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VOL. 29, NO. 4, Sep., 1973

Died June 6, 1973
     Our Association was informed our president Dr. George M. Bullard suffered a heart attack June 6 A.M. and died the same day.
The Officers and Board of Directors express their deep Sympathy to the Bullard Family.


President . Dr. George Bullard
Vice-President Gene Saucerman
Adjutant Robert L. Scranton
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain John T. Loveless, Jr.
Historian Sherod Collins
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor John Gallagher
All editorial matter should be addressed to:
John I. Gallagher 4003 Frances Street Temple, Pa. 19560
All business matters, renewal of membership, etc., should be addressed to: Robert L. Scranton 9441 Lee Road
Brighton, Mich. 48116
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per yell.
You can now send your 1973-74 dues to Bob Scranton.

(Memorial to Maj. Gen. Alan W. Jones)
1894 - 1969
Middletown, Pa. Armed Forces Day Sat. 19 May 1973
    This message will reach you Golden Lion veterans a month to six weeks after the Day is celebrated, and many of you may be participating in the commemoration of the Day in your own home towns throughout the country. It will remind you of the precious years in your prime of life that you devoted to the service of your country with the 106th Infantry Division in World War II. It offers us a special opportunity to honor the men and women presently in our Armed Services and to thank them for the selfless and devoted job they do, shielding our nation and protecting the principles on which it stands.
     For the United States Army this Day marks a year of rapid transition. As American involvement in the war in Viet Nam ended, the Army turned its attention to revitalizing and reorganizing its forces. The future Army will be smaller in size, but increased in professionalism. The move to an all-volunteer force signals other important changes. Programs have been introduced to fully modernize, to attract and retain highly qualified and talented personnel, to improve training and personnel management and increase the attractiveness of Army life. An expanded program for women has been undertaken. The number of military occupational specialties for which women are eligible has tripled - women are now excluded only from those specialties directly associated with combat.
     In the same spirit the Army has increased attention to several problem areas. Among these, and of particular importance, is the issue of race relations. Thrs Army continues positive measures to eliminate discrimination within its ranks and to insure equal opportunity to every soldier.
     To move to a totally volunteer Army has also had important consequences for the Army's Reserve Components. The Army National Guard and the Army Reserve are now, as a matter of policy, the Nation's first source of added strength in time of crisis. Training has been stepped up; National Guard and Reserve units train in association with active Army units under a mutual support program which allows them to become familiar with the latest techniques and equipment.
The key to the continued progress of the Army is the quality of its people and the manner in which they are led.
     The Army's Chief of Staff has committed it to maintaining the highest of standards. He said "People are not in the Army; THEY ARE THE ARMY. Every effort must be made toward insuring that our men and women receive the finest care and the best leadership that is humanely possible. Nothing less is worthy of their dedication and sacrifice."
Leo T. McMahon

     It has been our honor to know and serve with these our comrades who have passed into the life of eternal peace and joy.

Dear Jack:
     I, have been intending to write to you sine receiving my March 1973 American X POW Bulletin. Put like all other X GI's I guess I am a little lazy.
     I was a cadre man assigned to Company I, 423rd Infantry, 106 Division at the time of activation in Fort Jackson, in February 1943.
    My company commander was a Capt. Wayne J. Moe, of Dawson, Minn. My first sergeant was a Charles Smith of New York State.
     I had been a member of the 106th Division for a period of about three or four years. I was on the staff of the convention that was held in Pittsburgh, in the year of either 49 or 50. One of the men I can remember on the group preparing the convention was a Dr. Cessna. He is on the staff of Passavant Hospital here in Pittsburgh.
     At the present time I am the Junior Vice Commander of the Pittsburgh Chapter of American X POW's. I would like to get information on how I can once again renew my membership in the 106th Division Association, and also how I might secure a list of members of said organization.
     As you no doubt know the American X POW's are attempting to secure a National Charter so that we might be recognized by the VA.
     I know of one other member of the 106th Division who is a member of the Pittsburgh Chapter. In fact he, my wife and myself attended a ceremony this afternoon welcoming home Capt. Glenn Meyers of Penn Hills. who had been a prisoner of the Viet Cong for 5 and IA years. That sure is a heck of a long time.
     I am sorry to say that I cannot attend either the 106th Convention or the National Convention of American X POW's this year, but both my wife and myself hope to make the one in Las Vegas in 74 and if at all possible yours in 74.
Yours Truly
Charles W. Freed
404 Lexington Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15215
Received via Jack Bryant.


     VANCE S. JENNINGS, 106th Signal Co., P.O. Box 16155, Temple Terrace, Florida 33617. Vance Jennings tells us on December 21, 1973, he was awarded the degree in Doctor of Music Education by the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma. Dr. Jennings is on the faculty of the University of South Florida in Tampa, Fla.
DAVID B. SLAYTON, Co. A, 422nd Inf., 648 Terrylynn Pl., Long Beach, Calif. 90807.
     By coincidence January 9th at the election of officers for El Bekal Shrine Temple here in Long Beach when Maury Silverman was nominated for the office of High Priest and Prophet it was mentioned that he had served in the 106th during WW2. I was appointed in the line and we found out that night that we were both members of the 106th.
ED PLENGE reports he has retired and has moved to 115 E. 31st St., Beach Haven Garden, N.J. 08008.
     FATHER ED BOYLE said all is well and thank 106 for remembering his 40th Anniversary of ordination. The good father has sent in $2.00 Auxiliary dues. He wants to be a total member.
CHARLES RICHARDS has retired after 37 years of employment. Plans to move to N.C.
REV. MOSLEY divides his year by spending summer in Nova Scotia and winters in Florida. (Lucky fellow)
     GEORGE RINKEMA working at Allis Chalmers for past 33 years. Married for 27 years, their daughter is registered nurse; son served 2 years in U.S. Army.
     JAMES E. BRACKETT is stationary engineer at U.S. Quarantine Station S.I. New York, his wife Kay has retired aft, 41 years employment. Their son Tom has been in Air Force for 6 years. Have one grandson.

As of May 11, our membership was 270 including Associate Members.

     The many friends of Eunice Broth were saddened to learn of her death in the hospital in Baltimore, Md. on April 29, 1973. Her husband is Henry M. Broth, 2628 Rockwood Ave., Baltimore, Md. (I 422) a former President of the Association and long a member of the Board of Directors. She leaves three children; 2 sons Dr. Stuart A. DDS and Ralph N. and one daughter Rita. Both Henry and


    Eunice have attended many of the reunions of the Association and always brought Ralph and Rita until they grew up. The Broths were co-hosts with John and K. Loveless at the annual Dec. 16 dinners in Baltimore. The members of the Association extend their deep sympathy to Henry and the children.
     Col. Alan W. Jones Jr. (Hq. 1 Bn. 423) USA, has been on duty in Belgium for more than 2 years. His mother, Alys, informs us that he will retire from active duty this summer. He and his family will return stateside but have not decided yet where they will settle down.
     On June 23 Wilda and Leo McMahon will attend the wedding of Miss Drucilla Warren and Lennan E. Farquhar in Fair Haven N.J. She is the daughter of John Warren Esq., an attorney of Red Rank N.J. who was ADC to General McMahon in WW2 when he commanded the 65th Divarty, the 106th Divarty and the XXIII Corps Arty.
     One of the jolliest, outgoing and dedicated ladies of this Association is Mrs. Anna Matthews. wife of Col. Joseph C. Matthews Jr. Ret. (Hq 422). now Dr. Matthews PHD of North Carolina State College. Accompanied by their son Bruce, they have attended most of the formations and reunions over the years. Anna has had a tough year since the Reunion in Jacksonville. In October she underwent a successful laser beam operation for eye hemorrhages. In November she developed a painful neuritis of the legs, and cannot walk. She was a patient at times in Duke hospital during the winter and in the spring was in Army Hospital at Ft. Bragg N.C. About three weeks ago she was moved to Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C. Her son Bruce accompanied her. Last week he informed Mrs. Alys Jones, who resides in Washington that his mother is beginning to show some improvement. This will be welcome news to all her friends, and we pray that she will continue to improve. Their home address is 4706 Western Blvd., Raleigh, N.C. 27606.

It is reported that the average age of all World War II veterans is 52.6 years.
Greetings to all!
     The DeHeer's flew to the west coast recently and had a rented car waiting for us in the airport. We did all the tourist attractions in Los Angles, and Pasadena.
    In Redlands we visited Dick's uncle who was 96 years young in April. Uncle Ed lives with his daughter. We rode up the coast to San Francisco and enjoyed the beautiful view. Two days later a big slide closed the road to Big Sur.
We took boat, bus and cable car rides enjoyed each and everyone.
One night we did the Night Club Tour and heard and saw some good shows with the Mill Brothers the big attraction.
This past week-end Rick graduated from Franklin Pierce College in Rindge, N.H. with a degree in Sociology.
See you in July, Marge & Dick DeHeer


     It saddens me to inform you that my husband, Herbert L. Snyder passed away last September 19th. We had planned someday to attend a reunion of the Golden Lions but one thing or another kept us from it. Herb now lies at rest in Arlington National Cemetery and I am flying back to be there for his birthday, April 25th. I hope to see Sam and Billie Cariano, long-time friends of ours, while there.
"BDB" Snyder, 2540 Eastshore Pl. Reno, Nevado 89502

FRANCIS J. MALONEY, Service Btry, 592d FA Bn Dies.
    Francis J. Maloney (Se 592 FA Bn), 231 Wolf St., Philadelphia, Pa., passed away very suddenly Easter Sunday morning, April 22, 1973 at his home shortly after returning from church services. He started employment at the US Naval Hospital, Philadelphia in March 1941, but was inducted into the service in June 1941. He did his basic training and was stationed at Camp Wallace, Galveston Tex. He joined the 106th Inf. Div. in the Tennessee Maneuvers in Feb. 1944 and was assigned to Service Btry 592 FA Bn., with which he served during the maneuvers, at Camp Atterbury Ind. and overseas. After his discharge from the service in September 1945 he returned to employment at the Naval Hospital where he remained for 30 years, retiring two years ago.
     He and his wife, Theresa, accompanied by their two children attended the annual reunions of Sv. Btry 592 FA Bn. at Hershey Park Pa. the Sunday before Labor Day. He and his wife were also members of the Planning Committees which organized end conducted the annual reunions of the 106th Division Assn. at Bellvue-Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia in 1958 and Holiday Inn, King of Prussia Pa. in 1971. His funeral was held in Philadelphia April 26. where he is buried. In addition to his wife. Theresa, he is survived by a son. Francis E. and a daughter, Mrs. Joan Marie Daly.
Your editor add, Francis was a fine gracious gentleman who he was proud to have as a friend. He will be missed.

Dear Sir:
     I must apologize for not writing sooner, but I just didn't. On March 26 of this year, Bob died of Lung Cancer. He was hospitalized on January 26, and released from the hospital on February 21. For about a week after that he did get to Ashville, and once made it to the Doctor, (it may have been a couple of weeks). Then he gradually wasted away.


     Our 5 daughters are all married, and we have 6 grandchildren. The two boys are at home. Don, 14 will be a sophomore next year, and Joe, 12, will be in the eighth grade.
So far I am not working, but when I get the estate settled, I plan to.
Sincerely, Mrs. Robert M. Courtright 600 W. Main St. Ashville, Ohio 43103
May 25, 1973

Affton, Missouri March 26, 1973
Dear Sir:
     My husband, Mr. Henry Bruch died October 24, 1969. We intended to make the trip with the 106th when it went to Europe, but had to cancel it out as my husband wasn't in good health then, and continued to get worse. I hope this answers your question as to why you received no more dues.
Very truly yours, Mrs. Zerita Bruch 6340 Monterey Dr. Affton, Mo. 63123

John Loveless our chaplain is preparing for retirement July of this year.

We are thankful to the American Legion for printing announcement of our reunion in their national magazine.



27th Annual Reunion
July 12, 13,14,1973
Mr. President Motor Inn
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Thursday, July 12
7:00 p.m. Social Hour
Board of Directors Meeting
Friday, July 13
9:00 a.m. Tour of Amway Plant
12:30 p.m. Bus tour to furniture
Dinner on board Keewatin Back to Motor Inn
9:30 p.m.
Saturday, July 14
9:30 a.m. Tour of Gypsum Mine
1:30 p.m. General Meeting
3:00 p.m. Memorial Service
7:00 p.m. Cocktail Party 8:00 p.m. Banquet, Speaker, Entertainment
    At last years business meeting, it was voted the 1973 Reunion Fee to be set at $15.00 for members. The Association to pay reunion expenses not covers by registration fees.
Registration Fee
Members -- $15.00
Wife -- $15.00
Children (under 12) -- $15.00 Guests -- $30.00
Approximate Room Rates Single $14.00 -- $16.00
Doubles $19.00 -- $24.00
Extra occupant over 12 yr. -- $3.00


Index for: Vol. 29 No. 4, Sep, 1973

Index for This Document

106th Div., 3, 6
106th Inf. Div., 2, 6
106th Infantry Division Association, 3
106th Sig. Co., 4
422nd Inf., 4
423rd Inf., 3
592nd FA BN, 6
Belgium, 5
Boyle, Father Ed, 4
Brackett, James E., 4
Broth, Eunice, 4
Broth, Henry M., 4
Bruch, Mr. Henry, 6
Bruch, Mrs. Zerita, 7
Bryant, Jack, 3
Bullard, Dr. George, 2
Bullard, Dr. George M., 1
Bullard, George M., 1
Camp Atterbury, 6
Cariano, Sam & Billie, 6
Cessna, Dr., 3
Collins, Sherod, 2
Courtright, Mrs. Robert M., 6
Daly, Mrs. Joan Marie, 6
DeHeer, Marge & Dick, 5
Farquhar, Lennan E., 5
Fort Jackson, 3
Freed, Charles W., 3
Gallagher, John, 2
Gallagher, John I., 2
Glen, Capt., 3
Jennings, Vance, 4
Jennings, Vance S., 4
Jones, Col. Alan W., 5
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan W., 2
Jones, Mrs. Alys, 5
Loveless, John, 7
Loveless, John & K., 5
Loveless, John T., Jr., 2
Maloney, Francis J., 6
Matthews, Col. Joseph C., 5
Matthews, Dr., 5
Matthews, Mrs. Anna, 5
McMahon, Gen., 5
McMahon, Leo T., 3
McMahon, Wilda & Leo, 5
Moe, Capt. Wayne J., 3
Mosley, Rev., 4
Plenge, Ed, 4
Richards, Charles, 4
Rinkema, George, 4
Saucerman, Gene, 2
Scranton, Bob, 2
Scranton, Robert L., 2
Slayton, David B., 4
Smith, Charles, 3
Snyder, Herbert L., 6
Tennessee Maneuvers, 6
Warren, John, 5
Warren, Miss Drucilla, 5
XXIII Corps, 5