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Index for this issue of The CUB
Uploaded: 17-Jun-2024
Vol 77, No. 1 Mar 2021

76th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge

    As Mayor Herbert Grommes of St. Vith adjusts the city's wreath, Carl Wouters prepares the Association wreath at the Schonberg POW Monument. The historical record will note that the blue masks were part of the typical 2020 dress code, amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

For the cover story, please see page 24.


A tri-annual publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
Total Membership as of January 1, 2021 -- 935
Membership includes CUB magazine subscription

Annual Dues are no longer mandatory: Donations Accepted
Payable to "106th Infantry Division Association" and mailed to the Treasurer -- See address below

Elected Offices
President Bob Pope (590/FABN)
Past-President (Ex-Officio) Wayne Dunn (Associate Member)
1st Vice-President Janet Wood (Associate Member)
2nd Vice-President Henry LeClair (Associate Member)
3rd Vice-President Open

    Adjutant: Randall M. Wood (Associate member) 810 Cramertown Loop, Martinsville, IN 46151 765-346-0690

Business Matters, Deaths, Address changes to:
Membership: Jacquelyn Coy 121 McGregor Ave., Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 973-663-2410

Donations, checks to:
Treasurer: Mike Sheaner PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214 214-823-3004

Memorial Chair: Dr. John G. Robb (422/D) 238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355 814-333-6364

Chaplain: Pastor Chris Edmonds 206 Candora Rd., Maryville, TN 37804 865-599-6636

    106th ID Assn's Belgium Liaison: Carl Wouters Waterkant 17 Bus 32, B-2840 Terhagen, Belgium carl_wouters@hotmail. corn cell: +(32) 47 924 7789

    106th Assoc. Website Webmaster: Wayne G. Dunn 620 Coachmans Way, Parkton, MD 21120 410-409-1141

Committee Chairs:
Atterbury Memorial Representative Jim West (imajimwest@gmail.corn)
Historian Open
Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy
Mini-Reunions Wayne Dunn
Nominating Committee Chair Brian Welke
Order of the Golden Lion
Carol Faulkner, Beth Garrison, Kathy Spinella
Public Relations Chair Wayne Dunn
Reunion Co-chairs
Randy Wood, Brian Welke

CUB Editor: Lisa M. Dunn 620 Coachmans Way, Parkton, MD 21120

    CUB Publisher: Susan Weiss (father: 423/HQ 3Bn) 9 Cypress Point Ct., Blackwood, NJ 08012
609-820-8794 (new phone number!)

Board of Directors (all positions held through 2021)

    Jacquelyn Coy, Membership (Associate member) 973-663-2410, 121 McGregor Ave., Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856

    Lisa M. Dunn (Associate member) (father-in-law: 424/HQ 3Bn) 443-604-1599, 620 Coachmans Way, Parkton, MD 21120

    Wayne G. Dunn (Associate member) (father: 424/HQ 3Bn) [Past President] 410-409-1141, 620 Coachmans Way, Parkton, MD 21120

    Henry LeClair (Associate member) (father: 422/G) 603-401-3723, 209 Range Road, Windham, NH 03087

Bob Pope (590/FABN) 716-580-3118, 6363 Transit Rd., Apt #133, East Amherst, NY 14051

    Herbert ‘Mike' Sheaner (422/G) [Past President] 214-823-3003, PO Box 140535, Dallas, Texas 75214

    Mike Sheaner, Treasurer (Associate member) (father: 422/G) 214-823-3004, PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214 sheanerl@airmaiLnet

Kathy Spinella, (Associate member) (grandfather: 423/L) 305-562-4381
1991 Carolina Avenue NE, St. Petersburg, FL 33703

David Smith (Associate member) (father: 423/B) 225-573-8521
17922 Monitor Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70817

Susan Weiss, (Associate member) (father: 423/HQ 3Bn) 609-820-8794
9 Cypress Point Court, Blackwood, NJ 08012-5595

Brian Welke (Associate member) [Past President] 352-408-5671
1821 Morris Street, Eustis, FL 32726-6401

Janet Wood (Associate member) (father: 423/1) 205-910-0542
2704 S. Pinehurst Dr., Bloomington, Indiana 47403

    Randall M. Wood (Associate member) (father: 423/1) [Past President] 765-346-0690, 810 Cramertown Loop, Martinsville, IN 46151, woodchuck01@sbcglobaLnet

Editor's Message . . .

    As we move into the new year, we are hopeful for a brighter future due to the promise of the vaccine and indications that deaths due to Covid-19 are going down in many places. I believe you'll find the message of "hope" and "brighter days" throughout this edition of The CUB, from the cover story, to the various articles from our board members. And for anyone who was or is personally touched by the virus, that hope cannot come too soon.
    Like so many others, my family experienced the awful ramifications of this pandemic when my 93-year-old mother, who had to have surgery after a fall that resulted in three broken bones in her ankle, caught the virus while she was in the hospital. Two weeks after having been admitted (with a negative test being confirmed upon arrival), she was being tested again for discharge when she got a positive test result. After 10 days of increasingly serious symptoms and two days of not eating, fearing that her situation was dire, the hospital agreed to extend an exception to their "no visitor" policy and allowed a family member in to be with her. My son, her eldest grandchild, went since I was sick with a cold, and spent the afternoon with her. Gregory was required to wear full PPE and taught how to hide all exposed skin. He learned how to dispose of the gowns and other protection he had to wear. But he admitted, it was all worth it to be able to share some time with the matriarch of our family, especially given how seriously ill she was.
    Gregory took the homemade soup I made, cards and remembrances, a few pictures and flowers. He held her hand and had a brief Zoom call so she could see her children, me and my three siblings, again. He fed her sips of the Italian Wedding soup since she could not hold a spoon. It is a recipe from her own childhood, her "comfort food," handed down through generations from her Italian relatives. And by the next day, mom started to feel a little better. She said that seeing her family and having a familiar face and someone to hold her hand made her fight. Now, two weeks later, she is Covid-free, and in rehab...where they, too, have visitor restrictions in place.
    I know my mother's case is not the norm for our elderly population. We are grateful beyond words for our outcome because not everyone survives this virus. It is sad that the one thing that can help make people feel better, if not actually get better in some cases, is contact. And it is the one thing we cannot do right now. But it is evident, not only in my mom's case, but in so many other stories I've heard, just how important a friendly touch or presence can be. So, I followed the rehab facility's policy of providing a negative Covid test within 72 hours of visiting mom there. I'm going as often as I can in those 72 hours, then I'll go get another one. I wear a face mask and shield. This is life right now, and while it is strange and incomprehensible that we have to do these things, it is


Editor's Message . . .

    necessary, and it is worthwhile. My mom's eyes light up and she smiles when she sees me, and my siblings smile when they see her in the pictures and videos I send. I believe that simple act of human interaction brings healing... and hope.
    I hope that even though we still have safe distancing mandates in place that you will continue to do what you can to reach out to those who may feel isolated, alone, or who are ill. A card,
    a call, a visit if you are allowed, can make a world of difference, and provide a light in someone's life who may otherwise feel like they are in the dark. And if you, like so many, feel in need of a friendly voice, I hope you will reach out to let others know so they can be there for you. It's the best gift we can give to one another right now.
Lisa Dunn, Editor

Just a reminder . . .
    If you have pictures, an article, or some other form of information you would like included in a future issue of The CUB, the due dates are as follows:
May 1, 2021-- mail date mid-July, 2021 (issue will include reunion paperwork)
October 1, 2021-- mail date November 30, 2021 (to include reunion photos and remembrances)
January 31, 2022 -- mail date March 30, 2022 (issue may include reunion paperwork)
Articles and pictures can be mailed or emailed to:

CUB Editor: Lisa Dunn
620 Coachmans Way,
Parkton, MD 21120

CUB Publisher: Susan Weiss
9 Cypress Point Court
Blackwood, NJ 08012
609-820-8794 (please leave a message)

Something New to See!
By David Smith
    The 106th Infantry Division Association now has an Instagram page! You can get to it at the URL: division_assoc/ The Instagram account name is simply 106th infantry division assoc. Use that to search for it on your phone or other electronic device -- iPad, tablet, laptop or computer. The idea is to preserve memories of the 106th veterans virtually forever. Enjoy.


President's View . . .

    HUMBLE PIE! That's what I had today. I reminisced about the past year and the similarities between World War II and the current WAR against the Coronavirus, also known as Covid-19. Both World War II and the current War against the Coronavirus involved 24-7 action against a ruthless enemy. Both involved a massive number of volunteers and required unbelievable knowledge and skills to develop and produce the resources needed to fight the enemy. Both "WARS" caused hardships, shortage of normal supplies, loss of jobs and homes and other disruptions. AND both caused death to millions of innocent people. NOW the HUMBLE PIE! In spite of my age and in spite of being in good health, I contracted Covid-19. I spent 18 days in the hospital. During that time, I encountered dozens of nurses, doctors and other medical people working overtime, not because they needed a job or wanted more money, but because they were needed to care for millions of people like me, most of them sicker than I was. And as they found out that I was a World War II veteran, they would say: "thank you for your service," or "you're a hero for saving our country." Who is a HERO?

THANK YOU to all of them.
Bob Pope President

    Bob Pope (590/FABN) 106th Infantry Division Association President 2019-2020 6363 Transit Rd., Apt #133 East Amherst, NY 14051 716-580-3118

Make your plans NOW!!
for the 106th Infantry Division Association's 75" Annual Reunion at the
Hilton Airport Hotel in Kansas City, MO
September 8-12, 2021
For up-to-date and additional information about the reunion, please visit:


Chaplain's Message . . .

    Recently, I conducted five funerals in four weeks. Each person was a good citizen, husband, father, and friend. They were blessings to all who knew them and made their communities better. Three of the five were veterans -- brave men who served our nation with honor and sacrifice. All but one died from complications of Covid-19.
    Their sudden deaths left many in our neck of the woods stunned. It's been a hard few weeks. To be honest, it's been tough since February 2020 when all of us woke to a world we could never have imagined. Many schools, restaurants, and small businesses are closed. Sporting events are played in front of cameras and cardboard cutouts instead of fans. Large gatherings of family or friends are forbidden. Face masks are the rule of the day. Social distancing is the norm -- which means you stay away from me and I stay away from you.
    All this separation is because of a tiny microbe called the coronavirus that is incredibly contagious and extremely dangerous.
    None of us knows when things will get better. This may last a few more weeks or months -- or longer. We live with anxiety. We worry about our health and the health of our loved ones. We're fearful about our jobs and our income. And we feel trapped by events we can't control. No wonder we can't sleep. No wonder we feel shaky. We need help.
    In Psalm 23:4, Israel's ancient song writer King David, the former shepherd boy, gives us great advice: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
    In Israel, there is a real place called the Valley of the Shadow of Death. It's a steep, deep and narrow canyon. The sun only hits the bottom of it when it's directly overhead at high noon. The rest of the time the bottom of the canyon is dark. David probably led his sheep through that dark valley as he was growing up.
    Like David, we're living in a valley of deep darkness. What can we do? Refuse to be discouraged. "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil... " Dark valleys are inevitable. They happen to all of us. That's why the Bible declares that "people are born to trouble, as surely as the sparks fly upward. " Job 5:7

Pastor Chris Edmonds 206 Candora Road Maryville, TN 37804 865-599-6636

continues on page 6


Chaplain's Message . . .

    Job knew, as we do, that life is a mixture of pain and pleasure, victory and defeat, success and failure, mountain tops and valleys. How should we respond to dark valleys, especially this one? Keep walking with God.
    David kept walking "through the valley of the shadow of death." He didn't run, he walked. He doesn't advise us to run through the valley or panic and run the opposite direction. David said "walk" calmly and deliberately through this scary valley. With God's help, we can keep walking too, step by step, day by day, refusing to stop, refusing to be discouraged.
    David also advises us to keep trusting God. With confidence he sings, "I will fear no evil. " If David were at your house, he might look in your closet or dresser to find your No Fear t-shirt. Then he would encourage you to put it on. If you didn't have one, he might suggest you make one with your kids or the next time your grand kids came over. Then David might say, "The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? " Psalm 27:1
    Like David, we can put our faith in God and live fearless. Instead of asking why me, ask God, what do you want me to do? What's next?
    God won't tell you, "Hey, you need to be discouraged -- just go ahead and fret and feel anxious." No, God will whisper Colossians 1:11 to your heart, "I will strengthen you with my own great power so that you will not give up when troubles come."
    David reminds us that in the most fearful times we can take heart that God is with us to strengthen us. So, choose courage over discouragement and keep walking with God, keep trusting God, keep praising God, and keep thanking God for every blessing.
    Roy Rogers, famed singer and movie star of yesteryear known as "The King of the Cowboys," seemed to have a carefree life. But no one has that luxury. Neither did Roy Rogers. Married to his first wife Lucille in 1933, the marriage failed three years later. Then he married his second wife Arline, who died ten years later of an embolism. Four years later, he married Dale Evans. They had five children and one of them, Robin, was born with Down Syndrome. She died just before her second birthday. Not long after that, his twelve-year-old adopted daughter, Debbie, was killed in a church bus crash. That same year their adopted son, Sandy, died during peacetime Army service.
    When asked if his faith was ever shaken he said: "Never! God's become more real to us with every sorrow. If there were no valleys along the trail, there would be no mountains either. The valleys are where I learn how small I am and the mountains are where I see how great God is."
    As members of the 106th Infantry Division Association, we are blessed to have many past and present examples like King David and Roy Rogers. Men who lived with the same cling to God, keep on walking, never give up, can-do spirit. They learned it during the Great Depression and fleshed it out in the


Chaplain's Message . . .

    Ardennes as they faced the terrors of Hitler and his army in The Battle of the Bulge, the greatest and bloodiest battle in our nation's history. They showed us bravery, resilience, and a tenacity to live.
    Journalist Tom Brokaw, in his book The Greatest Generation, described our heroes well. These men "came of age in the Great Depression, when economic despair hovered over the land like a plague. They had watched their parents lose their businesses, their farms, their jobs, their hopes. They had learned to accept a future that played out one day at time. Then, just as there was a glimmer of economic recovery, war exploded across Europe and Asia... they gave up their place on the assembly lines in Detroit and in the ranks of Wall Street, they quit school or went from cap and gown directly into uniform." Brokaw added that they fought not for fame or recognition, but because it was the "right thing to do."
    United as a country in the face of evil, our Golden Lions and the greatest generation came together to sacrifice what they could to make our world a better place. We should do the same.
    They believed you win the battle in front of you and then go on to the next. They never gave up. We should do the same.
    After they returned home victorious, scarred from the horrors of a war they worked hard to carve out a life for their families that has made America a far safer, more prosperous society. We should do the same.
    Like King David of old, the greatest generation, and our beloved men of the 106th, have taught us a lesson we must never forget. Faith, woven with courage and perseverance, win the day. We should do the same. And we should love our heroes all the more.
I pray their heroic example will be our welcome guest during these difficult days of Covid-19.
    May each of us declare in faith, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Psalm 23:4

Watch (again!) the 74th Annual Reunion Virtual Memorial Service
    which replaced the live event for the 74th Annual Reunion that was to have taken place in Kansas City, MO, Sept. 2020.

Remember the Men of the 106th
"Attend" this virtual Memorial service at
Share this link with family and friends, schools and organizations.


The Adjutant's Message . . .

    What a year this has been. It's been difficult for all, but especially for our 106th Veterans. Like no year that most of us have experienced, there has been despair from the isolation we have felt. The enemy we face is very much different than 76 years ago, but similar in many ways. The act of family members going off to training to support the war effort, and then actually involved in the war, created an isolation all of its own. There were rays of sunshine as there are now, as to when things were going to get back to normal. For example, as many veteran families can relate to, we have a telegram from the war department saying that dad (Robert M. Wood 423 I) was missing in action. Then a second telegram the (ray of sunshine) saying it had been determined that dad was a Prisoner of War. Then finally, that day of sunshine when dad returned home and stood on his mom's front porch. That was the Day of Sunshine that all of dad's family had prayed for and the first step towards getting back to the new normal.
    Same as today: most of us have been held prisoner for most of a year now. The medical field has been treating the wounded and praying over those who we have lost. The medical scientists have developed a means to fight back "the vaccine." It is still difficult, and the war is not over, but there is a ray of sunshine and as before, we will not give up. We will fight and we will win.
    As our Chaplain, Chris Edmonds says, "our greatest honor to those who have fallen, both then and now, is to Remember them and walk in their steps."
    I have been in contact with the Armed Forces Reunion Service (AFR) and even though it is too early to begin some of the planning, the hotel in Kansas City by the Airport is preparing to host our reunion as well as others. The 106th Association Board met on Feb. 23, to discuss how we should proceed with the 2021 reunion. We also discussed the association's status and our focus for the coming few years.
    We have tried various ways to spread the word about our Virtual Memorial Service and make it available to all who would like to see it. I sent it to the AFR group. They had not seen it nor were they aware that one had been put together, as we had done. The suggestion was made that AFR might refer other groups to our site as an example of what they could do for their

Randall M. Wood (Associate member) 810 Cramertown Loop Martinsville, IN 46151 765-346-0690 woodchuck01@sbcglobaLnet


The Adjutant's Message . . .

    outfits I think every one of the 106th family is proud of the Memorial Service that our Veterans, the Board and Carl put together. Friends and families of our veterans are proud of it as well as is the staff and Veterans of the living center where our president, Bob Pope, lives. They sent The CUB a note of thanks for the chance to see the service as they sat and watched it multiple times. Whenever the opportunity arises, make it available for a new group to see. I guarantee it will move them by what they hear and what they see.
    We will work towards and plan for our reunion on September 8-12, 2021. May you and your families stay well, and we will see you there. Our Day of Sunshine is coming.
Randall M. Wood Adjutant 106th Infantry Division Association Robert Wood 423-I

Visit the 106th Association's Website!
By Wayne Dunn
    To complement the wonderful websites that are already out on the Internet, including websites from our own members, Jim West ( and Carl Wouters (106thinfantry.webs. com), the Association has launched its own website at
    This is where you will find information on upcoming events, copies of the membership application for your family to join, the complete latest issue of The CUB in color, plus additional plus additional photos not seen in hard copy.
    Also look for our Facebook page at You will find up-to-the-minute information here and its where you can connect with friends and make plans for the next reunion.
    If you have any additional reunion photos or information that you would like to see on the website or Facebook page, please contact the Webmaster, Wayne Dunn at or 410-409-1141.
    The 106th Infantry Division Association also now has an Instagram page! You can get to it at the URL: infantry division assoct The Instagram account name is simply 106th infantry division assoc. Use that to search for it on your phone or other electronic device iPad, tablet, laptop or computer. The idea is to preserve memories of the 106th veterans virtually forever. Enjoy.

Mark your Calendar NOW!!
for the 106th Infantry Division Association's 75" Annual Reunion at the
Hilton Airport Hotel in Kansas City, MO
September 8-12, 2021
For additional information about the reunion and to register online, visit:


Historian's Message . . .

From the Archives...
By Wayne G. Dunn

    Editor's Note: Thank you to Wayne Dunn for providing this edition's historian article which looks back in time to how the historian position started, some interesting facts, and some original articles.
    At the July 1957 reunion, held in Savannah, Georgia, it was decided the Association should have its first Historian. As mentioned in The CUB Vol. 14, No. 1, September 1957: "Bob Rutt moved that the Association have an Official Historian. Passed." "The Historian was Sherod Collins, Jr., of Statesboro, Ga. After seeing the collection of CUBs, Scrapbook, etc. that Sherod Collins has, it makes one realize how very little that you have saved. How fortunate we are having him for our new historian."
    Five years later, from Vol. 19, No. 1, August 1962: "Discussion was held on a committee to handle all 106th Division Association property, with Doug Coffey suggesting all property such as typewriter, addressograph, etc. should be held by the Adjutant and all records should be held by the Historian."
    From the editor's desk, Vol. 19, No. 3, January 1963: "We are happy to reproduce with this issue a series of pictures which Historian Sherod Collins was kind enough to loan us for this purpose. We are sure that looking at them will bring back many memories of those dear, bygone days for all of us. We would be pleased to share with our readers any pictures of comparable interest that any of our other members would care to loan us. The original photos will be returned undamaged..."
    And that was about the extent of postings from the Historian for forty years -- until John Schaffner hung up his President's hat and took over the position of Association Historian (Vol. 60, No. 1, October 2003). Since 2003, John produced a column for 52 issues! His final column appeared in Vol. 75, No. 3, August--November 2019.
    Reading through old issues of The CUB, I thought the senior membership may smile as they reminisce back to the earlier days -- and the junior membership may find a few golden nuggets hidden within.
    In Vol. 16, No. 1, October 1959, we had a new column called "BAG LUNCH," which was written by Maj. Gen. Alan W. Jones. The name of the column, "Bag Lunch" has a humorous origin that will have to wait for another time to be revealed. Below is Gen. Jones' first column:

    Since this is the initial offering of new and continued column, an explanation and statement of intent is indicted. We must, first of all, admit to having been high-pressured by the `cub,' Cub Editor, and others. We see through flattering remarks all right but we are here anyway. The name


Historian's Message . . .

    of the column? Some things fall into place without effort and this is one of them. The column will be sort of unrelated miscellany, maybe no one item anyone is enthused about but in bulk something that fatten[s] up our membership. Bologna? Plenty will be found. Cake? A few crumbs now and then. Ham? We couldn't do without it. And corn too, if you look carefully.
    Under the anonymity of initials, and certainly with no literary reputation to win or lose, we are in top position to write as inspiration or bad-temper dictate. We are sure the membership will accept full responsibility for damages of libel or character assassination that may be awarded against us. So, in order to give freedom of expression to all, we make the following offer: If you would like to know the reason (and result if any) for a specific happening or activity occurring in the Division during the years 1943 and 1944, write and ask this column!! The only qualifications are that you give your name and former organization and that you are a paid-up member of the Division Association. If you do not want your name to appear in the reply, say so. The door is wide open.
    The Association has just held a first-class reunion and it brought thoughts of a growing, national pastime. No doubt an association exists because the individuals forming it have a common background of interests and enjoy getting together and talking about them. It may be for professional improvement as exemplified by scientific societies. It may be for material gain, such as trade unions and manufacturer's associations. Or the motive may be the snob appeal inherent in some groups and fraternities.
    Military organization reunions are unique. We exclude the big ones which follow the usual pattern of speeches and resolutions. We are talking about the military unit association gathering, ranging from company-sized meeting to the more usual Division Assembly. These are ordinarily social, interesting and totally enjoyable. However, like any other good thing, they must be protected from all manner of dangers. At our first attempt, we are almost taken over by a political group then powerful in Indian Town. But we learned, and our meetings have since been our own, the type we like and conspicuously filling our needs. At times it has appeared we would fall flat on our collective face, but the right man comes forward and we go on. As we always shall.

His second column, in the next issue, Vol. 16, No. 2, February 1960:

    The city of Washington bears as little resemblance to the town of St. Vith as does the broad Potomac to the little River Our. The peoples who live on the banks of the two rivers are un[a]like politically, economically
continues on page 12


Historian's Message . . .

    and in background. Even their holidays are different -- except for one day held holy in both countries. On the eve of that day fifteen years past, these two found themselves, very suddenly, on common ground not only in celebration but in surprise, apprehension and anger. The one, because of the fear of destruction by a people with whom they had the closest of blood ties, the other because their armies in Europe seemed abruptly imperiled. The fears of the inhabitants of the Our Valley were realized, but the forebodings of those of the Potomac were allayed within a few weeks, and the end of the war could now be foreseen.
    Now, after half a generation, we are again treading common ground. Our Memorial is erected and stands complete on the college campus at St. Vith. Thanks to the vision and work of the Belgium Memorial Committee headed by Doug Coffey, our flag will fly side by side with the Belgium flag in remembrance of those who remained there. It will be permanently cared for by college personnel. It seems to us that it was the perfect way to use the funds remaining in our Memorial Fund.
    In our initial column in the last issue of the CUB, we offered to answer questions asked the column. Since that issue was not distributed before the deadline of this one, it could hardly be expected that any letters would have been received. However, a letter did arrive with a question. It was not in response to our offer, the writer was not a member of the Division, so we shall leave him nameless. The question: "Was the Fifth Panzer Army a good one, or was it made up of old, worn out and ill-equipped second-rate troops?" First of all, it seems to us that if these adjectives described them, they were second rate all right. This is an easy one because it has already been answered for me. Many of you were in Philadelphia summer before last and heard our main speaker, General Norman (Dutch) Cota. Among other things he said, "As time goes on and the military history department of the Army continues to research and prepare historical documents on the Ardennes Campaign, more and more students of military history are realizing the job done by the VIII Corps in the Battle of the Bulge. They are finding out:
    1. The German Army (Fifth Panzer Army) making the main effort of the battle of the Bulge (Head against the VIII Corps) was commanded by a general who had made a mark as an armored specialist and had achieved a big reputation for energetic leadership and personal bravery. His subordinate Corps Commanders were especially selected, and his staff was probably the best German staff on the western front. His troops were especially selected and equipped."
    That seems to dispose of that question. And now is the time to tell you to save your Christmas money and come to the convention next July.


Historian's Message . . .

    It will be at the beautiful General Oglethorpe Hotel, Wilmington Island, Savannah, Georgia. This too far ahead to tell you? Look at everybody running for President already. Everything there will be arranged for your pleasure and you will have Jim Wells of Hepzibah, Georgia, too.

    And finally, to do a "time capsule", from fifty years ago, The CUB, Vol. 27, No. 2, January 1971. Gen. Jones has passed away, and his column is now being written by Gen. Leo T. McMahon:

(Memorial to Maj. Gen. Alan W. Jones
-- 1894-1969)
    We are writing this column on 11 November, Veteran's Day 1970. We just read of a newsman in Vietnam who was present at Khe Sanh during the bitter fighting which took place there in 1968. He returned to that battlefield at a later date to do a follow-up story. As he strolled through the now empty bunkers and fortifications, he came across an empty C-rations box on which one of the defenders of Khe Sanh had written:
    "For those who fight for it, life has a special flavor the protected will never know." These simple words, perhaps, best express the feelings of the long line of soldiers we honor today. The American Veteran. Today's veterans, including our Golden Lions, like their comrades in arms in past conflicts, know only too well the depth and meaning of these words. For it has been their sacrifice and their service in the interest of free mankind which has kept the country free and protected.
    One out of every eight Americans is a veteran of wartime military service. They are a cross section of the nation and are represented by both sexes. They are found in every occupation, in every walk of life and at every level of responsible service to our nation. Although their average age as a group is a little over 44 years, their individual ages are representative of those periods in our history where the forces of tyranny and oppression sought by violence to crush the hopes, dreams and aspirations of free men.
L. T McM.

Mark your Calendar NOW!!
for the 106th Infantry Division Association's 75" Annual Reunion at the
Hilton Airport Hotel in Kansas City, MO
September 8-12, 2021
For additional information about the reunion and to register online, visit:


Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .

The CUB Delivery Options
    Approximately 90% of Association expenses are directly related to printing and shipping The CUB each year. Your choice to receive The CUB by email will help defer expenses and enable us to continue to deliver The CUB until "The Last Man Standing." Please indicate mailing preference by responding to the following:
Preferred delivery method for general correspondence:
MAIL or Email
Preferred delivery method for The CUB:
MAIL or Email
Email address:
You can let us know your preference by emailing:

Planned Giving
    Whether you would like to put your donation to work today or benefit the 106th Infantry Division Association beyond your lifetime, you can find a charitable plan that works for you. Popular means of life planning gifts include Wills and Living Trusts and Beneficiary Designations. Consult your professional advisor on how to extend support for the 106th Infantry Division Association to make a lasting impact.

Returned Issues of the Latest CUB of the Golden Lion
    We have gotten many returned CUB issues in the past due to incorrect addresses or members who have passed away and therefore no longer reside at the address we have on file. If you happen to know of anyone who is not getting The CUB who should be, it may be because we have an incorrect address. Or if you know of a member who has passed away and whose family no longer wishes to receive The CUB, we want to know.

    Please notify Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy directly at the address listed on the inside cover of this issue if you know of anyone who falls into these categories so that our records may be updated with accurate information.


Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .

Mike Sheaner, Treasurer PO Box 140535 Dallas TX 75214 214-823-3004

Jacquelyn S. Coy, Membership 121 McGregor Ave. Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 973-663-2410

Treasurer's Report:
October 1, 2020 -- January 30, 2021
Beginning Balance: $17,394.98
Money In: $10,117.76
Money Out: $3,032.47
Difference: $7,085.29
Ending Balance: $24,490.27

Association Membership As of January 30, 2021
Total Membership 935
Membership Veterans 399
Associate Membership 536
Show support for our mission by giving generously.
Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
Send your contribution, check made payable to 106th Infantry Div. Association, to:
Mike Sheaner, Treasurer
106th Infantry Division, PO Box 140535, Dallas, TX 75214


Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .


Louise Await Associate Member
C.R.I.B.A. Service Organization
Jim Chirumbole Associate Member
Mark Davis Associate Member
Robert M. Edwards 424/SV
Henry E. Freedman 422/HQ
William H. Gordon Associate Member
John J. Madden Associate Member
Dennis Shane Miller Associate Member
Carol Starmack Associate Member
Mary Vandermast Associate Member
Randy and Patti Wood Associate Members


In Honor of J. David Bailey on his 99th birthday; Given by Madeleine J. Bryant
    In honor of our liberators in the battle at Parkers ' Crossroads and particularly in memory of John Schaffner, 589/A, and John Gatens, 589/A, who revisited the battleground together so many times. Given by C.R.I.B.A.
In memory of John F. Gatens, 589/A Given by Mary Vandermast
In memory of William Harold Hale, Div/HG, Pfc., deceased 2/12/2009 Given by David and Rebecca Hale
In memory of Charles B. Lowe, 423/I Given by Barbara Powless
    In memory of James Mills, 423/I, a 106th Association life member. Jim was the close Army buddy of my late father, Ervin Szpek, Sr., 423/I. They were side-by-side from basic training to life as a POW and remained lifelong friends.
Given by Ervin Szpek, Jr.
In memory of my uncle, Joe Vallely, 422/B, (also 413/L of 104th). Best wishes to all, looking forward to KC reunion.
Given by Jack Vallely

Memorial, Honorary and Life+ Contributions are Essential for Keeping this Organization Going
    A suggested annual donation of $25 to help underwrite the cost to publish and mail The CUB through the "Last Man Standing" and beyond is appreciated. The Association exists on donations from its members and interested individuals. Your gifts are essential to maintaining The CUB magazine in its current format with high-quality content and tri-annual delivery. The cost of printing and mailing each edition of The CUB exceeds our current level of giving. Therefore, we encourage all readers to make an annual contribution, as you are able, to help defray the cost of printing and mailing.
    Those Members who contribute will have their names (only, no amounts will be shown) published in the next CUB. You can donate as much or as little as you can and as often as you like. By donating, you are helping perpetuate the 106th ID Association.


Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .

106th Challenge Coin and Wooden Ornaments --Have You Gotten Yours Yet?

Front Back
$10 each, plus $1 postage per coin

$10 each plus $2.00 shipping per ornament
(For an order of 10 or more, will be quoted a better shipping cost)

Make all checks payable to 106th Infantry Division Association All proceeds benefit the association.
Order from:
Adjutant Randall Wood:, 765-346-0690 or write to:
810 Cramertown Loop, Martinsville, IN 46151.
Please call or email with questions.
    PLEASE NOTE: Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy is working to update the Association's roster with veterans and their units. If you use email, please email her directly at In your message, please let Jacquelyn know your name and 106th Infantry Division unit. Thank you.
    To the widows of Golden Lions, if you would wish to continue to receive The CUB after the passing of your husband please let Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy know. Her contact information is located above, in this box.
    CUB Staff occasionally receive requests to stop the mailing of their issue of The CUB. If you no longer want an issue to be mailed to you, please contact Jackie Coy, Membership Chair.


Feature Stories . . .

We are proud to announce our plans for the
106th Infantry Division Association and National Timberwolf Pups 104th Association
Joint 2021 Annual Reunion
September 8-12, 2021
Kansas City Hilton Airport I Kansas City, MO

    The members of the association board, along with Armed Forces Reunions, are moving forward with plans for the 75th Annual Association Reunion. We do this with caution and consideration of the pandemic that is sweeping the country. We will be in constant contact with the state of Missouri representatives and hotel management to make sure that we will be able to congregate and meet as a group as the date approaches. Keep in mind, there is always a chance that the event may need to be postponed again.
    We have not supplied the registration paperwork in this issue of The CUB as we usually do; however, the information for the reunion is included below. If you would like printed copies of the registration material mailed to you, please contact Mike Sheaner, Treasurer at If you have any questions, please contact Wayne Dunn at 410-409-1141 or For the most updated information about the reunion please visit or to register online visit
Schedule of Events
Pre- and post-reunion self-guided tours are being planned by the Reunion Committee. More details to come.

8:30 - 10:30 am Reunion Registration Open
4 - 7 pm Reunion Registration Open
4 - 6 pm NTPA Committee Meeting
5 - 6 pm 106th Infantry Division Association
Outgoing Board Meeting
6 - 7:30 pm Meet & Greet Mixer in Hospitality Room
7:30 - 9:30 pm Foxhole (Hospitality Room) Open
Note: Souvenir Sales hours will be posted in the Foxhole.


Feature Stories . . .

Complimentary Breakfast Buffet (included in Room Rate)
8 - 9:30 pm Foxhole (Hospitality Room) Open
8:30 - 9:30 am Reunion Registration Open

Complimentary Breakfast Buffet (included in Room Rate)
4:30 - 6 pm Timberwolf Pups Business and General Meeting
4 - 9:30 pm Foxhole (Hospitality Room) Open
7 - 12 am Beer Bust
Complimentary Breakfast Buffet (included in Room Rate)
9 - 10 am 106th Infantry Division Association Memorial Service
9:30 - 11 am NTPA Memorial Service
3:30 - 5 pm 106th Infantry Division Association
New Board Meeting
6 - 7 pm Cash Bar Reception (Combined)
7 - 11 pm Banquet Dinner and Dance (Separate Banquet)

Complimentary Breakfast Buffet (included in Room Rate)
Farewells and Departures


Feature Stories . . .

Hilton Kansas City Airport
8801 NW 112th Street, Kansas City, MO 64153
    Located five minutes from the Kansas City International Airport and 15 minutes from downtown Kansas City; (816) 891-8900 or (800) 445-8667

Reservation Information
    Call the number above, follow the hotel link on or use this direct link: MCIAPHF-TIMBER-20210905/index jhtml?WEmc id=POG. Reference the Timberwolves 106th Infantry Division.
    Group Name: Timberwolves 106th Infantry Division, Military Reunion (Note, they will not know just the 106th I.D. Assoc. name by itself)

Reunion Dates: September 8-12, 2021 Rate: $112 (plus 16.35% tax)
Cut-off Date: 8/13/21 Late reservations will be processed based on space availability at a higher rate.
    Cancellation Policy: Cancellation must be received 48 hours prior to arrival date or there will be a charge of one night's room plus tax.
Parking and Shuttle Information
    The Hilton Kansas City Airport offers free parking and free shuttle service to and from Kansas City International Airport.
    Airport shuttle service is offered upon request, please contact the hotel upon arrival at the airport and proceed to the baggage claim area for pickup.
Wheelchair Rental
    ScootAround rents both manual and power wheelchairs by the day and week. Please call (888) 441-7575 or visit for details and to make reservations.

Tour Descriptions
    Kansas City is known as the City of Fountains. See why as we make our way through the area. Some points of interest include Lewis and Clark Point, Union Station, and the Liberty Memorial -- the only memorial dedicated to those who served in World War I. A new addition to the downtown area is the Kauffman Performing Arts Center, much like the Opera House in Australia. Also enjoy Kauffman Gardens. You'll have free time for lunch on your own at Country Club Plaza, Kansas City's premier retail, restaurant, and entertainment district. The plaza offers more than 150 shops and restaurants nestled within old-world architecture, captivating fountains, and expressive works of art.
11 am board bus, 4 pm back at hotel
$39/person includes bus and guide. Lunch on your own.


Feature Stories . . .

    Discover the treasures of the Steamboat Arabia. Journey back to 1856, America's Golden Age of steam-boating, when the Great White Arabia sank in the Missouri River. Her excavation in 1988 uncovered a "time capsule" of remarkably preserved 1856 frontier supplies including jewelry, china, cookware, clothing, and food. This international cargo is the largest collection of pre-Civil War artifacts in existence, and the display keeps growing! Enjoy lunch on your own at the museum's cafe, or at the adjacent City Market. This historic area features a farmer's market, as well as gift shops, restaurants, and galleries.
9:45 am board bus, 2:30 pm back at hotel
$53/person includes bus, guide, and admission. Lunch on your own.

NEW THEATRE RESTAURANT Thursday, September 9
    Spend the evening at the New Theatre Restaurant. Enjoy a buffet-style dinner and then a show that changes every few months. The New Theatre Restaurant always provides top-quality entertainment with great food. Once dates are known, the show description will be added to this trip description. The tour price includes dinner, show, tax and gratuity, but specialty drinks and desserts are not included.
5:30 pm board bus, 10:30 pm back at hotel
$92/person includes bus, escort, dinner, and show.

    Ranked the number one attraction in Kansas City and the fifth best museum in the United States, the National World War I Museum and Memorial has been called a "national treasure." Steeped in history, the National World War I Museum and Memorial is America's only museum dedicated to sharing the stories of the Great War through the eyes of those who lived it. We will arrive at the museum and begin with a brief memorial service outside of Liberty Memorial Tower, which rises 217 feet above the main courtyard. After the Memorial Service, enjoy free time to tour the museum at your own pace. In the museum you'll enjoy interactive displays, thought-provoking films and eyewitness testimonies, while receiving a narrated tour of the largest collection of WWI artifacts in the world. Following the tour, grab lunch on your own at the Crown Center Food Court.
9:30 am board bus, 2:30 pm back at hotel.
    Included in Registration fee for 106th ID Assoc. Attendees. Tour includes bus, guide and admission. Lunch on your own.

Tour prices do not include gratuity for bus driver and tour guide/escort.
In order to accommodate an on-time departure, please be at the
bus boarding area five minutes prior to posted time.
[All reunion information correct at time of publication but may be subject to change]


Feature Stories . . .

    See the list below of all of the locations for the 106th Reunion Locations. Do you remember which city was the first one you attended? Which reunion held the best memory for you?
Write to us and tell your story and we will print it in a future CUB!

Indianapolis, IN (1st)
 Roanoke, VA (42nd)


Indianapolis, IN (2nd)
 Schaumburg, IL (43rd)


Chicago, IL (3rd)
 Sacramento, CA (44th)


Detroit, MI (4th)
 Huntsville, AL (45th)


Pittsburgh, PA (5th)
 Pittsburg, PA (46th)


Baltimore, MD (6th)
 Columbia, SC (47th)


Columbus, OH (7th)
 Rapid City, SD (48th)


Atlantic City, NJ (8th)
 Orlando, FL (49th)


Detroit, MI (9th)
 Roanoke, VA (50th)


Atlantic City, NJ (10th)
 Nashville, TN (51st)


Savannah, GA (11th)
 Indianapolis, IN (52nd)


Philadelphia, PA (12th)
 Schaumburg, IL (53rd)


Chicago, IL (13th)
 St. Louis, MO (54th)


Savannah, GA (14th)
 Washington, D.C. (55th)


Ft. Worth, TX (15th)
 Hampton, VA (56th)


Annapolis, MD (16th)
 Fort Mitchell, KY


Cleveland, OH (17th)

 (Cincinnati) (57th)


East Orange, NJ (18th)
 Milwaukee, WI (58th)


Augusta, GA (19th)
 Washington, D.C.


Indianapolis, IN (20th) Detroit, MI (21th) Columbia, SC (22nd)
 (originally planned for New Orleans) (59th) Newark, NJ (60th)


St. Vith, Belgium (23rd)
 Kansas City, MO (61st)

 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980

Davenport, IA (24th)
King of Prussia, PA (25th)
Jacksonville, FL (26th)
Grand Rapids, MI (27th)
Frederick, MD (28th)
Atlanta, GA (29th)
Evansville, IN (30th)
Elyria-Lorain, OH (31st)
Ft. Lauderdale, FL (32nd)
Oakbrook, IL (33rd)
Hot Springs, ARK (34th)
Kentucky Dam Village, KY (35th)
 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
     Louisville, KY (62nd) Indianapolis, IN (63rd) Minneapolis, MN (64th) Baltimore, MD (65th) Arlington, VA (66th) New Orleans, LA (67th) Norfolk, VA (68th) Charleston, SC (69th) Washington, D.C. (70th) Kissimmee, FL (71st) Dayton, OH (72nd) Providence, RI (73rd)


Milwaukee, WI (36th)
 Postponed due to


Worchester, MA (37th) Savannah, GA (38th) Morgantown, WV (39th) Columbia, SC (40th)
 Covid-19 Pandemic --Virtual Memorial Service, now on You Tube (74th) Kansas City, MO (75th)


Mobile, AL (41st)


Front & Center . . .

Order of the Golden Lion Committee
    This award is provided in three classifications depending on the qualifications of the recipient. The most prestigious is "Commander Class" issued in gold finish. This award is usually provided to someone who has served the Association faithfully over an extended period of time and is usually a Veteran of the 106th Infantry Division.
    The second is "Officer Class" issued in silver finish. This award is usually provided to someone who has served the Association faithfully over an extended period of time and has assisted in the operation of the Association.
    The third is "Companion Class" issued in bronze finish. This award is usually provided to someone who has served the Association faithfully in the capacity of assistance in the operation of the Association. The specifications for making the award are intended to fit many instances where an individual is deemed worthy. The award should be determined by the recipient's contributions to the Association.
    The Co-chairs of the Order of the Golden Lion committee will poll the members of the Board of Directors for recommendations for the OGL awards. The President or Chairman may select additional members to the committee. Nominations will be submitted in a format suitable for composing a formal citation to accompany the award of the medal. This must be done in ample time prior to the next Reunion in order for the manufacturer to produce the medal(s) on time.
    All citations should be kept confidential between the nominator and the Committee Chairman prior to the actual awarding ceremony. LEAD TIME -- 3 WEEKS, MINIMUM
Send nominations to any one of the committee members listed below:
Carol J. Faulkner, 765-342-1872 3179 Kestrel Court,Martinsville, IN 46151
Beth Garrison, 618-628-4733 7766 Haury Road,Lebanon, IL 62254
Kathy Spinella, 305-562-4381
1991 Carolina Ave. NE, St. Petersburg, FL 33703

    Editor's Note: The criteria used to distinguish between who qualifies for the Commander Class vs the Officer Class is being discussed by the Board. The CUB will publish specifics when more information is available.


Feature Stories . . .

By Carl Wouters, Association Belgium Liaison
    The year 2020 was memorable or forgettable -- for many reasons. With travel bans, museum closures, event cancellations and borders shut, it proved challenging to organize any kind of activity for the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. Nevertheless, on Dec. 16, 2020, we gathered with four people, complying with the Belgian legal limit for public gatherings to commemorate the sacrifices of the 106th Infantry Division.
    A few days previous, the departing U.S. Ambassador to Belgium, Ronald J. Gidwitz, made a diplomatic visit to the St. Vith area and paid his respects to the Golden Lions at the Division memorial in St. Vith and the POW monument in Schonberg. Many of you will recall Ambassador Gidwitz's opening remarks honoring the 106th in the virtual memorial service video presentation that was released by the Association last year. At the occasion of his visit to St. Vith, which marked the first ever visit of a U.S. Ambassador to the city, he noted the importance of remembering the sacrifices of the past and the necessity for young generations to keep alive these stories for generations to come. "Seeing and visiting these locations as well as thinking about the events that unfolded here, is an emotional experience," he remarked. He was later invited by Mayor Herbert Grommes to sign the city's Golden Book, a distinct honor that also befell the 23 WWII veterans who attended the 2019 commemorations.
For obvious reasons, the 76th anniversary was marked with much fewer accolades, visitors and honored

    PHOTO: In stark contrast with the almost 500 attendees at the 2019 commemorations in St. Vith, the 76th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge was officially attended by (the legal maximum of) four people. Wreaths were presented during the week by the U.S. Embassy to Belgium, the city of St. Vith and the 106th Infantry Division Association, represented by the Belgium Chapter. (Photo Doug Mitchel / Borderlands Tours)


Feature Stories . . .

    guests. But the flame of remembrance was kept well lit. So, despite the restrictions, there was resilient remembrance. And with renewed hope of returning to the way things were before as the year 2021 progresses, we hope that at the end of this year there will be more prospects for the upcoming 77th anniversary.
    In the meantime, online platforms and social media have proven to be great resources to keep in touch with veterans and their families. Continuing this trend throughout 2021, I commented on the importance of the 106th Division's efforts during the Battle of the Bulge for the online WWII themed talk show, 'The Bunker Boys,' hosted by historians Reg Jans and Tony Cisneros.
    The episode entirely dedicated to the Golden Lions will air later this year on In addition to this interview, I have prepared an online presentation for the virtual historical roundtable series, hosted by the Flanders Field Post BE02 of the American Legion, that will touch on the subject of escape and evasion experiences of members of the 106th Infantry Division. The presentation will be held on Sunday, 18 April 2021, starting at 7 pm (CET). The presentation is free to join for those who have access to Zoom (Meeting ID: 829 1451 8033 and Passcode: 834942).
    I'm looking forward to seeing you all there virtually and hopefully -- as soon as the global situation allows in the flesh.

106th Infantry Division's Online "Message Board"
Looking for information about a 106th Veteran?
Do you have information about one you'd like to share?
    The 106th Infantry Division has their own online "message board" (set up by Jim West) for people to write an inquiry looking for comrades or for people who might have known a relative who is now gone. Sign up is free and easy!
    Association member Connie Pratt Baseman, daughter of Lt. Gerald Pratt (Field Artillery) has been one of three people helping to manage the message board. Sadly, some inquires sit unanswered when the answers may be out there with a reader of The CUB who doesn't use a computer. Maybe you can take the time to read the board and reach out to a veteran that you know to try and get the requested information.
You can find messages and other search requests on the 106th Message Board at:
106thdivision.proboards. corn


News from Around the Globe . . .
Letter from C.R.I.B.A., Rocourt, Belgium

    With great sadness on the part of our members it has been decided to dissolve C.R.I.B.A. after more than 40 years of honoring and welcoming veterans who fought so fiercely in the Battle of the Bulge for our liberation.
    The five letters of C.R.I.B.A. stand for "Centre de Recherches et d'Informations sur la Bataille des Ardennes" which means "Center of Research and Information on the Battle of the Bulge." This association, founded in March 1980, is a non-profit, non-political and non-philosophical organization that has welcomed veterans and helped them find villages, houses, crossroads and aid stations where their division fought. Moreover, after investigation, we even discover their former foxholes.

Our mission has been to:
    To collect documents, pictures, testimonies from soldiers and civilians to establish a detailed documentation on the Battle of the Bulge.
    To inform our fellow-citizens and perpetuate the memory of the sacrifices of the soldiers and the civilians during the Battle. Particularly young people who didn't know the war had to learn that sometimes in your life you have to take a responsibility like thousands of young Americans did because they knew that freedom was one of the most valuable things for countries and human beings.
To help to preserve historical data and sites.

    Another goal is to organize contacts with WWII Veterans. Fully aware of the awful consequences that a successful German counter-attack in December 1944 would have meant for us, Belgians, we are eager to express our sympathy and gratefulness to the Allied Veterans of the Battle. More information can be viewed at
    We attest to the spirit, to the unselfishness, to the devotion to duty and to the valor of those who fought that Battle. The GI's of 1944 deserve our gratefulness.
    Because the 106th Infantry Division is the division we have known best for so many years, the remaining balance of the C.R.I.B.A. treasury account will be donated to the U.S. 106th Infantry Division Association in honor of our liberators in the battle at PARKERS CROSSROADS and particularly in memory of John GATENS and John SCHAFFNER who revisited together so many times the battleground.
Denise OGER, President
Anne-Marie NOEL-SIMON,
Joseph FILIPPINI, Treasurer
Martine JONES and Jean-Claude LAMY, Committee Members


Front & Center . . .

    This is a recurring article for The CUB initiated at the 73'd Annual Reunion. Veterans are asked to submit their brief personal stories for inclusion in future issues of The CUB. Whenever possible, please submit your story attached to an email so it can easily be transferred to The CUB.

My Favorite CUB, Barney Mayrsohn
    Hello to all our 106th Infantry Division Veterans, their families and friends! I am writing this article from beautiful and sunny Miami, Florida, where Barney now lives full-time. He is now 97 and 1/2 years old and is looking forward to celebrating his 98th birthday with us on June 14, 2021 (which is also Flag Day). He has requested a strawberry shortcake for his birthday and we'll make that happen!
    We have two lovely ladies, Bernice and Beverly, that provide dad with round-the-clock care as he is not able to walk or live alone without help. They are lovely and treat him with so much dignity and respect. We feel blessed to have them and grateful that they take such great care of him. Every day, when they take him out for his walk in his wheelchair, they cover him with his Cornell University blanket and make sure he's wearing his WWII hat with his Purple Heart pinned to it. In fact, he never goes anywhere without this hat on! I have seen strangers come up to him on many occasions and thank him for his service. Having earned a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart, and having been a POW and MIA for a while, I've asked dad how it was possible for him to be so brave? He always gives me the same simple answer, "We did what we needed to do. It was our call of duty."

    His son (my husband), Mark Mayrsohn, has done a terrific job handling all of dad's affairs and finances. He and Barney have such a special father-son relationship. They unconditionally love and adore each other to no end. They always say the same parting phrase when they leave each other: "pals forever." Mark was able to secure an appointment for Barney to receive the Covid-19 vaccine down here, thanks to the help of our local clergy. Up until the pandemic hit, Barney shared his war stories as guest lecturer at Barry University and FL International University (FIU). Barney was featured in an article in Miami Herald last May just prior to Memorial Day. The article can be found at: community/miami-dade/miami-shores/ article242914031.html.
Every Sunday since the pandemic struck, we've shared lunch with Barney. We bring him his favorite home-cooked
continues on page 28


Front & Center . . .

    foods and sweets (he loves cake and chocolates!). Our 23-year-old daughter, Sophia Mayrsohn, comes with us because she loves to sing with Papa. He's taught her his army songs and he's even made up a song about her! You can hear dad singing, "As The Caissons Go Rolling Along" and by the end of the song we are all singing along with him! He also enjoys singing Cornell University songs (his Alma Mater) -- he still remembers them!
    A year ago, our oldest daughter, Aubreyanne Mayrsohn, got married to Josh Rice. Barney was able to walk down the aisle and be at the wedding with all of our extended family and friends. It was one of the most significant highlights in his life, because his family has always been his highest priority. Another accomplishment that Barney was proud of, was to be able to vote in the 2020 election. It was very important for him to help preserve our democracy. He said that he wanted to help return America to the country that he placed his life on the line for.
    We wish you all our best and hope to see everyone again after the pandemic! Barney sends his love and best wishes to all.
By Kathy Mayrsohn (daughter-in-law)

Jim West and the Website
    Additional 106th Infantry Division information can be found on Jim West's (OGL 2000) website at It includes the following:
    Reconstructed Roster of the 106th at http://tinyurLcom/106th-Roster with 18,902 entries to date, including more than 300 individual photos which include:
6,760 POWs
962 as KIA
Every issue of The CUB from 1946 to present (searchable)
Every issue of the Camp Atterbury Camp Crier with articles on the 106th
Local Columbus, Indiana, newspaper articles featuring the 106th
With Wayne Dunn's help, over 451 diaries of 106th men and a few from other units
    Articles include: Battle of the Bulge, Important dates, Unit publications, Photo Albums, After-Action Reports, General and Special Orders and much more
Information on the 106th guarded PWTE (Prisoner of War Temporary Enclosures)
The official history site for Camp Atterbury, Indiana.


Front & Center . . .

Veterans and Family of the 106th Infantry Division TATTOO* Requests
    The original meaning of military tattoo was a military drum performance, but subsequently it came to mean army displays, or a form of gathering more generally. For our Association, letting members know that someone would like to speak with them is why we do this!
    The following are requests for information. Feel free to contact the person listed if you believe you can be of assistance. The CUB staff has received permission to print the inquiries and the contact information listed herein.

In search of information on Raymond E. Porter
    I am researching family history and trying to find more information about my great uncle, Raymond Porter. My great uncle is pictured on the right in the portrait image and this is a picture of his headstone.
Wayne Dunn was able to provide the following information from our roster:
Name: Porter, Raymond E.
Rank: Sgt
ASN: 33 588 979
Death/Buried: AR A-35-14
[Ardennes American Cemetery
Plot A, Row 35, Grave 14]
Unit: 81 ENG (C)
POW: POW camp unknown
Casualties: MIA 12/21/1944, KIA
12/24/1944 (FOD)
Awards: PH, PH/OLC
Source: ABMC, Grand Nephew 8/2011, C. Baseman 8/2011,
Memo: 81st Engineer Combat Battalion
Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944
Anyone having more information on Raymond Porter may contact James Gaspero at


Feature Stories . . .

Now Available!

From Chris Edmonds, Chaplain, 106th Infantry Division Association
    Spanning seven decades and linking a sprawling cast of unknown heroes from every corner of the country, NO SURRENDER is an unforgettable story of a father's extraordinary acts of valor that saved thousands of American soldiers in the treacherous final days of World War II and a son's journey to discover them.

    Roddie Edmonds, a humble soldier from East Tennessee, rarely spoke about his experiences with the 106th Infantry during World War II. Not even his son Chris knew the full details of Roddie's capture at the Battle of the Bulge or his captivity in two Nazi POW camps.

    A quintessential American story of bravery, compassion, and righteousness, NO SURRENDER is a shining example of the redemptive power of moral courage in a celebration of faith, family and selfless service.

Order from your favorite bookseller or visit

    "Roddie Edmonds is a hero for our age -- or any age. In No Surrender, Chris Edmonds and Douglas Century have given us the one righteous man whose goodness spares us all:'
-- Mitchell Zuckoff, New YorkTimes
bestselling author of
Fall and Rise: The Story of 9/11

NO SURRENDER: A Father, a Son, and an Extraordinary Act of Heroism that continues to live on today.

    Sparked by his daughter's family history project, Chris embarked on a years-long journey in a race against time to interview surviving POWs under Roddie's command and retracing his father's footsteps, from Fort Jackson, South Carolina, where a boyish Roddie transformed into a seasoned leader of men, to the patch of grass near Ziegenhain, Germany, where he looked evil in the eye and dared a Nazi to shoot.


In Memoriam . . .

Jacquelyn Coy 121 McGregor Ave., Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 Phone: 973-663-2410 Email:

Date of death: July 31, 2020
    Norman C. Eastlack, Mickleton, NJ, age 95, passed away on Friday, July 31, 2020. Born June 24, 1925, Norman was raised in Mickleton, the son of the late John Eastlack III and Frances C. Eastlack. He was a WWII Army Vet, having served in the European Theater with the 106th Infantry Division. Norman retired as a Chemist at DuPont and in his spare time enjoyed gardening, farming, raising chickens, woodworking and chair caning. He was a member of the Evangelical United Methodist Church in Clarksboro. He is predeceased by his wives, Betty Eastlack and Ruth Philips-Eastlack. He is survived by his four children, 13 grandchildren, and 18 great-grandchildren.
Submitted by his son, David Eastlack

Non 106th -- ARC Clubmobile Service
Date of death: December 8, 2020
Jill P. Knappenberger, 102, passed away on December 8, 2020 at Owens Hospice in Peoria, IL.
    She was born on September 11, 1918 at Evanston, IL, the twin daughter of John Joseph and Margaret Leach Pitts. She attended grade school in Bloomington and graduated from high school in McLean. She went on to receive on Associate degree from Stephens College and later earned a B.S. degree from the University of Illinois after serving with the Red Cross during WWII. Jill served in the European Theater of Operations as a clubmobile operator. Her twin brother Jack Pitts was a Captain in the 590th Field Artillery, killed on December 16, 1944. In the American Red Cross, Jill served as a clubmobile driver in Europe, visiting the troops and boosting morale. She visited the 106th two days before the start of the battle and narrowly escaped encirclement at Bastogne. After the war ended, she met and married attorney T. Gaillard Knappenberger and also finished her degree at the University of Illinois. Among her many memberships was as an Associate Life Member of the Battle of the Bulge, since she was trapped behind enemy lines during that time. Her hobbies were traveling, painting, needlework, bridge, mah-jongg, golf, swimming, mushroom hunting and watching Jeopardy with her neighbors. She is survived by many nieces and nephews, and was predeceased by her husband, parents, sister, four brothers and her twin, Jack.
Submitted by Carl Wouters


In Memoriam . . .

Date of death: November 25, 2020
    Harry Martin, proud infantryman in the 106th Infantry Division, the Golden Lions, who fought in the Battle of the Bulge, softball player for the NJ Embers, which won both the Silver and Gold Medals in the Senior Olympics three years running, and self-professed "Senior Citizen Emeritus" of the Borough of Mount Arlington, NJ, died at home on November 25, 2020. Harry graduated from North Plainfield High School before enlisting in the army. Due to a sight impairment, he was sent to the Ozark Mountains in Mississippi to guard German prisoners of war. He later sought combat duty and was sent overseas where he faced combat from the opening day of battle on December 16, 1944 until he was wounded on January 25, 1945. Harry recovered in time from his injuries but was to spend the remainder of his service overseas. He was sent to the British Tabulating School in England, a forerunner of modem computer schools. From that experience, he was determined to earn a college degree in accounting, which he was awarded from Rutgers University in 1947. Harry married and raised three children in North Plainfield and established a business practice there, retiring and moving to Mt. Arlington to live on beautiful Lake Hopatcong in the 1970s. It was not long before Harry became involved in Mt. Arlington Borough functions, serving on the Welfare Board, the Board of Recreation Commission and the Borough Council. He was also a member of the Morris County Republican Committee, the Treasurer for the Trustees of the Mt. Arlington Library, a volunteer for Neighborhood Watch and a member of the Senior Citizens Club. At the advanced age of 66, Harry decided to play softball, and the N.J. Embers took him on. He will be remembered by them for his determination, his friendship and his ongoing support of this organization. He traveled to Pittsburgh, St. Louis, and Lexington, Kentucky to play with his team. Although he no longer went to twice weekly practices, he loved his softball buddies dearly. In 2010, Harry was inducted as President of the 106th Infantry Division Association at its annual reunion in Indianapolis, Indiana. In 2011, still following his career in accounting, he later became Treasurer for the Association. Experiences in warfare are hard to forget and Harry welcomed the chance to meet with his comrades each year to discover just one more thing about the battle that he didn't already know. Years after the war ended, Harry wrote an interesting and informative book entitled "I Was No Hero in the Battle of the Bulge." It was finally published in 2016 and is available on Amazon. Harry is survived by two daughters, a son, eight grandchildren, one great-grandchild, and his partner of 28 years, Jacquelyn Coy.
Submitted by Jackie Coy


In Memoriam . . .

Date of death January 16, 2021
    James M. Mills, age 95, of Vandalia, Ohio passed away on January 16, 2021. Born in Des Moines on November 25, 1925 to parents Marvin and Zora Mills, he was adopted and raised by his grandparents, James and Lulu Mills. He has lived in the Dayton area since 1946 where he worked 18 years for Walker, Norwick and Templin Architects; 20 years for Helmig, Lienech and Doench consulting engineers; and 11 years for Heapy Engineering as Senior electrical systems designer. He retired in 1995 and took up genealogy as a hobby. He was an Army Veteran of WWII serving on the front lines in Belgium with the 106th Infantry Division, 423 Regiment, company I at the start of the Battle of the Bulge when he became a prisoner of war. He was assigned to a work Kommando, now known as Slaughterhouse Five, located in Dresden, Germany and survived the deadly 1945 firestorm bombing raids. A book entitled "Slaughterhouse Five" contains many memories of those prisoners of war describing what the conditions and life was like after the bombs stopped falling. Jim is a life member of the following: VFW Post 9927, American EX-Prisoners of War Dayton Chapter 86 and the 106th Infantry Division Association. "Jim was a unique man, a dear and loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather and a great friend to many. I feel so fortunate to be able to call him a friend as was my dad, Erv, Sr. who was his close army buddy in the war, as a POW and thereafter. The day I first contacted Jim 25 years ago blossomed into great memories I will always cherish. When I started researching Slaughterhouse 5 it quickly became apparent Jim was the guy to talk to. He was a main contributor to that book. Due to his eloquent, sharp and down to earth instincts, I was able to get a true grasp of this never-before documented slice of tragic history. No wonder he was quoted in many other Battle of the Bulge and POW books, papers and interviews. I will always treasure those 106th and Stalag 48 reunions with Jim and his wife. I've always felt that being buddies and looking after each other helped them survive... considering what they went through. The horrors they witnessed from the February 1945 firebombing that destroyed Dresden changed their lives forever. It shaped them to be good men who worked hard and always tried to do the right things. They both got the message the hard way." Excerpts of memories from Ery Szpek, Jr., son of, Ery Sr.
    James Mills is survived by his beloved wife of 36 years, Janice Mills, and his children from a previous marriage to Betty C. Cox.
Submitted by Ery Szpek. Jr


In Memoriam . . .

Date of death: December 4, 2020
    John "Jack" Roberts passed away peacefully at age 96 on December 4, 2020. He was the loving husband of Mary Lou Roberts, who passed away August 25, 2015. Jack is the father of Dave (Susan) Roberts and the late Thomas (Lisa) Roberts who attended reunions with his father until his passing. After Tom's death, Lisa accompanied her father-in-law to the reunions. Jack was a WWII U.S. Army veteran who survived four major battles in Europe serving with the 106th Infantry Division including the Battle of the Bulge, where he was ambushed and captured by the German Nazi forces. He escaped and returned to his artillery unit where he was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant. He was discharged from the Army as a 1st Lieutenant on April 1953. He later published a book about his combat experiences titled "Escape! ! ! The True Story of a WWII POW the Germans Couldn't Hold." Jack retired from General Motors in 1986 after 40 years of service as Director of Personnel Services for the former Fisher Body Division. Jack served as President of the 106th Infantry Division Association from 2003-2004. He was a member of the American Legion, National Order of Battlefield Commissions, and Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge, as well as the American Ex-Prisoners of the War. He was also the recipient of the French Legion of Honor as bestowed upon him by the President of France in October 2009. He also received the coveted Commanders for Public Service by the U.S. Army , which is the highest award given by the U.S. Army to a civilian.
Submitted by his son, Dave

SHIFLEY, CALVIN W. 106th/Recon
Date of death: November 4, 2020
    Calvin Woodrow Shifley died on November 4, 2020, in Huntersville, NC at the age of 95. He was born on March 15, 1925, the oldest of seven children to Hattie and Charles Shifley in Crawford County. He married Velda Shifley on December 29, 1956. Together, Calvin and Velda built their house in Bucyrus, where they made a home for their three sons: Dr. Rick L. (Susan Paro) Shifley, the Rev. Tennyson (Sherry) Shifley and Loren (Terri) Shifley. Calvin and Velda have five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Calvin is the last surviving member of the 1943 graduating class of North Robinson High School. In November 1944, he was drafted into the United States Army and served in the European Theater during WWII until his honorable discharge on August 24, 1946. He obtained the rank of Staff Sergeant in the 106th Reconnaissance Troop. After high school and again upon his return to Bucyrus from serving in WWII, Calvin worked as a salesman at the JCPenney Store for 14 years. Many


In Memoriam . . .

    will remember Calvin from his career working at various lumber companies in Bucyus. During his 11-year employment at the Home Lumber Company, Calvin received his Journeyman Millman certificate in 1951. Calvin enjoyed talking with and helping many people at a sales counter during his 40 years as a salesman and consultant with the O.F. Kime Lumber Co. and his 15 years with the Carter Lumber Co. -- for a total of 66 years. Calvin was also active in his professional industry, serving as Chairman of the Ohio Lumberman's Association, District 11. A member of the former Grace United Methodist Church for 75 years, Calvin also served as its custodian for 33 years, as well as Sunday School Superintendent. Other positions he has held include: elected board member of the Colonel Crawford Local School District, member of the Bucyrus YMCA's former Men's Club, President of the Colonel Crawford High School Band Boosters, and a lifetime membership on the Salvation Army Advisory Board. Calvin is also survived by two siblings.
Submitted by his son, Tenny

    To the widows of Golden Lions, if you would wish to continue to receive The CUB after the passing of your husband, please let Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy know. Her contact information is located on the inside cover of this CUB.

The Importance of a Mini Reunion
    Our veterans will always remember December 16, 1944, when they were thrust into the chaos of war. The years may have thinned the ranks, but those who remain still have the pride of knowing they played an instrumental part in slowing -- and ultimately defeating -- the German war machine.
    As it becomes more difficult to travel, especially with Covid-19 restrictions, it is even more important we attempt to connect with our vets. Any way you can, while practicing social distancing guidelines, and even doing so virtually, would be a great way to honor, cherish, and remember all of our veterans.
Plan one in your area today!
    Contact Mini-Reunion Chair Wayne Dunn at and he can assist you with members in your area.


Feature Stories . . .

Read Any Good Books Lately?
    As you may have noticed, there are a lot less advertisements for books in this edition of The CUB. Moving forward, we will only be including paid advertisements to help defray the cost of printing and mailing the magazine. But, all of the advertisements from veterans whose books were advertised in previous CUBs can be viewed on the association website at:
The books by and about the 106th Division association members advertised on our website are:
Captured at the Battle of the Bulge by Russ Lang
Captured, Frozen, Starved -- and Lucky: How One Jewish American GI Survived a Nazi Stalag by Milton Feldman
Forced March by John H. Mohn
    From Brooklyn to the Battle of the Bulge and on to Building an International Business -- The Incredible Story of Bernard (Barney) Mayrsohn by Seth H. Bramson
I Was a Prisoner by Carmel Whetzel
I Was No Hero in the Battle of the Bulge by Harry F. Martin, Jr.
My Grandfather's War by Jesse Cozean
My Nine Lives by Bob Pope
My War by Fredrick Smallwood
No Surrender by Chris Edmonds
Once Upon a Time in War by Robert E. Humphrey
Prisoner's Odyssey by Herb Sheaner
Shadows of Slaughterhouse Five by Ervin Szpek Jr.
The Sitting Duck Division: Attack from the Rear by John W. Morse, 422/C
The Letter Box by Robert "Bob" Glover
Warm Memories of Cold Spring by Beatrice Keeber
Warriors of the 106th -- The Last Infantry Division by Ken Johnson, Martin King, & Michael Collins
If you are interested in advertising in printed versions of future CUBs, please
contact Susan Weiss at or treasurer
Mike Sheaner at for more information.


    We are all feeling the effects of the current financial upheaval, including the 106th I.D. Association. The Annual Dues of $10 are no longer billed or collected. We are now accepting only donations for membership, memorials and LIFE PLUS. The previously-allowed payment of $75 for Life Membership creates a financial shortfall, as our expenses exceed our income.

We are asking you to join the
    Those Members who contribute to the LIFE PLUS+ Club will have their names (only, no amounts will be shown) published in the next CUB.
You can donate as much or as little as you can and as often as you like.
By donating, you are helping perpetuate the 106th Infantry Division Association.
    To those Members who we haven't heard from for a long time --please take the time to join this exclusive club. Thank you!
Send your contribution, check made payable to 106th Infantry Div. Association, to:
Mike Sheaner
Treasurer, 106th Infantry Division PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214
To see a full-color version of this issue of The CUB, please visit our website at:
    The online PDF version is now interactive and all website URLs and email addresses that appear in blue italics when clicked will take you to the site or an open email window.

Pass It On
    Perpetuate the legacy of the 106th Infantry Division by giving every family member of all generations access to the rich history, news and stories of veterans found in each issue of The CUB. You can now "pass it on" to as many friends, heirs and family members as you wish at no cost!
Those you designate will be recognized as members of the association on the "CUB Level" with the following benefits:
Receive an electronic copy of The CUB delivered by email complete with color photos, graphics and interactive links
Access to the association website and Facebook pages
Receive timely notices and information regarding reunions and special announcements
    Enroll all family members -- sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, grandchildren and others -- by submitting their Name, Email, Address and relationship to a 106th veteran to sheanerl@airmaiLnet

Index for This Document

106th Rcn. Trp., 36
424/L, 34
590th FA BN, 33
81st Engr. Cbt. BN, 31
Ardennes, 14, 28
Ardennes American Cemetery, 31
Ardennes Campaign, 14
Armed Forces Reunions, 20
Await, Louise, 18
Bailey, J. David, 18
Baseman, Connie Pratt, 27
Bastogne, 33
Battle of the Bulge, 1, 14, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35
Belgium Memorial Committee, 14
Books, 38
Borderlands Tours, 26
Bramson, Seth H., 38
Brokaw, Tom, 9
Bryant, Madeleine J., 18
C.R.I.B.A., 18, 28
Camp Atterbury Camp Crier, 30
Camp Atterbury, IN, 30
'Captured At the Battle of the Bulge', 38
Captured, Frozen, Starved -- and Lucky
How One Jewish American Gi Survived A Nazi Stalag, 38
Center Of Research and Information On The Battle Of The Bulge, 28
Century, Douglas, 32
Chirumbole, Jim, 18
Coffey, Doug, 12, 14
Collins, Michael, 38
Collins, Sherod, 12
Collins, Sherod, Jr., 12
Cota, Gen. Norman (Dutch), 14
Cox, Betty C., 35
Coy, Jackie, 19, 34
Coy, Jacquelyn, 2, 3, 16, 19, 33, 34, 37
Coy, Jacquelyn S., 17
Cozean, Jesse, 38
Davis, Mark, 18
Dresden, 35
Dresden, Germany, 35
Dunn, Lisa, 5
Dunn, Lisa M., 3
Dunn, Wayne, 2, 11, 12, 20, 30, 31, 37
Dunn, Wayne G., 2, 3, 12
Eastlack, Betty, 33
Eastlack, David, 33
Eastlack, Frances C., 33
Eastlack, John III, 33
Eastlack, Norman C., 33
Edmonds, Chris, 10, 32, 38
Edmonds, Pastor Chris, 2, 7
Edmonds, Roddie, 32
Edwards, Robert M., 18
Evans, Dale, 8
Faulkner, Carol, 2
Faulkner, Carol J., 25
Feldman, Milton, 38
Fifth Panzer Army, 14
Filippini, Joseph, 28
Forced March, 38
Freedman, Henry E., 18
French Legion Of Honor, 36
From Brooklyn To The Battle Of The Bulge, 38
Ft. Jackson, SC, 32
Garrison, Beth, 2, 25
Gaspero, James, 31
Gatens, John, 18, 28
Gatens, John F., 18
Gidwitz, Ronald J., 26
Glover, Robert 'Bob', 38
Gordon, William H., 18
Grommes, Herbert, 1, 26
Hale, David & Rebecca, 18
Hale, William Harold, 18
How One Jewish American Gi Survived A Nazi Stalag, 38
Humphrey, Robert E., 38
I Was A Prisoner, 38
I Was No Hero In The Battle Of The Bulge, 34, 38
Indianamilitary.Org, 30
Johnson, Ken, 38
Jones, Gen., 12, 15
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan W., 12, 15
Jones, Martine, 28
Keeber, Beatrice, 38
Khe Sanh, 15
King, Martin, 38
Knapenberger, Jill Pitts, 33
Knappenberger, Jill P., 33
Knappenberger, T. Gaillard, 33
Kommando, 35
Lamy, Jean-Claude, 28
Lang, Russ, 38
LeClair, Henry, 2, 3
Lowe, Charles B., 18
Madden, John J., 18
Martin, Harry, 34
Martin, Harry F., 34
Martin, Harry F., Jr., 38
Mayrsohn, Aubreyanne, 30
Mayrsohn, Barney, 29
Mayrsohn, Bernard (Barney), 38
Mayrsohn, Kathy, 30
Mayrsohn, Mark, 29
Mayrsohn, Sophia, 30
McMahon, Gen. Leo T., 15
Miller, Dennis Shane, 18
Mills, James, 18, 35
Mills, James & Lulu, 35
Mills, James M., 35
Mills, Janice, 35
Mills, Marvin & Zora, 35
Mitchel, Doug, 26
Mohn, John H., 38
Morse, John W., 38
My Grandfather's War, 38
My Nine Lives, 38
'My War', 38
National Order of Battlefield Commissions, 36
No Surrender, 32, 38
Noel-Simon, Anne-Marie, 28
Oger, Denise, 28
Once Upon A Time In War, 38
Order of the Golden Lion, 2, 25
Our Valley, 14
Parkers Crossroads, 28
Philips-Eastlack, Ruth, 33
Pitts, Jack, 33
Pitts, John Joseph & Margaret Leach, 33
Pope, Bob, 2, 3, 6, 11, 38
Porter, Raymond E., 31
Powless, Barbara, 18
Pratt, Lt. Gerald, 27
Prisoner Of War Temporary Enclosures, 30
Purple Heart, 29
Reunion Locations, 24
Rice, Josh, 30
River Our, 13
Robb, Dr. John G., 2
Roberts, Dave (Susan), 36
Roberts, John M., ‘Jack', 36
Roberts, Mary Lou, 36
Roberts, Thomas (Lisa), 36
Rocourt, Belgium, 28
Rogers, Roy, 8
Rutt, Bob, 12
Schaffner, John, 12, 18, 28
Schonberg, 26
Schonberg Pow Monument, 1
Shadows Of Slaughterhouse Five, 38
Sheaner, Herb, 38
Sheaner, Herbert 'Mike', 3
Sheaner, Mike, 2, 3, 17, 20, 38, 40
Shifley, Calvin W., 36
Shifley, Calvin Woodrow, 36
Shifley, Hattie & Charles, 36
Shifley, Loren (Terri), 36
Shifley, Rick L. (Susan Paro), 36
Shifley, Tennyson (Sherry), 36
Shifley, Velda, 36
Slaughterhouse Five, 35
Smallwood, Fredrick, 38
Smith, David, 3, 5
Spinella, Kathy, 2, 3, 25
St. Vith, 26
Starmack, Carol, 18
Szpek, Ervin, Jr., 18, 38
Szpek, Ervin, Sr., 18
Szpek, Ery, Jr., 35
The Importance Of A Mini Reunion, 37
'The Last Infantry Division', 38
The Letter Box, 38
The Sitting Duck Div., 38
U.S. Embassy To Belgium, 26
Vallely, Jack, 18
Vallely, Joe, 18
Vandermast, Mary, 18
Veterans Of The Battle Of The Bulge, 36
Vietnam, 15
VIII Corps, 14
Virtual Memorial Svc., 9, 10
Visit The 106th Association's Website!, 11
'Warm Memories of Cold Spring', 38
Warriors Of The 106th, 38
Weiss, Susan, 3, 5, 38
Welke, Brian, 2, 3
Wells, Jim, 15
West, Jim, 2, 11, 27, 30
Whetzel, Carmel, 38
Wood, Janet, 2, 3
Wood, Randall, 19
Wood, Randall M., 2, 3, 10, 11
Wood, Randy, 2
Wood, Randy & Patti, 18
Wood, Robert, 11
Wood, Robert M., 10
Wouters, Carl, 1, 2, 11, 26, 33
Ziegenhain, Germany, 32