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The Cub
Vol. 41, No. 3, Mar, 1985

1984 - 1985
President Ted J. Straub
1st Vice President Samuel P. Cariano
2nd Vice President Van S. Wyatt
Treasurer.. Sherod Collins
Adjutant Samuel P. Cariano
Historian Sherod Collins
Chaplain Rev. Ewell C. Black Jr.
Cub Editor Richard DeHeer
Memorials Chairman Douglas S. Coffey

    The Cub is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $10.00 per year which includes subscription of the Cub.
All editorial matter should be addressed to:
Mr. Richard DeHeer
86 Berkshire Lane Palm Coast, Florida 32037

All business matters and inquiries should be addressed to:
Mr. Samuel P. Cariano
(November 1 - May 15)
122 Skyline Boulevard
    Satellite Beach, Florida 32937 (May 16 - October 311 Satellite Beach, Florida 32937 (May 16 - October 311 P.O. Box 371 Maggie Valley, N.C. 28751
    Dues for renewal of membership, Associate and Auxiliary membership and memorial fund contributions should be addressed to:
Mr. Sherod Collins, Treasurer
625 Channing Drive, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318

Membership Dues 84-85.$10.00 per year Atlanta, Georgia 30318
Membership Dues 84-85.$10.00 per year Associate Dues 84-85 $10.00 per year
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year

President's Message
To The Members Of The 106th Infantry Division Association
    The week-end of January 5th, Walt and Lil Bandurak, John and Marilyn Robb, Bob Weber, and Laura and I met at Sheraton Lakeview to complete plans for our reunion. We had a very successful meeting with the Executive Chef, the Catering Manager and the Conference Manager. They were very cooperative and very gracious.
     This year's reunion will be somewhat different from previous years, and we hope to make it fun and relaxing. Be sure to make reservations early for both the Hotel and the reunion. Remember the deadline is JUNE 18th.
     Veterans of the 106th have a lot at stake. The three largest groups of Prisoners of World War II were the men of Bataan, Corregidor and the Bulge. There have been rumors that Congress wants to cut the VA budget. Please write your Senators and Congressmen. This is one way we can support veterans in general and particularly those in need. Another person to contact is Mr. David Stockman, Director, Office of Management and Budget, Executive Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20503.
    One of the other items I wish to promote and relate to you is the revitalization of our area chapters. In looking over some old Cubs (1946-47-481 we had many of them. Where are our leaders in New York, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Baltimore, etc.?
     It saddens me to report to you the death of Carol Beals. She had been a true friend of the 106th. She will be sadly missed by all.
Sincerely, Your President
Ted J. Straub


Chaplain's Corner
By Ewell C. Black, Jr.
     I have been the minister of three congregations which had experienced some problems prior to my becoming the minister, to this story could have happened at any one of them.
     One day as I was visiting, the talk turned to the progress which the congregation had made. The person with whom I was visiting told me that my coming to the church had been the answer to his prayers. He said, "I told the Lord that what our congregation needed was someone who could be our pastor and love us. I told the Lord that it didn't matter if the one He sent couldn't preach because we had had some good preachers in the past but now we needed someone to love us. Mr. Black, he said, when the Lord sent you, He answered my prayer."
     While this may seem to have been a "left-handed compliment", maybe each of us should consider its meaning. As we make our journey through this life, we should always strive to show love and concern for our fellow human beings. No matter how poor a showing we may make in other areas, if we will strive toward this end, we may truly be the answer to someone's prayer. Remember that Jesus of Nazareth did not fulfill the expectations of many of those who heard Him but also remember to how many He has been, "the answer to their prayers."
    Heavenly Father, we would pray that we might love others as Thou hast loved us. May the Holy Spirit guide us each day so that we might touch at least one life and let them know that we care.
     I had only been home from Dallas, TX, about an hour on the night of December 1st when my phone rang. The call was from David Slayton in California and was to inform me of the death of Carol Beals. David and I were both in A/422 and were close friends of Johnny Beals, Carol's husband. When I attended my first Reunion in Columbia, SC, I met Carol for the first time and we became friends because of Johnny. Over the years our friendship deepened as we came to know one another better. Dot and I exchanged Christmas Greetings with Carol each year and I always looked forward to visiting with her at our Reunions.
     I expect that very few members of our Association had as many friends in the organization as did Carol. Because of the date of our Reunions, she managed to celebrate her birthdays at many of them. On all of the Association's trips and at the Reunions, Carol could be counted on to give those around her a special lift. Many years ago, Carol allowed me to bring Johnny's diary home with me so that I might make a copy. He and I had walked many of the long weary miles together after our capture. After arriving at Stalag IV-B he went one way and I the other and. I never saw him again, although we wrote. When I learned of Carol's death, something which I had read in Johnny's diary came to my mind. As a memorial to Carol, these words of Johnny's probably say more than any of us can. I quote from the entry of June 23, 1945, in Johnny's The Diary of A POW. "... Best of all, I talked home last night. Was swell to hear that familiar voice again. Guess life is worth living after all. I wouldn't give my wife for all the girls I saw overseas, or anywhere I have been so far."
United again after another forced separation, may Carol and Johnny walk through eternity hand in hand

A Column By Association Historian
    Continuing our look at "Cubs" of past years, I am perusing Volume 26, year 1969-1970. John Gallagher was assuming editorship again. That was the first year a major delegation of 106'ers made a pilgrimage to Europe and particularly to St. Vith via Icelandic Airlines. This was the 25th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.


    We unofficial reunion, our 23rd, in St. Vith with Doug Coffey presiding. Officers were elected and appointed later back in the states.
    At the memorial ceremonies Chaplain Loveless gave a moving address. Wreaths were laid and dignitaries spoke. Present for the parade to the memorial were American and Belgian troop contingents. A great number of townspeople turned out.
    Then the battlefields were visited as was Bastogne, other towns and Eric Wood's grave. A highlight was a visit to Neuville-En-Condroz, an immaculate American cemetery on the Condroz plateau near Liege where 5279 Americans are buried, many of them former members of our division; a humbling and impressive layout.
     Some 100 people were there and 77 of them toured by bus after the reunion. The combined two and three-week travel trip totaling 2850 miles was exciting and thoroughly enjoyed. It traversed seven countries including England via a channel crossing and served to cement friendships among the group.
     Pete House was elected President, John Gallagher, Vice President; Bob Scranton continued as Adjutant. Chaplain Loveless was presented an award for service by the Eastern College Alumni Association.
    Bag Lunch listed the sequence of Division Command in Wartime -- from Jones to Perrin to Stroh to Woolfley. All are deceased except Gen. Woolfley who continues a loyal member of the Association. Gen. McMahon was transferred to command of XXIII Corps. Artillery after hostilities ceased.
     Service Battery, 592 F.A. held its annual reunion at Hershey Park. Several association members wrote a chronicle of personal and/or group wartime activities during the Dec.-Jan. period 1944-45 including John Loveless, Doug Coffey, Joe Matthews, Sherod Collins, Father Cavanaugh and John Gallagher. Groups reported December 16th meetings at Jacksonville, Fl.; Baltimore, Md.; North Ridgeville, Oh. There was a notation about the capture of the "Greif" plan and of the attack plans of the 62nd Volksgrenadier Division both by the 424th Infantry.
    There was a charming account of the Coffeys' trip (with twins) to Isabel's birthplace, a town in England called Porthleven. This was taken as a side trip of the 106th tour, from London.
On that different tack -- or direction --Did you know ...?
That Bastogne was a fortified bastion until the late 17th century when the troops of Louis XIV demolished them.
    That the surrender demand presented to Gen. McAuliffe was the work of Gen. von Luttwitz, CO. of the 47th Panzer Corps. who did so without consulting his superior. McAuliffe never saw the German emissaries, two of whom, the officers, were brought blindfolded to a subordinate headquarters, that of F Company, 327 Glider Infantry. Leaving them there the battalion operations officer hurried to command Hq. The typewritten message threatened annihilation of all troops by artillery fire. Manteuffel was furious since he clearly lacked sufficient artillery to make good. He did attempt to reduce the ridiculousness of it by calling for bombing of Bastogne by the Luftwaffe. Thus the' center of the little town was devastated as sort of an afterthought.
    That the 17th Airborne Division (one of whose regiments was attached to the 106th at one point) made only one drop that over the Rhine River to spearhead along with the 6th British Airborne the forcing of the river by the combined British Second and U.S. Ninth Armies.
Sherod Collins

Mr. Hugh A. Mulligan
Associated Press c/o The Tampa Tribune-Times Tampa, Florida 33630

Dear Mr. Mulligan:
     I have read your recent article on the Battle of the Bulge as it appeared in several South Florida newspapers and my reaction is very, very negative. It would seem that reporters and bookwriters would make every effort to get their facts straight before publishing, or at least to quote their sources correctly.


     In your latest effort you apparently have done neither. This is especially puzzling and shameful since you were a short-time member of the badly mauled 106th Division, albeit after the battle ended. You are apparently parroting the writings of Col. R. Ernest Dupuy, whose book "St. Vith, Lion in the Way" lacks a great deal in being factual. In other words, it's full of holes.
Your words: ..
. . . first to surrender or disperse in a panicky retreat was the raw, green 106th Division...
     They left the roads cluttered with abandoned trucks, artillery pieces, burning kitchen equipment, and a litter of over-coats and gas masks.
    Panic, sheer panic famed that road all day and into the night. Panic, sheer panic famed that road all day and into the night.
    Lt. Eric Wood, a Princeton football star who was determined to fight his own private little war after his regiment Fled... There is a monument to the hapless 106th in St. Vith."
    First, there was no "panicky retreat". There was no wholesale disposition of equipment except by order of two regimental commanders when forced to surrender for lack of ammunition and supplies. Unrealistic dispositions of these troops thus cost two regimental combat teams.
    Secondly, there was no sheer panic on any road in the Ardennes. All troops met their responsibilities to the best of their abilities, training and supply. Lt. Eric Wood, who escaped to fight again as a guerrilla, was an artillery officer (and a good and... not an infantryman... and his "regiment", actually an artillery battalion, did not "flee". It moved out under orders to escape being captured and lived to fight again and thereby to gain a modicum of fame at a crossroad firefight.
     There is a monument to the "hapless" 106th at St. Vith. It consists of a chapel on a boys' schoolground. It was built and is maintained proudly by the 106th Infantry Division Association and is dedicated to those who could not come home. All of the above has been substantiated by various historians some of whom even today are investigating to learn what really happened.
     Your article makes interesting reading to the layman ... but various statements are incorrect and a blot on fighting men who were there, especially if you yourself were a member of one of those units (423 Inf) at any time.
Sherod Collins
Historian 106th Inf. Div. Assn.

Atlanta Area Bugle Meeting
    In keeping with an annual custom, Golden Lions of Atlanta and surrounding Georgia communities gathered enthusiastically at the Dobbins Air Force officers club on Sunday, Dec. 16.
     The private dining room tastefully decorated with seasonal colors by the staff proved to be an ideal set up for our meeting and all participants appeared to enjoy the occasion even more, if possible, than ever before.
     A member of the 18th Cavalry Squadron, part of the 14th Group, appeared as a guest speaker, and gave a short talk on his unit's experiences during the hectic days of the battle.
    Forty men, wives and guests enjoyed the festive occasion, and communities represented included Atlanta, Marietta, East Point, Griffin, Hepzibah, Norcross, McDonough, Dalton, Palmetto, Macon, Forest Park, Lithia Springs, one engineer from Hinesville - Ft. Stewart; also Raleigh, N.C. and Columbia, S.C.
The writer wishes to thank Duke Ward for helping to arrange this fine meeting.
Sherod Collins

As Memorial Chairman I would like to report on plans for the future of the Fund and the activity of that Fund.
     As has been discussed in the past few years what would happen in the future when a great deal of us pass on to a better reward I had one of the first hand worries upon arriving in St. Vith for our Anniversary programs.


     I went to the College Patrons to see the Director, Joseph Pankert to make plans for the future and to determine the needs, if any, of the College.
    Unfortunately the Director is ill and retiring. I immediately asked to meet his successor so that we could be assured of continued cooperation.
     His name is Engelbrecht Cremer and he is considerably younger that the previous Director and myself so that barring an unknown disaster he should be the person we will have contact with in the future. I had a long discussion with both of them, completely in French, as neither speaks English Mow I wish I had an interpreter then). Nevertheless, we spoke of a Trust Fund to be set up to take care of the Memorial for the future into perpetuity and so that the remainder of the 106th membership would not have to be concerned that the Monument would be taken care of without worry.
    Based on this conference and some ideas I have myself, I propose the following sweeping changes in the memorial fund.
     Set up a Trust Fund in St. Vith of, say $5,000, at this time. It can always be increased if necessary. The interest to be earned on these funds shall be permitted to be used by the Director of the College for the highest and best use as he directs, always designating that the funds are provided by the 106th Infantry Division Association so that the faculty and the students know that it is the 106th that is making it possible. Also publicity in the local paper would have that designation so that we shall live in the future of St. Vith. An Annual report shall be made by the Director to the Association so that we are kept informed. No use shall be made of the Principal sum until we are informed by the Director and signed for by the current President and Treasurer.
    Further, I propose that the 106th set up several scholarship funds to be called "The Golden Lion Award" presented by the 106th Infantry Division Association.
One scholarship to be sent in a community college or its equivalent in Columbia, South Carolina, our home base.
    One to be set up in the same manner in a country nearest to our former camping ground, Camp Atterbury. This may be harder as we were in Edinburgh, Columbia, Franklin and Indianapolis. I think Indianapolis is almost too far removed but that is mute.
     The third and last should be in the Washington, D.C. area and designated by Alys Jones in memory of our Commanding Officer, Alan W. Jones.
    I propose that these scholarships be started as being $200 each and guaranteed to the schools involved for five years. Again, these amounts can change upward, if so desired. The scholarships can be given for Political Science, Civics or Nursing, let's say.
    I am sending this through the Cub so that it may have the maximum input from the membership. So many times we have business to discuss both in General Membership meeting and/or Board of Directors and many are in haste to leave and some business does not get the proper discussion and treatment. As Dick DeHeer has said, we are a $50,000 corporation and in two hours we finish our business.
    Therefore, I am asking that the members send their comments to me, I the President or any and all member of the Board so that these matters will at least have a chance to really be acted upon one way or the other. These are only proposals based on many persons wondering where we go in the future.
Doug Coffey Memorial Chairman

     The greatest event on the East Coast --July 18-21, 1985 at Sheraton Lakeview Resort, Morgantown, WV, a megalopolis suburb of Pittsburgh, Pa., Charleston, WV and Washington, D.C. Also the home of the West Virginia University Mountaineers.
Bring your hearing aid, spectacles and dancing shoes. Oh yes, you camera and history books and golf clubs.
    Many events are planned for your entertainment; you will have choices. We, the committee and the Resort Staff plan to make your stay eventful.


We will also have maps and information available for your touring on your own. Come early in the week and stay on.
Things in easy driving distance:
Fort Necessity
Braddocks Grave l
Jumonville Glen
Falling Waters (Kaufmann's home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright)
Penn Alps Restaurant (Amish)
Pricketts Fort (A working replica of 1776) Ft. Salem
Jackson's Mill (Boyhood home of "Stonewall" Jackson and WV State 4-H Camp)
West Virginia University
Albert Gallatin Plantation

BUS: Greyhound to Morgantown --then taxi to Lakeview.
AIR: Crown Airlines (Reservations through U.S. AIR) Eight flights a day from Pittsburgh.
Colgan Airlines (Reservations through U.S. AIR) From Washington, D.C. to Morgantown.
    Sheraton Lakeview Limo will meet planes at Morgantown Airport (10 minutes away). Make arrangements in advance with Lakeview or with Ted Straub.
     Pittsburgh International Airport is approximately an hour and a quarter drive to Morgantown, if you should wish to rent a car and drive. If you need additional information contact Ted.
Hertz Rent A Car is located in Morgantown Airport Lobby. Hertz Rent A Car is located in Morgantown Airport Lobby.
    Please notice - all rooms are the same price - so singles please get your own person to share a room with and pay half the $62.00. Thanks!
Also if you have trouble walking ask for a room near the elevator.

Carl Messina wishes all members would contact their local newspaper and put in the notice about the Reunion.
     The 106th Infantry Division Association will meet at the Sheraton Lakeview Resort, Morgantown, West Virginia, July 18-21, 1985. BE THEREI
Contact Ted Straub, Morgantown, West Virginia.


Dear Mr. Coffey:
     On behalf of President Reagan, I want to thank you for your message. On behalf of President Reagan, I want to thank you for your message.
    The first years of the Reagan Administration have seen great progress in many areas - but our job is not complete. The President believes very strongly that public officials must be aware of the concerns of the people they have been elected to serve if they are to succeed in meeting their responsibilities. His years in Washington have only reinforced his conviction that government goes astray when it becomes too big or too busy to listen to the views of any citizen. You can be sure that your comments and suggestions have been carefully noted and that they have been brought to the attention of the President and his advisors.
With the President's best wishes,
Anne Higgins
Special Assistant to the President and Director of Correspondence


In Memory of Carol Beals
     The 106th has lost one of its most active and liveliest Associate Members. Since her husband John passed away she has been more faithful than a lot of our regular members. She will be sorely missed for her humor, love and Savoir Faire. She loved and was loved by all who knew her.
    I consider myself one of the privileged many. We have been close since John's tragic death after attending one of our reunions. She traveled with or on our reunions in St. Vith and elsewhere and her charm rubbed off on all of us. Many a time when I incurred headaches on the trips with all that had to be done, Carol was one of Those who put her arm around me and said let's go and have a little refreshment and that did it. Even when she lost all her luggage she just laughed it off and with a "C'est la Guerre" and went her merry way. We were so close she even wore my clothes along with those that the women supplied. She loved her work at College and the students with whom she came into contact. That kept her young. When she was told a few years back that she should have heart surgery she declined to take her chances. She had signed up for the trip to St. Vith and the Soviet Union but as time grew near for final deposits she told me she would have to decline this time. Thinking always of others she said that she did not want to have any problems on the trip and perhaps spoil the others vacation.
     She was quite a gal and she said to me, "Don't mourn over me when I go but, rejoice in the fact that we had many good times together" and that the 106th and her College work were her work of love and in turn she received much love. She will always be with us.
Doug Coffey

    Carol Beals, 79, of 8 Green Mountain Drive, who worked over 50 years in the extension division of the University of Iowa, died Thursday at her home after an apparent heart attack.
     Services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the George L Gay Funeral Home with the Rev. Ed Heininger officiating. Burial will be in Oakland Cemetery. Friends may call from 3 to 7 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Memorial donations may be made to the Congregational United Church of Christ. :
    Mrs. Beals was born July 29, 1905, in Iowa City, a daughter of Sam and Daisy Kirkpatrick Williamson. She married John Beals June 7, 1931, in Omaha, Nebraska. He died in January 1965. She was a member of the Congregational United Church of Christ and the Phi Mu national sorority.
     Survivors include a sister, Gladys (Mrs. Vern) Powers of Davenport, and a brother, Ward Williamson of Fairfield, California.



Dearest Marge & Dick,
     Just a few lines to say hello and to let you know we are still alive. Ever since Christmas I've been trying to get this written about our Russian trip. I certainly hope it reaches you in time. If not, there is always another issue.
     The trip to the USSR was like a whirlwind courtship, then marriage and a quick divorce. Every moment was captured and not released until we were home for a few weeks viewing our pictures and exclaiming what an exciting time we had. As I look back on that trip I remember my first encounter with the customs. They looked at my passport photo and kept looking at it as if I were someone else. Finally after a delay of 5 minutes they decided it was me. After our tour guide rounded us all up we took a bus to the Cosmos Hotel in the famous city of Mockba (Moscow.)
    Our mornings were up early for breakfast and then sightseeing. Talk about breakfast, get a load of what one of them consists of: Muenster cheese, white or black bread, coffee, hot milk, apple cider and 2 poached eggs.
     We had lots and lots of rain. Thank goodness it wasn't snow. Our tour guide spoke very good English so we were able to enjoy and learn about everything we saw. She showed us all the famous buildings and statues in Mockba. There were so many that I remember their names when I look at my pictures. We visited the famous Red Square and inside of the walls that surround the Kremlin. We saw the Kremlin from the outside only. I wish you could have seen St. Basil's Cathedral the Cathedral of the Intercession). We stood in awe, It was so colorful and beautifully styled. Incidentally, all their churches are converted to museums and not used as churches of worship. We were able to go underground and travel on the modern subway. The trains traveled 100 miles per hour (not sure on that speed) and took you from one end of Moscow to the other. The walls were marble with Mosaic ceilings. This was a thrilling adventure, both of speed and architectural design.
     The city had foreign shops they called Beriozka. Here you could shop and buy only USSR made merchandise with US or any other foreign currency. This is only one part of our exciting trip to the USSR. I could go on and on to describe the other cities we visited, but do hope someone else will take time and write about the cities of Volgrad and Leningrad.
Love and kisses, Jean

Dear Sam,
     I have been retired for 4 years from Circuit Court in Jackson County, Mo after 22 years as an associate circuit judge. My wife retired from Technical Section at IRS about the same time. We have 3 daughters and 4 grandchildren. We keep busy doing volunteer work. This year we hope to spend the winter. in southern California -- Thanks for the reminder of dues.
Sincerely, Frances & Louis Davis Hq Co 1st Bn 423 515 W. 101st Terr. Kans. City, MO 64114

Dear Sam,
     Doris and I enjoyed the reunion in Savannah. We are looking forward to the 1985 reunion and the golf afforded. Will spend a couple of extra days there.
So-long, Doris & Bill Black, Batt "C".591 FA 72 Honeysuckle Woods
Doris & Bill Black, Batt "C".591 FA 72 Honeysuckle Woods Clover, S.C. 29710


Dear Golden Lioneers & Cubs:
     All is well with me and my family. We want to wish all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I am still looking for CPL Joseph Josepth, Youngstown, Ohio, same unit 423rd. (maybe some of you from that area can look in the phone book and see if he still lives in Youngstown.)
So-long, Irene and Steve G. Varhola 423rd 6650 Royal Palm Blvd. 309C Margate, Florida 33063

Dear Dick,
Just a short letter to let you know what is happening around the Chicago area. (we hear it's cold)
     December 1st we had our Dec. 16th gathering, Florence & Bill Lucsey, Clare & Jim Henning headed it up this year; as Jackie and I were getting ready for our Mexico trip. We left the following morning. It was held at the Lucsey's home and they served a Buffet Dinner and an open bar. Those present included the Lucsey's, Henning's, Rydzinki's, Bieze's, Zak's, Schroeder's, Villwock's and Ben Carpenter.
     Heard from several others, but either they couldn't make it or had already made other plans. We hope for a better turn out next year. Jim Henning has had 2 spells with his back and hasn't worked since the middle part of December. He doesn't know just when he will be able to return to work. Heard from the Moyer's and they have moved to Atlanta. Rocky called from Atlanta in November and we had a nice chat.
     Bob De St. Aubin also of Cannon Co. 424th has sold his store in Berlin, Wisc. and has gone to work for someone else. Hope to get up to see him this spring.
    Jim Tesson, 331st in the Lakeside V.A. hospital here in Chicago. He is having a little problem with Lung cancer. Jim did the cover of our Milwaukee reunion program and is a big supporter in our Dec. 16th dinners.
    As for Jackie and I, we both are enjoying our retirement, sleep late, do little things around the house; I go to the health club almost every day, and we go out to luncheons several times a week. Jackie said we should have done this sooner. I am very active in the VFW as I am Jr. Vice Commander, of the Park Ridge Post, which is second largest post. I also work with the Boy Scouts as an area Chairman, which keeps me out of trouble most of the time.
Best wishes to all, Russell Villwock

Dear Dick,
     You won't remember me. I was never other than a civilian soldier who was drafted at age 32. with two children. My only ambition in the army was to keep out of trouble and get home to my family. My transfer to Div. Hqtrs. from the 422nd may have saved my life but I have great regard for those who weren't so fortunate. Helen and I still hope to make a reunion; we made many of them in the early days. Thanks for your generous contribution of time and effort in the asoc. behalf.
Jim Hatch 422 Div. HO. 2830 East Rd. Wayzata, MN 55391

Yes, We remember you, Jim!

Greetings to all,
    Oct. 30, 1984 my wife, Leona and I celebrated our 43rd wedding anniversary. We have 4 children and 8 grandchildren. Have been square dancing for 24 years and I am currently Vice President of the Western Square Dance Assoc., leadman for the Square Dancers Float in the Rose Parade. I've held every office in my club.
Leona & Raymond Embury 806th ORD 14575 Central Baldwin Park, CA 91706


Dear Dick,
     I was one of the first ones to join the association, one of the few that went over with the 106th Div. After the 423 Reg. was taken prisoner, I was with A Co. 424, for a few days. Then they needed a cook in F. Co. 424th and I was with them until Easter. On Sunday mornings I used to go to Battalion to question the German prisoners. From there we were sent to Southern France, to get new men to rebuild the Div. Then I was in C Co. 423 to represent it. C Co. did not have any of the old men left. I was at the ceremony at Rennes, France that gave Guidons over to the new men to Co. C, and the picture is in the 106th Division book. We were there until the war ended.
    After that we went up to Germany again and moved into a town called Ondenheim and had four other towns to patrol. I used to go along on patrols as the interpreter, I did not miss anything. I had lots of close calls, but somebody must have been watching over me.
     Now for my life at home, I am 77 years old and my wife is 79 and we always have a nice living. 5 months ago she fell down the stairway 13 steps, no bones broken, but had her head cut open with 50 stitches taken to sew it up, then fluid developed on her brain. She has been in the hospital for 50 days and thank goodness, her mind is coming back again, but it will take a long time. I am doing the cooking and housekeeping, and am glad at my age to be well enough to do it.
     I had a lot of experiences with 106 Div., and there is not a thing for me to feel ashamed of. I have attended a few reunions and hope someday to make some more. I have attended a few reunions and hope someday to make some more.
Your Comrade, Lorena & Norman Spayed H/423 1518 Schuylhill Ave.

Dear Sam,
     Gloria and I retired and moved from Pa. four years ago to the sunny south of Myrtle Beach. After 3 years of golfing, fishing and such, I decided I was too young to be "retired" so early in 1984 I passed my test and am now a licensed real estate agent, selling time-sharing condominimums alond the beach. Our health is good and life is great!!! Would like to hear from anyone who spent their 4 months in the POW camp in Leipzig-Warren.
     Best regards, Gloria & Charles Youngblood D/423 258 Baytree Lane G/Florida & Charles Youngblood D/423 258 Baytree Lane Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29577

Dear Dick:
     I have gone ahead with my "tie" project, ordering 100 men's ties and 50 pre-tied ladies' ascots. These are navy blue background, with red, white and blue stripes with the 106th Division "patch" of The Golden Lion interspersed throughout (embroidered). The material is polyester.
     The costs of these ties to me (I am funding this personally) is a "one-time" design and set-up charge of $150.00. Each tie's wholesale price is $8.50. I will probably have to pay delivery charge for the order. Delivery date is March 25. Our adjutant and First Vice President Sam Gariano has already ordered a tie and ascot and will have them at the 1985 Reunion. If any member of the 106th wishes to have a men's tie and/or ladies' ascot, I think the price at $11.00 each would pay for everything, Any profit, after reimbursement, would go to our treasury. Oh, please send your order costs in U.S. funds. I hope I'm in time for the next issue of "The Cub."
Our best to all,
Ronald A. Moseley


Memories Of Our Band marching at St. Vith.
Band at St. Vith.


Dear Sir:
     I wrote to Edward Carr about the 106th Div. and about Stalag 9-B when we were P.O.W.'s , for a spell. He couldn't tell me much, but did send me a page from the Cub magazine, which has your address and others on it.
     I would like to become a member of the 106th Inf. Div. Assoc. and would like any other information I could about the 106th. I lost pictures and address book along with other things in a flood in Tenn. a few years ago.
     I trained and went over with the 95th Inf. Div., got in the hospital in England. When I got out of the Hosp. I was put into the 10th replacement depot, the 12th replacement, then I was put in the 106th Inf. Div. Then to La-Harve and on to the Ardennes where we were taken P.O.W. on Dec. 19th,'44 and then to Stalag 9-B near Bad Arb, Germany, until April '45. I have tried for a long time to get in touch with someone from the 106th through the D.A.V. magazine. Finley, saw a couple of names so I wrote them; Ed Carr and Ed Cornell. I hope to get in touch with more of the guys whose names I might see in the Cub. My home town and state is Newport, Tenn. I am hoping to move back next summer. My home town and state is Newport, Tenn. I am hoping to move back next summer. Well comrade, I'll say so-long and have a happy year for 1985.
Sincerely, Leon Reece 1300 Hamlin Drive Ashtabula, Ohio 44004

Dear Sam,
     Still working for First Fidelity Bank -County (one more year, I hope). I am treas. and member of American Ex-POW, Garden State Chapter 43. Going to try my best to make reunion this year.
Best regards, Gordon Zicker 423 HQ CO 18 Forest Ave. Montvale, N.J. 07645

Dear Mr. Pierce,
     We were former members, my wife Evelyn and I of the Southern California Chapter of the Assoc., until it disbanded. Since then we lost all contact until I visited St. Vith in Sept. 1984, only to find out I missed Doug Coffey and the reunion gang by four days. We are looking forward in receiving "The Cub".
Sincerely, Edward Nelson C Btry 590 F.A. 7621 Anita Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Dear Dick,
Forty one years ago I knew a Dick Eckenstahler who was in Co. M 423 Inf. Div., Ft. Jackson, S.C.
     Today I was reading thru the "Cub" for Dec'84 and I found a letter from Gertrude and Richard Eckenstahler. I read your letter and let out a yell "Anna, where are those old pictures from my time in the Army, here's a letter from Dick E., and I have a picture of him." Anna, of course, is my wife of 38+ years (39 yrs. on Feb. 23, 1985). I am sending along some pages from an old photo album. These photos are not too clear, I don't recall who took them and I don't believe that you have copies. I do know that they were taken outside our barracks sometime in 1943. Your wife, sons and grandsons might be interested. I don't think these photos are good enough to be copied, and they can'ty be removed without damage. I would greatly appreciate their return. However, if you do not have copies, please just return the ones I have marked and keep the others with my good wishes.
     I left Co. M, 423 Inf. in Ian. '44 to go to the Air Corps. In April or May of '44 I was back at Ft. Jackson in the same barracks only now it was with Co. M, 346th Inf., 87th Div. The 87th went to Europe on the Queen Elizabeth and the 423rd Inf. was also on board and I ran into Sgt. J. Walters, Paul Kotharich and Joe Benigno, remember them!! I don't know what a happened to them, do you know?


    I have been retired since March 1978 after 36;5 years with the Federal Service, 3 in the Army - the rest as a civilian employee of the Army, Air Force, and Navy. I have two sons and on daughter and four grandchildren, two of each. With all the best and our hope to you and yours for a very Happy New Year with many more to come.
Sincerely, Art Phillips
M/423 533 North Second St. Steelton, PA 17113

Seasons Greetings to you, Dick & Marge:
     On Saturday evening, December 8th, Franklin and Mary Barlow hosted the Northern Ohio Gang for our annual December dinner at their lovely home in Hudson, Ohio. There were twenty-four people attending and all had a wonderful and Festive time. Those attending were: the hosts, Chuck & Willie Garn; Walt & Lillian Bandurak; Jim & Pat Burrell; Walt & Arlene Hiltbrandt; Bob & Jean Pierce; Bob & Jeanne Gilder; Lyle & Vivian McCullough; Ed & Millie Zoll; Ted & Laura Straub; Frank Trautman; Henry Heaton and Martha & I. We hope all the other December dinners that were held turned out as successfully as did ours.
     This upcoming weekend, Bob & Jeanne Gilder a expecting their daughter, Nancy. home from the Peace Corps. Nancy has been serving in the Marianna Islands since July of 1983 and we are all excited about her return.
     Winter has made itself known here in Northern Ohio the past week. We are looking forward to the July Convention in Morgantown. Make sure your reservations are for a room next to the ice making machine.
Yours in 106th comradeship,
John & Martha Fritz

Hi Dick,
     First of all I want to say I enjoyed the reunion in Savannah. It was a long time since the last one, always something coming up, especially when you are still a working man.
     Enclosed is an article on the Battle of the Bulge from our local paper. Since it is an A.P. write up I assume it was also in your paper, but want to be sure you and readers of the Cub have seen it.
Hope to go to West Va. next July, unless more of those "things" come up.
Sincerely, Howard Terrio 1/423-K/424 Columbia, S,C.

Dear Sherod,
     Ted Straud and Walt Bandurak met for the 1985 Convention at Lakeview, near Morgantown on the Cheat River. It is a beautiful place for this event.
     The spot is like home to me for I have spent time on the Cheat Lake via a boat over the years. A friend has a cottage on the lake. Lakeview has very fine facilities to take care of a reunion group. It has been remodeled quite a bit in recent years. This inn started as a Country Club.
     I'm sure the group will like the 1985 site. Route 48 and 79 make it very accessible from most any direction. A pulled tendon in the right leg has slowed me up quite a bit this summer. Things get done slower than usual - if at all.
I have told most of the 106th Vets in this area - I hope they will attend at Lakeview.
Sincerely, George Phillips Div. Hog. ARC 37 Linden Place Uniontown, PA 13401


Dear Dick:
Re: Couriers without Portfolio
    Over the past few months I have received a series of letters from Colonel Roadruck, the G-1 of the 106 Division. the theme being that the 106 was diverted at the last minute from the 9th Army to the 1st Army. I found this news startling since it was the first time that I ever heard this and as a member of the c/592nd F.A.Bn I always assumed that our original assignment was the Schnee Eigel sector of the Ardennes. Apparently this was not the case.
     Colonel Roadruck, early in December 1944 led a column of 15 jeeps with covered bumpers, representing the advance party of the 106, made its way along the roads thru towns & villages toward the objective - General Simpsons Ninth Army Headquarters when suddenly an Army sedan coming up from the rear overtook the column and brought it to a halt. The two Colonels who Col. Roadruck classed as "Couriers- got out of the sedan and started asking for identification of the party. The Couriers then told Col. Roadruck that the orders were changed. They were now told to report to General Middletons Corp. Headquarters at Bastogne. By this time other Colonels from the 106 were at the front of the column and a confrontation had developed. Col. Craig of Divarty was not buying this Diversion order at all A demand for ID's went up from the group of Colonels who must have thought the whole episode a little bizarre. Finally Col. Craig stated that they would go to the nearest Army installation in order to secure confirmation of this order. Col. Roadruck believed that there was never any written orders They went to a nearby army installation where phone calls finally convinced Col. Craig that the orders to change direction were genuine. The party then proceeded to Gen. Middleton's Corp. Hdqr. where Col. Roadruck indicated that they met with their counterparts for briefing sessions. Col. Roadruck met with the Corp G-1 who was surprised to see him. After everything was squared away they were told to proceed to St. Vith but first uncover your bumpers which seemed to strike Col. Stout G-2 as not good security procedure. Colonel Roadruck is highly critical of the circumstances that placed the 106 in the so called "Quiet Sector." Was the timing of this Diversion simply an Army SNAFU or does it raise questions that have to be answered? I agree with Col. Roadruck that the whole Diversion process should he thoroughly checked out
Sincerely, Victor C. Rauch 37 Chateau Court Loudonville, NY 12211

Dear Dick:
     Hope this note finds you and all loved ones in good health after a Blessed Christmas, also with a most happy and prosperous New Year 1985 ahead, plus manv, many more.
     Recently. I had the good fortune of adding a new friend - and ex-POW who also made the second Black Death March from Gorlitz, Ga. to Duderstadt. Ga. but, apparently was with a different column for he was placed in the brick factory (a filthy place after having housed any other pows previously). He arrived there March 14 and did not depart until April 3, 1945.1 spent only one night 13/30(45) there -Thank God. He wrote to me 2/29/84 -after re-reading some past issues of EX-POW Bulletin and noting my pictures of the Duderstadt brick factory, inside and outside views - that appeared in the July, 19B3 issue, I believe.
    Although not a member of 106th Division, he is quite well informed about The Battle of the Bulge and interested in all Allied Divisions involved and to the best of my knowledge - a very good writer. He was a S/Sgt. with Company "H", 2nd Bn., 110th Regiment, 28th Division that was sent as reserve into Marnach and Reuler of Luxenbourg during the Ardennes campaign - per his first letter to me.
     Since I became 1/2 blind last 8/15 (right eye retina had to be destroyed with laser beam shots - three operations, totalling almost 2,000 shots), I'm finding it difficult to pen a letter and I'm not doing too good typing, am I??? However. Sam was interested in the 106th Inf, Assn. visit to Belgium and Russia and I thought the last


    two issues of the CUB, Volume 41, Nos. 1 and 2, covering period Sept. '84 - Febr. '85 would give hint all the information he might desire PLUS the interesting comments of the Officers and members of the Assn. and he might even recognize an ex-buddy or three. Also would you have a plum roster available (not in the Cub) that Sam and I could have? I am still short The Cub, issues for July - August '81 (37-41 and August '82 (38-4) per my letter 11/30/82 which appeared in the issue of Sept. Oct. Nov. '84.
     Incidentally, I appreciated very much the reproduction of my letter above referred to - but, unfortunately, not one letter resulted - presumably because my address was not shown and anyone that might have been interested in responding regarding VA CLAIM information for themselves - or a widow of a buddy that died prematurely because of POW-related causes AFTER HE RETURNED and, as in most cases, was deniedservice- connection because of the six months minimum incarceration requirement prior to passage of PL-97-37 - or the part about tracing steps (by car or bus) on 40th anniversary did not wish to write for address nor seek last issues of The Cub with roster printed.
     Am enclosing check to cover issues mentioned above for Sam and myself. If not available, please apply check to Memorial Fund. Thanks and God Bless
Sincerely Leo R. Leisse, Sr. 4346 Capsch Lane St. Louis, MO 63125

    For Florida residents: - American Ex-Prisioners of War, Inc. Southwest Florida Chapter -100 Ross Gillikin, Commander 517 Avanti Way Blvd., N. Ft. Myers, FL 33903

Dear Mr. Pierce,
     Though it may be a little late in the day, I would like to become a member of the 106th Division Assoc. I was with the Division from April '43 until the end of the war; first in the 592nd FA Bn, then most of that time in the 589th where I was Exec. Officer of Btry. A. then Btry B.
Thanks in advance, Theodore Kiendl 22 Rue La Boetie 75008 Paris, France * * *

Dear Sam,
     Life has been very good for us in our retirement in the San Diego area of Calif. our time is spent at tennis, golf, camping, square and round dancing, and visiting our children, and friends. I have kept in touch with Waldo Pierce, but none of the other fellows from Co. F, 422 Reg. or the POW days in Camp IVB, Belgern and Kalle/Salle, Germany - if any of them do read this, drop me a line or drop in for a visit if you are in the Southern Calif. area -always plenty of room. Hope to join one of the 106th Div. reunions when our schedule permits.
Always good to read the "CUB" magazine. The contributors do a great job. Keep it up!!!
Sincerely, Genett & Arthur Jebens, F/422 956 Santa Queta Solana Beach, CA 92075

Dear Dick,
     I now have 2 grandsons in the service, Mike is in his second year at the Air Force Academy and Matt is in boot camp in the Navy at Orlando, Fla.
Mabel & Clayton Rarick 11424 Box 25 Blandon, PA 19510


Hi Sam,
     I joined the division in March of 1944, completing basic at Ft. Penning. Captured, Dec. 20, 1944. The day after the 423rd surrendered. Liberated April 16, 1945 by the 9th Armour Div. in Bad Lavsick. I got to fly all the way from Germany to Wakeman General Hospital, Camp Atterbury. Spent 31/2 months in Wakeman General.
     I have been with ASCS-USDA in State Office as a program specialist for compliance, aerial photography, and tobacco for last 30 years. I will work at least 3 more years (will be 62 then). So-long, John Stookey 0423 100 E. Stewart Rd, Apt. 7 Columbia, MO 65203

Dear Sam,
     My wife and myself have retired and both are very happy. We have moved to the Lake Geneva area in July 1984. We hope that we will be able to go to the conventions.
Happy days to all! Thanks again, Virginia & John Bieze Rt. 5, Box 99 Lake Geneva, WI 53147

Dear Dick,
     I sure look forward to receiving the Cub. Quite a few men who I served with always write and someday I will start corresponding with them. I am enjoying retirement and hope to make the reunion in W. Va. in 1985. Seems that something always comes up at the time of the reunion. Would like to say "hello" to Capt. Charles Gibson, Lt. Daloney, Al Schinller, Harry Tissoti, and ‘Shinie' Las.
Regards, Lillian & Carl Kwaczek C/422 122 Connellsville St. Dunbar, PA 15431

Dear Sam,
     I am retired after 32 years with the Post Office, but am still the owner of a small screen printing and sportswear business. My wife and I have two daughters, one living in Richmond, Ind. and the other living in St. Croix, Virgin Island.
     I was taken prisoner on Dec. 22nd 1944, I was in a hospital at Osanabauck, Ger. and later to Stalag XIB at Fallingbostal and liberated April 16th 1945. I would like to hear from anyone in the 422nd reg. Specifically Co. L or anyone that was in stalag XIB.
Best regards, Illene & Marvin Adams 11422 Box 32 Williamsburg, Ind. 47393

Dear Sam,
     My wife and I are both retired as of two years ago. Pat went back to college, and is doing great. But at my age I am having a d hard time learning the school cheers.
     We sold our steel erection business and are doing some traveling, fishing and enjoying ourselves. My health is so-so. Have a small heart problem, but the BI 4 ROYBLE is a loss or lack of Balance. Walk like Ire totally potted (which many people think was my natural state anyway). We have three grandchildren. No more news, but I will try to attend the next reunion.
Sincerely, Pat & Robert Sandberg 81st Eng/A Co 1786 Saunders Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 55116 * * *

Dear Sam,
     Currently I am enjoying this thing called "Retirement" -- traveling and spending time with my family. We are members of the American Ex-POW's, Badger Chapter, and are enjoying the contracts and new friendships in that group.


     In September, 1983, we participated in the unveiling of the "GI JOE" memorial statue at Clerveax attended by members of the 80th Division and many foreign dignitaries. We then went on to St. Vith and took pictures there of the 106th Memorial. It is indeed well-kept and a fitting memorial as are all the others and all the cemeteries (i.e., Luxemburg) in the area. The whole experience was awe-inspiring and extremely moving.
Sincerely, Ruth and David Dresen Co C-422 461 Agnes Dr. Madison, WI 53711

Dear Sam,
     Moved twice in the last two years, Chicago - Durham, N.C. - now Atlanta, Ga. area. That's why we missed two reunions.
     We're looking forward to joining the "Rebels" in the south for a Dec. 16th get-together, but sorry to leave the Chicago gang! Spent two weeks in Dussaldorf last May on business - Germany sure had changed. Didn't see one "88". Hope to get to W. Va. in '85.
All the best, Rocky and Ginnie Moyer Can. Co 424 939 Falconcrest Dr. Lawrenceville, Ga. 30245

Dear Sam,
     Thanks for the reminder! It is marvelous the way you and so many others are dedicated to maintaining an active association. I've been a member since the very beginning, but it's you people who keep it alive for us. Thanks!!!!
Kindest regards, Earl Scott 6414 Monument Ave. Richmond, VA 23226

Dear Sam,
     We are looking forward to the 1985 reunion in Morgantown. In fact, Marilyn and I have agreed to help Ted Straub (even after the treatment my Pitt Panthers received from the West Virginia Mountaineers.) Some of my friends have stayed at the Lakeview Country Club on a Golfing Excursion and they were really impressed with the facilities. I hope we have a good turnout for this meeting, because I know Ted had planned an interesting schedule.
Sincerely, John G. Robb 231 Chestnut St. Meadville, PA 16335

Dear Billie and Sam,
     Had a very pleasant surprise about three weeks ago. Col. Max Roadruck called from his home in Washington St. We talked about 40 minutes and it was sure great hearing his voice again. Have been traveling a lot since we saw you last. Spent 5 weeks in New Zealand, Australia, Fiji and Hawaii last fall and 5 weeks in May and June in Europe-mostly in Germany and England. Plan to go back again this May.
See you cannot stay away from the AG Dept.
Best to you both, Fran and Maev Rusch Div. Hq. C-1 Sect. 10830 W. Courtland Ave. Wauwtossa, WI 53225

Dear Dick,
     Retired after 40 years with Marathon Petroleum Company. I was transferred by Marathon to Georgia from Illinois 7 years ago. Sorry I had to miss the last reunion due to business in Illinois. I like retirement.
Mary and Robert Spade H/424 5842 Weltshire Dr. Columbus, Ga. 31909


Dear Dick,
     We enjoy receiving and reading the Cub. We are still enjoying retirement and good health and traveling a little. We will be celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniversary the 23rd of February.
Yours truly, Selma & Col. Lindsey H Co-424 R# 1 Box 379 Waco, Texas 76710

Dear Sam,
     l am a Professor of Telecommunications in the Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. Was Chairman of the Department from 1963-1978. Will be teaching in S.U.'s extension division in London, England for third time in spring, 1985, and hope to revisit 106th St. Vith Memorial in May.
     Sincerely, Betty and Dr. Laurence Myers, Jr. 591 B Btry 590 Hdqtrs Betty and Dr. Laurence Myers, Jr. 591 B Btry 590 Hdqtrs 151 Cambridge St., Syracuse, N.Y. 13210

     The 1984-1985 membership did an excellent job in paying their current dues. As of January 25, 1985, only 24 individuals had not renewed their memberships.
     By the time you receive this issue of THE CUB, it will not be too early to pay your 1985-1986 dues. Several members have already done so. Early payments now and prior to the next reunion will spread out the workload for the Adjutant and Treasurer. Also, they will alleviate the workload of the reunion committee who has plenty to do and should not be saddled with the job of accounting for membership and Memorial funds. Thanks for your cooperation.
Sam Cariano, Adjutant

Dear Sam,
     Note the red star Sammy!!!! I was married to Priscilla just 2 days ago, November 10th. We will live here 1/2 the time and in a new home on Marco Island, Florida the rest of the time. The new one (house) is just being finished. Will write more later.
Priscilla & Fred Burnham Div. Band 1218 Cheshire Ave. Naperville, ILL 60540

Dear Sam,
     Sorry to hear of the death of Al Johnson, as we were together in M Company at Ft. Jackson, S.C. Please Keep up the good work with the Cub. (Dick). I really enjoy it. Thank you
Sincerely John J. Hohenstein M/423 532 4th St., P.O. Box 245 Illiopolis, ILL 62539

     Being Shirley and I have conflicting events at the time of the annual reunion, we haven't had the pleasure of meeting you. lust recently we returned from a vacation in southern Europe, had we time, - a swing through areas of my walk - as a POW into Central Germany - would have been o.k. and eventful.
     Maybe in another year or so, had a nice dinner and a long chat on the Kelly (Bob and Libby - 422) travel - into Western Europe before we left, Other than a telephone call with Bob Rutt (422) - thats about the contact I've had with our organization in the last year.
Take care!
Keep us posted. Shirley and Jack Gillespie c/422 3536 Darcy Drive Birmingham, MI 48010


Dear Dick,
     Because of the Cub, I have now made contact with my Sgt. John Finnegan of Richmond, Va. We plan to get together to swap stories, since there is much to tell after 40 years. Sgt. Finneagan was just in Europe to visit some of his WWII locations. I have just been back three times and visited with (had lunch too) the German farm family which took me into their home in April 1945. The Cub is interesting and appreciated.
Sincerely, Ginny and John H. Fellows Co. A 423 2071 Dunkenh Dr., N.W. Canton, Ohio 44708

Dear Bob,
     Just retired - have "K" disability pension since discharge. Have been to England again, but couldn't remember name of closest town to camp. Would appreciate directions to camp site. Just finished reading 'Battle of the Bulge". The book mentions 85,000 casualties. Makes one appreciate the guts it took to surrender and how wise it was under the circumstances. Am just getting into it - 40 years late.
So-long, Eunice & Jack Houser Co. G-422 7526-10th Ave. 5. Richfield, Minn. 55423

Dear Dick,
     My wife and I just finished a drive through Europe, including St. Vith. The chances of the 106th defense looks just as hopeless today as it did then; spread out and under-equipped, as we were.
Sincerely, Roger May DHQ (G-31 317 53rd St. Western Springs, ILL 60558

Dear Sam,
     I finally retired from the Army Reserve after 37 years total service in the grade of Colonel. My wife and I are still working --for a few more years. Our daughter is married and lives in Houston, Texas. I do want you to know how much I enjoy receiving the CUB and hopefully we will be able to make some of the reunions. My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the reunion committee the year it was in Hot Springs, AR. Must close for now--
Good luck, Glenn Henson, Co. H 424th 9917 Echo Valley Court Little Rock, AR 72207

Dear Dick,
     I am an elementary school principal of P.S. 6 "The Flagship School". Starting my 37th year with the Board of Education. Wife is a teacher, son is a M.D. in El Paso, TX; daughter is a lawyer in Washington, D.C.
Best regards, Estelle & Jack Zuckerman C/423 71-23 1675, Flushing, N.Y. 11265

Dear Buddies,
     Hello and happy holidays to everyone from the 106th and especially to Walter Bandurak and his wife Lillian Bandurak, to Captain Cessna, Shorty Andrews, Harry Baird and all the others from the medical detachment whose names escape me at the moment.
    My wife and I are in reasonably good health and we enjoy the fine year-round weather here in southern California. I work 3 days each week for a lady lawyer in San Diego and play golf a couple days each week and I'm just enjoying life.
So-long, Leo P. Kreuser 81st Eng. MED. 1481 Third Ave., #95 Chula Vista, CO 92011


Dear Mr. DeHeer,
     I wanted to share a couple of happenings with you. One was heart aching and one was heart warming. In May 1983, I suffered a major coronary infarction heart attack and almost died, It was complicated by excessive weight which caused me to have a temporary case of sugar diabetes. It took me almost a year to fully recover, and I still walk with a limp where the diabetes struck my leg. In all I lost about 60 pounds initially. Let that be a warning to all you overweight, no-exercise, and cigarette-smoking veterans. It will get you sooner or later. I am happy to report I have been back at work in my ministry since the first of 1984 and am apparently doing well. I thank my God every day for my life. The heart-warming part came just recently when my wife and I took a short vacation in our camper and passed through Jackson, Tennessee. There for the first time in 40 years I was re-united with an old buddy from my company, C.L. Cooper. We spent some time together and shared old times and old friends we once had in Co. H., 423rd Infantry. I am enclosing a picture we took of us while there.
    I am in my 5th year at Hobson United Methodist Church as its pastor. I hope to be staying on. If we can get away we are going to try and make the reunion this time and in 1986 which I understand will be in Columbia, S.C.
Best to all of you, Isham A. ‘Ike' Harris, Jr. 1716 Greenwood Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37206

Photo of C. L Cooper (left) and Isham Harris (right), made in Jackson, Ten, October I9, 1984.

Dear Dick,
     On Dec. 15th, a group of the 106th attended a reunion celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge at the Ramada Hotel in Mt. Vernon, Ill.
     There were eight members and their wives in attendance, including two guests, Rob Spencer and Sandy Saucerman. An enjoyable time was had by everyone and it was decided next year's reunion would be held on Dec. 14, 1985.
John Mikalauskis 11-424 306 N. Blake St., Box 31 Benton, ILL 62812

Dear Mr. De Heer,
     We're sorry we were unable to attend the Savannah, Ga. meeting. We lost our beloved son, eighteen years old, in an automobile accident on April 25th. We were just too upset to attend.
    I would like the address of Mr. Leo P. Lessie, Sr. the writer of the article concerned the Black Death March. I was at Stalag 8A and left 13A February 14, 1945 and was liberated April 12, 1945.
Sincerely, Box 484 Hinton, W. VA * * *

Dear Dick,
     Just received word from Mrs. John E. Ketterer that her husband died Nov. 3, 1984 from cancer. He was our division dental surgeon. If you wish to write to Mrs. Ketterer; 1141 Williams Blvd. Springfield, ILL 62704 I am sure she would like hearing from some of the 106th'ers, for they were nice to a lot of people at former reunions.

    The 106th members extend their deepest sympathy to the families of our former members who lost their lives this past year.


Dear Dick,
     Recently received the Sept.-Oct.-Nov. issue of "The Cub" which has prompted me to sit down and drop you a note. Regina and I often reminisce about the good times we had at the annual picnics (and dinner) at you home in Hillsdale, New Jersey.
     How the years do roll by! Our children then were the same ages as our grandchildren today. We have five from twelve years to four years of age, with another due in April.
     We also talk about the reunions we had on December 16th. Especially the one at Eagle Rock with the ice and snow where Regina lost a shoe when we picked up a policeman hitching to work in the storm. She danced all night in her boots. How we miss the group and the good times. I have been involved with the Lions Club for the past twenty-six years and in January of this year received the high honor of Life Membership in Lions International. Cannot seem to get away from that LION. Regina is busy with her volunteer work with the Board of Health, Chamber of Commerce, Hospital, Blood Donor Service, etc, etc
     We still live at the same address (37 years) and run our own contracting business. I am also a consultant for a large manufacturing firm. We had a two day visit from Fred and MariIla Jenks (106th) of North Rose, N.Y. in February on a return visit from their married son in North Carolina. George and Helene Galik were with us for a week in September on their return to their home in Diamond Bar, Ca., after attending the ordination of their nephew in Red Hook, N.Y. We hear from John Fleming, but do not see him too often as he has moved from East Orange to the Toms River area. We also hear from Ed and Jannette Plenge at Christmas. This whole group were in the good old 106th together.
     We were thinking of retiring in another seven or eight years "if the Good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise"! I was one of those 18 year olds that joined the 106th after six weeks of basic training. So I still ,have to serve my time. We travel, enjoy our friends, our grandchildren and our weekend visits to our home in Sussex County, N.J.
     Dick, please give our very best regards to Marge, Doug and Isabel and a hello to all the rest of the group that we had such good times with from the New York - New Jersey area. Dick, I am also sending my dues for '84,85 association payment. Keep up the good work. We do enjoy the Cub.
Kindest regards, Mahlon Earle 0/424 23 Morgan Place North Arlington, N.J. 07032

Dear Comrades:
     I am still living in Columbus, Ohio and have been retired for 3 years. Have been quite active in the Senior Citizen organization and in the Masonic Lodge and my church. I was in the hospital a week the first part of October with pneumonia, hut am feeling fine now. My wife, Mary, keeps well. Sorry that we didn't make the convention in July but hope you all had a good time.
Sincerely yours, Mary & Forrest Hemming 806 Ord. L.M. 755 Stelzer Red Box 171 Columbus, Ohio 43219

Dear Sam,
     I am sorry to tell you that I am recovering from my 3rd stroke - can't walk, can't talk and have a paralyzed right side of my throat, have a fallen palate which makes eating and drinking difficult and afflicted right hand. Bad shape. (sorry) My wife is in a nursing home, has had two strokes but is doing o.k. at this time.
Sincerely, James Davis 106th Sig. 3656 N. Magnolia Chicago, ILL 60613


Dear Dick,
     I want to report a "December 16th Dinner" by a group of Northern Ohio 106th Division alumni at my home on December 8th. The list of those who assembled is as follows:
John and Martha Fritz,
Ed and Millie Zoll,
Bob and Jean Gilder,
Chuck and Willie Garn,
Frank Trautman,
Jim and Pat Burrell,
Walt and Arlene Hiltbrand,
Henry Healan,
Ted and Lara Straub,
Walt and Lillian Bandurak,
Bob and Jean Pierce *

Dear Sam,
     Thanks for the reminder, we wouldn't want to be left without news of our 106th. Rosemarie and I congratulate, the editor of the Cub for a great edition on reunion and Russia trip.
Also a job well done - Gus –
Best regards, Rosemarie & Frank Fradiani 589 HQ 914 Cloverdale Circle Wethersfield, Conn. 06109

Dear Sherod:
     Sorry we were unable to attend anything this year but our daughter, who used to attend conventions with us when she was small, was married on September 9th. With her living in N.H. and us in Maine it was quite a bit of work.
Hope you are well and still enjoy golf.
John and Virginia Kelly 1117 Pleasant St.
E. Weymouth, MA 02189

Lyle and Vivian McCullough Frank and Mary Barlow
     Regrettably, I doubt if the enclosed photos are usable - whether from my inadequacies as a photographer or because of faulty processing, I've no idea. I think it is safe to say that everyone enjoyed a fine pot-luck meal and a friendly and interesting evening.
Very truly yours, Frank Barlow Marco Towers 8305 60 West Pelican Street Naples, Florida 33942

Dear Sam,
     I have been employed at the Indiana Boys School as Correctional LT. - Shift supervisor Emporoso (spelling) 12 years. Eligible for retirement at any time. I hope to relocated back to Georgia for retirement. We have 8 children with 4 still at home.
So-long, Martha & Lester Le Compte K/422 P.O. Box 242 Stilesville, Inc. 46180
    This is a condensed version of two Cubs, since we will not have time for another Cub before the Reunion. Editors Dick & Marge


Index for: Vol. 41, No. 1, Sept, 1984

Index for This Document

106th Memorial, 29
17th Abn. Div., 5
18th Cav. Sqdn., 7
1st Army, 24
28th Inf. Div., 25
331st Med., 16
346th Inf., 22
47th Panzer Corps, 5
591st FA BN, 14
62nd Volksgrenadier Div., 5
6th British Abn., 5
806th Ord. Co., 37
80th Inf. Div., 29
87th Div., 22
9th Armour Div., 27
Adams, Illene & Marvin, 27
Andrews, Shorty, 33
Ardennes, 7, 21, 24, 25
Ardennes Campaign, 25
Australia, 29
Bad Lavsick, 27
Baird, Harry, 33
Bandurak, Lillian, 33
Bandurak, Walt, 23
Bandurak, Walt & Lil, 1
Bandurak, Walt & Lillian, 23, 39
Bandurak, Walter, 33
Barlow, Frank, 39
Barlow, Frank & Mary, 39
Barlow, Franklin & Mary, 23
Bastogne, 5, 24
Bataan, 1
Battle of the Bulge, 4, 6, 23, 24, 33
Beals, Carol, 2, 3, 13
Beals, John, 13
Beals, Johnny, 3
Beals, Mrs., 13
Belgern, 26
Belgium, 25
Benigno, Joe, 22
Bieze, Virginia & John, 27
Black Death March, 24, 35
Black, Doris & Bill, 14
Black, Ewell C., Jr., 3
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 1
Burnham, Priscilla & Fred, 31
Burrell, Jim & Pat, 23, 39
Camp Atterbury, 9, 27
Cariano, Sam, 31
Cariano, Samuel P., 1
Carpenter, Ben, 16
Carr, Ed, 21
Carr, Edward, 21
Cavanaugh, Father, 5
Cessna, Capt., 33
Coffey, Doug, 5, 9, 13, 21
Coffey, Douglas S., 1
Coffey, Mr., 11
Collins, Sherod, 1, 5, 7, 8
Compte, Martha & Lester Le, 39
Cooper, C.L., 35
Cornell, Ed, 21
Corregidor, 1
Craig, Col., 24
Cremer, Engelbrecht, 9
Daloney, Lt., 27
Davis, Frances & Louis, 14
Davis, James, 37
de St. Aubin, Bob, 16
DeHeer, Dick, 9
DeHeer, Richard, 1
Dresen, Ruth & David, 29
Duderstadt, 24
Dupuy, Col. R. Ernest, 7
Earle, Mahlon, 37
Eckenstahler, Dick, 21
Eckenstahler, Gertrude & Richard, 21
Embury, Leona & Raymond, 17
Fellows, Ginny & John H., 33
Finneagan, Sgt., 33
Finnegan, Sgt. John, 33
Fleming, John, 37
Fradiani, Rosemarie & Frank, 39
France, 18, 26
Fritz, John & Martha, 23, 39
Ft. Jackson, SC, 21, 22
Galik, George & Helene, 37
Gallagher, John, 3, 5
Garn, Chuck & Willie, 23, 39
Geneva, 27
Germany, 18, 26, 29
Gibson, Capt. Charles, 27
Gilder, Bob & Jean, 39
Gilder, Bob & Jeanne, 23
Gillespie, Shirley & Jack, 32
Gorlitz, 24
Harris, Isham A. ‘Ike', Jr., 35
Hatch, Jim, 16
Healan, Henry, 39
Heaton, Henry, 23
Heininger, Rev. Ed, 13
Hemming, Mary & Forrest, 37
Henning, Clare & Jim, 16
Henning, Jim, 16
Henson, Glenn, 33
Higgins, Anne, 12
Hiltbrand, Walt & Arlene, 39
Hiltbrandt, Walt & Arlene, 23
Hohenstein, John J., 31
House, Pete, 5
Houser, Eunice & Jack, 33
Jebens, Genett & Arthur, 26
Jenks, Fred & Mariila, 37
Johnson, Al, 31
Jones, Alan W., 9
Jones, Alys, 9
Josepth, Joseph, 16
Kelly, John & Virginia, 39
Ketterer, Mrs., 35
Ketterer, Mrs. John E., 35
Kiendl, Theodore, 26
Kotharich, Paul, 22
Kreuser, Leo P., 34
Kwaczek, Lillian & Carl, 27
Las, ‘Shinie', 27
Leipzig, 18
Leisse, Leo R., Sr., 26
Leningrad, 14
Liege, 5
Linden, 23
Lindsey, Selma & Col., 31
London, 5, 31
Lost, Carol Beals, 13
Loveless, Chaplain, 5
Loveless, John, 5
Lucsey, Florence & Bill, 16
Luxemburg, 29
Manteuffel, 5
Marnach, 25
Matthews, Joe, 5
May, Roger, 33
McAuliffe, Gen., 5
McCullough, Lyle & Vivian, 23, 39
McMahon, Gen., 5
Messina, Carl, 11
Middleton, Gen., 24
Mikalauskis, John, 35
Moscow, 14
Moseley, Ronald A., 18
Moyer, Rocky & Ginnie, 29
Mulligan, Hugh A., 5
Myers, Betty & Dr. Laurence, Jr., 31
Nelson, Edward, 21
Neuville-En-Condroz, 5
New Zealand, 29
Ondenheim, 18
Pankert, Joseph, 9
Paris, 26
Paris, France, 26
Phillips, Art, 23
Phillips, George, 23
Pierce, Bob & Jean, 23, 39
Pierce, Waldo, 26
Plenge, Ed & Jannette, 37
Porthleven, 5
Powers, Gladys (Mrs. Vern), 13
Queen Elizabeth, 22
Rarick, Mabel & Clayton, 26
Rauch, Victor C., 24
Reece, Leon, 21
Rennes, France, 18
Rhine River, 5
Roadruck, Col., 24
Roadruck, Max, 29
Robb, John & Marilyn, 1
Robb, John G., 29
Rusch, Fran & Maev, 29
Russia, 25
Rutt, Bob, 31
Sandberg, Pat & Robert, 27
Saucerman, Sandy, 35
Schinller, Al, 27
Scott, Earl, 29
Scranton, Bob, 5
Simpson, Gen., 24
Skyline Boulevard, 1
Slayton, David, 3
Spade, Mary & Robert, 29
Spayed, Lorena & Norman, 18
Spencer, Rob, 35
St. Vith, 4, 7, 9, 13, 20, 21, 24, 29
'St. Vith - Lion In The Way', 7
St. Vith Memorial, 31
Stalag 8A, 35
Stalag 9-B, 21
Stalag IV-B, 3, 26
Stalag XI-B, 27
Stookey, John, 27
Stout, Col., 24
Straub, Ted, 11, 29
Straub, Ted & Lara, 39
Straub, Ted & Laura, 23
Straub, Ted J., 1, 2
Straud, Ted, 23
Terrio, Howard, 23
The Battle of the Bulge, 24
Tissot, Harry, 27
Trautman, Frank, 23, 39
U.S. Ninth Armies, 5
Varhola, Steve G., 16
Villwock, Russell, 16
Von Luttwitz, Gen., 5
Wakeman Gen. Hosp., 27
Walters, Sgt. J., 22
Ward, Duke, 8
Weber, Bob, 1
Williamson, Sam & Daisy Kirkpatrick, 13
Williamson, Ward, 13
Wood, Eric, 5, 7
Wood, Lt. Eric, 7
Wyatt, Van S., 1
XXIII Corps, 5
Youngblood, Gloria & Charles, 18
Zicker, Gordon, 21
Zoll, Ed & Millie, 23, 39
Zuckerman, Estelle & Jack, 33