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Vol. 7, No. 4, Mar, 1951
Edward L. Luzzie
The Pittsburgh Chapter has been actively promoting the Fifth Annual Convention which as we all know will be held in that city during July 27, 28, and 29. The hard work of this committee towards making this convention the best yet must be strongly supported by all of us. We as members can insure the success of these efforts by the assistance we give, first of all, by arranging to be present in Pittsburgh for the Reunion, and secondly, by bringing the information concerning this convention to all former members of the 106th. We owe it to the Pittsburgh Chapter for you may be sure that no matter how well planned, no convention can realize the success it deserves without the presence of everyone capable of making the trip.
The annual convention is the high point of the Association's year. It represents the culmination of the year's work. It further presents to us all the opportunity to get together for our mutual enjoyment and to formulate plans to guide officers in carrying out the principles of the Association for the following year. This, therefore, is an opportunity that no member of the Association or former member of the 106th should miss. This is the time when restatement of what we stand for and what we intend to do about it is submitted to us for consideration.
The convention necessarily is not devoted exclusively to business meetings. The Committee has prepared a program that will permit you to stress pleasure or business as you see fit. There will be plenty of time for social and cultural activity as well as time for thrashing out the problems that best the organization as it continues to grow.
One of the Association's reasons for existing at all is to provide a channel whereby you former alumni of the 106th can learn about your buddies. The Convention attempts to bring you together in one spot where as large a number as possible may assemble, thereby increasing the likelihood of seeing that 'missing' buddy of yours.
Finally, attendance at" the convention is not limited only to members of the association, but all former members of the 106th and their relatives and friends are cordially welcomed.
When you begin to think about that summer vacation, plan to spend part of it in Pittsburgh at the 5th Annual Reunion Convention.
The CUB is published bimonthly by the 106th Infantry Division Association. Subscription price $3.00 per year includes membership in the Association. Editorial offices at 236 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, Illinois. Back copies available at 25c each.
PRESIDENT - Edward L. Luzzie, 4824 S. Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IllinoisVICE PRESIDENT - J. A. Middleton, III, 60 Green Street, Madison, New Jersey
ADJUTANT - Robert E. Kelly, 2034 National Bank Building, Detroit 26, Michigan
TREASURER - David S. Price, Box 238, North Lane, Loudonville, New York
CHAPLAIN - Father Edward T. Boyle, 340 W. 66th Street, Chicago, Illinois
(Cover Picture)
PITTSBURGH men working to bring about plans for the best convention yet are seated L to R: David Trimbath (422/Cn), Dr. Gerald Cessna (81st/Med), John Hopbell (422/G), Standing L to R are Peter Pajach (423/B), Eldridge L. Marsh (423/H), David Bailey (422/Sv),and Charles W. Freed (423/I). Others not in photo are John G. Fritzky (424/H), Robert B. Morrison (424/G), and Paul Muehlman ( 422/Cn) .Photo by Morrison
(Picture on Back Cover)
At Dutch Henry's Restaurant in downtown Pittsburgh, this nice group of 106th veterans and their guests attended the annual Memorial Reunion on December 16th. This ambitious crew has worked hard making preparations for our 5th Annual Convention, with headquarters in the magnificent Hotel William Penn.Photo by Paul Rebstock
by David S. Price
This is a brief story of the 106th Infantry Division Association from 1945 to 1950. Nine out of ten membership associations collapse in their first five years, but we have weathered that critical period. We're not only still in business but are financially sound, have retained a large nucleus of loyal members, have had four successful national conventions, have several strong local chapters, have had our history published, have a memorial fund, and have a good magazine.A friend who writes history for a living once told me that the main danger in his business is that historians look back over their shoulders so much that they often trip up and fall flat in the present. This history is not only a look at where we've been, but also an attempt to evaluate our present and guess our future, guided by lessons learned through our experience. We've made some mistakes and some progress, have had gratifying experiences, tough times and a few hard knocks. How long we'll last, or how well we will accomplish our objectives -- answers to those questions will depend upon our own collective efforts. But, to begin at the beginning. . .
The overseas CUB of September 1, 1945 announced that ‘the 106th Infantry Division Association, with some 50,000 men eligible for membership, was formally ushered into existence yesterday at a meeting in Karlsruhe.' The temporary steering committee which did the initial planning and work to build the Association was composed of Lt. Col. Agule and Lt. Col. Livesey, Maj. Perlman, Capt. Crank and Capt. Lowther, Lt. McIntosh, and M/Sgt Given and M/Sgt Hall. In two weeks the committee raised $2,200 in direct contributions from men of the 106th, drafted a constitution and by-laws, made plans for state-side organization including the memorial fund, conventions, the history, and a headquarters, and started arrangements for the release to the Association of about $16,600 surplus remaining in various Division funds.
The first business meeting of the Association was held under canvas at Camp Lucky StrikeFrance, on September 16, 1945. 117 men were present. The constitution and by-laws were adopted after much discussion and some revision. A board of directors of seven members was elected, and the board chose Major William B. Perlman as president and Lt. Col. Herbert B. Livesey, Jr. as secretary-treasurer.
Back in the States, after deactivation, the board met in Mamaroneck, N. Y. on February 3, 1946. Maj. Perlman, whose business had taken him to Cuba, resigned as president, and I was elected to succeed him. The board authorized Col. Livesey to prepare a roster of all known members of the Division, and to prepare for board approval a general mailing to tell all former 106th veterans about the aims and program of the Association and to solicit membership.
Livesey turned his garage into an office, hired clerk-typists, and tackled the job of unscrambling hand-written overseas rosters and converting them into useable card records. After months of work and a large expense, some 41,000 names were recorded in two files, one alphabetic, the other geographic. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Col. Livesey, who averaged more than 40 hours a week on Association business for about 19 months; to clarify the record at this point, he was on a salary basis for the first seven months only -- after that time, it became apparent that we wouldn't have a large enough membership to afford a full time secretary, and he continued his duties without salary.
A board meeting on April 7 authorized Livesey to make arrangements for a division history, and to send out test mailings to selected samples of the mailing list. We were incorporated on May 13, 1946. In August, the first postwar CUB appeared, edited by Col. Livesey. Our big mailing to 40,000 men went out.
Results were disappointing. By June of 1947, we had signed up only 1,000 members. It was obvious that we had guessed wrong, and had been planning on too grand a scale. That we set our sights too high was again demonstrated when we lost about $2,700 on our 1947 Convention at Indianapolis. At the close of our first fiscal year, June 30, 1947, our surplus was reduced to about $2,550. Page 43 of the December, 1947 CUB presents a report of the way we spent our funds in our first two years.
About 500 attended the first convention, with Joe E. Brown and Cedric Foster as the headline attractions. The constitution and by-laws were revised, including the authorizing of chapters and an auxiliary and the expansion of the board of directors to 21 members. Plans for the history and memorial fund were advanced.
Shortly after the '47 convention, our darkest days began. Herb Livesey had resigned his full-time non-salaried job of secretary-treasurer, but continued the duties of his office for about two months after the convention. His elected successor, due to unforeseen complications, was not able to effectuate the transfer of headquarters and the CUB publication. Nothing happened for several months. By December we were able to iron things out, CUB publication was resumed, a new headquarters was set up, and the time-consuming secretary-treasurer job was abolished and replaced with separate positions of adjutant and of treasurer. Meanwhile, correspondence had piled up unanswered, we had missed out on sending membership renewal bills, and things were generally fouled up.
We scraped through the balance of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948. Membership rose to about 1,130 for '47-48, but our surplus had been used up and our books showed a deficit of about $370. The 1948 convention, again at Indianapolis, was attended by 306 persons and resulted in a profit which made us solvent again, but not by much. For the fiscal year '48-49, membership stayed steady at about 1,100; the Chicago convention drew 250 persons, and we operated at a small profit for the year. 1949- 1950 membership of about 860, and successful 1950 convention have put us in pretty good financial shape. Our surplus on December 31, 1950 stood at about $2,700, nearly all in cash, and in addition we have nearly $1,500 more tucked away in our memorial fund.
So far for 1950-51, we have about 650 members. Membership and convention attendance have decreased annually since 1947. We have managed to stay above water only by maintaining very strict expenditure control and by having all Association business handled by volunteers. Nearly every day's mail brings renewals and reinstatements from former members. Maybe we're being guilty of over-optimism again, but it is my hope that membership has now leveled off and will begin to rise again.
My Association like ours is a product of group participation and cooperation. But a few of the volunteer office-holders have guided us through the past three years, and I think that they should have special mention in this article. Presidents Charles Robasse, John Gillespie and Edward Luzzie have been promoters, the idea men who have pushed the organization and got the rest of us together to work in its behalf. Adjutants Russ Villwock, Bob Rutt and Bob Kelly have kept the records, received the renewals, and written the letters. Convention chairmen Ken Perry, Ed Luzzie and Bob Kelly have organized three fine reunions, during years when failure of any one of them would have put us out of business. A bouquet should also go to Arvo Paananen, present editor of the CUB whose job calls for the expenditure of a whole lot of time and effort.
One of our main strengths has been the new blood we've had in responsible positions each of the past four years. By rotating the key jobs we get fresh approaches to the management problems of the Association, and are left with a group of about ten men each of whom could do any of the jobs for the national organization.
Leadership in chapter organization and in our national auxiliary have been vital to our organization's success. I hope that someone someday will write about the auxiliary and the chapters for the CUB.
Pittsburgh, July 27-29, 1951! It seems to me that the future of the outfit depends on membership participation, constructive individual activity. Bring your ideas to Pittsburgh with you. There are many ways that individuals can help out, even if they can't manage to attend the conventions -- send news items or stories to the CUB; plan and carry through a project to raise a few dollars for the memorial fund; work on chapter activities in your locality; send constructive criticisms to the president or editor.
One of the most important jobs we have done as an organization is the furnishing of information to next-of-kin. The Memorial Fund is growing, and a big project in the next few years will be to determine how this fund should be used. We are doing a fairly good job of maintaining war-formed friendships through the CUB and chapters and conventions.
We have had several articles about the 106th published in magazines of national circulation. Our division history, 'St. Vith: Lion in the Way' by Col. R. E. Dupuy appeared in 1949.
We were formed for three objectives - fraternal, educational, and charitable. It seems to me that, unless we increase our emphasis upon the charitable objectives, we will continue to lose a few more members each year until we gradually fold up. But, if we can instill a strong feeling of purpose into the membership -- to try to raise funds to help the dependents of our fallen comrades -- we'll have a worthwhile program that will keep us active. There will be more about this in coming issues of the CUB, and it should be high on the business agenda for discussion at Pittsburgh.
Any history of the 106th Infantry Division Association would be incomplete without listing of the men who have worked to build it. My version of an Association Honor Roll follows, with a try to list all who have contributed ideas, time and effort. The list is surely incomplete because it is based on my recollection over a period of five and a half years. I've doubtless omitted several who deserve inclusion. I know that there are many loyal members whose names aren't here only because time, distance or other circumstances have prevented them from taking an active part. Some chapter workers may have been omitted, not because they haven't made a real contribution, but because we at headquarters don't know about their work. Members of the Auxiliary are omitted because their listing properly belongs in a separate article for the CUB.
So, with the above apologies for and explanation of omissions, here is my Association Honor Roll, 1945-50:
Merle Allen Tom Dowgin
Frank Anderson Pete Frampton
Francis Aspinwall Jerry Frankel
Phil Bailly Bill French
John Beals Gaylord Fridline
Myron Belzer Bob Frische
Tom Bickford Charles Hackler
Sam Blandford Ben Hagman
Edward Boyle John Hall
Paul Cavanaugh Al Harding
Gerald Cessna Vin Harrold
Pete Chiti Jim Hatch
Sam Cimaglia George Hayslip
Richard Comer John Hopbell
R. B. Davis Pete House
John B. Day Bob Howell
Bob de St. Aubin George Huxel
Gen. Jones Dave Price
Bob Kelly Clayton Rarick
Russ Kelly Tom Riggs
John Ketterer Charles Robasse
Harold Knox Ed Roberts
Art Kuespert Marvin Rusch
Marshall Lipkin Bob Rutt
Herb Livesey Glenn Schnizlein
John Loveless Ralph Steed
Ed Luzzie Floyd Stewart
Joseph Matthews Vincent Stiles
Roger May Gen. Stroh
Vollie McCollum Robert Stout
Gen. McMahon Dave Trimbath
Jack Middleton Oakley Utter
Lou Milanese Russ Villwock
Bill Miner Bob Vorpagel
Bob Morrison Alan Walker
Arvo Paananen Lewis Walker
Don Palmer James Wells
Harold Pax Roy Wentzel
William Perlman Earle Williams
Gen. Perrin David Woodson
Kenneth Perry Amos Wright
It conclude this summary of the Association's formative years, may I remark that I have enjoyed the work that I have done with and for the organization. It has been a privilege to work with the fellows in the spirit of fine cooperation which has usually been present. In the belief that a change in management is good for the Association, I have no desire to hold any national office in the future. I'm confident that the changes which have successively replaced me as adjutant, president and editor have all been improvements for the best interests of the outfit. At the 1951 convention, I will not be a candidate for re-election to my present office of treasurer.
GEORGE SIGNOR (424/E),Ward 54, Vaughn, Hines General Hospital, Hines, Illinois, has been a patient since 1945 and recently had his leg amputated. George writes and says he is feeling fine since the amputation and gets home to see his wife and daughter, Emma, once in a while. He is able to get around and attend the bingo parties and movies in the hospital auditorium, but, most of all, would like to have any 106th buddy visit him.
WHICH END? The Lord gave us two ends to use, one to sit with and one to think with. Success depends upon which we choose - heads we sit, tails we lose.
(Continued from last Issue)
During the early decades of the nineteenth century, PITTSBURGH, our 1951 Convention City, was the gathering place and distributing depot for westbound emigrants, and this along with its location at the junction of three rivers was responsible for much of its early growth. Down the Ohio River went its flatboats to New Orleans, loaded with wheat, rye, barley, flour, and whiskey, produced in the surrounding country. By 1811, the first steamboat was ready to ply these waters. In 1834, the Pennsylvania Canal System assured the City's future as the 'Gateway to the West', and within two decades a railroad offered through service between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.
Ore and limestone for the production of iron had been discovered and forests provided charcoal to stoke the furnaces. In the early 19th Century, the steam engine transformed coal into an inexhaustible source of power for the development of large scale industry. Ship building and glass making enjoyed early success in this area. The steel industry mushroomed between 1860 and 1890.
One of the boldest and most vigorous industrial cities, Pittsburgh has long ruled an empire of steel. Its coal deposits, estimated at 11 billion tons, would allow the city and its neighboring counties to stoke America's furnaces for generations. Its abundant supply of limestone, clay, ganister, sand and gravel, feeds the maw of its giant industries. Perhaps many visitors to our city are unaware that our great diversity of manufactured products today, exceeds in value that of each of 37 states.
Today, it is the home of the world's largest manufacturers of aluminum, air brakes, certain food products, plate glass, plumbing fixtures, lifting jacks, refractories, rolling mill machinery, safety equipment, steel, steel rolls, tinplate, tube and pipe, window glass and of the largest electrical equipment manufacturing company. It also boasts America's largest by-product coke plant, bolt, nut and rivet manufacturer, wrought iron pipe manufacturer, independent oil company, bituminous coal producer, and stainless steel manufacturer.
Pittsburgh, the Hearth of the World, is the home of many of the world's great industries and has received international recognition for accomplishment in industrial lines, but there is still another side to which we should like to point with pride.
Art, scientific achievement and other cultural accomplishments play an important part in making this city the great community it is today but these aspects are many times overlooked by the casual visitor. A great many people will no doubt be surprised to learn that among its cultural attractions, Pittsburgh is the site of the only annual International Art Exhibit which is held anywhere in the world. Other points of interest to which Pittsburghers will point with pride, and which are rapidly receiving the publicity of which they are deserving, include the Mellon Institute or 'Temple of Sciences', a magnificent building in the Oakland section, which is devoted to scientific research into the everyday problems of the mankind. In the same district, and in the heart of Pittsburgh's great civic center, (a collection of buildings unrivalled in any city in America), may also be found the Carnegie Museum and Library and the Carnegie Art Institute. Two of Pittsburgh's great universities are also located in this section, the Cathedral of Learning, (University of Pittsburgh) the only skyscraper university in the world, and the Carnegie Institute of Technology. Adjacent to the Cathedral of Learning, stands the Stephen Collins Foster Memorial which contains the origin manuscripts of this great writer of American Folk Songs and stands as the most costly tribute ever built to the memory of any musician. Completing the group of civic buildings are: The Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall, a tribute to the veterans of the Civil War, The Heinz Memorial Chapel, on the Pitt Campus and just off the drive on the edge of the magnificent Schenley Park, which is only one of the twenty parks located within the city limits, is the world famous Phipps Conservatory housing a constantly changing panorama of floral beauty. One of the largest conservatories in the world, this glass roofed garden contains some of the rarest and most valuable collections in existence.
These two articles were written in sincere hope that the Pittsburgh Chapter may have acquainted you with some items of information with which you may not have been familiar. The Pittsburgh Chapter hopes that they have not overshot their goal in their enthusiasm to acquaint you partially with Pittsburgh, because they're proud of their city and they want others to share in their enthusiasm for their home.
(Continued on page 19)
Leo T. McMahon, Brig. Gen., USA, Retired, forwards us news of the people from the Division he has contacted or who have corresponded with him. With a terrific battle underway in Korea, in weather reminiscent to all of us -- of our fighting in the Ardennes -- the thoughts of most of us are in the present and future rather than the past, therefore, the following whereabouts of former 106th personnel is very interesting to know.
DIV. HQ: Maj. Gen. Alan W. Jones, Retired, lives in Washington, D. C.
Maj, Gen. Donald A. Stroh, Retired, lives in Washington, D. C. in winter, in the country in summer.
Brig. Gen. Herbert T. Perrin, lives in Gambier, Ohio. He and Mrs. Perrin have been travelling in Europe since October. Now at Heidelberg, Germany.
Col. William C. Baker, Jr., Chief of Staff, now Army Engineer, 6th Army, Praesidion, San Francisco, California.
Col. Byrne A. Bowman, Judge Advocate, Lawyer in Oklahoma City, 228 NW 32nd St.
Col. William T. Manahan, Ordnance Officer, Retired, lives at Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania.
Col. Earle B. Williams, Signal Officer lives in Frankfort, Ky., was on two weeks active duty at Ft. Meade during the Detroit convention.
Lt. Col. Max J. Roadruck, G-1, now commanding FA Bn at Ft. Sill, Okla.
Chaplain (Maj.) John B. Day, Retired, Pastor, St. Joseph's Church, Quincy, Ill.
Maj. M. R. J. Giuffre, G-2 Section, on active duty, just promoted to Lt. Col.
2nd. Lt. Paul F. Fulk, Ordnance Co., with Sears, Roebuck and Co., in Harrisburg, Pa. Lives at 243 N. Fifth St., Harrisburg, Pa.
CWO Herbert L. Snyder, Band Leader, active duty with Hq, CIC, Ft. Holabird, Maryland.
422d INF: Col. George L. Descheneaux, Retired, 2 Montgomery Terre, Cape Elizabeth, Me.
1st. Lt. William P. Dohoney, Co. C, now DC, USAFC, Mitchell Field, N. Y. Is married and has one child.
423d INF.: Col. Charles C. Cavender, just returned from Japan and is now stationed in Southern California. Still on active duty.
424th INF.: Col. Alexander B. Reid, still on active duty, PMS & T, State College, Pullman, Washington.
Lt. Col. Robert E. Knapp, Regtl S-3, lives at 916 Wescott, Syracuse, N. Y.
81st ENG.: Lt. Col. Thomas Riggs, has three children, lives at 149 Short Hills Rd., Short Hills, New Jersey.
Maj. Adin Marshall, Construction Engineer, lives at Fairplay, Colorado.
DIV ARTY HQ: Brig. Gen. Leo T. McMahon, Retired, Asst. Secretary, Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, Harrisburg, Pa.
Col. Malin Craig, Jr. , Exec. Asst. to Artillery Inspector, Hq., Army Field Force, Fort Monroe, Virginia.
Lt. Col. Ben Hagman, S-3, now an attorney in Weatherford, Texas. Commands a Reserve Bn of FA.
Lt. Col. Edward C. Podworny, Air Officer, now with the 26th Div (Mass. NG) at Ft. Devens, Mass. Married with two children, and lives at Ft. Devens.
Lt. Col. Lester Smythe, S-1, S-4, Wholesale Jeweler in Baltimore, Md. Home address is Towson, Md.
Maj. Joseph Dreier, Surgeon, Physician at Deposit and Savings Bank Building Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Maj. Paul L. McPherran, AT Officer, had been stationed at Carlisle Barracks, Pa. Now in Korea. His wife and daughter live at Carmel by the Sea, Calif.
Capt. Harold R. Dann, with Bell Telephone Company, Syracuse, N. Y.
Capt. Ronald C. Johnson, Survey Officer, High School Teacher, Lubec, Me.
Capt. Charles W. L. Foreman, in shipping business, married, one child, 24 Vernon Place, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
Capt. John Warren, ADC, Attorney, married, 19 Le Roy Place, Red Bank, N.J.
1st Lt. D. E. McIntosh, ADC, married, 3 children, hometown - Clay Center, Kansas where he was in the banking business. Now back on active duty with 6th Armored Div. Address: Rt. 3, McClure Addition, Lebanon, Missouri.
Lt. H. L. Sorkin, Mess Officer, lives at 14 Sherman Ave., Rockville Center, New York.
M/Sgt. Wallace J. Craig, on active duty, Office Sr. Army Instructor, PNG, Indiantown Gap Military Reservation, Annville, Pa.
Sgt. Andrew Cutcher (Gen. McMahon's Orderly all thru the war) married, working as electrician. Lives at 1116 Howard St., Port Huron, Mich.
Sgt. George W. Doerner, married, lives at 815 George St., Norristown, Pa.
Sgt. Henry F. Libera (Gen. McMahon's driver all thru the war) married, farming, 36 School St., Glastonbury, Conn.
Cpl. Edward A. Hirtz, formerly lived in Chicago, now runs a hotel in Wisconsin.
589th FA BN: Col. Thomas P. Kelly, Jr., is an attorney, lives at 2427 Sunset Drive, Tampa, Fla.
Maj. Elliott Goldstein, Exec., an attorney, 37 Park Lane, NE, Atlanta, Ga.
Maj. Arthur C. Parker III, S-3, on active duty with Military Mission in Brazil. Address: US Army Section, JBUSMC, APO 676, c/o PM, N. Y., N. Y. Has just received his promotion to Lt. Colonel.
Capt. Earl D. Scott, Air Section, State Highway Dept., 6414 Monument Ave., Richmond, Va.
590th FA BM: Col. Vaden Lackey, Coal Business, Bransford Fuel Co., Stahl's. Building, Nashville, Tenn.
Capt. Pat Conroy, Liaison Officer, an attorney at Jacksonville, Fla.
S/Sgt. Richard A. Hartman, AAA Club of Md., Cathedral St. and W. Mount Royal Av., Baltimore, Md.
591st FA BN: Lt. Col. Phillip F. Hoover, still on active duty, S-3 for Ft. Bragg, N. C.
Maj. Louis D. Bresseau, S-3, lives At 388 Beacon St., Lowell, Mass. Commands FA BN in the Mass. NG. Is Lt. Col.
Maj. Carl Wohlfeil, Exec., just promoted to Lt. Col. with X Corps Arty in Korea, APO 909.
Capt. M. M. Dolitsky, Supply Officer 134 Main St., Port Chester, N. Y. Now a Lt. Col. commanding a FA IV in N.Y.N.G.
592d FA BN: Lt. Col. Richard E. Weber, Jr., Instructor at C & GS College, Ft. Leavenworth, K.S.
THOMAS BICKFORD (DHQ), 3 Sunnyside Terrace East Orange, New Jersey, is one of our 1950-1951 National Association Directors. He is married for the eleventh year now and is forty-three years of age. Tom is a carpenter by trade and has been with the same contractor for 27 years. He joined the 106th Division at time of its activation and remained with DHQ Motor Pool until deactivation in October 1945. While with the 106th, Tom graduated from Chemical Warfare Service School in Ft. Jackson and from Odograph Map Making and Navigation School in Ft. Knox, Ky. As a Tec 5, Tom was assigned to drive the jeep for Capt. Glen (DHQ Motor Officer). Tom and Capt. Glen led practically every convoy the 106th participated in during the stay in the E. T. 0.
Tom's most amusing experience in the army was when he was assigned to drive General Jones for the day that Sgt. Klein was unable to do so. The General and Tom had been out for the entire day and what do you think the General said? 'Turn Left'. That was their conversation for the day.
FLOYD D. STEWART (590/Hq Btry), Suite 621, 705 Olive St., St. Louis 1, Mo., joined the 106th Division early in December 19 43 -- just in time for the 'D' Series and was assigned to Fire Control Section, Hq Btry, 590th FA Bn., where he maintained until the afternoon of December 19, 1944, at which time he became POW. In between the two Decembers, there were Tennessee, Camp Atterbury, advance party to the United Kingdom Base and the Ardennes - all of it familiar enough to anyone who was with the division.
As kriegie, he was in the boxcars at Limberg, at IV B, III B, and finally III A, where the Russians came in - he believes, on April 23rd. Floyd made it back across the Elbe two weeks later. Then France, and Stateside - the usual routine - and discharge in December 1945.
In January 1946, back in St. Louis, Floyd took up where he had left off in law school at Washington U. Admitted to the Missouri Bar in December 1946, the next year the Illinois Bar. At present, Floyd is practicing in both Missouri and Illinois.
THERON (BUD) BARTHOLOMEW, 844 Leland Ave., go, Ill., attended the Chicago Chapter's December 16th Reunion at the Rocket Club. Bud was glad to be present among his buddies once again and hopes to be active in Chapter work in the future.
HARRY T. BEEKER (422/Hq/3rd), 267 Helen St., Cincinnati, Ohio, writes and comments that he really likes to receive the CUB. Harry works for the city as a cable splicer and welcomes any letters or visitors from his old outfit.
DR. MEYER BELZER (DHQ), 4401 Duport South, Minneapolis, Minn., our former Division Surgeon, (Lt. Col.), saw and visited Gen. and Mrs. Alan Jones recently in Washington, D. C. He also saw Col. Glatterer (G-4) who has babied recently and is finding that the baby can snafu his plans more effectively than could any S-4 or S-1. Dr. Belzer is a member of the active reserve but is not in uniform yet.
GEORGE T. BLACKBURN, 558 Dupont St., Philadelphia 28, Pa., was discharged from the Army in 1947 after two and half years of hospitalization. He didn't inform us what unit of the 106th he was with when wounded. George finished Drexel Tech in 1948 as a Mechanical Engineer. Now working for Westinghouse in their Aviation Gas Turbine Division, he would like to get in touch with Louis B. Orr, who took some photos in Belgian which he is interested in.
RICHARD J. BRAT (423/G&K), RFD 7, West Thames St., Cottage Dairy, Norwich, Conn., is a new member in the association. We welcome Richard most heartily into an organization which is successfully progressing for the purpose of returning a debt to those who took the sacrifice for us.
CAPT. SAMUEL P. CARIANO (DHQ/AG), AG Postal, Hq JLCOM, APO 343, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Cal., writes for back issues of the CUB which he hasn't received due to a change of address not reported to the Association. He was due to return to the States in July but the Korean situation changed all plans, therefore, being unable to attend the 1950 Convention in Detroit. His hometown is Lansing, Michigan., and at present, is Staff Postal Officer of the Command in Yokohama, Japan. He has been happy to meet several of the men of the 106th Division during his sojourn in Japan for the last four years.
PETER CHITI, 4226 Van Dyke, Detroit 14, Michigan, was the First Chef in charge of the great Detroit Reunion's Dinner on December 16th. Pete is married and has a nice family of one boy and one girl. He is an operating engineer with a construction company in Detroit. Pete wishes his buddies to drop him a line.
ROBERT J. CLARK (423/A), 1446 East Fifth St., Connersville, Ind., is attending Princeton 'Theological Seminary at the present time. Bob received his B. A. degree in Department of Social Relations with honors Tutorial in Pastoral Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology from Harvard University on June 22, 1950. Bob can also be reached at Brown Hall, Princeton Seminary, Princeton, N.J.
CAPT. M. N. CRANK (422), G-2, GHQ, FEC, APO 500, c/o PM, San Francisco, California, is a postal officer in the Far East Command. Capt. Crank is one of the Association's members who joined during the early stages of the organization in 1945 and was on the original board which convened in France to begin plans for the first convention, which was held in Indianapolis in 1947.
RINARD C. DAVIS (422/3rd Bn Hq Co), 320 S. Elmwood, Kansas City 1, Missouri, regrets the fact that he had to miss the Detroit Convention after attending all the previous ones. On October 20, 1950, Rinard married Miss Charlotte Rummerfield of Blue Springs, Missouri, in All Soul's Unitarian Church. Congratulations to the newly married couple!
RICHARD ELLINGTON (Div Sp Sv), 117 W. 11th St. New York 11, N. Y., is busy writing books, radio scripts and television scripts at the present time. Some of his books include. 'Shoot the Works', 'It's Crime', 'Stone Cold Dead', and 'Exit For A Dame', Among the radio and TV shows, Dick writes 'The Fat Man', 'The Falcon', 'The Web', 'Sure As Fate', and 'Man Against Crime'.
H. E. ENDERS (Sig), 265 Jefferson Ave., Cresskill, N. J., is working with the Publicity Dept. of RCA in NYC. He has purchased a ranch house in N. J., which keeps him busy after office hours. After marriage in 1947 to a Boston girl he met while stationed at Camp Miles Standish, the Enders are proud parents of Diane 2 years, and Carol 5 months. He is a graduate of Colgate U. in 1948.
STANLEY FRICKMAN, 314 Easing St., Cincinnati, Ohio, is presently a Fire and Inland Marine Insurance Underwriter with the W. E. Lord Co., a large general insurance agency in Cincinnati. Stanley regrets missing the 1950 convention due to business reasons but hopes to make the 1951 Convention in Pittsburgh.
ERNEST GERHARDT (422/Sv), 121 Lispenard Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y., is a partner in the business firm, Gerhardt Automotive Center, 43 Potter Ave., New Rochelle. The Gerhardt's have a little boy who will be three years of age in February. They have purchased a new home in New Rochelle. Ernest was POW in Stalag 4B and 25F - liberated April 18, 1945. He wishes an abundance of luck to a worthy organization, the 106th Inf. Div. Association.
BEN J. HAGMAN (Di. Arty), 305 W. Josephine St., Weatherford, Texas, is very sorry that he missed the last convention but thinks of the 106th many times. Ben is still practicing law in Weatherford and recently moved into a very modern office building. He is C.O. of the 343rd FA Bn, 90th Div. Reserves and doesn't expect to go into the service unless the entire Division is called up. Ben informs us that Col. Malin Craig Jr., is beck in the States, and he also hopes the association a very successful year under its present fine leadership.
ROBERT B. HALT (592/Sv), RR 2, Box 113, Plymouth, Indiana, writes a very nice letter of his experiences after his transfer from the 106th to the 89th Division as a low-point man scheduled to sail for the Pacific in autumn of 1945. Instead, Bob returned to the States with the 341st FA Bn, 89th Division, leaving England, Dec. 11, 1945 on the ship 'Europa', a captured German liner. He arrived in New York Pier on December 17, from where he went to Camp Kilmer. He returned to Camp Atterbury for discharge and became a happy civilian Hoosier on December 22, 1945. Bob is still an eligible bachelor helping his folks on their Indiana farm and working in South Bend as a welder for Aernoo Drainage and Metal Products, Inc. Bob wishes to join the Association as this is his first chance to hear about it and it's worthy cause.
EDWARD J. HEIDEMAN, 3317 N. Long St., Chicago, Ill., was grateful to be able to attend the Chicago Chapter's Reunion Dec. 16th. He is secretary of the Chapter and is in the cigarette vending business in his hometown. He distributes the new Keeney Electric Cigarette Vendor so if any of you Chicago men have locations desiring this machine, please notify Ed.
WALTER L. HERTZLER (806 Ord), RFD 1, Oscineke, Mich., has been supervisor of the Farmers Home Administration of Alpena County and Oscoda County since his discharge from the army in 1946. Walter also raises a few Hereford Cattle, alfalfa seed and Christmas trees on his farm at Glennie, Michigan. Walter says that Roy Priniski of Chicago and Sears, formerly G-4, has tried to shoot some of Walt's deer on different occasions but so far has failed in that item of supply.
ERNEST F. HUFFMAN, JR., (424/Sv), 916 W. 5th Ave., Gary, Indiana, and formerly from Braddock, Pa., received his B. A. degree from Notre Dame's School of Commerce in 1949. After graduation, he obtained a good job as Assistant Manager of the Gary Branch, Chicago Motor Club, therefore, making his home in Gary.
ROBERT J. KARUTIS (423/K), 412 E. Main St., Amsterdam, N. Y., was with the 106th from activation until liberated in April 1945 at which time he was sent back to the States, and at the present, is letter carrier for the Amsterdam Post office. Bob visited with Sgt. Richard Brox (423/K) a year ago. Brox is in the restaurant business in Norwich, Connecticut and runs the Cottage Dairy on the road from New London to Norwich. Karutis contacted Brox about joining the Association and shortly after, our Adjutant received a nice letter with Brox's membership dues enclosed. How about the rest of you fellows following Bob Karutis's recruiting techniques?
GEORGE H. KAUFMAN (423/H), 33 Monument Sq., Urban, Ohio, is running his one food market in Urban since four and one-half years ago. George extends the CUB the best of success.
JACOB KAUFMAN (DHQ Co), 6812 Sylvester St., Philadelphia, Pa., has married since his discharge in 1945 and also increased the male population by one in 1947. Jacob embarked on a business career and at present is a partner in Manns and Co. of Philadelphia -- dealers in household furnishings.
ADOLPH F. KORINEK (422), 11 N. Woodside Ave., Lodi, N. J., was a POW in Bad Orb and at present is a happy married man home again with his two lovely daughters, Rita 8 and Helen 4. He works as a third hand operator in the Flinthote Paper Co. of Little Ferry, N. J.
ALBERT C. KOSOW (590/C), 68-21 Fleet Street, Forest Hills, N. Y., completed his college training at the U. of Denver and at present is Counselor and Assistant Director of Guidance at the Anderson School, Haaksburg-on-Hudson, New York.
ART KUESPERT (423/F), 531 S. Eddy St. South Bend, Indiana, is the very able Editor of the 'Company F Guidon'. Art has edited this only company paper for the past four years. He writes and says that the next issue of the Guidon will be out very shortly.
J. C. LANGTRY (424/C), 118 Hampton Rd., Garden City, N. Y., is in the Chemical Sale. Department of the American Agricultural Chemical Co., 50 Church St., New York.
WILLIAM J. LAWSON (423/H), 1587 Irving St., Rahway, N. J., is chemist at the Newark Plant of Celanese Corporation of America. Bill would like to hear from any former member of 423rd, 'H' Company.
GORDON W. LEWTHWAITE (81st Eng), 300 Maplewood Ave., Rochester 13, N. Y., recently received his appointment as Landscape Architect with the New York State Department of Public Works, Highway Division. A son was born to the Lewthwaites on August 19th and they also have a little three year old girl. Gordon, as well as the Editorial Office, would like to hear more from all former 81st Engineer men. How about a line?
/ MALCOLM E. LORD (424/F), 109 S. 2nd St., Denton, Maryland, was Tec. Sgt. with the 106th and at present is post-office clerk in Denton. He was with the Division from activation until wounded during the Battle of the Bulge in Belgium in April 1945. A Purple Heart bearer, he is married to a wonderful girl named Ann. He recently saw Frank Collins (424/F) and now in Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C. from wounds received in Korea. He also saw James Stewart there. Malcolm was discharged from Ft. Meade on January 4, 1946.
LOUIS S. LE TELLIER, JR., (81st/C), 101 ½ Tradd St., Charleston, S.C., writes to tell how sorry he was to miss the 1950 Convention. He is working for Dawson Engineering as an Estimator. He was glad to see Jessie Smith (81st/C) who looked Louis up when passing through Charleston recently. Louis is one of the 'CUB' admirers - says he waits for it anxiously each time.
EDWARD L. LUZZIE (590th), 4824 S. Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, Ill., surprised the entire Chicago Chapter by announcing his wedding at the Dec. 16th Reunion. The Chicago's eligible bachelor married Miss Mary Hultgen, from Chicago, at St. Bernadette's Church in Chicago on Saturday, December 30, 1950. I'm sure that every member of the Association wishes to extend their hearty congratulations to our president and his lucky bride.
DR. JOHN B. MARTIN (422/Med), Box 397, Fredericktown, P. is in general and industrial medical practice in Fredericktown. The Martins have two children - John B. Jr., aged 4 ½ years, and Pamela, aged 2 months.
WILLIAM C. McMURRAY (424/M), R. D. 2, Canonsburg, Pa., sends in his renewal for membership in the association. Bill would like to hear from other Co. M men.
ROBERT E. McVOY (423/Sv), Poland, New York, regrets missing the Detroit Convention due to the busy season in business. He is selling Plymouths and Chryslers in Poland. Bob obtained another member Childmore M. Fischer, into the association.
M/SGT. ROBERT J. MITROS (424/1st Bn Hq), is still in the army in Japan with the Hq, CIC, 1st District, and has one more year to serve. Bob's home address is 1020 - 5th St., Grand Rapids, Mich.
ARTHUR C. NILSON, 525 R. Street, N.E. Auburn, Washington, is a building contractor at present busy constructing the new Auburn High School. Art is married 4 ½ years and has a daughter, Lynnes, 3 ½ years and a son Mark, 6 months.
DONALD A. PALMER (423/M), 1760 Orchard Avenue, Ontario, California, a Ford Motor Company representative, has worked in various places - NYC, Patterson, N.J. Cincinnati, Dallas, and now sunny California. Don is a Michigan Chapter member and says, he misses their meetings while traveling.
GEORGE M. PATTERSON, JR., (422/3rd Bn) 7515 - 19th St., NE, Seattle 5, Wash., is Vice-President of the Patterson Tire Co., Inc., (Tire Recappers), 6912 Woodlawn Ave., at 5th Ave., NE, in Seattle.
ROLAND PARQUETTE (423/AT), telephoned his regrets of being unable to attend the Chicago Chapter Reunion on Dec. 16th at the Rocket Club but wished the Chapter and entire 106th Inf. Div. Association a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. (Roland's address unknown in files and message didn't note one). How about a line, Roland?
ALDEN F. RUSSELL (424/D,L,M), RFD, Alexandria Bay, N. Y., has been supervising Farm Training Program for Veterans since September 1950 and is located in the vicinity of Theresa, N. Y. Alden has about 20 students and at present he is planning to attend the 1951 Convention in Pittsburgh.
ALBERT L. SILVER (423/Cannon), 1764 Walton Avenue, New York 53, N. Y., known to members of the 423rd as Albert L. Silverman, is owner of the Silver Furniture Company, 78 Avenue 'A', in NYC, and invites all buddies to get in touch with him there. As of January 1st, Albert's new address will be 217-15 Kingsbury Avenue, Hallis Hills, Long Island, N.Y.
LOREN E. SOUERS, JR., (424 & 81st Eng), 1200 Harter Bank Bldg., Canton, Ohio, has been practicing law in Canton since his discharge in October 1945. He attended the 81st Engineer Annual Reunion at Newark and saw Tom Riggs, Don Castleman, Ed Paolka and many other friends. He also has seen Bill Youngs of the 81st recently, who is a partner of very successful acoustical business in Cleveland, Columbus and Dayton, Ed Huminski of Pittsburgh and a member of Loren's original weapons platoon, Co. F, 424th, visited him.
DONALD M. SWOPE (G-5), 2 W. Broadway, Gettysburg, Pa., is practicing law in his hometown. Don married Mary Howard of NYC in March 1947 and now has two children: Susan, 3, and James Donald II, age 1.
WILBUR R. TIPTON (423/3rd Bn Hq), 210 McKinley St., Middletown, Ohio, informs us that he was very disappointed to miss the 1950 convention but hopes to attend next year for sure. Bill would like to contact JOHN FARROW of Philadelphia whom he met and became a buddy of in Stalag IXB, Bad Orb. Anyone knowing John's address, please write to Bill. After Bill's discharge from the army, he entered college and graduated in June 1950 with Bachelor of Fine Arts in Architecture, and a professional degree Bachelor of Architecture. Some of his work on City Planning has been published in the 'Ohio Architect' magazine.
HARRISON C. TISSOT (422/C), 6724 Merwin Avenue, Cincinnati 27, Ohio, company clerk overseas, is employed in the receiving office of the Cincinnati Milling Company. Harry wishes to thank all those buddies who sent him Christmas cards this year. (Editor's Note) My thanks to Harry for the very informative letter and the news clipping of Father Cavanaugh taken from the Cincinnati Post. This is news I'm sure all Golden Lion men will appreciate.
PAUL M. L. TROST (423/H), Wall Lake, Iowa, received his B. A. degree from Iowa State Teachers College in 1949 and is now head coach at the Wall Lake Public School, coaching football, basketball and baseball. Paul spent his last summer months playing semi-pro baseball in Iowa with a team from Wall Lake Community, known as 'The Lakes'. His future plans are to return to school for his next degree.
NOEL D. TRUEBLOOD, (424/I), 303 Richardt Avenue, Evansville, Indiana, is the manager of the A & P Super Market there. Noel is formerly from Mt. Carmel, Ill. He would like to hear from any of the fellows at any time and promises to reply promptly.
BENEDICT VIRDONE (422/K), c/o Bristol Laboratories, PO Box 657, Syracuse, N. Y., is Export Traffic Manager of Bristol Labs. He would like to renew old friendships by hearing from former 422/K men.
MARK S. WAGNER, (424/H), 413 Thompson Street, Mifflinburg, Pa., is a partner in the business firm, Royal Stationery Company, Lewisburg, Pa. He would like to hear from all Co. H. men.
HOWARD WATT (424/Hq Co 3rd Bn), 37 Eighth St., Ridgefield Park, N. J., is still in close contact with veterans by being employed by the National City Bank of New York and is in the Veterans Loan Section, Personal Credit Department in NYC.
ROSCOE WILHELM (422/G), Butler, Illinois, is currently employed by the Midwest Liquid Fertilizer Company in Springfield, Illinois. His wife, daughter Wilma, a senior in Hillsboro, Illinois High School, and his son Lee, an eighth grade student, live in Butler and when Roscoe isn't on business, he spends all of his time with the family.
LT. COL CARL A. WEAVER, (423), 1st Bn., 3rd Inf. Regt., Ft. Myer, Virginia, returned to the states in July, after five years with the Intelligence Division, Hq EUCOM. He is now assigned as CO of 3rd Inf. Regt. in Ft. Myer and his battalion is charged with the bulk of the ceremonial details in and around Washington, including the Guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Funerals in Arlington National Cemetery. Lt. Col. Weaver was with the 318th Inf., 80th Inf. Div. prior to joining the 106th at the time of activation but was transferred again after the Division arrived at Camp Atterbury from Tennessee Maneuvers.
EVERITT W. WILLIAMS ( 423/L & 424/F) 229 Delsea Drive, Westville, N. J., is in the plumbing and heating business, and has two nice boys, one 4 years of age and the other 16 months. Everitt is reservist with the 50th Armored Division of the N. J. National Guard, as Administration Officer. He is sweating out his induction into the regular army. Wishes he could be back with the 106th if recalled to duty.
COL FRANCIS A. WOOLFLEY, (CG 106th), is Chief of Infantry, U. S. Mission for Aid to Turkey and is now stationed in Ankara, Turkey.
M/SGT. AMOS M. WRIGHT (424/Sv), 102 W. Marquette Rd., Chicago, Ill., now with USAF, is assigned to Recruiting Duty in Chicago as Supervisor of Southwest Side, having his recruiting office at 6249 S. Ashland Av., Chicago 36, Ill. Amos enlisted John B. Dakar (424/AT) and William Shepard (Div MP's) recently. Captain Mattox, formerly with 106th, is transportation officer of Illinois Military District with offices at Navy Pier. Lt Sitar of 422 is now in ORC Section, Navy Pier.
ROBERT WRIGHT, (590/Hq), 715 Clark St., Marseilles, Illinois, is working in the Bowling Alleys and Lounge in his hometown. He has a family of two girls and one boy. How about a line Hq Btry?
LT. LEWIS H. WALKER (422/H), 315, 11th St., Ramona, San Diego County, Calif., has been ordered back to active duty. So far, we haven't heard of his definite assignment pending special physical examinations.GEORGE C. CARLTON (422/Cn), 230 Rock St., Marquette, Mich., has had to drop his butcher and bowling business to return to the service, writes his wife from Route 1, Box 641, Marquette, Mich.
/ Sgt. CLYDE E. BARRINGER (424/C), 53rd Fighter Bomber Squadron, APO 208, N.Y., N.Y., and formerly from 329 South Lee St., Salisbury, N. C., is Crew Chief on a F80 Shooting Star in Germany. Sgt. Barringer has toured the Belgian-German areas where the 106th battled during the Battle of the Bulge. In the photo you'll see him with a German civilian in St. Vith where all new buildings have been erected since the war. He also saw monuments erected for G. I.'s killed at the Malmedy Massacre and fight through the 'Nuts' City of Bastogne.
Editors Thanks
I want to thank all the following who remembered the Editor by sending such nice Christmas Cards:Arnold T. Anderson (106th Div Arty), 9319 S. Justine, Chicago, Ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Anderson (Sig). 2517 N. Halsted St., Chicago,I11.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant C. Anderson (592/Sv), 8220 Kenwood Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Conner (592/Sv), 206 N. Pecan St., Arlington, Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Dillhoff (592/N), 2240 Crane, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Robert Frische,(DHQ), 2019 Fir Drive, Glenview, Illinois.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Henry (592/C), 158 N. 5th Street, Hamburg, Pa.
Kenneth F. Johnson (592/B), c/o Vassar Studios, Two Rivers, Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. Benhardt T. Maki (592/B), 12646 Sussex, Detroit, Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Neiweem (592/A), 802 Elm Street, Winnetka, Illinois.
Gene L. Miller (592/B), 1852 Locust, Long Beach, California.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Glenn Schnizlein (433/F), 727, 15th Avenue, S. E., Minneapolis Minnesota.
Vincent J. Stiles (424/Hq) 8117 S. Anthony St., Chicago, Illinois.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Villwock (Sig), 1115 W. Patterson, Chicago, Illinois.
Lawrence Walden (424/H), 163 W. 155th Street, Harvey, Illinois.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wright (424/Sv, 102 W. Marquette Road, Chicago, Illinois.
J Glenn Schnizlein
In recent months the question, ‘What is the Memorial Fund?' has been heard frequently. Realizing that it has been a long time since the essentials of our plan have been published (CUB Aug. '46), I wish to submit this summary,
ORIGIN: The idea of a Memorial began with the origin of a committee to form the Division Association. With remarkable unanimity of opinion, it was decided that it should be a living memorial rather than any type of monument. In the Constitution adopted by the charter members at Camp Lucky Strike, September 15, 1945, as part of the objectives, is the following paragraph:
Sec. 2. 'The Scholarship committee shall prepare a study of the abilities and potential abilities of the association to establish memorials in the form of scholarships for the children of deceased members; prepare plans for the financing thereof and the selection of the beneficiaries thereof; review all applications and recommendations for designation of beneficiaries, and make recommendation thereon to the board of directors.'
At the same time the possibility for scholarships at the University of Liege, Belgium perhaps influenced the committee. The University of Liege was of prime interest because all of the actual fighting of the Division was done in Belgium and much of it in an effort to prevent the Germans from reaching Liege through the Bulge. The University of Liege is one of the four big Universities of Belgium and is supported by the State. It grants degrees in philosophy, law, science and medicine. It is one of the oldest and most famous of all the world universities. Rector Graulich readily assented to free scholarship at the University but since the University is state supported, the scholarship is only nominal, amounting to 1500 francs or approximately $30 a year. Total cost including subsistence would amount to about seven or eight hundred dollars a year. (Note - This estimate was in 1945)
Dr. Graulich advised against sending an undergraduate and suggested a one year post-graduate scholarship. His point was that because of the greater freedom in European schools, the student selected should be more mature and should have at least four years of college level French behind him.
It has been suggested to make this an exchange scholarship to avoid the cost of travel but this did not seem to furnish the same personal interest in the scholarship.
Another suggestion has been the establishment of a straight scholarship in this country without association with the Belgian University at all. This last seems to be the most practical.
In order to finance an all expense scholarship at the University of Liege at present rates of interest would require a capital fund of about $50,000. The Attaché at Brussels pointed out the great difficulties of selection of a recipient of the honor. The need for a complete roster of men killed in action with the Division was therefore urgent.
DEVELOPMENT: Herbert Livesey ran into considerable difficulties attempting to build a roster of men killed in action. The expected source - Army records - netted extremely little: (1) Records by units only included name and serial number and few of those due to loss of many company files in the Bulge. (2) Limited staff and funds prevented the Army from making any search of the records for next of kin. (3) Further, many of the recorded addresses of next of kin proved to be out of date.
Financially, though, progress was begun in 1946 with a contribution from Mrs. Edna M. Anchorstar. In the first year, the fund grew to $516.05.
The various plans for scholarships have been discussed at several conventions but no definite, permanent policy was established.
PRESENT STATUS: The present temporary arrangement is 'That until the next annual meeting of the Association, the Board of Directors administer the Memorial Scholarships Fund and make grants therefrom in its discretion, provided that all such grants shall be for educational purposes for children of men killed in action with the 106th Infantry Division, and further provided that grants shall be in the form of loans without interest when for use on the university level and in the form of outright gifts when for use at the high school or groomer school level'.
To date the few applicants for the scholarship have been proven very undeserving.
Although we have gathered over 300 names of men killed in action, only about 330 next of kin are known and no estimate is possible of the number of children deserving our help.
The Memorial Scholarship Fund has grown to $1400.
FUTURE PLANS: The scholarship committee is expected to have a proposed permanent policy for approval of the entire membership at the next convention. So bring YOUR opinions and ideas along.
It is hoped that all of the presently known next of kin can be contacted in order to acquaint them with our plan and to further complete our records.
It is necessary that each of us renew our efforts to locate ALL of the next of kin of ALL the men killed in action with our division. The most important data is:
1. Name of man killed in action.
2. Name and address of next of kin and relationship.
To complete our records, we need further:
3. Unit of 106th Division, and serial number.
4. Marital status.
S. Children's names and dates of birth.
6. Date of death.
7. Place and circumstances surrounding death.
Our fund for scholarship grants to the children of our battle casualties is growing steadily but our gifts are small and meager in comparison to their big sacrifices during the Battle of the Bulge. They shall live if you remember, therefore, your contribution, however small, is a partial payment for those who answered the last roll call in Europe.
May God Bless the following donors for their generous gifts:
Captain Samuel P. Cariano
Richard J. Brat Thomas Knisely, Jr
Roland B. Cole Raymond S. Marcus
Ernest Gerhardt Roscoe Wilhelm
Rev. Edward T. Boyle
Justice is a perfection. Naturally, God must be just. When man sinned against God, He committed a sin of infinite magnitude, infinite illness - sin is measured by the dignity of the person offended. Who can pay the price of man's sin and satisfy Divine Justice? Only an infinite Entity. God, alone, is Infinite. He, only, can pay the price of man's sin and balance the account.Christ, God, and man, died on the Cross to pay the price of Eternal Hell which man deserved by his sin. Yet, there is a price we must pay. That is the punishment attached to earth. The pains and ills, hardships, and trials, sorrows and tragedies, we experience in this life is credited our personal account for the punishment due our sins.
We can alleviate the hardships that may come our way, maybe, the sufferings of another conflagration, by POSITIVE MERETORIOUS ACTS. This we encouraged during LENT. By prayer, acts of charity, sacrifices, self-denials, we can tone in some measure the punishment due us in justice by our offenses against God's law. LENT is a time of battle. It is time for courage. Don't curl up in the fox-hole - STAND UP; MASTER YOUR EMOTIONS; HARNESS YOUR POWERS to win the battle for your SOUL. If we all win our personal battles for Heaven, there wouldn't be World Wars.
Enjoying themselves as everyone does at the conventions, are Jack Bryant (422/Hq) and Ivan Long, both from Michigan. This photo was taken at the Chicago Convention Banquet in 1949, and these men are 'hepped up' about attending the PITTSBURGH CONVENTION again this year. They hope to be able to sign the Convention Register for many years to come.
26 January 1951 Opicnia, F. T. T.
Dear Editor:
Received the first copy of the CUB that I have seen since I was sent overseas over two years ago. I enjoyed reading again about the people that I knew and fought alongside of and the memories of those days have come back so strongly that I have been found to sit down and write this short note to let my buddies know that I am all right and still kicking although they haven't heard from me.
At the present time I am Platoon Leader of the weapons platoon of B Co, 351st Infantry, a former unit of the 88th Division, and is a ‘crack' regiment. However good this unit maybe, I still think of Canon Co., 424th Infantry.
I have seen several officers and men formerly from the 106th who are with TRUST. Major Bill Croven (423rd) then a Captain. Captain Lowell Harlan (424th) then a Lieutenant, and Lt. Louis Sabol who made an amphitheater out of our 'pot holes' which characterize this country and still known as Sabol's Sump by everyone in his company, the 2nd Bn., 301st Infantry. M/Sgt Mike Kobalarsyck (423rd) is now platoon sergeant of G Co., 351st Infantry. There have been others from the 106th through here but these are the only names I remember offhand.
As for myself, I have been busy learning how to be an officer. Since with this regiment, I have served in six companies - firstly assigned to G-2 of TRUST as Economic Analyst. Then came the infantry with assignment as a rifle platoon leader in C Company temporarily until the regular transfer came around for Cannon Company where my training in the 424th really helped. Most of this time I was at Camp Schmelz in Austria, training separate platoons for a month at a time. And I was again assigned to H Company but on the day I reported for duty, my orders were changed to report to Regimental Headquarters as an Assistant S-3. My duties here consisted of making training inspections, establishing and maintaining a Regimental Training Aids Section, and general runner in an office consisting of one Major, five Captains, one Operations Sergeant, one overworked Clerk and myself. Six months later I was assigned to I Company (a little bit of heaven in this regiment) because it was fifteen miles from both regimental and battalion headquarters. After being very content here for eight months, I was recently transferred to B Company.
Romantically, I am engaged to a very lovely station girl who is now in Sydney, Australia, with the Station Legation, but by the end of March she should be back after which we will be married.
I hope that in the very near future (say about ten years) I shall return to the States and look up all of my old buddies from Cannon Co., 424th.
Keep up the good work of preserving the memories gained during our combat time. Hoping that we, either singly or as a group, will never have to go through that again.
Lt. Richard R. Robinson
CO. B., 351st Inf., TRUST
APO #209, c/o Postmaster,
New York City, N. Y.
Home Address:
314 E. Saginaw St., St. Louis, Michigan.
Have you looked at your 106th Division Association membership card lately ? Get it out and check the year in the corner. If it is 1950, you're square. If it says 1951 - you're wonderful. Congratulations. But if any other numbers are there - reach for your check book and send five dollars to your Adjutant, Robert E. Kelly, 2034 National Bank Bldg, Detroit 26, Michigan, and bring tears of joy to our eyes. We want to give you a good magazine. If dues are paid up - we can do it. So help yourself to a better CUB by helping us produce it for you.JOBS WANTED
J. Glenn Schnizlein, (423/F) 727 15th Ave., S.E., Apt. 1A, Minneapolis 14, Minn., will graduate from the University of Minnesota this coming June with a Masters Degree in Inorganic Chemistry. Anyone knowing of job openings for an Inorganic Chemist, please write Glenn. 16
As The Editor Sees It
Arvo O. Paananen
OUR 'NEW LOOK' - Made some changes in type faces in last CUB - idea of making it more easy to read - generally more attractive. Personally, I like a lot of pictures - Send them in. How did you like the back page of last issue?
A WEEK IN NEW YORK CITY - Monday, J., 15th, I left Chicago's Midway Airport at 5 p.m.; CST, by United Strato 'The Hollywood', for NYC - purpose of attending my uncle's funeral Wednesday and get little sight-seeing done latter part of week. Had interesting conversation on South American political situation and a delicious meal with Arturo Godoy - the Boxer from Argentina. The smooth flight brought us to La Guardia Field at 8:30 p.m. EST - only two and one-half hours from Chicago. Boarded the limo to Grand Central Air Terminal - Got off and took Cab to 8th Ave. Subway, which I rode for about 20 minutes to my cousins near the cloisters in Upper Manhattan. This being my first trip to NYC - didn't find the fast subway system too confusing.
Tuesday Eve, I was invited out for dinner with Mr. & Mrs. Nathan M. Roth in the Bronx. 'Nat' was former Btry B, 592d FA Bn member and POW - returning to the States after liberation in May 1945. After the delicious seafood dinner, we retired into their spacious and beautifully furnished parlor where the hours flew by in a hurry - reminiscing old times with Div Arty. Conversation could have lasted all night but I had a funeral the next day and Nat had the office to worry about. After a nice midnight snack, Nat drove me to Manhattan in his new Pontic. My hearty thank to the Roths for this wonderful hospitality.
Wednesday - Arose in time to arrive at the funeral chapel two hours prior to time of service. Met several family friends. Interment in Ferncliff in Westchester County. Drove back along Hudson River. Met for dinner at the House of Finland, 50th St between Madison and Park Avenues, and spent a moment in memory of the deceased.
Thursday - Completing few business transactions, took in Rockefeller Center - Got a glimpse of NYC's Skyline from 70th floor. Walked thru St. Patrick's Saw 'The Magnificent Yankee' and Rockets at Radio City Theatre.
Friday, I took the subway to Brooklyn - stopped in briefly with family friends - walked thru Sunset Park. Returned to Times Square during 'rush hours'- transferred onto IRT for Manhattan. Quite a sight - people rushing - where to?
Friday Eve, I was invited to a house party - got to bed at 5 a.m., Saturday. Awoke in time for a delicious dinner with my cousin and his wife. Relaxed a while. My cousin drove us to La Guardia where I enplaned the United again 5 p.m., EST. Had a nice chicken dinner board. Weather in NYC excellent - hit a snowstorm near South Bend, Indiana, - had some difficulty landing at Midway in Chicago. Circled the city for over half an hour awaiting landing instructions. Finally, landed at 8:20 p.m. Deplaned to find the blizzard at its worst state and temperature low. Rushed into limo - crawled along Archer Ave to Palmer House - got off and entrained for last stretch to Waukegan - an hour's ride from Loop. Tired - disgusted with the weather - crawled into bed for good night's rest - made church the following morning and was right back in the 'ole groove' once again. Found business dead as usual.
Wished I could have contacted more Lion Division men but time was limited. All in all, NYC is all right!
Numerous inquiries since the development of the Korean situation manifest nationwide interest in benefits to which draftees and 'called-up' members of the reserve components may be entitled. Herewith is set forth the following summary which covers the principal points of inquiry:
I. Injury, Disease, or Death: Compensation for service-connected disability, with full war-time rates for disability or disease incurred in line of duty while in armed conflict or in extra hazardous service is available under present law. Wife, children and dependent parents are entitled to death compensation. Hospitalization, with prosthetic devices included, is also provided for service-incurred disabilities. A sum equal to six months' pay at the rate received by serviceman at time of death, is also payable to qualified dependents.
2. Vocational Rehabilitation: Under Public Law 16 there may be a few cases where this benefit would be available to personnel who entered service under the Volunteer Recruitment Act.
3. Soldiers & Sailors Civil Relief Act of 1940, as emended: This legislation is in force and gives protection to any man called into service by suspending the enforcement of civil liabilities such as debts, mortgages, or other liabilities which he may have and is unable to pay as a result of his military service. Guaranty of premiums on commercial insurance policies may be provided under certain conditions. Most benefits of this Act must be ascertained in individual cases as determined by court decisions.
4. NSLI: Up to $10,000 is available for those in, or entering service at this time. U.S. Government Life Insurance is available to WW I veterans who are otherwise eligible.
5. Reemployment Rights: Volunteers, inductees, enlistees, retired officers & reservists entering on or returning to active duty may be eligible for reemployment rights under the Selective Service Act of 1948, as amended.
6. Vocational Rehabilitation and Education: The provisions of the GI Bill of Rights (P.L. 346) are not generally applicable, save as entitlement was earned by service in WW II or under the Volunteer Recruitment Act. Limited deferment has been granted those who have started GI Bill studies and interrupt them to go back into active military or naval service. Such personnel will not be bound by the July 25, 1951 cut-off date for returning to training. However, under present law, all training must be completed by July 25, 1956.
7, Miscellaneous Benefits: Domiciliary care is provided for veterans with service-connected disabilities. This applies also to the seeing-eye dog, and up to $10,000 to aid in construction of specially adapted houses for certain types of totally disabled veterans that would preclude locomotion without the aid of braces, crutches, canes, or wheel chair. The provision for correction of type of discharge remains in effect. Civil Service preferment remains in effect. $150.00 reimbursement for burial expanses is paid for service-connected deaths. The burial flag, interment in national cemeteries, and provision of headstone or marker are available.
8. Social Security Benefits: Handicapped veterans may be eligible for a wide range of benefits under the State-Federal system of vocational rehabilitation under the Federal Security Administration. Those with non-service-connected disabilities and service connected disabilities incurred after July 25, 1947 not otherwise provided for, may qualify for these benefits. These benefits include medical and surgical care, job training and placement services.
/MINNESITA CHAPTER' S Dec. 16th Reunion - good steaks, drinks, friends and time. Sharing in the fun at the 19th Hole in St. Paul, shown in photo are: Helen Hatch, Howard Schuneman, Mrs. Schuneman, Shirley Gerlach, Jim Hatch, Rody Schnizlein, Bob Sandberg, Penney Sandberg and Phil Gerlach./OFFICERS ELECTED for 1951 by the Minnesota Chapter at their reunion, are from L to R: Bob Sandberg, Pres., Phil Gerlach, Vice Pres., and Howard Schuneman, Secretary -Treasurer.
METROPOLITAN CHAPTER - The 1950 Annual Dinner of the Metropolitan Chapter was held at the Fifth Avenue Brass Rail in New York City, with approximately 40 present. While the gathering wasn't as large as in former years, due to many of the boys being back in uniform - a very good time was had by all. After the meal, an informal 'bull session' took place and lasted until the wee hours of the morning - reminiscing the days spent with the Golden Lions. Colonel Stout was unable to be present due to his military duties again but he sent the chapter a telegram expressing his regrets at being unable to be with the boys this year. Frank Koehler acted as M. C. and led the gathering in a community song fest. Jerome L. Frankel (424/3rd Bn) thanked all those present for attending and a toast was made expressing the hope that the coming New Year would be very Happy, Prosperous, Healthy and above all a Peaceful New Year for all. Seymour Harry Zorn took pictures during the evening. 18
The history of the 106th Infantry Division is a history of gallantry. During WW II Golden Lion men have distinguished themselves by their heroism and their devotion to their country. A part of our 'Objectives' as set forth in the Constitution of our National Association binds us to 'perpetuate the memory of officers and men who distinguished themselves by their services and sacrifices', and 'to perpetuate the memory of the achievement, of the 106th Infantry Division'.
We may well make these a part of our meeting, that our memory may be refreshed. For that reason a number of high spots in the history of the 106th are listed here with dates.
MARCH 15, 1943 - The Lion Division was born … activated with the dignity of military ceremony at Fort Jackson, S.C. The recruits came from almost every state of the union, a real cross-section of the country. They underwent the toughest kind of training which had grown out of battle experience. Strenuous workouts, obstacle courses, hikes, bivouacs, infiltration courses, and range firing were all part of the program to develop the stamina and skill of each soldier so that he could out-march, outwit, and outfight his enemy.
JUNE 19, 1943 - The first massed Division review at Ancrum Ferry Field, led by the smart-striding infantry regiments. Impressive and inspiring.
JULY 5, 1943 - MTP tests came … four days and 1200 rigid efficiency tests. The 106th won high praise from Major General William H. Simpson, XII Corps Commander, for its performance.
JULY 20, 1943 - Lt. Gen. McNair, commanding the Army Ground Forces, visited us.
SEPTEMBER 22, 1943 - Representing proudly America's military might, the Lion Division held a review in honor of General Enrico Gaspar Dutra, Brazil's Minister of War.
DECEMBER-JANUARY 1944 - Field problems in which the Division participated as team, but the real field test came at the end of January when the 106th moved to Tennessee for advanced training. The Red and Blue clashed sharply in realistic maneuvers… Rough terrain, steady rainfall, swollen rivers, and mud everywhere...Forced marches, night movements, river crossings. This was training which welded the Division into a fighting, aggressive unit.
MARCH 27, 1944 - Then came Camp Atterbury, Indiana and the continuation of an intensive training program. In May the 106th played host to newspapermen of the Hoosier State Press Association, and the guests expressed their high regard for the Division in newspapers throughout the state.
JUNE 3, 1944 - Under-Secretary of War, Robert P. Patterson, witnessed the Division in action, observing infantry-artillery demonstration which he called ‘a great performance.'
JUNE 15, 1944 - When the nation honored the hard-hitting doughboy, more than 5,000 visitors watched a massed Division review and observed the infantry in combat training. It was an Infantry Day, too, that the Expert & Combat Infantryman badges were presented to men of the 106th.
NOVEMBER 10, 1944 - With the confidence in their own skill and genuine pride in their fighting team, members of the Lion Division embarked to join their brothers-in-arms overseas.
(Continued from page 6)
THE 1951 CONVENTION COMMITTEE will be only too happy to direct you to other points of interest, of which there are many, and it is our earnest wish that your stay in Pittsburgh will be a most pleasant one, during those CONVENTION DAYS, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 27, 28, and 29th, 1951.
New Assignment
/ The REV. PAUL W. CAVANAUGH (422nd Regt), is the new rector of the Novitiate of the Sacred Heart at Milford, Ohio, a division of Xavier University.
Milford is a town six miles east of Cincinnati. He succeeds the Rev. William P. Hagerty, who has been assigned to the Manresa Retreat House in Detroit. Father Cavanaugh, a faithful Association member, has been spiritual director of the Jesuit brothers at the novitiate in Milford.
(Cincinnati Post)
Index for: Vol. 7, No. 4, Mar, 1951
Index for This Document
Agule, Lt. Col., 3Allen, Merle, 7
Anchorstar, Mrs. Edna M., 26
Anderson, Arnold T., 23
Anderson, Frank, 7
Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Francis, 23
Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Grant C., 23
Aspinwall, Francis, 7
Bad Orb, 19, 21
Bailey, David, 2
Bailly, Phil, 7
Baker, William C., Jr., 11
Barringer, Clyde E., 23
Bartholomew, Theron (Bud), 15
Bastogne, 23
Beals, John, 7
Beeker, Harry T., 15
Belzer, Dr. Meyer, 15
Belzer, Myron, 7
Bickford, Thomas, 13
Bickford, Tom, 7
Blackburn, George T., 15
Blandford, Sam, 7
Bowman, Col. Byrne A., 11
Boyle, Edward, 7
Boyle, Edward T., 1
Boyle, Rev. Edward T., 27
Brat, Richard J., 15, 27
Bresseau, Maj. Louis D., 13
Brown, Joe E., 5
Brox, Sgt. Richard, 17
Brussels, 25
Bryant, Jack, 28
Camp Lucky Strike, 3, 25
Camp Schmelz, 29
Cariano, Capt. Samuel P., 15, 27
Carlton, George C., 23
Castleman, Don, 21
Cavanaugh, Father, 21, 36
Cavanaugh, Paul, 7
Cavanaugh, Rev. Paul W., 36
Cavender, Col. Charles C., 11
Cessna, Dr. Gerald, 2
Cessna, Gerald, 7
Chiti, Pete, 7
Chiti, Peter, 15
Cimaglia, Sam, 7
Clark, Robert J., 15
Cole, Roland B., 27
Collins, Frank, 19
Comer, Richard, 7
Conner, Mr. & Mrs. Milton M., 23
Conroy, Capt. Pat, 13
Craig, Col. Malin, 11, 17
Craig, Malin, Jr., 11
Craig, Wallace J., 13
Crank, Capt., 3, 15
Crank, Capt. M. N., 15
Croven, Maj. Bill, 29
Cutcher, Andrew, 13
Dakar, John B., 23
Dann, Capt. Harold R., 12
Davis, R. B., 7
Davis, Rinard C., 15
Day, John B., 7, 11
de St. Aubin, Bob, 7
Descheneaux, Col. George L., 11
Dillhoff, Mr. & Mrs. Robert M., 23
Doerner, George W., 13
Dohoney, Lt. William P., 11
Dolitsky, Capt. M. M., 13
Dowgin, Tom, 7
Dreier, Maj. Joseph, 11
Dupuy, Col. R. E., 7
Dutra, Gen. Enrico Gaspar, 35
Elbe, 14
Ellington, Richard, 15
Enders, H. E., 16
Farrow, John, 21
Foreman, Capt. Charles W. L., 12
Foster, Cedric, 5
Frampton, Pete, 7
Frankel, Jerome L., 34
Frankel, Jerry, 7
Freed, Charles W., 2
French, Bill, 7
Frickman, Stanley, 17
Fridline, Gaylord, 7
Frische, Bob, 7
Frische, Robert, 24
Fritzky, John G., 2
Fulk, Lt. Paul F., 11
Gerhardt, Ernest, 17, 27
Gerlach, Phil, 33
Gerlach, Shirley, 33
Gillespie, John, 5
Giuffre, Maj. M. R. J., 11
Given, M/Sgt., 3
Glatterer, Col., 15
Glen, Capt., 13
Godoy, Arturo, 31
Goldstein, Maj. Elliott, 13
Graulich, Rector, 25
Hackler, Charles, 7
Hagerty, Rev. William P., 36
Hagman, Ben, 7
Hagman, Ben J., 17
Hagman, Lt. Col. Ben, 11
Hall, John, 7
Hall, M/Sgt., 3
Halt, Robert B., 17
Harding, Al, 7
Harlan, Capt. Lowell, 29
Harrold, Vin, 7
Hartman, Richard A., 13
Hatch, Helen, 33
Hatch, Jim, 7, 33
Hayslip, George, 7
Heidelberg, 11
Heideman, Edward J., 17
Henry, Mr. & Mrs. William R., 24
Hertzler, Walter L., 17
Hirtz, Edward A., 13
Hoover, Lt. Col. Phillip F., 13
Hopbell, John, 2, 7
House, Pete, 7
Howard, Mary, 21
Howell, Bob, 7
Hultgen, Miss Mary, 19
Huminski, Ed, 21
Huxel, George, 7
Johnson, Capt. Ronald C., 12
Johnson, Kenneth F., 24
Jones, Gen., 7, 13
Jones, Gen. & Mrs. Alan, 15
Jones, George Jr., 17
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan W., 11
Karlsruhe, 3
Karutis, Robert J., 17
Kaufman, George H., 18
Kaufman, Jacob, 18
Kelly, Bob, 5, 7
Kelly, Col. Thomas P., Jr., 13
Kelly, Robert E., 1, 30
Kelly, Russ, 7
Ketterer, John, 7
Klein, Sgt., 13
Knapp, Col. Robert E., 11
Knisely, Thomas, Jr, 27
Knox, Harold, 7
Kobalarsyck, M/Sgt. Mike, 29
Koehler, Frank, 34
Korinek, Adolph F., 19
Kosow, Albert C., 19
Kuespert, Art, 7, 19
Lackey, Col. Vaden, 13
Langtry, J. C., 19
Lawson, William J., 19
Lewthwaite, Gordon W., 19
Libera, Henry F., 13
Liege, 25
Lion In The Way, 7
Lipkin, Marshall, 7
Livesey, Herb, 5, 7
Livesey, Herbert, 25
Livesey, Lt. Col., 3
Livesey, Lt. Col. Herbert B., Jr., 3
Lord, Malcolm E., 19
Loveless, John, 8
Lowther, Capt., 3
Luzzie, Ed, 5, 8
Luzzie, Edward, 5
Luzzie, Edward L., 1, 19
Maki, Mr. & Mrs. Benhardt T., 24
Malmedy, 23
Manahan, Col. William T., 11
Marcus, Raymond S., 27
Marsh, Eldridge L., 2
Marshall, Maj. Adin, 11
Martin, Dr. John B., 19
Matthews, Joseph, 8
Mattox, Capt., 23
May, Roger, 8
McCollum, Vollie, 8
McIntosh, Lt., 3
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo T., 11
Mcmahon, Gen., 13
McMahon, Gen., 8
McMahon, Leo T., 11
McMurray, William C., 19
McPherran, Maj. Paul L., 12
McVoy, Robert E., 19
Middleton, J. A., Iii, 1
Middleton, Jack, 8
Milanese, Lou, 8
Miller, Gene L., 24
Miner, Bill, 8
Mitros, Robert J., 20
Morrison, Bob, 8
Morrison, Robert B., 2
Muehlman, Paul, 2
Neiweem, Mr. & Mrs. Edward P., 24
Nilson, Arthur C., 20
Paananen, Arvo, 5, 8
Pajach, Peter, 2
Palmer, Don, 8
Palmer, Donald A., 20
Paolka, Ed, 21
Parker, Maj. Arthur C., 13
Parquette, Roland, 21
Patterson, George M., Jr., 21
Patterson, Robert P., 35
Pax, Harold, 8
Perlman, Maj., 3
Perlman, Maj. William B., 3
Perlman, William, 8
Perrin, Brig. Gen. Herbert T., 11
Perrin, Gen., 8
Perry, Ken, 5
Perry, Kenneth, 8
Podworny, Col. Edward C., 11
Price, Dave, 7
Price, David S., 1, 3
Rarick, Clayton, 7
Reid, Col. Alexander B., 11
Riggs, Lt. Col. Thomas, 11
Riggs, Tom, 7, 21
Roadruck, Lt. Col. Max J., 11
Robasse, Charles, 5, 7
Roberts, Ed, 7
Robinson, Lt. Richard R., 29
Roth, Mr. & Mrs. Nathan M., 31
Rusch, Marvin, 7
Russell, Alden F., 21
Rutt, Bob, 5, 7
Sabol, Lt. Louis, 29
Sandberg, Bob, 33
Sandberg, Penney, 33
Schnizlein, Glenn, 7, 25
Schnizlein, J. Glenn, 30
Schnizlein, Mrs. J. Glenn, 24
Schnizlein, Rody, 33
Schuneman, Howard, 33
Schuneman, Mrs., 33
Scott, Capt. Earl D., 13
Shepard, William, 23
Signor, George, 8
Silver, Albert L., 21
Simpson, Maj. Gen. William H., 35
Sitar, Lt., 23
Smith, Jessie, 19
Smythe, Col. Lester, 11
Snyder, Herbert L., 11
Sorkin, Lt. H. L., 12
Souers, Loren E., Jr., 21
St. Vith, 7, 23
Stalag 25F, 17
Stalag 4-B, 17
Stalag III-A, 14
Stalag IV B, 14
Stalag IX-B, 21
Steed, Ralph, 8
Stewart, Floyd, 8
Stewart, Floyd D., 13
Stewart, James, 19
Stiles, Vincent, 8
Stiles, Vincent J., 24
Stout, Col., 34
Stout, Robert, 8
Stroh, Gen., 8
Stroh, Gen. Donald A., 11
Swope, Donald M., 21
Tellier, Louis S. Le, Jr., 19
Tipton, Wilbur R., 21
Tissot, Harrison C., 21
Trimbath, Dave, 8
Trimbath, David, 2
Trost, Paul M. L., 21
Trueblood, Noel D., 21
Utter, Oakley, 8
Villwock, Mr. & Mrs. Russell H., 24
Villwock, Russ, 5, 8
Virdone, Benedict, 21
Vorpagel, Bob, 8
Wagner, Mark S., 22
Walden, Lawrence, 24
Walker, Alan, 8
Walker, Lewis, 8
Walker, Lt. Lewis H., 23
Warren, Capt. John, 12
Watt, Howard, 22
Weaver, Col. Carl A., 23
Weber, Lt. Col. Richard E., Jr., 13
Wells, James, 8
Wentzel, Roy, 8
Wilhelm, Roscoe, 22, 27
Williams, Col. Earle B., 11
Williams, Earle, 8
Williams, Everitt W., 23
Wohlfeil, Maj. Carl, 13
Woodson, David, 8
Woolfley, Col. Francis A., 23
Wright, Amos, 8
Wright, Amos M., 23
Wright, Mr. & Mrs. Amos, 24
Wright, Robert, 23
Youngs, Bill, 21
Zorn, Seymour Harry, 34