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The Cub
Vol. 40, No. 2, Jan., 1984

President James Henning
1st Vice President Ted J. Straub
2nd Vice President Samuel P. Cariano
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Robert W. Pierce, Sr.
Historian Sherod Collins
Chaplain Rev. Dr. Ronald Mosley
Cub Editor Richard DeHeer
Memorials Chairman Douglas S. Coffey

    The Cub is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $10.00 per year which includes subscription of the Cub.
Editor Richard DeHeer All editorial matter should be addressed to:
Mr. Richard DeHeer 86 Berkshire Lane Palm Coast, Florida 32037
    All business matters, renewal of membership renewal of Associate, renewal of Auxiliary dues, memorial fund contributions, etc. should be addressed to:
Mr. Robert W. Pierce, Sr., Adjutant 474 Federal Street, N.W. Warren, Ohio 44483

Membership Dues 83-84....$10.00 per year
Associate Dues 83-84 $10.00 per year
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year

President's Message '
    Hope you all enjoyed reading the Cub and getting the names of all the members. I would like to thank all those involved with the work of keeping the Cub up-to-date.
     To date we have 84 members listed in the Cub, of which 311 are paid-up. In order to keep the 106th alive, it would be beneficial if those who have not paid their dues do so and strive to make it a 100% membership.
     Recently my wife and I received a phone call from Washington State, where my daughter and family lives. She gave birth to her second boy November 2nd and I was thrilled to know the baby has been named James after his proud Grandpa. The first boy will be three years old on December 24th so I'll be joining my family for Christmas.
     If everything goes well in less than two years I plan to retire from Argonne National Laboratory where I've worked for 38 years.
Clare and I plan to do some traveling then -God willing.
     Happiness at Christmas or anytime, the more we give of ourselves the more we experience a sense of fulfillment. The more we add to happiness of those around us, the happier we are and the more enjoyable our lives will be.
A cheerful heart is good medicine, it keeps us in tune with life and makes those around us happier.
James Henning President


Chaplain's Corner
by Ron Mosley
     The Reverend Emrys Price Thomas, Interim Pastor of The First Congregational Church, Auburn, Mass., who took part in our Memorial Service at our 1983 Reunion in July died on October 3. He and his wife attended our reunion banquet as guests of Ben and Avis Britton. The Reverend Mr. Thomas entered the hospital a week after our reunion suffering from a kidney disorder.
While there he suffered cardiac arrest and lapsed into a coma.
     He graduated from Hartford Theological Seminary in 1944 and was ordained the same year. He served the United Church of Christ (Congregational-Christian and Evangelical and Reformed) in many high positions for almost 40 years, mostly in the Pacific Northwest and after retirement he continued to serve as interim pastor when needed. He had also been a hospital Chaplain with the U.S. Veterans Administration.
    The Prayer of Invocation which The Rev. Mr. Thomas gave at our Memorial Service was so moving and pertinent that I had planned to take it from the tape recording and print it in this column. here it is It has been said, our Father, that our mission in this life is not complete as long as we are still alive". That certainly holds true of the fight for freedom. This church (in Auburn) was begun, founded, in 1776. No one in those moments of time past ever thought of a day and a war like the one being remembered now. Bless these men who have had a part not only in the creation of new freedoms but also in the holding of ancient freedoms without which we would surely perish.
     Bless us all. Bless them with memories not only of hell which they have known but also of glimpses of life in heaven which, maybe can only be seen best from hell. Bless them that they might have taught their lessons learned to their children, and their children might be able to teach them better to their own children so that in the days and years and centuries to come the 106th will be remembered by those who have reason to take enormous pride in what they have done, in what they have been and what they have yet to be. "We ask thy blessing upon them; all those e who have fallen in combat, all those who have departed from their ranks, all who still serve thee and their countries from this moment on. Amen."
Ron Mosley Chaplain

Membership lists have been put in the mail to all members as of November 1.1, 1983.
     This is in response to many requests for this information and it is hoped that this mailing will satisfy the needs and desires of the membership. If you did not get yours please let me know. Also, there are a few extra copies if there is a need.
     We now have the capacity to produce a listing by State or by major (and some minor) unit if there are requests for same (for example if such a list was needed to plan a December 16th meeting).

     Golden Lions always enjoy getting together and the Atlanta area group was no exception as they gathered on December 11, this time at Mother Tucker's Food Experience and excellent eatery in East Atlanta, to swap tales, eat, drink and enjoy the fellowship.
     As always, several surrounding towns were represented as well as the Metropolitan Atlanta area. This group is one of the oldest and largest of its kind in the country. It was pointed out that this body is honored to be well represented in National 106 affairs. It included 3 past presidents, 4 members of the Board of Directors, one former member of the Board, and the National Treasurer.
    Those enjoying the food and fellowship included Duke and Martha Ward, Jim and Maydean Wells, Orfeo (Gus) Agostini, Harold Harmon, Sandy and Jo Grossbart, Carroll Padgett and Jean Alexander, Ira Bottoms, Bill Delzell, Newt and Yvonne Mosley, Robert Burkes, J.B. and Martha Russell, Paul and Lib McMillan, James and Betty Byrd, John Carr, Sherod Collins and LaVerne Hunter, Joe and Ida Puett, Bob and Louise Howell. Other guests included Gene Chatam, Mr. and Mrs. G. Thorbett, Franklin Armstrong.


From the Argonne News 40 years later...
     Former POW finds friends stick together Nearly 40 years ago, Argonne's Jim Henning underwent one of the most grueling experiences of his life. He was a prisoner of war.
     Today, he cherishes the camaraderie that has developed over the decades between the soldiers of his division the U.S. Army's 106th Infantry.
     This summer, Jim was elected president of the 500 member 106th Infantry Association, following five years on the board of directors. Most of the members are former POW's and they meet each year to reminisce about their experiences during World War II.
     Jim, a senior photographer in the Graphics Arts Department of the Administrative Services Division, was just a 21 year old corporal on December 19, 1944. He was captured by German soldiers during one of World War II's most memorable confrontations the Battle of the Bulge. He spent the next five months trying to survive as a prisoner of war, as did about 1,000 other American soldiers captured during the battle. The obstacles were starvation and a 500 mile march from prison camp to prison camp during one of the coldest German winters in 25 years.
    "I never thought I'd get out," said Jim, "and I've had bad health ever since. I went from about 157 pounds down to 98." Food, when it was available, was minimal. During the first five days of their capture, the POW's received no food at all. We picked up apples or sugar cow beets along the road and that's what we existed on," said Jim, who resides in Lockport. Ill., with his wife Clare. "Guys would almost kill each other over an apple core.
    "When I first got captured, I took all my cigarettes, put them in a bag and traded them for Food. Trading was also done with your own clothing. Guys were so desperate for food, they would trade a shirt, hat or sweater just for a small loaf of bread." Jim spent Christmas Eve 1944 on a train, locked in a small, cramped box car with 70 other prisoners. "Our own air corps strafed us and we lost 300 men because there were no markings on the cars. They just came down and bombed it, thinking it was an ammunition or troop train." Jim came through the bombings, the cold, the starvation, a near amputation of his legs due to gangrene, and even a bullet to the back that was removed without an anesthetic by German soldiers. It was survival," he said. "trying to fight every day to get back home." Jim was released in May 1945. He spent the next few months in the Army's rehabilitation program for POW's and was discharged on December 24, 1945.
     In 1946, Jim joined Argonne's Site A as a bus driver. After five years, he joined the laboratory's photo department where he has remained ever since, "A lot of guys don't want to talk about the experience," said Jim, "but that's never bothered me. I think people should know about it but I wouldn't want to go through it again."

By General Bruce C. Clarke, Ret.
     Before we crossed the English Channel in 1944, a senior American General in addressing his commanders said: "Once you have reached a certain line or have taken a piece of ground you will not give it up without my personal permission."
    At the time I felt that such a rule in tactics was pretty rigid and probably dangerous. If my understanding is correct, the original rules of fisticuffs or boxing required each contestant to "Toe the Line" drawn across the center of the ring. He lost if he failed to keep this position. The Marquis of Queensbury established new rules, which are in effect today, which eliminated the "Toe the Line" requirement and put mobility into prize fighting. The tactics of boxing were thus changed. After I was handed the command of the St. Vith area in the early afternoon of 17 December 1944. I hastily estimated the situation. I had been a Brigadier General just 10 days. My military future and that of my command was very important to me. It did not look very hopeful. I tried to develop in my mind what was the German Commander required to accomplish in what appeared to me to be an all-out desperate operation? I felt that punching a hole through the Ardennes was not his mission.
     Neither was the capture of St. Vith or Vielsalm or establishing a bridgehead across the Salm River. These could well be steps in his operation but Hitler's gamble had to be for decisive stakes. Decisive objectives were far to my rear and towards the English


    Channel. With those ideas in mind and without any orders but to "go up to St. Vith, contact General Jones of the 106th Division and if he needs help give it to him," I felt that I must fight a flexible delaying action and not let my command be destroyed by what I sensed was a force vastly superior to my command and associated units.
     I disposed my command, as it arrived piecemeal, to provide such a defense. I established a base of fire of dug-in direct weapons using a T.D. Company, which had recently been issued 90MM gun TDs. I established a mobile counterattack force, of a part of a battalion of tanks, concealed near and behind St. Vith. It was used to counterattack whenever the Germans established a dangerous situation but then only to "sweep" the enemy and return to its rendezvous for further orders.
     A rather weak defensive line resisted the Germans. The troops on this line were engineers, armored infantry and reconnaissance units. They took a terrific beating. Some of the most heroic fighting of the Battle of the Bulge took place in these units. Their deeds have never been adequately recorded or awarded. They are unsung heroes of the US Army's greatest battle. Several company-size units were reduced to one-third of their original strength in four or five days of fighting. Still I had to order them to pull back on occasion to keep them from being cut off and destroyed.
     Once, during the battle, I was asked: "When you counterattack and restore your line why do you withdraw your counterattacking force instead of staying there and holding?" My response was something like this:
    ""This terrain is not worth a nickel an acre to me. In my tactics I am giving up about a kilometer a day under enormous pressure but my force is intact and I am in control of it.
     A few kilometers advance cannot be of any substantial value to my German opponent. He must, I believe, advance many kilometers and very quickly if he is to accomplish his mission. The 7th Armored Division is preventing him from doing that. We are winning, he is losing."
    My Division Commander understood that concept perfectly. General Montgomery understood it. Fortunately, he supported this concept, even to the extent of overriding the orders of his subordinate. In 1964, when Manteuffel and I spent several days together at St. Vith discussing the battle at length, I learned for the first time what the German concept of operation was. I repeat it from those discussions and other discussions with General Von Luttwitz who commanded the "secondary effort" of the operation.
For the German Plan to be successful three things had to happen:
a. The German attack had to be a surprise.
    b. The weather to be such as to prevent strikes by allied aircraft on the German columns coming through the Ardennes.
c. The progress of the German main effort through and beyond St. Vith must be rapid and not delayed.

     The Defensive and Delaying Concept used at St. Vith prevented the third requirement of the German operation from happening until the American troops in the rear could be positioned to handle the situation later.
     On December 22, 1964, at a press conference in Watertown, N.Y. General Von Manteuffel stated on the evening of 24 December 1944, I recommended to Hitler's Adjutant that the German Army give up the attack and return to the West Wall." He stated that the reason for this recommendation was due to the time lost by his Fifth Panzer Army in the St. Vith area.
     In question and answer period, after I had recently talked on the Battle at St. Vith, a college ROTC student said: "General, what is the principal job of a general in the conduct of such a battle as St. Vith?" My answer was: "It is to prevent the confusion from becoming disorganized."

1984 Reunion Savannah, Georgia
     The corrected dates are July 12, 13, 14, 15, 1984 at the Downtown Motor Inn. More details will be in the next Cub, with Hotel and registration cards.
    Remember to mark the date on your new 1984 calendar,'" Send your Cub news by March 1st, 1984 to: Richard DeHeer 86 Berkshire Lane Palm Coast, Florida 32037
Send your dues to: Robert Pierce 474 Federal Street N.W. Warren Ohio 44483


From The Mail Bag
Christmas 1983
"Maudslea-on Sea" Petite River Bridge Nova Scotia, Canada

Dear Friends:
     This might be your first Christmas message of the season, but Eloise is planning to mail our letters from Florida. She will be visiting her Aunt Esther in Tampa in November. Our greeting is a very simple one: may the season be one of joy and hope for you and those whom you love as we celebrate the Birthday of our Lord and Saviour! May God bless and keep you, and may 1984 (Shades of Orwell!) be a year of Service and Love.
     Our personal news includes the death of Ron's father, The Rev. Dr. T. Arthur Mosley, on February 25 just 11 months after his mother died. Dr. T. Arthur reached the age of 97 on November 12, 1982, and was very active mentally until he slipped away. His memorial service was itself, memorable and a joyous Festival of the Resurrection. His Bishop, clergy friends and his two clergy grandsons. Jim and Glen Mitchell, took part in the service. Our grandson Matthew, Gordon's older son, had a serious illness just when Ron's dad died. Things were hectic, but good medical care and the love and affection of many people and their prayers brought Matthew through. Kitty and husband Dick with children Bill and Laura spent a short time with us in June as did Ron's sister Barbara Mitchell and our nephew Glen and wife Gail.
     Eloise had her garden which produced the usual vegetables organically. We don't use any chemicals. Our fertilizer is seaweed, shells, and compost. Ron does the "gathering" raspberries, blackberries, cranberries and rose hips for jams. Eloise has her four Churches where she is organist. The services are usually rotated, but she often plays twice a Sunday. She is on call for various functions as funerals and Royal Canadian Legion programs. Ron is on his ninth year of writing his weekly "Kit Bag" column in "The Bridgewater Bulletin" and also, since May, in the "South Shore News." He is still Chaplain of Branch No. 24, The Royal Canadian Legion, in Bridgewater and is Chaplain of the La Have Branch of the Canadian Red Cross. Eloise and Ron attended the annual reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association last July in Worcester, Mass. Ron led the Memorial Service in the First Congregational (UCC) Church, Auburn, Mass., and Eloise was organist. They wore their Scottish formal wear at the 106th banquet and represented the Province of Nova Scotia with travel information; maps, books, flags. Photo flashes were popping when Ron appeared in his Kilt of the ancient Tartan of Clan Gunn.
     We visited the Bar Harbor Congregational Church in May on the occasion of the Church's 100th Anniversary. Ron was honored in preaching the sermon that morning.
     We rejoice in our close family ties. Kitty and family are in Lafayette, Indiana. Ron Jr. and wife Katie are in Denver. We have yet to see their daughter Molly, born October 30, 1982, and we missed a visit from grandson Scot this year. Gordon and wife Connie live in Lansing, Michigan, and we hope they will visit with Chris, Matthew and Katha this next year.
Keep in touch with us. May God bless you! Eloise and Ronald Mosley 01-

News from our 2nd Vice President
Dear Dick:
     I thought that we had a real nice reunion in Worcester, Mass. this past July. It was great seeing you and Marge once again, and our many other friends. We hadn't seen Morris and Sara Piha since 1947 reunion in Indianapolis.
     After the reunion, Billie and I traveled to Westford, Mass. to visit a niece and her family. Hadn't seen her in ten years. We then went up to Bar Harbor, Maine where we joined Duke and Martha Ward and spent a couple of days there prior to taking the ferry to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Bar Harbor is a nice small town, especially if you like lobster and other seafood gems.
     The four of us spent the next several days visiting various areas of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. One of our stops was at Petite Riviere, N.S. where we visited our Division Chaplain, Dr. Ron Mosley, and his charming wife, Eloise. Although our visit with them was brief, it was joyful and rewarding. The Mosley's were very gracious and even though we arrived at their home


    without advance notice, we were fed a delightful lunch of fresh steamed clams which Ron had dug not too far from his house. Their home is filled with interesting and historic memorabilia (I wouldn't mind getting my hands on most of it). I was surprised to learn that Ron had a sister residing about three miles from us here in Maggie Valley. I talked to her briefly and we plan to get together in the near future. I do not know if you can use a color print but here is a snapshot of Ron, Duke Ward and myself taken in front of the Mosley home.
     We parted company with Duke and Martha at Charlottetown, P.E.I. and started our way home by way of Pittsburgh, PA. to visit other relatives.
     Billie and I will return to Satellite Beach, November 1st. Hope that Marge and you can pay us a visit after our return there. Our warmest regards to the both of you.
As ever, Sam Cariano

Dear Bob:
     I received my September issue of the Cub and I always enjoy reading about the members of the 106th and comparing the experiences we all endured. I have received information from Ralph G. Hill, which has helped me to understand some of the events that occurred in December of 1944.
     I was in the 589th F.A. Battery C and was captured December 21 in a motor pool. I was bombarded by the R.A.F. and American planes in the war zone, while locked up in box cars. I also survived the raid as Louis Peluso stated. I was at Stalag IV-B, Leipzig and Halle, during air attacks. Arthur Jebens also stated that he endured the same experience. I will try and contact Louis and Arthur and discuss our "days of glory".
     I spent most of my incarceration period at Leipzig repairing railroads. We were force marched from Leipzig, as the allies approached, to the Elbe River, where we met the Russians April 25, 1945. About 45 of us survived the internment. I would enjoy hearing from all Ex-P.O.W.'s who endured the events indicated. I also observed in the Cub that Henry Healan stated that we met at the Ex-P.O.W. Convention in Cleveland. I really enjoyed our discussions, but Henry, I was in C Battery 589th F.A., under Captain Rockwell.
     Please send information pertaining to the 106th Convention in Georgia in 1984. We plan on attending the 1984 Convention because there will be no conflict with the Ex-P.O.W. Convention in Washington. In the past few years there has been conflicts of both Conventions on the same dates.
P.S. enclosed is a check for my dues for 2 years.
Sincerely, Vernon E. Brumfield, Commander South Louisiana Chapter Ex-Prisoner of War, Inc.
201 West 111th Street Cut Off, Louisiana 70345

Hello Dick:
    Bobbie and I regret very much that we were unable to attend the 1983 reunion. It seems that July is a very busy month at our plant and at times I just cannot get off for any occasion. We finally took a weekend trip to Georgia and Alabama. Had a short but very nice visit with Bob and Louise Howell and really did enjoy the trip very much. We received a letter recently from Kay Morrison, wife of Robert Morrison (g Co. 424 Inf.) telling us that Bob is in the Veterans Hospital in Aspinwall. Penn. Bob has a brain disease and is very much need of our prayers. Kay has also been in the hospital and she is at home now but is disturbed about Bob's condition. I am sure that Kay and Bob would appreciate hearing from anyone in the Association. Again we missed seeing the wonderful people of the 106th Division Association and are looking forward to the 1984 reunion.
Best wishes to all, Van and Bobbie Wyatt
P.S. Bob's address is: Robert Morrison 260 Oaklyn Road Bethel Park, Pa 15102


Hi Dick:
    Copies of this information sheet are being sent to the reunion committee to be placed in the registration packets. I am sending this one to you for "The Cub" in order to reach the fellows who do not attend the reunion.
     Please use it however you can to spread the word about this worthwhile book. It is a very professional job and the research done by these young people and their advisors is just incredible. We have the hardbound copy and would like others to know about this book. It has an article in it about the 106th Golden Lion Division, plus all the other Divisions and other units that were stationed here. Even though the next Cub comes out after the reunion this article will reach the absentees if you publish it. We have obtained written permission from the editor of the newspaper for any or all of these articles to be reproduced in the Division magazine.
Sincerely, Bill Dahlen Service Battery 591st F.A. 303 Charles Road Linthicum heights, Md 21090

Atterbury File Kids and their BIG ideas
     It started with four eight graders, two teachers and an idea. The idea was big some would even say grandiose. It was the sort of idea others snicker about the way they snickered when Robert Fulton claimed he would cruise up the Hudson River in a boat powered by steam.
    "We're going to write a book," the eighth graders announced back in 1980. "It's going to be about the history of Camp Atterbury.
     We will research it, write it, edit it and publish it." At this point, any responsible teacher would have stepped in with a few disclaimers about how kids sometimes think they are capable of more than they really can do. Some wise adult would have advised: "Why not just write a couple of cute stories for the school newspaper and let it go at that? Book publishing is big business." But these teachers Don Wertz and Larry Taulman of Franklin's Custer Baker School had no "can't do" advice. They believed the students could do it. They had given the students the grandiose idea in the first place.
     So, during the 1980-81 school year the project was launched. Its first researchers and writers were Jim Mead, Liz Marks, Julie Graham and Analica Pianca all now high school sophomores.
     They began the process of planning the book, collecting information, interviewing persons knowledgeable about Camp Atterbury and writing their reports. More student asked to take part. More work was done.
     Over three school years about 125 middle school pupils had some part in the production of the book and 36 pupils had written it chapter by chapter. All along the way Taulman and Wertz were there motivating, suggesting, editing and coordinating. While the school provided some free periods for the students to work on the project, there was no formal class. Wertz and Taulman helped their young writers in the halls between classes and both before school and after school.
     Much of the research was done on the pupils' own time out of school. This week the book came off the press. And even those of us who have heard about the "book in the making" all these months, were amazed at the quality of the final product. It is called "The Atterbury File," and the paperback version which is now on sale is 376 pages long. It is a full-blown book covering every aspect of Camp Atterbury, from its early residents before the military reservation was founded to its current uses. It is a professional job, anyway you read it. If any of you ever asked in disgust: "What's happening to kids these days?" buy a copy for one refreshing positive answer. But, more importantly, buy a copy just because it is a good book and is worth reading. You can get a paperback copy for $6.00 at the following locations: Franklin Bank and Trust, Union Bank and Trust, Murphy Mart or the Johnson County Historical Society; Edinburgh Sherman's Barber Shop and the Edinburgh State Bank. Or send a check (plus $1.50 postage) to: The Atterbury File, Custer Baker Middle School, 101 Highway 44, Franklin, 46131. A few hardback copies are also available at $12.00 each.
     If you think this column has begun to sound like an advertisement, you're right. I think Taulman, Wertz and all their young writers have done something worth advertising by all of us.


    Memories Of The 1983 Worcester, Massachusetts Reunion Left to Right: Jack Middleton, III, Fred Walker, Tom Maw, Ben Britton.
     Left to Right: Chaplain Ron Mosley, Mr. and Mrs. Henning, Mr. and Mrs. Howell. and Mrs. Henning, and Mrs. Henning, Mr. and Mrs. Howell. and Mrs. Henning, Former President Bob and June Walker /MIS Our President with Clare (who probably does most of the work).
Left to Right: Wilma Garn, Bob Gilder, Jean Gilder, Chuck Garn.
Left to Right: Cal Joe Matthews, Phil Schuette Mr. and Mrs. Fritz, Jean Schuette.

Left to Right: Clare Henning, Lillian Bandurak Walt Bandurak, Jackie Villwock.

The 'Other Half.' Our hard-working Board of Directors.

Left to Right: Jackie Villwock, Clare and Jim Henning.

Resolutions Committee at work.
Left to Right: Duke Ward, Fred Chase, Russ Villwock.
It looks like Jim is taking a tip collection.
They are eating again!


Dear Dick:
     I am in the process of having a jacket with the 106th Association insignia printed on it, also the four areas of Battle on the perimeter of the insignia. This will be on the left chest side. On the lower right side will be the persons first name, company, and regiment.
     The jacket is blue and the letters and Lion are gold, also the Company and regiment are in gold. Tee shirt is same as jacket color wise only with insignia, $3.75 for tee shirt. I will send a picture of the printed products after I receive mine. I will take orders for these jackets after we get the picture, so people can see what they look like. I think that $25.00 for the jacket and the tee shirt will cover the postage and all in one package.
Hope to hear from you on your thoughts.
Thanks, Lyle

Dear Dick:
     I didn't join the association until 1982, but certainly glad I did. Due to the last copy of the Cub, volume 39 No. 3, I was able to locate an old buddy from Co. M-424th after 38 years. A visit with him is expected.
     Thank you for this. Would be glad to hear from anyone who remembers me from Co. M. I would like to know how I could obtain a copy of the Cub April, May and June 1971, volume 27 No. 3, containing the letter from Ed (Dutch) Prewett Co. B, 424th to his folks. Would also appreciate information on getting auto license tags.
Thank you, Frank Borbely
Co. M. 424th Timberlake Apts. A 311 2801 Stanbridge Street Norristown, Pa 19401

Dear Mr. Pierce:
     Sorry to be so late, but I could not make the convention and then it slipped my weak mind to send the dues. I hope you all had a good time out east. Will try to make it next year.
Best wishes to all and keep up the good work.
Happy days, Les Crossman H. Co, 2nd Bn. 424th Inf.

Dear Robert:
     Please find enclosed my check for dues for the 106th Association time slides by too fast in Pa. Charlie Underwood, 106th QM of Uniontown, CBS Radio WMBS, returned recently from a trip to Europe to view the area where the 106th was located during and after the Battle of the Bulge. They stayed at the Hotel in Bad Ems and found it quite different and very attractive.
     Charlie made a trip with his wife, cousin and his wife. Sorry to hear of the death of Father Boyle and Herb Livesey. I had contact recently with Byrne A. Bowman J.A., Oklahoma City at Park Harvey Center. His daughter Sherry who many of us knew as a little girl at Camp Atterbury is with him in the office. She formerly flew with Pam-Am as a stewardess to the Orient. Ben Spain J.A. officer is now retired in Bartlesutle, Oklahoma.
So-long George F. Phillips 37 Lindon Pl. Uniontown, Pa 15401

Dear Mr. Pierce:
     Enclosed is a check for my dues and memorial fund. Due to the death of our son-in-law we were unable to attend the reunion, this year. We really missed being with the wonderful people of the 106th.
     Especially our dear friends who made two phone calls one so the fellows could say hello to Paul and the second their wives could talk with me. At a time when a fellow needs a friend, it is truly wonderful to know there are so many.
We do plan on next year's reunion in Ga.
Sincerely, Paul and Doran Raehrich Grove, Oklahoma

Dear Bob:
I was 1st Sgt. "D" Co. 422 when the 106th was activated at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina.
Please let me know when and where the next reunion will be. I'm looking forward to being there.
Thanks, Charlie Gorman


Dear Bob:
     From reading the Cub magazine it would appear that everybody had an enjoyable time at the Massachusetts reunion this year. Sorry we missed it. We are going to try to make the next years. Lena and myself are considering the tour back to our old stomping grounds in Europe.
     Enclosed is a money order for $24.00 for my 83-84 and 84-85 dues. If I have paid my 83-84 dues take the other $12.00 and put it on the Memorial Fund.
     We had a nice visit with Mike and Elaine Zenn this past summer some time in Columbus, Ohio. Maybe several of us can get together. We would like that.
Very truly yours,
Dick and Lena Ord P.O. Box 187 New Haven, WV 25265

Co. E 423rd

Dear Bob:
     It seems that Howard McCarty and I are the only former members of the 423rd Regiment who belong to the Association. I wonder why? Howard, who now lives in Trenton, Missouri. and I met at the reception center at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas and found ourselves in the Communications Platoon, Headquarters Co., 1st Platoon, 423 Regiment and stayed together until July 1944, from the time of the Division's activation. We have remained friends over the years and visit each other very often.
Sincerely, Lou Davis Hg Co. 1st Bn, 423rd

Dear Sir:
Checking my discharge papers, I find nothing that would indicate I was a P.O.W.
     Unless under authority and reason for separation it cites: Section 1.1 AR 615-365 WD Circ 339, 8 November 1945. Would appreciate help getting this information.
Thank you,
Henry E. Grogan 423 Reg. Co. B Route 3, Box 214 A Milton Freewater, Oregon 97862

Dear Sir:
     As per instructions from Ben Britton, enclosed find $10.00 for membership in the 106th Association. I read about the reunion in the local paper but couldn't attend. I had not heard of the Association before that time. I was with the Division since the beginning at Fort Jackson, South Carolina all the way to being on the line at "The Battle of the Bulge", P.O.W. etc. Please send the latest issue of the Cub. If you need any more information, I will be glad to respond.
Thank you very much, So-long
Warren Patterson Can Co. 423rd 9 Elmcrest Circle Walpole, Mass 02081

Dear Robert:
My wife and I are both retired from South Central Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co.
     We enjoy traveling, fishing, gardening, and love our leisure time. We have one son and he works for South Central Bell Telephone Co.
Sarah & C. L. Cooper H 423 74 Robin Hood Lane Jackson, Tenn. 38305

Dear Bob:
     I'm sorry I missed the reunion this year. I was really looking forward to seeing you, and I'm glad they had a large turnout. Everyone seems to have really enjoyed the reunion. I got a cassette tape from Ron Mosley but couldn't hear you too good. If you have time let me know the name of those who died, I really would appreciate a list. Hope to see you in Georgia, so take care of yourself. I am looking forward to the Cub this month.
Drop me a line if you have the time, and I will try to write more later.
Your old friend and comrade.
So-long, Al


Dear Bob:
     Received the usually welcomed "Cub" today and was reminded that my dues are starting this past July 1st, should have been sent before this. Since a year flies by at a much faster pace than it did in former years, I am enclosing $20.00 for two years.
Thank you, Sincerely,
John Fischer 2745 Observatory Cincinnati, Ohio 45208

Dear Dick:
     This is a long-overdue note of appreciation for the enjoyable time I had at the Worcester reunion. It was very well planned and conducted, and I must express my sincere thanks to Ben Britton and Tom Maw and their families for a superb job in planning, and the great effort and time they must have spent in assuring the success of this reunion.
     I had hopes of meeting more 422 F members or other men I knew at Stalag 9B, but I met only one. However, I got much pleasure from swapping experiences, good and bad, with many new acquaintances.
     I recently met another 106th Veteran from New Britain, Vity Jarvis, he was a career soldier, and he joined the 106th, "A" Co. 423 A only about two weeks before the Division shipped out for England, so he did not get to really know anyone. I informed him how to join the Association if he so desired.
Again, my sincere thanks to all of you, and best wishes for the Holiday Season.
Waldo Pierce

Dear Bob:
    I am sending you a check for $15.00, $10.00 for dues and $5.00 for the memorial Fund. We are doing fine and are healthy and wise. The Steel Mill that I work for is going "ESOP", in other words the employees are buying it, and will run it themselves. You probably heard of Weirton Steel Co. on the news. I missed the reunion and I hope to make one sometime soon. Hope all had a fine time. God Bless and hope you have good health to you and your family.
C. T. Paokrym 2520 Chestnut Steubenville, Ohio 43952

Dear Dick:
     I hope the latest issue of "The Cub" is progressing to your satisfaction. Eloise has been back from an annual trip to Tampa to visit with her aunt. She got our Christmas letters set for mailing on the U.S. Thanksgiving. You see, the U.S. postage is still 20 cents while in Canada our domestic rate is 32 cents for Canada and 37 cents for the USA. We show our Scottish side even in mailing.
     I have been through the Canadian Remembrance Day observance again, and not only was I the Royal Canadian Legion Branch Chaplain, but I was also the chairman of the day's program this year. The weather was terrible: high glades and driving rain. So we held our Service at 11:00 o' clock in the Bridgewater Elementary School which holds over 1000. It was packed! Our war Memorial Center is the Cenotaph which my father as a Canadian Army Chaplain in the Great War of 1914-18 dedicated on September 7, 1926. We do have a striking replica to be used indoors. The wreaths were taken to the Cenotaph, and again Eloise and I gave a wreath in memory of the fallen of the 106th Infantry Division. I enclose a bulletin of the. Remembrance Day Service.
     You'll be visiting your family in December and we hope you and Marge have a great time. We'll be thinking of you and all of our 106ers. I hear regularly from Al Johnson, and I owe Henry Healan a letter.
Our best, Ron Mosley

Dear Mr. Pierce:
     I am enclosing a copy of a letter I received from our Colonel. I sent the original to one of the 422nd men, but I forgot who I sent it to, I thought you might be interested in it.
     You may note some vacant spaces, this is where the paper I wrote on wore out, for I got the letter in 1945. Also find enclosed a check for $10.00 dues, $2.00 for the 106th Division patch, if you still have one, and $5.00 for St. Vith Memorial. Will be waiting for your reply.
Respectfully yours,
Robert Higgins, 2104 Di Avenue Far Rockaway, New York 11691


Dear Doug:
     At the suggestion of Paul Chryst of Galaxy Tours, I am writing you for information on the 106th Infantry Division Association.
During all these years, I have not been aware of the existence of such an organization.
     By way of introduction, I was a machine gunner in Company E of the 423rd Infantry Regiment of the 106th Division when we were struck by the Panzers in December 1944. Now a retired school principal, I am able to participate in the Victory Trail Tour scheduled for next year. I have been assured by Paul Chryst that St. Vith will be included in the itinerary of that tour. I am most anxious to return to the scene of the action.
     I would very much like to participate in the tours scheduled for the 106th next September, but they are taking place at the wrong time of year for me. Although retired, I still do some consultant work in the New York City schools during the fall season.
     In any event, I would very much appreciate the opportunity of joining the association. I am also interested in learning as much as possible about the logistics involved in our participation at the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge. As an ex-dogface in the foxholes, all I know is that we were hit by 20 plus Panzer divisions and that some of us were able to hold out for five days until our ammunition was exhausted. I am looking Toward to some communication from you in the near future. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Sincerely, Raymond E. Russell

Dear Dick:
     Thank you for another fine issue of the Cub May, June, July and August. It was filled with the things that make membership in the Association so worthwhile. The letters are a treasure themselves. What a wide range of careers and interests our membership encompasses. Just knowing that so many fellow 106ers are around, enjoying life and enthusiastic about our organization is inspiring.
     Only slightly do I understand the labor involved in putting out an issue of the Cub because I've never done it so it's easy for me to wish we could have more of them. would more letters make it easier? Could I try my hand at stirring up more correspondence? This is something I've had on my mind since retirement and having time on my hands. I'm shocked at the number who say they've just heard of the Association. How can we get our story to the thousands of potential a members? It's not that we should aspire to being big, we should aim at being available to those who need and want us, where could we place an ad that would reach these people and be within our budget? We've considered this question since 1946 and I'm not sure that a good answer has ever been found. Back at Camp Lucky Strike I paid my fifty cents to help finance an organization when we returned home but didn't hear from anyone so I wrote to a couple of fellows and suggested that we get one going only to discover that the Association did exist; I just wasn't notified. We should find a way to notify our people.
     My year as president in 1958 (or was it '61) was cut short by a European trip that deprived me from officiating at my BIG reunion. Perhaps it's the frustration of that experience that adds impetus to my desire to help make our organization flourish. We attended many reunions around the country and developed friendships with those attended. Actually, our reunion acquaintances far exceeded those I made at Atterbury, Miles Standish, or in England, France, Belgium or Germany. This is another reason why I remain so enthusiastic for the continuation and growth of the Association.
     It's been many years since we attended a reunion because of Helen's health. Excessive use of cobalt, though eliminating the cancer, produced complications that sent her to the hospital in ten day sessions every few months. After over four hundred hospital days in the past few years we feel we own a floor of the hospital but they won't install a plaque in our name. Now things are looking up.
    "Flare-ups" have occurred so infrequently the past year or so, we're becoming quite brave. We're sending our registration and a check for the Worcester reunion today and will keep our fingers crossed until July 21.
Enthusiastically, H.M. Jim Hatch


Another "BULGE" reunion

    Last Saturday evening, Chuck and Willie entertained the "Ohio Bunch" at their home in Cuyahoga Falls. Again we had a rather small turnout (16) but a pleasant, warm night was thoroughly enjoyed by all present.
     I still think this is one if the highlights of the holiday season for us. It is a time to share all the good things that have been accorded us in the past, but still a way of also sharing some of the pitfalls that we all have in our daily struggle in life. We had a fine buffet meal that all there contributed a special dish to. Our women always put on a meal that is sumptuous. Those present were Chuck & Willie Garn, Walt & Lillian Bandurak, Bob & Jean Pierce, Bob & Jeanne Gilder, Frank & Mary Barlow, Lyle & Vivian McCullough, Frank Trautman, Lloyd Anglin and Martha and I. We missed some old faces but expect to see everyone in Savannah. We also missed Martha Collins fruit cake, but she promised to be here one of these years.
Trust this finds you in good health and we'll look forward to the next issue of the "Cub".
Sincerely, John and Martha Fritz

Dear Mr. Britton:
     I just read in the DAV Magazine about the upcoming reunion of the 106th Infantry Division to take place this month. I'm wondering if perhaps you have a newsletter to keep in touch with members of your Division and if you might be willing to include a notice regarding my search for the foreign war brides of soldiers who served in World War II. Perhaps it isn't too late to ask you to mention this during your reunion this month. Enclosed is a newsletter which will tell you more about the research project. If you know of anyone who is a war bride I would greatly appreciate it if you could let her know about the project or send me her name and address so I could contact her.
I hope you have a fine reunion. I'm hoping to put together a reunion of war brides myself someday.
Sincerely, Elfrieda Shukert 310 Arballo 5 A San Francisco, Ca 94132

Hi Dick and Marge:
    Just a few lines to get this news off to you for the Cub. Hope that this letter finds all well. As for us here we are doing pretty good. Getting some cold weather early this year. Well this morning our daughter Debbie is having an operation on her right eye. She has a detached retina. She will have to be in the hospital for a week in Pittsburgh. We think that Jean will be going there for a week or so after she gets home from the hospital.
     Also my only brother has been real bad. He has diabetes and had a stroke about 15 years ago. He is in the hospital here in Warren again. They think maybe he had another light stroke. It has been a real bad October for us mentally. Hope that things start to slow down a little before the Holidays start.
As ever,
Robert W. Pierce, Sr., Adjutant

Mr. Richard DeHeer:
     I am writing to thank you for the write-up in the September December Cub. Being at my first reunion at Worcester was the result of Mike and Teddy Gruce of Co. D. Also saw the notice in the D.A.V. magazine.; From the meeting and Cub I again heard from Joe Litwin, Torrance, California. He saw my letter in the Cub. Two men from the 106th who lived in Lowell were, Larry Ouelette and John Sheehan. Both have passed away. Would like to hear from Cliff Fallon, a real buddy and friend. Would like to know if George R. Pina or Louis Peluso remember when I went outside of the window of the box car to rescue dead and wounded men. They were strafed by R.A.F. and American planes. Al Turner was buried at sea. We asked permission to put clothing on the dead and wounded P.O.W.'s permission granted. Our planes saw this and stopped strafing. Officers told me we would be awarded medals for taking care of the wounded. Al Turner's widow received his award. I never received the award. I was liberated at Muhlberg by the Russians. I am enclosing a check to help pay for printing, etc. The 106th needs all the help it can get.
Leo J. Brogan Co. D 423rd 87 Mt. Vernon Street Lowell, Mass 01855


Dear Bob:
Here are my dues, didn't get to the reunion, and hope to do better in the future.
     As the grandchildren grow it seems the children depend on me more and more for babysitting. I know I'm a very lucky women for having wonderful children. They have made Ed's death much easier to bear with. I am intending to go on the Russian expedition, perhaps I'll see you then.
Sincerely, Vi Reilly

Dear Bob:
     While waiting for the Cub magazine to come, I looked at the card and realized I was past due on dues. Enclosed please find a check to cover. I would appreciate hearing from anyone from Co. L 422nd. If you are ever in the area, please stop by or call.
Thank you, Edward R. Ward 3553 Bow Creek Blvd. Va. Beach, VA 23452 804-340-2742

Dear Robert:
     Enclosed please find my check for dues. It seems I'm always late sending them, but thankfully you have been patient and keep sending my Cub on a regular basis. Hopefully one day I can again make a reunion because it has been many, many years since had the opportunity. however, I enjoy reacting. them.
Regards, M. I. Miller L. Co. Medic 424th

Dear Bob:
     Very late, but enclosed please find check for dues, auxiliary dues and a contribution to the memorial fund. I spent the first five months of the year in and out of the hospital and ended up with a quadruple By-Pass.
     May 25th at Miami Heart Institute. We got back to Michigan in August. I heard from John Beach, Sam Cariano and Earl Browning this year, all from Division Headquarters.
Since retiring we spend seven months in Stuart, Florida and five months in Michigan.
     Ivy golf isn't too hot either place. but I have fun. Enjoy the Cub very much, thanks for all the fine efforts of all the officers of the Association.
Yours truly, Richard Jochems Div. Hdqtrs. 1900 Palm City Road, 3A Stuart, Florida 33497

Dear Richard:
     As usual, I enjoyed reading the letters and news about the Association in the latest Cub magazine. I am now retired and find volunteer work in the Excort office of the Veterans Administration Hospital in Wichita Kansas to be a very rewarding experience.
     There is a favor I want to ask of the Association members who also were assigned to the Gleina Commando from Stalag as former Prisoners of War. In regard to a project I am working on, will you send me your current name and address? Also, if you know of a former Association member who was at Gleina, send their name and address also, if known. Time has taken its toll and the names have passed from my memory.
It is my hope to receive as many names as possible.
Sincerely, Leon J. Setter 3825 Grail Wichita, Kansas 67218
P.S. Richard: The above letter is intended for publication in the next issue of the Cub if approved.

The purpose of my project mentioned in the letter is as follows:
    First; To gather from four to six or more notarized statements from former Prisoners of War from Gleina who can recall the statements and actions of Reverend Ewell C. Black Jr. A/422, Box 66, Bishopville, South Carolina 29010 during the last few days before liberation on April 14, 1945. See copies of letter attached and article in Cub publication dated Jan. Feb. Mar., 1980 page 17 by Mr. Black.
     Second: To send notarized statements received to the U.S. Army along with a cover letter substantiating Black's actions requesting some form of recognition or possibly a medal.


     I have consulted with the local office of the Veterans of Foreign Wars about this matter and they suggested this approach. For each name I receive, I will send a letter in return asking for their notarized statement.
     Also, I intend to work closely with the local VFW office to assure proper submittal of the data. I am open for any ideas or suggestions you or the Association may have.
Personally, I feel that he saved my life as well as others.
Leon J. Setter

Look, God, I have never spoken to You
But now I want to say "how do You do."
You see, God, they told me You didn't exist
And like a fool I believed all of this.

Last night from a shell hole I saw Your sky
I figured right then they had told me a lie.
Had I taken time to see the things You made,
I'd known they weren't calling a spade a spade.

I wonder, God, if You'd shake my hand,
Somehow, I feel that You will understand.
Funny I had to come to this hellish place,
Before I had the time to see Your face.

Well, I guess there isn't much to say,
But I'm sure glad, God, I met You today.
I guess the "zero hour" will soon be here,
But I'm not afraid since I know You're near.

The signal! Well, God I'll have to go.
I like you lots this I want You to know
Look, now this will be a horrible fight
Who knows I may come to Your house tonight
Though I wasn't friendly with You before,
I wonder, God if You'd wait at Your door

Look I'm crying! Me! shedding tears!
I wish I'd known You these many years
Well, I will have to go now, God good-by.
Strange since I met You I'm not afraid to die.

Frances Angermayer


Index for: Vol. 40 No. 2, Jan, 1984

Index for This Document

106th Div., 7, 22, 23
106th Inf. Association, 5
106th Inf. Div., 5, 21, 23, 25
106th Infantry Division Association, 9, 12, 23
423rd Inf., 23
423rd Inf. Regt., 23
423rd Regt., 19
424th Inf., 11
424th Inf. Regt., 17
7th Armd. Div., 7
Agostini, Orfeo (Gus), 4
Alexander, Jean, 4
Angermayer, Frances, 29
Anglin, Lloyd, 25
Ardennes, 6, 7
Armstrong, Franklin, 4
Bad Ems, 17
Bandurak, Lillian, 15
Bandurak, Walt, 15
Bandurak, Walt & Lillian, 25
Barlow, Frank & Mary, 25
Battle Of The Bulge, 5, 7, 19, 23
Beach, John, 27
Belgium, 24
Black, Ewell C., 28
Borbely, Frank, 17
Bottoms, Ira, 4
Bowman, Byrne A., 17
Boyle, Father, 17
Britton, Ben, 15, 19, 21
Britton, Ben & Avis, 3
Brogan, Leo J., 26
Browning, Earl, 27
Brumfield, Vernon E., 11
Burke, Robert, 4
Byrd, James & Betty, 4
Camp Atterbury, 13, 17
Camp Lucky Strike, 23
Cariano, Sam, 11, 27
Cariano, Samuel P., 1
Carr, John, 4
Chase, Fred, 16
Chatam, Gene, 4
Chryst, Paul, 23
Clarke, Gen. Bruce C., 5
Coffey, Douglas S., 1
Collins, Martha, 25
Collins, Sherod, 1, 4
Cooper, Sarah & C. L., 19
Crossman, Les, 17
Dahlen, Bill, 13
Davis, Lou, 19
DeHeer, Mr. Richard, 1, 25
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 8
Delzell, Bill, 4
Div. Chaplain, 10
Div. HQ, 27
Elbe River, 11
Fallon, Cliff, 26
Fifth Panzer Army, 7
Fischer, John, 21
Fort Jackson, 19
Fort Jackson, South Carolina, 19
Fritz, John & Martha, 25
Fritz, Mr. & Mrs., 15
Ft. Jackson, South Carolina, 18
Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, 19
Fulton, Robert, 13
Garn, Chuck, 15
Garn, Chuck & Willie, 25
Garn, Wilma, 15
Germany, 24
Gilder, Bob, 15
Gilder, Bob & Jeanne, 25
Gilder, Jean, 15
Gleina, 27, 28
Gorman, Charlie, 18
Graham, Julie, 13
Grogan, Henry E., 19
Grossbart, Sandy & Jo, 4
Gruce, Mike & Teddy, 26
Halle, 11
Harmon, Harold, 4
Hatch, H.M. Jim, 24
Healan, Henry, 11, 22
Henning, Clare, 15
Henning, Clare & Jim, 16
Henning, James, 1
Henning, Jim, 5
Henning, Mr. & Mrs., 15
Henning, Mrs., 15
Higgins, Robert, 22
Hill, Ralph G., 11
Howell, Bob & Louise, 4, 11
Howell, Mrs., 15
Hunter, Laverne, 4
Jarvis, Vity, 21
Jebens, Arthur, 11
Jochems, Richard, 27
Jones, Gen., 7
Leipzig, 11
Litwin, Joe, 26
Livesey, Herb, 17
Manteuffel, 7
Marks, Liz, 13
Matthews, Joe, 15
Maw, Tom, 15, 21
McCullough, Lyle & Vivian, 25
McMillan, Paul & Lib, 4
Mead, Jim, 13
Middleton, Jack, Iii, 15
Miller, M. I., 27
Mitchell, Barbara, 9
Mitchell, Jim & Glen, 9
Montgomery, Gen., 7
Morrison, Kay, 11
Morrison, Robert, 11, 12
Mosley, Chaplain Ron, 15
Mosley, Eloise & Ronald, 9
Mosley, Newt & Yvonne, 4
Mosley, Rev. Dr. Ronald, 1
Mosley, Rev. Dr. T. Arthur, 9
Mosley, Ron, 3, 10, 20, 22
Muhlberg, 26
Ord, Dick & Lena, 19
Ouelette, Larry, 26
Padgett, Carroll, 4
Paokrym, C. T., 21
Patterson, Warren, 19
Peluso, Louis, 11, 26
Phillips, George F., 17
Pianca, Analica, 13
Pierce, Bob & Jean, 25
Pierce, Robert, 8
Pierce, Robert W., Sr., 1, 25
Pierce, Waldo, 21
Piha, Morris & Sara, 9
Pina, George R., 26
Prewett, Ed (Dutch), 17
Prisoner Of War, 11
Puett, Joe & Ida, 4
Raehrich, Paul & Doran, 18
Reilly, Vi, 27
Rockwell, Capt., 11
Russell, J.B. & Martha, 4
Russell, Raymond E., 23
Salm River, 6
Schuette, Jean, 15
Schuette, Phil, 15
Setter, Leon J., 28, 29
Sheehan, John, 26
Shukert, Elfrieda, 25
Spain, Ben, 17
St. Vith, 5, 6, 7, 8, 22, 23
Stalag 9-B, 21
Stalag IV-B, 11
Straub, Ted J., 1
Taulman, Larry, 13
The Battle Of The Bulge, 19
Thomas, Reverend Emrys Price, 3
Thorbett, Mr. & Mrs. G., 4
Trautman, Frank, 25
Turner, Al, 26
Underwood, Charlie, 17
Vielsalm, 6
Villwock, Jackie, 15, 16
Villwock, Russ, 16
Von Luttwitz, Gen., 7
Von Manteuffel, Gen., 7
Walker, Bob & June, 15
Walker, Fred, 15
Ward, Duke, 11, 16
Ward, Duke & Martha, 4, 10
Ward, Edward R., 27
Wells, Jim & Maydean, 4
Wertz, Don, 13
West Wall, 7
Wyatt, Van & Bobbie, 12