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Vol. 21, No. 1, Aug., 1964

The "Wheels" of the Reunion Waiting for ('how ('all.

Marge and Dick DeHeer Receiving Citation from General McMahon.

106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
President Brig. Gen. Leo T. McMahon
Vice President Col. Joe Matthews
Adjutant and Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain John Loveless
Historian Sherod Collins
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor Richard DeHeer
All editorial matter should be addressed to:
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins Street, Hillsdale, New Jersey
All business matters, renewal of membership, etc. should be addressed to:
Sherod Collins
173 Huntington Road, N.E., Atlanta 9, Georgia

     To the Members of the Association: When Winston Churchill became Premier of Great Britain he announced that he did not take over the government of the Empire to preside over its dissolution. Well, it did not dissolve since he retired, but it certainly decreased in size.
     In taking over the presidency my sentiments are exactly the same as those of that famous statesman. I know they echo those of the other twenty members of our Board. When our paid-up membership is down to 150 we are about as close to dissolution as we care to be. In a final conference with Vice President Joe Matthews at East Orange we agreed that the paramount effort of every Board member, and every other member, is to sign up new members. The time to sign them up is now, before the next issue of the CUB comes out, so that they will receive three issues and be imbued with the spirit of the Golden Lions and make plans to join us at the Augusta, Georgia reunion in July 1965.
     Note that I referred above to paid-up memberships, the only kind that count. We do not pad our rolls. Since the next reunion is in the South, work on your Southern friends and comrades to join. There are several favorable aspects to report. Dick DeHeer said that we had more dues-paying members signed up before the Reunion than in many a year. We think those who attended will agree that the esprit demonstrated at the East Orange, N. J. meeting was outstanding. We signed up some division veterans there who had never been members or attended a reunion.
     On behalf of those Association members who attended I want to express our thanks and appreciation to Flo Bickford and Isabel Coffey and to those two stalwarts, Tom Bickford and Doug Coffey, COGL. It was the third Reunion they had engineered in New Jersey and it was expertly planned and efficiently conducted.
Leo T. McMahon President

     Bob Pierce, President, called the annual business meeting of the Association to order at 2:15 p.m. in the Town and Country Room of the Hotel Suburban, East Orange, N. J.
     Adjutant DeHeer read minutes of the prior meeting and followed with his Treasurer's Report. Income over expenses for the year was $116.01. Total in the bank was: Memorial Fund $349.50 and General Fund $3,341.13, the total $3,690.63.
     The Memorials Chairman, Doug Coffey, made a comprehensive report about our memorial and stated that our staunch ally and friend in Belgium, Dr. DeLaval, was to come to the States soon. He suggested that perhaps different members of the Association might be able to entertain Dr. DeLaval while he is in this country.
     Bids for the 1966 Reunion were called for and it was suggested that since 1966 would be the 20th anniversary year of the association, Indianapolis, Indiana would be a logical meeting place. Jack Enloe volunteered to see what he could do about arranging for the event at that location. John Soulhoub suggested Detroit as a possible meeting place. It was decided that if Indianapolis could not be utilized, then Detroit would be considered. Doug Coffey made the motion, seconded by Bob Scranton,


that this be done and a report made within three months.
     Under unfinished business, Wayne Black reported on his efforts as a committee-of-one to persuade the authorities in Belgium to issue a postage stamp commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. He stated that so far, his requests have been pushed aside but that he is still trying to gain some measure of success.
     Jim Wells made a complete report on Augusta as the site of the 1965 Reunion. Under new business, Doug Coffey reported on a book which Dr. DeLaval has written, and which he, with help of several others, has succeeded in having translated into English. Dr. DeLaval has given the Association permission to use the book in any way seen fit. General Jones pledged fifty dollars for a copy of the book and preliminary copies were offered to the membership at $2.50 each, all of this to help defray expenses of translation.
     The Resolutions Committee reported, with John Loveless as spokesman. The committee resolved to extend thanks to the following The sponsors of the reunion, the Suburban Hotel Management, Father Day for his participation, the Army Unit providing the color guard, the pianist, the bugler, Gen. Doyle for his stirring address, the CUB co-editors, the outgoing officers, Carol Beals and Mrs. Tacie M. Knease for their untiring work in translating and typing the DeLaval book.
     Henry Broth reported on nominees for the new Board of Directors. The following were nominated: Jim Hatch, Ben Hagman, Tom Bickford, Doug Coffey, Leo McMahon, Jim Wells, John Beals, Alan Jones, Bob Pierce, Joe Matthews, Dick DeHeer, John Loveless, Martin Dever, Jack Bryant, Clayton Rarick, Tom Dorosky, Phil Schutte, Sherod Collins, Father Day, Bob Scranton, Lyle Mowlds. Jim Wells moved to accept, and the motion was passed. Doug Coffey moved to adjourn; it was seconded and passed.

Sherod Collins, Adj. & Treas. TREASURER'S REPORT

1963 - 1964
Membership Dues $ 894.00
Auxiliary Dues 60.00
Memorial Fund Contributions 149.00
December 16 Dinner --
Metropolitan Group 36.00
CUB Christmas Greetings 17.00
"Lion in the Way" Sales 6.00
Interest received on Savings 119.87
TOTAL $1,281.87
CUB Expenses $ 764.61
Postage 124.77
Stationery 40.00
Address Plates 11.97
Printing 118.75
Advance to Reunion Committee 100.00
TOTAL $1,160.10
General Fund $3,341.13
Memorial Fund 349.50
Cash Balance July 1, 1964 3,690.63
Cash Balance July 1, 1963 3,756.97
Cost of Producing CUB
Total $764.60
Each 34

held at the Hotel Suburban, East Orange, New Jersey -- 23-26 July 1964
     1. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association extend its deep appreciation to our 1964 Convention Committee, Tom Bickford and Doug Coffey, and their respective spouses, Flo and Isabel, for their whole-hearted and arduous work in promoting and executing a well-arranged Convention.
     2. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association express its thanks and appreciation to the Management and Staff of the Hotel. Suburban for their cooperation and courtesies in helping to make the 18th Annual Convention a success.
     3. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association express its appreciation to Father John B. Day for his participation in the Memorial Service.
4. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association


    sociation convey its thanks and appreciation to the Commanding Officer, 1st U. S. Army Headquarters, Governors Island, N. Y. for providing the Color Guard for the Memorial Service.
     5. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association express its appreciation to Miss Kathleen Coffey for her contribution as pianist for the Memorial Service.
     6. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association express its appreciation to Mr. William Zeevalk for his contribution as bugler for the Memorial Service.
     7. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association convey its thanks and appreciation to Brig. Gen. William C. Doyle for attending the Saturday Luncheon and for his incisive and inspirational message to us.
     8. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association extend its thanks and appreciation to Dick DeHeer and Doug Coffey for editing THE CUB during the past year, thus assuring a continuation of fine past achievements for the benefit of the Association.
     9. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association extend its thanks and appreciation to the outgoing Officers, Directors and Committees for their work during the year 1963-1964.
     10. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association extend its appreciation to Carol Beals for her efforts in connection with the translation of Dr. DeLaval's book, "G. I. Joe Pleads Not Guilty."
     11. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association extend its appreciation to Miss Tacie M. Knease for the translation of Dr. DeLaval's book, "G. I. Joe Pleads Not Guilty."
     12. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association, for its 1964 Convention, likes this side of the River better than the other and East Orange more than any other of the Oranges.
     13. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association express its appreciation to Sheriff Mowlds for his fearless and highly effective efforts to maintain order among such a dangerous group of characters who are well known for their proclivities to resort to violence on slight provocation.

     From the opening registration on Thursday, 23 July until the final breakfast Sunday morning, 26 July, this Reunion was one of the best. Planned and executed by the two professionals, Tom Bickford and Doug Coffey, who had two earlier Golden Lion Reunions at Atlantic City to their credit, it went off on schedule. It should be remarked early that these lads were most ably assisted by their lovely wives, Flo Bickford and Isabel Coffey.
     When we arrived at the registration desk we found Doug plugging away at a typewriter, copying a translation of Dr. DeLaval's book. When Wilda McMahon offered to take over the job, Doug gratefully accepted. He already had Flo Beals upstairs doing the same thing!
     After getting registered and settled in our rooms we enjoyed a fine luncheon in the Hotel's Rose Room. As you know it was the Hotel Suburban in East Orange, N. J., and a finer spot for the gathering of Golden Lions could not be found. It was excellent-- everything! The Warm-Up on Thursday night in the hotel's Mimosa Room was a fitting send-off. While the older folks were whooping it up, the youngsters were having their own good time at a separate function, arranged through the thoughtfulness of the Committee! We had the rank there, Al and Alys Jones and Bill Baker, our Chief of Staff, who was just retiring from active duty; and a number of new people we had not met before: Joe Rooney, A. Devincenzo, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly and Tom McMahon (no relation of mine). We enjoyed a fine reunion with Ed Reilly, former WO in the 591st FA BN. and Karl Desmala of Service Btry of the same Bn. We also met Dr. Arthur Freitag, now an optometrist, formerly of the 331st Medical Bn. We were happy to greet again, Dave and Mrs. Brumhagin, 81st Engr. Bn. who had missed a few reunions.
Friday morning everybody was excited with plans to see the World's Fair.


     The Committee certainly set the group up for the trip by having the luncheon at 11:30 in the rooftop restaurant of the hotel-- Paris In The Sky. It was really done up in Parisian style, but unfortunately, due to a thick haze and clouds we were unable to see the New York skyline, as advertised.
     Immediately after lunch the two busses filled up with eager passengers and took off as scheduled, each bus in charge of Who Else-- Tom Bickford, Doug Coffey.
     We regret to say that we did not make the trip to the Fair. So fortunately we were on hand to greet some later arrivals, Sheriff and Mrs. Mowlds from Dover, Delaware, and later the gallant Commander of the 81st Engr. Bn., Tom Riggs, who was accompanied by Roy Creamer, Sv. Btry 589th FA BN. So this group with the McMahons adjourned or rather journied upwards to Paris In The Sky where we were served by some beautiful girls attired as bunnies. We came down too late for dinner in the hotel-- so walked across the street to an attractive restaurant, which name escapes me where we enjoyed some delicious food and drink. We returned to the hotel to find the World's Fair Travelers returned and assembling for the "Tired Puppies" Party. There we were happy to greet Jim and Mrs. Fonda and their 2 sons from Akron, Ohio, the former CO of Btry B, 590 FA Bn. Ben Hagman and Juanita and the McMahons rejoiced because it was the first reunion in years where all units of Divarty were represented. Tom and Alice Dorosky and Mike Sgrignoli and his wife ably represented the 592nd FA Bn.
     The Memorial Service on Saturday morning, was simple, poignant and moving. Our own Chaplain John Loveless, 422 Inf. gave the prayer, and Father John B. Day, Asst. Div. Chaplain delivered the Memorial Address. The First U. S. Army Hq. at Governor's Island furnished the Color Guard.
     The Noon Luncheon on Saturday featured an outstanding address by Brigadier General William C. Doyle, Superintendent of the New Jersey Military Home and a Deputy Adjutant General of New Jersey. The Committee is to be congratulated on securing such an excellent speaker.
     The Banquet in the evening was preceded by a very lively and enjoyable cocktail hour. President Bob Pierce presided at the dinner. He introduced the new President, Leo T. McMahon, who announced the new officers: Joe Matthews, 422 Inf. Vice President, and Sherod Collins, Treasurer. The new President reported that Sherod Collins had agreed to handle the Adjutant job as well as Treasurer, and that Dick DeHeer had agreed to take the Editorship of the CUB for another year. Jim Wells, 81st Engrs., gave the guests a resume of the 19th Annual Reunion program at Augusta, Georgia in 1965. Doug Coffey introduced his guests -- Major and Mrs. Wayne Elliott, Arty USA, West Point, N. Y. Major Elliott had been on duty in Germany when the Division Memorial had been dedicated and had taken part in the ceremony. They had also attended the luncheon. At the luncheon, at the dinner and during the dancing, this attractive couple made a big hit with the Golden Lions and their ladies and we hope to have them back.
     The Big Surprise at the Dinner was the arrival of genial Jim Hatch Div.Hq., totally unexpected. His wife Helen and daughter Kathy had arrived on Thursday and reported that Jim would not be with us this year, because he could not get away from business. Well, he surprised the members, but his family even more.
     The big event of the dinner was the award of the Order of the Golden Lion, Commander Class, to Dick DeHeer (who this past year, was Adjutant, Treasurer and Editor of the CUB) and the Order of the Golden Lion, Companion Class to his devoted wife, Marge DeHeer. Their citations appear elsewhere in this CUB. After the dinner the dancing got underway and lasted until a late hour. One of the arrivals just before dinner


    was Capt. Henderson and his wife from Connecticut. He was attending his first reunion. He commanded Btry C, 590th FA Bn., in which Doug Coffey was the Como Sgt. Quite a reunion.
     We were honored to have the hotel manager and his wife join us for the dancing, and they seemed to enjoy it. Tom or Doug can supply his name, which escapes me, but he did a grand job for the Golden Lions and we hope we can return there some day.
     Sunday morning we enjoyed the usual wind-up breakfast, and then reluctantly said farewell until next year at Augusta. A number of members went out to attend Mass, said in one of the local Catholic Churches by our own Father Day. It should be mentioned in passing that the good Father, his brother, and one of his parishioners from Springfield, Illinois, Bud Van Der Wal (referred to as the "rich parishioner") were a great addition to the reunion, and we hope to see all three of them next year. Father Day, by the way, was elected to the Board of Directors. As usual, all through the convention, the Hagman suite was an oasis, presided over by the lovely Juanita and genial Ben. It was so popular that on Saturday night, Ben had to politely, but firmly, eject two party crashers.


     How does it happen that Golden Lions with bald heads (or nearly so) come to produce such lovely daughters? We can think of two examples at this convention, and each of them had two daughters there! We can never hold another convention in Atlantic City. We'd ruin the attendance at the Miss America pageant in September if our beautiful younger auxiliary were on the boardwalk in July.
     We pity anyone who stayed away from this convention thinking that he couldn't afford the Fair. We were there two days and spent less than twenty dollars, including admission and two long-distance phone calls home on the magical push-button phones.
     The weather man cooperated nicely with us at the Fair. He kept our day there cool and produced just enough rain in the afternoon to scare the crowds away. We got into the most popular exhibits that way with little or no wait. Marty Dever got to General Motors at 8:00 and was through it and back on the bus by 9:00.
     If the 106th never made another movement on time, they did the one home from the Fair. At 8:56, there were only seven people on the one bus, and at 9:05, the entire 47 were loaded and on their way. Perfect planning by the Messrs. Bickford and Coffey!

August 17, 1964
Dear Dick:
     If anyone is even thinking of going to Europe for the 20th Anniversary tell them through the CUB to make immediate arrangements to acquire a passport. Contact their nearest Federal Building for information; in some outlying areas a Clerk or Judge can issue the applications. When this is done they will be prepared if something works out. I will try to get all information possible. Those interested better contact me because the information received in the future will be too late for the CUB. I can then give them the information directly.
Best personal wishes to you and Marge and Rick.
Doug Coffey


     We didn't really expect to see Flo and Tom Bickford at the convention. After they had managed to make seventeen in a row all over the United States, we thought it would be too much for them to get to one that was just a bus ride from Sunnyside Terrace.
     Dick and Marge DeHeer never have very much to say, but Saturday night found them speechless with the presentation of their Order of the Golden Lion decorations. Dick is virtually unemployed now-- he is down to two jobs in this organization: member of the board of directors and co-editor of the CUB.
     The presence of Major Wayne Elliott and his breathtaking wife and adorable daughter surely added to every one's pleasure. The kind things he had to say about us at Saturday night's dinner, so obviously heartfelt, brought every one present to his feet for a real ovation. We look forward to seeing them again.
     The DeHeers enjoyed having the Scrantons and the Loveless's to dinner Sunday night. The Scrantons stayed for a few days visiting sights around this area. Marge took a two-week rest in the hospital having a few things taken care of-- everything just fine-- even gaining weight.
     All interested parties remember this name and telephone number in case you want to go to the New Jersey dinner on Dec. 13, Sunday-- and don't receive a letter, call Ed Plenge at 201-384-9275.

Advance from Association

 $ 100.00

 55 full registrations @$22.00


 18 full registrations @$18.00


 6 full registrations @$15.00


 14 partial registrations


 14 Warm up Party only


 35 Saturday Dinners only


 1 Lions Tale book sold


 World's Fair tickets sold


 160th Decals sold


 Contributions to Memorial Fund


 Dues collected; 15 men, 5 women


 Total Income



 Hotel Suburban, meals tips, etc.


 Two buses to World's Fair
Five piece Dance Band


 Flowers for bead table


 Printing of program, badges, etc.


 Decals and parking stickers

 35 00

 Bus to Edison Museum


 Return of Advance to Association


 Memorial Funds turned over


 Lions Tale book fee turned over


 Dues turned over to Adjutant


 Major Elliott 's expenses


 Adjutant's registration


 CUB Editor's registration


 Purchase of World's Fair tickets


 Committee expenses


 Total Expenses $2,449.45
Net profit from Convention $ 13.55
Thomas Bickford and Douglas Coffey, Co-chairmen






     Tom and Flo, Isabel and I want to thank all who came to the Convention and helped to make it what we thought it was, a huge success.
We enjoyed having you, and having made a slight profit instead of a loss, pleased us very much.
The Hotel was high in its praise of the conduct of the Convention and the esprit de corps of our members.
     We trust you all enjoyed the Convention as much as we did and we would hope that if there is any criticism you contact Doug Coffey and tell him. To hide it is no good. We like to have a critique after any affair so that we or the next Committee can learn from bitter experience.
     We have a new face to run the next Convention. He will need all the help we can give. So help us to help him, for then you are helping yourself.
     Major Elliott and his charming wife indicated that they had a wonderful time and could not get over the friendliness of our group.
The band leader made it a point to tell me they enjoyed playing for us because we enjoyed ourselves so much.


     Annapolis gave us the United States Naval Academy and Carvel Hall, complete with a four striper named Marcellus (since promoted to "Admiral"). Fort Worth presented, for our edification, a real rodeo of working cowboys. At Savannah and Chicago we enjoyed the luxury of country club living, complete with golf and swimming. We have been treated royally at each of our expertly planned reunions. So what did New Jersey and The Oranges do for us? They set up a fantastic, unbelievable, incredible World's Fair, that's what they did. Georgia is going to have a real strain to top that one, but never sell our people short.
     As we turned off Central Avenue onto the Garden State Parkway, conversation centered around the reunion just ended. By the time we were on the New Jersey Turnpike and had reached the area around New Brunswick, important matters had been pretty well kicked around, and we got down to new business. "Just before we left the Suburban Hotel someone asked us what to do about tipping at a convention, and was it just the same as on any other trip?" The general opinion of those of our passengers, who were paying attention to the conversation of their elders, was that it was just the same as staying in any hotel at any time, except for occasions such as group dinners. This led to a discussion of tipping in general, and by the time we had crossed the Delaware River Bridge and reached well into Maryland Free State, we had disposed of some of the more controversial features of this unhappy question. Tipping seems to have become an ineradicable custom. From time to time suggestions are made that it be abolished, either by raising wages in the service trades to a point at which tips will not be needed, or by adding a standard service charge to bills, as is often done in Europe. But such solutions are rarely tried and when they are they usually don't work, since many customers continue to tip anyway. Why? A friend of ours said, "The tip is a status thing. It gives a man a chance to be a big shot. I want to walk in and have the head waiter say 'Good Evening Mr. Chairman' in a voice everyone can hear." On a lower level of income, a young man we know says that he tips 10% when dining by himself or with a male friend "but on a date I'll go 15%." Among the recipients of tips there is also griping that income from tips is unsteady. "It's chicken one day and feathers the next" said a waitress who was upset because she never can figure what her income will be. The majority of tip receivers want to stay with it, simply because they think they make more money that way and, too, there is always a chance of maybe outguessing the IRS just a trifle. How much to tip? We have heard of a dice game that raked in $1,200 in tips alone in one night, and of a "bunny" in Detroit who recently received a $500 tip from one of the last of the big spenders. A recent Wall Street Journal survey finds that tipping on the grand scale seems to be going out of style. As an executive of one of the large steel companies told them, "If I go out to dinner in a good restaurant it's a tip for parking the car, a tip for hanging up my overcoat, a tip in the cocktail lounge, a tip for the headwaiter and a tip for the table waiter. And then, the worst of all, there's a little old man sitting in the rest room dispensing towels for a handout."
     In some of the posh restaurants the tip has been edging up to 20% from the former 15%, and since prices have generally risen, resentment appears to be growing.
    By this time we were approaching the outskirts of Washington and were forced to end our entertaining discourse because of heavy traffic. This gave our youngest the opportunity to pause in his study of customs and folkways of Superman and his friends and say, "Well, Gramps, why don't you fly when you travel, eat in cafeterias and stay out of night spots-- no tips."


A Five Year Wait
For Special Belgian Stamp
     Word has been received from one of our Belgian contacts, M. Robert de Wasserman, that he has secured a formal promise from Belgian postal authorities that they will issue a set of at least two commemorative stamps in 1969 on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the outbreak of the Battle of the Ardennes with perhaps a temporary post office set up at Saint Vith to handle details of the issuance of these special stamps at that time.
     This was the best news contained in the most recent word from M. de Wasserman who has been working with us for the past several months in an attempt to obtain issuance of a "Battle of the Bulge" commemorative stamp. Our efforts were aimed at issuance of such a stamp on the twentieth anniversary in December of this year, but such efforts were in vain. Unlike the United States, where stamp issues are some, times announced as little as six weeks before their date of issuance, all issues in Belgium for a calendar year are listed in a Royal Decree issued late the preceding year. To this decree, no exceptions can be taken. Even the efforts of M. de Wasserman to have a special commemorative post mark used at Saint Vith in December of this year were in vain. Another item of interest in M. de Wasserman's letter is his indication that the Belgian authorities are coming to accept our beliefs that the 106th Division has been underrated (and perhaps, the 101st overrated in commemoration ceremonies concerning the Ardennes campaign. In the publicity accompanying the issuance of a net of stamps commemorating the liberation of Belgium, issued in August of this year, only the 101st was mentioned by its designation.
     We regret that we did not contact M. de Wasserman originally rather than attempting to work directly with the Belgian authorities. He might have been able more than a year ago, when our first efforts were made, to have persuaded the authorities to issue "our" stamps on the twentieth anniversary-- and to have included us along with the 101st in the "Liberation and Resistance" publicity.
The complete text of M. de Wasserman's recent letter is as follows:
Dear Mr. Black:
     I am very sorry to inform you that all our efforts have been in vain. Neither the petition of Monsieur le Bourgmeistre of Saint Vith nor my interventions with Messrs. Struyf, General Manager of the Postal Department, and with Huygens, First Secretary of the P. T. T. have had any results.
     Both told me that your request has come a year too late. In our country, all stamp emissions are prepared a year in advance. At the end of each year a Royal Decree schedules all the stamps to be issued in the next year. This decision is "non varietur."
     I have the impression that they are crestfallen on hearing of the heroic facts concerning the 106th American Infantry Division at Saint Vith.
     As a last resort, I tried to receive for you a temporary Post Office working near the Memorial on 16 December using a special cancel on the actual "Liberation" net of stamps. This too was refused, as in the joint prospectus, only the 101st Division of General MacAuliffe is mentioned.
     The only thing I secured for you is a formal promise that you will have a commemorative set of at least two stamps and perhaps a temporary post office for your twenty-fifth anniversary in 1969.
Sincerely yours, (signed) R. de Wasserman
     In explanation, let us add that a request for a stamp issue was sent to the Belgian authorities more than a year ago, but without M. de Wasserman's push, the request was evidently ignored.
-- Wayne Black


AUG. 6, 1964
     Jack M. Gillespie of Birmingham has acquired an option to buy Hansen Wholesale Lumber Corp., 930 Hubbell, Detroit, and has been named president and chief executive officer.
     Harvey R. Hansen, chairman of the firm's board, made the announcement and also said Hugh C. Faulkner, Detroit, has been named vice president and general manager. Faulkner has been with the firm 17 years.
     Gillespie, age 43, is a former president of the Michigan Hoo-Hoo Lumber Association and has been a lumber broker for more than 20 years. Hansen lives at 4837 Stoneleigh, Bloomfield Hills, Gillespie at 3536 Darcy, Birmingham.

     I read where the 106th Infantry will have a reunion soon. I was with them in Fort Jackson, S. C. for quite some time, before we went overseas in the Battle of the Bulge. I was in C Company. If you know any of them at the Reunion who were in C Company at Fort Jackson, S. C., let me know. You have my address. I will not be able to make the reunion as I am a polio victim, now in a wheel chair. I came down with polio in 1959 at Camp Cooke, California, spent two years in the hospital in San Francisco, so find out if any of the fellows at the Reunion were at Fort Jackson and let me know and tell them to write to me. I am two and one-half miles from Reno.
John Brown
(Sgt. A.S.N. 6570948) 340 Devere Way
Sparks, Nevada

Dear Mr. Coffey:
     I note in the 5 February 1964 edition of the Army Times that the 106th Division Association will hold its reunion in the Suburban Hotel, East Orange, New Jersey during the period 23-26 July 1964. I was assigned to the 422nd Infantry from March 1943 to July 1944, and would be interested in attending your reunion in July. Would you please furnish me with information on prerequisites, costs, program, and other information which is firm at this time?
Eric R. Mills, Jr.
(Col. CS Inf.)
286 Bizerte Road Fort Lee, Virginia
     Please send me the name and address of the Catholic Chaplain who crossed over the Rhine River March 11, 1945 at Ludendorff Bridge, Remagen, Germany with us. He stayed with us for some time. I was with E Company, 393rd, 99th Division. Thanking you in advance. (The 106th was on one side, but what Division was on the other side of the 99th ?)
Rufus V. Martin 566 Hugh Street Spartanburg, S. C.

Dear Doug:
     A friend, recently in Europe, took occasion to visit our memorial and sent me some pictures. In his note he said the following:
     "Whoever planned the 106th Memorial at St. Vith, did a remarkable job. The best I've ever seen, bar none, completely suited to the terrain, the purpose and the future. And lovingly maintained by Dr. DeLaval, with whom I spent a fine morning at his home in Vielsalm." This seems to me about as fine a tribute to the Memorial as I've heard, and since you are its creator I feel you should see this praise.
A. W. J.
3532 Quebec St., N.W. Washington, D. C. 20016

Dear Dick:
     Enclosed is my check for $5.00 (I hope this is the correct amount) for my 1964-65 dues. If it is not enough, let me know. I hope you all have a successful and enjoyable convention. Again, due to my work, I will not be able to attend. Maybe sometime the convention


will be back in this area and I will at least get to attend over a weekend. Good luck to all.
O. Paul Merz
1489 Bonneville Lane Mt. Healthy 31, Ohio Serv. Co. 422 Reg.

Dear Mr. Coffey:
     Reading the VFW News, I came across a reunion listed for the 106th Div. This is the first time since 1947 that I've heard they had one. I'm interested in learning more about this one in N. J. I was in the 106th Signal Co. from the start of activation, till it broke up in 45. I didn't make the reunion in Indianapolis in 47 because I had just got back off my honeymoon. I'm sending a self-addressed stamped envelope for more information on this one July 23-26, also on how often you have had these reunions and when you expect to have more in the future. I'll appreciate hearing from you. Thank you.
Harry Storbeck Highland, Illinois
     Participants in the 16th anniversary dinner celebration of the Harrisburg Chapter of American Gold Star Mothers are, from left, Mrs. Lawrence E. Brown, social chairman; Brig. Gen. Leo T. McMahon, speaker; the Rev. James E. Morecraft, pastor of Memorial Lutheran Church, and Mrs. Stanley A. Roth, president. The dinner was held recently in the Christian Educational Building, 17th and State Streets.

     Received your invitation for the Convention of 1964 and I am very sorry that I will not be able to attend. I surely wish the gang a very good time and lot of fun. I am at present employed at Fink & Heine Meat Packers as a meat salesman. So therefore it is pretty hard to get away from the job as it requires long hours and quite a bit of work. Formerly I was self-employed as a grocery store owner and manager. So working for somebody else is quite a change, although I have been here at Fink & Heine three and one-half years and the work is very interesting. Wishing the 106th Inf. Division Association the best of everything, and I surely do enjoy the magazine.
George Kaufman
1320% Broadway
Springfield, Ohio

Dear Mr. DeHeer:
     I am enclosing a picture of Gen. McMahon that was taken on May 18. He was guest speaker at the Harrisburg Chapter of American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. 16th Anniversary Dinner. We were very proud and honored he could be with us and take time out from his very busy schedule. If you use it for the CUB, will you please return it to Gen. McMahon; he would like to have it. Had a very nice letter from Carroll Padgett from 424th Reg. Co. He said he thinks he can help me find the men who went back to get Harold E. Witmer in artillery shack night of December 16, 1944. So I sent him a Co. E picture where Harold marked the men who helped him. Also told me he plans to attend the Convention and praised the Association. There was an article about him in last CUB. He is living in Stone Mountain, Georgia. Am not sure at present time if I can be there, but if at all possible will try and come as I would very much like to see you all again and visit my dear friend Esther Caporale who I met in Philadelphia. We have corresponded ever since. May you have a very nice Convention. Best to all the men in the Association.
Anna E. Dulebon
Mother of Pfc. Harold E. Witmer

     424th Reg. Co. E (Returning application envelope-- know it cost to have printed-- also hotel reservation just in case I can make it before 6:00 July 23.)


Dear Richard:
     Enclose find post office money order for $5.00 for my dues to 106th Infantry Division. I am sorry I am late. I miss the CUB magazine when I don't get it. I am managing a self-service store at the present and in process of building a new store. I had one of the 106th Inf. Div. men come in the store to -see me in January. His name Frank Harmon, Jr. Was in Headquarters Co. and was mess Sgt. He works for Alan Mills Studio, Chattanooga, Tenn. He travels and takes pictures. We had a long talk of the 106th. Hope you can use this in the CUB. Someone might remember him. He said he might join later on.
John W. Carr
Box 66
Greensboro, Ga.

     I have written to the Corresponding Official of the Division in early June but have received no reply. Kindly answer this letter.
     I was in Co. G, 423 Inf. Regt. of the 106th Division from April 1945 until it was de-activated in August or September of 1945. In early July of 1945 (after the surrender of Germany) we were sent to a position next to the Buchenwald concentration camp in southern Germany. On a march through a town next to the camp we were ambushed by the people in the town and S.S. troopers who hadn't surrendered. We escaped from the trap and went on to battle and defeat the S.S. in the woods near the camp. The battle lasted for several days and afterwards we were making huge piles of bodies of the dead S.S. troopers. In this action we were assisted by Indian troops of the 82nd Airborne Division. I remember the battle clearly and the many incidents which took place during it. After my discharge in 1946 I received a booklet entitled "The 106th." It told of the Bulge battle and several other engagements of the Division but no mention was made of this battle. I would like to have an official history of the battle, including the ambush in the town next to the camp. It happened in early July of 1945. I would also like to know how I can receive credit for the battle and medals which were won in it.
George E. Sweeney
164-35 - 99th Street
Howard Beach, N. Y. 11414

Dear Dick:
     I want to say thanks to members and guests for showing up at the reunion in East Orange. It made the work Doug and I put into it worthwhile. The Monday after the reunion Flo and I flew to Birmingham, Mich. to spend a couple of weeks with my cousin. Tuesday night I called John and Evelyn Shalhout on the phone. He told us to come over Wednesday night. My cousin and her husband drove us over. They live about five miles away. Talk about a 106th reunion! The Rutts were there, the Kelleys and the Gillespies. John and Evelyn sure rolled out the red carpet for visiting firemen. I called the Gubows on the phone and talked to Larry and Estelle. Both are well and sorry they had to miss the reunion. Sunday afternoon after everyone had left the reunion Hank Broth had to call the doctor. He didn't feel very well but the doctor said it was alright to return to Baltimore. Flo and I stayed until they left.
(P.S.-- My cousin mailed this to me from local newspaper out in Michigan.)
Tom Bickford
     Sorry that I have been out of touch for so long. I am now working as a city, bus driver for the Miami Bus System (as I have been for thirteen years). I am once again single (and living alone again) after a number of years of marriage which turned out to be unsuccessful-- well, the years roll on don't they? It will be good to receive and read the CUB once again. Come and visit us in Florida when you get the opportunity !
John D. Wilson
2975 S.W. 16 Terr., #2 Miami, Florida
I am Director of Payrolls for the Ohio State University and pay some 15,000 people each month. Married and


    have two sons, Michael, 17, and Mark, age 13. I am a Lt. Col. in the Army Reserve and am on the staff of the 83rd Infantry Division Artillery (USAR).
Robert C. Ringer
4289 Kendale Road
Columbus 21, Ohio

     I am doing following: we have two children who have finished Baylor University. Mary Kay teaches school, Joe Lee works at North American. Had a real surprise a few months ago. A nice visit by Bill Hernelt from Baltimore, Md. We were both in 424th.
C. L. Lindsey
R. #1, Box 208 Waco, Texas

     I am reading the V.F.W. magazine. I noticed the 106th Div. was having a reunion. I was a member of this Division and left with them from Camp Atterbury, Ind. for overseas. Was in Banbury, England for awhile, then left for France. We landed at LeHavre. Was in the Bulge with the 424th Inf., Co. B. I was frozen from waist down. I am interested in this reunion, also would like to hear any news about the 106th. Would appreciate hearing from you.
Clarence J. Ruth
383 Holly Drive
Levittown, Pa.

Dear Dick
     Thought it was about time I dropped you a line. First I'd like to congratulate Doug and Tom plus their wives, of course, for the swell convention they put on. To me it had to be rated with the best, and we had some good ones already. I enjoyed the trip to the Fair, especially being escorted thru the Hawaiian Village by Bill Johnston, of course. Tom Bickford had to be introduced to some of the nature girls, which Bill did. The Convention Committee did miss one thing though, they should have had the rain coat concession! Ha, ha.
     After I left the Convention I took my family to my brother's place in North Carolina. It looks like I picked up one of their rebel bugs down there because I took sick and haven't worked since. I feel a lot better today and hope to get back to work next week.
That's about all for this issue and I feel a little weak so I think I'll lay down and rest awhile.
(P.S.)-- I paid my dues at the Convention but haven't received my card. Maybe its due to change in Adj ?
Clayt. Rarich Blandon, Pa.

Dear Mr. DeHeer:
     I understand that you might be able to secure a couple of back issues of "CUB." I would like to get the March 1963 and the May 1962 issues which covers the dedication of the 106th Division Memorial at St. Vith.
    Also, I would like information on whom to contact with regards to attending the annual 106th Convention to be held in South Orange, New Jersey on July 23 through 26.
     Please send me the issues of "CUB" directly to my home listed below. Also, would appreciate information of conventions as requested sent to the same address.
    One other thing, I would like to join the 106th Association but don't know how to go about it or whom to contact. Would appreciate this information at the same time.
Carroll D. Padgett Co. E, 424th Inf. 106th Division 579 Millington Dr. Stone Mountain, Ga.

Fifteen year ago--
     Jack Gillespie was elected as president at the third annual convention at the Congress Hotel in Chicago. About 250 attended the functions which were highlighted by superb arrangements and fine food. The memorial services were held on Congress Plaza with a squadron of military planes flying over.


     Served in the 106th Infantry Division in World War 2 with Company K, 424th Infantry, Since 1950 has been active in the New Jersey group of the Association in promoting December 16 Memorial Dinners.
For many years he and his devoted wife Marge held annual one-day summer reunions for the New Jersey group.
     In 1957 he was elected President of the 106th Division Association. In 1959 he was appointed Adjutant and performed the duties of that office in 1959-60; 1960-61; 1961-62; 1962-63.
In 1962 in addition to his office of Adjutant, he was elected Treasurer.
     In 1963 when no one could be found to take over the Editorship of the CUB he voluntarily assumed those duties in addition to the offices of Adjutant and Treasurer.
     IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION of his long and distinguished service to the Association, and particularly for his outstanding contribution in 1963-64 as Adjutant, Treasurer and Editor of the CUB, the Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association unanimously awards him the
July 25, 1964 Attest Leo T. McMahon
at East Orange, N. J. Vice President
    IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION of her work as Assistant to her husband, Richard DeHeer, when he was President of the Association in 1957;
     Again in grateful recognition of her assistance to her husband over the years, while he has served as Adjutant, Treasurer, and Editor of the CUB.
The Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association unanimously awards her the
July 25, 1964, Attest Leo T. McMahon
at East Orange, N. J. Vice President

Index for: Vol. 21 No. 1, Aug, 1964

Index for This Document

106th Div., 17, 21, 23, 25, 26
106th Inf. Div., 21, 23, 27
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 19, 27
106th Memorial, 19
106th Sig. Co., 21
331st Med. BN, 6
422nd Inf., 7, 19
424th Inf. Regt., 25, 26
589th FA BN, 7
590th FA BN, 7, 9
591st FA BN, 6
592nd FA BN, 7
81st Engr. BN, 6, 7
82nd Abn. Div., 23
83rd Inf. Div. Arty., 25
99th Inf. Div., 19
Ardennes, 17
Baker, Bill, 5
Banbury, England, 25
Battle Of The Bulge, 3, 17, 19
Beals, Carol, 3, 5
Beals, Flo, 5
Beals, John, 3
Belgium, 2, 3, 17
Bickford, Flo, 1, 5
Bickford, Flo & Tom, 11
Bickford, Thomas, 12
Bickford, Tom, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 23, 25
Black, Wayne, 3, 18
Broth, Hank, 23
Broth, Henry, 3
Brown, John, 19
Brown, Mrs. Lawrence E., 21
Brumhagin, Dave & Mrs., 6
Brunswick, 15
Bryant, Jack, 3
Buchenwald, 23
Camp Atterbury, Ind., 25
Caporale, Esther, 22
Carr, John W., 23
Churchill, Winston, 1
Co. K, 424th Inf., 27
Coffey, Doug, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 14
Coffey, Douglas, 12
Coffey, Isabel, 1, 5
Coffey, Mr., 19, 21
Collins, Sherod, 1, 3, 7
Creamer, Roy, 7
Day, Father, 3, 9
Day, Father John B., 4, 7
de Wasserman, M., 17, 18
de Wasserman, R., 17
DeHeer, Dick, 1, 3, 5, 7
DeHeer, Dick & Marge, 11
DeHeer, Marge, 7
DeHeer, Marge & Dick, 1
DeHeer, Mrs. Richard (Marge), 27
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 27
DeLaval, Dr., 2, 3, 5, 19
Desmala, Karl, 6
Dever, Martin, 3
Dever, Marty, 9
Devincenzo, A., 5
Div. Chaplain, 7
Dorosky, Tom, 3
Dorosky, Tom & Alice, 7
Dover, 7
Doyle, Brig. Gen. William C., 5, 7
Doyle, Gen., 3
Dulebon, Anna E., 22
Elliott, Maj., 7, 12, 14
Elliott, Maj. & Mrs. Wayne, 7
Elliott, Maj. Wayne, 11
Enloe, Jack, 2
Faulkner, Hugh C., 19
Fonda, Jim & Mrs., 7
Fort Jackson, 19
Freitag, Dr. Arthur, 6
Germany, 7, 23
Gillespie, Jack, 26
Gillespie, Jack M., 19
Hagman, Ben, 3, 7
Hansen, Harvey R., 19
Harmon, Frank, Jr., 23
Hatch, Jim, 3, 7
Henderson, Capt., 9
Hernelt, Bill, 25
Johnston, Bill, 25
Jones, Al & Alys, 5
Jones, Alan, 3
Jones, Gen., 3
Kaufman, George, 21
Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. J., 5
Knease, Miss Tacie M., 5
Knease, Mrs. Tacie M., 3
LeHavre, 25
Lindsey, C. L., 25
Lion In The Way, 3
Loveless, Chaplain John, 7
Loveless, John, 1, 3
Macauliffe, Gen., 17
Martin, Rufus V., 19
Matthews, Col. Joe, 1
Matthews, Joe, 1, 3, 7
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo T., 1, 21
McMahon, Gen., 1, 21
McMahon, Leo, 3
McMahon, Leo T., 1, 7, 27
McMahon, Tom, 5
McMahon, Wilda, 5
Memorials, 2
Merz, O. Paul, 21
Mills, Eric R., Jr., 19
Morecraft, Rev. James E., 21
Mowlds, Lyle, 3
Mowlds, Sheriff, 5
Mowlds, Sheriff & Mrs., 7
Order Of The Golden Lion, 7, 11, 27
Padgett, Carroll, 21
Padgett, Carroll D., 26
Paris, 7
Pierce, Bob, 2, 3, 7
Plenge, Ed, 11
Rarich, Clayt., 25
Rarick, Clayton, 3
Reilly, Ed, 5
Remagen, Germany, 19
Reunions, 5
Rhine River, 19
Riggs, Tom, 7
Ringer, Robert C., 25
Rooney, Joe, 5
Roth, Mrs. Stanley A., 21
Ruth, Clarence J., 25
Schutte, Phil, 3
Scranton, Bob, 2, 3
Sgrignoli, Mike, 7
Shalhout, John & Evelyn, 23
Soulhoub, John, 2
St. Vith, 17, 19, 25
Storbeck, Harry, 21
Struyf, Messrs., 17
Sweeney, George E., 23
Van Der Wal, Bud, 9
Vielsalm, 19
Wells, Jim, 3, 7
West Point, 7
Wilson, John D., 24
Witmer, Harold E., 21, 22
Zeevalk, Mr. William, 5