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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
Uploaded: 11-Dec-2020
Vol. 6, No. 6, Jul, 1950


     This is the first issue of the CUB for our new fiscal year, so let's trace back over the highlights of our outgoing year.
     Number one in everyone's mind was the wonderful Reunion that our Chicago Chapter put on for the National Association. These men amplified all previous conventions in such a manner that all future reunions are really going to have to be promoted to the utmost. I had the opportunity to talk with many of our members who were finally sold on the 106th Association, mainly due to this work of the Chicago Convention men. Many thanks to each Chicago member, and to all those people who went to the expense of making the trip last summer!
     Spotlighting the Mid-year, we witnessed an increased number of Memorial Dinners. My sincere hope is that this practice may be enlarged upon as years roll by. To the members in non-chapter areas, these memorial dinners are the only tangible link of Association activity between conventions, other than the CUB magazine.
     Our chapters throughout the country have promoted local parties to further advance the strength of the National Association. New York had their Annual Beer Party this June. Michigan had about one hundred people at their raffle party in May. California has arranged permanent quarters at the L.A. Patriotic Hall -- Minnesota scheduled a spring picnic for their troop -- East St. Louis hasn't reported in yet. Art Kuespert tells of as many as eighteen "F" Co. Guidon men turning out for Eastern dinners. The Chicago "Chapter News Letter" now being published monthly is a wonderful idea that ought to be duplicated by all the other chapters, and the Metropolitan Chapter recently started a mimeographed publication.
     I would like to thank each and every member of the 106th Infantry Division Association -- and especially the men elected with me, for the cooperation rendered this past year. I would like to add that I will donate freely in the coming years my time and effort to the promotion and assistance of our Association. The main reason is that I feel that the day is close at hand when the Memorial Fund will be called upon to help the needy children of KIA members of the 106th.
     During my tenure of office, the main lesson taught to me is that we must have full cooperation and continual follow-up in order to have the essence of a successful Association.
     In closing, I would like each and every member to please make a concerted effort to make the trip to the 4th Annual Convention in Detroit this July. Please consider the complete activities arranged and prior paid for -- a net saving to each attending 106th party.

     It's your convention, and they'll be your business meetings. If you've got any ideas or criticisms, tell us about them at Detroit. The Association will prosper only as its members contribute ideas and energy. We'll be discussing such things as the memorial fund, local and regional reunions, affiliation with the national federation of division associations, finances, the CUB. Sharpen your wits, and be ready to share your ideas.

    President Gillespie on June 20 appointed six men to serve on the 1950 national nominating committee. Selections, made on the basis of responsibility, activity, and geographic representation, are:
FRANKEL, JEROME L., Brooklyn, N. Y., president Metropolitan Chapter, national director
KELLY, RUSSELL D., Springfield, III., founder Central Illinois Chapter, national director
KNOX, HAROLD, Compton, Calif., secretary Southern California Chapter
LUZZIE, EDWARD L., Chicago, Ill. Chairman 1949 national convention, ex-president Chicago Chapter, national director
RUTT, ROBERT E., Detroit, Mich., national adjutant
SCHNIZLEIN, J. GLENN, Minneapolis, Minn., founder Minnesota Chapter, national memorials chairman
     The above men, or replacements if any of the above can't attend, will meet at the 1950 convention to prepare a slate of 21 nominees for election as national directors for 1950-51. There will be an opportunity for nominations from the floor, and persons wishing to nominate any individual for office should write to the nominating committee at national headquarters or speak to a member of the committee at the convention.


     PLANNING THE MEMORIAL SERVICE for the 1950 convention at a meeting in May at the home of Bob Rutt, national adjutant, are: rear row, Jim Kenyon, Michigan chapter treasurer; Bob Rowe; Bob Kelly, convention chairman; Father Paul Cavanaugh, national chaplain; front row, Bill French, who was in charge of the convention program; and Jack Gillespie, national president.

     The fund-raising campaign of the Auxiliary during the past year was successful, and a wheelchair has been purchased to present to a paraplegic war veteran at the Convention.
     We understand that great things are in store for the ladies who attend the Convention. Cruise Thursday, Welcome Party Friday, special Auxiliary activities Saturday afternoon while the men are in their business meeting, Dinner-Dance Saturday night, sight-seeing tours Thursday and Friday afternoons, luncheons. Don't let your husband leave you home, girls!

     This June-July issue is smaller than the others throughout the Year because it has to he rushed to get out before the convention. We'll be back with the usual larger size CUB for the August-September issue.

     Until the election of new officers, national headquarters remains at the home of Robert E. Rutt, Adjutant, 14447 Young Avenue, Detroit 5, Michigan.

     Dave Price, ex-CUB editor, has moved to Box 238, North Lane, Loudonville, New York. The first issue after the convention will announce the name and address of the new editor to he selected at the convention.

Address Convention Inquiries To
106th Convention Committee
2034 National Bank Bldg.
Detroit 26, Michigan




Index for: Vol. 6, No. 6, Jul, 1950

Index for This Document

Cavanaugh, Father Paul, 3
Frankel, Jerome L., 2
French, Bill, 3
Gillespie, Jack, 3
Gillespie, John M., 1
Kelly, Bob, 3
Kelly, Robert E., 3
Kelly, Russell D., 2
Kenyon, Jim, 3
Knox, Harold, 2
Kuespert, Art, 1
Luzzie, Edward L., 2
Price, Dave, 3
Rowe, Bob, 3
Rutt, Bob, 3
Rutt, Robert E., 2, 3
Schnizlein, J. Glenn, 2