423/0, helped place the
106th Infantry Division Wreath at the Camp
Atterbury Memorial Wall
under the 106th emblem.
In recent months I've read additi. articles about the exhibit, now referre as "The Last Act," in USA Today and in Chicago, St. Louis and Des Moines news-papers. There is still some cause for con-cern about the Smithsonian treatment of the war's end, it seems to me. Pressure from some outraged vets has gotten the Smithsonian attention, I'm sure. There will, hopefull^,,, be less of a pro-Japanese tilt to "The Last Act- than was originally planned.
I think the exhibit bears watching and hope Congress, in particular, makes cer-tain that people aftending it realize why "the bomb" was dropped on I liroshima. Specific concerns about "The Last Act" have included an absence of photos of Japanese atrocities prior to the war and an inclination to dwell on their casualties more than ours,
We can all expect the revisionists to sound off about the "atrocity" of our nu-clear weapons next summer, when t e 50th anniversary of V-J Day is celebr There will be no mention of Gen. Geo C. Marshall, who backed use of atomic weapons to avoid an invasion. But the revisionists will harp on the fact that Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower bemoaned use of the bombs on Japan..
It is true that Ike was opposed to use of nuclear weapons, from what I've read. Yet he threatened use of them, in an low-key way, to help end the Korean War. And he used nuclear weapons as the key-stone of our deterrent strength during the two terms of his presidency.
It would have been nice to end WW-2 without nuclear bombs. It would have been better yet if Pearl Harbor hadn't been bombed in the first place. I 'tn glad the war ended without need for an inva-sion by GI troops.
SOMEONE gave me a copy of the paper from Onalaska, Wisc., with a huge
Dan Bled, "A" Co.. 422nd Combat Int'. Reg.
108 Leffler Street. W. Burlington. IA 52655
Tele: (319) 752-5708
West Burlington, Iowa Dan Bied Writes
Avid readers of The Cub will recall my previous article, in which I reported my concern about the Enola Gay display planned at the Smithsonian Institution in I 995.
The exhibit has created a major flap, as many of you probably know, with Air Force and American Legion groups con-cerned that it will brand the US as "war criminals" for ending World War with atomic bombs.
I'd asked Congressman Jim Lightfoot, of Iowa, to check on the display. He got in touch with the Smithsonian and sent mc a letter from Mark Rodgers, the Insti-tution's director of government relations, hich denied that the "Crossroads" ex-hibit will offend war vets. "It will make no judgment as to the morality of the decision to use atomic weapons to end the war without an invasion," Rodgers vowed. He went on to say he's hopeful "the misinformation and rumors sur-rounding the exhibition will not cloud the ability of all the assess the the substance and fact."
lkdline, "Remembering the 106th," ig with a photo of Edward Wojahn, a
vet of our division.
Wojahn, a combat engineer who became a bridge foreman for the Burlington Northern Railroad, recalled the "mass confusion" during the Bulge. "There was so much shooting going on in all directions that you couldn't tell where the front was," he said.
"Our division was criticized," Wojahn added. "but the truth came out after the war," The 106th made a gallant stand against a superior force for several days, "long enough that Eisenhower and
Bradley could get reserves up there to help out" he reminded.
NOTE: I wrote to Gen. Gary E. Luck, commander of US Army Forces in Korea, to find out if he might be related to Lt. Karl Luck, an officer in my company who died in the ETO.
"He was not a relative," Gen. Luck replied, "but it sure sounds like he was a super soldier. It's always a pleasure to hear from people who understand and take pride in our military history and those who made it." Gen. Luck offered his "best wishes" to all of us in the 106th Infantry Division Association. ^
THE REGISTER'S EDITORIALS 17 Aug 94 - The Des Moines Register
When the big bands roamed Iowa
Burlington's Dan Bied wrote his memories of that pre-rock era. Some people just can't let bygones be bygones - thankfully. Without them, we could lose track forever of some touches of nostalgia worth recalling. A case in point is the big-band era, when touring 20-piece jazz bands played one-nighters in every corner of the Com Belt, starting near the end of the Depression. The phenomenon lasted maybe 20 years id jazz gave way to rock. the big bands began to fold, and the ranks of fans thinned. But some remembered
d the foremost keeper of the flame in Iowa has to be Dan Bied, who booked a bunch of the biggies into his hometown of Burlington. He has not only remembered, but has written it all down.
Iowa was on the itinerary of the band buses long before the state became the crossroads of two major interstates. The old Roof Garden at Amold's Park on Lake Okoboji was a major draw, but any town where a promoter could scrape up the guarantee might host, a big-name band that had an open date. Iowa drew Ellington, Kenton, Hemm, James, Goodman, Shaw, the Dorseys, McKinley, Thornhill and Ar rest - who might have played a swank New york nightclub one night and a roadhouse outside Clinton, Iowa a night or two later.
Bird. now pushing 70, was at so many of those performances - plus others on both coasts and Europe -that this summer he finally published 'Ian Memories," a unique chronicle tracing the big bands, their singers and sidemen.
As Bied says, he's not a musician, just a reporter with a camera. But he has an exceptionally good ear and a good memory for all the times he crossed paths with the giants of a bygone era. His jotting is a footnote to a facet of Iowa history that's still vivid to many.
(Editor's Note - Dan wrote recently. "John. I'm enclosing copy for my next article. I want to thank you and Margot for supporting my book, in the last CUB. So far it has been going well. I'm getting some good feedback (see article above). It will be a long haul, but it is a hobby, to a great extent, and I consider what we're spending on promotion to be "fun." I'm working on a 1,800 word article for our local paper, The Burlington Hawkeye, to appear on December 19 to recall The Battle of the Bulge from 50 years ago. Dec 19 was the day I was captured. Perhaps I will write some additional material, next year, for the Des Moines paper. Thanks for your continued support.
REMEMBER, JAZZ MEMORIES - 245 pages with photos at $12 post-paid for 106ers -(reg $15) -To order see address under his picture for this column.. J. Kline, editor)
The CUB of the Golden Lion
106th Infantry Division Association
Adjutant's Report 1993 - 1994
Renewals - Annual 977 1007
LIFE - Continued 418 348
LIFE - Converted 43 45
New Members Annual 80 106
LIFE 12 26
Reinstated Members Annual 13 14
LIFE 2 3
TOTAL REGULAR 1,545 1,549
Renewals - Annual 48 48
LIFE 24 13
New Members- Annual 9 16
Auxiliary Members Annual 224 218
Annual-New/Reinstated 15 27
LIFE - Continued 163 126
LIFE - New 41 21
Memorial Fund Contributors 102 102
Members discontinued 80 64
Membership Gains, Net 2 78
Auxiliary Membership (Loss) 51 46
Year Memberships Associate TOTAL Auxiliary Deaths
93-94 1,543 82 1,627 443 29
92-93 1,549 70 1,625 392 39
91-92 1,487 60 1,547 438 25
90-91 1,443 48 1,491 435 37
89-90 1,417 41 1,458 505 32
88-89 1,128 39 1,167 348 12
87-88 928 30 950 359 20
86-87 745 20 765 300 12
85-86 641 16 655 239 7
84-85 555 13 568 195 9
83-84 481 19 500 160 9
Known Deaths Reported from Fiscal Year July 1, '93 thru June 30, '94
Andrlik, Frank 592/HQ
Kennedy, Brown 423/G
Sather, Gordon 590/A
Brown, Robert G. 424/11
Lee. Futrell 11. 422/C
Smiley. Ross II 424/11Q
Bums, William 423/SVC
Loveless, Kay Life Assoc.
Solomon, Joseph 423/G
Caudill, George 590/C
Lucsay, William 423/13
Stephens, Robert C. 423/F
Crouthamel, George 423/M
Madden Jr., Dr. Lawrence 424/F
Stolzberg. Seymour 423/M
Duda, Frank 591/SV
McGrew, Edward 423/M
Strickland. James B. 424/K
Fields, Raymond H. 424/11
Mellugh Jr., Thomas E. 424/SV
Warner, George H. 424/D
Hoffman. Harold V. 422/B
McMillan, Paul 422/SV
Zabinski, Conrad 422/D
Jackson, Roy T. 591/B
Oliver, Grover C. 589 FAB
Althea, Loveless Assoc.
Kauffman, Verlin D. 106/SIG
Rossini. Nell° 422/I Zimmerman
106th Infantry Division Association
Treasurer's Report 1993 - 1994
Annual Member Dues 11,540.00
Life Member Dues 4,275.00 FUNDS ACTIVITY
Auxiliary Dues 678.00
CUB Review BOOKS Sold 941.37
Interest Earned 3,677.35 General Fund Recap......
Surplus-47th Reunion 1,491.61
Extra CUBs sold 30.00 Brought Forward $ 69,369.54
Patches Sold 594.58 Net Decrease 4,615.31
Postage, sale of patches 14.09 FUND TOTAL $ 64,754.23
Labels Sold 63.00
Misc 3.00
$ 23,293.91
Memorial Fund Recap
CUB Expense: Brought Forward 19,684.35
Printing 7,814.22 Contributions 1,927.60
Layout 1,320.00 Interest Earned 1,218.65
Envelopes 594.45 TOTAL $ 22,830.60
Covers 1,018.00
Postage 2,268.51 12,970.18 Less Paid Out:
Computer repairs 224.00 Scholarships (4) (4,000.00)
Postage 1,309.27 Plaque at New Mem. (273.48)
Printing & Office Supplies 1,531.66 Mutual write-down (968.18)
liphone 379.69 Total deductions (5,241.66)
Irrance 638.00
Registration Fees - 4 officers 316.00 Fund Total $ 17,588.94
Advance to 49th Reunion 500.00 Grant to Ladies Luncheon 1994 500.00 Advance to 48th Reunion 2,500.00 Banks of Deposit ......
Flag-Atterbury Museum 405.83
106th Flag - St Vith 293.74 Wachovia Bank 4,446.17
Layout costs-Roster 180.00 Edw. D. Jones Co.. 77,897.00
Print Roster 1,375.00 $ 82,343.17
Printer upgrade for Editor 1,436.69
OGL Citations 60.00
OGL Medals 520.00
Mutual Fund wrte-down 2,769.16
This Year $ 64,754.23 $ 17,588.94 $ 82,343.17
Last Year $ 69,369.54 $ 19 684.35 $ 89,053.89
(Decrease) $ (4,615.31) $( 2,095.41) $ (6,710.72)
Committee Reports ...
Memorial Committee, Dr. John G. Robb, 422/D Chairman
The St. Vith memorial has been completed. It is situated on the Bischofliche School grounds in front ofthe old Memorial. Much of the work was done by the students and teachers of the school.
The old memorial was detiorating and the school wants to eventually level it. Consideration was given in placing the new memorial to build it of material that would be long lasting and require minimal maintenance.
A large stone was placed and landscaping and block walkways were laid. A metal plaque was attached to the stone, indicating to whom it is dedicated The new memorial is a sturdy, beautiful tribute to the men of the 106th Infantry Division. We can all be proud of it.
The dedication of the new memorial was held 26 September. (See article starting on page 27) Major Hill, 2nd Vice Pres., one of the members traveling on the Galaxy Tour, represented the Association in the dedication ceremony. John Gregory also participated, with the rest of the tour group in attendance.
Jack Susler. past-president, had con- tacted Colonel John Fairlamb, the Defense attache' at the American Embassy in Brus- sels. Colonel Fairlamb and other repre- sentatives from the embassy were present.
Also very prominent at the dedical were members from the C.R.I.B.A orW- zation as well as other Belgian friends of the 106th. We wish to thank them all for sup- porting us.
Board member, Dr. Richard (Dick) Pe- terson, 423/I was in St. Vith last September and established a most cordial relationship with the school. He, Dr. Peterson, was the work horse in the deliberations that caused the memorial to be constructed. Unfortu- nately he could not attend because of doc- tor's orders, due to a recent heart by-pass..
Ed Prewett. our 1993-94 president, was recently in St. Vith and presented a replica of our division flag to the school superinten- dant, Dr. Cremer. Relations with the St. Vith School continue to be very good. Stateside...
Sunday August 2, 1994 Camp Atter- bury hosted the 2nd annual observance of the dedication of the Camp Atterbury Vet- eran's Memorial. (Please read artico,
olden Lion
Committee Reports ...
U.S. 50th Anniversary of WWII Commeration Committee
Jack A. Sulser, 423/F, Chairman
As the 106th Infantry Division Association liaison to the United States 50th Anniversary of World War 11 Commemoration Committee, I attended a briefing by the Committee's Operations Station November 9, 1994, to review planned activities for the duration of the commemoration, which will con- flate November I I, 1995. There are many lie activities planned of possible interest to our members than ! was previously aware. THE CUB is the best means to bring them to the attention of our members.
Some of the events will be history by the time they could appear in THE CUB. For example, the Red Cross conducted a POW Commemoration at Washington, DC, and five other locations across the country on November 10, and the Delaware River Chapter of VBOB dedicated an impressive monument to the Battle ofthe Bulge at the Valley Forge Military Academy on November 12. The people of Luxembourg and many of our members contributed to the cost of this monument. The Belgian Guides Regiment's Symphonic Band will perform a concert in honor of Bulge veterans at Constitution Hall in DC on December 14; 011ie Patton and I will be there, and I have invited Alan Jones and other former soldiers of the 106th. The Band will also perform at the National Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge at St. Louis December 16-18, which is co-sponsored by VBOB and the USA Commemoration Committee, which will feature the participation of the Crown Princes and Ambassadors of Belgium and Luxembourg, the US Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, etc. Our current President, Tom Riggs, will represent the 106th Division. The Commemoration Committee and the US European Command will co-sponsor a ceremony at Bastogne on December 16 to be attended by the US Ambassador and (perhaps) by the King of the Belgians.
int & Center" column page .) The 106th wreath was donated by the "Arizona Association of the 106th Division" as a permanent piece. The wreath was started by 106th Association members Floyd (423/M) and his wife, Florine Friend, of Mesa, Arizona. Florine died in March just after she finished the needle point "Head of the Lion" in the wreath. Floyd, along with the rest of the Arizona Association had the wreath completed and dedicated it at this memorial ceremony. Paul Merz said it was the nicest wreath on display.
Paul Merz had a heart attack in late May with angio-plasty therapy and could not attend the memorial service.
Merz would like to urge the Board of Directors to contribute a couple hundred dollars each year to the Camp Atterbury memorial Project, to defray expenses on the Association's behalf.
My work of Memorial Chairman was simplified tremendously by the work of Dick Peterson and O. Paul Merz - Thanks.. Dr. John Robb, Memorial Chairman.
Committee Reports ...
Events of potential interest to our members in various localities in 1995 include:
Salute to WWII Veterans, McDill AFB, and TampalSt. Petersburg Community, FL, April 21.23.
Days of Remembrance, start of National VE Day commemoration, US Capitol Rotunda, April 27.
US Armed Forces 50th Anniversary of WWII! Reunion, Atlantic City, NJ, May 6.30. National VE Day Commemoration, Arlington National Cemetery, May 8.
VE Day Commemoration, Kansas City, MO, May B.
VE Day, Times Square Ceremony, New York City, May 8
Salute to WWII Veterans and Open House, Andrews AFB, MD, May 19. Pittsburgh Founders Councils Memorial Day Weekend Celebration, May 26.28. WWII Veterans Memorial Dedication. Tobyhanna Army Depot, PA, June.
WWII Encampment on the Mall, Washington, DC, JunelJuly. Celebration 1995, Columbus, IN, July 13.16.
Freedom Flight America (aircraft depart CA July 2 1, conduct ceremonies in 13 cities across country, and finish at NYC on August 14). HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
An American Requiem, Kennedy Center, Washington, DC, August 4.5. WWII Victory Party, Rock Island Arsenal, IL, August 12.13.
VFW National Convention, Phoenix, AZ, August 18.25.
"End of the War Gala", San Antonio, TX, and 50th Anniversary of the Peace Accords, Nimitz Museum, Fredericksburg, TX, September 1.2.
National VJ Day Commemoration, Arlington National Cemetery, September 2. Armed Services YMCA "End of the War" Musical Salute to Veterans at Wolf Trap Farm Park, Reston, VA, September 2.
VJ Day - End of the War Commemoration, Honolulu, HI, September 2.3. VJ Day, Battleship North Carolina, Wilmington, NC, September 2.
50th Anniversary of WWII Remembrance Commemoration, Bangor, ME, September 2. American Legion National Convention, VJ Day Commemoration,
Portland, OR, Sept. 2. VJ Day Commemoration, Battleship Missouri, Bremerton, WA, September 2. • Victory '95, Seattle, WA, September 2.
VJ Day Commemoration, NYC, September 2.
VJ Day, 50 Year "Victory" Commemoration, Omaha, NE, September 2.3.
106th Infantry Div. Assoc. Annual Reunion and End of WWII Celebration, Orlando, FL, September 7.9. Closing Week of Commemorations, Guam, Saipan, Washington Dc, Across America
to Honolulu, HI, November 4.11.
WWII Education Day in local schools across America, November 8.
Candlelight vigils. tnemorial services at WWII monuments across America. November 10. Veterans Day parades concluding at local cemeteries across America, November I I. Grand Finale at II a.m. on II November. VP Gore will start the commemoration by striking a bell 50 times on Guam over the international date line, and bells will be struck 50 times at 11 a.m. in every time zone across Asia and Europe. President Clinton will strike a bell 50 times when 11 a.m. reaches Washington. DC. and this will be repeated across America, culminating at Honolulu, which VP Gore will have reached in time to conclude the celebration.
Each of these events will be publicized in the locality concerned before the fact. Any of our members who want to know more in the meantime or who wish to get inwlved can contact me for further information.
I have the names. addresses and telephone numbers of the individuals responsible for each activity listed above. Contact me, Jack Sulser, at: 917 N. Ashton St.. Alexandria. Va 22312; Telephone: 703-354-022 l
Unit Count - Rapid City, South Dakota - 1994 Reunion
L.. /HQ
106 MI'
106 RECON 106 SIG
331 MED/A
331 MED/B
422/HQ 1BN 422/A 422/B 422/C 422/D
4221HQ 2BN 422/E 422/F 422/G 422/H
422/HQ 3BN
422/M 422/MED
423/HQ 423/A I. 423/CN 423/SV
423/HQ 1 BN 423/A 423/B 423/C 423/D
423/HQ 2BN 423/E 423/F 423/G 423/H
t 423/HQ 3BN 0
2 423/I
1 423/K
5 423/M
2 423/MED 3
1 424/HQ 8
8 424/AT 2
424/CN 6
424/HQ 1BN
1 424/A
2 424/B
5 424/C
11 424/D
2 424/HQ 2BN 1
3 424/E
5 424/F 3
7 424/G 6
10 424/H 8
0 424/HQ 3BN
6 424/I 4
8 424/K 4
I 424/L 5
424/M 3
, 424/MED
3 81st ENG/HQ
9 8Ist ENG/A 5
81st ENG/B 8
4 81st ENG/C 3
6 81st ENG/MED 1
8 275 •Atattchd
2 589 FAB/HQ
6 589/A
1 589/B
590 FAB/HQ 6
590/A 6
591 FAB/HQ 3
591/C 3
591/SV 4
592 FAB/HQ
592/A 5
592/B 2
592/C 1
592/SV 2
Unit Unknown 4
Grand Total 316
Div/HQs & units 9
422nd 71
423rd 91
424th 74
81st Eng 18
589th FAB 5
590th FAB 15
591st FAB 11
592nd FAB 11
331 MED 3
106ers 316
Guests/Wives 260
Attached Medics
counted with organic units
Grand Total
Compare 09/01/94 Total Membership Count by State.
against 1994 Reunion Attendance:
(Count by State)
AL 35 LA 11 OR
AR 15 MA 54 PA 152
AZ 34 MD 46 PR 1
BE 5 ME 13 RI 12
CA 76 MI 69 SC 31
CO 19 MN 40 SD 7
CT 26 MO 30 TN 46
DC 5 MS 16 TX 40
DE 5 MT 1 UK I
Fl. 151 NC 33 UT 3
FR 1 NE 12 VA 30
GA 46 NH 4 VT 8
HI 2 NJ 82 WA
IA 24 NM 7 WI 86
ID I NS 2 WV 11
IL 119 NV 2 WY
IN 45 NY 86
KS 18 OH 82 Grand Total 1701
KY 15 OK 15
48th Annual S.D. Reunion Attendance
(Count by State)
1 MD 3 SC
AL 5 MI 19 SD
AZ 10 MO 8 TX II
CA 12 MS 2 UT 2
CO 7 MT 1 VA 7
CT 4 NC 3 VT
DE 1 NE 7 WA
FL 20 NJ 9 WI 2.1
GA 7 NM 3 WV 5
IA 9 NV 1 WY I
IN 8 OH 11 Grand Total 316
KS 2 OK 4
KY 2 OR 1 Does not include guests or
LA 3 PA 23 wives, just former Division
MA 6 RI 2 members............
South Dakota Reunion Attendance -- Sept 2 - 6, 1994
Smith, Charles L. 422/MED
Temple. Will S. Jr.
Cariano, Samuel P
Dashner, Robert F.
Trautman, Frank S.
Williams, Lawrence R.
York, Robert E.
106 MP
Krantz, Albert R.
Kuhn. Eugene L.
LaCroix, Arthur P.
106 SIG
Calhoon, Robert R.
Childs. Dean F.
DiRenzo, Peter L.
Kups, Stanislaus
Villwock. Russell H.
331 MED/A
Pawasarat, Oscar F.
Richter. Ralph M.
331 MED/B
Vandegrift, Kenneth W.
Black, T. Wayne
Boudreaux, Hilman 3.
Gasses, Joseph J.
Hanna, Robert R.
Irving, Dr. George W.
gton, Fred obert E. Schoonover, H. A.
Pawluk, Walter S.
422/HQ 1BN
Gombotz, Frank J
Black, Ewell C. Jr
Lee, Rebel O.
Sandahl, Dean E.
Boyd. Thomas D.
Edwards, Carl E.
Mosey. Joseph A.
Milbrodt, George L.
Wiedlin, Dr. Robert A.
Bookie. William V.
Chase, Feed B.
Eckblad, Wesley W.
Robb, John G.
Sandveit, Arthur O.
Sauccrman, Eugene L.
422/HQ 2BN
Nausin. Frank Jr.
Rickard, William P.
Anderson, I laskell T. ['Alvin, Amos J.
Rahm, Carroll
Crook. I.D.
Henderson, Charly S.
Lawlor, Martin V.
Reynolds. James E.
Schroer. Charles J.
Boggs, Oliver B.
Broderick. H. Joe
Chesney. Longs L.
Ginther. Keith
Newman, Saul A.
O'Neill. Robert M.
Wojtusik, Stan A.
('ook, Francis J.
Dorn, Edward W.
Jenkins. Bill D.
Jones, Wm. B.
Madsen, Anders (Bud) N.
Posts, Lawrence W.
Ricci:. Charles E.
Sexton. Maynard H.
Turek. Casimer
Weigel. Leven J.
Blaher, William S.
Breite, Victor W.
Hoff, Russel D.
Kelch, Eugene B.
Malone, William E.
Rydzinski, Edward S.
Adolphson, Maynard R.
Jensen, George C.
Kopatz, Alfred E.
Larson. Gilbert R.
Leichte, Joseph H.
Mascone, Attilio A.
Meagher. Herbert F.
Stoehr, Martin G.
Avery, Charles W.
Long, Ivan H.
McClure, Charles C. (Clio
Nusbaum, Alfred S.
Tarantino, Joseph C.
Zickcr, Gordon B.
Ansel, Joseph J.
Hiltbrand, Walter F.
Kennedy, Glen N.
Murphy, John J.
Swartz. Harvey
Collins. Virgil L.
Houston. William C.
Vaughn, Ray R.
Collins, Sherod
Grasso, Sal
Heck, Howell H.
Noon, Cletus E.
Starmack, John S.
Stewart, John T.
Taylor, Hal R.
Ulin, William E.
Wischmeier, Donald B.
423/HQ 1 BN
Bryan, Kenneth V.
Greve, Walter C.
Jones, Alan W.
Malueg, Russel J.
Bainbridge, William G.
Bohling, Jack
Legrand, Elmore W.
Martin, Thomas C.
Forbes, Fontaine C.
Gilbert, Daniel W.
Pinney, Gordon B.
Rigatti, Richard L.
Scotti, Joe G.
Van Moorlehe, Art
Bladen, John Anthony
Butterfield, Wallace
Fox, Carl E.
Halladay, Maurice A.
Kleven, Joe B.
Rosalia, John J.
Wood, Vernon T.
South Dakota Reunion Attendance -- Sept 2 - 6, 1990
423/D 423/MED
Browning, Luther (Roy)
Costa, Antone D.
Hawkins, Harold W.
Costa. Lawrence B.
Hoffmaster, Wendell M.
Ritchie, Richard R.
Hunter, David
Marsh, Robert H.
Yingst, William J.
Young, Damon F.
Zenn, Mike F.
423/HQ 2BN
Paulson, Dorayne M.
Riels, John O.
Bennett, Willard G.
Johannes. Walter E.
Lowenberg. Howard
Martin, Walter W.
Miller, John W.
Tuhoski, Stanley
Sulser, Jack A.
Wafters, Jack
Bennett, Robert
Boucher, Remo D.
Diehl, Lloyd F.
Johnston, Ray A.
Kurzcja, Michael F.
Lawson, William J.
Petersen, Walter A.
Pretty, Emor C.
Smith, Ken M.
Swett, John A.
Taylor, John W.
Trost, Paul M.L.
Blodgett, John Q.
Bloomingburg. George L.
Szoek, Ervin E.
Terrio, Howard J.
Brax, Richard J.
Bricker, James H.
Capshaw, Clifton
Friend, Floyd E.
Hay, Reuben
Helwig, Gilbert
Hohenstein, John J.
Kline, John P.
Lo Curcio, Vincent
Venegoni, Vincent J.
Burkes, Robert A.
Gaffney, Frank William
Helmich, Lester A.
Lyons. Robert N.
Maloney, Joseph P.
Odom, Joseph C.
Shaver, Robert M.
Wilson. Harry W.
Cooper, Jones A.
Truernan. Duncan T.
Aubin. Robert de St
Bayles. Darrel R.
Libman, Oliver E.
Mackowiak, Henry W.
Nelson. Ralph J.
O'Farrell. Donald A.
424/HQ 1BN
Diefcnthaler, Willard (Lefty)
Gilder, Robert A.
Kucholick, Stan J.
Beseler. Donald (Bill) W
Brunner, Lloyd J.
Mansfield, Horace E.
Van De Bow Henna
Arvold, Norman W.
Call. George
Hill, Major H.
Passariello, Louis J.
Preuett. Edward A.
Rutland. Roger M.
Streit). Marshall P.
Moss. Melvin A.
Bridges. Walter G.
Chermkak, Fred F.
Landis, Robert J.
Simmons, Norman J.
424/HQ 2BN
Miller. Carl L.
Britton. Benjamin )1
Gregory, John A
Sharrow. Robert I
Bryant, Howard 1.
liuminski. Edwin C.
Schober, Milton I .
Gelb. George D.
Lord. John S
Morgan. Aubrey D
Rediger, Delbert G.
Salemink, Richard J.
Swisher. Ralph A.
Armington. Donald R.
Ashbum. Molan L.
Bailey, Harold M.
Collier, James E.
Crossman, Lester W.
Mikalauskis, John L.
Stephens. George W.
Walden. Larry W.
424/HQ 3BN
Carver. Dale R
Albers, William G.
Dresselhaus, J. B.
Hochstetter, Hubert H.
Smith, Lawrence
Caplan, Bert
Johnson, John H.
Velasquez... Armando
Wesltfall. Pat N.
Coss. Kenneth L.
Herndon, Konald F.
Jolgren. Gordon A.
Shudarek. Elmer J.
Zohn, John D.
Pukskarich. Charles H.
Seig, Albert C.
Weiner. Milton
Manfredi. John F.
81st ENG/A
Collins. John P.
Fisher, Leland R.
Nester, George A.
Sandberg, Robert E.
Sheets. Roy S.
South Dakota Reunion Attendance -- Sept 2 - 6, 1994
Morrissey. James C.
81st ENG/B
Sauer. Maurice M
Lauman, C. W. (l'ete)
StoIp. Robert R.
Agostini, Orfeo E.
Carpenter. Edward R.
590/? 592/A
Frye. Nonvood A.
Breuker, Albert D.
Brown. Raymond
Hanson. Robert J.
Hartman, Willard G.
Kreaminski. Edward S.
Lauro, Alex M..
Nagle. Edward J.
Maw, Thomas J.
Tetz!aft James E.
Creel, E. V.
Minor. Irvin G.
Wojahn, Edward C
Gunvalson. Russel L.
Hicks. James I wry
81st ENG/C
House, Pete
Rand. Anthony J.
Pcros. George
Fava. Roy
White, Robert L.
Riggs. Thomas J. Jr.
Young. Edward E.
Steven, Joseph
Ortwine, Harold W.
81st ENG/MED
Pina. George R.
Kuitzow. John (;,
Gilliland. John O.
275 FA/attchd
Wittenberg, Hen, CK.
Manlier. Glenn O.
Schnulle. Robert
Scott, Earl A
Humphrey, Donald B.
Streeter. William R.
Bowers, Walter H.
Hempel. Robert E.
White. Elbert C.
Boschert. Paul V.
Hall, Arthur
Kincannon. Cliff E.
Verna. Harold J.
Daniel. Charles T.
ciiesler. Carl W.
Keahl. Edward A
Smith. Ray C.
Stauff. John H.
Bradfield. Kenneth W.
Datte, Charlie T.
Howard. John W.
Ringer. Robert C.
Aulston, Russel L.
Brown, C.P.
I lenning, Charl.
I loversten. Raymond G.
Hoogland, L'Myra A
Schutte, Mrs. Jean
Van Morlan, Ed
Van Moorlehe, Dennis A.
Did I miss you? Let me know and I will correct it in next CUB.
John Kline, editor
Wm DisweWoRtrAriLLAGE
)itk- N •
( I<( )) \ I 44 )1‹ THANKS FOR COMING
Near Orlando, Florida
Registration will be in the mail in next couple of Weeks
Memorial Address by Rev. Dr. Duncan Trueman, 424/AT
Imagine yourself setting in an amphitheater with over 500 members of the Association in the cool of the evening, with bright stars above, and with the four presidents on Mount Rushmore looking down on you. It is inspiring, then you listen up while Reverend Dr. Duncan T. Trueman, one of you, delivers an inspiring Memorial.
Your thoughts go back, your eyes get moist and you realize that the Reverend is speaking deeply from his heart. Read the address and be inspired.
photo by L'Myra Hoogland, Associate member.
He has girded us with strength for battle;
He has made our adversaries bow at our feet: PSALM 18
A few days ago my wife, Grace, and I had the opportunity to view Mt. Rushmore for the very first time. In the visitors' center, on one wall appear the words of its sculptor, Gutzon Borglum. He expressed his purpose in creating this magnificent monument. Speaking of these four presidents "Their words, their deeds, their lives." Borglum said, That it was his purpose to let posterity know what manlier of men they were." It seemed to me that is not unlike our purpose here this evening, as we think of our comrades who are no longer with us, We wish the whole world could know what manner of men they were.
In his wonderful book of poems dedicated to the men of the 424th Regiment, Dale Carver includes this verse:
"Where are the young lieutenants who sailed across the sea ?
Where are the proud young men who went across with me.
Some are home now, older; some sleep beyond the sea --
And all are so much humbler than ever they thought they'd be."
We are here this evening to remember our comrades who sleep beyond the sea. Fifty years later we are humbled, indeed, as the renewal of our comradeship stirs up memories once again. Of friends and places and deeds that are still imprinted indelibly upon our minds.
Memorial Address by Rev. Dr. Duncan Trueman, 424/AT
It was General Douglas MacArthur who resurrected that questionable saying: "Old soldiers never die, they just fade away." We know that they do die - young and old. They don't fade from our memories.
We are all old soldiers now. As we look about as the signs are quite apparent. We walk less straight, move less quickly, hear less acutely. But whenever our thoughts go back to former times and far away places, then in the eyes of our minds we see each other once again in all the courage and vigor of youth. Those are our memories.
They keep returning, those old memories ... Of the cold and the snow... Of wounds suffered ... Of voices forever stilled. They never fade. There are very special memories unique to any soldier who was ever a POW, that none others can ever fully understand or share. And there are very special memories, unique to those who fought on through the rest of the war, killing and being killed, that are as equally unforgettable.
None of these memories ever fade, even after half a century. Fifty years is as a day. The things we remember most have to do with people ... Our comrades, their friendship, their sacrifices, the courage, their faith. That's why our being here is so important: to preserve those memories.
And so we come together tonight as a memorial. We do so with great sadness still. But it is not just sadness that brings us together, it is also pride. None of us will ever glorify war, or even those battles in which we took part. But we are proud of our role in this struggle against evil fifty years ago. Our pride takes in and includes those who sleep beyond the sea. Our pride takes in and includes those who came home with us, but have since gone to their reward. And our pride includes those who are with us tonight -whether able to be with as physically, or just in spirit.
Many accounts of the Battle of the Bulge have been written. Sometimes now it bu..omes difficult to differentiate between the things we have read and the things we actually recall. But what most of us do remember is that when the cannons were down and the anti-tank guns destroyed, when their ammunition was exhausted, everyone became a rifleman. Clerks abandoned their typewriters, cooks dropped their utensils, and they all became riflemen. They ... And you ... And me ... And all these men whom we hold in our memories ... And that's the way they fought.
Secretary of War Henry Stimson's formal report read this way:
The 106th division which made a gallant stand in the Ardennes at the center of the German drive has suffered casualties of 8,663. But it was the contribution of the men of this division .... Which helped make possible the halting and repelling of the enemy.
So history, long ago pronounced it's verdict ... All of us by resisting wherever we were; with whatever we had to fight with, for as long as we were able ... Cost the enemy the one thing he could not afford ... Time! In that we take pride !
It was Winston Churchill who called the Bulge the "Greatest American Battle of the War." In it we sustained more casualties that were sustained on D-day. That should never be forgotten.
Do you remember what General Omar Bradley once wrote:
"The rifleman fights without promise of either reward or relief. Behind every river there is another hill; and behind that hill another river. After weeks or months on the line, only a wound can offer him the comfort ofsafety, shelter and a bed. Those who are left to fight; fight on. evading death, but knowing that with each day ofevasion they have
Memorial Address by Rev. Dr. Duncan Trueman, 424/AT
exhausted one more chance ofsurvival. Sooner op. later unless. victory comes, this oftt must end on the litter or in the grave."
That's the way of the Infantry. And sometimes not of the infantry alone, but of the Artillery, and the M.P's and the Engineers and the Medics. Sooner or later all soldiers know that they may have to become riflemen ... As we did.
Dale Carver, our 424th regiment poet, describes us now, fifty years later:
Conceived of this ordeal of fire and icy earth,
this brotherhood of old men came to be.
A kinship stronger far than that by birth,
was bom when we were young across the sea.
Of the ties that bind; others cannot know,
but we were there, that winter long ago.
Nowadays, on special holidays, when the veterans are parading through town, or the flag passes by, or especially, when taps echoes in the distance, I wonder if your eyes get as moist as mine? I suspect they do. But it's not just for sadness alone; it also has something to do with the ties that bind. We are proud of those who wore .r Lion patch and we're proud of those who gave their lives.
Let me tell you about another battle. not our own. It was one of the classic battles of history. It took place in Northern France in the year 1415 between the English and the French. It's tactics are studied still. The English troops were something like us: there were only 13,000 of them. They faced fifty or sixty thousand or more French soldiers. Yet that outnumbered English army prevailed and went on to conquer. Our battle began during the Christmas Holiday Season. Their battle began on what was then know*. Saint Crispin's day. Before the battle. the King told his soldiers that those who mana to survive this day's battle should gather yearly. to toast their friends and boast of their wounds ... Listen to the way Shakespeare recorded it in Henn, V.
The King speaks as the battle is about to be joined. His words are proud words. They could have been spoken of you, of me, of any of us or all of us. Imagine that you are hearing these words on that cold, snowy. misty morning of December 16, 1944. Are you back there ? Listen:
He that shall live this day and see old age
will yearly on the vigil, feast his friends
and say: "Tomorrow is Saint Crispin's Day."
Then he will strip his sleeve and show his scars
and say: "These wounds I had on Crispin's Day."
And gentlemen in England, now abed, shall think
themselves accursed they were not here.
And hold their manhood cheap, when any speaks
who fought with us on Crispin's Gay.
We remember and we thank God for all those who fought with on our Crispin's Day. God blest us by their comradeship and courage. It was a time when faith did not come easily, but we personalized the words of the 18th psalm and made them our own: It was God who armed us with strength. He armed us with strength for battle and made our adversaries bow at our feet." Our comrades' faith in God strengthened our faith in God, and our faith in God strengthened theirs. We are not embarrassed to recall
Memorial Address by Rev. Dr. Duncan Trueman, 424/AT
prayers were shared in foxholes together. Their friendship was precious and is precious still. It touched as and impacted our lives in unforgettable ways. In some cases there were those who literally gave their lives for some of us who are here tonight.
The bible says, "greater love hath no man than this ..."
What manner of men were they - that God gave as ... That God gave our country ?
think it was the quality of fidelity that we most treasured...that quality that gave all of us the confidence that when the chips were down, we could count on them, just as they could count on us.
The author, Walter Murphy, once wrote:
You don't know, you cannot know, the comradeship of men who have shared the fear and filth of war. We were brothers. Education, wealth, family... None of these things was important. All that mattered was whether a man would stay awake on watch ... Stand and .fight ... Risk his neck to rescue you if you got hit. We loved each other.
We share that love still. We hold the comradeship of those days to be precious still. We honor still those who have gone to their reward before us. God surely keeps their souls ... We keep them in memory.
And we honor still the Golden Lion that we wear. It was worn with pride filly years ago. It was worn with pride by every one of these men whom we memorialize tonight, and this Golden Lion is still worn with pride by you and by me - and regarded with pride by everyone in this place. It is not only our standard ... This Lion has at last become a symbol ... A symbol of the honor we pay to all of our comrades of long ago - with whom we fought and bled and prayed and lived and loved.
So, strip your sleeve, and say it with pride, "These wounds - yours and mine had on our Crispin's day .... That winter long ago."
A look at some of the over 500 106th Infantry Division Association members in the Mt. Rushmore amphitheater, waiting for the Memorial to begin.
Order of the Golden Lion awarded at the final banquet, 48th Annual Reunion, Rapid City, S.D., - Order of the Golden Lion recipients:
John O. Gilliland 592 FAB /Service Company, his wife Lee, Mattie and
Roger Rutland, "B" Company, 424th Combat Infantry Regiment
Both John and Roger are "Past Presidents" of the Association, and multiple sponsors of annual reunions. John and Lee Gilliland sponsored the 1987 reunion at Mobile and the 1991 reunion at Huntsville, Alabama. Roger and Mattie sponsored the 1986 and the 1993 reunion Columbia, S.C. (Fort Jackson). Roger and John were awarded the ORDER of THE GOLDEN LION, COMMANDER CLASS, their ladies were awarded the ORDER of THE GOLDEN LION COMPANION CLASS. For complete description of this award see page 331-337 of The CUB PASSES in REVIEW.
Photo: L/R: Wily and Adda RIKKEN. LTC John Greene, AUS Ret, Pres Benelux Chapter Reserve Officers Assoc.
Robert M. Lowry ex•Marine. (Princeton .42 classmate of Eric Wood, Jr. 589 FAB). Mrs. Greene.
Photo in front of the RIKKEN home in GOUVY, Belgium Story with photos by Lowry, 106th Associate member, in next CUB about Eric Wood Memorial Re-dedication.
Operation Friendly Invasion - 50th Anniversary
The following story is co-authored by Mr. Major HILL 424th Combat Infantry Regiment, Co. "B" and Mr. John GATENS, 589 FAB, Battery "A." Both men went with the Galaxy Tours group to Belgium.
GATENS has, in the past, written (in The CUB) of his return to the area, in particular the Parker's Crossroads area, where he fought with the remaining guns of the 589th Field Artillery Battalion. He like many of us was eventually captured, but not before assisting his unit in a gallant stand. The 589th FAB at "Baraque de Fraiture," which we know as Parker's Crossroads, held the Germans from taking the road to Liege until the 82nd Airborne was able to be trucked forward to plug the gap. Without Major Parker's "Alamo Defense," as it is now called by the Field Artillery School at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, the Germans would have literally walked into Liege.
HILL was returning to the area for the first time since 1945 as 2nd Vice President of the 106th Infantry Division Association and been given the assignment to represent the Association at the dedication ceremony of the Association's new Memorial at St. Vith. (See Memorial Chairman John Robb's report on the new Memorial elsewhere in this CUB).
Both HILL and GATENS presented this editor with excellent stories of the events as they unfolded.
Rather than play one against the other, or write two stories that are much alike, I have attempted to make a composite report, using material from each of the excellent articles. Remember, the words are theirs.
Travel with them as they visit the area and relive some of their youth (in memory) with the congenial Belgians. J. Kline, Cub editor
The group traveling with Galaxy Tour, "The 106th Infantry Division Returns," left the USA on Thursday. 22 September aboard Sabena Airlines. arriving in Brussels, Belgium, early the next day, 23 September. 1994.
GATENS: called this trip "Operation, Friendly Invasion, 50th Anniversary.
The group assembled and bused to the Hilton Hotel in Brussels, where they spent the rest of the day and evening. They were guests of a "Welcome Reception" at the hotel, and all those attending, had a pleasant evening, getting acquainted, meeting and being briefed by a delightful tour guide, Dene.
24 September 1994
GATENS: "We had a panoramic tour of Brussels. Viewed all the highlights of this beautiful city. We then motored to the Henri Chapelle Cemetery near Leige. Unfortunately we had light rain, which made the cemetery even more solemn.
"We were met at Henri Chapelle by the members of C.R.I.B.A. and a TV crew from ABC Broadcasting Co., "Turning Point." These two groups never left us, they were with us for the rest of the trip. C.R.I.B.A., the wonderful people that they are, seeing to our every need in the way of transportation to special places that an individual wished to go. The TV crew were making a documentary of the Battle of the Bulge. This is going to be aired on "TURNING POINT" on December 14, 1994 (ABC)."
HILL: "We enjoyed the parks, old exposition grounds and the Grand Square. We had time to browse and found it very interesting. We visited the famous statue of The Lost Boy, who when found, was relieving himself in the woods, and when found, the father decreed that a statue be made exactly in the position that the boy was in when found, and today the boy is
CUB of the Golden Lion
The 106th Returns to Belgium
still relieving himself, but in the Grand Square in Brussels (P.S. his costume is changed every day, calling for over 300 costumes).
"At Henri Chapelle a large floral wreath was placed at the base of the "Angel" by two members of our group, and in addition, a brief, very nice dedication speech was given by a member of "CRIBA."
The rain caused us to return to the bus and abandon a search for specific grave sites. While we were waiting to debus, when we first arrived at the cemetery, we met several members of CRIBA and I presented a "Plaque" furnished by Galaxy, to these CRIBA members, indicating the 106th Infantry. Division Association's recognition of the efforts by CRIBA, over the last 50 years. (see photo of one of the five plaques that we presented to various organizations) They were very pleased with it."
GATENS: "As a group we marched into the Henri Chapelle Cemetery. We had a solemn ceremony, then Walter Snyder and myself, laid a wreath in memory of all our fallen comrades. Everyone then went to visit a grave of someone they may have known. All of the men of the 589th FAB, along with the TV crew, went to visit Eric Wood's gravesite in Henri Chapelle. We were asked by the TV crew, to explain why we went to this memorial and who he was. It was a very emotional time for me. He was my Battery Exec Officer and I was with him until 17 Dec 1944, when he took all the guns out of the last position we were ever in as a "complete firing battery." Staying with the last gun, until it was too late to get through Schonberg eventually cost his life."
HILL: "We then proceeded to the Museum of the Collector's of Military History and vehicles called "Welkenraedt-Le-Vent-De-La-Liberte "Indianhead- and enjoyed the many "mock-up's of various uses of many military vehicles, and other military items and displays that cover a large area there."
GATENS: "There were scenes of different battle groups. It included a complete field hospital, communications center, engineers constructing a bridge, tank activity and a German outpost. It was most interesting.
"We then motored to the Hotel Pip Margraff in Saint Vith. A very lovely hotel on the main street. We enjoyed a nice evening dinner then to bed for a needed night's sleep.
25 September 1994
HILL: "The dedication of the new 106th Infantry Division Monument was on Sunday, Sept 25th. The day started with a beautiful church service, and we were escorted to the front row pews section and were able to view the altar and the service was in "German" which most all of us could not understand. But, the Mayor of St. Vith, Albert GEHLEN, from the altar, spoke a dedication to us in English. It was all very impressive, including the young choir music accompanying the service."
GATENS: " It was a Catholic Mass. The Mass was said in German. A full choir sang and it was most beautiful.
On the altar they had a replica of a house, with four windows. They had a young girl, about seven years old, a young boy, about 16 years old, a young man, about 30 years old and an senior citizen come to the altar and read a paragraph from a paper. After each person read his notes, the Priest would light a small candle and place it into the windows of the home (replica). We could only guess that it was of the span of life from the young to the old. We did not understand what they were
Operation Friendly Invasion - 50th Anniversary
saying, but it was beautiful and very touching.
"On the way out of church, a local women, came up to me and said, "I want to thank you for what you did for me. I was a little girl when the American soldiers came. I was so happy to see you then. I am more happy to see you now, because I know that you got home safe and now you have come back to see us." She had tears in her eyes. I tried to thank her, but she insisted that it was she who should thank me."
HILL: "After services at the church, we proceeded across the street, to the "Belgium" monument to the Belgium Military and citizens, and a beautiful ceremony was performed. This included a Floral Laying Ceremony. The participants included Mayor GEHLEN of St. Vith, Col. Fairlamb, U.S. Defense Attaché and the Belgium Military and Citizens and a School Band as well as an American Elite Security Color Guard and Bugler. The buglers both American and Belgium, gave a very solemn, but beautiful rendition of "Taps" (ABC TV group was covering the activity).
"Then, the entire group of citizens, military, guests, and the Bischoflicke Schule Band, playing marches as we all marched in the streets, while police held back traffic, to the New 106th Monument approximately three blocks away.
Upon arrival at our new monument, the same groups assembled and proceeded with the dedication. The Mayor spoke first and was very generous with his words, thanking the men of the 106th Infantry Division for the part that they played in the
PHOTO: Association 2nd V.P., Major Hill speaking to the groups attending the dedication of the new 106th infantry Division Association Memorial, St. Vith, Belgium.
The 106th Returns to Belgium
PHOTO: Mayor M. Albert GEHLER, St. Vith, Belgium, addressing the groups attending the dedication of the new 106th Infantry Division Association Memorial. Major Hill in foreground.
return of their liberty and freedom. "I was chosen to be the second speaker and spoke of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. (see speech following this article) My speech was well received. Then Colonel Fairlamb, U.S. Defense Attache, spoke briefly as well as Dr. Cremer of the Bischoflicke Schule. Several floral wreaths were placed at the monument base, then the US Army Bugler sounded "Taps" in a very sentimental manner (this was also covered by ABC TV). After a few media interviews and photos, the group was invited to a Mayoral Reception at the Hotel Pip Margraff, Saint Vith, where our group was staying."
GATENS: "At the dedication of the 106th Memorial, the mayor of Saint Vith gave a very interesting speech. Major HILL, our official Association representative, thanked everyone for giving us such a great welcome. Everyone then marched back to the Hotel Pip Margraff. A Mayoral Reception and Vin d' Honneur was given. We all enjoyed the wine very much. ABC TV crews were with us all the way. "
HILL, "At the reception and luncheon I had the pleasure of presenting the Mayor with a plaque dedicated to the citizens of Saint Vith for 50 years of peace and friendship. He in return presented me with a book about St. Vith.
"After the reception, we boarded our bus and spent the balance of the day visiting various battle areas where men in our group had fought in 1944-45. (P.S. the forest is still as dense as it was in 1944- 45)."
GATENS: "After reception dinner the
Operation Friendly Invasion - 50th Anniversary
group split up. All the 589th FAB members were met by C.R.I.B.A. friends and we all went to Baraque de Fraiture "Parker's Crossroads." The rest of the group spent the rest of the afternoon visiting many of the battle areas.
"Before going to "Parker's Crossroads," we asked the C.R.I.B.A. people to take us to the 589th FAB's first position, where they were located on 16 Dec 1944 when the Bulge started. We gave the TV crew a history of where all the firing batteries were. There was a member from each of the battery's present. Each in turn told them what had happened in their area, right up to the time that we had to pull out. Ted Kiendel, 589th FAB, Battery "B," Exec. Officer, who was a close friend of Eric Woods, Jr. was seriously wounded in "B" Battery's position. We then left this area."
26 September 1994
GATENS: -Before going over for the tour, I had requested from my C.R.I.B.A. friends, Mary Jonckeau and Joseph Gouvroye, that I wanted to go to Gerolstein, Germany where we went after being captured. We walked every day and at night they locked us up in building in some town. The next day and the next day it all seemed the same, walking at day and locked up at night. Gerolstein was the first place that I stayed in one place for three weeks. I was better off walking and being locked up each night. Gerolstein was a horrible place. We were placed in a big old Mill, the walls and ceilings were all lined with cubicle shelving. You either slept in
PHOTO: Colonel Fairlamb, U.S. Defense Attache, Major Hill and St. Vith's Mayor Albert GEHLEN at the Mayoral Reception. Hotel Pip Margraff after the dedication of the Memorial.
The 106th Returns to Belgium
them or slept on the floor. Every day they took out work details, to clear the roads or fill bomb craters after the air raids. One morning, the Sergeant that was in charge of this place shot and killed one of our men. He was laid out on the platform for two days to let the rest of us know what would happen if we did not move fast enough. I still can't figure why I wanted to go there, but I did. Of course, the building had been restored and is now being used for manufacturing purposes. It really brought back memories, bad memories. The ABC TV crew recorded the whole story.
"We now left for Parker's Crossroads. When we arrived at the hotel Mary and I were greeted by the owner, Maria Le Haire and her daughter Bernadette LeJune (who now operates the hotel). ( For more on Maria and Bernadette and John GATENS visits, see page 4 of the May 1991 CUB, and page 13 of the Feb 1990 CUB... editor) It was very emotional to me as well as to them. I had not seen them since 1986 on my last trip. We have had a very close relationship, because in 1944 I was in Maria's home when I was captured, Maria took Mary and I upstairs to the end of the hallway. There was a room marked "Private." We walked in, it was her own private suite. All the other 589th FAB members had rooms of equal quality. The 589th FAB members were myself with my sister-in-law Mary Vandermast, Harold and Jessica Kuizema, Jack Roberts, John and Lillian Schaffner, Walter Snyder, Charles and Helen Jacelon and Ted Kiendl.
"After freshening up we went down to
Photo: Dr. Cremer. Director of the Bischoflicke Schule.
on whose grounds the 106th Association Memorial is located
Operation Friendly Invasion - 50th Anniversary
the bar area. The place was filled with Maria's friends and family. Drinks and snacks were served, everybody from the area were happy to shake our hand and to speak with us. Everyone in our group felt as if we were part of the family. In the dining area they had a small table set up with a memorial to our Battery Commander, Major Parker. The room was beautiful decorated. Local area music was playing as well as some of the World War II music of our times.
"Before the meal, Andre' HUBERT, President of C.R.I.B.A. (who speaks English) read a letter, written by Maria. She expressed how happy she was to be honored to have us stay as her guests. She was a young girl when we were there in 1944. She remembered how bad the weather was. She saw the destruction after the battle and knew that we must have suffered.
We stayed at Maria's hotel two nights. She gave as Breakfast, Dinner and many drinks and sandwiches. She didn't charge us a dime and let us know that we were welcome to come back anytime we wanted.
"We had a toast and I gave a little speech thanking Maria, Bernadette and their families and friends for such a nice and wonderful reception. I also thanked C.R.I. B.A. for their transporting us and for the time spent in making sure that everyone got to go to their own special place. "There is no way I can explain to our Association members, that have not met these people, how happy they are if they can help some G.I. get to see his little place in history where he fought and suffered.
We of the 106th Infantry Division Association owe C.R.I.B.A. our undying gratitude and support.
"The dinner that was served, at Maria's Hotel, was as good or better than any that I have eaten at any restaurant in the U.S.A. After dinner and before desert, there was special honor given to four members of the 589th FAB who were there in 1944 at the crossroads. Each was called forward, individually, and given a picture frame made of "honing stones." These are the best stones in the world, used for sharpening knifes. They can only be found in this area of Belgium. Also a memorial plate filled with Belgium chocolates, from Maria's sister, who owns a chocolate store. And, a 50th Anniversary memorial plate for the Battle of the Bulge that can be hung on a wall. This all was all a complete surprise to us.
"The lights went out and out of the kitchen came two waiters carrying a cake. It had to be 36 inches square. There were three gold tubes sticking out of it. These represented the three Howitzers that were at Parker's Crossroads. The waiter then lit up the tubes and they were "sparklers" that sent showers of sparks into the air. Very impressive. The rest of the night was very enjoyable, each moment shall be remembered by us all for an eternity.
On 26 Sept we spent the morning with the ABC TV crew. John Schaffner and Harold Kuizema took them down the road a few hundred yards and explained how they had been in a hole there, when a patrol of Germans on bicycles came along seeking the strength of our position. They called Captain Brown who was in charge of the guns. He warned us all, and on his command we opened fire and wiped out the entire patrol.
"Now it was my turn. I explained to the TV crew where the guns were located and of our part in the defense of the crossroads, which became to know as "Parker's Crossroads." Around noontime, the other part of the tour joined us. The 7001st Special Security Elite Belgium Guard arrived.
The 106th Returns to Belgium
We all assembled around the Howitzer for a very impressive ceremony. The Elite Guard made a complete circle around the Howitzer and all stood at attention during the ceremony. The Mayor of Vielsalm gave a very nice speech.
"During this time, two American jet planes made a fly-over us. After the ceremony the whole group went across the street and had a wonderful lunch in the local restaurant. After that the group that was staying at the crossroads left in their bus to view the battle area. Our group split up, some went to Meyerode, with the TV crew to view the special monument that had been erected in honor of Eric Wood, Jr.
"The C.R.I.B.A. people rented a small bus. Charles and Helen Jacelon, Mary Vandermast, my sister-in-law and I went with them on a tour of the area. We were shown where the German troops were operating from before the last assault on our positions. They showed us the area where the Germans had brought the V- I missiles to be test fired. The first one mis-fired and burnt. The second was successful and landed in the outskirts of Paris. They then moved the operation to Germany.
"That evening was spent with all of our new friends, reminiscing about our last few days in the Parker's Crossroads area, where , so long ago, we had such a horrible experience.
"At this time the TV crew took Maria and me into her living room where the TV lights and camera were set-up. I had about a fifteen minute interview with her. She explained as a young girl her father took her and all the family back into the hills to a safe place, before the battle started. I then explained where I was at the time and the reason I was in her home during the battle. It was a most emotional time for both of us. I feel certain that this will be included in the documentary on ABC's "Turning Point," when it is shown in December 1994."
HILL: "We then split off from the 589th FAB men to tour the area. After we left the -Baraque-de-Fraiture", we drove to the scene of the massacre of our P.O.W.'S in the Malmedy area and stopped and visited the memorials at the site. We all offered a silent prayer for those men on our own. It is a very sad and troubling part of the "Battle of the Bulge."
GATENS - 27 September 1994
"On 27 Sept, the morning was very sad and tearful with good-byes to all our friends that we had made in such a few days, so loving, so caring and memorable. We rejoined the rest of our group at Saint Vith and journeyed to Clervaux. There we met the Mayor and the Curator of the Clervaux Museum, along with members of the CEBA organization. Their goals are the same as C.R.I.B.A. (CEBA is headquartered in Luxembourg.)
In the local castle we had another Vin d' Honneur (wine ceremony) and welcome speech by the Mayor. The people of Luxembourg have erected a large statue of a GI in full battle gear. It is a nice monument and will always be well taken care of. We then toured the Museum, that displays all kinds of war material.
"We then went to visit a very large memorial to General Patton. It was so impressive. We continued on to Bastogne, visited the beautiful Mardasson Monument, a star shaped edifice with the point of the star pointing in the direction from which the town was attacked and surrounded. The top and sides, has all the States named that sent units to fight in Bastogne. It also has the name of each unit who fought in the area and their unit's emblem (shoulder patch) on columns. There also is a very well equipped museum
on the site.
"After this visit we had to say good-bye to the ABC Turning Point crew. This is where we left them, a monumental experience for me. We spent the night at Hotel Pip Margraff in Saint Vith."
HILL - 27 September 1994
"On Tuesday, Sept. 27th. we motored to Clervaux, Luxembourg, and upon arrival, were guests of the City at the castle, also viewing an "88" and a "Sherman" on the climb up to the castle. The Mayor gave a short speech, as did Ms. Kimmes of CEBA and again I had the pleasure of presenting a plaque to CEBA, (CEBA is a Luxembourg organization) recognizing and thanking the citizens for 50 years of peace and friendship. In return, they presented us with two books about Luxembourg for our library. Then, on to view and place a wreath at the monument in the city square, dedicated to the many units that fought in that area, including the 106th. After a "Pizza" and Spaghetti" lunch, we boarded our bus and went on to the World War II Museum at Diekirch, and then to Ettelbruck, to visit and view the Patton Monument and the park where it stands with his tank.
"Continuing on that day to Bastogne we visited the various military items on display in the Historical Center. But, especially the star shaped Mardasson Monument there, which is very impressive. It's mighty columns, with each state in the USA named and also, the full colored patches of all the military units involved in the "Battle of the Bulge.- It stands in recognition of the dedication of these units determined to restore liberty and freedom to these lands and peoples. (ABC TV also there) For the last time "We Waved Good-bye."
28 September 1994
"The day was a "Free Day." In the AM for last minute shopping in St. Vith, and on to Boppard on the Rhine River. After a beautiful drive in the Moselle River Valley (even including an impromptu stop at a rest area, overlooking a large city, to "Break Bread- and take liquid refreshment). (The "bread.' was a product of Saint Vith bakeries). Upon arriving at Boppard, we stayed in a hotel right on the banks of the Rhine River and boat docks. It was a nice resort and shopping area. Next morning shopping in the AM, and board boat about noon, to cruise the river to Bacharach, about three hours, then returned to our bus to motor to Frankfort where we put up at Inter-City Hotel and then a "Farewell" dinner at a nearby restaurant and then returned to the hotel to receive instructions on the next day flight arrangements back to the USA.
29 September 1994
"On 29 Sept we board a Rhine River Cruiser and viewed ancient castles and lush vineyards along the way. We then boarded buses and continued on to Frankfurt, Germany. That evening we had a super farewell dinner. This made for a fitting conclusion to our Golden Anniversary Return to a place that was a big part of our young life."
GATENS - 30 September 1994
"On 30 Sept many tearful and sad good-byes to new and old friends alike. We all had a great time and all promised to meet next year in Orlando at the 49th Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association.
"In closing I would like to say that all we could get together, from the 106th, on this trip were thirteen people, a very sad thing. Those that did not go will never know what a great time they missed. Maybe by me describing it here, they will sense what they have missed. At least it will give all the CUB readers a glimpse of
The 106th Returns to Belgium
how welcome we were received in a land that was once occupied by a hostile enemy. The people of Belgium were so gracious and let us know how grateful they were for the part we played in their liberation in 1944-45....
HILL: "Most of us took separate flights at separate times and back home that same day.
"In all, it was a very wonderful and pleasurable experience for me since this was my first return to Belgium since I left there in August of 1945. The Galaxy folks and Col. Fairlamb, USA Defense Attaché from Brussels went out of their way to make this trip and the dedications such outstanding events. The Belgium people and military, just could not do any more to make us welcome and thank as for the freedom and liberty our forces returned to them. Our tour guide "Date" made sure that there were no unanswered questions or desires that were not met. Truly, a remarkable, outstanding person and I believe that everyone on the tour cannot thank her enough for her concern and wishes to be available to us for our needs at any time during the tour.
"According to the ABC TV people the filming they accomplished will be shown on ABC TV on Dec. 14, 1994 at 10:00 PM EST (Turning Point) and will be hosted by Peter Jennings.
Watch TV guides for any changes in time and date of showing."
On the TOUR: -- Left to Right: Alvin Skardon, 590/B; next two unknown. Walter Johannes. 423/E: Major Hill, 424/B; Richard Dill 422/HQ 2Bn: Charles Jacelon. 589/A: Leo Gregory.424/HQ 3Bn:
Ted Kiendl, 589/B; Horace Mansfield.424/A: Jack Roberts. 592/C; John Schaffner. 589/A: Walter Snyder, 589/A: John Gatens. 589/A and Harold Kuizema. 589/B.
Major Hill's speech at the dedication of the
106th Infantry Division Association's
New Memorial St. Vith Belgium
My name is Major Hill, (Major is my given name. not a military rank or title) and I am here today, representing the 106th Combat Infantry Division Association, as its newly elected second vice-president, and it's thousands of members, that have passed through our ranks over the years. I take great pride this day in participating in the dedication ceremony of this monument in your lovely city, St. Vith. Our Association members are from just about every state in the United States of America. They represent a true cross section of our country. We are justly proud of our Infantry Division Association and its members, and our participation in the "Battle of the Bulge" and other operations in this and other sectors during World War II.
It is with great honor and extreme pleasure, that I am with you on this date in history, on the eve of the beginning of the now famous "Battle of the Bulge" which you know as the Ardennes Campaign. that started on December 16, 1944, almost fifty years ago.
I want to touch briefly of the "Past" or "Yesterday," then, "Today" or the "Present" and finally the "Future" or "Tomorrow".
The "Past or Yesterday" was a period of war, that brought with it pain, suffering and mass destruction. It affected the lives and property of both soldiers and civilians. Families were tom apart and death was everywhere. There are no words adequate in any language, to properly describe these horrors. This was "Yesterday."
Now, the "Present or Today": The recovery of your country from the indescribable damages, both human and property, is a miracle. When I left this country in 1945, it was horribly decimated by the war. Today, the scars of war have been erased or healed, and once again, it is a proud and beautiful country, looking forward to even greater achievements in the "Future.
I wish to thank you. for the many kindly considerations your people have extended to me and my comrades, both during the war, and now, as we are here in your country. This is the first time 1 have been back to Belgium, since I left in August, 1945. My eyes and heart are filled with joy, as I see the restoration of your beautiful city and nation.
Now, most important of all, the "Future or Tomorrow".
I speak to you, as a result of the "Past or Yesterday" hopefully to revive the memory of the "Past" in your minds. To ask for a steadfast dedication to the "Future," in order that we will remain ever alert and prepared, to avoid any repeat of the "Past."
The purpose of this visit is the rededication of the 106th Infantry Division's Memorial that stands here before us today in all its glory. This Memorial is here, at this location, today thanks to Dr. Cremer, Supt. of the Bischoflicke Schule, of St. Vith and the work and dedication of the many volunteers, craftsmen, and the splendid cooperation of the City of St. Vith. All who made it possible.
This beautiful Memorial, represents the presence of the 106th Infantry Division and it's attached units, that participated in the many battles in the Belgian cities and lands, especially the City of Saint Vith. The courage, the determination of the 106th Infantry Division, to resist the enemy until every effort to repel them was exhausted, being forced to have retire from their positions to new positions ready to repel the enemy again. The delay of the enemy forces was vital, so as to allow reinforcements to enter the battle area and eventually force the enemy into retreat and final victory.
The price of victory and freedom was very expensive and bitter, as many of you know personally or have learned in school. This monument stands in the mute testimony of the love and respect for our fellow comrades of the 106th who were not so fortunate as to return to their country, their homes and loved ones. They made the supreme sacrifice, by giving their lives, to help the world stay free. It is hoped that every time you pause to view this monument, that you will say a brief prayer for them, and for the people of your country who also made great sacrifices for a final victory.
In closing, I thank you, one and all, for the privilege of speaking to your today. When I leave, I will take with me fond memories of this occasion, which will long be remembered.
Thank you.
Photos from The 106th Returns to Belgium Tour
After arriving in Brussels a Welcome Reception was held at the Hilton Hotel Plaques being displayed were used in the future ceremonies.
The new 106th Infantry Division Memorial St Vith, Belgium. Old Memorial in background.
St. Vith Mayor M. Albert GEHLEN with his welcome speech during the dedication. Belgian Color Guard and flag bearers in background.
The band is collecting in the background for dedication of the new memorial in St Vith Note the "old memorial" building in background.
Members of the 106th Division from the Galaxy Tour Group in front of new memorial. They were identified in a picture in the preceding Pages.
Belgian Color Guard at the dedication ceremony.
View of the inside of Catholic Church during services attended by 106th group. Mass was spoken in German.
Photos from The 106th Returns to Belgium Tour
Group of C.R.I.B.A. Members at Henri Chapelle Military Cemetery near Leige. Major Hill in center
View of cemetery overlooking the base of the "Angel" Over 7,000 American soldiers here.
Gatens and Snyder after they placed the wreath at the Angels' base. Again, ABC Tv Crew filming the event.
Major Hill, 106th Representative, with Secretary of CEBA Tilly KIMMES-HANSEN at a reception in Clearvaux Castle. CEBA, of Luxemborg. is similar to C R.I.B.A in Belgium.
The edifice at Henri Chapelle Military Cemetery, note Angel in right foreground. Lt. Eric Wood, Jr. is buried
in this cemetery. His memorial is near Meyerode.
John Gatens and Walter Snyder, carrying wreath towards the Angel base. ABC 's `TURNING POINT" TVCrew. Watch ABC NEWS 10:00 p.m. EST Dec 14.
106th Infantry Division floral wreath at the Angels' base..
Major Hill receives an honorary book from CEBA's HANSEN Mayor of Clearvaux and CEBA member in back. Hill had presented the Mayor with a commerative plaque.
Photos from The 106th Returns to Belgium Tour
On left, Joseph GOVROYE and unidentified man with John Gatens. The two men were responsible for the 105 Howitzer Memorial. They are C.R.I.B.A. members
L/R - Part of 106th group, John Schaffner, John Gatens, Ted Kiendl, Harold Kuizema and Charles Jacelon Note standard bearers and Elite Guard in rear.
L/R - John Schaffner, Harold Kuizema, Charles Jacelon, John Gatens and our unidentified man with the 7001 Special Security Squad, an Elite Belgian Guard .
Gatens says, "The position of this gun is identical to the location of his gun during the battle for the crossroads.
Another view of the 105 mm Howitzer, with gunner John Gatens at his assigned position
589th FAB group at reception in Marie Le Haire's Hotel Each received a certificate from the Mayor of Vielsalm.
Review by Dr. Richard Peterson. 423/I
Dr. Peterson. a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association Board. is the author of Healing the Child Warrior
Consultors Incorporated
1285 Rubenstein Ave
Cardiff by the Sea. CA 92007
1-800-643-7989 - 26.95 Postpaid. Check. MC/VISA
The Battle of the Bulge Remembered
by Charles Whiting
Sarpedon Publishers - $24.95. 320 pages.
6x9 cloth. 16 pp photos. maps ISBN: 1-885119-00-3
I have just finished reading The Last Assault by Charles Whiting. It covers the first five days of the Ardennes campaign, Easy reading if you were there to know the names of the players. Whiting outlines and offers fairly convincing evidence that the 106th, the 99th, and the 28th were knowingly sacrificed. He proposes that Eisenhower needed to get the Germans out of the heavily fortified West Wall. The Ardennes campaign brought the German Armies in the open, where their effectiveness was destroyed. Whiting's solution to the jig saw puzzle called the Ardennes Campaign is convincing. He says "Eisenhower got away with his story, (that the attack in the Ardennes was a total surprise) even after fifty years." With that I agree.
Whiting is more kind to the 106th Division than he ever was before. Perhaps he has learned what we really did in the early days of the Battle. The Division did exact a toll when we upset the German advance and their sensitive timetable. The 106th Infantry Division cost the Germans at least four days of progress at the start of their assault, when they were strongest and most convinced they could get to Antwerp by Christmas. That effort, paid for by the blood of our comrades, bought precious time for the Allies. Unfortunately, few of our senior Division command survived, so we who were on the field of battle did not get credit for the great effort we did make. Whiting no longer condemns the 106th for any failure as he has in the past. Instead he acknowledges the cost to the lost regiments, to their commanders, and to all of the men sacrificed by the High Command. The weather was a bonus to the planners of the battle that cost tens of thousands of American and German lives.
Whiting is not kind to Eisenhower, or to Bruce Clarke. He stops short of the condemnation some of us who were abandoned still carry for the timidity with which Clarke, an overblown, publicity grabbing general approached his first command task. After the Battle of the Bulge ended, Bruce Clarke was the only general left in the Ardennes with any credibility. Jones was relieved, Hasbrouk was an on-again, off-again commander. Clarke alone remained in St. Vith, and he alone, lost it. We who waited for him on the hills overlooking Schonberg have our own feelings about his courage and dedication. Clarke's years of success in the Army precluded anyone from really taking a shot at him. It takes someone like Whiting to do it. He even discounts the efforts of Patton, who is generally reputed to have finally stopped the Germans. Not so, says Whiting who credits, seemingly properly, Montgomery with "cleaning up the mess" and directing the campaign to its end.
As an aside, in the listing of his works in print, he left out Death of a Division. There are other omissions, and errors, such as misspelling of my name, my unit, the title of my book, and the failure to acknowledge some passages lifted almost word for word from it. In fairness to Whiting, he did buy it for cash. Perhaps he wants us who have cursed him for his distorted writings of the past to forgive and forget. If so, in The Last Assault, he gives us a new set of villains to take the heat off of Whiting, the reporter. Review by Dr Richard Peterson, 423/I
In the Jul-Aug-Sep 1994 CUB, page: 31, a new member to the Association was announced. His name is Charles E. Guggenheim. formerly of 424/E. He came to us because Dick Sparks, 4231&R recognized him as a former member of the Division. Sparks had recently viewed D-Day Remembered on the PBS Network. Dick watched Guggenheim receiving an award for this documentary and recognized him as a former 106er. He contacted him at Guggenheim Productions. Inc., Washington, D.C. He, Guggenheim, took his Basic Training at Camp Wheeler, Georgia, Seventh Training Battalion, then on to the ASTP, Program at the University of Alabama. Just like this editor. Welcome back to the 106th Charles, and Congratulations ...
Charles Guggenheim, a Washington, D.C. based filmmaker, has achieved an international reputation in the area of documentary films. Described by The Saturday Review's film critic, Hollis Alpert, as "probably the most accomplished maker of documentary films in the country." Guggenheim has won top awards In every major International film competition, producing films for television and theatrical release on architecture, history and social issues.
Guggenheim has received the George Foster Peabody Award In broadcasting, eight Academy Award nominations and three Academy Awards.
The Venice Film Festival's XI Gold Mercury Award for Guggenheim's Monument to the Dream marked the first time in the Festival's history that the award has gone to an American,
One of Guggenheim's Academy Awards was received for the biography of Robert Kennedy, RFK Remembered, a dramatic film that captures the late Senator's life and seeks to put into perspective the fact of his death. Nine from Little Rock, portrays the Arkansas school integration crisis and the changes wrought in subsequent years. And the third is The Johnstown Flood, a half-hour film commemorating the 100th anniversary of the famous disaster.
His films relating to architecture - Monument to the Dream (The St.Louis Arch); The Making of Liberty (The Statue of Liberty); and A Place To Go (The National Gallary of Art), won the 1987 Institute honor for Guggenheim from The American Institute of Architects.
During the past few years, Guggenheim has been commissioned by two of the country's residential libraries to produce their films. These commissions have included geographies on the lives of Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson which are now on permanent exhibition in Boston, Massachusetts and Austin, Texas.
Other recent Guggenheim productions include A Time For Justice, a history of the American Civil Rights Movement; and, Journey to America, produced for PBS, documenting the journey of those who immigrated to America through Ellis Island between 1800 and 1920. Island of Hope, and Island of Tears, on which Journey to America was based, is on permanent exhibition at Ellis Island In New York.
Films completed in 1994 include D-Day Remembered for the PBS series The American Experience, commemorating the invasion of France by the Allied Armies in 1944 leading to the liberation of Europe: and, Clear Pictures, a film biography of the American novelist, Reynolds Price. Charles Guggenheim has been a guest lecturer at Harvard's Loeb Fellowship In Advanced Environmental Studies as well as a fellow at both Harvard and Yale Universities, He was a member of the faculty at Harvard's Salzburg (Austria) Seminar in American Studies in 1973 and has received an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Humanities from Washington University in St. Louis. He is a trustee of the Danforth Foundation…..
Brown, Raymond 590/?
Box 460666 Leeds. UT 84756 801-879-2366
Cassidy, Patrick S. ASSOCIATE
1st State Capitol-I413 Eon-St, Wheeling. VA 26003, 304-232-81 ()()
My father, Patrick F. Cassidy, was a member of the 106th, "B" Co., 423rd Regiment. I would like a copy of The CUB of the Golden Lion: PASSES in REVIEW.
(Editor's Note - Patrick, thanks for the inquiry. I hope that the CUB PASSES in REVIEWthat I sent has helped you come "up to-date" on the 106th. It is always nice to hear from descendants of our former comrades. I would like to state that Patrick is one of the partners of the firm of Cassidy, Myers, Cogan & Voegelin a prestiges firm operating in Ohio and West Virginia... J. Kline)
Ciliberti, Michael G. 424/C
9 Lombardi Dr Derby, a 06418-2413
Drafted January 1943, spent a year and one half in England. I was a demolition man. Made the landing in Normandy as an engineer attached to the 29th. I was also a German prisoner near Bond, but escaped.
Also was involved in a "mustard gas" accident in England and am still waiting for compensation because of it. I am 72 years of age and by time they make a decision I'll be dead. We all signed a secrecy pact and could not talk about it until about three years ago. I still go for "Group Therapy" at the VA once a week.
Followed the British through Brussels and Antwerp. Got wounded in Antwerp and was transferred to the 106th,
Company, 424th Regiment in December 1944. Got a gut wound after a few weeks, got over that and help guard prisoners at Bad Krueznach. Been married 46 years, have four sons, 21 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren
Daniel, Charles T. 589/C
3693 E. Olive Ave Merced, CA 95340 209-722-0547
I was inducted in November 1943 into the Field Artillery at Camp Roberts, California. There I received six months Basic Training and was transferred to the 589th Field Artillery Battalion, Battery "C" at Camp Atterbury for further training.
I was captured 16 December 1944 near St. Vith. Liberated in East Germany by the Russians June 6, 1945 and sent to the USA. for re-assignment. I was assigned to a Military Police Unit for two months and discharged in December 1945.
After that I worked on a Land Survey crew for six years, then with the California State Highway Department for 35 years. Retired in 1988, have four sons and three grandchildren. My wife's name is "Irene."
Dansereau, Ernest D. ASSOCIATE
1218 N. Carroll St Box 191
Hampstead, MD 21074
Domiano, William A. 424/D
509 St. Paul Street Cliffside, NJ 07010 201-945-5439
(Editor's Note - Another 424iD man submitted by Marion Ray, Sgt ('43-'44), 424/D... J. Kline)
New Members
Dunn, Ed W. 423/HQ 1BN
1167 Stanyan St., San Francisco, CA 94117, 415-664-4132
Foster, Jesse H. 422/HQ
3206 Sunny Knoll Ct, Kingwood. TX 77339, 713-358-2224
Fry, John C. 424/F
412 Euclid Ave, Apt IC Temple, PA 19560 610-929-3437
Enclosed is a check for membership and a copy of The CUB of the Golden Lion: PASSES in REVIEW. I was wounded in action on 25 December 1944. Would like a Lion's head patch and any other news that pertains to the Association. I have also ordered St. Vith: Lion in the Way, from Battery Press, but have had trouble finding a copy Charles MacDonald's book, A Time for Trumpets.
Entered service 3 February, 1943, serving stateside and overseas with the 106th. MP with 722nd MPs, Philadelphia, PA. Discharged 28 February 1946. Married to Lena, March 15, 1944.
Worked at U.S. Mint, Philadelphia 1946 -1950; Employed by Price Battery Works and General Battery Works for 35 years, retiring 1985.
(Editor's Note - John, Did you try the publisher - William Morrow and Company, Inc. - 105 Madison Ave, New York, N.Y. 10016. Charles MacDonald died two-three years ago. Last known address, from my correspondence with him, was 5300 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA 22204. His wife is still alive and has participated in some of the tours he used to manage. Maybe she has extra copies for sale.
I would like to add that in one of his letters, responding to my letter to him, he stated, "I am sure that my view of what happened to the 106th Infantry Division is abundantly clear from my book. Quite clearly, there is no fault to be laid at the feet of the individual soldier."
To me, who had his head in the sand up until 1987, those were words that brought me out of my shell. Then on to discover the 106th Infantry Division Association in 1987. Because of that my years of editing the CUB, since Sept 1987, have been one of the highlights of my life. Nice to see you with us, John... J. Kline)
Henning, Charles E. 424/1
RI, Box 54 Peru, NE 68421 402-274-5693
I was a replacement at St. Vith. A BAR man with Co. "I" 424th Regiment. I left the line on January 15, 1945 and received a disability discharge from Camp Carson, Colorado.
I attended Penn State College under Public Law #16 for two years, then received permission for another two years of on the farm training.
I married Jane Applegate May 1946 and have 10 children, all graduates from College. I have been a farmer since and also hold a Real Estate Broker's license (since 1963). My wife and I are active in the Disabled American Veterans and Auxiliary, also the National Order of Trench Rats & Cats.
Johansen, Charles H. 592/?
10 Dellacono Rd. RD #1, Lake Carmel. NY 10512-9811, 914-225-3736
Sherod, your letter was waiting for me when I arrived home on July 2, 1994. from a 15 day tour of Europe. It was called a D-Day Tour, even though it started June 18th. We had four days in England, then to France. Luxembourg. Belgium, Holland and Germany. We traveled what is known as "The Freedom
New Members
Road." It starts at St. Mere Iglise and runs to Belgium. We traveled through all the places that the 106th fought in. My discharge does not show what unit I was with. It does show under item 4 "F.A." for Field Artillery, under #5, "AUS for Army of the United States, under #30, MOS states "745 Rifle-man." There are no other unit designations.
I left the 397th Engineers on February 13, 1945, received a driving permit, went for Infantry Training and then the 106th Infantry at Heolbronn. I have enclosed an application for me and my wife as "LIFE MEMBERS."
Jones, Howard M. 81st ENG/A
1005 Kings Way Nekossa, WI 54457 715-325-5955
KapIan, Casimir B. 424/H
505 W Forest Preserve Dr, Wood Dale, 11. 60191, 708-766-7277
Kuhn, Eugene L. 106 MP
471 12th Ave, Columbus, NE 68601, 402-564-4661
One thing I shall never forget, about the War, is about a week into the Bulge we were at an intersection on one side of a hill, when word came that a group of Infantrymen were being surrounded on the other side of the hill. I took a jeep and went over the hill. I made two successful trips bringing back about twenty men. On trip number three, when I got there, the rifles and helmets were all laying on a table in a large room where they had been - no one was around. I assume that they were taken prisoner.
I have never heard from any of these men and often think about what might have happened to them and who they were.
I wonder if they ever remembered an M.P. that drove them over the hill and if they know the ones that were left survived.
My wife and I have been married 51 years, we have three daughters and one son, 13 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren,
I was Post Commander of the American Legion, also Past County Commander. I served two years as VFW District #15 Commander, was All American 1st year and All States 2nd year. At present I am State Membership Chairman and National Membership Chairman of the VFW. I am DAV Com-mander for four years and Past Chef de Gare of the 40&8. I was in the oil busi-ness until 11 years ago when my health failed.
LaMonica, Stanley 422/M
31 Nottingham Dr, Norwood, MA 02062, 617-769-1191
I served for a short time with the 106th as a replacement in the attached 3rd Infantry Regiment in Germany during April 1945. Most of my time with the 106th was served with the 422nd Combat Infantry Regiment, Heavy Weapons, Co. "M," from May to September 1945.1 remained in the Army of Occupation after the 106th then was sent home for deactivation. I recently retired from the Department of Defense after serving as a civilian auditor for the defense Contract Audit Agency. I am
New Members
married, have four children and three grandchildren.
Lockhart, Richard T. 423/AT
1176 So. Plymouth Ct.. 2 SW Chicago, IL 60605 312-431-0609
Question, "Who has all the old CUBs?"
Then from his resume - Richard Lockhart heads his own governmental affairs consulting and lobbying firm. Social Engineering Associates, Inc. with offices in Chicago and Springfield, Illinois.
He has been a professional lobbyist since 1959 and represents a diverse range of clients, including the Illinois Hygiene Association, the Illinois Press Association, the Illinois Society for Clinical Social Work, the Illinois Soft Drink Association, and others.
He was special consultant to the President of the Constitutional Convention and for 25 years published The Illinois Political Reporter, a non-partisan political newsletter. He also authored the 10,000 word article on "Illinois" in the Encyclopedia Britannica, as well as the article on "How to Lobby" in Illinois issues.
In 1981 he was selected as Speaker of the Third House, an organization of professional lobbyists, and was named by the Chicago-Sun Times as one of the 10 Best Lobbyists in the State.
In 1991, he published The Directory of Illinois Political Leaders and in 1993, The Illinois District Locator.
He is a decorated combat veteran of WWII, residing in Chicago, and is a divorced father of two.
(Editor's Note - Richard, There are three sets of CUBs that I know of The historical files held by the Association Historian, Sherod Collins (also Treasurer), A set is also on file at The Military Institute Museum Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, and I have a set that I have accumulated for references as editor. I occasionally get extra copies from members and/or widows of former Association members. But, the extras are not near a "complete set." Most of the information in the Association's book, The CUB of the Golden Lion: PASSES in REVIEW was taken from past CUBs (1946 thru mid 1991)... J. Kline
Lowry, Robert N. ASSOCIATE
420 Barbara Way Hillsborough, CA 94010, 415-342-0160
(Editor's Note - It is with a lot of pleasure that I recently sponsored Robert Lowry as an Honorary Associate Member. He has been so helpful to the cause of the 106th Infantry Division. He was a classmate of Lt. Eric Wood. He has followed the legend of Eric and has visited the location of Eric Wood Memorial many times.
Most recently he attended a re-dedication of Eric's Monument and took part in the ceremony. He has given me a transcript of those activities which appear in the next issue of The CUB.
An interesting twist to all of this is that Bob fought in WWII as a United States Marine. He fought two years in the Marine Corps in invasions of the Pacific war against the Japanese. His connection to the 106th and the Eric Wood story, of course, is that he was a friend and class-mate of Eric's. Also Charles E. Hanger, one of the Bob's partners in the San Francisco law firm that he was associated with for 36 years was in the 106th Infantry Division, was wounded and captured and transported to a German POW camp. Hanger was a
New Members
2nd Lieutenant in "E" Co., 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment.
Bob wrote a story about his pilgrimages to the Eric Wood Memorial. It was published in the Princeton Class of 42's publication, The 42 NEWS (July-August 1989), under the title In Search of Eric Wood. I hope to combine that story along with some comments from Adda Rikken in a future issue of The CUB.
He has also had a friendship relation with Willi and Adda Rikken, local residents of Belgium who have supported and attended the Eric Wood Memorial for several years. Adda is the daughter of a Belgian Army officer and grew up in Arlon, Belgium. I have had several letters from Adda Rikken and hope to also include them along with Bob Lowry's story in this CUB. Willi and Adda also seeked out and befriended Phil Gerlach, Bob Homan, 424/D and their wives on their recent return to the St. Vith area in Belgium See page 5 in the Jul-Aug-Sep 1994 CUB
Thank you Bob, for the support you have given to the Eric Wood legend. Were happy to have a MARINE aboard J. Kline)
Magee, Jack G. 42 31E
Ashby A-45. Century Village, Deerfield Beach. FL 33442, 305-428-3619
Jack kept it short, "I am most pleased to be a part of the 106th Infantry Division Association.-
McNally, Charles F. 81st ENG/B
20860 Andiron f C92t8r3:2y4.17;
Milbrodt, George L. 422/C
31313-C-70 Hinton, IA 51024 712-947-4559
Miller, Paul G, ASSOCIATE
PO Box 488, Melbourne, AR 72556, 501-368-7329
My late father, Robert G. Miller, Private, 423/G was killed in action about 18 December 1944. I am seeking information from any person who knew him. My father was 34 years of age, a machine gunner, and I am told he was in the 4th Platoon. He was the father of three children and the 12th of December 1944 he wrote to my mother and us four individually for the first time from a private home in Born, Belgium.
See Paul's article elsewhere in this CUB. Paul was in touch with this editor several times seeking information. Fortunately I was able to help with information and sources of information. It was nice talking to you Paul. I hope that your article will prompt more of your father's comrades to come forward... J. Kline)
Ocvirk, Otto G. DIV/HQ
231 Haskins St, Bowling Green, OH 43402, 414-352-6749
Pawasarat, Oscar D. 331 MED/A
1912 So. 25 St., Sheboygan. WI 53081, 414-452-6866
Preucel, Dr. Robert W. 424/D
1147 Norman Rd. Gladwyne, PA 19035, 215-525-2028
A summary written by the former Commander of "D" Co., 424th Combat Infantry Regiment..
After graduating from the University of Washington in June of 1942
New Members
where I had trained in the Reserve Officer's Training Corp., as a 2nd Lt., my first assignment in the Army, in June 1942, was Camp Wolters, Texas. I served there on the training school cadre. I was sent to Fort Benning, Georgia on two tours of duty for advanced training at the Infantry School,
In the spring of 1944 I was sent to the 106th Division at Camp Atterbury, Indiana, and assigned to the 424th Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion, as Captain of Company D. Major Lamar Welch was the battalion commander and an outstanding leader of men.
We trained intensively that summer and in the fall we were sent to a staging area at Camp Myles Standish in Massachusetts and from there on to New York City where we boarded the Aquitania. After crossing the Atlantic we went ashore at Glasgow, Scotland and on to Banbury, England where we trained briefly. We then were shipped from Southampton and went ashore on landing craft at LeHavre, France. After regrouping we were moved to Belgium past St. Vith to an area near Winterspelt in Germany where we were placed in reserve.
The Battle of the Bulge started early the morning of December 16, 1944 with intensive shelling and we moved up to repel the enemy at Winterspelt. Late that evening we were in intimate contact with the Germans. I was hit in the left thigh with a large caliber ricochet that took a large piece out of my femur. I, among others, was captured by three Germans and because I could not walk and fell was not noticed and later escaped by crawling for two days. I was then picked up by one of our ambulances that was lost. The ambulance continued and was stopped several times as we were going through the Bastogne area. It is amazing that they let us through and from there we went on to Neufchateau, and Chiney, I was then sent to the American Hospital in Paris, arriving on December 24, 1944. I was sent back to the Army hospital near Great Malvern in England and finally back to the United States in April of 1945. After numerous hospitalizations I was discharged as a Major and entered Medical School at the University of Pennsylvania, graduating in 1950. I have remained at the University Hospital as a Professor of Ob/Gyn to the present.
It is, indeed, very difficult to describe to others what war is really lit Oliver Wendell Holmes once said h incommunicable the experience of war really is.
The only thing lacking in our training was experiencing that first thirty minutes of actual combat, the vital kill or be killed moment when confronted, which only comes with combat.
No matter the training, until you are under fire and see your buddies dropping dead you do become so infuriated that you too become a killer unless you pause too long and are killed.
Roberts, John A. MED/?
I 1 Bluthewood Rd, Doylestown. PA 18901, 215-345-0732
I have been looking through my War Memorabilia and dug up a few facts. I was inducted at Allentown, PA 13 Feb
Basic Training at St. Petersburg, Florida. Shipped to Lawson General Hospital in Atlanta training as a surgical technician. I shipped through Camp Kilmer, New Jersey to Scotland in October 1943 and was stationed in Grishom in Norfolk with the 8th Air Corps, Station 505 until sometime after the Battle of the Bulge.
A group of us Medics were given M1 rifles and reclassified as riflemen and shipped to the Continent as re-placements. Only one man in our group knew how to take the M1 apart and clean it. We arrived in LeHavre where there was not a building stand-ing. I saw Paris through the rear win-dow of an ambulance while we were on our way to Belgium. We were then told there was a shortage of Company Aid Men, so me and my Combat Medic Badge volunteered to jump out of the fire into the frying pan. We were sent back across France to Rennes near the Atlantic Coast and assigned to what was left of the 106th Infantry Division, which was regrouping after losing two regiments in the Bulge. For the remainder of the war we spent running POW Camps and serving a Medics somewhere in Germany.
Sometime after VE Day I was a replacement again and assigned to the 28th Infantry Division to go Stateside and report to Camp Shelby, Missis-sippi for training for the invasion of Japan. Fortunately, Japan surrendered before I was sent to the Pacific. I was separated at Camp Shelby 29 Oct 1945 with the rank of Staff Sergeant.
Although I was with the 106th for only a short time and then after their worst experiences, it was part of my World War II experience and I would like to join my fellow veterans.
For that purpose I submit my membership dues and a check for a copy of The CUB of the Golden Lion: PASSES REVIEW.
Rudebusch, Robert V. 422/HQ 3BN
2515 3rd Street, Rapid City, SD 57701, 605-343-4574
Salemink, Richard J. 422/C
520 N. Chestnut Box 82 Letts, IA 52754 319-726-5561
I was wounded just prior to capture on 19 December 1944. After several assembly points shifts I wound up at Stalag VI-G, Siegburg near Bonn, Germany. When I becaxne ambulatory I was moved to Hammelburg. I was there until Patton's attempt to liberate the camp. Subsequently I traveled by locked box-car to Nurenburg. After a short stay I became part of a large column of POWs being marched to Moosburg. It was at Moosburg that I was liberated.
Upon my return to civilian life I completed my education and received a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I worked as an engineer for various companies in the New York metro area until my retirement two years ago.
I will be married 47 years as of September 1994. I raised a son and two daughters, all have taken their place in society. In my spare time I have turned to the "Arts." I oil paint, do water colors and make jewelry (silver-only, can't afford gold. }
(Editor's Note - Richard, you mentioned the "Raid" by Patton. You probably know of the book
New Members
written about it. I believe it was entitled The Raid. A Library Research person could find the title. It was written by one of Patton's officer that led the raid, named BAUM, I believe. I guess I shouldn't speak without the info in hand... J. Kline)
Schrom, Irving S. 423/C
4 So. Amundsen Lane, Suffern, NY 10901-7502, 914-357-7404
Steele, Kermit L. 424/D
424 Roosevelt Dr., Mt. Vemon. IN 47620, 812-838-2285
I can't remember the dates, time and places. Remember a runner telling us that it was every man for himself. I had a machine-gun squad. I put a grenade in the receiver and made sure the gun was destroyed. Next I knew I was by myself. The next day I met some guys. A Lt. was with us. We went through several villages. Church bells rang in every village we got to.
I was with the 106th at Fort Jackson. Remember that I was wounded in stomach on January 2nd and the head on January 9, 1945.
I am married with a son and daughter. Spent 24 years as a policeman, then into wood working.
(Editor's Note-This is another 424/D discovery by Marion Ray, 424/D... J. Kline)
Swetye, Joseph 422/HQ
1230 Belmont Pkwy N. W., Cedar Rapids, IA 52405, 319-396-0495
Finished my war experience the last two months by walking from Stalag VIII-A, Gorlitz, Germany to Kassel and finally Braunschweig, Germany.
Self-employed in the manufacturing of "Floral Pottery." Semi-retired. Married Josephine Bowman while at Camp Atterbury on June 25, 1944. She dies in 1978. We had six children and I now have eight grandchildren. Remarried on June 23rd 1979 to Anita Hanson from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I now have two more step-daughters and four step-granddaughters. My favorite hobby is playing Clarinet in Concert Bands.
(Editor's Note - I was on the two months march with you. I ended up going east from Braunschwieg, thrown on the "kranken vagon" (sick-wagon) and liberated at Helmstedt east of Braunschwieg. I don't think I would have lived another two weeks. I kept track of the towns we went through and reconstructed a diary after I got back. I read it occasional just to make me feel good, nothing could have been worse than that trip. 110 miles march from the front, 415 miles from Gorlitz to Helmstedt... J. Kline)
Weglarz, Roman J. 424/HQ
648 S. SR2 Boo ik Hebron. IN 46341-0, 219-996-40
Wiedlin, Dr. Robert A. 422/C
3645 Rain Cloud Ct, Thousand Oaks. CA 91362, 805-529-6444
Wyss, Ralph G. 424/L
7600 W 74th St, Overland Park. KS 66204, 913-432-4342
I was a Sgt in 424/L. I joined the 106th in May 1944 at Camp Atterbury. Went overseas wills the division as a machine gun squad leader. We took the Aquitania across. I was made a 60-mm squad leader in England. We were at Chipping Norton. Went to the front with the division, stayed with my unit during the withdrawal from the Siegfreid Line. Was with the main body of "L" Company during the remaining action until
New Members
VE Day and during occupation duty. Was at Langenlosheim, near Mainz and Weisbaden for guard duty at a POW stockade. Stayed with the unit as it moved around and ended up at Antwerp to come home.
I had been in the Army Air Corps as an aviation cadet pervious to being sent to 106th Division "without prejudice." Was in the 20th Armored Division at Camp Campbell and at Fort Meade prior to applying for the "Air Cadet" program.
I was married at the age of 18 on my first furlough. Went to college (Univ of Kansas) when I was discharged, received BS in Mechanical Engineering. We have three children, four grandchildren. My wife died June 1990. We had been married 47 years.
I like to fish, bowl and enjoy people. Always have considered myself very lucky person after the Battle of the Ardennes.
Of all the people I served with, I thought the people I served with in the Infantry were best and most sincere.
Later, I served in the Army Reserve (4 yrs), the Air Force Reserve (4 yrs), and the Missouri National Guard (3 yrs) during and after college. Was a Chief Engineer for a large water utility until I retired in 1993.
Zahn, John D. 42411_
702 Vardo Lane Lubbock, TX 79403 806-763-1701
Was a squad leader 60 mm mortar. Joined the 106th at Camp Atterbury, Separated from the 106th and sent to the States in July 1945, leaving Europe August 1945. Discharged 23 February 1946 at Camp Famm???, Texas.
(Editor's Note - Sorry John, I could not make out the name of the Camp in Texas. I can't find a reference list of the World War II Forts and Camps - anybody have any idea where I could find a reference book?.. J. Kline)
Clark, Rev. Robert J. 423/A
3148 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45219
Fusco, Americo 423/HQ
1931 Shancssey Rd El Cajon. CA 92019 619-440-8824
After 50 years I was delighted and surprised to hear from Ted Slaby and Charles Sartori of the 106th Infantry Division Association.
Every now and then, during the war, I would get snatches of reports about the 106th and knew that it was caught up in The Battle of the Bulge. But, up until now, I had not been in touch with any person from the 106th.
I joined the 106th in March or April 1943 at Fort Jackson. I was first assigned to "C" Co., 423rd regiment. After a few months I was transferred to the I&R Platoon to finish out my Basic Training at Fort Jackson and went with the I&R Platoon to Tennessee for maneuvers. After Tennessee we went to Camp Atterbury where I was pulled out and sent as a replacement to Italy to join the 91st Infantry Division and was put back into a Rifle Company as a rifleman.
New Members
Many riflemen were needed in Italy as several divisions were sent to France to make the Normandy Invasion.
I had heard that the Army ASTP program was cancelled and many of the men were sent to the 106th to replace those that were sent out.
I came close to death several times, but I praise the Lord that he spared me and I was able to go on and serve Him as Assistant Pastor and Minister of Music in churches in Ohio and California.
Enclosed is my membership fees. Please say hello to my friends. Looking forward to meeting you all in Orlando.
Hinsley, Vernon R. 424/B
PO Box 421, Coahorna, TX 79511, 915-394-4479
You asked for some of my experiences.
After leaving Camp Atterbury for Europe the most vivid memory is that I was sea-sick from new York to Glasgow. After boarding the train, the Red Cross ladies gave us some beef-pot pies and then I had the worst case of indigestion that I ever had. Our destination was Banbury, England.
Went with my group to LeHavre, France, slept in a field where cows had left patties, boarded 6x6s and headed for the front lines. When The Bulge broke we were told that we were going to plug a small hole in the line. We were told to leave behind everything except a back-pack and raincoat. We entered the fighting and never made it back to our duffle bags.
I remember one small town where the Germans had us pinned own and Captain Peyser was a few yards in front of me when he was wounded by a burp-gun. In the next few days we were stunned when we were told that most of the 423rd and 422nd were wiped out and also we then heard about the murder of Americans at Malmedy.
I well remember the Buzz Bombs, V-1s, screaming meemies and the 88's and how close they came to me.
After the war I married Maxine Ellis. We have two boys and one girl. At this writing we have six grand-children, but in November we should have eight for our youngest son's wife is expecting twin boys.
I was employed as a fire fighter for the Air-Force, Civil Service for thirty years, retiring in 1975 as Station Captain.
My wife and I like to travel and fish. We spend three months in Colorado in the summer where it is cool and trout are biting.
MacFarlane, Dalton H. DIV/ARTY
101 Marquette Ave, No. Mankato, MN 56003, 507-625-6344
I was inducted in March 1943, assigned to the Wire Section, 106th Div. Arty. Hdq. Btry, as a fieldman.
I completed Basic Training and in October or early November 1943, a group of about 50 from the Artillery and Signal Units of the 106th were transferred to the 295 Joint Assault Signal Company to form its Shore Fire Control Section.
New Members
We trained briefly, shipped out to Oahu, joined the Seventh Division for assaults on Kwajalein, Evenectok and Majuro. We then joined the 27th Division for the Saipan Operation.
Then with the 37th Division to the Philippines (Lingayan Gulf Operations). These landings were followed with landings at Parang and Zamboonga... one team went to Palawan. We lost 12 percent of our section at Saipan (106th Div men), but managed to have better luck with no fatalities.
Our Shore Fire Control Section directed Naval gunfire as did forward observers for artillery... very effective where we were.
The 295 JASCO also had an air-liaison section. They directed air strikes and signal section .. they provided beach communications, but the shore Fire Control Section was the only part of the company that was made up of 106th Division personnel.
As to my life, I was a Service Rep for the national Cash Register Company before the service and retired in 1979.
I married in 1946.1 have four children.. three girls and one boy, all grown now, of course. I have six grandchildren. Life has been good to us.
I have always wondered about the 106th Division. I knew about the BULGE situation and the devastating effect it had on the 106th... but little more than that. Robert Calhoun informed me that you do have a history of the 106th and the accounts of its engagements.
I hope to contact a Div. Arty. Hdq Btry person that can fill me in personally, as to those persons we would have known.
(Editor's Note - Mac, I sent you a list of the books available about The Bulge. Hope to see you sometime, and I hope that you might recognize some of the names in the roster that I sent you... J. Kline)
Prell, Donald B. 422/AT
Strand Cottage, Lucy's Beach, Flushing, Comwall,TRI I 5 TY, ENGLAND, (0326)374482
Dear Mr. Collins,
For many years I have tried to find out if the 106th had a Division Association. Then only a few weeks ago I found your address through some correspondence with the Office of Tourism in Bruxelles.
I was with the 106th from Camp A. in Indiana, to Fairford in England, to France, and then to St. Vith, and Schon-berg in the Same Eifel (Ardennes For-est). I was a Second Lieutenant, Second Platoon, Anti-Tank Company, 422nd Infantry. I wound up in Oflag IX-B, in Hammelburg, Germany. I witnessed the disastrous attempt by a small tank unit (part of General George Patton's Third Army) to liberate Patton's son-in-law, Colonel Walker, from our POW camp. I got away from Oflag IX-B with four other American officers, however we were recaptured a week later. I was taken to a POW camp near Nurenberg, and later an Australian POW and I es-caped and reached the Allied lines three weeks before VE day.
I now live here in Cornwall seven months of the year and in California for most of the balance of the year. I am planning to visit St. Vith and the Ardennes
New Member
in mid-December of this year. When I am asked why I am doing it, the only answer I can give is that at age seventy, fifty years after the events of the Battle of the Bulge, I want to give thanks that I made it and try to remember those that didn't. Why was I so lucky to be spared, I will never know; but I do want to go back.
Information regarding Donald B. Prell
Born: July 7, 1924 now age 701
Married: Bette Howe (Oct 1, 1960)
Children: Son: Owen T. Prell
Daughter: Erin T. Prell
Education: Los Angeles High School, 1942 UCIA, B.S. 1948
University of London, C.Phil. 1950
Military ID: 055191 1 (Officer) 19131821 (Enlisted)
Discharged in 1946: 1st Lt., Infantry
(Asst. Adj. General, Camp Hood, Texas)
Joined the 106th in July 1942 as a 2nd Lt., 422nd Anti-tank Platoon Headquarters in England: Fairford:
Along with gun training, long hikes, etc, I took my platoon to the airfield south of Fairford to practice aircraft identification.
From France to the Schnee Eifel:
My platoon was given the Honor of placing the road guards to direct the movement of the Division from Girvet, on the French/Belgium border to St. Vith and Sch6nberg close to the German border. I especially remember the beauty and charm of Vielsalm where my Platoon Sergeant, my driver and I stayed the night in a small hotel (and had a hot bath!). After the war I learned the town had been destroyed by U.S. bombing (the Germans had a strong tank force trapped in the center of Vielsalm).
The Schnee Eifel, Prum, Wiirtzburg, Hammelburg (IXB), Nurenburg, Paris, and Lucky Strike: Not enough room or time to adequately describe (at this time, anyway).
Business History
1992-Present Dir. Kennedy-Wilson, Inc. (OTC) Kennedy-Wilson (U.K.) Ltd.
1991-Present Independent Consultant: Mediation and Negotiation Services
80-90 Chief Credit Officer, Imperial Bancorp Imperial Bank's Management Committee President, Imperial Intern') Bank ('88-'90)
President, Imperial Ventures, Inc. ('80-'87) President Imperial Creditcorp 1'80-'86)
Member Senior Loan Committee 1979
Executive Vice-Pres, FCA Credit Corp 1967-1978
Union Bank, Union Bancorp, Unionamerica, Inc.
Exec. V. Pres., Unionamerica, Inc. ('74-"78) President, Ramshire, Inc. ('77-'78)
President, WMC Development, Inc. ('77-'78)
Chairman/Pres, Union Ventures ('68-'72)
Senior Vice President, Union Bank ('67-'69) 1 950-1 966
Vice President, Budget Financial Corporation ('66)
Executive Vice President, Southwestern Capital Corp ('62-'66)
President, Electro-Radiation, Inc. ('60-'61)
V.P., Benson-Lehner Corporation ('52-'59)
Lecturer, Univ.College, Univ. of London ('50-51)
Former Directorships: Public Corporations: Current Income Shares (NYSE); UMET (NY* United Computing (OTC)
Velo-Bind, Inc. (OTC)
Newport Laboratories (OTC)
Southwestern Capital Corp (OTC)
Century Bank (OTC)
Trustee: UCLA Foundation ('79-Present) Other Corporations:
Swett & Crawford
Harbour Insurance and Buffalo Insurance Gallieni Vigano EGA S.p.A.
Usuelli ECO S.p.A.
Marshall & Stevens, Inc.
United California Securities
Rankin, Donald W. 331 MED/HQ
33() so Water Ave
Nov Hampton. IA 50659-1489
I joined the 106th when it was activated at Fort Jackson, then went on Tennessee Maneuvers from there on to Atterbury, then on to Cheltenham, England with the Advance Party to assemble equipment and supplies for deployment
New Members
on the Continent. I served with the 106th until we were transferred to the 28th Division for deployment to the Pacific. While on a 30 day R&R leave the "BOMB" was dropped ending the war in the Pacific. I was grateful to return to my wife and child, a son, who served in the Vietnam War 90 years later. I also have another son who served in the Navy. I should add that I also have two daughters. I have six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Ungerman, Clarence J. 589/HQ
951 Perry Hwy, Apt tl210, 412-369-4751
I was a former member, who through the selling of my home, plus some other personal problems dropped out of the Association. I am happy to be back.
Yakupchina, Andrew 424/D
232 2nd Street, Wilburton. PA 17888, 717-339-2229
Retired, married to Mary. We have two daughters and one grandson.
Joined the 106th in '43 at Fort Jackson, left in '45 to be discharged.
Auerbach, Sid 424/H
PO Box 321, Manhasset. W11030, 18/263/3014
Larry Walden, 424/H writes, "Sid was a 1st Lt. in H Co, 3rd Platoon - and a good officer! One of my strongest recollections of him is getting us "jump-started" after we were pinned down by enemy fire in the Manhay area during a daylight 106th attack.
He's a BIG man thereby a large target and I remember his jumping to his feet and yelling 'We'll never get anywhere this way. Let's go.' And we did."
Sid writes in a letter to Larry, "I could write a book about the last three years. Margery (wife) is no longer with us, but the children are all grown up and doing well. John and Cindy have two children each. I am enclosing a check to join the 106th Association. I have been traveling quite a bit lately. Stopped for now but will start again in 1996, I hope. Stay well and let me hear from you." Signed - Sid.
Schuler, Calvin 590/?
107 Washington, New Boston, TX, 903-628-2416
Captured 19 Dec '44, released 9 May '45. Confined near Leipzig 12/22 to 1/8/45 then Bad Schandau 1/14/45 to liberation.
Have worked in Civil Service for 31 years, enjoy golfing and yard work.
Would like a copy of The CUB with the picture of Bad Ems Railroad yards showing the damage of 23 Dec 1944.
(Ed Note. 1 sent a copy with your Welcome Letter.. J. Kline)
Much more material is in the "FOR NEXT CUB" basket:
We apologize, but this was an unusual time for me and there was so much to sort out. I'll probably make the same excuse next time - but, at least it is the truth and is sincere. HAPPY HOLIDAYS and thanks for all the support!
John Kline, editor
In Memory of
Baird, Robert E. 422/1
541 Kelly Dr., Golden Valley, AIN 55427 Robert died July 31,1994
Biggers, Roy 423/HQ
319 E South A St., Gas City, IN 46933 Roy died August 8, 1994 quite suddenly. He had reservations for Rapid City, He was a POW in 4A-4B and 3A. He is survived by Jean, his wife, two sons, a daughter and four grandchildren.
Borbely, Frank 424/M
2801 Stanbridge St A #311, Norristown, PA 19401
Phyliss, Frank's wife wrote, "It is my sad duty to inform you of the death of my beloved husband. He died on October 4, 1994. He died in the VA Hospital since he was proud of being a veteran. He was in the hospital 14 months. He is in a better place now. We both had good times at the Reunions, with two trips to Europe, one in 1985 and the other in 1989 with a small group of friends from 424/M.
"He is survived by two sons and myself. "Many thanks for all your hard work. The CUB was enjoyed by Frank and me. I read it to him the last few times. I had no way of knowing if he understood.
"Best wishes to all of you in the Association. 1 will miss you all."
Branham, Melvin 424/L
1760 W Liberty St. #5, Farmington, MO 63640 Edna, Melvin's wife wrote," Melvin died on August 28, 1993 after several years of illness. I took him to Camp Atterbury for the 50th Anniversary and we had our 50th Wedding Anniversary in March. We both enjoyed The CUB and read it from cover to cover.
Burns, William R. 423/SV
Bob Walker reports, "Bill, from Highlands Heights, Kentucky, a forrner 106th man, died January 7, 1994 at the age of 70, from cancer of the lung. He had been a POW in 4-A and 4-B. My wife, June and 1 represented the 106th at his funeral. He is survived by a sister.
Cawdrey, James W. 81s1 Eng/B
Ed Wojahn, reports that Jim died January 13, 1994. He was age 77, of Seattle and Honolulu. He was imprisoned in Stalag 9-B, from which he escaped and was recaptured three times. He was the founding member of the Hawaii Chapter of AX POW. He is survived by five sons, a daughter and their mother, ten grandchildren and two great grandchildren. He was not a current member of this Association. Ed says he was an officer and a fine man. And came to our reunion in Sacramento in 1990.
Clark, John W. 424/HQ
713 No. Alain Apt. A. Benton, AR 72015 A CUB was returned marked "Deceased." in August of 1994.
Ernst, Clair R. 422/HQ 3BN
5611 Sill'. Orleans St, Seattle. WA 98116 Died September 13, 1994. CUB returned with note.
Everett, Thomas J. 422/D
37933 Date Palm Dr., Zephyr Hills, EL 33541 Rita, Tom's wife wrote, "Thomas died December 7, 1993. My husband was a POW the Bulge. His death was due to cancer. He is survived by me and six grown children".
Grimes, Charles 422/F
PO Box 2013. °mak. WA 98841 Sharon, Charles' daughter wrote, My dad died April 14, 1994. His widow Agnes still lives at the same address. He is survived by her, me his daughter and two sons. Dad was proud of his Military duty during World War II."
Lada, Theodore 424/L
1044 Liberty St. Lincoln Park, All 48146 Lois, Theodore's wife writes, "I wish to inform you of the death of my husband, Theoore, on September 8, 1994 from cancer. He was one of the lucky ones that made it through the Battle of the Bulge and he was a Life Member of the Association."
Manager, Thomas G. 590/A
309 .4ddison Rd. Glastonbur., CT 06033 Died 11/28/92.
Newsom, Chancy C. 423/M
10738 NW 31st P1, Gainseville, FL 32606 Linda Miller, Chancy's daughter wrote, "Chancy, age 72, passed away at the VA Hospital September 27, 1994. He was a POW of the Battle of the Bulge and was in Stalag 9-B. He also served in the Korean War. He is survived by three daughters, two sons, nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren."
Pens, John W. 424//
357 9 St.Km4440, Brooklyn, NY 11215 CUB returned with note deceased.
Raskinis, Henry J. 422/I
1727 W. Michigan, Saginaw. MI 48602 Deceased July 2, 1994. We were informed by a card with the date from his wife Esther.
Rauscher, Anthony A. 3RD INF/
6987 GR 139 Lakeview Dr., Haines City, FL 33844 Died August 4, 1994.
Rutledge, Boyd A. 422/D
10132 Goodrich Rd, Bloomington, MN 55437 Boyd, was the 106th Infantry Division Association's Adjutant from September 1988 to death on September 5, 1994 at the age of ??
As we all know he was very active in the affairs of the Association and his gentle smile will be missed by all who knew him.
He is survived by his wife, Flora; his children Kathleen Sagmiller of Pouldbo, Washington, Don and his wife Debra Rutledge of St. Paul, Minnesota; and Lori and her husband Scott Mance of Castaic, California; grandchildren, Stephen and Kiplinn Sagmiller, Anthony and Alyssa Manco. A lifetime member of the DAV, American Ex-Prisoners of War. Retired from Control Data Company.
Internment was at Fort Snelling National Cemetery, St. Paul, Minnesota
(Boyd and this writer, John Kline, editor, were scheduled to discuss the Battle of the Bulge at the Fort Snelling World War II "Round Table" on December 8, 1994/. I shall miss him at my side there, as well as his friendship and as a companion on the golf course. I hope the fairways are wide and the greens large Boyd. We'll see you on the tee, one of these days... J. Kline)
Sandberg, Robert E. 81st ENG/A
1786 Saunders Are, St Paul, MN 55116 Pat, Bob's wife, informed us of his death. Bob died at the age of 71 on November l I, 1994 - Veteran's Day - in the Minneapolis VA Hospital after a long illness. He was preceded in death by his parents Neils and Hilda. Survived by his wife Patricia; son, Steven and his wife Elaine, and their children Jill and Daniel of Inver Grove Heights, MN; a daughter, laurel and her husband Judson Person and their daughter Ann, of Edina, Mn; a brother Bertil, his wife Carroll of St. Paul; special cousins, Lenore Wilberscheid of Arlington Heights; II, and Robert (Dolly) Sandberg of Palm Harbor, Fl; special person, Judith Balderson and her husband Robert of Hastings, Mn, and many nieces and nephews.
Burial was at Fort Snelling National Cemetery, with services being held at the Fort Snelling Memorial Chapel. Bob was a past member of Iron Workers Local 512. A member of the VFW, American Legion Post #542 and the American Ex-Prisoners of War.
Schulte, Edward 422/B
Bob Walker reports, "Edward, from Cincinnati, Ohio, died July 19, 1994. He is survived by his wife Edith, two daughters and two grandchildren. He had been a POW in Stalag 4-B. He and I took part in a memorial service put on by the O.K.]. POW Chapter. He was an Association member in the past.
Smythe, William 422/H
IV 6454 Cty.Hwy. P. Pardeville, WI 53954 Karyl,William's wife wrote, "This is to advise ofthe death of my husband Bill. He passed away on May 15, 1994 from cancer.
"He was a member of the 106th Association and the Badger Chapter of the American Ex-Prisoners of War. He was incarcerated in Stalag 4-B and Stalag VIII-A. He is survived by his wife, Karyl, two sons, four daughters, twelve grandchildren, three great grandchildren."
Zorn, Seymour 106 SIG
Rt. 5 Vets Home, Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 Seymour was reported deceased by the way of a return envelope received October 7, 1994
PHOTO: German Tiger Tank used in Battle of the Bulge, retrieved from river in Houffalize
Battle of the Bulge 50th Anniversary 1944 - 1994
Photo by Robert N. Lowry, Associate Member
The official publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc
1994 – 1995
Membership fees include CUB subscription
Association membership 11/22/94 -- 1,604
President Thomas J. Riggs, Jr.
Past-President Edward A. Prewett
1st Vice-Pres Richard L. Rigatti
2nd Vice-Pres Major Hill
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Pete House
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John Kline
Chaplain Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr.
Memorials Chairman .... Dr. John G. Robb
Atterbury Memorial Rep O. Paul Merz
Membership Chairman Gilbert Helwig
Scholarship Chairman ... Jerome Eisenman
Ex-Officio Board Member
Send editorial matter and photos to:
John P. Kline - CUB Editor
5401 U. 1471h St Wag4r7cy, MN 55124-6637
Business matters, deaths, address changes to:
Pete House - Adjutant
5662 Clifton Ave, Jacksonville, El. 32211
Memorial matters and inquiries to:
Dr John G. Robb - Memorial Chairman
238 Devoregr , 4.1,1e,..1,Z, PA 16355
Membership dues, Memorial Fund
contributions and Historical items to:
Sherod Collins - Treasurer
448 Monroe Trace, GA 30144
The Life Membership fee is payable one time only, with no annual dues thereafter.
Life Membership $75.00
Life Auxiliary $15.00
Life Associate $75.00
For those choosing to pay Annual dues, pay by July 1 each year. (July 1 to July 1 term)
Annual Membership $10.00
Annual Auxiliary $ 2.00
Annual Associate S10.00
Make checks payable to
"106th Infantry Division Association."
Board of Directors 1994 -1991Pt
Alphabetical by year when expires.
Edward A. Prewett 424/B Ex-Officio ('95)
7831 Lone Tree W;rof:641;eztzoiord, CA 94513-2109
Joseph Gross 59I/C ('95)
7782 Topaz Lak:Zei,3tpiego, CA 92119
Joseph Massey 422/C (.95)
RTE 1 - Box 780, Remlap, AL 35133
Herbert F. Meagher 422/M ('95)
18228 Montana Ct , Orland Park, IL 60642
O. Paul Merz 422/5V (.95)
1344 NorlolkR;,2n4cliza4p9olis, IN 46224
Gilbert Helwig 423/M ('96)
2 (") Ontario Rd, MIant 20
Jerome Eisenman 423/IIQ 3BN (.96)
227 Buena Vist4aZe6L),ady.:City, CA 94015
Richard L. Rigatti 423/B ('96)
113 Woodshire 4,N:rre. PA 15215
William K. Rowan 424/K ('96)
213 Count, C7t4ib.,INI7ry. NC 28150
Major H. Hill 424/B ('97)
36750 N Kertiai Irde, IL 60041
Lyman C. Maples, 422/K ('97)
608 Wilkins St, Dalton, GA 30720
Dr. Richard W. Peterson, 423/1 ('97)
1285 Ruben., Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007, 619-632-1213
Edwin C. Huminski, 424/F PA 15557-9223
Alan W. Jones, Jr, 423/11Q I Bn (.98)
9100 Belvoir Woods Pkwy N233, Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060, 703-781-3629
William Malone, 423/B (.98)
3911 Mackay Dnve, Nashville, . 37207
Thomas J. Riggs 81st, "Pronnce, R102906
John N. Swett, 423/11 (`98)
10691 E. North6V2r.,6Totacon, AZ 85748
Levene Weigel, 422/11 ('98)
I3 80 Dcmocracal,s1v.61Zsrme. FL 32940
Nolan L. Asburn, 424/H ('99)
5935 W Mansfield Ave t1255, Denver, CO 80235
Lloyd J. Diehl, 42341
R3 Box 212,365 Chig,Msol3V., Sewell, NJ 08081."
John A. Gregor, 424/E ('99)
4624 Ashton 14,..rir.11313to, CA 95864
Art Van Moorlehem, 423/B ('99)
206 W Itroca../41ptgion. SD
HONORARY Board Member
Col. Joseph Matthews 422/11Q (Life)
4706 Westena.sd, ittVith. NC 27606
Index for: Vol. 51 No. 1, Oct, 1994
Index for This Document
106th Memorial, 5128th Inf. Div., 81, 89
30th Inf. Div., 13
37th Div., 86
3rd Army, 86
3rd Inf. Regt., 74
422/K, 95
422/M, 25, 28, 29, 74
423/Hq 1 BN, 25, 30
423rd Regt., 84
424/A, 12, 25, 33, 39, 40, 42, 44
424/C, 25, 33
424/D, 18, 25, 33, 70, 71, 78, 82
424/E, 25, 34, 96
424/G, 25
424/I, 25, 34
424/L, 25, 34
424th Cbt. Inf. Regt., 79
424th Regt., 39, 42
589th FA, 26, 70
589th FA BN, 26, 46, 70
590th FA BN, 26
591st FA BN, 26
591st FAB, 26
592nd FA BN, 26
592nd FAB, 26
81st Cbt. Engr., 1, 2
81st Eng/Hq, 25
81st Engr., 2, 10
81st Engr. Cbt. BN, 2
82nd Abn. Div., 46
83rd Inf. Div., 13
8th Air Corps, 81
A Place To Go, 68
'A Time For Trumpets', 2, 72
Adolphson, Maynard, 29
Adolphson, Maynard R., 29
Agostini, Orf, 36
Agostini, Orfeo, 36
Agostini, Orfeo E., 36
Alamo Defense, 46
Albers, William G., 34
Annual Reunions, 7
Ansel, Joseph, 30
Ansel, Joseph J., 30
Antwerp, 66, 70, 84
Aquitania, 80, 82
Ardennes, 2, 20, 40, 66, 86
Ardennes Campaign, 61, 66
Ardennes Forest, 20
Arlington National Cemetery, 23
Arlon, Belgium, 78
Arvold, Norman W., 33
Asburn, Nolan L., 96
Auerbach, Sid, 89
Austria, 68
Avery, Charles W., 30
Bacharach, 58
Bad Ems Railroad Yards, 89
Bad Krueznach, 70
Bailey, Harold M., 34
Bainbridge, William G., 30
Baird, Robert E., 91
Banbury, England, 80, 85
Baraque De Fraiture, 46, 52
Baraque-De-Fraiture, 56
Bastogne, 21, 56, 58, 80
Battle of the Ardennes, 84
Battle of the Bulge, 1, 2, 4, 9, 16, 21, 40, 46, 54, 56, 61, 66, 81, 84, 87, 92, 94
Belgian Croix de Guerre, 2
Belgium, 21, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 60, 61, 64, 65, 73, 74, 78, 80, 81
Bennett, Robert, 32
Bennett, Willard G., 32
Bied, Dan, 15, 16
Biggers, Roy, 91
Black, Ewell, 28
Black, Ewell C., 28
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 4
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 94
Black, T. Wayne, 28
Blaher, William, 29
Blaher, William S., 29
Blodgett, John, 32
Blodgett, John Q., 32
Boggs, Oliver B., 29
Bonn, Germany, 81
Books, 19
Boppard, 12, 58
Borbely, Frank, 91
Borglum, Gutzon, 39
Born, Belgium, 78
Bowers, Walter H., 37
Bowman, Josephine, 82
Bradley, Gen. Omar, 40
Branham, Melvin, 91
Braunschweig, Germany, 82
Braunschwieg, 82
Brax, Richard, 32
Brax, Richard J., 32
Breite, Victor, 29
Breite, Victor W., 29
Breuker, Albert, 36
Breuker, Albert D., 36
Bricker, James, 32
Bricker, James H., 32
Brown, C.P., 37
Brown, Capt., 54
Brown, Raymond, 70
Brown, Robert, 18
Brown, Robert G., 18
Brunner, Lloyd, 33
Brunner, Lloyd J., 33
Brussels, 12, 46, 48, 60, 63, 70
Brussels, Belgium, 12, 46
Bruxelles, 86
Bryan, Ken, 30
Bryan, Kenneth, 30
Bryan, Kenneth V., 30
Bryant, Howard, 34
Burkes, Robert A., 33
Burns, William R., 91
Butterfield, Wallace, 30
C.R.I.B.A., 46, 52, 54, 56, 64
Calhoon, Robert, 28
Calhoon, Robert R., 28
Calhoun, Robert, 86
Camp Atterbury, 7, 13, 21, 22, 70, 82, 84, 85, 91
Camp Atterbury Memorial, 7, 13
Camp Atterbury, IN, 80
Camp Hood, TX, 87
Camp Kilmer, NJ, 81
Camp Myles Standish, MA, 80
Camp Roberts, CA, 70
Camp Wheeler, GA, 68
Caplan, Bert, 34
Capshaw, Clifton, 32
Cariano, Sam, 28
Cariano, Samuel, 28
Carver, Dale, 39, 42
Cassidy, Patrick F., 70
Cassidy, Patrick S., 70
Cawdrey, James W., 91
CEBA, 56, 58, 64
Cheltenham, England, 88
Chesney, 29
Chipping Norton, 82
Churchill, Winston, 40
Ciliberti, Michael G., 70
Clark, John W., 91
Clark, Rev. Robert J., 84
Clarke, Bruce, 66
Clervaux, 56
Clervaux, Luxembourg, 58
Cole, Hugh M., 2
Collier, James, 34
Collier, James E., 34
Collins, Mr., 86
Collins, Sherod, 30, 76, 94
Costa, Anton, 32
Costa, Antone, 32
Costa, Antone D., 32
Creel, E. V., 36
Cremer, Dr., 21, 51, 53, 61
Croix De Guerre, 2
Crossman, Les, 34
Crossman, Lester, 34
Crossman, Lester W., 34
Cucarola, Joe, 7
Daniel, Charles T., 70
Dansereau, Ernest D., 70
Dashner, Robert, 28
Dashner, Robert F., 28
D-Day Remembered, 68
Death of A Division, 67
Diehl, Lloyd, 32
Diehl, Lloyd J., 96
Diekirch, 58
Dill, Richard, 12, 60
Direnzo, Peter L., 28
Domiano, William A., 70
Dorn, Ed, 29
Dorn, Edward, 29
Dorn, Edward W., 29
Duda, Frank, 18
Dunn, Ed W., 72
Eckblad, Wesley, 29
Eckblad, Wesley W., 29
Edwards, Carl E., 28
Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D., 15
Eisenman, Jerome, 94, 95
Ellis, Maxine, 85
Enola Gay, 15
Eric Wood Memorial, 5, 45, 76, 78
Ernst, Clair R., 91
Ettelbruck, 58
Evenectok, 86
Everett, Thomas J., 91
Fairlamb, Col., 50, 60
Fields, Ray, 18
Fields, Raymond, 18
Fields, Raymond H., 18
Fisher, Leland R., 35
Forbes, Fontaine, 30
Forbes, Fontaine C., 30
Fort Meade, 84
Foster, George, 68
Foster, Jesse H., 72
Fox, Carl E., 30
France, 42, 73, 81, 85, 86, 87
Frankfort, 58
Frankfurt, 12
Frankfurt, Germany, 58
French Croix De Guerre, 2
Friend, Floyd E., 33
Fry, John C., 72
Ft. Benning, GA, 80
Ft. Jackson, SC, 45, 82, 84, 88, 89
Ft. Sill, OK, 46
Fusco, Americo, 84
Galaxy Tours, 46
Gallagher, John, 7
Gasses, Joseph, 28
Gasses, Joseph J., 28
Gatens, John, 12, 46, 53, 60, 64, 65
Gehlen, Albert, 48, 52
Gehlen, Mayor, 50
Gehlen, Mayor M. Albert, 63
Gehler, Mayor M. Albert, 51
Gerlach, Phil, 78
Germany, 12, 56, 70, 73, 74, 80, 81
Gerolstein, 52
Gerolstein, Germany, 52
Gilbert, Dan, 30
Gilbert, Daniel W., 30
Gilder, Robert, 33
Gilder, Robert A., 33
Gilliland, John & Lee, 45
Gilliland, John O., 45
Glasgow, 85
Glasgow, Scotland, 80
Gombotz, Frank, 28
Gorlitz, 82
Gorlitz, Germany, 82
Gouvroye, Joseph, 52
Gouvy, Belgium, 45
Greene, John, Ltc., 45
Gregor, John A., 96
Gregory, John, 20, 34
Gregory, Leo, 12, 60
Greve, Walt, 30
Greve, Walter, 30
Greve, Walter C., 30
Grimes, Charles, 92
Gross, Joseph, 95
Guggenheim, Charles, 68
Guggenheim, Charles E., 68
Halladay, Maurice A., 30
Hammelburg, 81, 87
Hammelburg, Germany, 86
Hanger, Charles E., 76
Hanna, Robert R., 28
Hanson, Anita, 82
Hartman, Willard, 36
Hartman, Willard G., 36
Hawkins, Harold W., 32
Hay, Reuben, 33
'Healing the Child Warrior', 66
Heck, Howell, 30
Heck, Howell H., 30
Helmich, Les, 33
Helmich, Lester, 33
Helmich, Lester A., 33
Helmstedt, 82
Helwig, Gil, 33
Helwig, Gilbert, 33, 94, 95
Henning, Charles E., 72
Henri Chapelle, 46, 48
Henri Chapelle Cemetery, 46, 48
Henri Chapelle Military Cemetery, 64
Heolbronn, 74
Hill, Maj., 12, 20, 46, 50, 51, 52, 60, 61, 64, 94
Hill, Maj. H., 33, 95
Hiltbrand, Walt, 30
Hiltbrand, Walter, 30
Hiltbrand, Walter F., 30
Hinsley, Vernon R., 85
Hochstetter, Hubert, 34
Hochstetter, Hubert H., 34
Hoff, Russ, 29
Hoffmaster, Wendell M., 32
Hohenstein, 33
Hohenstein, John, 33
Hohenstein, John J., 33
Holland, 73
Homan, Bob, 78
Hotel Pip Margraff, 48, 51, 52, 58
Houffalize, 94
House, Pete, 1, 5, 36, 94
Howe, Bette, 87
Hubert, Andre', 54
Huminski, Edwin C., 95
Humphrey, Don, 37
Humphrey, Donald B., 37
Hunter, David, 32
Inf. School, 80
Italy, 84, 85
Jacelon, Charles, 60, 65
Jacelon, Charles & Helen, 53, 56
Jackson, Roy, 18
Jackson, Roy T., 18
Jensen, George, 29
Jensen, George C., 29
Johannes, Walter, 12, 60
Johansen, Charles H., 72
Johnston, Ray, 32
Johnston, Ray A., 32
Jolgren, Gordon, 7
Jonckeau, Mary, 52
Jones, Al, 30
Jones, Alan, 21, 30
Jones, Alan W., 30
Jones, Alan W., Jr., 95
Jones, Howard M., 74
Kapian, Casimir B., 74
Kassel, 82
Kauffman, Verlin, 18
Kauffman, Verlin D., 18
Kelch, Eugene, 29
Kelch, Eugene B., 29
Kennedy, Glen, 30
Kennedy, Glen N., 30
Kennedy, John F., 68
Kennedy, Robert, 68
Kiendel, Ted, 52
Kiendl, Ted, 53, 60, 65
Kimmes, Ms., 58
Kimmes-Hansen, Tilly, 64
Kleven, Joe, 31
Kline, J., 5, 12, 17, 46, 70, 71, 72, 76, 78, 82, 84, 86, 89, 93
Kline, John, 1, 5, 33, 37, 89, 92, 94
Kline, John P., 33, 94
Kopatz, Alfred E., 29
Korea, 16
Krantz, Albert R., 28
Kuhn, Eugene L., 74
Kuizema, Harold, 54, 60, 65
Kuizema, Harold & Jessica, 53
Kups, Stanislaus, 28
Kwajalein, 86
Lacroix, Arthur P., 28
Lada, Theodore, 92
Lamonica, Stanley, 74
Landis, Robert, 33
Landis, Robert J., 33
Langenlosheim, 84
Lawlor, Martin, 29
Lawlor, Martin V., 29
Lawson, William J., 32
Le Haire, Maria, 53
Legrand, Elmore W., 30
LeHavre, 81, 85
Lehavre, France, 80, 85
Leichte, Joseph H., 29
Leige, 46, 64
Leipzig, 89
Lejune, Bernadette, 53
Libman, Oliver, 33
Libman, Oliver E., 33
Liege, 46
Lingayan Gulf Operations, 86
Lion In the Way, 2
Lockhart, Richard, 76
Lockhart, Richard T., 76
London, 87
Long, Ivan, 30
Long, Ivan H., 30
Loveless, K, 18
Loveless, Kay, 18
Lowry, Robert M., 45
Lowry, Robert N., 76, 94
Luck, Karl, 16
Lucky Strike, 87
Lucsay, William, 18
Luxembourg, 21, 56, 73
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 40
MacDonald, Charles, 72
MacDonald, Charles B., 2
MacFarlane, Dalton H., 85
Mackowiak, Henry W., 33
MaGee, Jack G., 78
Mainz, 84
Majuro, 86
Malmedy, 56, 85
Malone, William, 95
Malone, William E., 29
Maloney, Joseph, 33
Maloney, Joseph P., 33
Manager, Thomas G., 92
Manhay, 89
Mansfield, Horace, 12, 33, 60
Mansfield, Horace E., 33
Maples, Lyman C., 95
Mardasson Monument, 56, 58
Marsh, Robert, 32
Marsh, Robert H., 32
Martin, Thomas C., 30
Martin, Walter W., 32
Mascone, Attilio A., 29
Massey, Joseph, 95
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 96
Maw, Thomas, 36
Maw, Thomas J., 36
McClure, Charles C., 30
McGrew, Edward, 18
McMillan, Paul, 18
McNally, Charles F., 78
Meagher, Herbert F., 95
Merz, O. Paul, 22, 94, 95
Merz, Paul, 13, 21, 22
Messina, Carl, 10
Meyerode, 5, 56, 64
Middleton, 9
Mikalauskis, John, 34
Mikalauskis, John L., 34
Milbrodt, George L., 28, 78
Miller, John, 32
Miller, John W., 32
Miller, Paul, 78
Miller, Robert G., 78
Monument To The Dream, 68
Moosburg, 81
Moselle River Valley, 58
Murphy, John J., 30
Nester, George, 35
Nester, George A., 35
Neufchateau, 80
Newman, Saul A., 29
Newsom, Chancy C., 92
Nine From Little Rock, 68
Noon, Cletus, 30
Noon, Cletus E., 30
Normandy, 70, 85
Normandy Invasion, 85
Northern France, 42
Nurenberg, 86
Nurenburg, 81, 87
Nusbaum, Alfred, 30
Nusbaum, Alfred S., 30
Ocvirk, Otto G., 78
Odom, Joseph, 33
Odom, Joseph C., 33
Oflag IX-B, 86
Oliver, Grover C., 18
Order of the Golden Lion, 45
Ortwine, Harold, 36
Ortwine, Harold W., 36
Parang, 86
Paris, 56, 80, 81, 87
Parker, Maj., 46, 54
Parker's Crossroads, 46, 52, 53, 54, 56
Passariello, Louis, 33
Passariello, Louis J., 33
Patton Monument, 58
Patton, Gen., 56
Patton, Gen. George, 86
Paulson, Dorayne, 32
Paulson, Dorayne M., 32
Pawasarat, Oscar D., 78
Pawasarat, Oscar F., 28
Pawluk, Walter S., 28
Pearl Harbor, 15
Pens, John W., 92
Petersen, Walter A., 32
Peterson, Dick, 22
Peterson, Dr., 21, 66
Peterson, Dr. Richard, 66
Peterson, Dr. Richard W., 95
Peterson, Richard, 67
Peyser, Capt., 85
Photos, 63, 64, 65
Pinney, Gordon, 30
Pinney, Gordon B., 30
Poland, 2
Prell, Donald B., 86, 87
Prell, Erin T., 87
Prell, Owen T., 87
Pretty, Emor, 32
Pretty, Emor C., 32
Preucel, Dr. Robert W., 78
Prewett, Ed, 1, 21
Prewett, Edward A., 94, 95
Prum, 87
Purple Heart, 2
Rahm, Carroll, 29
Rankin, Donald W., 88
Raskinis, Henry J., 92
Rauscher, Anthony A., 92
Ray, Marion, 71, 82
Rediger, Delbert G., 34
Rennes, 81
Reunions, 7
Rfk Remembered, 68
Rhine River, 58
Rickard, William P., 29
Rieck, Chuck, 7, 9
Riels, John O., 32
Rigatti, Richard, 30
Rigatti, Richard L., 7, 30, 94, 95
Riggs, Col., 2
Riggs, Col. Thomas J., 3
Riggs, Col. Thomas J., Jr., 3
Riggs, Thomas J., 1, 2, 94, 96
Riggs, Thomas J., Jr., 1, 2, 94
Riggs, Tom, 1, 2, 21
Rikken, Adda, 78
Rikken, Willi & Adda, 78
Rikken, Wily & Adda, 45
Ritchie, Richard R., 32
Robb, Dr. John, 22
Robb, Dr. John G., 20, 94
Robb, John, 29, 46
Robb, John G., 29
Roberts, Jack, 53, 60
Roberts, John, 12
Roberts, John A., 80
Rock Island Arsenal, 23
Rosalia, John, 31
Rosalia, John J., 31
Roster, 19
Rowan, William K., 95
Rudebusch, Robert V., 81
Rutland, Roger, 45
Rutledge, Boyd, 1, 5
Rutledge, Boyd A., 92
Rydzinski, Edward, 29
Sagmiller, Kathleen, 92
Saipan, 23, 86
Saipan Operation, 86
Salemink, Richard, 34
Salemink, Richard J., 34, 81
Salzburg, 68
Sandahl, Dean, 28
Sandahl, Dean E., 28
Sandberg, Robert, 35
Sandberg, Robert E., 35, 93
Sartori, Charles, 84
Schaffner, John, 12, 54, 60, 65
Schaffner, John & Lillian, 53
Schaffner, Lillian, 12
Schnee Eifel, 87
Schober, Milton, 34
Schonberg, 48, 66
Schrom, Irving S., 82
Schuler, Calvin, 89
Schulte, Edward, 93
Schutte, Mrs., 37
Schutte, Mrs. Jean, 37
Scott, Earl, 37
Scotti, Joe, 30
Screaming Meemies, 85
Shaver, Robert, 33
Shaver, Robert M., 33
Siegburg, 81
Simmons, Norman, 33
Skardon, Alvin, 12, 60
Slaby, Ted, 84
Smith, Charles, 28
Smith, Charles L., 28
Smith, Ken, 32
Smythe, William, 93
Snyder, Walter, 12, 48, 53, 60, 64
Solomon, Joseph, 18
Southampton, 80
Sparks, Dick, 68
St. Mere Iglise, 74
St. Vith, 2, 12, 19, 20, 21, 48, 50, 51, 52, 58, 61, 63, 66, 70, 78, 80, 86, 87
St. Vith, Belgium, 50, 51, 61, 63
Stalag 4-B, 93
Stalag 9-B, 91, 92
Stalag IX-B, 87
Stalag VI-G, 81
Stalag VIII-A, 82, 93
Starmack, John, 30
Starmack, John S., 30
Steele, Kermit L., 82
Stephens, Robert C., 18
Stewart, John, 30
Stewart, John T., 30
Stoehr, Martin G., 30
Sulser, Jack, 24, 32
Sulser, Jack A., 21, 32
Swett, John, 32
Swett, John A., 32
Swett, John N., 96
Swetye, Joseph, 82
Tarantino, Joseph C., 30
Taylor, Hal, 30
Taylor, Hal R., 30
Taylor, John, 32
Taylor, John W., 32
Tennessee Maneuvers, 88
Terrio, Howard, 32
Terrio, Howard J., 32
The Battle of the Bulge, 4, 16, 80, 84
The Battle Of The Bulge Remembered, 66
The Johnstown Flood, 68
The Making Of Liberty, 68
Thompson, Paul, 11
Time For Trumpets, 2
Trautman, Frank, 28
Trautman, Frank S., 28
Trost, Paul, 32
Trost, Paul M., 32
Trueman, Dr. Duncan, 1, 4, 39, 40, 42, 44
Trueman, Duncan T., 39
Tuhoski, Stanley, 32
Ulin, William, 30
Ulin, William E., 30
Ungerman, Clarence J., 89
Valley Forge Military Academy, 21
van Moorlehem, Art, 96
Vandegrift, Kenneth, 28
Vandermast, Mary, 12, 53, 56
Vaughn, Ray, 30
Vaughn, Ray R., 30
VBOB, 21
Venegoni, Vincent J., 33
Vielsalm, 56, 65, 87
Vietnam War, 89
Villwock, Russell H., 9
Walden, Larry, 89
Walker, Bob, 91, 93
Walker, Col., 86
Warner, George H., 18
Weglarz, Roman J., 82
Weigel, Levene, 96
Weiner, Milton, 9
Weisbaden, 84
Welch, Maj. Lamar, 80
West Wall, 66
White, Robert L., 36
Whiting, Charles, 66
Wiedlin, Dr. Robert A., 28, 82
Wiirtzburg, 87
Williams, Lawrence, 28
Williams, Lawrence R., 28
Winterspelt, 80
Wischmeier, Don, 30
Wischmeier, Donald B., 30
Wojahn, Ed, 36, 91
Wojahn, Edward, 16, 36
Wojtusik, Stan, 29
Wood, Eric, 5, 48, 52, 76, 78
Wood, Eric, Jr., 45, 56
Wood, Lt. Eric, 76
Wood, Lt. Eric, Jr., 64
Wood, Vernon T., 31
Wyss, Ralph G., 82
Yakupchina, Andrew, 89
Yingst, William, 32
Yingst, William J., 32
York, Robert, 28
York, Robert E., 28
Young, Damon, 13, 32
Young, Damon F., 32
Zabinski, Conrad, 18
Zahn, John D., 84
Zamboonga, 86
Zenn, Mike, 32
Zorn, Seymour, 93