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Vol. 19, No. 2, Oct., 1962

The Cub
106th Infantry Division Association, Inc., 19 Hopkins St, Hillsdale, New Jersey
President Henry M. Broth
Vice-President Robert Pierce
Adjutant and Treasurer Richard DeHeer
Chaplain John Loveless
Historian Sherod Collins
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 Per year which includes subscription to the CUB. Editor Wayne Black The CUB is printed by --The Morris Printing Co., Waterloo, Iowa
All editorial matter should he addressed to: Wayne Black, 506 Williston Ave., Waterloo, lows
All business matters, renewals of memberships, etc., should be addressed to:
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, New Jersey
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained when available for $1.00 each. Send orders to the adjutant.

     Now is the time for all local groups to start planning for the December 16 reunions in their respective communities. In addition to the Memorial services, it would afford an excellent opportunity to "talk up" our next Convention in Cleveland. Take along pictures of past Conventions and stories of the wonderful feeling of warmth and friendliness which pervades our "get-togethers."
     Make every effort you possibly can to bring along a new face, 106er, and get him interested in becoming an affiliated and active member of our wonderful 106th Infantry Division Association.

     Memorials Chairman Douglas S. Coffey, COGL, has asked that the Editor ask for expressions of feelings concerning a 20th Anniversary pilgrimage to Saint Vith. He wonders whether it would be desirable to have the pilgrimage in December to coincide with the actual date or if it should be held some time of year when the weather will be more favorable. The December date would make for cheaper rates for transportation, accommodations, etc., and also would ease the problem of availability of hotel rooms. Doug is checking with the Belgian government to determine if there is any intention to hold an official 20th Anniversary celebration in Belgium, similar to the tenth anniversary celebrations. He believes that he can make arrangements at whatever time of year for a fine ceremony at the Memorial with bands, troops, and all the trappings. Such a pilgrimage can be arranged for as little as $400.00, ranging upward of course for a longer stay in Europe. Since Doug was asked at Annapolis to undertake this pilgrimage, we urge all members to drop a line to him or to the Editor setting forth their views on this matter. As it has been for the past several years, Doug's principal aim will be to provide a fitting performance in accord with the wishes of the membership. Your letters will be the only way he has of knowing your wishes.


     The metropolitan New York and New Jersey group of the Association is planning its annual Memorial dinner for Sunday 16 December at Glennon's Restaurant, Route 17, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. Plans are as yet incomplete, but the group expects to have a cocktail hour at 6 P. M. followed by dinner at 7 o'clock sharp. The planned time will allow a leisurely dinner and still break up in time to get home at a reasonable hour. All persons interested should contact Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins Street, Hillsdale, New Jersey (PH. NO. 4-3152) or Dave Brumhagin, S-115 Westview Ave., Paramus, New Jersey (PH. DI 3-7270). Russell H. Villwock is planning a dinner for 106ers in the Chicago area on Sunday 16 December, All persons interested should contact him at 3831 North Lakewood Avenue; Chicago 13, Illinois or at Ph. BU 1-0211.

     There will be a Memorial dinner for those members in the Atlanta and Georgia area on Saturday 15 December. Several of the persons attending last year felt that it would be wiser to hold the dinner this year on the nearest Saturday rather than on the actual anniversary date. This will even make it possible for those who desire to make a week end of it with plenty of time to return home on Sunday to homes even a considerable distance from Atlanta. There is no definite plan as to place or hour as yet, but all persons interested should get in touch with either Nathan D. Ward, 2570 Wood Hill Circle, East Point, Georgia (Ph. DI 4-5399) or P. C. Woodall, 3635 Briarcliff Road North East, Atlanta, Georgia (PH. ME 4-4408).

K, John, K-2, and Althea

     During a business trip to Europe last winter, H. W. Butler (1 Bn Hq Co. 424) made a side trip to Saint Vith and the area near Elcherath, Germany where he was a platoon sergeant at the outbreak of the Battle of the Bulge. He located the spot where he bad manned an observation post at the outbreak of the Battle and also found the churchyard in Elcherath where a mortar shell exploded in his face on 19 December 1944. He found that the church had been completely restored since his last visit, but the tile floor which he had studied at extremely close range during the German barrage in 1944 is still in place.
     He is now secretary-treasurer and sales manager of H. W. Butler and Bro. Inc., an apple sales concern. The purpose of his visit to Europe was to inspect shipments of apples his company had made and to secure future orders. 1961-62 was the first big apple export year for his firm since World War II, and he believes that there will be continued demand for American apples in Europe even in those years when Europe has a full crop.

     In our listing of attendance at the Convention in last issue of the CUB, we regret that inadvertently the names of several of the children were omitted. We missed listing Doug Coffey's three girls, Jane Coffey, Chris Coffey, and Ginnie Coffey, Marty Dever's three children, Connie Dever, Marty Dever, and Ronnie Dever, and Jim Hatch's daughter, Kathy Hatch. Also, although we mentioned them elsewhere in the CUB, we failed to include in this listing the names of Pete House's son, Pete Jr. and Ben Hagman's son, the indefatigable Gary Hagman

     The Dick DeHeer's annual summer picnic was held this year on 27 August, a beautiful, hot summer day. We regret that we don't have a picture since everyone seemed to be taking movies instead. While there have been reports that some of the members are growing middle aged, we have it on good authority that they have not lost any of their beer-drinking ability (and may even have gained in that respect). A new addition to the usual menu of roast beef, corn on the cob, potato salad and franks this year was a delicious lasagna created by Linda Rossi. Everyone had a ball, and being one big, happy family, stayed after the ball was over to help clean up. Every one present is already looking forward to next summer's get together. Those present included: Linda and Lou Rossi and 3 children; Lou's brother and wife with 2 children; Lois and Howard Watt and 2 children ; Sue and George Thomas and 4 children; Betty and Pat O'Rourke and 3 children; Dot and Dave Brumhagin and a guest, Miss Saint John; Flo and Tom Bickford and Tom's sister, Chris; Edna and Danny Ferrari; Lou and Jerry Anderson, 2 children, and sister-in-law ; John Fleming ; and by no means least, the smiling hosts, Marge, Dick, and Ricky DeHeer.

     Despite a pouring rain which drove down all morning and did not let up until about 2 PM, the ladies, men and children of Service Battery 592d F.A. Bn. assembled at Hershey Park, Penna. on Sunday 2 Sept. (the day before Labor Day), for their annual reunion. After they had gathered in the shelter of the picnic, house and had the food and refreshments laid out on the long tables, the rain was soon forgotten. The originators of this annual get-together, Tom Dorosky and Emil Solecki, were present as always, but Frank Maloney and his fine family from Philadelphia were missing for the second year in a row. There was evidence present and absent that the fathers and mothers are growing older. Judy Solecki was planning her return to college in Kentucky for the second year. Jim Malesky Jr. had enlisted in the Air Force and Tom Dorosky Jr. in the Army. Attending from Service Battery were Ethel and Emil Solecki and 2 daughters from Lake Mohawk, Sparta, N.J.; Alice and Tom Dorosky and 2 daughters from Shavertown, Pa.; Mary and Tom Fox, daughter and son from Greencastle, Pa., and their house-guests, Mary and Earl Runyon, from Ashland, Kentucky ; Louise and John Eyler and son from Waynesboro, Pa.; Martha and Mike Sgrignoli, Camp Hill, Pa.; Violet and Jim Malesky from Greensburg, Pa.; Daisy and Charlie Walsh, Haddonfield, N. J., accompanied by Adrian and Reed Trail, Daisy's sister and brother-in-law (Reed was in the Air Force and provides air support for the picnic). Attached for rations, refreshments and fun were National President Henry Broth (422 Inf) accompanied by Eunice, son and daughter who drove from Baltimore in the rain to be present; Past National President Clayt Rarick (424 Inf) and Mabel with their 16 year old son and the beautiful 6 months old daughter, whose photos the proud father showed around at Annapolis, from Blandon, Pa.; and from Divarty Wilda and Leo McMahon and daughter from Middletown, Pa. accompanied by their house guests, Frances and Les Smyth and son Chip from Baltimore, Md. The Smyths were celebrating a wedding anniversary.


    This is the remainder of the desk sign partly visible in this picture of Maj. Gen. William C. Baker, Chief of Staff, U. S. Army in Europe. The picture was taken by Doug Coffey during his visit to Europe last Spring. General Baker was, of course, Chief of Staff of the 106th throughout its existence. The fact that he still "also works" indicates that he hasn't changed so much during these past eighteen years. We are sure there must be a moral to the motto on his desk, but we are afraid to ask whether it is for those of us who are employees or those of us who are bosses.

     Arthur E. Loos (I 422), writes that he is employed as a plant protection fireman at Hamilton Standard Division of United Aircraft Corporation. He is active as a Boy Scout Committeeman, a 4-H Interstate Youth Exchange Committeeman, and a member of the Hartford (Connecticut) 4-H Fair Committee. He has been a member of the Broad Brook Volunteer Fire Department for thirty years and is, along with his wife, active in Congregational Church organizations. These activities, along with his family which includes two teen-age sons, and work about the home which he built shortly after returning from service, keep him busy indeed. We can understand why he says that life is never in the least bit dull, but an ever-exciting challenge.
     Jack Bryant (R Hq 422) is still traveling Michigan, northern Ohio, and Indiana for Dow Corning Corporation. His daughter is a senior at Michigan State University this year.
     Dan McIntosh Jr. (Div Arty) sends his best wishes to every one and especially his old friend, Ben Hagman. He still has hopes of some year making it to a convention.
     Ben Briles (G 423) reports a fairly successful year in his cattle grazing business. He is kind enough to say that he enjoyed the dedication issue very much. He has mentioned our accomplishment to some friends who are astonished that our organization has been able to erect such a memorial. Joe Krafchik (Hq 331) is practicing as a certified public accountant in his home town of New Brunswick, New Jersey.
     Leo McMahon (Div Arty) and Wilda attended the 65th Infantry Division Reunion at the Pick-Roosevelt Hotel in Pittsburgh in September. He organized and commanded the artillery of that Division from July 1943 until he was transferred to the same post in the 106th. While there he met up with Charles J. Swider, who was chief clerk to Chief of Staff Bill Baker. There was quite a reunion within a reunion in Pittsburgh that weekend.
     Briggs Hoffman (B 539) is working with General Insurors Inc. in Saint Louis, Missouri. We welcome this new member to our ranks.
     Robert Warnken (F, Sv 422) is working for the Diesel Engine Division of General Electric. He and John Fischer had a get together recently in Cincinnati.
     Jack Gillespie (C 422) expresses once again his regret at missing the Annapolis convention and leaving the clear title to Tom Bickford. He and Shirley are struggling from under the burden of building and furnishing a new home, but hope to be in Cleve


land next year to start a new convention attendance string.
     Duke Ward (81) reports that again this year his army reserve duty interferred with his hopes to attend the convention. This year he spent two weeks at the Brooklyn Army Terminal. Martha and their son went along for a grand two weeks in New York City.
     Doug Coffey, COGL, (C 590) added to his many honors on 14 August when Radio Station WJRZ, Newark, awarded to him on the air its citation for community service. Doug was happy to accept the award and obtain the opportunity to tell the audience about the 106th Association.
     Waldo Pierce (F 422) spent his vacation a year ago visiting Jack Carr in Greensboro, Georgia. Waldo is still employed in the Industrial Engineering Department of Stanley Tools and is a service Officer for the American Legion.
     Wayne Black (R Hq 422) in October completed his twenty-fourth year with the John Deere Waterloo Tractor Works, where he is employed in the core room office of one of America's largest foundries. He reports that his Mother's condition which prevented his attendance at Annapolis, has shown considerable improvement.
Adjutant Richard DeHeer would like help from anyone who has a more complete or a later address for the following:
E. Dean Brannon, Bristol, Wisc.
Durward Frampton, Sr., Columbus 5, Ohio
P. B. Snyder, Rockville Center, New York

     We have shown the latest address available for these persons. If you have a complete address, please send it to the adjutant.
     Don't forget to send along a note with the Christmas card to that old buddy telling him about the 106th Association and how much it means to you. He will thank you for it.
     Roy Dickson (A 590) was signed up this summer by Pete House. He was with the 106th from Camp Atterbury right through Bad Orb. He is employed by the Union Special Sewing Machine Company.
     Earl Scott (589 and Div Arty) is back to civilian status after a year in service as a result of the Berlin crisis call up. He spent a part of that year as the Commander of the "Richmond Howitzers," his field artillery unit.
     Lou Rossi (H 424) and his wife and family, after attending the convention in Annapolis, drove on to Memphis, Tennessee to see why Edd Collier (H 424) wasn't at the convention. They found that it was the press of business which prevented Edd's attendance. While there for a few days, the two families had a great visit. They returned to New Jersey just in time for Dick DeHeer's picnic. Linda Rossi on October 22 became a citizen of the United States after sixteen years of residence. "Look out," Lou says, "Now she knows her rights."
     John Beals (A 422) and Carol report that on the day after leaving Annapolis while sightseeing at Mount Vernon they ran across the Jim Hatches and that evening while waiting for their flight back to Iowa City at the airport again met the Hatches. The moral seems to be: "If you want to see the Hatches, go to Washington." At any rate, three times in the past year while in the Twin Cities, your editor has tried to call the Hatches and has never been able to get an answer.
     We note with regret the passing of Lt. Gen. Eric Fisher Wood during October in Shamokin, Penna. General Wood was the father of Eric F. Wood of the 106th who was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism behind the enemy lines in Belgium. The award was made to Lt. Wood's parents, Gen. and Mrs. Wood, in the office of the then Chief of Staff of the Army, Dwight Eisenhower.
     MAURICE DE LAVAL, LSD, OOGL The CUB has been making efforts to obtain more information concerning Dr. Maurice DeLaval, the dentist of Vielsalm, Belgium, who played so important a part in the construction and dedication of our Memorial. We have not thus far been able to obtain a photograph and only the following very limited amount of biographical material.
     At the outbreak of the War, he was still a student in the University. He became a soldier, and in only a few months, an officer in the Belgian Army. At the time of the fall of France, he was in France and was made a prisoner of war. He escaped and audaciously made his way back to Belgium in a German military mail truck! He counts as his highest honors the friendship he has gained with many American generals.
     We were able to obtain the text of several commentaries on his book, "La Bataille Des Ardennes: G. I. Joe Plaid Non Coupable" ("The Battle of the Ardennes: G. I. Joe Pleads Not Guilty"). We are happy to reproduce parts of them here.
     Maj. Gen. Harold W. Blakeley, 4th Infantry Division: His book is given the highest praise by professional historians. DeLaval has organized his story in unusual manner. Taking phrases which he had found in the writings of journalists, war correspondents, and even well-known military men, he constructed a single statement and used each of the phrases in it as a chapter head. He then proceeds in each chapter to demolish the claim made in the chapter title. The chapter on Viscount Montgomery's part in the Battle of the Bulge is of particular interest. Dr. De-Laval pleads not guilty not only for the "G. I. Joe" of his subtitle, but for American commanders.
     Henri Bernard, Professor at the Royal Military School of Belgium: What a wonderful and luminous work ! During years Maurice DeLaval minutely collected documents about the Battle of the Ardennes, contacted participants and witnesses, compared conscientiously the different information in both camps. That is all right! The military history is not only the history of generals and headquarters. It is also the history of soldiers, of their trouble and anxiety, of their souls and faith. This is what the author understood very well in describing so attractively and so truly the life of every engaged unit.
     General Rene Duren, First Military District, Brussels: There is reason to rejoice at the constant care which Mr. DeLaval took in order to understand and to make clear to us the human aspects of this formidable "machinery." Men recover their own places, all their passions and ideals. The heroisms which have been suggested to them, the sufferings and enthusiasm which have made them groan or triumph are all through these ten chapters wonderfully brought out in strong relief. And of this Mr. DeLaval may with good reason be proud. His book will from this time be indispensable to all those whose wish is to understand something of the Battle of the Bulge.
     Field Marshal Alphonse Juin, Paris, France: I would like to congratulate the author most particularly for having so eagerly undertaken General Patton's defense. I give you my personal testimony on this point: General Patton was a gallant soul and a great soldier whom I loved very much. General James M. Gavin, recently U. S. Ambassador to France: The author is to be congratulated for having gone to such efforts in researching the subject and in presenting it so well,

    Shirley, Jack, and the youngsters wish all of you and yours a Holy and Wonderful Christmas and a Prosperous and Peaceful New Year

For one who is seeking a theme or a subject, it is often but a word or an object that provides the idea.
     Last night over the radio were heard the strains of a song popular some years back. It was a favorite of many of us then youngsters, both for singing and for dancing.
     Remember the first day of school, the first prom, high school graduation, college commencement, the first job? Remember the loss of a pet, the breaking of a toy, other personal sorrows?
     Remember the first real date, the first kiss of the one and only? Remember the long summer vacations, the old-time Fourth? Remember the family gatherings at birthdays, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah or Christmas?
     Remember the out-break of war, the first day in camp, the months of training, the days of combat, 16 December 1944, the end of hostilities?
Remember the return home, the reunion with loved ones?
     Remember these and all else that has gone into the fabric of our lives? If we do, are these remembrances aiding us not only to serve ourselves but to advance the cause of the brotherhood of man?
Or are those who look to us for leadership and help saying, "But you forgot to remember."?
     "The Lord judges the peoples; judge me, 0 Lord, according to my righteousness and according to the integrity that is in me." - Psalm 7:8
John T. Loveless, Jr. Chaplain 106th Infantry Division Assn.

     The coming of December means three memorable occasions for most of us. There is the anniversary of the dark December that we will never forget (but which is still a factor for good in our lives since it was those December days more than any other events of our military careers which bound us together with ties that will never be broken). Second is the annual Christmas season with its joys and good will. Third is the advent of a New Year with its new opportunities if not its new resolutions.. We don't usually attempt to compete with our most able chaplain, but we don't believe there could be a more appropriate thought for the New Year than this stanza, taken appropriately from Section CVI (106!) of Tennyson's "In Memoriam." "Ring out old- shapes of foul disease; Ring out the narrowing lust of gold; Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace."

     We don't like to be a bore on the subject, but we must repeat once more that the CUB can, only contain the items which you send in for it to contain. We suppose that we could run a series of recipes, but we aren't competing with Better Homes and Gardens. We could have a continued mystery story, but you have your daily papers. We still feel that you would prefer to have news about your comrades. We can't publish that if they don't send it in. And don't forget that you are everyone else's comrade, We can't publish the news of all their comrades unless you send in the news of what you are doing.


     For some time we have had a feeling that this column has been long on flippancies, frivolities, and fuzziness and short on the serious, solemn things of life. So, today we shall set about to improve the mind and develop the character of each of our many readers. For the past twenty years we, as a group, have given our avowal of allegiance to an emblem. We have understood the abstraction that was symbolized but have never known much about the character whose pictured physiognomy was always in view when we wore the uniform. So, here, finally, is the information for which you have long yearned.
     Lion, n. (ME OFr ; L. leo leonis; Gr. leon leontos) The lion belongs to the genus Felis of Linnaeus (for the characters and position of which see Carnivori), and differs from the human animal in his uniform coloring, in the condition of the hair of the top of his head, chin and neck, as far back as the shoulder, being not only much longer but differently disposed from the hair elsewhere, being erect and directed forwards, and so constituting the characteristic ornament called the mane. There is also a tuft of elongated hairs at the end of the tail, one upon each elbow and a fringe along the underside of the body. The usual color of the adult is yellowish-brown, but it may vary from a deep red or chestnut to a silvery grey. David Livingstone (Dr. Livingstone, I presume) sets the length of the adult lion at ten feet six inches of which the tail occupies three feet. He appears to be monogamous, and, while not strictly gregarious, lions seem to be sociable towards their own kind and are often found in troops for the purpose of hunting under a pre-concerted plan. Their natural ferocity and powerful offensive weapons are sometimes turned upon one another in a combat that seldom results in a stalemate. Old lions, whose teeth become worn from constant use, become "man-eaters" when they discover the ease of obtaining subsistence by ingesting people.
     "Well my goodness," thought Alice after struggling through all these words. "And for years and years I have thought he was a gold face one and five-eighth inches in height on a blue disc two and one-eighth inches in diameter within a white edge one-sixteenth inches in width, all within a red border one-eighth inches in width. And that this was approved on February 24, 1943 and published by the Heraldic Section, Office of the Quartermaster General, U. S. Army." As these thoughts passed through her mind, a savage and powerful creature wandered into her office. He had just arrived from a difficult personality situation as was clearly shown by his ruffled mane-do and a badly chewed ear.
     G. Lion (who was trained in mind reading): You are basically correct, but on the other hand, if you had worked for the Government as I have, you would always ask yourself why you bring a question you do not want to be talked out of up for.
Alice: Was that ear lacerated by your wife or one of your jealous friends?
G. Lion: Neither. I was the defendant in a lion-type law suit and, as you see, was awarded the damages.
Alice: Then you must have instigated this legal action.
     G. Lion: Of course, its much better than throwing things, because after the trial they send U. S. Marshalls and a couple of divisions of airborne troops and then you have it made.
Alice: What was this litigation all about?
     G. Lion: It all had to do with getting ready for Christmas. No one should enter the Holiday Season with a temper, If you have an enemy, or even a

Additional Photos Of
Annapolis Convention

1--A convention group on the steps of Carvel Hall.
2--Ready to start out for the tour of historic Annapolis.
    3--The story of the convention would not be complete without the words of the welcoming song composed by Kay and Althea Loveless and sung by them and Rita Kay and Ralph Broth at the Square Dance: We are from the 106th Infantry, The Maryland Group, it's plain to see. We're glad to welcome all of you to our great State, Md.
    There will be many sights to see And lots of things for us to do; So come along and join the fun That we have planned for you!
So Henry, Eunice, John and Kay Say, "Howdy, folks, from Chesapeake Bay."

4--The children of the 106th grouped around and on the cannon on the State House grounds.

     There was so much going on at the Annapolis Convention that we just couldn't get it all in one issue of the CUB. We are printing on this page a few more pictures of the activities to bring back memories of those happy July days. We would like to add a reminder that there will be July days just as happy in 1963 in Cleveland at the 17th Annual Convention.


simulated enemy, you solve the problem by starting a fight.
Alice: How in the world does a fight get you in the mood for Christmas?
    G. Lion: Elementary, my dear child. If you get in a fight you lose your temper. Once it is lost, you simply walk away from it and let it stay lost. It might even wander off in the opposite direction. Then you have no temper and are ready to enjoy all the parties. Alice and G. Lion:


Max B. Allen, (A 423), 9262 Paints Dr., Bellevue, Mich.
Jerry Anderson, (M 423), 17 Eton Pl., Glen Rock, New Jersey
Dr. George Axelrod, (331), 237 Chestnut St., Clinton, Mass.
Maj. Gen. William C. Baker, (Div. Hq), HQ, USAREUR, APO 403, New York, N. Y.
Herald A. Barnett, (H 424), 106 Arlene Dr., E. McKeesport, Pa.
Richard E. Barrz, 216 Rustic Avenue, Pittsburgh 10, Pa.
John D. Beals, (A 422), 217 E. Davenport St., Iowa City, Iowa
Richard H. Behr, (Sv 423), 960 Burke Ave., St. Paul 8, Minn.
Roger W. Bell, (Hq 589), 1600 East Lawn Dr., Savanna, Ill.
Floyd G. Besley, c/o Hilton Truck Co., 14 Culver St., Geneva, New York
Thomas Bickford, (Div Hq), 3 Sunny-side Terrace, E. Orange, N. J.
T. Wayne Black (R Hq 422), 306 Williston Ave., Waterloo, Iowa
Rev. Edward T. Boyle (R Hq 424), 46 N. Wolf Road, Northlake, Ill.
Ben R. Briles (G 423), Arvada, Wyoming
Eunice & Henry Broth & Family
Henry M. Broth (I 422), 2628 Rockwood Ave., Baltimore 15, Md.
David C. Brumhagin (81), S-115 Westview Ave., Paramus, New Jersey
John Bryant (R Hq 422), 14011 Nadine Ave., Oak Park 37, Mich.
Leonard J. Butterbough (423), Box 1166, Route #3, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Austin L. Byrd, Jr., Box 5431, Donaldson Station, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Lt. Col. S. P. Cariano, AG Postal Branch, HQ USAREUR, APO 403, New York, N. Y.
Bartholomew E. Carrino, 148 Coeyman Ave., Nutley 10, New Jersey
Col. Charles C. Cavender (423), 300 Heliotrope, Corona Del Mar, Calif.
Dr. James I. Clark, Fennville 1, Mich.
Douglas S. Coffey (590), 41 Lowell Ave., West Orange, New Jersey
Sherod Collins, Jr. (Sv 423), 1101 Church St., Waycross, Georgia
Ernest W. Conklin (Sv 589), 226 N. Phelps St., Youngstown, Ohio
Dr. Michael E. Connelly (589), Medical Arts Bldg., 32 Jefferson Ave., Sharon, Pa.
Rinard Davis (3 Bn Hq 422), 4805 Vermont St., Kansas City 33, Mo.
Rev. John B. Day (Div Hq), St. Cabrini's Church, 1020 N. Milton Ave., Springfield, Illinois
Joseph A. DeChiara, 205 Etna St., Brooklyn, New York
Richard DeHeer (K 424), 19 Hopkins St.. Hillsdale, New Jersey
Martin J. Dever, 387 Jefferson St., Ridgewood, New Jersey
Roy K. Dickson (A 590), 478 Trabert Ave. N. W., Atlanta 9, Georgia
Thomas Dorosky, Mount Airy Road, Trucksville, Penna.
Dr. Joseph F. Dreier (Div Arty), 250 South River St., Wilkes Barre, Pa.
Mrs. Anna E. Dulebohn, 1827 N. Second St., Harrisburg, Penna.
John Early, 9824 Mason Creek Road, Norfolk, Va.
Harris T. Fant (R Hq 422), 410 E. River St., Anderson, So. Carolina
Dan Ferrara, 2-19 Seventeenth St., Fair Lawn, N. J.
John J. Fischer, Jr. (Sv 422), 6504 p Crest Ridge Circle, Cincinnati 13, Ohio
Florian R. Frank (591), Avoca, Wisc.
Mrs. Gaylord D. Fridline, 217 Claremont St., Ashland, Ohio
John I. Gallagher (81), 4003 Frances St., Temple, Penna.
John Gillespie (C 422), 3536 Darcy Dr., Birmingham, Michigan
Ben J. Hagman (Div Arty), 128 Dallas Ave., Weatherford, Texas
Charles Haller, c/o D, Waddell, 3108 Oakwood Dr., Lynwood, Calif.
Mrs. R. N. Hamilton, 3867 Silsby Rd., S. W., Cleveland 11, Ohio
Harold V. Hardoin (K 424), 11691 Riad, Detroit 24, Michigan
R. P. Harper (81), Wekoke Court, R. D. 2, Maryville, New York
H. M. (Jim) Hatch (Div Hq, 422), 5609 Fifteenth Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Byron P. Heath (106 MP), 2729 Montezuma Ave., Alhambra, Calif.
Walter F. Hiltbrandt, 930 Fair Ave., Salem, Oregon
Briggs Hoffman, Jr. (B 589), 4144 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis 8, Mo.
Pete House (A 590), 5662 Clifton Rd., Jacksonville 11, Florida
John I. Hungerford (R Hq 422), 5742 Penfield Ave., Woodland Hills, Cal.
Arthur B. Jebens (F 422), 5437 Mohican Rd., Washington 16, D. C.
Vance S. Jennings (106 Sig), 1580 Yale Blvd., Wichita, Kansas
William Johnson (K 424), 1112 Savannah St. S. E., Washington 20, D. C.
Maj. Gen. Alan W. Jones (Div Hq), 3532 Quebec St. N. W., Washington 16, D. C.
Lt. Col. Alan W. Jones, Jr. (423), 4400 N. 36th St., Arlington 7, Va.
Edmond D. Kelly, Orchard Hill, R. D. 3, Middleton, New York
D. Kersteiner (R Hq 424), 645 Emerosn Ave., Hamilton, Ohio
Joseph A. Kersten (G 423), 162 Duerstein St., Buffalo 10, New York
Dr. J. E. Ketterer (Div Hq), 1141 Williams Blvd., Springfield, Ill.
James R. Klett (Div Hq), 1647 Oak St., Lebanon, Penna.
Leonard Koplin (Div Hq), 909 Melrose Ave., Melrose Park, Penna.
Joseph Krafchik (331 Med), 349 Livingston Ave., New Brunswick, N. J.
Elmer F. Lange (H 422), Box 203, Sac City, Iowa .
Lester LeCompte, Jr., 241 N. W. 40th St., Pompano Beach, Florida
Norman L. Lee (H 424), 1229 W. 11th St., Anderson, Indiana
Samuel Leibowitz (R Hq424), 645 E. 5th St., Brooklyn 18, N. Y.
Arthur E. Loos (I 422), 128 Highland Ave., Broad Brook, Conn.
Oliver A. Lothrop, Jr. (B 423), 316 West Wind Rd., Baltimore 4, Md.
John T. Loveless, Jr. (R Hq 422), 2549 Pickwick Rd., Dickeyville, Baltimore 7, Md.
John F. Mackell, 559 W. 51st St., New York 19, New York
Thomas G. Manager (A 590), 309 Addison Road, Glastonbury, Conn.
Gilbert Marcus (Sv 423), 7007 Cregier Ave., Chicago 49, Illinois
Col. J. C. Matthews, Jr. (R Hq 422), 4706 Western Blvd., Raleigh, N. C.
Daniel E. McIntosh, Jr. (Div Hq), 411 Blunt St., Clay Center, Kansas
Brig. Gen. Leo T. McMahon (Div Arty), 8 N. Union St., Middletown, Penna.
Paul Merz (Sv 422), 1489 Bonneville Lane, Cincinati 31, Ohio
John A. Middleton, III (106 Sig), 17 Kensington Rd., Madison, N. J.
Gene L. Miller (B 592), 1324 Taper St., Long Beach, Calif.

    Don't forget to let the adjutant know of your new address if you are moving. Third class mail will not be forwarded, so it will entail added expense for the Association to send a CUB to a second address for you. Any time you move, drop a note to the Editor as well; all your friends would like to know about the new house.


Lt. Col. J. J. Miller (Div Hq), 4615-A So. 36th St., Arlington 6, Virginia
W. Lyle Mowlds (106 MP), 896 State St. S., Dover, Delaware
James Neal (423), 8840 Bretshire, Dallas 28, Texas
Irwin Neigus (331 Med), 105 Caton Ave., Brooklyn 26, N. Y.
N. Y. C. Public Library, Box 2240, Grand Central Station, New York 17, New York
Alfred S. Nusbaum (R Hq 423), 300 E. 46th St., Apt. 16-C, New York 17, New York
Herman L. Philipson, Jr. (H 423), 10614 Royal Springs Drive, Dallas 29, Texas
Robert W. Pierce (81), 464 Federal St. N. W., Warren, Ohio
Waldo B. Pierce (F 422), 530 East St., New Britain, Conn.
Edw. A. Prewett, P. O. Box 578, Brentwood, Calif.
David S. Price (331 Med), 3 North Lane, Loudonville 11, New York
Clayton F. Rarick (L 424), Box 25, Blandon, Penna.
Raymond J. Reed (Cn 423), 629 River Road, New Milford, New Jersey
Thomas J. Riggs, Jr. (81), 44 Orchard Ave., Providence 6, R. I.
Louis P. Rossi (H 424), 1208 50th St., North Bergen, New Jersey
Nathan M. Roth (B 592), 152 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y.
Marvin H. Rusch (Div Hq), 10830 Courtland Ave., Milwaukee 18, Wis.
Fred Schieferstein (A 424), 431 Madison Hill Rd., Clark, New Jersey
J. Glen Schnizlein (F 423), 1460 N. Webster St., Naperville, Illinois
Philip F. Schutte, 28748 Edward St., Madison Heights, Michigan
Earl A. Scott (589), 6414 Monument Ave., Richmond 26, Virginia
Fred A. Sebastinelli (Div Hq), 184 Avila St., San Francisco 23, Calif.
Michael G. Sgrignoli (B 592), 125 N. 24th St., Camp Hill, Penna.
Joseph J. Siska (424), 10639 Hoxie Ave., Chicago 17, Illinois
Charles L. Smith, P. 0. Box 24, Fort Loudon, Penna.
Lester S. Smyth (Div Arty), 505 Chadwick Rd., Timonium, Md.
Emil Solecki (Sv 592), 98 Wood Port Road, Sparta, New Jersey
Norman S. Spayd (H 423, F 424), 1518 Schuylkill Ave., Reading, Penna.
Stewart Stern, 8491 Harold Way, Los Angeles 46, Calif.
J. B. Strickland, 3006 Milton Road, Middletown, Ohio
Charles J. Swider (Div Hq), 118 So. 17th St., Pittsburgh 3, Penna.
Ken Sylvester (Div Hq), 211 Sheridan Circle, Charleston, W. Va.
Lee B. Taylor (G 424), Box 629, Anderson, So. Carolina
George Thoma, 19 Overbrook Drive, Colonia, New Jersey
Harrison C. Tissot (C 422), 6510 Murray Ave., Cincinnati 27, Ohio
Arthur J. Tribout (G 424), 1447 N. 42nd St., East St. Louis, Ill.
Dr. H. R. W. Vial (Div Hq), 301 McKinley Ave., Charleston, W. Va.
Russell H. Villwock, 3831 N. Lakewood, Chicago 13, Ill.
Dr. Hans Wachtel, 2926 S. Chappel, Chicago 17, Illinois
Robert Warken, 1228 Dexter, Erie, Penna.
Clarence E. Warren (A 81), 111 Goodrich St., Kewanee, Illinois
Howard Watt (424), 100 Roosevelt Ave., Ridgefield Park, New Jersey
James E. Wells (81), Hepzibah, Ga.
Lawrence H. Westphal (Div Arty), Box 72, Wycoff, Minnesota
David M. Woerner, 5914 Marluth Ave., Baltimore 6, Maryland
Donald J. Woodburn (K 423), 970 Thomas Ave., Saint Paul 4, Minn.
Seymour H. Zorn (106 Sig), 301 E. 62nd St., New York 21, N. Y.
Jack Zuckerman (C 423), 161-04 Jewel Ave., Flushing 65, New York

Make your plans now for next July in Cleveland. It will be a real ball.

By Doug Coffey
     We had worked and planned for five years to see that a suitable Memorial was erected in Saint Vith to the memory of the men of the 106th who gave their lives during the Battle of the Bulge, the greatest pitched battle in which American forces were ever engaged, and in which the 106th was the first Division to be trapped. You have read in the CUB of our many difficulties in setting an actual date for the Dedication. The negotiations involved the President of the United States, the King of the Belgians, the U. S. Ambassador to Belgium, U. S. Representatives and Senators, the local Belgian officialdom, and the United States Army in Europe. Finally the date of dedication was set for 25 March, a Sunday, which was the last date available on the calendar of General Bruce Clarke, the soon-to-retire Commander-in-Chief, U. S. Forces, Europe.
     Since I was to leave the States by plane on Thursday, on Monday I was off to the White House to make a presentation to the President through his Military Aide, Major General C. C. Clifton. I was received at the front gate of the White House and told that I was expected. During the long walk to the President's front door, I was trying to remember "to walk my post in a military manner" and at the same time wondering whether Caroline or who knows who else might be watching from an upstairs window. Now I know what it feels like to walk that last mile to the electric chair. Upon reaching the front door, a smiling guard wished me "Good Morning," a smiling guard who has been seen in many magazines and newsreels opening the door to Kings and Queens and many other famous personages.
     The General's Aide made me feel at home while waiting for the General to complete his visit with the President. The Aide is now studying the Battle


    of the Bulge, a battle which has caused as much confusion and difference of opinion as can be found anywhere in military annals. General Clifton arrived and greeted me warmly in behalf of the President and stated that it is his wish to cooperate with the 106th Division Association in any way possible to make my visit pleasant and to make for a successful dedication. I was impressed by the General's youth, stature, and pleasant manner. We then went out onto the White House lawn with a photographer for several photographs of the official presentation of the book, "The Lion's Tale," the book that you will recall was written by the men of the Division. The General was quite concerned that the photographer be as close up as possible and yet get in the photo the beauty of the White House. (Editor's note: Two of these photos appeared in the April-May issue of the CUB, and we reproduce one of them here).
     From the White House I went to visit General Jones to receive his good wishes and Godspeed for the journey and the dedication. He could not be in Belgium for the ceremony, but his Division flag, which he presented to the Association, did play a prominent part in the pageantry.
     The day before I was scheduled to leave was a hectic one, what with trying to clean up my desk and planning with the people who were to take my place during my absence. Everything seemed to be going well. I had arranged a Dedication to take place more than 3,000 miles from home, and now one of the big questions seems to be what to feed the fifty or more guests I had invited to a luncheon following the ceremonies. By now I was sure that it was worth all the headache and heartache that went into the planning, and was doing just a bit of back patting. THEN THE BOMB WAS DROPPED!
     The switchboard operator at Town Hall informed me that he had a long distance call for me from Heidelberg, Germany. When I started talking, I found myself talking to Captain Wayne Elliott, aide to General Clarke who was scheduled to make the Dedication speech. He had the astonishing information that Ambassador MacArthur has just notified him that the Minister of Health in Brussels had cancelled the Ceremony due to an outbreak of small pox. Every public gathering - soccer games, concerts, everything - had been cancelled due to the scare. Captain Elliott went on to ask if I couldn't change my plans and make the Dedication at some future date.
     By the time he had got through speaking, I was finding that my Irish was getting up. Why, I wondered, postpone the event when all the participants are Americans who have been vaccinated? The Captain finally contacted the Ambassador on another line to see if he could convince him to go ahead on the basis of American participation only. While I was waiting, an operator kept coming in and asking if I had "feeneeshed." Finally I told her in my best French that I was not "feeneeshed" and would she go


jump in the lake.
     Captain Elliott finally returned with a negative reply from the Ambassador, but he still held out hope for a Private Ceremony. He said that he would call back later in the afternoon. I told him that I would leave for Saint Vith the next day and would dedicate the Memorial on Sunday if only three people were there. I felt that I had reached the point of no return. With American representatives invited from Germany, France, and Belgium, how could I postpone it now? Captain Elliott called back later that day that General Clarke would be in Saint Vith for the Dedication and that it would be a Private Ceremony with many changes necessary in the program. (We just couldn't go all the way in defying the U. S. Ambassador and the Belgian Minister of Health). I made arrangements then to meet Captain Elliott in Dr. DeLaval's home in Vielsalm immediately upon my arrival in Belgium. The next day I had a very smooth flight on Icelandic Airline to Gander, Newfoundland, and then on to Reyjavik, Iceland where I had a very fine meal at the local Lions Club. (Where else? !!) From there we flew directly to Luxembourg. At Luxembourg I ran into a comedy of errors with my Eurailpass which might have ruined my whole trip. The Eurailpass is a pass which permits unlimited travel by First class over the railroads of fourteen European nations for a period of one month from the date of first use. I produced it first for use in travelling from Luxembourg to Vielsalm. The gateman there studied it, filled in a date, and gave it back to me to put in my wallet. Some sixth sense made me take it back out and look at it before climbing on the train with my tons of luggage. Heavens to Betsy! The character who had dated it had marked down February 20th, the date I bought the pass in New York. This was on the twenty-third of March; at that rate, my month was already gone. I dashed frantically back to the ticket-taker hoping to get it straightened out before the train left for Vielsalm and my appointment with Dr. DeLaval and Captain Elliott. Trying to argue in French with a character who doesn't want to know from nothing is, to put it mildly, difficult. A Frenchman standing nearby recognizing my trouble suggested that I go to the Stationmaster instead. After my explanation, he put a new date on the pass, and I hurried back to collapse into my seat on the train.
     Dr. DeLaval met me at the station in Vielsalm with his wife and took me into his home to make me one of his family. Shortly after my arrival there, Captain Elliott arrived along with Sergeant Gdrnish of his staff and Colonel Peterkenne of the Belgian Army. Captain Elliott brought the gloomy news that he had to cancel the band from Verdun, the Mayor would not be allowed to make a speech (since that would make it an official, rather than a private, ceremony), and that no translations or interpretation would be permitted. Since Saint Vith is located near the border of Belgium, Germany, and Luxembourg, some of the populace speak French, some speak German, and some both. I had prepared a speech in French and now found out that it should have been translated into English for the Americans present and also into German for the benefit of part of the populace. In spite of all the gloom and my heavy forebodings, I was still determined to iron out all the difficulties and make the next day one that every member of the 106th could be proud of. I am happy today that Dr. DeLaval, Captain Elliott, Sergeant Gdrnich, and Colonel Peterkenne shared my determination and did more than their share to bring it about.
     The big day arrived, and as I rode back to Saint Vith in the car the Army sent for me, I found myself thinking of that December when I had first


    seen Saint Vith and also the time ten years later when I was 'there during the tenth anniversary ceremonies. It would have been hard in 1954 to visualize the town as it was rebuilt in March of 1962. Except for one bridge which had been blown during the Battle and not rebuilt, there was no indication of the Bulge.
     At the final conference we worked out final details and moved into the ceremony. I served as Master of Ceremonies and made the proper remarks in English. I then had to find the proper words to permit the Burgemeister to place a wreath without saying anything and also to permit Colonel Peterkenne to place a wreath on behalf of the Belgian Army in a way that would not be considered official. Then I introduced General Bruce C. Clarke, Commander in Chief, United States Army, Europe. He made a most magnificent speech, and it really touched home since he also had commanded a unit which fought in Saint Vith during the Bulge. At this point, I violated the rules and didn't care a bit. I asked Major Thomas Hermann to interpret the General's remarks since despite the ban on public gatherings, 1,000 of the town's 2,800 residents came to pay homage to our division. I felt obligated to have them take this part in the ceremony. It later proved that this was the most appreciated part of the ceremony. I hope that I have been forgiven for the breach. A Belgian bugler played "Last Call" and a wonderful benediction was given by a Catholic Dean and a Protestant Minister. I have heard many benedictions of all faiths, but this one excelled because both men gave a benediction which showed a warm affection for our Division and the purpose behind our Monument. The program was carried by the Armed Forces Radio Network and radio and television Belgique. The Army made a sound motion picture which was made available to me after some negotiation after my return to the States.
     After the dedication ceremony, we proceeded to the College Patronne, on whose grounds the Memorial is located. I was next to be host to about fifty persons, both civilian and military, for a cocktail party and luncheon. The Director of the College had all the pathways around the Memorial and the College grounds decorated with flowers, evergreens, and many multicolored flags. The Belgian and American flags were, of course, flying over the Memorial. The American flag was one which had flown over the U. S. Capitol in Washington. It was


presented to the Association by Congressman Hugh Addonizio.
     At the luncheon, I was again forced to serve as master of ceremonies. It was, of course, a private ceremony so the Mayor was willing to make the speech which he had prepared for the Dedication. His speech was excellent and very moving. He was followed by the Director of the College, Herr Pankert, who made his remarks in French followed by a translation by Major Hermann. In his speech, the Director traced the history of the Memorial. He knew far more about its history than I did, I am sure. His words should go down in the archives of the 106th Infantry Division Association. General Clarke made a few brief remarks.
     I was extremely proud to be able to bring to the group the good wishes of General Jones direct from Washington. I was most happy to have General Clarke's chief of staff, Major General William C. Baker present. He was, of course, also chief of staff of the 106th throughout its period of activation, and his assistance was invaluable in arranging the dedication. Also at the luncheon I was able to meet the son of General McMahon as well as Colonel Harmon who commanded the 81st Engineers. I had many an opportunity to tell them of friends whom I see annually at the reunions of our Association.
     The luncheon was topped off with American cigarettes and cigars and at last I felt that I could relax a bit. Everyone present was kind enough to congratulate me on the fine arrangements. Little did they know that on the night before Major Herrmann, Captain Elliott, and I had been engaged in midnight requisitioning to make it all possible. After the official ceremony was cancelled, the bottom fell out, so we three musketeers with the help of a charming Belgian maid prepared the room for the lunch. For place settings, she visited several friends, and they turned up with precious antiques which were lovely. The maid even gave us her precious cups and saucers out of her hope chest. Any of these things would have made


    our wives drool! We were all up until two A. M. putting the final touches on the room so that we could put on a proper show for our guests.
     The luncheon completed the glorious return of the 106th to Saint Vith, but a happy postscript was my subsequent visit to U. S. Army headquarters at Heidelberg, Germany. I sent a telegram to Captain Elliott in the hope that he would be able to meet me since I had no idea where to find the Army headquarters. When I arrived at 8:00 P. M., Captain Elliott was waiting to take me to the transient hotels for VIP's where my quarters consisted of a living room, a huge bedroom, and a bath. The next morning I was met by Major Herrmann and the same Pfc. Henley who had driven me at Saint Vith. Major Herrmann took me to General Clarke's office. After a friendly chat, he showed me the official pictures of the ceremonies. He told me that one set of the photos had already been sent to the CUB Editor for publication. Major Herrmann then took me on a tour of the Military Headquarters, including many places not shown the ordinary visitor. The grand tour of Heidelberg that followed couldn't have been duplicated by any paid guide. We lunched at the Heidelberg Castle overlooking the Neckar River. After the tour, we went to General Baker's home for cocktail hour. He apologized for the poor quarters he had furnished me, saying that something better could have been arranged with longer notice!
     The flight home was smooth as silk. Gander was fogged in, and so was the alternate, Goose Bay, Labrador. We ended up by coming to New York by way of Montreal. I was a little shook when the Public Health Inspector at Idlewild asked if I had been in France lately. When I said I had, he gave me a form letter directing that I go to a doctor if I had even a headache in the next 15 days, since I had been in a small pox area. Thus a voyage that began with small pox ended up with small pox.


Index for: Vol. 19, No. 2, Oct, 1962

Index for This Document

106th Div., 18
106th Infantry Division Association, 18
424th Inf., 4
4th Inf. Div., 8
81st Engr., 22
Addonizio, Hugh, 22
Allen, Max B., 13
Anderson, Jerry, 13
Anderson, Lou & Jerry, 4
Ardennes, 8
Axelrod, Dr. George, 13
Bad Orb, 7
Baker, Bill, 6
Baker, Gen., 6, 23
Baker, Maj. Gen. William C., 6, 13, 22
Barnett, Herald A., 13
Barrz, Richard E., 13
Battle Of The Bulge, 3, 8, 17
Beals, John, 7
Beals, John D., 13
Behr, Richard H., 13
Belgium, 1, 8, 17, 18, 19
Bell, Roger W., 13
Berlin, 7
Bernard, Henri, 8
Besley, Floyd G., 13
Bickford, Flo & Tom, 4
Bickford, Thomas, 13
Bickford, Tom, 6
Black, T. Wayne, 13
Black, Wayne, 1, 7
Blakeley, Maj. Gen. Harold W., 8
Boyle, Rev. Edward T., 13
Brannon, E. Dean, 7
Briles, Ben, 6
Briles, Ben R., 13
Broth, Eunice & Henry, 13
Broth, Henry, 1, 4
Broth, Henry M., 1, 13
Broth, Rita Kay & Ralph, 12
Brumhagin, Dave, 3
Brumhagin, David C., 13
Brumhagin, Dot & Dave, 4
Brunswick, 6, 14
Brussels, 8, 18
Bryant, Jack, 6
Bryant, John, 13
Butler, H. W., 3
Butterbough, Leonard J., 13
Byrd, Austin L., 13
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 13
Camp Atterbury, 7
Cariano, Lt. Col. S. P., 13
Carr, Jack, 7
Carrino, Bartholomew E., 13
Cavender, Col. Charles C., 13
Clark, Dr. James I., 13
Clarke, Gen., 18, 19, 22, 23
Clarke, Gen. Bruce, 17
Clarke, Gen. Bruce C., 21
Clifton, Gen., 18
Clifton, Maj. Gen. C. C., 17
Coffey, Chris, 3
Coffey, Doug, 3, 6, 7, 17
Coffey, Douglas S., 1, 13
Coffey, Ginnie, 3
Coffey, Jane, 3
College Patronne, 21
Collier, Edd, 7
Collins, Sherod, 1, 13
Conklin, Ernest W., 13
Connelly, Dr. Michael E., 13
Davis, Rinard, 13
Day, John B., 13
DeChiara, Joseph A., 13
DeHeer, Dick, 4, 7
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 3, 7, 13
DeHeer, Ricky, 4
DeLaval, Dr., 19
Delaval, Dr. Maurice, 8
DeLaval, Maurice, 8
Delaval, Mr., 8
Dever, Connie, 3
Dever, Martin J., 13
Dever, Marty, 3
Dever, Ronnie, 3
Dickson, Roy, 7
Dickson, Roy K., 13
Div. Arty, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16
Dorosky, Alice & Tom, 4
Dorosky, Thomas, 13
Dorosky, Tom, 4
Dover, 16
Dreier, Joseph F., 13
Dulebohn, Mrs. Anna E., 13
Duren, Gen. Rene, 8
Early, John, 13
Eisenhower, Dwight, 8
Elcherath, 3
Elliott, Capt., 18, 19, 22, 23
Elliott, Capt. Wayne, 18
Erie, 16
Eyler, Louise & John, 4
Fant, Harris T., 13
Ferrara, Dan, 14
Ferrari, Edna & Danny, 4
Fischer, John J., 14
Fleming, John, 4
Fox, Mary & Tom, 4
Frampton, Durward, 7
Frank, Florian R., 14
Fridline, Mrs. Gaylord D., 14
Gallagher, John I., 14
Gavin, Gen. James M., 8
Gdrnish, Sgt., 19
Germany, 3, 19
Gillespie, Jack, 6
Gillespie, John, 14
Hagman, Ben, 4, 6
Hagman, Ben J., 14
Hagman, Gary, 4
Haller, Charles, 14
Hamilton, Mrs. R. N., 14
Hardoin, Harold V., 14
Harmon, Col., 22
Harper, R. P., 14
Hatch, H. M. (Jim), 14
Hatch, Jim, 3, 7
Hatch, Kathy, 3
Heath, Byron P., 14
Heidelberg, 18
Heidelberg, Germany, 18, 23
Henley, Pfc., 23
Hermann, Maj., 22
Hermann, Maj. Thomas, 21
Herrmann, Maj., 22, 23
Hiltbrand, Walter F., 14
Hoffman, Briggs, 6, 14
House, Pete, 4, 7, 14
Hungerford, John I., 14
Jebens, Arthur B., 14
Jennings, Vance S., 14
Johnson, William, 14
Jones, Gen., 18, 22
Jones, Lt. Col. Alan W., 14
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan W., 14
Juin, Field Marshal Alphonse, 8
Kelly, Edmond D., 14
Kersteiner, D., 14
Kersten, Joseph A., 14
Ketterer, J. E., 14
Klett, James R., 14
Koplin, Leonard, 14
Krafchik, Joe, 6
Krafchik, Joseph, 14
Lang, Elmer F., 14
Lange, Elmer F., 14
LeCompte, Lester, 14
LeCompte, Lester , Jr., 14
Lee, Norman L., 14
Leibowitz, Samuel, 14
Livingstone, David, 11
Loos, Arthur E., 6, 14
Lothrop, Oliver A., 14
Lothrop, Oliver A., Jr., 14
Loveless, John, 1
Loveless, John T., 14
Loveless, John T., Jr, 9, 14
Loveless, John T., Jr., 9, 14
Loveless, Kay & Althea, 12
Luxembourg, 19
Macarthur, Ambassador, 18
Mackell, John F., 14
Malesky, Jim, 4
Malesky, Violet & Jim, 4
Maloney, Frank, 4
Manager, Thomas G., 14
Marcus, Gilbert, 14
Matthews, Col. J. C., 14
McIntosh, Dan, 6
McIntosh, Daniel E., 14
McIntosh, Daniel E., Jr., 14
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo T., 14
McMahon, Gen., 22
McMahon, Leo, 6
McMahon, Wilda & Leo, 4
Merz, Paul, 14
Middleton, John A., III, 14
Miller, Gene L., 14
Miller, Lt. Col. J. J., 16
Mowlds, W. Lyle, 16
Neal, James, 16
Neckar River, 23
Neigus, Irwin, 16
Nusbaum, Alfred S., 16
O'Rourke, Betty & Pat, 4
Pankert, Herr, 22
Paris, 8
Paris, France, 8
Patton, Gen., 8
Peterkenne, Col., 19, 21
Philipson, Herman L., 16
Photos, 11
Pierce, Robert, 1
Pierce, Robert W., 16
Pierce, Waldo, 7
Pierce, Waldo B., 16
Prewett, Edw. A., 16
Price, David S., 16
Rarick, Clayt, 4
Rarick, Clayton F., 16
Reed, Raymond J., 16
Riggs, Thomas J., 16
Rossi, Linda, 4, 7
Rossi, Linda & Lou, 4
Rossi, Lou, 7
Rossi, Louis P., 16
Roster, 13
Roth, Nathan M., 16
Runyon, Mary & Earl, 4
Rusch, Marvin H., 16
Schieferstein, Fred, 16
Schnizlein, J. Glen, 16
Schutte, Philip F., 16
Scott, Earl, 7
Scott, Earl A., 16
Sebastinelli, Fred A., 16
Sgrignoli, Martha & Mike, 4
Sgrignoli, Michael G., 16
Siska, Joseph J., 16
Smith, Charles L., 16
Smyth, Frances & Les, 4
Smyth, Lester S., 16
Snyder, P. B., 7
Solecki, Emil, 4, 16
Solecki, Ethel & Emil, 4
Solecki, Judy, 4
Spayd, Norman S., 16
St. Vith, 1, 3, 17, 19, 21, 23
Stern, Stewart, 16
Strickland, J. B., 16
Swider, Charles J., 6, 16
Sylvester, Ken, 16
Taylor, Lee B., 16
The Battle Of The Ardennes, 8
The Lion's Tale, 18
Thoma, George, 16
Thomas, Maj., 21
Thomas, Sue & George, 4
Tissot, Harrison C., 16
Trail, Adrian & Reed, 4
Tribout, Arthur J., 16
Verdun, 19
Vial, Dr. H. R. W., 16
Vielsalm, 8, 19
Vielsalm, Belgium, 8
Villwock, Russell H., 3, 16
Wachtel, Dr. Hans, 16
Walsh, Daisy & Charlie, 4
Ward, Duke, 7
Ward, Nathan D., 3
Warken, Robert, 16
Warnken, Robert, 6
Warren, Clarence E., 16
Watt, Howard, 16
Watt, Lois & Howard, 4
Wells, James E., 16
Westphal, Lawrence H., 16
Woerner, David M., 16
Wood, Eric F., 7
Wood, Gen., 7
Wood, Lt., 8
Wood, Lt. Gen. Eric Fisher, 7
Woodall, P. C., 3
Woodburn, Donald J., 16
Zorn, Seymour H., 16
Zuckerman, Jack, 16