

The 106th Infantry Division Association is seeking your input for suggestions on how we can continue the Association far into the future, provide you with the most meaningful information, and improve Reunion attendance.

1) Are you a:
      106th Veteran
      Veteran from another organization
      Family member of a veteran

2) Were you or your relative or friend held prisoner in the Battle of the Bulge?

3) Was your relative or friend killed in action at the Battle of the Bulge?

4) Are you familiar with the Battle of the Bulge and the 106th Infantry Division’s role in it?

5) Are you looking for information about the 106th Infantry Division Association or the Battle of the Bulge?

6) Have you ever watched the 2020 Virtual Memorial Service/Documentary of the 106th Infantry Division?

7) Are you a 106th Infantry Division Association Member?

8) If you are not a 106th Infantry Division Association Member, would you like to become one? If yes please contact the 106th website membership email at: membership@106thInfDivAssn.org.
      Already a member

9) Did you know there is a 106th Infantry Division Association website?

10) Did you know there is a 106th Infantry Division Association Facebook page?

11) Do you currently receive The CUB Magazine (published three times per year)?

12) If you do not receive The CUB Magazine, would you like to receive it electronically? If yes please visit the 106th Infantry Division Association website and request to be added to the email list.

13) If you do receive The CUB Magazine, is there something you would like to see changed?

14) If you do get The CUB Magazine, what is it you like most about it?

15) Have you ever been to a 106th Infantry Division Association reunion?

16) Do you plan to come to a future 106th Infantry Divison Association reunion?

17) If you are not willing or unable to attend a 106th Infantry Division Association reunion, what holds you back?

18) Where do you think might be a great reunion destination?

19) What activities would you like to see at a reunion?

20) What could the 106th Infantry Division Association do in the future to make it a better membership experience?

In case we have questions about your response:
     Name (optional):  
     E-mail (optional):
     Phone (optional):

Thank you for taking the survey. To submit the results, press the Send info button below.