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The Cub
Vol. 47, No. 1, Oct, 1990
President's Message
John O. Gilliland,1990 – 1991
592d F.A.B. Service Battery
It is with great pride and gratitude, that I have this distinct honor. I wish to thank your Board of Directors for showing their confidence in me by permitting me to be your president.
Your officers have already demonstrated their desire and willingness to make this year a most memorable one.
I remained in service, after World War II, making the military my career. I retired in, as a Lt. Col. in 1970, after 28 years service. My wife and I have traveled extensively, since my retirement.
When the 106th returned to the States in '45, I elected to remain in Europe and, as promised, received a promotion. I was then assigned to the 127th AAA Gun Battalion, as it's Sergeant Major, and subsequently promoted to Master Sergeant.
Upon returning to the States in 1946, I was married. I then was assigned as a Reserve Advisor near my hometown. During this four year tour I attended night classes, four nights a week, four hours a night, at the University of Alabama. I majored in business administration. When the Korean War came along I was again assigned to Camp Atterbury, and was appointed Warrant Officer, Transportation.
In 1951, I received a direct commission as a 2d Lieutenant, Transportation Corps. I attended many military schools during my career and served in Korea and Viet Nam, plus two other tours in Europe. I attended Flight School in 1955 and was rated as an Army Aviator, flying fixed-wing aircraft, as well as helicopters.
Those who attended the Sacramento Reunion, have already expressed their satisfaction to the "Sacramento Reunion Committee," headed by Michael Thome, for the professional manner in which they organized, managed and conducted the reunion. Michael Thome, 1990 Reunion Committee Chairman, took ill the first day and missed the reunion. He says that he is recovering, but slowly.
The 1991 Reunion will be at Huntsville, Alabama. The dates are September 18, 19,20, and 21 at the Marriott (Huntsville), which is adjacent to the Space Museum. Registrations and information will be mailed in January of 1991.
Have a Good Year and a Happy Holiday Season.
John O. Gilliland, president
106th Infantry Division Association
"What have you done for me lately?"
Reverend Ewell C. Black), Chaplain
106th Infantry Division Association
212 Ridge St., Bishopville, SC 29010
My father often said that nothing was as self-centered and demanding as a human infant. Hopefully, as we grow older, we are trained away from this trait and become more society oriented. Unfortunately, the truth is that throughout our lives we retain this trait to some degree.
A story is told of two men who had been friends since childhood. One of them had been very successful in all that he had tried, while the other had suffered set-back after set-back. Whenever the unfortunate one came to the other, help was forth-coming. Finally, the one who had been so unfortunate for so long became a success and amassed great wealth. At the same time, the fortunes of the other took a turn for the worse. Faced with the loss of everything unless he could secure a loan, this man turned to the friend whom he had helped so often. Imagine his astonishment when the lifelong friend, whom he had always helped, turned a deaf ear to his plea for help. Barely able to contain himself, he asked, "When I have done so much to help you in the past, why don't you help me now?" The answer he received was, "It is true that you have helped me in the past, but what have you done for me lately?"
In this Season of Thanksgiving, I wonder how many people question what or whether they have any reason to give thanks. Almost all of us can think of a particular time in our lives when we had reason to be thankful to God for something in our lives. But, maybe things have been going good for us for so long that we have become complacent and believe that all these good things have come as a result of our own doing, and that we are not beholden to anyone but ourselves. In this way we become very much like the man in the story, who didn't deny that he had been helped in the past, but wanted to know "What have you done for me lately?"
Bless the Lord, 0 my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your inequity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the Pit, who crowns you with the steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good as long as you live, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. The Lord works vindication and justice for all who are oppressed. Psalm 103:1-6
Father God, in this Season of Thanksgiving, we give Thee thanks that even when we have forgotten all of Thy blessings, you have not forgotten to continue unto us, blessing upon blessing. AMEN
From the CUB's den - John Kline, editor
Dateline-- 31 October, 1990-- Halloween-- This CUB has been an interesting one to put together. This is the last few paragraphs, that I finish, as I put "The CUB" to bed. I am about 15 days behind and happy to be able to gel The CUB to the printer tomorrow.
There are stories on our members returning to Europe. The Adjutants and Treasurers report are also in this issue. Lots of NEW MEMBERS and gobs of mail in the MAIL BAG.
Please check the schedule on page 18, for the December 16th 1990 Commemoration parties, fourteen in all, and join in the fun and camaraderie. Be sure to send me photos and stories of those gala events. Your photos and material must arrive before the January 1 cut-off date, for publication and lay-up work schedule for the February 1991 CUB.
The 1990 Reunion, in Sacramento, was a very delightful get-together of old friends and comrades. It always warms my heart to see old buddies get together, sometimes for the first time since the war, and talk over whatever we old soldiers talk about.
The reunion committee did a fantastic job. Our thanks goes out to them. The hotel was great. The elevators were fast and prompt. The committee was well organized.
Mike Thome, Reunion Chairman, unfortunately, took ill on the first day. He was unable to continue. Ed Prewett stepped forward and did an excellent job of conducting the affairs of the reunion. Mike, get well fast, our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Unfortunately, space does not allow us to use all the pictures that are available. Those that are shown, starting after the attendance lists on page 21, are to be representative of all the good times and camaraderie that occurs at the 106th Infantry Division Association reunions.
You all come and see us at the 1991, Huntsville, Alabama Reunion. Chairman, John Gilliland, says that registrations and information will be in your mailbox during January 1991.
Dr. John Robb -- Chair Joseph Massey -- Chair
230 Devore Or Rte 1-Box 780
Meadville, PA 16355 Remap, AL 35133
Douglas S. Coffey Joseph P. Maloney
John P. Kline Roy Bigger
Orfeo E. Agostini NOMINATIONS
SCHOLARSHIP Orfeo E. Agostini -- Chair
John A. Gregory --Chair 202 Elizabeth St.
44524 Ashton Dr Hinesville, GA 31313
Sacramento, CA 95064 Dr. John Robb
Boyd Rutledge Edward A. Prewett
Roger Rutland Russell H. Villwock
Douglas S. Coffey, 590/C sent stamp shown. It commemorates the 40th Anniversary of the. Bulge. Issued--Belgium 1985. Not perfect, but maybe you would like it in your collection. To Highest bidder. Money will be donated to St. Vith Memorial Fund.
Send bid to Treasurer, refer to this article.
From the CUB's den - John Kline, editor
1990 Recipients of the Golden Lion Scholarship Awards
Edinburgh Community School, Edinburgh, Indiana Emmerich Manual High School, Indianapolis, Indiana O. Paul Merz 422?SV, Indianapolis, Indiana
Melissa Workmen, Edinburgh Community School, Edinburgh, Indiana
Douglas A. Cook, Emmerich Manual High School, Indianapolis, attending Evansville, Ind. University
From our Treasurer/Historian
Several inquiries have been made, over the years, as to the availability of a crest or Regimental insignia of the 423d Infantry.
This crest was designed early in 1945 by a Sgt Frank W. Johnson of 423d"A" Co. No evidence has ever come forth to show that any metal insignia was ever produced.
The motto "We Conquer" at the top is lettered against a gold background; "Conquer," a strong word signifying the goal to be achieved by the military profession of arms. The crest is shaped in the design of an ancient Crusader's shield and surmounted by a spearhead thrust into black, representing the enemy.
Barbed wire represents "No Man's Land" of every engagement. There is a Lorraine Cross commemorating service with French forces. A Belgian Lion represents the Ardennes Campaign and 16 December 1944. A convex line represents the situation during the siege of the Lorient pocket. Red, White and blue colors are shown and the insignia is surrounded by a gold border.
Design of the crest was announced in the July 5, 1945 "Biv-Wacky," a short-lived newspaper of the 423d Regiment.
If anyone has any information about this crest, please let me know.
Sherod Collins, Treasurer/Historian
Back Home Again - In Indiana
by Dan Bied 422/A
151 Holiday Terrace
West Burlington. Iowa 52655
My wife and I drove across Indiana last summer, including a night in a small town motel and a brief stay in Indianapolis, It was in the mid-90s as we cruised effortlessly across the 4-lane highways in our air-conditioned car.
Naturally, I remembered the 106th Division's long, hot summer of 1944 as, ever so briefly, I was "Back Home Again In Indiana."
That song was played repeatedly at a jazz festival we attended in Elkhart so it was on my mind, as it was 45 summers earlier when I matched (and marched and marched) on dusty roads that, I'm sure, were hot enough to fry an egg on.
My wife asked me how it was at Camp Atterbury, now some kind of a government base for something less urgent than war maneuvers. I told her I remembered the heat, mostly, and the time I had to go on sick call because my feet were sore, blistered and bloody.
I told her about the times we were on bivouac and how good it felt when, finally, there was an afternoon downpour. It rained so hard that a half-dozen of us were allowed to cool-off in a tent. There was also a bad storm one weekend when we were trucked to Bloomington for a swimming exercise, (The whole thing was called off due to heavy lightning and I never did learn to swim, with or without a helmet and simulated rifle).
There were good limes at Camp Atterbury along with the bad, I was a music buff and got a big kick out of the Red and Blue dance bands that played weekends at the service club. They were excellent bands, almost like hearing Glenn Miller or Artie Shaw.
The beer that summer in Indiana was pretty bad, as I recall it.
But it was cold, wet and plentiful and I drank my share of it at the camp's beer garden and in Indianapolis, even though I was only 18 and looked younger.
My mother and dad drove to Camp Atterbury from Iowa, a round-trip of some 700 miles, to see me a few weeks before we left for Europe.
Dad got some extra gas stamps from a friend who ran a filling station. He had to fix a flat tire on the way, mother told me several years later. They stayed in some kind of room provided by the camp and we went to Indianapolis to see Victor Mature and a movie called "Wilson" at a theater on or near the city's circle, They left me in town where I got drunk and, somehow, got back to camp on a bus. I looked awful the next morning, and surely smelled of beer. But they didn't say a word.
That's how it was for all of us, more or less, at Camp Atterbury in the summer of 1944; heat, endless marches, visits to the day room or beer garden, more marches and, always, the intense heat.
They're remodeling the circle in Indianapolis, I noted as we walked around sightseeing in the July, heat. The Claypool Hotel is gone, of course, but one of the present-day ritzy hotels has a shopping mart called the. Claypool Court.
Indianapolis looks prosperous. That's the way it should be, I think, because I
remember the many wonderful people there during WW-2 who were helpful and friendly to as GIs.
The old railroad station is still there. But it has been refurbished to include a nifty restaurant, a shopping center and a Holiday Inn with rooms that cost around $95 a night.
My recent visit to the Hoosier State made me realize how long it has been since that morning in June, 1944, when I came in from Ft. Meade, Md., just in time for the noon meal at Sgt. Richardson' mess hall.
More importantly, it made me feel thankful to have lived through the battle in the Ardennes, the coal mine in Eastern Germany, and some close calls I've had during the post-war era.
In a way, after all these years, I still feel I'm part of the 106th.
Dawn /n December - 1944
From a book of poems
by Lt. Dale Carver
424/H0 3Bn, Aa P Platoon Leader
742 Druid Circle
Baton Rouge., La 70808
By Dale R. Carver
The man beside me breathed no more
at the light of the cold, clear dawn.
We had talked for hours that solemn eve–
at daybreak he was gone.
We had talked of rolling tons of steel
crashing through the pines,
of foemen in our uniforms
filtering through our lines;
of happiness afar at home
that hallowed the mystic night:
and cozy children dreaming
of a sleigh in magic glight;
of a Child born near Jerusalem
ages, long ages, ago;
of the gentle truth He had spoken;
of three crosses in a row.
We had talked about the weather–
the cold, the fog, the snow;
of air support that never came;
of retreat before the foe.
He missed the golden sunrise,
felt not the limpid light,
heard not the throbbing sound of hope,
saw not the awesome sight;
Shining ships of silver
droning their cloudless way --
bright avenging bombers
aloft on Christmas Day.
Adjutant's Report 1989-1990 Membership as of July 1, 1990
Renewals 1 023
New Members 329
Reinstated Members 24
Associate Members 33
New Associates 8
Auxiliary Members 505
Memorial Fund Contributors 258
Members discontinued 23
Membership Gains 305
Auxiliary Membership Gain 169
Membership as of October 28, 1990 1,503
10 Year Membership Recapitulation Year Memberships Asst claw Auxiliary
89-90 1,417 41 505
88-89 1,128 39 348
87-88 928 30 359
86-87 745 20 300
85-86 641 16 239
84-85 555 13 195
83-84 491 19 160
82--83 4711 14 155
81-82 4 ; 1 22 139
80--81 467 19 103
Deaths Reported 1989-1990
Margerat Bailey Associate Apr 1900
James A. Klett 106 Med Dec 1989
Timothy Berkery 424/M Aug 1989
Elmer Kobs 423/C Oct 1989
Robert Bosle 4224 Oct 1989
Col. Ambrose Leach 589/13 Jan 1989
Lewis P. Brock 422/F Apr 1990
George Mangiaracina 422/Med Feb 1990
Ambrose Collier 422/1. Nov 1989
Adolph G. Moritz 422/F Unknown
Carl L. Daun 423/K Jan 1990
Robert W. Pierce, Sr. 81st Eng/C May 1990
Lesley Davis 422/SV Unknown
Roland G. Parquett. 423/AT Jan 1988
William S. Delzell 424/M May 1990
Francis Rogers 422/L Apr 1990
William J. Devine 423/SV March 1990
Edward C. Salata 423/Med Unknown
Thomas C. Dorosky 592/SV Aug 1990
Col. W. C. Scales, CO 422/Hq 2Bn. Sep 1989
Buster Downing 424/M Aug 1990
Edward B. St. Clair 422/E Unknown
Stanley W. Drewniak 423/0 Unknown
Donald Stone 592/C Aug 1989
Alvin B. Grigsby, Jr. Associate Unknown
Harrison Tissot 422/C Unknown
Henry Healan 423/M Feb 1990
Raymond K. Untiedt 423/C May 1989
William Hoinash DIV/Ilq lune 1999
Donald E. Weaver 820 TD Bn/C Unknown
Harry L. Holder 424/11 Jul 1990
Harold Scott Young 424/1-19113n May 1990
106th Infantry Division Association
Treasurer's Report
1989 --90
Member's Dues 23,765.00
Auxiliary Dues 1,718.00
Interest Earned 3,052.43
Patches Sold 366.30
Postage, sale of patches 9.15
$ 28,910.85
CUB Expense:
Printing 7,552.10
Layout 1,439.00
Postage 1,117.59
Covers 950.50 11,059.19
Printing & Supplies 1,62653
Postage 967.13
Telephone 86.62
Computer component 1,693.00
CUB Review 3,600.00
43rd Reunion Shortage 1,056.76
Grant to 44th Reunion 3,00000
Registration Fees 4 Officers 340.00
File Cabinet, 4 drawer 139.24
Annual Corporate fee, Ga. 15.00
Bank Charge 18.00
Patches 316.66
Net Increase $ 4,992.75 FUNDS ACTIVITY
General Fund Recap
Brought Forward 43,462.55 Net Increase 4,992.75
$ 48,455.30
Memorial Fund Recap
Brought Forward 15,486.72
Contributions 3,229.30
Interest Earned 1,148.26
$ 19,864.28
3 Scholarships - 1,200.00
Balance $ 18;664.28
General Fund Memorial Fund Totals
This Year 48,455.30 18,664.28 67,119.58
Last Year 43,462.55 15,486.72 58,949.27
Increases 4,992.75 3,177.56 8,170.31
Banks of Deposit
First Atlanta Bank First Community Bank 1,107.00
$ 67,119.58
Art Van Moorlehem returns to Europe
By Art Van Moorlehem. 423/B
Art Van Moorlehem, 423/8 standing in frontal aid barracks at Stalag IX-B, Bad Orb
As promised. John, here is my brief report on our "Return to the Ardennes" in May 1990.With a few helpful assists from you and Joe Massey. we made the trip back. My son Edward and his wife Nancy, and myself. Ed and Nancy were stationed in France and Germany during the 60's with the paratroops, so we were able to put things to make our way around, pretty well. A better grasp of the France and German language would have helped. We were able to visit briefly with cousins in Waregem, Belgium after renting a car in Amsterdam. We had been in contact with Mr. Andre HUBERT and Pierre GOSSET. We called them from Waregem.(They of course are CRIBA members) After a visit to the foreboding Hurtgen forest and a visit to the monument at Malmedy we met Mr. Hubert and Gosset in St. Vith.
They proceeded to take us to the Schnee Eifel hills, stopping at Schonberg and the bridge we should have held. II, ineidently has been replaced and moved slightly. We drove past the old 423d Regimental Headquarter's. Next stop was "B" Company positions in the Eifel. There we were able to locale several old foxholes and dugouts left behind in Dec. '44. Our old positions on the north side of the logging trail still remains, but the south side of the road has been cleared and is farmed. The holes are partially filled, of course, and the pill boxes we used as Company Hqs. am destroyed. But the nostalgic view of the All Valley is about the same. Brings back a lot of memories of those scary days and
Art Van Moorlehem returns to Europe
Van Morelehein standing in a "B" Company 423d fox-hole in the Ardennes
nights in the cold dark days of December 1944.
The CRIBA people gave us a tour of the hills where the 422nd and 423rd surrendered on Dec. 19, 1944. This was interesting because I was with another group looking fora way out when that happened. It is a farmers hayland now and very peaceful of course.
We next toured the Losheim Gap area and I was surprised to find it less rugged terrain than I imagined. We stopped for a short visit at the grave marker of Lt. Eric Woods near Meyerode, in the dark area of woods.
After the Schnee Eifel trip, we returned to St. Vith to visit the 106th Memorial and the old site of Division Headquarters. St. Vith is bigger and is prosperous as is most of Belgium, Holland and what we saw of Germany.
We proceeded in our little Ford to Vielsalm, and to Baraque Fraiture, and Augerge du Carrefour, at "Parker's Crossroads" owned by CRIBA members Lengler, Lejuene. We stayed at the Auberg, at site of the heroic battle. Incidentally, they were expecting a visit from the Parker Family the next week. They were very hospitable.
After a visit to the 106th battle area, we continued on to Houffalize and Bastogne, visiting the church area where Belgian civilians were massacred. We stopped at the German cemetery at Racogne, Belgium where 7,000 German casualties of the Bulge are buried. The next stop was the beautiful American Cemetery at Neuville, near Liege, where well over 100 of the 106th Division boys were buried on lands donated by the Belgium Government. It was very impressive.
The next day was spent in touring the Normandy invasion beaches, museums, and cemeteries Omaha and Point du Hoc are the most impressive as the signs of bombing and artillery still remain.
We had the opportunity to return to Paris, where I was sent on returning from prison camp in April 1945. The French attitude toward Americans has changed dramatically, which is unfortunate. I wish I could have spoken the language to express my impression to them!
The final impressive climax of the visit was a return trip to Stalag IX-B, at Bad Orb. The old camp still has three of the original barracks left. They are apparently used as storage buildings, mess-hall complex for the Youth camp now occupying the area. The stark old place is now full
trees and beautiful and is in some sort of a
Art Van Moorlehem returns to Europe
tourist area called "Wegscheide" now. The old water hydrant by the cook's shed is still there. What mystifies me is the "Russian Cemetery" at the west edge of the old camp with 1,340 buried, We knew them as Serbs in '45, but does anyone know what happened, that 1340 perished there? Would be interested in knowing the story about that, if anyone can fill me in. There also appears to a cemetery for refugee's that probably occupied the camp in 1946 and later. I am enclosing a picture of the sign near the camp. Do you know what it says?
(editor's note -- Art, I will give you a literal translation. The top line VERTRIEBENENRUHESTATTE"
translates to "Refugee resting place," RUHSTATTE means "resting place,
The next line "des ehemaligen Venriebenen Auffanglagers1 translates to "of the former refugee camp" and the next line 'Wegscheide 19481948" names the location and date. As you say, probably the name of camp. 'Wegscheide" in the German dictionary says "Fork In the road." The arrow on the bottom "ca. 1000 m" means "approximately 1,000 meters")
The trip to Europe brought back old memories, that I suppose has been haunting most of us since December of 1944. I can't help but think - we were younger than our grandsons, when we went through that horrible Winter. Now the old camp is beautiful and overlooks a peaceful valley. Downtown Bad Orb was leisurely, that Sunday we visited it. A far cry from the Christmas afternoon we unloaded from the box-cars in the middle of the town and that solemn group of German civilians dressed in their Sunday best, back in 1944.
We traveled about 1,500 miles on our trip. Prices were high, autos were clean -no junk or dirty cars on the road. The beauty of the area is surprising, when you compare it with the devastation we left behind when we loaded on the S.S. Argenlino on April 21, 1945 at LeHavre.
L/R Edward (son) and Art Van Moorlehem
I must compliment the CRIBA members, Andre HUBERT and Pierre GOSSET for their services. They refused remuneration, but do accept contributions to CRIBA. (The quart of Tennessee whiskey went over well.)
I would like to reiterate the fact that they have a lot of visitors, from other divisions also, and that accurate advance information and any changes in plans, are appropriate. They are real One people and go out of their way to make you comfortable and well received in their country.
Tury's return to England and a POW Christmas Story
Branbury, England, the happiness of the meeting is shown In the faces. June 1989.
L/R Helen and Derek Creed; Ex. Sgt Louis Tury, Jr. 424/A;
Molly Creed, mother of Helen (passed away 12/31/89) and Margerat Tury
I stayed with a family in the town of Branbury Oxom during our stay in England, before going into action in Europe. The family's name was "Creed" and they lived at 59 Cromwell Road. Every evening after 424/A would finish their field problems, I was welcomed into their home.
After the "Bulge" and five POW camps, and field hospitals, then back home and being discharged, I kept in touch with the "Creed" family. Molly, Idythe and Molly's daughter Helen.
In June of 1989 we flew over to England to visit our daughter, Margaret, her husband Mike Most and our grandson, Gregory. They were stationed at Alconbury Air Force Base. My son-in-law has been with the Air Force for 22 years,
My wife and I had them drive us to Branbury to look-up the "Creed" family. We had the most wonderful and beautiful reunion ever held. Molly and her daughter Helen and Derek, Helen's husband drove us all over, showing us the town of Branbury and the many places our 106th men enjoyed.
424th "A" Company stayed at the "Red Lion Inn," but it had been torn down. The "Creed" family gave us so much Love.
We have since received a letter from Helen, that her mother, Molly, passed away on December 31, 1989. The wife and I shall always treasure our visit to the "Creed" family.
It was the reunion of a "Lifetime."
Tury's return to England and a POW Christmas Story
Branbury, England, Home for the Aged, '989, Louis Tury, Jr. 424/A
Marge and myself with Idythe Creed, who befriended me during our English duty in '44.
She remembered me, after I introduced myself She was no pleased we took time to visit her.
Christmas 1944
A Christmas I shall never forget
by Louis Tury ,424/A
As my wife and I celebrate Christmas each year, I remember those Christmas that were special. I spent my younger days in Glen Alum, West Virginia. We had wonderful times cutting and decorating our trees. We used to sing songs, both English and Hungarian. 1 then spent mom Christmas in Old Debray, an area southwest of Detroit, with my folks, brothers, sisters and friends. We always attended midnight Mass to celebrate the birth of Christ.
One Christmas that stands out in my mind, one that I vividly remember is the one I spent in Stalag 12-A, Limburg, Germany. Like all camps, it was surrounded by barb-wire and guarded by Germans with guard dogs. It was in 1944, after I had been taken prisoner, along with ten other buddies of mine, after defending the village of Winterspelt. It was the "Battle of the Bulge," and the coldest winter, remembered, in Germany.
There were POWs in Stalag 12-A from nearly every country; Canadians, French, English, Polish, Americans and Russians. Many of us were still suffering from battle wounds. All suffered from dysentery, and malnutrition. As prisoners we had little clothing and medical attention. Some of my comrades were beaten by the German guards. One boy, from Indiana, was shot in cold blood right in front of our eyes.
Tury's return to England and a POW Christmas Story
Being a POWs, at Christmas-time in 1944, was the lowest point of our lives. Just to witness all the suffering, it was a sad day. It being the 25th Day of December, we all decided to celebrate Christmas. We took and old cardboard box, and by using my pen-knife, carved it into the shape of a tree. Out of old German Army blankets, worn and thin, we made decorations for the tree. We punched holes in the cardboard and stuffed straw, from the Boor, into them, to represent Christmas tinsel.
We all joined hands, together, in a big circle and started to sing Christmas Carols.
While we sang, our eyes filled with tears, and we thought of home and our loved ones - so far away from us. We thanked God that we were still alive. Outside, in the compound, our enemy heard our songs.
At noon the guards brought in some "Grass soup" instead of the usual rutabaga soup. Each man received Iwo spuds, instead of one, each received two slices of bread instead of one. Even though many of us were suffering, our spirits rose as we sang the Christmas Carols together. We all wished each other a "Merry Christmas" and hugged each other.
A Christmas that I shall never forget.
PHOTO: Taken at the Sacramento 44th Annual Reunion. (Left to Right)
Six men from Lt. Ivan Long's I&R Platoon, 423d Regiment. They are part of the group that infiltrated back through the German lines on 21 December, 1944 and joined Combat Command B, 7th Armored Division in the final hours of defense of that city.
In all, about 18 I&R men made that journey, leading men from other units to safety.
Seated--Gordon Zicker 423/HQ driver; T/Sgt Bob 'Casey' Casenhiser Plt Sgt.;
Lt. Ivan H. ‘Ike' Long, Platoon Leader; Sgt Robert ‘Huck' Jones, Squad Leader 20 Squad;
Back Row--T/4 John 'Johnny' Johnson Chief Radio Operator;
T/5 Dick ‘Sparky' Sparks; Radio Op, 1st Squad; Pvt. John ‘Irish' Sheehan, Senior Scout;
Zicker was not with the group that infiltrated, he was captured with others.
December 16th get-togethers, 1989
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
by George T. and Norma J. Vance, 283 Dutch Lane, Pittsburgh, PA 15236
On December 17, 1989, a group of the 106th Infantry Division Veterans with their wives and friends, gathered at the Yorkshire Inn, Pittsburgh, PA and enjoyed a noon luncheon to commemorate the anniversary of the "Battle of the Bulge It took two photos to "catch" the group, Please turn to next page, for more).
My apologies to the Vances for not including this in the May CUB. The material arrived late for February and was set aside amongst other material. I am sorry I overlooked it J. Kline.
December 16th get-togethers, 1989
(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Commemoration continued from last page)
During the gathering, at the Yorkshire Inn, Christmas tunes were played, which added to the warmth and thoughts of the festive season.
The meeting began with a pledge to the Unites States Flag, followed by the singing of the National Anthem... Aided by a "Kate Smith" recording.
A moment of silence was observed for departed members of the 106th Infantry Division while "TAPS" was played. A note of heartfelt thanks to the many persons who contributed generous gifts as follows:
Mr. Richard L. Rigatti, birthday cake honoring his beautiful wife "Patricia."
Door Prizes: Hand crafted Afgan, Mr./Mrs. Francis Langham
Hand crafted Adult Booties, Norma J. Vance
Mrs. Franny Jackson, as usual, presented beautiful hand crafted Ice Skates pins to all persons present, plus Snowmen as favors.
We were honored to have as our guest speaker, Representative Ralph Kaiser, from the Pennsylvania, 41st Legislative District, who delivered an interesting and informative talk on Military and Veterans Benefits. Mr. Kaiser outlined pending legislature bills before the House of Representatives, and his continued efforts to aid our Veterans.
IN ATTENDANCE (46), at the 1989 Pittsburg Commemoration get-together
Collins, John S. & Katherine, 422/F
Devaty, Raymond S. & Eileen 423/MED
Huminski, Edwin C. & Elizabeth C. 424/F
Jackson, Harry & Franny, 423/MED
Jones, James G. & Dolores, 422/C
Koluezcz, Harry &Jennie Rose, 423/1 IQ
Kratsas, John A. & Artemis. 422/A
Kwaczek, Carl S. & Lillian, 422/C
Langham, Francis S. & Jean L., 423/B
Maloney, Joseph P. & Vivian M., 424/I IQ
Martin, Dr. John B. & Pearl, 422/MED
Repos, Stanley J. & Irene, 424/MED ;
Rigatti, Richard L. & Patricia, 423/B
Peters, David J. & Jean Headley, 422/K
Vance, George T. & Norma J., 422/AT
Yanchik, Pete & Diane, 423/A
Yelchan, Albert M. & Margerat, 422/110
Weising, Robert A. & Norma A., 423/1..
Bridgen, Raymond & M. Pauline, 10Ist A/B
Hartford, Dallas & Rosemary, 824 A/B
McClelland, Frank & Grace Moore, 28th Inf
The Honorable Representative Ralph Kaiser & Susan
Georgia T. and Norma J. Vance, Hosts, 1969 Commemoration. Yorkshire Inn, Pittsburgh, PA. 16
December 16th get-togethers, 1989
Remnants of the 1989 Commemoration parties
The Reading PA area held their Memorial Dinner on Friday 1 Dec 1989 at the Dutch Colony Motor Inn; 32 in attendance
L/R John Gallagher, Fred Mervin, Fredd Carr all from 81st/C;.
Walter Shirk424/M,
Jacob Antonvich 423/H
L/R lower Bill Harris, 423/SV; Elwood Lorah592/C
L/R from top, Walter Shirk, 424/M and Bill Jones, DIV/HQ; Fredd Carr, 81st/C and Jacob Antonvich, 423/H;
Ralph Hill, Associate member and to his left Fred Mervin, 81st/C
December 16th Commemoration get-togethers for year of 1990
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Contact: Charlie & Nancy Datte
231 Davis Ave
Clifton Heights, PA Phonee.215-626-1866
Date. 15 December 1990, 3.00pm . 7,
Cincinnati, Ohio
Contact Robert & June Walker 3607 Shady Lane Rd.
North Bend, Ohio 46052
Date: 8 December, 1990 Noon on
Mt. Vernon, Illinois
Contact: John L. Mikalauskis 424/H Box 31, 306 W eat Blake Benton, Minos 62812
Date: 15 December, 1990 6:00pm/7:00pm
Place: Holiday Inn at Mt. Vernon, Illinois
Call or write sown can Man a good Party hwy..
Atlanta, Georgia
Contact: Sherod Collins
448 Monroe Trace
Kennesaw, Georgia 30144
Date: 16 Dec 1990-4:00pm dinner 6:00pm
Dobbins Air Force Base, Open Mess Marietta, Georgia
Florida Chapter
Contact: Samuel R. Cariano 305 Backside Place
Indian Harbour Beach, FL 32937 407-777-2876
Date: 15 December 1990, 11:00am
Banana Bay Waterfront restaurant
242,4 Pineapple Avenue
Melbourne, FL 32935 407-242-2401
Chicago, Illinois
Contact Russell Villwock_
6908 West Higgin, Chicago 60656. Phone: - 312-631-2027
Date: 8 December, 1990 6,30pm
Place Park Ridge V.F.W.
Higgins and Canfield
Park Ridge, Illinois
Cost:-- 15.00 per person, RSVP by Dec 4
Northern California
Contact: Jerry Eisenman
227 Buena Vista Ave
Daly City, CA 94015-2120
Date 15 December 1990 11:00
Fort Mason Officer's Club, San Francis.
Call for Details or directions
Southern California
Contact. Milton Weiner
6440 Knott Are 1441
Buena Park California 90620
Date: 2 December, 1990 (Sunday, 2:00pm)
Place: Scechwan Chinese Retaurant-517.00 14320 Valley View Ave (creme Muuvaumi) La Mirada, CA 90638
Madison, Wisconsin
Contact Charles Rieck
7316 Voss Parkway
Middleton, WI 53562
Place: Lewis Prime Rib (same as last year)
Dale.: 8 December, 1990
Detroit Michigan
Contact. Robert E. Kelly
4388 Barchester Dr.
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48013 313-644-4453
Date: 15 December 1990, 6:00pm
Ladery's at 7 Mile & Telegraph
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Contact George Vance
283 Dutch Lane
Pittsburgh, PA 15236
Date: 16 December 1990, Sunday fpm
Yorkshire Inn, Pittsburgh
Minneapolis-- St Paul, Minnesota
Contact: John Kline
P.O. Box 24385
Apple Valley, MN 55124
Date 8 December 1990 Doc's Place. Noon
7th and Randolph, St. Paul, MN.
RSVP to Kline 612423-4837
New Jersey Area
Contact. Carl Messina
926 Seymour Avenue
Linden, NJ. 07036-2942
Date 15 December 1990 7:00pm
Coachman-Days Inn off Exit 135
Cranford, New Jersey
Call or write for details and directions
Reading, Pennsylvania
Contact: John J. Gallagher
4003 Francis Street Temple, PA 19560 215-929-2887
Date 7 December 1990, Friday 630 pm
Dutch Colony Motor Inn. Route 422 East Exeter Township(
Submit maximum of two pictures and resume to CUB Editor, by January 1, 1991,..
The February CUB will be the official, and only, Dec 16th Get-together publication.
No Dec 16, '90 articles published after Feb1991 CUB
In attendance for the 44th Annual Sacramento California
James Schuld
Peggy Ammons
Ann Hutchinson
Faye Lambert
Kerry Terlep
Louis E. & Charlotte Cunningham
106 SIG
Dean F. & Eleanor Childs
Russell H. & Jackie Villwock
John H. & Emily Bryant
Joseph J. Gasses
Dr. Geo. W. & Dawn Herring
John I. & Laura Hungerford
Lex & Anne Schoonover
Presley H. & Clara Williams
Howard V. & Nona Alexander
Walter S. & Barbara Pawluk
George T. & Norma J. Vance.
Monroe C. Duke
422/HQ 1BN
Carl V. Dreisbach
Michael Thome
Rev. Ewell C. Black Jr.
Robert P. Drumheiser
Joseph & Hazel Massey
William J. & Lorraine Brankin
Fred B. & Agnes Chase
Ward R. & Doris L. Richardson
Dr. John G. & Marilyn Robb
Boyd A. Rutledge
Eugene L. & Sally Saucerman
Charles L. Smith
Frank S. Trautman
Lawrence R. Williams
Robert E. & Thelma York
422/HQ 2BN
Frank Nausin & Clara Jr.
William & Margaret Rickard
Charley S. & Helen Henderson
Martin V. & Rita Lawlor
James E. & Agnes Reynolds
Charles J. & Louise Schroer
Donald R. & Vivian Whitner
Keith Ginter
Francis J. & Ruthanna M. Cook
Robert J. & Janice Fox
Charles F. & Doris Rieck
422/HQ 3BN
James W. & Clare Henning
William S. & Miriam Blaher
Victor W. & Avis Breite
Eugene B. & Dorothy J. Kelch
John J. Lo & Hazel Presli
Maynard & Joan Adolphson
Russell & Joan Hoff
Alfred E. & Ida Kopatz
Herbert F. & Luella Meagher
Paul A. & Mary Tranchita
Roy & Jean Bigger
Robert D. Casenhiser
Col. Charles Cavender
Sam E. & Myra Davis, Jr.
Richard C. Erbes
Herbert & Bobbie Heidepriem
Robert K. Jones
Ivan & Edna Long
Charlie 'Clint' & Peggy McClurc
M. W. Milot
Alfred & JeanneHare Nusbaum
John P. & Vivian Sheehan
Richard D. Sparks
George W. Strong
Joseph C. Torantino
Gordon B. & Connie Zicker
Joseph J. & Mary Ansel
Walter & Arlene Hiltbrand
Edwin D. & Dorothy Lewis
Ray R. & Annette Vaughn
Sherod & Dot Waldrop Collins
John L. Hall
Joseph P. & Vera Salber
William E. & Agnes Ulin
Jay F. Yearout
423/HQ 1BN
Kenneth V. & Marge Bryan
Don E. Cooley
Carl H. Cosby
Russell J. & Dorothy Malueg
William & Florence Lucsay
William & Margie Malone
Gordon B. Pinney
Frank Ponza
Richard L. & Pat Rigatti
Joseph Scotti
George & Meurice Southam
Arthur L. & Lucille Van Moorlehem
John & Rose Rosalia
Edward P. Billinghurst
Joseph Litvin
Robert H. & Mary Lou Marsh
William J. Yingst
Mike & Elaine Zenn
William G. & Carolyn Alexander
Willard G. & Lee Bennett
Walter E. & Lucille Johannes
Col. John W. & Jean Miller
Jack A.Sulser
Eric J. & Frieda Vonderhorst
Walter S. & Joy Adams III
Joseph & Annette Solomon
J. H. & Dorotha Walters
Theodore Basel
Robert F. & Vera Bennett
L. John & Helen Carrico
Kenneth M. Smith
John A. & Virginia Swett
423/HQ 3BN
Jerome & Ruth Eisenman
Richard W. Peterson
Howard J. & Lurella Terrio
Richard J. & Rosalie Brax
Fred & Rosetta De Poyster
Walter 'Tuck' & Iva Bell Daugherty
Louis M. & Peggy Cooper
George N. Crouthamel
Louis & Essie Edelman
John P. Kline
Ernest Z. Salazar
Antone Costa
Lawrence B. Costa
Richard R. & Carol G. Ritchie
Robert A. & Frankie Burkes
Robert H. Josephs
Joseph P. & Vivian Maloney
George O. Grimes
Edwin L. McAllister
424/HQ 1BN
Joseph C. Odom
Major H. & Evelyn Hill
Charles S. & Gertrude T. Peyser
Edward A. & Reddie Prewett
Roger M. & Mattie Rutland
Marshall P. & MaryAnn Strieb
Benjamin B. & Avis B. Britton
George C. Johnson
Edwin C. & Betty Huminski
Milton J. & Arline Schober
Donald R. & Maxine Armington
Nolan & Jean P. Ashburn
Harold M. & Peggy Bailey
James E. & Mary Lou Collier, Sr.
William E. Houser
George & Betty Murray, Jr.
George W. & Sheba Stephens
Lawrence & Jeanne Walden
424/HQ 3BN
Dale R. & Ruth Carver
Roy A. & Lucille Hines
John H. & Evelyn Johnson
Robert L. & Mildred Scranton
Armando & Margaret Velasquez
Kenneth L. & Bea Coss, Sr.
Howard O. & Nancy Bagby
Milton Weiner
Douglas Brooks
John & Jane Manfredi
81st ENG/A
Orfeo E. & Yvette Agostini
Thomas D. Broadbent
Andrew & Elicabeth Chura
John P. & Anita H. Collins
Robert E. & Pat Sandberg
Roy Sheers
H.S. & Phyllis Spiwak
Milton L. & Betty Wassgren
81st ENG/B
Norwood A. & Hazel A. Frye
Robert J. & Donna Hanson
Edward S. Krezminski
Irving Pastor
Elward C. & Irene Wojahn
81st ENG/C
Joseph E. Stevens
James E. & Maydean Wells
Marion S. & Mamie L. Mileski
John W. & Joyce Thurlow
Alfons P. & Phylis Lerno
Marshall B. & Patricia Wenslow
Harold & Jessica Kuizema
L. Dale Patrick
Clifford E. & Sarah Kincannon
Robert A. Powell
Pete & Joanne House
Edward E. Young
George R. Pina
Francis R. Schneider
Clark & Clara Brown
Carl W. & Marge Giesler
Ray C. & Beth Smith
John H. Stauff
Stanley A. & Patricia Zawadzki
Walter H. Bowers & Beatrice
Col. Perry R. Ellsworth & Julie
Joseph & Delores Gross
Robert W. Hempel & Evelyn
Elbert C. & Zada White
Kenneth & June Bradfield
Walter C. & Lillian Clarke
Charles T. & Nancy Datte
John W. & Virgini Howard
Robert C. Ringer
Clarence 'Pete' & Dorothy Lauman
Milburn R. Raleigh
Willard G. Hartman
John O. & Le Gilliland
Glenn O. & Nadine Hartlieb
Mrs. Marjorie DeHeer
Dannie L. & Shirley Gregory
Clarence R. & Helen Meltesen
Mrs. Jean Schulte
106th Infantry Div. Assoc. 44rd Annual Reunion
attendance count
106 RECON 1 424/ CN 2
106 SIG 2 424/HQ IBN
422/HQ 6 424/B 5
422/AT 3 424/E 2
422 / CN 1 424/F 2
422/HQ IBN 2 424/H 8
422/A 1 424/HQ 3BN 1
422/C 2 424/1 1
422/D 10 424/K 3
422/HQ 2BN 2 424/L 1
422/F 5 424/M 2
422/G I 424/MED 2
422/H 3 8Ist ENG/A 8
422/HQ 3BN 1 8IstENGIB 5
422/I 4 81stENG/C 2
422/M 5 DIV/ARTY
423 /HQ 16 589/HQ
423/AT 2 589/A 2
423 / CN 2 589/B 1
423 / SV 6 589/C 1
423/HQ 1BN 4 590/HQ 2
423/B 8 590/A 2
423/C 1 590/MED
423/D 5 5901 SV 1
423/E 4 591/HQ 3
423/F 2 591/B 2
423/G 3 591/C 5
423/H 5 591 / SV 5
423/HQ3BN 1 592/HQ
423/1 2 592/?
423/K 2 592/A
423/L 1 592/ SV 2
423/MED 3
424/HQ 3 Grand Total 201
Div/HQis & units 4
422nd 46
423rd 72
424th 33
81st Eng 15
589th FAB 5
590th FAB 6
591st FAB 15
592nd FAB 5
Attached Medi. counted with organic units
Members 201 Guests and
Wives 158
Total 359
There were 38 New Members in Attendance
Glimpses of the 44th Reunion- Sacramento- Sept 1990
Colonel C. C. Cavender, 423rd Regimental Commander, ( age 93 as of 2 0011990)
at the podium, during the General Membership Meeting of the 44th Annual Reunion
of the 106th Infantry Division Association
Captain Sam Davis, 423rd Headquarters (left) Orfeo ‘Gus' Agostini 81st ENG/A
Assoc. Tres. Sherod Collins, 423rd Service Co. 1989-90 Association President at the Member's Meeting
S/Sgt George Crouthamel (left) and Sgt John Kline (CUB editor) both of 423/M First meeting since April 13, 1945
The Costa twins, Antone and Lawrence
423rd Medics
11 Glimpses of the 44th Reunion- Sacramento- Sept 1990
Tour Nevada City Lunch Break, Nevada City Tour
(Right)--Col.John W. Miller (US ret) A group of 423rd Medics
Hashing it over at Cavender's Party at Cavender's Party
Lunch Break, Nevada City Tour
Shirt of the 13,000 foot shaft
Tour of Empire Gold Mine
Colonel Cavender, 023rd Regiment C.O.
with President "Gus Agostini, SIM Eng/A
at Ceveader's Sunday Eve Cocktail Party
"Chow Line" at Colonel Cavender's
Sunday Cocktail Party
Glimpses of the 44th Reunion-- Sacramento-- Sept 1990
Glimpses of the 44th Reunion-- Sacramento-- Sept 1990
"B" Co, 424th Rgt, 106th Infantry Division
(L/R} Mr/Mrs Edward Prewett; Roger Rutland; Charles Peyser; Marshall Streib and Major Hill
(L/R)--Mr & Mrs Ray Vaughn, 423/CN; Frank Nausin, 424/IIQ 2d Bo; Dean Childs, 106 SIG;
I'ete Leaman, 592/IIQ Liaison Pilot; Kenneth Cross, 424/L; Charley Henderson, 422/F
New Members
Abbott, Calvin V. 589/A
110 Fowler Rd Simpsonville, SC 29681
I was in Battery "A", captured Dec 23,1944 at Parker's Crossroads. Liberated March 29, 1945, weighing a mere 97 pounds.
I am married to Blanche Cooper Abbott. We have two sons, Robert Lewis and James Kenneth. We also have two grandchildren I have lived in Simpsonville all my life. I am now retired from Union Carbide.
Barbeau, John W. 422/AT
5400 Arcanum Bears Mill Rd. Greenville, OH 45331
Dear Gill - Captured 19 December 1944. My wife is Trellis. I misplaced your first letter, thanks for the follow up. I am trying to locate a buddy Herbert Hadaway, of 422/AT, he was the Company Clerk. Thanks Gill.
Basel, Theodore 423/H
18 Ethan Allen Ct Orangeburg, NY 10962
Boggs, Oliver B. 422/G
Rte 9, Box 66
Morgantown, WV 26505
I would love to hear from some of my old buddies. I am retired and travel some. Perhaps we can arrange a visit. Thanks so much.
Clark, John W. 424/HQ
713 No. Main, Apt A Benton, A272015
I drove 1st Lt. Ben Sutter's jeep. He was from Louisiana, I always wonder what happened to him.
I have good memories of the 106th. I was a member until December 1943. We were on lop of Tank Hill. I can still see, in my mind, Carter Hill and the Leesburg range. I have read many times about the bravery and goodsoldiering of the 106th, and as I continued my military service 'always said the men of the 106th were the best that was ever around.
Contreras, Felipe P. 423/E
290 Fast Fulton Stockton, CA 95204
Cross, John B. 423/HQ
3725 Alta Loma Dr.
Bonita, CA 92002 Captured the 1919 of December '44I was in Stalag 4B and Kommando #250.
A mechanical engineer for Bendix Aviation, General Dynamics, Solar Aircraft, USAF and USN - 1949 to present. My wife, Linda and I have three children ages 21-24.
Dashner, Robert F. 422/MED
21755 Rein East Detroit, MI 48201
Davis, William C. 424/HQ 3BN
1745 12th St Gering, NE 69341
Davis, William E. 423/C
21 Dennis Drive Belleville, IL 62223
Captured 19, 1944 taken to Stalag 9B, Bad Orb. POW #26515.
DeBlase, William 106 MP
17340 Hart St. Van Nuys, CA 91406
DeVito, Armando 422/K
50 Trowbridge St Belmont, MA 02178
Married with six children, 17 grandchildren, eight great grandchildren. Retired and like to play golf and fish.
(editors note -- Armando, after a solid five year lay off and just a new games a year for the three years before that, I got back to playing golf this year. It's Noel(' be out there hitting the ball. I managed to get back to an 18 handicap, hoping to get better next year -just started really hiring the ball as the cool weather hit Minnesota.. J. Kline)
Dowden, Andrew F. 423/F
503 Ash Drive
Windsor Locks, CI' 06096
I joined "F" Company in March of '43, and was with it until captured 19 December 1944. I was in Stalag 4B, Mtihlberg. Stalag 3B near Frankfurt on the Oder River and 3A at Luckenwalde. Liberated by the Russians on April the 22nd 1945.
I returned to work with the Travelers Insurance Company. Retired in December of 1988 with nearly 48 years of service. Married, we have seven children and 10 grandchildren.
New Members
Hackel, William K. 424IB 4904 Sherbome St. Louis, MO 63128
Harradine, Roger UNKNOWN 323 Danielle Way Folsom, GA 95650
Heckman, Roth 423/HQ 1BN 8 Conway Dr Middletown, PA 17057
Hines, Roy A. 42411 1814 W. Terrace Ave Fresno, CA 93705
Holder, Mildred ASSOCIATE (LIFE) 474 Addison Ave.
Elmhurst, IL 60126 I am the wife of Harry Holder of 424/1 who passed away July 8th, 1990 at the Hines VA Hospital. After many years, he is at peace. I wish to thank all of you for your blessings.
Holland, Jr., Daniel E. 424/CN 5C Barrington Dr Wethersfield, CT 06109
Hynes, William J. 81st ENG/B 230 - 7202 Street Bayside, NY 11360
Johnson, George C. 424/E 1832 Rockrose Rd West Sacramento, CA 95691
Jones, Robert F. 423/HQ 3142 Van Buren Place Antioch, CA 94509 I joined the I&R Platoon on March 13, 1943, coming from Camp Toccoa, Georgia. Stayed with the division until August 01, 1945. Transferred to the 21st Corp Headquarters and later to the 100th Division to come home. I was Sgt. Squad Leader of the 2d Squad in the I&R Platoon.
Married to Vivian for 41 years, have four daughters and one son, nine grandchildren. Worked for the U.S. Postal Service for 30 years. Retired from Walnut Creek, California as P.O. Supt of Window Services in 1978. Originally from New Castle, Pennsylvania.
Jones, Ted N. 423/C 4646 Mill Creek Rd. Dallas, TX 75244
I trained at Camp Atterbury and sailed to England with 423/C. Re-assigned to 424/A following the capture of the 423d. Participated in the capture of LaVaux and the advance towards Coulee. Pfc Fred R. Veith and I witnessed the death of Lt. Robert G. McKay, leading "A" Company and retaliated in instructions from First Sgt Rifleman by killing the German with first mortar round (tree burst). Assisted in carrying Lt. Huddleston all night, back to the aid station, but he died a short time afterwards.
Evacuated from Wanne on 15 January 1945 with severe frostbitten feet and hands. Hospitalized for four months.
I worked with Chance Vought Aircraft -Skills Inventory Supervisor; founded and managed Ted N. Jones Gift Shop; Dresser Industries, Compensation Assistant; Motorola, Inc., Compensation Manager; and Army & Air Force Exchange Service - Management Engineer/Position Classification Specialist. Retired January 20, 1989.
Family: Married with two sons. Hobbies: Collecting and operation European toy trains.
Josephs, Robert H. 424/HQ 5441 Pine Cone Rd La Crewe., CA 91214
Lo Presti, John J. 422/1 2001 W. Edgemont Ave Phoenix, AZ 85009
Lowe, Charles 423/C 1514 Woodvale Dr Madison, WI 53716
Marsh, Robert H. 423/D 355 Beechworth Ave Monrovia, CA91016 2d Platoon, Second Squad from March '43 until 12 December 19944, when I was wounded. Was squad leader for over a year. Spent five months in England in hospital. Returned to duty in May of '45 where I was sent to the Information and Education school and assigned to the 5960th Reinforcement Depot as I&E Officer. Remained with the 5960th in France until the last of October '45. Left LeHavre for USA October 30, 1945 and was discharged in November of '45.
Spent first few years as a Projectionist and on a Fire Department. In '49 was hired by Willys Motors as a Fire Marshall at the
foundry and machine works. Upon Willy's sale to Kaiser I entered the insurance safety field as a field engineer in Indiana. Various management positions in the Mid-West and transferred to Chicago in '62, Battle Creek in '66 and LA. in '73,was Asst Vice-Pres for last 15 years in charge of Safety and Fire Engineering. After this 31 years with TransAmerica Insurance I retired in March of '87. I am a registered Professional Engineer in the State of California.
Hobbies are fishing, however spend most of my time on "Kiwania" activities and activities promoting safety and health for our youth of the community.
Oh yes, I met a wonderful woman while stationed at Camp Atterbury. Married her December 9, 1945. We have six children and 12 grandchildren - 13th on the way. Thank God she waited for me to return from overseas. She has been my best friend and advisor as well as my "LIFE." Just think of what all the 106th boys missed while there - I found the Gem!
Martin, Thomas C. 423/A 767 East Broadway South Boston, MA 02127
A member of "A" Company from the Division's formation until captured on 19 De-comber 1944. I spent time in a number of camps.
When I returned home I went to work at the Post Office as a letter carrier and spent 35 years with the Postal Service. In 1950I married and we have three children, four grandchildren and looking far more. My hobby is "Barbershopping" which means I am a member of the "Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Signing in America." It is a great hobby and I sing my cares away on many an evening. Best of Luck - I am glad to once again be part of the 106th.
McCarthy, Leonard J. 424/HQ 1BN
250 Vine St. Unit "F" Lebanon, PA 17042
Meltesen, Clarence R. ASSOCIATE
810 Gonzales Dr. 4-0 San Francisco, CA 94132 (editor's note--Sponsored by Mike Thome,
Chairman of the Sacramento Reunion, Clarence has published a book entitled ROADS TO LIBERATION FROM OFLAG 64. I like the phrase in the title page of his book, it fits many of us well /can't/veal/ you, nor can you me, but we walked the same miles along the same paths. . . by Tom Johnson.' I suggest this book to you, not only because part of my war diary, over rive pages, Is a part of it, but because of the straight forward - no frills manner In which he describes the experiences of prisoners of war. He was captured, as a Platoon Leader, 3rd Ranger Battalion, Darby's Rangers, as he was leading an attack on Cistema In the Anzio Beachhead.
His story leads from that point, as a prisoner to Oflag 64, Szubin, Poland on April 21, 1944.
The book is 535 pages in length, with numerous maps. I would also like to mention -It is written by an officer, but contains much of interest to the Enlisted Man, like my serf. It was interesting to me, that the prisoners of the early stage of the war all seemed to funnel through Stalag 12A, much like ourselves, that were captured towards the and of the war. The Bulge is prominent. as well as all the camps of the 106th personnel - °flag 13B, Hammelburg; 12A, Limburg; 9B, Bad Orb; 2A, Neubrandenburg; 4B Muhlberg; Moosburg, Nurnberg etc. The marches to freedom - Try It, you'll like it -don't forget to read pages 487 through 493 about Sgt John Kline, 423d, M" Company. It is well written, well-illustrated and well Indexed... J. Kline, editor)
Meyer, Col. Harold J. ASSOCIATE
605 Legion Dr.
Destin, FL 32541 Referred by Mike name: A recent new member "ASSOCIATE" Colonel Meyer is collecting information fora hook that involves the 106th.
Born in Rushville, Indiana, but asserts he is a "Southerner" by choice, because of the fortunate assignments he has had in Mississippi, Georgia and Louisiana.
Inducted in the Army in 1943, assigned to the 63d Infantry Division located at Camp
New Members
Dorn, Mississippi. Officer's Candidate School, Fort Henning where he was commissioned in January 1945. Following service in the Third Army in Europe, he returned home to Ohio to attend Defiance College. He returned to active duty in 1948 and was again assigned to Europe with the 26th Infantry. Colonel Meyer commanded several rifle companies as a young officer, and was the commanding officer of the Forth Battalion, Third Infantry during a tour in Hawaii. He has held staff positions at battalion, division and corps levels. he is a graduate of the infantry advance course at the Army's Command and General Staff College. His service includes foreign tours in Korea and Vietnam.
In '55, Colonel Meyer graduated from Kent State and later received a degree of Masters of Arts in Journalism from the University of Missouri.
Throughout his military career he found time to write for military periodicals including ARMY, ARMOR and INFANTRY magazines plus other publications and several newspapers. He has served with the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service and during one Pentagon assignment was speech writer for the senior Army officials.
Colonel Meyer has been inducted in the Infantry OCS Hall of Fame and was recently elected as Director of the US Army Officer Candidate Alumni Association. He has been selected by the Secretary of the Army as a Distinguished Member of the 26th Infantry regiment. His military decorations include the Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf Cluster, two Bronze Stars and the Army Commendation Medal. He is authorized to wear the Infantry Badge and the Ranger tab.
(editor's note -- Colonel with all those credentials, we are looking forward to your help with a column for 'The CUB." Welcome to the 106th... J. Kline)
Milot, M. W. 423/HQ
P.O. Box 30826 Honolulu, 6196820
Nicholson, Roy E. 422/M
344 Kepner Rd.
Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548 I learned about the "106th Association" at a POW group meeting in Pensacola, Florida. I would like to join.
(editor's note -- Like many of us, you learned one of the best kept secrets, late in life - but it's never too late - welcome back to the 106th... J. Kline)
O'Connor, Michael F. 965/C attached
17 Warren Street Florence, MA 01060
Raleigh, Milburn R. UNKNOWN
43949 Fenner Lancaster, CA93536
Reidell, Charles A. 423/I
898 Bayard St.
St. Paul, MN 55102
We am celebrating our 50th anniversary in 1991. We have four children, three girls and one boy. We have 12 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Before induction I worked on the railroad. After the war I changed jobs and recently retired after 26 and one-half years as a St Paul, MN police officer. In the summer months I Hobby Farm and play ball (League Ball). In the winter I do Stained Glass work.
Scheffel, Robert W. 422/A
2219 N. Park Ave Grand Island, NE 68803
Seals, Noah J. 590/SV
2420 So. Sixth St. Rd.
Vincennes, IN 47591 I was drafted in February 1943 and sent to Fort Jackson to join the 106th Division as it was being organized. I was a Liaison Agent with the rank of Corporal. After being captured near St. Vith, four months later another prisoner and I escaped and made it back to the American lines. I like to fish and hunt, but I am now disabled.
Silhavy, Frank V. 424/F
508 W. Vine
McAllen, TX 78501 (editor's note -- Frank, you asked about a Golden Lion shoulder patch - the Adjutant
New Members
Is the person to write for them. His name is Inside the front cover of this CUB magazine. The patches are $1.75 each plus postage. If you order one to four It would be en additional 25 cents postage. 11 you order more than that, throw in a little extra for postage.
Boyd Rutledge, the Adjutant left for Europe on October 1. he will be back in mid-November, so don't expect a quick reply... J. Kline)
Spiwak, H.S. 81st ENG/A 26417 Weston Rd Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
Stammer, Charles H. 106 SIG 718 Riverhal Dr Athens, GA 30606
Stevens, Joseph E. 81st ENG/? 115 W. 300 S. Washing., UT 84780
Stevenson, Robert L. 81st ENG/HQ 2133 Lake Dr. Winter Park, FL 32789 I was with my unit 13.om Fort Jackson until the 19 of December 1944. I was wounded at St. Vith and hauled out on the 19th.
Would be very interested if you have had, in the past, any information about a buddy of mine. His name is Oakley Utter. I met him in New Jersey in 1946, but lost contact with him. I also remember the names - Colonel Riggs, Lt Castleman and Dr. Cessna.
(editor's note -- Joe. you have by now received the July roster which has all the names of the 81st Engineers that belong to the Association. Possibly they can help you. You will find Colonel Riggs address in that roster. Bob Sandberg, 81st/A, a friend of mine nearby in St Paul tells me that Dr. Cessna belonged to the association for many years, but dropped out shortly after he sponsored one of the annual reunions. He Is presumed to still be living, but I do not have an address for you. Maybe one of the other 81st Combat Engineers can help you Welcome back!... J. Kline)
Theilen, Harold L. 422/MED
800 13th St. Apt 02
West Des Moines, IA 50265
My wife, Rowena and I have been retired since October 1985. We have one daughter, whose address we use for mail, since we do not own a home. We live in a motorhome and travel 100% of the time. We have visited all 50 states since retiring.
Todd, Dave 424/L
5901 No. Sheridan, Apt 9C Chicago, IL 60660
Tsaffaras, William P. 422/G
9 San Mateo St. Chelmsford, MA 01824
Weigel, Col. Levene (US Rat) 422/H
1380 Democracy Ave
Melbourne, FL 32940 I have enclosed a few photographs taken at the dedication of the St. Vith Memorial. Possibly you can use them.
The dedication took place before Christmas while General Baker was assigned as Chief of Staff of USEURAR at Heidelberg, Germany. I was assigned as Deputy Headquarters Commandant 1962.
I spent three days going over the ground around the Schnee Eifel and at Schonberg while on leave.
Because I will have my 50th college class. reunion and my wife will have her 50th high school reunion, we will miss the September reunion in Sacramento. We hope to be able to attend the one in Huntsville in 1991.
Whittaker, Charles E. DIV/HQ
7425 W. Shoreline Dr. Waconia, MN 55387
Wold, Charles W. 423/C
226 Rosebay Dr
Encinitas, CA 92024
After basic training in Florida, I was assigned to the 66th Infantry Division just before it was to go to the Pacific Theater. As a result of the many medical shots for a whole range
LIFE membership now available See inside cover Left column
New Members
of diseases, I came down with the cholera. While I was in the hospital my unit shipped to the Pacific. When I left the hospital I was assigned to 423/C in Camp Atterbury, Indiana. I stayed with that unit until it was clobbered by the Waffen SS. Three of as in "C" Company made it back to a guard post and far a brief couple of days we were detained because we all looked like Germans and we were told our unit had surrendered. Since we couldn't go back to our outfit we were assigned to "A" Company, 424th Regiment, which at that time had a company of 24 men and the CO. was a Sergeant.
On January 15th I picked up fire wood that was stacked in the corner of a half demolished house. We had been using wood off the pile for days, but this time the pile exploded and sent me flying. A couple of artillery men helped me to the Aid Station. After a couple of operations in Belgium, I was flown to England, and was hospitalized for four months. I was then assigned to the Army Air Corps.
Young, Damon F. 423/D
I was at Stalag I1A,Neubrandenburg, liberated by the 82nd Airborne at Lundwigslust -woodcutter commando at Zislow - Korean War 809 EAB 5th AF - Vietnam 66 & 11 Engineers -Germany 46-48, l&R Platoon 26th Infantry, 1st Division, Nurenburg War Crime trials. United States Army 42-72. Will return to the U.S.S.A.H. in near future (home). I would appreciate any information you have on a (Pat) Patterson, Company D, 423d, 1st gunner, machine gun squad.
Hope you all had a good time at the Sacramento Reunion - the distance was too far for me to travel. Ours in Freedom, with highest regards. Live Free or Die.
Young, Donald J. 422/I
1700 Cheryl Way
Apron, CA 95003
by George Levine 424/M
rai;=iEs MEDICINE g = g
" My fainting spells are not "War Time" connected.
only get them when I see your bills! "
Mail Bag
Agostini, Orfeo E. 81st ENG/A 202 Elizabeth St
Hinesville, GA 31313 (editor's note -- Thanks Gus, for the information on "Citations." I will use your suggestion to use this type of information in the "CUB REVUE." Oh yes, I just thought of a new name for the book, `The CUB in Review," how's that- maybe we will get some Ideas from the readers. As soon as I get this November CUB out of the way, I will get back to work on the book which will contain a review of all the interesting stones from "The CUB," over all the years since 1945... J. Kline)
Armington, Donald 424/H
3125 John Patterson Rd
Des Moines, IA 50317 (editor's note -- Don wrote me and said he had a copy of all the "CUBs." Thanks Don, keep thorn together. There in only one complete set that I know of and that is in the hands of the Association Historian, Sherod Collins. I have a complete set, but ant missing several originals of the CUBs, but Collins has filled me in with photo-copies of those that I do not have the originals of them l am using my copies to compile a list of the interesting stories and will announce the publication time for a book containing those stories. (see "Agostini above)... J. Kline)
Augerinos, Steve 423/K
6201 lakemont Ct
919-851-4851 The Veterans of the 106th INFANTRY DIVISION °taw GOLDEN LION Catonsville, MD 21228 John, in reference to the picture which you used on the front cover of of the CUB, Vol 46, No. 3 Apr-May-Jun 1990. I got that photo from Dr. Robert W. Peterson, 423d,"1" Com-pony. 1 understand there is a small museum at Stalag DC-A and some of the pictures came from there. The cover picture was taken during the time the French were taken there. I understand that the head of France was there as a prisoner. Dr. Peterson sent me the picture, along with a few more, because I participated in the study of POW's that he conducted to write his dissertation for his doctorate By, the way, we were in the buildings near the gate across from the mess-hall. Dr. Peterson has some good stories to tell about the camp.
(editor's note --see the above issue for the cover picture and for Dr. Peterson's story of his return to the camp - page 25 J. Kline)
Austin, Clifford N. 589/C 125 S Maple St
Vergennes, VI' 05491 My good friend and fellow POW at a work camp near Zittau and former Editor of The CUB, Dick DeHeer, who passed away a few years ago, would join me in saying "Great job John"-- keep up the good work.
Marg DeHeer who worked hard, along with Dick, on The CUB and other 106 efforts continues to attend our local small yearly services of the Zeittau survivors. Dick DeHeer and other previous editors of The CUB who continued the publication through some of the struggling years, I am sure would look with pride and thanks to you for your hard work in giving our membership an expanded and very interesting CUB. (editor's note -- Thanks, Cliff, for your kind words. I am no happy that I am able to continue The CUB, which I feel is the Ito line of the Association. Without those in the past, with their hard efforts and guid- ance by example, I would never be able to continue the way I have -they. even though I did not know them, are an inspiration to me... J. Kline)
Barnes, L. Preston DIV/HQ G-4 K-17 Avon Dr East Windsor, NI 08520 John, YourJul-Aug-Sep issue was another winner! In your editor's note to a letter from George Iwamoto of Honolulu, you ask if he knows where Lt, Col. Herbert Livesey, (Division Chemical Officer) is. I'm quite sure he died 2-3 years ago. I corresponded with him over a period of years. He was instrumental in the very beginning of the association and did so much for it. There was a period of time where he dropped out, then eventually returned. He spoke well of the Association's good work.' have his last know address if any person wants it. His wife's name was Ruth, she arranged conventions of the large-size variety. His son contributed travel articles for various magazines, including TRAVEL and LEISURE. Col. Livesey and his wife had a tradition of meeting Col. Stout and his wife, Mason, every year around Thanksgiving 32
I time. After Col. Stout died, the tradition still continued with Mason.
A few pages on in The CUB, George Phillips writes of a few pleasant memories of Col. Baker (106th Chief of Staff). One of the more humorous experiences of my entire military career involves Col. Baker. At one time Division Headquarters was temporarily set up in an isolated chateau in Belgium, and on a particularly dark night I was assigned to guard a post some distance from the chateau under strict orders to challenge anything that moved and, if that thing happened to be a human being, to let absolutely no one pass, unless he knew the pass-word of the day. There were rumors of unidentified activity (the enemy?) in the surrounding woods, and buzz-bombs were screeching overhead. It was rather spooky. Eventually, a command car pulled up and I challenged it, recognizing Col. Baker, right away. But, unfortunately, he had been out in the Edda]] afternoon and evening, and didn't know the pass-word! I was one confused Sergeant... being under orders to let no one pass. After some mumbling, I summoned
in armed Corporal and instructed him to accompany Col. Baker to Division Headquarters for interrogmion. Can't you just visualize the spectacle of the Division Chief of Staff, riding in his command car, complete with chauffeur, to his headquarters, with a Corporal in the back seat, gun at ready? It was the topic of conversation throughout the command post for some time. Lastly, and most importantly, a letter from John Bull (106th Signal) is published. He was a good buddy of mine. I had been told when attending a reunion in Frederick, Virginia, that Joe had been killed in a private plane crash in Illinois. I've written Joe a note. So you see, The CUB is indeed working miracles!! Sincerely, Preston
Bradbury, Richard D. 106 RECON PO Box 81 Milbddge, ME 04658 Sherod, I stopped in Columbia, South Carolina last April and had a good visit with Roy Mehling. The last time ! saw him was when I shipped out of the Recon Troop Logo overseas as a replacement in May of 1944.
Bradford, Harvey D. 424/SV 71 Rosemont Ave Aston, PA 19014 (editor's note-- Harvey wrote, sending me a copy of the Drew Pearson article that appeared in the spring of 1945, entitled, Green U.S. Commanders Blamed far Setback; Trained Colonels over 4B Had Been Removed. Pearson, In that article, had accused the 106th Infantry Division "Giving away like straws before a tornado." Nick Bruno of the 424th Anti-Tank Company, along with hundreds of other, took Mr. Pearson to task. Nick Bruno (now of 163 Bayberry Rd, Fairfield, CT 06430) and his buddy Frank Casey (deceased) wrote to the Bridgeport Post, Bridgeport, Connecticut on March 17, 1945. Parts of that story criticizing Pearson appear below.
Harvey, also told me in his letter that he had found the address of the Cunard Lines Archives Curator, University of Liverpool, England, and had written for further detailed information on the Aquitanla so he could follow up on his original CUB article on that ship. We are looking forward to that Information. Thanks Harvey... Parts of Bruno's story, as written to the Bridgeport Post follows... J. Kline)
YANK'S OF 106TH, VICTORS OVER NAZI IN "BATTLE OF THE BULGE," REFUTE STORY AS TOLD BY DREW PEAR-SON, TERM HIM A MISINFORMED COLUMNIST. Writing from somewhere in Germany, with the 106th Infantry Division" Cpl Frank Casey, and Cpl Nick Bruno, both from Bridgeport, question the accuracy of a recent report by columnist Drew Pearson and offer "the true story of the 106th Division at and beyond St. Vith...."
"There is one matter, very important to us, we would like to talk to you about a very tender spot in the minds of the boys of our division, since the happening. We whoare left of the Golden Lion Division, in respect and loving devotion to those we left dead and captured at the scene, have agreed to write to straighten out in the minds of some skeptics, the true story of the 106th Division. This is the story --" "
After the Battle of the Bulge, which was an attempt of Von Rundstedt to push through the Allied lines to seize Leige and it's subsidiary
Mail Bag
centers, the well known and well read Mr. Drew Pearson came out in his syndicated column with an article in which he said "the men of the 106th fell like blades of grass before a tornado.... Pearson continued - The leaders (officers) were green, inexperienced officers, and there should be a Congressional investigation into the whole affair.
"The survivors of the division were righteously indignant. dire threats of bodily harm were made for the "armchair generals" who chose to condemn what is now known as one of the most gallant and decisive actions of the war. The true story has now been told, and we who are left feel better and relieved, because we know that those thousands, and we mean thousands, ofswell buddies welch beyondSt. Vith, have no shadow over them pertaining to their efforts -- and successful they were in stopping the Bache.
"Had they, as the gullible, free talking, highly paid, Mr. Pearson said 'fallen like blades of grass' Herr von Rundstedt would today be in Liege, and perhaps much further. Although unseasoned and green, they fought like fury against overwhelming odds, and the tremendously important element of surprise. They fell all right, but not like blades of grass, but like real American Infantrymen, taking with them many more of the no called 'master race' than fell in comparable actions. "We who are left of the original 106th are now satisfied that the bereaved families and friends of those boys who died, now know the true story, and hope in the future that the grossly overpaid and misinformed Washington commentator and columnist again takes it upon his narrow shoulders to write about fighting men and their actions, he will have ample true facts for his for too widely read column.
"To the bereaved families of those who died in that valiant stand, we who are left say, 'Be proud -- they died for our great cause, and valiantly, and if there be a Valhalla, they are there with great pomp and glory"
Brax, Richard J. 423/K 14 Porter Street Quaker Hill, CT 06375
John, Sacramento was my first reunion! Retirement makes this possible. I was sorry that there were only two from "K" Company and myself. My wife and I had a wonderful time, and made some new friends and want to thank all those who made it possible. (editor's note -- Thanks, Richard. Maybe there will be more next year. Use the July roster I sent and drum up same business for "K" Company for the 1991 Reunion ar Huntsville... J. Kline)
Brazill, Myles 106 MP Rd 2, Box 157 Lamdisburg, PA 17040 Sherod, I'm still hanging in there at age "711.-It is always a distinct pleasure to receive a copy of the magazine and know what other survivors, like myself, have to say.
Like many others, I have been upset by the recent incidents of flag desecration, and the failure of our Congress to propose an amendment In protect this symbol of our country. (editor's note -- Myles sent along a composite photograph of the famous picture of the Marines raising the American Flag on Iwo Jima, Mt. Surabachl, and along side it a cartoon from the Patriot News, Harrisburg, PA- showing five judges of the Supreme Court raising the American Flag in the same manner and pose. The difference being, the American Flag is "burning.'
Broadwater, Clifford H. 423/AT 146 Turken Lane
Roseburg, OR 97470 John, I appreciate all the work you do in setting up the CUB and publishing it. I enjoy reading it, very much. It was nice that the reunion was held in Sacramento in Sept of '90. It gave the veterans out West a chance to attend. My wife and I could not attend, because she was recovering from cancer surgery.
(editor's note -- Cliff, We hope the best for yourwife in her recovery. Thanks for the info on the material you offered that you had dug up out of the archives. The COLLIER'S article on Field Marshal Von Rundstedt's Own Story of THE BATTLE of the BULGE Is interesting. It will appear in the forth-coming reprint of interesting storiesthat have appeared since It's inception. I'll get back to work on that project after I finish this Issue. Sherod Collins is our HISTORIAN. His address appears on the inside cover of this CUB, For you and the others-send Shared anything pertaining to the 106th, that you feel you want to pre-
Mail Bag
serve. It will eventually end up in one of the museums, like Carlyle Barracks or the Andersonville project. Extra or duplicate material is sent to requestors. He has requests for reprints of the other article you mentioned and will pass it along. Good Luck and Good Health... J. Kline)
Brunner, Lloyd J. 424/A Rt 3 - Box 170 Red Wing, MN 55066 Here is a check for my wife and I, for our LIFE membership. Sorry we could not make the Sacramento Reunion.
Bugner, Thomas F. 590/B 2739 W. Charleston Ave Phoenix, AZ 85023 John, I want to thank you for the fine roster you compiled. (The roster sent with the August 1990 CUB) - it is great!
Cannone, Frank 331 MED/A 128 10t6 St.
Hicksville, NY 11801 John, I have sent my LIFE Membership fees to Sherod Collins.
•I look forward to receiving The CUB, and don't want to miss any future editions. I think you do a wonderful job with it, and am grateful we have people like you to help carry the Association forward.
Cariano, Samuel P. DIV/HQ PO Box 938 Maggie Valley, NC 28751 Sam, who is our past-adjutant, was awarded the "Order of the Golden Lion" at Sacramento Reunion. Unfortunately, Sam has been ill for several weeks and was unable to attend the 44th Annual Reunion. That's the first one he has missed for years.
Several of us heard from him after the reunion and he expressed, with confidence, that he is "coming around." We hope so Sam, you were missed in Sacramento. Good Luck from all of us, we are proud of you and grateful for the service that you have given the 106th Infantry Divsion Association.
Carrico, L. John 423/H 395 Crestrnent Dr.
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Enclosed is an anicie I clipped out of our local paper (6/5/89).
After coming back from over-seas (May '45). After a 60 day POW leave I was sent to St Barabara for 10 days R&R at the Biltmore Hotel, after which I was assigned to their Athletic and Recreation Department until I was discharged on December 26, 1945, at Ft. McArthur,Califomia.
Took some graduate work and taught freshman and sophomore Phy Ed at UCLA for one year, before I began teaching career with the L.A. City UN School District High School which lasted 39 years (1947 to 1986). Taught Phy Ed and Math in Jr. and Sr. High Schools and did some coaching in High Schools. Married in 1952 to Helen St. Clair. We had five children by 1961. My wife had been working at the Veterans Hospital in West L.A. as a dietician. Later, after the children were born, she became a teacher and Asst. Principal at Jr. High. San Luis Abispo in 1987 and has been there since.
While in the 106th I was a member of 423/Service and 423/H units. (editor's note-- A few excerpts from the article that Jack sent (paper not named, article by Carol Roberts Telegram-Tribune, probably Sab Luis Abispo).
"Ex-POW gets medal for his mettle" Ammunition was short in supply the night Jack L.J. Carrico was shot in the leg. It was World War 11, the Battle of the Bulge.
He remembers hearing German "gibberish" as medic carried him to an aid station. "They said we were prisoners."
The Germans took him to a make-shift hospital that had once been a barn. "The German doctor who operated, probably saved my leg," said CarHco, as he massaged the old wound.
It was 41/2 months before he was liberated. And now 45 years later, the San Luis Obispo resident's service to his country has been formally recognized... (editor's note--There was much more, another column and a half about Carrico, closing with;
`Carrico meet his wife, Helen, who had also been a teacher, at a Catholic social They have been married for 37 years and have four children and five grandchildren. They retired three years ago, moving to a housethey'd bought in 1975 nearthe country club. We went all the way to Oregon and
Mail Bag
back, then decided this is the nicest place In the world, said Carrico"
Now he walks a couple of miles a day. plays a little golf and tries to be a 'Gentleman Fanner.' The POW medal will join others that he has received for his war experiences. He doesn't display them. "but having them means something important to me."
Collins, John P. 81st ENG/A PO Box 1856
Lees Summit, MO 64063 Just a note John to ask you about the pro- posed book. 1 forgot the cost that was an- nounced at the Sacramento Reunion me price announced was moo, the book will be published, we hope, in the next6-9 months, it should be around 400-500 pages -all stories from prior CUBs, since it's inception-. editor) I am loading up my trailer to spend the winter in Arizona. I feel sorry for you guys up there in the cold. I had my share of it, when I lived in Alaska. Thanks for all the info you gave me and thanks for your part in nuking the first reunion in Sacramento a "Whopping Success." See you in Huntsville. God Willing. My address after 1 October until 31 March - John Collins, Sp 481 - Caravan Oasis - 10500 E. 1-8 Frontage - Yuma, Arizona 85365 Mail will be forwarded if sent to my regular address. (editor's note -- From an earlier loner, John write.) Imagine my surprise when I received the roster of individuals from the 81st Combat Engineers, "A" Company. As Platoon Sergeant (3rd Platoon) it was my honor to have had 19 or more, of the 29 listed. Leafing through the 106th pictorial Division book, I found 18 signatures written for mementos, included were Orfeo Agostini, J.F. McDevitt and other.
'would have joinedpreviousl y,but didnot know, nor ever heard of the Association. My wife saw the reunion notice in the VFW Mag-nine. Of course from '54 IM '67I was working in Alaska, much of the time in remote areas, and then '67 thru '85I was overseas in several countries, Egypt, Libya, Nigeria, Thailand, Indonesia and a few more. I was in Iran for 51/2 years, until they ran me out.
I wrote a blurb about myself to Sherod Collins, but would like to add a couple of Items. Note that Istated lescaped with Sgt Hunt... this is true but there were two mom who started with us. Myself, Sergeant Vernon Hunt and T/4 Elmer George of "B" Company. Also Cpl "Thomas Kenesha of the 422d or 423d. Sgt Hunt and myself were separated from those men when we ran into a patrol. We made it through, but I do not know what happened to Kenesha or George.
I was captured on 16 December, when we were run out of Auw and retreated to St. Vith. Under the superb leadership of Lt Col Thomas Riggs, we held the hill, road and bridge just south of SI. Vith from 16 to 22 December, when we were captured. Do you know the status of Col (or Lt.) Coughlin, my Platoon Leader on the hill. (editor's note -- John, thanks for all the letters - maybe some person out there will be able to answeryou on "Coughlin," I don't have that information.
I could not find Kenesha's name in the 423d Regiment Combat Infantry Badge listing. If he was in the 422d - I do not have a Combat Infantry Badge listing for the 41, 422d - I am searching for one - there must have been one Issued. I have the 423d and the 4241h, but not the 4220 northe Combat Medic Badge listings... J. Kline)
Dailey, Hampton J. 422/K 3900 France Place Brooklyn center, MN 55429
HOW MY MARRIAGE CAME ABOUT BECAUSE OF THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE by Hampton Jennings Dailey K Co. 422 INF Army X12206421, Stalag IV B #315069. The story of the 106th Infantry Division involvement in the Battle of the Bulge is history. I would like to tell the story of my marriage which came about because of the occurring events from the Battle of the Bulge. One of my buddies in K Co. 422 INF was PFC Kenneth Peterson. After our capture we were interned at Stalag XII A and then on to Stalag IV B. Our capture came about on Dec. 19,1944. All prisoners suffered from improperly heated barracks and the lack of sufficient food.
Mail Bag
The date or time, (I do not remember exactly which) might have been in March 1945. At this time I contracted pleurisy and was taken to Lazaret IV G (hospital) in Leipzig. I was treated as well as could be expected under the conditions and at least had a bed to sleep on and more food.
Of course Kenneth Peterson and I were separated when I left Stalag IV B. About two weeks before our liberation (April 19, 1945) I was surprised to see on the same floor of the hospital Kenneth Peterson. He was suffering from malnutrition and yellow jaundice. He had been put on a work detail working for the Germans which completely devastated his body.
An undesirable thing about the hospital was it's location. It was next Loa large railroad yard which the R.A.F. would bomb at night and the American Mr Force would bomb during the day. One of the day raids was so close that I would estimate that perhaps half the windows were blown in. One day Kenneth said to me "Dailey, I don't think I am going to make it. I want you to see that my parents 0 ge t my watch." On April 11,1945 Kenneth died during a bad night air raid, After liberation I was flown to England where I spent 30 days in a convalescent hospital. After a ten day trip on a hospital ship I arrived at Staten Island, New York. I was home that day since my home was nearby in
Bloomfield, N.J. Mier writing to Kenneth's parents and returning his watch, I was invited to visit them in Minneapolis, MN. Kenneth's cousin, Shirley Mae Femling, was the one to meet me at the Greyhound Bus depot. I became well acquainted with Kenneth's parents as well as Shirley's family. I was invited to go with both of these families to Northern Minnesota where 1 had a very pleasant time meeting other members of the Femling and Peterson families. After a pleasant two weeks in Minnesota I returned to my home in New Jersey.
I kept writing to Shirley after returning home. In October or November 1945 I was sent to Ashville, N.C. to be reassigned after a 30 day convalescent furlough & a 60 day P.O.W. furlough. After about three weeks 1 contracted pulmonary tuberculosis. After a short slay in the Army Hospital at Swananoa, N.C. I was escorted to the New Jersey State Sanitarium at Mt. Kip, New Jersey where I was medically discharged from the Army January 6, 1946.1 had to spend nine months there before being released.
During this time Shirley & I continued to correspond. I asked Shirley for her hand in marriage about valentine day, 1946. She accepted. I flew out to Minneapolis in July 1946 and she came back to New Jersey in the fall of 1946 to meet my family. My next visit to Minneapolis was at Christmas time that year. (I was released from the T.B. Sanitarium Oct 5, 1946.)
I started studies at Upsala College in East Orange, NJ. We were married in Minneapolis, Minnesota. July 25,1947. Thissummer on July 25, 1990 we will have been happily married fony three years. Kenneth's brother Russell lives here in Minneapolis whom I have known all these years. It took the irony and the tragedy of the Battle of the Bulge to give mea dear wife who has given me almost forty three years of happiness. We praise God He was able to take a situation of utter sorrow to bring about a joyous union.
Our joy has been made complete with the adoption of our son John, and our daughter Mary. Added joy includes John's wife Jane and their adorable son Justin, who God brought from Korea to be our precious grandson. They live nearby in Maple Grove, Minnesota. We have been further blessed with having Mary and her dear husband, Kenneth Fischer in Minneapolis, only five minutes away.
Davis, Jr., Sam E. 423/HQ 816 North Fula Dr Orlando, FL 32803 (editor's note -- Captain Sam headed up a detail that assisted Colonel Cavender, 423d Regiment Commanding Officer, around the various functions of the 44th Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association in Sacramento.
I was privileged to have the Colonel as my room-mate. The 4234 work detail took care of the Colonel during the day, when I was busy with my CUB and Board work, and at night I saw to it he was tucked In and In the morning dressed forth° beginning of the day's activities,
Mail Bag
a It was an added privilege to be able to discuss the past with Colonel Cavender. His mind Is sharp as a tack. I am getting so that I can't remember what I had for supper yesterday, but the Colonel, who is now 93 years of age, can recall things going back to World War I, and with clarity and order. A greet man - We all enjoyed him at the reunion -- Colonel, your next target is Huntsville, Alabama In 1991... J. Kline)
DeHeer, Mrs. Marjorie ASSOCIATE
86 Berkshire Dr Palm Coast, FL, 32037
Dear Friends of the 106th,
Just to let you know Jean Shutte and I made it to San Diego. Jean says, driving on that route once was enough to her. We had lots of fun reading the signs to find our exits, but somehow or other, we would miss it and have to come back. We stopped and saw all the attractions along the way and found them very interesting. Coming from New York,' think the Bronx Zoo is one good Zoo and can stand up amongst the top five. Their Bird Sanctuary is the best. All along I was saying how good the elevators were working until my last trip down in the Hyatt in San Diego. The day I needed it the most, it ran slow and ! missed my bus, and they had to call another one for me. I made my plane connection, fortunately. It was nice seeing every one. Have a GOOD YEAR. Love to all. Marjorie DeHeer (editor's note -- Marge, along with the others, I wish to say -It was nice seeing you In Sacramento...)
Edelman, Louis 423/M 245-30 Grand Central Pkwy Beltrose, NY 11426
John, enclosed is the CUB that you wanted for the villagers in Spioeux, Belgium. It was sure great seeing all the 423/M men in Sacramento, especially Ernest Salazar who I had not seen in 45 years. Be well and give our best to Margot, and keep in touch.
(editor's note -- Lou, thanks for reminding me -- I need several more copies of The CUB from Jan-Feb-Mar 1990, Vol 46 -- No.2, for the people in the little village of Spine., Belgium. That Issue was about the dedication of the monument, which was dedicated to the 424th Infantry Regiment. The villagers were the ones who brought this all about. C.R.I.B.A. assisted, but It was the villagers. They would like some extra copies of the Jan-Feb-Mar 1990 CUB, because that contains their story. -- How about It guys, If you are not collecting CUBs, send me your copy, so that I can forward it to a C.R.I.B.A member to give to the villagers... J. Kline)
Edwards, Howard S. 423/E 828 Cherokee Ln
Signal Mountain, TN 37377 Sherod, here are my late dues. Received The CUB today. I think John Kline does a remarkable job of keeping it going. Can you imagine the work of making the roster (included in the August issue), by State, Unit and Alphabetically?
Farris, Philip B. 423/H 2251 W. Washington #504 Springfield, IL 62702
Sherod and John, wI believe in firing for effect, even thoughe are out of ammo for the 81 and the front seems to be a circle instead of a line. I really enjoyed last year at Schaumburg and in particular, meeting both of you, and of course the 423/H men, Swett, Cooper, Kureja, peter-son, Smith, Ashburn and Fields; Edwards of 423/D. All of us University of Tennessee and ASTP at University of Alabama got together in past two years -- This organization made all this possible.
John, your article in the Apr-May-Jun CUB was great. You are doing a great job -- I am sure if Col Puert had been at least a 3 Star and you guys at least 1 Star and the rest of us "Birds" it would have been a far different situation. Can't make it to Sacramento, but am looking forward to Huntsville in 1991. We also made contact with other POWs in Stalag 4-B at the work detail in the town of Zeitz. According to my correspondence, there were two work details there. I was billeted above a tavern, bunks for about 150 on the dance floor.
Enclosed is my $90.00 for a LIFE Membership for Gwen and me.
Mail Bag
Filkins, Clyde L. 422/C RR 1 - Box 176 %steno, NY 12193 Enclosed are my dues and please thank John Kline for the wonderful work he is doing with The CUB. I was on the march with John (out of Stalag 8-A, Soffits) and look forward to my copy of the CUB.
Finlayson, Kenneth 331 MED/D 11 Coachlight Ln Portland, ME 04102 Sherod, my late dues enclosed, sorry. As a point of interest, I was in Europe this past Spring and early Summer. We toured St. Vith, Malmedy, Bastogne, Clervaux etc. I was visiting with my son who is a Major with Headquarters 2Ist TAACOM, located in Kaiserslautern, Germany. He booked an B&B Tour for ourselves and my Brother-in-law (28th Infantry, 110th Regiment) for Normandy, which happened to put us at UTAH Beach on memorial Day. We were polled on the bus as to the number of WWII Vets and it turned out that there were four of us, three Army, One Navy. We witnessed the Memo- .rial Day Ceremonies, at the conclusion of which we four vets were called out and awarded:... DIPLOME deChogen trhonneurdlltah Beach.-- deuce. M. Kenneth Finlayson en temoignage de chalemsesse ameie et reconnaissance par les habitants de Saint Marie-du-Mont-Utah Beach le 28 Mai 1990 Le Mairie de Saint Marie-du-Mont (His signature and ser As you can appreciate, this was a very moving and heart warming experience. They still remember and appreciate.
Many thanks, John, for the Jul-Aug-Sep 1990 CUB which included the Association roster -- well done!
Gaggin, Verner S. 591/HQ 2463 Brook Ledge Rd #1323
Bridgeville, PA 15017 I lost contact with members of the 106th. I wrote West Point and discovered an old buddy, Colonel Carl Wohlfeil was still alive and very active.
I plan on writing John KI ine about my life since October of '45. I left active duty in October of '45. In 19461 was humped up from Captain to Major in the Reserves --Fit never now why.
Gatens, John 589/A 2 - 36 Grunauer PI Fairlawn, NJ 07410 John, I would like to congratulate you on the Apr-May-Jun 1990 CUB. You did a superb job all around.
Your C.R.I.B.A. story is as I hoped it would be, I'm sure now, most of the members will have full knowledge of that organisation and it's willingness to help.
All the articles were great, I especially liked the one about the KNIFE. My Friend, Joseph GAVROYE has sent me an English version of the booklet that he had given me in French. I thought that you would enjoy reading it. Maybe, someday you will need something to fill up the CUB, and can use a condensed version of it.
All my best and keep up the good work. (editor's note -- Thanks John. Your contributions to recent CUBS are appreciated. I will keep GAVROYE'S story nearby. It Is interesting -- I will try to use it later. In the meantime I will recite his cover letter to you, which is dated April 17, 1990, as follows:) My Friend, I refer to my booklet in French about my "War" that I once gave you and which might have given you some problems of understanding. An official translation would have cost a lot of money and most likely would be done by an amateur (dillettante).
A friend of mine agreed, finally, to make a succinct summary of my story. You see, I am not a writer, but Igor an idea, just like an impulse to relate with simple words what I had experienced as a small boy. Anyhow, from the moment you find some excitement to communicate your feelings, you are also expecting the reader to find some enjoyment M reading you. I wonder if that will still happen with my story, told with other words, and probably in another state of mind. Anyway, up to now my booklet was of no use to you, I hope it will be a little more now. One more thing -- as I said before, I am not a writer and lam not a historian either, just a simple story teller, that means that some dates and some technical terms may not be absolutely accurate. Happy Reading...
Mail Bag
J. GAVROYE 04.17.1990
Gilliland, John O. 592/SV 605 Northside Dr Enterpnw, AL 36330
From an earlier letter from John, who as of the Sacramento Reunion, Sept 1, 1990, became the current President of the 100th Infantry Division Association.- He is also the chairman for the 1991 Reunion to be held in Huntsville, Alabama in September 1991. More about the actual arrangements will appear later in The CUB. John say; We have several tours already planned for the 1991 Reunion, no that members will have a choice. We hope to keep every one busy and on the run.
Lee and I intend to drive out to California. We will travel the Northern Route out to. Seattle, then down the coast to the reunion, back through Rena, Salt lake etc. We plan for about a month of touring. For Lee's birthday, in January, I took her out to Las Vegas for a week. We had a great time and saw a lot of good shows. Have plans for Hawaii, for our anniversary -- March or early April.
I thought the Associate membership for C.R.I.B.A. was good. Thanks again, John, keep up the good work. You are an inspiration to the members for the fantastic job you are doing on The CUB.
Gresham, Joseph W. 423/G 18484 CR 437 Linclale, TX 75771 (editor's note -- We had a column in the August Mall Bag on Joe, where he was asking for ideas on how to find his way around in Belgium. Since that time (a June letter) he contacted C.R.I.B.A., using my instructions and the following story Is told... J. Kline)
John, After I received the letter from you, I wrote to Andre' HUBERT of C.R.I.B.A. who wrote back telling me to contact him when I arrived in Belgium.
I called Andre from Caen, France on May 16th and he told me he would have someone to meet me at the 106th Memorial at St. Vith. We were met by Joseph PATHEN and Emil WATRIN, who speaks very good English.
PHOTO: Emil Watrin, Joseph Pathen C.R.I.B.A- with Joseph Gresham, 423/G, trying to locate where Gresham was captured 19 Dec '44
We drove around the area for several hours, but I could not find a location that I could have been. We did find a schoolhouse in Bom, where we had stored ammunition, in Belgium in 1944.
Mr. Pathan and Mr. Watrin tried their best to help me find what I was looking for. They said they were willing to spend as much time as I wanted, but 45 years makes a lot of difference and I did not think we could ever find the exact spot.
Pathen and Watrin are both retired school teachers. Watrin taught here in the States in a University (I forgot which one) for one year
PHOTO: Joseph Greshan, 423/0 at the St Vith Memorial, May 1990
Mail Bag
PHOTO: Scrap paper mill at Neudort Germany The paper is baled now, wasn't In 1945
Joe and his buddies hoped the Russ' ns would blow it up, but they didn't. It is still °oersted by steam, same as when the 106ers, as prisoners, worked the milt
some 25 or 30 years ago. He is 68 and Pathen looked to be in his fifties. I tried to buy their meals, and make a donation to C.R.I.B.A., but they would not accept any. I did manage to buy thorn s drink. They were wonderful people and we enjoyed
"'thorn a lot. Joe Pathan would like copies of the CUB and if it is permissible I would like to put him on the mailing list, send the bill to me. I am sending you a couple of pictures of the 106th Memorial in St. Vith. I would say it could be kept a little cleaner around the area, but with kids around all the time, I suppose it could be expected. Belgium isa beautiful country. Everything was so green and clean looking, compared to when we were there, with the ice and snow. We, my wife and brother and I, arrived in Paris on May 15th, rented a car and drove to Omaha Beach, on through Roeun and over to St. Vith. After leaving Belgium we went to Bad Hersfeld where we entered East Germany. We went through on a Sunday, May 20. They would only give us a one day visa. The female (I guess it was a female) in charge, told me in no uncertain terms that one day was all I was going to gel. I wanted two or three days, but NO!
We drove at speeds of 90 MPH to Neudorf where 40 of on POWs worked in a paper mill. Neudorf is 23 Kilosnorth of Bautzen. I notice you were at Gorlitz, so you know where I am talking about. The old mill is still there and ill unnin•.11still iso crated b steam, same The CUB of the Golden Clan as 45 years ago. Not many improvements. I am enclosing a picture. If you get a chance, put it in the CUB, maybe some of the other POWs will recognize the location. The Russians did not blow the Mill as I would be suspected.
Having only one day, we didn't have much time to spend in Neudorf. We went on to Heidelberg, where my brother was stationed in '49-'52.
I guess you could say that we enjoyed the trip. We had trouble with reading road signs. We traveled 3500 Kilometers and I guess about 25% on the wrong road. I will say they have some fast cars over there. I don't care how fast we were driving, they still passed us. Put Joe Pathen on your mailing list, 8 Sur Les Roches, 4890 Malmedy, BELGIUM (editor's note--Joe, RE: Joe Pathen -- C.R.I.B.A. is an ASSOCIATE member, as an organization. They receive 5 CUBs each quarter. We have a couple of their Members as individual memberships, but the postage is so high that we may have to have a special rate for them, to include the postage. When I get a reading on that I will drop some applications to Joe and some others that I have on a list. In the meantime, he and others have the availability of the 5 CUBs that is sent to their president's address.
Mail Bag Grimes, Robert 423/HQ 6755 Woodall, NE North Canton, OH 44721 Bob sent me, the editor, a copy of an order dated 29 July 1946 wherein he was awarded the Croix de Guerre 1940 Avec Palme, as Staff Sergeant Robert L. Grimes, 35503095, US Army, per Decree No. 2481, 13 June 1946.
In a separate copy of the actual award (certificate) it reads: Le Ministre de la Defense Nationale a I'honneur de faire savoir au S.Sgt Robert L. GRIMES, qua, par Arrate de S.A.R., In Prince Regent, du 13.6.1946, No 2481,
LA CROIX DE GUERRE 1940 AVEC PALMS lui a elk decemee.
"Pour services exceptionnels de guerre redus a la Belgique au tours de la liberation de son territoire at de sa defense (1944-1945). (editor's note --lent collecting information on awards to Individuals and units for Inclusion in a future CUB. Any person having such Information about awards given to the 106th Infantry Division, it's units or Individuals, please drop me a line. Bob, thanks for your Info -- I will reproduce the award In a future issue as stated above... J. Kline)
Haas, Milton G. 422/HQ 3BN 600 S Lafayette St Millstadt, IL 62260
Dear Comrades of the Golden Lion: It is almost that time to pack for the trek to Sacramento but it is not to be for my wife Wilma and I as she will be entering St. Louis University Hospital on Tuesday, Aug. 28th for more cancer treatment. It is said to be something relatively new and we all hope and pray that this will be the thing that will end this dreaded affliction. Other than that we are trying to enjoy our retirement which will begin the ninth year November 1st.
It seems that each year some stumbling block prevents our being able to attend the reunion so we will say again maybe we can make it next time. I certainly enjoy the Cub quarterly and am most pleased to see it arrive. The most recent issue now carries the name of Robert Dcrick who contacted me some time ago. We able to fill one another in on what we knew of some of the men of the 422nd 3rd Bn HO Co. I hope that he will be able to establish contact with others and perhaps let as know through the Cubabout those he gainssome information as to their well being and where abouts. I hope the Cub continues tocarry the letters and news as it has in the past. The editor John Kline is doing an outstanding job in putting this copy together. I hope that he will be able to continue for many years to come. Thanks John we really appreciate your efforts.
I hope those who are able to attend this year have a very enjoyable time and lam quite sure the business conduct will be productive and in the best interest of all concerned' In closing we, my wife Wilma and I wish all the readers the very best of health and happiness. Our hopes and prayers are with you as we are sure that we too are in yours. Respectfully Yours in never ending Comradeship
Hanna, Robert R. 422/HQ 7215 Linda Lake Dr Chanalette, NC 28215-361 John, At last years reunion 1 found M Jock Walters and I had parallel paths in our lives (including being members of the same Honorary at Purdue) and I didn't know it at the time. Now I find that you and I have a lot in common.
I was in the 4th Platoon,"C" Company, 7th Battalion at Camp Wheeler, Georgia, during June, July and August 1943. I also went to "Barra" and was a "Cadet Sergeant" in the building called "ALCAH ALL (or ALCOHALL maybe). We went to Camp Atterbury, I was assigned to the I&R Platoon, 422/HO. Captured on 19 December, taken to Stalag 9-B, Bad Orb, then transferred to Stalag 9-A, Ziegenhain. We were bombed on Christmas Eve in the boxcars, and strafed at 9-A. I was liberated on Good Friday, March 30, 1945, kept at 9-A for 10-12 days and finally flown back to Camp Lucky Strike. I was hospitalized at Roen until the 1st of May. Returned State-side on the USS General Me ggs, went to Camp Patrick Henry in Virginia, took my "fattening furlough" and went to Miami Beach and Daytona Beach where I was given a disability discharge.
Mail Bag
To digress, at Camp Wheeler I was in a barracks just up from the stockade. We shot off a "Cherry Bomb" one night, which sounded like a rifle shot. All the lights in the stockade came on, the Officers and the MP's were out in force. After checking and counting heads several times, they turned their attention to our barracks and did a full search of the foot lockers. As fares I know there was no incriminating evidence and none of fared the worse.
I continued to Purdue, went to work for Owen-Coming Fiberglas, spent 35 years with them and retired when I was sixty.
We are enjoying our retirement, active in church, sing in the chancel choir and play in the handbell choir. I am an Elder and serve on the Worship Committee. We have four children and five grandchildren.
Looking forward to seeing you in Sacramento.
(editor's note -- Bob it was a pleasure to see you in Sacramento. Thanks for the letter. I em sure that it brought back some memories for some of the boys. No, I don't remember much about where I was in Wheeler. I am sure it wasn't near the stockade... An Elder shooting off a fire-cracker? Oh well we were all young. Good show, Bob... J. Kline)
Harvey, Charles 424/A 2736 Bridge St
Philadelphia, PA 19137 John, I want one of the 423d Regiment Combat Infantry Badge awards list, Order 651.
Hatch, H.M. DIV/HQ 2830 East Rd
Wayzata, MN 55391 John, I don't have the words to describe my feeling of amazement upon opening this month's issueof The CUB (Jul-Aug-Sep) and discovering such a maze-- that's not the right word-- of information it contained.
To begin with, the equipment you must have to produce such a publication, plus the accuracy of the copy and the comprehensiveness of the information is simply amazing. I look at the mechanical part of the two books-- the uniform pattern of the pages and the organization of the work.. I'm amazed. I put out a weekly, single page, newsletter to my forty neighbors and I would estimate what you sent us would take me a lifetime to produce, not including errors.
Anyway, thank you. I've spent an enjoyable evening reading the letters In The CUB and have looked up a number of names in the roster and found them correct. The CUB and the Rester are both a work of art. I think the 106th is mighty lucky to have inherited you. I can't make it to the reunion. Health keeps me near home, with over 2,500 hours of volunteer work at the hospital to break the monotony, and a wonderful wife who puts up with me. We just celebrated our sixty-first anniversary. Not bad for a couple of teenagers, is it'? Again, thank you for The CUB and Roster. (editor's note--Jim, is a Past-President of our Association and has put many hours into the 106th Infantry Association. I em sure many miss him at the reunions. Thanks to you Jim, it's people like you who keep me going. Oh yes, thanks forthe loan of the "Lion's Tale." It was invaluable and many of the stories will appear In the forthcoming re-cap 'The CUB In Review" (for lack of a formal name) which I am working on._ J. Kline)
Hochstetter, Hubert H. 424/I 847 Catherine Ct Apt 059
Grays Lake, 1/.60030 John,Thanks for the 1990 Division Rester. I wouldn't even try to imagine how much work went into preparing the finished product. Again, Thanks.
House, Pete 590/A 5662 Clifton Ave
Jacksonville, FL 32211 I would like to announce the following: FOURTH REUNION, FORMER PRISONERS OF WAR KRIEGSGEFANGENLAGER (STALAGS) 9A, 9B AND 9C April 18-21, 1991 Marina Hotel at St John's Place Jacksonville, Florida We will have Workshops by VA and Cardiac Specialists, Lunches, visit a museum, water taxi to Jacksonville Landing, Eat at the finest retuarants, visit Fort Caroling, lunch at Mayport Naval Station and have a Memorial Service.
Mail Bag
The last three reunions have been very exciting, with old buddies meeting and rehashing the events of thos dark days. I know you will enjoy it.
Write or give me a call for an up-date on the schedule. My telephone number is 904724-8316.
Hulkonen, Arthur A. 589/C 17422 Nine Mile Rd
Kaleva, MI49645 On the week-end of August 12, four of us buddies that were at the arbeit kommando at the Elbe near Had Schandau held a mini reunion at the Bear Club. We were joined by our wives for a fine get-to-gether and reminisced about our work and search for food from January 10, 1945, until we met American soldiers on May 13, 1945. We were captured with most the rest on 19 December 1944. On May 7th, seven of us who worked the same swing shift took off from the disorganized group being evacuated ahead of the Russian advance on the Elbe River.
After several days of walking we spent a night in a hay loft at a Czech farm. We were invited to dinner and heard an English shortwave radio that Germany had surrendered. No more walking, we went to the main highway to commandeer bicycles from the retreating German soldiers, whom we assumed hadn't gotten them legally, anyway. We met some friendly Russian soldiers who fed us from their field kitchen. At Komotau a Russian located us a nice girls dormitory for our nights lodging (no girls!). he assured us that our bicycles would be safe, parked outside. In the morning when we got up, we saw the Russians riding off on our bicycles. ft was back to walking until we found a train heading west, which we boarded and reached the Americans at Karlsbad on May 13th.
Am forwarding my dues, and dues for two other new members, Chick Lowe and Bod Scheffel, who along with John Lockaby enjoyed the week-end with us. I got separated from my own unit, and was lucky to be with the fine men. (editor's note -- What a wonderful story Art and the My it must be to get-to-gether with friends who shared that story with you. I am still glowing from my meeting with my former section-leader S/S gt George
Crouthamel, in Sacramento first time since April 13 1945, when we separated after buddying together on the long march back from the Polish border from Stalag 8-A. He was able to walk and I was too sick to continua He went to Paris and I was put in the 108th Evac hospttal, near Halmstad).
Hunter, David 423/D 417 Messenger St Johnstown, PA 15902 John, I received the 423d CBI Order #51, thanks, If you have any info on the others who were in our "House" at the University of Alabama (ASTP), please let me know. I am enclosing two dance programs, one for the SPRING DANCE at the Foster Audi- torium on March 11, 1944 featuring the Uni- versity of Alabama Military Swing band, sponsored by "D" Company. The other was sponsored by "E" Company and was held on March 25, 1944 and was known as "The Grand Finale." (it had to be for arrived in Atterbury on March 28th, 1944).
I also am enclosing two Special Furlough orders, #36 dated 25 Sept 1943, for 8 days furlough, and the other #99 dated 31 Decemiiill bet 1943 for 6 days. John, you are listed, aloe
with me on tooth thou orders. You will prob- ably recognize several names. (included is a 19 February 1944 letter toall ASTP Commandants explaining that most of us would be assigned to other active duty.
You were assigned to theArmy Specialized Training Program because it was felt that the courses of instruction scheduled would mate. tinny increase your value to the military sec. The time has come forte majority of you to be assigned to other active dun. To break the enemy's defense and force their uncondi-
withsurrender, it is necessary to hit them with the full weight of America's manpower. Because of this imperative military necessity, mostof you will soortheordered tofIeldservice beforethe completionofyournormal course.... Most of you will be assigned to the Army Ground Forces for duty with Divisions and other units_ Your intelligence, training and high quail- ties of leadership are expected to raise the combarefficiencyof thoseunits. Thelhousands of ASTI" trainees who have already been as- signed t o field service have set high standards for you to follow.
By order of the Seeretaiy of War: 44
(editor's note -- Dave, thanks for the information. Yes, I recognized Ned Keefer (Andrews, Ind.), who was my roommate and Thomas Kelly (Houston, Texas) who was In the same barracks. Gosh, that brings back a lot of memories. I'm going to have to study this name list a little closer and dig out the picture album, maybe we can find some of them. I wonder what happened to them (they are not in the 423d or the 424th Combat Infantry Badge orders) -we all went to Atterbury, I think... I didn't remember that letter from General UL10.. I know one thing for sure, his name was on several telegrams my wife received, telling her I was MIA, then later as I was released.... J. Kline)
Johnson, Worth M. 423/E 7137 Styers Ferry Rd
Clemmons, NC 27012 I enjoy The. CUB very touch. My regrets are that I learned of the Association so late. I have missed all the past issues. You are doing a great job. The recent revised roster is appreciated. Much limo and effort were obviously put into that project.
(editor's note--Thanks Worth, I hope you got your 423d CBI Order #51 O.K. I forgot to mark whether I sent it or not. I believe I did. Must be getting old... J. Kline)
Kuespert, Wilfred A. (Art) 423/F 7727 Bogart Dr, N.E.
North Fort Myers, FL 33917-5401 (editor's note -- Thanks Wilfred for the sketches of the Arbeit Kommando (work-camp) at Grossenheim and the letter from the Germans asking for volunteers to fight against the Russians. We will publish them In the future along with other POW type material... J. Kline)
Kultzow, John 81st ENG/MED 405 Warburton Ave
Hasting-on-Hudson, NY 10706 Here another year has gone by and I didn't get to a "Golden Lion" reunion.
I have been putting together my own history of the 106th Infantry Division, especially the "Bulge" era. It is a combination photo album and scrap book, about three inches thick. It covers from the time we le ft Atterbury to the time I came back on the Queen Elizabeth, to land only 15 miles away from my home in New York. Mail Bag I also have copies of the "Indianapolis Star" article of the 106th passing in review, downtown Indianapolis.
I still correspond with a former "Medic" buddy, from Wisconsin. I was an "Aid-Man" with "A" Company, 81st Combat Engineers. Would like to hear from any of them. Isee that our past-president "Orfeo Agostini" was in that unit. I think I will drop him a line.
So long for now Old-Comrade.
Lapato, Frank 422/HQ RD 8 - Box 403 Kittanning, PA 16201
Lawson, William J. 423/H 96 Skyview Terrace
Syracuse, NY 13219 I really look forward to receiving TheCUB and I read every word. It is evident that you put a tremendous amount of effort into it. Through The CUB I've been able to correspond with two longtime friends who were with me in 423/01.1 would have liked to have been in Sacramento, but circumstances did not permit it.
I happened to catch a program on TV which had to do with POWs. (No, not Hogan's Heroes, although I still enjoy watching reruns of that show.) and there wasa scene of POWs arriving at their Stalag. It brought to mind our introduction to Stalag (I wonder if others remember.) We were brought in to face our interoggator and as we were told, we gave only name, rank and serial number. The officer I faced, after numerous tries, proceeded to tell me that he knew "When" and "Where" the 106th was activated, when we were on maneuvers, when we departed for Atterbury, how long we stayed, when we departed to Camp Myles Standish, where we were stationed in England, and all other details right up to out capture. He ended by saying that we were foolish not to answer the questions. I recall a Sergeant next to me saying to him "Why the hell should we tell you more, you already know everything." Wewere then led outside the building (and wasdamn cold) and stood there under guard for an awful long time. Does anyone remember that treatment? I was interested M a letter in a recent CUB from Johnnie R. Beaver, because I was driving a jeep on the same road and also had to
Mail Bag
stop because a "knocked out jeep" ahead of us blocked the way. It was a mess and we were lucky not to have been killed, because a grenade thrown at us hit just in front of the windshield, doing a job on the motor, steering column, fortunately not setting off anti-tank grenades on the floor. I too, vaguely remember Lt. Phillipson who he wrote about.
Leisse, Sr., Leo R. 422/HQ 3BN 4346 Gapsch Ln St Louis, MO 63125
(editor's note -- Leo, I received your material and several pages of letter. I scanned it, put it with other material to accumulate for this CUB. Your numerous questions will be answered In a personal letter when I finish this issue. Thanks for keeping In touch. I have not forgotten the photos you sent. I am just trying to put together en Issue that will deal with that type of material. You have been very help- ful In my educational process as to the "goings on" of the past. I do appreciate "all" the information you fumish me... J. Kline)
McCammon, James A. 423/G 1521 N. 25th St.
Van Buren, AR 72956-2911 On page 32 of the JUL-AUG-SEP 1990 CUB, you printed a picture of me and a short article. I want to draw your attention to a couple of mistakes. I was in 423/G, my street address was incorrect and the High Sierras are near the SEQUOIA National Park.
Mosley, Rev. Ronald A. 424/HQ BOX 25 Petite Riviere NOVA SCOTIA, BO) 2P0 (editor's note --I hear, often, from Reverend Mosley and appreciate the numerous articles he sends me. He writes several articles for newspapers, namely, 'The Bulletin," Bridgewater and the "Progress Enterprise," Lunenburg, Novia Scotia, While I do not space to reproduce the numerous columns, I do find them Interesting and obviously for a good cause...) John, I enclose several columns from my weekly "CONSIDER THIS." One that may be of interest is on my version of the "TS Card." The other columns are typical of the emphasis, or slant, that I take when I am not writing on local, provincial or national Canadian issues. I ern utterly dedicated to the goals of the "Combined Statement of Veterans," signed in Moscow in January of 1988. This is in reference to the abolishment of war and violence. I am on the national advisory council for VANA - Canada, and am a member-at-large of the USA-based "Veterans For Peace." Simply put --they want to revive the original Atlantic Charter, which brought in the United Nations and make it effective in this nuclear age.
I wish my health was better. Had a horrible winter in 1989-90, have a little heart problem which keeps =carrying around a nitrospray, and puts me on a diet which keeps me away from ail the "Good Things." However, I have taken our 13 month old Chinook dog, Dawson, through two obedience courses, still serve as Chaplain of our 1,000 member branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, my turn on weekly radio devotions, a director of Home for Special Care and my weekly column (newspaper) which is almost 15 years old. That's not bad for a "hungry and sixer" who'll tamed 71 in September.
God Willing, Eloise and I will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary on March 22,6 1991, hopefully with two weeks in Bermuda We have three children, Kitty - with us at Fort Jackson and Atterbury; Ron, Jr born 23 Dec 1944, a graduate of the USAF Academy, Class of '66, now a professor at Univ. of Maine, Machias; and Gordon - bom 13 Feb 1947, also a UMM professor. We also have 10 grandchildren. You wrote of "Bill Mosoll" in a recent CUB. I'm the one who contacted CRIBA on his behalf. He has quite a gory, and I am pleased it's being told. Thank you for doing that. Your CUBs are great.
Peterson, Richard W. 423/1 1285 Rubenstein
Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007 John, under separate cover I am sending you the issue of the CUB that you announced you wanted, at the Sacramento Reunion. (Vol 46 -- No. 2, JAN-FEB-MAR 1990). I am also sending a copy of "Victory in Europe" for your library. You had some color photos of Camp Lucky Strike, reproduced from color slides loaned to you by Clarence Aspinwall of the 589th FAB. If you have some extras of those pictures, please send me a set.
It was good to get together with you for dinner and several chats during the Reunion. thought it was great that you volunteered to take on Colonel Cavender es a room-mate. I em just sorry that I did not have more time to visit with him. He had lots of fans around him, whenever he appeared. Let's keep in touch. (editor's note -- Dick, thanks so much, it was my pleasure to finally meet you in person. Keep me informed on any new writings you come up with, or any information that would be of interest to the troops. Far the membership -- Dick wrote en interesting article for us that appeared in The CUB, Vol 46 - No.3, APR-MAY-JUN 1990, part of the dissertation he wrote to receive his Doctorate, about the successful rehabilitation of several former Stalag IX-A prisoners. He is a most interesting person, having traveled back to Stalag IX-A, Zegenhain. Germany, several times researching and gathering information. Also, the CUB he sent me (Vol 46--No. 2, JAN-FEB-MAR 1990) is one that I need copies of. I am out of back issues of it. I need several copies to send to CRIBA, so
.that they can give them to the villagers in SPINEUX, BELGIUM, who were the instagators of the monument that was dedicated to the 424th Regiment last September. Please, if you do not save all your CUBs, send me your copy of that issue. I will forward In one bundle to CRIBA... J. Kline)
Prewett, Edward A. 424/B RTE.2 -Box 730 Brentwood, CA 94513 I enclose a copy of an article placed in the BRENTWOOD NEWS, on Friday, May 18, 1990. While the author "Bob Gromm"did not get all the facts straight, he did da a good job. We had a delightful gathering of men from many different units. The 106th Infantry Division was represented by Bob Jones, John Gregory, Mike Thome and myself. You ahve already covered this in previous issues. (this was about Serge Fontaine, CRIBA, and veterans of the "Battle of the Bulge" meeting at Ed's home, in Brentwood, if space permits I will reproduce the article elsewhere in this CUB... editor) Your issue covering CRIBA was excellent. I am sure they are happy with the way you presented them to our association.
Mail Bag Your write ups also have made me more aware of the distinct division, between our veterans. Those who experienced the prison camps knew nothing about our various engagements, and we who are no wrapped up in what happened here and there, knew nothing about the suffering and privation endured by the POWs.
I realize now, that Doug Coffey must have been very tired of hearing all thosestories, but has been, time after time, willing to organize our Europian Tours.
Keep up the good work. (editor's note -- I would like to take this chance to thank Ed Prewett for all the support he has given me. I would also like to add that he did "one heck of a job" with the Sacramento Reunion, after Mike Thome was sent to the hospital on the first day of the reunion, suffering from weakness of the legs. Ed, took over the reins, acted as M.C. and did a bang-up job of keeping the ball rolling a magnificent job Ed, congratulations.
I received a note from Mike (10/20/90) stating that he was back home, but will haveto gothrough some period of physical therapy to recover from his bout with "GulliansBarre,"which haste do with "Periphial Neuropathy" (a degenerative state of the nervous system, in this case with the legs). Mike says that he was very fortunate tornaloleparalyzed, but had some etropy and muscle weakness, therefore extensive physical therapy is called for... J. Kline)
Raby, Jr., Glynn G. 423/HQ 1BN 3575 Elkwood Cove West Memphis, '11438111
John, I am enclosing an article from The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tenn - January 21, 1945 for your information. It may be en interesting addition to the archives. It was found in the personal effects of my grandmother, who was very much swam of my whereabouts during World War B.
My personal thanks to you for the many hours you devote to The CUB, and the fine work that you do.
(editor's note --Thanks Glynn, for most pad the article repeats much of the, then current, information on the 106th, But, the Interesting part of that article, is in three of the paragraphs. It seems to dispel the fact that we were untrained, "green" maybe (as
Mail Bag
green in combat), but not untrained. I will cite them below forthe benefit ofthe troops. Thanks for the material... J. Kline) From the three column, by six inch article that Glynn sent, that appeared in the newspaper in Memphis - The Commercial Appeal, dated 21 Jan, 1945: "Last April 3, the division moved to Camp Atterbury, Ind. for another nine weeks of unit training and individual operations, physical fitness, platoon combat firing. On Infantry Day, June 15, a crowd of 5,000 turned out to see many of the members awarded their Expert Infantry badges. On that occasion they were reviewed and highly praised by ground force generals. "The official record adds that "every lesson" learned in North Africa, on the eastern European front and in the Pacific jungles was taught to the 106th by officers that had returned from overseas.
"Military secrecy prevents disclosure of the date when the 106th went into combat, but officials said the records proved the division's training and fitness for what happened to be one of the war's bloodiest assignments."
Richardson, Ward R. 422/D 707 Calvin
Traverse City, Ml 49684.3517
Rickard, William 422/HQ 2BN 5500 Pineland Rd
Richmond, VA 23234 Several things John, Thanks for using my letter and photo in the last CUB. I've had letters and calls from men I was with in 1943. I know by your work as editor that you have brought many lost brothers together again. I appreciate your work and team something new through each CUB. - thanks.
Your column of "Ex-POW lifts shame of surrender" in the APR-MAY-JUN 1990 issue brought to focus what has been a issue of a lot of veterans and civilians. My wife and I have talked to many friends we have met in the various reunions over the years, including a few that I knew and helped train at Fort Jackson. After being with them and going through maneuvers, it really hurt to be sent overseas without them. Much emphasis seems to be put on the fact that the 106th Division was made up of replacements and inexperienced officers. This of course was not of their making, as well as the use of those experienced 106th vets being sent as replacements, was not their making. As history unfolds a proud feeling is brought about for what the 106th did in the Battle of the Bulge. This should have a two- fold meaning.
The Division contributed to winning the war. Then, as far as I know, nothing has ever been mentioned of the several thousand offi- cers and enlisted men that were sent from the Division, well seasoned and trained for com- bat, to the ETO in April of 1944.
I know that these replacements to ETO did their job and did it wel1.1 was among the many trained personnel that hit the beaches of OMAHA and UTAH in June 1944. Many of the men came from the original 106th Infantry Division. Most of us made it through France, Luxembourg and Belgium, such as the 1st, 29th, 4th and 9th Divisions. I am sure some of the Fort Jackson trainees and Atterbury overseas replacements would appreciate a little praise for being a former 106er. After all, the 7,000 people that were sent to combat outfits overseas, did donate a little of this glory of the 106th.
As far as I can determine, there were "THREE" 106th Divisions. One the activa- tion at Fort Jackson, Two the replacements at Atterbury after the ones were sent over in April, and third, the one that was re-consti- tuted at Rennes after the "Bulge." It is hard to say which was the most haz- ardous, being a POW, or not knowing "What's Next" in combat. I know that both were difficult.
This coming year at Huntsville, I hope to have four original 106ers at their reunion. This year in California there were two, Frank Nausin and myself. Appreciate your time, John, and hope that someday you may find the limo to try and put this message in The CUB, there are some guys out there that just might see my point. (editor's note -- Bill, nice seeing you In Sacramento, even though I could not spend enough time with you because of my reunion duties. Your point is a valid one -- It would be interesting to follow the trail of some ofthe men, those that were called the "experienced" men that were sent out of the airdivision as replacements. We hear from
time to time from some, and know that they, like you, contributed much to the success of our fighting forces In Europe and elsewhere. Yes, It looks like there were three 106 Divisions, it you track hone time/experience basis, as you describe above. I have heard figures from 50,000 to 60,000 es the number of men who circulated through our ranks, and were of the 106th roster, either as permanent personnel or as temporary assignments, like the POW detail on the end of the war... J. Kline)
Schlesser, John P. 591/SV 140 South Viant Apt D
Lowell, IN 46356 John, I received a three and one-half page article from one of the men of my old outfit. 11 is the "Cedric Foster Broadcast" of January 18, 1945 from the Mutual Network station - WNAC. Thought you would be interested for historical purposes.' have never seen it reproduced in The CUB. maybe sometime, when you need material, you could use it.
You arc doing a good job with The CUB and I hope you can keep it up. (editor's note -- Jack, thanks for the article. I will pass it along to Shared Collins, our Historian, although I suspect he already has a copy. We might reproduce one of these days... J. Kline)
Scott, Earl A. 589/HQ 6414 Monument Ave
Richmond, VA 23226 Sherod, I've been a member of the Association since it's inception and want to stay that way, until as an old soldier, I'll just fade away. Enclosed is my check for a LIFE MEMBERSHIP for me and my wife, Catherine S. Scott. Thank you and all the other officers who maintain and keep our Association a great and valuable organization.
Slayton, David B. 422/A 648 Tcrrytynn
Long Beach, CA 90807 I was very disappointed in not being able to attend my first reunion. Unfortunately, I had to enter a hospital for a hip replacement an September 3rd.
(editor's note -- Dave, maybe you can make it to Huntsville in September of 1991, for the 45th Annual reunion. Good Luck... J. Kline)
Sorenson, Clarence 423/B 249 No. Munsterman Appleton, MN 56208 John, I was at a recent meeting of POW&MIAs gathering held at Madison, Minnesota. Thought you would like the program.
(editor's note -- Clarence, thanks for the program. I note that one of our ASSOCIATE members Dr. James Toorllo, of the St. Cloud VAMC was on the program. He has been doing awonderful public relations job foe the POW/MIAs with his hot-air balloon, the "Freedom Flight.' He promised a story and a picture to me. That balloon would make a nice cover picture for The CUB, with it's black and white markings. I am sure the Doctor has been busy, and I hope he will furnish me with the photo and story for the next CUB... J. Kline)
Strong, George W. 423111Q 525 Lebo Blvd #B-4
Bremerton, WA98310 Hopefully, I am enclosing the edition of the CUB that you need for the villagers in Spineux, Belgium.
My first reunion was a very rewarding time for me. It will take some time for me to put all the conversations into perspective.
Bob Grimes, was the Staff Sergeant of the wire section, and my leader. The other person I have kept contact with for 45 years, is Bill Milot. All the others that 'visited with at the Sacramento Reunion, l was seeing for the first time since the "Slaughter House" in Dresden.
(editor's note-- George, Isn't it a thrill to meet a person you have not seen in all those years. My heart goes out each time I hear of such a meeting, for I have experienced it many times with the 37 men I have found from "M" Company, 423d since 1987. Some of them I have not met personally, yet, but many I have and 6 is a traumatic feeling, mixed with joy and tears. We all went through a lot together, that is the beautiful pan of the 106th Infantry Division Association, and one of the reasons that it Is so strong.
Reference to what you saw in Halle. I have come across pictures of something like that. I think in a set of War Encyclopedia that I have. When I get time I will research it, and maybe we can fill in the
Mail Bag
membership. Thanks for the material... J. Kline)
Talkington, Claris D. 424/HQ 3BN Rte 2 Box 198 West Union, WV 26456 Sherod, enclosed am my dues. Have been under Doctor's cam for some time, and in the hospital a lot in the last three years.
My wife, Mary K. and I are getting ready to celebrate our Golden Wedding Anniversary on December 5, 1991.
Trueman, Dr. Duncan T. 424/AT 29 Overbill Lane
Warwick, NY 10990 Sherod, enclosed is my $75.00 check for the LIFE MEMBERSHIP. !enjoyed the last issue of The CUB. Until a year and a half ago, I have maintained communication with Melvin Weaver, whose home was in New Jersey. I have since lost track of him. If anyone knows of his whereabouts, I would appreciate hearing from them. Am continuing to enjoy retirement., traveling, boating, fishing, etc. I thank God for all the good years with which I have been blessed... Always remembering so many of our comrades who never had the chance to live life to it's fullest, as those of us who survived have been able to live it. Best regards to all...
Tury, Jr., Louis Wm. 424/A 12 Weaver Rd Fairview, MI 48621
Twining, Rollin L. 424/HQ 3BN 5 Riverside Dr. Apt 4610
Binghamton, NY 13905-4616 John, I enclose $5. Please send me a copy of the 424th Combat Infantry Badge order 42, dated 4 January 1945. My sincere congratulations and personal thanks for all you have done for the CUB, and the organization of the 106th Association.
Walton, Robert S. 159th Reg/L 1702 Carmen Ave W.
Chicago, IL 60640
Thanks, John, for directing me to the people for information on the 159th.
The Department of Army suggested contacting the U.S. Army Military History Institute, who in turn provided me with a listing of brooks and pamphlets, along with a brief his- tory of the 159th Regiment, from Shelby Stanton's book, "Order of Battle, U.S. Army World Wor.11." At least, it gives me dates and places of my whereabouts. I am enclosing a copy of Stanton's 159th regiment description. I finally received my medals from WWI and Korea. Wow!, does it take a long time to go through government channels.
At this time I must congratulate the Association on so many new members. Apparently the word is getting around that the 106th, is alive and well. In closing, I wish you and all the members Happy Holidays, One flag, one country far all. best regards.
(editor's note -- Quoted from Shelby Stanton's book "Order of Battle, U.S. Army World War II." -- 'The 159th Regiment (separate), which came from the California National Guard was inducted info service 3 Mar 1941 and assigned to the 40th Division. After several moves and assignments. It departed San Francisco P/E 25 June 1943 (attached to Amphibious Training Force 49 5 may-28 June 43); landed on Attu Island 9 Jul 43 and relieved the 17th Infantry Regt as a garrison force. depaned Any on 9 Aug 44, transferred to Camp Swill, Texas, staged at Camp Kilmer, NJ.. departed New York P/E 7 Mar 45, arrived In France 18 Mar 45 and were attached to the 106th Infantry Division throughout European service and entered Germany on 25 Apri145, returned to New york P/E 4 Nov 45 and were inactivated at Camp Shanks, N.Y. on the same date. Campaigns: Aleutian Islands, Northern France... J. Kline)
Williams, Alva Ray 424/L 828 F. Ave Nw Cedar Rapids, IA 52405 John, You sure do a bang up job with The CUB. I have really enjoyed reading it. I was a light machine gunner. On the 17th day of Dec 1944, just after daylight, we were all set up with "no noise" just waiting for something to start and it did. One shot was fired and my right guard was hit. I called for a medic. By the time he got there the man was dead, hit between the eyes. Then another shot was fired, hitting my left guard. Some thing, hit in the head. I said, "Let's go, and we left. Had the sniper known, he should have gotten me first and then the second gunner.
Mail Bag
Sometime later, a day or so, we were pinned down by a tank. I had a 50 caliber machine gun at that time. I was able to hold the tank off until the rest of themen gat away. The ground was no hard that the tank made two or three turns on the fox hole. I was hurt a little. During all this time I was separated from my company for a while. I met some GIs. We would fight and run. We had no foal or moire. We found some weapons and ammunition as we moved around.
As we started across a field, the artillery opened up. We had to get into a river, but had to break the ice first. Some of the men did not survive the cold water. I was frozen from the waist down and could not walk, but we were still lucky. In trying to get back to our lines, we were found by some GIs. We think it was their artillery that made us head into the river. I came into the 106th by the way of the 65th Infantry, "F" Company 261st. I found out the Felix B. Clark is still alive and doing fine.
Wilson, Robert D. 424/CN 4724 MM. View Rd Henisburg, PA 17110
Hi Sherod, Now my War Worrys are over. Life Member 200 FA, V Corps. Honorary Life Member, Steelton Post VFW 710. Honorary Life Member, Harrisburg Post, 1001 American Legion. LIFE MEMBER, 106th Infantry Division Association, 424/CN. Now I needn't forget any more dues. Take good care of yourself. Your doing a good job. Bob.
ANNOUNCEMENT TO GENERAL MEMBERSHIP NOMINEES FOR ASSOCIATION BOARD BEING ACCEPTED UNTIL 1 JULY 1991The Nominating Committee of the 106th Infantry Division Association, is now accepting nominees far the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, which will be presented at the Annual meeting of members of the Association, at the 1991 Reunion. Members of the Association wishing to nominate an individual, may do so by sending his name and qualifications, for consideration, to the Nominating Committee Chairman
Orfeo Agostini, 202 Elizabeth Street, Hinesville, GA 31313 Closing dates for acceptances of NOMINEES is 1 JULY 1991.
Mail Bag
PHOTO: (L/R- Joe Gasses; Bob Hanna.; George Herring; Hank Freedman; Jack Bryant; Pressley Williams 422d Headquarters Company ; Gasses and Freedman were in Communications, the rest in Recon. This picture taken at the Schaumburg Reunion in 1089. First time together in 45 yearn for most of them. Hama wrote "I am suddenly caught with WC nn my lace. I attended the Reunion in 1989,.ught up with men from my Platoon and Company whom 1 had not seen since liberation from Stalag IX..A We took these pictures and I volunteered to send them to the CUB. Somewhere between the promise and the post office, something happened. 1 eagerly awaited each ClI11- but no pictures! I finally found out why. Well guess what I just found - the errant pictures in a seldom used drawer. I throw myself to the mercy of the court and hope that maybe you can Find a spot for them.
Henri ROGISTER, Belgium -a member of C.R.1.B.A. sent this picture some time ago. He stales that he has been reading "The CUB" and finds interesting information in it. The photo above, with Henri in the center, was taken in August of 1989, in Losheim, with veterans of the 87th Infantry Division.
In Memoriam
Bosle, Robert H. 422/11931IkAnulry.16.0, PA15216
Robert died October 31, 1989, 4 days after his 65th birthday. He was buried in Queen of Heaven Cemetery, in Pittsburgh. He is survived by his wife Gloria.
Brown Jr., Charles A. 423/CN starrier ns Pliladethe,PA MIS Details unknown, mail returned marked "unknown."
Dorosky, Thomas C. 592/SV iarnurnoas,mt nwnwn, m taros A constant attender at the 106th Reunions. He quietly attended them and the annual picnic held by the 592d Service Battery at Hershey Park. He will be fondly remembered by all. Alice, his wife wrote that he passed away August 14, 1990 at the Hospice Unit in the Veteran's Hospital.
Holder, Harry L. 424/H ontuntasom Harry pawed away on July 8th, 1990. He was buried in the Fairview Memorial Park Cemetery. His wife Mildred, wrote, saying that she could only give praise for the medical care given to Harry, for many years, by the Hines Veteran's Hospital. She wishes to thank all of you who responded so warmly. He is survived by Mildred, three children and 10 grandchildren.
Jacobs, Montague H. 422/H 8.172 1.9.stre e , SC 29556
No details known, mail returned marked "deceased."
Lange, Elmer F. 422/H PO Box No details known, mail returned marked "deceased."
Parsons, Bernard L. 423/HQ 1BN nrca,c1. num% MOO Bernard died May 17, 1990. Incarcerated at Stalag 7A. He was called to active duty during the Korean War, receiving the Purple Heart and a Bronze Star. He is survived by his wife Frances, four daughters and one son. He w enjoyed the reunion in Roanoke.
Rogers, Francis J. 422/L roe ode anno, lap, KUM Francis passed away on April 6, 1990. Our condolences go to his wife Marie. She said he was so proud of the 106th.
Rusthoven, Jacob 424/S117700 Op111). RA Palos lieig..11.60463
Jacob died February 4, 1990, buried in Chapel Hills Gardens, South Cemetery. Surviving are Nell Prium Rusthoven, his wife, two sons and four grandchildren. He enjoyed "looking up" his buddies and keeping in touch.
Sheahan, Robert I. 423/B 715 N. Deft 1.4/5670V Leon Setter writes of his friend, who he did not know in the service. "Upon returning home we found that our mothers went to the same church, shared the days we were missing-in-action, the relief of learning that they we were alive, but prisoners, and the final notice that we were liberated. That started a long friendship. Bob and I attended the reunions in Hot Springs in '80, in Columbia in '86 and Schaumburg in '89." A friendship to be cherished and remembered.
Warren, Clarence E. 81st ENG/A net Kewalee,11.61.
Dorothy Warren, a Niece writes, "Clarence passed away at age 81 on April I, 1990. He lost his wife two years age."
Rest In Peace
LIFE MEMBERSHIPS are available
LIFE MEMBERS pay only once
ANNUAL Fee members pay each year on July 1
See inside front cover for details
Merry Xmas Good Health
See you in Huntsville, Alabama September 18 -- 21, 1991 for the 45th Annual Reunion Registrations being sent by 1st Class Mail January 1991
From your 106th Infantry Division Association
The CUB a publication of 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc
an 1990-1991
President John O. Gilliland
1st Vice- Pres Michael Thome
2nd Vice-Pres Harold M. Bailey
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Boyd A. Rutledge
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John Kline
Memorials Chairman. Dr John G. Robb
The CUB is the official quarterly publication of the Association. Membership in the Association includes subscription to the CUB.
Send editorial matter and photos to: John P. Kline-- CUB Editor P.O. Box 24385
Apple Valley,. 55124.0385 Business matters, deaths, address changes to: Boyd A. Rutledge--Adjutant 10132 Goodri. Road s'1113'1 1P' St. Vith Memorial matters and inquiries to: Dr John G. Robb 238 Devon Or, Meadville, PA 16355
814-333.6364 Send Membership dues, Memorial Fund contributions and Historical items to: Sherod Collins--Treasurer 41 70+-F" The NEW Life Membership fee is payable one ta.,s only,with no annual dues thereafter.
Life Membership $75.00
Life Auxiliary $15.00 Life Associate $75.00
For those choosing to pay Annual dues, pay by July 1 each year. (July 1 to July 1 term) Annual Membership $10.00
Annual Auxiliary $ 2.03 Annual Associate $10.00
Make checks payable to "106th Infantry Division Association."
Please Note!! The next CUB will be mailed Feb 1 it is important that all material be received before January 1, 1991.
This will assure prompt production of The CUB, and allow it to be mailed according to schedule.
John Kline, editor Board of Directors 1990-1991
showing year term expires in parentheses
Harold M. Bailey 424/H 101 East Back. , Savanna, 31406
912,25 2166
Roy Bigger 423/H 319 Sooll, 117-01a Strect Gas Gly, IN 46933
Sherod Collins 423/SV 04928-3207
Charles T. Datte 591/SV 231 DavisAveig =Ws, PA 10018
Sam E. Davis Jr. 423/H0 (.93) 816 North Bala Dr„ Orland, FL 32803
Fred J. Farris DIV/HQ C911 104 1,4..5, Salem, VA 24153
John O. Gilliland 592/SV LYIS Nortbsidlopanse, AL 36330
Gilbert Helwig 423/M Cul, 31306 Ontario Rd 4155. Niles, M149120
John P. Kline 423/M (.91)
2.0 goy 3138, tojte,,,VMMN 55121.0383
Harold Kuizema 589/B r92) 2151 Griggs StrceaF,47:14448.13, All 49506
Edward A. Prewett, 424/B C93) Me 2, Box 73, Brentwood, CA MI5 415.34,082
Casimir Prokorym 81st Eng/HO Charles F. Rieck, 422/H 7316 Voss Parkway, Mittelleton.W153363
01.11.6110 lo13
Boyd, A. Rutledge 422/0 1-612-331-555r. MN '437
Jack A. Sulser 423/F 917 No. Ashton St., Alexandria, VA 22312
Michael Thome 422/110 1 BN 1711P Street, 41301,Sacranuolo,CA 95814
Frank S. Trautman 422/0 80 Past Som. St, Chagrin Palls, OH 110M 21.20,4016
Ray R. Vaughn 423/CN ale ghox S60, Cobde230n, IL 62,20
Russell H. Villwock 106 SIG 6908 West Higgins Ave., C1;4,11,60656
Edward C. Wojahn 81st Eng/B 1553 Weal Young Dr., Onalaska, W154650
Edward E. Young 590/A Rle 1, Box 477, At Clare, WV 3008
Col. Joseph C. Matthews 422/HO (Honorary-Lee) 4700 Western9WV,14C 27606
Index for: Vol. 47 No. 1, Oct, 1990
Index for This Document
100th Inf. Div., 68106th Div., 14, 55, 82
106th Memorial, 14, 68, 69
1st Div., 51
26th Inf., 47, 51
26th Inf. Regt., 47
28th Inf. Div., 66
3rd Army, 47
422/K, 42
422/M, 20, 34, 47, 49
423rd Regt., 60, 63
424/A, 58, 72, 86
424/C, 88
424/E, 34
424/I, 40, 72
424/L, 34, 40, 87
424th AT, 54
424th Inf. Regt., 64
424th Regt., 51, 80
589th FA, 34, 79
589th FA BN, 34, 79
590th FA BN, 34
591st FA BN, 34
591st FAB, 34
592nd FA BN, 34
592nd FAB, 34
65th Inf., 88
66th Inf. Div., 50
7th Armd. Div., 18
81st Cbt. Engr., 60, 76
81st Engr., 49
82nd Abn. Div., 51
87th Inf. Div., 89
A.Sulser, Jack, 29
Abbott, Calvin V., 41
Adams, Walter S. & Joy III, 29
Adolphson, Maynard & Joan, 27
Africa, 82
Agostini, Gus, 37
Agostini, Orfeo, 60, 76, 88
Agostini, Orfeo E., 3, 52
Agostini, Orfeo E. & Yvette, 31
Agostini, Orfeo 'Gus', 36
Alexander, Howard V. & Nona, 26
Alexander, William G. & Carolyn, 29
American Cemetery, 14
Ammons, Peggy, 26
Amsterdam, 13
Andersonville, 58
Ansel, Joseph J. & Mary, 28
Antonvich, Jacob, 22
Anzio Beachhead, 45
Ardennes, 7, 13, 14
Ardennes Campaign, 5
Armington, Donald, 52
Armington, Donald R. & Maxine, 30
Ashburn, Nolan & Jean P., 30
Augerge Du Carrefour, 14
Augerinos, Steve, 52
Austin, Clifford N., 52
Auw, 60
Bad Orb, 13, 14, 15, 42, 45, 71
Bagby, Howard O. & Nancy, 31
Bailey, Harold M., 93
Bailey, Harold M. & Peggy, 30
Bailey, Margerat, 9
Baker, Col., 54
Baker, Gen., 49
Baraque Fraiture, 14
Barbeau, John W., 41
Barnes, L. Preston, 53
Basel, Theodore, 29, 41
Bastogne, 14, 66
Battle of the Bulge, 17, 19, 54, 55, 59, 60, 62, 80, 82
Bautzen, 69
Beatrice, Walter H. Bowers &, 32
Beaver, Johnnie R., 77
'Before The Veterans Die', 7
Belgium, 14, 51, 54, 64, 68, 69, 80, 82, 84
Bennett, Robert F. & Vera, 29
Bennett, Willard G. & Lee, 29
Berkery, Timothy, 9
Bied, Dan, 6
Bigger, Roy, 3, 93
Bigger, Roy & Jean, 27
Billinghurst, Edward P., 28
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 2
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 26
Blaher, William S. & Miriam, 27
Boggs, Oliver B., 41
Bosle, Robert, 9
Bosle, Robert H., 90
Boyd, A. Rutledge, 94
Bradbury, Richard D., 54
Bradfield, Kenneth & June, 32
Bradford, Harvey D., 54
Branbury Oxom, 16
Brankin, William J. & Lorraine, 26
Brax, Richard J., 56
Brax, Richard J. & Rosalie, 29
Brazill, Myles, 56
Breite, Victor W. & Avis, 27
Bridgen, Raymond & M. Pauline, 20
Britton, Benjamin B. & Avis B., 30
Broadbent, Thomas D., 31
Broadwater, Clifford H., 56
Brock, Lewis P., 9
Brooks, Douglas, 31
Brown, Charles A., 90
Brown, Clark & Clara, 32
Brunner, Lloyd J., 58
Bryan, Kenneth V. & Marge, 28
Bryant, Jack, 89
Bryant, John H. & Emily, 26
Bugner, Thomas F., 58
Burkes, Robert A. & Frankie, 30
C.R.I.B.A., 64, 66, 68, 69
Caen, 68
Caen, France, 68
Camp Atterbury, 1, 6, 43, 45, 51, 71, 82
Camp Atterbury, IN, 51, 82
Camp Kilmer, NJ, 86
Camp Lucky Strike, 71, 79
Camp Myles Standish, MA, 77
Camp Patrick Henry, VA, 71
Camp Shanks, 87
Camp Shanks, NY, 87
Camp Wheeler, GA, 70
Cannone, Frank, 58
Cariano, Samuel P., 58
Cariano, Samuel R., 23
Carr, Fredd, 22
Carrico, L. John, 58
Carrico, L. John & Helen, 29
Carver, Dale, 7
Carver, Dale R., 7
Carver, Dale R. & Ruth, 31
Casenhiser, Robert D., 27
Casenhiser, T/Sgt. Bob 'Casey', 18
Cavender, Col., 37, 63, 64, 80
Cavender, Col. C. C., 36
Cavender, Col. Charles, 27
Cessna, Dr., 49
Chase, Fred B. & Agnes, 26
Childs, Dean, 40
Childs, Dean F. & Eleanor, 26
Chura, Andrew & Elicabeth, 31
Clara, Frank Nausin &, Jr., 27
Clark, Felix B., 88
Clark, John W., 41
Clarke, Walter C. & Lillian, 32
Clervaux, 66
Coffey, Doug, 80
Coffey, Douglas S., 3
Collier, Ambrose, 9
Collier, James E. & Mary Lou, Sr., 30
Collins, John, 60
Collins, John P., 60
Collins, John P. & Anita H., 31
Collins, John S. & Katherine, 20
Collins, Sherod, 5, 23, 36, 52, 57, 58, 60, 93
Collins, Sherod & Dot Waldrop, 28
Contreras, Felipe P., 41
Cook, Douglas A., 5
Cook, Francis J. & Ruthanna M., 27
Cooley, Don E., 28
Cooper, Louis M. & Peggy, 30
Cosby, Carl H., 28
Coss, Kenneth L. & Bea, Sr., 31
Costa, Antone, 30
Costa, Lawrence B., 30
Coulee, 43
Creed, Helen & Derek, 16
Creed, Idythe, 17
Creed, Molly, 16
CRIBA, 13, 14, 15, 79, 80
Croix De Guerre, 70
Cross, John B., 41
Crouthamel, George N., 30
Crouthamel, S/Sgt. George, 36
Cunningham, Louis E. & Charlotte, 26
Dailey, Hampton J., 60
Dashner, Robert F., 41
Datte, Charles T., 93
Datte, Charles T. & Nancy, 32
Datte, Charlie & Nancy, 23
Daugherty, Walter 'Tuck' & Iva Bell, 30
Daun, 9
Davis, Capt. Sam, 36
Davis, Jr., Sam E., 63
Davis, Lesley, 9
Davis, Sam E., Jr., 93
Davis, William C., 41
Davis, William E., 42
Deblase, William, 42
DeHeer, Dick, 52
DeHeer, Marjorie, 64
DeHeer, Mrs. Marjorie, 33, 64
Delzell, William S., 9
Devaty, Raymond S. & Eileen, 20
Devine, William J., 9
Devito, Armando, 42
Div. HQ, 54
Dorosky, Thomas C., 9, 90
Dowden, Andrew F., 42
Downing, Buster, 9
Dreisbach, Carl V., 26
Dresden, 85
Drewniak, Stanley W., 9
Drumheiser, Robert P., 26
Duke, Monroe C., 26
Edelman, Louis, 64
Edelman, Louis & Essie, 30
Edwards, Howard S., 64
Egypt, 60
Eisenman, Jerome & Ruth, 29
Eisenman, Jerry, 23
Elbe, 74
Elbe River, 74
Erbes, Richard C., 27
Evelyn, Robert W. Hempel &, 32
Farris, Fred J., 93
Farris, Philip B., 64
Filkins, Clyde L., 66
Finlayson, Kenneth, 66
Fontaine, Serge, 80
Forth BN, Third Inf., 47
Foster, Cedric, 84
Fox, Robert J. & Janice, 27
France, 52, 60, 68, 82, 86
Frankfurt, 42
Freedman, Hank, 89
Frye, Norwood A. & Hazel A., 31
Ft. Jackson, SC, 48, 49, 78, 82
Gaggin, Verner S., 66
Gallagher, John, 22
Gallagher, John J., 25
Gasses, Joe, 89
Gasses, Joseph J., 26
Gatens, John, 66
George, T/4 Elmer, 60
Germany, 14, 51, 54, 66, 69, 74, 80, 87
Giesler, Carl W. & Marge, 32
Gilliland, John, 3
Gilliland, John O., 1, 68, 93
Gilliland, John O. & Le, 33
Ginter, Keith, 27
Gorlitz, 69
Gosset, Pierre, 13, 15
Gregory, Dannie L. & Shirley, 33
Gregory, John, 80
Gregory, John A., 3
Gresham, Joseph, 68
Gresham, Joseph W., 68
Greshan, Joseph, 68
Grigsby, Alvin B., Jr., 10
Grimes, Bob, 85
Grimes, George O., 30
Grimes, Robert, 70
Grimes, Robert L., 70
Gross, Joseph & Delores, 32
Haas, Milton G., 70
Hackel, William K, 43
Hadaway, Herbert, 41
Hall, John L., 28
Halle, 85
Hammelburg, 45
Hanna, Bob, 89
Hanna, Robert R., 70
Hanson, Robert J. & Donna, 31
Harradine, Roger, 43
Harris, Bill, 22
Hartford, Dallas & Rosemary, 20
Hartlieb, Glenn O. & Nadine, 33
Hartman, Willard G., 33
Harvey, Charles, 72
Hatch, H.M., 72
Healan, Henry, 10
Heckman, Roth, 43
Heidelberg, 69
Heidelberg, Germany, 49
Heidepriem, Herbert & Bobbie, 27
Helwig, Gilbert, 93
Henderson, Charley, 40
Henderson, Charley S. & Helen, 27
Henning, James W. & Clare, 27
Herring, Dr. Geo. W. & Dawn, 26
Herring, George, 89
Hill, Maj., 40
Hill, Maj. H. & Evelyn, 30
Hill, Ralph, 22
Hiltbrand, Walter & Arlene, 28
Hines, Roy A., 43
Hines, Roy A. & Lucille, 31
Hochstetter, Hubert H., 72
Hoff, Russell & Joan, 27
Hoinash, William, 10
Holder, Harry, 43
Holder, Harry L., 10, 90
Holder, Mildred, 43
Holland, 14
Holland, Jr., Daniel E., 43
Hotel, Claypool, 6
Houffalize, 14
House, Pete, 73
House, Pete & Joanne, 32
Houser, William E., 30
Howard, John W. & Virgini, 32
Hubert, Andre, 13, 15
Hubert, Mr., 13
Huddleston, Lt., 43
Hulkonen, Arthur A., 74
Huminski, Edwin C. & Betty, 30
Huminski, Edwin C. & Elizabeth C., 20
Hungerford, John I. & Laura, 26
Hunt, Vernon, 60
Hunter, David, 74
Hurtgen Forest, 13
Hutchinson, Ann, 26
Hynes, William J., 43
Indianapolis Star, 76
Ir, Sam E. Davis & Myra, 27
Iwamoto, George, 53
Iwo Jima, 56
Jackson, Harry & Franny, 20
Jackson, Mrs. Franny, 20
Jacobs, Montague H., 90
Johannes, Walter E. & Lucille, 29
Johnson, George C., 30, 43
Johnson, John H. & Evelyn, 31
Johnson, Sgt. Frank W., 5
Johnson, T/4 John 'Johnny', 18
Johnson, Tom, 45
Johnson, Worth M., 76
Jones, Bill, 22
Jones, Bob, 80
Jones, James G. & Dolores, 20
Jones, Robert F., 43
Jones, Robert K., 27
Jones, Sgt. Robert ‘Huck', 18
Jones, Ted N., 43
Josephs, Robert H., 30, 43
Julie, Col. Perry R. Ellsworth &, 32
Kaiser, Ralph, 20
Kaiserslautern, 66
Karlsbad, 74
Kelch, Eugene B. & Dorothy J., 27
Kelly, Robert E., 24
Kenesha, Cpl. "Thomas, 60
Kincannon, Clifford E. & Sarah, 32
Klett, James A., 9
Kline, J., 42, 45, 47, 49, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 64, 68, 70, 72, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 87
Kline, John, 3, 5, 24, 64, 66, 70, 93
Kline, John P., 3, 30, 93
Kline, Sgt. John, 36, 45
Kobs, Elmer, 9
Koluezcz, Harry &Jennie Rose, 20
Kommando, 41, 76
Kopatz, Alfred E. & Ida, 27
Korea, 1, 47, 62, 86
Kratsas, John A. & Artemis, 20
Krezminski, Edward S., 31
Kuespert, Wilfred A., 76
Kuizema, Harold, 93
Kuizema, Harold & Jessica, 32
Kultzow, John, 76
Kwaczek, Carl S. & Lillian, 20
Lambert, Faye, 26
Lange, Elmer F., 90
Langham, Francis S. & Jean L., 20
Langham, Mr. & Mrs. Francis, 20
Lapato, Frank, 76
Lauman, Clarence 'Pete' & Dorothy, 32
LaVaux, 43
Lawlor, Martin V. & Rita, 27
Lawson, William J., 76
Leach, Col. Ambrose, 9
LeHavre, 15
Leige, 55
Leipzig, 62
Leisse, Sr., Leo R., 78
Lejuene, 14
Lengler, 14
Lerno, Alfons P. & Phylis, 32
Levine, George, 51
Lewis, Edwin D. & Dorothy, 28
Liege, 14, 56
Limburg, 45
Limburg, Germany, 17
Linden, 24
Litvin, Joseph, 28
Liverpool, 54
Liverpool, England, 54
Livesey, Col., 53
Livesey, Col. Herbert, 53
Lo Presti, John J., 43
Long, Ivan & Edna, 27
Long, Lt. Ivan, 18
Lorah, Elwood, 22
Lorient, 5
Lorraine, 5
Losheim, 89
Losheim Gap, 14
Lowe, Charles, 43
Luckenwalde, 42
Lucky Strike, 71, 79
Lucsay, William & Florence, 28
Luxembourg, 82
Malmedy, 13, 66, 69
Malone, William & Margie, 28
Maloney, Joseph P., 3
Maloney, Joseph P. & Vivian, 30
Maloney, Joseph P. & Vivian M., 20
Malueg, Russell J. & Dorothy, 28
Manfredi, John & Jane, 31
Mangiaracina, George, 9
Marsh, Robert H., 44
Marsh, Robert H. & Mary Lou, 28
Martin, Dr. John B. & Pearl, 20
Martin, Thomas C., 45
Massey, Joe, 13
Massey, Joseph, 3
Massey, Joseph & Hazel, 26
Matthews, Col. Joseph C., 94
Mature, Victor, 6
McAllister, Edwin L., 30
McCammon, James A., 78
McCarthy, Leonard J., 45
McClelland, Frank, 20
McClurc, Charlie 'Clint' & Peggy, 27
McDevitt, J.F., 60
McKay, Lt. Robert G., 43
Meagher, Herbert F. & Luella, 27
Meltesen, Clarence R., 45
Meltesen, Clarence R. & Helen, 33
Mervin, Fred, 22
Merz, O. Paul, 5
Messina, Carl, 24
Meyer, Col., 46, 47
Meyer, Col. Harold J., 46
Meyerode, 14
Middleton, 24
Mikalauskis, John L., 23
Mileski, Marion S. & Mamie L., 31
Miller, Col. John W. & Jean, 29
Miller, Glenn, 6
Miller, John W., 37
Milot, M. W., 28, 47
Moore, Grace, 20
Moosburg, 45
Moritz, Adolph G., 9
Moscow, 78
Mosley, Rev. Ronald A., 78
Muhlberg, 45
Murray, George & Betty, Jr., 30
Myles Standish, 77
Nausin, Frank, 40, 83
Neubrandenburg, 45, 51
Neuville, 14
Nicholson, Roy E., 47
Normandy, 14, 66
North Africa, 82
Northern France, 87
Nurnberg, 45
Nusbaum, Alfred & Jeannehare, 28
O'Connor, Michael F., 47
Oder, 42
Oder River, 42
Odom, Joseph C., 30
Oflag 64, 45
Omaha Beach, 69
Order of the Golden Lion, 58
Paris, 14, 69, 74
Parquett, Roland G., 9
Parsons, Bernard L., 90
Pastor, Irving, 31
Pathen, Joseph, 68
Patrick, L. Dale, 32
Pawluk, Walter S. & Barbara, 26
Pearson, Drew, 54, 55, 56
Peters, David J. & Jean Headley, 20
Peterson, Dr., 52
Peterson, Dr. Robert W., 52
Peterson, Kenneth, 61, 62
Peterson, Richard W., 29, 79
Peyser, Charles, 40
Peyser, Charles S. & Gertrude T., 30
Phillips, George, 54
Pierce, Robert W., Sr., 9
Pina, George R., 32
Pinney, Gordon B., 28
Point Du Hoc, 14
Ponza, Frank, 28
Powell, Robert A., 32
Poyster, Fred & Rosetta De, 29
Presli, John J. Lo & Hazel, 27
Prewett, Ed, 80
Prewett, Edward, 40
Prewett, Edward A., 3, 80, 94
Prewett, Edward A. & Reddie, 30
Prisoners of War, 73
Prokorym, Casimir, 94
Purple Heart, 90
Queen Elizabeth, 76
Raby, Jr., Glynn G., 80
Racogne, Belgium, 14
Raleigh, Milburn R., 33, 47
Reidell, Charles A., 47
Rennes, 82
Repos, Stanley J. & Irene, 20
Reunions, 90
Reynolds, James E. & Agnes, 27
Richardson, Sgt., 7
Richardson, Ward R., 82
Richardson, Ward R. & Doris L., 26
Rickard, William, 82
Rickard, William & Margaret, 27
Rieck, Charles, 24
Rieck, Charles F., 94
Rieck, Charles F. & Doris, 27
Rifleman, 1st Sgt, 43
Rigatti, Richard L., 20
Rigatti, Richard L. & Pat, 28
Rigatti, Richard L. & Patricia, 20
Riggs, Col., 49
Riggs, Thomas, 60
Ringer, Robert C., 32
Ritchie, Richard R. & Carol G., 30
Robb, Dr. John, 3
Robb, Dr. John G., 93
Robb, Dr. John G. & Marilyn, 26
Robb, John G., 93
Rogers, Francis, 9
Rogers, Francis J., 90
Rogister, Henri, 89
Rosalia, John & Rose, 28
Roster, 72
Rundstedt, 55, 56, 57
Rusthoven, Jacob, 90
Rutland, Roger, 3, 40
Rutland, Roger M. & Mattie, 30
Rutledge, Boyd, 3, 49
Rutledge, Boyd A., 26, 93
Salata, Edward C., 9
Salber, Joseph P. & Vera, 28
Sandberg, Bob, 49
Sandberg, Robert E. & Pat, 31
Saucerman, Eugene L. & Sally, 26
Scales, Col. W. C., 9
Scheffel, Robert W., 48
Schlesser, John P., 84
Schnee Eifel, 13, 14, 50
Schneider, Francis R., 32
Schober, Milton J. & Arline, 30
Schonberg, 13, 50
Schoonover, Lex & Anne, 26
Schroer, Charles J. & Louise, 27
Schuld, James, 26
Schulte, Mrs. Jean, 33
Scott, Earl A., 84
Scotti, Joseph, 28
Scranton, Robert L. & Mildred, 31
Seals, Noah J., 48
Setter, Leon, 90
Shaw, Artie, 6
Sheahan, Robert I., 90
Sheehan, John P. & Vivian, 28
Sheehan, Pvt. John ‘Irish', 18
Sheers, Roy, 31
Shirk, Walter, 22
Shutte, Jean, 64
Silhavy, Frank V., 48
Slayton, David B., 84
Smith, Charles L., 27
Smith, Kate, 20
Smith, Kenneth M., 29
Smith, Ray C. & Beth, 32
Solomon, Joseph & Annette, 29
Sorenson, Clarence, 84
Southam, George & Meurice, 28
Sparks, Richard D., 28
Sparks, T/5 Dick ‘Sparky', 18
Spineux, 80, 84
Spineux, Belgium, 80, 84
Spiwak, H.S., 49
Spiwak, H.S. & Phyllis, 31
St. Clair, Edward B., 9
St. Vith, 13, 14, 48, 49, 55, 60, 66, 68, 69
St. Vith Memorial, 4, 49, 93
Stalag 12-A, 17, 45
Stalag 3B, 42
Stalag 4-B, 41, 42, 65
Stalag 8-A, 66, 74
Stalag 9-A, 71
Stalag 9-B, 42, 71
Stalag 9B, Bad Orb, 42
Stalag DC-A, 52
Stalag IV-B, 60, 62
Stalag IX-A, 80
Stalag IX-B, 13, 14
Stalag XII-A, 61
Stammer, Charles H., 49
Stauff, John H., 32
Stephens, George W. & Sheba, 30
Stevens, Joseph E., 31, 49
Stevenson, Robert L., 49
Stone, Donald, 10
Stout, Col., 53, 54
Streib, Marshall, 40
Strieb, Marshall P. & Maryann, 30
Strong, George W., 28, 84
Sulser, Jack A., 94
Swett, John A. & Virginia, 29
Szubin, Poland, 45
Talkington, Claris D., 86
Tank Hill, 41
Terlep, Kerry, 26
Terrio, Howard J. & Lurella, 29
The Battle of the Bulge, 60
The Battle Of The Bulge, 60
Theilen, Harold L., 49
Thome, Michael, 1, 26, 93, 94
Thome, Mike, 3, 45, 80
Thurlow, John W. & Joyce, 31
Tissot, Harrison, 10
Todd, Dave, 49
Torantino, Joseph C., 28
Tranchita, Paul A. & Mary, 27
Trautman, Frank S., 27, 94
Trueman, Dr. Duncan T., 86
Tsaffaras, William P., 49
Tury, Jr., Louis Wm., 86
Tury, Louis, Jr., 17
Tury, Sgt. Louis, Jr., 16
Twining, Rollin L., 86
Ulin, William E. & Agnes, 28
Untiedt, Raymond K., 10
Utah Beach, 66
Utter, Oakley, 49
V Corps, 88
van Moorlehem, Art, 13, 14, 15
Van Moorlehem, Arthur L. & Lucille, 28
Vance, George, 24
Vance, George T. & Norma J., 19, 20, 26
Vance, Norma J., 20
Vaughn, Ray, 40
Vaughn, Ray R., 94
Vaughn, Ray R. & Annette, 28
Veith, Pfc. Fred R., 43
Velasquez, Armando & Margaret, 31
Vielsalm, 14
Vietnam, 47, 51
Villwock, Russell, 23
Villwock, Russell H., 3, 94
Villwock, Russell H. & Jackie, 26
Von Rundstedt, 55, 56
Von Rundstedt, Field Marshal, 57
Vonderhorst, Eric J. & Frieda, 29
Walden, Lawrence & Jeanne, 31
Walker, Robert & June, 23
Walters, J. H. & Dorotha, 29
Walton, Robert S., 86
Wanne, 43
Waregem, Belgium, 13
Warren, Clarence E., 90
Wassgren, Milton L. & Betty, 31
Watrin, Emil, 68
Weaver, Donald E., 10
Wegscheide, 15
Weigel, Col. Levene, 49
Weiner, Milton, 24, 31
Weising, Robert A. & Norma A., 20
Wells, James E. & Maydean, 31
Wenslow, Marshall B. & Patricia, 32
West Point, 66
White, Elbert C. & Zada, 32
Whitner, Donald R. & Vivian, 27
Whittaker, Charles E., 50
Williams, Alva Ray, 87
Williams, Lawrence R., 27
Williams, Presley H. & Clara, 26
Williams, Pressley, 89
Wilson, Robert, 88
Winterspelt, 17
Wohlfeil, Col. Carl, 66
Wojahn, Edward C., 94
Wojahn, Elward C. & Irene, 31
Wold, Charles W., 50
Wood, Lt. Eric, 14
Workmen, Melissa, 5
Yanchik, Pete & Diane, 20
Yearout, Jay F., 28
Yelchan, Albert M. & Margerat, 20
Yingst, William J., 28
York, Robert E. & Thelma, 27
Young, Damon F., 51
Young, Donald J., 51
Young, Edward E., 32, 94
Young, Harold Scott, 10
Zawadzki, Stanley A. & Patricia, 32
Zeitz, 65
Zenn, Mike & Elaine, 28
Zicker, Gordon, 18
Zicker, Gordon B. & Connie, 28
Ziegenhain, 71