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Index for this issue of The CUB
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Vol. 19, No. 3, Jan., 1963

president Henry M. Broth
vice-president Robert Pierce
Adjutant and Treasurer . Richard DeHeer
Chaplain John Loveless
Historian Sherod Collins
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB. Editor . Wayne Black The CUB is printed by -- The Morris Printing Co., Waterloo, Iowa
All editorial matter should be addressed to: Wayne Black, 300 Williston Ave., Waterloo, Iowa
All business matters, renewals of memberships, etc., should be addressed to:
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St, Hillsdale, New Jersey
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained when available for $1.00 each. Send orders to the adMasa.

     I hope that each and every one of you enjoyed a wonderful holiday season, and that the New Year we are entered on will bring to you an abundance of the precious things of life health, happiness, and enduring friendships.
     It will be very gratifying to read in the pages of this CUB some of the accounts of the local area December 16 Memorial Reunions, which I hope were all well attended.
     Now that we have reached the half war point between reunions, it is time to turn our thoughts to Cleveland. I have heard from Bob Pierce, and he says that all is A-0. K. All arrangements have been made and finalized.
     If each one of us would send our membership chairman, Col. Joe Matthews, just one name of a 106th Buddy, who might be a prospective member, I am sure that he would be more than happy to take the necessary steps in seeing that he is added to our roster.

    President Henry Broth has asked that each member of the Association give careful thought to the undertaking of a new project by our Association, now that the building of our Memorial has been brought to a successful conclusion by the grand dedication arranged by Doug Coffey and Dr. Maurice DeLaval. The maintenance of the Memorial is, of course, a continuing project, but President Broth feels that some new project should 1)e undertaken. As he points out, an Association such as ours should have some project to spur us on, and to keep us growing together. While the wonderful friendships that we enjoy are a great dividend of membership in the Association, we owe it to ourselves and to our comrades, present and passed on, to have a continuing purpose of worthwhile service.
     After giving the matter thought, will each member write to President Broth or to the CUB giving his thoughts on the subject. Each member planning to attend the Cleveland convention should come prepared to discuss his pet project as well.


General Baker Lays Wreath
(photos on cover and pages 8 & 9)
     In an impressive ceremony organized by Dr. Maurice DeLaval of Vielsalm, Belgium, a wreath was laid on the Memorial of the 106th Infantry Division at Saint Vith, Belgium on Sunday 16 December 1962, the eighteenth anniversary of the outbreak of the Battle of the Bulge. Major General William C. Baker, assisted by Dr. De, Laval and Lt. Col. Levene Weigel, placed a wreath honoring the men of the Division who gave their lives during the Ardennes Battle of December 1944.
     The master of ceremonies, Captain Wayne Elliott of Headquarters Staff, USAREUR, made appropriate remarks prior to the laying of the wreath. An American bugler from Verdun, France played "Taps." This was followed by benedictions by Father Pankert, Director of the College Patronne, and the Rev. Heinrich Klaehre, a Protestant minister of Malmedy, Belgium. After the two clergymen recited the Lord's Prayer together, Captain Elliott concluded the ceremony with further remarks.
    General Baker was, of course, chief of staff of the 106th Division throughout its history. Lt. Col. Weigel, now assistant headquarters commandant, USAREUR, was a heavy weapons platoon leader in the 106th Division during the action at Saint Vith. Other persons in attendance included. General Baker's wife and son, Lieutenant Baker; Mrs. Weigel ; Mme DeLaval ; Mayor Pip of Saint Vith ; Major Marceau Dewelle, representing Lt. Colonel Peterkenne, commander of the Belgian Army garrison at Vielsalm; Major Thomas K. Herrmann, Interpreter; a party of Belgian railroad officials who had welcomed General Baker's special train to Belgium ; and representatives of the Belgian press from Liege. The ceremony was supported by a color guard, photographer, reporter, and drivers from the 4th Logistical Command, Verdun, France.
     The weather on the day of the ceremony was cold and miserable with a wind of near gale proportions. On the morning of the ceremony, the wind tore the roof off one of the dormitories at the College, and a large portion of the sleeping area was flooded. The wind also tore the flags from the top of the Memorial about an hour before the ceremony began. Father Pankert was very ill with influenza. In spite of this, he gladly took the time to participate in the ceremony, at the sometime exposing himself to some of the worst weather seen locally for some time.
     The ceremony was entirely arranged by Dr. Maurice DeLaval, the Association's honorary member in Vielsalm with the cooperation of Major Herrmann and Captain Elliott of the HQ USAREUR Staff. The only expense to the Association in connection with the ceremony was repaying the sum to Captain Elliott which he had paid for the wreath.
     An interesting sidelight of the dedication ceremony in March came to light when it was discovered that one of the Army drivers at that earlier ceremony had subsequently married a Saint Vith girl whom he met during his short stay there in March.


     A Memorial dinner was held on Saturday night, 15 December at the Fort McPherson Officer's Club by a group of Atlanta and Georgia veterans of the 106th Infantry Division. Those attending were: Martha and Duke Ward, Ethel and Pete Woodall, Maydean and Jim Wells, Ellen and Tom Fuller, Mary and Ross Edwards, Thelma and Bob Burkes, Dorothy and Harold Harmon, and Betty and Hank Freedman. Cora and Sherod Collins had made reservations but were unable to attend due to his illness. An almost unbelievable reunion occurred at this reunion. On the sixteenth of December 1944, a staff conference of the 81st Engineers was being held at the outset of the Battle of the Bulge. Those in attendance were Col. Tom Riggs, Captain Duke Ward, Captain E. E. Fuller, Captain Harold Harmon, and Captain Jim Wells. Eighteen years later, almost to the hour, the four company commanders of the above group were attending a Memorial dinner in Georgia. They were so amazed by this that they gathered around a phone and called (and each of them talked to) the one missing member of the conference, Col. Tom Riggs who was in Providence, Rhode Island. Three of the four company commanders are now residing in e Atlanta area.

Passaic-Herald-News Micro

     The eighteenth anniversary Memorial Dinner of the Metropolitan group of the 106th Infantry Division Association was held on Sunday 16 December at Glennon's Restaurant, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. Fifty persons attended the annual event which was arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeHeer and Mr. and Mrs. David Brumaghin. After a social hour at six, dinner was served at seven fifteen. Rev. George Palmer of Grace Episcopal Church, Westwood, gave the invocation and also delivered an inspirational address. Also following the dinner, Memorials Chairman Douglas Coffey


    told the assembled members of his trip to Belgium last spring and the dedication of the 106th Division Memorial at Saint Vith. A feature of the evening was the usual raffle for the benefit of the Memorial Fund. Thirty dollars was raised by this means after all expenses were paid. The members attending bade each other a reluctant farewell sometime after eleven P. M.
     Those in attendance included: Flo and Tom Bickford, Sue and George Thomas, Linda and Lou Rossi, Dot and Martin Dever, Ann and Gary Faber, Jeanette and Ed Plenge, Isabelle and Doug Coffey, Mildred and Jerry Anderson, Betty and Harry Zorn, Lou and Howard Watt, Regina and Mahlon Earle, Charlotte and Fred Schieferstein, Norma and Jack Janicke, Rev. and Mrs. George Palmer, Clara and Al Rossi, Edna and Danny Ferrara, Billie and Lou Bakelaar, Jerry Frankel, Jacques Bloch, Charles Caracozza, Michael Zaniewski, Sal DeFelice, John Fleming, Dave Kotlarich, Jack Middleton, Dot and Dave Brumaghin, and Marge and Dick DeHeer.

     We are sorry to report that Colonel A. D. (Shim) Reid (Co 424) was recently bedded by a heart attack. He would undoubtedly enjoy hearing from former members of the 424. His address is 105 Alameda Padre Serva, Santa Barbara, Calif.
     Ronald Johnson who was Survey Officer, Divarty, is now a Lt. Col. commanding the First Howitzer Battalion of the 37th Artillery in Alaska.
     Lt. Col. Ed Podworny, who was a liason pilot with Divarty is now in command of Army Aviation in Alaska. Colonel Johnson's battalion supports the First Battle Group, 23d Infantry. This was the Combat Team of the Second Division which the 424th RCT relieved in Germany just before the Ardennes.
     Brig. Gen. Leo McMahon (Divarty) reports that his finest Christmas present was word that his son, Asst. G-4, HQ, COMZEUR at Orleans, France, has been promoted to Lt. Col.
     President Henry Broth (I 422) has had a hectic six months since the Annapolis Convention compiling a new catalogue of Restaurant and Kitchen equipment and supplies for his firm. He is happy that the project is now in the printer's hands.
     Henry Freedman (RHQ 422) is a buyer of television, stereo, pianos and organs for Rich's department store in Atlanta. He has found a great satisfaction and stimulation in maintaining and renewing contacts with his comrades. He has been married for eleven years, and he and Betty have two sons, Bobby, 71/2, and Alan, 41/2.
     John W. Carr (F 422) reports that during his vacation this summer, he visited John R. Clark (F 422) in Elizabethtown, Tennessee and Marion Blackburn (F 422) at Lincolnton, North Carolina. He reports that John Clark is married and has two sons and that Marion is married and has one son. Both are doing well with nice homes and good jobs.
     Lt. Col. Harold M. Harmon (A 81) has just been assigned to Engineer Division, Third Army Headquarters, Fort McPherson, Georgia after a tour of duty at Verdun, France. He is now at home in Atlanta.


     Bob Scranton (K 424) writes that he is sorry to have missed the Annapolis convention, but hopes to make it to Cleveland.
     Bob Dodge is in the USVA Hospital at Roseburg, Oregon. We are sure that he would like to hear from his old comrades.
     Forrest W. Hemming (806 Ord) underwent a bilateral herniatomy and an appendectomy this past summer. We are happy to report that he staged a good recovery and has been back at work as a compositor at the Hess Stamp Company in Columbus since 3 October.
     Bill Perlman (RHQ 424) now operates the Proxy Telephone Answering Service in Los Angeles. His family consists of wife Betty and two daughters, Linda and Wendy.
     Meyer Bell (106 Sig) is now a group supervisor in the Field Audit Division of the Internal Revenue Service. He, wife Edith, and two children, David, 13, and Roselyn, 15, send best wishes. Please note in our membership list in this issue a new address for Meyer.
     Al Gericke (D 423) spent five weeks in Western Europe last summer covering much of it including the Bulge area by car. He and Marian flew both ways. On March 23, 1962 the Gerickes became three with the arrival of Jennifer Lynn. Al is a real estate developer and general contractor at Medina, Ohio.
     Don Johnson (RHQ 422) writes that he now operates a garage in his home town of Center Ossipee, New Hampshire. He has three sons, 15, 11, and 2 and a daughter, 13.
Tom Fuller (B 81) is with the Coca Cola Company in Atlanta. He and Ellen have four children and several horses.
     Pete Frampton (Cn 422) remarried early in 1961 and added two more children to make a total of four. To fill out the two pairs, he and Nancy produced one more and now have a full house-Betsey, 13, Bob, 11, Debbie, 9, Clint, 5, and Tracey, 1. In addition, they have a cat and four basset hounds, so the refrigerator door is always open. Pete is hoping to see the crowd at Cleveland in July.
     Pete Woodall (81) is operating his own excavation business. He and Ethel have now been married 21 years, and Johnny is 16.
     Albin Nawrocki (Sv 590) was happy to receive a CUB once more and have an opportunity to join up with us. The day that he wrote to become a member of the Association once more was the twenty-fifth anniversary of his starting to work with the Harding Dairy in Chicago where he is a salesman. He is looking forward to the Cleveland convention.
     Duke Ward (Hq 81) and Martha have been married almost 14 years. Their son, Gregory, plays any and every sport available in Georgia. He has thus far participated in golf, swimming, diving, baseball, football, basketball, track, tennis, weight lifting, hunting, fishing, and if they had an ice hockey team, he'd be on it.
     Bob Grimes (RHQ 423) is making plans now to attend the Cleveland convention. He is presently employed by the East Ohio Gas Company. His son is a junior in civil engineering at Ohio


    University, and his daughter is a high school sophomore. We are glad to see that he plans to contact as many as possible of his former comrades in the 106th in an effort to get them in the Association.
     Fred Burnham (Div Band) is still at Naperville, Illinois. He reports that he has been unable to interest his brother Carl (Hq 81) in membership in the Association. Carl was taken prisoner in the Bulge. He is with the Moline National Bank at Moline, Illinois. He has two sons, Alan, 15, and Fred, 10. His address is 3522 Coaltown Road, Moline, Illinois. Let's see if all our engineers can convince him of what he is missing by not being a member of the finest veteran's organization going.
     Bob Rutt (RHQ 422) and Lucille had a visit from Col. Matt Giuffre (Div HQ in August. The Rutts also had Father Cavanaugh and his nephew as Thanksgiving guests.

Cleveland isn't getting any closer, but July is. Start making your plans now to be there.

     We note with regret the passing on December of Mr. Eugene Mowlds at the age of 91 at Greenwood, Delaware. He was the father of W. Lyle Mowlds, the Provost Marshal of the 106th Division. Our sympathies go to our "sheriff" in his loss.

     We regret that in reproducing some of the photos of the Saint Vith Memorial Dedication in the last CUB as illustrations for Doug Coffey's story of his trip, we failed to give proper credit for them to the U. S. Army. All of the stories accompanying that story with the exception of the large photo of our Memorial at the beginning of the story (Page 16) and the one of Doug and General Clifton at the White House (Page 17) were furnished by the U. S. Army. We regret this oversight, and do hereby belatedly give credit once more for these fine and impressive Pp 1 photos to the U. S. Army.




     Through the good offices of Captain Wayne Elliott, HQUSAREUR, we are able to bring you these U. S. Army Photos of the memorial ceremonies held on 16 December at the Saint Vith Memorial.
     Upper left-Dr. DeLaval, General Baker, and (almost obscured by General Baker's shoulder) Lt. Col. Weigel place a memorial wreath.
     Upper right-U. S. Army officers and wives and Belgian chaplains stand before the memorial. Left to right: Captain Elliott, General Baker, Mrs. Baker, Major Herrmann, Father Pankert, the Rev. Mr. Klaehre, Mrs. Weigel, Colonel Weigel.
     Lower left-Group before Memorial during ceremonies. Left to right: three unidentified Belgian officials, Lt. Baker, HQUSAREUR, Intelligence Division, Mayor Pip of Saint Vith, Mrs. Weigel, Maj. Marceau Dewelle, Third Ardennes Cavalry, the Rev. Heinrich Klaehre, Father Joseph Pankert, Maj. Thomas K. Herrmann, Mrs. William C. Baker, Jr., Capt. Wayne Elliott, Maj. William C. Baker, Jr. In the background the Color Guard and bugler of the 4th Logistical Command, Verdun, France.
Lower right-4th Logistical Command Color Guard.
Our cover photo shows General Baker and Dr. DeLaval saluting the Memorial as the bugler plays "Taps."


     Several nights ago, upon answering a call from the kitchen in my home, I found that the faucet suddenly had developed a slow but steady leak. Not enough to cause any harm other than the wasting of a small quantity of water but enough to be annoying.
     After turning off the main valve and gathering together the usual equipment: extension light, wrench, screw driver, some washers (hoping that they were the right size!), a few screws, I embarked on what I hoped would be a quickly-completed project. The dismantled parts disclosed a slightly worn washer. Easy, I thought. Replacing the washer and assembling the parts took only a few minutes. When the valve was turned on, the leak was still there, not so much as at first, but still objectionable. Repeating the whole procedure, using another washer, helped not at all.
     A closer examination revealed a slightly worn plastic "seat" in the fixture itself which apparently prevented a proper closing of the water line. Not having the necessary replacement part, I resigned myself to a visit from the plumber.
     Thinking about it later, it occurred to me how similar the workings of our lives are to the experience with the faucet. Each part must be designed properly, it must be of the right kind and size. Each part must be made so that it will operate properly, it must fit in its own place, it must mesh accurately with all other parts with which it must come into contact. Any imperfections must be corrected by the Master Mechanic. Only then will a satisfactory result be had.
     Who of us can visualize the effect in this world of ours were each individual to strive to "fit" himself to an appropriate place in life with the aid of the Master Mechanic?
"Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth."
Psalm 124:8
John T. Loveless, Jr.
106th Infantry Division Assn.

     Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeHeer received a lead on having a news story inserted in the New York Daily News concerning the annual Memorial dinner shortly before the event was to take place. After submitting information concerning the dinner, they received a request for more details. On the Sunday before the start of the New York City newspaper strike, the News included an eight inch story concerning the dinner. The DeHeers report ' that they had more phone calls from this notice than anything else published in behalf of the Division for publicity previously. Through a misunderstanding of the story, many persons thought that the dinner was for all veterans of the Bulge rather than the 106th Division only, and that the dinner would be free. Even after this was straightened out, there were still many men from the 28th Division who desired to attend. The photo included in this issue of the CUB was taken by the Passaic Herald-News during the dinner.


     We are happy to reproduce with this issue a series of pictures which Historian Sherod Collins was kind enough to loan us for this purpose. We are sure that looking at them will bring back many memories of those dear, bygone days for all of us. We would be pleased to share with our readers any pictures of comparable interest that any of our other members would care to loan us. The original photos will be returned undamaged, there is no expense for the member except the postage of sending them in; and he will be doing all our other readers a service.
     Our membership is lagging behind last year's as of this date. There can be no more serious problem for the Association. We can talk all we want of the benefits of membership, of the good projects we can undertake (and have undertaken and completed); but without membership, there is no Association. The fact that each year's membership roster includes names that have been missing for years-in some cases since the Association was formed-proves that there is a gold mine of prospective members lying just under the surface of our good intentions. We have said it before, and shall say it again: "The membership of the Association (which means the future, and the very continued life, of the Association) is up to you. Potential members don't get the address: "19 Hopkins Street, Hillsdale, New Jersey" out of thin air to become members. They have to be taken in hand and led into membership by you and me, the membership."

     The Committee had arranged to meet in the large room adjoining the bar at the Officers Club, but farsighted judgment decreed a conference room at the Post Hospital. The intelligentsia of the Division reported at the scheduled hour. For example, Brig. Gen. Oleo O'Mackmahon had sent his brilliant and emulous young staff officer, Lt. Col. Gagman, and from the 422d Infantry had come Lt. Col. Joey Mattey, who was accompanied by his able assistant Chick Brother. The latter was a member of Eyeco and was later to become an association president. Col. C. C. C. Cavendar had decided to send Tee Way N. Back, but discovered, just in time, that he was a member of another regiment, so he sent Herod Columns, who was then studying to be an historian.
     Of course Rick de Beer was present and had brought with him a body guard known by the moniker of Eddy de Boil. Also noticed by this reporter was John Gloveless, Bobby Fierce, H. Jim Mach, Jock Gill Less Ply, M. P. Lyle Moles, Tomas J. Biggs, and Tomas Bigg Ford. As noticed by many, the 331st Hypos were illegally represented by one Dr. Dave P. Rice. Tug Toffey had intended to be present but had gone to Europe on his annual junket.
     Finally all were assembled and the Chairman, in order to formalize and finalize the activation of the group, and to start it moving in some direction,


    ordered, "Y'all shut up now." Then he proceeded to explain the mission of the gathering, saying, "The Full Committed, together with its satellite sub-committees and investigative staff, has been instructed to investigate into, compare with, and get the purpose of, certain military customs." After the cheering and applause had stopped, he presented the agenda as programed by the Office of The Deputy Chief of Staff for The Practice of Precedence, known through the Services as "DCSPOP." As he cited the two unresolved questions, it at once became apparent to everyone that the answer to them would constitute a real breakthrough. They were:
1. Why does a lieutenant general outrank a major general?
2. Who was issued Army Serial Number One?
     Ignoring the startled reaction of his audience he continued, "We will commence with the gent from Texas. How about it, Gagy?" "Well" was the thoughtful reply, "if it please your Honor, I am only a major, but if a lieutenant wants to rank me, that is acceptable. It's like Billie Sol told me once: 'Take the money and let the glory go.' "
     "That certainly gives us the answer to the first question," approved the Officer presiding. "Now we will proceed to the second question. I would like M. P. Lyle to give us his views on this matter." Rising from his chair with unaccustomed vigor, a true gendarme he orated in his best J. Edgar style, "That was, and should remain, classified information since it is a question of highly sensitive nature. However, I am willing to reveal that when the decision was finally made, and it was made at the very top echelon at an early meeting of three (they added a marine later) men whose difficult problem was made more complicated by a false record."
     "A false record?" puzzled the Moderator. "All these years I have thought that those First World War records were carefully guarded. But proceed." `Well, anyway," proceeded our lawman, "the question concerned this Army Serial Number One, an artillery type and me. Some one pinched a birth certificate from the files and changed date on it. Later a pair of crossed cannons and a toilet kit were found at the scene. That of course was the reply to who done it and I knew at once caused that number to be pinned on me."
"How in the world does a lost toilet lead you to the culprit?" questioned the Chairman.
"No hair brush."
And so, my children, as the Nisei of Hawaii say, "Aroha to you and rots and rots of ruck."
     How about writing a letter to that old buddy today and getting him in on the privilege of being a member of our Association? He'll never know how great it is unless YOU tell him.


The following photos taken during Doug Coffey's trip to Belgium in March will be of interest to all members.
Doug Coffey, General Bruce C. Clarke, Dr. Maurice DeLaval.
     Mrs. Maurice DeLaval, Colonel Peterkenne, General Clarke's son and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Peterkenne, Dr. Maurice DeLaval, and his son, Gerald. Bruce C. Clarke, Mrs. Clarke, Dr. Maurice
DeLaval, and his sort, Gerald.
    Sergeant Tony Gdrnich, Captain Wayne Elliott, Father Joseph Pankert, and Major Tom Herrmann, four hard-working gentlemen without whom the ceremony would not have been possible.
Gerald DeLaval, Mrs. DeLaval, Dr. DeLaval's sister, Dr. Maurice DeLaval.


     All of the photos appearing on this page are from the personal collection of Sherod Collins (So 423). All personnel shown are from Sv Co 423d Inf unless otherwise identified.
Regimental bivouac, Camp Atterbury, Indiana. Joe Gryzwacz, Sherod Collins, Ray Barry, Larry Crawford.
Regimental mail section at Kolverath, Germany:
    Sherod Collins(Waycross, Georgia), Ray Barry Cologne, Germany.. (Lawrence, Mass.), __ Freddie DeFeo (Brooklyn, N. Y.)
personnel Clerk Jim Weddington (H 423) arises in France.
trip to Paris. Dietrich, Collins ,


Mr. Richard DeHeer, 106th Inf. Div. Assn. 19 Hopkins Street, Hillsdale, New Jersey
Dear Mr. DeHeer,
     I am writing a factual book on the last 100 days of World War II in Europe which will be published by Random House. Like my other war histories (BATTLE: The Story of the Bulge and BUT NOT IN SHAME) it will be based not only on official documents but the personal experiences of participants of all ranks.
     Since your division took part in these last eventful days, many of your members have personal stories and memories that would enrich my book. I would appreciate it very much if you would ask your members to send such material to my permanent address: 233 Maple Avenue, Red Bank, New Jersey.
     All information used in the book will be first sent to the contributor for corrections and suggestions. The Departments of Army, Air Force, and Defense are all assisting me in this project as they have done in my previous works. I hope you will be able to help me recreate this crucial time in our military history.
Sincerely, /s/ John Toland

Dear Mr. Coffey::
     Thank you very much for the issues of your division magazine, "The Cub," telling about the dedication of the 106th Division Memorial in St. Vith, Belgium and your awarding of the Order der of the Golden Lion to Dr. DeLaval. Dr. DeLaval had told me about the original plans for the dedication. I was very sorry to hear that it had to be scaled down so because of the small pox scare. I should also like to say that I have read your division history of World War II "St. Vith, Lion in the Way," and I think it is one of the best division histories to come out of World War II. Most of them were glorified PIO releases with no attempt at presenting historical facts. Yours was one of the few exceptions. As a military historian with the Army, I have read through enough of them to assure you that you never need fear that your history will not stand the test of time. Having gone through the "Bulge" myself as an aid-man with the 110th Infantry, I can feel I have a lot in common with the 106th Division and share with you the pride you must have in your new Division Memorial at St. Vith.
Very truly yours, /s/ Robert F. Phillips.

Meyer Bell (106 Sig), 4915 Braesheather, Houston 35, Texas.
Robert Burkes (RHQ 424), 2227 Plantation Drive, East Point, Georgia.
Fred Burnham (Div Band), 209 Robin Hill Drive, Naperville, Illinois.
Bernard Caplan (592), 2524 Loyola Southway, Baltimore, Maryland.
John W. Carr (F 422), Box 66, Greensboro, Georgia.
Virgil Collins (AT 423), 841 Canal St., Nelsonville, Ohio.
Robert Dodge, USVA Hospital, Roseburg, Oregon.
Mahlon Earle (D 424), 23 Morgan Place, North Arlington, N. J.
David Evans, (C 81), 7900 Elmhurst, Baltimore 34, Maryland.
Durward Frampton Jr. (Cn 422), 170 North Roosevelt Ave., Columbus, 0.


Alfred Gericke (D 423), R.F.D. #4, Box 37, Medina, Ohio.
Robert Grimes (RHQ 423), Box #154, Clarington, Ohio.
Forrest Hemming (806 Ord), 977 Loretta Avenue, Columbus 11, Ohio.
Harry Holder (H 424), 474 Addison Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois.
Donald E. Johnson (RHQ 422), Box 156, Center Ossipee, New Hampshire.
James Klett (Div Hq), 1647 Oak St., Lebanon, Pennsylvania.
Francis Lemley (Hq 589), Pillsbury, North Dakota.
C. L. Lindsey (424), R.F.D. #1, Box 208, Waco, Texas.
Albin Nawrocki (Sv 590), 3714 East 112th Street, Chicago 17, Illinois.
William Perlman (RHQ 424), 2006 Castle Heights Ave., Los Angeles, California.
R. E. Sackett (G 422), 1010 Randolph, Waterloo, Iowa.
John Scalissi (H 424), 1706 Regent Street, Madison, Wisconsin.
Robert Scranton (K 424), 9441 Lee Road, Brighton, Michigan.
Loren Souers Jr (424, 81), 1200 Harter Bank Building, Canton, Ohio.
Chris Sutich (D 424), 7512 Fourth Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey.
Elder Wolfe (K 424), 4011 Case Road, Avon, Ohio.

1963 1962
New members this issue 25 44
Total year to date 156 183

IT'S ALREADY 1963!!!
JULY 25 TO 28
It's The Place To Be In '63


Index for: Vol. 19 No. 3, Jan, 1963

Index for This Document

106th Div., 3, 5, 7, 10, 15
106th Inf. Div., 3, 4, 10, 15
106th Infantry Division Association, 4
28th Inf. Div., 10
2nd Div., 5
422nd Inf., 11
4th Logistical Cmd., 3, 9
806th Ord. Co., 6, 16
81st Engr., 4
Anderson, Mildred & Jerry, 5
Ardennes, 5, 9
Ardennes Battle, 3
Bakelaar, Billie & Lou, 5
Baker, Gen., 3, 9
Baker, Lt., 3, 9
Baker, Maj. Gen. William C., 3
Baker, Maj. William C., Jr., 9
Baker, Mrs., 9
Baker, Mrs. William C., 9
Barry, Ray, 14
Battle Of The Bulge, 3, 4
Belgium, 3, 5, 13
Bell, Meyer, 6, 15
Bickford, Flo & Tom, 5
Black, Wayne, 1
Blackburn, Marion, 5
Bloch, Jacques, 5
Broth, Henry, 1, 5
Broth, Henry M., 1
Brother, Chick, 11
Brumaghin, Dot & Dave, 5
Brumaghin, Mr. & Mrs. David, 4
Burke, Robert, 15
Burkes, Thelma & Bob, 4
Burnham, Fred, 7, 15
Camp Atterbury, Indiana, 14
Caplan, Bernard, 15
Caracozza, Charles, 5
Carr, John W., 5, 15
Cavanaugh, Father, 7
Cavendar, Col. C. C. C., 11
Clark, John, 5
Clark, John R., 5
Clark, Mrs., 13
Clarke, Bruce C., 13
Clarke, Gen., 13
Clarke, Gen. Bruce C., 13
Clifton, Gen., 7
Coffey, Doug, 1, 7, 13
Coffey, Douglas, 4
Coffey, Isabelle & Doug, 5
Coffey, Mr., 15
College Patronne, 3
Collins, Cora & Sherod, 4
Collins, Sherod, 1, 11, 14
Collins, Virgil, 15
Cologne, Germany, 14
Crawford, Larry, 14
Defelice, Sal, 5
DeFeo, Freddie, 14
DeHeer, Marge & Dick, 5
DeHeer, Mr. & Mrs. Richard, 4, 10
DeHeer, Mr. Richard, 15
DeHeer, Richard, 1
DeLaval, Dr., 9, 13, 15
Delaval, Dr. Maurice, 1, 3, 13
Delaval, Gerald, 13
Delaval, Mme, 3
Delaval, Mrs., 13
Delaval, Mrs. Maurice, 13
Dever, Dot & Martin, 5
Dewelle, Maj. Marceau, 3, 9
Dietrich, Collins, 14
Dodge, Bob, 6
Dodge, Robert, 15
Earle, Mahlon, 15
Earle, Regina & Mahlon, 5
Edwards, Mary & Ross, 4
Elliott, Capt., 3, 9
Elliott, Capt. Wayne, 3, 9, 13
Evans, David, 15
Faber, Ann & Gary, 5
Ferrara, Edna & Danny, 5
Fleming, John, 5
Frampton, Durward, 15
Frampton, Pete, 6
Frankel, Jerry, 5
Freedman, Betty & Hank, 4
Freedman, Henry, 5
Fuller, Capt. E. E., 4
Fuller, Ellen & Tom, 4
Fuller, Tom, 6
Gagman, Lt. Col., 11
Gdrnich, Sgt. Tony, 13
General Baker Lays Wreath, 3
Gericke, Al, 6
Gericke, Alfred, 16
Germany, 5
Giuffre, Col. Matt, 7
Grimes, Bob, 6
Grimes, Robert, 16
Gryzwacz, Joe, 14
Harmon, Capt. Harold, 4
Harmon, Dorothy & Harold, 4
Harmon, Lt. Col. Harold M., 5
Hemming, Forrest, 16
Hemming, Forrest W., 6
Herrmann, Maj., 3, 9
Herrmann, Maj. Thomas K., 3, 9
Herrmann, Maj. Tom, 13
Holder, Harry, 16
Inf, Co 423D, 14
Janicke, Norma & Jack, 5
Johnson, Don, 6
Johnson, Donald E., 16
Johnson, Ronald, 5
Klaehre, Rev. Heinrich, 3, 9
Klaehre, Rev. Mr., 9
Klett, James, 16
Kolverath, Germany, 14
Kotlarich, Dave, 5
Lemley, Francis, 16
Liege, 3
Lindsey, C. L., 16
Loveless, John, 1
Loveless, John T., Jr., 10
Malmedy, Belgium, 3
Mattey, Lt. Col. Joey, 11
Matthews, Col. Joe, 1
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo, 5
Memorial Service Held At Saint Vith, 3
Memorials, 4
Middleton, Jack, 5
Mowlds, Mr. Eugene, 7
Mowlds, W. Lyle, 7
Nawrocki, Albin, 6, 16
O'Mackmahon, Gen. Oleo, 11
Palmer, Rev. & Mrs. George, 5
Palmer, Rev. George, 4
Pankert, Father, 3, 9
Pankert, Father Joseph, 9, 13
Paris, 14
Perlman, Bill, 6
Perlman, William, 16
Peterkenne, Col., 13
Peterkenne, Lt. Col., 3
Peterkenne, Mrs., 13
Phillips, Robert F., 15
Photos, 9, 13
Pierce, Bob, 1
Pierce, Robert, 1
Pip, Mayor, 3, 9
Plenge, Jeanette & Ed, 5
Reid, Col. A. D. (Shim), 5
Reunions, 1
Riggs, Col. Tom, 4
Riggs, Tom, 4
Rossi, Clara & Al, 5
Rossi, Linda & Lou, 5
Rutt, Bob, 7
Sackett, R. E., 16
Scalissi, John, 16
Schieferstein, Charlotte & Fred, 5
Scranton, Bob, 6
Scranton, Robert, 16
Souers, Loren, 16
St. Vith, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9
Lion In The Way, 15
St. Vith, Belgium, 3, 15
Sutich, Chris, 16
Third Army, 5
Thomas, Sue & George, 5
Toland, John, 15
Verdun, France, 3, 5, 9
Vielsalm, 3
Vielsalm, Belgium, 3
Ward, Capt. Duke, 4
Ward, Duke, 6
Ward, Martha & Duke, 4
Watt, Lou & Howard, 5
Weddington, Jim, 14
Weigel, Col., 9
Weigel, Lt. Col., 3, 9
Weigel, Lt. Col. Levene, 3
Weigel, Mrs., 3, 9
Wells, Capt. Jim, 4
Wells, Maydean & Jim, 4
Wolfe, Elder, 16
Woodall, Ethel & Pete, 4
Woodall, Pete, 6
Zaniewski, Michael, 5
Zorn, Betty & Harry, 5