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Original Cub Document
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Vol. 47, No. 2, Jan. 1991

The Balloon Freedom Flight
Some of us are raising more than our voities
page 7
I President's Message
    Our Sacramento trip will always be the most memorable as we drove through many states and saw more of this beautiful country. We covered 7,700 miles during the round trip, and much of that with material for the 106th Sacramento reunion on the top of the car.
    Since our return from Sacramento, we flew to Honolulu, staying seven days and visiting the major islands. What a way to relax and enjoy a 45th Wedding Anniversary!
Now to get ready for the 1991 reunion. We have finalized plans for the Huntsvilleevent and it will be a good one.
    Registration forms were mailed in mid-January. Unfortunately, some of the agenda and registration blanks were left out of the first class mail envelopes that were mailed to all members.
If you did not receive, both an agenda and registration sheet, use the forms that are in or with this CUB
lePlans have been made for large numers of attendance. So return your registrations early. First in, first served.
    The main hotel, the Marriott, guarantees us 250 rooms and the overflow will be the Marriott Courtyard and the Hampton Inn, both within one mile of the Marriott.
Cut off date for registrations is August 1, 1991 and cancellations may be made up to September 1, 1991.
booking forward to seeing everyone in Huntsville. ^
Samuel P. Cariano
Division Headquarters
Recipient Who
    Sam was nol ablelo presentin Sacramento fa personeHyttccopltheaward. Cuero Ns health thisrvas the first reunion he has eve missed. The ovation folloxing the award, at the 44th Annual Reunion,
was evidence et the
respect and thanks that
wished to convey to ho,. CongfatulOofts Sam! oHopelo sae you Mlle 45th.
The CUB oh the Golden Lion
106th IntantryDivisionAssoctatton President
She a GillItand,1990 -1991
592dFAB,Setrice Battery
Watch over and protect them, Blessed Father! 12
    The girl was in her mid teens and her mother in the late thirties or early forties. They were talking with W. Eckblad and me in the Town Square of Gleina, Germany, on our Day of Liberation. They gave me a yellow mechanical pencil to remember them by, which I still have. But what I remember most about them was the mother's request, "You aren't going to let the Russians get us, are you?" With the ignorance of youth and in the exuberance of the moment I assured them that we had been liberated by the Americans and this wouldn't happen. Little did I know nor would I have understood that the politicians had already sealed their fate on this point. I have no way of knowing what happened to these two people left in what would become Communist East Germany. Neither could I know that it would take forty-five years for this wrong to be righted.
    A long time ago God's people were certain that their's was a charmed nation and as God would not allow any bad things to happen to them. The events of history proved them to be wrong to ignore the warnings of God as given through the prophets. Like the events in Germany following World War II, it was some forty years before events began to change for Israel. I don't say this as a comparison but only to point out that when we do those things which are displeasing to God, we do them at oulp own risk.
    I rejoice in the events of the past year which brought about an many changes in Europe. But even as I write this we find our men and women once more in a situation which could mean armed conflict with all of the attending things which happened to the 106th Division in 1944-45. In Isaiah 2:4 we are told thusly of the Lord's judgement. "He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore."
    I have no way of knowing what events will transpire from the time that I write these words in December until you read them in February or March, only God knows what the future holds. However I pray with each of you that they will be more like those spoken of in Isaiah 2:4 than in Joel 3;9,10.
    Blessed Father in Heaven we would pray for a world at peace. A world in which people would settle their differences with brains rather than the sword. Watch over and protect our men and women and those of other nations who are in the military. Let we who have known war be Thy instruments of peace and of reason in this time and place. AMEN
Reverend Ewell C Black Jr., Chaplain
costs Infantry Division Association
212 Ridge St., Bishopvillc, SC 29010
9 803-984-68011

ItkReflections on
C. C. Cavender, Colonel, U. S. Army /nfantry
by Richard W. Peterson, Ph.D. 1285 Rubenstein
Caret by the Sea, CA 92007
Former S/Sgt Mortar Section Leader, Ft. Jackson, South Carolina until surrender on 19 December 1994
Iwas with him from the birth of his regiment, the 423rd Infantry in Ft. Jackson, S. C. when the Regimental
    Colors were unfurled for the first thee. I was with him in Tennessee, in Indiana, and in England. I was with him when he returned to Europe to face the German again as he had in 1917. And I was with him when the 423rd as we knew it, died.
    In December 1944, Colonel Charles Cavender, Texan, West Point graduate, Conner World War I private, came back to Germany as the commander of the regiment he created and trained. With
iim into the Ardennes forests he rought men like me, physically tough, ndividually capable and ready for coin- bat
    Only a few knew Cavender's innermost concerns about the overstretched positions of his beloved 423rd in the Division line when we replaced the 2nd Division. 40 years later in his notes to Charles MacDonald he expressed dissatisfaction with the task assigned. Wide gaps in the defensive line resulted from the blindness of the High Command and its refusal to acknowledge the dangers in the Ardennes. Cavender's thinly stretched regiment was forced to defend without Armor and its reserve battalion. "Good Luck," said the one commander who could help. "If they come, just slug it out with what you have," as he left a frustrated Cavender standing along the Pram - Bleialf - St. Vith road, known as the Prole Corridor.
A massive and vicious German attack did come through that indefensible corridor. Ordered to attack the Ger-
Colonel Charles C. Cavender (LI.S.Retd)
C.O., 923rd Regiment, 10eth Mt Div. (43-04)
93 years young October 2, 1990
    an and Fight his way out of the noose they had drawn around him Cavender's regiment fought alone. Promised help and supplies never came. With one battalion totally destroyed, he stopped the charge of his last remaining battalion against overwhelming odds. The 423rd and its sister regiment the 422nd held off the best the German Army could throw at them for three bloody days. Their struggle would only be properly acknowledged by the German whose sensitive timetable of battle was destroyed by the defeated regiments. As he sun-eyed wounded men needing aid, riflemen without ammunition, and a total loss of communication with Division, he accepted the abhorrent decision to surrender his command.
    It meant putting his Army career on the line. The General's star he would probably earn in his second war was not an acceptable trade for mare
The CUB of the Golden Lion
    lives of his men. Cavender was a casualty of the battle in the Ardennes as surely as if a German bullet had struck him. The sacrifice he made for his coinrades was heroic and unselfish.
    Few know of his valiant efforts to alleviate the suffering of his men in the Stalags. The records of his personal battles with the Germans commanders are buried in still classified records. He argued, he demanded, he bargained to little avail. But he never gave up.
    How many would have died on that hill outside Schenburg if Cavender had not the courage to surrender? I know Ie live today because of him. His example and training served me in battle, in captivity and in the later competition of civilian life. I am alive because he cared
    Not until forty seven years after I first saw Colonel Cavender did I meet him personally. He was a major influence in my life, and he will always be. Charles Cavender,
For the joys of my life, I thank you.
As an old Sergeant, I salute you.
el 1991 R.W.Peterson, Ph.D.
424th Infantry Group has an East Coast Get-Together
Unable to make the Sacramento Reunion several 424th members held a.minereunion 13 October 1990.
The place: Sheraton Atlantic Coast resort, Myrtle Beach, sc. Organizing the event which included a boat
cruise and trips to other interesting spots, was Jim Heirs and his wife Necie.
L/R rear - not Mueller (NY), Jim Heirs (SC), Bill Dodge (OH), Frank BorbenY (PA),
Howard Bagby (MI,FL), Jim Maxwell (SC)
L/R front - Charles Puskarich (WI), Sid Pell (DE), Lee Berwick (LA), Tiller Carter (TX)
Not Shown - Charles Coghlan (AL, Ralph Odom (AL)
At one time all were members of 424 If Company except for Carter (HO-424). In Europe Berwick served
in HQ, 300, 424th Reg, whereas Pell and Coghlan were with the 104th Int DN. and 28th respectively.

isn't everything
by Dan Bled, 422/A
151 Holiday Terrace
West Burlington, lows 52655
    My part-time job as a columnist for The Cub doesn't pay a whole lot. Nothing, actually, in the way of money. But I em getting some kicks out of the assignment that I didn't expect when John Kline asked me to be a contributor.
    For instance, the phone rang one night last fall and, to my total surprise, it was Lou Apel in St. Louis just wanting to bat the breeze about our experi- en
ces in the 106th.
    Lou was in my outfit, Co, A of the 422nd, for a while. He said he remembered me,"kind of hazily," after seeing my photo in The Cub. I've changed more than that, of course. But my face finally sunk in after Lou saw it a half-dozen times and, I think, he recalled my name ecause it's rather unusual.
    Lau asked if my name is pronounced "Bide" or "Bead." I told him it is close enough either way, but it's actually right to pronounce it "Bead." It's a German name and, my dad I suspected, was probably Biederman or something like that before our family came to America. Lou remembered loafing around the day room at Camp Atterbury and it's natural enough that he might have remembered me from there. I was something of a boozer, though I was just 18, at Camp Atterbury, and that meant I was broke "between paydays" half the time. I was around the day room a lot. It didn't cost anything to be there, of course, so I spent a lot of time reading magazines, shooting pool or whatever we did there in that long, hot summer in 1944. Lou sounded like a great guy and I hope to see him before long, perhaps at the Co, Are or at the division reunion in 1991 or or 1992.
I also got in touch with Rob Scheffel, Thanks to The Cub.
    He lives in Nebraska and I remember exactly what he looked like in 1944, a big guy who wore thick glasses and was always anxious to talk.
    Bob didn't remember me, except vaguely. That's the way it goes, tough. At the Co. A reunion last year in West Virginia I remembered Archie. Prim better than he remembered me. And I was a bit red-faced when I couldn't recall Clinton Hohnstein right away, though he remembered me "like yesterday."
    Bob and I exchanged several letters. We were both "writers," he noted, though he made his living by etching names on tombstones over the years. "People ask me how long I was a guest or the Germans during the war," Bob wrote. "I always say it was four months, going on two years."
    Isaac Lucero wrote from New mexico. He reminded me that he used to be called "Half Pint" in the 106th. I remember Isaac very well. He was a good soldier, though he was no short that the butt of a BAR would nearly drag the
and when he carried it. "First I was The CUB of the Golden Lion 5
a BAR man and then I was a scout," he said in his letter. '1 was the only Spanish guy in the outfit."
    I didn't know Eugene Ketch of Arnold, Mo., but he wrote an interesting letter, four pages long, that recalled our trip to Europe on the Aquitania. Eugene was an infantryman (Co, I, 422nd) but he did MP duty during the voyage and told me some things I didn't know. "In your article you mentioned the long lines waiting to buy candy at the dry canteen," Eugene wrote, "You should have seen the lines outside the kitchen waiting to buy sandwiches from the British. This was always at night." The food was terrible on the ship, as many of you will recall. But, according to Eugene, members of the British crew could be seen carrying crates of eggs and other items off the ship in Scotland, "food we were supposed to have been
    These letters and phone calls always II trigger memories of when I joined the 106th at Camp Atterbury on July 7, 1944.
    Perhaps I wrote before about the fact that, while I had been through at infantry basic at Camp Wolters, Tex., I spent the first week or two in the kitchen at Camp Atterbury. This was because there was a shortage of men to do 10. In fact, my future squad sergeant, Sgt, Todd, was doing KP the day I arrived on the scene.
    We always ate well in Co. A. Bob Richardson, our mess sergeant, had operated a restaurant in Indiana, believe it or not. I will never forget the great meal he and his cooks served on for Thanksgiving in 1944.
    It was equivalent to home cooking, except I couldn't go back for another drumstick, etc., the way I did when I was a kid in Iowa. ^
Lt.Dale Carver, 424/HQ 3Bn -- Returns to Bulge Area
    Ruth and I toured the Battle of the Bulge area in July of 1990. We spent three nights in Stavelot with Serge and Susanne Fontaine. Serge, who is with C.R.I.B.A., knew far more about the route of the 424th Infantry then I did and he led us on a comprehensive tour,
    Above is a picture of Serge and me in front of a Tiger tank which is at the War Museum in La Gleise. This tank was found on Serge's grandfather's farm after the battle. ^

1 1
The Story of Freedom Flight
by John Kline, editor
from material 'furnished by
*mulling Psychologist . James Tuorila Ph.D. port/lent of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, SI. Cloud. MN
Associate member
106th Int. Div. Association
    On Veteran's Day of 1989 a all-black hot air balloon emblazoned with three, thirty foot high POW/MIA logos was christened at a ceremony held on the grounds of the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in St. Cloud, Minnesota.
    High winds delayed the balloon's inaugural flight over St. Cloud until Tuesday November 14, when the balloon, flown by the four pilots, who are the founding board members of Freedom Flight, Inc., the non-profit corporation who owns and operates the balloon, launched at St. Cloud airport and landed on the edge of town near the VAMC.
    The first passenger was a WW II European theater ex-pow, 72 year old Henry Shea, who new the balloon flying over town while on his way to the VAMC to do volunteer work.
    The purpose of Freedom Flight is to administer one operate a hot air balloon and related equipment to educate the public about the POW/MIA issues of all Americans held captive in foreign countries.
    The idea for Freedom Flight was conceived in 1987 by Dr. James Tuorila who felt that a hot air balloon would be a good means of publicizing the fact that Americans have been reported to be alive in foreign countries and that only a ground swell of public support will bring them home.
    Dr. Tuorila and his flight instructor, Dean J. Evans, who is a Vietnam veteran, commenced working on the lengthy process of start up funds, designing the balloon and establishing Freedom Flight as a tax exempt nonprofit educational organization. Bob Young and Jerry Grams, very active local balloon pilots and veterans, helped complete the board of directors of Freedom Flight.
The Minnesota 6th District Veterans of Foreign Wars decided that this was a
The CUB of the Golden Llon
    commendable project and gave its support with substantial initial financial contributions. Other organizations such as the American Ex-Prisoners of War, Vietnam Veterans of America, and the American Legion, as well as business and private contributions made the balloon possible.
    Dr. Tuorila who I became acquainted with at a State Ex-POW convention three years ago is a staunch supporter of the American Ex-POW organization, and after hearing my story of the 106th, from the podium, at that convention wanted to become an Associate member in order to receive The CUB. He services several former 106th Infantry Division veterans in his duty with the St Cloud VAMC.
    In 1990 Freedom Flight traveled to 18 different states and over 35 different ballooning and veterans related events. Dr. Tuorila was awarded the honorary degree of a "Kentucky Colonel" last summer, by the Governor of Kentucky and has received other awards from thee American Legion and Vietnam Veter- ans of America (Minnesota). He says that they may be invited to the 1991 National Ex-POW convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Dr. Tuorila is a four year Army veteran (73-77), a disabled vet and President of Freedom Flight, Inc.
    The Freedom Flight balloon is available to appear at functions or fly over your community, depending on their schedule. Freedom Flight has four pilots. These pilots arc not able to travel or operate the balloon without financial support. If you want to see this balloon in your community, or support this effort, write or call for more information. Your donations are tax deductible under IRS Section 501 C (3).
Address: Freedom Flight, Ins.
PO Box 7606
St. Cloud, MN 56302-76(16.
Dr. Tuorila can he reached at his office: 612-252-7208.

81st Combat Engineers meet et New Jerseys December gekto-gether
L/R beck row - Fred Carr Co., Roy Sheets "A" Co, Nick Risoll "B. Co., Charles Fehnel A' Co.
first row- John Kolskr "A"Co., Col Thomas J. Riggs, Ca, Carl Messina 'A" Co.
The CUB of the Golden Lion
December 16th get-togethers
Chicago Area
Russell Villwock, 106 Sig, 6908 West Higgins, Chicago, IL 60656 Tele, 712631-2027
Mending:Herb & Lu Meagher, Hubert Hochste!ter, John & Virginia Blase, Major & Evelyn Hill,
Frank & Elaine von Sewedler, Marshall & Maryann Streit, Bill & Florence Lucsay, Ben Carpenter,
George & Joan Zak, Joe & Betty Daman, Frank Gombotz, Allen & Florence Cohen, Mike Mueller,
    111 William & Lorraine Brankin, Maynard & Joan Adolphson, Robert Welton, Robert & Evelyn Hempel, Milton & Arline Schober. Thomas & Stella Kansa'', Milder Holder, Walter & Frances Peterson, Oliver & Phyllis Libman, Kenneth aumenschen, Dave Todd, and Russell & Jackie Villwock
    After an hour of cocktails and wild stories, a delicious buffet dinner was served. Tnis was followed with yummy, mouth watering desserts, made and served by Evelyn Hempel, Florence Lucsay, Lu Meagher andlackie Villwock. Fun and Games came later instigated by Lu, with prizes of all kinds. There was dancing by n live hand, if you so wished, in the lounge of the Park Ridge VFW Post. 43579, where the party has been held for the last few years.
The CUB of the Golden Lion


December 16th get-togethers
Southern California Area
Won Weiner. 6440 Knott Ave, Buena Park, CA 90621 714-521-1705
Attending: Robert Bennett, 423/H. Verna Wade; Donald 8 Mary Jane Bettech, 423/HO 3Bn;
Tam Broadbent, 81st Eng/A; C.d. Charles a Cavender, 423/HO CO; Richard 8 Lynn Erbes 423/HO;
Leo Kreuser, 81st/Med; Joseph & Ann Lavin. 423/D Allen 8 Geraldine Lowith, 423/CNI
Bob 8 Mary Lou Marsh, 423/0; Mayan & Mamie Mileskl, DIV ARTY/HO; Edward & Evelyn Nelson. 590/11
Dick Peterson, 4231; James & Pearl Rupert, 424/AT w/grand-daughter Natalie;
Ernst 8 AdeIla Simon, DIV/HO; Jim & Jeanne Reiss. 423/L; William 8 Agnes Ulim, 423/SV
Milton Weiner, 424/M 8 Bella Duze; James 8 Aki Yernazaki, 590/Med.
    After reading "My First Reunion" written by Dale Carver, 424/HQ 3Bn, everyone introduced themselves and told their memories, Starting with Colonel C.C. Cavender (at age 93, the youngest In spirit.)
    Agood time was had by all. Noel Year'sget-to-gether is scheduled for 1:00 p.m., Sunday December I. 1991. If you are not on my mailing list, write, or call 714, 521-1705, and you will be added.

ri December 16th get-togethers

Madison, Wisconsin Area
Chuck Ri.k, 422/H, 7316 Voss Pkwy, Middleton, WI 53562 Tele: 608-831-6110
Photo by Ed Wojahn, 81st Engineers/8
    The Wisconsin Second Annual December 16 Commemorative meeting was held 01 I.cwis's Prime Rib in Madison, Wisconsin on 8 December 1990. We had 69 people in attendance compared to 55 in 1989. A video of the Battle of the Bulge was shown and there books on display of the battle. Attending were:
1' 4111 Norman Armlet 8 Alene Mack, Mrs. Betty Bared, MN Arnold Brannstrom, M/M J. Broderick
Fred Broussard, M/M Fred Charmak, Herbert Clark, M/M Walter Donaldson, Tom Grillo
    M/M Donate' Handel, John Hendrickson, Wendell Hoffmaster 8 Nancy Oesterie, M/M John Howard, WM Roger Kane, James Klein. M/M Lee Krueger, M/M Ray Kurth, M/M Robert Lee, M/M Robert LIkins, M/M Albert March, M/M Jerry Miller, M/M Ralph Moore, M/M Edward Nagel, M/M Edmund Podlaski, M/M Burton Pfaff, M/M Chuck Puskarich, M/M Robert Reopen, KM Chuck Rieck, M/M Eugene Rood, M/M John Scalissi, Robert Schramm, Elmer Shudarok, M/M Charles Siebold, M/M Wigs Smythe,
M/M James Tetglatf. M/M Henry Wittenberg, M/M Edward Wojahn and M/M Stanley Zawsdzki
The CUB of the Golden Lion 11
December 16th get-togethers
Minneapolis, Minnesota Area
John Kline, 423/M, PO Box 23485, Apple Valley, MN 55124 Tele; 612.423-4837
back - Charles %dell, 423/1, George Welton, 591/00; Al Krantz, 106/MP
Don Ruddick, 423/0; Llloyd Brunner, 424/A; Al Swenson, 424/1, Al Breucker, 592/A
Boyd Rutledge 422/0; John Kline, 423/M, Howard Flan, Associate.
front 1.6i Bob Sandberg, Blst Eng/A; Richard Ritchie, 423/Med,
Phil Gerlach, 424/0, Russell Gunvalson, 590/A; Bill Johnson, 110 Reg, 28th Dv.
back row L/R - Gladys Reidell; Pet Krantz; Carol Ritchie; Dorothy Swenson
Flora Rutledge; Pat Sandberg; Jan Ruddick
front row L/R - Marion Welton; Shirley Gerlach; Margot Kline; Connie Szarka (Associate)

December 16th get-togethers
Atlanta, Georgia Area
Sherod Collins, Treasurer/Historian, 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30144 Telel 404-028-3207
L/R Front Row - Duke Ward, Bob Howell, Sherod Collins, James Dickerson,
Standing Bill Jenkins, Roger Rutland, Bill Alexander, Jim Wells, Cal. Joe Puett, Lyman Maples,
Col. Joe Matthews, Charles Stammer, Newt Mosely, Roy Browning and Bob Burkes.
Not shown -Morris Piha, Greg Ward and Joe Monerrat.
    On December 1616 the regulars were joined by two new-comer couples and all had a good lime. Each an told where he was a1 the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge. and a fine speaker, Mr. Bill Kenney. Associate Editor of the Marietta Daily Journal, entertained the group with amusing typographical errors which have gaped his paper over the years.
Ladies, Seated LiFt - Olivia Browning, Yvonne Mosely;
Standing - Dot Wallop, Ann Maples, Mettle Rutland, Susie Dickerson, Sandra Jenkins,
Trish Dickerson, Maydean Wells, Ann Matthews, Louise Howell and Martha Ward.
Not shown -Sarah Piha, Ida Fuel, Pam Ward, Regina Thomas, Shirley Stammer and Frankie Burkes.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 13
December 16th get-togethers
Northern California Area
Jerry Edward Buena Prewett & Vista Ave,r City, 94015 Tele, 415-756-5330
L/R back row - Clarence R. Meletesen, Associate; Lewis M Peters, Unit unknown; Robert W. Watson,
423/7; John H. Staulf, 591/B: Mike Thorne, 422/HO 1Bn, Edward Prewett, 424/B.
    L/R front row - Ernest 2. Salazar, 423/M; Don E Cooley, 423/HO 1 Bn, Geroge G. Johnson, 424/E; Frank e Nausin Jr., 424/HO 2Bn; Clarence Spline, Associate, Jerome Eiseman 423/HO 3Bn.
    A "Battle of the Bulge" documentary was shown. Thirteen 1116111 veterans owe in attendance, plus wives and guests, Six were there that had never attended. Next years meeting will be held in Antioch. California on December 14. It will be hosted by Edward Prewett and Bob Jones. Jerry and Ed said that Mike Thome was recovering nicely, and thal's good news Mike!
Cincinnati, Ohio
Host Robert & June Walker, December 8, 1990
    We had 24 people here at our home for the December. get-m-gether.Theweather wasperfect. Some were here for the first 106111 function ever. Not all are Assdei:tion members, but we :try working on them, One of the men was dis.vered by my wife, June, while she was helping him with his lunch, after same-day surgery at the VA Hospital. We am both VA Volunteers.
In attendance:
Al and Peggy Menke, Unit unknown; Frank and Doris Gaffney, 424//-10; Bob and Thelma York, 422/D:
Roy and Jean Bigger, 423/HO; Charles Kirkendall, 592nd; Paul and Carlene Merz, 422/SV:
Joe and Ethel Topic, 423/E, Don and Salk/ Holtzmuller, 589/A: Ken Hester, 5901C: Frank Rates, 422/L,
Joe Buhr, Unit unknown; Rev Robert and Rheba Clark,.
    One sad note--John IL Hoenemeyer,424/K died on December 12,1990.1Ie and his wile Marcia always attended our December functions. They were sorely missed 31111is function. June and I paid our respects:a the funeral horny.

11 December 16th get-togethers
Detroit, Michigan Area
Russell Mayotte, 9628 Caveile St„ Livonia, Michigan, 48150 Photos by Russell Mayotte
Men. L/R seated - Dean Sips., Dick Frankini, John Shalhoub, Fran Ross, Lou Passerine.
Standing, L/R - Bill Tower, Jim Kant, Bill Redman, Jack Bryant, Bob Scranton, .48 Kenyon
Leo Piosecki, Bob Run, Jack Roberts. Russ Mayotte, Bob Rowe.
Below: Ladies, 1st row - Emily Bryant, Lucille Run, Marge Korth.
2nd row - Evelyn Shalhoub, Mildred Scranton, Ann FrankInt
3rd now - Lee Rowe, Lois Kenyon, Mary Pctstive, Marian Sipaon
Rose Reseckl, Jean Schutte, Betty Passerine.
4th row - Shirley Tower, Mary Lou Roberts.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 15
December 16th get-togethers 11
Florida Area
Samuel P. Carlene, 305 Parkside Pl., Indian Harbour Bch. Florida 32937 Tele: 407-777-2876
    The Memorial luncheon was held 15 December 1990, al the Banana Bay Waterfront Resuarant. Melbourne, Florida. We had 42 people attending, some driving 180 miles to attend. Discussions were had about the possibility of forming "sectors" in the state to reduce rrovel, but it was the concensus of the group to continue to hold the event in Central Florida, for the time being. In attendance were:
Sylvester & Mary Albergo, 423/H; Gene Arnold. 5139/HO, Howard Bagby, 424/M;
Lloyd & Dot Byrd, 422/HO 18n, George & Joan Call, 424/B, Sam & Billie Carlene, DIV/HO,
Randy Crockett, DIWHO; Majorie DeHeer, Associate; John & Dorothy DiLcdovicl, 423/E;
George & Muriel Gelb, 424/5; John & Dorothy Hall, 423/SV, Pete & Joanne House, 590/AJ
George & Emily Kelly, 424/B; Paul & Dottie Lamb, 423IAT; Irvin & Betty Minor, 592/A;
John & Norma Oettering, 424/M; Edward & Arline Oecki, 422/D; Todd Olson, 424/M;
Dale & Millie Patrick, 589/C; Ted Slaby, 423/HQ l&R, Richard Sparks, 423/HO;
Robert & Dorothy Stevenson, 589/HO; Steve & Irene Varhola, 424/0; Levene J. Weigel, 422/H.
Mesa, Arizona: Dean Childs, Host, 245 S. 58th St #57, Mesa, AZ 85206
LIR front - Em Pretty, Torn Bugner, Richard Behr, Larry Walden.
Reek Row John Hong, George Stephens, Floyd Friend, John LoPresti, Jack Watters, Dean Childs.
16 The CUB or the Golden Lion
I December 16th get-togethers
Reading, Pennsylvania Area
John J. Gallagher. 4003 Francis St., Temple, PA 19560 Tole: 215-929.2887
    l'he Reading Memorisl Dinner was held on 7 December at the Dutch Colony Motel. 29 porkons vtiendeJ. including rouricen I With Veterans. Agee Prsyer.Toast and Dinner. we slIsharcd memories, ladies wore g en Christmas plants and live of the men won -Bag Lunch.' containing Army isignis.
Next, car's dinner is scheduled tier December 1991, same location. Peer more information csII.
Men Left seated - Robed Prince. John Gallagher, Joe Tarantino;
2nd row • Ralph Hill. Stanley Kowalski, Walter Shirk, Norman Spayd. Frank Borbely, Bill Harris,
3rd row - Curl Deisher, Fred Carr. Bill Jones, Fred Merbin, Donald Showalter (hidden)
Ladies (below) seated L/F1 • Marian Mervin, Sally Hill, Robbie Showalter,
2nd row - Mrs Joe Tarantino;
3rd row • Florence Delsher, Stella Gallagher, Betty Carr,
4th row - Phyllis Borbely, Mabel Radek. Mary Ellen Shirk, Mildred Prince, Lillian Harris.
Berry Jones (hidden), Erma Kowalski (not shown)
The CUB of the Golden Lion 17
December 16th get-togethers
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Area
Charlie 8 Navy Dane, 231 Davis Ave, Clifton Heights, PA 19016 Tele: 215-626-1866
WA front row - Charlie Dale, Harry Albertson, Ray Smith, Bud Southern, Al (Fred) Pad'
Back row - Ray Ulmer, Jack Mcdevitt, Frank Borbely, Harvey Bradford. Jim Bard.
    Sunday the 161h of December 1990, 46 years after the start of the "Barrir of the Bulge," members the 106th Infantry Division met at our home to commemorate that event.
    For Nancy and I, its the highlight of this joyous and friendly holiday season. We wont to take 111111 to thank each of them for the sacrifices and the help they gave us in making this time of sharing and reflection possible. Although the ladies ore not with us in the enclosed picture, they were actually the responsible persons, who workedsilently in the background, keeping the Buffet Table loaded with all sorts of "Goodies'' so withobt them we would have been munching on one of our unforgettable 'Bag Lunches."
We appreciate what you have done for us,
Nancy Dane. Gladys Albertson, Beth Smith, Maurice Southern, Mickey Vitali,
Mary Ulmer, Anne McDevitt, Phyliss Borberly, Anne Bradford and Mary Bard.
    Our heartsand prayersgoout to Melinda Brown for Mc loasof Our friend and comradeCharlieltrown, who passed away this summer.
    The good Lord willing, we will see you again next December 15th, 1991, on Sunday, 013:00 pm. of• possibly sooner in Huntsville, Alabama at the 106th Infantry 45th Annual Rcunion.Thsi gel-to-gather was an unforgettable experience and Nancy and I look forward 10 the next year.
    We missed Tom McHugh, Joe Ansel, Tom Barker, Sinn Feinberg, Charlie Harvey, Henry Kingston. Stan Wojtusik and Emest Savage --Till next year!!
like Wine,
gets better with
from my kitchen woll etlilor

December 16th get-togethers
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Area
George and Norma Vance, 283 Dutch Lane, Pittsburgh, PA 15236 Tale, 412-653.1724
18 Dec 1990 In Attendance:Richard E. Bartz. DIV/HO -AG, John & Katherine Collins, 422/F;
Dr. Michael & Mrs. Connelly, 589/MED; Michael! & Lillian Honk., 422/L;
Edwin & Elizabeth Numinski, 424/F; Harry & Franny Jackson, 423/MED; James & Dolores Jones. 423/G;
Harry & Jennie Koluezez, 423/HO; Howard & Dorothy Lowenberg, 423/E;
111 Joseph & Vivian Maloney, 424/HO; Dr John & Pearl Martin, 422/MED; Stanley & Irene Repos. 424/MED,
Richard & Patricia Rigatti, 923/B; Francis & Helen Stepnick, 422/E; Ted & Laura Straub, 422/M;
George & Norma Vance (Hosts), 422/AT; Pete & Diane Yanchik 423/A,
Guests: - Raymond & M. Pauline Bridged 82d A/B. Frank & Grace McClelland, 28th INF;
    The mooting hold al the Yorkshire Inn, Pittsburgh began with a pledge to the United States flag and the singing of the /kn..)). .. aided by n "Ka. Smith recording. Silence was observed for our
departed buddies while , • as played 1 hanks to Mrs. Franey Jackson for the Santa Claus pins, Dr.
John dr Iroarl M.,.;in ler • . 01 - !Fermin prunes and a roll orjurns, to Richard Itigalli, ror
the-Birthday Cake- here • 1,0111,11 W I le-Palrizin." ePncludcd with"God Riess America"
The CUB of the Golden bon 19
December 16th get-togethers

Lett side: - Florence Melicher, Mary Grasso, Sall Grasso, Bill Harris, Irving Silver
Right side - Frank Defeo, Pam Defeo, John Starreack, Grace Stsrmack, Joe & Dot Scott
End of table - Cletus Noon
New Jersey Area
Carl Messina, 925 Seymour Ave, Linden, New Jersey 07036-2942 Tele: 908-486-2927
In Attendance: John Kole., 81st Eng/A; Ralph Balestrier, 59210; Joseph Soda 423/8;
Myron Swack, 42HO tan; Charles Fehnel, 81st Eng/A; William Melicher, 423/SV;
Carl Messina, 81st Eng/A; Roy Sheets, 81st Eng/A: William Blaher, 422/I; Joe Puzio, 81M/HO,
James Limon, 590/B; wing Silver, 424/7; Harold Fleming, 423/F; Edward Roche, 424/K;
John Starmack, 423/SV; Frank Cannon, 331/MED; Harry Hergenhan. 591/HO;
James Weidensaul, Unit unknown; Sal Scalia, 422/MED; William Hams, 423/SV;
Raymond Creamer, 589/SV; Sal Grasso, 423/SV; Cletus Moon. 423/SV; Ken Schuetz, DIV/HO;
Norwood Frye, 81st/C; Fred Carr, 81st/C; Col Thomas Riggs, 810VHQ, John Nichols, 81st/B,
Paul Wedaneister, 423/MED; William Mueller, 424/M, Dr. H. Baird, 81st/MED,
Fred DeFeo, 423/SV; Nick Risoli, 815t/B,L. Van Assen
    The first New Jersey get-to-gather to Commemorate Me "Bella or the bulge" was a great success with a total of 56 people_ including wives and guests. The weather was had and a kw did not show hecause of that. Plans are under. for one next e no keen tuned to this channel.

ri December 16th get-togethers
Mt. Vernon, Illinois Area
John Mikalauskis, Box 31 306 W. Blake, Benton, IL 62812 Tele: 215-626.1866
Above, standing L/F1 - Cohort Turner, Cecil Clausen, Vince Venegoni, William Daugherty, Bob York,
George Bloorningburg, Earl Todd, gene Saucerman, gene Ketch, Pete Lauman,
Ken Bryan, Ray Vaughn, So Breite, Bill Davis, Van Wyatt, Glen Hartlieb
Seated L/R - Ed gross, Chas Bright, John Mkalauskis, Newton Johnsen, Wm. Webb Hall
    On December I5, 1990, a group of the 106th attended a minion celebrating the Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge at the Ilotiday Inn in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. There were 42 members, guests and wives mesent.An enjoyable limo was had by everyone and it was decided next years reunion would be hold December 14,1991.
1 111

The CUB of the Golden Lion 21
New Jersey, all from 423rd Service Co. - CUR kneeling - Fred DeFeo, Bill Melichar
Standing - Sal Grasso, John Starmack, Cletus Noon, Bill Harris
Doc's Place
December 8, 1990 St. Paul, Minnesota
by Connie Smoke
1956 Shorewood Lane Mound, Minnesota 55364
This was the place where a number of the 106th Infantry Division "Golden Lions" met to commemo-
    rate the start of the Battle of the Bulge in 1944. Though that event was 46 years ago, it seemed vivid in the minds of those present at this luncheon. Some met for the first time. Many of these men had been prisoners of war, injured and had suffered greatly from the severe cold, wet conditions and hunger. They had held on as long as they could, delaying German advances through the Ardennes Forest and around St. Vith. Others of the group, most from the surviving regiment who had fought, withdrawn and then carried the fight to Germans, recalled their experiences of the battles.
    The 106th had been sharply criticized, fortunately the truths about their efforts have printed by war historians. One such publication includes a book, St. Vith. A Lion in the Wiyajm111 Infantry Division in World War II. by Colonel It. Ernest Dupuy, copyright 1949 by the Infantry Journal, Inc. whose dedication reads:
"To the Golden Lions, American soldiers who Raw Courage and Stout Hearts Conquered Eclipse."
    As an Associate member of your organization, I was invited to attend the commemoration get-to-gether. I told John Kline, editor of The CUB that I was very interested in attending bemuse of my interest in studying about World War II and in talking to my high school students (French classes) about this historical period.
I was greeted warmly as I arrived at # I Doe's Place and joined the gathering. I
    would like to add that even though I was born during the time that the 106th suffered its trial by war, I have a great interest in World War II and the people in Belgium and France.
    As I visited with various individuals it was apparent to me how the war and its effects had shaped the men, to a degree.
    Several told me of their personal experiences, some of which were amusing, some painful. It was my privilege to hear these stories and to be able to relate them to the next generations. Sons and daughters are now in Saudi Arabia. Old fears and memories are once again brought to the surface.
    Another sent me a reproduction of the official U.S. Army Christmas Card of 1944, commissioned by the U.S. Committee for the Battle of Normandy inn seum.
Another veteran offered to loan me
his first edition copy of St. Vithdkaint I the Way which I am currently reading.
Books are precious, like gold. I truly appreciate this loan.
    Another vet brought copies of 'The Saturday Evening " November 9, 1946 with the article "The Glorious Collapse of the 106th" and "The Stars and Stripes," of May 8, 1945. Other linemen toes and souvenirs were brought for all to look through.
I am sorry, but there were several vets and wives with whom I did not have the opportunity to visit.
    Here's to the men who gathered together for a few brief hours, to their lovely ladies, to December 1944 and to December 1990.
A Happy New Year
and Good Health to All.
22 The CUB of the Golden bon
11 New Members
Baca, Louis J. 422/L
1320 Spence SE. Albuquerque, NM 87106
Barbsis, Alban DIV/HQ
280 Arlington St. Mineola, NY 11501
    I was a member of the Finance Department of the 106th from its inception to the end of the European War when I was transferred to the 28th Division. I was a Staff Sergeant at that time. I bumped into a neighbor of mine at the Post Office who told me about the 106th Infantry Division Association. Hope to meet some of my old buddies soon.
Brain, Wallace T. 422/HQ 1BN
1220 SE fith Terrace Pompano Beach, FL 33060
    I was a Staff Sergeant, Headquarters Company, 1st Bn, 422d Infantry, captured December 19, 1944. Detained in Stalag 9B - Bad Orb and Stalag 9A, Ziegenhain.
Britt, Donald R. 422/E
315 Brentwood Dr Temple Terrace, FL 33617
    A Tech Sergeant, Company "E," 422d Infantry, I joined the 106th at Fort Jackson in December of 1943. I was with the division until December 19, 1944. I served time at Stalag 9B, Bad Orb and 9A, Ziegenhain. After returning to the states I was assigned to the 4th Infantry with the Airborne Command at Fort Banning.
    I sure would like to know what happened to the airborne captain (I think his name was McConnohie) who acted as our Commanding Officer at 9A during the last few weeks of our captivity.
Caldwell, C. Wesley 423111Q IBN
107 Dana Rd, Box 711 Natchez, MS 39120
Dresselhaus, J. B. 42411
3811 So. 40th St. Lincoln. NE 68506
Ernst, Clair 422111Q 3BN
5611 S.W. Orleans St. Seattle, WA 98116
    I was the Commanding Officer of my unit. I spent time at 9B, Bad Orb, then 13C, Hammelburg, then 131), Nurnberg and was liberated at Stalag 7A, Moos-burg. Mooshurg is just a few miles north of Munich and close to a small town of Landshut, Germany.
    I reported to Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Arkansas on 21 Aug 45. I was C.O. of Camp Headquarters Company until released on September 30, 1945. My wife and I moved from North Dakota to Washington in November and I worked at Boeing, designing airplanes until my retirement in July of '83. My wife died in 1987 after 45 years of marriage, My two sons and their children all live in the Seattle area.
Fehnel, Charles D. 81st ENG/A
81 Castles Dr. Wayne, NJ 07470
    On December 15, 1990 I had the pleasure of attending a regional reunion of members of the 106th Division in Cranford, New Jersey.
    As a member of Company A of the 81st Combat Engineers it was great to meet and talk with Colonel Thomas Riggs, Commander of the 81st and one of the major heroes of the Battle of the Bulge in the St. Vith area.
    The reunion was coordinated by Carl Messina, whom I have known as a long time friend and as a former fellow 81st Combat Engineer and POW. Carl has been very active in the association and has constantly urged me to become a member. Therefore I am happy to submit my application as a member of the 106th Infantry division Association.
Foster, George C. 42411
1109 Grant Ave W. Collingswood, NJ 08107
Sherod, I am submitting another application for membership - apparently my first one was lost. I was a member of
The CUB of the Golden bon 23
New Members t1

    424/I from March 1943 until April 1944 when I was sent overseas as a replacement. I ended up with the 83d Division and was wounded in Normandy and again in the Hurtgen Forest.
    I have three daughters, all married, but wife Florence has been confined to a nursing home the past three years with Alzheimer's Disease. I recently retired after 40 years at RCA.
Fryer, William 0. 422ICN
1414 Celia Dr.
Columbus, GA 31907
    I was a squad Leader in Cannon Company, 422d Infantry. I was married and have four children, two boys and two girls. My wife died in 1987. I am a retired Market manager.
Grant, Eleanor G. ASSOCIATE
479 E. Spencer Fld Rd Pace, FL 33571
Greenwood, Aurrin E. 590/HQ
1220 Elisabeth Street
Baraboo, WI 53913
FII try it for a year - I think $75.00
is too much fore LIPE MEMBERSHIP.
    (editor's note - Aurrin, we appreciate your comments. We give a person his choice. What you choose is your own business. We treat both memberships the same. We have no many members that forget their mnual dues that they like to get it out of the way and pay a LIFE MEMBERSHIP.
    We are a little higher than Ax-POW Life membership, but their annual membership is $15.00 (another $5.00 for the wife - our's is $2.00 for the wife) but we are lower then most of the National Service Organizations. I paid $100.00 for the DAV LIFE MEMBERSHIP and it is now $200, I believe. We do furnish news of a more direct nature about the members of our organization. Oh y., and one other thing. You will find, if you are a LIFE MEMBER, that we do not
    constantly try to get money out of you by sending mailing labels, Christmas cards and requests for legislative efforts. You cannot say that for some of the other veterans organizations.
    You have the same privileges, as an annual member, that you do as a LIFE MEMBER. It all depends on how you want to pay your dues.
(Welcome beck to the 106th, I hope it enables you to meet some old friends... J. Kline
Gregory, John D. ASSOCIATE
1106 Woodmont Circle
Franldin, KY 42134
    (editor's note -John is sponsored by Leo Gregory 424/HQ 5136, of Hermitage, Tennessee. John Gregory was in "C" Company 9th Infantry Division. He reads most of Leo's CUBs. What a nice way to help a friend. Why don't some of you other guys sponsor somebody we are always looking for memberships...J. Kline)
Handel, Donald R. 4241M
4307 Maher Ave
Madison, WI 53716
    My wife, Imagine, and I were at the December party at Madison, Wisconsin. We have two boys and 10 grandchildren. Dennis works as Assistant manager for Sony in Westmont Illinois and Rod our youngest, works for Bernstein Brass Foundry in Madison.
(editor's note - Chuck Pushkarich of Milwaukee writes, " Donald is
    blind. He was My main K.I'. and Runner to wake up the others. I met him in Madison Wisconsin at the December get-to-gather. John, please send him a roster' it was sent ... J.
Hartman, Walter A. 422/K
8616 Cedar Run nd Traverse City, MI 49684
    I contributed to winning World War II by forcing the enemy to provide me with food and shelter (such as it was) for the last four months of the war.

111 New Members
    After leaving service I attended Michigan State University, graduating in 1951. In '56 I married. My wife, Elnora and I have a son and a daughter and five grandchildren. I worked as a social worker for the State of Michigan for thirty years, retiring in 1984. I am now living on a little farm with my wife and two white cats. My hobbies are antique cars and old picture post-cards of Railroad Depots. The post-cards are easy to store and don't generate embarrassing comments like, "You've had it for twenty years and haven't restored it yet?"
Like everybody else, I would like to hear from a buddy, Jack Tillick, if you are out there, drop me a line.
    (editor's note - Walter, I am sure a lot of us feel that we contributed to the war the same way you feel. I hope you try. some of the books that were in the list I sent you when I received your name as a new member. They don't change the facts, but if you are like me, they will ease the thoughts that you may have harbored all these years. We didn't exactly check into
    those hotels (Stalags) without causing the Germans some problems with their time schedule. It's nice to have you with on and hope that we meet you personally, one of these days.
Good Health, remember we are "Survivors." ... J. Kline)
Henderson, Howard R. 423/C
1401 W 39th C.a., WY 82604
    I was sent home early, my records were messed up somehow. I was sent to the 104th and was discharged from there on the point system. I em from Indiana. My Army Serial Number is 35359300. A group of four of us are trying to get it all straightened out.
Jensen, Ralph 0. 422/HQ 2BN
1487 Geller Rd Pt Angel., WA 98362
Jewell, Walter H. 423/0
3624 Oak Wood Ct Panama City Sea* FL 32408
    I began my military service 30 Nov 1942 with the 98th Infantry Division, attaining grade of S/Sgt Heavy Machine Gun Section Leader. After completion of Tennessee maneuvers was selected as a US Army Air Force cadet for training as a fighter pilot. With subsequent reductions was returned in grade to the 106th as a Light Machine Gun Section Leader. Captured on 19 December 1944 was confined to Stalag 4B at Miihlberg- Sgt Howard V. Bryne (ASN-32828898, I would appreciate his address) and I buddied up and escaped in Leipzig while en route to Gorlitz, Staling 8A near the Polish-Czech border east of Dresden, then later north of Hannover after walking there from Gorlitz. During that time I think we ate a ton of dandelions. We returned to Army Control 13 April 1945. I weighed 105 pounds down from 160 pounds.
    I re-enlisted in December of 1945 as a T/Sgt and while on recruiting duty met and married my wife, of 44 years, Kathleen on 6 April 1946. In '47 was assigned to Drexel Institute of Technology, Phila., PA as a ROTC Instructor. In March of '48 was appointed as a 2d Lt. Infantry and in July of '48 ordered to active duty with the 9th Inf Div. W. promoted to 1st Lt, Aug '50 and in April of '51 joined the 5th Regimental Combat Team in Korea.
    I was wounded 17 May 1951 in the knee by a hand grenade (and then later in throat, eye and mouth by a grenade) during the Chinese Offensive. Returned to the unit (G Co.) in Jul '51 from the Tokyo Army Hospital. Was wounded by a sniper through the upper arm 19 Oct 1951.
    Returned to the unit in Nov '51 and .signed to 2d Battalion HQ & HQ Co as the Assistant S-3. I returned to the States in Mar '52.
The CUB of the Golden Llon 25
New Members
    Branch changed to Ord Corps May '53 and trained as Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer. After promotion to Captain, returned to Germany Oct '56 to the HQ US Army Europe (USAREUR) as Staff EOD Officer and MAP Ammunition Coordinating Officer, Heidelberg, where our twins, Donna and Jeffrey were born 6 Nov '57. Returned Nov '59 to U.S.A. and HQ 5th US Army, Chicago, serving as HQStaff EOD Officer and CO. of the 543d EOD Control Detachment, Fort Sheridan, Illinois.
    After promotion to Major was selected for extended active duty past 20 years service. To me this was a great honor and temptation as I was a career soldier and greatly enjoyed my duties working with the fine young men serving our country. But, with two five year olds and a wife who spent much time alone I elected to retire on 1 December 1962.
    In June '63 I was hired as a Federal Civil Service Employee; first serving as an instructor of explosives and munitions at the U.S. ArmyAmmunition Surveillance and Maintenance School, Savannah Army depot, Illinois. From there, Oct '65, transferred to the Office of Project manager (PM) for Selected Ammunition for Bombs and Explosives, eventually to (PM) for Cannon Artillery Weapons Systems. During this period I advanced in the Comptroller budget and program career field, in responsibility and grade until my retirement 3 July 1982.
    Our family now includes one grandson and one granddaughter in our son's family and two granddaughters in our daughter's family. Our hobbies are traveling, walking, listening to music, reading, fishing and visiting the grandchildren.
(editor's note - (Walter, since I
was at Geraz and recognize the
routes you show in your letter where you mention "walking from Gorlitz."
    We, at least 1,600 non-coms, were taken to 4B then sent to Gorlitz by train.. I was definitely on the same march as you, when we were sent back west to avoid the Russians. I was liberated the same day as you (Friday April 13th, 1945), except I was at Helmstedt, Germany. I am sending you a copy of my diary explaining my 415 mile march back to Liberation, with my Heavy Machine Gun Section Leader, S/Sgt George Crouthamel of "M" Company, 923d Infantry. I was a Squad Leader. Please excuse my intrusion.. editor)
Killian (W), B. F. Slat ENG/C
4121 Carnation Or B6 The Links
McAllen, TX 78501
    My old buddy John Gallagher sent me literature on the last reunion. The last one I attended was in 1958 -- don't ask me what happened in the interim.
    I went through Basic in Fort Jackson, South Carolina and served several company commanders. I made it through all the fighting.
Johnston, Ray A. 423/H
ink Archweed Dr. SW #260 Olympia, WA 98502
    Never have been much of a joiner, but recently saw some CUBs that a friend had and decided to sign up. I started my service in February 1944 in Anti-Aircraft, went to Univ of Maine in A.S.T.P., then passed for pilot training and went to Franklin Field, Indiana Ink,, Sent from there to the 106th in the Spring of '44. Captured December 16th and sent to 4B, Bad orb. A German guard on the way to camp had lived in Chicago. I was liberated 8:27 a.m. April 2, 1945, discharged at Fort Ord, California December 1945.
I have a three minute video of a burial at Stalag 4B, taken the clay after liberation.
Married for 42 years, Five children and 11 grandchildren. retired December 1988.

New Members
Ina letter to Gallagher, Iiiliien says:
    "Recently ran across a 1958 roster of the 106th and am inquiring if you are still the editor and also if yau are still active in the Association. I guess we all get sentimental as we get older.
Anyway--if the 106th is still active, what can I do to re-activate myself --like pay dues for 32 years?
    The last time I saw you was in the Hotel Belevue Stratford, Philadelphia. I also have a picture of you and Lt. Scam taken at our convention in Atlantic City."
    (editor's note - B.F. recently wrote me and invited me for Golf and Fishing. His summer address is Rte 2, Box 2277, Spooner, WI 54801. I would like a mess of Blue-Gills and a good golf game. B.F. I will be giving you a calf .J. Kline)
Little, C. Fabion 423/HQ
Box 565 South KRUM, Williamstown, VT 05679
Loudon, Lawrence L. 592/C
359 Bradley Are Delavan, WI 53115
Better Late than NEVER!!! Thanks to Harry McSorley.
Moeller, Charles F. 422/F
3041 17th St Sacramento, CA 07818
    With the 106th Reunion in Sacramento, I met Mr. G. Murray and he passed me the information on joining the 106th Association.
I was a Sergeant in "F" Company, 422d Infantry. Captured on 16 December 1944 and released on March 30, 1945.
rest that survived, I was in Stalags 4B -3B- 3A etc.
    Married 1948, divorced Sept 1972. Three beautiful sons and two daughter-in-laws, six grandchildren, Have been in car Auto & truck sales for eighteen years. Am retired on S.S. and a 50% VA service connected disability. Just released form the Tampa VA, James A. Haley Hospital, am confined to a wheelchair for a considerable length of time. Back in 1945-46 when the Wolverine Chapter started, I belonged. We used to have our meetings at Veterans Memorial Building, downtown Detroit. We slowly dissolved. Five names come to mind, Larry Gubow (spelling?), Jack Gillespie, Bob Rowe, Pat Kelly, Frenchie, Bob O'Brien (red headed Irish), Bob Wolpol etc, Hey!, that's history 45 years ago. God Bless the 106th. So long! signed Harry "0" AKA Malaniak.
(editor's note - Harry, the only
    one I see on our roster is Jack Gillespie, 3536 Darcy Dr., Birmingham, MI 48010. Maybe, the members will fill you in on the others... J. Kline
Mangiaracina, Mary S. ASSOCIATE
5018 No. Lockwood Chicago, IL 60630
I Widow of George ., 422/MED)
Mentier, Wayne J. 422/MED
Rte 2, Box 755 Buttons Bay, MI 99682
    I was assigned to the machine gun platoon of 422/H, captured outside the village of Auw while attending to some wounded men. After some long marching and box-car riding I arrived at Stalag 4B, Muhlberg, Germany, where I stayed until liberated by the Russians.
    On my return to civilian life I began as an apprentice in 'Photo Engraving." married in 1952, had three wonderful children, two boys and one girl. I retired in 1984 and moved from the Detroit area to Beautiful Northwest Michigan. I
Malaniak, Harry W. 422/K
3000 62nd Are N Apt C-108 Pinellas Park, FL 34665-6002
    Also Known As (AKA) Harry "a" I was with the 106th from March 1943. When the division was activated, with marching band Navin,' music at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, TANK HILL liCaptured 19 december 1944. Like the
The CUB of the Golden Lion 27
New Members


have four grandchildren and do volunteer work at our local hospital, one day a week.
Pulsifer, Winfred F. 423/HQ 2BN
6364 Bryan Dr.
Indi.apolis, IN 46227
    1 was in the I&R Section of our Company. Sgt McLaughlin was our First Sergeant. Our Battalion was in reserve at the time of the initial assault. The next several days are one big blur of events. So many things took place in such a short period of time. We were eventually captured an 19 December 1944. There were three of vs left. The others were also captured. We wound up in a work Kommando in Chemintz and of course there were night bombings which resulted in the city burning for three days. We got horse meat after the bombing, for a few days.
    We went to Chemintz or Karl Marx Stadt, as it is now called, this past summer. In fact the border had just been opened. I wanted to see where we were, as POWs. With the help of a young family, who were out for their Sunday afternoon stroll, we found the Cement Company. It had been taken over by the state and enlarged considerably. We did not stay long. City maps were non-existent and we had the language barrier. There was still war damage that could be seen. We drove down one street which was deserted and the apartment houses were roofless and beyond repair. The trip brought back many memories of friends whose names have been forgotten, but who remain, Comrades forever.
    The gal I met at Camp Atterbury became my wife after I returned to the States. I still live in Indianapolis, which has been good to me. We had two sons, who are both married, with one grandson. I don't feel like a Grandpa. I am retired from a great company and am active in its employee and retirees club. I have driven in parts of Camp Atterbury, bull feel likeRip Van Winkle hen I visit it.
    (editor's note - Win sent along a 1986 news article from the Indianapolis Star. It shows him hanging a 106th Infantry Division plaque in the Indiana World War Memorial museum, as his brothers Arnold and Ron Breeden steady the ladder.
    There had been 88 plaques in the museum, along the wall, representing different U.S. Divisions. Guess which one was miming? The 106th. The nail was there in the wall, but the plaque as gone. He recently went back and it had not been replaced. So he struck a deal. He volunteered to make a plaque if they would hang it So the plaque is back in its spot, right next to the 93d Division. Eight inches across, the 106th emblem has the Division Patch as its emblem. It is etched in brass.
    Retired Colonel William A. Scott, executive secretary of the War Memorials Commission said, "I thought it was great. It was a nice gesture. The original plaque had been stolen." The article goes on to tell some of Win's personal 106th history, much as he explained above.... Thanks, Win for being a personal emissary for the 106th. If you could find a photo, such as was in the news article, I would reproduce it in the CUB. Photo newsprint photos do not reproduce well. Maybe the Star will allow us to use it in the CUB. Ask them... J, Kline
Quiram, Howard 81st ENG/B
Rte 1
Benson, IL 61516
    Captured 18 december 1944. Went to Limburg, Stuttgart and Barth, was liberated by the Russians. When I got home I went back to farming. I have two sons and a daughter. I am celebrating 50 years of marriage November 20, 1990.
Rader, Delbert A. ASSOCIATE
20870 Italy Ave W Lakeville, MN 55044
I first heard of the 106th Divisi 28

t 1
11 New Members
    Association in an article published in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune dated 1/7/90. After reading the article, I called John Kline, your editor, and requested membership as an Associate.
    For the past three years, I have been an associate member of the 99th Infantry Division Association. During this time I have been active in the location of veterans in the Minnesota area.
    The 99th was responsible for the Northern shoulder of the "Bulge." The division is finally getting recognition for their involvement in the "Bulge," and a monument has been erected in Krinkelt, Belgium. Dedication of the monument was held October 6, 1990.
    I have also been involved in re-uniting of a rifle squad from the 28th Divi- sion, which also participated in the "Bulge."
I toured the Bulge area on two occasions, in '87 and '89 and would like to
    '21 return to the area in '91. During these tours, I have taken pictures and have made prints for interested parties. I have also visited the 106th memorial at St. Vith.
    The process of locating and re-uniting veterans is a rewarding experience. I am happy to have become an Associate member of your organization.
Reuter, John N. 422/M
1935 a 124th St New Berlin, WI 53151
    Was in Fort Jackson with the 106th in February 1943. I ended up with the 83d Division, but want to be a member of the 106th Association. Gene Schmalzried gave me address to join.
Railings, Mrs. Viola R. ASSOCIATE
309 Cedar St Suffolk, VA 23434
    My husband James, was a POW taken during the Battle of the Bulge. He was in 423/B. After his death I found a list of some of the men in Stalag 4B with him. James belonged to the Association when it first started. He was active in
    the Ax-POW groups and we had attended some of the meetings, which he enjoyed. the names in the 4B list are; Lawrence M. Longworth, James Sanderson, Casey Novakowski, Wm B. Lucsay, Willis Wood, Elmer Aires. Thanks for any help you can give me.
(editor's note - Viola, maybe we will hear from the membership on
    some of these name. Wm Lucsay's address is 12612 South Moody Ave, Palos Heights, IL 60693. I am sure he will see this article. He has been very active in the Chicago Area with the 106ers. He has participated in sev-
eral reunion Committees for the
    106th Association. I have no other information on the other names. Maybe you will get some help from the membership.... J. Kline,
Roos, Arthur K. 422/CN
31(0 August. Dr. Excelsior Springs, MO 641124
Schramm, Robert J. 424/AT
Box 112
Rack Springs, WI 03081-0112
Joined 424/AT at St. Vith, was with the company until it was dissolved. I was discharged in Wisconsin in May of '46.
    Married Janice Oakland in 1998. We have three children, Robert, Kandice and Mary, with six grandchildren. My wife died in September of 1990. I worked at Ladish Co, Cudahy, Wisconsin for 35 years. Retired at the age of 55 in 1980.
Snovel, Robert I. 422/H
711 N bib St. Perkasie, PA 18944
Chuck Bieck, Madison, Wisconsin gave me the address. I want to become a member of the association.
(editors note - Welcome back to the 106th, Bob., I
The CUB ol the Golden Lion 29
New Members
Thomasson, Arthur C. 424/A
Box 104 Dale, TX 78610
    I have had no unusual experiences, outside of being taken as a POW. On returning back home I was in the hospital for 15 months.
Veith, Fred R. 423/C
309 Keene/and Dr. Ft Thomas, KY 41075
    I recently became aware that the 106th had an Association. I was in the 60mm mortar section of "C" Company from April 1945 until most of "C" Company were captured in December 1944. Three of us from "C" Company and a group from "A" Company were on a truck that broke down on the trip to the Ardennes. We were one day behind our companies when the Germans attacked. I spent the rest of the war as Sgt of the mortar section of "A" Company. When the Division was Re-constituted in France, I was transferred back to "C" Company, 923rd Infantry.
Welton, PH.D., George C. 591/SV
106 So. Wood Street Mors, MN 55051
    The 106th days are frequently in my thoughts. I joined the 106th before activation. The 589/C and 591/SV were my rust units. From Dec. 12, 1944 on I was attached to DIV HQ (Forward) and was
    in St. Vith at the start of the Battle of the Bulge (which I still fight,but under my belt now!). A memorable experience was my being detailed to set up and run a last ditch defense (fox holes) around DIV HQ should the Germans break through our gallant infantry units, the 81st Engineers and the HQ Defense Platoon. I stayed with DIV HQ leaving it in Sept., 1945 to be assigned to STARS AND STRIPES (s. Ger, Edition) in Altdorf bet Nurenberg. The paper was printed on the most modem presses in Europe. Goebbels had moved and modernized his "hate literature" plant no that it wouldn't be destroyed by the Al- lied bombing of Nurenberg. I shall never forget sitting in the gallery one day observing the Nurenberg Trials with fat Goering sitting in the front row of the Nazi Defendants.
    On transfer to the Reserves in 1946, I went back to college and earned a BA degree and a Master of Social Work degree just in time to be recalled to active duty on Dec. 16, 1950 for something called the Korean Conflict (when men and women die in armed conflict, it is a WAR in any book!). The Army's Medical Service wanted me because of my training and later sponsored further education which resulted in the award of the PhD degree. Most of the time I was on Army hospital staffs as the Chief, Social Work Service (both Medical and Psychiatric Social Work).
    While with the DCSPER at HQ TJSAREUR in Heidelberg, Germany my wife and I attended our first 106th reunion at St, Vith. To the best of my
knowledge, I was the only active duty Mgr 1 person there, in uniform, proudly wear
ing the 106th patch on my sleeve. Our second reunion was in 1986 in Columbia, SC where we were married in 1943.
    Retirement from active duty as a Colonel came in 1976. I was with the State of Hawaii Child Protective Service for a while and then fully retired becoming "gainfully unemployed."
    After 20 years altogether of life in Hawaii we now live in Minnesota where we both have family ties. When it came time to get a house number fall, after building a house, I requested "106" and was given it! We live on 106 Wood St, (remember the story of Eric Wood of the 106th in the Battle of the Bulge?). Interesting??
    I'm very impressed with the super job being done by John Kline, CUB Editor. Now that is real dedication to a job! We hope to meet him and his wife for the first time in person at the Dec, '90 Minn. 106th luncheon in St. Paul.


V I New Members
t I
CUB Laughs by George Levine 4241M
" I see my ex-husband about once a year, it's sort of a
L.E 44444
I would enjoy hearing from anyone who shared experiences with me in the 106th.
    (editor's note - Thanks George for the nice summary of your experiences. It was a delight to meet you and your wife, at Doe's Place in St. Paul, with all the rest of the gang from Minnesota. See the pictures in the "Dec 16th get-to-gather section. Looking forward to meeting you again. Thanks for the re-print of the Stara and Stripes article on the ending of the War that was to finish all wars (r). Wasn't it great to get to gather with other 106ers?... J. Kline)
Williams, Blan E. 423/SV
1024 Brynewood Terre. Chattanooga, TN 37411
    I now am enjoying retirement after 33 years of work with TVA. A son and a daughter and four grandchildren give my wife and I a. great pleasure and happiness.
LIFE membership
The CUB of the Golden Lion 31
See inside front
left column
Mail Bag 1
    ing in a Piper J-3 aircraft, which we called the "Maytag Bomber" I received my "Certificate of Graduation, Air Crew Training" and was transferred from the Eastern Flying Command to the Western Flying Command at Santa Anna, California. When I arrived the school was back-logged for one month, so they gave me a pre-flight course. Completing that I taught air-craft identification for the 2d month.
    Then one day they marched 4,500 Cadets to the biggest building, played a recording by General of the Air Force, "Hap" Arnold stating that they had too many pilots and would not need our services. (This after spending 936,000 on each of us.)
    After another week I received orders to report to the Presidio of Monterey, California for reassignment. When I arrived I was on orders to report to the APO Office in San Francisco ready for
    duty. Boy, I thought this would be the. ultimate, sorting letters and Readers 1 Digest for the duration-- not so! Two
    days later by orders came ordering me to report to the 106th Infantry Division at Camp Atterbury. I arrived there the last of May 1944 and was assigned as a S/Sgt in "I" Company, 924th Regiment.
    On 16th December, 1944 I was on Combat Patrol with my Platoon Leader Lt. Brown. All Hell broke loose with Lt. Brown being the first to die. I managed to get what was left of the patrol back through "K" Company area and a minefield that was not marked on my map.
    Finally on January 13, 1945 I received the Million Dollar wound in an attack of Stavelot, Belgium. I had corrective surgery in a MASH Unit before being sent to Paris and then back to England. I spent six months in a hospital there, before illy wounds were closed, three burp gun bullets in the groin area. Once again the good Lord smiled on me as the femoral artery and
Albers, Bill G. 42411
2310 Union Ave Alamogordo, NM 88310
    After graduating from Washington High School in Brainerd, Minn. in 1937, I took a job with Northwest Paper Co., a subsidiary of Weyerhauser. Stayed there until August '39 then went with the U.S. Postal Service. My school buddies joined the National Guard to pick up spending money. Had I not been employed I would have been part of the now famous 194th Tank Battalion on the Death March in Bataan. Ijoined the Army one day after Pearl Harbor, took Infantry basic at Camp Forrest, Tenn with Co. F, 131st Infantry, 33rd Division, then was transferred with them to Fort Brady, Sault Ste Marie, Mich.
A picture of BM taken in 1944
    After 18 months up there I turned down a draft to Officers Candidate School. I took the Air Cadet test, this time passed it and was on my way to Miami Beach for Air Force Basic. It was real rough living in a fancy hotel on the beach, with a golf course. After having taken Infantry Basic I thought it was a farce. After three months I was an Aviation student in the Cadet System. I was sent to Birmingham Southern College in Birmingham, Alabama for a 6 months (2 yr college course). After solo-
32 The CUB of the Golden bon
Mail Bag
slactic nerve were left unscathed, although they are still, til today, joined by scar tissue.
    I retired from Postal Service on April 2, 1974, my 55th birthday with 33 years service. Moved to Alamogordo, New Mexico in Oct of 1980 and purchased a 16 unit apartment complex, which we completely remodeled and then sold in 1984. Now, I am completely retired and very happy in the mountains of New Mexico.
    The picture I have enclosed was taken in Rheims, France after leaving the convalescent hospital. I was 26 years of age'
Bauswell, Victor D. 422/B
426 Washington Me
two Alton, IL 62024
    Thanks for reminding or that my dues were not paid. We travel a lot and just got back. We will be in Las Vegas over Christmas and New Years, then in
    *Southern California for four weeks. I had a buddy die last winter, Benny Winters, 422/B, he is the only one that I remember for the war. I hope to attend one of the 106th Reunions. I am in pretty good health, do a lot of hunting and fishing and keep busy. I would appreciate hearing from anybody in 422/B.
Benign, Russell A. 422/HQ 2BN
188 N. Passaic Ave Chatham NJ 07028
    John, I have a question. I am a big fan of author Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. I read all his books and enjoy his style of writing. In his novels he has mentioned being a prisoner of war numerous times, and being a member of the 106th Infantry Division.
    My question is: What Company and Regiment did he belong to and what job and rank did he have at the time of capture? Also, was he in the ASTP?
Congratulations on the fantastic job you are doing with "The CUB."


    Mditor's no - Sounds like you might not have read his book "Slaughter House Five." I have to admit that I haven't either. I know there are members out there that are well acquainted with Kurt, maybe they will fill you in. Let me know what you find out and we can tell the readers the answer to your question.
Bigger, Roy 423/HQ
310 E. South A St Gas City, IN 40033
    John, Another great issue of The CUB. Can't remember whether you were on the march from Stalag III-B to III-A, but if you were, I have just obtained and excellent map of the area that we covered on that cold journey. It has the names of the places we passed through. The only problem is that some of the towns are shown with names different than those that we are familiar. For example: Furstenburg-on-theOder is shown as Eisenhuttenstadt.
    I have written President John for a copy of the By-Laws and have suggested that the incoming members sit in on the Board Meeting just prior to election so that they can become familiar with the issues at hand.
Braaten, Carl H. 422/L
Box 462
Osceola. WI 54020
ex-POW Carl writes:
Battle of the Bulge The Gernmos come before therknon with floodlight s the sky,
nod the men of the Hootired and Sia'th, stood and roolitieYed why.
Somt artillery shells began to fall Tooks rolle,i dough the ands,
and trot, diuisions of Gm= Infantry innrched through the hills so hold
But when the fog hod limed and it started getting light, the Germans sow our tzoo reghnenlo
Tom digging in to fishf .
The CUB &the Golden Lon 33
Mail Bag
• I
For four long days rue fought the enemy from every side. They thought the new untested troops
would throw down their guns and hide.
e had over four hundred Inert lying dead in the snow,
twelve hundred sixtraounded with no place to go.
We prayed the fog would lift so supplies could be dropped, ut the planes they never came and the fognever stopped.
    The Colonel said we have no food our ammunition is running low, We have all the wounded men to a hospital they must go.
So we layed our weapons in the SIMU, and raised our hands up high,
We dreaded the thought of surrender but the Colonel had told no why.
The battle for us was over but we'd have to survive, The long ',writ!. in prison warps
and the fight to stay alive.
Brax, Richard J. 423/K
14 Porter Street Quaker Hill, CT 06375
    John, Sacramento was my first reunion and God willing it will not be my last!!! My wife, Rosalie andI enjoyed all of it. We want to express our thanks and gratitude to all the people who made it successful.
    I am now looking forward to the next reunion. I was in the restaurant business for 42 years in Norwich, Connecticut and didn't have the leisure we now have. There were only two men from 423/K, DePoyster and myself. I'm trying to round up some more for the next reunion.
    We met some lovely people and that was great compensation for us. I didn't know what I was miming until we went to Sacramento. I was firing a mission on 19 December 1944 at 4:00 p.m., when my CO said, "Destroy the equipment!" I think the town was Schoenberg. I remember the box-car ride, but can't seem to remember how far we walked to get to the train or what town we boarded it in - that was on the way to Bad Orb, Stalag 9B. Maybe you can help me.
    (editor's note - Richard, hjust called our Adjutant, Boyd Rutledge who was with 922/D. I knew he was interned in Stalag 9B also. He said that he boarded the train to Bad Orb at Gerolstein, Germany on the 21st or 22nd and arrived at Bad Orb on De
ember 26. Gerolstein appears to be about 30 miles east of the German border.
    I have evidence in other letters that there were others that boarded trains in Gerolstein that were bombed, I think on Christmas Eve, then had to leave the train and continued walking eastward to Koblenz. My group was in Dockweiler Dreis, a small village just east of Gerolstein. We arrived in Gerolstein and slept M an open field on December 20, one day after we were ar captured. We than left Gerolstein in the evening of December 21 and arrived et Dockweiler Dreis at 2300 hours (11:00 p.m I. We stayed in some old German Army barracks while there. We hit the road at 06:30 am. on Christmas day and walked to Koblenz, arriving in the afternoon on December 27. I have always figured that those men that were in the Gerolstein bombings (box-cars( were in the some column with us. We went on from Koblenz, after being bombed out of a barracks, to Stalag 12-A, Limburg, Germany. 12-A was about 110 miles east of where we were captured. My group went on to Stalag 4B, Mithlberg, 35 miles northwest of Dresden, thence to Stalag 8-A on the Polish-Czech border about 80 miles east of Dresden. My diary shows some air activity in the area on December 22, so that may have been the day that the box-cars were

Mail Bag
bombed at Gerolstein. Hope that helps you... J. Kline)
Brumfield, Vernon E. 589/C
Rte .3 Box 105 Jaye, MS 39641
    I enjoy reading 'The CUB" and finding out about our buddies. I am still trying to locate Ed Malone. I wish somebody in 589/C would confirm that they knew him, and what happened to him.
My wife and I retired from teaching and are presently raising Reg. Beefmaster Cattle.
Crawford, John D. 592/HQ
3147 Melrose Ave NW Roanoke, VA 29017
    John, Received my CUB today and sure do enjoy reading it. I don't see much in it about the 592 Headquarters Battery. I joined it from the 80th Division on cadre to Fort Jackson and was with it until discharged in Dec '45. That
tas the year they started drafting 13 ear olds. It was full of them. I was 25 at the time.
    I lost my wallet recently and nobody returned it. In it was my LIFE MEMBERSHIP card,. Could you replace it? I joined as a LIFE MEMBER as soon as they started the LIFE program.
    )editor's note -John I told the Adjutant that you had lost your card. 1 am sure he will replace it and not charge you over a hundred bucks. Have a good year... J. Kline)
Crouthamel, George N. 4231M
3 Langrock Way
    Burlington, NJ 08016 (editor's note - Section Leader, S/Sgt George Crouthamel and I were together, after capture, until we were liberated. It was particularly comforting to me that George and I buddied together on the long 415 mile trek starting on February 14, 1945 from Stalag VDT-A, Gorlitz, Germany to liberation at Helmstedt, Germany on Friday, April 13th 1945.
    The picture here shows George and his wife Vera. He stayed in the service for 20 years, and we met for the first time, face to face, at the Sacramento Reunion in September of 1990. A great guy, who I found in 1989 after a two year march of my past.
Deisher, Curtis G. 424/L
2 Manor Drive Mohreville, PA 19541
    I left Camp Atterbury in 1944 and joined the 83d Division as a replacement in Cherbourg, France, on July 9, 1944. While at the last reunion I ran into a former member of the 106th and we enjoyed quite a bit of time recountingour days at Fort Jackson, Tennessee maneuvers and the short time we spent at Atterbury. The fellow I met was George Foster, he lives at 1104 Grant Avenue, West Collingswood, N.J. 08107. He like I had no knowledge that there was a 106th Infantry Division
    The Nominating Committee of the 106th Infantry Division Association, is now accepting nominees for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, which will be presented at the Annual meeting of members of the Association, at the 1991 Reunion.
    Members of the Association wishing to nominate an individual, may do no by sending his name and qualifications, for consideration, to the Nominating Committee Chairman
Orfeo Agostini, 202 Elizabeth Street, Hinesville, GA 31313
The CUB of the Golden bon


    Association. I sent him several CUBs. I had related to him from memory, several of the fine articles that had appeared in them. I personally read The CUB from cover to cover, looking for news about buddies that were in "L" Company, 424th Infantry.
I am contemplating attending a future 106th reunion, particularly when it meets here in the East.
Frye, Norwood A. Slat ENG/B
1069 Manchester Rd.
Glastonbury, CT 06033
    John, When I returned home from the 44th Annual Reunion in Sacramento, I went to my attic to look for my German POW tags and I found a copy of The CUB. It was volume 7, "Somewhere in Termessee," march 17 1994. When I turned to the center page, there were many pictures. General Jones in one and Colonel Cavender in another.
I see Sherod Collins has a complete set of The CUBs, no maybe this one is one you are missing.
    Now, that I have mentioned Colonel Cavender's name, I must say how thrilled I was to have had the opportunity to spend some time with him during the final banquet. Attending the reunions has been very rewarding, as I have met fellows from my Company B that I hadn't seen since 1944, and with fellows that I saw for the first time since 1945, that were from "Slaughter House 5." I have made no many new friends and look forward to seeing them each year.
I am looking forward to the 45th at Huntsville, Alabama in September 1991.
    (editor's note -Norwood, thanks for the old CUB. I did not have that one. Yes, the reunions are very gratifying. Renewing memories with old buddies andsharingyour post-war experiences as well as learning what happened to them when you were separated in Ar el
dennes. See you in Huntsville... J. Kline/
Gillespie, John M. 422/C
3596 Darcy Dr
Biniungham, MI 98010
    Here is my check for my LIFE MEMBERSHIP. Shirley and I are entertaining a few hundred people at our daughter's wedding. Marilyn's wedding will be tomorrow evening. (letter written 10/04/90 In fact, this is the second wedding for an in the last two months. Our youngest son, Matt, worked himself, and us, into a rather large wedding affair in July - So after four off-springs - we are free to move. Will keep in touch...
Grivetti, Louis G. 423/K
945 Shawnee Dr
Harrodsburg, KY 403311
    Louis, thanks for the old Association brochure that you sent. I have no idea when it was printed, but it must have been early after the war, for itis
explaining' What the Association Plan 1
To Do." I had a copy, but it is nice of you
    to remember me. I plan to use this in the "CUB Revue," or "The CUB Passing in Review," whatever we finally call it. It will explain what the Association is all about... J. Kline)
Harris Jr., Rev. [sham A. 423/H
PO Box 203
Whites Creek, TN 37109
    Sherod, I hope all is well with you. We're all doing OK, except my wife has had some problems, but she is getting better. This old age isn't what it is cracked up to be, but the alternative is not pleasant.
    I am now the Director of Music for our local United Methodist Church in White's Creek. I gave up traveling to try and pastor small country churches, too hard to be on the road on Sundays and a few Hines in the week.
Take care, the Lord willing we will make it to Huntsville next year.
Mail Bag

Hartman, C. William 424/AT
Rte 2, Box 198
Warrenton, VA 22186
    John, I was with Kurt Vonnegut at the University of Tennessee (ASTP). I sent him photos of no and he lost them. I was one of five brothers in the Infantry, my oldest brother (4th Div) was wounded twice at Normandy and in the Siegfried Line in September. I visited him before we went to France (He had just gotten out of the hospital). My youngest brother (ASTP at North Carolina) was K.I.A. on November 23, 1944 in the Hurtgen Forget. He was in 1st Division.
    Another person, in the last CUB, said he was the principal character in Kurt Vonnegut's book, "Slaughter House Five," but I have a letter from Kurt in which he says I was the only "Billy" in the 106th that he knew, so be used my name. I submit a letter as roof. In the letter Kurt mentions the ame of "Boyle." He (Kurt) says he made contact with him after the war, but he wasn't especially pleased to renew his acquaintance.
Deter, Robert C. 424/C
1205 Inmon
Waco. TX 76705
    John, send me a copy of the 929th Combat Infantry Badge Order #2 as stated in the last CUB. I recently, after 45 years, I heard from a friend, Melvin Creech. He was my Ammo Bearer and we had been side by side from capture until we were 'separated at Stalag III-A, Luckenwalde.
    John, I have found a source for the video 'Battle for the Bulge." If you or any of the members would be interested I will send you the details. I appreciate your efforts and the time that you spend as editor and ",Man at Large" of The CUB and the organization, you do such a fine job.
(editor's note - Bob, thanks for the scomments. I should have written you
Mail Bag
    when I received your letter in December. Could you send me the name and address of the organization that has that video? I wonder if it is the same one that is being sold from Battery Press? I have a film taken from the "Discovery Channel" that was put together by some English interests - it is good. Maybe this is the same.' ordered the one from the Battery Press, but found that it did not mention much about 106th, no it lost my interest. Wish I could review yours so I could compare with what I have„.. J. Kline,
Kelly, Edmond D. 423/D
PO Pox 000 Middletown, NY 10040
Just received The CUB, which prompts two questions.
    First- I feel that I, and any other POW, earned my New York POW plate. You don't see many. Maybe many do not know about the availability of POW plates. Could you publish a list of the States which furnish these plates?
    Second- Dave Hunter's note about the short stay at 'Barna (University of Alabama) before joining the 106th made me look up some photos in my album. I enclose two of them (Xerox copies). I see the note I made next to one which says, "Eleven months later, the same three were in Prison Camp together!"
(editor's note - Ed, 1st- I have nolist of the States which do have POW li- censes vailable. With this note I am
    asking all 106th Infantry Division Association members to send me the details from their state -- Tell me the rules, how much do they cost etc. Minnesota have them, but you pay $10.00 a year more for them, than you do for regular plates. I think Wisconsin gives them away - FREE! - So TROOPS, let me know and I will compile a list.
2nd- The Xerox copies of the U of Alabama ASTP groups show on
The CUB of the Golden Llon 37
Mail Bag
    one - Ed Kelly and Jim Jones and an "unknown" standing on the steps of the barracks, known as "ALKAHALL." The other shows Ed Kelly, Jack Watters and Jim Jones standing on what appears to be the library steps. I forget the name of the building, but I too was an ASTP retro-fit from the U of Alabama. If you want to send me a "photo" copy (not a Xerox copy) I could print it in the next Mail-bag... J. Kline)
Killian (W), B. F. 81st ENGIC
4121 Carnation Dr B6 The Links
McAllen, TX 78501
John, Thanks for the prompt reply to my requests and for the work you do on the CUB.
    If you find the time, this summer, come over and spend some time with us at Potatce Lake, Wisconsin, just 11 miles east of Spooner on #70. (Ate 2 Box
2277, Spooner, WI 54801, is B.F.'s summer addressl.
    While I live at Potato° Lake, I keep a boat in another lake, 260 acres, that is owned privately by a friend. If you are also a golfer, bring along your clubs. I like to keep busy, either fishing or playing golf, with a can of beer with brandy once in a. while.
We return there on May 4th and plan to attend the Huntsville reunion.
I have a lot of material, plus a scrap book Maybe I can put together something for The CUB.
    (editor's note - B.F., thanks for the invitation. That sounds great. I am still working and probably will be next summer, but maybe I can get away a for a few days to partake of your invitation. I love to play golf I used to fish a lot on the Mississippi, just south of LaCrosse, Wisconsin, and in my younger days loved to fish for "Blue-Gills." You naked the question, "What does C.R.I.BA. mean?" CRIBA is an orga nization of our (the 106th's) friends in Belgium. It was formed around 1980 and has taken upon itself to study the "Battle of the Bulge." The men have great knowledge of the area and seem to know where most all otter positions were. They know the battle lines as they progressed during the Bulge and into the aftermath, as the Americans were chasing the Germans back into Germany. They are very friendly to us. They have guided many of our members around the territory, opening their hearts to us, as well as their home. They are working men, and need sufficient time to arrange toms, but are willing to do no if we give them • lead time. If you have any inkling about returning to Europe, let me know and I cam give you some names to contact. Oh yes C.R.I.B.A. means "Center for the Research and Information on the Battle of the Ardennes." A literal translation Let's keep in touch... J. Kline)
Lapato, Frank 422/HQ
AD 8 - Box 403 Kittanning, PA 16201
    John, a few people have asked that I come up with a sign depicting the 106th Infantry Division Association. I have several ideas but need some help. I could use a logo about 12 inches in size that could be enlarged. I am also concerned about any copy rights.
    (editor's note - Frank, nice to hear from you again. I suggest that you look in the CUB, Vol 47 --No.1, OCT-NOVDEC 1990. On page 25 you will see a sign that was used to identify the groups having pictures taken at the Sacramento reunion in Sept of 1990. I don't know who holds the placard (sign), but I would suggest writing Michael Thome, the 1990 president, or John Gilliland, the 1991 president. Their address appear on the inside cover of any current CUB. No use of 38

    Mail Bag reinventing the wheel. Maybe you get a copy of that sign. As to copyright matters. I will take the liberty to say that there would not be a problem, as long as the item is not used for monetary gain of any one individual. The U.S. Government does not copyright written material and Isee the"Golden Lion" emblem used in various books and museums on display. For the purpose you are going to use it, which I understand is for local meetings, I wouldn't worry about it... J. Kline) Lauman, Clarence (Pete) 592/HQ 6399 Smiley Ave at Louis, MO 63139
     John, received another very informative "CUB" magazine. I noted on page 25 November 1990 issue) that you put a picture of which I am a part. John, we met in Mobile, Alabama (Sept 1987), the first reunion for most of us, and at every reunion since. We are all looking eirward to the Huntsville Reunion in ept of 1991. With so many members now, I am wondering if you will run my notice again. I am still looking for the enlisted man that flew with me from Bad Ems to Fulda, Germany on the afternoon of July 16, 1945. I broke my leg in a freak airplane accident and need to verify my story. It happened about 3:00 p.m. in the after- 110011.
    Keep up the wonderful work and I hope I see you in Huntsville in September. (editor's note - Always glad to help Pete_ Hope somebody sees your request above and replies toyou. That';s what The CUB is all about -communications amongst the members. That's a handsome group in the picture. 'still want to get the story in The CUB, that appeared in the CUB Newspaper in Atterbury. I feel guilty every time I think of your name... Maybe soon... J. Kline) Lord, Malcolm E. 424/F 108 S. 2nd St Denton, MD 21629
     Congratulations! Your work on The CUB is outstanding. Best wishes and hope to see you in Huntsville at the 45th Annual Reunion. (editor's note - Hope you received the 424th CB award order 92 that you requested. Thanks. The operation "Desert Storm" is cutting into my "CUB" editing duties. Today is January 18, 1991 and the campaign is about 38 hours old. I, like many others are occupied by the TV as this event unfolds. I am awed at the sophistication of the weaponry. I have great feeling for the people that will be affected by the awesome power that is being unleashed. That feeling is giving me some anxiety and does upset my routine, bothatworkandasI try to concentrate on The CUB... J. Kline)
Love, Jr., Robert E. 423/MED 6379 Heather Dr. Memphis, TN 38119

    Dear John, I read with great interest the article by Dr. Peterson in The CUB on page 25 (Vol 46 --No. 3, APRMAY--JUN 1990). It was also interesting to see the picture of Stalag IX-A on the cover.
    I am sorry that you did not include Dr. Peterson's address in the article, would you please forward the enclosed letter to him. @EDITORS NOTE = (editor's note - Bob, as you know I forwarded the letter and you have heard from Dr. Richard W. Peterson, 423/I since then. I apologize for not including his address. I do try to do that in most of the articles. If any person desires to contact him, here is the address: 1285 Rubenstein, Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007. I am sure he will enjoy receiving your letters... J. Kline) The CUB of the Golden Lion 39 Mail Bag 1 Maloney, Joseph P. 424/HQ 1120 Warren Ave Arnold, PA 15068
     1992 PITTSBURGH REUNION John, I don't want to steal any thunder from the HuntsvilleReunion, but do want to pass along some information in that regards.
     We are well on our way. We have signed with the hotel at $62.00 and that is a bargain. The complex that the Hotel is known as the "Liberty Center" There are four restaurants at this time and will probably be more by 1992. We have the Majestic booked for a three hour tour on the river and at a recent meeting of the Steering Committee authorized a "Band." We also have a "Night at the Races," planned. They are Sulkys and Trotters.
     We think we have a "one of a kind" ladies group at a very reasonable price. The local chapter of the "Sweet Adelines" will be on board as soon as the ladies agree. I visited the Valley Forge Reunion of the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge (VBOB) in September. Unlike ours, where there are all 106ers, this one is a mixture of all type of units. I had hope to find some friends there from Pennsylvania. They (the VBOB guys) do what we do -- that is, set around and refight the war. Seemed like a great group.
     I told my old C.O. that I would pick him up at the Pittsburgh Airport if he came to the 1992 reunion. We are having a great time getting the information and reservations lined up for the 1992 Pittsburgh reunion, and are looking forward to Huntsville in order to do another "Promotion Pitch" for attendance. (editor's note Joe, I me I overlooked answering you on how to contact en old buddy, James J. Clark, Jr., who was wounded at Winterspelt I have no real way to find people, but since he was wounded I would think that he is registered in the VA System. Why don't you contact a VA officer and ask that he try to look up his name, because you need help in establishing a claim for you or one of your other existing buddies. It worked for me once. I found my former Section Leader, S/Sgt George Crouthamel, and met with him in Sacramento... J. Kline;
Mark, Joseph C. 422/HQ 3BN 45 Burnet Hill Rd Livingston, NJ 07030
    John, I've always hidden a feeling of inadequacy that we in the 106th didn't do more in the fighting than we did. Of course I knew rationally that we did the best that we could, but it wasn't until I read John Keegan's new book, "The Second World War," that I not only felt better, but somewhat exhilarated by what he wrote. First he describes the beginning of the attack: "On the morning of December 16111, the front of attack was held by only four American Divisions, the 4th, 28th and 106th Divisions supported by the inexperienced 9th Armored Division, disposed across a space of nearly ninety (90) miles. Two of the three infantry divisions had between them suffered 9,000 casualties in the Hurtgen Forest battle and had been sent to the Ardennes to rest; the third, the 106th, was entirely new to battle." Keegan sets the stage that way and describes the battle in some detail, finally concluding: "Unorganized though as it was at the time, the American Divisions, particularly the 28th and 106th, which had stood in the path of the initial attack, had through dedicated and self-sacrificing resistance of many of their rifle platoons and anti-tank teams, done a great deal to wear down the impetus of the German Ranger divisions on the Gist 40

     Mail Bag day of the attack. They had inflicted heavy casualties, damaged if not always destroyed equipment, and delayed the timetable on which the success of the offensive too narrowly depended..." The writer, John Keegan, is an En. glishman (and not an American blowing his horn) and the most widely read military historian of our time, so his opinion means a lot.
     It did me good to read Keegan's description, and I hope you can print it for the veteran's of the 106th Infantry Division no that they can feel a certain pride in not only doing their best, but in having a significant positive outcome on this big battle.
We counted! Moscone, Attilio A. 422/M 1618 Moffet Rd Silver Spring, MD 20003
     You may be interested in Father *Turley's letter that I have enclosed. Born November 12, 1921, I attended schools in Hartford and Hillyer Jr. College Mow University of Hartford). I finished my sophomore year at Syracuse University when I was called.
     I have been employed by the government sin. 1949. I am with the General Services Administration, NCR, WPCP, Rm 2319, 7th &"D"Sts, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20407 202-708-8656 (editor's note - Attilio, Thanks for your information. I will try to reprint Father Burley's 1950 Christmas letter and the photographs that you sent in this issue, if not I will do it in a later issue... J. Kline)
Martin Jr., Harry F. 424/L PO Box 221 Mt Arlington, NJ 07856
     As a member of the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge (VB013) I just completed my story of the first day of the battle. They have a column called "Memorable Bulge Incidents." I thought maybe you would like to use it in The CUB. I had almost total recall of my combat experience with 424Th from December 16th until January 25th, 1945, the day I was wounded. (editor's note - Harry, I will try to run your two and one-half page story as soon as possible. It is interesting and I am sure the members will enjoy it. If it is not in this CUB I will try to



     (left) Sitilio Moscone and his wife, Beatrice, Christmas 1990 • and to the right, Attilio vith a friend of his dad's in Sept 1945. The CUB of the Golden Lon Mail Bag get it into the next. I hate to edit it down, for it seems that all of it was pertinent to your experience.
     Did you receive the 424th and the 423d Combat Infantry Badge orders. I tried to call a couple of times and had no answer... J. Kline)
Martin, Roland. 42411 2909 Keswick Rd.
Baltimore, MD 21211
    I would like to report that an old friend and, I think, a former Association member recently passed away. Maybe some of the fellows knew him. He is: William E. Desehler of 424/L. Massey, Joseph 422/C RTE.1 - Box 780 Remlap, AL 05133
     At the age of 18, I volunteered for service in November of 1943. Went to Fort McPherson, Georgia, on to Camp Shelby, Mississippi, then into the 66th Division for Basic Training. I volunteered for replacement into the 106th and was sent to Camp Atterbury. Through Camp Myles Standish we went on to the Aquatanin to Scotland and then on to Fairford, England, then to Leharve. All that plus the trip to the front lines seems to be history. I was captured with most all the rest on December 21st, 1944. Taken as a prisoner to Gerolstein and put aboard box-cars which were strafed. We left the box-cam and walked to Koblenz then on to Stalag XILA near Limburg. While in Koblenz we watched American and German planes in a dog-fight.
    After arriving at Stalag IV-B, Muhlberg, northwest of Dresden, we were sent to a work Kommando at Chemnitz to work in an auto shop. We were at that time attached to Stalag 4-F at Hartsmandorff. Chemnitz was bombed heavily around March 1, 1945. The bombing destroyed the body shop, no they put us to digging gas lines and burying the dead. Membrila, Emilio M. 424/A 040)1 Dry Gulch Dr Thatcher. AZ 85552
     John, I would like a copy of the 424th Combat Badge Order to see if I can find the outcome of a friend, Daniel Zimmerman. (editor's note - Emilio, you have since received the CIB listing. Hope this helped your quest... J. Kline)
     The American pulled up around Chemnitz no the Germans sent us to Prague, Czech. The Russians were advancing in that direction no the Germans marched us back to Wolkenstein. We walked back to the American lines on May 9, 1946. I took a trip back in May of 1984. Landed in Frankfurt and went into East Germany for three days. Spent the night in Chemnitz, now called Karl-Marx-Stadt. We stayed in the Kongress Hotel, which is a real nice one for tourists. Stayed the second night in Leipzig and the third night in Eisenach. Chemnitz has been partially built back, especially the main street. I saw the old power-plant where I was held prisoner and also found the hospital. The Kongress Hotel was built about two blocks from the park. The cemetery where we buried no many dead, is now a park, with a monument at the end. I met an a German POW, who had bee held here at Opelika, Alabama durine, 1 the war.
    (editor's note -Joe, Did you convert German automobiles from passenger cars to trucks while you were there. That rings a bell in my memory from someprior letter. Did you compare living conditions at Chemnitz with that of the POW that was interned in Alabama? Thanks for your information... J. Mine) 42 The CUB of the Golden bon

     Mail Bag (Seearticle below) Major General Robert Preston Taylor (right), Ste Miller, his wife Lean and Mr. Little, Pres. Great Southwest Rotary Club 1511CochhieDr Arlington, TX 75012 finoteandpiettinehoniCelenellliller,froni many months agni Arlingtonite (Texas) Receives POW Medal John W. Miller, retired U.S. Army colonel, was awarded the Prisoner of War Medal by the former chief of chaplains of the U.S. Air Force, Robert Preston Taylor, during a recent meeting of the Arlington Great Southwest Rotary Club.
     Miller received the award in recognition of his five and one-half months incarceration as a prisoner of war in Germany in World War II. He was captured by the Germans in the Battle of the Bulge.
     Miller was a member of the 2d Battalion of the 60th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division and 2d Bn, 423d Infantry of the 106th Infantry Division during World War H. He was decorated 16 times, including seven awards for bravery. ter the atomic bomb was dropped at The CUB of the Golden Lion 43 Miller, Col. (U.S. Ret) John W.
     Operation Plumb Bob in 1957, Miller volunteered to enter the blast area to help scientists determine the effect of the bomb on humans.
    Miller retired in 1967 and worked as Plant Manager of NationwidePapers in Arlington, Texas. He is a member of the Great Southwest Rotary Club, the national Association of POWs, The National Association of Radiation Survivors, Veterans of Foreign Wars, 9th and 106th Infantry Division Associations. Montgomery, James 429a 0130 15111 Pipeline Ave Chino, CA 91701
     John, Enclosed is a copy of Vol 46, 14o. 2, which you stated you needed is Dick Peterson's article in a recent issue of The CUB. Pete and I were in 423/I. I was a rifle squad leader, Pete was a Mortar section leader. We ended up at Stalag IX-B, then together at LE-A. In 1946 I was playing football for Arizona State, Tempe, when a sports writer for the College paper called and said I have someone in the office that knows you. I
     Mail Bag went over to the office and there sat Dick Peterson. He had to relocate to Arizona for health reasons. Then in the mid-50's while football coach for Phoenix College, I was "Lion Tamer" for the Downtown Lions Club introducing guests of members, and there was Pete again as a guest. He was in the banking business.
     I introduced him as an individual that at one time was feared as much by his own people as he was feared by the Germans. We were pinned down by snipers on the hill overlooking Schonberg when Pete comes through the trees with his mortar tube, looking up for openings in the trees. He stopped some 10 yards from me, takes his helmet off, scoops out a hole, fills his helmet with dirt and sets up shop (ala John Wayne). The opening in the trees had reduced over the years to the size of a 60mm mortar shell. He sat down behind his helmet, lined up the tube with the opening and called for a drop. Pete was in complete control -- everybody feared him -- but he got us moving again. He now lives some 80 miles south, near LaJolla, California -- We talk, but I haven't seen him in years. Knowing him, he will show up again at a most unexpected time.
Nicholson, Douglas M. 424/HQ 2BN 34 Hiashire Dr. Lake Oswego, OR 97034
    John, I would appreciate a copy of the 424th Combat Infantry Badge order. After almost 50 years elapsed time since I was severely wounded by a land mine explosion (March 7, 1944) with no contact since that time, my memory needs a little jogging. This list may help. I do enjoy reading the CUB. Oehiltree, Jim 423/G 5149 Sugar Maple Dr Kettering, OH 45440
    John, Thanks for taking the time to help me get some information that has eluded me all these years. Pvt Lindsay Carpenter and I were shipped to the 106th at Camp Atterbury in the summer of 1944 from the 65th Division at Camp Shelby, Mississippi... After going through basic and unit training twice. He met my family while we were at Atterbury and they were very found of him. All I have is his address at that time. Pvt Lindsay Carpenter 424/G Remetta, Joseph 106 SIG 427 Main St, Rt 2 Wilbur., PA 17888
     I was debating whether or not I should write to you, but then I decided I should. If all the people of the 106th be able to fill a couple of librarie would write and tell you their storie you'd
     I saw in one of the CUBS, where Sgt Grimes received an award from the government of Belgium, and in that article you said if anyone knew of others to let Cainpag °oHsntmo«a F raise Decision N° A scanned copy o The CUB of the Golden Lion he Ci P Mail Bag you know. Enclosed is one that I received after I was discharged.
     But, getting back to Sgt Grimes.... being a lineman in the Signal Company; over a period of time we got to know the wiremen from the Regiments pretty well. Sgt Grimes always struck me as one who knew his business, and a nice person to talk to.
     In the Ardennes, the Sig. Co. had the Division forward switchboard in Schonberg, and there was four of as trouble shooters staying in the same house as the switchboard. On the first day of the Bulge all the lines went out early to the regiments. Sgt Davis and myself went to the 4224 and the 423d, while the other two trouble shooters went to the 424th. While we were trying to clear the lines to the 423d, we met one of Sgt trouble shooters working on his end of the line.
     Alk After a while we spotted a break in imp cable in some open ground. We would be exposed to enemy fire if we went to tlx it, but the wiremen from the regiment and myself decided that we would run to the break, hit the dirt, and do what we had to do, then get out of there.
     While we were making the splice, our artillery from the rear was laying down some pretty heavy barrages. You could hear the shells passing overhead and landing in a wooded area about 300 yards ahead. Also about 10 yards ahead of us, one of our machine gunners was doing an awful lot of firing. Some of the infantry riflemen were behind as firing from behind a roll in the terrain. So I guess the Germans didn't have time to pay any attention to us... I presume they were busy worrying about themselves.
     After the splice was completed we still had trouble. The wiremen from the regiment said he would take care of it so Sgt Davis and myself decided to go on to the 422d. On our way we stopped in a wooded pine tree area to observe the situation. There we met the artillery observer that was directing those barrages. Then some mortar shells started coming in on us. When it cleared we got out of there.
     Sgt Davis and I proceeded to fix the trouble in the 422d wires. At one point there I was up a pole when some "screaming meemies" passed over. It sure was an eerie sound, it made chills go up and down my spine.
     Around dark we went back to Schonberg a few shells were still hitting the place, but earlier in the day Schonberg must have been hit pretty hard. The house with the switchboard in it was damaged quite a bit and them was big hunks of shrapnel inside. I imagine it was pretty scary for the operators there. Next morning early.. Germans tanks started rolling in from Andler. The switchboard was destroyed and we moved to St. Vith. That afternoon four light wire teams net out to put in lines to our Combat Engineers fighting as front line troops.
     Lt. Ford, our Platoon Officer, was in charge as we proceeded on a back road out of St. Vith. One of the wire teams was dropped off to lay a section of line back to the switchboard in St. Vith. The other three teams proceeded down the road.. two weapons carriers and a jeep. We hadn't gone too far until Lt Ford stopped everybody. Up ahead on the road was an American tank. I saw Lt. Ford put his binoculars to his eyes and look over the situation. Evidently it looked OK, so we approached the tank, then all hell broke loose. It was an American tank, but it was full of Germans. There were also enemy soldiers in and around a build- The CUB or the Golden Lion 45 Mail Bag All from 4232 "1, Company, Joseph sco ti (left) met [hem for the first time since 1945 an Sacramento. To Joe's left are George Souther, Hill Tue., Richard Rigatti, Frank Ponca and Arc van rfoorlehem 46

ing near there. Three of us from the 2nd weapons carrier managed to get away.
     Lt. Ford was killed, Sgt Davis was killed and several were killed; some were captured. Some weeks later I saw there graves.
     I would like to add: The 106th inherited the wire system of the 2d Division, and I could never understand why they used "CABLE" instead of field wire, especially since it was so close to the front. We were always taught, from the beginning of training, that two lines would be run to the regiments, but separated from each other so that they would stand a better chance that both would not be damaged. Yet, CABLE was used in the Ardennes and when the cable was damaged or cut - two important circuits were lost.
    (editor's note -Joe, thanks for your excellent description, from a wireman's viewpoint. I no sure you and I will hear some response from others that were involved in this type of work... j, Kline) Sheets, Roy 81st ENGIA RC It 67, Box 109 Mifflin, PA 17158
     John, Here are a couple pictures of you and Colonel Cavender at the Sacramento reunion banquet. Carl Messina had a nice December 16th get-together. We all enjoyed it. Colonel Riggs was there and he really looks great. Hope to see you in Huntsville. (editor's note - Thanks for the pictures. I will forward one to Colonel Cavender, who I sure will enjoy it. I talked to him today 11/20/911 and found that he had been in the hospital again. His mind is still sharp and like most of as he was watching the CNN news on the Gulf War. I find putting the CUB together is being distracted by those events. hard to get your heart in another war of the past, when you are watching missiles fall into Eastern Saudi Arabia as the TV unfolds the events... J. Kline)
e Mail Bag Smith, Mervin S. 424/A 1208 Tanager St Kerrville, TX 78028-2938
     John, please send me a copy of the 424th CIS orders. I would like to review and recall my memory on some of the members of my unit. I was injured on december 15th and in a field hospital in Malmedy when all hell broke loose on December 16th. I was in the hospital at the time of the Malmedy Massacre on 17 December.
     In June of '84 while visiting Belgium, my wife and I were fortunate to be in Malmedy at the 40th Anniversary Memorial Servicv, at the site of the massacre. The service included members of various combined forces in the area at the time of the slaughter. It was most inspiring and gratifying to see that the inhabitants of the area have not forgotten our fallen comrades.
     "WIn closing, John, I do appreciate the ireless effort in producinerhe CUB for the membership. I am sure that very few of on can comprehend the tremendous number of hours that you spend, no that the rest of on might join in the remembrance of that time in our lives over 45 years ago. (editor's note Co-incidental with your remarks, Peter Stranko sent me a copy of the article in a magazine (program schedule) put out by "The Discovery Channel." The article is entitled "Myth, Mystery, Malmedy." The German witness he interviews says that most of the Germans involved are left, that most of them died of torture. Seems like a biased view of the affair. If anybody wants a copy, send a self addressed envelope with a twenty-five cent stamp affixed. I will return a copy of the article to be used for infbrrnaLionel uses only... J. Mine)
Sparks, Richard D. 423/HQ 1832 Appleweed Ct
Orlando, FL 32818
     Received the latest CUB and as usual you are doing a terrific job. I am one of the men from 423rd Ilea dqu a r te rs Company that Sam Davis referred to in his letter to you which was published in The CUB. Sam
     L/R - and Terrio (sends picture) with Dr. Rachard Peterson, 423/1, Col. C.C. cavender C.O. 423d Regiment and Cpt Sam Davis 423d Headquarters Co. The CUB of the Golden Lion 47 Mail Bag has done a terrific job in locating no many of the men and making a sincere effort to keep in touch with them. After Sam located me last summer and convince me to go to the Schaumburg Reunion, I became interested in his quest and put my faithful Tandy I000SL to work to assist him. Captain Sam gives me a bunch of notes every once in awhile and I compose our newsletter known as "CAP'T SAMS CHRONICLES," and supply him with the address labels. We have 50 names on the mailing list, of which some are not members of the Association. We will keep after them as we go along.
     I was radio operator of the first squad of the platoon and in early 1945, from notes that I kept along the way, I wrote a twenty page ditty about the platoon, from its training at Camp Atterbury until the end. It is entitled "As We Lived." I dug it out last summer and showed it to Sam. Did you receive a copy?
     Search for Commanders from Shored Collins, Historian Thanks to all who responded to my request for Company and Battery Commanders in order that we may have a historical list for the archives. I have need for more names if you can help.
     I need names of the Company or Battery Commanders of: 422/E 422/HQ 1BN 424/HQ 3BN 424/G the first name of Cpt Cohen 592/C the first name of Cpt Smith 424/D If any of you know of these names, please write to me at 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30144, or call me 404-928-3207 Sherod Collins, Historian Due to Sam sending out some copies of this, we decided in Schaumburg that we should try to add to the account and to include a detailed account of our return to the American lines at St. Vith. It will make a story that hasn't, to my knowledge, ever been fully told.
Van Moorlehem, Arthur L. 423/B Rte 2 litox 160C Arlington, SD 57212
     Just a note to thank you for running my article about our visit to Belgium. Thanks for deciphering the sign on the D.P. Cemetery for us. Without the help of Joe Massey and C.R.I.B.A. it would have been very difficult for us. I can't help but think that a visit to one of our up-coming reunions would be as ash his that we are over-looking. I'm sure that CRIBA Member Andre Hubert could give us sorne stories of the Belgian resistance and other '44=45 observations that would be interesting to hear. He doe. speak flawless English.
    We enjoyed Colonel Cavender at the Sacramento reunion. I rode to Bad Orb in the same box-car with him from Gerolstein), experienced the bombing and also his anguish at having to surrender the 423rd regiment. Wroblewski, Chester 423/C 581 College St Youngsville, PA 16371
     My wife Laura and I wish to thank you for running the picture of the Peter son boys and myself, also for the stony "Hell on Earth" I have received letters as of this date. Here is something I picked up in Stalag 9A: Though lasts sa); a Mums Problems galore Objectives elusive Obstacles mon rand more Though energies seem whsted Diligence of no avail Peoppemneezoill be remarried Right prevail.


The CUB of the Golden Lion In Memoriam Clarence I. Barendse 424/HQ 1BN lzh 6 0.6S A.., OP97103
Died 1990 Harry J.Bendick 422/HQ 091.13.1, Nem*. OM Died on May 27,1990, from a letter from his son Lee.
    Charles A. Brown, Jr. 423/CN 40 Bro.... Philede01* KOMI Melinda, his wife writes - Charles died of a heart attack on May 21, 1990 at the Chestnut Hill Hospital. Very quick, just the way he wanted to go. He loved to read the CUB. Raymond R. Embury 806 ORD 14575 Centtel, Balrlwn Pak CA91706 Died December 21, 1989 Jerome L. Frankel 423/HQ 3BN 511^Jur.d Blvd, wee~xamnamae, novena Died September 4, 1990 Abner T Harris 424/H 399 NW Boca name awa n, ao..., F1.1.3432
    Died October 1, 1990. A letter from John J. Scalissi, 424/H reporting that Abner was the 1st Sergeant of 424 /H. Survived by two children and two grandchildren. Allan J. Loleit 81st Engineers "B" Co. Box N., Farinhglon, xu 874911
    Ed Wojahn, 81st Engineers, "B" Co. reported that Allan's daughter Joanne Roberts of Farmington, New Mexico, informed him that he passed away April 1990. Arnold Rubin 81st Engineers tness...DJ x..ven maim SLUM Died May 30, 1990
ter S. Sutter 423/HQ 41 Oave Sbee, trans., R1112910 Died September 1990
     James A. Teel 424/A 5 Pearl Sbeet Peri Nonis. NJ ono Sharon Porter, his daughter wrote that her father passed away in May 1989 and that he was proud to be a member of the 106th Infantry Division.
     Militaryhistodan Charles B. MacDonald, an authority on the Battle of the Bulge died December 4, 1990 of cancer and lung disease in his home in Arlington, VA. He was 68. MacDonald was awarded a Silver Star and a Purple Heart for wounds sustained during that battle, in which he commanded an Army Rifle Company. Company Commander, which MacDonald wrote in 1947, recounts his many wartime experiences. The book remains in print and is still read at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY and other military schools. He also wrote A Time for Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge, published in 1984. MacDonald wrote two official histories of World War II and was co-author of another.
    After the war, he joined the staff of the U.S. Army Center of Military History in Washington, DC, retiring in 1980 after serving as chief of the European section, deputy chief historian and finally deputy chief historian for Southeast Asia. That year he also retired as a colonel in the Army Reserve. (from Stars and Snipe, The National Tribune) Rest In Peace Anyone can promise you the Moon... but only the Huntsville Marriott can deliver! ALABAMA SPACE & ROCKET CENTER Site of 45th Annual Reunion 106th Infantry Division Association Huntsville Marriott (in back-upper right) located on the grounds ATTEND the 45th Annual Reunion September 18 - 22, 1991
Registrations have been sent (extra set included with this issue)
    The CUB Michael Thome Harold M. Bailey Sherod Collins Boyd A. Rutledge Sherod Collins John Kline Memorials Chairman... Dr. John G. Robb The CUB is the official quarterly publication of the Association. Membership in the Association includes subscription to the CUB. Send editorial matter and photos to: John P. Kline--CUB Editor P.O. Bras 24385
     Apple Valley, MN 55124.0385 Business matters, deaths, address changes to: Boyd A. Rutledge--Adjutant 10132 Geo.. Road St. Vith Memorial matters and inquiries to: Dr John G. Robb 238 Devote.
Meadville, PA 16155
    614,333-6364 Send Membership dues,Nlemorial Fund contributions and Historical items to: Sherod Collins--Treasurer 446MonroeTrace Kennesaw, OA 30144
04-926.3. The NEW Life Membership fee is payable one time only,with no annual dues thereafter.
Life Membership $75.00 Life Auxiliary $15.00
Life Associate $75.00 For those choosing to pay Annual dues, pay by July 1 each year. (July 1 to July 1 term)
Annual Membership $10.00 Annual Auxiliary $ 2.00
     Annual Associate $10.00 Make checks phyable to "106th Infantry Division Association." Please Note!!! The next CUB will be mailed by May 15.
It is important that all material be received before April 1,1991.
This will assure prompt production of The CUB, and allow it to be mailed according to schedule.
    John Kline, editor Board of Directors 1990-1991? showing year term expires in parentheses Harold M. Bailey 424/H (S3) 101 Essr Back St, Savannah, GA 31404
912-925-21. Roy Bigger 423/H (93)
313Sorarn4SWer, Ga. C4.1,146033 Sherod Collins 423/SV (91)
446 Monroe Tree, Kamera w, GA 30144 Charles T. Dane 591/SV ('92)
231 Davis AvegtVrta.s, PA 19016
Sam E. Davis Jr. 423/HO ('93) 616No. Cola Dr. Orlando, cc 32.3
4112-ar61o240 Fred J. Farris DIV/HO r91
Ira Pinchers( S, Salem, VA 24153
203389-2673 John 0. Gilliland 592/SV (00
605 Nor. ide 12,JMErnrire, AC36330
Gilbert Helwig 423/M (91) 2006 Onurio //55, Niles MI 49120
616..38714 John P. Kline 423/M (SI)
P,O. Box 34385, 6pp1-0y MIS 55124-0385
Harold Kula.. 589/B /52) 2151 Griggs SvezT90=rarirls. 21192306
Edward A. Prewett, 424/B (.93) Rtc 2 Box 730, Bren,rocd, CA 94315
415.634,3062 Casimir Prokorym 81st Eng/HO AP 2wochwInwa4 telEre, 011 43952
Charles F. Rieck, 422/H (53) 7316 Voss Parkway, 1311001e.n, WI 53562
608-831-6110 Boyd A. Rutledge 922/D /91)
10132 Goodrilt=aan. MN 55437
Jack A. Sulser 423/F 917 Na. Ashloa=dric VA 22312
Michael Thome 422/HO 1BN (92) 1711PSIreerdt360.14Saavenio, CA 95614
Frank S. Trautman 42203 (92) East Summit Sr, Chagrin Palls. 01144022
216247-6416 Ray R. Vaughn 423/CN (92)
R1,2,110,60, Cobden, IL 62920 Russell H. Villwock 106 SIG (s2)
6906 West Higgins Are., Chiaago, 11.1,0656
Edward C. Wojahn 81st Eng/B /50 1553 West Young Or, Onalaska. WI 54550
60.8,83,3670 Edward E. Young 590/A (.92)
    Rte 1,Box 77, Mt Clare, VW 26406 Cal. Joseph C. Matthews 422/HO (Honorary-Life) 4]00 Westernlava. Raleigh. NC 336M ale-25143K a publication oldie 10611, Infantry Division Association, Inc 1990-1991
President John 0. Gilliland 1st Vice Pres
2nd Vice Pres
    Treasurer Adjutant Historian CUB Editor IITHE ARDENNES * THE RHINELAND * CENTRAL EUROPE r UB PUBLISHED BY AND FOR The Veterans at the 106th INFANTRY 0/V/5/ON clew GOLDEN LION

Index for: Vol. 47 No. 2, Jan, 1991

Index for This Document

Fairford, England, 44
Farris, Fred J., 50
Fehnel, Charles, 8, 15, 19
Fehnel, Charles D., 19
First Reunion, 9
Fleming, Harold, 15
Ford, Lt., 46, 47
Foster, George, 19, 34
Foster, George C., 19
France, 17, 28, 31, 34, 38
Frankel, Jerome L., 49
Frankfurt, 44
Frankini, Dick, 13
Frye, Norwood, 15, 36
Frye, Norwood A., 36
Ft. Jackson, SC, 3, 18, 22, 25, 27, 34
Ft. McPherson, GA, 44
Ft. Ord, CA, 23
Ft. Sheridan, IL, 22
Furstenburg, 32
Gallagher, John, 14, 22
Gallagher, John J., 13
Gallagher, Stella, 14
Gerlach, Phil, 10
Gerlach, Shirley, 10
Germany, 2, 3, 19, 22, 24, 33, 39, 40, 44, 45
Gerolstein, 33, 34, 44, 48
Gerolstein, Germany, 33
Gillespie, Jack, 24
Gillespie, John, 36
Gillespie, John M., 36
Gilliland, John, 40
Gleina, 1
Gleina, Germany, 1
Gombotz, Frank, 8
Gorlitz, 21, 22, 34
Gorlitz, Germany, 34
Grant, Eleanor, 19
Grasso, Mary, 15
Greenwood, Aurrin E., 19
Gregory, John, 20
Gregory, John D., 20
Gregory, Leo, 20
Grillo, Tom, 10
Grivetti, Louis, 36
Grivetti, Louis G., 36
Gubow, Larry, 24
Gunvalson, Russell, 10
Hall, Wm. Webb, 17
Hammelburg, 18
Handel, Don, 20
Handel, Donald R., 20
Hannover, 21
Harris, Bill, 14, 15, 17
Hartman, C. William, 38
Hartman, Walter A., 20
Heidelberg, 22, 28
Heidelberg, Germany, 28
Helmstedt, 22, 34
Helmstedt, Germany, 22, 34
Helwig, Gilbert, 50
Hendrickson, John, 10
Hill, Ralph, 14
Hohnstein, Clinton, 5
House, Pete & Joanne, 13
Howard, John, 10
Howell, Bob, 11
Howell, Louise, 11
Hubert, Andre, 48
Hurtgen, 19, 38, 41
Hurtgen Forest, 19, 41
Indianapolis Star, 26
Israel, 2
Italy, 26
Jenkins, Bill, 11
Jewell, Walter, 21
Jewell, Walter H., 21
Johnson, Bill, 10
Johnston, Ray, 22
Johnston, Ray A., 22
Jones, Bill, 14
Jones, Bob, 11
Jones, Gen., 36
Karl Marx Stadt, 26
Kelly, Ed, 38, 39
Kelly, Edmond D., 38
Kline, J., 20, 21, 24, 27, 30, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 47
Kline, John, 5, 7, 10, 17, 27, 29, 49, 50
Kline, John P., 49, 50
Kline, Margot, 10
Koblenz, 33, 44
Kommando, 26, 44
Korea, 21
Kreuser, Leo, 9
Krinkelt, 27
Lapato, Frank, 39
Lauman, Clarence (Pete), 40
Lauman, Pete, 17
LeHarve, 44
Leipzig, 21, 44
Levine, George, 30
Limburg, 26, 33, 44
Limburg, Germany, 33
Linden, 15
Little, C. Fabion, 24
Loleit, Allan J., 49
Longworth, Lawrence M., 27
Lord, Malcolm, 40
Lord, Malcolm E., 40
Lorraine, 8
Loudon, Lawrence, 24
Loudon, Lawrence L., 24
Lowenberg, Dorothy, 15
Lucero, Isaac, 5
Luckenwalde, 38
Lucsay, Florence, 8
MacDonald, Charles, 3
MacDonald, Charles B., 49
Malaniak, Harry, 24
Malaniak, Harry W., 24
Malmedy, 47
Malmedy Massacre, 47
Malone, Ed, 34
Maloney, Joseph, 41
Maloney, Joseph P., 41
March, Albert, 10
Mark, Joseph C., 41
Marsh, Mary Lou, 9
Martin, Pearl, 15
Martin, Roland, 44
Massey, Joe, 48
Massey, Joseph, 44
Matthews, Col. Joe, 11
Matthews, Joseph C., 50
Mayotte, Russ, 13
Mayotte, Russell, 13
Membrila, Emilio M., 44
Memorials, 26, 49
Mentier, Wayne, 24
Mentier, Wayne J., 24
Messina, Carl, 8, 15, 19, 47
Middleton, 10
Mikalauskis, John, 17
Miller, John W., 44
Minor, Betty, 13
Montgomery, James, 45
Moore, Ralph, 10
Moorlehem, Arthur, 48
Mueller, Mike, 8
Muhlberg, 24, 44
Muhlberg, Germany, 24
Munich, 19
Myles Standish, 44
Nichol, John, 15
Nichols, John, 15
Nicholson, Douglas, 45
Nicholson, Douglas M., 45
Noon, Cletus, 15, 17
Normandy, 18, 19, 38
Novakowski, Casey, 27
Nurnberg, 18
Paris, 30
Pearl Harbor, 31
Peterson, Dick, 9, 45
Peterson, Dr., 40
Peterson, Richard W., 3, 40
Pfaff, Burton, 10
Photos, 13
Piha, Morris, 11
Podlaski, Edmund, 10
Prague, 44
Prewett, Edward, 11
Prewett, Edward A., 50
Prisoner of War, 44
Prokorym, Casimir, 50
Puett, Joe, 11
Pulsifer, Win, 26
Pulsifer, Winfred F., 26
Purple Heart, 49
Puskarich, Charles, 4
Puskarich, Chuck, 10
Puzio, Joe, 15
Quiram, Howard, 26
Remetta, Joseph, 46
Repos, Irene, 15
Reunions, 31
Reuter, John N., 27
Rheims, 31
Rheims, France, 31
Rhineland, 51
Richardson, Bob, 6
Rieck, Charles F., 50
Rieck, Chuck, 10
Rigatti, Patricia, 15
Rigatti, Richard, 47
Riggs, Col., 47
Riggs, Col. Thomas, 19
Riggs, Thomas, 15
Riggs, Thomas J., 8
Ritchie, Carol, 10
Robb, Dr. John G., 49
Roberts, Jack, 13
Roberts, Mary Lou, 13
Rood, Eugene, 10
Roos, Arthur K., 27
Rowe, Bob, 13, 24
Rubin, Arnold, 49
Rutland, Roger, 11
Rutledge, Boyd, 10, 33
Rutledge, Boyd A., 49, 50
Sandberg, Bob, 10
Sandberg, Pat, 10
Sanderson, James, 27
Scalissi, John, 10
Scalissi, John J., 49
Scheffel, Rob, 5
Schmalzried, Gene, 27
Schoenberg, 33
Schonberg, 45, 46
Schramm, Robert J., 27
Schuetz, Ken, 15
Schutte, Jean, 13
Scranton, Bob, 13
Scranton, Mildred, 13
Screaming Meemies, 46
Shalhoub, John, 13
Shirk, Walter, 14
Siegfried Line, 38
Silver, Irving, 15
Slaby, Ted, 13
Smith, Mervin, 47
Smith, Mervin S., 47
Snovel, Robert, 28
Snovel, Robert I., 28
Sparks, Richard, 13, 48
Sparks, Richard D., 48
Spayd, Norman, 14
St. Vith, 3, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 46, 48, 49
St. Vith Memorial, 49
Stalag 12-A, 33
Stalag 3B, 24
Stalag 4-B, 21, 23, 24, 27, 33
Stalag 8-A, 33
Stalag 9-A, 18, 48
Stalag 9-B, 18, 33
Stalag 9B, Bad Orb, 18
Stalag III-A, 32, 38
Stalag III-B, 32
Stalag IV-B, 44
Stalag IX-A, 40
Stalag IX-B, 45
Starmack, John, 15, 17
Stars and Stripes, 18, 28
Stavelot, 6, 30
Stavelot, Belgium, 30
Stranko, Peter, 47
Straub, Ted & Laura, 15
Stuttgart, 26
Sulser, Jack A., 50
Swack, Myron, 15
Szarka, Connie, 10
Tank Hill, 25
Tarantino, Joe, 14
Tennessee Maneuvers, 21, 34
The Glorious Collapse of the 106th, 18
Thomas, Regina, 11
Thomasson, Arthur C., 28
Thome, Michael, 40, 49, 50
Thome, Mike, 11
Time For Trumpets, 49
Todd, Dave, 8
Tokyo, 21
Tower, Bill, 13
Trautman, Frank S., 50
van Moorlehem, Arthur, 48
Varhola, Steve & Irene, 13
Vaughn, Ray, 17
Vaughn, Ray R., 50
VBOB, 41
Veith, Fred, 28
Veith, Fred R., 28
Veterans Of The Battle Of The Bulge, 41, 42
Vietnam, 7
Villwock, Russell, 8
Villwock, Russell & Jackie, 8
Villwock, Russell H., 50
Vonnegut, Kurt, 31, 38
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr., 31
Walden, Larry, 13
Walker, Robert & June, 11
Ward, Duke, 11
Ward, Martha, 11
Weigel, Levene J., 13
Weiner, Milton, 9
Wells, Jim, 11
Wells, Maydean, 11
West Point, 3, 49
Williams, Blan E., 30
Winterspelt, 41
Wojahn, Ed, 10, 49
Wojahn, Edward, 10
Wojahn, Edward C., 50
Wojtusik, Stan, 14
Wood, Eric, 29
Wood, Willis, 27
Wroblewski, Chester, 48
Wyatt, Van, 17
York, Bob, 17
York, Thelma, 11
Young, Bob, 7
Young, Edward E., 50
Zak, Joan, 8
Ziegenhain, 18
Zimmerman, Daniel, 44