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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
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Vol. 17, No. 5, Jun., 1961

President H. M. (Jim) Hatch
Vice President Ben Hagman
Adjutant Richard DeHeer
Treasurer Robert Kelly
Chaplain John Loveless
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB. Editor .Wayne Black
The CUB is printed by --
The Morris Printing Co., Waterloo, Iowa
All editorial matter should be addressed to: Wayne Black, 306 Williston Ave., Waterloo, Iowa
All business matters, renewals of memberships, etc., should be addressed to:
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, New Jersey
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 106, Blandon, Penn.


     Is it disillusioning to hold a top office where you can really see who the workers and the procrastinators are? I have often pondered this question as I've watched from a distance our organization carry on from year to year. Every group probably has its share of workers and foot draggers, but this year has been an eye opener to me. The dedication, initiative, diplomacy and cooperation of many of our men has been an inspiration, and I can report to the membership that, with such a wealth of talent and loyalty as demonstrated this past year as well as the many years the Association has been in existence, our future is well insured.
     During the year we have completed another successful convention in Savannah under the able supervision of Jim and Maydean Wells. We have seen the completion of our Memorial at St. Vith and have acted to finance the dedication at an appropriate time. We have arranged for a real wingding at Fort Worth, Texas in July under the direction of Ben Hagman. We have an invitation in our pocket for the 1962 convention from our Baltimore contingent.
     Our place of incorporation has been moved from Washington, D. C. to Baltimore for purposes of economy. It would be nice to report that the past year has brought a great surge in membership. This is not the case though considerable effort has been made. This is a problem for each of us, and I again ask for help from each member to do his best to add at least one name to our roster.
     We have received four issues of the CUB which really should be entered in national competition with other veteran's magazines. For attractiveness, readability, and timeliness, our CUB has been tops.
     It has been a good year for the 106th, and I thank the men who have worked to accomplish the matters listed above. I thank the membership for the honor and privilege of working with this fine group of men.

     It is not too early to call attention to the annual reunion of Service Battery 592d FA Battalion, to be held this year on 3 September (the day before Labor Day) at Hershey Park, Hershey, Pennsylvania. This will be the ninth such affair. It is a family affair with the parents sitting around eating, drinking, and reliving the old days of the war, while the youngsters enjoy the rides in the park.

    PRESIDENT KENNEDY UNABLE TO DEDICATE MEMORIAL ...............PAGE 3 WHAT IT SEEMED LIKE TO US THEN .PAGE FORT WORTH - How to get there, what we'll be doing ...........................Page 7, 1 ALL THE USUAL FEATURES

     President John F. Kennedy was unable to allow time in the schedule of his June trip to Paris, Vienna, and London for a stop at Saint Vith for the purpose of dedicating the 106th Division Association Memorial. Despite two months of unremitting effort by the National Memorials Chairman, Douglas S. Coffey, who enlisted the aid of two congressmen, one senator, a Post Office Department official, and officials of other veterans' organizations, the answer was negative. In our last issue of the CUB, we told of the change in circumstances which made it necessary to postpone the dedication ceremonies until November. However, before that issue of the CUB was in the hands of members, the Memorials Chairman learned of President Kennedy's plan to visit Paris. He immediately wrote to the President requesting that he make time in his schedule to do this service to the 106th Association and all veterans of World War II. At the same time, he wrote to Congressman Hugh Addonizio enlisting his aid in securing the President's favorable consideration. On April 12, he received a letter from Mr. Kenneth O'Donnell, Special Assistant to the President, stating that his request had been referred to the State Department, which was arranging the President's itinerary. Meanwhile, Doug had contacted Senator Williams (New Jersey) and Congressman George M. Rhodes (Pennsylvania). Also Mr. Robert Burkhardt, the Assistant Postmaster General, was contacted by an official of another veterans' organization in our behalf. On April 28, a letter was received from Mr. Foy D. Kohler, Assistant Secretary of State, thanking Doug for his request and stating that unless some change in plans developed, there would be no possibility of the President including Saint Vith in his plans. Immediately upon receipt of of this letter, Doug wrote back suggesting that the President's extension of his European stay by one day would make possible including Saint Vith as substitute for having missed Memorial Day ceremonies in the United. States. Finally, on May 5, Robert McBride, Director, Office of Western European Affairs, Department of State, wrote that it had proven impossible to include even a short visit to Saint Vith in the President's schedule (which had meantime been enlarged by a visit to London and the summit meeting in Vienna). At the same time, Brooks Hays, Assistant Secretary of State, wrote in a similar vein to Congressman Addonizio.
     As matters stand now, Doug is still hopeful that the President may be prevailed upon to include the dedication during a later visit to Europe. The membership can be assured that he will not stop trying to do everything possible to make sure that our Memorial has a dedication worthy of the events and men -- your friends and mine -- that it represents.

     We all envy the gorgeous 'round the world trip that General and Mrs. Alan W. Jones are currently enjoying. They are making it in 80 days too. They left on 10 April and will return 30 June. A glance at their schedule indicates they are using steamers, trains, and motor cars, but no balloons. Here are some of their stops : Honolulu 13 April ; Japan 27-30 April ; Hong Kong 3-8 May; Saigon, Viet Nam 9-11 May; Singapore 13-14 ; Colombo, Ceylon 18 ; Bombay, India 20-21; Djibouti, French Somaliland 25; Port Said, Egypt 28- 29 ; Marseilles, France 2 June ; Rome for a tour of Italy by car 3-10 ; thence into France via Nice, Avignon, and Vichy to arrive in Paris 13 ; via train, steamer, and train to London 19; leave Southampton 24; arrive USA 30 June. A note arrives from the General just before press time from Djibouti, French Somaliland. He reports that the weather has been perfect, accommodations comfortable, and the food


"too good for my figure."
     Lester Smyth, S-1 and S-4 of 106th Divarty, is now president of Albert S. Smyth Co., Inc., Wholesale Jewelers in Baltimore. His son, Lester J., is planning to enter Gettysburg College in the fall.
     Howard Sorkin (592) who was mess officer of the 106th Divarty Officers' Mess at Fort Jackson and Camp Atterbury, visited General and Mrs. McMahon in Middleton, Pennsylvania during March. He promised to return with Mrs. Sorkin and their three daughters to attend the reunion of Service Btry. 592 at Hershey Park on the Sunday before Labor Day.
     The McMahons visited Colonel and Mrs. Malin Craig in Chevy Chase, Maryland in April. Peter Craig, 7, is the General's godson. Colonel Craig was Executive Officer of the 106th Divarty.
     Ed Straka (106 Sig) drops a note from Karamursel, Turkey, where he is stationed with TUSLOG Detachment 28, USN to say that he is enjoying each issue of the CUB he receives. We hope that Ed can find time to drop us some further information concerning life in Turkey. We are sure all our members would find it of interest.
     John I. Gallagher (C 81) writes that while he was in Boston recently attending an industrial convention, he met Frank T. Smith, also of Co. C, 81st, and his wife. They had a most enjoyable evening. Frank is now a consulting engineer with Camp, Presser, and McKee of Boston. John, whom we will all recall as a hard-working and most capable editor of the CUB for several years, has been elected to the position of second Vice-President of the Industrial Management Club of Reading and Berks County (Penna.). He is with the Reading Crane and Hoist Corporation.
     Ed Fifielski (106 Rcn.), who has served two years as State Commander of the Amvets is a candidate for the position of National Commander of the Amvets,

     On March 23, 1961, Larry Gubow was sworn in as the United States Attorney for the Eastern Half of Michigan with offices in Detroit. The term of office is four years. Larry's predecessor was given a lifetime appointment as a Federal Judge last July. Several of the Detroit group attended the official proceedings in the Federal Building along with a proud Estelle Gubow and son and daughter, David and Mona. The 106th group arrived early and got seats in the court room which could not begin to hold all the friends who came to see Larry take a responsible position in the nation's government.
     Following the ceremonies, the Detroit group got together for a leisurely lunch. Present were: Emily and Jack Bryant; Evelyn and John Shalhoub ; Grace and Jim Burrell; Lucille and Bob Rutt; Libby and Bob Kelly; Floyd Powell ; and Jack Gillespie.

     Work continued on the typesetting of the April-May issue of the CUB despite the fact that Waterloo, Iowa was at that time undergoing the worst flood in its history. Thousands of persons were made homeless, hundreds of homes inundated or destroyed by the flood waters, and highways and bridges were swept away. The shop of the Morris Printing Company was barely above the level of the flood two blocks away, but the sandbags held. The Editor's office was, at the crest of the flood, sixteen and a half feet below the level of the water, but the levee in that industrial part of the city held firm.
Our sympathies go to Doug Coffey, whose father died suddenly of a heart attack on 13 May.


by AWJ
     Shortly after the end of the First World War, upon our return home, we were asked our opinion of General Pershing. We feel just about as competent to give an opinion of the current Southeast Asia situation, after a few days spent in Saigon and Ceylon, as we did to express an opinion in 1918. However, we feel a compulsion to report what we saw and were told in four cities: huge cities existing in an atmosphere of day to day freedom from communistic control. In Hong Kong, Saigon, Singapore and Colombo, there is fear: fear for the present is most apparent, but underlying that concern is a certainty that prospects for the future are all but gone. It is freely discussed and in almost identical terms. It is not a pleasant thing to have in one's daily life.
     Our visit in Saigon occurred at a time when the United States was almost visibly falling back in Southeast Asia. The talk now was no longer of Laos, since the time for action there had passed, but of Thailand and South Viet Nam. Nowhere was military action by us expected in the jungles. Penetration by the USSR is not to be halted by such means. Nor will there be complete confidence in our future guarantees so long as we permit Cuba, on our doorstep, to exist as a Russian colony. A Soviet Cuba, compounded by our secondary position in the new technique of space travel, are two powerful arguments against confidence in our leadership.
     In the newspaper "Times of CeyIon" of May 19 there were headlines, followed by a dispatch from 'Moscow explaining how there would be soon special apparatus landed on the moon. Next was an article critical of the "stale buns and bad milk" furnished by Americans for local school lunches. This paper has been government censored since the murder of their Prime Minister some time ago. Ceylon is located in an almost identical geographical position to the millions of India as Cuba is to our country.
     Instances of this nature appear in papers around the world every day. They are part of a plan that is relentless and being pushed with great vigor. What can be done? This column has no suggestion as to action, but does believe that the truth, and all the truth, of our position in the world of international politics must be made clear each day in order that our people will gradually accept the consequences that are certainly facing us regardless of the action we choose, except, of course, a Munich type agreement. Out of this acceptance, we believe, will arise a national policy which will provide the answer to our present method of negotiation under our enemies' terms.




     Plans continue to grow for the first annual convention in Indianapolis. Registrations will start on Monday morning (14 July) at the War Memorial. On Monday afternoon will be the first business meeting and on Monday night a Buffet Supper and get-together. At Tuesday's luncheon, it is hoped that each of the five generals who commanded the Division can be present to summarize their periods of command. On Tuesday afternoon will be a 65 mile trip to The Shades, a huge, privately owned park for an afternoon of fun and a picnic style dinner dance in the evening at the Southern Mansions, on the outskirts of Indianapolis. The Memorial Services will take place Tuesday morning at 11:15. The newly created ORDER OF THE GOLDEN LION will be described to the members and will be awarded to five persons.
     A group in Indianapolis has set up the first local chapter of the 106th Division Association. Kenneth Perry has been elected as first President.
     The 81st Engineers had their Annual Get Together in Newark, New Jersey on 15 March, and all companies were fairly well represented. Among those attending were Major James Wells, who came from Atlanta, Georgia where he is still undergoing treatment for wounds, Captain (Dr.) Cessna who came in from Pennsylvania, and Marvin Koski who flew in from Detroit.

Total in Memorial Fund

     The birth of our Nation one hundred eight-five years ago brought into existence a people unique among all the nations of the world.
     We hold our heads high in the knowledge that here was begun the great experiment of a government to consist of all the people, being created by themselves for their own wellbeing. In some aspects of this undertaking we have failed (if we are honest with ourselves, we know in what respects), but, thanks be to the Almighty, our successes outshine our failures.
     In the midst of the turmoil and strife rampant throughout the world today, let us remember our heritage. Let us recognize our individual responsibilities for the events at home in our own communities and our collective responsibilities as a nation for the events beyond our borders. Having done so, let us abjure all past, present and future actions that tend to tear down and destroy the liberty and dignity of man and resolve henceforth to strive to the utmost to advance the cause of brotherhood of men and nations.

Membership as of 13 June

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, 944 there is liberty."
II Cor. 3:17

John T. Loveless, Jr. Chaplain
106th Infantry Division Ass'n
May 30, 1961


410 CONVENTION SCHEDULE: MEN, LADIES, TEENERS & CHILDREN Western Hills Hotel Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth Texas
THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1961 Registration ..........1:00 o'clock
1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Patio Time (Men, ladies, et al.)
7:00 p.m. OPEN HOUSE, Furnish Beer and Set-ups,
Hospitality Room, Snacks
• FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1961
REGISTRATION 9:30 - 12:00 and 1:30 - 5:30
Luncheon .............................................12:30 to 1:30
Board Meeting .2:00 o'clock
Sherry and Coffee ........................For ladies and guests - 3:00 to 5:00 Forest Park Train Ride
     For Teeners and Children ......3 :00 to 5:00 p.m., by Bus to Park Swimming Party ...........................5:30 to 6:30 p.m., for Children
Cocktail Party .7 :00 to 8:30 p.m., for members and guests
REGISTRATION ........................... 9:30 to 12:00
Brunch .11:00 a.m.
Business Meeting (Men) ......... 1:00 p.m.
Parker County Rodeo and Chuck Wagon Supper,
Weatherford, Texas .................. 5:00 p.m., leave Hotel by Bus
SUNDAY, JULY 30, 1961
9:00 a.m. ..........................................Breakfast
10:30 a.m. ..........................................Memorial Service, Father Day
Teenagers ............................................$15.00
Under 12 ..........................................$10.00

ILC,,,,, Cd,,,,,,,, c,r--ca-N. C.9.-A",-, CEVW.C., WPW,,, c."--ca--,, CE,'Ar C.!,


     Once again, Douglas S. Coffey has proven his right to our eternal gratitude for the yeoman service he has been performing as Memorials Chairman. The story appearing elsewhere in this issue of Doug's efforts to obtain the services of the President of the United States in dedicating our memorial will be of great interest to every member. To those of us who were in on the story, letter by letter, and almost day by day, it was a thrilling suspense story. Even though Doug's efforts were not crowned by success (this time), we should not forget that his efforts have served to make persons of every rank in official Washington aware of the existence and the vitality of the 106th Infantry Division Association. Our sincerest thanks to you, Doug, for your efforts. If there were a "Man of the Year" award in this organization, we feel sure that you would by now have retired the trophy from competition.

     The time for talking is over. The time for action is here! Right now, before you lay down this copy of the CUB, take the sheet that has been inserted into it and fill it out. Send it off to Ben Hagman right away; the time is growing short. Support the great efforts that Ben has put into the planning of our fifteenth annual convention by letting him know before another day goes by that you will be there, bag and baggage, wife and children, appetite and thirst. One item that is often overlooked as a reason for attending the conventions is the annual business meeting. This is the one best opportunity each year to let the directors and officers know whether you like the way they are running the Association. If you hay a complaint, be in Fort Worth and get it off your chest. If you like the way things are going, be there anyway. Your praise is the only remuneration the officers and directors will get or desire.
Fort Worth, here we come!

Douglas S. Coffey
41 Lowell Ave.
West Orange, N. J.
Dear Doug:
     I have just thumbed through your file for the past year and find that you have sent me fifty-four pieces of correspondence during that time. Some of it is letters written directly to me and much of it is copies of letters sent to your congressmen, to the President of the United States, to the people in Belgium who have been helping in the construction of the memorial and to numerous individual both in and out of our association who might have something to do with the finishing or dedicating of the memorial.
     In addition to the tremendous effort you have made to arrange the dedication and to try to have the President attend, I have your commitment to go to Belgium for the ceremonies, whenever they are scheduled. If there was ever a member who gave of himself above and beyond the call of duty for his organization, I suggest that your name be so classified. Without detracting from the wonderful work done by so many of our members I feel that your accomplishment in originating, having designed, supervising construction and your daring plans for dedication of our memorial at St. Vith will remain in the history of the 106th Association as the single outstanding achievement. It has been a pleasure end an honor to work with you this year and I thank you for your contribution to our organization.


H. M. (Jim) Hatch President
Richard DeHeer
19 Hopkins Street
Hillsdale, N. J.
Dear Dick :
     As we near the end of our term of office I have reviewed the files, reread the CUBS and recalled to the best of my ability the activities of the past year. Such reviews invariably lead to questions regarding the cause of our successes and failures. Manpower is the only answer. Dedicated, enthusiastic, continuing effort on the part of our membership has brought us through the years and made the vision of future conventions, CUBS and contact with each other a sure thing.
     Among the many assignments give', out each year some have a degree of excitement and personal aggrandizement attached to them while others are less colorful. The job of Adjutant has always seemed to me to be one of those necessary positions that is very important to the association but badly "under paid". It must take a very loyal member to accept the position of Adjutant in the first place and to faithfully handle its many duties throughout the year in the second place.
     You have done these things, Dick, and because you have done so you have given me as well as our entire organization the service that is so important to a well run administration. I thank you for your help and your service. I hope you will be permanently listed among our unsung heroes.
H. M. (Jim) Hatch

PAY YOUR 1961-1962 DUES NOW.

John T. Loveless, Jr.
2549 Pickwick Road
Baltimore 7, Maryland
Dear John :
     It is inspiring to have a lay member of our group who can so ably fill the position of Chaplain of the 106th. There is something extra about hearing or reading a spiritual message from one who is not an official member of the clergy. You have given the members of our organization that something extra in your activities at our conventions and in your columns in the CUB.
     In addition to your duties as our chaplain you have done the legal work on moving our point of incorporation to Baltimore for the purpose of saving us the annual fee which had become a burden.
Thank you for a year of generous service to all of us.
H. M. (Jim) Hatch

T. Wayne Black
306 Williston Ave.
Waterloo, Iowa
Dear Wayne:
     As I complete my tour of duty with the Association, I want to tell you and our membership how proud I have been of the CUB. From your very first issue in July 1960 it was obvious that we had found the right man for the job. Your copy is readable, your layout is attractive and that new four color job on the cover really puts us in the company of high class magazines. (How did you squeeze that into your budget, anyway?)
     Thank you for your patience with me, your perseverance in prying out news and the scores of hours you have contributed to the welfare of our organization this year.
H. M. (Jim) Hatch
P.S.: Please extend my thanks to our printer, 106er Bob Sackett.


Mr. T. Wayne Black
106th Infantry Division Ass'n, Inc. 306 Williston Avenue
Waterloo, Iowa
Dear Wayne:
     It was a pleasant surprise to receive your letter. This is especially true because of the length of time since I last saw you.
Enclosed is my check for $5.00 to cover my membership in the association. Now the "old" S-2 section is 100%.
     I get to see Bob Rutt on occasions and our old "war stories" get better each year! As you know, Bob and I attempted to get out of the Bulge by hiking west and in the process had to wade the Our river. Naturally this stream gets colder, deeper and swifter as each year passes.
     At the present time I am the CO of the 8th Helicopter Battalion. I took up flying in 1946. It is located in Munich, Germany and is the Army's largest unit of its kind. We have 80 cargo type helicopters and they keep us busy with missions.
     The McKees still consist of self, Gloria my frau and James 171/2 and Judy 14. We will be here in Germany until 1963 when I rotate to the states. You might be interested in the address of Lt. Col. Henry Harmeling, IG Section, SACom Headquarters, APO 407, New York, New York
     You might recall that he was a company commander in our 3rd Battalion. Wayne, I would like to wish you a lot of success in your civilian ventures. Recalling the past, I don't know what the old S-2 section would have done without your support! If I get up your way in the future I will look you up. If I can get to a convention when I return rest assured that I will do so.
Henry H. McKee
Lt. Col., Infantry Commanding
     Editor's note -- We were pleased to receive this letter from our old wartime boss, the Regie mental S-2 of 422, 1 Infantry. 'there is one ma. item amiss, though: instead of enclosing the check 11,, mentioned, the good Colonel included a carbon copy of his letter. We doubt that the National Treasurer will accept this in lieu of dues.

460 Springdale St. Athens, Georgia
Dear Wayne:
I am enclosing a snapshot which you may or may not want to use sometime in the CUB.
    I t is the 423rd Infantry loading at Southampton bound for Le Havre in Dec. 1944. I remember being the guard at the bottom of the gangplank and I remember Col. Cavender coming up to ask if I had eaten yet.
     When we -attempted to land our; an LST on the beach at Le Havre, the anchor failed to hold and two or three of us were left on board while Service Company marched 8 miles. Then they were picked up by trucks and brought right back to the starting point, where we joined them. Well -- that's the army, you know.
     I ran into a former 106er, Horace E. Mansfield, Jr. here in Athens last week, He was a POW and expressed interest in the association. Said he would pay his dues later in the week. You never know where you'll run into a former comrade in arms and potential member. He was in 424.
I'm still attending the University of Georgia and will be for some time to come, I hope.
Sincere regards to you,
Sherod Collins, Jr.


     (Editor's note -- From the distance of seventeen ears, World War II may be taking on some glamour for some of us. Right then, it was the same dirty mess that war always he To recapture some of the feeling of what it was like right then, WO are printing here a copy of a letter home that was written immediately after the close of the European phase of World War II. We feel privileged to he able to offer it to our members, and we are deeply grateful to Ed Prewett, of Co. B, 424 Inf., for having made it available to lo. We hope to be able to continue it in future issues until the story is completed. While we may not all agree with some of the opinions expressed, we know that they are the opinions that many of to were feeling in those days).

26 May 1945 Germany
Dear Mom and Dad:
     At last the lid is off so I can give you a little history. First of all please save this envelope for my collection. I doubt if we'll ever see anything like that again. A two cent envelope converted to a 6 cent air-mail.
     I can even tell where I am. That is if I can figure it out myself. The town I'm living in is Biebelsheim. I doubt if it's on any maps. It's 6 km to Bad Kreuznach in one direction and 11 km o Bingen in the other. If that's still too small -- well, they say Bingen should be on the map. We're practically on the Banks of the Rhine. Biebelsheim is a one-horse town. It is typical of all the towns around here. Every two or three km there is a town. Each has its own home bakery, drug store, etc. Their mainstay is the farming land around the town. Every house has its oxen or maybe a horse and its chickens, etc. And every day they take off out into their fields with a bottle of wine and some bread for their lunch meal.
     27 May 1945 They interrupted me by telling me that there would be a show last night. It was "Foreign Correspondent" with Joel McCrea. It is an old picture, but we got to see a show so seldom that I went anyway. Well let's see: shall I start here and work back or start back at Atterbury.
     We left dear old Camp Atterbury, Ind. on the 10th of Oct. 1944 and headed north. No one knew where we were going, but 'there were a lot of rumors. As it is, I would have never guessed it because I had never heard of the place. However we did realize that we were seeing some of New England. And soon after we passed thru Providence, R. I., we arrived at our destination -- Camp Myles Standish (and I didn't spell Myles wrong, that is the way they spelled it). The cleanest town to the camp was Taunton; however we could go on pass to Taunton, Providence and Boston. Boston was the farthest -- being 35 miles distance.
     I never left the camp altho I wanted to. We were permitted to leave only twice. Half of us could go one time and half the other, I won on the first time but someone else's buddy didn't, so I let him go in my place. When the next time came around, we got stuck because of some training, etc. I didn't mind tho because there was more than enough entertainment in Camp. About all I cared to go to town for was to see it and say that I'd been to Boston. We stayed in Standish (or CMI as we called it; because we could never name it in public) about a week getting some last minute training and completing our final clothing and equipment check up.
     We left CMI on the 20th for places unknown. Most of us thought that we were headed for Boston, but we landed up in New York. However they maintain now that we were supposed to go to Boston only the last minute they caught some spys around Chere and changed our orders. About that same time it was in the papers about catching or uncovering some espionage work up there; so I guess that that may have been true.
     We arrived in New York under cover of darkness and much to our distaste--rain. By daylight we were all on the ship. The Red Cross handed out doughnuts and served coffee, while we were waiting our turn to board the ship.
(To Be Continued)


BY AIR - Fort Worth is served by the fallowing airlines:
     Most of the above airlines serve Dallas as well. If a connection to Dallas is more convenient, it is only forty miles away by turnpike).
BY HIGHWAY-Fort Worth is located on the following U.S. highways:
80 - 180 - 81 -287-387

1111 px.,...(,....,-,..,Px..,,,,fTAG,G,4:7,0,G,G,/,,,,,..,..,,,-,:,..,,,,K,j'...,.,-...,,YK.,-..exG,,,C,


Housing Committee
106th Inf. Div. Reunion 132 Dallas Avenue
Weatherford, Texas
The registration fee is $20.00 for each adult,
$15.00 for teen-agers, $10.00 for children under 12 years old.
    Enclosed is my check for $ payable to your order for registration fee for me, my wife, teen-agers, children under 12 years.
Will arrive: Day of Week , date
Will depart: Day of Week , date
In Hotel Proper 1 Person 2 Persons
Double bed, twin beds or studio ....................... 8.50 to 15.00 8.75 to 17.75
Junior suites (One room) .... . ........, 9.50 to-14.00 12.25 to 18.75
Junior mites (One room), with Bar ...................... 18.25 to 27.00 21.00 to 29.75
Two morn suites (4 people), with Bar ................ 22.00 to 40.00 28.75 to 41.75
Cabanas, 1 bed & 1 single bed (Around the pool) 17.25 to 19.00
In Guest Cottages
Double, twin beds or
Studio (sofa beds) .. ................ ... 9.50 to 12.50 11.75 to 15.25
With Bar ....... 12.00 to 22.00 14.75 to 25.00
Extra person rollaway bed - $5.00
Family rate: Children under 12, no extra charge All rates Europe. Plan
Note: Single rate in each of two rooms
I want: Best available
, Medium rate , Minimum rate
Ak Name Address

Index for: Vol. 17, No. 5, Jun., 1961

Index for This Document

106th Div., 2, 7
106th Inf. Div., 7, 10, 14, 19
106th Infantry Division Association, 2, 7, 10
423rd Inf., 14
424th Inf., 16
81st Engr., 7
Addonizio, Congressman, 2
Addonizio, Hugh, 2
Bad Kreuznach, 16
Belgium, 10
Berks, 4
Biebelsheim, 16
Bingen, 16
Black, T. Wayne, 12, 14
Black, Wayne, 1
Bryant, Emily & Jack, 4
Burkhardt, Robert, 2
Burrell, Grace & Jim, 4
Camp Atterbury, 4, 16
Camp Atterbury, Ind., 16
Camp Myles Standish, 16
Cavender, Col., 14
Cessna, Capt. (Dr.), 7
Coffey, Doug, 5
Coffey, Douglas S., 2, 10
Collins, Sherod, 15
Craig, Col., 4
Craig, Col. & Mrs. Malin, 4
Day, Father, 9
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 12
Fifielski, Ed, 4
Fort Jackson, 4, 6
Foy, 2
Gallagher, John I., 4
Germany, 14, 16
Gillespie, Jack, 4
Gubow, Estelle, 4
Gubow, Larry, 4
Hagman, Ben, 1, 10
Harmeling, Lt. Col. Henry, 14
Hatch, H. M. (Jim), 1, 12, 13
Hatch, Jim, 1
Hays, Brooks, 2
Italy, 3
Jones, Gen. & Mrs. Alan W., 3
Kelly, Libby & Bob, 4
Kelly, Robert, 1
Kennedy, John F., 2
Kohler, Foy D., 2
Koski, Marvin, 7
Kreuznach, 16
LeHarve, 14
Loveless, John, 1
Loveless, John T., 7, 12
Loveless, John T., Jr, 7, 12
Loveless, John T., Jr., 7, 12
Mansfield, Horace E., 14
Marseilles, 3
Marseilles, France, 3
McBride, Robert, 2
McCrea, Joel, 16
McKee, Henry H., 14
McMahon, Gen. & Mrs., 4
Memorials, 2, 10
Munich, 6, 14
Munich, Germany, 14
Myles Standish, 16
O'Donnell, Kenneth, 2
Order Of The Golden Lion, 7
Our River, 14
Paris, 2, 3
Perry, Kenneth, 7
Pershing, Gen., 6
Port Said, 3
Powell, Floyd, 4
Prewett, Ed, 16
Rhine, 16
Rhodes, George M., 2
Rutt, Bob, 14
Rutt, Lucille & Bob, 4
Sackett, Bob, 13
Shalhoub, Evelyn & John, 4
Smith, Frank T., 4
Smyth, Lester, 4
Sorkin, Howard, 4
Southampton, 3, 14
St. Vith, 1, 2, 10
Straka, Ed, 4
Wells, Jim & Maydean, 1
Wells, Maj. James, 7
Williams, Senator, 2