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The Cub
Vol. 64, No. 1, Mar., 2008
Pictured L-R: John Schaffner 589/A, Josef "Jupp" Reusch 560th Volksgrenadiers Division, John Gatens 589/A, and Chuck Lowery 424/I
Golden Lions in Belgium ... Again
Three veterans of the 106th Infantry Division are joined by a German Wehrmacht veteran at the dedication of a new memorial honoring soldiers from U.S. Army units not previously mentioned on the existing memorial(s) at the crossroads of Baraque de Fraiture, Belgium
See more on page 9
The CUB A quarterly publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc. A nonprofit Organization
Paid Membership February 1, 2008 – 1, 364
Membership Fees include CUB magazine subscription Life Vets/Associates $75 Auxiliary $15 Annual Vets/Associates $10 Auxiliary $2
Annual Dues payable by June 30 each year Payable to "106th Infantry Division Association" in care of Treasurer -- See address below
Elected Offices
President Gifford Doxsee Past-President (Ex-Officio)
1st Vice-Pres Edward Christianson
2nd Vice-Pres Harry Martin, Jr.
Business Matters, Deaths, Address changes First Name = Chairman / Second Name = Backup
Adjutant: Joseph P. Maloney 1120 Warren Ave., Arnold, PA15068-4048 Tel: 724-335-6104 maloney@salsgiver.com
Treasurer: Lyle Beeth 2004 Golf Manor Blvd, Valrico, FL 33594-7288 Tel: 813-689-9621 Fax: 813-655-8952 Toll Free Number 1-888-644-4337 lbeeth@hotmail.com
Chaplain: Dr. Duncan Trueman / Rev Ewell Black, Jr. 29 Overhill Lane, Warwick, NY 10990 Tel/Fax 845-986-6376 dttrueman@yahoo.com
Memorial Chairman: Dr. John G. Robb / Frank Trautman 238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355 814-333-6364 jrobb238@hotmail.com
CUB Editor: William McWhorter 166 Prairie Dawn, Kyle, Texas 78640 512-970-5637 williammcwhorter17@gmail.com
CUB Publisher: Susan Weiss 9 Cypress Point Court, Blackwood, NJ 08012 856-415-2211 sweiss@gccnj.edu
Historian John Schaffner/William McWhorter
Atterbury Memorial Representative Philip Cox
Resolutions Chairman Reverend Ewell Black
Order of the Golden Lion John Swett/Joseph Massey
Nominating Committee Chairman Sy Litchenfeld
Mini-Reunions Harry F. Martin, Jr./Dr. Ralph Nelson
ADA Liaison Joseph Maloney/Gifford Doxsee
Membership Chairman John Kline
Board of Directors
Donald F. Herndon (424/L) (2007) 8313 NW 102 Oklahoma City, OK 73162-4026 405-721-9164 oklastamps@aol.com Bernard Mayrsohn (423/CN) (2008) 34 Brae Burn Drive, Purchase, NY 33138 Ethelbarn@aol.com Web site: www.mayrsohn.com 914-428-8200
Murray Stein (423/I) (Exec Comm) . (2008) 7614 Charing Crossing Lane, Delray Beach, FL 33446 561-499-7736 Greg0803@adelphia.net
Dr. Duncan Trueman (424/AT) . (2008) 29 Overhill Lane, Warwick, NY 10990 Tel/Fax 845-986-6376 dttrueman@yahoo.com
Newton Weiss (423/HQ 3Bn) (2008) 400 Morse Avenue, Gibbstown, NJ 08027-1066 856-423-3511 newtruth2@verizon.net
Geo Call (424/B) (2009) 105 Mt. Lebanon Rd, Glen Gardner, NJ 08826-3018 908-832-2961
Walter C. Greve (423/HQ 1Bn) (2009) 13929 E Marina Dr #604 Aurora, CO 80014 303-751-5866 wcgreve@aol.com
Sy Lichtenfeld (422/I) (2009) 19450 NE 21st Ct. North Miami Beach FL 33179 305-932-4467 slich44@bellsouth.ne
Martin L. Wente (423/I) (Exec Comm) (2009) 1309 Paseo Valle Vista Covina, CA 91724 626-332-5079 chicdonna@aol.com
Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr. (422/A) (2010) 2000 E-W Conn - Apt 212 Austell, GA 30106 Tel: 770-819-7212 ecb@avillager.org
Edward Christianson (331st MED/C) (2010) 303 Harper Hollow Lane Winchester, VA 22603 540-877-1643 deconed@webtv.net
Gifford B. Doxsee (423/HQ 3 Bn) (2010) 1 Canterbury Drive Athens, OH 45701-3708 740-592-3472 doxsee@oak.cats.ohiou.edu
Dr. Ralph Nelson (422/CN) (2010) 10437 Prestwick NE, Albuquerque NM 87111 505-275-3044 ralph-rhoda@comcast.net
Lyle Beeth (424/AT) (2011) 2004 Gold Manor Blvd Valrico, FL 33594-7288 1-888-644-6337 lbeeth@hotmail.com
Harry Martin Jr. (424/L) (2011) 121 Mcgregor Avenue Mt Arlington, NJ 07856 973-663-2410 martinjr@localnet.com
Charles F. Rieck (422/H) (2011) 7316 Voss Parkway Middleton, WI 53562-3776
Ellsworth H. Schanerberger (331st Med B) (2011) 15964 N Swathmore Ct. Livonia, MI 48154-1005 734-591-7851 EH.Schanergberger@worldnet.net
Dr. John G. Robb (422/D) . (2012) 238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355 814-333-6364 jrobb238@hotmail.com
John M. Roberts (592/C) (2012) 1059 Alter Rd, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304-1401 248-338-2667
John Schaffner (589/A) (2012) 1811 Miller Rd., Cockeysville, MD 21030-1013 pumexim2@bcpl.net
Franks S. Trautman (422/D) (2012) 600 Morningside Dr., Zionsville, IN 46077-1903
Plans for the 2008 Reunion are well underway, thanks to the hard work of Past President Murray Stein and Dianne Moore of the Armed Forces Reunions, Inc. The year's reunion will take place September 3 to 7, 2008 at the recently renovated and refurbished Galt House in downtown Louisville, Kentucky. Highlights will include a city tour on Thursday, September 4; a Dinner/ Theater at the Derby Dinner Playhouse Friday evening September 5 and tours on Saturday, September 6 of the Kentucky Derby Museum and the Louisville Slugger Museum. The number of attendees this year will help determine future plans for the Association. Please watch for registration forms from Armed Forces Reunions, Inc., and please plan to attend if possible.
I'd like to focus our attention on the growing challenge of homelessness in the United States, most especially the issue of homeless veterans. The National Coalition for the Homeless reports that in August, 2007, approximately 40% of homeless men are veterans, though veterans are only 34% of the adult male population of this country. On any given night this organization estimates that about 200,000 veterans are homeless.
Groups that work closely with this challenge are anticipating a surge in homeless veterans resulting from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Returning military personnel from these countries are exhibiting high rates of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), traumatic brain injury, and the emotional consequences of long and repeated tours of duty overseas. Experienced workers with veterans assert that it often takes several years after leaving the military before the problems accumulated in
Gifford B. Doxsee 106th Infantry Division Association President 2008-20010 423/HQ 3 Bny 1 Canterbury Drive Athens, OH 45701-3708 740-592-3472 doxsee@oak.cats.ohiou.edu
the service finally push veterans into the streets. According to a New York Times report of November 7, 2007, Phil Landis, head of the Veterans Village of San Diego, is quoted as follow: "We're beginning to see, across the country, the first trickle of this generation of warriors in homeless shelters. But we anticipate that it's going to be a tsunami."
Many of you who are reading this message are also members of The American Ex-Prisoners of War, the motto of which is "We Exist to Help Those Who Cannot Help Themselves." An effective way to put this motto into practical action is to increase awareness of the growing challenge of homeless veterans and then to give support, when possible, to local homeless shelters and to national organizations that work to reduce or end homelessness. One such group is The National Coalition for the Homeless, 2201 P Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037. Telephone: 202-462-4822 E-mail: info@nationalhomeless.org
"Gratitude People"
Psychologists sometimes have the tendency to categorize people by analyzing how they tell their life stories. One University study found that life stories tend to follow one of two patterns which they call (1) the "redemptive sequence," or (2) the "contamination sequence."
In the first of these, the person telling his story is able to find good things that come out of bad circumstances. Most of us can identify such things. In the second sequence, the stories are told by people who are unable to discern any good that may have come out of a bad circumstance. Therefore that circumstance colors their life.
The first (redemptive) group seems to have happier and more positive impact with their lives. They have a desire to help others, a desire to reach out, to be more open to the world around them. Just the opposite appears to be true of those in the second (contamination) group. These were the less happy, the worriers, the complainers, the self-centered.
The perfect antidote for worry is gratitude. Gratitude is the opposite of fear, the opposite of self-centeredness, the opposite of bitterness. Gratitude springs from faith, and faith results in joy and hope and peace … when we are able to say, "Thank you God for the gift of life and all its blessings." At that point we are able also to trust God for all of our lives.
If anyone should be a "gratitude person" it should be you! And me! We have all traveled from what might have been a death sentence six decades ago to a long life filled with so many of God's blessings.
Chaplain Dr. Duncan Trueman 424/AT106th Infantry Division Association 29 Overhill Lane, Warwick, NY 10990Tel/Fax: 845-986-6376 dttrueman@yahoo.com
The road for all of us has been a road which began in our youth in bad circumstances. And many may have had to live with difficulties and their own private heartaches. But with the eyes of faith we now see more clearly than ever that the God who was with us during the winter long ago has been our strength and our Shepherd through all the days we have lived.
Hard to explain? Look at it this way. Somehow God is able to take all the bad circumstances and experiences of life and weave them together with the good ones to produce a tapestry of life that is a blessing to us. The Scriptures, in our own personal experience, testify to this truth. They say:
"All things work together for good to them that love God …"
Adjutant: Joseph P. Maloney From the Association Adjuntant 1120 Warren Ave., Arnold, PA15068-4048 724-335-6104 maloney@salsgiver.com
I have been getting a couple of emails containing information of change of address etc. The one to send this information to is John Kline who keeps such records for the 106th Infantry Division Association. It isn't that I don't want to be bothered, but it saves a bit of time and my memory to send the information on to John Kline for his records and distribution. The same applies to all information related to membership and of course unfortunately it also applies to those of us who have gone to our final CO. God rest their souls. Send all to John. If it is dues or a monetary gift send it to Lyle Beeth. Their names are on the inside cover of the CUB.
Several years ago as our former Adjutant Marion Ray mentioned in his message of October, November, and December 2006: "we have talked about the deactivation of our great association". In 1987 when I joined, I first heard about plans to dissolve the association. In our reunion in Newark, I was one of several appointed to review the topic. I guess our conclusion was that at the reunion in Louisville, KY we would Poll the membership present to determine the interest on continuing the 106th Infantry Division Association and Reunions. But … you know, less and less of the members are attending reunions and it will be up to a few stalwarts to make the decision on the continuance of the Association reunions.
You who have a dedication to the Association might find it worth your while to join the rest of us in comradeship at the Louisville, KY 62nd Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association at the Galt House, September 3 to 7, 2008. The greater the attendance the more important is the result of the polling. See you there?
Do you have something you want to relay to other members of the Association? Might there be something you wish to bring to the attention of the officers of the Association? You may address your concerns either to the Editor of the CUB, or write to any of the officers of the Association and I assure you that you will receive an answer.
When I was at Fort Jackson, three of us decided to try our luck at infiltrating a melon patch. The three of us borrowed a Jeep and found just the right place. We parked the Jeep and crawled up to and into the patch, took a melon. We had not seen the farmer who yelled something. We were off to the Jeep with me carrying the melon. We went tearing down the road with me in the back holding the melon. We rounded a bend in the sandy road and I went out and slid down a sandy hill still holding the melon. It was then I decided that I was happy with the job of wireman, 645, and not in the I & R platoon. The melon was shared with the rest of the platoon.
Greetings from the new editor and publisher for the CUB of the Golden Lion
Hello, my name is William A. McWhorter and I am the new editor of the CUB of the Golden Lion. I am both very proud that John Kline, John Schaffner and other veteran Association officers requested that I take over as editor. I want all the veteran and associate members to know that although I am new to editorial duties I am an admirer of your unit and hope that I can assist in keeping open the lines of communication for our Association. A quick background on me -- in 2003 I contacted John Kline, like so many others have, looking for information about the "Ghost Division" of World War II. A veteran friend of mine who served in the U.S. Army during Operation Desert Storm told me that while he was stationed in Europe with VII Corps he heard stories of a U.S. Army Division called the Ghost Division which had fought during the Battle of the Bulge. I quickly learned that the Ghost Division was the Golden Lions Division. With John Kline's help, I began research on what became my Master's Thesis in History: Second Look at St. Vith: the 106th Infantry Division at the Battle of the Bulge, December 16–23, 1944.
In May 2005, I graduated with my Master's from Texas State University-San Marcos and later that year traveled to Arlington, VA for my fi rst 106th Infantry Division Association meeting. There I met John Schaffner and several other Golden Lion veterans who quickly befriended me. I am happy to say that I have been a member of the Association for nearly four years now and I am currently working to turn my Master's Thesis into a book.
For a career, I work for the Texas Historical Commission in Austin, Texas as the agency's Military Historian. One of my many projects is called the Texas in World War II initiative comprised of four main programs. These programs are Vignettes of Wartime Texas (a series of 21 special Texas historical markers placed around the state to under told stories), 30 oral history training workshops, a statewide survey of all military and home front sites and a definitive web component that will make the project's information available to both the public and academic historians alike.
I know that this issue was not as long as previous issues, nevertheless I look forward to serving you as the editor of the CUB of the Golden Lion and encourage you to send me your stories and pictures to fill the pages of future issues. For now, to the veterans of the "hungry and the sick" division, I wish you all the best.
Hi, I am Susan Weiss the new publisher of the CUB. My father, Newton Weiss (423/HQ 3Bn), who is serving on the board of directors asked me to help with this great newsletter and I readily agreed. I am currently working at Gloucester County (NJ) College as their Publications Administrator and have many years experience as a graphic designer.
I want to remind everyone that the due dates for submitting material to William and me are listed on page 26.
I hope to meet you all in Kentucky at the reunion in September.
Association Membership February 11, 2008
**New member correction from the November 2007 issue of The CUB (Vol 63 – No. 4)**
Joe M. Mejia was listed as an "ASSOCIATE" member. Mejia actually served in the 592/SVC Battery (SVC = Service Battery) attached to the 424th Infantry Regiment.
Ginter, Keith 422/G
Kuhn, Eugene L 424/G
Quattrin, Alfred 422/C
Letellier, L. S. III Associate
Wagner, Paul 423/B
Szyczewski, Raymond S. 331/Med
Naud, Leonard A History Student
Shaver, Dennis Son of Alan Shaver (424)
Stryker from Corry National Guard -- This U.S. Army combat vehicle for Interim Brigade Combat Teams is a highly deployable-wheeled armored vehicle that combines fi repower, battlefield mobility, survivability and versatility, with reduced logistics requirements. The new vehicle is named for two U.S. Army Medal of Honor recipients and is known as the Stryker. This particular vehicle was on display during the Veteran's Day celebration at the "Through a Veteran's Eye: A Salute" event by Active Aging in Meadville, PA during Veteran's Day 2007.
Pictured from left: Marilyn Robb, local Guardsman, and Dr. John G. Robb (422/D) who is a former board member of the Association and Past President (1988–1989). He received "The Order of the Golden Lion - Commander's Class" in 1995.
Photo by Mary Ann Mook, our former childhood patient and friend, who works for the Corry Journal.
Original Reunion Badge –– John Schaffner (589/A) took these two pictures of George Geib (424/G) at the 106th Infantry Division reunion in Kansas City, MO in 2007. Note that Geib is wearing his reunion badge issued at the first 106th Association reunion in 1947 at Indianapolis, IN. This photograph is significant because Schaffner had never seen another of these badges and has his doubts that many exist at this late date.
A Friend will be Missed --
Maria Lehaire
Sad news from Baraque de Fraiture, Maria Lehaire has passed on and the funeral was Friday 28 Dec. 2007 from Hebronval, Belgium Her last appearance was at the memorial dedication ceremony at the Parker's Crossroads on September 29, 2007. (The picture above shows Maria in the wheelchair.) Although very ill at the time, her family made sure that she was present. She attended the ceremony and reception in a wheelchair. She had been gravely ill for a long time with Alzheimer's and the complications that go with it.
We were priviledged to have spent some time with her (and her family and friends) in the nursing home where she was residing while we were visiting in September. Maria, her daughter, Bernadette, and granddaughter, Esmeralda, have treated us as VIPs on each visit. We will miss her. The Auberge has been in the same family since 1880. May it continue for many more generations. The 106th Infantry Division Association was represented by a floral arrangement provided by John Gatens 589/A, John Schaffner 589/A, and David Ford, Associate Member.
John R. Schaffner 589/A, Historian Past President 2002-2003
From the Association Historian
1611 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030 410-584-2754 pumexim2@bcpl.net
The Last Visit to the Battleground (again).
Yes, again, at our age one never knows what may be gaining on you so it is best to do it when, and if, you can. "Will I ever come this way again? This place that came very close to claiming my young life? No, I think not. If I never see this desolate, destroyed, cold, hard, place again it will be too soon." That is what I thought sixty-three years ago.
The way it turned out, I did return. I have now returned to that place in Belgium six times beginning in 1992. It is not how I think about it now, as above, nor is it how any of you might have remembered it from that cold winter of 1944–45. If you ever return to the Ardennes and meet the people there you will be in for a treat.
Oh yes, the first time that I visited the place that took on the name of Parker's Crossroads, it was like a visit into the twilight zone. Even the fog was present, as it is many mornings there. I could imagine the event of 19 to 23 December 1944 at a place called Baraque de Fraiture. It was emotional.
So, what draws me back? That is an easy question. It is the people who live there. They are warm and caring, and they remember being occupied by the Germans for four long years. They remember the occupation by hostile forces. They remember being denied any and all of their former freedoms when the Nazis ruled the land. They remember having their families torn apart and the murders perpetrated by the Nazi conquerors when they attacked. They remember that the Americans came, drove the invaders out, and restored their freedoms. They treat the returning GI as a liberator. How could I not like that?
We didn't need that much added inspiration to make another trip to the Ardennes; John Gatens, Dave Ford, and me. There had been men from units not mentioned on the existing memorials at the crossroads at Baraque de Fraiture who fought there with us. Peter Schreiber, Associate Member, whose father, Ted, fought and was severely wounded at the battle for the crossroads, was one. Peter took the initiative to establish a memorial there honoring those soldiers from other units not previously mentioned on the existing memorial(s.) They were the Troop D/87th Cavalry Recon Squadron, (Schreiber's unit,) D/203 AAA, 7th AD, and the 325GIR/ 82nd AB Division. They were men important to the defense of the crossroads fighting along with the 589th.
Peter Schreiber spearheaded the effort to establish the new memorial through the American Battle Monuments Commission, The Commune of Vielsalm, and the CRIBA organization. Peter had it done and the dedication was set for 29 September 2007. Congratulations and hand salute to Peter. (See The CUB Vol 63 #2 Jan/Feb/Mar 2007)
We were off and running on Monday 24 September. Dave and I used the Amtrak train to travel to Newark, NJ Airport where we met John Gatens and made our connection to the Continental Airlines flight to Brussels. On board a Boeing 777-200ER and rolling at 7:30 PM we were soon at an altitude of 38,000 feet and cruising along at about 600 mph. We were given special attention by the Flight Attendant on the airplane. He had been informed by Dave that he was carrying precious cargo, namely us. It happened that this Flight Attendant had an interest in the history of WW II in Europe so we were able to pass some time with him during the long time in the air. He seemed very interested in our personal experience.
On arrival over Belgium our flight took us into Brussels Airport where we picked up a rental car and got on the road. By this time it was early on 25 September and we were beginning to feel the effects of sleep deprivation. Jet lag, they call it. It is now Tuesday, a day later and no sleep. Dave assumed the driving so I settled in to navigate the road maps. As we approached the town of Tienen we discussed the possibility of leaving the autobahn and paying a visit to our good friend, Jacques Rummens. Thinking that Tienen would be a small village we were very surprised to find that it is a large town of perhaps 20,000. Nonetheless, here we are, with no clue to where Jacques lives. Dave parked the car downtown and approached a gentleman on the sidewalk. He was at a loss when Dave showed him an envelope with Jacques' return address on it. A couple then came walking by and Dave showed them the envelope with the address and asked how to find it. This man looked at the envelope and said, "Jacques Rummens, I know him. My son lives across the street from Jacques. I will take you there." Just how lucky can we be? The couple got their car from a nearby parking lot and led us through the town to the address. When we arrived Jacques was on the street outside of his house. When he saw us he was totally surprised. Of course, we visited with Jacques and Suzanne for a while and received some refreshment of soft drinks and some of those great tasting homemade Belgian waffles. When we left to continue our journey Suzanne loaded us down with more waffles to eat on the road and Jacques got in his car to lead us back to the highway. What a wonderful start to the trip that was to be! Unbelievable!!
Later that day we met with (now) an old friend, Eddy Monfort. I have known Eddy since about 1993 when he was accumulating material for his first book depicting the battles around Manhay, Malempre, and Baraque de Fraiture. Eddy has always been the most gracious host and has visited with us in The States several times. He was spending a week of his vacation time to entertain Chuck and Mary Lowery, (424/I) who were coincidentally visiting at the same time. We all went to a very nice restaurant, the Contes de Salme, in Vielsalm for dinner. (I had a poached trout, fresh out of the Salm River.) It was early to bed on this night so after eating we proceeded to the village of Hebronval to claim our rooms at the Hotel V'Hebron. Of course it was a "walk-up" like most of the older places in the rural areas of Belgium. It was a struggle for these old legs to negotiate the narrow stairs to our rooms. John and I took over the two rooms on the second floor, and Dave was pushed to the third fl oor. After all, he is younger than we are.
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
We were up about 7:30, but it was not a full night's sleep for any of us. The disruption of our normal routine is telling and neither of us slept the night through. This morning we were greeted with the usual (for this time of year) fog and drizzle. We had a nice (Continental) breakfast at the hotel and discussed our proposed activities for the day. In the morning we drove to Eddy Monfort's house at Malempré and visited with his Mom and Dad and his new family. We were all anxious to meet one another. Eddy has taken on considerable responsibility for two little girls and their mother, Carine. By the time we will see them again there will be still another mouth to feed.
We then drove to the village of Manhay. During the battle every building was totally destroyed or nearly so. The area here was bitterly fought for by the 517th PIR and the 424th Infantry Regiment as the ‘bulge' was being reduced in January 1945. The 592nd FA may have helped by laying a few 155 rounds in support of the attack. Those were the days when I was employed by the 592nd, just don't ask where I was at the time. While there I made photos of several monuments but was unable to find the one dedicated to the 517th PIR. I finally found it in the building housing the Community Center. It seems that it had been removed from its outside location for safekeeping while the building it was on was being renovated. This was important to me as I have a close friend at home who is a veteran of the 517th PIR and fought here.
From Manhay we drove a short way to the village of Sadzot. Here again, this village was engaged in a bloody battle between the 509th PIR, the 87th Mortar Battalion, the 289th Reg./75th ID and the German 2nd and 12th Panzer Divisions. It was a night time event on 27–28 January that occurred when the advancing German troops came upon the village occupied by the Americans. Most of the American troops were asleep and were taken by surprise. A fierce battle ensued with many casualties on both sides. (Read Bloody Clash at Sadzot by Wm. B. Breuer)
In year 2004 when we visited with the folks of the WW II Society in Germany, a mostly military group of Americans living in Europe, we met and have kept in touch with Bob Huffaker. Bob is retired and living currently in Holland. He was anxious to meet with us so we had set a time to have lunch with him at Baraque de Fraiture. We were together around the crossroads, talked about the battle and made some photos. Then about 3:00 in the afternoon Bob had to leave for home. About this same time we spotted Bernadette Lejeune-Lengler outside of the Auberge du Carrefour across the road and went over to speak with her. She invited us to make our lodging at the Auberge for the time we were to spend there. Of course we accepted. The place was officially closed, but Bernadette gave us the key to the back door so we could come and go at our convenience. We immediately went back to Hebronval, checked out and moved our things to the Baraque for the rest of our stay. Every morning Bernadette was there to provide breakfast for us. In the evening we were again at the restaurant for supper and were joined by our good friend, André Hubert, and Bernadette. Bernadette's daughter, Esmeralda, who is gradually taking over the operation of the businesses, was our waitress for the evening. It was another delightful day but again we were just a little anxious to get to our rooms and relax. Sleeping on this night was better. We were catching up.
Dinner at Parker's Crossroads with Bernadette Lejeune-Lengler, John Gatens 589/A, John Schaffner 589/A, & André Hubert, CRIBA
Thursday, 27 September 2007
On this morning Bernadette had arranged for us to visit with her mother, Maria, former proprietor of the business at Baraque de Fraiture. Maria has been residing in a local nursing facility now for some time. Unfortunately, she has become totally dependent on advanced nursing care and spends her days in a wheelchair. This is a condition that we are hearing more of these days.
When we arrived we found that André Hubert (Past President of CRIBA) was already there to join with us and act as our translator. Besides us, there was a group of the residents sitting at the table all ready for us. It was a large table and had been set up for our little party, decorated with fl owers and a display of the American and Belgian flags. There was several dishes of snacks and wine glasses, and bottles of sparkling wine for us and soft drinks for the ladies. Maria was brought in her wheel chair. One of the ladies told us that she had been awake all night anticipating the visit by the American soldiers. There was much lively conversation, all in French, and then one of the ladies read a statement that she had prepared. André made the translation for us:
Dear American friends,
We are happy to receive you in our country for which you did so much. Mr. & Mrs. Lengler-Lehaire, their children and grandchildren told me of your kindness and of your great heart for their family. That is why we thank you from the bottom of our heart.
Welcome in our home. Thank you. Enjoy your visit at the Maison de Repos et de Soins-Vielsalm.
(Signed) Madam PIRSOUL Marie and the residents. Marie Hanzen, Marie-Therese, Pascal, Mariette, Ambre, Demazy-Lebecque Laure et Pierre, Mme Reynaud, Veronique, Monique, the nurses and the persons in charge.
John, Dave and I wish to thank those who made this visit possible; Doctor Deleuze, Responsible of the Home, the nurses and Sister Marie-Madeleine. Also, thanks go to Bernadette and André for escorting us.
Typical morning fog
With Maria Lehaire 1926-2007
Bernadette was our guide on this day and had arranged for us to visit a new WW II Museum at the village of Ennal. A local man, Bernard Michel, totally renovated a huge stone barn to accommodate a vast collection of materiel retrieved from the battlefields of the Ardennes. Of course much was donated also by veterans of the battle, and their histories are depicted with dioramas and displays. This may be a smaller museum than some, but it is a very interesting place for a veteran, or anyone interested in the history of WW II to visit. One can spend a lot of time there. It has been a personal project for Bernard Michel and he has obviously spent much time and energy with it. Our compliments to Bernard.
Typical Ardennes house next to museum building
That evening we had made a date with our good friend, Henri Rogister. Henri met us at Baraque de Fraiture and drove us to his home in Liege to meet with his wife, Reneé, and 20-month-old granddaughter, who he refers to as the "Tornado." She is a beautiful little girl, the kind we ‘thank heaven' for. After our visit with the Rogisters, Henri drove us to the home of Albert and Annie Fosty for a wonderful dinner. Annie is a great cook and always makes sure nobody goes away hungry. That time we had a fish soup and an entree of pork loin, and of course a nice dessert. I must say that these ladies who host us are all great cooks and we are served nothing but the best. When we departed the Fosty's Henri led us back to the ramp to the highway so we had no problem getting back to the Baraque that evening. We let ourselves in through the back door.
Gatens, Schaffner and our hostess Annie Fosty
Friday, 28 September 2007
On this day we drove to Poteau, a village not too far away and located directly in the path of the advancing German Army in 1944. Today it is very peaceful and one driving through would never suspect there had been bitter fighting here. The purpose of our going there was to visit the Museum established and maintained by Rob and Jacqueline Ruyter. Their museum was not officially open but a knock at their door was all that it took to gain admission. We have known these folks from prior visits so they were happy to be able to entertain us. We spent a lot of time inside the museum and then were invited into the house where we had a small refreshment and friendly conversation. It was a very nice visit with this gracious couple. They have worked hard on their place and it shows. Rob has restored several German, Russian, and American vehicles to running condition. He will treat groups to rides around the patch when ordered. They also maintain a Web site under Poteau Museum for you PC users.
Jacqueline Ruyter acquaints Dave Ford with the museum at Poteau
Leaving Poteau we drove to Gouvy and visited for a too short time with old friends, Adda and Willi Rikken. This couple has been a true friend of American veterans visiting the Ardennes. Their home is always open and their services as guides always available. We consider ourselves lucky to include them among our many Belgian friends.
The various villages along our route brought to life the places of the battles we have only read about. Although the physical damage has been repaired, sometimes stone for stone, the inhabitants will never forget (or forgive) the atrocities suffered during the occupation and consequent battles that occurred in these villages. To pass through these places one would find it hard to believe that many of the houses and other buildings are new since the war. The stye of architecture has remained the same.
We drove on to Malempré to Eddy Monfort's home. Eddy had arranged a party at his house for Peter Schreiber and his mother, Chuck and Mary Lowrey, Christian Kraft (CRIBA Pres.), Dave, John and me, his mother and father, and his family. He had a houseful, including the three kids running around. It was a very festive time and we sat at the table to a real nice dinner. We became better acquainted with Chuck and Mary Lowery, Peter and his Mom, Mary, and the other guests. Sure, there is something of a language barrier at times, but a smile and a nod usually overcomes that. Seems like we never have to go to bed hungry (or dry.) It was late when we returned "home" to The Auberge.
Rosemary Schreiber and son, Peter Schreiber with vets at home of Eddy Monfort
Dinner at Monfort's, Mary & Chuck Lowery (424/I) in foreground
Saturday, 29 September 2007
This was the day that we were anticipating, Dedication Day. As I mentioned above, the dedication of the new memorial was to take place on this day. By 08:30 we were up and had breakfast, and dressed for the event. While still inside at the table I looked out and spotted Carl Wouters arriving with his family, his girlfriend, Sofie, and her family from the town of Boom, Belgium (near Antwerp). Carl is a young man who I have been corresponding with for quite some time now. His interest lies in the Battle of the Bulge and the 106th Division in particular. He has established an excellent Web site dedicated to our division. They all came in to the dining room and we had a grand time becoming acquainted. Carl had made two 589/A Battery guidons and presented them to John Gatens and me. Mine spent time that evening on the wall of the dining room during the banquet. It now hangs in my "war room." This was a very thoughtful gift. We thank you again Carl.
Carl Wouters in GI jacket, Gatens says, "There I was ..."
Rosemary and Pete Schreiber with Bernadette at the new monument
Carl Wouters is deeply involved in the history of WW II in Belgium and has established a Web site honoring the 106th Infantry Division. By 10:30 the crowd had begun to assemble so we went outside and were immediately drawing attention. There were many people we knew and some we had corresponded with, but not met. Of course this was Peter Schreiber's event so even though John and I had honored positions we tried to stay in the background. It didn't work very well as somebody was always pushing us forward.
There was a group of Belgian re-enactors there with several WW II vehicles. We posed with them and, except for the language barrier, got along real well. These folks keep the memories of WW II alive. There was media people there making photos and videos of the event and that evening we found ourselves on the Web site of the Ardennes Gazette. The next day it was all in print when the magazine and newspapers were published.
When the ceremony ended with the unveiling of the monument and attendant speeches, we were treated to a reception in a very large tented structure set up by the Commune of Vielsalm. Hors d'oeuvres and drinks were provided and the tent was packed with people, elbow to elbow. Both John and I went hungry as we were occupied with signing programs, one after the other. Somebody put a glass of wine in our hands and we had to have somebody else hold it while we autographed their programs. (Later Dave told us that we looked like a couple of Rock Stars.)
At 4PM the invited guests were brought into the Auberge dining room for sit-down event. A delightful dinner was served honoring the veterans. There was the usual introduction of honored guests, short speeches by Christian Kraft, and André Hubert. Peter Schreiber was introduced and delivered an exceptionally nice tribute to the veterans who fought the battle of the crossroads and he related the experience of his father who had been wounded and made a prisoner by the Germans at the time.
Also arriving at the Auberge was a couple from The Netherlands, Eddy and Coletta Reidek. We had only corresponded up until this time. This couple has adopted the grave of Lt. Francis O'Toole, 589/A Battery, in Margraten Military Cemetery, and they decorate it with flowers regularly. This not an unusual thing to happen in Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France. The graves of American Soldiers fallen in battle are adopted by local civilians and honored, especially on holidays, with ceremonies and speeches of remembrance for their sacrifice.
Also visiting with us that evening was our Belgian friends Nathalie and Pascal Hanout who are avidly interested in the Battle of the Bulge. It was a very busy day, to say the least.
Sunday, 30 September 2007
In the morning we decided to travel to the American Military Cemetery at Margraten, The Netherlands. Distances in the area known as Benelux are not that great when compared to the U.S.A. so it did not take us long to get there. The area is very flat, as in most of Holland. They say that if you stand on a chair at one border you can see all the way over to the other side. The fact that one of our 589/A Battery officers, Lt. Francis O'Toole, is buried there gave us the initiative to make the trip. On arrival we entered the office of the Superintendent and acquired the location of the grave. Of course, after a bit of conversation with him we found that we knew some of the same people. It is a small world indeed. We first went to the grave of O'Toole and found that fl owers were there, left the day before by Eddy and Coletta Reidek, Netherlanders who have adopted this grave. While walking the cemetery we had the opportunity to talk with several local people (who were English speaking). They all wanted to know about our connection to WW II and if we had comrades who were buried there. Yes, even after all of the years past, people are interested in the Americans who restored their freedom and drove out the hated Nazis. They have not forgotten.
At the grave of Lt. Francis J. O'Toole in Margraten Cemetery
On leaving
the cemetery
we drove south
again to visit with our friend in Germany, Josef "Jupp" Reusch (veteran of the 560th Volksgrenadier Division) at the village of Grosslangenfeld. The three Americans were welcomed into the Reusch's home with warm hugs and handshakes. Our first order of business was to inspect the monument that had been installed in the village, dedicated to the men of the 106th Infantry Division and the German unit fighting for possession of the ground during the Battle of the Bulge. Jupp was instrumental in bring this monument to being. (See The CUB Vol 61 #2 Jan/Feb/Mar 2005)
Monument in Grosslangenfeld, Germany dedicated to 106th and German soldiers
Please see The CUB Vol 61 #2 Jan-Feb-Mar 2005
These monuments placed in the area of the battle are tended regularly with cleaning and care and almost always with flowers present. We inspected the monument along with Doug Mitchell, Jupp's son-in-law, and made several ‘international' photos with the American and German veterans. Jupp's wife, Mia, had prepared a table of fancy German pastry for us that we certainly did appreciate. The Reusch's daughter, Anita, and Doug were also there to entertain us and see that we got to sample all of the great food and drink. It was a very nice time of friendship. That evening on the way back to the Baraque we stopped for supper at, get this, a Greek restaurant in a little village miles from nowhere. This was our last night at the Auberge so we packed our bags for traveling and made it to bed fairly early.
Monday, 1 October 2007
Bernadette provided the breakfast for us as usual. We were packed and ready to go. The ladies climbed the stairs, grabbed our heavy baggage from our hands, and brought it down those tight stairs for us before we could stop them. (The fact that we are old and weak is starting to sink in.) Bernadette and Esmeralda were there to see us off with parting gifts and that is always the same. We have never departed empty-handed. One might think that we were heading for the gallows. All of us were fighting back the tears. So, before we had to use the Kleenex we loaded the car, said our good-byes, and took off for Luxembourg.
Frank Kieffer in courtyard of castle with a British visitor and two GIs Statue of The GI in Clervaux, Luxembourg (Designed by Frank Kieffer)
On arrival at Clervaux we met with Frank Kieffer, Camille Kohn, Jean Mielmeister, and a representative of the American Embassy and his Marine Guard at The Statue of The GI. They were there as a welcoming committee and to conduct a ceremony for us, all the while being photographed by the local media. One would think that we were VIPs. After the ceremony we all proceeded to the old castle, where the WW II Museum is, and assembled in the conference room for the "Vin D'honor." Camille Kohn, President of CEBA, delivered a very nice speech expressing Luxembourg's appreciation to the Americans for deliverance from the oppression under Nazi rule. When Camille was finished, I presented him with a book given to him by our own 106th Division veteran, Alfred Vitali. It was a National Geographic publication devoted to Arlington Military Cemetery.
When the party broke up Frank (the curator) conducted us to his museum for a short visit. The museum is a ‘must' for anyone visiting Clervaux. It is housed in a medieval castle, once reduced to ruins during the Battle of the Bulge, but painstakingly restored to its original glory after the end of the war. Frank Kieffer is the consummate collector and has filled it with an unimaginable variety of items concerning the Battle of the Bulge and WW II in general.
Frank Kieffer at display of some the items I have provided for the museum
On leaving the old castle we checked into the Hotel Koerner with our baggage and then, along with Frank, drove to his home at Asselborn, about 10km away through the picturesque farmland. On arrival at Frank's home we were warmly greeted by his wife, Maria, who had already set the table for us. Too much wine and good food simply can't be bad for one (I always say). The Kieffer home is also a repository for some of Frank's personal collections. It is not like the castle of course, but only because there is not as much room. We were treated to the hands-on examination of the items he has stored away in the house. There is loads of neat stuff too numerous to mention here. We left Asselborn about 8:30PM and returned to the hotel in Clervaux for a relatively early bedtime.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
After a nice buffet breakfast we checked out of the hotel and hit the road once more. We wanted to check on our trees in the Bois de la Paix (Woods of Peace) in Bizory so that was our fi rst stop. Gatens and I had no trouble fi nding our trees. They had grown a bit but had not moved from that spot since the last visit.
Schaffner and Gatens at the trees planted in their honor in the Bois de la Paix, Bizory
While in that area, just north-east of Bastogne city, we stopped at a new monument dedicated to the 506th PIR (82nd AB Div.) and got to talk with a couple of other visitors from England who were being guided around the battlefield. I think they were impressed to find some of us old veterans of the battle still on our feet.
We had made arrangements with our good Belgian friend Vince Gerard to visit with him on this day before our departure. Vince maintains a "cabin -in-the-woods" at Carfountain and had invited us to join with him and his mother for a time of R & R and partake of a dinner from his outdoor grill. Needless to say that we accepted and met him in the village to be guided to the cabin. (I doubt we could have found it on our own.) We spent a most pleasant afternoon there and Vince expertly cooked a variety of items from fish to beef.
Vince Gerard and mother, Anne, with Dave Ford at the "Cabin in the Woods"
When the sun neared the horizon we decided that we would have to make our way to the hotel at the Brussels Airport. Vince very graciously volunteered to guide us in his car, and since rain was developing and we were not familiar with the route, it was an easy decision to accept. Upon arrival at the hotel we checked in, dropped our baggage, and went to the lounge to chat with Vince. It was not long before Nick Jonckheere arrived from Oostende to spend some time with us. Nick has also been a part of our Belgian "family" for about ten years. We have known him from his teen age years when he visited the states and stayed with Lil and me. That came about through our mutual interest in aviation. Since then we have stayed in close touch and have seen him transformed into a career in the aviation industry, a home owner, and father of two beautiful little girls. Nick brought along his laptop to show us photos of his family and from his job with a company using helicopters as air-commuters. Both Vince and Nick have become good friends. We were into bed a bit late that night but the next day was committed for traveling home and that would involve a long time sitting in one place.
Vince Gerard, John Gatens, John Schaffner, Nick Jonckheere, last night at the hotel at Brussels
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
We were up early, had a quick, easy breakfast at the hotel, boarded the shuttle bus and were off to the airport to catch our flight home. We were air-bourn at 10:30 AM (local time) and on course for a 3,674 mile ride to Newark, NJ. Our arrival and touch down was 15 minutes early at 11:40 AM. We split at the airport with Gatens going to Fair Lawn, NJ and Dave and I boarded the mono-rail shuttle to connect with Amtrak for the train ride to Baltimore. Arline Ford was at the station to meet us on our arrival there and is was just a hop, skip and jump and we were home once again (with all of our dirty laundry and Belgian chocolate). After every trip I tell myself that it was the last time. If that is the case then I can say that it is regretful, since it means that we will probably not be seeing those wonderful friends again. But time marches on and everything has its day. There are no regrets except that I wish that we could have started it all sooner.
We can never forget our wonderful friends in Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, and Germany. They treat us most graciously. While the three of us collaborated on this trip concerning when and where, Gatens and Schaffner have to thank Ford for allowing us to tap him for his travel in Europe experience. He has helped us immeasurably with acquiring the transportation, doing the driving, and setting up reservations where we needed them. He knew the ropes. Thanks, Dave.
While composing this article I was informed of sad news from Baraque de Fraiture, Maria Lehaire had passed on Dec. 24, 2007 and the funeral was Friday 28 Dec. 2007 from Hebronval, Belgium. Her last public appearance was at the memorial dedication ceremony at the Parker's Crossroads on September 29, 2007. Although very ill at the time, her family made sure that she was present. She attended the ceremony and reception in a wheelchair. She had been gravely ill for a long time with Alzheimer's and the complications that go with it. We were privileged to have spent some time with her (and her family and friends) in the nursing home where she was residing while we were visiting in September. Maria, her daughter, Bernadette, and granddaughter, Esmeralda, have treated us as VIPs on each visit. We will miss her. The Auberge has been in the same family since 1880. May it continue for many more generations. The 106th Infantry Division Association was represented at the funeral by a floral arrangement provided by John Gatens 589/A, John Schaffner 589/A, and David Ford, Associate Member.
Received later from Henri Rogister:
"Just few words concerning the funeral service: More of 200 peoples were present for the ceremony. Unfortunately for many of them the church at Fraiture was too little and we stay outside where the weather was with the fog and rain and cold."
Sincerely, Henri
For more on the Monument Dedication –– those with computers can enter the URL following:
http://www.ardennesmagazine.be/ reportages/region_b/baraquefraiture/ baraq_709_inauguration/article.htm
Also, coverage is on the Web site YouTube, enter: www.youtube.com, type in the ‘Search' box: Baraque de Fraiture, then click on the picture of John Gatens.
Front & Center
Wreath laying in St. Vith's on December 16, 2007 -- Full Honour Guard of the U.S. Army Garrison of Mons under the leadership of Major Sonja Granger--Dyer. On 26 December, 2007 Armed Forces Network cover the ceremony on its Web site. The Mayor of St Vith, Mr. Cristian Krings, welcomed us, and words written by the son of Major Bill Garlow (Co of the 2nd Bn of the 423rd Inf Rgt) -- Cody who was the grandson of ‘Buffalo Bill' sent me words to read during the wreath laying. From the Dutch Ministery of Defense we had a Bugler as well we were supported by Warrant Offi cer Lion van der Most of the Dutch Air Mobile Brigade.
Caption from Hans J. Wijers.
Hugh Enicks' (106th Infantry Division Veteran) promoted to Lt. Colonel --"This is a photo of my son Lt. Colonel James Enicks and us all together the day he was promoted to Lt. Colonel at the Pentagon this past year. Jim has been to Iraq twice, the first time as a Tank Commander in the first Gulf War and the second time with the 101st Airborne Division as a Signal Officer. My oldest son was with the 82nd. Airborne -- so they tease each other as you can imagine."
Jim West and www.IndianaMilitary.org Web site
This Web site currently contains a very large section devoted to the 106th Infantry Division. Mr. West is always looking for historical news, current news and photos, and he welcomes anything you may come across. You may be aware that every issue of the CUB, beginning with the first issue in 1945, is available on this Web site. Mr. West scans each page of each issue he receives in the mail. In addition, to this work with electronic filing of the CUB, Mr. West is working on a re-constructed Roster for the 106th Infantry Division and it is likewise available on the Web site. The Roster now stands at nearly 13,000 names.
Finally, Mr. West has established a way for the public to interact with one another via the 106th Infantry Division discussion board on the Web site at the following internet address: http://106thdivision.proboards84.com Here you can see the many questions that have been "posted" and some really great answers.
Sarasota Mini Reunion, December 15, 2007
For the men those on the front row who can be identified are, from left to right, Gene Saucerman, Ray Twardzik, Parks, El Creel (Host), Dr. Vance Jennings. Lyle Beeth, Treasurer, is first on the left in the back row (with the dark suit coat). Marie Beeth is second from left in the front row of the photo below. We failed to get names in sequence when the pictures were being taken.
The meeting was held at the Dutch Heritage restaurant in Sarasota, December 15, 2007. After the opening prayer and pledge of allegiance, David Ford, a historian whose specialty is the 106th ID, gave a detailed account of the wonderful events of the escape and eventual return of Lt. Col Riggs to Allied control. This was followed by El Creel's account of the raid to release the officer prisoners at Hammelburg and the later final release at Moosburg, near Munich.
The 2008 meeting will be held at the same restaurant on Monday, December 16. Anyone interested in attending should contact El Creel by telephone: 813-988-7013, mail: 315 Fern Cliff Ave.,Temple Terrace FL, 33617 or by email: elcreel@verizon.net.
Arizona Mini-Reunion December 13, 2007
Pictured in the front row (left to right) are: Tom Bugner, Milton Weiner, Dean Childs, Toby Francis Anderson [holding his 65 year old uniform jacket]. Pictured in the back row (left to right) are: Harry Cooke, Jack Bomar, Richard Behr, Calvin Wright, Bernard Weiner, Robert Hirst, Paul Thompson (absent Joe Gour).
Pictured in the front row (left to right) are: Pam Bugner, Margaret Wright, Amy Anderson, Laura Thompson. Pictured in the back row (left to right) are: Erma Dorsey, Eleanor Childs, Nita Hirst, Jean Sexton, Nancy Cooke and Bea Behr.
Calvin Wright and Dean Childs hosted the Mini-Reunion on December 13, 2007 with 21 present at the Hometown Buffet in Scottsdale, AZ. They opened with a prayer and pledge of allegiance to the United States Flag. Calvin gave a quiz on "Do We Remember," and all questions were based on statistics of the Battle of the Bulge. Calvin introduced their speaker Jack Bomar a prisoner of war from the Vietnam War. Bomar was a prisoner for seven and half years and was a cellmate of John McCain at one time. His narrative was an amazing story of survival and of his life before and after. The reunion was closed with a prayer and taps. [Picture and notes submitted by Dean Childs of Meza, AZ]
106th New Jersey Mini-Reunion December 2007
Pictured in the front row (left to right) are: Sam Cimaglia 590/FA, Newton Parker, George Call 424/B and William Blaher 422/I.
Pictured in the back row (left to right) are: Glen Lockenvitz 106 Recon, Harry F Martin Jr., 424/L, Jerry Mount 634 AAA AW Bn and Ralph Richter 331/Med/D.
New Jersey 106th Mini-Reunion 12-13-06
Left of the table: Myron Swank Other side of table, Left to Right; Janice Swank, Joanne DeSantis and Joseph DeSantis By the Window, Left to Right: Frank Sziber, William Blaher.
JAMES L. MEAGHER 422/H 1201 Taney Ave., Salisbury, MD 21801
-- Date of death: December 2007
LOUIS J. PASSARIELLO 424/B 4319 Tiffton Dr, Saginaw, MI 48603
-- Date of death: December 01, 2007
RALPH R. BALESTRIERI 592/C 9410 Old Jones Ln, Dunkirk, MD 20754
-- Date of death: June 1, 2007
ROBERT E. PRATHER 422/HQ 2751 Reche Canyon Rd #59, Colton, CA 92324
-- Date of death unknown at time of publication
JOHN W. MORSE 422/C 4240 George Lane, West Palm Beach, FL 33406
-- Date of death: December 25, 2007
WILLIAM S. VAUGHT 424/AT 4502 Dumac Dr., Chattanooga, TN 37416
-- Date of death: November 22, 2007
JAMES F. SHANAHAN 424/C -- Death date unknown at time of publication
Just a reminder
If you have pictures and information you would like included in a future CUB, the due dates are as follows:
For the Spring edition coming out in June all material is due by MAY 16
For the Summer edition coming out in September all material is due by AUGUST 15
For the Fall edition coming out in December, to include the reunion pictures, all material is due by NOVEMBER 15
Articles and pictures can be mailed or emailed to:
CUB Editor: William McWhorter CUB Publisher: Susan Weiss 166 Prairie Dawn, Kyle, TX 78640 9 Cypress Point Court, 512-970-5637 Blackwood, NJ 08012 williammcwhorter17@gmail.com 856-415-2211 sweiss@gccnj.edu
Start making your plans
The 106th Infantry Division Association's 62nd Annual Reunion will he held in Louisville, Kentucky September 3-7, 2008 at
The Galt House Hotel 140 North Fourth Street, Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 589-5200
Registration forms and program schedules
will be mailed to all Association members mid-year 2008
Index for This Document
101st Abn. Div., 26106th Div., 17, 21
106th Inf. Div., 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 17, 19, 26
106th Infantry Division Association, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 24, 32
12th Panzer Div., 13
289th Reg./75th ID, 13
325Gir/ 82nd Abn. Div., 10
423rd Inf., 25
424/A, 3, 5, 30
424/C, 30
424/G, 8, 9
424/I, 1, 12, 17
424/L, 2, 3, 29
424th Inf. Regt., 8, 13
506th PIR (82nd Abn. Div.), 22
509th PIR, 13
517th Prcht. Inf. Regt., 13
560th Volksgrenadier Div., 19
589th FA, A Btry., 17, 18
592nd FA BN, 13
7th Armd. Div., 10
87th Cav. Rcn. Sq, 10
87th Cav. Rcn. Sqd., 10
87th Mortar BN, 13
Afghanistan, 4
American Battle Monuments Commission, 10
American Military Cemetery, 18
Anderson, Amy, 28
Anderson, Toby Francis, 28
Antwerp, 17
Ardennes, 10, 15, 16, 17
Asselborn, 21
Auberge Du Carrefour, 13
Balestrieri, Ralph R., 30
Baraque De Fraiture, 1, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24
Bastogne, 22
Battle Of The Bulge, 7, 17, 18, 19, 21, 28
Beeth, Lyle, 2, 3, 6, 27
Beeth, Marie, 27
Behr, Bea, 28
Behr, Richard, 28
Belgium, 1, 10, 12, 17, 18, 24
Benelux, 18
Bernadette, 9, 14, 15, 17, 19, 24
Bizory, 21, 22
Black, Ewell, 2
Black, Rev Ewell, 2
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 3
Blaher, William, 29
Bloody Clash At Sadzot, 13
Bois De La Paix, 21, 22
Bomar, Jack, 28
Boom, Belgium, 17
Breuer, Wm. B., 13
Brussels, 11, 22
Brussels Airport, 12, 22
Bugner, Pam, 28
Bugner, Tom, 28
Call, Geo, 3
Call, George, 29
CEBA, 21
Childs, Dean, 28
Childs, Eleanor, 28
Christianson, Edward, 2, 3
Cimaglia, Sam, 29
Clervaux, 21
Clervaux, Luxembourg, 20
Commune Of Vielsalm, 10, 18
Contes De Salme, 12
Cooke, Harry, 28
Cooke, Nancy, 28
Cox, Philip, 2
Creel, El, 27
CRIBA, 10, 14, 16
D/203 AAA, 7th Ad, 10
Deleuze, Dr., 14
Demazy-Lebecque Laure Et Pierre, 14
DeSantis, Joanne, 29
DeSantis, Joseph, 29
Dorsey, Erma, 28
Doxsee, Gifford, 2
Doxsee, Gifford B., 3, 4
Dunkirk, 30
Enicks, Hugh, 26
Enicks, Lt. Col. James, 26
Ennal, 15
Esmeralda, 9, 13, 19, 24
Ford, Arline, 23
Ford, Dave, 10, 16, 22
Ford, David, 9, 24, 27
Fort Jackson, 6
Fosty, Albert & Annie, 15
Fosty, Annie, 15
Garlow, Bill, 25
Gatens, John, 1, 9, 10, 11, 14, 17, 22, 24
Geib, George, 9
Gerard, Vince, 22
Germany, 13, 19, 24
Ginter, Keith, 8
Gloucester, 7
Gour, Joe, 28
Gouvy, 16
Granger--Dyer, Maj. Sonja, 25
Greve, Walter C., 3
Grosslangenfeld, 19
Grosslangenfeld, Germany, 19
Hammelburg, 27
Hanout, Nathalie & Pascal, 18
Hanzen, Marie, 14
Hebronval, 12, 13
Hebronval, Belgium, 9, 24
Herndon, Donald F., 2
Hirst, Nita, 28
Hirst, Robert, 28
Holland, 13, 18, 24
Hotel Koerner, 21
Hotel V'Hebron, 12
Hubert, André, 13, 14, 18
Huffaker, Bob, 13
Iraq, 4, 26
Jennings, Dr. Vance, 27
Jonckheere, Nick, 22
Kieffer, Frank, 20, 21
Kline, John, 2, 6, 7
Kohn, Camille, 21
Kraft, Christian, 16, 18
Krings, Cristian, 25
Kuhn, Eugene L., 8
Lehaire, Maria, 9, 15, 24
Lejeune-Lengler, Bernadette, 13, 14
Lengler-Lehaire, Mr. & Mrs., 14
LeTellier, L. S. III, 8
Lichtenfeld, Sy, 3
Liege, 15
Litchenfeld, Sy, 2
Lockenvitz, Glen, 29
Lowery, Chuck & Mary, 12, 16
Lowery, Mary & Chuck, 17
Lowrey, Chuck & Mary, 16
Luxembourg, 18, 19, 21, 24
Maison De Repos Et De Soins, 14
Malempre, 12
Malempré, 13, 16
Maloney, Joseph, 2
Maloney, Joseph P., 2, 6
Manhay, 12, 13
Margraten, 18, 19
Margraten Cemetery, 19
Margraten Military Cemetery, 18
Margraten, The Netherlands, 18
Marie-Madeleine, Sister, 14
Marie-Therese, 14
Martin, Harry F, Jr., 29
Martin, Harry F., Jr., 2
Martin, Harry, Jr., 2, 3
Massey, Joseph, 2
Mayrsohn, Bernard, 2
McCain, John, 28
McWhorter, William, 2, 30
McWhorter, William A., 7
Meagher, James L., 30
Mejia, Joe M., 8
Michel, Bernard, 15
Mielmeister, Jean, 21
Mitchell, Doug, 19
Monfort, Eddy, 12, 13, 16, 17
Monument In Grosslangenfeld, Germany, 19
Mook, Mary Ann, 8
Moore, Dianne, 4
Moosburg, 27
Morse, John W., 30
Mount, Jerry, 29
Munich, 27
Naud, Leonard A, 8
Nelson, Dr. Ralph, 2, 3
O'Toole, Lt. Francis, 18
Oostende, 22
Order Of The Golden Lion, 2, 8
Parker, Newton, 29
Passariello, Louis J., 30
Pirsoul, Madam, 14
Poteau, 16
Poteau Museum, 16
Prather, Robert E., 30
Quattrin, Alfred, 8
Ray, Marion, 6
Reidek, Eddy & Coletta, 18
Reunions, 4, 6, 27, 28
Reusch, Josef 'Jupp', 1, 19
Reynaud, Mme, 14
Richter, Ralph, 29
Rieck, Charles F., 3
Riggs, Lt. Col., 27
Rikken, Adda & Willi, 16
Robb, Dr. John G., 2, 3, 8
Robb, Marilyn, 8
Roberts, John M., 3
Rogister, Henri, 15, 24
Rummens, Jacques, 12
Sadzot, 13
Salm River, 12
Saucerman, Gene, 27
Schaffner, John, 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 14, 22, 24
Schaffner, John R., 10
Schanerberger, Ellsworth H., 3
Schreiber, Peter, 10, 16, 17, 18
Schreiber, Rosemary, 17
Schreiber, Rosemary & Pete, 17
Sexton, Jean, 28
Shanahan, James F., 30
Shaver, Alan, 8
Shaver, Dennis, 8
St. Vith, 7, 25
Stein, Murray, 2, 4
Swank, Janice, 29
Swank, Myron, 29
Swett, John, 2
Sziber, Frank, 29
Szyczewski, Raymond S., 8
Thompson, Laura, 28
Thompson, Paul, 28
Tienen, 12
Trautman, Frank, 2
Trautman, Franks S., 3
Trp. D/87th Cav. Recon Sqdn., 10
Trueman, Dr. Duncan, 2, 3, 5
Twardzik, Ray, 27
Vaught, William S., 30
Vielsalm, 10, 12, 18
Vietnam War, 28
VII Corps, 7
Vitali, Alfred, 21
Volksgrenadier, 19
Volksgrenadier Div., 19
Wagner, Paul, 8
Weiner, Bernard, 28
Weiner, Milton, 28
Weiss, Newton, 3, 7
Weiss, Susan, 2, 7, 30
Wente, Martin L., 3
West, Jim, 26
Wijers, Hans J., 25
Woods Of Peace, 21
Wouters, Carl, 17
Wright, Calvin, 28
Wright, Margaret, 28