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Index for this issue of The CUB
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The Cub
Vol. 67, No. 3, Dec. 2011

Total Membership December 1, 2011 – 1,250
Membership includes CUB magazine subscription
Annual Dues are no longer mandatory for Vets/Non-Veterans: Donations accepted
Payable to "106th Infantry Division Association"
in care of Treasurer -- See address below
Elected Offices
President ................ Sy Lichtenfeld
Past-President (Ex-Officio).. Newton W. Weiss
1st Vice-Pres .... Herbert "Mike" Sheaner
2nd Vice-Pres ............ Randall Wood
Business Matters, Deaths, Address changes
First Name = Chairman / Second Name = Backup

Adjutant: Murray Stein 7614 Charing Crossing Lane, Delray Beach, FL 33446 561-499-7736
    Treasurer/Membership: Harry F. Martin Jr. 121 McGregor Avenue, Mount Arlington, NJ 07856 973-663-2410
Acting Chaplain: Ed Christianson 303 Harper Hollow Lane Winchester, VA 22603 540-877-1643
Memorial Chairman: Dr. John G. Robb / Frank Trautman 238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355

CUB Editor: William McWhorter 166 Prairie Dawn, Kyle, Texas 78640 512-970-5637

CUB Publisher: Susan Weiss
9 Cypress Point Court, Blackwood, NJ 08012 856-415-2211

Historian ...... John Schaffner/William McWhorter
Atterbury Memorial Representative .. Frank Trautman Resolutions Chairman..... Reverend Ewell C. Black
Order of the Golden Lion ........... . John Schaffner
Nominating Committee Chairman ......... Tom Hoff
Mini-Reunions.. Edward Christianson/Dr. Ralph Nelson
Membership Chairman ......... .Harry F. Martin Jr.
Belgium Liaison ................... . Carl Wouters

Board of Directors

Lyle Beeth (424/AT) ................ (2011)
2004 Golf Manor Blvd., Valrico, FL 33596-7288 1-888-644-4337
Harry F. Martin Jr. (424/L).......... (2011)
121 McGregor Ave., Mount Arlington, NJ 07856 973-663-2410
Charles F. Rieck (422/H) ............ (2011)
7316 Voss Parkway, Middleton, WI 53562-3776
    Ellsworth H. Schanerberger (331st Med D). .(2011) 15964 N Swathmore Ct., Livonia, MI 48154-1005 734-591-7851
Dr. John G. Robb (422/D) ........... (2012)
238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355
John M. Roberts (592/C) ............ (2012)
1059 Alter Rd., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304-1401
John Schaffner (589/A) ............ .(2012)
1811 Miller Rd., Cockeysville, MD 21030-1013
Frank S. Trautman (422/D).......... (2012) 600 Morningside Dr., Zionsville, IN 46077-1903
William "Bill" Stahl (422/K) ......... (2013) 211 Arapaboe Ct., Junction City, KS 66441 785-238-2364
Herbert "Mike" Sheaner (422/G) ..... (2013)
P.O. Box 140535 Dallas, Texas 75214
Donald F. Herndon (424/L) .......... (2014) 8313 NW 102, Oklahoma City, OK 73162-4026
Bernard Mayrsohn (423/CN) ........ (2014) 34 Brae Burn Drive, Purchase, NY 33138
914-428-8200 Web site:
Newton Weiss (423/HQ 3Bn)......... (2014)
400 Morse Avenue, Gibbstown, NJ 08027-1066
Tom Hoff (Non-Veteran) (2015)
P.O. Box 298, Warrington, PA 18976
Randall M. Wood (Non-Veteran) (2015)
810 Cramertown Loop, Martinsville, IN 46151

    This being my first presidential message, I want to thank the member- ship for the confidence they have in me. I also want to assure the membership that I will make every attempt to follow the splendid records of my predecessors. I look forward to continuing to work with our Adjutant, Murray Stein. It is his dedicated efforts that have held this organization together for the past few years along with our CUB Editor, William McWhorter and Publisher, Susan Weiss.
    Our first mission will be to integrate into the management of the organization our new Associates, who have been given full membership privileges provided by the By-Law changes put into effect at this past reunion. Already our new team, with the addition of Mr. Randall Wood, as 2nd Vice President and Mr. Tom Hoff as the new Nominations Chairman has brought forth new ideas for the continuation of our Association as well as assuming duties of their respective offices. It is our plan to have a backup for every position and to bring other young and energetic Associates aboard in order to ensure a continued long life for the 106th Infantry Association. We will welcome any and all suggestions from all of our old and new members to achieve a harmonious transfer of passing the baton to the next generation. We all recognize that someday this organization will be in the care, custody and control of our new Associate Members.

Sy Lichtenfeld, 422/I
106th Infantry Division Association President 2011–2012
901 Somerby Dr., Apt 334
Mobile, AL 36695

    I also wish to remind all to continue to participate in our Life Plus and Regular Donations Programs. Since the Association no longer has a dues structure, this will be our only way of raising funds for the financial needs of the organization.
    On behalf of the Officers and the Board, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and/or Happy Hanukkah and to all a Happy and Healthy New Year.


From the Acting Chaplain's Remembrance Day Message at the 65th Annual Reunion in Baltimore
Delivered by Mary Christianson for her husband Ed Christenson (331st MED/C)

    My brothers and sisters. It is good for us to be here today. It is good because of the opportunity it provides to rekindle our fraternal relationships with each other, and most importantly, to honor those men who have gone before us. Men, who at one time in our lives, were closest friends, our buddies. We also share this remembrance with those who gathered only seven days ago across the whole country to remember the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania. The Monday morning issue of the Winchester Star's headline read: "LOOKING BACK and LOOKING AHEAD." Perhaps that should be the theme for each attendee to this 65th Reunion of the Golden Lion Division.
    I cannot tell you how proud I am to be with you this day. This annual event has been celebrated for over 60 years. We gathered in all corners of this nation and in many places in-between. Each reunion holds a unique and separate memory for all who attended. Yet the purpose of these reunions remained the same. To get together again with those with whom we served in the Golden Lion Division.

Ed Christianson, 331st MED/C Acting Chaplain
303 Harpers Hallow Lane Winchester, VA 22603; 540-877-1643

    When I was in formation to become a Deacon in the Catholic Church one of the Lectures in Psychology dealt with the subject of "Attitudes." The instructor displayed a picture of a glass half filled with water. Later in the session he asked, "Was that glass half empty or half full? Remember your answer with the reason for your choice. We will discuss this later." He had a theory that someone with an Optimistic outlook on life would see the half empty glass as a half full one, a Pessimistic person would see it as half empty. The Optimism to which he was referring rests in a person's ability to see that life's setbacks do not mean that life is not worth living. It all depends upon how we look at all aspects of life.
We have all known people who had a negative attitude about everything.
Their Pessimism would see that glass

    as half empty. We know that their way of living and thinking does not make things better for them nor for anyone else. At the same time, we know people that, by their energy, enthusiasm for life, and their generally happier disposition, seem to have the "power" to change a bad situation into something more manageable. It can even make it better.
    Without optimism or Hope, our lives can take rather ugly turns! Optimism, which comes from human ability differs, substantially from Hope. The characteristics of hope and optimism possess similarities. But they are also distinct.
    As I said before, optimism comes from a positive human disposition. But Hope comes from a higher power. Hope's origin, sustenance, and finality rest in God's promise to be with us through thick and thin for all eternity.
    I bring this up, not because the idea of a half full or half empty glass can help a struggling person to improve. The fruits of optimism and hope can help families get through the difficult times many families are facing these days. To survive in this life, we need optimism, but ultimately, we have to rely on hope. We need optimism because it helps us deal with other people in a better, more pleasant way. We need hope to help us deal with our private thoughts and our own fears in life. Hope helps us realize that a positive outcome does not depend on our efforts, but ultimately, it comes from God. St. Augustine wrote many centuries ago -- "Work as if all things depend upon you. Pray as if all things depend upon God."
    Let us pray: God our Father. Change our fear into Hope. Change our negative attitude into something more Optimistic, lest our faith be questioned because of our bitterness and fears. Teach us Lord, by our determination to pray at all times for You are with us, shepherding us to the promised "green pastures" and "still waters" of your Heavenly Kingdom.

My Brothers,

    We're fortunate to have elected Sy Lichtenfeld as our President for the year 2011–2012. Sy was a great and talented service officer for the EX-POWs in Miami, FL. He helped so many former POWs prepare their various claims.
    I have had the good fortune to have worked with Sy these past few years, and I know that the 106th Association, backed by his first V.P. Herb Sheaner, is in good hands.
What a wonderful reunion in Baltimore! So many marvelous moments to remember and cherish.
Our decision to host an extra Thursday breakfast and the Friday- night dinner enhanced the reunion.
    The conversations and recollections in the Hospitality room, where the boys who manned the memorabilia Room and the WWII re-enactment guys, all added to making the 2011 reunion the success that it was. We acknowledged the performance of our good friend Paul Galanti (a POW almost seven years in Vietnam) one of our EX-POWs National Directors! Paul emailed us and stated "he was honored to have been invited to address and meet the Veterans of the 106th Inf. Div."
    The Saturday night Banquet featuring our guest speaker Lt. Gen. H. Steven Blum, also added to the success of our reunion. What a story is Gen. Blum -- he joined the Army more than 42 years ago as a Buck-Private, and retired as a Lt. Gen. He served his country in Peace and War and as the Chief of the National Guard. His talk was so well accepted, especially his reference to the young people in

Murray Stein, 423/I, Ex Comm, Adjutant
7614 Charing Cross Lane Delray Beach, FL 33446 561-499-7736

    our group. We thank M/Sgt. G.B. Ambersley and the Johns Hopkins ROTC for their service as our Color Guard for the POW/MIA program and the memorial service on Saturday. A special thanks to Mary Christianson for taking over for her husband Ed, our acting Chaplain, and delivering Ed's beautiful Memorial Message.
    At the business meeting on Friday, our 106th Association approved the new By-Laws that now allow "Non-Veterans" [as we will now be calling the formerly named Associate members] to serve on the Board and as elected officers. We in fact elected Mr. Tom Hoff to the Board and Mr. Randall Wood as our 2nd V. P. Randy and Tom have expressed a solid commitment to extending the life and future of the 106th Infantry Division Association.
We Veterans have an obligation to do what we can to assist them and make the

change in the By-Laws worthwhile.
    We continue to be blessed by the families that attend our reunions. Russ Hoff and his great gang, John Schaffner and his lovely family, Wilma Wood and her beautiful people, the Weiss's and their very talented daughter Susan (our CUB publisher). On a personal note, it is so good to see Don Herndon with us and doing well. I was privileged to meet Jack Roberts's daughter-in-law Julie Roberts, and his granddaughter Chrissy Roberts -- wife
    and daughter of our recently departed friend, and Jack's son, Tom Roberts. Beautiful people! And to those who kept asking about Barbara and sent notes and pictures, I so sincerely Thank You and love you!!
    One last note -- to continue to enjoy our reunions to the fullest, we call upon our members to consider donating via "LIFE-PLUS" Stay well -- love ya,



Golden Lions During World War II––A Photo Article
by Murray Stein
    Every so often, I see a picture in The CUB of one of us as a young soldier. In the last issue (Vol. 67 – No. 1) I thought it would be fun to have as many of our soldier photos as are available, to be published in The CUB. Editor William McWhorter agreed to my request to continue this series in this and subsequent issues of The CUB. Look for the photos below and keep sending them in!

John Gatens, 589th Field Artillery -- Battery A

Pictured above and right is John Gatens (589/A) in 1945

Henrico Pandolphi (423/I) and Robert Widdicombe (423/I)
Submitted by Jim Mills (423/I)
    For this issue of The CUB, Golden Lion Jim Mills provided these two photos and a story about Robert Widdicombe's experience as a prisoner of war that ran in the January 7, 1949, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette.

    Henrico H. Pandolphi (423/I) received a shrapnel wound in the right leg during a brief fire fight with a tank on December 19, prior to becoming a prisoner. He was held in Stalag 4B until the end of the war. Robert Widdicombe (423/I) was the BAR man in the third squad of the 1st Platton, I Company.
    He became a prisoner on December 19, and was held in Stalag 9B for a month before he and 400 other American G.I.s were shipped out to the infamous Berga-Am-Elster (Germany) forced labor camp, where out of the 400 GIs that were sent there only 25–30 are known to have survived. He spent many months in the hospitals of France and America trying to recover from paralysis of his legs and arms due to Vitamin B deficiency and dead nerves.

Pictured right is Henrico Pandolphi (423/I) in 1944

Pictured left is Robert (Bob) Widdicombe (423/I) in 1944

    SEEKS SURVIVORS -- Robert Widdicombe, Auburn, a survivor of the infamous slave-labor camp at Berga-Am-Elster, Germany, points out the location of the camp on a map in The Journal-Gazette library. Widdicombe, an ex-GI, is trying to locate other survivors of the camp. He believes not more than 25 or 30 men that were there with him survived to return to their homes.

    Well folks, our 65th Annual Reunion has entered the history books. It is my feeling that everyone enjoyed the event. I have not seen a breakdown of how many veterans versus non-veterans were with us this time but I can tell you that there were a great number of youngsters (second and third generation) aboard for this one. It was family time. Guess what? A lot of them signed up to become members. I am so pleased with that.
They are our future.
    I had wondered if Baltimore was the right place for our reunion. Having lived most of my life in the neighborhood I suppose I had taken a lot for granted. Baltimore is an historic city. The site was one of those places on the Chesapeake Bay where Captain Cook landed and set ashore a few settlers many years ago. The overall importance of the city has grown long with its age. During WW II the population peaked with the growth of the production of aircraft, ships, vehicles, and a variety of war related industry. Being a major seaport, it competes with Norfolk, Boston, New York, and all of the other East Coast ports in every category of shipping and rail businesses.
    There are major universities, medical facilities, manufacturing, high- tech companies, defense contractors, and anything else one can think of. The arts and sciences are well represented. Our tours were interesting, but actually they hardly scratch the surface of the complete city.
    There is simply not enough time at a reunion where ever we go. Plans have been made for next year to be at the Doubletree Hotel in Arlington, VA,

John R. Schaffner 589/A,
Historian, Past President 2002-2003 1811 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030

    September 5–9, 2012. We have been there before, but there is always something new to visit in the D.C. area. It is now entered on my 2012 calendar.
    Where are they now? That is certainly the question. I am referring to those comrades who we simply don't hear from any more. We think that they are still alive because when we send The CUB out in the mail it doesn't come back. No one has written or called to say that Dad has bought the farm. We, who are still working for you, would really like to know. So, if you are reading this and understand what I am asking, call, write, or send up smoke signals, and let us know where you are and what you are doing. Are you history? We still receive a new story from our veterans once in a while. When I think about it, I am sure that there are more stories out there that we don't know about. If you want yours remembered and haven't put it on paper (or digital) for our archives, please get

continues on page 8

    to it. Check out the books that your buddies have written and had published. There seems to be more coming along all the time and some are mentioned in The CUB. They are your history so don't let it die.
    The batch of photos that you will find in this issue are the last that I have to share for a while. Special thanks are due to John D. Bowen (VBOB and

    106th Division Association member) for his prodigious research at the National Archives and Records Administration. This should be an incentive for you to get out that musty old album and select something to send to our editor along with a caption. Just do it. Let's see what you looked like back then, I don't remember. Have you changed much?

Below are photos from the National Archives and Records Administration.

2nd Lt. Jack J. McGuire, Fall River, MA is congratulated by B/Gen. Herbert Perrin
    on his receipt of a Silver Star Medal at a ceremony in Stavelot, Belgium. Lt. McGuire is with the 106th Military Police Platoon, 106th Infantry Division, 1st U.S. Army. He received the award for gallantry in action on 19 December 1944 in Belgium.
    He led a patrol of soldiers on an attack on an enemy tank and German Staff Car. The tank was temporarily disabled before recovery by the enemy. Three officers in the Staff Car were killed

    Col. Malin Craig, Jr. Missouri, (right) is congratulated by B/Gen. Leo McMahon (left) following his receipt of a Bronze Star Medal at a ceremony in Stavelot, Belgium. Col. Craig is a member of the 106th Infantry Division Field Artillery, 1st U.S. Army. He received the award for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy in Belgium. 16-18 December 1944

    S/Sgt Marion S. Milewski, Akron, Ohio, is congratulated by B/ Gen Leo McMahon following his receipt of the Bronze Star Medal at a ceremony in Stavelot, Belgium. Sgt Milewski, a member of the Field Artillery, 106th Infantry Division1st U.S. Army, received the award for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy in Belgium. 16 Dec 1944

    Right: Men of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, march through the snow covered woods near Berk, Germany. 5 March 1945

    CWO Roy Stults, San Francisco, CA (right) is congratulated by B/Gen. Leo McMahon (left) following his receipt of a Bronze Star Medal at a ceremony in Stavelot, Belgium. CWO Stultz is a member of the 106th Infantry Division Artillery, 1st U.S. Army. He received the award for heroic achievement in connection with military
operations against the enemy in Belgium. 16-19 December 1944

    Lt. Col. Milton S. Glatterer, N.J. salutes following his receipt of the Bronze Star Medal from B/Gen. Leo McMahon. Col. Glatterer, a member of the General Staff Corps of the 106th Infantry Division, 1st U.S. Army received the award for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy in Belgium and Germany. He had attended the U. S. Military Academy at West Point.16-31 December 1944

    Tech 5 Seymour H. Zorn, N.Y., N.Y., (right) is congratulated by B/Gen. Herbert Perrin (left) following his receipt of a Bronze Star Medal at a ceremony in Stavelot, Belgium. Cpl. Zorn, a member of the 106th Signal Company, 106th Infantry Division, 1st U.S. Army received the award for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy in Belgium. 16-18 December 1944

    Members of the 106th Signal Corps, 106th Infantry Division, 1st U.S. Army set a booby trap at the head of the stairs at a mine school of the 81st Combat Engineers near Honsfeld, Germany. 3 March 1945

    A German field phone left behind in a shell- torn house in Hunningen, Belgium by the Nazis in their retreat from Belgium is checked over by T/Sgt Harry J. Smith, 1431 Dill Street, S. Euclid, Ohio, 106th Signal Company, 106th Infantry Division, 1st U. S. Army. 26 Feb 1945

    Members of battery A, 591st Field Artillery Battalion, 106th Infantry Division, unpack 105mm shells and prepare them for firing. Belgium 5 Jan 1945

    Infantrymen of the 106th Infantry Division cross a small foot bridge in snow covered woods near Berk, Germany. 5 March 1945

The Wire Section – 589th Field Artillery
    Submitted by John Schaffner (589/A) Golden Lion and Association Historian John Schaffner shared this additional photo for this issue of The CUB. The photo was made at Camp Atterbury, Indiana during divisional training prior to going overseas. Schaffner remarks, "Probably not too many of these guys still around."

    Standing (Left to Right): Joseph Coin, David Ward, Jesse Caldwell, James Richardson, Archie Allen, Clifferd Gruenfelder, William Streeter, Truman Sims, John Horan, Kneeling (Left to Right):Charles Roy, Salvatore DiPietro, Marshall Wenslow

Treasurer, Harry F. Martin Jr. (424/L) asked the staff of The CUB
    to inform the readership that, while dues are no longer necessary, the Association is very appreciative of any donation it receives.
    For the Association to be able to meet not only yearly expenses, these donations make possible the enjoyable time at each Annual Reunion.
Please consider donating to the Association.
Please report all changes of address and deaths to
Association Treasurer and Membership Chairman:
Harry F. Martin Jr. (424/L)
121 McGregor Avenue Mt Arlington, NJ 07856 Phone: 973-663-2410 E-mail:

Association Membership As of December 1, 2011
Veterans and Non-Veterans
Total Members 1,250

422/B Robert N. Bare
422/HQ Alan W. Jones, Jr.
422/K F. Perryman
422/M Frank Tracz
423/B Harold W. Ortwine
423/K Al Asher
423/K William Busier
424/L John Gatens
424/O Alden F. Russell
589/A William Streeter
589/B Harold Kuizema
589/C Vernon E. Brumfield
106th Recon Joe Cucarola
Bradford Holmes
Edward Urban
Marie McHugh
Pam Eaton
Paul and Laura Thompson
Thomas Chirumbole
George Call
Daniel Simone
Eugene Rood
Edward E. Young

Vernon Brumfield
    In honor of Clifford Shows (422/A); a member of the W. Jack Cleere Memorial Chapter EX-Prisoners of War, Hattiesburg, MS. He was captured during the Battle of the Bulge. He was an honorable and faithful friend and patriot. His democratic contributions will be missed in our society.

Leonard F. Lauro
    In memory of my brother, Corporal Alexander M. Lauro, who served in the 106th Division's 592nd FA Battalion from Camp Atterbury, Ind. through the Battle of the Bulge until the end of World War II. He spoke fluent French and acquired the nickname "Clue" from his buddies for his ability to communicate with the locals and obtain information or gossip not available otherwise. He was quietly proud of his service with the 106th and was pleased he was able to attend a few reunions prior to his passing at the age of 80.
God Bless all members present or gone of the 106th Infantry Division.

continues on page 12

Dorayne Paulson
    In memory of Dorayne Paulson, 423/HQ, (my husband) who passed away January 4, 2010. Thank you and God Bless America. Betty J. Bohm. "P.S. I am thankful to receive The CUB and EX-POW Magazine."

Non-Veteran Karrie Bennett
Non-Veteran Scott Buchanan
Non-Veteran Tabetha Buchanan
Non-Veteran Ronald A. Chiverella
Non-Veteran Sharon A. Chiverella
Non-Veteran Mary Christianson
Non-Veteran Laura De Francesco
Non-Veteran Rusty Dicks

Non-Veteran Robert Dumont
Non-Veteran Carol Faulkner
Non-Veteran Dean Faulkner
Non-Veteran Joseph V. Gardner
Non-Veteran Sharon L. Gardner
Non-Veteran Beth Garrison
Non-Veteran Teresa Mary Harter
Non-Veteran Kathleen Lyons
Non-Veteran Jane Marsh
Non-Veteran Harry F. Martin III
Non-Veteran Sharon Perko-Davis
Non-Veteran Kris Martin Rice
Non-Veteran Julie Roberts
Non-Veteran John Schaffner
Non-Veteran Kathleen Schaffner
Non-Veteran Lillian Schaffner
Non-Veteran Mary Vandermast
Non-Veteran Christine Walker
Non-Veteran Janet Wood
Non-Veteran Patricia Wood

    Please Note: At the business meeting on Friday, September 16, 2011, at the 65th Reunion in Baltimore, MD, the 106th Association Board members approved the new By-Laws that now allow "Non-Veterans" [as we will now be calling the formerly named Associate members] to serve on the Board and as elected officers.

YOUR Annual Dues Are NO Longer DUE
    If you are an ANNUAL member (not a LIFE member), your annual dues are no longer due. At the last Board of Directors meeting held during the 2010 Reunion, the board voted to dispense with the annual dues payments. We are asking for donations, whatever you can give, to help defray the cost of printing and mailing the CUBs, which go out to you three times a year. We will also continue to collect Memorial and Life Plus donations. Please make all checks payable to "106th Infantry Division Association" and mail them to the new treasurer listed below :
Harry F. Martin Jr., Treasurer
121 McGregor Avenue Mount Arlington, NJ 07856

From the editor of The CUB of the Golden Lion

Hello, my name is William A. McWhorter and I am the editor of The CUB of the Golden Lion (The CUB).
    I am an admirer of your outfit and hope that I can assist in keeping open the lines of communication for our Association. Please send news items that you would like reviewed for potential inclusion in upcoming issues of The CUB to me. Whenever possible please send them to my email address (

Just a reminder . . .

    If you do decide to send them via postal mail, if possible, please TYPE OR PRINT your messages (it helps me get names spelled correctly). Thank you.

    New board member Tom Hoff would like you to contact him if you are interested in serving on a future Board of the 106th I.D. Association. Tom's contact information is tjhoff@ and is also located on the inside cover of The CUB.

If you have pictures and information you would like included in a future CUB, the due dates are as follows:
For the edition that comes out in APRIL each year all material is due
For the edition that comes out in AUGUST each year all material is due by JUNE 15
For the edition that comes out in DECEMBER each year -- to include
pictures from the reunion -- all material is due by OCTOBER 9
Articles and pictures can be mailed or emailed to:

CUB Editor: William McWhorter 166 Prairie Dawn, Kyle, TX 78640

CUB Publisher: Susan Weiss 9 Cypress Point Court, Blackwood, NJ 08012 856-415-2211

The Lion's Path
By C.J. Kelly
    In December 1944, a raw American infantry division has its baptism of fire in the Battle of the Bulge. Caught up in this maelstrom of death and destruction are two very different Americans. Trapped behind enemy lines, they experience the horror of war and a humanity borne of sacrifice.

Available at or

Jim West and the Website
Non-Veteran member Jim West has created an excellent Web page at the following address:
    It is hoped that this new webpage will increase awareness of the 106th Infantry Division Association and perhaps our membership. Check it out at your earliest convenience. To join the Association visit:

    Jim West has been adding photos to the website's roster. He is nearly finished going thru all the old issues of The CUBs, and will start adding names from other sources, such as the Camp Atterbury Photo Album. However, he will not be able to find every veteran's photo without your help. If you visit his website, listed above, and a photo is not shown for an individual, and the family has one available, all they need do is email him a scan. Preferably a single person and not in a large group, and accurately identified. You can email Jim West at his new e-mail address

    Jim would like to thank the AmVets of Indiana! Through their generosity of support and hosting of the entire website, they are making it possible for the 106th to have a presence on the Web.

by Fredrick Smallwood
    This is the story of my experiences as a young boy from a small town in south Georgia with the 106th Infantry Division during World War II. I was initially in the A&P Platoon of 1 Bn. Hq. Co. of the 423rd Regiment. I was one of the few who made my way through the German lines back to the Allied lines at St. Vith.
Books are $15 plus $4 for shipping. You can contact me at or P.O. Box 1923, Bainbridge, GA 39818.

New Chairman named for the Order of the Golden Lion Committee
    John Schaffner has been named the new Chairman of the Order of the Golden Lion Committee. Mr. Schaffner invites all those who have received a Golden Lion award to send any nominations to him at:
John Schaffner (589/A)
1811 Miller Rd., Cockeysville, MD 21030-1013

Weiss and McWhorter Receive the Order of the Golden Lion in Baltimore
Submitted by the staff of The CUB

The CUB Publisher Susan Weiss,left and Editor William McWhorter, right

The CUB Editor William McWhorter, above, and Publisher Susan Weiss, right, received their awards from Adjutant

    "As Editor of The CUB, and an academic historian of the Division, I am truly honored to receive this award from Veterans that I hold is the highest esteem. It is with humility and sincere gratitude, I thank the Officers, Board and Veterans of the Association," William McWhorter stated.
    "I feel very privileged to be awarded this most prestigious honor from the brave gentleman of the 106th. I am glad that I can play a small part in helping to keep their lines of communication open.
    I am also very pleased that I had the good fortune to accept this award in front of my family and especially my father, who has proudly served his country and in this organization for many years. My thanks to all of you," Susan Weiss said.

    Stein at the 106th Infantry Division Association Reunion this past September in Baltimore. Susan was happy to have her father looking on from the podium

The BaTTle for Snow MounTain
by Donald Young
    The Battle for Snow Mountain is a comic novel -- based on Young's experience -- which gives a surreal picture of the German attack on the 106th Division in the winter of 1944.

    their war experience in the Battle of the Bulge, their accidental capture, escape from POW camp, and return to freedom.

The Battle for Snow Mountain by Donald Young
can be purchased by April 1, from Pocol Press, 6023 Pocol Drive, Clifton, VA 20124, 1-703-830-5862.
It can also be ordered at, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-929763-48-1

Return to Russia to search for Stalag IV-B Liberators Revisited
By Bernard Mayrsohn (423/Cannon)

    Taken in 1945 by a Russian officer, this photo shows Bernard "Barney" Mayrsohn" 423rd Cannon Company, top, second from left and four other soldiers who were all Prisoners of War during WWII. All five men fought in the Battle of the Bulge. All were captured and incarcerated in Stalag IVB Muhlberg, Germany until their liberation by the Russians in May 1945. This photo was taken as a testimonial to their experience and subsequent release. The three women seated in the photo are Russian military personnel who were asked to join the soldiers to represent the heroic actions of the Russian troops.

    A member of the 106th Infantry Division Association since 1995, Mayrsohn was drafted in 1943 while in college, and during his military career he earned two purple hearts, a bronze star and a Combat Infantry Badge. The article(s) below was previously published in the October/ November 2003 issue of The CUB,

    [pg. 32–37]. Golden Lion Mayrsohn (423/Cannon) submitted it to the current staff of The CUB and asked that they/it be republished because he would still very much like to know who liberated them. A new trip is planned for the summer of 2012, to reconnect with the people again, but this only a plan.

continues on page 18

    CREDITS for the following text, published in PRODUCE BUSINESS, Boca Raton, Florida, as "Blast from the Past" a regular feature story in that publication.

    -- Moscow, July 19, 2002. This is a story about a photograph. It was taken on April 30, 1945, the day my prison camp, Stalag IV B, was liberated by the Russian Army. It is a snapshot of five emaciated American soldiers standing behind three attractive young female Russian soldiers in uniform. The name of the person who snapped the picture, how it was developed, and how it landed in my small knapsack which I brought home, remains a mystery. The photo lay untouched in a bottom drawer for 57 years.
    Then, this past Spring, 2003, my wife and I received an invitation from a friend to accompany him and his wife aboard his glamorous private yacht on a trip to Scandinavia. What an opportunity to fly from there to Moscow and to try to locate the ladies in the picture, or at least a few veterans of the battle in April, 1945, and personally thank them for my liberation and liberation of other POW camps and host a dinner for them. I accepted my friend's invitation enthusiastically. I first contacted the Russian Cultural Center in Washington, D.C. Luckily, the head of this center is Natasha Batova, whose father, now deceased, was one of the generals whose troops liberated American POWs from German Stalags. She was most enthusiastic about my project, and put me in touch with her friend in Moscow, Tatiania Formicheva. I had almost weekly conversations with Tatiana, who contented the Office of Veteran Affairs in Moscow. I sent a print of the snapshot to her, but without names of the women or their units, it proved impossible to find them.

    L-R: Mr. Dmitry Bobylev, Chairman of Veteran's Committee, helped liberate Stalag IVB; Mrs. Svetlana Kazakova; Ethel Mayrsohn, with flowers presented by Col. Yentz; Nina Batova; Berbard Myarsohn, 423/CN; Mr: Sergey Butyrlin, liberator IVB; Colonel Yentz in back

    However, she did find two women and two male veterans of these battles and invited them to dinner on my behalf on August 19, 2004, to be held at a prestigious restaurant at # 1 Red Square. One of the ladies was Natasha's mother!
    I then contacted the American Embassy in Moscow and invited American General Kevin Ryan and Lt. Col. James Yentz to attend. Tatiana became so involved in this gathering that she personally met us at the airport along with a young man (his father is also a general) named Victor who owned a late model Toyota with the steering wheel on the right. They escorted us for our entire four-day trip and acted as guides and interpreters.
    The meal was a real banquet and was most pleasing to our guests. Vodka and wine flowed freely as we were introduced, and we toasted each other, and to the "fallen comrades," a Russian tradition. The two lady soldiers as well as the male veterans had rows of medals and campaign ribbons on their chests.

    With the help of our interpreter friends, as well as Col. Yentz, who spoke excellent Russian, I told my war story and again thanked them. Then the four veterans told theirs. Col. Yentz talked in English and Russian and General Ryan added how pleased he was with this goodwill reunion. There was a lot of talk, singing and dancing, with lovely piano music in the background. Gifts were exchanged, including my 106th Infantry wrist watch and a 106 hat, while I received two books of Russian exploits. After four hours of good times, the Russians were reluctant to leave, and considering their skepticism before, it was a very special evening of international goodwill and friendship.
    I also had an appointment with the Russian officer in-charge of Russian Veterans Affairs Ivanov Yori Nikolavich who was very pleased with my invitations and helped locate my liberating Russian unit. He awarded me the Russian Blue Star -- similar to our Combat Infantry Badge. Yori will try and find other members of the liberating

Mr: Butyrlin dancing in a 106th cap

division. Also the Russian Embassy in Washington D.C. will keep me informed of U.S. and Russian programs.

"It Happened in April"
-- 27 August 2003 article from Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star), the Russian Defense Minister's official newspaper:

    An American business man, the owner of a huge company, goes to Moscow to learn who rescued him from a German prisoner of war camp." In my opinion, this is a great scenario for a film. But it is real life -- recently Bernard Mayrsohn visited our capital. He was here to learn which Russian division arrived at the camp where he was being held prisoner of war in 1945. And also to learn the identities of the women in the photograph -- next to him and the other four newly-liberated Americans.
    Mayrsohn proudly shows me the decoration given to him when he met a group of Russian veterans. The medal was awarded to Russians who fought on the front lines. He also reports that he has managed to discuss some possible business deals. "This is very much the American way," he says with a smile.
    But the American's primary mission, the reason he came to Russia, has not yet been completed. Here's his story: In 1943, while in college, he entered service in the U.S. Army. His father and two of his five brothers were also serving in the army. In September 1944, Mayrsohn along with a regiment of other soldiers arrived in Europe aboard

    L-R: Bernard Mayrsohn, 423rd Cannon; Gen Kevin Ryan, U.S. Military Attache, Moscow; Mr. Butyrlev; Mr. Bobylev and Colonel Yentz

friend had it even worse. They took his shoes and, when we unloaded, he had to walk bare-foot in the snow."
    "All the barracks were full of British soldiers," Mayrsohn continues. "Most of them were taken after jumping into the fight around Arnheim.
    These were volunteers from throughout the entire British Empire, fantastic people. It turned out that several months the Queen Elizabeth. At that time he was a member of the 106th Infantry Division. As winter approached, he found himself at the front, just as the Germans Ardennes Offensive was beginning. As a result of the German armor attack, the 106th took heavy losses. Half of the division was lost and Mayrsohn, twice wounded, was taken prisoner.
    The prisoners were loaded on to train cars and taken somewhere to the East. The trip aboard the train lasted about a week and all the while the British and American aircraft bombed the railroads. "During one of the attacks, a bomb landed on the car to the front of us and many comrades were killed," says Mayrsohn. Before Christmas, they arrived at Stalag 4B. "It was very cold," recalls the veteran. "We had to sleep outside. But the main problem was that, before we were loaded onto the train, the German took many of our possessions. They took my jacket and I was left with one shirt. My they had been saving from Red Cross parcels in preparation for Christmas. But before Christmas this great number of Americans arrived. They didn't have to share with us, but they did. We didn't know the origin of the food, we simply thought they were feeding us well."
    Mayrsohn falls silent for a moment, then asks, "Would you like to hear about one of the funny things that happened to me at the camp?" Having received a positive response, he settled back in his chair and continues. "When we arrived at the camp we were processed by a captain from New Zealand. He had been taken prisoner early in the war, so he

Our Banquet table with 10 guests

    knew everything and was surprised by nothing. In his room I noticed a large pile of clothing and asked him if I could take something for myself. He offered me anything that would fit and I chose an Eisenhower jacket (a short jacket).
    I walked out of the room and a couple of minutes realized that people were calling me "Sergeant." It turns out that there was a sergeant's rank on the jacket -- Sergeant Major -- and I was only a Private First Class.
    The British also greeted me as "Sergeant." British soldiers are very professional and have great deal of respect for regulation and rank. But a British Sergeant Major is typically forty years of age. Nonetheless, they explained to me that since I was a sergeant, I would be responsible for the American soldiers. I was to ensure that they shaved every morning, that they maintained proper hygiene and discipline. The British were great -- all volunteers with good sense and intelligent. They constructed a radio receiver and would listen to BBC at night." They learned through the news that the red Army was advancing ever further to the West, the front was getting closer. By that time there were no more Red Cross parcels and the prisoners of war were beginning to starve. Mayrsohn said that he lost forty pounds. "In the middle of April," he continues, "we heard artillery and realized the front was very close. The German guards abandoned the camp, but we were afraid to leave. It's strange, but we were afraid of the Russians. There were many Russians soldiers in the area that had escaped camp. They weren't very friendly to anyone, including us. Once

    Entrance to ONE Red Square where we had the banquet. UR: Me, Mrs. Batova; Ivan the Terrible, Mrs. Kazakova: My wife Ethel
    they broke into the camp. On horseback, draped with machine gun ammunition belts, they looked like Mexicans. But their stay at camp was not long because of the imminent arrival of the Russian troops. After that, no one bothered us.
We were the first to see the Russians and our impressions were the very best. They liberated us and treated us well.
    I remember a conversation with one captain. He pointed to a truck and said, "America." He pointed to a Jeep and said, "America, and they brought us here." The captain took this photograph, in which you see us -- five friends with three pretty Russian Army women. I don't have his picture. . . Then they took us to Halle. The captain went to a house there and told the German women, "here are five Americans, feed them." And there we stayed. At the doorway he hung a sign that said, ‘American house, entry forbidden.' And we soon returned to America.

    Mayrsohn enjoyed much success after the war. He used the GI Bill to go to a University, as did many of his comrades who had previously not even dreamed of such education. Now the government was paying for the studies of the former soldiers. I asked him if the former prisoners of war had any problems related to the war. "Psychological," he said, "mainly psychological. But, it was easier for us returning from Europe that it was for those who fought in the Pacific; particularly those who were held prisoner by the Japanese. The say it was hell. But still, we didn't have the kind of problems that you had. We lived pretty well before the war, during the war and when we returned.

My wife, then me showing the original POW Liberation photo; and to my left; Titiana, my interpreter

    Mayrsohn would still very much like to know who liberated them. He understands that establishing the names of the women in the photo, and even more so, that of the captain, will be very difficult. But with the help of "Krasnaya Zvezda" he is hoping for success.

Shadows of Slaughterhouse Five
    from Ervin Szpek Jr., Non-Veteran Member Ervin Szpek Jr. (Non-Veteran Member) is pleased to announce after many years of research that his and his colleagues' book on the infamous Arbeitskommando Slaughterhouse Five has been released. Nearly every man of this POW work camp (near Dresden, Germany) originated from the 106th Infantry Division including former 106th Association President, Gifford Doxsee. The book is their story, in their words, and accounts for nearly every POW at the camp; it also chronicles the recollections and reflections of the 150 American Ex-POWs, many of whom are members of the Association.

Newly released by iUniverse press at, the book is also available at and With best wishes for 2011 and with appreciation for your efforts –– thank you.

The CUB Brings Together Two Lost War Buddies
    "This is why we do this! Send in your stories and an old friend may find you!," states Susan Weiss and William McWhorter (publisher and editor of The CUB).

    The following newspaper article titled, "Friendship Strong For POWs After 66 Years," from the South Platte Sentinal, was submitted by Golden Lion Joe Cucarola (106th RECON).

    Even though the two gentlemen hadn't seen each other for 66 years, their conversation didn't skip a beat when they started talking about their experience those many years ago as young prisoners of war in World War II. "I thought he was dead," said Joe Cucarola of his long-ago comrade Burton Pfaff. The two served together with the U.S. Army 106th Infantry Division, were captured by the Germans and held in the same prisoner of war (POW) camps before being liberated in April of 1945. The veterans hadn't seen each other since Cucarola, of Sterling, had read a recent story about Pfaff's participation in a Stars

    Joe Cucarola (left) of Sterling and Burton Pfaff of Milwaukee, Wis., reconnected after 66 years removed from their experience together in prisoner of war camps in Germany during World War ll. "Joe and I are so lucky, after all these years, to talk about this," Burt said. The two shared memories and stories and put names to the blurry faces on an old platoon photograph. (SPS Photo by Marilee Johnson)

their home in Milwaukee, Wis., to

    and Stripes Honor Flight to Washington, D.C., in "The CUB," a publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association. Through a series of connections, Cucarola looked up his old buddy and the two made contact.
    On Monday, Pfaff came to Sterling to see Cucarola."You are number 1 on my bucket list," Pfaff told Joe. "This trip is on my bucket list." Burton and his son-in-law Andy Verbeski flew from Denver, Monday, where the two men rented a Harley Davidson motorcycle and rode to Sterling. Yesterday the pair headed for Estes Park where they will begin a ride on the Peak to Peak Highway in the Rocky Mountains, which was another aspiration for the World War II veteran. But that was not until he and Cucarola got in as much visiting as they could earlier this week.

continues on page 24

    Looking at Pfaff's military awards and decorations, Joe noticed one that was missing. "Where's your purple heart?" Cucarola asked. "You got one of those didn't you?" "Yeah, yeah," Pfaff answered back. "I got one of those. We got the same thing." The two soldiers were captured near Schoenberg, Germany, on Dec. 19, 1944. They both spent the next four months in prisoner of war camps, first in Limburg and then in Muhlberg. The memories rolled off their tongues as the two men looked at old pictures and talked of their shared experiences. Most of their recollections were of the utter atrocities of war, but still the former prisoners of war were able to find solace in the camaraderie that has forever bound them together.
    "We were so full of lice," Joe recalled of their time at the camps, shaking his head. "Remember them putting us in a big concrete building with showers? Those showers served two purposes - gas or water." There was no time to be afraid, Burton noted, "We just had to do what they said."
    Cucarola also remembered when the prisoners were forced to ride in a box car for seven days to be transported from one camp to another. He and Burt recalled the horrific conditions of men stacked in the car, shoulder to shoulder, with no food or water or any accommodations at all.
    "If you were thirsty," Pfaff said, "you had to lick the condensation off the side of the door." Cucarola, who's now 91, began ‘his military service as an airman. Pfaff, who is 87, also attended flight school before being assigned to the 106th infantry division. Both men were drafted, and were deployed to Germany after D-Day as replacements for the troops lost during the Invasion of Normandy.
    "We went from flying aircraft to marching with rifles on our backs," Cucarola said. "That's how we got into the infantry." "We took whatever they threw at us," Pfaff said. "When you're 20 years old, you can do anything," Joe added with a soft laugh. "And I actually came to like the infantry." The two veterans were both in the air corp, met when they were put in the 106th Infantry

continues on the top of the next page

2012 REUNION -- Mark Your Calendar!
    The Doubletree Hotel in Arlington, VA, will host the 66th Annual Golden Lion Association Reunion on September 5–9, 2012.
The Association has held a reunion there before, but there is always something new to visit in the D.C. area.
Enter these dates on your 2012 calendar now.

    Division and trained together before they went overseas. They were in the same platoon and Monday's visit was the first the two have talked together since 1945.
    Just a few months after their deployment in Germany, the men were captured along with Companies A, B and C. Towards the end of their captivity, Pfaff and a friend escaped and he was liberated April 11, 1945. Cucarola was liberated April 13, 1945. "I don't think I could have lived another week," Joe said. "I was in bad shape." Pfaff recalled, "The day we were captured, I wondered if I'd be better here or out in the field like so, so many of our guys." "It was just a struggle to survive," Cucarola added. Pfaff said it was faith and the

    determination to live that got him through the horrors. Cucarola agreed. "You just had to believe you were going to get liberated some day,"
    he said. Without too many physical wounds, the servicemen acknowledged the emotional scars they still carry after six decades. "All of us have been bothered with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)," Cucarola said.
    "But it's so nice that we can talk about it," Pfaff noted. "So many can't and they're still screwed up. Joe and I are so lucky, after all these years, to be able to talk about this." Joe said, "You can't forget those things. It's always there. You never forget." Nodding his head, Burt added softly, "It was quite an experience for a bunch of young men."

Prisoner's Odyssey
by Herb Sheaner (422/G)

    Prisoner's Odyssey is a story of survival, hunger and reflection from a teenaged prisoner of war inside Germany near the end of WWII. From capture at the Battle of The Bulge to the final escape from his German guards, Herb Sheaner allows us a glimpse into the despair and agony of being a prisoner in a foreign land.
    During World War II, Herb Sheaner served as a private first class in Company G, 422nd Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division.
    After receiving ASTP training at University of Alabama, he joined the 106th at Camp Atterbury in Indiana where he earned Expert Rifleman honors and was designated Co. G Sniper and Regimental Scout. Fifty years later he recalls his experience.
Available through Barnes & Noble, and Xlibtis online.

Between the Lions
Submitted by Association Member Donna Driscoll-Bionda

    One hundred years ago, the New York Public Library opened its landmark building on Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street in Manhattan. "Know the Past, Find the Future" is one of their famous themes.
    Recently the city held a large celebration at the library. Donna Driscoll-Bionda recently visited and remarked about what she saw. At the top of the 100-year celebration banner that hangs on the

front of the library is the 106th Infantry Division's very own Golden Lion.
    Also in front of this historic structure in New York City are two large stone lions. Ms. Driscoll-Bionda recounted a conversation between the two lions and the photo of the Golden Lion on the 100th anniversary banner she "overheard" during a recent visit to the library.

South Lion (on the left as one faces the entrance):"Happy Birthday!"
north Lion (on the right): "Wanna play ‘Remember When?'"
    South Lion: "Ok, remember when LaGuardia [Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia] gave us our nicknames in the 1930s? He called me ‘Patience.'"
    north Lion: "He called me ‘Fortitude,'" [LaGuardia believed that the citizens of New York City needed these qualities to be able to survive the Great Depression]
    Patience: "Sing with me… They used to tell me I was building a dream, with peace and glory ahead. Why should I be standing in line, just waiting for bread."
    Fortitude: "Once I built a railroad, made it run, made it race against time. Once I built a railroad, now it's done…"
    Patience & Fortitude together: "Brother, can you spare a dime?" goLden Lion: "Ah, FDR's "The Forgotten Man" speech, 1932!" Patience & Fortitude together: "Right! FDR was our Governor!" goLden Lion (proudly): "FDR was our Commander!"
    Patience & Fortitude together: "Your Commander? That means you're a ‘Battle Lion.' That explains your missing fur! Tell us who you are and where you've been!"
    goLden Lion: "I am a very small reminder of a very big event. My troops have memories of biting, numbing cold, of white snow dyed red, pockmarked with powder-blackened craters, memories of trench foot, frost bite and Death that froze too quickly to bleed, memories of heavy artillery and mortar fire within the merciless, punishing cold."
Patience (with compassion): "Yes, Golden Lion, a very big event!"
Fortitude (with camaraderie): "Speaking of Commanders, Golden Lion, our President [Barrack Obama] is here tonight!"
goLden Lion: "I'm not surprised."
Patience: "Why? You were expecting him?"
goLden Lion: "Yes. His Grandfather fought with us. As I said, I am a very small reminder of a very big event!"

    New York Public Library (NYPL) features the 106th very own Golden Lion in its 100 year celebration. Note the banner on the building (on the right) behind the NYPL Lions at the building's entrance

    Inside the library is this display . . . where the 106th's very own Golden Lion sits proudly watching incoming visitors. The Division's patch is listed in the exhibit under, "Scrapbook of Military Patches"

The Plaque and the Tree
Submitted by Dr. Joe & Sharon Gardner
    Very recently we have discovered something new related to Eric Fisher Wood, Jr., and with the upcoming reunion, I thought it might be a good time to let somebody know. I've only known about this for about a month. It's not earth-shaking (like recent events, eh?) but just kind of "human interest" stuff.

    Someone from the area of the old Wood farm called the local historical society and said they had found an object in a tree near the farm. Sharon and I met them at the site, which is the old, damaged willow tree in the picture. The tree is on the bank of a small stream, just off the Wood property.
    In this tree is a plaque marking the site as one where a faithful dog lay waiting each day for the return of her master. The dog waited in vain for three years for his return from the war and was ultimately found dead under the tree. She was buried there.
The master was, of course, E. F. Wood, Jr. Some of the older neighbors

    said that was the spot where Eric and his brothers would "camp and fish" and that they always had a dog with them. No one knew about the plaque. Although the story has faded from memory over the years, the plaque remains. I know the gal and her husband who own the property containing the tree; we served together on the County Historical Society Board of Directors and she's a friend of Sharon's from ‘way back. So, she has an interest in things historical.
    In discussing the plaque with the tree-owner and thinking about its disposition, I concluded that I must first talk with Eric III to get more information about the dog and plaque and find out if he ("the family") wants the plaque to remain where it is (it's being consumed by the tree, as you can tell from the picture), or should we remove it and have it on display someplace with an explanation of its origins, etc.
To be continued in the next issue . . .

To the left is the plaque in the tree. Below is the tree where the plaque was found

Tough Old Geezers Still Cry
Submitted by Jim Forsythe (424/A
    We World War Two veterans of the 106th Infantry Division held our annual Reunion at the Sheraton Baltimore City Center Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland. One evening, as we began to drift toward the assigned dining room for dinner, we were asked to wait for a few moments.
    Then as we started to proceed, most of the hotel staff -- including waiters, clerks, receptionists, cooks, chefs, and bus boys -- and even hotel guests, including international travelers, had assembled in the foyer of the dining room. They began an extended ovation, as we came into the foyer, there were 49 veterans as crusted and knowledgeable as desert burros and as cunning as a fox, however not as strong as we once were. Some with wheel chairs, some on crutches, some with walkers, some assisted by relatives, devoted friend or an unknown person and some could still walk on their unstable legs. However, with all our infirmaries, a couple of them could not feed themselves and were assisted by Loving Hands. Both veterans and guests always stand, sit or lay with heads held high. As we passed along the receiving lines receiving

    handshakes, embraces and kisses while during a tremendous ovation brought tears from most the eyes of the veterans, participants and the audience.
    Our Association, "The Veterans of the 106th Infantry Division" have the help and assistance of many younger people that are stepping forward, becoming Non-Veteran Members and performing all the work behind the scenes. They are all from same cut of cloth that the veterans came from. They choose impossible tasks, reduce the task to difficult, then perform the tasks admirably. We veterans thank them from our hearts.
    This was America in action. Every veteran is proud to have contributed to our way of life. The devotion and thanks at this reunion from relatives, friends and unknown devoted people are payment in full for what we did. We veterans are proud to have served our Country. Thanks for the consideration of the Sheraton Hotel, the devoted staff, our families, friends and those unknown persons that recognized us old geezers for what we are, what we believe and what we did.

NEW CD #5 due out Next Year

    Jim West and John Schaffner are once again undertaking the huge task of putting together another CD containing more of the history and stories of the 106th Infantry Division.
If you still have a story to tell, contact either of these gentlemen and let your tale be told.

The Bombing of Dresden, 1945 -- A Golden Lion POW's Vantage Point
Submitted by Jim Forsythe (424/A)
The Aftermath of the Bombing of Dresden 1945: Estimates are that 24,000 to 40,000 civilians were killed.

    I have a good answer for that late Dresden Bombing, I was there, I was a POW working on farm details and the Germans kept us POWs on the road most of the time going from farm to farm. That was cheaper than for the German Army to keep the POWs. The farmers who we worked for had to feed us and provide a place to contain us; probably at no cost to the military. Our guards also were provided with foods and shelter by the farmer.
    When I was captured, the Germans interviewed us to find out Military Information and also to find how best to place an individual for the benefit of future Germany that was intending to conquer the entire world. I having been in training as a Pilot, had been schooled that should I be shot down, caught and interviewed by German Intelligence, to perform as the dumbest dodo in the class. I was classified as "Domkof," "not the sharpest knife in the drawer," and only capable of performing farm work.
    I was placed in a category as non-technical capabilities. I credit this for saving my life, as we ate better than the POWs in prison camps.
    Many of the farmers had been through WW I and were more compassionate and humane than the younger fanatics. The farmers had a source for farm labor and the prisoners had a better life. Also the guards were either older men, Veterans of WW I and/or men with major injuries in

    WW II. All of whom had little heart to continue. They all were capable of shooting a POW for any reason and could not allow escape or special privileges for fear of being shot themselves for poor performance.
    We usually were a group of five to seven POWs with three guards. Not knocking President Roosevelt managing the war, however, we prisoners noticed that there were no more heavy hoards of four-engine bombers coming over and destroying cities. Most of the bombing was strategic bombing by fighter bombers taking out specific military targets. This was confirmed by airmen being shot down and being placed in POW camps and for the first time in a couple of years the POWs were getting factual news from those who knew.
    Before that, we only got Propaganda news from the Germans that made the POWs think and believe that the U.S. was near collapse and defeat.
    The German intelligence detected that the president had became war weary and became more passionate about saturation bombing and would only allow bombing of military targets. So the Germans found that it was safe to place divisions of infantry, tanks and artillery inside the cities. It was easy to hide the large amounts of equipment from the attention of the Americans.
Roosevelt was an authoritative person, he was advised by the military, however, he made his own decisions. "He was a

    very sick and dying man at this period in the war." When he died, Little 'Ol Harry Truman was then informed of the situation in Germany. He learned from military intelligence that the Germans were holding out longer and showing strong resistance to defeat by the security of having the equipment easily hidden within cities.
    The Germans were fighting to the end and could pull a large surprise on the Allies who were invading their land. Truman immediately ordered total destruction of any and all cities where German military equipment was known to be. Therefore, Dresden was loaded with anti-aircraft weapons, tank divisions and infantry and could hit American targets without getting hit.
    Truman declared that if we were going to win the war without great military loss that we must destroy the enemy where ever they hide. Dresden just happened to be on the list of cities with great quantities of military equipment, so he ordered the city to be obliterated. I happened to be in a group of POWs that the Germans kept on the road moving from place to place. "The Germans still believed they would win the war and wanted to keep every relatively health POW for future slave labor.
    Another problem was the English. They had fought long and hard and the American generals were somewhat hand- icapped by having to appease General Montgomery, the British commander.
    The English had prevented the loss of many Americans by fighting alone for a few years, before we were prepared to get into the fight. The English were appeased and considered by allowing them to participate in our strategy.

    Many POWS were killed at the POW camp at Limberg because, in appeasement to the British, American commanders allowed the British to perform their first night raid on a major target -- the large power plant adjacent to the POW site. The English did not have the developed bomb site as the Americans had developed and had not shared the equipment with any allies, secure that the bomb site would not fall into the axis powers. The Americans with their accurate bomb site were very accurate in taking out a specific target. The English not having the bomb site, bombed by the bombardier who only had his experience in dropping bombs. Therefore, the English planes guided by the navigator using dead reckoning and turning the authority over to the bombardier to drop the bombs when he was notified that we are over target, "let the bombs go." Therefore, a slight miss and more damage was done to the POW camp than to the power plant. The English had dropped 2,000-pound bombs on the POW camp. I was fortunate to have survived the bombing by being in the farthest corner of the prison from the power plant. Most of the officers including my company commander, Captain William Cashion who were closest to the power plant, were killed.
    Another incident is that myself and a few other POWs had been walked through Zerpst Germany, a most beautiful Resort City. We assumed to be going to a work detail in a few days, "due to approaching Russians." That would have certainly liberated us from the Germans. We were walked back through Zerpst and found that the city had been totally demolished because

    Intelligence learned that they were hiding a division of tanks and Truman attended to the problem. I believe that the U.S. was fortunate to have Roosevelt in power at this period in history. He was well-educated, from a wealthy dignified family. He had no desire to steal for money or power. He was a handicapped man from having had polio, we were fortunate to have him as president until near the end of the war when he became too ill to perform

    and died. Then came Harry S. Truman, a "Born Looser." However, he sought knowledge from the Generals and statisticians running the war. He quickly bombed the hell out of Germany and brought a quick and definitive end to the war. He also found the knowledge and dedication to use the Atomic Bomb on Japan, as horrible as it was, it was the only appropriate decision that would kill a million people to save the lives of many millions.

"The Honor Flight of a Lifetime"
Submitted by John C. Rain (589 FA/B)
    Golden Lion John "Jack" C. Rain of Alton, Illinois, submitted the photo (right) from a The Telegraph (Alton, IL) newspaper article about his experience on an Honor Flight to the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. According to his sons, who accompanied Jack on the flight, "it was one of the proudest days of their lives, seeing their father experience the day in Washington, D.C." Jack appreciated the hundreds of people who came to the airport to greet them when the veterans returned home later that night. "We were greeted by a cheering crowd, music and people were slapping us on our backs, shaking our hands and thanking us for our service to our country, it was wonderful." Jack Rain who was a prisoner of war, returned home to marry his wife of 64 years, Betty Rain, and is extremely grateful of the experience provided by the Honor Flight Program.

Three Golden Lions buried at the US Military Cemetery at Neuville-en-Condroz
Submitted by Wes Johnston

    A while back, the nephew of a 7th Armored Division man who died as a POW during World War II made contact with Wes Johnston. Mr. Johnston wanted to help and realized that he had photographed the nephew's uncle's cross at the Ardennes US Military Cemetery at Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium on 17 September 1998.

    When Mr. Johnston began to scan copies of the photos he took at the cemetery back in 1998, he realized that he had also taken the pictures of the crosses of three men of 106th Infantry Division. Here are the photos and names of the three Golden Lions in Mr. Johnston's photo reel.

Sgt. Lester P. Chehock
Pvt. Earl D. Pierce
Captain Russell A. Freas Jr.,

Three Golden Lions Provide Similar, Yet Unique Experiences of the Battle of the Bulge
Submitted by Golden Lion Harold J. Kuizema (589 FA/B), from Grand Rapids, MI

    These three soldiers, still trim in their uniforms, are bound by the memory of a bitter fight, the Battle of the Bulge. Private Kuizema, a wiremen with the 589th Field Artillery Battalion, was 19 years old when his unit took up position near Schloenberg, Belgium. Suddenly attacked by Panzers (German tanks), the 589th FA was repeatedly forced to retreat, losing many men in the process.
    At the crossroads called "Baraque de Fraiture," remnants of the 589th FA and other units made a stand in the snow and fog. Named the "Battle of Parker's Crossroads" in honor of the 588th's commander, Major Arthur Parker, the five-day defense, which effectively delayed the Germans, is now seen as one of the most intense and strategic actions of the war.
    Wounded in his foxhole, when a shell fragment ripped open his thumb, Kuizema evacuated to the command post for aid, where he witnessed horrific scenes of wounded men, when a shell hit the building, forcing him and a friend to run out for an open field and into the woods. In the process, Kuizema was hit a second time, this time in the thigh. He ended up spending four months in a hospital.

    Werf, charged with scouting locations for gun emplacements, had his position over run by Germans. For the next nine days he and a few friends survived on whatever they could eat or drink as they worked to evade German forces.
    Steensma's survival is miraculous. On the number one gun at the beginning of the battle, a shell landed nearby and he ended up losing his leg to amputation due to his injuries. He had a long road before him to recovery. Today all three men remember their service, and while they would not trade the experience for a "nickel," they certainly do not wish to go through it again.

In another part of the Ardennes, Sergeant Al Vander

Pictured are Private Harold Kuizema, Sergeant Al Vander Werf, and Corporal John Steensma

Veterans and Family of the 106th Infantry Division TATTOO Requests
    With space in The CUB at a premium, yet Reunited Buddies and Their Families an important commodity, the editor of The CUB of the Golden Lion created the following list [In Their Own Words, most often] of inquires submitted to him in hopes of helping people get in touch with the 106th I.D. Association Family. The following are requests for information. Feel free to contact them if you believe you can be of assistance. The CUB staff has received permission from all listed below to print their inquiry and their contact email (phone and address when available).
    In addition, Non-Veteran member Connie Pratt Baseman, daughter of Lt. Gerald Pratt (Field Artillery), has been one of three people helping to manage the 106th's online "message board" (set up by Jim West) for people to write an inquiry, looking for comrades, or for people who might have known a relative who is now gone. Sadly, some inquires sit unanswered when the answers may be out there with a reader of The CUB who doesn't use a computer. The list has gotten quite long and Connie has asked that whenever there is room in The CUB we add a few of the requests. You can find messages like these below, along with other searches on the 106th Message Board at the following Web address:
    In late March 2011, Ms. Baseman asked that we let the 106th Infantry Division Association know that she has moved Division Association information to a prominent spot at the top of the discussion board.

    Brad Hillard -- My name is Brad Hillard and I am the son of Everett S. Hillard, from Santa Cruz, California. I hope someone remembers him and might have served with him.
    I am most interested in learning which unit he started with and which unit he ended the war with. I know he was in the 106th . . . and I believe that after the Bulge began his unit was scattered or more or less wiped out . . . I have paperwork of his that shows him as being in both the 424th and 422nd. It is possible he started with the 422nd and ended with the 424th. I have clippings from a Stars & Stripes article which mentions he was in La Vaugh with Don Beseler, whom I spoke to but who does not remember him. I believe he was also in Coulle and was injured from shrapnel. If anyone remembers or has any information on my father please contact me at or 5714 Folsom Blvd. #276, Sacramento, CA 95819

    Russell Robert Carr -- My name is Jeffery Carr from Chicago area. I am looking for help in find my father's WW II records. His official records were destroyed in the St. Louis fire. My father Russell Robert Carr was inducted into the Army in September 1942 and went over seas during 1943. His separation reports have him being in these battles: Sicilian, Rome, and Arno, then he left the area and went on to central Europe and the Rhineland. The only divisions that were in the first two were the 3rd I.D. and the 45th I.D. (they have been no help). I think he came to your division sometime in November or December 1945. He left your division sometime in September 1945 to be sent home for high points (is what the

    webmaster of the 255th told me). He was overseas for 2 years, 6 months, so I know he did not begin with you. If anyone can supply his info about his time in your division I would appreciate it, and could then follow his trial backwards. My father died in 1969, I was 12 then and there is no one in my family that is alive that can fill in the blanks. The only info I have is name rank and serial #. Russell Robert Carr, PFC, 36 373 276. You may contact me at the following email:

    In Response To A Tattoo Request -- Submitted by Everett Firth Perryman (424/A) Golden Lion Everett Perryman (424/A) submitted the following comments to the readership of The CUB after reading Golden Lion Archie Ross's "request for information article" in the May-August 2011 issue of The CUB:
    I joined the 424/A the first week of February 1945. The company commander was 2nd Lt. Donald Besler and the leader of the first platoon to which I was assigned was 2nd Lt. St. John. Very possibly these are the Beseler and St. John mentioned on page 29 of the May-August 2011 issue of The CUB. I also spelled Besler's name as Beseler. We exchanged a couple of emails, but he didn't remember me so that ended that exchange.

    (L-R) Sgt. Thomas O'Neill, Cpl. James T. Gordon, unknown Sgt., Pvt. 1st Class Kietsman. Photo taken by Pvt. 1st Class Eugene Yetmar in Rennes, France. All pictured were in the 424/A

Looking for Information about 106th Members
    This is a new series that we are introducing asking members of the Association for assistance. We will be listing the name and rank, if known, of those whose CUBs were returned to us by the U.S. Postal Service as not deliverable. If you have any information about any of these people, please contact the membership chair Harry Martin at: 121 McGregor Avenue, Mount Arlington, NJ 07856, 973-663-2410, or --Thank you.
Returned CUBs since May-August issue

Bill Mundy 423/HQ 2BN
Frederick Wilkerson 2nd ARMD/C
Earl T. Topper
Fred J. Broussard 423/L
John D. Zahn 424/L

Bernard Weiner 424/AT
Robert C. Homan 423/E
Jeff C. Patzner 589/C
Louis Letellier III 422/CN
Mervin S. Smith

A Golden Lion Recounts His Experiences with "The Fog of War"
Submitted, hand-written by Paul E. Stone, 422/81st Eng

    This story starts on the day after the German attack, which would come to be known as the Battle of the Bulge, at 1800 hours, in Bleialf, Belgium. On the second day of the attack, December 17, many men of the 422nd unit and elements of the 81st Eng, were boxed up in houses' basements. Many officers were not to be found. Sgt. Kolster and myself -- 81st Cpl. Stone -- were sent out as scouts to access routes of escape and set up a guard post. We drew from over 200 men. The men just needed guidance. I, Stone, sat a number of times in an outpost that night. A bazooka post was needed and I said I would take it.
    I asked for a man who knew [how to handle a] bazooka. One came up to the post with me. It was on a dirt road over 500 feet out from our last outpost. Our mission was to fire on German units half-tracks, etc. that were coming down the road -- to fire and disrupt -- saying that they were still here.
    The entire area was infiltrated with English-speaking German troops dressed as American troops. These were trained by Col. Otto Skorzeny, who had been hand-picked by Adolph Hitler. (Note) It was one of them that roared up a hill (I was there) in a jeep. A MSGT stood up and shouted out where is the commanding officer? A captain looked around and said, "I guess I am Sgt. I am from the General. We found a way out!
You are to follow me. We only have a few hours to get out." We stood in bewilderment as we prepared to move

out, because a huge pot of beef stew was just ready. It had been three days with no food.
    The jeep turned around and went down the hill. Trucks roared to life, men jumped on, the stew was dumped over. Men raced down the hill, rifles and equipment everywhere. I went back to the outpost tree to help the man I had been in the fox hole with. I then went down the hill. The first jeep disappeared, the second hit a mine. They turned to a second road again. The lead jeep blew up. That's it! I thought. We just milled around. It's over!)
    I, Cpl. Stone, and the GI walked to our guard post. Two men left. The post was a four-foot deep hole, snow on the ground, mud in the boots. I said, "Alright, let's get this bazooka loaded." He said, "I don't know how."
"What? Why did you come?" "I just wanted to kill a kraut."
    "Ahh? Why? Are you expendable?" I asked. We are just here to warn our guys. If we have to fire, we are goners with what you know. Fire comes out both ends of a bazooka. They will fire back with grenades and gunfire. At this time he broke down and started to sob. I told him to be quiet. He could not.
I told him to leave. He did.
    In just a few minutes I heard the fence squeak. It was him. He forgot the password. He had left around midnight and it was now 0500 hours. Two men came and relieved me. It was very dark. At about 500 feet, by the curve in the

road, "Halt" sounded out in the black. Then, "friend or foe?"
"Friend," I replied.
"O.K. What is the password?" I quickly gave the password.
    "Wrong" came back with the click of a machine gun going on half-cock. And a voice to my left of the first voice says, "I got my grenade out. He's a kraut, sarge." "Didn't you get a password when you got relined?" spoke the sergeant. "No. I forgot and so did they." A long pause took place.
"OK," spoke the Sgt. One more time, who is ‘Connie Mack?'"
    "I don't know," said I. When the machine gun went full-cock the other voice said "I got the pin out sarge, let me throw it. I know right where he is.
Wow, I thought. "Hey, hey sergeant, can you bear with me for a moment?"
"Well, yes, you aren't going any place!"
"OK. Well, if you would in your mind change places with me."
"Hmm, well OK. Go ahead." "Alright," I said. "Who wrote the Polanize concerto? And what did Mozart write?
The sergeant replied, "What the hell are you talking about?"
"Well," I spoke up, "like the Viennese waltz, old stuff. That's what I'm getting at, I didn't know either."
"OK," said the sergeant, "that long-hair stuff. Oh yeah, now I get it. Now, one more time. . . "
Whew, I thought. Mickey Mouse.
Yes, I replied, I know him. Horace Horsecollar is his very best friend. Yes, yes, I know.
"OK, last chance, what is his girlfriend's name?" asked the sarge.

Without hesitation I spoke, "Clarabelle Cow!*"
The man near the sergeant, with the grenade spoke. "I don't believe him. Let me throw my grenade."
    "No, no. He is one of us. Put that pin back now," and told the other man to turn the gun's barrel and disengage it. "Come on in," they remarked.
Those were good words.
All our men were queasy and never sure about Germans in our uniforms.

    Today, I, Paul E. Stone am still here, currently in Harrison, AR, after 35 years in Michigan. I used to attend mini- reunions for Stalag 9A-9B Berga.
We were down to 14 at the last count at the June 2011 meeting.

    * Clarabelle Cow is a Disney fictional character within the Mickey Mouse universe of characters. Clarabelle Cow was created by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks in 1928. Clarabelle Cow is one of Minnie Mouse's best friends and is usually depicted as the girl friend of Horace Horsecollar.

The Importance of a Mini Reunion
by Ed Christianson 331st MedBn/C Mini-Reunion Chairman
    Of corollary importance to the Annual Reunion are the individual "mini- reunions" which are held throughout the year in various locations around the country. In the past, a reunion provided a social event whereby men of the 106th and their ladies gather close to that infamous date of 16 December to remember fellow men with whom they served.
    A dozen or more years ago The CUB would be filled with pictures and stories of men proudly gathered under a banner of the "Golden Lion." I am sad to report that for the year 2009 only 14 mini-reunions were reported. For these groups, I am thankful and I encourage you to keep it up. For others whose interests may have dwindled, or haven't gotten around to hosting a reunion yet, I invite you to do so this year. I assure you that it will be a satisfying experience for you. If you need further encouragement please contact me. My contact information is on the inside cover of this CUB.
Fraternal Regards, Ed

106 Infantry Division Michigan Veterans 2011 Reunion
Submitted by Ellsworth H. Schanerberger, 106 Infantry Division Michigan Veterans, Chairman

    The 106th Infantry Division Michigan Veterans held their annual reunion and dinner, October 30, 2011 at the Embassy Suites of Livonia, MI.
    This was the eleventh year that we have returned to this site. Chairman Ellsworth Schanerberger called for the colors at 3:15 PM by Joseph Salvia and the color guard with Taps. Our first guest followed with the presentation of the Invocation and recognition of those veterans that had given their lives for freedom.
    As Chairman, I had the distinct pleasure of introducing our first guest for the afternoon, a man who held head- coaching positions at the college level, in the NFL and the Naval Academy.
After leaving coaching, he stayed with sports as a sports broadcaster. He is
an outstanding speaker with a singular

    passion for the Armed Forces Academies and veterans. Our guest, Rick Forzano delivered an unforgettable invocation, followed by a moment of silent recognition. He then gave an inspiring tribute to the veterans present for their service to the flag, and their country.
    An excellent dinner was enjoyed by all 51 attendees guests and veterans: Anthony Rand, Francis Cook, Wm. Martin, John (Jack) Roberts, E.H. Schanerberger, Stanley Kups, Charles Reeber, John Platkowski, Willis Bouma, Dr. Jack Clark, Richard Rutz, and Herb Eldelman. Unfortunately, we had three other veterans that had to make last- minute cancellations. We did, however, have the rare privileged to have as part of our color guard, a WW II representative from the U.S. Navy join us for dinner.

    As Chairman, I was also afforded the opportunity of introducing our second guest of the afternoon, retired First Sgt. TRP C, 1/238 CAV, 38 Division Michigan Army National Guard Joseph M. Salvia. A man who actively contributes time to veteran activities both in civilian and government at all levels, he has been the recipient of many community, state, and national awards for patriotism and service to veterans.
    Immediately following dinner, our second guest Joseph Salvia proceeded to ask for a moment of silence to recognize the passing just prior to the reunion of Thomas Roberts, an Non-Veteran member. Joseph then proceeded with a very entertaining program that included

    the posting of flags for the POW, Army, Navy, Coast Guard, and Marines as a tribute to each service, a hilarious half-hour of jokes and reminiscing with WW II music.
    Joseph concluded his program with the presentation of a personal tribute to each veteran in attendance. A personally- designed medal that was individually presented to each veteran, with words expressing his personal appreciation for their service to their country.
I would like to extend my personal appreciation and thanks to our two guest "for a day to remember."
    The reunion ended with the taking of pictures and some happy good-nights that allowed a few of our attendees time to drive the 300 miles back home.

Non-Veteran Member Organizing a "Battle of the Bulge" Tour in Belgium for Next May
by Tim Blixt
To be run under the auspices of Milspec Tours -- and specifically, our guide, Patrick Hinchy


    Milspec Tours, of Flourtown, Pennsylvania, has organized a "Battle of the Bulge" tour for May 13–20, 2012. The tour will focus primarily on actions in the northern shoulder of the Bulge with a focus on the actions of the 106th Infantry Division.

Milspec's homepage can be found on the web at:

    The tour itinerary and registration information can be found on the Milspec website at: http://www. uploads/106th-Bulge-Battlefield- Tour-2012-3.pdf
Milspec can also be reached by phone at 800-953-5812. Just ask for the brochure for the 106th I.D. tour.

A Request from Jim West
    I just completed getting all the available issues of the Camp Atterbury CAMP CRIER, the weekly newspaper of the time you were in training there, on the website. All are available under the "Camp Atterbury" selection, and "Publications".
The quality leaves a lot to be desired. The copies were taken from old, much-used microfilm, and some are just

unreadable. What you see is the best that I can find.
    If you should have any original copies, I would be very interested in scanning and returning them to you. Please let me know if you have any, and would be interested in sharing.

Please email him at

––Date of Death: February 3, 2011
Submitted by Murray Stein

––Date of Death: unknown
Widow of Golden Lion Dan Bied
Reported by her sister

––Date of Death: September 20, 2011
    Jacques W. Bloch passed away at the Bronx VA Medical Center at age 91. He was a former POW (Battle of the Bulge, Stalag 11 B, Follingbostel). He served as Food and Nutitrion Director at Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY for 37 years and after retirement became a volunteer at the VA Hospital for more than 15 years and was very active in their POW group. He was buried with full military honors. He is sadly missed by his wife of 62 years, Jean Bloch, his two children and six grandchildren.
Reported by Norman A. Bloch, son

––Date of Death: June 8, 2010
Reported by his wife, Ola Brown

Not Reported
––Date of Death: March 13, 2010
    He passed away in West Jordan, Utah, surrounded by his loving wife and family. He suffered for the past number of months from the effects of cancer and heart disease, never complaining through this trial and always staying strong and grateful for the care given to him by family and professionals. Wally was born in Herriman, Utah. He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Juanita Pierce Butterfield; children R. James (Barbara) Butterfield, Sherrie (David) Shoell, and Christine Martin; nine grandchildren and 21 great grandchil- dren; and a brother, Jeff Butterfield.
    Wally attended Jordan High School (graduating from adult education later in life). After high school, he joined the Army during World War II and was assigned to the 106th Infantry. He was sent to Germany where he fought in the Battle of the Bulge. He was captured and spent approximately four months as a POW, during which time he endured many hardships. He was a true patriot and loved his country. He never took his freedom for granted. After his release from the military, he met Juanita Pierce on a blind date. They enjoyed a wonderful courtship and were married on November 13, 1946. They were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple, along with their three children, on February 12, 1960. This began a lifetime of dedi- cated service in the LDS Church. He was a faithful home teacher, ward clerk, high priest group leader, counselor in a bishopric, and had many other callings. Published in Deseret News on March 18, 2010
Submitted by Brian Welke, via Jim West

BYNUM, AVIS Not Reported
––Date of Death: unknown
Submitted by Harry Martin

––Date of Death: February 20, 2007
    Mr. Cram was born May 7, 1921 in Manchester, NH. He attended schools in Manchester and also attended the University of New Hampshire in Durham. Mr. Cram served in the U. S. Army during WWII from May, 1943 to November, 1945. He went overseas on the Queen Elizabeth, part of the 19,000 servicemen with the 106th Division 423rd Infantry Regiment, Cannon Co. and served with the Army Corps of Engineers. He was a POW, being captured at the Battle of the Bulge on December 16, 1944. He had been a member of the P.O.W. Chapter of NH since its second year of organization and was a director for ten years and was a former member of the Monasota Chapter of Ex-Prisoner of War in Bradenton, Florida. Mr. Cram was employed as an inspector for the Federal Aviation Administration for thirty-two years.
Submitted by Brian Welke, via Jim West

––Date of Death: May 14, 2011
    "William "Bill" C. Davis, 93, of Gering, passed away at The Residency Care Center in Scottsbluff. Bill was born Jan. 13, 1918 in Moravia, Iowa to Carl and Isal Davis. He graduated from Chadron State College. In 1941, he taught Social Studies and coached at Morrill High School. He was united in marriage to Maxine Shoopman on August of 1941 in Alliance. Bill entered the U.S. Army July 30, l942, and served during WWII. He served in Germany and the Battle of the Bulge and earned

    the Bronze Star. He was honorably discharged October 23, 1945. Bill started in own business, Davis Realty, retiring in 1981. He loved his God, country, family, friends, Huskers, golf and his childhood dog Buster.
    Submitted by Bill Tooke, who states that "Bill was older than many of us at the time and became known to us as Pops".

––Date of Death: July 30, 2011
He is survived by his wife Mary Grasso and many children and grandchildren.
Submitted by John Robb, via Sol Kravitz

––Date of Death: August 13, 2011
    Husband of Marion Hass for 66 years, Survived by son, William (Susan) Hass and daughter, Karen (the late Timothy) Hart; his granddaughters Shanon (Eric) Andresen, Anne (Hector) Castillo and Kara Hass and sister Nancy Babich.
    Robert was very proud of his great grandchildren Brandon and Brooklynne Andresen and Kelsie and Kamryn Castillo. Bob was a World War II veteran, having participated in the Battle of the Bulge. He was an employee of Wisconsin Electric Power for 36 years. He was a member of the Operating Engineers Union and a member of the American Legion #180. It is family lore that he left for Europe a young man and returned with a full head of grey hair.
    He disliked tomato juice and the cold because of his wartime experiences and spent a lifetime trying to avoid both. He had a quiet dignity and was loved and respected by all who knew him."
Reported by his son, William Hass.

––Date of Death: not reported
    My father, Joseph H. Hodge, was a private in Company E, 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Division and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. He was captured on Dec. 16, 1944, a prisoner of war in Germany at Stalag IV-B from Dec. 1944 until May 1945. He passed away in 1984 from an accident at work. My father never spoke very much about the war, but did have some memorabilia, including his Stalag IV-B "dog-tags" which he always carried with him. He lost about 40 lbs. while a prisoner, but always said that he ate as well as the German population at the time. He also said that he and other prisoners were taken into towns to help clear roads, railroad lines, etc. after bombings by the Allies. I would like to hear from anyone who might remember my father. Ms. Clemens may be reached at 1032 Hamilton Blvd, Hagerstown, MD 21742 or by phone at 301-393-3714.
Submitted by Mary Jo Clemens, via Brain Welke and Jim West

––Date of Death: June 12, 2003
    He was buried at the Bourne National Veterans' Cemetery in Bourne, Massachusetts. His widow, Virginia I. Kelly passed away in 2006 and is buried with him.
Submitted by their daughter Ginnie Kelly-Todd, via Jim West

––Date of Death: July 31, 2011
    Hugh McKee Kingery, 86, a long- time Birmingham resident died at home. A WW II combat veteran, Mr. Kingery was captured in the Battle of the Bulge and spent six months in a German prison camp as a prisoner of war. For years he attended the 106th Infantry Division Reunions and was an active member in the organization. He was a graduate of Iowa State University and a member of the Beta Theta Phi Fraternity. Mr. Kingery was a long time member and elder at Briarwood Presbyterian Church. Mr. Kingery is survived by his wife, Nina Hamilton Kingery and three sons.
Reported by his wife, Nina Kingery

LATA, Walter 422/H
––Date of Death: April 23, 2011
    From Henderson, NV, Walter was a POW and a devoted husband to his wife Lois Lata, whom he cared for, for many years after she became blind.
Reported to The CUB publisher by his close friend, Robert Snovel, 422/H

––Date of Death: January 6, 2011
    Mr. Le Blanc was born in Fitch- burg, MA on October 20, 1925 and lived there for 40 years before moving to Leominster, MA. He was married to Clare Le Blanc, who died in 1970 and to Jeanette Le Blanc, who died in 2003. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II. For over 40 years, he worked as a paper maker, retiring in 1987. Alfred belonged to the American Legion Post 429 in Fitchburg, the Fitchburg Friendship Club, and the Leominster Senior Citizens. He is survived by sons and daughters-in-law, as well as stepchildren, and many grand- children – one of which kindly reported his death.
Submitted by Karrie Bennett,

––Date of Death: 1984
    He served in the 106th Infantry Division from 19 Mar 43 thru 18 Aug 44 when he was sent to Infantry Officer Candidate School (OCS). In March 43 he was a Private, in April 43 promoted to Corporal and in July 43 promoted to Sergeant. On 4 Feb 44 he was promoted to Staff Sergeant. His awards while with the 106th included a Good Conduct Medal, Expert Infan- tryman Badge, Expert Qualification Badge (Rifle, Machine Gun and Mortar) and Sharpshooter Badge (Carbine and .30 Caliber). He was a Heavy Weapons NCO (81 mm Mortar) as a Staff Sergeant. He was at Fort Jackson, on Tennessee Maneuvers and at Camp Atterbury. As he was sent off to OCS, he departed the 106th Infantry Division in late Aug 44.
Submitted by his son Dan Matthews,
via Jim West

––Date of Death: June 27, 2011
    Golden Lion Miracle lived in Water- town, NY, a town that believes they were first to recognize Memorial Day and they always celebrate Memorial Day on May 30 no matter what day is recognized by the government as the day Memorial Day will be celebrated.
Submitted by Firth Perryman

––Date of Death: October 1, 2009
    He graduated from Waterloo East Iowa High School and was an excellent athlete in baseball, wrestling and boxing. Richard, as did most young men, enlisted in the Army shortly after the start of WW II. He was a medic with the 423rd Regiment, 106th Infantry Division and was involved in the Battle of the Bulge in Belgium where he was captured along with most of his company and spent the next four months as a POW in Stalags IV-B (Muhlberg) and VIII-A (Gorlitz).
    When Russian troops got close, Richard and others walked the next 54 days through Germany where hunger, weather and disease claimed the lives of many of his fellow soldiers. After being left for dead, he escaped and was eventually liberated by Gen. Patton's forces in April 1945. Richard was then evacuated to a hospital in France, then went by ship to the U.S., where he spent time in various medical facilities until his discharge in November 1945.
    He graduated from the University of Iowa with degrees in Chemistry and Electronics in 1949. He also completed his teaching certification at the University of Northern IA. Richard and Carol Ritchie met while working at Rath Packing and married in June 1947. They and sons, Allen Ritchie and Bruce Ritchie, moved to Biloxi, MS where he taught radar to Air Force personnel at Keesler AFB.
    Richard was a strong supporter of the VFW, Ex-POWs, and along with Carol, attended several Ex-POW reunions in Europe and throughout the U.S. Some of his experiences are condensed in the book "Long Hard Road" by Thomas Saylor.
Published in Star Tribune from Oct. 2 to 4, 2009
Submitted by Brian Welke, via Jim West

––Date of Death: December 2, 2010
    He was the beloved husband of the late Shirley M (Jackson) Romoli. Born in Pawtucket, RI, he was the son of the late Merino and Anna Romoli, and was a lifelong resident of the city. An Army Veteran of WW II, Mr. Romoli was an ex POW, having served in Germany.
    Before his retirement, Mr. Romoli was employed by the Pawtucket Postal Service for many years. He was a member and former commander of the American Ex-Prisoners of War Chapter 1 and the RI Chapter 24 of the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge. He is survived by a son, James J. Walker; 2 daughters, Susan L. Leeming and Judith A. Barlow; and 3 grandchildren, Ian Leeming, and Timothy and Jennifer Barlow."
Submitted by Brian Welke

––Date of Death: September 13, 2011
    Al was married to Martha Siekierski for 68 years and was the father of one son and two daughters. He resided in Placentia,
    CA at the time of his death. Al was a career Army officer retiring with the rank of Lt. Colonel. As a 1st Lt. Battery Executive Officer he trained with the "C" Battery, 592nd FA Bn at Ft. Jackson, SC, went on maneuvers with the Division in Tennessee, then to Camp Atterbury for overseas combat training, Camp Miles Standish, on board the USCGSS Wakefield, Liverpool, England.
    On December 1, 1944 his unit crossed the English Channel on rough seas aboard an a LSC and after several bivouacs went on the front lines with 592/C at Laudesfeld, Germany on December 10, 1944. Lt. Siekerskie was an intelligent officer with skilled leadership abilities that commanded the respect of his firing battery personnel. He was a fearless medium artillery officer and he was featured in two books for his combat heroism. . . One book titled "St. Vith -- Lion In The Way" by Colonel R. Ernest Dupuy and the other titled "ESCAPE!!! The True Story of a World War II POW The Germans Couldn't Hold" by John M. ‘Jack' Roberts. Each described how he faced the advancing Germans on December 16, 1944 when he assumed the role of a Forward Observer at his battery gun position and standing on a pile of ammunition directed the fire of his battery on the enemy as it advanced toward his battery's position.
Reported by John M. Jack" Roberts (592/C)

    ––Date of Death: February 25, 2005 He lived in Vandergrift, Pennsylvania the majority of his life. He passed away in Chesapeake, VA and was returned to Spring Church, PA for burial.
Submitted by Tracey Smith, Granddaughter of William "Bill" Shellhammer

––Date of Death: September 6, 2011
    Golden Lion Kenneth Smith passed away at Good Samaritan Hospital in Vincennes, ID. He was born on January 25, 1925, in Bridgeport, ID. He married Mary Goodson on May 20, 1945 in Mt. Carmel, ID and survives her husband.
During the Battle of the Bulge he was taken prisoner on December 19, 1944. During his service he earned the

continues on page 46

    Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. He is a loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. His family plans to have a memorial service with full military honors at a later date in Casper, Wyoming.
Submitted by Murray Stein

––Date of Death: April 14, 2010
    Born John Edward Wyzkoski and affectionately known as Bougie, 84, of Conneaut Lake, died at home. He was born in Pittsburgh, Sept. 9, 1925. He married Rosemarie J. Sankovic on Dec. 26, 1953, and she preceded him in death March 13, 2004. He owned and operated John E. West Marketing Group and always referred to himself as a "peddler." He attended Potomac State College in Keyser, W.Va., where he played football. He then gradu- ated in 1955 from the University of Pittsburgh. He was a veteran of World War II, serving in the U.S. Army as a heavy mortar crewman in Co. B, 423rd Infantry Regiment in Europe.
Submitted by Brian Welke, via Jim West

Editor's Special Notification:

Rita Power Lifetime Non-Veteran Member
––Date of Death: October 2, 2011
    Mrs. Rita Power of Houston passed away peacefully Sunday morning, the 2nd of October 2011, at her home in North Houston. Immediate survivors include her husband, Harold "Hal" Power; daughter, Elise Power of Dallas; and son, Jeffrey Power of Houston. The family gathered for a Memorial Service at Temple Emanuel in Dallas, Texas on October 26, 2011, and an interment service at Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia which was presided over by a chaplain with the rank of General on Friday, October 28, 2011. Golden Lion Hal Power (422/C) said in a recent email to family and friends, "thoughts and prayers are a tribute to my beautiful wife and best friend for more than 66 wonderful years."
Reported by her husband, Golden Lion Hal Power (422/C) of Houston, Texas

MR. LESLIE L. BROWN, former supplier of 106th Infantry
Division Bolo Ties
––Date of Death: not reported
    Sadly, Mr. Leslie L. Brown of 4132 East 36th Place, Tulsa, OK passed away in October 2011. His family informed the Editor of the CUB that all of Mr. Brown's Bolo Ties and related memorabilia have been sent to museum folks in Wellsburg, West Virginia. Mr. Brown was not a member of the 106th Infantry Division, but he was a faithful friend and supplier for over 20 years to the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge, and was well liked by many in the 106th Infantry Division Association.
He served in the Pacific Theatre of Operations during World War II.
Reported by Jim Forsythe, confirmed by CUB Editor

Co-founder of Apple
––Date of Death: October 5, 2011
Reported by Jim Forsythe

65th Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association
Sheraton Baltimore City Center Hotel, Baltimore, MD -- Sept. 14 to 18, 2011

Above, the 106th's welcome banner hangs in the entrance of the hotel for all to see

    Left, the flag flies over Fort McHenry, where Francis Scott Key observed the Battle of Baltimore from a truce ship in Baltimore Harbour and wrote the words that are now our National Anthem.

Above, the Wood family

Left, Army re-enactors were the color guard at the banquet

Right, the pipe organ and interior of the Chapel at Annapolis.

Lower left, Sy Lichtenfeld and his wife visit with their grandson, who is attending Annapolis.

Lower right, the Inner Harbor of Baltimore

    We are all feeling the effects of the current financial upheaval, including the 106th I.D. Association. The Annual Dues of $10 are no longer billed or collected. We are now accepting only donations for membership, memorials and Life Plus.
    The previously-allowed payment of $75 for Life Membership creates a financial shortfall, as our expenses exceeds our income.
Our solution?
We are asking you to join the
    Those Members who contribute to the LIFE PLUS+ Club will have their names (only, no amounts will be shown) published in the next CUB.

You can donate as much or as little as you can, and as often as you like.
By donating, you are helping perpetuate the 106th Infantry Division Association.

    To those Members who we haven't heard from for a long time -- please take the time to join this exclusive club. Thank you!

Send your contribution, check made payable to 106th Infantry Div. Association, to:
Harry F. Martin Jr.
Treasurer, 106th Infantry Division
121 McGregor Ave., Mount Arlington, NJ 07856

106th Sig. Co., 9
2nd BN, 424, 8
2nd BN, 424th, 8
423rd Inf., 40
423rd Inf. Regt., 36, 40
423rd Regt., 14, 39
589th FA, 6, 10, 28
589th FA BN, 10
591st FA BN, 9
592nd FA BN, 11, 39
7th Armd. Div., 28
81st Cbt. Engr., 9
Allen, Archie, 10
Alphonse, Willie A., 35
Ambersley, M/Sgt. G.B., 5
AmVets Of Indiana, 14
Andresen, Brandon & Brooklynne, 37
Andresen, Shanon (Eric), 37
Arbeitskommando Slaughterhouse Five, 20
Ardennes, 28, 29
Ardennes Offensive, 18
Arlington National Cemetery, 41
Arnheim, 18
Asher, Al, 10
Babich, Nancy, 37
Baraque De Fraiture, 29
Bare, Robert N., 10
Barlow, Judith A., 39
Barlow, Timothy & Jennifer, 39
Baseman, Connie Pratt, 29
Batova, Mrs., 19
Batova, Natasha, 16
Batova, Nina, 16
Battle of Parker's Crossroads, 29
Beeth, Lyle, 1
Belgium, 8, 9, 39
Bennett, Karrie, 11, 38
Berga, 33
Berga-Am-Elster, 6
Berga-Am-Elster, Germany, 7
Berk, 9
Berk, Germany, 9
Beseler, Don, 30
Besler, Lt. Donald, 30
Bied, Dan, 35
Bied, Mildred 'Millie', 35
Birmingham, 37
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 1
Bleialf, Belgium, 31
Bloch, Jacques W., 35
Bloch, Jean, 35
Bloch, Norman A., 35
Blum, Lt. Gen. H. Steven, 5
Bobylev, Dmitry, 16
Bobylev, Mr., 18
Bohm, Betty J., 11
Born, 39, 40
Bouma, Willis, 34
Bowen, John D., 8
Broussard, Fred J., 31
Brown, Douglas D., 35
Brown, Leslie L., 41
Brown, Ola, 35
Brumfield, Vernon, 11
Brumfield, Vernon E., 10
Buchanan, Scott, 11
Buchanan, Tabetha, 11
Busier, William, 10
Butterfield, Jeff, 36
Butterfield, Juanita Pierce, 36
Butterfield, R. James (Barbara), 36
Butterfield, Wallace Rulon, 35
Butyrlev, Mr., 18
Butyrlin, Sergey, 16
Bynum, Avis, 36
Caldwell, Jesse, 10
Call, George, 11
Camp Atterbury, 22, 35, 38, 39
Camp Atterbury Photo Album, 14
Camp Atterbury, Ind., 11
Camp Atterbury, Indiana, 10
Camp Miles Standish, 39
Carr, Jeffery, 30
Carr, Russell Robert, 30
Cashion, Capt. William, 27
Castillo, Anne (Hector), 37
Castillo, Kelsie & Kamryn, 37
Chehock, Sgt. Lester P., 28
Chirumbole, Thomas, 11
Chiverella, Ronald A., 11
Chiverella, Sharon A., 11
Christianson, Ed, 1, 4, 33
Christianson, Edward, 1
Christianson, Mary, 3, 5, 11
Clark, Dr. Jack, 34
Clemens, Mary Jo, 37
Co. E, 423rd Inf. Regt., 37
Coin, Joseph, 10
Cook, Francis, 34
Coulle, 30
Craig, Col., 8
Craig, Col. Malin, Jr., 8
Cram, Milton B, Sr., 36
Cucarola, Joe, 10, 20
Davis, Carl & Isal, 36
Davis, William, 36
Davis, William 'Bill' C., 36
De Francesco, Laura, 11
Dicks, Rusty, 11
Dipietro, Salvatore, 10
Div. Arty., 9
Doxsee, Gifford, 20
Dresden, 25, 26, 27
Dresden Bombing, 26
Dresden, Germany, 20
Driscoll-Bionda, Donna, 23
Dumont, Robert, 12
Dupuy, Col. R. Ernest, 40
Eaton, Pam, 11
Eldelman, Herb, 34
'Escape!!!', 40
Faulkner, Carol, 12
Faulkner, Dean, 12
Formicheva, Tatiania, 16
Forsythe, Jim, 25, 41
Fort Jackson, 38
Forzano, Rick, 33
Freas, Capt. Russell A., Jr., 28
Ft. Jackson, SC, 39
Galanti, Paul, 5
Gardner, Dr. Joe & Sharon, 24
Gardner, Joseph V., 12
Gardner, Sharon L., 12
Garrison, Beth, 12
Gatens, John, 6, 10
Germany, 6, 9, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 39
Glatterer, Col., 9
Glatterer, Lt. Col. Milton S., 9
Goodson, Mary, 40
Gordon, Cpl. James T., 30
Gorlitz, 39
Grasso, Mary, 37
Grasso, Salvatore, 37
Gruenfelder, Clifferd, 10
Halle, 19
Hart, Karen (The Late Timothy), 37
Harter, Teresa Mary, 12
Hass, Kara, 37
Hass, Marion, 37
Hass, Robert W., 37
Hass, William, 37
Hass, William (Susan), 37
Herndon, Don, 6
Herndon, Donald F., 2
Hillard, Brad, 30
Hillard, Everett S., 30
Hinchy, Patrick, 34
Hitler, Adolph, 31
Hodge, Joseph H., 37
Hoff, Russ, 5
Hoff, Tom, 1, 2, 3, 5, 13
Holmes, Bradford, 10
Homan, Robert C., 31
Honsfeld, Germany, 9
Horan, John, 10
Hunningen, Belgium, 9
Jobs, Steve, 41
Johnston, Wes, 28
Jones, Alan W., Jr., 10
Kazakova, Mrs., 19
Kazakova, Svetlana, 16
Keesler Afb, 39
Kelly, C.J., 13
Kelly, John H., 37
Kelly, Virginia I., 37
Kelly-Todd, Ginnie, 37
Key, Francis Scott, 41
Kietsman, Pvt. 1st Class, 30
Kingery, Hugh Mckee, 37
Kingery, Nina Hamilton, 38
Kolster, Sgt., 31
Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star), The Russian Defense Minister's Official Newspaper, 17
Kravitz, Sol, 37
Kuizema, Harold, 10, 29
Kuizema, Harold J., 28
Kuizema, Pvt., 28
Kups, Stanley, 34
LaGuardia, Fiorello, 23
Lata, Lois, 38
Lata, Walter, 38
Laudesfeld, Germany, 39
Lauro, Cpl. Alexander M., 11
Lauro, Leonard F., 11
Le Blanc, Alfred, 38
Le Blanc, Clare, 38
Le Blanc, Jeanette, 38
Leeming, Ian, 39
Leeming, Susan L., 39
Letellier, Louis III, 31
Lichtenfeld, Sy, 1, 3, 5, 41
Limberg, 27
Limburg, 21
Lion In The Way, 40
Liverpool, England, 39
Lyons, Kathleen, 12
Marsh, Jane, 12
Martin, Christine, 36
Martin, Harry, 31, 36
Martin, Harry F. III, 12
Martin, Harry F., Jr., 1, 2, 10, 12, 42
Martin, Wm., 34
Matthews, Dan, 38
Matthews, Owen R., 38
Mayrsohn, Bernard, 2, 15, 17, 18
Mayrsohn, Bernard 'Barney', 15
Mayrsohn, Ethel, 16
McGuire, 2nd Lt. Jack J., 8
McGuire, Lt., 8
McHugh, Marie, 10
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo, 8, 9
McWhorter, William, 1, 3, 6, 13, 14, 15, 20
McWhorter, William A., 12
Milewski, S/Sgt. Marion S., 8
Milewski, Sgt., 8
Military Police Plt., 8
Mills, Jim, 6
Miracle, Herman, 38
Montgomery, Gen., 27
Muhlberg, 21, 39
Muhlberg, Germany, 15
Mundy, Bill, 31
'My War', 14
National Archives, 8
Nelson, Dr. Ralph, 1
Neuville-En-Condroz, 28
Neuville-En-Condroz, Belgium, 28
New York Public Library, 23, 24
New Zealand, 18
Nikolavich, Ivanov Yori, 17
Normandy, 21
O'Neill, Sgt. Thomas, 30
Obama, Barrack, 23
Order Of The Golden Lion, 1, 14
Ortwine, Harold W., 10
Pandolphi, Henrico, 6
Pandolphi, Henrico H., 6
Parker, Maj. Arthur, 29
Patton, Gen., 39
Patzner, Jeff C., 31
Paulson, Dorayne, 11
Perko-Davis, Sharon, 12
Perrin, Brig. Gen. Herbert, 8, 9
Perryman, By Firth, 38
Perryman, Everett, 30
Perryman, Everett Firth, 30
Perryman, F., 10
Pfaff, Burton, 20
Pierce, Juanita, 36
Pierce, Pvt. Earl D., 28
Platkowski, John, 34
Power, Elise, 41
Power, Hal, 41
Power, Harold 'Hal', 41
Power, Jeffrey, 41
Power, Rita, 40
Pratt, Lt. Gerald, 29
Prisoner Of War, 36
Purple Heart, 40
Queen Elizabeth, 18, 36
Rain, Betty, 28
Rain, Jack, 28
Rain, John C., 28
Rain, John 'Jack' C., 28
Rand, Anthony, 34
Reeber, Charles, 34
Rennes, France, 30
Rhineland, 30
Rice, Kris Martin, 12
Richardson, James, 10
Rieck, Charles F., 2
Ritchie, Allen, 39
Ritchie, Bruce, 39
Ritchie, Carol, 39
Ritchie, Richard R., 38
Robb, Dr. John G., 1, 2
Robb, John, 37
Roberts, Chrissy, 6
Roberts, Jack, 6
Roberts, John (Jack), 34
Roberts, John M., 2
Roberts, John M. ‘Jack', 40
Roberts, Julie, 6, 12
Roberts, Thomas, 34
Roberts, Tom, 6
Romoli, Edmund R., 39
Romoli, Merino & Anna, 39
Romoli, Shirley M (Jackson), 39
Rood, Eugene, 11
Roosevelt, President, 26
Ross, Archie, 30
Roy, Charles, 10
Russell, Alden F., 10
Russia, 15, 18
Rutz, Richard, 34
Ryan, Gen., 17
Ryan, Gen. Kevin, 17, 18
Salvia, Joseph M., 34
Sankovic, Rosemarie J., 40
Saylor, Thomas, 39
Schaffner, John, 1, 2, 5, 10, 12, 14, 25
Schaffner, John R., 7
Schaffner, Kathleen, 12
Schaffner, Lillian, 12
Schanerberger, E.H., 34
Schanerberger, Ellsworth, 33
Schanerberger, Ellsworth H., 2, 33
Schloenberg, Belgium, 28
Schoenberg, Germany, 21
Sheaner, Herb, 5, 22
Sheaner, Herbert 'Mike', 1, 2
Shellhammer, William, 40
Shellhammer, William 'Bill', 40
Shoell, Sherrie (David), 36
Shoopman, Maxine, 36
Shows, Clifford, 11
Siekerskie, Lt., 39
Siekierski, Aloisius V., 39
Siekierski, Martha, 39
Simone, Daniel, 11
Sims, Truman, 10
Skorzeny, Col. Otto, 31
Slaughterhouse Five, 20
Smallwood, Fredrick, 14
Smith, Kenneth, 40
Smith, Kenneth M., 40
Smith, Mervin S., 31
Smith, T/Sgt. Harry J., 9
Smith, Tracey, 40
Snovel, Robert, 38
St. John, 2nd Lt., 30
St. Vith, 14
Stahl, William 'Bill', 2
Stalag 4-B, 6
Stalag 9-A, 33
Stalag 9-B, 6
Stalag IV-B, 15, 16, 37, 39
Stavelot, Belgium, 8, 9
Steensma, Cpl. John, 29
Stein, Murray, 1, 2, 5, 6, 35, 40
Stone, Cpl., 31, 32
Stone, Paul E., 31, 33
Streeter, William, 10
Stults, CWO Roy, 9
Stultz, CWO, 9
Sumbayev, Sergey, 17
Szpek, Ervin, Jr., 20
Tennessee Maneuvers, 38
'The Battle For Snow Mountain', 15
'The Lion's Path', 13
Thompson, Paul & Laura, 11
Tooke, Bill, 36
Topper, Earl T., 31
Tracz, Frank, 10
Trautman, Frank, 1
Trautman, Frank S., 2
Truman, Harry, 26
Urban, Edward, 10
Vander Werf, Sgt. Al, 29
Vander, Sgt. Al, 29
Vandermast, Mary, 12
Verbeski, Andy, 21
Vietnam, 5
Wakefield, 39
Walker, Christine, 12
Walker, James J., 39
Ward, David, 10
Weiner, Bernard, 31
Weiss, Newton, 2
Weiss, Newton W., 1
Weiss, Susan, 1, 3, 13, 14, 15, 20
Welke, Brian, 36, 39, 40
Wenslow, Marshall, 10
West Point, 9
West, Jim, 13, 14, 25, 29, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
West, John E., 40
West, John Edward, 40
Widdicombe, Robert, 6
Wilkerson, Frederick, 31
Wood, Eric Fisher, Jr., 24
Wood, Janet, 12
Wood, Patricia, 12
Wood, Randall, 1, 3, 5
Wood, Randall M., 2
Wood, Wilma, 5
Wouters, Carl, 1
Wyzkoski, John Edward, 40
Yentz, Col., 16, 17, 18
Yentz, Lt. Col. James, 17
Yetmar, Pvt. 1st Class Eugene, 30
Young, Donald, 15
Young, Edward E., 11
Zahn, John D., 31
Zerpst Germany, 27
Zorn, Cpl., 9
Zorn, T/5 Seymour H., 9
Zvezda, Krasnaya, 17, 20