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Vol 11, No. 1 Sep 1954

Vol. 11, No. 1, Sep, 1954

Money 13
Memorials 13
Officers 13
Other Reports 13

106th Infantry Division Association, Inc. Box 238, Loudonville, New York
President John Loveless
Vice President James R. Klett
Adjutant Austin Byrd, Jr.
Treasurer William K. Fowler
Chaplain Rev. Paul Cavanaugh

    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year, which includes subscription to CUB. All material copyrighted.
Editor Douglas S. Coffey
Staff Writer David S. Price
Staff Photographer D. C. Brumaghin
The CUB is printed by Varsity Press, 80 Harrison Avenue, West Orange, New Jersey.
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box MI, Loudonville, N. Y.

     We have all been back home "from the shore" for about a month, and your membership Chairman is of the opinion it's time to go to work! LET'S INCREASE OUR MEMBERSHIP THIS YEAR!
     I have inherited some three thousand names of former members of the 106th Division from my good friend, Austin L. Byrd, Jr. The men on this list are from all sections of our country. Sometime during the next ten months all of these men should be contacted and offered the opportunity to join our grand Association. The following is the plan we intend to follow--if you agree:
1. The present assortment of names will be broken down by state and area.
     2. Each of you will be asked to contact by telephone (or letter) those former members of the Division who live in your state or area
     3. All information that we have in our membership file, regarding units and past membership in the Association, will be given you.

Continued on Page 4


     On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Officers of the 106th Infantry Division Association, it is my good fortune to greet you.
     Our Eighth Annual Convention held at Atlantic City is now but a most pleasant memory to those who attended; to those who were not there we can but assure them that they missed a great time. It is our sincere hope that we can all meet next year at our Convention in Detroit.
     As will be teen from the reports given at Atlantic City, the 106th had a good year; with the help of every member we can continue to grow and carry out the aims and ideals set by the founders of our Association.
     I would commend to each of you two main objectives for us to work for in this 10th Anniversary Year of the Battle of the Bulge.

Continued on Page 12


Greetings to the 106th
From Richard Nixon,
Vice President of U. S.
     I am glad to have the opportunity to express my greetings and good wishes to all of those assembled at the 106th Infantry Division Association Convention. I greatly appreciated receiving the invitation which Mr. Coffey, your Cub Editor and Chairman of the Convention Committee, extended to me to address your banquet meeting tonight, and I only wish that my schedule in Washington had permitted me to attend.
     However, much as I would like to be in Atlantic City, particularly on such a day as this one, the Senate is still in session and due to the fact that I have to preside over that body and be there in case a tie vote occurs, it has been necessary for me to remain in Washington However, I am glad to note that General Strickler could make arrangements to attend and I know that he will bring you an inspiring message. As you commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, I wish to tell you again how grateful every American is, for the courage and gallantry displayed by the Golden Lions of the 106th at a very dark period of World War II. I hope that those of you who are able to make the trip to Belgium this December will have a memorable visit which will bring back to you the pleasant memories of the events that occurred 10 years ago. You are to be particularly commended, may I say incidentally, for the Memorial program you have adopted to aid the widows and orphans of the men who were killed during the Battle of the Bulge. I understand, for example, this year you are sending a young girl to College and I know this is a record of which all of you are justifiably proud. May I also extend my congratulations at this time to your President, Mr. Frampton, and to the Auxiliary President, Estelle Gubow, and the other officers of your Association. May I congratulate them for the excellent job they have done during their term of office, and may I extend best wishes to your new officers for the coming year.

PRESIDENT: John T. Loveless, Jr., 2549 Pickwick Road, Dickeyville. Balto. 7. Md.
VICE PRES.: James B. Klett, 1054 Cornwall Road, Lebanon, Pa.
ADJUTANT: Austin L. Byrd, Jr., 502 Nottingham Road, Baltimore 29, Md.
TREASURER: Wm. K. Fowler, 2617 Southern Ave., S. E., Apt. 204, Wash. 21, D. C.
CUB EDITOR: Douglas S. Coffey, 18 Cornell St., W. Orange. N. J.
MEMORIALS CHAIRMAN: Vollie McCollum, 2229 Stratford Ave., Nashville 6, Tenn.
MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN: Raymond H. Fields, 26 Rennoc Road, Knoxville, Tenn.
NATIONAL DIRECTORS: The above, except Vollie McCollum, and:
John D. Beals, 217 E. Davenport St., Iowa City, Iowa.
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St., Hills dale, N. J.
David C. Brumaghin, S. 115 Westview, Paramus, N. J.
Thomas Dorosky, Mt. Airy Road, Shavertown, Pa.
D. B. Frampton, Jr., 10 No. Waverly St., Columbus 13, Ohio.
Dr. G. D. Fridline, 217 Claremont Ave., Ashland, Ohio.
John M. Gillespie, 19807 Murray Road, Detroit 35, Mich.
Lawrence Gubow, 20100 Braile, Detroit 19, Mich.
Robert E. Kelly, 2034 Natl. Bank Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich.
Glen Kennedy, 1002 Calhoun Street, W. Liberty, Iowa.
Richard Nethers, 31 Island Drive, Poland, Ohio.
Clayton Rarick, Box 25, Blandon, Pa.
John J. Reynolds, Jr., 188 Hall Street, Brooklyn 5, N. Y.

Continued on Next Page


J. Glenn Schnizlein. 2403 Grape Street, Joliet, Ill.
James E. Wolls, Hephzibah, Ga.
CHAPLAIN: Rev. Paul Cavanaugh.

PRESIDENT: Mrs. Estelle Gubow, 20100 Braile, Detroit 19, Mich.
VICE PRES.: Mrs. Wilda McMahon, 8 North Union St., Middletown, Pa.
SECRETARY: Mrs. Shirley A. Gillespie, 19807 Murray Hill. Detroit 35, Mich.
TREASURER: Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly, 846 Lake Pointe, Grosse Pointe 30, Mich.
HISTORIAN; Mrs. Lyle Mowlds, 896 S. State, Dover, Delaware.
MEMBERSHIP: Mrs. Isabel Coffey, 18 Cornell St., W. Orange, N. J.
Our permanent address: Box 238, Loudonville, N. Y., is also mailing address of D. S. Price.

     The Eighth Convention of the Women's Auxiliary of the 106th Infantry Division Association was held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, on July 24, 1954, with headquarters at the Chalfonte-Haddon Hall Hotel.
     The meeting was called to order in Cabana twenty-eight on the shores of Atlantic City by the National President. Mrs. Lawrence Gubow, with Mrs. John Gillespie as acting Secretary-Treasurer in the absence of Mrs. John Beals The minutes were read and approved. Treasurer's report was also read and approved. A report was given on the presentation of the wheelchair for the use of the afflicted children at the Betty Bacharach Home in Longport, New Jersey, on July 23, 1954. It was announced by the President that the credit of $79.66 was given to us by Mr. William Fowler, National Treasurer, which was a backlog of dues that was owed to us. We spent $100.00 for the wheel chair for the Home and the plaque was donated.
     It was suggested that a registered letter be sent to Mrs. Agnes Hopbell requesting some information on the whereabouts of the chair bought at Pittsburgh. It was also suggested that a membership card be sent to each member upon receipt of her dues.
     Mrs. French moved that the Constitution be amended to give us the power to use child welfare as a project for the Auxiliary in addition to the objectives already stated in the Constitution. The motion was seconded and carried.
     It was moved by Mrs. Gillespie and seconded by Mrs. French that the office of Secretary-Treasurer be divided into two separate offices. The motion was carried.
     The Executive Board presented the new slate of Officers to the members and they approved the selection of Mrs. Lawrence Gubow as President, for a second term; Mrs. McMahon as Vice-President; Mrs. Shirley (John) Gillespie as Secretary; Mrs. Robert Kelly as Treasurer: and Mrs. Lyle Moulds as Historian.
The Board of Directors in addition to the Officers is as follows:
Mrs. Douglas Coffey
Mrs. John Loveless, Jr.
Mrs. John Beals
Mrs. Thomas Bickford
Mrs. J. Glenn Schnizlein
There being to further business, it was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted.
Mrs. John M. Gillespie, Secretary.

Continued from Page 2
4. Several lists of names will be sent to you at different times during the next ten months.
    5. In our letters and telephone conversations with these men, let's stress our big reunion in Detroit next summer and try to get the $5.00 membership fee.

     After see have contacted those men and receive the $5.00 membership fee. I would appreciate your sending me this fee so that I can keep a current record of our activity. Checks, money orders, "cold cash," promissory notes, demand notes, and I.O.U.'s should made payable to the 106th Infantry Division Association--I hope and trust we shall enlist many new members. I shall be

Continued on Page 9






     The following is a list of those men expressing a desire to go to Belgium to memorialize the 10th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. If your name does not appear and you are interested, please contact the Editor at once. This is your last time to show interest. All future info will go only to those listed and to be listed as the next Cub will not be out in time for additional information.

Douglas S. CoffeyXE "Coffey, Douglas S." Glen Kennedy XE "Kennedy, Glen" Bill PurtellXE "Purtell, Bill"
Richard DeHeer XE "DeHeer, Richard" Clayton RarickXE "Rarick, Clayton" W. C. McMurray XE "McMurray, W. C."
David BrumaghinXE "Brumaghin, David" Abner HarrisXE "Harris, Abner" James Wells XE "Wells, James"
Robert Stack XE "Stack, Robert" Robert Garretson XE "Garretson, Robert" Robert Kelly XE "Kelly, Robert"
    Thomas Bickford XE "Bickford, Thomas" Florian Frank XE "Frank, Florian" Barney Killian XE "Barney Killian" XE "Killian, Barney"
Walter HiltbrandXE "Hiltbrand, Walter" Herb Speakman XE "Speakman, Herb" Gordon JalgrenXE "Jalgren, Gordon"
Larry Gubow XE "Gubow, Larry" John Gallagher XE "Gallagher, John" , Glen Ross XE "Ross, Glen"
Doc Fridline XE "Fridline, Doc" William Baker XE "Baker, William" Ross Edwards XE "Edwards, Ross"
Mrs. Fridline XE "Fridline, Mrs." Jack MiddletonXE "Middleton, Jack" Don AmingtonXE "Amington, Don"
Lyle MouldsXE "Moulds, Lyle" Cliff PerrasXE "Perras, Cliff" Ray BlondinXE "Blondin, Ray"
Robert MouldsXE "Moulds, Robert" Mel Lewis XE "Lewis, Mel" Sam Blandford XE "Blandford, Sam"
William Manahan XE "Manahan, William" Robert Pierce XE "Pierce, Robert" John Reynolds XE "Reynolds, John"

     As Editor has stated before, if we had 70 men the cost would be approximately $300 for air fare and $50 for 10 days, all-expense total $350. If each man took his wife it would be simple and the total would be $700.
     The airlines are governed by international regulations and cannot give any free tickets except in cases of tours where they elect a director of tour and give you one ticket for each 15 men. This would require the Association to print tour brochures, at least 3,000 copies, which is an added expense. The best we can do under these circumstances is to get a rate to Liege of $440 and $60 additional for 10 days expenses. As a comparison the round trip by air in off season is $481 alone to Liege, so we do have quite a saving.
     The cost of course would vary up or down. If we stick together as a group in Europe the cost would go down. If we split up and go our merry ways the cost would be higher. I would like now to know just who is interested in going, what he would like to see and try to map an itinerary that would please everyone. I am in contact with the proper authorities and will notify you just what official program is lined up for us. Tentative date for departure is December 3rd or 4th, with return to United States December 18th. You can all realize that time is very important. There are passports to obtain, necessary shots to get and all the regulations to be sent to you. I will handle everything so that all you need do would be to cooperate and then pay your fare.
Don't let me down. It's a big job! Let me know your plans by return mail.
Doug Coffey
Town Hall, West Orange, N.J.

Continued from Page 4
most happy to receive any suggestions you may have.
     Vollie McCollum, Jim Wells, and your Membership Chairman have volunteered to contact all members in God's Country. For God's Country, it is that area south of the Ohio River to the Gulf and from the Atlantic Ocean west to the Texas Border.
If I can be of service to you, please do not apprise me and I shall be only too happy to oblige.
Raymond H. Fields,
Membership Chairman.

Ode In Atlantic City
You say, old chaps it's too had,
that you didn't come.
You never would have guessed,
and it surely is a pity!
The weather fair, the food, the
beach, the fun, hohum,
Bet that we will not forget,
Convention :it Atlantic City!
John J. Reynolds, Jr.


     The 1954 annual meeting of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc., was called to order at 1:30 p. In. on Saturday, July 24, in the Benjamin West Room, Haddon Hall Hotel. Atlantic City, N. J. Forty-two members present. Austin L. Byrd, Jr., was appointed acting secretary of the meeting, and read the minutes of the 1953 annual meeting, which were accepted as read.
     The Treasurer's report, presented by William K. Fowler, was accepted and will appear in a future issue. It shows for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1953, total expenses of $1,055.03 and total income of $1,750.75, leaving an operating profit of $695.72 for the year. The Assoc. year-end balance sheet showed an amount of $1,440.78 as surplus available as a cushion against future expenses.
     Memorial Fund receipts were $648.00 in addition to interest earned of $54.20 which added to previous balance amounted to $2,832.16 less grant to Dorothy Sharitz of $100.00, leaving balance of $2,722.16 for the Fund to operate.
     The report of the Nominating Committee presented a slate of 21 candidates who were elected to serve until next Annual Reunion. Names are included elsewhere.
Other Reports
     The Editor, Douglas Coffey, reported that the expense of this year's Cub was approximately the same as last and asked once again that all help to put the Cub in print by sending material.
     He also gave a report on the Convention thanking his co-chairman and all others who helped to make it a success. From later reports it is expected that instead of going in the hole the Convention made a 'wont of about $75.00. This, in view of the fact that the Convention was not held in a boom city of the Chapter, and the fact that the nearest member lived 125 miles away from Atlantic City, prove that it is not necessary for a Convention Committee to only run the Conventions in a City where a Chapter is located. All it needs is a few men with the will to work and make a success of the Association.
     Coffey also reported on the 10th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge in Belgium this year. In order to get a cheap rate of $350 per person for all expenses for two weeks it is necessary to have 70 or 75 men interested. So far Coffey reports approximately 35, therefore the low rate cannot be obtained. More on this in a separate article.
     The Adjutant reported that we had 322 paid members in 1953-54, an increase of 55 new members. Ladies Auxiliary have 35. He also stated we only had 1,500 names available for solicitation.
     Membership Chairman Austin Byrd reported that he contacted 560 men, of which 29 became new members, 455 gave no reply and 76 had bad address.
Robert Kelly offered Detroit as the next Convention site and needless to say it was unanimously accepted.
     Lawrence Gubow, Robert Kelly and Bob Rutt and Gen. McMahon were named to Resolutions Committee. They later turned in very fine Resolutions but as no one gave a copy to the Editor we can't print them. One was to the Vice President of the U. S., Richard Nixon, for his speech, General Strickler, our main speaker, the Convention Committee, one to the Hotel for all they did for the Association and one Ed doesn't recall.
     The President suggested that the new Board of Directors make more grants from the Memorial Fund, and also that the application be more simplified.
W. L. Moulds volunteered to contact up to 500 men for membership at no cost to the Association.
     R. Kelly moved that the Association spend necessary funds for use in acquiring membership. Chairman to submit request to Board.
     Motion was made by Larry Gubow and seconded by many that the registration fee of the Adjutant, Cub Editor and the Treasurer be waived in the future. Amended


Atlantic City, July 23, 24, 25, 1954
    by Moulds that it include this year's fee also. Passed as amended. This year the Association will pay the fees and in succeeding years it will be up to the Convention Committee to figure it in their other fees as a legitimate Convention expense.

Several of the highlights of this Convention were really outstanding.
The speech by Vice President Nixon was personal, complete and something for all 106ers to be proud of.
     The speech given by General Strickler was outstanding and the Editor deeply regrets that the General spoke without notes and therefore his words were lost to Posterity. 'Those of us who heard the General will never forget him, I'm sure. He was indeed a great asset to the Convention.
     The Memorial Service was unique, in that it was held on a beautiful day at the grave of one of our own boys, Morton Goldstein, C. Btry, who lived in Atlantic City. The Association was well represented and was proud to have the Father and Brother of Morton attend the services with us. Wreaths were placed by our own disabled Vice President John Reynolds and our lovely Auxiliary President Estelle Gubow. Those attending were deeply moved by the words of John Loveless. The occasion was very dignified and solemn and one that will long be remembered.
     The so called "Moonlight" ride on the ocean will be something many will not forget. To the Ed's knowledge no one actually got sick but from the comments some came pretty close but a good time was had by all.
     The Ladies Auxiliary presented a wheelchair to the Betty Bacharach home for Crippled Children in the presence of the Mills Brothers. Due to foul-up in press coverage and photos we did not receive a photo for the Cub. The gift was well received and the name of the 106th is indeed making history.
     So ends the story of the Convention; a lot of things have been left out but as long as everyone who attended can say they enjoyed the Shore in '54 the Committee is satisfied. The Beach stories have been left untold. One fact is certain. The 106th is not a local organization. We are now known from Maine to California, Canada to the Bahamas because we have had invitations to come to just those places for our next Conventions. The Vice President of the United States has seen fit to recognize and many in Washington and the Country know that the 106th is a live, well-run organization and we are not even started. By the time the Belgium reunion is over the whole world will read and wonder about this Association, this great 106th Infantry Division Association.

     The following comments are made either in jest or appreciation, and are not meant to ridicule or to be derogatory; for we enjoyed being your hosts as much as we hope you enjoyed being our guests (paying guests).
     Well, to start off with the brass, I wish to offer my condolences to the "Pvt." from the Arty, who never made the "Pfc." He should have been in Columbus last year--the bourbon tasted pretty good. In the same category, we had present, as usual, a Brigadier General who never made Major General--Leo (Curley) McMahon (it's pronounced Mickman--Estelle) who retired to the Vernon Room after dinner with the comment, "I'm getting too old for moonlight sails" (he should have come along --no moonlight). Come now, General. "A woman is as old as she looks--a man is old when he stops looking:" and after meeting Mrs. McMahon, a very charming addition to the Auxiliary, we all agree that your eyesight could not have failed that rapidly. All kidding aside, General, there were quite a few who wished that they had joined you and the Mrs. -- Right, Flo? Thought, Bob Pierce had the happiest countenance at the convention. Wonder, if he ever got to use his camera? Clayton Rarick pacing the Hall Saturday morning, "0 Cap


    tain my Captain (Bartells) where art thou?" Wonder if the Vollie McCollums were actually that cold on the boat ride? Also, while on the high sea subject--sorry I should have used choppy sea--I never did find out whether or not Mrs. Manahan lost or got her sea legs, or whatever happened to the contents of that package that Pete was carrying? Never know that there were so many in the outfit 'til I heard the chorus from the lower deck. But then, they sang on the Titanic, too. Must say that the Bob Rutts' have a terrific sense of humor. Also appreciated the well-deserved ovation given to "Pete" Stranko for his trek from Alameda, California--All we can say, "Pete," is thank you and wish for more members like you ; I know a few that only lived "down the road a piece" and didn't show.
     Hey! That Mould's family is pretty good when it comes to tickets, but I think Bobbie's were a little more enjoyable. Did you ever meet anyone as affable as the new Prez's wife? Never did see her without a smile or a good word. Apologies to Gen. Baker for our demotion to Col. on his dog tags. Let's hope that we may be able to make that mistake again on the next star real soon. Saw Ray Fields "lobbying" for the coffee interests Sunday a.m. Hectic night Ray? Also in the Lobby were the Jack Gillespie's--You can easily tell who wears the pants (long ones) in that family--all kidding aside Jack, you really look good in Bermuda shorts--and Shirley you always look good ( Maybe I should stay out of Detroit next year). Still in shorts: Marge did you ever get over the be-monocled lad of Friday night? Some of the Bartenders in the local "boites" weren't too friendly --correct me if I'm wrong Austin. Finally solved the reason why the Larry Gubows stayed over! Estelle wanted to. "Like the Arabs silently fold (Cabana 28) and steal away in the night." Found out too why Dick DeHeer kept running down the room --it wasn't to check on Ricky, it seems that the baby sitter wasn't too bad. Was very glad to see Bill Purtell, Dave Brown and Carl Messina all from the old Alma Mater. Saw Bill and Marge French in the lobby Sunday trying to shake loose--Marge hated to leave, but there were few lucky ones like Tom and Flo Bickford, and Pat O'Rourke who were still in the leisure class. Dave and Dot Brumaghin really enjoyed themselves this year--Dave left his camera home and Doug Coffey, as this was written, was still tearing his hair out trying to get "Cub" pictures. By the way, Isabel, has Doug ever forgiven us yet? But, we had a good time though. I noted at the Convention that most of the fellows left their wives home. Suggestion for next year: Send the wives and let the husbands stay home. Ouch! Last, but not least, thank you General Strickler -- it was a swell speech. I know that everyone and everything has not been included, but the omission has not been intentional for we thank you all. See you in Detroit. Taman Shud.
Bob Stack, Reporting

Continued from Page 2
     The first of these is an increase in our membership. Many men who served with the Division have never been members of the Association; many who were numbered with us have for one reason or another dropped out. A little effort on the part of each of us will give that extra push to the work being done by our Membership Chair and his Committee. Our reputation as an Association is of the best; to be a member is something of which each one of us can be proud.
     The second objective is a larger interest in the Memorial Scholarship Fund. With more contributions, more grants can be made and the effectiveness of the Fund expanded. In this material way can we express our thanks for our safe return from battle and also memorialize our fallen comrades.
     The Directors and Staff of the Association are pledged to do their utmost for its advance; with the assistance of each member, we cannot fail in our assigned task.
John T. Loveless, Jr.

Come and jive in '55 Detroit


Index for: Vol. 11, No. 1, Sep, 1954

Index for This Document

106th Div., 2
106th Inf. Div., 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 13, 15
106th Inf. Div. Assn., 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 13, 15
Amington, Don, 11
Baker, Gen., 17
Baker, William, 11
Barney Killian, 11
Battle of the Bulge, 2, 3, 11, 13
Battle Of The Bulge, 2, 3, 11, 13
Beals, John, 5
Beals, John D., 3
Beals, Mrs. John, 5
Belgium, 1, 3, 11, 13, 15
Betty Bacharach Home, 5
Bickford, Flo, 17
Bickford, Mrs. Thomas, 5
Bickford, Thomas, 5, 11
Bickford, Tom & Flo, 17
Blandford, Sam, 11
Blondin, Ray, 11
Brown, Dave, 17
Brumaghin, D. C., 1
Brumaghin, Dave & Dot, 17
Brumaghin, David, 11
Brumaghin, David C., 3
Brumaghin, Dot, 17
Byrd, Austin, 1, 13
Byrd, Austin L., 2, 3, 13
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 2, 3, 13
Byrd, Austin, Jr., 1
Calhoun, 3
Cavanaugh, Paul, 1, 5
Cavanaugh, Rev. Paul, 1, 5
Coffey, Doug, 11, 12, 17
Coffey, Douglas, 5, 11, 13
Coffey, Douglas S., 1, 3, 11
Coffey, Isabel, 5
Coffey, Mr., 3
Coffey, Mrs. Douglas, 5
Coffey, Mrs. Isabel, 5
DeHeer, Dick, 17
DeHeer, Richard, 3, 11
Dorosky, Thomas, 3
Dover, 5
Edwards, Ross, 11
Fields, Ray, 17
Fields, Raymond H., 3, 12
Fowler, William, 5
Fowler, William K., 1, 13
Fowler, Wm. K., 3
Frampton, D. B., 3
Frampton, D. B., Jr, 3
Frampton, D. B., Jr., 3
Frampton, Mr., 3
Frank, Florian, 11
French, Mrs., 5
Fridline, Doc, 11
Fridline, Dr. G. D., 3
Fridline, G. D., 3
Fridline, Mrs., 11
Gallagher, John, 11
Garretson, Robert, 11
Gillespie, Jack, 17
Gillespie, John, 5
Gillespie, John M., 3, 5
Gillespie, Mrs. John, 5
Gillespie, Mrs. John M., 5
Gillespie, Mrs. Shirley (John), 5
Gillespie, Mrs. Shirley A., 5
Gillespie, Shirley A., 5
Goldstein, Morton, 15
Gubow, Estelle, 3, 5, 15
Gubow, Larry, 11, 14, 17
Gubow, Lawrence, 3, 5, 13
Gubow, Mrs. Estelle, 5
Gubow, Mrs. Lawrence, 5
Harris, Ab, 11
Harris, Abner, 11
Hiltbrand, Walt, 11
Hiltbrand, Walter, 11
Hopbell, Mrs. Agnes, 5
Jalgren, Gordon, 11
Kelly, E., 3
Kelly, Elizabeth, 5
Kelly, Mrs. Elizabeth, 5
Kelly, Mrs. Robert, 5
Kelly, Robert, 5, 11, 13
Kelly, Robert E., 3
Kennedy, Glen, 3, 11
Killian, Barney, 11
Klett, James B., 3
Klett, James R., 1
Lewis, Mel, 11
Liege, 11
Loveless, John, 1, 5, 15
Loveless, John T., 3, 18
Loveless, John T., Jr, 18
Loveless, John T., Jr., 3, 18
Loveless, John, Jr., 5
Loveless, Mrs. John, 5
Manahan, William, 11
McCollum, Vollie, 3, 12, 17
McMahon, Gen., 13
McMahon, Mrs., 5, 15
McMahon, Mrs. Wilda, 5
McMahon, Wilda, 5
McMurray, W. C., 11
Memorials, 1, 3, 13
Messina, Carl, 17
Middleton, 11
Middleton, Jack, 11
Moulds, Lyle, 5, 11
Moulds, Mrs. Lyle, 5
Moulds, Robert, 11
Mowlds, Lyle, 5
Mowlds, Mrs. Lyle, 5
Nethers, Richard, 3
Nixon, Pres., 15
Nixon, Richard, 1, 3, 13
O'Rourke, Pat, 17
Perras, Cliff, 11
Pierce, Bob, 16
Pierce, Robert, 11
Poland, 3
Price, D. S., 5
Price, David S., 1
Purtell, Bill, 11, 17
Rarick, Clay, 11
Rarick, Clayt, 11
Rarick, Clayton, 3, 11, 16
Reynolds, John, 11, 15
Reynolds, John J., 4, 12
Reynolds, John J., Jr., 4, 12
Ross, Glen, 11
Rutt, Bob, 13, 17
Schnizlein, Glenn, 5
Schnizlein, J. Glenn, 5
Schnizlein, Mrs. J. Glenn, 5
Sharitz, Dorothy, 13
Speakman, Herb, 11
Stack, Bob, 17
Stack, Robert, 11
Strickler, Gen., 3, 13, 15, 17
Wells, James, 11
Wells, Jim, 12
Wolls, James E., 5