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Vol. 10, No. 3, Feb, 1954

KOREA - 1954

President D. B. Frampton, Jr
Vice President John Reynolds
Adjutant David C. Brumaghin
Treasurer William K. Fowler
Chaplain Rev. Paul Cavanaugh

     The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year, which includes subscription CUB. All material copyrighted.
Editor Douglas S. Coffey
Staff Writer David S. Price
Staff Photographer D. C. Brumaghin
The CUB is printed by Varsity Press, 80 Harrison Avenue, West Orange, New Jersey.

Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 28 cents each. Send orders to Box 238, Loudonville, N. Y.

KOREA - 1954
     Your Editor took the liberty of writing to President Syngman Rhee, of Korea, recently and feels that the President's answer is well worth printing.

Dear Mr. Coffey:
     I wish that I could take time to write you at length about the position of the Republic of Korea and the many ways in which the Communist menace can be fought. I am sure that you will understand that the very pressing duties of state prevent me from composing a long article for your periodical.
But I must take time, because of your great interest, to say this:
     My position is very simple. It is that Korea must be unified to save those of our suffering people who survive in the north and make possible the continued free existence of those in the south. Divided, Korea cannot possibly survive; it will disappear under a Red wave just as soon as the attention of the Free World is called elsewhere.
(Continued on Page 20)

The Late Major General Donald Stroh
Born: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. November 3. 1892.
Education: Public Schools. Washington. D. C., B.S. Michigan State College 1915.
     Service prior to December 7, 1941; Commissioned Second Lieutenant Cavalry until 1920 when he was transferred to the Infantry. Served successively thereafter as Captain, Major and Lieutenant Colonel in the 35th Infantry, 59th Infantry, Organized Reserves Sixth Corps Area, 45th Infantry, 23d Brigade, 26th Infantry, instructor in The Infantry School, and A. C. of S., G-2 Fourth Army.
     Service Schools: The Infantry School. Company Officers Course 1923, advanced Course 1929, Command and General Staff School 1933, Amy War College 1937.
Service subsequent to December 7, 1941:
A. C. of S., G-2 Fourth Army and Western Defense Command, December 7. 1941--March 4, 1942.
Commanding Officer 339th Infantry, 85th Division to July 1, 1942.
Assistant to the Division Commander, 9th Infantry Division to July 11, 1944.
Commanding General 8th Infantry Division from July 12, 1944 to November 29, 1944.
Commanding General 106th Infantry Division from February 7, 1945 to August 12, 1945.
Campaigns: Africa, Sicily, Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Central Europe.
     Decorations: Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit (one oak leaf cluster). Bronze Star, French Legion of Honor, French Croix de Guerre.
Home Address: N.W., Washington 15. D.C.
Next of Kin: Mrs. Donald A. Stroh (wife).

Remember a Gift to Our MEMORIAL FUND Is Always in Order


The Late Major General Donald Stroh
     General Stroh was given a full Military Funeral. For those of you who have seen them they are very impressive. No greater tribute can be paid a Serviceman than to have this high honor.
     A Military Band led the procession followed by a six horse Caisson bearing the body of our beloved General. Then followed the empty saddled horse with boots in the stirrups backwards. This is enough to catch at your heart as you remember standing there, what a fine man he was. The Ceremony itself was very impressive from the procession to the chapel and thence to the final burial place.
     General and Mrs. Jones attended and Colonel Baker was an honorary pall bearer. Bill Fowler represented the 106th Division Association and sent flowers on behalf of the Association.
Editor would like to quote from letters received back and forth on this most solemn occasion.
     "Dear Mr. Frampton: May I express the sincere appreciation of Mrs. Donald A. Stroh and other members of the family for the beautiful double spray of flowers sent in tribute to the late General Stroh by the 106th Infantry Division Association. General Stroh was proud of the performance of the Division while under his command and maintained an interest in the activities of the Association until his death."
Sincerely yours,
R. H. Stumpf, formerly 424th Inf.

Columbus, Ohio January 14, 1954
Mrs. Donald A. Stroh
3901 Connecticut Avenue
Washington 8, D. C.
My dear Mrs. Stroh:
     I have been thinking and thinking since December 21 and I still do not know how to express to you all of my feelings and the sentiments of the many men who knew and loved your husband, Major General Donald A. Stroh. Our paths never crossed until a summer in Indianapolis, back in 1947, but ever since that day I have grown to feel a strong affinity and an affectionate for this grand man.
     I knew full well that this day would come, it comes to all of us, but it leaves a gap that will always be there and never filled by anyone.
     We will miss him in many ways but feel thankful that we had the privilege of knowing him these few short years. He was a trusted advisor and a respected friend.
     May I add the sentiments of my family and all the members of the 106th Infantry Division Association in tribute to this officer and gentleman.
Respectfully yours.
D. B. Frampton, Jr.
106th Inf. Div. Assoc.

My dear Mr. Frampton:
Thank you for your heartfelt sympathy extended to me and the family.
I feel very alone without General Stroh, but I am grateful that I could share life with him so many years.
     I know General Stroh would have liked the impressive military service. He liked marches, and the ones the band played were his favorites, "Kings of the Highway," "High School Cadets," "Official West Point March."
     I have two U.S. Flags to show for my husbands and son's courage and devotion to our country, but I shall never get over the loss.
Warmest good wishes to you.
Imogene F. Stroh

    Kent Gardien, formerly of the 589th has gone back to Europe and is retracing the exact steps we all took back in 1944. When he returns we should have a wealth of information and pictures to provide interesting reading for all of us.


KOREA - 1954
(Continued from Page 18)
     Suppose the United States were half occupied, and that the invaders had huge forces--much larger than yours--posed on the border they had artificially created. Would you dig some trenches and sit there shivering, waiting for them to take over the rest of the country? I think not, and that is precisely the situation that exists in Korea.
     Secondly, Communism must be defeated wherever it manifests its aggressive tendencies. The Free Nations, especially those of the West, are not yet fully aware of the danger. Communism is bent upon the destruction of civilization, of freedom, of democracy throughout the world. Korea is just one episode in the master plan of thought control and the extinction of the individual. To argue with the communists, or to sign agreements with them, is completely futile. They are not men of honor, and what they say or agree to will be contradicted or breached just as soon as it suits their purpose.
     To defeat the Communists in Korea, we must push than out of the north. There are those who think that this can be done by peaceful means. I do not agree, but because the United States has asked for time to try non-violent means, we have agreed to wait a reasonable time to try non-violent means, we have agreed to wait a reasonable period. We are still waiting, and the Communists are still in the north--at least one million of them, under arms, and hundreds of thousands of others streaming in to occupy the land. As has always been the case, the Communists are giving up absolutely nothing that is not taken away from them. As for the rest of Asia, I think that we can stand against the Communists and win the battle for freedom if we get together and, with assistance from the other Free Nations of the World, especially of the United States, stick together. This is the meaning, in part, of the Free Asian Alliance that President Chiang Kai-Shek of Free China and I have proposed.
     Finally you ask me what a veterans' organization can do to protect the rights, liberties and freedom of the Korean people. That is easy to tell you but perhaps hard to do. Tell the story of Communism--tell it near and far. Persuade your friends that Korea's battle is their battle, that if the Korean battle is lost, you shall most assuredly have the struggle raging on your own doorsteps in a relatively short span of time. Persuade them that the contest is not just for so many square miles of Korean soil, or for any other piece of territory, but for the rights of men to live their lives in peace and security and liberty, free from the awful oppression of a statism that knows no God except conquest and total power.
     If all the Free World comes to understand Communism and what it really is, we need have no fears about the future. The Communists will be annihilated in the greatest crusade that free men have ever conducted.
Thank you for your interest in freedom, and the best of luck in your efforts to preserve it.
Yours sincerely,
President, South Korea

December 16
     The Baltimore Chapter held a reunion at the Deutsches Haus and those that attended had a wonderful time. There was free beer, movies and snacks. The Committee was disappointed however in the attendance despite the fact all was free. Those attending were: Jacques Block K/422, Henry Broth I/422, Austin Byrd A/589. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fowler, Div. Surg. Off., Bob Garretson DHQ and Mr. and Mrs. John Loveless Hq/422. As we have said many times. "Just so long as there is one man alive in the Association to bow his head on December 16 in memory of his departed comrades we have remembered."
For a report on Detroit, Editor will let Bob Kelly tell it in his own way:


     This year for our Memorial Dinner we used the least effort and had a very successful party. We simply decided that we would get together at some restaurant that has a dance band and bar and not have a planned affair. We sent out cards to the various fellows around here, advising them of the time and place that we wore going to get together and we were surprised to find that forty (40) live ones showed up. We met at a restaurant named Joey's Stables at about 8:00 p m. and closed the place at 2:30 a.m.
     I doubt if Jack Gillespie could talk the next day. He and Emlyn Jones did themselves right well as leaders of the group singing and they were so good that they had several of the patrons in the place singing along with us.
     Floyd Powell was there with a fur bow tie and his chic wife, Marilyn, hit the high spots when she missed her chair after doing a hula number. I was accused of moving the chair from where it was when she got up to perform but I pleaded--Not Guilty.
     The folks all took time for a few moments of silent reflection, a gesture that favorably impressed all the other customers in the house. Our faithful supporters, Mr. and Mrs. David Woodson, were there with their daughter and her escort. David Woodson, Jr., 424 Inf - D Co., was one of the fellows whom we left behind in Europe.
     Larry Gubow then suggested that we do something practical to help the Memorial Fund and with the assistance of his vivacious wife a collection of $25.00 was realized and has been sent along to Mr. Schnizlein.
Jack Gillespie also reported on this affair and added this:
     Those in attendance were: the Hatton, Rutts, Rowes, Kenyons, Powells, Jones, Gillespies, Brieves, Douglas, Jolgren, Burrells, Malanecks, Thierys, Woodsons, Gubows, Frankini, Dahmer, and the Rosenkotters.
     The above group included their wives and gal friends, plus a few elite guests. People we planned on; but could not come at the last minute were: the Frenchs, Rossi, Dents, Collins, and the Johnsons.

(Continued on Page 22)

Division Association Chaplain
     We are now in the tenth year since the Battle of the Bulge. In 1944 the division saw maneuvers in Tennessee, Camp Atterbury, the crossing of the Atlantic, regrouping on the continent, then the front lines -and Bingo! December 16 was it! The years have rolled by, the veterans are scattered to the four winds, but the remembrance of the hardships endured together keeps us united, not only to one another, but to the cause we fought for.
     The total victory of lasting peace is not yet accomplished and may not be for many years to come. But the investment we made in suffering and mental strain, and our buddies put everything into it including their lives, is too precious to be lost. The fight still continues and we are still in it. This means that we have to live right. "The world will become better when men become better." Our individual goodness may not be much in the vast amount of goodness that is required to make the world secure, yet it is a valuable contribution; for the goodness of the world is the sum total of all good men that go to make it up. Just as the sum total of evil in the world is the totality of evil men. One more either way really counts. The big thing is that God is on the side of the good and even death in a worthy cause is precious in His sight. So our individual justice and charity or our individual injustice and sin does make a difference. The 106th made a difference ten years ago.

     Quite it few issues ago we printed a photo of Robert Tucker of Co. D/424. Photo was sent in by Mrs. Reba Hilsman, R-6, Box 392. Visalia. California. When Editor returned photo it came back marked moved, no address.
Does anyone know where to find Mrs. Hilsman? Glenn, do you have a change of address in Memorials File?


December 16

(Continued from Page 21)
     May I add in closing, that we are especially appreciative of the way the Detroit area group turned out. We have a damn good crew of former 106ers-if I may brag a little.
Pass along the regards of all the fellows for us--with members more for fifty-four.
     Columbus. Ohio, area also held a very successful dinner. Everything was on the house as in Baltimore. Held at the Ft. Hayes Tap Room. Naturally our go-getting President took care of arrangements.
     New Jersey Group--Jersey had its usual very successful dinner. Attended by 43 members and guests. Heard a very inspiring speech. Donated for the second year $25.00 to Memorial Fund. Discussed also Jersey group's plan to celebrate 10th Anniversary Battle of the Bulge in Belgium this year. The affair was planned and successfully executed by Dick DeHeer. Dave Brumaghin, Tom Bickford, Robert Stack, and Doug Coffey. We had squab and wild rice, a real delicacy in these parts.

Welcomes You Membership!
Any wife mother, sister or daughter of a 106th Infantryman is eligible to join our Auxiliary.
Dues including CUB $3.00
Dues without CUB $2.00
Send dues or write for information to:
Secretary-Treasurer 106th Aux.
217 E. Davenport Street
Iowa City, Iowa
We'll tell you WHO WE ARE; WHAT WE DO: and about our ACTIVITIES and SERVICES.

     ABRAMS, HAROLD of Upper Darby, Pa. is with the Home Insurance Co. He hopes to see some of his buddies at Atlantic City.
     BOWMAN, BYRNE A., Judge Advocate, now practices law in Commerce Exchange Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. He has son 13 and daughter 11.
     BROTH, HENRY M., I/422, Baltimore, Md., is a design, layout and installation Engineer of Kitchen and Restaurant Equipment for Baltimore Sada Mfg. Co., in Baltimore. Has 2 boys ages 7 and 13 and one daughter 6 weeks old.
ALICE and CLIFF PERRAS from Nadeau, Mich. had a boy, John Joseph, weight 7 lbs, 12oz. Big, Eh!

We have many more of these fellows, but space necessitates their waiting till next Issue.

     Your editor and a few other hardy 106ers plan to have some sort of reunion in Liege, Belgium, this December, the 10th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. More details will follow as succeeding issues of the Cub come out. If any of you receiving the CUB are interested in making a trip to help memorialize the Anniversary, will you contact our Adjutant, who is also Secretary of the 10th Anniversary Committee?

     These pictures speak for themselves. The one with the large Hotel and beachfront scene with cabanas is our home for the Convention. As we have pointed out before it is not too early to make reservations. Costs nothing, but gives Committee some figures to work with. You can make them without proper cards by mentioning the 106. However, we plan to include registration cards with next Cub. Take your vacation, with or without your family or sweetheart and really enjoy the shore.






Index for: Vol. 10, No. 3, Feb, 1954

Index for This Document

106th Div., 3
106th Inf. Div., 2, 3
106th Infantry Division Association, 3
424th Inf, 3
424th Inf., 7
424th Inf. Regt., 3
8th Inf. Div., 2
9th Inf. Div., 2
Abrams, Harold, 9
Africa, 2
Baker, Col., 3
Battle Of The Bulge, 7, 9
Beals, Mrs. Carol. W., 9
Belgium, 9
Bickford, Tom, 9
Block, Jacques, 5
Born, 1
Bowman, Byrne, 9
Bowman, Byrne A., 9
Broth, Henry, 5, 9
Broth, Henry M., 9
Brumaghin, D. C., 1
Brumaghin, Dave, 9
Brumaghin, David C., 1
Byrd, Austin, 5
Camp Atterbury, 7
Cavanaugh, Father Paul W., 7
Cavanaugh, Paul, 1
Central Europe, 2
Coffey, Doug, 9
Coffey, Douglas S., 1
Coffey, Mr., 1
Croix De Guerre, 2
DeHeer, Dick, 9
Fowler, Bill, 3
Fowler, Mr. & Mrs. Bill, 5
Fowler, William K., 1
Frampton, D. B., 1, 3
Frampton, D. B., Jr, 1, 3
Frampton, D. B., Jr., 3
Frampton, Mr., 3
French Croix De Guerre, 2
Gardien, Kent, 4
Garretson, Bob, 5
Gillespie, Jack, 7
Gubow, Larry, 7
Hilsman, Mrs. Reba, 8
Inf. School, 1
Jones, Emlyn, 7
Jones, Gen. & Mrs., 3
Kelly, Bob, 6
Korea, 1, 5
Liege, 9
Liege, Belgium, 9
Loveless, Mr. & Mrs. John, 6
Memorials, 8
Normandy, 2
Northern France, 2
Perras, Alice & Cliff, 9
Powell, Floyd, 7
Price, David S., 1
Reynolds, John, 1
Rhee, Syngman, 1, 5
Rhineland, 2
Sicily, 2
Stack, Robert, 9
Stroh, Gen., 3
Stroh, Imogene F., 4
Stroh, Maj. Gen. Donald, 1, 3
Stroh, Maj. Gen. Donald A., 3
Stroh, Mrs. Donald A., 2, 3
Stumpf, R. H., 3
Tucker, Robert, 8
West Point, 3
Woodson, David, 7
Woodson, Mr. & Mrs. David, 7