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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
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The Cub
Vol. 73, No. 2, Apr., 2017

PHOTO: Golden Lion Anders (Bud) Madsen, Jr. receives the French Legion of Honor Medal
    Golden Lion Anders (Bud) Madsen, Jr. of the 422/H, was presented the French Legion of Honor Medal, France's highest, on May 3, 2017, aboard the USS New York.
Read more on page 22.

A tri-annual publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
Total Membership as of June 23, 2017 – 1,067
Membership includes CUB magazine subscription
Annual Dues are no longer mandatory: Donations Accepted
Payable to "106th Infantry Division Association" and mailed to the Treasurer -- See address below

Elected Offices
President Leon Goldberg (422/D)
Past-President (Ex-Officio) Brian Welke (Associate Member)
1st Vice-President Wayne Dunn (Associate Member)
2nd Vice-President Robert Schaffner (Associate Member)
    Adjutant: Randall M. Wood (Associate member) 810 Cramertown Loop, Martinsville, IN 46151,, 765-346-0690

Business Matters, Deaths, Address changes to:
Membership: Jacquelyn Coy 121 McGregor Ave., Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 973-663-2410

Donations, checks to: Treasurer: Mike Sheaner
PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214,, 214-823-3004

Memorial Chair: Dr. John G. Robb (422/D)
238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355,, 814-333-6364

Chaplain: Vincent J. Charron,

    106th ID Assn's Belgium Liaison: Carl Wouters, Waterkant 17 Bus 32, B-2840 Terhagen, Belgium,, cell: +(32) 47 924 7789

106th Assoc. Website Webmaster: Wayne G. Dunn
620 Coachmans Way, Parkton, MD 21120,, 410-409-1141
Committee Chairs:
Atterbury Memorial Representative Jim West
Historian John Schaffner/William McWhorter
Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy
Mini-Reunions Wayne Dunn
Nominating Committee Chair Brian Welke
Order of the Golden Lion Carol Falkner/Beth Garrison/ John Schaffner
Public Relations Chair Wayne Dunn
Resolutions Chair Bernard Mayrsohn
Reunion Co-chairs Randy Wood, Brian Welke

CUB Editor: William McWhorter, 200 Morrell, Kyle, Texas 78640 512-970-5637

CUB Publisher: Susan Weiss
9 Cypress Point Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012 856-415-2211

Board of Directors (all positions held through 2016)

Jacquelyn Coy, Membership (Associate member)
121 McGregor Ave., Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 973-663-2410

Wayne G. Dunn (Associate member) 620 Coachmans Way, Parkton, MD 21120 410-409-1141

Joe Gardner (Associate member) 315 Ridgewood Drive, New Paris, PA 15554 814-839-2473

Leon Goldberg (422/D) 307 Penbree Terrace, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-2333 610-667-5115

Donald F. Herndon (424/L) 8313 NW 102, Oklahoma City, OK 73162-4026 405-721-9164

    Henry LeClair (Associate member)(father:422/G) 209 Range Road, Windham, NH 03087 603-401-3723

Sy Lichtenfeld (422/I) [Past President] 901 Somerby Dr., Apt 334, Mobile, AL 36695 251-639-4002

    Bernard Mayrsohn (423/CN) [Past President] website: 34 Brae Burn Dr., Purchase, NY 10577-1004 914-946-2908

    Kris Rice (Associate member) 23109 Glenbrook Street, St. Clair Shores, MI 48082-2194 586-206-0018

John M. Roberts (592/C) [Past President]
1059 Alter Rd., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304-1401 248-338-2667

Dr. John G. Robb (422/D) 238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355 814-333-6364

    John Schaffner (589/A) [Past President] 1811 Miller Rd., Cockeysville, MD 21030-1013 410-584-2754

Robert Schaffner (Associate member), 706 Morris Ave., Lutherville, MD 21093 410-773-4297

    Herbert "Mike" Sheaner (422/G) [Past President] PO Box 140535, Dallas, Texas 75214 214-823-3003

Mike Sheaner, Treasurer (Associate member) PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214 214-823-3004

Jeanne M. Walker (Associate member), 22 Woodbine Rd., Marshfield, MA 02050-3632 781-837-8166

    Newton Weiss (423/HQ 3Bn) [Past President], 311 Route 73, Apt. 245, Voorhees, NJ 08043 856-210-6696

    Brian Welke (Associate member) [Past President] 1821 Morris Street, Eustis, FL 32726-6401 352-408-5671

Janet Wood (Associate member) 308 Camden Cove Circle, Calera, AL 35040 205-910-0542

    Randall M. Wood (Associate member) [Past President] 810 Cramertown Loop, Martinsville, IN 46151 765-346-0690


President's View . . .
    This is my last message to you in The CUB and I want you to know how gratifying it has been to be awarded the honor and privilege of being your President this year. Although I have a responsible office, the real work of the 106th Infantry Division Reunion Association is done by a devoted and extremely competent cadre of officers and board members who work all year long. They all deserve a round of applause.
    My wife and I attended the dedication of the permanent home for the Eric Fisher Wood memorial on Sunday, April 30, at the Valley Forge Military Academy and College in Wayne, Pennsylvania. Eric, who served in the 106th, fought and died in Belgium. If you've been reading your CUB, you know that this is a replica of a monument that was created by grateful local citizens and stands in the woods in Meyerode, Belgium; the replica will have a permanent home in Valley Forge. The 106th had a nice turnout for the event and the restaurant afterward: John and Robert Schaffner; Jacquelyn Coy and Harry Martin; Sam Feinberg and his son, Frank and Sam's friend, Bob Clark; Newton and Susan Weiss, and Joan Tracy. The ceremony was beautiful and emotional and we were happy to represent the 106th.
    Recently I received an interesting letter from Edwin H. Beck, whom I have never met. He was in the 422nd Company A and trained in Camp Wheeler, GA, as I did. He has been the Commander of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the American Prisoners of War for 14 years and is trying to contact veterans from Company A. His address is 6973 Cabolela Ave., Widefield, CO 80711-2950. He would love to hear from anyone with knowledge of folks from Company A. I will bring the newsletter and information he sent me to the convention.
    I must tell you about a wonderful trip I took to D.C. on June 10th. There is an organization based in Springfield, PA called Honor Flight Philadelphia. This was started by one man (not a veteran) about seven years ago, who decided that veterans should all have the opportunity


President's View . . .

    to visit the memorials created in their honor. The first year he rented a bus and took 12 veterans on his own. He has since solicited sponsors. I heard about the Honor Flight trips at a local meeting of the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge and I signed up for a trip.
    There were three or four buses on my trip and we all had to be at the meeting place in time to board the bus at 7 a.m. Each veteran had to have a guardian to be his "second" (husbands or wives were not allowed to serve this purpose) for the entire trip. While we were registering and waiting, volunteers served us donuts and coffee. At 7 a.m. we boarded our assigned buses and took off; we had a state police escort all the way to our destination. They kept the highway entrances closed as we approached them so that we had a clear path all the way down. We had a full breakfast and soon arrived at Arlington National Cemetery. Each time the bus stopped for us to go see something, our guardians took a wheelchair out for each of us. At our collective ages, the hiking and standing to observe would have taken quite a toll on us. Once we had toured part of the Cemetery, we sat down to watch the Air Force cadets perform a very impressive military parade and exercise for us, tossing rifles back and forth with absolute precision.
    Then we had lunch on the bus en route to the Korean, Vietnam, and World War II memorials. Since last year's 106th convention also ran a tour to these memorials, I won't describe that experience.
    About 4 p.m. we boarded our buses started home, again with the state police escort and traffic control. When we reached the Pennsylvania border, we were met by a squad of 300 motorcycles who led us back to our home base for dinner and entertainment. Along the way we saw myriads of people waving flags and saluting on the sides of the roads and on the overpasses. Our parking lot was full of hundreds of people waving flags and holding signs to welcome us back; a huge American flag and a searchlight crossed the road where we re-entered our home base; and a red carpet flanked by people of all ages led us from the bus to the dinner hall. As each veteran and guardian walked down the red carpet, those standing along its sides reached out to shake hands and thank the vets for their service and for preserving our freedom.
It was an emotional experience for all.
    Dinner in the church hall included mail call (every vet got an envelope with mail), a mummer's band that played songs from that era, a ceremony honoring those who had fallen in the line of duty or who were still missing, speeches from a variety of local political dignitaries and from the organizers of the events and the motorcycle group that had participated (they even served dinner to the vets and guardians). My mail package included about a dozen letters and art work from school children along with some from our families, thanking us for our service and describing what it meant to them. All in all, it was an emotional, beautiful tribute to the veterans who were there.
If you ever have an opportunity to take this trip, don't miss it. You will remember it with fondness.
    Back to reality, I am looking forward to our Florida reunion and to seeing you all there. The committee is working hard to assure that we have a good time.

    PHOTO: Leon Goldberg (422/D), 106th Infantry Division Association President 2016–2017, 307 Penbree Terrace Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-2333, 610-667-5115,


Chaplain's Message . . .

What Stops Our Success?
    Early on in my ministry training I asked my mentor, "If there was one golden nugget that explained the reason for marriage failures what would you say it would be?" He replied, "It is the same golden nugget that is the cause of all failures, selfishness."
    This is probably the truest statement I have ever heard. As I reflected on his answer I saw areas in my life where I failed and could plainly see where I acted selfishly. We should be reminded daily that our selfishness will not only hurt those whom we love but it can also destroy us in the process.
    I am reminded of a farmer who inherited a rice field. The first year, the water covered his land so well that he had an abundant harvest. In fact, it even overflowed into his neighbor's field, making it fertile also. But he began to fret because his neighbor's field became as productive as his own. He decided that the water was part of his inheritance and belonged exclusively to him, so he cut it off from his neighbor's field the next year. The result? His own field was flooded and his crop ruined.
    Selfishness can and will hinder our successes in life. So how do we counter our natural gifting of selfishness? Give up! No, I am not saying throw in the towel, not that kind of giving up. I am talking about giving up to Go Up. You want a better marriage? Give up time and serve your spouse. You want a better employee? Give up your time or treasures and invest in that person. You want a better body? Give up being lazy and get out and exercise. The greatest way to defeat our selfish nature is to serve someone else. We all have time, talents and treasures to give up to serve someone else and in doing so it will enable us to Go Up!
    In closing remember two things, "Anything worth having is uphill" and "There is always a sacrifice before there is glory".
Be Blessed Vincent J. Charron

    PHOTO: Vincent Charron (PFC Nelson Charron 422/D) Chaplain Twitter-@vjcharron Facebook/VJCharron


    If you haven't done it yet -- Make your plans NOW!! to join us for the 71st Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association at the Park Inn Hotel – Orlando, FL from September 13 to 17, 2017
    Contact Mike Sheaner, Treasurer at for additional registration forms and paperwork or call Wayne Dunn at 410-409-1141 if you have any questions.
For additional information about the reunion visit:

Shadows of Slaughterhouse Five
From Ervin Szpek Jr., Non-Veteran Member
    Ervin Szpek Jr. (Associate Member) is pleased to announce after many years of research that his and his colleagues' book on the infamous Arbeitskommando Slaughterhouse Five has been released. Nearly every man of this POW work camp (near Dresden, Germany) originated from the 106th Infantry Division including former 106th Association President, Gifford Doxsee. The book is their story, in their words and accounts for nearly every POW at the camp. It also chronicles the recollections and reflections of the 150 American Ex-POWs, many of whom are members of the Association. Newly released by iUniverse press at, the book is also available at and With best wishes for 2016 and with appreciation for your efforts –– thank you.


The Adjutant's Message . . .

    PHOTO: Randall M. Wood (Associate member) 810 Cramertown Loop, Martinsville, IN 46151, 765-346-0690,

    The 2017 Reunion is just around the corner, September 13-17 at the Park Inn by Radisson Kissimmee, Florida. Have you registered yet? We have had an adjustment in the room rate since the last publication of The CUB for this year's reunion. The hotel had put out a price on the Internet that was much lower than our quoted price. The hotel subsequently lowered our cost and we have passed that on to you. Our cost is now $89 per night plus tax. That is a $20 savings over the original published rate. At that price the association still gets the amenities of the hotel such as the room for our hospitality room and meeting rooms as well as breakfast for two people per room at no additional cost. (if you were to register at the Internet rate you would not get a free breakfast and you would have to pay a new resort fee and your total price would be greater than our rate. The Association would not get credit for your registration either.)
    On our website you will soon find a link to the Disney network to purchase discount tickets to Disney World. You can explore the opportunities on your own but you will notice the opportunity for one-day tickets which are not available thru any other venue. You can order tickets for the reunion time frame or use them within the year.
    Why do we have reunions? I recently received a call from a friend of a deceased 106th veteran, Edward Baum Jr. 590th Artillery. He and his spouse are now deceased and his second generation just now found his POW diary. He had kept the diary on a roll of toilet paper from his date of capture thru beyond his liberation day. It was found in a drawer.
    He, like most, had never spoke of it and it was a complete surprise to his family. His daughter had transcribed it and it was made available to us as a piece of division history. Here is perfect example of why we have reunions. Edward Baum's family never had the privilege of hearing the stories only a veteran can tell. The diary has some insight into the life of a POW but getting to visit with a fellow veteran who lived it is much better. You might even find a veteran who knew your Father or Grandfather. It is like having your loved one back for a time. If you know a family with a similar history, encourage them to attend the reunion.
    I recently spoke to the representatives of the 104th Infantry Division. They are going to Reno this year for their reunion. We were with them in 2016 in Washington, D.C. and they asked that we consider joining with them in 2018. We will certainly


The Adjutant's Message . . .

    consider the request and look forward to your thoughts. By the way, guess who liberated Mr. Baum's POW Camp -- the 104th Infantry Division.

    Please register soon. The registration form is attached. Please take it out and fill it out today. See you in Kissimmee. It's going to be fun.

    PHOTO: Our banquet speaker this year is Pastor Chris Edmonds of the Piney Grove Baptist Church in Maryville, TN. His father was Master Sergeant Roddie Edmonds, 422 Regiment, 106th ID.
    While Chris's daughter was doing an essay on family history, she began researching her grandfather's diary from his POW exploits. Chris continued the research and began speaking about his father's story "Roddie's Code," around the country. The story of his father, a soldier imprisoned by the Nazis in WWII -- whose courage is an example for all of us -- was featured in Vol. 72, No. 1 (March 2016) of The CUB, "American WWII Vet Becomes First Soldier Honored for Saving Jews."

    PHOTO: Pastor Chris Edmonds holding up shrapnel from a German 88 that was fired upon our boys in The Battle of the Bulge during World War II. Chris visited this area in Germany, retracing the steps of his father, MSgt Roddie Edmonds

    PHOTO: An undated photograph released by the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial shows World War II, United States Army Master Sgt. Roddie Edmonds. COURTESY OF YAD VASHEM VIA AP

The Sitting Duck Division: Attacked from the Rear
By John W. Morse (422/C)
    This is the story of one boy soldier and his fellow GIs from draft to disaster and back. John W. Morse's (422/C) self-published book describes being taken prisoner in the Battle of the Bulge. This book can be ordered through your local Barnes & Noble book store. The book is priced $9.95, plus shipping.


Historian's Message

PHOTO: John R. Schaffner 589/A,
Historian, Past President 2002-2003 1811 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030

    As I sit down to write I am thinking about Memorial Day, May 29, 2017. I watched the annual TV show from Washington, D.C. and, as usual, was reminded about our great nation, how it came to be, and the million plus lives it has cost from those days of the American Revolution. Yes, million, and that doesn't count all of those who narrowly escaped with wounds, both visible, and some not so visible. And next came the 73rd Anniversary of D-Day. Every year on this anniversary you can witness huge celebrations at Normandy and all over the free nations of Europe. How about here in the U.S.? There are places across this country where D-Day is remembered. I know of one in Conneaut, Ohio, on the shores of Lake Erie. It is a living history reenactment featuring over 1800 reenactors from across the country. There must be others that I don't know about. Our local newspaper and TV stations had no mention of the anniversary except in the "Peanuts" comic strip. Other more timely events must dominate the news. So, the question is sometimes asked, "Was it worth it?" I believe that if one looks around the world, figuratively, and can imagine what it would be like if you had to trade your current lifestyle for that of one living under the tyrannical rule of a despot like Hitler or Stalin the answer will be, "Yes, and eternally grateful to those who made the sacrifice." Let us not forget our history.
    After waiting for what seemed an interminably long time "our" book is finally being distributed. For me this is serious stuff simply because I have had a small part of bringing it about. Again it was being in the right place at the right time. And, when I say, "small part," that is what I mean. The labor that went into producing "Warriors of the 106th," was provided by the authors Ken Johnson, Martin King, and Mike Collins. To them goes the credit and most of all, the thanks for providing an historical record of our division's contribution to the outcome of the war in Europe.
    It is not ALL there in the book, of course. That would require a book too large to hold in your lap. The book is of a convenient size so as to not discourage the casual reader. I believe that any veteran who was there involved in the Battle of the Bulge will find something included that he can relate directly to and say, "I did that." My only regret is that there are not more veterans of the 106th still alive who would appreciate reading now about their sacrifices and ultimate accomplishments that has


Historian's Message

    has enabled the free world to exist. For so long they were quiet. The experiences they endured could not be related to anyone except those who had "been there." Then one day, for many, they met with someone who had been there and the words began to flow. They talked, and many were able to write about what they went through. And, it was read, and it was recorded, and now a younger generation can know why they have this country to live in and be productive. It is our history. We can be proud.

"I Was No Hero in the Battle of the Bulge"
One Step to Hell: Letters From My Father Telling Me I Was Too Weak & Too Frail to Face the Enemy
PHOTO: A new book by Harry F. Martin, Jr.
    This is the story of Harry F. Martin, Jr., in L Co 424th Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division who fought in the Battle of the Bulge in World War II.
    In his own words: "We were going to a quiet sector on the front lines. This was an area where combat troops were sent to rest and green troops like us were sent to gradually break in. The Germans did the same thing in this sector. The Americans had gone into combat at the Normandy invasion on June 6, 1944 and fought their way just inside Germany, securing a foothold in the Siegfried Line in the Ardennes."
Find it at:
List Price: $10.95

See enclosed Reunion paperwork and Registration forms in the center of this CUB!
Mail them in TODAY! For additional information about the reunion visit:


Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .

Make checks payable to "106th Infantry Division Association" and mail them to the Treasurer:

PHOTO: Mike Sheaner, Treasurer, PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214 214-823-3004

Please report all changes of address and deaths to the
Association Membership Chair:

PHOTO: Jacquelyn S. Coy, Membership
121 McGregor Ave.
Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 973-663-2410

Pass It On
    Perpetuate the legacy of the 106th Infantry Division by giving every family member of all generations access to the rich history, news and stories of veterans found in each issue of The CUB. You can now "pass it on" to as many friends, heirs and family members as you wish at no cost! Those you designate will be recognized as members of the association on the "CUB Level" with the following benefits:
1 Receive an electronic copy of The CUB delivered by email complete with color photos and graphics
2 Access to the association website and Facebook pages
3 Receive timely notices and information regarding reunions, mini-reunions, special announcements and more.
    Enroll all family members -- sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, grandchildren and others -- by submitting their Email, Name, Address and Relationship to a 106th veteran to

106th Challenge Coin -- Have You Gotten Yours Yet?
    You can read more about it and see a color image of the coin on the association's website at The coins cost $10 each, plus postage.
    Adjutant Randall Wood is the contact person for the purchase of the coins and you may order them at any time. They will be sent directly to you when the payment is received.
Any questions or orders may be emailed to Randy:,
call 765-346-0690 or write to: 810 Cramertown Loop, Martinsville, IN 46151.

"We were once Brothers…" and will remain so forever.
    Once, brother carried brother through the trials of training at Camp Atterbury and endured in battle on the Schnee-Eifel of Belgium and Germany. Support the 106th Infantry Division Association by making a Memorial or Honorary contribution in the name of your brother, friend, father or spouse.
    New membership applications are available for everyone in your family. Membership is only $25 and is open to all veterans and people (of every generation) and comes with full voting privileges. We encourage all family members to join to help honor our veterans and continue the legacy of the 106th.
    Contact: Membership Chair, Jacquelyn S. Coy, or Treasurer, Mike Sheaner,

Memorial, Honorary and Contributions of All Kinds are Essential for Keeping this Organization Going
    A suggested annual donation of $25 to help underwrite the cost to publish and mail The CUB through the "Last Man Standing" and beyond is appreciated. The Association exists on donations from its members and interested individuals. Your gifts are essential to maintaining The CUB magazine in its current format with high-quality content and tri-annual delivery. The cost of printing and mailing each edition of The CUB exceeds our current level of giving. Therefore, we encourage all readers to make an annual contribution, as you are able, to help defray the cost of printing and mailing.

    Those Members who contribute to the LIFE PLUS+ Club will have their names (only, no amounts will be shown) published in the next CUB. You can donate as much or as little as you can and as often as you like. By donating, you are helping perpetuate the 106th Infantry Division Association.
    To those Members from whom we haven't heard for a long time -- please take the time to join this exclusive club. Thank you!
    Send your contribution, check made payable to 106th Infantry Div. Association, to: Mike Sheaner, Treasurer, 106th Infantry Division, PO Box 140535, Dallas, TX 75214


Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .

Treasurer's Report: March 1, 2017 – May 31, 2017

Beginning Balance:

 Money In:

 Money Out:


 Ending Balance:

 Association Membership As of May 31, 2017

 Total Membership

 Membership Veterans

 Associate Membership

James P. Adsit 422/D
Louise Awalt Associate Member
Marc A. Bartusek Associate Member
David H. Bludworth Associate Member
Victor W. Breite 422/I
John T. Collier Associate Member
Samuel Feinberg 589/FABN/HQ
Leon Goldberg 424/I
Wendy Jansen Associate Member
August Macaluso 424/K
Donald B. Prell 422/AT
Donald Regier 422/SVC
Herbert A. Rosenberg 424/L
Daniel Simone Associate Member
Carol Starmack Associate Member
Roy Sugimoto 627/FAB
Paul G. Thompson 106th Recon
Dr. James R. Tuorila 422/H
Jeanne Walker Associate Member

Returned Issues of the Latest CUB of the Golden Lion
    Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy asks that the following names (and partial addresses) be listed in this issue of The CUB in hopes that anyone reading this issue might know the people listed and can get word to them that their address listed with the Association is incorrect or out-dated. If you know anyone on this list (or if you know they are deceased) and can get word to them, please ask them to contact Jacquelyn directly at the address listed on the inside cover of this issue with an updated mailing address. Thank you.
Rosalie Brax, Quaker Hill, CT
F. Clinton Frampton, Mansfield, OH

Walter H. Jewell, Cedar Hill, TX
    "I am grateful to Don Prell, 422/AT, who, in the process of trying to organize a mini-reunion in Southern California, was able to find many lost people -- some living and some dead."


Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .

Robert Clark Associate Member
John T. Collier Associate Member
Julie Starmack Curtin Associate Member
Susan Nelson Associate Member
Dennis Smith Associate Member
Grace Starmack Associate Member

In honor of Morton A. Barrow, S/Sgt, Co. F 422nd Inf. Regt 106th, Given by Robert A. (Rick) Barrow

    In honor of Captain Edmund C. Roberts, Jr. (WWII, Executive Officer of Co. D, 422nd Infantry Regiment). His photo appeared on the cover of the April-May1951 CUB, which was dedicated to him, as he was KIA in Korea (C.O. of Company A, 17th Infantry, 7th Division) in 1951. Given by Virginia and Ed Brackett (Vietnam, Army, 1st, 5th and 25th Divisions) in honor of her father.

    In memory of my husband, JacquesBloch, 422/K -- Stalag XI-B, Follingbostel, nr. Hanover, Germany. Given by Jean H. Bloch. Our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

In honor of E. E. Suttle, Jr. 592 FAB By Tammy Whitaker

In memory of Dean F. Childs, Signal Co, passed away June 21,2009. By Eleanor M. Childs

In memory of William T. Martin, 106th Inf. Div., 424/C By Kristina Martin Rice

    In honor and memory of John S. Starmack, 423/SV, from his wife, his daughters and their families. Deceased 03/25/17, age 92. By Grace Starmack, Cindy and Bruce, Julie and Jim, Carol and Claude, and Diane and Kevin

    PLEASE NOTE: Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy is working to update the Association's roster with veterans and their units. If you use email, please
    email her directly at In your message, please let Jacquelyn know your name and 106th Infantry Division unit. Thank you.
    To the widows of Golden Lions, if you would wish to continue to receive The CUB after the passing of your husband please let Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy know. Her contact information is located above, in this box.
    CUB Staff occasionally receive requests to stop the mailing of their issue of The CUB. If you no longer want an issue to be mailed to you, please contact Jackie Coy, Membership Chair.


Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .

Please Let us Know Your Preferences!
    To reduce the cost of communicating with members, we would like to take advantage of using email delivery whenever possible. General correspondence (i.e. annual reunion paperwork) and sending The CUB as a PDF, or link to the website, are two examples where an impact can be made. In addition, we would like to gather your email address. Please respond to the following:
Preferred delivery method for general correspondence: MAIL or Email
Preferred delivery method for The CUB: MAIL or Email
Email address:
You can let us know your preference by emailing:

Book Advertisement: Once Upon a Time in War
The 99th Division in World War II
By Robert E. Humphrey


E-Mail Bag . . .

From the editor of The CUB of the Golden Lion
Hello, my name is William A. McWhorter and I am the editor of The CUB of the Golden Lion (The CUB).
    I am an admirer of your outfit and hope that I can assist in keeping open the lines of communication for our Association. Please send news items that you would like reviewed for potential inclusion in upcoming issues of The CUB to me. Whenever possible please send them to my email address ( If you do decide to send them via postal mail, if possible, please TYPE OR PRINT your messages (it helps me get names spelled correctly). Thank you.

Just a reminder . . .

    If you have pictures, an article, or some other form of information you would like included in a future issue of The CUB, the due dates are as follows:
October 15, 2017 -- mail date November 30, 2017 (to include reunion photos and remembrances)
    January 1, 2018 -- mail date March 30, 2018 (issue will include reunion paperwork) May 1, 2018 -- mail date July 15, 2018
Articles and pictures can be mailed or emailed to:
CUB Editor: William McWhorter 200 Morrell, Kyle, TX 78640

CUB Publisher: Susan Weiss 9 Cypress Point Court Blackwood, NJ 08012, 856-415-2211,

Visit the 106th Association's Website!
By Wayne Dunn
    To complement the wonderful websites that are already out on the Internet, including our own members Jim West ( and Carl Wouters (www.106thinfantry., the association has launched our own website at
    This is where you can find: info on upcoming events; copies of the member- ship application for your family to join; the complete latest issue plus additional photos and articles from The CUB.
Also look for our Facebook page at
    This is where you can find up- to-the-minute information and where you can connect with friends and make plans for the next reunion.
    If you have any additional reunion photos or information that you would like to see on the website or Facebook page, please contact the Webmaster, Wayne Dunn at, or 410-409-1141.


E-Mail Bag . . .

Jim West and the Website
    Associate member, Jim West (OGL-Officers, 2004) has created an excellent website at It is hoped that this website will increase awareness of the 106th Infantry Division Association and perhaps our membership. The site has had 1,708,009 visitors to date. It is rated as the largest private site in Indiana at more than 50 gigabytes of unaltered history and is the largest depository of local historical photos. Check it out at your earliest convenience.
    In addition to a very large section devoted to the 106th Division, it also contains information on Camp Atterbury (Indiana) and all the divisions that trained here in World War II and Korea. They include the 28th, 30th, 31st, 83rd and 92nd Infantry Divisions, plus Fort Benjamin Harrison, Freeman AAF, Atterbury/ Bakalar AFB, the German and Italian POWs held at Camp Atterbury and Wakeman General Hospital. There is also a section for the several German Prisoner of War camps where some 106th members were held. There are dozens of 106th diaries and personal remembrances. The directlink to the 106th web is IMO-106th
    The 106th Roster at now contains information on 17,792 Veterans with 555 individual photos. If you visit the website, listed above, and a photo is not shown for an individual and the family has one available, all they need do is email a scan of him to Jim West.
    All 106th General Orders have been reviewed and all the information has been added to the Roster. These General Orders allowed for the addition of 513 previously unknown names to be added and a huge amount of service numbers and other data were added. All the original General Orders are available for viewing on the website. These were made possible by a friend, John Bowen, of the 31st Division Association (Camp Atterbury, Korean War).
    Every available issue of the 106th CUBs are available on the site, in addition to the Camp Atterbury Camp Crier, published when the 106th was there. Find the Camp Crier under the section for Camp Atterbury. You can email Jim at
    Jim would like to thank the "AmVets of Indiana." Through their generosity of support and hosting of the entire website, they are making it possible for the 106th to have a presence on the Web.


Book Advertisement for: Warriors of the 106th
The Last Infantry Division of World War II

Martin King, Ken Johnson, Michael Collins


E-Mail Bag . . .

The BaTTle for Snow MounTain
by Donald Young
    The Battle for Snow Mountain is a comic novel -- based on Young's experience -- which gives a surreal picture of the German attack on the 106th Division in the winter of 1944.

    their war experience in the Battle of the Bulge, their accidental capture, escape from POW camp and return to freedom.

    The Battle for Snow Mountain by Donald Young can be purchased by April 1, from Pocol Press, 6023 Pocol Drive, Clifton, VA 20124, 1-703-830-5862.
It can also be ordered at, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-929763-48-1


E-Mail Bag . . .

Order of the Golden Lion Committee
    This award is provided in three classifications depending on the qualifications of the recipient. The most prestigious is "Commander Class" issued in gold finish. This award is usually provided to someone who has served the Association faithfully over an extended period of time.
    The second is "Officer Class" issued in silver finish. This award is usually provided to someone who has served the Association faithfully over an extended period of time.
    The third is "Companion Class" issued in bronze finish. This award is usually provided to someone who has served the Association faithfully in the capacity of assistance in the operation of the Association.
    The specifications for making the award are intended to fit many instances where an individual is deemed worthy. The award should be determined by the recipient's contributions to the Association.
    The Co-chairs of the Order of the Golden Lion committee will poll the members of the Board of Directors for recommendations for the OGL awards. The President or Co-chairs may select additional members to the committee.
    Nominations will be submitted in a format suitable for composing a formal citation to accompany the award of the medal. This must be done in ample time prior to the next Reunion in order for the manufacturer to produce the medal(s) on time.
    All citations should be kept confidential between the nominator and the Committee Chairman prior to the actual awarding ceremony.
Send nominations to any of the Co-chairs of the Order of the Golden Lion Committee at:
Carol J. Faulkner 3179 Kestrel Court, Martinsville, IN 46151
Beth Garrison 618-628-4733, 7766 Haury Road, Lebanon, IL 62254
John Schaffner (589/A), 1811 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030-1013, 410-584-2754,


E-Mail Bag . . .

Book Advertisement: The Letter Box
Sgt. Glover's World War II Letter's Home
The Wartime Journey of Sgt. Robert ‘Bob' Glover, U.S. Army, 106th I.D.


Front & Center . . .

Semi-Permanent Home for the Lt. Eric F. Wood, Jr.
(589/A) Monument at VFMA
by Susan Weiss and Joan Tracy

    Hugh Roberts (VFMA Alum) invited the 106th Association members to the Valley Forge Military Academy (VFMA) for the installation and (re)-dedication of the Lt. Wood monument in its permanent location on the Post. The date for the event was April 30, 2017 at the Academy.
    Following the Alumni Memorial Service in the Academy's Chapel of St. Cornelius the Centurion on Sunday morning, a small wreath laying ceremony was held outside the chapel. This short ceremony was attended by the veterans and friends in the photo below as well as Susan Weiss, Jackie Coy, and Joan Tracy. Due to additional construction planned at the Academy, the placement of the statue's permanent location has again been postponed.
A small wreath laying ceremony was held after a service in the Chapel.

    PHOTO: Lt. Eric. F. Wood, Jr. (589/A) illustration at the Valley Forge Military Academy, Wayne, PA. (photo courtesy of Hugh Roberts)

    PHOTO: This is the replica of the monument to Lt. Eric F. Wood, Jr. (589/A) that stands in the woods in Meyerode, Belgium, and was dedicated on the VFMA grounds on April 30, 2016 with the rededication ceremony to an outside location on April 30, 2017, Valley Forge Military Academy, Wayne, PA.

    PHOTO: 106th Veterans in attendance were, left to right, Association 2016-17 President, Leon Goldberg (422/D), Newt Weiss (423/HQ 3Bn), Bob Clark, Sam Feinberg, John Schaffner (589/A) and Harry F. Martin, Jr. (424/L)


Feature Stories . . .

Golden Lion Anders (Bud) Madsen, Jr. Receives the French Legion of Honor Medal
By Linda Madsen Guy

    My dad, Anders (Bud) Madsen, Jr. of the 422/H, was presented the French Legion of Honor Medal, France's highest, on May 3, 2017, aboard the USS New York, which is docked in Port Everglades, Florida.
    He was awarded the medal because during the first week of December in 1944, he drove some of the division military vehicles to Southampton, England, where they were boarded on a US Navy LST. He accompanied the vehicles across the English Channel to LeHavre and proceeded up the Seine River. The Germans had planted mines in the Seine River, so navigating up the river was treacherous. In addition, the LST had "black-out" conditions on deck because of possible sniper fire from Germans who had remained behind. Anders Madsen disembarked with the vehicles in Rouen and joined the rest of his 106th Division on their way to the Belgium-German front lines.

PHOTO:The Florida Sun Sentinel newspaper article of Bud Madsen receiving the French Legion of Honor Medal.

PHOTO: French Consul General M. Clément Leclerc awarding Bud Madsen the French Legion of Honor Medal.

PHOTO: Bud Madsen with USS New York in the background.


Feature Stories . . .

A Golden Lion Remembers
By Stanley K. Guttman
    Stanley K. Guttman of Bayside, New York joined the 106th Infantry Division after being transferred from ASTP in Auburn, Alabama. He trained at Camp Atterbury with the 422nd Regiment, Company C for several months. He was later sent overseas with many others as replacements for D-Day. Mr. Guttman ended up in the 80th Infantry Division and got ‘banged up;' and while recuperating met up with an old buddy, Irving "Irv" Grossman who was in Halloram General Hospital at Staton Island, New York.
    The two remained in contact all these years after the war. Grossman was a prisoner of war at the Battle of the Bulge and vividly recounted what happened to their Company. Mr. Grossman passed away a few months ago, but Mr. Guttman remains in touch with his wife who is in assisted living in California these days. Although Mr. Guttman has not been able to attend any of the reunions he has received copies of The CUB of the Golden Lion. He wishes all Good Luck and Good Health.

Prisoner's Odyssey
by Herb Sheaner (422/G)
    Prisoner's Odyssey is a story of survival, hunger and reflection from a teenaged prisoner of war inside Germany near the end of WWII.
    From capture at the Battle of The Bulge to the final escape from his German guards, Herb Sheaner allows us a glimpse into the despair and agony of being a prisoner in a foreign land.
    During World War II, Herb Sheaner served as a private first class in Company G, 422nd Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division.
    After receiving ASTP training at University of Alabama, he joined the 106th at Camp Atterbury in Indiana where he earned Expert Rifleman honors and was designated Co. G Sniper and Regimental Scout. Fifty years later he recalls his experiences.
Available through Barnes & Noble, and Xlibris online.


Feature Stories . . .

A Wonderful Letter to Treasurer Mike Sheaner
By Beatrice Keeber

    I do appreciate reading The CUB and the fact that the Association is keeping the heroic history of the 106th in WWII alive. I have been in correspondence with Carl Wouters in Belgium, and Doug Mitchel. My daughter and I are planning a Fall trip there to see the Battleground areas, and specifically, with Carl's help in finding information for us, the area where my husband, then PFC Willard H. Keeber, and four others, were stranded behind enemy lines for about a week without sufficient clothing, dry boots, rations, etc. They survived by "rationing" whatever rations they could find on bodies frozen in that awful winter, added to their ammo the same way and reluctantly supplemented the insufficient warmth they wore -- without their expected supplies arriving by the time the German offensive began.
    They kept ON THE MOVE day and night to avoid freezing to death, allowing themselves only occasional short nap-breaks while some of them stood guard. That week or so must have felt like a year without sleep, food, shelter or warm clothing and continually wet feet. They suffered "cold injuries." but I don't know how severe the others' were. But Bill always felt "lucky" he suffered no amputations and was soon returned to the 106th after treatment at a hospital in Liege.
    My entire family is so eager for my daughter and me to take this trip, learn more and come back with as many photos as possible! -- Thanks for the 106th Association and all you and others do to keep it going! Your assistance, Jackie Coy's, Harry Martin's and Carl Wouters, all helped make possible this trip. I wrote to Joseph Dallman and Al Scheuplein in hopes they can share some memories with us. The other two in that group are now deceased. We hope to hear from the surviving ones. Thanks for everything you and the 106th Association does for veterans and their families.

by Fredrick Smallwood
    This is the story of my experiences as a young boy from a small town in south Georgia with the 106th Infantry Division during World War II. I was initially in the A&P Platoon of 1 Bn. Hq. Co. of the 423rd Regiment. I was one of the few who made my way through the German lines back to the Allied lines at St. Vith.
Books are $15 plus $4 for shipping. You can contact me at or P.O. Box 1923, Bainbridge, GA 39818.


Feature Stories . . .

    Make your plans NOW!! for the 106th Infantry Division Association 71st Annual Reunion, Park Inn Hotel, Orlando, FL, from September 13 to 17, 2017
The 2017 Reunion is just around the corner!
Have you registered yet?
    We have had an adjustment in the room rate since the last publication of The CUB for this year's reunion. The hotel had posted a price on the Internet that was much lower than our quoted price. The hotel has lowered our cost and we have passed that on to you.
    Our cost is now only $89 per night plus tax. That is a $20 savings over the original published rate. At that price, the association still gets the amenities of the hotel such as space for our hospitality room and meeting rooms, as well as breakfast for two people per room at no additional cost.
    (If you were to register at the Internet rate you would not get a free breakfast and you would have to pay a resort fee and your total price would be greater than our rate.
The Association would not get credit for your registration either.)
Register NOW!
    Go to the Association website: for information about the reunion and for downloadable paperwork or or use the printed paperwork included in this issue of The CUB.


E-Mail Bag . . .

The Importance of a Mini Reunion
    Of corollary importance to the Annual Reunion are the individual "mini-reunions" which are held throughout the year in various locations around the country. In the past, a reunion provided a social event whereby men of the 106th and their ladies gather close to that infamous date of 16 December 1944 to remember fellow men with whom they served.

Chicago Stalag 4B Reunion
    The Chicago Stalag 4B Association met for their 30th annual reunion luncheon on Friday, April 21, in Countryside, Illinois, to celebrate the 72nd anniversary of survival and liberation of this POW camp on April 23, 1945 by the Russian Army. Although only two Ex-POWs, Bob Slavin and Jim Radocha, were able to attend, the luncheon was enjoyed by all and provided a wonderful time to reminisce and remember fellow POWs no longer with us.
    Bob Slavin, 106th Infantry Division, 423/I, age 92 attended with his lady friend and ballroom dancing partner, Helen Smiles. Bob was captured at the onset of the Battle of the Bulge, spent 10 days at 4B before being among the "lucky" 150 sent on to the infamous Dresden work camp, Slaughterhouse 5 where he survived the firebombing of the city. Bob shared many stories of both camps along with fond memories of college life after the war when he graduated from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, under the GI bill with a business degree.
    Jim Radocha, 1st Army Medical Corp, age 92 attended with his dear wife Katherina. Jim had fascinating stories about the D-Day landing and the Battle of the Bulge where he was captured along with his medical unit and two wounded German POWs who likely saved all their lives by announcing to German forces that the American medical unit treated them well. Jim and his unit crossed the Atlantic on the USS Susan B. Anthony and coincidentally the same ship for the D-Day +1 landing where the ship hit two mines and sunk but with no loss of lives, although they lost all equipment and yet somehow made it to their Utah Beach assignment. Jim also shared many stories of Stalag 4B with great appreciation to the Brits who took the GIs under their wings to teach them the routine of survival at the camp and how to deal with cruel guards.
    Also in attendance were my wife Donna's parents, Ray and Annette Kleppin. Ray is a retired Milwaukee police officer and Korean War veteran. As an 18-year-old, he guarded Chinese and North Korean POWs on an island within view of the South Korean mainland. The only barbed wire fencing was around the harbor to protect the guards. The rest of the island was open. The shark infested waters prevented any escape. Ray also spent a short stay in Vietnam on the onset of the conflict when the US had military advisors in the French controlled colony.
Our two Ex-POWs in attendance plan to make the 2018 reunion luncheon.
Warmest regards, Erv Szpek, Jr.


E-Mail Bag . . .

    PHOTO: Seated: (l to r) Helen Smiles, Bob Slavin 106th Div, Jim Radocha 1st Army Medical Corp, Katherina Radocha. Standing: (l to r) Ray and Annette Kleppin, Erv and Donna Szpek
    Contact Mini-Reunion Chair Wayne Dunn at and he can assist you with members in your area.

Hinder forward: The 168th Engineer Combat Battalion in ZI and ETO
from May 1943 through November 1945
By Dean F. Jewett (168th Eng)
Note: the cover may not look like the pictured image.

    PHOTO: Dean F. Jewett has written a book about the 168th Engineer Combat Battalion, which was attached to the 106th Infantry Division during the Battle of the Bulge. The book is 456 pages and sells for $75, which includes postage, sales tax, etc.
    New copies are only available through Mr. Jewett at P.O. Box 148, Saco, ME 04072 or by phone at 207-284-6778. Used copies are available online through outfits, such as or


E-Mail Bag . . .

Book Advertisement: My Grandfathers War
A Young Man's Lessons from the Greatest Generation
by: Jesse Cozean


E-Mail Bag . . .

Veterans and Family of the 106th Infantry Division TATTOO* Requests
    With space in The CUB at a premium, yet Reunited Buddies and Their Families an important commodity, the editor of The CUB of the Golden Lion created the following list [In Their Own Words, most often] of inquiries submitted to him in hopes of helping people get in touch with the 106th I.D. Association Family. The following are requests for information. Feel free to contact them if you believe you can be of assistance. The CUB staff has received permission from all listed below to print their inquiry and their contact email (phone and address when available).
    In addition, Non-Veteran member Connie Pratt Baesman, daughter of Lt. Gerald Pratt (Field Artillery), has been one of three people helping to manage the 106th's online "message board" (set up by Jim West) for people to write an inquiry, looking for comrades, or for people who might have known a relative who is now gone. Sadly, some inquiries sit unanswered when the answers may be out there with a reader of The CUB who doesn't use a computer. The list has gotten quite long and Connie has asked that whenever there is room in The CUB we add a few of the requests. You can find messages like these below, along with other searches on the 106th Message Board at the following Web address:
    *The original meaning of military tattoo was a military drum performance, but subsequently it came to mean army displays, or a form of gathering more generally. For our Association, letting members know that someone would like to speak with them is "why we do this! So keep sending in your stories, as an old friend may find you!" -- Susan Weiss (Publisher of The CUB) and William McWhorter (Editor of The CUB)

    627th Field Artillery, Battery A Roy Sugimoto would like to know whether anyone remembers being attached to the 627th Field Artillery (Battery A). He asks because a few days after the war, several hundred of us – Japanese Americans – were assigned to erect and guard a huge POW camp in Langer, Germany. Mr. Sugimoto seems to recall a 424th sign posted on a structure nearby. In fact, his unit's headquarters was just across from it. Mr. Roy Sugimoto can be reached at 8401 Dallas Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92646-3806.


E-Mail Bag . . .

Book Advertisement: Captured at the Battle of the Bulge
by Russ Lang


E-Mail Bag . . .

Book Advertisement: Forced March from the Bulge to Berchtesgaden
Major John J. Mohn, 106th Division, 422nd Infantry, 1st Battalion, HQ Company


Front & Center . . .

Do You Remember YOUR First Reunion?
Write to us and tell us the story!

    See the list below of all of the locations for the 106th Reunions. Do you remember which city was the first one you attended? Which reunion held the best memory for you?
Write to us and tell your story and we will print it in a future CUB!

 Indianapolis, IN
 Savannah, GA

 Indianapolis, IN
 Morgantown, WV

 Chicago, IL
 Columbia, SC

 Detroit, MI
 Mobile, AL

 Pittsburgh, PA
 Roanoke, VA

 Baltimore, MD
 Schaumburg, IL

 Columbus, OH
 Sacramento, CA

 Atlantic City, NJ
 Huntsville, AL

 Detroit, MI
 Pittsburg, PA

 Atlantic City, NJ
 Columbia, SC

 Savannah, GA
 Rapid City, SD

 Philadelphia, PA
 Orlando, FL

 Chicago, IL
 Roanoke, VA

 Savannah, GA
 Nashville, TN

 Ft. Worth, TX
 Indianapolis, IN

 Annapolis, MD
 Schaumburg, IL

 Cleveland, OH
 St. Louis, MO

 East Orange, NJ
 Washington, D.C.

 Augusta, GA
 Hampton, VA

 Indianapolis, IN
 Fort Mitchell, KY (Cincinnati)

 Detroit, MI
 Milwaukee, WI

 Columbia, SC
 Washington, D.C. (originally

 St. Vith Belgium

 planned for New Orleans)

 Davenport, IA
 Newark, NJ

 King of Prussia, PA
 Kansas City, MO

 Jacksonville, FL
 Louisville, KY

 Grand Rapids, MI
 Indianapolis, IN

 Frederick, MD
 Minneapolis, MN

 Atlanta, GA
 Baltimore, MD

 Evansville, IN
 Arlington, VA

 Elyria-Lorain, OH
 New Orleans, LA

 Ft. Lauderdale, FL
 Norfolk, VA

 Oakbrook, IL
 Charleston, SC

 Hot Springs, ARK
 Washington, D.C.

 Kentucky Dam Village, KY
 Kissimmee, FL

 Milwaukee, WI
 Dayton, OH

 Worchester, MA


Front & Center . . .

Warm Memories of Cold Spring
by Beatrice Fulton Keeber
    A Golden Lion's war experiences forged a boy into a man. But what really defined him as the person he became was his "happily ever after" with his family and his 60-year love story. Warm Memories of Cold Spring is not a war story! It's a smile-producing tale of "what came next" that reminds other vets of their own "afters," their children and grandchildren of Dad's and Mom's or Grandpa's and Grandma's lives.
    Pfc. Willard H. Keeber, with Co. G, 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, was placed on-line December 11, 1944 near St. Vith, Belgium, two months past his 19th birthday, five days prior to the German Tank Assault that smashed directly through his position, launching the Battle of the Bulge.
This is the story of a veteran's legacy that left his world better than he found it.
Online at (simply type the title in the search bar)
Print copy – $9.99; Kindle – $4.99


Memoriam . . .

Please Report All Changes of Address and Deaths to: Association Membership Chair:
Jacquelyn Coy, 121 McGregor Ave., Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 Phone: 973-663-2410, Email:

--Date of Death: April 14, 2017
    Clark Brown of Walnut Creek, CA, died after a brief illness. He was born in North Stratford, NH on July 14, 1921, the only son of Everett Clark Brown and Cleo (Smith) Brown. Clark attended North Stratford High School and the University of New Hampshire.
    After service in WWII with the 106th Army Division in Belgium (Battle of the Bulge), he received a Doctorate in Education from Columbia University. Clark had a long career as an educator, serving as a teacher, school psychologist, and Administrator in Oregon and California.
    After early retirement from the Mt. Diablo School District, Clark and his wife Clare Brown moved to Tegucigalpa, Honduras. After returning to California he worked at Cal State Hayward evaluating student teachers, a job he held until he was 79. Clark lived in Concord for 56 years until 2013 when he and Clare moved to Rossmoor in Walnut Creek.
    A youthful 95, he enjoyed many activities at Rossmoor, including Bocce Ball, Bridge and exercise classes. He was an avid traveler, gardener, and Warriors fan and a devoted reader with a keen interest in politics and world affairs. The past March he enjoyed a 15-day Caribbean cruise. Clark's enthusiasm for life remained with him until his final days. Clark is survived by his daughter, Leslie Wyss; one grandson, four granddaughters and two great-granddaughters. He was predeceased by his wife, Clare and three sons.
Reported by Jackie Coy

--Date of Death: June 5, 2017
    Marvin Dewey Cockrell, 93, of Lexington, husband of Sonia Rickard passed away Monday June 5, 2017. Born on September 10, 1923 to the late Curtis Levi Cockrell and Daisy Lou Kirkland Cockrell. Marvin grew up on a farm near Batesburg, SC during the days of the depression. Graduating from Batesburg Leesville High School in 1940. He received basic infantry training at Camp Blanding in Florida when he was 19 years old. Assigned to Conway K, 106th Infantry Division that cleared Northern France of the Germans. He received a Bronze Star and an appreciation award and a number of stared medallions. He served in the 65th Signal Company as a switch board operator. He turned 21 years old while in Germany. He began pastoral Ministry in 1950.
In addition to his wife he is survived by 4 children, Randy Cockrell


Memoriam . . .

    (Clarice), Caffie Thornton, Terry Cockrell (Lavonne), Beth Griffith (George), eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
Reported by Wayne Dunn

HANSON, JOHN Unit Unknown
--Date of Death: April 1, 2017
    John Hanson was born on April 8, 1925, he was a resident of Lewistown, Montana, at the time of his passing. Jack enlisted in the Army and served as a Forward Observer in the 106th Division surviving the invasion of Normandy, Battle of the Bulge and other major engagements. He was married to Lois Hanson.
    Services for Jack were held at Creel Funeral Home in Lewistown on April 7th, interment followed at Lewistown City Cemetery with military honors. Memorials may be sent to Petroleum County Endowment Fund.
Reported by Jim West

--Date of Death: April 3, 20l7
    Martin preferred to be called "Martin" but was known as "Lloyd" while serving in the Army as a Second Lieutenant Infantry Platoon Leader. As were many of the 106th Infantry Division, he was captured by German troops in the Battle of the Bulge and was a prisoner of war until May 2, 1945. During those five months, Martin survived two prisoner of war camps, forced marches, Allied air raids and a starvation diet.
    Martin returned home to Kansas and married Phyllis M. Jones. It was cathartic for Martin to return to Europe with Phyllis several times and walk on the same soil as a free man where he had been forced to march as a POW.
    A particularly resonating experience was visiting the small Catholic Church in a village called Margarethenried where the POWs stayed one night while on one of their last forced marches shortly before the war ended. It was a beautiful church and the best place where they had stayed for a long time.
    Shortly after his retirement, Martin was a sought-out WWII POW asked to share his experiences. The first time Martin was packed with other soldiers in a boxcar, they knew the planes flying overhead and dropping bombs were Allied planes. The boxcar in front of Martin's was bombed with no survivors. Telling about being packed in boxcars, sometimes for two and three days without getting out, nothing to eat or drink, and no facilities of any kind, was not his favorite story, but the telling of it was also cathartic for him.
    Martin's college career began before the war and ended after it, at the University of Kansas; his work career also began at KU teaching accounting, and then he worked in administration for forty years, retiring as Director of Business and Fiscal Affairs for the University of Kansas, Lawrence campus. Martin served his neighbors and community through many church and community activities and programs, and was bestowed with many honors.
    Perhaps his two favorite volunteer activities: as the announcers' statistician for men's basketball and football home games for the KU Athletics Department for 57 years, and as one of the organizers and the first president


Memoriam . . .

    of Kaw Valley Bluebird Association, and co-manager of the bluebird restoration program at Clinton State Park for more than 20 years.
    Phyllis preceded him in death in 2009. They had been married one and one half months shy of 64 years. Martin enjoyed his family, music, KU sports, travel, photography and bridge.
Reported by his son, Kevin L. Jones

--Date of Death: October 2014
Reported by his daughter.

--Date of Death: Oct. 31, 2016
Reported by Jackie Coy

--Date of Death: June 24, 2017
    Golden Lion Joseph Aaron Massey resided in Locust Fork, AL. He was born in Argo, AL, the youngest of six sons belonging to Ernest and Beulah Massey. He attended Hewitt High School before enlisting in the U.S. Army in the 65th Division. When the Army called for volunteers to transfer to the 106th to replenish that division, he made that commitment. He served with the 106th Infantry Division in WWII. Was captured in the Battle of the Bulge and was a POW at Stalag 4B Muhlberg Sachsen until the end of the war.
    After the war, he was a long-time employee of Massey Mercantile. He served on the board of directors for the 106th Infantry Division Association and co-hosted three of their annual reunions. Married to Hazel V. Massey (deceased), children Joseph Randall Massey and Cheryl Massey Ryan (Shawn), grandchildren, Ashley Jones and Shawn Prescott (Melissa) and four great-grandchildren. Funeral service were held on June 27, at Jefferson Memorial in Trussville, with burial at Central Baptist Church Cemetery in Argo. In lieu of flowers donations are appreciated to the following: Locust Fork Baptist Church or 106th Infantry Division Association.
Reported by Jim West

--Date of Death: May 25, 2017
John W. Meechan Sr., 96, of Dover died Thursday, May 25, 2017 in the Country Club Retirement Center.
    Born May 27, 1920 in Wadsworth he was a son of the late Patrick and Anna Strickling Meechan. John was also preceded in death by his first wife, Isabel Lahmers Meechan in 1989, and his second wife, Betty Meechan in 2008; sons, John Meechan, Jr. and Michael Meechan; brother and sister, Hughy Meechan and Catherine Meechan; grandson, Jeffrey Meechan, and step daughter, Angie.
    John was an Army veteran of WW II where he served with the 424th Infantry Regiment, Anti-Tank Company during the Battle of the Bulge. He was employed at Eaton Corp. in Massillon, having retired after many years of service. John


Memoriam . . .

was a life member of VFW Post 3320 in Marysville, Ohio and in his spare time he enjoyed hunting and fishing.
    John will be sadly missed by his sons, James Meechan of Dover, Eugene (Carolyn) Meechan of Raymond, Ohio, David (Diane) Meechan of Conotton, Tim (Venita) Meechan of Dover, William Meechan of New Philadelphia; sister, Virginia Neighley of Tuscarawas; and many grand, great-grand and great-great-grandchildren.
Reported by his son, Eugene

--Date of Death: May 14, 2017
Reported by Christine Schaller

--Date of Death: June 9, 2017
    Earl was born on Dec. 22, 1923 in Landis, North Carolina, to the late WC and Dessie Nance Sechler. He came to Charlotte in 1932 where he attended Tech High School, graduating in 1943. He entered the Army immediately upon graduation. He had basic training in Louisiana before being sent to North Africa with the 739th Engineers. Later he served with the 106th Infantry. He was discharged in November 1945.
    Earl attended Charter Junior College in Kansas and later Appalachian State where he graduated in 1950 before starting his career in teaching. He later worked as a Supervisor for Budweiser Beer. He was an active member of the VFW Post 9488 where he served as Trustee until death. Earl is survived by his only relative, a niece, Linda Sechler Law of Richfield, NC. In addition to his parents, Earl is preceded in death by his wife, June Crawford Sechler and siblings, Norman Sechler and Gene Sechler. A graveside service was held on June 16, 2017 at Sunset Memory Gardens, 8901 Lawyers Road, Mint Hill, NC 28227. Condolences may be offered at
Reported by Jim West

--Date of Death: April 23, 2017
    Sherman Eugene (Lennie) Smail passed away at St. Vincent's Hospital in Williamsport, IN. Lennie was born February 16, 1925 in Covington, IN, to Sherman and Lennie Leon Smail. He married Virginia Mae James on June 8, 1946. She preceded him in death on January 10, 2014. Lennie is survived by his son James Michael Smail and a daughter Rebecca (Ken) Baker, six grandchildren, and 11 great- grandchildren. He is also survived by a brother, William L. Smail, of Covington and a sister, Anita Kronst of Bourbonnais, IL. He was preceded in death by his parents, three sisters and a granddaughter.
    Lennie graduated from Covington High School in 1943. He and his brother Bill joined the Army in July of 1943. He was sent to California to the 832nd Anti-Aircraft Company and was transferred to the 201st Infantry at Camp Carson in Colorado. He was then


Memoriam . . .

    transferred to Camp Atterbury, Indiana, to Company A, 424th Infantry Division. In September 1944 he was sent overseas to the European Theater. He represented his country at the Battle of the Bulge in 1944 and 1945 where he was wounded and received two Purple Hearts. He was discharged in November of 1945 as a Staff Sergeant.
    He worked at General Electric in Danville, IL, following the service and later was employed at Olin Mathison (Flexel) from which he retired. He proudly served the city of Covington in three capacities, with the Covington Police Department, as Councilman and Mayor. Lennie liked his music. He and his brother Bill were members of the SPEBSQSA organization for over 50 years. He was recently awarded for his 50 year membership by the Vermilion Chorus. He loved getting together with his Barbershop friends every week to bust a chord. He and brother Bill refereed basketball and football for years and were known throughout the area as The Smail Brothers. Lennie also did duty behind the plate as an umpire in the many leagues. He coached Little League and Pony League baseball. He was a member of the VFW, American Legion, ELKS, Covington 4th of July Group, Apple Fest and the 1st Church of Christ. Lennie was an avid CUBs fan and attended and followed Trojan basketball.
    Funeral Service were held at the Shelby Funeral Home and Burial in Mt. Hope Cemetery with Military Graveside Rites. The family requests memorials be made to the Covington High School Athletic Department. Condolences to the family at
Reported by Jim West

--Date of Death: May 6, 2017
    Drafted into the Army in 1941, he was variously assigned to Mitchell Field, Fort Benning, GA, Fort Jackson, SC, and Camp Atterbury, IN. While he taught artillery at Fort Benning, he met Lt. Eleanor Brinkmeyer. They were separated for three years while she served as chief scrub nurse at the 121st General Hospital in Africa, Italy and France. He became a German prisoner-of-war in December 1944 after the 106th division was captured in the Ardennes forest near St. Vith at the Battle of the Bulge. Originally interned at Stalag XIIIB, he lost much of his hearing to the American bombing of German cities during a terrifying forced march eastward to avoid the advancing Allied Army. In the confusion of the Allied triumph, he finally found and married Eleanor in France in June 1945.
Reported by Jim West

--Date of Death: March 25, 2017
    Golden Lion John S. Starmack, age 92, passed away the morning of March 25, 2017, with his wife holding his hand, surrounded by his loving family. John was born in McKeesport, PA, on June 12, 1924. He fought in the Battle of the Bulge, was captured and was a POW imprisoned in three Stalags. In recognition of his service and being


Memoriam . . .

    a POW, he received the Bronze Star, as well as six additional medals. After the war, John continued his education and became an engineer working for the Grumman organization of Long Island, NY. Attending proudly at many 106th Infantry reunions, he enjoyed the camaraderie of his "buddies". He is survived by his wife, Grace Starmack; four daughters, Cynthia Starmack, Julia Starmack, Carol Starmack and Diane Starmack and spouses; six grandchildren, Wendy, Stephen, Craig, Evan, Aaron and Lainey, and one great-grandson, Connor James.
Reported by his wife, Grace Starmack

--Date of Death: July 5, 2017
    WWII Purple Heart recipient, executive consultant and Lionel train aficionado with enduring loyalty to alma mater Virginia Tech, Edgar Lyle Van Nuis, 94, passed away on July 5, 2017. Ed was born in New Brunswick, N.J., on Jan. 30, 1923, to parents, Percy Lyle Van Nuis and Clara Weigel Van Nuis. He graduated from Highland Park High School in 1941.
    Ed was a cadet at Virginia Tech when his education was interrupted while he served as a corporal in the U.S. Army during World War II as a member of Cannon Company, 422nd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division. He served from 1943 to 1945, including the European Theater of Operations in Belgium and Germany, where he was awarded a Purple Heart, Combat Infantryman Badge, European Campaign Medal with two battle stars and a Victory Medal. His service is documented in The Library of Congress, American Folklife Center, Veterans History Project, which can be viewed online.
    Ed graduated from Virginia Tech in 1947 with a B.S. in industrial engineering and in 1949 with a B.S. in metallurgical engineering. Throughout his life, Ed was a proud Virginia Tech alumnus and Hokie sports supporter. Ed married Jane LeCato Van Nuis on June 18, 1949, and they remained happily married for 67 years, raising three loving children together. They spent all of their married life in various towns in New Jersey. Ed started out his career working for Bristol Myers, but he spent most of his career as CEO of The Van Nuis Company, an executive outplacement consulting service.
    Ed was a Lionel train collector and spent much of his spare time building and running a large layout that he and his youngest son built in his basement. He loved boating and sailing, particularly when spending summers in Owls Head, Maine, with his wife and family. Ed had a soft spot for all animals, including the many dogs and cats the family adopted over the years. He was a member of the First Reformed Church of New Brunswick. Ed was also a member of The Holland Society of New York and proud of his Dutch heritage. Ed was predeceased by his wife, Jane, who passed on July 9, 2016. He is survived by his sister, Clara Louise Kumler; his daughter, Martha P. Van Nuis (Jack Fugett), sons, Peter L. Van Nuis and


Memoriam . . .

    Cary W. Van Nuis (Judi DeMarco); three grandchildren, Jeremy Van Nuis, Kate Fugett (Matt LaBarbiera) and John Fugett, and his great-grandson Remy LaBarbiera. Ed was buried with his family in the Elmwood Cemetery in New Brunswick, N.J. In lieu of flowers, donations to the ( would be appreciated as Ed suffered with dementia and would greatly appreciate anything you could do to help alleviate this illness.
Reported by Jim West

-- Date of Death: March 16, 2017
    Born in Liège on February 27, 1930, he passed away at Banneux on March 16, 2017. He was Honorary President of CRIBA & C-47 Club Ardennes Salm River Chapter, as well as Civil Engineer University of Liège, Honorary Sub-Director of the Energy Department of CMI, Captain-Commander of the Reserve Forces, Belgian Army, Officer in the Order of the Crown; and the widower of Madame Gabrielle de Borman. His religious service took place at the Saint Jean-Baptiste church in Embourg on March 22, 2017, with interment at the family plot at the cemetery of Jemeppe-sur-Meuse. Online condolences can be submitted at: www. He is survived by his four children and their spouses, 11 grandchildren and great-grandchildren, sisters, and many nephews and nieces.
Reported by Carl Wouters

KIPER, BESSIE Non 106th Vet
--Date of Death: September 18, 2015
    Bessie was born September 15, 1925 in LeRoy, IL. She married Orville Kiper on June 19, 1968. She was an office clerk for Kmart for many years. She loved traveling, especially spending time in Nashville, Ind., for shopping, dining and shows at the Little Nashville Opry. She was preceded in death by her husband.
Reported by Jackie Coy

    To the widows of Golden Lions, if you would wish to continue to receive The CUB after the passing of your husband please let Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy know. Her contact information is located on page 12 of this CUB.

To see a full-color version of this issue of The CUB, please visit our website at:


Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .

Please read and take action now, thank you.

    With each issue of The CUB magazine the incoming mail box swells with letters of appreciation from readers who express thanks and encouragement for us to "keep up the good work."

The Last Man Standing
    It is our wish to continue the Association at a minimum through "The Last Man Standing." Since eliminating annual dues several years ago the association has relied largely on reserve savings to continue The CUB and other services at its present level. Your support is necessary to complete the mission of honoring our veterans and continuing the legacy of the 106th through education, reunions and publication of The CUB.

Keep up the Good Work
We need your help to meet basic financial needs of the Association.
    If we reach our annual goal of $20,000, we will be able to preserve our savings and keep up the "good work" for many years to come. Use the enclosed envelope to return your contribution marked "Sustentation Fund" in whatever amount possible. Any amount is appreciated, $10 – $1,000 or more.
    Also, please tells us how you wish to receive future issues of The CUB. Email to and indicate a delivery preference; Mail (paper in black and white) or Email (PDF in color). Approximately 65 percent of Association expenses are directly related to printing and shipping The CUB each year. Your choice to receive The CUB by email will help defer expenses and enable us to continue to deliver The CUB until "The Last Man Standing."
Show support for our mission by giving generously. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

    If you or someone you know would like to make an additional contribution, please mail a check made payable to 106th Infantry Division to:
106th Infantry Division, Life Plus Contribution PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214


    We are all feeling the effects of the current financial upheaval, including the 106th I.D. Association. The Annual Dues of $10 are no longer billed or collected. We are now accepting only donations for membership, memorials and LIFE PLUS.
    The previously-allowed payment of $75 for Life Membership creates a financial shortfall, as our expenses exceeds our income.

Our solution?
We are asking you to join the LIFE PLUS+ Club
    Those Members who contribute to the LIFE PLUS+ Club will have their names (only, no amounts will be shown) published in the next CUB.
You can donate as much or as little as you can and as often as you like.
By donating, you are helping perpetuate the 106th Infantry Division Association.
    To those Members who we haven't heard from for a long time -- please take the time to join this exclusive club. Thank you!

    Send your contribution, check made payable to 106th Infantry Div. Association, to: Mike Sheaner Treasurer, 106th Infantry Division PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214

Index for This Document

104th Inf. Div., 9, 10
106th Div., 21, 23, 27, 41
106th Inf. Div., 4, 8, 14, 28, 29, 32, 34, 39, 41, 45, 49, 52, 53
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 8, 13, 14, 21
121st General Hosp., 47
168th Engr. Cbt. BN, 32
1st Army, 31, 32
31st Div., 21
422/K, 17
422nd Inf., 17
422nd Inf. Regt., 17, 28, 49
422nd Regt., 10, 28
422nd Regt., Co. C, 28
423rd Regt., 29
424/A, 43, 45
424/C, 17
424/I, 15
424/L, 2, 26
424th Inf. Regt., 38, 44, 47
424th Regt., 12
592nd FA BN, 17
627th FA BN, 34
80th Inf. Div., 28
Adsit, James P., 15
Africa, 45, 47
Ardennes, 12, 51
Ardennes Forest, 47
Arlington National Cemetery, 5
Awalt, Louise, 15
Baesman, Connie Pratt, 34
Baker, Rebecca (Ken), 45
Banneux, 51
Barrow, Morton A., 17
Barrow, Robert A. (Rick), 17
Bartusek, Marc A., 15
Battle Of The Bulge, 5, 10, 11, 12, 23, 28, 30, 31, 32, 38, 39, 41, 43, 44, 47
Baum, Edward, Jr., 9
Beck, Edwin H., 4
Belgium, 4, 13, 26, 27, 29, 39, 49
Bloch, Jean H., 17
Bludworth, David H., 15
Bowen, John, 21
Brackett, Virginia & Ed, 17
Brax, Rosalie, 15
Breite, Victor W., 15
Brinkmeyer, Lt. Eleanor, 47
Brown, Clare, 39
Brown, Clark, 39
Brown, Cleo (Smith), 39
Brown, Everett Clark, 39
Brunswick, 49, 51
Camp Atterbury, 13, 21, 28
Camp Atterbury, IN, 47
Camp Atterbury, Indiana, 47
Camp Wheeler, Ga, 4
Charron, Pfc. Nelson, 7
Charron, Vincent, 7
Charron, Vincent J., 1, 7
Childs, Dean F., 17
Childs, Eleanor M., 17
Clark, Bob, 4, 26
Clark, Robert, 17
Cockrell, Curtis Levi, 39
Cockrell, Daisy Lou Kirkland, 39
Cockrell, Marvin, 39
Cockrell, Marvin Dewey, 39
Cockrell, Randy, 39
Cockrell, Terry, 41
Collier, John T., 15, 17
Collins, Michael, 22
Collins, Mike, 11
Coy, Jackie, 26, 29, 39, 43, 51
Coy, Jacquelyn, 1, 2, 4, 15, 17, 39, 51
Coy, Jacquelyn S., 13, 14
Curtin, Julie Starmack, 17
Dallman, Joseph, 29
de Borman, Madame Gabrielle, 51
de La Saulx, Christian Kraft, 51
Demarco, Judi, 51
Dover, 43
Doxsee, Gifford, 8
Dresden, 30
Dresden, Germany, 8
Dunn, Wayne, 1, 2, 8, 20, 32, 41
Dunn, Wayne G., 1, 2
Edmonds, M/Sgt. Roddie, 10
Edmonds, Pastor Chris, 10
Erie, 11
Falkner, Carol, 2
Faulkner, Carol J., 24
Feinberg, Sam, 4, 26
Feinberg, Samuel, 15
First Reunion, 36
Fort Benjamin Harrison, 21
Fort Benning, Ga, 47
Fort Jackson, SC, 47
Frampton, F. Clinton, 15
French Legion Of Honor Medal, 1, 27
Fugett, Jack, 49
Fugett, John, 51
Fugett, Kate, 51
Gardner, Joe, 2
Garrison, Beth, 2, 24
Germany, 10, 12, 13, 28, 39, 49
Glover, Sgt., 25
Glover, Sgt. Robert ‘Bob', 25
Goldberg, Leon, 1, 2, 5, 15, 26
Griffith, Beth, 41
Grossman, Irving 'Irv', 28
Guttman, Stanley K., 28
Guy, Linda Madsen, 27
Hanover, Germany, 17
Hanson, John, 41
Hanson, Lois, 41
Herndon, Donald F., 2
Holland, 49
Italy, 47
James, Virginia Mae, 45
Jansen, Wendy, 15
Jewell, Walter H., 16
Jewett, Dean F., 32
Johnson, Ken, 11, 22
Jones, Ashley, 43
Jones, Kevin L., 43
Jones, Lloyd Martin, 41
Jones, Phyllis M., 41
Keeber, Beatrice, 29
Keeber, Beatrice Fulton, 38
Keeber, Pfc. Willard H., 29, 38
King, Martin, 11, 22
Kiper, Bessie, 51
Kiper, Orville, 51
Kleppin, Ray & Annette, 31, 32
Korea, 17, 21
Kraft, Christian, 51
Kronst, Anita, 45
Krueger, Le Moyne F., 43
Kumler, Clara Louise, 49
LaBarbiera, Matt, 51
LaBarbiera, Remy, 51
Langer, Germany, 34
Law, Linda Sechler, 45
LeClair, Henry, 2
Leclerc, M. CléMent, 27
LeHavre, 27
Lerno, Alfons P., 43
Lichtenfeld, Sy, 2
Liege, 29
Macaluso, August, 15
Madsen, Anders (Bud), Jr., 1, 27
Margarethenried, 41
Martin, Harry, 4, 29
Martin, Harry F., 12
Martin, Harry F., Jr., 12, 26
Martin, William T., 17
Massey, Ernest & Beulah, 43
Massey, Hazel V., 43
Massey, Joseph Aaron, 43
Massey, Joseph Randall, 43
Mayrsohn, Bernard, 2
McWhorter, William, 2, 20, 34
McWhorter, William A., 20
Meechan, Betty, 43
Meechan, Catherine, 43
Meechan, David (Diane), 45
Meechan, Eugene (Carolyn), 45
Meechan, Hughy, 43
Meechan, Isabel Lahmers, 43
Meechan, James, 45
Meechan, Jeffrey, 44
Meechan, John W., 43
Meechan, John, Jr., 43
Meechan, Michael, 43
Meechan, Patrick & Anna Strickling, 43
Meechan, Tim (Venita), 45
Meechan, William, 45
Meyerode, 26
Meyerode, Belgium, 4, 26
Mitchel, Doug, 29
Muhlberg, 43
Neighley, Virginia, 45
Nelson, Susan, 17
Normandy, 11, 12, 41
North Africa, 45
Northern France, 39
Order Of The Golden Lion, 24
Paris, 2
Perryman, Everett Firth, 45
Pratt, Lt. Gerald, 34
Prell, Donald B., 15
Prescott, Shawn, 43
Prisoner Of War, 21
Purple Heart, 47, 49
Radocha, Jim, 30, 31, 32
Radocha, Katherina, 32
Regier, Donald, 15
Reunions, 2, 36
Rice, Kris, 3
Rice, Kristina Martin, 17
Rickard, Sonia, 39
Robb, Dr. John G., 1, 3
Roberts, Capt. Edmund C., Jr., 17
Roberts, Hugh, 26
Roberts, John M., 3
Rosenberg, Herbert A., 15
Roster, 21
Rouen, 27
Ryan, Cheryl Massey, 43
Salm River, 51
Schaffner, John, 2, 3, 24, 26
Schaffner, John R., 11
Schaffner, Robert, 1, 3, 4
Schaller, Christine, 45
Scheuplein, Al, 29
Schnee-Eifel, 13
Sechler, Gene, 45
Sechler, June Crawford, 45
Sechler, Norman, 45
Sechler, WC & Dessie Nance, 45
Sechler, William Earl, 45
Seine River, 27
Shadows Of Slaughterhouse Five, 8
Sheaner, Herb, 28
Sheaner, Herbert 'Mike', 3
Sheaner, Mike, 1, 3, 8, 13, 14, 29, 53
Siegfried Line, 12
Simone, Daniel, 15
Slaughterhouse Five, 8
Slavin, Bob, 30, 32
Smail, James Michael, 45
Smail, Sherman & Lennie Leon, 45
Smail, Sherman Eugene, 45
Smail, Sherman Eugene (Lennie), 45
Smail, William L., 45
Smallwood, Fredrick, 29
Smiles, Helen, 30, 32
Smith, Dennis, 17
Snow Mountain, 23
Southampton, 27
Southampton, England, 27
Spence, Julius Arthur, 47
St. Vith, 29, 47
St. Vith, Belgium, 36, 38
Stalag 4-B, 30, 31, 43
Stalag XI-B, 17
Stalag XIII-B, 47
Starmack, Carol, 15, 49
Starmack, Cynthia, 49
Starmack, Diane, 49
Starmack, Grace, 17, 49
Starmack, John S., 17, 47
Starmack, Julia, 49
Sugimoto, Roy, 15, 34
Suttle, E. E., Jr., 17
Szpek, Erv & Donna, 32
Szpek, Erv, Jr., 31
Szpek, Ervin, Jr., 8
The Battle Of The Bulge, 10
The Last Inf. Div. Of World War Ii, 22
Thompson, Paul G., 15
Thornton, Caffie, 41
Tracy, Joan, 4, 26
Tuorila, Dr. James R., 15
Utah Beach, 31
Valley Forge Military Academy, 4, 26
Van Nuis, Cary W., 51
Van Nuis, Clara Weigel, 49
Van Nuis, Edgar Lyle, 49
Van Nuis, Jane Lecato, 49
Van Nuis, Jeremy, 51
Van Nuis, Martha P., 49
Van Nuis, Percy Lyle, 49
Van Nuis, Peter L., 49
Veterans History Project, 49
Vietnam, 5, 17, 31
Wakeman Gen. Hosp., 21
Walker, Jeanne, 15
Walker, Jeanne M., 3
'Warm Memories Of Cold Spring', 38
Warriors Of The 106th, 11, 22
Weiss, Newt, 26
Weiss, Newton, 3
Weiss, Newton & Susan, 4
Weiss, Susan, 2, 20, 26, 34
Welke, Brian, 1, 2, 3
West, Jim, 2, 20, 21, 34, 41, 43, 45, 47, 51
Whitaker, Tammy, 17
Wood, Eric Fisher, 4
Wood, Janet, 3
Wood, Lt., 26
Wood, Lt. Eric F., Jr., 26
Wood, Randall, 13
Wood, Randall M., 1, 3, 9
Wood, Randy, 2
Wouters, Carl, 1, 20, 29, 51
Wyss, Leslie, 39
Young, Donald, 23