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The Cub
Vol. 46, No. 2, JAN, 1990

Vivent les Americains
Vivent les Belges
424th Infantry Regiment Memorial dedicated at Spineux, Belgium by CRIBA and the people of Belgium

President Orfeo E. Agostini
1st Vice- Pres John O. Gilliland
2nd Vice Pres Michael Thome
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Boyd A. Rutledge
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John Kline
Memorials Chairman Douglas S. Coffey

    The CUB is the official quarterly publication of the Association. Membership in the Association includes subscription to the CUB.
Send editorial matter and photos to: John P. Kline-- CUB Editor Po. Box 24385, Apple Vte2,,44NZ24-0385
Business matters, deaths, address changes to: Boyd A. Rutledge--Adjutant 10132 Gooddeh Road Scala

St. Vith Memorial matters and inquiries to: Douglas S. Coffey--Memorials 2236 Amel St Pon C.Bylotte, FL 33948

    Send Membership dues, Memorial Fund contributions and Historical items to: Sherod Collins--Treasurer 48 Maros Tree Kennesaw. GA 30144

The NEW Life Membership fee is payable one time only, with no annual dues thereafter.
Life Membership $75.00
Life Auxiliary $15.00
Life Associate $75.00
For those choosing to pay Annual dues, pay by July 1 each year. (July Ito July 1 term)
Annual Membership $10.00
Annual Auxiliary $ 2.00
Annual Associate $10.00
Make checks payable to "106th Infantry Division Association."

Board of Directors 1989-1990 showing year term expires in parentheses

Orfeo E. Agostini 81st Eng/A
Col. Samuel P. Cariano DIV/HQ
Sherod Collins 423/SV
Charles T. Datte 591/SV
Fred J. Farris DIV/HQ
John O. Gilliland 592/SV
John A. Gregory 424/E
Glen O. Hartlieb 592/SV
Gilbert Helwig 423/M
John P. Kline 423/M
Harold Kuizema 589/8
John F. McDevitt 81st Eng/A
Casimir Prokorym 81st Eng/HQ
Dr. John G. Robb 922/D
Boyd A. Rutledge 922/D
Jack A. Sulser 423/F
Michael Thorne 422/HQ 1BN
Frank S. Trautman 422/D
Ray R. Vaughn 423/CN
Russell H. Villwock 106 SIG
Edward C. Wojahn 81st Eng/B
Col. Joseph C. Matthews 422/HQ (Honorary-Life)

Inside Front Cover

The start of a new decade

    PHOTO: 106th Infantry Division Association President, Orfeo E. Agostini, 1989 --1990, A Company, 81st Combat Engineers

    Since my first message to you as president, Christmas has passed and we have entered not only a new year, but a new decade. The Board of Directors and I wish all of you the best in 1990. Good health and happiness in this corning year, as well as in the decade to come. Reports on the December 16th Commemoration luncheons and dinners, held in many locations throughout the United States, reflect success and above average attendance, even though some of the country was hampered with bad weather. The Madison, Wisconsin group had 53 show up out of 59 reservations, despite winter ice and snow, which Chuck Rieck 422/H, chairman, said was reminiscent of the weather in '44 and early '45.
    Russ Villwock, our gallant organizer, who even though he could not show at his own party at the Schaumburg Reunion, due to surgery, was in prime shape for the large gathering of 47 people at the Park Ridge VFW Post, Illinois. It was the Park Ridge VFW unit that presented the colors at the Schaumburg Reunion in September of '89.
    John Kline, our editor, has filled me in on some of the happenings reported to him by joke members that will appear in this issue of The CUB. I wish to extend the Association's sincere appreciation to the CRIBA organization, Belgium, for the support they have given to men of our division as they pass through their country.
    They keep our spirit alive and make as feel that they are part of our family when we step on their soil. They become guides, organizers and brothers as they unselfishly lead as in the search of our past.
    CRIBA and the Belgian people dedicated a monument to the 424th Infantry Regiment in the little village of Spineux, Belgium. There were two groups from the 106th in the area, the Scandinavian-Belgium tour and a group of 424th men who went specifically to the ceremony at Spineux. Their stories of those events am in this CUB, Again we thank CRIBA for honoring the 424th, in doing so they honor all of us.
    Kline tells me the May 1990 CUB will feature the CRIBA organization, its purpose and principles. He also has several pictures relating to the POW camps, which he will feature along with stories from Ex-POWs. Stay healthy John, we need you.
    Our 1990 reunion chairman, Michael Thome and his committee are putting together this year's reunion in Sacramento. The dates are August 31 through September 4, 1990. The schedule of events appears on the hack cover. Registrations and other reunion information will be mailed to each member in April. I understand that there will be other optional" tours available. That is to say, other than those included in the registration fee. Until next CUB,

Orfeo ‘Gus' Agostini, president 106th Infantry Division Association


How important are titles?
Reverend Ewell C. Black le, Chaplain
106th Infantry Division Association, 212 Ridge SI., Bishopville, SC 29010

    Two men, Bill and Joe, worked for a plant which manufactured women's pantyhose. One day the plant closed and the two men were thrown out of work. After a couple of days they decided they should apply for unemployment.
    Joe was the first to be interviewed. When the interviewer asked Joe what his job had been, she understood him to say, "Diesel fitter." Looking through her manual of jobs she could find no listing like that, but did find "Pipe fitter," which was listed as a skilled job. Turning back to Joe, she said, "That is a skilled job and I don't think that we will have any trouble placing you. We will pay you $200.00 per week unemployment and should have something for you soon." Joe thanked her and returned to the waiting mom and told Bill the good news.
    Now it was Bill's turn. He sat down and told the interviewer that he had been a "Crotch sewer." Looking at her job listings, the interviewer could not find "Crotch sewer" but did find a listing for "Seamstress." Since this seemed to be in the same category, she said to Bill, "I found a listing for "Seamstress" which is classed as unskilled labor, with plenty of people qualified. We will probably have trouble finding you another job, so we can only give you $50.00 per week unemployment."
    When Bill returned to the wailing room, he was dejected! He said, "I just don't understand it! We worked side by side on the assembly line and she says your job is skilled and mine isn't. You're getting $200.00 per week and me only $50.00." After talking things over, they decided to ask the interviewer to clarify the situation to them.
    Sitting down at the interviewers desk, they told her the story and asked why two men working side by side could end up differently. Confused, the interviewer asked them to tell her exactly what each did. Bill said, "When the two halves of the pantyhose came down the line, I sewed them together and passed them to Joe, who held them up against a form and said, 'Deez'll fit 'er."
    In this complex world in which we live, we often forget just how important title can be! Whether Christian or Jew, we carry a very important description, we are known as "God's chosen people." In neither case did we make a decision for God, he made the decision for us. In Deuteronomy 7:6 the Jews are told, "For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession." In Romans 5:8 we are told that, "...God demonstrates his own love for as in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." In this complex world it is comforting to me to know that my worth is not dependent on what someone else may think of me, but is based on the fact that because God loves me, He has chosen me to be one of "His people."

May God bless and keep each of as in this year 1990!


From the editor's outpost... John Kline, 423/M
Please Note!
    I have a change of mailing address. My residence stays the same, but I have changed my mailing address to PO Box 24385, Apple Valley, MN 55124-0385. Be sure to make note. This address also appears on the inside front cover in both the right and left columns.

What's in this issue?
Return to Europe,
New Monument dedicated to the 424th Regiment
and a nostalgic side trip to "Parker's Crossroads."
    There were two groups of 106th members converging on Belgium in September of 1989, plus some individuals who were doing it on their own.
    One group led by Douglas S. Coffey, 590/C, were on the advertised "106th Scandinavian Tour." That was a trip through Norway, Sweden, Denmark, then down into the Battle of the Bulge area in Belgium.
    The other group of 106'ers went over, primarily, to be present at the dedication ceremony of the 424th Infantry Regiment Memorial at Spineux, Belgium. A memorial was dedicated to the 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Division and the 112th Regiment of the 28th Division.
Both groups closed the pincers at Spineux and we have great remembrances of the efforts of both.
    The Spineux Memorial was the work of Jules Hurdebise and Serge Fontaine who are members of the Belgian organization "CRIBA." The letters stand for Centre de recherches et d'information sur la bola' des ardennes. (Center for the research and information for the battle of the Ardennes). They (CRIBA) are a wonderful organization, giving unselfish support to members f our armed services who return to the Battle of the Bulge area. They have an excellent museum The story of the dedication will tell you more.
    Though most of the stories paralleled each other, I did recognize that in all the pages there were three distinct subjects. One-- the trip through Norway, Sweden and Denmark with its ending in Belgium. For this I used John Thurlow's (589-592 FAB) article.
    Two-- along on the same trip with Thurlow was John Gatens (589/A) who, even though he wrote about the same trip as Thurlow, had his story of an interesting and nostalgic visit to the site of the "Battle at Parker's Crossroads.," where he was taken prisoner.
    Three- Bill Mueller (story) and William Dodge (photography) of 424/M were major contributors on the group that went direct to Belgium for the ceremonies. I used their story and photos on the dedication ceremonies for the 424th Regiment. I want to thank all of those who furnished photos and copy. The response was so good that I ended up with over 30 pictures and nearly 20 letter size pages of text. Most editors will tell you that it is either feast or famine.
    Let me give credit to those that contributed photos and material which covered all these events. If I left any person out, I will have to catch up with your credits later.

Doug Coffey 590/C
Ed Prewett 424/B
John Gatens 589/A
John Thurlow 589/590 FAB
Miron Rudnick 422/E
Leo Gregory 424/HQ 3BN
Bill Mueller 424/M
Bill Dodge 424/M
Henri Register CRIBA
Thank you for your contributions...


PHOTO: L/R Gene Boley, Jordan Baker and Joseph Massey 422/C standing in gun position on the Schnee Eifel

Joe Massey, 422/C Returns to Europe
Route 1, Box #780 Remlap, Alabama 35133
    I returned June 15, 1989 from a 15 day European trip. My wife, Hazel Massey, daughter Cheryl Massey and two couples, Charlotte and Gene Boley, Evelyn and Jordan Baker, toured Belgium, Germany and France. We toured the Normandy area, Utah, Omaha, Gold and Juno beaches and the American cemetery at Omaha. Utah beach has been left as it was after the war. Also visited LeHavre, where I landed coming from England, and also left from after being captured during the Battle of the Bulge. Jordan Baker also entered and left from there. We had a brief visit in Paris, the wild drivers were too much for us. Stayed at Versailles and took a train to Paris.
    During this trip we found the castle in Lichtenberg where Jordan Baker stayed two nights before he was captured. We also found his prison camp, Stalag IX-B, Bad Orb, Germany. The camp is now a youth camp. Some of the barracks are still there. Serge Fontaine and his lovely wife, Suzanna Fontaine, spent a day with us. They met as at St. Vith and took us to the battle area and to the Schnee Eifel and our old positions. We drove along Skyline Drive to the field where we surrendered. It brought back a lot of memories from Dec. 20-21, 1944, cold, wet, hungry and no place to go. Serge is very knowledgeable concerning the Battle of the Bulge. Our day with them was very delightful.
    He also took us to the home of Jules and Anna Hurdebise. It was a pleasure to visit with them. Unfortunately, he was unable to accompany us on the day we visited the 422d battle area.
    We also visited the Dachau, the concentration camp. Hard to believe such things could happen. God forbid it ever to happen again.
    If anyone is planning a trip to the Bulge area, we would highly recommend that you contact CRIBA, or Serge Fontaine. He seems to enjoy helping you find your old positions. He was of great help to us.


PHOTO: She was a tough speedy old tub, the Aquitania
by Dan Bled 422/A 151 Holiday Terrace West Burlington. IA 52655

A recent article in The CUB got me to remembering some details about going to Europe in 1944 on the Aquitania.
    The 422d Regiment and, apparently, the 424th were on the big, fast 4-stacker. I recall some Air Force men being on the ship also, and the fact that I envied their thick leather jackets and warm-looking boots. Those boots would have been nice later in the Ardennes.
    My most distinct recollections of the Aquitania have to do with the food, the cramped quarters and the incident in which one of the ship's guns was fired. The food was dreadful, as I am sure all of you will recall. The British were up against it in the war years and surely did not have a lot of food to spare. It would have been better if Uncle Sam had supplied the chow for our trip, but that would have probably required an act of Congress. There were two meals a day, as I remember it, and welcome opportunities to buy American candy bars on the ship. There were long lines waiting for the candy, but of course there was nothing else to do, so I was a candy customer on a daily basis. They had Hershey bats, which were my favorite back in that era. When I was 18, I admitted to more than ample girth.
    I was on F-F deck. That was the bottom of the ship, I think. The guy in the hammock-like bunk above me was only inches away from my head. I didn't get sick the first day out, but succumbed to the ship's rolling motion later on when several guys near me began to vomit.
    The big event of the trip, which took about a week, was the morning the gun went off. There was a ship on the horizon and I saw it, remarking to someone I hoped it wasn't one of those Nazi pocket battleships still prowling the Atlantic.
    "Wham," the gun went from the rear of the ship. The impact rattled the Aquitania and there was tension in the air as we awaited a possible return shot from the other ship. The other ship was a Greek freighter, someone told me later on, and the shot was fired across its bow when it did not provide proper identification to our ship. (I don't know if it was a Greek ship or not, but that is what I was told, and the ship was apparently a freighter.)
    The remainder of the voyage was uneventful, as far as I know, except for late one night when I heard an urgent voice on the loudspeaker asking for, I think the radar officer. (Later on I was told that there was fear a German submarine was in our vicinity; this seems a likely story,


though I did not hear about it from any official source.)
    The day we landed in Scotland the Aquitania was greeted by some English flying boats. These planes gave us a measure of assurance as we neared the friendly coastline of the British Isles.
    In Scotland, I was surprised to see a large building that resembled the municipal auditorium on the Mississippi River in my hometown of Burlington, Iowa. Some men were golfing on a nearby hill as we left the ship. I hoped to get a good look at the Aquitania as we left it, but I wasn't able to. Nevertheless, I'll never forget that huge ship and the rolling, green ocean with the white caps on it, as the 15,000 of us went to Europe.
    It's odd how I remember some little things so vividly about the Aquitania, but I guess all of us remember things in flashes.
    I remember the shower near our bunks, for one thing, and I remember the food, etc., splashing all over the mess tables one morning.
    The heat and humidity on F-F deck are also memorable after all these years, and I still appreciate the Aquitania was such a tough, speedy old tub.
    My wife and I have been on several cruises in the Caribbean and on the Rhine. I grew up amid the paddle-wheel steamers on the Mississippi. Still for some reason, the Aquitania is "my" ship.

A note of interest John Kline, editor .
Time Magazine of December 26, 1949 reported on the final voyage of the Aquitania.
They quoted "Built at a cost of more than $10 million, the four stacked Aquitania "
    Then in a footnote -- "'One stack was a fake, installed because many travelers seemed to judge a ship's reliability by the number of stacks."

Cub Laughs, by George Levine, 424/M

"Alert ! Alert ! All military personnel return to base ! "


Return to Europe -- 1989

The Golden Lions Return to Europe
by John W. Thurlow 589/592 FAB
    Among the many pronouncements made by Doug Coffey, our leader on this trip, was "People always say they are going to write an article about the trip, but they never do." I might usually do the same but this time just to be different, here for what it's worth, is my article.
    The official group trip began on a beautiful sunny day in New York at the JFK Airport. Flight 48 on PanAm to Stockholm was smooth, pleasant and arrived early in the morning, for the Swedes, late in the evening for us. No problems until we got off the airplane. We then performed "a traditional military maneuver" just to show we hadn't forgotten how. "We hurried up and we waited," and since no one was there to meet us, we milled around and grumbled. Was this a foretaste of things to come?
    We wondered, but it proved not to be so. Our tour guide, Arvid Aseboe, from Bennett Tours, the largest tour agency in Scandinavia, finally showed up after a considerable wait. I don't know what his excuse was. It doesn't matter. The bus came, the baggage came, a couple of members didn't come -- we waited, but apparently they missed the flight, so we went on to our hotel, the Birger Carl in central Stockholm. The weather was fine.
    Our tour guide proved to be a "gem" among tour guides, according to other seasoned travelers on the trip, and as it was proved by our experience. He changed money for us, unheard of I am told, helped the old folks on and off the bus, planned ahead for our meals, lodging and sight seeing. To quote a line from the

PHOTO: Famous Swedish souvenir - Wooden horses, chickens
smaller versions were for sale at this shop and in Oppet, Sweden.


Return to Europe -- 1989

    song in The Music Man "you gotta know the territory," Arvid did. It was terrific to have a guide who knew it so well.
    Our bus driver, Sven Daae, was also Norwegian -- very compatible with Arvid and together they were a good-natured accommodating pair, a real pleasure to be with. I wouldn't say that Arvid was unflappable, but he handled the flaps very well. The same for Sven -- on hairpin curves and sheer drop-offs he inspired confidence by his ability, and helpfulness in getting people and luggage on and off the bus.
    I am not going to bore you with a blow by blow travelogue, and I am probably not capable of writing one anyhow. In the case of Scandinavia, I would probably run out of superlatives.
    One thing that had a lot to do with our favorable impression, was the weather. Somebody on this trip was living right, because it was generally ideal, sunny and mild, great for picture taking and cool at night. This couldn't help but improve our dispositions and impressions of the trip.
    I propose to describe the trip in two segments, the fun segment-- touring Scandinavia, and the serious segment--the visit to the scenes where our comrades were killed, wounded or captured --where we lost some and won some.
    Back to the fun part. Our bus route took us from Stockholm, the capital of Sweden to the areas just north of Stockholm. I won't recite all the place names, since to most of you, that's all it would be, just names. Then west, into Norway and the fjord country on a combined bus and boat tour, to Copenhagen, capital of Denmark, then by boat and train to Germany. Traveling across Germany by night train to Cologne and by bus to St. Vith and the battle areas.
    As for the Scandinavian part of our trip, I can only say - if you can, arrange to go, don't miss it, it's unique - it must be better in the early spring and early summer. Some of our postcards and tour book pictures bear this statement out fully. With green fields, the wild flowers, and the spring waterfalls, it must be gorgeous to put it mildly.
    When we were there, the grain had been cut and the fields were tan with stubble. Fall plowing had begun and the autumn leaves were just beginning to turn. But even then it was spectacular. Aside from many castles filled with paintings, tapestries, weapons and other antiquities, magnificent churches holding the tombs of the former mighty, museums with Viking ships and battle gear. Quail" villages with souvenirs reflecting t local claims to fame, I must say it was all eclipsed by the fjords of Norway.
    I have heard about fjords, read about fjords, seen pictures of fjords, even driven a "fjord," (bad joke) but I was unprepared for what I saw. Sheer cliffs rising from dark waters, hundreds, even thousands of feet deep. Small waterfalls cascading down hundreds of feet from the tops of cliffs. Narrow passages blocking the sun and isolating small farms hanging in seemingly inaccessible places.
    As our guide explained, there were big families on the main farms and the eldest son inherited the whole lot. The other boys in the family had to find a place for themselves.
    Speaking of people, they were friendly, well dressed, well housed, and well supplied with all the necessities and luxuries of life that we have. Possibly they


Return to Europe -- 1989

PHOTO: Typical ferries on the Norwegian Fjords.

    had more, since many government freebies for education and health care are available. Well-spoken English is the second language for many, but not everywhere. There were new cars everywhere. Many Volvos and Saabs, naturally, but a good sprinkling of European Fords and Japanese cars. There was also a plentiful supply of pleasure boats.
    How do they do it? Salaries aren't that large, taxes are high, anywhere from 30% to 50%, and the prices are out of sight. We asked that question, many times over, and the answers didn't make sense. Suffice to say, they are enjoying the good life while complaining about taxes.
    As an example, two hamburgers, one large order of fries and two cokes from their local MacDonalds (yes and they have Burger King and 7-11 stores) cost a cool $12.50.
    Another bit of trivia: Religion - they have a state church. When you are born you are automatically a member and subject to the annual church tax. You can resign later if you wish and avoid the tax. This is no problem, you just have to be of age, and request it in writing.
    Despite this mandatory church membership law, a great many churches are empty. Three to four percent attendance is common. The young are not taught religion, this is definitely not a religious community.
    Drinking is a problem in Scandinavia. Alcohol prices have been raised to high levels to try and stem the drinking habit. Based on what we saw on Friday and Saturday nights, among the young people, I would say that the cost of liquor is no deterrent. The young people were smashed and kept on getting smashed, in bars, on the street, until three-o-clock in the morning. One of the only bad features


Return to Europe -- 1989 •

of the trip was the racket outside the hotel rooms during these nights.
    Speaking of hotel rooms - no need to carry your own toilet paper, as we did, or soap in Scandinavia. You can squeeze the Charmin and the soap is fine. They don't believe in wash-cloths, so bring your own. Otherwise, aside from some strange shower stalls, the hotel rooms were excellent.
    We had a disappointment in Copenhagen. Everyone, I suspect, was looking forward to visiting the famous Tivoli Gardens there. But it was not to be. The gardens were closed as of September 10 and we arrived on the 14th. If the tour had started in Copenhagen and ended in Stockholm, we could have seen it. If anything was wrong with the planning, that was it.
    Another aspect of planning was the poor turnout by the 106'ers. There were reasons, but the fact remains that we had to have a number of non-106'ers on the trip to make the tour possible. It worked out OK, but would have been nicer to have more 106'ers with us. Those who stayed home missed a great trip and the totally unique sights and sounds of Scandinavia.
    From here, a change of tour management from Bennett back to Galaxy Tours took place as we boarded the train in Copenhagen, for the trip by train and boat to Cologne. We loaded our baggage in through the windows of the train, if you can believe it, and the train accommodations left much to be desired. There , also, we had a new tour guide, Daniel Harnay and a new driver, Manfred. Daniel was the quintessential dour Parisian and Manfred the quintessential teutonic grump. Together, after Arvid and Sven, they had a tough act to follow. Let's just say, they tried, but it wasn't the same - far from it.
     We repeated our hurry up, wait, runaround in circles, scream and shout at Cologne, as the bus didn't show again. Since it was Saturday, a replacement bus took three hours to show. We missed a wreath-laying ceremony at the AIX LA CHAPPELLE Cemetery as a result. However, the delay did give us a chance to go into the most impressive Cologne Cathedral, right next door to the rail and bus terminal.


    The souvenir shops in the Station Plaza gave the gals a chance to shop for Hummels and other souvenirs, an opportunity that was welcomed, since it was not scheduled otherwise.
    Postponing the AIX LA CHAPPELLE visit until the next day, we bussed to the town of Spa for an excellent lunch at the Canterbury Restaurant and a reunion there with owners who had been most hospitable on previous visits. We then drove to the town of L'EGLEISE to see a new and impressive war museum. There they had an extensive collection of German and Allied uniforms and weapons with life-size mannequins posed in combat positions and a big German tank outside. It was well worth a visit and ours was too short.
    From there we went to a nearby crossroads where we were met by some flower girls and a World War II jeep, complete with a 30 calibre machine gun mount, to lead us to the town of Spineux where a monument was to be dedicated to the 424th Infantry Regiment. (see the following story by Mueller 424/M about the dedication...


Return to Europe -- 1989

    editor) We noted many cars and people about the site, a tremendous collection of people, including Belgian veterans, community leaders and members of CRIBA. There were several members of our group from the 424th who participated by driving and riding the jeep, ahead of our bus to the ceremony site.
    After the ceremony we all drove to the nearby community hall for a luncheon with the townspeople along with "wines of honor." After that ceremony and community get-together we departed for the town of Rodt and our hotel.
    The hotel at Rodt was more basic, to say the least, than the Scandinavian hotels. It was satisfactory, newly built sections with renovations in the older sections. The cow by our window and the manure piles in the front yards wore reminiscent of our earlier times in this area.
    The next day we went to a church service in the morning, then to a wreath presentation at the St. Vith 106th Monument, followed by Vin d'honnuer at the town hall with a member of the Belgian Parliament, who represented the German speaking citizens of Belgium. This was followed by an excellent lunch at the hotel in St Vith.
    I can't help but comment about the reception of the people in the church. It was in sharp contrast to the reception at Spineux on the previous day. The church was filled with parishioners, but, to put it plainly, they ignored us on the way into the church, they ignored us while in the church, they ignored us on the way out of the church. The service was all in German, and if the 106th was mentioned, it was only in passing, if at all. The atmosphere, if not hostile, was cold to say the least. The townspeople did not show up at

PHOTO: Denmark s most famous castle, Frederiksberg Castle and Museum of National History, Hillered, Denmark.


Return to Europe -- 1989

    the wreath laying at the Monument (St Vith), the town hall or the luncheon. There were no friendly waves at the bus. The local manager of the monument did not show up. As I understand it, none of this was the case in the past. One can only ask, what is happening here?
    In any event, after the luncheon, some of the tour members went by private car with people we had met at Spineux the previous day. They visited various battle sites. The rest bussed over to ceremonies at the AIX LA CHAPPELLE and Malmedy Massacre Memorial.
    My wife and I went by private car to the areas around the town of Auw with John Gatens and his brother and sister-in-law. This brought back some ghosts for me. The terrain was as I remember it, but some of the buildings were changed, of course.
    I recall the 16th of December when I was awakened by an almost direct hit on our billet by an 88mm shell. As soon as it was light enough to see, I also remembered viewing the 589th's first casualty, PFC Mike Scanlon, a jolly little Irish wire man, hanging dead at the top of a telephone pole, from a sniper's bullet, in his linesman's belt. Mike, is surely not forgotten by me, and I want him to be remembered by all who read this.
    The next day began with a trip to the large and impressive monument at Bastogne. All the units involved in the Battle of the Bulge are represented with plaques. It was great to see the Golden Lion's plaque there.
    We then visited other battle areas before going to "Parker's Crossroads" for a ceremonial wreath laying and a speech by John Gatens (see story following) who was captured there, as a tank put its gun up to the door of the Inn where he was helping some of the wounded. The Innkeeper's daughter was at our ceremony and remembered the incident well.
    The next day turned out to be dreary and rainy as we bussed to the Brussels Airport and our not-looked-forward-to skirmishes with customs and immigration officials at both ends.
    After an uneventful flight we were once again back in the U.S.A saying our farewells in New York with promises to write, keep in Much, etc. I suppose in some cases with our fingers crossed, but we may all meet again, someday, in Sacramento, Huntsville or on our next trip five years from now. Let's hope so.

PHOTO: Douglas S. Coffey trying to call his wife from an unusual Kioskgk.


Gatens return to Parker's Crossroads

    PHOTO: John Galena, 589/A and John Thurlow 589/HQ on Skyline Drive between Auw and where a German tank was stopped 16 Dec 1944. Gatens was the gunner on a 105mm Howitzer that hit and destroyed the tank. It could have knocked out all batteries of the 589th. There were two other tanks following. They retreated when the first tank was destroyed. Battery positions were in the woods to the rear.

A Revisit to Baroque de Fraiture, "Parker's Crossroads" t
by John Gatens. 589/A
    I was a member of the Scandinavian to Belgium trip. (see John Thurlow's story on the Golden Lion's Return to Europe.) I was delighted and impressed as we made our way through Norway on small mountain roads, stopping at a rest stop, which was a rest camp, during the war, for German troops. The views were breath taking. The boat rides through the Fjords were great, the view of the mountains from the boat gave you the impression of grandeur I was again enthused by the train trip from Denmark to Germany, an overnight affair. The train, less the locomotive, was placed aboard a ferry to Germany.
    We had an unfortunate delay at Cologne, because of a bus that was four hours late. This turned out to be a blessing for me. Next to the restaurant, where we had breakfast while we were waiting, was the Cologne Cathedral. When I was a POW. I walked down the street, around the Cologne Cathedral and over the Rhine on the bridge nearby. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would ever see that sight again.
    Around noon on the 16th of September we attended the dedication of the 424th Infantry Regiment Memorial at Spineux. I experienced a very warm feeling for the Belgian people as they turned out and greeted us with open arms. I know you have a separate story on that event, so have kept the comments short. It was a beautiful ceremony.
    The highlight of my personal experiences on the great trip was the return to my past. A visit to our former positions


Gatens return to Parker's Crossroads

and to Parker's Crossroads where I was captured.

    On Sunday the 17th, Joseph Gavroye, Mary and Louis Yoncheau (members of CRIBA), picked up John Thurlow (589th HQ) and his wife Joyce Thurlow, my brother Tom Gatens and his wife Lillian Gatens and me. These Belgian people, from CRIBA, using their own autos, took as to the first position that "A" Battery of the 589th was in, on December 16th, 1944. For John Thurlow and myself, this was a very emotional moment, it brought back many memories. I just wish I could convey the feeling. You have to be there to experience it.
    From there we proceeded to "Parker's Crossroads," geographically listed as Baraque de Fraiture. (me pages 182 through 192 in our history, St Vith, Lion in the Way) This was where I was taken prisoner.
    I was advised by my driver, Joseph, that Maria LeHaire, owner of the restaurant, that is now at the crossroads, had invited us to dinner, in my honor.
    When we arrived, we were joined by Edward Prewett (424/B) and his wife Reddie Prewett, along with his driver, Andre Hubert (CRIBA). We were escorted into Maria's home, not the restaurant. I was in the building that stood on this spot when I was captured. The property has been in her family for five generations. She told me the reason we were eating in her home was because the weather in 1944 was so cold and miserable, that she wanted me to have a nice warm meal in the place that had such a sad memory for me. Without a doubt, the cocktails and dinner was the greatest that you could get anywhere. Bernadette Lejeune (Maria's daughter) is now the proprietor of the restaurant. (note: John Thurlow in his story said Bernadette remembered that when John Gatens was captured, that a tank put its gun up to the door of the Inn where Gatens

    PHOTO: John Gatens on the left, with his brother Tom at the 589th Field Artillery Battalion Monument at Parkers Crossroads


Gatens return to Parker's Crossroads

and others were taking care of wounded and fighting a fire on the roof)
Bernadette presented me with a painting that her mother, Maria, had made especially for me (See photo to right).
    The picture depicts the conditions that existed in December of 1944, Snow, fog, clouds and trees. I was completely overwhelmed by this gracious gesture of friendship. Their kindness and warmth is something that I will remember all my life.
    Again, on Monday the 18th, the whole group went back to the 589th Monument at Parker's Crossroads, there again to witness a large turnout of people. The Lion's Club of Fraiture had a nice ceremony, wreaths were placed at the 589th Monument by the Lion's Club, Maria and Bernadette Lejeune of the restaurant.
    Much to my surprise, not being a public speaker, Doug Coffey asked me to say few words. I gave a little history of what happened at the Crossroads on 19-23 December '44. Most of the people, on our trip, did not realize how important the battle was.
    (editor... To quote from page 190 St Vith, Lion in the Way, by Colonel R. Ernest Dupuy.) ... And that's the story of Parker's Crossroads and the three-piece 589th Field Artillery Battalion; the end of the trail for the three howitzers of Battery A which Eric Wood had gotten out of the Schnee Eifel. It is a story for American artillerymen to cherish along with the saga of O'Brien's guns at Buena Vista.
    One cannot help wondering what would have otherwise happened to the thin-spread 82d Airborne Division's right flank as the 2d SS Panzer moved in for the kill.
Gatens says "Our unit was awarded the French Croix de Guerre with Silver-Gilt Star for that action."

    PHOTO: Maria LeHaire is presenting John Gatens with a picture she had painted for him. It depicts the area as it was in '44

The Lion's Club gave a "Vin d'honnuer" and a very nice luncheon in Bernadette's Restaurant.
    A trip to Belgium would not be complete without making a stop at the 106th Monument at St. Vith. There was also a nice ceremony there, with the Mayor of St. Vith laying a wreath in honor of our comrades. Then all the women of our trip laid a small flower on the table there also to honor all the members of the 106th, living and dead.
    I strongly urge any member of the 106th Division who has not been back to that area, to go back and relive one of the most important parts of your life. Contact CRIBA and a member will take you anywhere you choose to go.
    I cannot express strong enough, how much the people of Belgium love the American G.I. They are only too happy to do anything for you.


424th Memorial - Spineux, Belgium

    PHOTO: Frank Borbely, left end Bill Mueller both from 424/M place wreath on the 424th Combat Infantry Regiment Memorial at Spineux, Belgium

Memorial dedicated
424th Infantry Regiment Spineux, Belgium
Story by Bill Mueller, 424/M
photos by Bill Dodge, 424/M
    A little village, Spineux near Stavelot, probably not remembered by any of the dog tired frozen troops that liberated it on a dreary cold snowy day in January 1945, became the site of a beautiful tribute to the men of the 424th Infantry Regiment and to the 106th Infantry Division.
    Just four months short of the forty five years that have elapsed since combat actions cleared the territory south of Stavelot, Belgium, the 424th Regiment was honored and recognized for its part in that liberation by the unveiling of a wonderful Memorial in the town of Spineux. The Memorial pays homage to those of the 424th Combat Infantry Regiment and 112th Combat Infantry Team (28th Div. who withstood the elements and German fire to free the area of the German army.
The Dedication Ceremonies took place on September 16, 1989 and were extremely impressive.
Identified from the 424th showing Company, City and State, were:
Don Armington (H-Des Moines, IA)
Howard Bagby (M-Grand Island, FL)
Frank Borbely (M-Norristown,PA)
Bill Butler (A-Winchester, VA)
Tiller Carter (424HQ-Lago Vista, TX)
Bill Dodge (M-Zanesville, OH)
Leo Gregory (3BNHQ-Nashville, TN)
Walt Johannes (K-Sacramento,CA)
Bill Mueller (M-Levittown, NY)
Ed Prewett (B- Brentwood, CA)
Bob Scranton (K-Brighton, MI)
Fred Vitale (B-Philadelphia, PA)

Several tours of American veterans and their families traversing Europe took the opportunity to have itineraries


424th Memorial - Spineux, Belgium

    PHOTO: Plaque paying tribute to the 424th Combat Infantry Regiment of the 106th Division and the 112th Regimental Combat Town of the 28th Division, who was attached to the 424th during this action. A map depicts the battle area around Wanne.

    retouted to be present and participate. Upwards to fifty American veterans were on hand for the occasion. Many were there from units of the 106th Division.
The Belgians celebrating the event numbered in the hundreds.
    The Dedication Program commenced with a motorcade of veterans into the town of Spineux. The veterans were greeted by several children of the village who presented each with a floral spray. The motorcade included a 1942 Ford "Jeep" which had survived the war.
    The Dedication Ceremony commenced as the assemblage was greeted by the Master of Ceremony, Andre Hubert. Mr. Hubert (CRIBA) did a magnificent job during the entire proceedings. During the course of the dedication and at the reception later he provided all of the necessary translations to and from French and English as events moved along. A most difficult chore.
    Jules Hurdebise, (CRIBA) the Belgian most responsible for bringing the Memorial to fruition, gave a most inspiring discourse on the efforts of the 424th and attached units in the liberation of the area. He expressed the love, gratitude and affection the Belgian people have for the veterans of World War II especially those who fought in and brought freedom to the area.
    His able colleague, Serge Fontaine, (CRIBA) provided a vivid day by day, hour by hour, detailed description of the actions of the units of the 424th during those cold miserable days in January,1945.
    The Mayor and others members of the Government officially and warmly welcomed not only the Americans but all the visitors. Prior to the unveiling


424th Memorial - Spineux, Belgium

Bill Mueller responded for the Americans Veterans in the name of the 424th and 106th.
    In his emotional commentary he stated " --For many of us time has stood still-almost forty five years have gone by-yet for many of us it seems like only yesterday- nonetheless things have changed - we-you-have changed, your beautiful country has under gone change. In 1945 it was a bleak, cold, drab existence for everyone-you and us. Today-the world is green, vibrant, aglow with life-yes-the years have wrought change-thank God for the better.
    "Today you honor us-the 424th Infantry Regiment-for what little we accomplished at this place, in this area, in our lifetime, those many years ago. For all of us, and I speak not only for those here today, but for the many that could not be here to receive this honor-we thank you.
    We especially thank you for remembering also our comrades who are no more. Those who gave their supreme effort here and those who have succumbed to the passing years.
    "Although you honor and dedicate this Memorial to the 424th Infantry Regiment.- you in turn honor all members of the 106th Infantry Division- "The Golden Lions". We came as young men to help bring peace and freedom to Europe-we sought no glory, expected no rewards-only to return to homes in peace and live our lives.
    "That you remembered us-we are extremely appreciative and we shall never forget the honor which you bestowed- we especially thank you for this Memorial -for whoever shall visit and see it will remember our fellow comrades-as we remember them-it will remind us all of what they gave for us-Thank You."

    PHOTO: Bill Mueller. 424/M responds for the 424th Combat Infantry Regiment and the 106th Division. Andre Hubert of CRIBA on left, Interpreting, Serge Fontaine, CRIBA, to right of the youngsters, Christine and Jean-Luc Tribolet


424th Memorial - Spineux, Belgium

    PHOTO: Several of the 424th Veterans in the back row, Bill Dodge, 424/M, photographer (with Crew cut); the CRIBA committee are in front Jules Hurbedise 3rd from left and Serge Fontaine 3rd from right.

    The beautiful Memorial, sculptured by Guy Winand of Grand Halleux, was then unveiled. It depicts the somber, environment of an alert wary infantry rifleman ready for action in the ruins of a destroyed farm structure, a setting so familiar to many of the 424th. Inscribed on the face of the monument are shown the various combat routes through the area of the units of the Regiment with identifying dates. As a Belgian soldier raised the Belgian Flag, the American Flag was slowly hoisted to its position by Tiller Carter (Major- Hq, 424th Regiment). A floral wreath in remembrance and honor Mall those to whom the Memorial was dedicated was placed at the site by Frank Borbely.
    Following the Benediction the Dedication Program continued with a reception at the Administration/Recreation Center in the town of Trois-Ponts. Government officials, members of the Belgian Society, C.R.I.B.A. (Centre de rechcrches et d'informations sur la bataille des Ardennes),were present.
    Serge Fontaine and Jules Hurdebise again paid homage to the 424th and 106th with complimentary commentary. In response to this Doug S. Coffey (Memorials Chairman - 106th Div Association) addressed the assemblage in French. Doug was most warmly received.
    Jules Hurdebise presented the original model of the Memorial (made of slate) to Bill Mueller as a remembrance of the occasion. Bill gave the model to Doug Coffey for inclusion in the archives of the Association, as a remembrance of all the 106th personnel who fought so valiantly in the Ardennes Campaign.
    In response to the wonderful tribute and honor paid to the 106th and all Americans, Bill Mueller presented an American


424th Memorial - Spineux, Belgium

    Flag to Jules Hurdebise and the Memorial Committee. The Flag had flown over the U.S. Capitol Building on July 4, 1989, Independence Day. Bill stated that as on Independence Day we celebrate our freedom, so should the Flag fly over a sacred place where Americans fell as Belgian independence was restored.
    The conviviality, including good food and drink, mixed with friendship and just plain brotherhood went on for many hours. The Belgians have never forgotten what Americans did, and in like manner we should never forget them and the circumstances they survived, many times more miserable and dreary than those experienced by us. Above all let us never forget those that we left behind and those who returned home with broken, maimed minds and bodies.

    NOTE: The May issue of The CUB will contain a feature story about CRIBA, (Centre de reserches et d'information sun la battaille des ardennes.) (Center for the research and information of the battle of the Ardennes)
as we know it, The Battle of the Bulge.... John Kline, editor

PHOTO: Tiller Carter, 424th Headquarters raises flag, Edward Prewett 424/B in background.

PHOTO: Belgian Amy Honor Guard, with Belgian Veterans.

    PHOTO: Jules Hurbedise. CRIBA displays U.S. flag given to the committee. The flag flew over the U.S. Capitol building July 4, 1989. Andre Hubert to left.

PHOTO: Gathering at the Spine., Memorial Dedication.


424th Memorial - Spineux, Belgium

PHOTO: Serge Fontaine, CRIBA explaining the battle action of January 1945.

PHOTO: Howard Bagby, 424/M admires 1942 Jeep Bill Dodge in back and Bill Mueller to right

    PHOTO: Bill Mueller accepting the model of the soldier in the monument, later he gave it to Doug Coffey to carry home

    PHOTO: Doug Colley 590/C, who came with the Scandinavian-Belgium Tour group, has an opportunity to use his High School French.

    PHOTO: Mayor Gavriel, Trois Ponts Region, expresses his gratitude and appreciation. Other CRIBA members end committee around him.

PHOTO: The group at the St Vith Memorial after the Spineux Memorial Dedication


Illinois vs Michigan, Nov 11, 1989

    PHOTO: Bill Butkovich, left Ex-Officio of the Varsity "I" Association, Col. Thomas Riggs, CO, 81st Combat Engineers and Gerry Johnson, president of the Association.

Colonel Riggs
Illinois University "I" Man of the Year
a reprint from the Providence, Rhode Island Journal-Bulletin of November 29th, 1989. by Bill O'Connell

Special to the Journal-Bulletin
    Providence's Tom Riggs knows what it is like to fight for his life. He has had to fight many times in his 73 years. Yet he sees himself as being "terribly lucky."
    That view says a lot about what type of man Tom Riggs is. For it is not "terribly lucky" to have fought on the front line during one of World War II's fiercest battles. And it is not "terribly lucky" to have been a prisoner of war or to have faced cancer surgery twice in two years.
    Tom Riggs has gone through all these things and survived. That could be deemed lucky. Still, if one word is needed to describe Tom Riggs, it would not be "lucky." It would be courageous."
    For his heroic efforts during World War II's Battle of the Bulge, Riggs was recently recognized as Illinois University's "I" Man of the Year. The award goes annually to a former Illini athlete who has achieved honor or distinction in a chosen field or occupation. The award was presented at a banquet on November 10 and again before the Illinois football game against Michigan the following day, Veteran's Day.
    On that Saturday, before a crowd of 73,000, Riggs marched out on the field he had played on over 49 years earlier. The flag was raised. The national anthem was played. And three fighter pilots made a fly-by in Riggs' honor. The latter was a surprise that brought a tear to the veteran's eye.
    After the aerial tribute, a declaration describing Riggs' achievements was read. During the statement's delivery, the crowd was very quiet.
    "Then suddenly, they let go with a tremendous shout that lasted a long time," Riggs said a few days later while sitting in the den of his East Side home. "I had forgotten what that (the crowd) had meant in my playing days."
    Riggs was first cheered on an Illinois football field in 1938. That year he earned the first of his three varsity letters. In 1940, his final season, he was elected the team's captain. He also captained the Blue team that year in the annual Blue-Gray college All-Star game.
    At 6-foot-3 and 225 pounds, Riggs was considered a large tackle in his day. The 1940 edition of Football Illustrated rated him as a Star of the West and called him


Illinois vs Michigan, Nov 11, 1989

'One of those rock-ribbed, natural tackles who knows what to do, and does it."
As was the norm then, he played both offense and defense.
"I averaged 58 minutes a game for three years in the Big Ten," Riggs said.
    And he made the most of those minutes, playing well enough to draw an offer from the Washington Redskins in the fall of 1941. Riggs, however, could not accept their $250-a-game bid because he was then in the Army. He had graduated from Illinois' College of Engineering in February of '41 as a second lieutenant in the Army Corps of Engineers Reserve and had been called to active duty that May.
    In December of 1944, at the age of 28, Riggs was a lieutenant colonel commanding the 81st Combat Engineers Battalion of the 106th Infantry Division on the Belgium border outside the town of St. Vith. The 106th was a young and inexperienced outfit that had been sent to a sector of the front designated as quiet. It did not remain quiet very long.
    On December 16, less than a week after it had gone on line, the 106th was hit with an intense attack by the Germans. The next day Riggs, the 225-pound, rock-ribbed left tackle, was charged with blocking the main road into St. Vith.
    For five days Riggs led a defense that held off a superior force. He walked the line at least three times a day to show his young soldiers he was with them--that someone was with them. He did not sleep. Finally on the sixth day, his outfit was forced to split up. The next night his group was surrounded by Germans. A mortar fragment grazed Riggs in the back of the head and knocked him unconscious. When he awoke, he was a prisoner of war. Riggs marched to a German camp and was then transported to another German camp in Poland. From there, on the 28th day of his captivity, he escaped.
    Early in the morning, Riggs left his barracks for the latrine. When he realized there was no guard in the area, he slipped into a deserted mess hall and hid on the top of a walk-in refrigerator. He listened during roll call, when the Germans realized he was not there. He listened as the Germans searched the mess hall with dogs. During the search, they looked in the refrigerator, but none looked on top.
    "I held my breath and prayed," he said, " and it worked." That night he hid in the shadows and watched as the guards patrolled the wire fences surrounding the camp. As the night wore on, the intervals between passes grew longer. Finally he decided to make his move. He braced the wire up with chair legs he had taken from the mess hall, and escaped into the woods.
    Once out, Riggs headed for Warsaw. The third night he saw a group coming down the road. As he hid, a man tapped him on the shoulder and challenged him. It turned out that he and the others were members of the Polish underground.
"That's how much luck you can have in life," Riggs said.
    The underground placed him with the Russians. He fought with them for 10 days before returning to the American military in Naples, Italy. There he was told he was going home. Riggs, however, pleaded with his commanders to let him rejoin his battalion. Eventually they relented, and Riggs was returned to his outfit. It was then that he learned that 50 percent of his men had been either killed, wounded or captured.
    Two years later, the Saturday Evening Post published an article detailing the 106th's gallant stand and the great importance of it slowing down the Germans. In the same article, Riggs received a special


Illinois vs Michigan, Nov 11, 1989

    compliment: "... the 106th's soldiers, to a man, are unanimous in agreeing that Lt. Col. Thomas Riggs of Huntington, West Virginia was the outstanding hero of the division." For his bravery, Riggs was decorated with the Silver Star and the Purple Heart. He also received the Croix de Gurre from both Belgium and France.
    "The one I value above all else," he said, "is the Distinguished Unit Citation." It is not surprising that the award Riggs holds most dear is the one that honors his unit as a whole, because when Riggs talks of his successes, he speaks of teamwork, enthusiasm, goals and leadership.
    It is also not surprising that one of Riggs' favorite stories involves a complete team effort on the football field. It's a story he told the current edition of the Illini football team when he spoke to the squad at the request of the head coach John Mackovic the day before the Michigan game.
    The year was 1939 and the 0-3-1 Fighting Illini were pitted against the undefeated Michigan Wolverines. The Illini had been given 30 new plays and had been revved up by the coaching staff. The preparations paid off as Illinois beat the superior Michigan club 16-7.
"We were tied together for 60 full minutes," Riggs said as he retold the story the following week.
    A leader throughout his life, Riggs has faced some tough foes. His latest battles have been against a particularly vicious enemy--cancer. Twice since 1985 he has undergone surgery. Both times the-surgery was successful. Through it all, he has been supported by a very special team--his family.
    When he awoke from his first operation, the removal of his right lung, Riggs saw his six children and wife Ginnie Riggs at the foot of his bead. His youngest son, Rory Riggs, tossed him a football and a T-shirt that read "Property of Team Riggs."
    "He just wanted me to know that we were all together in this," Riggs said. Tom Riggs says he has been lucky Maybe so. But it is the people who have played, fought, worked and lived with him who have been the luckiest.

PHOTO: Billboard sign outside O'Hare Airport was a big thrill to Col. Riggs


December 16th get-togethers

by Russell Villwock, 106 Sig, 6908 West Higgins, Chicago, IL 60656
    On December 9, 1989, at the Park Ridge VFW Post, the Golden Lions of the Chicago area gathered to commemorate the Battle of the Bulge, and talk about the days long ago in Belgium. Forty-five years ago to be exact. They also talked about their current "battle of the bulge," retirement, grandchildren and their aches and pains, as we all grow older. This year, being no different than any other, we had several attending for the first time. They became re-acquainted during the cocktail hour. A buffet dinner followed, then came coffee and desserts made by Luella Meagher, Florence Lucsay and Jackie Villwock.
    The evening was enjoyed by all. Many talked about going to Sacremento and how much they enjoyed the 1989 reunion in Schaumburg, Illinois.
The Park Ridge VFW Post, so fitted our needs and pocket-book, that reservations were made for December 8, 1990.
    We hope to have some sort of activity to make the evening more enjoyable for all. Those in attendance this year were;
Mr. & Mrs. M Rydzinski;
Mr. & Mrs. Martin;
Mr. & Mrs. Villwock;
Mr. & Mrs. Mangiaracina;
Mr. & Mrs. Miller;
Mr. & Mrs. Kapsalis;
Mr. & Mrs. Meagher;
Mr. & Mrs. Lucsay;
Mr. & Mrs. Brankin
Mr. & Mrs. Bieze;
Mr. & Mrs. Costa;
Mr. & Mrs. Zak;
Mr. & Mrs. Dallman;
Mr. & Mrs. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Kurzeja;
Mr. & Mrs. Peterson;
Mr. & Mrs. Hill;
Mr. & Mrs. Libman;
Mr. & Mrs. Hempel;
Mr. & Mrs. Rusthoven;
Ben Carpenter;
Antone Costa;
Frank Gombotz;
Dave Todd;
Frank von Schwedler;
Lionel White;
Mildred Holder (wife of Harry Holder 424 /H who is in Hines nursing home, and their daughter).
Don't forget We now have a
LIFE membership -- apply now!


December 16th get-togethers

Madison, Wisconsin
by Chuck Rieck, 422/H, 7316 Von Pkwy, Middleton, WI 53562
Photo by Ed Wojahn, 81st Engineers/B
    The members of the 106th Infantry Division Association in Wisconsin held its first Battle of the Bulge Commemorative meeting at Madison, Wisconsin on December 2, 1989. Fifty-nine had registered, but winter ice and snow, reminiscent of December 1944, permitted fifty three to attend.

PHOTO: In attendance were:
Arnold & Dorothy Brannstrom;
Lee & Jean Kruger;
Tom Grillo;
Ray & Jeanette Kurth;
Ed & Irene Wojahn
Burton & Jane Pfaff;
Robert & Dorothy Likins;
Ed & Leona Padlaski;
Chuck & Doris Rieck;
Delbert & Elva Rasmussen
James & Mary Tetzlaff;
Ralph & Vi Moore;
Jerry & Marjorie McMullin;
Peter & Rosemary DiBenardo and daughter
Fred & June Chermak;
Albert & Dolores March;
Stanley & Pat Zawadzki;
Roger & Patricia Kane;
Fred & May Broussard
Delbert & Marion Rediger;
Al & Eileen Hundt;
Walter Donaldson;
Willis & Karyl Smythe;
John & Ellen Scalissi
John & Eunice Hendrickson;
Joe & Ver Broderick;
Harry & Eunice McMullin.
    Ed Wojahn was the photographer. Because of the size of the group, the women elected to have the picture of the men only. Ed Wojahn signed up six of those present to be members of the 106th Infantry Division Association.


December 16th get-togethers

Minneapolis, Minnesota
by John Kline, 423/M, PO Box 23485, Apple Valley, MN 55124
    PHOTO: back L/R - Bob Sandberg, 81st/A; Al Bruecker, 590/A; Phil Gerlach, 424/D; Geo Murray, Jr., 424/H; Lloyd Brunner, 424/A, Boyd Rutledge, 422/D; Bill Wanless, 422/AT; Bill Johnson, 28th Div; Fred Chinguist, 423/D; Albert Kranz, 106 MP
front L/R - John Kline, 423/M Russ Gunvalson, 590/A; Ira Berg, 422/G; Al Korbel, 422/B

PHOTO: Shirley Gerlach; Betty Murray; Pat Sandberg; Margot Kline; Mary Ann Korbel


December 16th get-togethers

Southern California
by Milton Weiner, 424/M, 6440 Knott Ave P41, Buena Pork, CA 90621 714.521-1705
    PHOTO: 1st row L/R James Yamazaki, 590/MED; Dick Peterson, 423/I; Bob Embury, 806/ORD; Milton Weiner, 424/M; Marion Mileski, DIV ART/HQ; Donald Betlach, 423/3BN HQ, Allen Lowith, 423/CN
    second row L/R - Joseph Litvin, 423/D; Richard Erbes, 423/HQ, Robert Bennett, 423/H; Col. Charles C. Cavender, 423/HQ; James Reiss, 423/L; David Slayton, 422/A; Edward Nelson, 590/C; Rudy Zeman, 423/CN; Harold Renfro, 423/E

PHOTO: Colonel C. C. Cavender with his fans!


December 16th get-togethers

Mt Vernon, Illinois
by John Mikalauskis, Box 31, Benton, Illinois 62812
    PHOTO: L/R - Kenneth Bradfield; George Bloomingburg; Gene Saucerman; Bob York; James Collier; Wm. Webb Hall; Gene Kelch; Pete Lauman; Newton Johnson; Ray Vaughn: Colbert Turner; Ken Bryan; Chas. Bright; Kneeling - John Mikalauskis; Glenn Hartlieb

    PHOTO: L/R - Juanita Bloomingburg; June Bradfield; Sally Saucerman; Mary Lou Collier; Dorothy Lauman; Dolores Mikalauskis; Leda Johnson; Annette Vaughn; Nadine Hartlieb; Doris Bright; Velma Hall; Dorothy Ketch Kneeling - Thelma York; Sandy Saucerman; Marge Bryan


December 16th get-togethers

Detroit, Michigan
by Russell Mayotte, 9628 Cavell, Livonia, MI 48150
    PHOTO: Front L/R- James Kenyon, 424/CN, John Roberts, 592/C; Robert Kelly, 423/SV; Don O'Ferrell, 424/CN; John Shalhoub, 424/G
Back now L/R- Bob Rowe, ?; Jack Bryant, 422/HQ; Marshall Wenslow, 589/A, Will Hartman, 592/A;
James Fonda, 590/B, James Karth, 422/C; Dick Frankini, 424/HQ; Bob Scranton, 424/K
John Gillespie, 422/C; Edward Keahl, 591/HQ; Bob Rutt, 422/HQ; Russ Mayotte, 424/F, photographer not shown.

Atlanta, Georgia
by Sherod Collins, 423/SV, 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw Georgia. 30144
    As occurs annually, Golden Lions of this area gathered and greeted each other enthusiastically on December 10 at the Dobbins Air Force Base Open Mess.
    The fellowship is always good, as is the prime rib served tastefully there. The occasion and the decorations were festive.
    The group was favored with a speaker, Mr. William E. Price, who was Army Air Corps during the war and was shot down over Japan. He spoke of his experiences as a prisoner of war of the Japanese.
The following members, ladies and guests enjoyed the camaraderie:
National President and Mr. & Mrs. Gus Agostini;
National Chaplain Ewell C. Black, Son and Associate member Dave Black;
Bill and Carolyn Alexander
Bob and Frankie Burkes,
Bill Delzell;
James and Susie Dickerson;
Patricia and Marilyn Dickerson;
Bob and Louise Howell;
Bill Jenkins;
Lyman and Ann Maples
Newt and Yvonne Mosely;
Regina Thomas;
Morris and Sara Piha;
Marion and Barbara Prater;
Joe and Ida Puett;
Jim and Maydean Wells;
Charles Moon;
Duke Ward
J.B. and Mary Russell;
Joe Monneret;
Sherod Collins and Dot Waldrop.

No picture was available at press time... J. Kline editor


December 16th get-togethers

Northern California
by Edward Prewett, 424/B, Rte2 Box 730, Brentwood, CA 94513
Fourth get-together of the group
    The picture may not produce clearly, but the numbers say "we have come a long way" since our first get-together on December 16th, 1986.
    Sponsoring the 44th Annual Reunion 1990 in Sacramento in Aug-Sept has brought us together, with a purpose. If you want to build a fire under your group, just sponsor a reunion in your area.
Our December get-together this year was sponsored by Walter and Lucille Johannes. It was a great success.
PHOTO: In attendance were: Michael Thome;
Mr. & Mrs. C.J. Epling;
Mr. & Mrs. John Gregory;
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Johannes;
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nausin;
Don Cooley;
John Stauff;
Monroe Duke;
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Prewett.
Absent, but in our thoughts were Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Salber due to illness.
    We are all dedicated, as a committee, to see that you enjoy this year's 106th Division Reunion for 1990 in Sacramento, California.

Always forgetting to pay annual dues?
not to worry
The Association now offers a Life Membership, once paid, no other dues.
Buy a LIFE Membership NOW
$75.00 for Regular Member or Associate Member - $15.00 for Auxiliary (wife)


New Members

Allison, Dr. Harold H. 424/A, 3066 Kent Rd., Apt 3068, Stow, OH 44224
(editor's note -- Harold, let us hear from you. Welcome back to the 106th.. John Kline

PHOTO: Francis ‘Toby' Anderson, see below
Anderson, Francis (Toby) 106 SIG, 16501 N. El Mirage #1019 Surprize, AZ 85374
    With the 106 Signal from Jackson to after VE Day. Original member of the association and Chicago Chapter. Lived in Arizona since 1979. Four children and six grandchildren. Retired from U-Haul Corporation. Married 45 years to my wife Dorothy Anderson, my oldest daughter was born while I was in Germany.
    In the summer we live in the mountains - Strawberry, Arizona, HCR1 Box 1205 - 602-476-4288. Our Surprize phone number is 602-583-1307. Started back-packing in the mountains at age 65 with two sons and three grandsons (editor's note -- Toby sent along a 'Proclamation Dedication" to the °Francis E. Anderson Park °A tribute to Toby's loyalty to the city of Hometown, Illinois. he served as Police Magistrate from '61 thru '65. Was elected Mayor of the city from '65 thru 77. His friends in the city dedicated a park known as FRANCIS E. ‘TOBY' ANDERSON PARK in his honor on October 8, 1989. He moved to Arizona in 1979.

Armitage, John F. 423/L, 303 Boston Post Road-115 Marlboro, MA 01752

Baird, Robert E. 422/I, 541 Kelly Dr., Golden Valley, MN 55427

Balestrieri, 1st Lt. Ralph R. (US Rtd) 590/B, 41 Rose Court Eatontown, NJ 07724-1515
Through the VBOB I was contacted by Victor Rauch 590/C.
     My first assignment out OCS was with the 592d where I gave about 90% of the basic training. Wouldn't mind hearing from some of them.
     I later transferred to the 590th FAB, Battery B where I served a battery executive officer for several months before shipping overseas to join the 58th Armored FAB. I was with the 58th during the Bulge, having been a forward observer with them until the day the battle started.
     During the Bulge, while driving down the road, I came across Battery B's last: position. I saw that their guns had been destroyed and noted how they were destroyed. Went over to look, as only I ever recommended guns be destroyed in that manner. I found all their belongings slacked up neatly and their helmets laid on the ground in a column of fours, where they had been taken prisoner. I particularly noted that all ammunition had been used except for the smoke rounds. Looks like they fought to the last round.
     (editor's note -- Lt. Balestrieri, your remarks are very interesting and I am sure they are appreciated by our members... John Kline)

Beamish, Leslie 422/AT, Box 5, Perrysville, OH 44854

Bilotti, Frank 423/CN, 2512 S. 11th St., Philadelphia, PA 19148
I was Platoon Sergeant and was captured. Looking forward to the Alabama reunion in 1991.


New Members

Cannone, Frank 331 MED/A, 128 10th St. Hicksville, NY 11801
Was with the 106th Infantry division from its start until I was discharged.

Cuoco, Angela 331 MED/C, 1118 East Second St. Jamestown, NY 14701
    Found out about the association from an old schoolmate Robert L. Steere of Falconer, New York. I am looking forward to meeting other buddies in the association.

Drumheiser, Robert P. 422/C, 4247 Catalina Ln Apt E Harrisburg, PA 17109

Eberhard, Victor J. 422/F, 3578 Inman Dr. N.E. Man., GA 30319
World War II and Korean War. Grateful to be here!

Edwards, John J. 422/C, 270 Griffith St. Buffalo, NY 14212-2239
    Enlisted June '45, Service & Ammunition Battery - 5th FAB, 1st Division. One week after Pearl Harbor sent DEML to Marine Barracks, Quantico for nine months. Then DEML to Navy installation Norfolk, Virginia for one year and six months. Did security work for Amphib Headquarters - Atlantic Fleet as a Military Police. Then was sent to 106th at Camp Atterbury. Captured with the others, sent to Stalag IV-B, released by the Russians, left them and walked through the Black Forest and down to our people. Sent to Lucky Strike and on to U.S.A.

Frambs, Roger A. 106 RECON, Box 173, Rock Springs, WI 53961

Grillo, Thomas E. 591/B, 25 Harmony Acres Prospect, CT 06712
Glad to join. My wife's name is Winifred Grillo.

Hendrickson, John 81st ENG/B, 8456 Messerschmide Verona, WI 53593

Holton, James L. 424/A, 550 Golf Rd. Reinholds, PA 17569
    Imagine my surprise when I saw an ad announcing a regional meeting here in Reading, PA. I was not aware that the 106th Infantry Division Association existed.
    I was Weapons Platoon Leader in 424/A from the very first day of its existence until August 1943 when, along with many other officers and NCOs of the 106th, I was yanked out as a replacement. In my case the South Pacific.
    I learned of the fate of the division after spending a year on Guadacanal and my unit had been sent to Hawaii for refitting just before Christmas 1944. I was stunned when I heard a radio report quoting the German High Command to the effect that the 106th Division had been "destroyed" in the Battle of the Bulge.
Evidently the 424th managed to hang on and continue and many of my old colleagues evidently survived.
If there is a written history of the division which might be available I would be interested in obtaining a copy.
    (editor's note -- Jim, you have probably received a letter from Sherod Collins about the division history. For the benefit of others that might want to know: St Vith, Lion in the Way, The 106th Infantry Division in World War II is available at a cost of $27.50 plus $2.00 mailing charges from "The Battery Press, PO Box 3107, Uptown Station, Nashville, Tenn. 37219.
    252 pages, 30 pictures. Many accounts direct from the men of the 106th. A good book for the study of the events of the 106th during the Battle of the Bulge... John Kline)

Iannuzzi, Alphonse 590/C, 615 Third St. ' Carlstadt, NJ 07072
    While traveling through Holland (southern part) my wife, Ellie Iannuzzi, and I visited a cemetery at Margraten. While there we said a prayer for our fallen comrades and looked for graves of any of


New Members

the 106th men. There are 8,301 gravesites there.
    While going through I happened to see a marker with my cousins name. I found that it was my cousin who was killed on May 2nd 1945, five days before the end of the war. He had been in a tank battalion. I was one of the first in our family to see his grave.
    My Holland friend, who we were visiting, makes sure that on November 11th and other holidays that there are fresh flowers at his site.
    A visit to the cemetery is a touching experience due to the nearness to where we fought and the fact that some of our comrades are there.

Jackson, Roy T. 591/B, Livonia, MI

Kurth, Raymond P. 591 /B
102 s4.1,63. 11-14a
My wife's name is Jeanette Kurth.

Lawson, William J. 423/H, 96 Skyview Terrace, Syracuse, NY 13219
    Joined the 106th during maneuvers. Was assigned to 423/H. Went on to Europe with the unit, was captured on 16 December and sent to Stalag IX-B. After liberation was discharged in November '45.
    Graduated from St. Boneventore in June of '74 with a B.S. in Chemistry, worked for Merck & Co, Celanese Corp, Westinghouse and finally Allied-Signal in Solvay ( a Syracuse suburb) where I spent 30 years as a technical service engineer. Retired in 1981.
    Have a son, Electronic Engineer in West Palm Beach, Florida, 2 grandchildren and my wife Mary Ellen Lawson. I enjoy golf, all sports and would like to hear from those who might have known me in 423/H

McGrew, Edward T. (Mac) 423/M, 871 Kline Rd., Williamsville, NY 14120
    (editor's note -- While Mac made no comments on his application, it is nice to see his name amongst the other members of 423/M. He was my Platoon Sergeant and later became First Sergeant. Gil Helwig, our volunteer Membership Chairman was his driver. Welcome back Mac, and thanks for bringing along your daughter Debbie Roskopf as an Associate member.. John Kline)

McNally, Charles F. 81st ENG/?, 36 West 10th Street Avalon, N1 08202

Moore, Ralph L. 591 /B, 6509 Chestnut Dr. Windsor, W153598

Molinari, Frank C. ‘Moe' 422/C, 304 Pearl Street Mellon, MA 02148-6622
    Basic Training Camp Blanding, Florida March 1944, then to Fort Meade, later to Camp Atterbury. Ended up after the Bulge in Stalag IV-B and then in a Kommando near Chemitz. My POW number was 317268.
    (editor's note -- Moe, your application was corrected to reflect B Company, 422nd Infantry. I am sure I sent you a list of the members that show that unit as their unit if not let me know and I will send a list to you... John Kline)

Nietman, LTC Charles 422/SV 7711 Logan Dr Huntsville, AL 35802
    Gill, in addition to my membership check, I am sending a donation to the Memorial Fund. I just read Charles B. MacDonalds book A Time for Trumpets, I consider it a "must" for any person studying the Battle of the Bulge. MacDonald defends the 106th Division and clearly justifies the tragic outcome. The following quote impressed me: "Despite the support inherent in the presence of Corps Artillery, the defensive positions inherited by the 106th Infantry Division - and particularly the position of the two regiments on the Schnee Eifel (the 423d and 422d) - were an invitation to disaster. The only possible rationalization being that nothing ever happened in the Ardennes. Small wonder General Jones and his Regimental Commanders were upset.
    Yet there was little they could do about it, for in order to conceal and facilitate the 2d Division's relief and movement to attack the Roer Dams, the relief had to be accomplished "Man for Man," "Gun for Gun" with the 2d Division."
    (editor's note -- Thanks Colonel -- If it were not for MacDonald's book I probably would not be here at this keyboard putting together the February CUB. His book and his words are the thing that lit my candle and got my head out of the sand after 42 years... John Kline)

Pigeon, Rene 422/AT, 1450 NE 36th St. #307 Pompano Beach, FL 33064
I was with the 422/AT when activated at Fort Jackson and remained with them until captured in December 1944.

Pinney, Gordon B. 423/B, HC 61 Box 35 Whitney, NE 69367

Powell, Eugene M. 422/A, 460 Christian Herald Rd. Valley Cottage, NY 10989
    Three children, Gene Powell, Christy Ann Powell and Abby Powell ages 42, 39 and 31; two grandsons (Christy Ann) Jesse and Caleb, ages 16 and 13.
    Retired January 1989 from painting scenery for Broadway Stage, Television and Motion Pictures. My wife is Neva Powell, a part lime teacher of Art to children.

Preston, Wallace M. 422/HQ 2BN, 119 Monastery Ave, W. Springfield, MA 01089
    After being captured 19 December, 1944 I was sent to Stalag IV-B, arriving about 28 December. Early in January I was with a group of 20 men that were sent to Halle to work in a horse drawn sled factory. After about a month we were sent to Weissenfels to do manual labor filling in old zig-zag trenches used for bomb shelters. I was released on 12 April by advancing columns. Sent home from Camp Lucky Strike in May of '45. I am married with four children and one grandchild. I am a State employed Mechanical Design Engineer working half-lime.

Rasmussen, Delbert B. 591/B, Box 86, Elkhorn, IA 51531
My wife is Elva Rasmussen.

Roskopf, Debbie (McGrew) ASSOCIATE, 4617 Tonawanda Creek Rd, North Tonawanda, NY 14120
    (editor's note -- Debbie is the daughter of Edward ‘Mac' McGrew of 423/M. see above. Thanks Debbie, we are glad to see Mac and you join... John Kline)

Saxon, Jr., James E. 590/C, 491 N.E. Meadow Ave. Roseburg, OR 97470
    I wish to thank you for contacting me. I have always felt that the 106th was a good division. I am enclosing dues for my membership.

Schiro, Frank J. 424/E, 4486 Crescent Rd Madison, WI 53711
    I have been married 48 years, have five children and six grandchildren. I retired Oct 30 1987 from the State of Wisconsin Division of Corrections. I am enjoying retirement and good health.
    I fish with my sons and grandsons on week-ends and come home to a nice dinner prepared by my wife. Would like to hear from members of 424/E.

Schnulle, Robert 275 FA Attached, 105 N. Quail Dr Countryside, IL 60525
    John, thanks for answering my letter. I would have liked to attended the last reunion, since it's location was so convenient.
    My wife and I have just returned from the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge in Reno. They always do an excellent organizing job and we really enjoyed it. Over 200 attended which is about average for their general meetings. They have almost 7,000 members now. From what I know of division reunions your attendance of 608 is exceptional.
As a member of the Illinois National Guard I have spent two weeks, many summers, training in our state's Camp


New Members

Riley near Little Falls, Minnesota. retired from the Guard in '68.
    My wife and I attended a Memorial Service with members of our division at the monument erected in St. Vith. VBOB combined with the 106th for a service at the church and then marched to the 106th Memorial. This happened in 1984. I am happy to apply for membership in the association.

Showalter, Donald G. 106 BAND, 2517 Province Rd Reading, PA 19610
    (to Boyd Rutledge) - Boyd, Ralph Hill, Jr. gave me your name and address. Enclosed find my check for enrollment in the association.
    I was a member of the Division Band (trombone). I am retired from the Hamilton Bank, Reading, PA as a Trust Officer in July 1987.
I still keep in touch with several of the fellows that were in the Division Band.
    (editor's note -- Dan, welcome to the association. Please contact those band members and sign them on as members... John Kline)

Solomon, Joseph 423/G, 2726 Harvey Avenue, Oceanside, NY 11572
    Joined 423/G in Nov. 1943 from the 824 TD Battalion/Recon. Captured Dec 1944 and went to Stalag IV-B. Returned to CONUS June 1945, mustered out in November 1945 at Camp Shelby, Mississippi.
    Retired from US Civil Service where I was employed as a purchasing agent and contracting officer in the acquisition of subsistence supplies for the US Armed Services, World Wide.

Staino, Carmen T. 422/I, Rd #1 52 Hickory Hills, Whitehaven, PA 18661

Stephenson, William J. 589/B, 1053 Grand Ronda Crescent City, FL 32112

Tarantino, Louis A. 422/AT, 70 Otis St., Brockton, MA 02402

Tetzlaff, James E. 81st ENG/B, 5005 Major Ave Madison, WI 53716

Ulmer, Raymond J. 592/SV, 22 Woodbrook Way Aston, PA 19014

Williams, Lawrence R. 422/D, 10307 Leicester Dr Huntsville, AL 35803
    Captured along with the rest on 19 December I was sent to Stalag IV-B, Bad Orb. I had letters from John Robb and Sherod Collins and a copy of the CUB. A member of the AX-POW I was the 1989 Commander for the North Alabama Chapter.
(editor's note -- Bill, sorry I missed your letter in the last CUB. Hope this makes up for it... John Kline)

Witt, William E. 331 MED/B, 501 North Main Elkader, IA 52043
    Born in Elkader, Iowa 27 June 1916. Graduate Elkader High School, Junior College and the State Univ. of Iowa. Retired from Funeral Service in '81 after 40 year service.
The Lion Patch was drawn by my Staff Sergeant. Married 48 years, have two daughters.

Woosley, Clarence L. 106 RECON, 609 Devonshire Dr., Belleville, IL 62223
    Was captured 17 December 1944. Wounded by the Russians on April 29th, 1945 when they bombed and strafed Rheinsburg, Germany. I receive 70% disability.
I was the 106th Division Boxing Champion at 155 pounds at Fort Jackson. I was known as Whitey Woosley.
Married 43 years to Juanita Woosley, she is a


New Members

    retired beautician. We have four children and seven grandchildren. Retired from Pfizer after 29 years, as a millwroght.

Youngblood, Albert C. 18 CAV/B Troop, 7112 141st Ave E. Rainer Mnr., Sumner, WA 98390
    (editor's note -- Welcome aboard Albert. You are right as a unit attached to the 106th you are eligible to be a member. We are proud to have you with us... John Kline)

Zawadzki, Stanley A. 591 /B, 802 N. Kensington LaGrange Park, IL 60525
    I joined B Battery in March of '43. I was transferred to the 35th Division at the end of the war. I was a T-5 radio operator.
    In August 1989 the boys from Battery B had their 42nd reunion in Lancaster, PA. This meeting was the first that I missed attending. I had a bout with cancer. I fully expect to recover and plan to attend the reunion in California in 1990.
John Stauff, a member of your organization sent me your address,

Ziring, Sidney M. 422/G, 8921 Echo Lane Boca Raton, FL 33496

von Schwedler, Frank A. 106 QM
905 Center St Des Plaines, IL 60016

Orlando December 16th
Sam E. Davis Jr., 423/HQ
    The luncheon was held at the Omni International Hotel, Orlando, Florida on December 16, 1989. We had thirty in attendance. There was no formal program. Time was spent looking at pictures and maps. Each member recounted at least one event that stood out in his memory. It was a memorable few hours.
    Sam Cariano has offered to host the 1990 Commemoration next December. It will be held at Indian Harbour Beach, Florida. Details will be sent to all.
Mr. and Mrs. Sal Albergo 423/H
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bagby 424/M
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Beane 423/HQ 1BN
Mr. and Mrs. Armond Boucher 423/HQ
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Byrd 422/HQ 1BN
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis 423/HQ
Mrs. Marjorie DeHeer ASSOCIATE
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Friedman 590/SV
Mr. and Mrs. George Geib 424/G
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall 423/SV
Mr. and Mrs. Pete House 590/A
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lamb 423/AT
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Minor 592/A
Mr. Todd Olsen 424/M
Mr. Richard Sparks 423/HQ
Mr. and Mrs. John Thurlow 589/HQ

The Good Soldier
First he oiled his rifle.
Next he cared for his feet,
then slowly opened a ration
and forced himself to eat.

From "Before the Veterans Die" by Dale Carver 424/HQ 3BN A&P, 742 Druid St. Baton Rouge, LA 70000


Mail Bag

Augerinos, Steve 423/K 6201 Lakemont CI Catonsville, MD 21228
    Please find a photo of Stalag 9-A taken around '43 when it held French Prisoners. A 106th friend sent it to me, keep it.
    As a member of 424/K I went over on the Queen Elizabeth. I was on B Deck with nine men to a room. When the Queen went into Glasgow we took a smaller ship to dock, which gave us a good view of the Queen from a distance.
We went to Cheltenham and were billeted at the race track, where some men slept in the horse stalls.
I was a lucky lotto winner and won a furlough to Birmingham and London.
    (editor's note -- Steve, thanks for the picture. I intend to use part of the May issue of The CUB for POW pictures and stories.... )

PHOTO: Brasher, S. Walter 422/MED, Rr 2, Box 5I5 Crothersville, IN 47229
    (See picture above) I was one of the first to be captured on December 16th, as part of the 422 Medical Detachment. I have been married 45 years, have eight children. I retired in 1983 with a heart problem. I used to work as a construction contractor. I would like to hear from some of the 422 Medics.
    My wife Hazel Brasher and I enjoy auctions and flea markets. I like The CUB and appreciate the work you put into it. Enclosed is an article from the newspaper my mother saved for me in 1944.
    (editor's note -- Sam, thanks for the photo. You didn't describe what is was about. Looks as if you were 1986 "National Aide de Camp" of one of the Service Organizations. I can't make it the name, is it the VFW?... )

Brown, Jr., Charles A. 423/CN, 40 Brookside led, Philadelphia, PA 19118
    (editor's note -- Charles, I received the 8x10 photo of 106 Signal Company. Looks like the picture was taken at Fort Jackson, were you in the Signal Company before joining 423/Cannon? It looks as if all the boys in that picture must have shipped out, I don't see any of them in our roster. I'll drop you a note on this. I also have your short diary "Overseas Calendar," which is interesting.

Cariano, Col. Samuel P. DIV/HQ, 305 Parkside Place Indian Harbor Bc, FL 32937
     Sam, dropped me a card he receive from Battery Press, stating that our division history, St. Vith, Lion is the Way, is in short supply. It is a comprehensive history of the division, covers all aspects of its fighting, covering the period from the Bulge on through the war. 284 pages, 40 photos and 15 maps. Cost 27.50 plus $2.00 postage from Battery Press, PO Box 3107, Uptown Station, Nashville, TN 37219... John Kline

Carr, Fred A. 81st ENG/C, 332 Dahl Rd., Bloomsburg, PA 17815
    (editor's note-- Fred, thanks for the CUBs you gave me to help fill in the one's I had missing. I am presently surveying all the CUBs for a proposed book of all the interesting CUB stories going back to the first CUB published. Looks like it will be at least 325 pages.

Cavender, Col. Charles 423/HQ 28333 Valley Blvd #2103 Sun City, CA 92381
    (editor's note -- I have been keeping in touch with Colonel Cavender, former 423rd Regimental Commander, weekly. He is in new


Mail Bag

    quarters. You probably read In the last CUB that his wile Lois Cavender had died. The Colonel moved from the home into a cottage type retirement center. His new address is stated above. If you have an interest, his telephone number is 714- 672-4644.
    The Colonel is 92 years of age, In reasonably good health, except for his eyesight. He has trouble reading letters and printed material because he does not have the ability to scan the pages. He is very alert and has a great interest in men of the 106th, especially those who served in his Regiment... )

Colarusso, John F. 423/HQ 3BN, 54 - 6s Meadow Village, Carver, MA 02330
    (editor's note-- John, thanks for your note. Congrats on your position as the State Commander of the Massachusetts Ex-POW. I think that Is called "Department of Massachusetts,' correct? I am a Jr Vice Commander of the Minnesota Department.

Cooper, Louis M. 423/M, 5215 Shady Oaks Drive N., Lakeland, FL 33809
    John, The year was really nice for Louie and I. We got to visit his two brothers, we also enjoyed seeing all the 106'ers at Schaumburg, Illinois at the 43rd Annual Reunion, especially the 423/M men. Haven't heard from any of them except you. Thanks for the picture, Louie shows it around, just for their reaction - and he does get some. Don't forget, not all Italian Restaurants serve spaghetti!! We were all taught something that night weren't we?
Peggy Cooper
    (editor's note -- Thanks Peggy. Boy for a bunch of guys that talk as much as they do, those 423/M men sure don't write. Do you think their hands are cramped from holding onto those cold high-ball glasses?
    Maybe this will shake em out of the bushes. I should tell the members that the picture was an Inside Joke, and that the deal with the spaghetti was that the waitress in that nice Italian Restaurant in the Schaumburg Hotel looked at us as if we were crazy when we asked for spaghetti - who in the world would think that they didn't serve it - any Italian Chef will tell you that it's the best money maker on the menu. Besides that I love it. Good Luck, Coopers... )

Deisher, Curtis G. 424/L. 2 Manor Drive Mohrsville, PA 19541
    Sherod, I was in the original group of L Company men to arrive at Fort Jackson. I would consider myself as one of the originals, excluding cadre. I went through basic, Tennessee maneuvers and on to Atterbury. In April I was shipped out to Boston, on to Wales for more training, then to England, with the fear that I would participate in "D" Day. I was not that fortunate. I joined the 83rd Infantry Division in Carentah, France, on the Normandy Peninsula. The 83rd went through five campaigns -- Normandy, Brittany, Ardennes, Rhineland and Central Europe. I received the Purple Heart with two oak leaf clusters as a result of battle wounds.
    I distinctly recall occupying the area where the Germans overran the 106th Division. I could distinguish the vehicles markings of some of the vehicles. I said to one of my buddies, "I used to be in that outfit before I came into the 83rd." He said, "Aren't you glad you are not in that outfit now?" I will never forget that particular scene and incident.
    I continued with the 83rd until 29 January '45 when I had to leave my fox-hole on all fours, because of frozen feet. I could not walk. An officer came along and threw me over his shoulder and carried me back to the aid-station. I learned that it was none other than General Robert C. Macon, commander of the 83rd Infantry Division.
    In hospitals in Belgium, France and England I was judged unfit for duty and returned home to be discharged in June of 1945.
    Went on to college, worked in various accounting positions. Married with three children. Am retiring at the end of '89 so that my wife and I can play a little golf and fish.


Mail Bag

Fields, Raymond H. 424/H, 837 Whitehall Rd, Knoxville, TN 37909
    (editor's note-- Thanks Raymond for the old CUBs, that you sent along with Phil Ferris. It helped round out my collection for use in my work as editor. it was nice meeting Phil at the reunion in Schaumburg. Again, thank...)

Gardner, James 422/HQ 2BN, 704 LaBelle, Shelbyville, IN 46176
Retired after 41 years of teaching, coaching, counseling and as Ass't Principal.
    Enjoy reading The CUB. I am always looking for someone that was at Stalag II-A, north of Berlin, close to the Baltic Sea.
I must have been the only 106'er there-- Stalag II-A has not been mentioned in the CUB or the Bulge Bugle (VBOB).

Gilliland, John O. 592/SV, 605 Northside Dr Enterprise, AL 36330
    A message to all the members, I have secured the following dates for the 1991 Reunion in Huntsville, Alabama, NASA Space Center.
It will be held the third week-end in September. The 19th through the 21st of September, 1991. See you all there.
John Gilliland
Chairman 1991 Reunion.

Grant, Wilburn N. 424/H, 479 E. Spencer Field Rd, Pare, FL 32571
    A letter from Eleanor Grant, Wilbum's wife... Had a little bad luck with an automatic door at a department store and have been on crutches for a while. Wilburn wants to thank all those who have been corresponding with him. He looks forward to each letter. He cannot afford to attend the reunions, but give a great big HELLO to all his friends. Those memories of the long, cold days in Germany will never be forgotten.
    John, you are an excellent editor. The CUB is very informative and interesting. Larry Walden, how great to see your photo in the last CUB.
We wish you all Peace and Love. May God's love abide in your hearts and his joy be eternally yours.

Grivetti, Louis G. 423/K, 345 Shawnee Dr, Harrodsburg, KY 40330
    John, All I have done the past year in planning our trips to reunions and conventions was ended in a "blink of the eye" by a phone call.
    A fellow retiree's wife called, he was on his death bed and needed us. We had been in Germany together, so my wife and I headed for Augusta, Georgia. We had an 85 Suburban and a 29 foot trailer. We were going down Jellico Mountain in Tennessee when the trailer started fish tailing, the next thing I knew we were in the back end of a trailer. When the Suburban stopped the door flew open and June Grivetti, my wife, fell out. She sustained couple of broken ribs and a lot of bruises. We were very lucky that it wasn't worse, both vehicles were totaled We have learned to use seat belts.
    We sure missed seeing our K Company, 423rd and Slaughter House V friends. Just wanted to let them know why we didn't show up. Keep up the good work with the CUB. Oh yes, I met Jim Mills at the OK9 POW meeting in Ohio.

Hawkins, Marlin H. 422/F, 141 La Plaza Dr Hendersonville, TN 37075
    John, thanks for the diary. After checking my list of towns, I see we were in most of the towns on the same day, so we must have been together somewhere in the line of march.
    I did not make the Schaumburg Reunion because I was preparing for the National Convention of Ex-POWs in Niagara Falls, NY. It was a great one, about 5,000 in attendance, including wives and


Mail Bag

guests. Too far ahead to tell if I can make the Sacramento, California Reunion. Hope to hear from you again.

Hoff, Russell 422/M, 2095 Street Road, Warrenton, PA 18976
    Sherod, hope you had a pleasant Thanksgiving. I always feel we have so much to be grateful for. Really enjoyed the Schaumburg Reunion and all the new faces that appeared.
    I'm sending you the name for a new member. Charles F. McNally. We go back to the teens and were drafted and sent to the 106th together. He ended up in the 81st Engineers.
See you, the good Lord willing M Sacramento '90.
(editors note-- see new member McNally, in the New Member column.

House, Pete 590/A, 5662 Clifton Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32211
    John, Nice hearing from you and also meeting you at the 43rd Reunion in Schaumburg, Illinois. I appreciate your work with The CUB.
    Twenty years ago about this time I was elected 23rd association president. The 1969 reunion was held July 21, St Vith, Belgium, chaired by Douglas S. Coffey. I wasn't present. John Loveless stated that no election could be held outside the United States, thereby adhering to the laws of the State of Maryland. Upon returning home Sherod Collins polled the Board of Directors and on September 7, 1969, I became president. Guess I am the only president not elected at a reunion. It was the end of November 1969 before we had a complete staff. There were the CUB editor John Gallagher, Adjutant Bob Scranton, Historian Sherod Collins, Chaplain John Loveless and Memorial Chairman Douglas Coffey.
    One of the high lights of my administration was almost getting General Hasso von Manteuffel to the reunion. He was one of the three key German Generals in their drive to Antwerp.
Enclosed is a copy of my experiences from 15 December to 25 December, 1944. It was written for my family and myself.
    I have also outlined a story about Stalag IX-B, Bad Orb. Hope to flesh out the details in the next Few months. Gone with the Wind, it is not. signed Pete.
    (editor's note-- Pete thanks for sharing your Information with us. I would like to point out to the membership that your war experience story was very interesting. Entitled Wacht Am Rhein, describes his position near OBERLASCHEID, the events as the Bulge broke, his capture and the scenic trip to BAD ORB, Stalag IX-B. Too long to reproduce here, but I am sure Pete will share it with you. Pete, the May 1990 CUB will relate to two things, CRIBA organization our friends In Belgium and photos of Stalags IX-B at liberation, including some shots of the hospital and Inside barracks. Also a view of Stalag IX-A, Zeigenhain, where the non-coms were sent. If you have your story 'fleshed out," send it along, maybe it will fit in... )

Jeter, Robert C. 424/C, 1209 limos, Waco, TX 76705
    (editor's note-- Bob, I am sorry we did not have time to talk at the Schaumburg reunion, apparently I was in conversation with somebody else at the time. I did enjoy the diary that you sent me. I found it interesting. It is extensive and well written. Unfortunately there is just not room in The CUB to reproduce the entire diaries that I receive. Yours was a large diary, with many pages. My own personal diary, for instance, takes up 52 pages of print, that is, if put into the same format as The CUB, which is a 6x9 inch format. Remember, an 8.5x 11 letter size sheet single spaced equals one page in The CUB. I like to keep the feature stories to a maximum of six pages, sometimes eight if I have more pictures. I feel very badly, in not being able to print every word that a person writes.
    I know you did not ask me to reproduce your diary in The CUB. The ideal size for anecdotes and stories is about the size that Dan Bied writes in his column (see his story about the Aquitania in this CUB). One to one and one-half pages, to the point and interesting.


Mail Bag

Again, Bob - Thanks and forgive me for using your part of the column to get a point across... John Kline

Lauman, Clarence W. ‘Pete' 592/HQ 6399 Smiley Ave. St Louis, MO 63139
    John, I am trying to find some of the issues that you are missing of The CUB. In my letters to former members I ask if they happen to have any old issues. (editor's note -- Pete, I have your three page letter, from which the above came. I want to save all the other material about your experience with the Cub planes, and some of your missions, to use when I get the opportunity to redo the Maytag Messerschmitts-- Keep our Artillery OP's Up in the Air Way Up which appeared in The CUB, when it was newspaper style, with a dateline somewhere in Indiana, May 5, 1944." I can't make it this time, but I promise to do it soon.

Lawson, William J. 423/H, 96 Skyview Terrace, Syracuse, NY 13219
    John, received my first issue of "The CUB" and it is superb. Very newsy, personal and professional. I congratulate you.
I realized after reading my first CUB, that the outline of my remembrances of the '40s needed to be updated.
    I was a college sophomore when I entered service. I was sent to Camp Upton, LI then to Ft McClellan, Alabama for infantry training. Then on to Auburn University for ASTP, for a while. This peaceful sojourn was interrupted and I joined the 106th while they were on Tennessee maneuvers. I was assigned to 423/H as a driver in a mortar platoon.
    I remember that the jeep I had was considered the smokiest in the company and they always knew when our squad was coming because of the tremendous blue cloud trailing behind the jeep. Went on to Atterbury, England and Belgium. I was captured near Born, Belgium, taken to Stalag IX-B and released on April 3, 1945. The bombing of the rail yards near Limburg was the most harrowing experience of my life.
    I am married, have one son and two grandsons. After returning I returned to college and received my B.A. in Chemistry in '47. Worked in New Jersey for Mach & Co. until 1955 when I joined Allied Chemical in Solvay, NY where I was employed as a Technical Service Engineer for 30 years, retiring in 1985.
    (editor's note -- Bill, thanks for the letter. I especially want to thank you for the Saturday Evening Post article. I had a copy of one, but haven't been able to put my hands on it lately. I have been In touch with Norman Gruenzner. He wrote a book, Postal History of American POWs. It is about the flow of mall between American prisoners and the various prison camps, Germany, Japan, Korea and Vietnam. He is updating this book and is also putting together some material on the 106th Infantry Division. I sent him my Post cards that my family received from me from Stalag IV-B and Stalag VIII-A, as well es some returned mail from my parents and my wife. He is interested in the post marking in particular. The Saturday Evening Post article was to give him more background. He is very knowledgeable, and wants to use the mail to trace the movements of various prisoners during the war. I am anxious to see what material he uses, of mine, in the book.

Mason, Frank L. 424/CN, 417 Watertown Si Newton, MA 02158
    I was happy to be able to attend the Schaumburg Reunion, even though I had just suffered a stroke. It was great to see my buddies after 44 years.

Matthews, Col. Joe 422/HQ, 4706 Western Blvd, Raleigh, NC 27606
    (editor's note -- Colonel Joe, thanks for your family Christmas letter. I found it unique among Christmas letters. It was newsy and entertaining. You certainly have fine family. I was impressed by your remarks about your "Best Friends." How is Snowball doing and did you find homes for her seven puppies? No thanks, I don't want one, because Margot and I have four good friends, Ginger our 76 pound sofa dog, who is 10,5 years old, and our three cats, Sam an Orange Tiger (no relation to Cariano).


Mail Bag

    Buggsy, a loveable Burmese and Oliver, a barn cat supreme. Oliver is "my" cat. Small head, long body and tail, but with so much love and personality that he has captivated me like no other animal ever did. What is it that is so nice about pets? Is it that you don't have to worry about them turning against you, or is it "child replacement," whatever, I'm all for it. See you in Sacramento, Colonel... )

Mervin, Frederick W. 81st ENG/C, Box 295 Lonely Cogage Rd, Upper Black Eddy, PA 18972
    (editor's note -- Fred, I received your note, which said you had not appeared in The CUB. I think you joined as we just took over the editorship. There could have been a few names missed. Marjorie DeHeer was trying to keep The CUB going after her husband, Dick DeHeer, passed away. She did a great job, but under the circumstances I am sure you will excuse both she and myself as she turned the reins over to me. One of my best friends, here in Minneapolis, is Robert Sandberg, 81st, "A" Company. You guys did a great job, and you must be proud of your commander Colonel Thomas Riggs -- he's quite a man... )

Meeleus, Harry G. 422/HQ 2Bn, 518 Pyle Ave Oshkosh, WI 54901
    (From Helen Meeleus, wife of Harry) Received the November CUB. Both my husband and myself certainly think the CUB magazine is excellent, newsy and very well written.
    In reading it to my husband, I was surprised to find a little write-up on Harry. He was pleased that you elevated him to "Colonel," whereas he should have been "Captain." We can wish can't we.
    Incidentally in the fall of 1988, after his eyesight deteriorated, he went to the Hines Blind Center, Illinois for a period of nine weeks. While he knew nothing could be done, it did enable him to cope with the situation better.
Keep up the good work on the magazine, it certainly is interesting,
Sincerely, Helen Meeleus

Messina, Carl 81st ENG/A, 926 SeyMour Ave, Linden, NJ 07036
    John, I finally found the clipping on the flag. It was in the papers soon after I sent you a copy. I have put out thousands of copies and I'm still at it. Perhaps it's working. I have seen a lot more flags out in the business district and even some in the homes in the area. I concentrated on the business area, because I do know a lot of the business men. I put copies on the counter near the cash register.
    You outdid them all in the last CUB, everyone that I have heard from has mentioned the fact, and I can assure you, it has had some effect on the continued escalation of new members.
    PHOTO: In going through some of my pictures I found another old one from Indianapolis. Again it's Orf Agostini, now our president, Doctor Cessna an the third person I don't recognize. Maybe some member will let me know. (See picture above) Warm regards, Carl Messina
    (editor's note -- Thanks Carl, maybe we should think of putting a copy of that letter, as an individual sheet, in the May CUB, just before Flag Day.. )

Miller aka: Potter, Glenn C. 422/H
1004 Maple I'iqua, 011 45356
Thanks, John, for answering my letter so promptly, I would guess that you are very busy.
    What I sent was a part of my diary. It was written right after I got back from Germany, so it was fresh in my mind. I was surprised to hear you have received


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    so many diaries. I suppose we all think of our experiences as unique, and we are all a bit self-centered or you probably would have not survived.
    Since I joined the association I have received three letters and one phone call from people who thought they might have been with me in prison camp.. Two of them were. It is quite comforting to correspond and talk with one who shared such an experience.
    I can't remember receiving the Oct-Nov-December CUB. I learned this while I was talking to Ed Dorn on the phone several weeks ago. Please send me another copy.
    Dorn also sent me a small pamphlet on the 106th, but it was only about 50% readable. I would sure like to have a copy of it, I would be glad to reimburse you for the expenses.
    (editor's note -- Glenn, your material was interesting, I intend to use some of it as time goes by. Yes, I receive a lot of diaries, unfortunately space does not permit the reprinting of complete diaries. All I can do is try to pick out unique experiences and use them. I have diaries from 2 pages to as high as 55 pages. Interesting, but as I say, not enough room. I sent you a CUB, I think. If not let me know. The small pamphlet sounds like a booklet published by General Stroh, while the division was still In Europe. I, also have a copy of Stroh's 106th history, but it is ragged and torn. Maybe somebody out there will make you a copy that is legible. There are no reprints available. Thanks Glenn... )

Miller, Col. John W. 423/E, 1511 Cechise Dr, Arlington, TX 76012
    John, as a result of the article in The CUB, I received several letters from former members of "E," "H,'' and HQ 423rd Infantry Companies. Burton Hauxwell had many friends, as I received several letters and phone calls indicating his address. I called Burton and had a long chat, It was great to talk with him.
    Last year while I was in the hospital recuperating I read A Time for Trumpets by Charles B. MacDonald. Reading his account of the Battle of the Bulge, satisfied my mind that the correct decisions had been, in regards to the 106th's actions. I do, however, still feel we were sacrificed by complacency on the part of our High Command.
    I know that the 1990 reunion is being planned. I am enclosing some brochures showing the extremely low rates available for air fares in the United States that is available to all of the 106th members (since we are all, with a couple of exceptions, over age 65). There is available from most every major airline, economy fares. Delta has one named "Delta, Young at Heart" fares. Last year the fares average about $96 a trip for anywhere in the United States. Our members traveling to Sacramento should plan investigate current fares for 1990, and take advantage of them.
    (editor's note -- Thanks, Colonel. I have enjoyed your, several, letters. We have mentioned Charles B. MacDonald's book sever times.
    Thanks for your travel tips. I checked into Northwest last year and they had a four ticket booklet at a cost of $385.00. Each ticket good for one way, anywhere in the USA. The booklet is for one person, you will have to purchase two if your wife comes along. That will still leave enough tickets for another trip, before or after the Sacramento reunion... )

Mosolf, William J. 424/CN, 17159 Esperinza Dr, Perris, CA 92370
    (editor's note -- Bill, I received all your material. It deserves more attention than this column. I intend to feature your search for the Belgian family in the May issue. CRIBA was instrumental in finding the family for you, and I am featuring them in that issue. That makes a good spot for your story, because they tie in. I read with interest your other personal remarks, when I get time I will be in touch. Keep in touch Bill remember we are all "Survivors"…)


Mail Bag

Mueller, M.J. 424/MED, PO Box 257, Lake Villa, IL 60046
    Received your letter John, but hate to tell you that you have the wrong Mueller. During my career in the 106th I was a medic in the third Battalion for the 424th. I was attached to "I" Company in Fort Jackson as an aid man, and to "L" Company in Camp Atterbury. I remained with "L" Company until we came home. While I am writing I would like to ask why we have dropped our fourth battle star from The CUB and also from the letterheads. I also want to congratulate you on the tremendous job you are doing with the CUB. I have copies back to 1947 and believe me they have never been as interesting as they have since you took over. Keep up the good work.
    (editor's note-- Mike, thanks for your comments. The Northern France battle star was awarded, then disallowed, because the 106th did not fight in Northern France during the time periods used as the criteria for that award. I understand that the 106th was alerted to participate in an action that would have qualified them for the Northern France battle star, but were never used In that action. My discharge shows only three battles, Ardennes, Rhineland and Central Germany... )
Murray, Jr., George 424/H, 521 9th St, Bemidji, MN 56601
    I was unable to attend the 43rd Annual Reunion, because I was receiving some care at the Minneapolis VAMC. The facility is the "Flagship" hospital in the VAMC system. Care and service are without a doubt the best. Hope to make the Sacramento Reunion.

Nausin, Jr., Frank 422/HQ 2BN, 624 Masonic Ave, Albany, CA 94706
John, On the eve of the Battle of the Bulge memories come flashing back, some good, some bad.
    Tonight I have been looking at "The CUB of the Golden Lion." It really gives me a great deal of comfort in reading the Oct/Dec 1989 issue, because I have found that more of my comrades are still alive and hopefully I will see them at the 44th Annual Reunion in Sacramento, California.
All in all, John, you are doing a terrific job with The CUB, it helps my mental hygiene a great deal.
    In the Oct/Dec CUB is pictured, on the cover, the 106th Division Flag, are there also Regimental Colors for each Regiment. Would appreciate seeing those Regimental Colors in photos, better yet, see the real thing.
    Going through my war mementos I found the name of an Ex-POW buddy. I wonder if any member would be able to help me find him. He is Sgt. Charles Wells 37 708 313, Special Services Off, 144th Con Regt. I last received a card from him sent from Bad Wildungen, Germany in 1947. He was in Stalag IV-B or on a work party at Middle Dutch Steel Weeks, Groditz at Reisa on the River Elbe. Would appreciate contacting him.
    (editor's note -- Frank I erred In my answer to your letter. Each regiment did have colors, as a matter of fact the 422nd Regimental Colors were found on a German soldier that was captured down towards Bavaria. They were, as I recall the story, returned in time to be presented when the 422nd and 423rd Regiments were reconstituted in late spring of 1945. Quite a story. Maybe we should think of displaying the Regimentals colors at the reunions, if they are available. I don't know where the originals would have ended up.

Nelson, Edward 590/C, 7621 Anita Ln, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
    John, I gave you, at the Schaumburg reunion an old CUB newspaper, an article from the Chicago paper and a black notebook which contains notations of addresses, recipes, routes of march while we were prisoners. You may use these as you see fit.
    (editors note -- Ed, thanks for all the information. It Is useful material and I will use in future CUBs. Glad you enjoyed reading the


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    material. Enjoyed my 65th birthday on Jan 10 and do appreciate you remembering how it was also the birthday of Margot, my wife. She is three years younger.
    I also want to express my appreciation for the two old CUBs that you gave me to fill out my collection. I am still short several CUBs, even though I have Xerox copies of those that are missing. I need Vol 4, No. 5; Vol 18, No. 3 1962; Vol 18, No.5 1962; Vol 25, No. 2 1969. I do have Xerox's of them, but would like the original publication, if anyone wants to part with them. That would give us two "archive" copies, one here and the one that the Historian, Sherod Collins keeps... )

Passariello, Louis J. 424/B 4319 Tiffton Dr. PO Bx 6065 Saginaw, MI 48608
     I was happy to see a name in the November CUB that I recognized. It was "Roger Rutland." You called and confirmed that it was, in fact, the 1st Sergeant from 424/B Company. I appreciate your call.
    (editor's note -- Louis, I hope you have contacted Roger Rutland by now. I was glad to help. It is a wonderful feeling to see two people get together after all these years. I very well know the feeling for I have found 34 of my former company men since 1987. Good Health Louis...)

Perry, Charles J. 423/K 5767 Marmion Ln. Plant Ridge Cincinnati, Olf 45212
     (From Laura Perry, Perry's wife dated 10/18/89)-- Just a note to you, Sherod, to tell you about Charles. He has just had two major operations. One aneurism and the other for cancer of the kidney, which they removed. He is recuperating at home now. Feeling OK, but needs to get his strength back. He needs time to get on his feet.
    (editor's note -- Laura, hope Charles is coming along OK I got your letter, too late to get into the November CUB. Pass my best wishes to Charles... John Kline)

Prewett, Edward A. 424/B RTE.2 - Box 730 Brentwood, CA 94513
    (editor's note -- Ed, thanks for the photos and note on the "Return to Europe" trip and the 424th memorial at Spineux.... )

Rothermel, Thomas R. 423/L 320 Baldy St Kutztown, PA 19530
     I sure would like to hear from anybody that was captured with me. I was captured on 19 December 1944, went to Stalag IX-B, then on to IX-A. Can't remember anyone that was with me. Voluntary amnesia, the shrinks tell me. Best to all 106'ers.

Ruck, Harvey A. 423/A W166 N8532 Theodore Ave Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
    (editor's note -- Harvey, Sherod forwarded me your dues letter which was postmarked 16 October, 1989. I got it tea late for the November CUB. You stated that you did not receive the last CUB. I have to presume that you are referring to the July-August- September CUB I do not have an extra copy. We have had many new members that the stock of extra CUBs were used. Maybe someone near you will send a copy.
     I would like to point out to all members: The CUB is mailed third class mail. On the envelope in regulation format are the words "Forward & Address Correction." The older envelopes had the 'Address Correction Requested" printed under my return address. The words "Forwarding Postage Guaranteed" were stamped on with a rubber stamp. The purpose of these notations are to make sure that the CUB will eventually reach you and that I will receive a "Change of Address" In case you have moved. When I do receive a form 3547 'change of address" form from the Post Office, I pay the 30 cents fee and immediately change the address on my database in the computer.
    Unless a CUB is 'totally lost or destroyed in shipment" you should eventually receive it. You may have to pay a forwarding fee, but that is because you did not notify us of your new address. To prevent that, Please send me a change of address card, if you ever move... John Kline)


Mail Bag

PHOTO: Miron and Mary Rudnick at the St. Vith Memorial

Rudnick, Miron 422/E 11 Woodland Dr Howell, N107731
     The "Return to Europe" trip was wonderful. In Spineux the Mayor and all the VIPs had tears in their eyes during the unveiling of the monument. It seemed that the whole town was there, and then they took us out for dinner and dancing. It was a beautiful trip and Doug Coffey did a great job.
    (editor's note -- Miron, thanks for the pictures. I used the story and pictures from Bill Mueller and Bill Dodge for the Spineux memorial, but your picture was here in case I didn't get another. That's a nice picture with your wife in front of the St. Vith Memorial, glad you enjoyed the trip... John Kline)

Schlesser, John P. 591/SV 140 South Visnt Apt D Lowell, IN 46356
     (editor's note -- Jack, when I was reviewing all the old CUBs during the holidays, I came across several references to your work for the organization. I understand that you were a super solicitor of members in the 70's.
    Very much like my friend from 423/M, Gil Helwig. I know how much work it is, and just wanted to say hello to you and to give you thanks for what you did back then. I know the membership was at a low ebb then with only 250 members at one time. I am sure your work had a lot to do with keeping it going. It's hard to believe, but we have over 1,400 members now. Thanks John Schlesser for your effort.. John Kline)

Schober, Milton J. 424/F 4032 Lee St Skokie, IL 60076
     John, I saw you only briefly at the Schaumburg Reunion, when I thrust a folder into your hand with various write-ups that I didn't explain. I would like to mention that when I was discharged I had the idea that I could develop a scrap book of stories and pictures relating to my overseas experience. I did get started writing, but had the need to earn a living. I was studying for a CPA exam and the war study went to the back burner.
     Now in my retirement years I have a little more time to spend on such projects. I have enjoyed going through my old letters back home, pictures, maps and so forth. Then a couple of years ago on a European Elderhostel program, I met a retired Ohio State University professor who advised me of a World War II Round Table Discussion Group that met periodically in Columbus, Ohio. He invited me to attend, which I did in 1988 and then again this November 16th. I attended another for which I prepared a paper on the Christmas Day attack at Manhay in Belgium. Bob Ringer, 591st Artillery, Service Battery, is a member of the Columbus group. It was particularly interesting to talk to him, because the 591st provided artillery support for the 424th Combat Infantry Regiment, of which I was a part
    (editor's note -- Milton continues in his letter to explain to me about at the material he sent... Milton, You have sent me much useful material To fairly represent it I want to do a little more thinking about the layout and what. I want to present. So excuse me for putting it forward, but I think that is the best at the moment considering the amount of material I have already punched in for this CUB. Again, thanks - I will probably be getting back to you to coordinate the article... John Kline)


Mail Bag

Schutte, Mrs. Jean ASSOCIATE 2415 Otter Dr Warren, M148092
     This is a BIG THANK YOU for all the cards and phone calls I received during my recuperating period. It is so wonderful to know the 106'ers care as a family. I would like to clear up the reason for my surgery, there were so many versions. I had open heart surgery. My aortic valve was not pumping the blood out of the heart. They replaced it with a mechanical valve. What miracles they perform in this modem world of technology. I am still home. Every day is another day of healing toward being my own self again.
THANKS AGAIN 106th MEMBERS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT. Jean Schutte 424/F Phillip Schutte

Scotti, Joseph 423/B 24 Warwick St., Iselin, NJ 08830
     I'm glad you liked the items that I sent. I do have the original photos and will send them if you like. I thought that they would be something you could use in The CUB. First, there are some photos of Bad orb, Stalag IV-B and other scenes, like the reconstitution of the two regiments in April of 1945. A couple of photo post cards from London, A United States Army "Paris Guide", A letter from Father Hurley, our prison Chaplain. Old travel orders, an invitation to the annual reunion of the Metropolitan Chapter for a meeting at the "Brass Rail", 5th Avenue and 43rd St New York on 15 December, 1951. Also a few newsletters "Ships Chatter" from the spring of '45. Maybe the guys will like some of that info.
     (editor's note -- Joe, you have been great. The material you sent me will be used. I am especially pleased with the photos. I have never been able to get my hands on some of the photos you sent. I'm sure the fellows will be happy to see Father Hurley in the CUB, from the original setting in Stalag IX-B, one of our present members attending men in the hospital at Stalag IX-B (Medic Al Bianucci) and the general scenes shown the day after liberation at that camp. Fantastic!... John Kline)

PHOTO: Sam Bordelon, left with John Sheehan see John's letter below

Sheehan, John P. 423/HQ/424/A PO Box 422 Clinton, CT 06413
John, it was a good meeting you again at the 43rd Annual reunion, Schaumburg even though the time was short.
    I am enclosing some pictures of Sam Bordelon and me. So you can get some idea what he looks like. This was our first meeting since December 1944. Can you change my unit designation to 423/HQ-424/A?
    (editor's note -- In Vol 44, No.4 Jul-Aug-Sep 1988 CUB, there was an article on page 14 by Lt. Ivan Long. The picture was of Pvt. John R. Sheehan, Lt. Ivan Long and Pvt Sam Bordelon. Date was 21 December, 1944 at St. Vith.The recorded history shows that Lt. Long of the 423rd Intelligence and Reconnaissance Platoon, led two officers and approximately 68 men through the German lines. During the night of 21-22 December the one were put back in the line, because the Germans were pressing their assault on St. Vith. A note attached to that article said that Long, who stayed in service and retired as a Lt. Col. would like to find Sheehan and Bordelon. A short time after the article appeared he did find Sheehan, then later on Bordelon was located. Bordelon was the lead scout in the infiltration and Sheehan was the rear scout. Col Long says, "They were the best.' All 68 men escaped without the loss of a man.. )

Smith, Ken 423/H 2714 East 8th Casper, Wyoming 82609
    (editor's note -- Ken, thanks for the article that your mother so carefully wrote out and saved for you I will keep it in my files, it is similar to other reports given out by many of the newspapers of that time, probably a general release, sent via wire and used by the press as well as the radio stations. Thanks for sending it

Smith, Jr., William F. 423/M 134 Bufflehead Pt Lexington, SC 29702
(editor's note -- Margot is upstairs trying to figure out how to cook "Grits" and "Country Smoked Bacon.')

PHOTO: Howard Smith, left, with Jack Sulser see Jack's letter below

Sulser, Jack A. 423/F 917 N. Ashton St Alexandria, VA 22312
     A few weeks ago Howard Smith (an association member) and his wife stopped at our house for dinner on their way to North Carolina to visit their first grandchild. It was the first time Howard (on the left in the photo) and I had seen each other since the surrender on December 19. 1944. Incidentally, my wife and I visited our first grandchild in Dallas right after the 1989 Schaumburg Reunion. Although Howard and I belonged to 423/F, we spent the last day of our war with 423/I, as the two surrounded regiments tried to fight their way through Schonberg. During the night of December 18-19, as the two regiments moved westward from Skyline Boulevard, the two machine gun squads and one of the mortar squads of Co. F got separated from the company and ended up with Co. L. By the time of the surrender in the afternoon of the 19th, after several vain attempts to get into Schonberg, only John Hobbs (leader of the mortar squad), Smith (Hobb's gunner) and I (leader of one of the machine gun squads) were still on our feet from the F Company contingent, along with Captain Huyatt (CO of L Company) and about 20 men of his company. When the first messenger came from 3rd Battalion Hdqtrs telling him to surrender, Capt Huyatt sent him packing. He returned later with a written order from Colonel Klinck (3rd Bn CO), which Huyatt acceded to. Hobbs and Smith said they think Huyatt himself ignored the order and disappeared into the woods to try to escape on his own. By the way this eyewitness account of the end of Co. L differs from that in Dupuy's Lion in the Way, which was repeated in MacDonald's A Time for Trumpets. Since I have joined the Division Association in '85, I have hoped in vain for some word of Captain Huyatt, who struck me as an outstanding leader of men during the less than 24 hours I spent with him. Through the Ex-POW organization I reestablished contact with Hobbs, an Oklahoma rancher who was not a member of the association, and got together three times in 1987. Unfortunately he died in 1988. Hobbs and Smith were together in POW camps, but did not see each other after the war. Smith retired a few years ago from the Federal Reserve Bank in


Mail Bag

Boston, and I retired in 1984 from the U.S. Foreign Service.
     We all look forward to each issue of The CUB for news of the association, especially for signs of life from the comrades we once knew. The last issue, for example, surfaced Earl Schmude, who was a highly regarded Platoon Sergeant in Company F. Smith and I have both written him to welcome him to the group. Sincerely, Jack.

Van De Bogart, H. 424/A 1655 W. Ajo Way n230 Tuscan, AZ 85713
    From his letter of 10/7/89. Sherod, I just returned to Tucson from a five months Northeast USA & Canada trip. We did swing into Schaumburg for the 43rd Annual Reunion.
     At the meeting it was discussed that a new LIFE membership was authorized at $75.00. If so here is my check. Surely enjoyed the meeting, hope to see you all at the future reunions. (editor's note -- Congratulations Herman -- Dog-gone it, you beat me to the punch, but I couldn't have found a better man to follow...John Kline)

Walton, Robert S. 159th Reg/L 1702 Carmen Ave W. Chicago, IL 60640
     John, I recently received my latest copy of The CUB and enjoyed reading. How you manage to compile all the information for each publication is remarkable. My hat is off to you. Incidentally, the "CUB Memorial" issue is an excellent idea, keep us informed if it is a go. The days that I recall with the 106th, were "walking the wire" guarding German prisoners. We were at a compound near Sinzig, I think the spelling is correct. I doubt if I ever will meet up with any of my buddies who walked with me. For the Record: They (German POWs) were given adequate shelter, food, proper medical attention and never mistreated.
For most of them, their stay was short lived. Isn't it Ironic, when the shoe was on the other foot?
    (editor's note -- Bob, you had the spelling right. The 159th Regiment was attached to the 106th from March 16, 1945 to July 31, 1945, to help handle the million German prisoners that were accumulated. I see in St Vith, Lion in the Way, page 229, your camp location shows as Camp A-5, Siraig, 3d Battalion, 159th Infantry with Company F and detachments of Cannon and AT companies attached. The command post was north end of Leacher Zee, with Col. Leon L. Kozebue, 159th Infantry commanding. You were in the White Area." Chapter 17, nine pages long, with a map covers the 106th and is title "Prisoners by the Million."..)

Ward, N. Duke 81st ENG/HQ 2140 West Carlyle CI Marietta, GA 30062
     John, On VE Day at Bad Ems, 1st Sergeant Hakes, Operations Sergeant Rooney and Personnel Sergeant Wunderlich volunteered for KP duty. Thought the men would like to see this Sergeants can also do KP duty. (See picture below)
PHOTO: L/R- M/Sgt Hake; M/Sgt Rooney Sgt Major Wunderlich VE Day 1545


Mail Bag

Weber, Carlos D. 422/A 200 East 33rd St. Apt 29G New York, NY 10016
     Thank you John, for the welcome letter, the list of 422/A members, The CUB and other nice things I received as a new member. Although you didn't ask I know you like to read the history of the new men as they join. I joined the division in late November of 1943, reporting to "A" Co., 422d Regiment. I had enlisted in the Army November 6, 1940 at Fort Hamilton, New York. I served with Co. "C", 18th Infantry, 1st Division from Nov 6, 1940 to Oct 10, 1943 and returned to the USA for furlough at which time I reported to the 106th. I was attached to the umpiring units in the Tennessee maneuvers and finally absorbed by "A", 422 at Camp Atterbury.
    (editor's note -- I enjoyed your five page letter Carlos. It contains some very interesting information that I know the members would like to share. I hope to be able to fit some of it in as the situation arises. You started your letter stating that you could not remember many of the things that your surviving friends remembered. I think you did great, you're a good story teller and have a natural way of expressing things. One of your remarks was, "I intended to be short, but this letter has turned out to be something else. If you never write to me again, I will understand it" Carlos, any time you feel like writing, do so -- like I said, you write a great letter, I just can't use it all in this issue, but will keep it in my "interesting stories" file for future use... John Kline)

Whitehead, John L. 423/H0 1BN 4627 Fast Granada Phoenix, AZ 85008
     Just a short note to correct a couple of errors. Add 1st Battalion to 423/HQ and drop the word Rd at the end of the address. Granada is spelled with a Gra not Gre. With that out of the way, I sure enjoyed my first ever look at "The CUB." Takes one back a few years. I have gone through it a couple of times, each time finding something I missed. Mail Bag I didn't give you much history on my application, not knowing what to the writing procedure was.
     I was drafted March '43 and sent to Fort Jackson at activation. Joined B Co., 1st Platoon, 423rd through basic, then to Division MP's for Tenn. maneuvers, on to Atterbury where I was sent to 423d, 1st Battalion HQ Intelligence Section. Stayed with the division until that day in December that we all know, 19 December 1944. After much marching and box-car rides I finally arrived at Luchenwalde Stalag III-A. I was then sent to a work camp at Potsdam with 23 others from various units. Was released by the Russian Army in late April or early May and returned to the Elbe River sometime in June. Slow trip across Germany by bicycle. Enough history for now. Have lived in Phoenix for 25 years and am now semi-retired.
    (editor's note -- John, it's Interesting that you were at Postdarn. I am interested in your story after liberation, could you send me some information about the time in the work camp as well as the time from liberation by the Russian and how you made your way to the Elbe? I had no trouble reading your letter, thanks for the into.. John Kline)

Wojahn, Edward C. 81st ENG/B 1553 West Young Dr Onalaska, WI 54650
     Quite a few people at the reunion asked me where I got the Military Bolo tie, with the 106th Infantry Division insignia on it. I said I lost the address. While looking through some old papers I found it. He was Leslie L Brown, 4132 East 36th Place, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74135. I don't know if that is a valid address, or if in fact he still has a supply of the Bolo ties.

Wroblewski, Chester 423/C 581 College St Youngsville, PA 16371
    (editor's note -- Chester thanks for the added information. I am holding it for a future issue. I may have to cut some of this column before I complete this Issue. thanks... )


Mail Bag

Zeman, Roy 423/CN 2933 Biskra Rd Palm Springs, CA
John, writing to say hello to you and members of 423/CN.
    About to retire soon and hope to see them in the near future. I have received my medals and I have one that I was awarded prior to joining the 106th at Atterbury. It is the "Soldiers Medal." Where can I write to find out how many of these were given out, since it is a rare one. I am enclosing a copy of General Orders No. 1, Headquarters Fourth Antiaircraft Command, 6 September 1943, awarding me the Soldiers Medal. It reads, "RUDOLPH J. ZEMAN, 32705062, Corporal, Battery "13," 530th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion, 37th Antiaircraft Artillery Brigade, United States Army. "For heroism displayed on 1 August 1943, in rescuing an officer from an airplane which had crashed and caught fire. In the midst of exploding machine gun and cannon ammunition, Corporal ZEMAN, with complete disregard for his own safety, rushed to Sr plane, mounted the wing and removed the injured officer from danger. Since this officer had suffered a fractured spine and was unable to free himself from the burning aircraft, the prompt action of Corporal ZEMAN undoubtedly saved the officer's life. The Heroism displayed by Corporal ZEMAN on this occasion reflects great credit upon himself and the military service.
By command of Major General Gardener
Jack G. Beaird, Captain, C.A.C., Adjutant
    (editor's note-- Congratulations Roy. I also appreciate the full page article on "How to Know you are Growing Older." The line I like is, `You sit in a rocking chair and can't get it going." Unfortunately I don't have room to publish all of them in this issue.
    I cannot answer your question on where to get statistics on awards. Maybe some of the 106'ers reading this column will respond. If you find out, let me know so I can put the address in my reference file. Happy Hamming (Roy is a ham operator call letters KB6HSB, I have the call letters K9GN, but have not been on the air since about 84, due to the fact I cannot install an antenna in my townhouse area -- maybe someday -- that's another story... )

Zimand, Gerald P. 422/D 101 Joseph SI. New Hyde Park, NY 11040
     As I sit down at my desk thinking about the Schaumburg Reunion, only one word can describe it. It was a "Revelation" to me. How wonderful it was to see sixteen other men from D Company, 423d Regiment.
     Not having seen or been with these wonderful friends since December of 1944, words cannot describe what a feeling it was. Rhoda and I are looking forward to keeping in touch with them and seeing them in the future.
     A special word of thanks to Jerry Frankel, 423/HQ 3Bn who told me about the association and urged me to join and attend the reunion. Hoping to see you all in Sacramento Ito your reunion. All of you now ha. once again. Thank you for having Rho and I a special place in our hearts.
(editor's note -- Welcome back to the 106th Zeke and Rhoda.. John Kline)

To All Members:
    If I missed using your letter, please have patience, it is hard to judge the amount of space that all the correspondence will use and I have to "Cut and paste" at times to use available space... There's always another CUB in the offing... John Kline, editor. "30's"


In Memoriam

Elmer Kobs, 423/C 1103 W. Third St., Kimberly, WI 54136
     Age 70, Elmer died Thursday, October 26, 1989 at the Clement Zablocki Medical Center, h Milwaukee, Wisconsin following a two year illness. Elmer had been employed by Kimberly-Clark Corporation for 39 years and Mid-Tech for five years retiring in 1981.
    He is survived by his wife Marcella Kobs, to whom he had been married for 43 years; two daughters, Linda Kobs at home; Julie Kobs, Belle Plaine, Minnesota; and three sisters and a brother-in-law He was member of the Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church.

James R. Klett, 106 MED 345 So. 16th St. 46-18 Lebanon, PA 17042
     Age 71, James died from an apparent heart attack late Monday afternoon, December 4, 1989. Born in Rexmont, he served in World War II. a captain in the 106th Infantry Medical Corp. He was a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Textiles. He was a retired partner of the 13&..1 Manufacturing Co. of Manhelm and a former employee of Regent Company. Surviving are a brother, Karl K. Klett, Lehman; a nephew Karl K. Klett, Jr., Rightwood, California; and several cousins.

Ambrose Collier, 422/1, 108 Walpole Rd
Groton, New York 13073
     Helen Collier, wife of Ambrose, informed us that he passed away on Veteran's Day, November 11, 1989, after a long illness. He was very sorry he could not attend the 43rd Annual Reunion in '89. Ambrose is survived by Helen, his wife; Two sons, John Collier and Richard Collier and one daughter, Colleen Spanfelner. Ambrose was in Stalag VIII-A and suffered along with many of us, in the 415 mile evacuation march from Gorlitz, Germany on the Polish border.

News of the following deaths have been received, with minimum information.

Timothy Berkery, 424/M, 3832 West 84th Pl, Chicago, Illinois 60652 Date of death August 28, 1989

Edward C. Salata, 423/MED, 2255 Watt St 4100, Sacramento, California 95825

Edward B. St Clair 422/E, 201 No. 5th Street, Elwood, Indiana 46036

Donald E. Weaver 820 TD BN/C 6455 Lance Ave SW Grand Rapids, MI 49508

Adolph G. Moritz PO Box 382, c/o Steen & Book, Brookings, South Dakota 57006

Lesley Davis, 422/SV, 18032 Celia Ave Brooksville, Florida 34609

     Members of the 106th Infantry Division Association, its Officers and Board of Directors, extend heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of the deceased.
May your valiant and courageous soldier rest in peace

    44th Annual Reunion 106th Infantry Division Association Hyatt-Regency Hotel -- Sacramento, California August 30 to September 4, 1990

Schedule of Events

Thursday, August 30, 1990
2:00 p.m. -- 8:00 p.m. Early Bird Registration
8:00 a.m. -- 7:30 p.m. Visit Sacramento
Dinner on your own

Friday, August 31, 1990
7:30 a.m. -- 8:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. -- 7:30 p.m. Registration Lake Tahoe Gambling Tour Dinner on your own

Saturday, September 1, 1990
    7:30 a.m. -- 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. -- 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. -- 12 00 noon 9:00 a.m. -- 12 00 noon 11:30 a.m.-- 12 30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. -- 3 30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. -- 3 00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. -- 7 00 p.m. Registration Full Breakfast Board Meeting Free Time--Unit Reunions Cash Bar Open Men's Luncheon--Business Meeting Women's Luncheon and Fashion Show Welcome Reception Dinner on your own Sunday, September 2, 1990 7:30 a.m. -- 9:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. -- 7:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. -- 5:00 p.m. Full Breakfast Tour Wine Country--Lunch included Free Time--Unit Reunions Dinner on your own Monday, Labor Day, September 3, 1990
7:30 a.m. -- 9:00 a.m. Full Breakfast with Speaker 9:00 a.m. -- 12:00 noon Free Time--Unit Reunions
    Lunch on your own 1:30 p.m. -- 3:30 p.m. Board Business Meeting 4:00 p.m. -- 5:00 p.m. Memorial Service 7:00 p.m. -- 11:30 p.m. Banquet and Entertainment Tuesday, September 4, 1990 7:30 a.m.-- 9:00 a.m. Modified Continental Breakfast Farewell and Goodbyes Registration forms and other information will be mailed to every member, by first class mail, in April 1990. O

Index for: Vol. 46 No. 2, JAN, 1990

Index for This Document

106th Div., 20, 22, 44, 52
106th Inf. Div., 58
106th Memorial, 46
106th Monument at St. Vith, 20
106th Sig. Co., 39, 50
112th Regt., 6, 22
112th Regt., 28th Div., 6
159th Inf., 72
1st Div., 41
28th Inf. Div., 22
2nd Inf. Div., 44
2nd SS PANZER, 20
35th Div., 48
422nd Inf. Regt., 9, 73
423rd Inf., 62
423rd Regt., 64
424/A, 70, 72
424/C, 56
424/E, 2
424th Cbt. Inf. Regt., 21, 22, 23, 68
424th Inf. Regt., 4, 14, 21, 23
424th Inf. Regt. Memorial, 1, 6, 18
424th Inf. Regt. Memorial At Spineux, 18
424th Regt., 6, 21, 24
589th FA BN, 20
589th Monument At Parker's Crossroads, 20
592nd FA BN, 6, 11
81st Cbt. Engr., 28
81st Eng/Hq, 72
81st Engr., 33
82nd Abn. Div., 20
83rd Inf. Div., 52, 53
'A Time For Trumpets', 44, 62, 71
Agostini, Mr. & Mrs. Gus, 37
Agostini, Orf, 60
Agostini, Orfeo ‘Gus', 4
Agostini, Orfeo E., 2, 4
Albergo, Mr. & Mrs. Sal, 48
Alexander, Bill & Carolyn, 37
Allison, Dr. Harold H., 39
Amel, 2
Anderson, Dorothy, 39
Anderson, Francis (Toby), 39
Anderson, Francis ‘Toby', 39
Anderson, Francis E., 39
Antwerp, 56
Aquitania, 9, 10, 57
Ardennes, 6, 9, 24, 25, 44, 52, 64
Ardennes Campaign, 24
Armington, Don, 21
Armitage, John F., 39
Aseboe, Arvid, 11
Augerinos, Steve, 50
Auw, 17, 18
Bad Ems, 72
Bad Orb, 46, 56, 70
Bad Orb, Germany, 8
Bad Wildungen, Germany, 64
Bagby, Howard, 21, 26
Bagby, Mr. & Mrs. Howard, 48
Baird, Robert E., 39
Baker, Evelyn & Jordan, 8
Baker, Jordan, 8
Balestrieri, 1st Lt. Ralph R., 39
Balestrieri, Lt., 39
Baltic Sea, 54
Baraque De Fraiture, 19
Baroque De Fraiture, 18
Bastogne, 17
Battle of the Bulge, 6, 8, 17, 27, 31, 33, 41, 44, 62, 64
Bavaria, 64
Beaird, Jack G., 75
Beamish, Leslie, 39
Beane, Mr. & Mrs. Glen, 48
'Before The Veterans Die', 49
Belgium, 1, 6, 8, 16, 18, 20, 21, 28, 30, 31, 53, 56, 58, 68
Bennett Tours, 11
Bennett, Robert, 35
Berg, Ira, 34
Berkery, Timothy, 77
Berlin, 54
Bernadette, 20
Betlach, Donald, 35
Bianucci, Al, 70
Bied, Dan, 57
Bieze, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Bilotti, Frank, 39
Birmingham, 50
Black Forest, 41
Black, Dave, 37
Black, Ewell C., 37
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 5
Bloomingburg, George, 36
Bloomingburg, Juanita, 36
Boley, Charlotte & Gene, 8
Boley, Gene, 8
Borbely, Frank, 21, 24
Bordelon, Pvt. Sam, 70
Bordelon, Sam, 70
Born, Belgium, 58
Boucher, Mr. & Mrs. Armond, 48
Bradfield, June, 36
Bradfield, Kenneth, 36
Brankin, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Brannstrom, Arnold & Dorothy, 33
Brasher, Hazel, 50
Brasher, S. Walter, 50
Bright, Chas., 36
Bright, Doris, 36
Brittany, 52
Broderick, Joe & Ver, 33
Broussard, Fred & May, 33
Brown, Jr., Charles A., 50
Brown, Leslie L, 73
Bruecker, Al, 34
Brunner, Lloyd, 34
Brussels Airport, 17
Bryan, Ken, 36
Bryan, Marge, 36
Bryant, Jack, 37
Burkes, Bob & Frankie, 37
Butkovich, Bill, 27
Butler, Bill, 21
Byrd, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd, 48
C.R.I.B.A., 24
Camp Atterbury, 41, 43, 64, 73
Camp Blanding, FL, 43
Camp Lucky Strike, 44
Camp Shelby, MS, 46
Cannone, Frank, 41
Cariano, Col. Samuel P., 2, 50
Cariano, Sam, 48
Carpenter, Ben, 31
Carr, Fred A., 50
Carter, Tiller, 21, 24, 25
Cavender, Col. C. C., 35
Cavender, Col. Charles, 50
Cavender, Col. Charles C., 35
Cavender, Lois, 52
Central Europe, 52
Cessna, Dr., 60
Cheltenham, 50
Chermak, Fred & June, 33
Chinguist, Fred, 34
Coffey, Doug, 6, 11, 20, 24, 26, 68
Coffey, Doug S., 24
Coffey, Douglas, 56
Coffey, Douglas S., 2, 6, 56
Cohen, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Colarusso, John F., 52
Colley, Doug, 26
Collier, Ambrose, 77
Collier, Helen, 77
Collier, James, 36
Collier, John, 77
Collier, Mary Lou, 36
Collier, Richard, 77
Collins, Sherod, 2, 37, 41, 46, 56, 66
Cologne, 12, 14, 18
Cologne Cathedral, 14, 18
Cooley, Don, 38
Cooper, Louis M., 52
Cooper, Peggy, 52
Copenhagen, 12, 14
Costa, Antone, 31
Costa, Mr. & Mrs., 31
CRIBA, 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 56, 63
Cuoco, Angela, 41
Daae, Sven, 12
Dachau, 8
Dallman, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Datte, Charles T., 2
Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Sam, 48
Davis, Sam E., Jr., 48
DeHeer, Dick, 60
DeHeer, Marjorie, 60
DeHeer, Mrs. Marjorie, 48
Deisher, Curtis G., 52
Delzell, Bill, 37
Denmark, 6, 12, 16, 18
Dibenardo, Peter & Rosemary, 33
Dickerson, James & Susie, 37
Dickerson, Patricia & Marilyn, 37
Div. Band, 46
Dodge, Bill, 7, 21, 26, 68
Dodge, William, 6
Donaldson, Walter, 33
Dorn, Ed, 62
Drumheiser, Robert P., 41
Duke, Monroe, 38
Dupuy, Col. R. Ernest, 20
Eberhard, Victor J., 41
Edwards, John J., 41
Elbe, 73
Elbe River, 73
Embury, Bob, 35
Epling, Mr. & Mrs. C.J., 38
Erbes, Richard, 35
Farris, Fred J., 2
Ferris, Phil, 54
Fields, Raymond H., 54
Fonda, James, 37
Fontaine, Serge, 6, 8, 22, 23, 24, 26
Fontaine, Suzanna, 8
Frambs, Roger A., 41
France, 8, 30, 52, 53, 64
Frankel, Jerry, 75
Frankini, Dick, 37
French Croix De Guerre, 20
Friedman, Mr. & Mrs. Herb, 48
Ft. Jackson, SC, 44, 50, 52, 64, 73
Galaxy Tours, 14
Gallagher, John, 56
Gardener, Maj. Gen., 75
Gardner, James, 54
Gatens, John, 6, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20
Gatens, Lillian, 19
Gatens, Tom, 19
Gavriel, Mayor, 26
Gavroye, Joseph, 19
Geib, Mr. & Mrs. George, 48
Gerlach, Phil, 34
Gerlach, Shirley, 34
Germany, 8, 12, 18, 39, 54, 58, 61, 64, 73
Gillespie, John, 37
Gilliland, John, 54
Gilliland, John O., 2, 54
Glasgow, 50
Gombotz, Frank, 31
Gorlitz, Germany, 77
Grand Halleux, 24
Grant, Eleanor, 54
Grant, Wilburn N., 54
Gregory, John A., 2
Gregory, Leo, 7, 21
Gregory, Mr. & Mrs. John, 38
Grillo, Thomas E., 41
Grillo, Tom, 33
Grillo, Winifred, 41
Grivetti, June, 54
Grivetti, Louis G., 54
Gruenzner, Norman, 58
Gunvalson, Russ, 34
Hake, M/Sgt., 72
Hakes, 1st Sgt., 72
Hall, Mr. & Mrs. John, 48
Hall, Velma, 36
Hall, Wm. Webb, 36
Halle, 44
Harnay, Daniel, 14
Hartlieb, Glen O., 2
Hartlieb, Glenn, 36
Hartlieb, Nadine, 36
Hauxwell, Burton, 62
Hawkins, Marlin H., 54
Helwig, Gil, 43, 68
Helwig, Gilbert, 2
Hempel, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Hendrickson, John, 41
Hendrickson, John & Eunice, 33
Hill, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Hill, Ralph, Jr., 46
Hobbs, John, 71
Hoff, Russell, 56
Holder, Harry, 31
Holder, Mildred, 31
Holland, 42, 43
Holton, James L., 41
House, Mr. & Mrs. Pete, 48
House, Pete, 56
Howell, Bob & Louise, 37
Hubert, Andre, 19, 22, 23, 25
Hubert, Mr., 22
Hundt, Al & Eileen, 33
Hurbedise, Jules, 24, 25
Hurdebise, Jules, 6, 22, 24, 25
Hurdebise, Jules & Anna, 8
Hurley, Father, 70
Huyatt, Capt., 71
Iannuzzi, Alphonse, 42
Iannuzzi, Ellie, 42
Jackson, Roy T., 43
Jenkins, Bill, 37
Jeter, Robert C., 56
Johannes, Mr. & Mrs. Walter, 38
Johannes, Walt, 21
Johannes, Walter & Lucille, 38
Johnson, Bill, 34
Johnson, Gerry, 27
Johnson, Leda, 36
Johnson, Newton, 36
Jones, Gen., 44
Kane, Roger & Patricia, 33
Kapsalis, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Karth, James, 37
Keahl, Edward, 37
Kelch, Gene, 36
Kelly, Robert, 37
Kenyon, James, 37
Ketch, Dorothy, 36
Klett, James R., 77
Klett, Karl K., 77
Klett, Karl K., Jr., 77
Klinck, Col., 71
Kline, J., 37
Kline, John, 2, 4, 10, 25, 34, 39, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 50, 58, 66, 67, 68, 70, 73, 75
Kline, John P., 2
Kline, Margot, 34
Kobs, Elmer, 77
Kobs, Julie, 77
Kobs, Linda, 77
Kobs, Marcella, 77
Kommando, 43
Korbel, Al, 34
Korbel, Mary Ann, 34
Korea, 58
Kozebue, Col. Leon L., 72
Kranz, Albert, 34
Kruger, Lee & Jean, 33
Kuizema, Harold, 2
Kurth, Jeanette, 43
Kurth, Ray & Jeanette, 33
Kurth, Raymond P., 43
Kurzeja, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Lamb, Mr. & Mrs. Paul, 48
Lauman, Clarence W. ‘Pete', 58
Lauman, Dorothy, 36
Lauman, Pete, 36
Lawson, Mary Ellen, 43
Lawson, William J., 43, 58
Lehaire, Maria, 19, 20
LeHavre, 8
Lejeune, Bernadette, 19, 20
Levine, George, 10
Libman, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Lichtenberg, 8
Likins, Robert & Dorothy, 33
Limburg, 58
Lion In the Way, 19, 71
Lion's Club Of Fraiture, 20
Litvin, Joseph, 35
Long, Lt., 70
Long, Lt. Ivan, 70
Loveless, Chaplain John, 56
Loveless, John, 56
Lowith, Allen, 35
Lucky Strike, 41
Lucsay, Florence, 31
Lucsay, Mr. & Mrs., 31
MacDonald, Charles B., 44, 62
Mackovic, John, 30
Macon, Gen. Robert C., 53
Malmedy Massacre Memorial, 17
Mangiaracina, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Manhay, 68
Maples, Lyman & Ann, 37
March, Albert & Dolores, 33
Margraten, 42
Martin, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Mason, Frank L., 58
Massey, Cheryl, 8
Massey, Hazel, 8
Massey, Joe, 8
Massey, Joseph, 8
Matthews, Col. Joe, 59
Matthews, Col. Joseph C., 3
Mayotte, Russ, 37
Mayotte, Russell, 37
McDevitt, John F., 2
McGrew, Edward ‘Mac', 44
McGrew, Edward T. (Mac), 43
McMullin, Harry & Eunice, 33
McMullin, Jerry & Marjorie, 33
McNally, Charles F., 43, 56
Meagher, Luella, 31
Meagher, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Meeleus, Harry G., 60
Meeleus, Helen, 60
Mervin, Frederick W., 60
Messina, Carl, 60
Mikalauskis, Dolores, 36
Mikalauskis, John, 36
Mileski, Marion, 35
Miller, Col. John W., 62
Miller, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Mills, Jim, 54
Minor, Mr. & Mrs. Irvin, 48
Molinari, Frank C. ‘Moe', 43
Monneret, Joe, 37
Moon, Charles, 37
Moore, Ralph & Vi, 33
Moore, Ralph L., 43
Moritz, Adolph G., 77
Mosely, Newt & Yvonne, 37
Mosolf, William J., 62
Mueller, Bill, 6, 7, 21, 23, 24, 26, 68
Mueller, M.J., 64
Murray, Betty, 34
Murray, Geo, Jr., 34
Murray, Jr., George, 64
Naples, Italy, 28
Nausin, Jr., Frank, 64
Nausin, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, 38
Nelson, Edward, 35, 64
Nietman, Ltc Charles, 43
Normandy, 8, 52
Northern France, 64
Norway, 6, 12, 18
Oberlascheid, 56
O'Connell, Bill, 27
O'Ferrell, Don, 37
Olsen, Mr. Todd, 48
Oppet, Sweden, 11
Padlaski, Ed & Leona, 33
Paris, 8
Paris Guide, 70
Parkers Crossroad, 19
Parker's Crossroads, 6, 17, 18, 19, 20
Passariello, Louis J., 66
Pearl Harbor, 41
Perry, Charles J., 66
Perry, Laura, 66
Peterson, Dick, 35
Peterson, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Pfaff, Burton & Jane, 33
Pigeon, Rene, 44
Piha, Morris & Sara, 37
Pinney, Gordon B., 44
Poland, 28
Polish Underground, 28
Postal History Of American Pows, 58
Potter, Glenn C., 60
Powell, Abby, 44
Powell, Christy Ann, 44
Powell, Eugene M., 44
Powell, Gene, 44
Powell, Neva, 44
Prater, Marion & Barbara, 37
Preston, Wallace M., 44
Prewett, Ed, 6, 21
Prewett, Edward, 19, 25, 38
Prewett, Edward A., 66
Prewett, Mr. & Mrs. Ed, 38
Prewett, Reddie, 19
Price, William E., 37
Prokorym, Casimir, 2
Puett, Joe & Ida, 37
Purple Heart, 30, 52
Queen Elizabeth, 50
Rasmussen, Delbert & Elva, 33
Rasmussen, Delbert B., 44
Rasmussen, Elva, 44
Rauch, Victor, 39
Rediger, Delbert & Marion, 33
Reiss, James, 35
Renfro, Harold, 35
Reunions, 78
Rheinsburg, Germany, 47
Rhine, 10, 18
Rhine River, 14
Rhineland, 52, 64
Rieck, Chuck, 4, 33
Rieck, Chuck & Doris, 33
Riggs, Col., 27, 30
Riggs, Col. Thomas, 27, 60
Riggs, Ginnie, 30
Riggs, Lt. Col. Thomas, 30
Riggs, Rory, 30
Riggs, Tom, 27, 30
Ringer, Bob, 68
River Elbe, 64
Robb, Dr. John G., 2
Robb, John, 46
Roberts, John, 37
Rodt, 16
Roer Dams, 44
Rooney, M/Sgt., 72
Rooney, Sgt., 72
Roskopf, Debbie, 43
Roskopf, Debbie (Mcgrew), 44
Rothermel, Thomas R., 66
Rowe, Bob, 37
Ruck, Harvey A., 66
Rudnick, Miron, 7, 68
Rudnick, Miron & Mary, 68
Russell, J.B. & Mary, 37
Rusthoven, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Rutland, Roger, 66
Rutledge, Boyd, 34, 46
Rutledge, Boyd A., 2
Rutt, Bob, 37
Rydzinski, Mr. & Mrs. M, 31
Salata, Edward C., 77
Salber, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph, 38
Sandberg, Bob, 34
Sandberg, Pat, 34
Sandberg, Robert, 60
Saturday Evening Post, 28, 58
Saucerman, Gene, 36
Saucerman, Sally, 36
Saucerman, Sandy, 36
Saxon, Jr., James E., 44
Scalissi, John & Ellen, 33
Scanlon, Pfc. Mike, 17
Schiro, Frank J., 45
Schlesser, John, 68
Schlesser, John P., 68
Schmude, Earl, 72
Schnee Eifel, 8, 20, 44
Schnulle, Robert, 45
Schober, Milton J., 68
Schonberg, 71
Schutte, Jean, 70
Schutte, Mrs. Jean, 70
Schutte, Phillip, 70
Schwedler, Frank A., 48
Scotti, Joseph, 70
Scranton, Bob, 21, 37, 56
Shalhoub, John, 37
Sheehan, John, 70
Sheehan, John P., 70
Sheehan, Pvt. John R., 70
Showalter, Donald G., 46
Sinzig, 72
Skyline Boulevard, 71
Skyline Drive, 8
Slaughter House V, 54
Slayton, David, 35
Smith, Howard, 71
Smith, Jr., William F., 71
Smith, Ken, 71
Smythe, Willis & Karyl, 33
Solomon, Joseph, 46
Spa, 14
Spanfelner, Colleen, 77
Sparks, Richard, 48
Spineux, 6, 14, 16, 17, 21, 68
Spineux, Belgium, 1, 4, 6, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
St Clair, Edward B., 77
St. Vith, 8, 12, 17, 19, 28, 46, 70
'St. Vith - Lion In The Way', 72
St. Vith 106th Monument, 16
St. Vith Memorial, 2, 68
St. Vith, Belgium, 56
St. Vith, Lion In the Way, 19, 20, 41
St. Vith, Lion Is The Way, 50
Staino, Carmen T., 46
Stalag 9-A, 50
Stalag II-A, 54
Stalag III-A, 73
Stalag IV-B, 41, 43, 44, 46, 58, 64, 70
Stalag IX-A, 56, 66
Stalag IX-B, 8, 43, 56, 58, 66, 70
Stalag VIII-A, 58, 77
Stauff, John, 38, 48
Stavelot, 21
Stavelot, Belgium, 21
Steere, Robert L., 41
Stephenson, William J., 46
Stockholm, 11, 12, 14
Stroh, Gen., 62
Sulser, Jack, 71
Sulser, Jack A., 3, 71
Sweden, 6, 12
Tarantino, Louis A., 46
Tennessee Maneuvers, 52, 58, 73
Tetzlaff, James & Mary, 33
Tetzlaff, James E., 46
The Battle of the Bulge, 25
Thomas, Regina, 37
Thome, Michael, 2, 4, 38
Thorne, Michael, 3
Thurlow, John, 6, 7, 18, 19
Thurlow, John W., 11
Thurlow, Joyce, 19
Thurlow, Mr. & Mrs. John, 48
Todd, Dave, 31
Trautman, Frank S., 3
Tribolet, Christine & Jean-Luc, 23
Trois-Ponts, 24
Turner, Colbert, 36
Ulmer, Raymond J., 46
Van De Bogart, H., 72
Vaughn, Annette, 36
Vaughn, Ray, 36
Vaughn, Ray R., 3
VBOB, 39, 46, 54
Versailles, 8
Veterans Of The Battle Of The Bulge, 45
Vietnam, 58
Villwock, Jackie, 31
Villwock, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Villwock, Russ, 4
Villwock, Russell, 31
Villwock, Russell H., 3
Vitale, Fred, 21
Von Manteuffel, Gen. Hasso, 56
Von Schwedler, Frank, 31
Wacht Am Rhein, 56
Walden, Larry, 54
Waldrop, Dot, 37
Walton, Robert S., 72
Wanless, Bill, 34
Wanne, 22
Ward, Duke, 37
Ward, N. Duke, 72
Warsaw, 28
Weaver, Donald E., 77
Weber, Carlos D., 73
Weiner, Milton, 35
Wells, Jim & Maydean, 37
Wells, Sgt. Charles, 64
Wenslow, Marshall, 37
White, Lionel, 31
Whitehead, John L., 73
Williams, Lawrence R., 46
Winand, Guy, 24
Witt, William E., 46
Wojahn, Ed, 33
Wojahn, Ed & Irene, 33
Wojahn, Edward C., 3, 73
Woosley, Clarence L., 46
Woosley, Juanita, 47
Woosley, Whitey, 47
Wroblewski, Chester, 74
Wunderlich, Sgt., 72
Wunderlich, Sgt. Major, 72
Yamazaki, James, 35
Yoncheau, Mary & Louis, 19
York, Bob, 36
York, Thelma, 36
Youngblood, Albert C., 48
Zak, Mr. & Mrs., 31
Zawadzki, Stanley & Pat, 33
Zawadzki, Stanley A., 48
Zeigenhain, 56
Zeman, Roy, 75
Zeman, Rudolph J., 75
Zeman, Rudy, 35
Zimand, Gerald P., 75
Ziring, Sidney M., 48