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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
Uploaded: 17-Jun-2024
Vol 61- No. 3 APR - MAY - JUN 2005

The National D-Day Museum Foundation in New Orleans.
The Museum, which opened on June 6. 2000, is the only museum in tD.daysd States that addresses all of the
amphibious invasions or "D.days.. of World War II, paying tribute to the
more than one million Americans who took part in D-Day
59th Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division
Association August 31 - September 4, 2005
Doubletree Hotel, New Orleans
Registration papers were mailed to all members April 29, 2005 - INFANTRY. DIVISION in this CUB magazine
The CUB a quarterly publication of the 106th infantry Division Association. Inc.
A nonprofit Organization - USPO #5054, St Paul, MN-
Agent: John P. Kline, Editor
Paid Membership May 10, 2005 1.587
Membership Fees include CUB magazine subscription
Life Vets/Associates ... S75 Auxiliary 515
Annual Vets/Associates... RIO Auxiliary 52
Annual Dues payable by June 30 each year.
Payable to 106th Infantry Division Association" in care of Treasurer. - See address below.
Elected Offices
President Walter G. Bridges
Past-President (Ex-Officio) . . . John NI. Roberts
1st Vice-Pres Irwin C. Smoler
2nd Vice-Pres Murray Stein

Appointed Offices
Business Matters. Deaths. Address changes
Adjutant: Marion Ray 704 Briarwood Drive. Bethalto. IL 62010-1168 618-377-3674- raybugleboyqcharternet

Treasurer: Richard L. Rigatti 113 Woocishire Drive. Pittsburgh. PA 15215-1713 412-781-8131 Email:
Chaplain: Dr. Duncan Trueman 29 Overkill Lane. Warwick. NY 10990 Tel/Fax 845-986-6376 email:
Memorial Chairman: Dr. John G. Robb 238 Devore Dr.. Meadville. PA 16355 814-333-6364
    Editorial Matters, Membership Chairman John P. Kline -CUB Editor 1 I Harold Drive. Burnsville. MN 55337-2786 952-890-3155 -
Historian John Schaffner
Atterbury Memorial Representative Philip Cox
Resolutions Chairman Walter M. Snyder
Order of the Golden Lion Chairman .. John Swett
Committee . . Joseph Massey, Richard Rigatti
Nominating Committee Chairman . . . Don Herndon
Committee . . . Hal Taylor, Dick Rigatti
Mini-Reunion Chairman . Harry F. Martin. Jr.
ADA Representative. Joseph Maloney

Backups for all appointed offices are available

Board of Directors
Robert R. Hanna, 422/HQ (2005) 2028 larinlutm Lane. Indian Trail. NC 28079 704-821-5708

    John M. Roberts, 592/ C • (2005) 1059 Alter Road. Bloomfield Hills. MI 48304-1401 248-338-2667 Email: jmr810'iraoLcom

Waid Toy, 422/K (deceased Jan 17, 2005) 4605 Wade Street. Columbia. SC 29210 803-772-0132

Frank S. Trautman, 422/D (20051 ,Icadowerest Drive. Parkersburg. WV 26101.9395 304428-6454

    Walter G. Bridges. 424/D (Exec Comm) (2006) 225 Laird Avc. Hueytown. AL 35023-2418 205-491-3409 Email:

Joseph A. Massey. 422/C . (2006) 4820 Spunky Hollow Rd. Remlap. AL 35133.5546 205-681-1701 jott141t!(bellsouth.ner

Walter M. Snyder, 589/A (2006) 2901 Dunmore Rd A, F4. Dundalk. MD 21M-5123 410.285-2707

    Robert F. Sowell. 424/E (2006) 3575 N. Moorpark Rd Apt 420 Thousand Oaks CA 91360 805,1,50 Email: soweIEC'mnedialup.eom

Hal Taylor, 423/CN (2006) 2172 Rockridgc Dr. Grand Junction CO 81503-2534 970.245-7807 hg1121141...g.

Donald F. Herndon (424/L) . (2007) 8313 NW 102. Oklahoma City. OK 731624026 405.721-9164 Email: okkstampscooLtom

    Irwin C. Smoler (424/11) (Eve Comm) (2007) 87 Spier Road. Scarsdale. NY 10583-7318 914.721-8835 Email:

    Bernard Mayrsohn (423/CN) .. .(2008) 34 Brae Bum Drive. Purchase. NY 33138 Ethelhnrb raolcom Website: 914428-8200

Saul A. Newman (422/G) ...... (2008) 13275 Saffron Cir. Palm Beach Garden. F1.33418 561-627-6662

    Murray Stein (423/1) (Exec Comm) 008) 7614 Charing Crossing Lane. Del, Beach. FL 33446 561499-7736 Greg0803.'dadelphiacom

Dr. Duncan Trueman (424/AT) . (2008) 29 Overbill Lane. Wiuwick. NY 10990 Tel,Fax 845-986-6376 dttructnan@yahoo.00m

    Newton Weiss (423/HQ 3Bn) . . . (2008) 400 Morse Avant, Gibbstown. NJ 08027-1066 856423-3511 newtrathiirmorldneLattnet

Geo Call (424/B) (2009)
105 Mt. Lebanon Rd. Glen Gardner, NJ 08826-3018 908-832-2961

Walter C. Greve 423/HQ 1Bn (2009) 13929E Marina Dr a604 Aurora. CO 80014 303-751.5866 ocgrrs c daolcont

Seymour Lichtenfeld 422/1 (2009) 19450 NE 21st Ct. North Miami Beach FL 33179 305-9324467 sylichtenfeldirpmdige owm

Martin L. Wente 423/1 (2009) 1309 Paseo Valle Vi. Covina. CA 91724 626.332.5079

President's View .. .
Walter G. Bridges
President 2004-2005
106th Infantry Division Association
'V Company, 424th Combat Infantry Regiment
225 Laird Avenue, Hueytovm, AL 35203

    annually for a family reunion. Meeting mostly in and around our home in Hueytown, AL. Once we were joined by my brother-in-law and his family from Oregon and California at a resort on the 205-491-3409 Tennessee River and a couple of years we traveled to Sun River, Oregon, to join their family for another reunion. Why do we go to the expense and time? Except at our Reunions our family members lose the closeness of family. These reunions get us back in touch. For about 3 days we are all together catching up on news events, getting acquainted with new members of the family and reliving memories of our history.
    Now, we come to our 106th Reunion. I ask you collectively and individually--have you written down your war experiences or have you discussed them with your children, grandchildren or maybe even great grandchildren? Consider bringing one or more of them to the reunion. Some of us may even need their hands to steady our walking.
    We veterans of the 106th know our history of training, war games and finally the war itself. These are events we experienced and need to pass on to our children and grandchildren. We are a special group of veterans. We had common causes with millions of Americans to rid Europe of a tyrannical regime, punish Japan for that day of infamy on December 7, 1941, at Pearl Harbor and free the peoples in the Pacific theater.
    Our Mini-Reunions fill the need for those who cannot attend the Arum! Reunions. There are many reports of this year's Mini-Reunions in this issue of the CUB. Under the direction of the Mini Reunion Committee chaired by Harry Martin, Jr. the movement has grown. Congratulations to all of you who hold a Mini Reunion in you area. Be sure to attend the next one that is near you. Should you not live close enough attend one or if there is not one in your area, organize one.
    At the 59th annual Reunion, talk with Harry Martin or contact him by mail, email or USPS mail. His address appears in the "New Jersey Mini-Reunion" report in this CUB.
    Should you be planning to attend the 59th Annual Reunion in New Orleans and need more information, please contact me. Remember, we will be mailing reunion registration papers and information in mid-Summer. We expect a good turnout.
I look forward to spending time with you there.
Walter G Bridges, President 106th Infantry Division Association
    The 106th Infantry Division Association's 59th Annual Reunion will be held in the Doubletree Hotel, New Orleans, La. Early Arrivals will begin Wednesday, August 31, 2005. Registration will commence Thursday, September 1, 2005 with activities concluding with breakfast Sunday, Sept. 4. Registration forms - schedules of tours, program events and other information will be mailed to each member in mid-Summer.
    Reunions have a special meaning for us. You may have many types of reunions. Let me tell you about my "Coffee Club." Originally this was a time to take a 20 minute coffee break at 3:00 PM at our favorite restaurant, "The Bright Star" Just after WWII around 30 attended. Now we average four. We still keep abreast of events in the city, families and breaking news.
Since our family has grown up and scattered to different parts of the South East we have gathered

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Chaplain's Message
    Memorial Day rapidly approaches, a day for remembrance. It's the poets who write most memorably about the pity of war and the duty to remember:
In Psalm 137 the sorrow of the people of Israel is expressed.
Captive far from their homes, their heavy hearts would not allow for joy:
"By the waters of Babylon we sat down and wept, when we remembered thee, 0 Zion,
    As for our harps , we hanged them up upon the trees that are therein, For they that led us away captive required of us then a song, and melody, in our heaviness, saving, Sing us one of the songs of Zion. How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land ?
If I forget thee, 0 Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.
If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth."
Before World War I, Kipling wrote:
"The tumult and the shouting dies,
The Captain and the Kings depart;
Still stands the ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget. Lest we forget."
    Just two examples, but poets from many different times and contexts bring the admonition that we must not forget, we must never forget. On the other hand, especially among those who had no personal experience of warfare, comes the instruction to let go of the past, give up clinging to memories of past glory or past tragedy. As if those who "were there" could ever let go of the past. It is a part of us. We, too, say to our countrymen, "Never forget !"
    We do not live in the past; we live very much in the present. But the past does live in us. The memories live in us. By honoring the memories of those who died we strengthen our own resolve to work for a world in which all they considered sacred can flourish. And we have learned as few others have learned, that we must rely upon God to "be with us yet." just as He has been with us always.
    "Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his command." - Deut. 7:9
Chaplain Dr. Duncan Trueman. 424rAT
29 Overhill Lane, Warwick NY 10990
TEUFAX: 845-986-6376
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center .. .
I must thank each of you personally at the next reunion.
    You have been gracious and very complimentary of both John Kline and me with your notes accompanying the donations you sent.
    We now have a total of 80 members who have contributed over $5,000 and they should he proud of that. I still haven't heard from about 600 other LIFE MEMBERS, so get out your checkbook and help the CUB.
Our average contribution is $68.00. Let's try to improve that average. Again thanks for your contributions.
Dick Rigatti, Association Treasurer

General Donations
2nd Quarter APR-MAY-JUN 2005
Bethea, Chasi Janice Assoc 5/I
Prewett, Mary nok Edward 10
Jensen, George C. 10
Russell, J. B. 422/SV 5
Spellman, John 422/C 10
Starmack, John/Grace 423/SV 25
Thompson, Gil 591/C 15
Grant, Franklin Assoc 13
Hanke, Arthur 106 MP 5
Toy, Vannie Assoc 25
Twarok, Fred P. 424/A 10

Assoc Membership 05/01/2005
Life Members (Vets) 691
Annual Members (Vets) 575
Total Vets 1266
Life Associate Members 168
Annual Assoc Members 134
Total Associates 302
Comp Members 20

KORTLANG, CHARLES E. (3 times) 106 MP
MIZE, JR., W.G. 424/D
.CSTER, J.R 422/H
.1, M.D., FRANK 423/E
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center...

 Editor, John Kline, 423/M
11 Harold Drive Burnsville. MN 55337-2786
Tele 952-890-3155 Fax 952-426-1131
Web site: http://www mm.corn\user\jpk

    I have many past issues of The CUB magazine that were donated by members, or widows of members. If you would like "past Issues" a donation of $1.50 each -to cover handling and postage - per magazine - will bring you copies of the editor's random choice.
    Or you can specify any period of time going back to the 40's - on a first come -first served basis. I usually throw in a few extras. J Kline
"106th In.! Div. Assoc."
Send to Richard Rigatti, Treasurer
113 Woodshire Drive Pittshureh, PA 15215
RE: Mini - Reunions
A considerable portion of this issue is filled with reports of Mini-Reunions held in various parts of the country.
It is wonderful to see that these "reunions" continue to draw many comrades and families together..
    As we get older travel gets more difficult and we must keep these local reunions alive. If you have not attended one, please consider doing so.You will go home feeling great that you met with those that you laid your life on the line with 60 years ago. Contact the organizer of your local reunion. Their name and address appear under the caption of each Mini-Reunion report.
    If there are none nearby, consider sponsoring one. Call or write the editor of this magazine and he will send you mailing labels for your invitations. Harry F. Martin,
Mini-Reunion Chairman
Disability Compensation
V. A. Cairn Assistance
Medical Resr_arch
Monthly Bulletin
Washington Office
National Organization
Veterans & Families Ivaz powiwg
Under 35 $360
36-50 5300
51-60 5180
61 & Over 5120
Single S30
Husband & Wife S40

 Spouse of LIFE Member American Ea-Prisoners of War
3201 E. Pioneer Parkway, Suite 40, Arlington, TX 76010
Fone: (817) 649-2979 Fax: (817) 649-0109 email:
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center .
    59th Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association August 31 - September 4, 2005 Doubletree Hotel, New Orleans
Invitations, registration papers and program schedules were mailed "Direct" to all
106th Infantry Division Association members on Friday, April 29, 2005.
Doubletree Hotel - New Orleans
300 Canal Street
New Orleans, Louisiana United States
Tel:1-504-581-1300 Fax:1-504-522-4100
Excellent Service, Rooms , Restaurants and Service
The CUB of the Golden lion
Front & Center...
In the heart of the New Orleans excitement, stands the
Doubletree Hotel New Orleans
boasting a premier location.
Located on Canal Street, overlooking the Mississippi
River and the city's major business and
entertainment districts.
Across from the World Famous French Quarter, Harrah's
Casino, (4) blocks from Convention Center and within
walking distance to hundreds of shops
and restaurants....
2004 Mesp0atsltusis, Inc. 0 2004 NAV--EQ irt
    From East: exit Central Business District. Exit Canal St. turn right onto Canal -13 blocks. Right on Tchoupitoulas. Hotel on left.
    From West: exit Central Business District. Exit Slidell. Exit Poydra St. straight , blocks. Left on S. Peters St. hotel 3rd bldg on left.
For those of you with computers:
Then in the "Search Box" on the lower left 
Look for "New Orleans"
See ya all in New Orleans
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Vlauu Carry
Front & Center .. .
Special NOTICE - 106th Infantry Division Association PX
John Gilliland PX Manager, announced that he will have several items for
sale at the 59th Annual Reunion in New Orleans next September
Belt Buckles: Bolo Ties; Caps; Wind Breakers: T-Shirts; Patches and Louisiana Pins:
    No Credit Cards - Make check payable to John Gilliland 140 Nancy Street, Boaz, AL 35957 Tel: 256-593-6801 Email: samitc@charternet
Cap, Ball, adjustable,106th 10.00 each + S5.00 S&H Windbreaker, Blue, lined with 106th logo on left
Pin, Lapel/Hat New Orleans 3.00 each + s .50 S&H breast Med and Large S25; Extra Large S28.; Margo
Patch, Shoulder, 106th Inky 3.00 each• 50 S&H S30 Shipping and Handling $7.50 each
T-Shirts short sleeve w/106th logo - left breast
Sloth= $10.00; Large MOO; XLarge 12.00: XXLarge 13.00 Shipping 55.00

 NEW HOT ITEM - See next page also ....
106th Flag 28" in x 44" in Undoor/outdoori one sided with loop for hanging on polo or rod (not included) 425.00
each delivered.
"106" Yell°, on Bloc background. Bottom of flag is Red.
"Lion's Patch" in Red, White, Blue with Golden Lion Head
"The words "Infantry Division Association" below Lion's Patch is curved to follow the
contour of the scroll (It is Gold in color and did not reproduce well here)
nfantry Division Associatioi


Front & Center ...
A Message from your Adjutant
    You have a wonderful opportunity to leave something very nice to your children or grandchildren or you can be buried with one!
    John Gilliland, our Post Exchange Officer and "Man On The Lookout" has come up with a beautiful 106th Division "Golden Lions" flag. Purchase one of these flags and proudly tly in outside your home on any and all holidays and special occasions. John in the past has provided us with those beautiful coverlets and wall decorations as well as the T-shirts and pins for each reunion. Only $25.00
    Having one of these beautiful flags for our children and grand children will provide them is ilk a proud decoration for future holidays.
Time is running mu.'
Contact John Gilliland, 140 Nancy Street, Boaz, 11, 3595-
Tel: 256-593-6801 Email: samiteaeharterner
The CUB of the Golden Lion

 Front 8 Center.. .

From the Association Historian
John R. Schaffner 589/A. Historian
1611 Miller Road, Cockeysville. MD 21030
410-584-2754 pumexim@bcp1 net
    From the Historian : Some years ago I had been heard to say, "I was never interested in history until I became a part of it."
    Well, now at age 80,1 consider myself as history, and my interest in the subject has at last developed. A good number of you veterans reading this have now acquired, and are using, personal computers. I dare say that your children, and most assuredly. your grandchildren, find the personal computer (PC) an integral part of their everyday life. Let us say, indispensable. This brings me to the subject for this issue of The Cub.
    Jim West (Associate Member) has succeeded in copying all of the previously issued Cub magazines to compact disks (CDs.) Once we examine the preliminary production, and make sure all is well, the disks will be offered for sale at a nominal price yet to be determined. As you all realize, the Cub magazine j the history of the 106. Infantry Division. Anyone owning these disks (and a capable PC) will be able to access any issue and read The Cub (or print it) from his computer screen. This is a real simple way for you to pass on the history of our Division to your family. If you are not "computer literate." you can bet the farm that your grandkids are.
    So often we hear from someone's child or grandchild, "He never talked about it and now we just don't know ..." This will be your chance to pass it on without actually "talking about it."
    Stay tuned, that's not all. If we are successful with this project we will be offering a CD or CDs containing those personal memoirs that your Historian has collected. Many of these stories are already available to a PC user by accessing them on the World Wide Web at the 106. infantry D jpis maintained by John Kline, Cub Editor, and the website maintained by Associate Jim West,
    All of you PC users should be familiar with this source of our Division's history. Let's all work to keep it alive. JRS (Editor's Note)
'If you have a written "Personal War Diary" send a copy to John for the "Archives."
(see his address above) John Kline - editor
Thanks for the Old CUBs
They will put to good use. I have many requests for past issues of
the CUB magazine.
Special Thanks to the following for their donations of old CUB magazines
Henry P. Hein (424/F) Dean F. Jewett (168TH Engineers/B
Kachdor AN edisian 28th Infantry Division


New Members...

Editor's Note:
    For you new members that have joined and did not give us a little history -. Please feel free to send us a short story about your history and/or experiences.
We will publish it in the next CUB .... John Kline, editor

274 Griswold Drive, Youngstown, OH 44512, 330-758-5813
James wrote "My background is quite complicated prior to the 106th and afterwards."
    He wrote an extensive history of his life. Born June 1925. Married 52 years, two sons Jim Adsit and Robert Adsit, both married. Military status: US Army 1944-1946 106th Infantry Division. Remained in U.S. Army Reserves with a total of 21.5 years - retired with the rank of Sergeant 1st Class (E-7), Staff and Command School, Akron, Ohio.
    Basic Training Camp Fanning Texas, sent to Fort Meade for deployment to the European Theatre - via USS George Washington April 12, 1945 - total three troop ships wIdestroyer escorts to LeHavre, France 26 April 1945. The via French troop train. Boarded a 40&8, spent seven days and 6 nights to front lines (no knowledge of where we were). Ended up near Aachen, Germany in the Black Forest, assigned to the 3rd Regiment, Co F (attached to the 106th 422nd Regiment). Assigned to guard POW's. James wrote an extensive paper on his education and life after the war.
    I graduated from Youngstown State University in 1967 (under the GI Bill) with a degree in Industrial Management. Held positions with Martin Marietta Magnesia Speciaties, Sutherland and Associates (a refactory company), APC Corp (Contact purchasing of major steel firms); Shenango Refactories; Corhart Refactories and USS Ohio Works.

1728 Duke Street Edwardsville. IL 62025
Son of Paul Boschert, 590/HQ Battery.

15915 Meadow Walk, Woodbine, MD 21797, 410-442-5525, richardbuchanan@comcastnet
    I have an interest in the 106th Infantry Division because my father was in "A" Battery, 589th Field Artillery Battalion Daughter of John Schaffner, 589/A.

550 Rivertrest Drive, Woodstock, GA 30188, 770-517-7690

404 E 6th Street, Oakley. KS 67748, 785-672-4252, retpm67748©sbcgglobal net

8601 SW 85th Street Miami, FL 33143
Sponsored by Seymour Lichtenfeld.

1010 Georgia Street Ethvardsville, IL 62025
Daughter of Paul Boschert, 590th FAB/HQ

2020 Casa Linda Drive, West Covina CA 91719, 626-919-2136, Fax - same number
    email: NEW LIFE VETERAN listed in last CUB. This is address correction from last CUB. Wife's Name Joanne Grumet
My apologies Alfred. - John Kline, editor
The CUB of the Golden Lion

 New Members...

1230 Long Corner Rd, Mt Airy. MD 21771, 410-795-2581
John Schaffner 589/A family friend, Interested in WWII history.

1827 109th Sheet, Oakland. CA 40603, 510-530-3728
    I was a member of the 969th FAB that survived "Bastogne." I communicate with an associate member of your organization from the 333rd FAB. I was a member of the 969th FAB who survived "Bastogne."
I am communicating with another member of your organization who was a POW from the 333rd FAB.
(See next page for a nice letter from Bastogne J Kline. editor)

602 Yacht Harbor, San Antonio, TX 78242-3251, 210-623-5830,
Daughter of 106th Vet -81st Combat Engineers, "C" Company.
    I would like to send "Special Thanks" to John Kline, 106th Infantry Division Association and Gus Agostini, 81. Combat Engineers Battalion, "A: Company for helping to get my research started. Thanks also to Fred Carr, Robert Flick, Frank Sziber and John Gallagher all of 81/C for their assistance. Special appreciation is extended to Mrs. Nell LeTellier, wife of Louis LeTellier [81/C] for her thoughtfulness and direction. These people have been so kind and invaluable in my search to locate information my father's military service. Dad's military records were, like many others, destroyed in a fire at St. Louis over thirty years ago and all I had to start with were a few old photos. I didn't ask dad many questions about WWII before he passed away -- and I deeply regret that!
    Dad was inducted 29 January 1943. Basic Training at Camp Swift, Texas, ASTP at Vanderbilt University from July 43 -- Mar 44. He was transferred to "C" Company, 81. Combat Engineers at Camp Atterbury on 28 March 1944. With the help of those already mentioned, and others, I've learned so much about when and how they made their way to Europe and the "Battle of the Bulge" in the Ardennes.
    Dad left the Army in November 1945 and returned to Kansas City, Missouri. He worked for John Deer for 45 years and retired as a Warehouse Superintendent. He is, today, survived by the love of his life, his wife Judith, two daughters and three grandchildren (two who were born after his death). Dad went home to the lord in 1991 following a terrible fight with lung cancer.
As an old newspaper clipping from Columbia, South Carolina said -- regarding the inactivation of the 106.
    "We pay tribute to this division's valor, Nay a silent prayer for those of its number who gave their all, and think of those who so long as they live shall bear wounds and suffer from the effects of the fury of battle. The 100 shall not be forgotten. It's record is a glorious page in American history."
My family and I can only echo those sentiments.
    We thank you (and your families) for the service, dedication to duty, and devotion to each other. May God bless each of you. (If you have any additional information regarding my father, I would like to hear from you.) Sincerely Jean Norris Key.


New Members .. .

424/1 2560 Mocking Bird lane
1313 Ridgecresl Drive Florissant. MO 63031
Kingsport TN 37660 Daughter of Paul Boschert, 590th
423-8322 FABIHQ
davidgem@earthlink net

Route 2 Box 196 10995 NE 1125 Pvt Rd Deepwater. MO 64740
Looking for books on 106th Infantry.
Theodore, look in the CUB magazine I sent you - each issue has some books listed. John Kline. editor

822 Millwood Trail Middleville. Ml 49333 mover@tritorrnet

45969 N Pointe Blvd Room A-4, Utica MI 48315

563 Shady Hollow Cove Eads, TN 38028 901-853-0820
Father S/Sgt Benito Pierotti was in "F" Company, 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment

PO Box 302, Reisterstown MD 21136, 410-429-1911, j3cubman@bcp1 net
    My father is John Schaffner, 589th Field Artillery, Battery A. I have an interest in WWII history and the 106th Infantry Division..

706 Moms Avenue, Lutherville. MD 21093, 410-252-1973, rschaffnet@comcasl net
    1 have an interest because my father is John Schaffner, 589th Field Artillery, Battery A. I am interested in WWII history, especially that of the 106th and it's units.

4605 Wade Street Columbia SC 29210
    Vannie is the widow of Waid Toy 422/ K who died January 17, 2005. Vannie, it is nice to see you join as an Associate Members J. Kline

4410 Murano Road, New Orleans. LA 70129, 504-254-4796, kwintz1@cox net


Story Section...

by Robert Niner, 590 FAB/HQ
A personal accounting of the
English bombing of the POW trains in the Diez/Limburg Rail Yards outside Stalag 12-A on the 23 December, 1944
The mists of memory now shroud my experiences in the last days of the battle and what followed.
    Only later did I learn that my personal disaster was called "The Battle of the Bulge". What remains of this early scar, inflicted in the young days of life, overlaid now with other hurts as severe and deep, acquired in the subsequent thirty-five years of living and surviving. My division--the 106th--was at the very point of the massive enemy assault in the Ardennes Forest. Retreat or withdrawal was cut off. A break-through effort by our infantry was tried and failed. We then went forward in the direction of the West Wall to escape enemy pressure. Once again, we tried going back towards our lines.
    At one moment, our artillery vehicles were drawn up in a circle, frontier style. We proceeded to move out. Going through a valley, shells began to pour in on us. A brave 105 mm gun crew set up. tried to reply, and was silenced by a hit. After half an hour of mortar fire and shelling by 88mm anti-aircraft by the Germans, there was a shattering cry. ""Every man for himself' still echoes chillingly, carrying the message of aloneness and abandonment in the face of imminent destruction. A panoramic view flashes before me as I see hundreds of us, trapped, bewildered, defenseless...the release of captured German prisoners running back to their lines screaming for a halt in the firing until they were helmet flying from my head as face and body are pressed into the earth, seeking safety as shrapnel pours merci less hell, sharing the very ground sought as a haven...
    "Medic! Medic" is screamed out from those unfortunates already hit, and their pitiful cries still reverberate and chill me!
    There was a brief respite from the shelling. White rags appear from nowhere...a panicked oozing of a line of our men, growing from a trickle into a heavy flow, moving towards the enemy lines. The invisible foe loosens briefly the ring of steel to gather the harvest of the stampeded and defeated American troops.
    We were set down in a field, grouped then into long lines, and sent on a wandering, interminable march. We passed the Dragon's Teeth and anti-tank traps and block houses that were part of the Siegfried Line. We marched through Pruem, a dead city, battered and broken. Even now, incredibly, I recall the beauty of the hills and streams. Wearily putting one foot in front of the other, exhausted, we continued on. There could be no dropping out.
    Fantasy and reality interchanged places, and I still see the image of a German soldier, dead and frozen, sitting upright on his motorcycle. At the railroad siding, a long train of cattle cam awaited. The loading of the dispirited prisoners began. Willie calls out, "Let's get on this box car". Dan says, "Let's get on the next one!"
Still I see short Willie.
    Clearer is the earlier image of him with a bandage around his head. Willie had been waylaid in Scully Square in Boston while on our last leave from the port of embarkation, Camp Myles Standish.
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Story Section . . .
    He had been beaten and concussed, and he missed sailing with us on the USS Wakefield, our troop ship. He joined us later in England.
    Dan was tall, spare, quiet spoken. For whatever reason--or none--I walked to the next cattle car, separating from Willie, accompanying Dan.
    The stench of the manure-laden straw on the floor of the cattle car is smelled no more. Did we really pass three days without water or food? At last, relief? The delight of swallowing the icy cold wetness when the locked door opened at a siding! Our thirst-tortured bodies this slight but needed succor. The damp and metallic feel of the helmet full of water as it was passed from hand to hand! The urgent press of others' demands on the lucky ones who had first received the helmet! "Thai's enough! Pass it on!" was the repeated cry. Our thirst unsatisfied, take one more swallow, and the precious gift was handed on. The drink was not nearly enough, not nearly long enough, but the container was given tip to be fairly shared. Each of us received a couple of hard crackers, barely chewable, inadequate--but savored nonetheless. Once more, the boxcar was locked and the high piercing, sound of the locomotive cut through the winter air. The boxcars smashed and jerked as other cars were added or taken off the train. There was the slow pull; halt; pull; halt; then forward once more until, finally, there was an established rhythm as the freight train won its freedom to continue its slow and weary pace. The quiet clacking of the wheels filled the air until progress was halted at another railway siding. Again and again this pattern was repeated. For us, crowded together, we had hours and hours of simply standing or sitting, waiting on the louse-ridden, foul-smelling straw.
    The night! That night! Halted in a freight yard--it was a rail yard outside Stalag 12-A Limburg. There was the sudden wailing of air raid sirens that cut through the stillness with their fearsome message. There was hysterical shouting by the soldiers guarding us as airplanes were heard passing over. Then, the shriek of bombs as one explosive followed another in the midnight rain of hell and terror. The bombs were coming closer and closer to our boxcar, destroying the boxcars and killing the helpless, hapless prisoners who could only listen as death crept up, nearer, nearer, nearer...
    And now there is a scene that is indelibly branded in my mind. It cannot have been imagined because it is so clear and so well remembered. We did believe that we were in the last moments of our lives. I, the Jewish prisoner, was told "We are going to pray!" "I will, too," I remember saying. Men were on their knees. "Hail Mary, Mother of God"..., and a chorus of voices!
    Only once since have I had occasion to be in a church. yet the prayer is part of me. How could this not have occurred? As if in answer to the imploring cry of the trapped men, there was a scrabbling noise at the box car door. The lock was removed, and the door was pushed open. We jumped out of the wooden boxcar and ran, ran, ran, seeking safety wherever that might be. I sighted an embankment about six feet high some fifty or more feet away. Quickly, I covered that distance. On top of the wall was an enemy soldier. Foolishly, trying to get away from the terror behind, I reached out my hand to be lifted up on the wall.
He looked. He moved away. Just like that. He moved away. No statement. It fills my memory. Man on man.
I was Naive then, still today.
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Story Section . . .
Had he been low and I high, would I have acted differently? A desperate hand extended and no help given!
Sadly, I seem to have had the same experience several times since, in other contexts, surely the same empty act.
The hand not given....
    The bombing airplanes passed overhead and left. Stillness returned and the mid ended. Voices were again heard as the guards returned. They were excited and shouting and rounding up the prisoners.
Who remembers Willie today?
    I do. For as long as I shall live, he will be remembered. For a few brief years, I am his eternity. I am alive because I did not accept his camaraderie and enter the same boxcar with him. Willie is long gone, and when I think of him, I realize that I have had those years of life that he lost that dark and terrible night. What would he have done with those lost years?
What have I?
    English airmen bombed the Limburg rail yard in Germany on the night of December 23, 1944. Unknowing, they did their duty and they hit their target--the freight yard, the train--and us. Willie Warmuth died that night, killed only a few feet away. He died where I might have been if I had accompanied him. Would it have been me rather than Willie? And here he died in captivity, buried under tons of German dirt in that freight yard. Willie was going to be a journalist in Ohio. He uncle owned a newspaper there.
    And I think often of that hand not given. It is a memory of a foolish hurt. Unreasonable, yes, but lingering nonetheless.
In the years that have followed there have been many wounds, some as
rasping and deep, but these were some of my first; and they have endured, as I have, to this day.
Robert Niner
Headquarters Battery,
590th Field Artillery Battalion 106th Infantry Division
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center ...
ESCAPE ... ! ! !
The True Story of a World War II P.O.W. The Germans Couldn't I lold
by John M. 'lack" Roberts, Association Past-President
    "Jack" Roberts. "C" Battery, 592nd Field Artillery Battalion, recently published a book about his experiences during the -Baffle of the Bulge- in December 1944 where he was ambushed and captured by the Germans.
    The book, 237 pages. with a colorful cover. gives a detailed account of his harrowing experiences telling how he was able to escape his German captors, while behind enemy lines, before reaching a POW compound. Early chapters in the book gives the reader an overview of his youth. including his military training leading up to his capture. The book then concludes with his adjustment to civilian life with it's rewards after discharge from the Army.
    Order hem and make payable to: John M. Roberts, 1059 Alter Road. Bloomfield Hills. Ml 48304. Email: jrnr81011. Telephone: 1-248-338-2667 Price: S27.95 includes Shipping
456 pages 550.00 + $6 shipping
Author Dean F. Jewett 168th Combat Engineers. PO Box 148. Saco ME 04072
    Author made two trips to St. Vith, Rhine River, Armor School Library, Military History Institute. plus personal information from 168th Combat Veterans
    168th Combat Engineer Battalion, was attached to the 106th Id Division at St. Vith. Their three line companies were defending the Prumerberg. A battalion of 600 men suffered 335 casualties, 33 KIA, the others wounded, POWs or MIA. The 168th is credited with Normandy Invasion, Northern France, Rhineland, assault crossing of the Rhine River, Central Europe. Ending up near Czechoslovakia..
Author Earl S. Parker 423/E
I st Books Library, 1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200 Bloomington. IN 47403
Telephone 1-888-280-7715
Also available through Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and Borders at $14.95.
Any book store can order the book by Title, Author or ISBN Number
    lien: is the story of a young draftee in World War II who experienced life in the Armored Force. the Army Air Force pilot training program and the reality of combat in an Infantry Division. On line with the 106th in a quiet sector of the Ardennes, these foot soldiers were in the direct path of the massive (it' "mian offensive that became known as 'The Battle ofthe Bulge. Overwhelmed by the sheer might of numbers and firepower arrayed against dmu, they manage, to upset the enemy timetable .161 forced I0 surrender on the fourth day of what has been called the greatest bank of the war in terms of men and machines. This book is about an individual and his experiences under tire and as a prisoner of war; liberation by the Russian Army and his adventures on a hike across country to rejoin the American Army. Here. an attempt has been made to create the feeling oldie times in addition the problems of the moment. It is a book about real people in a tragic period of history.
pERso,4, cAnim, ampLAIN As pow 1, GFRA,,,,vy
Compiled, Edited and reproduced by Robert Skopek, Associate member.
    By Chaplain Fr. Paul W. Cavanaugh S.J., (Captain) 422nd Regiment. Chaplain Cavanaugh who was a POW at Stalag IX-13, Bad Orb and Oflag XIII-B, Hammelburg Bavaria. 252 pages of Father Cavanaugh's writings and photographs.
    Many of you will remember Chaplain Father Cavanaugh, who was such a wonderful support during your service days and particularly so during the stressful times as a POW. He was of such support in the Box-Cars and during the long marches and the bombing at Limburg, Germany and the Christmas days, when you were thinking so strongly of home. He led many of you in the singing of Christmas Carols in the boxcars. He also held services in the POW Camps. He was cherished by those that knew him, and those he served. This book, "PRO DEO PATRIA" was very popular at the 58th Annual Reunion in Milwaukee. Every cent of the proceeds that were gained there was given as a gracious gift, by Skopek, to
the Association. It IS AVAILABLE FOR $20.00 mom maul,. SHIPPING, FROM:
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center...
Author Hal Taylor, 423/CN. 2172 Rockridge Dr., Grand Junction, CO 81503; 970-245-7807
Available http://www. I stbooks.corn as a hard copy or electronic transfer.
    A Teen's War describes the experiences of a small town boy in the latter stages of World War Portions originated from letters written home about induction. training, and time overseas with the 423rd Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division and that unit's short period of combat in the Battle of the Bulge. The story is unique compared to most war books. for it contains none of the pedantic pretenses of most military histories, tilled with strategy or the so-called 'Big Picture.' Instead, A Teen's War tells how a young, private soldier became aware of reality and the world around him despite his limited view.
    All readers who have ever heard the words. 'missing in action,' will find this book interesting. Readers who were prisoners of war themselves, particularly of the Germans, will recall those hellish times and understand that recollection enables one to live and to cope with the realities of today.
Available at and
Also available on her website
ISBN: 1-4017-96564 (Soft Cover) ISBN 1-407-9655-8 (Hard Cover)
    Almost as if tom from today's headlines comes the riveting story of patriotism and courage, love and comradeship, as told in The Warmth of a Song. Set against WWII's The Battle of the Bulge, this adventurous tale is inspired by actual eye-witness accounts. As Hawk Clarke fights for God and country, when the platoon he leads narrowly escapes from the Gerntan Panzer battalion that has them surrounded, he also learns the greatest freedom of all -the courage it takes to free the human spirit. Returning to Boston after a sniper's bullet penetrated his spine, Hawk mourns the loss of his once strong legs. Can he break free from the cage he feels his life has become in time to help an old woman release a miracle? Helen von Erck:
    I lelen von Erck lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her daughter, llayley. While growing up in South County, Rhode Island, she began cultivating a lifelong fascination with history. She has turned that interest into a passion. and has conducted in-depth research into the life and times of the 1940's and World War II. She attended the University of Rhode Island and the University of Denver where she studied Business Management with a minor in Creative Writing. This is her debut novel.
    This book is available from the author for 513.00 (includes shipping cost). 6159 Brookside Lane, Apt A, Willowbrook, 11 60527. Copies are also available from for SI 0.95 plus S & H.
    This is a fascinating, eloquent account of a 19 year old trying to grow to manhood in the middle of a deadly world war. After briefly describing his rigorous training as an infantry soldier, including some semi-comic events while learning to drive a jeep, he and his buddies were finally off to war in Europe as well-trained, confident members of the 106" Infantry Division.
    Shortly after arriving at the battle front in December, 1944 during a bone-chilling, bitter cold winter, the majority of the Division was surrounded and finally overwhelmed in a bloody battle, by a much larger, more powerful German force during the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge. Thousands of young soldiers, including Zak, were forced to surrender. The rest of the book describes his life in three different camps as a prisoner of war. Ile gives a gripping account of the fear, the misery and the many dangers he often faced. As a prisoner he escaped death from bombs, machine gun fire, and a German guard's rifle bullet shot at him. Ito was hungry all the time, always under guard and powerless. and unsure of his ultimate fate. Ile mourned the death of many of his fellow soldiers during the battle, some at his side, and constantly worried whether his parents knew if he was alive or dead.
    Zak ends his book describing the arrival of the Russian army and the surprising and disappointing beginning of the Cold War with the Russians. A well-told. remarkable story.
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center ...
    In two volumes - Published by TRACES, a nonprofit educational organization committed to telling the stories of Midwesterners and their WW II experiences.
    Volume 1 - (270 pages) Tells the stories of 9 soldiers who were POWs in Nazi Germany during WW II. Includes documents and photos as well personal journals and diaries. Paperback. $20. Add postage. see below.
    Includes Wm Blackwell and Charles Lloyd Jones, 168th infantry, 34th Division; Carl Schneider. 133rd Infantry, 34th Division; George Rosie. 506th Paratroopers, 101st Airborne; Delbert Berninghaus. John Kline and Elmer Sorensen, 423rd Regiment, 106th Division; James Fuller, 422nd Regiment. 106th Division; and Oliver Omanson, 179th Regiment, 45th Division.
    Volume 2 - (170 pages) Companion to the above, this one includes the stories of 6 airmen who stem POWs in Nazi Germany during WW II. Paperback $20. Add postage, see below. Purchase
together and enjoy a special price - $35
One book 51.50 media mail or 53.95 express mail
Two books $2.00 media mail or $6.00 express mail
Send orders to: Pat Schultz 24640 305th Street, Nom Springs, IA 50458
BEFORE THE VETERANS DIE By Dale Caner, Poet laureate (deceased)
a book of poems Inspired by World War II lee inf Division Association
by Dale R. Carver (deceased)
Poet Laureate - 106th In/ Div Association HQs Co., 3Bn AdP Platoon Leader
424th Infantry Regiment 106th Infantry Division
 Order from Ruth Carver
742 Druid Circle, Baton Rouge, LA 70808
$10.00 Post-paid

 7:::,, ate' Dale, died its 2001. He had written poetic memories of the War. His poems
..7. ,,, appeared in "The CUB" for several years. They all bring back memories and
/„, visions of the times.
    Dale was awarded the Silver Star for Valor. He disabled German mines, while ,,. under attack. that had been placed under a bridge.
t ' For that he received a battle field promotion (from 2nd to 1st Lt.) and was
V: - ", ; awarded the Silver Star for -gallantry under fire." Ile told me. during one reunion,
tes, ( ,' ;: .
that he thought it, the Silver Star, should have been for another time when he led a
    group of soldiers through a live mine field to safety. The soldiers had walked into the mine field and were "frozen in fear."
    Author Marilyn Estes Quigley (This was a popular book - shown and sold at the 58th Annual reunion). Marilyn, associate professor of English at Es-angel University in Springfield. Missouri, teacher composition. literature and creative writing. The current Evangel campus was O'Reilly General Hospital during WWII. a medical facility for soldiers. Quigley's office, still in an original barracks. was formerly an operating room. She published fiction, a children's musical. poetry. and articles. Her husband Ed designed and painted the cover of Hell Frown Over Author's email: edmarquig( But from "Author House. 1663 Liberty Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403 Also at other major bookstores S16.95 telephone: 1-888-519-5121 or Website: ,,.%( 514.50 Check on shipping charges.
    Hell Frown Over describes the personal experiences of sixteen 106th soldiers who were caught in Hitler's final grasp to strangle the continent. More than half of these men stem among the 7,001 in the Division who were taken as prisoners of war. Scattered in camps throughout Germany, they willed themselves to survive as deprivation and even slave labor threatened their lives and sanity. Their comrades-in-arms who escaped capture and remained to fight in foxholes and tanks had other hells to endure, as did the civilians of every town in the area. There are nearly 30 WWII photos of 106th servicemen along with accountings their personal stories.
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front 8 Center ...
Causes and Charactonstics of POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER
    By: Dr. Beverly Peterson RN, MSN, Ph.D., and Richard Peterson Ph.D., MBA. (deceased) Dr. Beverly Peterson is a retired Navy Psychiatric Nurse.
    Dr. Richard Peterson (deceased) was a former 106th Infantry Weapons Platoon Sergeant 423/I and was a prisoner of war.
    Dick, as you know was very active in our Association. He had served on the Association Board, had been recognized by the French for his work in connection with research on Stalag IX-A, Ziegenhain. Ile attended several joint meetings with the French - after the war. It was after this research and many returns to Ziegcnhain that he wrote CHILD WARRIORS, (see below) which many of you have read..
    Both Dick, before his death, and his wife, Beverly, worked with clients suffering from PTSD. This is a book written for people trying to understand what trauma has done to their lives and their families and to help the counselors who help them in alleviating their agonies. $18.00 Postpaid.

For ordering information see below - bottom of pace.
    By Dr. Richard Peterson, Ph.D., (deceased) 'I" Co., 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division. Order from Consultors Incorporated, See below.
    An autobiographical study of the long range effects of combat and captivity on young soldiers. December 1944 - The Ardennes Forest - Battle of the Bulge
    Healing the Child Warrior is a book to give to your children and grandchildren. It recounts what you couldn't tell them about December 1944 when two entire infantry regiments and many smaller groups of soldiers totally disappeared in the Ardennes Forest of Germany. The author was there as an infantry sergeant. He captures the furious fighting in the first days of the Battle of the Bulge, and the long lasting effects of combat on the young soldiers who fought in it.
    He recounts the suffering and despair of prisoners of war, especially in Stalag IXB and Stalag IXA. He discusses and analyzes the feelings of confusion and withdrawal after the return home.
Soft cover, illustrated with archival and current photos of camps. $15.00 Postpaid
Pay by Check or MC /Visa - Address request to:
Consultors. Inc., 1285 Rubenstein Avenue Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007.
Battle of the Bulge Books
Author - Associate Member Bans Wijers
Zegerijstraat - NL-6971 ZN
email wijersewxs.n1
(Currently working on Book - 106th Infantry Division in the Bulge)
    Book on the 99th Infantry Divivision Sector- U.S. Troops Block Northern German Advances Price: 45.00 US Dollars (world wide shipment included!)
    Soft cover, 8.5"x I I". -270 pages, black & white photographs and color photographs, maps, copies of original documents.
Book on the 2nd Inf Div Sector - U.S. V Corps stops the 1st SS Panzer Corps
Price: 45.00 US Dollars (world wide shipment included !)
    Soft cover, 8.5"x 11". -250 pages, many "then and now" photographs of the old battlefield and maps, copies of original documents
Book on the Ist Infantry Division Sector
U.S. V Corps stops the I st SS Panzer Corps Author flans 1. Wijers
Price : 30.00 US Dollars (world wide shipment included!)
    Soft cover. 8.5"x I I", -190 pages. many "than and now" photographs of the old battlefield and maps. copies of original documents
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions . . .
Front Itms I.; It: Norma Templeton; Barbara Bridges: Alice Bridges (Bridge's Grand-Daughter);
Davie Lacy and Hazel Massey
Rack Itnu 1. 'It: Will Templeton; Walter Bridges; Joe Massey; John Racstcr and Frances Lacey.
Birmingham, Alabama - December 10, 2004
Joseph Massey, 422/C 4820 Spunky Hollow Rd, Remlap, AL 35133 295-681-1701 .12066@bellsouthmet
    Our Mini-Reunion was held on December 10, 2004 at The Club atop Red Mountain. which has a spectacular view of the City of Birmingham, Alabama. It was combined with the annual dinner meeting of the Battle of the Bulge. Governor Bob Riley spoke about our age being "The Greatest Generation." Without notes he spoke, directly and to each of us no that we felt that we were "indeed" part of the events of that era. He spoke factually about of the many facets of those living in our generation.
VBOB installed Officers for the coming year.
Among those installed was Will Temple. 422/D, 106th Infantry Division.
Southern California June 2004
Milton Weiner, 424/M 28121 Rudgethorne Ct , Rancoo Palos Verdes, CA90275 310444-470
This was the 18th Annual Southern California "Bulge Commemorative" event.
    We started by reading "My First Reunion" by Dale Carver and the "heroics of Americans who fought in W.W.II from John McCain's book "Worth Fighting For." I read a prayer for Joe Litman 423/D from the prayer book I carried through the Bulge. Twenty-seven attended including nine 106th Vets who each gave a brief summary of their experiences in the -Battle of the Ruh," The 2005 event will be held December 11, 2005. Please write or call me to be added to the mail list. See my address above.
See Southern California Photos on next page
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions .. .
See Preface on preceding page.
L/R: Start with the white cap: Eric Vanderhorst 423/F: Cliff Kincannon 590/HQ; Sarah Kincannon:
Wilton Werner 424/M standing; Frieda Vanderhorst; Leo Kruser 81/MED;
David Fournier; Manh Siekierski; (Front) Al Siekicrski 592/C
1JR: Randy Marsh; Chic Wente 423/1; Al Grumet 423/AT Joane Grumet;
Donna Wente and Mary Lou Marsh (front facing camera)
LJR: Bernard Weiner; Joseph Sadacca 423/HQ I Bn; Leona Sadacca;
Greg Drumm; Bella Weiner, Miriam Chester; Morris Chester 422/HQ
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions ...
Men back Row L/R: Bernard Weiner. Joseph Kelvin; Dick Beaudreau
Jim Stamm. Calvin Wright and Maynard Sexton
Front Row: Dean Childs. Herman Van DeRogart. Tom Bugner. Paul Thompson. Joseph Gour
Mesa, Arizona - December 17, 2004
Dian mkt*. toe Signal, 245 So. 56th Street #75 Mesa. AZ 85206 480-985-3687
    The Arizona Mini-Reunion was held on December 17. 2004 in Mesa at the home of Dean and Eleanor Childs. We had several new attendees. Our program was "Show and Tell' with all participating. We were minus two of our regular veterans, Toby Anderson, due to illness, and Richard Behr having another commitment. The veteran costing the furthest was Milton Weiner from California: he came with his son Bernard, an Associate, living in Arizona. lie contributed greatly to the program.
ell r 1 AS
Ei4 AA
Ladies back row L/R: Enna Dorsey. Gloria Beaudreau. Jean Broom. I lelen Sim DeBogart
Front Row: Eleanor Childs, Pam Bugncr, Dorothy Cutshaw. Laura Thompson. Margaret Wright
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions . . .
1JR: Paul Kinney; Michael !home; ol. I honias Harrick;
(harks McMullen; Alfred Quattrim and Dr. Walter Tyler
Northern California - December 17, 2004
Michael N. Thome, 422/Ha 1st Bn - 1712 40th Street. Sacramento CA 95819
    Thirty-seven invitations were sent to Nonhern California members. In addition to those attendees, two responded as to their inability to attend. Next year we plan a meeting place more in the area between San Francisco and Sacramento with the hope that attendance will be larger.
    As you know we lost our National Past-President Ed Prewett during the year, a great lose to the 106th Infantry Division Association and his many friends.
John Gregory, an Association Past-President has been ill. We all wish him the very best.
UR: Norma Quaatrim; Mrs John Kinney; Juno McMu(le,, i,,,Idie Prewett; Jean Barrick;
Shirley Gregory and Jo Tennant )Pmwett's daughter)
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions ...
1st Row L/R: Boris Stern; Jack Schneider: 13ill Mangold; Fred Parks: Charles Fehnel
2nd Row L/R: David Ford; Ray Twardzik; Len Turgeon; Bob Snovel; John Fritz
3rd Row Ur: Jim Edwards; Ken Smith; Bob Eldridge; Dick Brokaw; Les Helmich; Sid Auerbach
West Coast of Florida - December 16, 2004
Ray 7Wardzik, 106th Signal, 5516 Garden Lakes Oak, Bradenton, FL 34203 946.75644203
    There were thirty-tive (35) attending the Dutch Heritage Restaurant in Sarasota. Atter a great luncheon. David Ford, Associate, told about his recent trip to the Ardennes. followed by Xmas games (with prizes) conducted by Bill Mangold. As usual. stories about our experiences were exchanged.
1st Row L/R: Margery Stern; Lael Snovel; Evelyn Turgeon; Isabel Twardzik; Marie Parks, Vickie
2nd Row L/R:: Jodi Brokaw; Mary Ruth Kimsey; Mary Smith: Jill Blaufox; Arlene Ford;
Martha Fritz; Pauline Fehnel; Frantic Buries and Brenda Schneider
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions .. .
    Men Back Row UR: Lee Darby; Jeremiah Mitchell; Stammxi Paxtnoy;( .0 I I roehhrodt: Da, kl Middk Row: Rev Ewell Black; Bill Jaikins; Albert Asher. Mortis Pilo: George Spentx.
Front Row: Re, Ron Mack: Carl Canup and Bob Howell. Not in photo: Woody I larriman and Rand) White.
Atlanta, Georgia - December 12, 2004
Frankie Burkes. Associate 7114 Forest Lane. Union City. GA 30291 770-774-9745
    The Atlanta area Mini-Reunion was held at the Steak & Ale Restaurant in College Park, GA on December 12, 2004. All Georgia 106th vets were invited. We had twenty-nine (29) people attending. Each 106th vet was asked to give a t•o-minute presentation, naming their unit and any important events during his tour of duty with the 106th Infantry Division.
Women Back Row UR : Frankie Barites; Sue Canup; Cathy White; Sue Asher; Jean Shirley. Second
Row: Martha Brocato; Peggy Harriman; Louie Howell; Elaine Darby, Joe Spence. Front Row: Dorothy
Stanwood; Sara Piha and Sylvia Mostly. Not in photo: Mary Ruth Kimsey
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions . . .
Alton, Illinois - St Louis, MO - Dec 16, 2004
Maven Ray. 4241D 704 Brianvood Drive. Bethalto. IA 62010 618-377-3674 raybugleboyecharber.n.
    the Sixtieth Anniversary of the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge was celebrated at the Banquet Hall in Wood River, Illinois by the area's 106th Infantry Division -Golden Lions." Ten Golden Lion veterans, one Associate and two visiting Bank of the Bulge veterans, one each from the 99th Infantry Division and the Ninth Armored Division enjoyed the relationship.
    Since it was the sixtieth anniversary, each individual was asked to spend a few minutes discussing any subject the desired, past or present. It was a friendly atmosphere which the ladies enjoyed. Everyone enjoyed an outstanding meal and promised "The Good Lord Willing," they would return next year. Men Back Row Ur: Carl Goering, Associate; George Foster 423/14Q; John Mikalauskis 424/H; Gilbert DeGerlia 422/HQ; Paul Boschert 590/HQ; William Kronmueller 423/E; Marion Ray 424/D
    Front Row Pr: Jim Craflon 99th Inf Div; Jack Rain 589/HQ; Victor Bauswell 422/B; Clifford Penrose 9th Annored Div; Ken Bryan 423/FIQ 1Bn; Donald Hinrichs 81st Eng/C
Ladies Back Row Ur: Debra Bryan Hensley; Dolores Mikalauskis; Barabara Foster, Pat Hinrichs; LeDon Adams
Front Row, Pr: Marge Bryan; Fran Ray; Ilelen Kronmueller; Betty Rain; Emma Jane Boschert
The CUB of the Golden Lion

 Mini-Reunions .. .

Men Back row Ur: Ronald M. Gray and Dr. Hoban Boles. guests - both are Bulge vets; Glen Rolfs 424/
D; Bill Stahl 422/K; Martin Jones 423/G; Richard Schoeck 106 Signal:
Front row Er. Rinard Davis 422/HQ; Arlene Rolfs; Juanita Mccall (widow of Theodore "Bud" 81st Eng/A)
Phyliss Jones and Maryl Lou Stahl
Kansas - December 16, 2004
William F. Stahl Esq., 42216, 211 Arapahoe Ct, Junction City, KS 66441 785-238- 66441
    Field at the Coyote Canyon, with hosts Bill Stahl 422/K and Nlary Lou. his wife. The 2004 tenth annual Mini-Reunion of the Kansas members of the 106th Infantry Division was held to celebrate our participation in the "Battle of the Bulge." That day will always be remembered as a day of destiny for us, our families and friends - a day that changed our lives and future.
    Thirteen 106th Vets attended as well as wives and guests. Local TV Channel 27 recorded the group for a later telecast. The VFW Post 1650 and it's auxiliary presented flowers to all the ladies. A 1942 Harley Davidson and a 1942 Ford Jeep military display by the local Military Vehicle Preservation group added to the reminiscing and sharing of stories. Photos by Mark Brown, son of Dean.
Back row Pr: Tom Ballowe 423/K; Ralph Wyss 424/L; Max Dillar 423/1;
Dennis Wright 424/A; John Mock 422/1 and John Stewart 422/SV.
Front Row 1/r: Mary Ballowe; Margie Wyss; Vivian Dillar,
Mary Ellen Mock; Arleta Stewart.
Not pictured: Walter and Delores Porter 423/6: Dean 424 I) and Joan liro,%n -no, members
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions . . .
MD, VA & DC Mini-Reunion - Dec 16, 2004
John Schaffner, 589/A. 1811 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030 410484-2754
    -Dang me. dang me. they inighta take a rope and hang me," So sang Roger Miller. and I guess that could apply to me since I don't have many photos to show you. However the weatherman cooperated on December 16, so we did have a very successful turnout. Eighty-four (84) showed up fora nice luncheon served by the Club Meade at Fan G G. Meade, MD, and to hear. our speaker. Bill Everett, a veteran of the 36th Infantry Division, 141st Infantry Regiment, C Company.
If you ever wonder how I draw so many. well, I'll tell you.
    Just line up a good place. engage a speaker. keep the price down, and tell everybody and his uncle. This is my way of getting the word out about the 106th Infantry Division.
    106th Vets anending included Stanley Bachmurski; Ralph (Ken) Barnes; Grayson Bishop; Edward Christianson; Clark Dovell; John Gatens; Hannon; Bill Hemelt; Alan Jones, Jr.; Edward McGinty; Donald Regier; John Schaffner; Jack Schoelkopf; Jack Sulser; Richard Tennant and Earle Valenstein. That is only sixteen, but if you count all the family, friends, Associates and a large group from the Baltimore Round Table of military History - it all adds up to a crowd.
Thelma photos show only a part of the group. Wait till next year!
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions ...
Front l/r: Harold Ortwine 592/C; Gene Timm 423/D; Bob Scranton 424/K;
Bill Keeber 424/G and William Martin 424/C
Back Row Ur: Jack Roberts 592/C; Herb Eidelman 424/SV; John Plotkowski (422 HQ/1Bn;
Chuck Reeber 423/D; Harold Kuizema 589/B; Rudy Aittama 106 RECON and Willis Bouma 422/D
Michigan - November 7, 2004
Jack Roberts, 592/C 1059 Alter Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
    The 106th Michigan veterans group held their mini-reunion at the Embassy Suites in Novi, Michigan. There were 36 in attendance. The guest speaker was Col. Richard A. Stone. Commander of the 452nd Combat Support Hospital in Milwaukee, who spent 18 months in Afghanistan. Col. Stone was chosen by the Dept of Army to set up all the field hospitals to treat trauma cases for civilians as well as soldiers wounded during the operation Enduring FREEDOM. His talk was accompanied by a slide presentation about the trauma care as well as conditions in Afghanistan including its disease rate among civilians. He told the group about many great things that the USA were doing that was not reported by the press. Another highlight was an invitation to tour the US Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command in Warren. MI. That visit was delayed from Dec 16 2004 to May 26. 2005. The Michigan group are invited to take a tour of the facility to view production of vehicles used in Iraq.
Ladies Front Row l/r: !cane Schutte; Norma Aittama; Joan Grant; Marlene Martin; Mary Lou Roberts
Back Row: Bea Keeber; Jessica Kuizema; Cluista Thomasma; Mildred Scranton;
Gloria Plotkowski; Mary Reeber, Julie Roberts


Mini-Reunions .. .
Nebraska - Western Iowa - 2004
Dean and Della Sandahl, 3041 North 62nd star., Lincoln, NE 68507-2406 402-4664864 ssandyanddejuno.corn
    We met at 11:00 AM Monday October 18, 2004 ay the USA Steak Buffet, Lincoln, Nebraska on a beautiful autumn day. We opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and an Invocation, remembering our parted ones and praying for our servicemen and women in search of the terrorists who would take our freedom from us.
    I read two poems by Dale Carver, our deceased 106th Infantry Division Association "Poet Laureate." They were titled "For Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge" (originally titled "My First reunion - 1989) and "The Soldiers of World War IT' written December 16, 1999.
    We had a private room and enjoyed a delicious steak/chicken buffet. Our memories took us back to the "Ardennes" 60 years ago this winter. As always we ran out of time to visit and catch up.
    We plan to host again next year, same place, same time - Monday October 17. 2005. We hope to see more of our neighbors and renew old friendships.
    Men L/R: Dean and Della Sandahl 422/B (Hosts) Lincoln; Harold and Lorraine Hawkins 4234) Omaha; Charles and Jane I {coning 424/B Peru; Leonard and Evelyn Tyser 423/1 Wilbur, NE.
Ladies L/R: Janet Brice; Betty Simmons; Ruth-Alice Potts and Anne Christian
    Great photo Dean. Exposed outside with great lighting. Nice not to have to depend on the little ''twinkle bulb" flash. A few minutes outside, good light, then back to the tables
to enjoy all the Camaraderie ...
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions .. .
New Jersey Mini-Reunion December 10, 2004
Harry Martin Jr. 121 McGregor Ave, Mount Arlington, NJ 07856 973463.2410
    First Row 1/r: Dr. Duncan Trueman 424/AT' Ness-ton Parker; John Gatens 589/A; George Call 424/B; Floyd Elston 589/A; Henry Krajewski 424/L and William Blaher 422/1
    Second Row: Kenneth Schuetz DIV/HQ; Salvatore Scalzo 422/MED; Joseph DeSantis 422/HQ 1BN; Vince Sziber 81st ENG/C; Ralph Richter 332 Med/D; Josef Kxafchik 332 MED/HQ; Glen Lockenvitz 106 RECON; Henry Rosenthal; Harry Martin 424/L Jerry Mount, who played Santa Claus, was not available for the photo.
    Our 106th NJ Mini-Reunion was held December 8, 2004 at Picatinny Arsenal in Wharton NJ. We held a joint meeting with the local chapter of the Battle of the Bulge. 23 members of the 106th and 33 members of the BOB attended. The theme was "The Christmas We Never Had'
    The Arsenal served a very nice lunch with salad, roast beef, carrots, mashed potatoes with gravy and finished up with apple pie, coffee and tea. Each member brought in a gift for our grabbag for Santa Clause to distribute. He looked and sounded like the real Santa. It was only later that we found out it was actually one of our members. Jerry Mount.
    Our good old Dr. Duncan Trueman was our Chaplin for the joint meeting and as always very inspiring. We had a fun filled afternoon with great camaraderie and the chance to meet some members of the 106th for the first time.
    It was not until later that we heard the sad news that one of our members in attendance, Salvatore Scalzo, had died the very next day. He was a wonderful man and he will be missed. We wish to express our deep sorrow to his wife,Grace..
Ladies Er: Marion Blaher; Joan Call; Barbra Parker; Muriel Sziber, Grace Trueman and Mary
The CUB of the Golden Uon
Mini-Reunions .. .
New Mexico Mini-Reunion December 16, 2004
Dr. Ralph J. Nelson 422. Cannon Company,1 Acoma Lane, Los Alamos. NM 50542241787
    The New Mexico contingent of the 106th Infantry Division Association held its annual Mini-Reunion on Thursday, December 16, 2004, for lunch at the Albuquerque V.F.W. with live veterans and four ladies in attendance. The meeting opened with a moment of silence as we remembered all of our comrades, especially the fallen ones, on this 60th anniversary of the beginning of the Bade se/ lhe Bulge.
After a nice buffet luncheon we enjoyed our social time of fellowship.
Men Ur. Walter F. Peters 331st Med 424/B Walter has written a chapter in the book
"Chicken Soup for Veteran's Souls:" Robert E. Soladay 422/HQ; Wendell Albaugh 424/ 1st Bn HQ,
(a 1st time attendee- not yet a member) Ralph 1. Nelson 422/Cannon; Louis .I. Baca 422/L
Ladies Jr- Betty Skupaka, guest of the Peters - had a brother-in-law MIA in the battle - unit unknown;
Helen Peters; Rhonda Nelson -guest; Adda Larsen of mansfield 011
and Margeret Velasquez widow of Armando 424/K
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions . . .
Long Island, New York Mini-Reunion November 14, 2004
Ephraim Goldberg, 423/C 555 Franklin Blvd, Long Beach, NY 11561 516-432-7136
Thc fifth annual Long Island area mini reunion was held Sunday November 14, 2004 in Lambrous'
Restaurant, Island Park, New York. In addition to our regulars who attended, we also added a few from out
of state (Connecticut and Maryland) who wanted to share the day with friends who have been with us in the
past. We memorialized our departed comrades. It was again hosted by Ed Goldberg, who lost his wife
Natalie during the year. Many who attended were also usual National Reunion participants.
Lyndia and Al Sussman announced they would be joining the American EX-POW groupgoing to Belgium
on 10 December for the 60th Anniversary of the Bade °Me Bulge
at the invitation of the Belgium government.
%len Ur: 1st Row: Irving Schram 423/C; Harold Hoffman 424/CN: Ephriam (Ed) Goldberg 423/C;
Charles Kortlang 106MP: John Bladen 423/C and Vernon "Chick" Wood 423/C
2nd Row: Preston Barnes Div/HQ; John Starmack 423/SV; Al Sussman 424/G: Charles Johansen 592/
SV; Sal Grasso 423/SV; Charles Lane Associate and Dr. Harry Imes 423/A
Ladies 1st Row Ur: Ruth !foilsman; Lynda Sussman; Adel Johansen; Gloria Abramowitz, Neva Powell
2nd Rum: Rhoda Schram; Grace Starmack and Mary Grasso
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions .. .
Oklahoma Mini-Reunion December 16, 2004
Clint McClure, 423/HQ 8607 E77th Place Tulsa OK74133 74133 918.252-7777
The Oklahoma Mini-Reunion was held at the Fountains Restaurant InTulsa Oklahoma.
Men Ur: David Detienbaugh 423/D; Leland Turley 423/HQ; Clint McClure 423/H
Ladies Ur: Joan Herndon; Fiance DetTenbaugh; Peggy McClure and Anita Turley
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions .. .
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Mini-Reunion December 16, 2004
Joseph P Maloney. 424/HQ 1120 Warren Ave. Arnold, PA 15068 412-335-6104
the Pittsburgh Mini-Reunion was held at the Fountain Room, once again,
and we had 18 hardy souls coming together in fellowship.
All went well - after we got the hall warmed up. Jim Wiggins spoke about his correspondence
with our friends in Belgium. Dr John Robb spoke on our Memorial in Saint Vith.
Dick Rigatti spoke of our dinner as guests of the Greensburg VBOB and Ed Huminski
spoke about his memorabilia from his hospitalization in Saint Lo, France.
I lumininski left our division at Camp Attcrbury and went on line in France during the breakthrough.
Men Ur: Back Row: Al Yelochan 422/HQ; Ed Huminiski 424/F; Howard Lowenberg 423/E; Dr. John
Robb 422/D; Frank Lapato 422/HQ; Zane Donaldson 590/B; Dick Rigatti 423/13; Pete Yanchik 423/A;
Joe Maloney, Host, 424/HQ and Jim Wiggins 331Mcd/A
Ladies Its Row Er: Margaret Yalochan; Betty Huminski; Diana Yanchik; Marilyn Robb; Janice
Donaldson; Pat Rigatti; Vie Maloney, Hostess; Dorothy Lowenberg
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions .. .
Men Standing LJR: Charles Datte; William Crossland;
Pastor Sam Scaler "Guest:" Joe Yourkavich
Seated: Vince Sziber and John Gallagher
Temple Pennsylvania - Mini-Reunion November 12, 2004
John J. Gallagher, 81st ENG/C, 4003 Francis Street, Temple, PA 19660 Tele: 610-929-2887
    Members of the 106th who could not be be with us for our Annual Memorial Dinner, our prayers are with you. I do hope you can join us for our next Memorial Dinner November 18, 2005.
    Not able to attend were: Donald and Robbi Showalter, Fred and Betty Carr, Jack and Ami McDevitt driving problems. Ed Christianson, Rain in Va; Daniel Eisenhard in hospital; John and Connie Tarantino; Ida Frank unable to attend. Gus Agostini sent greetings from Georgia and a contribution.
Ladies L/R standing: Nancy Datte; Muriel Sziber; Wanda (Rocco) Fava; Norma Crossland
Seated: Stella Gallagher and Louise Scales ..Guest."
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions .. .
Washington Mini-Reunion December 16, 2004
Myrton Dickerson 2500 S 370th Street #209, Federal Way WA 98003-7648 253-661-9325
Top l/r. George Strong 423/HQ; Dorothy and Alvin (Bud) Powers 422/HQ
Bottom Row Ur: Myrton and Beatrice Dickerson 424/D and Ray Johnston 423/H
We had our reunion at the Olympia Flight Museum where they have several WW11 planes.
They have all been restored and are in flying condition.
We met with the Christmas Town Chapter of the AX-POW.
We have done this before and it works out very well. We all get to exchange our War Stories.
Several of our members were sick and could not attend.
We had pot Luck Dinner and there was plenty of food (sounds like a throw back from the POW days)
and every one had a great time. We hope to see them all next year.
If you haven't sponsored a Mini-Reunion in your area, give it a try.
All it takes is a little effort to invite people from your area.
Some years ago we had our Puerto Rico member
set up a table, invite his sons and called it a Mini-Reunion.
He hung up a flag and had a cake.
It was a great Mini-Reunion.
If you need an address list contact John Kline, CUB editor
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Madison, Wisconsin - Mini-Reunion October 16, 2004
Charles Rieck, OGL, 7316 Voss Parkway, Middleton. WI 53562 608-831-6110
I he Wisconsin Annual Commemorative Meeting of the Bunk of the Bulge was held at Cls East in
Madison, Wisconsin on October 16, 2004. We had 32 people in attendance and they were:
Mr/Mrs Howard 11 Jones; Mr/Mrs Jerome Miller, Mr/Mrs Edward Nagle; Mr/Mrs Raymond Kurth;
Mr/Mrs Al Kurth; Mr/Mrs Edmund Podlaski; Mr/Mrs Clifford Armgard; Mr/Mrs John Hendrickson: Mr/
Mrs Michael Zych; Mr/Mrs Thomas Paynter; Mr/Mrs Ms Nina Spence; Mr/Mrs Mr Fred Boussard; Mr
Robert Paynter; Mr Victor Fuchs; Ms Jean Meredith; Mrs Virginia Post; Mr David Post; Mr Donal
Ilandel; Mr Mike Cunningham; Mr Robert Geller, Mr Pete Di Benardo and Mr Charles Rieck
The group spent time in socializing in lieu of a program. David Post was the photographer. By group
action the 2005 NI ini-Reunion will be held on October 15. 2005 at Crs East in Madison, Wisconsin.
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mini-Reunions . . . 0°4
Mini-Reunions .. .
 Southern Wisconsin Mini-Reunion December 16, 2004
Robert Comas, 42410 1614 Holly Drive. Janesville. 16 I 53546 608-752-6525
    We had our "Battle of the Bulge" Dec 16th "Southern Wisconsin" commemoration at the Janesville Elks Club, Janesville, Wisconsin. 106 people attended the breakfast at the Elks Club.
1 estimate there wer 37 veterans of the Bank of the flu/ge.Most of them appear in the picture above.
Ilse M-I rifle I am holding was from one of the 106th
vets who passed away.
His son brought the rifle to show at the meeting.

 Cuyahoga Falls, OH Mini-Reunion December 11, 2004
Charles S. Gam. 424/H 1937 Highbridge Road. Cuyahoga Fall. OH 44223 330.923-3370
    We had annual reunion at the Holiday Inn in Elyria. Attending were Michael and Elaine Zenn 423/D; Clem and Pat Kulunan 423/M; Pat and Sylvia DiRenzo 106 SIG; Bob and Jean Gilder 424/HQ IBN; Vivian McCullough; and myself, Chuck Garn, 424/H. No photos were submitted.
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Argenzio, Francis - 424/L
30 Nicole Street, Lakewood, NJ 08701
1),Ile at death: Januar 21, 2nli, I death was reported by John Zahn 424/L.
Boyajian, John 106 Signal
    139 Harmon Drive, Larchmont, NY 10538-1824 Date of Death: January 30, 2005 Reported by his wife, Lillian. "It is profound sadness that I must inform you of the unexpected death of my husband, John. He died in his sleep. He was very active and involved to the last day, when we were together with members of our church Outreach Committee who went to feed the men at the Volunteers of America shelter at the Winchester County Airport. He and I were lifetime members of the AxPow, Hudson Valley Chapter. We had been married 54 years. Aside from me he is survived by our son Robert, our daughter Beatrice, two grandchildren, Dr. David Boyajian and our granddaughter Diane Lama. I have enclosed a copy of his service in the Army."
Buttonow, Joseph M. - 5920
    60 Grand Street, Sag Harbor, NY 11963-3524 Date of death: January 15, 2005: Reported by his brother, Tom. "Joseph was 78 years of age. Born in Sag Harbor. He was a Corporal in the 592nd FAB. When the war ended he was on a ship bound for Japan, the ship returned to the USA and he was sent home. Shortly after Christmas he was taken to the Southampton Hospital where he suffered a diabetic seizure and lost consciousness. He lived his entire life in Sag Harbor working as a gardener. According to his niece, Tara Buttonow, he was a daily fixture at Tides Beach, a sketch artist, cartoonist and photographer of nature scenes on the water. He collected vintage cameras and other antiques. Ms. Buttonow said her uncle used to take a neighbor's children to the woods to pick out a Christmas tree."
Benson, Leslie Earl 81st ENG/C
0785 HWY 35, Collins, MS 39428
Date of death: April 24, 2005 Buried at Monticello, MS.No other details given
Burnside, Julian B. 423/M
    4650 Bay Blvd - Unit 1015, Port Richey, FL 34668 Date of death: April 8, 2005. Reported by his wife Lidia, along with a beautiful message, "Don 't cry for one for now 1 am free, 1 am following the path God laid for me. I took his hand when I heard Him call, I turned my back and left it all.
    I could not stay another day. To laugh, to love, to play. Tasks left undone must stay that way. I found peace at sunset this day
    Since my parting will leave a void, The fill it with rememberedjoy. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss, Oh yes these things I too trill miss.
    My life's been fidl, I've savored much. Good friends, good times. my loved one's touch. Perhaps to you, my time was all too brief Don't lengthen it now with undue grief
Lift up your heart and share with me, God wanted me home. He set me free.
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Chase Frederick B. - 422/D
    1554 Rte 9, Clifton Park, NY 12065 Date of death: January 01, 2005. Reported by his daughter, Beverly Emerick and also by Frank Trautman.
    Fred died at the Saratoga Hospital after a long illness. Born in Clark Mills, New York and was the son of the late Charles and Edna Byrd Chase. He retired from the NYS Dormitory Authority where he was project manager in Delmar. Earlier he had worked fro the Christenson and Nielson Construction Co. in Schenectady. A charter member of the Shenendehowa United Methodist Church in Clifton Park. An avid bowler and member of many service organizations as well as being a Life-member of the West Crescent Fire Company. Husband of the late Agnes H. Cowles Chase; the father of Mrs. Gordon C. (Beverly J.) Emerick and Betty Cowles all of Clifton Park: brother of Harvey N. Chase of Chandler, AZ, Iola J Held of Avon, CT and late Esther Hilldebrandt, survived by many grand, great-grand children, nephews and nieces. Interment in Memory's Garden, Colonie.
Chinnici, Pasquale - 591/B
    1801 E Walnut Road, Vineland, NJ 08361 Date of death: April 8, 2004. His wife Evelyn wrote, "I am informing you with deep regret that Pat has passed away. His Battery B group has had an annual reunion every August since 1948. He missed only one reunion in all those years. His service experiences were never far from his mind and he seized every opportunity to discuss the Battle of the Bulge with his sons. He even had a special auto license tag "591 FAB." His buddies became as much my friends as they were his. We even set our wedding date (August 6 1949) to coincide with his Army Reunion."
DeVaty, Raymond S. - 423/HQ 2Bn
    4971 Pan 'ac Dr.. Pittsburgh, PA 15236 Date of death: January 23, 2005. Raymond died peacefully at home. Survived by his wife Eileen, his children Raymond Jr., James and Eileen, his brother Joseph DeVaty, Viola Gates and Lorraine Jones. Ray was a medic, taken POW in the Bulge. He managed to escape and then went on to serve his country in the Korean War. In 1983 he retired from t'S Steel after 30 years of service. He will missed by those that loved him.
McCrery, John - 423/F
    115 Lois Marie Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46214 John Boling McCrery 80, of Indianapolis, passed away May 5, 2005. He was a Teacher, Coach and Principal and had retired from Wayne Township. He was an Army veteran of WW II having served with the 106th Infantry Division in the Battle of the Bulge. He is a member of Chapel Hill United Methodist and had volunteered for many years at the veteran's hospital. He was a graduate of Ladoga High School and Oakland City College. Survivors include his wife, Carolyn Funk McCrery; son, Michael J. McCrery and granddaughter, Katie J. McCrery.
John was an active representative for the 106th Association at Camp Atterbury functions.
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Geller, Robert E. - 424/C
2681 Country Hew Rd, Verona, WI 53593
    Date of death: February 9, 2005. His son Dan Geller wrote, "Just a note to let you know my father died on February 9. He very much enjoyed all the information you had sent him regarding his unit and was able to talk to many of his old army buddies. He was able to make a couple of the reunions. Thanks again for sharing your information." His son. Dan Geller (whose address appears above.)
Gentry, Wallace H. - 424/L
126 McMinn Circle, Louisville, MS 39339
Date of death: March 10, 2005 Cub magazine returned marked deceased.
Green, James C.
2736 SW 60th Place, Oklahoma City, OK 73159 Date of death: Unknown, CUB magazine returned marked "Deceased."
Johnson, Worth M. - 423/E
7137 Styers Ferry Road, Clemmons NC 27012
Date of death: December 12, 2004. Death reported by widow Reella.
    One of the first three draftees of Surry County, North Carolina. Captured in the Bulge and held as a POW in Stalag IV B. He was married to his loving wife "Ree" Bodenheimer Johnson for 62 years. A son Tony, two grandchildren Brian and his wife Evie, two grandsons Jared and Luke. He loved his family, gardening and fellowmen.
His wife Reella is now an Associate member.
Jones, Raymond L.
4685 Park Nicollet Ave SE Apt 318, Prior lake, MN 55372
    Date of death: February 26, 2005 reported by his daughter Patricia Adams. Father passed away peacefully, at St. Gertrude's Rehabilitation Center in Shakopee, Minnesota, surrounded by mother and his family He was an avid fisherman, hunter and outdoorsman, who spent most of his life living on the banks of the Mississippi River south of Winona, Minnesota. His favorite past time of recent years was watching the birds and wildlife that abounded around his home.. A retired field iron worker, a lifetime member of the American Legion and a member of the Loyal Order of the Moose. He is survived by his wife, Anna, of 63 years, daughter Patricia Adams, son Michael (Patricia) Jones and grandsons, Christopher (Stephanie) Adams and Curtis Jones and his special friend, Julie Cordle. Memorial were at the Gundersen Lutheran Medical Foundation, LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
Kershner, Jesse 0. 423/AT
17 Ridgewood Parkway, Newport News, VA 23608
Date of death: February 15, 2005 Notified by wife Irmgard
McCoy, Andrew J.
PO Box 760, Melbourne, FL 32902
Date of death: March 8, 1999.
No details,. A card received from that address stating, "Mr. Mcoy died 3/8/99."
The CUB of the Golden Lion


 O'Farrell, Donald A. 424/CN

 418 Bullock Street, Wittentore, MI 48770
Date of death: March 27, 2005
    Born October 31, 1922 died in a Saginaw, Michigan hospital. Served as a T/4 mail carrier.. Survived by wife, Delphine.
Pearson Jr., Raleigh H. - 589/C
    607 Peach Street, Chatsworth, GA 30705 Date of death: November 14, 2004. Reported in AX-POW magazine. While serving in the 106th Infantry he was captured in the Battle of the Bulge. POW camps included Stalag 9B, Bad Orb. He leaves his wife Glenice, 7 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren.
Ponza, Frank - 423/B
    132 Evergreen Road Rm 353, Edison, NJ 0883 7 Date of death: December 10, 2004. Death reported by Richard Rigatti, "Frank Ponta was in my squad, First Platoon as a Rifleman. He passed away December 10 2003. The New Jersey State Home for veterans could not give me any detail."
Reiners, John - Associate
    240 Woods Drive, Lansdale, PA 19446 Date of death: February 12, 2005. Reported by Dr. Duncan Trueman, Association Chaplain. My wife's older brother John T Reiners, an Associate member, died at 85 years of age. He lived in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, and served in the US Army during WW II. All of his life he was extremely active in church and community affairs. He never seemed like a brother-in-law to me... more like a brother. Jack had attended some of our reunions
Showalter, Donald G. - 106 Band
2517 Province Road, Reading, PA 19610
    Date of death; Early November 2004. Reported by John Gallagher. He was a faithful member of our Reading, Pennsylvania Memorial Dinners. Some years ago he had a stroke. He died in his doctor's office.

Vonderhorst, Freida - Life Auxiliary
    1023 Guatay Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911 Date of death: February 22, 2005. Reported by husband Eric J 423/F - Life Member. Eric wrote: "My wife Freida died due to cardiac arrest at home. It was her determination that originally got as involved in the 106th Infantry Division Association, for which I am eternally grateful. Our first reunion was in Sacramento. She really enjoyed the Association. We were happily married for 34 years."
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Dave Ford, Associate wrote:
    Kimmes was the long time Secretary of CEBA (The Luxembourg version of CRIBA). It is actually older than CRIBA and was the model the Belgians looked toward when they started their assistance to American veterans effort (CRIBA). She hosted many vets in her home and guided thousands of others on their "return to battlefields" excursions throughout Luxembourg.
    She spoke English superbly and was dedicated to assisting vets and others interested in WW2 events in Luxembourg. Helping veterans orient themselves in relation to their wartime experiences was her way of paying back for the freedom they provided for her and her belOved Luxembourg.
    She travelled often to the States to speak at veterans functions. There was a cover picture and story about her in the "Battle of the Bulge" newsletter about 3 or 4 years ago. Arline and I were guests in her home on several occassions and she treated us like family. JohnSchaffner,
John Gatens and I were also in her company several times.
    Tilly was a good person and loved the returning GI's. She lived just north of Luxembourg City. In the last several years she has been in a total care facility and her passing was expected.
We remember her fondly and she will be truely missed. I salute her.
She would have loved that.
Dave Ford


From our Treasurer:
    You will note the cost of the Cub publishing, printing and mailing - was $16,516.18 for a year. A year in which we had 1,600 members.
Cost, including mailing was $10.32 per member.
The Annual dues of $10 and Life dues of $75 (which is amortized over 7.5 years)
creates an automatic financial shortfall.
Those LIFE members who contribute dues to this
will have their names published only.
No amount will be shown.
See current listing in the Front & Center section of this CUB
You can donate as much or little as you want.
By donating you are helping perpetuate the
106th Infantry Division Association.
To those Life members, who I haven't heard from
in a long time, please take the time
to join this exclusive club.
Thank You
Dick Rigatti, Treasurer

Send your contribution to the
106th Infantry Div. Association
113 Woodshire Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15215
    In 1944. the 106th Infantry Division was in it's infancy. In order to keep the troops informed. And also, provide a source of entertainment, a periodic publication was begun. It was known as The Cub of The Golden lion. A special group of soldiers was detailed to produce the paper. When the war was finally over. and the division was on the may home a group of the 106th Division soldiers met to lay the ground work to establish an association that would be a vehicle to perpetuate the camaraderie and friendships established during this period. An essential part of this organization was a continuance of

The Cub of The Golden Lion.

    An editor was chosen. and though the editor's job has been passed on a few times, The Cub has been published ever since and continues on as the official quarterly of the 106th Infantry DivisionAssociation.
    With the advent of the miracles of the electronic age. it has been possible to store every issue of The Cub on two small CD disks. Every issue is there, including those early newspaper types that somehow survived more than sixty years. The editors
have included those memoirs and personal
The hogsexperiences of the veterans right along with e
GOLDEN LIONS all of the other veterans' stories. The
reproduction to CD disks involved
rr4414, copying every page of every issue.
    They are all there for the PC user to view. Each and every page is in a format that can be printed just as it was copied, if desired.
The ChUeB The CD disks are available for
postage paid
from the 106th DivisionHistorian
Make your check payable to:
John R. Schaffner, and send your order to.

a UB

All known issues of the

John R. Schaffner, 106th Division Historian. 1811 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030

Index for This Document

101st Abn. Div., 22
106th Infantry Division Association, 33, 34
106th Sig. Co., 30, 40
168th Cbt. Engr. BN, 20
168th Cbt. Engr.s, 20
1st SS Panzer, 24
28th Inf. Div., 12
2nd Inf. Div., 24
333rd FAB, 14
34th Div., 22
422/K, 2, 30
422/M, 21, 33
422nd Inf. Regt., 13, 20
422nd Regt., 13, 20, 22
423rd Regt., 21, 22
424/A, 2, 30
424/C, 32, 35, 42, 43
424/D, 2, 6, 29, 38
424/E, 2, 16
424/G, 35
424/L, 2, 30, 33, 40, 42
424th Inf. Regt., 22
452nd Cbt. Support Hosp., 32
589th FA, 16
589th FA BN, 16
589th FA, Btry. A, 16
590th FA BN, 14, 19
591st FA BN, 41
592nd FA BN, 19, 40
592nd FAB, 40
81st Cbt. Engr., 14
99th Inf. Div., 29
A Teen's War, 21
'A Teen's War', 21
Aachen, 13
Aachen, Germany, 13
Adsit, James P., 13
Adsit, Jim, 13
Adsit, Robert, 13
Afghanistan, 32
Agostini, Gus, 14, 37
Aittama, Norma, 32
Aittama, Rudy, 32
Anderson, Toby, 26
Ardennes, 10, 14, 17, 20, 28, 33
Ardennes Forest, 17, 24
Armgard, Clifford, 38
Bachmurski, Stanley, 31
Bad Orb, 20, 43
Ballowe, Tom, 30
Barnes, Preston, 35
Barrick, Jean, 27
Bastogne, 14
Battle of the Bulge, 14, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25, 29, 30, 33, 34, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44
Bavaria, 20
Beaudreau, Dick, 26
Beaudreau, Gloria, 27
'Before The Veterans Die', 22
Behr, Richard, 26
Belgium, 35, 37
Berninghaus, Delbert, 22
Birmingham, 25
Bishop, Grayson, 31
Black Forest, 13
Black, Rev Ewell, 28
Blaher, Marion, 34
Blaher, William, 33
Blair, Ernest E. 'Hank', 13
Blaufox, Jill, 28
Bogart, H., 7
Bombar, Jr., Maurice, 6
Books, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
Born, 13, 40, 41, 43
Boschert, Paul, 13, 14, 16, 29
Boschert, Paul Davis, 13
Bouma, Willis, 32
Bowers, Walter H., 6
Boyajian, John, 40
Breite, Victor, 6
Brice, Janet, 33
Bridges, Barbara, 25
Bridges, Walter, 25
Bridges, Walter G., 1, 2, 3
Brocato, Martha, 29
Brokaw, Dick, 28
Bryan, Ken, 29
Bryan, Marge, 29
Buchanan, Jeanne C., 13
Bugner, Tom, 26
Burkes, Frankie, 28
Burnside, Julian B., 41
Butgenbach, 24
Buttonow, Joseph M., 40
Call, Geo, 3
Call, George, 33
Camp Atterbury, 14, 42
Camp Myles Standish, MA, 17
Camp Swift, TX, 14
Canup, Carl, 28
Canup, Sue, 28
Carr, Betty, 37
Carr, Fred, 14
Carver, Dale, 25, 33
Carver, Dale R., 22
Carver, Ruth, 22
Cavanaugh, Chaplain, 20
Cavanaugh, Chaplain Fr. Paul W., 20
Cavanaugh, Father, 20
CEBA, 43
Central Europe, 10, 20
Chester, Miriam, 26
Chester, Morris, 26
Childs, Dean, 26
Childs, Eleanor, 26, 27
Chinnici, Pasquale, 41
Chitwood, Julius R., 6
Christian, Anne, 33
Christianson, Ed, 37
Christianson, Edward, 31
Clarke, Hawk, 21
Coble, Ralph M., 6
Colbert, Hugh, 6
Colton, Kenneth C., 13
Cox, Philip, 1
Crossland, Norma, 37
Crossland, William, 37
Cunningham, Mike, 38
Czechoslovakia, 20
Darby, Elaine, 29
Darby, Lee, 28
Datte, Charles, 37
Datte, Nancy, 37
Davis, Rinard, 30
DeGerlia, Gilbert, 29
DeSantis, Joseph, 33
Diamond, Jack, 13
Diez, 17
Diez/Limburg, 17
Doxsee, Gifford, 6
Drumm, Greg, 26
Edwards, Jim, 28
Eidelman, Herb, 32
Eldridge, Bob, 28
Elston, Floyd, 6, 33
Everett, Bill, 31
Fehnel, Charles, 28
Fehnel, Pauline, 28
First Reunion, 25
Flick, Robert, 14
Ford, Dave, 43, 44
Ford, David, 28
Foster, George, 29
Fowler, William K., 6
France, 13, 20, 37
Frank, Ida, 37
Fritz, John, 28
Fritz, Martha, 28
Fuchs, Victor, 38
Gallagher, John, 14, 37, 43
Gallagher, John J., 37
Gallagher, Stella, 37
Garn, Chuck, 40
Gatens, John, 6, 31, 33, 44
Geller, Robert E., 42
Gentry, Wallace H., 42
Germany, 13, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24
Gilbert, Julie Ann, 13
Gilder, Bob & Jean, 40
Gilliland, John, 9, 11
Ginther, Keith, 6
Goering, Carl, 29
Goldberg, Ed, 35
Goldberg, Ephraim, 35
Grant, Franklin, 5
Grant, Joan, 32
Grasso, Mary, 35
Green, James C., 42
Gregory, John, 27
Gregory, Shirley, 27
Greve, Walter C., 3
Grumet, Alfred, 14
Grumet, Joanne, 14
Hammelburg, 20
Hanke, Arthur, 5
Hanna, Robert R., 2
Harriman, Peggy, 29
Haughton, Regina, 14
'Healing the Child Warrior', 24
'Hell Frozen Over', 23
Helmich, Les, 28
Hemelt, Bill, 31
Hendrickson, John, 38
Herndon, Don, 1
Herndon, Donald F., 2
Herndon, Joan, 36
Hicks, Harry, 6
Hinder Forward, 20
Hoffman, Harold, 35
Hohnstein, Clinton, 6
Homan, Robert, 6
Howell, Bob, 28
Huminski, Ed, 37
Idstein, Richard, 6
Iraq, 32
Israel, 4
Jebens, Arthur, 6
Jenkins, Hayward, 6
Jensen, George C., 5
Jewett, Dean F., 12, 20
Johansen, Charles, 6, 35
Johnson, Charles, 14
Johnson, Charles J., 6
Johnson, William, 6
Johnson, Worth M., 42
Johnston, Ray, 38
Jones, Alan, 31
Jones, Alan, Jr., 31
Jones, Jr., Alan W., 6
Jones, Martin, 30
Jones, Raymond L., 42
Keeber, Bea, 32
Keeber, Bill, 32
Keller, Raymond C., 6
Kershner, Jesse, 42
Key, Jean Norris, 14
Kimsey, Mary Ruth, 28, 29
Kline, J., 16
Kline, John, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 16, 22, 38
Kline, John P., 1
Koehler, Franklin R., 6
Kortlang, Charles, 35
Kortlang, Charles E., 6
Kriegs, William/Marg, 6
Kuizema, Harold, 32
Kuizema, Jessica, 32
Kurth, Raymond, 38
Kutzlow, John, 6
Lapato, Frank, 37
LeHavre, 13
Lehavre, France, 13
LeTellier, Louis, 14
Letellier, Mrs. Nell, 14
Lichtenfeld, Norman, 6
Lichtenfeld, Seymour, 3, 13
Lichtenfeld, Seymour L., 6
Limburg, 17, 18, 19, 20
Limburg, Germany, 20
Lockenvitz, Glen, 33
Lockhart, Richard T., 6
Lorraine, 33, 41
Losheim Gap, 24
Lowenberg, Dorothy, 37
Lowenberg, Howard, 37
Luxembourg, 43, 44
Luxembourg City, 44
Maloney, Joe, 37
Maloney, Joseph, 1
Mangold, Bill, 28
Marsh, Mary Lou, 26
Marsh, Randy, 26
Martin, Harry, 4, 33, 34
Martin, Harry F., 7
Martin, Harry, Jr., 4, 33
Martin, Marlene, 32
Martin, William, 32
Massey, Hazel, 25
Massey, Joe, 25
Massey, Joseph, 1, 25
Massey, Joseph A., 2
Maultbay, Robert Charles, 16
Mayrsohn, Bernard, 2
McCain, John, 25
McCoy, Andrew J., 42
McCrery, John B., 6
McCullough, Vivian, 40
McMahon, Jr., Col. Leo T., 6
'Memories of A Tour of Duty', 20
'Memories Of A Tour Of Duty Wii In Europe', 20
Meredith, Jean, 38
Meuse, 24
Middleton, 38
Mikalauskis, Dolores, 29
Mikalauskis, John, 29
Mize, Jr., W.G., 6
Mock, John, 30
Mount, Jerry, 34
Munce, John, 6
Myers, Theodore, 16
Nelson, Dr. Ralph J., 34
Newman, Saul A., 2
Niner, Robert, 17, 19
Ninth Armd., 29
Ninth Armd. Div., 29
Normandy, 20
Normandy Invasion, 20
Northern France, 20
Oflag XIII, 20
Oflag XIII-B, 20
Ortwine, Harold, 32
Overbeck, Marcy Ellen, 16
Parker, Earl S., 20
Parker, Richard B., 6
Parks, Fred, 27
Parks, Marie, 28
Patrick, George, 16
Patrick, George S., 16
Pearl Harbor, 3
Peters, Walter F., 34
Peterson, Alex, 6
Peterson, Dr. Richard, 23, 24
Peterson, Richard, 23
Photos, 25, 30
Pierotti, Paul, 16
Pierotti, S/Sgt. Benito, 16
Pilkington, Fred A., 6
Plotkowski, John, 32
Podlaski, Edmund, 38
Ponza, Frank, 43
Post, David, 38, 39
Post, Virginia, 38
Potts, Ruth-Alice, 33
Powell, Neva, 35
Prewett, Ed, 27
Prewett, Mary, 5
Prisoners of War, 7
Pro Deo Et Patria, 20
Pruem, 17
Prumerberg, 20
Quigley, Marilyn Estes, 23
Raby, Glynn, 6
Rain, Betty, 29
Rain, Jack, 29
Ray, Marion, 1, 29
Reeber, Chuck, 32
Regier, Donald, 31
Rensch, Ellen Jane, 16
Reunions, 3, 7, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39
Rhine, 20
Rhine River, 20
Rhineland, 10, 20
Richter, Ralph, 33
Rieck, Charles, 7, 38, 39
Rigatti, Dick, 1, 5, 37, 44
Rigatti, Richard, 1, 7, 43
Rigatti, Richard L., 1
Robb, Dr. John G., 1
Robb, John, 37
Robb, Marilyn, 37
Roberts, Jack, 32
Roberts, John M ., 7
Roberts, John M., 2, 20
Roberts, Julie, 32
Roberts, Mary Lou, 32
Rodriguez, Juan/Lorraine, 7
Rosie, George, 22
Russell, Alden F., 7
Russell, J. B., 5
Sadacca, Joseph, 26
Sandahl, Dean & Della, 33
Sandahl, Della, 33
Schaffner, John, 1, 7, 13, 14, 16, 31
Schaffner, John R., 11, 45
Schaffner, Paul M., 16
Schaffner, Robert, 16
Schoelkopf, Jack, 31
Schuetz, Kenneth, 33
Scranton, Bob, 32
Scranton, Mildred, 32
Shirley, Jean, 28
Showalter, Don, 43
Showalter, Donald G., 43
Siegfried Line, 17
Simmons, Betty, 33
Skopek, Robert, 20
Smith, Ken, 28
Smoler, Irwin C., 1, 2
Snovel, Bob, 28
Snovel, Lael, 28
Snyder, Walter M., 1, 2
Soladay, Robert E., 34
'Soldier Boy', 21
'Soldier Boy A Chronicle Of Life and Death And Survival During World War II', 21
Southampton, 40
Sowell, Robert F., 2
Spellman, John, 5
St. Vith, 20, 37
Stahl, Bill, 30
Stahl, William F., 30
Stalag 12-A, 17, 18
Stalag 12-A LImburg, 18
Stalag 9-B, 43
Stalag 9B, Bad Orb, 43
Stalag IV-B, 42
Stalag IX-A, 23, 24
Stalag IX-B, 24
Stamm, Jim, 26
Starmack, Grace, 35
Starmack, John, 35
Starmack, John/Grace, 5
Stein, Murray, 1, 2
Stern, Boris, 27
Stern, Margery, 28
Stewart, John, 30
Stone, Col. Richard A., 32
Strong, George, 38
Sulser, Jack, 31
Sussman, Al, 35
Swett, John, 1
Sziber, Frank, 14
Sziber, Muriel, 34, 37
Sziber, Vince, 33, 37
Tarantino, Connie, 37
Taylor, Hal, 1, 2, 21
The Battle of the Bulge, 17, 21, 24
The Battle Of The Bulge, 24
'The Warmth Of A Song', 21
Thome, Michael N., 27
Thompson, Gil, 5
Thompson, Laura, 27
Thompson, Paul, 26
Timm, Gene, 32
Toy, Vannie, 5
Toy, Vannie M., 16
Toy, Waid, 2, 16
Trautman, Frank, 41
Trautman, Frank S., 2
Trueman, Dr. Duncan, 1, 2, 5, 33, 34, 43
Trueman, Grace, 34
Turgeon, Evelyn, 28
Twardzik, Isabel, 28
Twardzik, Ray, 28
Twarok, Fred P., 6
Uss George Washington, 13
V Corps, 24
Valenstein, Earle, 31
Vanderhorst, Eric, 25
Vanderhorst, Frieda, 25
VBOB, 25, 37
Veterans Of The Battle Of The Bulge, 33
Von Erck, Helen, 21
Vonderhorst, Freida, 43
Wakefield, 18
Warmuth, Willie, 19
Weiner, Bella, 26
Weiner, Bernard, 26
Weiner, Milton, 25, 26
Weiss, Newton, 2
Wente, Chic, 26
Wente, Donna, 26
Wente, Martin L., 3
West Wall, 17
West, Jim, 11, 12
White, Cathy, 28
Wiggins, Jim, 37
Williams, Jack P., 7
Wilson, Albert/Harriet, 7
Wintz, Kenneth O., 16
Wright, Calvin, 26
Wright, Dennis, 30
Wright, Margaret, 27
Wyman, Valerie (David), 7
Wyss, Ralph, 30
Yanchik, Pete, 37
Yelochan, Al, 37
Yourkavich, Joe, 37
Zahn, John, 40
Zak, George K., 21
Zenn, Elaine, 40
Ziegenhain, 23
Zych, Michael, 38