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The Cub
Vol. 50, No. 4, Jul., 1994

President's Report IC European Tour...
1993.94 106th Infantry Division Association President
Edward A. Prewett (right)113* Company, 424th Combat Infantry Regiment
Presenting our Division Battle Flag to Dr. Cramer, Superintendent of the Bischoflicke Schule.
The school is the site of the 106th Infantry Division Memorial (1957) at Saint Van, Belgium.
The flag will add coon to the dedication service of the 'new" memorial in September 1994.
    In the last CUB we requested volunteers for "Back Ups" for Adjutant, CUB Editor and Treasurer. As I write this report 4 July 1994, Boyd Rutledge, our Adjutant, is in the Minneapolis VA Hospital being treated for a heart attack and resulting complications. We all hope well for Boyd. It does re-emphasize the importance of having "Back Ups" for each of the offices. John Kline, our Cub Editor, who lives near Boyd, has been appointed as "Acting Adjutant" to help in the transition period. We do need to know who is out there that is willing to act as "Back Ups." Let Tom Riggs, 1st Vice-Pres., Richard Rigatti, 2nd Vice-Pres., John Kline, Acting Adjutant, or myself know of your willingness to respond. Please send a written resume of your qualifications.
    All of the Association's committees have been working diligently on your behal They will be reporting to the Association Board at the 48th Annual Reunion, September 1994, at Rapid City, South Dakota. Just in case one doesn't remember who is serving where, I'll restate the committee appointments - see box below. (Continued on nest page
LIMN MN Char. MN sxan MueM Trroma Torn 11.s. C., Boyd INtlackN. Jack Boise, Neu WI*.
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NM MON Chedr. Sam Oam. Dia Spa., Tod NoN

The CUB of the Golden Lion
President's Report Li European Tour...
    (President's Report continued from page 1) There will be the usual business to conduct plus the Adjutant's Report, Treasurer's Report and Cub Editor's Report. In addition there will be a proposal to publish a second book of personal histories and information accumulated by the Cub Editor. It is proposed to be similar to The CUB of the Golden Lion: PASSES in REVIEW in size and quality.
    If you have other business to bring before the Board, please submit an outline of the contents of that business to me, in writing, so that I may add it to the agenda. Because of the amount of business to be conducted, I request all Chairmen to keep their reports as brief as possible, and to the point.
    Proposals for the location of the 1996 Annual Reunion will be heard and voted on during the 1994 General Meeting. We have received an invitation from the Roanoke Valley Convention it Visitors Bureau to hold the 1996 Reunion there. If you are thinking of hosting the 1996 or the 1997 Annual Reunion, we want to know who you are.
    As Association President one hopes to make worth while contributions that lead to the betterment of the Association. I hope I have accomplished that. I enjoyed my year as your Association President and am very appreciative of the support I have received from the Association Board, the Committee Chairmen and their Committee Members. Special thanks go to John Kline, CUB Editor, Boyd Rutledge, Adjutant and Sherod Collins, Treasurer for their on-going contributions to the success of this Association.
    It is a pleasure to know that I am passing the leadership into strong hands. It is with great honor that I will pass the leadership to our 1st Vice-Pres, Thomas J. Riggs. He is respected by all as a great leader. Tom, I wish you well.
    I have only one regret! I guess I have no other choice than to reinstate "B" Co., 424th Combat Infantry Regiment's Private Rutland and Sergeant Peyser to their former rightful ranks as 1st Sergeant Roger Rutland and Captain Charles S. Peyser.
    Mattie Rutland and and Gerry Peyser are hereby relieved of their duties as Acting First-Sergeants, but I ask that you still keep your husband's in tow....Ed Prewar, Pres.
President's Report from Europe...
As long as I have the floor I would like to report on our recent trip to Europe.
(Date-line, Europe, on the Continent, starting D-D.r minus 18 In 1994)
    Reddie and I are part of the D-Day Tour #001 with Trafalga out of England. Originally conceived as a Tour for the 106th by Joe Massey. We are the only 106th representatives on the Tour. As the first of many tours to follow, we hit the beach on May 19th (18 days before D-Day. -- D-Day minus 18). Initially these two factors were a disappointment, now from Paris, we are very happy that we are on this tour and on this schedule.
    The #001 Tour is breaking ground and evaluating the four Tours that are to follow. The beaches are not yet ready for the 50th Invasion. The roads leading to these sites are little country lanes. The planners are taking over some pasture land and hauling in sand for the parking areas. Work is in progress, keyed with the urgency of preparing the sites, and as a result traffic is heavy and travel is difficult.


President's Report & European Tour...
    CONCLUSION -- We are glad we came early because it looks as if it will be impossible to move around during the "real" D-Day Commemorations.
    We have two buses traveling the same route, but not necessarily together. I haven't gotten the group in the Tour sorted out yet. Only a few on our bus were involved in D-Day 1944. They were;
    Connolly from New York - Special Brigade 6th Engineers assigned to the 29th Division - landed on Omaha Beach on D-Day.
Armstrong from California - 1st Army Headquarters - D-Day +4.
    Dixon from California - Went in early with a special Tank Repair Unit. Fred Robinson - Ontario, Canada - Royal Air Force (RAF).
Deskiewicz - Buffalo, New York - U.S. 9th Air Force.
Nick Sulavella - A Ukrainian from Winnipeg, Canada - Royal Canadian Infantry -fought in Northern Holland.
Being with veterans with a variety of experiences in enlightening. So, on count two - I'm glad to be on this Tour.
    The Tour itself started in London and travels the route of the Battles across Europe and liberates everyone on seven days. Quite an accomplishment. Although Reddie and I have been to Europe several times, usually with 106th Infantry Division tours, we had never been to Portsmouth, Cherbourg, the invasion beaches, St.-mere-Eglise, the Falaise Pocket, Caen and Rouen.
    After cleaning that all out we raced on to liberate Paris. A little something for everyone. Time for a break, we had seen enough battle areas and monuments. Time to hit a night-spot, the Latin Caberet de Paris, on the Left bank. The Master of Ceremonies invited Reddie and I up on the stage, because he liked her smile, and she ended up singing America the Beautiful. After that we could put up with some more monuments. So --on to Rheims, then Luxembourg City.
    By pre-arrangement, Andre HUBERT (President of CRIBA, Belgium) picked us up and we did our own thing. Andre took us to the newly dedicated Parker's Crossroads Memorial at Banque-de-Fraiture. CRIBA has done a great thing here. A Memorial that the 106th Division, and especially the artillerymen, should be proud of. The original stone marker has been retained and a mew one added which honors all American soldiers who 'fought in the Battle of the Bulge. A third plaque commemorates the 50th Anniversary. The site (Baraque de Fraiture) is located in one of the highest points in the Bulge area. In winter it is a favorite Ski Spa. The monument will be seen by many.
    The re-doing (rebuilding) of the Memorial at Parker's Crossroads, and the placing of a 105rnm Howitzer at the site, through the efforts of CRIBA and the City of Vielsalm should be appreciated by all. The Battle of Parker's Crossroads (Banque de Fraiture) was a glorious moment in the history of the 106th Infantry Division. The men of the 589th Field Artillery Battalion and supporting troops held that very important crossroads until men of the 82nd AirBome were able to solidify their positions. The defense of Banque de Fraiture kept the Germans from "touring" into Liege. A significant accomplishment by our troops. (Test continued page 6. see photos next two pages)


President's Report & European Tour...
Ed Prewett. Assoc. Pres.93/94
with wife Reddie and
Andre HUBERT. Pres.
Centre de recherche et cr
information sur la bataille des
at the site of Parker's
Crossroads Memorial
and 105mm Howitzer.
The 106th Battle Flag
was presented later to
Dr. Cramer. Supt.
Bischoflicke Schule
St. hits.
'Parkees Crossroads
Idle Major Arthur C. Parker
Repit L'Iniative La Victoire
De La 106th Infantry Division
'Golden Lion'
Et Aosta L'Enemi Entre Les
20 El 24 Decembre 1944'
Overall view of the
Memorial at
Parkers Crossroads
Baroque de Fralture
John Galen, 5139111/6 FAB
says the 155mm Howitzer is
pointed In the direction
from which the German troops
were attacking.


President's Report 8 European Tour...
     A master stone meson with helpers from the Bischoflicke Schule laying the entrance way to the new 106th Memorial in St. VIM. The Memorial (see front page) is directly In front of Oro old site, root to the sidewalk. As you can see they are using
sturdy paving stones
for the entrance way.
    (From the editor) - This picture and the following were furnished by Phil Gerlach, 424/0, who visited St Vith as the new monument was in its Initial construction stage. He and his 424/0 buddy Bob Homan (left) Are standing in front of the altar that was pad of the old memorial. As you can see the plaque has been removed and is sitting on the altar. The old site will not be used as a memorial, contrary to information recently published by a tour agency.
     Phil Gerlach, 424/D (right) with Bob Homan. 424/D on the left and Henri HANNON, Leige. Belgium, a pen-pal of the CUB editor. Henri transported them II over the area, including a trip to the St. Vith Memorial, as above. The photo was taken in Henri's back yard. in Liege. I intended to do a big story on Henri HANNON In this issue, but will do it next eme. Ran out of room and U1710 .. J. Kline


President's Report & European Tour...
    We then contacted Serge and Suzanne FONTAINE, CRIBA members, and paid a visit to Dr. Cremer at the 106th Memorial site in St. Vith. Dr. Cremer, Superintendent of the Bischoflicke Schule. Since we could not speak the language, Andre HUBERT and Serge FONTAINE acted as our interpreters and diplomats.
    The school has tended our 106th Memorial (circa 1957) since the day it was built. We presented the school with our 106th Infantry Battle Flag. (see photo at the head of President's Message column.) We also inspected the work in progress on our new memorial. (The new memorial is shown on the front cover of this CUB.) It is designed to have many years of life. Made of large stone, surrounded by flowers and with a heavy paving stone walk way, it will be impressive. The grand old Memorial built in 1957 has deteriorated over the years. It is, was, a facade placed over a wall of a machine shed, facing the street. It has served it's purpose well. While the building will still stand, the memorial to the 106th, on the plastered wall, has been removed. The Bischoflicke School has maintained it as well as they could. As we all know building maintenance can be expensive and the plastered wall was in need of expensive repair. It was felt a more permanent structure would be prudent as we all get older and think of passing along our legacy to upcoming generations.
    Dr. Cremer was very proud of the participation of the children in the school. He related all that had been done in the past with the children participating in annual ceremonies dedicated to the 106th Infantry Division. The placing of flowers on the memorial and the volunteer help in some of the upkeep of the memorial. It should be noted that every cent of the funds that the 106th Infantry Division Association forwarded the school is duly accounted for. He was very pleased with the building of the new memoriaL He liked the permanence of stone and seemed happy to reclaim the deteriorating machine shed for a better use by the school. The visit to Dr. Cremer and the Bischoflicke Schule was a highlight of our trip.
    The Tour Bus picked as up at the 2nd Division Memorial. They couldn't figure out where it was and visited four other monuments before they found us. Now we know that there are four other monuments in Saint Vith.
    Andre gave me a book describing 108 monuments to the war that are in the Ardennes area. They call them the Souvenir Route (Memory Route). Looking at the book reminded me that in 1913, which wasn't too long ago, the veterans of the Battle of Getonbrag were celebrating the 50th Anniversary of their battle, and building monuments.
    To complete our joumey, we tried to liberate Holland, got to Eindhoven, Nijmegen, but reached a Bridge Too Far at Arnheim. Crossed over into Germany took the Remagen Bridge and earned a leisurely cruise down the Rhein with a glass of Rhein Wine. We left the tour and proceeded on our own to visit some old friends.
    We watched the D-Day Celebrations in relaxed comfort in Switzerland. We could switch channels and get it in four different languages. My Swiss Exchange daughter mixed her English and referred to the old veterans as ancient veterans.I quickly corrected her and pointed out that the two words are not interchangeable.
    Joe Massey had a good idea with this Tour. Sorry that it did not work out for him. We surely enjoyed it Ed Prewett, President 1993-94


"A Time for Everything..."
    When we meet for our 48th Reunion in September our Board of Directors will ask us to make a very important decision. It is one which directly affects the life of each of as and of our 106th Association. It is an action which many have seen on the horizon for some time but kept doggedly hoping we could duck.
    However since time waits for no man, we have to honestly face and make the decision which will be set before us. It is always hard to realize how fit time can pass. When I entered combat (in 1944) I was nineteen, which places me among the younger members of the Association. Now some of you probably have grandchildren about that age. It also means that even the youngest of as will be around 80 by 2005. In Joshua 10:13 we are told of a time when God caused the sun to stop in the middle of the sky and delay its going down for about a day. Although you and I might wish that time could be suspended for us, the fact is that isn't to be. Each year we meet and face the fact that some who had celebrated with us the previous year have gone to join the increasing number of our 106th Division members who have become the Division Invisible.
    Many times in our lives God has called us to make hard decisions but make them we must. Now our officers and directors will be asking us to make a hard decision in the life of our beloved Association but make it we must. The very fact of advancing age demands it! Whether we vote to accept the plan they offer or some alternative, we know that some action must be taken to protect our Memorial and the history and memory of our 106th Division and Association.
    The third chapter of Ecclesiastes brings as face to face with the fact that there is a time for all things. In Chapter 3:1, 06 the writer says, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." and then he goes on to point out what many of these things and activities are.
    You and I are being asked to face up to the fact that many of our number have already answered that last Assembly. There is a time for all things and not one of us knows when we will move from visible membership in our Association to join that innumerable number who make up our invisible Association membership. If there is a time for all things as Ecclesiastes tells us --and I believe that there is-- then this may be the time that we put a plan into effect to ring down the curtain on the active life of the 106th Infantry Division Association.
    Father, help us by your wisdom to make right decisions about an things. We would particularly seek your guiding as we come together in September as concerns the future of this Association. AMEN.
212 atlas Si,, BishopAe, SC 29010


Front & Center...

    All "ANNUAL" dues paying members should have had their dues paid by July I, 1994. Annual Association fees are good from July Ito June 30, the next year. Boyd Rutledge is recovering from a heart-attack and the resulting complications. He is resigning as ADJUTANT. The Association Board is looking for a replacement.
    PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THIS IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. IT IS TOO COSTLY TO KEEP SENDING LETTERS ASKING FOR PAYMENT OF ANNUAL DUES. PLEASE PAY UP NOW OR YOU WILL BE ELIMINATED FROM THE MAULING UST. The Adjutant acts as the "Business Manager" for the Association. He is responsible for the "Official membership roster." He records the minutes of the Board meetings and makes an official report of the membership during the annual meeting.
    LIFE MEMBERSHIPS are still available at $75.00 per member- no hassle with ANNUAL payments.... There is record keeping and letter writing in connection with the office. A computer with a "Word Processor" and a "Database" is preferred. There are 1,670 names and addresses to keep track of, as well as death lists, rosters of those that have dropped from the Association, etc.
    PAY your dues to the TREASURER, Sherod Collins, 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA, 30144 If you feel you can handle the position of ADJUTANT, please contact one of the officers or directors listed in the inside front cover of this CUB and send a resume of your qualifications.
    The mailing label on this CUB tells the date that your membership expires. If there is any mistake contact the editor, who keeps the address label roster. My address is on the inside front cover. John Kline is "Acting Adjutant" until such time as a replacement is found.
    Many Tour Agencies offer "TRIP INSURANCE. If you are traveling and are offered such insurance, please read and understand the conditions. It is a legal contract between you and the tour group.
     With respect to Boyd Rutledge, Adjutant, his illness points out the importance of having a back-up for the three important positions of Adjutant, Editor and Treasurer.
     If you have that talent and could backup the positions of "Editor," "Adjutant" or "Treasurer," and would like to be listed as a "Back-Up" for any of those positions, please contact the President, Ed Prewett, or the Ist Vice-President, Colonel Riggs. Addresses and phone numbers are on the "Inside Cover" of this CUB. We must keep these positions active.
    In my last "Front & Center" column in the APR-MAY-JUN issue, I promised pictures and stories from "PEN PALS" in Belgium and England.
    To do them justice I needed a little more time. I did get three of the promised stories in this CUB. Next CUB for sure.
    My apologies, in particular, to Henri HANNON, Liege, Belgium. Henri, thanks for all of your support. Special thanks from the Gerlach family who you so graciously guided throughout the area J.

The CUB of the Golden Llon
Front 8 Center ...

Study Underway for Shoulder/Jacket Patches, and Annual member Cards LATE!!!
    Another Book ... Boyd Rutledge, our Adjutant, went into the Minneapolis, VA Hospital on July 4, due to a heart problem. He is at this time (7/29/94) progressing nicely.
    Thanks for the comments from many of you supporting the possibility of another book covering more of the history of the 106th Division. It is proposed be similar to the CUB of the Golden Lion: PASSES in REVIEW, that is, is size and quality. Favorable quotations have been received from the firm that printed the CUB PASSES in REVIEW. I have taken his place as "Acting Adjutant." until we find a replacement. Everything is up to date and the shop is running smoothly. There has been a delay in mail eg: orders for patches, Life Membership cards which are enclosed in plastic.
    In particular this book would cover many of the bits of personal history that the editor has accumulated over the last few years. Much of it too voluminous for The CUB. Eg: POW experiences, some personal papers etc. There would be an update of those interesting articles that have appeared in The CUB after the CUB PASSES in REVIEW was published as well as awards, reunions and officer appointments since that original. For the time being, for you members that have paid ANNUAL DUES, (I, 147) there will be no membership cards sent. The date on your CUB address label will suffice until a decision is made on the status of mailing individual "Annual" cards.
    This matter will be presented to the Board at it's meeting in South Dakota. Each card has to be placed in a typewriter - have you ever tried to type on a "business card" in a manual typewriter? -after destroying a couple due to placement, the card is placed in a stamped envelope and delivered to the post office. There has to be a better solution. Personally, my membership card resides in a dresser drawer. Since I don't need it to get into a "Bar," or a "Meeting," I don't really need it, do you? WOW- 1,147 times 5 minutes per card (typing, stuffing and mailing) - Am I wrong or is that actually 95 hours of typing, Even if you cut that by a third, that's a lot of work for any one man. It takes me about 50-55 hours to put each CUB together. Add to that the time and the cost fora 4 color business card and a stamp (.60 cents approx. x 1,147 -- $688.00, plus 95 hours "slave-labor") More on this later. We have some mighty minds at work on this one.
    If you have any comments please contact one of the Officers or Board members, of the Association. Names, addresses and phone numbers appear on the inside cover of each CUB. Hmmmm.. Maybe the expiration notice on The CUB - will - suffice, what do you think??
The eternal question has come up again. Three stars, or four for the 106th..
    Really three, for even though WD GO 103, 1945 awarded the 106th the Northern France star (a campaign dated 25 July to 14 September), DA GO 41 1958 deleted the division from this campaign since the 106th did not arrive into France until December 1944. So it's Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace and Central Europe. If you have Northern France on your discharge, don't fret, don't sweat, you just got another five points towards your discharge that I didn't.


Front & Center...

Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge (VBOB) Announcement...
     VBOB have announced the "National Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, St. Louis, Missouri, December 15-16, 1994.
All veterans are elgible.
     The United States of America World War Commemoration Committee has designated St. Louis, Missouri as the sight of the 50th Commemoration of the BATTLE OF THE BULGE.
Write :
Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge PO Box 11129
Arlington, VA 22210-2129
     for schedules of events and information. A lot of you have read of this in the BULGE BUGLE, the VBOB official voice. You do not have to be an Ex-POW to participate.
It's going to be a GALA event....
Dan Bled Reminds Us...
Chris Van Kerckhoven/Doelstraat 55
B-2260/Westerlo, BELGIUM, is apparently willing to dig up facts about the area where the 106th fought.
He is interested in personal history, diaries and facts from individual soldiers.
    We have had several of our members furnish him with information and personal diaries. Write him, he will send you a questionnaire and ask for your history. ^
RE; Belgium Medical Support
From: lean-Pierre BASTIN, Lieutenant Colonel, Asst. Defense, Military, Naval val Attaché
     In cooperation with Mr. Kenneth Bargmann, the project Officer for the World War II Commemoration, Department of Veteran Affairs, I would like to inform those who will travel to Belgium and Europe, to attend commemorations, that the Military Health Service agreed to urgent assistance to those veterans who might need it.
The offer is good between I May 1994 and 28 February 1995 and includes wives.
     The veterans must present their identification cards and if necessary a contact can be made with the US Embassy in BRUSSELS. (Tele; 02/513 3830; Ext 2388) (condoned next page)
    I just received notice from the American Legion that it would cost me $317.00 for a LIFE Membership. We let you in at $75.00.
As Brig Gen. Oliver Patton (US ARMY
Retired - 2nd LI, Co FM23rd Inf. 1944) said in a
    recent letter, "It finally dawned on me that I have been fishing 'behind the net' with annual dues, when I can join the Life Member of the Division Association and stop sweating the label on The CUB. We used to tell the troops, 'Don't sweat the small stuff,' so I sent in my LIFE dues."
    Thanks, 011ie, that was a nice story you sent, that appeared in the USMA Association of Graduates publication, Assembly. I hope to have it in the November


Front & Center...
The four points concerned are;
The Queen Astrid Military Hospital in BRUSSELS NEDER over HEEMBEEK (Tel: 02/2680050, Ext 2444);
The Medical Center of Marche en Famenne, Quartier Roi ALBERT (Tele: 084/313068; Ext 2038);
The Medical Center in Liege (Blengy-Saive), Qu artier On CUYPER-BENIEST (Tele: 041/629817, Ext 3095);
The Medical Center at 1st Artillery in Bastogne, Rome de Laroche (Tele: 061/212321; Eat 2222)
    The Medical Care is first echelon care, including denistry, and evacuation if needed to the nearest civilian hospital in case of special or intensive care. The care given at civilian hospitals will not be financed by the Ministry of Defense. To prevent any surprise, it would be good advice to the veterans to take insurance to cover any eventuality.
    There are no Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) medical facilities in foreign countries withtheacceptionofthePhillipines.
    The Bureau of Consular Affairs of the United States of America reminds travelers the the Soicial Security Medicare programs do not provide for payment of medical service outside the United States.
    You should seek local advice from your insurance carrier. You may be able to buy supplemental coverage for the duration of your trip.
    Unless specified in the policy, most health care insurance policies do not pay for medical evacuations to the UnitedStates. These services could cost in excess of 550.000.
    If you require medication, be sure to take an ample supply in its original container along with a copy of the dolor's prescription. It is good practice to pack the medication and extra eyeglasses in your hand baggage so they will be available in case of lost luggage.
Department of the Army U.S. Army
Military History Institute
Carlisle Barracks
Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 17013-5008
Historical Services Division
Mr. Kline,
    Thank you for the additional donation copies of the CUB. We will add these to your earlier donation. We are in the process of inventorying our holdings and will advise you as to what editions may be missing. Also, thank you for placing us on the distribution list for future CUB magazines.
    We are pleased that the Institute will be the permanent home for the 106th Infantry Division Archives when your assoc iation terminates. This will be a significant and important addition to our Archives and we value the privilege of becoming the custodian of your historical papers.
    We appreciate all that you and your fellow 106th veterans are doing to help preserve the military heritage ofour nation and of the many contributions of the 106th Infantry Division.. Dan A. Nettling, Major, FA, Coordinator, Veterans Affairs.
Camp Atterbury - 2nd Annual Memorial Observance._
    On August 7, 1994 Atterbury hosted the second annual observance of the dedication of the Camp Atterbury Veterans Memorial and the fifth annual Italian POW Chapel Reunion Picnic.
    The Veterans Memorial observance recognizes the thousands of soldiers and civilians that have contributed to the legacy of Camp Atterbury during the past fifty-two years, and especially to those who served during World War II, Korea

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center...
CAMP ATTERBURY MEMORIAL Continued from preceding page
    The Veterans Memorial includes 10 Indiana limestone markers dedicated to the Major Army units that passed through the Atterbury gates on their way to the war. Centered between the memorial wall and reflection pond is a six foot bronze statue depicting a WWII combat soldier.
    The fifth annual Italian POW Chapel Reunion Picnic, with a pitch-in dinner and tour was a success. The structure know as the "Chapel in the Meadow" was built, after hours, by Italian POW's during the summer of 1943. The 767 Italian servicemen had been captured in North Africa. These soldiers dedicated themselves to build this chapel from very limited supplies and left-over materials from the Camp Atterbury construction.
During the ceremony a wreath depicting the 106th Infantry Division Associa-
    Lion was displayed. The wreath was donated by Floyd Friend 423/M. His wife Florine had the idea and had started making it. Unfortunately she passed away before the wreath was finished. The story of how it was completed and delivered was heart-warming.
    The Red/White/Blue wreath was designed by Florine Friend. When she passed away, the Phoenix, Arizona members of the POW-WOW Chapter of the American Ex-Prisoners of War chipped in to pay for the finishing of the wreath. Members of the Arizona 106th Group met at the Air-Port Inn, had a dinner and dedicated the wreath, with family and friends in attendance. It was then shipped, along with a plaque, to O. Paul Mere, 422/SV, Indianapolis, Indiana. Paul is the Association Representative for the Camp Atterbury Memorial. The wreath will also be used in future ceremonies. ^
    Floyd Friend, 423/M with wreath that Florine, his wife designd and started just before her death. See story on the preceding page and on this page about the Camp Atterbury Memorial Service where the wreath was used, and will be used in future ceremonies. Our thanks to Floyd and members of the Arizona 106th Group,
    as well as the POW-WOW Chapter of the AX-POW group in Phoenix, Arizona for the part they played. I know Florins would
be pleased.


Front 8 Center ...
A beautiful wreath and plaque (see below, and page 12 of this CUB, for more) resting
at the base of the 106th Infantry Division symbol at the Camp Atterbury Memorial
Park. The plaque under the wreath reads, "Donated by members of the Arizona
Association of the 106th Division.'
Camp Atterbury 2nd Memorial Annivers
    Report by O. Paul Mara, 422/SV. Indianapolis, Ind. Camp Attedwry Representative for The Mar Infantry °Malan Ossociabon
    As we know from prior reports, the Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association OK'd the acquisition of a wreath to be used for ceremonies at the Camp Atterbury Veteran's Memorial Park.
The above picture show the wreath that
was donated by the "Arizona Association
• of the 108th Infantry Division." It will be
stored for future use, in the Logistics
Building at Camp Atterbury, along with
• the wreaths of other units that trained there.
    This project was started and carried through by 106th Infantry Division Association members, Floyd Friend, 423/M and his wife Florin of Mesa, Arizona. Florin died in March 1994 just after she
    finished the "needle point head" of the Lion centerpiece of the wreath. Floyd along with the rest of the Arizona Association had the wreath completed and sent to me for use at Atterbury.
    I am sure that everyone who sees it willbe well pleased. It is of quality design and craftsmanship. The brass information plaque is enameled brass with engraved lettering. The inscription reads, "Donated by members of the Arizona Association of the 106th Division."
    I hope that everyone of you who, by chance or by choice, travel anywhere near Camp Atterbury, will stop and visit the beautiful park (open all year long) that is dedicated to those that passed through Camp Atterbury's gates. It may be visited by stopping at the Headquarters Building and asking for permission to visit the area.


Front & Center ...
Now I Know Why I Couldn't Find a "Lupinskl" In the 106th Roster...
    I seemed to go out of my way (page 36, May 1994 CUB) to explain that the "Igor Lupinski" who wrote "IN THE GENERAL'S HOUSE and other Stories" was not a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association. In fact, "Igor Lupinski" is the pen name of Philip J. Albaum, "K" Co., 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment.
    He was educated at City University of New York, Columbia University and LaSalle University where he earned his law degree. He is now retired and lives and writes in Santa Barbara, California
    He has read and written extensively on the military campaigns and political history of the European conflict under his real name PHILIP I. ALBAUM, while as IGOR LUPINSKI, he picks up the pen to write novels and short stories about the more personal face of war as it affects a wide range of inter-acting individual characters.
You will like
"IN THE GENERAL'S HOUSE and other Stories"
by Igor Lupinski /Philip J. Albaum.
    BOOKLIST (American Library Association) wrote, "In a world overflowing with books about World War II.. it's refreshing to come across a work of fiction penned by an American who was a POW in a German prison camp following the Allied defeat in the Battle of the Bulge.. Zeke Hymans experiences the life of a POW, making friends among the British and Russians in the stalag. It's a pleasue to read fiction so obviously steeped in fact and gracefully revealing the indomitable character of human spirit in the face of death."
    He offers a paperback edition @12.95 each or a clothbound @22.95 -- 106th Association members can take a 20% discount on each book. Add $3.00 shipping per order. Mastercard/Visa or check.
Order from DANIEL & DANIEL, Publishers, PO Box 1525, Santa Barbara, CA 93102
Philip J. Albaum, 1994
Pen Name - Igor Lupinski
Philip J. Albaum, 423/K
POW photo
Garman Stalag January 1945


Front & Center

Mr. and Mrs Robert Kline, May 7, 1944 - May 7, 1994 - 50 Years
Robert was the Communications Sergeant
"M" Co., 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment
Congratulations to the still, blissfully wedded, Mr/Mrs Kline.
John, meeting you at the two recent place for the family over the years. We
reunions was indeed a pleasure. The work have two daughters, one grandson and one
you are doing, as editor, is amazing and granddaughter. We were married while I
much appreciated. Lucille and I are look- was on furlough from Camp Atterbury.
ing forward to seeing you in Rapid City, Lucille was able to visit one week-end
South Dakota. We are in Arkansas at this before we left for over-seas. Our first an-
time, but will be in Colorado most of the niversary was in a convoy heading back to
Summer. the good ole U.S.A.! You might notice that
    Our 50th Wedding Anniversary was V.E. Day occurred on that day also. Two celebrated on May 7, 1994 with a family German submarines surfaced and surrengathering at the Ox Yoke Inn in Amana, dered in the middle of the convoy. See you Iowa. It has been a traditional gathering in Rapid City....
Arthur (Babe) & Nettie Loos
60 Years of Wedded Bliss
July 30, 1934 -1994
Arthur was with "I" Co.,
422nd Combat Infantry Regiment
Credits for this emblem and the
picture on back cover (available at Belgian
Tourist Offices) to Office de Promotion du
Tourisme Wallonia-Broxelles, Belgium

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Dan Bled, 'A' Co., 422nd Combat Inf. Reg.. in front of 'Sweet Basil's Jaa Club." New York Cily, May
1994. A retired Journalist and newsman as well as a contributor to The CUB since 1987, he recently wrote
a book summarizing his 52 years as an avid 'JAM' fan. 1-le calls s "Jass Memories.'
With 245 pages of teal and 30 exclusive photos it is available from for $12 ppd (Reg price $15) to 106th
veterans. Write Dan - 108 Lerner Street. West Burlington, Iowa 52655. Telephone: (319) 7525708
West Burlington, Iowa, Dan Bied Writes
    I finally found a guy with the know-how and desire to fix my vintage Royal 440, which had been giving me fits for nearly a year, and have been busy writing some letters to our local editor on top of my columns, letters and other stuff Two of the letters dealt with World War II. The first one was in response to a national writer, Chris Matthews, who revived Gen. Dwight Eisenhower's "wartime intimacy" with his driver, Kay Summersby.
    No one admired Ike more than I did, it so happens. And my letter pointed out, among other things, that his wartime orderly. Mickey McKeogh, was quoted as saying "that stuff about an affair with Kay is sheer nonsense."
    McKeogh's comment appeared in a 1979 book by Virgil Pinkley, a longtime UPI newsman, titled "'Eisenhower Declassified." Pinkley also quoted Sir Kenneth Strong, who was head of Allied Intelligence, as saying the affair was "pure fiction," and Dr. Forrest Pogue, who was Gen. George Marshall's chief biographer, as branding the rumors as false.
    Navy Capt. Harry Butcher, who was Ike's top aid, also discounted the affair in Pinkley's book and the author noted that Summersby's death bed book, which alleged the affair, was completed by ghost writers who were, naturally enough, interested in giving the book some zip.


    It is, I realize, possible that Ike and Summersby had more than a boss-to-employee relationship. But no one has come up with evidence of a full-blown romance of the type alluded to in many political columns, even in a TV docu-drama.
    My other letter pertained to an editorial from The Biloxi Sun Herald, reprinted in our local paper, which warned that an exhibit planned for 1995 at the Smithsonian Institution would imply that our use of atomic bombs in World War II was "a war crime."
    I had a feeling I might be involved in the invasion of Japan, if it had been carried out, and have vivid memories of my elation, on behalf of all the Pacific Theater's infantrymen, when nuclear weapons ended the war. Also, I spent two years working on the AEC's atomic bomb assembly line in Southeast Iowa and am convinced the deterrent "nukes" prevented World War III from breaking out in Europe during the fifties.
    The Biloxi paper said the Smithsonian's exhibit would "gloss over Japan's decade and a half of brutal aggression before the sneak- attack on Pearl Harbor" and that it would "anger every American veteran who fought in that war, especially those who served in the Pacific.
    "I have," I wrote, "already been upset for many years by those who apparently would have preferred a bloody D-Day type of invasion, by ow expendable GI masses, to ending the war abruptly after our last ditch effort to force a surrender." I wrote to my congressman, Jim Lightfoot, asking him to determine if such an exhibit is actually being planned at the Smithsonian, "and if so why."
    NOTE: Gene Powell and his wife, Neva, did a great job planning our Co. A reunion at the West Point military academy. The Powells, who live in the beau tiful Hudson Valley themselves, couldn't have selected a better site for us last May. We stayed at the Hotel Thayer, just inside the main gates and received great treatment at the hotel and from members of the post commander's staff.
    The highlight of the reunion was a memorial service at the Post's old chapel with stirring remarks by Lt. Col. Bruce Bell, Chaplain David Stricker and our own Rev. Ewell Black.
There were, I'm certain, some tears, as we sang, prayed and remembered the Ardennes
J 00.
    (EDITOR'S NOTE - Re: JAZZ MEMORIES (see caption under Bied's picture on preceding page) - Margot, my wife, is a long time Jazz fan. She has a stack of 33-1/3 records with all the name bands and artists of the 50's.
    We played a few the other night. You don't find music that mellow anymore, anywhere. One of Margot's favorite vocalists was Anita O'day whose picture appears among the 40 photos that Dan has included in the book. That man knows his JAZZ! The money is right, with 3 bucks off the regular price.... John Kline, editor)
The CUR of the Golden Llon 17
From Belgium to Jill Knappenberger, Red Cross ...
Burg-Reuland, Belgium; Location of the 424th Combat Infantry Regiment in 1944
Photo famished by Emil GENNEN, a retired teacher who lives in Burg Reuland who was
a bo 12 ears of a e when American troo s arrived in September 1944.
    to publish a report in the historical magazine "Zwischen Venn and Schneifel ." I would send a copy to Ms. Knappenberger.
    Would you please ask her to send me a short report about her stay in St. Vith in 1944 and about her work and souvenirs (memories) of that time. There are many stories of soldiers, but few of Red Cross workers at the front lines.
I was a boy of 12 when the American troops arrived in Sept 1944 and during the Battle of the Bulge.
    For a long time I have been a teacher in the area of St. Vith, but am now pensioned and live with my family in BurgReuland near the German and Luxembourg border. Emil GENNEN. B-4790Burs-Rculand 20, BELGIUM....
    I recently received a letter, reproduced below, from Mr. Emil GENNEN, a retired "Chief Teacher" who lives in Burg-Reuland, Belgium. The town should be familiar to the men of the 424th Combat Kline, editor
    Some time ago I received a copy of "The CUB" from a veteran of the 106th Infantry Division, who stayed at the PIP-MARGRAFF Hotel in Saint Vith, Belgium. The hotel owner is my nephew.
    The CUB contained an interesting report about Ms. Jill Pitts Knappenberger and her Red Cross Clubmobile and the services that the Red Cross ladies performed for American troops. I write a lot about the Battle of the Bulge.
On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the battle and our liberation, I'd like

The CUB of the Golden Lion
My Little Window on the Battle of the Bulge ...
Feld Mlle, Wean Not la Front • Lt. Grey. Mgt McKenzie, LL Scot and Row. LL Neese. LL Stafford. LL Lang.
SM. Neb., LL Eliot. beak Row - Lt. McClure. Lt. Pate Leaman. LL Cefarene. LI Cassidy.
Ptclure taken at Namur. Belgium 23 December 1944
Ead Scott, 589th FA13/140
6414 Monument Ave
Richmond, VA 23236
    When you read in the last CUB that Col. Scott was going to tell of his experiences in the Battle of the Bulge, you probably thought, "What - another war story, I've heard a thousand! He'll put as to sleep." I worried about that too, I don't want to put anybody to sleep. But then I reasoned, if they're like me let em go to sleep, they need the rest.
    To begin with, I'm no hero, I won no medals and I'm certain that many of you were involved in much more dangerous assignments than me. My weapon, the Piper Cub airplane, was a fragile machine when confronting a world of hostile gunfire, foul weather, and unfriendly terrain. What I will describe here will be my activities during the period 16 Dec 1944 to I Jan 1945 as the Ardennes Offensive raged.
    The Ardennes Offensive was Hitler's grand plan, " WACHT AM RHEIN" Match on the Rhine) to destroy 20-30 Allied divisions by slicing through the western front, capturing Leige, Belgium, securing the Meuse River bridges, then on to the port of Antwerp--thus destroying the Allied Alliance and gaining the initiative in the war. In a statement to his Commanders upon ordering the attack, Hitler said, "Never in history was there a coalition like our enemies. If we deliver a few more heavy blows, this artificially bolstered common front may collapse with clap of thunder." (rbe Bitter Woods. by John Eisenhower)
    Six hundred thousand Americans fought in what came to be known as the Battle ofihe Bulge, the most decisive battle on the Western Front during World War II and the greatest ever fought by the U.S.


My Little Window on the Battle of the Bulge ...
Army. A desperate gamble by Hitler that
caught Allied forces off guard and he
nearly succeeded. (A Time for Trumpets, by
Charles MacDonald)
    It all began in the pre-dawn hours of 16 Dec 1944 as massive artillery barrages fell on American troops in the Schnee Eifel area along the German-Belgium boundary. Three German armies consisting of 12 divisions launched an assault against a sector held by an estimated four and one half U.S. divisions In addition, held out four division sized units as reserves. A focal point was St Vith, Belgium where the 106th Inf. Div. Headquarters was located. It's elements stretched out across a front of more than twenty miles.
    The German offensive drove to just short of the Meuse River and crunched to a halt on Dec. 26. By 16 January, exactly one month from its beginning, the First and Third U.S.. Armies linked up and Hitler's
Grand Plan died.
    Among the 600,000 Americans eventually involved in the fighting were three American armies, six corps, the equivalent of 31 divisions. Total American casualties were 81,000, including 23,554 captured and 19,000 killed. Among the 55,000 British, consisting of three divisions, were contingents of Belgian, Canadian and French troops. Their casualties totaled 1,400, of which just over 200 were killed. The Germans employed close to 500,000 men consisting of three German armies, 10 corps, the equivalent of 29 divisions. German losses numbered at least 100,000 killed, wounded, or captured.
    When I reported for duty to the 106th Inf. Div. at Fort Jackson on Oct. 12, 1943, I believed the job of pilot in the Field Artillery was the best job in the Army. They gave me a plane and an additional 50% of my base pay to fly it. My first
a name unkown; Lt Earl Sock Lt Jae Mcxenzia and I. JaoH Gray In fr. a or L. a Piper CUB' Liaison plane


My Little Window on the Battle of the Bulge ...
    encounter with DivArty's Exec. Officer, Col. Malin Craig, Jr., put me on solid footing. My prime function was to be an artilleryman first and a pilot second. When I reported to Headquarters Battery Capt. Beans of the 589th FA, set me straight. My shiny new 2nd Lieutenant bars didn't take with him. He addressed me m Mr. Scott, he hated pilots, especially 2nd Lieutnants, because one had stolen his girl in Texas. I was to get frequent duties like mess officer, supply officer, etc, and my first night aboard I was assigned as duty officer and slept in the orderly room.
    The 106th Div. shipped to England and I arrived with my Battalion in Gloucester, 18 Nov 44. The Divarty Air Section began immediately to assemble our planes which had arrived in crates at a bomber factory earlier. Leaving Gloucester on Dec. 4, we flew to an English airdrome at Cheltenham for clearance for our flight across the English Channel. Here's where I nearly tangled with a British four-engine bomber. Portable control tower gave wrong signal for my landing and I cut the bomber out of landing approach. The bomber bounced along in the weeds and grass and my Piper Cub rolled down the concrete runway. Probably would have been court martialed except the tower operator admitted that he gave me the wrong signal. The rest of the flight.was uneventful as we spanned a 50 mile stretch of the English Channel and landed at LeHavre, France.
    We arrived at St. Vith on 14 Dec. and occupied the air strip vacated by the 2d Div. Arty Air Section. The 106th Inf. Div. was relieving the 2d Div. My Battalion took over the position of the 15 FA Battalion an Dec. 9. We were all assured that this was a "quiet" sector and nothing ever happened.
Foul weather prevailed on the 15th and
    I visited my Battalion located in Auw, Germany. The 16th of December 1944 came in with a great blast. Artillery barrages hit Saint Vith and my Battalion position. The weather still foul, I headed back to the Battalion with my other pilot. He never got there. Lt. Graham Cassibry intercepted as with a message from the Air Officer to return to the strip. He needed a plane up for observation and was Cassibry was to be my observer. We returned to the airstrip and took off Flying toward the Battalion at about 1,500 feet altitude we received MG fire, tracers and the zip of bullets just a few feet out in front of the plane. What to do? The evasive action taught at Fort Sill was to execute a diving turn and come out over trees or ground with hedgehopping. Pilots of the 2d Div. said this maneuver was useless, the Germans were onto it, but they didn't tell what use in it's place. I did some rather tricky flying at that point and finally got out of danger. Neither of as was hit but the plane sustained multiple bullet holes. What a birthday celebration I turned 26 on that day.
    The next day was barely flyable but we did fly missions that morning. In the afternoon of the 17th we received orders to move and evacuated to a VIII Corps airstrip to the rear. The next day, due to small arms and MG fire around the strip, we were ordered to fly to Bastogne. The ceiling was zero and the time was 3:30 p.m. Two planes without pilots and Cassibry, my observer, volunteered to fly one of them out.
    He had never flown an L-4 but had some flying training at an Army Training School until he cranked a plane with no one in it. It took off and crashed over the end of the runway. The school sent him back to us. He flew this plane out.
I followed him into the air and quickly


My Little Window on the Baffle of the Bulge ...
    flew into a solid fog bank. Tried a lower level but the fog was very heavy. I decided to gain altitude and return to the airstrip but the fog was there also. In the process of climbing, Cassibry suddenly flew across my front - I barely missed him. At this point, I decided that he would not make it and I gave myself a very slim chance. The parachute was on a shelf behind me else it would have been my first jump. Fortunately that summer I had taken a three weeks course in instrument and night flying. With this knowledge I decided to spiral down and hopefully come out of the fog before crashing. This I did and at 100 feet "indicated" on my altimeter, I was out of the fog and over a field large enough to land. There at the edge of the field along a concrete highway stood a lone American soldier. I taxied up to the road, the soldier came over and I saw he was a Chaplain. Just what I needed!
    He told me that Bastogne was just four miles down the highway, he had just come from there and it wasn't too foggy. I proceeded to fly down the highway and very shortly was over Bastogne. Couldn't fmd the VIII Corps airstrip because of heavy fog and then realized that darkness was setting in. I landed mile west of Bastogne in a field next to an anti-aircraft unit. They fed me and provided a bunk in a barn but at midnight they evacuated the positions.
    They dropped me off at the edge of Bastogne where MPs picked me up and took me to Corps HQs. Here I was told by a Colonel to find a place on the floor and get some sleep. He woke me up before daybreak and said they were moving out. The 101st Air Borne was going to move in and they would take me out to my plane. Then I was left alone in the darkness.
I decided to walk out to my plane. As
    daylight came the 10Ist was moving into Bastogne. The fog was as heavy as ever. Civilians-were streaming down the road to the West as trucks and other vehicles sent their eerie sounds through the fog. German shelling was continuous with small arms and MG fire keeping up their chatter. It was a strange and lonely feeling as I sat there at the wheel of my plane hoping the fog would lift. I prayed that God would let me get out of this situation. Suddenly I saw the end of the field and the trees. I was able to fly out.
    Forty-five minutes later I landed in Neuchateau -- VIII Corps new Hqs and airstrip. I had lunch and went into the Corps war room and they told me that Bastogne was now encircled by the Germans.
    I came out to the street and a jeep pulls up and out steps Cassibry. He had landed in the front of an Armored Arty Battalion asked the Commander to destroy the airplane if he had to evacuate. He told a strange tale of spending the night in a Nunnery at Bastogne and then hitching a ride to Neuchateau. Two days later we were ordered to Namur. Forced down twice on the way, Cassibry and I spent the night on a mountaintop above the village of Willerzie, France.
    A French girl who spoke English took us to her house and two American soldiers led us up to an Engineer Battalion on top of the mountain. They were building a POW enclosure. The Colonel took us in, fed an and provided bunks for the night. His enlisted men thought we were spies.
    The Colonel thought that I was lying because he knew Lieutnants didn't fly the liaison planes - that was a Staff Sgt's job. At breakfast the Col wasn't sure until he questioned as again. He gave us 5 gals of truck gasoline for the plane and sent us back down to the village.
22 The COB of the Golden Lion
My Little Window on the Battle of the Bulge ...
LI Colonel. Pen Hagman Mohr) with LI. Mikan. near Mayan Germany Arsine. 1945.
Apparently deer trunUng was good LA used as a meal hook. Hagman was Assoc.. President 1951-62.
You have probably seen his 50n. Lame kIrrilmanerk. N series. 'DALLAS.'
We flew into Namur and next day an During the period 16 December 1944
    was ordered to Leige to assemble the Div. until just before the decimated units were Arty air sections. I spent Christmas Eve in pulled out to be reconstituted at Rheims, a Leige hotel but slept very little because the Div. Arty Air sections had 29 days of of German Buzz bombs. The Germans de- flyable weather and performed 100 artildared that Leige would be devastated or lery registrations, 32 adjustments on tar-leveled by these bombs on Christmas Eve gets, 90 reconnaissance flights, and 29 and Christmas Day. administrative flights which included
    On December 31, the 106th Div Air weather checks, displacements, roadnet Section was attached to the 30th Div. Arty checks, etc. Total missions flown -- 251. located near Spa, Belgium. We set up in a Perhaps some have wondered what-vacant house. I sent Cassibry to find a ever happened to Graham Cassibry. So stove. Several hours into the night he re- have I wondered. More than a year after turned running on a flat tire and bullet holes coming home Graham's mother called me in the back canvas. Said he bad been am- from Mississippi and said that he had run bushed. He had a stove. away from home. She wanted to know if he
    The next day, New Years Day, the air had come to see me, since I was one of his strip was strafed by German ME-109s and best buddies. Of course I had not seen nor
heard from him .... I wonder if she ever
my gunner shot one down. That afternoon
we returned to the 106th Div and settled found him? Earl Scott ^ into a regular routine of patrols, reconnais-
sance and administrative flights.


New Members
Be sure to check "LATE ARRIVALS" at the and of this column.
    I try to alphabetize this column, but some correspondence does come Just as I am closing down ready for print. I received 13 new members from Sherod as I was going through the process of saying "nuff is enuff."
We WELCOME all of the NEW MEMBERS. The count I have as of today (July 25, 1994) is 1,670 members.
    Those of you who haven't paid your 1994dues, please doso. It would bea shame if you did not receive the next CUB. If you don't pay, we have to drop you..... John Kline, editor
    I registered for the draft August 22, 1944 at the age of 17. Had no one to sign for me. My 18th birthday was December 12, 1944. I married on October 28, 1944, left for camp November 6, and went to Infantry Replacement Center for Basic at Camp Blanding Florida. Some dates are hazy, but I left for ETO in February of 1945, shipping out of Camp Kilmer, New Jersey on the Queen Elizabeth.
    After a short stay in England went to LeHavre, France through South Hampton, England. Went to Rennes, France and was assigned to "E" Co., 422nd Infantry, 106th Inf Div. as a replacement. We relieved the 66th Inf Div at St. Nazaire for two-three weeks. Then moved to Northern France, left the 106th after the end of the war. Was assigned to the 256th FAB at Lewidberg, Germany. Stayed with them until late October 1945. Re-Upped for one year was discharged as a draftee and inducted in the Regular Army at Ulm, Ger many in November 1945. Sent to Antwerp and left for the States November 29, 1945 for Camp Myles Standish, Boston, Mass. Landed December 9, went to IndianTown Gap, then home on a 60 day furlough, then to the 46t6 FAB, 5th Div, Camp Campbell, Kentucky. The 5th was deactivated in Spring of '46. I was transferred to the 3rd Infantry Division, 39th FAB. Discharged October 26, 1946 at Camp Campbell.
    I went into construction as an Operating Engineer and heavy equipment mechanic until May I, 1989. My wife of 45 years was hit head-on, 2.5 miles from our home. The man that hit her was also killed. We raised four boys and one girl. The children are all married. The wife and I had lived here on a farm raising sheep. Now that I am alone I'd like to get together with some of my past. Since the 106th was part of my past, I was pleased to find that I could join the Association. I am a member of the VFW, the American Legion and am a 32nd Degree Mason. There's more but I'll wait 611 another time. I don't see the 422nd Regiment on the other side of this application.
    (Editor's Note - Haskell, the units shown on the front side of the application am just suggestion to show how to list the unit that a new-member belonged to. You did everything just as you should have. Welcome back to the 106th... J.Kline)
BO% 976
COWETA, OK 79429
It is so good to join with you Golden Lions a in. It will soon be 50 years and

The CUB of the Golden Lion
New Members
our numbers are dwindling. I am looking forward to seeing you in St. Louis in December at the VBOB Commemoration.
    I remember 1944 when we moved up on the line. All nice and quiet with no problems. Then noises in the night like engines roaring, tracks clattering, etc. When reported the word came back, "They play that stuff over loud speakers to keep you guys awake." One evening at dusk a Spitfire screamed across the German lines just above the tree tops. Boy, did those" loud speakers" ever shoot back. He made it OK, but was the last plane we saw 'till Xmas Day. That night Jerry crunched through the snow on patrol. The only flare we had was a dud. Then one morning all hell broke loose. Screaming Meemies and all that. Nothing left above ground, ammo dump blown up, but most all of us in good shape. The Platoon Sergeant handed me and Pfc Clifford Freilinger a bazooka and one round of ammo to go down the hill and stop any tank trying to cross the creek. Also, to be sure to get the infantry following the tank. "Yes Sir," no doubt even crossed our mind, but no tank came, "Praise the Lord."
    We got out by hoofing cross country. Snow, filled canteen out of a Jeep track. Several days no food. One evening near St. Vith our company cook had a small pot of hot water with a few potatoes in it. "Fellows, I wish I had more for you." He had tears streaming down his face. I wish I could remember his name. Next day we hitched a ride out of there with some 7th Armored half- tracks. Found food, crab apples buried in horse manure, and later a half eaten can of Spam, laying beside the road. Next day clear skies. Lots of bombers going East.
Late Xmas day we made an assault on a small village. Somebody said "Man-
    hay," or near to it. I don't know. My buddy Freilinger took a machine gun bullet that broke his hip. I got some shrapnel in the thigh. Heard, the next day , that we lost 130 men in "F" Company on Xmas evening. Shipped back to USA January 1945, discharged in June '45.1 give the Lord all credit for my survival. Looking forward to hearing from all of you. Please write.
BOX lel
    Married Janice A. (Hayden) August 25, 1946. My wife died Jane 3, 1993. We had three children, Christine, Don and Bill. They are all living.
    I received my B.S. degree in the Spring of '49 from Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. I began teaching Industrial Arts and U.S. History here in Royal Center, Indiana in the Fall of '49 and taught for 40 years. I was captured near Schonberg with the rest of the 423rd and 422nd Regiments. I weighed 175 lbs. When I was liberated I weighed 108 lbs. I was in various hospitals in Halle, Germany. I never worked one day on the "spur" railroad at Reichmund Industries in Halle.
Worked in the IRS (quit after 14 years) and Rich's Department Store, Lenox.
    (Editors Note - Thanks for the contribution to the Memorial Fund. Your money will be used for Scholarships to the descendants of the 100th Vets.... J. Kline)


New Members
Stalag 4-B, Miihlberg, Germany, on the Elbe River northwest of Dresden.
    After five weeks at 4-B I was put in command of a work party (Kommando) and sent to the Amensdorf paper factory where were made to unload freight cars loaded with heavy logs that would be ground into pulp for the paper. On April 13, 1945, because the Russian Army was closing in, they marched about 150 POWs, (American, English, Polish, French; Belgian and Dutch,) to the West towards Allied forces. On April 19, 1945 we met up with the 69th Infantry Division. I stayed with them until I was sent to Halle, Germany to for medical attention.
    While at Halle the war ended and I was flown to Rheims, France then to Camp Lucky Strike near LeHavre. I came home in June of '45. After 72 days of recuperation I went to Ashville, North Carolina for rehab and discharge. Instead I was shipped to Fort Sill, Oklahoma and made an instructor of School Troops in a motor pool. I was eventually discharged from at Fort Sill in October 1945.
    After shifting around I went to work for GE working on Engine and Fire Control Systems for aircraft, ships and submarines. Then went to work for Bendix in similar duties for NASA. My association with NASA enabled me to work on space craft rockets and shuttles.
    I love to travel, since my hobbies are limited by health. I have a travel trailer and have covered the contiguous United States. I particularly like the Maine and Washington Coastal areas. At age 74 I am still anxious to see more of our great country.
I was with the 424th Anti Tank Company from March 16, 1943 until Camp Lucky Strike, October 1945.
2006-55 ONTARIO RD NILES, MI 49120
    I am the daughter of your "Membership Committee Chairman," Gil Helwig of "M" Company, 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division.
(Editor's Note - HI Pam. Nice to see your name as an ASSOCIATE member... J. Kline)
Holeein, An$s.L 422/E
7, Terrace
V Sidney, NY 13838-1317
    I received my Basic Training at Camp Blanding, Florida, IRTC. Went to Atterbury for advanced training and was assigned to "E" Company, 422nd Regiment. While there I was promoted to PFC and qualified for the Expert Infantry badge.
    Went with the Division to England on the HMS Mauritania and was billeted at Adelstrop, near Oxford, England. Shipped to the Continent via South Hampton and LeHavre. On to St. Vith. When the Bulge broke I was taken prisoner with many others near Schonberg. Marched as prisoners through Bleialf to Pribn then on to Gerolstein. Boarded boxcars at the marshalling yard and locked up in the bitter cold. On Christmas Eve, while still locked in the box cars, we were bombed by allied planes. There were many prisoners killed and wounded. On Christmas morning they let us out of the box cars to stretch our legs and get a drink. Later that day they moved as by train until we were unloaded at


New Members

MCGINTY, EDWARD F. 589/C bombed by Allied planes on 23/24 December.
    3937 OLD COLUMBIA PIKE I believe it was Christmas Day that we were taken to Stalag 9-B, Bad Orb, Germany, where we endured privation, unsanitary conditions and malnutrition. It was there, for the first time, that I read through the New Testament and attended services, led by our Chaplain. I was baptized while in Stalag 9-B.
    ELLICOIT CITY, MD 21043 I heard Patton's tanks rumble nearby going towards the East and hope was building up for our release as the German guards took off. I kept the record of graves of a small cemetery for GIs who had died from malnutrition and wounds of combat. On Easter Sunday, April 2nd a member of General Patch's 5th Army liberated us on the day of Resurrection when the Savior liberated as from Sin, Death and Hell.
    410-465.0832 After returning to the United States I was assigned to Camp Drum, NY to guard German prisoners who worked in various faros in upper New York.
     Discharged on 14 December 1945 I resumed education under the GI Bill at CCNY and New York U., graduating with a B.A. degree.
     After being converted by faith in the Lord Jesus' Atoning Work, I attended Faith Theological Seminary at Wilmington, Delaware, from 1949 to 1952, graduating with a Bachelor of Divinity degree.
     I have pastored two churches as an ordained minister of the Bible Presbyterian denomination, a Bible believing and Bible proclaiming Fundamentalist Church. Am presently ministering at the Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church, Nanoid, New York.
Have been happily married to Pearl Boyden Peters since 1952. have no children, but very loving relatives.
Peters, Rev. Emanuel 422/CN
95 So. Middletown Rd Name. NY 914.623.2202
    I'm sorry it took me so long to join the Association. I heard about it from an Ex-POW in 1992 at the V.A. in Lyons, NJ
    I entered active service in Oct '43 at Fort Dix, New Jersey. After Basic at Fort Bening I was sent to join the 106th at Camp Atterbury. I fast joined "B" Co., 422nd Regiment and then was transferred to the Cannon Company of the 422nd. I had earlier training in "Artillery" during ROTC at the Ohio State University.
    After taking the Aquitania to Scotland, then transporting down to England we soon crossed the Channel and ended up in the Ardennes.1 recall reaching the Siegfried Line on 10 December 1944. We saw German helmets not too far from us and had an occasional spraying by German bullets.
    I was on guard when the barrage began on 16 December at 5:30 AM., with most shells going overhead. Little did any of us realize that the Battle of the Bulge was underway. Our regiment was soon cut off. Our Cannon Company did it's part by slowing the offensive by shelling oncoming ground forces and horse drawn weapons units.
    We tried to break out of the entrapment but at a crossroads we were met by blasts of mortar and artillery shells. Our commander surrendered by holding a white handkerchief above his jeep. After our capture we were marched to a small town and put into box cars. We were on a siding at Gerolstein when we were


New Members
Sherod Collins, I have enclosed dues
to pay as a new member of the Associa-
tion, along with money to purchase The
CUB of the Golden Lion: PASSES IN
REVIEW. I have also enclosed a com-
puter reproduction of me that was
sketched at outrcompany area in Langen-
lonsheim, Germany.; A color crayon copy
drawing by a German POW thrown to me
from inside the compound; Photocopies of
photos while at Langenlonnsheim. I don't
recall how I came to own them and a
composite made of several pictures illus-
trating what it was like at 1530 hours on 6
May 1945 when I was wounded. Could I
have been the last casualty before VE
Day??? If any person can recall being
there when I was shot, I would like to hear
from him. Was it just an unfortunate acci-
dent or a provocation by the POWs?? My
identical twin brother, Bill, and I shipped
out from the States in early January 1945.
We became separated on February 3rd or
4th at Viviers, Belgium, when I was sent
to the 213th General Hospital in Paris,
with pneumonia. Bill was sent a day later
to join the 424th Regiment. Upon recov-
ering I traveled from place to place by 40
& 8's for nine weeks until I too joined the
424th at Rennes. So Bill and I were re-
united. Then within four weeks we again
became separated when at 1530 hours in
the afternoon of Sunday, May 6th, 1945,1
was shot by one of our own guys as we
escorted hoards of German POWs from
Bad Kreuxnach to enclosures near
Langenlonsheim, 10 kilometers away.
spent the next four and one-half weeks at
the 386th Evac Hospital, before rejoining
the 424th and my twin brother. We stayed
together until our discharge. With Bill 1
    attended Upsala and graduated in 1950 with a BBA degree. I married Ruth-Alice Cunningham (a first cousin to Bill's wife, Thelma Ring); Ruth-Alice graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1948 from Douglas College, then New Jersey College for Women. We have six grandchildren from a brood of three daughters and two sons. Business Forms Management is my expertise. I received recognition for skilled forms/systems design in a nationally prominent "Form of the Year" competition in 1968, 1970, 1972 and 1987. I retired in 1985 as Manager, Management Systems and Services for the Monroe Calulator division of Carbide and Moore Business Forms. I am at present Senior Vice-Commander, James Caldwell American Legion Post 185.
    (Editors Note - Arthur, thanks for the nice informative letter. I hope some person from the 424th can help you in your quest for answers of the past. Also congratulations on your business career. J. Kline)
Raper, J.C. 423/M
7135 No. Ninth Ave r106.a
Pensecola. FL
    Dear Gil. I was very, very glad to receive your interesting and informative letter especially on this 50th Anniversary; however, this letter need be brief because I have great difficulty in writing. I did, in fact, re-enlist and served with the MPs in various assignments (some overseas) achieving the highest rank of Master Sergeant.
Subsequently, I returned to civilian life where I worked in sales until my retirement in 1982.
    I am married with one son, two daughters and three grandchildren. My wife and I currently reside in Florida where we enjoy the warm climate, beaches and sunshine. I play as much golf as my 73 years


permit. I should also add that the Veteran Services in this area are outstanding.
    It has been great to also hear from John Kline. He has sent me much information and material. Is there a "M" Company roster available by platoon. If so I would like very much to have one.
My application is enclosed and I shall look forward to sharing memories with former "Comrades at Arms."
    (Editor's Note - J.C., Gil Hetwig has probably written you about this - To our knowledge there is no roster available showing the 1/1" Company personnel by platoons. About all I have ever seen is a Christmas/Thanksgiving Dinner menu pamphlet that was used in Fort Jackson and in Camp Atterbury. I have long yearned for a similar roster. The only chance we would have is that some one of the '81' Co. men could have written home with the information.
    I have also been, since 1987, trying to remember the number of my 'Jeep? As squad leader of the second squad, first platoon I took the privilege of painting my newly born sorts name, "Teddies on my jeep. I think I was jeep number "M-F, rationalizing that M1 this M-3 would be taken by the upper echelon, the M-4 to the 1st squad and M-5 to my squad. Whatever it was I last saw it in Bleiatf, after we were captured, with four Germans in it, turning a corner. They were having a ball. having liberated some of our canned turkey meat I saw my son's name on the jeep as it went by.
    J.C., we have long looked for you. I am pleased that we now number 41 Association members from "M" Co., 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment. Very good considering that we have had seven "M" Co. men pass away in the last two years. Hope to see you sometime... J. Kline, 423/M)
RAY, ROBERT G. 423910
    I was a Corporal in the Headquarters Company of the 423rd Regiment. Captured with the 423rd in the Ardennes and liberated May 9, 1945. I have been mar-
New Members
lied twice and have ten living children and nine grandchildren.
Saxton, Charles 81st ENGIA
4703 Brookside Ave
Bristol, PA
Stag, Albert O. 424/81
3881 Crestview Ave Easton, PA 18045
Could you please send me some historical material? I was in the Bulge and lost both legs.
Stevens, Joseph E. 81st ENGIC
115 W.300 S. Washing., UT 84780
Attached is my check for a LIFE MEMBERSHIP. This way I won't forget to pay my dues.
    I plan on attending the South Dakota Reunion. I am traveling there with my motor-home, so will not be lodged in the hotel.
    I was an officer (Captain - January 1945) with the 81st Combat Engineers under Colonel Riggs. My position was as Assistant Division Engineer (ADE) and I worked closely with Division Headquarters. I hope we have a good turnout at the Reunion.
    It will be good to see all the old gang again. I think I was the oldest man in the 81st ( 36 years of age in Dec '44). I am now 85 and in good health.
    (Editors Note Joe, there were 84 men from the 81st Engineers that attended the reunion at Fort Jackson. They have consistently had very good attendance and consequently hogged all the good tables at the final banquets (I'll have to answer to that.) Hope to met you, I was a 19 year old Buck Sergeant when the Bulge broke... J. Kline)


New Members

WestfaK Pat N. 424/K Comas, John C. 424/1112 213N
10 Royal Lake Rd
Iltainme, MA 02184
     I entered the Army in October of '42 and was assigned to an Anti-Aircraft Unit in Camp Edwards, Mass. as a 2nd Lt. in AAA until May 1944 when I transferred to the infantry and went through Officers Training at Fort Bening.
     I was then sent to the 106th at Camp Atterbury in July of '44. I was assigned as HQ. Co. Exec and Motor Transportation Officer in the 424th Reg., 2nd Battalion and served through the Bulge in that capacity and all the way through VE Day and setting up of stockades etc. I transferred to the 35th Div just before VI Day - Discharged in January of '46 at Fort Knox.
     I entered the FBI as Special Agent in '47 serving 29 years. Married in '52 while assigned to the Miami Office. Had eight children, four boys, four girls. Retired from the FBI in 1976 at Boston. Organized a Non-Profit Corporation and built Govt-Subsidized Elderly Housing from '76 to '81. Presently still serving as President of the Non-Profit as Exec Director of facilities. Hobbies are golf, reading, history, and cross-words. Winter in Venice, Florida.
PO Bon 202
Somerville. TX 77879
    Joined the division at Atterbury in July or August of 1944. Can't remember the name of the village in Belgium that was behind our lines. I do remember it was a 90 degree azimuth to Saint Vith. After marching several hours, and during a break I dozed off; the Company was gone. There were 7-8 of as and it took us two days to find "K" Company.
    Anyway, about the 22nd or 23rd my friend Clarence Watson was wounded and I took him to the Aid Station. They took a look at my feet and evacuated me also. Seems like it was a hospital outside Liege, Belgium. It wasn't but a few hours after I got there that they evacuated the hospital. The nurses took the patients on a night march by ambulance to a hospital train. We were in Paris on Christmas Day. From Paris I was shipped to England.
    I recovered enough to fight in the Korean War and survived Chosen Reservoir with the 31st Regiment of the 7th Division. I retired in 1965. Worked at Texas A&M University for 15 years, worked as a Rural Postman for 10 years and retired the last time in 1990.
Dix Kenneth 424/D
403 East 2nd St
Nedlsville, WI 54456
     The following written by Marion Ray, 424/D who sponsored Kenny's membership- -Kenny entered service from Wisconsin, shipped to Fort Jackson where he became a member of "D" Co., 424th Regiment, 1st Platoon. He found that in between being a member of a machine gun squad, he liked playing cards. After unit training he opted to ship out to the Air Corps, where he continued being a ma-
Annoid Roy A. 422/F
909 Wood Sum
Mount Joy, PA 17552
     I was captured along with the other 422nd units outside Schonberg. Taken to Stalag IV-B, Mfthlberg. Spent some time at Leipzig and was liberated at Halle. I was medically discharged at Camp Butner General Hospital, North Carolina on Oct 31, 1945.


New Members
    chine gunner, but rather than walking, he was flying in a bomber. He made 35 missions in the Pacific. He finished as a S/Sgt. Returned to Wisconsin and mauled Peggy and settled down to have a family and grandchildren.
Fraker, Jane ASSOCIATE
9912 Weigand Dr. Knoxville. TN 37922
    Jane joined as an Associate after Raymond Fields death. See "Memoriams" inside backpage. She was a special friend... editor
Ferranti, Paul 331 MEDIHO
127 Boston Turnpike
Shrewsbury. MA 01545
Guggenheim, Charles E. 424/E
3121 South St. west
Washington. DC 20007
    202-337-6900 (Editors Note - Charles' company, GUGGENHEIM PUBLICATIONS produced '0- Day Remembered' If you watched any of the 50th Anniversary D-Day presentations, you surely saw it. He was presented with special honors for the production of "0-1) Remembered' He has also received honors on two other productions in recent years. Your editor was called by Richard Sparks who said he watched the presentation ceremony where Guggenheim received the award. He recognized him and called his office in Washington, D.C. I sent several articles to Charles, along with copy of The CUB of the Golden Lion: PASSES in Review, and an application blank. Welcome back to the 106th, Charles... J. Kline)
Huchko, Robert W. 424/D
676 Telham Rd. %Dumont Hoer New Rochelle. NY 10805
The following written by Marion Ray, 424/D who sponsored Kenny's membership --
Bob has Parkinsons and since January
    has been confined to the Dumont Masonic Nursing Home. He can't speak, but can hear and read and enjoys hearing from the old gang. I called the home first, with a phone number supplied by John Kline and talked with Robert, Jr, where I found out the situation. I knew I had to call Bob. Luckily, Son #2 was there. I had a good talk with Bob and his son, we all had some tears, but his son said Bob had smiles of happiness through his tears. Bob's wife is gone and all of his old buddies.
    If you have any old CUBs you care to send - he will enjoy them. Let's all send a card or note to a fellow 106ers. Marion Ray, 424/D...
    Marion added, "Bob entered service from Manhattan, NY and was one of the "early boys." Huchko became the "Mail Clerk," T-5 of 424/D. He brought smiles and happiness to everyone in "D" Company. He could probably brag that he walked less miles than any man in "D" Company. Was in the outfit from start to finish - more company commanders than any other man, and could probably say something that few men in the infantry could say and that is that he wore the first pair of shoes he was issued into the Army - going out of the Army. Everybody send him a card.."
Mayheny, Paul E. 422/F
429 W. Simpson St
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Morris, Paul E. 424/D
228 Greenleaf Dr
Flat Rock. NC 28731
The following written by Marion Ray, 424/D who sponsored Kenny's membership -- Paul Morris entered service from


New Members
    Cambridge Springs, Penn. and was shipped to Fort Jackson and the 106th. He was assigned to the 1st Platoon of "D" Company, 424th Regiment. Because of High School ROTC, Paul was made squad leader of the 4th squad and remained as such until medically unable to do his duties in January 1945. His frozen feet would not keep him going.
    When discharged, Paul's high school sweetheart, Elly, had moved from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin. so Paul moved to Wisconsin and he and Elly married. They began a family, eventually stopping at five boys. Paul became an executive of an office supply company and they moved to Illinois and the Chicago suburbs.
    When one son entered college in West Virginia and played on the basketball team, Paul and Elly journeyed east a number of times to visit and watch. As they visited various places they took a liking to the North Carolina and as retirement came about, the decision was easy to make-they settled in Flat Rock, North Carolina.
    Paul's health is not the best, but he would like to hear from any of the "0" Company men, or any other 106er out there.
Melee, D.C., Leonard F. 422/UNIT?
5706 No. Rockwell Chicago, IL 60659
    I was among those taken prisoner in the Bottle of the Bulge. I first went to Stalag II-B then later to a town called "Mersenerg." We were later marched to the Elbe River where we joined the American Forces.
    I am currently retired as a Practicing Chiropractor for 35 years. I arn uncertain as to whether I shall be able to join you all in South Dakota at the 48th Annual Reun-
    (Editors Note - Leonard, my POW Camp list shows Stalag 11-B as being near Hammerstein in the German Disbict of Pomerania. That camp had 99 work camps (Korman-dos) near Koslin and Stolp, Germany. Hope you make it to the reunion, if so look me up... J. Kline)
S00% Oscar R. 424/D
5305 Penal Lane
Nosh Little Rock, AR 72117-2158
    I joined the 106th at Fort Jackson and departed the 106th Inf. Div. sometime in February 1945. I was wounded right femur and hospitalized in a School building in Paris, France, then to a hospital in Kiddermunster, England, then back to France. I worked in the recreation center at Le-Havre until December 1945. I was discharged in Dec '45 at Indiantown Gap, Penn.
Simmons, Norman 424ID
1205 Florence Dr
Harrisburg, PA 61739
    The following written by Marion Ray, 424/D who sponsored Kenny's membership -- Norman entered the service from the Keystone State of Pennsylvania and was shipped to Fort Jackson and became another of the "early boys." He was assigned to the 1st Platoon, 2nd Section, 4th Squad. Because of his height he didn't have to dig deep foxholes and when he was in a machine gun emplacement, he had to stand on an ammo box to see out. When it came to carrying the 52 pound tripod it was almost a laugh as how the legs would be folded to keep from dragging the ground. He was very dependable and steady.
When we came off the maneuvers to Camp Atterbury, Simmons got the call. He was shipped to England joining the 83rd


New Members
    Division. When they got into action on the Continent everything was going well until General Bradley wanted the Air Corps to bomb the German lines. They started bombing the German lines and the dust started drifting across the American lines and the Air Corps bombed the 83rd. Fortunately Norm's regiment was on the flank and did not get the pounding.
    One of the first days he was inaction he saw Lt. Terry, one of our former officers, pass through his position. A short time later he saw him being carried on a stretcher, badly wounded.
Norm and his wife Betty live in Lingelstown a suburb of Harrisburg...
Sneak, C. Wayne 424/0
2611 West 2nd Ave
Durango. CO 81301-5903
    was the Postal Clerk of "G" Company. By phone and as a runner from Company and Battalion HQ. I prefer to me C. Wayne instead of Charles W. My health is so bad that I will not make the reunion in South Dakota.
Suffer, Burnett 424/0
832 53rd sweet Moline.% 61265 309-764-2348
    The following written by Marion Ray, 424/0, who sponsored Kenny's membership -- Bernie entered service from Illinois and as the 106th was being activated he was getting married to his life-long wife, Rozetta. He then reported for active duty at Scott Field, Illinois and then was off to Fort Jackson. He was assigned to the 1st Platoon, "D" Company, 424th Regiment. Shortly thereafter Rozetta arrived and provided an off-base home for Bernie and there ensued many a narrow squeak for Reveille and Roll Call as he made the
    bus back into Jackson in the morning. He also proved to be the only farm boy who didn't know how to kill and clean a chicken for Sunday dinner.
    Bernie stayed with "D" Company as a gunner, 4th squad, through the Tennessee Maneuvers, where every week-end when he could get a pass he met - you know who - Rozetta, who was in the Tennessee Maneuver area and off they went to Nashville and the "Grand Ole Oprey." When the outfit hit Camp Atterbury, Bernie number" came up" and he was sent out with many of the other fellows.
    It was over to England where he joined the 90th Division and was with them when they landed at Normandy. Across France and when the Bulge exploded - Patton shot the 90th north to Bastogne and Bernie was a part of them.
    In the meantime, back home, Rozetta had given birth to a beautiful little girl she named Sandy, so Bernie had a family waiting when he came home. Bernie and Rozetta now have three grandchildren and are eagerly awaiting the time when they will become great-grand parents.
In the meantime, they visit Branson, MO and Nashville and entertain the artists in their home in Moline.
    (Editors Note - I just have to add this "editor's note." If you look back over the above member list you will count sin new members that were sponsored by Marion Ray. I have had several telephone conversations with Ltc Marion Ray, who was a Sergeant in 424/0. He like a lot of others, including me, have wakened up after all these years and are hot in the pursuit of their past. Marion says. "John. I'll search them all down, until I am satisfied that I have them all. I will get all t of them possible to OM the rest of 424/D with the Association.' Marion joined in 1993. Looking at his writing style as he writes about the men, I think we might have a replacement in case something happens to this editor... J. Kline)


Submitted by Fred R. VMS, 423/C --424/A 309 Keeneland Dr. Ft. Thomas, KY 41075
    This story which I call "The Lucky 3 From Company C' may be of interest to some of those who were in the 106th Division in those terrible days from December of 1944 until May of 1945.
    The" Lucky Three" were from one of the 60mm Mortar Squads of "C" Company, 423 Inf. Regiment - Fred R. Veith, gunner; Ted N. Jones, asst gunner; and Charles Wold, ammo carrier. I believe this account to be accurate.
    The story begins in that muddy field outside of LeHavre where we lived in our two man-tents for almost a week with rain falling every day. The mud was so deep that the kitchen tent was almost inaccessible. Finally, overshoes were issued but Jones' shoe size was too large for the available overshoes so he had to continue wearing his wet and cold combat boots.
    The trucks arrived about Dec 8th to transport the Division into Belgium where they were to relieve the 2nd Division. This is where the foul-up began. hr loading the trucks, the ones for "C" Company were short of space but there was room in the "A" Company trucks. Jones Wold and I rode with 13 men from the Weapons Platoon of "A" Company.
    Jones and I were able to get our duffel bags on the truck we were riding. Wold had the brilliant idea of wearing only his overshoes over his socks and putting his combat boots in his duffel bag where they would have a chance to dry out. However, he forgot to transfer his duffel bag from the "C" Company truck to the " A" Company in which he was riding. As it turned out he lost his duffel bag and walked in socks and overshoes for almost three weeks.
    That afternoon our truck broke down near a small French village and we slept in a farmer's barn that night. The maintenance did not come along until the next afternoon and they got the truck moving but after about three hours, it broke down again. An M.P. on a motorcycle came along and arranged for a truck to tow as to an Air Force Base - near Beauvais. They had the truck running again in a couple of days.
    So off we went and made it as far as Rheims before the truck broke down again. This time the Ordnance Dept took the truck which left us stranded in Rheims. They told us to go back to Paris and get a new truck. Sgt. John Finnegan, Weapons Platoon, Company A, 423 Inf. was the ranking member of the group on the truck and he assumed command. Instead of returning to Paris for a new truck, he arranged for our group to obtain rides from the Replacement Depots that were supplying the various front line divisions with replacements.
    Our first ride was to Givet, France where we waited two days for the next ride to Verviers, Belgium. We were in Verviers on the night of Dec 15th. The next day Dec 16th, we got a ride to the 76th Replacement Battalion in Ettlebruck, Luxembourg which was to be our last stop before being delivered to the 106th Division. It was here that we heard of the German attack and that they were only 4 miles from Ettlebruck. That night, our little group of 16 plus members of the 76th Replacement Battalion to-


"The Lucky 3 from Company C..."
    gether with the Ettlebruck Police patrolled the streets of Ettlebruck but no Germans appeared. Their main attack was north.
    Early on the following moming, the 76th loaded their property and supplies on their trucks and headed west. Our little group hopped on the trucks and rode with them-This was the day that we were to join the 423rd so we missed being captured, killed or wounded by one day. " WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY MAKES".
    It was to be about 17 days before we caught up with and were assigned to the 424 Inf. Regiment. Our first stop on our withdrawal was St. Hubert. It was here that we met a couple of " stragglers" from one of the 106th Artillery units who told us what was happening to the 422nd and the 423rd. What A SHOCK!
    The Germans were getting closer so the 76th moved back to Bouillion, which was about 3 miles from the French border, and our group rode along with them. We were heading west through Bastogne just as the paratroopers were arriving. After a couple days in Bouillion, Sgt Finnegan spotted several 106th Div Ordnance Company tracks rumbling through town heading back to the front lines with supplies and ammunition. We hopped on the trucks and arrived back at the Ordnance Company Headquarters.
    They didn't Imam what to do with our group so they set us out to guard an ammunition dump located behind a large manor house. The owners apparently left and there was only an elderly couple as caretakers. Living in this luxury house while guarding the ammunition dump was "soft living" but it did not last long. A 2-star General from the 3rd Armored Division drove up to the front door, took one quick look inside and decided this was his command post. Our group ended up living in the stable house in the rear of the estate. "Rank has its privileges" . The Ordnance Company, apparently unsure of ow status, shuffled us off to the 592nd Field Artillery Battalion. Here they put us to work guarding the Motor Pool.
    The 592nd apparently had no use for us either so they delivered us back to the 424th Inf Regiment which was being rested and reformed. When we arrived at the 424th, we found that they had been in combat from Dec 16th to Jan 2nd and had suffered severe casualties. There was not a single man left in the Weapons Platoon. In other words, they had suffered 100% casualties.
    Our group of 16 plus a few newly arrived replacements from the States became the Weapons Platoon of "A" Company, 424th Inf. Lt. Robert G. McKay was the Company Commander and the First Sergeant was Wallace G. Rifleman. Sgt Rifleman originally was with "G" Company, 423 Inf. Regiment but escaped to freedom by infiltrating the German lines.
The 1st and 3rd Battalions
attacked from Spineux and
took Lavaux and then
headed for Coulee when the
Germans counter attacked.
    With very little time for training, the 424th relieved the 112th Inf., 28th Division on Jan 9th. On Jan 13th, the 424th went on the offense. The 1st and 3rd Battalions attacked from Spineux and took Lavaux and then headed for Coulee when the Germans counterattacked. "A" Company was caught in a deadly cross fire which stopped its advance. A German light tank or self propelled gun was headed our way from around a bend in the road. We turned our


"The Lucky 3 from Company C..."
    60 mm mortar fire in that direction and it retreated. Lt. McKay was killed in the action and Sgt. Rifleman took command. (actually, Lt. Donald W. Beseler took command, see his story in the Jan-Feb-Mar 1989 CUB, and in The Cub Passes in Review ... editor)
    It was now getting dark and " A" Company dug in for the night. It was in this German shelling that a piece of shrapnel grazed my shoulder, broke the skin but missed any bones. That night, Ted Jones and I volunteered to help carry the Battalion S-2, Lt. Huddelson back to the Aid Station in Wanne. A light tank shell had taken off both of his feet but he refused aid until all of the non-officers were taken care of. We made a stretcher from two raincoats with pine tree poles as the side braces.
Crossing through the
woods in the deep snow
was very slow.
Unfortunately, Lt.
Huddelson died before we
reached the Aid Station in
    We started off through the woods since that seemed closer than following the dirt roads. Crossing through the woods in the deep snow was very slow and, unfortunately, Lt. Huddelson died before we reached the Aid Station in Wanne.
    Jones and I stayed at the Aid Station all night because it was warm and also we were not sure of our way back to "A" Company. The next morning we found "A" Company in Wanne where they had become regimental reserve, having been replaced by the 2nd Bn. in the attack
    The day was rather quiet and in the early evening, Jones and I went to the Aid Station- Jones for his frost bitten feet since he never received overshoes and me for a bandage for my shoulder wound. The Medics took one look at Jones's blue toes and sent him back to the hospital. He ended up in a hospital in England where they were able to save his toes. They patched up my shoulder and then reached down in a big box and gave me a Purple Heart Medal.
    When I got back to A" Company, I found that Wold had set off a German "booby trap" in the partially demolished house in which he was sleeping. He was rather severely injured and was sent back to a hospital in England. That ends the story as far as it relates to Jones and Wold.
    I spent the rest of the war as squad leader of the 60mm Mortar Squad. We saw very little action - mostly in defensive positions in the Siegfried Line. The decision was made to reform the 106th Infantryn Division and all of the available former 106th Div men were transferred to a camp near Rennes, France.
    In a formal ceremony on April 15, 1945, the 106th Division was reborn. Replacements were brought in from the States for the 422nd and the 423rd. These regiments went into extensive training in the hills west of Mayen, Germany and the 424th went into Germany to guard German prisoners of war.
That pretty well tells the story of The Lucky 3 from Company C. ^


Remembrances by Harold Allen, 424/A ....
    Harold Allen, "A" Company, 424th Combat Infantry Regiment, acted as First Scout and Company Runner during tke Bulge. Following is his remembrances of some of the action during that time....
    As a rifleman and first scout of "A" Co. , 1st Bn.424 Regiment, 106 Inf Div, I boarded an English ship, the Aquitania, in New York harbor on the evening of Oct.20, 1944, my 19th birthday.
    We spent about a month in Banbury, England, then went over into France,landing at LeHarve. There were no docks so we had to go over the side of the ship and down a rope ladder. We spent a couple nights outside LeHarve. We boarded trucks, and about 36 hours later we unloaded on a hillside in snow about knee deep. We were somewhere near St. Vith, Belgium. We made our way up the hill with all of our equipment, and pitched our pup tents there in the dark. After three or four days, we moved into buildings in a small village.
    On the morning of Dec. 16th we were awakened by artillery shells exploding all around us. We were rushed to the mess hall to get our breakfast. We then got on trucks that took us to the village of Winterspelt, Germany. We unloaded in a hurry, because we were being shelled. We were behind a house when the order came down to move out. As I was running I heard a shell, hit the ground, got up and kept running. Eldon Baine of Indianapolis, Indiana said the next shell hit right where I had been lying. He said he thought it had gotten me, then he saw me still running.
    We dug in just outside of Winterspelt, with our platoon headquarters in a farm house on the road, and us about a hundred yards behind it near a hedgerow. They shelled us all day and into the night.
Right after dark Sgt. Meade sent word
    for me and Paul Ayers to go out in front of our lines and to dig a listening post. We did but all we ever heard were shells going over. We were relieved later by someone else and boy was it good to get back to our deep foxholes. As the shelling lifted we watched from our foxholes as German tanks came down the road by the dozens. The first tank stopped at the farm house and took all of our platoon leaders as prisoners. We watched as they put them on the tanks. After the tanks got by then came the German infantry. I would have to say by the thousands. There was only about 20 of us still together so we stayed quiet and watched. Later came their horse drawn artillery. They parked one next to the farm house and started to dig it in. We decided that it was time to take off. We went to the rear and came to a fence. Someone had wire cutters and cut us a gap to get through. As I went through the gap I followed the fence fora while but could not find anyone. Boy! there I was lost from them, so I turned around and traced the fence until I found the gap, then continued on down the hill until I found them in a small grove of trees. We decided the grove was too small so we went to a hill covered with larger trees.
    We waited there until daybreak. When morning came we could see some of our men across a valley. We took off toward them not thinking whether or not the valley might be mined or that the Germans might see us. We just wanted to get over them with them. We made it. We found that they were our engineers. They told us where our Battalion Hdqtrs. was located. Col. Welch was there when we arrived. He took us right back to the engineers where we dug in
    That night we all gathered out on the road to try to walk our way out. There was probably two or three hundred of us. Every road we started down they were waiting for


Remembrances by Harold Allen, 424/A ...
    us. Finally we backed off the road to wait for daylight and then try to fight our way out. There were five of us from "A" Co. still together. lack Brannon, Martin, Bolin, myself and one more but for the life of me I just can't recall his name. I spent hours trying to remember his name.
    They zeroed in on us with their mortars. A piece of shrapnel knocked a hole in my rifle butt. We hit the road again and finally walked out. I remember we went up a railroad track and crossed a plank walk where the trestle had been knocked out. I could hear water running below. I don't know how large the stream was and tried not to think about it.
    The next morning we came to a crossroad, and there was our Regimental Commander, Colonel Reid. Boy, was he a sight for sore eyes. That was the morning of the 18th. The first Battalion was finally getting together again. I had lost my best buddy, Paul Ayers. We had been together since basic training at Camp Blanding, Ft. He and Eldon Baine both were taken prisoners, but made it through . "A" Co. had only 32 men left. Battalion. headquarters was set up in a farm house and Jack Brannon and I were held there as runners, while the company went up the road to dig in. About midnight they got us up to take a message up to our company. We told them that we didn't know where they were. Our company jeep driver Herman Van de Bogart, who had lost his jeep, mid he knew where they were and would take us up there. We went walking down the road, talking and laughing and went right on through this little village talking and chomping away. As we got to the other side he said we had come too far, we had passed by our company. You talk about being scared, we were. We tried to tip-toe and run at the same time, trying to be quiet. We made it back to our company and delivered our message to Lt. Beseler. He was the only officer that made it through the Bulge, and was now our Commander. I don't know where the Germans were when we went through the village, but they were there when daylight came.
    "A" Co. had nothing larger than an M-1 rifle. I believe it was "C" Co. that had a tube of a 60mm mortar. We held 2 or 3 days, when one evening late they came after as with a tank. The machine gun and the 88 was blasting away. We made a very hasty retreat We regrouped at Bn Hdq. and went part of the way back up the hill on the side of the road where "B" and "C" Companies had been.
    The next morning all thunder broke loose as we advanced over the hill and finally drove them back into the village. They were really putting those 50mm mortar shells in on us. One shell landed so close to me a piece of shrapnel burned my left cheek. We had two men killed in this skirmish. Corp. Kelly was between these two men when a German tank grenade lying in front of them exploded, killing one on each side of him. He was knocked out for awhile and his steel helmet was dented so bad he could not wear it. It saved his life. He was later given a battlefield commission.
    We held this position for a couple more days, then were ordered to pull back because the Germans had broken through on each side of as and were trying to surround us. We walked all day single file as they would throw a shell at as every now and then. We made it out and that night dug in near some tanks. That is still another story. We were given a five gallon can of hot coffee. That was the first hot anything we had since Dec. 16th. If I told you how many times I had to crawl out of my foxhole that night, you would not believe me.


Remembrances by Harold Allen, 424/A ....
Battle of Jan.13,1945
    On about Jan. 8th we were told to fall out right after breakfast-heading back to the front lines. 1st Lt. McKay our new company commander said we were going to take back the ground we had lost. There was a big snow and it was very cold. We waited until after dark for the trucks to pick us up. Finally they made it. We rode for probably an hour, then started walking. Each hour we would get a ten minute break. I would just lay down in the snow and go to sleep. I was that tired. The officers would come by waking as up when it was time to move on. We walked until probably 3 or 4 AM. We were told to get our holes dug and camouflaged before daylight became the Germans were right out in front of us and fresh dirt would give our positions away.
    There were two men to the foxhole. We each had one thin GI blanket. One would stand guard while the other one slept or tried to. My hour on guard I would jump up and down, mn in place or do anything to try to get warm. My hour to sleep, I would wrap up in the blanket, but before my hour was up I would already be awake and shaking from the cold. I got to go back to the village one time where there was a place to get warm, but it was so crowded and loud I was ready to return to my foxhole.
    On the evening of the 12th of Jan. we were issued white sheets to use as camouflage because we were jumping off (attacking). We left our foxholes the next morning before daybreak, all decked out in white. We arrived outside the first village we were to take, stretched out in a semicircle. At a given time our artillery, mortars, machine guns, and our MI's opened up. We went through the town, cleared it. One prisoner was all I remember taking. The rest took off. They left so fast their breakfast was warm. We didn't have time to eat it either.
    We started off toward the next objective. I was sent out as first scout. We were going through heavy woods. As us two scouts left the big trees into small evergreens we were ambushed. We were cut off from the company. The bullets were really flying. We tried to crawl under the snow. I looked up and here came Col. Welch from the rear. He ask where the radio man was. I told him he was with the company in the woods. He told me to go and bring him to him as he needed to make a call. I went back and found him and by that time our men were firing back.
    The machine guns (water cooled) were frozen up. The machine gunners had to urinate on them to get them going. Once they got going and with our 60mm mortars firing and all the MI rifles plus the carbines, it didn't take long. The radio man and I made it back to Col. Welch, he made his radio call and told us to get back to our company The Germans were behind snow covered tree tops and small evergreens. They could see as but we couldn't see them. The machine gunners would spray every clump of snow and the Germans started hollering "Comrade." I don't know how many were killed, wounded, or captured but we cleaned them out. We left the wounded lay after relieving them of their rifles, to wait for the medic and sent the prisoners to the rear.
    We took off again. As we went around a bend in the lane we were following someone sounded off "TANK", and brother there he sat. Some dove to the left of the lane in the evergreens, others to the right. I went with Lt. McKay and others to the right amongsome small trees. We were looking right up the barrel of that big 88. I really figured that was the end. Two men got up in front of us and Lt. McKay called to them. They immediately hit the ground.


Remembrances by Harold Allen, 424/A ...
    They were German but had on GI overcoats. One could very well have been mine. Lt. McKay threw a hand grenade at them. After a couple minutes Lt. McKay told us to stay put. He said that he was going on the other side of the road to try to get a bazooka team up there to knock out the tank. I never heard any details except that he had been killed. I never heard the tank withdraw.
    Hem came Col. Welch again. He said we were going to take the objective even if it took us till midnight. We took off, went into a woods with large trees. We could see the village down in the valley. Tanks were pulling out on the other side of town. Each time one would stop and belch smoke we knew the mail was coming in. The shells would his up in the trees, explode and the shrapnel would literally rain down on us. Men were dropping all around me. Col. Welch was still hollering to keep going. Then he got hit, he was hit in the butt and one ankle. He then started hollering to withdraw. We had to leave the wounded but gave them our ponchos to lay on to keep them off the snow. It was dark in just a few minutes so the medics got them out.
    We withdrew into a patch of evergreens and spent the night. We were so tired we couldn't dig a foxhole. We just scrapped the snow back and laid down. I was with Freddie Beeman from Clinton, Iowa. We both had given our ponchos to the wounded so we didn't have anything to lay on or to cover with. We lay huddled together one way and then turn over to try to get the other side warm. Of course as cold as it was we never got warm but I really believe that is all that kept us from freezing to death, as some of them did. "F"Co. relieved us before daybreak. When the officers started getting us together they found some men had frozen to death. We walked back to a small village where we could get in out of the cold and try to get warm once again. I pulled off my shoes and socks and found ice was frozen between my toes. I heard it got down to 35 degrees below zero that night. One thing for sure! I know it was COLD!!
    Two things that were hard to come by while on the front lines was sleep and food. You slept any time you could and ate anything you could. Even that old black bread tasted good. You were constantly homy and tired. On December 18th, when the 1st Battalion was getting back together, we were holding the line just outside the village of Maspelt. That is where the tank ran us off the hill.
    I was in a foxhole, when the tank came, with Lt. BeseMr, as I was acting as company runner. With two to the foxhole, one could sleep while the other stood guard. As the tank came at us with guns blazing, we left in a hurry. One boy left so fast he left his buddy, sleeping in the foxhole. The next day, after we retook the postioas, he was found dead in the foxhole. We also lost Sergeant Parker during that fight, didn't know how bad he was hit.
    After the fighting was over (end of the war) some of us from the 106th went back into France. There we found Sergeant Parker (from Savannah, Georgia). He had heard that some of the 106th boys were coming and he had waited and met every truck until he found us. He said an 88mm shell hit so close that it blew him into the air. He got shrapnel in one knee and a bursted ear drum. We were so happy to see him and learn that he was well.
Harold D. Allen
332 Ellis Ave.
Trumann, Ar. 72472


In Memoriam
Association Members;
George W. Caudill, 590/C
    5183 Trabue Rd., Columbus, OH 43228. Rose Caudill, his wife, reports that George passed away on July 10, 1994, one day short of their 49th Wedding Anniversary. George is swived by his wife, Rose; a daughter Trina and two grandchildren. He was buried with military honors She would like to hear from any person that knew him. She writes that he was proud to be a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association.
Frank Duda, 591/SV
    12 Curtis Street, Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Gary, son of Frank writes, "I regret to inform you of the death of my father on June 17, 1994. He died in peace et home of cancer. Throughout his life he always talked of great friendships and of the comrades he had in the 106th Infantry Division and the Association. He treaured those memories. I hope that when the men of the 106th hear of his death, that they will keep a prayerful memory of him." Survived by Gary and another son, Frank, Jr.; three brothers and a sister.
Raymond H. Fields, 424/H
    837 Whitehall Rd, Knoxville, TN 37909 Phil Farris, 423/H reports that Raymond died May 29, 1994 at his home. He said that Raymond, was at the University of Alabama (ASTP) with he, Nolen Ashburn, 423/H and Dick Edwards of 423/D. As I read it they were students at the U of Tenn and were inducted April 6, 1943.along with Joe Mathews of 423/D. Raymond was a graduate of the U of Tenn, a member of Sigma Nu. A retired credit manager with GMAC. Survived by a special friend, Jane Faker of Knoxville.
Futrell Lee, 422/C
    1204 Anguilla Street, Waycross, GA 31501 I am sorry, but I have no details, other than a return envelope marked "deceased."
Tom McHugh, 424/SV
5320 Delmar Rd. Clifton Heights, PA 19018 Charles Datte, 591/SV reports that Tom died of a stroke on 10 April 1994.
May They Rest In Peace
Joseph Solomon, 423/0
    2726 Harvey Ave. Oceanside, NY 11572 1.14. Wavers, 423/G reports, "I have just learned from Annette Solomon that Joe passed away Jamuary 22, 1994 after extended illness. He was first gunner on a light machine gun squad. I was second gunner. I trust his name will be among those listed at our memorial service at Rapid City."
Other deaths reported;
Robert Geist, 423/H
    Springfield, IL Frank Harris also reported this death. He stated, "Robert Geist, a member of 423/H, a good friend of Mike Kurzeja, Rev. lsham Harris and C.L. Cooper of 423/H. "Roben "Lou" Geist died on March 17, 1994, survived by his wife Betty, four daughters, five sons, 14 grandchildren, a great-grandchild and two sisters."
Ray Boyle, 423/HQ
519 Martin St., Philadelphia, PA /928 Charles Dane writes, "Ray died April 16, 1992 at age 80.
Dorothy H. Cowden
    Nevi of Kin, William William Cowden, 81st ENG/C write that his wife passed away April 9, 1994 after a valiant fight of nine years of cancer. He says, "For 50 years she gave me her best. She leaves me and four sons."
Ernest C. Beck, 424/B
    Gerald Zimand, 422/D writes, "To inform you of the death of Sgt Irving Beckeman, also known es Ernest C. Beck, on May 21, 1994. He was wounded Jan 27, 1945 in the Bulge."
John Carr, 422/F
    Charley Henderson, 422/F writes, "John Carr passed away June 12, 1994 of a heart attack. He was buried in the Memorial Cemetery in Greensboro, Georgia.. John took care of his mother and sister until they passed away. He lived alone in the same house from which he entered service until his death. He was quite a fellow to know."
1944 *1994
In color. 23 a 33 inches. • blue and white sky, dark blue oue kthers. red. white and due tattered U.S. flag.
    Ora torn place (breground) in red with a black swastika (not shown in this cow. From Beigien Tourist Office. Belgium.
TMs poster was available donne the 50th Anniversary Ceremonies in Boone. Supplies were limited.
The official publication
of the
106th Infantry Division
Association, Inc
1993 -1994
MB... No include CUB annewiplion
Association membership 07131414 - 1,1370
President Edward A. Prewett
Past-President Jack A. Saber
1st Vice- Pres Thomas J. Riggs
2nd Vice-Pres Richard L Rigatti
Treasurer Sherod CoMns
Adjutant Boyd A. Rutledge
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John Kline
Chaplain Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr.
Memorials Chiummn .... Dr. John G. Robb
Atterbury Memorial Rep 0 Paul Men
Membership Chairman Gilbert Helwig
Scholarship Chairman ... Jerome Eisenman
• Er-Officio Board Member
Send editorial matter and photos to
John P. Kline--CUB Editor
5401 U. 1470, M. W., 4. Va.. MN 55124-6637
Business matters, deaths, address changes to:
aeo mos., . tio capacity or ADJUTANT
Mule Boyd limledge is mover. P.m an Nines/
Vol.. for ADJUTANT an requested.
All mail, inguMes and waunlaaa's sum..
Memorial matters and inquiries to:
Dr John G. Robb
23811.. Oa, Mcadville. PA 16355
Membership dues, Memorial Fund
contributions and Historical items to:
Sherod Collins--Treasurer
048 Monroe lncc41=s.. GA 30144
The Life Membership tee Is payable one Urns
only, with no annual dues thereafter.
Life Membership 575.00
Life Auxiliary $15.00
Life Associate $75.00
For those choosing to pay Amite' due., pay
by July 1 each year. (July 1 to July 1 term)
Annual Membership $10.00
Annual Auxiliary $ 2.00
Annual Associate $10.00
Make checks payable to
"106th Infantry Division Association."
Board of Directors 1993-1994
Alphabetical by year term expires.
Douglas Brooke 424/MED (94)
.191,•919.00'#2..901.4 TN 38117-5031
Norwood A. Frye 81st ENG/B (•4)
1069 Marche. Rd.. abpmbay, CT 06033
John L Hall 423/SV (INN
2562 1101aSeriga.M. 33872
Edward A. Presvett 424/B (•94)
71131 Lana Tree Big. 13.19md, CA .511-2109
Joseph Gross 591/C (98)
7782 Tap. Lake Av.. Diap, CA 92119
6191634814 ..
Joseph Mrsey 422/C (95)
RTE. - Bosa04.t.21.0 AL35133
Herbert F. Meagher 422/M •95)
18228 Wawa Ct. Orlsod Wall. 60642
0. Paul Mere 422/SV (95)
138 Norfolk Cr, 161 1. IN 46224
Gilbert Helwig 4'913)
G 200623/M lCM*. OM. Nila. MI 49120
Jerome Eisenman 423/HQ 3BN (96)
227 Buena V. Ave. Daly City. CA 94015
Richard L. Rigatti 423/B (•96)
113 Woo.. Dr, Pi... PA 15215
William K. Rowan 424/K (•e)
213 Country ChB Rd. Shelby. NC 28150
Major H. Hill 424/B
36750 N.~.I.W idh 12.60041
Lyman C. Maples, 422/K (97)
608 WUkiss SI. Did. GA 30720
Dr. Richard W. Peterson, 423/1 (97)
1285 1....CardiR by We.. CA 92007
EdwinC. (98)
RR 2 Bon 258, Rock mu. PA 155574223
Alan W. Jones, Jr, 423/HQ IBn (913)
9100 Belvoir Woods Pkwy #233, Fa &Noir. VA 22040
William Malone, 423/B ('90)
3911 Mackey M. Nashville, TN 37207
Thomas J. Riggs, 8Ist Eng/HQ (WO
6 011. SMM, Pro..., RI 02906
John N. Swen, 423/H ('90)
199422901d Tare. Road. O. M., IL 60521
Leven Weigel, 422/H (98)
1380 Democracy Avg, MMhatunc. PL 32940
HONORARY goad Member
Col. Joseph Matthews 422/HQ (Ufa)
47% wenradi i!tr' NC 2"

Index for: Vol. 50, No. 1, Oct., 1993

Index for This Document

106th Div., 3, 7, 9, 15, 23, 25, 46, 47, 49
106th Inf. Div., 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 30, 42, 49, 56, 57, 58
106th Inf. Div. Memorial, 1
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 6, 7, 15, 16, 56, 58
106th Memorial, 5, 6
112th Inf., 47
1st Army, 3
213th Gen. Hosp., 34
256th FAB, 26
28th Inf. Div., 47
29th Inf. Div., 3
2nd Div., 6, 23, 46
2nd Div. Arty Air Section, 23
30th Inf. Div., 25
3rd Armd., 47
3rd Armd. Div., 47
3rd Inf. Div., 26
3rd Inf. Div., 39th FAB, 26
422/K, 59
422/M, 58
422nd Inf., 26
422nd Inf. Regt., 26, 28, 30, 32
422nd Regt., 26, 28, 30, 32
423rd Regt., 36
424/A, 30, 46, 50, 52, 53, 54
424/C, 30
424/D, 5, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44
424/E, 40
424th Anti Tank, 30
424th Anti Tank Co., 30
424th Cbt. Inf. Regt., 1, 2, 19, 50
424th Inf., 47
424th Inf. Regt., 47
424th Regt., 34, 38, 42, 44
589th FA, 3, 21, 23
589th FA BN, 3, 21, 23
592nd FA BN, 47
5th Army, 32
69th Inf. Div., 30
7th Armd. Div., 28
81st Cbt. Engr., 36
81st Engr., 37
9th Air Force, 3
'A Time For Trumpets', 22
Adelstrop, 30
Africa, 14
Albaum, Philip J., 16
Allen, Harold, 50, 52, 53, 54
Allen, Harold D., 54
Alsace, 9
Antwerp, 21, 26
Aquitania, 32, 50
Ardennes, 6, 9, 19, 21, 32, 36
Ardennes Offensive, 21
Arnheim, 6
Auw, 23
Auw, Germany, 23
Ayers, Paul, 50, 52
Bad Orb, 32
Bad Orb, Germany, 32
Baine, Eldon, 50, 52
Banbury, 50
Banbury, England, 50
Baraque De Fraiture, 3
Bastogne, 13, 23, 24, 44, 47
Battle of the Bulge, 3, 11, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32
Bayles, Darrel R., 26
Beans, Capt., 23
Beauvais, 46
Beeman, Freddie, 54
Beeth, Lyle, 26
Belgium, 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 34, 38, 46, 50, 57
Beseler, Lt., 52
Beseler, Lt. Donald W., 49
Bied, Dan, 17
Bitter Woods, 21
Black, Rev. Ewell, 19
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 57
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 57
Bleialf, 30
Bradley, Gen., 44
Brannon, Jack, 52
Brussels, 11, 13
Burg, 19, 20
Burg Reuland, 19
Burg-Reuland, 19, 20
Burg-Reuland, Belgium, 19, 20
Caen, 3
Camp Atterbury, 13, 14, 15, 17, 32, 36, 38, 43, 44
Camp Atterbury Memorial, 14, 15
Camp Blanding, FL, 30
Camp Campbell, KY, 26
Camp Drum, NY, 32
Camp Edwards, MA, 38
Camp Kilmer, NJ, 26
Camp Lucky Strike, 30
Camp Myles Standish, MA, 26
Carr, John, 57
Cassibry, Lt. Graham, 23
Caudill, George W., 56
Caudill, Rose, 56
Central Europe, 9
Cheltenham, 23
Cherbourg, 3
Collins, Sherod, 2, 8, 34, 57, 58
Coulee, 47
Craig, Col. Malin, 23
Craig, Col. Malin, Jr., 23
Craig, Malin, Jr., 23
CRIBA, 3, 6
Cunningham, Ruth-Alice, 34
Datte, Charles, 56
Div. Engr., 36
Div. HQ, 36
Divarty Air Section, 23
Dresden, 30
Duda, Frank, 56
Eindhoven, 6
Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight, 18
Eisenhower, John, 21
Eisenman, Jerome, 57, 58
Elbe, 30, 42
Elbe River, 30, 42
Fields, Raymond, 40
Fields, Raymond H., 56
Fontaine, Serge, 6
France, 9, 23, 24, 26, 30, 42, 44, 46, 49, 50, 54
Freilinger, Pfc. Clifford, 28
Frye, Norwood A., 58
Ft. Dix, NJ, 32
Ft. Jackson, SC, 22, 36, 37, 38, 42, 44
Ft. Sill, OK, 30
Gerlach, Phil, 5
Germany, 6, 23, 25, 26, 30, 32, 34, 42, 49, 50
Gerolstein, 30, 32
Givet, 46
Gloucester, 23
Gross, Joseph, 58
Guggenheim, Charles, 40
Guggenheim, Charles E., 40
Halle, 28, 30, 39
Halle, Germany, 28, 30
Helwig, Gil, 30
Helwig, Gilbert, 57, 58
Hill, Maj. H., 59
Holland, 3, 6
Homan, Bob, 5
Hubert, Andre, 3, 4, 6
Huchko, Robert W., 40
Jones, Alan W., 59
Jones, Ted, 49
Kline, J., 5, 28, 30, 35, 36, 37, 40, 42, 45
Kline, John, 1, 2, 8, 19, 26, 36, 40, 57
Kline, John P., 57
Kline, Mr., 13
Kline, Robert, 17
Knappenberger, Jill, 19
Knappenberger, Jill Pitts, 20
Kommando, 30
Korea, 14
Langenlonsheim, 34
Lapp, Royce, 30
Lapp, Royce E., 30
Laroche, 13
Lavaux, 47
LeHarve, 50
LeHavre, 23, 26, 30, 46
Lehavre, France, 23, 26
Leige, 5, 21, 25
Leige, Belgium, 21
Leipzig, 39
Lewidberg, Germany, 26
Liege, 3, 5, 8, 13, 38
Liege, Belgium, 8, 38
London, 3
Lucky Strike, 30
Lupinski, Igor, 16
Luxembourg, 3, 20, 46
Luxembourg City, 3
MacDonald, Charles, 22
Maples, Lyman C., 59
Marche, 13, 58
Marshall, George, 18
Maspelt, 54
Massey, Joe, 2, 6
Mathews, Joe, 56
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 59
Mauritania, 30
Mayen, 49
Mayen, Germany, 49
McGinty, Ed, 32
McGinty, Edward F., 32
McKay, 1st Lt., 53
McKay, Lt., 49, 53, 54
McKay, Robert G., 47
Meade, Sgt., 50
Meagher, Herbert F., 58
Memorial At Parker's Crossroads, 3
Memorials, 1, 57
Meuse, 21, 22
Meuse River, 21, 22
Morris, Paul E., 40
Myles Standish, 26
Namur, 21, 24, 25
Neuchateau, 24
Nijmegen, 6
Normandy, 44
North Africa, 14
Northern France, 9, 26
Omaha Beach, 3
Oxford, 30
Oxford, England, 30
Paris, 2, 3, 34, 38, 42, 46
Paris, France, 42
Parker, Maj. Arthur C., 4
Parkers Crossroad, 4
Patch, Gen., 32
Patton, Oliver, 11
Pearl Harbor, 19
Peters, Rev. Emanuel, 32
Peterson, Richard W., 59
Peyser, Capt. Charles S., 2
Pinney, Gordon B., 1
Pip-Margraff, 20
Pitts, Jill, 20
Powell, Gene, 19
Prewett, Ed, 4, 6, 8
Prewett, Edward A., 1, 57
Purple Heart, 49
Queen Elizabeth, 26
Ray, Marion, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44
Ray, Robert G., 36
Reid, Col., 52
Remagen, 6
Remagen Bridge, 6
Rennes, 26, 34, 49
Rennes, France, 26, 49
Rheims, 3, 25, 30, 46
Rheims, France, 30
Rhine, 21
Rhineland, 9
Rifleman, Sgt., 49
Rifleman, Wallace G., 47
Rigatti, Richard, 1
Rigatti, Richard L., 58
Riggs, Col., 8, 36
Riggs, Thomas J., 2, 57, 59
Riggs, Tom, 1
Robb, Dr. John G., 57, 58
Roster, 16
Rouen, 3
Rowan, William K., 59
Rutland, 1st Sgt. Roger, 2
Rutland, Mattie, 2
Rutledge, Boyd, 1, 2, 8, 9
Rutledge, Boyd A., 57
Saxton, Charles, 36
Schnee Eifel, 22
Schneifel, 19
Schonberg, 28, 30, 39
Scott, Earl, 25
Scott, Mr., 23
Siegfried Line, 32, 49
Simmons, Norman, 42
Solomon, Joseph, 56
South Hampton, England, 26
Spa, 1, 3, 25
Spa, Belgium, 25
Sparks, Richard, 40
Spineux, 47
St. Hubert, 47
St. Nazaire, 26
St. Vith, 5, 6, 20, 22, 23, 28, 30, 38, 50
St. Vith Memorial, 5
St. Vith, Belgium, 20, 22, 50
Stalag 4-B, 30
Stalag 9-B, 32
Stalag II-B, 42
Stalag IV-B, 39
Stevens, Joseph E., 36
Switzerland, 6
Tennessee Maneuvers, 44
The 106th Inf. Div. Memorial, 1
The Cub Passes In Review, 49
Time For Trumpets, 22
Van De Bogart, Herman, 52
Van Kerckhoven, Chris, 11
VBOB, 11, 28
Veith, Fred R., 46
Venn, 19
Verviers, 46
Verviers, Belgium, 46
Veterans Of The Battle Of The Bulge, 11
Vielsalm, 3
VIII Corps, 23, 24
Viviers, 34
Viviers, Belgium, 34
Wacht Am Rhein, 21
Wanne, 49
Welch, Col., 50, 53, 54
West Point, 19
Willerzie, France, 24
Winterspelt, 50
Winterspelt, Germany, 50