106th Infantry Division Roster

Roster Provided by Jim West,   www.IndianaMilitary.org

  For additions and changes, please send us an email.

  Last Revision 02/27/2025 Revised as necessary
Last Name:   A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z    
Name ASN Rank Duty Unit Casualties Awards POW Death/Buried Memo Headstone Current War Years Source
Wacek, Edward F.6 857 679Sgt 422 INFKIA 03/15/1945 Died as POWCIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
  2. Died as POW
LO A-22-26422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, ABMC, NARA
Wachtel, HansO-508 596Capt Medical CorpsMedicDHQ Surgeon's Office, 331/MED CMB, BS Cub 08/11/1945, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Murdered in his car in Chicago 02/03/1977
  1. Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 10/15/1955 to 05/08/1945 in England, Belgium, France and Germany. GO 1945-050,
  2. Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  3. newspaper article Chicago Vets return home. Chicago TRibune 10/02/1945
   Wachtel-Hans.jpg1947-03, 1948-10/11, 1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1960-10/11/12, 1968-10-11-12-1969-01-V25#3, 1977-4-5-6-V33#3 (Death) 33, GO 1945-050, GO 1945-076,
Wachtel, Herbert12 227 523Cpl 422 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Waddail, Robert A.34 310 064Cpl 424 INF/E, 423 INF/HQ I&R CIB, Battlefield Commission, EAME/4      27,
Waddell, Edwin A. Pvt745 Rifleman424 INF/I/2nd Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
Wadding, Wayne M.33 434 149  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Wade, Arthur D.36 422 975SSgt 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 61, GO1945-051,
Wade, Wallace R.31 428 454Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
living 2013

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 61, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051,
Wade, William CashionO-292 520Capt 424 INFKIA as POW 12/23/1944 BelgiumPH
  1. Captured 12/17/1944
  2. Died as a POW Winterspelt, Germany
12/23/1944 Belgium. Buried Margraten, Holland I-10-4Died as a prisoner of war. Captured on Dec 17, 1944
Winterspelt, Germany
Wade-WilliamC.jpg  Wade-William-1.jpgdiary, FAG 56296013
Wade, William J.36 776 002  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Wadsworth, James A. Pfc 422 INF/K        55,
Wadsworth, James E.34 917 096  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Wadsworth, Ray M.O-483 238Capt Medical CorpsMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Waffle, Ralph G.12 017 241  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Wagaman, Benjamin A., Jr.33 503 892Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Waggoner, Andy R.38 346 939Pvt 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Waggoner, Winston H.37 624 9241st Sgt 422 INF/I CIB      27,
Wagner, Bernard W. Pvt 80th & 106th    newspaper article 30 day furlough. member of 462nd Replacement Depot   Lawton COnstitution, Lawton OK 08/14/1945
Wagner, Charlie M.34 897 133Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 61, GO1945-051,
Wagner, Clinton D. Cpl 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Wagner, Gerard A.O-2LT SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Wagner, Harry H.   UNKNOWN   07/14/2011    2005-7/8/9, CUB Jan/Apr 2012,
Wagner, Herbert E.36 648 586Pfc 422 INF/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   27, 59,
Wagner, Herbert K.32 896 541Pfc 424 INF/CN CIB      27,
Wagner, John   589 FABN Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       2009-5/8,
Wagner, John J.32 164 308  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Wagner, Mark S.33 502 846Pfc 424 INF/H CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy from 12/16/1944 to 12/17/1944 in Germany.

   1948-12/1949-1, 1949-10/11, 1951-2/3, GO 1945-026,
Wagner, Paul J.12 107 739Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 61, GO1945-051,
Wagner, Richard F.   424 INF/G   12/7/2005    Wayne Dunn; Obit
Wagner, Robert C.36 810 680Sgt 422 INF/3 BNMIACIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1, 27, 59, NARA
Wagner, Wesley A.37 661 162T/5 589 FABN/SVC Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Wagoner, John E. Sgt 590 FABN/SVC Batt    
  1. at Baraque de Fraiture (Parker's Crossroads).
  2. Sgt John Wagoner was one of only two that escaped with Capt Huxel.
   John Schaffner 7/2013, "Red Legs of the Bulge",
Wahlen, Henry31 459 854Pfc 422 INF/LMIA       1,
Wahlman, Ralph H. TSgt  KIA 10/31/1945CIB, PH      1946-10, 65,
Waigret, Donald             
Wainer, Ray   589 FABN        CUB 9-1
Wainwright, John K.33 679 299Pfc 422 INF/AMIACIB      1, 27,
Wait, Almon L.32 947 781Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Wakefield, Norman E.34 547 096T/5 589 FABN/HQ Batt Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Wakefield, Walton S.34 092 503Pfc 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B 
  3. POW # 99 822
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 61, 67 by B. Welke 2/2012, GO 1945-051,
Walcher, William E.36 478 402Pfc 81 ENG (C)KIA 12/21/1944CIB, PH HC G-14-281st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   ABMC, video of 81 Combat Engineers graves @ Henri Chappelle
Walczak, Roman P.36 649 267Pfc 424 INF/F        12,
Wald, Henry Mon37 196 492T/5 DHQ Ordnance         
Waldecker, Melvin P.36 579 790  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Walden, Lawrence W.36 738 990T/4Medic424 INF/2 BN/F/Medic, 424 INF/H, 331 INF CMB, BS, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  11/07/1995Bronze Star for gallantry in action 12/17/1944 and12/25/1944 in Belgium.

CUB 1948-08-09-V5#1 and CUB 1951-02-03-V7#4, says 424/H. CUB 1957-02-03-V13#3 says 331.

   1945-08-11, 1948-8/9, 1951-2/3, 1951-6/7, 1951-8/9, 1952-6/7, 1956-9/10, 1957-2/3, 1958-4/5, 1960-10/11/12, 1961-1/2/3, 1989-7/8/9, 1996-1/2/3, GO 1945-034,
Waldo, Bernard Jr.             
Waldow, Bernard, Jr.32 933 726Pfc 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 3-A, 
  2. 12-A, 
  3. 7-?, 
  4. 9-A
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   1946-12, 1949-12-1950-1, 1950-12-1951-1, GO 1945-051,
Waldron, Ronald V., Jr.35 027 770  423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
Walesiak, John F. Sgt 424 INF/C        10,
Waleski, unk  Mess423 INF/2 BN EAME/4      1990-4/5/6
Walford, Phillip J.37 222 064Pfc 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 3-A
  2. work camps
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 61, GO1945-051,
Walicki, Frank L.33 101 188  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Walk, Hayden R,33 247 115Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 61, GO1945-051,
Walker, Alan W.   Band        Walker-AlanW.jpg1947-03, 1948-6/7, 1948-10/11, 1949-4/5
Walker, Arnold M.32 817 739PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Ed Christianson 7/2007 - Jim, These are the names of men of the 331st/C who autographed the 106th Big Picture Books of Ray Cole and myself.
   1944-07-27, 33, GO 1945-076,
Walker, Arthur P. Pvt 424 INF/C        10,
Walker, Charles L.35 847 429Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 61, GO 1945-051,
Walker, Clayborn B.39 838 654  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Walker, David B. T/5 DHQ Special Troops        CUB 1946-12,
Walker, Donald D.37 034 631MSgt DHQ Chemical Warfare         
Walker, E. H.18 157 424Pfc 422 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Walker, Franklin W.34 798 898Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 61, ABMC, GO 1945-051,
Walker, Fred   106TH        CUB 40-2
Walker, Harold B.   424 INF/1 BNMIA       1989-4/5/6
Walker, Jack D.33 743 676  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Walker, Jack Dixon33 743 676Pfc 422 INF/DMIA  2008-4-14    2005-7/8/9,2008-4/5/6 1,
Walker, James D.38 693 515  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-G 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Walker, James E.36 671 674Pfc 424 INF/M CIB      27,
Walker, John G.32 084 328Sgt 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      1946-12
Walker, Karl K.39 183 447SSgt 424 INF/2 BN/HQ & HQ EIB 8/4/44, CIB early 60's    27, Camp Crier 8/4/44, Discussion Brd 2/18/2009 by son-in-law,
Walker, Kenneth J.35 313 105 / W-2106256TSgt / CWO SIGNAL CIB, BS, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945   Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 10/24/1944 to 05/08/1945 in England, France, Belgium and Germany GO 1945-077
   14, 17, 31, GO 1945-077,
Walker, Lewis H.O-1 051 4292LTFire Director422 INF/Hq, 422 INF/H2WIA 12/19/1944CIB, 2 PH, SS 1/19/1946,
  1. 4-B, 
  2. Oflag 64 Z, 
  3. liberated by Russians 1/29/1945
 SILVER STAR Citation: Second Lieutenant Lewis W. Walker, O-1051429, Infantry 422d Infantry, United States Army. For gallantry in action against the enemy on 19 December 1944 in Belgium. During a desperate enemy counter-attack which caught his men in an exposed position, Second Lieutenant Walker, standing upright in the face of overwhelming odds, delivered fire on the enemy enabling his men to take covered positions. From his exposed position he continued to direct accurate fire, inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy, until the supply of ammunition in his platoon was exhausted. Second Lieutenant Walker, although wounded, then directed an orderly withdrawal and supervised resupply and medical treatment of his men. Only then did he himself submit to medical treatment. The heroic action of Second Lieutenant Walker reflected great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered military service from California.   Walker-LewisH.jpgdiary, 1947-03, 1951-2/3, 1952-6/7, 1954-1/2, 1954-10/11, 1955-7/8/9, 1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1958-2/3, Discussion Brd 6/6/2010,
Walker, Marshall W.34 608 075T/5 424 INF/Medic CIB, SS, BS  
  1. Silver Star for gallantry in action, 12/19/1944 in Germany. During an intense German attack on his BN's position, valiantly driving a jeep across a road junction constantly pounded by enemy artillery and mortar fire, made three trips to rescue wounded, stranded between our line's and the enemies. Fastening two litters to the hood and another across the back, he evacuated a maximum number of casualties to the BN Aid Station. GO 1945-023.
  2. Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with operations against the enemy 02/10/1945 in Germany. GO 1945-037,
  3. T/5 Marshall W. Walker, Tryon, N.C., who made repeated trips by jeep through German-held territory near Winterspelt to evacuate 424th wounded.
   87-A, GO 1945-023, GO 1945-037, "Story of the 106th INF by Stars & Stripes",
Walker, Neff, Jr.   423 INF/M EAME/4      1991-10/11/12
Walker, Ora A.36 962 017Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Walker, Paul E.33 299 114SSgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   2004-1/2/3, 33, GO 1945-076,
Walker, Paul G.20 826 202Pvt 424 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
Walker, Ralph P.36 740 590T/5 DHQ Special Troops        3/3/44,
Walker, Robert F.15 361 182  422 INF/D PH, OGL-Gold 2000IV-B & IV-F09/14/2011    Walker-RobertF.jpg1947-12, 1948-12/1949-1, 1968-3/4/5/6, 59, CUB 03/2015,
Walker, Robert R.   422 INF/D        1985-8/9/10, 1987-11/12-1988-1
Walker, Ruby R.35 203 436TSgt844423 INF/CN EAME/4  Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Walker, Samuel B.33 538 454Pfc 422 INF/E CIB      27,
Walker, Tee E.39 924 282Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Wall, William A.39 046 263Pfc 422 INF/B CIB      27,
Wall, William S.34 175 407SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 1989-10/11/12, 1998-10/11/12, GO 1945-051,
Wallace, Andrew B.36 775 832  590 FABN/Batt B CIB, POW9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     1958-09-10-V15#1, 1960-10/11/12 57,
Wallace, Carl W.33 784 669Pvt 422 INF/G CIB      27,
Wallace, Cleon34 613 915Pfc 422 INF/L CIB      27,
Wallace, George E.39 332 232Pfc 423 INF/SVC CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Wallace, James H.34 889 126Pvt 589 FABN/Batt A Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Wallace, Jess W.15 122 089Pfc 424 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
Wallace, John T., Jr.34 871 584Cpl 422 INF/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1, 59, Discussion Board 4/1/2009,
Wallace, Lee36 612 984Pvt 422 INF/A CIB      27,
Wallace, Ralph C.36 642 123T/5 589 FABN/HQ Batt Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Wallace, Richard E.33 845 902Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Wallace, Vessie34 888 253  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Wallace, William J.33 629 377T/5 422 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
Wallahora, John31 329 154  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Wallender, Ocscar   424 INF/AT   12/11/2019 (93)    Wayne Dunn; Obit
Wallin, Richard J.32 015 172  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Wallis, William A.33 431 906T/4 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Wallock, Phillip M.15 301 063Sgt 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Walls, Albert J.20 319 264SSgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB 09/05/1944, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Walls, Buster35 651 637Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Walls, Manley W.33 522 721Pvt 423 INF/L CIB, POW, EAME/44-D     27,61,
Walls, Robert V.39 247 757  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Walor, Frederick Pfc 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Walordy, Alexander32 877 105Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Walraven, Roy L.34 762 862T/5 589 FABN/Batt BMIA 12/23/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Walser, Andrew R. T/4 424 INF/D        22,
Walsh, Charles S.O-Capt 592 FABN/SVC   03/26/2004    1947-01-02, 1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1960-10/11/12, 1959-09-10-V16#1, 1961-10/11/12, 1966-2/3/4, 1981-4/5/6, 2004-4/5/6
Walsh, Eugene J.33 466 155Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      27,
Walsh, Irvin H.O-360 900MajorPWTE A-11 ANDERNACH 159/2nd CO BN159/HQ        40, 41, 42, 43, 48, AAR 05/1945
Walsh, James Hugh37 358 188Pfc 424 INF/KMIA, WIACIB 02/11/2006 Billings MontanaPhoto and story of WIA Billings Gazette  Walsh-JamesH.jpg 27, Obit/diary, Billings Gazette, Billings Montana 12/17/1967
Walsh, James R.   424 INF/K        2006-4/5/6
Walsh, Thomas E.35 246 829  422 INF/F CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. Captured 12/16/1944
  2. 9-B
05/24/1982 Ohio422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 1986-3/4/5/6, 59, CUB 3/1986
Walsh, William Pvt 424 INF/B        6/15/44,
Walsr, Andrew R. T/4 424 INF/D        11,
Walter, George J.36 850 582Pfc 422 INF/B CIB      27,
Walter, Henry K.32 488 849Pfc 424 INF/B CIB      27, CUB 1993-7/8/9
Walter, Joseph M.32 037 113TSgt 423 INF/3 BN/M EIB, CIB, PH, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, Camp Crier 6/2/44, GO 1945-051,
Walters, Dan   Attached unknown unit        USAHEC
Walters, Ellard R.35 879 684Pfc 424 INF CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 01/18/1945 in Belgium. GO 1945-042,
   GO 1945-042,
Walters, Ernest J.18 117 046T/4Medic592 FABN CMB  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Walters, George W.35 461 835TSgt 423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Walters, James R.35 809 222  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/32-A Neubrandenburg Mecklenberg 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Walters, Jason C.             
Walters, Joel W.33 125 398T/4060 Cook590 FABN    

Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945

   SO 66,
Walters, Joseph M. Sgt 423 INF/MMIAEAME/4      1991-10/11/12 1,
Walters, Neal D.33 709 577  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Walters, Presslye            1969-2/3/4
Walters, Robert D.37 605 601  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Walters, Roy E.32 817 990T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Walters, Wilbert H.13 012 441T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
Promoted to Pfc 01/01/1945
   30, 33, GO 1945-076,
Walters, William H.37 142 069T/5/SSgt Cadre740 Radio Operator, Intermediate Speed422 INF/2 BN/HQ    Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Walters, Willie E.6 948 648M/SgtMedic331 Medical BNWIACMB, PH, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Purple Heart 12/29/1944. GO 1945-043,
  • WV
   33, GO 1945-043, GO 1945-076,
Waltlach, Kenneth     CIB, POWD.E.Cooley's 40 & 8 Roster 12/25/1944      
Walton, Robert S.            1988-10/11/12
Walton, SamuelO-Lt          Walton-Sam.jpg1949-4/5
Walton, William T. SSgt 159th        Cub 08/25/1945
Waltrip, John F.37 605 351T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge 06/24/1945 GO 1945-045,

01/06/1945 - placed on detached service with the Medical Detachment of the 424th Infantry.

   30, GO 1945-045,
Waltz, Frank, Jr.35 379 292  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Walz, Robert T.42 066 551  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Walzer, Stuart B.36 734 552Pfc 424 INF/CN CIB      2004-04-05-06
Wambaugh, Stephen G.37 087 646Pfc 18 CAV RCN SQKIA 02/19/1945CIB, PH HC 0-0    ABMC,
Wampole, George R., Jr.32 731 342Pvt 422 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Wamsher, Robert B.35 370 964Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.

newspaper article entertained by American Legion as former POW

   27, 62, GO 1945-051, Brook Reporter, Brook IN 07/19/1945
Wamsley, Glen M. Pvt745 Rifleman424 INF/I/3rd Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
Wamsley, Gordon C.39 164 454  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Wanamaker, Paul32 771 368SSgt 422 INF/3 BNKIA 04/17/1945 Died as POWCIB, POW, EAME/3
4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
Died as POW
04/17/1945 Margraten
  1. Died 04/17/1945, 2 days after liberation.
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   CUB 1946-10, 53, 59, ABMC, 102, NARA
Wandelear, Frank31 327 297  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Wandell, Roy W.42 065 008Sgt 424 INF/KWIACIB, PH, SS 06/01/1945, 4 BS, GC 09/04/2003 Veterans Mem. Cem., Augusta MAPurple Heart 01/15/1945.

Silver Star for gallantry in action 01/13/1945 in Belgium. During an attack on a strongly defended town, sudden blasts from a concealed machine gun pinned down the platoon. Locating the gun's emplacement, he ignored the intense bursts directed at him, rushed the position and threw a hand grenade. Before the stunned enemy had time to recover, he charged the emplacement, and captured the three-man crew.

   Wandell-Roy-424.jpg27, CUB Jan/Apr 2012, 87-A, GO 1945-030, GO 1945-032,
Wanderman, Vincent H.O-2 048 1831LT MACMedic331 Medical BN CMB, PH, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Purple Heart 12/20/1944 GO 1945-002
  • Brigadier General Perrin, Div Comdr., came to the Cir Station and in a formal ceremony presented the order of the Purple Heart
   30, 33, GO 1945-002, GO 1945-076,
Wangensein, G. C., Jr.31 329 142  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Wanich, William P.O-1 318 8441LT 423 INF/2 BN/HMIACIB, PH, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1, GO 1945-051,
Wanless, William F.   422/ANTI-TANK COMPANY   CUB returned 2013    CUB 1982-4/5/6/7, CUB 03/2013
Wannamaker, Paul SSgt 422 INF/3 BNKIACIB, PH      1946-09, 13, 65,
Wappler, Murray   DHQKIACIB, PH      1992-7/8/9
Waraksa, unk TSgt ??? FA        Berenstain Account - See diary under Wakeman.
Ward, Albert N. Lt. Col. 423 INF/1 BN        CUB 3-2
Ward, Darwin J. Pvt 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Ward, David   589 FABN/Wire Section Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       Ward-David.jpgCUB Sept/Dec 2011
Ward, Duane P.39 192 321Pfc 422 INF/LKIA 12/22/1944CIB, PH HC A-9-12    1946-09, 13, 53, 65, ABMC, 102,
Ward, Eb   UNIT UNKNOWN   05/01/2018 Bartlett TNMr. Ward served in the Army with the 106th Infantry during WWII.   Legacy
Ward, George E., Jr.33 628 311  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Ward, Glenn E.             
Ward, Hubert C.37 144 530Pfc 424 INF/C CIB      11, 27,
Ward, John T.39 863 783  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Ward, Lewis E., Jr. (doctor)   424 INF/C   cir 05/2020 Eugene OR
  1. He grew up in Iowa City living there until drafted into WW2. He served as an infantryman in Company C, 424 Infantry Regiment, 106th Division fighting in Belgium's Ardennes Forest in the Battle of the Bulge.
  2. civilian researcher for the Navy at the China Lake Naval Ordinance Test Station.
  Ward-Lewis-2.jpg Ward-Lewis-1.jpg 
Ward, Nathan D. 'Duke'O-1 107 213Capt 81 ENG (C)/HQ/H&S CIB, BS 08/01/2003
  1. Bronze Star (MIA) for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/16/1944 to 12/21/1944 in Belgium. GO 1945-048,
  2. 81st Engr Combat/Hq & Svc Co, 3d Platoon Cited in Order of Day by Charles, Prince/Regent of the Kingdom, Belgian Army, Decree 7253, 07/13/1950: During crucial period of German offensive of Ardennes American 7th Army attacked by 8 divisions of enemy forces held cent of St. Vith.
   1957-4/5, 1960-10/11/12, 1962-1/2/3, 1968-3/4/5/6, 1970-7-8-9-V26#4, 1972-7/8/9, 1982-10/11/12, 1985-8/9/10, 1987-7/8/9/10, GO 1945-048,
Ward, Russell A.33 628 641T/5 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   55,59,
Ward, unk   424 INF/E        Wayne Groller
Ward, Wendell L.34 870 888  422 INF/LWIA MIACIB, PH, PH/OLC
  1. 4-B,
  2. Captured 12/23/1944. 
  3. KDP Bad Scandau. 
  4.  Liberated 04/23/1945
     1995-1/2/3 1, 59,
Ward, William V.34 897 473Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Warda, Edward P. Pvt 591 FABN/SVC        #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011
Wardle, Gayle T.36 421 641Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/FMIA, KIA 04/18/1945 Died as POWCIB (MIA), POW, EAME/4
  1. 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
  2. Died as POW
NE O-22-11
  1. Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. newspaper article writes from German POW camp
   27, 61, ABMC, GO 1945-051, Battle Creek Enquirer, Battle Creek, MI 04/12/1945, NARA
Ware, Price H.34 339 611  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Ware, Russell A.   422 INF/K        2001-7/8/9
Ware, Walter E.34 808 580Sgt 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Wares, David D.36 512 411Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Warga, John P.36778 289  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Wargo, Cyril TSgt 424 INF/E   b. 2/22/1919 d. 8/5/1966     
Waring, John W.31 249 146Pvt 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Warington, Jack E.O-438 8272LT 424 INF/F CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/25/1944 in Belgium. OH
   12, 236,
Warken, Robert            1962-10/11
Warkocki, Norbert N.36 773 223Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 4-B. 
  2. Captured at St. Vith. 
  3.  Escaped from Buchenwald
5/31/2009Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   82, 2006-1/2/3, 2009-5/8, GO 1945-051,
Warmuth, William H.15 307 786T/5 590 FABNKIA 12/23/1944CIB, PH AR B-40-26    ABMC,
Warner, Chapin F.12 227 375  422 INF/E CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1979-4/5/6 59,
Warner, George Major 424/D   1994     Bugle 4-5-6/1996
Warner, George H.33 782 996Cpl 424 INF/D CIB, GC 10/07/1944 03/02/1994    1946-11, 1993-7/8/9 24, 54,
Warner, Glen Wilbur   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1970-10/11/12, 1972-7/8/9
Warner, Glenn W.             
Warner, Harry J. Pvt 424 INF/BKIA 01/20/1945CIB, PH      1946-10
Warner, Herbert R.32 567 256T/4 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/49-A, 
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1946-10, 1958-2/3, 1980-1/2/3, GO 1945-051,
Warner, James T.O-1 316 6882LT3rd Cannon Plt Ldr424 INF/CN        9, 77,
Warner, Joe      
  1. captured 12/23/1944
  2. POW
  3. liberated 04/29/1945
 newspaper article guests at home after war   Republic, Columbus IN 07/23/1945
Warner, Paul E.33 897 276Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Warnken, Robert   422 INF/F, 422 INF/SVC        1962-10/11
Warnken, Robert H.37 663 508  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Warnsing, Walter W.37 475 650Pfc 424 INF/CN CIB      27,
Warok, Fred P.   424 INF/AT        CUB 65-1
Waroth, William A. T/5 590 FABNKIA       "Red Legs of the Bulge",
Warr, Elbert E.             
Warren, Charles E.   806/ORD        2005-01-02-03
Warren, Clarence   81ST ENG/A         
Warren, Clarence E.   81 ENG (C)/A    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1960-10/11/12, 1980-4/5/6
Warren, Clyde E.37 605 471PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Promoted to Pfc 01/15/1945
   30, 33, GO 1945-076,
Warren, Donald C.36 382 903Sgt 32 CAV RCN SQ (attached)KIA 12/23/1944CIB, PH HC D-12-41    ABMC,
Warren, John G.38 081 517  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Warren, John, Jr.O-514 4341LT Div Arty, CG Section CIB, BS      1946-11, 1948-04, 1952-2/3, 1956-11/12, 1958-2/3, 1962-1/2/3, 1967-2/3/4
Warren, Kenneth33 375 319  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Warren, Martin J., Jr.19 015 632Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Warren, Paul G.34 608 629Sgt 422 INF/M CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, Franklin Star 5/2/1944, Camp Crier 4/28/44,
Warrington, Bonner J.             
Warrington, Jack E.O-438 8272LT 424 INFWIA 12/25/1944CIB, PH, BS  Purple Heart for action against the enemy on 12/25/1944 in Belgium.

Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/25/1944 in Belgium.

    GO 1945-017, GO 1945-036,
Warthen, William D. 'Bill'       06/08/2009     
Wartigun, Dennis A. Pvt 81 ENG/A    
  1. Pvt. Dennis A. Wartigun, Kearny, N. J., Co. A, 81st, approached the eight-foot thick walls and with a long pole, pushed a charge of TNT through an opening. The blast cracked the walls, blew open the door, killed three of the defenders. Doughs rushed in to capture nine other Germans who needed no further persuasion to surrender.
  2. 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944
   "Story of 106th" in Stars & Stripes,
Waryas, Edward A.31 347 249Pvt 424 INF/CN CIB      27,
Warzecha, Walter42 064 049Pvt 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Wasagren, Milton L.   81 ENG/A        CUB 46-1
Wasegishik, Archie P.36 161 029Pvt 422 INF/I CIB4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     27, 59
Washburn, Leighton A. 'Lucky'   DHQ Military Police   12/12/2010 FranklinHe was a U. S. Army veteranof World War II, serving in the Battle of the Bulge. He was very proud of hisNative American heritage. He was a member of the VFW Post 1698 in Franklin andFranklin Lodge of Elks 1280, serving as former exalted ruler and statepresident.

   Washburn-LeightonA.jpgCUB 1947-12, CUB 1995-4/5/6, Obit from W. Dunn
Washburn, Robert L.   820 TD BN        CUB 3-10
Washer, Harry T/5 422 INF/GKIACIB, PH      1946-09, 13, 53, 65, 102,
Washington, DonaldO-20 894Ltc.PWTE A-12 HEIDESHEIMBLUE Area CO424 INF/2 BN CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 01/26/1945 to 01/29/1945 in Belgium.

   1945-09-16 43, 48, GO 1945-035,
Washington, James W.O-548 0431LTMail Censor 1945DHQ/HQ CIB, BS  
  • Bronze Star (as 2LT) for heroic achievement against the enemy on 12/17/1944 in Belgium.
  • Aide-de-Camp to BG Perrin 08/13/1945 GO 1945-061,
  • NJ
    GO 1945-013, GO 1945-061,
Washko, John, Jr.33 150 731Sgt/SSgt Cadre604 Light Machine Gunner423 INF/I EAME/4  Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Wasielewski, Raymond F. Pvt745 Rifleman424 INF/I/2nd Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
Wasik, Joseph A.31 408 515Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, EAME/4  

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1974-4/5/6, 1974-10-11-12-V31#1, 1978-1/2/3, GO 1945-051,
Wasilausky, Fred G.31 342 322T/5 589 FABN/SVCMIA 12/23/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Waskey, Charles C., Jr.33 847 221Pfc 424 INF/G CIB      27,
Wassels, unk 2LT 422 INF/C         Lewis Walker diary,
Wasserman, Kurt        Gained citizenship 05/10/1944 at Atterbury (Not exactly identified as 106th). Born in Germany
   Columbus Herald 05/10/1944
Wassermann, Kurt   422 INF/I        1946-11
Wassgner, Milton   81 ENG (C)/A    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   2002-1/2/3
Wassgren, Milton L.   81 ENG (C)/A    
  1. CUB sent to wife returned no explanation 12/2016
  2. 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944
   CUB 1988-2/3, CUB 12/2016
Wasyliszyn, Paul J.33 574 732  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Wasylon, Paul   424 INF/1 BN/HQ        CUB 62-3
Waters, Almon B.   SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945 07/30/1996    1950-4/5, 1991-7/8/9, 1996-10/11/12
Waters, Clyde E. SSgtCook424 INF/I, 423 INF/E, 423 INF/C, 423 INF/G CIB, POW, BS, EAME/4POW for 2 hours but escaped. Bronze Star (as 423 INF) for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/18/1944 in Belgium. Having been taken prisoner, he and another soldier were forced to ride on the hood of an American jeep driven by their captors and traveled that way until the vehicle neared an American roadblock. Displaying great courage and resourcefulness, he and his companion cried "Germans"and jumped from the jeep into a ditch, thus enabling the Americans to open fire upon the enemy killing one and forcing the other three to surrender. GO 1945-073.   1947-12, 1948-12/1949-1, GO 1945-073,
Waters, Frank T/4Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945      1944-07-27
Waters, Henry C.11 083 230T/5776 Radio Oper Low Speed106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
  1. Captured at Grosslangenfeld
  2. 12-A
  3. 9-B Limburg An Der Lahn Hes
     Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
Waters, Lloyd B., Jr.42 120 467Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. captured 12/18/1944
  2. 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen 
  3. 5 months

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.

newspaper article returned to the US

   27, 62, GO 1945-051, Troy Record, Troy NY 06/29/1945
Waterstraat, Adrian A.42 087 521Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Watkins, Adrian D.34 966 951  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Watkins, Douglas H.38 692 376Pfc 424 INF/I CIB      27,
Watkins, Edmond I.36 513 176  422 INF/G CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   27, 59,
Watkins, Edwin S.35 408 696TSgt 423 INF/3 BN/HQ CO CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. captured 12/21/1944
  2. 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
  3. liberated by Russians 04/21/1945

  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. newspaper article

   27, 62, GO 1945-051, Times Recorder, Zanesville OH 06/21/1945
Watkins, Floyd 'Bud'35 434 490T/4 423 INF/3 BN/HQ CO CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia12/30/1946

  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. newspaper article killed by electrocution on a painting job

   27, 62, GO 1945-051, Akron Beacon Journal, Akron OH 12/30/1946
Watkins, James L.39 143 724Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
  2. Freed from a German hospital by the 357 INF, 90 Div.
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. Photo-1, but not clear enough to identify.
  3. Photo-2. Shows Watkins who had lost 60 pounds. Weak, starved and maltreated.

   Watkins-James.jpg.jpg27, 62, Wilkes-Barre Record, Wilkes-Barre PA, 04/27/1945, Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn NY 04/27/1945
Watkins, unk  Mess423 INF/2 BN EAME/4      1990-4/5/6
Watkins, William N.34 762 638SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/I EIB, CIB, PH, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     27, 62, Camp Crier 6/2/44
Watrous, George L., III31 327 318Ssgt 424 INF/H CIB      27,
Watry, William J. (Joseph)   424 INF/AT   Birth 17 Sep 1925 Death 25 Nov 1984 (aged 59) Burial Arlington Memorial Park Sandy Springs, Fulton County, Georgia, USA   Watry-WilliamJoseph.jpg  Watry-William-1.jpgdiary on www.IndianaMilitary.org, FAG 142344073
Watson, Clarence F.35 763 429Pvt 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Watson, Dale H.36 952 197Pfc 423 INF/A CIB, PH, EAME/4
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
living 2013

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051,
Watson, Douglas S.32 772 814  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Watson, Ellis R. Sgt  KIA 1944  1944     Bugle 4-5-6/1996
Watson, Ervin S.33 849 930Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C, 422 INF/C CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/1 BN/C) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   62, 1968-3/4/5/6, GO 1945-051,
Watson, Frank37 732 455  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Watson, Henry K.11 092 115Pvt 1st Div CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
Watson, James P.34 202 676Sgt 424 INF/G CIB      27,
Watson, Jonas P.38 682 289Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/LKIA 12/22/1944CIB, PH, EAME/4 HC G-4-55Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,   ABMC, GO 1945-051,
Watson, Leroy34 677 672Pfc 422 INF/B CIB      27,
Watson, Melvin D.36 769 614Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Watson, Richard             
Watson, Richard L.31 297 998Pfc DHQ G-3         
Watson, Robert   106 Recon Cav (Mech)        1999-1/2/3
Watson, Robert L.36 837 740Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/BWIA 12/21/44CIB, PH, PH/OLC, EAME/4
  1. 12/21/44 
  2. 4-G 
  3. Liberated 4/20/45 by US
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. Justus T. “Ted” Schreiber of the Troop D/87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Mechanized/7AD wrote of being in Stalag IV-G with a badly wounded PFC Robert L. Watson of the 106th/423.
   27, 62, CUB 9-12/2010, GO 1945-051, P. Schreiber 12/2014,
Watson, Robert M.33 901 852Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Watson, William E.42 105 535Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Watt, Howard32 772 315SSgt 424 INF/3 BN CIB      Camp Crier 1951-2/3, CUB 1957-12-1959-1, CUB 1960-10/11/12, CUB 1966-4/5/6, CUB 1970-1/2/3, CUB 1951-2/3, CUB 1957-12-1959-1, CUB 1960-10/11/12, CUB 1966-4/5/6, CUB 1970-1/2/3
Watt, Jewell K.O-191 406Ltc.106th Div Inspector General424 INF/I, 423 INF/E, 423 INF/C, 423 INF/G, EAME/4  
  1. Inspector General 06/02/1943.
  2. Transferred to Camp Atterbury as Post Inspector.
  3. Patient at Wakeman
  4. Served with the 30th and 35th Divisions.
  5. Assigned to 4th Army HQ Civil Affairs, which was engaged in the removal of Japanese from the west coast.
   Watt-Jewell.jpgCUB 1944-03-03, CUB 1956-11/12, CUB 1956-11/12, CUB 1958-2/3, CUB 1972-7/8/9, CUB 1976-4-5-6-V32#3, CUB 1978-1/2/3 3/3/44, 310, Columbus Herald 11/29/1944, Republic 11/24/1944,
Wattam, James M., Jr.18 147 539  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Watters, Clyde   424 INF/I        CUB 5-4
Watters, Jack H.15 313 223Pfc2nd gunner light machinegun squad423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, EAME/4  

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1949-10/11, 1950-8/9, 1951-6/7, 1988-2/3, GO 1945-051,
Watts, Bennie M.34 351 877Pfc 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
Watts, Charles W.37 605 688  590 FABN/Batt C CIB, POW
  1. Captured 12/19/1944. 
  2. 9-B, 
  3. 9-A
     1989-7/8/9 57,
Watts, George R.32 947 642Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Watts, Grover Pvt 424 INF/D        11, 22,
Watts, John F.31 459 780PFc 424 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
Watts, Robert E.38 562 336T/5 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
Waveris, Joseph R.32 855 579Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Wax, Julius H. T/5 590 FABN/SVC        061,
Waylon, Paul   424 INF/HQ/1 BN        CUB 65-1
Waymare, James A. Pfc 422 INF/K        55,
Waymire, James A.20 727 455  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-F
  2. Work Camps
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Waymire, William P.34 624 915T/5 591 FABN CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy on 01/13/1945 in Belgium.

    GO 1945-024,
Wayne, George R.   422 INF/1 BN        2009-5/8
Wayne, Harry U. Jr35 485 624T/4Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945       
Wayslon, Paul J. (Wasliszyn)     CIB, POW
  1. Captured 12/19/1944. 
  2. 9-B, 
  3. 4-B, 
  4. 9-A.
Wchweinsberd, John R.   591 FABN/Med        CUB 7-3
Weakes, David J.38 682 946Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/42-D 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Weant, John E.35 912 766Pfc 424 INF/AT CIB      1957-4/5
Wear, Almon W.34 332 375T/4 DHQ AG Postal         
Wear, George ElmerO-267832LT 424 INF/1 BN CIB Birth 28 Jul 1919 Colorado, USA Death 12 Nov 2018 (aged 99) Fairfax County, Virginia, USA Burial Arlington National Cemetery Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, USA George went to West Point and graduated on June 6, 1944 (Normandy D-Day). He was sent to Europe with the 106th Division. He fought in the Battle of the Bulge where he was wounded and hospitalized in England. He returned to his unit just prior to VE Day and spent the next two years with the occupation forces in Germany. George later served in Korea and two tours in Vietnam. During his military career he received 22 decorations including the Combat Infantry Badge in three wars for which he was most proud. He retired from the military in 1974 as a Brigadier General.   Wear-GeorgeE.jpgCUB 1955-7/8/9, Legacy, FAG 194829299
Wearmouth, Dwane A.36 203 559SSgt/TSgt Cadre1607422 INF/M    Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Weatherford, Sam E.39 144 702  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Weatherill, Walter H.11 089 289Sgt 423 INF/L, 422 INFMIA, KIACIB, PH, EAME/4      1947-12, 1, 65,
Weatherley, James N.38 432 774  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Weatherly, Monte O.   424 INF/G        1961-6/7, 1967-05-06-07-V23#4
Weatherly, Walter B.34 966 921  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Weatherly, Wilson K.34 732 784Pfc DHQ Public Relations        Cub 09/16/1945
Weaver, Carl A.O-Ltc. 423 INF/3 BN EAME/4      1947-01-02, 1951-2/3 3/17/44,
Weaver, Clarence R.13 021 558  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Weaver, Donald E.   820th TD BN/C        1988-7/8/9
Weaver, Elmer C.33 145 475  590 FABN CIB, POW9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     57,
Weaver, George T.33 085 860Pvt 422 INF/3 BN CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1, 59,
Weaver, Melvin F.32 772 889SSgt 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
Weaver, Wesley A.34 011 525TSgt 422 INF/GMIA 12/16/1944CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
  1. newspaper article.
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   27, 59, Republic 01/15/1945, Republic 05/21/1945
Webb, Charles F., Jr.33 709 567Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Webb, Claude S.32 770 621TSgt 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 4-B, 
  2. 12-A

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 1948-04, 1945-051,
Webb, Johnnie L.14 027 812TSgt 423 INF/HKIA 12/21/1944CIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/4 HC E-13-48
  1. Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,
  2. Sgt Webb was already dead, killed in an ambush.
   27, ABMC, GO 1945-051, 94
Webb, Roland C.38 044 967SSgt 589 FABN/HQ Batt  Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Webb, Thomas     CIB, POWD.E.Cooley's 40&8 Roster 12/25/1944      
Webber, Edward L.37 211 522Cpl 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. captured 12/21/1944
  2. 4-B
  3. 8-A.
  4. Moosburg

  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. newspaper article

   27, 62, GO 1945-051, Columbus Herald, Columbus IN 05/09/1945
Webber, Ned M.O-530 572Lt 590 FABN/HQ BattMIACIB, POW11-B     1,57,
Weber, Carlos D. SSgt 422 INF/A Silver Star 04/1944 awarded at Camp Atterbury for service in North AfricaCaptured on December 19, 1944 in the Battle of the Bulge at St. Vith, Belgium. Force marched from 12/19/44 to 12/24/44 without food or water. No rest. Stalag XIIA, Limborg, Germany for 2 days. Stalag IVB from 1/06/45 to 4/28/45. Camp was liberated by the Russian Cossacks. Returned to US on June 16, 1945.
Death: April 11, 2014 (97 yrs. old) Burial: Calverton National Cemetery, Calverton, Suffolk County, NY
  1. Sergeant Weber was with our company. He had won the Silver Star for heroism in North Africa and, of course, was the man to listen to when the subject came turned to combat. He taught me how to disassemble a BAR and was good to me in many ways when, at the age of 18, I was learning to be an infantryman.
  2. Received Silver Star 05/06/1944 at Camp Atterbury.
  3. Cited for gallantry in action. Boldly utilizing rifle grenades to destroy a number of enemy vehicles and compelling others to surrender. This action prevented serious casualties and enabled his battalion to continue its attack. At the time, he was attached to 1st Div in the initial landings of American forces in North Africa.
****MISSING PHOTO **** Weber_CarlosD.Niche_2014_low.jpg Weber-Carlos-award.jpg
Weber-Carlos.jpgCamp Crier 5/5/1944, Camp Crier 6/9/1944, Republic 05/06/1944, Cub In Review, Facebook 106th Div Group 03/24/2020
Weber, Donald G.36 579 831Pfc 423 INF/ATKIACIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/4  Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,   27, GO 1945-051,
Weber, Donald H.    KIA       65,
Weber, E. E.   Div Arty        1957-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1959-2/3
Weber, George A., Jr.37 629 059Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen11/13/2009 St Louis MO

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Weber, James L. Pfc 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Weber, John L., Jr.6 920 101Sgt 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Weber, Nicholas J.36 776 247  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Weber, Richard E., Jr.O-19 421Ltc.Commander 592 FABN (155 mm), POW Temporary Enclosure GREEN C-3 HEILBRONN592 FABN/HQ, 627 FABN, 690 FABN CIB, BS 2002
  1. Bronze Star (as 592 FA BN) for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/10/1944 to 05/08/1945 in Belgium, France and Germany.
  2. After the war, he spent several years on occupation duty in Germany before coming back to the states as an instructor. While posted to the Pentagon, he worked at the Office of Unconventional Warfare, which included the Psychological warfare unit and the Green Berets.

   1945-08-11, 1945-09-16, 1946-11, 1951-2/3, 1951-8/9, 1952-6/7, 1964-02-03-04-V20#3 43, 44, 47, 48,51, CUB 08/11/1945, GO 1945-073, "Red Legs of the Bulge",
Weber, Robert D.33 397 455  422 INF/H CIB, POW, EAME/39-A1/15/2009422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1985-8/9/10 59,
Weber, William W.33 561 933Cpl 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/43-A 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Webster, Edgar C. SSgt 424 INF/HQ EIB 8/4/44      Camp Crier 8/4/44,
Webster, Edward C.35 574 586Sgt 424 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Webster, Edwin             
Webster, Thomas W.36 578 977  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Wecaler, Benjamin M.32 816 767T/5 589 FABN/HQ Batt  Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Wechselberger, Nicholas32 753 274SSgt 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Weckstein, Norbert L.   424 INF/HQ        1949-10/11, 1950-10/11
Wecsler, B. Maurice T/5 589 FABN        CUB 3-10
Weddel, Charles W., Jr.37 510 129SSgt 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   Weddel-CharlesW-422-4B.jpg59,
Weddell, Carlyle E.32 097 294SgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Weddington, James            Weddington-Jim.jpg 
Weddle, Clayton L. Sgt 424 INF/1 BN/HQ EIB 6/1944      Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Wedemeyer, Edward L.33 709 181Pfc 424 INF/KMIACIB, POWPOW camp unknown
Weed, Francis E.37 037 221SSgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB 09/05/1944, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Weed, Morning Starr Moses, Sr.37 457 819Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
  2. Liberated Easter Sunday 1945
10/16/2015 WY
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. Descendant of Chief Washakie, Sacajawea and great-grandson of John Enos, Scout of the Shoshone Tribe.
  3. President of the Native American Church.
  4. Worked as a Grandparent and Mentor at the Wyoming Indian Middle School.
  5. Participated as Chief of the Gift of the Waters pageant in Thermopolis, WY, and the Treaty Days Pageant at Fort Washakie 1968 - 2012
  Weed-MorningStar.jpg 27, 62, GO 1945-051, CUB 03/2016,
Weeks, Charles L.O-1 321 4551LT 423 INF/HQ & HQMIA, KIA 03/21/1945 as POWCIB (Posthumous), PH, BS (Posthumous), EAME/4
  1. 12/21/1944 
  2. Oflag 13-B Hammelburg, Bavaria
  3. Died in POW camp
Birth unknown Death 21 Mar 1945 Burial Lorraine American Cemetery and Memorial Saint-Avold, Departement de la Moselle, Lorraine, France
  1. Bronze Star (Posthumous) for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy from 12/18/1944 to 12/19/1944 in Belgium. GO 1944-080
  2. Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  3. Lt Weeks was killed instantly by a shot from close range, while walking to the latrines with his hands in his pockets (POW). Father Paul Cavanaugh, chaplain, without hesitation ran outdoors to attend him.
  4. Died a week before Task Force Baum attacked the camp. Yugoslavian officers provided one of their hidden flags to drape his coffin.
Weeks-CharlesL.jpg  CUB 1948-04, CUB 1989-4/5/6, 1, 65, ABMC, GO 1944-080, GO 1945-051, "Red Legs of the Bulge", CUB 08/2016, Cub In Review, FAG 56662114
Weeks, Floyd L.31 449 925Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/411-B Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Weems, Urcil A.34 984 969Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051,
Weese, James A.34 827 031Pvt 424 INF/M CIB      27,
Weglarz, Roman J.   424 INF/HQ        1994-10/11/12
Wehausen, Herbert H.36 243 470T/5 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Wehe, Mervyn W.39 144 764  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Wehmeyer, Richard             
WeHunt, Clarence34 896 447Pvt 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 3-A
  2. work camps
Weiberg, Raymond H.37 051 784Sgt 424 INF/E CIB      27,
Weidauer, John T.   423 INF/3 BN/HQ EAME/4  Recently assigned   Chillicothe Gazette OH
Weidensaul, James L.   422 INF/C   10/19/2011    1990-4/5/6, Obit by daughter Beth 9/2012
Weiderman, BernardO-CaptCO 592 FABN/SVC Batt (155 mm)592 FABN/SVC Batt         
Weidner, Calvin C.33 618 426T/3Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Weidner, Carl E.35 531 824SSgt 422 INF/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   27, 59
Weigel, Harold R.32 772 741Sgt 424 INF/C CIB      10, 11,
Weigel, Lavene J.,O-Col 422 INF/H CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1990-10/11/12, 1996-10/11/12, 2000-4/5/6
Weigel, Levene J.O-1 293 858  422 INF/H CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, CUB 1990-10/11/12, CUB 1996-10/11/12,CUB 2000-4/5/6
Weigert, Arthur             
Weightman, John W.6 152 625  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Weightman, Thomas A.32 660 962TSgt 422 INF/I CIB, PH
  1. 9-B, 
  2. 9-A
     Camp Crier 07/07/194427, 59, Div Arty/HQ Camp Crier 07/07/1944 boxing
Weil, Lester Pfc Low Regt/AT        3/24/44,
Weiland, Welcome B.             
Weinberg, EdwardO-Capt  KIA 12/22/1944CIB, POWKIA as POW 12/22/1944 in Deitz, German Air Raid12/22/1944    1989-4/5/6
Weinberg, Julius36 654 904  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Weinberg, Morris             
Weiner, Milton nmi12 154 885Pfc81mm Mortar Gunner424 INF/M CIB, OGL 2013,      Weiner-Milton.jpg CUB 2004-1/2/3, 68, CUB 08/2013, CUB 04/2015, diary
Weingarten, Jack C.33 901 932Pfc 422 INF/AT CIB      2007-1/2/3,2009-5/8
Weinhgeimer, George W.37 609 404Sgt 422 INF/A CIB      27,
Weinkauf, Christian   591 FABNMIA   "Former Service Battery 591 Men Still Lost" CUB 1974 Oct/Nov/Dec. Page 15   CUB 1974-10/11/12
Weinschenk, Carl L.32 764 230T/5 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Weinstein, Maurice   28th DivMIA       1,
Weinstein, Samuel   423 INF/G EAME/4      1950-10/11
Weir, Ralph32 843 054Pvt 422 INF/CN CIB      27,
Weisbach, Ben32 826 643  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Weisbard, Stanley P.39 561 298  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/311-B Work Camps 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Weisburg, William16 174 682  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1,
Weisburg, William A.16 174 682  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Weiser, Bernard H.   589 FABN Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1957-11/12, 1959-2/3
Weiser, unk   423 INF/E EAME/4      1989-7/8/9
Weising, Robert A.33 850 007Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 1953-4/5, 1992-10/11/12, 1, GO 1945-051,
Weisman, Joseph   DHQ        1950-10/11
Weiss, Daniel32 690 103Pfc DHQ Ordnance         
Weiss, Irving32 105 024  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Weiss, Morris S.33 182 366TSgtBN Supply Sgt331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • TSgt Weiss, Battalion Supply Sergeant left with 6 ambulances and 2 ½ ton trucks loaded with patients for LIEGE via the only road left open.
   30, 33, GO 1945-076,
Weiss, Newton W.4 208 182 ?Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/HQ CIB, EAME/4 02/16/2018 NJ
  1. He was a WW II Veteran and fought in the Battle of the Bulge serving with the 106th Infantry Div/423rd/HQ 3rd Bat.
  2. Author-"the Par of My Life in the Army"
      Weiss-Newton.jpg Weiss-Newton-1.jpgCUB 1989-10/11/12, 5, CUB 8/2011, CUB 07/2017, Legacy, CUB 01/2018
    Weiss, Paul, Jr.32 753 037T/4 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       62, 1993-7/8/9, 1998-10/11/12, GO 1945-051,
    Weiss, Peter36 583 129  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Weiss, Robert M.20 727 281  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Weissenburger, John P. Pfc Military Police        1945-08-04
    Weisser, Fredrick G., Jr.    KIACIB, PH       
    Weissinger, Harry H. Pfc 422 INF/GKIACIB, PH      1946-09, 13, 53, 65, 102,
    Weissman, Val E., Jr.   423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/4
    1. 4-B,
    2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
    07/08/2001    62, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013
    Welch, Bobby J.35 737 246  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Welch, Boyd R.35 590 412  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Welch, Charles D.35 075 309  422 INF/A CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1947-09 59,
    Welch, David E.   508th Military Police    one of those times, his duty was to toss Hermann Goring's ashes off of the train, into the Isar river, so that there would not be any kind of Nazi shrine in his memory. He said they stopped on a bridge, over a river, and he tossed the ashes out into the water.   Welch-David-1.jpgDiary
    Welch, George A.7 074 387Sgt 422 INF/CN CIB      27,
    Welch, Harlan K.15 116 004Pfc 422 INF/K CIB      27,
    Welch, Lamar A.O-24 391Ltc. 424 INF/1 BN CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy on 01/13/1945 in Belgium.
    newspaper article Married 12/08/1943
       27, GO 1945-026, Greenville News, Greenville SC
    Welch, Lamar F.             
    Welch, Maxwell L.32 737 632Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Welch, Robert   422 INF/B        1970-1/2/3
    Welch, William   424 INF/1 BNWIACIB, PH      1947-12
    Welden, Calvin C.   424 INF/B        1948-2
    Weldon, Paul S.38 692 308Pfc 422 INF/F CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   27, 59
    Welker, Elwood   DIVHQ        CUB 17-2
    Welker, Robert F. or S. PvtMedic423 INFMIA 12/21/1944CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia newspaper article about being captured and in good shape.   62, Republic 01/18/1945, 04/20/1945
    Welker, William H. Pfc 424 INF/GKIA 12/17/1944CIB, PH      1947-03
    Welker, William N.34 776 692Pfc 424 INF/GKIACIB, PH      27, 65,
    Welle, WIlliam J.39 254 649Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G KIACIB, PH, EAME/4  

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, GO 1945-051,
    Weller, John O.38 607 884  423 INF/3 BN/ATKIACIB (POW), POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussiadied while POWCombat Infantry Badge (Prisoner of War) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   61, 65, GO 1945-051,
    Wells , Charles Edward, Sr.   424 INF/F        CUB 74-3
    Wells, Bernard K. PvtMortar Section424 INF/I/Weapons Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
    Wells, Carl Pvt 424 INF/D        11, 22,
    Wells, Charles Edward, Sr. 'Pete'   422 INF/F EAME/2, WW2 Victory, GC 07/06/2018 Roswell GAdrafted by the Army in 1944 during World War II. After completing basic training at Camp Blanding Florida, Ed boarded the Henry T. Gibbons and arrived in France 13 days later. Ed was assigned to the 106th Infantry Division, 422nd Regiment, Company F and began moving to the front to help fortify the Allied front against Germany at the Battle of the Bulge. When nearing the front, Ed's regiment received word Germany had surrendered. Ed was awarded the European-African-Middle Eastern Theater Ribbon, 2 Bronze Service Stars, the WWII Victory Metal and the Good Conduct Metal.    Wells-CharlesEdward.jpgLegacy, CUB 08/2018,
    Wells, Earl L.39 698 427  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wells, James E.O-1 107 226CaptCompany Commander 81/C81 ENG (C)WIACIB, PH 02/08/1945, OGL-Gold 1975  81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944  Wells-Jim.jpg Wells-JamesE.jpg1948-2, 1952-8/9, 1956-11/12, 1960-10/11/12, 1962-8/9, 1964-8/9/10, 1967-2/3/4, 1985-8/9/10, 1994-1/2/3, 2007-4/5/6/7/8, GO 1945-021,
    Wells, John A.34 967 255  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wells, Robert M.14 007 920SSgt 424 INF/D CIB      11, 22,
    Wells, Thomas G.34 625 154  422 INF/M CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. 8-A
    2. Moosburg
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, Camp Crier 9/8/44,
    Wells, Vernon K.42 121 371  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-D 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wells, Walter I., MD       11/12/2016 Lexington MAHis entire professionalcareer was devoted to his work on a variety of national defense projects at theMIT Lincoln Laboratory.    CUB 1997-4/5/6, Obit from W. Dunn
    Welsh, Charlie   592 FABN        CUB 18-2
    Welsh, Harry J.33 806 793Pfc 424 INF/KWIACIB, PH 01/14/2002Purple Heart 01/14/1945.

       1978-1/2/3, 01-02-03/2000, 2002-1/2/3, GO 1945-021,
    Welshman, Thomas A. S/Sgt 424 INF/I        CUB 4-3
    Welshone, Eugene S.37 546 200Sgt 422 INF/SVC CIB      27,
    Welton, George C.O-1 176 8431LTBMO589 FABN/SVC, 591 FABN/SVC Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951   Promoted to 1LT 05/16/1945 15 Army SO 105
       1991-1/2/3, #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011, 81, 15 Army SO 105,
    Welton, Russell D.33 710 946Pvt 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
    1. 3-A
    2. work camps
    Wemigwase, Louis S.36 171 265  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wenberg, Ernest D.O-544 9441LT 423 INFKIA 12/23/1944CIB, PH, EAME/4 AR B-26-21    ABMC,
    Wenberg, Martin J.   423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen     62,
    Wenc, Chester C. 'Chuck'   424 INF/B French "Knight of the Legion of Honor" 2012,  06/18/2017 NorthbridgeHe served proudly in theEuropean theatre in the US Army during World War II, was a survivor of theBattle of the Bulge, and was awarded the Bronze Star and the French Chevalierde la legion d’Honneur medal for his valor in battle. He remained proud of hismilitary service throughout his life  Wenc-Chester-424.jpg CUB 04/2012, Obit from W.Dunn
    Wencl, Ben37 300 254Pfc 422 INF/LMIA 12/16/1944, KIA 03/17/1945 Died as POWCIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. 4-B
    2. POW # 316874.
    3. Died as POW
    03-17-1945 4-B422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 1948-04, 59, ABMC, NARA
    Wendel, James W.   UNIT UNKNOWN    04/04/2000 Garrett IN    CUB 2000-10/11/12,
    Wendereth, Harry H.             
    Wendt, Robert            1986-7/8/9/10
    Wenel, Ben    KIA       65,
    Wener, 'Tiny'   592 FABN/B        1950-10/11
    Wensley, WilliamO-1LT 423 INF EAME/4      1946-08
    Wenslow, Marshall B.36 580 015T/5Wire Section589 FABN/A, 589 FAMIA 12/17/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
    1. 12-A
    2. 9-B
         Wenslow-Marshall.jpg1988-2/3, 2005-7/8/9, 8, 58, CUB Sept/Dec 2011
    Wente, Martin L. 'Chic'39 579 1962LT 423 INF/IWIACIB, PH, PH/OLC, EAME/4
    1. 12/19/1944. 
    2. 9-B, 
    3. KDO Berga See notes
    8/3/2010    CUB 2000-10/11/12, Cub 1-4/2011,
    Wents, Martin L.39 579 196Pvt 423 INF/I CIB, EAME/4      27,
    Wentz, William J. 'Bill'35 270 788Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/M EIB 09/19/1944, CIB, PH, EAME/4, BS
    1. 4-B, 
    2. 4-A Hohnstein, Saxony, 
    3. KDO
    4. 4 months a POW
    04/06/2019 KentonOH
    1. Married in Indiana 05/05/1944.
    2. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,
    3. My father, Wm. J. Wentz - 423 - Co M, crossed this bridge on April 25, 1945 to reach the American line. We have been searching for a photo for several years and I found this footage for him to view. Several days prior to crossing my Dad was working the brown coal fields at the Bad Liebenwerda camp. Russians were getting close so the German Guards marched them Stalag IV-B at Muhlberg. IV-B was overcrowded and they were turned away. So two German guards walked them to the Mulde River at Wurzen, where a bombed out RR bridge crossed the river. The guards told them to cross and they would see an American tank with a US flag on the other side. At that point, on the 25th, there were not many other people around.
    4. www.criticalpast.com/video/65675073955_Allied-prisoners_World-War-II_partially-wrecked-bridge_ex-prisoners
       62, CUB 1988-4/5/6, GO 17, GO 1945-051, CUB 2019-04/04
    Wentzel, Roy L. Cpl 422 INF/EWIA KIACIB, PH, PH/OLC4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     1947-01-02, 1948-2, 1949-12-1950-1
    Wentzell, Gordon M.31 233 858  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wenzel, Clifford A.36 563 609  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wenzel, William R. Pfc 423 INF BS      The Menasha Record (Menasha, Wisconsin) 22 Sep 1945, Sat Page 1 (WGD)
    Weola, Jose A.32 819 2?2T/4 591 FABN CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy on 01/13/1945 in Germany.

        GO 1945-024,
    Werb, Frank F.   423 INF/CN EAME/4      1987-11/12-1988-1
    Werewski, Joseph A.36 649 723Sgt 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
    Werkmeister, Paul   422 INF/Medic        1989-7/8/9
    Werkmeister, Paul W.32 770 937  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wermuth, William20 654 308SSgt 1560 SUV HQ & HQKIA       65, letter on Ebay 03/13/2021
    Werner, Albert V.32 498 061T/5 424 INF/SVCWIACIB, PH, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945  Art Editor of CUBs

    Purple Heart 01/24/1945.

       1947-01-02, CUB 09/16/1945, GO 1945-021,
    Werner, Henry L., Jr.32 771 285Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
    Werner, John J.             
    Werner, Joseph G., Jr.12 149 423Pfc 423 INF/HQ  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Werowski, Joseph A. Sgt FABNMIA 12/16/1944       Republic 01/25/1945
    Werrowski, Joseph A.   589 FABN Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 POW along with A. B. Grigsby XII-A to IX-B     1985-8/9/10 58,
    Wersinger, Arthur E.13 028 419Pfc 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/4
    1. 3-A
    2. work camps
     Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wert, Kenneth L.13 113 257Pvt 591 FABN/HQ   04/07/2008, Good Shepherd Cemetery, Muhlenberg Township, PA    Pack of his letters bought on Ebay 3/2011
    Wertheim, Alfred H.31 428 226Pfc 422 INF/D CIB      27,
    Wertheimer, George Cpl          1947-03
    Wertz, Edward R.36 740 288SSgt 422 INFKIA 04/03/1945 Died as POWCIB, PH
    1. captured 12/16/1944
    2. Marched from Gorlitz, Germany to Duderstadt
    3. Died 05/01/1945 in POW camp near Duderstadt, Germany.
    NE C-10-24newspaper article death in POW camp   ABMC, Chicago Tribune, Chicago IL 08/08/1945, NARA
    Wertz, Gerald V.33 714 698Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, PH, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       1, GO 1945-051,
    Wertzberger, David P. Sgt      newspaper article his story of service   Morning Call, Allentown PA 06/18/1946
    Wessel, Francis H.             
    Wessell, Clarence G.34 603 321Pfc 422 INF/SVC CIB      27,
    Wessels, Robert O.O-026 6302LT 422 INF/C CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen08/18/1999 Arlington Cem.422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 1947-03,1988-4/5/6,1999-10/11/121947-03,1988-4/5/6,1999-10/11/12 Email from William Dohoney 10/2007,
    Wessner, Edgar P.33 618 560Pfc345-Truck Driver Lt Truck106 Recon Cav (Mech)    Trans. To Replacement Depot 20 May 44   Restricted Spec Orders 20 May 1944
    West, Alvin T.37 084 781Sgt 424 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
    West, Cecil37 132 767Pfc-T/4 Cadre060 Cook422 INF/F CIB  Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66, 27
    West, Clarence38 099 234Pfc-T/5 Cadre060 Cook423 INF/L EAME/4  Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
    West, Dana A., Jr.33 306 929T/5Medic331 Medical BNWIACMB, PH, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
    Purple Heart 01/20/1945. GO 1945-021
    01/06/1945 - placed on detached service with the Medical Detachment of the 424th Infantry.

       West-DanaA.jpg1947-03, 1948-8/9, 30, 33, GO 1945-021, GO 1945-076,
    West, Dudley L.6 383 246  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    West, John Edward36 950 488Pvt 423 INF/AT, 423 INF/B CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia04/14/2010, Conneaut Lake, PACombat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

    born John Edward Wyzkoski
       27, 62, B. Welke, CUB Sept/Dec 2011, GO 1945-051,
    West, unk 1st SgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945       
    West, Walter A.31 458 455Pfc 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
    West, Willis E.39 341 883Cpl 589 FABN/Batt AMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     8,58,
    Westbrook, Scott S.   424 INF/C BS, BS/OLC, GC 10/01/2013 Newton Grove NCMr. Westbrook was draftedinto the United States Army on July 26, 1944. Following service in NorthernFrance and Central Europe as a Rifleman of the 106th Infantry Division duringWorld War II, he was honorably discharged with two bronze service medals and agood conduct medal for the WWII victory   CUB 1989-1/2/3, Obit from W. Dunn
    Wester, Nick G.39 047 866Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, POW, EAME/46-C 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Westerman, William C. Pvt 591 FABN/SVC        #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011
    Westfall, Cecil SSgt 424 INF/2 BN/G        Westfall-Cecil.jpg Westfall-Cecil.jpg
    Westfall, Pat N.38 607 374Pfc 424 INF/K WW2-CIB, SS, BS, PH. Korea-PH, BS/Valor 10/05/2015Veteran of both WW2 and Korea. Member of the "Chosin Few" after surviving the Battle of Chosin Reservoir.
       27, CUB 1990-4/5/6, CUB 04/2016,
    Westman, Glenn H.33 440 351Pfc  MIA       1,
    Westmoreland, T. C.34 190 949Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co  CIB, POW, EAME/44-D Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Weston, Ronald T.20 272 2221st Sgt 422 INF/I CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Sketch artist at Bad Orb made a series of sketches of POW life.
    Westort, Raymond F.36 773 377Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
     Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1988-7/8/9, GO 1945-051,
    Westphal, Lawrence H. PfcWire SectionDiv Arty/HQ        1947-01-02, 1955-5/6, 1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1960-10/11/12 Robert Scherer 01/2010,
    Westphal, Paul N.39 926 489Pvt 423 INF/I CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen     27,62,
    Wetch, Anton P.37 555 730Pvt 424 INF/F CIB      12,
    Wetherbee, Charles R.            1948-6/7
    Wettengel, Robert J.36 208 037  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Weyand, Allen B.O-283 828MajorS-3423 INF/HQ  CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   Weyand-AllenB.jpg1949-10/11, 1, GO 1945-051, 106th Photo Album
    Weymouth, James H.36 958 800Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
    Whalen, Dennis W.34 333 622  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Whalen, William L.O-2 052 2731LT DHQ Judge Advocate         
    Whaley, Joseph             
    Wharton, John B.39 536 906Pvt 422 INF/GKIA 02/19/1945CIB, PH HC 0-0    1946-09, 13, 53, 65, ABMC, 102,
    Whayne, Harry U., Jr.35 485 624T/4Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
    • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
    • 01/02/1945 - Promoted to T/4.
    • Tec 4 Whayne was transferred to the 5th Evacuation Hospital in grade per Par 5 SO #6 Hq 1st U. S. Army dated 6 January 1945
       30, 33, GO 1945-076,
    Wheatley, Austin36 336 729  422 INF/L CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. Captured at US aid station 12/18/1944, 
    2. 11-B, 
    3. Work Camps. 
    4. Escaped during march near Celle, Germany,
    11/24/1999 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1992-10/11/12, 2000-1/2/3, 59,
    Wheatley, Thomas E. PvtMortar Section424 INF/I/Weapons Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
    Wheaton, Lewis6 706 700  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 
    1. newspaper article.
    2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
       59, Indianapolis News, Indianapolis IN 05/18/1945
    Wheeler, Charles             
    Wheeler, Crawford, Jr.O-554 1742LTPlatoon Leader 2nd Platoon424 INF/CNKIA 12/16/1944CIB, PH, Silver Star (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 Plot G Row 11 Grave 25 Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery Hombourg, Belgium
    1. Silver Star (Posthumous) for gallantry in action on 12/16/1944 in Germany. During a ferocious assault on his platoon positions by overwhelming numbers of hostile troops supported by tanks and artillery, and although subjected to severe small arms fire moved along the emplacements and directed the fire. As attempting to repair a disable machine gun, an enemy tank approached. Ignoring the machine gun and 88mm fire, moved into an exposed position and fired until fatally wounded by the tank's point blank fire.
    2. newspaper article tells of his courage.
       65, ABMC, GO 1945-035, CUB 1951-10/11, Eau Claire Leader, Eau Claire Wisc 07/01/1945
    Wheeler, James Ralph Thomas15 078 5071st Sgt1st Sgt80th Div, 424th INF/CN EIB 8/4/1944, CIB 12/07/2017 Elkins WVHe attended the schools ofRandolph County, and was a combat veteran of the U. S. Army serving duringWorld War II during the Battle of the Bulge. He was the 1st Sergeant in chargeof a company of 110 men manning six 105 MM howitzers and was one of the few ofhis company that survived   Wheeler-James.jpgCUB 1988-10/11/12, Camp Crier 8/4/44, Franklin Evening Star 08/04/1944, Obit from W. Dunn
    Wheeler, John N.39 332 583PfcAnti-tank gun crewman423 INF/ATKIACIB, PH, PH/OLC, EAME/4
    1. 3-A
    2. work camps
    12/31/2013 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
    Wheeler, John T.37 068 959Sgt/TSgt Cadre631422 INF/HQ    Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
    Wheeler, Joseph B.39 574 165Pfc 424 INF/2ndKIACIB      27, 65,
    Wheeler, Leon C.34 402 797Pfc 422 INF/D CIB      27,
    Wheeler, Robert A.32 844 226Pvt 589 FABN/Batt AMIA 12/23/1944, KIA 12/23/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951  AR 0-0    1996-1/2/3, ABMC,
    Wheeler, Vincent L.39 602 172  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wheeler, Wallace A. Pvt 424 INF/D I&E        Cub 08/11/1945
    Wheeler, Walter W.15 020 261SSgt 81 ENG (C)/B "D" Series Legion of Merit  
    1. "D" Series Legion of Merit. At 1500, 12/31/1943, SSgt Wheeler & SSgt Ailstock were sent on a mission to destroy a bridge crossing. Due to the large number of enemy in the area, they were unable to accomplish their task. Using guerilla tactics, they held the advance of an entire company by forcing them to deploy along a highway. They then advanced a few hundred yards, took up new positions, and again forced the enemy foot troops to deploy.
    2. 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944
       1952-8/9, GO 1944-002
    Whelan, James J.32 498 299CplMedic592 FABN CMB  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Whelton, Eugene Dale 'Gene'36 583 631T/5 423 INF/SVC CIB, POW, PH, BS, EAME/4
    1. captured 12/17/1944
    2. 12-A
    3. 9-B
    4. Liberated 05/01/1945
    02/12/2018 MI
    1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
    2. He served his country from 1943-1945 in the 106th Division of the US Army. He was captured on Dec. 17, 1944 in the Battle of the Bulge and was liberated on May 1, 1945. He was awarded the order of the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star for his service.
      Whelton-EugeneD.jpg 27, 62, GO 1945-051, Legacy
    Whetzel, Orvel G.33 559 396Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
    Whigam, Alvin W.20 403 730SSgt 422 INF/D CIB      27,
    Whipple, Delmore J. Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CMB      1945-08-11
    Whisenant, CLyde M. Pvt 423 INF BS, EAME/1      Daily Times, Chattanooga TN 09/18/1945
    Whisenant, F. Julio38 481 390Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Whisenant, James H. (1)O-1 056 9432LT/Ltc. 423 INF/ATWIACIB, POW, EAME/4, PH, BS
    1. 13-B Weiden Bavaria
    2. POW # 23 611
    Birth 24 Nov 1921 Death 24 May 2012 (aged 90) Burial Evergreen Memorial Gardens Vancouver, Clark County, Washington, USA
    1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
    2. Jim finished one year of college before being drafted in the U.S. Army. He was a WW11 European Theater POW, a Purple Heart & Bronze Star recipient, served in the Korean War and retired as a Lt. Col. in 1965 from Ft. Lewis WA.
    Whisenant-JamesH.jpg  27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 91712897
    Whisenant, James H. (2)34 921 312Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
    Whisenhunt, George W.   DHQ        CUB 37-1
    Whiserhunt, George W.38 642 474Pvt 424 INF/H CIB      27,
    Whitaker, David, Jr. SSgt 106th INF & 1st Armored Div WW2 Victory Bronze Star Good Conduct EAME 03/24/2011    Obit
    Whitaker, Eugene R.31 144 313SSgt 591 FABN CMB  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Whitcomb, Don J.32 046 316TSgt 423 INF/1 BN/BMIACIB (MIA), EAME/4  Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
    White, Arthur W.34 010 988MSgt DHQ AG Section         
    White, Benedict V.             
    White, Charles W.6 957 465  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    White, Clyde D.O-544 697  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    White, Donald K.O-2LT 424 INF/D        11, 22,
    White, Donald L.36 583 655  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
    White, E. C., Jr.  Forward Artillery Observer591 FABN/Batt C Certificate of Merit 12/25/2011 Whiteface TXE.C joined the army in 1942 and served as a forward artillery observer for the 106th Golden Lion Division. He was awarded the Certificate of Merit for skill and courage displayed during the German Offensive, which came to be known as the Battle of the Bulge.   White-EC.jpg CUB 1977-10/11/12, Legacy
    White, Earl L., Jr.13 092 028Pvt 424 INF/M CIB      27,
    White, Eddie J.   423 INF/3 BN EAME/4      1947-03, 1947-09
    White, Elbert C., Jr. SSgtForward Artillery Observer591 FABN/Batt C Certificate of Merit 12/25/2011, Whiteface Cem., Whiteface TXE.C joined the army in 1942 and served as a forward artillery observer for the 106th Golden Lion Division. He was awarded the Certificate of Merit for skill and courage displayed during the German Offensive, which came to be known as the Battle of the Bulge. After being honorably discharged, he and Zada became active members of the 106th Division, Cubs of the Golden Lion Organization. They attended many reunions and traveled with other veterans to former battle sites.   White-Elbert.jpgCUB 1947-01-02, Find A Grave Memorial# 82416474, Legacy
    White, Elmer K.36 579 847Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
    White, Eugene F. Sgt1st Horn106 Artillery Band    newspaper article   Ogden Standard Examiner, Ogden, UT 08/23/1943
    White, Frank E., Jr.36 676 582Pfc 422 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
    White, Gene F.20 924 538SSgt 106th Band CIB, BS  Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/16/1944 to 03/01/1945 in Belgium. GO 1945-071
       GO 1945-071,
    White, George E.42 120 267  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    White, George G., Sr.36 478 202Pvt 423 INF/H EAME/4 01/18/1992, Brentwood MO    1989-1/2/3, 26,
    White, Hugh R.31 457 705  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    White, James E.18 000 615Pvt 424 INF/L CIB      23,
    White, James R.34 547 126Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/411-B 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    White, James S.   423 INF/F EAME/4  423 INF/F/3d Platoon awarded Distinguished Unit Citation for Action at St. Vith, Belgium from 12/17 to 12/23/1944 CUB Vol 8, No. 2. (members of this Platoon unknown)
       1966-2/3/4, 1966-4/5/6, 1972-7/8/9, 1978-1/2/3
    White, John A. Pfc          1944-03-17 3/17/44,
    White, John P.   DHQ        1948-6/7
    White, Lawrence R.16 169 953Pvt QM, 423 INF/HQ Co CIB, POW, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Quartermaster Company Cited for service from 1 December 1944 to 29 January 1945, EAME/4POW camp unknown
     Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1944-03-10, GO 1945-051,
    White, Lionel F.36 739 727SSgt 424 INF/CN EIB 8/4/44,      CUB 1989-10/11/12, 9, Camp Crier 8/4/44,
    White, Lonnie L.13 017 968TSgt 106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
    1. 12-A
    2. 9-B
    White, Luther O., Jr.39 119 158Pvt 424 INF/EKIACIB, PH      27,
    White, Mark L., Jr.12 016 247Cpl 424 INF CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/17/1944 in Belgium.

        GO 1945-036,
    White, Morris A.38 683 002Pvt 424 INF/E CIB      27,
    White, Richard L.39 208 613Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/44-D 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    White, Richard P.15 116 397Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    White, Rishel 'Rick'35 200 652Cpl060 Cook106 Recon Cav (Mech) PH, POW, EAME
    1. 4-B 12/16/1944 to 07/13/1945
    2. POW # 313 625
    3. POW for 5 months
    4. Liberated by Russians
    04/06/2017 Adams NY
    1. See Lt. Haines account of the battle under "Grosslangenfeld" link.
    2. CUB 1988 07/08/09, CUB 2006 01/02/03,
    3. “Coming Home Alive” is a movie on the story of Rishel White’s experience in WWII as a soldier and a POW. See www.4thcoastproductions.com,

    4. Ed Strand 06/24/2015,
    5. He worked locally beforejoining the U.S. Army in 1941. At the beginning of World War II, Rishel wasattached to the 1st Armored Division at Fort Knox Kentucky before being sent ona cadre to Pine Camp to form the 4th Armored Division in 1942. He contractedRheumatic Fever and was hospitalized for months becoming dis-attached from the4th Armored. While in the North Country he met Adams resident Shirley Weeden and theymarried in Columbia, South Carolina in 1943, where he was sent by the Army toform the 106th Infantry Division at Fort Jackson. His division was sent to Europe where it was caught in the Germancounter-attack of 1944 known as The Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes forestregion of Belgium. He was captured by German forces and spent a harrowing fivemonths as a POW in Stalag 4B near Dresden in Germany. Liberated by Russianforces moving west, he again survived a week-long trek back to the Americanlines, and spent the next 10 months in hospital, first in England, then at theGreenbrier Resort in West Virginia. It was here he met his brother Mondell, whohad been captured by the Japanese in the Philippines in 1942 and had survivedthe war after having been moved to Japan. Rishel was discharge in 1946
    6. The 106th Recon had two cooks. One was a coal miner from West Virginia named T/5 Rishel White. Rishel recalls that meals were cooked and served at the squad level right up to when the German bombardment began. After that, no cooking – just C rations was all you got. Rishel also has the unique experience of being captured by the Germans, then being liberated by a squad of GI’s, and then the whole group of them being captured a second time! Rishel White and his wife, Shirley, currently lives in upstate New York in the town of Adams. 2016
       White-Rishel.jpgObit from W. Dunn
    White, Robert L.   592 FABN/B        1987-7/8/9/10
    White, Russell A.   423 INF/AT EAME/4      1958-4/5
    White, Thomas B.34 663 243T/5 DHQ Finance Section         
    White, Verdis R.35 847 450  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    White, Walter H.38 193 641  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    White, Wesley   422 INF/3 BN         
    White, Wesley N., Jr.31 384 330  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   White-Wesley.jpg59, CUB 04/2014,
    White, William A.32 947 520Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      27,
    White, William F., Jr.33 527 978Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
    White, William H.   QM MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Quartermaster Company Cited for service from 1 December 1944 to 29 January 1945      1988-4/5/6
    White, Wolfred K. (Fred)O-465 2291LT 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      1988-4/5/6
    White,Lonnie L.13 017 968TSgt014 Auto Mechanic106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
    1. Captured at Grosslangenfeld
    2. 12-A
    3. 9-B Limburg An Der Lahn Hes
         Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
    Whited, Leo R.   423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/4
    1. 12-A
    2. 9-B
    Whitefeather, Scott37 302 121PfcMedic331 Medic BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge 06/24/1945 GO 1945-045,   GO 1945-045,
    Whitehead, James U.             
    Whitehead, John L.36 810 669Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/HQMIACIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia04/06/2006Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   1, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Whitehead, Richard C.36 784 362Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Whitehouse, JohnO-1 310 1891LTPersonnel Officer424 INF/SVC MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      77,
    Whiteley, Robert L.O-553 2822LT 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/4Oflag 13-B Hammelburg, Bavaria 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Whitelock, Carroll P.33 454 867  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Whiten, Everett B.31 427 331Pvt 424 INF/L CIB      27,
    Whitesell, George H., Jr.37 726 823Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/4Stalag 4A Hohnstein, Saxony 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Whitesell, Joseph A.34 646 883Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
    Whitesell, William L.33 741 742Pfc 422 INF/D, 424 INF/F, 423 INF/3 BN/HQ CoWIA*2CIB, PH. PH/OLC, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

    Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/3 BN/HQ Co)12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, GO 1945-051,
    Whitfield, John M. PfcAdmin424 INF/I        424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
    Whitfield, Leonard F.34 965 880  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Whitford, Gordon G. T/4 422 INF/D, 424 INF/FWIACIB, PH, PH/OLC9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     1948-2
    Whitham, Walter             
    Whitley, Bruce             
    Whitley, Henry W., Jr.34 669 985Sgt 422 INF/G CIB      27,
    Whitley, John H.33 219 964TSgt 422 INF/F CIB      Whitley-JohnH.jpg27, Camp Crier 07/14/1944
    Whitley, R.O-Lt  MIA       1,
    Whitley, Richard SSgt 83rd INF DIV, 106th INF DIVWIA 07/06/1944EAME/5, Am Defense, GC, PH  newspaper article receives discharge at Camp Atterbury   Republic, Columbus IN 10/08/1945
    Whitlock, Charles S. Pvt DHQ Top Regt        1944-03-10 3/17/44,
    Whitlock, Harvey    MIA       1,
    Whitlock, Harvey B.36 951 691  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-D 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Whitlow, Calvin38 662 321Pvt 422 INF/E CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. contracted Tuberculosis. 
    2. 4-B
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1948-6/7
    Whitlow, Calvin W.38 662 321  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Whitman, Daniel E.31 291 243SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Whitman, James M.34 607 471Pvt 424 INF/B CIB      27,
    Whitmore, Lowell31 454 435Pfc 423 INF/AMIACIB, EAME/4      27,
    Whitner, Donald R.33 464 929Pfc/Cpl 422 INF/K, 422 INF/FMIACIB, POW, EAME/3, BS
    1. Left for dead alongside road.
    2. Later captured 12/16/1944
    3. POW 4 months
    4. Dropped from 168 to 68 pounds
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 1981-4/5/6, CUB 1986-7/8/9/10, CUB 1992-1/2/3, CUB 1996-4/5/6, 1, Daily News, Lebanon PA 02/26/1986
    Whitnew, Donald R.   422 INF/F CIB, PH, PH/OLC, PH/2OLCCaptured twice, escaped once.     CUB Mar 1987,
    Whitney, Eugene D.37 445 878Pvt 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
    1. 12-A
    2. 9-B
    Whitney, Richard Pfc 423 INF/MedicMIAEAME/4      1987-11/12-1988-1 1,
    Whitofrd, Gordon G.13 135 245  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Whitson, Clate34 608 520PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Whitson, unkO-Capt   CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
    Whitt, Evert35 769 790Pfc 422 INF/E CIB      27,
    Whittaker, Charles E.   DHQ   02/08/2018 WaconiaHe was a proud veterantaking part in the Battle of the Bulge in the 106th infantry during World WarII. Chuck was a member of the VFW Post 5462, America Legion Post 150 and theKnights of Columbus in Waconia.    CUB 1990-10/11/12, Obit from W. Dunn
    Whittemore, Lowell31 454 435Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/AKIA 03/01/1945 Died as POWCIB (MIA), POW, EAME/4
    1. Stalag 4A Hohnstein, Saxony
    2. Died as POW
    AR D-5-23 Died as POWCombat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   1948-10/11, 65, ABMC, GO 1945-051,
    Whitten, Bernard H.35 812 258Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      27,
    Whitten, George36 648 541Sgt 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Whitten, Wallace W.36 884 522Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Whitting, James E.35 913 419Pfc 422 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
    Whittington, Wilbur             
    Whittom, Clarence             
    Wiard, Everett S.33 434 037Pfc345 truck Driver Lt Truck106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
    1. Captured at Grosslangenfeld
    2. 4-B
         Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
    Wichtman, Delbert J. Cpl 592 FABN/C CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
    CUB returned 11/1951    CUB 1951-10/11 1,
    Wicinski, William36 171 674Pfc 589 FABN/Batt A Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
    Wick, Jessie A.33 094 694  423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen     62,
    Wickenhofer, John D.35 752 067Pfc 424 INF/CN CIB      27,
    Wicks, Christian M.39 696 401Sgt 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       62, 1950-10/11, GO 1945-051,
    Wicks, Frederic S.O-1 326 3022LT 423 INF/1 BN/HQ & HQMIACIB, POW, EAME/411-B Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   1, GO 1945-051,
    Widdecombe, Robert W.             
    Widdicombe, Robert W.35 898 933PfcBAR man423 INF/I/3rd Sqd/1st PltParalysis of legs and arms due to Vitamin B deficiency as POWCIB, PH, BS, EAME/4
    1. Captured 12/19/1945
    2. 9-B for 1 month,
    3. then Berga
    1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
    2. 400 GIs sent to Berga, only25-30 survived.
    3. newspaper article

       Widdicombe-Robert.jpg62, CUB 1988-7/8/9, CUB 1988-10/11/12, CUB Sep/Dec 2011, GO 1945-051, Garrett Clipper, Garrett, IN 01/15/1945
    Widenhofer, James A.   424 INF/G        1948-8/9, 1957-2/3, 1958-2/3
    Widler, Warren F.O-548 921  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Widmer, Ben   106TH        CUB 65-1
    Widmer, Carl13 130 187Pvt 424 INF/HQ CIB  106th Division, 424th infantry Regiment, F company.  ****MISSING PHOTO **** Carl_002.jpg****MISSING PHOTO **** Carl_001.jpg27,
    Widmer, Richard A.36 649 478T/4 422 INF/3 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. 1944-12-19 at Schonberg
    2. 12-A, 
    3. 8-A, 
    4. 4-B,
    5. 8-A
    6. Moosburg
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Widstrom, Douglas L.37 319 044Pfc 424 INF/M CIB      27,
    Wiedlin, Robert A.16 174 601  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1994-10/11/12 59,
    Wiedow, Russell K.36 679 994Pvt 423 INF/HQ  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wiegand, Arno A.36 299 679T/5 CoS Section         
    Wiegel, Harold R. Sgt          The Morning Call (Paterson, New Jersey) 26 May 1945, Sat Page 20 (WGD)
    Wiegers, Robert M.O-1 291 364Capt 423 INF/3 BN/MMIA KIACIB, PH, EAME/4  

    Combat Infantryman Badge (as 1LT) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       1, GO 1945-051,
    Wiegert, Arthur J.37 605 594SSgt 422 INFKIA 12/23/1944CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. 12-A
    2. 9-B
    NE K-5-4422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, 65, ABMC,
    Wieland, Adolph F.35 461 847  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wiersema, Judson H.16 177 314Pfc 424 INF/CN CIB      27,
    Wiese, Herman J.36 893 998T/5 422 INF/F CIB 1/1/1974    27,
    Wieters, Edward J.39 386 824T/4060 Cook423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co  EAME/4  Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
    Wigal, Lewis A. 'Bert'35 407 988Sgt 422 INF/L CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1975-4/5/6 (Death) 27, 59,
    Wiggers, Wilfred W.35 727 174Pfc 424 INF/C CIB Presumed deceasedCUB returned 04/2018
       CUB1991-10/11/12, 11, 27, CUB 04/2018
    Wiggins, Gerald W.17 092 313Pvt 422 INF/L CIB      27,
    Wiggins, James W.13 132 574T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
    1. Combat Medical Badge 06/24/1945 GO 1945-045,
    2. newspaper article 50 years after the Bulge
       CUB 1992-10/11/12, GO 1945-045, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh PA 12/16/1994
    Wiggins, John             
    Wiggins, Ralph M.34 895 534Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      27,
    Wiggy, William            1991-10/11/12
    Wight, Arthur H. Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CMB      1945-08-11
    Wight, David L. SgtDance Band Leader106 Artillery Band    newspaper article   Ogden Standard Examiner, Ogden UT 08/23/1943
    Wightman, George R.35 923 513  422 INF/L CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   27, 59,
    Wigle, Charles             
    Wilbanks, Cecil T.34 966 536  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wilbanks, Waymon Pfc 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
    Wilber, Clinton H. Pfc 424 INF/B        1946-11, 1947-01-02, 1950-10/11
    Wilbert, Charles E., Sr.35 499 191Pfc 820 TD BN (attached)KIA 12/17/1944CIB, PH HC G-8-62    ABMC,
    Wilbur, Clinton H.             
    Wilcor, Donald O.36 739 837Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14,
    Wilcox, Cary A., Jr. Cpl          1946-11
    Wilcox, Donald O. T/5 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945  Artist "The Amplifier" 07/26/1945   17, 31, "The Amplifier" 07/26/1945
    Wilcox, Dwight J.35 409 749Sgt 424 INF/L CIB      27,
    Wilcox, Napoleon F.31 410 912Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/49-B 
    POW # 23 707
     Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, B. Welke 1/2012, GO 1945-051,
    Wilcox, Philo E.   423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/4
    1. 12-A
    2. 9-B
    Wilcox, Richard J.             
    Wilcoxon, George F.35 423 447Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wilcynski, Thomas R.16 010 401SSgt 422 INF/H CIB      27,
    Wilder, Fred M.42 086 475Pvt Co E Low Regt, 422 INF/K        Camp Crier 4/28/1944, 27,
    Wilder, Max W.34 964 658  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wilder, Melvin TSgt Co E, Low Regt        1944-03-10 3/10/44,
    Wildermuth, Harold L.35 625 941  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wildon, Mandville Pfc 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
    Wiler, Clyde A. Lt. 424 INF/L        CUB 56-3
    Wiles, James H.34 546 907T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
    • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
    • Promoted to T/5 01/30/1945
       30, 33, GO 1945-076,
    Wiles, Snowden T.14 009 474  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wilhelm, Carl T.34 891 925Pfc 422 INF/G CIB      27,
    Wilhelm, Roscoe P.36 786 711  422 INF/G CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1951-2/3, 1953-8/9, 1968-3/4/5/6 59,
    Wilhelmson, Deibert W.37 629 837Pvt 424 INF/L CIB      27,
    Wilhite, James V.18 018 075  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wilhite, Julious W.38 642 455Pvt 422 INF/CN CIB      27,
    Wilhoit, Robert D.36 784736Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/46-G 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wilke, Norman Cpl155 mm howitzer crewman413th Armored FABN/Batt B/106th Div GC, American Theater, EAME/2, WW2 Victory, WW2 Occupation  
    1. MAKING HIS MARK ON HISTORY -- Norman Wilke's military service just after World War II evolved at the White Sands Proving Ground, where he personally captured this image of a V-2 missile launch. Wilke's innovative installation of a camera inside the rocket not only helped a group of scientists in their future developments, but it helped serve notice to a nation that its space program was growing into a powerhouse. Standard-Radio Post Photo by Lisa Treiber-Walter
    2. Interpreter for the German POWs
      Wilke-Norman-2.jpg Diary
    Wilker, Richard T.O-1 287 108CaptS-1,CO159th/K, 159th/3rd        42,
    Wilkers, Harry G., JR.32 752 777SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/45-A 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       62, 1948-10/11, 1951-2/3, GO 1945-051,
    Wilkerson, Fredrick L., Sr.33 378 175T/5 422 INF/M CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. 9-B, 
    2. Limberg
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 1948-10/11, CUB 1956-11/12, CUB 1957-11/12, CUB 1965-5/6/7, CUB 1975-4/5/6, CUB 1977-7/8/9, 1, 59,
    Wilkerson, Kenneth E.36 584 579PvtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Wilkinson, Gene   423 INF/F        CUB 43-3
    Wilkinson, Henry (Richie)   592 FABN/B        1993-10/11/12
    Wilkinson, Henry T.34 625 032PfcMedic592 FABN CMB  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Wilkinson, James S.42 101 474Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/4
    1. 12-A
    2. 9-B

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wilkinson, Odus E. (Gene)37 512 144SSgt 423 INF/2 BN/F EIB 6/1944, CIB, PH, EAME/4
    1. captured 12/21/1944
    2. 9-B
    3. liberated 05/01/1945

    1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
    2. newspaper article

       62, CUB 1984-9/10/11, Camp Crier 6/16/44, GO 1945-051, Joplin GLobe, Joplin MO 06/03/1945
    Willand, Allen B.   423 INF        CUB 3-1
    Willard, Huston38 592 114Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      27,
    Willard, James E.15 099 595Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Willey, Oscar Cpl  MIA   Reported MIA
       Franklin Star 02/17/1945
    Willford, Gordon7 085 187  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Willhite, Julious W.38 642 455  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Willi, Oscar F.36 176 889Cpl761 Scout106 Recon Cav (Mech)WIA   

    Grosslangenfeld battle (shrapnel in both arms) and was not captured. He was with the

    group of wounded that was sent back in the halftrack driven by James Guthrie. Oscar recalled that on the first day (December 16th) he was hit by incoming artillery while in a hole with his buddy. He was wounded and his buddy Pvt. Lloyd Hamby was “blown into the trees” and KIA. Source: Carl Wouters

       C. Wouters,
    William, James F. Pvt 424 INF/D        11, 22,
    William, Presley H. MSgt 422 INF/HQ        Camp Crier 7/21/44,
    William, R. Lee, Sr.34 972 992Pfc 424 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
    Williams, Albert H.31 362 526T/5 168 ENG (C) (attached)KIA 02/19/1945CIB, PH HC 0-0    ABMC,
    Williams, Alfred L.35 448 036  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Williams, Alva Ray38 591 450Pvt 424 INF/L CIB      1989-1/2/3
    Williams, Arnold L.38 606 408  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Williams, Aubrey J.   423 INF/G, 592 FABN EAME/4      1987-7/8/9/10, 2002-1/2/3
    Williams, Audley O., Jr.14 164 368PfcBAR Man423 INF/2 BN/G, 423 INF/B CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia2008

    Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/2 BN/G) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       62, 1997-4/5/6, 2005-7/8/9, GO 1945-051,
    Williams, Bernard E. Pfc 423 INF/G EAME/4      1946-11, 1953-8/9, 1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1959-2/3
    Williams, Blan E.34 286 725SSgt 423 INF/SVC CIB, EAME/4 04/04/1991 Chattanooga TN    1991-7/8/9, 5, 2/11/44,
    Williams, Bon F.34 611 782Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Williams, Bryan E.35 806 009Pfc 422 INF/L CIB      27,
    Williams, Buford E.14 013 375T/4 106 Recon Cav (Mech)MIA at Grosslangenfeld 12/16/1944       MR 12/19/1944
    Williams, Caswell E.36 893 735Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Williams, Clarence G.36 055 144T/5 424 INF/I CIB      27,
    Williams, Dean12 071 914TSgt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945       
    Williams, Dorse L., Jr.34 515 725Sgt 424 INF/I        23,
    Williams, Earl36 456 627  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Williams, Earle B.O-244 570Ltc.Div Signal OfficerSIGNAL CIB, BS, SS, French L'Ordre du Corps D'Armee, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945   
    1. Div Signal Officer 05/15/1944
    2. Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 10/15/1944 to 05/08/1945 in England, Belgium, France and Germany. GO 1945-049
    3. Silver Star for gallantry in action 12/17/1944 in Belgium. During a powerful German offensive, voluntarily went forward to establish communications with an engineer combat company. Unable to locate the company, and discovering enemy forces a short distance away, directed the tapping of wires and established communications with the division commander, After locating a tank destroyer and an armored car, he directed their fire, halting the advancing troops and forcing them to withdraw.
    4. See also Foster, Clyde F, MSgt

       CUB 1945-09-16, CUB 1946-08, CUB 1947-01-02, GO 1944-015, CUB 1966-2/3/4, CUB 1967-11/12-1968-1/2, GO 1944-015, GO 1945-034, GO 1945-049, Cub In Review, "Warriors of the 106th" by King, Johnson & Collins, pg 105,
    Williams, Edison F.37 628 632Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Williams, Edwin V.34 544 122Cpl 424 INF/H CIB      27,
    Williams, Everett P. 'Bud'6 393 193Pfc 424 INF/K CIBPOW
    02/06/2001 Kings Mountain NC    27, Observer Charlotte NC 02/08/2001
    Williams, Everitt M., Sr.32 753 726Sgt 424 INF/F, 423 INF/L CIB, EAME/4 09/15/2011 Mantua NJnewspaper article death notice   CUB 1949-10/11, CUB 1951-2/3, CUB 1988-10/11/12 12, Legacy, Courier Post, Camden NJ 08/18/2011
    Williams, Frank O.37 727 401Pfc 589 FABN/Batt A Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
    Williams, Fredrick   423 INF/D EAME/4      Williams-Fred.jpg1966-4/5/6, 1978-1/2/3
    Williams, Gaylord D.36 584 276  423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen      
    Williams, George Pvt 589 FABN/HQ Batt Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1944-05-05 5/5/44,
    Williams, George F.36 230 079Cpl DHQ AG Section         
    Williams, George J.34 625 061T/5 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
    Williams, Harold E.32 843 082Pfc 422 INF/B, 423 INF/3 BN/M EIB, CIB, EAME/4      27, Camp Crier 6/16/44,
    Williams, Harvey15 045 549Pvt 424 INF/D CIB      27,
    Williams, Henry F.16 148 053  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Williams, Hugh Pvt      "Local Boy Sees Atterbury First Time, Arriving With 106th." Franklin Evening Star 04/04/1944
       Camp Crier 1944-04-14, Franklin Evening Star 04/04/1944
    Williams, Hugh E., Jr.34 151 740  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-A 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Williams, Jack P.34 887 884Pfc 424 INF/B CIB 10/08/2019 EaglevilleTNSpent 8 months in hospital for frostbite
       CUB 1956-11/12, CUB 76-1, 12/2019-03/2020
    Williams, Jacob D.36 969 260Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       62, 1958-2/3, GO 1945-051,
    Williams, James H.34 762 555  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1988-10/11/12 59,
    Williams, James M.   806/ORD        1953-1/2
    Williams, John D.34 895 400Pfc 424 INF/CN CIB      27,
    Williams, John E. Pfc          1946-11
    Williams, John Edward             
    Williams, John F.15 316 410  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Williams, John V.32 674 298Pfc 424 INF/E CIB      27,
    Williams, John W.32 674 298Pfc 424 INF CIB, BS  Bronze Star for gallantry in action 12/17/1944 and 01/26/1945 in Belgium.

        GO 1945-034,
    Williams, Joy L.19 204 441Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/411-B 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Williams, Lawrence R.34 883 732Pfc 422 INF/D CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. 4-B.
    2. Captured 12/19/1944
    07/30/2006422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1989-10/11/12, 1990-1/2/3 27, 59,
    Williams, Leonard K.34 922 125Pfc 424 INF/L CIB, PH  Purple Heart 01/25/1945.

       27, GO 1945-015,
    Williams, Lewis B.14 007 424  422 INF/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. 9-B,
    2. 9-A
    12/26/1996422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1989-10/11/12, 1997-1/2/3, 59,
    Williams, Lloyd G.13 007 016Sgt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
    Williams, Lyle H.             
    Williams, Maurice L. T/5 590 FABN/SVC        061,
    Williams, Melvin T. Cpl 424 INF/2 BN CMB      1945-08-11
    Williams, Oliver G. SSgt 591 FABN/HQ Batt   03/14/2002    59-01-53
    Williams, Paul H. Pfc 422 INF        The La Crosse Tribune (La Crosse, Wisconsin) 23 Sep 1945, Sun Page 4 (WGD)
    Williams, Peter Y.33 831 210Pfc 422 INF/L CIB      27,
    Williams, Presley H.34 722 912Sgt 422 INF/HQ CIB      59, 1960-10/11/12 27,
    Williams, Richard L.37 538 667Pfc 424 INF/1 BN CIB      1997-10/11/12
    Williams, Robert J. Cpl 591 FABN/SVC        #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011
    Williams, Robert T.35 165 319T/4 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
    Williams, Samuel G.             
    WIlliams, Sidney6 553 166Pvt 424 INF/L CIB      27,
    Williams, Stafford C.14 110 949PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Williams, Ted C.34 784 876  423 INF/Medics CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen9/22/2010    62, CUB 9-12/2010,
    Williams, Thaodro E.33 272 985T/4Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   GO 1945-076,
    Williams, Theodore E. 'Ted'33 272 985T/4Medic423 INF/MEDIC, 331/MEDIV CMB, PH, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945 , EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen     1995-10/11/12 33,
    Williams, Walter F.35 239 433Pvt 424 INFWIACIB, PH  Purple Heart 02/08/1945.

        GO 1945-025,
    Williams, William B., Jr.13 063 781Pfc 422 INF/D CIB      27,
    Williams, Winford E.38 626 300Pvt 424 INF/LKIA 12/16/1944 in GermanyCIB, PH 12/16/1944 in Germanyarticle says he was in 42nd Infantry of the 106th Division ??
       Williams-WinfordE.jpgCUB 1951-10/11, American, Austin TX 03/17/1945
    Williamson, Charles M.34 925 761Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      27,
    Williamson, Glenn M.33 758 153Cpl 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Williamson, Joseph T.20 756 912Pfc 424 INF/B CIB      27,
    Williamson, McAdoo35 210 757  422 INF/A CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. 4-B, 
    2. 7-A
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   Williamson-McAdoo-422A-4B-7A.jpgCUB 1990-4/5/6, CUB 2005-1/2/3 59,
    Williamson, R. W.   422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B 
    POW # 23 843
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace    67 by B. Welke 2/2012,
    Williamson, Russell J.32 600 835T/5 423 INF/HQ  CIB, POW, EAME/4
    1. 12-A
    2. 9-B
     Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Williamson, Thomas A.20 402 009  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Williamson, Tobert W.13 012 451  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Williamson, Wesley F.   424 INF/K    
    1. November - December 1944 He was shipped over to Europe, fought in Belgium, France, and Germany. While in Europe, he was in the 106th Division, 424th Infantry Regiment, CO. K.
    2. December 6, 1944 Southhampton, England, crossed the ocean and landed in La Havre France.
    3. Mid December, he was at St. Vith. He remembers the sudden attack by the Germans, they lost all of their equipment/supplies with the attack. He memories are clear, however traumatic of the events.
       daughter-in-law T. Williamson 11/2018
    Willigan, Jasper D.34 362 346Pfc 424 INF/CN CIB      27,
    Willis, Arnold Murrell   106TH   May 23, 1926 - March 04, 2024     
    Willis, Claude D., Jr.34 820 046Pvt 424 INF/CNKIACIB, PH      27,
    Willis, Francis    KIA       65,
    Willis, Frank nmi, Jr.34 708 549Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
    Willis, James L.O-1 175 098Capt DHQ G-3 CIB, BS cir 02/20/2012 Newton NCPut to work on road under Pvt at Atterbury

    Bronze Star
    for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 10/22/1944 to 05/08/1945 in England, Belgium, France and Germany. GO 1945-049,
       Camp Crier 06/15/1944, GO 1945-049, Legacy
    Willis, Lamar H.33 464 926Pvt 424 INF/D CIB      27,
    Willis, Marvin R.35 901 846Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/LKIA 04/11/1945CIB (POW), POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, PrussiaLO K-37-35Combat Infantry Badge (Prisoner of War) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   61, ABMC, GO 1945-051,
    Willis, Thomas E. Pvt745 Rifleman424 INF/I/1st Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
    Willis, Walter F.39 461 305  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Willis, Wayne E.38 070 988  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. 4-F
    2. Work Camps
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Willis, William H.33 646 982Pvt 424 INF/E CIB      27,Wayne Groller,
    Willits, Kenneth F.37 684 269Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, EAME/4  

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, GO 1945-051,
    Willoughby, Cecil34 276 825Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Willson, David C.12 139 337Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, EAME/4  

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, GO 1945-051,
    Willson, Orin             
    Willyard, Joe H.35 105 321  590 FABN CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
    Wilmarth, Ross E.39 387 026Sgt/SSgt Cadre604 Light Machine Gunner422 INF/E    Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
    Wilmer, unk37 682 010Pvt 424 INFKIA 01/13/1945PH 01/13/1945 Plot B Row 18 Grave 11 Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery Hombourg, Belgium     ABMC
    Wilmot, Kenneth H.37 675 109Pfc 424 INF/F CIB      12,
    Wilmot, Ralph A.O-394 678Capt 634 AAA AW BN (attached)KIA 12/23/1944CIB, PH LX 0-0    ABMC,
    Wilson, Albert H., Jr.31 320 195  422 INF/CN CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. 4-D,
    2. 4-B
    2008422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   Wilson-AlbertH.jpg59, 1948-10/11, 2002-7/8/9
    Wilson, Andrew L.37 143 747Pfc-T/5 Cadre060422 INF/F    Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
    Wilson, Arthur C.            1951-2/3
    Wilson, Benjamin L.37 511 737  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wilson, Bennie B.37 581 857Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      27,
    Wilson, Billy J.32 247 504T/5 424 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
    Wilson, Burley A.35 847 446Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wilson, Calvin C.34 965 520  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wilson, Cecil Pvt745 Rifleman424 INF/I/2nd Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
    Wilson, Clifford E.38 627 490Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      27,
    Wilson, Daniel Joseph33 562 956Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, PH, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       1, GO 1945-051,
    Wilson, Donald J.35 336 404Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/42-A Neubrandenburg Mecklenberg 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wilson, Earl Edward33 502 891Cpl610 Squad LeaderHQ EAME/4, CIB 12/03/1996 Woodlawn Mem. Gardens, Harrisburg PAFamily looking for a good place to donate his Class A Uniform 06/08/2016 CUB magazine
       Wilson-Earl.jpgFamily 06/08/2016, daughter Janis Johnson 04/26/2017
    Wilson, Earl T.17 134 045Pfc 422 INF/CNMIACIB, PH3-B Furstenberg Brandenburg, Prussia      1, 27, 59,
    Wilson, Edward J.16 175 082Pfc 424 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
    Wilson, Ellis E.37 338 777  590 FABN CIB, POW4-D Torgau, Sachsen Prussia     57,
    Wilson, Elmer D.36 059 420Pfc 422 INF/ATWIACIB, PH      27,
    Wilson, Ernest M.39 048 609Pvt 424 INFWIA, KIA 12/16/1944CIB, PH AR A-18-21Jay C. Hirsch says Pvt Ernest Wilson was wounded in the left leg just above the knee 12/16/1944 while carrying a radio. I applied a tourniquet and was told to let him lie where he was and the litter bearers would attend to him. CUB 1946-December
       65, ABMC, CUB 1946-12
    Wilson, Ernest W.42 080 894  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wilson, Ferguson A.33 561 330PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB 12/16/1944, BS, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   
    • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
    • Bronze Star for heroic achievement in action against the enemy 12/16/1944 to 12/18/1944 in Germany. GO 1945-008. General Perrin, in a formal ceremony presented Bronze Star Medals.
    • MD.
    • 04/07/1945 - Pfc Wilson entered the 106th Div Clr. for treatment for Atypical Pneumonia.
       30, 33, 3/24/44, GO 1945-008, GO 1945-076,
    Wilson, Floyd E.36 477 084  81 ENG (C) CIB, POW9-B 
    POW # 23 804
     81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944    67 by B. Welke 2/2012,
    Wilson, Fred A.38 566 605Pvt 423 INF/D, 423 INF/1 BN/BMIACIB, POW, EAME/4
    1. 4-F
    2. work camps
     Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/1 BN/B) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   2001-4/5/6, 1, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wilson, Frederick J.20 251 616Sgt 424 INF/D CIB      11, 27,
    Wilson, Glenn R.   423 INF/I EAME/4 05/04/1996    1992-7/8/9
    Wilson, Harold S.33 928 710Pvt 424 INF/K, 423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     27, 62,
    Wilson, Harry B.35 485 085SSgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945
    1. POW along with A. B. Grigsby 
    2. 12-A
     Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   1952-8/9, 1985-8/9/10, 33, GO 1945-076,
    Wilson, Harry W.15 105 693Pvt 424 INF/HQ CIB      1994-4/5/6, 1998-1/2/3
    Wilson, Howard S.35 934 059Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, EAME/4  

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, GO 1945-051,
    Wilson, Jack             
    Wilson, James   424 INF/F        1949-2/3
    Wilson, James L.O-1 298 631  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. Oflag 13-B
    2. POW # 23 639
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wilson, Jim   424 INF/3 BN CIB, EAME/3 7/20/2011    Wayne Dunn; Obit
    Wilson, John D.16 175 262  422 INF/D, 422 INF/H CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. Captured 12-21-1944.
    2. 4-B,
    3. 4-A Hohnstein, Saxony.
    4. Liberated by Russians 05-09-1945
    1. C.T.Wilson has received word that his grandson Pfc John D. Wilson, who was reported MIA since 12/16/1944 is a POW and in good spirits.
    2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
       CUB 1964-8/9/10, CUB 1968-3/4/5/6, CUB 1970-1/2/3, CUB 1974-4/5/6, CUB 1978-10/11/12, CUB 1982-4/5/6/7, 59, Freeport Journal-Standard, Freeport IL 03/13/1945, Courier, Waterloo IA 03/13/1945
    Wilson, Joseph H.34 608 065Pfc 424 INF/D Citation for Outstanding Achievement  Lugged their weapons by hand on a 29-mile march.

    Citation for Outstanding Achievement while engaged in Operation 4, 2d Army Maneuver Number 5.
       1944-03-10, 11, 22, 3/10/44, GO 1944-M-003
    Wilson, Lendel E.37 664 155Sgt 591 FABN CIB, AM  Air Medal for heroic achievement while participating in aerial flight from 01/01/1945 to 02/25/1945 in Belgium.

        GO 1945-033,
    WIlson, Liebling E.38 682 890Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/4
    1. 7-A
    2. Moosburg

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wilson, Luther H.14 154 623Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/HQ CO CIB, PH, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       1, GO 1945-051,
    Wilson, Oscar             
    Wilson, Richard L.6 957 624TSgt505 Ammunition NCO423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co  EAME/4  Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
    Wilson, Robert H. Pfc 422 INF/HKIACIB, PH      1946-09, 13, 53, 65, 102,
    Wilson, Robert J. T/4 591 FABN/SVC   06/29/2005 Leesburg VAnewspaper article death notice   #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011, Asbury Park Press, Asbury NJ 07/06/2005
    Wilson, Thomas C.35 706 631Cplclerk-typist 405422 INF/HQ PH, Am Theater, GC, WW2 Victory, EAME/4, CIB 07/23/1945
    1. 4-B 
    2. POW # 315 082
         59, messkit found by collector Ronald Kloosterboer 4/2010
    Wilson, Thomas D.15 304 407Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/DKIACIB, PH, EAME/4  

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       CUB 1995-4/5/6, GO 1945-051,
    Wilson, Thomas E.38 490 196  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wilson, Tom F.O-519 4311LT 424 INF/GKIA 01/25/1945CIB, PH 01/25/1945 Plot C Row 10 Grave 62 Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery Hombourg, Belgium     27, ABMC, KIA during assualt on Ennal, Belgium - F. Ragsdale 8/2011,
    Wilson, William B.31 347 962T/4 424 INF/F    Field pack with shipping tags on Ebay 03/13/2018   Wilson-WilliamB.jpgCUB 1947-03, Shipping tags
    Wilson, William E.42 056 019Pfc 424 INF/L CIB 01/21/2001 Fl Natl Cem    1998-7/8/9, 2001-4/5/6
    Wilson, William L.31 459 348  422 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/34-D 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1988-4/5/6, 1988-7/8/9 59,
    Wilson, Willis             
    Wilson, Willis C.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1953-12
    Wilson, Woodrow W.20 728 069TSgt 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wilsox. Harry, Jr.            1958-4/5
    Wilton, Russell33 710 946Pvt 589 FABNMIABelgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1,
    Wiltse, Roy W.36 811 073Pvt 589 FABN/Batt AKIA 12/23/1944 as POWBelgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 11-BAR C-4-30    8,58,ABMC,
    Wiltshire, Robert Pvt 424 INF         
    Wilver, James J.33 873 816 .50 cal Machine Gunner422 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. captured 12/19/1944
    2. 4-D
    3. liberated 05/03/1945
    422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
       CUB 1989-10/11/12, CUB 2001-4/5/6, 59, Danville News, Danville PA 05/22/2015
    Wiman, Samuel E.36 570 215Sgt 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   Camp Crier 06/16/1944, 27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wimberly, Thomas E.34 082 785  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wimberly, Wesley K.17 012 968T/4060 Cook423 INF/C EAME/4  Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
    Wimmer, William J.37 052 354  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Winburn, Thomas P.34 967 034  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Winched, Bruce E.   106/SIG        CUB 49-1
    Winchel, Estel, Jr.36 739 976Sgt 423 INF/3 BN/HQ CO EIB, CIB, PH, EAME/4
    1. 12-A
    2. 9-B

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, Camp Crier 6/2/44, GO 1945-051,
    Winchell, Bruce E.            1992-10/11/12
    Winchell, Bruce, E.35 583 882Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14,17,31,
    Wind, Melvin J.33 593 788T/5 422 INF/AT CIB      27,
    Winderman, Jack32 203 362  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Windham, Gurvis L., Jr.34 762 487Pfc SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
    Windisch, John C.36 829 321Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, EAME/4  

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, GO 1945-051,
    Windland, Raymond A.36 739 215SSgt 422 INF/2 BN/K EIB, CIB, PH4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     27, 55, 59, Camp Crier 6/16/44,
    Windsor, James E.34 608 323Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Windt, Burton W.16 170 258Pfc 424 INF/I CIB      27,
    Winebrenner, Ronald H.15 359 755Pfc 424 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
    Winegeart, Branch L., Jr.34 546 786SSgt 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wineland, Robert K. CplMedic592 FABN        Wineland-Robert-592FA.jpg 
    Wines, Arthur P.36 582 720Sgt 422 INF/AMIA       1,
    Wines, Wilbert E.33 733 763  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wing, Carlton P.31 350 929  423 INF/Medic CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     1988-4/5/6, 1998-1/2/3 62,
    Wingart, Lamar   423 INF EAME/4 03/23/1996    1996-4/5/6
    Wingate, Gayle B.15 104 752  423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     62,
    Wingenroth, Richard Cpl 592 FABN        Cub 08/25/1945
    Wingert, Edwin W.32 253 052SSgt 422 INF/A        27,
    Wingert, Eswin W.32 253 052SSgt   CIB      27,
    Wingo, Cecil A.34 708 258T/5 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
    Wingo, William Sgt 592 FABN/SVC        1951-6/7, 1951-10/11
    Winklareth, Robert J.   424 INF/G        1999-10/11/12
    Winkle, Claude E.38 627 473Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/4
    1. 4-F
    2. work camps

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Winkler, Henry T/5Battery Clerk & mailDiv Arty/HQ        Robert Scherer 01/2010,
    Winkler, Oliver B.35 063 578T/5MedicDHQ Public Relations, 331/Medical CMB 12/16/1944, BS, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   
    1. Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 01/10/1945 to 03/01/1945 in France, and Belgium. GO 1945-072
    2. 01/15/1945 - Pfc Oliver B. Winkler, was placed on Detached Service with Division Headquarters (G-2). His job was to work in public relations office.
    3. Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
       30, 33, GO 1945-072, GO 1945-076,
    Winman, unk   423 INF/A EAME/4      1989-7/8/9
    Winn, Arthur J.33 614 463  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Winspear, Robert H.32 843 127Pvt 422 INF/CN CIB      27,
    Winston, Frank C.36 478 206T/5 424 INF/2 BN CIB      1950-8/9
    Winston, Wellington G.O-1 173 128Capt 589 FABN/Hq, 422MIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
    1. 9-B 
    2. 12/16/1944
         1, 8,58,
    Winter, Glenn Pvt          6/15/44.
    Winter, Harold             
    Winter, Raymond J.37 032 087  422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/34-G 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   55,59,
    Winterfield, Albert T.   424 INF/CN   04/24/1991 Wallingford CT    1972-7/8/9, 1989-10/11/12,1991-7/8/9
    Winters, Arnold32 771 706  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Winters, Banjamin T.37 512 342T/5 422 INF/B CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 
    1. promoted to T/5.
    2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
       59, Sedalia Democrat, Sedalia MO 10/19/1943
    Winters, Benjamin T.   424 INF/1 BN CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
    Winters, Charles J., Jr.16 155 595  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
    Winters, Eugene B.36 775 778  590 FABN CIB, POW9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     57,
    Winters, Harvey E.36 108 775Pfc 424 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
    Winters, Herman38 469 895Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Winters, Joseph G.35 583 584T/5 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
    Winters, Ralph E.42 091 431Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Winters, Richard 'Dick' Major 424 INF/L   1/2011    Obit
    Wintz, Kenneth O.   424 INF/E        CUB 61-3
    Winzeler, William A.35 539 953Pvt 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
    Wirbicki, Stanley J.33 439 648Pvt 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
    Wirth, Robert G.32 771 358PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Wisc, William W., Jr.19 105 069T/5 422 INF/SVC CIB      27,
    Wischmeier, Donald B.   423 INF/SVC        CUB 46-1
    Wischmeir, Donald B.15 106 400Pvt 423 INF/SVC CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   1989-4/5/6,2001-1/2/3, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wise, Austin W.36 477 171Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
    Wise, Charles E.33 247 347Sgt 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wise, George S.35 126 930Pfc 422 INF/A CIB      27,
    Wise, Grady Lemuel, Jr.34 842 655Sgt 422 INF/MDied in POW camp 03/10/1945CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. captured 12/19/1944
    2. 8-A.
    3. Moosburg
    4. Died near Erfurt, Germany
    03/10/1945. Reburied Newberry SC
    1. newspaper article body being returned for reburial.
    2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
       59, Greenville News, Greenville SC 03/10/1950
    Wise, Harvey L.35 283 209PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB 09/05/1944, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Wise, Lester35 809 294Pvt 423 INFKIA 12/14/1944CIB, PH, EAME/4 HC F-7-72    ABMC,
    Wise, Louis M.38 559 238Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      27,
    Wise, Robert E., Jr.39 621 051Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wise, Samuel W.33 873 853T/5 424 INF/I CIB      27,
    Wise, Wallace E.39 199 615  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wiseman, Charles L.37 628 045Pvt 589 FABN/Batt BMIA 12/17/1944, KIA 12/17/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951   newspaper article body reburied at Durham Cemetery, Canton MO   8, Palmyra Spector, Palmyra MO 12/10/1947
    Wiseman, Charles P.35 725 691T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Wiseman, Franklin G.36 583 310T/5345 truck Driver Lt Truck106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
    1. Captured at Grosslangenfeld
    2. Camp not recorded
         Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
    Wiseman, John E.37 141 912T/4060 Cook423 INF/D EAME/4  Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
    Wisenbaker, James E.34 762 538SSgt 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wishney, Thomas G.   81 ENG (C)/B CIB, POW
    1. 12/16/1944 
    2. 9-B 
    3. POW # 23 709
     81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   CUB 2005-7/8/9, B. Welke 1/2012, 067
    Wismans, Paul J.36 801 740Sgt 423 INF/CKIA 12/21/1944 near St. VithCIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/4 HC G-15-46 Belgium Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,   27, ABMC, GO 1945-051, CUB 04/2014, Franklin Evening Star 01/23/1945
    Wisnewski, Henry Pfc 81 ENG (C) Paratrooper's Badge, EAME/2  
    1. newspaper article discharged
    2. 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944
       Camp Crier 04/21/1944, Ironwood Daily GLobe, Ironwood MI 02/09/1946
    Wisney, Thomas G.   81 ENG/B        CUB 65-1
    Wisniewska, James M.12 029 225  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. 8-A
    2. Moosburg
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wisniewski, Edward J.33 589 551T/3 422 INF/Medic CIB, BS  Bronze Star (as T/4) for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy on 12/17/1944 in Germany.

    Member Camp Atterbury Softball Champs. See CUB 2009-5/8

       1951-10/11, 2009-5/8, GO 1945-032,
    Wisniewski, John C.36 890 457Pvt 424 INF/L CIB      27,
    Wisniewski, John J.32 021 586PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Wisse, Jacob32 773 094PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Wissman, Joseph H.35 462 522MSgt DHQ Finance Section CIB, BS  Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 10/22/1944 to 05/08/1945 in England, Belgium, France and Germany. GO 1945-049,
       GO 1945-049,
    Witeka, Joseph C.37 605 619PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Withee, Edward S.31 320 179T/5 81 ENG (C)/AMIADistinguished Service Cross 12/16/1944 GO #41 03/13/1945  
    1. T/5 Edward S. Withee, Torrington, Conn., 81st Engr., volunteered for what seemed to be a suicidal mission. His platoon was pinned down in a house near Schonberg by four enemy tanks. All were doomed unless escape could be made while the enemy's attention was diverted. Withee attacked the four tanks and the supporting infantry, armed only with a sub-machine gun. His platoon withdrew safely. When last seen, Withee was pouring fire into German infantry. He was listed as missing in action until April when he turned up in a PW camp. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.
    2. 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944
       Withee-Edward.jpgCUB-1977-Jan/Feb/Mar, "Story of the 106th" in Stars & Stripes, 81 ENG Unit Citation, Cub In Review
    Withee, George   106TH        CUB 3-1
    Witherington, Elzo S.7 080 166SSgt 424 INF/D, 424 INF/EWIA 12/16/1944, KIA 03/01/1945CIB, PH, GC 10/07/1944 3/1/1945    24,
    Witmer, Harold E.35 497 228Pfc 424 INF/EWIA, DOW 03/09/1945 BelgiumCIB, PH      1958-06-07-V14#6, 1959-07-08-V15#5, 1962-1/2/3, CUB 1965-May/Jun/Jul, 1967-8/9/10, 2003-4/5/6, Mother 1965
    Witt, Kenneth L.36 577 616T/4Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Witt, Lawrence E.34 547 121SSgt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-N Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Witt, William E.37 663 563SgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   1946-10, 1946-12, 1947-01-02, 1990-1/2/3, 1999-1/2/3 33, 3/24/44, GO 1945-076,
    Wittbrot, Richard   592 FABN/B        1951-6/7
    Witten, William Pfc 423 INFKIA 12/19/1944CIB, PH, SS (Posthumous), EAME/4 12/19/1944Silver Star (Posthumous) for gallantry in action 12/19/1944 in Germany. When the patrol he was advancing was attacked by enemy machine gun and 20mm fire, with utter disregard for his safety, rushed the position knocking out its occupants with an accurately thrown hand grenade. He was killed by a burst from a hidden machine gun. Pfc Whitten's heroic actions at the cost of his own life reflect outstanding credit upon himself and the armed forces.

       GO 1945-080,
    Wittenberg, Henry C.   590 FABN/C   12/12/2016    Wittenberg-HenryC.jpg CUB 8/2011, CUB 12/2016, story & photo LaCrosse Tribune 12/18/1994
    Witter, Grove V.6 297 437  590 FABN CIB, POW9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     57,
    Wittfeld, Leland A.34 547 161Sgt 423 INF/2 BN/HKIA 12/21/1944CIB, PH, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen12/21/1944

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wittke, Henry R.6 817 024SSgt824 Mess Sergeant106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
    1. Captured at Grosslangenfeld
    2. 8-A
         Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
    Witton, William J.31 390 776Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/HQ COKIA 12/21/1944CIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/4 HC H-6-48Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,   27, 65, ABMC, GO 1945-051,
    Wittrup, Robert C. Pvt   CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
    Wittsten, Robert F.32 910 149Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
    Witwer, Norman G.35 131 021TSgt DHQ QM MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Quartermaster Company Cited for service from 1 December 1944 to 29 January 1945       
    Wiznitzer, Edward S.32 991 309Pvt 422 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
    Wjahn, Edward   81 ENG (C)/B CIB, POWPOW, Rabena 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1985-8/9/10
    Wobser, Ernie F.35 299 082  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Woch, Joseph S. Pvt 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
    Wochna, Leon J.32 212 1201st Sgt 589 FABN/SVC BattMIA 12/23/1944, KIACIB, POW, BS (MIA), Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
    1. 12-A
    2. 9-B
      Bronze Star (MIA) for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/16/1944 to 12/23/1944 in Belgium. GO 1945-048,

       1982-10/11/12, 8, 58, GO 1945-048,
    Wode, Robert B.   81 ENG (C)/A    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1991-10/11/12
    Woelfel, Howard J. Jr36 649 536T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Woelfer, William16 175 295  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Woelkers, Burton W.32 763 362Pvt 422 INF/CN CIB      27,
    Woener, unk LT 81 ENG/C        "Warriors of the 106th" by King, Johnson & Collins, pg 81,
    Woerner, Anthony F. Pfc 422 INF/H CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. 12-A, 
    2. 4-B, 
    3. 4-A Hohnstein, Saxony
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1946-12
    Woerner, Anthony F., Jr.32 111 110  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/32-D 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Woerner, David M.O-Capt 81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1952-8/9, 1962-8/9, 1962-10/11
    Woerner, David, Jr.             
    Wofford, Newburn H.34 166 140Sgt 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/4
    1. 8-A
    2. Moosburg

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wogen, Kenneth D. Pvt 424 INF/D        11, 22,
    Wohlen, Henry H.31 459 854  422 INF/L CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1, 59,
    Wohlfeil, Carl H.O-21 907MajXO 591 FABN (105 mm)591 FABN, 590 FABN CIB, BS  
    • Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/18/1944 to 03/15/1945 in Belgium and Germany GO 1945-077
    • Promoted to Lt Col 1951
    • NY
       1947-12, 1949-12-1950-1, 1951-2/3, 1951-12-1952-1, 1952-2/3, 1958-2/3, 1989-1/2/3, 1989-4/5/6 43, 44, 47, GO 1945-077,
    Wohlfeill, Charles M.36 500 715Sgt/SSgt Cadre844 Gun Crewman, Light Artillery590 FABN    

    Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945

       SO 66,
    Wojahn, Edward C.   81 ENG (C)/B  Captured on his birthday, 12/18/1944
     81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944  Wojahn-EdwardC.jpg CUB 1988-2/3, CUB 1988-7/8/9, story & photo LaCrosse Tribune 12/18/1994
    Wojciechowski, Bernard             
    Wojciechowski, Richard W.36 890 819Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
     Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wojtowicz, Boleslaw T.36 588 231Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
    Wojtusik, Stanley A.   424 INF/G        CUB 27-4
    Wojtuski, Stanley Anthony33 808 507 Cpl 422 INF/2 BN/G CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen09/25/2015
    1. National President of the Veterans of Battle of the Bulge. Article 08/21/2006
    2. newspaper article about his desire to erect monuments.
    3. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
      Wojtuski-StanleyA.jpg 59, CUB 1971-07-08-9-V27#4, Discussion Brd 2/6/2011, Article 08/21/2006, USAHEC Survey, Philadelphia Enquirer, Philadelphia PA 05/09/2006
    Wolanin, Thadeus F.36 545 531Pfc 424 INF/G CIB      27,
    Wolbert, Donald             
    Wold, Charles W.   423 INF/CWIA2 PH, EAME/4 12/09/2011 Hemet CA    CUB 1990-10/11/12, CUB 03/2016,
    Wolf, Clarence W.16 175 208Pfc 424 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
    Wolf, George, Jr.32 226 862Pvt 424 INF/H CIB      27,
    Wolf, James E.33 843 495Pfc 424 INF/E CIB      27,
    Wolf, Reuben J.36 812 139  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wolfe, Charles B.39 126 322T/5 424 INF CIB      27,
    Wolfe, Elder Stanley, Jr. 'Mike'   424 INF/K   Birth 10 Mar 1926 Elyria, Lorain County, Ohio, USA Death 17 Jun 2011 (aged 85) Avon, Lorain County, Ohio, USA Burial Lakewood Park Cemetery Rocky River, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USA
    He served our country for 2 years in the U.S. Army 106th Division during WWII, central Europe, northern France and the Rhineland.
    Wolfe-ElderS.jpg****MISSING PHOTO **** Wolfe-Elder-2.jpg Wolfe-ElderS.jpgCUB 1949-12-1950-1, CUB 1963-1/2/3, CUB 1966-4/5/6, Legacy, FAG 148062881
    Wolfe, George   424 INF/H        1948-8/9
    Wolfe, Philip E.6 779 428T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Wolfenbarger, John M.34 922 571SSgt 424, 16th Reinforcement Depot CIB, BS  Bronze Star (as Pfc & 424) for heroic achievement in connection with operations against the enemy 01/25/1945 in Belgium. GO 1945-056
       GO 1945-056,
    Wolff, Donald G., Jr.33 589 011T/4Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945 02/11/2007 Glen Mills PACombat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   CUb 1960-3/4/5, CUB 1995-10/11/12, 33, GO 1945-076, CUB 11/2017
    Wolff, Ronald G., JR.   331MED/HQ        CUB 52-1
    Wolfgang, Gerhardt J.36 227 065 BAR422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. 12-A
    2. 9-B
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, Cub In Review
    Wolfinbarger, Lloyd37 749 678Pfc 424 INF/L   10/27/2020 OK   Wolfinbarger-Lloyd-2.jpg CUB 2002-1/2/3, CUB 2021-April-July, Obit
    Wolford, Elmer E.37 582 306Pvt 589 FABN/SVC BattKIA 04/12/1945Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951  EP B-13-68    1962-06-07-V18#5 8,ABMC,
    Wolls, James E.             
    Wolpert, Louis A.O-1 310 1942LT1st Rifle Plt Ldr424 INF/B        77,
    Wolverton, Ray W.33 563 250Cpl 424 INF/M CIB      27,
    Wolyniec, Joseph, Jr. SSgt 424 INF/CN        9,
    Womack, Eugene T/4 590 FABN/Batt B Recommended for SS  
    1. Lt Donaldson and LT Charles N. Schenck, III, radio operators T/4 Eugene Womack, T/5 Akey and driver Donald Sheehy directed fire throughout 12/16/1944. Their Jeep had two punctured tires and riddled with holes.
    2. Lt. Donaldson, T/4 Womack and Pfc, Sheehy were recommended for the Silver Star, and Lt. Schenck and T/S Akey for the Bronze Star, To my knowledge, Lt. Schenck alone was decorated.
       "Red Legs of the Bulge", Cub In Review
    Wong, Wahying32 599 113Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wong, Yuen39 096 318T/4Admin424 INF/I CIB      27, 424/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
    Wood, Charles M.20 225 872Pfc-T/4 Cadre802 Artillery Mechanic, Minor Maintenance423 INF/CN EAME/4  Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
    Wood, Clarence R.O-385 227Ltc. DHQ G-3    Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3, 08/13/1945 GO 1945-062
       GO 1945-062,
    Wood, Clyde B. Pvt 590 FABN/SVC        061,
    Wood, Donald L., Jr.15 361 194  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wood, Eric F., Jr.O-517 724Lt 589 FABN/Batt AKIA 12/17/1944 at MeyerodePH, Distinguished Service Cross (Posthumously), Silver Star Posthumous in Cub 08/11/1945, BS (Posthumous), Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951  Birth 25 Jan 1919 Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, USA Death 17 Dec 1944 (aged 25) Belgium Burial Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery and Memorial Henri-Chapelle, Arrondissement de Verviers, Liège, Belgium Plot Plot G Row 3 Grave 46
    1. Silver Star for gallantry in action 12/16/1944 and 12/17/1944 in Germany. Under the shock of the initial German assault that signaled their Ardennes attack, 1LT Wood's battery was subjected to heavy mortar and counter-battery fire. He kept his guns in ceaseless action successfully accomplishing all missions designated. When his battery was assaulted by three infantry supported enemy tanks, he disregarded the fire, moved from emplacement to emplacement and personally directed his guns in destroying one tank and forcing the others to withdraw. In the morning, ordered to displace his battery he directed the movement through Schoenberg, Belgium, which at the time, was infiltrated by the enemy. He attempted to run the gauntlet with the last un to leave the town, but its prime mover was hit by an enemy shell, two soldiers killed and 1LT Wood was missing in action until his body was later found near Myrode, Belgium, surrounded by five enemy dead. GO 1945- 050,
    2. Bronze Star (Posthumous) for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/17/1944 in Belgium.
    3. Distinguished Service Cross WD GO 1947-014. Presented by Gen Eisenhower to his widow 04/1947.
    4. Peter Maraite given Citation for sheltering Lt. Wood.
    5. Abstracts from an affidavit (of which there are no copies available) by Philippe L. Berube, a Private in the 1st Gun Section of Btry A, 589th FA BN, made after his return from being a POW in Germany: "About dawn on the 17th enemy attacks were renewed upon us in our new position. Our Bn was ordered to displace again immediately. Lt Wood gave Btry A march order, and directed that we move, by vehicle, through Schoenberg to St Vith (over a road with which our drivers were familiar.) "The 3rd and 4th sections and the other vehicles of our Btry were able to move out with reasonable promptness. I presume that Lt O'Toole followed their tail. But our section was much delayed. "Lt Wood was a swell guy to the Btry he partly commanded and no one of us thought of him and Lt O'Toole the same as we commonly felt of average officers. We regarded them as men who were concerned with our welfare in preference to their own"
    6. His monument in Belgium was refurbished 10/2015.
    7. Parents visit his grave.
    8. Pittsburgh Press, 06/14/1946: Belgium Honors Heroic Pittsburgh Army Officer. Highest award given to the late Lt. Wood.

    Wood-EricF.jpg Wood-Eric-Stone.jpg Wood-Eric.jpgCUB 1945-8-11, CUB 1958-4/5, CUB 1967-11/12-1968-1/2, CUB 1971-4/5/6, 008, 065, Cub 08/11/1945, ABMC, GO 1945-035, GO 1945-050, WD GO 1947-014, "Red Legs of the Bulge", USAHEC, CUB 07/2017, Everett PRess, everett PA 12/09/1949, FAG 56286838
    Wood, Frederick G.O-514 348Capt Dental CorpsDentistSpecial Troops Dental Corps CMB Birth 25 Jul 1911 Bellefontaine, Logan County, Ohio, USA Death 16 May 1987 (aged 75) Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, USA Burial Bellefontaine City Cemetery Bellefontaine, Logan County, Ohio, USA Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076 Wood-FrederickG.jpg  27, 33, GO 1945-076, FAG 22271736
    Wood, John Edward32 947 287Pfc 424 INF/LWIACIB, PH  newspaper article death notice   CUB 2000-4/5/6, 08/28/2008
    Wood, Joseph C.34 599 897Sgt 422 INF/B CIB      27,
    Wood, Lewis M.38 682 558Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
    Wood, Maurice L.34 708 959Pfc 424 INF/B CIB      27,
    Wood, Richard Pfc 423 INF EAME/4      1945-08-25CUB 08/25/1945
    Wood, Robert H., Jr.38 194 577Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/4
    1. 4-B,
    2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051,
    Wood, Robert M.35 572 350Sgt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, PH, EIB 09/19/1944, EAME/4
    1. 4-B, 
    2. Sachsen 51-13

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       Wood-RobertW.jpgB. Welke 11/2011, GO 17, GO 1945-051, CUB 03/2016,
    Wood, unk T/2 422 INF/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
     422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1,
    Wood, Vernon T.31 344 799Sgt 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/4
    1. 12/19/1944 
    2. 3-B Furstenberg Brandenburg, Prussia , 
    3. 3-A
    4. 4-B 
    5. Liberated 04/22/1945 by Russians
     Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   Camp Crier 04/07/1944, CUB 1989-10/11/12, 27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wood, Walter C.32 771 661T/5 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
    Wood, Wilburn L.36 739 604  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wood, Wilburn L. 'Rip'36 739 604T/5 422 INF/SVC CIB      1977-4-5-6-V33#3, 1988-2/3 27,
    Wood, William D.37 553 047Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
    Wood, Willis     CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     1991-1/2/3
    Woodall, Palmer C.             
    Woodall, Peter C.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1962-1/2/3, 1963-1/2/3
    Woodard, John H.6 299 145T/4Medic331 Medical BN CMB 09/05/1944, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Woodburn, Donald J.37 571 023Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       Woodburn-DonaldJ.jpg1948-12/1949-1, 1955-7/8/9, 1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1960-10/11/12, 1965-5/6/7, 1966-4/5/6, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Woodcock, Harold   592 FABN/B        1951-6/7
    Woodfin, Layman14 091 547PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
    • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
    • Pvt. Luman F. Woodfin was assigned to the company. His older brother Lyman is a member of the company.
       30, 33, GO 1945-076,
    Woodfin, Luman F.34 704 871PvtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
    • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
    • Pvt. Luman F. Woodfin was assigned to the company. His older brother Lyman is a member of the company.
       30, 33, GO 1945-076,
    Woodie, Dent L.34 894 775  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg SachsenBirth 4 Apr 1920 Death 25 Jun 1999 (aged 79) Burial Saint Andrew Church of God Cemetery Lee County, South Carolina, USA  Woodie-DentL.jpg  57, FAG 156425745
    Woodie, Rixie B.14 021 749Sgt 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, EAME/4   Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   GO 1945-051,
    Woodill, Robert J. PFC           
    Woodison, Charles W. T/4 591 FABN/SVC        1972-1/2/3, #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011
    Woodman, Raymond H.31 039 940Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       62, GO 1945-051,
    Woodrich, Ward F.37 587 471Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Woodruff, ?. Capt 325 INF    Capt Woodruff asked permission to withdraw when he saw Tiger tanks beginning to grind up foxholes. Permission was granted.
       "Red Legs of the Bulge",
    Woodruff, Robert T.36 394 470T/4 DHQ G-4        1981-4/5/6
    Woodruff, Roy, Jr.36 583 049Cpl 592 FABNKIA 12/22/1944CIB, PH HC H-2-17    ABMC,
    Woods, Donald M.33 600 473T/5 18 CAV RCN SQKIA 12/17/1944CIB, PH HC H-1-1    ABMC,
    Woods, Lero F.38 037 277  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
    Birth 2 Mar 1916 Death 13 Sep 1973 (aged 57) Burial Mount Carmel Cemetery Wolfe City, Hunt County, Texas, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Woods-LeroF.jpg  59, FAG 8930658
    Woods, Otis L.34 705 594PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Woods, Robert D.15 127 191T/5 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Woods, Robert E.33 040 117Sgt 424 INF/GWIA MIACIB, PH      1,
    Woods, Robert L.38 565 882Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/4Stalag 2A Neubrandenburg Mecklenberg Birth 30 Nov 1925 Death 27 Aug 1993 (aged 67) Burial Calverton National Cemetery Calverton, Suffolk County, New York, USA

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

    Woods-RobertL.jpg  CUB 1995-4/5/6, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 1345131
    Woods, Wallace N.38 075 060  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-C 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Woodside, Donald P.33 575 446  590 FABN CIB, POW9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     57,
    Woodson, David (H?) T., Jr. Pfc 424 INF/DKIA 12/18/1944CIB, PH      Woodson-DavidH.jpgCUB 1946-10, CUB 1947-01-02, CUB 1948-8/9, 65, Bugle 4-5-6/1996
    Woodson, Donald Pfc  MIA       1,
    Woodson, Leslie             
    Woodward, Jack34 624 204  590 FABN/HQ Batt CIB, POW
    1. 9-B, 
    2. 9-A
    Birth 15 Oct 1922 Death 4 Dec 2014 (aged 92) Louisville, Winston County, Mississippi, USA Burial Memorial Park Louisville, Winston County, Mississippi, USA He answered the call of his country by serving in the 106th Infantry Division/590th Field Artillery in World War II during which time he was captured during the Battle of the Bulge and held as a Prisoner of War for four months in camp Stalag 9A Zigenhein and Stalag 9B Bad Orb in Germany. Jack was also a lifetime member of Disabled American Veterans Woodward-Jack.jpg  CUB 1991-7/8/9, 57, CUB 03/2015, FAG 139721894
    Woodward, Norman H.15 377 868  423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg SachsenBirth 30 Dec 1923 Ohio, USA Death 15 Mar 1984 (aged 60) Georgia, USA Burial Marietta National Cemetery Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia, USA   Woodward-NormanH.jpg  62, FAG 3959035
    Woodward, Raymond H.31 039 940Pvt 423 INF/M CIB, EAME/4      27,
    Woodward, Richard M.18 070 366Cpl/Sgt Cadre014 Automotive Mechanic (2d echelon)423 INF/M EAME/4  Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
    Woody, Charles Anslow34 966 349Pfc 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
    2. captured 12/16/1944
    Birth 4 Oct 1919 South Carolina, USA Death 23 Mar 1988 (aged 68) Woodruff, Spartanburg County, South Carolina, USA Burial Greenhaven Memorial Gardens Woodruff, Spartanburg County, South Carolina, USA
    1. newspaper article He is in good health and expects to return home sone. At Stalag 9B.
    2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
    Woody-CharlesA.jpg  55,59, Greenville News, Greenville SC 04/27/1945, FAG 114312457
    Woolard, Bill V.36 477 575  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-ABirth 27 Sep 1922 Death 14 Oct 1963 (aged 41) Burial Valhalla Gardens of Memory and Mausoleum Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Woolard-BillV.jpg  59, FAG 130496551
    Woolcock, Daniel B., Jr.O-5 048 0441LT 424 INF/B CIB, PH, BS (Posthumous)   Bronze Star (Posthumous) for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/16/1944 to 12/23/1944 and 01/13/1945 in Germany and Belgium.

       27, GO 1945-037,
    Wooldridge, Harry M. 1LT 424 INF/D        22,
    Woolfley, Francis AugustusO-5 699Brig GenCommanding General 08/16 to 10/02/1945DHQ CG Section    
    1. Assumes Command 106th Infantry Division 08/16/1945 GO 1945-064
    2. Re-assumes Command 106th INF DIV 09/03/1945 GO 1945-069
    3. Following the surrender of Japan, the 106th, now under the command of Brig. Gen. Francis A. Woolfley, was alerted to return to the States.
       Woolfley-Francis.jpg1945-09-16, 1946-08, 1950-2/3, 1951-2/3, 1955-7/8/9, 1956-11/12, 1958-2/3, 1966-5/6/7, 1972-7/8/9, 1978-1/2/3 33, 12/47, GO 1945-064, GO 1945-069, "Story of 106th, in Stars & Stripes,
    Woolheater, Elwood J. Sgt QM MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Quartermaster Company Cited for service from 1 December 1944 to 29 January 1945      Camp Crier 1945-09-16, CUB 09/16/1945
    Woolridge, Harry M.O-1LT 424 INF/D        11,
    Woosley, Clarence L. 'Whitey'36 478 455Pvt 106 Recon Cav (Mech)WIAPH, PH/OLC
    1. 3-A.
    2. Oflag 36
    3. Work Camps.
    4. Captured 12/17/1944.
    5. WIA by Russians in bombing of Rheinsburg, Germany. 
    6. 2-A
    7. 12-A.
    Birth 9 Jul 1924 Death 8 Mar 1991 (aged 66) Burial Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery Lemay, St. Louis County, Missouri, USA
    1. Wounded in accidental bombing by Russians 04/29/1945 in Rheinsburg, Germany. 70% disability.
    2. 106th Division boxing champ at 155 pounds in Ft Jackson. Wife is Juanita
    3. PVT Clarence Woosley was from Belleville, IL and went into the Ardennes with a fighting reputation. He was the 155 pound Boxing Champion for the entire 106th Infantry Division at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Surviving Grosslangenfeld, as a POW he was wounded by a Russian plane strafing in Rheinsburg, Germany, on April 29, 1945.

       Paul G. Thompson & Ed Strand 06/23/2015, CUB 1990-01/02/03, CUB 1991-07-08-09, Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944, FAG 81348722
    Word, Dennis Clinton38 089 959  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-GBirth 8 Nov 1912 Death 3 Jan 1998 (aged 85) Burial Hillcrest Cemetery McLean, Gray County, Texas, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, FAG 149276678
    Worden, Frank I., Jr.36 177 581Pfc 424 INF/CN CIB      27,
    Worden, Wendell G.36 422 993Sgt 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
    Birth 3 Apr 1924 Death 9 May 1980 (aged 56) Burial Oakwood Cemetery Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Michigan, USACombat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051 Worden-WendellG.jpg  27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 167590237
    Work, Leroy E.O-111 362MajorPWTE A-3 BAD KRUEZNACH 6952/L159/HQ, PWTE 6952/L, PWTE 6992, PWTE 6993, PWTE 6994, PWTW 6995        43, 44, 48, AAR 06/1945
    Workacki, Norbert   423 INF/E EAME/4      CUB 2009-5/8
    Workman, Weldon J.34 608 338PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
    Worley, Leander K.35 810 913Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Worrell, Burdeth   81 ENG        CUB 16-1
    Worrell, Harold E.32 750 376PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945 11/28/2000
    • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
    • Drove ambulance to St Vith
       1950-2/3, 1980-7/8/9, 1985-12-1986-1/2, 2001-1/2/3, 33, GO 1945-076,
    Worsham, Claude39 856 469Ssgt 424 INF/L EIB 6/1944, CIB      27, Camp Crier 6/16/44,
    Worthington, Bob        With 106th, then sent to 28th/112 Reg.   The Times (Munster, Indiana) 30 Dec 2007, Sun Page 49 (WGD)
    Wortman, A. B. C.38 681 222Pvt 424 INF/H CIB      27,
    Wortman, Darwin R.35 544 341Pfc 32 CAV RCN SQ (attached)KIA 12/17/1944CIB, PH HC E-2-58    ABMC,
    Wosyliszyn, Paul J.33 574 732Cpl 422 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
    Wovalik, Jack SSgt 423 INF EAME/4  member Atterbury's Service Men's Christian League
       Wovalik-Jack.jpgFranklin Evening star 05/29/1944
    Woveris, Frank A.36 739 120Pvt 424 INF/E CIB      27,
    Wowaczyk, Walter Pfc 422 INF/H Recommended for SS       Lewis Walker diary,
    Woydziak, John F.20 723 964SgtChemical WarfareDHQ         
    Wozniak, Walter M.36 680 268Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wreesman, Theodore36 557 272Pfc DHQ Spc Services         
    Wren, Herbert            1992-10/11/12
    Wright, Alvis L.36 478 722  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
    1. captured 12/16/1944
    2. 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
    3. 8-A
    4. Liberated 04/13/1945 from 8-A
    1. newspaper article.
    2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
       59, Alton Evening Telegraph, Alton IL 05/08/1945
    Wright, Amos M.W-2 128 010WOJG 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      1951-2/3, 1951-2/3
    Wright, Andrew H.   424 INF/F        CUB 8-4
    Wright, Calvin E.39 696 291SSgt 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   2001-4/5/6 55,59,
    Wright, Charles C.O-2LT 81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944    
    Wright, Charles E. Sgt 113 Cavalry, 29 Div, 106thWIA   newspaper article re-enlisted in Army for 3 more years   Des Moines Tribune, Des Moines Iowa 02/14/1946
    Wright, Charles H.39 127 568Pfc 424 INF/H CIB      27,
    Wright, Constantine J. 'Chuck'        Per son of Malavazos, Constantine J. "Chuck", Wright was not killed in bombing raid. Wright was picked up by Robert Ringer and was a participant at Parker's Crossroads (Baraque de Fraiture) battle. Malavazos saw Wright after he got home to the States.   Robert Ringer,
    Wright, Dennis Leo31 458 677  424 INF/A  POW camp unknown
    10/04/2013    1989-7/8/9, 2000-1/2/3, CUB 03/2015,
    Wright, Donald L.31 458 677Pfc 424 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
    Wright, Douglas R.32 800 874T/5 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
    Wright, Francis W.20 247 855Pvt 424 INFKIA 01/09/1045CIB, PH 01/09/1945 Plot D Row 6 Grave 30 Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery Hombourg, Belgium     ABMC,
    Wright, Frank G.34 087 603  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wright, Glenn L.36 735 939SSgt 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
    Wright, Guy D.35 899 437Pfc 424 INF/H CIB      1988-10/11/12
    Wright, Harlow15 324 941Pfc 106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
    1. Captured at Grosslangenfeld
    2. 4-B
         Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
    Wright, Harold B.37 511 745SSgt 422 INF/G CIB
    1. 8-A
    2. Moosburg
         27, 59
    Wright, Harold S.32 772 530T/5 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
    Wright, Howard   106TH        CUB 39-1
    Wright, James A.33 889 275Pfc 422 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
    Wright, John F.35 386 108  423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wright, John W.33 807 146  590 FABN CIB, POW9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     57,
    Wright, Josiah F.33 661 426  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wright, Lemuel B.33 850 549Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   GO 1945-051,
    Wright, Minturn Tatum, III T/4Radio SectionSIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      1946-09, 1949-10/11 email from Ted Tinnon, 10/2008
    Wright, Paul C. Pvt745 Rifleman424 INF/I/3rd Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
    Wright, Richard D.32 668 906Pfc 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/4
    1. 3-A
    2. work camps
     Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wright, Robert C.   590 FABN/HQ BattKIA       1949-10/11, 1951-2/3, 1956-3/4, 65,
    Wright, Stanley E.6 709 881Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/43-B Furstenberg Brandenburg, Prussia  

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wright, Thomas J., Jr.O-1 180 3871LT 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944CIB, PH, SS (MIA), Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
    1. Oflag 13-B for 4 months
    2. POW # 097 741
    1. Silver Star (MIA) for gallantry in action 12/20/1944 to 12/23/1944 in Belgium. Was separated from his battery with 45 men and successfully led them thru enemy lines to safety. Directed fire and est and maintained INF defenses around his position. When the position was overrun, he directed his men to safety and as a result was unable to follow. GO 1945-011
    2. at Baraque de Fraiture (Parker's Crossroads)
    3. newspaper article announcing POW and deeds.
       Wright-Thomas.jpg GO 1945-011, "Red Legs of the Bulge", mentioned in letter from deceased Ed McGinty, Franklin Evening Star, Franklin IN 04/11/194508/30/1945
    Wright, unkO-1LT 589 FABN/Batt B Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951        
    Wright, Walter M.34 964 787Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wright, Wilford C.31 301 637Pvt 106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
    1. Captured at Grosslangenfeld
    2. 9-B Limburg An Der Lahn Hes
         Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944, CUB 1989-4/5/6
    Wrobel, Leon P.       02/07/1989 New Britton Connnewspaper article death notice   Hartford Courant, Hartford Conn 02/09/1989
    Wroblewski, Chester33 408 849Sgt 423 INF/1 BN/CWIACIB, PH, Silver Star, EAME/4 5 months Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   1989-10/11/12, GO 1945-051,
    Wroblewski, William E.32 848 045Cpl 422 INF/C CIB      27,
    Wrotenberry, Claud, Jr.38 188 247Pfc 422 INF/I CIB      27,
    Wrye, Lindsey20 402 010Pvt 422 INF/L CIB      27,
    Wuest, Laurence F.31 470 726Pfc 422 INF/L CIB      27,
    Wulff, Harry C., Jr.32 771 389Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
    Wunderlich, Christopher31 408 817Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

    Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

       27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wunderlich, Walter G.             
    Wurst, Edward J.32 773 398  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
    Wyatt, Alton N.34 725 073T/4 423 INF/ATMIACIB, POW, EAME/411-B Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   2000-4/5/6, 1,62, GO 1945-051,
    Wyatt, Clarence R.14 012 227T/5 423 INF/HQ  CIB, POW, EAME/44-D Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
    Wyatt, James V.   592 FABN/A   01/16/1996    1996-10/11/12
    Wyatt, Kenny Sgt 423 INF/M EAME/4      1952-8/9
    Wyatt, Thomas            2008-4/5/6
    Wyatt, Van S.35 725 978SSgt 424 INF/2 BN/G EIB CC 6/44, CIB      Wyatt-VanS.jpgCUB 1967-02-03-V23#3, CUB 1967-2/3/4, CUB 1980-1/2/3, Camp Crier 6/16/44,
    Wycoff, Charley W. MSgt 591 FABN/SVC        #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011
    Wyman, David S.11 122 885Cpl 422 INF/D CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia1987422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 1946-11, CUB 1977-7/8/9, CUB 1981-4/5/6, CUB 1987-11/12-1988-1, 59, CUB 01/2018
    Wyman, Phillip E.31 400 304  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
    Wyre, Lindsey Pvt 422 INF/2 BN/L EIB,      Camp Crier 6/16/44,
    Wysocki, Joseph33 101 152Cpl 422 INF/CN CIB      27,
    Wyss, Ralph Goodwin37 513 068Sgt 424 INF/L CIB 08/19/2015 Overland Park KS    CUB 2009-5/8, 27, 68, CUB 12/2016
    Wytko, Bernard P.35 386 544  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     1981-4/5/6 57,
    Wywias, John A.38 537 958Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      Camp Crier 06/16/1944, 27,
    Wyzkoski (Wyzkoski), John Edward   423 INF/B        CUB 67-3
    Updated: 02/27/2025 10:19