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The Cub
Vol. 48, No. 3, Apr., 1992

Alfred Vitali 424/B in the driver's seat
Jeep owned by Pierre MA WET. C.R.I.B.A.. Liege. Belaium
S Spring Greetings from your Association....
    SPRING GREETINGS from your Association. The Association is constantly requested to use its roster to circularize the membership. Your Board of Directors has considered the issue, and the use of the roster will be permitted only where it is in support of the Association or in the interest of the members.
Edward A. Prewett, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, has a good list of officers to propose for next year.
    Several conversations and letters with Dr John G. Robb Chairman Memorials Committee, has resulted in his obtaining communications with Mr. E. Cremer, Director of the Bischofliche Schule, St. Vith, and good progress is being made toward the resolution of problems with the St. Vith Memorial. I am particularly grateful to Douglas S. Coffey for his contacts with the school, with C.R.I.B.A., and for his report.
    Paul Mers reports to Dr. Robb that the Camp Atterbury Memorial is within $12,000 t* its goal. Keep up your contributions on behalf of the 106th. The Memorials will be Wally discussed by the Board of Directors in August.
    1993 Reunion, Columbia, South Carolina --Roger Rutland, Chairman advises dates will be September 9 through 12, at the Marriott Hotel. Room rates will be $59.00, with the rate extended to early arrivals.
    1992 Reunion, Pittsburgh --Get your reservations in promptly. In the advertisement mailing for the Pittsburgh Reunion, the meeting dates for the Board of Directors was not shown. The first board meeting will be Thursday August 27 at 1:30 p.m. The second on Saturday August 29 at 3:00 p.m. following the Men's Luncheon. A program of events appears elsewhere in this CUB.
I am looking forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh.
108th Infantry Division Association President
111i212221 N. Thome - 1991.1992
1122^24112,1222 4222,1 Regime. - let Battalion
Michael Thorne, president
106th Infantry Division Association
ii FROM THE ADJUTANT, Boyd Rutledge, 422/D
    Another year has passed by and the time for payment of the 1992/93 dues has come. For those of you who pay on an ANNUAL schedule you.should have found a self addressed envelope with thismailing of The CUB. Don't miss out on future CUBs. Use the envelope and mail your 92/93 dues now. DEADLINE is July 1, 1992. Thanks to you that have already paid in advance. See you all in Pittsburgh.
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Sharper than a Double-Edged Razor Blade...
    Most of us, as children, have uttered the phrase --when being teased by someone--"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me!" That alwaysmade us feel better,even if were not always true.
    I will tell you the story --no doubt apocryphal--about three ministers who were out fishing; you may detennine their particular religious affiliation for yourself.
'There were three ministers in a small town who
found great comfort in their relationship one with the
Reuenonl Swell C. Mach dr., Chaplain other. Since all three of them enjoyed fishing, they often
422/A - OlPh Int Dip Anson took the opportunity to fish and have fellowship together.
212 Ridge St. Dishopuille, SC 29010
803-48.14881 One day the fish were slow in biting and so they began
to discuss various things pertaining to their lives as
    ministers. Finally one of them began to tell of his boughts with worldliness. 'Brothers,' he said, 'Sometimes I just have to get away from it all and so I go to a distant city and spend a few days dancing and drinking: Since the subject had come up, one of the others decided to confess one his sins. 'Well,' he said, 'Since you brought the subject up, I too, have a secret. Sometimes I like to get away and go to a bar which has dancing girls.' There was a long silence in which no thing was said. Finally the two turned to the third member of their group and said, 'Bill, don't you have any bad habits you would like to share with us?' Another long silence and then thrkm third minister said, 'Fellows, I don't know exactly how to tell you this but I just love till gossip and I just can't wait to get back to town.'
    While we may laugh at this story, current events make us aware of how powerful a weapon the human tongue is, for both good and evil. An individual who has worked all through her or his life to build a good reputation can have it torn asunder by words uttered in anger and malice. We have seen how careers can be mined by words of accusation which am later proven to be untrue or at least questionable.
Many times in The Old and New Testaments we am cautioned about what a dangerous weapon the tongue can be.
    "Hear me, g God, as I voice my complaint; protect my life from the threat of the enemy. Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked, from that noisy crowd of evildoers, who sharpen their tongues like swords and aim their words like deadly arrows. They shoot from ambush at the innocent man; they shoot at him suddenly without fear." Psalm 64:1-4
    As children of God, we should always be aware of the violence which a loose and unruly tongue can do and restrain our tongues, particularly at times of anger or hurt.
    Hear the words of Proverbs 15:4 -- "The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit."
    Father, God, help as always to understand; the evil. which the tongue can do and with Holy Spirit's help, know when to keep our mouths shut, our tongues under control.
2 The CUB of the Golden Lion
I From the editor's outpost
Fourth & FINAL NOTICE!!!
New Mail Address --EDITOR
John P. Kline, CUB editor
5401 U. 147th St. West
Apple Valley, MN 55124
    I have closed the P.O. Box formerly listed on the inside cover of the CUB. I am still getting mail through sent to me through the OLD BOX NUMBER. Please make a note of the new address. It appears on the inside cover of each CUB.
    Huntsville Reunion Chairman John 0. Gilliland informs as there has been a delay in the processing of the Huntsville photos. They should be ready about Mid-May.
    Do not write on the back of the photos with a felt-tip pen, unless it is one that is indelible - the information you write with a felt tip will bleed onto the face of the second photo. If you want to use a felt tip pen, place a label on the back first. Always put your name on each photo - I have a few lying around that I cannot identify.
In This Issue
Letters to the editor, or what we in the "Hungry and Sick" call the "MAIL BAG" have been stacking up.
    SO -this issue has been devoted primarily to the MAIL BAG - 35 pages of it. Even with that number of pages, I still have a few left-overs that I will print later.
For Future Issues
I have so many good stories, most in letter form that require a rewrite and need available space in The CUB.
Some of the material I have stacked up, trying to find time to edit is very interesting and at times, many pages.
    George Iwamoto, DIV HQS, story, pictures. He ran the rest camp at Eupen. Dr. James Yamazaki, 590 FAB Medics, a story from UCLA Magazine and an article about his wife, Akio Hirashiki Yamazaki. UCLA granted her her college diploma 50 years too late. She was taken out of school in 1942 and sent to detention camp. Regardless of that, she is a great supporter of UCLA.. more later.
    Pete House, 590/A, Lots of photos and articles, including a museum in Belgium, and a story on Andetsonville with a picture of he and Russell Gunvalson, 590/A. Stories and photos from Billy Moore, 423/G: Ray Kurth, 591/B; Harry Martin, 424/L; Neill Mahoney, 590/HQ; Cliff Gamble, 422/C; Fred Veith, 423/C; Rev. Ronald Mosley, 424/HQ; John Roberts, 592/C a great diary; Durward (Pete) Frampton, 422/CN pencil sketches (POW) and diary; Phillip Hannon, 81st ENG/A, diary; John P. Collins, 81st ENG/A, diary; Richard McKee, 422/A, diary; Jack Hall, 423/SV; Hampton Dailey, 422/K; Ted Straub, 422/851 and many others. I have missed many names. to those that I have not named-apologies.
Extra Copies Available
The CUB Passes in Review is still available. Just a few left. Available at $15.00 until the supply is depleted.
Buy a couple and put them in your local library. Sign them and become a local contributor to history.
Don't let your history die. Give some to tour relatives. Several have already done so. First come - first served
Mail your order to Sherod Collins, 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30144 -include $15.00 postpaid. A Great Buy.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 3
/ am proud to have served with the 106th
by Dan Bied, 422/A
151 Holiday Terrace
West Burlington, IA 62655
Mail is always appreciated, as well as phone calls., in response to my articles in The Cub.
    I enjoy praise the most, of course. But as a guy who has made his living with a typewriter for 37 years, I also appreciate constructive criticism, The item I wrote for the most recent Cub brought mixed reviews from Missouri and California and both letters are worthy of comment since., after all, this publication is for all of us in the 106th association.
    Don Wischmeier, who was with a service unit in the 423rd., wrote from De Soto, Mo., to say "I always enjoy your comments in the Cub but this one struck home. The statement about the leadership and Ike's comment about 'undergoing privation, especially. The adventure of our captive months have been with me since that time."
    Dick Peterson, meanwhile, chided me for some statements "that contribute to an unfortunately widespread myth. The myth is that the men of the 106th did not perform properly in the Ardennes"
    Pointing out that "our heroism is me survival," Dick, who lives at Cardiff by the Sea, Calif., and was with I Co. in the 423rd, asked: "Is the man who died before he reached the beaches at Normandy more of a hero than you or me who lived?" Also, he asked, "Would you have felt better if you had lasted ten days in the 1st Division before being wounded or captured instead of the 106th?"
    First, in regard to Don's letter, my quote from General Eisenhower, was lifted from his "Crusade in Europe," published in 1948. "It seemed futile to attempt, out of my experience, to say anything that could possibly appeal to such an enormous accumulation of knowledge of suffering." he wrote in reference to the ex-prisoners from the 106th and other outfits he saw in May of 1945 at Camp Lucky Strike.
    In my article, I said: "We could have had better leadership at the top of the 106th, in my opinion." Don agrees wi that appraisal apparently. Dick, on tht, other hand, said: "In my opinion our commanders were as good as any in the ETO. They too were overwhelmed by the size and fury of the attack. I think no one could have done better than they."
    Dick and I disagree on this point, obviously. But I wrote to him to explain that I have been very supportive of the 106th over the years. I agree with him, certainly, in wanting to "stand proud" as former member of our outfit I cannot, however, rank the 106th with the 1st Division or the 34th when it comes to achievement in combat, as both those units were "up front" several years. I sent Dick a copy of my book, "Trio," with a Golden Lion emblem on the cover. This book brags up the 106th, of course, and a copy of it is in the Army library at Carlisle Barracks, Penna, along with my "Hell on Earth" book
4 The CUB of the Golden Lion

illI am sorry if anything I've written, or
said, has given anyone the impression that I'm not proud to have served with the 106th.
    NOTE. I wonder if anyone can tell me whatever happened to Lt. Bill Shakespeare. He was a Notre Dame football star before the war and, I believe, was in
    Co. I of the 424th. Our division history (Page 56) says he "bagged a German captain of the 116th Panzer Division'. during the Bulge."
I recall Bill as a Gridiron star and, though I didn't know him, Fm interested in what he did after the war. ^
George Levine, 424/M -- Cartoonist Supreme
    For you members who are new to the Association. George has contributed a cartoon for every CUB since the JUI-AUG-SEP 1988 issue. See pages 277 and 278 in The CUB of the Golden bow Passes in Review. George is m Alumnus of the School of Visual Arts and a member of the National Cartoonists Society. Cartoons by George Levine have been published in the following publications:
    106th Infantry Division quarterly the CUB Magazine, Leatherneck, Daily News Magazine, LAFF-ADAY, McCalI's,The Star, New Woman, Good Housekeeping, Women's Day, Family Circle, Ladies Home Journal, Los Angeles Magazine, Wall Street Journal, Reader's Digest, National Enquirer, King Features Syndicate, McNaught Syndicate, Diversion, Journal of Commerce, Medical Economics, Medical Tribune, Case & Comment, Phi Delta Kappa, American Medical News and many others. (Good show George..J.K.}
CUB Laughs by George Levine 424/M
0 0
IJ c1
"/" "
The CUB of the Golden Lion 5
    tho fail to register with the Selective Service after they turn 18. The names are turned over to the U.S. Department of Justice. That usually takes two or three months from the date of the final notice. The fact that Zorn is a double amputee, has only one eye or that he suffered a heart attack five years ago did not sway the Selective Service at first, when he called to report the error. "It took me 25 minutes to convince her," Zorn said.
    And no one, he said, was willing to admit a mistake had been made. "It was up to me to prove I wasn't 21." Zorn was born Feb 2, 1911, but according to the Selective Service, he was born Feb 2, 1971.
    Because the service gets so many fraudulent calls, convincing someone over the phone is difficult, if not impossible, explained research clerk Neil Anderson with the Selective Service in Illinois. "He could be an 18-year-old trying to mart exempt," he said. "The voter registraion is all we have to go by." According to • the computer screen that Anderson was looking at, Harry Zorn is a male between the ages of 18 and 25 and, therefore, eligible for the draft, if a military draft is ever reinstated. And he will remain eligible until Selective Service receives the form from Zorn with proof of his age.
Errors in records from boards of elec-
Harry Zorn, on Signal Company
cerca 1945
    tion or motor vehicle administrations are not uncommon. The Texas Motor Vehicle Administration neglected to edit out the females, who are exempt from the draft registration, in data sent to the Selective Service. "We get a lot of calls from females in Texas," Anderson said.
    Selective Service spokeswoman Bambara Richardson said, "It's a shame that whoever he spoke to was not sympathetic to his plight."
    "We're not real picky about what type of identification is used," she said. "These things do happen with a bureaucracy." Richardson said she would contact Zorn when he returns from Christmas vacation to clear up any misunderstanding. end of news article ...
From James B. Moore: These 423/G Ex-POWs met in Chattanooga, Tenn lune '91
L/R Front row- Inca York, Lee Darby, W.J. Martin;
Back row- teas Bishop, Walter Adams, Billy Moore and Louis Nardone
The CUB of the Golden Lion 7
    litho fail to register with the Selective Service after they turn 18. The names are tumed over to the U.S. Department of Justice. That usually takes two or three months from the date of the final notice. The fact that Zom is a double amputee, has only one eye or that he suffered a heart attack five years ago did not sway the Selective. Service at first, when he called to report the error. "It took me 25 minutes to convince her," Zorn said.
    And no one, he said, was willing to admit a mistake had been made. "It was up to me to prove I wasn't 21." Zom was born Feb 2, 1911, but according to the Selective Service, he was born Feb 2, 1971.
    Because the service gets so many fraudulent calls, convincing someone over the phone is difficult, if not impossible, explained research clerk Neil Anderson with the Selective Service in Illinois.
    "He could be an 18-year-old trying to mget exempt," he said. "The voter registra- Won is all we have to go by." According to the computer screen that Anderson was looking at, Harry Zorn is a male between the ages of 18 and 25 and, therefore, eligible for the draft, if a military draft is ever reinstated. And he will remain eligible until Selective Service receives the form from Zom with proof of his age.
Errors in records from boards of elec-
Harry Zom, 106 Signal Company
cams 1945
    lion or motor vehicle administrations are not uncommon. The Texas Motor Vehicle Administration neglected to edit out the females, who are exempt from the draft registration, in data sent to the Selective Service. "We get a lot of calls from females in Texas," Anderson said.
    Selective Service spokeswoman Barabara Richardson said, "It's a shame that whoever he spoke to was not sympathetic to his plight."
    "We're not real picky about what type of identification is used," she said. "These things do happen with a bureaucracy." Richardson said she would contact Zorn when he returns from Christmas vacation to clear up any misunderstanding. end of news article ...
From James B Moore, These 423/0 Ex-POWs met in Chattanooga, Tenn. lune '91
OR Front row-- Non York, Lee Darby, W.1. Martin;
Back row-- less Bishop, Walter Adams, Billy Moore and Louis Nardone
The CUB of the Golden Lion 7
AUGUST 27th - 30th, 1992
Wochoseday, August 26th
Registration Dusk Open 11:00 a.m.
Optional Historic Tour 2:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 27th
Breakfast on your own
Registration Desk Open &CO a.m.
Hospitality Room Opens 10 00 am.
Optional 3 -Hour Cultural Tour 9:30 a.m.
Ulrich on your own
Board Meeting 1:30 p.m.
Memorial Service Ball Room, 3rd Floe 2:0O p.m.
Free time
Majestic Cruise on the 3-Rivers. Buffet, Reception 6'30 - 10:30 p.m.
Friday, August 28th
Full Breakfast T30 - 9:00 a.m.
Hospitality Room Opens 1003 a.m.
Optional 3-how Cultural Tom 10:00 a.m.
Lunch on your own
Meadowlands flame. Racing leaves 4100 pm.
Not going racing? Dinner on your own
Sahyday, August 29th
Breakfast on your own
Hospitality Room 10:00 a.m.
Mena' Luncheon Ballroom Ilk Foyer 12:20 p.m.
Ladies' Luncheon Ballroom 1.11 12'30 p.m.
Free time
Board Meeting 2:00 p.m.
Banquet and Dance ?30-11:30 p.m.
Sunday, August 30th
Continental Breakfast 730-9:00
Break Camp
    Gel your reservations in as soon as possible. Time is getting short and we need guaranteed numbers some of the feature events.
    While at the reunion you may want to visit some of the sites in and around Pittsburgh. So come early stay late, the United Steel Workers are coming in after we leave. So get your reservations in, in, in.
    We have some unique visiting places. The Oakland section with the University of Pittsburgh and Cultural and Medical Center, The Carnegie Museum. The Heinz Chapel and Phipps Conservatory with its Acres Under Glass. Visit the Buhl Science Center and yes, a Submarine is actually moored in the Ohio River. See the biggest sign on the side of Mount Washington -advertising the 106th Reunion." It will be all lit up as we go by on the GATEWAY CLIPPER FLEET.
    Have you visited a Coal Mine? Visit Falling Waters, Frank Lloyd Wright masterpiece built for Henry ICautTman. Fort Pitt at the forks of the Ohio, Mown as the "Point" to Pinsburghers.
    Visit our famous Incline, a railroad that goes up the side of Mount Washington, at an male. And just for hate take a walking tour of the City.
We're not BIG, just GREAT!!!
    If you have not made your reservations, or if you need further information about the 46th Annual Reunion please write or call:
Joseph Maloney, 1120 Warren Ave, Arnold, PA 15068. Telephone (412) 335-6104
The CUB of the Golden Lion
    AMERICAN SCHOOL PICTURES, who did the photographs for the 78th Infantry Division Association will be with us during the 46th Annual Reunion. They will be taking candid as well as posed pictures. The members will have an opportunity to purchase a photo album for $12.00 a copy plus $1.25 handling and shipping.
    Should you NOT be attending and would like for your photo to be in the book, send a picture of yourself being sure it measures one and three-eights by two inches (I and 3/8 by 2) . If it is not that size you will be charged $5.00 for reducing or enlarging your photo to that measurement.... Mail your photo to American School Pictures, 4650 Seidler Rd., Willoughby, Ohio 44094-4477. Be sure to mail them before August I, 1992. Be sure to indicate that the picture is to be used for the 106th Infantry Division Association album. Be sum to included your name and details such as unit.
    I'm trying to find one of my ole buddies who was wounded on the first day of the Bulge. A mortar round landed in the 424th's CP and he was in the wrong spot at the wrong time. He survived the war, but we lost contact... Does any person out there have any idea how I can trace him.
His name is James J. Clarke, Jr. Last known address in Jersey City or nearby.
John P. Maloney -- Telephone 412-335-6104
1120 Warren Ave
Arnold PA 15068
ROANNE, BEL,CUM-4tn tun Section 591/13 --L/R Salter, Sebo, Garbulinski, Carnal, Key, DeRosa
Kurth, Rasmussen, Cyrnerrnan, Clarke –Kurth and Rasmussen are current Association members.
The CUB of the Golden Lion


New Members
Beam, Harold W. 423/G
407 Deerhaven Lane Hendersonville, NC 28739
    I was a POW at Glenia (Zietz, Germany). Was a member of the 106th Inf. Div. Assoc in '45 and '46 and have the Division picture book that was published in '44 along with three or four of the first CUB magazines.
    I graduated from the University of Michigan '49-BA, '50 MA. Lived in Buffalo, NY where I taught math, then to Rochester, NY as High School Principal, then to Camden, NY as Supt. of Schools. Retired on 1980 and moved to Hendersonville in '82.
Capshaw, Clifton 423/K
4812 Rldenvood Lane Orlando, FL 32808
    Retired from the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper. Am looking forward to the 1992 Reunion in Pittsburgh. Hope to see some 423rd "K" Co. men there.
Cramer, Samuel D. 423/E
102 Toner Street Latrobe, PA 15650
Dickerson, Myrton B. 422/D
HC 76 Box 384 #20 Aberdeen, WA 98520
    I recall going overseas in the Aquitania. Then into England by train to a town near Banbury. Soon we went across the channel landing at LeHavre, France at night, loading into trucks then on into Belgium. After staying in some woods near Saint Vith we went into the front lines. I was taken prisoner on 19 December. Taken to Stalag 12-A then to a work camp (Kommando) - I can't remember the number of the cam We worked in a saw mill
    most of the time. We stayed there until close to the end of the war when the guards walked us to another camp, Stalag II-A, Altengrabo, near the Elbe River. We were liberated there.
Diehl, William A. 423/1
159 Pensinger Rd. Greencastle, PA 17225
POW Stalags 4-B and 4-F.
Dwyer, William J. 422/K
23 Rankin St. Worcester, MA 01605
Gilbert, Daniel W. 423/B
PO Box 335 Manchaus, MA 01526
    I was captured 19 December 1944, was in Stalag 12-A for a short time after having been bombed out in Koblenz. We were strafed by an Allied fighter while wir were on the train. After Stalag 12-A ended up in Glenia, near Zietz, Germany along with 120 other prisoners. I worked in a benzine plant which was bombed daily by our planes.
After being discharged I worked as a foreman in a mill and then in a dairy, both for 18 years.
    Have a family of four boys and one girl. Two of the sons served in the Navy and one in the Tank Corp in Korea for 13 months as part of the police force.
Hohenadel, Frank A. 424/HG 2BN
6913 Concord Lane Niles, IL 60648-4433
    Joined the 106th Infantry Division as it was being organized, just after I left O.C.S. I was assigned to 424/E and then later to the 2nd Battalion Headquarters. I served as S-2 and S-3 under Lt. Col.
10 The CUB of the Golden Lion


New Members
Leonard Umanoff.
    During the Battle of the Bulge I was sent to contact the division on our right (the 28th Inf. Div.). While returning to the 424th my jeep was involved in a head-on collision and I was evacuated, eventually to Paris. By the way, the Commander I contacted in the regiment on our right was Colonel Gibney, who had previously been commander of the 424th. I returned to the 106th and was assigned to Lt. Col. Charles F. Girand's 3rd Battalion of the 424th. Spent the rest of the war with him until the 106th called it a day in Europe. (He was a delightful guy.)
    I then commanded an Ordnance Company - what an experience! Then went home on a detail which guarded American prisoners who had been convicted of major crimes overseas. I volunteered for that detail because it was touted to be the "fast-
    /1r way to get home." It only proved that tie should "never volunteer for any-Finally got home to my family, my wife Marie and eventually our five children.
    I spent my working years in the insurance industry. Some years with Aetna as a field Rep, then the bulk of my working time as an owner of an insurance agency in Chicago.
    Marie was with me while we were in the States. We made some wonderful friends. We still keep in touch with Sam Liebowirs, 424/HQ, 2Bn, Jack Connors 424/ 2Bn, and Millie Souers widow of Loren Souers who was 424/ 2Bn and later S-2 of the 81st Combat Engineers.
I would appreciate hearing from anyone who cares to write or call. My telephone number its 708-647-9509.
Hungerford, John I. 422/HO
5742 Penfield Ave Woodland Hills, CA 91367-6995
Kennedy, Glen N. 423/AT
4760 E. Water Street Tucson, AZ 85712
Niedermayer, Walter T. ASSOCIATE
911 Yorkshire Rd Colonial Heights, VA 23834
    It is a great honor to be an Associate member of the 106th Infantry Division Association. The 106th was a great division.
Lt. Col. Niedermayer was with the 99th
    Infantry Division on our left flank during the Bulge. See page 31 of the Jan-Feb-Mar 1992 CUB for a description of his well written book Into the Deep Misty Woods of the Ardennes.
Raskinis, Henry J. 422/I - 422/SV
1727 W. Michigan Saginaw, MI 48602
    I was assigned to Service Co., 422nd at Camp Atterbury. While in England I was transferred to 422/1 and served with her during the
Battle of the Bulge . I was taken prisoner on 19 Dec 1944.
    I have a wife, Esther, two daughters, Ruth Ann and Barbara - three grandchildren Dustin, Michelle and Carrie. I worked for auto dealerships as an auto-technician and Service Advisor for over thirty years. I moved to the Saginaw area in 1977 (Farview) about 100 miles north. Worked in the woods and at a tubing fabrication plant, retired in 1983. My hobbies, golf, hunting and fishing.
The CUB of the Golden Lion
New Members

Tester, Wilbur J. 422/C Kline, Dr. Robert E. 423/M
107 Cakes St. East Tawas, MI 48730
Asa POW I was first in a hospital in Stuttgart, then was marched to Stalag 4-D, then on to Stalag 11-B.
     I owned a small Plumbing & Heating business until June of '77, then retired because of health problems. Have been married 45 years and have four children and eight grandchildren. I was originally from Merrill, Michigan. My main hobbies are hunting and fishing.
Box 140
Lyons, CO 80540
(editor's note - While Bob did not add any
comments to his application for membership,
I thought I would add a few words - since we
both carne from 423/M. I called him the eve-
ning I received the application from Sherod
Collins. Bob tells me he is a retired veterinar
     Ian. He was in the second platoon, M Company, 423rd. Ended up as the company communications Sergeant. He said William E. Smith, another of our "M" Co. Association members, was his best friend. I promptly gave him Bill's name, phone and address in Pitson, PA. I knew that there was another Kline in M Company, but don't recall much contact with Bob. We welcome him In joining the Association by adding his name to the 32 other 423rd, "M" Company men on the Association roster.
     Oliver Patton, (Brig. Gen. retired) 423/F, asked me at Roanoke in 1988, 'Where was "M" Company when I needed them?. General, we are getting here, one by one, one more "M' co. member and we will catch up with the 81st Combat Engineers "A" Company.) Bob is the 42th man that I have added to my personal roster since 1987, three have died in the interim.
     Bob Kline has already made his reservations for Pittsburgh - Come on you "M" Company men - Front and Centerl... J. Kline)
Bostick, Jr., Clyde M. 422/C
922 Williams Ave Natchitoches, LA 71457
    Served in France with the 104th Reg, 26th Division, Rhineland Campaign. Member of Paralyzed Veterans of America - single - Attended UCLA - LSU - two Master Degrees 30 hours. - Retired Asst Professor, NSU at Louisiana
Cartier, Richard E. 424/K
1911 E. Co. Rd. F White Bear Lake, MN 55110
    Captured on the late afternoon of December 16th, 1944, somwhere in Germany near the Siegfried Line. We went to Stalag at Fallingbostel for six weeks, then were transferred to a Stalag at Neubrandenberg. We were liberated by the Russians late April, then taken to the British lines in Russian trucks some three weeks later.
Schoeck, PHD 10, Richard D. 106 SIG
232 Dakota St Lawrence, KS 66046
     I was transferred from the Parachute Troops and joined the 106 Signal Company at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. I remained with the company through Tennessee maneuvers and on into Camp Atterbury. Them I was sent to a hospital and given a medical Board of Review, which led to anassignment to limited serv-
Forbes, Fontaine C. 423/B
1115 Pocahontas Ave
Covington, VA 24426
12 The CUB of the Golden Lion
New Members
ice at Camp Atterbury and Crile (Cleveland).
    After the war I went to graduate school and earned a Ph.D. at Princeton, which led to teaching at Cornell, Notre Dame, Toronto, Washington, D.C. and Colrado -- finishing up after retirement from Colorado with three and one-half years teaching American Literature at the University of Trier, Germany. I am now retired from teaching, but busier ever writing books.
    At the time I served with the 106th I had only one-half year at college, and there wasn't the slightest thought of becoming a college teacher. But at Atterbury I fell into reconditioning work and began a number of activities that directed me towards a career in teaching; and thanks to the GI Bill (816) I was able to go to school. My good fortune included being
able to go straight for the Ph.D. without having a B.A. I've always thought that God moves in mysterious ways.
Skladanek, Florence
33 Glen St.
Chambersburg, PA 17201
    I am Mrs. Charles Sldadanek, the sister of Edward C. Piotrowski, 424/H Company, KIA 12/28/44. I would appreciate hearing from any person who knew my brother. I have read St. Vith: A Lion in the Way and have ordered The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review. In recent years I have had a great desire to cone-spond or talk to any person who knew my dear brother Edward. We lived in Linden, New Jersey during the war. My telephone number is 717-263-1823.
Please call or write.
Don't ForgetlI l
If you are paying your dues ANNUALLY
JULY 1, 1992 is the DEADLINE.
To continue receiving The CUB
send your $10.00 dues to:
Sherod Collins, Treasurer
448 Monroe Trace
Kennesaw, GA 30144
The CUB of the Golden Lion 13
Mail Bag
Pay Your
1992 -1993
July 1, 1992
so you can
continue to
receive The CUB
Austin, Cliff 589/C
125 S. Maple St. Vergennes, VT 05491
    John, I hope you can use the enclosed copies of The CUB. Also BRAVO on your great job in compiling The CUB Passes in Review. This book will cherished by all of us in the 106th Infantry Division Association. (editor's note - Cliff, thanks for the comments. I hope I sent you the copy of the article Myth, Mystery Malmedy. This note from you is a little old, please excuse me for that.
    I have very few copies of The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review left. I am not sure, when or if, they will be reprinted. NOTE: with that in mind I would like the troops to send me any TYPOS they have discovered. Name the page and paragraph in which the typo is found. I will change the master copy in case we reprint. Thanks Cliff... J. Kline)
Barker, Remand E. 423/M
PO Box 57 Stockton, MO 05785
John, I would like to get a 106th Infantry Division shoulder patch, are they available?
    (editors note - Hope all is going well down your way. Ray, if this note sounds familiar (I reproduced your whole letter in the NEW MEMBER column in the JUL-AUG-SEP 1991 issue) it is because I want to let others know that 106th Shoulder Patches are available from our Adjutant, Boyd Rutledge for $2.00 each. Boyd's address appears on the inside cover page of this CUB...J. Kline)
Beaver, Johnnie R. 423/H
Rte 1 Box 44 Muscadine, AL 36269
    I have had never really thought too much about what medals were due me, until I read your article in The CUB. All my stuff was tucked
Attention 106'ers
14 The CUB of the Golden Lion
away, but after reading that article I got it out.
    Boy I guess I was all fouled up as you can see by the enclosed copy of my discharge. I went over with 423/H, captured on 18 December, liberated on 15 April at HALLE, Germany. I wrote for my medals and sent them a copy of my discharge. I wonder how it will all come out? (editor's note - In reference to my comments on medals see The CUB issue of OCT-NOV-DEC 1991, first article under NEW MEMBERS page 29, letter from Albert Asher 423/K.
    Johnnie, did you ever get the medals? I also received your letter of 11, 29, 1991 with the three pages of orders that you received - they appeared to be marked 'Nov 20, 1945' and relate to Captain DeLand and U. Robert Edwards informing and updating you on what had happened to various personnel. It mentioned 'PROJECT R where all former POWs from would be promoted from Private to Private First Class and Private First Class to Corporal, regardless of length of service. I have no knowledge if it was in fact executed. maybe some of the 106ers that read this know if the order was executed.... J. Kline)
Benefiel, Norman 81st ENG/A
1146 Box 120 Newton, IL 62448
    John, as a new member I enjoyed visiting with you in Huntsville. I was the one that gave you the article about the soldier in Columbia, South Carolina that was blown up. I wrote to the editor of the FLASH the 78th Division's magazine and ask him to send you a couple of their publications. I was in Co "A" of the 311th Infantry Regiment of the 78th Division. I wonder if any of the 106ers would like to join the 78th Division Association.
Mail Bag
    (In a later letter from Benefiel): Nice to hear that you contacted Bill Parsons, the editor of the 78th's FLASH. I have enjoyed The CUB and the annual roster that I received. I would still like to find out if anyone in the 106th was ever with the 78th. If they would contact me I would appreciate it.
    I was really impressed with Colonel Riggs of the 81st Combat Engineers, especially since he was named the MAN of the YEAR at the University of Illinois.
    (editor's note - Norman, Thanks for your various letters - I contacted Bill Parsons right after you wrote last October. He is just as busy as I am. He puts out a fine magazine. As you know he uses a larger page and it is similar to newspaper print. I am impressed by the number of WWII photos that he has available. I have talked with him on at least four occasions.
As to the soldier that was killed as he got
off the bus in Columbia, S.C. I don't have
room forth° whole story but will highlight it
    Explosion Comes From Bundle Under Arm Corp. William Grannis of the Eighty-first Engineers, One Hundred and Sixth Division, was literally blown to bits last night at 8:15 at the corner of Devine and King streets just a few seconds after he stepped off a city bus coming from Fort Jackson. The explosion came from a package he was carrying under his arm, wrapped in a piece of newspaper. Whether the package contained a hand-grenade, a demolition bomb or a mortar shell was not immediately determined.
No one in the bus was injured, although the bus was still at the curb
The CUB of the Golden Lion 15
Mail Bag
    when the blast occurred in full sight of those aboard. Bits of shrapnel were picked up later, many yards from the scene The accident is under investigation by Fort Jackson authorities )
BemInghaus, Delbert W. 922/C
Rte 1, Box 09 West Bend, IA 50597
    (Delbert - from your 12/11/91 letter) I joined the 106th Division about six weeks before we shipped overseas. Like you, I had a diary but when I got to Paris they stripped me of my clothes and the diary was in one of the pockets. Your diary is very important to me for I am writing a book on the names of the towns that we passed through on our 415 mile march from Stalag VIII-A, Gorlitz, Germany. When I read your detailed description I walked the German highways and roads again. Like you, I could not have lasted another two weeks. We have a lot to be thankful for, God walked many miles with us, we could not have done it alone. God Bless you and your family, Delbert.
Berry, Robert L. 424/D
P.O. Box 1484 Andalusia, AL 36420
    Just finished reading The CUB Passes in Review. In reading the POW section I came across your story that appeared in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. It was an interesting, well done story. It seems to me that you did not have a chance to do anything except be a POW or be killed. When you left the service, civilians were not shunning you, you probably know that by now.
I was a prisoner for about one-half
    a night on the 16th of December. I was using a heavy machine gun, water cooled, which was in an old German gun emplacement (bunker) near a little town by the name of STIENBROCK. As we started to eat breakfast all hell broke loose. We were told that a German patrol had passed through the Siegfried Line and we needed to stop them before it got worse. My second gunner had an M-1 rifle and some ammunition. We stayed close together and by night fall very close together. I can't remember his name, I think he was from North Carolina.
    I said to him, "If this is a small patrol I don't want to see any real COMBAT!" He said he was thinking the same thing. We didn't see much that night, we fired several times and about midnight we were taken prisoner by Germans who locked up in a wash-house or out-hone'. They had plenty to do and I suppose they thought we could not get out or would not try to get out, but we did get out by breaking down the door. That was in early morning. We jumped into a dirt road and made it back to town. The last of our company was pulling out and told us to jump on a truck. A one star General was standing near-by and told us if we got on the truck we would be shot. I looked at my friend and said, We sure will if we don't get on the truck and get out of here." I don't know who the General was.
    We got more ammo and another rifle for the both of us. We followed a U.S. Colonel about all day. We never saw our company commander after the first night and out two Lieutenants and 1st Sergeant were lost. We


The CUB of the Golden Lion
heard that General Jones had a heart attack - anything can happen in a war!
    I thought anything could or probably would happen to me, just being in combat is a very bad thing. People do anything in combat that they would not do other-wise. You did just the right thing. There were times when I thought it would be better to be a POW than to have frozen feet or getting killed. I am still bothered by things that I could have done, but did not do. It was tough to write and admit what you did. Let me congratulate you for the part that you played. The best of wishes to you and your family. May the Lord bless you the rest of your life.
    (editor's note - Thanks Bob, I appreciate your words coming from one who fought on through the war. The 424th did one heck of a good job. We of the 422nd and 423rd are proud of you and your regiment. Blessings to you and your also... J. Kline)
Bloch, Jacques W. 422/K
3755 Henry Hudson Pkwy Bronx, NY 10403
    Thank you for sending me a copy of The Cub of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review, which you compiled in what seems to me an almost insurmountable 'labor of love.'
    I was a member of the Association during the early years, in the late '40's and '50's but, then dropped my membership due to other pressing demands of my job and raising a family. I rejoined a few years ago and am now a LIFE member.
    This very readable and comprehensive book fills in many blank spaces concerning the 106th Infantry Division participation in The
Mail Bag
Battle of the Bulge and life in German POW camps.
    Since WWII, I was in Europe four times; three times I came through Luxembourg, but was never able to visit the St. Vith-Schiinberg area. I hope on my next trip I will be able to make it.
    John thanks again for this wonderful souvenir of the dreadful 1944 winter in the Schnee Eifel. Wishing you continued success.
    P.S. Through The CUB I was finally able to locate Captain 'Hank' Harmeling the CO of Co. "K," 422nd Regiment. He lives in Bedford, MA and is doing fine. signed Jacques W Bloch, Co. "K," 422nd, Stalag XI-B, Fallingbostel, Germany
Bricker, James H. 423/K
1800 SE St. Lucie Blvd 88-306
Stuart, FL 34990
    Captain Bricker was CO of 422/K. John, here is a story that Colonel Cavender asked me to submit: I recently received a disability rating from the VA. I had recently joined the D.A.V and through their magazine I learned of the 106th Infantry Division Association. I joined and the first issue of The CUB that I received listed Colonel Cavender's location and phone number. I called him and had a long enjoyable chat. he told me he was 94 and was going to reach 100! Knowing his firmness and determination I am sure he will do so!
    During our talk I told him of an experience I had during a trip to Germany in 1975. He said it was something I should write down and send to "The CUB." Noting some hesitancy on my part he added in
The CUB of the Golden Lion


Mail Bag
ringing tones, "That's an Order!" S000 here goes:
    On December 19 1944 I was with Colonel Cavender's force when he ordered it to surrender. The forced marches, the box car trips, the starvation and mistreatment and bombings by friendly forces have been many time told by others so I will not write them here,
    My story differs slightly - Following General Patton's aborted attempt to free us from the Oflag at Hammelsburg we were rounded up and started on a forced march towards Southern Bavaria - that was on March 28, 1945.
    By May let, I was much concerned about what would happen to us when the American troops arrived. We had seen the SS were acting as a rear guard in the retreat and that they had dealt harshly with stragglers and attempted desertions. Fearing an SS assassination of our column, I decided to skip an a morning "APPEL" knowing that a search would be unlikely since the guards were anxious to get us going, as the noise of approaching vehicles and fighting was obvious.
    After the group moved off I revealed myself to a German farm lady and in my very skimpy German, amplified with gestures, I managed to convey to her that if I was allowed to hide in her barn I would see that see received fair treatment from the Americans.
    No sooner had she allowed me to do so, the SS arrived in the village and backed an armored vehicle into the barn where I was concealed in the hay loft. As the sounds of the motorized columns became louder, the SS withdrew from the village. I could not see from the barn, but it sounded as if the column was about one-half mile away.
    On a scrap of paper I wrote a note and asked the 10 year old son of the farm lady to take it to the U.S. soldiers. He did so and shortly thereafter a U.S. tank and two jeeps arrived. I'll never forget the 14th Armored Sergeant saying, "Captain, what in the hell are you doing here?"
    In 1975 I became disabled and unable to work. A psychiatrist who worked with me helped me to discover that, along with employment related pressures, my concern about what happened in The Bulge was contributing to some of my problems. He suggest that I take a trip to Germany and retrace my combat and POW journey.
    I did as and am sure that I view4L the exact area where my company was in a defensive position as well as the exact location where we received orders to surrender. After looking over that hillside just ahead of us, I finally was convinced that the Colonel's surrender order had prevented a wholesale slaughter.
    A few days later I located the little village of Moosenville, where my escape farm was located. The local schoolmaster, the only man in town who spoke English, helped me with my search and we discovered the farm where I had hidden.
    He spoke at length with a forty year old farmer only to discover that he was in fact the 10 year old boy who had carried my message to the U.S. troops AND HE REMEMBERED DOING SO!
We had a pleasant reunion with
18 The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mail Bag
much good German wine,
(editor's note - Captain Bricker, what a great story. Thanks for sharing it with all of us... J. Kline)
Burns, John H. 106 SIG
2505 W. Macon Decatur, IL 52522
Enjoyed The CUB that just arrived, please send two copies of The CUB Passes in Review. Thirty dollars enclosed.
    (editor's note - Thanks John, the book is moving well, I have very few copies left. It is remarkable how fast the 1,820 copies disappeared... J. Kline)
Cocke, Sam L. 422/HQ 1BN
103 Warwick Rd Clinton, MS 39056
If still available I would like for youth send a copy of The CUB Passes in Review to my best buddy Wallace
Brain, Pompano Beach, Flor-
    Via he and I met when the DiVision was activated in March of '43. We were in the some Platoon, Ammunition and Pioneer, Headquarters, 1st battalion, 422nd Combat Infantry Regiment. We were captured together 19 December 1944. We were together in Stalag IX-B, Bad Orb and then in Stalag IX-A Ziegenhain. In IX-B we shared a 'One Man Bunk' as we had twice the number of men in the barracks. I know receiving and reading the book will help his feeling relating to our short combat experience.
Thank you for the part you played in compiling this book for the Association.
    (editor's note - As you know by now, a copy was sent to Wallace. It was vary gracious of you to help inform your closest friend. I hope he enjoyed it... J. Kline)
Colbert, Hugh L. 422/B
5220 Darlene Dallas, TX 75232
    This is just to thank you for your call today and reassure you that I do understand your correspondence load and look forward to a copy of your diary.
    I am sure it is hard for an outsider to understand the bond we of the 106th Infantry Division have for each other. On page 479 of The CUB Passes in Review a quote for Chaplain Black expresses my feelings. " I would like to think that it is this kind of wealth which we knew 46 years ago and which continues today, that brings us together, now, in our advancing years " I agree with Chaplain Black that the bonds that were formed during those trying times have been strengthened over the years. Even bonding together those who were not personally acquainted but feel a closeness as a result of experiencing the same horrors and hardships in our place in history.
    With the roster of the 106th Association, I have renewed contacts with several former associates which had been severed previously. Then I keep watching the current CUBs for others.
    After speaking to you today, I returned to my duty in my yard and wondered if you were having the 80 degree weather we were having in Dallas, for I was puttering around in shorts. respectively,
Hugh Colbert.
    (editor's note - Hugh had written earlier asking for a copy of my War Diary. He gathered from former remarks in The CUB that I had written one and that we
The CUB of the Golden Lion 19
Mail Bag
    had been in the same group from Priim, Gerolstein, Dockweiler-Dreis, Koblenz to Stalag XII-A-Umburg an der Lehn and then on the seven day (no joy) train ride to Stalag IV-B at MOhlberg, Germany -Unfortunately I am down to a couple of archive copies. I am trying to figure out a way to publish a few, less expensive, copies. The original size was some size as The CUB, with 52 pages and contained 15 pictures and two maps. The printing cost alone was $3. Maybe I can trim down the original cost by using smaller size print with three columns on letter size paper. After I get this CUB out I will give it a shot...
    Hugh also passes along that WALDO N. RICHARDS, a member of the Mortar Platoon 422/B died in Dallas on December 29, 1991 at the age of 82. Waldo was not a member of the Association, but enjoyed The CUB which Hugh shared with him. He had been in poor health for several years and was confined to his home for several months before passing away. He is survived by MATTIE his wife and a daughter in Memphis. He had served as Church Clerk for his church for several years... J. Kline)
Conner, Milton M. 592/B
1605 N. Fielder Ital Arlington, TX 76012
    I thought you and the other 106ers might like the story of what happened to me. It appeared in the Fort Worth, Texas STAR TELEGRAM. They called it The Duffel Lost in the Shuffle:
    A friend of mine sent me a copy of the Veterans of the Battle of The Bulge paper. It had an article by JEAN PAUL LINDEN, Grand Halleux, Belgium wanting to contact me. He said he had something that belonged to me. I wrote him and on the 24th day of December, 1991 I received a package. When I opened it. I found my "BARRACKS BAG." It is amazing, that after 45 years and 8 t
    days that I would have my 1944 G.I. barracks bag back in my possession. The newspaper interviewed me and took pictures. I received calls wanting to know if I would donate it to the General Patton Museum. I told them it would be OK. -- That's the story of The Duffel Lost in the Shuffle.
Crockett, Col. Randy DIV/HQ
143 NO 1st St Satellite Beach, FL 32937
    You did a fantastic job on the recent roster, as well as The CUB. Keep up the good work. Most of all -The CUB Passes in Review provides us with a history of what transpired, as well as other reminders.
    A group or POWs and 1 were searched in front of this monument. I took this picture in 1953, but forget the name of the village. Dees anyone remember being searched here? (see below)
Crouthamel, George N. 423/M
3 Langrock Way Burlington. NJ 08016
    Johnnie, here are a couple pictures of Vera, my wife, and I taken in Apache Junction near Phoenix, Arizona, before flying on to the Sacramento Reunion. Also a B&W shot of the location where a group of other POWs and I were searched. I took the picture in 1953 while I was doing a tour of duty in the U.S. Air Force.
20 The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mail Bag
    (editor's note -George, not many people know me by the name of "Johnnie." That is, except those of you who served with me in 194445. I guess I will let it pass since you and I walked all those glorious miles (525) together after 423/M was taken on 19 Dec 1944. Nice to hear from you Serge... J. Kline)
Dahlen, William S. 591/S V
303 Charles Rd Lilehieum, MD 21090
    (editor's note - Thanks for the nice photos of the sign and grounds at Camp Atterbury, where they are going to place the War Memorial. They are similar to those I reproduced in the last CUB, but much appreciated. The news clipping from the Indianapolis Star, 5-14-87 is very interesting. Apparently these soldiers were from the Indiana Ex-POW Convention visiting the Indianapolis War Memorial. The first 106th Reunion was held there in 1947, another in 1948 and the last one in Indianapolis was in
,.11k 1966. See page 461 in The CUB Passes in Review. Maybe some 106ers will recognize the names, J. Kline)
    POWs feast on camaraderie sight of that young lion unleashes Stevenson's WWII memories, the memories of being war's prisoner. As Stevenson talks, he nods hello to others who pass. He may not know them by name, but by experience. Like him, they were prisoners of wars who had come to the war memorial Saturday for the first pitch-in lunch for Indiana's POWs.
    One of the men sees Stevenson's clippings with the picture of the Golden Lion. The man hears Stevenson saying "106th."
"Hello, I'm Fred Martinez. I was in the 106th, too."
    Martinez, wearing a neat stripped suit, reaches his hand out, "Stalag 9B." Stevenson: "Stalag 9A, here." At the instant of their handshake, they almost cease being retirement-age men with gout problems or bypass surgery scars.
    At the instant of their greeting, it was 1944, the opening skirmishes of the Battle of the Bulge. Martinez was 19, in a field artillery unit supporting the 106th, and Staff Sgt Stevenson was 25, an "old man" in a division with an average age of 22. Though they had never met, their bond was instant because of the horror, the honor, the fear, the fortune they shared. They were two of the thousands of soldiers of the 106th who were killed, wounded or captured in the famous battle that started 16 December 1944.
    Stevenson: Captured me on Dec 16." Martinez: "Got me the afternoon of the 19th, 'bout 2 o'clock. They should have pulled us back."
Stevenson: "Couldn't. They had already given us the order for us to move at all costs. How do you go into
by George Stuteville Indianapolis Star-Staff Writer
    (5-14-87) In the cool shade of the Indiana War Memorial, he sits on a limestone bench just outside the big golden passage way.
He sits there wearing a blue cap that says: RETIRED! No clock, No worries, No phone.
No forgetting, either.
    William C. Stevenson lifts an old newspaper clipping from a bunch of articles and pamphlets that he has been keeping safely wrapped in a plastic sandwich bag.
    The clipping contains a picture of a lion--not just any lion, but the insignia patch of the 106th Infantry Itivision of the U.S. Army. Just the
The CUB of the Golden Lion 21
Mail Bag
battle without ammunition?"
    Martinez: "We had 12 rounds. What are you supposed to do?" They (Germans) cut loose on us. I remember this lieutenant said we could leave. I thought, 'Hell, if we leave now, we'll be deserters.. "
    Stevenson: "Get a command to surrender, what else can you do?" For a minute, the men pause, recollect thoughts, gather memories. Stevenson: "Our first casualty was during an ambush on a truck." Martinez: "Ours was a warrant officer." Talking about death reminds them of how close they came. Stevenson: "All we had between capture and getting to camp was a hard-tack biscuit. Talk about escape-- you were too weak, couldn't get off your back."
    Martinez: "They marched us the first day with nothing to eat. We shared a can of turkey--eight men. I went down to 118 pounds, from 157. Another month in captivity, I wouldn't be here now."
Dailey, Hampton J. 422/K
3900 Prance Place Brooklyn Center, MN 55929
John, I finally received the other promised pictures from Leipzig, Ger-
many. (For background see CUB pages
36-37 of the Oct.Nov-Dec 1990, page 12 Apr-
May-Jun 1991 and page 26Jul-Aug-Sep 1991
    CUB.) The note on the back is exactly as the Ham Radio Operator wrote it. Trouble translating it but you can tell what he wanted to describe. He said, "This photo show the stay existing gravestones with flowers. The inscriptions are not more good. Kennith's grave is about five feet from the back left of the stones."
    (editor's note - Kennith Peterson was Hampton's friend, they were captured together. Hampton ended up in a Lazarette (hospital) at Leipzig after being separated from Kennith. About a week before liberation Kennith showed up the Lazarette suffering from Malnutriticlk and yellow jaundice. He died a few days later and was buried in the Leipzig OstFriedhof (East Cemetery). When Dailey visited Kennith's parents, after the war,
The East Cemetery (Ost- Friedhof ) in Leipzig when Hampton Dailey's buddy, Kennith, is buried.
22 The CUB of the Golden Lion


Mail Bag
he met Kennith's sister. They were eventually married.
    In the search for information about the burial location Dailey contacted a German Ham Radio Operator (Y27ZM) who sent him the pictures showing where Kennith is buried.
    I learned, as I talked with Hampton who lives nearby, that he is also a "Ham Radio Operator" WOMIB. I don't know which bands he works, but !do know he has worked all 50 states on 10 meters, and that's quite en accomplishment. I also am a "Ham" call letters of K9GN. I received my original license in 1958 and my Extra Class Ticket in 1975. I have not been active since 1985, since I cannot use an antenna in this townhouse. I have worked 247 countries using "CW" (Morse Code). #8 certificate (June 26, 1975) in the CWDXCC for ARRL (American Radio Relay Lsague)....J. Kline)
unrsz!,„ MIN
    423/C- L/12 • Joseph Arsenault, Rumford Maine; John Kirdzik, Ansonia, Conn.; William Davis the only correct address; Lewis Ramo, White Hall South. Carolina and James 1.11Fore, Pittsfield, Mena
Davis, William E. 423/C
21 Dennis Drive Ilelleville. 11. 62223
    Enclosed find a picture of five members of Co. "C" 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment. The picture (above) was taken at Fall Rivers Mass. prior to going overseas.
Daugherty, Walter "Tuck" 423/1_
106 Jackson Rd Ludington, Mt 49431
    John, I received your letter and it answered a lot of questions. I finally found out about a lot of guys I know, some of it bad news.
    I sure enjoyed The CUB Passes in Review. You do a good job putting it together. Must have taken a lot of work and research. A hearty THANK YOU.
Dorn, Edward W. 422/H
8724 S Talmen Ave. Evergreen Park, IL 60642
Reading the book The CUB Passes in Review. You did a good job and it brings back a lot of memories.
    To undertake a task as this takes a special person. I know mistakes can be made and I hate to complain, but on page 43 my name was misspelled - BORN instead of DORN, also the 1991-92 roster page 2 Co. "H" had my name as DOM instead of DORN. Enjoy reading The CUB always look forward to the next issue. Take care, as always, Edward Dorn. (editor's note - Edward, the name on page 43 is as it appeared in the August-September 1948 CUB. I will change it on my computer disk In case we reprint the book. I have to take credit for the mistake in the recent roster. My apologies. That was a great story on 422/H as published back in 1948 by your Lt. LE-WIS R. WALKER. When you read stories such as that it is easy to know why the 106th and it's regiments were awarded the rig ht to be called a COMBAT INFANTRY DIVISION and COMBAT INFANTRY REGIMENTS. The men of the 106th may have been 'green' on the line - but they bloodied a few noses as the masses of Germans passed through them... J. Kline)
The CUB of the Golden Lion 23
Mail Bag I
Dreisbach, Carl V. 422/HO 1BN
2625 Boxwood Dr. Wilmington, DE 19810
    John, just hung up talking to you. I sent Sherod Collins a check for two copies of The CUB Passes in Review. Nice talking to you, if for only a few minutes and hope to see you in Pittsburgh.
    Please note - on page 36 of The CUB Passes in Review the missing first name in the second column, on bottom, is PFC Robert Porter. I have a picture of him if you would care to see it.
    (editor's note - Thanks for the correction of the missing name which is listed as it came from the original transcript, as well as your offer for a copy of the picture. I don't think I have use for it now, unless there is something you would like to place in the CUB about him. See you in Pittsburgh! ... J. Kline)
Fleherty, William P. 592/A
16 Frontier Dr. Palm Coast, FL 32137
    Thank you for your letter welcoming me back to the 106th. It was most welcome and your Service Diary arrived yesterday. I wanted to read it at once even knowing I wouldn't handle it very well. I joined the 106th in May 1944 after 17 weeks of basic training at Fort Bragg N.C., assigned to the 592 FAR/A as a truck driver/lineman. From the time we left LeHavre, France I never knew were I was and didn't think to write anything down as you did. I'm writing you hoping you can fill the void of information that I lack and have been wondering about all these years.
    The day after landing in France our 155 howitzers were in position and ready for firing that afternoon. The next morning I had 24 hour guard duty at one of our outposts. I too saw a snow covered post move. When my buddy also said it moved I shot it; the only time my carbine was fired while in my possession. Coming off guard duty my Sgt.told me to get my 3/4 ton weapons carrier, we were going up front to a foreword observation post. Six of us joined up with an unknown inf. outfit.
    In your diary on 1W18/44 you saw two German prisoners as you went to a briefing. I also saw two prisoners one morning. In fact these prisoners were transported to G3 in my truck thou I was not the driver. Our radio Sgt, drove with an inf. guard. Could this have been your outfit we were living with? The area was heavily timbered and high above the yell( our OP looked over.
    When the order to move came, the inf. commander asked if we could pull his trailer loaded with their Christmas dinner as he didn't want to leave it behind, He had sent his two jeeps out already and warned us the first jeep was destroyed by fire power and the second one had been fired on by small arms and returned fire with their machine gun. This was about 15 minutes after the first jeep had left. We pulled the trailer first down, and then up, a steep hill where the firing was heard from. The load was too great for the weapons carrier to pull and we had to use the winch, but we made it out of there without drawing fire.
    That afternoon we joined up with a convoy as fog and darkness moved in upon us, still not knowing where we were going or had been. ft
24 The CUB of the Golden Lion

    through the night we moved a little and stopped, sometimes digging a fox hole only to move on again. Around 2 AM we stopped and were told to dig in, so tired we just laid down in an open field to sleep or rest. About 20 min. into the stop we came under fire. Ever try digging a fax hole while laying on your back? The next morning the convoy was moving through a bombed out village when the lead jeep hit a land mine and before we knew what was going on we were POW'S. Dec.19, 1944 was the beginning of many bad days and nights. We also disabled our weapons, someone passed a 1 gallon can of whiskey down the line and each one took a large drink and passed it on. After not eating much other than K rations for the past day
    It gave us a kick. Also were able to ull two blankets off our truck which sure helped four of us through those cold nights. That first night we spent in an open court yard-it might have the same place you spent the night, the Church court-yard in Bleialf. The morning of the 20th as we were marching I sew my truck again, Jerry was grinding the gears without pushing the clutch in. Rage took control of me but my buddies grabbed me before I could cause trouble.
    From here on I lost count of the days except for Christmas day. Some place we were locked in a box car that didn't move very far when we were strafed by our own aircraft. our ear also took a direct hit from the plane's cannon. At this time my ear drum was broken but I didn't know it till months later. No more train rides.
Mail Bag
    We walked to Stalag IV-B arriving on Christmas night. The British doubled up and treated us to the best they had, even wrote a card to my parents which I still have. After about five days of R&R we hit the road again walking to Stalag VIII-B. Left there in February and walked till liberation on 4/14/45.
    Oh yes forgot, also spent a night in the same motels as you at Koblenz and the Brick Factory, both equipped with good air conditioning. It must have been 4/12/45 that I was too weak to walk and my Sgt. Wayne C. Smith put me on a sick wagon, no doubt this saved me from death. That night was spent in barn at a small village, the next day we did not travel but could hear artillery fire in the distance. The next morning there were no guards to be seen and men could leave the barnyard. Midmorning tanks (OUR TANKS) entered the village. Myself and many others shed tears of joy.
    The medics said I had fever of 104 so on the first ambulance they sent me to a field hospital One night there and on to Paris for three weeks to gain enough to stand the flight to the States. The doctors weighed me in at 96 pounds, having lost about 57 pounds.
    John, I feel that we walked in the same column, just not in the same small group. Sorry I don't have more facts to give you but if anything I've said fits into place with what you know, please let me know.
    The roster you supplied of my unit will be used for further information. I remember the name Thomas Maw and Wayne Smith and I were together to the end. In fact I was in
The CUB of the Golden Lion 25
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    his wedding and still keep in touch. I must share with you that after reading your Service Diary... I relived those unforgettable days. (editor's note -1 must confess Bill, I don't think I answered this very interesting letter. I really don't know what to add. Yes, you could have been in our area as a forward-observer. We were on the farthest left flank of the 423rd. Our CP was in an old Siegfried Bunker. It was the highest point in the area and overlooked Prum. You could see the buildings from our CP position.
    It appears that we walked the same 415 mile evacuation route from the Polish border. I was liberated on April 13th at Helmstedt, of course the column did get separated after going through Braunschweig and some were liberated a day later. I walked from the front, was bombed two days in Koblenz, then walked on to Stalag XII-A and was put in a box-car the day we arrived, on December 30. Then spent seven days in it until we reached Stalag IV-B at MOhlberg. I did not walk from IV-B to GOrlitz, but took a one night box-car ride to camp. Then of course, the two months walk from there starting Valentine's Day 2/14/45 to LIBERATION on 4/13/45. Keep in touch and thanks for the nicely written story... J. Kline)
Freed, Mrs.Charles ASSOCIATE
218 Jackson Chi Pittsburgh, PA 15229
    Sherod, here is a check for my LIFE MEMBERSHIP. I had a car accident in June 1991. It totalled my auto, but by the Grace of God I am alive. I crushed my chest, 5 broken ribs, both knees and legs were numb. I'm doing fine now. Sorry to miss the Huntsville Reunion. I also miss The CUB since Charles died.
    (editor's note - Mrs. Freed, we are all happy you have recovered from the accident and that once again you are receiving The CUB.... J. Kline)
Greve, Welter C. 423/HQ 1BN
13102 E. Florida Ave Aurora, CO 80012
    Just wanted to let you know how much the annual roster is appreciated, For years I have been trying to remember the name of a fellow 106er, with no luck. I knew he was a Dutchman from South Holland, Illinois, but that's all I could remember. Your roster showed George Rinkema of South Holland and it rang a bell. I called him.
    George has been a member of the Association for years. We got to reminiscing about our trips up and down Highway 41 on week-end passes from Atterbury. George had and Olds 98 convertible which was often cruising at 100 mph. At times we smuggled George in and out of Atterbury in the trunk. Ah!- carefre youth... I had a friend working in k gas station at that time, so we didn't lack gas stamps.
    George told me that when his Dad and brother drove the car back home, after we shipped out, that they had two flat tires. I'm sure glad they didn't blow when we were speeding. We might've miss The Bulge!!
    I also called Walter McGoogan of Blue Island, Illinois who was a Sergeant in HQ 1st Bn, 423rd. He was listed as missing in action along with me. I'm still trying to locate Robert Peak originally from Boston, and Lt. Norbert Mueller from Iowa, both in 423/HQ let Bn. Do you have any record of them?
    (editor's note - No record of the two Walter, maybe some of the troops will recall where they are. I like your remark "Ahl - carefree youth..."... J. Kline)


The CUB of the Golden Lion


Hannon, Philip A. 81st ENG/A
2416 McKenzie Rd Ellicott City, MD 21042
    Enclosed find a check for $30.00 for two of The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review. I enjoyed every word of it. As I have said before, Jean and I have been back to Bad Orb, Stalag 9-B twice as well as to St. Vith and Auw on one of our trips. Two years ago last fall we spent two days with our Ambassador to Luxembourg, and his wife. As we left to drive back to Germany we made a wrong turn and ended up going through Gerolstein, the town where we were packed 60 to the boxcar as POWs.
The railway station still looked the same as I remembered it. Next time we go to Germany I'm going to
    fend more time there (in Gerolain) and the area around Auw where all the excitement took place. Take care and please continue to makeup The CUB... Phil
Hartzell, Bert E. 81st ENG/C
410 South St
Now Bethlehem, PA 16242
    Here is an article about Harry Zorn from the Pittsburgh Press. The CUB has been outstanding and The CUB Passes in Review is a work of art.
Hope to see everyone in Pittsburgh.
Hawkins, Harold W. 423/D
4935 So. 129th St Ointille, NE 68137
    John, Thanks for the packet of information on the 106th. I enjoyed your notations and also that you were a squad leader on the water oled Ml-Al machine-guns. I was
Mail Bag
also a heavy weapons squad leader -machine guns.
    About two years ago I retired and we finally put some memories of the war together. We took the medals and ribbons out of the boxes and framed them. That brought back a lot of memories from being drafted in April '43, at age 19, I went first into the 17th Airborne (Gliders), then into the Air-Force Cadets then into the 106th in April 1944. You mentioned that you were in Gorlitz, Stalag VIII-A. I was also in that camp. I kept track of the towns we marched through during the evacuation from the Russians. I am sending you a list. I would be interest in anything your diary that could add more insight to those days. Have you been back to those areas? What were your feelings. I also purchased some of the books that you had on the list that you sent with the welcome letter. thanks again for the information.
    Harold your list of towns matches mine exactly. It appears that we were walking side by side. It gave me an odd feeling when I compared the list, like you were looking over my shoulder. Your remarks are interesting, much like the ones I wrote on the back of my mother and father's pictures I had in my pocketbook. As an example from your notes, 'Sunday March 18 Wintzingerode- had a good meal yesterday, worked for an old German, had gas pains all night. Don't feel as good. march 27,'45- Finally hit a large town and stopped walking, going to work on railroad. March 31-big air raid some of the eggs came close. Thinking of Baking Powder Biscuits (amen.. editors comment). Cloudy, just laying around, letting the lice eat. April 13 -LIBERATION. I cried like a baby, hope to be home soon. It's fantastic Harold, the times and dates are right down to the
The CUB of the Golden Lion 27
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    day of liberation. Even the remark about working on the railroad, that had to be Braunschweig (Brunswick). I can't remember if I sent you my diary. Probably not, I am down to my archive copies as you probably read in this column earlier. If I print more I will send you one, if I haven't already - let me know... J. Kline)
Hook, Charles D. 590/SV
On 15y
Fairfield, IA 52556
Since I am a 106th Infantry Division member I have a question. Was there ever a VCR tape made of the 106th?
    (editor's note - Charles, I take it that you are looking for a tape of the Battle of the Bulge. There were no such means of transcribing events in 1944. Still cameras and movie cameras were the only thing then.
    There are several VCR Cassette tapes available that either have portions of them about the Bulge or in a couple of them the whole tape is about the Bulge. I just went upstairs and collected an armload of what I have. I will list their names, In some cases I probably will not be able to identify the source. If you have a VCR Tape Rental Store, such as Block-Busters or the hundreds of others that are scattered about, they may have them or be able to order them.
    The National service magazines, like VFW, DAV and American Legion also list some in the back pages. There are no tapes specifically about the 106th that I know about, but most of these that I will list contain consider footage on the Bulge.
    The Battle of St. Vith: CMI EWArical Video Cassette, PO Box 40461, Nashville, TN 37204. I remember this as a good tape on The Bulge, but I don't remember the two 106th regiments that were wiped out being mentioned. It is a good overall report specifically made about the Bulge and the St. Vith area. Probably put together by the 7th Armored Division, no malice intended.
    This tape is also sold by Battery Press, Inc. PO Box 3107, Uptown Station, Nashville, TN 37219. Battery Press are the ones that have the book St Vith: Lion in the Way, The 106th Infantry Division in World War II. We call this our Division History. This Is a reprint of a book that was released in the late 40's or early 50's. It used to sell for $3.00, now sells for $27.50 .$2.00 postage. A handsome price, but should be in any 106ers library. Write CMI or Battery Press and they will send you a suitcase full of literature containing all sorts of books and tapes about the war.
    Battle for the Bulge: (1988) An excellent tape by an Englishman, Peter Batty, distributed by New Star Video 260 South Beverly Drive, Suite 200, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. This tape has been aired on The Discovery Channel and other Public Broadcasting Stations many times. This tape is my favorite. It does have some interviews with 106th officers, as well as other major players (generals, etc) that were with units were close to us, or attached to us. I u the first 15 minutes of this tape for an talk I give on the Bulge. It shows the Ardennes in all it's summer-time beauty (even then the Ardennes looks awesome) and good film clips of the battle action.
    It turns out that some of the German battle action clips were from a propaganda film which apparently was pre-staged in Ardennes area. Some of the classic shots that have been on newsreel and books came from this propaganda film. Eg; three tough looking Krauts crossing a road alongside of burning trucks, (maybe from the 106th) rush across the road crouched down. In fact, on the other side of the road there is another German walking down the ditch smoking a cigarette - of course this does not show up in the film. I have an idea that much of the film was actually in the 106th area. There are some real action scenes - this one brings some chills to my body, even though I have viewed it many times.
28 The CUB of rhe Golden Lion


    Two others not specifically about the Bulge, but since the Bulge was a f amous battle it is included. I don't have the distributors names for these. The Brave Rifles; and World at Conflict.
    Some other excellent WWII tapes: World War II with Walter Cronkite: Distributed by Columbia Horse a Ilivkinn OicaSAc. 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036. I have "Air War over Europe" and "Europe: The Allies Close In." both 85 minutes - there may be other titles available.
    I have one Readers Digest tape True Glory which is excellent and a series of four in a nice box - Great battles of World War II: North Africa - Western Europe. 4 volumes - Vol 1: The Beginning of the End; Vol 2: On the Move D-Day to the Liberation of France; Vol 3: Against All Odds - The Siegfried Line and the Battle of the Bulge and Vol 4: Victory in Sight-To the Rhine, The Elbe and The PO - Just excellent footage. 333 minutes of World War II, if you can
    Dstand it. Some fantastic footage, some right up front D-Day, house to house fighting etc. Obviously by Combat Photographers.
    See what your little letter started Charles? I should have made a separate column out of this information. I invite others to write me and tell me about their favorite tapes. In the meantime Charles, go out to the nearest Home Video store and inquire. Also write a few of the places I mentioned above, they're looking for customers... J. Kline
House, Pete 590/A
5062 Clifton Ave Jacksonville, FL 32211
I received a photo from Dean Sandahl, 422/B, of Rev. Samuel R. Neel, Ph.D. See Fig #5.
    Rev. (Chaplain) Neel stayed at Stalag 4-B, Bad Orb to minister to the POWs when the rest of the officers were moved out. He was an outstanding individual. He was the ost highly respected and loved of
Mail Bag
    the four officers left with us. Rev. Neel did much more than conduct services. He worked tirelessly for the good of all prisoners.
    One day he came around to the barracks requesting we turn over any sort of medical material that we had. His collection surely must have saved many lives. His intercession when the German was badly beat up in the kitchen certainly saved the day. Although I was brought up in the Episcopal Church, it was through Rev. Neel that I learned several of the old hymns.
    Over the years since returning home many of the guys have asked about him. he is alive and well, living in South Florida.
    In 1957 he was called to build a community college. he retired in 1976. The auditorium is named after him. Today the college has over 10,000 students. His wife died in and he remarried in 1971. They have a son, Richard Nichols Neel, now 17. He requests that his address not be distributed.
    Chaplain Samuel Id Noel, Jr. PIS 51.. on left with Della and Di mi Saridohl. 4/27/91 at Dxcdesteo, Honda. Photo by Pete House, see story tow page. Additional photos of Chaplain Neel MI pages 30 and 45.
The CUB of rhe Golden Lion 29
Mail Bag
Chaplain Samuel R. Neel, Jr. Ph.D. on left, with Chaplain Fr.. Hurley at Stales IV-a.
Photo furnished by Paul Trost, 423/H.
See two other Stalag IV-13 barracks pictures sent by Paul. in this column on pose 45.
    John I think many of the members of our association would like to know about this marvelous man, although I think he was from the 28th Infantry Division.
    (editor's note - Thanks, Pete -- I have so much material from you. Excellent photos of the Bulge Museum at Ensival, Belgium -- a story of the Golden Lions as "Wardens." -- GI's as Slave Laborers, and about the"AirDropthat Failed." You are a great contributor to the Association. Your leadership in the 9A-9B-9C "German POW Survivors" Reunion (4 to date) is remarkable. Those reunion have been growing in size. I commend you, Pet House...
    As to Rev. Neel not wanting his whereabouts distributed -- that's a little hard to handle --why don't we say that if any person feels a need to contact the Reverend, I have had several inquire about him, that they address a letter to Rev. Neel, enclose it in a sealed envelope, then put it in another envelope addressed to you for forwarding. Maybe in the meantime you can convince Rev. Neel that it would be good for the soul to reveal his address so that those that helped can thank him. It is sort of like finding an ex-buddy, then trying to call only to find he has an unlisted number.
30 Th CUB h
Do you agree?... J. Kline)
Kelly, Edmond D. 423/D
Rd Box 308 Middletown. NY 10940
    (editor's note In the JUL-AUG-SEP 1991 CUB, on page 31, I failed to in- clude comments by Edmond. I did how- ever publish some of his excellent "pen- cil sketches" that he did of his life at the University of Alabama - ASTP - school- ing in 1944. Thanks again Edmond for your contribution. Your comments fol- low)
    John, In regards to the days at 'Bama' I had glued my pictures to the scrap book and am unable to send them. I have made copies of other material for your remembrances of those days. (he included the "pencil sketches.".. ed.)
    Your recent article "Point-Coun- terpoint" prompted me to make a copy of a portion of some "Re nieces" that I had punched into t4., computer a while back. I do think further comment is necessary:
From Kelly's "Reminisces" ... CATEGORY: "SETTING THE RE- CORD STRAIGHT"
    There was a TV special recently and a few articles recently about 'The Bulge" and usually after some recognition that the first troops hit created a delay in Hitler's timetable, there was noted the surrender, after a few days, of large units of U.S. forces, particular of the 106th Infan- try Division, the first outfit hit. Which by that time had been com- pletely surrounded. Apparently it's true (I wasn't in that group) that the commander of the regiment, to- gether with those officers available, made a command decision to surren- der those their troops to avoid fur- ther bloodshed in a hopeless sit
e ofthe en on
G Id Li
    But that did not include Company "D" of the 423rd, which like a few other units of the 422nd and 423rd were "on their own" isolated and cut off from other troops of the division. On the morning of Dec. 18th (Bulge started Dec 16) while attempting to follow a narrow dirt road and "breakout" somehow, we were caught in a small "dell" with the enemy on high ground and they laid into us with shells and machine-gun fire. There was no place to go - except to try to squeeze your whole body under your steel helmet. Our Captain Clarkson, whose wife had just had a girl baby back in the States, had his legs shattered and bled to death on the ground nearby. His helmet was laying on the ground with two small
    Pies through it and his head. Nothing is to be said against a command decision to surrender troops for their benefit, but the survivors of "D: Company surrendered under intense and deadly enemy fire.
Kotlarich, Paul 423/M
361 North Central
Ramsey, NJ 07440
    (editor's note - I keep getting these notes from my fellow "M" Company buddy, Paul. Most of the time they are from North Hollywood Beach, Florida, with no return address, then I got one with an actual personal letterhead from Ramsey, New Jersey. He says, "A couple of items you might like. Please print the one about the widow of a veteran. No real estate tax in New Jersey. I never heard of such a thing. Keep up the good work." Paul, an ex-mortar section leader is a delight to be around. I am looking forward to Pittsburgh to once again be lifted by his in-exhaustible spirit. Paul as o as I am turnin•this CUB into a
Mail Bag
complete "MAIL BAG" issue, I might as well print the whole thing - thanks... J. Kline)
From the STAR;LEDGER Sept 211, 1991;
    In a recent letter Francis Joran wanted to know what happened to the state veteran's bonus of World War II, adding, New Jersey should be ashamed."
    I am a veteran and I will respond as a proud one of World War II. New Jersey and the federal government paid-or made available-to all veterans, the following benefits:
• Provided an education--college or other. I received a Master's degree at no cost.
• Allowed a $50 tax credit each
year on state property tax.
• Provided employment priority in civil service jobs.
• Provided health benefits in certain cases.
• Provided an insurance policy
with reduced premiums.
• Provided death benefits-grave and marker.
    • No local property taxes for unmarried widows. My sister-in-law whose husband was killed in France, is provided this wonderful benefit, amounting to thousands of dollars over the years.
    • Provided free education for children whose dads were killed in action. My sister-in-laws two children went to college under this benefit and are now two fine high school teachers. Without this program they would not have been able to finance a
The CUB of the Golden Lion 31
Mail Bag
college education.
    Above all the U.S. government and our state have provided me with a wonderful feeling for serving in a time of need. This feeling has never subdued, but grows stronger. My head remains high, and no state bonus will affect this.
Raymond F. Obrock, Westfield
Kurth, Raymond P. 591/8
10210 Co. Hwy Y Menomonie, WI 53550
    August 16, 1991 --John, I am writing you this note while we are having our reunion here in Des Moines, Iowa. We have 16 guys in attendance which we feel is pretty good after 44 reunions. Captain Bob Likins is here, so between he and Sgt Herbert Jansen we were able to identify in what gun positions the pictures I sent you were located. All of them during the Battle of the Bulge, and after the battle for St. Vith. The one picture of the gentleman in dress suit was taken at Viller-Au-Tours, Belgium when we were there for one day to regroup. All the people in the village were kind to us and let us sleep in their homes. During the Battle of the Bulge Battery "B", 591 FAB was extremely fortunate. One forward observer team of Lt John McKinnon, Capt Baxter Walker, Pfc Frank Carey were captured. All survived, McKinnon and Carey are still with us but Lt Walker died of a heart attack. One ammo-truck driver Pfc Kutruff was hurt when he rolled a truck. Those were the extent of our casualties. After the initial assault at St. Vith we stayed on the line and were at- tached to the 7th Armored Division for a while. We were also attached to the 82nd Airborne at one time. Then the 424th regiment rejoined us and that Combat Team continued to fight until after the Bulge. Then we were all pulled back to reorganize. John, we fellow of the 591st and am sure the boys in the 424th, seems to think that the 106th Infantry Division was "out of it" after The Bulge. Believe me we had many days of tough combat after that. signed --your Buddy, Ray Kurth
    (editor's note - Ray, thanks for your pictures and the nice letter, above. I think you and the 424th were caught in the overall magnitude of what happened to the 106th at the on-set of the Bulge. I think the records have been set straight in a few of the books about the Bulge. Robert MacDonald's A Time for Trumpets; Col Dupuy's St. Vith: A Lion in the Way and others. Certainly the SPINEUX, BELGIUM recognized 424th Combat Infantryy Regiment, as well as the 112th Regiment of the 28th Inf. Div. with their beautiful gesture in the way of a monument to those units in 1989. I think it was Roger Rutland, 1st Sergeant of 424/13 that told me that the 424th spent more continuous time facing the enemy than any other unit in World War II -- I think it was over 110 days of continuous duty on the front line. (I will stand corrected, for I cannot locate any reference nearby). I don't know how the 424th fared in The CUB Passes in Review, as I wrote only what was available, but a quick glance at the table of contents shows 20 or more pages under "UNIT HISTORY" and I know they were mentioned several other times through the book, like the story of the Monument of SPINEUX. I hope it seemed favorable to you and the boys of the 424th, for I have always been thankful that they were able to continue the battle for the 106th. The KIA records show 424th- 236 KM; 423rd- 139 KIA; 422nd- 84 KIA.
32 The CUB of the Golden Lion


Mail Bag
The 591st shows 4, with the 589th
showing the most for the FAB's - 27 KIA.
    By the way, I don't mean to preclude the KIA's from other units, for I have intentions of printing the complete list, if not In this issue, in another.
    It would like to add - the 81st Combat Engineer Battalion (600+ men) sustained 15 KIA. If my math is not wrong, that is .025 (2.5 percent) of their original strength. Considering the fact that they are Engineers thrown into an Infantry situation, that is a high percentage. And on top of that they are not eligible for the "Combat Infantry Badge -- a crying shame...
    The 424th suffered 236 KIA, assuming 3,000 as the normal strength, that would be .07 (7 percent), but I don't know how many replacements they had during those 100+ days. I would guess they had at least a 50% replacement factor -(this could start a long discussion). The 423rd who were out of action by the 19th
    aof Dec shows 139 KIA, assuming 3,000 men that would be .046 (4.6 percent)... whatever, we are still talking bodies, and in that case even "ONE" is too many. I'll try to print some of your pictures, if not all here, than some later. I'm tying to catch up on the suitcase full of "MAIL BAG" letters I have stashed away in my basement. If I would stop getting involved with my "Editor's Comments, I might make it. But, I wouldn't want to write all this material if I couldn't add a few hundred words once in a while.. J. Kline)
Kurzeja, Michael 923/H
3820 Rummer Ave
Brookfield, IL 60513
    Here is a photo of our group taken at the Huntsville Reunion. We may have had the largest group (14). Congests on the award Order of the Golden Lion. Well deserved.
    (editor's note - Mike, I hope your photo appears nearby, at least that's my intention as l type up the tent file torthis issue. Not to discourage, but you missed the largest attendance by one. In the "dou-
    Photo by Kumeja see above, 423/H 1./11 To, Ray Johnston;George White; Michael Kurzej, Ken Smith; Bill Lawson; Welter Peterson; C.L. Cooper; Robert Bennett. Bottom: Lloyd Diehl; Reme Botteheri Enloe Pretty; Paul Trost, John Swett -- Attending not shown, Rev. lsham Harris
The CUB of the Golden Lion 33
Mail Bag
    ble digit numbers" 423/1-10 had 16 in attendance at Huntsville, I show 423/H at 15, 423/MED at 13; 422/D; 422/H; 81st Eng/A at 12; 81st Eng/C and 592/SV at 11 -- a fantastically well attended reunion. Oh, yes - thanks for the article on Harry Zorn, I received at least 10 from various parts of the country --see "Harry Zorn" in this column... J. Kline)
Kweczek, Carl S. 422/C
122 ConneDevil le at Dunbar, PA 15431
First of all Happy Holidays! Received your Service Diary and found it most interesting.
    It seems that from IV-B, Miihlberg to Gorlitz we were together. I was liberated on 12 April '45 at DITFURT. Taken prisoner on 21 Dec '44 and that night slept in a schoolhouse at PRUm. Thank you, I will refer to it often. Hope to one you in Pittsburgh.
Lane, Weldon V. 423/HO 2BN
Box 450
Bialerville, PA 17307
    I would like to join the rest in congratulating you on The CUB Passes in Review. I couldn't put it down until I finished it.
    I have a copy of a line sketch of Stalag IV-B. If you have an interest in it, let me know and I will send you a copy.
    The main reason I wrote is a recent article where you published a letter and called it Point-Counterpoint. It is beyond me to see how any rational person, that knows the facts, could fault the decisions of Colonel Cavender and Colonel Descheneaux on 19 Dec '44. Reading that article I out down and wrote an article summarizing the actions of the 2nd Battalion, 423rd Infantry during the Battle of the Bulge, based on my own recollections and Dupuy's Division History. I em enclosing a copy for your files. As I stated in the article, I contributed very little to the situation, but am proud of my comrades in the 2nd Battalion, who based on historical recollections, performed heroically.
    (editor's note - Weldon, you did a great job on the six fully packed pages you sent me. I hope sometimes to be able to use them. In the meantime please take my congratulations, your thoughts parallel those of many of the members I have heard from since 1987.
    I fully intended the article to be informative. I knew it may stir up some r sponses. It certainly did. Fortunately had a tremendous amount of support from others. There seems to always be one or more who will take any statement to task. Their remarks are certainly well intended. But, if I followed their reasoning I would be writing only news about or kids and grand-kids. I am not a historian. I write what I receive and in the and my objective is to be informative. I may wander at times in my "Editor's Notes," that's a personal trait, but even then I am trying to help. If I had to ask each of the 1,560 members of the Association to O.K. each word I write, forget itl I don't intend to shut down The CUB, just because some individual feels that all the past historians were biased and mis-led and that by publishing a compilation of past stories from The CUBS, The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review, that I would be furthering the many untrue facts about the 106th part in The Battle of the Bulge. This is a publication by the 106th Infantry Division Association, what we each say, or write about
34 The CUB of the Golden Llon
Mail Bag
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    *seal, LeichLe, 422/51: This picture of his o:reum,tre L,Oabe "Personnel Cent - Personal ta1 was scanned by she editor from a photo copy. ,eichte retrieved the original after liberation.
    our former division, and ourself, is our business. We are not writing for the NATIONAL ARCHIVES, which I have been led to believe is also biased and in-accurate, West Pointers protecting West Pointers etc. It may well be, but we would have to go back to the beginning of time, to re-write all those lies. That would be a lot of work, and who is there out there that is really an expert?. Gosh, I even heard, one day, that the Bible is not accurate, yet I find solace in it's writings, don't you. To each his own... J. Kline)
Leichte, Joseph H. 422/M
903 Valley St. Anent, PA 17025
    May 22, 1991: John, I am presently commander of the Conestoga Chapter of the American Ex-POWs of Manheim, PA. We have 65 mem hers not including the wives. I have a Major General in our chapter. His name is Major General Richard Scott. He is retired and was recently the Mayor of Lancaster, PA. He was Adjutant General in the early Governor Thornburg Administration. he was a Captain flying a P-38 in Europe, was shot down and captured. I have about 60% of the members that were Air Force.
    I have also enclosed an eight page diary along with a copy of my photo and registration that was retrieved from the German files at Stalag III-A Luckenwalde, after the Germans left the camp. Also a photo-copy of a picture taken at the College at Asheville, N.C. on Oct 19, 1945, where I was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge. I had been issued an
The CUB of the Golden Lion 35
Mail Bag
    Eisenhower jacket. As you can see there are five other soldiers in the picture which was taken on the College grounds.
    (editor's note - Joe, the above should have been published a long time ago, what do I say, at times I get behind the curve, particularly with the MAIL BAG letters. Your diary is very interesting. It always amazes me when I get into a description of one's experience like yours and the other 106ers. It is a blessing that we all survived. The German Kreigsgefangenen-Stammlager registration card with photo, taken at Stalag IV-B is interesting. I see you were a Sergeant, alongside which the Germans inscribed "FWBL" which means Sergeant, but is Feldwebel, the name of their rank. You were a clerk and they show "Schdeber." Your Kriege number "312219" shows me that I was the 2,917 prisoner to be registered after you. My number is 315136." Of course they may have had several lines and disbursed the available numbers to each registration table. According to my own diary, I was registered at Stalag IV-B on January 10, 1945, my 20th birthday. Another interesting fact, the first three numbers of my Kriege number are the same as the first three numbers on my Social Security number, "315.° Too bad the Krauts didn't weigh us in, then we could have charged them by the pound for the lost weight." I will put your diary with the others that I am accumulating, maybe we can figure out a way to compile all of them into some sort of order. Thanks... J. Kline)
Lawson, William J. 423/H
90 Skyview Terrace
Syracuse, NY 13219
    At a meeting of the local chapter of the Veteran's of the Battle of the Bulge (VBOB) last night and there was a handout given to us about tours in the Bulge area. maybe the members would like an address that they could inquire.
    Ten days, many tours into the Bulge area from Luxembourg City, Waimea Brussels. May 21.30, June 18-27; July 23-Aug 2, Aug 20-29; Sept 17-26; and Oct 22-31. Battlefield Tours USA, Ins. PO Box 357, Slidell, LA 70459 Toll free 1.800-636-5018. Round trip air fare, 8 nights accommodation, breakfast daily, 6 dinners, air condx coaches. baggage handling, Historian Will Cavanagh-Tour Guide, all museum entrance fees, all taxes. Costs 51995 to 2196. write or call for brochure. Gateway cities New York, Boston, or Louis, Dallas-Ft Worth, Los Angeles.
Long, Ivan 423/HG
18010 Hummingbird Dr
Perm Valley, CA 95946
    Things are beginning to unfold and more and more of the occurrences of the past are corning to Ugh I returned from the Pacific throu hospital channels and requested assignment to a Combat Division. I arrived at Fort Jackson just in time for the Tennessee maneuvers, I was assigned to a Heavy Weapons Company. I am not sure whether it was 423/D or 423/M. The CO was Clarkson and the First Sergeant was acting Tech Sgt name Gallo. I stayed with that company until we arrived at Camp Atterbury.
    Colonel Cavender called me into his office and offered me the 423rd I&R Platoon. At this point I was unaware of the I&R and it's function. Later, when having completed the Army Ground Force Test, we came out on top. Out of a possible, 1,000 we had a test score of 999.8. One gas can was not completely full.
I guess you know the rest....
36 The CUB of Ihe Golden Lion
Mail Bag
    (editor's note - Nice to hear from you Ivan. It you look on page 7 of The CUB Passes in Review you will see that, in fact, Capt, James L Clarkson was the CO of 423/D, not 423/M. That was a fantastic score for the short period of time you had to train. Hope to see you this next summer in Pittsburgh J Kline)
Mahoney, R. Neill 590/HQ
3155 Cherry Point Ct. Falibreok, CA 02028
    John, enclosed is my story of the Battle of the Bulge as experienced in the rear echelon at Division Headquarters. Despite my best efforts at brevity, the story is about 1400 words.
    I was able to contact Ray Kurth (591st FAB/B and 590 FAB/C). we had a delightful three hour (no mar- tini) lunch at Wisconsin Dells, Wis
enduainted after 46 years! Thank you had a great time getting reac- for providing his phone number.
    The Golden Lion Passes in Review is the most worthwhile book that I have seen in many years. I am now about half way through. Of particular interest are the accounts of the 590th and the 589th Field Artillery battalions in the Bulge. I have never before read any account of the events of the days starting 16 Dec 1944. I've had some discussions with former POWs about these events, but these stories provided a much clearer view of the terrible experience of the time. John, you are to be congratulated for the work you did compiling this book. Lang after we are all gone, your compilation of the history of the 106th Infantry Division will be a rich source of information about the Division and its part in the battle of the •ulge. (editor's note - Thanks Neill. I also acknowledge your 3/2/92 letter. I sent the book on to Blair.
    Your story Meanwhile -- Back in the Rear Echelon was very good. I hope to to publish it in this issue, if not, then the next. ... J. Kline)
Martin, Roland 424/1
2909 Keswick Rd Baltimore, MD 21211
    Dear Buddy, I would like to find the name of our first General in the 106th Infantry Division. The reason I would like to know is that in 1649 there was a large English warship called the "Golden Lion." The ship's captain was a Puritan, and the Puritans were trying to take over Maryland from Governor Stone.
    They did, in fact, take over maryland for a short time and would not allow Catholics or members of the Church of England to worship or live in Maryland.
    The ship The Golden Lion was in harbor at a place called Providence, which was later called Annapolis. I am enclosing copies of the pages from the history book in which I read this.
    So if General Jones was from our city and read the history of our state, he may have named the 106th Infantry Division after this ship.
    (editor's note - Roland, that is a bit of interesting history -- I wonder if the Puritans are planning on once again taking over? (that's a jokel, son). Roland, your letter has been in my file basket a long time. Since you wrote you have received The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review. The very first chapter, page 1, entitled 'Division History" explains when General Alan W. Jones took over the 106th Infantry Division at Fort Jackson. It doesn't give us much of a clue, except on page 2, 1st
The CUB of the Golden Lion 37
Mail Bag
    column it says "The troops are dismissed and the lion Division has assumed its place as an entity on the rolls of the Army and the United States...," then later in the same column, Such was the birth of the 'Golden Uons." Also, General Jones passed away in 1969 -refer to page 295 of the CUB Review. His son, retired Colonel Alan W, Jones lives in Virginia and the General's wife lives in Washington, D.C. They are both members of our Association.
    You present an interesting question, but I think it unlikely that the "Golden Lion" came as a result of the ship you refer to. I think it is most likely because our division insignia was a "Golden Lion." We were the highest "numbered division" of World War II. Where the Army chooses it insignia from is a mystery to me, maybe some of the troops out there will fill us in. Thanks for you patience and good luck. If I get an answer I will send it to you and publish it in The CUB... J. Kline)
Martz, Louis H. 424/G
13148 Round Lake Rd., So. Jacksonville, FL 32211
    John, Thanks for your letter of Welcome from the 106th Association and the other info you passed along. I went from Infantry Basic Training at Camp Wheeler, GA to the 106th early in 1945, coming in through the replacement depot as a rifleman. My discharge shows 424th In' 106th Div. I believe I was with several units in the 106th, but remember Co. "G" of the 424th.
    Enclosed is a clipping you may find interesting. It appeared in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania newspaper which my wife sent to me while I was in the 106th in '45. The clipping is entitled "Biggest Division PW Job in ETO handled by 106th.
    Also enclosed is the copy of the front and back covers and the first two pages of a small booklet about the 106th which I have had for many years. I wonder about its origin. It has 33 pages which I can reproduce if you are interested.
    Are you familiar with a book entitled Death of a Division (author unknown). I remember it was about the 106th, but threw my copy away because I thought it was too critical of the Division. I would like to know if it is still in print so that I can read it again to see if I may have gotten the wrong impression the first time. Any information you give me will be appreciated.
    (editor's note - First the little booklet. I have one that was given to me by one of our benevilant members. If the pages are not too faded, you can see on the lower part of the first page where the Information & Education Services published this. I reprinted the entire bookie less photos, pages 244 thru 254 in T CUB Passes in Review. The book! was, as I state on page 244, distributed while the division was still overseas. I understand that each division in Europe had the same type of booklet printed by I&E Services. Its a-nice bit of information. I call it the "Big Little Book." Remember those when you were a kid? As to Death of a Division, It was a very biased book written by Charles Whiting, an English author, who is no fan of mine. I did the same as you, I actually pitched it in the trash. yet, there are some who say it was a good book. Try Charles MacDonald's A Time for Trumpets published by William Morrow and Co. New York, available at libraries, B. Dalton Stores etc. That's the book that turned me on in 1987. Then there is the Division History, St. Vith: A Lion in the Way sold by Battery Press, PO Box 3107, Uptown Station, Nashville, Tenn 37219 $27.50 plus $2.00, used to sell for $3.00, that was when cigarettes were 10 cents a pack, I guess. Worth the money for any 106er who wants to read about his div.-
38 The CUB of the Golden Llon
Mail Bag
    "In the end, it cost the German Army a terrible price, almost 200,000 soldiers. The allies lost some 60,000 men: killed, wounded or missing.
    "Guns and tanks. Mud and blood and snow. The numbers seem cold and distant to one who was not there, but they are not faceless numbers on some distant battlefield for Hans Abele and John McDevitt. 'They fought the battle, one of the most pivotal of the war. Mr. Abele was a sergeant in the signal corps of the German Army. Mr. McDevitt was a corporal and company clerk with the 106th Infantry Division hammered so hard by the advancing Germans.
    "Half a century later and a world away, the two have met. Not on a battlefield, but in a Knights of Columbus meeting hall. Today, the two exchange handshakes and memories, not bullets and bayonets.
    'They met about two years ago and became friends. Today the two former adversaries live some 20 minutes apart. Abele in Georgetown and Mcdevitt in Camelot.
    "Some of the most moving stories from the Pearl Harbor anniversary came when soldiers on each side met and grew to understand each other. Old hatreds and bitterness were swept away and the wound of the past became part of the past.
    "These two also have no animosity. "What is gone is gone," said Abele, who came to America in 1961 and is now a citizen.
"We're just victims of the war," said McDevitt.
"It was a losing battle for both sides," Abele said.
    sion, for it is entirely about the 106th. My opinion, leave Whiting in the trash, the English, right after Bulge seemed to have something against the 106th and it caused a lot of us some Post Trauma Stress. Thanks for you contribution of material. meet you in Pittsburgh?? .. J. Kline)
McDevitt, John F. 81st ENG/A
188 Queen 1,0 Rehoboth Beech, DE 19971
    John, Am forwarding a copy an article that appeared in Southern Delaware's newspaper The Whale. I think it was well written and proves the theory that we never know how our future life will turn out.:
Decades Later, Former Battle of Bulge Enemies Become Friends The Whale, Saturday Dec 14, 1991 By Michael Short
'The anniversary of Pearl Harbor minuted news and tugged at a naron's heartstrings.
"Fifty years later, the image of what happened that Sunday morning is still seared into the soul of a nation.
    "On Monday the calendar will mark another anniversary of from World War II. It will pass far more quietly, perhaps almost unnoticed except by the men who fought there and who died there.
    "Monday marks the 47th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. With the war going badly and the end in sight, it was the last great spasm of a once awesome German military machine.
    "As the Allies tightened their noose ever tighter around Germany, Hitler's Army gathered itself for a last mighty push which almost worked.
The CUB oft he Golden Lion 39
Mail Bag
    "Both remember those pivotal days. The German attack came as a complete surprise," McDevitt said . With the foul weather, Allied troops expected little activity from the Germans hunkered along the Siegfried line between Belgium and Germany. "But instead, the Germans massed their forces and launched a major assault. Hidden by a dense fog, the Army that had brought Europe to its knees attacked on December 16, 1944, sending wave after wave of troops against inexperienced American troops spread thinly and caught by surprise. Over 7,000 men in McDevitt's 15,000 man division were captured as the Germans forced back the Allied troops. It was a bold gambit by Hitler, in an effort ti cut the Allied forces stretched from the North Sea to Switzerland in two. "They put all their eggs in one basket," McDevitt said. "This was Hitler's last bid."
"For a time it was successful," he said.
    "But the attack stalled, at least in part because the Germans were low on supplies. Mr Abele said the Germans could see the end coming and the fight was the fight of their desperation.
"You see the end coming and you want to hang on," he said.
    "By the time the battle ended, he did not have a uniform on his back. "You cannot fight with your hands when you have nothing to fight with."
    "Monday's anniversary will be treated differently by the two men, For McDevitt, he will gather with comrades of his youth near Philadelphia to remember.
    "For Abele, there will be no gathering of comrades, no swapping of war stories or toasts to fallen comrades. Twice wounded in the war and a former prisoner of war, he prefers simply to forget."
Meeleus, Harry G. 422/HQ 2BN
518 Pyle Ave Oshkosh, WI 54901
    A letter from Helen, Harry's wife: We recently received the CUB magazine and it is, as always, very interesting and as we have told you before, the best of all the Veteran's Magazines we receive.
    Harry, as you know, was the. CO of 422nd/Hq 2Bn and a Captain. We just received a letter from a man who had been in his company back in 1944. It was certainly nice to hear from Russell Beningo who was a Private First Class in '44. He wemost complimentary about H telling him how understanding he had been, and how kind and patient he had been with his personal as a commander. It certainly made me feel good and proud and I know it made Harry's day. Just imagine, this is nearly 47 years ago and it was a great morale booster.
    Russell Beningo must have learned of Harry's name and address for the wonderful roster you send with The CUB each July. That shows how meaningful the magazine is. We are awaiting The CUB Passes in Review because we know it will be interesting.
    Helen, knowing that Harry has failing sight, I pass this along for you to tell him. Captain Meeleus, must have been a soldier's - soldier. I read Russell's three page letter, which you capsulized, and can sense the bond that must have ex-
40 The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mail Bag
fisted between the Captain and his men. It was very nice of Beningo to honor his former commander.
It is obvious that your husband was admired by his men... J. Kline
Melicher, William J. 423/SV
330 Amherst Rd Linden, NJ 07036
    Sorry I haven't written in a long time. Enclosed is a news article about Harry Zorn, a 106er that is 80 years old, being fined because he hadn't registered. Somebody in Selective Service had typed his birth date as 1971, instead of 1911. I hope to get to Pittsburgh. Ex-POWs are having a big get-to-gather in Atlantic City this year on its 50th Anniversary Year. Sometime in May orJune. See you later.
    (editor's note - Bill, it's always nice to hear from you. I have received several of the news clipping on Zorn from all over the country. It caused quite a stir. I will give him acknowledgement in this column under his name. I wrote him a long time ago to try and get the photo that was used, but heard nothing. I have an old news paper photo, but sometimes they do not produce so well. See Yal... J. Kline)
Miedema, Eldon L 589/A
303 Hillerest DR. Holman, WI 54636
    I am sending the photo book of the 106th which contain the pictures taken at Camp Atterbury of all the units. The book is a little worse for wear and tear. Am going to write to Floyd Elston to ask him if he and I worked together packing the wheel bearings on a 6x6 after field exercises at Fort Jackson.
(editor's note - Thanks Eldon. Yes the
book is a little tattered, but as my dad
used to say, "You can't look a gift horse
    in the mouth." I do appreciate it. In the meantime I did get a copy that was in pretty good shape. If you ever need it back let me know. I think you said this was an extra? ... J. Kline)
Mosley, Rev. Ronald A 424/HQ
BOX 25 Petite Riviera NOVA SCOTIA, BUJ 2P0
    ( Editor's note -You have been so great in keeping me informed of your doings. I only wish that there were room to print it all. I will try to get one of your recent articles into a separate story. It not, as you can see I have been trying to clean up some old MAIL BAG material, and will put it as top priority next CUB. I was pleased, when I researched the CUBs for stories to include in The CUB Passes in Review, that you had furnished so many interesting articles. My personal choice were the excellent reviews on your trips back to points where the division fought, and to the Reunions held over there. By reading your stories, and those written by Doug Coffeyand others, we members who arrived late on the scene can relive the anticipation and thrills of returning to Europe. Thanks Reverend Mosley, Good Health... J. Kline)
Nichols, William J. 423/K
403 Chapman St Irvington, NJ 07111
    (editor's note - Bill thanks for the order for an additional book. They have been moving real well and I am getting down to the last of them... J. Kline)
Parker, Richard B. 422/AT
3317 P St, NW Washington, DC 20007
    (editor's note - Thanks for the article on Harry Zorn, from the Washington Post. This was the first I received with two large pictures of him... J. Kline
The CUB of the Golden Lion 41
Mail Bag I
Puskarich, Charles H. 424/M
428 South 70th St Milwaukee, WI 53214
    John, Enclosed fmd a copy from the Milwaukee Sentinel about Harry Zorn a 106er being fined for not registering to the Selective Service. He is 80 years of age.
    My main reason for writing was to order two more, that makes four, copies of The CUB Passes in Review. I'm saving one for each of my grandsons, one I'm sending to Burgettstown, PA High School. I just gave a copy to the West Allis Library and Director Michael Schneider was very grateful for the gift. My wife Ann and I will be at the Pittsburgh Reunion, see you there.
    (editor's note - Thanks Charles, as you can see from other letters I was blessed with Zom's story - thanks for the four addition book orders... J. Kline)
Rusch, Marvin H. DIV/HQ
10830 W. Cuurtland Ave Wauwatosa, WI 53225
    Your statement pertaining to Chief of Staff, Colonel (Brig Gen) William Baker in the last CUB was the first understatement I have seen you make. He was one of the most knowledgeable, most compassionate and understanding man I have ever met or worked with in my lifetime. We were in daily contact from Jackson until we returned to the States. I was the Asst G-1 and Aide to General Jones most of the time.
    Speaking of G-1, I do not remember seeing anything in the CUB of the passing of Lt, Col. Max J. Road-ruck, G-1 of the Division. he died two years ago in Tumwater, Washington where he and his wife had retired from the Army. he was another man that knew his business and along with it had a sense of humor, similar to Will Rogers. His widow Jenny, still lives in Tumwater.
Really enjoy getting the CUB, only wish there were more of our old friends around to read the good work you produce.
    (editor's note - Thanks for your comments on our Chief of Staff, Colonel Baker. I take it from your note that he did later become a Brigadier General. I forwarded a copy of your comments to his son, who is, as you read, a member of the Association. As to the reporting of Roadruck's death. It is probably because he was not a member of the Association. I don't mean that to sound critical, but if we do not know, we cannot publish it. It is unfortunate that so many of the Division did not see fit to join the organization. It is highly possible he did not know of it. I didn't until 1987. Thanks again for your comments. Also for the inclusion of the Milwaukee Sentinel art cle of Harry Zorn. I hope he sees all th times I have "boldened" his name in this column... J. Kline)
Setter, Leon J. 422/HQ 2BN
3825 Grail St Wichita, KS 67218
    Enclosed is a check for SIX copies of the book The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review. If there is some extra, put it in the Memorial Fund.
    Enclosed is a letter form The Department of the Army which may be of interest. Robert Sprenkle became a friend of mine after we were taken prisoner. If there is anyone in the Association that knew Robert, please, I would appreciate hearing from them.
Dated 10 May 1979
Dear Mr. Setter,
This is a reply to your inquiry re-
42 The CUB of rhe Golden Lion
    questing information concerning Private First Class Robert L. Sprenkle, Serial Number 35 173 711. Information furnished this office shows Private Sprenkle died on 23 February 1945 in a German Prisoner of War Camp, Stalag 4B, Gleina, Germany. After the cessation of hostilities, his remains were recovered and temporarily interred in the Lorraine American Cemetery and Memorial, St Avold, France. On 2 February 1949, his remains were returned to the United States and consigned to the McGowan-Reid Funeral Home, 247 Stow Ave, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, for burial in the Oakwood Cemetery Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, in accordance with the wishes of his next of kin.
I trust the information furnished ill be of assistance to you.
Ellsworth S. Clarke.
    Chief, Memorial Affairs Division (editor's note - You are the largest purchaser of the book to date - nine all toll - thanks, I know you are making good use of them. I hope the publishing of the above letter about your friend will bring some response... J. Kline)
Shoff it, Alfred W. 423/HQ
Rt. 1, Box 98K Seminole, OK 74868
    John, Last September a couple of my army buddies made contact with me, more than 45 years after we were separated during the Battle of the Bulge. They informed me of the existence of the 106th Infantry Division Association, and I sent my dues inright away. Since that time I have received The CUB and a couple of letters from your office. I have also ordered and received a copy of the
Mail Bag
    Association's book, The CUB Passes is Review, and I have enjoyed all of them. From one of the articles in the book I was able to make contact with a couple of the fellows who were in the same POW camp with me. I want to thank you for your part in all of this.
    John, you probably don't remember me, but I believe that our military careers closely paralleled each other. If you were the same John Kline I remember, we took basic training together at Camp Wheeler, Georgia, during the summer of 1943. I still have the group picture of Co. B, 7th Battalion dated August, 1943. I am in the center of the first row standing just behind the officers and directly below the staff of the battalion flag. If you are the John Kline I remember, you are standing in the same row eighth men to my right. I know we were not close friends or bunkmates, but I feel we were in the same barracks. After basic training we were both sent to the University of Alabama for six months.
    When the ASTP program folded, we both joined the 106th Infantry Division at Camp Atterbury. From some of your remarks I know you were in "M" Company, 423rd Reg. I was initially in "L" Company, but after two or three weeks was transferred to the I&R Platoon of the Regimental Headquarters Company. I can remember seeing you at a distance from time to time, and I remember being a little envious that you made Sergeant and I was still a Private.
I have enclosed my story for you, you can use any part of it if you please.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 43
Mail Bag
    Again thanks for the information you have sent me, and for the work you are doing on The CUB. I plan on attending the Pittsburgh Reunion and hope to see you there,
    (editor's note - Al, It was nice talking to you on the phone, as you now know, yes I am the same person you describe. I feel that the Infantry Basic we received at Camp Wheeler was good training. I considered myself a soldier when I came out of that Camp - ready for anything.
    Thanks for the four and one-half page summary of what happened to you while you with the 155 Platoon of the 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment. It is nicely written and very interesting. You would make a good CUB editor. I do not have the room this time, but will save the material for future use. I do appreciate your taking the time to put it together. I am beginning to believe that I have enough material from men of the 106th to put together another book. You may have read that I have a stack of diaries and many short personal biographies that have come from the hearts of the 106ers. Most are too long for The CUB, even though I do publish and try to squeeze in once in a while.
    I'm getting enough of a cross section of the division to start to think about putting something together. I am just resting up from the 475 hours I put in on The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review, but I'm getting so much material stacked up that is getting embarrassing. Do you think I should try to publish another Association book. I have gobs of POW stories, some pencil drawings by POWs, U.S. Signal Corp pictures and other third-party stories, maybe it would work out to be interesting and informative. I've even got a "I-low To Do It" instruction manual on how to crack the Siegfried Line -one that was used by the 424th Combat Infantry Regiment, passed along for information from First
Sergeant Roger Rutland, "B" Company. What do you think? ... J. Kline)
Trost, Paul M.L. 423/H
1000 sand Stun Chords, IA 50050
    John, The enclosed letter was a result of my inquiry for names of POWs I have been trying to find, that were on photos that were taken at Stalag IX-B. I was on a burial procession just before we were liberated, it was Chaplain Neel that was leading the procession. I have included three for you. I received The CUB today. It's a joy to look and read through it. My wife gets it first and I will get it after she finishes.
    I have sent along a copy of a letter I received from Chaplain Neel as well as a copy of a "ditty" that he wrote while we were in prison camp.
I'll close now, my wife has finished The CUB, so I can read it now.
    Parts of a letter to Trost from Dr. N (106th Chaplain) follow, as well as a "dittyi written by Neel, with a few comments by him:
    Dear Paul, It was good to hear from you. You inquired if I was the Chaplain that led the funeral procession for George Thompson at Stalag IV-B. I was the Protestant Chaplain and Father Hurley was the Catholic Chaplain. If Thompson was a Protestant, I was heading the procession. If he was Catholic, then it was Father Hurley. Father Hurley and I average three burials a day during the last weeks of March 1945. I have my Ph.D. from Duke University in Philosophy and Religion. I was a Professor teaching at Larnbruth College in 1943, and the Bishop ordained me so I could volunteer as a Chaplain. I have never had a church. I taught a Florida State University after the war. I do not have time to attend reunions I at"
44 The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mail Bag
sorry to say. Best wishes. Chaplain Neel's Ditty And we go rambling home
(do you remember it?) Come 0 get us George Patton
We're a bunch of Yankee soldiers Living deep in Germany Come 0 get us George Patton
We're eating soup and black bread, and a beverage they call tea, Come ) get as George Patton
and we're going to keep an singing, Until Patton sets us free, So we can ramble home.
     Neel says in his letter, "You may remember I wrote these words to the tune of The Battle Hymn of the Republic. I used "rambling" instead of

illThese two photos taken in separate barracks at Stalag IX-B, Bad Orb were furnished by Paul Trost,
1000 Sand Street, Churdan, IA 50050. He also furnished the photo of Chaplain Neel and Hurley
published with the story by Pete House. See page 30. Chaplain Neel appears in both. See yourself??
The CUB of the Golden Lion 45
Mail Bag
"marching" because you men said you had all the marching you wanted.
    "You may not know that this ditty spread to other prison camps and was sung in those camps. A Time magazine correspondence picked up these words at another camp and published them. He did not know that they originated at Stalag IX-B Dr. Samuel R. Neel
Vadu, John J. 423/1
213 N. Washington Ave Batavia, U. 30510
    John, I was rummaging through some old photos and came across one I hadn't seen in 50 years. Bill Quinn and I were pals all through basic training at Fort Jackson. He was from Alabama, his father owned a sheep farm. When the division returned from Tennessee maneuvers I lost contact with him. I think he went on POE as a replacement, but I am not sure. If anybody remembers, please drop me a note.
    You would think that during basic we wouldn't have time for anything, but somewhere on the Fort there was a horse stable, and Bill and I sort of sneaked over early one Sunday
Vitali, Alfred L. 424/B
741 Rhoads Dr. Sitring3eld, PA 19001
    John, Just returned from Belgium (letter dated 11/1291), staying with a family I met there during "The Bulge." They live in the same house. Pierre MAWET, C.R.I.B.A. took me to the American Military Cemetery at Henri-Chapelle, not too far from Liege. Manys of our 106th men are buried there. I have enclosed a two page sheet that is passed out for information on the cemetery.
Pierre is very active in C.R.I.B.A., who headquarters in Liege, and helps American soldiers who return
    morning, woke up the stable boy and rented a couple of horses and rode them through the company street yelling at the top of voices, as we galloped at top speed up Tank Hill and disappeared into the woods. As we turned around to see what happened, at least ten guys ran out into the street in their underwear. Not unusual you say? It was Sunday at six a.m. Had we been recognized it could have meant six week-ends of K.P. We spent the rest of the day exploring and when the horses got hungry they led us straight back to the stables. No matter what we did those horses headed for the stable. Waiting at the stable were Sergeants from the company. Yup, three weeks K.P. You see, we missed a company inspection and left the area without permission. There were it few lighter moments during basi When we reached the Schnee Eifel, lighter moments became serious business. Use the photo if you have room.
46 The CUB of the Golden Lion
    for visits to Belgium. He gave me the enclosed metal medallions which have the C.R.I.B.A. emblem inscribed. They appear to be made of stainless steel(2.5" x 2.5"). One is for you and the other for the Historical files.
    I have enclosed a photo with me behind the wheel of Pierre's Jeep. It is in immaculate shape. Pierre is in the center with wife of a friend on the
left. (See Cover of this CUB)
    Your work on The CUB is appreciated. I've only gotten involved in recent years, after retirement. Met Ed Prewett and his wife Reddie in a previous year in Belgium. He is also a 424/B man. My First Sergeant was Roger Rutland and I hope to see him for the first time in Pittsburgh. He was a great guy! Also I
Oat Jules HURDEBISE and erge FONTAINE and other Bel- ians who work hard in our interest over there.
    (editor's note Thanks Al for the nice letter and for passing along the beautiful medallions. I had a C.R.I.B.A. patch and have placed the medallion alongside it. The other medallion will be sent to the Association Historian, Sherod Collins to keep "forever." My Company Commander Captain Hardy, "M" Co., 423rd is buried in Henri Chapelle, along with a few other "M" men. If I have room I will print the into from the "pass-out" material you received at Henri-Chapelle. Did you get any pictures of the Belgian fernily you stayed with. Might be of interest if you make up a short story and send photos. Again Thanks! ... J. Kline)
Mail Bag
    Jackson till November 1945. I was sent home for a week, thento Shelby, Mississippi for training to Japan. Ten days after I received a telegram to report to New York for discharge. I thought you would like a copy of the news article for The CUB. It should give everyone a laugh.
I received the Bronze Star at Saint Vith. It was given to me by Brig. Gen. Perrin
(editor's note - Thanks Hany, you are now famous.
    Look for an article about Harry elsewhere in this CUB. The Selective Service System was after him for not registering for the draft, he is 80 years young. I received at least 10 different clippings from 106ers all from different parts of the U.S.A.... J. Kline)
Zuckerman, Jack 423/C
71-23167th St Flushing, NY 11365
    The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review was a masterpiece of publication and now occupies a prominent position in my library, as do the CUBs.
Your latest continues the high standard which you have established.
    Presently I serve as a volunteer historian for the "Council of Supervisors and Administrators of the City of New York (CSA) which represents school supervisors. I retired as a former history teacher. I served as president of CSA, therefore I must correct an item which appeared in the recent CUB.
    On page 5 in the article National VFW Honors Russell Villwock it states "the organization (VFW) which was founded in 1899, today is the oldest veterans group in the na-
Zorn, Seymour (Henry) 106 SIG
Ole 5 vets Home O, 11307
Chariot. Hell, MD 20622
I was a member of the 106th Division Signal Company from the day e Division was activated at Fort
The CUB of rhe Golden Lion 47
Mail Bag
    tion." Historically, this is not correct. The oldest veterans group in the United States is the Jewish War Veterans organized in 1896 as the Hebrew Union Veterans Association of the Civil War. The name was changed in the 1920's to the Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. (I belong to Post 793.)
    On your recommendation, in a previous issue of The CUB, I've just finished reading A Time for Trumpets. His historical account of The Battle of the Bulge is documented meticulously and includes excellent maps. The scholarship is fantastic. Unfortunately the author, Charles B. MacDonald, passed away on December 7, 1990. Of course, I was most interested in his remarks of the 423rd Infantry even though I was not there at the time. I'm going to research Soldiers Magazine which contained an article by Captain Alan W. Jones, Jr. on " The operations of the 423rd Infantry..." It was mentioned in Captain MacDonald's notes on page 669.
Again keep up the excellent work as editor. The inclusion of the 199192 roster is a great idea.
    I also did basic, as you did, at Camp Wheeler, Georgia, after my ROTC Unit at City College, NY was called up in June of '43.
    (editor's note - Jack. I will let the matter of historical dates up to you that have an knack for remembering dates - I missed the reference in A Time for Trumpets about Captain Alan W. Jones' article. You see - I should have paid more attention to the footnotes. Have you found that article? I would like to have a copy or be led to where I can read it. Maybe you or Colonel Jones (USA Retd), an assoc. member, can fill me in.,. J. Kline)
THAT'S ALL FOLKS], if l missed you, maybe next MAIL CALL. Keep thosik letters coming... John Kline, editor
Photo by Pete Home- Centre Archeologie Militoire, Resist.] Belgium 3/1/91
    Personal weapons found near Schonberg in the area held by the 422 and 422 Combat Teams during the Battle of the Bulge. Rifle scabbard, parts of a M.1 rifle and bayonet, setting on Jeep bumper.


The CUB of the Golden Lion
In Memoriam
Creehan, Arthur 42311Q 2BN 5524 Lost Oak Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70817
Association Treasurer, Sherod Collins, reports that Arthur passed away February 22, 1992
Fauerbaoh, Edward L. 422/C 480 Hilton Dr, Madison, WI 63711
Word was received that Edward passed away December 23, 1991.
Hasler, Eugene F. 81st ENCyC 2333 SWn Mon Dr., Holiday, FL 34690
Date of death was December 12, 1991. No other word was received.
Pasquale, Joseph A. 422/L Pt) Box 1403, Torrington, CT 06790
    From Jack, his son, "My father died of a heart attack on April 7, 1991. He is buried in his home town of Torrington and is survived by his wife Pauline, three sons, myself, Michael and Peter and eight grandchildren. He enjoyed reading the CUB. He particularly enjoyed talking about the military with his Navy Petty Officer grandson, Christopher."
Pauline, his widow, joined the Association as an Associate member
Peluso, Lewis B. 422/H 38 Leonard St., Dedham, MA 02026
Word has been received that Lewis passed away December 3, 1991
bson, Robert S, 423/MED 1434 Bel leek St., Crete, IL 00417
    Richard Juriga, 423 Medics writes that Robert passed away on December 14, 1991. He was a OW in Stalag IV-B. Survived by his wife Dons and three children.
Sorenson, Clarence 423/B 249 No. Mustennan, Appleton, MN 56208
On a phone call Clarence's son informed the editor that Clarence passed away January 17, 1992.
Sutich, Christian P. 424/D 7512 - 4th Ave, North Berge, NJ 07047
    Bob Landis of 424/D writes, 'This is to advise you of the passing of one of our Association's proudest members, Christian P. Sutich, February 23, 1992. Chris and I were fox-hole buddies from theBulgeto the endof the war and werereunited a yearago. Nofinergentlemanandsoldiereverlived."
White, Sr., George G. 423/H 9328 Sonora Ave, Brentwood, MO 03144-2096
    Word was received from both Bob Bennett and Bill Lawson 423/H comrades of George that he passed away January 18, 1992. George continued his service in the Air Corps. Retiring from the service he became an attorney and practiced for years. He is survived by his wife Martha, two sons and a daughter.
    NOTE In the Ian-Feb-Mar CUB 1992, page 41. I mistakenly reported Lyle K. McCullough's unit as 424/SV - it was in fact 422/SV (422 Service Co.). Lyle passed away on January 4, 1992.
May They Rest In Peace
The CUB of the Golden Lion 49
Hurry Along to Pittsburgh
there's a Show Boat a-waiting!
46th Annual Reunion
106th Infantry Division Association
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
August 27-30, 1992
Contact John Maloney, chairman - 1120 Warren Ave, Arnold, PA 15068
Telephone (412) 335-6104
This Lion appeared on the cover of the April-May CUB- advertising the Columbus, [Jinn Reunion,
The official
fth publican. oe
106th Infantry Division
Associatio, Inc
President Michael Thome
1st Vice–Pres Jack A. Sulser
2nd Vice–Pres C. L. Cooper
Treasurer .Sherod Collins
Adjutant Boyd A. Rutledge
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John Kline
Memorials Chairman .... Dr. John G. Robb
Membership Chairman Gilbert Helwig
Chaplain Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr.
The CUB is the official quarterly publication of the Association. Membership in the Associa-
    tion includes subscription to the CUB. Send editorial matter and photos to: John P. Kline-- CUB Editor 5101 U. 14701 St. W., Apple Valley, MN 551.6637
    611423-037 Business matters, deaths, address changes to: Boyd A. Rutledge--Adjutant 10131 Goad, Nowt, Bloomingion, AN 55.7
611.831-5559 Memorial matters and inquiries to: Dr John G. Robb 238 Devote :4=167, PA 16355
    Send Membership dues, Memorial Fund contributions and Historical items to: Sherod Collins--Treasurer 448 Monroe Tn., ICem928-3207emw, GA 30144
The NEW Life Membership fee is payable one time only,with no annual dues thereafter. Life Membership $75.00
Life Auxiliary $15.00 Life Associate $75.00
    For those choosing to pay Annual dues, pay by July 1 each year. (July 1 to July I tern) Annual Membership $10.00 Annual Auxiliary $ 2.00
Annual Associate $10.00 Make checks payable to "106th Infantry Division Association." Board of Directors 1991-1992
Olowing year term oxpiros in parentheses Roy Bigger 423/HQ 319 1.1. Sourl, Si. Gas aiy, 40,33
317.04.5258 Douglas Brooks 424/MED (.94)
, TN 3117-5031
805 Creeks. Dr692o=t 8 C.L. Cooper 423/H (.94)
74 RoNn He. Ln, Jackson, TIT 38305 Charles T. Datte 591/SV 092) 231 00145 Am canon HeigNs, PA 19018
115-6164866 Sam E. Davis Jr. 423/HQ 093) 816 North E01796 6lalo, FL 32803
Norwood A. Frye 81st ENG/B ('94) 1069 81.7811=17.1rury, Cr 00133 Joseph GrOSS 591/C (194)
7782 Topaz Lake Ave., San Diego, CA 92119 John L. Hall 423/SV (941 2065 cc 813-385-1592
Harold Kuizema 589/B (92) 2151 Griggs St SE, Grand R.., M149542
    616-9497456 Joseph P. Maloney 424/HQ ('93) 1130 Warmrli-3)51932' PA 15Wa Joseph Massey 422/C 094) RTE. I Box 780, AL 35133
205-6814701 Herbert F. Meagher 422/M r 940 5837 W. 93. St., 0.11.W11, U. 60453
70841,3105 0. Paul Metz 422/SV (90
1344 145folk CT, LudianapoLis, IN 46224
317.20,0249 Edward A. Prewett 424/B ('93I 7231 tzme Tree Way, LK..., CA 94513
510-634-3082 Charles F. Bieck 422/H (93)
7})0 V.64 pazkway Middleton W153562 Richard L. Rigatti 423/B 94) 113 WoodaNte Dr,...g1L81-81311, PA 15215
412.7 Jack A. Sulser 423/F (.92)
917 N. AsNon SL AiCX811.1, VA 22312 Michael Thome 422/HQ 1BN ('92) 1711 P St, AN g„73767.7, CA 95814
Frank S. Trautman 422/D ('92) 80 East SurraniiS=r,alls, 01144011
Russell H. Villwock 106 SIG ('92) 6908 West HiggLas Ave., 07aga, IL 60656
312.631-2027 Edward E. Young 590/A OR Rte. 1 Box 477, M. Cla, WV 26408
3.62,5286 Col. Joseph Matthews 422/HQ (Life) 4706 Western 131,91, Raleigh, NC 27606
106th Presents CUB Review to Andersonville POW Museum
919-851-1851 Russell Cunvalson and Pete House, 590/A with Supt Fred Boyles in middle, see story page 21

Index for: Vol. 48 No. 3, APR, 1992

Index for This Document

106th Div., 15, 39, 48
106th Inf. Div., 1, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 17, 19, 21, 29, 34, 36, 39, 40, 44, 49, 50
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 7, 11, 14, 17, 36, 44, 49, 50
106th Sig. Co., 6, 12
112th Regt., 34
116th Panzer Div., 4
14th Armd., 18
17th Abn., 28
1st Div., 4
28th Inf. Div., 11, 31, 34
2nd BN HQ, 9
2nd BN, 423rd Inf., 36
422/K, 3, 9, 17, 21
422/M, 37, 51
422nd Inf. Regt., 17
422nd Regt., 17
423rd Inf., 48
424/D, 15, 49
424/E, 9
424/G, 39
424/L, 3
424th Cbt. Inf. Regt., 45
424th Regt., 34
589th FA, 38
589th FA BN, 38
590th FA BN, 3, 38
591st FA BN, 34, 38
591st FAB, 38
592nd FA BN, 24
78th Inf. Div., 7
7th Armd. Div., 29, 34
81st Cbt. Engr., 11, 12, 15
81st Cbt. Engr. BN, 35
82nd Abn. Div., 34
'A Time For Trumpets', 34, 40, 48
Africa, 31
American Cemetery, 44
American Military Cemetery, 46
Andersonville, 51
Aquitania, 9
Ardennes, 4, 11, 29
Austin, Clif, 14
Austin, Cliff, 14
Auw, 28
Bad Orb, 19, 28, 31, 46
Baker, Col., 43
Baker, William, 43
Banbury, 9
Battle of St. Vith, 29
Battle of the Bulge, 11, 17, 21, 29, 31, 33, 36, 38, 41, 44, 48
Bavaria, 18
Beam, Harold W., 9
Beaver, Johnnie, 14
Beaver, Johnnie R., 14
Belgium, 3, 9, 20, 32, 33, 34, 41, 46, 47, 48
Benefiel, Norman, 14
Bennett, Bob, 49
Bennett, Robert, 35
Berry, Robert L., 15
Bied, Dan, 3
Bigger, Roy, 50
Black, Chaplain, 19
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 50
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 50
Bleialf, 25
Bloch, Jacques, 17
Bloch, Jacques W., 17
Born, 23
Braunschweig, 25, 28
Bricker, Capt., 17, 18
Bricker, James, 17
Bricker, James H., 17
Brooks, Douglas, 50
Brunswick, 28
Brussels, 38
Burns, John, 18
Burns, John H., 18
C.R.I.B.A., 1, 46, 47
Camp Atterbury, 1, 11, 12, 13, 20, 38, 42, 44
Camp Atterbury Memorial, 1
Camp Lucky Strike, 4
Camp Wheeler, GA, 39, 44, 48
Capshaw, Clifton, 9
Carey, Frank, 34
Cartier, Richard E., 12
Cavanagh, Will, 38
Cavender, Col., 17, 18, 36, 38
Clark, Capt., 32
Clark, James J., 8
Clarkson, Capt., 32
Cocke, Sam L., 19
Coffey, Doug, 42
Coffey, Douglas S., 1
Colbert, Hugh, 19
Colbert, Hugh L., 19
Collins, John P., 3
Collins, Sherod, 3, 13, 24, 47, 49, 50
Conner, Milton M., 20
Cooper, C. L., 50
Cramer, Samuel D., 9
Crouthamel, George N., 20
Crusade In Europe, 4
Dahlen, William, 20
Dahlen, William S., 20
Dailey, Hampton J., 21
Darby, Lee, 5, 6
Datte, Charles T., 50
Davis, Sam E., 50
Davis, Sam E., Jr., 50
Davis, William, 23
Davis, William E., 23
Death of A Division, 40
Descheneaux, Col., 36
Dickerson, Myrton B., 9
Diehl, Lloyd, 35
Diehl, William A., 9
Div. HQ, 38
Division History, 29, 36, 39, 40
Dockweiler, 19
Dockweiler-Dreis, 19
Dorn, Ed, 23
Dorn, Edward, 23
Dorn, Edward W., 23
Dreisbach, Carl V., 23
Dwyer, William J., 9
Edwards, Robert, 14
Eisenhower, Gen., 4
Elbe, 9, 31
Elbe River, 9
Elston, Floyd, 42
Eupen, 3
Fallingbostel, 12, 17
Forbes, Fontaine, 12
Forbes, Fontaine C., 12
France, 9, 12, 24, 31, 33, 44
Frye, Norwood A., 50
Ft. Jackson, SC, 12, 15, 38, 39, 42, 46
German Prisoner of War Camp, 44
Germany, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 28, 41, 46
Gerolstein, 19, 28
Gibney, Col., 11
Gilbert, Dan, 9
Gilbert, Daniel W., 9
Girand, Lt. Col. Charles F., 11
Gleina, 44
Gleina, Germany, 44
Gorlitz, 15, 28, 35
Gorlitz, Germany, 15
Grand Halleux, 20
Gunvalson, Russell, 3
Hall, John L., 50
Halle, 14
Hannon, Phil, 28
Hannon, Philip, 28
Hannon, Philip A., 28
Hannon, Phillip, 3
Hardy, Capt., 47
Hawkins, Harold W., 28
Helmstedt, 25
Helwig, Gilbert, 50
Henri Chapelle, 47
Henri-Chapelle, 46, 47
Hill, Beverly, 29
Hohenadel, Frank, 9
Hohenadel, Frank A., 9
Holland, 26
Hook, Charles D., 29
House, Pete, 3, 31, 46, 51
Hungerford, John, 11
Hungerford, John I., 11
Hurdebise, Jules, 47
Hurley, Father, 45
Indianapolis Star, 20, 21
Iwamoto, George, 3
Jewish War Veterans, 48
Johnston, Ray, 35
Jones, Capt. Alan W., 48
Jones, Gen., 17, 39, 43
Jones, Gen. Alan W., 39
Kelly, Ed, 32
Kelly, Edmond D., 32
Kennedy, Glen, 11
Kennedy, Glen N., 11
Kline, Dr. Robert E., 11
Kline, J., 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48
Kline, John, 44, 48, 50
Kline, John P., 2, 50
Koblenz, 9, 19, 25
Kommando, 9
Korea, 9
Kotlarich, Paul, 33
Kuizema, Harold, 51
Kurth, Raymond, 33
Kurth, Raymond P., 33
Lane, Weldon V., 36
Lawson, Bill, 35, 49
Lawson, William J., 37
LeHavre, 9, 24
Lehavre, France, 9, 24
Leichte, Joseph H., 37
Leipzig, 21, 22
Levine, George, 4, 5
Liege, 1, 46
Likins, Capt. Bob, 33
Linden, 13, 20, 42
Lion In the Way, 13, 29, 34, 40
Long, Ivan, 38
Lorraine, 44
Luckenwalde, 37
Lucky Strike, 4
Luxembourg, 17, 28, 38
Luxembourg City, 38
MacDonald, Charles, 40
MacDonald, Charles B., 48
Malmedy, 14
Maloney, John, 49
Maloney, Joseph, 7
Maloney, Joseph P., 51
Martin, Harry, 3
Martin, Roland, 39
Martinez, Fred, 21
Martz, Louis H., 39
Massey, Joseph, 51
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 51
Maw, Thomas, 25
Mawet, Pierre, 46
McCullough, Lyle K., 49
McDevitt, John F., 41
McKee, Richard, 3
Meagher, Herbert F., 51
Meeleus, Harry, 41
Meeleus, Harry G., 41
Memorials, 1, 50
Metz, 51
Middleton, 51
Miedema, Eldon, 42
Moore, Billy, 3, 5, 6
Moore, James B., 5
Mosley, Rev, 42
Mosley, Rev., 42, 43
Mosley, Rev. Ron, 42
Mosley, Rev. Ronald, 3, 42
National Archives, 37
Neel, Chaplain, 31, 45, 46
Nichols, William J., 43
Normandy, 4
North Africa, 31
North Sea, 41
Order of the Golden Lion, 35
Paris, 11, 15, 25
Parker, Richard, 43
Parker, Richard B., 43
Parsons, Bill, 15
Pasquale, Joseph A., 49
Patton, Gen., 18, 20
Patton, George, 46
Patton, Oliver, 12
Peak, Robert, 26
Pearl Harbor, 40, 41
Peluso, Lewis B., 49
Perrin, Brig. Gen., 47
Peterson, Dick, 4
Photo Album, 7
Photos, 2
Prewett, Ed, 47
Prewett, Edward A., 1, 51
Prisoner of War, 44
Prisoner Of War Camp, 44
Prum, 25
Puskarich, Charles, 43
Puskarich, Charles H., 43
Raskinis, Henry J., 11
Reunions, 42
Rhine, 31
Rhineland, 12
Rhineland Campaign, 12
Richards, Waldo N., 20
Rigatti, Richard L., 51
Riggs, Col., 15
Rinkema, George, 26
Riviera, 42
Roanne, 8
Robb, Dr., 1
Robb, Dr. John G., 1, 50
Roberts, John, 3
Rusch, Marvin, 43
Rusch, Marvin H., 43
Rutland, Roger, 1, 34, 45, 47
Rutledge, Boyd, 1, 14
Rutledge, Boyd A., 50
Sandahl, Dean, 31
Schnee Eifel, 17, 47
Schonberg, 48
Setter, Leon, 43
Setter, Leon J., 43
Siegfried Line, 12, 16, 31, 41, 45
Smith, Ken, 35
Smith, Wayne C., 25
Smith, William E., 12
Sorenson, Clarence, 49
Souers, Loren, 11
Spineux, 34
Spineux, Belgium, 34
Sprenkle, Robert L., 44
St. Vith, 1, 9, 13, 17, 28, 29, 33, 34, 40, 47
St. Vith Memorial, 1
Stalag 12-A, 9
Stalag 4-B, 9, 31, 44
Stalag 9-A, 21
Stalag 9-B, 21, 28
Stalag II-A, 9
Stalag III-A, 37
Stalag IV-B, 19, 25, 35, 36, 37, 45, 49
Stalag IX-A, 19
Stalag IX-B, 19, 45, 46
Stalag VIII, 15, 25, 28
Stalag VIII-A, 15, 28
Stalag VIII-B, 25
Stalag XI-B, 17
Stalag XII-A, 19, 25
Stevens, Sgt., 21
Stevenson, William C., 21
Straub, Ted, 3
Stuttgart, 12
Sulser, Jack A., 50, 51
Sutich, Chris, 49
Sutich, Christian P., 49
Swett, John, 35
Switzerland, 41
Tank Hill, 47
Tennessee Maneuvers, 12, 38, 46
Tester, Wilbur J., 11
The Battle of the Bulge, 36, 48
Thome, Michael, 50, 51
Thompson, George, 45
Thorne, Michael, 1
Time For Trumpets, 34, 40, 48
Trautman, Frank S., 51
Trier, 13
Trier, Germany, 13
Trost, Paul, 31, 35, 45, 46
Trost, Paul M., 45
Umanoff, Leonard, 11
Unit History, 34
VBOB, 38
Veith, Fred, 3
Villwock, Russell, 48
Villwock, Russell H., 51
Vitali, Al, 46
Vitali, Alfred, 1, 46
Vitali, Alfred L., 46
Walker, R., 23
Waters, Frank, 7
West Point, 37
White, George, 35
Whiting, Charles, 40
Wischmeier, Don, 4
Yamazaki, Dr. James, 3
Young, Edward E., 51
Ziegenhain, 19
Zietz, 9
Zietz, Germany, 9
Zorn, Harry, 5, 6, 28, 35, 42, 43
Zorn, Seymour, 48
Zuckerman, Jack, 47