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Vol. 38, No. 1, Sep., 1981

President Russell Villwock
1st Vice President Robert Howell
2nd Vice President James Henning
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Robert W. Pierce, Sr.
Historian Sherod Collins
Chaplain Rev. Dr. Ronald Mosley
Cub Editor Richard DeHeer
Memorials Chairman... Douglas S. Coffey

    The Cub is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $10.00 per year which includes subscription of the Cub.
Editor Richard DeHeer
All editorial matter should be addressed to:
Mr. Richard DeHeer 86 Berkshire Lane Palm Coast, Fla. 32037

     My first column as president - what to write about! There are so many things I would like to write about that I find it very hard to select one.
So I will just ramble on about the subject that is upmost in our minds, the 106th.
     First off, I find it a great honor to serve as president. I know there isn't much you can do as I will only chair three or four meetings this year at the most, but someone must be in that position in case of a crisis or a decision has to be made. I know my crisis came very early after I took office - no Cub Editor.
     Now the Cub, as we all know, is the lifeblood of our organization. Without it, I am sure you will all agree, would die a slow death. Sure, we have all made many wonderful friends over the past years and we always look forward to our annual reunion, but between the reunions the Cub holds us together. The answer to my crisis was Richard DeHeer. I would just like to say "thank you, Dick."
     As incoming president, I would like to thank all the elected and appointed officers for accepting their jobs as no organization could survive without men willing to accept the responsibility.
     I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ken, Van, their wives, and their committee for putting on a great reunion this year. The location, activities, program, food, even the weather was great. It shows what planning will do.
     For everyone's information, it's Milwaukee in '82, Boston '83, and Jekyll Island in '84 How's that for long-term planning?
     Hope to see every one of you at these future reunions and that our membership continues to grow and each reunion has as many new members as we had this year.
Russell H. Villwock President

July 27, 1981


     The Cost of FREEDOM is Very High - beware of those who cheat on the price or cut the price of Freedom at the expense of the Disabled Veterans.
     Veterans have to define for every generation what patriotism means. We have fierce pride in our country and faith - not a blindly stupid faith in "my country right or wrong," but a devotion and determination to make our country the greatest place in the world. The place where we show responsible citizenship, help for the unfortunate and helpless, and a leadership among the nations in peace and justice - this is where we want our country to be. Such a nation is not weak but strong in the finest sense of the word!
     A little boy got a new bike. After a few circles around the house, he became bolder and rode by his mother with hands away from the handlebars. "Look Mom, no hands!" In a few minutes he came running in crying and said "Look Mom, no teeth!" We have no teeth in our lives as free citizens unless we realize fully that liberty and freedom bring responsibilities and does not mean license to do what one wishes without paying for the consequences. Such disregard is selfishness.
     The cost of Freedom and Liberty is never paid for by one or more generations; it has to be paid for by every generation. The education of each generation concerning freedom is necessary. Nova Scotian statesman Joseph Howe said "A Country which does not venerate and appreciate its heritage - its past - has no future." I have enjoyed my year as Chaplain of the 106th Assoc. May God bless all of us and those whom we love.
R. A. Mosley

    Editor's Notes: Just a few words from your new editor. I am surprised at all the things I have forgotten about this job. Everyone should know that without news from all of you the task of printing a Cub is impossible.
As soon as a Cub arrives, please, you must know that more material is needed for the next one.
     Stella and John Gallagher have done such wonderful work with the Cub. It will be hard to top them. So, bear with me for a few Cubs until I'm back in the groove. Please send constructive criticism. Any gripes should go to the Chaplain.
If possible, type the material and double space it. Thanks.
Let's show President Russ a good year!
As ever,
Dick DeHeer

    (The typist hopes there aren't too many errors. When her left hand gets tired she uses the right for everything. Will try to do better next time. Have a good fall season.)

    Adjutants Report by Adjutant Robert W. Pierce, Sr. indicates that we had 431 renewals, 31. new members, 1 reinstated and 19 associate members. This makes a membership of 482 for the year 1980-81. This is an increase of 16 members. The auxiliary has a membership of 103, a decrease of 12 from the 1979-80 year. Also, that approximately 99 members had contributed approximately $1,312.00 to the memorial fund.
Other Committees Report:
     1982 Reunion Chairman Report. Charles Puskarich of Milwaukee. Wisconsin reports that all is going well for reunion in Milwaukee July 14-17, 1982. It is to be held at the Sheridan Inn. There will be more in later Cub magazines.
     Resolutions Committee Report: Chairman John Fritz read the resolutions. We of the 106th Infantry Division Association in meeting at their 35th Annual Reunion at Kentucky Lake Dam Village, Gilbertsville, Kentucky June 25-28, 1981 that we express our thank: and gratitude to: Van and Bobbie Wyatt, Host


    and Ken and June Bradfield. Co-Host, to Ken Bradfield and Officers. to Mrs. Jos. Phelps and staff, to Rev. Dr. Rodney Travis, Pastor, First Missionary Baptist Church, Benton, Kentucky, to Accompanist Susan Howe and Soloist JoAnn Lawless, to PFC Kennard Jackson, to Chaplain (LTC) Wesley V. Geary, to Bridgewater Branch 24 Royal Canadian Epispocle, St. Vith Belgium. Joseph Pankert, Director.
     Nominating Committing Report. Chairman Robert Ringer read his report in which they nominated the following men to the new board of directors for the year 1981-81: William Lucsay. Nathan (Duke) Ward and Dr. John G. Robb. It was moved and seconded to accept all reports as read. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business. There was no unfinished business to report or be brought before the membership at this time.
    New Business: Sites for the 1983 and 1984 reunions. Tom Maw and Ben Britton were to check on some place in Massachusetts and report back as soon as possible. Jim Wells is to check on Georgia or some place in the South for our 1984 reunion. Louis Rossi stated that he would like to Host a reunion in Las Vegas.
Also, Leo Gregory said that he would like to Host a reunion anytime.
     Douglas Coffey made motion that our treasurer Sherod Collins check on investing our funds in The Money Market Fund and if it is sound to go ahead with it. Motion seconded and passed.
     Russ Villwock stated that he would check on purchasing 100 more Bolo Ties like we had it Chicago. If possible to obtain he would buy them out of his own pocket. These will be sold for $5.00 each and any gain would go into the general fund.
No further business. Meeting adjourned al 3:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert W. Pierce, Sr. Adjutant

William C. Baker 1(L/424
Fred H. Jurgensen, Sr. (Hq/5E
Raymond T. Harm (106th
Alan R Dabson (B/331
Edward A. Tobis (B/592
Charles E. Henderson (L/423
Col. Malin Craig (Divarty^


     The setting for this gathering was a beautiful 40-mile lake, formed by partially stopping the flow of the Tennessee River, with marina, lodge, shops, beach and restaurants, the arrangements being courtesy of our co-host, President Ken Bradfield.

Photo: Sexy Senior Citizen Dick DeHeer with our tour guide Mrs. Bobbie Wyatt.

     A sizeable group arrived on Tuesday, more on Wednesday, and by Thursday afternoon was "hail, hail." The lobby of the lodge served as a central gathering point. Accommodations were superb. Early golf arrivals enjoyed the park course and especially the lack of water holes and sand bunkers, these being reserved for the beaches.
The warm-up party was well attended at the Activities Center on Thursday night.
     On Friday morn everyone got up early to catch a bus to an 1850's farm home exhibit Everything there was done as per the methods used in the middle of the 19th Century. Friday lunch was served at Kenlake State Park in the form of barbeque and the trimmings very tasty.
     Saturday at eleven buses picked up the female contingent for a luncheon at a first-class restaurant in Aurora, Ky. called the Brass Lantern.
     The menfolk had an excellent lunch at the Activities Center at the Kentucky Dam State Park, and this was followed by the annual business


    meeting of the Association. The Board of Directors met afterward to wind up the annual deliberations and elect officers after which President Villwock appointed his staff.
     The annual banquet and dance at the Center were indeed delightful and there was more than the usual number of couples enjoying the excellent band provided.
     Orchids are due Van and Bobbie Wyatt who were the local committee contacts and who worked tirelessly to arrange programs, meet airport arrivals, and see that all were accommodated as nearly as possible. More than 200 were present - the largest group in 33 years.

Photo: The 106th members going to Memorial Service.
1980-1981 Old Board of Directors Meeting
Kentucky Lake Dam Village
Gilbertsville, Kentucky
June 25, 1981
The meeting was called to order by the President Kenneth Bradfield.
     Roll Call was taken and all were present except: Fred B. Chase, John I. Gallagher, Horace E. Mansfield. Leo T. McMahon, Joseph F. Puett and Robert L. Scranton.
     President Kenneth Bradfield stated that it was a great pleasure and experience to have served the 106th Infantry Division Association as their President for the year 1980-81. Also congratulated the appointed committees and the board of directors for their help in running the Association the past year.
     Minutes of the last Board of Directors held at the Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs, Arkansas were read by the Adjutant Robert Pierce and approved.
     Reading of Communications by President Bradfield. One that Our CUB editor John I. Gallagher was submitting his resignation as editor. Also, one by Adjutant Robert Pierce from Mrs. Beverly Henderson telling of the death of her husband, Charles Henderson. They had registration for this reunion. Van Wyatt state that there were some more communications on the bulletin board at the registration desk.
     Adjutants Report was read stating that we had 431 renewals, 1 reinstated, 31 new members and 19 associate members for the year 1980-81. This is a total membership of 481 This is an increase of 16 members for 1979-80. Also, of 7 deaths over the year 1980-81. He reported that approximately 99 members contributed to the memorial fund approximately $1,312.00. He also stated that he had sent out final notices to delinquent members with few responses. These were sent out December 31, 1980. Motion made and seconded to accept report as read. Motion passed.
     Treasurers Report was read by Sherod Collins, Treasurer, stating that we had an increase in the General fund, $2,488.23 and a decrease in the memorial fund of $726.59 due to flowers, telephone calls and maintenance of our S Vith Memorial. Checking account, $308.9, and savings account $11,463.62, making total of $11,772.56 as of June 30, 1981. Motion made and seconded to accept report as read, Motion passed.

    Photo: Memorial Service - 106th Inf. Div. Assoc. Benton KY., June 26, 1981. L to R: Chaplain (LTC) Wesley V. Geary, Division Chaplain, 101th Airborne Div. (Air Assault) - speaker, Rev. Ronald A. Mosley, D.D., 106th Assoc. Chaplain (424th).


     CUB Editors Report was read by President Bradfield as John I. Gallagher was unable to be present. It stated that the adjutant was most helpful in getting news for the CUB and getting the envelopes to him on time. Also, that the printer had gone out of business. It also stated that he would like to be relieved as editor. Motion made and seconded to accept report as read. Motion passed.
     Memorials Chairman's Report by Douglas S. Coffey stated that the remodeling of our Memorial in St. Vith was done and that it is painted. Also, that he had asked for any recent pictures suitable for printing in the CUB be sent to him. But no response. Motion made and seconded to accept report as read. Motion passed.
     Robert Howell reported on what he had come up with on men who are not able to pay membership dues. These were to be paid by the Association. A lengthy discussion on this matter. A motion was made, seconded and passed to let this up to the board of directors and the adjutant.
     Reunion Chairman Report: Van Wyatt reported that he had received a good number of registrations and was expecting some more to come in for Saturday and the Banquet. He hoped that all who attend enjoy their stay. Also, that him and Bobbie enjoyed being the Host and Hostess.
Unfinished Business: There was no unfurnished business to report.
     New Business: There was a motion made by Douglas Coffey that we make Gen. Leo T. McMahon an Honorary Life Member of the Board of Directors.
Committees appointed by President Kenneth Bradfield.
Resolutions Committee: Chairman: John Fritz, Robert Walker and Ed Zoll.
Nominating Committee: Chairman: Robert Ringer, Charles Gam and James Henning.
No further business motion was made to adjourn and passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Robert W. Pierce, Sr. Adjutant

Support Your Adjutant

Photo: Left. Bob Pierce, Adjutant, Ken Bradfield, President and Chairman of the 1981 Reunion.

June 27, 1981
1981 General Meeting
The General Meeting was called to order by the President Kenneth Bradfield at 1:00 PM.
Remarks by President Bradfield thanking at who had come to Kentucky Lake Dam Village.
     He introduced each officer of the association and the reunion chairman Van Wyatt. He also recognized all the men who were attending z reunion for the first time. There were 18 first time attenders. He then had the men stand up and be counted according to units they served with. 422 Regiment had 29 men present, 423 Regiment had 14 men present. 424 Regiment had 31 men present, 589 FA had 2 men present, 590 FA had 2 men present, 591 FA had 10 men present, 592 FA had 5 men present 81 Engr. had 3 men present, 106th Signal had 1 present and DHQ had 1 present.
     Minutes of the last General Meeting held at the Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs, Arkansas were approved. Also, the minutes of the old board of directors meeting was read and approved.
Reading of Communications by Van Wyatt stated that these were posted on the bullet, board at the registration desk.
     Other Committees Report: 1982 Reunion Chairman Report: Charles Puskarich of Milwaukee, Wisconsin report; that all is going well for reunion in Milwaukee July 14-17. 1982. It is to be held at the Sheridan Inn. There will be more in later Cub magazines.
     Resolutions Committee Report: Chairman John Fritz read the resolutions. We of the 106th Infantry Division Association in meeting at their 35th Annual Reunion at


    Kentucky Lake Dam Village, Gilbertsville, Kentucky June 25-28, 1981 that we express our thanks and gratitude to: Van and Bobbie Wyatt Host and Ken and June Bradfield Co- Host, to Ken Bradfield and Officers, to Mr. Jos. Phelps and staff, to Rev. Dr. Rodney Travis Pastor, First Missionary Baptist Church, Benton, Kentucky, to Accompanist Susan Howe and Soloist JoAnn Lawless, to PFC Kennard Jackson, to Chaplain (LTC) Wesley V. Geary, to Bridgewater Branch 24 Royal Canadian Legion, Nova Scotia, to Honorable Marvin Prince Attorney and to College Episcopal, St. Vith Belgium, Joseph Pankert Director, Nominating Committee Report: Chairman Robert Ringer read his report in which they nominated the following men to the new board of directors for the year 1981-82: William Lucsay, Nathan (Duke) Ward and Dr. John G. Robb. It was moved and seconded to accept all reports as read.
Motion carried.
Unfinished Business: There was no unfinished business to report or be brought before the membership at this time.
     New Business: Sites for the 1983 and 1 1984 reunions. Tom Maw and Ben Britton were to check on someplace in Massachusetts and report back as soon as possible. Jim Wells is to check on Georgia or someplace in the South for our 1984 reunion. Louis Rossi stated that he would like to Host a reunion in Las Vegas. Also, Leo Gregory said that he would like to Host a reunion anytime.

    Douglas Coffey made motion that our treasurer Sherod Collins check on investing our funds in the Money Market Fund and if it is sound to go ahead with it. Motion seconded and passed.
     Russ Villwock stated that he would check on purchasing 100 more Bolo Ties like we had in Chicago. If possible to obtain he would buy out of his own pocket. These will be sold for $5.00 each and any gain would go into the general fund.
No further business meeting adjourned at 3:00 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted, Robert W. Pierce, Sr., Adjutant

Photo: Jim & Claire Henning. The couple responsible for putting the pictures in order.

    Photo: L to R: Bob Pierce, Mrs. Bradfield, Ken Bradfield, Judge Prince, Mrs. Prince. Our new President Russ and wife Jackie.


1981-82 New Board of Directors Meeting
June 27, 1981
The meeting was called to order by the President Kenneth Bradfield.
Roll call was taken and all were present except: Fred Chase, John I. Gallagher, Leo T. McMahon and Joseph Puett.
     Reunion Chairman Van Wyatt reported that they had approximately 204 registered for the Saturday Evening Banquet. Also, that all had gone well. And that they were grateful for the fine attendance and hope all were enjoying themselves.
There was no unfinished business to report.
Under New Business the following officers were elected by a unanimous vote ask to be cast by the adjutant.
Russell Villwock President
Robert Howell 1st Vice President
James Henning 2nd Vice President
Sherod Collins Treasurer

The newly elected President Russell Villwock appointed the following:
Robert W. Pierce, Sr. Adjutant
Sherod Collins Historian
Rev. Dr. Ronald Mosley Chaplain
Richard DeHeer CUB Editor
Douglas S. Coffey.. Memorials Chairman

     A motion was made by Duke Ward to purchase a new division flag as our other one was lost in a fire. Motion seconded by William Lucsay and accepted. A lengthy discussion was held on how to go about the purchase of the new division flag. President Russell Villwock appointed a committee of Duke Ward and Sherod Collins to check into this matter. Then report back to President Russell Villwock.
No further business. Meeting adjourned at 3:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Robert W. Pierce Sr. Adjutant

Photo: 'At Kentucky Dam. John Howard. Ken Bradfield. Chuck Puskarich.

     Ken Bradfield giving Chuck Puskarich, on his left and John Howard on his right (chairman & co-chairman of the 1982 convention) a few pointers on the operation and handling of a convention.
     Thanks Ken, it's and has been to date a great help. Pres. Russ Villwock will be in Milwaukee in August, visiting with Chuck and John to further aid in the preparation of the GREAT ONE, come next July 15, 16, 17, 18.
"It's all yours. You have the whole hotel," the Sheraton Mayfair Motor Inn, says Ms. Dee Peters, Director of sales.
There is plenty to see and do in Milwaukee. We promise our best to insure a memorable visit with us.
     More info in coming issues of Cub. RESERVE, the 15, 16, 17, 18 of July '82. Mark the calendar. Plan to be with us and we hope to see you all in Milwaukee, Wisconsin come next July!
Chuck Puskarich Co M 424th Inf.


    RESOLUTIONS - Adopted at the 35th Annual Reunion, 106th Infantry Division Association, Kentucky Dam Village, Gilbertsville, Kentucky, June 27, 1981:

WHEREAS: During the 1980-81 year the Association has continued to grow and flourish with pride and,

    WHEREAS: The members present at the 35th Reunion have enjoyed renewing old friendships and welcoming many new faces into our enduring organization,

    by the 106th Infantry Division Association in meeting at their 35th Annual Reunion at Kentucky Darn Village, Gilbertsville, Kentucky, June 25th through June 28, 1981, that we express our thanks and gratitude to:

    1. Ken and June Bradfield and Van and Bobbie Wyatt for their combined efforts and hospitality in arranging and planning this highly successful 35th Annual Reunion.

    2. President Ken Bradfield and his entire staff of officers for leading and administering the affairs of the Association this past year.

    3. Mr. Jos. Phelps and his staff at the Kentucky Dam Village for providing for our comforts and their hospitality in making our stay here a vacation to long remember.

4. Rev. Dr. Rodney Travis Pastor, First Missionary Baptist Church Benton, Kentucky the use of his beautiful church…
5. Accompanist Susan Howe and Soloist JoAnn Lawless

    Photo: Al Johnson and Ron Mosley at reunion with name board made by Chaplain R. Mosley with 106th insignia and Clan Gunn badge on board.


    6. Pfc. Kennard Jackson, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) Bugler, for his stirring rendition of Reveille Assembly, Taps and Retreat in our Memorial Services.

    7. Chaplain (LTC) Wesley V. Geary, USA Division Chaplain, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) for his inspiring and meaningful memorial address.

    8. Bridgewater Branch 24, Royal Canadian Legion, Nova Scotia, for their grand presentation of the wreath that will cement our comradeship with them.

9. Honorable Marvin Prince, Attorney who was our banquet speaker.

10. To College Epispocle, St. Vith, Joseph Pankert, Director, for their 50th Anniversary.

Respectfully submitted,
John R. Fritz, Chairman
Robert Walker
Edward Zoll

ARMINGTON, Donald R. 3125 John Patterson Road Des Moines, Iowa 50317 (513) 266-7609
BRADFIELD, Kenneth W. 908 South Lodge Ave. Evansville, Indiana 47714 (812) 477-0444
BRADLEY, L. B. 512 Locke Street Palmetto, Georgia 30268 (404) 463-3109
BRITTON, Benjamin B. 36 Warren Road Auburn, Mass. 01501 (617)832-2308
CHASE, Fred B. 5 Morris Lane Clifton Park, N.Y.12065
COFFEY, Douglas S. 947 North West Arnet St. Port Charlotte, Fla. 33952 (813) 629-5711
COLLINS, Sherod 625 Channing Drive N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 (404) 351-2985
GALLAGHER, John I. 4003 Frances St. Temple. Penn. 19560 (215) 929-2887
GARN, Charles S. 1939 Highbridge Road Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 (216) 923-3370
HENNING, James W. 1045 East 8th St. Lockport, Ill. 60441 (815) 838-3947
HOWELL, Robert F. 904 East College St. Griffin, Georgia 30223 (404) 227-7373
LUCSAY, William 12612 South Moody Ave. Palos Heights, Ill. 60463 (312) 388-8989
MATTHEWS, Joseph C., Jr. 4706 Western Blvd. Raleigh, N.C. 27606 (919) 851-4851
MAW, Thomas J. 436 Beech St. Rockland, Mass. 02370 (617) 878-1796


PUETT, Joseph F. 2748-D Shallowford Road Atlanta, Georgia 30341 (404) 451-3425
RINGER, Robert C. 4280 Kendale Road Columbus, Ohio 43220 (614) 451-3503
ROBB, John G. 238 De Vore Drive Meadville, Penn. 16335 (814) 333-6364 or 333-1616 office
SCRANTON, Robert L. 9441 Lee Road Brighton, Mich. 48116 (313) 229-6716
STRAUB, Ted J. 251 Beechurst Ave. Morgantown, WV 26505 (304) 599-4450
VILLWOCK, Russell H. 6908 West Higgins Ave. Chicago, Ill. 60656 (312) 631-2027
WARD, Nathan (Duke), 3784 Ardsley Court Marietta, Georgia 30062 (404) 971-8594
McMAHON, Leo T. Gen. (Ret.), 8 North Union St. Middletown, Penn. 17057 (717) 944-3821

REEUNION, JUNE 25-28, 1981

Mr. W. E. Abriel (424-3rd Bn HQ), 222 Maple Lane No. Syracuse. N.Y. 13212
Mr. & Mrs. John Adams, Jr. (422-D Co.), 208 N. 11th St. Oakland, MD 21550
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Armington (424-H Co.), 3125 John Patterson Rd. Des Moines; Iowa 50317
Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Axon (422-Sv Co.), 11307 Madison Kansas City, Mo. 64114
Mrs. Carol W. Beals (Assoc.), 8 Green Mountain Dr. Iowa City. Iowa 52240
Mr. & Mrs. George Bloomingburg (423-1 Co.), Rt. 9. Box 171 Benton, Kentucky 42025
Mr. Ira G. Bottoms (592FA), P.O. Box 103 Norcross, Georgia 30091
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bradfield (591 FA Sv Bty.), 9101 Old State Rd. Evansville. Ind. 47711
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn B. Bradley (422-Sv Co) 512 Locke St. Palmetto. GA 30268
Robert & Nell Austin - guests
Mr. & Mrs. Ben B. Britton (424-E Co.), 36 Warren Rd. Auburn, Mass. 01501
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Brown (424-H Co) 7532 Richmond Kansas City, Mo. 64114
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bryant (422-HQ), 19692 Coral Gables Southfield. Mich. 48076
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Buescher (423-L Co) 200 Rockingham Columbia, Mo. 65201


Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Burkes (424-HQ), 2227 Plantation Dr. East Point, Ga. 30344
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Caviano (Div. HQ), 122 Skyline Blvd. Satellite Beach, Ha. 32937
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Carter (591-Sv Bty.), 613 N. 3rd St. Toronto, Ohio 43964
Mr. & Mrs. S. N. Casey (422 Sv Co.), 1957 Old Brandon Rd. Pearl. Miss. 39208
Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Clarke (591-Sv Bty.), 318 Spring Garden Kannapolis. N.C. 28081
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil C. Clausen (424-F Co.), 908 W. Lincoln Vandalia, Ill. 62471
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Coffey (590-C), 947 N.W. Amet St. Port Charlotte, Fla. 33952
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Collier, Sr. (424-H Co.), 1635 Vance Memphis. Tenn. 38104
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil L. Collins (423-CN Co.), 824 Cypress Ave. Venice, Ha. 33595
Mr. Sherod Collins (423-Sv Co.), 625 Channing Dr. N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Grossman (424-H Co.), P.O. Box 654 Woodstock, Ill. 60098
Mr. & Mrs. William Dahlen (591-Sv Bty.), 303 Charles Rd. Linthicum, Md. 21090
Mr. & Mrs. William Davis (424-3 DV HQ), 1745 12th St. Gering, Neb. 69341
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Davis (422), R.R. 1, Box 195B Brooksville, Ha. 33512
Mr. & Mrs. Richard DeHeer (424-K Co.), 86 Berkshire Lane Palm Coast, Ha. 32037
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dovosky (592 FA), 146 Mt. Airy Rd. Shavertown, Pa. 18708
Mr. Robert Desjardins (Assoc.), Memphis, Tenn.
Mr. Robert Eichelburger (424-G Co.), 825 N. Main St. Urbana. Ohio 43078
Mr. James Ellis (Maybe 422 Co.C?), 1862 E. Main ST. Shelby. N.C. 28150
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Enlow (423-DCO), Taswell, Ind. 47175
Kristi Moson. grandchild. guest
Mr. John Fishburn (423-LCO), 720 Chavokee Dr. Radcliff. Kentucky 40160
Mr. & Mrs. John Fritz (424-HQ), 9271 Avon Belden Rd. North Ridgeville. Ohio 44039
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Gavin (424-H Co.), 1937 Highbridge Rd. Cuyahoga Falls. Ohio 44223
Mr. Joseph Gasses (422 Reg HQ), 1420 Franklin St. Grand Haven, Mich. 49417
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gibson (422-Sv Co.), 524 Washington Lawton. Mich. 49065
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Gottshall (424-3rd Bn HQ), 9 S. Wakefield Rd. Norristown, Penn. 19403
Mr. & Mrs. W. Leo Gregorey (424-3rd Bn) 5009 Bonnahill Dr. Hevmitage, Tenn. 37076
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hartlieb (592 FA), 1805 Olive St. Highland. III. 62249


Mr. Henry Healan (423-M Co.), 15317 Grovewood Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44110
Mr. & Mrs. James Henning (422-3rd Bn HQ), 1045 E. 8th St. Lockport, Ill. 60441
Mr. Hubert Hochstetter (424-I Co.), 427 E. Courtland St. Mundelein, Ill. 60060
Mr. & Mrs. Pete House (A-590 FA), 5662 Clifton Ave. Jacksonville, Ha. 32211
Mr. & Mrs. William Houston (423-CN Co.), Rt. 3, Box 37 Tomhawk, Wis. 54487
Mr. & Mrs. John Howard (591 FA Sv Bty.), 920 S. 76th St. West Allis, Wis. 53214
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Howell (424-2nd Bn HQ), 904 E. College St. Griffin, Ga. 30223
Mr. Albert Johnson (423-M Co.), Ward 5N, VAH 1030 Jefferson Ave. Memphis, Term. 38104
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Justice (592 Sv Bty.), Rt. 5 Ashland City, Tenn. 37015
Mr. & Mrs. R. E Kemp (Assoc.), 7406 Arden Rd. Bethesda, Md. 20034
3 Kemp boys - guests
Mr. Hedwig Klaus 938 Salisbury Ave. Hint, Mich. 48504
Mr. & Mrs. J. O'Brien – guests
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Kriz (591 FA), 24053 Patton Loop Lyons, Ore. 97070
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Kuizema (589 B BT), 12151 Griggs S.E. Grand Rapids, Mich. 49502
Mrs. Kathryn Loveless (Assoc.), 2549 Pickwick Rd. Baltimore, Md. 21207
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lucsay (423-B Co.), 12612 S. Moody Ave. Palos Heights, Ill. 60463
Mr. Phillip Manoli - 14 Calvery guest 22380 Emeryll North Randall, Ohio
Mr. Joseph Matthews (422 HQ), 4706 Western Blvd. Raleigh, N.C. 27606
Bobby Matthews - guest
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Maw (592 A Bty.), 436 Beech St. Rockland. Mass. 02370
Paula Maw. daughter - guest
Mr. & Mrs. Luke McCullough (422 SV), 685 Roberts St. Sheffield Lake, Ohio
Sister as guest
Mr. & Mrs. Paul McMillan (422 SV), 294 Albevmarle Pl. Macon. Georgia 31204
Mr. & Mrs. O. Paul Merz (422 Sv Co.), 8657 Mockingburg La. Cincinnati. Ohio 45231
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Mikalauskis (424-H Co. Box 31, No. 06 W. Blake St. Benton, Ill. 62812
Mr. & Mrs. Elman Miller (424-HQ), 3308 Fairview Ave. Chicago, Ill. 60411
The Rev. Ronald Mosley (424 & Div. Arty.), P.O. Box 25 Maudslea-On-Sea Petiti Riviere Nova Scotia, CD Boj 2po
Mr. & Mrs. George ‘Rocky' Moyer (424-Cn Co.), 3 1st Ave. Arlington Heights, Ill. 60005


Mr. Wanold Olman (422-Sv Bty), 912 Cokesbury Dr. Columbia. S.C. 29203
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ord (423-E Co.), Box 188 New Haven. W. Va. 25265
Mr. & Mrs. D. J. Pfotenhauer (422-D Co.), 1501 Mich Ave. Gladstone, Mich. 49837
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pierce. Sr. (81 Eng.), 474 Federal St. N.W. Warren, Ohio 44483
Mr. L. K. Pinkley (422-3rd B.N. HQ), 813 N. 20th St. Murray, Ken. 42071
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Puskarich (424-M Co.), 428 South 70 Milwaukee, Wisc. 53214
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Redmond (422-3 Bn HQ), 611 North Center St. Statesville, N.C. 28677
Mr. Robert Ringer (590 & 591 FA), 4280 Kendale Rd. Columbus, Ohio 43220
Mr. & Mrs. George Rinkema (423), 16817 S. Park Ave. South Holland, III. 60473
Mr. & Mrs. John Robb. D.D.S. (422-D Co.), 238 De Vore Dr. Meadville, Penn. 16335
Julie & Ann Haire - guests
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rochvich (422-Sv Co.), Rt. 2 Grove, Oklahoma 74344
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Rossi (424-H Co.), 1200 N. Lamb Las Vegas, Nev. 89110
Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Russell (422-Sv Co.), P.O. Box 323 McDonoughm, Georgia. 30253
Mr. & Mrs. L. O. Samples (591-Sv Bty), 405 W. 25th St. Belle, W.V. 25015
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Sanders (422-D Co.), 1115 Magnolia. Rt. 4 Fulton, Ken. 42041
Mr. & Mrs. E. Sauerman (422-D Co.), R No. 23, Box 82 Terre Haute, Ind. 47802
Sandy S. & Michelle Carvell - guests
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Schlesser (591-Sv Bty), 111603 W. 206th Ave. Lowell, Ind. 46356
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scranton (424-K Co.), 9441 Lee Rd. Brighton, Mich. 48116
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Schutte (424-F Co.), 2415 Otter Dr. Warren, Mich. 48092
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scurry (424-3rd Bn HQ), 222 King Charles Rd. Columbia. S.C. 29209
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith (422-D Co.), P.O. Box 324 Fort London. Penn. 17224
Carol Blair - guest
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Straub (422-M&Sv Ca), 948 Chestnut Ridge Rd. Morgantown. W.V. 26505
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Strife (424-3rd Bn HQ), 204 N. Chester St. Leesburg, Fla. 32748
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Strohmier (589 FA), R.F.D. 1. Box 131 S. Loretto, Penn. 15940
Mr. & Mrs. James Teel (424.A Co.), 5 Pearl St. Port Norris, N.J. 08349
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Untiedt (423-C Co.), 1409 S. Franklin New Ulm, Minn. 56073
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Villwock (106th Sig Co.), 6908 Higgins Chicago, Ill. 60656
Wayne & Annette, grandchildren - guests


Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walker (422-D Co.), 598 Terrace Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
Mr. & Mrs. Presslye Walters (Assoc. ), 430 Winchester Ave. Youngtown, Ohio 44509
Mr. & Mrs. Duke Ward (81st Eng. ), 3784 Ardsley Ct. Marietta, Georgia 30062
Mr. & Mrs. James Wells (81st Eng.), 2133 Hephzibah McBean Rd. Hephzibah, Georgia 30815
Mr. & Mrs. E. C. White (C-591 FA), Box 465 Whiteface, Texas 79379
Mr. & Mrs. W. (Rip) Wood (422) 5000 N. Ocean Blvd., Apt. 301 Ft Lauderdale, Ha. 33308
Mr. & Mrs. Van Wyatt (424-G Co. ) Rt. 2. Box 5A Benton, Ken. 42025
Mr. & Mrs. Robert York (422-D Co.) 142 E. Sycamore Grayville, Ill. 62844
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Zenn (423-D Co.) 1856 Cover Dr. Poland, Ohio 44514
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Zoll (424-HQ) 1016 Milford N.E. Canton, Ohio 44714

Summary, 81-3, 589-592-19, 422-31, 423-12, 424-30


Dear Friends:
     Bobbie and I would like to thank all who attended the 1981 Reunion held in Kentucky Darn Village State Park for the kindness shown us. We enjoyed helping sponsor the event and were happy everyone enjoyed themselves.
     The employees at the State Park indicated to us that the 106th people were the nicest people they ever met. This is true and I am very happy to be a member of this association.
The total number registering at the reunion was 204 and I know of four people who did not register officially.
Best wishes, Van S. Wyatt

    Dear Bob: Enclosed are my dues. Have been very busily involved in Ex-POW Chapter and with the VFW Post, am now the Commander of both units. I must admit that I really enjoy it, but wish we could get more of our Comrades involved as there is so much to be done. As you probably know, H.R. 1100 was passed by the House on May 26. On June 4, 468 which is the Senate's version of H.R. 1100, was passed unanimously. This bill has several good items to help the former prisoner of wars. The Jan. - March issue of 1980 brought back a lot of memories. Keep up the good work.
Yours in Comradeship, Don Stone

    Dear Friends: On July 9 visited V.A. Hospital for check up. They put me right in with heart trouble. My heart was beating too fast - in 12 days lost 30 pounds. Do not know when I will get out. I am confined to ward no. 1. Time to read and look at my stamps for my collection.
Sincerely, Fred Schieferstein, N.J.
(Editor - We hope you are feeling better now.

    Dear Bob: I'm not sure if you went up on the dues at the convention. But here's my check for $10.00. I know you will let me know if it is not right. Everything going O.K. I am trying to get the new book, out recently "Death of a Division"


Waiting for the publishers to respond to my letter.
Vic Rauch, N.Y.

     I am retired from Citi Corp Financial Inc. after 20 years as a Loan Officer. My wife, Yetta, and I have been married for 46 years. My present health is good, with exception of angina problems. We have no children, but many nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews.
Three brothers who were also in the service at the same time.
Sincerely, Bernie Caplan, MD

    Dear Friends: I entered the Army on March 12, 1943 and within a week I was in Ft. Jackson, S.C. to become a part of the newly formed 106th Inf. Div I was assigned to Com. 423, and remained with Co M. until I transferred to the Army Air Corp. in Dec. 1943. I didn't last long with the Air Corp. and in March or April 1944 it was back to Ft. Jackson, only this time to Co M, 346 Inf., 87th Div. I wound up in the same barracks on "Tank Hill." The 87th went to Europe in Oct. or Nov. 1944 on the Queen Elizabeth and the 423 Inf. was also on this ship at the same time and I got to see some of my old buddies again.
     I was not aware of the 106th Inf. Div. Assoc. until I saw the reunion notice in the February 1981 issue of the American Legion Magazine. I sure would like to attend the reunion, however, due to a previous commitment, it will not be possible. Perhaps later.
     I am retired after 36 ½ years with the Federal Government (3 years in the Army, rest as a civilian employee). Married for 35 years, wife's name Anna, three children; Gary. 30 years. Diane, 26 years, and Janet, 23 years and one grandchild, Alicia, 5 years old.
Enclosed is my check for the dues.
Tell the boys from Co. M. 423rd (Mar-Dec 1943) that I still enjoy my beer.
Sincerely, Arthur B. Phillips, Jr.

Dear Sir: Enclosed are my dues for 1981.
     Things are just getting a little better organized around here now. My wife, Julia, broke her left hip a couple of months ago and has just returned recently from a stay in the hospital. Fortunately, she has fully recovered from a prothestic type of an operation. They had to put a metal ball in her hip. So far she is doing fine.
     I am finally retired now and am getting to be the world's greatest loafer. Julia is helping me too. So that is the long and the short of it from here, Yours truly.
James T. Davis Signal Company 106th Inf. Division

    Dear Friends: We are sorry we will not be able to attend the convention this year, although we had planned on it until a month ago. Say hello to everyone and may you all have as wonderful a time as we always do.
Sincerely, The Jim Clarks

    Dear Ken: Sorry we are unable to be with you people again, this year, but something unexpected came up and we were unable to go.
     Say hello to everyone for us and I hope everyone more than enjoys themselves, even though we are unable to be with you, our thoughts will be there. I am enclosing our due and donation to the Memorial Fund. Will you please take care of this for me? Sincerely, Virginia & John Kelly, Mass.

    Dear Mr. Pierce: I received a letter from a former 106er and he is interested in joining our association. Will you please send him a form or whatever he needs to join. His name is Elmer F. Smith. General Delivery, Corriganville, MD, 21524. I have really enjoyed the short time I have been a member. I have found a few guys from my outfit through the Cub.
Sincerely, Bill Tarrant, Texas I


    Greetings to the Pierce's: Enclosing my assoc. dues - check for $10.00. I will fly to Paducah on June 25, but will ride home with the Armington's. The Villwock's visited Amanas and Iowa City mid-June. Looking forward to seeing friends at Kentucky reunion and especially you and Jean.
Fondly, Carol Beals

    Hello Bob: Enclosed is a check for our 81-82 dues. Hope this note finds you and your family well. Bob, every year we get older and lately they have been having our reunions farther and farther off the beaten path of public transportation. As you know we fly to the reunions.
     Well, last year we would have had to fly to Atlanta then to Memphis and then to Little Rock. That's the reason we didn't show up. So Bob, I don't think we will be at Kentucky this year. Remember us to all.
Flo & Tom Bickford

    Dear Bob: I was an original member of M Co. 424th Inf. Reg. I was captured in the Battle of the Bulge. Here are my dues for membership and I enjoy the Cub very much.
Ray Fain, Kennesaw, Georgia Thanks for plug! Stella and John did good work.

    Dear Adjutant: Enclosed, please find my check for $10.00 to cover the 1981 dues. I have taken the liberty to forward my check in response to your announcement of the 1981 reunion. I was very late in forwarding my check for the 1980 dues, and certainly do not want it to happen again. I enjoy the "Cub" very much and my best wishes for the Association continuation. Sorry we won't be able to attend this year's reunion, hopefully next year.
Sincerely, Lowry Andrews

    Dear Adj.: I am now retired under disability due to diabetes. I have two daughters and grandchildren. I am a life member of both D.A.V. and ex-Pow. If possible, I would like to have some 106th shoulder patches (Golden Lion). If you could send them C.O.D. I would appreciate it. Hope to hear from you soon Elmer Smith, MD

    Hi: No information of importance. I still have my 106th Assoc. pin as I was a former member. The name Patricia on my check is my daughter's name. My wife's name is Elizabeth, just to set the records straight.
Best, Henry Sandel, Brooklyn, N.Y.

    Dear Robert: Enclosed is my check for membership dues. I didn't get to meet you in person at Kentucky reunion, but had my first opportunity to see you and all the officers in action. Virginia and I wish to extend our thanks to all you for a wonderful planned vacation. We visited historical Bardstown, Lincoln's Birthplace and Mammoth Cave in the beginning of the week and topped it off with the reunion never to be forgotten.
As President Ken said he ordered comfortable weather and the catfish dinner was great.
See you in Milwaukee.
Sincerely yours, Bernard C. Strohmier R.D. 1. Box 131-S Loretto. Penn. 15940

    Dear Bob: I am sorry I am late with dues. I see all the fellows I asked to join up have paid the dues. Sorry I won't be able to make the reunion this year even if only 350 miles away. My eyes and legs are not too good to travel alone. Keep up the good work you are doing. I sent Al Johnson a 106th patch. He was glad to get and I received a nice letter from him.
Your old buddy, Harrison Tissot, Ohio

(Al Johnson comes to some of the reunions)


    Dear Robert: Please send information about the 35th reunion of the 106th Infantry Division to: Lonas L. Chesney. Route 8. Box 230, Thorn Grove Pike, Knoxville, Tenn. 37914.
     My husband was with the 422 Reg and we are lifetime members of the American Ex-POW. but hadn't heard of the 106th Inf. Div. Assoc.
Thanks Mrs. Lonas Chesney, Tenn.

    Dear Bob: Enclosed is a check for 1981 membership and auxiliary dues and Memorial Fund. We will be unable to attend the reunion this year. Harry has been ill and hospitalized in Hines V.A. Hospital in Hines, Ill. Hoping he will soon be home and enjoy some summer outings. Wishing everyone at the reunion a very happy and successful affair.
Cordially yours, Mildred Halden, Ill.

    Dear Mr. Gallagher: I have been a member of the Association for several years now and 1 would like to express my appreciation to you for the superb job you do with the Cub. Unfortunately, I have not yet attended a reunion opting in 1980 to attend for the first time for me the biyearly reunion of the 106th Division Reconnaissance Troop. I can assure you it was a heart warming experience to again meet and be with troopers I had not seen since 1945.
     Needless to say. the men and families who arranged the reunion and the hospitality of the host town of Frankenmuth, Michigan were of the highest order. Twenty of the original members of the troop were present including our first troop commander, Colonel (then Captain ) Ralph E. Kuzell (USA, Ret. ). It should be interesting to note that the 1982 Troop reunion is planned to be held in (of all places) Columbia, S.C., with Platoon Sergeant Roy Mechling doing the ground work. Again. thanks for the Cub.
Robed W. Fisher Colonel (USA. Retd)
    P.S. I enjoyed Mr. Aspinwall's article "Research" and would like to suggest that a Captain Paul Million commanded the 106th Reconnaissance Troop from a time prior to the Divisions arrival at Camp Atterbury at least until such time as the Troop lost its integrity on the line. The name Fossland is not recognized.

Dear Bob: I am applying for membership in the 106th Inf. Div. Association. lnc.
     I was a member of the 106th from the clay it was organized. in the 106th military police platoon. all the way to the 1944 maneuvers in Tennessee. to Camp Atterbury. Ind. I was transferred to Co. B. 423rd Inf. Was with the Reg. until the Division went P.O. E. I was discharged in 10 Dec. 44 - Section 10. convenience of the Government. I was regular army 6394099.
     Prior to the 106th I was in a casual Co. of M.P.'s at Camp Sutton. N.C. I had served 2'1z years in Panama C.Z. and was discharged in July 1938. Enlisted in the Regular Army Reserves and was called to active duty - 10 Feb. 41. Drew a pension for three years. Signed a waiver and joined the Air National Guard Nov. 1955 and retired from the Guard Jan. 15, 1975 with the rank of M/s G.
     I just found out about the 106th Assoc: from a former member Albert Oleshicky, who was with the 589th F.A. To my knowledge there are only three of us living in Savannah that were in the 106th.
Sincerely yours.
Myron E. Clarke P.O. Box 3644
Savannah. Georgia 31404

    Dear Bob: A check for $15 is enclosed for our dues and memorial fund. Am sorry that we cannot be in Kentucky for the 106th Div. reunion. But my mother, Lucy Mansfield, had a stroke syndrome May 12, 1981. She is back in our home from the hospital and is constantly dependent on Eva and me. We do not feel that we can leave her now.
     Our health is not very good. We plan to make arrangements for her to go to a convalescent home after her 95th birthday July 25, 1981.
    She had a heart attack the first of Jan. 1976 and a trial pacemaker. Jan. 7 a permanent pacemaker was put in. In April 1978 her


    pacemaker had to be replaced because of a broken pulse generator wire. She fell and broke her hip while we were on the cruise to the Bahamas in July 1978, and this stroke now is keeping us too busy for our own welfare. I feel that I should come off the board of directors since I cannot attend the meetings.
     All of you will enjoy the reunion. I am sure. Sorry I can't be there to have a good time with you. Give my best to all the members.
     Your friend, Horace Mansfield P.S. Love to Jean and all the other ladies of the 106th Division. Eva Mansfield, Georgia

P.S.S. A belated birthday greeting to your mother from all the members of the 106th Inf. Div.!!!

Mr. Pierce: Enclosed you will find a check for my dues and a donation for the memorial fund.
This year we were looking forward to the reunion at Kentucky Dam, but circumstance will not permit us to attend.
Our youngest daughter, Sue, is having her second baby sometime in June, according to the doctor.
     Marg and I wish we could be there with you all, in Kentucky, to renew old friendships and enjoy the companionship that we had at the reunion in 78. Perhaps next year we will be able to make it. God willing.
Ralph C. Seevers

Dear Bob: I see by the Ex-Pow Bulletin you are having the 106th Inf. Div. Reunion in June.
     I will not be able to make the reunion as we are having out of town guests for the month of June at the Dunbar house. Since we moved to Las Vegas, we have relations and friends requesting visitation rights.
     I was in 422nd Inf. Reg. HQS as the communication officer. If you see any of my old buddies at the convention, please give them our best regards.
     I now serve as the National Service Officer for the American Ex-Pow's here in Nevada. I recently retired from the Veterans Administration (Feb. 80). I was the Assistant Director the VA office in Los Angeles, California.
Please drop me a note. Would like to renew old friendships.
If any 106thers need help with developing claims with the V.A., I'll try to help.
Alan Dunbar 4675 Green Canyon Dr.
Las Vegas. Nevada 89103

     Retired USAF 1 Sept. 63, married 37 years, children (boy 35 with 4 children; girl 33, with children). Retired Aug. 1977 from NCR (disabiltiy). Have been in San Diego since retirement from USAF. Health conditions preclude traveling any distance & Am amateur ham radio operator with call N 6APA. Am still looking for 106th shoulder patch for which I would gladly pay. Would like to hear from any those who were in the old outfit and or POW Camps - Bad Orb & Zeiggenheim. A reply guaranteed. Prior to joining 106th was in 7th PCAD (CA/AA) 72d CA(AA) & 82nd CA (AA) Age now 63. Door is always open for fellow hams and members of old outfits. Phone 714-279-2286.
Harry Jackson, San Diego, CA

    Dear Mr. Pierce: In the April 81 copy of the Ex-POW Bulletin, I note with great interest and a little sadness that the 106th Infantry Division Association will be holding their reunion from the 25th to the 28th of June this year. Interest because I've been wanting to attend for years and, sadness because it falls at a time when will be unable to do so. Business and other commitments make it impossible to do so this year. However, if you will, please put me on your list to be notified of the when and where next years' reunion will be held. If you are in in a position to do this, I would appreciate very much your notifying whoever can do this I was with HHC, 3d Bn,422d Inf. from Cp Atterbury on thru December 44 when I was captured. The rest of the story reads like hundreds of others. After the war, I re-enlisted and spent twenty-four more years in the Army retiring in 1965. In all that time, I have never atended a reunion of the 106th and, would dearly love to do so. I would, also, like to join the association if there is one in existence Whatever you can do on this matter will be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, Neil K. Farrell, Maj. (AUS) (Ret.) 1804 Halbert St.
Killeen. Texas 76544


    Dear Robert: Enclosed is my check for dues. I hope this finds you O.K. I enjoy getting THE CUB magazine very much and hope we keep on getting new members. I hear from a few of our members and enjoy hearing from them. I am fully retired now and have to take it a little easy as I have a heart condition. Bob. I wish you and the Cub a lot of success and good health.
Sincerely, George Kaufman, Ohio

    Dear Bob: I almost forgot my dues. Got the Cub the other day and remembered I had not sent them. Hope you have a nice time in Kentucky. Would love to be with you, but I am working and am going back to school, trying to stay busy.
Love to all, Sue Baker (Mrs. W. C.)

    Hi: My family and I live out from the southern Indiana town of English. I'm re-upping after being out for awhile. Russ Enlow is a friend of mine. I am engaged in construction work.
Bobby Welch, Ind.

    Dear Bob: I retired from U.S. Army in 1965 after twenty-three years of service. I am married to Dorothy and we have four children; one son and three daughters. All are grown and gone from the household. My son and two of my daughters live in California. One daughter married, lives here in Killen, Texas. I am presently employed by the Federal Civil Service and work at Fort Hood, Texas. My position is that of the G3 operations officer. Sorry I can't make the reunion this year. however, I will make arrangements to make succeeding ones.
Sincerely, Neil Farrell, Texas

Dear Bob: Enclosed you will find my dues.
     Sorry I sent them a little late. I served with the 106th from Ft. Jackson thru Camp Atterbury - until P.O. E. to the Pacific in 1944. 1 would like to receive a letter from someone that belonged to the 424 Reg HQTs Co. 2n Bat. Remember some names - C. Miller. J. Valenti, ? Bell, ? Fabey. ? Whitly. My wife and I hope to make a reunion sometime in the future.
Best wishes, Sol Bavaro

     Since the Battle of the Bulge I came home and learned a trade in Htg Plbg & A.C. Now I am a Supt, for the company I represent which is HD Qts in Atlanta, Georgia. I am presently supervising a bank building in Pike Vile, Kentucky, which is an 85 story building. I hope to come over to the reunion one day, if I can get away.
My first wife died (we had three daughters.) I am presently married to Grace E.
Sincerely, Ray Rain, Georgia

     I have been married 35 years - 3 kids - all married. P.O. W. Lager 118 - Leipsiq. Germany - 1/45 - 4/45 - Met my brother right after liberation - he was liberated by Russians same day as I - he was captured by Rommel in Africa. (He is deceased.) Charles (Dick) Ord, New Haven, WV

Please Pay Your Dues Promptly!

Index for: Vol. 38 No. 1, Sep, 1981

Index for This Document

101st Abn. Div., 14
106th Sig. Co., 18
422nd Inf., 27, 28
422nd Regt., 8
423rd Inf., 25
423rd Inf. Regt., 25
424th Inf. Regt., 11, 23
590th FA BN, 8, 17
591st FA BN, 8, 15, 17, 18, 19
592nd FA BN, 8, 16
87th Div., 21
Abriel, Mr. W. E., 15
Adams, Mr. & Mrs. John, Jr., 15
Africa, 29
Andrews, Lowry, 23
Armington, Donald R., 14
Armington, Mr. & Mrs. Donald R., 15
Austin, Robert & Nell, 15
Axon, Mr. & Mrs. Harold L., 15
Bad Orb, 27
Baker, Sue, 29
Baker, William C., 4
Battle of the Bulge, 23, 29
Bavaro, Sol, 29
Beals, Carol, 23
Beals, Mrs. Carol W., 15
Bell, ?, 29
Bickford, Flo & Tom, 23
Blair, Carol, 18
Bloomingburg, Mr. & Mrs. George, 15
Bottoms, Ira G., 15
Bradfield, Ken, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13
Bradfield, Ken & June, 4, 10, 13
Bradfield, Kenneth, 6, 8, 11
Bradfield, Kenneth W., 14
Bradfield, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth, 15
Bradfield, Mrs., 10
Bradley, L. B., 14
Bradley, Mr. & Mrs. Lynn B., 15
Britton, Ben, 4, 10
Britton, Benjamin B., 14
Britton, Mr. & Mrs. Ben B., 15
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Robert G., 15
Bryant, Mr. & Mrs. Jack, 15
Buescher, Mr. & Mrs. James W., 15
Burkes, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A., 16
Camp Atterbury, 25, 29
Camp Sutton. N.C., 25
Caplan, Bernie, 21
Carter, Mr. & Mrs. Fred, 16
Carvell, Sandy S. & Michelle, 18
Casey, Mr. & Mrs. S. N., 16
Caviano, Mr. & Mrs. Sam, 16
Chase, Fred, 11
Chase, Fred B, 14
Chase, Fred B., 6
Chesney, Lonas L., 25
Chesney, Mrs. Lonas, 25
Clark, Jim, 21
Clarke, Mr. & Mrs. Walter C., 16
Clarke, Myron E., 25
Clausen, Mr. & Mrs. Cecil C., 16
Coffey, Douglas, 4, 8, 10
Coffey, Douglas S., 1, 8, 11, 14
Coffey, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S., 16
Collier, Mr. & Mrs. James E., Sr., 16
Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Virgil L., 16
Collins, Sherod, 1, 4, 6, 10, 11, 14, 16
Craig, Col. Malin, 4
Dabson, Alan R, 4
Dahlen, Mr. & Mrs. William, 16
Davis, James T., 21
Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie, 16
Davis, Mr. & Mrs. William, 16
Death of A Division, 19
DeHeer, Dick, 2, 5
DeHeer, Mr. & Mrs. Richard, 16
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 11
Desjardins, Robert, 16
Div. Chaplain, 14
Dovosky, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas, 16
Dunbar, Alan, 27
Eichelburger, Robert, 16
Ellis, James, 16
Enlow, Mr. & Mrs. Russell, 16
Enlow, Russ, 29
Fabey, ?, 29
Fain, Ray, 23
Farrell, Neil, 29
Farrell, Neil K., 28
Fishburn, John, 16
Fritz, John, 3, 8, 9
Fritz, John R., 14
Fritz, Mr. & Mrs. John, 16
Ft. Jackson, SC, 21, 29
Gallagher, John I., 6, 8, 11, 14
Gallagher, Stella & John, 2
Gam, Charles, 8
Garn, Charles S., 14
Gasses, Joseph, 16
Gavin, Mr. & Mrs. Chuck, 16
Geary, Chaplain (Ltc) Wesley V., 4, 6, 10, 14
Germany, 29
Gibson, Mr. & Mrs. Charles, 16
Gottshall, Mr. & Mrs. Ed, 16
Gregorey, Mr. & Mrs. W. Leo, 16
Gregory, Leo, 4, 10
Grossman, Mr. & Mrs. Lester, 16
Haire, Julie & Ann, 18
Halden, Mildred, 25
Harm, Raymond T., 4
Hartlieb, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn, 16
Healan, Henry, 17
Henderson, Charles, 6
Henderson, Charles E., 4
Henderson, Mrs. Beverly, 6
Henning, James, 1, 8, 11
Henning, James W., 14
Henning, Jim & Claire, 10
Henning, Mr. & Mrs. James, 17
Hochstetter, Hubert, 17
House, Mr. & Mrs. Pete, 17
Houston, Mr. & Mrs. William, 17
Howard, John, 11
Howard, Mr. & Mrs. John, 17
Howe, Susan, 4, 10, 13
Howell, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 17
Howell, Robert, 1, 8, 11
Howell, Robert F., 14
Jackson, Harry, 27
Jackson, Pfc. Kennard, 4, 10, 14
Johnson, Al, 13, 24
Johnson, Albert, 17
Jurgensen, Fred H., Sr., 4
Justice, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert, 17
Kaufman, George, 29
Kelly, Virginia & John, 21
Kemp, Mr. & Mrs. R. E, 17
Klaus, Hedwig, 17
Kriz, Mr. & Mrs. Howard, 17
Kuizema, Mr. & Mrs. Harold, 17
Kuzell, Ralph E., 25
Lager 118, 29
Lawless, Joann, 4, 10, 13
Loveless, Mrs. Kathryn, 17
Lucsay, Mr. & Mrs. Bill, 17
Lucsay, William, 4, 10, 11, 14
Manoli, Phillip, 17
Mansfield, Eva, 27
Mansfield, Horace, 27
Mansfield, Horace E., 6
Mansfield, Lucy, 26
Matthews, Bobby, 17
Matthews, Joseph, 17
Matthews, Joseph C., Jr., 14
Maw, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas, 17
Maw, Paula, 17
Maw, Thomas J., 14
Maw, Tom, 4, 10
McCullough, Mr. & Mrs. Luke, 17
McMahon, Gen. Leo T., 8
McMahon, Leo T., 6, 11
McMahon, Leo T. Gen. (Ret.), 15
McMillan, Mr. & Mrs. Paul, 17
Mechling, Roy, 25
Merz, Mr. & Mrs. O. Paul, 17
Mikalauskis, Mr. & Mrs. John L., 17
Miller, C., 29
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Elman, 17
Million, Capt. Paul, 25
Mosley, R. A., 2
Mosley, Rev. Dr. Ronald, 1, 11
Mosley, Rev. Ronald, 17
Mosley, Rev. Ronald A., 6
Mosley, Ron, 13
Moson, Kristi, 16
Moyer, Mr. & Mrs. George ‘Rocky', 17
O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. J., 17
Oleshicky, Albert, 25
Olman, Wanold, 18
Ord, Charles (Dick), 29
Ord, Mr. & Mrs. Charles, 18
Pankert, Joseph, 4, 10, 14
Peters, Ms. Dee, 11
Pfotenhauer, Mr. & Mrs. D. J., 18
Phelps, Mr. Jos., 10, 13
Phelps, Mrs. Jos., 4
Phillips, Arthur B., Jr., 21
Pierce, Bob, 8, 10
Pierce, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 18
Pierce, Robert, 6
Pierce, Robert W., 11
Pierce, Robert W., Sr., 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 11
Pinkley, L. K., 18
Prince, Honorable Marvin, 10, 14
Prince, Judge, 10
Prince, Mrs., 10
Puett, Joseph, 11
Puett, Joseph F., 6, 15
Puskarich, Charles, 3, 9
Puskarich, Chuck, 11
Puskarich, Mr. & Mrs. Charles, 18
Queen Elizabeth, 21
Rain, Ray, 29
Rauch, Vic, 21
Redmond, Mr. & Mrs. Dean, 18
Ringer, Robert, 4, 8, 10, 18
Ringer, Robert C., 15
Rinkema, Mr. & Mrs. George, 18
Robb, Dr. John G., 4, 10
Robb, John G., 15
Robb, Mr. & Mrs. John, 18
Rochvich, Mr. & Mrs. Paul, 18
Rommel, 29
Rossi, Louis, 4, 10
Rossi, Mr. & Mrs. Louis, 18
Russell, Mr. & Mrs. J. B., 18
Samples, Mr. & Mrs. L. O., 18
Sandel, Henry, 23
Sanders, Mr. & Mrs. Joe, 18
Sauerman, Mr. & Mrs. E., 18
Schieferstein, Fred, 19
Schlesser, Mr. & Mrs. Jack, 18
Schutte, Mr. & Mrs. Phillip, 18
Scranton, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 18
Scranton, Robert L., 6, 15
Scurry, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas, 18
Seevers, Ralph C., 27
Smith, Elmer, 23
Smith, Elmer F., 22
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Charles, 18
St. Vith, 14
St. Vith, Belgium, 4, 10
Stone, Don, 19
Straub, Mr. & Mrs. Ted, 18
Straub, Ted J., 15
Strife, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond, 18
Strohmier, Bernard C., 23
Strohmier, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard, 18
Tarrant, Bill, 22
Teel, Mr. & Mrs. James, 18
Tissot, Harrison, 24
Tobis, Edward A., 4
Travis, Rev. Dr. Rodney, 4, 10, 13
Untiedt, Mr. & Mrs. Ray, 18
Valenti, J., 29
Villwock, Mr. & Mrs. Russell, 18
Villwock, Russ, 4, 10, 11
Villwock, Russell, 1, 11
Villwock, Russell H., 1, 15
Wakefield, 16
Walker, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 19
Walker, Robert, 8, 14
Walters, Mr. & Mrs. Presslye, 19
Ward, Duke, 11
Ward, Mr. & Mrs. Duke, 19
Ward, Nathan (Duke), 4, 10, 15
Welch, Bobby, 29
Wells, Jim, 4, 10
Wells, Mr. & Mrs. James, 19
White, Mr. & Mrs. E. C., 19
Whitly, ?, 29
Wood, Mr. & Mrs. W. (Rip), 19
Wyatt, Mr. & Mrs. Van, 19
Wyatt, Mrs. Bobbie, 5
Wyatt, Van, 6, 8, 9, 11
Wyatt, Van & Bobbie, 3, 6, 10, 13
Wyatt, Van S., 19
York, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 19
Zenn, Mr. & Mrs. Mike, 19
Zoll, Ed, 8
Zoll, Edward, 14
Zoll, Mr. & Mrs. Ed, 19