Original Cub Document
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Vol. 17, No. 3, Jan., 1961
President H. M. (Jim) Hatch
Vice President Ben Hagman
Adjutant Richard DeHeer
Treasurer Robert Kelly
Chaplain -John Loveless
The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB. Editor Wayne Black The CUB is printed by --
The Morris Printing Co., Waterloo, Iowa
All editorial matter should be addressed to: Wayne Black,
506 Williston Ave., Waterloo, Iowa
All business matters, renewals of memberships, etc., should be addressed to:
Richard DeHeer,
19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, New Jersey
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 106, Blandon, Penn.
As I read the mail that comes to my desk as president of our association for this year and realize the concern and interest in the welfare of our organization that is shown by so many of our members, I can't help feeling a responsibility toward those who were a part of the 106th back in the days of 1943 to 1945 but who are not sharing the fellowship which is a part of our association, its annual convention, and this wonderful CUB. Perhaps I'm just an old sentimentalist, but it means much to me that I will see no many of our Division again and that I will continue to read about what they are doing and that, through the roster printed in the Cub, I'll be able to keep up my Christmas list and even expand it.
What can we do to put the Cub into more hands? Without getting all heated up on the subject and then cooling off, as is so often the case, let's try a simple little gimmick which we can all do easily without actually sitting down and working up long lists. I find that a few three cent postal cards kept where they can be used when the occasion arises keeps me out of a lot of troubles which would eventually be classified as procrastination. Buy ten post cards. Keep them in your desk or near your favorite chair. When the urge arises to tell someone something that a phone call won't serve, write a short note on the post card, put it in your shirt pocket where it will be in the way and drop it into the mail box at your first opportunity. Applying this system to news for the Cub and membership activities will give Wayne Black more information than he can use and Larry Walden all the names and addresses he can possibly find time to process.
In no way do I want to interfere with Larry's plans for membership solicitation, but, to help get more of those lost 106'ers on the Cub mailing list try the post card system. I'm going to.
Membership, its maintenance and increase, has been a major problem of all organizations. Not only of organizations such as ours, but of such pillars of society as Macy's, Gimbel's, Sears Roebuck, Standard Oil, and General Motors -- each dependent on its members, past and present who extol its particular values and who, in passing it along, maintain its prestige and increase its use -- its membership. This hardly represents a new and unparalleled comparison to our 15-year old "problem," but that problem will continue even with growth. There are never too many members.We can maintain the prestige of the 106th Association by our use. Pass the word along. Tell others about the Association. Tell those who are former 106ers, but presently are not members. And if they are not, tell them why you are! However, your answer must contain more thought
than merely that you "ought or should be" Think it over. Why are you a member of the Association? Got it? All right now, pass it along! Tell others! We need that potential.
Many stout-hearted 106ers made the slippery journey to the Crystal Lake Casino in West Orange for the Memorial Dinner on 16th December. The talk was mostly about the wrong directions people give. What a night to look for an exit on the other side of the Highway! Most of those present made a Cook's Tour of the Oranges and arrived there anyway. Good food, laughter, and interesting discussion and fellowship rewarded the faithful. A collection for the Memorial Fund was successful.Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reed ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schifferstein ; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Rossi; Mr. Robert Stack ; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Plenge ; Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Earle; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bickford ; Mr. and Mrs. Doug Coffey ; Mr. and Mrs. George Thoma ; and Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeHeer.
Colonel Phillip F. Hoover, Arty., who so brilliantly commanded the 591st F.A. Bn. from the time of its organization as a part of the 106th Division until the Battalion departed from France to return to U.S., has just retired from active duty after more than 20 years' service. Eventually he and Mrs. Hoover plan to live in northwestern U.S., but at present are back in their home state. Their address is 907 East Maple St., Enid, Oklahoma. It will be recalled that the 591st was the direct support of the 424th Infantry, commanded by Colonel Alexander D. Reid. It is well for members of the Association to remember their Division history. It is an appropriate place at which to repeat an extract pertaining to this gallant combat team on 17-18 December 1944 --from "St. Vith: Lion in the Way": "Colonel Reid, reporting to Division at 11:40 A.M. announced his ability to stick to his present position, although he relayed a report from one of the artillery liaison planes that Kraut armor was moving up the Habscheid-Winterspelt road. This message did not reach Division until 5:30 P.M. In the meantime, General Jones at 3:25 P.M. had ordered the 424th to withdraw west of the Our River. Reid planned his withdrawal by echelon under cover of darkness, pulling out his center battalion first. The trickiest part of this maneuver WAS to get the 591st Battalion's two forward batteries, A and B, away from their Heckhalenfeld position. The only exit, since the northern route via Winterspelt was in enemy hands, was directly toward the Kraut infantry who had been surging all day against G Company south of Hill 569. At all costs the infantry must hold."They did and while C Battery back at Steffehausen took over the battalion missions, Batteries A and B displaced. "All in all, the 424th Combat Team, it seems, put up a pretty good exhibition of infantry-artillery teamwork during that bitter night of 17-18 December."
Colonel Reid is now retired and he and Mrs. Reid live at 105 Alameda Padre Serva, Santa Barbara, Calif. Major Carol Wohlfeil, at that time the Battalion Executive of 591st FA Bn., a graduate of West Point, is now Colonel Wohlfeil, FA Instructor at the Signal School, Fort Monmouth, N. J.
Capt. M. M. Dolitsky, then the Supply Officer of the Bn. is now Lt. Col. Dolitsky, commanding a Bn. of Artillery in the New York National Guard. He and Mrs. Dolitsky live at 37 Summit Ave., Port Chester, N. Y. He is a member of the Association, but we need many more members from that Bn.
The following is an account of a visit to the Schnee Eifel of the Ardennes Mountains on the Belgian-German border by The Rev. Ronald A. Mosley and family, in August, 1960. (The account originally appeared in the Bar Harbor Times for 1 December 1960). Dr. Mosley, Minister of The Bar Harbor Congregational Church, Bar Harbor, Maine, was a chaplain of the 424th Infantry Regiment of the 106th U.S. Division in combat in the Ardennes in 1944-45.The telephone rang in the 3rd Battalion Aid Station, 424th Regiment of the 106th U.S. Infantry Division, about 2130 hours on 17 December 1944. We had just completed medical treatment of our wounded whom we had brought in from Companies K and L that evening and had started to dress wounds of several German prisoners that needed attention. The wounded prisoner on the rough table had a "sucking wound" in his chest, i.e., a bullet had gone in his chest and out the back, and one lung collapsed every time he breathed. As chaplain with the battalion I picked up the telephone, and the Battalion commander, Lt. Col. Girand said "The Jerries have broken through. We have five minutes to get out. Load our wounded on the ambulance, the medic jeep, and your jeep. Take the rest of the men, and some that are just now coming through, and go back 17 miles to the village of Bracht. The azimuth is 280 degrees. Good luck and good bye. If we make it, we'll see you tomorrow."
This was an order; we obeyed it. We gave the prisoner on the table a shot of morphine, stuffed our pockets and musette bags with medical supplies, loaded our wounded on the vehicles and sent them down the wooded valley road, and struck off through the woods on our compass bearing --all in less than five minutes. The German wounded we left in charge of two German medical aid men who had surrendered that afternoon. We got to Bracht after midnight after horrible hours spent in total darkness except for flashes of gunfire and artillery bursts, crossing a swift stream on our way. We commandeered several homes in the village and set up a temporary command post and medical aid station. Lt. Col. Girand and a few of the battalion staff officers came in the next day. Then Bracht was completely encircled, surrounded, cut off, and bombed and shelled for the next four days until an escape route to the south was opened by British and American tanks.
This was a minor skirmish in the Bulge, the Ardennes Campaign, which was the last vicious gasp of the German war machine in World War II. However, I had never forgotten those days, and I had longed to visit that region in peacetime. My wish has come true. My family and I have been over almost every part of that country. On Friday, August 12th, we drove from London to Southend-on-Sea in Essex and took the Channel Air Bridge to Calais, France. The Air Bridge consists of "Flying Box Cars," which transports cars and passengers 70 miles from Southend, across the English Channel, to Calais, and does this in 26 minutes. Our car was the first off, and customs being a mere formality, we drove along the French coast into Belgium, staying that night in a little hotel in Ypres. At 9:30 that evening we walked to the Menen Gate to see and hear "The Last Post," played by Belgian war veterans in honor of the 65,000 British dead of World War I buried in a common grave in a huge memorial mound. We were subdued, thoughtful, and ready to seek our beds.
The next day we drove east through rolling country past innumerable British and Canadian war cemeteries to visit the U.S. Neuville-en-Condroz Cemetery which is 20 miles south of Liege. Pushing on we came to Malmedy and paused in reverence at the cross roads memorial to the men who had been murdered in the Malmedy Massacre. Our objective was St. Vith
which had been the headquarters of the 106th Division, the first American division in action in the Ardennes "Bulge." St. Vith is a completely new city as only parts of three houses were left standing after the fierce fighting in December, 1944. The ruins of the old tower have been left as a reminder of the war. The 106th Division memorial, which can be seen for several miles if one takes the road from Germany to St. Vith, is a simple structure of brick and glass with an iron cross above a simple altar, which, when completed, will fly the American and Belgian flags.
We were fortunate to get splendid accommodations at the new Hotel Luxembourg, and we spent the rest of the evening planning our stay. The next morning the hotel packed a picnic lunch for us, and we drove to the German border which is only 15 miles away. Getting the lay of the land, we returned to St. Vith (for this is the only road to and from Germany for many miles) and then turned south to Bracht. It was a sunny day, and we enjoyed the rolling hills, the fir-tree covered mountains, and the farming country - all reminding us of our beloved State of Maine. We found the village, drove through it on a gravel road to the north where I pointed out to my family how the German tanks infiltrated through the woods to fire on the village. We drove to the chatelaine (the main house of the village) where I explained in my bad German who we were and why we were there. The village priest, who lives in the chatelaine, came out and greeted us very warmly. He was Father Joseph Schmetz, the same priest who had done so much for us in December, 1944. We went to his apartment, had a picnic lunch with him, and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I asked for the elderly retired professor, Dr. Jean Landre, in whose apartment we had set up our aid station before we were bombed out. Dr. Landre had died in 1945, was buried in the village cemetery, and the next day we visited his grave in tribute to a kindly, gentle soul. On the walls of Father Schmetz's study were two citations for his work with the Belgian Underground: one from the King of the Belgians and the other from Field Marshal Montgomery.
Father Schmetz suggested that we move to Bracht for a few days and offered us accommodations. However, with a family of five this could have been rather grim. I suggested that we stay in the village inn, and the Father called the inn-keeper, Frau Oly, and arranged for our reservations. The next morning we left St. Vith and moved to Bracht where we stayed for four days.
I had my war-time compass with me, and taking a back azimuth from 280 degrees (subtracting 180 degrees gave a compass bearing of 100 degrees), I studied a detailed map and determined exactly where our front lines had been before the German counter-offensive. Being "rusty" I called in my family on this project, and on Monday morning, taking a picnic lunch in my old musette bag, we drove back to the edge of St. Vith, turned east to Winterspelt, Germany, and then took a side road south for two kilometers to Heckhalenfeld. The valley with the brook was familiar to me, and we drove up the old road to where we found an old, overgrown "jeep trail" which I recognized. We followed that, on foot, through a heavy forest to a place just below a large field. "This," I told my family, "is where we had our huts and bunkers. See if we can't find some ruins." And we did! We found holes in the side of the hill with old logs in the ground. What a difference 16 years make! The rubble of war was covered with brambles and raspberry bushes. After our picnic lunch we walked to the top of the hill to the cultivated field, found an old dirt road, and walked to the village of Habscheid which, I remembered, was the scene of some very dirty fighting just before the Bulge began on December 16, 1944. I pointed out the farm house where Company K, Capt. Comer commanding, had its command post, and where things were so "hot" that the enemy, in the rest of the village, had to be viewed through a periscope.
As we were tired and the sky was menacing, we started back through the woods to the car. We were caught, without rain apparel, in a violent thunder storm -- a fitting climax, we thought, to our visit.
The next day, packing a picnic lunch again, we visited several towns in Luxembourg which I had known from the war, went back into Belgium through familiar Vielsalm and Stavelot and drove to the U.S. Henri Chappelle Cemetery. There we found several graves of men I had originally buried in combat. We stood silently before the names of those missing in action in the memorial archway, three of whom were from my regiment, then went into the beautiful chapel to pray, and because of a sudden shower we ran for the car.
On Wednesday we drove to Prum, the German city from whence the Ardennes counteroffensive had been launched. We visited the shops, and, appropriately, Eloise purchased a creche -- a hand-carved manger scene -- and I bought a wooden cross. That evening we took a walk looking for the last farmhouse in the southern part of the village where we had our battalion aid station after the chatelaine had been bombed. Knocking on the door, we were met by a young man who had been previously introduced to us as a teacher just evacuated from the Congo. He explained that he was one of the sons of the family, and he called his parents. Again, I recognized old friends, and these fine people remembered me and the time we had used their house for a combat aid station. They introduced us to the older son, a man over six feet tall. These were the two little terrified boys who slept with the wounded and the men of the aid station when, because of shelling the aid station had to be moved to the cellar (or "cave" as they call it) under the stone barn! With our poor German and little French, and the teacher's smattering of English, we were able to communicate. From them, from Frau Oly, and from Father Schmetz I learned that I was the first American veteran to visit that quiet village since the war. The next day, Thursday, we said good-bye to our friends in Bracht and started back to England. We drove a different route than when we came to Ypres and stayed at the same hotel. On Friday morning we visited the untouched British and German trenches on Hill 60 and Mount Sorrel which were from World War I, and in the afternoon we visited the beaches at Dunkirk, and then at Calais we took our Channel Air Bridge plane back to Southbend, England. We drove five miles to Leigh-on-Sea to the home of my aunt who had tea waiting for us. I have often heard the expression "Never go back." However, I am glad that I did. I am happy to have made this pilgrimage and to have seen such beautiful country. My mind and spirit are quieter and calmer, and I think that, as nature covers the scars of war, God sends His healing upon His people. Those people whom we have met have such a reservoir of good will and kindness that, given their say, war would be an impossibility.
The Rev. Ronald A. Mosley
Minister, The Bar Harbor Congregational Church,
Bar Harbor, Maine
SEND THE NAME OF THAT BUDDY who is not a member to Larry Walden or the Editor. Then write him a note yourself to tell him why he should join the Association.
IN THE CUB -- Fourteen Years Ago
Monday evening 16 December 1946, the Veterans of the 106th in the New York metropolitan area met in the Iceland Restaurant to renew old acquaintances and refight the Battle of the Bulge. 201 Cubs showed up. General and Mrs. Jones and Stanley Frank, author of the 106th article in the Saturday Evening Post, were the guests of honor.
Association membership now totals 811.
Total in Memorial Fund to date --$652.10 (including $136.05 this month).
George W. Schwille (Hq 424) writes as follows: "Recently upon questioning several veterans of the 106th Division to find out whether or not they joined the Association, the answer was "No." Further conversation failed to reveal any valid reasons for their failure to do so. In each case, the intent was there, but the "follow thru" was miming.
"The record of the Division in combat shows plenty of "follow thru," which was made possible through the combined efforts of every single member of the Division, some of whom are now failing to follow through toward our peacetime goals.
"The goal or target of the Association has been widely publicized, and I believe that there must be thousands of 106th men who, while liking the whole idea, have not followed through with their checks for their membership plus a little extra for the Memorial Fund. Don't do it tomorrow, do it now."
Arthur H. Cutler, G-3 Section, Div. Hq., is in life insurance at Fairmont, Minnesota.
Sherrod Collins, Jr., (Sv & H 423) is a post office clerk at Waycross, Georgia. When the Division returned to the states, he was on temporary duty at Nancy University, Nancy,
S France.
Charles F. Girand (CO 3 Bn. 424) is a petroleum engineer in Roanoke, Louisiana.
Q.: How did the Division get the Northern France Battle Star? That ended in September or October 1944.
A.: The Northern France Battle Star was extended until the end of the war. This was done to cover those units which were in action including the 106th against the Germans in the St. Nazaire and Lorient coastal pockets. The Division had Artillery in action at the time and plans all made for an assault to wipe out the pockets when it was ordered to the Rhine under ADSEC to take over the job of guarding 1,000,000 German prisoners.
By The Editor
Our flight from Chicago to Scotland in a prop jet Brittania was superb. The highlight was a forty-five minute stopover in Detroit, extended to two hours by a cloudburst. The two hours seemed like a few minutes visiting with Lucile and Bob Rutt. We were in Scotland about nine hours after saying goodbye to them, and had a grand five days touring in Scotland. The scenery was grand and the people most friendly. (These two comments would apply to all sections of the British Isles visited during the trip). Traveling down through England, then, we took in more historic sites and scenery than one would ever expect to find in so small an area. We wandered about through England, ending up at London, whence we returned, again by Brittania, to Chicago. In Scotland, we managed to see once more the Firth of Clyde with its memories of 1944, Loch Lomond, Robert Burns' birthplace, the holy island of Iona, Glencoe, Ben Nevis, Pitloohry, Dundee, the Trossachs, Stirling and Edinburgh with their castles, and many other lovely spots. Coming down through England, we visited Durham with its loveliest of all cathedrals, the Yorkshire Dales, the Lancashire coast, the Isle of Man, the Lake Country,7
Chester, Snowdon and North Wales, Hereford, Stratford, Banbury, Oxford, Stonehenge, Salisbury, Chichester, Hampton Court, Bodiam, Rye, Hastings - does this sound like the spiel of the conductor of a long-ranging, roundabout sightseeing bus? From Oxford, we made a side trip into the Cotswolds and the locale of our encampment in England. We rushed through Moreton-in-the-Marsh, but I can assure all the Division Headquarters men that Batsford Park is still there. (It's much easier to find now, too, with road signs once more in place). At Guiting Power, I couldn't raise any one at the Grange, but I did trespass long enough to get a few pictures of the old 422 Headquarters, one of which appears on the cover. The huts and the other primitive facilities are removed from the front yard, and the whole place is somewhat better maintained than it was in 1944. The River Windrush still flows past the gate, still all of four feet wide. Guiting Power looks quite unchanged, even to the social hall where the 422 held a dance on the evening of Armistice Day. Naunton, too, just over the hill to the south, is unchanged except for the absence of GI's and the horde of children with their incessant "Got'ny gum, chum?" At Cheltenham, the Queen's Hotel still stands at the end of the Promenade, resplendent in a new coat of white paint. I didn't see any Red Cross girls dispensing doughnuts. You can well imagine that we didn't have a dull moment, or a moment to spare. It just couldn't have been more enjoyable in any way. I can warn anyone who happens out Iowa way that they are in for seeing the 250 slides that I took during the trip and probably the fifty or so Polaroid pictures as well. One word of warning about that: Polaroid film is not at present available in Britain, so any one going there should take all he intends to use, 35 mm film is another story. It is available in even the smallest towns under the same brand names.
Major General and Mrs. William C. Baker were given a reception at the Verdun Officers and Civilians Mess, which was attended by American, Canadian and French officials. General Baker assumed command of Theater Army Support Command, Europe, (TASCOM) in October, arriving from U. S. Army, Pacific, where he was G-4.Rev. Edward T. Boyle sends best wishes from Saint John Vianny Church at Northlake, Illinois where he is in the midst of further construction work. Our every best wish goes to Father Boyle in his construction program.
Gordon Zicker (RHq 423) is still Assistant Vice President and Cashier of the First National Bank of Park Ridge, New Jersey. Anne and he have a new son born June 21st.
Earl Scott (Hq 589 & Div Arty) is employed as chief of mapping and surveys for the Industrial Development Division of the Virginia State Department of Conservation and Economic Development. He is also serving as S-3 of the 2d Howitzer Bn (105) of the 111th Artillery in the Virginia National Guard.
Charles Kalal (Cn 424) is now president of the Northern Illinois Electric Supply Company at Crystal Lake, Illinois.
Arlan Dietrich (B 81), is with the Farmers' Bank of Kutztown, Penn.
Rev. Dr. Ronald Mosley and Son, Ronald, Jr., at the Place of Christ's Ascension on the Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Pennsylvania. He reports that he is the *father of five children from age 7 on down.
Joe Cucarola (B 422) is engaged in ranching and farming at Sterling, Colorado. He has a wife and two sons. He promises to attend a convention one of these years. How about Fort Worth, Joe? That's only a couple of states from Texas.
The Rev. Paul W. Cavanaugh spent a month last summer vacationing in South America. He spent a weekend in Venezuela with a Serbian friend who is a chemist there working for the government. Their conversation was in broken Spanish.
Joe Brislin (K 424) is a school teacher at Wilkes-Barre and a part-time insurance agent. He now has seven children.
Larry Walden writes that he has been on the run trying, to get established in California. Finding a place to live close to his work (or vice versa) has been a problem. He is hunting for the break that will put him in the entertainment picture.
Rev. Dr. Ronald Mosley and Son, Ronald, Jr., Canoeing on the River Jordan
Cliff Perras (H 424), a former president of our Association, writes that he was unsuccessful in his bid for Congress, but will try again in two years. Our best wishes will be with him then. He is hopeful of getting to Fort Worth in July. He is issuing his call for all H 424 men to assemble there. During the deer season, he got Maggie's drawers, he says. Northern Michigan's only snow up to the end of December came on Christmas night, just in time for the kids to use their new skates and skis.
Brad Hawes (Hq 424) is operating the Antlers restaurant and cocktail lounge on Route 52, Pine Bush, New York. His address there is P. 0. Box 111.
Bob Kelly (Sv 423), our treasurer, has had a bad cold and ear trouble. His right ear drum broke under pressure from an infection. He is hoping that he won't end up with an extra hole in his head. The last time this happened was while he was in Oflag XIII at Hammelburg, Germany. Best of luck in your recovery, Bob.
One of Major General William C. Baker's Assistant G-4s is Harold A. Harmon, who commanded Co. A., 81st Engineer Bn of the 106th.
Lt. Col. Phillip LaManche, a Medical Supply Officer on the staff of Hq. USAREUR, Rear at Orleans, France was a member of the 331st Medical Battalion.
1st Lt. Ronald C. Johnson, who was Survey Officer of the 106th Divarty is now Lt. Col. on duty at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, monitoring the development of Air Defense Missile Systems.
George Phillips, who was the American Red Cross representative with the Division, now lives at 37 Linden Place, Uniontown, Penna.
Colonel George Descheneaux (422 Inf.), is now with the Mitre Corp. He and Mrs. Descheneaux live on Monument St., Concord, Mass. Their only daughter is married.
The information on our former members on duty in France came from General McMahon's son, Major Leo T., Jr., who is an Assistant G-4 at Hq., USAREUR, Rear, COMZ at Orleans, France.
President Jim Hatch has announced the appointment of Larry Walden, a former CUB editor and long one of our most enthusiastic members, as chairman for a new recruiting drive. Larry moved late last summer from his home in Chicago to Southern California and is now attempting to establish a new life there, but he has willingly offered to serve the Association in this new capacity. If every one of the member-. ship will follow his example in a generous offer of time and effort, we are sure that the recruiting campaign will be successful.Upon accepting this position, Larry issued the following statement:
"This organization once had a roster of some 40,000 names. To even approximate half that figure would be wishful thinking, but I'm willing to try and get together as many as I can. It I can get the concerted help of the standing membership, I can't help feeling that together the results could be tremendously exciting!
"There is, I'm sure, among the present membership a vast exchange of correspondence -- be it only the annual Christmas cards. There is a great potential in the addresses of those with whom we exchange those cards. "There are any number of 106ers who are not members, have not been members of the Association, and have they even made to realize that the Association still exists? It has been said to me on more than one occasion, "Well, I heard from them once years ago, but didn't do anything about it. I've never heard anything since, so I didn't know, had no idea that there was an Association now." So, don't assume that all your old buddies know that we are in existence.
"Take every opportunity to tell them about the Reunions and the Association. Contact them and re-contact them if you have the time and energy. Help us revitalize a diminished roster by sending us the names and addresses you have. Send those you know to be good addresses, particularly. I'd lit, like the opportunity and/or task of consolidating those names alphabetically and geographically. I know something can be done!
"Arrangements can be made whereby the roster will be accessible to the membership. Include in those names and addresses such information as you know regarding rank, company, regiment, etc. Will you help me out? Forward them either to Wayne Black or Larry Walden."
(By A.W.J.)
Upon receipt of each issue of the CUB we are always pleasantly surprised at the amount of information it contains concerning such a large number of items, each of which is prolific with meaning. The reason it is possible to include so much in such a small magazine is, we suppose primarily because of our common background and our respect and liking for each other. What we are going to do now could have been done with any previous edition of the CUB. We use the October-December issue because it is the latest and because the cover girl is so pretty. The order in which items are selected has no connection with their excellence or importance. It was done by the system that has produced our very best results at the two dollar window: shut both eyes and mark the program.Refer to Page 5. Tom Bickford recounts the aftermath of an incident of palm reading. As this column recalls the incident, the LST anchored
off Le Havre was captained by a two-striper named Cobb and the character who was questioned as to what was hanging on the anchor chain was not a deck hand but was the first officer, name of Maguire. The mine delayed our arrival by a day. You see, Tom, there was more information on the bridge of the ship.
Page 3. Report on St. Vith. Some people are doers and some people are not. Doug is one of the former and he does it right, too.
Page 12. Letters to the Editor. Henry Broth also appears on Pages 4 and 5. Same remarks as above about doers. Being able to leave our town in the late morning and arrive at Fort Worth in the early afternoon would make us a stinker if we did not do it on July 27, 1961.
Page 13. List of Paid Up Members. We notice the absence of a name that should be there. He is very busy so that we forgive him for his forgetfulness, but family pride forces us to send a check to Dick DeHeer, and we know nothing is in our constitution preventing the acceptance thereof.
Page 2. Our President Says. He states truly that a group is held together by the devotion of certain members, and he names many of them but forgets one name -- Jim Hatch.
Page 8. Chaplain's Column. We always read the things that John Loveless writes because we think that he is a very sensible fellow and often expresses our thoughts better than we are able to express them.
Page 4. Taps. In 1954 we received a letter from Signal Company Carter to the effect that John Daniels was running for Sheriff of Montgomery County and could we say a word. Of course we could and since a trip to Florida was imminent, it would be simple to go by way of Alabama and tell people what a good man he was. We were not much good in that line of work because he did not make it. But John was successful in more important matters. We remember him best for his work with the young men of the Division, the fine boxing programs and the championship baseball team that he built.
Page 7. Lions, 1960. It is always pleasing to meet friends not seen for years, especially when one has the facility (which this column lacks) of remembering names and faces and events. We are glad to have Shim Reid's address and will try and look him up. He was a very brave soldier and is a fine gentleman. Did he ever tell you where he was shot? Springfield, Illinois, must have been an enjoyable stop and is one of things we intend to do if ever another overland trip is undertaken.
Page 9. What They Are Doing. Every year Tom Riggs seems to change station and he does it just after all the Christmas cards are mailed. He probably learned it doing his sojourn in CCCP (Russia to them).
Page 3. Annual Reunion of Service Battery. And a good one it must have been. Hershey Park is fine. But we noticed one thing about the meeting that was not clear. The account listed Leo McMahon as a guest. Not anywhere in the Artillery is Leo a guest. He belongs to it.
Also Page 3. DeHeers Hold Annual Frolic. Another good party and no guest list.
So, we've gone through the CUB item by item and have expressed a reaction to each of them. To others they may have a different meaning ; but if they stimulate memories of those who lived together through a fantastic period of history, they will have made worth-while the labors of Editor and Contributors.
Add the following gratuitous notes for future planning: Fort Worth is a city in Tarrant County, Texas, at the junction of Clear and West forks of the Trinity River. The weather in July is always sunny and salubrious. The natives are most friendly and will have a very large welcome sign out for our people.
A pleasant pastime of countless numbers of people at the New Year is the making of resolutions, running the gamut from the sublime to the ridiculous. In all solemnity, those who make such pronouncements assume that they will be so observed that they become a very part of day to day existence.However, experience has shown that as the days fade and are gone, so do many of those resolutions fade and are soon forgotten by those who made them.
Why should this be so? Is it because the resolutions have little real purpose? Is it that the makers are irresponsible? Is it that the words are mere gestures, made with tongue in cheek? Who among us can know the reason?
Perhaps it would be better that no resolutions be made at all! Nevertheless, this writer suggests that those of us who love our families, our homes, our country resolve that, as God guides and strengthens us, we exert our bodies, minds and hearts to the utmost to the task of doing our share, and more, in building a better world for ourselves, our families and, above all, our fellowmen.
"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established." Proverbs 16:3.
John T. Loveless, Jr., Chaplain, 106th Inf. Div. Assn.
The Editor would like to express his thanks for all the Christmas cards and expressions of good wishes that came his way at Christmas time. Especially he would like to thank those members who took the time to forward the news they acquired concerning old 106ers for relay to the membership. He would single out Colonel Joe Matthews for special mention in this respect. He would appreciate it if all the members would have taken time to include with their greetings a note on what they (or other members of the 106th they may know) are doing - whether they are still on the old job, whether they kicked the boss in the teeth and got fired, whether they got filthy rich in the stock market and retired, or just what is going on. A picture of themselves and/or family would find its way into these pages also.An example of the failure of communications we are speaking of has come to hand during the preparation of this CUB. Jim Hatch writes, "Detroit had a successful December 16th get together. Hope someone has given you a report on the details. 24 present." Sorry, Mr. President. That's just the way the report will have to be. No details. No word from Detroit. We wouldn't want to mention names, but we received a Christmas card from Detroit from a former officer in Reg Hq 422, so there must be someone in that family who can write. And we received a check for some expenses made out in the handwriting of a Detroiter who is a former officer in Sv Co 423, so we know that he can write. We also know that no one did.
Elsewhere in this issue appears announcement
of Larry Walden's appointment as membership chairman. The same as the Editor, the Memorials chairman, or any other working member of the association, Larry can succeed at this task only with the cooperation of all the membership. Take a few minutes right now, with this issue of the CUB in your hands, to think of what membership means to you. Thumb through the pages (as our Bag Lunch columnist did last issue) and spot the things that mean most to you. Think what these same items or others like them would mean to that foxhole buddy you got a Christmas card from six weeks ago. The more members we get, the more such items there will be for everyone to enjoy. Larry Walden is one of the workers of this outfit. He deserves your help right now. More important, you owe it to yourself. Most important, you owe it to the Association.
We are grateful to the Rev. Dr. Ronald Mosley of the 424th for sharing with us the article he wrote for his home town newspaper concerning his return to Saint Vith and the Schnee Eifel. It is his snapshot of the Saint Vith Memorial that we reproduce on our cover. His article should remind us all how much the sacrifice of our companions in those cold days of 1944 meant to us and our way of life. It should remind us, also, to send in a contribution to the Memorial Dedication Fund. Doug Coffey's trip to Belgium is only about three months in the future. We need contributions to pay his expenses. We can stand proudly as the only World War II outfit that has erected, completely unaided, a memorial to its men on the spot where its action took place. Let us now finish the job up right with a fitting Dedication Service.
Shirley and Jack Gillespie have a new daughter, Marilyn Irene, born 15 October 1960.Mr. and Mrs. Seymour H. Zorn couldn't make the December 16th Dinner as they were leaving the next day for a Miami vacation. They certainly picked a good time to be out of New York City.
Richard DeHeer's sister, Henriette, passed away at the end of December.
We were saddened to hear from Doug Post that his wife, Olive, died recently after a series of heart attacks. Colonel Post was with the 422. His address is 209 South 29th Ave., Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Henry H. McKee (Hq 422) and family are now on duty in Germany near Augsburg. Address Hq 24th Inf Div, APO 112, New York.
Bob Burkes (424) retired recently from the Army after 20 years active duty. During the fall, he and his wife visited Colonel Matthews and his family. Bob's address now is 2227 Plantation Drive, East Point, Georgia.
Jack Chitwood (2 Bn Hq 422) is still at 4038 North Campbell, Indianapolis, Ind. He doesn't say whether he has ever revisited Atterbury.
Charlie Gibson (So 422) and his wife are still teaching school at Lawton, Michigan. He is still in the Active Reserve and was on duty last summer.
Bob and Dorothy Porter (D 424) are spending the winter in Florida.
Col. Joseph Matthews and his wife, the president of the ladies' auxiliary, write that they hope to see everyone in Fort Worth next July.
First U. S. Army Headquarters has commenced planning an historical exhibit on Governors Island, N. Y., designed to tell the story of First Army in both World Wars, and to memorialize the contribution of its soldiers to the American cause,Veterans of the 106th Infantry Division who want to help in this project are asked to please go to the attic and search through their wartime mementos
for suitable items they would be willing to donate. Items which have no special historical interest in themselves can still be very useful in preparing the various displays of the exhibit.
The exhibit will include maps, photographs, paintings, sketches, documents, items of U. S. and German ordnance, uniform and equipment; flags, other war trophies, and volumes on military operations in Europe in WW I and II.
The following list -- not complete in any sense -- gives a few examples of appropriate items: unofficial photographs of action in combat zones; maps carried or marked in combat; personal diaries, helmet, field glasses, mine snake, map case, grenade, bayonet, 1918 calendar, 1944 and 1945 calendars, signs marking divisional units or headquarters, road markers from France, Germany or Belgium, pick mattock and entrenching tool, Engineer shovel (WWI), models of artillery, tanks and light aircraft of WW I and II, captured enemy maps and documents, French and German newspapers, gas mask, gas alarm gong, mess kit, canteen, Coleman burner, wax heating units, packaged K ration, C ration, D bar, battlefield relics, barbed wire, shell cases, any item relating to First Army Air Service in WW I; any item related to First Army Observation Balloon Battalion in WWI (Basket, rope, etc.).
Persons who are willing to donate items to the First Army Museum are asked to write to Mr. Joseph H. Ewing, Headquarters First U. S. Army, Governors Island, New York 4, N. Y. (Telephone is Whitehall 4-7700, extension 3862). Any such letter will receive an immediate reply.
Regular Army Widows and Orphans who require assistance can count on the ARMY RELIEF SOCIETY to give interested and prompt practical help. They offer money grants, interest-free loans, and scholarships.Here is the way the SOCIETY works. They receive your request at their National Headquarters, 30 West 44th St., New York 26, New York --Murray Hill 2-7367, either directly through your letter, telephone call, or by referral by a post representative--the Red Cross and Survivors Assistants, also through Department of the Army lists. They will dispatch assistance immediately to you. If additional aid is needed, it will be granted following a review of your status. They will award scholarship for the college education of Regular Army orphans based on ability, need and scholastic record.
THE ARMY RELIEF SOCIETY should not be considered a charity. Regular Army personnel have contributed voluntarily during most of their active military careers. It is an independent, incorporated and chartered society which receives its funds from unsolicited gifts and legacies, as well as one-tenth proceeds of a fund drive conducted mutually with a separate organization called ARMY EMERGENCY RELIEF. This latter group assists active duty personnel whether Regular Army or not, and is governed by Army Regulations. It must not be confused with THE ARMY RELIEF SOCIETY.
Hildegarde Sleeper, Chmn.,
Public Relations Committee
(To 1 December 1960)
Harry E. Albertson (H 422), 312 South Sixth St., Darby, Pennsylvania. Byrne Bowman (DHQ), 1210 Liberty National Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Bernard Caplan (Sv 592), 2524 Loyola Southway, Baltimore 15, Md.
Bartholomew E. Carrino (Med Det 424), 148 Coeyman Ave., Nutley 10, New Jersey.
George M. Galick (Cn), 19 Porach St., Yonkers 2, New York.
John I. Gallagher (81 Engr), 4003 Frances St., Temple, Pennsylvania.
Philip E. Gerlach (D 424), 2005 Marshall Ave., Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Frank Hallner (AT 424), 10534 S. Bluefield Ave., Whittier, Calif.
Harold V. Hardoin (K 424), 11732 Promenade, Detroit 13, Michigan.
W. Bradford Hawes (Hq 424), P. 0. Box 111, Pine Bush, New York.
George W. Jones, Jr. (Sv 423), c/o Post Office, Loris, South Carolina.
Elmer F. Lange (H 422), Box 203, Sac City, Iowa.
Joseph Litvin (D 423), 10412 Doty Ave., Inglewood, California.
Thomas G. Manager (A 590, C 592), 309 Addison Road, Glastonbury, Connecticut.
Daniel E. McIntosh, Jr. (Div Arty), 411 Blunt St., Clay Center, Kansas.
J. Gail Myers (331 Med), R. R. No. 4, Baer Field, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Mrs. Charles D. Owen (husband in band), 315 South Villa Ave., Villa Park, Illinois.
Brig. Gen. Herbert T. Perrin (Div Hq), Box 294, Gambier, Ohio.
Charles W. Richards (Sv 423), 113 Clover Drive, Massapequa Park, N. Y.
Robert E. Sackett (G 422), 1010 Randolph St., Waterloo, Iowa.
Fred Shieferstein (A 424), 385 Madison Hill Road, Clark, N. J.
James T. Stuart (F 424), 119 Gem Ave., Bridgeport 6, Connecticut.
Seymour H. Zorn (106 Sig), 301 E. Sixty-second St., New York 21, N. Y.
Jack Zuckerman (C 423), 161-04 Jewel Ave., Flushing 65, New York.
The 106th Infantry Division Association was organized at Karlsruhe, Germany in August, 1945. It has continued actively ever since, holding an annual reunion every summer starting in 1947. The following have served as president: William Perlman (423), David S. Price (331 Med) (for two years), Charles N. Robasse (422), John Gillespie (422), Edward Luzzie (590), J. Glen Schnizlein (423), James E. Wells (81 Engr), D. B. Frampton, Jr. (422), John Loveless (422), Douglas S. Coffey (590), Lawrence Gubow (423), Richard DeHeer (424), Clayton Rarick (424), Clifford E. Perras (424) and Jim Hatch (422). The following have served as editors of the CUB: Herbert Livesey, David S. Price (3 years), Arvo Paananen (2 years), Douglas S. Coffey (3 years), John I. Gallagher (4 years), Larry Walden, and Wayne Black.In addition to keeping active for sixteen years and holding an annual convention, other accomplishments of the Association include uninterrupted publication of the CUB, which succeeds the Division newspaper of the same name; publication of a Division history (Saint Vith: Lion in the Way) in 1948 ; cooperation in the publication in the Saturday Evening Post of the article, "The Glorious Collapse of the 106th Division"; and the building of a memorial at Saint Vith, Belgium.
During the cold, dark days of 1944, some of us may not have had too good an idea of what we were fighting for. R. E. (Bob) Sackett (above) knew, though - he was fighting to get home to a piece of his wife's graham15
cracker pie. He made it, too. Now he spends only his spare time (of which there is very little) on graham cracker pie. Most of his waking hours are spent as head of the Morris Printing Company. When the editorship of the CUB moved to Waterloo, Iowa, it was only natural that the printing of it should be done by this former member of G Company, 422. Lest the treasurer and president think the editor was swayed by sentiment alone, let him assure them that the bid of Morris Printing Company has saved the Association some one hundred dollars on these first three CUBS of the current year over the bid of the other Waterloo printer contacted.
Bob Sackett was born about the same number of years ago as most of us and has lived nearly all his life in Waterloo. After completing high school, he entered the printing business and has spent thirty-one years at it. He purchased the business in 1955 after the founder of the company retired. He has been married twenty-five years, and he and his wife, Florence, have four sons and three daughters. His favorite subject in school was spelling (so we know that there will never be a misspelled word as long as he prints the CUB). For recreation he enjoys swimming, baseball, and on cold winter nights watching Paladin triumph over the troubles that beset him. Bob is too busy with his business and his church work to have time for any hobbies, but we know* that his interest in both of them is so great that they make most rewarding hobbies as well as work.
Bob was inducted in March, 1944 and joined the 106th as a replacement at Atterbury. He was captured in December and held prisoner at Stalag IV B until liberated by American forces on 17 April 1945. He returned to the States in May 1945 and was discharged in October of that year. While in service, he attained the rank of corporal and received all the decorations normal for the 106th plus the Purple Heart. The strangest experience Bob recalls of his service days was spending a night in a foxhole (surrounded by a German Panzer Division) with Captain Kielmeyer and thinking during the night of the sunny day a few months before at Atterbury when the good captain chewed him out for failure to salute.
We have received word from his widow, Anita Owen, that Charles D. Owen, who was a member of the 106th Band, died of a heart attack September 19, 1958. Chuck lived all his life in Villa Park, Illinois. Our sympathies go to Mrs. Owen and her two daughters, Gail and Jill.THE LOCALE .................................FORT WORTH, TEXAS
Index for: Vol. 17, No. 3, Jan., 1961
Index for This Document
106th Div., 3, 7, 9, 22106th Inf. Div., 17, 19, 22
106th Infantry Division Association, 22
331st Med. BN, 12
422nd Inf., 12
424th CT, 3
424th Inf, 3, 5
424th Inf. Regt., 3, 5
424th Regt., 5
591st FA, 3
591st FA BN, 3
81st Engr. BN, 12
Albertson, Harry E., 20
Ardennes, 5, 7, 8
Ardennes Campaign, 5
Baker, Gen., 11
Baker, Maj. Gen. & Mrs. William C., 11
Baker, Maj. Gen. William C., 12
Banbury, 11
Batsford Park, 11
Battle Of The Bulge, 9
Belgium, 5, 8, 18, 20, 22
Bickford, Mr. & Mrs. Tom, 3
Bickford, Tom, 13
Black, Wayne, 1, 13, 22
Bowman, Byrne, 20
Boyle, Father, 11
Boyle, Rev. Edward T., 11
Bracht, 5, 7, 8
Brislin, Joe, 12
Broth, Henry, 15
Burkes, Bob, 18
Calais, 5, 8
Calais, France, 5
Caplan, Bernard, 20
Carrino, Bartholomew E., 20
Cavanaugh, Paul W., 12
Cheltenham, 11
Chitwood, Jack, 18
Coffey, Doug, 18
Coffey, Douglas S., 22
Coffey, Mr. & Mrs. Doug, 3
Collins, Sherrod, 9
Comer, Capt., 7
Cotswolds, 11
Cucarola, Joe, 11
Cutler, Arthur H., 9
Daniels, John, 15
DeHeer, Dick, 15
DeHeer, Mr. & Mrs. Richard, 3
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 18, 22
Descheneaux, Col. George, 12
Descheneaux, Mrs., 12
Dietrich, Arlan, 11
Div. Arty, 11, 22
Div. HQ, 11
Dolitsky, Capt. M. M., 3
Dolitsky, Lt. Col., 3
Dolitsky, Mrs., 3
Dunkirk, 8
Earle, Mr. & Mrs. Mahlon, 3
Ewing, Mr. Joseph H., 20
First Army, 19, 20
Firth Of Clyde, 9
Frampton, D. B., 22
Frampton, D. B., Jr, 22
Frampton, D. B., Jr., 22
Frank, Stanley, 9
Galick, George M., 22
Gallagher, John I., 22
Gerlach, Philip E., 22
Germany, 7, 18, 20, 22
Gibson, Charlie, 18
Gillespie, John, 22
Gillespie, Shirley & Jack, 18
Girand, Charles F., 9
Girand, Lt. Col., 5
Gubow, Lawrence, 22
Habscheid, 3, 7
Hagman, Ben, 1
Hagman, Ben & Juanita, 23
Hallner, Frank, 22
Hammelburg, 12
Hammelburg, Germany, 12
Hardoin, Harold V., 22
Harmon, Harold A., 12
Hatch, H. M. (Jim), 1
Hatch, Jim, 1, 13, 15, 17, 22
Hawes, Brad, 12
Hawes, W. Bradford, 22
Heckhalenfeld, 3, 7
Henri Chappelle, 8
Henri Chappelle Cemetery, 8
Hill 569, 3
Hoover, Col. Phillip F., 3
Hoover, Mrs., 3
Isle Of Man, 10
Johnson, 1st Lt. Ronald C., 12
Jones, Gen., 3
Jones, Gen. & Mrs., 9
Jones, George W., 22
Kalal, Charles, 11
Karlsruhe, 22
Karlsruhe, Germany, 22
Kelly, Bob, 12
Kelly, Robert, 1
Kielmeyer, Capt., 23
Lamanche, Lt. Col. Phillip, 12
Landre, Dr. Jean, 7
Lang, Elmer F., 22
Lange, Elmer F., 22
LeHarve, 15
Leigh-On-Sea, 8
Liege, 5
Lion In The Way, 3, 22
Litvin, Joseph, 22
Livesey, Herbert, 22
Lorient, 9
Loveless, John, 1, 15, 22
Loveless, John T., 17
Loveless, John T., Jr, 17
Loveless, John T., Jr., 17
Luxembourg, 7, 8
Luzzie, Edward, 22
Malmedy, 5
Malmedy Massacre, 5
Manager, Thomas G., 22
Matthews, Col., 18
Matthews, Col. Joe, 17
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 18
McIntosh, Daniel E., 22
McIntosh, Daniel E., Jr., 22
McKee, Henry H., 18
McMahon, Gen., 12
McMahon, Leo, 15
Memorials, 18
Menen Gate, 5
Montgomery, Field Marshal, 7
Moreton-In-The-Marsh, 11
Mosley, Dr., 5
Mosley, Rev. Dr. Ronald, 11, 12, 18
Mosley, Ronald A., 5, 8
Mount Sorrel, 8
Myers, J. Gail, 22
Neuville, 5
Neuville-En-Condroz Cemetery, 5
Northern France, 9
Oflag XIII, 12
Oly, Frau, 7, 8
Our River, 3
Owen, Anita, 23
Owen, Charles D., 23
Owen, Mrs. Charles D., 22
Oxford, 11
Paananen, Arvo, 22
Perlman, William, 22
Perras, Cliff, 12
Perras, Clifford E., 22
Perrin, Brig. Gen. Herbert T., 22
Phillips, George, 12
Plenge, Mr. & Mrs. Ed, 3
Porter, Bob & Dorothy, 18
Post, Col., 18
Post, Doug, 18
Price, David S., 22
Prum, 8
Rarick, Clayton, 22
Reed, Mr. & Mrs. Ray, 3
Reid, Col., 3
Reid, Col. Alexander D., 3
Reid, Mrs., 3
Reid, Shim, 15
Reunions, 13
Rhine, 9
Richards, Charles W., 22
Riggs, Tom, 15
Robasse, Charles N., 22
Rossi, Mr. & Mrs. Lou, 3
Russia, 15
Rutt, Lucile & Bob, 9
Sackett, Bob, 23
Sackett, R. E. (Bob), 22
Sackett, Robert E., 22
Saturday Evening Post, 9, 22
Schifferstein, Mr. & Mrs. Fred, 3
Schmetz, Father, 7, 8
Schmetz, Father Joseph, 7
Schnee Eifel, 5, 18
Schnizlein, J. Glen, 22
Schwille, George W., 9
Scott, Earl, 11
Shieferstein, Fred, 22
Southbend, 8
Southbend, England, 8
Southend, 5
Southend-On-Sea, 5
St. Nazaire, 9
St. Vith, 3, 5, 7, 15, 18, 22
Lion In The Way, 3
St. Vith, Belgium, 22
Stack, Robert, 3
Stalag IV-B, 23
Stavelot, 8
Steffehausen, 3
Stuart, James T., 22
The Glorious Collapse Of The 106th, 22
Thoma, Mr. & Mrs. George, 3
Verdun, 11
Vielsalm, 8
Walden, Larry, 1, 8, 12, 13, 18, 22
Wells, James E., 22
West Point, 3
Winterspelt, 3, 7
Winterspelt, Germany, 7
Wohlfeil, Col., 3
Wohlfeil, Maj. Carol, 3
Ypres, 5, 8
Zicker, Gordon, 11
Zorn, Mr. & Mrs. Seymour H., 18
Zorn, Seymour H., 22
Zuckerman, Jack, 22